#bc my best friend was getting engaged and moving away and i was so proud of him and so sad for me
dalishthunder · 2 years
You after finishing GEO, circa 2022 colourized
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I pulled an all nighter writing 5k words of smut for that shit you bet that was my face
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hi can i request being so in love with kenny omega? like you guys are dating or married and you just spill your guts out to him. thank you 🖤🖤🖤
ring the sappy alarm broski! i’ve reread and rewritten this so many times i had to consult my alexis rose saint candle for guidance. i’ll repeat this but trigger warning for some trauma dumping bc lord knows i got the traumas
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘No Below’ TW Kenny Omega (Tyson) x fem!reader
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^the deepest, darkest, and most well kept secrets can’t be hidden forever. it came to light on a certain anniversary^
- TW: self harm - if you or someone you know is struggling with self harm or suicidal thoughts, please don’t be afraid to reach out. click here to find the hotline for your region - title is inspired by ‘no below’ by speedy ortiz - may 27, 2022 will be my 5 year sobriety date so that’s the date im using for this - Y/N/N - your nickname - i like nyla rose so that’s reader’s best friend in this
Tomorrow was the day. Five years clean. When I made it through the first year, I was close to a relapse. Then I met Tyson, and everything changed. It was like a breath of fresh air; hope. He made everything brighter than the sun. I told him everything, aside from this. For a year of knowing each other, two years dating and an engagement, to our first year married; I kept this from him. There weren’t many people that knew my past by my own choice. I didn’t want pity. Many of my scars had faded or could have easily been passed off as injuries from wrestling or clumsiness in my youth. I made it through hell to get to where I am and I got the best husband in the world in the process. Though, I wanted to share lucky number five with him. He had a few meetings and interviews today so I was home, planning on how to tell him my best kept secret. 
6pm had rolled around and I had everything ready. I ordered from our favorite pizza place and waited for him. I was scrolling through Twitter memes when I heard him come in. “There’s my lovely wife. Something smells good.” He kissed my cheek from over the couch. “I got our favorite.” I told him as he came around to sit next to me. “Y/N/N, you’re bouncing your leg. Is something wrong?” he asked as he moved closer. Turning to face him, “I have something to tell you; and before you get excited, I’m not pregnant.” He took my hands in his, “Then what is it baby?” “These had been the best four years of my life so far and I know there’s more in store, but there’s something from before we met that I’ve been hiding from you. Tomorrow will mark five years clean of self harm. I was on the verge of falling back to old ways until I ran into you. I never told you because I was scared you’d look at me different and I didn’t want to lose you.” I felt the tears fall and his hand go up to my cheek to wipe them away, “Honey, you have no idea how proud I am of you. You don’t ever have to be scared to tell me something like this. I am in love with you Y/N. All of you. Even before I married you, I made a promise to be by your side and I never intend to break it.” We stared at each other until I spoke up again. “Ty, you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I never thought I’d find this kind of happiness, but that day in the arena changed everything for me. You made me feel things I hadn’t felt in so long. You gave me what feels like a second chance at life. I wake up excited and I look forward to what comes next. Without knowing it, you made me accept the marks on my arms and my thighs. I never saw myself getting to marriage with anyone; but now I see a family with you. Waking up to you next to me makes my days brighter and falling asleep wrapped up in your arms makes my dreams sweeter. Obviously, I’m head over heels in love with you Tyson Smith.” I finished pouring out to him and he pulled me even closer to kiss me gently, passionately, and delicately; whispering how much he loves me. “So my love, how do you celebrate your achievement?” I couldn’t help but smile, “Nyla usually gets a box of cupcakes and a number candle for us; but she’s out of town for this year.” “Well, then tomorrow I’ll pick up some cupcakes for my cupcake and we’ll celebrate.” I kissed him again. “Thank you, Tyson.”
Later when we got ready for bed, Ty came into the bathroom where I was clad in my bra and panties because I was changing. Silently, he turned me to face him then he got down on his knees. Before I could ask what he was doing, he started placing gentle kisses on any scar that lived on my legs, moving up my body leaving shivers in his wake. He jumped to give my arms the same treatment, trailing up my shoulders, to my neck, then ending on my lips. “Don’t ever think that this will make me look at you different. Your scars are just as beautiful as you. I will repeat what I did anytime you think otherwise. Because I absolutely love you Y/N Smith.” he ended his statement with another passionate kiss, sealing his promise. 
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson @xkennyxomegax
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HELLO i’m back and i’m bringing some more concepts (sorry in advance if i repeat some btw 😭)
- ok so like imagine if yall went to a concert and like he would be DANCING SO HARD and u would basically whisper-shout bc it’s loud (lol) what the artist/band is doing on stage to him… he would be so grateful for that ????
- omg also can we PLS imagine him as a dad to be trying his veryyyy best to build a crib and like help decorate the room??? trips to ikea!!! and harry feeling material on blankets to see which is best for his bubba!
- speaking to dad to be harry… HIM AT A ULTRASOUND appointment!!!! y/n would count all the babies toes for him!!!!!!! and he would so sob when he finds out the gender 🥰 and would be holding ur hand so hand bc he’s so lucky ????
- ok wait this is a but random but i can imagine him being a best man one day for like his best friends wedding and you would whisper in his ear that he looked beautiful ( him with his suit and colourful tie HE picked out 🥲) and he would blush like crazy… also would defo dance with you all dance night… conga? yeah. chicken dance thing? he’s doing that for an hour straight… and hearing ur laugh?? hes DEAD.
- alsooooo night routines would be so cuteee!! he can hear you taking ur makeup off and would go to the counter of ur bathroom and sleepily ask if you could do his moisturiser or something… or he would sit on the counter and wait for you, ask abt ur day, would get some snacks for ur night movie or something. but random but hey ho!
- small dates are a must btw!!! walk on the pier? yup! just harry feeling the wind on this face makes him so happy! and he doesn’t feel self conscious around you or anything… and if someone gave him a funny look you would be SO close to punching them in the damnnn face!! he’s very lucky to have u lol
sorry if these are bad! it’s evening in the uk so i’m tired lol. watch me come back tomorrow 💞 have a lovely day and hope u like these lol!!!!!! xxx
Okay they are done babyyyy @sunflowerstyles-6
“oh my god, Harry he just fell!” Y/n giggles, watching the concert they caught at last minute. They didn’t even really know the band but they have heard a few songs and the band wasn’t very well known so pit tickets were pretty cheap. “What?!” Harry asks, stilling his dance moves and snapping his head toward his girlfriend. Y/n laughs loudly, “He almost fell off of the stage!” Y/n giggles, clinging to Harry. “Is he okay?!”
y/n nods, kissing harrys cheek. “Keep on dancing, baby! I want to get some videos of you!” Y/n yells over the music, pulling away from his and stepping back to take videos of his crazy head banging and jumping.
Building a crib:
“Honey, it’s okay. I can get someone else to build it.” Y/n says, rubbing her eight month bump while standing in the nursery that belongs to their second baby. “Hush, lovie. I’ve got this. Just let me take my time.” He says, growing frustrated with his pregnant wife but he still kept a smile on his face while talking to her.
“Okayyy, I’m going to watch ******. Yell for me if you need us.” She says, letting her man do what he needed to do.
Soon enough Harry yells her name, Y/n was selling up the stairs with their first born. She smiles while she leans against the door frame, breathless from hauling her big belly up the stairs. “You did it, baby.” She smiles, patting his cheek. “So proud of you.”
Yeah… you guys don’t get to know the name until a blurb comes out 😎 me also using they/ them pronouns so you don’t know the gender yet HAHAHAH
“Bubby, stay on my lap.” Harry whispers to his baby, hugging them while their mummy gets an ultrasound. “Okay… one second and I’ll be able to tell you the sex!” The woman standing in pink scrubs smiles, rubbing the wand over Y/n’s swollen belly.
“Okay, you’ve got a (YOU WISH YOU KNEW HAHAHAHA) in your belly!” The kind lady announces with a warm, excited smile on her face. Y/n jaw drop while Harry and ****** squeal. “ANOTHER?” Y/n cries, making Harry giggle. “Hush, you are gonna love it, baby.”
Best man:
“Don’t be nervous, silly.” Y/n giggles to her fiancé while she fixes his bow tie. They were at Harry’s best friends wedding. Mitch and Sarah had gotten engaged just a couple months before Harry and Y/n had, Harry now being his best man and Mitch going to their wedding as harrys best man.
“Hush it! I’ve got to walk in-front of all of those people.” Harry whisper yells, pointing to the door where people are slowly trickling in behind.
“Baby.” Y/n says, grabbing his face and looking straight into his eyes- he can instantly senses the eye contact and it makes his cheeks burn. “You look fucking beautiful. You are a dream. After the ceremony is over we are gonna go dance out asses off, and have the time of our lives. You aren’t Gonna have a worry in your mind so don’t get worked up now.” She says, hushing him with a firm kiss to his lips before he can even speak. “Thank you,” he cups her jaw. “I needed that.”
Soon enough Harry is screaming at the top of his lungs while doing the cha-cha slide- his suit jacket slipped off and shirt almost completely unbuttoned.
Night routine:
“Are y’ taking off your makeup, beautiful?” Harry asks from the bed, his voice tired and croaky. Y/n nods from the sink in the bathroom- “yup!” Harry groans, rubbing over his face. “Come take mine off, beauty.”
Y/n laughs at her husband, rolling her eyes while she pats her face dry with a towel. “Baby, you don’t wear makeup!” She yells back, stepping into the door way between their bathroom and bedroom. “Yeah but… come make me pretty. Wanna talk to you.” Y/n rolls her eyes but grabs a sheet mask and other things to doll up her husband nonetheless.
“You don’t need this, you’re pretty enough.” She says, swinging a leg over him and straddling his hips while he relaxes his head down into his pillow while she slides the slimy mask onto his face. “Yeah, yeah. How was your day?”
“It was fine, ****** was a little crazy today, but they went down so good for me during nap time.” Y/n hums. Harry smiles, “good.”
“How the company going?” Y/n giggles on-top of her husband, watching him lips form back into a smile. “It was good, sales are still going up!”
“Was it a good day?”
“Never when I’m away from you.”
Small date- at the fair!:
“No, H, come on! Give me a pretty face.” Y/n giggles, trying to take a Polaroid of him while he makes silly faces, pulling at his cheeks and lips to make himself look crazy. “Okay, okay, I swear. This one I will smile.” Harry makes a pretty face, closing his eyes while he smiles, pulling up his shoulders shyly while he does it. “Awe, you are so pretty.” Y/n coos at her fiancé,. Pulling up the camera to her eye.
As soon as the photo is shot harry is switching poses and shoving his corn dog into his mouth like a mad man. “Damn it Harry!” Y/n yells at her fiancé, making her erupt into giggles, almost making himself fall on the ground.
I realized that I spoiled that part about Harry eventually starting his own company… at least you don’t know what the company is 😭
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: break ups
a/n: i ‘ve had one break up in my whole 18 years of living, therefore i’m an expert 😋
please reblog and reply, engagement is both fun & important ✨
wanna be apart of my general taglist? fill out the form here!
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alt. title: how the p.s.s. reacts when you break up with them
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he would be so… lost
suga seems like the type of person that when he loves, he loves hard
so when you come out of the blue (seemingly) talking about breaking up, he will literally be at a lost for words
genuinely won’t understand and will try to hear you out but the drumming in his ears is way too loud for him to hear anything your saying
“..but yeah, i’m not ready for a relationship and i just need to work on myself right now”
“yeah yeah of course, i.. uh, hope you find yourself”
ngl this man is bitter abt the break up, you claim you need to work on yourself which is fine but why would you put yourself in a relationship if you weren’t technically ready?
kōshi is heartbroken for the most part, and would like to still be friends with you after his wounds heal
but that idea is immediately thrown out the window when he sees you in a relationship only after six months of y’all breaking up
i thought you had to work on yourself?
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most likely caught on to the fact you wanted to break up long before it happens
he’s observant and he loves you, of course he’ll notice
thinks it’s because he doesn’t spend much time with you or because he isn’t huge on pda
starts to change himself to fit what he thinks you want, gets to the point where he’s not even himself
kenma just loves you so much and although he’ll never vocalize it; he doesn’t want to lose you
so if he had to become a different person for you to stay, then he will
unfortunately this just makes things worse
“kozume, we should break up. these past few months have been weird and it’s like i don’t even know who you are”
he can’t even respond. can’t tell if he’s more distraught over you breaking up with him or from you calling him by his last name
you’ve never done that, even when the two of you were just friends
doesn’t fight you on your decision, he’s tired
once the whole ordeal is said and done, he calls kuroo
being his best friend, kuroo has seen kenma sad before but…
this was the first time he’s ever heard kenma cry so openly
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i have never wrote for this man, pls have mercy
anyways he personally reminds me of myself
meaning he has that, “i’ll hurt you before you hurt me” mentality (aka. self sabotaging)
is it healthy? absolutely not but he can’t help it
if he feels you becoming distant or seemingly pulling away from him little by little, he will become extremely paranoid
now semi doesn’t seem like the type to beg anyone to stay with him because that’s just not his style
but he’ll definitely fight until he can’t no more
the nail in the coffin was when he saw your stuff disappear from your shared apartment little by little
obviously confronts you about it and swears his heart stopped when you say you’re moving back in with your parents for a bit
eita knew what that meant, he wasn’t stupid
so before you can utter another word, he blurts out:
“we should break up.”
can tell he caught you off guard and despite being upset, he can’t help but feel a little proud
he got to hurt you, before you hurt him
…but then why was he hurting so much?
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it’s mutal… or so you thought
akaashi would be shocked when you bring up the idea of breaking up
but because he’s in tune with his emotions, he wouldn’t show it
instead he’ll pretend he was thinking abt the same thing, when he definitely was not
“i think we should break up, keiji. i’m just not feeling this relationship anymore, sorry”
“no need to apologize, i was just thinking the same thing”
on the inside he would be so confused
where did he go wrong? was it something he did? was he so boring that you got bored of the relationship?
all these questions with no answers
he strikes me as the type to throw himself into his work on a regular basis but this increased tenfold once you break up with him
it’s to the point where he neglects himself and bokuto has to come over or this man will starve
doesn’t cry abt it, obviously he’s sad but he just doesn’t have it in him to cry
crying won’t fix anything, so why bother?
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you announcing that you want to break up throws him for a loop
he genuinely didn’t see anything wrong with your relationship so he’s hella confused
“you.. want to break up?”
“yeah, i just think we should move on and see other people”
“why? i don’t want to see other people, i want you”
this poor man
of course he respects your decision, no matter how much he hates it
and i feel like he wouldn’t register the fact the two of you broke up until he vocalizes it
“what happened between you and y/n?”
“oh. we broke up”
“…we broke up”
that’s when it hits him the hardest
doesn’t seem like the type to cry about it but he has shed a few tears
kageyama will just throw himself into his volleyball career and swear off dating for a while
he doesn’t want to put himself out there just to get his heart broken again
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this man has been through break ups before so this isn’t his first rodeo
but honestly wasn’t expecting it, he thought y’all were good
clearly not
“—i’m sorry, i wish you nothing but the best though”
he tuned out the minute he heard break up and didn’t tune back in until that last bit
and unlike semi, oikawa does strike me as the type to beg you to stay
“you really wanna give this up?”
“come on cutie, we can work this out!”
“why are you giving up on us?”
“y/n… please.”
it’s extremely painful for both you and him (more so him, of course)
i hope you aren’t too close with his friends bc they will avoid you, especially iwaizumi
it’s nothing personal but they knew tooru first and they don’t want to “betray” him
oikawa will cry about the whole thing but only by himself
to the public, he’s perfectly fine.
“better off without you” he says
it’s not like the love of his life broke his heart, why wouldn’t he be fine?
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tanzaniiite © 2021 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
You Take My Heart Away [Kelley O’Hara x Reader]
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requested by anon: Kelley O’Hara x reader where reader gets into a fist fight but she’s like I won’t throw the first punch bc I’ll finish it and like she gets teased by the team but Kelley is mad at reader for it bc R could’ve gotten hurt but it was still cool
requested by anon: Can we get another Kelley O’Hara x reader doesn’t have to be anything specific just maybe along the lines of them both being crazy and maybe oblivious
A/N: i decided to combine these two prompts! hope y’all enjoy it. also bonus points to anybody who gets the title reference (there’s a lil connection to a reference within the story)
warnings: homophobic and sexist language, violence, and swearing
Conversation was flowing and music was playing in the background of the bar, as the USWNT finished up their first round of drinks and appetizers. The team had pushed together a couple of tables, where you all were now sitting, laughing at each other’s jokes.
The air was light, victory and celebration filling the atmosphere. Megan and Ashlyn had been the ones to suggest a night out after your win against Japan, not only to celebrate the 2-0 victory but also to celebrate Lindsey’s birthday that was in the next couple of days.
You were currently sitting next to your best friend, Kelley O’Hara, bridging the gap between the veterans and the youngsters.
“Anybody want another drink?” Alex asks, pushing her chair back, as she moves to get up.
A chorus of yeses ring out, the team’s orders ringing out.
“I’ll help you with that, Al.” You stand up from your seat, giving the other woman a warm smile.
Once the two of you had left for the bar, the rest of the team began interrogating Kelley, who let her eyes follow you as you moved through the crowd.
“Kel,” Ash calls out over the noise of the music. “When are you gonna admit to (Y/N) that you’re hopelessly in love with her?”
“What?” Kelley sputters, flustered.
Megan rolls her eyes at the defender. “It’s so obvious that you’ve had a crush on her for the past like six years, and a blind person can see that she likes you too.”
“I- I’m not in love with (Y/N).” Kelley’s face flushes, as she rubs the back of her neck nervously. “She’s my best friend.”
“Kelley,” Christen softly chimes in,, hoping to talk some sense in her friend she’s known since college. “You guys obviously have feelings for each other that go beyond friendship, and you’ve been dancing around them for years. We just want you two to be happy.”
Many of the women nod and voice their agreement.
“But what if it ruins our friendship and I lose her forever?” The freckled defender bites her lip nervously.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Christen gives her a knowing look. “Even if she didn’t reciprocate those feelings, she’s not gonna cut you out of her life.”
“And Kel,” Tobin adds on. “You never know until you ask her. And who knows? The risk of putting your heart out there may be worth it. But you’re just gonna live in the dark haunted by the unknown and what ifs unless you tell her how you feel.”
“I hate that you’re philosophical insights are usually right,” Kelley huffs.
Meanwhile, as the team holds their intervention for your best friend, you and Alex were at the bar ordering another round of drinks.
As you were waiting for the bartender, you and Alex were engaged in your own conversation, when you hear a boisterous voice interrupt you.
“Hey! It’s Alex Morgan!” A large man approaches the two of you, holding a half-full cup of beer in his hand, and you have a feeling he’s downed a couple pints already.
You sense Alex tense up next to you, as she gives the stranger a tight smile. “Hello.”
“Oh, and who’s this?” He turns to you, a leering grin on his face, making your insides turn. You reach for Alex’s hand in search of comfort but also as a protective gesture.
“Is she your girlfriend?” The man looks back at the star forward. “I hear your entire team is full of d*kes, but I didn’t think you were one. You’re way too hot to be a d*ke.”
Alex’s grip on your hand tightens, as anger radiates off of her. “I’m actually happily married.” She raises her left hand to show off her ring.
“Woah.” The stranger lets out a low whistle, his eyes slowly widening before he squinting to get a better look, as his movements impaired by the alcohol. “That is quite the rock. How’d you afford that with your pay? I’ve heard all about your team’s fight for equal pay and all that. I personally think it’s a load of crap. You guys aren’t even that good at soccer, and it’s so boring. The only thing that makes your games interesting is your smoking hot bodies.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust at this man’s blatant misogyny. “I’m surprised you know about our equal pay fight. I’d think it’d be too complicated for your thick skull,” you quip, throwing the insult right in his face.
“Ooooo feisty, are we?” He raises his eyebrows at you. “And where do you get off calling me dumb?”
“I’m just calling them as I see them,” you simply state, letting go of Alex’s hand, as you move to stand in front of her protectively. “Where do you get off disrespecting women and being a bigot?”
“(Y/N/N), it’s not worth it,” Alex whispers in your ear.
“I’d listen to your friend,” the man sneers and stands up straighter, slightly sobering up. “Because I’m not afraid to hit a girl, especially a mouthy one like you. Women like you deserve to be put in your place.”
“Go on then,” you challenge, probably a stupid decision on your part, but the adrenaline is rushing and you are at your wits end with this man in front of you. “I dare you.”
You thank all the gods in the universe that the stupid stranger was actually stupid enough to try and throw a punch with his blood-alcohol level because you can see his punch coming from a mile away.
Before his fist can make contact with your face, you grab his hand and twist his arm, leaning in closely to his face. “Is that all you got? My mom hits better than you.” You smirk.
“Let go of me, you bitch,” he growls, snatching his arm out of your grasp.
“Wait, I have one more thing,” you call out.
“What the hell are you talk-”
Before he can finish, you cut him off, rather your fist cuts him off. The man in front of you had been testing your patience and had used up all your grace, which, in your opinion, warranted a punch in the face.
You can’t help but wince at the sharp pain shooting through your hand upon the contact, but the cracking sound of his nose eases some of your discomfort.
By now, the rest of the team had become worried by your prolonged absence and then had noticed the commotion this stranger was stirring. Hearing the raised voices coming from your direction, many of the veterans, including Kelley, Christen, Tobin, Ash, Ali, and Megan, made their way over to where Alex was currently holding you back from unleashing your anger on this drunk man.
“What is going on here?” Becky asks, surveying the situation in front of her.
“This asshole was insulting Al and then had the audacity to continue being a sexist pig,” you spit out, directing your words at the man, who was still holding his bloody nose, while Alex was doing her best to keep you under wraps.
“I think it’s time for you to go,” Ashlyn states firmly.
As the goalie, along with Becky, Megan, and Ali, coax the stranger into leaving you alone, and hopefully leaving the club, Alex, Christen, Tobin, and Kelley try and calm you down.
“(Y/N/N),” Christen soothes, cupping your face. “I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath.” The curly-haired forward inhales and exhales, motioning for you to mimic her actions.
You take a deep breath, and upon exhaling, you feel the tension, along with the adrenaline, leave your body.
“Shit,” you sigh. “My hand.”
You lift your right hand, revealing your split knuckles on which bruises were starting to form.
“Come on, Sylvester.” Tobin claps your shoulder, letting out an amused chuckle. “Let’s get you back to the hotel, and on the way, you can tell us all about your heroics.”
You amusedly roll your eyes and lean into the other woman’s side.
As the team gathers their things, ready to call it a night after the turn of events, Megan approaches you, holding out a bag of ice.
“Here, (Y/N), the bartender gave me this for your hand.”
“Thanks, P.” You place the cool ice on your knuckles, hissing at the temperature shock.
On the way back to the hotel, many of your teammates were interrogating you about what had happened back at the bar. After telling the entire story, you received many hoots and hollers from the rest of the team.
“Damn (Y/N)!” Ash whistles. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“Way to protect our honor,” Rose gushes, as many of the women nod along.
“Thank you, (Y/N), for defending me,” Alex says sincerely.
“Of course, Al. Anytime.” You give the forward a warm smile.
“Who knew (Y/N) could be such a badass?!” Emily exclaims with an impressed look on her face. “Kel, did you know that your best friend was a secret badass?”
While the rest of the girls had been teasing you about your heroic actions, your best friend had been oddly quiet.
“News to me.” Kelley answers shortly, her face hard and distant. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, wondering if the defender was mad at you. You thought she would’ve been proud of you for standing up for the team and putting a sexist douchebag in his place.
Before going back to entertaining your teammates’s jokes and questions, you make a mental note to talk to her once you get back to the hotel, silently thanking Vlatko for rooming the two of you together this camp.
You would never in a million years admit it, but you were harboring a huge crush for your best friend, had been for the past six years, ever since you’d joined the national team. Not only did you not want to ruin your friendship and end up losing Kelley, but you knew she would never return your feelings.
Over the past several years that you’d been friends with the defender, you’d seen Kelley go in and out of relationships, and comparing yourself to her other girlfriend’s, you had a feeling you weren’t her type.
You also had reservations due to the fact that Kelley was your teammate, and you didn’t want to change the team dynamic, especially if the two of you didn’t work out.
Thoughts of Kelley clouded your mind all the way back to the hotel, only further exacerbated by her deafening silence.
Upon arriving to the hotel lobby, before you all disperse to your rooms, Alex gives you another hug and thanks you again, and Becky, ever the mother of the group, gives you a warning.
“Make sure to ice on and off. 20 minutes. You know the drill, (Y/L/N). Kelley, make sure she takes care of that hand.”
“Don’t worry about me, Becks. I got it,” you reassure the veteran defender, giving her a mock salute.
Following Kelley, you cautiously enter the hotel room. You nervously watch the other women move around the room, as she silently goes about her usual nighttime routine. Taking the hint that she wasn’t going to talk to you anytime soon, you go about your own routine and get ready for bed.
After about twenty minutes later, after both of you had showered, you were finishing wrapping your hand and were about to get into bed, when you noticed Kelley discretely staring at your bandaged hand.
Unable to tolerate the silence anymore, you break the tension. “Okay, what is up with you?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“Kel,” you sigh, plopping down on the side of her bed. “You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder ever since what happened at the bar. Are you mad at me?”
“Nope. Not mad,” Kelley hums slightly passive aggressively, still not looking up from her book.
You roll your eyes, frustrated by your best friend’s childish behavior. “Kelley, I know when you’re lying, and I know that you’re mad at me right now, so would you please just look at me?!”
Sensing the exasperation and frustration in your voice, Kelley closes and sets down her book. “Fine, you’re right. I am mad at you.”
You thought you’d feel relieved, hearing her confirm your suspicions, but instead, the pressure in your chest increases.
“Why? What did I do?” You practically beg, scooting up the bed, so you’re closer to the other woman.
“As if you don’t know,” she scoffs.
Confused, you tilt your head. “I clearly don’t. Kel, please talk to me, tell me what I did.”
“You literally punched a dude in the face!”
“Yeah, but he deserved it, Kel! You heard the things he was saying,” you defend. “I couldn’t just let him get away with talking about our team like that. I thought you’d be proud of me for standing up to a sexist asshole like him.”
“I am proud, sort of. I mean that was completely badass and totally warranted, not that I necessarily expected that from you, and I’m glad you put him in his place,” Kelley babbles. “But that’s not the point, (Y/N/N). You were reckless tonight. You could’ve gotten hurt!”
Your face softens at her outburst. Taking a deep breath, Kelley confesses, “I love you, (Y/N). I’m in love with you, and I just can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt, especially by some drunk idiot who doesn’t know shit about football or respecting women.”
Your eyes widen and your heart practically stop, when you process the words that have come out of your best friend’s mouth.
“(Y/N), please say something,” Kelley begs.
“You’re in love with me?” You test the words on your mouth.
“Yeah,” she sighs contently, giving you a soft smile. “Have been for the past eight years.”
“Gosh, we really are idiots.” You let out a wet chuckle, shaking your head.
“I’m in love with you, too, Kel,” you rasped, your voice laced with pure emotion. “I’ve loved you since my first camp.”
“Wow,” Kelley scoffs, an amused grin playing on her face. “Are we really that oblivious?”
“Apparently so.” You shrug. “But we’re here now.”
“Yeah, we are.” The freckled woman softens. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod eagerly, leaning in to meat the other woman’s lips. The kiss is nothing like you’d dreamed of; it’s better. It’s soft and tender, full of love and passion. You melt into each other, as your lips move together in harmony.
Not wanting things to get too heated, especially not before you’ve talked about what this meant for the future of your relationship, you pull away, resting your forehead against hers.
“Hi,” you whisper, smiling like a fool.
“Hey,” Kelley murmurs softly, returning your smile.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She takes your hand, kissing your wrapped knuckles. “But please don’t be getting into any more bar fights.”
“Hey! I would never start a fight, however I have no problem finishing them.” You smirk, boasting slightly triumphantly.
Kelley rolls her eyes playfully, but then looks into your eyes. “I mean it, (Y/N). I can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt. So no more fights alright?”
“I promise, Kel.” You give her a chaste kiss.
That night, you stay in Kelley’s bed, cuddling into her side. As you slowly drift into a peaceful sleep, you notice the woman next to you is already fast asleep.
You sigh contently, and you can’t help but feel extremely lucky that even after all these years, and everything that’s happened, life still led you to this woman and a love worth fighting for.
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xxdragonwriterxx · 3 years
hi! i'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, i also suffer from migraines and they're the worst. i was hoping to request levi and his s/o (who only recently started dating) and they're playing around, like play fighting/wrestling, and his s/o finds that he's extremely ticklish and a little embarrassed by it bc he had no idea?🥺 (but of course that's how s/o wins the fight hehe) thank you for taking the time to even just read this!
A/N: Hi anon! Thank you for the kind words, I’m feeling better now! Thankfully, my migraines don’t happen very often, but when they do, they are really bad. But I haven’t had one for a little while so that’s good! I’m sorry you suffer from them too, they really are the worst 🙄. Thank you for requesting! This was a really sweet, fluffy request and I really enjoyed writing it. Embarrassed Levi is cutest Levi. I hope this was what you were looking for! Enjoy! ❤️❤️
🐉 Song Recommendation: “A Closeness” By: Dermot Kennedy 🐉
Word Count: ~2.9k
🔥Unexpected Sensitivity🔥
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(Y/N) barely managed to refrain from rolling her eyes as she tried to ignore the raven-haired man sitting on the opposite end of the couch and turned back to her book. She was able to get through another two sentences before a loud huff and a low grumble of annoyance once again drew her away from the story.
(Y/N) threw him a glare, “Levi, I told you, I am four fucking chapters away from finishing this book, can you please just entertain yourself until then? It won’t be much longer.” 
She gritted her teeth when Levi made no attempt to keep from rolling his eyes, sending a scowl right back at her, “I’m bored.”
“Well that’s too bad. Last time I checked, I was not your babysitter.”
Normally, (Y/N) enjoyed when Levi was needy for her attention. She loved how she was the only one who got to see that side of him. Their relationship was relatively new, so she had had to work hard to get him to open up around her. She was proud that she had finally managed to get him to relax around her, of how far he’d come, and it made her heart melt when he craved her affection, like a cat begging to be petted.
But recently, Levi had been begging for her attention a lot. She had no idea what had made these past few days so different, but it was starting to wear her out. Now, whenever he wasn’t working, he wanted to be at the center of her attention, no matter if she was already busy, and it was starting to grate on her nerves a little. 
Was it really too much to ask to let her finish her book? She was known to be a very quick reader, it shouldn’t have taken long, but she had barely made a dent in the last few chapters because she was constantly being distracted.
Levi frowned at her and crossed his arms. He really was acting like a petulant child, and while it was annoying as hell, a part of (Y/N) couldn’t deny that she found it a little cute. Especially since she knew his behavior was coming from a place of love. She hadn’t forgotten how lucky she was to even have him acting like this with her, but that didn’t mean she had to enjoy it every time. Especially when he was being this intense about it.
“Levi, for the love of god!” (Y/N) snapped, slamming her book shut and tossing it to the side. “How hard is it for you to just let me read four bloody chapters? I told you I would give you attention as soon as I was done! I just wanted to know the ending, you know this is a book I’ve been looking forward to finishing for days.”
Levi raised an eyebrow at her, “Is some boring old book more interesting to you than me?”
Oh my god. She was going to kill him.
(Y/N) took a deep breath and forced herself to stay calm, “Of course not, Levi. But that doesn’t mean I have to be with you every second of every day. I just wanted to know what happened in the end, that’s all. Why is that such a big deal?”
“Because I want you to cuddle me, damn it,” he mumbled, his eyes averted from her face and a light tinge of pink on his cheeks.
(Y/N) immediately felt her anger wash away. She could still feel a little bit of irritation prickling in her chest but she ignored it, choosing to focus more on the warm feeling that blossomed throughout her whole body at his words. Yes, her boyfriend could be annoying as hell sometimes, but she couldn’t deny how adorable he was, wanting affection but embarrassed by the fact. She didn’t show it, but she was proud of him for even gaining the courage to say something. While they had only been dating for two months, she had never heard him directly ask for anything, it was always buried beneath a mask of sarcasm or annoyance.
Levi watched her features soften and felt the corners of his lips curl upwards as she sighed, knowing he had finally won. He knew that when she sighed like that, she was going to give in. His heart warmed at the thought that she found him difficult to resist, even when she was clearly annoyed with him.
He knew he was being shitty, but he just couldn’t help it. Not with her anyway. She was not his first girlfriend by any means, but she was the first girl he felt he had a genuine connection with. The first girl he genuinely loved. His past girlfriends had been nothing but trials, mostly set up by his friends, trying to show him that dating could be fun. He hadn’t believed them until he met (Y/N).
Now, he couldn’t get enough. He knew it was partially unfair to her, even if he knew she  secretly loved it. He knew he was being invasive and annoying but at the moment, he just didn’t care. He was aching to feel her pressed against him, her arms wrapped lovingly around his waist and her head on his shoulder. His arms itched to pull her close and relish in the way she fit perfectly against him, as if they had been made for each other. He had never felt this way with anyone else, but now that he had, he craved it. He had never realized just how touch-starved he was until (Y/N) entered his life, and now he burned to be by her side, even if she didn’t always want him there.
“Alright, fine. But you have to promise to let me finish my book later, okay?”
(Y/N)’s words snapped him out of his thoughts and he nodded too quickly for it to be as nonchalant as he wanted it to look. (Y/N) rolled her eyes affectionately and gave him a warm smile that had his heart beating a swift tattoo against his chest.
Levi moved his legs from where they had been laying lengthwise on the sofa cushions as (Y/N) approached, turning his body so he was seated normally, giving her the room to settle down beside him. He immediately felt himself relax as soon as she curled up against him, a satisfied sigh leaving his parted lips.
“Relieved are you?” (Y/N) teased.
Levi thought about teasing her back, but suddenly found himself too sleepy to engage in their usual banter, her comforting presence making him feel drowsy. “Yes.”
(Y/N)’s cheeks heated, not expecting the straightforward answer, “I’m still mad at you for being so obnoxious.”
“And you’re not sorry for it at all, are you?”
“Mm, no.”
“Pain in the ass,” (Y/N) mumbled affectionately, nuzzling her face into his chest.
(Y/N) was just about to drift off, enjoying the comfort of cuddling with her boyfriend despite her earlier reluctance, when a sudden sharp jab in her side made her jolt up with a yelp.
“Ow! What the hell, Levi!?”
“You called me a pain in the ass,” Levi grumped.
“Yeah, so? You called me an asshole. Twice!” (Y/N) said, leaning over to give him a hard poke in the shoulder.
“Tch,” Levi said, giving her another poke, this time on her thigh.
(Y/N)’s retaliation quickly led to a fierce battle between the two, annoyed huffs devolving into genuine chuckles and shrieks of joy as the two fought, the war only growing more intense when (Y/N) straddled Levi’s thighs to better reach him.
“Brat, stop poking me!”
“You stop poking me, then!”
“Fine,” Levi said, the mischievous look on his face making (Y/N) nervous.
Before she could react, Levi pushed her off of him and pinned her to the couch, hovering over her. (Y/N) laughed, her eyes sparkling, “Oh, how romantic, Levi.”
Levi snorted at her as he moved lower, slinking down her body, his own eyes twinkling with barely suppressed mirth.
“Levi? What are you doing?”
“You told me to stop poking you, so I stopped. But that doesn’t mean this is over.”
“What the fuck does that mean- AH!” (Y/N) cried out in surprise as Levi’s fingers ran up the bottoms of her feet. “LEVI!”
Levi merely chuckled in response, reaching down to tickle her feet again. He smirked when she writhed and squirmed beneath his strong grip, tears of desperation spilling from the corners of her eyes as her loud laughter filled the apartment.
“Levi! Levi, stop! I can’t- I can’t breathe!”
Levi thought about letting up, but he was having too much fun. He quickly doubled down on his efforts, laughing quietly at the loud squeal she let out in response, trying to jerk her feet from his touch.
(Y/N) was getting desperate. He had her pinned by the hips to the couch with his incredible strength and he wasn’t stopping his assault on her poor feet. She tried to wrench them  from his grip to no avail, his cocky smile and bright silver hues making her want to slap that look of smugness off of his face. 
Frantically looking for a way to escape, (Y/N) suddenly remembered that her hands weren’t being held down. She had her own fingers she could use. She knew it would be no use trying to pry his fingers off, he was much too strong for that, so she did the next best thing.
She blindly latched onto him, her fingers flying over his skin as she searched for a weak point, a tender spot, anything. Levi was finally starting to slow down his attack, his fingers only lightly brushing her skin to watch her jump while she caught her breath, but she was determined to get back at him.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing?” Levi asked, finally taking his fingers away from her sensitive skin and leaning back on his haunches. His eyebrow rose when she followed him, her hands still moving all over his body.
“What do you think I’m doing, idiot?”
Levi smirked down at the woman that was now back in his lap, her brow furrowed in concentration as she poked and prodded beneath his shirt, practically feeling him up as she tried to find where he was the most sensitive.
“Nice try, brat. But unfortunately for you, I’m not tickLISH-!”
(Y/N) and Levi both froze.
Levi’s jaw dropped, his eyes wide and his hands loosened from where they had been holding onto (Y/N)’s waist. He had never, in his entire life, made a noise like that before. It sounded like the cross between a yelp of surprise and a barked out laugh. He was still uncertain if it had indeed been him that had made the noise, it sounded so unlike him, so foreign to his ears he couldn’t be sure.
(Y/N) was just as shocked. Had Levi really just squawked? That was probably the only way you could describe the noise that had just come from her boyfriend’s mouth, even though it seemed like the kind of word you would never in a million years associate with Levi Ackerman.
While she was certainly surprised, she recuperated faster than Levi, a deviant smile spreading across her face as she suddenly realized the power she held. She noticed Levi’s eyes narrow on her borderline evil expression, but his dazed state made his reaction time slower than normal. Before he knew it, he was on his back, her legs straddled over his hips, his wrists held in one of her hands while the other was snaking back beneath his shirt, aiming for the spot along his upper ribs.
He tried to squirm away, but he underestimated her strength as she pressed her full weight into him and tightened her grip on his wrists, holding him there as she brushed her fingers along the spot that he hadn’t even known would make him go crazy.
To his horror, another loud cry was ripped from his throat, quickly turning into loud, rich laughter that rang out and bounced off the walls as she tickled him. He tried to flash her a warning glare but she only smiled wider, followed by a slight shake of her head.
Fuck, she was going to show no mercy.
Tears gathered in his eyes as she continued to attack the sensitive flesh in the same way he did to her, his body losing all control. He wriggled and arched, trying to escape her torturous fingers, until he was finally able to free one of his hands. (Y/N) tried to hold on, but as soon as one of his hands was free, she was quickly shoved off of him, her own laughter joining his as she was pushed from the couch to land with a satisfying thump on the carpet below.
Levi’s laughter was quick to quiet into soft chuckles before finally fading into heavy breathing, the apartment thick with silence as the pair fought to catch their breath, unwilling to move for a while.
“Whew,” (Y/N) said, eventually breaking the silence. “Who knew the fearsome Levi Ackerman was ticklish, huh?”
(Y/N) was smiling, a hand coming up to cover her mouth to stifle the giggles that tried to filter into the room at her teasing, but when he didn’t respond, (Y/N) grew worried.
(Y/N) sat up, and quickly lost all feelings of giddiness at the sight of Levi, turned away from her with his knees brought up to his chest, his hands covering his face, and his back hunched slightly, so different from how he normally was it almost made her panic.
“Levi! Are you alright?”
It took him a moment, but Levi eventually nodded once, refusing to remove his hands from his face. His response calmed (Y/N) down somewhat, but concern still coursed through her as she gently eased onto the couch beside him, her palm reaching out to rest on his back.
“Levi, what’s wrong?”
A quiet mumble reached her ears, but his hands were muffling most of the words. Even when she strained her ears she couldn’t understand what he was saying, but she did notice his face get a tinge more pink, especially on the tips of his ears.
“I’m sorry, babe, I couldn’t hear you. Can you repeat that?”
Levi huffed in annoyance, and it was enough to bring another small smile back onto (Y/N)’s face. He then shifted his hands, uncovering only enough to free his mouth.
“I said, I’m… embarrassed…” He trailed off at the end, the last word much quieter than the others, but (Y/N) heard him loud and clear. She immediately felt a wave of relief and guilt wash over her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Levi. I really didn’t mean to embarrass you like that, I thought we were just having fun. I never want you to feel uncomfortable around me, ever. I’m sorry, I never should’ve pushed your boundaries like that.”
Levi finally removed his hands from his face and turned around to look at her. His face was still red and his eyes were slightly swollen from the tears he had shed during their intense battle but his expression was soft. He reached up and brushed his fingers along her jaw, affectionately stroking her skin.
“It’s not your fault. I attacked you first,” Levi said. “I didn’t even mind it that much at first, I just didn’t expect to react… like that.”
“Levi, it’s okay! Everyone reacts like that, that’s why nobody likes to be tickled. I mean, you heard me! I didn’t sound any better.”
Levi smirked, the beginnings of a sparkle coming back into his eye, “Yeah, you sounded like a donkey with a sore throat. Or maybe a dying bird.”
“Hey!” (Y/N) said, slapping his shoulder playfully with a false pout. “That’s mean!”
“But true.”
“Oh, do we want to go back to what you sounded like?”
“Oi, watch it, brat.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Levi gave (Y/N) a light-hearted shove before standing up to stretch, his shirt riding up to show off a bit of his muscular back as he brought his arms above his head. (Y/N) followed him with a large grin on her face when he moved into the kitchen, intent on making tea and forgetting the whole experience. They lapsed into a comfortable silence as Levi heated the water and (Y/N) grabbed the tea leaves, the pair working together seamlessly despite their short time spent as a couple.
When the tea was finally finished, Levi offered a cup to (Y/N), who took it gratefully, before leaning against the counter and taking a sip. (Y/N) watched as Levi closed his eyes and hummed in pleasure at the taste, his body finally starting to unwind again. Her eyes swept over him, her heart beating a steady drum for the man beside her. She loved him so much, felt so lucky to have him, and while the tickle fight had certainly been an experience, she couldn’t wait to have many more adventures just like that with him by her side.
“Hey, Levi?”
“Yeah brat?”
“For the record, I think your laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.”
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okitagumi · 3 years
every single color for the ask box thingy 😽😼 (,if u wanna lol)
Invade my privacy. Do it.
Purple: 10 facts about my room
i used to share it with my sister, my wardrobe is about to fall apart any minute cuz it's old and sucks, i have 3 different fairy lights in there, the walls are white now but they used to be yellow and blue, there's a dent in a wall from the time i threw a chair, the message chair my mother bought my dad for his 40th bday is in my room but it's broken and i dont want it but there's nowhere else to put it, there are also exactly 4 posters of my favorite kpop girlgroup, the bookshelf in my room is actually way too small for all the books im planning to buy in the future but there's no space for another shelf, the lightbulb in my room take a while to fully light up so whenever i turn on the light it gradually .. slowly .... gets brighter, my brother's been trying to get me to switch rooms with him for ages cuz his is smaller but i wont
Blue: 9 facts about my family
albanians from kosovo, i still have relatives living in kosovo but most of my family's abroad (mainly germany, austria and switzerland) by now, i have two younger siblings, i grew up with my siblings and 5 of our cousins in one house until i was 10 so we were 8 kids in total (i was the oldest), i have about 50 cousins in total, my brother got engaged last year on dec 26th and then married just 2 days after, my grandpa was the first in our family to emigrate to germany in 1970 and he went all alone, my dad was born in kosovo two years after that and then came to germany in 1986 when he was 14, my parent's marriage was arranged and my mother had no problem with that but my dad really wasn't happy with it
Green: 8 facts about appearance
my hair's red currently, but naturally it's dark brown, my hair's pretty long like lower back length but also damaged as hell, i'm 5'5 / 165cm, i have dark eyes, also long finger nails and they're a pain sometimes BUT i keep them long because i used to be a huge nail-biter and im proud i could stop that habit, i had straight bangs for a few months but they look terrible now cuz im growing them out, u'll rarely see me without nail polish
Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
i think i repressed the memory of most of it cuz i barely remember anything tbh lmao, in 3rd grade we had obligatory swimming lessons every 2 weeks and i almost drowned once (i couldnt swim back then and im still a terrible swimmer), i almost hung myself on accident while playing with one of my cousins, watching digimon after kindergarten/elementary school was my biggest happiness, like i said earlier we were eight kids but our parents didn't want to waste money on toys we'd eventually break anyways so we'd always have to come up with games ourselves (like jumping from a small wall onto the binbags in the backyard, throwing stones instead of balls .......), i once got so angry i whacked my brother over the head with a belt buckle and his head bled so hard he had to be driven to the hospital anyways i still cant stand the sight of blood, my cousin and i once played in our grandpa's car but one of us accidentally released the handbreak and the car rolled backwards with us still in it and the adults who were outside freaked OUT
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
it's not really a town it's just a village with a little over 3k ppl, i moved here when i was about 2 years old, then i moved a couple streets away when i was 10 bc my parents were tired of so many people in one house, my 9th/10th grade german teacher lives like 2 minutes away from me, my elemtary school building isn't used anymore cuz they build a new school building right next to it where the park was but the new one's kind ugly (and too small apparently), we have like 5 or 6 cemetries here
Red: 5 facts about my best friend
i dont have one best friend but rather a group of best friends so one fact for each of them: two of them are twins i met 5 years ago, another one has been my friend for like 11 years ? we've never actually met tho but we probably will this year, another one lives in indonesia but we've known each other for pretty much 6 years now, i've met this friend about 6 years ago on twitter too and we love remembering the beef between some of our shared mutuals and friends what a fun time, last one is also from indonesia and i havent known her for as long as the others (maybe 3 years or something) but we grew close so quickly so now instead of our names it's always beloved this beloved that .. everyone's sick of us probbly
Pink: 4 facts about my parents
im not close to my mother at all like she might as well be a stranger to me that's how terrible our relationship is, im kind of close to my dad but even with him it's more of a "i hate you one moment and love you the next" kind of thing, like i said earlier my dad initially didnt want to get married to my mother because no one even asked him lmao his dad was just like "son ... i found a wife for u" and that was that. he accepted it after a while but from what i've heard from my uncles he didn't even want to be in the same room as her at first, they've been married for almost 28 years now
White: 3 facts about my personality
im extremely introverted, doesn't mean i enjoy staying in all the time cuz i also get bored so quickly, it takes a lot to genuinely make me angry
Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things
right now my favorite thing is mahoyaku so i'll just drop 2 facts about that: one of the characters canonically fucked for sugar, another character canonically eats dirt and charcoal and plates (mistook plate for cookie)
Black: 1 fact about the person I like
i dont like anyone tbh
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
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My take on a Genshin Impact Circus AU Part 4 with Noelle as a strongwoman and Amber as a death-defying archery stuntwoman. Their backstories are under the cut!
First off I have a very self-indulgent headcanon that she is ridiculously strong. Like. Can benchpress people. Canonverse or AU.
She used to help out around the circus and she was kind of indifferent to the fact that she was likely going to be a maid. It's a respectable profession. And helping out at her childhood friends' (Kaeya and Diluc) manor as she'd been born into doing seemed like a good job.
How she got into the circus life requires a bit of backstory. Back when they were kids, Kaeya, Diluc, and Noelle would mess around (as kids do) and have little challenges for themselves. Who can run the fastest, who can do the best cartwheel, who can jump the highest, and the like.
Noelle got a little hesitant as she got into her early teens bc she was always told to be ladylike, so she spent one or two of their hangout sessions watching Kaeya and Diluc and talking. One day, however, Kaeya and Diluc are being Teenage Boys and lifting heavy things trying to outlift each other. Noelle has lifted furniture when cleaning up after these two so she figures this one unladylike thing would be okay.
She comes up behind them and just. Picks them both up. On top of the things they were lifting already. Kaeya and Diluc have to take a second and just look at her like "yeah no you are never sitting out of our competitions again"
And so they try other things like cartwheels and tests of courage like who can climb the highest on a tree and things are back to normal.
Skip forward a few years and Crepus dies. There's a huge mystery around it that not even his son's attendants are privy to. The only thing people know is that the sons have been sent away to boarding school. The whole manor is abandoned, all the workers fired.
Noelle for the next few years spends her time working at laundromats, and other odd jobs, but eventually she runs out of luck and suddenly there's too many people and not enough opportunities.
One of her friends from one of her old jobs invites her to go out and see this new circus that happens to be in town. She goes because why not. And wouldn't you know it one of the acts is her childhood friends doing these death-defying stunts that hit her with a wave of nostalgia bc their entire act consists of essentially the song "anything you can do" but with more and more dangerous stunts.
Noelle of course has to say hi, so they catch up and Noelle's lack of work comes up and would you look at that Aether and Lumine happen to have an opening for a maid.
So Noelle settles in, continuing to lift heavy shit to clean under it (Bennett swears up and down he saw her lift a fridge once but he might've been sleep-deprived). She also got into helping Chongyun with the techy stuff so sometimes she'll be at tech rehearsals moving things around and one time a rope holding up a person breaks near Noelle and she. catches it.
Now, one night. One of the acts drops out at the last moment bc injury or last-minute commitment or the like. And it leaves a gap in the show. Everyone else is busy. And panicking bc the circus is still relatively new and they really need to build their rep rn.
They start wondering what kind of last-minute acts they can put together like "what about the gymnasts??" "They all have group routines" "do they have old routines??" "Not polished enough for what we need" and someone somewhere pipes up "man I wish we had a strongman or something" and Diluc and Kaeya immediately whip their heads around to look at each other for like half a second before Kaeya bolts. He finds Noelle doing her usual rounds she's been doing for like a month now and Bennett was right, she is currently under a mini-fridge that she is lifting over her head whilst leaning it against a wall.
Kaeya takes Noelle by the shoulders and just zooms her over to where the commotion is happening and pitches the idea to Aether and Lumine. They're hesitant as hECK bc this is a huge risk they're taking since Noelle isn't even a performer but Diluc pitches that they could literally just scatter really heavy items and have Noelle clean under them and as long as she looks at the audience every once in a while it can be played off as a bit.
Noelle with qUITE the stammer says that she'll try her best but at this time is in need of a moment. She has never performed before. Kaeya and Diluc have to go perform so they leave her with a shoulder squeeze and a thumbs up.
She gets on-stage. She flinches under the lights for a second. She takes a deep breath and focuses on the first thing before her with her best "oh heavens, it's filthy in here", and she gets through the entire act by doing that for every object. So the audience is seeing this seemingly petite young girl lift the equivalent of a hecking car in order to clean under it.
Needless to say, there's roaring applause the second Noelle leaves (which she hears from far away because holy shit I just cleaned for people and they liked it)
This was a bit of a one-time thing and she goes back to her regular maid duties until the circus gets a new strongman by the name "Zhongli".
His style is more about lifting exTREMELY LARGE ROCKS, and breaking them in half whilst giving a history/geology lesson on them.
He quietly observes the maid who he hears fantastical stories of That One Time She Charmed An Audience By Cleaning. He was bewildered at first but saw the merit of it while watching her clean. He immediately decides that this girl has sO MUCH. POTENTIAL that is being wasted by having her work as a maid. He has nothing against maids or their profession, but he invites her to train with him.
Noelle gets hELLA stronger and they come to a conclusion. Noelle performs part-time and is a maid part-time. She doesn't have a particular performance style. She'll sometimes play catch with Zhongli and his big rocks, other times she'll be in the background of performers like Amber in the art lifting some hEAVY SHIT.
She gets along with Chongyun super well bc Chongyun has to make less trips to move his equipment since he's worked with her. She's a blessing for when they have to pack up and move.
Amber's story is a little more straightforward. She started out engaged to a suitor. Amber was the kid in kindergarten who was learning about dragons and "idk what everyone else was doing". She's known what she wants for a long time, and what she wants at the moment, is not a relationship.
Throughout her childhood she was a very lonely child. Her family exposed her to lots of academic or ladylike things (do not ask me when this au is set, it's the 1800s and the 1990s at the same time or a suspendes steampunk time) to get her away from the thing she liked most: archery. She'd been exposed to it as a kid and latched on.
This drove a bunch of suitors away, so her family got more desperate and exposed her to more classes and activities to get her away from it. She went "that's easy, I'll just practice at night"
So she does that. She practices at night and underperforms in the coming weeks. It is during this time that her parents (high class ppl) find her a man to marry for some business deal idk.
The man's nice enough. It's just obvious he can only take Amber in small doses, and Amber takes full advantage of this to practice and stay in shape.
How Amber gets into the circus life was essentially running away. She bonds with Eula over this.
So because of all the attempts to make her fit into the ideal lady description, her rebellious streak said "yeah we're going to go as far away from that as possible" and she goes "I'm going to run away with the circus" bc that's what the books she's read say is the most rebellious thing you can do.
She finds THE FIRST circus she sees and begs to be let in. This is the shadiest most sketchy place but Amber sees it as the key to her freedom. She signs a contract.
They treat her like the US treats their students. She barely gets time to practice for performances and she's mostly doing dirty work. When they ask her what she can do she's like "I'm really good at archery" and they go "cool, you're going to be doing that while everything is on fire now. Can you do a handstand"
Essentially they push her and push her and push her to do more and more hazardous things she has to pick up on under the threat of being kicked to the curb.
After a while of this Amber is extremely burned out (pun intended) and as she's packing up after one of her shows, covered in burns but proud bc she hit all her targets without killing anyone, she's approached by a blond foreigner.
Tbh for all she's read, Amber really doesn't consider leaving and this time she can't run away since she's now bound by a contract (not Zhongli's btw in case anyone was wondering).
This foreigner tells her that there's so many ways to improve her situation and that he runs a circus looking for members.
Amber refuses since she's not getting tangled up in another legal mess, but she takes his advice on how to take care of her burns, and improve safety while she's performing.
Skip a few months. She hears word of this mysterious new circus around. Her encounter with who she'll later know as Aether stuck with her, and so she goes. To see whether she could really shoot her arrows without being burned alive.
After a show one night, she tries to get past security and fails repeatedly. She turns to leave and wouldn't you know it there's Aether. And Lumine. Waiting for her once she turns the corner. Amber's biggest concern is her existing contract and when Aether and Lumine say they have a nICE lawyer, Amber sees her next step to freedom.
Aether and Lumine essentially gain custody of Amber (but like for adults) and Amber is. Shocked. She's walked through her new contract of employment clearly and essentially treated like a human being.
And now that she knows things and has more freedom (though still under the watchful eyes of Aether and Lumine to see how she does) her creativity and competitive streak flourish. She decides she actually doesn't hate fire, she just doesn't like when she doesn't know when or where it's coming. And she makes fast friends with the gymnasts, so she ends up incorporating that into her routines. Now she uses her canon goggles to protect her from the burning eyes of prolonged smoke exposure when she uses fire.
When she meets a little pyromanic girl named Klee, she's thrilled that someone this chaotic and sure of herself exists.
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petersasteria · 4 years
Hawaii - Haz Osterfield
Pairing: BFF!Haz x Reader
Not requested.
* * * *
You and Harrison were best friends since birth and you've been through everything together and you did everything together. So, it was pretty obvious that Harrison would ask you to live with him and the lads. It took some bribing and you remembered that day like it was yesterday.
Harrison has been bugging you all week about you moving in with him and the lads. You didn't want to, but Harrison wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Come on, Y/N!" Harrison whined. "It'll be our first time living so far apart and I don't want that. I'm so used to you being near me."
"Then maybe that's good!" You said. "Maybe we need to live far away from each other so that when we see each other again, we can catch up longer."
Harrison huffed. He wasn't having any of your excuses. "Y/N, if we live together we can catch up with our day everyday."
"Yes and that's tiring. That's why I broke up with Tyler, remember?"
"But I'm not Tyler! I'm Harrison... your best friend since, like, forever. I'm an exception." Harrison pouted like a child. You stared at him and laughed.
"Y/N, it's not funny. I won't leave until you say yes." Harrison said with a proud smile on his face.
"Then I guess you'd be moving here." You chuckled. Harrison's smile faded as he realized that you were right. If he didn't leave, he'd end up living with you.
"Y/N, if you move in with me and the lads, we could be your little assistants when you're on your period. We can do whatever you want." Harrison begged.
And that's why you agreed to move in with them.
"So she agreed to move in with us if we become her assistants when she's on her period?" Tom asked in a hushed voice. Harrison nodded.
"Dear god." Tom sighed. "Fine."
"Why?" Harry chimed in. "A movie star can't buy pads or tampons?" He teased. Tom glared at him, "Shut up, Harry."
You've been living with the lads for years now and you didn't regret your decision. It was kind of lonely, though. Harrison didn't warn you that you'd be lonely living there, so you'd often drive back home just for company.
Tom was always away filming and Harry would tag along. During times like that, Tuwaine would stay with his girlfriend. Harrison would be out of town for weeks for work. You were stuck at home.
Harrison was now back at home and frowned when he didn't see you at home. His frown immediately faded when he saw you coming in with a bag of groceries.
"My name is Harrison." He playfully rolled his eyes. He looked at you with an amused look on his face. "I'm back!"
You stared at him as you clutched the bag of groceries tighter, "Yeah, I can see that. You scared me!"
You went to the kitchen to store away the food you bought and Harrison follows behind you. "I'm sorry I always leave, but I want to make it up to you. Let's go to Hawaii!"
"I can't just leave, Haz. I have work." You shook your head in disbelief as you put the bag of chips in the pantry.
"Yeah, as a social media manager. You can work at home." Harrison shrugged. "You always do that, by the way."
"Yeah, but sometimes I'm needed at the office." You explained.
"Let's go to Hawaii for one week." Harrison said. "Just one week to make up all the times we left you here alone."
"All of you left me for a long time." You pointed out.
"Tom and Harry will have to make up to you on their own. Me making it up to you isn't an 'on behalf of the group' thing." Harrison chortled. "Come on. Hawaii will be fun!"
"I'll think about it." You said.
Now there you both were in front of Harrison's laptop searching for flights going to Hawaii and vacant slots at a Hawaiian resort. The flights were already booked and you were now searching for decent Hawaiian resorts that weren't pricey. You were also searching stuff on your phone when Harrison found a discount.
"I found a discount!" Harrison cheered.
"Yay! Let's take it!" You immediately said as you left your seat to go to your room and pack. You already informed your boss that you'll be gone for a week and thankfully, he let you go... only because you promised to handle the social media for work every three hours except on the plane.
Harrison giddily smiled as he read through the discount. His smile slowly faded when he realized that the discount was only for married couples who were celebrating their anniversary or going on their honeymoon or recently getting engaged.
"Holy shit." Harrison said to himself. "Y/N!" He shouted. "Y/N! We can't go for the discount!"
You've never ran faster your whole life. You ran to his room and freaked out, "What do you mean?!"
"The discount is only for married couples." Harrison said.
"Oh." You frowned.
Harrison suggested, "I have an idea, though."
"I'm listening."
"We can pretend that we're married." He shrugged.
"Are you insane?! What if they ask for proof?!" You panicked.
Harrison scrapped his idea and immediately thought of a new one. He took out one of his rings and knelt down in front of you, "Will you marry me?"
You choked on your own saliva.
"It says that engaged couples get the discount too." Harrison said. "We'll pretend to be engaged and then we'll get the discount! The only proof is the ring."
"And what if they ask how we knew each other?" You crossed your arms.
"We'll tell the truth."
"What if-"
"Stop with the what if's!" Harrison said, standing up. "Y/N, love, I'm an actor. I can make stuff up about our 'love story'. So, will we take it?"
You looked at him and his laptop which had the resort's website on it. It was really tempting and enticing. You looked at Harrison again and sighed, "Fine. We'll take it!"
Harrison grinned and applied for the discount. He filled up a form and you were now booked in a honeymoon suite. He turned to you and said, "What's the worse that could happen, right?"
"So, we'll be engaged for one week?"
"Yup. How bad can it be? We already act like a couple, anyway. Might as well take it to our advantage." Harrison chuckled and left his room to get a snack.
* * * *
here's a quick harrison one shot bc the previous fic had a terribly sad ending
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland @silencetheslaves @imeanlifesabitshit @joyleenl @hjoficrecs @blueleatherbag @poguesholland @harryismysunflower @justanothermarvelmaniac @lonikje @lizzyosterfield @itstaskeen @ilarbu @turtoix @badreputationlove @starlight-starks @swiftmind @sovereignparker @pearce14
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @hollands-weasley @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @chloecreatesfictions @holland-styles @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual
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sydneyrowe · 3 years
Tumblr media
━━━ SYDNEY ROWE. ━━━━
full name: sydney isabelle rowe.
gender & pronouns: cis female, she/her/hers.
age: thirty-one.
occupation: owner of ‘ pie in the sky ’ bakery.
residence: suffix mills, heartsdale.
hometown: seattle, washington.
sexuality: pansexual. 
relationship status: divorced, single.  
hi friends ! i’m nat, and this is my bby sydney. connections, official biography & stats are my mission while i’m traveling & will be linked as i finish them, but consider absolutely everything and everything wanted for my lil commitment-phobe baker baby, and consider me stoked to get to know all of you and your babies. there’s a lil fast and loose description below, you can hit me up through the ims or on discord, johansslut#0330 ! 
mentions of: neglect. 
grew up with her mom and older brother, dad never in the picture and never more than a name to her — her mother wasn’t the best at being a mother, so to speak, was always infinitely more interested in dating or job opportunities and not her kids
because of this, sydney and her brother grew up very independent and very close to each other, essentially parenting themselves and the other 
sydney had a hard time spreading her wings and flying away from her brother because that was her comfort, but if there was anything that could steal her away ? relationship
she had a very skewed idea of what relationships looked like thanks to her mother, tended to jump into things very seriously very quickly, only for it to end just as fast. most relationships, platonic & romantic, were typically very surface level
went to college at uw tacoma, majored in business administration
wasn’t really? interested in it, was an easy way to float through school while filling her social quota & working odd jobs on/off campus in order to help her brother pay rent for their tiny apartment in seattle
she graduated and ended up meeting tall, dark, handsome — it was kind of game over for her from there
dated for six months and then got engaged, shortly married thereafer, and sydney moved back with them to atlanta
was essentially a trophy wife which she kind of loved??
up until her then partner ( keeping it gender non-specific bc would eventually like to make this a wc ! ) decided, nah, wasn’t gonna work, peace out girl scout
sydney was crushed
hindsight is 20/20 but syd is essentially blind
was way too proud & stupid to go back to her brother bc he had called their demise, felt too much like her mother’s daughter, and needed a fresh start in order to feel somewhat like her own person
moved to heartsdale and took over a small business in suffix mills, turned it into a bakery since sis stress bakes
has been in town for 4-ish years 
is a Hot Mess Express but a semi-sweet Hot Mess Express !
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clolikescloquetas · 4 years
Nesta NOT STAYING AT THE ILLYRIANS MOUNTAINS for long, and travelling to other courts or the continent instead so she sees the world just like she wanted to do before the war. I think sending her away to a cold mountain surrounded by misogynistic warriors who hate her and are scared of her was a stupid af decision. Especially when it's a war camp and war triggers her PTSD. Oh and let's not forget there's a revolution about to take place. I see it as a very forced way of the narrative to make cassian and nesta interact. I understand an unexpected turn of events was needed as a beginning for acotar4, but going to the mountains shouldn't be anything more than a beginning that quickly leads us to another location. We've been told many times that nesta is "illyrian at heart" but I don't buy it. She isn't such thing, and her character is way too complex and interesting and has too much potential to just make her fit into a culture she doesn't belong to and has nothing in common with (it's stupid to think a place that reveres war and bloodshed will help her heal).
Besides, after all the places the previous books introduced I think it would be boring to stick to the same court. I loved Velaris but now that Feyre's story has ended it's time to move on. Not to mention that the Night Court is the worst place for Nesta, it reminds her of all her trauma and its high lord is a male she despises. Nesta needs to go somewhere else where she can recover her spirit and independence, and be free of the commands of a male that gives her orders as if she were her subject (she is not).
Hopefully, knowing how much sjm loves plot twists and given how she's already told us where nesta is supposed to go, it won't stay like that for long.
NO TRAINING. Maybe learning self defense techniques but that's as far as I'll go. No training to turn her into an almighty warrior. Nesta has power from literally the mightiest magic device in the world, and you're telling me getting beat on a ring will empower her?? Even when she's previously stated her refusal to train and said fighting isn't the only thing that makes someone strong?? And we're talking about Nesta, whose powers make her lethal. Making Nesta train would butcher her character and istg if they pull the "fighting helps her go back to her old self and empowers her" I will lose it. Enough with making that troupe work for everyone. We've seen it before and it has worked out well for other character, but in this case it wouldn't feel right and would be boring af.
I've seen a few people say they want Nesta to command the Illyrians, and help with the whole misogynist issue they have, or that she should do the Blood Rite I don't know if the name is correct, I don't remember it to gain the respect of the warriors. How should I put this: NO. This is more of the "Nesta is Illyrian at heart" bullshit Rhysass likes to pull, when what he actually means is that she is proud and stubborn. She, and I can't stress this enough, is not Illyrian. She shouldn't be participating in traditions she doesn't understand and doesn't engage in (she doesn't want to learn how to fight for fuck's sake) and we certainly don't need nesta to pull a white saviour behavior. I don't want her to come and solve a centuries old problem of a culture she doesn't belong to. And I don't see how she could do that in a credible way either, given how they all are terrified and wary of her. This also applies to the rioting issue that is looming over the illyrian camps.
Nesta healing and improving her mental health with cassian at her side to support her, without making him the reason why she gets better. And showing the effects war has on a veteran as Cassian too.
Someone, preferably Nesta, calling out Feyre, Rhysass and the rest of the IC on their shitty behavior and actions, and the narrative finally acknowledging their mistakes and portraying them as the deeply flawed characters they are. Now that we don't have Feyre's POV anymore there are no excuses for condoning their shit.
Cassian realising he has judged, ignored and said cruel things (like he doesn't know why her sisters love her are u kidding me) to Nesta and how he hasn't stood up for her before his friends. Oh and how he ignores her when Mor is present. I'm a sucker for nessian, but before they are a thing, he should apologize. I don't like how he treats nesta poorly and then expects her to love him, when she doesn't owe him shit. It's selfish of him to expect her to fit into his family even when they all hate her. I hope acotar4 handles well these issues. And I can't wait too read Nesta's POV and know why she didn't want to be close to Cassian after the war.
Nesta making new friends on her own, people who respect her and love her. I love nessian but I don't want their relationship to be the only deep interaction and relationship Nesta has. I would LOVE to see her and lucien become best friends (they were supposed to be lovers after all, and although a romantic relationship has been dismissed I'm sure their friendship dynamic would be amazing), or get acquainted with Helion or even Azriel. She needs to meet new people, and preferably not from the night court.
We've read many times how Nesta's powers are described as great and terrible. The source of her power is the fucking cauldron, used to create the world. Even tho no one knows yet what those powers are exactly, she has used them to turn hundreds of soldiers to ashes and even the bone carver, a death GOD, has spoken of the way the earth trembled at her power when Nesta was made. I want these powers to be a huuge part of the plot in this book. I want Nesta to master them fully, and for us to see the process. I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks like this, but when Feyre discovered she had powers from all the high lords, it seemed to me that she mastered them too quickly. I was hoping to get more attention on that issue, but it got dismissed quite quickly. Now that it's Nesta's time, I want the book to fully focus on these powers. Oh, and what I want the most is my baby to become the most powerful creature in the continent. More mighty than Rhysass and the other high lords by far. You can't give us a whole book preaching how nesta is really powerful, and how she took something from the cauldron that made the earth tremble, and then turn her into a common witch or something similar. I mean you can't expect me to believe the high lords have more power than the cauldron.
Although I find that to be another plot hole, bc the cauldron was supposed to be almighty but then Rhys and Feyre restored it when it broke?? Does that mean they are more powerfull than the object that created their world?? If that is so, they why didn't they win against hybern sooner??
Anyways, I want Nesta to never have to bow to anyone. Ever.
Well that is what I'd like to see in the next book. Which, based on the information we have, is basically the opposite of what will happen. As far as we know, sjm said there would be a lot of training in this book (I assume she was talking about Nesta) so there goes the chance of her not been a warrior. We know she'll go to Illyria, and although it's my hope she leaves soon or that she never goes in the first place, I know that's not what's going to happen.
And then there's the sex. Sjm said she had to delete some of the sex scenes bc her editor said they were too much and unnecessary. Which means there are still plenty of sex scenes in the books, as sjm confirmed. Don't get me wrong, smut is fine if handled correctly. But I don't think it will he handled correctly.
In fact, I think acotar4 will be placed on illyria the whole book or at least a huge part of it, and that we'll have lots of unnecessary and meaningless sex scenes inside of Cassian's cabin in the mountains instead of a well written and interesting plot, a well developed and complex relationship between the characters and a well handled depiction of PTSD and trauma healing.
In my mind it'll go like this:
Nesta arrives in the mountains. She and cassian are mean to each other for a while and the sexual tension is pretty obvious between them. Nesta starts training. At the beginning she hates it but over time she ends up loving it and excelling. Sex. Nesta makes a few friends between the illyrian female warriors she trains with, whose characters are shallow and totally secondary. Sex. More sex. Maybe something about Nesta's powers. A scene where cassian and nesta have an openhearted conversation about their relationship. Cassian never acknowledges how he treated Nesta, but she will apologise to him for how she kept him away. This leads to more sex. Nesta makes up with feyre, and apologies to her for being mean or whatever sjm comes up with. Feyre doesn't apologize back, or it's a shitty apologize for sure. Sex. Nesta stablish a cordial although cold relationship with Rhysass and Mor bc apparently she and Az are not destined to interact (even tho Az would totally oppose Nesta's situation of being sent to the illyrian camps). Sex. Nesta does the Rite. Sex. Sex. Something about the illyrian rebels. Cassian gets hurt. Nesta goes feral and gets a hold on the illyrian people. They respect her and answer to her now. Sex.
Or something along these lines. Oh and I have the impression sjm loves her main characters too much to write any scene showing how the decisions, actions or behaviour regarding Nesta of Feyre and Rhys were wrong. Acknowledging this could make it seem like they are flawed people like the rest, and apparently that's not possible.
I pray to be proved wrong once the book is released. Only time will tell.
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unseeliekey · 4 years
Shuichi and Kokichi getting married 💜💙 What do you think that would be like?
I think! it depends a lot on the universe. i am going to ignore japan’s current stance on gay marriage for this. Post game/VR AU... I’m not sure if they would get married, but if they did, they’d go out of their way to avoid any kind of PR (maybe having learned from kaimaki’s mistakes.) It would either be very, very minimal, or... the whole class is invited (probably minus Shirogane) and it’s very big despite there being twelve guests in attendance- Angie magistrates, obviously! It’s a big affair- a little bittersweet at times, because how can it not be, and Kokichi jokes about his own death and Shuichi shoves cake in his face, and they both have people missing, but their friends are loud enough to make up for it.
It’s similar in a nondespair AU, I think, but... I like parties and I’m going to chat about them having a party! The whole class is invited (plus Shirogane this time) and so are Shuichi’s uncle, and DICE, and NO ONE ELSE. They’ve got some other friends- Shuichi through work, Kokichi through... Kokichi stuff, but not really wedding friends. I think both of them are actually quite private about it- Shuichi is shy, and the attention flusters him, and as much as Kokichi loves drama, he also. Does not like showing vulnerability and it probably gives him HIVES even thinking about it. Writing his vows takes months, (which is fine, because planning also takes months, and Shuichi has his vows down a week after they’re engaged but he spends the entire time overthinking them and ends up stammering when he actually reads them.) DICE end up having to drag Kokichi by his teeth to get out some genuine sentiments- but his still ends up filled with in-jokes and puns and on paper it’s very playful and teasing and fun, a nice contrast to Shuichi’s almost painfully earnest words.
and shuichi goes “oh. yeah. that’s fair actually.” and he ends up emailing their work emails that they never check so technically he told them. but they don’t rsvp and they don’t show up and he only thinks about them a few times.
Anyway! I don’t think the event is traditional at all. Planning is a disaster because Kokichi wants big and Shuichi wants Kokichi to have anything that makes him laugh, and Kokichi secretly wants little secret meanings everywhere. (Chess pieces on the cake, little fake detective pinboards, not-so-subtle floral language, objects that don’t mean anything to anyone but them.) Shuichi panics for a while about his friends, and his parents, and he overthinks it for a long time because he’s not sure if he wants to try and keep the event a little classier for them, or just say fuck it, because who knows if they’re even going to goddamn show up, right?
And Kokichi, who has already invited his nine people, just goes “okay, don’t invite them, then?”
And Shuichi flounders for a while because they’re his parents and it’s his wedding, and then he asks if Kokichi will be insulted if they don’t show up, to which Kokichi informs him that if they do, there’s a minor chance of a fist fight. 
Shuichi goes “you’ll fight my parents on our wedding day????”
And Kokichi goes “no, momota-chan will.”
Because his uncle is there! And Kaito is there (crying the whole way through) and Kaede! and Maki! and Himiko! and Kokichi.
I think in a post game, they walk up the aisle together, because tradition is stupid and they want to be close and they were making out two minutes before the band began to play. but in a universe where Kokichi has DICE with him? Shuichi can wait at the altar (which he is okay with, because, again, anxious) and Kokichi can walk up like the smuggest bastard you’ve ever seen. He does NOT have a veil. What he does have is the most ridiculous fucking cape you’ve ever seen. It’s white, and velvet, and furred, and bedazzled with ballet jewelery, and it takes all nine members of DICE to keep it from dragging all over the chairs around the aisle. It’s so stupid. He trips half way up. Shuichi, who is already dying of nerves, laughs so hard he almost falls over. 
A lot of things go wrong, I think. There’s only 26 people there and a photographer, and neither of them wanted to do rehearsals or anything, so the whole thing is being winged. Something gets set on fire at some point. They accidentally break open a bottle of vintage honeymoon wine from Rantaro instead of the champagne they were meant to be drinking. Kokichi’s white cape ends up stained, which he should have expected considering how stupid and big it is. Miu, weeping, calls them both whores in her speech- OH
 everyone gives a speech. Shuichi’s uncle doesn’t know many of these people that well (especially not the nine weirdos in evening gowns who no one had met prior to Kokichi disappearing to get ready), but every single one of them has something wonderful to say about his nephew. Some of the stories are ribald, or wild, or a little bit unbelievable- but every single person gets up to congratulate them, and most of them cry.
Anyway! after the speeches they all eat. and drink. there’s cake, but there’s also ice cream and pastries and a bowl of skittles that gets increasingly stick as it’s passed around, and people keep talking and keep laughing. Kokichi explicitly told DICE not to flirt with anyone, so naturally they do, with everyone, including Shuichi’s uncle, who is bemused at best. Shuichi has to run to set out a small fire at some point. 
-Shuichi, choking up as soon as Kokichi reaches him and takes his hands, and then continuing to sniff for the rest of the evening and weep through all the speeches,
-Kiibo, all the way through the vows and uncontrollably,
-Kaito, pretending he isn’t, taking handkerchief after handkerchief from Kaede,
-Kaede, but politely, and she smiles the entire time
-all of DICE, at different points, but they all come up with increasingly stupid excuses for it,
-Korekiyo, who has to excuse himself after the ceremony- when Shuichi hunts him down, he expresses his apology for leaving and says he’s just too happy for them,
-Rantaro, a little, the second Kokichi looks up and wiggles his fingers to show off his ring,
-Miu, the entire way through her speech. Kokichi calls her a crybaby bitch halfway through when it looks like she might be about to break down completely, and that gives her enough strength to get through it,
-Tenko, but she won’t admit it,
-Himiko, openly, only a little bit because she wasn’t allowed to be the flower girl,
-Gonta. a lot. he is one of the happiest people there and he won’t stop crying. he’s embarrassed about it but he’s too happy to stop and he probably makes Kiibo start crying AGAIN at some point,
-Maki, oddly enough, but only when Kokichi and Shuichi move to go and dance. She tries to hide it and snaps at Kaito when he teases her, but when Kaede asks if she’s okay, because they all know she’s not the biggest fan of either Kokichi or the union, she quietly admits she’s crying about seeing Shuichi so happy.
and humiliatingly;
-Kokichi. a lot. through most of it. He gets halfway through his vows and he starts sobbing. Shuichi has to hold his hands to get him through it. He cries when DICE give their blessing and he cries when Shuichi’s uncle gruffly says he’s “a fine young man, though he doesn’t approve of his methods,” and he cries when he calls Miu a crybaby bitch and when Gonta hugs him and when Kiibo sobs into his shoulder and when Kaito musses up his hair and tells him to take care of Shuichi, and he cries through the kiss even though he’s smiling at the same time.
It’s hugely embarrassing to him and years later he refuses to admit to it ever happening despite the photographic evidence otherwise. Shuichi thinks it’s sweet- he’s proud that he managed to be that vulnerable around that many people. Kokichi has called him a slur after he expressed that sentiment.
There’s a last dance, though, after everyone has been dragged to various hotel rooms or passed out drunk, and they should clean up but instead they change the music to something slow- a waltz, maybe, with Shuichi adjusting the stupid cape and Kokichi reaching up to gently fix Shuichi’s tie (which has gotten a little rumpled by this point.) And they dance, with the lights a little lower and helium balloons sagging to the floor, and they dance. And maybe they repeat their vows- not the same words, but the same sentiments. Or maybe they don’t say anything at all.
There’s no first dance as such- music is played, and there’s wine, but Kaede is the first one to start dancing, dragging her date with her and tearing it up. Shuichi’s had a little too much attention, really, and he’s happy to sit back and chat a little more casually and hold Kokichi far too closely as they watch the others slowly migrate to the dancefloor. But after a while- when mostly everyone is dancing and his heart has stopped pounding quite so painfully, and he’s had just enough champagne to feel brave and Kokichi is looking so happy under the lights, he takes his hand and drags him over to the band and requests something- (i’m thinking the lovecats by the cure, both bc goth saihara rights and because it works very well for saiouma i think.) -and then he takes Kokichi’s hands again and they go dancing.
(and obviously everyone is staring at them now, because it’s their wedding, and with that cape how can you not- but Shuichi is too distracted to notice, or maybe too happy to feel self-conscious, and Kokichi is whispering something in his ear that makes him laugh and it’s kind of hard for everyone to look away from them, you know?)
Either way, when they get to their room they probably boink for a bit and then pass out only to be woken up late for their honeymoon two hours later by Rantaro, who knew this would happen and did warn them, and who receives a very nice postcard from France a few days later informing him that they made the flight. 
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ecto-american · 4 years
Photo Finish
For the Phic Phight, for @axoltheaxolotlqueen
Summary: Engaged to be married, Danny and Sam sort through some old photos for the wedding slideshow. D/S TransDanny and TransSam
On FFN and AO3
Rating: T for boob mention
Inspiration: Phic Phight
Pairings: Danny/Sam
Warnings: Some mild sad
Other Notes: For Axol, who requested "Trans!Danny fluff" and also Tucker is genderfluid in this bc I said so. Also x2: this is lowkey for trans visibility day, but UhhhHH couldn't post it yesterday on the actual day since it's for phic phight lol
"God, you looked like such a dork," Sam teased him. Danny turned to see what his fiancée was referencing.
It was a photo of them, on their first official date, to homecoming their freshman year. He was still pretty lanky and scrawny then, his hair still at an odd, shaggy length but still gelled for the occasion. The suit fit him a tad awkwardly, but he still remembered the excitement of wearing one for the first time. God, he was so proud then, but now it was just embarrassing to see.
Sam on the other hand, seemed to never have that awkward phase, and she didn't have a hint of it then. In a dark purple and black dress, heels, she stood taller than him with long hair that was curled. She looked stunning, makeup already perfected.
The photo in question was picked out and set aside on the table Sam sat at in their apartment. Four boxes of photos, open and being sorted through for photos to be sent to Tucker, so he could put the powerpoint together.
"Hey, I was like, thirteen," he defended himself, and he reached over to try to take it out of the pile, but Sam slapped his hand.
"No!" she scowled. "I want that for the wedding slideshow Tucker's making."
"You can't pick anything where I look less dorky?" he complained. Sam grinned, shifting through more photos.
"Oh, is that a challenge?" she asked. Danny narrowed his eyes at her.
"Don't you dare," he threatened. Sam's grin only widened, and she looked faster before pulling a photo out. Danny leaned across the dining room table for her, only for her to lean back into the couch and holding the photo out of reach. "SAM!"
"Come on, it's funny!" she replied.
She turned to show him the photo, of Danny waving around his binder in one hand, a margarita in the other. It was the backstory that made it funny to her. Danny, drunk as a skunk, was forced to take his binder off by his girlfriend. If he didn't then, he would never do it later and risk getting hurt. He spent the remaining hour he was allowed to roam free showing it to people, saying that his tits were freed from prison but that they were scheduled to be executed soon.
"Sam, your grandma's gonna be at the wedding, you really want her to see?" he protested. Sam snorted.
"Ida's seen it, she thinks it's funny," Sam gave a wicked smile.
"Oh, Danny," Sam cooed, changing the subject. She pulled another photo from the pile out to show him. "This is one of my favorite pictures, we have to include this."
Danny glanced at it, and his heart instantly melted. He slipped into the seat across from her to take the photo, staring at it. By random chance, their surgeries were on the same day. Sam having breast implants, and Danny having his top surgery. It started a joke that Danny was giving his tits to her, or that Sam was stealing Danny's for herself, and the hospital had allowed for the two to share a room. It was against policy of course, but it hadn't stopped Sam from sneaking out of her bed to slip into Danny's. The couple were cuddled the best they could and napped from an exhausting day when Tucker had taken the photo for them.
"Mine too," he replied softly. "Tucker was the best." The techno geek, the couple could never thank their best friend enough for it, spend nearly two weeks taking care of the two and helping them out. "Okay, but if we have that, we need to also have like, the one of Tucker helping me."
Sam burst into giggles as she watched Danny look for it, eventually producing the image. Ida had taken it, finding the situation hilarious. Danny was nervous as hell about proposing to Sam. And Tucker, man they were such a bro, had volunteered to let Danny practice on them. Tucker had dramatic tears, hands on their cheeks in a fake scream of joy with Danny on one knee, trying to keep from rolling his eyes as he practiced the big question.
"Absolutely," she agreed with a sigh. "We have a lot of time we can fill, especially since we're not doing baby photos."
Ugh, absolutely not. There was no way Danny was going to show the extensive list of guests photos of him as little baby [redacted] Fenton, in a dress or skirts. Nor was Sam interested in having photos be shown of baby [redacted] Manson in a dorky sailor suit, as per rich person family tradition.
"We can do our graduation photos, like college," Danny suggested.
"Oh, absolutely. I looked so great in that, I finally had actual hips," Sam agreed immediately.
"Same, my beard was finally growing in," Danny nodded. He finally found it, and he took it out the photos for them to both look at.
Danny and Tucker had graduated together, their diplomas held in computer science, Danny, with a full beard, in mechanical engineering. Sam still stood with them, but in a dark purple dress and her famous black bat purse. Sam had graduated a year after them due to her double major in business and animal science, both of which she held proudly in her photo with Tucker and Danny in nice suits, on either side of her. By Sam's graduation, Danny had finally given in and shaved, staying clean shaven ever since. Nobody told him having a beard was going to be so much work. Who knew you still had to trim and shave certain areas lest you began looking like a crazed mountain man? Maybe one day he'll try again, but for his wedding, he was going to be facial hair free.
"Can you believe it's just two months away?" Danny asked, mostly wondering aloud to himself.
"No," Sam confessed. Her attention was on a photo she had found. Danny immediately knew based on her expression that it was a childhood photo. "...Honestly I'm still surprised sometimes that I made it this far."
He gave a nod of understanding, his throat tightening. They were the lucky ones. They had families that loved and supported them from the start. But even then there was always that horrible gnawing feeling, that loathing of the time you lost. The crippling self doubt after the mandatory therapy and evaluations of doctors. There were times he was surprised he made it this far too.
"...Yeah," was all he could think to say.
His hand moved across the table, and Sam's had immediately met him halfway. Their fingers interlaced, and they remained silent, mourning briefly the lives they could have had if things were different. Of course, they were happy now. But sometimes…
He cleared his throat with a small cough. Things were the way they were. The past didn't matter. He was here now, presenting as he wished, and he had built a life worth living. It was still more than the hundreds of thousands of people could ever imagine having.
"But I'm glad I'm here with you now," Danny told her. She looked to him with a warm smile, and he knew she had the same thoughts as him. The circumstances were not ideal, but both of them had made the best of it.
"I love you," she spoke softly before lightly tapping her thumb against his hand. "I think I'm gonna make some pasta. Want some?"
"I would love some pasta, Mrs. Fenton."
The term made her visibly brighten more, and with a quick peck, she got up to make lunch.
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shredmytapestry · 4 years
about – finnick gustafson
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[ FINNICK LUND ] has arrived in Ardere! Under the bonfire light, this [ TWENTY-EIGHT ] year old [ CISMALE ] is sometimes mistaken for [ RICHARD MADDEN ]. Since graduating from [ HOGWARTS ], they have been working as a [ FLYING PROFESSOR ]. The battle is brewing and they must pick sides but who will they choose? In the upcoming election, they will be voting for [ NEUTRAL ]. 
basic information.
FULL NAME: finnick gustafson NICKNAME(S) OR ALIAS: finnick, finn GENDER: male SPECIES: pureblood wizard AGE: 28 BIRTHDAY: october 23rd ZODIAC SIGN: scorpio HOUSE: gryffindor PATRONUS: non corporeal ARMY AFFILIATION: neutral SEXUALITY: bisexual NATIONALITY: swedish CITY OR TOWN OF BIRTH: lund, sweden CURRENTLY LIVES: lund, sweden (when not at hogwarts) LANGUAGES SPOKEN: swedish & english NATIVE LANGUAGE: swedish RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single and complicated
house & home.
after hogwarts he never bought a place as he started with the nordic national quidditch team and just lived here and there. at age 23 he moved to london temporarily and started dating maggie weasley, couple months later they continued to date and moved in together. at age 27, they broke and london no longer felt like home. his mother had since passed, but he moved back to lund and only stayed a few months before selling it and coming to work at hogwarts. so currently he’s homeless again.
family, friends, & foes.
PARENTS NAMES: lorre gustafson got pregnant at an untimely time, which shortened her quidditch career. her baby daddy also left because he was a horrid person, so she raised finnick on her own. once finnick was born, he became her love and quidditch didn’t hold a flame. they were really close, finnick never once sought to look for his dad. SIBLINGS? RELATIONSHIP WITH SIBLINGS?: n/a OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: lorre (mother) was a quidditch champion, idk where else to put it deal with it PARTNER/SPOUSE: n/a EXES: magdalena weasley – partner of 5 years, dated for 3 years and engaged for 2. more on this later. CHILDREN: no :/ BEST FRIEND: it was maggie tbh now it’s no one OTHER IMPORTANT FRIENDS: tba. open connection PETS: shared custody of max the ax thrower, but like he’s mostly maggie’s.
finnick gustafson was born to a single mother and ex quidditch player. lorre was kind and loving towards finnick, never leaving him wanting for anything. it wasn’t until finn was older than he realised just how much his mother had sacrificed for him. she was only 26, had a wonderful career and could’ve been the best player in the country. she could’ve given him away for adoption or sent him in a day care, but she gave everything up to give finnick a better life. he cried the day he left for hogwarts, but she was so immensely proud of him. unfortunately for finnick, lorre had been hiding her disease from him for a very long time. by the time he reached his fifth year, the effects had taken their toll and he was taking care of her more than she was of him. he was glad to take care of her. she passed away half way through his seventh year and he got through the rest of year with the support of good friends and supportive teachers.
after hogwarts finnick had to become his own person and for the first time in his life, he had nowhere to turn to. he was good at quidditch at hogwarts so he tried out for his mother’s old team. the first year he was on the reserve team and slowly he made his way to the top, becoming a chaser like his mother and team captain eventually. being on the team meant his crazy routines kept him busy and didn’t give him enough time to properly mourn being alone. he didn’t have a real place to call home and that was just time.
then at 22, he met the love of his life and he didn’t even realise for a very long time. finnick and maggie met at a quidditch after party where they hit it off and decided to stay in contact. their first date didn’t happen for another year by which point they were both staying in london. with maggie finnick had finally found love again. he had someone to look after and someone to come home to, for the first time since the passing of his mother. they were happy, they were so unbelievably happy and nothing could get in their way. his career was thriving, he’d proposed to maggie and her little family was his own too.
then the unthinkable happened, once while performing the bjorn blizzard, their team’s special move which was perfected by his mother, he slid off his broom and tumbled down. the healers said his right leg would never be the same again. they weren’t able to find out what caused the fall, whether it was simply finnick accidentally letting go or a deeper cause. the diagnosis didn’t matter to finnick, what mattered were the painstaking four months spent in therapy afterwards only to find out he’d never walk straight. his pain was chronic and without a cure, he needed the aid of a cane and… he wasn’t able to fly like he once was. flying was still easier than walking but he would never fly quite as swift, definitely not enough to make the team again. his career was over, and next was his perfectly happy life.
the change was incredibly tough on him. he hated not being able to give maggie the life he wanted for them, in these dire times, he couldn’t even find happiness in her. depression crept in and it lingered. it destroyed their perfect lives, finnick had begun to hate himself. in their last few months together, they fought a lot.. things became brutal and finnick couldn’t hang on any longer. he wouldn’t stay with her because he needed help. he loved her dearly, but she deserved a better life… so he left.
he moved back to lund and he tried to live a new life. he needed to find a job where he could share his quidditch and flying knowledge, where he wouldn’t have to stand or sit too long… thankfully there was an opening to teach at hogwarts, and though he knew maggie had been working there for a year prior, he took it. it was his home once, and he needed it right now. even if it would hurt maggie, he just needed to be near her, and hogwarts. little does he know, she doesn’t even work at hogwarts anymore. 
so this point in the roleplay, he hasn’t started working at hogwarts and should be widely known as he was a damn good player who suffered a severe accident. honestly he’s just chilling before the festival begins. 
haha oh boy i wrote a lot so sorry but finnick hit me like a train and i just had to get my thoughts out
tldr; disabled boy who destroyed everything is now is an angsty flying teacher
he is neutral to the cause but honestly,,,,, he could be swayed either way. hmu idk
my favourite hc is he hates having a cane,,, so he made it into a fucking staff. LIKE a gandalf style staff that is big and thick and yeah he walks with that and wears big robes, what a gandalf wannabe
literally such a fast flier just not good enough to be pro y’know
is sooosoosososos helpful :( will always lend his ear to talk and will help any one. also hmu this is a fun plot
i mean ideally i’d like him to be a lil slutty but like we’ll see idk HMU IF U WANT THIS PLOT
literally fam whatever u want plz just love me love him
weasleys  ALSO hmu bc he hurt a fellow weasley y’know
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Megara Tilusi Gonzalez Egan – Character Sheet
i'm bad at love / but you can't blame me for tryin' /you know i'd be lyin' sayin' / you were the one / that could finally fix me / lookin' at my history / i'm bad at love / oh, you know, you know, you know, you know / i'm bad at love / i'm bad at love
i know that you're afraid / i’m gonna walk away / each time the feeling fades / each time the feeling fades / i know that you're afraid / i'm gonna walk away / each time the feeling fades
Archetype — The Adventurer Birthday — November 1, 1985 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio sun, Sagittarius rising, Gemini moon MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — 5: the Investigator Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Ravendor Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Greed Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Margaret Gonzalez Egan Father — Ahsan Egan (nee Haroun) Mother’s Occupation — Abandoned Meg, so who gives a fuck, right? (She’s a police officer, ex-military, random hc: she works with Copper, bc I always make everyone from Cork.) Father’s Occupation — Writer/stay at home dad. Family Finances — Not great, not terrible. Birth Order — Only child. Brothers —  None. Sisters — None. Other Close Family — None, her father doesn’t talk to his family in India and her mother’s family was never in the picture. Best Friend — None. Other Friends — None. Enemies — Ninsun, but she also sorta likes her? It’s fucked up. Her ex--Canis Greenleaf. Pets — None, though Ninsun takes the form of a sandy colored Persian cat. Home Life During Childhood — It started out pretty good, when she was five, they moved to Iraq because of her mom’s work. (She was a technician for the military, high ranking, she wasn’t out in the field.) They moved back to Ireland when Meg was ten. Her mom left abruptly when she was thirteen. She found out later that her parents had been fighting for a while and it wasn’t as abrupt as she thought. Still, her mom didn’t even say goodbye to her or anything, so that sucked. She rebelled as a young teen, smoked, did (minor) drugs, etc, etc. Had a boyfriend at the age 13. Once she got into secondary, she settled down a bit because she was actually being challenged in school and really enjoyed herself. Town or City Name(s) — Cork, Ireland -- Baghdad, Iraq -- Cork, Ireland What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Posters everywhere, always looked like a tornado had blown through. Oscillated between girly and punk. Any Sports or Clubs — Book club, chess club, football Favorite Toy or Game — Crosswords. Also Clue. Schooling — Went to public schools and military schools, got her undergrad at Dublin, masters at Oxford, PhD at Cambridge and then La Sorbonne. Favorite Subject — History Popular or Loner — Loner, but had a loyal group. Important Experiences or Events — Her mother leaving/getting accepted to school/living in Saudi/her experience with her ex Nationality — Irish Culture — an Irish/Indian/Middle Eastern hybrid Religion and beliefs — Spiritual, but doesn’t exactly have a religion, much to her father’s dismay.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Summer Bishil Complexion — Golden/brown Hair Colour — Dark brown   Eye Colour — Brown Height — 5’3 Build — short but kind of sporty/curvy Tattoos — probably one or two Piercings — ears, had a septum when she was younger, has a nose piercing. Common Hairstyle — usually down or in a high pony, occasionally a braid. Clothing Style — a little femme punk is probably the best way to describe it. Leather jacket, dark wash jeans, boots. Mannerisms — purses her lips a lot, can talk animatedly with her hands and body when she gets passionate about something, but tends to be rather still otherwise.   Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — not really? Travel always makes her a little sick though. Physical Ailments — well sometimes her eye sees into the underworld which can give her mad vertigo lol Neurological Conditions — none Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — loves a good groom; treats herself to baths n face masks n such all the time Sleeping Habits — not so great these days, underworld nightmares, am I right? Eating Habits — good, she doesn’t eat beef, loves a good salad, a good curry, lots of protein and good for you food. Exercise Habits —  tries to exercise regularly in a lowkey way, though she has gotten a little worse in the last few months. Emotional Stability — hot temper but tries to control it behind an air of indifference. Body Temperature — runs a little cold, especially these days Sociability — used to be much more extroverted than she is now. Extroversion is her natural setting. Addictions — knowledge. Drug Use — in secondary Alcohol Use — frequent
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — abrasive, snarky, untrusting Good Habits — loyal af, self care af Best Characteristic — loyalty and being like a dog w a bone when faced with a problem. Worst Characteristic — not letting anyone in Worst Memory — finding Canis cheating Best Memory — going on her first dig! Proud of — her degree Embarrassed by — her feelings lol Driving Style — a lil reckless Strong Points — fierce, loyal, smart, a bad bitch Temperament — easy and quick to anger, always bitter Attitude — needs an adjustment Weakness — her heart and thirst for knowledge Fears — becoming invisible (not successful in her career, with no friends.) Phobias — none Secrets — so many Regrets — Canis. Feels Vulnerable When — she feels emotions for someone Pet Peeves — so many things but mansplaining is the original sin Conflicts — trust v preservation Motivation — being successful af Short Term Goals and Hopes — publish a book Long Term Goals and Hopes — be the best known in her field Sexuality — bisexual Day or Night Person — night Introvert or Extrovert — introverted extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist af
Likes and Styles:
Movies — Indiana Jones, The Mummy Movies--the classic archaeological films, of course. Also into horror movies and slashers, to the concern of her parents. Though, she also had a soft spot for certain romances: Titanic and Moulin Rouge. Her absolute favorite is Big Fish. Good luck prying that out of her. Books — loves books. Prefers nonfiction but can get into a good fiction. Magazines — none Foods — Indian food. The thing she always missed being away from home was her dad’s cooking. Drinks — Big water drinker. A water with a little lemon is her go to. Also, vodka with a little lemon. She’s not picky. Especially these days. What? She can hold her alcohol. Animals — Owls, or púcaí, which is an Irish creature that was always benevolent to Meg, since she was born on Puca day. Sports — loves a good game of football  Social Issues — women’s rights, anything discriminatory she’s fiercely against Favorite Saying — some old middle eastern proverb probably Color — purples and pinks, they’re soft, lovely colors. She doesn’t wear them very often, but they’re definitely her favorites. She has like purple binders and a purple phone case, stuff like that, where you can definitely pick up on her favorite. Though, her favorite shade is probably a magenta kind of color, as that is what the “purple” of the ancient world would look like. She also is a big fan of turquoise and owns a lot of turquoise jewelry, both because she likes it and also because it has protective powers. Clothing — loves her leather jacket, wears lots of boots and darker colors. Jewelry — usually can be seen wearing a decent amount of jewelry. Games — clue is her fave, also likes word games and puzzle games, etc. Music — Dad rock. Loves KISS, Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, The National, Counting Crows. Classics like Queen and the Beatles, etc. She also loves some good girl groups and artists. Definitely a fan of Florence and Beyonce, Elle King, Ginny Wigmore, Aretha Franklin, Christina Aguilera--I could keep going. She’s an avid music-consumer. Definitely that person that hung posters on their wall and was obsessed with certain band members and groups.  Greatest Want — to be the very best, like no one ever was Greatest Need — to learn to trust in her heart
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Castle Suites Household furnishings — modern n chic, tho also lots of books Favorite Possession — probably her books Most Cherished Possession — the recipe book her dad gave her when she moved out the first time. Married Before — nope, was secretly engaged though Significant Other Before — a few dates here or there but she was always focused on her studies Children — god no Relationship with Family — she’s a daddy’s girl for sure, but they’ve been distant since the Ifrit. Car — none, she can drive tho Career — archaeologist/professor Dream Career — exactly what she’s doing Dream Life — exactly her life minus the huge betrayal and the Ifrit. Though, the Ifrit has its perks. Love Life — no. Talents or Skills — has access to pretty unlimited knowledge thanks to the Ifrit, but she’s hella smart on her own. Knows several languages, also really sharp reflexes. Intelligence Level — high Finances — stable
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ethereal-lix · 5 years
this is a rant, so go on ahead and ignore this
so honestly i dont even know where to start.. like my mood swings are getting bad again. Almost every little thing is upsetting me. then yesterday my friend really really messed me up when she got mad at me and snapped at me bc i didnt text her back because i was busy..
like how are you going to get mad at me bc i was busy ?? i get that you were having a bad day but dont snap at me bc i didnt answer you right away. And to make matters worse the day before she messaged me and told me to call her so i picked up the phone and called her and when she answered the first thing she said was “babe its not a request, i said when you have a chance call me” and i told her that i was off and had the chance right then and there, but the very next day i dont answer her text for two hours and shes snapping at me?? excuse me?? i am NOT at your beck and call.. i have a life of my own. Shocking i know but i have one and it doesnt revolve around fucking bts and you. I want to spend time with my family, especially since i rarely ever see my mom bc she works nights and i work days. I hardly see my sister and her friend bc they stay up all night and sleep all day bc they cant find work right now, so when im leaving for work theyre sleeping and when i come home theyre awake but i gotta go to bed bc im tired and i actually had the chance to do something with them, so how the hell are you going to get mad bc i didnt answer you back??? first of all, you already paid for the last 2 bts movies we saw, and heres the thing, my sister said that with the first bts movie it was a waste for her bc she already saw every clip in the movie except 2. She saw them all on youtube, the second one made more sense bc were never going to get to see bts in concert and even then that was enough for me. im an army, but im not completely in the fandom they my friend is, and she only ever talks about bts and shes always comparing skz and bts or i can say something about skz and she throws it back to bts like no stop, i dont wanna talk about bts, can we pls talk about a group we both have an interest in ?? bc of her im over bts again. i dont care about bts again. im proud of them and everything that they are accomplishing but i dont care. I wasnt even excited about the album bc im over bts.. even when i didnt wanna watch btsvideo she made me, like dude stop and now she doesnt shut up about them. can we pls talk about something different ?? apparently not. and now with the 3rd bts movie she asked if me and my sister were going and we looked at each other (btw me and my sister are in the car talking about this) and we collectively decide that we dont know if we want to go watch another bts movie, so no one answered plus we were in the car talking and having fun on our way to get something to eat. spending time together. and as we were leaving chick fil a (where we ate) she texted us and was like ‘so is no one going to answer’ and i was like ‘sorry we were busy.. what is the movie’ bc if its not a concert movie then i dont want to go, bc thats a lot of reading since i dont know korean and i get lost and confused and im a slow reader and the captions move to fast so i just sit there looking at their faces trying to guess whats happening since i cant understand, so i dont wanna go see a movie that im going to have to read bc i cant do it. its too much for me to keep up with and i cant. Yeah we shouldve messaged her back, but i dont have to message her right away. and the way she snapped at me for no reason, i dont like it. I dont like getting yelled at for helping and i especially dont like getting yelled at for something that i didnt do. like im sorry you had a shit day, but you lie a lot first of al, so i never know when i can believe you. second, just bc you had a shit day doesnt mean that you can yell at me bc i said i was busy. Like dude i get that i never do anything but like there are times when i actually go do stuff and yes those time are allowed to happen and i dont have to include you or tell you. Like dont ruin my mood bc you had a shit day. and this isnt the first time shes snapped at me. all the other times happened when i was trying to help her adn give her advice, but one i suck at giving advice, two, when it comes to relationships i should be a last choice bc I. HAVE. NEVER. BEEN. IN. A. RELATIONSHIP. i have never been on a date, ive never had a guy hug me or hold me hand or kiss me in any way. hell, im 23 almost 24 and ive never even had my first kiss, so you yelling at me and using my birth name when you get frustrated with me isnt fair. You KNOW how much i hate my birth name and using it bc youre frustrated with how im trying my best to help you isnt fair. You know ive never been in a relationship so i can only help to a certain extent, so you cant get mad when im trying to be nice and give you encouraging words. 
i hate my birth name and she honestly calls me that when she gets frustrated with me when im trying to help her with her ex. like honey i know you were engaged and he broke up with you 3 months before the wedding, but honestly you need to move on. he isnt good for you or your mental health, and i never told her that she wasnt trying to move on i just said that i know its easier said than do and that you just have to try hard, i never said that she wasnt trying.
also she messaged me today and asked me when i was off, like excuse you ???? You cant snap on me like that and not apologise adn expect everything to go back to normal. I AM NOT YOUR PUNCHING BAG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM A HUMAN WITH FEELINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT A PUNCHING BAG YOU CAN SNAP AT WHEN YOUVE HAD A SHIT DAY !!!! and when i snap on her i apologise and let her know that im sorry ive just had a shit day. she has never apologised for using my birth name or snapping on me and now she wants to pretend like nothing happened??? no, i think i deserve at least an apology. i know im not anyone special or anyones number one or favourite, but i still have feelings, and i want an apology, but i also dont wanna talk to her. i just want her to apologise and when im ready to talk ill go to her.
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