#bc now i’m second guessing everything they’re saying bc i thought we were friends and there’s no reason why friends can’t send each other
fakeoutbf · 4 months
five stages of grief but it’s five stages of social anxiety
#walk with me#this morning i got a bouquet delivered to me at work randomly out of nowhere#the note basically said that i could count of the person even if for just some words of advice or a gesture that could make me laugh or mad#count on the person**#i immediately knew it’s from one of my coworkers and ngl i have a very charged?? relationship with them#in the sense that it’s very intense and we can be laughing joking and teasing or we can be really angry and pissed with each other#it can have very extreme emotions even if we just chill most of the time#idk why i think this whole year i’ve been leaning on them more?? and we started texting more often too#so we’ve been more properly friends lately#and for one i was SO EMBARRASSED for getting flowers bc my coworkers tease the shit out of everyone myself included and i’m not used to#gestures like that so obviously they were on my ass all day about it#and everyone asked about them and it’s EMBARRASSING to get that much attention#(me: i wanna be a singer / also me: can’t stand to be the center of attention)#anyway the person that sent them avoided me yesterday out of nowhere??? idk if they thought i was mad bc i didn’t reply to their texts all#weekend but i literally never reply to anyone and pms was a bitch and i just wanted to be alone#so they didn’t talk to me on monday i was mostly just working listening to music bc i was still emotional whatever#and today i did talk to my other coworkers bc it’s the day when my favorite coworker comes in and i talk to them a lot so i engaged more#and they were still ignoring me and then the flowers came in and we didn’t say a single word to each other today we just texted#they told me they sent them and that ‘they forgot’ what they sent and that it was just meant to be a nice gesture#and that bc they wanted to ‘surprise’ me and make me feel better bc i said i was sad at one point?? idek#i literally just want to tell them I HAD PMS ITS FINE I FEEL SUICIDAL ALL THE TIME and move on#bc now i’m second guessing everything they’re saying bc i thought we were friends and there’s no reason why friends can’t send each other#flowers or whatever but they’ve been avoiding me and then they keep answering my texts really weirdly and i always misinterpret flirting bc#i’m never outright romantic with anyone?? plus we’re FRIENDS i should have no reason to think that’s changed#but they’re being so weird and why get me FLOWERS??? idk get me a chocolate or a coffee i don’t NEED flowers#and then i said it was random to give me flowers out of nowhere and they’re like no it’s serious bro what’s serious??????#your feelings towards me?? or just your will to cheer me up???#if they don’t reply straight up in their next texts i’m gonna flat out say but it was a platonic gesture right???#so yeah i’m overthink getting flowers bc what’s the social code for that and what is one supposed to do when they get flowers from a friend#delivered to their joint workplace where everyone can see them and think they’re from a partner or something
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pprodsuga · 2 months
omggg a snippet just for meeee i'm so honoured u wanted to share something with lil 'ol me. stop it before i develop a parasocial relationship with you...
on a different note, if u will allow me to rant for one wee second.. this is completely irrelevant to anything but i was looking for some romcom novels to read (bc i need to stop letting fanfiction consume me), and tell me why authors pick the ugliest most generic ytest names. i haven't read a real book in a while and i'm so used to reading ff now where even side characters have korean names that the switch over back to western books is awful. i had to stop my search bc wtf is GARRETT and TUCKER. ik a korean name is just a name, there's nothing objectively special, but it's just more unique in the sense that i don't see it often outside of media. the only way to get around this is fantasy books where the names aren't even real names (thank god the book im currently reading is fantasy). PLEASE can i just get an ethnic name and maybe more ethnic characters or something... sob. i just want a college romcom to cope so i can get away from college au's😭 yeah it's fucked for me. thank u for listening to my unsolicited bitch sesh
just for you, for always being so thoughtful in your words. more under the cut to spare the dash.
your first messages back in june struck a chord within me for two reasons: talking about my writing was an incredibly kind thing for you to do and it validated the hell out of my work. but also, i was experiencing a lot of friendship turmoil that i had to navigate (re: why i wrote never to keep).
i don’t know if i’ve ever expressed just how grateful i am to have read your messages at that time because for that entire month, i felt like i did not have anyone in my life to back me up when i stood up for myself. knowing that you thought i must be someone with a great deal of empathy and kindness restored a bit of faith in me and who i am as a friend. i reread your message over and over again until i could remind myself that i am who i am for a reason. so thank you.
character names are something i think about a lot, both in fanfics and regular fiction. i’m oftentimes taken out of the story when it feels so incredibly yt (but go figure, i’m not white but have a “white” name so i understand that there is some nuance sprinkled in there). but sometimes we just crave that subtle representation in an ethnic name so i don’t have to wait for the author to explain that they’re not….white. in every sense of the word. but like if you’re gonna pick a white name then at least make them sound HOT?
onto the snippet! i’m excited to post this one. no idea when i’ll finish writing/editing but i’m excited that you’re excited. not providing context bc im a menace and will make you wait. 😎 (thank you for being excited.)
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
Sunghoon turns to look at you. “You were always the most unpredictable part of my day.” 
“Yeah. You moved into the apartment next to mine and running into you a few times a week kept me on my toes. I don’t know. I guess I saw you as someone I would have potentially befriended. I could at least pretend I was coming home to talk to someone who cared.” 
“That’s…very sweet. You’re a nice person, Sunghoon.” 
He sighs. “I don’t feel that way. I don’t know when I’m gonna see my family and friends again and explain all of this, but I'm starting to get the feeling that they’ll never hear from me and they’ll never know what happened tonight.” 
“You know,” you begin, “a lot of my life was spent moving from place to place and never having anything or anyone to call home. I can’t imagine what it must feel like for you to leave everything behind. For that, I truly am sorry.”
“It’s really not your fault,” Sunghoon says dryly. “Whoever tried to kill you should get a bullet to his head.” He hears you laugh awkwardly.
“Yeah, well that likely wouldn’t solve our problems.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I don’t think that man acted on his own accord. It’s too professional to assume he’s working alone.” 
“You’re saying he’s working with someone else?” 
“Or, he’s working for someone.” 
Sunghoon gulps. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“The price of freedom is high. Remember that.” 
“You know, none of this explains how you know what you’re doing. If you know, for that matter.” 
He doesn’t hear you move for a short while and closes his eyes shut. Once again, he’s found himself slipping up and saying things that don't translate well. Too afraid to speak, Sunghoon considers sleeping and dealing with his actions in the morning. 
“I know what I’m doing because I’ve done it before,” you say through the darkness. “When your whole life revolves around survival, you adapt to the best of your ability and do anything to stay alive. I’ve learned a few things from my time on the run so please know that I know what I’m doing.”
“Who are you?” 
The room is silent. 
“Someone you can trust.” 
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ultramagicalternate · 3 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude (BC) Chapter 28
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“ARGH!” Blood-Wraith recoiled, falling backwards out of the salt circle. “What was that!?”
Vexation composed himself and set the focusing orb down. “Blood, what’s wrong?” he asked as he helped him up.
“I… I saw something. Give me a second…” After pacing around, Blood-Wraith was able to put his thoughts together. “It was big, but not big. It stood there, except, it was… It was warping everything around it. It stood on the horizon yet it was right there next to me. I felt wrong and weird, so I tried to ignore it and get away, but that only made it more persistent.”
“And that’s what led to you losing your focus. Do you know what the entity wanted?”
Blood-Wraith sat down and put his head in his hand. “I think it wanted to help, but my instincts kept saying no. And now I feel bad…”
“Interesting” Vexation commented, pondering what it could have been. “That sounds fairly familiar to me. Take a break for now while I see what I can dig up.”
“Alright then.” Going down stairs, Blood-Wraith ran into Valentina talking to Radovan. “Oh, hey, dad.”
“Ah, there you are, Blood. You didn’t hurt yourself just now, did you?”
“You heard that? Um no, just encountered something weird is all.”
Valentina looked fairly concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay, sweetie?”
Blood-Wraith nodded. “So what’s up dad?”
“Vlastimir’s parents are here and they’d like to meet you. Would you like to come over to the mansion for a bit?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
In truth, Blood-Wraith was still shook up by what he had encountered. Perhaps this would take his mind off of it. Radovan handed the boy off to Rose as he headed back out to track down Dragoslava. Entering the backyard, Blood-Wraith quickly spotted Vlastimir’s parents. They immediately gave him a weird feeling. The two appeared normal enough, but it seemed like they had more to tell than what could be gleaned on a first encounter. As for everyone else, Vlastimir, Ekaterina, Desislav, Corentin, Kresimira, and even Deimos were present. All of them were having a good time and did not appear to be phased like Blood-Wraith was.
Vlastimir promptly noticed Blood-Wraith and quickly brought him over. “Blood! You have to meet my parents!” He quickly dusted him off even though it was not necessary. “Mom, Dad? This is Sir Blood-Wraith, my newest best friend.”
“Sir? He’s knighted?” Zoltan inquired. Vlastimir nodded. “Well then, it’s an honor and a pleasure to meet you, Sir Blood-Wraith.” He said, holding out his hand.
Blood-Wraith hesitated, but accepted. “Nice to meet you too, Zoltan.”
Morana held out her hand next. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, dear. I’m Morana, Vlastimir’s mother.”
“Likewise. Huh, you kind of remind me of Leif.”
Vlastimir chuckled. “It’s the dragon sealed inside my mom that gave me my blood.”
“Wow, neat. Hey, could I have a second?”
“Sure,” Zoltan replied. “Go ahead, Blood-Wraith.”
He turned to Deimos and gave him a hug. “Hey, Deimos. How’s it going?”
“Good to see you again, Blood. Captain Dusan and his crew made it back safe and sound. Currently they’re waiting for the Shadowland situation to resolve before we set up the next voyage. Since there’s down time, I figured I’d stop by and meet our new faces.”
“That’s great.” He looked around. “I imagine Drago’s around, but where’s Tusk?”
Desislav lightly cleared his throat. “Well Deimos tried to get a hold of him, but I guess he’s busy at the moment…”
Just then, a portal opened up and out stepped Tusk. He was a bit roughed up, but no worse for wear. “Don’t worry, Randalph, I’ll be back in a moment… Hey everyone, did someone call for me?”
After a round of greetings from the group, Blood-Wraith addressed him. “Tusk, what have you been up to?”
He laughed. “Things are a bit hectic right now, but I have got quite the story to tell you when I’m done, Blood.”
Vlastimir got to work introducing Tusk to his parents. They were amazed to meet him as they had never seen a Tree Person before. After a quick rundown about Tusk’s stone arm, Dragoslava finally showed up. She had not accounted for the Dracul’s showing up early, hence why she was late. Dragoslava introduced herself and recognized Morana. She had run into her during her second trip to the Valley of Eons. The two had worked together to map out a recently discovered section of the valley at the time.
“Ha, well ain’t this quite the reunion?” Dragoslava remarked.
Tusk chuckled. “Kind of feels like Auda should be here…”
“We can send a letter to Sigmund if you want, Tusk,” Radovan offered.
He thought about it. “We could, but I got a feeling she sensed me re-enter The Unlight… did it just get dark all of a sudden?”
Behind Tusk was a tree, except it had not been there before. “BOO!” It exclaimed, starling him. Everyone else laughed.
“Auda!” Tusk cried. “Don’t do that!”
She laughed as she turned back to normal. She had not changed much since the last time everyone had seen her, barring the fact that her horns had grown a bit. “Got you, Uncle Tusk!”
Blood-Wraith was amazed. “Wow, Auda, how’d you get here so fast?”
Auda gave him a hug in greeting. “Grandpa taught me some new magic, Mr. Fire.”
“Wait, if you used what I thought you used…” Tusk looked around. “That only works in the forest.”
“Yeah. Isn’t this a part of the forest?”
Tusk turned to the trees in the distance, then to Rose. “Your Grace?”
She nodded. “Some of the trees I planted were saplings from The Unending Forest.”
“Ah, okay then. I was wondering why this place felt so familiar. So anyways; Zoltan, Morana, this is my niece, Auda. She helped get me out of the ground, for Blood’s sake.”
Zoltan and Morana were pleased to meet Auda, as she was simply a doll to them. Once everything had settled, the group went back to talking. The conversation went back and forth between Earth and The Unlight, fascinating everyone. Of particular interest to Blood-Wraith and the others were Vlastimir’s friends from Earth. They all sounded quite charming, prompting the group to want to meet them at some point in the future. As the late afternoon approached, Radovan got up to present an invitation to the Dracul’s.
“Zoltan, Morana? Would you two be interested in staying the night? I just figured it would be nice to rest up and not have to rush right out again.”
“Plus it will be a clear night,” Rose added. “We should be able to spot Leif’s constellation.”
Zoltan liked this idea. “That would be fine with me. Morana?”
“Oh absolutely. Truthfully I’ve been wanting to revisit The Unlight for some time now.”
“Fantastic. Vlastimir, Ekaterina?”
“I don’t mind,” he replied.
“Neither do I,” Ekaterina agreed.
“Very good.” Radovan turned to Blood-Wraith. “Son? Could you go inform Vex and Val of our plans? It’d be great to have them over for dinner.”
Blood-Wraith got up and stretched. “Sure… ah, hey, Deimos? You uh… want to come with me and say hi to Vex? You know, before everything gets going?”
Deimos had a guilty look on his face. He took a deep breath and got up, having a feeling as to what was going to happen. “Sure…”
After a quick walk, the two were back at Blood-Wraith’s house. “It’s a shame we couldn’t get Aureolus here” Blood-Wraith commented as he opened the door.
“True, but he is quite busy in Shadowland after all.”
“Yeah. Val? Vex? Dad wants to invite you over to dinner at the mansion. Vlastimir’s parents are staying the night.”
“Dinner? Well that sounds lovely” Valentina responded as she walked into the living room. “Oh, Deimos.”
“Hello, Valentina. Is Vexation…?”
Deimos looked up at the stairs. “It’s… It’s been a while, Ermenrich.”
Vexation walked over and looked his old friend in the eye. There was a bit of a pause, followed by a smile. “Water under the bridge…” He then gave Deimos a hug.
“Aw, how wonderful” Valentina complimented.
“Thanks, Ermenrich.”
“Just one thing, Eustorgio…”
“What’s that?”
Vexation sucker punched him in the gut. “That’s for stabbing me in the back!”
Valentina was offended by this. “Vexation!”
“No, no, I deserved that…” Deimos said as he steadied himself.
Vexation helped him stand upright. “No hard feelings?”
“No hard…” Deimos was interrupted by a cream pie to the face. He then took a taste of it. “Banana?” The two mages burst out laughing, leaving Blood-Wraith and Valentina bemused. “Even after all that nonsense I put you through?” Deimos asked as he wiped off his face.
“Yeah, come here, brother!” The two hugged for real this time.
Blood-Wraith looked at Valentina. “I had the weirdest feeling before coming over here…”
“Good call, dear.”
“You’ll be happy to know that I managed to track down Tiberius, Ermenrich,” Deimos stated.
“Really now?” Vexation was surprised. “How’s he doing?”
“Reincarnated, but he retained his memories. He even has ULTRAMagic now, so I invited him to the guild…”
Now Blood-Wraith was surprised. “Wait, really? I mean, what’s he like?���
“Don’t fret, Blood, my boy. Tiberius is a stellar mage and will make sure the guild goes on without a hitch.”
Vexation nodded. “He’s no joke. I can’t even begin to recall all the times he’s gotten on our cases for being unorganized.”
Blood-Wraith thought about it and chuckled. “Well that’s cool then. That eases some of my worries.”
“It’s a shame we don’t have Leif or Mal though. You’d like Mal, Blood,” Deimos pointed out.
“Leif will pop back up soon, I’m sure of it” Vexation asserted. “Can’t say I’ve seen Mal recently, however.”
“Who’s Mal?” Blood-Wraith asked.
“She was a forlorn primordial we looked after back in the day. Leif found her out in the open and took her in. I’m kind of surprised she didn’t show up here while Leif was still around.”
Deimos pondered that for a moment. “Well if anyone can find her, it’d be Tiberius. I’ll bring it up with him next time I talk to him.”
“Well I certainly hope Milosh or The Lich didn’t get to her” Valentina put forth.
Deimos laughed, albeit regretfully. “Don’t worry, she avoided me like the plague when I became The Lich of Old, doubly so when I split myself. Furthermore, I’m sure she’d attack Milosh on sight. She may not look it, but she is incredibly powerful.”
Blood-Wraith sighed. “I have a feeling that Leif went to see her before we left for The Dark Grand Desert…”
“Of course…” Deimos said with a facepalm. “There were so many things I needed to ask him…”
“No use dwelling on the past, Eustorgio,” Vexation replied.
“Unfortunately” Blood-Wraith remarked. “So you all want to head over to the mansion then?”
“Certainly, let’s go.”
“Yeah, that pie made me hungry,” Deimos commented.
“I trust that there will be no more shenanigans, Vexation?” Valentina questioned.
He nodded. “It’s all good now.”
“Careful, he was the jokester of our group” Deimos cautioned.
This made Blood-Wraith giggle. “I take it there were a lot of pranks back then?”
“Yup, especially when Ermenrich started talking with Mal. They had a lot of fun making Tiberius lose his mind.”
Valentina laughed. “Well then, I’d love to meet Mal as soon as possible. And Tiberius given his disposition.”
“Duly noted, Val,” Deimos said as he shut the door behind them.
Next: Chapter 29
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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riverstardis · 2 years
crazy little thing called love:
the previous episode’s post isn’t showing up in the tag for some reason? not for me at least
alicia’s parents are back together… but not for long!
cal’s leaving alicia a surprise in her locker because he feels bad about not trusting her but he discovers that she has a second phone💀
ah alicia’s dad’s “business partner”
oh look they’re kissing!
aand he ends up pinned against a skip by his car🙃
LMAOO alicia goes “ethan you remember my mam yeah?” and he goes “yes, you had the gonorrhoea! … sorry…” SKDKFKKFG WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT😭😭😭 ohhh i miss him
oh yeah this is cal meeting alicia’s parents for the first time lol
i love dylan’s outfit
oop cal’s noticed martin holding howard’s hand
lmaoo ethan telling cal how it was awkward having to treat alicia’s mum after the whole sti thing and cal just didn’t know about that at all so ethan explains how she got it off the dad because “apparently he was sleeping around with other women” and cal’s like “well i’m not sure about that last part” 😭😭😭
cal says do you think being a player runs in the family and shows ethan alicia’s secret phone and guesses her pin because she’d leant him her bank card to get drinks one night (her pin is 4421 if anyone was wondering - for her bank and her secret phone💀)
she has flirty messages with “loverboy” that mention scrubs so they know it must be someone in the hospital
it always makes me laugh how ethan is very clearly just as upset, if not more upset, than cal is at this development, and not in a supportive brother way! but cal just doesn’t notice at all😭
cal tries to say martin can’t come into resus but alicia’s like “come on cal, martin and my dad are close” and cal’s like “you’re telling me”😬😬 so of course they then have to come clean
alicia telling them the origin of her nickname ‘scoobie’🥺🥺
“i always loved you jackie, i never lied about that. but you knew my parents, you think my father would’ve accepted a gay son 40 years ago? my friends? so i did what everyone was telling me to do, i conformed. and then i met you and we had alicia, my beautiful little girl, and suddenly i’ve got everything in the world to lose”😥😥
aww he’d been with martin for over 9 years
gem’s had 2 weeks added on to her sentence
cal’s now having second thoughts about meeting up with alicia’s “mystery man” because “maybe sometimes things are better left alone” and ethan goes “we need to know, cal” WE???? then he corrects himself “i mean, you need to know”😭😭😭 ohh ethan you’re soo lucky cal’s distracted
LMAOO louise getting noel and max to model wedding dresses for duffy
“loverboy” turns out to be max and he’s SO confused. ethan’s like “you’re sleeping with alicia? behind his back?” well one of you certainly did! max is still so confused bc he didn’t know he’d been talking to alicia and ethan PUNCHES HIM AND CAL HAS TO HOLD HIM BACK😭😭
that’s soo out of left field for ethan and i remember people at the time theorising that this was a sign of his huntington’s starting as aggression irritability and mood swings are often some of the first symptoms and even now i still think that makes the most sense. with hindsight idk if that’s what the writers were actually going for because they never made it explicit or anything but it could be! the psychiatric symptoms often start years before motor symptoms (the prodromal stage) and ofc from cal’s death onwards it’s impossible to pick out what’s caused by hd from what’s caused by, well, literally everything else, but at this point this really stands out. he’s obviously hurt and angry, as is cal, but his reaction is so extreme and sudden, like his emotional response has been exaggerated
tbh the writers probably just thought it was funny to have ethan reacting in a way that’s obviously not just anger on cal’s behalf but cal still not notice anything suspicious. and it is funny!
alicia tells them she was just pranking max😭😭
“we’ve had fun together, cal, haven’t we? why’ve we stopped?” “i do trust you” “you hardly know me, not really. which is why it worked so well before, it was just” “fun” “everything eventually falls apart when it’s held together by a lie” :( she seems like she’s about to tell him about sleeping with ethan but then she changes her mind
poor alicia :(
aw louise bursts into noel’s interview to tell them how he saved a kids life and the machines can’t do that
aww jackie realises that howard loves and needs martin and goes and tells martin to go and be with him. funny how she didn’t need to try and rape him isn’t it🤔🤔
LMAO charlie and duffy are practising their first dance in the staff room and some others are watching them but then dylan comes in and puts his tea in the microwave without even acknowledging them and they’re all staring at him and he genuinely doesn’t even realise why😭😭😭😭 i love him sjskdkfkk
robyn goes to cal “hey that’s gonna be you and alicia next” yeahhh i don’t think so
they’re all getting ready for the stag do and duffy says to bring charlie back in one piece lmao well they will eventually
max tries to get dylan to come but he’s like “i don’t think there’s a thing in the world worse than stag nights” but then he says they can give him a lift to the kennels because he has to pick dervla up and max is like “you can do whatever you want, you’re driving” “you what?” “everyone else has had a drink” “oh my god this day just gets better and better doesn’t it” skskfkgkgk
alicia tells cal that her parents split up but it’s probably for the best and cal’s like “yeah it’s never easy though, no matter how old you are” hmm interesting… definitely sounds like he’s implying his parents split up which again doesn’t fit with the original backstory richard winsor talked about where ethan stayed at home and had a more family oriented upbringing than cal did does it?
lmao cal makes alicia think he’s proposing and the absolute FEAR in her eyes SJSKDKFK but it’s just lingerie and he’s like “see we can still have fun together”
cal’s like “we good?” and alicia says yeah… but not for long!
alicia goes “bet you give these to all your girlfriends” and cal goes “only the ones i’m in love with” oh poor cal
lmaoo ethan gives cal his stag do t-shirt and shows him his which says ‘barry 2017 world tour “ethan-ator”’ and cal’s like “oh you are not my brother” and ethan just laughs and goes “THE ETHAN-ATOR” DNDKSKJFF just how much has he had to drink already??? he’s also wearing it OVER his shirt???
the cuff link falls out of cal’s jacket as he goes to get changed and he says to charlie “can you believe i nearly blew it all for that?” and charlie’s like “but you didn’t!” but then ethan comes back over, notices it, and goes “hey where’d you get that? i’ve been looking for that everywhere!” and cal is SHOOK but ethan has no idea what he just revealed😭😭
yay the stag the dog and the sheep time!!!!!
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
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Halley’s Comet
PAIRING: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Halley’s Comet comes around more often than Sirius Black does. Shame you didn’t get to see it in your lifetime when he finally did. [Based on Halley’s Comet by Billie Eilish]
WORDS: 3.4k
WARNING(S): angst, promises, kinda half-assed writing because i rushed hanxbdjwa bold and italicized text are the lyrics. not proofread so might have a couple of errors. || SECOND PERSON
A/N: thank u babe i’m honored <333 i hope i captured the vibe and the aesthetic of it bb!!! agh the song’s so good especially with earphones smxnejej
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I don't want it
“If you were really a star among the other stars, what would you do?” you had asked him one late night as you two sat with your backs against the rock hard wall of Hogwarts, your legs spread out before you.
“I’m already a star,” he told you with a smug grin, reveling at the fact that he’d just made you laugh. Friends is what he’d say if asked what the two of you were. A friend is what he’d tell his other friends about what he saw whenever he looked at you. “But if I really did become the actual star, there wouldn’t be much to do but guess I’d like to hold hands with the other stars then I’d still rock a good outfit.”
“A good outfit? How does that even work?”
“Eh, well, you know, the usual stuff like my belt, my sword, and my shield.”
“That doesn’t even — oh, right, because your name’s Orion? You know, I hate to break it to you, but that’s your father’s name.”
“Either way, I wouldn’t care because I’d still be the brightest star in the sky.”
And I don't want to want you
You laughed at this, and he once again felt a smile tug at his lips. What a drag, he thought, pertaining to the stupid glint he felt at this stupid thing he refused to admit. Not your laugh, no. Never in a lifetime would he think of anything that came out of your mouth was anything worth of a mockery.
He shifted in his seat, not tearing his eyes off the sky just like you still hadn’t. Clearly you were both far too mesmerized by the brilliance of the dark yet twinkling sky, amused by the beauty that always felt chasing after the light, its demise no more than a rising sun.
“Everyone’s the brightest star to someone whose eyes they’re made for,” you said, finally facing him, “and I guess you just happen to be your own.”
Not really, he thought as he faced you as well. It’s actually you. But he shook this thought aside as soon as it came and just laughed along with you, the sense of comfort lingering longer than often. “That’s true.” It isn’t.
He turned to you, his eyes filled with more than what the night sky could ever carry. “I like the way your eyes always seem to be so full when it’s watching the night sky pass by, I like the way you laugh at everything I say, I like the way you roll your eyes during History of Magic, I like you,” is what he would say if he had the guts to do so. Instead, he only smiled, half hoping you’d get the words out of it.
Sirius Black is a courageous man through and through, he knew that. He could do what some cannot, but one of those skills does not include telling the truth even at least to himself.
“Sirius, tell me something,” you breathed, your eyes once again fixed on the brilliance of the night sky. He raised a brow, forgetting you couldn’t see him. “Why are we here?”
He froze. Yeah, why? “Because,” he started, gathering as much as he could from millions and millions of his thoughts, “I like it.” I like being out here with you.
“Really? You don’t think we should’ve done this up at the Astronomy Tower?”
Well this is embarrassing, thought Sirius, realizing just now that you were referring to something else.
“We were having two different conversations,” he murmured.
“Nothing,” he added. “I mean, sure, the Astronomy Tower’s great but I think it’s lovely watching it from afar.”
“We’d still be watching it from afar if we were up there and it would be a lot better view. Merlin, Pads, do you ever think?”
I do; about you. He shook his head. One might say that the moment has passed. It hasn’t. He doesn’t think it ever will, not when he’s watching you throwing your head back in laughter again. Oh, if only he could live in this moment forever. What a luxury that would be.
“What do you want to do after Hogwarts?” he asked all of a sudden, catching you off guard. You’d been friends with Sirius for a long time now, and the still far away thought of graduating now being so disturbingly near felt more like an impending doom than a relief.
You felt as if your answer needed more thought: To answer with what job you want to take afterwards. But you had something else in mind. “I’ll wait for 1986.”
“That’s oddly specific,” he remarked. “Isn’t that still ten years away, give or take?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Why that year?”
“Well,” you started, facing him for real with your knees pressed against your chest, your arms wrapped around them, “there’s this once to twice in a lifetime thing that I want to see not just in pictures.”
“Are you familiar with an ice cream truck?”
“Hardly, but go on.”
“See, there’s this comet that only comes around every seventy-five to seventy-six years. It was last seen in 1910, and it just seems like a shame not to see it at least one in your lifetime.”
“What does an ice truck have to do with any of that?” laughed Sirius. You didn’t.
“It comes and it goes,” you told him matter-of-factly.
Sirius bursted into a laugh. “That sounds pretty great,” started Sirius, a smile forming on his lips, “I’ll be there when you watch it even though I don’t approve of its name.”
“Shame,” you commented. “Why not?”
“Black’s Comet sounds a lot better, don’t you think?”
It was your turn to laugh this time, and he had to keep himself from beaming. “Hm, I prefer [Y/L/N]’s comet.”
“[Y/L/N]-Black’s Comet it is then.”
“Alright, deal,” you answered with a smile that could have possibly sent Sirius orbiting around every planet in the universe all at once and back. “Promise you’ll watch it with me?”
“My answer’s always the first word, of course I do.”
A moment of silence again, and you were both in the same place you’ve been since the night started: Backs against Hogwarts’s walls and untrue of what you felt for each other, always just waiting and waiting and waiting.
But in my dreams, I seem to be more honest
The very next day, he distanced himself, not even daring to meet your gaze. He doesn’t want to want you, but what played before his eyes during his sleep said something else: You stood up during class and everybody else froze, but not out of shock. They were just . . . still and unmoving as if they were simply carved that way.
The classroom then descended into nothingness and soon the dark was engulfed by the treacherous stars whose intentions are misaligned if not for their mesmerizing glow.
But he didn’t care for them. He only cared for you. You whose body was made of something else far more precious than the stars. You whose hands were reaching out to him. You whose presence takes up most of the infinite space in his mind, filling even the corners no thought of his could ever reach. . .
When he awoke, he spent the time he tossed around in bed hoping the drowsiness would disappear and hopefully with it the dream.
And I must admit you've been in quite a few
I’ve forgotten it already, he told himself over and over, a pathetic attempt at assuring himself it was nothing more than an idiotic idea. It’s gone in my head now.
We’re friends, he’d say. We’re great friends. It’s hard to look at someone who’s only looking straight ahead from afar, knowing all too well there’d never be more than what there is today.
Maybe it was just you; maybe only you saw the spark.
Maybe it was just him; maybe only he saw the spark.
Either way, neither saw much less got the hint that both would give up all the stars in the world if it meant not losing each other.
Halley's Comet
Comes around more than I do
Friends, right? Sharing a knowing look over an inside joke only you knew is some friend thing, isn’t it? Playing with the other’s hair out of boredom during History of Magic or whenever convenient are habits friends have, right?
“So where are you with [Y/N]?” said another voice. For a moment Sirius thought it was only his mind but then a flash of red from beside him told him it was Lily.
“Oh, whatever do you mean?” asked Sirius, his voice sounding dismissive.
“I mean you’re being stupid.”
“Did I hear that right from you, Evans?”
Lily scoffed. “You did. So where?”
“In Canis Major,” he replied in the least encouraging way one could do so before standing up and fetching himself another glass of water.
Sirius never tried to get you alone after that night and it was just beyond frustrating for you. What’d I do wrong? you’d think for the most of the days that followed until it was just easy to talk to him again. But he always made it hard whenever it was: Days would come by when you two would be laughing and everything you loved doing and ice cold tension the next.
But you're all it takes for me to break a promise
He knew that there was something so much bigger than what you two had and could have. Once again, Sirius Black is a courageous man; a brilliant one, even.
But just like every brave man to exist, he had his weaknesses, and you just simply happened to be his, however tragic that fact may be.
Silly me to fall in love with you
Even when he watched his best friend marry his best friend — and happy as he may have been for them — it was hard not to imagine that he was only watching you and himself from afar as he watched Lily walk down the aisle. You stood at the opposite side, only smiling as you watched your best friend get to what all of you blindly assumed would be a happy ending.
Time had passed by too quickly, but there was always the same question in your head: Would he still see the comet with you years from now?
Hopefully. Maybe. Maybe not. Hopefully not. You didn’t know what to think. Risking all you could risk, you glanced his way only to find his eyes stuck to Lily, unbeknownst to you he had a thought he wishes you had.
For a split second, Sirius wasn’t seeing James and Lily. For a split second, it was you in the wedding gown, your beauty impossible to summarize by a photo as you walked the length of the aisle, getting closer and closer . For a split second, he wore the highly fine tux.
For a split second, he saw a future he longed to have as his present.
I haven't slept since Sunday
On the ninth of February, 1986, Sirius found himself in a muddily grassy scenery; the gray blocks standing tall as substitute of those who lay underneath the surface of the soil. He sat down next to his best friend’s grave, the headstone hazy through his eyes.
Midnight for me is 3AM for you
“Funny seeing you here, Prongs,” he said to the headstone, “been a long time, yeah?”
He fidgeted with a twig he picked up from the park nearby, busying himself with the different paths of which it grew. “You know how you married Lily? I wish I did that, too. I mean, not with Lily but. . .”
Even today, the thought of admitting it seemed far too comical, unreal. “She’s great, you know. [Y/N], I mean.” Sirius let out a long sigh before looking back to the headstone. “Man that feels good to get out of my chest.”
A wind blew his hair away from his face. Was that an answer? Sirius chuckled, the smile staying even long after the wind stilled.
But my sleepless nights are better
With you than nights could ever be alone, ooh-ooh
He then thought back to the times you’d spent together not limited to that one night you swore to watch the comet. Each and every one of those became his favorite but most of all the first time you’d snuck out together.
As friends.
Even so, it was a worthy possession of his, and he treasured it dearly: The night breeze was welcoming and sweet.
Sirius tore his eyes away from the headstone, keeping himself from seeing gray. He repeated the name on the headstone in his mind. James Fleamont Potter, James Fleamont Potter, James Fleamont Potter, not A-Z. . . .
“I’m getting kinda drowsy, mate,” said Sirius, letting out a light laugh as if it would help.
I was good at feeling nothin', now I'm hopeless
What a drag to love you like I do
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually envy you, you know that?” scoffed Sirius. The wind gushed again. “Sorry, just had to get it all out. I’m good now, I hope you are, too.”
He stared too hard at the headstone that he could’ve sworn he glimpsed something wispy walk by. Shaking his head, he sighed.
“Why am I still here, you ask?” he said as if he were in a play. “I have a promise to keep. Kind of hard to fulfill it when I’m still in shackles.”
He looked up at the glowing night sky. It brought him back to every single night you’d spent together once more, and something tugged at his heart, clenching it and if he didn’t move he had the feeling that it would explode.
After all, stars tend to explode, too. Eventually, the sun will explode as well, he thought, glad he could still remember some of the things you taught to him. Would be a shame if my star exploded now when I’m this close to reaching you.
A supernova; a beautiful tragedy. Shining so bright one minute only to explode at the end of its prime. But he wouldn’t let himself explode just yet.
I've been loved before, but right now, in this moment
He continued on to toy with the twig. Once again, his eyes went up to the night sky, badly drawn. Soon, [Y/L/N]-Black’s Comet would appear like a brilliant smear on the dark canvas that is the night.
Weirdly enough, he could also hear the distant crashing of waves. He focused on the rustling of the tree.
I feel more and more like I was madе for you
For you
He was excited nonetheless. He’d finally get to watch it with you. Dreams aren’t folly at all. If anything, they’re the only things that tell us the stories we want to hear.
I'm sitting in my brother's room
“I haven’t slept in a week or two,” he told the headstone again, resting his hand restlessly on the curve of the stone, “I think I might have fallen in love, what am I to do?”
He sat still, waiting for the gush of wind to answer again. Only a couple of leaves danced along and the rustling of the trees’ green strands sounded through the deserted graveyard.
“Anyway, you dropped your antlers,” he said with an assuring laugh before setting the twig he was fiddling with down in front of his best friend’s headstone. “Take better care of them or something. Until then.”
Sirius stood up, but not without one last glance at his brother née friend’s headstone. He brought heavy steps forward as he approached another headstone, and this time it was the wind that asked him a question.
“If you were really a star among the other stars, what would you do?”
The wind away from his face, his hair making his nose itch. Well, [Y/N], before I answer that, I must first fulfill a promise to someone special.
Sirius could see the headstone he was heading for from where he stood, its curve done well. As soon as he made it, he kneeled. I have a different answer now, he thought as he moved and sunk down on the muddied surface beside your headstone.
Engraved across the dusty stone was your own full name in a font he never thought he’d read it on.
He’d lost all that he had now, and so he decided crying wouldn’t be much of something that would tear away points from him (not that he had any more to lose).
If he had a champagne glass, he’d raise a toast.
A toast to the bodies of those who were never at least found — the soldiers who never came home; to the heroes whose cause got lost in the blur; to the martyrs and their words, drowning in the travesty of deadly rivalry. A toast to you. A toast to Prongs and Lily. A toast to Moony. A toast to losses whose deaths should not go to vain. A toast to himself.
For the first time in a long time, he let the water trickle down his eyes, the salty tang of it overstaying its welcome.
“To be fair, I did promise you so here I am.”
And just like he did a decade ago, he sat down, his legs in front of him as he craned his neck to look up at the night sky, waiting for the telltale sign of an approaching comet hurtling away, on its way to leave as soon as it could.
If Sirius squinted his eyes straight up above and not looked down, it was easy to pretend he was in Hogwarts with you beside him as you two looked up at the stars. For once in a lengthy time, he was genuinely happy: He was with you, waiting for your comet to arrive.
But it never did.
Not because it didn’t want to nor can’t, because it really can. Right now, it was speeding away across the very planet everyone resided in.
Sirius could not at all see this comet. Again, not because he didn’t want to. He just can’t. How would he if he was surrounded my gray walls, loneliness the only furniture as hooded figures trailed past?
His self-proclaimed utopia left just as soon as it came, the rustling of the trees gone, overpowered by the crashing of the waves just right outside Azkaban.
He couldn’t even visit your grave to do at least that. He wanted his fist to collide with the gray stone walls so bad in wants of feeling something else other than the familiar sinking dread of having what was remaining of his soul be taken away.
From then on, he came up with a different promise: If not in this lifetime, I’ll see it with you in another one. Twice, even — to make up for this lifetime.
As he sunk down to the corner of the room, he stared at his dusty fingers, longing to feel the mud in his dream.
If I were a star, you ask? My, what a question worth devouring. You’ve long awaited an answer, so here it is, he thought to himself as if you could hear him wherever you were. If I were a star, I’d shine as stupidly bright as I can just for you. But aside from that, just know that I’d look for you, too.
“We’ll make up for it all in another lifetime,” he murmured before he let himself sink against the hard wall, the closest thing he could get to a sleep. “We’ll see our comet another time. . .”
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did i just make the lyric “brother’s room” james’s grave in sirius’s dream during his delirium while in azkaban? yes i did and i have no regrets xx fnfjejwj to be fair i did overshadow stuff,,, did it work??? HAHAHAHAHA reblogs appreciated :*
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
peer pressure [jo wilson]
jo wilson x reader
requested by anon: hey there! i saw you accept requests for greys anatomy, so i was wondering if you could write for jo wilson? she's dating y/n in secret bc the two of them are still figuring out their relationship. y/n is brought to the hospital and since no one knows about the two, jo is assigned to operate on her but jo gets really stressed and panicked, not wanting to mess up. protective jojo would be sweet <3
warning: shooting, blood
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*not my gif*
The sound of a phone ringing awoke you from your peaceful slumber. You grabbed the pillow from next to you as you threw your head over it. A familiar weight on top of you. 
“Jo,” she just hummed in response, “Jo, your phone,” 
Her head immediately shoots up and grabs it off your bedside table, but not before elbowing your stomach in the process. You let out a groan, “Oops, sorry love,”
“Hello,” her voice rang out as she answered her phone, “Okay I’ll be right there!”
You remove the pillow off your face as she hung up, “I have an emergency surgery that I need to scrub in on. You’ll pick me up, right?” 
“Same spot, in. my dark ominous tinted car,” I joked with her and she jokingly rolled her eyes. You paused before continuing to talk, “Have you thought about us? I know after Alex you weren’t sure if you wanted to date again, but I don’t know if we’ve been going on dates and getting closer. I know you want to be ready-” 
She leaned over as she changed into a pair of scrubs that she kept at your place, just in case stuff like this happened, and placed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“We’ll talk about when I get back, okay?” you let out a sigh knowing that this isn’t the first time that she avoided the conversation, but you put on a tight lipped smile before nodding. 
“I’ll call you when I’m off,” she shouted before walking out the door.
“Okay, I love you. Go save some lives Supergirl!” you shouted back, but it was too late the door was closed. 
That’s what you always did, you always shouted it right as the door closed, because you knew that she wouldn’t reciprocate those feelings. 
You understood her need to keep her walls up. She was married to Alex and then he just up and left, but you wanted more than hiding on a corner block away from the hospital just so her friends wouldn’t see. 
You looked at the time on your clock and let out another groan. There was no point in trying to get a little more sleep. You rolled out of bed to get ready for your day at work. 
The day was a little cold compared to the fast few days. But you continued your walk towards the familiar coffee shop you stopped in every morning before work. However, today was different, through the coffee shop window you could see a heated argument occurring.
You bursted into the coffee shop to see your usual barista Kate shaking in fear. The man turned around and he had a gun in his hand. You put your hands up immediately knowing what to do in a situation like this.
“Hello sir, whatever you need we can give it to you,” you told him, trying to ease the situation.
“I want the money that’s in the register!” he screamed.
You shook your head, “Okay, you got it. Just put the gun down please,” he slowly lowered the gun and you gave Kate a nod, “Unlock the register, it’s going to be okay,” 
Just when you think you’re safe and the man’s about to leave. His ski mask slips off his face and you breathe out a sigh, knowing now that you’re a liability. 
“Shit!” he yells, pointing the gun back at you and Kate.
“Just go, we won’t say a word,” you told him. 
He shook his head,  “I can’t let you do that,” 
And with that a shot rang through the coffee shop. You felt your body go cold as you fell onto the floor, clutching your side. 
Then you could see him point his gun at Kate, so you did what you were taught to do. You got up quickly from off the floor as you stood in front of her. The bullet hit your shoulder as you fell down once more. Before another shoot could ring out, you could see the blurry visions of officers behind him. 
Your breathing started to become ragged as the blood starts to leave your body bit by bit, “Kate...” you whispered and she looked at you panic in her eyes, “I need you to put pressure on my wound, okay? I’m losing too much blood to-to do it myself,” 
But before you could feel any pressure, your vision slowly faded away.
“Y/N, you don’t have to pick me up right now. There was a robbery at the coffee shop, there’s one injured and I was assigned. I’ll call you again when I’m done,” Jo spoke into the phone after trying to call you three times. 
Jo immediately ran out to the parking lot where the ambulance park. The paramedics arriving right as she got out there. They burst through the ambulance door as Jo went over to them. 
“What have we got?” she asked, not giving a look at the patient for just a second.
“We found the ID of Detective Y/N Y/L/N,” the paramedic said.
With that Jo immediately lifted her head from the bullet wound and saw your pale face going in and out of consciousness. A pit falling into her stomach as she completely blocked out everything else.
“Y/N,” she whispered, fear evident in her eyes.
You looked at her with a loopy smile, grabbing a hold of her hand, and squeezing it with all your might. You could feel your eyes start to slip away again, “I-I love you,” 
Your eyes shut as you slipped out into unconsciousness, “Dr. Wilson,” the paramedic said sternly, “She’s losing too much blood we got to get her to an OR,” 
“Right, yeah. Get her to OR one,” 
They placed you on the OR table as you were blacked out. The loss of blood making it too hard to stay awake. They hooked you up to the anesthesia before opening up your side.
“We’re ready Dr. Wilson,” the anesthesiologist said.
Her hands started to shake with the scalpel in her hand. Thoughts rushing through her mind. 
Focus Jo, just focus. 
But her thoughts wouldn’t quiet, “Dr. Wilson, is everything okay?”
She shook her head, “No, someone grab my phone and get Dr. Grey on the phone,” 
A nurse immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Dr. Grey, “Wilson, what’s going on?”
“I need you to get to the OR as soon as possible,” she said, her voice slightly cracking.
“I’m on my way,” 
Jo spotted Meredith walk into the OR, “I need you to do this procedure, please,” 
“Why?” Meredith asked as she immediately took Jo’s place, but Jo didn’t respond, “Wilson, if I’m going to take over for you I need to know why because this is a simple find the bleeder,” 
“This is Detective Y/N Y/L/N, she’s my-” Jo starts before the tears started getting choked up, “I don’t know what we are, I’d always avoid the conversation, but they-”
“They mean a lot to you,” Meredith finished and Jo nodded.
“Can I stay here with you? I don’t wanna leave their side,” Jo whispered.
“Only if you tell me about them,”
Jo pulled out a seat and watched as Meredith worked on you. She told Meredith everything about what was going on. 
“They always asked me about us and what I wanted us to be. They were always ready for a relationship, they wanted to make things official but I-I just couldn’t,” she whispered.
“What was holding you back?” Meredith said as she used the suction to take the bleeders out of you.
“I guess I was scared, Alex left and I met Y/N and I fell for them each more every day. The thought of losing them or I guess them abandoning me, I couldn’t take it,” Jo said, staring at your face. 
She ran her thumb over your cool skin and smiled at you with tears in her eyes, “Every time I left their apartment, I’d give them a kiss, and I’d say bye. Right as I shut the door I hear them call out and say ‘I love you! Go save some lives Supergirl!’. I never said it back, I need to say it back,” 
“And you’ll be able to, they’re stable. We’ll take them to the ICU and they’ll be able recover nicely,” Meredith replied as she stitched you up, “Just make sure you tell them this time,” 
You awoke to the sound of soft beeping noises and a bright light on your face. The familiar weight that’s usually on top of you when you woke up was right there. 
Your eyes fluttered opened as you see that you’re at Grey Sloan Memorial. The familiar weight was indeed Jo, sleeping peacefully on your chest in her navy blue scrubs. 
“Jo,” you whispered and she stirred awake looking up at you.
“You’re awake,” she whispered, holding you even tighter.
You let out a soft groan, “Ouch love, that’s the wound,” 
“Oops sorry love!” she exclaimed once more and you laughed softly.
“It’s okay. Not that I’m complaining, but I’m surprised you’re on top of me. I know we’ve been keeping us a secret,” you asked, kind of confused. 
She looked at you with a guilty look in her eyes, “I'm sorry. I was scared, after Alex, I didn’t think I’d find love again. But then you, you came, and every day I fell in love with you more and more. I never wanted to talk about what we were because the thought of you abandoning me like everyone else did killed me. So I thought if there’s no label and you leave I won’t get hurt,”
“But then I heard the paramedics ID you and the thought of losing you without telling you how much I love you killed me more. I can’t lose you Y/N,” she whispered, “I love you so much and I can’t lose the person who put me back together,” 
You cupped her cheeks softly and kissed her sweetly. As soon as you pulled away you placed your foreheads together, “So we’re dating?” you teased and she laughed softly before nodding, “I love you so much. I’m not going anywhere,”
“Good,” she kissed you once more, “Just please no more jumping in front of bullets,”
“What? You can’t be the only one who saves lives,” you teased, but you could tell that she was being serious.
“I know that’s your job, but seriously love you weren’t even off the clock. I need you with me,” 
“Then with you is where I’m going to be,” you kissed her forehead before she settled back into your arms, holding you tighter than ever before.
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no-droids · 4 years
Ch 17 was so, so, so good (thank you!!) 🥺 i am still processing. ((Edit: this turned into an essay so i Am Very Sorry in advance, there is a tldr at the end though))
First of all. We get to see Din going through it the same way sweet girl was a couple chapters ago and I love it! She’s been so clear from the start that she doesn’t want to run away from him and now Din’s getting to the point where he doesn’t want to chase her anymore because he just wants her to be physically there with him again. The second night of comms while she’s camped out at the orphanage?? “I thought this was going to be alright, but I hate it.” ??????????? i am a Puddle of Emotions no one look at me 😭
And then the way he’s so unsure about whether she hasnt begun to reconsider wanting to keep up with his bounty-hunter life now that she’s finally gotten a break if being forced to outrun a mandalorian can be really even be called a break for the first time in a year?? And he can SEE all the places she’s stopped to talk to people on this planet (his comment about the number of times the blond guy turned around to talk to her in the line? 🥺.) Din knows she’s enjoying these small encounters with people, getting to interact with a new planet and learn new things as she’s making her way through each place, and since they’re only talking at night he gets to think about it literally all day long as he follows her trail and tries to figure out what her plan is. This is truly an exercise in Din thinking nonstop about sweet girl (which ofc he does already, but like, thinking critically about what she thinks/wants/does/needs and why) and I feel like that’s causing him to slowly start to second guess himself in terms of where he would put himself on sweet girl’s list of priorities. And I wonder how much of this he’s actually considering for the first time? because it’s always him who leaves and comes back when he gets jobs — this is the first time that sweet girl has left him instead of the other way around. Sweet girl has had tons of time to think about these things, whereas Din hasn’t really had to... because it’s not the one who leaves who feels the absence most, it’s the one who’s left behind (even if just temporarily).
I can just picture Din’s increasing doubts as the chase keeps going, whether he’s worth putting up with his lifestyle and whether sweet girl wouldn’t rather have a life like the people he sees in the footprints around hers? because he knows her, knows she likes soft beds and meeting people and fresh fruit and beautiful scenery, which are all things that living on the razor crest can’t always provide except for the last one bc Din Djarin IS beautiful scenery let’s be clear and just. the ANGST. I cannot. ( a n d meanwhile sweet girl is having a breakdown thinking he wants to STOP looking and LEAVE her? As if)
So when she shuts down his tentative doubts about it on the second night she’s at the orphanage and Din starts asking questions about favorite animals and flowers and things?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I lost it. Din is mirroring the love and care he receives from sweet girl (and learning to tap into those emotions as he does) and I am just in awe of both his character development from ch 1 to here and your ability to show that gradual shift in your writing.
Tl;dr thank you very much for this latest chapter! I will continue to be a soft emotional little puddle for the foreseeable future, or at least until I can figure out to scrape myself off the floor and function like a human being who has not just read rough day ch 17 and promptly dissolved as a direct result🌻
okay first of all ma’am/sir/friend, please do not put tl;dr’s on a fucking MASTERFUL DISSECTION LIKE THAT like I genuinely hope people read every word of what you have written because you’re so spot on about everything that I was almost taken aback JEJFJJDJFJF
I would like to say, and I need to do this in list form because you have presented so many beautiful points that I’d like to address them one by one,
1.) Din Djarin is used to being alone. Full stop. Like even with sweet girl helping out with the baby and agreeing to stay on the ship while he goes and grabs quarry, he’s gone for weeks sometimes. He is used to being by himself, to fending for himself, protecting himself, patching himself up, EVERYTHING by himself. He is the most independent self-sufficient driven bounty hunter Karga has on the payroll and he’s reliable, which is why Karga would give him four pucks at a time. Giving anyone else four pucks would mean that if they happened to die during their hunts, then more than one puck would be lost and that’s money down the drain. Din doesn’t die, he always comes back with all four bodies and he’s fucking quick about it. Him telling sweet girl “I thought this was gonna be alright” is apt, because he’s been able to exist without her and do good work while he knows she’s safe on the Crest. In fact, the only time he EVER didn’t do good work is when a) she was attacked on the Crest on Corellia, or b) when he desperately wanted to get back to her as quick as possible and he pushed himself too hard and put himself in danger (aka frozen on Hoth scene). And actually c) when he stole Grogu back from the empire and had Karga and the guild on his ass about it. Those were the only times Din had trouble doing his job. The only times he stopped looking and gave up. “I thought this was going to be alright, but I hate it” means that YES ABSOLUTELY DIN DJARIN DOES NOT LIKE STAYING PUT WHILE SHE LEAVES, even though he’s okay with going out and doing his job when she stays. Even though he’s still hunting, it’s like the roles have been reversed. She’s understanding his side, and he’s understanding her side. It’s been 4 days and he hates it, so imagine weeks or months of that. Not being able to move or chase after her either, just hanging out on the crest with Grogu and waiting to see if she’ll be able to make it back. Which
2.) makes it hurt just a lil more in that wonderful delicious angsty way when he actually asks if she wants this life. On Naboo, he didn’t know where she went or where the kid was—he didn’t know if they were in danger, if she was safe. He said he’d rip the galaxy apart to find her if she ever disappeared like that again. But... she’d be safe on Sanctuary II. This is different, and just like you said, he’s had multiple days where all he did was try to think like her. Get in her head, predict her. Understand her more than he’s ever attempted to do before, in a NECESSARY capacity, like he would a bounty he’s hunting. Din Djarin is used to being alone. He’s used to being silent and that’s how connections are severed before they can even be established. His only practice at empathy was through his job, a job that he is very very good at, but it was never enough to get him to stop looking. He would never be able to empathize enough to ask if the bounty wanted him to stop looking for them. Even with the baby, he turned him in at first and then let the guilt eat him alive before going back to save him. So, if you couple that with his true connection to sweet girl, the natural empathy he has for her and the kid (him immediately following her after he accidentally snapped at her on the Crest and apologizing) and Din is now TRULY beginning to understand her on a level he’s never experienced with another person
3.) BUT!!! Even though he “needed to ask” (meaning he understood enough to know that asking the question was necessary) he started out the entire conversation by admitting he doesn’t think he could do it. Before ever telling her what specifically he doesn’t think he could do, he already knows this about himself and says it flat out. I don’t think I could. Even if you asked me to, even if you said you’d be happier if I did, even if you told me right now that it’s what you wanted, I don’t think I could ever stop looking. And a lot of the turmoil he experiences is because of that. I make you sleep on the floor. I teach you to fight when you just want to look at waterfalls. I do all these things that you’d never willingly do yourself, and I’m a bad person BECAUSE I still want you to always be here with me in spite of all that.
4.) Meanwhile sweet girl just has no fucking clue all this is happening and it seems to come out of nowhere, all she knows is that he’s been in the city when he should’ve caught up to her days ago. She’s out experiencing things and meeting new people and yet she always comes back to Din and the baby and how much they should be here with her. She tries to come up with clever ways to outthink him but she also offers to give her coordinates to him practically every single night. Her wanting to be with him so bad but trying to hold out (“ask me again tomorrow”) while Din is also wanting to be with her so bad and also trying to hold out (“find her again tomorrow”) 🥺
So yeah basically in conclusion I love them together and they’re so different but they make each other somehow both stronger and softer in so many ways and yeah u mighta heard of DD/LG u kinky fucks but lemme present to u DD/SG
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ootahime · 3 years
what is utahime’s role in the future? — a prediction (manga spoilers)
part 1 (unedited)
part 2 is here!
in this post, i will be analyzing the information we’ve been given about utahime so far to form a prediction about her future role in the jujutsu kaisen series. if you’re as interested in utahime’s character as i am, please feel free to keep reading :3 (i’ll also be talking about her relationship with gojo a bit too)
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kaikaikitan on twt!
utahime iori is a semi-grade 1 sorcerer working as a student supervisor/teacher at kyoto jujutsu high school. she loves drinking beer and going to karaoke. she’s also close friends with shoko and she’s not particularly fond of gojo most of the time. what else do we know about her?
hates sweets (funny she’s the complete opposite of gojo)
she’s great at singing and it’s a huge part of her technique
squabbling with gojo became a reflex :3
everyone absolutely adores utahime
loves watching soccer and baseball
a terrible drunk (worse than naobito zenin)
gojo is her main source of stress
let’s dive into her personality and abilities!
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chapter 65
before i get into it, i think it’d be best if i were to explain the timeline because a lot of people seem to be confused about this one particular thing. utahime is born on february 18th, 1987. contrary to popular belief, she is not 3 years older than gojo. it is november 2018 in the story because gojo was sealed on halloween. if gojo was born on december 7th, 1989, that would mean that right now, he is only 28 years old. he has yet to turn 29.
the year is 2007. gojo satoru is a second year at tokyo jujutsu high school. the japanese school year begins in april which suggests that gojo is only 17 at the time (even if it’s not april, it doesn’t look like winter yet so it’s unlikely that he’s already 18). utahime is 20 because it is past february. she is a 2nd grade sorcerer at the age of 20. that’s not bad at all!
chapter 65 introduces young utahime and mei on a mission together within a cursed site. in real time, they’ve been gone for two days which is a cause of concern for gojo, shoko, and geto because the two haven’t contacted anyone since the beginning of their mission.  the two begin to suspect something is wrong because the hallway markers they’ve set in place disappeared, and no matter how far they travel within the halls, the end is nowhere in sight.  mei theorizes that the cursed spirit is overlapping the space as they travel forward.  utahime agrees with this speculation and proposes a plan to escape the cursed spirit’s grasp by moving erratically.  notice how she says that if one of them should escape, they can try to attack from the outside or call for help.  if utahime was not capable of inflicting damage on anything then she would have told mei to escape and attack if she can while she waited to be rescued.  however, she didn’t.  she included herself in the sentence which leads me to believe that she is capable of going on the offense if needed.  
keep in mind that at this point in time, mei is a grade 1 sorcerer.  she is knowledgeable about all things involving jujutsu because she is experienced and skillful.  we can see this aspect of her character illustrated when she theorizes that the cursed spirit is messing with the space they’re in.  she chooses to go with utahime’s plan because she agrees that it’s the best action moving forward.  this verifies that utahime is an intelligent girl that’s able to get along with pretty much anyone.  
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her intellect is demonstrated once again in chapter 79.  she was able to deduce the possibility of there being more than one traitor and the fact that one is probably a higher up.  she also narrowed down the mechamaru as the mole of kyoto not because he was acting suspicious but by process of elimination.  she thought thoroughly of his technique and how easy it would be for him to manipulate devices small enough to be undetectable.  
sure you can argue that she should already know all her students’ abilities and whatnot but you have to admit that it’s hard trying to sniff out the traitor when no one is acting suspicious.  in addition to that, how did she know that there was a traitor in the top brass?  i would have never guessed that tbh LOL (maybe bc im an idiot).
okay, now that we have established that she’s intelligent, let’s answer a more important question.  is utahime weak?
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chapter 33
if gojo calls utahime weak, does that mean there is some truth to it?  well it is true that she is weaker than him because he’s the strongest and all.  in my opinion, he’s just teasing her.  he probably found that calling her weak is what really riles her up.  maybe i’ll talk about why he loves teasing her so much in a later post.  but anyway, gojo calls everybody and their mom weak.  he even said jogo was weak and we know how powerful that guy is.  gojo’s words alone do not indicate much about utahime’s power.  in fact, i don’t even think he has seen her use her technique yet.  he’s probably only ever heard of how it works.  this is what i think their conversation about her technique was like:
gojo: hm?  ur cursed technique is singing?  can u show me?
utahime: what!  no way!  
gojo: why not?
*one of the classmates tells him that she can only use her CT once in a while because it consumes a lot of energy*
gojo: hahaha!  u have to conserve cursed energy to use ur CT?  why are u so weak, utahime?
utahime: i!  am!  your!  senpai!  respect!  me!
what i’m trying to say is that gojo loves poking fun of people.  we should not believe him when he calls someone weak because compared to him, everyone is weak.  
this is a little off topic but let’s examine him telling her, “and you don’t have the nerves, utahime.”  i think he’s trying to say that there’s no way she’ll ever do something like that because she’s not the type to put her students in danger.  remember the soft expression and relieved smile on her lips when she said that she was glad the students were safe after the kyoto incident?  gojo was directly in front of her so not only did he hear her say that, but he could have seen the look on her face too.  even if he told her that she didn’t have the guts to betray the school to get on her nerves, he knew that utahime simply cared too much about the students so he ruled her out as a suspect right away.  this is why he ultimately decided to confide in her and ask her to help him.  
i’m a person who loves over-analyzing things.  i really enjoy the dynamic between gojo and utahime.  they’ve known each other for more than 11 years and although they always bicker, there is an unspoken feeling of trust between the two.  gojo can do anything and everything by himself because he is truly the strongest person alive, but he still knows when to rely on others.  him deciding to entrust utahime with such a job implies that he believes in utahime’s abilities.
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chapter 52
she’s not using any cursed energy here--not to our knowledge at least.  this is just pure skill.  she was able to swiftly evade the swing from haruta.  he was surprised himself considering the fact that he was right behind her.  how do we know her CT isn’t speed?  after haruta swung at her, we can see that some of her hair got cut off.  if she was using her CT then speed should be her specialty.  she should have been able to completely avoid the attack altogether but she didn’t.  of course this isn’t a wow moment because jujutsu sorcerers should know how to dodge attacks, however, i’m just trying to get the point across that she’s not a defenseless person without her technique or others.  let’s not forget that semi-grade 1 isn’t a weak rank either.  you can’t simply be recommended to be a grade 1 sorcerer if you only can support others.  
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chapter 48
i want to bring up this panel. it suggests that utahime and takuma are sorcerers who have not experienced black flash and therefore, do not understand the essence of cursed energy as well as those who have like gojo and nanami.  i find it strange how takuma and utahime were used to represent sorcerers who haven’t experienced it yet.  is the purpose to demonstrate that there is a clear difference in skill between adult sorcerers like utahime and takuma compared to gojo and nanami?  i could be nitpicking but the order of todo’s statement doesn’t line up with the sorcerers being shown.  let me explain in depth.  todo starts off by saying, “for those who have experienced black flash as compared to those who have not...” wouldn’t it make more sense to show gojo and nanami on the right side to represent sorcerers who have experienced black flash?  that was mentioned first, after all.  gojo and nanami should appear when todo says “for those who have experience black flash” while utahime and takuma should be shown right after to personify the second part, “as compared to those who have not.”  i’m just making it more complicated than it actually is LOLOL i’m sure it really just means they haven’t experienced black flash yet, which is completely fine.  i also find it fascinating how they used utahime to contrast gojo.  with nanami and takuma it makes sense.  nanami is someone takuma looks up to, he wants to gain nanami’s approval before he deems himself worthy of a promotion. what about utahime and gojo?  what’s the purpose of comparing those two together when it’s obvious that gojo knows more about the essence of cursed energy more than anyone else?  i might be delusional whoops
let me know what you guys think?  this is only a part 1 so i haven’t gotten around to answering the question.  i’m pretty much done with the second part, i just need to revise it a little.  i think after i post part 2, i’ll try to interpret all the gojo and utahime moments in the manga >.<
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ncssian · 3 years
A Favor: Part Twenty-Three
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: so yeah this isn’t my best work bc i havent been feeling great lately but i hope you guys can stay patient with me until i get my shit together. we’re almost to the end🤞
Sitting crammed between Elain and Feyre on the gray couch in Lana’s office, Nesta has to cross her legs prettily and pretend she doesn’t want to peel out of her skin right there. She doesn’t know what she was thinking when she invited her sisters to one of her therapy sessions, but she’s assuming it would be considered rude to kick them out now.
“Who wants to speak first?” Lana’s bob swings as she looks at each of them. The office is ice cold today, and Feyre and Elain’s presence doesn’t help the chill in the air.
Nesta crosses her arms before she can be asked to speak. “No, thank you,” she says. She knows everyone probably expects better from her, but no way in hell is she going to be the first to open up in front of this crowd. “Feyre,” she turns to her youngest sister instead, “why don’t you say something?”
“Actually, why don’t you set the example, Nesta?” Lana gives her a look, making her cheeks redden with irritation.
“Fine,” Nesta grumbles. She clears her throat. “As you can see, I have made moves to reconnect with my sisters. I invited them here because I hoped that therapy would bring us closer and also make them more… tolerable.”
Elain coughs, “Bitch.”
Nesta smiles tightly. “Elain could especially use this, I think.”
Lana is already frowning. She never frowns this early into a session. “We’ll start with an easy question, then. What’s been on your mind lately, Nesta?”
Nesta purses her lips, pretending to think. “Nothing important. I’m looking at jobs for the summer. I think Azriel keeps sneaking money into my purse, and it’s starting to become more than a little condescending. I caught up with some friends from school, and I was polite enough to pay for lunch.” She mentions off to the side to Elain, “Lucien was there, too.”
“Why would I care?” Elain sneers. She spies Lana’s disapproving look and lowers her head demurely. “Sorry,” she murmurs.
“That’s alright,” Lana says. “Why don’t you go next?”
“Me?” Elain’s head snaps up, and Nesta holds in her snicker.
“Start by describing your relationship with Nesta. I heard you two used to be very close.” Lana uncaps her pen, preparing to write.
Elain flushes lightly and folds her hands. “That was when we were children. The only thing keeping us together was that we shared a home. When we stopped living in the same place, some of us had no problem leaving others in the dust.”
“You can use my name,” Nesta rolls her eyes, “I’m right here.”
From the corner of her vision, Feyre cringes.
“Are you saying you feel abandoned by Nesta?” Lana continues probing.
Elain’s answering silence tells more than enough. Therapy must actually be paying off, though, because Nesta only thinks about interrupting and defending herself for a second before shaking it off. Her mind focuses on the word abandonment instead.
Lana is focusing on the same thing, because she leans closer and says, “Being abandoned bothers you?”
“I never said that,” Elain says indignantly.
“It would bother most people.”
Nesta watches Elain sigh and blink her big doe eyes at Lana. She’s always been able to use those eyes on anybody for anything. “I just don’t understand why I’m the villain for expecting a little loyalty,” Elain says sweetly. “Especially when you take a look at this face.” She cups her round cheeks. “You know psychology. How could you abandon this face?”
Nesta’s jaw hangs open. “Are we still talking about me?” She remembers Cassian telling her the story behind Azriel ghosting Elain, and a pang of guilt and pity hits her. She still hasn’t talked with Elain about why Azriel left Velaris, and she knows she won’t be able to decide whether to spare Az or not until she does.
“So that’s my turn,” Elain finishes up. “Feyre can go next.”
Lana is writing something sharply on her notepad, but she nods coolly. “Feyre, how would you describe your relationship with your sisters?”
“Oh, we don’t have time for all of that,” Feyre laughs awkwardly and waves a hand.
Nesta agrees, but the look Lana gives Feyre tells her that yes, they do have time.
Gulping, Feyre glances around. “Well, I was born last, so I guess that made me the outsider of the family. I never had much in common with my sisters, but now that we’re older I… hoped that we would grow past that.”
Translation: she hoped that once she found her happy ending in Rhysand’s arms, poor little Nesta and Elain would happily assimilate into her new community of wealthy friends, putting the cherry on top of her perfect life. And while Elain did that exact thing, it’s always bothered Feyre that Nesta won’t do the same.
Feyre continues, “I admit I’m not the best at understanding Nesta. Elain and I get along fine now, but Nesta…” Feyre meets her eyes. “It’s like nothing we do is enough for her, but for some reason I can’t stop trying.”
“Whose fault is that?” Nesta mutters.
“You want her approval,” Lana hums, taking notes.
“Is that what it is?” Feyre looks away.
Nesta refrains from saying yes, that’s exactly what it is, and it’s not my problem if you keep looking for something I can’t give.
“What are your feelings about that, Nesta?” Lana turns her focus to her. “Remember that this is a safe space.”
It really isn’t, not with two siblings holding long term grudges against Nesta. But once and for all, she’s going to set the record straight. “I spent most of my life being a bad sister.” Nesta’s voice is apathetic, straightforward. “I let Feyre take the burden of providing for us even though I was the oldest, and I didn’t know how to be anything other than cruel to my family. So once I had the means to do so, I cut everyone off for all of our sakes. I still don’t regret it, because being a stranger is better than being a bad sister.”
In that way, Nesta is a bit like her mother. Nesta was angry after her death, but she knows she would have been even angrier if Magdalene Archeron had lived and continued to be a disappointing parent. In that way, both of them are wise for leaving their families when they did.
“Or you could just be a good sister,” Elain interrupts with a drawl.
Nesta smirks bitterly at her. “I’d rather die.”
Feyre takes in a breath. “Why? Why are you like that with us?” She blinks furiously, and Nesta can see the simmer of her emotions. “It was okay when we thought you hated everybody, but you don’t. You only hate me and Elain.”
Nesta looks to Lana for help, but her therapist is sitting this one out. She sighs through her nose. “I don’t hate you,” she says, even though they might never understand. The next line comes with great difficulty. “I’ve loved you since before I even knew what love was. But I don’t like you very much, Feyre, and you don’t like me, either. Please stop trying to change that.”
When she finally meets Feyre’s eyes, though, they’re glimmering with tears. “How can I stop trying to change that?” Feyre whispers. “How can I give up on us like that?”
For Nesta to give Feyre and Elain the relationship they want from her would require nothing but lies on her part. And as much as she wishes she was capable of lying about this, she can’t do it.
Looking away and down at her hands, Nesta mutters, “It’s not fun for me either, but it’s how I am. I can’t be easy or friendly with you. I hate watching you try to make me be easy or friendly.”
Nobody says anything to that, but when Nesta looks up again Lana gives her a remote nod that Feyre and Elain don’t catch. Thank you for your vulnerability, it says.
“You said something interesting, Nesta,” Lana breaks the silence. “Did you see your sisters as your responsibility to raise?”
Nesta shrugs. “I was the oldest,” she repeats.
“Your father was the oldest.”
“He wouldn’t do shit even if you held a gun to his head, so I was up next.” Though Nesta hadn’t done shit either. Neither had Elain, but the rules have always been different for her. Elain redeems herself to others by handing out sunny smiles and pretending to have the intelligence of a fawn.
Lana stares at Nesta until Nesta’s skin starts to heat. “What?” she says defensively.
Ignoring the other two women in the room, Lana leans forward. “You told me once early into our relationship that part of the reason you left Tennessee was to get away from your sisters. You said you were heartbroken when they ended up following you here.”
Nesta doesn’t breathe or look to see her sisters’ reactions.
“Now I’m going to ask: did you really want to get away from your sisters, or did you want to escape the feeling of failing them?”
Nesta doesn’t know how to answer, because to her they might as well be the same thing. Having Feyre and Elain around is like having a weight tied to her chest. The lingering guilt every time Feyre is in a room, her existence screaming I’m the reason you’re still alive. Elain’s constant expectations of unconditional support and loyalty, whether it’s reciprocated or not. It’s all so heavy. And it all goes back to the fact that the three of them were once just helpless children.
If she couldn’t take care of her sisters, how is she supposed to take care of any child, ever?
Nesta releases a weary sigh. “You’re going to bring this up the next time we have the baby talk, aren’t you?”
Lana’s eyes sparkle. “Don’t get ahead of yourself just yet.” But Nesta can see from where she sits that her therapist’s notepad is covered in bullet points.
“I need to use the bathroom.” Feyre is hopping back and forth on her feet once the session is over. “You guys head down to the parking lot without me.” She exits in a rush, leaving the two sisters alone. Nesta hisses in frustration, nearly chasing after Feyre so she won’t have to face the inevitable awkward conversation with Elain.
By the end of the session, it was Elain that broke and pleaded with Nesta, “Don’t do everything we want, then. Just keep doing better, the way you’ve already been doing. I’ll be happy with just that.”
Nesta was surprised that Elain had even noticed her efforts, but she retorted, “And how do you plan to do better?”
To which Elain twirled her hair and murmured something halfheartedly about, “I might be more open to taking criticism or whatever.”
Though it was the absolute bare minimum, it was still a relief for Nesta to hear Elain admit that she has flaws worth criticizing.
Now, Nesta clutches the straps of her purse and turns for the stairwell leading to the parking lot. Elain follows without comment.
Inside the stairwell, Nesta asks, “Have you spoken to Azriel since he left Velaris?”
Elain looks surprised at the sudden question, and doesn’t remember to be guarded when she answers, “No. Why?”
Nesta shrugs, her heels thumping loudly on the linoleum stairs. “Because I know what happened between you two. I know why he left.”
Elain halts midstep, grabbing Nesta’s arm and turning to face her with wide eyes. “What do you mean, you know? He told you?”
“He told Cassian, and Cassian told me.” Nesta hardly cares that she’s being a poor friend to Azriel by spilling all this to Elain, and continues, “If I had known he was such a coward, I would have kicked him out of our place a long time ago… but I figured I would get your input on it first.”
She’s never seen Elain look so genuinely pleading before. “Get my input on what?” Elain breathes. “What did he say about me? Was it something I did?”
At that torn face that borders on heartbroken, Nesta decides that she’ll do more than kick Azriel out of the cabin. She’ll kick him off the whole mountain.
She shoves Elain’s back to get Elain detached from her and moving down the stairs again, and as they walk, Nesta spills everything she knows. She tells Elain about Rhysand’s talent of shoving his nose into places it doesn’t belong, and how one conversation with him managed to convince Azriel to ditch Elain for good. She tells her about how instead of having a straightforward conversation with Elain, Azriel chose to leave the city and hide out in the mountains like a pussy. She might sound blunt, but Elain needs blunt. She needs to know the unfiltered truth of things.
By the time they reach the floor where their cars are parked, Elain is silent. “Did he really say that?” she finally asks quietly. “He said he wants me to hate him?”
“That’s what I heard.” After a moment, Nesta feels the need to add, “You should hate him, though. He fucked up bad.”
When Elain continues strolling for their cars without replying, concern bites at Nesta. “You are mad at him, right? And mad at Rhysand? You’re not going to forgive them, right?”
“I’m not a total pushover,” Elain snaps. She stares at the cement ground as they walk. “I’m just… more disappointed than anything else. He gave up so easily.” She chuckles without humor. “It sounds like he was looking for an excuse to get away from me.”
Nesta frowns. “I don’t think he would’ve spent so long moping around our house if he wanted to leave you.” Though they can never truly know what Azriel was thinking or feeling until he grows a pair and talks to Elain. Still, she shudders at having to defend him.
“I take it he doesn’t mope anymore?” Elain says.
Nesta doesn’t know how to answer that truthfully. She knows there’s more to Azriel than he lets her and Cassian see, and she knows he’s gotten better at keeping his feelings to himself. So she says, “It looks like he’s doing better, but I really don’t know.” They reach Elain’s car.
“Were you in love with him?” Nesta suddenly asks. Or worse, is she still in love with him?
Elain digs around for her keys in her purse. “You know how I am. Of course I was.”
“Not anymore, though?”
Elain looks up, keys now in hand. “It’s hard to still feel love for someone I haven’t talked to in two months.”
Then it wasn’t real love. Nesta is relieved, even though it doesn’t change the fact that Elain is hurting either way.
Elain jabs her keys at Nesta and says sharply, “Don’t you dare punish him for what he did. That’s for me to decide on.”
Nesta’s brow creases in refusal. “I’ll do what I need to do, and you do you.” She’ll have to be careful with her plotting, though, considering Azriel is Cassian’s brother.
“No.” Elain surprises Nesta with the force in her tone. “He’s your roommate and your friend. Keep treating him like it.”
Elain makes it sound easier than it is, and Nesta wants to argue until she sees Feyre heading down the parking lot toward them. “Fine,” she grumbles halfheartedly.
Elain gives her one final long look, not of threat but something else. “Thank you—for inviting us today.” That’s all she says before getting in the driver’s seat of her little red car. At the same time, Feyre catches up to them.
“Where are you parked?” Feyre pants as she approaches Nesta. She sounds a bit out of breath, like she ran to get here before Nesta could drive off alone.
Nesta points down the lot to where her scrappy old car is waiting for her, and Feyre straightens up with a grim smile. “I’ll walk you.”
Nesta knows that arguing isn’t worth it, so she allows Feyre to trail her the rest of the way to her car. Once they reach the old thing, Nesta gives a curt goodbye and heads straight for the driver’s door. Before she can touch the handle, Feyre attacks her from behind with a hug.
“Get off me, freak!” Nesta tries to jostle her way out of Feyre’s arms. She tries being nice to her sisters one time and this is what she gets—
Feyre only squeezes her tighter. “You don’t have to hug back. Just let me love you my way.”
Nesta squirms for another second before stilling. Swallowing tightly, she stares at the reflection of herself and Feyre in the car door window. One of her hands goes to where Feyre’s hands are clasped around her stomach, and she stands there without moving. She can’t remember the last time she shared affection with a family member like this, but it must have been before their mother died.
The warmth at Nesta’s back doesn’t leave, like Feyre is trying to pour all her understanding into the hug. Silently saying, I’m finally starting to get it.
In a way, Nesta is starting to get it, too. After all, how do sisters with such a complicated history begin to forgive each other?
Not by apologizing, but by doing better in the future.
On her way home, Nesta remembers at the last minute to stop by Gwyn’s apartment to pick up one of her sweaters. She doesn’t know when Gwyn started raiding her closet like it was a free mall, but she has a school event next week and doesn’t plan on letting her nicest clothes rot at Gwyn’s forever.
Nesta enters using the key beneath the doormat, knowing Gwyn is at work and won’t mind her stopping by. She scans the living and dining areas for a glimpse of brown cashmere, but only finds scattered books and a disorganized mess. Her fingers twitch with the urge to stop and tidy up the place, but she continues hunting for the sweater. Gwyn promised it would be waiting in plain sight for her.
Realizing the scatter-brained girl probably forgot to put the sweater out for her, Nesta pauses in the hallway leading to Gwyn’s bedroom and bites her lip. She doesn’t know if bedrooms are off limits or not, considering how often Gwyn and Emerie have barged into hers, but she knows she doesn’t want to make a second trip here just for a sweater.
Without giving it further thought, she strides into Gwyn’s room—
And yelps to find Gwyn on the bed.
Except she isn’t alone, and there’s definitely another body under the dark green blanket with her, and whoever it is definitely has their head between her legs.
Nesta spins away at the same time she hears Gwyn’s cry of surprise. She braces one hand against the doorjamb and presses the other to her freezing cold face, not having any words for what she just saw.
“Nesta?” Gwyn calls from behind her. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Um, have you seen my sweater? It’s the expensive one.” She’ll just grab it and leave. Or maybe she’ll just leave—yes, that sounds like a good idea.
“Nesta?” a new, deeper voice repeats.
Gwyn hisses, and Nesta freezes because she recognizes that voice. She wants to be wrong so badly, but she has to whirl back around to confirm for herself.
a/n: i decided to cut this chapter short and add an extra one to flesh out my silly little gwynriel subplot. so if there’s anything specific or random you wanna see happen in the next chapter tell me bc i might have space for prompts!!
tagging: @hellasblessed @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @valkyriewarriors @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @swankii-art-teacher @wannawriteyouabook a favor: @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja @maastrash @bow-dawn @perseusannabeth @dead-on-the-inside666 @jlinez @hungryreadingaddict @anidealiveson @planet-faerie @shallowhighwaters @ghostlyrose2 @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @rarephloxes @readiajin @nessiantrashh @live-the-fangirl-life @ifinallygavein @xoblivisci @sjmships @jungtaekwoonie-is-life @lysandra-tiara @lanyjoy-13 @frosted-crackers @post-it-notes33 @loosingdreams @fromthelibraryofemilyj @18moneytoad @dontgetsalmonella @champanheandluxxury @togreblog @arinbelle @ladygabrielli1997 @meridainthedisneyland @moodymelanist @pixieelea
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A/N: Thank you hottie❤️ Tumblr was fucking with the format, so I had to repost.  Anyways, I looovveee this request. I’ve been waiting to be in the right mood to write this. Like, jealous muscular himbos completely head over heels for their s/o? Sign me up.
Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this, sugar plum
All characters are 18+
Warnings: smut below the line!
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Katsuki Bakugo:
bakugo doesnt get jealous
he usually felt secure in your relationship
yeah he got annoyed when kaminari would jokingly flirt with you
and yes, it made him angry when the dekusquad would literally stare at you with puppy dog eyes
and it pissed him off when kirishima suddenly became the funniest guy in the room when you were around
but he wasn’t jealous
how could he be? he’s bakugo katsuki
you agreed to go out with him. the strongest. the best. you couldn't get any better than him
lmao no
the bigger the ego, the more fragile it was
bakugo doesnt handle jealousy well
there’s a small part of him that knows he can be an asshole
he’s not the most...affectionate person
but damn it, if he doesnt try his hardest for you
you notice that he gets quieter but his actions become a lot more aggressive
he’s glaring at anyone that smiles at you
it’s honestly scarier than his threats
forces you to hold hands
is suddenly into PDA??? when he kissed you in front of your friends you literally made a face
you didn't know what was up with him, but you were really confused when you told him to chill and he visibility wilted
once he came around to telling you that he wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to leave him, you were quick to reassure him
give him a couple kisses and rub his ego just a tad, and he’ll be back to normal
acts like he didn't just look like he was about to cry two seconds ago
there are two things that happen when bakugo gets jealous
at first, he’s very rough and handsy
he likes to talk big and say things like
“imma fuck you up when we get home”
“you like when daddy does that, sweetheart?”
“kiss it right there, baby”
“youre mine. tell me your mine”
he’s doing everything he can to get you screaming and thrashing
he’ll go down on you for hours, leave you trembling, only to tell you that was a warm-up
there’s this dark look in his eyes when he’s pounding into you, gripping the headboard so he can angle himself in the best position possible
it’s like he’s trying to prove himself by wrecking you
in the midst of your fucking, just when you feel like youre about to pass out, bakugo’s head falls on your shoulder
he’s still thrusting into you, but it gets slower and deeper
now it’s not just fucking
looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze and kisses the breath of out you
he can’t speak, too deep into your lovemaking to express how much he loves you
how he’s so scared of losing you
but you don’t need his words to understand
lock your legs around his hips and tell him how you’ll always be his and he will let out a moan that makes your toes curl
when you reach your high, it’s a vulnerable moment
lots of soft kisses and hugging
wont admit to the tears that sting his eyes but is willing to express his adornment for you through his embrace and aftercare
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Todoroki Shouto:
todoroki doesnt have a lot of experience with jealousy
he knows what anger is
he’s felt insecurity
and he knows what it feels like to long for something or someone
but envy was a foreign concept to him
that was until he got into his first romantic relationship with you
don't get him wrong, he trusted you with everything
you gave him no reason to question your loyalty
and it never occurred to him that you would leave him for someone else because of how strong your love was for one another
however, his insecurities always got the best of him
he had a lot of baggage
he knew that
and when someone would approach you, someone that looked free-spirited and independent, he’d wonder if he was holding you back
even then, he can’t help but think that no one is worth the ground you walked on
not even himself sometimes
he never brings it up
but you notice that he started touching his scar a lot more
todoroki would try to act more extroverted thinking it would be better if he was livelier
youre deep talks about family matter diminished little by little
he tried to fill your comfortable silence with awkward conversation
you were so confused why your bf was acting so different
it took a couple attempts to get him to spill his thoughts
once he did, he’s stark quiet, looking away, fearing that you’d be so disappointed in him
but you just take his face in your hands and tell him
“you’re my whole world shouto. why would i ever give that up?”
he holds you in his arms for a long time after that
behind his jealousy of onlooking eyes is a deep steed of low self-esteem
and you can feel it when you get intimate
he’s always looking to please you, but now he’s desperate, trying so hard to think of what will make you feel good
it makes you sad bc he already knows the answer to those questions
but he overthinks it
he’s noticeably shier
his touches are hesitant as he second-guesses himself
is continuously asking if you’re okay or if he’s doing it right
at one point, you have to take charge and push him down on the bed
“let me show you how much i want you. just you”
licks his lips as you kiss down his body
one of those guys that believes sucking his dick is a chore 💀
“you don't have to do that” face ass
so when you suck the soul out of him, he’s SPRUNG
would write a song about it if he could LMAO
quickly says he loves you before kissing you like the world depends on it as you ride him
twirl your hips in the way he likes and he’ll hiss out curses
run your hands through his hair and kiss his scar and he’ll give you such pretty moans
please tell him how beautiful he is and how much you love him
my mans will nut on the spot
after the first round, he regains his confidence and flips you on your hands and knees
before you even know what’s going on, he’s pounding into you, gripping your hips like a lifeline
now that he’s reminded that he’s your man, he spends the night realigning your spine
bc who could do it better?
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Togata Mirio:
mirio is one of the most confident people ever
not only is he secure in himself, but he’s secure in your relationship
he knows he bagged a baddie
ofc people would be all over you
he couldn't blame them! i mean, look at you!
when people approached you, he usually let you handle it
if they were persistent, he would just put an arm around your waist
“you’ve got good taste, but they’re taken! sorry!”
it’s so wholesome that the other person can’t even find it within themselves to be upset
there was only one time he recalled getting genuinely jealous
it was during the time you two weren't exclusively dating
just going on dates to see how things went
at the same time, he overheard from your friend that your ex was trying to get back with you
when he heard that, he started sweating
it wasn't jealousy, but more like fear
he was determined not to lose you
not when things were going so well
mirio literally goes above and beyond on your dates
mans deadass learns how to cook all your favorite foods to bring to you
youre crying bc the seasoning was just *chef’s kiss*
brings you flowers at random times of the day
sends you pictures of things that remind him of you
you’re just soaking up all the attention
he’s always been an extra person so you didn't think much of it
it wasn't until you two were cuddling and watching a movie in his apartment that he confesses to you
“i know that i’m competing against history between you and your ex, but i want you to know that my feelings for you are strong, y/n. and i’ll do everything to prove to you that i can be the man of your dreams”
you stare at him before bringing him in for a kiss
“there’s a reason my ex is my ex”
“just ask me to be yours already, mirio”
he didnt have to be told twice
it was actually that same night that cuddling turned into something a little nastier
honestly, from then on, if you cuddled for more than 20min, there was a 99% chance yall end up fucking lmao
but that night, when he was kissing your neck and grinding his dick against you, he noticed your phone light up on the nightstand
you were too caught up in his fingers between your legs but he saw the text from your ex
it read: “i know this might be out of the blue, but would you wanna catch up over dinner sometime?”
now, mirio wasn't one to be spiteful
but he couldn't help but get a little heated
knowing your ex was trying to get back with you was way different than seeing it
a tiny switch goes off in his head and now he’s ready to make it known that you and him are together
you’re in heaven as mirio’s lips suck and nip at your neck and body
his head game is immaculate
turns you on your stomach so he can massage your back and ass before sliding into you
mirio holds your neck and gives you sloppy kisses as his hips swim into you
your phone lights up again and you can barely think straight when he gets rougher
starts pounding into you like he’s tryna put a baby in you whether it’s possible or not 💀
youre grabbing for anything you can hold as he starts whispering sweet nothings about how he’s gonna take care of you
whew...what a man yall 🥴
the entire time he’s wearing a shit-eating grin
bc he knows he won
might have accidentally sent your ex a voice recording of you moaning his name
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ackerfics · 3 years
hange and their best friend (reader) "platonically" flirt with one another, they use pet names for each other, making others think they're together unintentionally. until reader finds an s/o, not knowing hange actually likes them
she — hange zoe
— hange zoe x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: angst ??? the stinging feeling you get when you see someone you love, love someone else
— summary: hange's best friend found love in the form of autumn while hange associates her with all of the seasons.
— word count: 2.5k
— notes: i love hange but i hate myself for writing something that hurts them :<<< they're my first love in aot and it pains me to imagine them hurting in any sort of way (which is probably the reason why i bawled my heart out in chap 132). this little fic hit too close at home for me bc it's exactly what i felt one time during high school. it's fucking traumatizing and istg, i don't want to relive falling in love with a friend again, it's like the most satisfying way to hurt, too. happy reading tho :<<<
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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She embodies everything positive in Hange’s eyes.
She is spring — the bursting of blossoms under the tendrils of sunlight seeping between the spaces of the trees in the woods. Every time Hange closes their eyes, they are reminded of how she signifies every single flower they ever know. She makes them feel everything at once — see every color at once in a single frame. There is no space for artistic abilities in Hange’s calloused, mismatched hands but when it comes to her, they can create a myriad of paintings encapsulating her beauty at every stroke of a brush. Her laughs, her flowery perfume that doesn’t hurt their nose, her smiles that are as radiant as the early morning Sun — are ingrained in their brain. She brings forth the butterflies that Hange carefully imprisoned in their ribs, the monarchs’ wings already seeping through the cracks at every joke she makes, reaching to their heart until every beat swayed to the sound of her giggles.
“Hange, the love of my life, there you are!”
Hange turned around with a huge smile on their lips. Their conversation with Levi came to an abrupt stop, with the shorter man mumbling along the lines of ‘here we go again’. The small smile on his face spoke otherwise while watching two of his closest friends hug each other as if they didn’t live together in an apartment right outside of campus. It was such a mystery that Hange could be so comfortable around someone to the point of playfully kissing their neck in public, followed by their best friend’s melodious laughs soon after. However, Levi couldn’t be fooled. He knew the glint in the brown-haired person’s eyes. The downturn of their eyebrows when their best friend wasn’t looking. The longing was apparent when she was talking to someone across the room.
The idiot going by the name Hange Zoe was irrevocably in love with their best friend, [Name] [Last Name].
“What is it, baby?” Hange asked vibrantly, glasses reflecting the equally excited girl in their arms. “Didn’t know your class dismissed this early. What happened?”
“Nothing. Our professor announced that we should visit a museum for our finals.” She then mimicked the haughty tone of her Art History professor, straightening her back to make herself appear taller. “Choose a painting or a sculpture and trace down its history and attach your critique in the final output. If I see anyone half-assing this paper, I will not hesitate to give a failing grade that will make you retake this class. I know you lot don’t want to see me again for another semester and I don’t want to see you again, too. So, prove to me you’re worth your standing in this course.” She cleared her throat. “What he said.”
Hange whistled. “Dang, I’m happy that I didn’t follow you to the Arts Department. Your professor sounds like a complete asshole.” They chortled the next second. “Sounds like my mom, to be honest.”
“At least your mom makes a bomb bento box.”
“Yeah, I guess, you’re right.” Hange then nuzzled their face in her hair. “But your bento boxes taste much more delicious — I could eat them all day. Can I be your partner so that you’ll cook for me every day?”
“I’ve already taken the position of your wife the moment I agreed to be your roommate in university, sweetheart. And I cook for you every single day so you don’t have to ask to be my partner because you already are.”
Hange looked smug at her reply, the heat in their cheeks traveling to their ears. “That was a rhetorical question but hearing those words come out of your mouth, it’s making me feel things.”
“Oh? What are those things?”
The brown-haired person snickered under their breath, glancing at Levi who was now looking at the two of them in that lazy way of his that might come off as him being annoyed again. In reality, he was only waiting for the two to finally stop flirting to recognize he was there. His daily job of being a third-wheel should’ve started fifteen minutes ago but Hange wouldn’t let [Name] go. Hange turned back to the expectant girl. “I don’t want Levi to hear what I’m about to say. Just expect something back at the apartment,” they joked, a cheeky smile tugging at their lips.
[Name] laughed heartily. “I’m looking forward to that, gorgeous.”
“I’m still here, you know?” Levi dryly made himself known. He huffed and turned around in the direction of the university restaurant. “Come on, lovebirds, let’s have lunch. Oh, and [Name]?” When he heard her little hum of acknowledgment, Levi slightly turned around to meet his friend’s eyes with his jaded ones. “It’s your turn to buy me a drink. Make it a venti today.” She only blinked at him, giving him no choice but to resort to that dumb thing she always asked. “Please can I have a venti this time? I got you and Hange a venti last time so this makes us even.”
“Ooh, make mine a venti, too, baby!” Hange squeezed their best friend’s waist.
“Anything for my sweetheart.”
“Again, I’m right here, you know.”
Just the thought of that little scenario hurts Hange.
But as much as the pain comes in the package, she is still summer in their eyes.
The Sun can’t compare to the brilliance of her smile. Kind smiles and gentle touches under the warm rays of the summer heat. Her scent is yellow to Hange — so bright and warm that they don’t care how long they bask in her presence, never caring if they get burned because it feels so right to be within her orbit. She urges them to feel so loved and so special, tender caresses of her warmth cascading down every vein until it reaches their heart. The cerulean waters of the sea hold nothing against the beauty of her grins, brown eyes searching for her every time of the day no matter how ethereal the world painted itself to be. Viewing the sights with rose-colored glasses is what they may call it but for Hange, it’s simply her. Someone once said that summer brings forth a paradise where blue covers everything in its wake, the cry of the seagulls reverberating in the distance, and the scent of ice cream flickers in the breeze. For Hange, summer is in the form of pretty close-lipped smiles, of late-night movie marathons on a worn-out couch, of bento boxes filled with their favorites, of a scent so saccharine, and a loyal friend.
A friend.
Of course. No matter where Hange goes, that word haunts them. Hidden beneath their smiles, their jokes, their longing, and admiring stares. It’s a reminder of where they stand in this limbo they created. At one point, they thought that line had been crossed only for it to be established again in permanent ink. And before they know it, Hange is tumbling down in a spiral, along with a change of seasons.
Fall is where everything started.
The orange glow of the leaves created the perfect view as she sipped on her tall cup of warm coffee. The blissful sigh that came soon after warmed up Hange, even though they were seated in front of each other in the outside tables of the small cozy café where Levi was working at. The chill brought by the autumn wind caused both of them to shiver in their layered clothing. The way she nuzzled more into her scarf made Hange coo, reaching out to pinch her cheek affectionately. Autumn was both their favorite season, how it made them resort to the comfort and warmth their sweaters bring, or how they cuddle in each other’s beds with the air conditioner blasting despite the cold. It was also a season where Hange could admire her in their hoodie, a piece of clothing that swallows her whole because she’s so small compared to their lanky figure.
Hange remembered being called out here because she wanted to talk about something. Now that they thought about it, her cheeks appear to be glowing more than usual and she kept glancing inside the café where Levi was busy telling his coworker how to make the new drink. Hange even went as far as following her gaze but they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary other than Levi sighing in that stressful way of his that always made them snicker. They turned back to their Sun, who was once again in a daze while staring at the clear windows of the café. “So,” they prolonged the syllable, “how’s life going, darling? I know we’re living in the same apartment but I just can’t help but ask you this because it seems like you’re always in a daze these days.”
A pause made the breeze’s call known.
“Hey, Hange, have you ever been in love?”
That spread the chill even more inside Hange’s chest. She called them by their name. Not sweetheart nor big spoon. The reality washed over Hange like a pail of freezing water.
“W-What?” Damn, they couldn’t keep the stutter off their words.
She turned her head to them, eyes so soft and smile so beautiful that made Hange breathless for one second. The butterflies dwindled, losing their iridescent wings when they realized that look wasn’t reserved for them anymore. “I thought about it,” she murmured, rubbing her numbing fingertips on the warm cup. “I have never fallen in love with anyone before. Sure, I love you and all our friends but I’ve never stopped and thought about how someone can look like starlight in front of me. But recently,” again, that pretty smile that pierced Hange’s chest, “I never knew that it could hit me that unexpectedly.”
Hange grinned despite the pounding of her chest. “So, who’s the lucky person?”
She chuckled, going back to staring at the interior of the café. “I told Levi to lay off on scolding her but he never listens, says she’ll never grow a backbone if he’s being considerate on her.”
Now, they’re confused because the only people manning the counter as she spoke was Levi (and she would never fall in love with Levi, seeing as they grew up together like siblings rather than the childhood friends that they are) and a strawberry blonde who looked like Levi’s become their worst nightmare. It took Hange a full minute to process that the person she’s been staring at was never their mutual friend, but the strawberry blonde who looked up towards their direction and waved with a pretty blush on their cheeks. She waved back with the same shyness, leaving Hange dumbfounded. “Wait, the person you’re in love with is—”
“Yeah, it’s her.”
Suddenly, Hange understands why she’s starting to like autumn.
It reminds her of the girl’s hair, which she gushes about smelling like coconut. It reminds her of the girl’s preferred perfume, how it smells so much like cinnamon, something that she sometimes puts in her autumn drinks because in her words, ‘it’s the perfect season rather than winter’. It reminds her of the girl’s hugs, the way both of them fit with each other like lost puzzle pieces.
But as the seasons change, feelings of long-term pining will always be constant.
“Are you okay, though?” Erwin asked them, blue eyes reflecting their pathetic faux smile. He pushed the plate of pasta to them since Erwin had an idea that Hange wasn’t eating that much now. It also worried [Name].
“Yeah, four-eyes, I know you’re not doing that great and I’m saying this in the friendliest way possible because we’re worried now,” Levi reminded them, sipping on his tea with slightly narrowed eyes. “You always decline whenever we want to bring you to somewhere, to the point of leaving Nanaba on voicemail. You always answer at the first ring. Look here, shitty four-eyes,” the way Levi enunciated the nickname made Hange slowly turn their head to him, face void of the smile they were known for, “shouldn’t you be happy for her? [Name] gained the courage to confess and you’re here moping when you should’ve been supportive—”
“And what of my feelings, Levi?”
That made Levi blink and feel like an asshole.
Then, the dam broke.
“I’ve been with her all this time, you’ve seen that. You witnessed how this shy girl opened up to an extroverted idiot and became one of her best friends during high school. It feels like I can’t fucking breathe because I always thought we were meant to be. When she was lonely, I was there to comfort her. When she got a bad grade on an exam, I was the one who knows what flavors of ice cream she wants or how she eats them together like a fucking milkshake. Every day, I never expected her to look my way like she looks at her girlfriend right now. It fucking hurts. It feels so empty to know that I’m not the one she fell in love with. What did I lack? Should I be sweeter and gentler like that girl? Or dainty whenever I eat like she is? Be girly and dress up like a doll? Fuck, I can’t even bring myself to hate her girlfriend. She’s so nice and kind and sweet, anything I’m not.” Hange buried their hands in their hair, making it messier than it was.
“I just want [Name] to love me and make things wonderful. Why isn’t Fate on my side this time?
“Why didn’t she choose me?”
Tears were now drifting down like snowflakes.
“Hange,” Erwin murmured.
“Look, sunshine, it’s snowing!”
A voice catches their attention. A strawberry blonde cheers the words with glee painted in her eyes. Beside her is the subject of the trio’s conversation, the subject of a brown-haired person’s affections. Her eyes are taking in the beauty that is her girlfriend. She looks so pretty in love — how her eyes crinkled at the corners and how snow clung on her eyelashes as if she is a fairy straight from a fairy tale Hange loves when she was a kid. Her girlfriend takes her hand and pulls her to the restaurant where the trio is watching from the windows. Gray and blue irises slide over a somber bespectacled person, gauging their reaction though their face never gives anything away.
“I’m right behind you, Petra. I just took the time to admire you because you’re so pretty under the snow.”
“Stop it! You’re prettier!”
“Did you know that seeing the first snow of the year together with the person you love, your relationship will rival that of eternity?”
“Then, I’m happy I get to see this first snow with you, sunshine.”
“Me, too, angel.”
Hange smiles under a steady stream of tears. “I’m happy for her. I’m happy she found happiness even if it’s not with me.”
The chill blows inside the warm walls of the restaurant the moment the door opens, [Name]’s joyous greetings for her best friends bringing smiles to two of them. Her eyes drift to brown ones before turning to Petra to ask for a pack of tissues since Hange’s tears are still visible. Hange watches the commotion with a small smile, the chill spreading through them like a snowstorm.
Winter is here.
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Omg thank you so much for your posts about rinharu!! :"")) I was one of those people who were like "why are rinharu fighting again?? Did kyoani purposely seperate them /again/ just for the sake of drama ?? (And so that they have more oppurtunities to showcase other ships??)" I was really irked at first cuz i thought the first part of TFS is finally going to be a movie about rinharu being a powercouple, but! After reading your posts i realised that haru never really moved on from rin leaving, even in S3 the reason why hiyori's words affected him was because he thought he caused rin to leave (and by extension ikuya, but lbr haru wasn't as frustrated with ikuya nearly as much as he was with rin right) so i'm just here to say.. thank you so much for opening my eyes!!! Now i'm really looking forward to the second part!!
Awww no problem <3 tbh I've always said that free is one of those that has so many nuances left bts that it's sometimes confusing for those who aren't as invested I think. Like there's so many important things that are left out and are in additional materials, that some has no idea what's going on at times. Like back in the days when some interpreted s2 in the opposite way bc of that one thing. My point is that not everyone is even watches stuff like recaps for example (where there are in fact new easter eggs and so many important things like Rin's dad death aftermath etc), and even less read novels and checked side stories and dramas.
For example, in books this Haru's issue about him thinking he's cursed and hurts everyone with his swimming is a huge thing, when Asahi "lost his ability to swim" after seeing Haru's free. But in SD it wasn't adressed at all tbh.
And what Haru feels for Rin is such tornado of emotions, that surprised even me with all the descriptions, bc like it's real bad. Like that part I posted from the chapter when Rin leaves is at least understandable, since he leaves. But the way he reacts to him in general even when he just appears in his sight is always described as if someone tortures him for real lol. And he's always like "pls someone save me, I don't know how to deal with this, bc I've never felt such emotions before".
So basically, like yeah, he's as it is has this thing, when he thinks of himself as some bad omen, so he's very sensitive about it, but since everything Rin-related feels x100000000 for him, its just... well, it hurt for a very long time and sadly was just overlooked by a certain someone, so here we are.
I think we all at first believed that bc Rin's so shocked and in disbelief that Haru could even think that it was his fault in some way:
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that maybe they talked about it bts or smth like after the relay. But it seems like Rin either forgot or most likely I think he maybe thought that Haru understood without words? I'm just real sad still that Haru didn't get to hear this speech:
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I mean, they made it look by the end of s1 that it was about relay, which partially yeah, but for Rin it was really about Haru. You see what he said.. he said that that 1x02 race with Haru alone.. what made him want to swim again. This whole speech was not only about the fact that Haru wasn't at fault that he quit swimming in the first place, but about the fact that Haru is his lucky charm, that makes everything better. AND WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO HEAR THAT. So like for Haru it's to this day like "after I messed him up, Rin was saved with the power of friendship and a relay". But he was saved by Haru really. Bc according to s3 info, it was basically just about Haru being on the relay team. I don't try to demean their friendships or anything, but its just what it is.
And as I've said before in one post it's just fascinating that to this day Rin for example thinks that s1 shananigans were just about him and just his problem:
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Haru thought it was about them and their problem:
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So like my point here is I also up to the end of s2 thought that maybe Rei or Rin told that to him, bc we seemed to move on to another problems, until in Kizuna we were shown that he still dreams about that scene of Rin leaving. s3 Hiyori just exposed the wound really.
But also once again see what he said there, it's not just about that one time he keeps reliving, aka his first come back, its really just about each time Rin was leaving. Like the very first one already was bad, the second was the worst, bc he thought he hurt him and thought that bc of him he quit swimming, others are just painful bc by then it was already another kind of feeling. I mean, I do think that this first Rin's return to Australia thing needs to be cleared up since it's obviously still haunting him. But again it's just part of this. Haru after the Australian trip and "I've always admired you" and "without you I have nothing to aim for" and after TYM goodbye when Rin told him that he doesn't need a surprise party and that just swimming with Haru before leaving is the greastest surprise for him, he knows already about the way Rin feels about swimming with him... I think the reason why everyone is freaking out here is that bc the way it's executed it's just really about him constantly missing him and "why am I always have to longingly watch you leave, while you seem fine." If he was in a free race, but wasn't on a relay team, he'd get the same reaction. Its just all seasons combined that brought us here. We already in 3x01 without Hiyori knew that he wasn't handling Rin being far away again good. So tbh it's logical even without any explanation really. I mean, Rin does indeed leave and come back as he pleases and does what he wants without holding back or sometimes thinking about consequences. There's no lie here.
It's like since the beginning for Rin it was like "I found the gorgeous guy I adore and I want to swim with, I'll transfer schools just to nag him into swimming with me, it's not like he's gonna care if I leave after that." (he literally in the book didn't think it was a big deal)
For Haru it was like "I lived just fine, but this guy stormed into my life, made me want things I didn't think I'd ever want, got me addicted to him and then dropped me like a hot potato".
Rin's just very passionate about life and things he wants, like Haru for example, but he's really also very unobservant and very clueless at times.
But like just bc he doesn't know about Haru's existential crisis and all the pain he's truly in when he's leaving, doesn't change the fact that he at times didn't even treat him as a simple friend (because they can't be just friends I KNOW), but still things like "you could've called" "well sorry, I guess I'm just not good at it" are probably hurtful, considering the fact that you are good at it with everyone else tho, Rin sweetie. Like thanks for avoiding us the most and holding back and visiting us the last each time, we feel real special. Haru is like the opposite, he doesn't call anyone for example, but he can call Rin in the middle of the night if needed, he always does for Rin smth that's completely out of his comfort zone.
It's like some say "Rin didn't know he wanted him to call" or "he didn't know Haru felt guilty". He did know he wanted him to call and he didn't know Haru felt guilty and stopped swimming competitively when he stopped swimming, but then Rei told him and Natsuya in 3x03 reminded him about this too. Its just the fact that he doesn't want to add 1+1 and thinks "well, there's no way I can affect Haru like that right?", "he can't be that upset about Rin Matsuoka, right?". While facts are he IS literally the only one who affects Haru in such huge way. It's like everyone else can just pass him by and it's nothing, but he walks by and it's a whole "asdfghgfdsa why my body is on fire, its just Rin who's just standing there".
And I'm also buffled by this thing that some people really say stuff like "where did this come from, they were perfectly fine" etc, as if they ever had normal "friendship" relationship. I'm like when did they ever behave themselves okay? In 3x03 Rin is dying to call Haru, but can't do it, while he's constantly texting everyone including Nagisa. First thing he says in the airport when he comes back is "I'm home, Haru" to air, but then goes to hang out with Makoto and Sousuke, desperately looking for an excuse to see the one whom he from the beginning, as it was shown wanted to see the most, but in his opinion can’t without a reason. It's only when Makoto tells him that Haru was upset about Albert he quickly rans off out of there bc "hooray, I have an excuse to see my bae”. Like we know from the airport scene that he wanted to see Haru the most. If they're so as people say were doing great, than how do you exlain all of their s2 and s3 behavior for real? It's like as if in TYM Haru didn't lose his shit from some gossip about persimmons. I mean, they never settled anything really. And Haru is constantly scared of Rin leaving again since forever.
So it's complicated, but yes, we're super excited for p2, bc asdfghjhgfds.
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anxioussweasley · 3 years
Request lol if you have time bc i love ur writing with my whole heart. Basically i need me some angst with George with a happy-ish ending in my life rn. Maybe angst prompts 1 and 2? if you don’t have time that’s totally cool there’s just not enough happy ending angst with george lol
1.when we’re you going to tell me
2. I’m not going to argue with you
Warnings: swearing, angst
Word count: 1.2k
A/n: hi love! So sorry this took me so long to write! I hope you still see this, and you like it! Thank you for the request.
You weren’t even sure how the argument started. It was all playful in the beginning. But now as you and George, your best friend, shouted back and forth in the middle of the common room, you realized this was anything but playful.
“Well maybe if you and your brother weren’t always running around causing trouble, we wouldn’t have been stuck in detention.”
“Well maybe if you would stop pissing people off me and my brother wouldn’t have to go around causing ‘trouble’ pranking people for you!”
“I never asked you to do that! I can take care of myself! And you know what I don’t remember ever pissing digory off so I guess you pranked him for no good reason!” You shouted back.
“Oi, I had a reason!”
“Oh, really? What was it then? You know he hasn’t talked to me since that little stunt you pulled!” You seethed.
George stopped. He couldn’t possibly tell you why he had pranked Cedric. He couldn’t possibly tell you that he was burning with jealousy at the mere sight of you next to golden boy digory. How was he supposed to look one of his best friends in the eye and tell them that he loved them? George scoffed, “It doesn’t even matter. I’m not going to argue with you.” With that he quickly turned making his way up the stairs to his dorm.
The few people in the common room that had been watching the argument started at you, before Fred cut in, “Oi, you all mind your own business! That was awkward enough without all you gits listening in!” With that everyone went about their business, some people making their way out of the room, Ron and Harry continuing they’re game of Wizards chess, Hermione turning back towards her book.
“I- I don’t even know what just happened,” you mumbled.
Fred gave you a concerned look before nudging your shoulder assuring, “hey you know how he is. can be a little hot headed sometimes, that one. That’s why he’s so good at quidditch,” Fred chuckled. “Don’t worry I’m sure he’s not angry with you, just give him some time, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay.” You answered, still staring at the door George had just disappeared through.
“Why don’t you come by later, I’ll talk to him and we’ll get this whole thing sorted,” Fred suggested, putting his hand on your shoulder to reassure you.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll um- I’ll see you later.” You didn’t know how to function. The whole argument had you confused, and the embarrassment of fighting in such a public setting was starting to sink in. So without another word you turned and made your way to your dorm, slamming the door behind you before letting out a frustrated sigh.
A couple hours passed and you were feeling restless. You had tried to distract yourself with homework, reading, a nap, but nothing had worked in keeping your mind of George. Then again… nothing ever did.
You sometimes find it impossible to stop thinking of the ginger. Everything about him made your heart race. He was softer than Fred. He was an amazing quidditch player. His jokes and sarcastic comments always made you laugh for minutes on end. It had taken you a while to realize you were in love with him. But now you were in a fight, a petty argument that made your stomach twist with nerves. You knew it was irrational but you couldn’t stop worrying about if you would lose him over this. It was pointless anxiety but nevertheless a sick feeling made its way into your stomach.
You wanted to end this, to go back a few hours when you and George were laughing together happy as can be. So you got up out of bed and made your way to the boys dorm. Surely Fred was right, and George just needed a bit of time to calm down. But as you approached the door the sound of Fred and George’s shouting voices made it clear that this wasn’t going to end quickly. You tried not to listen, tried to walk away but Fred’s voice caught your attention.
“Why didn’t you just tell Y/n the truth? This is getting ridiculous, George!”
“What do you want me to say Fred? Yeah, Y/n I had a good reason to prank digory! It’s because I saw that prat put his arm around you and I was burning with jealousy because I’m in love with you?” Your breath caught in your throat as your heart raced faster than it ever had before. Surly you had heard that wrong.
“Yes! Anything would have been better than storming out!” Fred answered.
“I can’t do this right now, Fred.” Came George next words and suddenly the door was being pulled open, and there wasn’t time for you to react. George and you stood there for a minute wide eyed.
He scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief before quickly sliding past you and making his way down the hall.
“George!” You shouted after him, finally breaking away from your initial shock.
“Shit, Y/n,” Fred swore, making his way out the door and down the hall.
“Fred, wait! I’ll take care of it,” you rushed quickly moving past him and running down the hall after George.
“George! George, wait! Please?” You shouted after the boy. Hurrying to catch up with him.
“Leave me alone Y/n,” was all he replied with, making his way through the common room and out the portrait hole.
“Can we please talk?” You questioned as you had to jog to keep up with the ginger's fast pace, as he led you into an empty corridor.
“Y/n, please, just go away,” he sounded desperate, continuing to walk away from you.
“No, George! When were you going to tell me?” You pleaded. George stopped dead in his tracks.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “never.” He sounded so uncertain, you had never seen him like this so… defeated.
“Is- is that really why you pranked Cedric? You were jealous?” You questioned.
George scoffed, turning quickly around to face you. “Yes Y/n! I was jealous! I was jealous because I’ve been in love with you for years, but you are never going to feel the same way about me! Because I’m just George, I’m not like golden boy digory or Fred, I’m not the outspoken one or the popular one I’m just everyone’s second choice!” George let out a sigh, a single tear falling down his face, before whispering, “even yours.” Tears started falling down your face, your heart shattering with George’s words. How could he be so blind?
“No, George. Don’t you get it? I love you! Me and Cedric are just friends. I don’t care about that kind of stuff. I don’t want Cedric or Fred, I want you.”
George stands wide eyed, not fully allowing himself to believe it.
“I’m in love with you,” you finished the thought for him, tanking a step closer and grabbing his hand.
“Y/n, I am so sorry for everything I said today. I was such a git.” George apologized, squeezing your hand and pulling you closer to him.
“It’s okay Georgie, I’m sorry too.”
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turntechgoddesshead · 3 years
Hey guys! Remember me? I was the rando that said i was gonna write Sally Face fanfic, wrote one headcanons post and yeeted off the internet for a couple days. Well, i’m back and I did indeed write a thing. This is the beginning of a series, if ya’ll like it that is. I don’t know if this will end up as Larry x Reader or Sal x Reader but hell, i guess we’ll see. Anyways, here ya go!
Also feel free to hit me up for Headcanons, they’re fun warm ups. 
Words: 1624
TW: Mention of animal death, Parents leaving, and Juvy.
Y/n Is a girl and uses she/her pronouns, has freckles and glasses. Sorry haha, i have a hard time not writing in those features bc this did indeed start off as a shameless self insert. Y/N also has two dads bc happy pride month. 
A tiny cry echoed through the hallways of the labor ward, as a new life had blossomed just merely a few moments ago. Her fathers welcomed her into their lives with open arms and tears shedding from their eyes, as they drank in ever tiny inch of her brand-new body. She was absolutely perfect to them, and everything that they had worked so hard for. Her tiny hand gripped tightly onto the finger of the man who held her, her small green eyes cried tears of confusion as the second man beside her smiled and placed a gentle hand onto the top of her tiny head of H/C hair.
               “She’s so beautiful,” The first man spoke to the other, failing to contain his tears. The nurses watched in silent anticipation as the two finally introduced themselves to the newest member of their family. The woman who sat in the bed, smiled happily watching the two interact with the baby which she had carried inside her for nine months. She was finally meeting the family she forever deserved to be apart of, and the family which she had so graciously chosen to give her baby up to. After passing the baby girl off to the nurses, the two men embraced the woman into a teary hug, thanking her for all of her kindness.
               “Thank you so much, for our little Y/N Moore.”
               Days turned into weeks, which casually turned into months, leading to the sudden and unexpected change that occurs within the years of growing up. Five years into her young life, little Y/N and her fathers moved into their own little slice of heaven, room 402 of the Addison apartments in Nockfell.  They happily lived along with the other residents, making friends with the Johnson family which resided in the basement below. Larry Johnson was the only child of his parents, Lisa and Jim, who was just excited to have another child his age in the complex. The two children eventually became inseparable, always in one room or the other inevitably getting into whatever trouble children at the age of five or six get into. Y/N eventually grew into a worrisome little girl, always anxious over whether or not the duo would get away with their latest antics while Larry easily concocted them in that little brain of his. Three years Into the Moore’s and Johnsons friendship Young Y/N and Larry played outside excitedly with a handful of firecrackers which Mrs. Lisa had brought home. Y/N expressed to the young boy how anxious she was about playing with something which her fathers would inevitably be angry about, but eventually calmed down and began to play after her best friend convinced her it would be alright.
               “Larry, be sure to aim it away from the building!” She told him in between her high-pitched giggles. Snow outside fell from the sky and landed delicately into her hair, just to melt moments after.
               “I don’t think you can aim them He-" Before the boy could finish his sentence, the firecracker went off, flying towards the building and into an open window, before exploding into a flurry of pops and whistles. The sudden silence after the firecracker ceased lasted for only a moment as a sudden screech emitted from Mrs. Gibson, the old woman who resided within the apartment. All color drained from the freckled face of the little girl as she gazed up at the window in horror, listening to the screams of terror and anger that omitted from just a few floors above her.
               “L-Larry,” Larry had cut Y/N off before she could even form words. He gripped her wrist tightly, pulling her out of the sight of the window. Hurriedly he tugged her along to the side of the building so neither of them could be seen, glancing around the corner once for caution, before turning his attention to his friend. Y/N’s face had grown ghost-like as fat tears began to form in her eyes and roll down the center of her cheek.
               “Larry, did we hurt her?” She cried, putting her face into her hands. Her sobs turned into hiccups as she constantly attempted to wipe the water off her face. The pressure of her best friends hands gripping tightly onto her shoulders, suddenly pulled her out of her panicked state. She looked up at Larry who seemed as cool as possible, his eyes were sharp as he looked down at her with determination.
               “No Y/N, we didn’t,” He told her, nodding his head, “You were up in the treehouse by yourself, I asked you to play, and you were angry at me remember?”
               Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat as she realized the weight of the situation, “No, Larry, I can’t leave you by yourself!”
               Larry shook his head.
               “Go sit in the treehouse, and count to a thousand. Once you do, climb down, and go straight home. When your dad asks you what you did, you say you played in the treehouse by yourself,” He ordered her, as though he hadn’t been coming up with this plan on the spot.
               “It’s not going to work!” Y/N continued to sob.
               “Yes, it is! Tell them you were mad because I nocked your glasses off with a snowball! But you didn’t play with me today, promise me you’ll do what I say!” Larry shook her shoulders slightly in desperation, before the girl eventually nodded to him.
               “Good,” Larry sighed, releasing the grip he had on her shoulders. He watched as his best friend turned on her heal and began to run towards the tree house.
               Y/N didn’t hear from Larry for two weeks after that. Her parents kept her at arm’s reach for what felt like an eternity, as she constantly wondered what her friend was up to. Every day she would ask permission to make her way down to the basement to see her friend, and every day she was denied. Weeks turned into months, as her parents protective grip seemed to loosen ever so slightly, reluctantly allowing her to wander the complex on her own after a plethora of begging on the young girls part.  She sauntered through the hallway, her eyes glued to the stained hardwood floor as she walked mindlessly, wondering about her friend who she knew was just five floors below. It wasn’t until the little girl had bumped mindlessly into another person that she was snatched from her anxiety inducing thoughts.
               “Oh, I’m sorry,” She spoke meekly, fixing the round glasses that sat delicately on her nose. Upon looking up, Y/N immediately recognized the woman with long brunette hair and much more empty than usual eyes.
               “Mrs. Lisa!” Y/N replied, her emotions suddenly too much for her small body to handle, “Is Larry here?”
               Lisa looked down at little Y/N almost painfully, her eyes bore dark circles under them, and she held the mop in her hand tightly, “Larry is down in the basement right now Y/N,” She replied calmly.
               Sheepishly, Y/N let out a small, “Oh,” and stared down at her feet as she rocked back and forth anxiously.
               Lisa smiled just a little bit at the little girl and pulled a small card out of the back of her pocket, “Tell you what though, why don’t you just go visit him now?”
               Excitedly, Y/N snatched the card from Lisa’s hand and hugged her with all her strength, excited at the opportunity to see her best friend once again, “Thank you Mrs. Lisa! You’re the best!”
               In a hurry she quickly ran towards the elevator and stuck the keycard in, which allowed her access to the basement. It took her only a moment to get to the apartment that was underground, but when she did, she eagerly ran to the door. Not even bothering to nock, the little girl opened the door and ran straight for the room where she knew Larry was. She opened the door to his room, noticing him laying on his bed with his hands behind his head and bulky headphones covering his ears as his foot tapped ever so lightly.
               “Larry!” She cried excitedly, jumping on top of the poor unexpecting boy, “I’ve missed you so much!”
               Larry scrambled to take his headphones off and toss his Walkman to the side, “Y/N?! Where have you been?”
               “Where have you been?!” She replied to his question, crushing him in the largest hug all while attempting to hold back her cries.
               Larry grew silent, looking down at his hands before looking at Y/N in embarrassment, “The firecracker killed Mrs. Gibsons pet rabbit.”
               Y/N let out a gasp and covered her mouth.
               “And they sent me to Juvie for a couple weeks.”
               “No!” Y/N cried, grabbing his hand in instinct.
               “Y/N I-“ Larry paused, looking at her before sighing, “I think it drove my dad away.”
               Y/N cocked her head in confusion and tightened the grip on Larry’s hand, “What do you mean?”
               “My dad left a couple days after they sent me away,” He confessed, his face burning red in shame. He looked away from his friend and steadied his breathing, as though trying to contain his own emotions, “I thought I drove you away too.”
               Y/N’s heart jumped to her throat as she defensively rose to her feet, “Larry, you couldn’t ever drive me away! Daddy and Papa have been acting so weird and protective, and now I guess I know why… but it wasn’t my choice I promise.”
               Tears fell down her face, but she quickly wiped them from her face and continued to talk, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, but from now on, we do everything together!”
               Larry smiled at her, pulling her into a hug.
               “You promise?”
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darcyolsson · 3 years
PLEASE explain every song on your nick playlist
EVERY SINGLE ONE............ okay
playlist link again for good measure
everything has changed (ft ed sheeran) // it's all about that first meeting! when they first met they were like um idk about you but it's been like 20 hours and you're already my favourite person can i just be your bestie (?) please. let me get to know you better!!! :)
delicate // charlie isn't universally liked but nick likes him! they aren't friends bc it's cool to be friends w charlie they're friends bc he likes him for him!!! also, this song specifically mentions a shoe by brand which is very Them
fifteen // fuck ben hope that's all i have to say about this one
gorgeous // why are you so gorgeous and attractive ugh so annoying you're so annoying for being cool and attractive bc i can't have you.... guess i'll stumble on home to my cats dog alone... unless u wanna come along...?
hey stephen // it's about the crushing and wanting to kiss in the rain
gold rush // nick is very cool, charlie is Not, charlie wants to date but alas it will never be :/ or WILL IT
i'm only me when i'm with you // when nick's mum said he was more himself around charlie than he was around any of his other friends that did things to me emotionally
fearless // their first kiss was fearless by tswifts definition! not absent of fear but something you do anyway in spite of all your fears. them. it truly is a first kiss, it's flawless, really something........ it's fearless
sparks fly // the day after their first kiss when charlie drops everything (now) meets nick in the pouring rain kisses him on the sidewalk takes away the pain............................ so true
state of grace // it's about being entirely enthralled by a new relationship... these boys are Whipped and i respect that
style // i'll admit this is mostly here bc it's on the heartstopper playlist/mixtape from vol 1 but you know what it's a banger and i do thik they both have that james dean daydream look in their eye so it can stay
you are in love // this song is so :(<3 in chapter... 5 ? when they start to fall in Love.. it's about all the little things. n&c are so good at that and i love them
invisible string // nick's ex crush sharing classes w charlie's sister... nick hearing ab charlie a year before they even met... charlie's friend elle being nick's old classmate elle..... IT'S THE INVISIBLE STRING BABY.... also i think charlie would appreciate the brontë reference
this is me trying // it's a crying break. let's think about charlie's mental illness and all he had to go through for a second. cool now w can move on
new year's day // they stuck stick together through the good and the bad and the Really Bad. fitting bc they went to a new years party together too. i love this song a lot :)
ours // sort of the same vibe! 'who cares what other people think or what life throws at us, we have each other'
i think he knows // last page of chapter 6 literally quotes this song (might be intentional??? no idea) what do you want me to say. just very Them i think!!!
long story short // i thought it would be funny to put this at the end of the heartstopper part of this playlist because it's literally a summary of this playlist, which is a summary of heartstopper. it's a long story short. anyway, once more, fuck ben hope, i love nick nelson, charlie had a bad bad time (several bad bad times) but he made it through!!! i still think it's insane how this is Literally just heartstopper as a song. gonna start a conspiracy theory that taylor swift is alice oseman in a wig i think
coney island // nick and charlie novella brief breakup anthem
that's when // nick and charlie novella extremely fast make up anthem <3
in conclusion,
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
sunflowers, daisies, lilacs, dahlias (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: sunflowers, daisies, lilacs, dahlias
Requested: yes, was a request someone sent to @imagining-in-the-margins​, but I took it of her hands :) (So i get this is sorta hard to do but i was wondering if you could write a spencer x nonbinary (gender-neutral pronouns) reader where reader isn’t out to the team yet but spencer finds out somehow and the reader is afraid he’ll reject them but instead he confesses his feelings and just starts info dumping about third genders in other cultures and the roots of binary america, etc. just like fluffy and accepting. once again, i get it if you don’t want to/can’t but that would be awesome)
Couple: spencer reid/non-binary!reader (they/them pronouns)
Category: fluff
Content Warning: swearing (if any), misgendering, usual criminal minds case work stuff, bi!spencer, lgbt+ history lesson, platonic cuddling (or is it?), kissing (not platonic), Doctor Who season 12 spoilers (weird, I know), afab!reader
Word Count: 4,110
Summary: reader comes out as non-binary to their best friend, Spencer, after they notice he changes the pronouns he uses to talk about them and after the team misgenders them.
A/N: pom (aka @imagining-in-the-margins​) posted this in her discord and said if someone had any ideas for this, we could have it. and i loved the request so i took it off her hands. im also non-binary and only out to a few friends, so this piece is dear to my heart. also, i wrote reader as afab, since that’s also me, but also the request says that reader isn’t out to the team yet, and i had to give reader a gender. so im sorry about that. that’s where the mis-gendering comes in. spencer’s nickname for reader is bumblebee when they’re friends, but once they start dating it’s honeybee… bc reader is…  enbee… thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
It was a new day at work. A new day, a new me… Kinda, not really. It’s still old me. I’m just trying to figure out the new me. I think that makes sense. It makes sense to me, so that’s all that matters, I think.
Maybe today was the day I came out to the team as Non-Binary. That’d probably help my feeling of garbage. Not even my own family knew about my little secret. So that’s been something I’ve seriously been thinking about, telling everyone that I was Non-binary and preferred they/them pronouns. 
I kept my head low as I stepped off the elevator and onto the floor of the BAU. The good news is, people weren’t rushing around like I was partly expecting them to be. The bad news is, when I got to my desk, there was a stack of files, waiting to be looked over. And the unfortunate part was, I wouldn’t get to get through half of them, because something told me there was a current case we had to go on. 
That something being Emily Prentiss standing outside her office, looking for everyone on the team. I looked up at her with a pout as she nodded towards the conference room. I looked back at the stack of files before grabbing my go bag and going up to the conference room.
Everyone was already there, waiting for me. Although, I was usually late, in a sensible fashion. So I quickly took my seat beside Spencer and remained quiet as Penelope and Emily told us about the case.
“We can go to the most recent victim’s house, interview the siblings,” Spencer spoke up as we both walked up to Emily. I looked up at him and nodded, silently agreeing that I could go with. It’s not like I had anything better to do anyways. Tara and Luke were at the newest crime scene. David and Matt were with the ME. And Emily was about to go interrogate the suspect. So, going with Spencer would give me something to do. 
“She’ll have to conduct the interview,” Emily looked up from the file she was reading and right at me. I looked down, away from anyone who was possibly looking at me. Getting mis-gendered was something I was used to, by now anyways. But, for some reason, this time it really bothered me. Emily doesn’t know, it’s fine. It’s mostly my fault anyways. And, I guess it bothered Spencer too, because the expression on his face shifted from normal to… annoyed.
“Of course, they can do the interview. They’re the most like the victim,” Spencer looked at Emily before looking back at me. I looked at him and smiled softly. It was more of a nervous smile than anything else. A change, and correction, in pronoun… I hadn’t exactly told anyone that I preferred different pronouns, I had honestly gotten used to the unfortunate misgendering.
“I can do it, I’m perfectly capable of it,” I smiled at Spencer then over at Emily. So much for a change.
“Then that’s settled, she’ll do it,” Emily looked up at Spencer and smiled before allowing us to leave. I dropped my shoulders as I glanced at Spencer, who was glaring daggers at Emily. He wasn’t usually one to glare at his superiors, especially Emily. 
“We should get going, don’t you think,” I whispered as I looked up at Spencer. He finally looked down at me and nodded. “And, you can do the interview, if you want. I get that I’m a lot like the victim’s sister. But, you do interviews better than me,” I laughed and shook my head. 
“We can do it together. That’s the only way you can get better at interviewing,” he returned the laughter before following beside me. 
“That’s true,” I smiled at him. 
“I know we always do this, but thanks for letting me stay the night after hard cases,” I looked over at Spencer as he got in his car. I readjusted the grip on my bag as I looked away from Spencer.
“Of course, sleeping over at someone’s house after a case makes it easier to relax, especially after hard cases,” he looked over at me with a smile, “We can order Chinese food if you want,”  he added as he looked back at the road.  
“Yeah, I think I’d like that,” I nodded with a smile. Sometime between solving the last case, and the jet landing I gained the courage to bring up what happened before the interview. You know, the whole they/them thing… With Spencer. I still don’t know how he knew to change my pronouns. 
He was talking about something, it sounded like an episode of Doctor Who.  I sort of felt bad about that too, because I was hardly listening. I was one of the only few people who actually watched Doctor Who with him, and thoroughly enjoyed his commentary. 
“And then the Doctor, who, have I mentioned is a woman now, is in fact the Timeless Child. Did you know that?” He glanced at me as he went on. Again, I felt bad because I wasn’t totally paying attention. “Of course you knew that, we watched the episode together,” he continued to ramble about the episode.
“Spencer,” I spoke, my voice just loud enough for him to hear.
“Mhm, what?” he glanced over at me for a quick second. I looked at him, my mouth opening and closing a few times before actually saying what I was thinking. Which was...
“How did you know?” I asked, my voice a bit of a whisper. I was a little bit scared. How did he know? Sure, Spencer knows everything. But I’m not exactly… Out to the team, let alone Spencer. I don’t think I told him. 
“How did I know what, Bumblebee?” Spencer glanced over at me for a brief second. I sighed deeply as I looked over at him. 
“You used 'they'… When you and Emily were talking about me and the interrogation… You used 'they' and 'them' when you talked about me… How’d you know? I haven’t told anyone…” I whispered as I looked over at him. He stayed silent for a long time. I wasn’t too sure what he was thinking, but it made me very nervous. 
“I saw you at the library with a book about gender/sexuality history and science… And I saw you looking at a non-binary/gender non-conforming forum the other day. So, I connected the dots,” Spencer looked over at me as he pulled to a stop at the red light. I swallowed roughly as I looked at him. “I didn’t mean to off-”
“You didn’t offend me, Spence,” I whispered and shook my head before dropping my gaze from him. My fingers fiddled with the seatbelt across my lap. I could feel my heart going a million miles an hour, and no matter how hard I tried to calm it… nothing worked. “I just… I haven’t used the words out loud before… I’ve haven't told anyone… I mean, I’ve just figured it out myself,” I shrugged again. I glanced at him as he started going again. “I’ve always known I didn’t really identify as… Ya know… And I guess just recently I finally put a name to it,” I sighed as I pressed my head into the headrest. Spencer glanced at me, again. He was obviously trying to keep his eyes on the road, but he was very concerned about our conversation.
“You’ve never said it out loud? Or told anyone?” He asked, clarifying what I had just said. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Yeah, I just…” I stopped, letting my words trail off. My thoughts ran wild. If I just said that I was non-binary, it’d make my life easier, I’d be so much happier. So, why haven’t I just come out and said it? “So, say it now. It’s just me,” Spencer whispered as he looked over at me for the briefest second. My heart stopped with his words, and suddenly my mind was quiet. “No one else to hear."
“What?” I spoke, my voice a breathless whisper. I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. 
“Only if you want to. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” Spencer’s voice was soft as he spoke. I looked over at him, feeling my stomach do an anxious flip.
“What if it changes the way you think about me?” I asked, feeling my throat tighten up around the words. Out of all of the friends that I had, Spencer was the only one I didn’t want to lose. In a weird way, I felt like he understood me. Like we were both the outcasts of the team, for our different reasons. 
“Why would that change the way I think of you?” Spencer looked up at me and I shrugged. I stared at him, feeling my face twist up in confusion. Even his face had some confusion on it. 
“I don’t know. People usually…” My words trailed off again, not knowing what I was exactly wanting to say to him. “You’re not mad at me? Or hate me or anything…? Right…?” I asked, my voice wavering slightly in fear. Fear of what? I was scared he would resent me. It wouldn’t have been the first, or last, time someone resented me. So, why would I expect him to not resent me? 
“Why would I hate you? Because you’re finally more comfortable with yourself? Or want to be more comfortable with yourself?” Spencer looked at me as he furrowed his brows. I looked down at my lap and shrugged. “You still haven’t said it, but we’re talking about it like you did,” he pointed out. I dropped my shoulders as I looked over at him. 
“You really want me to say it,” I laughed dryly. Spencer smiled at me and shrugged.
“Only if you want to. Just think about how much better you’ll feel,” he offered. I looked down at my lap and sighed.
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” I looked back up at him and smiled, “I’m non-binary.” I could feel a certain weight get lifted off my shoulders as I looked at him. Spencer also had a genuine smile on his lips as he looked at me. Like, he also seemed happy with my words.
 “There’s nothing wrong with that, you know,” Spencer smiled at me as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building. I glanced at him before laughing. “I’m being serious,” he chuckled lightly.
“I sure hope there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re the one who encouraged me to say it!” I laughed as I unbuckled. Spencer returned the laughter before looking over at me.
“Then, why do you care what the team thinks?” Spencer asked as he searched for his apartment keys. “Their opinion shouldn’t matter. It’s your life,” he shrugged and looked up at me once he finally found his keys.  
“Everyone on the team is all my friends and all my family…” I whispered as I looked over at him, “I don’t know what everyone will think,” I knew he wanted me to say it out loud to the team, but I was avoiding it. It’s not that I’m not ready. I just don’t want him to think differently of me.
“When has anyone on the team thought bad of you, Bumblebee?” Spencer asked again before parking the car. I swallowed roughly and looked back down at my lap. Of course, when I actually cut my hair short the first time… I had gotten a horrible haircut and everyone commented on it. “No one’s going to think anything bad about you if you come out,” he reassured. I sighed deeply as I looked towards the ground.
“Yeah, but I don’t care about them Spencer,” I rolled my eyes. I rolled my eyes because even though I do care what the team thinks, I think I care more about what Spencer thinks about me. But, I didn’t want to tell him that.
“Then, why were you so worried about it,” Spencer looked over at me before getting out of the car. I stayed in the car for a moment, silent with my thoughts. He’s got a point though. Why was I so worried about it? Of course, the team was my family. I don’t think I could risk losing the team for being… well, me. Maybe Spencer was right. Who am I kidding? Spencer’s always right. About everything. Maybe I should just tell the team… I’d feel a lot better.
I stayed quiet as we walked into the apartment building. In fact, we were both silent. Which was a rarity in our friendship; one of us was always talking, and it was always Spencer. He always had something to say. I wondered what he was thinking about in that head of his. Until I didn’t have to wonder...
“Native American people have a third gender, generally called two-spirit, where the person takes on roles more or less attributed to the opposite sex or both sexes,” Spencer suddenly started an info dump. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I read this exact thing in a book not too long ago. But, it meant so much to me that he wanted to tell me this.
“When europeans came along, they came with the strict gender binary rooted in Puritism, which put heavy emphasis on community and the importance of procreational (heterosexual) marriage within,” he paused to glance at me, probably to make sure I was still listening. And I was. There would be nothing to stop me from listening to him. 
 “Once the colonizers became a country after the american revolution, they wanted to get as far away from britain as possible. Part of this came with separating themselves from the effeminate man of Britain, whom they saw as feminine and dainty. As a result, they made the American Man, who is basically Teddy Roosevelt in that he is rugged, bold, strong, brutish, daring, and able to survive on the frontier and provide for his family,” he continued as he unlocked the door to his apartment. It was nice to be in a familiar place that felt like home, and felt safe.
“In comparison, the woman was supposed to be the American Housewife who stayed at home, cooked the meals, and raised the children. Thus, the American binary,” Spencer continued his info dump, clearly not knowing he was talking outloud. 
I just stared at Spencer with the utmost adoration in my eyes and face. A small smile grew on my lips as he continued to ramble and info dump about stuff I was newly introduced to. I don’t know why I didn’t tell him sooner, I’m sure he would have been a big help. “That’s very interesting, Spencer,” I smiled at him and cocked my head to my shoulder. Spencer looked at me, a slight panicked look in his eye. 
“I’m… I’m sorry, was I rambling?” He stopped talking and looked at me after a moment of him talking. I shook my head, silently telling him he wasn’t rambling, even though he totally was. At this point we had parted ways, but still held the conversation between rooms, and across his apartment, him being in the kitchen while I stayed in the living room.
“Anyways… I could continue going on about it all. How WW2 influenced the LGBT community and how Nuclear Families messed it all up too,” he spoke before stepping out of the kitchen and leading me to his bedroom. 
“I’m sorry, what?” I looked back at him with furrowed eyebrows. I was honestly surprised with that tiny tidbit of information. “Go on,” I raised a brow as I looked at him. I got comfortable on the bed while I waited for him.
“Yeah! The advent of urban areas provided the perfect place for sexuality and gender identity expression,” he continued talking as he stepped into the bathroom to change, and even continued while in the bathroom, “Many single people suddenly began moving from rural farms with family and religion to urban apartments on their own or with someone of the same identity/gender/sex,” he finally concluded before stepping out of the bathroom. I looked at him and cocked my head to my shoulder. I didn’t have anything to say after he rambled on, so we both stayed silent as we got comfortable in bed. 
“How do you know so much about gender identity and the LGBT community?” I asked, turning to face him more. Spencer looked at me with a nervous smile before looking out to the blanket spread out over us. 
“Oh, I, uh… I did a lot of research when I saw you in the library… And, after I saw you on the forum,” Spencer looked at me and nodded. I could sense that he was lying, and he knew that I could sense it. So, I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sure this is the exact reason,” I smiled before shifting down the bed to get comfortable, “No other reason?” I looked up at him. 
“Nope, no other reason,” he looked down at his book before shaking his head. I could tell there was definitely something, and I could tell he wanted to tell me. But, I won’t force it out of him, just like how he didn’t force it out of me.
“Well, if you have something to tell me… I won’t force it outta you,” I looked over at him with a smile. Spencer glanced at me before grabbing for a book on his nightstand. I shifted down the bed and looked at my phone. “No one’s going to think anything bad about you,” I glanced at him again, repeating the exact things he said to me early in the evening. Spencer glared at me before looking back in his book.
“You’re the worst,” 
“You’re worse than me, Spence,” I laughed as I looked at my phone. I grinned as I browsed random social media. “It’s okay, I get it,” I shrugged before falling silent. 
“I suppose it’s only fair,” he spoke out loud after a moment of silence. I looked up at him, watching as he shifted in his seat. He closed his book before looking down at me, “I guess I’ve been in the same boat as you for a while… Not knowing what anyone would think if I came out, fearing that they’d hate me or judge me,”
“Spencer, you’re the most loved person on the team. No one would ever hate you or judge you,” I sat up before turning to look at him. Spencer looked up at me and nodded. I’m glad we could both agree on that. If anyone hated Spencer Reid, I can guarantee that they’d have a whole fleet of FBI agents on their ass. “You can trust me with anything, Spencer,” I whispered before reaching out for his hands. He looked down at where our hands sat before cocking his head to the side.
“I already trust you more than anyone on the team,” he smiled and chuckled with a nod, “I’ve never told anyone except for one person,” he whispered as he looked up at me.
“That’s okay,” I shrugged as I looked at him. 
“I’m bisexual,” he whispered, his eyes dropping away from my. I stared at him, taking a deep breath. A small smile tugged on the corner of my lips as a worried look grew on Spencer’s. 
“Was that so bad?” I whispered as I fell forward to give him a hug. Spencer laughed as he embraced me. “It felt good, didn’t it?” I backed away from him slightly. Spencer smiled and nodded.
“Like a weight off my shoulders,” he laughed as he looked back at me, “Thanks for that,”
“No, thank you, Spencer, I really needed you and your wonderful words of wisdom… I’ve been struggling with my sexuality a lot, ever since I was a teen really, and you just being there helped,” I smiled at him as I got comfortable in the bed. With that, we fell into a comfortable silence. Sleep wouldn’t find its way to us anytime soon. I think we were both still reeling on the adrenaline of the day. 
But then, I started thinking about our conversation in the car. When I had mentioned I was worried about him (or anyone else) thinking differently of me. I mean, that’s been a fear of mine for years. Someone can go from loving you to the ends of the earth to wanting to be on the furthest end of the earth just to be away from you. So, my fear was totally valid. I didn’t want to lose my friendship with Spencer, or anyone on the team.  
I quickly glanced at Spencer, noting that he was still quietly reading his book. He seemed at total peace with, well, everything. How did he do it? How did he get out of his head after a rough case, and after such a serious conversation? There were too many things I wanted to know, and too many questions I wanted to ask… Why not just ask them?
So, I did...
“Earlier, when you said me being non-binary wouldn’t change the way you think of me… How do…” I paused for a minute, trying to figure my next set of words. Because I could say something wrong, and it’d be the end of everything. “What do you think of me?” I looked up at him as I spoke. He smiled softly and nodded. It was probably a mistake, asking him what his thoughts were on me. I could only think of the worst. Well, I shouldn’t say the worst possible. Worst case scenario was that he was faking it all and he actually hated me. Well, don’t be too hard on yourself.  
“Well, you know,” Spencer shrugged as he shifted closer to me. I looked up at him before leaning away from him. 
“No, I don’t think I do know,” I stared at him, furrowing my eyebrows. He looked at me, dropping his book to his lap and slumping his shoulders slightly. 
“I love you… Okay? I love you whether you’re they/them, she/her, he/him, I don’t care, as long as you’re happy. If you’re happy, then I’m happy, because that’s all that matters to me. Your happiness,” he rambled for a minute. I just stared at him, feeling my shoulders relax as he spoke. My heart rate raised as he continued to talk about how he really felt about me, and I wished he said something sooner… “Hearing Emily misgendering you, and knowing what was going through your head… Sucked… It sucked watching! You deserve the best things…” He continued on, not caring that he was still rambling.
“Spencer,” I whispered, resting a hand on his shoulder to gain his attention. 
“And it’s ridiculous how long I’ve been in love with you too! I should have said something sooner but I didn’t! I don-”
“Spencer!” I shouted this time. It wasn’t an angry shout, though. No, the giggles in my voice and joyful smile on my lips told a different story. And that seemed to get his attention, considering he stopped talking and looked at me. His eyes scanned my face, landing on the joyous smile on my lips. 
“Yes?” He asked softly. I nearly fell into his body, and face, as I let my excitement get the better of me as I tried to kiss him. Spencer laughed as he lifted his hands to my shoulders to make sure I didn’t crash into him.
“I love you too,” I smiled as I looked up at his face. His eyes landed back on my face, his smile becoming soft as he looked at me. The expression his face held showed me that I was now his everything. And, it was a new feeling. I would never get used to a feeling so… grand. But, it was a feeling that I loved, and knew it’d be around for a long time. “What do you think the team will say?” I asked, looking at Spencer as he cupped my face in his hands. 
“About what, Honeybee?” he retorted, his voice a soft whisper. 
“About us, you and me being, well, you and me,” I tried to bite back my smile but failed when Spencer smiled back.
“Who cares what they think… I just care about you,” he smiled before pulling me back in for another kiss. 
“I think I like that answer." 
taglist: @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ , @thebluetint​
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