#because extra pockets are so mmmmm
dd170 · 1 year
made a totebag for my friends birthday !
They do not have tumblr
So they will
Not see this.
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I cannot take aesthetic photos
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icarusexperiment · 2 years
MHA blurb #1
"Hey, bakubro, could you warm up my lunch with yours? We can split our lunches since my mom made extra for you," Kirishima asks Bakugou as they walk towards the cafeteria. Bakugou tsks at him and grabs the bento from Kirishima. Bakugou then heads toward the cafeteria microwave while Denki rushes to the table, pulling Shinsou behind him.
“Shinsou is joining us today! I, the all-talented, Mmmmm, wish I thought more about what I was going to say cause now I look kinda foolish here continuing my sentence and not actually finishing it. Anyways, Shinsou is here now, so scooch!” Denki finished his announcement by lightly pushing Sero so he could make space for Shinsou, who looked so tired and hopeless. Kirishima wonders if maybe they should get a sleeping bag for Shinsou like it helps Aizawa, so why wouldn’t it work on little Aizawa? Is it rude to compare your classmate to your teacher because they have the same sleeping habits and look equally defeated by life?
Shinsou takes a can of soda out of his pocket; he apparently had that in there for who knows how long. Mina looked at him with intrigue as she noticed his nails were quite long and wondered how he would open the can. She knows that she has to ask Kirishima or Sero to open her drinks when she gets her nails done. Like she can’t risk it popping off or, worse, cracking. Ugh, the boys will never understand the pain of your acrylic breaking like it hurts really bad. Maybe it’s different with natural nails? Jirou noticed Mina wasn’t joining the boys in talking about what happened in Mic-sensei’s class and saw her staring at Shinsou, who was staring at his soda in defeat. What could Mina possibly be thinking about? Did she see something that happened with the can that Jirou didn’t? Sero being as observant as he usually is, kicks Denki’s shin to get him to look at Shinsou, man does he usually look that pathetic; Shinsou sighs and moves to open the bag that he brought with him. Denki, sensing the energy and also not one to waste a potential opportunity, gets his phone ready to record. Shinsou pulls out a can opener. Like it’s a nice can opener, I guess? Mina sees the gears in the boys’ heads fully stop and uses this as a distraction to grab some Oreos that Kaminari had just sitting there. Like if Kaminari is going to get distracted by the weirdness of a can opener instead of watching his snacks, that's his fault. Deku happens to walk past their table as he quickly leaves the microwave area as sees Kachan getting closer.
“Shinsou, is that a can opener? Please, tell me that I’m actually seeing this, and Kachan didn’t knock me out in training,” Midoriya asks, fully stopping at the table and blinking rapidly. There is no way Kachan’s weak punches managed to actually knock him out after all that training and tolerance he’s built up. Shinsou just nods and grumbles as he tries to line up the can opener with the top of the can. Shinsou is struggling as the can won’t seem to align with the can opener. Why have the gods deprived him of his need for caffeine and sugar?
“Shinsou, I am offering my assistance and approaching you slowly due to the trouble you seem to be experiencing as that is the third time you have had to realign the can opener with that can,” Midoriya says this calmly and slowly as he steps towards Shinsou as if approaching a feral cat. Is Midoriya always this weird? Kirishima does feel that this is excessive, but then again, it is Midoriya, and Shinsou is closer to him. For all we know, it very well could be justified. Jirou looks back to Mina to see what her take on this debacle is to see her taking what might be her fifth cookie. How long has she been swiping these?
“Hey Denki, I’m gonna grab an Oreo before Mina finishes all of them,” as Jirou says this, Denki just nods and waves one of his hands as he has been recording Shinsou’s attempts, and now the tug-of-war match happening over this can with Midoriya. Jirou takes that as a yes and picks out a cookie, and happily munches on it. She doesn’t understand the situation, but she also isn’t going to offer to pop the tab either. Due to all the pulling and probably squeezing, the soda ends up popping and spilling all over Midoriya and Shinsou. Man, Kirishima has never seen someone so defeated. Geez , what else has happened to Shinsou for him to look so accepting of defeat today? They really should schedule a nap for Shinsou or get him some caffeine after opening the can for him. Wait, why didn’t we offer to open the can for him? Like we totally would have if it was Mina, did I accidentally participate in sexism and let my fellow man fail? Denki lets out a loud laugh of shock as he wasn’t expecting the can to just explode. Well, after checking to see if the phone was safe from the liquid explosion. Man, bet Bakugou would’ve loved to see that explode in their faces; good thing he recorded it. Mina is just fully laughing at the face Midoriya is making and seeing him try to apologize to Shinsou, who is using his jacket to pat himself dry. Oh my gods, is Midoriya crying? Jirou is just here, happy she grabbed a cookie before this mess happened. Like no one wants to eat Oreos soaked in soda. She didn’t even know what type it was as there wasn’t even a label beside the word “Soda” on the side. Sero gets up after laughing with Mina for a bit and calming her down as she almost choked on her own drink. He went to grab some napkins and maybe ask for a mop. Would it be easier to look for an adult or ask Momo to make one? Denki stops his recording and happens to turn towards the Microwave line and sees Bakugou making his way over here. Oooo, those bentos do look good!
“Shit, Midoriya run; Bakugou is coming this way,” Denki rushes to tell Midoriya, who is now using his jacket to also help Shinsou clean up instead of grabbing some napkins. Midoriya, too stressed out and focused on making things better and resolving the problem he might have caused, couldn’t hear Denki. Denki truly tried, and now he prays that he won’t witness a bloody murder.
Bakugou, now at the table, hands Kirishima his lunch and says in the calmest and quietest voice they’ve heard from him all day,” What the fuck, Deku?” Midoriya just laughs awkwardly and waves while patting Shinsou with a damp hoodie.
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jade-marie · 2 years
My thing is why would any talent want to continue on a show that's going to pay him LESS especially if he's not happy on set or whatever. Honestly none of them should have agreed to pay cuts if that's what really happened. To put the blame on one sole person in an interview. It's giving bitter mean girl idk. . At your BIG age like pls be serious. Also like Ms Kelly mentioned they could have continued the show w/o him but they didn't mmmmm wonder why??? 🤔👀
Right??! That shit is transparent as fuck and she conveniently missed out some context when she was scapegoating him:
The hypothetical season 5 was a final season consisting of 8 episodes, rather than 13-16. It was also not set to begin production until spring of this year, rather than autumn last year. That would mean they go an extra 6 months or thereabouts, with no pay, only to come back for 8 episodes on less pay, and then become unemployed anyway. Articles also mentioned some scheduling issues, presumably due to the later production date, and that the network was looking for an excuse to cut the show.
Not to mention, Manny was on a lower salary than the 3 women, so there’s a good possibility that taking a pay cut was untenable for him. But even if he did it out of sheer principle - GOOD FOR HIM!!!! No one should be expected to take a pay cut because a $30 billion corporation doesn’t wanna put their hand in their pocket. Fuck that lmao
Those 3 have been giving mean girl energy for years and I hope karma grants them the dry ass careers they deserve 😇
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bmbochangetales · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write something with piercings and dumbification 😋 what would I get at the cafe for that?
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Your boss was breathing down your neck. The deadline was still a week away. You were ahead of schedule, but it still wasn't good enough. Worse still, he just sent you on the coffee run. You were not an intern or an assistant.
You had to get back for a meeting in 20 minutes and the normal coffee shops were too busy. You were ready to tell your boss to get his own coffee and shove it up his....
Doll's Cafe
And there was a spot right in front, this would have to do. You needed 20 coffees and hopefully this place was fast. You throw your car into park and rush in not even taking the keys out of the ignition.
A buff looking man is at the register and he was staring and drooling. You start rattling off the office order in too much of a rush to see him watching a gif of his boss bouncing her tiddies on repeat as it had been for the last hour.
"3 iced coffees black, 2 with whole milk, 1 with skim, 1 with coconut milk, 2 with soy and 1 with almond milk. 3 hot black, 2 with cream and sugar" You pause to take a breath.
Cock scratches his head and tries rubbing his dick to help him think. "Umm 2 black coffees..." You let out a cry of frustration.
"Cock! Go take your break, we need more heavy cream! I got this" Doll swept in from the back and to the register. Your eyes are met with the biggest tits you have ever seen. You swear her phone must be going crazy in her pocket with the buzzing sound coming from her.
""3 iced coffees black, 2 with milk, 1 with skim, 1 with coconut milk, 2 with soy and 1 with almond milk. 3 hot black, 2 with cream and sugar" she repeated back to you. You started to relax.
"Two Americanos, Two lattes and one quad shot soy latte extra extra hot with 1 pump hazelnut syrup, 1 pump cinnamon, no foam, light whip with a salted caramel drizzle" you hated ordering your boss's drink. Especially because he got pissed when it was wrong even though you just order it, not make it.
You quickly scanned the menu for your drink. Might as well treat yourself on the company dollar. "A bubbly real teal boba tea with pabo powder and piercing pearls" you don't even know really what you ordered it just came out.
"Perfect! we just imported that powder from Korea. You'll love it cutie" She stepped away and was popping drinks out one after another.
You eyes has been skimming the case and in a matter of minutes, Doll had most of the drinks ready. Cock came is with a small pitcher of the cream he was sent to fetch. Doll quickly whipped it up for your boss's complicated latte. she placed then in carriers and bags and you were on your way to the car.
"Doll what's pabo powder? asked Cock scratching his head, really confused about the new menu item.
"It's korean for stupid powder. She gonna be a cute little dummie!"
Cock giggles.
"I think the office is going to get a whole new vibe Cock" doll said with a happy smile.
In the car, you begin sipping you drink as you race back for the meeting. You pulled in to the parking garage in the exit lane. Whoops! At least, no one was going in or out and the guard was on his lunch. You take another huge gulp, as the pearls and sweet concoction go down your throat, you feel almost like your drunk. You let out a giggle as an alarm goes off so you know you have 10 minutes to get back up to your desk. You grab the bags of coffee and rush towards the elevator.
You stare at the buttons when you get there. Mmmmm which one. the up pointy or down pointy. What if you push both? As you struggle, a co-worker comes and presses the arrow "Can I get my coffee?" She doesn't wait for an answer and shuffles through. She finds her and begins sucking it down as you go in the elevator. you stare looking for onety-one. You see it but the wrong 1 is first. Still your co-worker presses 11. Oh, it must be the same.
"Ya know, I super like your earrings! A whole ear is just super sexy! and like your nose!" suddenly the girl from accounting sounds like a valley girl. you look at her. She is decked head to toe in neon colored latex. She swizzles the last few sips as you hit your floor.
You catch your reflection in the mirror. Earrings dangle out of your ears and a rings hangs from your nose with a hoop on the side. When did that happen! You were so dumb!
As soon as you think the word, you felt a wave of pleasure. You nearly drop the coffee but make it to the counter and put it all down. Your lips grow plush and overfilled, perfect to show off the lip ring. The tongue ring in your mouth matches perfectly. You just want to hang your tongue out and show it off. Your hair becomes a striking teal color. Meanwhile your head is getting fuzzier.
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Coworkers are picking up their drinks and nobody seems to take notice of your transformation. You can’t seem to process as the office switches from sales to phone sex. The drinks affecting everyone in record time.
Your old office partner is now the resident domme dressed in black answering a disobedient boy who she will punish. The quiet old lady who was ready to retire is now an energetic plastic enhanced MILF in her 40s teasing a college age boys. Brad has grown massive tits becoming the best hooker the company has seen. The HR team was going around give oral to each worker making sure they felt amazing and gave the best service.
You work here? You couldn’t even think now. Your head just becoming a fluffy mess.
“Where’s my coffee? Your boss bellowed. You final coherent thought was to carry it into his office. You struggled to push the door for a minute before an HR cock sucker moved you away from the window in front of the door. You had to really focus to even remember how to walk. As you struggled, your business button down became a sheer white tank top perfect for showing off your pierced EE tits. Your boss hardly acknowledged you as he swiped the cup which magically hadn’t spilled even though you were holding upside down. The hard work had caused you to drool, with it running down.
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“This isn’t right your so dumb….” He trailed off but it was too late for you. Final thoughts left your head and orgasms took over your body from that beautiful word. Thinking was out of your league but also you boss now too. Cock’s cum seized him up as he grew into in overinflated himbo. A dog collar appeared as he chewed off his expensive suit. The office cock puppy wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
The best resident dumb slut an office could have was you. You unfortunately were too dumb to understand much of what happens around you but that’s okay. You were here just to be slutty and dumb.
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trophyfemmebimbo · 2 years
I’d definitely flaunt you around as a trophy wife, take you to all the fancy professor dinners. Have you clinging to me as i control a vibe in you, you wouldn’t understand what everyone is saying anyway. We’d probably end up fucking in bathroom somewhere and having to leave early because you squirted all over me.
I am looking forward to hearing about all the times you train your gag reflex this week, just the thought makes me need to adjust my boxers. Especially with the image in my head of you humping the air, i am definitely going to stroking my butch cock tonight - T
ugh thats basically my dream, all your professor friends would know that im a silly airheaded doll for you to dress up and show off and use, with nothing important to add to the conversation except giggling and twirling my hair 🥰
i hope itd make them jealous that youve got a pretty little slut hanging off your every word…
mmmmm i really wanna get fucked in a bathroom at an event, you cum inside me and tuck my panties into your pocket as a prize <3 then i need to be extra careful to keep all your cum inside me so no one can see what a dumb girl i am 😇
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aclosetfan · 4 years
This is a really incomplete idea BUT it’s about Brick’s hat(s). And hopefully someone else finds this and enjoys it! More under the cut, it’s a long post :)
I think it’d be funny if boomer and butch get him a shitty novelty hat for birthday/holidays/etc because 1) they don’t know what to get him 2) they’re like 12 with four buck to their names. so they just go from charity shop to charity shop looking for ideas. Brick probably doesn’t ask for much (I don’t think any of them do. poor kid syndrome amiright? I personally never think they’d be well off in childhood).
So anyway butch and boomer are bumming through the charity shops and boomers like:
“Holy shit, Butch!”
“Wut?” Butch looked over pulling the charred and ruined Halloween mask that someone had donated for god knows what reason off his head.
“Dude it’s perfect!” Boomer came running from three aisle over, waving a garment around in the air.
“It’s a hat.” Butch pointed out bluntly, unimpressed, and pointed to the mask atop his head, “I think we should get this.”
“But it’s red!”
“He’s got one of those. Wears it frequently.”
“But not like this!” Boomer boosted, “See.”
Boomer turned the hat around, so Butch could see the bill of it. It was one of those novelty snapbacks, inscribed on the front was the playboy bunny logo.
“Dude.” Butch smiled, giggling with Boomer, albeit a little nervously.
He was familiar with the playboy bunnies work, it wasn’t like he was a virgin or anything (except he secretly was), but he had never actually seen a genuine centerfold spread like some of the older boys at the detention hall had talked about. When he thought of playboy, he thought of the Victoria Secret models he saw plastered to the side of the store at the mall. They made him feel weird and his hands would get all sweaty, so he tried his best not to look too closely.
“Dude we should get him this!” Boomer continued to smile, “It’d be, like, so funny.”
“Yeah.” Butch nodded, as his smile grew. He didn’t 100% get why it was so funny, but the idea of having something with the playboy bunny logo on it seemed cool to him. It made him feel kind of like one of the older boys.
Him and Boomer snickered all the way to the cash register, and when it was their turn to pay, Boomer nudged him ahead, ducking behind him with a giggle. He glared at his brother over his shoulder, but allowed Boomer to twist a nervous hand into the fabric of his oversized sweater (the one his brothers had bought him last year. They bought it 3 sizes too big cause he kept growing out of everything too fast. It was 1 size too big now). Boomer liked latching onto their sleeves when he got nervous.
He didn’t get what the big baby was so nervous about though. They were just buying a stupid hat. The lady cashier watched them with thinly veiled boredom and Butch threw the hat down on the counter.
Raising a penciled on eyebrow, the older women examined the hat, “Playboy, huh? You even know what Playboy is kid?”
The question made the back of his neck burn. He had never heard a lady say playboy before, it was weird. From behind him, Boomer pressed his face into the back of his sweater to muffle another giggle.
“Uh, duh.” He sniffed, “We know, lady.”
“Have you actually seen a playboy before?” The cashier snorted, ringing them up, “Not just the logo?”
“Yes!” Butch huffed, defending himself, “The Internet!”
(It was a semi-lie—they had tried looking it up on the internet, but Fuzzy didn’t have a computer at his cabin, HIM wouldn’t let them use any of his flashy spy monitors, Mojo was lame, and the library had parent controls)
“Surreee.” The lady drawled out and rang them up, “Dollar fifty.”
He didn’t make eye contact with her as he handed over a crumpled dollar bill and took two quarters from the take-a-penny-leave-a-penny. When she gave them back the hat, they ran out of the store like they had committed a bank robbery.
When Brick opened the present two days later, he threw the plastic bag it had come in to the side and frowned.
“A new hat?”
“Yeah,” Boomer nodded, putting down the cheap Polaroid camera Butch and Brick had shoplifted from a secondhand shop downtown (still too expensive to actually buy), and reached for the hat, turning it around in Brick’s hand, “but look!”
Brick’s smile grew, as the logo registered in his head. “Oh, shit,” their brother laughed, “is this playboy?”
“Betcha you won’t wear it.” He goaded his brother on as he tossed the new (used—looked like it was taken from Pokay High’s sports department) rugby ball from hand to hand.
“Betcha I will.” Brick shot back, carefully removing the ratty cap he had had since forever and replacing it with the new one.
“Sorta big.” Their brother murmured, adjusting the strap.
“Your fat head will grow into it!” Butch joked and Brick punched his arm.
“Shut up, dipshit.”
“Do you like it?” Boomer beamed, ignoring the bickering.
Brick looked at their brother with a smile, precious anger dissipating, “Yeah, dude, it’s funny.”
Then it becomes a thing//like Brick really loves his hat collection:
“Truckin’ ain’t easy.” Brick read out loud with a snort, and replaced the hat he was wearing with the new one.
He thought for a moment then shook his head no, “nah. Not today.”
He had so many hats to chose from, it was almost overwhelming. They were all basically offensive on every level and he tried to wear them all as often as possible. The highlight reel included:
Kitty gang
Weed jokes. Lotta weed jokes.
Fish love me. Woman fear me.
Met god. She’s hot.
Blow me for luck.
Beer drinkers get more head.
The carpets do match the drapes
Birthday Bitch
Deadass fuck thots on god
Hello I am Mr. Cunt
Master Baiter
Drive fast. Eat ass.
At 17, he had a vibrant hat collection. Anytime his brother’s saw a red hat with a shitty gag, they snagged it for him. Recent political events had bestowed upon his brothers a plethora of new material:
Make racists afraid again.
My other hat’s tin foil
Made you look
The list went on. His fuck cops wasn’t popular with local authorities. And how could he forget his most favorite powderpuff girl cap. That pissed them off to no end.
“Brick!” Butch yelled down the corridor. They were at Mojo’s this week, “Hurry up!”
“Uuhhhhh,” he mumbled to himself, as he stared at his wall, ignoring his brother. He hung them all up to make it easier to chose. His collection covered the wall.
His hand floated left to the one that said FuCk, but the one that said bad hair day caught his eye and his hand twitched to the right, “uuuuuhh, hmmmm.”
He floated toward the ceiling to look at the top of the wall, “welllllll...”
They’d be fighting with the girls today and because he liked making Blossom mad, he figured he needed to chose something more crude.
“Oh my god!” Butch cried outside his bedroom door, “Just fucking pick one!”
“Brick!” Butch pounded on his door, “I swear to god, I’ll burn them all if you just don’t pick one!”
“Brick, it’s been thirty minutes!” Boomer whined, joining Butch, “The girls are waiting, we can’t cancel on them again! We’re bad guys, but we aren’t bad guys.”
“Ahhhhh—“ he sucked on his teeth in thought, “five more minutes!”
His brothers groaned in unison from the other side of the door.
“This is your fault, Boomer.” Butch whined.
“How?!” Boomer protested.
“Cause I wanted to get him that mask.”
His hat—his first hat—is lovingly preserved. He can’t risk losing it or damaging it any further. Before they started buying him new hats, most of the boys misadventures (the chaos they did NOT plan) were dedicated to saving Brick’s hat from the clutches of (insert one-shot villain here). It’s his security blanket. He breaks it out on the lazy days in.
He does though often lose his novelty hats. A violent gust of wind will rip one from his hat or a fight will cause it to disintegrate. But because Brick considers being the hat guy a personality trait, I think he’d have a spare one on hand at all times:
“My hat!” He cried, as the tornado-like monster blew through Townsville, ripping his hat from his head, and then disappeared into thin air, “the fucker took my hat!”
“Brick!” Blossom cried over the wind, “calm down! It’s a hat!”
“Yeah my hat!” He argued back. He wasn’t fond of the idea that him and his brothers and the girls now had to cooperate with each other, but desperate times called for desperate measures. “Butch! Boomer! I want my hat!” He hissed and his brothers nodded, understanding immediately what he meant.
“Right!” Butch dropped Buttercup, forgetting whatever fight the two had found themselves in.
“Got it!” Boomer jumped up from where he had been sitting on Bubbles, squashing her to the ground.
“What was that thing!” Brick barked at Blossom and she wiped the blood from her nose.
“I only know as much as you do, considering it literally just happened. Maybe it has to do with air—“
She cut off and looked at him, as he adjusted his emergency back up hat onto his head.
“What!” He hissed when he realized all three of the girls were giving him odd looks.
“Dude,” Buttercup asked from the ground, “do...do you just carry extra hats around?”
“Of course I do!” He spat, disgusted that they’d think so low of him not to, “Extra hat,” he pointed to his head, “emergency beanie,” he pulled one out of his pocket, “and extra hair ties,” him and his brother lifted up theirs wrists. “We live by the aesthetic, we die by the aesthetic, anymore questions?”
“Yeah!” Boomer huffed in his defense, “what’s it fucking matter to you anyway!”
“Don’t you three have bigger issues to worry about then our business?” Butch hissed, kicking at Buttercup.
Buttercup rolled away from the kick, dodging it with a laugh.
“What’s so funny!” Butch demanded and Buttercup shook her head, ignoring Butch and pointing up at her sister.
“Holy crap! He really is your counterpart, huh? You guys are perfect for each other!” She laughed wheezing. 
“Hey!!” Him and Blossom bristled together, “Shut up!”
When he learns that over excessive hat use can lead to hair breakage and premature balding his heart breaks, so he starts buckling them to his belt loops instead when he remembers to give his hair a break.
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agerestorybits · 4 years
I’m not little I swear!
  Roman was laying on his stomach on the floor coloring as disney music played in the background. His door left open in case anyone needed him. He looked up when he heard a knock on the door frame. Virgil stood there more, awkward than normal. 
 Roman smiled, “What brings you to my domain dark night?” Roman asked, shifting so he was sitting up. 
 Virgil stepped in hands in his hoodie pockets. “I...noticed that you...Well.” Virgil gestured to the coloring book on the floor. 
 “And? Would you like to join me?” Roman asked, already summoning a second coloring book for Virgil. Nightmare before Christmas themed. 
Virgil relaxed a little, “Yeah. I would. Thanks.” He sat down on the floor and pulled out a crayon from the pile on the floor.
Roman went back to coloring. They both worked in silence for a while before Virgil spoke up. “Just so you know..Um..I am too.”
Roman looked up at him. Virgil glanced at the coloring book again. What? An artist? Why didn’t he just say that? Was he embarrassed? Scared Roman would be mad at him. Roman smiles reassuringly, “Trust me when I say there is no problem with that. If anyone gives you any grief about it they’ll have me to mess with.”
That seemed to be the right thing to say as Virgil smiled a bit. “Thanks.” They went back to coloring. After a half hour Virgil finished his picture and stood. “We should do this again sometime.”
“Indeed!” Roman agreed. “The sooner the better!”
Virgil shifted on his feet, “So...you don’t mind if I tell Logan and Patton about..this? Do you? I mean if you want to tell them yourself-”
“I would never tell them something if you wanted me to keep it secret.” Roman promised. Why Virgil was making such a big deal about coloring he had no idea. He didn’t really understand Virgil that much but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to support him. “Tell they if you want. Do I need to be there for you?”
Virgil smiled again, “nah. It’s cool. I’ve got it….thanks.”
“Well good luck!” Roman said.
“I might need it.” Virgil muttered as he left. Roman rolled his eyes, Virgil could be so over dramatic. And that was coming from him!
Roman went back to coloring.
Virgil took a breath before blurting it out. “I age regress.” Patton and Logan looked at him. “So does Roman!” He added before they could say anything.
“Oooookay?” Patton said. “What’s that?”
Logan gave a brief explanation. “In all honesty I’m not surprised about Roman.”
“It does make sense.” Patton agreed.
“Yeah.” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, “So um..Alright. I was wondering if you weren’t too weird out by this-”
“Not at all.” Logan said.
“Full support kiddo!” Patton added.
“Thanks...Would one or both. I’m not going to pick..And if you don’t want to I won’t hold it against you or anything! I just..”
“Virgil.” Logan said, “Breath.”
“Will you be my caregiver….ers?” He asked in a small voice.
“Of course!” Patton said. He turned to Logan. “What is that?”
“Patton don’t agree to things you don’t know about.” Logan said before giving an explanation.
Patton frowned, “I thought I was already taking care of you.”
“I mean. While I’m little.” Virgil clarified.
“Well duh! I’m not going to stop just because you need a LITTLE extra help!” Patton said brightly.
“I agree to help.” Logan said.
 Virgil smiled. This was going better than he expected.
Roman was...confused. He wasn’t going to say anything in case he insulted Virgil but...He didn find it weird that he was wandering around in the middle of the day in a onesie with a..was that a pacifier????
Even stranger was Logan and Patton took it in stride and even seemed to think that Roman wanted to do that too.
Was this a prank? A joke he didn’t get? Was he supposed to comment on it?
“Are you sure you don’t want to try a paci?” Patton asked.
“Err...no thanks pat.” Roman said holding up a hand.
“Patton, he might not be little right now.” Logan said.
 Little??? What?? “Alright what is going on? Am I missing something? I feel like I’m missing something.” Roman said.
“You don’t have to hide it. Virgil told us!” Patton said.
“It wasn’t like you were trying that hard to hide it.” Logan said.
“Hide what?” Roman asked. Was this about the art thing? What did that have to do with dressing in a onesie?
“About your age regression.” Patton said.
“My...what?” Logan and Patton glanced at each other.
“You really don’t need to hide it.” Logan assured him. “As you can see we have already accepted Virgil for it. We aren’t going to judge you.”
“We can even take care of you too if you want!” Patton said excitedly. “Oh! You two could have playdates!”
“Back up. What is age regression? And Virgil said I did that?” Roman said. He wasn’t going to argue with Virgil….Yet.
Logan gave him an in depth description of age regression which raised more questions than it answered.
 Why did Virgil think he age regressed? Did he age regress and not know? No he was very sure that he didn’t age regress. He just liked to do kid activities. That wasn’t the same thing!
Roman shook his head, “I don’t age regress.”
Patton crossed his arms, “Now Roman lying isn’t a good habit.”
Roman blinked in surprise. “I’m not lying??”
“Do you need to go in time out?”
Roman froze. WHAT?
“Alright. Call me when you aren’t acting crazy.” He said leaving.
He kept walking. He wasn’t watching where he was going; he was just getting out of a situation that was crazier than he liked.
Speaking of crazy.
Remus looked up as Roman entered the Dark side common rooms. He was hanging upside down over the back of the couch eating a confetti. “Oh. What are you doing here?” He’s mouth is full of colorful paper.
Roman groaned and collapsed on the couch next to his brother. “I just had the strangest conversation.” He threw himself into the story of what just happened as Remus half listened but paid more attention the more Roman talked about…
“Little space! I mean what even is that??”
Remus was silent for a solid minute. “I mean...I do that.”
“You do?” Roman asked.
“Yeah! I mean.” Remus flipped off the couch onto the floor then jumped to his feet, spilling the confetti in the process. “It’s great! No filter! No worries about anything!”
“Isn’t that you normally?” Roman asked.
“Well… I mean I’m a bit more...PG when it happens but other than that….yeah.” Remus said before offering Roman some of the small amount of confetti that remained in the bag. “Want some.”
“No thanks. So if you regress….Do you have someone who watches you? Like..a caregiver?”
Remus’ face dropped. “I asked Janus but...turns out I’m a ‘bit much’ for him. So...no.”
“Oh.” Roman frowned. Thinking through his offer. “Well Logan and Patton seem to want someone else to take care of.”
Remus snorted and threw himself down on the couch again. “You’re kidding right? There’s no way they would watch me. No one would.”
“I would.” WHY DID HE SAY THAT? He almost took it back but, The way Remus’ face lit up… He had to try.
“Really?” Remus said almost bouncing.
“I mean. I’ll try.” Roman said.
“Good enough!” Remus said. “I’ll see you in a couple hours! I gotta get in my head space!” He said running off.
Roman watched him go, a sinking feeling that he got himself in something he had no idea how to handle sinking in.
 Remus showed up at Roman’s door not wearing a onesie like Roman thought he might, but a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that he clearly made himself that was a mix of tye-dye and gory images with stains that looked like real blood. He had a stuffed octopus that was looking worse for the wear and a paci on a clip.
“Hihi!” He said moving past Roman into the room. Roman closed the door.
“Hi? So what do I do?”
“You watch me.” Remus said. “Duh.” His voice was higher...more kid like. Which made sense.
“Alright. So you want to do something?” Roman asked.
“Mmmmm I dunno.” Remus said putting the octopus on Roman’s bed.
“Does he have a name?” Roman asked.
“Yeah! Cephy!” Remus said bouncing. “He collects skulls!”
“Really?” Roman asked, playing along.
Remus nodded clearly having fun that someone was so interested in his stuffed friend. “He eats all the bones cept the skulls! Those he pol-....pol..”
“Yeah! Shiny and stuff.” Remus said waving his hands as he talked.
Roman looked over Cephy. “Mmm. He’s looking a little rough. Do you want me to patch him up?”
“Yes! We can make a octopus hospitel!” Remus said grabbing Cephy and shoving him into Roman’s hands. “I’ll be the mad doctor and you can be the real doctor who does the...surge- a- ge!”
“Surgery.” Roman said.
“Yeah! Dat!” Remus said beaming.
Roman had to smile too. Remus was just..lacking a better word...cute like this. Janus was missing out thinking that Remus was ‘too much’ to handle.
Roman sewed up Cephy and put a little magic in him to make him softer again. Remus was thrilled he watched the whole time asking questions about what Roman was doing and talking about other things that Cephy liked to do.
 “-and then bam! Dead!” Remus fell over onto Roman’s bed.
“Oh dear.” Roman said half listening to the story half focusing on the stuffie in his hands. He needed to put the finishing touch on. A spell that made it so Cephy didn’t get torn up again.
“There! All done!” Remus jumped up and grabbed his stuffed friend.
“Cephy! You’re alright! You lived Surge-a-ge!” Remus said hugging him. Roman didn’t bother correcting him. He was going to keep messing words up. As long as Roman got the gist of it he didn’t mind.
Remus looked at Roman suddenly, “I’m hunge.”
“Oh. Well it is getting late isn’t it? We should both get some dinner.” Roman said stand and without thinking about it took Remus’ hand and led them to the kitchen. By late it was LATE. Almost midnight.
Roman was kind of glad no one else was awake. He didn’t want to face Patton and Logan yet. Nor confront Virgil about saying he was little when he wasn’t.
He made eggs which was the first thing that Remus suggested that was edible. And toast. With jam….and juice.
Ok so he made breakfast at midnight. Remus didn’t have a problem with it. He even tried to feed Cephy some.
“Done!” Remus said, pushing his plate away. “Now we play something else?”
“I don’t think so you little gremlin, It’s bedtime.” Roman said.
Wait...did he just call remus a gremlin? Shit! He looked at Remus closely but the only thing he was upset about was having to go to bed.
“Ugh! But I wanna stay… stay…’yawn’ up!” Remus said before yawning a second time.
“Nope. Bedtime. Gremlin.” Roman said running with the nickname. Remus grumbled but agreed.
“Carry me?” He muttered. Roman picked him up and made sure he still had Cephy before taking him and tucking them both in bed.
“Goodnight gremlin.” Roman said, flipping off the lights.
“Night night.” Remus muttered half asleep.
 Roman turned around and jumped as he was met with Janus. “Gah!”
“You did good today.” Janus said. “Watching him.”
“I don’t get why you think he’s too much to be honest.” Roman said a little tense.
Janus laughed, “You haven’t seen his temper tantrum yet….besides I’m not very partenal….Not like you it seems.”
“Thank you?”
“Good luck Roman.” Janus said, turning, “You’re going to need it.”
Roman sat reading from a storybook as Remus played on the floor half listening. He noticed Janus out of the corner of his eye reading his own book. Only Janus hadn’t turned any pages in almost twenty minutes giving Roman the sneaking suspicion that he was listening. He read just slightly louder and kept an eye out for any movement from Janus.
Sure enough Janus closed his book after a few minutes and set it aside but didn’t get up and leave. Instead he just closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair farther. Roman’s smile widened as he continued reading.
“It’s lunch time.” Remus reminded him. Roman closed the book and saw Janus open his eyes and caught Roman watching him. Janus wordlessly got up and left.
“Yeah. Let’s get you some food.” Roman said, taking Remus’ hand and taking him to the kitchen.
 Janus had been hanging around Remus and Roman when a lot. More than Roman expected of him. He had never really thought of Janus as being sociable but it was clear that he was.
Roman couldn’t stop thinking about Janus’...warning? It felt like a warning. Like something was going to happen that he would NEED luck for. But he had no idea what. Were Patton and Logan going to become even more intolerable?
They were trying to get him to regress around Virgil and didn’t believe him when he said that he didn’t regress. They firmly believed he was just being shy about it? Why would he be? It didn’t make sense to him but it seemed to make some kind of sense to them since they would not drop it!
He sighed. Remus looked up at him from his lunch. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing you need to worry about gremlin.” Roman said, brushing Remus’ hair out of his face.
Remus hummed, Roman could tell by the look in his eyes that he was snapping out of his younger headspace. “Roman.”
 “It’s nothing!...Really! Just...you know. Them.” Roman said, waving his hand. At least for the most part Virgil seemed to believe that he didn’t regress. But Patton and Logan just would not let it go.
“Do I need to bust some heads?” Remus asked.
“No.” Roman rolled his eyes. He sat down and crossed his arms. He looked towards the hallway that Janus had disappeared down before leaning forward on the table. “Do you now what’s up with Janus?”
“Did he say something to you?” Remus asked confused.
“Well...no. I just thought it was weird that he was hanging out so much when you’re regressed when he thought you were ‘too much to handle’.” Roman said using finger quotations.
“Well he’s not handling me is he? That’s you!” Remus said. “Who is doing a good job by the way.” He muttered the second half before taking a quick bite.
Roman blinked at the praise. Remus was begrudging to give him any compliments when he was bigger due to their dumb slibing ravalry they had going on.
“If he didn’t say anything he’s fine! He’ll say something if he has a problem!” Remus said.
Roman raised an eyebrow. “Really? The master of lies and secrets is going to be completely open about his problems?”
“Yeah...why not?” Remus asked. “I mean you’re part of the group now.”
“The group?”
“One of us! You spend more down here than with the others at this point!” Remus said a bit happy about it.
Roman froze. He….he did. Didn’t he? He just wanted to avoid them from trying to baby him and he liked taking care of Remus and talking with Janus and-
He stood up so fast he made Remus jump at the sudden action. “I need to go talk to them!”
Remus waved him off. “Good luck.”
Roman paused. Why did they both think he needed luck so much?
  He ran into Virgil first. Who for the most part was regretful that he jumped to a conclusion and got Roman into this mess.
“Are you ok? You looked stressed out.” Virgil said.
“Fine.” Roman said.
“Right. Because you’re known for your one word answers.” Virgil crossed his arms.
“Alright so I’m not feeling my best at the moment.” Roman said, throwing a hand in the air.
 “Any way I can help?” Virgil asked.
“Oh I think you’ve done enough!” Roman snapped. Virgil flinched. Roman’s anger died down. “Sorry. You didn’t know this would happen.”
“Still...I should made sure I knew for sure what was going on first before-”
“Breath. It’s fine. I’m sure they’ll give up on me ‘regressing’ any day now.” Roman said, patting Virgil’s upper arm. “Hopefully.” He muttered as he moved past Virgil.
He found Patton and Logan in the common room. “Oh hey! You’re back!”
“Are you feeling alright?” Logan frowned.
Roman took a breath. “I need you two to drop this whole me regressing thing.”
Patton and Logan glanced at each other. “Are..are you sure?”
“Very.” Roman said flatly.
Patton nodded to himself. Logan stood up, “Alright. It’s your choice.”
Roman was feeling hopeful that he had gotten through to them. Then Patton spoke, “If you ever change your mind about doing it alone we’ll be here.” Roman groaned.
Well...It was better than nothing.
While they did drop trying to get him to regress around them. They were checking to make sure he was regressing on his own and suggested he go regress to get rid of some stress when he was tense. He finally just agreed to going somewhere else, (them taking this as him going to regress) just so he didn’t have to bother with it.
He stormed into the dark commons and froze as he saw Remus regressed...with Janus. It was clear from his pacifier and childlike outfit that he was little too. Unless this was some weird joke he was missing out on.
 “Janus?!?” He accidentally yelled.
Janus and Remus both jumped. Janus looked up terrified, tears appearing in his eyes. Roman’s caregiving instincts kicked in. He dropped down next to Janus and quickly went about calming him.
 “Hey. No it’s ok. See? Everything is fine.” Roman said softly.
Janus stared at him with wide eyes. He slowly reached out and touched Roman’s face before reaching out with both arms. Roman pulled him into his lap. Janus cuddled up as close as he could to Roman’s chest.
 Remus whined, “Hey!” He crawled over and Roman hugged him to his side. Remus wasn’t that cuddly but he must have been a bit jealous of Janus at the moment.
Oh boy. Maybe this is what he needs luck for.
 Janus stopped regressing as Roman served them supper. He started shifting in his chair awkwardly and clearly wanted to leave.
“Hey.” Roman said gently. “We don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want to. I can pretend it never happened if you want.”
That seemed to be the right thing to say as Janus relaxed a bit. He sat back. “No..This needs to be addressed.”
Roman sat down. “Alright.”
Janus stared at his plate of food, across from him Remus was eating quickly. His legs kicking back and forth. Those his eyes said he was older than he was acting.
Janus was quiet for a while before speaking. “I can’t handle Remus’ regression because I regress too.”
Roman nodded. “It causes it?”
Janus nodded. He looked up at Roman. “So….”
“If you want I can watch both of you at the same time. It’s not too much.” Roman couldn’t really promise that but today had gone well so why not at least try?
 Janus stared at Roman for a solid minute before speaking. “I’d like that.”
Roman smiled. Remus cheered. “Little friend!” Roman and Janus both smiled at that. “Maybe Virgil could join us for a playdate!” Janus’ smile froze.
Roman held his breath for Janus’ reaction. After a second Janus unfroze and nodded, “Worth a shot.”
Setting up the playdate was more work than he thought. Patton was sure that having Remus around a regressed Virgil would be bad for him. “I just don’t want him getting hurt!”
Roman assured him that he had been watching Remus, (“Like a big brother!” Patton said completely blowing over how Roman said he was Remus’ caregiver) and that he wouldn’t hurt Virgil or Janus.
Logan was the one who agreed. “We’ll both be there. We can watch them.”
“I’m so proud of you for doing this!” Patton told him. He was almost sure that Patton thought he was finally going to regress around them.
He just smiled tightly and moved on with setting everything up. Virgil was genuinely excited about it. While Remus and Janus had playdates together before, Virgil never had. So while he was nervous about it, he was also ready to play.
Roman held Janus and Remus’ hands as he took them to light side common room where there was a pillow fort set up, snacks were being made fresh in the kitchen and the t.v was set up for movies. Of course there were toys in a chest in the back of the pillow fort due to the fact that the t.v was most likely just going to be background noise.
 Virgil was waiting in the pillow fort. They had decided before to have them all small before getting them together in case an argument broke out and they couldn’t regress.
Janus surprised all of them by running over as soon as he saw Virgil and hugging him. Remus beamed and ran over to join the hug. Roman smiled at them.
“Do you want to go join in kiddo?” Patton asked.
Roman shook his head, “I’ve got to finish up the snacks so-”
“Pfft! You don’t need to worry about that!” Patton said. “Logan and I have that! Just go play!”
“I’m here to watch them. Not play.” Roman said firmly.
“You don’t have to.” Logan said. “We are more than capable of watching all four of you.”
Roman grit his teeth. “I am not regressing.”
 Patton gave him that stern look that said he wanted him to stop acting and just go along with it. Roman didn’t back down. He walked over and sat on the couch so he could keep an eye on Remus and Janus.
Virgil waved to him.
Roman relaxed a little. He could get through this.
He could not get through this! He was holding himself back from yelling at Patton, “I do not regress.” He said as he fixed Janus’ paci clip.
“You don’t have to hide it! We know!” Patton said. “I thought we got past this!”
“You are not listening to me! Neither of you are!” Roman snapped.
Logan frowned.  Janus tugged on Roman’s sleeve. He was getting upset at all the angry faces. Roman picked him up. “It’s ok.” He said soothing him.
He took a breath. He can do this. This is fine.
Until Patton tried to take Janus from him with a quick you don’t need to do that. “Oh! I think I do!”
 Janus started crying and Roman felt even worse. This isn’t how he wanted tonight to go. He walked into the other room with Janus to calm him down.
“You two really suck ass you know that right?” Remus said clearly not regressed anymore. Neither was Virgil who was glaring at them.
“I told you that I was wrong and he doesn’t regress! Why can’t you get that?”
“Virgil.” Patton said. “Then why does he know so much about it?”
“He doesn’t regress.” Remus said firmly. “He takes care of me when I’m regressed!”
“Well maybe if he didn’t have to he could regress! Maybe he’s so busy dealing with you that he doesn’t!” Patton argued.
Logan stepped between them before Remus could punch Patton. “Patton I think they are telling the truth. We were wrong about Roman regressing.”
“What? But..You said that-”
“And I was wrong.” Logan said.
Patton deflated. “Oh….oh no.”
“We need to apologize.” Logan said.
Patton nodded.
Roman came back in with a sleeping Janus. “Remus are you ready to go?”
“In a minute. These two have something to say to you.” Remus said.
“We’re sorry.” Logan said.
Roman’s eyebrows shot up. “I...what?”
“We didn’t believe you...we didn’t trust you to tell us the truth. And we’re sorry. We should have listened to you.” Patton said.
Roman smiled, “Thank you. Remus?”
“Yeah yeah. Time to go.” Remus said walking over and taking Janus from Roman. “I’ll get him tucked into bed. You can handle this.”
Roman nodded. Remus smiled at his brother and winked before leaving.
 They talked for a while. Both of them were really listening to Roman about how he wasn’t a regressor he was a caregiver.
“That….makes more sense.” Logan said.
“It suits you.” Virgil said.
Roman smiled. “Thank you. I’ve found that I have quite the talent for it.”
Patton shifted, “Roman...I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright Patton. I forgive you. You saw what you wanted to see.” Roman said. Roman looked at Virgil, “Not like I haven’t done that before. The important thing is moving past it.”
“That’s….good advice.” Virgil said surprised.
Roman looked at him offended. “I do have good ideas you know!”
“And we promise we’ll listen to them.” Patton said. “To you.”
Roman nodded. Guess he didn’t need luck after all. He just needed help from people he cared about. And who cared about him.
“Oh stop it! I can almost hear you being sappy!” Virgil said.
“What are you talking about?” Roman said.
“You’ve got that look on your face.”
“I do not have a look! I have looks!”
“Yeah sure-”
Virgil and Roman fell into their normal banter. The awkward air that had been between them was gone. They were back to normal. Or rather a new normal.
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crutchie-with-a-y · 4 years
Hi! I don’t know what you ship, but could you write some platonic interactions between the newsies? Either in the lodging house or on the street?
Hello! Thank you for the request, sorry this took awhile! The ships I have written for are Newsbians, Javid, Sprace, and JackxSarah, but I will write for pretty much any ship, I just don’t really do smut.
Alright so this is some brotherly love between Race and Tommy Boy, this probably isn’t what you had in mind, but for some reason I felt the need to get angsty as hell.
Race felt himself being dragged out of his slumber significantly earlier than he wanted, which, while being quite normal for him, never got less frustrating. He stretched his arms up over his head, still laying down, and swiped his hat off the top of the bed post wear it hung. He sat up and put it on, cracking his back and looking out the window, trying to figure out what time it was. It was still quite dark, but he didn’t hear many drunks staggering home, so he estimated that it was between three and four am. He summersaulted down his bed and his feet landed perfectly on the second-to-top rung of the bunk bed ladder, a well-practiced routine. He straightened his sheets out as best he good from where he stood and then slowly climbed down the ladder, cringing with every creak the let out. He dropped almost silently onto the floor, wondering to himself why he hadn’t traded for a bottom bunk after the years of stress from the ladder’s whines in the early morning.
“Jesus,” He breathed to himself as the freezing floor attacked his feet through his socks. He quickly slid his shoes out from underneath the bed below his where Elmer was curled around his pillow. Race reached into his right shoe and is shoulders relaxed slightly when he felt his trusted cigar against his fingers, right where he had left it. He grabbed his vest off another bed post and slipped his arms through the sleeves as he tiptoed out of the room, his shoes balanced by their heels on his finger tips.
Once he’d reached the washroom, he slowly shut the door behind him, crossing his finger and toes when the ancient hinges yelped out into the quiet room. He rarely actually woke anyone up, but the idea of even slightly disturbing his fellow newsies’ sleep upset him. He was always so tired from his lack of sleep, he didn’t want any of them to be able to relate to his exhaustion. He pumped a small bit of water into the wash basin, the clanking metal deafening in the early-morning silence. He splashed water onto his face and swished some in his mouth, squinting and biting his bottom lip through the stinging cold, and looking down at his nose to see if icicles were forming as beads of water dripped down his face. He shivered and wiped his face with the bottom of his shirt and immediately regretted it as the cold soaked through the thin cotton and littered his torsoe with goosebumps.
He crepped out of the washroom and slid down the banister instead of taking the tremendously creaky stairs, which gave his poor feet a break from the icy wood floorboards. He hopped delicately onto the entry way floor and popped his shoes on, turning to glance in the small mirror in the entry way. He took his hat off and licked his fingers and quickly ran them through his hair. He pulled on a few of his golden curls and twisted them around his thumb to give them a little extra bounce. He turned on his heel and headed towards the door, reaching into his shirt pocket to grab his small box of matches. He pushed open the doors and took in a breath of the crisp Manhattan air as he stepped onto the stoop. He wasn’t very fond of the cold, but something about the chilly morning air rattling his lungs made him feel fresh and new, like a bright, shiny penny that twinkled in his palm after a customer flipped it to him. Feeling refreshed, he slid a match out of its box and struck it on the back of his shoe, but as he brought it up to light his cigar, he noticed someone else sitting on the stoop. He squinted, trying to identify who it was by the back of their head.
“G’morning, Tommy Boy,” Race said, shaking out his match. “What’re you’s doin up so early?” He sat down on the stoop next to him, leaning slightly away from his fellow newsie to lean his back on the wooden bannister. There was a moment of quiet, with just the sound of distant horse carts and obnoxious birds looking for breakfast while Race’s cigar smoldered quietly. After awhile, Race began to wonder if Tommy Boy was ever going to respond. He wasn’t going to push him, he was perfectly happy to just sit in his quiet company as he smoked.
“I-I had a nightmare,” Tommy Boy said, rather suddenly. Race looked at the kid across from him, rolling his cigar in his teeth. He wasn’t as close with Tommy Boy as some of the newsies, but they still new each other pretty well after living and working together for years, and he regarded him as a younger brother of a few years who he would always look out for.
“Mmmmm,” Race held his cigar between his fingers and and pressed his lips together. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Race was no stranger to nightmares himself, and he knew that everyone handled them differently. He never really discussed his, but he knew it could be helpful, especially for someone so young.
There we another pause before Tommy Boy let out a shaky breath.
“Do you’s remember after the strike, when we all went with Crutchie to help the kids leaving the refuge?” Tommy Boy turned towards him, but looked at his hands. Race inhaled sharply and rolled his head to the side. When they newsies had began marching towards the refuge after the strike he had had his reservations, remembering what it had been like for him and worrying that the sight might be a rough one for some of the newsies. But everyone had been so eager to storm the juvenile jail, there was no stopping for them. Needless to say, things hadn’t improved since Race had been there, and it had been a sobering shock for many, evidentially including Tommy Boy.
“Yes,” Race said, and puffed lightly in his cigar, watching the smoke twist in the chilly morning air as he waited for Tommy Boy’s response.
“It was so....I knew it was bad. I’d seen other kids wake up from nightmares from their times there and I’ve heard you and Jack and Crutch talk about it. I knew it was worse than anything I could imagine. I...I just,” Tommy Boy’s voice cracked.
“It hits different when you actually see it.” Race found the words for him and took a long drag and pressed his hands against the wooden porch, trying to push his own memories of the Refuge away.
“Yeah,” Tommy Boy said quietly, looking at his hands where they hung between his knees. There was another silence, this one longer. Race puffed on his cigar and rocked his head back and forth against the post, listening to the clip-clop of horse carts several blocks down. He didn’t look at Tommy Boy. He knew he probably should. But it was so hard. Because Race knew if he looked at a him, a small boy sitting sadly on a step, traumatized at a young age, he would see himself. And seeing a past version of yourself you’ve been trying hard to outgrow will always take you back to times you are trying to escape.
Race’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud sniff. Anything that kept him from looking at Tommy Boy immediately disappeared, and he whipped his head to look directly at the younger newsie, just in time to see a small tear drip off his face and onto the porch.
“Hey,” Race pulled his cigar out of his mouth and sat up. “Hey, hey hey.” He pulled himself down the stoop towards Tommy Boy and wrapped an arm around the young newsie’s shoulder. “It’s alright! It’s all over now.”
“Yeah.” Tommy Boy’s shoulders shook as he tried to hold in his tears.
“Aw, come here, Tommy,” Race brought the kid’s head into his chest and put his other arm around him, reaching down to snub his cigar out on the concrete as he did so. “It’s all over. Ain’t you or nobody gonna be locked up in there. I promise.” Tommy Boy pressed his face against him, sobbing quietly as he did so. Race looked out over the young boy’s head onto the dull streets of New York, cold breezes whisking bits of paper and leaves across the city.
I forgot about this part, Race thought, as he felt Tommy Boy’s tears soaking into his shirt. The distant sounds of mothers waking up their children and babies crying harmonized with Tommy Boy, striking a chord that reminded Race of something. That intense cry after a nightmare is what washes it away.
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(This is a pre-done/non requested scenario because I'll be away today, hanging with my best friend! Sidenote: Takes place in the au where Kai didn't go crazy and simply continues to work as yakuza head)
~Jealous Overhaul~
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Always so stoic and calm. Your husband was able to mainly control his expressions and emotions much better than most people. Sometimes he slipped up, smiling when you say sweet things to him or sometimes blushing when you say scandalous things. He was always hiding under that mask until you two got closer. Then you realized that even without the mask, he was in control of himself. You never even seen him cry before!!!
Because of all this, you never rope him into one category because you felt it never fits. Upset? Kai isn't upset because you could tell on his face if he were. Sad? Kai wasn't sad because you could tell by his tone of voice. Jealous? Kai wasn't EVER jealous (or so you thought).
Lately, to combat the burden of being stuck in the house so much, you found yourself taking up a small/part-time office job. It was fulfilling and also provided a couple of extra dollars in the pocket as well! Kai was busy managing the Yakuza full time since Pops stepped down so it wasn't like he worried. In all of the time you've been working now, he even stopped sending someone to spy on your every day. Now, it was only once in a while that he sent someone to check up on you. Like today when he sent Chrono. That's when everything spiraled out of control..."Boss?" Kai heard a soft knocking at his office door in the underground base. He uttered a short 'come in' upon which Hari accepted. Everything was fine until Hari removed his own mask and stared with a bit of worry. Overhaul put his pen down and squinted his eyes in speculation. "What." He said through gritted teeth.
Chrono had better not allowed anything terrible to befall his angel while he was in charge of watching her/him/them.
"Well uh...it seems y/n may have made a friend in the office. They seemed to have gotten closer. Today I overheard them talking about lunch tomorrow." Kurono admitted hesitantly. Kai tilted his head to the side. "And what's in your hands?" He asked Kurono. Hari simply placed some photos on the desk and waited for any order he may receive to kill this person. Kai fumed at the pictures of you and your coworker. Both of you seemed like a picture perfect couple from a romance movie (even though you weren't doing anything other than talking and laughing in the pictures). Kai overhauled the photos and stood up from his desk. "Chrono handle the rest of the work for today and cancel operations for tomorrow. I've got something to take care of." Then he stomped out of the office and made his way to the above ground. You were off work and just returning from the shower when suddenly he stood at the bedroom door. "Oh! Sheesh Kai, you scared me! I thought you were Pops!" You laughed while he kept his expression plain. "Y/N, what are you doing tomorrow?" He asked as he made his way to sit at the edge of the bed, arms crossed as he waited for your reply. You put a finger to the side of your lip thoughtfully before replying to him.
"Just a half day at work. Probably picking up some groceries later on."
"Are you sure that's all you're doing then?"
"Hmmm..." you stopped looking for fresh clothes and thought to yourself for a second. "Oh yeah!!! I'm also probably going to have a quick lunch with my coworker." You uttered carelessly while changing into the sleeping outfit you found. Kai scoffed and you suddenly stopped halfway through changing to look at him. He wasn't looking at you and his annoyed expression caught your attention. You gasped and started to giggle lightly. "Oh, is my Capo suddenly jealous of me and my friend?" You teased him. He kept his eyes away from you and tightened his arm crossing. You sat next to him and slickly removed his mask to reveal a pout and a soft blush on his face. "Ah ha! You ARE jealous! And on top of that, you must've sent someone to look after me too!" You laughed loudly and his annoyance intensified. He suddenly looked at you with burning eyes. "I forbid you to leave tomorrow, y/n." He said seriously. You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes. "Oh please Chisaki, you can't control me."
"Angel can't you just find something else to do instead of this little job? I already provide for you just fine." He tried to barter with you. "Kai I dont work because I need the money. I work because I'm bored! You've been so busy lately that we haven't spent much time together." You admitted to him. He sighed and shook his head. "If you're bored then just hang out with pops." He pouted again.
"Kai no offense, but all Pops does is drink tea, feed the fish in the Koi pond, and watch reruns of old court shows."
"Hmph...Then you know I'll just kill your coworker instead." His threat was hollow. You knew he wouldn't do that. "Kai, no. There's no need to be jealous okay? You know I only love and care for you. I mean, I'm wearing a wedding ring with you right now. Stop panicking okay?" You kissed his cheek and lay down for bed. "Very well then. Since I cant stop them from eating with you tomorrow, I'll just stop you from going instead." He went to lay beside you.
"Kai we've been over this. I told you that you can't control m-Uh...mmmmm. Chisaki what are you doing?" You gasped lightly before moving into a soft moan. "I can't control you Angel, but I can certainly stop you from going out tomorrow. Can't have lunch if you can't walk..." He continued to nibble at your neck.
Surely enough, you called the next day to cancel your lunch appointment while your husband watched from a distance...a very smug expression on his face.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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smallandsneezy · 3 years
given the temperature you’re running
giles finds willow fast asleep and sick in the library and takes her home with him. that's it, that's the tweet. (don’t mind me, just publishing all my old fics on here) (ao3)
It was nights like these that Giles was sure he’d never attain one of those work-life balances everyone’s always talking about. As he pushed open the doors to the library, he looked at his watch. 1:34AM. Perfect. The school day would be starting six hours from now, giving him plenty of time to get some extra reading on metaphysics done before the first bell rang.
Suddenly, a soft sniffle came from the corner. Giles leapt a foot in the air, clutching his collar in a panic. What in God’s name could it possibly be this time? He flipped the lights on before edging his way deeper into the library’s depths, wishing he’d brought an extra stake with him.
Willow sat at the table, fast asleep among the books. Giles battled the opposing urges of frowning disapprovingly or smiling fondly. Of course it was Willow. He’d left her in pretty much the same position, although on his last time seeing her she’d been far more conscious than she was now. He drew closer.
Her hair was sticking to her face. He frowned, and moved to fix it, before getting distracted with how hot and sweaty her brow was. She groaned in her sleep, almost nuzzling into the hand that sat at her forehead checking her temperature.
Giles quickly ran through the day. Yes, Willow has been quieter than normal, but these kids were so full of hormones that he’d learned to take their mood swings with a grain of salt. He poured back over their afternoon of research, cursing himself when he noticed the quiet coughs and balled up tissues that danced in the periphery. Bloody hell, he was thick.
“Willow?” he said softly, pushing her hair back from her sweaty cheeks.
“Mmmmm.” Her eyes fluttered open, not coming into focus for just a moment too long for Giles to be comfortable.
“Giles? What… what are you doing here?” her voice was croaky, and she made a valiant attempt to clear it but only succeeded in making Giles violently wish he had brought some warm tea with him.
“I could ask you the same question. What have I told you about staying in the library after 11?” His hands had moved from her forehead to her throat, as he felt for… something? Medical knowledge was the one thing he’d never really gotten around to.
“Sorry. I got distracted. I’ll just…go now.” Willow made to stand up, but made it all of half a knee bend before her legs gave out and Giles had to make a mad dive to keep her from slamming her head on the table.
“I don’t think you’ll find that to be happening.” Giles’s mind was going a million miles an hour. What was he supposed to do? Drive her home? Her parents hadn’t noticed she was gone, clearly, and she needed someone to keep an eye on her.
“Willow, aren’t your parents missing you?”
“They’re out of town this week. Work.” She had closed her eyes again, her head lolling to rest on her shoulder.
“Well… would it… would it be alright… I think you had best stay with me.” Giles decided the name of the game would have to be confidence. He may not have any idea what he’s doing, but Willow didn’t need to know that.
“I…” she broke off to cough, a tight wheezing noise that made his own chest clench. “I couldn’t, I don’t want to put you out.”
“Willow, I insist.” Giles fought down the urge to pick her up and carry her to his car. “Let’s go. Do you have everything?”
She looked listlessly at him, a vague bashful look on her face. “I should stop by my locker. I think I need my inhaler.”
Giles felt his stomach drop out of him.
“Inhaler?” Internally, he catalogued every asthma trigger that they’d been around in the last 24 hours alone- simply the books sitting around her head were a hazard.
“It’s no big deal.”
Giles was quite sure it was actually a very big deal, but decided to save that matter until Willow felt better, or at least didn’t look like she was about to faint.
“Well, we’ll get it and we’ll go to my house. If you’re comfortable with that.” he threw in quickly, wondering if he was being too demanding. Willow let out a sneeze that doubled her over, and Giles decided he wasn’t being nearly demanding enough.
“God bless you. Come along Willow.”
Their drive home was quiet, passing mostly in sneezes and Giles saying “bless you”, it each time coming out more strangled. When they hit a light Giles removed his handkerchief from his breast pocket and placed it on Willow’s lap. He took it as a bad sign that she didn’t push back on this.
Normally Giles didn’t mind his car too terribly; it got the job done and him from place to place. Now, with Willow shaking like a leaf beside him, he prayed for a working heater. By the time they pulled into his driveway, Willow had nodded off yet again, her face resting against the window. The heat from her cheeks were fogging up the window around her, making it look like she had a halo. Giles turned the car off and sat for a moment, fighting the urge to let her sleep given the nighttime chill. Willow gave a pronounced shudder, and he decided enough was enough.
“Willow?” He reached out and gently took her shoulder. Willow’s eyes flew open, and she gasped, sending her into a coughing jag. Giles patted her back while he resisted the urge to hold the girl.
When the crackling noise emitting from her lungs had stopped, Willow looked over at him, her face red from exertion.
Giles decided that his first order of business after she was feeling better would be finding whoever had left her feeling the need to apologize for being ill.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. Here, let’s get you to bed.” He let her walk by herself, albeit reluctantly, and led her into the large bedroom two doors to the right of the entrance way. Thank god he’d never gotten rid of the compulsive need to keep his room clean. He guided her to sit on the foot of the bed and turned to his dressers.
“Here are some clothes you can wear. You should keep warm.” He held out a pair of gray sweatpants and one of his older sweaters, carefully avoiding in his mind the alarm bells going off in his head. Was this unprofessional? Yes. But at the minute he didn’t really care.
Willow has accepted the clothing without question, looking up from the bed doing a thing with her eyes that made her look very young.
“I’m going to go make you some tea and see what medicine I have lying about. Go ahead and get changed and get into bed.”
“No!” The sudden sharpness in her tone startled him, and he immediately stopped in his tracks, turning to look at her.
“Is something wrong?”
“I can’t… I can’t sleep in your bed!” Her voice sounded like she’d swallowed a set of knives, something he couldn’t quite push to the back of his brain even as he considered this point.
“Well, I do understand it might be a tad strange, but given the temperature you’re running-“
“I really appreciate it! I do. I just… I don’t want you to be uncomfortable because of me.”
Giles very nearly laughed aloud.
“Willow, let me assure you that I would be far more uncomfortable letting you sleep on my couch given the current condition you’re in. And besides. My mother would have my head if she knew I made a guest sleep on a pull out sofa, especially,” he paused to allow Willow time to sneeze, taking a box of tissues from his nightstand and placing them in her lap, “if she was under the weather.”
Willow didn’t say anything more, simply began to shed her shoes and jacket, so Giles made his way to his kitchen, already dreading the lack of supplies he was going to find in his meager pantry. As the tea boiled, he put everything that could possibly be helpful out on the kitchen table. To her horrible hacking, which sounded just as painful a room over, he evaluated his loot.
A two year old pack of cough drops, generic. Enough Tylenol to kill a small animal. Honey, of which only a fourth of the bottle remained. He scoffed at himself. Given that his entire job was to protect the Slayer (and by extension, Willow and Xander), his medical supplies were only adequate if they were being used by a rock and roller treating a hangover the night after a concert. He resolved to go out first thing the next morning and pick up a battery of Dayquil and Nyquil, regardless of how expensive the miserable American healthcare system made it.
Tea with the remaining household honey in hand, he returned to his bedroom door. He stood quietly for a moment, listening. Nothing.
“Willow?” His voice sounded weedy and worried and he cursed himself for his incredible lack of ability to be cool in any situation.
“Yeah?” It was a croak, but it was confirmation of consciousness so Giles took it as a win.
“May I come in?”
“Sure thing.”
He slid inside to find Willow already tucked in amongst his covers. His sweater dwarfed her thin frame, and she has already rolled the sleeves up several times to let her hands have any chance at being useful. She was very pale, even more so than normal, with the exception of her cherry red nose and her pink cheeks. Giles felt so overwhelmed with affection for her that for a moment all he could do was stand there and watch her blow her nose.
“Are you sure this is alright?” Her voice was uncertain, almost as though she expected to be kicked out at any moment, and the ideas that brought to Giles’s head made him angry so he decided to push them away to be dealt with at a more convenient time.
“Willow, I swear this is more than alright. Are you feeling fevered still? I have some Tylenol in the kitchen, I just didn’t have the hands with the tea.” He gestured his head in the direction of the nightstand, which held said tea.
“Speaking of which, you should really drink that. It should help your throat, and maybe your chest if we’re lucky.”
Willow complied, wrapping her hands around the mug and taking a sip. She sighed contentedly.
“Giles, you always make the best tea.”
Giles felt himself go pink with pride and pleasure, and quickly went to go find more handkerchiefs to hide how happy he was about having his tea-brewing skills complimented.
He dug through his linen closet for a while, assessing the pros and cons of each type of blanket. Fluffy ones would keep her warm, but she could overheat. A sheet was really the best option, but she had been shivering so much and he resented the idea of withholding anything from her.
When he came back, Willow was asleep. Her chest made soft crackling noises as she breathed, but she looked better than she had an hour ago when he’d found her asleep at the desk. Giles felt the tension in his shoulders unwind, just a little bit. He crept softly up to the bed, laying the blanket he’d decided on over top of his covers. He stood for a moment, just watching her breathe. Only after she rolled over to curl up even tighter did her realize that he still had metaphysics reading to be done. The book was likely still in the library, never even touched. He looked at Willow again.
Worth it.
Giles placed a soft kiss to Willow’s temple and shut the door quietly.
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
Shifty Strangers || Ulfric & Skylar
Tagging: @big-bad-ulf
Location: Coffee Plus
Notes: While fueling up on coffee, Ulfric sniffs out another shifter in White Crest.
Ulfric wasn’t usually the type to frequent coffee shops, but after a long restless night of impromptu guard duty he needed some kind of pick-me-up to get through the day’s appointments at the parlor. It wouldn’t end well if he fell asleep with a needle in his hand. The line that waited for him inside Coffee Plus was both a curse and blessing. The former because the longer he had to wait the higher his chances of dozing off on the spot, the latter because it meant a higher chance of avoiding Celeste until she left for work. Though even if she did chances were her scent would still be waiting for him. After just one night, and even with his senses dulled so close to the new moon, it seemed everything in his trailer was contaminated with hunter stench. Hints of it even clung to him somehow, despite the copious amounts febreze he’d sprayed all over himself as soon as he left. 
Taking a spot at the end of the line, Ulfric caught wind of another scent that pulled him out of his funk about his own acquired funk. It radiated from the young woman in front of him, reminding him of the ocean and… blue gatorade? But there was a familiar animalistic undercurrent that provided an instant jolt to his awareness that no coffee could hope to achieve. Not a wolf, but close enough to be comforting after the strange series of events he’d just been through. “Hey,” He tapped her lightly on the shoulder, using the beat before she turned around to face him to scramble together an excuse to talk to her. “Uh... would you recommend anything off the menu here? I’d usually only just go for a black coffee. I’m a creature of habit, you know how it is. But sometimes a change can be nice, right? I feel like trying something different before my shift.” It wasn’t the best or most subtle icebreaker, but hey, he was tired, and if she caught on maybe he could warn her about the beast hunters that were circling over White Crest like vultures. Or at least, he could put off having to face the hunter in his own home for a while longer. 
Coffee Plus was more crowded than usual, which was honestly really good to see. It was cool that so many people in town liked to support their local businesses. And, even though she had her thermos and coffee machine, Skylar had decided to treat herself to a nice Americano from the shop. Waiting in line, she scrolled through her phone, a small frown crossing her face as she realized that Remmy and Morgan hadn’t responded to her. Had something happened? Mmmmm, no, they were probably fine. Maybe they were busy. Maybe the two of them decided to go and enjoy the sunshine, somewhere safely away from the ghost that was threatening Morgan. They were fine. She slid her phone back into her pocket and continued to wait in line patiently. As she waited, Skylar started slightly when someone gently tapped her shoulder. A tall bearded man with tattoos-- had she done something wrong? She didn’t think she cut in front of him. “Hm? Oh, sorry, I really only get espresso here, so it’s really not that different from a drip coffee.” She said, his deliberate intonation going over her head. “But, they use really high quality roasts here, so it should be good no matter what you choose.” 
“Espresso’s not a bad idea. If a shot of caffeine’s what you’re after why complicate that?” Ulfric shrugged, doing his best to hide his disappointment at what seemed to be a rebuff of their shared status. Did she not know what she was? It seemed unlikely, the recently transformed usually carried a much stronger aura of panic around them. If this young woman had recently undergone an unexpected evolutionary upgrade she was handling it remarkably well. Then again her response didn’t seem terse enough for her to be one of those in the self-loathing, deep-in-denial, human-passing crowd.  “Crazy times we’ve been having, huh? With the fish rain and the squid thing,” He decided to try again, after a moment to scratch his beard in contemplation. He had time to kill, and if he ended up making a fool of himself he could always blame the early hour. “You strike me as someone who likes to get out on the water. You know, got a real affinity for the sea? I’m more of a terrestrial animal myself. It’d be good to hear a more informed take on it.” 
“Mhm. And this place does a really nice Americano. I usually make my own coffee and take it into work, but I figured I could treat myself today.” Skylar said with a polite smile, gesturing to the thermos that was tucked into the water bottle pouch of her work bag. Given the amount of caffeine it took to make her feel anything, her coffee habit had really added up over the years. Alain had been right-- the machine and thermos had been a good investment. As the man continued to speak to her, she blinked a little. Why was he talking to her? Not that she minded conversation, or that it was harming anything. She’d woken up early to ensure she had extra time to get from the coffee shop to work with ample time to spare. But… she hadn’t really anticipated having a chat with someone. “Mhm, pretty weird stuff. Between that and the blood puddles and the darkness… White Crest is anything but boring.” She laughed. When his words turned to talk of the ocean, of water, Skylar’s blood froze. “Huh? No, not really. I don’t even know how to swim very well.” She said, confusion bringing out an ounce of truth.
“Huh. My mistake, I guess,” Ulfric sighed, still not entirely convinced that he was wrong. He’d grown very confident in his shifter radar but maybe the lingering eau de hunter was throwing it off? “You smell like someone that would be more at home on the ocean. Not that you smell bad or anything, or that I go around sniffing strangers that often,” He inarticulately apologised, noticing her growing tension every time mentioned the sea. Still, one last shot, then there would be so little time left before Ink Inc. opened that he could justify going straight there and ideally he might even be able to warn her about the escalating hunter threat before she had firmly decided never to talk to him again. “Like I said, I’m more suited to land so I do most of my hunting there but do I like to fish on occasion--” If you could call catching salmon in your maw straight out stream fishing. “And your sc-- something about you seemed familiar, like maybe we had something in common. But if you don’t feel the same I’ll just leave you to go about your business.” The wolf backed off a bit stepping to the side of the line, before rummaging in his pockets for change. “Let me buy you that Americano at least though, for your troubles. ” 
Smell like someone who would be at home in the ocean? What did that mean..? Skylar blinked in confusion as the man continued to speak with her about it. As he continued to talk, her eyes widened. Wait a second, did he? Was he-- Oh god. Rio had mentioned how Hunters who hunted people who changed shapes could sense others. Hand tightening on her workbag, she stiffened. “I-- I guess?” She stammered, trying to figure out how to best deny this. But if he was a Hunter, why would that be something smelling related? She really wished that Rio had told her more about how Hunters figured out who people are. Hunting on land? Fish on occasion? Oh god. He was a Hunter and he’d figured out what she was and he was going to try and take her skin or just actually try and kill him. “I-- No, no, you’re okay. Really, you don’t need to do that.” Skylar said, waving her hands in a slightly panicked gesture.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you,” Ulfric backed away even further, holding up his hands and nodding in acknowledgement towards the barista who had begun glaring at him for harassing their customer. “Nevermind about the coffee,” He conceded, depositing the change he’d got out into the tip jar instead. Turning back to the young woman he then cautioned her in a hushed but carefully enunciated tone. “I just wanted to warn you; There are owls in our bog. Pigs in our forest. There are… I don’t know the American expression but there are a lot of people around town right now looking to do folks like us harm. Take care of yourself, alright?” The wolf moved around in a wide arc around her, allowing her space as he made his way towards the exit of the Coffee Plus, his original purpose for being there abandoned. Clearly he wasn’t going to be much use to anyone until he got some rest, he thought, running his fingers through his hair and letting out a frustrated sigh. Maybe he could find a discreet place in the shop to nap before his first consultation arrived. 
The confused expression on Skylar’s face only grew as the man backed out of the line, tossing his money in the tip jar and then he gave a strange warning. Bog? Pigs? American expression? “I really don’t understand but, you really don’t need to go-- Oh no.” She said in dismay as she watched the man hurry out of the coffee shop. She really hadn’t meant to chase someone off like that, but… she didn’t know what he was talking about. At first, he’d seemed like a hunter, but then he was saying something ominous about owls in the woods? Did that mean he wasn’t one? Turning back to the barista, she placed her order, pausing when they asked her if she wanted anything else. “Um. And a large drip coffee, please. No room for cream.” She added. 
When her drinks were slid across the counter, Skylar hurried out the door and looked around. He was a tall man with a large bushy beard. He was the kind of person who would stand out in a crowd, and the early morning streets of White Crest certainly weren’t crowded. Spotting him, Skylar hurried after him, moving as quickly as she dared with two hot drinks in her hands. “Sir?” She asked timidly after him. “I felt bad that you didn’t get a coffee because of… all that. So, um, please.” Skylar held out the large travel cup.
Ulfric had just finished firing off a quick text to Ariana, ‘Got to rush to work. Don’t be late for school. I’ll pick up food for you + C on the way home’ when he heard the young woman call out to him and pivoted back to her. “That’s nice of you,” he accepted the offered coffee graciously. “Clearly I need it.” He took a long steadying sip. “I’m Ulfric, by the way, that would’ve been a smarter way to start. Here,” He retrieved a glossy business card for Ink Inc from his scuffed leather wallet. “If you change your mind and ever want to talk to someone about, well, changing you can contact me here. Or if you’re ever in trouble,” He held it out in the hopes of exchanging it for the kindly offered caffeine, but if she didn’t take it there was still a chance she’d remember his name if she ever needed it. He was fairly certain he was the only Ulfric in town. “I might be biased but I think we’re safer and stronger if we stick together.” 
When the man held out the business card, Skylar hesitated for a moment. She wasn’t entirely certain what to expect from him-- first he’d seemed like a Hunter, dropping hints about things that he might know what she was, but then… he’d backed off. Given, they were in a public space, but the streets weren’t busy. He could easily just grab hold of her, attack her, without her being able to do anything. But instead, he was holding out a business card and saying something about changing. Frowning, she took the card from him, looking at it briefly. “Ulfric Haakonsson.” She read outloud, her tongue stumbling over the strange last name. “Sorry. I’m not good with unfamiliar names. But, um… what do you mean by that? Sticking together? Do you--” She balked, looking around carefully. There was no one around, at least, no one she could see nearby. “Are you… different?” She asked, not sure how else to frame her question. 
Ulfric grinned as she took the card. Doing one small uncomplicatedly right thing felt like a massive relief amidst the tangled mess of conflicting priorities he’d suddenly found himself in with the Bennetts. “Don’t apologize, that’s my great-great-grandfather Haakon’s fault for sticking us with one,” He waved off her apology, unable to hold in a laugh at her downplayed question. Compensating for still keen but less than peak performance hearing, he glanced along the street to confirm no one was in earshot before answering. “Around the full moon, sure.The rest of the time it depends who’s defining normal. Unfortunately for us those with the least tolerance for things deemed irregular, tend to be the most... well-armed. What about you?” He flipped the query back around on her, encouraged by her apparent curiosity. “Are you saying you consider yourself ordinary?”
When the man-- Ulfric-- let out a laugh, Skylar blinked in confusion. Had she said something funny? She didn’t quite understand why he would be laughing. But, when he mentioned the full moon, her stomach lurched. Werewolf. He was a werewolf, he must be. She didn’t know of any other kind of creature--person, that turned with the full moon. And… that must be how he could tell that she was some kind of creature as well. Because his sense of smell. He could tell what she was just at a glance. Biting the inside of her cheek, Skylar weighed her options. He knew she wasn’t human. She couldn’t lie. She hated that she couldn’t keep it a secret from him. But… if he was telling her what he was, he must be a good person, right? He was honest. And he’d said those kind words, of being stronger and safer together. They were words she’d heard from Ricky, but had been long abandoned. Could she trust this man? Realizing she hadn’t answered, Skylar cleared her throat. “No. Not really,” Her words came out in a slightly halting tone, not sure how to put what she was into meaningful euphemisms. “I don’t always feel comfortable in my own skin. And the sea, it’s where I’m meant to belong. I’m just not always… the best at dealing with it.” She said, hoping he would understand what she meant.
“Well, the world we’re living in certainly doesn’t make it so easy,” Ulfric replied thoughtfully, milling over the young woman’s words for clues that could be matched with what he knew of other shifter species. The mention of skin pointed towards selkie, but the comment about not being comfortable in hers was confusing and a little concerning. The close-knit colony he’d heard about in Iceland frequently returned to sea in their true forms, and he didn’t see putting it off for extended periods could possibly be healthy. Then again the current climate in White Crest wasn’t exactly friendly towards shifter habits. “Maybe it’s best if you lay low for a while,” He added with a hint of sadness. “Hunting season is heating up and they don’t tend to discriminate between one ‘beast’ and the next.” He mimed quotation marks with his free hand to make it clear he didn’t really believe that label hunters had slapped on all shifters and supernatural animals applied to them. “Just keep in mind my offer, alright? If you’re ever finding things too much to handle on your own.”
“No, it really doesn’t.” Skylar agreed, hoping that he understood what she’d meant. Did he realize that she was a selkie? She wasn’t quite sure how else she could make it clear, without just saying “I turn into a seal sometimes.” And this wasn’t quite the time or place to make such a statement. The man’s advice, words about a hunting season, they rang loud and clear. People were out in White Crest, looking to harm them. Looking to hurt people who were… like her. Who could change into things, even if they didn’t really want to. Swallowing, Skylar nodded. “Thanks for the advice.” She said with a nod, though her mind couldn’t help but go to Nic and to Rio and to how they were different. They weren’t just mindless murderers. They were good people, stuck in roles they didn’t quite like either. “I will. I… I might take you up on that.” She offered a small smile. 
“That’s all I can ask for.” Ulfric nodded, understanding why she’d remain hesitant. Unfortunately, there was only so much he could say to reassure her of his trustworthiness in the middle of the street. “Be seeing you around then, maybe.” Returning her smile, he gave a semi-reluctant wave goodbye before continuing in the direction of the parlor. He would just have to hope that the few words of warning he’d been able to give her would be enough to keep her from harm until she did decide to reach out or the problem was permanently, bloodily resolved. The news had undoubtedly added to the weight on the young shifter’s shoulders, and he did feel a small pang of regret for that. But, he concluded, as he arrived at the shuttered Ink Inc. shopfront, a few more blissful moments of ignorance weren’t worth dying over. It wasn’t until he got the heavily bolted shop door open that he realized he’d never got her name or any way to check up on her himself. Faen, he was going to need a lot more coffee. 
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ineffably-good · 5 years
London Calling (2/4)
Read on AO3
Summary: Crowley and Frederick ride the underground, Frederick tries to learn about girls, and Crowley makes a misstep.
Part 8 of the Serpent and the Seagull series, which you can find here. 
For the first outing, Crowley decided to keep it simple; he took Frederick out in his carrier to ride the Tube and people watch. Crowley wasn’t the biggest fan of the London Underground, but it seemed like a good way to begin getting Frederick used to being around large quantities of people.
Frederick, to his credit, seemed quite excited about the outing, and agreed to be on his best behavior. He kept quiet and well-behaved as Crowley walked with him down to the nearest  station, where they purchased a fare and caught the train towards the center of town.
“Ok, Freddy,” Crowley said quietly as they settled into a seat with the carrier on his lap. “Have a good look around. This is probably more people than you’ve ever seen in your life.”
“It’s Crowley,” Crowley reminded him. “And they’re all going different places. Work. Home. Off to do fun things. Off to do boring things.”
“Is that a snake?” asked a girl who was two seats over from them. Crowley looked up and noted her exaggerated eyeliner, long dark hair, and heavy bangs. “Oh my gosh, can I see? I just love snakes!”
Crowley smiled and made an inviting gesture. She scooted towards them and leaned down to peek in at his companion.
Crowley stifled a laugh.
“He’s so handsome!” the girl said. “Can I hold him?”
YOU CAN DO MORE THAN THAT, SWEET LIPS! Frederick said, scenting out with his tongue and filing away the variety of interesting things this human smelled like. Mostly herbs.
“Best not,” Crowley said, apologetically. “It’s his first time out in public.”
The girl continued to talk to and coo over Frederick, asking the occasional question of Crowley about his breed and how to care for him. Crowley, feeling a bit like a proud father, happily talked snake care with her until the next stop, where she reluctantly left them.
WHY DIDN’T YOU LET THE PRETTY GIRL HOLD ME, YOU BIG POINTY JERK? Frederick shrieked as soon as she was gone.  
Crowley rolled his eyes. “Trust me. You don’t want to be handled by random strangers. It just gets weird, fast.”
Frederick sulked but settled down. Perhaps next time. He’d never personally met a girl before, although he saw them now and then in the shop. He had… questions. Like what was actually different about them, and did they come in the pointy and soft varieties like his friends did, and above all, were they as annoying as the male folks he lived with? He suspected not, for some reason. He thought he’d like to find out.
A few stops later, an enormous bald man with a goatee got on and sat down across from them. He was wearing a long trench coat, had a variety of interesting piercings on his face and ears, and on his shoulder was perched a large, live parrot.
Frederick began excitedly tapping on the front door of his case with his forehead.
“Yes, I know,” Crowley said quietly. “Calm down. You can’t eat him, he’s too big.”
The large man across the way looked at him strangely. “Did you say something to me?”
Oh, good grief, Crowley thought, I’m going to get beat up on the Tube because of a talking snake who no one else can hear. Aziraphale is going to kill me.  
“Sorry,” Crowley said, smiling tightly and gesturing at the box in his lap. “My snake is all worked up because he’s never seen a parrot before.”
The man eyed him warily and then pointedly got up to move to another car.
“Enough from you,” Crowley hissed. “Settle down before you get us in trouble.”
They rode for a while longer, switching lines occasionally and visiting various stations. Frederick seemed to enjoy some of the musicians playing at various stops, and had quite a lot to say about various people they encountered.
Crowley, in turn, found that carrying a pet snake around on the Tube was an excellent way to meet new potential dating partners, something he had literally zero interest in but which he filed away to tell Adam about when he got to be a little older. He had, in a single afternoon, received three numbers scrawled on slips of paper, one number written on the back of his hand in ink, and an oddly explicit photograph that someone had somehow dropped onto his phone with a caption that would make even a demon blush. He quickly deleted it before Aziraphale had a chance to see it.
It was enough to make a demon glad he was off the market, so to speak.
“How did it go?” Aziraphale asked with a smile when they arrived back at the shop later in the day. He carefully closed the book he had been staring at for the last two hours. He wasn’t sure he’d succeeded in reading a single page due to his low-level worry and building anxiety about what his two loves were up to out in the wider world.
“Not bad!” Crowley said, putting an exhausted Frederick into his basket. “He met a parrot, heard some music, met a girl – you know, your average day out.”
“Met a girl?” The angel peered over the tops of his glasses. “What on earth?”
Crowley grinned. “Yes, our Freddy is proving quite popular with the ladies.”
He slipped over behind Aziraphale’s desk chair and gave him a hug from behind, placing his chin on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around him tightly.
“Mmmmm,” Aziraphale murmured, enjoying the touch. “I’m so glad you had a nice –”
He suddenly lost his train of thought, looking intently at the demon’s hand over his. “Why is there a phone number with a heart around it written on your hand?”
If Crowley had been in touch with his more sensitive side, he would have known instinctively that this was not a good time to laugh and make light of things. Unfortunately, though, Crowley’s sensitive side was something he had spent most of the last six thousand years doing his best to stay far, far away from, as it caused him no end of embarrassment on most occasions. He had not yet fully adjusted to needing it as often as one did in a relationship.
Therefore, he plowed ahead.
“Oh, angel,” Crowley laughed. “it’s nothing to worry about! Apparently, traveling around with a snake is like catnip to certain types of humans!” He dug into his pockets and dumped several balled-up slips of paper into Aziraphale’s lap with a grin. “Look, I got three phone numbers and a naughty picture! Which I deleted.”
Aziraphale stiffened and peeled himself away from Crowley, who wandered over to the couch and sat down. The angel stared down at the papers in his lap and then blinked a few times at the unconcerned demon before finally finding his voice.
“I beg your pardon?” Aziraphale asked, one eyebrow sliding up and his voice moving into that impeccable politeness which always signaled trouble.
“I’m just saying a few people tried to pick me up, today,” the demon said, uncomfortably aware that his partner didn’t seem to be finding this amusing. “You know. As they sometimes do.”
“And were you encouraging it?” Aziraphale asked, moving from stiff to positively glowering.
“No!” Crowley said. “Honestly, I wasn’t. It’s just – carrying around a snake apparently makes you very attractive to a certain crowd! People kept noticing that I had a snake and coming over to see him, then trying to get friendly with me. Honestly, I didn’t encourage any of them!”
“Anthony J. Crowley,” Aziraphale said sternly.  “I know you and I know you are an incorrigible flirt. And for heaven’s sake, I realize you’re quite attractive and that everywhere we go people notice you. But if you think coming home with people’s phone numbers written all over you –”
“It’s just one! One phone number! That’s hardly –”
“—and then dumping a pile of love notes in my lap is any way to behave, then you, my dear, have clearly lost your mind.”
Crowley fidgeted under Aziraphale’s withering glare. Aziraphale looked, he thought, like he was about to start manifesting some extra eyes.  
“I’m sorry,” he said forlornly. “I honestly thought you’d think it was funny.”
“Well, because it’s ridiculous,” Crowley said. “Like I could ever be interested in anyone else but you.”
Aziraphale softened a little, but hrmphed noncommittally.
Crowley patted the couch next to him. “Come over here, please?”
“Not until you remove that phone number from your hand!” Aziraphale insisted.
Crowley licked his thumb and scrubbed the number off, quickly. “Look, it’s gone, okay?” he said, waving his now clean hand. “Promise.”
Aziraphale snapped and the balled up pieces of paper exploded into dust. The dust made him sneeze, which made him look even more cross, but he did relent enough to thump down into the seat next to his love, arms crossed over his chest.  
Crowley leaned in and ran a hand through Aziraphale’s curly gold hair. “You’re handsome when you’re jealous, angel,” he said softly. “Kind of does things to me, seeing you like this.”
“Oh you,” Aziraphale muttered. “You’re impossible.”
Crowley leaned in and planted a soft kiss on the angel’s temple, then his earlobe. “I am,” he agreed, continuing to plant little kisses and run a finger down the angel’s neck. “And I’m all yours. Promise.”
The tension tipped out of Aziraphale’s shoulders, and he pulled Crowley in to kiss him quite forcefully.
“Quite right, serpent,” he said. “Try to keep that in mind, would you?”
Nothing further was said for quite some time.
“No more picking up girls, Frederick,” Crowley told him the next day. “You got me in big trouble with Aziraphale yesterday.”
Frederick flicked a tongue at him. He hardly saw how this could be considered his fault. He was just too attractive. It was a terrible burden. He was secretly sure that all those people passing Crowley their phone numbers were just using the pointy one to get to him.
Crowley wagged a finger at him. “Rude little snakes don’t get taken anywhere,” he scolded. “I think we will just stay home today while you work on your manners.”
“Frederick,” Aziraphale said later that afternoon. Crowley was out doing heaven knows what, and he and Frederick were taking a little break to curl up together by the window. “You need to keep Crowley out of trouble when you’re out.”
Frederick craned a neck up to look at the fluffy one from his position coiled on the front of his waist coat. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
“He’s very susceptible to trouble, you know,” the angel continued, stroking a hand down the snake’s scales. “Comes with the territory. You need to keep an eye on him.”
This was, Frederick thought, truly the most ridiculous suggestion anyone had ever made to a snake in possibly the whole history of the world. He, all twenty-four inches of him, was supposed to keep Crowley out of trouble? But then again, it was Aziraphale asking it of him, so he tried to wrap his brain around it. He nuzzled lovingly against the angel’s stomach and tried to look up to the task.
“Also, we need to talk about politeness,” the angel said mildly. “Let’s start with how you address people when you want something.”
Frederick let out a reptilian sigh and set about trying to appear like he was listening while really going to sleep. Sometimes the lack of eyelids was a huge blessing in disguise.
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queercapwriting · 8 years
Just got back from the grocery store and I had an idea: Maggie and Alex go grocery shopping together with Adrian and Kara in tow, constantly slipping things into the cart. I really just wanna see Kara and Adrian together being adorable little siblings.
“It’s dangerous, Maggie.”
“Alex, she’s bulletproof, even if the Cadmus folks do happen to attack the store – “
“No, Maggie, I don’t mean it’s dangerous for Kara. I mean… have you seen how much she eats? You really want to let her come grocery shopping with us?”
Maggie laughs, suddenly and hard, and Alex revels in the feeling of giving this woman joy.
Once she gathers herself, she puts her hands on Alex’s shoulders bracingly, jokingly. “It’s okay, babe, Adrian has eaten me nearly out of house and home before and I’ve survived. I’m sure we can get through this together.”
Alex smirks and arches an eyebrow and shakes her head, because Maggie looking up into her eyes with love and amusement in her own is all she thinks she’ll ever need.
“And anyway, I kind of already promised Kara she could come with us,” Maggie splutters out in one quick breath, darting to the door as a familiar musical knock raps through the room.
Alex groans laughingly. “Bet you between the two of them, we spend more than twice what we normally would.”
“You’re on, Danvers. My place if it’s Adrian that tosses more in the cart than Kara.”
Alex pffts. “Well, we’ll be at my place for sure tonight, then.”
Maggie laughs as she tugs open the door, and Adrian spills into her arms immediately.
“Mmmmm, how’s my favorite college boy?” she greets him in their traditional way.
“Freezing, unlike my favorite detective, who seems like she’s been kept extra warm by her girlfriend lately,” Adrian squeezes her, and Kara nudges him in the shoulder.
“Adrian, nooooo, I don’t need to think about my sister keeping Maggie warm. No offense Maggie.”
“None taken, Little Danvers.”
“Well, then I probably shouldn’t tell you what I walked in on last week – “ Adrian starts as he steps past Maggie to hug Alex, who promptly puts a hand over his mouth.
“Don’t you dare,” she warns with a grin, raising her eyebrows to secure his compliance before she removes her hand.
“It was even kinkier than that was,” Adrian splutters as he dodges out of Alex’s reach, and Maggie laughs as Kara furiously adjusts her glasses and Alex groans.
“Okay, troop, the fridge isn’t gonna stock itself,” Maggie announces, because if Alex’s face gets any redder, she might bust a vein. She tosses an arm around Adrian’s neck and pulls him down to her gently, gently, him squirming and laughing and letting her press a kiss to his forehead as they trudge out the door and pile into Adrian’s car.
He’s driving better than Maggie remembers, and she beams from the back seat with Kara as he handles his turns smoothly, and she wonders what else he’s been getting better at in the short months he’s been away at college.
He’s still terrible at parallel parking, though, and Maggie’s proud of Alex for not commenting as he tries once, twice, five times before straightening the car out close enough to the curb.
When Adrian puts it in park, he and Kara spill out of the car in a spurt of energy, and Alex looks back at Maggie with wide eyes.
“Told you this is gonna be dangerous,” she jokes as they follow their kid siblings into the grocery store.
Alex wrangles the shopping cart from Kara, and Kara lets her, because she and Adrian are nudging each other and whispering to each other and pointing at Maggie, pointing at Alex, pointing at random on sale food items and breaking out into laughter that neither Alex nor Maggie can’t quite put a pattern on, but they both smile, and they hold hands as Alex steers through the aisles, because Kara is holding onto Adrian’s arm as she laughs and he’s grabbing a pack of pre-made chocolate pudding from the fridge and tossing it to Kara, who thinks she’s subtle about burying it in the cart underneath the vegetables and fruit that Alex and Maggie are filling it up with.
They’re both scientists, and they don’t want to influence the results of their experiment, their bet, so Alex and Maggie feign ignorance as Kara tries to hide the bulge of four extra bags of frozen potstickers into the cart, as she nudges Adrian and points out the boxes of puff pastry apple turnovers he can’t get enough of and he slips three of them into the cart as Alex pretends to be reading the label of the vegan ice cream in Maggie’s hands.
At the cash register, Alex and Maggie are uncharacteristically quiet, both doing the math in their heads, both calculating how much Kara’s additions of potstickers, pizza pockets, pizza bagels, and donuts are compared with Adrian’s additions of apple turnovers, extra bags of grapes, garlic bread, and chocolate-covered pretzels.
And down to the cent, it’s the same cost.
Alex and Maggie freeze, each knowing by the baffled look on the other’s face that their calculations were correct, because they both made the same one.
It’s only when Adrian tosses a Nutrageous candy bar – “Old school!” he says victoriously when he finds it – onto the pile that Maggie lets out a triumphant laugh.
Alex groans and Kara, already digging into her donuts and holding them out to Adrian, is oblivious.
“I’ll put it all on my card, babe,” Maggie leans up into Alex. “To soften the blow of your very tragic loss.”
“Your place tonight, fine,” Alex concedes, her lips brushing Maggie’s as Adrian whoops behind them and Kara cheers even as she covers her eyes. “Not the most tragic loss I’ve had.”
“Oh no?”
“You two gonna bang right in the middle of the store or yall gonna come home and dive into all this food with us?” Adrian wants to know, and the cashier laughs as Alex reddens and Maggie fumbles into her wallet with a lopsided smirk on her face.
“You were the one who wanted to bring them both,” Alex reminds her, and Maggie grins.
“Yeah, and I don’t regret it, do you?”
They both glance over at Kara, at the way she’s giggling as Adrian holds his candy bar out for her, pulls it back from her open mouth, and then laughingly lets her have a bite, his silver earring catching the dim lights of the store and shining like his smile, like his laugh, like his happiness.
“No. No, not for a second.”
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italian-shitstorm · 8 years
Is it too much if I ask all the OC questions for Frank? Lmao
It is 3 in the morning, you are lucky I love you and love talking about my OCs haha also this one is super long so it’s definitely going under a read more. Sorry I couldn’t do that to the last one.
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
He has an older brother but they do not get along at all. They honestly hate each other so. But he does have two younger cousins, Mariposa and Santiago, who both live in Spain and he talks to them a lot and they visit as often as they can. Also Cassandra isn’t really his sister but he likes to think of her as his younger sister and is very protective of her.
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
When he was younger he loved his mom a lot and wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. As he got older and his parents started leaving him alone with his brother fro longer amounts of time he began to slowly start disliking his mom. When they found out he was gay she kept blaming him and saying that he was sick and they could fix him. After that he just started hating his parents so much and wanting nothing to do with them.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
See above. He doesn’t get along with his dad either. It’s probably a lot worse. His dad was the one who mistreated him the most and was definitely the most abusive to Frank. When his dad found out he was gay he threatened to kick Frank out of the house if his relationship continued. When Frank’s grandmother (his dad’s mom) was in the hospital and really sick, Frank’s dad showed up unexpectedly and ended up getting in a fight with Frank. That got him kicked out of the hospital and he wasn’t allowed to come back and long story short Frank literally hates his dad so much.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Mmmmm boooyyy this poor boy has seen so much in his life it’s a miracle he’s even able to function. He’s been through so much with his family and all the shit his brother has dragged him into. But things are turning out great for him right now and his life is finally becoming more normal.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
His cell phone, and an extra pen and maybe some crumpled papers if he’s at work. If it’s a normal day and he’s not at work it’s still his cell phone and his wallet. Also his keys if he hasn’t lost them yet.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Dreams?? Food??? Ethan??? Idk man 
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Being alone, people leaving, thunderstorms, police sirens and lots of gunshots
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
He has and he honestly does not like guns at all. It was probably some target his brother had set up when he was trying to teach him how to shoot.
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
No, he’s still rich. Maybe when he was younger he wasn’t as worried about money or material things, but he definitely is now.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Um? I’m really not sure what this means? Like I guess it depends on the day and his outfit?
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
When He ended up having to leave and he was worried that something would happen to Ethan and Tyler. He tried to break things off with Ethan and told Tyler he couldn’t be his friend anymore than just disappeared. Alex was holding both of them over his head and Frank was so scared what would happen to them if he didn’t comply. It was literally the hardest thing he’s ever had to do and he hated himself and his brother so much. It took a long time for him and Ethan to fix things and get back together and it took a long time for Tyler to forgive him.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
I can’t think of a specific time but when he bakes it calms him down. Frank is a stress baker and so he bakes to help himself relax and it usually works and chills him out enough for him not to be scared or anxious anymore.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
When he was younger he was but unfortunately now he’s a lot more desensitized.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Definitely faces. He sees a lot of people a day as a waiter, but he remembers a lot of faces.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Yes, both, because he’s a greedy asshole who likes to show off
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Both??? maybe?? This is a bit hard. He wants to be happy more than anything, but he wants to fight that urge deep inside that keeps telling him he’ll always be a failure and never amount to anything.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
????? he probably had way too many
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Boy howdy. THis boy is an attention whore. It has definitely caused a lot of problems between him and Ethan and caused a lot of problems with himself. It’s also put a strain on his friendship with Tyler after he started dating Haven. It’s just because he was ignored by his parents so much and now he just constantly craves attention from his favorite people. And when they don’t give it to him he freaks he fuck out.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
It depends. Most of the time he’s comparing himself to others it’s to make himself feel better. He’s really bad about that and likes to think that he’s better than everyone else (even though deep down he really knows he’s not.)
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
When he was younger he always used to blame himself. But now if something bad happens, it’s usually Alex’s someone else’s fault and he will definitely blame them.
22. What does your character like in other people?
He doesn’t like a lot of people tbh. He’s super suspicious of everyone and the only people he really likes are his friends, select family and probably the lady who cuts and styles his hair.
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Everything. He hates everyone
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
He’s not. He doesn’t trust really anyone that he doesn’t know
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
He starts off always suspecting everyone but if you get closer to him he might trust you a little more but that’s highly unlikely.
26. How does your character behave around children?
He doesn’t particularly hate kids, but he’s uncomfortable around them
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
He will jump into a fight so fucking fast it’s ridiculous. He’s always DTF (down to fight)
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
He will jump up in your face but when it comes to a fight but he doesn’t particularly like to resort to physical violence. He will never be the first to throw the punch if that’s really what this is asking. Because of his past he is very defensive and doesn’t like to physically fight or hit people.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
He wanted to be an astronaut tbh. He loved learning about space and was super into learning about the solar system. But as he got older he realized that it was just a kid’s dream and he would never become one. That and it took way too much school and he ended up hating school.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Liars what a hypocrite. Drugs of all kind. Alcohol. Bugs. Also people that sit on kitchen counters. Don’t ever sit on the counter in his house or while he’s there. 
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Whenever he’s able to just relax with Ethan honestly. Although Ethan can get on his nerves sometimes, he’s really the only thing that can truly make Frank feel comfortable.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
Being around people he doesn’t like. When people yell at him or start arguments with him. When he gets caught in a lie. When he gets super anxious and unsure about what is going on.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Very defensive. He hates being told he’s wrong.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
It really depends on what it is. He doesn’t have a lot of patience tbh so he would probably give up super easily.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
If he likes you he will joke around a lot and tease you, but he doesn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s how he shows his affection. He will honestly let his walls down when he’s just with his friends. And maybe, once in a great while, someone will get him to smile.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
If he doesn’t like you you better run
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Again, not really sure what this means???
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
depending on the situation, he removes himself hoping it will make the threat go away. Is he gets hurt, he could care less, but if it were Ethan, Ty, or Cass, he would definitely fight to keep them safe.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
I don’t know?? Never thought about this
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
He’s a server and his fiance works at an auto shop. He knows how stupid people can be and he knows how frustrating it is when you have to deal with them. He is always polite to service workers and tips very generously from the fact that he does the same exact thing.
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Honestly, he feels like he’s been through so much shit already in his life that he deserves everything he wants. His motto would literally be the Treat yo self line.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Tyler’s mom and Ethan’s mom both acted as moms to him since his own was never there for him. Every year for mother’s day he buys them bouquets and makes them cakes.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Cass is very dependent on him and Ethan. Both boys treat her a lot like a younger sister and she lives with them after she had no where else to go.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Boy howdy he sure can say it without meaning it. But in all honesty it’s really hard for him to say it out loud. The only person he says it the most to is 1) his grandma and 2) Ethan. And even then he doesn’t say it often. He doesn’t have to though because once you get to know Frank you realize that he says “I love you” through his actions and I think that means a lot more than him saying it.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
He’s really not religious, but he is very scared of dying. Growing up, his Grandma would always tell him that he would go to heaven after he died. When his parents found out about his sexuality they said he was damned and would go to hell. He didn’t really believe them but he’s just scared because he doesn’t know what awaits him. And he’s really not eager to find out any time soon
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elkian · 8 years
Cuddliness headcanons of FE13 characters in no particular order:
Henry: Ticklish in the weirdest places and more bones than meat. You find new bloodstains every time you come away from one of these interactions.
Chrom: the Awkward One. One or more of your limbs is going to fall asleep.
Severa: not recommended. Will never initiate cuddles. Chin v. sharp. Might get tangled in her hair.
Donny: the kind who gives your ribs and extra squeeze and rubs his cheek on you while going “mmm-mmmmm-mmm!”
Tharja: extremely cold, very affectionate, your hair might be shorter at the end of this interaction.
Kellam: v. hard to pry out of his armor (will try to hug you w/ it on, still p comfortable). good hugs even though he has to bend down. will pick you up and carry you around if you let him. the kind of hugs so comfortable you forget it’s happening.
Stahl: exactly average. what do i say. Satisfying without being weird.
Frederick: the man hugs with Precision (TM). approach cautiously.
Nowi: will tickle you and may try to suplex you. might nibble outlying parts. Likely to fall asleep on you. May try to hug you in dragon form.
Cherche: slightly suffocating hugs. armor very pokey, also kind of awkward because there’s so much bare skin on her back. Minerva will join in more often than not.
Kjelle: will definitely suplex you. when she initiates huggin’s it’s more often than not gonna be rib-bruising.
Basilio: EXTREMELY touchy-feely, will definitely carry people around w/o asking. Loves giving piggy-back rides and will totally forget you’re there sometimes.
Priam: a little out of touch w/ physical contact but pretty good cuddles. actual hugs can be a little tight. Stubble is scratchy. Will always have his sword in hand while huggin’.
Panne: If you don’t mind that she smells like wet dog then she’s possibly the best cuddler around in any form. ASK FIRST she will KICK you and it will HURT otherwise. If she decides to Flop on you reclass to War Clergy because you have been Blessed.
Aversa: Depends on how into the cuddles she is; if she is not interested you will KNOW because she is Very Pointy. may bite. Great cuddler when she wants to be.
Validar: Absolutely will bite. Why would you do this.
Flavia: when sloshed gets very touchy. also will demand people sit on her back while she does push-ups. otherwise mostly prone to hearty backslaps.
Libra: Deeply affectionate. Canonically ticklish and somewhat touch-averse. Otherwise his body type is between ‘crane-like’ and ‘lumberjack’ so draw your own conclusions. Extremely pointy knees.
Gregor: very hearty bearhugs, will add some back slaps in there. loudly proclaims joy as he does so.
Virion: He smells so good and his hair is so soft omigosh. Also hugs With Precision but with less murderous intent+power. Slightly less less of a cuddlebug, likes hugs.
Olivia: lots of will-we-won’t-we on the approach, neither of you are sure when to let go. very soft even with all those dancing muscles. you could fall asleep on her hair.
Gangrel: Exceedingly ostentatious public hugs, total cuddlebug in private. Give him half a chance and you will end up literally tangled together. Try to get the crown off first. Will literally just hang on you in every moment of your free time.
Sully: Once she’s sure she wants to hug you, it’s gonna be a hard ‘n’ fast approach. Arms will smack across your back, you will get lifted off your feet regardless of height. Her horse may knock you over when you let go. Not too cuddly in general.
Sumia: will probably trip on the approach. definitely gonna get something tangled. smells like flowers and her hair is really really soft, it’s like a goddamn cloud. you will find petals and pegasus feathers on you on the release.
Ricken: tries to hug taller than he actually is. A songbird may land on his hat during. Scrabbly little child teenager arms around your neck.
Lissa: V. enthusiastic, flinging arms around your neck kind of deal. Her skirt gets in the way of everything and you will probably get tangled in it at some point. aaaand now there’s a frog down your shirt.
Emmeryn: the softest and most blest of hugs. Will cuddle ad inifinitum if you let her. Softly hums every now and then. Very comforting hugging style,
Walhart: It’s like being hugged by a goddamn wall. It’s not that it’s too tight, it just... inexorable. It’s like being buried alive in huggles. Somehow moreso when he has the armor off.  His idea of cuddling is either ‘i’m sitting next to you and our sides are touching’ (he will always end up sitting a little bit on you when he does this) or ‘we just had sex and I don’t want you to go yet’.
Miriel: Another Precision Hugger. Times how long you’re in contact. Has a log for skin contact and treatises on touch starvation. Satisfying but very clinical.
Cynthia: See Lissa, but with more armor, chance of a smoke bomb going off, and her pegasus might land on you both halfway in.
Tiki: The squooshest hugs. Very cuddly and cuddleable when people actually think to approach her. Will definitely fall asleep on you.
Nah: Definitely let her initiate or she’s going to get one of those weird ideas in her head. Pretty cuddly, sharp chin and elbows.
Anna(s): I’m not gonna make a joke about her charging you, I promise. Her hair is gonna get in your face and mouth but otherwise really (identically) good.
Lucina: A little on the tight side. Kind of short because she doesn’t want to make it awkward. V open to hugs when asked.
Inigo: Good hugger but always ruins things by saying something midway in. If he doesn’t it’s probably because he’s crying on you. Has a ‘stage’ hug and a ‘real’ hug. Real hug v. affectionate.
Vaike: has not bathed recently enough. a little overly enthusiastic. Controls his strength (most of the time) but his arms seem to be everywhere at once. will hug as long as possible, very affectionate.
Gerome: Almost definitely cuddling/hugging because Minerva literally shoved you together and then wound around you til he relented. She knows what’s up. Awkward but affectionate.
Cordelia: Somewhat brisk and businesslike yet usually very affectionate. Can make you feel dressed-down and appreciated at the same time. Her hair gets everywhere.
Yarne: Contender with Panne for Best Hugger, because he’s a) hiding behind you and b) also trying to protect you from the terrors of the world, like that lamp. No ear decor, ears always flop onto your face, very soft.
Laurent: Tries to be like Miriel but can melt into cuddles. The poor boy is touch-starved please give him your affection.
Say’ri: Similar to Cordelia, maybe a little cuddlier. Will actually literally drop you if she’s suddenly called into battle though. Will sometimes hold your hand + walk shoulder-to-shoulder when neither of you are busy.
Yen’fay: A lot like a taller Say’ri, less likely to drop you. Will fall asleep on you, but you can’t always tell. Watch the headgear, it’s poky. Never complains about getting hot during prolonged cuddles.
Lon’qu: Not cuddly At All, touch-averse but also touch-starved. Will relent and let you lean on him sometimes. Doesn’t like being unable to move around but also too shy to wake you up if you fall asleep on his arm. Cue 20 minutes of him trying to maneuver out without waking you.
Gaius: Also does not like being unable to move. Smells very sweet. Is that a turkey leg in his pocket or is he just happy to see you? (it’s turkey). Very cuddly as long as he’s not actually being restrained.
Noire: Depends on her mode. Very shy normally, berserk mode will squeeze you like a stress toy though.
Maribelle: She Means Business. Clear your schedule. She hugs+cuddles with 100% of her being when she goes at it. Can be overwhelming but affectionate.
Brady: Hug gently!!! Is fragile!!! V affectionate, almost definitely will cry on you a little, pointy chin and elbows and holy Naga are his hands cold. Also a very intent hugger.
Owain: Loud and ostentatious most of the time, hugs powerfully but not too tight. Gets very flustered in private! Has a hard time articulating what he wants.
Morgan: Will hug forever if you let ‘em!! Extremely cuddly and affectionate, will hang off of you in public and private. Will squish cheeks against yours.
Grima: What? No. Why.
GrimYou: Hug them just to confused the everloving heck out of ‘em.
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Saturday 7th  July 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  How are you feeling this Saturday morning, I’m always telling you about me and Bella, but I realise that I haven’t asked how you are for quite a while, let me get you a cup of coffee while I listen … All the usual aches and pains that come with older age… mmmmm, I suffer from that to, and your fingers are a little stiff, Rheumatism you think, I have stiff fingers from trying to stop falling… trouble getting to the Doctor and when you do he will not listen … try living in Spain, where they speak perfect English when they are on holiday in London, but bugger all in the surgery…. Well I’m glad we had the chance to speak, and that you’re doing ok, Bella wants to walk, would you like to come with us?
'DEAD' WOMAN FOUND ALIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA MORGUE FRIDGE….A South African woman is recovering in hospital after being discovered alive in a mortuary fridge. The woman was taken to Carletonville morgue, in Gauteng province, having been declared dead by paramedics following a road accident. Ambulance company Distress Alert said she had shown "no form of life", South Africa's TimesLive website reports. But when a morgue worker returned to check on the body in the fridge, he found the woman was breathing. An official has confirmed to the BBC the woman is now being treated in hospital after being referred by forensics officers. She has not been named. An investigation into the incident is being carried out, but Distress Alert operations manager Gerrit Bradnick said there was "no proof of any negligence" on his company's behalf. "This did not happen because our paramedics are not properly trained," he told TimesLive. Mr Bradnick told TimesSelect she was one of several people involved in a car accident which left two others dead on Sunday, 24 June. This is not the first time this year someone has woken up in a mortuary after being declared dead. In January an inmate at a jail in Spain's Asturias region regained consciousness hours before an autopsy was due to be performed. Three doctors had certified him dead… New you dying to hear…..
REDOINE FAID: PARIS HELICOPTER PRISON BREAK FOR GANGSTER….A notorious gangster is on the run after escaping by helicopter from a prison in the Paris region. Redoine faid was helped by three heavily-armed men with assault rifles. Two gunmen in balaclavas used smoke bombs and angle-grinders to break into the visitors' room where Faid was talking to his brother. A third man in the prison courtyard guarded the helicopter and its pilot - a flying instructor whom the men had taken hostage. The helicopter flew to the nearby Gonesse area, where it was found by local police. Faid, 46, has been serving a 25-year sentence for a failed robbery during which a police officer was killed. This is the armed robber's second prison break: in 2013, he escaped after seizing four guards as human shields and blowing several doors off with dynamite. He staged that escape less than half an hour after arriving at a prison in northern France, and spent six weeks on the run. Nearly 3,000 French police have been drafted into the manhunt, a police source told AFP. "Everything is being done to locate the fugitive," an interior ministry official said.
PLASTIC BAGS: SHOP ASSISTANT 'GRABBED BY THROAT' AS AUSTRALIA BAN STARTS….Tempers flared in Australia over the weekend as retailers implemented a ban on single-use plastic bags. One customer reportedly grabbed a shop assistant by the throat, while another called staff "money-grabbing scum". The ban on single-use bags is part of a national push to reduce waste. Retailers in four of six Australian states now face fines for using them. More than 60 countries including the UK have now introduced bans or levies on single-use bags, according to the UN. The UN environment agency estimates that up to 5 trillion single-use bags are consumed worldwide each year. Australian chain Woolworths introduced a ban on the bags on 20 June, ahead of the 1 July deadline, offering reusable bags for 15 cents (£0.08; $0.11) instead. But customer "bag rage" pushed the chain to reverse the policy and offer the reusable bags for free until 8 July. "They just want a little extra help from us to get through the transition," said Claire Peters, Woolworths managing director, in a statement.
INDIA 'WHATSAPP CHILD ABDUCTION RUMOURS': FIVE MORE LYNCHED….Five men have been lynched by a mob in India's western state of Maharashtra allegedly over rumours of child abduction spreading over WhatsApp. Twelve people have been arrested for the killings, which happened on Sunday, police told BBC Marathi. The victims belonged to a nomadic community and had been passing through the village, police said. Despite attempts by the police to counter them, incidents of lynchings resulting from such rumours continue. The police have imposed a curfew in the village as the situation remains tense and additional police forces have also been deployed. They said that people from this community often pass though villages begging and they had been doing that when they were attacked. One of the men was allegedly seen talking to a girl and some villagers suspected the group and questioned them. "Since the villagers were not satisfied with their answers, they took the men to a room and started beating them with bamboo sticks and stones," M. Ramkumar, a senior police official, told BBC Marathi's Pravin Thakre. The rumours were likely to have been spurred by WhatsApp messages that had gone viral in the village, he said. When the police arrived, he added, the mob attacked them as well. "This is a very serious and unfortunate incident," Dada Bhuse, a local lawmaker, told the BBC. "We'll take strict action against the accused and against those who spread these rumours."
OLDHAM MANCHESTER ENGLAND, PHONE PORN HEAD TEACHER BANNED FOR LIFE…. A primary school head teacher who had a stack of porn images on her phone has been given a lifetime teaching ban. Catherine Jones, 42, inflated pupil grades, took her partner on a paid-for school trip to Manchester United and bought computer kit with school funds, the Teacher Regulation Agency found. It also ruled that Ms Jones could not have the ban reviewed. Ms Jones was head teacher at Willowpark Primary Academy in Oldham, Greater Manchester, from 2012 to 2016. The agency's professional conduct panel found Ms Jones guilty of "unacceptable professional conduct" and ruled that she had also brought the "profession into disrepute". The panel upheld an allegation that she recorded and stored "explicit" sexual images on her smart phone and asked an IT apprentice to back up the images on her laptop. It also found that Ms Jones had tampered with pupils' SATs grades to show a higher level than they had achieved. The findings against Ms Jones included: Pocketing £350 from a Christmas fair to "pay her mortgage" Buying a printer, scanner and tablet computer using school funds for her own use Failing to return the computers when she was asked Taking her partner on a trip to Manchester United funded by the academy The panel, which sat on 7 June, ruled that Ms Jones would not be able to apply for a review of the ban arguing she showed "no evidence of any insight, regret, remorse or reparations". Its decision was endorsed by Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds, who said: "In view of the seriousness of the allegations found proved against her, I have decided that Catherine Jones shall not be entitled to apply for restoration of her eligibility to teach."
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, morning… …
Our Tulips today are rather spectacular, what do you think?
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Saturday 7th  July 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Travel #News #Crime #Blog #Love #Animals #Spain
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