#bc this beast haunts ME and im the one posting this
gardeninggraves · 2 years
the flat fuck friday of the future
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hampterguts · 4 months
forever amazed and confused at how often transformers franchise just straight up depicts suicide attempts. like not even considering the superhero trope of "i have to save everyone!!! by choosing to die!!!!!" thing. like. non-allow-yourself-to-die-to-stop-a-thing-from-killing-everyone-immediately type situations. which tbh i wish more ppl talked about but not the point here
like. sure mtmte, a comic abt mentall illness and war, i expected it to be aware of the concept. but its not handled well and mostly used for shock value or "im better now i swear! i have a husband and everything" BUT ITS IN THE KIDS SHOWS TOO??? MY BESTIE G1 RODIMUS?? BEAST WARS DINOBOT???
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trainingdummyrabbit · 19 days
oooooooobhhhh...... would it be alright if you talked abt ur ocs......... if it's not a bother.......
stands here like some sort of beast . this took me two days. im so sorry. inhales
i can absolutely talk abt my ocs yeah :D never ever a bother!!
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this is rose and wolfe! theyre two of my lobcorp ocs whom i love very dearly :] they (and the rest of their group) have their own lil story going on, but i say that very loosely bc im just having fun honestly ^_^ and they sure do love making decisions that make that Rather Difficult For Me. but alas, anyhow,
this is inevitably going to get Pretty Fucking Long! (post-post edit. ~35 paragraphs.) so if youre prepared for that. 👍 yippy!! anyway hope you like fucked up little lesbians bc here we go
im probably going to be retreading ground here a bit bc im gonna try and take it from the top, but also because i dont remember what ive said and what i havent so ill just say whatever i remember ^_^
the basic gist of th storyline is that its kind of a pseudo-murdermystery but instead of dying u get turned into some sort of beastie ! ^_^ aka 'nobody knows what the distortion phenomenon is yet and are kinda too busy freaking out about it to notice headquarters exploded last week'. dont worry about that.
slaps notes on the table. this is gonna be really messy and maybe kinda incomprehensible but its ok bc this is just how its going to be. hope this helps.
OK LISTEN. they started out as one thing and then slowly kinda turned into something else and theyve been haunting me for months but they make talking about them Literally Impossible because of how much they just. fucking cling to each other, narratively. its impossible. they make everything so fucking difficult.
wolfe is some offshoot of a take on those Edgy Playground Wolf Ocs that you see a lot in middle school-- or well, thats the root of it. she was always going to be played fully seriously, but everyone was kinda written more silly-like towards the beginning anyhow. yknow, one of those 'orphan lab experiment who pretty much had to take care of themself and really hates people, with Cool Mysterious Powers theyre really conflicted about' type characters. and honestly a lot of that still sticks, really.
she presents herself in a kind of over-the-top way to try and get people to take her seriously and leave her alone, but honestly its just kind of . offputting.. in a way, shes kind of a stand-in for what its like to be a teenager (neurodivergence notwithstanding). sometimes the only thing you can do to get people to listen to you is to make a scene and yell really loud! and everyone will always discredit it as just something that happens while growing up, being "disobedient" because you want attention or want to be rebellious and contrary, but everything you feel IS real and it DOES hurt and nobody BELIEVES you so all you can do is yell LOUDER. its all theyll respond to. (and all it does is make people double down on what they think of you.)
wolfe is a character that is honestly kind of genuinely a bit extra, a little bit embarrassing, but very genuine. a lot of her life was spent not being able to decide what happened to her physically; just kinda pulled and prodded around whether she liked it or not; (again, the whole orphan lab experiment thing was never a lie.) and thrashing around is really all she can do about it. be inconvenient, irritating, hard to deal with; any small victory, any little foothold would do. unfortunately, most of what that's ever done is make things harder for herself. (she hates being expected to be something convenient to others, yet in her attempts to cast it away, forms her worldview to the dichotomy they set up around her. curious !)
so you have this fucked up lil thing and drop her into an lcorp facility. great superb fantastic. n then you give her some ego gear and it messes her up Big Time because guess what, her body is all sorts of fucked up and is Not reacting well with this whole thing, causing it to quite literally Stick and all those 'mild' side effects are now 'major' side effects and everyones Fussing over you again because youre an Anomaly and you Dont get any rest and youre still getting used to a body and mind that isnt Quite what it was before and you Cant leave since they need to figure out whats going on here and Oh God Fucking Damn It Its Again.
so its pretty fair that shes being Like That about the whole thing all things considered.
at this point shes just trying to make it through day by day without someone prodding her about something or another, just stop Staring at her already, fuck off. just one foot in front of the other and try not to think about it too hard. thumbsup 👍 more often than not she works alone; not just because of her own decisions, but also did you know cobalt scar gets a boost on low hp for the exchange of activating friendly fire? pretty crazy. shes kinda reckless and bound to get herself hurt anyway, so it doesnt really Change anything to just kinda.. send her out there without backup. not like she works well with others anyway, right? itd be pretty dangerous to pair her up with someone n all. yknow.
it kinda sucks, yknow? at this point shes so fucking tired of The Everything that honestly she just wants to get in and get out as quickly as possible without having to deal with any nonsense. shes still really pissed off about the entire Situation, still trying to keep any small bit of autonomy she gets to have, but like. well. sometimes it really is easier to just Do Your Job And Leave. finish your tasks and not think about it and not bother with anyone and fuck off until you have to do it again. thats how it always wouldve been anyway, right? easy. annoying. so, so annoying. god she fucking hates it here.
so anyway, rose. she sucks. she doesnt, but i have to say it every time i talk about her Or Else. shes the reason i have such a hard time talking about The Everything. and also why i had to rewrite this and take Two Days getting to it. she is just. So Much. shes an idiot. shes too smart for her own good. she would fit right in as a YA novel protagonist. this is all stalling on trying to explain what the hell is wrong with her.
honestly on a surface level shes pretty chill all things considered. mostly stays in her lane, gets along with people pretty easily, just kinda goes here, pretty good at small talk. she loves listening to people. she Loves listening to people. the problem. she isnt lying, per se, about her entire Presentation and general manner of being, but she isnt really honest either. shes disingenuous. kind of.
rose as a character is Very aware of how people act, and why they choose what they do in what situations. as such, she has gotten very good at Acting A Part rather than actually Living It. she loves listening to people because she wants to know who they are. not in a "i want to get to know my coworkers ^_^" type of way but in a "writing down all your character traits and quirks to record your habits" type of way. a weird sort of genre-awareness. she is very Very easily able to track exactly what type of person someone is and adjust the way she acts around them to... any sort of effect she wants to, honestly. mostly its just quelling dumb spats and getting people to stop being stupid like people tend to do, but every so often she isnt exactly averse to just kinda... messing with people. only a little! but she Could, if she Wanted to. which she doesnt. because shes nice.
rose sees interpersonal interaction as a complex 'game'. not by that name, but by that function. everyone always Expects something, in engaging with another, and all it really is at its core is getting what you want without giving too much ground. to figure out who the Other is without them figuring out who You are. its a competition. to understand what another person Is is what gives you the advantage. to know is to win, to be known is to lose. keep your cards as close to your chest as you can, and they cant control you. easy. its something everyone Does, but only a few acknowledge. she was just good enough to learn.
but like, admittedly, shes very chill. shes literally nice? like yeah all that but she is literally nice. shes fine. shes like... fine? shes all right. like Yeah it sounds bad when you put it like that but she is literally nice.
rose plays a lot with the idea of Symbol. shes a fully realized person, yeah, but she was never Expected to be. she exists mostly as a formality, and she knows thats all that was really expected of her. she was there to Fulfill An Ideal and little else; so she reaches for what she can when she can. be Sweet and Simple and Pretty-- that's all. and she isnt, she knows this, but it sure does make things simple when thats all people know of you. (impossible for people to dig for information people dont think exists.)
a flower in a broken vase unsure if its defined by the petals or the holes. shes someone intrinsically frustrated by the rules that define her, but is unable to comprehend a self without it. clinging to it because its the sole point of control she feels she can Have over things, but wishing to cast it aside to self realize and prove that shes worth the time of day to acknowledge. (she doesnt care what her caretakers thought of her, but still she defines her actions based on their idea of her. curious !)
so you have these two in the general vicinity of one another right.
rose initially interacts with wolfe as almost a game. a test, even. just to see if she could get anything out of the weird one that sulks in a corner by themself, refusing to interact with anyone. shes just curious, yknow? and wolfe, obviously, takes this about as well as you think she would. dont you have better things to do?? stop asking about my fucking hobbies. ..rose could always count on her for a reaction.
wolfe was very, Very resistant to playing along much at all. she thought that giving just simple brush-off responses would get her to get the hint that it wasnt worth bothering, but then rose would come back with more questions building off of whatever they'd talked about, just... idly talking at her. a frequent annoyance turning into just. consistent background noise. yeah this might as well be happening. but even still, the amount of things that rose remembered and considered and genuinely seemed to listen to kind of caught her off guard. it was... weird. it was really really weird.
it wasnt really all that hard to read what wolfe was feeling at any given moment. it was kind of funny, honestly, especially with how she tended to present herself. (honestly, how did everyone else just Miss all of this?) but after some time, rose was surprised to find that she started to just... speak to her frankly. it was stark, only every so often, almost as if she didnt realize the shift in her own tone. its around then that rose started piecing things together herself and... oh. ohh. (how did everyone just miss all of this?)
Bad News Motherfuckers! Its Fucking Over For Both Of You! wolfe finds someone who is genuinely willing to listen to her on the sole drive of simply Understanding Her, rather than wanting something in exchange, wanting something From her; and rose. god. she finds a reflection of exactly what she wishes she couldve been, things she couldve done, were she not shaped into what she Is. an understanding of something she'd never acknowledged, never knew was there, but was there with her the entire time. someone with a clear understanding of what they are, willing to fight tooth and nail to keep it, regardless of what anyone or anything else tries to do with them. things that the narrative constantly tries to take from them; things that rose wants so desperately to let wolfe keep.
so yknow, girl things. THIS is where things get really annoying.
rose seemed to enjoy messing with wolfe just for fun, but honestly shes just kinda taken by her honesty. she doesnt ever seem to have any ulterior motives when shes around her, she just… is. and does. because she wants to. rose honestly isnt really sure how to handle someone who isnt just… mildly bluffing at all times, especially about connection. that level of vulnerability is scary to her. so she teases her. she expects her being flustered-- and she is-- but still, she finds herself caught off guard by wolfe's earnestness.
even so, rose catches herself being far more open than she intends to be-- accidentally, at first, against her better judgement, but then tentatively, almost as if to test the waters. just how much could she show of herself and still uphold that trust? how many red flags can she put up before wolfe notices? no, that was unfair. before it becomes unforgivable. before it recontextualizes her. she cares, yes, genuinely and deeply so. (but what does that mean, coming from her?) she wants wolfe to be safe. (im asking you to leave.)
wolfe and rose both trust each other to a degree that they dont trust many others. its the passive understanding that theyre very much alike, and the even more silent knowledge that they want better for each other; in a roundabout way of knowing that they themselves deserved better, no matter how much they insist otherwise.
theyre very genuine with each other in a way that kind of surprises themselves. neither of them quite know what theyre doing, nor do they want to put a name to something so fleeting, but… its there.
wolfe desperately wants to be closer to rose, but hates that she desires that vulnerability. (it was always rather dangerous, showing your hand like that.) its an annoying fondness, constantly prickling at the back of her head any time rose is even remotely relevant. even when she isnt. shes kind of haunted. shes very defensive of her in a way she honestly doesnt realize until someone points it out. it just comes naturally to her. (whats the difference between a guard dog and an attack dog again..? (is she really ready to deal with the implications of this? is this not just having another will enacted on you? how does she really feel about that?))
rose, meanwhile, is… actually also conflicted. she likes wolfe. this is obvious. it wasnt intended, and she can roll with it, but it's… complicated. she handles it a lot more analytically. she notices when wolfe takes a step forward, and matches it in turn. equivalent exchange, and all. show that youve noticed, that you care, that youre paying attention. (i think she may be afraid. despite her presentation, she's afraid.)
she acknowledges the feeling of desire in this bond-- she wants wolfe to be able to live outside of others' influence. desperately. (if she cant, then…) she refuses to acknowledge what this says of Herself, though. but most importantly, she knows how easy it would be to simply take the role of someone who controls her. (isnt that just what she's always done to others?) she hates the idea of becoming that. (it would be so easy.) goes out of her way to avoid influencing her in that way-- but somehow, this just makes her more distant. hesitant to touch.
and with that fear, she tends to react, again, logically. tries to solve it like a puzzle, like she always has. finds the shortest distance to a perceived goal. this makes her rather distant, disconnected-- shes trying to control her own feelings by controlling what is around it.
what this means, most importantly, is that she is unable to trust wolfe the way She trusts her. she isnt strong enough to push back against what she sees of herself, or that which she uses to protect herself. giving in to those well-walked patterns instead of being able to brave uncertainty in something that new. she hides herself because she isnt sure what will become of her-- and is too afraid to risk what may come of losing the person she suddenly deeply cares about. setting herself up to crash harder should the worst happen. because she would simply blame herself. proving herself right.
meanwhile wolfe is dealing with Actually Trusting Someone for the first time in longer than she can remember, whether she likes it or not. maybe she was being stupid. maybe this was just a foolish foray into trusting people like she’d always told herself not to do. but… but. rose just brought this sense of comfort wherever she went, this feeling of certainty.
it was never good to let your guard down, but… but just this once, she so badly wanted to. once you let these things go, it becomes harder to get them back. she knew this. and yet, all the parts of her that protested were overruled by a deep desire to simply lie down and fall asleep in that comforting feeling. how frustrating. how annoying. how dangerous. now she had someone she could not argue against. and yet, she held this advantage as if she did not know it was one she wielded, a dangerous thing held without intent. was this trust? …did she want it to be?
and so, foolishly perhaps, she decided to trust. it was a tenuous thing, unbeknownst to anyone but herself. …probably. rose did have a way of seeing right through people. but even through all that, through the Everything… it felt nice to have someone to look out for. someone to worry about, someone on your mind when there used to be nobody else but you. she’d spent so long worrying about the repercussions of leaving your back to someone, yet she’d never known the comfort of having someone do the same to you. she’d never realized how hard it was to do much of anything with fangs bared the entire way. the ache of worry was dull compared to the weight of silence. (she would give her Everything to her. all or nothing, with her. maybe this was simply part of the inevitable problem.)
hey remember the whole turning-into-creatures thing? yeah thats still happening. crazy right? anyway. The Problem.
so you have people turning into things not quite unlike abnormalities, expressions of deep fears and desires running away with what used to be a human. and youve got some fucked up little guy with a Lot of barely repressed issues thats deceptively easy to mess with and actively averse to anybody really reaching out to them whatsoever.
and then rose is trying her best to figure out whats causing all this bullshit going on, but also her . coworker. is suddenly acting Really snappy and distant and its kinda starting to make her worried and she doesnt want to push her but shes looking really rough lately and fuck. wait. god. wait. shit.
long inhale. so you have two stupid motherfuckers 100% willing to drop everything and kill everyone in this facility and then themselves if anything so much as happens to the other (but theyre super normal about it, its fine, the other doesnt have to know.) theyre so good at this interpersonal interaction thing guys they swear (dont look too close though ok haha.) theyre sooo unknowable guys theyre really pulling a fast one on everyone here. they Definitely know what to do to fix the problem forever its fine they totally get it. dont stop them.
anyway heres a bunch of images for no reason
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pansyfilia · 2 months
welcome to my blog!!
you can call me pansy or rina (she/her)
fandom list
greek mythology/epic the musical (save me penelope save me)
the marauders
dungeon meshi my beloveds
tma (currently on s2 so NO SPOILERS
i have like one thg post so yk... it was for an au who am i kidding
my ao3 is @green_starss, where i have a few odypen fics brewing
and ive got a bit of an organising system which is pretty ridiculous soooo
"the little white maggot tag" is just generally rosier twins/ pandora/ evan, whatever really
"the wild hyena at the door tag" is all things barty crouch jr, gay twink and mcr enjoyer
"the scarlet fox tag" is the woman, the MILF, the legend lily evans (she ate btw)
"the magician's rabbit tag" is mary macdonald <333333
"my weaver wife" is PENELOPE OF SPARTA yes i do know she is ody's wife and i would never dream of taking her from him (im stealing her from him respectfully as we speak)
"the green mamba that bites" is dorcas meadowes (we love a mean queen)
"the black cat that haunts" is regulus black, wet dog man and also brother's best friend survivor
"the lovegood moths tag" is essentially the lovegood family, pandora, xeno and luna
"the island and his freshwater pearl" is just odypen, pretty much the only straight pairing on here
" the two rabid beasts" is bartylily (essentially emo/preppy at core)
"the rotting hyena tag" is rosekiller (tee hee)
"the bunny corpse" is my marydora stuff
"pansy's aus" is what it says on the can
"ask pansy anything" basic comprehension skills yall
"pansy rambles" essentially the same vein, see above, etc
I think???? i have an au list somewhere in here so ill put it on here as well
odyssey thg au, where ody and polites go into a war-torn arena and only one returns home (alr a wip)
odyssey modern au, where ody is enlisted in the war and needs to get OUT. dio actually pops in and checks in on him from time to time and calypso is just a super weird flight attendant
odyssey lotr au, following the whole arawen/odypen parallels that have me gripped atm (and also penelopes half divine side as well because the POTENTIAL aghh) jsyk legolas and gimli are perimedes and elpenor :))))))
idk why but like odyssey roleswap au, where eury and ody stay at home while their wives are away on pilgrimage or wtv the equiv is in ancient greece and circe and calypso r just super hot evil minor gods. OMG WAIT tiresias is the same but its his cursed-by-hera woman form (long story, will explain in a later post)
iliad/odyssey college au where theyre all just here and there and also everyone who dies either gets sent away or yk runs away from the shitty ass ilium university (helen is the art major queen and calypso stalks ody which we love/hate)
THE ILIAD/ODYSSEY RENAISSANCE COURT AU which isnt realy plot,,, its just fluff and fake dating and secret dating and also lady thetis who hates her sons prince consort patroclus and theres rlly just a lot of love and drama
[self-indulgent one comin in hot] single parent ody with calypso's kids nausithous and nausinous who has penelope as his kids' babysitter (not canon timeline-complicit bc who needs that shitfaced angst blast)
and ofc a hogwarts au just for funzies
just tag me on either ao3 or on here if u use these!
anyways,,, have fun! pls enjoy my half-asleep crazes
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hellsvestibule · 1 year
I’m sorry, The real reason I’m so fucked up and Britomart is my hard fav and who I really made that post about is bc one time I stared at a faint violet light which burned through my entire being; it was like a distant star yet it enveloped and destroyed my body, burning through me leaving nothing left of myself but the hollow husk I am now, but then I saw my unceasing ever expanding reflection which I now understand is a part of a vague undefinable collective called “tumblr” (death) and within that all encompassing crushing plurality I become Nothing and also Everything. And then there’s the fucking void butterfly haunting my FUCKING nightmares (shakes my fist) (growling and snarling bc my inner beast has been awakened) I’ll get you one day, void butterfly! , but yeah since then I haven’t properly known or understood myself or others my essence is NOT valid and everything I say is a negation of what i say and untrustworthy , maybe that’s why I’m so touchy man everything’s mostly been a hollow simulacrum of what once was and yet has ceased to be yet appears to me only within this dream of a dream I have yet to experience or remember. But. everyone’s having that same dream because of the Fucking void butterfly, and yet they say I am the one bullying them by trapping them in -my- nightmare realm, omgggg I’m w en though I’m Im just -sniffs- I’m just a shambling corpsedoll interchangeable with everyone else at certain angles. but also I recognize I do have a very distinct purple(? Am I purple?) visage. but yeah the rest of you kinda do just look like a mass of writhing chaos to me sorry haha don’t be mad I’m searching for meaning and identity through expressing my opinions on these png anime characters too bc you see one day instead of fighting I listened to the non void butterflies (my mutuals who are an extension of my hive mind of simps with bad taste in anime women. Um, I guess, on some plane of conscious reality they’re probably maybe alive and real?) Anyway all the bugs who are my mutuals said my taste in anime is final bc im gods strongest warrior, specialist prince-princess, and most pitiful wet kitten, and that’s all it takes to be a hero to THEM
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misqnon · 6 months
hi. march. slowly shortening this introduction to my posts. sorry if this is a little incoherent i woke up in the middle of the night and im getting sleepy again
i tried looking up fanfiction involving hannyabul and magellan the other day and there was almost none??? i really thought theyd be .. at least a little popular ... the dynamics... arent the dynamics similar to zosan or cavendish and bartolomeo.. dont people like that.. (i wouldnt know since ive never really been a fan of the enemies/rivals to lovers trope)
im pretty sure kidd wears a beast pirate disguise? and like .. good for him... (good for me).. hes got the titties out. i love men. i also rly enjoy the few frobin moments we get when theyre in disguise, theyre super cute!! it seems like u havent been spoiled on the Biggest Moments in wano so im very very glad to hear that. it also kind of has a mystery aspect so i think its probably way more enjoyable to go in blind. there IS a special kind of anticipation when u know what's coming but.. imo its more fun to guess how things will go rather than know and be excited about it
honestly i didnt care for the setting either. in the anime tho .. big mom's introduction is so good. theres a song that plays (its in the manga too but it's way better to hear it rather than... read lyrics) and when i started wci i was still watching the anime, so i got to listen to the song. it was stuck in my head for days. very catchy. i love how theatrical it is and it really made me excited for the arc .. and then i ended up barely enjoying it LOL. also i do actually love pudding but her age also makes me go... ewww. oda made an awful decision making her 16 . gives me kyros flashbacks.. although sanji doesnt seem to be genuinely interested in her. but still like why did oda do that... why... what is the point ... wci does pick back up a bit imo after they get sanji back (which i think is the part ur at? or a little bit after?) and i honestly think it wraps up quite nicely. and yeah.. most importantly.. katakuri is introduced in the second half. lovely guy. i heart him
robin's va did that in. one take??? that is Insane?? she genuinely channeled robin in that moment wtf
i will definitely talk abt opla if/when i watch it. even if zoro doesnt have his goofiness at least i can thirst over him. am i into mackenyu? no.. zoro? yeahs........ also i can definitely see how jacob being too hot is an issue for usopp LOL. some people just.. ooze confidence.. and are too smooth. i think ill probably enjoy his characterization anyways tho cuz i adore usopp
i cant draw women for the life of me but transfem sanji is haunting my brain and.. she made me attempt .. attempt to draw a lady. its her. shes the lady.
YOU THOUGHT OF ME??? im so flattered U have no idea aikfjshdjd. law.. i.. hes a little fucked up.. human art pieces . actually as someone who's done a bit of sculpture (but not abstract art. and it was ceramics) i can appreciate it. if he didnt use real living people in his art i would definitely appreciate it more.. but i imagine seeing a severed head on a sculpture and then they start talking to u.. i imagine that would be a Little.. scary... just a little . i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing law .
i think its semi canon?? theres a moment in the anime (idk if its in the manga or not) where bepo gives law.. puppy dog? eyes? but like .. polar bear version. and law is clearly weak to that. also he calls chopper a tanuki even after being asked not to bc chopper has a cute reaction (he gets mad). so i think he IS weak to cute animals. he is very similar to robin like that... they would definitely bond over choppers cuteness. and they both have weird taste.. in cute animals. its not bunnies or idk. dogs or cats. robin likes pathetic animals (the dragon that had to carry them all up to zou) and law likes . bepo. a 7 foot tall polar bear man.
THATS SUCH A STRANGE COINCIDENCE. this is my first time moving since ive lived in the same place my whole life .. so its kinda exciting and also kinda scary.
OH so u can send images but it just cant be on anon. im.. one day... one day for sure.. (soon). i grew up on twitter tho .. yeah. and before that it was youtube. i have been on the internet since the beginning of time (since i was in single digits. like 5 maybe idk, but i do remember being able to make my own youtube account at 7, and i had been using my brothers before that). my dark past. since ive been on the internet so long i just accept that theres probably a load of my personal information out there for anyone to see. and also a bunch of embarrassing things I've said from years ago. sometimes i come across a youtube comment from when i was like 9 and its always a bit shocking LOL
I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED WITH SESSHOMARU. when i found out .... it .. it .. i.... i dont have words. its so upsetting 😭. actually ive kind of been trying to get into vocaloid bc i recently (like 2 years ago) found out i had been listening to it.. and i didnt know. i didnt realize it was vocaloid
LOL, i say IT COUNTS. i dont draw in my mind cuz i have slight aphantasia. i imagine drawing in ur head is way more relaxing than actually drawing... cuz like... the struggle of anatomy.. proportions.. lighting.. colors.. yeah art is so hard.
there havent been any sbs's recently i dont think?? like they stopped at some point during wano and .. idk what happened. i miss it .. i want to ask about the giant snails that pull germa's ship... well i want someone else to ask about it really . not me. but yeah i have a lot of questions and i just hope it comes back soon 😔. maybe im just missing them somehow but i have checked multiple places. but for some reason i dont see anyone mention it.
RIGHT?? RIGHT???? dont worry the colorism stays /s. they have characters in the latest episodes that are dark skinned and they made only the girl lighter skinned. oda didnt do that. oda made them all the same in the manga. its infuriating.
an issue i have post timeskip is that i actually cannot tell the women apart half the time. they all look pretty similar in the manga, although theyre distinguishable by their clothes and hair. but there was a spread (not colored) that had the main one piece women all in different clothes and with different hair and i sat there for multiple minutes trying to figure out who was who. like i genuinely couldnt tell. i miss nami's short hair,, it had so much character.. and i also miss robins short hair.. again.. it had so much character.
even on a colored cover i had a moment where i was like "is that vivi or is it nami" because it was just a solid blue. i assumed vivi based off context clues and bc.. blue. but if i hadnt had that.. i dont think i wouldve been able to tell. i have no problem with character design changing but oda makes most of the women next to indistinguishable from one another now. its really upsetting. if they had different skin tones or even just. different eye shapes. or different figures. it wouldnt be that much of an issue. but nooo he cant do that. all women who are supposed to be attractive have to look the same.
YEAH ive seen that video!!! u show up a lot on my feed but most of the time its just... the same few posts... which is kind of funny. I ALSO LOVED THE NEWKAMA!! like wow!!! queer representation??? i feel a kinship with these characters?? bon clay literally made impel down for me. my favorite boygirl girlboy. i adore u bon clay.. i adore u.
im a big fan of fukaboshi so i think anytime he was on screen my enjoyment was elevated. also zoro fighting hody(is that who it was) underwater was so cool . like how are u better than a fishman in water??? and the moments with noah... it felt like it was setting up some rly big things and i always love stuff like that. LOL YEAH sanji was even grosser on return to sabaody. i think its just not talked about as much because it wasnt a long arc and he wasnt on screen for a lot of it
oh they for sure have some good points. i also miss the silly shenanigans of pre timeskip. but overall im enjoying post timeskip more, and i do think theyre at least a LITTLE BIT blinded by nostalgia. its hard not to be tbh. i do really miss seeing all the crew together. i dont exactly mind them splitting up but .. i feel like a lot of them end up kind of sidelined. we dont get to see (just some examples) brook or chopper or nami fight much and i. i love them.. i love them just as much as the rest of the crew. i think nami has a really interesting fighting style. and brook is just fun. and people complain (validly) that chopper has been mascotified. which i wouldnt mind so much if he got more cool moments but he doesnt!! we dont even get to see him being a doctor that often :(.
like the writing is still fantastic but yeah. i agree. oda has basically run the jokes that were already pretty tired. into the ground. sanji being the one who suffers most from it. i dont mind robin having more moments where she imagines a really gruesome thing has happened to someone, for example. because she barely did that pre timeskip, and now she only does it occasionally so its not like "oh my god STOP". its still enjoyable. but. idk if theres even a prominent example of someone's character joke being awful other than sanji. like hes the only one who has a consistently awful joke. that in my opinion has never been funny. and its been made into a huge part of his character. i still love post timeskip to death bc. look at everything thats happening!! but i have a lot . lot . lot of gripes with it.
fellow impel down and dressrosa lover 🫡. i do rly like water 7 but . i dont know why but i never enjoyed enies lobby all that much. i think thats probably super controversial LOL. oops.
oh friend... u have no idea..... i have SO many one piece thoughts ... i have paragraphs upon paragraphs of one piece thoughts... the hyperfixation is actively killing me /j
wait let me. find . some.. i send them all in my private (as in its just me and my irl best friend) discord server so its not only in chronological order from when i sent the messages but its also extremely disorganized.. hmm a lot of these are/involve huge spoilers LOL
wait. how do u feel about sanji with heterochromia. one eye is blue and the other is brown . u get the best of both worlds... i felt like i was smart for this but ur the resident sanji lover. u have the say (in my mind) of what is best for him,,,
i saw someone say usopp would get conquerers haki and i big time disagree. he has the best observation haki in the crew and i feel like him getting conquerers haki would kinda cheapen that. and it cheapens his growth. why does he need to have conquerers haki to be a brave warrior of the sea? hes doing perfectly well without it. and also i dont think it fits his character. hes cowardly, has no self confidence, runs away from battles sometimes out of fear, and definitely has a huge sense of shame. from what i know, people with conquerers haki are usually super self assured, strong in a pretty traditional sense, and dont have much self doubt. usopp is like the opposite of that. i think hes very brave because he fights despite how scared he is, but the character archetype just doesn't work imo. like usopp without those characteristics is. to me. not usopp. tell me what u think!! also im like 90% sure none of this is spoilery but if it is i am so so sorry
obviously i havent seen the live action yet but live action shanks looks too hot to me.. like hes too conventionally attractive. i want him to be.. a rat man.. greasy .. but extremely charming.. and hes NOT!! hes just regular hot!??
do all places in one piece just have extra chairs or tables that are bigger? cuz there are some characters that arent of the giant race but are huge. and yet they fit on regular chairs. do u have a 8 foot tall guy walk into ur bar and u have to say "wait a second, we need to get out the big chairs" and then drag out a chair twice ur size? is that the case EVERYWHERE? or do some places not have big chairs so if ur extremely large u just have to sit in a chair thats too small for u.. or maybe u just sit on the floor. or stand.
that scene in sabaody of usopp asking rayleigh if the one piece is real, and luffy gets mad and tells usopp that he doesnt want to know, and if he finds out he will quit right now because he wont go on an adventure that isnt any fun. luffy is such a chill, silly captain, that im sure him snapping like that must be scary. usopp looked so shocked. i love their relationship. i think moments like that. really solidify how real the characters feel. like yeah, they have strong, defined morals. and they will argue and be childish and yell for the sake of their morals. i feel like a lot of media has characters with morals but it doesn't ever show them actually disagreeing with someone. let alone a friend. idk im not wording this great but i think this moment is so good. i love the moments of childishness in one piece. its very humanizing to have immaturity in ur characters
ok thats what ill leave u with for now :)
IM GLAD THAT MADE U LAUGH!! i felt really called out by constantly seeing it bc.. yeahm.. admittedly .. cannibalism is sexy sometimes.. i recently admit this to myself...
"i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing law ."
i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing march .
*nods* march 🫡
i dont think i’ve ever actually met someone who doesn’t like enemies to lovers before?? ik its popular bc its one of my favs and im happy about that bc im always nosedeep in the content SFNKJDN. valid tho. i cant speak bc ive written two 50K+ zosan fanfics and will probably write more 🧍I’LL USE THOSE SKILLS TO WRITE HANYAGELLAN FOR YOU. HAHA JK …UNLESS
so ive only met kidd once or twice right. i met him in sabaody pre-timeskip when the worst generation got introduced and he’s had a couple small moments since then. but i just feel and know in my heart that i would be a kidd girlie. red haired angry anime men are one of those specific niches i’m like YEAAA YEAAA [CHEERING] and people are always talking about his tits in the one piece server i’m in so. DFJNVIDJ HELL YEAH IM READY FOR THAT
and frobin…hell yea…theyre so cute…my weirdo couple…
actually!! im reading the manga on tcbscans and there’s a comment section under every chapter that i like to read bc its cool seeing ppl’s reactions (as i’ve said) and in big mom’s intro chapter someone was like “if ur manga only look up her song rn its actually so good” so i did and YEA. ITS SO FUN?? AND THEATRICAL?? AND I LOVE THE MELODY?? like ok big mom go off
yea i already knew pudding was 16 bc i was all up in sanji’s business and reading about wci when i joined the fandom but I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT KYROS AND I WAS SO MAD WHEN THAT REVEAL HAPPENED!??!!? I WAS LIKE DAMN ODA HAS DONE THIS SHIT LIKE 3 TIMES NOW?? for the third one i count shirahoshi. even though she didnt have a love interest it was nasty for him to make a character so obviously meant to be so beautiful and sought-after and sexualized and then make her a teenager. plus vander decken . existed.
“am i into mackenyu? no.. zoro? yeahs........” this is so real
i have an art degree and tbh i support law and his human sculptures wholeheartedly. its very dada of him imo. but abstract art seems more up his alley. regardless i know some of my professors would have been like “live human sculpture…wow…that is so Art” very marina abromavic of him as well. but um yeah he should still go to therapy tho. yea
robin and law 🤝 “cool and collected” characters thinking fucked up weird animals are cute
i’ve moved like 9 times in my life this is just another day in the life [eyebags the size of dinner plates]
(looks at the other ask in my inbox) oh yeah…very soon
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omg. i started getting on the internet in single digits but to like. get on mylittlepony.com and play facebook games. i started being more “ONLINE” around probably 10 or 11 though and i made my tumblr account when i was 12 💀 i, too, sometimes see something old i posted and just go Oh God 
and i DEF had/have too much personal info online bc of that but i’ve tried to cut it down lately in the interest of ~ internet safety ~ . i dont use my first name online as much (hence going by mont in addition to the. trans-ness) and i took all my selfies off my blog. but who knows what else i put up and have forgotten about
I LOVE VOCALOID!! i’ve been into vocaloid basically since i started being online (although i dont keep up with a lot of CURRENT vocaloid news so im like an old man who didnt keep up with the times. i love the original crypton 6 (miku, rin, len, meiko, kaito, luka) + gumi and gakupo but until a couple years ago i was like “What The Fuck is a Fukase” jbfvhjdn
i’ve caught up to date a little bit and still consider myself currently a vocaloid fan but yea im like a genwunner of vocaloid but just bc im lazy not bc im pretentious djsnkj
i actually saw kikuo (my fav vocaloid producer) in concert in january!! my first and only vocaloid concert…(but only bc he happened to be touring with bo en. no miku hologram for me)
ur like the third person ive met with aphantasia! and. yea its much easier in my head </3 why did i major in that shit </3 
WAIT REALLY?? THEY DONT DO SBS ANYMORE?? I LOVE SBS :( I ALSO HAVE SOME ONGOING QUESTIONS I WANT ANSWERED!! (that i want someone else to ask kjvfnkfn) i looked it up and didnt see much at a cursory glance aside from the fact that sbs happens every volume instead of chapter (?) who knows but i hope they didnt stop completely…
toei feel my wrath re: the racism. oda also feel my wrath re: the sexism. and the racism (why do you use the same skin color for everyone in the colorspreads…oda PLEASE) and the worst part about the nami clone thing is that we know he can draw women differently. have u seen how he drew young big mom. she was so hot. and yet he chooses NOT TO!!
YEA I WAS ACTUALLY SURPRISED HOW WELL DONE THE IMPEL DOWN REPRESENTATION FELT?? THAT WHEN WE GOT TO KAMABAKKA I WAS LIKE why did we go…backwards…but they cant take the impel down newkama land away from me. that scene where iva makes a speech about gender and does a little performance made me feel so seen on screen even if oda meant for it to be tokenism or something. i think he thinks we (gay ppl) are cool but doesnt quite get it. like he saw gay ppl and went “this would work with my silly art style so well. transgenderism is a thrilling character trait” and then did not attempt to understand much after that KDCKJS
FUKABOSHI MY BELOVED actually all 3 of the fishman princes…when they cheered up shirahoshi during the scene where their mom was murdered i actually cried as they danced and sang through their own tears. like wtF. AND YEA ZORO ALMOST DROWNED SO MANY TIMES THAT ARC BUT HE WAS STILL COOL AND HOT 😔 the noah was also a cool concept!! you see the noah’s arc thing come up a lot in anime for some reason?? like my d gray man loving ass was like huh…okay two nickels…
ur so right about the sidelining (its like anyone that isnt the east blue 5) and especially about chopper. aside from being mascotified i wish he wasnt baby-fied too (which stems from the mascot problem). like…he’s 17. chopper is a full ass teenager, not a child. I GET that he’s a reindeer and also very naive but imagine how cool he could have been post timeskip…horn point chopper is my fav bc i just love the design but IMAGINE IF HE LOOKED LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME!!
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and he could have so much more development in terms of constantly seeing his crewmates near death and always having to fix it…or just him improving as a doctor! i dont think we get to see chopper doctor enough but we also dont get to see him struggle! (m really just over here advocating for more depression and more hardship for chopper im so sorry king)
a lot of the running jokes i can still get behind (zoro getting lost will never not be funny to me idk how it hasnt gotten old but it hasnt okay) maybe bc its so harmless?? robin’s gruesome joke i agree, its not overdone so i still like it. mean nami slapstick i’ve never liked but can get a chuckle out of me every once in a while. brook panty joke L 👎brook skull jokes would be funny but they’re always too easy 👎 and yea sanji is the worst victim. i found it somewhat funny/endearing pre thriller bark when it was mostly harmless swooning and heart eyes but nowadays uhhh [beating him to death with hammers] 
u know what i see ur point on enies lobby. for water 7 it had great new characters and an AWESOME bright and beautiful water city setting but enies lobbies is. just a bunch of white government buildings on an island. the high point is definitely just robin’s moment. and kaku saying “I LOVE GIRAFFES. GIRAFFES ARE AWESOME” 
one piece brainrot is ruining me i have MUCH IDEA !!
OKAY LISTEN . I HAVE HEARD BOTH ROBIN HETEROCHROMIA AND SANJI HETEROCHROMIA AND LIKE. I DONT THINK EITHER ARE / COULD BE CANON BUT. robin heterochromia is so fun. and sanji heterochromia although for some reason i dont feel like it fits him HAS POTENTIAL bc imagine when he comes back post timeskip with his bangs covering the other eye now and the crew is like “🤨 wait i thought you had blue eyes?” ugh i need it. ive seen a LITTLE art and like 1 fic of heterochromia sanji and its very entertaining for sure i always eat it up even tho i dont necessarily headcanon it. i am so glad i have authority on this in ur mind btw. [clanging my sanji gavel] order in the court
i agree about usopp and conqueror’s haki! like damn we already got two of them with it dont we…although i saw someone on youtube somewhere suggest he could have “conquerer’s observation” ?? idk enough about haki to understand that but it sounds cool 👍 its not spoilery so dw! although that yt comment made me think like “if there’s multiple types of conqueror’s haki it it like..all based on one guy? one original conqueror ?? and who was it…” who knows…i mean i know zoro has conqueror’s haki bc of spoils but idk how or when that happens (wano, i assume. idk how i feel about that yet bc much as i love the green guy sometimes i feel like he’s favored a bit for the op stuff) and you made some really solid points about usopp’s character too!! part of me was like “damn sanji the only monster trio member not to have conqueror’s haki…” but he could not have it for. several of the same reasons u listed for usopp lmao AND THATS OK!! THOSE THINGS ARE REASONS I LIKE THEM BOTH 
“live action shanks is too hot” ok then explain this
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you know what. that is. a good question. why do they get so big btw. like humans come in all sizes but why. is it to do with the gravity of the planet cause its so huge and got so many moons…thats how i explain half of the unrealistic things in this show lmao. maybe they just stand. its more Intimidating™. sorry villains dont get to sit (although that makes me think about that time doffy was just sitting on the table in the middle of the warlord meeting?? did u see that post?? its a screenshot like why did they let him on the table like that. evil cat behavior from local bird man)
THATS A GOOD SCENE TO POINT OUT. YEA YEA YEA YUOU GET IT. i loooove the serious luffy moments. ive said it a million times but luffy is intelligence 5 wisdom 20. luffy is actually very selfish but in a way that i dont hate…he just wants to be free. and free others. and he lives so in the moment. he’s so different from so many people that he’s very fascinating as a character to watch, esp bc he DOES have moments like u mentioned that make him feel real and have boundaries. u know its funny bc luffy is like the most open accepting character that its hilarious how many times ive seen something oda has written/done and been like “luffy would never do this. the character u made up and continue to write would be more accepting than this.” like luffy is totally chill with women, doesnt see them as lesser, never even hints at this like even zoro does, luffy’s super chill about bon clay and the newkama, luffy doesnt discriminate based on characters’ races etc etc etc. and yet oda DOEs do all this its like. oda u have to see if bc u MAKE it so why cant U BE MORE LIKE THE GUY YOU MADE UP FDJVKND. i think the only moment i can think of that even vaguely implies luffy knows what a gender role is is when he’s in amazon lily and they put him in a frilly shirt and he’s like “i dont wanna wear this. this isnt my style at all” but its all about his OWN preferences and not about anyone else’s. u get me??
“cannibalism is sexy sometimes” u get it. u get it. u understand. we are kindred spirits rn. join me
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to end off here are some of my one piece headcanons (some of which probably will never be canon and im okay with that)
first off sanji is a repressed bisexual and u can tear this from my cold dead hands. post kamabakka he’s gnc too he just wont admit it bc hes a scared little baby bitch. ik it was anime only but that scene were he’s fighting in a dress and caroline keeps telling him to accept himself or some shit as a flower slowly blooms metaphorically in the in-between footage was transgender as hell. also that time someone sent a message to oda in sbs saying like “i’m so glad sanji is girl crazy and not boy crazy” an oda responded “uh, totally” …like is the translation just coming off sarcastic or am i reaching-
i think zoro is gay. he just gives me that vibe ok. 2nd choice he is aroace and luffy is like his qpp or somethin ok (i dont ship zolu but i can admit those bitches got a point bc MAN they really love each other. i like it much better as friendship tho) and on that note luffy is aroace too.
nami is a lesbian. im aware all 3 of these are the popular fandom hcs but idc. this one i have actual evidence for have u seen how she latches onto every woman in each arc. she’s just as bad as sanji she’s just more chill about it /hj
contrary to fandom hc i think robin and usopp are probably straight. robin would make a very dignified lesbian or bisexual but i think she’s just a weirdgirl straight who’s being a supportive ally with franky. 
brook is probably straight but i think he was also simultaneously in love with yorki a little bit and doesnt talk about it bc yorki is gone now so its not like its gonna happen ever again. soul king “im straight but i had a boyfriend one time” brook
chopper is a reindeer
god what else do i have aside form sexuality headcanons. OH !! this isnt a headcanon but i have a running theory that many of the strawhats are based on classic characters from fiction/pop culture…i keep meaning to make a post about this but im busy
zoro is inspired by zorro. okay easy next
chopper is inspired by rudolph, obviously
usopp is inspired by pinocchio but I DONT SEE THIS ONE MENTIONED AS OFTEN: CYRANO DE BERGERAC!! down to the lying and the long nose and the crush on the rich girl out of his league!!
robin is inspired by matilda in my mind. weirdgirl with mind powers abused by her caregivers and obsessed with books…like okay oda just tell us u read roald dahl
i know sanji was inspired in looks by mr. pink in reservoir dogs but i havent seen that movie so i cant speak on anything else LMAO
i feel like its possible the others were inspired by more that i just am not aware of / might be japanese pop culture and therefore harder for western fans to spot…thoughts?
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resmarted · 1 year
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guess who was supposed to be asleep five hours ago and may or may not sleep through morning plans today? that's right homies it is time for a new installment of recently titled series: late nite thotz
my life is compromised of an ongoing series of what are often described in mystical circles as tower moments. my birthday is on the 16th which is the same number as the tower in tarot, and no matter how many times it happens, i have very much managed to start from the bottom and build back up from nothing over and over again. i am literally that chumbawumba song incarnate bruh. i have done this my entire life and all of the lifetimes before that. how else do you think i got a zillion identities? survival mode turned beast mode bitch.
that being said i just do not think my purpose in this life is limited to one particular area of work and i certainly don't think i would pick flippin cards in the quarter as the ultimate goal. i have a very distinct memory of my mom washing dishes and telling me to stay in school so i didn't have to do this work one day. being a fuck up loser disappointment aside, what i DID do was find other things to be good at so that i WOULDN'T have to be stuck doing this one day. it's so hard to convince someone so close to you to zoom out and get perspective on the magnitude of what it is you are actually doing with your life.
that being said, if anyone is able to revolutionize the healthcare system and outdated government systems and other grandiose endeavors i think we can all agree it's moi. i am literally schrodingers cat.
another weird memory that keeps haunting me on repeat is when i was 7 and stitches were still gnarly as fuck and had to be cut out i had several nurses hold me down at one point bc i could hear and see the fucking scissors right near my ear and eye BLUGH it was such a disturbing feeling. this got me branded as a difficult patient at a very early age and the doctor was like aggressively annoyed with me for the rest of my life for not being a super chill post op patient freshly after having my body mutilated and i fucking never heard the end of it.
but i AM a difficult patient. this is very much still my reputation. a bitch has to be! i am truly the worst on so many levels i like show up to the hospital expecting a red carpet to roll out before me and even when it is i am still like umm?? aren't you forgetting to tell me how funny and pretty i am?? like such a monster seriously. but i am also so glad stitches are dissolvable now.
okay but seriously im not fucking kidding. i did not survive this life to be mediocre. my mom says when i was born i looked so pissed all the time because i was fighting so hard to survive. and my whole life since has been more or less looking around this grotesque world and thinking what the actual fuck was i fighting to be in this shithole for? and at this point i am like fuck it, may as well go down in flames and die fighting for the sake of mankind as a whole. which is SUCH. a god complex i know like what am i a doctor? wait...am i? if i had a show called witch doctor md would you subscribe. be honest.
0 notes
mitchiegonewild · 2 years
aot youtuber headcanons part 1
Eren: "jaegerbamb"
Eren games. ik this sounds like such a cop out answer but cmon...that dude would have streamy-worthy rage-quits, the best lives, and the most entertaining streams
he would repost all the edits people make of him
he moves to twitch after a while on youtube
all of his fans swear hes fine but everyone who's not is like "yeah hes like a 6"
he rarely collabs with anyone but when he does its always with either mikasa or armin who beat his ass, or connie just bc he loves connie
he HATES horror games and his subs know it so they always request those games and 9 times out of 10 he ends up crying
Mikasa: "wiccanest"
she does manifestation and spirituality stuff
she helps all her baby witches and is EXTREMELY avid about doing things the right way so her subs dont get hurt
she looks scary in her thumbnails but shes actually the softest person to ever exist in her vids
her cats are almost always featured in her videos. their names are keyboard and snufkin
shes also pinterest famous and uploads the most random yet aesthetic stuff
she did a gym vlog video with annie once and everyone went crazy bonkers bananas
Armin: "MinnieASMR"
an asmrist and i will die on this hill
he gives out studying tips on there too and does "study with me :)" videos
he did a mukbang once and never again because connie was in his comments like "ZAMN DADDY LOOKS GOOD WHILE HE MONCHIN??😍😍😍" & "THAT CRUNCH AT 8:29 IM ABT TO BUST A NUT😩"
does tiktok lives but falls asleep on them
choked on his water one time while the mic was at full vol still and woke up a good 2/3rds of his streamers
does the best energy plucks
Connie: "conman reacts"
a react channel
hes like coryxkenshin, but he only plays games with eren
hes actually really funny though, and he does a lot of streams so he can interact with people, and he also has a podcast that he hosts with sasha and jean
actually threw up on camera when someone asked if he and sasha were dating (that was the day they both came out LMFAO)
he is strong asf in every single try not to laugh challenge but the SECOND he hears "wenomechainsama" or any low quality meme and he loses it
he and mr beast did a video together once and connie blew a coke up in his face. he was not invited back
Annie: "Annie's How To's"
self defense videos and life inspiration
posts maybe once every four months because she forgets that she has a channel
got acrylics PURELY to show people with long nails how to knock a motherfucker out
actually ended up liking them and gets them when shes not filming
sometimes appears in mikasas videos to do yoga with her
has little 8-minute mindfulness videos
Sasha: "sasha.b"
sasha doesn't do food videos bc im tired of always seeing her with food shit, so i say she does a brittany broski type thing where she literally just does the most unhinged and wild shit whenever and its funny as hell
connie is her sarah schauer and jean is her bestie taylor
shes gone on literally so many podcast episodes and just gets drunk while telling literally the most outrageous stories from her childhood
was a born and raised tennessee girlie that moved to chicago
is mikasas roommate and photobombs her videos almost constantly, but just with a little wave
obsesses over medias and just will not stop talking about it for weeks on end and then moves on in a blink
Jean & Marco: "Jean & Marco V.S. The Paranormal"
they are literally buzzfeed unsolved
jean does not believe in ghosts. marco very much does and says his Catholic Prayers at least thrice in each video
jean twerked for annabelle and she threatened to brutally kill both of them
marcos super respectful and is always like "the dress you have in this picture is just lovely" and jeans like "first of all...youuurrreee nothing but a trashy hoe." and then gets surprised when the ghost targets him
marco fell through a haunted bar's roof and started singing "the lord is my shepherd" and jean stopped himself mid rescue to laugh
a rumor got started that marco was actually dead and a ghost and there is now a national funeral day for marco in the "Jean & Marco V.S. The Paranormal" fandom
Hange: "Science Rulez"
an account purely for middle school science teachers
theyre an actual scientist not just a youtuber but on their off days because they love their job so much they'll do tiny little videos
they are VERY passionate about teaching biology in schools
they have pet turtles and ferrets that they heavily feature and call them their "assistants" (moblit has a "hey, im right here!" voice bite that they usually play)
moblit is their begrudging camera and light man because he just wants to be able to go on vacation with them on their time off
hange covers EVERYTHING from astronomy to fucking quantum physics and always gets comments about how they changed students whole grades and they ALWAYS respond and/or like
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year2000electronics · 3 years
Tumblr's being weird and won't let me find the Dark Moon rewrite post. I think there was one where you explained the story behind it, at least?
I JUST HAVENT MADE A FULL POST ON IT IM SORRYYYY but i can do bullet points of what’s going down
- so basically this kinda comes from a place of me like. liking dark moon but wishing it had more Characters. so it started with making boss ghosts and then kinda escalated
- so the plot is luigi is looking for e gadd after he went missing in a place near the mansion called evershade valley, unfortunately along the way we see a flash of lightning, a scream, and then cut to darkness
- it fades back in and it’s revealed that luigi is now... a GHOST!! oh no! (this would be the main ‘gimmick’ of the game like how mansion 3 had gooigi as a big selling point)
- he realizes he’s in a lab and he’s been captured by a ghost researcher named professor evershade who said his ghostly dna seemed different somehow so he wanted to see more
- luigi explains the situation and asks if he can help him contact e gadd but all lines to him are dead- evershade theorizes that he must have been taken by the same spectre that turned luigi into a ghost, and luigi immediately goes ‘KING BOO....’ bc who else does he have beef with.
- evershade suggests that if they defeat the four rulers of the nearby mansions they can assemble the dark moon, an artifact that will make sure no ghost will be able to cause their own mischief again
- luigi agrees, and in the meantime evershade says he can try to work on a way to see if he can change luigi back from a ghost
- he uses the same teleportation device e gadd does in dark moon to get luigi in and out of evershades lab, and luigi usually winds up in the small garden which leads to the four mansions
- (meta talk here- the multiple mansion exploring and evershades appearance are meant to kinda trick the player into thinking that it’s a ‘different character same purpose’ scenario, like how both goombario and goombella are tattling goombas)
- (you also get access to regular luigi after clearing one or two rooms in the first mansion- this serves as a bit of a tutorial segment for ghost luigis abilities and how youll be able to switch between ghost luigi and regular luigi to accomplish different tasks)
- ghost luigi probably has the power of a portrait ghost himself, so would have abilities such as the ability to scare other ghosts into fleeing a room or scaring them into doing stuff for him (which would serve as both a puzzle solution and a short-term solution for any segments where you may be stuck as ghost luigi), there are also other abilities like passing through walls (but most new rooms will be VERY dark so it would be hard to suss out details), spectral wind, etc. regular luigi is the one able to catch ghosts though, and regular and ghost forms will often interact in puzzles like a slightly less co-op based luigi and gooigi system
- the first mansion, gloomy manor, is a pretty standard mansion, it’s very old and filled w cobwebs. the boss is a spider-themed ghost, madame moufette. she says the mansions been lost to time and now only the spiders and ghosts live there
- the second mansion, haunted towers, is... actually only a one floor lobby. it’s only when you take the elevator that you realize the entire building is underground and it leads you to a literal icy bunker where an arctic ghost, macready, has spent ages under the bunker and is convinced that a light wielding beast is hunting him down
- the third mansion, treacherous mansion, is a house of illusion, led by a chess-playing ghost named rook. there are stuff like portals, tv static, living suits of armour, the like. rook’s message to luigi is that not everything is as it seems in evershade valley
- luigi comes back from treacherous mansion and gives evershade the third piece of the dark moon, which is when evershade reveals he had the fourth piece of the dark moon all along- and. here’s where things get fucky wucky i’m so sorry
- evershade lifts his goggles and takes off his hat and reveals that HE’S luigi from the future. after the events of mansion 1, luigi eventually decided to become an apprentice to e gadd and became a full time ghost researcher. things don’t seem so different at first but unfortunately e gadd game-overs and so luigi is left all on his own. which is a bummer. with his mentor gone luigi throws himself into his work, neglecting going on adventures with mario to a point that he just stops getting invited... (took mario a VERY long time to stop asking though. make no mistake) over time he becomes a bit of a recluse and his curious and observant nature kinda becomes a hunger for knowledge... he wants to know just what the strange and unusual is and what makes it tick. he also starts using professor evershade as a pen name bc ‘dr mario’ gets people asking about his research for the wrong reasons. though not only does he become more curious but he gets very very bored. ghosts are just poltergeists, tricksters... they’re nothing without a leader. luigi tries to bring back king boo, he invents all sorts of things to try- but the one thing the professor did that he didn’t was invent that damn portrait machine (which has rusted and broken with time- it’s been like, 20-25 years at this point).
- basically, what starts out as ‘i need to bring king boo back so i can have a proper rogues gallery of ghosts to study’ turns into ‘i need to bring king boo back but why would i even defeat him? this is great for paranormal studies’ so yeah. now evershade would like to see the ghost world at its fullest power
- he time travelled back to the past to try and convince e gadd to free king boo (yes he made a time machine hashtag smart) but e gadd fights back, destroying the portrait machine he built. evershade is Angry about this and decides if he won’t help him... perhaps someone else will. his ‘time machine’ is actually a large building that affects all of evershade valley, so it, how it was 20 years into the future, was brought into the past. his backup plan was to trap luigi in evershade valley by turning him into a ghost and making him collect the dark moon shards that he had always wanted but couldn’t get (his ghost researching skills are fine but his ghost hunting skills are out of shape. he could have done that in the first place but he kinda wanted to see his old mentor again.)
- the dark moon itself is an artifact split into four parts bc its effect on ghosts is too much to stand, even for ghosts- it’d give whoever owns it absolute power over the paranormal world and its residents, so the four mansion ghosts have taken it upon themselves to protect them (evershades original plan also involved teaming up with king boo to defeat the ghosts and take the dark moon for themselves)
- (actually, the fourth mansion ghost is polterpup! the dark moon piece WAS in his collar but a certain evershade stole it after the doggy lets his guard down around luigi
- evershade, using the dark moons power, casts a blacklight into king boos painting and finally frees him, offering him ultimate power and ruling over ghosts if they work together as a team. king boo finds this hashtag funny so he’s like ok
- then, luigi gets teleported out of the lab before he can try and stop them. polterpup points him towards where evershades lab has been all along- the fourth and final mansion, old clockworks
- in there luigi finds e gadd being held hostage, where he reveals evershade was trying to threaten him into freeing king boo
- as ghost luigi you also experience side effects of the dark moon in this final dungeon, like controller inputs not working or luigi needing to stop and wrestle off a headache
- so yea... final boss is basically king boo fighting you and evershade cheering him on and you need to counter king boos attacks so that they hit the dark moon and destroy it
- luigi sucks up king boo.... LOL
- evershade is defeated and he doesn’t even have an evil monologue he just kinda stares at luigi unimpressed like ‘really? this is the route you’re taking’ and luigi silently just kinda grabs onto e gadd and whatever toads are in this game. and neither of them say anything
- somewhere in old clockworks a clock goes off, and all the rest of them do too (the one time you hear every clock in sync). fade to white and e gadd and luigi wake up in an empty field where a construction worker asks if they’re ok. pan out to reveal evershade is gone and there’s apparently a construction crew hoping to build four brand new buildings here in this valley
UM THATS IT LOL.... it’s rly overcomplicated i know. i’m sorry.
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the-queen-of-ships · 3 years
So, I got back into a Disney classic, specifically Beauty and the Beast. I watched the live action in cinemas, a bit auto tuned and Emma was a bit stiff during her performance and I have a few nitpicks here and there but the clothes, cgi, and choreography was stunning even the yellow dress tho I was not impressed when I saw it and still think its not all that good I love how she twirls in it. And the additional songs are lovely currently Im obsessed with 'Evermore'.
So, beware cause I'm gonna start gushing about how this song is perfect for Whitney and Calpernia whether you think of it as romantic or unrequited. I wouldn't have pieced this together if I wasn't writing an indulgent fic but here we are. I'm only choosing the ones that correlate to the canon story so far and since I now have a one shot idea I ain't throwing all my eggs in one basket and really bc I dont want to make this too long bc I need to sleep.
I was the one who had it all
I was the master of my fate
I never needed everybody in my life
So this one is pretty simple, it's basically about Whitney's poor choices because of his upbringing. Couldn't afford the luxury of trusting anyone even his siblings and the one time he did, he almost died for it.
I learned the truth too late
I'll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes but she's still there
I let her steal into my melancholy heart
It's more than I can bear
So, this would be around the time he finally sought to change. He'll always live to regret his actions and the very last one who he wronged; Calpernia will still haunt him even when he has apologized. Like guy dedicates a journey for apologizing to other people and he decides Calpernia to be the last one.
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me
Calm me, hurt me
Move me, come what may
So, pretty much the same as the last one but I'd like to bring your attention to 'torment me, calm me, hurt me, come what may' Calpernia really does affect him. In the comic, she has 'tormented and hurt him' this could go two ways literally and figuratively.
Literally, when she was still mad and when she puts him on the spot during Gwen's dinner party.
Figuratively, like the thought of her. I'd imagine the thoughts of Calpernia and those he has hurt accompany him during his travels. When he arrived in the CPC, he started being tormented and hurt by his guilt increasing because he was unknowingly developing feelings for her.
She also 'calms him' when he was having self doubt and contemplating leaving.
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she fades from view
She will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
When Whitney was having self doubt about his and Calpernia's change, she was able to prove to him that she has changed by fighting bootleg Johnny Bravo. That inspires him to help the Princels with their couch.
And also, if we think about it they're in the present today because of their past mistakes. Calpernia who let herself be stomped down and be the bait to lure in Asa. Whitney who plotted to murder Asa but accidentally stabs the wrong person.
That's about it really. Since I'm looking to make a hopefully short one shot bc I mentioned before I was writing an indulgent fic about these two and it somehow turned out longer than I imagined. So am I procrastinating, since technically I'm still doing stuff I'll know I'll post?
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mercystine · 3 years
OMFG puck doing terrible Povs on tiktok
Artie does aesthetic type vids that are Super well done.
Rachel also does super cringy Povs but like.. musical type ones?(totally not BC of runjoey run and her trying to do better)
Kurt would have a fashion insta that alternates between His fashion/outfits and outfits he designs.
Sebastian would also have a insta that's low-key book-y but also like.. selfies celebrating wins, sport and music, And hipster type pics of coffee and work/drinks when he's at clubs
Jesse having a popular Musicals covers tiktok
BC I have to add those two <<
puck does the awful straight tiktok povs that haunt me in my dreams 💀
artie would be so good at it! all of his tiktoks would be really professional, he would probably do some sick transitions
I feel like rachel would be high-key offended that a lot of people are using sounds from musicals they know nothing about and she would always be like 'WELL I knew *insert musical* before tiktok made it popular!'
kurt definitely has a fashion insta. I also think that his profile is the most organized of all the new directions ones
sebastian's profile would honestly have so much personality in it!! it would just be full of everything he loves. imagine sebastian's profile showing up on kurt's 'people you might know' page and kurt being the curious beast that he is clicked on it and viewed some of the pics. he has mixed feelings because sebastian who allowed you to have hobbies other than stealing people's boyfriends and being an asshole?? >:[
tina has an instagram account where she posts her art!! (okay Ive never heard of artist! tina before but she is now my life and im fully dedicated to her) she showed mike some of the sketches she had made and he was in a w e. he told her to create an account and start posting her art because its gonna do numbers. and it is 😌
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stitchlike · 5 years
hc - earth grudge fear ( jiongu )
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since kishimoto slipped a disc right in the middle of kakuzu and hidan arc, it is up to me to explain kakuzu’s horror jutsu, it is MY duty now.
so the only details that are known about earth grudge fear / jiongu is that its a forbidden technique that kakuzu stole from his village and that it’s capable of extending his life by stealing hearts of other people. and that, as seen on tv, kakuzu is full of tiny, black tendrils that can be manipulated by him and can be used to heal from even the nastiest wounds. the hearts claimed by jiongu seem to be able to operate on their own, though i would not call them sentient (because 
but nothing was ever explained about the origin of the technique or what exactly is it and thats where i, coyote, come in with my epic cool headcanons, here i go
tl;dr -  earth grudge fear is a weird fusion between a jutsu and biology. originally, the black threads were summoned and used as a medical jutsu but the risk associated with them was too great (and too freaky). the gathered black threads were sealed away and the art of summoning them was forbidden. kakuzu stole the jutsu, used it on himself and is now the sole living host of jiongu / earth grudge fear. which has severely messed up his body and would have continued to do so were it not for his tragic, untimely death.
first record of jiongu / earth grudge fear is that of an ancient medical technique, especially useful during the first shinobi conflicts. the shinobi medics of the region that would eventually become takigakure knew a technique of summoning a small gathering of black threads. those threads, when guided to a wound, would move on their own and stitch together the cut tissue. the black threads were capable of re-attaching lost limbs and closing otherwise life-threatening wounds. this was also a time before precise medical jutsus were developed/learned from other shinobi regions. the black threads were the main healing technique, they were effective but crude. they did not help with the pain or regeneration, they just closed the wounds. eventually, they were replaced by more modern medical ninjutsus.
PLUS medics of takigakure were actively seeking to replace the black threads because the repeated use of them was proven to be very detrimental to the body. with every summon or every stitch, there was a risk of becoming infected with the threads that could slip into a human body with ease. the tendrils are drawn to chakra and since human body generates it, they seek to infiltrate it in order to be closer to the source. this resulted in medics suddenly coughing up the clumps of wriggling black threads or shinobi removing their bandages only to see something moving underneath their skin. the black threads were very effective for severe wounds, but repeated use was extremely dangerous. the threads could obstruct airways and accidentally choke their host or they could end up clogging veins, leading to serious heart complications. the threads would also multiply by transforming the victim’s body, often affecting vital organs and leading to their failures as their tissue was literally turned into new tendrils.
this is also where the name of the jutsu comes from: earth grudge fear. people internally infected by the threads were seen as cursed. coughing up the clumps of threads was a sign of being haunted by those who received similar wounds but died.
de-threading was possible through extensive operations which were often fatal (hard to pull out a bunch of wriggling worms from the brain, for example). the removed threads had to be sealed away, as once summoned they would not return to their place of origin (nobody knew where that was anyways). they also seemed unable to die, even after separated from the host body. 
once future takigakure shinobis learned the art of more practical (and tamer) medical ninjutsus, it was decided that summoning black threads was no longer beneficial and the jutsu had to be forgotten. every single scroll containing the summoning technique was gathered and burned. only one remained behind (just in case). it was the scroll that had access to the writhing mass of black threads gathered from de-threading operations. this summoning pact was takigakure’s first forbidden technique, a keepsake from ancient conflicts.
and that’s the scroll kakuzu stole after his prison break. severely wounded after his escape, he decided to use jiongu’s famed healing abilities AND embarrass the village by stealing one of its treasures. he summoned a sea of chakra-starved threads which entered his body in a very painful, nasty rush (which was not what he expected). at this point, his recollection of this night gets a bit fuzzy. though, he has a vivid memory of his jaw getting split in two so that a mass of black tendrils now residing in his stomach could snatch up a whole human heart through his throat (which is the origin of his face stitches). i do want to write about the night kakuzu uses jiongu for the first time but this post is already monstrously long, so thats for another time. but i will mention that kakuzu burned the remaining scroll so he is now the only jiongu user in the shinobi world. 
kakuzu is a VERY unique case of the jiongu infection that has never happened before, even at the peak of jutsu’s usage. at the time he joined akatsuki, his body consisted of 75% black threads. at this point, the threads have essentially become his chakra pathways, replaced most of his muscle tissue and created clusters that took on some of the organ functions, like. his body is MESSED UP. its a horror show, for real. the threads are a part of him and controlling them is second nature to him, it’s just like chakra control or moving a limb. and yes the threads or the hearts animated by them can function independently of kakuzu but their priority is protecting their host body, always. they heal him, they keep him alive, they let him store additional chakra through stolen hearts and control it like its his, they can be used offensively as those funky heart beasts in anime. he can use them medically too, without spreading the infection. its like total symbiosis between him and those wriggly boys.
BUT... BUT... one question remains and that’s where did the black threads come from in the first place? who invented the summoning jutsu that summoned a bunch of wriggly tendrils that could sew up wounds? nobody knows, kakuzu has no idea, however i do because im typing these words right now. the threads are not of this world, they came FROM SPACE along with the seed of god tree. the threads are essentially a form of a parasite that’s drawn to chakra. though, maybe its less parasite and more like virus, because the threads are not sentient, all they know is that they have to infiltrate any chakra container they find. the threads infected the god tree until they were sealed away by kaguya. and then the scroll that kept them sealed somehow found its way to the future region of takigakure and the rest is history. so yes, space eldritch worms that cannot be killed. why? because it’s creepy and i love that !
if kakuzu continued to live, it’s possible the constant injuries and the constant multiplication of black threads would cause him to outgrow his human skin. his attitude towards the kinjutsu is... Complicated. that’s also material for another post but he doesn’t hate it, its just something he did to stay alive. he also doesnt treat it as a living thing (and hes right bc its technically not alive), its just like. germs in your stomach, you don’t exactly think of them as your faithful companions, they just happen to live inside ur guts and help you out.
i think that’s all i remembered to write! so, just as tl;dr stated at the beginning: a weird fusion between biology and a jutsu. it almost seems like it doesnt fit in naruto world but then u remember this anime has aliens and cloning science and then it does make sense. the end!
i have finished what kishimoto’s slipped disc could not (IM JOKING !!!!).
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snickiebear · 3 years
ask from @fm-white (my asks were all fucked up before she brought it to my attention):
For the asks: 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13 and 16! <3
get to know me (i am an open book)
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
yes and no.
in the realm of fanfiction, the kibasaku longfic i spoke about a little bit ago (based off of the true story of Martha and Waitstill Sharp during WWII where they rescued jewish children and families from the nazis) has been put on hold bc uh, well. i am a bit afraid of writing it LOL, as in im nervous i wont be able to do the plot or characters justice and i really wanna be able to have fun but also be accurate. plus, OL&W is still in works and that mf is a beast
as for original works, my novel Forge of Stars and Bones is in its second draft and i'm starting in an entirely different place than the first so its throwing me off on a lot of things. plus, this is like my favorite child, i don't wanna fuck it up. the first draft took me like 4 years to write and even then it isn't fully done, but my writing has grown so much that reading over what i had, i jsut couldn't keep writing in the same voice/tone. so! starting over! and it is hard as fuck! so im procrastinating LMFAO
(posts about FOSAB: i. ii. )
4) favorite character you’ve written
hands down: sakura. i just love her character and the way that i can use her emotional side. she deserves all the rage and anger and softness!!
og work wise: hala, she's my demon summoner mage that is someone i can relate to on an emotional level and who i just love exploring.
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
probably lee! i always liked him in the anime but i never thought id write him but the more @lotusfartstwice and i talk about him (and his relationship with sakura) the more i want to write about him, the more i wanna dig deeper because he has unfounded potential and i love him. i was a bit nervous to write him because of his pattern of speech, but meh i can do it.
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
it depends really! sometimes a line in a song will inspire me, sometimes ill be half asleep and suddenly i can hear a beautifully written line in my head and i craft an entire story just to i can use it. or ill be hcing with someone on twitter/tumblr/in my comments and BOOM!
other times i just am hit with the need to write this certain thing. like with TIOBU, i just needed to write it and get it out there. idk why but i did, its like a tugging and nagging type feel
12) your weaknesses as an author
dialogue. i feel like my dialogue and friendship banter always falls flat and just reads too forced?? idk man, i am NOT funny irl (or on here) but my friends are hilarious so i attempt to draw on experience and simply cant. or at least i feel like its dumb idk man
also probably the way i present the story? i feel like sometimes it comes off as immature? if that makes sense? maybe inexperienced is better wording, but yeahhh
13) your strengths as an author
imagery! i think im very good at planting an image/tone in the readers head. also provoking certain feelings/drawing out emotions within my readers! i try to write from my heart and soul because i like writing with emotion
another strength would be ummm world building! i think im vv good at it (or at least i enjoy doing it LOL) the subtle drops of world while reading to slowly build up the image in a readers head while also not dumping it in one go is something i love doing, also foreshadowing :)
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
yes. there's this one character from a novel idea i had years ago. she's a celestial knight (don't ask me what it means, i have no idea!) and she has a horse??? BUT SHE HAS A MAGIC SPACE BROAD SWORD and is probably a lesbian. listen, she doesn't have a name, or personality, but the concept of her keeps me up at night. whenever i finish FOSAB (and hopefully become published then write the other planned installments of the trilogy) i would want to explore that concept.
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ierogenvy · 7 years
about me
i’ve had this blog for four and a half years and im just now getting my shit together and making and about me page… rip
i never thought i’d have to say this but here we go. i do not and will not ever support incest, pedophilia, or any other similar thing. if you disagree with me, please unfollow and block me. do not message me to try to change my mind or to tell me that you personally arent a bad person because you use these unthinkable things to cope with your past.     for the full story, go to https://shpevrythng.tumblr.com/tagged/incest-anon
also: https://belovedfemme.tumblr.com/post/175700387182/oh-by-the-way-pls-dont-follow-if-u-supportlike
why i won’t support fantastic beasts: http://priceforrottenjudgement.tumblr.com/post/167568761185/so-before-any-of-you-even-try-to-defend-depp-bc
hi guys, i’m sarah, i’m 20, and i have a basket ball game tomorrow !! im a lesbian with a scorpio sun and capricorn moon. la croix is delicious and so is pineapple on pizza. u can’t change my mind.
if u don’t wanna see any of my rants bout various topics, just blacklist “dont mind me”
my interests are varied, but mostly i blog about one direction, 5 seconds of summer, memes, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (filter/blacklist s13 or s13 spoilers if you want; i’ll tag till the whole season has been on hulu for a month), One Day At A Time, Queer Eye (netflix), and aesthetics. i have side blogs for my other interests out of respect (when i get a new interest it turns into spam,,, then i make a new blog, reblog from myself, then delete the evidence from shpevrythng). they are: @harrysdogfather (harry potter) @harryistherarestpepe (literally a blog about “harry is a frog” memes)  @queliott  (the magicians)  @iamgrandr (les mis) @itsnuwanda (dead poets society) @philipshea (eyewitness) @omgericplease (check please) and @ytbrtrsh (youtube)
i’m gonna start posting about the netflix show the haunting of hill house and i’m gonna tag it “haunting of hill house” for potential spoilers and in case y’all don’t like scary stuff. (i have finished it so all eps are free game but will be tagged so) NOTE: if you need something tagged that i’ve posted in relation to the show (flashing gifs, jumpscares, ghosts, blood etc) PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know !!!! i will always tag anything u need no questions asked !!!
my snacpchat is sarahc.13 - i dont post much but i’ll probably ask to start a streak w u and you’ll get daily pics of my dog so that’s something, right ?
my twitter is shpevrythng - mostly retweets so dont get too exicted. and also i tweeted jenna marbles once and im still getting likes ,,, i love being popular but pls,, stop,, my phone is dying
my spotify is shpevrythng - any and all new music i listen to is going to be there. even if i find something from apple music or youtube, i make sure to update my spotify. (but here’s my apple music too if u want )
you can ask me literally anything, my ask is always open. i give pretty good advice, and im always up for hearing a new pun, so dont be shy !! i also have anonymous turned on, and it remain as such until i get a bad anon.
if something happens and someone becomes problematic (or it’s discovered that they r problematic) pls let me know so i can not talk/post about them anymore, and educate myself before i look dumb.
if you want me to see something, just tag #shpevrythng. i wont see it immediately, bc i only check my tag like once a week; if you want me to see smth asap just PM me or @ me :)
ps. im always up to make friends and if u are nervous about talking to me just know that i’ll be just as nervous to respond. half of my responses to my tumblr friends (and irl friends tbh) are just “dbnuafibja lmao” so dont be worried !!!!
i think that’s it ??
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