#bc of the prophecy of her bloodline....
jiyoos · 2 years
saw someone said the w*tcher books were bad bc the author seemed s*xist how do you miss the point so bad
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Alicent provided House Targaryen with four healthy dragonriding Targaryens when the Targaryen bloodline was most vulnerable. In return, the least the Targaryens could do is allow her son to ascend the throne to allow House Hightower to have more power in exchange for them helping to create four healthy Targaryens. It’s really weird how Viserys referred to Aegon as Otto’s blood and Rhaenyra as his own blood when Aegon is also his child and therefore his blood.
The Hightowers behaved like any other family married into the royal family would, so I don’t get why they’re so hated. If Viserys didn’t want the Hightowers gaining more influence then he shouldn’t have married Alicent in the first place. It was stupid of him to expect one of the most powerful noble houses in Westeros to accept Targaryens of their blood just being spares instead of kings.
The parts about explaining feudalism is supposed to recontextualize how the hierarchy is not itself based on a good ethics system or fair/good morals, not to justify said hierarchy.
The system (unjustly) does not enforces nor expects the King to be equally sociopolitically or emotionally accountable to his Queen Consort.
You make the mistake of thinking that in a feudal society/Westerosi/Andal culture, the King and his house are obligated to do anything for the Queen Consort except to:
not publicly humiliate her (and "humiliate" can look different according to the thing done) -- with Aegon IV, it was an exceptional situation since he targeted Naerys and Aemon simultaneously out of jealousy. As long as the King doesn't disinherit her children (if they are OLDER than his mistress' kids AND those mistress' kids ARE NOT legitimized) he is, by custom, not seen to be doing anything wrong
not deny her access to the appropriate clothing, shelter befitting her station, and food
take care of any child she brings forth
In feudal societies, the Queen Consort’s “job” is to provide heirs and like everyone else in the kingdom, she has to obey her husband’s orders. She is subject to him, she has no privileges or rights over him. 
The King/Monarch is always the legal/official/customary authority over literally everyone else. This is not a democracy nor an oligarchy. 
Therefore, it is actually Alicent who customarily should obey Viserys’ commands and declarations. That is her place in this hierarchy.
You may think this is unfair, but:
Alicent was definitely a victim of her father & Viserys, but she blames the wrong person for it (Rhaenyra) bc the answer is to totally buy into the sexist and authoritarian ideals against female sexuale and other sorts of autonomy--as Alicent fails into & chooses to perpetuate.
That is feudalism (the economic-socio-political system) AND absolute monarchy (the form of government). Again, she's fallen, then chooses, to sincerely buy into this system partially bc she has no choice but she also is much too inflexible to reflect on how she's essentially hurting herself and those around her or performing a sort of self fulfilling prophecy. That was the entire point! Alicen tis not unique, too, in how the patriarchal feudal system uses her up! Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, etc, too!
@rhaenyragendereuphoria states it quite simply HERE:
Feudalism is a system of servitude based on giving up your freedom in exchange of protection by a higher lord. It binds serfs to their lords, and lords to other lords all the way to the king. Yes, the whole “Protector of the Realm” is propaganda, but it’s what they believe the job of the king to be. They will give it to the strongest who can protect them from foreign invasions: and it’s hard to think of stronger than “family that literally owns dragons”. This fandom has feudal mentality completely upside down, thinking they loathe their subjugation because subjugation is an affront to freedom. Feudalism IS subjugation. What they loathe is to submit to a weakling. They despise (and hunt, and murder) the Free Folk, calling them “wildlings”, because they’d rather be free than be bound by feudal oaths of subjugation. Feudalism is the rule of “might makes right”. At its roots, it’s a military hierarchy of warlords who bind each others with feeble and fickle treaties until one of them decides to break them and attempt to conquer the others, and either wins or fails.
And in this POST:
However, no one is given rights in these societies, not even men - not the way we would define rights. Their idea of “right” is just as arbitrary as their idea of “freedom”. They are societies based on privileges, and privileges are always revocable, unlike rights.
Alicent has no independent “rights” apart from what I already listed above. At all. Especially since she isn't blood-related to Viserys. Rhaenyra has a birthright, but only once Viserys bestows it upon her. 
Alysanne was a Queen Consort, not a Queen Regnant. Visenya & Rhaenys had more law-changing power than Alysanne did while being Consorts and not Regnant Queens, but Aegon’s word was final and he was the Monarch.
And all these women were the sisters of the then-Kings as well as their wives. You’d think that they would have more say, but no. They were obey their husband-kings' final words by Andal/feudal/monarchial custom and law.
There is no contract where it says that Viserys owes Alicent or the Hightowers -- all of them his subjects -- anything except military protection. This is feudalist absolute monarchy as GRRM sets it up and models after the common set up of real life feudal monarchies.
Alicent provided House Targaryen with four healthy dragonriding Targaryens when the Targaryen bloodline was most vulnerable.
Already addressed what a Consort’s repeated purpose is. 
And when was this dynasty “most vulnerable”? By all accounts, Viserys’ court and reign was prosperous and peaceful (expect with the Stepstones and towards the end of his reign with Rhaenyra, Alicent, and their kids of course -- but the Stepstones war didn’t affect the actual subjects [peasant or nobles] of Westeros too much to make huge differences in and the stuff with his personal family happened insularly):
Many consider the reign of King Viserys I to represent the apex of Targaryen power in Westeros. Beyond a doubt, there were more lords and princes claiming the blood of the dragon than at any period before or since. Though the Targaryens had continued their traditional practice of marrying brother to sister, uncle to niece, and cousin to cousin wherever possible, there had also been important matches outside the royal family, the fruit of which would play important roles in the war to come. There were more dragons than ever before as well, and several of the she-dragons were regularly producing clutches of eggs.
The reign of the Young King, as the commons called him upon his ascent, was peaceful and prosperous. His Grace’s open-handedness was legendary, and the Red Keep became a place of song and splendor. King Viserys and Queen Aemma hosted many a feast and tourney, and lavished gold, offices, and honors on their favorites.
(“A Question of Succession”)
If you mean Viserys having a girl as his only scion, I must remind you that:
the Targs had dragons (more dragons than ever and Aegon I/Visenya/Rhaenys, conquered Westeros with only 3)
there were no mentioned, burgeoning signs of rebellion against Rhaenyra until Alicent and Otto started to make waves (post by @theblackqveen)
While this is in the text:
Though Princess Rhaenyra had been proclaimed her father’s successor, there were many in the realm, at court and beyond it, who still hoped that Viserys might father a male heir, for the Young King was not yet thirty.
After Viserys makes it clear that he won’t change his mind, it gets more settled, and again, we hear absolutely no mention of any real attempt to prepare against Rhaenyra except from the greens.
I wrote a 2 posts on HotD Alicent and Book!Alicent’s foolishness and narcissism.
THIS is what GRRM says about laws of succession:
There are no clear cut answers, either in Westeros or in real medieval history. Things were often decided on a case by case basis. A case might set a precedent for later cases… but as often as not, the precedents conflicted as much as the claims.
In fact, if you look at medieval history, conflicting claims were the cause of three quarters of the wars.
The medieval world was governed by men, not by laws. You could even make a case that the lords preferred the laws to be vague and contradictory, since that gave them more power. In a tangle like the Hornwood case, ultimately the lord would decide... and if some of the more powerful claimants did not like the decision, it might come down to force of arms.The bottom line, I suppose, is that inheritance was decided as much by politics as by laws. In Westeros and in medieval Europe both.
Still, if Alicent really is all about just following the rules and being “good”, the she would follow her husband’s order and not antagonize or contradict Rhaenyra. Because part of her Westerosi/Andal customs is that the King/Monarch is paramount and their word is law.
She hypocritically doesn’t follow the law to such a particualr "degree" or whatever that she ends up going against the authoritarian regime's ideals of King's rule and all that for her own stake...mostly unconciously.
So really, she’s about power and misogyny, since she chooses to still make her rapist son King and reap the rewards from his ascendance (who’d follow along for her and her house’s interests more than Rhaenyra would). In the show, she goes after Rhaenyra for presumably sleeping with a man not her husband....while she gives up her feet to fulfill Larys' sexual titillation in exchange for information. So Rhaenyra's sleeping with another man in a consensual setting is wrong, but somehow Alicent allowing herself to be used (she is Queen Consort, she can definitely order Larys around) and silencing one of her son's victims is okay? Both of these things that support sexual abuse? In the book, she turns against Rhaenyra when Rhaenyra is 10, and we can see the implication that they began to actually fight ever since then, so Alicent antagonizes a 10 year old. At the tourney where Daemon comes back in the book, there were Essosi people who witnessed the tension between the two.
And why does she do all that? Because she wants to empower herself, her son, and disempower Rhaenyra. At the same time, Alicent fosters an environment where this is justified.
This is why she is hated. Book!her tries to use Rhaenyra having extramarital sex as pretext for deposing her, yet she is the one going against the King’s word when it is obvious he doesn’t give three shits.
@theroguewyrm answers this ASK where the asker breaks down more of Alicent’s hypocrisy:
[...] Alicent as she has constantly held Rhaenyra accountable for having illegitimate relations with men but when it comes to her she can do it as she cloaks it under the hood of duty. The hypocrisy was also shown when Alicent tolerates every single sexual crime committed by her son in the premises of the Red Keep and outside. If it is benefitting her then she’ll permit them, she’ll stay quiet, but will simultaneously use Rhaenyra’s affair with Harwin to vilify her.
It’s really weird how Viserys referred to Aegon as Otto’s blood and Rhaenyra as his own blood when Aegon is also his child and therefore his blood.
That’s because he distrusts Otto and knows Otto wants his grandkids/these green boys to inherit the throne. Otto went so far as to continue to demand/suggest Viserys change the order of succession several times until Viserys dismissed him:
The amity between Her Grace and her stepdaughter had proved short- lived, for both Rhaenyra and Alicent aspired to be the first lady of the realm...and though the queen had given the king not one but two male heirs, Viserys had done nothing to change the order of succession. The Princess of Dragonstone remained his acknowledged heir, with half the lords of Westeros sworn to defend her rights.
The matter had been decided, so far as King Viserys was concerned; it was not an issue His Grace cared to revisit. Still, questions persisted, not the least from Queen Alicent herself. Loudest amongst her supporters was her father, Ser Otto Hightower, Hand of the King. Pushed too far on the matter, in 109 AC Viserys stripped Ser Otto of his chain of office and named in his place the taciturn Lord of Harrenhal, Lyonel Strong. “This Hand will not hector me,” His Grace proclaimed.
(“A Question of Succession”)
Viserys was being a bad dad here, I agree. Otto was also stupid as fuck for this. Both him and Alicent. And when it comes to feudalism, the personal and the political are one and the same often. Viserys never learned, I think, to separate himself from kingship because the position and society doesn’t allow for this metaphysical existence, or for it to be practiced seriously and without consequences.
And these are the details of Rhaenyra’s naming-as-heir:
Disregarding the precedents set by King Jaehaerys in 92 and the Great Council in 101, Viserys declared his daughter, Rhaenyra, to be his rightful heir, and named her Princess of Dragonstone. In a lavish ceremony at King’s Landing, hundreds of lords did obeisance to the Realm’s Delight as she sat at her father’s feet at the base of the Iron Throne, swearing to honor and defend her right of succession.
(“A Question of Succession”)
Now from a more pragmatic standpoint, these lords already gave their oaths to Rhaenyra. To go back on it, while maybe welcome to some lords, would also diminish Viserys’ monarchial word’s value because of how huge the chnages are, and how he seems (publicly) to value oaths in general. 
While Tyland Lannister says that he never took oaths, oaths are still very seriously taken and regarded generally in this society (or like to think of themselves as doing so).
Viserys was a bad dad. Doesn't make what Alicent did excusable.
The Hightowers behaved like any other family married into the royal family would, so I don’t get why they’re so hated.
We’re talking about the greens, here, not the Hightowers. Two, though related, separate entities for now.
The greens (Alicent, Otto, Aegon, Aemond, Daeron [Helaena is not a real player]) are hated because they are misogynists turned up 11, with an over-inflated sense of their own male privilege. It causes them to maim, rape, cause genocide, attempt assassination against Rhaenyra, even disregard and turn against each other. And at last, make a 10 year old watch as his mother is eaten alive by a dragon. 
Even with universal misogyny, I doubt that most other noblemen/individuals would be as murderous, stupid and audacious as these specific people.
BTW, you slipped. Aegon, Ameond, Helaena, and Daeron and the kids from Aegon/Helaena are all Targs. Not Hightowers.
If Viserys didn’t want the Hightowers gaining more influence then he shouldn’t have married Alicent in the first place. It was stupid of him to expect one of the most powerful noble houses in Westeros to accept Targaryens of their blood just being spares instead of kings.  
Here’s the text:
Though Princess Rhaenyra had been proclaimed her father’s successor, there were many in the realm, at court and beyond it, who still hoped that Viserys might father a male heir, for the Young King was not yet thirty. Grand Maester Runciter was the first to urge His Grace to remarry, even suggesting a suitable choice: the Lady Laena Velaryon, who had just turned twelve.
(“A Question of Succession”)
We understand through this and through real life feudal politics that a king/Monarch was expected to have as many kids as possible so that in the event one or some die, the others could take their place.
The moment that Otto allowed Alicent to marry Viserys after Rhaenyra had been heir for 2 years, all of Alicent’s kids would have been “spares”. This would be true if Rhaenyra was male. 
Alicent and Otto both signed up for this.
However, Rhaenyra is female, so Otto got greedy. It is only the thought that Viserys would automatically change heirs that Otto even contemplated it would be an easy thing to have Alicent’s kids as Viserys’ heirs because he thought Viserys would pass her over.
Take a look at the sociopolitical patterns. This is always the deal for second wives/Queen Consorts. If the monarch had kids from a first marriage , those kids are always before the ones in the second because they came first/are older.
Viserys makes Rhaenyra continue to be his heir and treats her like he would his male heir in that her siblings remain the “spares” they would be if she were male. thereby putting into practice equal primogentiure.
Otto has been with Viserys as his hand for years.....why did he not anticipate something like this?
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mira--mira · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what are your opinions on Minato Namikaze.
I guess for both in and out of Oot-verse
For Oot-verse you've mentioned about how a lot of the "shinobi families" are really just ex-Senju and while some authors make the Namikaze a small clan, I'm fairly sure that's not canon. Do would you consider him of the Senju bloodline in the Oot-verse. Since that would play better into the fact that actual civilian born are discriminated against since he was never used as an example of how far civilian born shinobi can go.
But like for a demented AU. instead of Sarutobi summoning the Terrors, let's make it Minato's problem's. Since we already know a lot of his repertoire was inspired/based off of the work of Tobirama, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to just fiddle around with old seals and oh no Kushina I think I'm a dad, I just made two kids pop out of nowhere, I didn't cheat on you I swear, please stop laughing and help me.
Tbh I have a mixed bag of feelings for Minato bc I don't really dislike him as a character but a lot of circumstance/plot devices around him. I hate the "Child of Prophecy" plot point, I dislike that he's the Fourth Hokage in a similar vein, I despise Jiraiya, etc. Minato is a character that, similar to Hiruzen, suffers from other areas of the plot and lore being created first and then he's slotted in to fill gaps but this does absolutely no favors to his character, especially as he's supposed to be a paragon of Konoha. And then there's Minato trying to impress Kushina by taking her dream of being Hokage and doing it for her. That is not romantic, but the hand of the author is so obvious I feel like I can't really blame Minato fully for that.
Ultimately he's a character I don't really love but not because his actions specifically. I do like more light-hearted fics and art where he's a house husband and living his best life.
You are correct though for OoT! I do consider him part of the Senju bloodline and he would been Senju Minato if Hashirama hadn't cast off their name. He's firmly a 'clanless' shinobi, not a 'civilian' one in that universe. I don't want him to be too closely related to the main line but it does cast Tobirama being irritated at him for using his jutsu and Naruto attributing it to Minato in a funny light to me. Tobirama stomping around complaining about the Senju Youth (TM) not giving credit to his ancestors, thinking just because he had time to tweak things and/or improve them make them his jutsu now is hilarious to me.
Ooh that would be a fun AU! Terrors in the previous generation instead of Naruto's 😂 Madara would bully Obito, trying to shape him into a proper Uchiha and Obito low-key hates him, but he's a polite boy and Madara is undeniably the most powerful 12 y/o Obito has ever seen and he's trying to impart some of that knowledge and power to Obito too makes him very conflicted. Obito constantly makes running tallies of 'who's worst today: Madara or Kakashi?'
Since Pakkun attacking Madara wouldn't have happened in this AU, I think Hashirama would like a younger Kakashi quite a lot. He might remind him of Tobirama in a way and He'd make it his mission to try and get the kid to lighten up/give him some knd of big brother figure to depend on since he'd lost his father.
Both would be decent friends with Rin. Madara because he catches onto Obito's crush immediately and decides to stick his nose into it and finds Rin reasonable and level-headed. She admires Kakashi but doesn't romantically like him like Obito thinks (mostly bc by god the girls need other motivations besides boys and Kakashi's age is a timeline headache of it's own). She sees Obito as a friend, not really interested in more at this point because she's focused on her own goals to be a great med-nin. She seeks out Hashirama on her own similar to Sakura to ask him to teach her, but she's much more respectful to Hashirama than Sakura is to him. I really like jinchuriki!Rin so that'd be part of this AU 100% and then a lot of her arc would be mastering that power through medical ninjutsu somehow.
Eheh this is becoming about Rin, back to Minato. I like to think his reasoning to 'keep' the terrors would be "It's great practice Kushina before we have kids" and Kushina, an Uzumaki, clearly recognizes Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara is like...:my dearest husband...this is both a terrible and BRILLIANT idea. If we can handle them, will be pros" (let Kushina be a little impulsive and wild plsss). The big issue would be them trying to keep the terrors because...the Uchiha haven't been massacred at this point. Madara would want to be with them but the Uchiha leadership is have a crisis because that is Uchiha Madara and they made him into a Ghost and banished him and Amaterasu turned away from them because of it. But also the coup is brewing and maybe this is a second chance to do it over. Either way, the only thing that unites the clan at this point is the belief that Madara will either be their salvation or damnation again.
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someguyinc · 5 months
Ooooh what are your story ideas and meta in the works?
ahh !! i have a good handful,, most of them are merlin related so forgive me spn mutuals ;-; but i'm just going to list them off bc i fear if i give an in depth response this post would be one of those long ones that make your app glitch and phone burn to a crisp in your hands
bbc merlin:
- gwaine being more observant than he's given credit for pulling a classic "oh i just drink and make jokes" silly guy move as a cover
- arthur, merlin, and mordred and their roles in the prophecy/ties to the old religion and triple goddess
- destiny in bbc merlin being a living breathing entity that lives through feeding off of tragedy
- gwen and her flower motif !!
- morgana and merlin being two sides of the same coin
- the different sects of the old religion and those that believe in the once and future king vs those who don't
- magic and its relation to gender throughout the entire series and how it is often a punishment for the women in the series
- gwen and lancelot being foils for each other
- gwen and elyan's sibling relationship (this one is mostly head canons based off the scraps we get throughout the series)
- more in-depth exploration of the main 4's character thesis
- difference between merlin and emrys and where the line blurs
- druids and their expectations of merlin
fic ideas:
- key trials: merlin and arthur have to enter the kingdom of the sidhe and stop the ever growing plague that has begun destroying all the crops and causing an abundance of monsters in albion,, this one investigates the double standard merlin holds for arthur vs himself, the lies they've told themselves and arthur internal bias from being raised anti-magic, as well as merlin being a liar
(i've stated writing a few chapters but lost motivation n school n work once again took over my life)
- dragon's ire: heavy political intrigue, prince merlin au, focuses heavily on the reality of merlin and morgana's ill-fated friendship and how merlin telling morgana about his magic could've definitely made things worse in the long run, kingdoms at war and gives more background to the knights as well as blacksmith!gwen who i hold close to my heart
- fae circle fic: really just guilty pleasure of seeing genderbent morgana and gwen if i'm being honest,, silly fun :3
- elwaine fic idea: moments where traveling blacksmith elyan meets gwaine multiple times but working with him as a knight gets a bit more difficult from there prolly just smth short n fun :)
- sam and dean and hoodoo/voodoo in spn and how many times they should've died after using it... i do not know how to stress that not only are these practices closed off to non-black folk but then also like,, even black people that do not have practitioners in their bloodlines do not fuck with these practices because the repercussions are just that !! bad !! 😭😭 (ofc ik the 'god favor' and more realistically this is bc there were probably no black writers in the room but DAMN,, it's just insane)
- probably low hanging fruit but,, song genres relating to each member of tfw and their arc in the story
- i'm sure someone has done this before too but bela/dean parallels and similarities
fic idea:
- jock!castiel... that's all i got 😭😭 i've only recently gotten into spn and castiel is very close to my heart,, but i keep seeing fics where he is a gardner/knitter and while i think he'd be interested i think he'd also drop them very quickly bc he strikes me as a person(?) that likes the idea of taking things slow but when it comes down to it much rather would prefer things get done immediately or at least he can move his body and feel like something is getting accomplished,, he's also incredibly charismatic and i would love to see him leading a team in something without feeling like it could become a cult
it's kind of just a guilty pleasure lol not too much backing
anyways thanks for the ask hope any of this is interesting 😭🫡
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acerikus · 2 years
Uh random headcanons for Flowey Undertale Baldr KH and Volo Pokemon!
Oooh some good ones 👁️👄👁️
Flowey (gonna go w some post pacifist headcanons mostly I think)
It takes him a really long time before he feels like he can be open with anyone, but he's working on it. It's always far easier to lash out rather than to process anything he's been through, but he'll get there.
He has genuine respect for papyrus and is one of the few people who understand his brand of humour and sarcasm. Part of his distaste for sans stems from thinking he babies him too much.
Even if other characters eventually learn that he used to be Asriel, he's very firm in the fact that he doesn't want to be referred to with that name again. He's feels so far divorced from who he used to be that he basically considers it his deadname and everyone respects that. Once he starts to learn how to live with himself that hasn't changed, but he sees it as a fresh start with a new name and another chance to try to make it up to everyone.
Flowey and Suzy (assuming she's Susie's undertale counterpart) get along like a house on fire. They like yelling and swearing and giggling about violence together. Frisk has their work cut out with these two.
Flowey really wants to imitate Chara's creepy faces so, so badly.
Anything he does to scare people is 100% projection, he just thinks of things he knew HE used to be scared of (or still is!)
Despite his own insecurities with his darkness, Baldr tried his absolute hardest to stay positive and fight for his friends. He was completely genuine in saying he wanted to become a master to protect those he loved, but he was failed by the system so much that it just wasn't enough.
Him and Hodor tried to pretend to have the perfect sibling dynamic, but deep down they both felt how flawed it was. He knew he'd never have her light, and she knew he'd be taken by the darkness eventually. In the end, it sort of became a self fulfilling prophecy.
He's definitely a descendant of ephemer. Extremely distantly mind, but he'd end up on that side of the missing link blood feud for sure.
Riku is absolutely either part of the same bloodline as him or his reincarnation lol
He KNOWS the irony of his name, and he thinks it fucking sucks
Him and Xehanort were great friends before everything kicked off, probably him and Vör too. It's part of why he saved them for last (vör was admittedly more luck that he appreciated, and eraqus lasted so long bc he wanted xehanort to have to watch the boy he liked die lol)
The darkness that took over him wasn't capital D darkness. It was his own plaguing him - all his darkest thoughts and most negative emotions rather than any kind of outside entity. Probably still some kinda Evil Magic sprinkled in there and influence from the general force of darkness, but no direct possession. He probably could've been saved if he wasn't abandoned in a room alone for over a goddamn week.
Before All That, his friends always tease him about being a total weenie. Scary stories freak him out and Hodor makes sure he had a night light so he doesn't get too scared after Bragi whips out some of his spookiest tales. He feels faint at the sight of blood.
Whenever they go anywhere chilly, he's the most likely to be unaffected. His jacket is nice and toasty :]
He's... Not great at magic, and tends to avoid it. He especially sucks at healing magic.
He sees his pokemon as tools, but unlike some of the other villains his mentality towards them is 'Pokemon are weapons, but weapons must be maintained and taken care of'. He looks after his pokemon diligently and showers them with affection - it's much better in the long run.
All of his pokemon absolutely LOVE him. This also applies to Giratina, there's no way the big silly dragon doesn't adore this man.
All his pokemon have the serious nature in canon and I choose to believe it's specifically because he fed them those mints for modifying natures. No silliness in HIS battalion!
Cogita is DEFINITELY his aunt imo.
I see a lot of people hc that he'd hate Cynthia and everything she stands for, but I think he'd be extremely proud of her. The reason he's Like That is implied to be bc he's had a rough time w life, and I think he'd be delighted to see how much fear and respect Cynthia emanates and just how much power she holds over Sinnoh - and that she doesn't NEED to remake the world to live a good life. AND she's met arceus! His bloodline succeeded in everything he truly wanted in life and I think he'd be satisfied with that.
Volo is immortal and keeps an eye on things from a distance. After leaving hisui, he takes some time to reflect and educates his descendants on his mistakes so this never happens again. He's probably gone after Enamorus, Xerneas AND Celebi before for the sake of his lifespan. The reason Giratina sometimes hangs around with Cynthia is bc he asked them to watch over her.
Alternately: Cynthia is his reincarnation rather than his descendant, explaining why there's seemingly two Cynthia ancestors instead of one. Big fan of this one.
Different alternative: Volo is immortal and also trans. She's actually just Cynthia. Since she calmed down and stopped trying to remake the world, Cogita has been helping her cover her tracks for years so nobody realises she's not aged.
With either of the last two, Arceus appearing to Cynthia in hgss is a really big fucking deal. Cynthia's proven herself worthy of their respect and trust.
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a-koschyei · 1 year
additional notes / divergences for koschei's winternight verse
re the ghost & koschei's life force: tamara was bound to become a ghost not because koschei's life force was bound to her ( it's with medved, but he's happy to allow you to think that ! ) but because yaga shut the door on all the roads to them. they are earth bound. no one, not even morozko knows or remembers the reason for this except the ones who witnessed koschei kill dazbog (yaga & the midnight demon). koschei used this assumption to his advantage so the stone could be destroyed, his death faked (so he could scheme in buyan on the low), and the roads open again to both him and tamara. she could finally find peace, and he could finally finish what he started.
re koschei's deaths & fake death: prior to the counter spell, when koschei dies he falls and his body rises again after a certain time (with him needing to patch himself up like a fucking zombie). once he regains entry into buyan, upon a death, he disintegrates and his body reanimates fresh and new from the water of life aka the lake of buyan. this is what happened when he "died" at the tower. hence the lake chyerti's skepticism when vasya said she killed him. ofc koschei rules the chyerti through fear, and has for centuries while still bound to rus', so none (or very few) would dare to be the one to tell her he was alive. they might aid, but most were watching and waiting to see who'd end up on top before risking their necks like that.
re the return to moscow: also following the book, he honestly wasn't expecting to find tamara in the tower and hadn't thought of the consequences of yaga's banishment on someone who could die (the emotional reaction to seeing her was genuine). but the fact that he says he had been to moscow before because of a woman and lost something there should then raise bells that he wasn't talking about tamara !! he truly had no clue where she went or he would have attempted this counter spell much sooner with her.
re koschei & young marya: this should go without saying, but deviating from the books, koschei did not intend to kidnap a child marya for marriage. he kidnapped her temporarily bc he needed a descendent of yaga's bloodline to charge up his jewel for the counter spell and obviously a child was the easier option to subdue for this compared to vasya (but again, it's fine for anyone to make assumptions bc they wouldn't know his true plot). there was no romantic intent there.
in fact, koschei likely heard his own prophecy from a bannik that his death would someday belong to marya (which marya? he doesn't know, but he knows her name), so your boy was likely contemplating killing her first from the start. her being just a child ofc weighed on his very limited conscience so he may have threatened to take her away and mentor her to join his forces someday after seeing how strong she was, and/or decided to wait to see what happens when she comes of age, and kill her then if she does turn out to be a #problem
re the tartars & burning villages: koschei approached them and convinced them to help him by sharing that he was a turkic descendent of a famous polovtsy khan (plus enemy of my enemy is my friend, etc.); however there were very clear tensions between kasyan and chelubey. it was a messy arrangement and kasyan had a hard time controlling and ordering them to do as he said. he wanted to ambush & loot the surrounding principalities military stockpiles & agricultural resources to weaken them in the battle that was to come (and he did), but the intentional burning and killing of normal civilians and capture of girl children was not by his order. of course in conspiring with the tartars and starting this whole mess, the blood is regretfully on his hands. but it leaves room for him to turn on the tartars later on to at least begin to make up for it.
re vasya's exposure: he did consider making vasya an ally after the sunfeast, but when that didn't pan out for them in time. he exposed vasya's ruse after the race to avoid her giving away chelubey's identity too soon. the creepiness that followed was not something my koschei would do. the ladies of the terem or even sasha could confirm the truth or someone else may have taken things too far, but not him. however, he was fine with riling the crowd into a revolt and was bordering between respecting vasya's mettle and wanting to pay morozko back with the same currency. in other words let her burn the way yelena did and see him suffer for it the way he did.
and those are all the divergences for the most part ! not to woobify or diminish his villainy but since his motivation is more power, revenge, and controlling buyan than a creepy obsession with tamara, and given his background as a slave and someone who was once at the bottom, i don't think those would be the people he'd seek to target and harm. his quarrel was with the boyars, princes and the church, and he's an extremely tactical thinker, so the military resources would be the things he'd have the tartars go for. the deviations from the plan were by chelubey's encouragement and koschei did kill some of the tartars to make a statement about who's actually in charge. however, he can still be blamed for continuing to work with them and other things (all the deaths medved caused when he woke him and instigating the witch burning etc.) but i draw the line at him ordering the killing of women and children, s.a., and child marriages. no moral grayness or hope for redemption at that point.
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you know i wouldn’t say no to a full on R + L retelling 🤔 switch things up and have valaena as rhaenyra and daemon’s first born that no one knows about until they come to reaffirm luke’s claim. and aemond is already in some political marriage (we don’t love her like we do elia tho…and no kids between them bc children are innocent!!) but in walks valaena and he’s like who tf is this and why isn’t she mine?? i don’t think he would know about the prophecy, but i think he’s obsessed enough with keeping bloodlines pure…and a full blooded targaryen with him…damn. poor cregan is gonna get involved as the robert in this (but not as bad obviously). valaena acting oblivious to all of aemonds advances and ignoring him at every turn until he can’t take it anymore and just says see ya and steals her away causing both the greens and blacks to lose their shit and start fighting. but aemond has the girl (even if it’s by force) so he doesn’t give shit (this was so long send help)
Valaena has such a full targ look, keeps out of public eye so well that few people even know about daemon Targaryen’s bastard that is suspected (all but confirmed) to be Rhaenyra’s, Rhaenyra’s eyes copy and pasted on this wild woman who has no interest in court politics and has stayed anonymous all this time because she truly does not care for the trappings of royalty
Viserys, as a gift to daemon, legitimizes Valaena as his eldest daughter, and aemond is instantly obsessed with this wild dragon who doesn’t give a shit about the Prince
But aemond has never let anything go ever, and doesn’t intend to start with Valaena, and she finds that being taken by him is not so bad at all
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pingnova · 1 year
WIP title ask game
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@marypsue as if talking about myself is ever a problem outside of therapy
The spn-killjoys crossover sparked from both of them involving apocalypses. I was interested in how they both have different takes on it, and how the sci-fi aspects of Killjoys could make up for the fantasy aspects of spn. They also both deal heavily with resisting fascism (religious doomsday and capitalist technological). I have also always wanted to write a story that involved the real science of digitally preserving human conciousness and saw that as a good mirror for possession. So I put the spn characters and story into the Killjoys-verse! And you know promptly never finished it lol.
Midnight Rider grew up in the rough and tumble life of the zones. He knew how to trick, steal, fix, and charm anything. Restless by definition, he never settled in one place long, hitting the red line through the zones, scouting out his next firefight.
He had vague memories of a childhood in Battery City, more shapes and impressions than anything concrete. There was never any color, just starched white, inky black, and neutral gray. He knew he’d had a mom at some point, but he’d never known her, too doped up on BLI’s mind-numbing medication to form any meaningful connections. Despite this, he felt a duty to this dead, mysterious woman. She was almost a mythical being, built up into a tragic, selfless figure by his dad’s stories. It was her death that brought him to the zones, and her life was his mission to avenge.
The spn-LOTR au... lotr is one of very few fandoms I am actually actively curative for, vs purely transformative. It's already so rich lol. I was going to take the Fellowship storyline and plop the spn characters in again - so a fusion. (I really fucking love fusions bc I can make the most clever callbacks and parallels to either media.) I have a lot of NOTES on what I want to do and no actual writing. Bc I was still researching exactly how I wanted to manipulate the lotr lore to get the winchesters in there, lol. 100% started because I wanted Castiel to be a cousin of Galadriel. It all went from there. Inspired by this armor. Dean and Sam would share Frodo's role, and it would be a prophecy from their bloodline the Dunedain. Dean is a ranger partially because of this quote straight from the books.
Lonely men are we, Rangers of the wild, hunters - but hunters ever of the servants of the Enemy, for they are found in many places, not in Mordor only.
And I had a flash of inspiration for the destiel. It's all I've written lol.
[ The elves of Lothlorien are leaving Middle-earth. Dean is angry about it. ]
“You’re just leaving us here? It’s the damn apocalypse!”
“Dean, this was long foretold.”
“So the plan was to always abandon us to burn? Isn’t Lucifer your guy? Fight him yourself!”
Castiel meets Dean’s eyes, shining with such righteous wrath to produce unshed tears. He thumbs them away, cradling the man’s flushed cheek in a palm.
“We are the first children of the valar, made of their song and stars. Middle-earth has never been our home. It is domain that was gifted to men, the second and most precious children of the valar. Our time has passed and we must go home. But you, Dean. You and Sam, those of the Dunedain and all men, your season has begun.”
A glittering tear did fall from Dean’s eye this time. He stank of grief and betrayal. “So you’re leaving too?”
Cas pulled their foreheads together and breathed in the dirt-leather-sweat scent of Dean with closed eyes. The scent of his man.
“I’m already home,” he said. “I would choose a mortal life for you, Dean. Not even the valar may separate me from you.”
A nervous sort of uncontrollable grin split Dean’s lips. He was overwhelmed by the admission, but relieved beyond compare.
“I’m glad, Cas. I don’t know if I could do it without you.”
Old timey vamp and priest was me going "hey that opposites attract trope is pretty great" and then thinking of van helsing interrupted by that romance. I have a fixation on Christian lore and have already extensively thought about how vampires (and most monsters) fit into it, because that's me as a person. So Cas would be a priest and dean a vampire. Enemies to uncomfortable allies to lovers. And discussion of the loneliness of immortality. You know how it is.
Zombie!Dean was another like that, with me going "what if dean came back wrong in Lazarus Rising?" Before anyone was resurrected in spn multiple villains made it a point to bring into question whether the right person was summoned or whether they were now evil by virtue of it. Or just "off." That quickly was dropped and never a question again tho lol. Lazarus Rising is on repeat in my head so imagined all is the same but Dean's body is really dead, or in some kind of non-living stasis - so he's essentially a zombie. And Cas gets reamed for bringing him back wrong, which should be impossible. Its later revealed someone set Cas up for that and he couldn't have done anything about it. I wanted to use it as a parallel to deans lack of self worth and his mental health - he's made dead man walking comments more than once. OK bitch, literally dead man walking now. And i love narratives about coping with your own monstrousness. Dean has a very black and white view of monsters at that point of time so being one would be a lot of angst. Just a good old angst fest for me.
Criminal Minds is my favorite spn crossover for fic. I just want more so I was trying to come up with my own to satisfy that. The winchesters get caught by local police during a hunt, and they're transferred to the FBI, thus the BAU. They were on America's most wanted list at least once in canon so it definitely fits. There is an episode I jokingly refer to as "supernatural guantonamo" where the boys are arrested by secret service and tortured in a government black site for supposedly trying to assassinate the president of the United States of America. (Late seasons is just. So bizarre. I kind of love it.) So I figured they'd get transfered there in my fic and then the BAU would be called in on the investigation. They'd find that the winchsters don't really fit anything they think and blah blah blah. Lots of tense interaction. Dean and sam eventually die (in canon they die to escape, like that's where we're at with death as a concept in spn) and there's philosophical jabber about it from the fbi profiler perspective. Meanwhile sam and dean are resurrected and off to do their thing with the govt none the wiser. I really love procedural shows trying to logic with the reality TV levels of nonsense in the spn plot and also the reality of monsters. I think both genres can learn from each other so I have characters play that out. It's also just a good ass time lol. Who doesn't like to pick dean and sam's totally convoluted personal problems apart? want to study them like bugs.
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autisticmight · 9 months
i made my ninjago oc back in 2011-12 because there was no air elemental. and air is objectively the best element (subjective opinion). and i made donner/donna, a girl who pretends to be a boy in order to train to be a ninja but is eventually accepted as a girl and is nya's best friend forever (unless... ;o)
and now that the years have passed and i am back on that bullshit, with a brand new recognition of gender dysphoria as a part of my brain issues, he has. changed. his name is still donna for now bc fuck it we ball, and he Thinks he's successfully pretending to be a boy in order to train to be a ninja but he's really bad at it. and everyone (with one exception) thinks he's a trans guy (which. they're right but it's not like he realises it at the time) and not mentioning it bc. like. they're not really sure how to act? like, some of them are definitely trans but this new kid barely cracks, even when one of them actively mentions not binding during training. (donna knows about trans people. he just doesn't realise that he, personally can Trans Gender)
thing is, because this guy is the master of wind, he makes wu's mental state go a bit. wobbly. because morro has been dead for decades, and, deep down, wu knows that, but he's spent decades leaving the monastery gates unlocked in the hopes that his son will come home. and then. someone shows up with his elemental power. which either means that 1) donna is descended from morro as a child or grandchild (look. ninjago aging is fucky even outside the fsm's bloodline. maya and ray fought alongside cole's grandfather. lilly died in her thirties, forties at the latest) or 2) morro is so dead that his element has returned to the world (i have. headcanons about the passing of elemental powers due to the state of death and afterlives in ninjago) and found a new host. he knows that option two is the most likely. he can't help but hope
anyway, the ninja understand that donna's presence has affected wu, but they figure he'll explain in his own time. this is a pre-lloyd time. they've barely heard wu's catchphrase at this point. he's allowed to be a mysterious old mentor guy. well, all of them do, except for the one exception from earlier. it's kai. there's a new person in the monastery, he's keeping secrets, he barely speaks, and he keeps hanging around nya. nobody else finds this suspicious (or, if they do, they mind their own bloody business) and so kai is on the hunt for anything to Prove that donna is a spy from garmadon/master thief/general evildoer
donna is just a guy who likes watercolour painting and dungarees who also has gender issues. he's trying to hide how he's ~really a girl~ (he is not. he's just being stupid about it) so he's kind of standoffish and silent to not give his ~true gender~ (again. this man is ftm) away. this is his Major Super Secret, which everyone already knows about. this is a completely personal thing, and is only related to donna's misconception of 'ninja' being gender-locked. wu's Tragic Backstory Secret is morro being his previous student/green ninja prophecy/fears of fucking up his students being brought even more to the forefront bc here is Windy Boy 2.0, which is related to donna but not his fault
kai doesn't know either of these things. so he's just. ninja-ing. ninjing. he spies on donna, sees him unwrapping his boobs (local guy binds with bandages like an idiot due to not having the resources) and goes to the others like "GUYS DONNA IS SECRETLY A GIRL," to which everyone else is like "DON'T BE A TRANSPHOBE KAI" (bonus points if kai is trans as well)
donna has a breakdown at ~Being Discovered~ (local ninja cannot go stealth to save his life, ironically) and, eventually, they all need to have Storytime With Master Wu to get everything straightened out
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cushblunticoot · 2 years
LONG POST INCOMING sorry but Just to put it down somewhere (i reserve the right 2 CHANGE this once i find my old sketchbook that has half the notes for her backstory in it ok)
Crezia and Saje were born as the twin heirs to the kingdom of Lore (wip name ok), 100 years before it fell into ruin.
Crezia was kidnapped during one of her rendezvous to the outside (either a drug deal gone so fuckin super wrong or she just wanted to fuck around outside idk) by a coven of feral vampires that abdicated from Mystria's family (i.e. they were sired by her but were never meant to escape the castle let alone completely turn themselves- they were meant to be cattle to keep her family fed) and did manage to start to turn Crezia before she escaped.
THIS is why Mystria begins to hunt Crezia down- she does not want her bloodline to go anywhere outside of her family, unclear if this is for her own selfish reasons or to protect others and keep the vampirism controlled. She travels these 100 years to find the source of why she senses her bloodline so far from home.
After Crezia returns home, she immediately falls violently ill. Her father recognized the signs of vampirism and declared to his family and the kingdom that the princess was dead, locking her away before anyone could realize she had even returned at all. Saje was able to sense her sister close by and communicated with her through their shared telekinesis talent, and tried to figure out their fathers plans without alerting him that they were aware of each other's presence.
One night, their father entered Crezia's prison and gave her a meal soaked with what would later turn out to be HIS blood, and while she ate with her back turned, he pulled his sword without warning and swiftly beheaded her. He had her byried in the family crypt gardens, and never told anyone the truth of what transpired. Saje knew something had happened when she was unable to contact her sister and, fearing what her father may do to HER if he found out, she remained quiet but would study vampirism and undeath in the hopes to bring Crezia back.
It isn't until Saje eventually dies of old age is is buried with her that Crezia reanimates and crawls out of her grave, head re-applied to her body but with lightning-like scars and bruises dotting the line that once killed her. At this point she has no memory of who she is or how she got there, and ends up escaping once again from the castle, chased out by guards who no longer recognize her and only see her as a grave desecrater. From then on she fends for herself on the streets of the kingdom as she travels the old roads, her only goal being survival while she accepts all her questions might remain unanswered.
Until she starts to hear her sisters voice again, who acts as a kind of guide, trying to lead her to find her answers and fulfill some kind of prophecy Saje is convinced Crezia is destined for.
Also Mystria catches the scent of her blood pumping through a strangers veins again after the resurrection and gets so fucking pissed she picks up on hunting during the day again just to catch the bitch. Its ok tho bc they eventually fall in wuv ❤❤❤ send tweet
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the-eclipse-tm · 2 years
Every day I'm growing sicker of the "madrigalcest is ok bc Bruno ships it in his rat telenovela" discourse
You illiterates
You uncultured cockroaches
As the yellow butterflies, it was a direct reference to the universally recognised, 1982 Literature Nobel winner novel written by Gabriel García Márquez, Cien Años de Soledad/One Hundred Years of Solitude, and it was an allude to the incestuous relationship between Aureliano Babilonia and his aunt Amaranta Úrsula (neither knew of their family ties) producing a pigtailed child who killed her mother as she birthed him and was later devoured by ants, thus putting an end to the Buendía bloodline and sentencing Macondo to its self-destruction, fulfilling Melquiades prophecy.
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So my WC au that squats like a hobo in my head is half an entire rewrite, and half "a dozen smaller aus stacked together in a trench coat", but the most important parts are
- each clan is significantly different from each other with its own culture and different societal roles
- lineage is of huge importance (as a way of explaining canon's very strange hyperfixation on blood relationships trumping adopted ones). There's an au somewhere on Tumblr that talks about this and lines up with my au pretty well, I'll look for the link later. In recent generations there's been a gradual acceptance of "soul relationships" over blood ones bc they've realized good genes do not overwrite inbreeding
- bc of this Leadership is usually passed along bloodlines, but there have been cases of Divine Intervention
- medicine cats, called Clerics or Seers depending on context, are chosen by starclan
So anyway the story starts with the whole "fire alone will save the clans" prophecy, but all clerics recieve it. Tallstar has a suspicion about this and waits for his Consort, Jake, who was meant to bring their son to Windclan. Unbeknownst to them, little Fire is taken from his birth mother earlier than they expected and given to another family. They search and search, but are thwarted by a gang of twoleg cats with a grudge against the clans. Distraught, the entire of Windclan mourns the loss of the prince they never even got to meet.
Moons later, a kitten called Rusty with dreams of a forest, plains, river, and bog, and blurry baby memories of being called "little flame" and being told his place was in the Clans escapes his twoleg den.
My cat is demanding I stop typing and play with her so I'll rant on a bit more later if you're interested lmao
i am SO interested, I especially love that you entwined an established and discussed canon reason for the fixation on bloodline vs adoption .o. plus all the clans getting the prophecy...does this mean they're going to fight over Firepaw when they realize 👀👀👀
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anastasiaavd · 2 years
I just trying to figure these books out, understand the prophecy, find who the dark one is and I would have very good theories IF JLA DIDNT HAVE THE HABITS OF LYING AND CHANGING EVERYTHING WE KNOW IN EACH BOOK.
I’m not even sure about the whole primals to gods to deities to godlins thing bc its so complicated. And then what are Atlantians ? What makes them, what makes them more than mortal, how are the bloodlines created ? By the union of deities and mortals ? Are they godlins ? that are the "basics" I don’t quite understand or just can’t remember.
PLUS they’re so many characters I love it but it’s a lot and we can never be sure who they really are bc jla loves to play w us ;) but i have it kind of figured out. I will try to share and explain some theories I saw left and right. Maybe these are well known and already discussed and shit but I’m new on here and I’ve never been able to rant and exchange w FBAA fans before so I’ll give it a try, feel free to react in fact pls DO REACT
So according to some theories, Isbeth is not really poppy’s mother and she just tries to mess w her, which I think would be kind of a deja-vu turnaround but whatever, so my guess is that poppy is the daughter of ires (that we know for sure.. I hope) and JADIS, nektas daughter. It would made her a god AND some kind of draken, although I’m really not sure about this, it would be sm cooler than Isbitch and would explain (if there is anything to explain, it might just be details, not a big part of the plot) why poppy is so interested in shape changing creatures and why the draken are becoming highlights of the books (poppy meeting nektas, the draken being what they are : the super powerful protectors of primals, jadis being that cute baby everybody love in ASITE, then going missing w ires and now we don’t know what happened to her). But I’m pretty sure JLA confirmed Isbeth was her real mother so let’s just focus on the REAL THING >> THE DARK ONE.
Two options in my opinion : Kolis or the supposedly dead son of malec and isbeth. Kolis bc the Dark One is described as a whole different entity compared to everything we know, he has no face, pretty much no soul.. he’s just a void yk and that would match Kolis bc in the ASITE timeline, one way or another, he was dispossessed from both title, he cannot be life nor death since by usurping one he lost the other. AND they manifest in the same way : when Nyktos went to claim Sera in the ASITE prologue, he had a hood covering his face and shadows and darkness were surrounding him. Exactly like the dark one during poppy’s attack. So he just goes around doing shit till he finds poppy during the attack that killed her adoptive parents, spare and protect her BC SHE IS SOTORIA REBORN (cus she’s a descendant of sera who is sotoria reincarnated, and it goes on and on) AND HE CAN ONLY PROTECT THE OBJECT OF HIS UNDYING LOVE THAT HE LOST THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. We can add to this theory that he is in some ways linked to Isbeth great design like maybe he was order to get poppy for isbeth idk or the other way around everything is the plan of Kolis trying to get revenge and he uses Isbeth bc she too wants revenge AND isbeth was all mysterious and teasing a greater plan to cas in the first chapter of TWOTQ (pre-released) so them working together or her for him would make sense (I’m saying this bc it would be weird for the fucking former primal of death to work for a fake god yk but this is just me thinking about everything little single details bc I have adhd and ocds). Anyway maybe they are just two salty bitter bitches who are willing to destroy the worlds for their ego but it’s really not the point even if I’ve been developing this for so long damn write your own book. OR malec and isbeth’s dead son. It would add sm spice to an already way too complicated and spicy plot but we love it. Because yk there’s no proof he’s really dead and maybe Isbeth LIED (that would surprise no one) and she very much would know where he is and how he is doing because bc he’s be very much alive.. and if we want to go further, but again it’s just me saying shit cuz I don’t have the patiente to write my own book, kind of alive bc the Dark One is, as said earlier, a void like no life no death no soul no thoughts head’s empty. Anyway long short story he’d be a revenant, created by Kolis, or not, I just really feel like Kolis has to do w EVERYTHING, since he’s shady and has a habit for doing shit between life and death. That would make sense and just be cool for the plot since he’s Isbeth’s son and she, as far as we know, owns the Revenants. In both cases the Dark One could be connected to Isbeth, or not, depends on how deep you want the plot to go. AND I think Kolis is linked to the Revenant one way or another. But then I’m wondering how could Isbeth be such a big deal.. she was just king malec’s mortal side chick, she’s really overstepping and being dramatic here 🙄🙄 That’s it for now I’m tired I WILL analyze the prophecy later bc I HAVE AN EXCELLENT IMAGINATION
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bosspigeon · 2 years
Loyal is a solid 5ft tall, thicc af, golden tiefling (zariel bloodline, but zariel was redeemed in the world we play in so shes got a celestial guide like an aasimar and wings she can pop in and out as needed, which was super confusing bc it happened when she was already an adult).
Shes got a mane of golden soft curly hair and is just a touch vain, but shes also a wild soul barbarian and wrecks shit. Shes flirty and VERY strong, and just a little feral around the edges. She likes the finer things in life and is not afraid to go after them. This picrew does not let you make fat/muscley characters but its a fair enough approximation
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I Offer Her A Tiny Bisexual Lizard Who Talks To Dead People
Whispers is roughly 4'7", leucistic, and Creepy As Fuck. She's v pretty, though, even if she's cold-blooded and has no eyelids and sometimes has trouble telling the difference between living people and dead ones and offers to find their bones for them so they can Settle.
So if u don't mind that ur gf has cold hands and is also tapped into the voices of the past, present, and future, and so goes into weird trance states and starts spouting cryptic prophecies, ur in luck!
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blowdriedcheese · 2 years
The take-over of the autistic urge
It's time to infodump about my fictional Antichrist cult
• Backstory.
In 1549, Christianity was first introduced to the country of Japan. That same year, the youngest child of a wealthy businessman created a belief around the concept of this religion. This leader, Shishigami Hayato, was intrigued by Christianity; especially the parts that mentioned a so-called Antichrist.
The ideals of the Antichrist seemed like nothing bad, and something that needed to be realized. Hayato preached these ideals, and over the course of a few years, his insignificant little village was overtaken. Everyone had gotten sucked into the Antichrist craze.
The Edo period posed a difficult time for the Shishigami community, as Christianity had been banned. They went underground, their community becoming a secret society. During this time, the beliefs of the Antichrist only resonated more, and that's when an idea was introduced that would forever change the course of this society.
One of it's members claimed that she had received signs that the Shishigami bloodline would produce the Antichrist themselves on one faithful day; the 13th of September. Instead of the ideals, the community began to dedicate themselves to that cause. Nothing was more important than the family that lead them.
The end of the Edo period ended the ban on Christianity, and the community could freely practice their religion. At this point, it had grown. A small town who just happened to be converted had turned into a huge cult that stretched over the entire country. Even government officials had been turned to the belief.
Around the 1840s, a group of people caught wind of this cult. They didn't agree with the Antichrist idealization, believing that they would bring the end of the world upon themselves.
This group would rival the Shishigami cult for decades to follow, but wanted to do things the peaceful way. They didn't want to murder the family; just make them relinquish their authority, take over the cult, and then shut it down.
In the 1930s, a set of twins were born. One of them had a very special talent; she could communicate with the dead. It became clear that this girl was destined to be the leader due to her powers, and it took the cult's respect for the Shishigami family to another level.
This young girl, Yuukoo, went down in history for many things. New rules, questionable events, and her identity. She was the first transgender leader that the cult had, and would have to raise her brother's firstborn as her own.
When she was crowned the official leader of the cult in 1950, the time came for the annual meeting with the rivaling group. They asked with kindness, but Yuukoo responded with violence. A few days after that incident, the new Shishigami leader went missing.
When she returned, she had the leader of the rival group with her. They had tortured her, trying to force her to give up her title. Yuukoo's stubborn nature had been an advantage in this case, as she managed to escape during a moment of weakness without relinquishing her authority.
Angered, she had dragged the group's leader with her, and ordered him to be killed. Not just in any way, but the most violent act in the history of the cult. "You love your savior so much? Die like him." is what Yuukoo told him.
Yuukoo Shishigami died in the 1970s, having lead this cult into one if their greatest times, and also raising her niece like her own. That niece, in turn, had her own daughter; Shishigami Hanami.
Hanami, like her grandmother, had a very special gift. She saw the future in the form of prophecies. At 14 years old, in 1986, Hanami discovered that she would be the one to birth the Antichrist themselves.
There was so much pressure put on her, which lead to her developing depression and anxiety. The cult went from being in their prime to a rock bottom they had never experienced. Her followers were angry, and at this point they were leading more than Hanami.
She was literally treated like a doormat, and her mental state only worsened as time went on. Many leaders had an average parenthood age of 20, with the youngest leader ever giving birth at 16. Hanami was in her 20s, and still hadn't managed to conceive. It added to the pressure and negative image everyone had of her.
At 29, Hanami finally got pregnant. It was pure hell for her. She had suffered from tokophobia for her entire life; the fear of pregnancy. She was terrified, and it didn't help that her husband, the love of her life, passed away during that time.
Her son, Seku, was born on the predicted day; 13th of September. Hanami loved him, but struggled with post-partum depression and had an overall difficult time caring for him. In his early years, Seku was primarily raised by his grandparents and other members of the cult.
After getting help, Hanami was able to raise him. Her mental health was still going to be an issue, but not so much that she couldn't be with her own child anymore. Now that her head was clearer, Hanami felt pride in being the mother of the Antichrist.
Yuukoo's decision from all those years ago came to bite the cult back in the ass in the form of the rivaling group's revenge. They heard of the Antichrist's birth, and they were planning to kill him. It was time to bring back the meetings between the two groups.
At 15, when Seku was given to title of the cult's leader, the whole Yuukoo scenario played out again. Kidnapped, and used as snuff entertainment. A week of 'entertainment' ending in the crucifixion of Shishigami Seku.
It was supposed to kill the Antichrist, but a member felt horrible for what their group did to this literal child, and saved him.
After that, the cult continued to expand. Theyre well on their way to world domination thanks to the dedication of their precious Antichrist.
• 2. Timeline
- Shishigami Hayato is born
- Introduction of Christianity of Japan
- Shishigami Hayato starts preaching the ideals of the Antichrist in his hometown
- Death of Shishigami Hayato
- Hayato passes on the torch to his offspring; the first instance of many passings to come
- Ban on Christianity in Japan
- Shishigami cult retreats from the public -> secret society
- Ban on Christianity lifted -> cult comes out of hiding
- Rival group is formed
- Yuukoo and her twin brother are born
- Discovery of Yuukoo's 'powers'
- Yuukoo is crowned cult leader
- Yuukoo comes out as a trans woman
- Meeting between cult and rival group goes wrong -> group starts to resort to violence
- Kidnapping and torture of Shishigami Yuukoo
- Crucifixion of rivaling group's leader
- Most infamous rule introduced by Yuukoo; physical harm to the Shishigami leader from anyone outside the cult will result in death
- Start of cult's Golden Age
- Yuukoo's niece is born -> Yuukoo adopts her and raises her as her daughter
- Death of Shishigami Yuukoo
- Downfall of cult's Golden Age -> true downfall
- Shishigami Hanami is born
- Discovery of Hanami's prophet 'powers'
- Prophecy foretells that Hanami is going to give birth to the Antichrist
- Hanami is crowned leader of the Shishigami cult
- Downfall of cult's Golden Age -> according to cult, fueled by their disapproval of Hanami
- Hanami gets pregnant
- Hanami husband passes away in a car accident
- Shishigami Seku is born -> Antichrist has come
- Hanami's depression takes over -> leaves her parents and cult members raise her child to get major help
- Hanami is well enough to raise Seku
- Rival group resurrection
- Crucifixion of Shishigami Seku
- Group member saves Seku
- Start of cult's Diamond Age
- Present day
▪︎I created this bullshit in 2019 so it's staying in 2019
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moonstonediaz · 2 years
UNO REVERSE!!! give me book recs madam 🔪
i have done a few book recs in my answers so i’m going to give you the GOODS. the stuff i don’t think i’ve recommended to anyone yet. so here we go with some of my top faves!
zodiac, wandering star, black moon, and thirteen rising (series by romina russell) - YA, this series follows rho grace, a 16-year-old academy student on House Cancer. when a collision of moons causes a mass casualty of her House—including the Guardian of House Cancer—she and a few of her classmates are some of the only survivors. the stars foretold she would be the next Guardian so she’s coronated. but she’s the only one who has been able to see exactly what who caused their moons to collide; an ancient being long believed to be just a boogeyman told to children to make them behave. but he’s real and rho is the only one who can speak to him. when he tells her he’s going to keep targeting Houses, she and her friends travel across the Zodiac trying to gain the resources to be able to fight him. ITS SO GOOD OK? idk what else to say, but it’s SO. GOOD.
storm born, thorn queen, iron crowned, and shadow heir (series by richelle mead) - adult. eugenie is a powerful shaman whose trade is to banish spirits and fey who cross into the mortal world. she’s hired to recover a teenager who was taken to the Otherworld and it’s there that she discovers a dark past to her bloodline and a prophecy about her firstborn. the prophecy puts a price on her head and she has to hastily find allie’s within the Otherworld to protect her. it’s….fantastic. my book spines are so worn down i may need to repurchase soon bc i’ve reread them so often. richelle mead is easily one of my favorite authors so if this series doesn’t tickle your fancy, try literally anything else she’s written. i’ll be screaming about her when i’m on my deathbed
the love that split the world by emily henry - YA, the mc natalie is having a normal teenage time when she’s visited by an apparition with an ominous warning “you have three months to save him”. that’s when she meets beau. it’s hard to explain but she kind keeps jumping in and out of different timelines/universes? it’s been a while since i read it, but i really enjoyed it!
house of salt and sorrows by erin a. craig - YA, the story is from one sisters pov but there are 12 sisters total. one by one the sisters have died from oldest to youngest. annaleigh, the mc, is struggling to figure out what sort of curse their family is under when she keeps running into a stranger. there’s ghosts and gods and magic and glittering gowns and parties. it’s very very good!!
the name of the star, the madness underneath, and the shadow cabinet (aka the shades of london series by maureen johnson) - an old favorite, YA, louisiana teenager rory deveaux arrives in london to attend a boarding school just a series of brutal murders mimicking the jack the ripper killing spree has broken out across the city. rory is the only one who saw the man believed to be the killer, and the only one who can see him, but she’s become his next target
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