#bc she doesn't know how. she has been taught that love is control.
seasaltmemories · 10 months
The Question of Dark Aono's Role
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I don't want to make any definitive statements towards Dark Aono's role in the story on either a literal or metaphorical level. It feels like there is still a lot Shiina is holding back about him; however, I feel like for all the terrible horrors he could represent, at this it is pretty clear Dark Aono is not just a simple abuse allegory
Like I get why it might appear that way early in the story, we don't actually know Aono that well, and neither does Yuri, and stories of men turning "into completely different ppl" once locked into a relationship do exist, what Aono does with his limited agency speaks in direct opposition to that. When he feels he crossed a line, he isolates himself from Yuri and tries to stay away from her. In the cannibalism dream sequence he begs Yuri to run away from him even when she is determined to feed herself. Much of his greatest conflict is about being stuck in this monstrous role and trying to self-sabotage himself.
And like perhaps this could be a seen as a messy representation of the honeymoon phase of abuse, where apologies are made and the abuser is extra affectionate to make up for it, but I lean away from that bc we have much better representations of that in the familial stages. Midori and Hitomi both tend to follow up the worst of their wrong-doings with explicit apologies and excess affection, sometimes immediately after the incident. The Aono to Dark Aono cycling doesn't hit nearly the same beats, even when taking into account the supernatural elements.
While I don't want to lock myself into one interpretation before the story is finished, I always come back to the stairwell incident. Where Dark Aono is shocked in Aono when Yuri informs him he sounds like Midori for saying exactly what his Mother used to tell him. I think of how when he regains control, it is usually followed by shame and self-loathing, sometimes simply saying that his behavior was "weird' or outright calling himself a conman.
It is such a tricky situation bc to me Dark Aono has distinctive quirks and differences from our Aono in attitude/speech/everything, even when both characters try and manipulate others, they do it in very different ways. Yet for as drastic as the switch can be, he is never so clearly an alternate personality or entity taking over. Aono has stated outright that the further in the story he goes, the more aware he grows during this shifts, and many take place specifically due to Aono's emotional state rather than any outside taboo breaking. Dark Aono is both something alien, something intrusive, yet also a painfully familiar thing that clearly originates in himself
In the end I am reminded much more of how the aftereffects of abuse haunt even relationships formed years after escaping the situation. Aono was taught love is choosing one ultimate idol and doesn't realize how fucked up that is until he finds himself parroting the same words back to Yuri. Aono reverts to a child-like state and tries to prove both to others and to himself he is worthy of love when he realized he fucked up in some way. He excuses all his self-destructive self isolating coping mechanisms as necessary even while calling out those same traits in others
But as man-painy and gross the premise of "guy keeps hurting his gf even though he doesn;t want to bc mommy issues and that makes him sad" could be, what makes Shiina's writing compelling is she makes it clear that the one suffering the most here in the present is Yuri. Having sympathy for Aono doesn't make her situation any less worse, and from where volume 10 ends off, there are things Aono needs to answer for that can't be explained away by spooky occult shenanigans. I feel like Aono's ultimate role as either ally or antagonist will be determined by his choices in the end, no matter how many or few he has. There haven't been any easy answers in the story and so I don't except to suddenly discover them this late in the game. But regardless of how it plays out I can't help but already praise her for putting such an interesting and unpredictable spin on "dark alter egos" in a genre that can be overstuffed with them.
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
theres a lot of back and forth about paimon especially so i just wanna put in my two cents about it bc speculation on paimon and gender can be tricky and theres a lot to take into consideration. this isnt an end all be all post and not the best written but im just speaking from my place as someone who is trans (though i myself am tme) and works with gender themes in my own characters so this is gonna be kinda long
So! Paimon
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a lot of the issue from the back and forth stems from how paimon is written by default. When you meet paimon, he's designated as just a pretty boy that likes to crossdress and they emphasize heavily that paimon is a man every time they talk about his femininity and how he presents himself.
Now crossdressing itself is not at all transphobic, hell drag is a big thing and its not uncommon for queens do figure out that they're transfem when they get into it. In fact a lot of queer people do push to erase gender boundaries within clothes because in the end....clothing is just cloth wear what you want be who you want to be, whether it be a woman wearing masc clothing, a man wearing femme clothes, or anyone just wearing something neutral feeling.
Where it becomes a problem is the push to enforce paimon's masculinity at every turn. While its good that paimon isn't a character that's put in to be played for laughs (as feminine men and trans women often are in media), it comes off odd in a way for paimon to have a feminine voice, dress femininely, love feminine things...and then at every point have it enforced heavily that paimon is a man. THAT is where a lot of the issue stems from at when you see it happening as someone who has seen transmisogyny (if this is your first time seeing the word, its transphobia that arises specifically for a trans woman being a woman. ergo the word being a mix of transphobia and misogyny) in practice it looks worrying. When you're someone who knows how to spot this kind of thing it can feel like paimon's gender nonconformity is being demonized (while they also highlight it. its an odd mix).
This isn't to say that it is a concious thing that's being pushed either i'm not saying the writers are personally transmisogynists at all, HOWEVER since transphobia and transmisogyny is rampant in society to the point where it subconsciously controls biases, thats how it can come off transmisogynistic. Think of it as similar to racism: even if you think you yourself are not racist theres still likely biases you have picked up or have been taught just because theyre so pervasive in society. This doesnt mean its your fault it just means its something that you have to unlearn conciously and put in the work to do so.
This is also not just a problem with whb because again like i said, its systemic. Think about other characters in media who are written this way, such as Bridget from Guilty Gear, or Vivian from Paper Mario. While these two are different in that their status as trans women have been solidified, the treatment they've gotten is largely the same. Especially bridget considering how she for the longest was the poster child for the "femboy" archetype and how femininity is enforced yet also discouraged in these characters until she was finally labeled transgender in gg strive.
All this to say...its messy and theres a lot of points to consider so there really isnt a reason to go at each others throats. Using paimon's canon pronouns and gender isn't exactly a problem and neither is choosing to instead see paimon as a transgender woman and using she/her pronouns. But at the very least it doesn't hurt to educate yourself also and understand why paimon's writing can come off transmisogynistic and transphobic. WHB is not a game thats heralding itself on being progressive (even if there are aspects to it that might seem so) so there's not much to expect from it in that regard but still we can be mindful and discussion isnt bad.
(also a footnote i dont think ive seen any transfem or tma players of whb in the tag....ever but if anyone is and wants to add on or thinks ive overstepped let me know)
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ghostclowning · 1 year
another day of zhushen agenda BUT it's ZZL being unreasonably hot when SQQ least expects him to. Like when he's talking to SQQ politely and calmly, then some demon tries to approach them and he gives them such a death glare that the poor thing perishes immediately regardless of its intentions. Then he turns back to SQQ and he's now absolutely normal. But SQQ isn't normal at all. He's never been hornier in his life. Gentle ZZL is cool but /srs ZZL???maybe even mad ZZL?? Fuck yes. Although perhaps he's feeling so safe thinking about such things only bc he knows for sure his husband won't ever intentionally hurt him. He really wants to hear ZZL call him a "bad boy" now though, whew.
And SQQ also likes to randomly touch ZZL muscles(if it doesn't distract him, of course...but sometimes even if it distracts him. After all, so far he never objected). Pure amazement. He wonders if ZZL could beat LQG if they had no swords(of course he wouldn't let these two fight, this sure would end up traumatic for both...but just for the sake of mental experiment? It's never wrong to imagine hot men in blood-). And he also thinks how he can do whatever with ZZL only bc ZZL chooses to allow him. Like "I braid his hair but he could easily braid my limbs! Sheesh!" But ZZL is just ready to tolerate any shit he does, even when he goes drinking with SQH(it never ends well)(ZZL gives him the /srs stare afterwards which SQQ a little bit enjoys ... secretly....).
[The truth is, he probably considers literally anything still better than standing lines for lewd fanfics]
Sometimes SQQ purposely tries to tease ZZL, but it often leads to an outcome he didn't expect, even if at first things go smoothly...He once tried to make his snake husband a little jealous, joke-flirting with soemone, but ZZL was just keeping silent, although he clearly was upset. Once they were left alone, he said he thought what he and master Shen had was just between them. SQQ was just heartbroken cuz his boy seemed so sad about it<3 He tries to reassure ZZL he was just fucking around but then ZZL pins him to the wall, grabs both his hands, immobilizing him with ease, his glance calm as ever but unusually stern.
"Master Shen has spoken enough today. But I see that I don't satisfy master Shen enough."
"Not at all, Xizhi-lang..."
"I have a name."
"...Ah? Sorry, Zhuzhi-lang...You really satisfy me! I was just being silly..."
"No need to pretend now. I understand," Zhuzhi-lang leans in and shuts him up with a kiss. Oh no. Practice shows that his 'understanding' of things is often different from normal... "If so, I'm afraid I have to fix my mistakes."
His firm tone makes SQQ feel things. God damn it, maybe he actually doesn't mind whatever is going to happen now. Although it wouldn't be so sweet if ZZL gave him a dose of blood parasites to control him. Yeah that would be less hot.
"I will make love to you all night. For every sound that you make, I will keep going."
SQQ had no idea how vocal he was in bed until now, and he cursed this trait of his now, because he also had no idea how long demons can go on. ZZL only let him go when he started literally begging for mercy. This really was enjoyable until SQQ got completely exhausted, and when he realized ZZL still stops when he asks properly, he thought that he certainly will do this again... sometime. When he's able to walk again, probably. Maybe.
SQQ also grew used to the snakes, even the demonic ones. When ZZL is not home, he talks to them instead. Keeps a little bowl of water for them even. Unexpectedly, him befriending the snakes actually helped to get them out of his bed... When ZZL saw how friendly he got with them, he gave him a strange look, but he hasn't found a single snake in his bed or in his clothes since. They still were everywhere else around the house, but, apparently, have learned that some things are not to be touched. They still touch master Shen himself though, but they, apparently, also were taught not to do so if master Shen minds...and this man once said he can't do anything about his snakes, huh?
And also SQQ collected a piece of snake skin ZZL shed. When ZZL found out, he was a little...repulsed. "Why would one collect something that came off their body? You don't collect fallen off hair..."
"But it's not hair! It's a piece of snake skin. It looked cool."
"...Should I start collecting master Shen's dead skin..."
"...uhm, alright, alright, you have a point. Please don't-"
"If master Shen likes such things, I could-"
"Please don't"
SQQ had no doubt ZZL could make all the snakes shed right in their house, and he clearly didn't need that. Did SQQ get rid of that one piece of snake skin though? Absolutely not.
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ehnrat · 1 year
Pleaaase tell me about your favorite GemOc/Sona. I haven't used mine in eons, but I miss the incredible designs and stories people used to put into theirs.
the way i exploded into a million hearts and sparkles and confetti
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BUT THE MAIN ONES I LOVE AND HAVE THE MOST LORE FOR ARE: LaLi (Lapis Lazuli, she/her), Pearl (he/him), and Bear (Pink Beryl, they/he) !
Together, they are the Flower Gems—sworn protectors of preserving the Earth's beauty, flora, and fauna.
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Putting this under a read more bc i typed a lot <:3c
Starting with my dear LaLi, she was the first gem oc (used to be gemsona) i made back in 2014 !! Here's her most up-to-date visual vs her first one owo
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Lapis Lazuli's are my fav gemstones (thanks hamtaro) and i made her before SU Lapis was announced/revealed. LaLi is a friendly gem who loves sparring, human culture, photography, playing the piano, and meeting new beings. She can manipulate both water and sand, but she mainly prefers fighting with her Khopesh sword weapon. She taught herself how to fight by watching some soldier gems during her terraforming days.
She grew a bond with Pearl when she was assigned to aid his superior, Petalite, and wanted to get to know him more. During the time of the rebellion, Petalite abandoned Pearl when their ship was attacked, causing LaLi to whisk Pearl away to Earth away from the danger. There, she and Pearl began to grow closer and find themselves in their new world. They even had their first fusion (Prehnite) on Earth !
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She started out pretty silent and observant, but she soon blossomed into an outgoing type who wants to fight for her friends (and fight in general, she loves to fight). She's still very much observant tho, making sure their world is free from dangers and her buddies are doing okay, becoming the de facto leader of the Flower Gems.
Next up, we have my second gem oc (also used to be gemsona) Pearl ! I created Pearl before there were any lore or information that there were other Pearls as well as Pearl being my birthstone and another favorite gemstone of mine :3
I haven't made a new visual for him, but here's his sort of up-to-date visual vs his first one
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At first, Pearl's lore was that he was a Homeworld Gem that had a past with LaLi and came down to Earth to retrieve her. He was sort of an antagonist to her. Now, as explained above, he was saved by LaLi and lived life with her on Earth to protect it's life. He was a self-proclaimed Fire Flower Knight.
Pearl is a somewhat snooty and arrogant gem who likes to keep up appearances and make sure everything is in proper check if LaLi is off doing her own thing. He can manipulate fire/heat and has a Glaive weapon. He's pretty hard to read and doesn't like to hang out with other as much as LaLi does, but he does like spending time with her, playing the violin, and sparring. Once you get to know him, he's pretty soft and kind and deathly afraid of rabbits. He's usually in charge of doing retcons and keeping maps and charts of places they've been.
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Overall, Pearl is a pretty loyal gem who grew to be his own being and not allow to be controlled or shaped to fit anyone that didn't allow him to just be himself.
Lastly of the trio, we have Bear ! They also lack an updated ref, but here's their most up-to-date visual vs their first one !
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Bear's lore is that they were once a scholar gem on Homeworld, tasked with other Beryls to keep track of Gem History and Culture. His rank was pretty high and respected and he played his part and didn't care much for other gems nor the rebellion. However, in some of his notes on Earth where he jotted down it's beauty, the other beryls interpreted as Bear becoming rogue and planned to have him interrogated. Around the same time, he encountered another former high ranking gem, now turned "defect" by the name of Dentritic Agate (Dendé). Long story short, Dendé attacked Bear for being to nosey in his business and the two sort of have a history of not liking each other. They did end up crossing paths on Earth later on.
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Bear ended up on Earth escaping his interrogation where they knew they were going to either get shattered or bubbled forever. Because of this, they were labeled a "traitor" and had a bounty on their head. He ended up getting wrapped up in the Gem War and poofed on the battle field, however, his gem managed to get buried underground for years. Eventually, he managed to reform by tapping into his latent earth manipulation, resurfacing to a new world.
With no one to turn to, Bear isolated themselves from other beings, trusting no one, but found comfort and solace with the Earth and animals around him. They ended up taking up forms of animals he befriended, especially a family of bears he was "adopted" into. He soon encountered humans, but kept his distance. However, these humans were destroying the forest he resided in, so he took on multiple forms of animals to drive them away, soon becoming an urban legend of a Shapeshifting Forest Protector.
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i know i do want to work on his backstory more, but essentially he did end up getting close to a human after saving them and the human pestering them to be friends. Bear watched was there in the human's life watching them grow and have a family until one day their village was attacked and burned to the ground. The human ultimately got caught in cross fire and subsequently died in Bear's presence. Wanting to protect the place this human cared so much about, Bear shapeshifted into a multitudes of beasts and laid waste to the pillagers, but indirectly destroyed what little the village had left.
The remnant of people, including the human's family that survived, connected that Bear was that one myth of the forest, took it as a bad omen, and tried to have him killed. He ended up fleeing and never wanted to get close to humans again. Years later, he was founded by LaLi who was so ecstatic to see another gem and wanted him to join her small gem group of two. At first, Bear was annoyed, but LaLi's continuous pestering reminded him of his late human.
Begrudgingly, he joined her and found home with LaLi and Pearl. He was left alone to his own devices and mainly either stayed in his room or tended the gardens around their base. He tolerated the two and even saw them as family, SOMEWHAT, but he doesn't show it. He does care about them in his own, indirect way, and eventually made it his goal to become stronger to keep those he holds dear safe.
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Oh also, they can manipulate Earth and their weapons are Dual Tonfas nwn they love playing their flute and tending flowers
AND THAT'S THE FLOWER GEMS !!! I tried to only get down their main points but man do i have a lot to say that i left out LMAOOO I used to run an ask blog for them years ago, but it's dead <:3c I still keep it around for memory sake <3
Man.... i got so many doodles and AUs and lore for these gems AND the others i haven't mentioned ARGHARGHARGH OTL
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.5
PeTeR wAiT" why she say it like that😭
Peter's line would've made way more sense if the Nogitsune was actually giving him illusions (maybe one's about the fire, or being trapped in a coma again, or hell maybe stuff about the desert wolf bc I mega curious about their relationship)
He's playing lacrosse 🥍
Sir should've just dove out the way, he basically told u it had wolfbane on it
"Wolfsbane" reminds me of gerards "Mountain ashhhh!" Lmao I make myself laugh
How'd she knock him out so quick with just an elbow to the face, he's a werewolf
New plot idea, nogi could've made him hallucinate the fire and make him see Kate everywhere so when he sees Allison (as Kate) he's fed up with the illusions bc it's fucking him up. I'm a genius, Jeff Davis hire me 😎
um just cause it looks like her doesn't meanit us her...doppelganger's anyone? (Yes I know different show bit still) or she could be possessed
ur a zombie chica 🧟‍♀️ 😁👍
Not Peter being big baby and having Melissa take care of him in the back😭
Chris what's ur gun gonna do against black smoke, u know it ain't the oni bc the sun's still out
"I've killed oni before" yeah and then they killed you ma'am
Malia "I don't do speeches" Tate, proceeds to give a speech 😂
🎶If we go down then we go down together🎶
Lydia:🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 Allison:👏📸💏☺😍🥰😂🧍‍♀️👭👫😭💋🏃‍♀️🤣😊🏹😘
Don't think I didn't notice you left out Stiles and Isaac in them flashbacks😑
Oop it's night night time now 🌃
um they belong to themselves, you know free will and all, c'mon it's 2026 in ur universe so get eith the program honestly so canceled 🥱
Also if you were gonna have him say they belong to me know you could've had them possessed by the flies again like in 3b and made him fight his own friends. It'd be good emotionally and for the plot bc we wouldn't know if he'd be forced to kill them or not
oooo and if Stiles was here Nogi takes over his body again and let's Allison go bc he's sacrificing himself for them, there rising another issue but Stiles has full faith that Scott will bring him back
"I'm still standing, I'm still the Alpha!" Sounded a whole lot better in the trailer
also would've been cool if Derek was forced to be on Nogi's side bc he has Eli hostage
"Please don't make me watch my friends and my family die - I can't do that again" is what should've been the line💔
Um that was 3 arrows not 1, thought you were supposed to be a perfect shot, you letting out some pent up rage on my boy Scott? 😶
When did Eli get tied back up? Would've been cool to see it happen telekinetically
I love hikari but it just would've made more sense for Kira to save him. She would've been more powerful by now, she'd have complete control bc of the skinwalkers, and there's the emotional connection that's established between them
Or at the very least if it had to be Hikari they could've done my earlier suggestion and made that little girl and her dog a flashback of Scott saving Hikari bc then it would've been like you saved me once and now I've saved you 👍
Looked cool af thou 🔥
Damn, headshot 🎯
Hold up, now wait a minute, you're suddenly a perfect shot again?😂
Hold up Parrish where your clothes at and what underwear you buying bc all ur other clothes burn up but ur undies are fireproof?!😭
Heyyy, I love whoever idea it was to give mama McCall a crossbow 😎👌
Not Peter now using the wolfsbane ring dagger that just poisoned him🤦‍♀️is he good by the way lol did Melissa have a lighter on her or something
Yeah, you motherfucker *copies Peter's dramatic hair flip*💅
Stab stab flip flip
Yeah Jackson and Lydia takedown we deserve
Stiles taught her how to use a gun and he'd be so proud of his wife right now😁
Would've been cool if it was, like I said earlier, Stiles being the one at gunpoint and Jackson comes to save them (Stiles would be so annoyed😂)
oh he wasn't tied up, he was just hiding again
Eli you little liar you already done the glowing eyes and the fangs
Awwww yes! Eli and Derek are my favorite part of this movie, I could watch a whole series about them🥺
Love how they roared together, like Derek was giving him strength and encouragement in that roar
Love the wolfie faces, though I do think the shows looked a little bit scarier, the eyes are really good in this one thou🐺
Baby Eli and Daddy Derek to the rescue
Now we all got our guns back that ig Parrish was hiding in his underpants 🙈😭
pow pow mf
I thought it was impossible to be both a fox and a wolf🤔
This supports my theory that this is just another illusion and none of it's real. It looks real and feels real but it's not
Ugh you was ugly ass mf wolf-fox🤢
Why his eyes glowing green? shouldn't it be a more yellowish green for a firefly 🤨
He looks like a mole deadass💀
🎶we're all in this together🎶
Why aren't Peter, Malia, Liam, Hikari, and Parrish going with them...
Eli honey, I love you but...why you running like that, you look like ur about to fall🤭
I like how the lighting in each room reflects their eyes
Well obviously its not real
You know my dumbass would just be in their yelling "echo" bc it'd be funny to me😭
Well that was very rude of you Nogi
What was Harris's goal, I'm still confused 😕
Should called him a pup instead of a child, it just would've been more pleasing to me bc it's a funny tease to say to a werewolf idk why
"Start with me" Nogi said okay say less 👍
Now you see me, now you don't
Scott this is kind of embarrassing for you bc Duke taught you how to fight using all your other senses when your sight won't help you...
you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man 🤪
So what did everyone else see? Did they just see them all on the nemeton looking ridiculous or did they do a disappearing act snd magically appear out of nowhere
Also why didn't nogi mess with them at the same time, seems a waste if you ask me to just leave them to come up with a plan, then ur just asking you get defeated but oh well🤷‍♀️
Oop well Eli's out the game again but Parrish is putting himslef back in, there's a good man (there's a nice demon😂)
Nogi's laugh made me laugh 🤣
Hell no, don't you dare. I know that look Derek Hale, don't you fucking do it. Bad werewolf, very bad werewolf! not infront of ur son! NO, HE IS NOT APART OF SCOTT'S PACK NOW IDGAF THAT HE'S THE ALPHA
So much for only a true alpha only every few hundred years, BUT IT WAS FUCKING EARNED DAMN IT😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The way Eli said dad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay let me be serious, I don't think Derek's dead. This was was all on layer of the illusion, it looks real, it feels real, but it's not real!
Idk where Derek or the Nogitsune are but neither are dead, bc you can't even kill a Nogitsune so where is the fly like at the end of S3 hmmm🤨
He's not dead no, nope, i refuse
Poor Peter, Derek and him were really close, even though they had their differences they were still all they had left 😢
Ew Scott shouldn't be giving the speech it should be Peter or Eli
Where's Isaac (his first beta), Cora (his sister), and Stiles? You can't tell me they wouldn't be there for his funeral
Actually the first the first thing he said to you was "What are you doing here? This is private property"
AWWW Papa Stilinski coming in clutch🥺
This is where Lydia answers Stiles would renew their vows
Um isn't she still technically 17🤨
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gaybestie01 · 2 years
HoO meme dump bc i say so
Leo: *crying softly(
Piper: Leo, what's wrong
Leo: i just realized we can never know if a T-Rex is happy cause bc they can't clap there hands
Piper: *facepalms*
Leo: *singing if your happy and you know it softly*
Annabeth: Whats the worst thing you guys have done?
Piper: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade
Percy: Kicked Jason in the shin-
Jason: -so I kicked Percy in between the legs
Leo: I burned a town down
Annabeth: What?!?
Hazel: what the hell is wrong with you?
Leo: alot of things
Frank: well no shit
When it's cold on the Argo II they just sit in a circle and Leo is and makes Leo sit in the middle bc he emits heat therefore he is a furnace
Jason: *going wolf-boy feral and tearing the absolute shit out a some monster*
Leo and Piper in the background cheering and hyping him up: GO, WHITE BOY, GO
Hazel: who the fuck added me to this group chat
Frank: Language!
Leo: yeah, watch your fucking language
Annabeth: "the fuck word"?
Jason: are you stupid? you guys use the f word all the time
Piper: oh my gosh he censored it
Leo: say fuck, Jason
Percy: do it, Jason, say fuck
Piper: I saw Leo spill his coffee
Piper: it's been 30 minutes but he's just staring at the puddle int silence, with ears streaming down his face
Piper: at this point I'm afraid to help
Reyna: we can't tell you bc you're not a member of the club
Leo: what club?
Frank: the hating Leo club
Leo: ...The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
The seven + nico, will and reyna on a airplane
Percy: doesn't fly but if he does he is freaking the heck out
Annabeth: works on her computer the whole time
Piper: charmspeaks the flight attendants into giveing her free snacks and drinks
Leo: the kid who kicks the backs of your seat, can’t sit still, and just walks around the cabin
Jason: sits there is a smug look on his face because he can control the whole plane with the wind
Frank: sleeps the whole time
Hazel: in the bathroom throwing up and just motion sick the whole way, poor thing
Nico: the one person who has their music too loud you can hear through his headphones
Will: watches love drama tv shows on his phone and bothers Nico
Reyna: rather be any where else
To Percy- Fav song?
Percy: Under the Sea
Annabeth: percy your 17
Percy- i saved the world i should be able to pick my fav song
Annabeth: whatever Seaweed brain, anyway mine is-
Leo: *barges in through the door*
Leo: you guys know what mine is
Piper: no leo this question wasn’t for you
Leo: too bad *sets hand on fire*
Leo, off key: this girl is on fire
Annabeth: Leo no!!
Percy and Leo off key: THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIRRREEEE
Annabeth and Calypso:
Thalia: it's never too late to join the Hunt
Leo: what's the difference from snowmen and snowomen
Annabeth: don't
Leo: snow balls
Annabeth: percy, please bring me my dagger
Percy: look, I have a sister now i'm not risking it
Nico: are you saying my life matters less because i don't conform societies heteronormative, child-centric ideals
Percy: are you really playing the gay card right now?!?
Nico, in a monotone voice: Yaass queen
Nico: looking right because you left
Percy: looking left because you don’t treat me right
Will: looking up because you let me down
Leo: looking down because you messed up
Frank: what is wrong with you guys
Will: *shoves nico onto a chair*
Will: sit you need to rest and you lost a lot of blood
Nico: im fine
Will: no ur not you need blood, what's your type
Nico: what
Will: what is your blood type
Percy, from the halfway across camp: WELL IT AIN'T ME
Nico: *face palms*
Percy: I hate Octavin
Reyna: hate is a strong word
Reyna: in this case not strong enough
Baby Artemis: dad how long can a person breath in a washer machine while its one
Zeus, chuckles: well why would you want do know that
Zeus: wait where's Apollo!!!
Me: *standing outside of a burning school*
Me: someone said they hated Percy Jackson
Me: so i called leo
To Annabeth: can you talk to olives?
Annabeth: yes, yes i can
Nico: *shutting Snow White *
Nico: the moral of the story is that apples are bad for you and you should only eat McDonalds ice cream
Will: nico nO-
Police Officer: ok where do you live
Percy: with my mom
Police Officer: where does your mom live
Percy: with me
Police Officer: where do you guys live by
Percy: by my neighbors
Police Officer: where does your neighbor live
Percy: you're not going to believe me
Police Officer: tell me
Percy: by me
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cherrysnax · 1 year
hope people chill out soon, your take was immaculate and actually the reason I followed you initially bc i am an adult who likes cartoons and little kid shows but also doesn't get in internet fights about them and thinks adults who do are... wild, for lack of a better term..
but!!! now I wanna know about your comic (???maybe its a comic not sure) that you've mentioned, I couldn't find a tag to search but do you mind sharing about it? tysm either way have a good one
hi nonnie!! first of all ty for the well wishes and compliments! i'm sure once all the jokes and the offense die down, people will be relatively normal again... i hope.. lets get into the meat of the ask under the cut
EDIT: this got long so if u just want the basic gist, go to the very end!
soooo my girlfriend @pokemonleague and i decided back in...2018? to make spidersonas due to our love of comics and the movie into the spiderverse, but since we're nerds that totally span out of control. it went from a fan rp with several spider-man themed characters to a completely original concept with new characters, our own setting, power system-- the works. it is about superheroes, so it might not be your thing. okay so first backstory stuff
it used to be called the phillyverse and if u go into the tag u might find some old art, but its all extremely outdated (and bad. im not the bessst artist). after some delegation we decided to start making it a comic (we spent YEARS debating it) and named the project around last year. its uh called Show Your Spine!
I'm the worst at describing things but we have like 3 whole seasons entirely plotted out so I can pull somethin like a pitch together: while the vigilantism is a core aspect, with the main overarching plot being a group of unlikely heroes, old and new banding together to stop their city from being overrun by the mob, supervillains, and other threats. it's really about finding love and community in a city at war and finding the strength to protect and nourish it. all the while unlearning all the shit the last generations have taught us, to stop us from perpetuating the cycle of hate... while also beating the shit outta some baddies
in short its abt cringe-fail women doing cringe-fail things lmaoo. its a like a superhero-action-soap opera taking place in the retro-futuristic city of Chesire Grove, new jersey.
in this world, there's people with powers called Augments, who are just like you and me but due to changes in their DNA due were born with the ability to manifest different abilities (think mutants or metahumans). the tension between augments and humans is a little.. high right now, but allegedly better than they've ever been before. It's a newish era of human-augment relations, for better or worse.
we have an ensemble cast, and we intend on taking the main characters from the ages of 16 to eventually 25. the characters are aging in real-time.
OKAY PLOT TIME: The first few arcs focus on a delinquent teenage girl, Leo, trying to find a cure for one of her best friends who has fallen ill after trying a new drug, by all means necessary. during her quest for it, she meets the elusive newer vigilante Spitfire, who had saved her once before. Despite a rocky start, the two start a mentor-mentee type thing, in hope that the other can help them find what they're looking for. For Leo, she's looking for info on the man who made the drug that's been killing people, desperate to make him reverse engineer it. For Spitfire, they're looking for Chesire Grove's longest-running protector: Nightingale, who has suddenly gone missing. Spitfire's a bit new in town but lucky for them, the kid knows the city like the back of their hand.
At the same time, a sheltered augment teen's life is changing, as her overly protective father has finally realized that keeping her inside wasn't protecting her at all. freshly enrolled in a school for STEM students, Bobbi (also known by his nickname Retro) has to learn how to navigate the world for the first time and solve the full mystery of her past, all while her powers are on the fritz.
there's so much to this world, and we're so excited to share it with everyone!! i tried to be pretty vague cause of spoilers, and like i said, bad with words
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cheemken · 1 year
Already crying over Geeta and Arven, you already know I love the whole idea of the villain taking in the hero’s child. God he will just be devastated and untrusting of the AI professors. Probably demanding the truth from Geeta once they get back
Another thing I wanted to ask, you said you know a little bit about ATLA from the few scenes you’ve watched, so you should know about the four elements
Which elements do you think the Champions would bend if they were benders? Or do you think some would be born as non-benders?
Pfft dope right uvo
No fr, Arven would probs go home to Geeta crying his heart out, almost yelling at her but at the same time he just wants to run to her and let her comfort him and tell him it's going to be okay. That she's the one telling the truth. Right? Yeah, of course, Geeta has been nothing but kind to him, and Geeta took care of him, and she's like a mom to him now yknow. Geeta taught him everything he knows, even supported him in his passion for cooking, and even got him to meet his friends. And he looks up to her, tears still in his eyes, his words were caught in his throat, but Geeta knew exactly what to say.
She pulls him close, gives him the comfort that he needs, and quietly says "your parents had always been so paranoid.. they didn't trust me nor any of our friends.. perhaps before they died, they created those versions of themselves, so if anyone were to find them, they could tell them what happened." Then she pulls away, looks at him straight in the eyes, "but what they told you were lies. Their pride wouldn't let them admit they're the ones in the wrong." And ofc Arven believed her, and ofc it broke him even more that even beyond the grave his parents never really cared for him. And he let Geeta hug him, and it reminded him of his first night staying w her
As for the other ask, ah, air earth fire and water?? Did I get that right? Hahah
I've heard there's like,, lightning and metal and such, but idk much abt it so I'm just sticking w the first four hahah
Lance - Fire. Like, idk, I was going for air bc yeah he's like a Flying type trainer more than a dragon, but he has that vibes that he would bend fire hahah
Steven - Earth. Idk it'd fit him maybe hahah like his interest in stones and such and bending the earth around him would make it easier for him to navigate in caves and such
Wallace - Water. I yeah this one's a given hahahah
Cynthia - Earth. Tho Air also works hahah. Earth for the same reason as Steven, since that would be handy for her exploring caves and ruins too, plus her ace Mon is half ground type. But air also kinda works mainly bc she gives off the vibes hahaha
Iris - Air. The,, vibes. Hahaha. Idk, like, the main charac, Aang, she has that vibes, so ofc me being me just goes "oh, yeah, he's like Iris" plus it'd be dope if she's the only air bender amongst them and no one could really teach her much abt her own nation's bending art or smth so whenever she air bends the way she moves are similar to the other nations bending style and such (pfft imagine if she's the avatar in this too hahah)
Diantha - Fire. Solely for the fact that in my hcs she's terrified of fire since ofc her skin got burnt, and in this she can control fire (tho I also wanna add she doesn't ever use?? It?? Like she doesn't ever fire bend much bc the last time she did she panicked and accidentally burnt someone else, since then she stopped and people believed she's a non bender)
Hau - Water. Again, the vibes, it'd be cool to see him water bend tho, like him and Iris just training w each other and teaching each other what they know while the others are busy, and if we do go w avatar Iris concept imagine if that's how Iris learned how to water bend, all thanks to Hau. Idk it'd be cute if these two bonded and such and water being the first other element Iris learns bc of him hahah
Leon - ouughhh Earth or Fire. But I'm leaning more towards Fire bc of Zard hahah. But I also wanna say he doesn't ever use it much like Dia too, bc he knows people are kinda afraid of fire benders
Geeta - Earth. Again it's the vibes cbdndn tho I also wanna say the doesn't ever use it much, no angsty reason, for her it's just tiring and it takes a lot outta her, she'd only ever earth bend if the situation calls for it, any other day she'd probs just fight enemies head on hahaha
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eyesoforpheus · 1 year
okay for the people who were interested in my ocs let me give you a basic introduction to the world i've been working on. i'm high so heads up
welcome to kaino it's a city but it's also a planet. this is because the city wraps around the entire planet. kaino is an artificially constructed planet that is alive and the government created and mostly controls. the kaino central government basically has control over weather and seasons and all that shit and they try to keep it as close to earth as possible. kaino (city) is very like...futuristic noir where people attempted to recreate like a billion different vibes and ended up with a sprawling jumble of different architectural styles and philosophies and then a healthy coating of noir landed on top of it.
one specific part of the kaino central government is KCAI, kaino citywide agency of intelligence. they're known for doing FBI type shit basically. now for some of my characters
freya almonte: (she/her) 33, private investigator, unwilling nepo baby extraordinaire. daughter to the president of KCAI, Leonardo Almonte. she was basically trained from birth to be the perfect agent and sort of Was for a while until she defected from KCAI when she was 28 and first became a depressive couch surfer failwoman and tried to do crime for a little bit but wasn't super good at crime and then later became a PI doing pretty fine. she's the type to wear her heart on her sleeve and then put on a jacket until she gets uncomfortable and then her heart is there again. dry, very good at getting in trouble, and smarter than people think she is.
inès anatolia: (she/any) 35, genderqueer in a slutty way woman in a scary way. inès is a current agent of KCAI and was freya's former partner. she was raised in one of the biggest crime syndicates in kaino and a Lot of shit got pinned on her pretty much the moment she turned 18 and could be tried as an adult. got rescued out of jail because of KCAI as they took her in and trained her for intelligence work in exchange for ending her sentence. extremely loyal to KCAI and leonardo. it didn't take much to let KCAI convince her freya was at fault for leaving. extremely clever and extremely brutal. she keeps an opaque facade of playfulness and flirt to hide the cold and efficient spy which is actually a facade to hide the mad mad sick with want lonely etc. her brain is constantly on work mode. uses a cane in her day to day but hides it at work.
bram ortiz-montgomery: (he/him, for now) 34, met freya during her Crime Era while he was doing suspicious coding work to pay the bills. they dated for like a week before he was like "i can tell you're still in love with your ex and i don't want to be a rebound. we should still be friends though" and they did continue to be friends who kissed sometimes. works a normal office job bc he wants to fit in with his extremely normal family but also does a lot of illegal computer-wizardry stuff. he's sort of become freya's Guy In The Chair and is trying to fight the part of himself that wants to live the life of crazy bullshit that freya leads because he just wants to be normal. he is a strange little man.
salem cadogan: (they/them) 29, inès' new partner at KCAI. an extremely work-focused and extremely literal person. a little naive but with good instincts and a lot of determination. grew up autistic and became an insanely skilled body language reader out of spite. wanted to be a KCAI agent as a kid and taught themself how to do all sorts of infiltration and communication and intelligence things and, as a result, is extremely skilled at strategy and combat, but not very good with social situations. doesn't really get inès' whole playful silly whimsy and knows it's fake but doesn't know why she's doing it. she also definitely just fucks with them to bewilder them. the two of them are actually really good as partners in work but they're just never as in sync as inès and freya were. they have a little bit of an inferiority complex about this.
freynès (freya + inès): ouagh. partners at KCAI for nearly 10 years. both brilliant in different ways (freya was an excellent strategist and inès was brilliant on her feet) and wildly different. they bickered a lot and then obviously fucked and then oh no they care about each other (even though they still also bicker). KCAI can't know about the two of them being that attached (especially in a way that might have been romantic) and so they kept it under wraps. they were extremely in tune with one another (which caused a LOT of fights) and were willing to take what the other gave. and then freya leaves. and it's sudden and dramatic and inès is sleeping an empty bad and freya is sleeping on a friend's floor. inès copes by carefully excising freya from her brain. she doesn't ever have to process her feelings if they are simply not allowed in her mind. she focuses all of her energy towards salem and the mission and being perfect. freya copes by being reckless and self destructive and unsafe and rewriting the inès in her brain to be horrible and cruel and sadistic so she never gets tempted to go back. they often end up pursuing similar leads and making everyone else in the room Uncomfortable with the amount of violent (literally) sexual tension and spite. freya wants to spite the inès in her head but she also just wants to sleep in the same bed as her again. inès wants to surgically remove every mark freya left on her but she also wants to pour them both a glass of wine and play card games. they hurt each other as a way of hurting themself. you get the vibes.
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silvermuffins · 2 years
POkemon Scarlet Liveblog! Part 10ish
bc i am Getting Going even if I'm still scraming about Hades 2
first order of business: breed some ducks for friends. Gets Daya a nice date.
got a nice supply of duck eggs!
accidentally sent someone a gothita egg instead
Okay! I hav now filled in Dreepy, Sprigatito, and Gothita in my dex. Next to evolve is Crabrawler. And also Salandit. Wait how to evolv Crabrawler without Mt. Lanakila? Oh, ice stone. Okay we'll volve Monch and move right along. Phanpy nxt! xcellent, volution already. Nxt will b Cufant.
What's it man if a raid marker on the map is xtra sparkly? Oh ther's on right by a fly point, lt's find out. Shiny four stars??? I faild th raid bcaus th Tyranitar kpt spamming EQ....let's try it again. GOT IT! You'r Adgha.
stops in to say hi to mom rq. MOM TAUGHT ME RECIPES.
reexplores th inlet grotto....o this cave has multipl exits! whre am i!!!
ok i rachd th lighthouse
OKAY god we are Trying with this E key. i have been encouraged to be a curious little thing.
how DID i beat you here, Arven? I dilly dallied so much!
....knew it. He really was raised by the dog.
...The lab looks dusty. Doesn't look like anyone's done anything here in years. The computers come to life, and Sada asks for help. But is this a recording? Or a direct mssage? I stg if she's secretly dead or something....
"the great Professor Sada's glorious research" don't lik the sound of that one bit. Need the scarlet book, huh? We've already been using that. An experience worth treasuring. Tmpting, but lady I am afraid the Great Crater is absolutely off limits for the Treasure Hunt. You got legs, and if you don't you got wheels. Maybe expend half an iota of effort on COMING TO FIND YOUR SON.
cybernetic security systems???
Ohh....Mabostiff got hurt down there....Arven has ben there. Arven I know you treasure Mabostiff but w have more to find. More to see. More to do and feel and love. I'm nto doing this for Sada. I'm using her as an excuse to see it all.
HE CALLED ME HIS FRIEND. yah, that's the spirit! We're gonna go down there and punch your mom in the face! Yeah! Lt's duke it out, but also I need to rifle through your mom's shit for clues.
MOnitors covered in data. Mystrious machine. ...Bed with "Maschiff" written on by a kid. Whiteboard mess of scribbles.
Occulture. Roaring Moon, primeval Salamence. Oh shit it aparently looks similar to what I can only assume is Mega Salamence. Flutter Mane, ghost pterosaur...misdreavus....
A fram with no photo. Picture books for kids, including one about sandwich. Heavy fridge door. Cooktop was used recently! Microwave was not. Sasonings ar expired. Sink hasn't ben usd, mirror is foggy. FUCK went outside I hope I can go back in okay ys good...okay i think I found verything
The cooktop and the empty frame stick out to me as the most important things. Time for a battle! ....PUPPY WANTS TO FIGHT ME I LOVE PUPPY
oh you always lost to nemona yeah she's kind of so much all the time. not a bad person in the least. whatever tho im fight you! not her! no matter how sh acts it's not cheating on her to battle other people
i love Arven so much. Hy! First time I've battled an opponent with a full team! ...th fuck is toedscruel made of??? wham wham wham. Come to see it, Arven also looks like the tera orb is a little hard to control.
you did pretty good Arven. Not good enough to have really stood a chance, but pretty good. And now Linny is evolving! W can switch out.
ohhh we need to recruit Nmona and Penny (who I bet is Cassiopeia) huh
tumblr cool your jets. Honstly I think Nmona would help if w just askd but you're right we probably need to earn Pnny's aid. Also my guy i hav champion rank skills by now. ven if it's not official.
yanks another stak from th earth. yanks anothr. FOUND ANOTHR. ooh Bramblberry th applin will join us.
okay maybe let's gt on with things....like dealing with Cassiopeia. Hi, Clive. I know that's not really your name. But I'm not a snitch. And I am always one for indulging dramatic reveals. Impressive hiding long pants under your shorts.
wait wha??? You're Cassiopeia? I don't buy it. ...No you're angling for a battle bfore the real big boss. You could have just asked, you know. Oh I forgot to swap Linny out. This bgm is far too pleasant to b the finale. Hammer off! Abomasnow's Wood Hammr vs Pebbles's Gigaton Hammer!
Man even Clavell has some trouble controlling the orb. maybe it's just Hard. Anyway Chank is volving, so I'll swap in som new Pokmon after the cutscene. There's no way in hell Clavell is really Cassiopeia.
No shit you're not. Yah....yeah I thought you were trying to spare me some pain. Just. Let me learn the truth.
??? Tyme?
right, so, you'r gonna handle that, right professor? WHile I go battle? Okay it's Gibl and Wingull next. But I gotta wait for nightfall. So, friendship! I have nothing for Riafort and Saguaro right now but ooooh hi Miriam! I look forward to your classes next year~
discovers a whol chunk of msagoza I didn't explore before, somehow...ther's nobody in tsi Every Which Way? Not ven the recip guy?
am on roof!
am also sleepy
okay good morning
i think it's nighttime in game by now, so I have a constellation to fight
yeah that's penny alright. It's okay swetie you hid your identity fine, I'm just genre savvy.
Huh, so you didn't decid to do Operation Starfall until that day...? Mayb the two mmbers talking about quotas and trying so hard to convinc you....mayb the outliers in th tam were what told you it had to nd....strayd too far from what you wanted. Team Star lived long enough to see itself become the villain, that's what you thought, right?
yes penny listn to the part of you that wants Team Star to live on!!! They'v been waiting for you! You could guide them back to what you want to be!
oh hey clive, I se you escapd Ms. Tyme
Penny....is just so scard of being hurt.... Penny they're your friends. You never ven met them in person but they treasure you so much they've waitd for you for eighteen months.
i know from experience that even just a year is a long fucking time to wait. it hurts. physically, it hurts. it tears you up.
Thank god the bosses still had one another, and their squads, because I know how hard that is and I genuinely do not think I would have survived without my important people.
anyway protct Penny protect Team Star
sorry penny don't mind me taking care of this wingull while I dal with you
this music is sick. thanks Giacomo!
she has entirely eeveelutions....but she can't hav all of them, I wonder what will be left out? and what will be her tera?
Her Leafeon is causing me the most problems thus far just because I have no effective counter to grass.
Penny struggles to control the orb too so I guss it's just hard?
somehow I feel like we have arrived at the only outcome nobody wanted.
wll. Humphry is evolving, so we can swap out for somthing....mayb somthing that handles Grass....though most of my options aren't gonna b a viabl lvel by the E4 huh? still I gotta think about my championship team and I know what I need. I need a ground type, dark typ, and something to handle grass. Oh, Gorp is evolving too. Gorp is Ground....might b worthwhil to kep on my team....
anyway tim to hurt
the bosses had better turn up right the fuck now to talk som snse into you
Penny.....who hurt you that you feel like you need to hide and scheme and tie everything up in operations? Can't you even trust your friends...?
fuck it I'm sharing my mom with you too
penny why ar you throwing your treasure away
awww clavell got her, at least
clavell being a Good Adult and acknowldging how fucked up this whole situation is
i finally understand....Pnny's ben all twisted up with guilt, and has kpt hrself distant and alone all this time. Sh nver got to reallyse that Team Star was the best thing that ever happened to the others. There's a difference between hearing somthing said and knowing it with your heart.
All this time she was trying to carry everything herself whn the whole point was that she didn't need to be alone.
thy're all still in trouble.....community srvice huh. ...Star Training Cntrs!!! Oh my gosh....sir you're dressing a reward up as a punishment
Penny they love you and want you to be with them, why do you need my opinion.
does some tam planning before I continue. I will need to grind a bit.
kay Scoots is back on the team! And w also hav a Sandile.
awww the League is like "you know what Penny, you're a genius, so use your talents for good and we'll waive the problem"
also penny I am kidnapping you to go crater diving
god pnny is being praised that foreign to you...?
Starfall Street....complete!
now tim to grind....I wish autobattling didn't giv so much less exp
oh well grinding grinding grinding. yanks a stake.
huh, i found a cave with the elemental hyper beams. Holy shit, Wild Spiritomb! Nam you Jacks. Some Candy later, I hav a Krookodile and everyon's at least to endgame-ish levels.
Okay! To Msagoza!
We have a league to beat but first, time to see if this cav's any good. Is it a real victory road???
....litrally it's not even a cave, wow. th Pokemon up here are worth no exp. Child why are you attempting the League with just a level 14 Meowth. He has no badges. Literally what the fuck???
okay this cabbi is a bit better
this is probably th most underwhelming league leadup ever
I can probably at last take down on elit as I am and if it's too much of a struggle, I have rare candies and plenty of them
Geeta could honestly kill a man with that hair of hers.
oooh Rika is interviewing me!....this is a wirdass intrview. Oh, memory games.
"You passed the interview on your first try?" "What, like it's hard?" Nobody's done it since Nmona huh...
heeeeere goes. Oooh w're back to a specific order, eh? ha'ent done that with a real elite four since gen 4.
Other than Hassel, I'm not sure of anyn type specialties. Rika's gone with Whiscash, so we're probably looking at watr or ground. ...And it's ground! Gt out hre Daya. oooh water absorb, that's nasty....well all else being equal, I have a bird!
I do wonder if it's going to b actually back to back, or if i'll hav a chance to heal first. Oooh Poppy's nxt, and I think it might lgit be back to back to back?! OH NO i do get to heal up
also this arena is bland as fuck
oooh she deals in steel eh. easy peasy. Jupe sweeps. Oh my god the steel crown is just an axe.
well jupe will sweep again and Daya has whatever Jupe doesn't deal with-- oh he's not pulling a gen 7 on me actually. Oh he's using Flying, so Jupe still sweeps.
oh okay an altaria merits Pebbles. lol okay some swapping shnanigans at the end....
Larry down! I hope I get neat glovs if I win this. Okay, Pebbles is all dressed up and ready to go!
I bet he uses dragon and if not dragon then rock because th rest of the E4 have used the Titans' typs. Either way, Pebbles is the answer. k yah it's dragon.
oh so geeta strong armed you all huh....is Paldea's league some kind of mafia?!
....wait. there was no final rival fight, and it's been a while...am i going to be fighting Nemona??? SOmehow? Like that maks better plot sense but verything seems to be Geeta....
okay yah it's Geeta.
it's fin if you can't hold back I'm a protagonist.
Espathra...and THIS is why I specifically got a dark type! Gogoat? And THAT'S why I grabbed Scoots! Kingambit? King, king...leeeet's stay in for now? Fire's gooooo oh Scoots is down. Un, when in doubt, Jupe? Kingambit down and Scoots back up! Avalugg...I have several things to deal with ice but lt's try Sotero. ...bad moves. Okay, Pebbles! Veluza, that's gonna b Cabrande territory. I hav her backd into a corner and sh has Glimmora... That sounds like th Rock/Poison type I caught earlier? Uhhh what is this thing... Let's use Daya so Daya can appear in this fight, let's Do This! Terastallize, signature move, annnd...oh my god Glimmora's tera hat is just the fucking. Olympus Colisseum.
oh holy shit. Tera STAB crit type advantage, that's uh, that's...every fucking damage modifier basically. No wonder I OHKO'd
Geeta you were mildly troublesome.
THERE'S Nemona! Yeah sure we can be best rivals or whatever now come do a crime with me. We're going crater-diving. Ah, you haven't changed a bit.
awww I'm her treasure. Nemona you realize that's a marriage proposal, right?
oh fuck hr speech there was really cute...Nemona you're actually pretty cool aren't you~ Let's go!
Lycanroc? No biggie, I have a little pink menace with a great big hammer. Orthworm is steel, I think, so get out here Jupe! Dudunsparce is normal, so yeah, Jupe, keep it up! Hee, here comes her own Pawmot, and THIS is why I brought a Ground type onto the team! Goodra? Aighty, let's get Pebbles back in here! Wait, that's five already? Aw well, okay Daya! Just like we did to Geeta!
Nemona didn't change a bit, she just became more of herself.
Now. Nemona. Crimes. Crater. First a little friendship. Thn picking up some fly points I never hit. Now! To Medali! To the Zero Gate!
damn it looks kinda beat up. Oh! New plotline! The Way Home!
Powr saving mode.... eeee Arvn and the girlsquad are going on an adventure~ God I feel so bad for Arven, it must hurtto get treatd like this in front of pople he hasn't trustd with everything...
Nemona, no. We are not going to battle the professor excitingly. We're going to beat her face in.
Oh man...this is SO cool. Are we all gonna ride Koraidon together?
That cutscene. That was everything to me. That was it, that was the essence of everything I seek, everything I long for, everything I dream of. That was the essence of why I always com back to Pokemon.
Koraidon doesn't wanna be here....buddy what happened? ...Oh shit we lost Nmona! How'd she fall off?! She was in the middle!
oh no she's fine
....somthing's off. Arven's reaction here, and his "probably" on identifying his mom earlier...
disable four locks in research stations on the way down. can do!
OH MY GO THEY'RE JUST GONNNA FOLLOW ME AROUND we're really i this together
holy shit the music
holy shit this PLACE. Is this supposd to give me Nier Automata vibes?
lmao my friends trying to compet over who's my bestest frind
i wondr what the fuck even made the crater....like. It's a cratr. Something made it, right?
WOO fighting shit! And Pnny being the straight man to our shenanigans. To the extent that she is either straight or a man, that is.
man vrything here looks so weathred
oh yah rsearch stations man NOTES. Stuff about the origin of the tera phenomenon! Ooh and a telportr.
awww my frinds are bcoming friends!
holy shit so much to explore
okay here's the second station
oh that is SO not a jigglypuff. Scram Tail! Jigglypuff, but Screamo!
okay base 2. once again Sada just kind of dropping eaves. Gonna give som plot? oooh ancient pokemon! ...Sada just. Has a time machine. Sh just, has one.
Wait so the ancient pokemon don't liv here naturally, sh just. Brings thm here? Then what the fuck is the cratr?
squints at this convrsation. ...the cost was catastrophic...
It is theoretically possible to travel to the past, but a human can't return to the present. Somehow I get the pictur that's involved with the catastrophic price.
i guess that's reasonable enough. Some conversations are important to have face to face. MOre specifically, within punching range.
Arven....your dialogue here.....
"Paradise will be ours to create" because THAT always ends well....unstable crystals, nrvous financial backers....
i am getting sleepy and also lost
see you in a few line breaks
screams i would like some time to myself. and some focus.
literally like three days later
cheesus christ i have no memory of this place. thre's a big rock with an item on top i can't reach bcause i can't ride koraidon.
something isn't adding up. If the ancint Pokemon were only brought here via time machine, whcih Sada only got working sometime in the last several years....why's there a picture of Great Tusk in the Scarlt Book, and what made the Great Cratr so dangerous?
man the crater goes deep.
watches Nemona, Arven, and Penny slowly fall off a cliff and disappear into the abyss?!?!?!?!?!?
found a cave....i have noooo idea how thoroughly i have xplored this bit of the crater...nother research station! eyyyy it's tusky boy. Penny is right that IS kind of a hug problem. Thing is they've been on the prowl for months, if Occulture is to be believed.
oh nemona this is why you're the muscle. Sada just, taking over for Arven.... Koraidon was the first pokemon retrieved from the past, huh...and, yp, confirming that it's the past form of Cyclizar.
...two specimens? why are we assuming they're family. that seems likely to end poorly. i doubt it WILL but like....it COULD. and even if they are family, like??? so were Lusamine and Lillie, look how THAT ended.
'I was expecting one new life to treasure' THAT MEANS ARVEN IT HAS TO
okay that tunnel is clearly the way forward so imma keep exploring here for a bit
hm. Okay. Intrsting history with Koraidon Arven has there, and yeah I see why he felt that way. ...wait. goddammit I ned like, a timeline of Arven's personal history, because who lived where when with whom is not adding up.
Tons of Chansey down here, it'll be great for grinding levels for the dex latr. ...Okay yah I definitely need to explore again when I hav Koraidon. Let's carry on!
WILD SCREAM TAIL I wanna catch it! ...Oh this thing is beefy. Okay just get in the ball, GOT IT alright Pita.
Man...what on earth made this place? "feels like maybe you already died and went somewhere" huh...and yeah Penny im p sure this place is the source of the energy used to terastallize Pokemon.
we must go deeper
...i guess you could say we're gonna get t the bottom of this! ...nmona, no. ...nmona. Nemona, NO. Penny is correct, as ever.
Okay if Sada took Koraidon into th cratr and hasn't com out since, how'd Arven get Koraidon's ball?
Th crystals get biggr the farther down we go...oh what fresh hell is this? What happened in here?
Sada???? U good???
So, I know the game's a bit buggy, but it looks like Sada is too? uhhhh
"That man walked out not long after the boy was born" im sorry? sorry WHOMST? Turo????
....if only. thre were two of me. sada YOU HAVE A TIM MACHINE.
th scond koraidon was broguht later and was aggressive...
"You know what you need to do." All locks released. I feel like I did a bad thing. Like I got tricked into reviving Dracula or instigating the Fall or something.
man do clavll and th othrs even know we're here
WEIRD MISDREAVUS. Flutter Mane....you'r gonna b Yooki. STAY IN TH DAMN BALL. GOT IT, finally, that took like 20 ultra balls.
Metal plate with a wird symbol, and a map of Paldea, and...thre's an enormous crystal here... you know, it would scan if th crystal crashing from space made the crater, I think?
I wonder if I can breed paradox Pokmon or if I'm gonna need to catch som mor the slow way?
what the fuck, ar thos VENTS in th crystal. What the fuck did th crystal absorb the lab?!
This is a much bigger area than thy're gonna let m explore isn't it...oh no wait. WAIT oh my.
Man it's not a Lost Continent plot so much as a Journy to the Center of the Earth plot
where am i
i find it kind of intriguing that Geeta's ace is th pokemon found in abundance all the way down here. Sorry to Arven, Nemona, and Penny, but if thy're gonna let me be the leader they're gonna have to run around, them's the rules.
chews on thoughts and questions and nihilego. glimmora. hmmmm
I am here I hav explord it is time to enter the Zero Lab. I get cell service down here? Sada you're presumably right insid you could come to the door and greet us.
okay the lab really is getting eaten by tera crystals but what is this about them optimizing the performance of machinery? If the tera orbs are made of these crystals why can pokemon centers recharge them?
well. that IS why we brought Nemona.
you dipshits. listen to penny. penny is wise. Oh, you're letting me choose? ...I guess if no is the wrong choice, the game will But Thou Must me. yep it did. but aww, Nmona that's sweet.
guuuuys this is baaaaad....OH SHIT THE OTHER ONE. Oh god it's been lockd outside the lab. Sada said the Pokemon insid would probably make a break for it, but instead, othr Koraidon went in....
they made mine sooooo expressive though like BABY im sorry I brought you here :c
THANK YOU PENNY ugh Nemonaaaaa why.
oh here the other ones come. YES DO IT NEMONA. Oh Scoots is a reliable partner now! Oh no, are Nemona and Penny running off to stop a breach?
oh no is Arvenn staying behind too!?
okay this is a weirdass doorway. oooh dislike that the exit is a hole in the wall. Sciecne stuff....oooh there's sad....eactivating slep mode....
she keeps th aggro one in a mastrball. and sh is a robot. Not hard to see this coming after the trek down hre but....wow POkemon really making some bold moves here.
the real sada is dead...in the incident....ohhh boy. oh shit she sacrificed herself to protect MY koraidon.
Stop the time machin. Sure. That's a sane thing to ask a GODDAMN TWELVE YEAR OLD to do. We're going farther down but ma'am i have snooping to do.
i am going to sic my tinkaton on this mtal lady
Pokeball lock system to defend the lab. Rocklike thing in the tube. A picture of a young boy with a Maschiff...more rocks in tubes.
down w go.... Robosada can't lav because the crystals make her possible.
primal nergy? tera?
no SHIT they wreak havoc on the modern ecosystem!!! anyone with a basic understanding of ecology could have told you that! these things are invasive species of a magnitude ONLY surpassed by literal fucking aliens!
holy shit the robot copy of the profssor has BETTER thics than the professor maybe i don't need to sic my tinkaton on her
okay this place is gorgeous
oh this is why robosada needed th help of a formidible trainer. because i DO need to sic a tinkaton on hr.
To protect my treasure....to protect the whole of Paldea!
Why yes, AI Sada, I am familiar enough with a great many Pokmon to guess at patterns and detect weaknesses even in unfamiliar Pokemon. And yes, my human brain can overcom your wealth of data using two tools: innovation, and brute. fucking. force.
Had a lot of luck play out in defeating her third POkemon...next is Sandy Shocks so I think I want a ground type? aaaaaaaAAAAAAAA. Roaring Moon...I know that one! Oh, that was it? No terastallization?
okay AI down. Time for Feelings. god she really did love Arven, didn't she? She just loved her insane dream more.
oh damn that interface screw....oh shit. Our Pokeballs are locked, other than the ones rgistered to Sada's ID...which means this is designed to allow Sada and the protocol to brutally maul intruders who cannot fight back.
som intnse M.I.K.E. flashbacks ngl
But, thankfully....I have Koraidon. So does she. It? Koraidon, the guardian of paradise. Yeah...yeah, myKoraidon is!
oh DAMN transformation sequnce! We got this, Koraidon! Let's check out your summary bc this is SO cool. Uh, be great if I had the chance to fix this moveset. Hooboy that was close.
i knew I'd hav to trastallize....and I have a superffective tera type and all, plus this will be the first time I've ever used Tera Blast...
Victory is mine
oh...sh has to slfdestruct doesn't she....oh. No. She's going to disappear into the ancint world she loves so much. To unbind herself...and to stop the machin...
whre is the button to hug arven
arven this is your cheerup crew. FRIENDSHIP. holy fuck im almost taring up.
credits roll
0 notes
Arcane Headcanons
- def has body hair that she hasn't really put much thought into considering she might not of had a mother figure tell her to shave, was 14 when she got locked up, and wasn't exactly trying to seduce anyone in prison
- may have felt chest dysphoria during adolescence or sometime recently
- probably uses some form of tape\wrap to bind chest
- will likely start to gain weight if she lives with or around Caitlyn
- she\her & they\them pronouns
- probably demigirl
~ may have struggled with disordered eating (probably restrictive) in mid-late teens due to lack of control she felt she jad over her life, getting so focused on pleasing others she forgets to take care of her body, is also an athlete, possibly shamed by mother
~ probably removes body hair everywhere
~ hasn't locked bedroom window since freshman year of high school
~ has had very few, if any friends, throughout childhood and adolescence
~ got used for status, intellect, maybe even her body
~ her gay awakening was seeing Grayson with her wife snd realizing that's what she wanted from love
~ she\her pronouns
~ feels comfortable in identity as a woman
♡ a cottagecore lesbian before cottagecore lesbianism even existed
♡ has probably been with her wife since she became an enforcer
♡ lives on ranch w/ variety of farm animals after retirement to still feel like she can fulfill a duty
♡ doesn't tell her s/o about some experiences as an enforcer unless the story is funny or otherwise lighthearted
♡ probably never introduced her s/o to any coworkers unless they were seen together at social events
♡ private person and afraid that if she were public about her relationship something bad could happen
♡ only invited family & the Kiramanns to the wedding, maybe Marcus
♡ s/o bakes for her
♡ loves to cook simple yet delicious meals for s/o so that she knows they're taken care of
- has ginormous titties
she\her pronouns
has never doubted identity as a woman but feels most confident & powerful in masculine clothing
doesn't really know how to cook anything besides meat or like toast so her s/o would have to cook for her to get her to eat regularly
may have experienced domestic abuse or some form of abuse from parental or authority figure
is super generous for her favorite girls at the brothel by giving them most of the money she wins gambling
is afraid to lead due to fear of making similar mistakes as Silco or Vander
tries not to let herself get too close with people to keep them safe
she/her & he/him pronouns (not my idea)
was taught to fight by father
someone important to gave her the vest she wears when she was young and even though its falling apart she still wears it
very sentimental
comfortable in feminity but prefers to emphasize masculinity bc her masculinity is a symbol of her adult self and also her strongest self
may have internalized misogyny and/or toxic masculinity
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charmixpower · 2 years
Trix and Specialist headcanons?
The specialists and Trix..... Hmmm sure
Icy -
I don't think Icy even knows half of them exist. There's the useful one that had the balls to jump off of Cloud Tower, the free hostage that was dating her mark, the one that refused to hold back anything when dealing with her and her sisters (and was deadly precise with those sting things on his hands), and the fairy one that could match Darcy illusion for illusion. That's about as far as her opinion goes
Darcy -
She's the one that cares the most about the specialists for obvious reasons. She's still a little in love with Riven....or maybe accurately angry that he was willing to jump off a tower to escape her and still feeling the need to possess him for her ego. With love thrown in. It's complicated, and Icy sometimes makes her head spin when she talks to her about feelings but she's certain she wants Riven back in a great capacity. (Maybe she wants what could of been? She doesn't know.) She knows who Sky is, and finds him a bit annoying. She appreciates Brandon's non reactive demeanor sometimes as it reminds her of Icy. She thinks Timmy is a bit annoying but kinda cute, and Helia is just kinda funny to her. A little scary, as he's the only specialist that even came close to killing them, but mostly funny at how ready to fight things out of his caliber he is. Kinda reminds her of Stormy. Nabu, however, pisses her the fuck off on principle. Both because he can see though her illusions and bc he taught Riven how to do that. In reality Darcy is a deeply sensitive person who's craves emotional connections. She does this in the very shitty way of trying to possess people, but girl does just want a romantic partner REALLY BADLY. She wants intimacy and trust, unaware that it's like impossible to trust her...also that she hurt the one person outside of her sisters that came to know when and like her. Tbh Riven jumping off of Cloud Tower is what keeps her going along with everything (even after failure after failure) bc as far as she's concerned there's nothing left for her outside of her sisters
Stormy -
Now Stormy definitely doesn't give enough fucks about the specialists to have actually opinions on the specialists. Riven is that funny emotional guy that Darcy dated once, that she's legally required to hate bc he broke Darcy's heart. The blonde one is dating Bloom, which is why Icy knows about him. She's pretty sure that the brown haired guy that has the most boring reactions to things is dating Steller...or whatever her name was. She does remember that nerd guy for being really fucking annoying, and not in the fun way, when she and her sisters attacked Red Fountain. He was just a little coward, and that makes her angry in a way she can barely explain. She thinks the girly looking guy is pretty ok, he's got a rage she can appreciate, but she hates the fairy guy on principle because he can see though Darcy's illusions
Sky unfortunately is very acquainted with the Trix....mostly Icy. His opinions on all of them start and end at "evil murderous bitches", slightly uncaring about the differences in their evil
Brandon usually ends up being the one that listens to Riven in the few times Riven actually talks about Darcy, and wow, he really hates the Trix. On top of that they attack Sky a lot bc Bloom, and he's reaching Helia levels enraged. He does realize he can't really do anything, at most he can get them a harder jail sentence by being a witness, so he just kinda seethes when ever he sees them
Timmy is just scared of them lol. Mostly Stormy who keeps making increasing violent and graphic threats at him
Riven... Do I even need to say it? ~Darcy trauma~ She never took compete control of his head, like I'm assuming happened in the 4kids dub idk tho, but she did use her magic to push him into doing things that he usually wouldn't. And that invasion of his mind and disregard of his autonomy left him a lot paranoid. Even without the mind control Darcy lying to get into a relationship with him, that really fucked up his sense of trust. That's a very good way to rob someone of any sense of safety in their life, good job Darcy. Nothing is ok!!! Riven also had the joy of being around Icy, very convincing Icy. Who is a fucking nightmare to deal if your close to her. Stormy was cool right up until he realized that her more destructive tendancys where honest to god sadism. Usually tries to avoid the Trix when ever possible for very obvious reasons
Helia just fucking hates them. Across the board. His only opnion is murder
Nabu thinks all of them are fucking unhinged lol. He wasn't there for the really nasty shit, and only knows them in refrence to Valtor. He finds Darcy's enraged reactions when he figures her out to be kinda funny. Eventually he realizes that, no, these girls are very dangerous and he really need to take them very seriously
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jemmo · 3 years
i saw a tweet like "what if in the teaser pat's asking for a one last kiss when they break up" and it made me feel so ..?.. i really don't think that patpran breaking up would be a good storyline after all the scenes of them learning how to be stronger and trust each other. what was all that for? they faced friends, families and their own fears just to break up???????!?!*!*@(@ even when they were still "enemies" they respected and relied on each other... the episodes have shown that they are mature and aware that they have nothing to do with their parent's fight so 🤷 but pran still doesn't know about his mom's side of the story 😓 i am afraid that they might use this to provoke a conflict after he finds out... BUT I TRUST HIM (sorry for my english and if this is too messy)
first of all lovely anon your english is great and being multilingual is impressive enough in itself :))
and as for your ask, let me say this plain sand simple. any and all discussions of a possible patpran break up have only started bc we are aware of the ep 11 curse. bls have always followed this formula and therefore we are looking for something angsty that could happen. but what has p'aof taught us for this entire show?? that tropes are there to be subverted. thats why we got the angst and the parents story and the breakdown in ep 10, not ep 11. thats why countless other things have happened in the show that overtly subvert the established tropes of the drama. so patpran break up discussions should not be had just bc we are trying to find an angsty thing that could happen to uphold the ep 11 curse. what we should be doing is following the narrative of the story we have so far, looking back at the series as a whole and what it has to say, its trends and messages in order to predict what ep 11 might hold.
and all that you've said is exactly right. a patpran break up makes no narrative sense. they have shown time and time again that when faced with obstacles they will chose to stay together, they will stand as a joint front in solidarity. and they have come to far and grown too much to let it become nothing. bc back in earlier eps, i too wondered 'is pran the kind of person that would fight for his relationship with pat? does he have that strength?'. but i've been given my answer. he does. he stood with him when their friends found out, not just in the sense that they didnt break up. bc not only did he reject pat's proposal to say they broke up, literally in that moment chose him, but what was louder to me is that he refused to hide or let wai's hostility scare him out of his relationship. he was still there, out in the open, being with pat, flirting with him, playing with him, loving him, right in front of wai's face. thats more than strength, thats kind of rebellious.
and this almost rebellious side of pran has been further validated to me in ep 10, in the way he spoke to his mother. he could've cowered, could've felt bad and let that affect him, could've rejected any association with pat, or could've admitted to it but said he would end it for her. but he didn't. and he didn't just stay resolute in his devotion to pat, but he called her out. and the things he said to her were above the situation with pat. they're things he would've wanted to say to her even if he never loved pat, even if there was nothing between them. she was still controlling, still pressuring, still manipulative. she still shouldered him with all her rage and desire for revenge and that isn't fair in any situation.
its that that makes me believe pat and pran will not break up. bc its almost like he's woken up now. he's reached the surface, he's ripped the band aid off. he's finally recognised all the pain he feels and he's said no more. and i don't think it would make any narrative sense for him to go back on that. it wouldn't make sense for him to crawl back to his mother on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness when he knows he's not the one that needs forgiving. even when he finds out the truth of the situation, its not enough to change anything. it might make him feel bad for some things he said and for thinking so ill of her, but it doesn't change the fact that the way she handled things hurt him, and i think pran is emotionally mature enough to see that. he always have been, but now he has the strength to say he deserves more than the treatment he's been given.
and i'm not talking a lot about pat here bc there's nothing that will change what his father did. yeah, we can become more understanding of the pressure he was under, but that will never condone his actions, and therefore pat wont see a reason to seek his approval anymore. the image of his father as a role model is well and truly broken and i dont think anything will fix that.
and finally, what i would really like for ep 11 and 12, just at some point, is for them to further subvert all the tropes of classic bl endings by just having the characters have hard but honest conversation. miscommunication is too commonly depended on to create drama, so i'd love for this show to display how through communication we can slowly rebuild relationships, we can get to a better place, we can start to make up for the mistakes that miscommunication caused. bad buddy has always been about spreading good, positive messages about how to deal with very human flaws and the ways they can hurt others, so i'd hope they end by reaffirming that notion.
(but then again, we've learnt not to trust previews, so maybe ep 11 isn't gonna be all fun in the sun. and even though i dont think that kiss is a goodbye kiss, not at all, nor do i think they'll be interrupted, that doesn't mean some kind of chaos cant go down)
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howuart · 2 years
HELLO so. for the dystopian au...
what are the mc's ages? your obviously still figuring out the timeline so it might be hard to say, but do you have any ideas?
and, bc i legally have to ask this one, where are the ninja and co? r they under the control of the overlords army or like. vigilantes? feel like you could do a lot with them here fr
ik the venom is infecting him but PLEASE tell me garma would never hurt his kids please my heart will break <3
what happened to rumis biological parents? did they still die in the g.d attack but at a different time bc. idk timeline shenanigans?
how are our kids gonna react whenever they learn about the gn prophecy? is morro still gonna go villain on us?
and, the two most important questions to ME, does morro see wu as a father figure, and do lloyd and rumi see Morro as an older brother/cousin figure??
srry for the question spam i just really like this concept <3<3<3
never apologize for question spams I love getting them!!
alright let's start
Morro's older than the green sibs and the green sibs are teens for exact ages I haven't figured that out yet.
so Ninja are around but none know each other (except nya and kai obviously) and they lead factions as they try to not die to Garmadon, he as usual doesn't care for them and just wants them out of the picture. None of them were taught how to use their elemental powers to they're all very destructive when they do, they've all learned of them but none know how to control them that well.
All the previous elemental masters were hunted down and killed. Rip them. so none of them know their parents/ have mentors. Jay has a very hazy memory of his parents leaving him with his grandparents (which he just calls ma and pa (ed and edna)) Kai remember's their faces but not much else, nya like Jay has a very hazy version that gets blended with Kai a lot, Cole remembers his mom (he has his dad...for now) and his dad tells him about her when he can, Zane doesn't remember his Dad as per usual.
So back to the factions they don't get along with each other, all preferring different things and not trusting each other. They may be young (young adults maybe) but they lead and make all the big decisions, keep rations and other stuff like that. There are other fractions too like Chen probably has one and other random people plus other's I'm probably just forgetting about right now.
so the ninja since they run into each other a lot, have bands that tell each person whose faction they're from ya know red, black, blue, and white. Nya's are with Kai, the two lead together.
Yes they're trying to defeat Garmadon but not heavily, like the ninja have never known a time without him, so while they want him gone they don't really know if that's possible. or I"ve just not given them enough thought yet. feel free to give any suggestions you have!
Garm would never it was a mix of Anger (things not going his way) the venom and the overlord that caused him to hurt lloyd, and like the split second after it happened garm was back in his senses and wanted desperately to help his son but Lloyd had ran off already.
so the g.d hasn't been released yet, none of the serpentine have, that'll change soon though, but yeah it hasn't been released yet, her parents are dead, they died in one of garm's attacks as he tried to kill the rebels. Or just people that get on his nerves.
And then he saw a child, a little girl all on her own, so Garm (cause he's still a softy) took her in, her being young just kinda went with it she didn't realize that Garm cause her parents to die, till later, she's not sure how she feels on this, while she loves and cares for garm he also killed her parents, so she has mixed feelings. but she also just likes to blame the venom for her parents deaths.
ok ok so when they learn if they lean before they cure him, they're not gonna like it, but no Morro wont go villain, why would he? he's never been told he was going to be the legendary green ninja so he's just like "Wait you mean to tell me that he has to fight his Dad?" he's as appalled as lloyd is to it, Lloyd very much just refuses to be the green ninja. Harumi's just worried why would lloyd have to kill their dad? He'd never their dad was nice!
Yes Morro's mostly refers to Wu as Dad sensei or master why talking about how he trained him and stuff like that. but mostly he just calls him Dad. And Yes Lloyd and harumi see Morro as their cool older cousin/brother, but hate it when he tells them stuff like "don't kill them!" or "no you are not allowed to maim them!" afhlksj Morro's the only one of the three to have morals and he's trying to teach the other two.
Hope that answered all the questions feel free to ask more if you'd like to
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simmonsized · 2 years
I giggled so hard at:
He cannot (will not) stop following after Bro Strider like a lost dog after a bone no this will not change
God, I love their silly dynamic. Glad it won’t change, these two crack me up. Also Bro trying to get himself killed… dude…. Honestly, I would say he’s fucked up but we all know that. He got something wrong up there.
Those were great, as always. Silly stuff is my jam, yk?
It’s mom-londe time!! I cannot stress enough how much I love her. All the lalondes’ are great :)
Bro sure is a fucked up guy, with a strange sense of humor, and potentially kind of sideways ideas about what he wants! But he's fine. They're fine now! I am glad you are having fun, I try to mix some genuine thoughts with my sillier things thrown in but it's kind of embarrassing haha.
Me, every time I make one of these: "this isn't going to be a meta post"
Mom Lalonde!! Momlonde!
Tbh she was really difficult for me at first because of the kind of... Mm capricious nature of her "personality" and also the fact that she's standing up against her (best friend) only competition for parenthood and it's like. Lol bro strider (dadbert doesn't count obviously bc he's dad). But this isn't a meta post, it's for silly headcanons, and I've got time for that! (apologies im writing this before bed and will probably draft it for tomorrow) warning we are going to talk about some downer stuff but I hope I make up for it! (cw alcoholism)
Okay first of all Mom is??? Weirdly tall. Have you ever looked at their goo sprites??? Am I the only one who stared at their ecto sprites and put them side by side no okay cool
Her favorite color is pink!!!!
She is still using that same bedspread from childhood that's canon I just think it's so funny
This lady loves wizards so fucking much
There is no way she has not played DnD
Was Harley's Skaianet protege which drove a wedge between her and Bro early on
Started drinking around 15 due to lack of proper supervision and like, no control
Has been to cool-leg (college)
Recovering alcoholic
I know we don't see Mom for the first little while in rng and okay we're getting into obviously behind-the-curtain bs but this fic was never supposed to get past 45k so yes the beginning is a little rushed BUT
She was trying really fucking hard to get sober and having a shit awful time
I think it would actually be really hard for her to change; Roxy (kid) is a resilient, kind person, but Mom has spent more of her life drinking than Roxy has been alive, and these things take time. Still, she wasn't willing to give up, I imagine, if only because Roxy (little) probably asked her to
I don't think Rose would be brave enough to confront her mother, not yet. When it comes down to it, she's deeply ashamed of her own behavior, but also not as ready to dismiss her upbringing (previous excuses being that her mom was a lonely, single parent) now that she's not dead.
This woman has probably bought every shade of black lipstick in existence to find the one that works for her
Mom boxed in college, for money (and fun!!), and before she lost contact with Bro, he would like, go with her and just "support her' in his weird way
She's probably broken a few fingers in her day, but it just makes her even stronger
She can tenderly cradle Bro Strider like a newborn infant because she is so fucking strong
Jake Harley taught her how to shoot
Nanna has tried to teach her to cook no less than 5 times and has never worked
Her specialty is hangover food
She is trying so hard not to swear in front of her kids this is just something I see in the fandom a lot and it was so funny and sweet I adopted it
Tbh Mom is actually pretty fucking manipulative like if we get down to it she uses her smiles and cheer to corral people into doing stuff for her and it almost always works
She knows this and does it anyway
I think that she was probably super mad at bro and like does she really know everything no of course not but she knows he was fucked in the head and while I think she's oblivious to a point, she knows something is Wrong
But she's mad at him for not contacting her sooner, for falling out with her in the first place, for leaving her behind with Grandpa when she had no one else to turn to as a teen
G.pa is the one who taught her to drive (bro learned from nanna, and then later from [redacted])
Yes her driving with one hand on the middle peg is actually based on a thing that happened to me in the car once I was dying the whole time
She desperately wants to paint Bro's fingernails but he will not sit still long enough to let her
Her idea of apologizing (much like Bro) is to shower people in gifts, and I do wonder if this stems with their fraught relationship with the other beta guardians, particularly grandpa (yes I am aware this is my au I'm just saying)
In fact I am so certain of her tendency towards giving Rose gifts that it makes Rose deeply uncomfortable, almost to the point where she straight up thought her mother was mocking her relentlessly
I think about Rose a lot that's all
She probably has a name for each of those cats and forgets it every single day but when she "makes up" a name again it's coincidentally the same one
She taught Rose how to ice skate on the pond near their house back when Rose was real little, before things got too bad
Her current pride and joy is that minivan she has always wanted a minivan a la large family
Bro will complain til the cows come home but I really think he'd only be willing to ride shotgun if she was driving, though obviously he'd prefer she not be driving at all
She is right-handed, but bats left
Definitely used to walk around the lab with baby Rose strapped to her front, whether she did anything I'll leave to you
That pink shirt hanging out of bro's old suitcase did in fact used to belong to her; when they would travel before they'd share a suitcase
She was a black cat for Halloween every year until she turned 15
She has never heard Bro talk in his sleep bc (forgot to mention this before) when he had Cal, he did not, in fact, talk in his sleep :)
But also bc she can sleep through anything lol
And snores
So when they fought for the last time, bro literally upended the entire suitcase, dumped all her shit(and quite frankly most of his) out onto the floor and then took it and left
Their last big fight was about the house in Rainbow Falls
This lady has all the data for every meteor shower recorded for every year from 1910 until 2012 and has never in her life heard of Proper Data Entry Management
Whats a spreadsheet, Dirk??? How do you spread the sheets Dirk???
Y'all ever see historical recorded data for a buoy before??? That's what we're working with
I think she and Roxy unironically like spending time together. I think Mom was probably more likely freaked at first, but seeing Roxy learn to control her own impulses and admit she had a problem so young really helped her overcome a lot internalized bullshit
Sometimes when she's feeling anxious or sad she holds a martini glass, but she never drinks out of it, not even water
Has definitely had at least one of her teeth knocked out (boxing), but you will never know except she's got fake replacements
Not really above lying for someone else's sake, but mostly would just prefer the easier path if it means avoiding hurting someone's feelings
Has a tendency towards infantalizing the kids but it's hard to tell where she means it to come from -- quite frankly a lot of it stems from the fact that she hasn't talked to anyone sober in years
The other thing is that the last time she Rose she was only 13 still
I remember someone bringing up to me that they were shocked when I mentioned maybe mom could have resented Rose a little while she was growing up and like. I have no doubt she loves her deeply, but it's so hard to put into words the complex problems that go into raising a child at the expense of the loss of essentially your own childhood and especially your young adulthood
This is a little too meta for a silly headcanons post lol I just think Mom is neat
Mom has always wanted to try something like hobby boat racing
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8uggestionamplifie6 · 3 years
I've been thinking. Would Anakin and Padme actually be good parents?????
Like, think about this realistically.
Anakin already has a kark ton of problems. For one, he does NOT know how to love unpossessively. Two, he is already super controlling and kinda toxic(?).
If he leaves the Jedi Order to be with Padme and the twins, he would never learn the difference between attachment and love.
(And yes there is a freaking difference. Love is when you care about someone to the point where you want them to be happy, even if it's not with you. Attachment is when you 'love' someone so much that you can't stand the thought of that person being with someone else that isn't you. There is a very clear difference. Even George Lucas said it in a few interviews.)
Like, I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan tried to teach Anakin the difference, but Anakin just never understood it or didn't want to accept it. Anakin wasn't raised in the Temple. He wasn't taught Jedi beliefs and the difference between love and attachment on a daily basis by the creche masters. Instead, he had been freed from slavery, separated from his mother, Qui-Gon got killed, and he experienced a MASSIVE culture shock once he was accepted into the Temple, and he had been paired with an (although good) unwilling master AKA Obi-Wan who only accepted Anakin as his student because of Qui-Gon's final words.
Yes, I know, they do eventually develop an actual strong relationship, but the main reason Obi-Wan fought for Anakin to become his padawan in the first place was because of Qui-Gon. The only reason why Anakin was even accepted into the Order was because of Qui-Gon and later, Obi-Wan's insistence to keep his promise to Qui-Gon.
(Also? Really Qui-Gon? You had nothing to say to your Padawan who was basically your son? Even when you appeared in the Clone Wars, you hardly even cared about Obi-Wan, you just obsessing over Anakin. Like, I get that he's the 'Chosen One' or whatever, but I don't care. You don't treat your apprentice/son like that. And then you had the audacity to force a guilty and crying Obi-Wan who was holding your dying body to promise to train Anakin Skywalker, who Obi-Wan didn't even like for that matter? Like? Bish, you ungrateful nerfherder.)
As I said, Anakin doesn't understand how to love like securely and non-possessively. He was probably taught it by Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi, but that information clearly went through one ear and straight out the other.
Maybe Anakin would be a good parent for the first few years of Leia and Luke's lives, but the moment puberty hits? BAM! Helicopter parent right there!
This mainly concerns Leia because in Anakin's mind, she's a girl, she's not a trained force-sensitive, so she can't protect herself, and she's HIS daughter, she shouldn't do this or that, she can't have this or that. She can't have male friends, she can't hang out with any guys, etc. Because Anakin doesn't want Leia to not spend time with him or not be there constantly. He's controlling and he wants to control her life. Like I said, she is HIS daughter, not her own person (scroll all the way to the bottom for an explanation). He'd likely refuse to let Leia go to any parties, talk to any boys, or even have a basic social life.
Things might be a little different for Luke. Anakin might not be as controlling but will still be controlling to some degree.
Moreover, Padme would NOT reign him in or even stop him. She's already shown in AOTC and ROTS that she is perfectly willing to make excuses for any and all of Anakin's bad terrible decisions even though the evidence is right there in front of her face.
Like, she seriously tryna make me believe that killing a ton of innocent people in the Tusken village is good? Sure, maybe SOME of them might have deserved it, but all of them? No, they didn't, especially not the poor innocent kids. Like, Padme, is you good in thy head or not? You ain't see no red flags?🚩🚩🚩 anybody?
Also, in ROTS, she knows that Anakin is fully capable and willing to kill innocent people if he believes someone he loves is in danger/dead, but when Obi-Wan tells her what Anakin did in the Temple to the Younglings, she tryna act all slick like, "I don't be knowing what you talkin about", even though she clearly does. She seen Anakin confess what he did to the Tuskens and now she tryna lie? And on her death bed, she tryna convince me and Obi-Wan that Darth Vader is still good, like, did the dude NOT just strangle you and kill a bunch of innocent people?
I may be dumb, but I'm not THAT dumb, okay? I understand what murder is. Anakin just straight up shanked all of the Jedi in the Temple with the 501st.
Like, bruh, I get you smart and all, Padme, and you a senator and all, but I don't know if have any more brain cells than I do money when it comes to Anakin. And I have 0 dollars right now.
So, like, no, I don't think Padme would stop Anakin in the slightest. She'd probably make more excuses for him, like "that's how he shows his love for you" or "just get over it, Leia" or even "he's your father, let him do what he wants".
In short, the freaking helicopter parenting would continue and Luke and Leia are gonna be trapped because they ain't no trained Jedi. They can't do shit and they are still minors.
Leia/Luke might even run away from home or even Fall (*extreme case**very extreme and unlikely but still possible*) 'cause they are force-sensitive y'know.
Freaking Court might even get involved. Some lawyers might also be called up. Luke and Leia better make sure to dial the numbers of some therapists for their parents, too, and also maybe a mind healer. Neither of your parents are straight in their heads.
Anyways, none of yall gotta agree with me 'cause this is just my opinion, but at least look at it from my point of view first before you hate on me in the comments. Like, I really hope that Anakin and Padme would be good parents but I just don't see it working out (????).
I hghly recommend this fanfic for any interested reader. It explains the problems of helicopter parenting from Anakin very nicely, so please read it. Also, please read some of the comments.
There's more!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Let me share something:
"A desperate parent hovers; a good parent guides."
Every parent needs to learn to let go of their kids eventually. The kids are going to leave the nest sooner or later and the parent needs to understand this.
Maybe, during the first 15 years or so, the parent can hover, but once that kid starts wanting to be independent, you gotta start giving that kid some space.
Like a bird, they gotta spread their wings and they can't do that if they stay cooped up in the nest for the rest of their lives. No baby bird is gonna fly immediately after they gain their wings and feathers. They gotta stretch them out first, do a few practice runs, and then they'll finally know how to fly.
Same thing for your kids. If they want independence but you know that they can't handle it yet, just give it to them. They gotta learn somehow. They gotta practice. And you just gotta be there to catch them if they fall.
You can stop hovering and instead start guiding. Because your son/daughter isn't just YOUR child anymore—they're becoming their own person and you need to realize and accept that. They're becoming an adult and your equal, so you gotta stop treating them like they're just your kid. Bc they're both your kid and their own person and you gotta realize that.
You can't keep your kids in the nest forever. Sooner or later, they're gonna rebel against your hovering and they'll cut you out of their lives bc you're being a toxic influence on them and they know it. Then, despite all your desperate hovering to keep your kids safe and in the nest, YOU are going to be the reason why your kids don't want you in their lives anymore.
You just gotta let go.
Yes, you can hover like a desperate parent for the first ten and a half years of your kids' lives, but eventually you're gonna have to stop doing that. Because they aren't dumb ten year olds anymore that need your constant hovering. Now they're teens and now they're adults who are experiencing the real world.
And the only thing you can do is accept that your kid has grown up. Or they will grow up. Or they are growing up.
You just need to cross the line from hovering to guiding.
You gotta let go of the bike sometime and let your kid ride on their own without the training wheels.
You just gotta cross that line. Maybe it'll be a little hard, but when was parenting ever easy? I know that it'll hurt to have to let your kids go, but you just gotta trust them.
You have already spent the last nearly two decades loving them, caring for them, and teaching them all you know. You just have to hope that they'll keep your lessons and teachings close to their hearts and that they'll listen to the occasional advice or two.
You just gotta trust your kid and your parenting skills, and cross that line.
Your son/daughter has become their own person. And the only thing you can do is be there for them, be ready to support them, be ready to give some of your wisdom, and trust that they'll succeed.
For helicopter parents, however, they never cross that line between hovering and guiding, and I'm not sure Anakin would be able to either.
#star wars#sw anakin#anakin skywalker#padme lives au#padme amidala#leia skywalker#luke skywalker#Im not sure if anakin and padme would be good parents#like its possible but realistically? I dont think theyd be good parents#like anakin will probably be kicked out of the order (because he married a senator AS A JEDI and didn’t think to leave)#he just ruined the Order's stance on remaining neutral bc now people are gonna ask if they were neutral to naboo#the political ramifications for it is insane so check out my account bc i got a post about it#anakin would likely never learn how to love UNpossessivly and become a helicopter parent#and padme wouldnt stop him because . she already make a shit ton of excuses for him in aotc when anakin#murks innocent CHILDREN and she's like <; he JUST MURDERED PEOPLE AND ITS OK????#padme is an enabler for the most part and i know she would not stop anakin if he became a helicopter parent when she already doesn't care#leia and luke would grow up in such a toxic environment#yes you dont have to agree but just think about it logically#anakin already don't know how to love securely/unpossessively and if he leaves the Order#he still aint gonna learn and padme aint gonna reign him in#i feel so bad for luke and leia. at least in OT they had good parents#Bail is Best Dad^tm#Obi-Wan you gotta sue this couple and take them kids away. You Bail and Breha can keep'em. Y'all better at being parents#which is weird cause none ya got kids but thats okay luke and leia can be your kids#obi wan kenobi
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