#bc those are the most valuable to tbh
ganondoodle · 2 months
not to be serious about the boops but something akin to that as a simple means of saying thank you for example for a very nice comment or long beautiful tags would literally be so great
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velvet-games · 8 days
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in the middle of working on a lucifer redesign :)
thoughts/explanations + minor character analysis under the cut (this was supposed to be short but it ended up being very thorough lmao):
honestly love his canon design so I'm kind of working from that more than I'm trying to rethink stuff from scratch
I'm gonna admit right now that a lot of the design choices were very self indulgent lol; I just want him to be pretty :<
circus stuff~
I've seen a lot of people raise their eyebrows at the circus motif, so I was going to try something different, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense!
I think freakshows/circus acts have been tied to this idea that certain identities/abilities are strange and shameful, only valuable as dehumanizing entertainment -- they're mistakes, freaks of nature
but at the same time many circus performances require a lot of skill and work and love that can go unappreciated, each and every performer at the very least a person worth respecting
I think lucifer sees hell as a freakshow/circus he's been forced to lead and try to control
a bunch of wayward toys meant to be bright and beautiful that have been twisted into something terrifying
and he needs to discover a more empathetic, appreciative, and loving way to think about sinners
and also to realize that it's not about him or his mistakes; it's about a group of people with their own emotions and autonomy that he needs to respect
all that to say: we're keeping the circus ringleader thing!
I think a whip would make more sense for a ringleader, esp since alastor has a staff already (but they're enemies/foils so maybe their designs should reflect each other?)
there's room to turn the whip into a snake maybe
in the pic I made it look like his tail bc I considered making his actual tail a goat tail (cute! but the longer one suits him better I think)
maybe an apple on the top/handle still
the tux honestly looks a little too formal/cool for him most of the time lmao
so I think he should take off the jacket/have the toymaker apron on instead unless he's fighting
vaudeville doll~
lucifer has a lot going on tbh: circus ringleader, angel, devil/demon, snake, goat, vaudeville porcelain doll, toymaker, etc.
I think I'm gonna take out snake just to simplify a little, but I'll talk about that more later
I was also going to take out porcelain doll but
1) the rosy cheeks are super cute
2) fits with the circus theme
3) fits with the idea that he's both a toy and toymaker (an angel that tried to play god)
uhhh there's a couple self indulgent doodles of him in a vaudeville doll dress lol. not relevant to the design at all; I just like drawing stripes and ruffles
I ended up making him sort of androgynous in a lot of ways? (not that he wasn't already lol) which works for him I think
part of it was the vaudeville doll thing; I wanted to give him (keep?) the eyeshadow and add those little vertical marks you see on them sometimes
also because I really liked the puff sleeves in one of the references I used; it kind of emphasizes an extended hourglass shape with the puffy pants
plus I love drawing the more classic tuxedo shape <3 very yummy lines and details
I fucking LOVE when people draw him with messy hair, so I made that permanent
I also think (esp since he's blond) having the hair stick out in tufts kind of makes it look like a star (morningstar, lightbringer, etc. etc.)
even more so with the pointy horns (those are also fun to draw cause they're right in the corners of his widow's peak)
I drew a random triangle on one of these as a reminder to keep the pointy/triangular shape language throughout lol
squares would def be wrong with the implications of sturdiness and stability
I think circles would be wrong too? he's vulnerable and ultimately very soft inside so I kept a lot of round lines, but I don't think he's the traditionally bubbly/friendly/peaceful archetype circles are usually used for
triangles are apparently dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable, which is a little closer to what I'm going for
(shape language is a very flexible rule btw; I'm not saying they determine everything about a character or that one shape has to mean exactly one thing)
he's also a depressed, tortured soul, so I feel like he should look just a little unhinged and exhausted <3 (hence the eyebags on top of the messy hair)
angel stuff~
(sidenote: cherub and seraph are singular, cherubim and seraphim are plural. even the show gets this wrong tho, so feel free to say whatever ig)
I'm pretty sure most people agree lucifer was probably a cherub? cherubim only have 4 wings so I might go with that
I do think it makes more sense if he's higher ranking like a seraph tho ... it's hard to decide whether to go with the show's ideas about angels or actual religious texts cause both are interesting in their own ways
ARHHGHJF idk how I feel about his nose
again I thought about taking out the snake motif, but he honestly looks good w/o a nose (I mean it's there obviously but you can't see it if it's just snake slits lol), and I definitely like the idea of him having a forked tongue or his eyes turning into slits when he's angry
also also
mini rant on animal motifs in hazbin:
I get the impression that a lot of people think it's a bad thing that you can't tell what animal a character should be? and/or that a motif has to be clearly present in the entire design to be good
and I kind of just accepted that until I started thinking about ozzie's design from helluva boss
like the original demon he's based on is really just that fucked up and mixed with animals you can't always identify
and chinese dragons are like a billion different animals even though they sort of just look like lizards at the end of the day
like obviously if you want the audience to associate a character with a specific animal (like if you want people to think a character's spooky because they're a spider or something), then you do want the animal motifs to be clear/consistent
but sometimes you just want certain elements there and it doesn't matter if the audience picks up on it (at least consciously)
and I think with someone like lucifer, having a lot of animals/concepts mixed together in an ungodly combination makes sense lol
so idk
maybe we'll just give him the nose/tongue
I did try just giving him a button nose in some of these for the doll thing tho
urgh I hate realizing I should've designed certain characters together lol
I took out the rosy cheeks in my original charlie design since I wasn't thinking about lucifer, so I put them back in this time lol (and generally thought about how they should be visually related)
I like that it enforces the idea that charlie's lucifer's creation (toymaker makes a doll in his own image yk)
also they both have puff sleeves now :) (charlie's design is basically princess dress silhouette but make it a suit)
I also gave her goat ears, so I figured lucifer should have them too? idk because I like the way his hair looks a lot better without them, and I kind of like the idea of giving them diff combinations of goat features (maybe she should have a goat tail?)
also drawing this made me realize I have no idea why charlie has a puppy nose??? I thought it was the goat thing for some reason but that doesn't make any sense
maybe I'll just give her no nose
anyway! fucking incredible if you read all of that; idk what possessed me to write so much about a half-finished design lol. feel free to leave suggestions/answers to the questions I had!
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communistkenobi · 3 months
I was wondering about the horseshoe theory (mentioned in your post about fascism and communism). There's also something called the fish hook theory (don't really have any thoughts on it). I've been graphics illustrating both and tbh sometimes they feel like they fit but part of it is bc I think a lot of people calling themselves communists and anti imperialists are left nationalists and revanchists. It definitely seems like there's a lack of striving towards internationalism etc. At the same time idk if calling these communists not real communists makes sense (no true Scotsman fallacy or w.e) bc they're the ones we've got on planet Earth.
I don’t find any type of visual shorthand like horseshoe/fish hook/compass etc useful personally because I don’t think those symbols depict any actual empirical facts about history or politics. Like I think they are just fundamentally not serious because you can’t use them as frameworks to analyze history or political conflict, and doubly useless as prescriptions for what to do to resolve those conflicts. The fish hook is to my understanding a response to the horseshoe theory (extremism of “both sides” equivalently harmful/bad/“ideological”), but the problem is that the fish hook is using the same logic that all political conflict can both summarized and understood with a single symbol, that this symbol speaks for itself. the actual critique of horseshoe theory I find most compelling is that it’s fundamentally a joke premise, it’s the analytical equivalent of an r/Libertarian meme and should only be mocked and dismissed out of hand, not countered with a different symbol. its primary function is to argue that “centrism” is a coherent political ideology. this symbol may even occasionally appear to fit with a particular context of reality but that does not mean it is valuable for understanding reality
re who are actual communists is a conversation I have with close friends somewhat regularly re: activism work and am interested in responding to, but I do not want to do so in a public setting. or at least, not on tumblr. you know how it is on here
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capriciouscaprine · 2 months
hey btw if you're a 'glow up'/'it girl' blog who doesn't want trans women interacting with you bc your blog is 'for women' and you don't think trans women count?
you're the biggest dummy on this site.
who tf do you think is putting in more work to glow up:
some cis girl who finally gets around to doing pilates once a week?
or a trans girl who's speed reading up on multiple different styles of clothes, ripping out hair from her toes to her nose, training her voice to be smooth and sweet to her own ears, and even getting monthly blood work done so she can get gel/pills/injections to completely reshape herself???
(obviously, you don't need to do all or even any of those things to be a woman, but these are glow up blogs we're talking about here; the whole point is pursuing a largely aspirational way of presenting yourself so as to gain specific social advantages... which sounds trans af to me, tbh)
no joke, the most comprehensive guide I've ever gotten on how to go from awkward schlub (regardless of gender) to gorgeous yet still warm and approachable high-value femme came from a subreddit dedicated to a genderfluid twitch streamer who STILL primarily uses he/him pronouns even while on feminizing hrt
heck, his trans girlfriend keeps getting invited to pre-launch events for luxury fashion brands in London, Paris, and Milan, and y'all are, what, tag spamming on pictures you're reposting from pinterest? and SHE'S the one who wouldn't 'fit in' the 'it girl'/'glow up' aesthetic???
be for real for serious, you're embarrassing yourself and the community AND completely ignoring a valuable resource on how to glow up from not even being a girl to be the it girl everyone follows
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cryscendo · 3 months
klaine, kurtbastian, kadam, kurtofsky, kelliott for the ship grid thing 😋‼️
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klaine: this should go without saying that this is THE ship for me. they’re meant for each other and no matter what happens, they will always end up back together, come what may.
kurtbastian: now DONT come for me but i like them in VERY specific circumstances. typically they exist in the realm of AU where it can work. i don’t really consider it within canon tho bc kurt just purely hates him 😍
kadam: i’m kinda mean to adam sometimes. like he’s fine, and a cute midgame for kurt ig. but there’s not much there tbh. kurt was still so hung up on blaine that adam just didn’t even get a chance.
kurtofsky: this is one of those ships that i want to get into a bit more. but like with kurtbastian, it can’t sustain itself outside of AU. at no point in canon can it really happen. i think their friendship is the most valuable thing that could be built between them. and that’s on kurt’s call.
kelliott: my fave non-klaine kurt ship. they’re just so good, and elliott would’ve made a FAR better midgame than adam. i feel like if glee hasn’t gotten rid of elliott we would’ve seen even more great moments between the two. i love them ❤️
send me more ships!!
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 10 months
3 questions regarding your Beastars Witch from Mercury AU. Firstly, is there an underground meat industry that differs from vanilla Beastars in your AU? If so, to what extent? Secondly, does Miorine struggle with controlling the carnivore side of her animal instincts at any point in the AU, if so does that become a plot point in some way? Thirdly, where are Suletta's favorite places to get head scratches, if applicable.
EXCELLENT QUESTIONS TYSM!!!! lets break each one down!!
1. Is there an underground meat industry that differs from vanilla Beastars in your AU? If so, to what extent?
The black market still is alive and well, it's one of the things that animals are restless about. Not just exclusive to herbivores, but anything the Black Market considers valuable or 'exotic' is likely to get trafficked into it A few differences is that more insane shit happens in the Black Market, along the lines of trying to do genetic works. Like most of Peil's enchanted dog species were funded by Black Market hijinks, same with the Jeturks.
It's just an unethical hell hole, tbh, similar to the Beastars vanilla verse but with an addition of some Gwitch stuff. Ochs Earth Inc.'s very, very illegal items are still getting passed around in trade, though quietly. As well as getting modified and enchanced and just made even crazier than before. It's how Norea and Sophie eventually their mitts on some crazy shit that removes your instincits and makes them crazy strong and what not (my crude reflection of permet)
2. Does Miorine struggle with controlling the carnivore side of her animal instincts at any point in the AU, if so does that become a plot point in some way?
Oh yes. Oh yeyseysyesyese HEHE. She does! It is always in the back of her mind, or subtle. Usually, her carnivore instincits spawn from predator compeititon. Feeling threated by other carnivores and needing to reestablish her presence, but she's also gotten a bit out of control around herbivores or meat before. She's able to reel herself a bit easily from her instincits bc they're a confusing, clusterfuck of contradiction. But there are two points in the AU where she loses control with them.
Now, this is my own self-indulgent thing. I wanted Miorine to come protect Suletta from El5n and god so be it. 'oh but-' this is MY au and I say Miorine should MAUL someone!!
First point!:
The scenes are swapped around in order to make things a bit more cohesive. Guel approaches Suletta first, tells his feelings to her and his plans basically. Suletta rejects him, politely, as always. Miorine feels a hint of reflex, to burst forth and snarl at Guel. Get him away. Another part of her desperately wanted to cower. But she refrains.
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Miorine's still listening, not wanting to interupt Guel and this talk. Letting herself rumunate in her feelings, even after Guel leaves. Though whilst she's stuck in her head, she realizes another animal is approaching. Elan Ceres. At first, Miorine listens but as the altercation continues. She loses control of herself.
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Mio gets to be a little wild... as a treat.... She keeps to her word, protecting Suletta while also establishing herself as the better carnivore. Miorine is unsure if she reacted so strongly because Suletta was distressed, or if Suletta being there restrained her from mauling him with her teeth. El5n scampers off
Regardless, those conflicting feelings spiral in. Suletta is concerned for Miorine- of course apprecative! But she's worried, because she's never really seen Miorine act like that. She isn't scared, nor really mad- she's just worried how Miorine will feel about it. And given the circumstance, what Miorine is planning to do, she feels awful.
Still, the show must go on. Suletta realizes the burdens Miorine carries, and wants nothing more than for her to rely on her further, let them rely on eachother. Miorine only wants one thing for Suletta... for her to be happy. With, or without her. No matter what.
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Second Point!:
So instead of being holder, what's happening is that it's a race to see who will be potenital 'Young Beastar' at the end of the day, and eventually transition into 'Sublime Beastar'. Miorine still makes GUND, to protect Suletta, but it's more than that. She also proposes herself as another potential Young Beastar, claiming that she is the bridge between Carnivore and Herbivores. That claiming her as a Beastars would show that she is able to unite those two fronts completely.
So Miorine becomes President of her mini company as well offically a potenital Young Beastar next to Suletta. And you know how that goes LOL. But I'll explain the Sulemio divorce into another ask!! This is about Miorine's instincits
Miorine tries to ease the unrest that is conjured just by the conditons of the world, using herself as a way to show that there can be peace and compromise. Show that the technology her company wishes to promote can and will aid every beast.
So the massacre on Earth is changed to be, well, Miorine framed for a mass predation incident. To defame her and try to kick her out of the Beastars race completely. THANKS PROSPERA <3 Yeah so Prospera basically tries to pin a whole massacre of herbivores and such onto Miorine, and Miorine got caught in the wrong time and wrong place after a conferedence with some big civil figures. And it made her carnivore instincits go into full over drive, trying to contain the urge to feast on the herbivores surronding her because there is so much herbivore blood- but also utterly terrified. She at one point, had crouched over a corpse, trying to fight back the urge to eat it- while the herbivore part of her was absolutely horrified by the whole situation and eventually got her to step away. Eventually she is found by her guards, and ushered from the scene. but the damage was already done.
Miorine feels at fault, for all of those deaths, and for her behavior especially. Utterly disgusted, horrified and terrified of what's to come.
3. Where are Suletta's favorite places to get head scratches, if applicable?
Here are all of Suletta's hot spots:
Forehead and snout, Behind her ear, Top of her head, Cheeks, Belly and underneath her chin
(For maximum effectiveness, please ask Miorine to distrubite the head scratches)
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hello, 'tis I, SecretIdentity!Alastor Anon once more:
I didn't realize wendigo weren't closed culture, I was under the impression that they were, my bad, sorry; thanks for telling me. Anyways I agree that interpretations w/ them as spoopy monsters is pretty blargh & that my Secret-ID-AU!Alastor, even canon!Alastor, are as far from wendigo as can be lol.
And yes! I really like Peryton!Alastor as a concept (plus, bird AND deer behaviors! It's got the flavors built in! Either the SecretIdentity!Alastor's wings are too small to fly, or they were injured & rendered flightless some time ago (broken funny? Nerve damage? Amputee? haven't decided). He's been a lot of fights over the years, there's a toll taken there.
And I just had a thought, what if, Alastor's plan to ally with Charlie & support her hotel idea, was a survival-brain, seat of his pants idea? The most recent Cleanse had all of Hell in a huge serious of brawls, duels and turf wars right (tbh I have... issues with Sinners and the Cleanse itself only being confined to the Pride Ring but I haven't decided yet)? Set 'Day in the Life' Alastor comic but a little to the left slightly before the Cleanse, Alastor and Sheep Lady get caught outside during the Cleanse. Eventually leads to Alastor getting into a marathon of close calls both with Exterminator Angels AND Sinners afterwards, he's won in the sense that he's alive, and the Radio Demon's identity is still a mystery as well as his mythos uplifted further. By the start of the AU Pilot time post-Cleanse, all his usual hideyholes (Rosie? Who actually is an Overlord apparently?) are either too far or partially compromised (Vox bothering him, Alastor, as himself, a 'known associate' of the Radio Demon?), so he needs to buy himself some breathing room to recover and figure out his next moves. (Sheep Lady is alive somewhere but nowhere to be seen for now).
Alastor uses some magic he's got to make himself look unruffled/unhurt, can't show weakness after all, wounded prey animals get targeted first. He ends up ducking into the News Studio just in time to see Charlie's broadcast interview live.
Idk I just thought it would be kinda interesting if Alastor allied with Charlie because he was flying by the seat of his pants and too allergic to showing weakness (legitimate concern considering Hell's society) to try coming as a guest, because not only is that an affront to his pride but the lack of control would be scary probably, so he needs to pitch himself (and his true identity, but separately and somehow a reason to also be there bc that's the point but he can't let them know it's the point) as a valuable asset without looking weak. So he calls in a couple of those few ongoing contracts/favors that he's been holding onto for a while, Niffty and Husk, they're the... Safest choices, to contribute something to this allyship support deal he just pantsed himself into. He had a plan the whole time (no he didn't).
Instead of the pilot/ep1 ending with Sir Pentious just showing up, he doesn't, no big powerwank scene, just quiet scenes for each of what is probably going to be (most of?) the main cast ending their day, settling into the hotel. Also I feel that there was some missed opportunity in the pilot canon where Angel mentions that there's no food at the hotel, and Alastor offering to cook jambalaya for everybody (later if he has a more pressing injury to bother with in secret? Could even be a tidbit of Vaggie talking to Charlie about how Alastor [Radio Demon's ambassador] smells like blood, and if Alastor hears he wouldn't correct her) dialogue at the end can stay though, or it get picked up later.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my Alastor blether, I know he's just Viv's edgy karen-hair wasted potential OC but, man I enjoy redesign/rewriting him.
Thank you for sending in your ideas -- it's some truly excellent blether! Characters that are exceedingly powerful but also in survival mode always make for an interesting time.
(Incidentally, you've also got me really invested in the idea of Alastor with stubs of what used to be wings hidden under his clothes.)
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johannestevans · 1 year
it makes me so happy when i see that my trans-centric guides are being linked in practictioners' and support resources, and when people tell me they're using those resources in groups and stuff 😭
like the thing is i was talking w my bf the other night about how i really don't want to be A Trans Essayist bc i fucking hate how those ppl are treated and like
i do not want to be a guy who's known for. being a trans guy and writing about transness only
i already get the occasional "kill yourself" bullshit or people whining about how as a trans dude i'm obviously a misogynist and i'm personally upholding the patriarchy personally, and that's mostly from like. other queer people. i'm not even that visible to cishets, thank fuck
like i love writing trans guys and i love being a trans guy and being in community w other trans guys but like. fuck me lmao. idk there's a handful of trans dudes that do write more gender stuff and tbh i think half of their takes are garbage
but you know that's the basis of essay writing in a highly personal field, like. they're all from personal perspectives, they're all biased, we all have our own POVs and experiences that influence our writing and stuff
and idk there's that vague feeling of there being A Responsibility to do this kind of work in formal essays but like. i'm not an activist and i'm not an activist on purpose. i'm just a slutty gay dude who writes erotica and romance and fantasy, and i like being that
and idk the thing is like... bc i present myself as a gay dude in most spaces and don't talk about being trans, it's not the same as going stealth bc i'm open in some spaces and it's not at all a secret that i'm trans, i'll often talk about it in convo when it's relevant
but like. your average cisgender person (esp cishets) will have no idea i'm trans, having heard of my work as an author. like they'll just think i'm a dude that writes romance and fantasy. and i don't really want to give that up by being The Trans Guy to cishets
bc the work i've been doing has mostly been valuable specifically to trans guys (like the Grindr guide) or has been focused not on feelings or gender or experience but on physicality and practicality (like the vulva guide or the dirty talk one), it's remained relatively separate
idk, i'm writing a lot more non-fiction atm but i'm often torn between doing stuff specifically for trans dudes or for a more general audience, bc like. the former is so much easier and more chill, bc other trans men don't expect me to cut myself into pieces for them
it sometimes feels like everyone who isn't a trans man or masc DOES expect that. it's the price you're expected to pay for being a gender traitor or whatever where you're meant to act as a fuckin. gender sin eater and i'm not remotely interested in doing that for some cis people
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forgottenvalentina · 1 month
The Basics:
MBTI: (take a test here) ESTJ-T (i originally thought of her as ENTJ-T but this is interesting bc honestly i ~do think as ive written her she's evolved!!)
Executives are excellent organizers, unsurpassed at managing things – or people.
Enneagram: (take a test here) Type 3
People of type Three are very ambitious, efficient, and goal-driven. That’s because their personality is built on the belief that you are only valuable if you’re the best at everything you do. They work hard to earn the love and admiration of others. To do that, they have become good at turning off their emotions to get the job done and power through. But sooner or later, they struggle with having a clear picture of who they are apart from their achievements.
The positive can-do attitude of type Three is often tremendously inspiring. Their effortless charm makes them incredibly persuasive. People of this type inspire you to be more, to do more, to dream bigger.
Zodiac: (take a test here) Virgo
The results are in. You’re stable, realistic, and grounded—AKA, a total Earth sign. As a Virgo, you’re humble, hard-working, and extremely caring. You’re the logical, level-headed friend in your circle, and you’re the one everyone knows they can count on.
(ok but the video game question SENT me valentina playing nintendo switch is the most priceless visual -- also im taking all of these as Valentina would and omg so interesting!! she def sees herself as the model citizen i swearrr)
And, for fun, what House would your character be in? 
Hogwarts House? (take a test here) Slytherin (i know...astonishing! heehee)
"Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends."
Welcome to Slytherin House. This house pushes you to achieve your full potential. Even though Slytherin gets a bad reputation for producing Dark witches and wizards, all of Slytherins are rotten apples.
Game of Thrones? (take a test here) Tyrell
From what I've been told, y'all are really clever and insightful leaders! With a motto like "growing strong," it's evident that you're a person who is made for battle and life's obstacles. You don't necessarily kill your enemies with vengeance — you kill them with kindness, instead. Now, prepare for war as you face off against the other houses!
(I highkey agree w her being a tyrell!! but not uhhh this vision of it aslkdfjksdf)
Velorum Nocate? (take a test here) Quasar!
(it wouldn't let me view the description, alas! so i did my own, since i know we weren't all in vn:) you walk into every room like god sent you -- because you are a god, just like your holy ancestors before you! house quasar expresses its power through absolute control, and must never be questioned by anyone, but you won't hesitate to show your swift and brutal wrath should anyone prove so idiotic. the galaxy is your birthright, and don't let a damn fool forget it!
(tbh she'd be ~thrilled w this result and she's defff got some strong quasar mindsets like her entitlement, and i did fill this out like she would, but i think she's more of a tark or molec tbqh -- she's got that scheming thing down to a tee!)
Of Dragon Riders? (take a test here) self perception: godiva/moran/barret -- actual fact: arrington/godiva [ here ]
again, i know not everyone was in this rp, so i'll sum it up by saying...you can get a sense of each of these houses by reading through the options listed in the link, but using lfr as our yardstick, id say that being a godiva/arrington is probs closest to being...a varmont probs? they're rival royal houses and mandess runs in the arrington line which prompted the godivas to conquer them and yeah its just a big mess!!
the morans and barrets don't really have a natural comparison i can think of really here, but barret's a military/marcher lord sort of thing and the morans are...scheming, backbiting, powerhungry, and cold alskdjfklsjdfkd
Cowboy, Knight, Fairy, or Angel? (take the test here) Angel! [SCREAM]
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forgottenroderick · 9 months
Character Analysis
Character’s name: Roderick Varmont
Role in story:  Antagonist/Conquorer/Emperor
Physical description:  Jude Law
Age: 49
MBTI: INTJ (the architect)
Enneagram: Type 3 (the achiever), 3w4, 368
Zodiac: Capricorn
What is his/her greatest fear?  Being worthless
Inner motivation: To feel valuable and worthwhile, want to be affirmed, to distinguish himself from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others
Kryptonite: being ignored/dismissed, like…not getting his due/having his fears confirmed by outside opinion basically
What is his/her misbelief about the world?  Grind into the dust or be ground into the dust!
Lesson he/she needs to learn:  There are other ways to make a difference!  It’s not just kill or be killed!  Tbh, I doubt he’ll ever get there tho so good luck, world!  Also that you can be valuable without stamping the world w your image!  He might get ~there but the fear of being worthless thing will still fuel his ongoing quest for utter control/making his mark so the behavior will never end and obv that’s super fun #unproblematic <3
What is the best thing in his/her life?  Power and control!  Oh, oops, ig he loves his family too *awkward silence*  No, but in all seriousness he actually views the former as being in service of the latter!  He’s helping his family, even when he taunts and torments them etc, by making them stronger!  And he’s super protective in his super messed up way and tbh the fact that they’re not all daily thanking him is baffling!  But *dramatic swoon* he’s willing to take on everyone’s, even their, hatred and wrath and fear to help them!  Bc if there’s one thing that being a good dad def is, its traumatizing ur kids for life!  Ok but actually the best thing in his life is also the worst thing and that’s the ever-haunting memory of his dead wife who atp he’s sanctified in his memory so she has absolutely no flaws and that actually makes the whole thing so much worse on literally everyone! yayyyy! and obv its still sad bc she’s gone etc etc etc napoleon rotting in exile w/o josephine feels etc except he’s technically still on the top of his game and running from his feels…
What is the worst thing in his/her life?  Fear...He fears nothing!  *cough*  Anyway, it’s def those idiots who’re standing in his way!  But he def lives by the Tywin Lannister code of bring your enemies to their knees…and then help them up when they become ur allies (but never forgive!  never forget!  or you’ll get stabbed twenty-three times/shot while on the privy!)  Anyway, ain’t nothing gonna stand in ~his way too long <3
What does he/she most often look down on people for?  Stupidity, greed (ironies…), small thinking, lack of focus, impracticality, lack of a strong worldview (he ~can appreciate optimism as long as its ~grounded tho, it can even be inspiring, tho he never trusts it he’s more like ‘that’s beautiful if only it could be true…’ sorta deal…but if it isn’t sufficiently grounded, he dismisses it as foolish etc)
What makes his/her heart feel alive?  Surveying his realm and taking in the splendor of all he’s accomplished!  Holding his wives and children *cough* what? no ahem i didn’t mean that i meant…smth way tougher *eyes emoji*
What makes him/her feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?  His dead wife -- wait waht  No, but its just being loved and appreciated as much as he loves and appreciates – being supported, someone who sees his good traits for what they are, someone who silently forgives his many many faults even viewing ~those for what they are without ever making him feel small but rather makes him feel powerful etc, someone who sees his vision and is a partner in it while allowing him to take the reigns of it and working in the bg to help so he gets the glory which he can then shower his loved one with it and/or at least they share the glory equally that’d also 100% work for him but basically his contribution is super super important and he’s in no way eclipsed and gets to share in his glory w his loved one etc <3 (speaking of, he’s probs sanctified/deified/publically mythologized and revered his dead wife oops), someone who sees him as he is first and foremost without making him feel weak for someone ~knowing his weaknesses??? idk!! tis ethereal but that’s the skinny
Top three things he/she values most in life?  Family/love, accomplishment, legacy!
What’s his/her favorite book, movie, and band?  He’d probably obsessively read the Iliad<3  Tragically, tho, he’d be an Achilles stan *sigh*  But!  He would, indeed, loathe the movie Troy even if he’d generally like Brad Pitt, otherwise.  Honestly, he is probs that one outlier whose in the bg shouting 'justice for agamemnon' too smdh Another go-to fav would be Wuthering Heights bc he’d eat up that tragic irony stuff idk what to tell you tbh.  Modern stuff?  He’d probs enjoy GoT and Succession (Logan Roy, you’re a real one) and – I haven’t seen it but probs House of Cards if its what it sounds like it is?  He’d also really love history and military history esp
Is there an object he/she can’t bear to part with and why?  He’s kept his wedding band/bracelet/ring/earring/sweater/whatever from his first wife and still wears it and always will!
Describe a typical outfit for him/her from top to bottom.  Yknow that super dramatic all-armor outfit Jude Law wears in Legend of the Sword?  Yeah.  That.  If not, some medieval!toga type thing probs idk I just feel like he’s always like tryna look super chill but actually being super dramatic yknow?  Like, a toga looks on one level super laid back its literally just this cloth you’ve sorta wound around yourself, but also its got big imperial aesthetic™ moments happening?  That’s the vibe except ~medieval fantasy~ aesthetic
What names or nicknames has he/she been called throughout their life?  klsdjfklsdjf Your Grace, Your Majesty, etc
What is his/her method of manipulation?  Charisma, persuasion, also – ‘you, fetch me a block!’ usually does the trick, too ;D  (really he does what he likes ;D) so yeah threatening, cajoling, weaponizing his own self-imposed iconography, also that story about julius caesar and the pirates is classic him and imma probably steal it <3
Describe his/her daily routine.  Awakens just before daybreak to watch the sun rise over a grateful world (what? yes he does have a lil thanos in him too shhh) while eating some small snacky foods bc mornings are for coffee and contemplation <3 then he has his correspondance brought by his viziers which, together, inform him of the events in the realm and he gives orders, signs things, sends out correspondance.  some days he will then hear petitions but that’s probs 1) a full day activity and 2) probs once or twice every couple weeks.  he generally will take his noonday repast w at least one of his families/family members for a sort of private take on what’s going on w them, and his dinners include the whole fam – all available wives and kids all together in a dinner time fete weird enough to make even tywin lannister feel awkward most likely ;D
Their go-to cure for a bad day?  Going on a ride through his empire, sometimes w an entourage sometimes in disguise and thus witnessing, firsthand, all the difference he’s made!  sometimes this makes the bad day worse for a bit, if he sees smth he doesn't like, but then he can go fix that one (1) thing and that makes him feel better even about the thing(s) he can’t fix.  sometimes, depending what’s amiss, he’ll throw a lil impromptu get together (read: BIG FUCKING PARTY) and enjoy feting his friends and fam but tbh this frankly backfires as often as it helps but he will never learn <3 also he doesn't usually participate sm as sit up on his throne and watch everyone else??? idk he's weird
How is your character dissatisfied with their life? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how is he ~not dissatisfied?????? an ordinary life will N E V E R satisfy and, while you couldn’t accuse him of that, ~not feeling like a god 24/7 is such a terrible, wretched curse that he must bear its so tough being him only he knows this pain etc etc etc sdlkjfakljsdf anyway, basically, no matter how much he accomplishes it will never be enough, he will never be satisfied, never allow himself to breathe and be content etc etc etc it sucks to rule the world
What does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment? PROVING HIMSELF BY CONQUERING THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!! leaving his stamp by making the world a better place and eradicating corruption wherever he finds it improving the lives of everyday ppl, spreading enlightenment, etc, etc
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?  well, he’s already taken some but there’s always smth else to conquer <3
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?  well, in this particular way it hasn’t buttttttt it has prevented him from being the good husband/dad he’d like to be and tbh since his kids will probs be his truest legacy, since his empire will eventually fracture in the way all empires do, he’s really fucked that all up bc he’s too obsessed w his empire and w making them ‘strong’ to actually be a good family man etc. and thus his own cycle is ultimately self-defeating
How does your protagonist feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?  he basically thinks he’s pulling off the biggest fake out in history faking it till he makes it and thus proving himself worthy!!!!!!!  joke’s on him tho bc he’s royally (heh) messing it all up <3
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lucassinclaer · 11 months
16, 22, 24, 25 for the ask game :)
hoooo boy tysm rae!! okayyy, let's see
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) can't understand is harsh, because i do understand, i just don't concur. in my very personal opinion, steve isn't a parent figure, but an older brother figure and the mom steve thing isn't something i see.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores i was just thinking about this yesterday!! erica and d&d! idk if it's my very favorite, but it's very dear to me. like, we're introduced to d&d through the typical nerd lense, male and majority white (i also have lucas d&d feelings, but yeah) but then erica, who's into my little pony (another thing i find PRECIOUS, btw, she really is just a kid,) gets into d&d and she takes it so seriously and i'm sure it provides her with that escapism and i just adore it so much.
i don't think this was executed on well (the usual issue with the treatment of poc in the show), but the potential of it is really dear to me!! and god, the fact that it also serves as a connector for lucas and erica. my kids!
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse billy. i don't actually begrudge people talking about this, tbh. i think there's a valuable conversation to be had about making one of the villains of the show an abuse victim and if that was a wise choice & i don't think they utilized the storylines he was involved in enough/well (lucas and max both dealing with the fallout of s2, for example, would have been something i think could've been included very nicely while still keeping it plot-relevant.)
however, i feel like social media & fandom (esp. such a big one) is just not a great platform for this. those who like billy are so on the defensive & deal only in certainties and idt that gives anyone a good foundation for a conversation. on a topic like this (fiction/something that was meant to be a specific narrative/a thing that doesn't infringe on actual rights) you can try to persuade people, but you're not entitled to them being persuaded is my opinion and that's not something i've experienced on that side of the fandom, personally.
25. common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing mmmmh. this is not in any way meant to be a plead for people to stop, per se, bc - again - i think fandom is a polarizing experience and i don't wanna take away the venting from people and posts can't possible encompass someone's entire point of view, but i'm a little bit saddened by el & mike negativity on the side of the fandom i'm on - and i don't mean that i think their romantic relationship is something i want to carry on or that homophobia isn't a very real thing in this space. i just enjoy their dynamic as a teenage love/true connection bc they care about one another so much and they have such cute moments to me... so seeing such a wealth of picking apart their non-compatibility, which is part of what i like about the dynamic, is sometimes a lot.
choose violence ask game
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part 2 for my most talented hottie-cutie! 'i love your story so much i might just give it an express ticket pass' *imagine a blushing emoji* you flatter me *imagine more blushing emojis bc i'm not typing it on the phone no way-* 'i became a writer was because i disagreed/didn’t like the plot points of the fics' omg i should've knew TT hehe you're rioting, girl. it's so worthy of respect! i love it! ig a lot of ppl love it too hgjdk. you're amazing, really. andand it's really meaningless but i wanted to say that i was so amazed by caraxes TT they've showed him up close and i was screaming TT he's such a kitten TT i want to adopt him TT this pretty kitten TT omg i cried... imagine receiving vide messages with a girl screaming, crying, throwing herself on the road and calling a fucking dragon a kitten? my bestie don't even need to... what about 'maybe you should try'. 1) i'm still insecure of my english. you did comforted me and now i feel more free to communicate. but ig it's not enough to write things. especially when it's about some historical topic. i don't think i have enough grammar knowledge or vocabulary. 2) also concerns the 1 point. my narrative language is 'heavy'. that's what my english and russian (esp lol TT) languages teachers have always been telling me. and i understand why. i've been even insulted (not really but i hate that man) by the comparison with Lev Tolstoy (the worst man in russian literature). it may be a compliment in a way but not really. if you've ever read anything of his, you probably understand what it means. and 1. idk if i can write serious things with this trait of mine; 2. IDK if i can express the things in a way i want to with the 2 previous points?? 3) i used to write fics in my mother tongue and, although i still like some of them, i don't really have inspiration to write now. and probably i wouldn't find a lot of followers anyway? my fics ideas are not really popular. even talking about my asks, you have much more popular requests. (i'm really honored and flattered by the fact you like my ideas TT thank you). and i always seek for approval. i trust you and really like how you embody my thoughts. our alliance you know... if you don't mind, i'll better send anything to you and hope you'll like it. 4) tbh, it's a good idea. and i'm soso flattered by your support TT no but the fact that you said it?? got me sobbing and hugging my laptop soso tight TT i love you soso much for these kind words of yours and your sweet personality TT i'll think about this thing again, when i'm in a better mental state. i LOVELOVELOVE you so so so much!!! you have no clue how much influence you have on me and how valuable your words are TT!! now i'm going to finally prepare for that academic competition. LOVE YOU!! and your talented hands! and your big brain! and your big heart!! thank you soso much for being you!! and for your support! take care!! love you!! have a nice evening/night/morning!! <з
good morn 😌
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love lettersss <3 <#
'i love your story so much i might just give it an express ticket pass' *imagine a blushing emoji* you flatter me *imagine more blushing emojis bc i'm not typing it on the phone no way-*
here let me do it for you 😳😳😳🤭🤭🤭😚😚😚😊😊😊 i think those are all the ones wish blush lol HAHHAH
'i became a writer was because i disagreed/didn’t like the plot points of the fics' omg i should've knew TT hehe you're rioting, girl. it's so worthy of respect! i love it! ig a lot of ppl love it too hgjdk. you're amazing, really.
😎😁😁thank you lover. Im so glad a lot of people agree with the brain rot in my head lol. im honored to have your respect and to have people read my works in general 🥺🥺🥺
andand it's really meaningless but i wanted to say that i was so amazed by caraxes TT they've showed him up close and i was screaming TT he's such a kitten TT i want to adopt him TT this pretty kitten TT omg i cried...
ah i see its ur first time seeing caraxes up close HAHAAH yes he is a dear. i too really love the dragons. i also especially love it when the dragons are added to fic and they are somehow personified. i love that for us.
imagine receiving vide messages with a girl screaming, crying, throwing herself on the road and calling a fucking dragon a kitten? my bestie don't even need to...
ur like me fr. i also think dragons are cutesy widdle beans <3 <3
what about 'maybe you should try'. 1) i'm still insecure of my english. you did comforted me and now i feel more free to communicate. but ig it's not enough to write things. especially when it's about some historical topic. i don't think i have enough grammar knowledge or vocabulary.
thats fine. you dont have to do anything you dont want to. though i will say i did start writing fic when i was 11 T_T so yeah the cringe is real. we all start from somewhere. we all cringe HAHAHAH
2) also concerns the 1 point. my narrative language is 'heavy'. that's what my english and russian (esp lol TT) languages teachers have always been telling me. and i understand why. i've been even insulted (not really but i hate that man) by the comparison with Lev Tolstoy (the worst man in russian literature).
💀💀💀💀 lol lev tolstoy T_T apparently (dont quote me on this) as much as a writer as he was it think, if i remember correctly, his stories are actually from his wife, like from her diary. i vaguely remember watching a vid like that.
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anyway i personally used to write a lot of narratives/descriptions, because that was the kind of lit/fics i used to read, then i realized T_T i barely finish my work because of it and i like writing dialogue parts more, which is why i changed my style ig lol. i dont think theres anything wrong with being narative heavy, i personally have just deviated from it and sometimes i find it hard to read if i am not in the mood to read, ya know.
i feel it depends on the author. some have this feeling of rambling, but some write so beautifully and vividly.
it may be a compliment in a way but not really. if you've ever read anything of his, you probably understand what it means.
i have only watched anna karenina films lol
and 1. idk if i can write serious things with this trait of mine;
then dont write anything serious. i literally write crackfics AHHAAHH
2. IDK if i can express the things in a way i want to with the 2 previous points??
well you could always try organizing your thoughts through bullet point or graphic organizers
3) i used to write fics in my mother tongue and, although i still like some of them, i don't really have inspiration to write now.
ah that can be hard fr. i usually try to look for prompts or consume media (like watch tv/film listen to music read etc) sometimes you really cant force it
and probably i wouldn't find a lot of followers anyway? my fics ideas are not really popular. even talking about my asks, you have much more popular requests. (i'm really honored and flattered by the fact you like my ideas TT thank you).
first of all because of this ^^ paragraph, i went to my fic that started it all, i genuinely wrote it with no expectation and only because of my brain rot i thought i would get 10 likes in total and i was ok with that. like i purposefully posted it at night because i didnt want to wait and see if people would like it lol, cause yeah it is a bummer that your work doesn't get noticed. i was shocked to see my notifs blow up because of that fic. to be completely honest with you, most of the times many notifs on a story do not equate to it being good or bad, it just means a lot of people got to see it.
i used to prefer writing on ao3 because i got more engagement there, but ao3 lacked the message and inbox options and i tried posting some of my stuff here. this used to be the place where i read kpop fics cos, idk, kpop fics dont do so well on ao3 HAHAH or at least for me. lol i got off tangent there.
point is even i have a lot of fics were i put my heart and soul into and i get like 25 notes and im like DAMN ok, then i fart 1k crack and everyones like AHSFILAHFAS YASS and im like ????? ok ?????? so at the end of the day i tell myself its ok if only one other person likes my fic, all that matters is that that person and me like it <3 <3 <3 and thats a lot in my book lol
and i always seek for approval. i trust you and really like how you embody my thoughts. our alliance you know... if you don't mind, i'll better send anything to you and hope you'll like it.
i would be honored to go through your work if you want me to. i will say if it becomes more than... idk 5k T_T id only begrudgingly go through it because i love you. BUT itd only be begrudgingly if i dont like it, and i know your ideas and I LOVE THEM so lay it on me pal.
4) tbh, it's a good idea. and i'm soso flattered by your support TT no but the fact that you said it?? got me sobbing and hugging my laptop soso tight TT i love you soso much for these kind words of yours and your sweet personality TT i'll think about this thing again, when i'm in a better mental state.
yeah i know how great it feels to have support from someone to purse your creative endeavors or just have someone support you in general. idk my mom stopped being impressed with me when i reached a certain age T_T because T_T i guess im already excellent in her eyes which is why she doesn't go 'OMG SLAY GREAT JOB' or smth she's always like 'oh yeah thats good' aT MOST because she already expected it of me, 'ok' [CRYING] T_T my dad gives more reactions, although T_T not very excited though, but idk my relationship with my mom is different with my dad i cant explain,
and when i was in my last years of highschool, i went to study music arts and design and T_T my classmates and i were so likeminded and we always encouraged each other and just being in that atmosphere made me realize how important it is to surround yourself with people who get it <3 <3 <3 T_T i miss them
i LOVELOVELOVE you so so so much!!! you have no clue how much influence you have on me and how valuable your words are TT!!
thank you. im honored. truly. i know i say it so much but i mean it everytime. im humbled to have someone as sweet and smart as you look up to me like this. genuinely i love you my dear.
now i'm going to finally prepare for that academic competition.
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LOVE YOU!! and your talented hands! and your big brain! and your big heart!! thank you soso much for being you!! and for your support! take care!! love you!! have a nice evening/night/morning!! <з
thank you T_T im luv u
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fettl3 · 2 years
I saw the post when u started teaching ceramics. How is it going? I will be teaching my first class on the 30th I'm nervously excited
OmGGGGG im excited for youuuu!!!!!! Teaching ceramics improved my life a lot tbh. I found my voice through teaching & gained so much confidence esp with public speaking. I’ve met amazing people in classes and I have been able to go to art spaces that I would otherwise not have access to except as a teacher. Teaching has shaped my practice & how i interact with my field. Also in certain situations it can go a long way to casually mention that i teach ceramics, to like a curator or whatever arts professional.
I’ve taught in a handful of different environments so far, and I think your student base will have a sizable impact on your experience. Thru trials I have learned which demographics I enjoy teaching the most (like who seems to understand me best, who I feel rewarded by & who I feel safe around). But that’s something I learned over time. I think in the beginning I was just excited that people thought I had something valuable I could give them.
You will learn your teaching pedagogy thru experience but I highly recommend being open & honest about the things you know and the things you don’t know. Class is more fun when the instructor is invested in learning with you (as opposed to having a big ego). I tell my students at the start of each session things like “there are lots of ways to do this // ceramics is as old as human culture // there’s no right way to make art // do the thing your body feels is most comfortable” etc. Problem solving for each individual is actually so rewarding & made me waaaay better at my own craft. I also like to humble my class to avoid perfectionist meltdowns: “you guys are gonna be bad at this if you’ve never done it before // this is really hard I’m gonna make it look really easy bc I’ve been doing it for years // even if you make something fucked up you still made it so it’s still valuable.” Reminding periodically that skill building is based in habit forming. These tactics mediate different personalities from flipping out lol.
Yeah just being yourself and keeping an openness with information. Fostering people’s creative instincts. How exciting for you!!! I hope you are teaching in an environment that supports you structurally so you don’t have to worry about firings & drying stuff & the logistics of clay. If not then I hope you can find a way to navigate those things successfully <3
Good luck!!!! Have fun- it’s the most important part!!
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grrrlsinner · 3 months
My boss is being passive-aggressive bc I asked for my own office/told her about how distractions have been affecting my work (since her and my coworker do NOT stfu about personal stuff to me all day and then bitch when I can’t get work done). She took it sooo personally but also she can’t say shit bc I’m expressing a reasonable professional boundary!
It’s not that I can just take a job and it sucks and I have to find a new one, it’s that they have to hold my pay/benefits and my boss and the owner have to play mind games with me and act like I’m being dramatic for expecting to be paid wages timely or have a quiet workspace. It’s not that I can move in with a roomie and they are annoying and I have to move out, it’s that she had to be a full-blown abuser and force me out of our apartment and make me question my own mental health/sanity when I called her out for her behavior. It’s not just that I go through a breakup, it’s that he has to be “poly” and assure me he wants a “real” relationship and then act like I’m a nuisance for expecting to be something more than a shameful secret/gross fetish for his wife.
And the worst part that makes me feel the MOST crazy is that everyone butters me up and tells me how valuable and awesome of a person I am while simultaneously insisting that they have a right to treat me like dog shit. Like I’m the one who is being unreasonable for not accepting this treatment. What a mind-fuck!!!!!! It feels like I have a kick-me sign on my back and everyone just sees what they can get out of me, humiliating tbh.
But besties, just know if you have a habit of accepting less than you know you deserve or letting people push you around in your life, it might feel bad and lonely to assert your needs and boundaries. And it’s often uncomfortable/triggering for those other people too if they are used to just getting their way and walking all over people!!! But tbh, anyone who actually sees your worth will respect you as a whole ass person and not just what you can do for them, I promise. 🫶🏻
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myswimmingpewl · 8 months
Helloooo I'm gonna talk about aziraphales character development thought good omens and why I think he may have gone with the metatron.
It's clear the main focus of aziraphales development is for him to realise hevan is not always good and that sometimes it's okay to do something morally wrong. Crowley acts as his mentor to teach him this valuable lesson
Most flashbacks in the show focus on this. For example the first scene of S2. Angel crowley is admiring the stars and when azi tells him it's all going to go in 6000 years, crowley thinks this is wrong and want to tell that to god and to also suggest some better things for him to do. Crowley is not trying to be evil, he's simply trying to tell god how to be better and even more good. Similarly, in the garden, crowley criticises god and says he shouldnt have made the tree so easy to get to and how he doesn't know what's bad about knowing the difference between good and evil. In both these scenes, crowley isn't being evil, far from that, he's trying to be good and suggest good things. The hope is that aziraphale will realise god can have faults and he isn't always perfect.
Also, in some biblical flashbacks such as the story of job or noahs arc, the main focus is that God can make some pretty bad decisions sometimes. Releasing a flood that will slowly and painfully kill everyone is not a 'good' or 'heavenly' thing to do, same with punishing someone who did nothing wrong, yet, because God does it, all the angles just believe it's okay. Crowley was smart though and realised somethings god does are bad - this made him fall - crowley is now aziraphales guide to realising those problems.
Also, aziraphale struggles with morality in some of the flashbacks for example at the resurrectionist in Scotland. It's morally wrong to take a dead body out of its grave yet its morally right if that body gets used for science to save multiple people's lives. Crowley plays a big part in teaching him that this is for the best but aziraphale really struggles with this idea because as an angel, he's always been taught what's wrong is wrong and what's right is right unless god does it. To aziraphale, taking the body out was too bad and no good can come from it. Yet with a little bit of 'develish' thinking (not evil at all just not what the angels are taught to beleve) he can accept that some things can be done for the greater good.
This idea is shown thought the show and it's clear that it's aziraphale's character development - realising god is not always right. Therefore, it only makes sence that going to heavan was the wrong choice and it couldn't have been him and he was manipulated right? Wrong.
I do think that the metatron did manipulate azi a little bit so we wouldn't see all the negatives of going back becasue that's just who he is. However, I do believe that it was mostly aziraphales decision to go back to heavan because it fits with his character development so well. He finds it very difficult to accept that heavan is actually bad and he's desperate for it not to be true. Because of this, the moment he gets a chance to change that, he does. He doesn't *want* to go to heavan but he wants to make a difference. All his development shows that he is realising heavan is bad yet he himself still wants to do good. Unlike crowley, he isn't willing to be on hells side to do good, he just wants to be with heavan. The only way he believes he can do good is to go back and change it. However, what's likely going to happen is that he will be punished by the metatron and others for disobeying hevan on multiple occasions.
This makes much more sence in my head than it does written down tbh but I wanted to do a little ramble. I probably repeated my self and miss spelled alot bcs im literally on the train for a school trip rn so quite stressed out😭 anyway if you made it all the way here, congrats you're as insane about these gay people as I am 😝💪
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spiked-mall-goth · 8 months
1 3 5 7 9 for the dvd / vhs ask!
its long ! sorry !!
1 'first dvd i ever bought' okay, my memory is very very splotchy, but i think the first dvd that i bought for myself (not a gift) was the muppets (2011). i remember working my middle school ass OFF to buy it. mowed lawns did extra dishes etc. i still have it and watch it often <3
3 'most valuable edition to my collection' god i wish i had a better answer. but its the backyardigans on vhs. i bought three of the only five releases for $1.50(USD) not realizing that they sold for upWARDS OF $80(USD) A PIECE. wild wild day that was, i really just bought them bc i watched to watch the backyardigans lol
5 'favorite dvd in my collection' wuff, idk man. i love them all. the muppets (2011) is def on the list, OH WAIT ACTUALLY. its the first two seasons of buffy the vampire slayer!! bc when i found them i screetched a lil. so i happily go up to the counter, not realizing i was short on cash. so i tell the thrift employee that i'll go put of them back and ill be right there. and she looked at me and said 'darlin its only short three dollars, sont worry about it.' and then rang me up for an even ten bucks. thanks random lady i cherish my dvds very very much!! (those were also some of my first tv box sets!!)
7 'when did i start collecting?' tbh my whole life. my dad was really into movies and stuff, plus they made great gifts from relatives. affordable and easy! my vhs collection started in 2017, after i was helping a family friend clean her house. she had loads of em! so i was like.... can i take these home?? and she was like yeah ofc i was just gonna toss em. and now look at me.
9 'have you inherited any of your collection from family?' yes! not too much, but my granny gave me the tapes we used to watch at her house as kids! what really kills me though. i mean bloody bloody massacre, do you know what i wOULD have about now? the entirety of twin peaks s1-2 hand recorded by my dad on vhs. EDITED. this man fucking edited his tapes. do you know how HARD THAT WAS???? but this fucking art school nerd man, anyways my mother him toss them when they moved in together <3 (MURDER MUDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER)
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