#not that its bad im just 22
cherrysnax · 1 year
hope people chill out soon, your take was immaculate and actually the reason I followed you initially bc i am an adult who likes cartoons and little kid shows but also doesn't get in internet fights about them and thinks adults who do are... wild, for lack of a better term..
but!!! now I wanna know about your comic (???maybe its a comic not sure) that you've mentioned, I couldn't find a tag to search but do you mind sharing about it? tysm either way have a good one
hi nonnie!! first of all ty for the well wishes and compliments! i'm sure once all the jokes and the offense die down, people will be relatively normal again... i hope.. lets get into the meat of the ask under the cut
EDIT: this got long so if u just want the basic gist, go to the very end!
soooo my girlfriend @pokemonleague and i decided back in...2018? to make spidersonas due to our love of comics and the movie into the spiderverse, but since we're nerds that totally span out of control. it went from a fan rp with several spider-man themed characters to a completely original concept with new characters, our own setting, power system-- the works. it is about superheroes, so it might not be your thing. okay so first backstory stuff
it used to be called the phillyverse and if u go into the tag u might find some old art, but its all extremely outdated (and bad. im not the bessst artist). after some delegation we decided to start making it a comic (we spent YEARS debating it) and named the project around last year. its uh called Show Your Spine!
I'm the worst at describing things but we have like 3 whole seasons entirely plotted out so I can pull somethin like a pitch together: while the vigilantism is a core aspect, with the main overarching plot being a group of unlikely heroes, old and new banding together to stop their city from being overrun by the mob, supervillains, and other threats. it's really about finding love and community in a city at war and finding the strength to protect and nourish it. all the while unlearning all the shit the last generations have taught us, to stop us from perpetuating the cycle of hate... while also beating the shit outta some baddies
in short its abt cringe-fail women doing cringe-fail things lmaoo. its a like a superhero-action-soap opera taking place in the retro-futuristic city of Chesire Grove, new jersey.
in this world, there's people with powers called Augments, who are just like you and me but due to changes in their DNA due were born with the ability to manifest different abilities (think mutants or metahumans). the tension between augments and humans is a little.. high right now, but allegedly better than they've ever been before. It's a newish era of human-augment relations, for better or worse.
we have an ensemble cast, and we intend on taking the main characters from the ages of 16 to eventually 25. the characters are aging in real-time.
OKAY PLOT TIME: The first few arcs focus on a delinquent teenage girl, Leo, trying to find a cure for one of her best friends who has fallen ill after trying a new drug, by all means necessary. during her quest for it, she meets the elusive newer vigilante Spitfire, who had saved her once before. Despite a rocky start, the two start a mentor-mentee type thing, in hope that the other can help them find what they're looking for. For Leo, she's looking for info on the man who made the drug that's been killing people, desperate to make him reverse engineer it. For Spitfire, they're looking for Chesire Grove's longest-running protector: Nightingale, who has suddenly gone missing. Spitfire's a bit new in town but lucky for them, the kid knows the city like the back of their hand.
At the same time, a sheltered augment teen's life is changing, as her overly protective father has finally realized that keeping her inside wasn't protecting her at all. freshly enrolled in a school for STEM students, Bobbi (also known by his nickname Retro) has to learn how to navigate the world for the first time and solve the full mystery of her past, all while her powers are on the fritz.
there's so much to this world, and we're so excited to share it with everyone!! i tried to be pretty vague cause of spoilers, and like i said, bad with words
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sampilled · 3 months
it's weird how in the flashback episodes we never really see sam as an angry kid when we hear so much about how he argued with john nonstop and how vocal he was about hating the life throughout the show, he's always portrayed as kinda timid and quiet.
the only time we see him act out like that (that i remember right now anyway) is in after school special and he spends the entire episode pushing it down and swallowing everything he wants to say until he is finally pushed too far
its almost like sam wasn't a horribly angry child (or adult)
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dannyphannypack · 4 months
i’m very sorry, but you guys have got to properly label your ao3 fics because “bad parents jack and maddie fenton” is starting to really get on my nerves.
and if, in the middle of the fic, you decide to add a tag like that: PLEASE communicate that you’ve done so in the chapter notes. because i don’t recheck the tags after i’ve bookmarked something.
please. i don’t think it’s that big of an ask.
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fairy-grotto · 7 months
hey so why the fuck did no one tell me that you hit a certain age and then cyclically want children? Like monthly?
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ranting about niche things in my own tags so i can come back to them at a later point and see if my opinions have changed (i was in a crowded area for longer than i wanted to today and need to get over my hater energy)
#the vball world anouncers in rio rn are pissing me off so bad.#like my girl emily usually doesnt annoy me but her points are being brought down by the absolute negativity of the other two...#like im not saying every anouncer gotta be like my man clayton cause im sure thats not everyones style but when hes not describing whats#happening the things hes adding are fun/mood lifting#like its such a chore to get through these anouncers negative ass commentary like every single play is a mistake#(unless it comes from their blorbos on the us team)#and instead of just telling us or framing it in an informative way they just have to use boring and overly negative tone.#its especially terrible since the 3 in antalya rn all have such better energy so like the contrast is brutal#hat off to clayton hes my fav but what i like about the 3 in antalya rn is that 1. they have a bit of whimsy in their soul 2. they sound#like theyre having a good time and enjoy the game 3. they will say a play that didnt go to plan without being an absolute fucking downer#about it.#like i fr have to mute games sometimes ...#idk clayton is blorbo from my anouncement panel like when he gets so excited i as a listener get so excited when hes scereaming cause the#rally is so intense im screaming when he is in tears over carolanne kiss at 22 world champs im also in tears like come on#also will never forgive /that one/ for the way they speak about the asian teams/brasil cause dont be a commentator for international events#if youre gonna be weird about it.....#not to sound like i hate all these anouncers cause i dont. as i said the three in antalya are absolutely on it but it sucks that have the#tournament is lowkey ruined for me....#thats dramatic but its just not as fun#like when brasil would score and we'd still be getting a run down of jordan larsons biography... like shes a good player but lets give the#teams equal energy here#sigh
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girlwithfish · 3 months
idk i hate thinking abt childhood and then also like 18-20 and then also 20-22 . so all of my life :)
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smileymoth · 4 months
i need to stop having problems before i completely lose it
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altruistic-meme · 5 months
told my mother that i am excited to turn 30 and she was absolutely baffled and turned it into a "you should enjoy every year :)))" thing and im just so tired like ma'am i understand the sentiment but you aren't even trying to understand my meaning
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theamazingannie · 11 months
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My comparative Speak Now TV review tier list. This is NOT my review of the songs themselves, just how they compare to the original. Orange and Yellow are basically the same level, but the 'tism puts the similar ones slightly higher
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mejomonster · 1 year
Justice in the dark, I'm begging u come back ;-; if youku won't share any info on wtf is going on then I'm asking u to return without notice ToT just asap please for Me
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merverelli · 2 years
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i blacked out and this appeared on my screen???
anyway pink parrots were robbed !!!
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termagax · 10 months
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i cant post the full of these until tommorow but bweeeeeee isnt he so cuteness
#did this comic relatively fast for me and i like about 50% of it#which. its getting posted tommorow morning so yknow itll have to do#experiencing one of those 'idk how to draw this without it looking bad' 'guess itll just have to look bad :sunglasses:' moments#BUT i think these expressions are cute and theyre more in line with what i want to be doing in general anyways? pushing it in a#direction i feel like ive struggled with before. i like cartoon overbites though i think theyre so adorable. maybe this is just what growin#up on the simpsons does to a motherfucker. anyways#my boyfie. baby style#trying to decide in my head how old i actually want him to be in some of theseeeee#because iirc. again im not going to check. the new official timeline puts him at being 20#but the way I had the timeline before in my MIND. he wouldve been a little older. not so much but like. 26-28 yk.#and fish wouldve been closer to 20-22#which idk i think its a little bit different of a dynamic to have 28-20 instead of two 20 year olds. so it would change things#but also i just idk i dont think him being that young works with how they talk about him pre-wasteland in. any of the official stuff#its just because he has terminal old man disease i think but like. idk i feel like even 28 is too young but thats like as far as i feel goo#squishing the junkertown timeline down to#and even then i think. that it breaks ? something else?#ive never done the maths but i think it breaks junkrat. because hes supposed to have been born in like. a more or less fully formed#junkertown? and with jq in charge for like. half of his life.#this part of the timeline doesnt work anyways#it barely works with the official read#theres not really a good way to have my cake (older boyfriend) and it eat too (everything else makes sense in my mind)#🐟
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 8 months
everyone loves me for my basic bitch taste in music and my horrid taste in video game fandoms
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piplupod · 9 months
parents want to install a second security camera, this time on the side of the house i use for exiting and entering so ... guess i Definitely won't be able to go to the trans group in town anymore fjfkdl since it was a thing i had to sneak in and out to do 🫠
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attempting another raglan knitwear item [screaming and crying car crash sound effect cat yowling glass breaking]
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having Big Feelings in the tags. you neednt read them, but you should go drink water and stretch your eyes
#makin one of those posts thats all tags bc i need to just do emotions for a sec#98% of the time i fuckin love being aroace. i like how i exist in the world and our flags fucking baller#but wooo boy that 2% of the time (my current state)#nothin makes you stare into space despondently while crying silently like knowing therenothing *wrong* w you per se#but there something fundamental to your existence that means your emotional needs will very likely never be met the way you need them to be#my roommate whom i love with my whole entire soul has their partner over whom i also love with my whole entire soul#and its making me so agonizingly jealous bc i want what they have so badly it actually literaly fucking aches in my chest#i want the banter and the cuddling and the intimacy and the love. the goodnight phonecalls and the undeniable proof that i am loved just#as much as i love and that i am a peiority in someone else's life to the same degree that i prioritize them#but i know i dont get to have that because i cant do it the way almost anybody wants#i want to fall asleep next to someone but i dont want to date. i wont do it. it makes me so uncomfortable#but without performing romance theres almsot no chance ill get to have that kind of deeply intertwined life#and like. i love my friends dearly and deeply. i vall them the loves of my life bc they are#but even those relationships wont get to be like what i want so bad. they all have or want romance and i know how that works#it doesnt matter that they love me too because when you have a partner thats the priority. i get it. its fine.#i dont mind stepping back from my friends to give them room to build the lives they want.#i jusy want somone to want to build a life with *me*#dont mind me in just tired and sad and experiencing the agonies of being 22#theres a part of me that looks at all this and just says 'maybe someday' but ive been living off nothing bu 'someday' most of my life#and im dead fucking tired of it#idk man maybe im just mentally ill and have mommy issues who knows#anyway im going to bed now#if you know me irl and you read all this 1)this is NOT meant to imply youre doing something wrong. not your fault amatonormativity is this#2) ill be fine i just need to sleep and 3) i love you more than i know how to say and i always will no matter what shape our lives take
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