#because he isnt a normal amplifier
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splatattackz · 9 months
okay heres my nerd lore theories right now bc i like thinking of things in lore context;
i think whars occuring with cellbit and baghera is result of a mix of things; the watchers whispers, an overall negative-emotion amplifying nature of this island (see para 2. for more on this), and probably some radiation - and on top of all this, dealing with these 3 things for a month straight.
we saw the watcher tell things to make the two angry in the cinematic at the start of their povs, so thats self explanatory. but the amplifying emotion things hinges on the meta, try-harding nature of this event (making characters like etoiles far more sweaty/bloodlustful than normal, and making characters like pac more sassy like in alcatraz again) as well as things like how cellbit had a moment of vulnerability earlier, faltering and saying he felt scared - a huge contridiction to how he and baghera are acting.
i think the nature of the island amplifies negative emotions for the characters, such as rage, betrayl and, ultimately, bloodlust. think of it sort of like how the happy pills would amplify happy emotions over sad ones.
this also hinges on the fact that how these two are acting are not usually how you'd think they'd act even at their angriest. and also at how they speak of the watcher. ive talked to quite a few mains of these pov and they agree this isnt how you'd think they'd be - even at their worst. (also note baghera wanting to stay here, something i find odd as i think she did want to leave purgatory but stayed just because she couldn't leave pomme behind, non? or am i wrong there)
and so, what do i think this means? i think they'll leave at the end of all this but im not sure how they'll be convinced to. maybe those going back to the main island again will have to forcefully drag them onto the boat. maybe the watcher will simply bore of them and send them on their way. who knows.
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basslinegrave · 8 months
its always nice to come back to a ship after a "break" from it to be able to look back at things and look at everything with fresh eyes and stuff.
thinking about stobotnik (and shipping them romantically, to be specific) and how easy it is to look at them and go yep, theyre together. i guess partially because theres nobody telling me otherwise (or im good at avoiding those peeps online) and its all quite open, but from a new perspective i wouldnt even say its That toxic (if you ignore the fact that theyre literally evil) only thinking of jims words saying its abusive, hes like the only one i care about saying stuff since hes part of this. i have thoughts about that... but besides that - maybe its some weird copium but. to me, at worst it can be one sided, at best its literally anything. couple, "married", weird unlabeled Thing going on, i eat them all up. (i understand a lovey dovey bot is quite ooc, but thats not the only way to show love, and he definitely has his own ways)
my biggest thought lately is how in s2 bot is much nicer to stone, but i dont take it as "oh he changed and grew as a person while exiled and isnt abusive anymore" but rather "this is the norm" and him being awful to stone in s1 was literally just because of sonic. like this little alien thing is a completely new variable in the flow of things and it made him so frustrated, he already has a short fuse, so this is just what happened. also thinking about how hes a bit more collected normally (in s2 its also from the emerald, and some newfound false confidence, But in s1 before they find sonic you can see him going from stern but collected to just a shouting mess ), like this brought out this side of him or amplified it (a side which he absolutely would not hide around stone) it is also fun to think, oh he just bullies him. (but i obviously dont look at that as too bad, i guess in fanon you can play with the idea that stone fucks with it) but with them deleting all of those scenes for s2, for a few reasons ig, it tells a slightly different story to me... does this make sense? the way he talks to stone at the start in s1 and in the good cop bad cop scene is like quite calm to me for robotnik. thats how i imagine he would normally be around stone. smiling at him more often than snarling, showing off etc. the way the manifesto is written too, theres respect given to stone, and i doubt it was written inbetween the movies or last second. like that is something that he made x time ago imo way before s1, so the way he barked at him in the 'pin yourself to the wall' scene, to me thats just plain frustration and lack of emotion control taking over. plus how he completely switches that off once he notices the quill, no he doesnt hate stone, hes not angry at him, hes just angry. and stone was the closest person to take it out on. is that healthy? no, but it makes for the most fun dynamic ive seen in my fav media so i love that.
and the whole thing with him grabbing stone and shoving fingers in his mouth and what not, in all fairness your honor, he is literally innocent. he is neurodivergent and his love language is on the same level as people biting other people they like. its literally just that (reminds me of someone that i strongly believe had a crush on me in hs and they would ask to sit next to me in class and then push me off my chair and write on and tear my notes and it was cute to me. so im projecting that onto stone okay)
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voltrixz · 1 year
Why YOU should go vote for Spider-Man/Peter Parker (TSSM) in @cartoon-character-competition​
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Well you guys are definitely familiar with Spiderman aka Peter Parker. He’s an icon really. And he’s definitely been in his fair share of tournaments here but from what I’ve seen his TSSM version isnt in that many tournaments. Which is a crime since his TSSM version is probably one of his best versions!!!!!!
I dont think you guys need me to tell you the story of Spiderman, you know the deal. Guy gets bitten by a radioactive spider, has to learn that with great power comes great responsibility, has to save the city again and again while struggling to hide his secret identity and keep his normal life in check.
But what makes TSSM Peter so good then? 
Well first of all despite his suit not being all the different, the general style of the show just makes him look a lot better
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like cmon he’s just a silly guy trying his best!!!!! 
But besides this, lets talk actual character
Peter Parker is 16, just a teenager trying to navigate his life while also having to keep his secret identity under wraps and save the city.
And as expected of a teenager, he makes a LOT of mistakes, he’s very clearly flawed. And this is only amplified because of his secret identity as Spiderman. In order to hide his true identity he often fails to keep promises to his friends, he forgets to meet with them, he’s forced to run away from them, he tries to help his friends the best way he can but his duties as spiderman keeps pulling him away from his relationships. His secret identity makes it seem as Peter is constantly abandoning his friends and failing to keep their trust. He’s doing his best but he makes mistakes. But he learns from them. Each time he tries to do a little bit better. 
He attacks Electro unprompted? He realizes his mistake and tries to make ammends with Electro and end things peacefully (It doesnt work but he tries!!!!)
Things often do go his way but he still tries!!! He still has those small wins!!!! He knows he cant run away from his responsibilty as Spiderman, even if he considers doing so, he knows he’s needed. He may suffer and put his relationships on the line, but he knows he has the power to do something to help so he helps!!!!! (after all “Spidey stays because Spidey’s needed”)
I’ve always been more of a Spiderman villains kind of guy but I just cant help rooting for Peter. He’s just a guy trying to do his best to help with the power he has. He may suffer and sacrifice but he has his small moments of glory and it pushes him forward, he knows that if he has power to help, he is going to do his best to do so!!!!
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(also so he can avenge all the other tssm characters I submitted and got eliminated already) (it’d be really awesome and funny since all the rest of the characters are villains)
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thedoodlersdomain · 2 years
So, i’m only now just watching ep 26 because I lost motivation to listen for a but BUT IM BACK AND HOLY SHIT. So here’s some live reactions to it:
Bit the inside or my lip while eating from laughing at the mental image of Link trying to do a pull up on the shower curtain and just tanking it
Normal is either gonna rock the style at 24 or it’s gonna look absolutely horrific-
I gotta hear the Butthole Ricochet album
Real organ dice would be fucking dope as hell
Ngl I genuinely wanna sign up for organ donation just to get those dice
SELL AN ORGAN FOR THE DICE (honestly i would)
Literally just finished ep 25 before starting this and i’m still in shock about what happened.
The mental image of Willy getting the shit beat out of him is so nice.
You get a mech suit, you get a mech suit, EVERYONE GETS A MECH SUIT. (Except for May)
oh shit may has magic hell yeah
God if I was frozen in place for two months I genuinely would never recover my fucking body would just stop i would never recover from that pain
gotta shake your head yes and nod it no
grant ;-;-;-;-; someone please get the li-wilson boys therapy
father-son bonding: panic attack pacing
Well now I relate to Taylor more because the feeling of having your braces tightened enough to make you lisp is too real for me that shit hurts so much
Taylor getting his life lessons from anime is literally me as a kid
Link now canonically has selective mutism in my mind and no one can convince me otherwise
Does Scary even know where the anchors are though because I thought it was only Normal that knew?
“Anyone can walk back from the darkness.” Ayo Will how can you just say these things and not expect me to be IN PAIN
Fucking goof dimension-
Lark is a mood as always
Sparrow ;-;-;
oh damn Normal-
Aaaaaand end of podcast lmao
Taylor is so fucking extra and I love it so much
oh shit initiative time
Taylor has 1000% been dreaming of having a break down like that
Give the white guy the nat 20
oh shit OH SHIT Y E S
psychologically devastation: the best attack type
Lark has zoomies now
o u c h
the li-wilson boys need therapy ;-;
oh damn
from nat 1 to nat 20 big up Taylor
yup totally planned difficult terrain
Taylor & Hermie have the best dynamic (still gives me whiplash to know he’s taylor’s uncle)
All hail the whale
fucking soy boy-
ah yes a kids movie where adults kidnap children
irl dm murder too test the accuracy of an attack is the real dnd life
rip terry ;-;-;-;-;
no take backsies
“anythings a parable if you take the wrong message from it” honestly Anthony do be speaking truth
i’m now evaluating the mental image I had of the whale because for some reason I really have been picturing just like a tiny pokémon sized whale in like a little cuboid fish tank and it’s taken this long for me to be like “oh wait. they said a whale and meant an actual whole ass whale. what the fuck-“
the whale of conflict creation
THE NINJA ROCKS HOLY FUXK (might start caring around ninja rocks in case i ever need to break a whale out of a tank to escape parents trying to stop me from stealing an amplifier with magic)
this entire plan was nearly all for nothing-
i need this episode animated in like a proper tom & jerry style cartoon episode
this is such a dumb episode i love it
Hermie really said ride or die
Rip the whale
HERMIE NOOOO ;-;-;-;-;
insight into the mind of taylor swift
BB banana skin marbles gag
ayo is Lark gonna drown-
hermie and taylor drown everyone challenge
this episode is so dumb i’m wheezing
sparrow please save your brother-
GRANT GOT KNOCKED UP I- what in the DC Joker
i love hermie so much ;-;
link ;-;
oh god what’s gonna happen
somethings gonna happen
O H M Y. G O D.
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certified-anakinfucker · 11 months
you have no idea how far back i had to go in my OLD ask tag to find this fucking link. i love you kebbie i really do and i hope this genuinely proves it - so send me a book for a daydreamed story of mine! trust me i have many!
this ask has deadass been in my box for two years now um. holy fuck. its gonna be super long bc this is actually my excuse to force myself to figure out how this fucking story actually goes. youre my sacrificial lamb, babe <3
under the cut for toxic/abusive relationship themes | mostly stemming from not putting an end to toxic cycles and briefly refusing to believe it was an issue
so i had this old ass wip, right. it was called parisian lovers despite no one in the entire story being french whatsoever and it was basically a love story for a sexual relationship with danger turning into a genuine view into what happens when you dont. like check yourself before running headlong into what you think you want
ive since started readapting it to (surprise) swtor and an excuse to explore sith pureblood (henceforth referred to as "tsis") cultures surrounding whats considered normal in their dating/relationships, and also how it challenges familial relationships
the details of it are super fuzzy mostly bc all the meat of it was lost to twitter dms that i refuse to open. so heres a quick fast easy rundown
basically, youve got tsiksos. he is the third born and third son of an extremely powerful and wealthy union of bloodlines, and since hes really not the most important one, he decides he wants to study a niche theory of dark arts. something about how channeling power needed to cast sorcery can be amplified through vocals and choreography. basically he went to a contemporary dance school for the shadow wizard money gang
tsiksos meets ûtainoz, who is practically a beast in this school. he sees the valedictorian spot and hes steamrolling anyone he needs to. hes ruthless, hes heartless, hes a smooth-talker, he will do anything to get his way, and tsiksos found that hot and sexy and definitely worth falling in love with
predictably, this goes terribly. tsiksos doesnt know what the hell he walked into, only that he may as well enjoy it because hes sleeping with the hottest, most talented guy at this school. ûtainoz got a little too comfortable, though, and by the end of their tenure there lost his valedictorian spot to tsiksos,,, who was also gunning for it right under his nose
but whatever, its fine, they go their separate ways with the taste of one anothers venom permanently burned in each others mouths. they both fill their own niches. ûtainoz goes into more of a performative, traveling role and relies on his aesthetic rather than his power - whereas tsiksos followed through with his intent and deepened his connection to the dark arts through what he learned. he became something of a siren, honestly
anyway anyway anyway. tsiksos moves off of his homeworld. he decides he wants to actively burn fires through everywhere ûtainoz has been. and hes extremely successful. he wants to win, he needs to win, he will win. he meets utajhaiw while in the new city, and while poor utajhaiw falls in love - tsiksos sees someone he can keep close with him if he just uses all the right words.
which works! theyre together, its great, theyre fucking almost daily. but they argue every hour. to the point where it gets violent more often than not with tsiksos on the offensive. the arguments are largely fabricated or instigated out of boredom. but isnt it worth it for the sloppy nasty disgusting hateful makeup sex?
yeah well. the neighbors of their apartment dont think so. theyve nearly called the cops every time, until neighbor laishtzi comes over to investigate what just hit the wall. he gets pulled, literally, into the middle of their fuck. his partner rîshja follows and, likewise, gets pulled into the middle of their fuck. its like some sort of apology thing for them too and it becomes regular.
enter: their friend nunjor, a lawyer (i think. something like that) who also ! gets pulled into the sex life. whats worse is that both tsiksos and utajhaiw both fell in love with nunjor and wanted to have him as a permanent third.
sometime after this, the whole hatefucking thing gets a little too hateful. tsiksos actually genuinely nearly kills utajhaiw, and hes starting to hide the knives in earnest. nunjor suggests that they attend actual couples' things instead of just their joint performances where utajhaiw plays and tsiksos conjures something.
they try it. they enjoy it. their relationship actually improves. they make a vase together in a ceramics class.
by the way, utajhaiw has asthma. tsiksos has been stressing him out so bad hes started smoking. on purpose. yes it is what you think it is and tsiksos thinks its hot because he wants to shotgun the smoke from his mouth
anyway, something happens and tsiksos starts backsliding. they have another argument and he breaks their ceramic vase. all that dust from the glaze and the clay triggers a pretty bad asthma attack, bad enough that the neighbors come over (it had been so long without an incident) and call the paramedics to come get him. utajhaiw actually snaps at tsiksos in the middle of literally coughing himself to death, and this is uh. a little traumatizing. because its never been this bad before.
utajhaiw makes it to the hospital fine, refuses to see tsiksos, and nunjor is on utajhaiw's side - that was fucking uncalled for, dude. tsiksos goes back to their apartment, alone for the first time since they bought it together. naturally he should not be alone at this time
laishtzi phones a friend, kaqur (psychiatrist-adjacent) and his partner jashru (probably a psychologist, if not professional "wtf is wrong with you, stop that"). they agree to take tsiksos in while utajhaiw is back home with his family.
its about a year i think? that tsiksos stays with them, basically on s-watch, and it turns out he has a really severe derealization + depersonalization whammy going on, spurned from still dressing the way ûtainoz liked him to dress and the way other people wanted to see his body. he punched through a mirror. so once he started dressing in looser, more comfortable clothing - surprise! he felt better!!!
(meanwhile, utajhaiw spent a year at home strengthening his lungs again, writing songs and poetry, and reconsidering his entire life. spoiler alert: he actually was in love with tsiksos)
but things are never easy. at some point, tsiksos has a bit of a meltdown and breaks out of his little prison, steals the spare key to his apartment, and ends up burrowing in the bed wearing utajhaiws clothes and sleeping on his side of the bed because he feels so fucking bad about what he did to him. but uhhhhhhh.
apparently nunjor also decided to pay a visit that night. and tsiksos, in some nightmare-sleep-haze, reacts to nunjor trying to wake him as if he were ûtainoz - meaning he tried to apologize through offering his body. rubbing his hands on his thighs, face in his crotch (since nunjor was standing at the side of the bed). when nunjor gently corrected him and woke him (not that he would have been upset at the idea of fucking him again, buth he didnt seem to be in the right headspace) it actually uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sent tsiksos into a worse panic. scrambling out of the bed. tripping on something. breaking a glass.
oh, hello ptsd - it sure is nice crab-scrambling backwards on your hands and bare feet over glass while hyperventilating and sobbing so hard you genuinely cant see. again, laishti and rîshja to the rescue getting him back to kaqur and jashru.
so heres where the fun happens. ûtainoz comes back. hes genuinely changed for the better, he is apologetic. he wants to make it up to the person he hurt the worst. does tsiksos take him up on that? yes. should he have? yes, actually, because he needed the closure.
they start rekindling what little flame they had together. days turn into weeks, months, and theyre getting along just fine. apparently nunjor had left, and tsiksos had no comm - by the time tsiksos noticed, it was uh. almost a little too late.
theres a time where tsiksos and ûtainoz are in a speeder together and ohhhh nunjor is a poet, its in his full name, but he also composes. he sings. and he sings about how badly someone has just lifted him higher than ever before dropping him down into nothing. tsiksos has a breakdown on the lawn of some random recreational park.
things will get better again, though! somewhere along the way, tsiksos and ûtainoz make peace with who they are and who they were. nunjor comes back and he and tsiksos talk it out. they forgive each other. and then tsiksos and utajhaiw reunite. they explain a lot. they forgive each other.
tsiksos/utajhaiw/nunjor throuple endgame is the only thing that matters to me actually.
thanks for coming to my ted talk i love you so much
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tiodolma · 1 year
Do you think it'd be hilarious if season 3 Merlin and Morgana are cursed (you can imagine whatever)? And both are rude to the caster because they'll like to be back to normal like yesterday, so the caster lies and tells them they have to sleep together to break the curse? 🤣😂
That’s all I want. Trap those two powerful virgins in a situationship they can’t escape (and also resolve that S3 UST) lmaooo.
Also wasn’t S3 the season where they touched each other the most 😂😂
How abt this... like u know how kingdoms always arrange political marriages and stuff right to become stronger allies, right? What if the caster is also a magical radical who want the magic world "to be great again”? Smh somehow they have an idea of both mergana’s respective prophecies and also somehow they know each’s true identity. The caster’s agenda is to get those two bonded by whatever means necessary coz what better way to unite the magicfolk other than the two most powerful entities working together???
So they find a way to infilitrate castle camelot in s3. They befriend merlin (coz merlin is just that kinda guy) and also morgana (coz shes alone and needs allies). Then caster somehow actually really binds them together without both of them knowing 🤣. Basically the effect of the spell makes them drawn towards each other. S3 is a hella complicated time for both of them so their feelings are like amplified and their needs to get their hands on each other become more intense. Caster always scries on them from their water bowl and is like "yesss.... yesssss, just according to plan muahahahah soon the magic world will be great again!”
After a while Merlin suspects that love magic has been administered to him and he deduces it was done by morgana (see he’s obsessed with her and cant really be bothered to suspect anyone else lolol). So he asks Gaius for a solution. Gaius would be all scientific method about it. Kilgharrah gives even worse advice... the usual "that’s easy, just kill her and finish the job” which makes merlin roll his eyes.
Morgana and Morgause share a braincell so they dont consider Morgana’s increased fixation on Merlin as a detriment but a bonus. Her increased hyperawareness of Merlin makes her for a better spy. Morgause also wants her sister to start seductress training since yesterday and what better victim to practice on other than merlin?
Anyway caster is getting bored with their still UST so they send a mysterious message to Melrin that basically says "you have been cursed. you gotta have sex with the lady Morgana in order to fulfill your destiny.” Merlin interprets that as the solution to break the curse (and finally defeat the evil that is morgana lmao).
Merlin, honest powerful idiot that he is (and also hella embarrassed and dont wanna consult his bosses abt intimate matters) actually corners Morgana somewhere and is like "listen you and I have been cursed and the solution is to have sex with each other” and morgana is like "awe i didnt know u had the hots for me.” They’re gonna banter and be all sexy abt it because Morgana wont believe a word Merlin says and Merlin is serious and paranoid af and the spell just keeps getting stronger the nearer they are to each other lololol. (sparks fly, they cant stop touching each other, they smell really good wth?, isnt merlin's cheekbones prettier than usual?, morgana's so soff to touch dear lord... yknow things they already know and think abt each other but more.)
When everything gets too much (and morgana finally believes merlin’s statement that theyre cursed) they get one secret night together in the Isle of the Blessed asjjsgshsjskl (feelings, atrraction, desires of youth spring to life, morgs find out abt his magic coz the sex was magnificent/spiritual and hella magical) and when the deed is done the caster’s spell is complete and they’re basically married 😂
Merlin and Morgana are like, "whut" (but tbf they seem to be more stronger together)
It all comes down to "we just both wanted the same thing gdi.”
Morgause still sees this as bonus bec ofc she does lmao
Cue kilgharrah sensing a disturbance in the force and be like "OH SHT. MY PLANS”
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mixology-expert · 8 months
heres what mix means rn cause i want to make sure everyone is getting this the way i get this
Mix is kind of... messed up. We knew that. He died. He can't remember his own name. All he has is fake versions of his friends. He can barely see anything. He mistakes normal people for the real versions of his friends. That's it.
What I'm getting at here is that... this is pretty much representative of the misery of his mind. He doesn't want any of them to leave, especially not how drunkie did, so why not just make them himself? It doesn't hurt if he's all alone like this!! Nobody can be hurt, and he'll feel better.
Deep down, he knows they aren't his friends. But he doesn't care on the outside because it's SOME sort of interaction.
He likes playing with them and also with all of the people who pass by because the only thing he's been able to do for years (for the most part) is work and sleep. So he doesn't like to sleep or work.
He really doesnt intend to scare anyone. He just wants them to stay and is really bad at gently conveying that, they dont have to if they dont want to, and they dont have to help him at all, and hes just a nervous traumatized little guy who isnt actually scary.
Also note that, since he's in Dusk's domain, his emotions are entirely amplified. So he's especially miserable when he misses someone, especially excited when he finds someone new, especially happy when he plays.
And it's all coated by a bit of sadness because.. its the depths. He can't really have good positive thoughts
It's cold.
Theres more but its drifting into spoilers-for-plans territory so no no
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mojavevirus · 2 years
first post in a while on this website is gonna be abt berserk so sorry for being autistic but ive got nowhere to go abt this as a normal person. Spoilers ?
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i am. very. very curious as to what may transpire in the next chapters of berserk (if any) but mainly my curiosity is focused on how. Schierke might aid Guts in the breakdown hes having on the boat. Honestly on first read i wasnt even sure he was on the same boat and was just on some random one because im stupid but upon rereading its sparked my interest. usually because i have the brain of a four year old i leave the theory thinking up to youtubers and redditors but i actually want to try my hand at this for once.
Guts and Schierke's dynamic. is a very close and sincere thing imo. i mean , how distant can you be from the person saving you from going (cut to title screen) Berserk? astrally bonded and stuff like that or not, they still have a very estranged father/daughter situation. schierke isnt particularly close to Guts on her own but in the Party she may as well be the closest, beaten by Casca obviously (even though her and guts have been and still are pretty distant despite being the closest they've ever been to each other in forever)
Schierke. is a pivotal member in the betterment of Guts life. she was the first person to open the way of showing guts that not everything has to be his problem via Enoch Village. Schierke is like. the one person in the travelling party that he hasn't had any particularly bad moments with (asides from Puck and Ivalera but theyre fairies? so). She's like this dude's daughter, even though guts technically has his own kid with Casca he's Absolutely Not Gonna Wanna Be Close To That Kid after recent events. they have a lot to learn from each other, in the ways that Schierke has to learn that the real world has evils that can't be explained in simple ways and Guts has to learn that there are ways to do the seemingly impossible in their world. theyre not a token trope whatsoever but theyre a very good demonstration of this in their circumstances.
Guts is absolutely not going to be able to come out of the recent events okay whatsoever. obvi hes gonna be irreparably distraught at the thought of not even being able to lay a scratch on Griffith. but i think Schierke (and by extension Skull Knight??? wherever that fucker is) will, at the very least give him another much needed buff in the coming chapters (even IF The Berserker Armor itself is already the Buff of all Buffs, its still very volatile). a way to sort of wrangle and master the Beast of Darkness in a way that it can be used without overtaking guts completely, like the Phazon Beam from Metroid or something like that, would be nice. Maybe even amplifying the malice of the Dragon Slayer? but who knows atp
yeah rhats my thoughts on everything LOL IM TIRED
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tldr schierke might give her weird father a buff in the later chapters idk
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Meta + Jenova
The Project
So yes, unbeknownst to most Isrieal is a Jenova Hybird under the label Project X. Aside from Sephiroth, most people Hojo has tried to infect with the alien cells have either completely lost their minds or were soon destroyed, most bodies incapable of handling them.
Isrieal was found by his team of scientists after she had fallen into a pool of Mako in a reactor shut down for repairs. She was brought to his labs and even though he assisted her recovery, most should not have fully awakened from nearly being drowned in that vast amount. The fact that she made so well of a recovery led him to believe that she could handle those cells and that theory proved true. As painful as the integegration was. Not only did she keep her mind to herself, but it stabalized within her. A perfect synchronization of cells by random means. Or perhaps it was all fate.
Hojo has always been obsessed with Jenova and he wanted to re-create her in a more 'alive' state as she would have been years ago when she walked amonst the Cetra. Isrieal becamee the living doll of this replication and one of his new obessions. A true Hybrid.
The Powers
The cells gave Isrieal powers she had to learn to control over time. It opened a host of psycic abilities within her. Mind reading, telepathy, telekinesis. Telekinesis is perhaps one of her most powerful abilities but the stronger the object she lifts or creature she fights against with it the more it affects her. She is known to get sharp headaches whenevet she uses the power, worse if she pushes it beyond normal limitations. She can lift a pen no problem, but shattering a tank or throwing back a huge monster will spark the pain in her head.
She is able to somewhat influence others minds or temporarily hold control but it isn't something she uses often. She is also able to project her conciousness into others minds so that they may see her standing in the same room without her actually being there.
She is also known to lose control of these powers when under an extreme stress or emotion. A burst of anger could shatter glass or make the lights flicker around the room for example. She's learned to gain more control over this as time went on but at first it was quite unpredictable and dangerous and part of why he kept her locked away from the public for her first years with him.
Also thanks to the cells she has the power of regeneration. When she is hurt she can heal at a fast speed but this consumes energy and isnt limitless. If she takes on too much damage at once her body won't keep up and once her energy reserves deplete she will cease to heal until she can get proper rest. Which is usually hours of a stasis like sleep to recover.
The last the cells gave her was of course the ability to transform. She doesn't completely transform until a certain 'moment' in her story. She's afraid of doing it and always had an aversion to that side of it, afraid it would make her more monster. Though she doesn't give in to fully transforming she partially does when fighting. She's been known to elgongate her fingers into claws or spawn metallic looking tentacles that help amplify her lightning magic.
The Connection
Due to some mental connection with Jenova she gets random flashes of visions throughout her life that get worse closer to OG time. She often sees ShinRa falling or fires in the sky. Nothing she can make much sense of at first. But it leaves her with enough worry of what may come to be one day.
It is perhaps because of this connection that she is able to resist mind control from Jenova or to push her from her mind if she does try to mess with her.
Isrieal also absolutely hates Jenova. She knows it isnt an ancient and that it isnt anything to be messed with. She's watched the influence it holds over others just by being in the same facility. Things got crazier around ShinRa after Jenova was brought there, stirring up more violent emotions and intentions from within people. Or a general feeling of unease in the air.
She watched for years as Jenova slowly drove Hojo into absolute madness, something she knew she wouldn't be able to save him from. She had to watch it all until it consumed him at the end. Even though she has her plans to bring him back free from the influence...none of it was an easy thing to go through and she becomes more and more agitated and stressed out closer to OG timeline as well because of it.
Had Isrieal had the choice this is what she would do to Jenova and something she has thought about many times...xD
To end on a lighter note...
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sporksaber · 2 years
I dont particularly like emotional personification fics, I just tend not to vibe with them. However— I have a concept.
So izuku gets hit with a quirk that they first think just clones him. But then its explained that the quirk isolates a facit of their personality, usually emotions but sometimes they're more specific, duplicates it and forms a second body. Usually there's a clear difference between the original person and the clone based off how the original expresses the copied emotion, but if the emotion is suppressed or hyper specific it can be hard to tell them apart. The clone does feel other things and does have the rest of the originals personality, it's just muted by the amplified emotion. The clone is temporary but it can last a long time (particularly, as they learn later, if the emotion is continuously suppressed by the original.)
So they end up deciding to just continue as normal with an extra izuku until he disappears or the situation calls for deeper action.
So class starts as usual, and it becomes very clear which izuku is which. The other izuku is just different. The smile plastered to his face isnt the usual grin. He acts normal around uraraka but he goes quiet and watchful around iida. He looks people in the eye the way deku never did, unwavering and
Then comes a moment where he acts out. Or rather, the moment he gets caught. He trips another student with his bag, none of the other students notice, but aizawa and the original izuku do. So they're held after class. And aizawa finally thinks to ask the clone what he is. But the clone refuses to answer, "I dont think you deserve to know," he says. Original izuku freaks out and apologizes and mumbles about how the clone might be a bad emotion and what if somthing happens. At this point the clone tells him there's no such thing as bad or evil emotions, only bad reactions. (That gives Aizawa a bit of a hint, but he's not sure enough to take action. So he just sends them off to their next class.)
The emotion was anger. And it had been suppressed since the first time the words "why me, this isnt fair," crossed his mind when he was four years old and staring down at the bruises on his arms with the word useless repeating in his head.
Izuku's anger starts cold, it's almost the only cold thing about him. Its calculating and builds over time do to each infraction against him (without more reasons to be angry it fades very quickly, but at no point in his life has he gone even an hour without a reason). He gets back at people in secretive ways, searching only for his own satisfaction. Like all his emotions his anger is strong, but he doesnt need other's reactions to sate it. And like izuku at its core it is also impulsive.
As the weeks pass the two izuku grow more and more on edge. They both hate this and their emotions echo off eachother.
It is, predictably, bakugou that causes izuku to snap. For all he'd gotten back in small ways for the small things he did everyday, the visceral anger stemming from their childhood seemed only to worsen. So when bakugou speaks one to many times the clone acts.
At first he seems indistinguishable from normal izuku (and isn't that somthing, that he seems most normal when acting.) He baits bakugou and sets him up to say just the right thing. And then he snaps at him. Brings up all the terrible thing he did, the bullying, the quirk use, the suicide baiting. Other people start to try and stop him but he just drags up their faults too. He reveals everything about their relationship. And when the teachers try to step in he tears into them because really, they have to be trying to be as bad at their jobs as they are, binding a student on television, not having back up protocols for fieldtrips, not checking costumes, not trying to help individuals, threatening expulsion.
And when allmight tries to get involved he truly reveals everything from his past. Snd why would he put the world on the shoulders of an unstable fourteen year old he only met once? Why would he refuse to actually teach him? Wht wouldnt he support him mentally or give him anyone else to rely on.
Izuku hates himself more than anyone, so of course its himself who gets the carefully controlled hold on his anger to break. He's angry that his history and secrets were outed to his class without his control. He's angry he isnt the one to say the words. Hes angry at the existence of the emotion, how it ruined everything. So, while he'd previously just been staring wide eyed and breathing deeply (carefully counting the length of each breath), he now matched his clone fir anger and action.
It's almost worse, the things izuku says to himself. Because he reveals the culmination of his negitive emotions up to present day and it seems like he truly hates himself. And now his classmates know that he was never sure if they were really friends (izuku hates himself for doubting them but he cant stop), and they know he has never trusted the teachers, and they know he thinks he's not good enough.
They scream at eachother. And it gets physical. But its ultimately the fight (and not acceptance, but the expression of his anger) that causes the clone to finally disappear.
The fallout isnt pretty (they literally destroy the area they're in but that's not why), everyone has a lot to think about. But anger is necessary to move on, and eventually thing will get better.
Also it has a tddk romcom subplot because while everyone was trying to figure out what emotion the clone was based off of shouto noticed it acted particularly nice to him (because Izuku's anger for shouto is very strong, doubly so because he subconsciously projects his own pain with him) and he logically concluded that it was a lust clone and izuku was in love with him (which yes, but also no).
I think it's important for angst to have a balance and that a subplot helps a slow build high climax plot not feel like it just stops once the big emotional moment happens.
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radioduo · 3 years
okay, so!! its mainly focused on benchtrio. everyone has a role, a power, and a downside to said power. everyone also has hero/villain names they normally give themselves. if not, the public names them.
tommy = inferno. he can breathe fire, and manipulate already existing fire. this means, though, he is always warmer than normal, like he has a fever. he gets heatstroke easily and struggles to stay hydrated and cool.
tubbo = supernova. he can manipulate energy/electricity. though, like electricity itself, his powers are almost unpredictable, so he struggles to keep them in line. he often accidentally injures people. he's a good mechanic though, so he created a device to help contain his powers.
ranboo = high-tide. he can manipulate any liquid with more than 10% water (this may change for story purposes) but as expected, he cant touch plain water by himself for more than 5 seconds. he struggles to stay hydrated and healthy due to this.
phil = sunbeam. he has wings that summon when the right amount of sunlight hits his back, and when there is enough room. this means he always needs.to wear something to cloak his back when outside. the longer he is in shade the more his wings fade back away. he got his name from the fact that his wings, when not in strong sunlight, look like glass. and when he flies high and directly below the sun, they shimmer like fire.
wilbur = siren. he can hypnotize people with his singing voice, but its limited to the normal range of a persons voice. he can amplify it with a speaker, but this means his powers are harder to control as it isnt his natural voice.
technoblade = blood boar. also known as the blood god. he can control blood, as expected. usually he uses his own blood (which weakens him lots, but the weapons are powerful) and he can form any weapon he wants, provided he is strong enough. it is easier for him to manipulate visible blood but occasionally he can control it within his or someone elses body. this is very draining however.(edited)
so w wilbur the downside is that his like volume is limited to the volume of everyone else’s? :O and mechanic tubbo!! i love him sm.. and techno’s power is so fucking sick, that’s SO cool. when u say he uses his own blood to how does that work? does he actively need to be bleeding or have a wound to use it? i’m curious! ty for this because it’s literally so cool :DD
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tortured-swiftie · 4 years
@revouries sorry it took so long but here is my full list of song recs! Ps - it is loooooong
So I’m still very surprised anyone is even interested in this but its a really cool thing to share! This playlist has taken me close to a decade to create and I’ve been asked to share it with you all! Fair warning - heavy spoilers, and a lot is based on ship angst, don’t come for me. Also I have only read TDA twice and its been maybe a year since I did so I don’t remember everything perfectly. I had a lot more time with TMI because I read them for years and years. TID & TLH don’t really have soundtracks for me, because of the time period these modern songs really feel wrong when I read those series.
Battle in Hotel Dumort in CoB -
- I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
The pace of this song, the sinister notes, the danger it invokes just brings this scene alive. But also, this is the first time Clary feels like a Shadowhunter. She fights and its not terrible. She feels powerful instead of like a liability. Shes able to hold her own while talking to a clan of vampires. Its badass and fits the song.
Seelie Court kiss scene in CoA -
- The Violet Hour - The Civil Wars
Its such a beautifully haunting song, its sweet on the one hand but something wrong lies underneath it. It is so so perfect, because Clace is getting what they’ve wanted, but by hurting those around them. They get to give in for once, without the guilt attached, they have someone to blame for all this. But it ends on this very uneasy note, because it isnt right. So much of it is not right and Clace are not satisfied because it wasn’t a real kiss or real declaration of love
Jace and Clary after the meeting with the Seelie Queen in the Institute in CoA -
- Black Flies - Ben Howard
This is a very Jace song for me. Its quiet, peaceful, but the words are hurtful and honest. “No man is an island” fits him so perfectly at this time in his life where he feels abandoned by Valentine, abandoned by Mayrse, abandoned by literally everyone so he wants to make it worse by committing to Clary. She is so unsure of him because of the repercussions it would cause and he wants her in this moment because of the repercussions. He wants to isolate himself so he cant be hurt by those he loves.
Jace meets Valentine on the boat CoA -
- Silence Worth Breaking - Brooke Annibale
This is where Valentine really shows off how manipulative he is, and as a reader you start to believe how easy it would be to get around to his way of thinking. imo this is the best villain CC has written, because you find yourself agreeing with him sometimes and he makes it difficult to argue from a different perspective. The first time I read this scene I was convinced he was going to go with Valentine. The song is foreboding, it is anxious, and makes you think something bad is around the corner, which at this point in the book you feel like something bad is bound to happen
Simon is about to die on the back of Luke’s truck end of CoA-
- Wait - M83
This just perfectly conveys the grief and fear and guilt Clary feels when she thinks Simon is about to die. She brought him into this life, he turned into a vampire because of her, he was tortured by Valentine because of her and just as they saved him he is going to die. Its the loss of innocence and childhood for Clary. Simon is the last piece of it stripped away from her. First her mum, then her belief system in her whole world, then Luke, and now Simon. She is stripped all the way down to the bone of her identity and this scene is quick, but intense for this reason for me.
Clary and Jace meet up for lunch at the end of CoA -
- Distance - Christina Perri
This is such a sad song, and the sweetness of Christina Perri’s voice pairs beautifully in this scene with a feeling of a bittersweet kind of resigned acceptance. Clary had wanted so bad for Jace to let her go, she had convinced herself that her feelings weren’t that strong. And now here she is accepting her true feelings and ready to kind of wrap Jace around herself like a security blanket and he tells her exactly what she wanted to hear earlier. Except now she has to be a big girl and face her life without anyone holding her hand. She has to grow up and thats what makes this scene so sad, this is Clary realising its time to grow up.
Clary and Jace find Ithuriel in CoG -
- Goodbye Godric - Nathan Barr
This song was always ethereal and otherworldly, the notes are awe inspiring and convey this grief that is so abstract and not individualistic, it is beyond the human experience. Clary and Jace’s complete altruism and empathy in this scene matches with the grieving tones, how helpless they feel at this beautiful creatures pain, and how much they want to do something but they don’t know what. Then Ithuriel shows them visions and its even worse than they imagined. The misery that exists in these walls caused by Valentine, the waste of energy and life and soul is amplified by the music. The music soars as Ithuriel is set free, and the manor home crumbles.
Clary and Jace make out session outside the newly ruined Wayland Manor CoG -
- Maybe Tomorrow - Stereophonics
This wild abandon kissing perfectly matches the mood and pace of this song. Its all over the place, its messy, its confusing. Its giving into pure passion. Its abandoning any pretences they have built up and watching reality crash back down on them.
Isabelle wants Simon to distract her after Max dies in CoG -
- Not Everything Was Better In The Past - Fink
This is such a tenderly played song, and is easy on the ears, but there is a rawness there. Isabelle is completely stripped away, raw grief and anger and guilt eating away at her. When she lets Simon in she is ferocious and wants to show him her toughness. But Simon sees through it all to a scared young girl who is lost in this sea of grief. Its a sweet Sizzy moment
Jace telling Clary he loves her for the first time in CoG -
- Leave a Light On (ACOUSTIC) - Tom Walker
Jace shouldering the responsibility of finding Valentine by himself, essentially sacrificing himself to the cause, hes grief stricken, and yet feels barred from that grief. I know we experienced this scene from Clary’s POV but this song works so well from his POV. He wants to tell the girl he loves how he feels, he wants one night with her to feel normal and feel loved, and to pretend just for a little while that there is nothing wrong with that. This very stripped version of the song is much much much more raw, and that’s what Jace feels like in this scene, all the walls are down and he wants to show his real face to this one girl
Clary showing off her rune skills in the council chamber in CoG -
- I Found - Amber Run
This was the first scene I imagined from a filmmaking perspective, how to best present this scene. I imagined this entire scene from Jocelyn’s POV, frame by frame, as she walks into the council room very quietly and watches her baby walk up and address everyone in desperation, voice shaking but standing her ground. Grown, bigoted, adults judging her and are fearful but she is still showing them what she’s worth. I imagined Jocelyn’s entire world view shifting because she is in awe of this powerful girl Clary has become. She watches her daughter no longer as a little girl but as a formidable Shadowhunter that could handle the cards she had been dealt in life. Just a very transformative moment and pivotal in how we see Clary in the TSC universe
Lilith takes over Jace’s mind and disappears with Sebastian at the end of CoFA-
- I’ll Keep Coming - Low Roar
This song starts out so uneasy, it cant settle down, and that’s exactly how I feel when Jace sends Clary downstairs. I want to scream at her to stay, but knowing Lilith would always take over no matter what. Its a very dark moment, because no one wants to lose control of themselves and it must have been pretty scary at first. Its an anxious scene, paired with an anxious song
Magnus takes happy memories away in CoLS -
- Howl - Jake Houlsby
Magnus is looking very sad when he does this, especially what he says to Simon. Its such a knowing look, Magnus is no stranger to this kind of sorrow, but still to be witness to it over and over must take its toll. It just makes me think of the endless road stretching out ahead of him and how lonely and terrifying that must feel for him. Just a beautiful song to go with a sad moment in this scene
Clary at the Faerie club with Jace and Sebastian CoLS -
- Faded - Alan Walker
- Darkside - Alan Walker
At this point in the story you feel a lot like Clary is getting too comfortable and is maybe losing sight of the mission she’s on. These two songs are very club sounding to me, and tonally fits the mood of the chapter. Clary is quite literally lost in that moment with the Faerie drugs and the dancing and the atmosphere
Clary dancing with Sebastian CoLS -
- Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
First of all lyrically….it cannot get more perfect. “Go ahead and cry little girl nobody does it like you do, I know that you got daddy issues. And if you were my little girl, Id do whatever I could do…” it just conveys the creepiness of Sebastians interactions with Clary and how weird she felt when he was dancing with her and how wrong it felt. This is a very short moment in this chapter but it really creeped me out. And this song conveys perfectly this feeling of haziness of the Faerie drugs and this uneasiness that surrounds Sebastian
Simon drinks from Isabelle CoLS -
- Harvest Love - Tash Sultana
This is a pretty soulful, sensual song. And when Simon drinks from Isabelle and he describes the euphoria that comes with that, the description of how his nerves react to the fresh blood just remind me of the part in this song where the drums and music soars the highest (start around 3:32, and it reaches its peak around 4:48) its honestly one of the sexiest scenes CC has written, even including all the Jemma scenes
Magnus and Alec break up in CoLS -
- Evergreen - Ben Howard
First time reading this I was so so angry at Alec, and felt the sorrow and anger coming off Magnus. This song is very dark, and very sinister. Magnus completely misunderstood what Alec was trying to do, and applied the most sinister meaning to his actions. It is their perfect breakup song imo full of angst
Clary traps the Heavenly Fire into her sword in CoHF -
- Outro - M83
This is another scene I imagined cinematically. The first half of the song is where Clary slowly makes her way over to Jace and she suddenly has faith in herself that she can do this. Then we watch her take Jace’s hands as the radioactive wind sounds start and the flames are swirling around them but not touching them. Cut to Magnus and Luke seeing the colour on the horizon, and the flash that shows its over. Cut back to Clary drawing the Heavenly Fire into the sword as the music swells around her. The words are so so powerful, and they always felt very ethereal to me “I’m the King of my own land” This is Clary fully embracing her power and fully utilising it. Its no longer something separate from her, but she IS her power.
Clary killing Sebastian, pretty much a lot of the scenes before the time jump CoHF-
- Saturn (both acoustic and original version) - Sleeping At Last
This song is definitely an end of film/book / end of heroes journey material. Simon sacrificing himself so they can get back, Clary killing Sebastian and forgiving him, Clary scattering the ashes of Sebastian and finally grieving the past years trauma (all of the TMI journey), the Faeries being condemned by the Clave and Helen getting exiled. Its beautiful, its sad, its momentous, its not a regular song.
Alec finds Magnus in Edom in CoHF -
- I Of The Storm - Of Monsters and Men
The steady drum beat adds a sense of steadiness and calmness in this song. Its not a joyful getting back together but they’re both glad the other is alive and are both forgiving each other. For me, this is when I truly started shipping Malec. The growth, the strength of character begins from this moment. This is when they become a couple I love because this is when they commit to each other flaws and all
Isabelle introduces herself to Simon at the end of CoHF -
- Golden Dandelions - Barns Courtney
Isabelle has always felt like a full punch character, no half measures and all that. The feeling Simon describes when he first spots this beautiful girl walking directly up to him is how this song starts, for me at least. The drums, the barely contained excitement, the curiosity, and faint recognition. This song is a full punch song right from the get go and it felt like such a remarkable Isabelle moment
After Jocelyn & Luke’s wedding in COHF -
- From Gold - Novo Amor
It is such a bittersweet, and peaceful song. There are so many endings in this scene, and so many new beginnings. They are all grieving, one way or another, and are all allowing themselves to evolve. Their journey is over, and at the end of this book I had this sense of saying goodbye to these characters (retiring them so to speak) because I wasn’t sure how much they would be involved with the future of the TSC world. Im glad they are still a big part of it, but they will never be the main focus again.
Julian and Emma dance in LM -
- Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran
The sexual tension, and the dread they both feel because of their feelings just makes this scene so dramatic to me, and this song softens it a little. Especially if you are re-reading the series you feel this tenderness because they so badly wanted to avoid falling in love
Mark and Kieran in the Hunt -
- Dance Me To The End of Love - The Civil Wars
This is a pretty offbeat quirky song, a little sad, a little wistful, a little mournful, sensual, but tones of wildly abandoning all you know and giving into baser desires. Whenever Mark thinks of his time with Kieran in the Hunt, his memories sound like this song. They experienced very high highs, and very low lows. They were degraded, the lowest you could possibly feel as a living creature. Yet they were riding into the night, sleeping under the stars in places only known to Faeries. There was no one watching them, and no one to stop them from being together. There is tenderness in their relationship, but also knowledge that they are only together because they have no one else. Its happiness without truly feeling like you have a choice about it. You have to be happy together because you cant find this happiness elsewhere. They are forced into being in love a little bit, because the alternative is so much worse. This is one of the reasons why I couldn’t ship them at first, because they hadnt really chosen each other. Only when they were presented with other options and they till chose each other did I start seeing their potential.
Julian and Emma on the beach LM -
- Next To You - Of Rust & Bone
This scene completely took me by surprise, and is very unlike CC because love scenes normally take place quite late into any series she has. This one was filled with anxiety, and tension because the characters quite literally fell into their feelings. There was no forethought, no sense of taking stock of what they were doing. And they ended up feeling such different things about it afterwards. So for me this songs darker moods perfectly pairs with this scene
Kieran and Mark argue/break up LM & LoS -
- Fade Away - Tom Walker
This song has such raw power, such dark emotion and anger and a sense of betrayal that it perfectly captures their emotionally charged scenes. Mark can never be the same Mark that belonged to Kieran when he had no one, because now he has his family. And Kieran is still the same man who has no one but Mark. I hated him the first time I read LM and most of LoS but their chemistry is hard to resist. Especially as they evolve as characters as well as a couple. They are wild and unmoored sometimes and there’s something exciting about characters you just cant pin down.
Emma & Jules’ strained relationship LM & LoS -
- 9 Crimes - Damian Rice
When Emma is “with” Mark there is this strange chemistry between her and Julian. Both have hurt each other at different times, but this was really like a stalemate. Neither could really move on, and both were angry at eachother. As more and more people found out/realised about the feelings they had were more than parabatai this tension grew. Because they’re not just falling in love, they are also actively choosing to hurt one another. They are certainly not an example of a healthy relationship but I felt in some way they were the realest. Because sometimes relationships hurt and sometimes you do things you have to do even if that isnt what’s best for your relationship. This song perfectly captures this push and pull they have, and how falling in love wasn’t blissful happiness for them. It was pain and secrets and hurting.
Annabel rising, killing Malcolm LoS -
- As It Was - Hozier
Since we’re watching this scene from above, a very unnatural and cinematic perspective, the scene feels unreal. Like it was a dream and didn’t happen. I felt genuine fear and uneasiness when Annabel is slowly brought back to life, skin growing over old bones. This song has notes that aren’t usually arranged together, instruments that are usually a bigger part of a quartet, and somehow that arrangement feels just a little wrong. It feels different, sinister, and uneasy. It feels like its missing several instruments, or some notes have been played incorrectly. Hozier’s voice is his best in this song, very strained, but so controlled, bringing forth very intense emotions
Christina and Mark at the revel LoS (I couldn’t remember if this was in LoS or QOAAD) -
- Now You’re Gone - Tom Walker & Zara Larsson
Christina really let herself go during this scene, and we see a completely different side to her. She is adventurous, risky, and she would make anyone say “fuck it lets do this” I always liked Christina but I always felt she was very predictable until this point. We see how intensely she is interested in Faeries, and how personally invested she is in their culture. She allows herself to be swept up, and embraces it rather than fears it. She honestly seems fearless here, and is the definition of temptation. She is quite literally tempting Mark, and its sexy a f
Jules & Emma burn down the church LoS -
- Esmeralda - Ben Howard
This was the first time their relationship excited me, because during this scene I fully expected they would go into full thirst mode but they didn’t. They were still very sensual and sexual and intense, but in a very very different way. There is something attractive about someone who’s willing to burn the world down, who has a little bit of an anarchist side. Its human nature to feel some attraction to these traits, and this scene definitely stirred feelings in me
Emma fights Fal LoS -
- Put It On Me - Matt Maeson
This song both tonally and in its pacing elevates this scene to new levels. Its not a typical battle song, it has a steady pace. But Emma’s description of how the battle is stripped down because of the rain, how she prefers this kind of fight where its her, her weapon and the elements. Its pure, and we get to see Emma in full fighter mode. She is an extension of Cortana, and they belong together. This is without a doubt my favourite fight scene to date. It just brings alive the visuals in such a dynamic way. Very storyboard-able.
Julian holding Livvy as she dies LoS -
- Losing Your Memory - Ryan Star
This song is harrowing, and its just pure pain, raw grief balled into one intense song. The lyrics just pull you into Julian’s mental state “wake up, its time, little girl, wake up” just kills me. As the music intensifies and the singer is practically screaming the lyrics it just feels like that’s what it must have been like inside of Julian’s mind. He wasn’t screaming out loud but his mind must have been very loud
Julian and Emma shower together QOAAD -
- Promise - Ben Howard
Julian dry heaving because he doesnt know how to cry. Fucking heartbreaking in a very quiet way. After the noise of loss, the quiet moments where you have to face grief is devastating. Emma being an anchor, holding him in place and trying to keep the world away from him so he doesnt hurt anymore is just harrowing. They’re just kids but the grief they feel is so adult. And when you lose someone like that, and someone is there for you that solidifies so much in that relationship. They become a part of something you can never let go of. Even if that relationship doesnt last, they will always be apart of that memory. And Emma sticking by him, despite the danger and promises they have made themselves is proof that she is the one for him
Kieran and Christina dance QOAAD -
- Senorita - Shawn Mendes & Camilla Cabello
This song is sensual, its sexual, its got hooks that quite literally sound like orgasms its such a playful song. When I read this scene this song popped in my head right away. When Christina is dancing with Mark its the same kind of feeling I got from her at the revel, except this time there is no supernatural influence, its just her and her feelings. It was a sexy scene, and when Kieran walks in we all expected something very different. What followed is what elevates this scene, Christina has no clue how to react to Kieran, and yet she is mesmerised by him. She dances with him in a way we would never have imagined her doing this in LM. It shows evolution of character, for all three of them. And the fact that Mark is watching, and he’s not angry just makes this scene even sexier. You can practically feel the sexual tension in the air coming off the pages of the book.
Malec wedding QOAAD -
- That Girl Is You - Dave Matthews Band
This song brings me so much peace, the kind of peace that comes with knowing someone for years, and relying on them, knowing they are a permanent fixture in your life. Its exciting, but in a quiet way. Its a very atypical wedding song, because of the unusual style of singing. But I think it represents Malec really well at this point in their journey, they have gotten over many obstacles, often themselves, in this relationship. Their entire world is changing, and they are taking massive steps and making some pretty big sacrifices as people for this cause. Being Consul isnt going to be a smooth life for Alec with Magnus as a husband and a warlock for a child. But this is what he wants, and this is what he wants Shadowhunters to reflect and be going forward. This song is a very peaceful time in the entirety of TSC, and gave me a similar feeling to the end of TMI
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excidium · 4 years
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this post contains spoilers for the miraculous ladybug new york special/movie. trigger warning for abuse, so be warned of that if you keep reading.
okay so ive watched the new york special two and a half times by now, so ive finally had time to sit on and reflect what ive watched. the argument that happens between chat noir and ladybug is perfect, and is something that needed to happen for their relationship to become stronger. let me explain.
first of all, and lets get this out of the way -- ladybug had every right to be upset with chat. im not trying to devalue her feelings on the experience at all. he had made a promise to her that he would protect paris, alleviating the pressure she has on her as guardian to protect it. hes her trusted partner, and she was relying on him to keep his word. him failing to tell her that he was no longer in paris was a breach of their trust, and therefore damaged their partnership temporarily. she had every right to be upset with him, and yes. he should have (and did) apologize. it was an apology she deserved, and she was not out of line for being upset with him.
now here is where i get into why this is such a perfect arc for these two, and why this eventually was going to and needed to happen. really, it all comes down to chat’s civilian life as adrien. i think a lot of the time when discussing adrien and his flaws, the fact that he is literally abused, manipulated and consistently gaslit by his father is left out of the conversation. his abuse and lack of parental care is what causes most of his negative traits to bubble to the surface and become amplified, and thats the case here as well.
so why didnt chat just tell ladybug that there was a change of plans and that he wouldnt be able to keep his promise that he made? well, he said it himself. he was afraid of disappointing her. however, this isnt the normal “disappointment” that most people are afraid of. you need to keep in mind that adrien doesnt know how real/healthy relationships work, which is literally the main adrien conflict in this special as well. nino literally describes him as a “baby chick just emerging from his shell”, and he isnt wrong to make that comparison. hes still fairly new to the real world, and has up until now been stuck in a world entirely made up of his fathers control and creation.
now keep in mind that the only “close” relationship adrien really has is with gabriel (at this point). gabriel sets unreasonably high expectations for him, and punishes him harshly whenever he doesnt meet said expectations. for example in the episode “captain hardrock”, gabriel is disappointed with adrien’s piano playing progress, and so he prevents adrien from seeing his friends at band practice (after he had already said he could go) -- as punishment in direct consequence of his disappointment.
gabriel has also literally threatened adrien on multiple occasions by socially isolating him, as well as doing a bunch of other awful shit to him when he doesnt follow directions or live up to his expectations. that is what chat is afraid of/thinking of when he’s afraid of “disappointment”. he isnt thinking of a healthy form of it, but rather the distorted and cruel form that gabriel has shown/taught him. and so thats why hes so terrified of ladybug being disappointed in him, and is why it may seem irrational to some people.
it is irrational to think that ladybug would ever react as harshly to chat noir as gabriel does to adrien, but he doesnt know that. all hes ever known is unhealthy relationships and reactions, and so him jumping to the conclusion that she no longer wants to be partners with him after this mistake makes perfect sense.
adrien is not a bad person. impulsive? yes. bad and selfish? no. he knew he was wrong, and he knew that he deserved to be reprimanded for what he did. his reckless behavior (encouraged by plagg) nearly cost the life of an innocent hero, and he knows that. its why the entire time he was in new york, he was too busy monitoring the akuma app instead of enjoying himself. he feels bad about it. he knows ladybug has every right to be disappointed in him. he knows it was wrong, but he was so afraid to tell her the truth because of the unhealthy expectations he has in his head (set by gabriel).
he both feels guilty and also expects that ladybug will no longer want to be partners w/ him because of this mistake. so much so that he just preemptively gives up his miraculous to save her the trouble of asking for it. marinette is the guardian now, and therefore she has the power to revoke it if she ever feels he can no longer be her partner. ladybug is disappointed in him and says she no longer trusts him earlier in the special, and so he acts on what he thinks will be the consequence. this is something akin to what gabriel would do, and is why he just accepts it as is and runs away without giving it a second thought. this is his reality living with gabriel. this is the type of punishment/reaction hes used to when people are disappointed in him.
and thats why hes so surprised to hear that ladybug still wants him as a partner, because he genuinely believes that his mistake was unforgivable and justifiable in him losing his miraculous. this is how relationships have always been for him, and so why would his relationship with ladybug (when he disappoints her) be any different?
this needed to happen, because ladybug showed him that whats normal for him isnt healthy. that in healthy relationships and dynamics, disappointment doesnt automatically lead to the harshest punishment. theres room to grow, theres room for apologies. she doesnt know chats identity, and so she couldnt possibly have known that he would react the way he did to her saying she was disappointed in him (and that her trust in him was temporarily damaged). she has a healthy relationship with her parents, and so this was highly surprising and abnormal to her (as it was to a lot of people watching). when she said she was disappointed in him, she obviously didnt mean it as “i dont want to be partners with you anymore”. she meant it as “im disappointed and hurt by what you did, learn from this and be better. dont do it again”.
in order for them to become closer partners, chat needs to learn what healthy relationships are like. and ladybug needs to learn how to articulate her feelings better. before this, she didnt really tell chat how much he meant to her. that could been seen in the first scene of the special with the rose and how she was dismissive of his declaration of friendship (and how much he values it). when theyre reunited, she makes sure to tell him how much he means to her -- because she realizes that she hasnt really done that.
in that way, marinette and adrien’s arcs arent that dissimilar to chat noir and ladybug’s. adrien needs to learn to get out of his shell and experience relationships that are healthy, and marinette needs to learn how to be clearer about her feelings. adrien’s social inadequacy caused him to make a huge mistake and renounce being chat noir. marinette’s inability to express to chat how much he means to her (as well as to adrien), leads to chat feeling as though the only way to own up to his mistakes is to give up being her partner.
overall, it’s kind of really amazing that both of the character arcs for both their halves tied into each other. i dont know if im making much sense, but the conflict between the both of them was just really good and is the type of ladybug and chat noir dynamic i was hoping for. hopefully from here on out they continue to develop together as people. a lot of chat’s impulsive behavior comes from fear of consequence (as well as freedom from consequence), and so this argument kind of made him (uncomfortably) face the facts. now he has a lot to think about and reevaluate, since ladybug basically proved everything he thought he knew about the way people should react is wrong.
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk, i hope this made sense.
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
Let's talk about the Timephoon Episodes
This is such an old topic of discourse but after reading many fanfics, videos, and some posts on the subject I have found little divergent takes on the whole subject.
While commentators are of the mind that, for the most part, the punishment and execution of said punishment for Louie's actions were partially if not fully justified but how she went about it was wrong.
Some fanfic writers and some subsects of the fandom but they are much more critical and often in a more black and white interpretation. Which is valid for vent art. However, I find both these portrayals to be lacking in some nuance.
Specifically when it it comes to who's to blame for the next 3 episodes, and to me, its more than just Della (and Louie but there really isn't much discourse here).
Let's start with Timephoon:
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This pretty much solidifies their relationship throughout the episode[Also sorry for no captions]. Multiple times Della is shown to have a very laissez faire style of parenting as she primarily wants her kids to enjoy being kids and having fun. This is probably in part to her personality in general - which is probably what Beakley assumes here - however it is also her want to be loved by her children and even more critically, she doesn't ever want them to suffer like she did. Above all else, she wants them to be happy and feel confident in themselves. We see this in all the previous episode with her and her kids - From Dewey and reassuring him that he doesn't need to prove himself to her [notably in this episode she only shows concern when Dewey himself is in danger, she doesn't give a shit when he almost kills her] to Huey and helping him to have the most fun he possibly can, to even Webby and making sure that she also feels confident in herself regardless in how she goes about things.
Bringing up all these adventures does raise some pretty damning hypocrisy. Della encourage Dewey's reckless behavior in his episode. The lesson at the end wasn't, okay maybe we shouldn't be going on dangerous adventures, it was its okay to be afraid and you don't need to prove to me that you're great I already know you are. Huey's message was similar, albeit more low stakes. Webby's lesson wasn't even that she shouldn't be trying to take such risks to find adventure in the future, it was just a lesson in not being disappointed when things don't work the way you want.
So why wasn't Louie's adventure treated the same? Well... let's look at some more examples of Beakley V Della this episode before we answer that -
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This is right before the kids find Bubba, Beakley's reaction is what most people would consider to be parental as she is concerned for the safety of the kids running out in a hurricane. Again we see Della acting casual.
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Once Bubba is inside and Huey geeks out about him, Beakley actually smiles bc she knows that something like this means a lot to Huey [keep this in mind for l8r]. She only gets serious after Della says it's neat without much after thought so she gives the lesson of the episode - "Small problems become big problems later if not prevented early."
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Next we have Della's faux attempt at being strict with her kids. Letting the irresponsible thing happen as long as they are "safe". While also harkening back to her previous episodes where she also is shown to have this attitude that "the kids can do anything as long as they are safe with ME or Scrooge or another SAFE adult", it is also good to note SCROOGE'S expression here to her patting herself on the back for her parenting. Now he could just be confused as to why Della is taking this "lesson" as a win, but he could be noticing that she really doesn't know what she is doing but unlike Beakley doesn't make any attempts to correct this.
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Another scene that people often forget when reviewing this episode, just like with all her other kids she at first takes LOUIE'S side and decides they should just roll with the punches like always. Which honestly is sort if valid because that's kinda Scrooge's whole MO; though he also had others to there to keep him afloat but we all know someone like Scrooge, Della, and the kids hardly see that. I also want to hammer home that, just like with the other boys, she doesn't shy away from displaying that she loves them ALL. A few seconds later, it's subtle but she is shown smiling and patting Louie on the head because like the other kids she just wants him to feel supported. If I was to be critical, I would say this is possibly because she likes the IDEA of her boys more than them but I mean - this is pretty much everyone's attitude towards kids. It might be amplified bc of her trauma but it's not unusual. But even still I would argue that she mainly does love the boys for who they are as she is excited to get to know them.
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After Della figures that they are looking for a "master thief", Scrooge and Beakley immediately know it's one of the kids. Shocking her since she later states she is of the belief that her kids are too "good" to do something like this. I also want to bring attention, again, to Beakley smiling (ik im putting a lot of stock into expressions but animation tends to do stuff like this for a reason). She is smiling at whom she expects is Dewey for messing with time and space. Bc even if she planned to scold him, she knows it's just their normal. Scrooge seems to also be of the same mind. Later Beakley gives a really good line about "Even good kids can do dumb things. We got to make sure those dumb things don't turn into bad things like destroying all of existence!".
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Mrs. B exists stage right
All jokes aside, this must have been a nightmare for all of them but especially Della. She had just finally admitted that she was out of her depth and made another mistake in parenting. But now it seems like she lost her chance to rectify that. Because for all she knows, Mrs. B will never come back. This is import-ALLRIGHTWEGETIT
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Della is then shown explicitly worried about her family. Emotions, insecurities and fear obviously getting the best of her. We don't know exactly what she is thinking but we know she is terrified of the possibility of losing one of her kids. When she asks about Louie, she probably thinks he must have disappeared without her knowing. That she might have already failed more than she could know, because she wasn't there to protect him. She doesn't know - she is "Della Duck" and she doesn't know how to fix this. She didn't expect everything to go so horribly wrong, but that's her theme isn't it?
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She is both relieved and understandably PISSED when finding that Louie was responsible for almost destroying the fabric of reality (let me say this again, nearly destroying the fabric of reality). She goes scold both herself and her son about the danger he put them in. Later we see Della, the last one leave and seeing almost everyone she loves vanish. We don't know how long each of the characters who left were in the past but we can assume it was long enough to have to change clothes. Yeah this was probably more of a visual gag but like, the other past characters didn't change their outfits when they came to the present so - (also Launchpad was specific about knowing how the world ends so he had to be there enough for him to understand it). Side note someones gotta write fanfic of these characters time misadventures. I wonder if Dewey and Webby ran into Agent 22.
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[Last picture of the infamous scene, side note did anyone notice Launchpad NODDING his head when Della mentioned his time schemes could've cost them their future? He's the only one who knows what happened so maybe Louie's misadventure has more impact than we think-]
Anyways, yeah we know what was said here. But I think it's important to see the reaction the other adults (sorry LP, and Gryo i GUESS) have here BC this is basically why I made this post. What Della decided to do was unquestionably the wrong decision, at least her way of going about it and I will not absolve her of her many MANY mistakes. However, let's remember she wasn't alone in any of this. She was with other parental figures who KNOW more about her kids than she does.
After Louie leaves, why did they think it was good to encourage this course of action? Why did they think giving full parental control to a PTSD, trauma survivor who barely got back less than a month ago was a good idea? Sure it's one thing to not want to overstep your boundaries but are you telling me they wouldn't want to guide her in the right direction at least? We KNOW both Beakley AND Scrooge have their grievences towards Della's parenting strategy or lack there of. Beakley so far doing the most to try and put her in the right direction (which speaks volumes to the problems Scrooge has).
So why wouldn't they explain that, hey, maybe taking away the one thing your kid thinks he is good at ISNT a great idea? Why didn't either say anything about their two day vacation? Something that came up presumingly on a whim and might of prevented (although i doubt it) Louie from trying to steal w/ time? He might have considered pushing back time schemes at least 3 days later. While Mrs. Beakley might be less aware of Louie's insecurities and ambitions, Scrooge definitely isn't. He should have talked to her, and hey we don't see what happens before they leave so maybe MAYBE they did. But again, I doubt it. Seeing as how they all agreed with her at the end, I don't see them trying to meddle with her.
But they should've. They are both experienced guardians and they have nothing to say to her? Plus Donald (goddamn it i almost finished a post w/o him) have THEM responsibility to take care of the kids NOT Della. So they are obligated to help her. Really, the other option other than just well negligence would be not thinking this punishment was a big deal. I wish this aspect was also scrutinized just as much as Della and Louies role in this arc.
Beakley and Scrooge (more so Scrooge) are just as much to blame in what happens as Della if not MORE since they know of her situation in only a way that an experience adult can. There is no excuse for their negligence.
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megashadowdragon · 4 years
jaunes semblance has 7 aspects to it one for each color of the rainbow
There’s the color you think he is, the color he lives up to, it’s a lot of stuff. -Monty in Forever Fall commentaries which implys that yellow which jaune means is not  his true color theme
the symbol on jaunes shield  is a rainbow  and the french word for rainbow is arc en ciel  and jaune has 7 sisters and there are 7 colors of the rainbow
so it fits that the arc familys theme is supposed be having each members colors  to one of the 7 colors of the rainbow  but jaunes color is all 7 of the rainbows colors jaunes aura  is white 
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which is the combination of all colors on the visual spectrum
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consider jaunes base aura color as  white ( I have to point out when pyrrha used her semblance her aura turned black 
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( when her aura color is red in its base state
and his activation of his semblance as a prism where depending on the ability he switches between seven colors of the rainbow (
so I think that while jaunes aura when he amplifies someone elses or his own aura is yellow 
and it changes when he chooses a specific ability which fits with the paladin/cleric/support role 
 2nd  semblance immunity/blocking : he  and the stuff he is using as a conduit for his aura is immune to  certain  semblances which is meant to put a sort of status effect on him or manipulate his body  like telekinesis or polarity ) or to put it another way if it begins to affect him/ if the person trys to use it on him  this ability nullifys it  and works passively for him   where itreacts when someone uses their semblance on him unless its not meant to hurt or mess with the person like rens semblance ( given the trust jaune has in ren  and knowing what rens semblance is when ren uses that on jaune he would subconsciously let it happen  and not have the semblance immunity goes off for it reacts to his desire or sensing a threat )  ( even if he is unaware they are doing it )  after he awakens the ability  ) or the stony glare  which is meant to paralyze an enemy one they look into their eyes or emeralds hallucinations ( but neos illusions would still not apply since its not meant to directly affect him  so semblances like ruby or yang wouldnt apply) or semblance nullification ( maybe) and  the semblance to steal someones semblance or 
think of it as him putting up a shield against effects of semblances of that type  or uses of semblances of that type meant to hinder someone or indirect attack etc) 
 and he can put up this shield for  other people  (in games there are spells to prevent debuffs 
the 3rd ability   the ability to undo the effects of someones semblances like for mercury he could restore mercurys semblance. or if yatsuhasi wipes someones memories jaune could undo that in rpgs there are moves/spells to undo / cure status effects on someone like ( blind, petrify, stun , forget etc ) 
4th semblance  ability to sense someones semblance being used to react to it ( a passive one )  and when he gains it the semblance blocking will activate depending on the type of ability it is )
5th aura constructs  the ability to make constructs of aura  like wings (  vine suggested extending his aura to jaune when he was falling   I thought what did vine mean by that   and then I came up with this ability because how  would extending his aura stop him from falling or being grabbed )
and jaune having angel wings would make him an ARCangel (a term for angel of high rank)
it would allow him to create constructs  of his aura like cinder using her semblance to make weapons ( and this will make it so that pyrrhas polarity wouldnt work against jaune (and I like that idea ) if he created weapons out of aura like cinder creating glass weapons and it will be fitting if his semblance grows to allow him to take a page from his enemy cinders
what if in the case of say jaune losing an arm he will be able to create a prosthetic made of pure aura that will work like a normal arm and after he made it it doesnt cost him any aura  maintaining its existence  it only costs aura to create it once he makes it it stays in existence without using up any  aura   (and he can  choose to undo his creation at will   with 0 aura cost)   so while cinder has a grimm arm which would allow her to absorb the maidens power but it has a weakness of cinder being unable to use her aura   on it to protect it for grimm are beings of darkness which lack aura  because they have no souls  jaune will have a arm   made of aura where after creating it ( and its actually even stronger than his original arm ) he is able to use his aura on it to further protect and strengthen the blows dealt by the arm  (like how when mercury blocked yatsuhashis sword strike it with his legs the fact that they are metal means that he doesnt need to cost as much aura to protect from his hit)  and the force by the things the aura arm can bring .
and is able to cover his scars with aura construct
and what if jaune is able to make it so his fake arm made out of aura  look and feels like a real arm like hisoka  from hunter x hunters texture surprise
“ Hisoka can apply his aura to any smooth, flat surface, such as paper or cloth, and manifest imagery on it to change its appearance and texture for deception. He can replicate over one thousand different textures. He has tricked Nen users of the Spiders’ caliber with this ability, with none of them realizing he had used it, either by sight or by touch. Against Kastro, he utilized Texture Surprise to hide his wounds and confuse him. It can also be applied to pure aura, such as Hisoka’s Bungee Gum, to alter his own appearance.  Since no aura is detectable once Texture Surprise is active, whether through eyesight, touch, or extra sensorial perception, its effects are also visible to individuals unable to use Nen, it is safe to assume Texture Surprise is a Conjuration ability, which is further supported by its requiring Hisoka’s direct action to be dispelled and by a verb used in its description.
so jaune could use his ability to make it so his fake arm made of aura will look and feel like a real arm and cover up someones scars and make it look like the person didnt have any scars on their body to the point that it would feel like real skin. and after that ability is used it doesn’t cost  any more aura there is no aura cost to maintaining the aura constructs existence or making it feel and look like something else.
(and being able to do this adds to jaune being salems good counterpart for she is able to give people grimm limbs which she has a connection to  so jaune in contrast will be able to make limbs made of aura ( an extension of the soul)
and will be useful if someone loses a limb and they dont have someone who can make a prosthetic 
(though he most likely will have to first master his aura (and will probably go to ren for training to master his aura)
6th :  aura drain or aura consumption to allow him to permanently increase his aura ( if the whole theory that he is salems descendant and is part grimm is true given the theory that  grimm killing humans is what lets them grow  and get stronger etc ( due to humans having aura and being created by both god of light and god of dark ) if it is true and aura being sent into a grimm  
or aura absorption ( think of it like a spirit ball type thing and he could do it even if someones aura isnt unlocked and they have to let him do it  ) 
7th aura disruption or telepathy to speak with his team and form strategys ) or semblance replication to replicate someones semblance    (and this is only meant to work with semblances that dont mess with someones mind or put status effects on them like yangs semblance or noras semblance or  blakes semblance and bestow it upon someone temporarily  to increase their fighting capabilities like imagine what ren could do with blakes semblance or rubys   and in order to give someone a replicated semblance he would have a line with them to be able to do that  ( he would  have a line/connection with them to be able to give someone a replicated semblance  ( and ) 
basically the gist is that jaune will have 7 abilitys one for each color of the rainbow to fit with the paladin or cleric role to increase the strength of the party and prevent debuffs or cure them of status debuffs
if you have a better ideas for jaunes other abilities tell me ( and it isnt the first time we saw a semblance which has multiple abilities ( weiss and her glyphs )
and while the arc family is meant to have a color off of one of the colors of the rainbow jaunes color theme is all 7 colors of the rainbow ( which is brought up in wizard of the oz
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arcpaladin-jaune . tumblr . com/post/189229474953/dustypotion-me-realising-jaune-never-had-a  
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