#bc some of the shit that bothers them i dont really care about lol
cottageivy · 1 year
trying to decide if i should go ahead and read the sun and the star now despite not having read the last two trials of apollo books or to just go ahead
#the only stuff ive seen about it is from 2 pjo blogs i follow and listen. love them great posts but also#they do tend to always skew negatively and i love them for it but i also am taking with a grain of salt#bc some of the shit that bothers them i dont really care about lol#again love their blogs thats why i follow but#anyways from what ive seen and i ahvent seen any actual spoilers#but i have seen the fact tah apparently rick disregards the plot of the toa books#which idk if im mad at bc i havent finished them lmao#also something doesnt follow a canon detail but its rick riordan that man does that so many times#also tumblr people despise solangelo and that is their right#im more neutral on them but like i like the potential of them#they just werent developed enough and thats what they use as an excuse but in like a mean way skadaj#anyways all this to say. idk if reading the last two toa books are important#i did read the Big One (burning maze ifykyk) so i wouldnt be spoiled there#i know piper gets a nameless girlfriend in the end that we dont even properly meet at the end of the series#which so true sapphic piper is so real but also thats not proper rep babe#the two lesbians that house leo (and calypso? i cant remember) are better rep#give piper her own book pls#...maybe write it with an indigenous person tho bc uh. we dont want a hoo repeat#IM RAMBLING ABOUT PERCY JACKSON ON MY SIMS BLOG IM SORRY#I JUST HAVE THOUGHTS#i placed a hold on the order on the book at my library and im 23rd in lines#so maybe ill get the last two toa books and read them in the meantime idk#ivy rambles
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ganondoodle · 1 year
as i was awake in the middle of the night for like 2 hours bc i felt sick i had more somewhat random totk thoughts
one being that i really hate how raurus response to concerned zelda is, after sonia died in that almost funny how little impactful it was way, "im sure you are here for a reason" (actually, i hate how often this sentence is used in general to .. idk i guess its supposed to be inspiritational???)
bc what does that mean actually? him saying that to someone who got there absolutely by accident really just sounds like "i dont care go figure it out yourself bc i dont want to think about anything concerning you or your troubles lol" i guess its meant to sound like OOOOH fate has BROUGHT you here bc you have to furfill a role you dont know yet (spoiler its being a sacrifice girl with no personality) and besides me hating the 'inescapable fate' trope in general (at least the way its usually done in these games, which is not to struggle against it but willingly accept whatever you are told and pretend thats good) its really jsut goddamn boring and is really only an excuse to well .. ignore her and her trouble; shouldnt you, if you were actually such a cool guy like the game wants me to believe so bad, do everything in your power to get zelda back to her own world before shes pulled even further into the war you caused now that her only ""mentor"" that could help her get more use of her pretty much useless sudden powers is gone too?? i know shes basically dead wife sonia replacement (can of worms ugh) but it still grinds my gears whenever i think of that cutscene, bc i cant help but hear it as the lamest excuse in existence to not care about her and just kinda .. see what happens which in this case means leave zelda completely on her her own since both rauru and mineru die as well (honestly shouldnt rauru have thought about like .. any plan to defeat gan besides dying himself, given hes the oh so cool and goodest guy king whos only mistake was not stabbing gan the second he stepped into their kathedral castle thing, like even if you had a plan it can still fail but it seemed like he just kinda went in with a handful of people that didnt seem to know each other at all, never got names or faces -or unique voices for that matter- to fight gan face to face inlcuding the girl that came from a different time and had nothing to do with any of this conflict and couldnt even really control her sudden new powers just seems pretty stupid)
thought 2
how totk really feels like botw but for the people who didnt like shiekah tech, its not a sequel, its botw again, but version of only sonau, its like a pokemon game that had two versions but one has weirdly incoherent story and acts like the other never existed jsut as a whole its like retreading the same points but worse, all shiekah tech that was so integral to the world and had such a long history just vanishing and no one caring about any of it like it never happened, HELL the titans were called divine beasts in english but i guess they werent divine or important enough to keep around LOL champions WHO and isntead a never before seen or even heard of race for that matter showing up and planting their ass in every place the shiekah were before, dare i say it feels weirdly manipulative, like either them or some outside force erasing every fact about the ancient shiekah and replace them with sonau stuff bc they are the hot new shit now
this is a point that just doesnt stop bothering me, how the shiekah tech seemed so carefully designed and integrated into botws world and story, its a difficult to keep balance after all, integrating high tech stuff into a medieval setting, but they made it work! and then totk comes around and throws a bunch modern day tech into it puts some vague greenish stone filter on its exterior and call that even better more ancient tech; why did they even bother to make pottery inspired laser shooting spider legged robots so well integrated when they throw a car and rockets into the next game without a thought and call it a day, what was the fucking point
it feels like someone was dead set on having a set of legos thrown into the game it had no place in, if you want players to build whatever they want make a building game instead!! especially if you are just gonna throw it in with seemingly no consideration how out of place it feels togehter with the fACT THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND ANCIENT HIGH TECH CIVILIZATION WITH A VERY DISTINCT AESTHETIC THAT WAS ALREADY WELL INTEGRATED INTO THE WORLD YOU ARE PLANNING TO REUSE WITH ALOT OF MYSTERY AND UNKOWN STUFF ABOUT THEM TO EXPLORE FURTHER YOU COULD HAVE USED!! but i guess they just "didnt want to play with you anymore" and that so much so that they went out of their way to erase every trace of it, i dont think the words shiekah tech are ever used in the game, and the purah pad and her towers just drive me more isnane bc they are the same shit but called different and also much worse, liek the purah pad isnt some more developed shiekah stone, no its a glorified camera with a teleport function and thats it
(i know i said this before but i really cant stand how obsessed every single NPC is with sonau shit, you get told to your face every second line of dialog that they are so cool and are so mysterious that it just makes me annoyed of them even more, the game is obsessed with shoving them everywhere and telling you over and over you too should obsess over them, they werent weird like that about the shiekah stuff in botw?? the biggesst talking point in botw was calamity ganon ..... which makes sense and in totk its like ... gan is mentioned what, in a newspaper article??? once???and then not even by name i think???)
aside from that big point which will never let me go, its also just .. its not moving forward anything, it actively walks BACK the progress that was made in botw, call me dumb but i dont really count moving one step up in the social roles of each race as a character development (for the side characters like the champions desc- ahem SAGES) but mainly zelda ... god how dirty she was done, totk pretty explicitely makes her regress any development she made in botw aside from she likes link uwu and some people like her too, but also not enough to notice that that weird zelda being all evil and weird isnt her (INLCUDING THE CHAMP- SAGES WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY FRIENDS WITH??? you dont have to be a genius to pick up on that my god, were you all given the mc dumbo potion or what)
she gets put back to square one, back into the little itty bitty princessy maiden role forced upon her by her royal parentage, this time rauru edition, back into a white little dress, back into the scared puppy eyed teenager, back into a situation she cant handle, back into losing everyone around her (tho honestly botw made me care more about rhoam than totk did about rauru), back into being forced to do a big sacrifice- but worse actually
in botw she went to FIGHT AND HOLD GANON IN THE CASTLE SO LINK HAD TIME TO RECOVER AND IT WOULDNT DESTROY THE LAND!! and you are telling me in totk rauru takes up her botw role and she bascially killed herself to ... restore the mastersword.
......... she ... she did that only to be a glorified version of the stone pedestal in the forest. and then she gets returned to normal itty bitty girly no problem via magic sparkle beam at the end and
it really is just botw but worse, you even get yet another ghost king of hyrule to guide you around (rhoam did it better fight me ... we dont talk about the questionable choice to make himself darker skinned when posing as just some guy)
i honestly dont think i was ever truly taken aback by anythign that happened in botw, while in totk, the further i played, the more i had to fight with myself to keep the feeling of unease, disappointment and betrayal down
its such a god damn shame, totk should have stayed a DLC, i will forever mournfully dream of a game that explores more of the ancient shiekah, doesnt erase integral parts of the world, developes characters more instead of making them regress back and make them end up even less developed than at the start of the game, dives into buried secrets and mistakes of dark pages of history without giving into a weirldy nationalist(imperalisitc?) narrative and lets characters have some agency for once
if it werent for the yiga i might have actually considered refunding the game, just to be at peace with myself
anyway, aboslutely incoherent word vomit.
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Ive seen a lot of bitching about hotd in the tag, which surprised me bc there was none of this two weeks ago and now all these ppl are acting like season 2 sucks and its badly written and its rewriting the books and bla bla. This surprised me, so i did a little snooping
Like. First off, isnt grrm consulting them this time? I know he was doing it for s1 and im sure i read he was doing s2 too. I cant say anything about bad writing, tbh i havent examined it that closely bc nothing about pacing or dialogue has bothered me enough to spend time thinking about it.
The "its not like the book!!!" Thing really bothers me though bc have you read the book? Lmao im not so sure bc some of the stuff you complain about is so weird, also how did you miss that fire & blood has deeply unreliable narrators? It literally says gyldayn is an unreliable narrator on the Wikipedia, hes taking a bunch of biased sources and kind of patches the history of house targaryen together. If you had read the book, youd KNOW that it isnt a definitive chronicle and stuff was likely altered, embellished and left out. Some of the alterations make sense, because why would some maester know about these ppls private lives. Fire and blood is full of propaganda, rumours and bias. Also the stuff that WAS changed isnt really that deep? I really like the change to the rhaenicent dynamic (ill come back to this, theres a reason ppl seem to hate this change lmao), i dont care about maelor and the nettes changes dont bother me that much? (Some ppl are convinced rhaena will get the ENTIRE nettles storyline. Which would indeed suck cough cough, but i dont think thats where theyre going at all lmao)
So i took a look at some of the other opinions of ppl who really really HATE s2 and, WOOOOOOWWWWW,there sure is a lot of homophobia on the yuri Website huh? All of a sudden it makes sense why these ppl popped up 2 weeks ago huh? (And why theyre so bitchy about the changes to alicents character not being a wicked stepmother but more of an... almost lover) Wow, what a fucking pathetic reason to be a hater. Awww nooooooooo this female character is kissing women noooo, theyre ruined!! Even though the relationship was kind of maybe sort of a little implied in the book. (Granted the book talks about a close relationship between rhaenyra, mysaria and DAMON, but see above for rumours and inaccuracies) Also there are a lot of ppl who were genuinely Team green (i did not realise those ppl existed unironically, gonna be honest) who are mad that Team green is portrayed more negatively than Team black and apparently thats unfair. Yeah, idk what to say about that, do you always expect to opposing sides of a fictional conflict to be treated the same and to be equally good and justified? Granted, the "pick a side" Marketing was dumb and encouraged this sort of thinking, but those two teams are not equal lol you can still like the characters even though theyre cheaters, usurpers and Bad ppl.
If you had genuinely read and UNDERSTOOD the books and that theyre full of propaganda you would understand why SOME PPL are either portrayed more positively or more negatively in the show than they were in the book. Just consider WHO was writing the history for one sec.
Yeah, rant over, this was just too ridiculous not to get off my chest.
Like yeah, you can criticise some of the changes and the simple fact that 8 ep seasons are SHIT for building a plot, but considering some ppl call an ep "filler" just because nobody got roasted by a dragon, maybe we dont deserve 20 ep seasons with a slow building of plot and tension anymore....
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little-critters-snips · 6 months
hi op! please take care your time and remember to take care of yourself:D hope i dont come off as tellin ya what to do tho ofc;;
be safe and hope everything turns out alright<3 we love u:D hugs from ur fans \o/
🪻 <- catnap flower for u:D
or at least i hope it's the right catnap flower lmao, idk flower lore/j/lh
hey!! thank u anon u r so sweet hehe. it doesnt bother me when you guys ask me to do things btw, i dont really get offended at anything in the internet really so dont worry about it!!
(this is for all kinf of asks btw if you want acontinuation of something or have a request just ask if i dont like it i will just ignore it hehehe)
thank u so much again, hugging u all!!! i should kind of explain i guess, even though im kind of private about my life?? (not really i just dont like explaining myself in the internet but this is fine lol love you guys)(english is shit btw srry)
ive been busy with school work LMAO my teachers dont like doing exams all the same day SO they just do one everyday......... and ihave to cram study days so i can pass them.
i dont really do art when that happens, so i only kind of have the weekend to do art for this blog (if i dont have to go run some errands i guess) i alsohave some bad health problems some days and i get kind of depressed bc of it. hehehe srry!!!!!
i love you all, iwill try to do some asks soon!!! forgive me and thank u for your patience!!
i wonder if you all would accept some doodles of concepts of the critters??? i have a lot of wips i dontthink ill finish anytime soon hehehe
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imkazz · 1 year
akaza’s backstory
heyo so i decided to do live notes on me reading this guys backstory. my mom says she literally cried when she read a year before me, and that its really sad so i wanted to keep my live reactions bcs this isnt my first time screaming at the plot twists in demon slayer. i start the live notes in the beginnings of chapter 154 and im also reading the manga in japanese so i might have mistranslated/misunderstood some things lol
initial thoughts on akaza: idk hes pretty fruity like the mugen train arc “oni ni nare, kyoujurou” in japanese was omg just. so fucking fruity. and he said the same freaking thing to giyuu omgs- also he hates douma and wants to kill kokushibo but idk what to really feel about him. anyways ive seen the little hints at the girl holding his hand and he tried to punch it, and his head grew back bc he said he had to get stronger???
live notes start here (just jot notes):
- damn she pulling out the existential crisis on akaza
- oh his dads sick boo hoo
- woah wait is he a pickpocket?
- oh my fucking wait is that why he looks like a basketball???
- holy shit is this where he becomes a basketball?
- like every time he gets caught stealing he gets a mark as punishment
- damn how many times did u get caught bruh
- welp idk how hed steal without his hands
- oof he just got called a demon child well hes a demon moon now
- oh wait my mom specified for me it means a kid who was born with teeth
- dude this suicide letter like ‘i cant take medicine bought by stolen money sorry for making myself a bother for you live a good life’
- oh hes mourning by hurting himself fighting people
- “even if it took 100 years for my dad to heal” and he kept half of that promise
- damn akazas backstory is just him getting beat up by everyone he meets
- and hes just like taking the beatings bc he wanted his dad to get medicine
- well fuck medicine for special diseases does cost a lot poor akaza
- and his dad just killed himself anyway
- still dont know who the girl is
- damn i wouldnt be able to stand getting whipped and bones broken for my parents
- huh he beat the living shit out of seven adults
- and he didnt get a scratch and hes also a kid
- who tf is that guy it seems akaza also has the same question
- oh is this guy who applauded akaza some sort of sensei i mean he has a dojo
- why does akazas personality sort of remind me of inosukes ‘fight me bitch’ type thing
- oh shit theyre gonna fight
- that wasnt so much of a fight than a man slapping a kid silly
- nother name drop keizou
- oh akaza is gonna take care of a girl?
- and akaza has someone to take care of again!
- aww cute moment between them
- also fireworks! yay! hes saying he can piggyback ride her there that so sweet
- oh shit shes crying
- oh thats so cute that their only purposes are to protect those they love
- omgs and akaza on his little training arc with keizou like how tanjirou did with urokodaki and both are taking care of a younger girl who is bedridden- the parallels
- holy shit three year time skip
- oh ok koyuki is better now
- wait whats this abt poison
- ok were back and ready to react
- wait what promise
- ohh shes saying she wants to watch the fireworks with akaza next year and the year after too... oh shit she died.
- damn so both their parents killed themselves bc of their kids
- ohhh this is so sweet but sad knowing she just died
- i feel like this is sad because it wasnt even muzans fault that the two of them died it was just poison
- he even admits it out loud himself that his own story is sad help
- hes even completely ok with the fact he wont go to the same place as the three most important people in the world to him
- and giyuu is just standing there
- lmao tanjiro is just always yelling for demons to stop
- wait what tanjiro ur sword-???
- oh shit it slipped from his grip
- sorry i snorted at the fact that tanjiro decked akaza in the face instead
- i think im gonna stop there the backstory is over
- i feel horribly empty inside after finishing that chapter
- think i might just go cry
current thoughts on akaza: damn i understand why ppl are so sad about this, holy shit this is so sad like i have no words im probably gonna have to come back to this post tomorrow to give my thoughts after thinking about this all night
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danrifics · 5 months
rn my bookmarks on ao3 are public bc I just dont give a shit but when i first started using it i didn't know there was even an option to make them private/some social hang up on it being awkward if they're public and by the time i found out i had like over a 100 of them. and i was just like. i cant be bothered.
thats how i feel about it too, its like oops oh well sometimes i read zelink smut lol who really is gonna care
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wc-confessions · 2 years
the only evidence-- yes, these kinds of claims need evidence-- of marinin being racist i can find is in one tumblr post that has a screenshot of marinin being upset about getting a lot of aggressive comments for working on the cleopatra MAP. she did a map part- a 5 second animation- and got called a piece of shit by dozens of people, but i guess she's not allowed to be stressed? not to mention she is a person of color. but i doubt you knew that, because that would require you to take a second look at the situation rather than regurgitating rumors. it's just so sickening how badly people in this community seem to want to turn on each other. but i guess it's all worth it if you're making all the people of color feel very safe... by endorsing the harassment of a poc for making an animation you don't like. you're definitely making me feel very safe as a disabled person. i love knowing that characters like me should be relegated to inspo p*rn. love seeing people attack a creator for arbitrary reasons and then say "hehe see! i care so much about disabled people!". i love seeing that my opinion only matters when i'm agreeing with you and otherwise i'm just an idiot stan. i dont even follow marinin's content. it's just so stressful knowing what she's going through and how rabid the warrior cats fandom is. its scary, honestly. making art online seems like my only realistic way of making money and the thought that one tumblr post with shaky evidence could get me harassed for literal years is scary.
ok first off i need you to fucking stop making assumptions abt me bc i know of marinin just forgot all the bullshit they did. i dont knkw u and u sure as hell dont know me so the fact that in both ur shit asks youre comming up with false ideals just to show ur support to someone who has done bad over and over again is telling. secondly stop babying them just bc theyre brazilian its so wekrd u have to keep mentioing tht they are not exempt from being a shithead just bc theyre a poc lol theyre a fucking human which is evident in their actions. and you do not speak for every fucking disabled person bc i assure you disabled ppl were the ones that brought the issue w the tawny pelt map to light. and as a disabled black person fuck you literally the map was in bad taste and she responded in a terrible way its not tht hard to accept.
and if u really did some reasearch youd be aware that she was taking from native cultures, handled the issue tawnypelt map Badly, and she was literally deleting comments explaining how her actions were ableist and only responding to/liking the comments of ppl siding w her but yeah im biased and mean for acknoweding any of this. shes also literally friends w shit ppl and While searching im literally seeing her subject several minors to harassment solely for. adressing her ableist map in a chat and on their accs.and this was fucking not that long ago why arent you pissing yourself over the ppl discussing tht
and idk if you dont think a guilt trippy belittling responses to being held accountable isnt a red flag hm
the fact that you have to utilize this person being brazilian and upset about the process of facing accountability in Both asks as a way to make Me somehow brush off everything else is fucked up. no its not cool they were harassed but if u equate ppl bothered by her actions as harassment or hating poc then. that sounds more like a u issue.
literally. stop making this about a shitty animation stop minimizing the harm shes influencing. this is more than a fucking map ppl dont like this is abt someone who is obviously not fit for a huge following and you are proving that point gn
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zai-doodles · 2 years
Ok ok last question then I’ll stop bothering you lol (but I eagerly look forward to anything you will say in the future about fairytail!)
I think I got your thoughts on Nalu, but what about other ships? You said Gajeel and Levy are your fav ship, could you tell us more why? What about Gray x Juvia? Do you have a least favorite ship?
(And don’t be sorry for rambling a lot/your posts being long! I really enjoy reading your thoughts!)
bestie i literally love u i never have the chance to post my ft hc stuff im THRIVING
aight so im going to make enemies with this post i can feel it in my bones gjkfdhgsfdkj
however i just want to say if u like these ships thats completely fine and if you read them diffrently than i do thats also dope
so lets start positive!! i LOVE gajevy sm its so perfect i just ljdghfkjd
no listen like the thing that gets me abt gajevy is how it elevates gajeel as a character SO MUCH and gives levy so much agency at the same time, like u cant tell me ft would have embraced gajeel the way they did if levy didnt CHOOSE to forgive gajeel in some capacity and like fuck imagine ur GAJEEL in this situation like bro wakes up everyday and this is just his life
gajeel lost metalica at a young age, and (i dont remember too much of canon but im pretty sure its implied he just kinda fucked around until phantom tropue picked him up which yikes) like this CHILD was on his own most of his formative years and then got picked up by a super shitty abusive group of ppl and he just LEARNED to blend in, like yea metalica made him kind of a punk but he was a KID so during those years he was alone he probably just closed himself off to survive and learned to prioritize himself over everybody else and to do that it takes a level of desensitizing urself to others pain
and like ok again im playing hard and fast with canon but i THINK its implied he like, had done a lot of bad shit with them or whatever right? like what he did to levy and fairy tail wasn't NEW, so when the events in canon happen and he ends up at fairy tail, in my mind that's the FIRST TIME he has to face how HIS ACTIONS DIRECTLY HURT SOMEONE
and not only thats but someone who OBJECTIVELY DIDN'T DESERVE IT
like ugh gajeel just,, having to learn to let himself care but also it fucking sucks bc it just makes it set in more and more what a bad person he is (he isnt but he thinks he is) THEN FUCKING LEVY PULLS UP AND JUST?? IS THE BEST???
she literally blows thro all his expectations of her bc at this point i think hes use to dealing with ppl being afraid of him bc that ssomething he understands and control, what he DOESNT understand is her being NICE to him and it makes him RESPECT her and its so out of no where that by the time the GMG roles around and gajeel has fully accepted the fact that he indeed has emotions like everyone else, ONLY TO HAVE TO FACE LEVY BEING SCARED OF HIM AGAIN
learning to put others needs above his own and being empathetic in his own fucked up way
ok enough positivity time to make ppl mad
gonna link my juvia is a lesbian post here bc it sums up a LOT of my feelings on gruvia but the tldr is that my personal hc is that juvia is a lesbian with a serious case of comp het from trying to fit in with other kids growing up and it literally was just never corrected until she got to fairy tail and actively started to form friendships
the main reason i dislike gruvia is that it paints gray as the one who needs to change in order to accept juvias feelings and not just cuz he needs to grow as a person and learn to allow himself to be vunrable.
like grays arc doesnt ONLY center around juvia but its a big part of it and juvias growth CENTERS around gray and we can talk about the the borderline misogynist idea of having a female character whos damn near whole identity is her feelings for a man where she never grows or learns meaningfully but instead just very slowly chills out more so from being sidelined than growth but i digress i just dont like them
last is jerza,, i just dont like em,, jellal is really boring in my opinion and he had a lot of potential but meh? his redemption is neat and his history with erza has potential but i feel like the point of erzas arc is about growth and moving on and while i think her and jellal can still be friends and have each others back she still has so much healing to do after tower of heaven
idk i dont see a lot wrong with jerza i just feel like its a lil bland and not my cup of tea
and yes queer platonic nalu is my life id die for them actually and i have more stuff about natsus abandonment issues and how they carry into his relationships with ppl but imma stop bc this post is long jgkfhgdjhfdjk
tldr: i love gajevy, actively dislike gruvia, very meh about jerza, love qpp nalu
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
something that really bothers me actually is that while i still care abt "sex workers" ie. the 1% w the privilege of choice, most of them don't actually give a damn abt us, they prepetually talk over us, and some seem to outright despise us
like no, i dont care abt the "right" of the 1% to do what they want when the price being payed is sexual slavery. but i do Care about Them because i Know so many still end up traumatized and exploited. and many have spoken on this. (ex)onlyfans&similar models talking about how even just on camera, in their own homes, theyd be pressured by hundreds or thousands of men to do things they didnt want to do to themselves, to degrade themselves in ways that traumatized them. how even they would have to shoot on days they didnt want to become they needed money, do things they didnt want to bc they needed money. how theyd end up getting so many horrid degrading comments and rape threaths and even stalkers. how so many of them started selling nudes and porn before they even turned 18, some doing it for years before - which is becoming more and more common w the internet, everywhere - this happens very frequently and openly even on tumblr... those girls dont just become "sex workers" the day they turn 18 and keep doing it. how so many of them entered when they were 18-19 and inexperienced and couldn't handle such insane audiences of men. how they had their "content" purchesed and watched by ex's, coworkers, bosses, family members, with little they could do against it. how after they stopped it was very hard to get a job bc they'd keep being turned down when their accounts were found - a vicious cycle pulling them into "sex work" they didnt want to do anymore bc now they had little choice; how many didnt think abt that when everyone told them to start at 18-19 because it would be fun and empowering and great. et cetera. i, of all people, think of trisha paytas whose pissed me off for a million reasons, but who recently started talking abt how shes starting to have more conflicted feelings abt the "sex work" she did, that maybe it didnt do her all well and good. and the whole internet jumped on her venting abt her personal experiences as someone whose done this for years for "shaming sex workers." how even though shes made millions she was still traumatized, she did a lot of it while high off her ass and v not okay, shes someone whose very mentally ill, has a history of csa and abuse, and is very vulnerable, and that millions aside none of this was good for her either
i think abt how many ex dominatrixes ive heard talk abt how it was still traumatizing; speaking in idk theoreticals and stereotypes, what "sex worker" could have more power and control than a dominatrix whose doing it not bc of need for money? except, nope, still traumatizing bc she was still being used, degraded, bought, objectified by men who barely see her as fully human. almost like this is all inherently exploitative. i think abt how even "sex workers" who do "jobs" which don't inherently involve sexual intercourse, such as escorting or pole dancing or etc, many times they still end up having to perform sexual acts, eigher in times of particular economic need, or they were pressured into it, or they ended up at a worse "establishment" who forced them, or still ended up getting sexually assaulted or beaten or threatened or raped often.
the whole industry is such shit that even the 1% of more privileged ones still dont have it good. they still end up traumatized and sexually assaulted. the whole industry is still sexist, pedophilic, racist, dehumanizing, violent and exploitative up to the very top.
i care abt that. i care abt this shit no longer being normalized and existing bc it harms essentially everyone involved - even among the 1% there is a 1% whose lucky to not have had bad experiences. but. so many of them dont care the other way around lol. dont care that the thing theyre participating in when they dont have to is inherently tied up with human sex trafficking and pedophilia etc, that those same websites theyre posting on and making money on are the same one making money off of that shit and fueling sexual slavery. and more than not care frankly, theyre insanely hostile to any sex trafficking victim or (ex)(child)prostitute who says anything against the industry. they dont give a damn abt everyone elses suffering. they pretend that ppl w the privilege of choice like them are a majority and sex trafficking a minority, when in fact it is they who are the minority. they think being OF "sex workers" gives them the right to speak over any (ex)prostitutes, and theyre the ones feeding into this crazy idea that "swerfs" exist and somehow abolitionists clearly want "sex workers" dead... like god damn. i still care but so many of them actually dont give a shit abt anything other than Yea Well But Its Good For Me Individually
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papirouge · 2 years
Ugh, believe me, i was also cringing at many of the comments on those threads. Supposedly, theres this trend of redhead characters being changed to being black, like Annie, Starfire, Mary Jane, or April from the ninja turtles.
Oh, and speaking of such, they were also whining because april is gonna be black in a new TMNT movie... She already was in the newest cartoon, but they wanted her to go back to being white. Also, whining about her being fat and unattractive. We're talking about a kid here, since shes younger in this incarnation, so why even care if shes hot 😭 I bet half these dudes dont even care about TMNT... To be fair, the TMNT fans did raise some hell when shredder was gonna be white in a movie, since hes originally japanese, but i doubt they're even the same ppl.
The little mermaid thing is just very sad. I feel specially bad for the actress, specially after finding out shes just 19! I hope shes just ignoring the comments, because some people can be really cruel. Even some latinos were against the decision - i think theyre quite divided, but many were making racist memes and all. I guess we cant always relay in 'poc solidarity' or whatever.
Another good point you raise is how the japanese and many other east asian countries don't care about the white race or sees them as equal (once a friend of mine actually got targeted when she went to Korea). Also, I remember reading somewhere that the japanese public liked the appearence of younger white people, basically pre-puberty, but disliked the adults, specially the men as they lose the 'soft features' from infancy.
And youre right, i really shouldnt be visiting these places: they only make me sad or angry. I dont know why sometimes i cant help but hateread those threads. When people are behind a screen, they really can spew the most vile shit thats on their minds. Like they always say, just dont read the comment section...
As I already said: every single person remotely bothered by the skin color, sexual orientation, gender or attractiveness of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS is way too old to watch/play whatever show or video game they are from. Period.
That being said, I think there's a psyop of Black characters being shoved into random thing to get White simpletons mad and seethe about White erasure. Of course, they'll never bother looking into WHO produce those show or pick these Black artists to be featured in them..... Whites need to sort between each other their obsession to use POC as props for their agendas.
Black people never bothered about The Little Mermaid or TMNT like that....sure, this (positive) representation is great and that's why the community got hyped (and let's be honest, seeing some Whites seething fueled even more fire bc one thing we Black ppl be good at is being petty lol) but to act like Black people/wokistan are actively trying to erase White people, heterosexuality, masculinity or whatever is ridiculous. Again: they have to go after the higher-ups responsible of those casting choice (not Twitter randos) - and chances are they arent Black, non-straight or female¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Taking a peep at top companies CEO entirely debunks the oppression complex narrative of antiwoke acting like the statuquo was under attack.... It's not. They just want to play the victim - while pretending to fight wokistan victim culture 🙄
Halle is perfect to play a mermaid. She had those slightly alienish features (her eyes are quite far apart lo') but still conventionally pretty. I can hardly think of any actress having the same energy. Maybe Ana Taylor Joy, but she's now botched and is an anachan which may sparks controversy if she ever gets casted in a Disney production....
And I'm absolutely not surprised to see Latinos hating lmao Latinos are huuuuge negrophobe and I'm side eyeing them so bad whenever they try to leverage their non Whiteness calling White "gringos" when they are themselves pale and are descendants of European colonizers in south America 💀 I mean look Argentinians priding themselves "not looking like a Disney movie" (= not visible Blacks in their population).....those people Looooove aligning themselves with White whenever it comes to diss Black people. Therefore Black people are extremely distrustful of Latinos anyway ; we see how they treat they darkskined citizens
POC solidarity is a myth. Unmelanated non-Whites hate actual people of COLOR, and all races look down on Black Africans...That's why I'm foremost defending MY people.
Yeah, there's this misconception of thinking that bc they dye their hair blonde and wear color contact, East Asian want to 'look White'. i think they definitely fancy the diversity of White ppl's phenotype such as the eye and hair color, but for pretty much all the rest, they cater to their own specific beauty standards (especially when it comes to bone structure and face proportion). White people tend to favor sharper bone structure while Asian are all about rounder and softer ones. I don't think Asians look up White people face structure (that make them look older and faster). This contrast was really striking with Kotakoti stunts in japanese magazines where she looked so out of place : despite her dolly blonde hair and blue eyes, she still had those strong adult Westerner features which were so different from her japanese pals' 🥴 (more soft and rounder)
East Asian beauty culture is hysterical though, and even though Asian men have softer features than Western men, their obsession with 'softness' compels them to look more soft than they naturally are. Ultimately men regardless of their race are men ; if Asian men were naturally looking like soft potatoes they wouldn't need to resort to all these procedures to look like that🥴 Men with square jawline botching themselves to have egg face shape is a crime against humanity btw. (square jawline are beautiful on both sex imo♥️)
And the internet isn't a safe space for Black women. There was a stat showing that Black women were more at risk of online harassment compared to any other demographics..... Social medias (especially Twitter) literally feed off your anger (for engagement), so thread lightly. That's why Tumblr is my favorite social media ; it's mostly an image board, and my dash is only curated with what I choose to see.
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an0rexic-gh0st-b0y · 2 years
I was sitting in class with my friend today and our teacher had forgotten she had a lesson again (this is the third time shes done it and left us without a teacher lol she sucks) so all the boys were banging on the table really loud and it was annoying me and my friend asked me if it was bothering me bc she knows im autistic and have sensory shit and said we can go outside if i wanted and she looked at me with such g e n u i n e concern without a hint of thinking it was dumb if it was bothering me and omg i got so fuzzy for some reason??? Like she genuinely seemed to care and it was just really nice bc even tho a lot of my friends know im tism and dont question or try to stop my silly little autistic behaviours its very rare any of them actively try to help too so her doing that (shes a fairly recent friend btw weve been friends for a couple years but only started hanging out at the start of this school year in september) just made me feel so happy and validated omg. Ok ramble over now lol i just had to be excited about this somewhere.
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thealter-ego · 30 days
So how could I be in love with him?
At first, i dont know. My first impression of him was bad. Until i was trying to understand him as ex pesantren, he should be so awkward when he talk to woman. Even tho he already been close with a girl before she rejected him.
His physical appearance doesnt even fit my type of guy 😭
But then i looked his photo. He's not.. that bad 🥲
When the first time I saw him in kakak's wedding, one thing that highlights the most was.. his dimples. In that photo, he's smiling widely. Those dimples came out, dominating his entire face. That shit hella cute i cant even forget it.
Another thing is..
My mom likes him. She can confirmed that he's good guy, even tho i cant find any evidence. But at least, he's not a smoker, and pray 5 times a day. And since hes from pesantren i could expect that hes good in islam knowlege, just like dad.
And, him and my mom seems really get into each other like.. akrab bener?? They share jokes like theyre friends. And, that's actually what i need in men. The one who can be akrab with my mom. Cuz maybe i will be the one who take care of my mom, and i wish my man could akrab with my mom.
Hes also from mid class family. His mom is a teacher, his dad worked in pos indo.
He also really kind to elder people, he can be akrab with them, make jokes, and always says yes when they asked some favor. So i think he's a good listener?
He's first born, and the only boy in the family. Me, last child and the only girl in the family. And i just realized that, i want to be with a man who is the first born or the only child. First born bcs im so close with my first brother. Only child bcs i just dont want to be bothered with his brothers/sisters lol. But still want the first born bcs they usually the most reliable person in the family. And i need someone like that.
Well, idk the truth, is he actually the first born or not. My mum forgot about it, she kinda unsure. But knowing that his mum is still pretty young, he probably is the first born.
Also, one of his sisters are already married, the other one is getting married soon. Meaning that.. he's not tulang punggung of the family ehhe.
One day I wrote about criteria of my future husband. One of them was "a cat lover, or animal lover". Idk if hes one of them, but his family has 4 cats in his house. So i guess he likes cat too?? 🥹
He seems like easy to laugh in everything. Idk what happened with him but, i like seeing him smiling like that. And i wish, i really wish, i could keep his smile bright and wide like that everyday hehe.
Yeah the thing is, i finally have the reasons. Meaning that it is not just me being curious about a person like when I did to J. Meaning that, im in love. I admit it now that im in love with him.
Even tho it's just a glimpse of him that i knew. I dont want to be in the same pattern again. I want him to be with me. I dont want to be a miserable girl who cant get the man of my dream. There is no doubt in me.
In this moment, he actually jobless. Kinda sad and disappointing, to be honest. But, i want to wait. I know im not stupid when i decided to love him, and wait for him to get a job, and decided to love me back. Ill wait for that moment, to get to know him more.
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hirokiyuu · 9 months
ship dynamic talk
yuujin/leona is fun bc like. their worldview is Very Similar (sometimes Shit Happens and theres literally nothing you can do about it, sometimes your life sucks ass because of forces you have literally no control over) but the Reasons they arrived at this same conclusion is really different. rich kid who will never be able to achieve the one thing he really wants versus poor kid who's never even had a dream because theyre so busy trying to survive the day to day
idk i really dont think yuujin had a drive or a purpose before coming to twst u kno. their life was so hectic and busy they literally did not think abt anything beyond How Do I Make Dinner For Everyone And Save Money And Make Sure The House Is Clean And Not Fail Out Of School And so like their brain i sjust. constant survival mode. non-isekai au yuujin eventually snaps and runs away but i literally dont even know what they do in the long term besides like. engage in ten billion self destructive "coping" mechanisms and waste their life for a solid like five years. i think they can hit functional eventually but it would take them eyars nad years and years to reach a point of having actual Aspirations u kno.
and part of the draw of yuujin/leona is like. yuujin does recognize their own nihilism in leona lol. the desire ot just fucking give up cause who gives a shit, what does it change, some things are set in stone and you cant fucking do anything about it. i joke that yuujin only approaches leona bc hes Aesthetically Perfectly Their Type but tbh i do think at least a decent part of hte attraction is like. the similarities btwn them. leona doesnt strike them as the kind of guy who like...... gives a shit. and thats smth they like abt him (lmao) (god)
similarly as mcuh as i joke abt how leona being a good bf would scare them off part of it is also like...... a Traditional Dating Rship requires both parties to be putting in work. thinking abt dates and buying presents etc etc and yuujin just like. cant do that. theyve lost a lot of their caretaking capacity esp when theyve first met leona and like. being in an rship where theyre expected to do like. any sort of emotional caretaking whatsoever. is just beyond them
which isnt to say that i dont think they get there! i think in teh end they Do hit a point where theyre able to genuinely care+have that care extended back to them in a way that doesnt bother them, but like..... not at first. at first they need the space to have sex w/this dude and then immediately get up and walk away. u kno.
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penguin--person · 11 months
You were right about those other asks, they were from me Imao. A friend of mine once immediately knew that an anonymous confession was from me because of writing style, so I'm guessing it was like that?
There are. Other asks I've left on here but. Yeah.
For the ask game: 🌙 and 💥 for Alík, 🕷️ for Artyom
sorry for the time that you’ll get this ask at. I’m pretty sure your time zone is a solid 6 hours ahead of mine. I hope these asks don’t, like, bother you or anything when it’s at an inconvenient time.
hehe!! honestly i think i might know who you are but hehe... anons are fun... thank you for the ask game stuff!!:) also yeah, im in the cet timezone (czechs rise up!!! alík is czech too fun fact! only oc of mine lke that lol), i was heading to sleep when you sent me this ask!! sorries for the late response nonny
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? - alík just wants to be accepted, really. to have a pack she can trust and protect, have people/wolves she can hang out with. she wants to just Be. how far she's willing to go for this.. she's willing to try sooo hard at the facility to be seen as niceys... that's most of the reason she doesn't escape earlier. still has hope she can prove herself to be a good obedient dog. and doesn't wanna leave artyom alone. hehe... but, when she sees that she Can't, she busts out and in a month or two meets the gang. then she's willing to do anything to keep them together. if she didn't care about sanya she'd have attacked sergei when he reports her. teehee
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? - oh boy, what emotions Doesn't she have trouble dealing with! anger, frustration, sadness, grief, etc etc. she LOVES being wolf mode, believe me, but she doesn't like the pain and danger that come with it. especially after she breaks out. she doesn't wanna lose what she has so she just forces those emotions down. healthy style. sometimes even joy and shit!!! gets too happy and gets the zoomies. this is fine outside of the facility, the gang probably cheers her on as she destroys some trashcans and runs around, but, not fun in the facility.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? - artyom my boy artyom... yeah. he's scared of losing volkov and of volkov abandoning him. not rlly much anything else. not even when alík attacked him was he scared. he's not scared of the vivisections, or of any of the experiments, of the scientists, of the other subjects (not even alík after she attcks him), not of death. he has a very onetrack mind and that track is 'stay with god/volkov'. so healthy style. though, irrational/mundane fears, isnt something ive thought about.. probably yea! hes still 'human'. maybe the dark. yeah. scared of the dark. not too much, not enough for it to matter to anyone, but yeah. maybe of heights, but he'll never know, never gonna get tall enough. maybe claustrophobic. but because he's just a guy and his heart doesn't really speed up bc of fear, so, it doesn't matter to anyone all that much. maybe to volkov... i dont think he'd notice, though.
thsese asks were interesting to think about!! thank you!!
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karoochui · 1 year
Hello there Mika!! Your art is huge inspiration to me and I love it so much words can't explain it, I absolutely love your sketches, doodles, full art pieces, whatever you make I absolutely adore. Sorry for blabbing but just wanted to ask about things you really hate about sskk, like what the fandom does with the ship that you dislike?😭 Take care of yourself drink some water!💜💫
TW for sa mention!! Sorry but i ramble a bit here so im gonna add a cut!! (Plus the tw) Take care of yourself too and ill get some water right now actually😋
Okay firstly!! Hello!! Thank you so much!! And no worries no need to apologize its very sweet of you im so glad you like my art i really do appreciate it!! Thank you!
And its hard for me to say exactly? Im still very much into bsd but ive been distant with the fandom for a little while now BUT!! From what i remember what i usually didnt like was when people would make them so..two dimensional kinda?? BSD has pretty morally complicated characters and it was really weird when people would flatten sskk's personalities down to just some ship dynamic bc they are SOOO much more complicated than that. And thats just as INDIVIDUALS!! Even when considering them together theres a lot to think about when it comes down to their functionality, whether or not its viewed as romantic or platonic. And of course youre always gonna have those people who just water down any mlm ship into some weird dynamic that doesn't even fit the character's relationship which is just obviously Not Great.
And then as far as the characters individually i feel like a lot of people baby atsushi its really odd. Like that man has gone through some shit he is GROWNNN. I think its because hes the "softer" one out if the two or whatever. Which yeah he's nicer, its made clear akutagawa isn't a great person but atsushi isnt the exact opposite of akutagawa or the "softer" one. They're narrative foils of eachother, they mirror many of the other's character traits and atsushi has also done some Not Super Stellar shit. Do i think most of it was within reason? A little, considering what hes been through and exactly what he did. I do think he is the better person between the both of them - and i feel like thats also proven - but he is by NO means "innocent" or anything weird like that.
Then for akutagawa its really only that weird sa headcannon that originated from something he said in Beast (i can't remember exactly what, but i remember thinking it was NOT enough to warrant a hc like that. I remember that much). And as someone who's been through that a couple times i think its one thing if its some way to help someone cope or feel more seen (more specifically it isnt my business to cast judgement -unless it hurts them or someone else- and im no therapist), but i have seen people apply the headcannon simply because they say its "implied" or it "makes sense". Which, once again, as someone who's gone through that i think thats just. Weird. I dont like it. I personally try to stay away from any talk about it at all from anyone.
I also don't like when people make it seems like Atsushi has to save Akutagawa or something like hes some knight in shining moral armor. Its much more complicated than that and I could go further into this but it would be a whole rant about their characters and dynamic and itd go on FOREVER. So im just gonna say that akutagawa is also a grown man and knows well enough what hes doing with himself, even if its unhealthy (not that Atsushi is any better but lets be real no one is this show really is) and he wouldn't listen to atsushi if he didnt want to anyway. This part is really just personal opinion though, and i don't cast hard judgement on people who see them that way. Im not the type to care enough.
So yeah i guess it wasn't really hard to say at all LMFAO but otherwise i dont think ive had any other issues abt it?? I dont pay much attention to things i don't like anyway so im not easily bothered lol
But i hope this answered your question!! Plz lmk if i missed or misinterpreted something!! It was nice to talk about BSD again anyway though, ive missed it.
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star-felled · 1 year
what if we just straight up like. made a fucking swsh cookie run au or something. for the sake of fun im not gonna bother trying to make it cr story canon compliant like At All because i dont even remember any of the shit that went down with rhem LOL.. i only have 3 properly settled on for now, being allister as squid ink, raihan as ananas dragon and piers as espresso .. piers is like, there might be a cookie that fits him better ?? but idk its been a WHILE since ive been into cookie run so i dont know any of the new ones from either games. and espresso just .. feels like piers to me?? i guess he probably COULD fit as licorice too (to some extent) but i think espresso just works better for him. feels more like piers to me. leon also feels like madeleine which wasnt intentional bc i didnt choose them based on shipping and ik espresso/madeleine is like . most popular ship for both of them (or at least was when i was in the fandom) but its completely coincidental i promise </3 i just went off Vibes and what Feels Right
mixing two of my special interests now this is DANGEROUS /silly
my analysis under the cut bc thisll be Long
hmmmm lets see . for starters i really like leon as madeleine overworked guy whos trying his best to protect people fits him well <3
piers ... im actually thinking either werewolf or red velvet ! very mentally ill and introverted but cares deeply about those around him
raihans a tough one ! id agree w ananas but raihans pride seems to mostly be for public appearances. im thinking royal margarine cookie —— connections to dragons as well as caring about his appearance, while having his pride be primarily a farce. that, or pitaya, due to their competitiveness !
i did a lil thinking on it and i REALLY like allister as pumpkin pie . introverted spooky child who likes fucking with people on halloween who also has a doll-like critter that can and will kill you
bede !! hes giving strawberry crepe kinda :) genius orphan child whos snarky and has temperment issues . post-opal he definitely ends up being more like clotted cream though like that man is EXACTLY how i imagine bede to grow up being ,,, though i think espresso also fits him and his idea of being flawless at what he does ! if to a lesser extent
i could go further and start to analyze the other characters and bring ovenbreak cookies into it . but ill spare your time /silly
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