#bc it's a reasonable conclusion to the thing. conclusion to the arc at the very least
orcelito · 9 months
Some1 voicing interest on Libero a Due.....🥺
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lolhex12 · 10 months
we don't talk enough abt akutagawa's cough / lung disease (chronic&terminal) yet it has so much angst potential?? anywayy
after the current arc, atsushi knows akutagawa is actively dying and he's the only one who does bc akutagawa didn't tell anyone else abt it. (altho, in all honesty, the amount this man coughs should at least hint at it. i'm honestly amazed not more ppl in the story are concerned abt it)
so, the next mission they have together, akutagawa coughs and atsushi is now aware what it really means, so he wonders out loud with nonchalance masking his concern: "hey, so like, do you think yosano's ability would help with your cough and all? would it go away then?"
akutagawa, wiping his mouth, slightly annoyed: "how would i now? i'm not well-acquainted with your coworkers, weretiger, therefore it's none of my concern. and even then, i wouldn't trust any ada members with my issues, nor my life."
atsushi finds his words a bit sus bc 'u do trust me tho', but doesn't say it out loud and they leave it at that.
somehow, it becomes a regular thing. every time they have a mission together and atsushi hears his partner cough, he presents more ideas of how they could cure a terminal lung disease, and they vary in absurdity as he runs out of inspiration.
his ideas range from mere "have you tried going to a doctor?" (<- at which akutagawa stares in disbelief: "you either think i'm an idiot, or you are the idiot. which one is it?" and atsushi pouts bc 'ok yeah, fair... but also, rude') to insanities like "maybe witchcraft would help! i could look up witches in the area and see if black magic or something has any luck." (<- at which akutagawa is so done he doesn't even entertain the idea and just keeps walking)
they never follow through with any idea tho, bc akutagawa stubbornly refuses to waste time on trying to find a cure when his time on earth already is very limited.
it should also be noted that each time the cough gets worse; louder, rougher, more persistent and even bloody, which only makes atsushi more and more worried.
so one time, akutagawa's particularly annoyed by atsushi's insane and stupid ideas. he turns to him and point-blank asks: "why do even care so much whether i succumb to my illness or not? surely, my death should only leave you overjoyed to see the world be rid of one more evil."
that makes atsushi think bc 'why? why does he care whether akutagawa lives or dies? he's right, a bad person like a mafioso dying should be a good thing.'
after lengthy contemplation he comes to the conclusion that he simply cannot have his sworn enemy/rival/partner die from something as pathetic as a disease. someone as strong as akutagawa has to die in a more memorable way - not alone, in a bed, coughing, with nothing more to be remembered by. if anything he'd have to die fighting atsushi or something. yeah that's it. that's why. (<- it's not, but they're not quite there yet)
so atsushi tells him as much. akutagawa accepts it bc 'yeah, makes sense. what else could the reason be?'
the whole routine of coughing and brainstorming a solution in vain continues as the ideas get even more insane, the cough even worse and atsushi more concerned than ever.
the next time akutagawa is annoyed enough to pose the question again, atsushi is close to tears from anxiety as he holds up akutagawa who collapsed and can't seem to subdue his cough properly.
atsushi struggles to get out the water bottle and cough drops he'd started carrying around on their missions together. he's so scared bc he's never seen akutagawa look so sick and frail before (but not weak. never weak. akutagawa could never be weak in atsushi's eyes. it's impossible, bc akutagawa being strong is a simple, unchangeable fact, constant in any possible universe).
what would he do if akutagawa actually died there? in his arms? on a mission? which would probably get cancelled. would the pm think atsushi killed him? does he bring back the body or just bury it somewhere? pretend he got killed on the mission and not by his own body that had turned on him years ago and was in reality a long time coming? he couldn't even bear to think abt it.
"why tf do u care so much??" akutagawa yells with a scratchy voice before his cough continue despite his best efforts to stop.
atsushi can barely breathe anymore. "because i don't want you to die, you idiot! we're a team! you're my partner. who will i be left with if you go?" tears stream down his face, mainly from how overwhelming his anxiety feels. or maybe bc he really doesn't want his partner to die? nah, it's the anxiety. definitely the anxiety. (<- #denial)
akutagawa, at first embarrassed how his collapse derailed their mission bc goddammit he's supposed to be a professional and not let his issues interfere with his job, pauses when he sees atsushi crying... for him? because of him? ???
he's very confused bc he's pretty sure his rival/enemy/partner should not be so concerned abt his health and impending death, but something abt atsushi's expression and that whole situation makes him rethink his outlook on life.
that's when akutagawa starts taking his health more seriously and actively looks for possible, feasible ways to cure his disease, even if there's only a small chance it'll actually work. bc seeing atsushi like that made him realize there are a handful of people who care abt him and would mourn him if he died; more than just his sister and higuchi.
it made him realize his life had a bigger impact on others than he'd previously thought, not all of it bad.
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kori-xo · 20 days
(OK LET ME JUST SAY FIRST THAT I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING THIS SOONER- I swear I didn’t forget, I’m just kinda sick rn and going through a writer’s crisis, but ANYWAYS-) 
Onto the topic of giving Miguel O’Hara a more in-depth reading and explanation for his actions, let me make one thing briefly clear. I am NOT excusing his actions, especially the ones of aggression towards Miles, as many think. I’m just simply stating some of the reasons as to why he did what he did, and to try and get others to see him as the “good guy who makes the wrong choices” kinda trope his character portrays.  
So, to begin, let’s start with his behavior towards Miles. 
Miguel has stated that Miles Morales is, in fact, the “original anomaly,” which is in a way true. Not the statement that he was a mistake, as it’s never okay to tell a child that, but I’m talking about the fact that Miles really wasn’t supposed to be Spider-Man, bc Miles from Earth-42 was supposed to have that role. 
I don’t think he necessarily meant it in a mean manner, bc let’s face it, the man has SEVERE anger issues
ALSO in regards to the fact that Miguel was not initially too aggressive with Miles. Imo, he could’ve just locked Miles up first, handed out info later, and let his dad die without saying or telling him anything about it until after it happened. But he did try to explain everything beforehand, the multiverse, the canon, the consequences of breaking canon, etc. 
I like to think that Miguel is rather caring towards children/younger people, because after all, he did sort of have a child, that’s why he took Gwen in and let her into the Spider Society. 
The only thing is, he’s also plagued with this burden of the multiverse and feeling like he’s the only person strong enough to carry the task of protecting it, and that the guilt of what happened to his daughter’s and dead variant’s dimension eats away at him so much that he feel like he has to do whatever it takes to ensure that safety. 
“I don’t always like what I have to do. But I know I have to be the one to do it.”
This quote also has such a heavy weight to it bc of everything this man has experienced, he’s traumatized fr 
But again, that continuous mentality to do everything and anything needed for the multiverse kinda clouds that good judgement and led him to acting rashly, not to mention that the Spot can literally dimension hop at will and potentially destroy everything he so hopes to preserve? It’s giving STRESS-
He also projects a lot of his own stuff onto others ngl
“Being Spider-Man is a sacrifice. That’s the job. That’s what you signed up for.”
So like, pay attention to that very first sentence, okay? That being a spider-person is a sacrifice. 
In this statement, Miguel is projecting his own mentality. Remember, Miguel was lonely and unhappy at first. Then he found the dimension where he had Gabriella, and felt like he would sacrifice anything to get that life. And to finally get that life, only for it to fall to pieces, gave him the idea that as Spider-Man, he had to sacrifice his own life and happiness, things he wanted, people he wanted and loved, all of that had to be sacrificed, else worlds crumble, the multiverse collapses, and everyone’s wiped out of existence. 
Therefore, he projects that onto everyone else, that those type of sacrifices have to be made, that they have to live to lose people and be unhappy, because that’s who they’re meant to be, that’s how their life is supposed to go. 
Miguel isn’t a bad guy. He’s been through things, he’s suffered, he needs a hug for crying out loud, it’s just the way he went abt doing things that I think makes a lot of people hate his character 
It’s a lot to unpack, but I just hope they give him a good redemption arc in BTSV 🫶🏽🫶🏽
(If any part of this you didn’t understand or need me to elaborate more on, pls lmk, and I’ll do my best 🥰)
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marimeeko · 7 months
Just for fun I ran to my desktop to aid me with Google translate, which isn't perfect. But given that I don't know Japanese myself....
Here's what I found; on my own, with only translate and my existing language skills.
This is wrong:
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While it isn't one to one, Japanese has a lot of feel and implication, from what I understand. There's a lot of context.
So I tried scanning the fan translations a few times just to see what it said on my own. I broke it down into parts:
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AITSU: him, that guy (in this case, Izuku)
The "Nuguenee" part seems to mean "can't wipe it" or "to wipe away"
Kocchi- here
De nuguu - means something like 'take off with "
Eventually, I felt like it wasn't scanning off the screen well enough, and I actually WROTE THE KANJI in the translation of the panel out on paper, which was very interesting bc again, don't know or write Japanese.
But I scanned that:
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(The word "if" is covered by the icon)
Shows that the verbiage used is "wipe," or "to wipe away," but it is SO MUCH CLOSER in spirit to "I'll step in for what he can't handle" and also the use of Aitsu indicated he is talking directly about Izuku.
I GET that the official translator's job is to try to capture the dialogue in a way that FLOWS for the new audience, since Japanese is a very differently constructed language than English.
They are supposed to find a way to translate certain things with keeping the mood and intent of the dialogue.
"OFA couldn't keep you in the ground, but we'll finish the job and then some"???
Where the hell did they get that???
I didn't dig any further back bc it might take a while but everyone has also pointed out that the original dialogue is a direct reference to the apology scene(I know it is in the fan translation but I think it is also being indicated that it is the same in Japanese as well? Pls fact check me of you desire)
So bc it was originally referring back to that scene, there is an added STING that comes with this official translation
And the ADDITIONAL BLOW that is katsuki once again being kind of...pigeon holed into the aggressive, more self-focused kid that he once was...a caricature of his former self, instead of his emotionally upgraded, self assured, "needing to help Izuku or he will perish" self.....instead of letting this moment be a crazy cool declaration about how HE is the one you fuck with when Izuku needs help.
Which like yeah, in itself is a little bit agrandizing, HOWEVER it is literally also serving as a vow or a completion of his vow earlier in the story that he will take on what he can't handle!
It's super important for Katsukis arc! It acted as not only a THREAT to anyone who give Izuku a run for his money and tests the limits of his OFA, but a VOW to Izuku that HE HAS HIS BACK.
He just YELLED ABOUT IT on a battlefield, while Izuku is probably still staring at him with heart eyes.
It reads properly, and packs a HELL OF A PUNCH EMOTIONALLY. More so than essentially "I'm gonna put you in the ground bc Izuku CAN'T"
It seems like the fan translation kept the literal meaning but added the flavor to make it flow, such as "stepping in" "to handle" and calling Izuku a Nerd. But the official translation just tweaked it by too much to where it just reads differently and most importantly, doesn't carry that punch.
In conclusion, I did a little bit of independent research and decided that YEAH it doesn't make sense why they translated it so wildly different. Other than just wanting Bakugou to remain a frigging caricature, even in the Finale.
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ariscats · 8 months
Jameson Hawthorne POV in The Brothers Hawthorne, why so different?
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl who dint liked or enjoyed jamesons pov in the new book, the brothers hawthorne, as it felt “rushed” or “flat” to some ppl, and im not here to try to change or fight w you, only to explain why it felt like this.
If you just want the reason, its bc the emotional side of Jameson wasnt worked with bc it wasnt necessary to the purpose of the book and the new triology, but there is an explanation for this.
First of all, Jamesons character already went thought his character arc in the main triology, so when JLB was writing his pov, she dint “care” at all for his emotions, only on the characters on his plot line. Its hard to say now as the new triology (the grandest game) isnt out yet but you cannot say that the characters on jamesons game (the adult ones) wont appear again, JLB let too many open windows to not.
We also have to understand that TBH wasnt necessarily a book on its own in question of character and plot ( i swear to god the day i find the mtf that said it was ok to sell TBH as a standalone) but a rl long prologue to the new saga, so my theory is that when TGG come out, jameson plot line will make much more sense as it will actually have some use.
In my opinion, this is what JBL needed to do, and was thinking, when she wrote the book:
- need to finish grayson character arc as it will be essential to the next saga (he’ll be one of the mc there)
- need to introduce the characters from the Devils Mercy and their secrets as we’ll need to already know they exist for The Grandest Game
In conclusion, Jamesons pov dint rl need its emotional part bc, theoretically, that part was already finished in the main saga. Was it rl finished? For the purpose of what we were presented in tig (the trauma of his relasionship w emily) yes. (but it was rl funny how she wrote 3 book abt jameson and grayson trauma w emily only to mention it twice in flashbacks on their books)
But for the purpose of his family trauma? his so called granddaddy issues? no. So JBL needed to fix that, but i think its clear that she prioritized the plot over his family (mother and fathers side) problems, but that can also be explained.
JBL needed to write two very different plot lines with as little pages as she could, bc lets be honest, no ones wants to read +500 pages books, specially coming from the TIG universe, that is sold as a fast read bc of its short chapters. That means she needed to present all of the things that will be important to the next book AND she needed to finish Grayson character arc as 1- itll be important to the next book 2- there as a popular request to it since THL, and it grew so much after TFG, she just needed to work a LOT w him and w that, jameson got put aside and his pov often felt more of an observer than a character.
honestly? i dont think its that bad as ppl are talking, i see and understand the reasons that ppl dint liked it but i spend to much time overanalyzing it to not like it.
not relevant to this post but if you read until here just be aware that the understanding i have for jameson “hate” in TBH, i dont have for whoever is talking abt my n1 girl Avery Grambs. Im sorry if you thought she was “boring” in this book, again this is your opinion and blablabla and genuine not trying to offend you, but she wasnt. im sorry, she just wasnt, it was simply not her book.
and again this isnt an insult to ANYONE, dont feel offended by anything i said, im not trying to change your mind or fight w you.
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my pirates death predictions tier list as of 4 dec 2023 lore (6 days until the end)
explanations under the cut
survival predictions
p!shelby survives purely on the basis of having skipped town offscreen. it would kinda be funny to me. if not that, she's a 50/50.
p!acho's chances are either dying in the kishi quest (for personal lore reasons) or in conjunction with p!scott (for familial lore reasons). with the current theory discussed on the powcreations discord (if both p!acho and p!apo survive the last lore stream, they end up on kishi island which they might have passed on their way to the ice wall), i personally doubt p!apo is gonna die.
i feel that to give p!apo a satisfactory ending, he's gonna have to have at least one more lore stream to tie up the loose ends. ESPECIALLY the alphie-related backstory and to have a satisfactory conclusion to the character arc. if p!acho dies in the kishi quest, p!apo is gonna survive.
i want p!el to have a happy resolution to her identity crisis. p!jojo is just there for vibes but at this point, "kill the cutie" could be in order for her.
either/or predictions
most of the 50/50 people aren't very active on the server and i jokingly call them cannon fodder bc of this; the rest are based purely on how much character lore they have (not much). p!water is there mainly because of the whole jeffery ordeal and i dunno if she's gonna live as a widow or join her hubby-that-could-have-been in the afterlife.
p!will and p!shep have upcoming lore tomorrow/day after (time zones are weird). p!shep is PROBABLY gonna survive it, given he's said on discord he'll livestream the finale, but i don't know if he'll make it PAST the finale.
p!graecie's chances of survival depend on the isles because her arc kinda ties into the nightingale faction leader thing. if the isles go down in the finale, she'll go down with them. if the isles make it out of the finale still standing, p!graecie MIGHT survive to grow as a leader in the in-universe future, but she might also die. if she dies, either p!acho or p!apo is gonna be left in charge, partially bc it would be funny but also partially for arc reasons.
p!owen skipped town back on nov 18 and i have no way of knowing if he's gonna live or die and i ain't gonna guesstimate that.
death predictions
with cc!scott dropping ominous lore hints in his most recent livestream (dec 3), P!SCOTT IS ALMOST DEFINITELY GOING TO DIE. probably to the cult, his parents (derog), or his own mental health issues, since those seem to be the biggest ongoing storylines for his character.
i've always envisioned p!michela to be on the chopping block ever since p!aimsey went missing due to entwined lore. but it's hard to say she's 99% gonna die when she has barely logged on in a long while, so yeah.
the only reason i put p!kuervo in 80% is because as a (fellow) totalitarian autocracy survivor, i want to hold out hope. but realistically speaking, with the stunt he pulled with the letter to the armada, he's more likely than not to end up executed. ESPECIALLY with the ending of his most recent livestream (dec 2). and also nov 18 ending.
i haven't watched p!kyle's most recent lore (nov 17) so this is based purely on vibes (legacy, what is a legacy) from what i know about that lore stream.
p!saus because evil sword lore. p!ros just has the "kill the cutie" vibes. also hunter (powcreations discord) predicts p!ros is gonna die in the process of trying to stop p!saus from turning full evil and i honestly think that tracks, esp since mufasa is out of the equation now (as of oct 30).
p!martyn is a weird case of "dying in the pirates universe and returning to the datastream". so he technically will die but also doesn't. i think it's the villain arc spurring me into this decision.
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jeffersonhairpie · 8 months
Spoilers up to chap 336 of Jujutsu Kaisen
Sorry gotta get this out of my system
A slightly unhinged list of reasons that I'm Not A Fan of this Gojo death that I sincereley hope will make me look like an overreactive weirdo in a few weeks time:
He died offscreen. I know we see the body but we don't actually see the finishing blow. Bizzare for a character of his prowess and significance at this point in the story
Gojo in the 'afterlife' immediately talking about how much stronger Sukuna was than him hits really strange for a character defined by his casual arrogance. Gojo is fast as fuck so it's pretty clear that Sukuna could only get him with the Mahoraga-aided slashes if he caught Gojo off guard. Nothing we have seen in the Gojo vs Sukuna fight indicates that Sukuna is all that much stronger than Gojo and they're mostly pretty evenly matched. Nothing about this ending for Gojo looks to me like 'dying without regrets'.
Sticking Gojo in a box for 3 years real time (19 days in universe time) and freeing him just so the rest of the story can screech to a halt while all the other characters watch him die is fucking stupid. It's bad storytelling.
There are a few different things you could view as Gojo's character arc - whether it be the question he's asked of whether he's the strongest because he's himself or himself because he's the strongest, whether it's laying Geto to rest, whether it's learning that being the strongest is not all there is to being a complete person, whether its shedding his loneliness by learning that Geto is not the only person who he could be emotionally close to. Whatever you see it as, his arc has not reached its conclusion. Gojo is incomplete and him dying now makes his whole character feel like a waste. He didn't even really learn to value the people left alive bc how is he in the afterlife all smiling and happy knowing that Sukuna is about to rampage through the lot of them?
Gojo dying has always been so damn obvious. This is entirely personal preference, but I would have sooooo much rather seen him have his powers neutered so he was forced to understand tha value of an individual life than just wiped off the board. Also I think the universe could benefit from the notion that getting stronger and dying are not the only two things that can happen to a sorcerer.
I know they're not even on the same scale of plot significance, but I can't help comparing how Nanami's death was painful but felt well foreshadowed and entirely justified in the story to this death which very much doesn't (my thoughts on Nobara's death are more complicated). Nanami's death hurt because it felt true to the character, but Gojo's death has just annoyed me.
I never expected the final fight to be Gojo vs Kenjaku and I knew that something was going to have to happen to him in order to justify him not being part of the final showdown. Yuji as the MC and as Kenjaku's kid in this story about how the sins of the past shape the present is 100% the right choice for the story. Much as I thought it was taking the easy route, I hadn't discounted the possibility that Gojo would die, I had just expected him to, ya know, learn something and complete his character arc before he did.
This death just feels really cheap to me, in a way that I don't think even makes for a good fakeout. Maybe the fact that characters have already come back from the dead means that there was no way to have a fakeout feel entirely shocking, but I don't think I should be left thinking 'was that REALLY it?' after the fakout death.
BUT maybe hope doesn't have to be lost
Things I am holding on to hoping that this will be some kind of fakeout (copium is real and I am huffing it):
Gojo wasn't hit in the head, and in his fight with Toji he is able to come back from basically being dead because his head was undamaged
There is still one of the ten shadows that we haven't seen and given that it can't possibly be a stronger combatant than Mahoraga I'm betting on it having a healing ability, which would presumably be incredibly strong given that it's the last to be unveiled. The same healing could save Gojo and Nobara
When Yuji was presumed dead by his classmates and training with Gojo, Gojo comments that Yuji's body will eventually be scarred by Sukuna's cursed technique and he'll be able to use it as his own. Sukuna has the ability to bring people back from the dead so if Yuji can access those powers he can save Gojo (and probably Nobara).
Maki and Mai have something of an 'afterlife' conversation that is real but it doesn't stop Maki from returning to the land of the living.
Depending on exactly how you want to count 'coming back from the dead' several characters have done it at this point lol
In the afterlife Nanami has that random ass line about how curses and sorcerers can bring people back from the dead that doesn't seem to fit in with everything else being said. This could be foreshadowing.
Speaking of foreshadowing, maybe Gojo's line about not wanting to have two death anniversaries was an indication that he intended this to happen and has some sort of pre-established plan for how to win.
Shoko reveresed technique bass boosted by Utahime can heal anything #IBelieve
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despairing-disaster · 9 months
Yaknow, the DRDT fandom has had the whole "this fandom is misogynist" conversation like, a billion times already, and I've gotten on my own soapbox enough in regards to Teruko vs Ace or David, but I also feel like sometimes people just see things and jump to assuming the worst. Like, there are valid reasons to think Hu had something to do with Arei's murder that aren't just motivated by a dislike of or bias against her. The murderer secret, which the fandom has agreed is unlikely to be hers, could be a misdirect. If the time frame is early morning and not the evening like everyone assumed*, she doesn't have an alibi anymore. While she may not have manipulated Nico, them using her weapon to try and kill Ace and presumably frame it as a suicide (at least judging by the looks of it) could tie into how Arei's body was found or what the fandom presumes her secret to be or she could have just let them do what they want knowingly to try and protect her secret. A central theme of the chapter can be summarized as "some people are not what they seem" which could tie in both to her and the other primary suspect, Levi. She also has taken a very active role this chapter with a conclusion to her character arc visible on the horizon while Levi has just kinda been there, not really doing much in comparison or having much about himself revealed, so it may be likely that Levi gets to skirt by another chapter while Hu doesn't. Her hidden quote could also be incriminating and in reference to something that happens in canon, the same as Min's (DAE remember when everyone thought Hu was gonna be a killer bc of it?). None of these are definitive proof of anything one way or the other and I'm personally not particularly settled on one thing or another in regards to who may have killed Arei, but these are valid reasons to suspect Hu. I've definitely seen my fair share of people saying that they think she's manipulative, which I disagree with, but not everyone who thinks she's the killer does so because they personally dislike her or want her dead. Even if there's evidence that points to other people, there's also evidence that points to her.
*and I think this may be the case since this was the thing Charles butted in on in the rebuttal showdown with David just before Ch2P1's conclusion. I think people assumed the fish would be evidence to the contrary, but they could have been carried in the jugs found in the trash and brought out of the relaxation room the night prior any time before 10 PM
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i think the problem with the fam is theyre too obedient. theyre such goody two shoes the hope is that it'd rub off right? on the doctor. but it doesnt bc she hides her badness and they wont question her. okay they'll question her "what happened to never do weapons" "why dont you ever share anything with us" but they wont push back when she says nah ah we dont talk about that. and thats her problem. she wont talk about that. or that. or that. or that. or any of it
i think if you put a limit on their patience. theyre understanding but not forever (i mean theyre even understanding after her "death". "she knew she was gonna do something that might kill her" "she wanted us to live"). watch them grow more annoyed as they call out hypocrisies and less and less willing to accept bullshit answers. it would put a lot of movement in the dynamic i think
like okay, taking yaz out of the equation bc shes not a companion shes a doctor, just considering ryan and graham for now: ryan is young and like, being formed, which is part of his arc, but he also already has a lot of like really life- and worldview-shaping experiences right? black, disabled, unable to count on most of the guardians in his life. those things profoundly shape how you stand in the world, how you approach and are approached
and okay lets put yaz back in for a sec because shes really interesting to like put next to ryan and see like what happens there. because she and ryan share both being racialised and being neurodivergent, if you want to call it that (if depression counts. personally i think depression is more of a like regular human reaction to life than "divergence" from the "typical" so to say, but then i also think the secret underlying reason she was bullied and thus depressed was the autism. so it cancels out for me. but like thats sort of weaving in and out the text. and depression also is something very different from dyspraxia. BUT these are both things about them that like have been Underlined for us the audience, same as the conversation behind the bins in rosa, so i think im justified in putting these two things together as comparison. okay tangent over)
ryan and yaz both have had experiences of not being able to count on the people around them, for various reasons but all the same. it would be fairly understandable i think for ryan to be sort of like, fuck adults fuck people who have authority over me based on nothing. whereas yaz,,,,becomes the authority
RYAN: Yeah, see? It's not like Rosa Parks wipes out racism from the world forever. Otherwise, how come I get stopped way more by the police than my white mates? YASMIN: Oi, not this police.
and you could really have put them like,,not opposite per se but like clashing in some way over this. not clashing like in fighting necessarily, though yes as in conflict. clashing as in different ideals, different conclusions drawn from similar experiences
yaz says to do good in the world i must have the power of the state. which also implies the power of the state can be good and is meant to be good. ryan i can easily imagine having been someone who no authority was worth counting on so fuck them all. that wouldve been a reaaally interesting tension to see play out throughout s11 and s12 i think
and thats just two of them. we've got a team of four. imagine both of their reactions to the doctor. we dont have to imagine with yaz, but ryan couldve been more like well whos she. you know? why are we listening to her? what just because she says so? let her prove herself first.
and then theres graham who has like half a lifetime of experience of Being A Human on them, who isnt in the coming of age phase anymore, who must have a lot of his own worldview, ideas, politics. we see like, a tiny bit of that with like edison or whatever but how does that play with a Time LordTM?
like theres a lot of interesting ways to pair up and to clash them! 13 and yaz with suicidal ideation, 13 and ryan on the dad thing, 13 and graham on survivors guilt. 13 and yaz vs ryan and graham on authority and law. ryan vs graham and 13 on guardians. ryan and yaz vs 13 and graham on being racialised. 13 and yaz vs ryan and graham on sexism. this couldve been a wildly dynamic team i think. if only you'd let them fight! if only you'd let them have their own opinions and Speak Them. this would put like so much schwung in like,, every plot, every episode
because it's all there! right? it's all already there, just look at the episode list of s11, it's all there, racism, sexism, workers, colonialism, big fucking spiders i dont know! wait thats a worker one again let me revise big fucking spiders capitalism! it's all there, you just gotta make it a bit dialectical. have them argue their sides and disobey and have 13 be like herding cats
imagine the way this would have challenged the doctor and the doctor's politics, then to follow it up with s12 "gallifrey is not what we think it is. we are not what we think we are"
and then revolution of the daleks, ryan and graham gone, and in that episode the police was very obviously like sided with the daleks and the capitalist and that politician right? the police was the fascists. hi, yasmin, how are you. oh, crazy? right, good, the doctor is too.
yaz and 13, now alone, ten months between revolution and flux, time to grapple with what it means to be both victim and agent of an empire. do we accept that? do we refuse that role? how do we refuse that role? how do we be good? what does it mean to be good if police clearly isnt it? how do we take off the uniforms. what moral framework do we build and then commit to, and hold each other accountable to, as copilots of this operation. what do we want to do in the universe. what is our impact. what do we want to avoid doing. how do we do that.
had the doctor said "i was in prison for being me" to yaz, imagine how that would have shaken up her ideas about prisons and how and why people might be in them. might have started her thinking. but then we're back to where i started this post before i totally lost control of it: The Doctor Doesnt Talk About That. and if the fam had been slightly more disobedient in s11, maybe in revolution there would have been place for it
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whoredmode · 2 months
for the ask game 002 for troy
Send me one of three prompts
let’s smoke cigarettes. together.
How I feel about this character: 
i love him. when i first got into sr1 i definitely enjoyed him just fine, but over time just thinking about his role and development and his general character it really turned into a very deep love for him. he’s such an interesting character to me and he plays an important role in my canon for a reason. one of the characters i’ve enjoyed developing and using for stuff the most bc he has a unique position in the context of the story that has a lot of potential places to go, and since the actual games just kinda. ignored him. it’s fun to give him an actual role and arc.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
troyteros is the most obvious. i didn’t even intend for it to happen, but it did and now their relationship and history is super important to both his and anteros’ respective developments. i think this just goes for troy/boss in general. i think it’s a fascinating relationship even just on a surface level. as far as others, none immediately come to mind? troy’s a loner.
i’ve seen troy/johnny before and i’ll say i’m mildly intrigued by the idea but that would have to be a dynamic that would take like. decades.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
does dex and troy count? bc i could talk about their dynamic for HOURS. i love bitches who hate each other and go through hell together and still come out the other side hating. i love it so much. i love how painfully connected they are, how their dynamic is based on the cyclical nature of the relationships in sr1. it’s like they’re both aware they’re trapped in a time loop w a person they can’t stand. it’s so compelling to me. way more than it ever could be romantically, imo.
also! from my own canon. shaundi and troy. they have a minor subplot that starts in saints in hell/GooH side story where shaundi is helping troy become sober. this goes into sriv where she’s still helping him w it. i think they’d end up having a really interesting friendship all things considered. it’s a dynamic i think about A LOT!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
he’s an important member of the cast?? maybe more targeted towards the how the games ended up treating characters like him and dex. i guess that kinda plays into the next prompt.
ig as an actual answer to the question. i think he was more than happy to quit his job in srtt. excited even. i don’t think he ever had any friends in the SPD, and i genuinely think a lot of ppl actively disliked him. it’s why it was so easy for ultor to convince several cops to be on their payroll and work against him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wish he got an actual conclusion. like he doesn’t have to appear in every game, but holy shit i hate how sr2 handles him. he should’ve had an actual confrontation w the boss, not just relegated to homie you get after completing an activity. where is their reunion? where is their conversation? there’s a million things left we deserve to see w him and the saints and we get none of it.
also a bit of a nitpick but. like i have him do in my canon, i think in sr2 if you call him for help he should be disguised or in normal clothes. like be serious. no way in hell he or the boss should be fine w him all dressed up like that while they go commit crimes
for him? troyteros. like hands down. no contest. there’s a reason they seem to get together in like all my AUs.
My crossover ship:
not really a crossover person….does santo ileso blues count as a crossover bc it features the reboot….can i count it in this case so i have an answer and say him and jimrob have a vague friendship. like the one friend he’s made in santo ileso after 10 years.
A headcanon fact:
like all my family lore for him. he’s the youngest of his family. has an older brother and sister. anteros saw a picture of his brother once and was like oh i could’ve had this bradshaw……..
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star-sim · 2 months
hi i dont know if you read mine (it was very long im so sorry 😭😭) but he just sent me a code and i have to do something w it?? I DONT KNOW HOW TO CODE. but like i cant let him know that yk gotta be a woman in stem i cant disappoint #steminist
yes girl I SAW IT LMAOAOAO dont worry about the length i was invested
all i gotta say.... it's a little bit fishy. my credentials are that i write a lot of romance and that all my male friends confide in me for romance, trust me when i say this, he's being nonchalant for a reason.
though there's something that you need to think about, is he like this to everyone? the door incident, does he consistently act this way towards his friends or other classmates? is he always an asshole? consider this independent of what service-y things he do, like the non-profit or wtv, because stuff like that is influenced by other motives. straight up, does he always act like this? whether or not he does is going to determine how we analyze his character and attitude toward you
you and him seem to have compatible interests and goals though, which is really good. though, i am a bit worried bc lbr asian american men...................................................... LMAOAOAO
the code thing reminds me of this one kid that liked me last year that would ask me unneccesarily complex questions to test my intelligence, only to rate my intelligence a 9 out of 10 (he rates my friend who's classrank #3 6/10 and himself 7/10) and confess to me on valentines day. he's trying to profile you, he's doing something called modeling where he's obtaining concrete external information so that he can internally process it to form conclusions about you.
also i think u should DEF let him know that u can't code. then, follow it up with "can u help me" or "i want to know how to code, will you teach me" i promise it gets every man going crazy!!!!!
i need to organize my thoughts better so i can really crack down on him and his intentions, so i WILL be coming back to this. tell me more if you need!!!
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petrichorium · 8 months
Wait... what happened in jjk? Idm if its a spoiler but the range of reactions on here has me worried/curious
I mean my dissatisfaction w it isn’t abt the specific spoiler everyone’s freaking out about. I think jjk has always had pacing issues, a bit of a confused tonal/thematic situation, and an increasing tendency beginning past the first few arcs for shock value deaths. its treatment of its female characters is abysmal (barring a few good moments), and just in general it’s been decreasing in quality steadily and then had a very sudden dip during the culling game arc.
At this point I’m dead convinced gege actively hates the story and is purposefully taking a butcher knife to any semblance of a good narrative. I’ve held this opinion for almost a year now and it hasn’t changed. Like I genuinely think they should have said “I hate writing it so I’m dropping it sorry” I’d have a million times more respect for that than whatever’s going on.
As for what’s made everyone go insane, manga spoilers under the cut; iirc the chapter hasn’t even been released for real yet but idk I genuinely haven’t paid attention to this manga in over a year
The specific thing that everyone’s freaking out about is that gojo has been killed. I’m genuinely not even talking about that, I literally said like two months ago that the only conclusion to his fight with sukuna was his death bc sukuna is an endgame villain and it’s even more of a copout for gojo to kill him here like LMFAOOOOO gojo’s sheer existence means there’s no stakes and that goes triple if he just fucking murc’d sukuna immediately after getting out of the cube. it was a nonstarter and gege still managed to make it lame and anticlimactic.
Idk I haven’t like made a Huge deal out of it on my blog I don’t think but I’ve been quietly implementing a gojo ban (and to an extent a jjk ban) on this blog for like two weeks bc I’m generally tired of him on the dash and that obvi began before his death so whatever. There’s a lot of diff reasons I’m just done w jjk and gojo but the gist is I think jjk isn’t even close to enjoyable anymore and I’m very much burnt out on content for both it and gojo specifically. Toxic “jjk is overrated” plu opinions here rip but it has very little to do with gojo’s death, that’s just one symptom of the massive gaping problem
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septembersghost · 2 years
i just wanted to share a little musing on why i think it's actually vital that kim was not around for the full-blown saul goodman transformation - reasons beyond, "saul is a sleazy jerk and obviously had no one he cared about, so they had to match established canon."
i know a lot of us theorized for years that maybe she WAS secretly behind the scenes during brba era, running her own practice or helping him out of sight, and maybe there's some way that they could've finagled it to make it work and have all the scumminess be merely a front to protect her, but after the events of S6, i'm relieved they didn't go that way. that would've been a kim stripped of her essence, her strength. that would've made what howard said to her seem true, and it wasn't. i know there's been a lot of talk, from me included, about kim essentially erasing herself and imploding in self-punishment/self-recrimination, and she did, but the choice to leave was also her clawing for any remnant of her soul that she could possibly still salvage. her staying - and worse, being okay with - saul as we know he becomes is a FAR worse tragedy, as devastating as the breakup is. she still loves him fiercely, but she knows she has to get out. watching kim erode as significantly as jimmy-as-saul does would've been horrifying, and there's an even bigger factor here - she could never have come back from that. to me, that's a much bleaker story. there is no hope for her in that story. there is only poison without antidote. if she were still with him for those events, her narrative would be far more damning for her. where would the chance be for her to ever climb out of that?
but she's gone. it may have been an act of self-loathing and self-sacrifice as much as it was self-protection, but she fled the warped image she knew she was becoming - and from that heartache and destruction, something new can grow. leaving gives her the chance of finding something in herself to hold on to again. it gives her the chance to slowly heal and rebuild. it hurts like hell that they couldn't do that together, it's supposed to, but there's resilience in her choice.
if she hadn't left, i'd be sure they were doomed. never to find one another again, never to have a chance at redemption (separately or together), or maybe even reunion (even if it's bittersweet and momentary). her leaving gives her possibility. gives her agency. i save me. and maybe, just maybe, it will grant her the power to help save him too, whatever that looks like or means. i feel that reconciliation of jimmy's arc won't even be possible without her in some way.
this is a tragedy, but the thing is - the tragedy has already happened now. we've seen it, or we know what it's coming to, we only don't know the final resolution. it doesn't have to be dismal and harsh - i'd argue neither brba nor el camino are! they both have breaths of humanity and recovery woven into their conclusions, and that's a far darker journey of the soul than bcs is in many respects. poignancy is not a false note to strike here. i don't believe kim's arc is finished. hope doesn't exist on its own, there has to be grief and loss to make it distinct, to make it matter. and you can't have a reunion without first being parted.
there's a line i keep thinking about (from shakespeare or shirley jackson, respectively): journeys end in lovers meeting. there's a metaphor in it about being intertwined irrevocably, being destined to find each other over and over again. one ends happily, one decidedly does not, but i still keep thinking about those lines, and wondering whether we might end on something in the middle.
what's to come is still unsure. /// I have spent an all but sleepless night, I have told lies and made a fool of myself, and the very air tastes like wine. I have been frightened half out of my foolish wits, but I have somehow earned this joy; I have been waiting for it for so long.
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
(telling u here bc i didnt wanna hijack the fic post jdbddbbfskdvb)
the main reason I DON'T/WOULDN'T want a canon Spitelout redemption is because I'm not confident Dreamworks could do it well. Riders Of Berk and Race To The Edge do the job of making sure we understand that we are NOT meant to sympathise with Spitelout. Three's a pattern and off the top of my head there are atleast three "spitelout bad!" episodes ("Thawfest", "Snotlout Gets The Axe", "Notlout") and a couple where it is featured as a B plot ("Race to fireworm island"). The writing for Snotlout specifically is probably what I'd pin down as the best in the show, so i guess I never thought to narrow it down to bad writing. I knew that (apparently) it was never commited to one way or the other in the end, but Ive expressed numerous times that the constant back and forth is VERY interesting to me. I love that Snotlout keeps forgiving him. I love that Spitelout keeps getting worse. I love that even though Spitelout causes him pain, and its acknowledged that its wrong, Snotlout still admires him and pines for his attention. Its very special and relatable to me that it takes a lot for Snotlout to learn his lesson, that hes constantly optimistic, and that it always hurts him because he knows he should expect that by now. But he doesn't.
Dreamworks gave us a fair share of Spitelout episodes, seemingly testing the water of what they could get away with showing each time (High amount of pressure -> degrading him infront of his friends -> causing extreme delusion and paranoia). I think they knew that if we were going to get a conclusion, which we had to, it would have to be an important part of the episode - maybe even of the season. Maybe Spitelouts following them around for the episode, and Snotlout's doing perfectly fine, but Spitelout keeps criticising and jumping in to set an example. Maybe things go wrong and someone gets injured. Maybe its Hiccup, or Hookfang, or snotlout himself. and Snotlout has to stand there with a weapon - because I highly doubt Spitelout would take it seriously if there wasnt one involved - and say for the final time that he doesnt need him. That hes had enough of the criticism and the backhanded praise and the stupidly high standards. That he loves him like the father he has failed to be, and that thats what stings most. And Spitelout wouldve had to make a choice. And dreamworks did not have the anything neccessary to do that.
It would have had to been so carefully crafted. So many things would have had to be balanced. Snotlout shouldn't be too soft because then he wont listen - but he cant be too harsh because Spitelout is a survivor of the same mentality that he himself has. They cant put every single bit of blame on him - but to not do that would be irresponsible because they are his actions. They probably csnt use the word 'abuse' - but to use anything else would be downplaying it. It would have been so extremely difficult that I dont know if i wish they had even tried.
It just upsets me to know that they dont have a conversation. They never even have one. (english teacher voice) Maybe their relationship is less of a redemption arc, but more of a tragedy on the endless cycle of abuse perpetuated on war-ridden homelands like Berk.
This is such a thorough analysis I’m obsessed (and I am SO sorry it took me so long to get here omg)
They really do have a very cyclical, Snotlout gives and Spitelout takes type relationship. Most of their episodes include Snotlout looking up to Spitelout in the beginning, Spitelout being pretty awful to Snotlout in one way or another, and then a sorta positive interaction at the end that doesn’t necessarily address their conflict or what Spitelout did within the episode. It is then assumed that Snotlout and Spitelout have made up and are good again. Only for it all to happen over again.
It really upsets me too that they never have a real conversation where they actually talk about what’s going on, and that there is no indication that anything will ever change between them (aside from Snotlout’s character growth and his new complete understanding of his self worth and the fact that he can live his life outside of the box Spitelout’s created for him.
Thank you so much for this dude this is insane
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sadisthetic · 5 months
end of the year fic asks! give us a behind-the-scenes look at "for want (for nothing)"; why did you include a scene, when and where did you figure out that one tricky sentence, which part wrote itself, things like that!
thats a fucking thing? well lucky for YOU i LOVE talking about my own writing and that fic DEFINITELY has quite a few "bts" things i could talk about lmao
first thing to start off with is that i actually rewatched and studied that corruption scene in canon quite a bit while i wrote this. i needed the refresher and Man did i realize i forgotten a bunch of major plot points (most of which werent actually relevant to the fic) lol. but anyways the structure of my fic is pretty strongly based on its canon counterpart and theres a lot of little things i took inspiration from and just injected more flavor to it. like kai uses lightning a lot??? which make sense production wise bc thats like. probably easiest element to show off and make it look cool. so yay! excuse to use my jay bias and favor using his powers lol
in general that fic was a means for me to write a character study for kais character which i love a lot. he is my second fav blorbo. i have a huge weakness for older siblings in media. and kais shift in character is so interesting even if it was never done with conscious intention. ninjago Definitely uses every single one of their characters as pawns to advance the plot of whatever rather than you know. treating them like characters who are people. so theyre inconsistent with or contradicting themselves. characters are used however the writers seem fit with the situation at hand. i think the corruption scene is a fair example of it. kai was over it right? the whole green ninja thing? and yet. anyways my fic was an attempt at reframing and adding context and depth to kais character bc man did think about these fucking legos a lot for some goddamn reason when its a bad show!!! maybe some of yall will hate me for saying it. but man. ninjago sucks more often or not. not Entirely BUT A LOT OF IT IS NOT OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY.
and that sorta gives me an awkward segue into lloyd. haha. you know the line "A brat who had everything handed to him by destiny. It wasn’t because he deserved it. It was simply because he was born special."? well. it makes sense in the context of the fic that kai feels this way bc thats the natural conclusion the fic flowed into. But Also. i wont lie. that is my own genuine thoughts about lloyds development as a character. lloyds writing fucking BLOOOOOWSSS. and none of it is his fault. its the writers fault. but MAN its the LAZIEST DESTINED HERO/LEADERSHIP CHARACTER ARC I EVER SEEN. IT COULDVE BEEN INTERESTING. but no it was too simple too forced too Cheap. too shallow. its like they picked his little minifig and decided he Must be the prophesied hero no matter what :) and they forced his little lego feets into the studs of Destiny above everyone else and made it happen in the easiest way possible. by simply declaring it. forcing him into the role unnaturally. and because hes the Chosen One that means hes very very very important right? so NATURALLY hes the leader also! HELLO HES A FUCKING BABY??? NO SENIORITY?? any leadership skills he gained is because he was Forced to develop them, not because hes a natural leader. i could talk shit about his treatment all day but all in all i hate the flagrant favoritism the show gives lloyd when its meant to be a show with a team dynamic. i dont hate lloyd but i sure do hate the way his character "developed". this fucking baby was fed too many rare candies and some evolutionary stone on top of it. hes not the best he could be as a character because none of it naturally happened. no care put into developing his characters. i could accept lloyd being the green ninja or being a leader. if it were written well at least. ANYWAYS. kai is a subtle projection of me. or closer, a messenger. he was corrupted by me in way considering i was the writer lol. but it works because theres a bit of truth in there isnt there?
also that fic also happen bc i wanted to writer fun elemental power stuff along with fucked corruption. i love fantasy power things. and i LOVE rancid rotting feelings
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badasgirlfriend · 7 months
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my point stills stands, after reading the new chapters my most toxic trait is the fact that I would’ve forgiven both Yeri and Yunjin 😞. BUT I NEED PEOPLE TO HEAR ME OUT (I’m constantly a villain apologist) Like yk, what they did was beyond fucked up BUT, Yeri was not lying when she said she had no choice, and for some reason I felt like the whole exposing thing for her was too extreme 😞, ik bada was probably fuming but something in me says she didn’t deserve that, LIKE I FELT HER ANXIETY THROUGH THE SCREEN, I don’t think that everyone hating her will compensate for what she did, it’s just like revenge but in a cruel kinda way. Pookie didn’t deserve 😞 and also she was not really the only culprit, people actually confessed things, she just posted them by their request.
Now, with yunjin is diff because miss girl is actually very guilty and so very sick in the head. But hear me out, when she said that she constantly felt like she was Nari’s shadow, and mentioned her mom, somehow most of her attitudes make sense. Wanting validation can fuck your head so much it’s surreal, and I think that deeply she acc feels remorse by it, but she was fueled with jealousy and desperation. I think that what broke my heart the most was when she was left all alone 😞. Somehow I feel like her character is complex and at that precise moment she also needed some type of reassurance from friends to understand that what she did was terrible albeit the reasons. I feel bad for her because, imagine always feeling like someone’s shadow, and in the end, everyone you love ends up taking their side and leaving you, further pressing that feeling that in the end you will always be her shadow, and people would prefer her over you. And I know in this case Nari’s feelings al probably all over the place due to the betrayal, but imagine how yun feels too 😞.
In conclusion, I support their rights and wrongs, waiting for their redemption arc so I can be an apologist outside the trenches. (sorry for the rant but I just love character dynamics so much 😞 and specially this one for me has so many layers)
okay so yeri was actually threatened to post those abt nari but she wasn't threatened to post the others she did it for fun u can see that she says i liked it at first she did this for funnnn and in a way its called bullying too like imagine someone posting all ur darkest secrets and the whole school even the ones who dont attend see it
no matter how jealous yunjin got she shouldve never done and she cant be forgiven bc she isnt 12 to make those mistakes if she rlly was good and loved nari she wouldve either told her she likes bada or keep it forever inside her feelings go away yk
she wasnt sorry in the end she accused nari stealing bada from her which aint normal😭 maybe in the future she'll forgive her (not rlly😩) but she'll never forget
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