#because drafts are too hard to focus on rn
justkennadi · 1 year
Dating wade ripple as a water person
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Notes: Part 3 of my Elemental series. Trying to clear my drafts rn😭
Content: Wade Ripple x fem/water!person, fluff
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- You honestly met Wade in elementary school.
- One day this kid got caught in a sponge and you remembered how scary it was for you before you knew how to get out. You comforted him
- “You just have to focus realllyyyyy hard.”
- “Im never going near a s-sponge again…..”
- You two started playing with each other on the playground and soon became best friends.
- You both went to prom together but as friends only.
- It wasn’t until you both were 20 something before you confessed to Wade. Wade cried because he felt the same.
- The you started crying because he was crying.
- You both loved surfing at the beach it was so fun.
- Water parks were fun too.
- You both could stand scary movies or sad movies or rom coms.
- Honestly anything made y’all cry like a lot.
- You we’re so glad you had someone to be yourself around it was so hard being around other elements and not being able to be emotional without being laughed at.
- You both understood each other.
- You both just seemed perfect for each other and hung out all the time.
- Wade’s family honestly loved you to bits. Especially his mom. She got so emotional when she found out y’all were dating.
-Wade would sometimes talk about his dad but not a lot because it was one of his least favorite things to to think about. You always tried to comfort him in the best way you could.
-Sometimes you guys would play would food color just because. It’s not like it was harmless or anything.
-Everyone honestly saw you both as the most wholesome couple in the whole city.
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ofmdee · 3 months
been having some thinky thoughts today, and for a while, rly, abt my Feelings abt breathing underwater and i tried to type something up on twitter but that jsut was not letting me think my thoughts correctly
i love BU........... so goddamn much. it started out as nothing more than a silly idea abt little mermaid ed meeting stede and kind of ballooned into what ive built it up into today. it's so important to me... but it's making me a little miserable right now?
miserable because i dont want to work on it, but i WANT TO want to work on it, i want to tell this story and read the finished product, ive got so many ideas, but i just. cannot get myself to do the actual WORK of making sentences and then staging all the pics........... what used to be a fun little pastime now feels like a chore, an obligation, a compulsion almost. it sucks, but it sucks more NOT doing it, you know what i mean? idk.
i know ive built it up into this big THING to myself, like... idk, i do this so often, i have big ideas and love to plan and organize them and then i get going with such intensity until i abruptly fizzle out. i start things and dont finish them, and i guess i just rly dont want this to be another thing that gets thrown on my unfinished projects pile :/
i have the next 2 parts drafted, but every time i go back to poke at them and edit them i just get so disheartened because it's obvious that my heart wasn't really in writing them, and it's difficult to salvage a rough draft like that. part of me wants to just delete those parts entirely and say fuck it im taking an indefinite hiatus, and i will start fresh when this is fun again! which would probably be the best thing, actually, but... i am reluctant to do that, because i just dont have anything else to rly fill my time rn.
i havent been getting a lot of joy out of... anything, rly, for a long time now, im so bored and apathetic and even my normal go to things arent cutting it anymore. and idk if it's a depression thing or if im truly outgrowing some interests, but either way i know i need to get more Things in my life somehow, because writing and sims are my two biggest pastimes, and then i combined them, and then i got sick of both so ive got so little to go on! so i keep poking at the things that i used to love, hoping to find that spark again 😪 i love these little guys and their little world!!! and it makes me sad that im not actually having Fun with the PROCESS.
it doesn't help that i am constantly torn between man i wish more ppl read my fic!!! i work so hard on it!! and man i never want anyone to perceive me or my writing ever it's so amateur!! idk what i want and idk what i want to DO about it!!
so, idk!! idk where this is all going, lol, i just... wanted to try and organize these thoughts somehow.
trying to reason w myself that at the end of the day, i am writing a fanfiction. that's it. it's not that big of a deal, and yet it feels huge to me, somehow. I don't wanna let down the ppl who are reading it, and i dont wanna let myself down again, either.
BUT it's not supposed to make me feel miserable it is supposed to be fun i am lowkey crying rn because like urghghghgh why isnt it fun?!!?!
so. i think i gotta do some more thinking, because not making any kind of decision is making things worse! and idk, if all of this hasnt put u off of the idea of my fic, here is the series page lmfao i could use some encouragement i guess......
but i am going to seriously put more thought into an official hiatus, because i think i am getting Too preoccupied with it again and it's messing with me!!!
i actually had a decent time doing those kitty ed pics today, even tho they didn't do so hot, so maybe i am just gonna try to focus on that kind of thing, doing stuff that actually catches my attention, and also doing things without the intention of sharing them at all. allowing things to be messy. i get so caught up in the thought of someone else seeing my work that i paralyze myself trying to make it PERFECT.
i had a decent time doing that oneshot from ed's pov as well. so maybe i need to work on projects that are a bit smaller scale. i dont have to say goodbye to BU stuff forever, but i am just so ALL OR NOTHING that it feels like a way bigger decision than it actually is 😓
so i guess....... im gonna sleep on it for a while. think about it and try and come to a firm decision. because if i take a break, i need to REALLY take a break, which includes not thinking about it all the time and constantly beating myself up for not doing it 😅
idk, thank you if you read this far, here are a few kitty pics of ed for ur time:
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I really feel you & anon about KenDraws - when the first allegations about poor workplace treatment came out I thought maybe it was a case of poor management over malicious mismanagement; that a new indie studio had hired a lot of people out of college and not supported them properly or set unrealistic deadlines and failed to account for the fact that people have to work multiple jobs to support themselves (though the sharing of Erin's medical info always disgusted me and there's no way anyone can 'two sides' that imo) - i.e. it was stuff they could learn from and get better about, but for me KenDraws' account was the straw that broke the camel's back.
My jaw was on the floor learning KenDraws was the one who suggested Alastor stay at the hotel for his own entertainment, because that's part of the inciting incident and setup of the whole show. It's the kind of idea and dynamic that you'd expect the creator to come up with and come up with first, and be thought out as part of the story going forwards.
And to credit such an integral part of the show, plus several jokes, as 'additional writing'??? That is not additional writing, that is concept writing and script writing. It really made me mad to see how much of a struggle it was to get even that bare minimum of credit when Viv dropped so many ideas and lines that weren't her idea into the final pilot and covered it up with 'that was early draft stuff/we changed things around'. Reading the Discord logs it's blatantly not that, and if I can get ad hominem for a second there's a really maddening 'I'm too lazy and untalented to come up with this on my own, please help me' wheedling tone in Viv's messages to Ken - the whole 'I'm good at this and not that' thing especially. If you aren't good at it then either focus the pilot around your supposed strengths or credit your co-writers properly! Anyone whose had someone lazy or untalented sponge off them knows how uncomfortable and annoying it is to be stuck with someone like Viv as a boss. It feels like the main reason Brandon gets to be credited as a writer is because he's already a 'name' but anyone Viv considers beneath her it's free game to steal their ideas and fail to credit them when they provide her massive amounts of help because she knows her fandom will merrily throw them under the bus with a minimum amount of prompting from her, and sometimes none at all.
It's why I'm so glad to see Ashley and Michael thrive outside her shadow. I've seen mixed opinions on Faustisse and I'm not up to date with that, but I did see the screenshots about the issues she had getting paid and assuming that's Viv she's talking about, no one deserves to be exploited like that.
Viv mistreats the talent, they go elsewhere - and they don't stop being better than Viv at the thing she's failing so hard at rn. I'm so glad to see the rest of the indie animation scene supporting each other so much: I think this is the sense of community people wished for when Helluva started and why the biggest scandal to hit the fandom felt like it was when the pilot VAs got dropped so unceremoniously. It's just partly a community of people who got burned working for Viv who now have a perfect mental model of what they don't want in their working lives so they can make something better. I hope all the best for the people she's hurt & used
I don't have a think to add to this, Anon. This is absolutely beautiful and well said.
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cal-writes · 10 months
hi, i'm here with a couple of bits for the ask game! ❤️ in general AND specifically 221 Beika Street series. 💥 for both one piece and detco. and ✨️👓🦋🦈📚💛 please! may you have a blessed day, Cal!
damn you did not mess around! lets hope mobile doesnt destroy me trying to answer
i will put this under read more bc it got long!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
i have many! generally i like my dialogue the best usually so this one is from my most recent one piece wip
Kureha scoffs and waves him off. “Oh, please. You’re practically glowing like a young bride. You definitely got laid.”
for detco i loved this exchange in A Matter of Deduction
“For the record, you’re a terrible liar.” Shinichi threw over. Hattori hung his head briefly with a sharp laugh. He shut off the water in the sink and dried his hands on a dishtowel he threw at Shinichi with too little force, causing it to land on the floor between them.
“And you’re a terrible detective.”
for 221 beika street specifically i loved writing amuro and shinichi being bitchy at each other
“I like him better than I do you.” He told Amuro plainly. It wasn’t much of an achievement, considering, but Shinichi still felt like it needed to be said. Since they were being so honest with each other after all. 
“I’m well aware,” Amuro said, chuckling. “I hate you less than I do him.” He was still idly turning pages in the book and Shinichi slammed it shut in his hands.
“If you bring your gun here again I will make you regret it.”
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
for one piece i think it would be the reveal of why sanji wanted to have to power to turn invisible. listen i have a tough time liking sanji in canon and i thought when it was first brought up that yknow that could be an interesting thing to explore esp with his backstory later with his shitty family like do something with that! and then they were like nah he wants to harass women in the bath. like i pretend i do not see it
for detco its hard bc i think there is so much thats only debatably canon. for me detco isnt really one continuous story so i like to pick and choose with canon anyway. maybe just more queer representation. or any i suppose (the movies arent really canon but the lupin crossover movie has like two or three lines in it that i despise and wish to delete from out universe entirely)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
there is a lovely person called hikarinomajin (i forgot what their tumblr user name is and cannot find it for the live of me rn) who made a thread on twitter as they read 221 beika street and linked it in the comments and that was a joy to read. they leave lovely comments but that first one and the thread is special to me, ive never had someone make a thread live blogging them reading my writing.
also @blithe-bee is the best hype woman for my wips, lots of comments from her in my google docs drafts that are a huge motivation, i have posted one of my recent favorites on this blog about stabbing zoro being my brand
also a very different but hilarious one is this one on Glue Trap from BnuuyTales, makes me cackle every time
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👓 What helps you focus when you write?
playlists! i make playlists for everything. when im starting to get serious about a story i will sit down and make a playlist. here is part of the 221 beika street one
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🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
they all have their unique quirks. i think i feel the most at home in heijis and laws head bc i can project my own way of thinking on it. a bit scattered and a bit overdrive and run on sentences. its the easiest to write as them i think. a few other characters are fun to write though just because i can use a different style. ive really been enjoying writing robin from one piece and my one shot from sonokos pov bc they think very differently and have different focus and expressions
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
i really struggled with kaito at first. ive mostly seen the movies for detco in the beginning and hadnt read the kaito manga yet so i felt like pulling teeth trying to get his voice down.
for one piece i tried my hand at usopp recently too and i definitely am not as comfortable in his pov yet as other characters but i could see myself really enjoying him down the line
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
@the-pen-pot is someone ive been following since livejournal and shes (i hope thats the right pronouns) a great writer! merlin unfortunately isnt my fandom but if you are into merlin im sure her stuff is still great if not better then when i read her fullmetal alchemist fics back in the day
specific fics is a little though for op and detco bc as soon as i start writing fic i will read less of it in any given fandom xD
but here are some favs
i think a classic for detco is a study in scarlette great work by kittebasu
kaishin power hour, great plot and fantastic pace, also really interesting character exploration
for one piece i absolutely loved Cut My Feelings Clean Off by Augment
zoro as the heart pirates first mate, fantastic dynamics here. absolutely love how their wrote law
if you are into grandmaster of demonic cultivation and horror Post Mortem by Cataclysmic_Calamity was a breathtaking piece of work but do be mindful of the content warnings. the climax is so fantastic i read it multiple times
and for some red vs blue fans P versus NP by @glassedplanets
wash and maine in a canon divergent story. one of my absolute favorites, i followed the progress for years and the author recently started writing one piece too! (that ive been meaning to read as well) so definitely check their stuff out. they also make beautiful art
i wish i was better with names bc i know some of these people have tumblrs too that i follow but i cannot remember the names. i just see vague icon blobs when i scroll my timeline
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
i know its hard especially in this current age of social media but just write for yourself. like i sometimes call writing exorcising things from my brain and i think thats where the passion comes from. dont write for numbers and likes (although those are of course nice too) but they arent a sign of quality or capability.
ages ago on a different website i once did this test where i took the same fic, changed the names into one from a bigger fandom and posted them both. and to see the difference in numbers just based on which fandom or paaring it was from really helped me move on from that mindset of “if there are no comments or likes its bad” sometimes it just means less people have seen it
wow thank you for asking all of them!! this is fun
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f0xgl0v3 · 5 months
Kronos what are you doing here-??
Guys save me it’s gotten so bad that I giggle and hand flap and like gurgle whenever Kronos is mentioned-
ANYWAYS, uh as per what the brain worms are demanding,
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Here are two sketches for a Luke and Kronos piece! Or- a Kronos piece let’s be honest, it’s gonna take me a while to render but it’ll be fine because he’s my guy-
*note; my phone doesn’t like saying Luke and will autocorrect it to Like so uh- yeah. Just in case there’s a like there and it doesn’t make too much sense- also sorry that the draft might be hard to like- vibe but I know what’s going on and it’ll hopefully make sense
Something something, uh. I get to talk about my Kronos design!! He has two things going on rn, those misty purple bits and then those darker purple bits (forgot the ones he has on the rest of his body- they’ll be in the final one)- so, as per my Tartarus Kronos design he’s still reforming, still falling apart he’s in chunks, his hairs probably in chunks so are his arms and everything- you get the idea. But this is my ‘I need the three kings to all have design relations’,
The darker purple that is not swirling mist is like- magic god Vigilito? Best way I could put it- it just. Okay uhhhh, Kleos interpretation and great Pjo hc lore, the titans and their human forms/the basic human ones that are not disguised inherently have not human aspects, if that makes sense. Kronos’s is his little patches that reflect the sky, this is for time- that you can watch the full sun and moon cycle through these patches, and to connect him with Ouranos. Along with that Zeus has something similar on his limbs though he’s usually full on human-human because he doesn’t like how it reminds him of his dad and stuff and like lore or whatever- also Space Kronos makes cool designs (not talking about Lore Olympus, I know they have a space type thing going on with him but I don’t read Lore Olympus and I only like spiting it)
Second are the foggy bits. That’s his like what are they called-? The true form light thingies. That, it’s those bits like seeping out of the human-esque form. The fog I assume moves in the direction of where the bit it as he reforms and like Kronos essence stuff, there’s some Ichor floating around there and space. He gets to have a moon eye and I really dig that.
There’s also probably little rhyme or reason for some of the design too. It boils down to ‘I thought it looked rad y’know?’ Uh, but Luke is there on the little Dias. I assume this illustration is during one of their dream talks. Probably one of the earlier ones, I’m also making the choice that Kronos is straining to have as much of himself not be in true melt-mortal-eye-form as possible, the dialogue that plays in me head for this is Kronos saying ‘Avert your eyes [cool thematic Ancient Greek nickname for Luke that totally won’t be Odysseus’s epithet that boils down to like ‘dude whose got a bunch of tall tales’]. Lest you die in your sleep.’ And then they like, vibe and talk and Luke is shielding his eyes but he’s not the focus here I just wanted to Render Kronos and do an actual full like- thing. :3
I’ll get the actual rendered piece and updates on how it’s going at some point, but good night!!
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Alright, I thought about it last night a bit.
I may just stop forcing myself to do the usual 'male v monday' 'shippy saturday' 'thirsty thursday' 'wip wednesday' stuff (I mean I can't even manage to keep up with that either) and instead post whenever I want, like I do on Friday already when everyone is posting their gorgeous females but I (if I post) do post my boys since I do not have any female oc.
I don't know if I'll completely abandon the tags for it or not. it's gonna be more: if I manage to post on that day, I'll add it, if not, I'll reblog and then tag it with the tag or sth like that.
I will still try and take my at least 30min of time a day (mostly after work around 6pm German time) to browse tblr. Queue often makes noe sense to me, sometimes I use ib when I feel I've reblogged to much in a row already but I do not tage anything that will come from my queue so you won#t even notice that it was queued.
I've also set a few blogs on receive notifications so I do not miss any new posts. I love that feature! But sometimes I have to stop using it if a blog keeps posting like every 1h through the day which will give me 24 notes a day on my phone - forcing me to look and I can't do that. I need to find some balance somehow. Still a thing to figure out to have it healthy.
I do not want to abandon looking at content because you all create so many cool things, but in this fandom, as I already said it so many times: it is just so hard to keep up with it. So please do not be mad about me or think I do not like your stuff (anymore) because I've not liked/reblogged a thing lately of your content. I often feel very 'unmenschlich' (inhuman?) when I can't find time to give some love to others work bc I receive so much from all of you, therefore I want to give it back as well.
Idk how you manage having 4+ ocs btw. I with my 4 boys feel like I abandon at least one for too long (rn it is Vijay - and it makes me so incredibly sad, no one will probably understand). But I have to keep telling myself, he will receive a whole lot of attention and love again. However, this month is for Thyjs, because he's having his birthday soon (13th) and so I will focus on him in the first place.
I decided to slide in Jaysen for something else yesterday (because spontaneous things still happen) and I'll hopp in to take a bunch of pic of him as well once my writing here is done, bc he's modeling for some new real cool pants. And then I go back to my soldier boy doing the same (if I can manage bc taking pic … takes time xD).
What elese?
I'll just need to find a balance when I do at least answer roleplay or do story writing because this also I feel very bad about It gets neglected the most, mainly because I've never been a writer. But I find such joy in it and I feel like a bad person that my rp partner always has to wait such long time until I answer. Some days I'd just love to thorw literally everything aside and just do rp 24h nonstop (we all know this doesn't work) because I love love love this story that developed in the past year and when I think about it I'm just so hyped to share it one day but it's a lot of work to do. It's gotten something like a lifetime project by now?
And I need to stop hording my drafts. Its getting ridiculous …
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myreygn · 5 months
If you're still doing the First Impressions Character ask game:
Askeladd; Tanizaki (bsd); Tendou (haikyuu!!); Akaza (demon slayer)
uaaah so many characters at once :D thanks for asking soda!! already did askeladd here
First impression
aw man he's cute too bad he's a terrorist
Impression now
i'm so soft for him i'm not even kidding, he's adorable to me and i'm so invested every time he does anything remotely out of his comfort zone because i just want him to succeed
Favorite moment
hands down when he threw himself out of a moving car and kenji caught him i'm so normal about this scene
Idea for a story
i really really really wanna write some atsutani, this ship took my heart by storm and just anything cute and fluffy for them is on my writing bucket list (also i have this nsfw draft of soukoku ft tanizaki sitting in my drafts that i'll never finish but psht)
Unpopular opinion
despite some of their scenes being uncomfortable af his relationship to naomi is actually really sweet and i wish they left the creepy stuff out so i could enjoy them without having to explain myself 💀
Favorite relationship
love tanizaki and kenji actually, they're besties in my head
Favorite headcanon
strikes me as someone who stress bakes
First impression
funfact tendou and makoto tachibana from free! have the same german voice actor and because i watched both of these shows in german my first reaction was turning to my sister like "holy shit is that makoto"
Impression now
he's so fun to me, i never have a bad time watching tendou do anything. i'm reading the manga rn and his commentary throughout the karasuno vs nekoma match is my favorite thing in the world
Favorite moment
it doesn't matter if you don't understand what he's saying it's all about the delivery
Idea for a story
oh hmm... good question actually lol. something tensemi idk i don't write him often
Unpopular opinion
he deserved to be bullied for that bowl cut (I'M KIDDING)
Favorite relationship
i mean we all love the ushiten dynamic but honestly tensemi will always be special to me, i live for their dynamic
Favorite headcanon
with haikyuu i never know what's canon and what's headcanon- i like to think that he got his buzzcut on a whim and then spent 10 minutes crying in front of the mirror, cradling his hair in his arms
First impression
i was so scared for kyojuro lemme tell you but his soundtrack was too cool i couldn't resist the epicness
Impression now
there's rarely been a character that's both so funny and so sad to me. everything about him cracks me tf up but if i think about him for more than five seconds i will start crying
Favorite moment
the moment when he sinks into koyuki's arms kills me. every. time.
Idea for a story
i really wanna do a character study with him at some point and focus on his relationship to humanity/monstrosity i just need a scenario i can weave this into
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
i fuck so hard with him and douma because douma holds all the cards in that relationship and i live for toxic imbalanced dynamics
Favorite headcanon
idk why but i like the idea that he sleeps every now and then just for the heck of it. and when he does he dreams but he never remembers them when he wakes up
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writer-haley-e · 6 months
I saw some other people doing a WIP questionnaire and I decided to join in and do it. No one tagged me to do this, I’m just doing it cause I want to.
I’m answering for my NaNoWriMo WIP (camp nanowrimo’s tomorrow! Anyone else participating?) which is a post-apocalyptic tragic fantasy where magic was released into the world causing mass death across the world. The MC, Nia, takes in a small horde of children and struggles to keep them fed and cared for while they’re also dealing with a magical world they know nothing about.
Now onto the questions:
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
I first created the ending, which I can’t say without spoiling the story. But it’s a tragedy, and I thought of the ending that makes it a tragedy before any of the characters or worldbuilding or plot.
2. If your WIP was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I have no idea, but it’s probably be something gentle-ish that reflects the more wholesome/lighthearted bits of the story.
3. Who are your favorite characters you’ve made? Why?
I really like the main characters brother, Andy, who in draft two will be getting his own POV! I know so much more about his character than what’s currently written into the story and I love him so much haha. He’s the kind of guy who always has snacks on him, though you probably won’t notice until he starts eating them. He’s got a girlfriend and baby daughter who he’s so sweet with and I will definitely be showing more of their relationship when I add in his POV to the story. Hes an extrovert who loves to make friends with as many people as he can, and is very ambitious. He does what he can to help others, and despite some of the things he does in the story and before it, he’s a pretty good guy.
I also love two of the child characters that the main character is taking care of, too. I didn’t portray them exactly how I liked in the first draft and will be fixing that in the rewrite. I love who I’m intending them to be haha. Theyre five year old twins, named Anna and Adam, and they’re pretty much always seen beside each other. Most likely because of anxiety after losing all the rest of their family outside their older sister. Anna ends up getting a power that impacts the whole end of the story and I feel bad for the weight she has to carry.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
I’m not really sure about specific media’s, but people who enjoy the genres fantasy and tragedy would enjoy it, as well as post-apocalypse fans.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Sticking to it to finish the first draft probably. I’m so close and I’m not letting myself put it on hiatus, especially because I really want to read the finished product. I enjoy reading my writing, but I have such a hard time finishing anything. I’m maybe 20k words away from finishing this first draft and I will get it done during camp Nanowrimo! Hopefully, at least.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There are a handful of chickens and goats, but they’re not very interesting. Just another source of food for the characters. There are mythical creatures, who may not count as animals but are pretty cool! Not to the characters, though. The mythical creatures are just more things to fear and struggle to live alongside.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Walking or cars, typically. It hasn’t been so long since most of the world died and the gas is still usable, so they make use of it.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on rn?
I’m about two scenes away from act 3! Probably about 20k from the end and I’m excited to get it written! It’s the part I’ve been looking forward to writing since the beginning stages of planning.
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Probably the focus on non-romantic relationships. There’s some found family as well as reconnecting with biological family and friendships and all that. The main character does not have a love story, it’s not a romance. But the connections with the other characters are very important and I hope readers will enjoy it as much as I do.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
I hope to get it published one day, and have some kind of audience reading it. I genuinely think it will be an amazing story once finished, and I just want a few other people to think so too.
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evanescentdawn · 10 months
1. Share a song that makes you think of "me and you" 🥺 and also 3. Heh
hi, haku <3 thanks for sending this in ^^ I went ham as usual
also would u look at this. i actually Finished answering this and did not leave it to rot in my drafts for many months ahem which I think deserves a golden sticker. a great yuki feat for nov 2023
1. Share a song that makes you think of “me n you”
UHH…. honestly don’t remember what song I was listening to when writing that fic but def was in my touken playlist. but mmmmh. “spring thief” + “thought crime” by yorushika because the vibes are FITTING. I do not think by lyrics fjfjjfjfjf
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
currently it’s my v beloved, hands under the scorch of the sun (we loved once) (once that is not now) (anymore)
every time i go thro my ao3, which has been a lot lately honestly lol I go so unwell when I see it. ITS THE !!!!! FIC !!!!! I love it so much it’s SO fun it’s so great it’s thee best. I was on a roll when I was writing it
AND OH THE TITLE. OH THE TITKE it’s so great. great as in im So ASHHSHDJDJDAHHHHHH oh my god. I was so Real for it. as my past me wrote “*explodes* —> me” in the end author notes, so v true and noted.
I love v dearly and it’s current fav because of HOW I WROTE IT. the unsaidnsss the tension it goes SO hard it’s unreal. it’s weird in a way too because it’s???? not at all typical way I write???? like WHAT is “casts a look” I never use those kind of phrases or write ways I did in this which is why it makes it so fun and so weird. also PUTHOR/SKALES !!!!!!!! this two make me so unreal for real. ever time I see this fic my longing to finish is another puthor/Skales is so v great. MY BELOVED SNAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also HEH I’ve been actually been thinking about this fic today. well, technically it was kinda yesterday since it’s 3am rn. don’t ask why I am awake. ANYWAYS, some thoughts I had. like I read this post on “narration distance” and it got me Thinking about it (by that came to learn some v interesting Very Cool stuff about this draft I made yesterday? about Ichigo & Rukia lol) and was looking at my other work and i came to this one again and the start of it:
“pythor casts a look at skales. “what are you doing here?” >>
it immediately starts with a zoom-in, no easing into the character or the scene. fanfiction being a exploration of characters you already know makes this fun sandbox where you can start fics zoomed-in and it won’t be jarring in some ways because the readers assumingky ALREADY know this (assumingky as I’ve Read fics for fandom I know jack shit) anyways. I kinda forgot what sort of thoughts I had then, but. anyways.
I love it drops right into the action of things, no set up for the setting or what not. also I love how it starts hard with “Pythor” the little distance between the narration and “Pythor” right from the beginning puts a focus on Pythor. its an immediate invitation to this pythor’s world. also the way that skales is also referred to as their name in pythor’s pov, instead of a pronoun — putting focus on puthor&skales relationship and creating this smaller distance between the reader and these characters. it’s would be different to read “Pythor casts a look at them” as it makes Skales unknown and puts a distance between the narration and the “them” who is unknown. But instead, it was “Pythor casts a look at Skales” >> it gives importance to Skales as a character in this moment and significant to Pythor itself
and then looking at the entire sentence, at the middle bit that connects Pythor and Skales, “casts a look”. the verb “casts” is very fun sounding and especially the way it’s “k” and “s” sounds give it intensity and the way it it’s a deliberate action that is stressed with the word “cast” is written phonetically. it gives the following “a look” phrase a intensity.
also interesting how “casts” immediately follows “Pythor” putting Pythor…. andddd stoping myself here because my head is hurting. trying to articulate yourself is blergh. anyways V COOL START I LOVE IT V MUCH
also my fav ever part in this fic that makes me *scream*
“i’m here for a proposal.”
skales slithers closer, and skales’ hand is not touching pythor’s but — it’s a close thing.
“for a marriage union.” skales says. eyes firm and not breaking away from pythor’s, saying everything that skales’ mouth isn’t.
something that pythor doesn’t want to translate.
like WHAT IF I EXPLODED. god god god the “skales slithers closer, and skales’ hand is not touching pythor’s but — it’s a close thing.” is my favourite thing EVER
the repetition of “skales” putting emphasis on Skales themselves and everything they are doing. also I LOVE “slithers closer” slithers has this snakey-sneaky feeling to it also the alteration of “Skales slithers” has a nice ring it to. also AHHHH the “closer” it gives it like a tension of some kind. but it doesn’t stop there it goes AND SKALES’ HAND IS NOT TOYCHKNG PYTHOR’S what if I exploded fr. I love the focus on “Skales’ hand” and the way it’s not touching pythor’s. Like the fact it’s not pythor’s is significant!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s about the HANDS, and the NEGATIVE SPACE BETWEEN SKALES AND PYTHORS HANDS and the way the me continues this with the “but” and the dramatic pause of the emdash and says ITS A CLOSE THING
screaming. screeching. OH this is so good. OH this is so brilliant. I love it to death
also HELLOOOO “saying everything that skales’ mouth isn’t.” GAHHH AHHH AHHHHHHHH and that ENDING OF
“something that pythor doesn’t want to translate.”
the way!!!!!! nothing is like said!!!! the way the something that Pythor doesn’t want to translate is never said what it is!!!!!!!! but Pythor does know what it is but it DOESNT want to translate it. the way the whole passage has “Skales’ mouth” “Skales hand” “eyes firm” like as if ever part of Skales is saying something. it’s SO NNNNNGHHH good like give it to me
also the way a… lot of things of these things were accidentally LOL as I was trying to djdjdj write without using pronouns which is a challenge but also creates this super fun effect that im so loving. its so cool. this fic is so cool. I love it v dearly. PYTHOR/SKALES !!!!!!!!!!! OF MY HEART HEHHEHEHHE
also hello the way Skales is so active in this part. the way they slither closer, the way THEIR hand is close to pythor’s and the way THEIR eyes are firm and not moving away from pythor’s. the way !!! Skales only talks !!!! both verbally and a lot thro their body language as well. meanwhile Pythor is just There and while its their pov, it looks like Skales has taken the spotlight. and it finishs with “something that pythor doesn’t want to translate.” LIKE PYTHOR !!!! KNOWS WHAT SKALES IS TRYING TO SAY AND KNOWS SKAES BUT IT DOESNT WANT TO TRANSLATE IT !!!!! IT WANTS TO REJECT IT !!!!!!
also the way the ending just drops off! it doesn’t say what pythor’s responding answer is! it leave u hanging SCREAMING on this heightened tension screams OH its So good so v in love with it heh
def my fav piece right now <3 <3 <3 the Pythor/Skales is so Strong sighs longingly I wish to write more for them but working on the two ideas I have right now is to much work urgh and trying to make more ideas provides to be Hard cuz brain empty only Pythor/skales no idea NDJJDKDJDJD <3 so Helpful lol
im so normal btw abt the title. refraining myself so bad into going into it because i do have not the spoons for that rn JDJKDKDKDKD
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avocado-frog · 5 months
Happy STS! What are your characters' favorite songs? Bonus: Why that song?
Happy sts this one was GOING to be on time but SOMEONE had a birthday party (<- glaring at my stepbrother rn) and my computer died while i wasn't using it so everything i wrote out got erased.
It was a bit of a challenge separating what I associate the character with vs what I think the characters would listen to but I think I got it
Starting with Logan, I think he'd like Little Moth by Chloe Moriondo. Not necessarily that he resonates with the lyrics but that he connects them to the other kids (particularly Dylan, Jaxon, Ryan, or Elliot)
In my head, Leo is a Mother Mother fan. I don't know why. Vibes alone. I think Burning Pile or Hayloft II she would especially listen to. Sort of related but she's got an mp3 player that she's downloaded a Lot of songs on lol
I had trouble with Cass since her playlist on my spotify is small and full of songs that are instrumental and I was trying not to answer with instrumental songs. Two Birds Regina Spektor gives very Leo and Cass energy though
Had trouble with Lily too. She has a very specific vibe so I was torn between a softer sounding one or something else. I think she'd like marina. I picked Anything Adrianne Lenker as a solid answer though
For Jaxon I did Race by Alex G but specifically timeskip Jaxon. The "You're starting to look really weird" line also really sounds like him and Leo and I think he would enjoy the energy the song has in general
Dylan lore time: Not to let Dylan hijack this post but about a year ago last summer when I was outlining forget me not, I was this close to cutting Dylan because in all the versions up until this point, they were essentially the same character as Elliot. Aside from design. They were literally made to be sort of a parallel to Elliot in the draft they first appeared in. like superman bizarro world sort of thing. So I wasn't going to keep them, but I was attached regardless so I decided to keep them in and see if they would develop over time on their own. In forget me not, Dylan gets maybe like. ten scenes total. And I remember about three chapters where they were the focus. Their debut chapter (chapter 6), the one they had with Elliot (chapter 12), and that one towards the end (chapter 24). They barely had any lines, I barely knew anything about them that I didn't also know about Elliot (I still struggle sometimes with what is an Elliot Thing and what is a Dylan Thing) Chapter 24 (out of THIRTY) was the only chapter where Dylan was the pov character the whole time, so I used that to really quickly bullshit a backstory for them, as well as a bit of magic development. I'm sort of retconning it right now because I made it up really quick and didn't think very hard about it (my bad tbh) BUT that little tiny bit of character development, the crumbs if u will, put Dyl as one of the focus characters for dahlia. Them and Elliot being so similar in development made them both naturally work as characters who got along really well, and their friendship in forget me not had a bit of an arc in the background, but since I hadn't done much with Dylan's character yet I didn't really have any ideas for how their arc in the second part of dahlia would go. I know I said I wasn't going to pick songs that I associate the characters with, but Overgrown Garden for them. I listened to the song when I was trying to find songs to add to Cass's playlist and I was just adding every song that had a flower name like a madman without listening to them. The only other thing I knew about Dylan was that they Like Gardening (that's where I had them in chapter six lol) so when I actually listened to the song itself, Dylan's arc sorta just. happened. Pleased to announce that Dylan has been upgraded to Major Character status and gets a lot of screentime now. When I go through and edit the first two stories I'm definitely going to add in a few more scenes for them since I've got them good and developed
Moving on to what the actual ask was about. The next character in the list would be Ryan. I am not a ten year old boy. Disclaimer. I have no idea what they listen to. So making them up for the triplets was a bit hard. As a solid answer I would say Ship in a Bottle for him. Water motif + veryyyy him and Elliot
For Sam, I am still not a ten year old boy. So I'm cheating and picking the one I associate him with. Things to Do Alex G in a way I can't quite explain. Canonically, I think that Sam genuinely unironically listens to the music gym teachers play during kickball. Fuckin. believer imagine dragons. the one song from the minions. You see my vision
Unlike the other two, I knew exactly what I was going to pick for Elliot. Meteor Shower Cavetown. It's perfect. It's space themed. He'd love it. He likes Jack Stauber also. I'm sure of it.
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squeamishdionysus · 3 years
May I request a Luisa Madrigal x reader in which the reader is absolutely wowed by her strength and is just so enamored with her. Maybe with a bonus of her being flustered. I’m a simp for big strong women
What a Woman!
Pairing: Luisa Madrigal x Reader
CW: none to note other than major simping.
Summary: you are absolutely enamored by the third oldest girl in the Madrigal family, leaving Luisa surprised and honestly flustered.
Notes: oh my god I am so pissed. I had a full draft written out and everything with a cute little ending and tumblr messed it up so it deleted everything I had edited. Well, I'm sorry anon, but I'm afraid this small drabble will have to do because honey, I am so done rn.
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It was honestly a running joke amongst all of the villagers just how smitten you were with Luisa Madrigal.
Of course, everybody in the Encanto admired Luisa to some extent. She was always willing to help whoever needed it and worked so hard to do so that everyone was impressed. She never seemed to crack under pressure, balancing multiple tasks on her shoulders daily and always managing to tackle them with grace and professionalism. She was a sight to behold and a force to be reckoned with that was always humble and helpful to those around her.
You, however, saw all of those things and more, taking not only her talents and strengths in mind, but her personality and flaws as well, all of which made her all the more beautiful to her. You saw how anxious she could get, saw the moments where she seemed to falter under the weight of everything around her and allow herself a moment of vulnerability. You saw her when she'd desperately chug down another cup of coffee, just to have enough energy to get through the day. You saw the relief on her face when she'd finally get everything done and allowed herself to just sit.
You heard her little voice cracks and her hesitant laughs, as well as her venting to the donkeys. You heard her groans and saw her winces as she'd put down a heavy building, and you felt the pain she did when she'd rub her arms.
But even so, you were still absolutely amazed by her.
Anytime Luisa would come by or do work around your home, you'd be absolutely awestruck and unable to do anything. You could be in the middle of pouring a drink for your parents, and they'd have to smack the pitcher away because you were too distracted by her to remember what you were even doing. You could be cooking and you wouldn't even bother to look down at the food until you smelt smoke, hurrying to get whatever it was off the stove and frantically waving the small fire that had started down. Anytime she was outside, lifting things or carrying donkeys, your jaw would be dropped and your eyes would be wide, and you wouldn't break your focus for anything except somebody teasing you.
It was clear to everyone that you had it down bad for the young woman, including the other Madrigals.
"Hey, hey," Camilo said one night at dinner. "Who am I?"
He shifted into you, opening his eyes real wide and letting his jaw hang down as far as it would go. Mirabel would laugh, and Isabel would eagerly play along.
"Ohh, it's (Name) everytime they see Luisa," she said, her eyes slowly looking over to her sister to give her a sly look.
Luisa widened her eyes, coughing and sputtering as she choked on an empanada. Her face was bright red, and when she finally managed to swallow and calm down, she let out an awkward stammer.
"U-um, what do you mean?" She laughed awkwardly, trying to shrug it off nonchalantly but ultimately failing.
"Oh come on, it's obvious what she means," Agustin said, placing his glass of water down. "Have you seen the way they gawk at you, Luisa? They've nearly burned down their parents' house three times because they're too busy admiring you."
Pepa nodded, recalling the many times she had to make it rain to put out said fires. "It's true! They're no longer allowed in the kitchen because of it."
Dolores looked around before leaning in to whisper, "if anybody ever asks them about you, they gush for about 15 minutes. Either that, or they mess up whatever they're doing because they got distracted." She let out a small "hmm!" and went back to eating.
Luisa's face was on fire at this point. It was no secret that they had also admired you from afar for a bit, your clumsy yet kind nature reminded her a lot of her father and sister, and your beauty reminded her of her other sister and mother. However, she had no idea that you might've been interested in her as well.
She glanced over at Camilo, still shifted into you, who blew a kiss over to her, only to get hit in the face with flowers from Isabel.
Abuela gave them both a stern look, and they both quieted down, Camilo transforming back into himself and Isabel innocently taking a bite out of some avocado. With that, Abuela turned to Luisa and smiled warmly.
"Luisa, I think you should consider talking with (Name). I think the two of you could possibly be a very nice match."
Well, Luisa couldn't say no to Abuela.
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hallowed-wings · 3 years
hallo! :D i'm gonna send 8 in two separate asks and u two can divide them up however you'd like (sorry if that's too many askdfjaksf) - for this one, 1, 2, 7, 8
[ helloooo this is ashes here!! we've split it up so we each take one set of four and then nab questions we want from the others set too. this is also my second go at answering this because the first draft didn't save :'] ]
[ 1 ] Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
so i'm legally required to have several things cooking up at once /lh so I have a bunch of stuff on the backburners (very far back but in my defense it's exam season and i'm tired) such as a character/location study 5+1 things style (though im unsure if it is an actual 5+1 or just like. several segments with the same theme) on l'manhole, a desert duo 5+1 from grians pov (actually a 5+1 this time I swear) and a fic from when eret rescued michael whilst hannah george and sapnap played bedwars, due to a devastating (/pos) tiktok I saw, and a few other things! but they likely won't be my focus atm 😔☝️✨
my main project rn is the love of my life, my hadestown 3L (/LL/a touch of Empires ish) au!!! Jimmy is Orpheus. Scott is Eurydice. it's a tragedy. Cleo and Etho are Persephone and Hades and their relationship is a mess. aaaalllll that good stuff to come!! can't spoil too much. it's full of emotions, full of stuff I can't speak about tooooo much in case of spoilers but I've been working very hard on it!! the whole plan is written (though I keep adding more and more and more) and I've started writing chapter one! so it's very much in the works and I'M personally very much excited :]
[ 2 ] Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
there's twists and metaphors in my hadestown au (gods above it needs a name) that i'm super excited for and trying very much not to spoil!! but im very excited for hadestown!lizzie in particular, and more cleo content is always good :]!! hadestown!cleo is very lovely to me she means the world To Me. but yeah i love a good extended metaphor or twist, the sort that makes me feel VERY INTELLIGENT for put it there; i've run all these particular ones past riser to make him go MMMMM so i hope that bodes well 👀
[ 7 ] What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
i would say personally that my works are all very emotionally driven!!! not necessarily on purpose but almost every work boils down to a feeling or handful of feelings at its core. hadestown au is about love, my c!eret michael rescue fic is about grief and redemption, and so on! I also love metaphors. just so much. many metaphors all the time this isn't flowery writing this is a whole botanical garden!!!
i asked a few people and yeah I'd say they agree. riser says im very smart (true and so based /lh)!! but seriously no riser says i sometimes have lines that just bang severely ( i.e this, circa blue christmas. — Ghostbur’s thoughts tumble from his mouth the same way smoke drifts off from him; curling and aimless. ) and that i clearly understand structure and am brilliantly linguistically etc etc, another friend said that my writing was "quiet in the best way possible" "mature ; me and my husband + its sigh" and very cathartic, which I think is all pretty cool!
[ 8 ] Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
right see- the answer here is yes and no? because i'd say yes in terms of dynamic/characters, if i really like a dynamic/character i'll seek out their content and im more likely to probably write them, although that's! not always true! i wouldn't say i read a lot of puffy and niki content, but i have them featured in my l'manhole 5+1 things (which is going to be called my little versailles btw, from sufjan steven's fourth of july. very good song very sad </3), and i don't think i've ever written 4/4 sbi and yet i read Rather A Lot Of It??
but also. I grew up on high fantasy, and I still love it, i crave nothing more than complicated aus in settings fresher than the first lamb of spring (SEE IT IS to t; passerine) but can I be arsed to plan that thoroughly myself? no! i am simply cramming it in my mouth as fast as i can. ALSO READ A LOT OF WINGFIC AND DONT WRITE IT but I gotta write more about winged characters... do I know anything about birds? no I just. I like them.
gods above that was a rambly answer -
bonus thievin': [ 9 ] Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
i'm definitely a drabbler! i've never finished a longfic... ever... started Many but never finished them as much as i want to, with one semi-notable exception that still only exists in 4 and a half notebooks and needs to be typed up. i'm more of a pantser in general (which i LOATHE i wish i was more planned out), i tend to try and strike while the inspiration iron is hot (and boy oh boy is it a quickly cooling thing), but i'm trying to plan more. i find 5+1's the easiest to plan for because its so neatly chunked down, fun fact!! and my hadestown au has a whole plan and im very very proud of said plan :] so hopefully that will break the mould of unfinished longfics!
there u go! hope that wasn't too wordy/long/ rambly :] enjoy and thanks so much for the ask !
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clonesupport · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
tagged by @captastra! thanks💞^^ i tag anyone who sees this and wants to do them!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 18! i’m still a baby lol
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 59 674^^
3. what are your top 5 fics by kudos? A Good Night’s Rest (Arcane: League of Legends), Property of the Jedi Master (The Clone Wars), One’s Fill is Another’s Satisfaction (Detroit: Become Human), A Cork in a Bottle of Champagne (The Outer Worlds), One Last Time (The Outer Worlds)
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not? yes! because i’ve gotten like a total of three so far so like i’m desperate to talk to people who comment, it’s such a rare occurrence for me to get a comment lol
5. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i don’t even think i’ve written any fics that ended with angst, i’m currently writing a series named Saudade’s Affair (Red Dead Redemption 2) with angst but it’s not done and it only has some angst in like one chapter lol and i don’t plan to finish it with angst, i don’t really like angst tbh, im too emotionally unstable to do angst ahahaha
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? honestly all my fics end happy or well so like all of them i guess lol
7. do you write crossovers? i haven’t done so yet and i honestly haven’t really thought to write any cuz i’m not usually one to do au’s and stuff but if i think of a good one or a good one is pitched to me i’d be down
8. have you received hate on fics? only rude annoying comments a long time ago when i used to write in high school but that was like fives years ago lol
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? lmfao like anyone needs to ask that question when they give my master list a single glance, yes i write a lot of smut lol it’s just about all i write, and i write it all, anything and everything, crazy shit, basic shit, all of it. as long as it’s nsfw and smutty and sexy i’m writing it ^^
10. have you ever had a fic stolen? yes, once. again, this was in high school so a long time ago, it really hit me hard tho as some angsty 15 year old lol i think it was one of the reasons i completely stopped writing for a good five years actually
11. have you ever had a fic translated? nope! that’d be cool tho
12. have you ever co-written a fic before? nar lol
13. what’s your all time favourite ship? oh god honestly idk, im usually a selfish self-insert bastard ahahaha so i never think much about ships, but i do love bones and booth from bones, that was one of my firsts and i still love it to today ahaha
14. what’s a wip that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? low key all of the ones i have rn lmfao that comes to a total of 15, my writers block eased a smidge for one thing of hcs but the thought of writing an proper fic again is exhausting and it sucks cuz i really wanna write them so so bad. i need a new brain with a higher power meter TT one i know for sure has a very slim chance of ever getting written is a joel miller x reader cnc fic i’ve had in my drafts for like half a year now that i haven’t touched in months.
15. what are your writing strengths? i think detailed explanations of small things lol, i like the details when it comes to writing so it’s really what i focus on ^^
16. what are your writing weaknesses? just about everything else lmfao i’m not a good writer and my grammar is for shit, never got good grades in english classes and always got shit marks for creative story writing no matter how much i loved doing it. i was always told my stories lack plot and just general sense, so i never write in depth stories anymore lol probably why i stick to short porn without plot oneshots ;p i’m also extremely hard on myself lol always have been, so i’ve never really seen anything good in my writing unless someone bluntly tells me so, without that selfish need for approval i feel like i’m ass lmfao which is something i really gotta break out of
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fics? only if i know the language, i’m trilingual but i only know how to write/read 2/3 of them so probably only english and french, mandarine if i had good help but that’s it. i don’t want to look dumb or disrespect the language i would be writing from google translate lmfao it’s never good that way.
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for? i dont quite remember but i think it was supernatural for when i first started in my early teens and clone wars/star wats after my five year hiatus lol
19. what’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet, but want to? oh god i mean i kind of have that list on my character request list lol but umm top ones would probably be some star wars/clone wars/bad batch characters i haven’t written for, i need to write for my man hosea matthews from red dead redemption, sam drake from uncharted cuz he’s like one of my favourite characters ever lol, overwatch tbh, more game of thrones characters, phineas wells and anton crane from outer worlds
20. what’s your favoruite fic you’ve written? probably a tie between Saudade’s Affair (even if it’s not done and i haven’t updated it in forever because of this fucking writers block TT), and Nice Necklace. Saudade’s Affair probably comes on top even if like 5 people read it lol it’s my first ever series that i’ve actually carried through with and planned and didn’t delete after like two chapters cuz i gave up ahahaha that story has a special place in my heart and so does josiah trelawny, thinking of him and that story bring me so much comfort and happiness and i can’t wait to keep writing it when my god damn brain lets me. Nice Necklace was my first ever max fic and i’d been wanting to make my own max fic for like 2.5 years since i’ve played tow and that fic got me back into writing and was also oh so purely self indulgent lol.
✨honorable mentions: No Rest for the Vicar, Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures, A Night at Burlesque, The Vicar’s Tiny Dancer (i think i have a thing for burlesque tropes AHAHA)
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whi-sky · 3 years
𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚕𝚢 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 - 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝’𝚜 #𝟷𝟽-𝟷𝟿
𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 #𝟷𝟽 - 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟷𝟷𝚝𝚑
Apologize for this late weekly report, no other reason besides me being lazy. I used the eleven method again last night.
Same process: I read through my script, tied a bandana around my head and turned on some white noise.
Everything went smoothly and I didn’t focus too much on the effects of shifting. Once again it was my lower half that got really numb and cold and for a second I felt me legs tingling.
I made it pretty far in without moving but I only moved a little bit so nothing too bad happened. However it was taking a little too long to fall asleep. I s’pose I was stressed out. I decided that I’d made enough progress tonight and decided to go to sleep.
That’s it for this night so I’ll see you guys/this draft again on Friday.
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𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 #𝟷𝟾 - 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑
My attempt was a little more lazy, I was exhausted yesterday and I basically passed out after reading my scripts and not really trying to visualize.
I definitely feel like I could’ve done better last night but that’s neither here nor there. I’m not gonna waste time complaining about it.
Anyways no surprise that I didn’t shift and there wasn’t really much that happened this night.
I’ll be shifting again on Sunday and I’ll try even harder >O< pushing myself always hypes me up and makes me feel more confident in shifting so I’ll keep doing that.
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𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 #𝟷𝟿 - 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑
Holy shit-
I didn’t shift, I’m going to make that clear rn, but I feel like I’ve made a huge step. I wanna elaborate more in another post for you know… suspense.
Perhaps I was hallucinating or having a hard time breathing but what I just experienced was so vivid and different from any previous attempts I’ve made.
You could say this goes beyond regular symptoms. But I really had to stop 20 minutes in as I was shifting because I was just alarmed to the point where my breathing just became more rapid.
Wow. Really.
No thoughts. Head empty. Kinda out of it
Lemme stop being over dramatic. Just to be clear I wasn’t in my DR however I felt so close. Due to my inactivity and the lack of people that are gonna see this I’ll just elaborate on a different post so more of my followers can see this. Thank you for reading.
Buh bye~🥃✨
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hey, same person who sent the suggestions regarding your trouble with writing earlier :)
That does sound like what I experienced during my writer's block... I didn't have any fully committed events going at the time (just smaller challenges) but did take on a lot at once and then came up with nothing... It really sucks to not be able to put out the stuff you promised in time, but it's not uncommon. You can still try and see if you can come up with something, but please don't push yourself too hard! If it really is a writer's block, that can be your mind telling you it needs a break. Or sometimes it's because your brain learned a lot of new things but it doesn't have the time to work through all of them at once (I tend to actually make some pretty big improvements even if I haven't written in a longer time, just because my brain had to work through all that new knowledge and needed time to process it). Or you could just be burned out from writing, in which case stepping away probably is much more helpful than pushing it, since pushing yourself sometimes only makes it worse.
I don't wanna tell you what to do here since this is absolutely your decision and I understand feeling bad for not fulfilling commitments... Just some personal experiences. But I'm also sure that most people are gonna understand if you can't complete the event stuff in time because of something like this.
If writing about that is what you enjoy the most and where your inspiration lies, that's totally okay. You might just develop a following around that series who are all looking forward to hearing more about it instead.
Also, most larger blogs get to a point where they close their requests from time to time to work through what they already have or just take a break. That's totally okay (and probably ultimately somewhat necessary for your mental health)
Writing and not posting can be a great way to get through this too since it takes some of the pressure off you and you can instead just focus more on enjoying whatever you're writing :)
As for writing sprint, basically you have a set period of time (usually smth around 20 minutes I think) in which you try to write as many words as possible (It really plays into the idea of "Just write a first draft where you don't care how good it is, you can always edit later"). If you do it with friends, it's a bit of a competition of who can write the most words and can be kind of a fun game. Tho I often just do it by myself too and just try to do more than I did the previous round. You can just set a timer for yourself, but there's also Discord bots for it if you use that (The most popular one is called "Sprinto")
i ended up going on a writing hiatus for a while after some shit went down last night and took me out completely. this sounds stupid but i have to get my mind back in a better place before i can write again and rn, it’s rlly not
gonna save the link to this post in my notes and come back to it though when i’m feeling better! writing sprints sound really cool and i’ll probably try them out in my server eventually :,) thank you for your tips and tricks and your concern anon ♥️
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
@ari-is-anxious have fun with this and i wish you the best of luck in trying to comprehend this-
+ Kasaysayan (which means History) - this is the 2nd musical concept thingy i made (the first one being Misfits) and yea i started thinking of this went I was 14. I kinda wanted it to tell a story of like the entirety of philippine history as narrated by students and i wanted to kinda emphasize how history has many faces and how many different factors essentially blur our perspective of what we view as the past. I also wanted to like draw parallels between what our ancestors have experienced and what we currently experience esp when it comes to sociopolitical and economic stuffs and I wanted to like correct a lot of misconceptions about ph history and provide more insight and info about ph's past (i.e how centuries of colonialism have affected our current culture and overall social mindset esp in regards to our want for validation from foreigners aka the whole #PinoyPride thing; how even though activism and revolution is like the main reason on as to why the Philippines even exists, it continues to be demonized here; the ideologies of some of our revolutionary heroes and presidents and why some of them are dicks; etc etc). Also I wanted to showcase like um PH music, art, and dance and how that has progressed and also regressed throughout the years (*shakes fist at colonizers*) and um YEA YOU CAN SEE WHY I EVENTUALLY AND RATHER QUICKLY DISCONTINUED THIS TJCJSJF THIS IS *NOT* DOABLE AT ALL THSJFHF it could work as a concept album and a one-time performance BUT NOT LIKE A LEGIT PRODUCTION SO YEA FOR NOW IT WILL STAY IN THE DRAFT FOLDER FJXNSJF but yea this idea then led to the next two ideas woo
+ Noli/Fili - started wanting to make this at the start of quarantine so like um march 2020 heck i even made a wholeass word doc for this fjdjdv so it's basically a ph-rock-rap-based musical adaptation of Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Filibuster) (yes these two novels are like tne national novels here since rizal is our national here and yea these were originally written in Spanish) but the protagonist of El Fili (Simoun) takes charge of telling Noli's story in Act 1 while Noli's protag (Crisostomo Ibarra) takes charge of telling Fili's story in Act 2. Those two books have very different tones and those two characters have um VERY DIFFERENT world views so i thought it would be interesting to tell one's story through the eyes of someone different and yet also the same to provide a lot more insight on how the events in the novels affected these two protags (there is a Good Reason for this and um Filipinos who studied this in 9th and 10th grade know what i'm talking about fhshf if u wanna um know what i'm talking about and don't wanna read the novels (they are very long) i suggest looking up El Filibusterismo and um yea check out Simoun fjsjf). Like for example, there would be times that Noli's narrator (Simoun) (whose general demeanor is like um a lot more cunning and cynical and a lot more resentful of the events that have happened compared to Fili's narrator) would directly question the Noli protag's (Ibarra) actions while Fili's narrator (Ibarra) (he is a lot more um hopeful and peaceful compared to Simoun) often questions how Fili's protag (Simoun) turned into well um a very cynical and cunning person with a taste for revenge (I am trying my hardest to NOT spoil the novels here gjdjf) and yea because the story is set in Spanish Colonial times here, i wanna focus more on the sociopolitical aspects and problems in the novels and how those still remain relevant here, hence the ph-rock-rap-based music. Also I would like to point out that the curriculum here barely like goes into depth about the subject matter of the novels (esp the sociopolitcal parts) and how said subject matter shaped the characters here and HOW EVERY SINGLE THING IN THIS DAMN NOVEL IS STILL RELEVANT,,,so um basically the curriculum is currently missing the entire point of the novels since Rizal wrote these two with the intent to provide socioecononic and political commentary on the pure shit that many of the Filipinos experienced under Spanish colonial rule,,,SO THIS THINGY IS BASICALLY MY MIDDLE FINGER TO THE CURRICULUM AND ESSENTIALLY MY ATTEMPT TO SHOW MORE OF THE NOVELS COMPARED TO WHAT HAS BEEN TAUGHT TO US FJJSJFV this is gonna be a nightmare to write tho cause wow those novels are jampacked
+ Patron - if this ever becomes a thing, I will consider it the greatest thing i'll ever write gjcjdbc I REALLY WANT THIS TO BE A THINGY AAAA so the plot is barebones atm but it's basically about journalism and activism here in the Philippines (and how both can get you killed fjjsjf i'm not kidding these two can legit get you killed wah redtagging sucks shit and the anti terror law can suck even more shit) and how the youth are expected to be purveyors of the country's advancement and improvement despite the fact that our voices are oftentimes dismissed and even permanently silenced when what we say goes against what those in power want us to say,,,those this is basically Misfit's spiritual successor fjxjdjf both of those musicals share similar themes fjxns so yea expect me ranting about a lot of political stuff here and a lot of talking about the ideologies of past and present politics and revolutions and how those affect the masses and how the masses can shape them in return. There will also be talk on how journalism's role in shaping society and how proper dissemination of information and lack thereof can affect people's mindsets aND HOW JOURNALISM IS OFTENTIMES MANIPULATED TO MANIPULATE PEOPLE'S MINDSETS (STUDENT JOURNALIST AND ASPIRING PROFESSIONAL JOURNALIST'S RANTS GO BRRRRR YEA I HAVE A LOT TO RANT ABOUT).
Oh and also this musical is heavily inspired by both the noli and el fili novels and by spring awakening (Everything I Write Will Be Inspired By Spring Awakening dbjxd) in a sense that Act 1's active protagonist (who then becomes Act 2's passive protag) is named Elias and is based on both Elias from Rizal's novels and on Melchior Gabor (which is funny cause rizal's elias is NOTHING LIKE MELCHIOR GABOR SO UM LOOK IT'S GONNA BE HARD TO EXPLAIN JUST UM YEA IT'S MESSY) while the passive protagonist (who becomes the active protag by the end of act 1 and throughout the entire 2nd act) is named Cris Ibarra and is based on Moritz Stiefel and Rizal's Ibarra (more specifically um Rizal's Ibarra's growth into a very different character throughout the events of the two novels).
ALSOOO there is this one concept that made me really REAALLY want to make Patron an actual thingy and that is the existence of um Shadows in the show. Inspired by the voices in Deaf West Speing Awakening, these Shadows can always be found lurking on stage alongside their respective characters like um if Elias is in a scene, his shadow can also be found on stage somewhere. I kinda want them to like represent the characters' innermost thoughts and the other parts of themselves the characters' would like to hide through how the Shadows act on stage and um yea choreography gjsjf Patron is porbably gonna be very dance heavy so um yea it's a bit hard to explain so i'll just point to Alex Boniello and Daniel Durant's Moritz fjxjjf i kinda want it to be like that. The Shadows would be part of the show's ensemble and um yea lots of dancing and prop moving woo also at times they would be singing for the character they are assigned to like um while Elias would be in the middle of doing something on stage, his Shadow would be the one singing in his stead and when his Shadow sings, that's when the character becomes the most vulnerable to the audience because the Shadows often expose their characters' thoughts and worries to the audience that the characters themselves wouldn't really express. So like um the Shadows address the audience a lot gjxjsjd except for one aka Ibarra's Shadow. Instead of addressing the audience, Ibarra's shadow addresses IBARRA directly, often questioning Ibarra's actions (especially their hesitance in Act 1). ig ibarra's shadow is rather representative of what Ibarra would turn into in Act 2 when they take over as the Active protag. But um Ibarra's shadow still questions Ibarra frequently esp in regards to their risky actions so um yea Ibarra's shadow is kinda like the Fates the hadestown wherein they serve to sow doubt but over here Ibarra's shadow is meant to symbolize how insecure they feel in regards to their decisions which well, as the protag, make and break the show. Also um yea the rest of the characters' shadows also start addressing their characters more while the characters themselves start addressing the audience more so woo switcheroo! Also the dynamic that the characters have with each other is similar to the dynamics between the kids in Spring Awakening wherein they are just kids (well in this cause young adults aged 18-20) trying to figure out life in general and all that so woo
(also I would like to note that I really want Ibarra's role to be open to all genders in order to like make a statement that anyone can grow into the character Ibarra becomes throughout Patron but rn hmm i'm still thinking about how that will play out especially given that I kinda wanted Patron's Ibarra to have two love interests here aka Elias and Clara (kiiiiinda based on Maria Clara aka Ibarra's actual love interest from Rizal's novels but um YEA THERE ARE A LOT OF DEVIATIONS GJXSF) but tbh i'm still figuring out a way to make Clara have a much larger role here in terms of pushing the plot cause rn the Elias and Ibarra dynamic have an advantage since um active-passive protagonist switcheroo so I'm kinda thinking of a way to make Clara a secret 3rd protag that is both an active and a passive one? I dunno fjsjd honestly i'm still trying to figure out what Maria Clara represents in the novels cause I know for certain that Rizal did not write her to be a mere demure love interest so um yea WORK IN PROGRESS AND UM ALL IN ALL IBARRA CAN BE PLAYED BY ANY AND ALL GENDERS AND IBARRA IS PANSEXUAL BECAUSE I FUCKING WANT THEM TO BE GJSJJF)
+ Grade 12 - OKI SO LIKE I'VE POSTED ABOUT THIS BEFORE BACK IN MARCH BUT UM I'VE CHANGED SOME STUFF GJXJJD so anyways Grade 12 is well um designed to be a campy-please-don't-take-this-seriously-this-is-just-for-laughs-and-gags musical about 12th graders (i changed the grade to raise the stakes) that makes fun of Filipino TV tropes esp when related to teenagers while also providing a lit more insight on ad to what teenagers go through on a daily basis in terms of trying to grow into the person they want themselves to be while also trying to change to adapt to a world that more often that not goes against them. So yea it's not as heavy as the other musicals, heck I designed this after Preston Max Allen's Carrie 2 musical (dude check it out it has jenny rose baker and it's gold) so woo funsies but i also like this to mean something. Oh and also this is basically me ranting about Everything Wrong In The Philippine Education System (how it more often than not is really detrimental to the students' personal wellbeings through constant overwork and disregard of physical, mental and emotional health issues, its accessibility issues esp the issues experiences by those of the poorer sectors, the um very outdated info at times, how the system perpetuates classism and a shit ton of very detrimental social hierarchy bullshits esp through the implementation of the star sections (speaking as someone who's been in the "lower" sections and has also been in the star sections, I HAVE A LOT TO RANT ABOUT THIS ONE OH BOY FUN FACT I WANTED TO MAKE AN ACADEMIC PAPER ON THIS BUT MY 10TH GRADE TEACHER WOULDN'T LET ME) etc etc) plot is mainly barebones atm but um yea here are some of the updates to the characters: Kyla (formerly named Kate), Noel and Ella haven't changed that much but um I've decided to give the Halos Lagi Nalang number to Kyla and Max (nonbinary student that serves as a foil to Kyla in which Max is constantly being denied opportunities that they want while Kyla constantly refuses opportunities that Max wants; also yea i'll be talking about stories that trans and nonbinary students have experienced in both of my high schools through Max cause i really wanna bring attention to how the trans and nonbinary community is really being shat on despite the um sliiight improvement in the way schools treat the (cisgender) members of the lgbtq+ community; also they are just as ambitious as Ella (i envision her to be like um Draft Eva + Riley jfhdf) um yea major plot pusher woo I'd compare them to Draft Eva + Reese but um I Sincerely And Solemnly Promise To Not Screw Them Over In Act 2 fjjxfj) instead because they will be the ones with queerness being a much bigger factor to their individual plotlines compared to Noel and Ella.
The other main characters are um Marco (typical jock dude who's actually one of the more philosophical and introspective characters in the show; i want to like um highlight the whole sports scholarships debacle, how stereotypes can affect how people are treated in real life and also touch on the machismo culture that's um really being enforced here esp with him being an athlete and all; also he's really good friends with Max and through that friendship he learns that him slightly questioning his sexuality is a good thing so yea), Ruben & Lexi (i don't have that much planned for them atm because woo barebones plot but i do imagine them to be initially framed as the more antagonistic characters and have that like stereotype be taken apart as the show goes on esp considering that both are in the "lower sections" and are um more prone to stereotyping) aND A NARRATOR CHARACTER HMMM WHERE HAVE WE SEEN THIS BEFORE GJXJD oki but this Narrator (can be played by any gender as long as the actor IS VERY FUNNY LIKE COMEDIC TIMING IS A *MUST*) is based on the Narrator in PMA's Carrie 2 but I also want the narrator to be like um more crucial to the plot as the story progresses esp as they interact with both the audience and the characters a lot more so like um it's a bit hard to describe their exact role here because um BAREBONES PLOT FJXJD but altho they can't directly affect the story they are telling (cause so far my plan for them is like um they were a former classmate of 7/8 of the characters here but unfortunately they died due to a car accident), they can and do indeed influence the characters in it and all of the characters (except Kyla) know who they are (especially Ruben) so um yea. Also the solo I have planned for them is called Live On (which is um yea a spin off of Move On fjxjd) and through them, I plan to explore the tragedy of unexpected deaths and what happens to those left behind (this will be based on observations and accounts from many of my former schoolmates) and how many have yet to move on and how they choose to live on despite of that because they know that's what their former classmate, schoolmate, and loved on would've wanted.
+ Concepts - oki so this is the only musical so far that i wanna write solely in English nfjsj so this is inspired by Fun Home in which there are like versions of characters in different ages right? Over here there are 2 versions of 6 characters: the 17-18 year old ones, and the 27-28 year old ones. Through them, this musical will explore two main things: (1) the sad and depressing reality of having to give up one's artistic dreams and passions for the sake of practicality and (2) choosing to take a leap of faith and try to grasp on to whatever chances one may have left to live a life that means more than just making ends meet. Act 1 has the teenagers focus on Point 2 while the adults focus on Point 1; Act 2 has the teenagers focus on Point 1 while the adults end up focusing on Act 2. Once again, um barebones plot with even more barebones characters (heck i dont even have NAMES for them gnxnd) but i think it'll be pretty cool to elaborate upon the shitty circumstances here in the ph when it comes to artistic pursuits and how most of the kids I know are terrified of growing up because they don't want to give up dreaming even though that they know that they have to wake up. I also think it'll be cool to point out thay even though that yea situations like these suck, it'll never ever be too late to pick up the pieces and try again cause at the end of the day, life only ends when you say it will end: there will always be chances, you just need to be gutsy enough to grasp them. Also um yea I originally planned to post like a shit ton of poems this month that would basically be the lyrics of the songs that would go into this musical bUT I'M LAZY SO I'M THROWING AWAY THE POSTING SCHEDULE FJXJSJD anyways here r 2 of the poems/songs that i wanna make for this:
+ In 10 Years - a duet between one of the teenagers and their adult counterpart which is um basically the teen singing their optimistic yet really in-depth and mature perspective on chasing Point 2 while the adult sings about Point 1, wishing that they could tell their teen self about how disappointed they will be; i imagine this to be um kinda like the first version of Dear Theodosia but um more intense maybe fjdjf
+ Run - a duet between two teens who are best friends where one girl tries to convince the other to run and play with her in the nearby playground AND YES THIS DUET IS VERY FUCKING GAY JDJSJDF this was um originally part of Grade 12 tbh and it was supposed to be sung by Lexi and it was supposed to be about a 9th grade event that i personally was a part of where um 9th grade student researchers at a research seminar at a different freaking university took over the elementary students' playground when the seminar finished (I SHALL TREASURE THAT MEMORY FOREVER) and um yea it was basically about holding on to your childhood while you still can...aND THEN I UNINTENTIONALLY MADE IT GAY JFJSJSF Lexi is still getting that song about the research seminar event tho but um it won't be Run cause Run basically turned into a song that's not only about holding on to what's left of your childhood but also to the people you treasure that you know you have to leave behind sooner or later and um yea the girl that the one girl tries to convince to go to the playground agrees to that and then boom go duet stylized after 21 and Alone Now + I Don't Care by freaking preston max allen once again woo (i promise that this won't be plagiarism gndnd) (also altho the two girls have to go their separate ways by their graduation, they eventually meet again at the end of act 2 so woo hopeful ending for the sapphics
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