#beca mitchell x reader
agaypanic · 1 month
Requests Are Open + Announcement
I was thinking of doing this later but i only have 3 requests left and 2 are WIPs, so i feel okay doing this. My inbox is officially opened for requests again! if you've been waiting to send something in, now's your chance to do so! if you want to know what characters/fandoms i write for, and my rules for requesting, you can check that out here
Also, i'm going to be taking some characters off of my writing list! I'm taking these characters off for reasons such as no longer being interested in the character, feeling burnout or repetitiveness from writing for them, or just feeling like I've outgrown them. Here's the list of characters I'm getting rid of:
Stanley Barber (I Am Not Okay With This)
Sydney Novak (I Am Not Okay With This)
Dina (I Am Not Okay With This)
Benny Weir (My Babysitter's A Vampire)
Rory Keaner (My Babysitter's A Vampire)
Ethan Morgan (My Babysitter's A Vampire)
Erica Jones (My Babysitter's A Vampire)
Malcolm Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle)
Reese Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle)
Francis Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle)
Cynthia Sanders (Malcolm in the Middle)
If there's a character on this list that you wanted to request, you can still request them. In fact, I urge you to do so because once I close my requests again, you will most likely never have another chance to request that character from me.
Im also going to be adding some characters to my list! So if anyone from the list below piques your interest, feel free to request them!
JD (Heathers)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Bumper Allen (Pitch Perfect)
Beca Mitchell (Pitch Perfect)
Liv Moore (iZombie)
James (The End of the F***ing World)
Alyssa (The End of the F***ing World)
I think I'll keep requests open for about a week (closing on 5/8). But it all depends on how many people request, if it's a low number in the first week then I'll keep them open longer. But I'll let you know in advance when I'll be closing requests.
Happy requesting!!!
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marvel-wlw · 10 months
Hi everyone.
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I'm really sorry I haven't written anything in a while. I want to get back into writing, I really do miss it. But I just can't think of anything to write.
If you have any requests for these characters listed below, please send them in. I would really appreciate it.
• Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
• Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
• Jane Rizzoli (Rizzoli & Isles)
• Beca Mitchell (Pitch Perfect)
• Chloe Beale (Pitch Perfect)
• Seven of Nine (Star Trek)
• Sadie Adler (Red Dead Redemption 2)
• Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
• Jill Valentine (Resident Evil, RE: Death Island)
• Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
• Cassandra Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
• Bela Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
• Daniela Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
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limarieb · 8 months
☾main masterlist☽
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*updated as of April 24, 2024
Welcome to my blog! Some of you may know me from ao3 (limarieee) or from Wattpad (mackiebeth); however, I figured I should expand my works to Tumblr. Here, you will be able to access all of my available works as they are released on the platform.
Click here to visit the b-side of limarieb [18+ only].
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Who even am I? That is a very good question! My name is Beth, and I am a student from the US. Given my age (18+), I advise that minors tread carefully around my content. Though I tend to stay around the 13+ range of maturity with my writing, I will state which posts are strictly NSFW (or otherwise claimed to be "minors DNI"). Purposeful avoidance of this rule will result in a ban from my blog. Otherwise, please feel free to reach out on any platform — I love to talk to everyone!
Who do I write for? I mainly write for Wanda Maximoff, but I also write for Natasha Romanoff and other Elizabeth Olsen characters. Some other characters in non-MCU fandoms I dabble with include Beca and Chloe (Pitch Perfect).
Can I request a fic? Of course! As long as my requests are open, you can send a request a fic with the aforementioned characters through this link, or down below.
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Wanda Maximoff
[click here for my wanda maximoff masterlist.]
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Natasha Romanoff
Nothing to see here yet!
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Elizabeth Olsen
high in your arms (*coming soon*)
lonely enough to let you treat me like this (*coming soon*)
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Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
"angels like you" masterlist → hurt/comfort & fluff
Summary: Looking forward to this moment for years, Wanda Maximoff had many feelings and anticipations regarding her transition to university: nervous, yet excited. Despite spending half of her adolescence dreaming about her time at university, she truly had no idea how it would go; however, never in her many dreams would she encounter somebody like Natasha Romanoff, her roommate, for the next year. [college roommate!au]
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Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale
Nothing to see here yet!
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livingdreams97 · 1 month
Emily Junk - "The New Bella." (Part 2)
Emily Junk x fem! reader/oc
Summary: Emily is a newcomer to Barden College and her dream is to be a part of the group acapella the Barden Bellas. She entered the house of the acapella group in order to fulfill her dream, but she ended up falling in love and living an experience that she had never imagined.
Words: 2.392
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We've been at the Treblemakers party for a while and Beca still hasn't come home from work. Which means that Chloe is asking me every time she sees me about her and if she has responded to any my messages.
Which I deny, saying I don't know anything and escaping the situation as quickly as possible. I just hope that Beca tells Chloe about the job sometime soon, because it's her first day at the production company and I can't take the stress of keeping the secret anymore.
Stacie: It seems like the new one is flirting already.- she says, shouting close to my ear because of the music, pointing to a place at the party with her finger.
I look amused at where she points, seeing Benji move very strangely and talking to the new Bella.
Amy: They would make a good couple, they are just as weird. - She laughs, joining our conversation.
Cynthia: I don't know.- she denies with a grimace on her lips. -I feel certain vibes from him, you know what I mean.- she comments with an amused smile.
Y/n: I think they would make a slightly awkward couple.- I laugh imagining it. -Besides the fact that we're talking about Benji, I doubt he could even tell her his name, much less ask her out without getting stuck every two words.- I assure them and they all laugh in agreement.
Stacie: You know that from experience, right? - she asks me amused, moving her eyebrows suggestively.
Y/n: Shut up.- I growled, embarrassed, hitting her on the arm. -That was the most uncomfortable moment of my life and I prefer to forget it completely.- I admit sincerely.
Amy: It's true, the weirdo asked little Mitchell out.- she remembers laughing, putting her arm around my shoulders and bringing me closer to her.
Y/n: Amyyyy! - I complain like a little girl when he continues with the topic.
Cynthia: That's why I'm gay.- she assures us proudly.
Stacie: I couldn't be gay.- he shakes his head. -I can't reduce the hunter's prey in half and there are times when a good cock cures everything.- she explains to us without any shame and we all look at her with some disgust.
Y/n: Stacie, too many details.- I say with a disgusted face.
Amy: As far as I know, little Mitchell here doesn't have a dick. - She reminds her with curiosity and amusement at the conversation.
Stacie: She don't need it.- she assures her winking at me. -Besides, the toys are there for a reason.- she comments amusedly and I open my eyes in surprise.
Amy: Wait, what? - she asks with surprise and trying to suppress a laugh, putting on her evil smile. -Does little Mitchell have a harness?- she asks, looking at me completely amused.
Y/n: No, no, no. - I deny quickly, getting out from under the blonde's arm and practically fleeing the place listening to the laughter of my aka-sisters.
I see Jesse sitting alone and decide to go with him. On the way I pick up a glass of pineapple with alcohol inside and take a sip, noticing the strong flavor of gin.
Y/n: I come to keep you company.- I tell him, when I sit next to him and he looks at me funny.
Jesse: To keep me company or to run away from the girls? - he asks me with amusement, pointing with his head where my friends are and where I came from.
Y/n: I can do both at the same time.- I reply amused, taking another sip of the drink.
Jesse: What was it this time? - He asks me, amused.
Y/n: They were embarrassing me.- I respond with a pout and crossing my arms.
Jesse: Were they messing with little Mitchell? - he asks, amused, hugging me by the shoulders. -Do you want me to take care of them?- he asks again, but this time with a fake Italian accent and feigning seriousness.
Y/n: After the competition, right now we need all the bellas.- I answer him and he bursts out laughing at my answer.
Beca: Hello! - she exclaims, appearing out of nowhere and scaring us.
Jesse: Hey, you've come.- he says while they kiss and I pretend to vomit.
Beca: Are you jealous? - she asks me amused. -Don't worry, I have kisses for you too.- she assures me, sitting on my lap and leaving several kisses on my face.
Y/n: Stop, stop, stop! - I exclaim, amused, trying to push her face away, while Jesse laughs at our attitude.
Jesse: Well, how was internship? - he asks when my sister stops still.
Beca: Very productive, yes, they are not up to fooling around.- she tells us, taking my glass from the small bar and taking a sip.
Jesse: Chloe asked where you were.- he tells her.
Y/n: Many times, I have been asked about you MANY times.- I say looking seriously at my sister.
Jesse: Why haven't you told her? - he asks his girlfriend, confused.
Beca: She's very busy with the competition and all that, it wasn't the right time.- she responds, moving her hands nervously.
You see, when I'm nervous or hiding something, I scratch my eyebrow and my sister gesticulates excessively with her hands. So it's very easy to tell when Beca is nervous or hiding something, because her hand movement during a conversation increases by 80%.
Y/n: Beca, you have to tell the girls, I can't hide it anymore and it's only been one day. - I plead to my sister, scratching my eyebrow for the first time all day and feeling some relief.
My sister, seeing my action, sighs with some guilt and grabs my hand so I don't scratch myself anymore.
Beca: I promise I'll tell her soon.- she assures me, placing a kiss on my right eyebrow and hugging me by the shoulders.
Y/n: By the way, we have a new member.- I told my sister, hugging her around the waist.
Beca: But the dean said that we can't do auditions.- she comments with confusion.
Y/n: Apparently she is an heiress and we are obliged to let them audition or something like that. - I explain, shrugging my shoulders since I do not understand the situation myself.
Beca: Okay.- she says, shrugging her shoulders like me and changing the subject.
The three of us talked about everything for a bit, before getting up and joining the rest of the people on the dance floor.
Emily POV
We meet at the car show, where the Bellas are supposed to perform and because of Amy's issue with the president, they gave it to a German group.
Flo: Explain to me again what we do at a car show? - she asks with confusion in front of me on the mechanical stairs.
Chloe: There is a reason and it is very obvious: study the competition. - she answers seriously her.
Emily: Knowing who we are facing will help us win. - I support the co-captain of the group by understanding her point of view.
Chloe: Okay, let's find out where those tour stealers are.- she says confidently, when we reach the end of the stairs. -Stacie!- she calls her when she sees where our aka-sister is.
When we get off the stairs, we all notice Stacie who is perched on the hood of a red car posing and some guys are taking photos of her.
Beca: Don't be a cock-warmer.- she says amusingly to our partner.
Amy: Stacie!- she exclaims, approaching her and causing her to get up from the car. -I bet that made you horny Y/n.- she accuses her evilly.
Y/n: Oh my god! - She exclaims, hitting her forehead in embarrassment and begins to walk faster and  away from the group.
I just watch as she gets ahead of everyone, feeling how breakfast stirs in my stomach at the blonde's comment and knowing that the two have some kind of relationship.
When we get to the performance room, I don't realize that I am between the two Mitchells.
During the performance, I can't help but focus on the warmth radiating from the body to my right and the smell of pear with something floral that I can't make out.
Emily. You smell very good.- I whisper to her without thinking, opening my eyes mortified and she looks at me with confusion.
Y/n: Excuse me?- she asks, approaching me.
Emily: That they seem good.- I say quickly, feeling my heart beating wildly and my hands starting to sweat.
Y/n: Yes, they are.- she nods agreeing with me and returning her attention to the performance.
I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to calm the fast beating of my heart and wiping the sweat from my hands against my pants.
I take a deep breath, focusing on the performance and trying not to think about the interaction I just had with my bandmate.
When the performance ends, we applaud politely and look at each other without really knowing what to do. None of us imagined that they were going to be so good and that they were so synchronized.
Kommisar: The Bellas of Barden, have you come to see us? - she asks us when they approach us. -Is it because you are a little... as they say to American children? .... in heat - she says and I open my eyes surprised at the comment.
Chloe: We're not in heat. - She denies with her lips together.
Kommisar: We should thank you for giving us this tour, you know, with your clumsy inaptitude.- she tells us seriously. -Should we send them something, something like a fruit basket?.- she asks the boy next to him.
Pieter: Yum yum.- nods agreeing.
Kommisar: Or would you prefer some sweets? - she asks us this time with a smile.
Beca: Hey, we haven't come to fight with you, we just wanted to see you before the championship where we're going to crush you.- she assures the Germans with a smile.
Kommisar: You? - she asks, approaching the brunette co-captain. -Are you going to crush us?- she asks, amused, remaining a few centimeters away from her.
Beca: Well yes.- she answers, moving in her place with some nervousness.
Kommisar: What little thing, like an elf or is it a fairy, a little fairy? - she asks before saying something in her language to one of her companions.
Pieter: Troll.- he responds with a strong accent to whatever she is asking.
Kommisar: That's it, you're like a troll.- she says and I feel how they gently pull me aside.
Beca: And you are physically perfect, and I don't like you at all.- she assures her and we all look at her confused.
Kommisar: Thank you.- she thanks you with a smile.
Y/n: What you really are is a poorly educated bully. - She responds to her sister's insult by placing herself in front of the blonde, who looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
Kommisar: And you are? - she asks with a more defensive posture.
Y/n: I'm the one who will kick your German ass if you insult her again.- she assures her seriously and I can't help but bite my lip at her authoritarian tone of voice.
Chloe: You don't scare us, because when we step on stage we're going to rock it. - she assures them with a smile, changing the subject and trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere.
Pieter: With what? - he asks sarcastically. -Showing flabby Abby's rabbit.- he says, looking at the blonde with disgust.
Amy: That's not my name. She denies something uncomfortable.
Pieter: I don't know your name, but I can improvise.- he assures her with amusement. -Malena the whale, Lisa the plump one, the bale cow...- he begins and with each name I can see Y/n's body tense up more.
Amy: My name is fat Amy and I have salchichem like you for breakfast. - She says, approaching him in a threatening manner.
Pieter: Your team is like a chicken coop without a rooster, and without a rooster you are poor untied chicks who, as soon as a rooster crows, another rooster crows at them. - he says with that horrible accent.
Kommisar: Girls, follow my advice, don't try to beat us: you can't, we're better. - she assures us with an evil smile, staring at Y/n. -And now I have to go rest my neck, it hurts to look at you from above.- she says, looking this time at Beca with superiority.
I see how Y/n is about to jump on her, so I grab her arm and pull her hard towards me, avoiding any type of altercation.
Beca: Okay, just because you make me feel sexually confused doesn't mean you scare me! We have nothing to lose! Literally nothing! - she exclaims, moving her hands and watching them go. -Aka-fidersen bastards.- she says goodbye, moving her hands above her head.
Chloe: Leave it.- she asks her friend, placing a hand on her arm.
Beca: Oh what's wrong with me? I can't control my hands.- she growls nervously, brushing her hair out of her face.
Once the Germans have disappeared, the atmosphere relaxes a little and I realize that my hand is still gripping Y/n's arm.
I let go immediately, feeling the heat flooding my face and my heart starting to beat fast again.
Chloe: Okay, after this whatever it was.- she says referring to Beca, moving her hand around the brunette. -It's time to get our act together and rehearse until we bleed if necessary.- she says intensely and I look at her surprised.
Amy: Don't get too extreme redhead. - she stops her with a hand in the air. -I already have plans for today.- she tells her, raising an eyebrow.
Ashley/Jessica: Us too.- they say at the same time with one hand in the air.
Stacie: I'm meeting a boy for a class project.- she comments, looking at her nails.
Cynthia: And what is the job? About anatomy.- she asks letting out a laugh.
Stacie: Anyway, I'm leaving.- she says goodbye to everyone. -See you all at home!- she exclaims when he walks away from the group.
I watch her walk away, not understanding how she prefers to go with a boy when she has Y/n. That is, from an objective point of view and not at all personal, I would choose her.
Because I don't know what the boy will be like, but between the eyes full of life, the perfect happy smile, the silky long hair, the abs, the butt, the way she dresses and her personality, I will stay with Y/n a hundred times.
But all this from an objective point of view, I don't like girls and she is also my groupmate. But just because I don't like girls doesn't mean I can't appreciate them.
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yn-bishop · 2 years
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You Belong With Me
Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1011
Summary: Kate is jealous of your new girlfriend but can’t find the courage to tell you. Will your family help her out?
This can also be found on my Wattpad: @Steinfan6245
Kate nods along as Y/N tells her about her girlfriend. Kate and Y/N have been friends for 12 years and in that time, Kate has fallen for the younger Barton.
"I gotta go. I'm meeting her in a few minutes but you can stay here if you want. You and my dad get along, right?"
Kate nods again and hugs her friend as she exits the house.
"You know she loves you, right?"
Kate turns her head away from the door when she hears a deep voice behind her.
She shakes her head when she sees Clint.
"No she doesn't. If she did, she would be with me instead of her"
Kate mumbles in disagreement and Clint sighs at her comment.
"She's with her because she thinks you don't like her. How the fuck are you both so clueless?"
Clint asks when he hears his wife call from another room.
"Language! Nathaniel can hear!"
Clint sighs in reply and turns back to Kate.
"Just ask her out and she'll say yes. Isn't the prom coming up? Ask her to go, you and I both know she's excited for it and if you don't ask her, she'll go with that Brittany girl and she won't let Y/N hang out with you"
After Clint's speech, Kate still looks unsure and Clint sighs.
"Or you can just let her stay with the girl who's only with her to get another girl jealous"
Laura walks in, holding a baby against her hip.
"Clint's right, Kate. Everyone can see she wants to be with you, you're just taking so long to ask her"
"If she wants to be with me, why doesn't she ask?"
Kate asks, unsure.
"Because she's shy. What happened to the annoying, overconfident Kate?"
They hear babbling and look over at the baby.
"You think so as well?"
Laura asks, hugging the baby closer when Cooper and Lila walk in.
"They're right, she definitely likes you. You should hear her at night screaming your nam-"
Cooper's cut off by Lila hitting him across the head.
"Cooper! Don't talk like that!"
Laura scolds as he rolls his eyes and goes to the kitchen.
Kate thinks about everything the Bartons have said and runs out of the room.
Later that night, Y/N hears tapping on her window. She walks over to it and smiles when she sees Kate standing outside, waiting for her.
"What are you doing here?"
Y/N asks, hugging Kate.
"I need to tell you.. something important"
Kate says nervously.
Y/Ns face turns concerned as she waits for her friend to finish.
"I love you, Y/N. I wanna be with you. I've never wanted anything more than I want you and I know you're with her now but she doesn't love you like I do and I don't think anyone can. I just- will you go to the prom with me?"
Kate rambles nervously as Y/N's face turns excited and then sad and guilty.
"Kate, I.. I can't. I'm sorry"
She says, looking away from her friend.
Kate nods before speaking.
"Th-that's okay. It's all good. I will see you tomorrow"
She says before walking away, leaving Y/N to cry in her room.
Y/N hears her door open and feels her bed shift before seeing her dad sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Dad, I-"
"Shh, I know"
Clint runs his hand through her hair and she falls asleep.
"Why would she say no? She's waited years for this"
"We both know Y/N's not the kind of person to cheat on someone, Clint. She already has a girlfriend"
Y/N wakes to the sound of talking coming from the kitchen and walks to the voices.
"Y/N! Hey sweetie, how'd you sleep?"
Laura asks when she notices her daughter.
"Okay. I need to go to school"
Y/N replies as she packs her bag.
"I can drive you"
Clint speaks up before Y/N replies to him.
"No, that's okay. I can walk"
She answers before walking out the door.
When Y/N gets to school, she sees Kate and walks the other way. This happens a few times until Kate's had enough.
"Y/N! Talk to me!"
Kate yells when she walks up to Y/N at her locker. The hall is empty as class is going on.
"I can't be with you Kate! I have a girlfriend! Why couldn't you tell me all that a few weeks ago? That's not fair! I love you so much Kate and-"
Y/N is cut off by Kate's soft lips smashing against her own. Kates arms wrap around Y/Ns waist as Y/Ns hesitantly wrap around Kates neck. Kate gently pushes Y/N against her locker and her tongue slowly pushes against Y/Ns lip. When Y/N opens her mouth to allow entrance, someone clears their throat.
"Brittany! I-"
Y/N starts to say before the girl cuts her off.
"It's okay, Y/N. I like someone else as well. Besides, I knew you were gonna get together eventually, I just thought I would give it a little push. Maybe you should try not to make out when class is going on though"
Brittany smirks at the girls before walking away.
"So, will you go to the prom with me now?"
Y/N smiles and nods her head, pushing her lips against Kate's. The bells rings signalling that school is finished.
"Do you want me to drive you home?"
Kate asks as she takes Y/Ns hand.
"That would be great, thank you"
Y/N replies as Kate opens the passenger side door for her.
"So, what does this make us?"
Y/N asks when Kate starts the car.
"What do you want us to be?"
Kate asks back.
"I want to be with you but only if you want
Kate cuts Y/N off.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/N blushes before nodding and kisses her new girlfriends cheek and Kate grabs her hand.
Just wondering, would anyone be interested in me writing a Beca Mitchell or Emily Junk story that follows the Pitch Perfect movies? Let me know! I hope you enjoyed this and look forward to the next one!
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literallybipanic · 1 year
Be My Baby - Beca x Chloe Pitch Perfect oneshot
this is my first ever one shot pls do give criticism if there is any I would really appreciate it.
Beca and Chloe had always been tightknit friends since they joined the Barden University Bellas a few years ago. But something strange had been happening to the duo lately - Beca had been feeling a sudden urge to be babied and coddled, while Chloe had been feeling a strong pull to take care of her friend like a mother. They couldn't explain why this was happening, but they never talked about it too much, fearful of sounding crazy.
One day, they were studying together in their dorm room when Beca suddenly had a meltdown, crying and screaming because she couldn't understand her math homework. Chloe didn't know how to calm her friend down, so she did the only thing that came to mind - she cradled Beca in her arms and patted her back softly, trying to soothe her. Surprisingly, Beca didn't resist; in fact, she relaxed into Chloe's embrace and let out a sigh of contentment, like a little kid comforted by their mommy.
At that moment, something within Chloe snapped, and she realized what she had to do. She whispered gentle words of encouragement and rocked Beca back and forth, singing a lullaby under her breath. Soon enough, Beca had stopped crying and had fallen asleep in Chloe's arms, her body curled up in a fetal position. Chloe knew that something bizarre was happening, but she couldn't deny the warm, fuzzy feeling that sprouted within her heart, and she quietly decided to keep the incident to herself.
A few days later, Beca and Chloe were hanging out with the Bellas by the pool, soaking up the sun and chatting about upcoming auditions for a new music competition. Beca was feeling unsettled, and she couldn't explain why. She wanted to be outside and play, but she also wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep. The latter urge won out, and Beca sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes in fatigue.
Suddenly, Chloe had an idea. She walked over to Beca and held out her hand, wiggling her fingers in invitation. "C'mon, Becs, let's go take a nap," Chloe said, her voice turning soft and gentle. Beca immediately felt her heart swell in happiness, and she took Chloe's hand, following her lead like a lost puppy.
They went back to their dorm room, which Chloe had decorated with twinkle lights and stuffed animals, giving it a cozy, comforting vibe. Chloe told Beca to get into bed, and she pulled the blankets up over her friend's body, tucking her in like she was a child. Beca felt a thrill of pleasure rush through her body, and she snuggled into the pillows, feeling safe and secure in Chloe's care.
Then, Chloe did something unexpected - she pulled down the shades of the room, creating a peaceful, dim atmosphere. She turned on a white noise machine that mimicked the sound of raindrops, and she began to sing another lullaby, holding Beca's hand and stroking her hair. Beca felt her eyes droop, and she let out a little yawn, feeling the strong urge to regress into a younger state.
Chloe noticed the change in her friend and smiled to herself, realizing that this was what Beca needed. She continued to sing softly, watching as Beca's breathing became steady and even, and she drifted off into a deep, dreamless slumber. Chloe stayed by her friend's side, watching over her like a guardian angel, feeling like she had found a new purpose in life.
When Beca woke up a few hours later, she didn't remember much of what had occurred, but she felt refreshed and rejuvenated, like she had been given a special kind of love that she had never experienced before. Chloe silently watched her friend, feeling a sense of pride and admiration wash over her. She knew that whatever this was, it was real and magical, and it was something that she and Beca would share for the rest of their lives.
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amorchai · 8 months
adding dva and symmetra to my masterlist because i’m obsessed with ow2 it’s unhealthy!
also might add more pitch perfect characters like beca maybe?
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unholyhelbig · 7 months
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Requests are Currently: CLOSED
[When they are open, you can request here. You can also click here if you just want to chat, or have any questions]
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Kate Bishop x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Daisy Johnson x Reader
Wandanat x Reader
Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Stranger Things:
Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler
Pitch Perfect:
Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale
Emily Junk x Aubrey Posen
Pitch Perfect Horror Week
Warrior Nun:
Ava Silva x Sister Beatrice
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Request Rules:
DO NOT INTERACT with my work if you are not 18+. While most of the stuff that I write isn't NSFW, there are violent themes and I will block you if this rule is broken.
There are a lot of prompts in my inbox, and while I try to get them done in a timely matter, I do have a lot going on most times, so I will post when I post.
While I try to keep my fanfiction gender neutral, some of it will be directed towards she/her or she/they pronouns as that is how I identify and it's hard to break that habit. Mostly gender neutral though!
There are a few things I won't write (Trigger warning for these): Pregnancy, Self-harm, Suicide, or anything underage.
I prefer requests that have a little bit of wiggle room. Sometimes it's hard to conceptualize a longer plot and include everything. I'm not talking about one word prompts here, but I'd like it to be less than a paragraph if possible.
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Check out the Red/Blue Ships List here X
Continuation of my attempt to create a tierlist for every color scheme, here is the Orange/Black tierlist, which also includes Orange/Purple and Orange/Blue pairings due to the amount of overlap I was seeing in the color schemes. I was a lot more lenient here than the Red/Blue one on what counts as I figured there would be less, though I ended up with a lot more than I thought.
I don't know all the pairings here personally and just tried to include all I could find - If I left any of your favorites out let me know and I can retroactively add them (This goes for the other lists too).
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Sunati\Austen from Always Human
-Aki Hayakawa\Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man
-Allison Argent \Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf
-Aang\Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
-Wanderer (Scaramouche)\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Hermes\Charon from Hades (Supergiant)
-Zhongli\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Giyu Tomioka\Sabito from Demon Slayer
-Subaru Akehoshi\Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars
-Rue Kuroha\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Fakir\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Hubert von Vestra\Ferdinand von Aieger from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Felix Hugo Fraldarius\Annette Fantine Dominic from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Lorenz Hellman Gloucester\Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Papika\Cocona Cocomine from Flip Flappers
-Philip J. Fry\Turanga Leela from Futurama
-Son Goku\Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
-Kamisato Ayaka\Naganohara Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
-Sansa Stark\Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
-Harrowhark Nonagesimus\Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb Series
-Kyouko Hori\Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
-Hercules\Megara from Disney's Hercules
-Benery\Gordon Freeman from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware*
-Retsuko\Haida from Aggretsuko
-Vriska Serket\Tavros Nitram from Homestuck
-Rukia Kuchiki\Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
-Jade Harley\Davesprite from Homestuck
-Jotaro Kujo\Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-James "Logan" Howlett (Wolverine)\Jean Elaine Grey (Phoenix) from X-Men
-Shoyo Hinata\Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!
-Katarina Claes\Mary Hunt from My Next Life as a Villainess
-Calvin "Freckle" Mcmurry\Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy
-Honoka Kosaka\Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
-Thorin Oakenshield\Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
-Heath Burns\Abbey Bominable from Monster High
-Zelda\Midna from The Legend of Zelda Franchise
-Twilight Sparkle\Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
-Rainbow Dash\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Rarity\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Mondo Owada\Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa
-Sho Suzuki\Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
-Jack Skellington\Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Umetarou Nozaki\Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
-Nobara Kugisaki\Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nozomi Tojo\Rin Hoshizora from Love Live!
-Nami\Nico Robin from One Piece
-Yoo Sangah\Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
-Phineas Flynn\Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb
-Puss in Boots\Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots
-Ray\Emma from The Promised Neverland
-Leon\Raihan from Pokemon
-Sonia\Nessa from Pokemon
-Professor Sada\Professor Turo from Pokemon
-Chloe Beale\Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect
-Popuko\Pipimi from Pop Team Epic
-Raeliana McMillan\Noah Volstaire Wynknight from Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
-Alfredo Linguini\Colette Tatou from Ratatouille
-Kanaya Maryam\Rose Lalonde from Homestuck
-Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)\Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
-Naruto Uzumaki\Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
-Kyoko Mogami\Ren Tsuruga from Skip Beat!
-Akira Okudaira\Fumi Manjōme from Sweet Blue Flowers
-Daphne Blake\Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
-Clary Fray\Isabelle Lightwood from Shadowhunters
-Sun Wukong (The Monkey King)\Liu Er Mihou (Six-eared Macaque)
-Juri Arisugawa\Shiori Takatsuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena
-Osamu Dazai\Chūya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs
-Jasper\Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
-He Tian\Mo Guanshan from 19 Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog\Miles Prower (Tails) from the Sonic Franchise
-Hijirikawa Masato\Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Hijirikawa Masato from Uta no Prince-sama
-Ash Ketchum\Misty from Pokemon
-Akira Takizawa\Saki Morimi from Eden of the East
-Fox Mulder\Dana Scully from X-Files
-Futaba Sakura\Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
-Angel\Gaige from Borderlands
-Judy Hopps\Nick Wilde from Zootopia
-Riko Kurahashi\Natsuo Maki from Love Lab
*As a rule I use official art or personal edits for these but since that was not possible for Benrey/Gordon Freeman I used a fanart found here: X by Giaru-Orihidero - They are very talented so please check them out!
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mahvericks · 3 years
pitch perfect masterlist
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Chloe Beale
• Chloe Beale being jealous would include
• Afraid
• Cuddling with Chloe Beale would include
• Dating Chloe Beale and being a new member of the group would include
Stacie Conrad
• Dating Stacie Conrad would include
• Stacie Conrad being jealous would include
• True love
Emily Junk
• I love her
I love you
• Anything for you
Aubrey Posen
• Dating Aubrey Posen would include
• Date
Cynthia Rose
• Dating Cynthia Rose would include
Gail Abernathy
• Dating Gail Abernathy would include
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agaypanic · 6 days
if you think a different character (that i write for) would fit better, comment them down below. the max amount of days a character can have is 3. if you wanna know what characters im willing to write for kinktober, i'll list them here:
What We Do In The Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja of Antipaxos, Guillermo de la Cruz
Hot Fuzz: Nicholas Angel
That 70's Show: Jackie Burkhart, Eric Forman, Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso
Jurassic Park: Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm
Scott Pilgrim: Gideon Graves
iZombie: Ravi Chakrabarti, Liv Moore
Five Nights At Freddy's: Mike Schmidt
Twilight: Charlie Swan, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen
Saltburn: Felix Catton, Oliver Quick, Farleigh Start
Ghostbusters: Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler
Mean Girls: Regina George
Heathers: J.D., Veronica Sawyer
Pitch Perfect: Bumper Allen, Beca Mitchell
The End of the F***ing World: James, Alyssa Foley
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marvel-wlw · 2 years
I'm going to try and work on some of the requests I have but I could use some inspiration. If you have requests for any of the characters:
Natasha Romanoff (MCU or Marvel's Avengers video game)
Jane Rizzoli (Rizzoli & Isles)
Beca Mitchell (Pitch Perfect)
Seven of Nine (Star Trek)
Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek)
Erica Ortegas (Star Trek)
Lilith (Borderlands)
Maya (Borderlands)
Steph Gingrich (Life is Strange: True Colors)
Alex Chen (Life is Strange: True Colors)
Sadie Adler (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Mary Jane Watson (Marvel's Spider-Man PS4)
Silver Sablinova (Marvel's Spider-Man PS4)
Felicia Hardy (Marvel's Spider-Man PS4)
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Bela Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Cassandra Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Daniela Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Donna Beneviento (Resident Evil)
Panam Palmer (Cyberpunk 2077)
Judy Alvarez (Cyberpunk 2077)
If you have any requests for these characters, feel free to send them in! 😄
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onegayastronaut · 3 years
Having a Type A Personality and Dating Beca Mitchell Would Include…
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Requested by anon:  Could you a Beca Mitchell dating a type A, sorta neurotic girl, please?
Meeting Beca at a school event where she would be performing
You were very nervous and couldn’t stop talking in front of her
Aubrey recognized a twin spirit and pulled you aside
She told you how to best gain Beca’s favor and showed you some breathing exercises
Going out on a date and spending a few hours trying to pick out the perfect outfit
Apologizing for talking too much more than once
Beca told you that she doesn’t mind listening to you talk all the time
Always telling you there’s no need to worry too much
She’ll convince the other girls to get you to come along when they’re doing competitions
Fat Amy loves sitting next to you because you’ll make fun of everyone and then each other
Beca loves writing new songs when her head is on your lap
Keeping each other in line whenever necessary – you remind Beca whenever she needs to get something done, she’ll tell you if you’re too focused on one thing
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livingdreams97 · 2 years
Emily Junk -- "The New Bella." (part 1)
Emily Junk x fem! reader/oc
Summary: Emily is a newcomer to Barden College and her dream is to be a part of the group acapella the Barden Bellas. She entered the house of the acapella group in order to fulfill her dream, but she ended up falling in love and living an experience that she had never imagined.
Words: 4.587
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NOTE: If you see any spelling mistake im sorry, english is not my first lenguage and i try to do it the best possible.
Y/n's POV
This was the end. What I have known for two years will disappear and cease to exist. After Amy bald to the president, the dean has decided he doesn't want the Barden Bellas to exist anymore and has banned us from auditioning.
This will be the end for the Bellas. I personally haven't taken it as bad as other people, Chloe and I've been crying all day. That's not to say it doesn't hurt, the Bellas have been my family for two years and I've been a part of them since my first day of college.
My older sister, who is part of the Bellas, encouraged me to study at Barden with her and join the a cappella group with her. The truth is that when Beca told me that she was in an a cappella group, I couldn't believe it.
I mean, my goth, antisocial sister being part of a group of girls who sing. The first thing I did when she told me about it was laugh, thinking that she was playing a joke on me and I wasn't going to fall for another one of her jokes.
But it turned out that it was true, that she was in the only all-female a cappella group in Barden and that she was enjoying it. She even told me that dad was supporting her participation in the group.
Which is not surprising to me, since since I left our mother and moved; He has tried to get closer to us in recent years. Beca has always been more reluctant to accept our father, I think the divorce of our parents hurt her more than me and as father she rebuilt her life quite quickly.
I was eight, so my attention was on gaming and cartoons. While Beca was already 10 years old and about to enter pre-adolescence. In addition to the fact that Beca was closer to dad, while I was closer to mom and that's why when he tried to have a closer relationship with me I didn't care much. And he pays for mi college so...
But back to the main topic. When I graduated from high school, I enrolled at Barden University with my father's help to study architecture and on my first day I auditioned to be part of the Bellas.
It is more than enough that they accepted me since I have a good voice and for being the little sister of Beca Mitchell. And although we are sisters, we are not very similar.
The only thing we have in common is blue eyes and brown hair. Although Beca's eyes are a bit darker than mine. I'm 1.73 so I'm 16 centimeters taller than her. Which is funny since she is the older sister and because of our height difference no one believes it.
Flo: For your hairy situation.- I listen as she reads and look up from the letter I'm reading, to see her with a box of depilatory blades in her hand and a confused look. -Oh.- she says realizing it and I laugh at her gesture.
Chloe: Very well, we are officially registered in the competition.- She tells us with a huge smile. –So renew the passports, because we are going to sunny and fabulous Copenhagen! - exclaims completely excited.
Stacie: Fine.- she celebrates by giving me and Amy a high-five .
Amy: Where is that ? - confused question and I look at her as if she were stupid.
Chloe: I don't know, I failed geography.- she answers shrugging her shoulders.
Y/n: It's the capital of Denmark.- I answer earning confused looks from the girls. –Is it in Europe, below Sweden and above Germany ? - I ask to see if they are located. -Leave it.- I deny when I see that no one knows what I'm talking about.
Chloe: It seems that the contest is dominated by that stupid German group that has taken the tour from us.- she comments between her teeth without looking up from the laptop.
Stacie: Who has stolen the tour from us.- She corrects our housemate and friend.
Amy: Exactly. You have to look for those Germans .- supports her. -They can't be that good, Germany doesn't produce good singers since David Hasselhoff.- she assures us with certainty.
Y/n: Since when is David Hasselhoff singing ? - I ask completely confused.
Amy: Always Mitchell junior, update yourself.- she tells me as if it were obvious.
Flo: It's that chubby man who was running in slow motion with a red swimsuit, right? - she asks with confusion and I nod in response.
Amy: We're going to crush them and when we do, those dumb asses will have to swallow all these cards.- She says confidently taking another card from the kitchen island. -Die bitches, die. Criticizing slut.- she reads stamping the letter against the island. -The Bellas are back! - she exclaims with emotion.
Flo: Yes.- She assures celebrating like the rest.
Chloe: Has anyone talked to Beca today? - she asks and I avoid scratching my eyebrow.
When I get nervous or hide something, I have a habit of scratching my eyebrow and everyone immediately realized it. The itching is something that I cannot avoid, at first I feel a slight tingling in my right eyebrow and then it triples, making it impossible for me not to scratch it.
Y/n: I haven't seen her after going to the introductions and my classes.- I answer by opening another letter, to focus on something else and keep myself distracted from the itch in my eyebrow.
Amy: Not since she left the room this morning.- She answers, shrugging her shoulders and not giving it much importance.
Jessica: Girls remember that today Chloe and Ashley prepare dinner while Y/n and Stacie have to clean up later.- She reminds us from the table in the corner of the kitchen and groans.
Y/n: But if I had to clean two days ago.- I complain like a girl.
Stacie: Don't worry honey.- she tells me hugging me by the shoulders and sticking me to her neck. –This time you will clean with me or me.- she whispers the last part suggestively in my ear.
Amy : I keep saying it Long live the tortilla! - she exclaims and I separate from my roommate to look at her badly. –What ? My room is above yours and I have ears. - she comments without much importance.
Y/n: Whatever you say.- I deny I was amused and throw her a letter, which is not a good idea because the six of us ended up in a card war.
Once we're done with dinner, Stacie and I find ourselves in the kitchen scrubbing and cleaning everything we've used. The rest are in the living room or in their rooms, since we're going to go to the treble house in a whileand they're probably getting ready.
Y/n: Can someone open the door ? I yelled when I heard the doorbell ring.
I don't know if anyone has heard me, but I hear the door open and two people talk. Suddenly I feel something wet on my back and I jump letting out a scream.
Y/n: It's not funny.- I reproached my best friend, seeing her with an empty glass of water in her hand and an amused smile on her face.
Stacie: That's because you're the one with a wet back.- She assures me, laughing at the situation.
Y/n: Yes? - I ask and quickly grab the sink hose. –Tell me now if it's still fun.- I comment opening the faucet and wetting it between laughs.
Stacie: Y/n Stop! - she exclaims jumping on me and trying to take the hose out of my hands. –Stop! - she exclaims between laughs while we fight for the control of the hose.
Y/n: No! - I deny without stopping laughing. -Drop the hose.- I order amused, still laughing and getting both of us wet in the struggle for control.
Stacie: Let it go.- she orders me just as amused as I am.
Chloe: Everyone in the living room!.- She yells and we both stop turning off the tap.
Y/n: Because of you, she's going to tell us off.- I reproached her in a whisper, looking at her with half-closed eyes and earning me an offended look from her.
Stacey: Excuse me? - she asks ironically, placing her hand on her chest.
Y/n: I forgive you.- I reply with a superior smile.
Stacie: You're going to find out.- she threatens me and my eyes widen as saucers running out of the kitchen. –Come back here Mitchell!. - she yells chasing me.
I run into the living room, not paying much attention to the girls and not noticing the presence of a stranger. I see Amy and run hiding behind her back.
Y/n: Ams you have to help me.- I ask her, grabbing at her shirt.
Amy: Let me go, you're soaked.- she tells me, separating me from her body.
Y/n: No.- I deny trying not to let go.
Stacie: Come here dwarf.- she tells me standing in front of Amy .
Y/n: I'm as tall as you .- I remember her sticking out my tongue.
Stacie: You're going to find out.- She says just when Amy manages to let go of me and jumps on me .
Y/n: Ahhhh! - I shout falling to the ground with her on top. -Help she is crazy, she wants to kill me!- I yell moving on the ground and grabbing her wrists when she tries to bring her hands to my face.
Cynthia: As sexy as this is, we girls have a visitor.- She tells us and we both look at her confused.
Stacie: What?- asks just as confused as me, sitting on my lap and looking at our acasister.
Cynthia just nods her head, away from the direction we're looking and letting us know we have to follow her nod. We both turned our faces to the other side and we met a tall girl with brown hair.
I open my eyes in surprise and feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. I get up from the ground along with my best friend in just two seconds.
Cynthia: Not that I'm complaining girls, but you're soaking wet.- She points to our clothes and I look down at my white t-shirt; seeing how it shows through.
I bite my lip a little embarrassed, separating the shirt a little from my body and preventing my lilac bra from being seen anymore. I clear my throat and look at the new girl.
Chloe: Well, leaving the whole wet t-shirt thing aside.- She speaks downplaying our wet clothes. -Emily here has come to do an audition.- she warns and I look at the confused co -captain.
Chloe: Well, leaving the whole wet t-shirt thing aside.- She speaks downplaying our wet clothes. -Emily here has come to do an audition.- she warns and I look at the confused co -captain.
Y/n: Not to sound rude or anything Emily.- I tell the nervous girl with a smile. -But we can't accept anyone , Chloe , you heard the dean and she practically forbade us from auditions to avoid our 'spread'.- I remind her, putting quotation marks around the last word.
Flo: She is an heiress.- She tells me a little low.
Y/n: One what ? - I ask confused.
Chloe: She is an heiress, her mother was a Bela and therefore she has the opportunity to audition.- She explains to me and I nod not very sure. - It is in the oath of the Belas and it comes to our hair. - she says to all those present.
Y/n: But we still can't do auditions.- I say confused, scratching my eyebrow nervously for not wanting to get in trouble with the dean.
Most of the girls may be graduating this year, if not all but me; but I still have two years left and I don't want to have any problems with the dean.
Chloe: We haven't really gone to where she is.- She points to the heiress, who is nervously playing with her hands. -She has come to us and she is an heiress, so we have to audition her yes or yes.- she assures me and I sigh exhausted.
Y/n: Okay.- I accept walking to stand behind the sofa.
Amy: Let's see what you know how to do heiress.- she points to her, falling on the sofa in front of me.
Emily: I'll sing a song that I've written.- she explains. –Although I haven't really finished it yet and it still has some work to do, so don't get all worked up . It sounded borderline, I didn't want to sound borderline. - she says quickly nervously. -Fat Amy , a beautiful little pussy.- she flatters and I raise my eyebrows in surprise.
Amy: Thank you, go ahead. – Thanks clearly flattered.
Emily: When tomorrow comes, I'll be on my own ...- she begins to sing and I open my eyes surprised by her voice.
There is something in her voice that is soothing and amazing. I can't help but stare at her in complete awe, detailing every detail of her face and the gestures she's making as she sings. I watch as she closes her eyes to concentrate and I can hear a slight rise in confidence in her voice.
She smiled tenderly at the gestures she makes, since she looks very tender moving her hands with the song and with her eyes closed. I nod for her to continue, when she opens her eyes and looks at me as she sings.
Emily: ...And in the dark I found .. - stop singing. –I'm still working and it's a bit green; so .. don't take it into account.- she explains and I press my lips together to avoid laughing out loud.
He sings again, but this time she moves her arms more and she does it with a smile on her face. From one moment to the next she starts making weird noises, like a guitar or something like that and I can't help but let out a laugh.
Chloe: Will you excuse us for a moment ? - she asks when she finishes singing.
Emily: Emm , yes of course.- She accepts confused and the co - captain immediately turns around calling us to come closer.
Chloe: It's pretty good, can we take it? - She asks us all in a whisper, but not low enough so that the heiress doesn't hear her and shifts uncomfortably in her place.
Amy: What do you expect us to say ? - she asks the only captain present. -It's right there.- she whispers, pointing at the girl with her eyes.
Y/n: And she can hear us.- I warn them in a whisper, making the girls greet her with smiles and she makes an awkward gesture with her hand in response.
Amy: She's not a soloist, that's clear.- she whispers giving her opinion.
Flo / Stacie: No.- they deny along with some others.
Chloe: She has come to us, we don't break any rules.- she reminds us in a whisper.
Stacie: The legal loophole is perfect for us.- She assures us and we all nod in agreement with her.
Flo: It's always good to have an extra body, in case someone is kidnapped for ransom, put in a freezer and forced to eat leaves and gas bills.- she says and we all look at her between confused and a little disturbed.
Cynthia: We shouldn't decide anything without Beca.- she doesn't say and I nod my head in agreement.
Stacie: Isn't it strange that she haven't opened her eyes at all?- she asks us and I open my eyes looking at Emily's awkward attitude.
Amy: We're talking about her and she's right there.- She says looking at the brunette with a slightly uncomfortable smile.
Y/n: And she can still hear us.- I remind them quickly when they all smile.
Amy: Let's start with the giraffe legs.- she whispers and I open my eyes in surprise.
Y/n: Amy no.- I deny quickly. -She's in front, she's listening to us and what you just said is offensive.- I scold her with a frown.
Stacie: And then she says that she doesn't look anything like her sister.- she comments, rolling her eyes amused.
Chloe : Okay, let's vote.- she tells us. -Whoever wants it a G sharp and who doesn't want it an E flat.- she explains to us and at three we all sing a G sharp.
We all walk towards her, to stand in front of her with serious faces and not giving her a clue of the result. She sweeps her gaze over all of us quickly, until she collides with mine and stares at me with unfocused eyes.
I look at her a bit confused by her look, but I assume it will be because of my nerves and I give her a soft smile to calm her down a bit.
Chloe: Welcome to the Bellas!- she shouts excitedly and the new one screams happily.
Emily: I'm a happy junk! - screams and starts to dance in a kind of cute but weird; very weird way.
Cynthia: You can stop, you can stop.- She asks gently grabbing her wrists preventing her arms from moving.
Emily: Well, when does my initiation start ? - She asks and I look at her strangely. -An idea, I'm going to my room and I'll act surprised when you cover my head with a hood, while I ride the rubik 's cube while I sip Vodka from a compress.- she says and I look at her as if she were crazy.
Y/n: Yes , well, I'm going to change and that's it.- I say a bit confused and walk towards the stairs.
Stacie: Wait, I'll go with you.- she tells me and slaps me on the butt.
Y/n: Stacie!- I exclaim jumping on the spot and seeing how my roommate starts running up the stairs. -You're going to find out!- i scream and run after her.
I take the stairs two at a time, running down the hall until I reach the door to our room and try to get in it. I hear my friend's amused laugh from the other side of the door, when it barely opens a few inches and she closes it on the other side.
Emily's POV
I watch as the pretty blue-eyed girl runs up the stairs, following Stacie and the girls next to me laugh at them.
Chloe: You'll get used to it, they spend the day making jokes and running one after the other.- She tells me and I nod, returning my gaze to the redhead and the blonde in front of me.
Amy: They're like a TV Reality , they entertain you when you have nothing to do and there's nothing better on TV.- She explains laughing and I smiled slightly.
Chloe: This house really is a 24h Reality.- she tells me laughing and taking a sip of whatever she has in her yellow plastic cup.
Amy : But I hope you have earplugs, heiress.- She tells me taking a step back. -Because with those two can make a lot of noise at night.- she comments with an amused smile and walks towards the kitchen.
I don't know why, that last comment has caused a kind of emptiness in my stomach and I don't really understand why. I mean, the blue-eyed brunette is clearly physically attractive and has a beautiful smile.
During my test, the two times I have looked at her, she has smiled at me in a way that is unique and difficult for me to express. But her smile has somehow put me at ease and my heart has beaten a few milliseconds faster.
Although it could be because of the nerves and the fact that everyone looked at me in a serious way except her. Yes, it's probably that. I don't like girls, so I can't possibly like her and I don't even know her name.
Emily: Are they a couple ? - I ask interested, trying to seem as casual and disinterested as possible.
Chloe: Who Stacie and Y/n? - she asks pointing with her thumb to the stairs.
Emily: Yes, you know from Fat Amy 's comment.- I explain and she shakes her head smiling.
Chloe: No, they only have sporadic sex when neither of them manages to flirt at a party.- She denies amused. -Or when they're horny and the hunter needs attention.- she comments in a whisper, shrugging her shoulders unimportantly.
Emily: The hunter ? - I ask completely lost.
Chloe: It's what Stacie calls her vagina.- She answers me amused and I open my eyes in surprise.
Amy: Okay girls! It's party time!- she shouts suddenly appearing next to me and I jump in fright. –We have the tickets for Copenhagen and a new Bella! - she yells putting an arm around my shoulders at the end.
Emily: Party ? - I ask confused and a little excited, it would be my first university party and also being a Bella.
Amy: The trebels are having a party tonight.- She replies, standing next to the redhead again. -Now let's go! - she shouts and they all start walking towards the front door.
Y/n: Wait for me! - She shouts already changed and going down the stairs two by two.
I take in the clothes she's wearing and I can't help but run my eyes up and down her body. I open my mouth in awe, at how incredibly beautiful and attractive she looks. She wears a black top with a V-neckline, revealing her breasts and abs. Oh my god! She has abs.
I look down from her abs, seeing her black mom jeans and how the waist and butt area hugs her body like a glove. I snap out of my reverie when I feel someone link their arm through mine and pull me towards the door.
Jessica: Hi, my name is Jessica and her name is Ashley.- She introduces herself with a big smile and also introduces the short-haired brunette next to her.
Emily: My name is Emily.- I introduce myself focusing on them and not on the girl who just came down the stairs.
Ashley: We know, you've already introduced yourself.- she comments with a small laugh. -Anyway, welcome to the Bellas Emily, you'll see how much fun you have and the fun things we do.- she promises me with a huge smile.
Jessica: Do you know the name of the girls ? - I wonder and I shake my head.
Ashley: Perfect, we'll point them out to you and tell you their names.- She assures me, positioning herself on my free side and intertwining her arm with mine; just like Jessica.
Jessica: The short girl with black hair and a Latin accent is Flo Fuentes, she joined the Bellas about two years ago and she's a lot of fun.- She points to the girl next to the Asian girl.
Ashley: The one next door is called Lilly, she is somewhat mysterious and quiet.- she explains to me. –We don't know much about her because when she speaks she does it very very softly and we are not able to understand her.- she tells me and the blonde nods in support.
Jessica: The ones who won't stop fighting and were all wet are Stacie . Conrad and Y/n Mitchell.- she says pointing to the duo. - Stacie is the one on her back, she's a bit cheeky and she doesn't care if her opinions annoy someone. - She comments while we see how the newly named jumps and climbs on the pretty girl's back.
Ashley: Y/n is the complete opposite of her, she is a very kind and direct person, but she tries not to make what she says bother or hurt someone by being as politically correct as possible.- She explains and I nod, keeping that information locked. .
Emily: Wait Mitchell? - I ask confused, since I know of a Mitchell in the Bellas and that is Beca, the creator of the Bella sound and a legend. -I thought that the only Mitchell in the Bellas was Beca.- I comment and the two laugh, but not in mockery or something like that.
Ashley: It was two years ago.- She tells me and I'm still confused. - Y/n is Beca's little sister, she is two years younger than her and I enter the Bellas as soon as I enter university.- she explains and I nod in understanding.
Emily: So Y/ n and Beca are real sisters.- I say to make the point clear and the two nod in confirmation.
Jessica: Yes, but they are completely the opposite of each other.- She assures me with a small smile. –While Y/n is more spontaneous, sentimental, fun and smiling; Beca is more serious, firm and only smiles when she is with her sister, Chloe , Amy or when one of us falls.- She tells me and starts laughing along with the other Bella.
Ashley: It's actually funny to see Beca all rude and serious at one point, but as soon as Y/n shows up and hugs her she's a total teddy bear.- She assures me and I can't help but smile imagining it.
I'm sure that Y/n's hugs are incredible, they are surely one of those that warm you up inside and make you feel safe. I bite my lip helplessly, imagining how it will feel to have Y/n come to your side and hug you.
Jessica: Then there is Cynthia Rose, she is very funny, somewhat rude and has an impressive voice.- she tells me excitedly.
Ashley: Really all of us have good voices, the best from my point of view are those of Cynthia , Y/n, Chloe and Beca to tell the truth.- She thinks and that makes me want to hear Y/n sing in some rehearsal with all my soul.
Jessica: Don't say we told you, but Cynthia in her first year told us that she had a gambling problem, when she left it with her girlfriend and started playing poker.- she tells me in a whisper and I open my eyes surprised.
Emily: But is she better now? - I ask a little worried, gambling is something very serious and destroys many lives.
Ashley: Yes, with the help of the Bellas she got ahead and hasn't played since first grade.- she answers me with a reassuring smile.
During the way to the trebels house . They keep telling me information and basic things about all the girls in the house. I have to admit that I have asked a lot about Y/n, trying to be as subtle as possible and thus avoid raising any suspicion.
Not that I like her or anything. It's just that Y/n makes me very curious and I'd like to know about her, before I talk to her and make a fool of myself in front of her.
Because I am very clumsy and somewhat shy, so ridicule is something that is almost guaranteed. But I don't want to make a fool of myself and let her see how clumsy I am the first time we talk. So I need as much information as possible that I can get, without my interest being too noticeable and girls thinking something it's not.
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marvelsdc22 · 3 years
Hey there! Hope you’re well :) Was wondering if you would write something for prompt 42 “Are you flirting with me?” With Beca Mitchell x reader. Thanks for all that you do!
42. “Are you flirting with me?”
Heading down the sidewalk to your next class, your headphones blasting your favorite song, for that week at least, you didn’t hear the footsteps approaching you until you felt someone rest a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump and whip around to look at the person, planning to glare at them when you saw Beca’s smiling face.
“Oh, hey” you said, returning the smile as you took a headphone out, letting it hang over your shoulder “Got a few minutes?” Beca asked, watching as you checked the time on your phone before you nodded “Yeah, class doesn’t start for another twenty or so minutes” you said, smiling at her and going to sit down on a bench not too far from you guys.
Once you were seated, you laughed when she reached over and took your dangling headphone and stuck it in her ear “Really?” She laughed, looking at you and you shrugged in response “It’s a good song!” You defended, watching as she rolled her eyes “Man, your song tastes are not as good as you look” she said, causing your face to burn “Are you flirting with me?” You asked, watching as she gave you a small smirk before she stood up, letting your headphone drop once more before she started heading off “Beca! Didn’t you want to talk?” You called, grabbing your bag as you stood up before you took off after her, not letting her get away that easily.
Drabble Requests Closed
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Pitch Perfect Masterlist
Aubrey Posen
Beca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Emily Junk
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