#bc not only does that not fit my topic
planet4546b · 8 months
2, 7, 9, 24 for wolf :)
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
i think people often assume that her actions are in general being made with much more malicious intent than they are. its easy to think of her killing the traveler as a tactical move specifically to target the guardians+vanguard, a deliberate undermining of their power, but its not. its a response to a personal betrayl!!! wolf is twisting this entire universe up on itself and changing the way the very mechanics of it function because she was hurt badly and now shes not letting anyone else get out. yikes!!!!
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
originally wolf au was called disciple au, and wolf was mechanically much more similar to one of the witness' disciples (you can still see this in aspects of her design i think!! the au started bc i thought 'hey its neat that disciples have similar aspects in their designs, what would my own oc look like within that design framework') but when i tried to answer the question of why wolf would follow the witness i couldnt come up with anything compelling. so instead she kills that clown and is doing her own thing. fuck being a disciple
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
ozzy making direct eye contact you will understand me if i assign wolf a homestuck song. but leviathan the girl phemiec. IS SUCH A WOLF SONG.
"I am the beast, I am the light, I am the blighted being cursed with sight/ I am the god who created a world, I am leviathan, the girl"
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
so. in my head i have i think 5? possible endings for where june's story ends up, dependent partially on how tfs ends up going and how i feel about it, of which wolf is only one of those 5. the one MOST opposed to wolf is where june, after the conflict in the sol system is 'done' (ie. as soon as her responsibility to it is somehow removed) is able to get her hands on a ship with transolar warp and just books it out of there and ends up spending the rest of her time just exploring and experiencing as much of the galaxy as possible. no real goal in mind. just seeing whats out there!!
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rocaillefox · 6 months
oh yknow i think a very fun character would be like. one who doesnt search out revenge but will absolutely take it if given the opportunity. like its no skin off their back if they never get the chance to take revenge/fulfill a grudge, thats not their goal, but its not out of mercy or kindness, just a pragmatic 'i wont let this potential revenge destroy me in the process' approach to it. might have to include them as an oc in something 🤔
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tastesousweet · 4 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (iv) - pt 1 pt 2 p3
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : maybe the only way matt and y/n can stand being around each other is to fuck each other
warnings : weed, alcohol/drinking, smut (slightly rough but not very?? pretty filthy tho), profanity
mickey speaks : rlly hate how the smut turned out but maybe its jus me being a perfectionist + i changed a lot of shit ab UCLA (mostly grad dates) to fit into my narrative okay, i knowwww. only sorta proofread bc ive been busy, enjoy <3
the turn of spring to summer in LA is typically the most eventful time of year. more parties are thrown than ever before in celebration of the season change, the boom of tourism begins, and of course school years are ending.
you celebrated your college graduation from UCLA only a week ago, with a large dinner at your favorite seafood restaurant and your friends all excitedly in attendance. matt was also there but you let it be known you invited him only so you wouldn’t feel bad (though he claims he wouldn’t have cared if you did or not).
you also shared an excruciating breakfast that same morning with your parents (both suffocating you with their traditional views that reminded you exactly why you moved hours away from them to attend school). you were cautious to wear items of clothing that would hide your tattoo and kept any conversations on the topic of your schooling rather than outside interests (not that they even care to ask) out of fear you may expose your routine of going out to party most weekends.
your brother was also at breakfast and you could tell he was trying his hardest to keep a positive attitude for you. you immediately noticed his wet face when you gave him a full hug after your ceremony, which made you cry, mostly out of missing him and love.
"it's not that bad!" andrea looks at you in the mirror as she continues to give herself soft curls.
“how the fuck did i manage to make this one downturned and this one up,” you reply in frustration while you point to either wing of eyeliner on your grimaced face.
andrea giggles and aims the stick of the curling iron at makeup remover lying in the sink, “just get a q-tip and fix it, cariño.” (“honey”)
you move around her to grab a q-tip from a small jar in the medicine cabinet before following her instructions, getting extra close to the mirror.
remi barges in the bathroom dressed in a mini skirt and a detailed patterned top, “hi nick!” she exclaims to her phone screen, placing it down on the counter while untwisting her lipgloss.
you can see nick’s awkward face as he sits in the car (making his camera jump at any dip or bump in the road), “sooo…this better be erin’s bathroom ceiling im staring at.”
“and if i say it’s not?” remi giggles to herself before rubbing her lips together to spread the gloss further.
“i’d say what the fuck are you guys still doing at home?! y/n’s our mutual friend that even got us into this bitch and i’m not just walking into some sorority house acting like i know any of these fucking people.”
“and we didn’t go to college!” chris exclaims to add to the point.
“yeah, we didn’t go to fuckin’ college!” nicks adds before his face falters, “the fuck does that have to do with it?”
chris’ voice is low as he explains himself, “you know…like, obviously we aren’t gonna know shit about some delta kappa omega?”
nick comedically pauses and the three of you watch the screen to see him staring at chris with no facial expression, “…okay chris. anyway, get your asses over here ASAP. we need you.”
“okay, we don’t need them. you’re being dramatic just chill out,” matt huffs from the driver’s seat.
“hey, we’re leaving soon i promise, nick.” andrea assures and remi picks her phone off of the counter to show the girl.
"thanks, but we'll be fine. erin told me where to find her, let's not get ridiculous." matt continues dismissing the conversation he finds so unnecessary.
you hold yourself back from saying anything but you can’t help but wonder just how close erin has got to matt. and how she managed to hold any conversations without pissing him off (no way a little lap dance dismissed matt’s entire personality). she hasn’t been too explicit about anything happening between them, only cluing you all in through her frequent mentions of him.
chris’ loud voice beams, “yeah, you ladies take your time! nick gimme the phone-” chris’ smiley face takes up remi’s screen now that the phone has shifted, “you know, who the fuck are we to tell any of you to rush?!” he sees andrea in view (with a form fitting dress and warm toned makeup) and can’t help the rush of words that decide to spill from his mouth, “andreayoulookfineasshitbytheway- and i just think, uh,” he giggles at his poor recovery and at andrea shaking her head and biting the side of her mouth (her very andrea way of blushing). “um, yeah, fuck, what was i sayin’?” he turns to matt.
nick laughs from the backseat at chris’ comment (he thinks it’s generally embarrassing opposed to andrea who finds herself embarrassingly flattered by him).
“nothing important, say your goodbyes now, we just pulled up.” matt gives his short advice and takes the phone. “see you, bye,” he hangs up and chris punches his arm immediately.
“dudeee!” chris groans. matt doesn’t give any reaction besides handing nick his phone back without looking at him.
“we’ll see them in less than an hour, get your shit.” matt tilts his head out the door as he opens it and exits the car.
“he’s so annoying.” chris huffs and turns to nick as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
“i don’t know him, he’s your fuckin’ brother.” nick shrugs and acts clueless. chris laughs into his seat and nick knows making chris laugh makes him feel way better than just shitting on matt would’ve.
matt opens his door again, “get your gigglin’ asses out here!”
matt's suprised he's lasted this long at this party without a fucking drink.
he's seen just about every partygoer trope there is - drunk guys and "you need to sober up" girlfriends, overly excited drunks far too impressed by each new song that plays, the loner type who strictly speak within their circle even when wasted, et cetera - and has managed to lose everyone he knows in this crowd, leaving him alone with DD responsibilities in a sorority house bouncing with excitement in honor of their “graduating senior sisters.”
speaking of, he’s only spoken to erin once all night. he did see you with your friends briefly, early in the night before you were swooped away with nick to be introduced to some guy he just met.
so like all times matt is bitchless and bored, he decides to smoke. he reaches in his jacket pocket for the joint he rolled before the party, in case of emergency.
but just as he raises the lighter towards his mouth he's interrupted by an airy, high pitched voice, “um, excuse me!” matt looks over, “yeah, you. sorry, you can't have drugs in the house.” the blonde frowns.
“it’s weed…” matt clarifies, taking the joint from between his lips.
“uh huh! and that is prohibited, outside please,” she guides her hand, drink in tow, towards a sliding door behind her.
he's not gonna nitpick with some chick about the umbrella term of 'drugs' or debate whether the alcohol she's drinking lies under it, so he just nods his head “cool,” and removes himself from his spot against the wall to walk around her and out of the door.
you slump against a nearby couch as you recover from a hour of dancing alongside your best friends. remi sits next to you and leans her head on your shoulder as you both look around at the room full of people (a shade of deep fuchsia covers the room from multiple LED lights around the large house).
when you feel your own blinks become slower you shrug your shoulder and look at remi's profile, "we should probably get up rem, or else we'll fall asleep. this couch is way too comfy." you sigh.
"mmm... yeah. kinda want another drink but," she turns to look behind you both, "the kitchen's all the way over there..."
"now i know you two aren't tapping out of my party already?!"
you both look over to see erin dressed in a small glittered party dress, making her shine as she walks closer. "erin, where the fuck have you been?!" you excitedly rise from the couch and give her a hug.
"it's actually so fucking hard to host a graduation party, especially with my sorority sisters- they've had me doing all these traditions and shit, i haven't had time to talk to like anyone!" she explains to both you and remi.
"well, at least you look good, bitch!" remi adds and holds erins hand to make her twirl in her dress.
"thank you," she blushes and looks down then back to you two, "have either of you seen the triplets?"
"i think nick's off with some dude and chris is 'teaching' drea how to play beer pong..." you trail off and look to remi, "have you seen matt at all...?"
"not recently, i don't think so?" she looks over to erin.
"oh okay, that's fine. just wanna make sure they're having funnn." she draws her words out as she plays with the ends of her hair and smiles. you and remi can both tell she something bothers her more than she's leading on.
"e, come with us to grab drinks," you hold both remi and erin's hands and guide them with you to the kitchen.
matt hadn't realized how hard he was staring at you dancing until chris came up to him with wild eyes and a loud laugh, making him snap away from whatever trance he was in.
"you okay, matt? your brain's not buzzkillin' right?"
matt straightens himself to no longer lean on the wall, "no."
"you sure?"
"maybe you should say fuck DD and have a drink or two, might give you somethin' to smileee aboutttt!" chris laughs.
"don't be stupid, chris. 'm not driving drunk."
"obviously we'd get an uber, matt." he emphasizes with a 'duh' attitude. "i get funnier when drunk, not stupid."
"right," matt offers a light laugh.
he throws a hand over matt's shoulder as they both face the crowd of dancing people, "god damn andrea's fucking hot- swear she's been feelin' me all night," chris hypes himself up then brings his red solo cup towards his mouth.
matt's eyes shift from you to andrea, who's limbs move just as freely and smile is just as wide. "that's good, that's good," matt nods. "she's nice."
"she's everything, bro." chris shakes his head in awe, "but, uh, do you have any cash on you?" matt turns his head, eyes showing his annoyance. "i'll pay you back, you know that matt. just like $20 to get me in the poker game outside."
"please, matt," he begs.
matt lets a heavy sigh out through his nose as he rustles in his pocket for his wallet. "you're my favorite now," chris kisses matt's hand quickly before he's heading off with a crumpled twenty in hand.
matt's eyes follow him until he's fully gone, then he's turning to look for you again. only this time it's not a challenge at all, you're already on your way.
you pull at the bottom of your little black dress (which rode up some due to your eccentric dancing) as you approach. "hi, matttt," you sing. it's known to most of your friends that when you're drunk your emotions are ten times stronger, and right now you're feeling extra carefree.
matt can tell you've definitely had a few drinks, so he tries to keep the conversation civil. "hey," he cracks a smile.
"are you not having fun?" you ask. you've wondered ever since you recognized him across the room.
"sure, i'm having fun." he shrugs, keeping eye contact with you.
you notice his all black outfit and blue jean jacket, "we kinda match," you look down at yourself then towards him, "i had a jean jacket too...it's um, in a closet somewhere i think."
"then you must have great style," matt jokes.
"oh i think that was clear before i happened to match you," you joke making use of your hands while speaking.
"mhm, sure..."
"so, do you wanna dance with us?" you smile in question.
"absolutely not," matt laughs and brings a fist to his mouth.
your smile drops, "right, you watch us dance but laugh at the thought of participating...?" you move your eyes to each side, "'cause that makes sense, matthew."
"no, it's not like that. you go have fun, i'm just not one to make myself look stupid for fun." he shrugs.
"so we...look stupid?" you squint your eyes in amusement knowing matt is trying to be such a hard ass for no reason.
"you said it," he laughs.
now you're a bit annoyed. "so you go back to being a loser all alone right here in this corner, and i'll go back to this stupid party and enjoy myself."
"alright," he rolls his eyes, "go ahead and be dramatic about it."
"will do," you sigh and begin to walk over to your friends, presenting matt with the gift of your middle finger directed towards him behind your back.
and matt thinks he just might take chris' advice on having a drink or two.
you hate that matt is still on your mind.
and it irritates the fuck out of you that you're now giddy seeing him for a third time tonight. but to give yourself the benefit of the doubt, you've gotten to the point where you're so buzzed you've become horny.
you came outside on the hunt for remi, who told you she was looking for erin, and ended up finding all three triplets at a makeshift poker table full of rowdy men.
and as some wise person must have said: when horny, find someone to fuck.
"y/n!! whatcha doin'?" nick notices you and gives you a wide grin offering you a chair near the table.
"hey, nick. 'm sorry i can't really stay i just, um, need to borrow matt."
matt. who isn't paying much attention to anything around him now that the four shots he took settled. with his phone in one hand and a beer resting in his other, he's bound to be startled when you come behind him and whisper in his ear, "heyyy, sorry to bother but can we talk?"
he blinks and looks behind him, "y/n?!"
"come," you motion with your fingers and begin to walk away as he rubs his fingers over his eyes and starts to stand up.
"yeah?" he asks getting closer to you.
you wordlessly bring him back into the heated house and navigate until you find a mostly empty hallway (all while he keeps annoying you by repeatedly asking what you want).
his back falls against the wall, "way to confuse the fuck outta me. what's good?" the hand you were once holding dives into his front pocket out of habit and the other continues to hold his beer.
"i just need you to take me home."
"y/n, i'm no longer driving myself home, let alone you," he shakes his head.
"right, i figured, smartass."
"glad those comprehension skills still work. grab your phone and order an uber, 'm sure you dont need my help."
"matt. i want you to come home with me." you sigh in defeat.
"oh shit." matt dead pans. "ohhh shit." his eyes widen before a a laugh breaks through his closed mouth, "sunshine...you're tryna' fuck?" he looks up at you from his spot against the wall.
you scramble a lie to make yourself look less pathetic, "you're a last resort trust me," you roll your eyes. this was way better in your drunken mind than reality.
"still made the list though!" matt jokes, "wow. who knew you were so romantic? bringing me all the way over here just to tell me you wanna fuck. and at your place? how sweet," he can't help but poke fun.
"fuck you," you say under your breath.
"well only because you asked so kindly!" he goes to wrap his arms around you before you push him back against the wall.
"are you done?"
"i guess." he shrugs.
"so will you or not," you try to keep your confidence and not allow matt's comments to embarrass you. "it's fine if not, just-"
"yeah," matt's smirk slowly grows. "meet me out front, i'll have to go lie to my brothers but i can be quick."
"why am i shocked you're actually here?" you ask as you shut the car door and look over to matt, phone screen reflected on his face.
the car begins to speed out of the neighborhood as he turns off his phone and shoves it in his jacket pocket, "let's be serious for one second," he reaches over and pulls at the end of your dress, "you wear this and look like that and you think i'd say no? i'd be crazy. i mean, yeah, your fuckin' mouth can irritate me to pieces but-"
"actually just shut up, matt" you remove your head from leaning against the window and move across the middle seat to kiss him. you pull apart fairly quickly though, "how are you less mean yet extra annoying when drunk? i shoulda went with my last last resort." you shake your head.
matt grumbles before leaning to kiss you again.
after a car ride full of teasing and rushed kisses, you both made it to your apartment complex.
you fumble with your purse as you search for your house keys, distracted by matt’s lips moving over your neck. you pinch your eyes shut in frustration, “mattt, give me a second,” you nudge your shoulder into him to get him off of you.
“let me see it,” he grumbles grabbing your purse and finding your keys with ease, moving his arms around you and unlocking the door.
“you make it look so easy,” you breathe and open the door with your body pressed against it.
matt lets go of you and follows you inside.
you lean a hand on the wall next to the door to quickly remove your heeled shoes and matt watches you with dopey eyes and glossy, excessively bitten lips before deciding to take his shoes off as well.
you walk closer to him once he’s done, your dress riding up your legs and barely covering your ass at this point. you look up to him and softly ask, “do you need anything to drink?”
he brings his right hand up to hold your face and moves close to your lips, “you know i don’t want a fucking drink.”
“you don’t?" your pout is genuine even though you're teasing him. he knows you're sweet enough to really get him a drink if he desired. he draws his thumb across your slumped lip before you speak again, "well…what do you want, matt?” you move your hands to the waist of his jeans, tracing the outer seam.
he pinches his eyes shut and moves his head to lean on your shoulder, he’s not gonna be the one to say he wants to fuck you. you want to fuck him, that's why he's here. so he’s definitely not begging you to touch him.
“hmm…?” you hum as your hands go to either side of his face, bringing him back to look at you. he looks into your eyes as he drops his hand from your jaw. you notice the pink splotches that still linger on his face, recovering from the heat of the party atmosphere and now the heat of this moment.
matt looks down at your lips, “you know what i want, and you want it too.” his hands travel down and push the front of your mini dress up as he feels over your underwear.
you mouth hangs open and you move your hips against him softly. begging him with your actions rather than your words. and those tend to speak the loudest.
"so what do you want, y/n?" he asks quietly without breaking eye contact.
"matt-" you breathe, wanting him to do anything more than a juvenile rub over your underwear.
he licks and sucks your neck as your hands capture his hair. “where do you want me?” he sounds out of breath when he asks so close to your ear. he finally moves his fingers past the waistband of your panties to nudge your clit as he taunts, “hmm…? you want me right here?”
you whine, “we can’t right here."
"why not?" he breathes against you, annoyed.
"i can't have you fuck me in the foyer i share with my best friend,” you just know andrea would be pissed if either of your body’s fluids made it onto the freshly vacuumed carpet.
he retracts his hand, “then why are we just standing around? show me to your room,” his voice is rough.
“why don’t you try to guess which is my room is mine?” you smile with your faces far too close together.
“why don’t you be a good host and give me a tour?” he retorts.
“that’s not fun,” you push.
he growls and lifts you up, walking past the living room and into a hallway that splits in two (all while you incessantly kiss his jaw and upper neck). he huffs at his ridiculous situation and reaches for the first door he sees. a toilet sits at the end of the room and a cluttered counter to the left.
“bathroom,” you mutter with a giggle.
matt responds with a snipped tone, “mhm yeah i’ve seen one before.”
his grip on your waist grows harsher as he opens and closes a multitude of doors with you commentating over.
he finally makes it to your room with you mocking him in a cheer of celebration as you climb off of him and turn on the dim light near your bedside.
matt would normally take in the room around him but his headspace is far too sexually frustrated to give a shit about how you decorate your room.
he opts to stand near the door and eye you from afar, wanting nothing more than to pounce on you.
you notice this (as well as the fact that matt hasn’t listened to a word you’ve said about minding the mess of clothes piled in the corner from your struggle to pick an outfit earlier) and slowly walk back towards him. the soft yellow light blurs behind you and highlights the edges of your figure in a mouthwateringly pretty way that makes matt antsy.
when you’re close enough matt somehow pulls you closer. his nose nudges against yours messily before capturing your mouth in a heated kiss. your hands feel for the end of his shirt and move underneath it to touch his warm lower stomach. you can feel how his body expands and curls as he breathes through your unwavering kiss.
despite wanting to keep the tension high, you break apart from matt to tease a bit, “can i touch you?” his face is scrunched absentmindedly from his desire and his lower lip finds its place tucked behind his front teeth when he rushes a nod to you in encouragement.
you push him away from you softly, “take your jacket off.” you move to your bed and after the sound of a jacket hitting the floor, you find him right on your feet, chasing your kiss and heat.
he leans over you and immediately finds your lips once more. now that he’s on top of you he finds himself wanting to get you to say how bad you want him.
his hands meet your thighs and move your dress as they run up to your rib cage before moving back down to squeeze your thighs.
matt’s surprised when you’re the one to involve your tongue in the mix, making the kiss sloppy yet intimate. your hand then crawls into his hair to keep him close.
but he doesn’t let you hold him for long, taking your hand from his hair and laying it against the bed, raising himself above you. “what do you want sweetheart?” he lowers his other hand towards your stomach, grazing your tattooed hip gently before feeling your underwear.
“you,” you respond in defeat and desperation.
“oh? and you want me to…?”
“matt. touch me,” you take your free hand and guide his own under the waistband of your underwear.
“but i thought you wanted to touch me? now you’re just bein’ selfish.” he keeps his hand close to your pussy, running his index finger across your lips kindly.
you look at him with droopy eyes, “please."
so matt lets you be selfish. he selfishly wants to taste you after all. he lowers himself to your face and captures your bottom lip once more, sucking then biting down slightly before moving his face further down your body slowly. your dress maintains its rippled shape in a bunch right where your tits lie.
he makes his way to your tattooed lower hip, still a little impressed with his execution of the cartoon (as it's not his typical style) and showing this with a kiss, then a light lick (making you shudder the tiniest bit). as he furthers, he finds the space on the bed is not enough, opting for the plush, carpeted floor.
matt sits on the back of his calves to watch how your body reacts when he pulls your panties down, only he misses the satisfied smile curling onto your face when you move your head to the the side.
he shifts your pliable legs to give him a better view of your heat's entirety, spreading your folds gently as he gathers spit in his mouth and spills it onto your clit. his eyes flicker from your face (choking on a moan) to the bead of saliva mixing with your natural slick that has him on edge. “that feel good?” he asks and moves his fingers up and down your pussy slowly, bumping your clit but not lingering long enough.
“yes...so good, matt,” you encourage in a broken whimper.
he hums, placing his mouth over your clit and sucking hard. you moan out lowly and you can't help but close your legs around matt's head. he normally would lay them flat again and tease you but he finds the pressure and dizziness turns him on so much more. his hands rest at your hips, moving up and down and your legs cradle his head as he works his mouth and tongue on you.
"mm fuck," you reach above your head to grip the soft colored comforter in your manicured hands. matt never falters, his licks only become needier when he adds two of his fingers to curl inside of you.
he continues his restless actions until the moment right before you have registered you were about to cum. then, he's immediately removing himself and standing up, wiping his face with one hand as the other hurries to unbuckle his chunky black belt.
you grumble and fix yourself to sit up and look at him, now discarding the belt into his own growing pile of clothes on your floor. he begins to unbutton his pants when he hears you whine and pull at his ego to get him to come back. “how fucking typical. should’ve known i'd barely get one orgasm, let alone two out if this.”
matt immediately stops unzipping his jeans and comes closer to stand above you, his face clearly annoyed. he gives your pussy a light slap, making you whimper. “keep talking shit, brat.” he grits through his teeth and slaps it again making a filthily wet sound that has you moaning.
he doesn't stop at that; he begins to harshly rub your clit back and forth without mercy, keeping eye contact as his face hovers your own, before moving his fingers inside of you while his thumb continues to work your clit. continuous loud moans crowd your room before you eventually meet your high with rolled eyes and shaking legs.
matt quickly pulls his fingers out and wipes them against your thigh leaving it sticky and shiny like golden honey. finally able to unzip and remove his jeans and boxers, allowing his needy cock to be free from the tightness. you move to the edge of your bed when you hear the small clap against his stomach, eager to find matt as ready for you as you are for him.
he watches from above as you admire his length while your fingers ghost over his sensitive dick. you then bring your mouth closer, dribbling spit over his tip and wrapping a fist around him. you look up into his hooded eyes for approval then take him in your mouth and jerk the rest of him with your hand.
he groans and bites his pink and undoubtedly swollen bottom lip as you suck and hollow your cheeks around him, even taking him all the way at some points. and though this feels fucking amazing, he wants nothing more than to be inside of you right now.
he holds the base of your neck then squeezes lightly to get you to pull away, spit erotically traveling with your lips. “can i fuck you now?” his voice is perfectly hushed yet demanding in tone.
you nod and matt wipes your lips, “good, take that dress off.” he removes his own shirt and reaches for a spare condom he’d put in his pocket before leaving the house (for no particular reason). he turns back to you, with your breasts now on display for him, ripping the package with his teeth.
you motion for him to give it to you and he complies. somehow even when you’re literally putting a condom over his dick, you’re a sweetheart about it: kissing it once he’s fully covered and turning yourself over onto all fours without him having to ask. because you understand yourself and have the confidence to choose the position you’d like to be fucked in. and matt would be lying if he said that isn't so fucking attractive.
he smirks as he adjusts himself on the bed, feeling out every inch of your full ass before moving his hands to squeeze your waist. you lay your head against the plush comforter, arching yourself further in anticipation. “matt,” you blubber out a whine.
he takes the base of his cock and guides it through your folds, “mhm…i know.” he sees your face twist in amusement, “oh, you like that, huh?”
you lick your lips and nod your head before matt finally pushes himself fully inside of you. his hips start in slow, rhythmic patterns before becoming uncontrolled and incomplete- and the same goes for your moans.
matt's almost hypnotized by the way your ass moves in reaction to his thrusts (slowing himself down just to watch in detail and only speeding up when you start to get really antsy over it).
as you both get sloppier and chase your highs, matt decides to flip you over and tuck your legs into your chest for a different angle. there's something especially needy in the way he rubs at your clit and makes a mess of your tits with his mouth that drives you insane with pleasure.
"my- shit!" you moan harshly under matt.
"hold it," he huffs.
"can't," you whimper, "just-"
"shhh," matt captures your lips as he quickens his pace, feeling his own climax approaching. after a few moments you're breaking the kiss to roll your head away, exposing your neck as you uncontrollably cum around matt.
"fuck," he moans, stilling his movements to maximize his release.
he takes a moment to breathe before removing himself from you, immediately fucking his fingers into you while rubbing your weak clit (just to be annoying) until you push him away and tell him to fuck off.
he lets out a chuckle as he removes the condom and discards it appropriately. when he comes back over to you you're on your side with your own arm wrapped around your waist in comfort.
matt sits next to you, "that good for you?"
you just nod and bite back a smile.
matt hums in pride, running a hand over your exposed ass before leaning down to kiss and suck a dark hickey into the skin.
"c'mere," you tug his hand.
he complies and you turn to open your legs for him once more, grinding a bit once the two of you begin to kiss again.
you reach between the two of you, taking matt's half-hard dick in your hand and stroking. as you pick up your pace he whines and begins to thrust into your hand in need.
until you hear your front door open. to which you push matt off of you and on to the floor, hearing him groan as you snap at him to get in your closet.
you crawl under your comforter while matt hurries to gather his things from your floor and get into your closet.
you hear andrea stumble a little making her way through the house and you catch your breath just as she knocks on your door and cracks it to check if you're sleeping.
"y/n, you awake?" she slurs a whisper.
"yes. hi drea, how'd you get home?"
she opens the door a little further but continues to lean on the door frame, "how did you get home? was lookin' all over like 'where's my girl?' everyone was usless though," she sighs.
"sorry, i took an uber," you giggle, "i got sleepy, i guess."
"mhm...you and me both." she yawns expectedly.
"you should get some sleep, we can talk in the morning, okay?" you smile from your bed.
andrea nods, "'kay, love you." she leaves with a sleepy smile.
"love you," you reply as she shuts the door again.
you let out a relieved breath, glad she hadn't suggested a sleepover like you'd both normally do when drunk.
matt walks out of your closet, almost fully clothed, buckling his belt again, "gave me fucking rug burn, thanks."
you move a hand over your face, "sorry- i just don't need anyone seeing you here."
"'s fine," he shrugs and takes a seat on your bed, "how long is it gonna take her to sleep so i can leave?"
"less than five minutes," you pick at one of your acrylic nails, seeing matt place his jacket on your bed makes you almost laugh to yourself, "shit, i left my jacket at erin's."
matt grins to himself and adds, "shit, i left my car at erin's," with a shake of his head.
you both laugh softly before it fizzles.
matt's back is towards you as he opens his phone to order another uber home. and now the silence brings you back into reality and suddenly you're feeling sick to your stomach about erin.
it takes you a little but you eventually mumble towards his back, "matt you didn’t fuck erin, right?"
"no," his voice sounds distracted and like he wouldn't care even if he did.
you focus on a loose thread in your comforter that you pick at, "...kay. not that it matters 'cause this was only for tonight. but i know i would probably die from guilt knowing i fucked with you after she did."
he turns to see you genuinely out of it and seeming to shelter yourself under your blanket. he leans towards you and rubs your arm softly before whispering, "don't make it a big fucking deal, nothing's different." his stare actually makes you feel far worse but you nod as if you agree anyway.
he stands up and puts his jacket on, “you sleep well okay, sunny?”
"shut the fuck up, you don't care about how i sleep," you whisper.
he breathes a laugh and reaches for your door.
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
tag list (ily):
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aidaronan · 3 months
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Blood red eyes, point-sharp nails Reptile skin, prehensile tails Come one, cum all... to Monsterfucker May Details beneath the cut.
What is this?
It's pretty much what it says on the tin. Take your blorbo(s), monsterfy them, and put them in (sexy) situations. I'm calling it a Spicy Six challenge, but I did throw an asterisk (technically a dagger bc of its superior aesthetics) out beside that because you can totally also write, like, Selkie Joyce or Mothman Mr. Clarke. Or Jeff CorrodedCoffin getting his shit rocked by Mermaid Heather Holloway. I pretty much wanted to indicate that this particular challenge excludes the younger characters and there's not a great catch-all term for "every legal adult in Hawkins/Chicago/California."
How sexy does my fic/art have to be?
As sexy as you want. This IS a monsterFUCKER challenge, but... Maybe the sex is fade-to-black in your fic. Or maybe your monsters have sex in a very unique way. Maybe your art is just a ring-covered hand white-knuckling fur. Maybe it's fanged faces contorted with bliss. Sometimes anticipation and suggestion are plenty. That said, I also encourage the most unhinged freaknasty shit you can think up, if that's what you wanna do.
What counts a monster?
You tell me, pal. 😏
(Feel free to use the word loosely to include any kind of creature, fantasy/mythological being, or even random sentient concepts e.g. Death or Time.)
So how do I participate?
Write a fic and/or create a work of art that fits the challenge. Fics can be any length, and you can create as few or as many creative works for this challenge as you want. On tumblr and all other sites where hashtags are used, tag with #STMonsterMay and #STMonsterMay24 On AO3, add your work to the collection, searchable as STMonsterMay24 when posting a new work. This will open on May 1 at midnight US EST time. Please only add works posted in May to the collection/tags. (Sequels are okay! So are new works of art for existing fics/universes.)
Is it okay if I write/draw [character/ship/dark concept/etc.]?
I wholeheartedly and passionately do not give a shit. As long as it fits the parameters of the challenge, it's fair game. Just tag and warn appropriately. That said, I will kindly request people are a bit conscious of what they're doing. I'm thinking of things like not using Native/Indigenous monsters if they don't belong to you. Etc.
* Will this be moderated? This challenge will be 95% unmoderated because I expect people to act like the kind and conscientious adults they are. I also have no idea how successful or unsuccessful this will end up being yet and if it would even be possible to keep an eye on Everything.
However, if something really egregious happens re: cultural/racial sensitivity, or a serious lack of tags for a rough topic, people are encouraged to message or inbox me, and I'll look into it and make whatever call seems to fit the situation re: removal from the collection, talking to the creator, requesting additional tags, etc.
For things posted outside of the ao3 collection, there won't be much I can personally do except attempting to have a productive conversation with the creator (if there is a way for me to do that.)
Feel free to reach out if you have any Qs! Otherwise, I'll see you all in May. 😈
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 7 months
svt gym rat bf things
I am re-starting my fitness journey, and what better to motivate me than being a casual (worrying) level of obsessed with svt. So yeah once again no one asked for this but here we are, writing it anyway
Warnings: some slightly suggestive material, going to the gym/fitness/working out is the topic, meals and eating mentioned
-he is 100% using any gym time with you to show off/impress you/remind you he's ya man, the most overtly sexy of the gym bfs
-likes to hold eye contact while he does hip thrusts. if he's really feeling it he'll get the weights as close to your actual weight as possible, looking at you while he stacks them all up.
-the BELT FLICKS.......the belt flicks. he does it on purpose. and by god you’re grateful.
-shamelessly ogles you the whole time
-he will slap your butt after spotting you for squats and call it his boyfriend tax
-knows you think he's sexy when he works his arms or chest so he always calls you over to spot and then smirks when you get flustered
-but he doesn’t anticipate how desperately whipped he becomes watching you work out (the post lift cardio session is always of a very specific genre if u know what I mean)
-also is a sucker for you in gym clothes and buys you new gym fits every other week
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-only wants to go if you're going (poor boy is tired)
-really good at spotting though, always there to help if you need
-easily impressed when you do anything even remotely cool or beat your pr
-spends most of the time talking to you while you work out
-gets flustered when you do something he finds attractive but will NEVER admit it and tries to play it cool
-when he does finally get to the workout you are disgusted by how much bigger his arms are than yours
-i just know he got a fire gym playlist with barbiecore songs bc they get him hyped
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-subtle flirting in the gym is this man's love language
-meets eyes with you and winks across the squat rack, "accidentally" grabs the same weight and your hands touch and he looks up at you all dramatically, leans against the mirror to chat you up
-all smiles even when he's lifting something really heavy if you're there
-makes a plan beforehand for what you're both working that day and checks in with you periodically to see how you're doing
-does silly dances to his gym playlist to make you laugh
-gives you hugs no matter how sweaty you are
-makes sure you push yourself just enough but never too hard
-the gym selfie king -- and he knows all your best angles
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-working out with him is a hazard because he always makes you laugh mid lift and you nearly drop what you're holding
-big proponent of stretching but mostly because he likes to see how flexible you are because he is a heaux
-he is also pretty dedicated to his workouts and knows how to keep on task at the gym, but thinks it's cute if you're bouncing off the walls a little
-switches earbuds with you while working out and then judges you when half of it is music he's a featured artist in
-he will challenge you to fake dance battles
-sneaks lil kisses between sets
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-cannot contain himself because YOU CAME TO THE GYM WITH HIM, goes way too hard, and complains for the next four days about how sore he is
-"races" you on the treadmill
-takes his shirt off because "he got too sweaty" but then gets suspiciously excited when you stare at him or compliment him
-you catch him staring at you all the time
-does his squats RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE and then looks over his shoulder at u like "what r u looking at? perv"
-will do every single gym couples challenge with you, sends you videos throughout the week being like "we should try this"
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-another tired boy, but he does plan what he's going to work out at the gym every time and appreciates you following his schedule with him to keep each other on track
-workouts are usually not aerobic heavy so there's a lot of eye contact with him too
-cannot keep a smile off his face when you hype him up while he lifts, which is almost reason enough for him to do it
-is also super encouraging -- when you're challenging yourself to do something you've never done or trying to break a pr he's always so supportive and sweet
-lets you pick out matching gym fits to wear and always loves how happy you get when he comes out in his
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-this man is the ultimate gym buddy and personal trainer
-if u express even a vague interest in working out he will sit you down to discuss goals and expectations and then come to your first gym session with a written, illustrated schedule targeting your specific body type & goals
-meal preps for u :(:(:(:(
-THE BEST spotter and also why do i feel like he has weird amounts of chiropractic knowledge and will be able to help you stretch SO well
-you can ask him any question about any workout and he knows the answer
-for some reason being in the gym with jihoon is so romantic to me like??? i feel like he'd be spotting you while you lift and he'd just lightly touch your arms to steady you and you'd be a blushing mess and so would he and then you'd go make out after
-worried you’re gonna get hurt so it’s sometimes hard for him to complete his workouts bc he’s watching your form
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-going to the gym with seokmin would be a disaster in the best way
-will you work out? yes
-will it mostly be your abs, from laughing at him the entire time? also yes
-he will do bicep curls at you AGGRESSIVELY while he blasts careless whisper over the gym speakers
-his squats are all excuses to throw it back/twerk into you
-is also down for a couples challenge or two
-would be very complimentary of your muscles even if you don't feel like they're that good
-counts down your reps in a silly voice
-he ALSO has really good belt flicks but kind of by accident, and when he catches you blushing he'll tease you about it
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-another elite-level gym buddy bf
-does love shots with your preworkout & makes the BEST post-gym meals
-he would also totally be that guy who has you kneel on his feet when he does sit-ups or lay beneath him while he does pushups so he can kiss you every time
-he is also an ogler. he will stare shamelessly at your butt as you walk by
-you might try to do a couples challenge once, but he's clumsy af and it didn't end well so you vowed never to do it again
-he's just a big baby so every time you exclaim over how nice his body is he'll get all shy
-also of course this man is posting up in a backwards baseball cap, a black skintight shirt, and gray sweatpants ON PURPOSE but he'll pretend he doesn't know he's committing literal crimes
-enthusiastically encourages you “one more rep babe one more you got this YEAHHHHH”
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-i see him more as a yoga/barre guy than a lifting guy
-also very good at stretching you out
-gets embarrassed when you watch him push through a difficult workout bc you're practically drooling at how attractive it is
-but he's also surprisingly goofy in the gym with you and makes sure you’re both having a good time
-loves to do those couple yoga poses and couple stretches
-also is down to help you with boxing or jiu jitsu moves
-post-gym glow is real on minghao
-hard to keep ur hands off each other after you get home hehehehehehehe
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-leg day is every day. so many squats are being done
-he also makes you laugh a lot
-for any aerobic workouts you are either getting in the pool with the grannies for water aerobics or ur doing Zumba there is no in between
-takes you on runs to beautiful spots in the city
-gets competitive about working out with you so if you do more reps than him or run a lil faster he pushes himself too hard
-is always prepared: the night before, he’ll set out your gym clothes, fill your water bottle and put it in the fridge, portion out the preworkout, etc
-wants to share gym playlists, so he has one earbud of yours in the gym at all times
-surprises himself with how much he’s staring at you because wow he likes you in that tight shirt and leggings
-I can see him being really methodical about working out, so he kinda gets lost in it and forgets you’re alive, until you do your little dances around him
-he loves it when you show off for him so he can compliment you bc he’s kind of shy to do it without a reason bc then he’d have to admit how much he’s forgetting to work out because he’s paying attention to you
-gives you kisses to congratulate you when you reach milestones
-he would also be elite level gym buddy bf
-uses gentle hands to correct your form if he’s worried you’re gonna hurt yourself 🫠
-he is also goofy in the gym but he also knows exactly when to be serious
-almost more committed to your goals than you are and goes buck wild when you reach a goal of any sort bc he is AN ADORABLE CUTIEPIE
-it’s the little things for him — like when you hum along to the song in your ears when you’re re-racking the smaller weights, he’s just so smitten with you
-idk why but I feel that he would be so good to you when you’re feeling that post gym soreness. he’s on that draw you an epsom salt bath, give you a massage, bring you Gatorade type beat
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xanderisbraindead · 7 months
I see people that are tryna get into emo and scene fashion make posts ab like needing help finding clothes or like styling their hair n the liek so I’m here to help. Who am I? Nobody but im like scenemo and very happy to help. Im gonna make a resource masterlist, starting with this post
It’s important to note that if you have the hair, anything you wear will look emo. Emo teens would really just wear just some normal clothing and it fucked! Keep that in mind
How do I find emo/scene clothes?
🇺🇸🇬🇧Check resale sites like depop, ebay, mercari, poshmark (mercari is not available in the uk). You CANNOT build a wardrobe overnight. You just cant. Be patient and just keep checking, I promise you will find something. Heres some things I’ve personally bought or found on these sites and the price usd just for reference (without shipping)// Beetlejuice striped ht skinnies $16.49// We the kings shirt $5.50// All time low shirt $5.50//Red plaid ht skinnies $10.50// Famous star and stripe shirt $5-10// Secondhand serenade shirt $10// A lot of fellow scene and emo ppl resell on these sites!! (Trashmob has a depop for example, so does oliver sykes???)
2-Thrifting. Ik you’re probably tired of hearing it bc duh but… =) Try some local thrifts, big companies either suck, are expensive or both. I’d buy my skinnies from here. Reminder that they don’t have to be black!! You can style black, white, blue, any color of jean. Even styles like flair or bootcut jeans.
🇺🇸HT REPLAY. NOBODY TALKS AB THIS. Hot topic has a thredup, they sell preloved clothing and its constantly updated. Its very discounted. For example a shirt that was initially $25 usd would be sold for $11-9 usd. This is as far as ik only in the us??
Diy, obv. Look at those. Aren’t they cool looking? Not being able to afford band merch doesn’t make you any less of a fan than ppl with huge collections, remember that.
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🇺🇸🇬🇧Dont be afraid to check normal stores like target, tk maxx, and walmart, you’ll be surprised. Target has cute character jackets if you can fit kids sizes and walmart made that skeleton sweater vest they gotta have more up their sleeves.
🇺🇸Merchnow.com. They have HEAVENLY old band merch and posters. Like ptv, chiodos, sws, tdwp, coheed and cambria, before today, texas in july, even like icp. this might be a us only thing? If someone could check for me ilys
(Added on Nov 8 23)
🇬🇧Grindstore.com they’re like merchnow kinda, heavenly band merch
(Added April 29 24)
🇺🇸🇬🇧 Childrens clothes if you can fit into them a lot of childrens clothing are very good for a scene look
This is all I have for now, but if i come up with anything else I’ll definitely update this!!
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catscidr · 4 months
I think we have all seen the "Argenti thinks the Reader is Idrila" stuff on here. But what if the reader actually is Idrila? So I wanted to request Argenti/Idrila!Reader (gn or afab reader) headcanons or a oneshot where Idrila, who has taken on a mortal identity after [Insert tragic event here], and meets Argenti. They develop feelings for each other, Argenti finds out she is Idrila, they end up dating. (Maybe or maybe not in that specific order) I thought maybe after protecting her followers from Nanook she disappeared to ensure Nanook doesn't target them anymore? That part isn't as important so feel free to add whatever backstory you think fits^^ Thank you in advance, I really like your writing!
NONNIE omg im booting up star rail rn to stare at him lovingly. also i changed the scenario a smidge so reader is her own person while also being idrila? if that makes sense......?? yeah. also bc otherwise id be writing ten thousand words n i didnt want ur ask to grow dusty in my inbox d(;∀;d) but tysm for the prompt i couldn’t stop thinking about it ueue. also hey gang peep me trying to make my blog look more coherent n nicer looking. am i doin it ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: a smidge of amnesia and soulmate trope (it’s not that bad, trust), fluff, love at first sight (does that even count in this scenario....), argenti and reader are dancing around the topic a lot bc argenti is a gentleman and doesn’t want to pressure her to talk. blurbs to set up the plot + a fic after them hehe. not proofread, writer’s block is killing me  includes: fem reader (he refers to reader as "my lady"), argenti, natasha, luocha is kinda there wc: 2,3k
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-ˋˏ You’d go to Natasha’s clinic at least once every other day because you always had the worst migraines. To the point where you almost got beat up by a Flamespawn one time when you were clearing out calyxes (thankfully there was a Silvermane guard patrolling the area, otherwise you would’ve been charred). The doctor always says the same thing; “Stop looking for fights so often”, “Let your body rest”, “I can’t prescribe you antibiotics”, and your favorite, “Stop slamming my door open I can’t do anything about your headaches”. She was a good friend, but whenever she repeated how she couldn’t be of any help to your predicament, you’d wish you could just take that glass vial hanging from her outfit and chuck it far, far away out of spite. 
-ˋˏ Obviously it wasn’t her fault- she'd done everything she could. Natasha even had you undergo the Underworld’s equivalent of an MRI scan because of how frequently you would visit her, insisting that something was wrong. The symptoms consisted of forgetting important things too often, feeling a foreign buzz in your limbs and brain, having a sudden burst of elemental energy come out of your attacks and a myriad of benign but annoying, irritating signs that something was up with you. 
-ˋˏ It became more of a chore than anything to leave your room. Some days you felt fine, but then when you’d go out again and beat up wave after wave of enemies in Caverns of Corrosion you would keel over, clutching your head while vague images of what could only be described as a fever dream ran through your mind. 
-ˋˏ You decided to leave the Underworld for some time- considering your absence like some sort of “vacation”. You heard of a wandering doctor (and merchant, apparently) by the name of Luocha and, from the people that crossed paths with him, it seemed like he was extraordinary at his job. A trek to the Xianzhou Luofu would be a long one, but after weighing your options you thought you’d give it a try (it was worth it if it meant you’d stop waking up at ungodly hours, holding your head in your hands while hoping, praying that the pain stops.) 
-ˋˏ You (somehow) made your way to the Xianzhou Luofu from Jarilo-VI. As competent as you were however, being stranded on a foreign planet with no map nor local to guide you was... a challenge. In retrospect, maybe you should’ve gotten in contact with that Luocha doctor and had him come to Belobog instead of you going to him since, well, he was a traveling merchant. Going from planet to planet is what he does (you assume). 
If you had read up more on general information about the Luofu you would have been aware of how many enemies were roaming around the docking area. But you didn’t. So, unbeknownst to you, a rogue mara-struck soldier was on your tail, trying to sneak up to you to snag the goods you hid in your bag (which were basically just different types of painkillers and sustenance that bodes well on an upset stomach. He doesn’t know that though.) 
Your head was throbbing; ever since you set foot on the planet, your physical health had slowly dropped down to levels you wouldn’t be enduring if it wasn’t for the promise of a competent doctor once you get to the main city. Painkillers weren’t working, your feet hurt and to make matters worse, you felt the familiar lack of something in your head. It was so bad to the point where you had to have a tangible mark somewhere to remind you that you did, in fact, just take something for your headache and if you took two more painkillers, your body wouldn’t agree with your decision. It was a struggle even remembering what you did five minutes ago, no way were you going to be in top shape, beating up every enemy crossing your way. 
Clouds began covering the bright sun, casting shadows over the desolate, geometric area. You huff, irritated that, from the looks of it, you won’t be able to find a cozy place to set up camp. Though sleeping on a ground made of primarily iron and steel was considerably less nerve-wracking than sleeping on the mushy, cold, dirty ground of Jarilo-VI. So, with a pout aimed at no one in particular, you find some place that you deemed decent enough to set your humble tent. It wasn’t often that adventurers slept outside of safe zones, however with your condition you couldn’t afford to miss out on some rest and possibly get even more lost than you already are. 
You set your heavy backpack down, rolling your shoulders to soothe the ache in your muscles from carrying something so bulky. As you ruffle through your belongings, you open a bottled soda and take a swift gulp, sighing contentedly at the pleasant taste on your tongue. Now that you were sat and could rest your bones (until you started setting up your tent, at least), your ears were able to pick up on some not-so-distant footsteps. 
There’s no time for you to react; the mara-struck soldier that had been following you lunges at you, aiming for your bag. Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to yell, but before any sound can leave your mouth, a long, red and gold spear pierces the ground between you and the rabid man, making you yelp in surprise. You scurry as far back as you can in your current state; however, the soldier doesn’t have time to take advantage of your weakened stature. The owner of the spear lodges himself before your shaking figure and the mara-struck, yanking his spear out of the ground with impressive elegance, and summons an array of thorny vines to catch your assailant. 
It takes little to no effort for the seasoned fighter to take down the mara-struck as he swings his weapon, swiftly knocking the blunt end on the soldier’s plexus, knocking the wind out of him. A strangled scream leaves his throat as he scampers away, leaving your belongings safe with you and the strange red-haired man. He lowers his spear, careful to keep the sharp edge far from you, and turns around to face you properly. His brows raise a smidge for a split second before he composes himself and bows before you, the action short and curt.  
“It would have been a shame to lose a beauty such as yourself,” he says smoothly, straightening his back to look down at you with a warm smile. He stretches his hand out, a polite offer to help you stand up, as he continues speaking. “My name is Argenti, I belong to the Knights of Beauty. What might you be doing so far away from civilization, dear...?” he trails off, waiting for you to introduce yourself. 
You were in a state of shock, your mind still processing what had happened in such a short amount of time, that you failed to notice the lack of pain at the back of your head. As you meekly tell him your name, you hold onto his hand to help yourself up- as soon as his armored glove comes in contact with your hand something flashes in your mind; too quick to allow you to think about it too much, or to recognize what you saw for a millisecond. 
“So far away from civilization... do you know how to get to the city?” you ask as you feel a glimmer of hope spark in you. His words were refreshing, probably the best thing someone has ever said to you in the past month. He nods, reaching into his pocket to fish out a blue handkerchief embroidered with a delicate gold trim. Argenti hands it over to you and you gratefully take it, blotting the sweat and... dust off of your face. 
“I have made my way around the Luofu for long enough to show someone the way,” he says kindly. “Besides, even if I didn’t, I would still offer to accompany you through your trek. It is my duty as a Knight of Beauty, for I must uphold chivalry and distinguished manners, in the name of the Goddess guiding me.” His words resonate within you, making you beam, nodding in understanding. 
Your reaction doesn’t go unnoticed by the knight. As you hand his handkerchief back, he smiles at you and gestures to your bag. “What brings you so far from your homeworld, my lady?” Argenti asks gently, though a glimmer of doubt swirls in his sparkling, verdant eyes. The question makes you pause, a memory flashing in your mind too suddenly for you to know what it meant. Although, from what you could tell, you knew you could trust him with what troubled you somehow. 
“Ah, it’s a long story,” you start sheepishly, “I’ve been having these incredibly painful migraines recently. And sometimes I feel like my memory is fading too quickly for what would be considered normal,” you say, trailing off slightly at the end. “I’m looking for a healer, a doctor by the name of Luocha...?” 
Somehow, the doctor was currently the least of your worries. You’d never felt so refreshed before, at least not that you could remember; simply being in Argenti’s presence seemed to be enough to make your aches disappear like a starskiff smoothly gliding through a cloudless sky. 
“I’ve seen the man only a handful of times,” Argenti mutters aloud, pulling you out of your thoughts. “I can do my best to guide you to him, but if I may... you don’t seem to be injured?” the knight says, his voice trailing off into a questioning tone despite the observation. You shake your head, wondering how you should explain your predicament to the man. 
“Like I said, it’s a long story,” you say again, shrugging sheepishly. You wondered if you should even go into the nitty gritty- he could always just be making small talk to help you get comfortable or something. Sensing your unease, he changes the spotlight to him instead. 
“There’s no need to delve into details if you wish to keep them secret,” he says with a kind smile, bending down to take ahold of your hand- gently pressing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand. Red flushes your ears immediately, words caught in your throat at the sight of his hair cascading over his shoulders, a beautiful contrast from the gold and silver armor glittering in what was left of the sunlight. 
“As for myself, like I mentioned earlier, I am a Knight of Beauty. I’m on a quest to find my dear Goddess Idrila once more, for I need to pay my respects to them after they saved me from a particularly grim fate.” His words echoed in your mind, your brows knitting together as you felt what could only be described as a cold bucket of water being dunked on your head. “I-Idrila?” you parrot, your voice coming out as a choked noise. Argenti perks up, the hand that had been softly holding onto yours now holding it with a firmer grip, his other hand joining it. 
“Yes, Idrila. Have you ever heard of them? Or...” he trails off, looking deep into your eyes expectantly, almost as if he knew something you didn’t. His eyes seemed to suck you in, bringing a comfortable wave of warmth over you, making you yearn for something. 
“I...” you begin, your gaze falling down to look at your feet. As you thought long and hard about what you wanted to say, what you tried to remember, you slowly look over to his spear, lying flat on the ground- long forgotten since the fight earlier. As if a lightbulb went off above your head, you perk up just as he did, and look at him, beaming. The words were caught in your throat; there was so much you wanted to say, to declare, to do in this moment of clarity, but with how fast your mind was running to catch you up on the current events of your life it was a struggle. 
“Argenti,” you murmur, the name rolling off your tongue smoothly, as you realized seeing the traveling merchant was no longer required. Though the road might have been arduous, and you may have almost lost your mind in the process, being with Argenti suddenly made everything make sense. That’s why your migraines mysteriously disappeared as soon as you were in the knight’s presence, that’s why you had gaps in your memory, that’s why you were freakishly powerful... at convenient times.  
Everything clicked into place. 
The both of you share a pregnant pause, eyes locked together as the world seemed to come to a stop around you. If it were possible, you’re sure there would be delicate, silky rose petals floating around your figures, suspended in the air. You glance down at his lips, and for the first time, make a decision with a clear head. 
His lips felt smooth against yours, the faint taste of vanilla mixed with roses transferring to your own lips. The kiss almost felt like it could be the result of a symbiotic relationship; now that you had Argenti, or at least had him by your side once again, you didn’t think you’d be able to continue on without him. 
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rosefilledpiano · 4 months
Hihi! I hope your having a wonderful day today and are taking of yourself!
Leo Valdez x daughter of Aphrodite who's really into stem. Her father always encourages her to pursue math and engineering and as she grew up she also really liked fashion and now kinda combines the two! She finds out Leo can make fire out of nowhere and creates a dress that sets on fire like katniss's? Idk I just thought it was really cool. Ok have a lovely day!!! <3
Leo Valdez x reader (I dunno what to call this-)
Leo absolutely loves your intelligence and your love for STEM, since he loves it too
He totally gets your love for fashion, too. Even if he does just wear a T-shirt and jeans half the time (he's the type to wear sketchers so please, for the love of the Olympian gods, please help this man. Nothing wrong with sketchers, but he wears the kid ones bc they're the only ones that fit him-)
Back to the topic, though, he loves staying up at night with you just talking about ideas and stuff
When you first meet, he's already head over heels in love. Bonus points if you're strong, he loves being picked up
I like to think you'd meet through Annabeth or Piper since you're smart and a child of Aphrodite, it makes sense to me
"Hey, who's that girl over there?" Leo would ask Annabeth during the tour of camp, pointing to what looked like the prettiest girl he'd ever seen who was currently sitting outside the Aphrodite cabin, drawing on what seemed to be a blueprint.
"Oh, (Name)? She's a daughter of Aphrodite. Super smart. Why do you ask?" Annabeth would respond, glancing over at you before looking back at Leo.
Leo, not really knowing what to say, would stay silent until Annabeth spoke up.
"...want me to introduce you to her?" "Please."
When you find out about his fire powers, he's honestly nervous.
He isn't sure if you'll be accepting or not, and he doesn't want to lose you, too
So when you're just like, "Can you help me with something?" He instantly says yes.
Once Leo actually sees your dress, he's literally drooling
He knew you were beautiful, but seeing you in a dress that he helped make is just something that makes him so happy
Expect to hear a lot of "You're gorgeous" or "Kiss me" once you show him, lmao
It's currently pretty late (for my standards, anyway) so I'll be ending it here. Good night/morning, and take care!
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iraprince · 4 months
do u have any advice for those that want to run a quest?
it feels a LEETLE silly answering this when all my own are currently on hiatus bc i got busy (SORRY TO CALLIST0 READERS LOL) BUT!!! yes i do. i have only ever run quests/interactive comics on the site questden, so i guess as a baseline this will kind of all be geared towards that, but i think most of this should translate to any hosting situation
you have to be cool with your plots branching and mutating in unexpected ways, and you have to be willing to play ball with your readers. quests are a collaboration between the author and the audience. it often feels a lot like gming a tabletop campaign (and that's the origin!! questden, specifically, was originally an offshoot of /tg/.) -- we've all had or heard about bad GMs who view their position as that of a narrative dictator who exists to punish and prod a captive group of players thru their own personal novel, but a good GM is interested in telling stories as a group. u have final say and have to stay true to the important stuff abt ur story, but if u get mad or frustrated when ur readers want to explore something "off topic" or aren't following the threads of ur narrative the way u expected them to, u don't actually want to run a quest, u just want to make a webcomic w mandatory comments. (the flip side of this is: consider if the story u want to make is the right one for an interactive quest. if it is REALLY important to u that the plot beats of a story go a certain way, maybe save it for a medium where u have more control!)
keep it loose and fast. the art does not matter. i am rly guilty of not following this one, but i still think it's really important! one of the things i like best about quests is the barrier to entry is very low and you SHOULD be able to start and maintain one very quickly. if i were better at keeping my art scrabbly and sketchy and loose, my stuff would not go on hiatus as often as it does. draw fast! it's NICE if the art is gorgeous to look at and definitely will draw readers, but it's way better if the art is simple enough that you can update frequently and without much stress. the quality of ur writing + character building, and whether u are telling a story that's engaging and that ur readers feel meaningfully involved in, is 100000x more important than the art.
on the more nitty gritty side: try to have a hook in each update. one of the most common reasons suggestions die off is readers being unsure of what they're supposed to do next. sure, too much spoonfeeding could end up feeling like railroading, and you don't have to end every single update by getting right in their faces and yelling "WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT??", but when you finish an update try to take a second to put yourself in a reader's shoes and see if there's an obvious next step. is there a course of action to decide on/debate, are there clear questions they can ask an npc, etc -- i can't think of a great way to describe it, but you want to avoid ending an update on a note where the player character and readers are basically sitting there looking at each other like "um... okay. that's that, then." some ppl even just end all their updates w multiple choice options, which is a super simple way to keep things moving if it fits the style of what ur doing. if you don't want it to be that overt but you still can't think of a way for there to be a clear hook, you can at least try to leave a little nudge in the narration that invites the readers to try to tie whatever they've just done/learned back into the pc's main goals/motivations or current tasks. (on this subject, VERY useful for your main character to have a very specific goal or end destination that everyone is on the same page abt. it's harder for your plot to lose momentum if you can always point at what your readers are supposed to be moving toward!)
finally: KEEP UPDATING EVEN IF YOU GET VERY FEW/NO SUGGESTIONS. it's a niche genre. questden is a small website. it's hard to get people to read something new, especially if it's in a new and unfamiliar format (and especially especially when it's on a website that looks like a chanboard lmao). picking up readers takes a long time, and a lot of people lurk without suggesting (ESPECIALLY if it's a difficult/plot-important decision, and also especially in the opposite, if it's a very obvious next step and someone else has already commented what most ppl would say). it's very tempting to want to wait for more suggestions bc u "only" have one or two, and then that wait becomes stagnation, and then you're frustrated and u end up dropping the quest bc "nobody cares." instead u just have to push thru!!!! u only have two suggestions and u wish u had more? maybe next update u'll get more. u have NO suggestions and u feel like that means ur quest is dead in the water? NOPE! the solution is to update again, bc maybe ppl with latch on more and have something to say in the next scene. the more u update ur quest, the more u'll be able to talk abt it (and maybe get more readers), and specifically in the case of questden the more ur thread will be bumped to the front page. think abt how many times you've seen ppl talking abt a webcomic or a book and thought "i need to check that out eventually...." but it takes months for you to actually do it. 99.9999% of the time, ppl need to see something MULTIPLE TIMES before they check it out!! most readers do not come from clicking something the very first time they see it!! i know it can feel lonely and discouraging, but u owe it to ur art and the stories u want to tell to keep trying, even if engagement is very low at first, otherwise you're killing it before it's even had a chance. like, get shameless about it. ask your buddies to comment on your quest. but give that horse a few really good whacks before you decide it's dead!! i think that's my main thoughts. if you have any more specific questions i'm happy to help if i can! but also i think you'll learn the most by just jumping in and fucking around. quests are easy to pick up and easy to drop, and imo do really well as a playground where u test different ways to draw and tell stories, so might as well just get messy.
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kindlespark · 3 months
this is gonna be SO long and rambly sorry anyway i saw a post abt how babel does queer characters and it got me thinking abt why the tropes it uses would usually turn me off other stories but didn’t here
i feel like i’d be more mad abt how robinramy ended up in babel if it marketed itself as queer lit at all or if its fans were going “WOW AMAZING QUEER REP” abt it. but no one told me any of that, so finding out they were gay was just a fun little bonus surprise to me. i get why ppl are eh abt robinramy not getting together/technically still being subtext (which i dont think is really true btw like the book literally says “robin was falling in love” but idk i guess if you were stupid you might’ve assumed that it was falling in love with oxford given how romantic some of the other language is (WHICH IS ALSO THE POINT bc i think robin’s friendship with ramy blurring into romance is why he romanticised like all his friendships/experiences in oxford BUT IM GETTING OFF-TOPIC)). i just think robin’s repression abt being gay was intrinsically tied to his attitudes on imperialism (wrt refusing to acknowledge anything that complicated his life until it was too late) and i don’t consider it a cop out or queerbait. like i genuinely don’t think robinramy could ever have gotten together without drastic alterations being made in terms of plot and character. plus i think it’s clear that kuang didn’t want to write a story with any kind of focus on romance at all, because it’s not that kind of book. there’s no successful het romance either, so it grates a lot less. the only reason romance is included at all is to show the ways in which white entitlement manifests. so the tragic way robinramy played out just made sense to me.
and i speak as someone who accidentally spoiled myself on You Know What in the middle of reading and i was like ugghh boooo dreading it the whole time expecting to roll my eyes when it happened but then when it did i was like. wow im actually not that mad LMFAO 😭😭😭 actually thematically the book sets it up so well that i believed that this was unfortunately the only way it could’ve gone. babel is about the loss and tragedy and grief that colonised people experience. it’s about the lengths people will go to to uphold empire and the lengths ppl will go to to tear it down like idk 😭 i guess it is bury your gays but it didnt bother me this time because i thought it fit thematically ❤️ i enjoy tragedy as a genre a lot and i would’ve made it gay anyway you know. thanks rf kuang for doing it for me so i didnt have to.
WHICH IS ALL TO SAY that i guess if you’re going into babel for the queer rep without appreciating that the story is fundamentally a tragedy it would feel like it’s just reusing tired tropes….. but i think the choices kuang made were rly deliberate and not in a way that feels like trauma porn or shock value. the book is fundamentally about the struggles of poc so the layer of queerness that was introduced felt like a subtle extension of the experiences of characters of colour in the book, and i enjoyed and related to it as a queer chinese person who kind of realised they had to prioritise their fight for the liberation of poc over queerness mainly because the idea of western queer liberation cannot be dissociated from imperialism and many aspects of homophobia as we know it was an export of christian european empire into our colonised countries in the first place and FUCK THIS IS A WHOLE OTHER TANGENT ABOUT HOW I THINK RAMY AS A CHARACTER IS EMBLEMATIC OF THE TENSION AND STRUGGLE THAT QUEER POC DIASPORA HAVE BETWEEN OUR IDENTITIES GODDAMNIT OK FORGET IT POST CANCELLED i just rly think babel’s handling of queer characters is fine and makes sense and i like it personally and maybe i will make a coherent analysis about it one day but that day is not today byeeeeeee
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globaloppaaa · 10 months
matthew things .𖥔 ☁️ ݁ ˖‧₊˚ ⋅🌹
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just because seok matthew is AN ACTUAL SWEETHEART oh my gosh i just had to share some hc’s ab him
partially based off my experience attending and performing at kcon LA!
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- outwardly he may not enjoy the cute and baby comments made towards him, and he’ll try to dismiss them or change the topic publicly, but he’s totally hiding the fact at how much he loves the attention.
- when he’s alone with you or with close friends he’s the biggesttt softy. you can always tell when he gets blushy because his ears start to turn pink no matter how much he denies it.
- “happy virus” is the perfect dubbed name for him. he’s always looking for a way to make everyone smile. whether it’s through funny jokes, gifts, even embarrassing himself, if he gets a smile from you he’s done his job.
- on the topic of smiles, his is the most contagious thing. (this may be based off my personal experience 👀) you could be feeling any kind of emotion: anger, stress, nervousness, but one look at his bright smile comforts all of your worries.
- separate note for how his cheeks do that lil squish thing when he’s happy OH MY- you get the point.
- LOVES drives with you. idk something about him getting to showcase his biceps while jammin’ out really gets him going. doesn’t care when or where to, but i feel like the atmosphere of late night drives make him feel at peace.
- he’s gonna be respectful when he drives though, mama raised him right 💪🏼 He’d be nervous to reach over to you, no matter how desperately he wants to. It’ll take him a few months just to work up the courage to hold your hand against the gear shift.
- he soooo wants to rest his hand on your thigh but he reprimands himself bc that’s your personal space 😡
- he shows off so unintentionally… at least, he likes to innocently let it on in that way. yk that thing he does where he comments those heartwarming messages, followed by the most gruesome, whore-looking pic? it’s 10x worse when it’s just to you.
- “good morning sweetheart, i hope you rested well! i miss you love, my mind only thinks of you.” and he’s shirtless curling dumbbells 🥴
- acts like a toddler when your separated from each other. you could be going off to work and he’ll stay jumping at the door waving his arms until you’re down the street and out of his sight
- so later when you approach your doorway after a long days’ work, you better believe he’s running up to the door like a puppy just to give you the biggest welcome home greeting.
- confirmed golden retriever 🦮‼️
- he’s a sucker for romance, rom coms’, etc. anything that remotely reminds him of his relationship with you he’s obsessed with. matching outfits, hugs that sweep you off your feet, and those romantic phrases that leave you a blushing mess every time. 😵‍💫💗
- his pet names can be soo precious. with the way he comments to his fans i have no doubt it isn’t any less special for you. his favorites interchangeably revolve around baby, love, darling- (i can’t write any further i’ll cry).
- pet names with matthew can also be absolutely atrocious though. stink, booger, or some nickname from an embarrassing moment of yours seem very fitting to him. as much as he loves you, making fun of you is one of his top priorities.
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that’s all i can write without making it self-indulgent ✌🏼
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hypervoxel · 3 months
Jumble of headcanons in no particular order about Vark because I need to write them down somewhere to pretend to be organized
He started off sooo cute and tiny, like the size of a guinea pig. And he made laser noises like a baby Cuban crocodile.
He was so so tiny. He did not stay tiny.
Sharks sense electricity! He's naturally drawn to Vox when Vox is taking in or letting off too much power. He naturally interrupts Vox's overstimulation and warns about seizures, so Vox trained him some actual medical alert tasks.
Service shark Vark 🐕‍🦺
On the topic of electricity, I also headcanon him as having some aspects of an electric eel as well. A fantasy eel. He can take in some of Vox's excess energy, and isn't bothered by the sparks Vox throws off.
I'm chewing on the idea that Val bought Vark for Vox as an apology gift.
Now I'm just quoting myself directly from discord: I keep thinking of how I can include this (Vark being a gift from Val) in my one fanfic where it obviously does not fit bc Val hates Vark in it. Maybe he's jealous that Vox cares way more about Vark himself than the fact that Val gave him a gift. So unappreciative, didn't even have make-up sex over it bc Vox was too busy practically having a breakdown over how adorable Vark is. Val realizes that this was a mistake and he should have picked a very different gift instead
Vark is such a well behaved good boy when he's working, as a service shark. When Vox is in distress, Vark is so focused on trying to help with all the power of his tiny shark brain <3 Outside of that tho? He's a terror. He's so excitable. He canonically (in the old Voxtagram art) jumps on and knocks people over. This ties into him previously being a tiny adorable little thing. It was sooo cute when he jumped on your leg, back when he was the size of a large potato. It stayed cute up until they realized he was going to be so much bigger than they ever expected.
(It's like a bottle raised bull. The cute things they did when they were a little baby calf are no longer cute now that they're so large they are going to hurt you on accident just trying to be friendly and playful. RIP.)
Other service dog tasks for Vark: deep pressure therapy (of course. Interrupting behaviors such as when Vox is getting overwhelmed. Blocking to stop other people from getting too close to/touching Vox when he would shock them. I am forgetting so many things and will continue writing this list later
Vox doesn't do public access with Vark. This ties into my headcanons for Vox that he is deeply ashamed of himself and he cannot let anyone know he has problems ever.
Unfortunately, I am evil. So I also like the idea of Vark as an owner-trained service animal who is hmm not the perfect candidate for the job. In the same way shepherds aren't recommended for anxiety work, he can feed too much off of Vox's own emotions and has issues with guarding aggression that at times cause him to become reactive. (*points at my fanfic where he bites Val*)
I love bad representation.
Alsooo I don't like hammerhead sharks or animals that are too cartoon-y for me to understand as a real creature, so I'm making up a new design for Vark
Based on a Bonnethead Shark! Fun fact about Bonnethead Sharks: they are omnivorous! They eat seagrass :)
So Vark is omnivorous but unfortunately he's also like a tiger shark in that he'll eat anything even if it's not food. Tiger sharks have been found with license plates, tires, and other trash in their stomachs (sad)
Don't ask Vox how many times Vark has needed emergency exploratory surgery after eating something he shouldn't have. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Vark chews on wires like real sharks biting at undersea fiber optic cables. Chomp chomp
When Vark was a tiny baby, Velvette dressed him up in silly little outfits to post online. She doesn't do that anymore because he has mostly outgrown his cuteness stage for her: she only thought he was cute when he was little.
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anacecherry · 9 months
I was looking through the Fionna and Cake trailer to look for scenes we haven't seen in the show yet, and I noticed how most of them are most likely from the same episode. So, on this post, I will be talking about my theories/speculations for Episode 7, The Star.[Spoilers for the episode synopsis under the cut]
So this is what we know about the episode right now.
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My first theory was that the title came from whatever happens in the gumlee subplot or maybe it was about Cake being "the star" of the vampire hunters, but then my friend Will reminded me how the previous episodes were all names of characters (Yes, Im counting Destiny idc), and said it could be a nickname for a pre existing character. Maybe it could be this world's Marcy's "Vampire Name". I dont know enough on the topic to be able to tell if it would fit in with the theme the vampires in Stakes had, but it does have an article at its start.
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For the first screenshots we have these. The first image shows up near the end of the trailer, its 3 vampires attacking. I think these two are back to back, as the vamps are exactly the same. In the second image the third vampire is in the background and appears to have knocked Fionna down, with Simon standing next to the vampire. Maybe Cake does that attack in rage due to them hurting Fionna.
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This is a one second scene and the frame where the explosions dont cover up the whole screen is very hard to catch, but these are the same garlic bombs Peppermint Butler had in Stakes. Maybe the Bubblegum of this universe, along with Pep But, is working with the vampire hunters.
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Following up on what I said about Marcy having a "Vampire Name". When I first read the synopsis I assumed that Marcy was the one leading the vamp hunters, as it only makes sense. Being a Vampire hunter was a big part of her backstory that led to her *becoming* one. But I then realized, what's going on here, might be completely different. Not only is she already a vampire, both in the trailer and on the poster this Marceline looks pretty smug for someone presumably fighting for her life, and she has that dress which looks very "royal"(to me, at least).
I thought maybe she embraced being the vampire queen, and attacked the humans, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she hurt the beings she wiped out an entire species for? And then it clicked: this Marcy never had a Simon at all. She was found by vampires instead of him. Remember the conversation Simon and little Marcy had at the beginning of episode 2?
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Someone rich? Living in a castle? With people trained to tend to their every need? Sounds a hell lot like a king.
This conversation is going to come up again. Simon is going to find out that No, Marcy would NOT have been fine if he didn't find her. He's going to see what would really have happened to her if she never met him. In all the past episodes Simon's been constantly told that he sucks, that Ice King was "better" and "more fun". He's been feeling like he truly did not matter and had no value, that it would be better for everyone if he just went back to being Ice King. He's going to see that that's not true, that he does matter. That Marcy values and needs him, even if things are different now. Maybe he won't get it immediately, but he might start doubting his decision to wear the crown again. I'm so confident in this I will eat my door if it doesn't happen.
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Human huntress wizard with a garlic arrow. Obviously its from this episode. She must be a hunter(duh) and maybe she's the leader as well. Or maybe Im right about Bonnie being there and *she's* the leader.
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Im only assuming this scene is from this episode bc the background color scheme is similar, I dont have any other evidence for it. It may be after Cake beats the vampires, where she gets approached by the hunters to join in. Im kinda basing this theory off the voice line that goes along with it in the trailer ("Now that is a party I don't wanna miss" Who'd wanna miss out on the fun of hunting evil vampires?), but the voice line may be about something else and she could be praising herself to the hunters here (she just has that vibe in here).
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A gun(?) Lowers down to face the gang. They smile at it nervously. The ground theyre standing on is wet, and so is Cake. I don't know the reason for that, because they didn't immediately come here after leaving the Winter Kingdom. They might have gotten their clothes wet on some other universe and then came to this world, or maybe this is after they fight the vampires and they somehow got splashed with water during the process. I came up with two possibilities of what might be going on here:
Option A) It is the vampires spotting and trying to kill them. If thats the case they might've destroyed the gun before it could shoot them, or maybe Fionna got shot and thats why she's down on the scene where Cake is attacking. Both end up with the 3 vampire goons attacking.
Option B) It's the vampire hunters seeing them, either after the fight or right as they arrive, and they think the gang are vampires as well until they show their teeth
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This isn't from the trailer its from a magazine. I think its from this episode because of the background, like that Cake screenshot. This may be after Cake is recruited. Fionna seems to be annoyed so maybe Cake is doing something wrong and Fionna's disagreeing with her. Or maybe Cake's trying to annoy Fionna and it's working. My friend @weirdlizard26 said this about it, which is far better than what I came up with:
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And that's it for the speculation! I wanted to talk about the rest of the scenes in the trailer as well but 1) this post is long enough as it is and 2) tumblr image limit is not being kind to me rn. I might make a separate post for those if I get the motivation. Untill then you'll have just one post of me going insane rambling about what could happen in a show about an old man having an existential crisis and a girlfailure with her cat.
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robinsno1lesbian · 1 year
Also also older neighbor Robin thot,
Reader & her talk about *sensitive* topics bc she gives great advice and reader comes to her about never *playing* with herself or ever finishing with anyone so older!neighbor!Robin gives reader a hands on lesson
(Take it as mutual mash orrrrr just Robin having some fun hehe)
older!neighbor!robin x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2693 (ceebs this was supposed to be a short little drabble, look what you made me do??)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content (MDNI), implied age gap (reader is 18+!), masturbation, finger sucking, vaginal fingering, reader is shy at first but robin can work with that, not beta read (i feel like i should stop mentioning that but english isn't my first language so i feel the urge to explain myself lmao).
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i am just projecting at this point but i'm here for it tbh- also this fic fits perfectly into the neighbor!robin universe so?
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robin always gave great advice, from the first day on.
whether she was helping you with your styling choices or with where to look for your missing diary, she always seemed to get it right.
maybe that is why you chose to ask her, out of all people.
it not like there were many people to aks anyway. you obviously couldn't talk to your parents and none of your friends would get it.
so, here you are, sitting with your very handsome neighbor, the words you have just said still lingering.
you regret it immediately and the way she is raising her brows speaks volumes.
you must have made this weird. or uncomfortable. probably both.
either way, you have definitely ruined it.
"i mean uhm- shit- i" you bite the inner side of your cheek to cut yourself off. there is no point in denying it now. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to-"
"no" she interrupts and takes your hands in hers. your breath hitches in your throat. the way her long, delicate fingers wrap around your wrists does things to you. things you have never felt before.
there is a spark of something new in her eyes now. something curious maybe...? the fact that you have chosen her bedroom as a place to have this conversation is most definitely not helping.
her scent is all around you and the feeling of the soft cotton beneath your bare leg makes you want her to press your damp skin up against it and kiss all doubts off of you.
you put your hands down to your thigh and rub your palm up and down over the skin. a nervous habit that would normally help. it's not helping right now though.
she drags her finger along her own jaw in thought, her gaze still lingering upon you.
"go on" she breathes eventually.
"it's just that- god-" you inhale deeply before the words start spilling out. "i guess i never...got what it was all about, you know? this big, great feeling everyone talked out-"
"you mean like cumming?" she asks. she says it with such ease.
"y-yeah that- i mean- cumming. right. yeah. everyone is just- i don't know- it's like some big inside joke that everyone seems to know about and i am the only one who doesn't get it"
robin nods along your words.
"and it's not like i am that experienced but- maybe i'm broken?" your voice cracks at the last part.
"broken?" the woman repeats softly. "you're most definitely not broken y/n. why would you think that?"
"it just- it has never worked with anyone else you know what i mean?
when i'm alone it's...one thing. but when someone else is touching me it's just- god" you groan in frustration.
"it doesn't seem to work then”
you know you're probably all red in the face right now. but robin is so considerate, so sweet about this. you just can't seem to help yourself.
and maybe you don't want to help yourself. maybe you want her to help. maybe you want-
"i can show you" she finally says.
you nearly choke on your own spit. your eyes widen and your jaw drops.
"i can show you" robin repeats. "i don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything but like...i can show you- how to touch yourself, i mean. i can-"
"please" you whisper under your breath. it's so quiet you're afraid she won't hear, because you're not sure you'll be able to repeat yourself. but of course she does.
robin puts a hand around you and lays you down slowly, so slowly that you could stop her a thousand times if you wanted to.
she lingers above you for a second, searching your eyes for any doubts but finding none.
you finally move and bring a hand up to her cheek.
her skin is so soft beneath your fingers. so soft.
"can i kiss you?" robin asks.
you nod your head and lean up to meet her halfway. nothing compares to the feeling of her lips on yours. nothing will ever compare again.
the kiss is soft at first, but you quickly grow hungry for more and part your lips. luckily she gets the hint and slides her tongue into your mouth slowly.
you gasp at the new feeling but gladly let it happen, even suck her tongue further into your mouth.
"has anyone ever made you cum?" she whispers. the rasp in her voice seems to be even more prominent when she's saying such words.
you nearly choke on your breath again and choose to shake your head before you can start to second guess your answer.
"okay" she nods. "that's okay. don't worry, we'll get you there baby, alright?"
"please robin" you don't mean to sound so desperate but you also can not decline such an offer.
"have you ever gotten yourself off?"
your eyes meet hers and you bite your lip, your mind wandering to the countless times you've run your hands down your body, imagining they were hers. you nod.
"show me" robin rasps.
"show you?" you repeat.
"yeah...show me how you would normally do it, what you like and dislike..." she stares down at you for a second before she adds. "can you be a good girl and do that for me?"
your lips part but only a strangled moan comes out. you have imagined how these words might sound from her. but actually hearing them?
you nod your head and lean back against the pillows behind you, so that you're sitting up in front of her.
she leans back and gestures for you to continue.
you keep looking at her and try not to get too self conscious while you slowly pull your panties down your legs from below your summer dress.
you can see robin visibly gulp when you throw them down the side of the bed.
you bend you legs at the knees and then spread them slowly, slightly teasing her.
"god fuck" she mumbles, proving that it's working.
you pull up your dress and your face flushes red when you expose your bare cunt to her.
she just puts a hand to your thigh to keep you open for her gaze.
you don't even know how you find the strenght to do it but you run a hand down your body and slowly begin tracing over your outer lips, fingers froming a v-shape as you spread yourself open for her to see.
"fuck-" you breathe out shakily. "fuck robin"
she squeezes your thigh gently. "i'm right here. now show me. show me how you would normally do it"
robin's gaze follows your fingers as you start stroking your clit on either side.
you immediately fight back the urge to close your thighs and choose to focus on robin instead.
robin who is sitting right there, watching you with a mesmerized, hungry expression.
"does that feel good?" she asks with watchful eyes on your dripping entrance. only the fact that she is watching you like this makes you wetter than you would get under any circumstances.
"yeah" you nod your head. "so good robin"
"is that all you do?"
"no" you bite your lip again and watch her as she tilts her head suggestively.
alright, here goes nothing.
your lashes flutter and your lips part when you dip two of your fingers down to your entrance.
you're taking aback at the feeling of your arousal. god, you really are wet.
you moan softly when you push them inside but it delights you to see that robin's expression is a reflection of your own: her lips agape and her eyelids heavy.
"god please let me touch you y/n" she whispers after a couple of thrusts under her watchful eye.
there is nothing you would want more. you lean back on the mattress and scoot further down, so that robin is towering above you.
you remove your hand from your center slowly. it's almost painful to stop now, but you know it'll only get better.
robin runs her hand up your thighs slowly and smiles when you shiver in response.
"so pretty" she whispers in amazement. "so pretty"
she runs it further and further up, over your chest, until her fingers reach your lower lip.
your eyes widen when she pulls it down slowly.
you wrap your lips around her index and middle finger and suck them past your lips eagerly.
it's an easy thing for you to take them in until the second knuckle and she just watches you in a haze as you suck on them, wettening them further.
you let them fall from your mouth once you feel like they have gotten wet enough, mostly because you can't wait much longer though. you need robin. now.
the woman brings her fingers down to your clit but stops for you to give her the final permission. you nod and her fingers find your clit.
"oh fuck" you breathe and your eyes close.
she copies the movements you have shown her, applying exactly the right amount of pressure.
"right there robin, right there" you squirm. the sensation of someone else touching you like this is so new.
and it feels so fucking good.
so good, in fact, that you start canting your hips up to meet her fingers, an attempt to pick up the pace. but robin hushes you.
"let me do the work pretty girl" she says. "just lay back and relax"
"but-" you want to protest but the words die on your tongue at one particular flick of her fingers "fuck".
"oh, you like that yeah?" she asks and raises her brows as she repeats the movement.
"fuck yeah-" you moan softly. robin now has one finger on either side of your clit, rubbing gently and in all the right ways.
you bite down on your index as you watch her and how she is looking at you while she is giving you such an insane amount of pleasure.
probably more than anyone else -including yourself- has ever given you.
"you want more, pretty girl?" she hums and her fingers toy around your entrance. all of your muscles seem to tense up at the exact same time and a breathy moan falls from your lips.
robin smiles and uses the wetness that is pooling between your thighs to cover her fingers in them. you're sure the extra makeshift lube isn't necessary but you're thankful that she is being considerate nonetheless.
your fingers wrap around her wrist in a tight grip when she pushes to fingers into your throbbing cunt.
her lips part and her eyes blink under heavy lids multiple times, almost as if she was inserting those fingers into herself rather than you.
your mouth is forming a silent 'o' as you apologetically loosen your grip. but robin doesn't mind.
"holy shit" she curses under her breath. "holy shit fuck y/n-"
"robin" you whimper when she pushes her fingers all the way inside, a wet squelching sound echoing through the room. you should feel embarrassed, you should feel ashamed, for letting your neighbor finger fuck you in her bedroom, all spread out for her. but you don't.
"you're so fucking pretty" she rasps as she starts curling her fingers against that spot inside of you. "and you sound so pretty too, you know that? god i wanna hear more..."
she picks up the pace of her thrusts as she speaks and your back arches up against her.
you can't even keep your eyes open anymore and they fall shut as you desperately rut against her hand.
"eyes on me" robin orders. "i need to see you, god-"
you obey immediately, eyes snapping open to stare up at her. your heart flutters when you see the way her hips are grinding down against the comforters below her.
she's biting her lower lip all while fucking her fingers into you without showing any signs of stopping. but you can tell by the look on robin's face that she wants something too.
"c-come here" you breathe and use your free hand to pat the spot next to you. robin raised her brows in surprise and you glare down to where she is rocking against the mattress.
only the fact that you got her to this point has another wave of arousal washing through you.
"i- i want to...help you too" you blush "can i?"
robin is next to you in an instant. she has to remove her fingers from you for a second, which seems painful, but becomes nearly irrelevant the second she starts unbuttoning her pants for you.
excitement rushes through you as she undresses for you and pulls down both her pants and her underwear.
your eyes glue to the wet patch in her panties before she throws them aside and spreads her own legs, your thighs bumping together in the process.
she looks over at you and your eyes meet.
"are you sure?" she asks and puts a strand of hair behind your ear. "we don't-"
you cut robin off my pressing your lips together in a searing kiss. she gasps in surprise but lets it happen. she places her palm on your cheek while you're making out and moans into your mouth openly.
eventually, you run a hand down her body and she follows suit. you copy her motions and you let your hands wander down the other's body synchronized.
you stop when your palm in cupping her mound and exhale shakily when you feel her wetness against your fingers.
her eyes don't leave yours when she nods and you both dip two fingers into the other's cunt.
you do your best to copy what robin is doing inside of you but it seems to be working, judging by the constant curses and moans that robin can't hold back.
after just a couple of minutes, she goes faster again. slowly at first, you barely notice it, but then her thrusts become uncoordinated too.
"fuck" she groans while she is spreading her legs further. you can see them shaking even from where you're sitting "just like that...good girl"
your own orgasm is fast approaching now. you've been turned on from the minute you walked into her house but would've never guessed that the day would take such turns.
"oh robin" you moan. "fuck you're- your fingers- god"
she lets her head drop back against the pillows, eyes closed and mouth hanging open while her arousal is soaking into the fabric beneath her.
your jaw goes completely slack when she starts rubbing her thumb over your clit and the last thing you can really do is circle your own thumb over her clit as well before the pleasure starts reaching its peak.
"i'm- i think- oh god- i-" you don't even know how to say it.
"fuck, me too" robin moans and that is pretty much all it takes.
your back arches and with obscene moans of her name on your lips, you cum all over her fingers and coat her hands and the blanket below with your release.
you don't stop your own hand from moving, despite the fact that your wrists hurt from the angle, and fuck robin over the edge of her own orgasm as well.
your name sounds so pretty when she calls it out as she cums, a sight you could probably get used to.
"just like that, just like that- fuck- so good for me" robin moans.
neither of you stops until the other is shaking from the aftershocks and can't keep up anymore.
you withdraw your fingers from her slowly and turn to face her. she does the same and you find yourself staring at her. at her beautiful facial features, her freckled skin, and soft lips.
once she has caught her breath, she speaks.
"i've been waiting for this" she whispers.
"me too" you admit and bite your lip.
"you're beautiful"
you know this is only the beginning and there really is no stopping you after what you've done just now.
but maybe that's good. maybe you really want it. and maybe she does too.
it sure seems like it, when she leans in and kisses you.
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jnkgrnde · 1 year
— the girl with the tattoo
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pairings : riri williams x black!reader
warnings : just sappy lowk cringy sht
summary : a night with riri makes her realize just how much she likes you with the help of miguel. based off of ‘the girl with the tattoo’ by miguel
authors note : i haven’t been writing that much over my ‘hiatus’ bc ive been unmotivated so i’m sorry if this seems half assed 😭
riri williams was head over heels for you and all it took for her to realize was the artist miguel.
you were laying in her dorm hanging out, music on blast (or not, considering dorm rules), and you two were laying fairly close. you were talking about everything and nothing, topics going from what you thought was in space, to shows you two wanted to binge together, to piercings and tattoos..
that’s where you were now; you were talking about the couple of tattoos you had marked on your body. there was butterfly tattoos printed behind your ear, a small ‘777’ marked on your wrist, and a winged heart on your shoulder, all of which riri traced.
you told her the meaning behind each one — you had always considered butterflies to be gentle, carefree but calm, so you thought they’d fit you. with the 777, you told the williams girl it was so you carried luck with you wherever you go. the winged heart was a sensitive topic, but you decided to tell her anyways.
the night felt.. different to riri. she didn’t know what it was, whether it was the jumping from topic to topic after having long talks about it, the way you kept looking at her, or the way you explained how much things meant to you. to her, she looked at you differently than how she usually does, but if other people were in the room, they’d say she looks at you how she usually does.
it didn’t really go unnoticed by you considering you started tripping over your words more than usual. you felt her eyes boring into you no matter where, whether it be your tattoos or your eyes.
“ri, do i have something on my face?” was chuckled into the air the next time you caught her staring again. her eyebrows shot up once she got focused again. “what do you mean?” and you couldn’t tell if she knew she was staring, or if she was being truthful and just genuinely didn’t realize she was.
“you’ve been staring this entire time.” riri’s eyes diverted, a blush she was thankful you couldn’t see covered her cheeks. “no, no! it’s just uh..” her brain was trying to catch up with reality, racking for an excuse. she froze when you giggled. “you think i’m pretty, ms. williams?”
riri’s face was on fire this point; of course she thought you were pretty. she’d always thought you were pretty, what with your brown skin shining everywhere you went. she found herself unable to take her eyes off you whenever you were in the room. “i- i mean.. yeah.” she muttered under her breath, thinking you wouldn’t hear it. but, oh, you did.
you kept your lips shut, though, to save her the potential embarrassment and only let a giggle slip out. the conversation continued flowing after a beat, and while it did, the song that was playing before faded into ‘girl with the tattoo’ started playing.
you two were talking softly now, sleep slowly dawning upon you. while you were speaking, riri listened to the song, moreso paying attention to the lyrics.
those innocent eyes.
that was one of the things riri loved about you most — your eyes. they always looked so intrigued, giving everything your full attention, especially riri.
now that she thought about it, you stared at her a lot. almost every time she looked at you, there you were. staring. had you always been admiring her the way you did? she’d always thought it was more of her admiring you.
that smile on your face makes it easy to trust you.
and there was another of of the many things riri loved about you; to her, your smile could light up a room. it was blinding, almost permanent. it always got bigger whenever you were around the small girl.
it was so warm, so inviting that it seems so easy to trust you.
after some thinking, reconsidering, and thinking again, riri came down to a decision. “y/n?” she meekly asked, voice barely above a whisper. you looked over at her to find her fiddling with her thumbs. you knew she was nervous about something, having noticed she messes with things when she is.
“what’s up?” “promise me you won’t get mad.” she started with. “oh my god, what did you do?” because knowing riri, whenever she says “don’t get mad,” it’s usually followed by some random thing. she took a deep breath. “i like you. a lot. a-and i know i’m probably not supposed to because you’re my best friend, and you probably not gonna like me that way, but i just wanted to get it off my chest, so if you don’t feel the same way then i-“
she was cut off and she felt something soft press against her lips. the girl with the tattoo ended long ago, ‘love drought’ by beyoncé replacing it. you leaned back after a moment, your signature grin placed on your face. her lips moved but no words came out.
“i like you too, ri. i always have.”
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hajihiko · 1 year
I interpret Kaz's relationship with his dad a little differently from that one convo. He says something like 'he knew better than anyone that we didn't have the money' and I took that as his dad wanted him to go and have fun like a normal kid and not worry about the money. Of course, I don't justify physical discipline and it is abuse, even if the parent is well intentioned. I think that Kaz does love his dad and they're relationship might be more complicated. But you know that's just one of the many things he needs to work out in therapy.
(Again this is just my interpretation and I'm not saying yours is wrong. I do love the art.)
Just gonna use this as a little jumping point to talk about this bc why not, warnings for obviously sensitive topics
I dont think you're wrong, I actually probably agree, but one thing;
It's not uncommon for public perception to weigh more than actual actions or intent. In the example given, I see it like so; yeah, Souda sr. wanted his son to go on a field trip that they couldn't really afford. Yeah, Kaz wanted to help the household by not going on the trip and saving the money. Both have good intent here. It's not about that, though, because in Souda sr.'s eyes, refusing to go on the trip is like admitting that they're poor, which is like saying the father can't provide for his family, which is like public humiliation- in his eyes. In a fit of rage (and insecurity, if it's something that's already weighing on his mind, as these things often go) the assumption isnt that his son was trying to help, just that he did something that makes the father look bad. Which is a bigger trigger than most things, often, for patriarchal authority figures.
And it not an excuse for physical harm, no, nothing is. Probably, Souda sr. knows that, and didn't mean to snap- doesnt think he committed an act of child abuse- but he's been under a lot of stress, and his son was talking back, and, well.
I think they do usually get along alright, and Souda sr. does his best to provide for himself and his son and keep their relationship good, and Kazuichi is genuinely grateful for everything his dad's done for him? But in the end, it's another person Kazuichi trusted teaching him the lesson that people will let him down and hurt him, in some way at some point. If your parent whom you trust has made you genuinely afraid of them, it's hard to come back from it, and someone as anxious and emotionally sensitive as Kazuichi will hold onto that forever, probably, even as he might internalized some of it as his own fault.
It's a lot more complicated than just "bad father, sad son" (but again, not excusable, you don't hit your kids period). It's father and son who love each other and might be the only family they both have, but they clash horribly on occasion, make up (or don't talk about it at all), things die down, stay good for a while, then there's another clash- so it goes, even if the bad times are only occasional. The biggest Thing about these kind of relationships, to me, is that it's so easy to fall into a routine and let things stagnate, and before you know it, it's just How Things Are and it's easier to just deal than start rocking the boat.
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