#because he's not really doing anything but i really wanted to draw more portraits of him!!!
crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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She learned it from watching you.
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"Darling, bad luck seems endless." - Bucky Barnes - 2
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Summary: You've always been haunted by bad luck your entire life, despising it deeply, until you meet someone who finds it amusing.
Character: softdark!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 .
Author's Note: Hello, everyone; this story is for thesleepover eventhosted by @the-slumberparty. What I chose is a strawberry sundae with gummy bears as the topping.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more.
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Bucky didn’t trust you yet. To test if what you said about your lousy luck was true, he sent you to his competitor, Damien, a mafia boss who owed money to Bucky.
Damien spent most of his time at a museum. Bucky gave you an order, “And I want to see if what you said is true.”
You didn’t thoroughly dislike the idea because, as an artist, you enjoyed going to museums. The museum was a grand, historical building with high ceilings and intricate architecture. Walking through the halls filled with timeless masterpieces, you felt a sense of calm despite the task at hand.
As you wandered, you spotted Damien. He was exactly as Bucky had described: an older man, about the same age as Sir Galileo, with an air of authority and a sharp gaze. You stood at a respectful distance, admiring the same painting he was fixated on—"Portrait of Madame X."
Noticing your interest, Damien turned to you. “A fine piece, isn’t it?” he said, his voice rich and cultured. “John Singer Sargent’s ‘Portrait of Madame X’. It caused quite a scandal when it was first exhibited.”
You listened intently as he explained the history and significance of the painting. His passion for art was evident, and you found yourself genuinely engaged in the conversation.
Suddenly, your phone rang. It was Bucky. “Where’s the bad luck? I see you talking to him without anything happening,” he demanded.
“Uhm…” You hesitated. You never knew when bad luck would strike.
Just then, a scream pierced the air. “Kyaa!”
You turned to see another visitor pointing in horror. The painting you had been admiring had fallen off the wall, landing dangerously close to Damien. You were too stunned to speak.
“No kidding,” Bucky muttered through the phone, equally shocked. It seemed impossible for a securely hung painting to suddenly fall in a museum. He was beginning to believe your curse might be real.
For the second test, Bucky sent you to a café. “Just choose a table and sit near my other competitor, Ivan. It’s an easy task,” he instructed.
You entered the cozy café, its atmosphere warm and inviting with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pastries. You found a table near Ivan and started sketching another jewelry design for Bucky.
Ivan, seated nearby, glanced over and noticed your drawing. “That’s quite impressive,” he remarked, leaning in slightly.
“Thank you,” you replied, offering a polite smile.
“What inspires your designs?” he asked, genuinely curious.
Before you could answer, a waitress tripped and spilled a hot cup of coffee right onto Ivan’s thigh. He yelped in pain and surprise, the conversation abruptly ending.
Bucky, watching everything unfold on a screen, was astounded. “You really do bring bad luck.”
“...” You remained silent, unsure of how to respond.
“But I’m getting all the advantages,” Bucky continued with a sly grin. “Thank you.”
You didn’t know whether to feel offended or relieved that Bucky was starting to believe you.
The last incident that convinced Bucky was when he brought you to a ball party hosted by another gangster whom Bucky despised, who was there to show off his wealth.
The host planned to reveal a rare diamond during the party, but it was stolen. This was unexpected and seemingly impossible due to the high level of security. While everyone else panicked, Bucky remained calm. He looked at you and said, "You’re my lucky charm."
All these experiences made your once dull life exciting. You started to appreciate the bad luck you had. You realized that working with Sir Galileo was the longest job you had ever held.
One day, you asked him if he had ever faced misfortune. Surprisingly, he said, “I did. My former driver got into an accident, and the electricity short-circuited on the first day you worked here.”
You were shocked and felt guilty. “It must be because of me.”
He shook his head and said, “It’s nothing. I’ve lived a long time and faced a lot of things, especially working with gangsters and mafia. I just keep on living.”
‘Just keep on living.’ He’s right. Even with bad luck, you continued living. Life always punched you to the ground, but you got back up again.
Slowly, you started liking your bad luck. You experienced exciting events, even assisting Bucky in getting rid of his rival businesses.
But then you noticed that your bad luck didn’t happen as often. In fact, you started getting lucky.
You found $100 on the street one day, got a free coffee when the barista mistakenly made an extra, and even won a small prize in a local raffle. It felt like life was turning around.
Curious, you revisited the same paranormal. She said, “Bad luck left after you started liking it.”
“How?” you asked, bewildered.
“It’s complicated,” she replied with a knowing smile.
You still couldn’t believe it. You remembered the saying, “Fall in love with your problems, and maybe they will leave you too.”
Damn. Even bad luck left you.
If there was no bad luck, how could you help Bucky?
Since then, you stopped meeting Bucky, leaving him wondering. Days turned into weeks, and Bucky felt your absence deeply. Determined, he went to find you.
“Do you think I only wanted you because of your bad luck?” he asked, his eyes searching yours.
“Didn’t you?” you replied, your heart pounding.
Bucky stepped closer, his gaze intense. “I said before, you’re the only woman who’s willing to risk her life for me.”
You felt a warmth spread through you as he spoke. "Bucky, I—"
He interrupted, "It's not just your bad luck. It's you. You're brave, resilient, and you’ve changed my life in ways I never expected. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."
You looked into his eyes, seeing a depth of sincerity that took your breath away. "I never thought I'd hear you say that," you said softly.
"I mean it," he replied, taking your hand in his. "You bring something into my life that no one else ever has. Bad luck or not, I want you with me."
For a moment, you hesitated, memories of your past misfortunes flashing through your mind. But then you realized that with Bucky, you had faced and overcome those challenges together. And now, without the constant shadow of bad luck, you felt a new kind of strength.
"You really mean it?" you asked, needing to be sure.
He nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Yes, I do. We make a great team. And I want us to continue, no matter what comes our way."
You smiled back, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over you. "Alright, Bucky. Let's face the future together."
With that, he pulled you into a tender embrace, holding you close. "Thank you," he whispered. "For everything."
You looked up at him, your heart full. "Thank you for believing in me."
From that moment on, your life with Bucky was filled with new adventures, challenges, love, and support. Together, you faced whatever came your way, more vital than ever. And you knew that, no matter what, you would always have each other.
-the end-
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
May I please request headcanons for Cassie, Hanzo, and Erron reacting to their artist S/O painting a badass portrait of them?
When Their S/O Draws a Painting of Them…
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✿ฺ Characters ➳❥ Cassandra Cage, Hanzo Hasashi, and Erron Black…
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ I swear I didn’t forget your request! I’m sorry it took me so long! But I’m back now but for now, I’m going slow. Anyways, take care everyone!!
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Gender Neutral Reader, slight suggestive content, mentions of violence, mentions of guns, pet names (Darlin’) just fluffy fluff…
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Cassie would definitely find many ways to promote/show off. Whether it be subtle ways or VERY obvious ways, she just likes talking about her partner’s skills and interest.
She likes watching you do the painting rather than being the person you draw.
But if you do, especially one that clearly shows off her strength, she will praise the most she can.
She might even cry that you took time out of your day to paint her and even add the perfect detail, almost like a photo was taken.
“I’ll be sure to take care of this one! I won’t let anything happen to it… Thank you, (Y/n).”
Hanzo always loved paintings. Whether they were works in progress or simply forgotten, he will love it all. He adores seeing works that were done with paint and loves the details in them.
Often when he meditates, he looses track of time. Yes, his senses are high but it’s always down when he’s with you.
He can hear how you quietly hum to yourself and hear shuffles around the room to get a better look of him.
Hanzo will hang up your painting, especially one if it’s him using his kunai, the added fire… He definitely loves being your model.
“I love everything about it, you really do keep on surprising me.”
Honestly, I feel like he would prefer sketches over painting, mainly because he doesn’t want your paintings to get ruined if it was still wet.
He knows his strength and how much you love painting, so he tries to touch them with care, dry or not.
He doesn’t rant to ruin it. Even more when he sees that you painted him using his guns, he will say something cocky.
He likes to keep paintings that you gifted him in his small home, or cabin. He may suggest that he model in different ways, if you’re comfortable with it!
“Goddamn! Never thought I looked so good. Always keeping me on my toes, don’t you, Darlin’?”
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#23: The Portrait (1.03)
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Oh, this was such a beautiful and emotional scene. I adore it and it hits my heart every time 🥹💗. Right now Rick and Michonne differ because Rick's mission is to bring her home and Michonne’s mission is to bring them home. And as Michonne starts to feel weighed down by their current dilemma, she gets a lovely dose of restored hope when she meets the Civic Republic's portraitist - the very artist who played a major role in Michonne learning Rick was alive and who has helped both Rick and Michonne remember to keep believing along their journey...
So Michonne gets off a bus and her voice-over says, “Shoto, it’s Daito. Someone told me I had to know when to go.” I love that she's again talking to Judith and that she stays holding onto Nat’s words and memory.
And then we see her visiting that little outdoor market area similar to Rick at the top of the ep. And also similar to Rick, she looks behind her observing the place. I like how that parallel again affirms that these two Grimes really are cut from the same cloth. 
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gif cred: @taiturner
Michonne says, “I had a chance to go home but I couldn’t do it without The Brave Man.” It’s sweet that she says she couldn’t do it. It shows how she felt like leaving him was simply not an option.
But then she vulnerably wonders, “Maybe I should have.” 😞 It's sad that she has to have that thought swirling in her head. I know she knows she had to stay and keep fighting to bring Rick home, but I think about how Michonne will later admit to beating herself up over being away from her kids too. I feel like this moment might be one of those times where she's beating herself up a bit and wrestling with whether going or staying is what's best for her family.
I also like how prominent the bullet shell is seen in her hair in this shot. That accessory just always reminds me that no matter how upset Rick and Michonne may get with each other, they’re always with each other.
And for me, the bullet shell also is a symbolic reminder that Rick is still that man who would sacrifice anything for his family - it's just right now he’s sacrificing the wrong things. And Michonne is also that woman who would sacrifice anything for her family and that’s why she’s still here despite the hurt.
As Michonne takes in the idyllic scene she shares, “Just when I wondered if he could have been drawn in by the ambition and the hope of this place, that it could’ve replaced us, I found something.”
First of all, I want to cry thinking Michonne even had to go a second thinking Rick might’ve replaced her and Judith with the hope of the Civic Republic. It makes me wish even more that she could read all his letters and know nothing was ever going to replace her and their baby girl. But I get why Michonne’s mind could go there briefly because she knows her Rick would never pull what Sergeant Major Grimes did and so she’s searching for what could have caused this new behavior. 
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gif cred: @ex0rin
Michonne sees the portraiture booth and it’s interesting how the first drawing she sees is a woman holding a baby. I feel like this helps paint the picture that now, even if Rick and Michonne have some stuff to iron out between them, Michonne is still as determined as ever on this mission because she’s a mother. And this is as much about fighting for her kids as it is for Rick and herself.
Michonne walks right over to Benjiro’s Portraiture and Art and I’m reminded of how Michonne has always been drawn to art. As Benjiro works on a sketch he looks up at Michonne standing there and then looks down before peering back up, recognizing her.
Michonne knowingly says, “You’re the one who drew me.” And again I think even her just being straight up about that instead of trying to hide who she is shows that she’s over trying to conform in this place. It feels like she just needs somewhere where she can be her for a moment, and she gets to do that really nicely here. 😌
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gif cred: @ex0rin
Benjiro smiles and says, “Yes, always you and the girl.” 😭 Y'all, how sweet is it that Rick had this artist drawing Michonne so much that Benjiro could recognize her right away?? 🥹
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Benjiro let’s Michonne know, “He would come every few months and ask for a new one.” Which is so heartwarming. 🥰 Rick made sure to find someway to stay close to his girls.
And then, even knowing it’s coming, my eyes still well up when the artist says, “There was a boy he asked me to draw but I could never get it right for him.” Pain. 😞 And this line packs an even bigger punch after episode 4. 🥺
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gif cred: @ex0rin
Michonne’s eyes get teary too as she smiles and says, “Carl. His name was Carl.” Ok crying endlessly. 😭 I adore that this is how Carl first gets brought up in TOWL and that he's still so pivotal to Richonne.
The way Michonne says his name is so tender. She loves that boy so much. Also, I love thinking about how now Michonne has a baby that’s related to Carl. Like Carl and Michonne are family in every way. 🥹
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gif cred: @ex0rin
And learning Rick routinely got sketches of his girls and was trying to get pictures of Carl but his fading memory made Rick struggle to get the image right - My heart can't even take it. 😥
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Like truly thinking about what that looks like is devastating. I can picture Rick every few months describing Michonne and Judith in new ways and his eyes lighting up a bit when he sees the finished product. And then Rick being nice when Benjiro doesn’t quite get Carl right even though it’s crushing him inside to know he can’t remember his own son clearly.
But also I like to think that Rick knowing the images weren’t fully capturing Carl goes to show that he does still hold his memory. He may not know how to get the image right - but he at least still knows when the image isn’t right.
Benjiro says, “You’re more open. Took three years before he’d say names.” Aw Rick really was out here describing the details of his wife and daughter without even wanting to reveal their names. 🥲 You know for those first three years Benjiro only knew Michonne as ‘my wife’ from Rick. I would have sobbed if we saw a scene of Rick when he first probably shyly described them because he still wants to keep his life outside a secret but also needs a piece of his girls with him. 😭
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gif cred: @nat111love
Benjiro says, “You’re Michonne and the girl is Judith” and the way Michonne’s eyes light up and get teary as she smiles hearing her and her daughter's name. So precious. 🥲 She’s so far away from home and has been for a long while so I feel like just some moment to get to be herself and talk about Judith is refreshing.
Plus, the timing of this encounter is perfect because Michonne was on the brink of wondering if Rick had replaced the two of them but seeing this stranger already know about her gives her a clear sign that Rick still clung as tight as he could to her and their daughter.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Benjiro asks, “Is she here?” And Michonne subtly shakes her head. I know she wants so badly to be together with Judith, and RJ again. Benjiro thinks Judith not being here might mean something more tragic so he says, “Sorry.” But then I love the way Michonne says with certainty, “She’s okay.” It’s the only scenario she’ll entertain. One where her daughter is not just alive but alive and well. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
I found this portraiture scene just so moving and well done for many reasons but especially because the following exchange gives Michonne a lot of insight into Rick’s trajectory in the CRM and how he went from hopeful to hopeless.
Benjiro says, “He said he wanted the drawings for until he saw you again” I adore that even when he was still so determined and convinced he’d see Michonne and Judith again, Rick still wanted drawings in the meantime. 🥹
Michonne looks up hearing this and then Benjiro says, “Here you are. He knew he’d see you. He knew it.” And ok I’m legit writing this with tears because at this moment Michonne is getting to hear about her Rick. 😭 A lot has happened since, but the man Benjiro is describing - that’s Michonne’s Rick who loves her more than life itself and she knows it.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
I love that even with words, Benjiro is painting a portrait of who Rick was while he was stuck here in the CRM. Still that determined family man.
And then I’m crushed when Benjiro says, “He stopped talking like that '' Y’all, this scene is just a dagger - a well-written, well-acted, well-scored, perfectly-placed-in-the-episode dagger. 👏🏽🥲🔪 Because again Michonne gets to hear about both Rick’s hope and the process of losing that hope.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Benjiro says, “I told him…” and Michonne so sincerely says, “I know what you told him. Thank you. It helped me.” And I love that she thanks him for the way his words helped her too. Instant Benjiro fan knowing he helped both my babies during tough times with his encouraging phrase. 😊👌🏽
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
As Michonne softly touches some of the phones, including one that is very Gimple-esque, Benjiro says, “He found you.” And then Michonne just kills me when she whispers with tears in her eyes, “Now I’m looking for him.” 🫠😭
And her saying this is so powerful. Because it shows the search for Rick continues. She found the man in the woods but she still has a journey to embark on to find her man.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Once again, Danai’s delivery was perfect. 🙌🏽 It’s also just sad because Michonne knows the Rick she’s seeing now is not the one she knows but in saying this to Benjiro it shows she’s going to keep searching for him. Searching for the Rick that Benjiro described at the top of the scene who knew he’d be with his girls again.
And as Michonne holds back tears with a smile, Benjiro again tells her to "Believe a little bit longer" and it’s just a beautiful end to a beautiful scene as Michonne lets those words sink in and nods with an emotional smile.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Never have I wanted to give her a hug more than right here. 🥺
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
She’s gone through so much and still has to keep believing that this is not in vain, and I know she’s got to be tired and even feeling alone right now. But she’s resilient like no other so, of course, she’s going to keep fighting and believing, even if it means a bit more marital fighting with Sergeant Major Grimes. 🙂
I really appreciated getting to see Michonne just get to be her in this special scene and have this emotional moment reflecting on her family members - Carl, Judith, and the Rick she once knew - while also being fueled to keep going for the living family she has now - Judith, RJ, and the Rick buried underneath all the CRM armor. 🥲👌🏽
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palskippah · 9 months
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Here's two pages of sketchy drawings of Queen River and baby Bowser bonding I did for @raysbrainrot! I loved drawing it, thank you very much!!
(Here's my commission info btw!)
Also, here's a few points that I think are nice to say but didn't fit in the drawings :''v (I have so many thoughts of them hepl 🧍)
-Queen River tried to sew a bib for baby Bowser bc he was drooling everywhere and of course she could buy them the nicest bibs in the whole kingdom and all- but she wanted for it to be special. She knew that many koopa mothers usually made clothes (only when needed because koopas don't really use clothes but babies sometimes need them) or accessories for their koopalings, so she tried that too.
>Thing is, she's much bigger compared to her own baby, and she struggled a lot to sew Bowser's name on the tiny cloth, she used no more than five stitches for each letter and even then she didn't account for the space needed, so all she could put there was 'BOWS' with a crooked S.
>She was embarrassed as hell when Kamek asked what was it that had her so upset and she showed him the sewn bib while he looked at it and she covered her face in shame, he started to laugh- and then the drawing happened and that.
>Kamek started almost always dressing baby Bowser in that bib, and soon the nickname 'Bows' stuck for a while, until the queen died and from then on Kamek started calling him Bowser or 'little prince' or 'your *insert current emotion*-ness' solely, bc it was the queen who (without meaning to) gave Bowser the nickname, and it was like a reminder that she wasn't there anymore. With time, the nickname faded into forgetfulness, and no one ever called the koopa prince that anymore.
-Btw remember that baby Bowser had like they/them pronouns mostly bc they didn't have idea if the baby was boy or girl 🧍something about royal koopas idk
-When Kamek told Luigi of all he could remember of the queen and Bowser bonding, there was a very clear fondness in the way he remembered her, even after so many years (Bowser's like thirty-and-a-few years old, so it has been so long ago), and that's another part Luigi thought was very adorable, aside from the mom and baby.
-I imagine babies marvel at the fact that there's a very big being taking care of them, so imagine baby Bowser also thought so of the very big koopa that always was very sweet and congratulated him even when he didn't do anything and cuddled him very lovingly- and then one day she wasn't there anymore and it felt like he lost a part of himself (I can't remember when is it that babies realize their mom isn't a part of themselves?? But :''''v), even if the other being that took such good care of him (dada) was still there, he cried a lot because the main one (mama) wasn't there anymore and no matter how much they called her she didn't come to comfort them.
That's all pipipi :'v I love them
-After Queen River's death her portraits and pictures had to be taken down in the whole castle (maybe except the one in Kamek's room, which he looked at very sadly-) because baby Bowser kept seeing them and getting excited and making grabby hands to the portraits to reach them, and then they'd get sad and would cry when the paintings obviously didn't reach back for them. Kammy and Kamek (with a big pain in their heart) had the paintings and any art representing the queen to be taken down, so the prince wouldn't see them. That's also why Bowser started forgetting about her very quickly, and then they didn't get sad nor missed their mom 👍 cries
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bangsinc · 1 year
Can i request a spot x reader Who likes to draw him and lets him stay in their house.
Also you are life saver since you are the only one who is writing spot headcannons ♡
✏️Spot and an artist reader who lets him crash!(Hcs/Drabble)🗯️
I’m so sorry I couldn’t think of something silly for a title.. BUT TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMENT! I rly wanna give him love since nobody is rn! He’s so pookie
No warnings, just fluff. Mutual pining! Yay!
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For the majority of the past couple years, Spots been an outcast to society, someone who wouldn’t be welcome anymore no matter what he did or how he hid. A job, something that could have saved him, wasn’t feesable anymore, and he couldn’t find anyplace to live.. that is, until there was you.
You were a complete godsend to this.. creature. A place to stay was more than what he could ask for. He didn’t need to eat, or do much anymore, but he still wanted a sence of community.
He could never repay you, never. The only person that’s ever been kind to him is letting him stay for.. nothing in return. As a way to return the sentiment and ease the overbearing guilt he feels that someone (as amazing and beautiful as you) let him into their home with open arms, he steals things.
Expect little trinkets! Oh? You like video games? That’s crazy because he just came across this one copy of..
He doesn’t crash persay, he lives. He craves the affection and love, so it’s difficult for him to not spend every night in your home. It’s warm, cozy, and best of all you don’t seem to care for what he looks like.
And like.. yknow, maybe you guys cuddle sometimes.
As for your hobby of drawing him, he would consider it the highest honor. You see him as something worth replicating on pen and paper? You want to show it to others too?? Congratulations, you just earned yourself a free model.
Gushes over your work, maybe keeps some of it for himself. Oh, he’s crushing hard. Maybe he’ll even try to draw you! Don’t expect anything.. good though. He was a scientist! Not an artist! But.. it would mean a lot to him if you kept what he gave you. It’s the least you could do, make him a happy little guy.
He may not be expressive, but you can almost see the flattery oozing from him as he eyes your work with the upmost curiosity. You’re so talented!
Little Drabble!
The lights of your bedroom, dim and gentle, reflect upon his pale face. He looks around curiously, his expression as it usually is, unreadable. He looks at you for a moment, the hole on his face narrowing in almost panic.
“T—thanks for letting me stay agai—look, I can’t really repay you or-“ He mumbles, rocking back and fourth on his feet nervously.
Your expression wracked him. The kind, empathetic smile on your face didn’t wane once, even if you both knew there wasn’t any way he could pay you back. You stay quiet, mainly to find the right words to tell him. With every passing second, doubt knawed at him. This was too good to be true.. this was going to end sooner than he hoped. You were going to tell him to get ou—
“That’s okay, don’t worry about it.” You speak, your voice quiet as to not startle him further. The weight of your words pressed on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to catch his breath.
“Really?” He approaches you swiftly, a sence of hope painted his expression, the brush that was his feelings painting a portrait of never ending gratitude.
“Really.” You repeat his words, arms outstretched, your smile never once waning. He can feel his spotted emotions get the better of him and he’s quick to bring you into a hug, his face digging into the crook of your neck.
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bomber-grl · 2 months
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Percy Jackson x Child of Apollo ☀️
Pairing(s): Percy Jackson x Gn!Reader
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Honestly I like the idea of an Apollo kid(aka you) looking down on Percy
Not necessarily with being evil but rather being competitive and having fun
Maybe this is when Percy decides to walk on by, he’s extremely skilled with swords so why not see what others do with their respective weapon?
He’s walking by and that’s when he sees you in particular
You’re shots are extremely accurate and one after another with little hesitation
Just because Percy’s a camp legend doesn’t mean he’s excused from doing chores
And so, he’s paired with you and some other people to clean out the restrooms
That’s when a friendly banter blossoms and you’re going on about how awesome arrows are to use and how his only power is water when you’re throwing out trash
He gasps in feign offense and tries his best to convince you water is just as cool as arrows
Although that may prove to be difficult to argue to an archer, and arrow enthusiast
The talents and impressiveness that Percy feels only doubles when he learns of your other skills
The moment he learns you can draw is when he’s amazed
He was never particularly good in the arts but he loves people who draw and paint or anything really
He may or may not be a little annoying with asking you to draw him but he doesn’t even need to ask
We all know an artists love language is drawing their s/o and just as that was inevitable, as was Percy finding said drawings
Not that they were ever secret
And if you ever do the trend where you draw each other? He’ll keep the portrait you painted of him and hang it on his wall with the rest of your drawings.
Anyway moving on to instruments
He’s also immediately fascinated
Something about Percy is that if it’s not something he can do he’s intrigued and if it is and you’re better then he’s ready to learn
Honestly? I feel like Percy gives drums or guitar vibes
Idk maybe it’s just me 🤷
He’d definitely ask you to teach him though, I don’t make the rules
He’s always wanted to learn but with school and constantly having to prevent wars and save the world he never had enough time
Plus with him you’ve got your own built in audience that’ll cheer and give praise
Even more ways to bond
There are a good amount of campers that belong to the Apollo cabin so when Percy is introduced to the them he’s met with a culture shock
Not exactly but it’d be a comparable idea to what he was feeling
He was alone most times (except for when Tyson was around) so he was used to be alone
But with the Apollo cabin? That was the opposite
It was warm and friendly and honestly was sad
Because although it was tight knit we all know that the cabin used to be tied with the Hermes cabin at camp until the titan war..
On a more happy note, now that I’ve mentioned Tyson let’s talk about how you meeting him went
I mean he was immediately nice to you as you were to him but if you show him your skills and specifically healing
You and Percy were hanging out with him near the lake and a very notable flower on the ground was crushed
Sure, Demeter children handled plants but healing was a universal effect
And so you made the once shriveled dry flower, seem alive again
Tyson is so intrigued and wants you to do it over and over again
Which is eventually stopped with Percy explaining why you can’t
It was sweet, and you even gave the flower to Tyson
Later you found out he kept it with him where he went, although it was delicate as it had already dried
I feel like an Apollo kid that can heal is so helpful for Percy
We all know how often he gets hurt so having a built in hospital is all he could need
Only downside is your constant scolding of course…
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seneon · 3 months
hii :3 saw that requests were open ! can i request rayne ames having an s/o that loves cats and is taking care one? pls make it a fem reader if u can, thank uu very much <33
notes. hey anon! i wrote this immediately after i saw your request (but kept it to rent in my drafts) because i have kitties too 🥹 i honestly dk what format to write it in so i'll write in messy headcanons / imagines.
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its just like having bunnies and taking care of bunnies. except he takes care of bunnies and you take care of kitties. at first, he didn't really fancy cats, but especially after meeting your super special cat, he fell in love with it. you see rayne smiling so often while he's playing with your cat. your heart just... melts. it's a bonus if your cat is a kitten! this man cannot resist cute little fluffy things.
expect rayne to visit your house / dorm A LOT. he brings along a few of his bunnies or one each day tho so its ok. besides bringing his own bunnies to play with your cat, he also brings a bunch of stuff for your cat! he'll spoil kitty good, just like how he spoils his pretty girl so much.
probably wants to name any other cats that you want to adopt (he'll make it your ship name heha) for some reason i feel like he'll hire an artist, pay them to draw a portrait of your cat, and gift if to you... yeah rayne will definitely do that. and then he'll keeps pestering you to hang the kitty drawing in your room or something.
you'll feel as if he's more of the cat's father than you are as the cat's mother. your cat is you and rayne's ultimate pride and joy. the cat definitely feels like royalty after the super spoiled treatment it gets.
but look! sometimes you get a little jealous of your cat. so when it comes to that, rayne will switch his full attention to his actual princess. here's how it goes:
"rayne. do you really love my cat more than me?" you asked as he raised a brow at you. "what? no." then it's like an electricity bolt jolting throughout his entire body as he quickly holds your face kiss your cheek. "no y/n my love no. i love you more than anything else."
"really? even more than your bunnies?"
"even more than my bunnies."
i mean, you ARE the first human being that is more interesting and lovable than a bunny or cat. of course he's going to pick you over his bunnies anytime. he can get thousands of other bunnies but he can't get you again if he ever lost you. the thing is, you love your cat more than rayne. in a comical way, of course.
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TAGS ★ @kyoghurts @caelivir @dragonictears kyetsu
© SENEON 2024 ♱ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
only if you feel like it - pt 2 jack kelly boyfriend headcanons??? i love your writing, have a great day! :)
— jack kelly boyfriend hcs pt. 2 —
ೃ⁀➷ summary: just a bunch of cute boyfriendy hcs about jacky !
pairing: jack kelly x fem!reader
warnings: maybe the tiniestttt little sexual innuendo but fluff!!
A/N: please feel free to request a specific trope of hcs!!
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• You are miss “I can do it myself” and he is mr “I know you can but let me.”
• He is a true switch when it comes to cuddling, he loves being the little spoon as much as being the big spoon, and he secretly really appreciates it when you tell him he doesn’t have to be the protector all the time
• Did someone say loyal?? Jack would lie, steal, break, cheat, anything for you
• The boys are alwaysss teasing him about how you have him wrapped around your little pinky finger, and he knows it, but he wouldn’t want it any other way
• During his morning paper round, he’ll pick any wildflowers growing on the sides of the streets, bringing them all back to you as soon as he’s done
• There’s this one older lady who isn’t always around to buy a paper from Jack, but when she is, she gives him a quarter or two to go buy himself some extra food. Instead, whenever she does this, he heads to the bakery to buy you a special treat
• Jack will always always makes sure you’re fed, warm, and comfortable
• He helps you hawk papes if you’re struggling (after all, he really is the best at it)
• He gets so moody and short tempered if he hasn’t gotten to see you or have alone time with you in a while, all the newsies poke fun at him for it
• Even though you’ve been together for so long, he still sometimes will get super shy and embarrassed around you because you’re just the prettiest most perfect thing he’s ever laid eyes on
• During winter when there’s no flowers growing, or when money’s been particularly tight, he’ll draw for you. He draws bouquets or portraits of you, but your favourites are the ones he draws of both of you together.
• In summer when it’s warm during the nights you sleep in his shirts and a pair of panties, partly because it’s warm but mostly because it drives him crazy ;)
• Jack is much more intelligent than he lets on, especially around the other boys, but he’s a really good good reader, and you love when he reads to you. Your supply of books was limited though, so often you two would instead come up with your own story, going back and forth between you to add a line
• One time, some of the youngest newsies were complaining about being bored, and you offered to teach them to play knuckles. Jack didn’t realise you also knew how to play, and ever since it’s become one of your favourite games to play together
• He is filled with so much pride looking at you. He lovesss walking down busy streets, by others your age especially, showing you off
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geralts-yenn · 4 months
Found Family
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Modern AU Melot (Tristan & Isolde) x OFC Nina x Mike (Hellraiser)
summary: Mikey needs some love after meeting his parents
warnings: 18+, minors DNI! Polyamory, non-monogamous bisexual relationship, a little angst, problematic family relationship, talk about dick piercings, double blowjob, Anal (m/m), p-i-v sex, all the fluff Mikey deserves
word count: 5,4k
A/N: This has been in my wip folder for an embarrassingly long time. This was meant to happen before A merry happy birthday (yes, it took me THIS long)
Now it's finally done and I hope you like it ❤
My masterlist
Series masterlist
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I heard the music before I even entered the building. And as I recognized the sound of Mike's favorite punk rock band, I knew it was coming from our apartment. Frowning, I opened the door. I found him in the bedroom, sitting cross legged on the floor with his head bent over his sketchbook. His hand ran in angry strokes over the paper, and he didn't even notice me until I brushed my hand over his back. Mike jerked away from my touch and looked at me startled. His eyes were wide, but also puffy and red rimmed.
“Hey, my love, are you okay?” The question was ridiculous, I could see that Mike was farther away from okay than I had ever seen him before. But the music was so loud that he wouldn't have heard anyway. And it didn't matter at all because he turned away from me, pulling his hoodie deep into his eyes. 
My heart clenched at the sight of him like this. I got up from my crouched position to turn off the damn music. But as soon as there was the possibility to talk to my boyfriend without shouting, he sprang up and stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Mike!” I shouted after him. Yet when I got to the door, he had already left the apartment. I froze in my movements, totally baffled by Mikey’s unusual behavior. When I heard the sound of his motorbike, I ran to the window and saw him, pacing off far too fast. By now, tears were running down my face. 
When I got back to the bedroom, my eyes fell onto Mike's sketchbook. Where there were usually funny doodles and portraits that Mike loved to draw, I found creepy monsters, dark figures and angry grimaces. What the hell had happened to the guy that always was so upbeat and unworried? He had always been the one who didn’t seem to be troubled by anything in the world. And it hurt that he didn’t want to share with me whatever got him to feel so bad.
I took my phone and called Mel. He had planned to spend the weekend with his family, but I really needed him now. 
“Hey, sunshine!” Mel greeted me and in the background I could hear the laughter of Isa and Tristan, which only made me sob more. Mel immediately sensed that something was off when I didn’t speak. 
“What’s wrong, Nina?” He sounded alarmed. I took a deep breath, trying to find some words.
“Mike! I think something happened to him. He was crying in the bedroom and when I tried to talk to him, he ran off. He’s on his bike and he’s not okay. And now I really don’t know what to do. I’m so scared.” I almost didn’t recognize my own shaky voice. 
Mel cursed. “Fuck! I should have known! Please wait for me, baby, I’m coming home and then we’ll go search for him. Don’t be scared, we’ll find him, okay? Mikey is going to be okay.”
Mel knowing immediately what was up with Mike had me surprised. I had been away only for two nights. But apparently it was long enough that our whole relationship was in chaos and none of my two boyfriends had talked to me about it. It hurt.
“What is it, you should have known? I don’t understand, Mel!” I asked him, perplexed. 
Mel sighed. I heard some rustling, and then I heard him talking to Tristan. “I need to get home, Mikey and Nina need me!” Then his voice was louder again, speaking to me: “Mikey wanted to meet his parents. He had decided that he finally wanted to tell them about us. I should have talked him out of it. Or at least go with him. He said it would be okay, but I… I should have known. Sorry!”
Adding to my concern, I felt anger rising in my chest. “You two should have told me. This is something that we should have done together. Mel, how could you leave him alone with this?”
I heard the engine of Mel’s car coming to life and the changed acoustic as Mel had put me on speakers. “I know, Nina. I’m sorry. Mike was insisting that I should go. I didn’t want to come off as patronizing him. He seemed so sure.” As I listened to him, I realized Mel was just as worried and upset as myself. His voice was breaking more than once. I decided now wasn’t the time for accusations. All three of us needed each other. 
“It’s okay, Mel. It’s not anybody’s fault. Just drive home safely. I will try to get Mikey to answer his damn phone in the meantime.”
The hour that it took Mel to get back home, I tried my best to find Mikey. His phone was still sending me straight to his mailbox. I left him messages, but I didn’t expect him to listen to them. Calling his friends didn’t help either. No one had seen him.
I was at the edge of a total breakdown when the door opened and Mel was finally home. As soon as he saw me, he rushed forward and took me in his arms. Sobbing uncontrollably, I buried my face in his chest. Being wrapped in his arms took a little of the pressure from my shoulders. Holding him always felt so damn good. Even when I was scared, or maybe even more so because I was scared.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s going to be fine!” Despite trying to calm me, Mel didn’t appear to be exactly in a better state than myself. His eyes were glossy, and his fingers brushed nervously over my back while he was chewing on his lip.
After catching a breath and holding each other tight for a very needed moment, we started discussing possibilities of what to do next. 
That was until the ringing of the doorbell interrupted us. My head shot up hopefully, but the realization that Mikey would have used his key hit me only a second later. Mel got up, pressing a kiss on my hair, and opened the door. 
“I need to talk to Michael.” The icy voice immediately gave me goosebumps. Mikey’s mom pushed Mel to the side and stepped into the hallway. When she realized I was blocking her way by standing in the door frame to the living room and not giving in when she tried to move around me, she rolled her eyes. “I know this might be unknown to people like you, but it’s rude to block someone from meeting their son.” The ‘like you’ was dripping with disdain. I opened my mouth, but I just didn’t know what to say. I had never been treated rude like that in my life. 
To my relief, Mel stepped to my side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I admired him for keeping his voice calm and steady. “Mrs. Girardi, Mike isn’t at home. We don’t know where he is right now. The only thing we know is that he was very upset after meeting you and your husband.“ 
Mike’s mom seemed to be irritated for a brief moment, a hint of concern flashing over her face, before her expression turned back to the stony indifference. “Well, that’s all your fault. Why did you trick Michael into that relationship? Of course, he’s confused. This isn’t healthy. Or normal.“ Her eyes traveled over Mel and me from head to toe. “I really don’t know how you did this. How could he be lured into something like this? Why would he want to be with someone like you? Michael is such an attractive young man. Well, at least he was, until he ruined his skin with that ink. And he is smart. He could be a lawyer, like his father and brother. Have a good wife and kids. Working on the family heritage. But he is such a disappointment. And with you two in his life, we lost our hope to bring him back to reason. How could we explain this situation to friends and business partners? It’s just so humiliating.“ 
Hearing her talk about Mike in that way broke my heart. Finally, I knew what I had to say to that mean bitch that called herself a mother. “Mikey is a better person than you could ever imagine. He has the biggest heart, and he deserves to be loved exactly the way he is. It’s an utter shame that you don’t realize what a wonderful person your son is. Instead of being ashamed of him, you should be so proud. I am proud to be part of his life. And so is Mel. We love him, and we’ll stay at his side as long as he wants us to be with him. If that is something you can’t accept, it is you who is missing out.“ 
I was shaking, but I wouldn’t turn my eyes away from Mrs. Girardi. Mel’s grip around my arm tightened as a sign of affirmation, and I was so grateful to be able to lean onto his firm chest. 
Mike's mom took in a sharp breath when I had finished my rant. She opened her mouth, and I was already waiting for more hate to come out of it. But instead she snapped it shut, pressing her lips into a thin line, and turned. Her heels clicking on the floor, she stormed off. When she reached the apartment door, she turned her head another time and mustered Mel and me with a cold expression. “You two will be his ruin.” With this, Mrs. Girardi slammed the door shut.
Immediately, Mel pulled me closer into his arms. First I thought he wanted to soothe me, but as my head rested on his chest, and I heard his thundering heart, I realized he needed me to soothe him just as much.  
After a minute of silently comforting each other, sharing a few gentle kisses and touches, I pulled away and looked up at Mel. “We need to find him.” Mel nodded and grabbed my helmet and jacket and held them out for me. 
“Then let’s go!”
It could have been a nice ride if it weren’t for the circumstances. It was a warm, sunny day. I had my arms wrapped around Mel's waist while he was driving down the ocean road. It reminded me of the first time I had been riding with him, the day I fell in love. But today, the reason for the fluttery feeling in my stomach was entirely different, and not in a pleasant way. I couldn’t think of anything else but Mike. The concern felt like a tight band around my heart.
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My tears had stopped falling a while back, but that didn’t mean I was feeling better now. It just meant I was too tired to keep crying. Part of me wanted to get up, get back home and apologize to my girl. I’d been acting like an asshole, leaving her standing in our bedroom without an explanation. But I just couldn’t talk to her at that moment. I needed to be alone. Now I only hoped she would understand. She probably would, she was just the sweetest girl in the world. But that only made me feel worse about hurting her. 
My thoughts drifted back to the conversation with my parents. I could still see them, my father looking at me, so blatantly disgusted, my mother shaking her head as if she could argue about how I felt. If it wasn’t that sad, I could almost laugh about it. 
This wasn’t anything debatable. I loved them, and no words from my parents could change that. Not that I wanted it to change, ever. Even if it meant losing the last strings attached to my pretentious family. 
Maybe it wasn’t that bad at all. They���d been awful to me for years. Ever since I stopped being the perfect son they expected me to be. That person that I never was in the first place. I just hid it well until I turned nineteen. But after I realized I couldn’t be the successful lawyer they wanted me to be, a man who cared more about money and family heritage than about people, everything had changed. 
I had to endure so many hours of lectures — Stop being awkward, go back to college, dress properly, get back into circles that fit your social status, yada yada yada. The day I showed up with the first tattoo that couldn’t be hidden underneath my clothes was a highlight. Mother cried for hours about how she couldn't take me to the country club anymore. What a loss. 
And yet, even though I didn’t hear anything but criticism whenever I met them, I never managed to cut ties with them. Now it was time to let go. If they couldn’t see me happy, why should I care about them?
Honestly, why was I even sad? Losing them didn't mean much. None of them was anywhere near as important to me as Nina and Mel. These two were the ones that I wanted around me. The ones in my heart. They were all the family I needed in my life.
After a last deep breath, while I was watching the waves crashing onto the shore, I got up. It was time to get back home and take care of the people I love. But as I bent down to grab my helmet, a smile crept over my face. I would always recognize the sound of that engine. 
I turned to see Mel parking his bike at the side of the road. Nina practically jumped from her seat and ran towards me. Mel followed close behind. I blinked the new tears away that were forming in the corner of my eyes. Then I finally moved into their direction to close the distance between us. 
Two pairs of arms wrapped around me while I couldn’t do anything else but to repeat the same words over and over: “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
The kiss was messy and sloppy, three mouths devouring each other. I tasted the salt of my tears and the sweetness of my two lovers. A hand was tangled in my hair, another pressed against my chest. While I gave in to the demanding pressure of lips and tongues on me, relief rushed through my veins. This kiss was all I needed to see that they weren’t mad at me.
My own hands worked their way into their shirts, desperately searching for the warmth and softness of their skin. 
Nina was the first to retreat from our clumsy kiss. With wide eyes, she watched Mel and me as we pressed our lips onto each other one last time. Then I locked my eyes with her, my heart skipping a beat as I took in her vulnerable expression.
“Don't you ever scare me like that again, idiot!” she said, her voice shaky. In contrast to her harsh words, her hand ruffling through my hair felt so sweet and affectionate, I could kiss her all over again.
Instead, I started begging for their forgiveness once more, my words stumbling out of my mouth, but Mel grabbed my chin and turned me to look at him.
“Stop it, Mikey. There's nothing you need to apologize for. If anything, I need to say sorry. I shouldn't have let you go alone. I should have been there for you.”
Mel and I exchanged more apologies and affirmations that the other one didn't need to say sorry, until Nina stepped between us, her hands cupping our jaws.
“Can you both please stop it? I’d rather see your cute asses move to your bikes, so we can finally go home and go back to the kissing part.”
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Riding home, I felt strangely lost, and it took me a while until I realized I missed Mikey and Nina, even though we had kissed only minutes ago. The need to feel them weighed heavily on my heart. But I was glad that Nina had decided to ride with Mike. He needed her more than I did right now. I wouldn’t have wanted him to feel alone. 
When we entered our apartment, I sent them to the bedroom with a slap on their asses before I made my way to the kitchen. Going through the cabinets, I grabbed snacks for us and put them on a tray. I added three mugs with tea bags, and while I was waiting for the kettle, I took out my phone and typed a message. 
The immediate answer put a smile on my face. I put the phone away, filled our mugs and went to join them in the bedroom.
“Hey, I’m surprised the two of you are not yet naked and fucking,” I said with a wide smile on my face. Mike and Nina lay on the huge bed, their limbs tangled. I put the tray onto the nightstand and Mike immediately jumped up to grab some pistachios. 
Still chewing, he apologized: “Sorry, I’m bad company today, I think I need more cuddles before we can move on to the X-rated stuff.” The puppy eyes he gave me melted my heart.
I dropped on the bed next to them and brushed a few locks from Mikey’s forehead.
“Don’t start apologizing again. Nina and I don’t care. You can take from us whatever you need. Cuddles, talking, fucking… Whatever you ask for, we’re in.”
Nina looked up from her place on Mikey’s chest with a smile, nodding softly.
Mike let out a small laugh. “Yeah, I’ll take that. Exactly in this order!”
All three of us moved to sit against the headrest, but somehow it just didn’t feel right. We were not close enough. I shook my head. “No, that’s not good.” I exclaimed. “Take off your clothes.”
Mike gave me a raised eyebrow and Nina laughed. “Stop being a horndog, Mel!” she shouted with fake disgust in her voice. 
All three of us snickered, but then I explained to them that skin-on-skin contact releases oxytocin and endorphins. That was reason enough for them to spread their clothes all over the floor. 
I got rid of my clothes, too and settled against the headrest again. This time, I guided Mike to sit between my thighs and pulled him back to lean on my chest. Nina clung to one of Mike’s thighs like a koala, her head resting on his lap. This was so much better. 
My heart clenched when Mike told us about his visit with his parents. He had let them know he was happily in love and they reacted with disgust and hate. I wished I could take the hurt he felt from him. He didn’t deserve any of this. And they undeniably didn’t deserve him. 
Mike had stopped talking but his face couldn't hide his pain. I pressed soft kisses on his neck. “You know, family has nothing to do with genes and biology,” I told him. My mind went back to my own experiences. I had never known my biological parents, yet, I was lucky to say I had a wonderful family. And Mike needed to understand that he was part of it, too.
“If they can’t accept who you are, they are not worthy of your love. There are other people who will gladly have you as a part of their life. You are family to Nina and me. And you are family to my mom and my brother. They love you, Mikey!” 
Nina wrapped her arms around Mikey’s waist and nodded. “You are also family to my parents, Mike. You know they adore you.”
Mike didn’t answer, but I felt the tension dissolving from his shoulders. Slowly he relaxed against my chest, taking deep breaths. 
We sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes. One of my hands was playing with Mike’s curls, the other resting on his chest. Nina was brushing slow circles over Mike’s legs. Mike sighed deeply. “Thank you.” he whispered. “I love you two so much.” 
With time, our hands and mouths started to explore our bodies, lazy touches and kisses. I had my face buried in the crook of Mike’s neck when I heard the sweet giggles of Nina.
“You're definitely moving on from the cuddling and talking part to the fucking part, down there, Mikey!” she laughed and Mike and I both joined in.
“Hey, that's not my fault,” he answered. “How is he supposed to stay soft when you're playing with my piercing constantly?”
More of our laughter filled the room.
Nina shrugged, her head still on Mike’s hip. “I'm sorry, I just love your pierced dick.”
I let out an amused huff. “She really does. My cock is jealous of all the attention yours always gets. Maybe I should get myself a piercing too.” It wasn’t really a joke. I had thought about it a few times already, but I had never mentioned it to Nina or Mike before. 
In answer to my words, Mike and Nina both let out some really sexy noises. Mike looked up at me with a wide grin plastered over his face.
“Oh, I wouldn't be opposed to that. I always wanted to know how it feels on the receiving end.”
A picture flashed through my head: My dick, a metal bar in it, and Mikey’s and Nina’s beautiful faces and mouths in front of it. Damn!
“Hey, Mel, did your cock just twitch in fear or anticipation?” Mikey asked, mischief in his eyes as he watched me.
“Probably both!” I answered honestly, and we all fell back into laughter.
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Nina’s fingers running up and down my length and Mel’s hardening dick pressing against my lower back did wonders to help me forget. Mel’s hand sneaked up to my neck and, with just enough authority to make me all horny, he turned my face to meet his. His mouth pressed hard against me, his tongue sliding over the seam of my lips, asking for entry. I opened my mouth for him, and Mel instantly devoured me. I let him swallow my surprised gasp when Nina’s tongue brushed over the tip of my throbbing cock.
“Damn, peanuts, you really know how to cheer me up!”
It was a fault to let go of Mel’s mouth, I thought for a second, because my sweet boy took this chance and wriggled free from under me. But then he moved to sit on his heels next to Nina, bending down, his tongue darting out to tease me. Yeah, I judged too quickly, I wasn���t mad anymore about him moving. 
Goddamn, I was a mess, swearing and moaning, watching Mel and Nina make out, my dick right in the middle. That was the best kiss I ever got, and my mouth wasn’t even taking part. But who was I to complain? I closed my eyes, let my head fall back, and focused on the incredible feeling of the two wet, warm mouths on me.
“I really can’t blame you,” I heard Mel’s deep voice saying. “This dick is seriously so damn pretty.” They were giggling. Giggling! With my dick right in front of their faces. 
“It really is. It’s unfair. How can he have such a terribly handsome face and a cock so beautiful it’s almost a shame to sit on it and hide it?”
I barked out a laugh at Nina’s remark. At the same time this weird praise sent a warm feeling through my chest. Their lips and tongues went back to nip and suck on me. I was getting close, my breath coming in hitches, but it was just never enough to get me over the edge. I needed more. More of their warm bodies pressed against me. More of their own pleasure. More of them.
“I need to feel you both! Please!” I sounded desperate, but I didn’t care. I didn’t have to hide my needs from them. The realization hit me like a truck. This is where I belonged, where I could be myself and wouldn’t be judged. Whenever I was in their arms, I was home. 
“Come here!” Mel was kneeling at the edge of the bed, his thighs spread wide. Before I could even move an inch, his hands wrapped around my legs, and he pulled me down to him. Teasingly slow, his hands brushed along my thighs until they were resting on my knees. Mel pressed them down, opening me wide to him. Nina came back into my view, handing over a bottle of lube to Mel. 
“Thank you, babe!” Mel and Nina shared a fierce kiss, Mel’s teeth pulling on her bottom lip when she pulled back again. My heart was racing in my chest in anticipation as I watched them spreading lube over their fingers and Mel’s dick. Another squeeze of the cool liquid ran down my ass crack, and Nina’s fingers guided it into the tight ring of muscle. Then I felt the pad of her finger slowly working me open.
It didn’t take long for her to find the spot that made me lose control. I was moaning, desperately squirming as I tried to fuck myself on her hand. I looked down and saw Mel fisting his cock as he watched us. How could I not totally lose my mind when they played me like this? Nina took pity on me and added a second digit, but it still wasn’t enough. 
“Please, I’m ready to take you, Mel. And I need you to take me!” I cupped Nina’s cheek with my hand, looking pleadingly into her eyes. Nina’s fingers slipped out of me, and I winced at the loss. 
But it was only seconds until I felt the tip of Mel’s cock pressing against my ass, and I sighed in relief. In the torturous way that Mel enjoyed so much, he leisurely eased into me. He stilled completely when he was buried to the hilt. I was just a second from crying out my frustration when Nina threw a leg over my torso and sat right down onto my dick.
She was so soft and tight and warm around my cock. And damn, Nina wasn’t holding back. She fucked me fast and hard. 
“Here I was thinking we’re going to make tender love!” Mel snort-laughed, and I swear I felt his dick twitch inside me. He looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“You just wanted to make me go insane,” I told him, mirroring the teasing expression. “But I need you to go rogue with me. Fuck me into next week! Or better next month!”
That didn’t need an answer. At least not a verbal one. Mel’s grip on my thighs became more rigid. His hips slammed into me forcefully, and I moaned with every of his brutal thrusts.
Nina bent forward, and her gorgeous tits bounced straight into my face. This must be heaven. I felt I was getting close. But I didn’t want to go there just yet. I needed more of this. I tried to count backwards from 100, but Mel rutting into me with every number I came up with wasn’t helping. Fuck it, I was lost. I planted my feet on the bed and started to pound up into Nina, crashing into Mel with every back stroke. If I go down, I go down with flying colors.
Nina was getting close, too, I felt it. My hand moved to where we were joined, my fingers rubbing over her swollen nub. Yeah that will do the trick. Her mouth fell open, and she was making all those sweet noises that make me so horny. She started to pulse around my dick. Here we go! A few more strokes and then Nina came all over my cock, and she pulled me right with her. I think I cried out some words while I exploded in her, but don’t ask me what it was. My brain is not working right now. There's just this fluffy, warm feeling rushing through my body.
Nina crashed into my chest and her mouth found mine. Nothing better than some post coital kissing.
Mel was bending down, too, to take part in this mid-fuck cuddling. The new angle felt heavenly. I just came, but damn if I didn’t want to keep going with whatever Mel was doing to me here. But it didn’t take him long and he was a goner, too. He pulled out of me and came all over my stomach and Nina’s ass. Panting, he lay down onto my other side and made me the happiest man on earth, thoroughly fucked, one perfect human being in each arm.
A long make-out session later, Nina locked her eyes with me.
“Are you okay?”
I smiled like the idiot I am. “The perfect amount of sticky, sweaty and happy!” 
Mel pressed a kiss on my cheek. “That’s what we were going for!” I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and embraced the content sleepiness that took me over. 
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The sound of the doorbell woke me from a very nice dream, one of the kind where you’re naked and not freaking out. 
Mel tapped me on my shoulder. “This is for you,” he said. I frowned, trying to make it make sense. I searched my brain for possible appointments I could have forgotten and came up blank. What doesn’t mean that there isn’t one, I’m really great at forgetting shit. I leaned up on my elbows and shouted as loud as I could: “One moment! Be right there!”
But with one glance at me, Mel shook his head. “Nah, you go take a shower first. I’m not letting her see you like this.” Yeah, now I was even more confused, but he wasn’t wrong. I was in no state to welcome any guest.
Mel pressed a kiss on my cheek, another one on Nina, who was mumbling unintelligible words into the covers next to me. The semi I was sporting grew a little firmer as I watched Mel grabbing some boxers and a shirt. Yeah, time for a shower! A cold one!
I felt a lot more awake when I emerged from the bathroom ten minutes later. The smell of coffee was wafting through the air, luring me into the kitchen. I was still clueless who was at the door for me that early in the morning. Well, at least I guess it’s early, I hadn’t checked, to be honest. 
I let out a surprised huff when I saw Catherine sitting at the table. A warm smile formed on my face and I rushed forwards to give her the big hug she deserved. I love Mel’s mom, She’s a queen!
As I pulled back, I changed my face to the apologizing frown everyone around me knew too well. “What did I miss? Sorry, I forgot!” 
But Catherine’s smile only widened as she shook her head. “No, darling. You didn’t forget anything. This is a little surprise visit. I thought about taking you out for breakfast.”
I turned my head to Mel and Nina, who were busy with eggs and pans. “Yay, peanuts, put that stuff back into the fridge, we’re going out.”
I took the last sip from my milkshake that had just the perfect disgusting amount of sugar I needed to get through this morning. I had talked about my dysfunctional family for twenty minutes straight, but Catherine didn’t look like she minded. Her eyes never left mine, and she gifted me with more of her warm smiles. 
All three of them answered with a laugh. Catherine put her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder. “No, sweetheart. I want to spend some time just with you.”
“Oh honey! I can’t believe how ignorant they all are.” There was so much empathy in her eyes as she talked to me. “I need you to understand that all this has absolutely nothing to do with you and everything with them. It is not your fault. You are the most precious, compassionate soul. I am so glad that Mel found you. It’s a gift that I get to have you as part of my family. There’s enough love in me for another son, and I’m happy to share it with you.”
I wasn’t embarrassed about the tears that rolled down my cheeks, here in the middle of a coffee shop.  It’s not like I could have held them back anyway. 
“Thank you, Catherine!” My voice was breaking. “This means a lot to me.”
“You can call me mom, you know. If you want to, of course.” 
Another sob escaped me.
“I’d love to. Thank you, mom!”
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machlover54666 · 25 days
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@callmeend ive checked every room as best i could (even the other two maps, forgot the lobby, only found notes in the toon rooms anyway) so heres best i could do djshsjsj
ill add in the alts of what they say + where i found them
again im not matpat sooo 😭 yapfesttt
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It's a letter from Razzle and Dazzle to Vee asking to be a part of the next gameshow she hosts
I'm not sure if it's only Razzle who wants to and Dazzle just goes along because they're literally one being or if its just the tradegy/comedy mask thing :P
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Maybe some sort of journal entry or something? From Boxten and it's not really assigned to be to anyone.
Astro has control over dreams (thanks, wiki!), so that probably means nightmares as well. At first I thought "oh if Astro causes dreams maybe twisted Astro causes nightmares" but then the twisted astro description didn't mention anything about that, neither did trivia - plus why would Boxten want to see Astro if he became a twisted,,
okay next note i give up
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Shrimpo literally hates everything
its his entire character, he's a bully as his character sheet thingy states
whats there to say about this note?
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Just a drawing of Scraps
Both siblings state its hard to do something with claws, but is found on Scraps side of the room (judging by the yarn balls on the bed)
rather its a self portrait or a drawing by goob that scraps keeps
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Glisten wooooo
Ok so obviously he might be pressured to be perfect ("I am perfect, I have to be")
I'm guessing it's rather just him being himself or maybe the episodes he's featured in has him as this perfect model or something
im saying episodes bc there is a 'Dandy's world' show, and frames shown in maps - I'm not sure if it's animation or more like the toons are acting though
This 'somebody' could be anyone, but I'm guessing it's rather Boxten, since Boxten's note mentioned Glisten, or Rodger since he's mentioned later
I'm guessing his ability is the reflection trick, guessing by he says he's dizzy when he does it, and that when you activate Glisten's ability, he gets the confused debuff.
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"I should spend time with him more" oh of course you do if you're crying to Rodger (from Toodle's dialouge)
Again, probably just a journal entry
i dont know what else to make of this, but i do wanna know what the crossed out bit actually is. I can make out the first two words, the last word is 'that' and zero clue on the rest.
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Glisten's POV on Boxten's note, since it mentions beauty sleep.
Maybe we're only getting these toons' rooms because the rest are on Different floors? It might've been up to the shows creators or Toon Handlers since it mentions "they"
Glisten isn't a fan of neither Finn or Shrimpo
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The last note I could find, from Brightney - it mentions books and is a to-do list (Brightney's dialouge includes a 'to-do list' and she's president of a book club)
Not sure what to make of this either.
end of yapfest woooo
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in-omni-scientia · 11 months
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Someone has to put a WHOOPEE CUSHION under ⬆️THIS FUCKING THING⬆️ AS HE SITS DOWN on his THRONE and directly cause him to FUCKING EXPLODE
(extra art + biiiig and I mean BIG ramble abt skill designs under the cut. yahoo !)
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The thing about me is that I looooove to have images for characters so so clear in my mind. And then Not do that. Like I have designs for Ency and Empathy and Authority soo clear in my brain but then I still don't draw them how I envision them. Sad !
I hope Everyone here knows I have Designs for them in my brain even if they're not featured here. Like not just General designs how I envision them in the game but SPECIFIC to their skillsposting blogs. Smiles. Anyways here are some notes
Most of the skills as I imagine them in the game are literally just walking around naked to me and Ency's and Rhetoric's designs here are remnants of that
I want to draw Ency with like one of those judge cloaks and some glasses with the little chains on them to hold them. Not for any specific reason I just think he might look cute. Grins
Empathy doesn't have like. Clear legs. It's more like glowing fog making the shape of them. Same for the bottom of the dress-looking thing I just got sidetracked. The top pair of arms is permanently close to their chest area but they can move it to give hugs and stuff. Also funny clouds too like in their pfp I forgot that
Authority's design in the first image is based on what the Authority account said to the turtle abt what they look me. Auth to me is like. A head and arms and no lower body. It's just a shadow if you look under there. Sorry for lying by giving him legs. He can adjust his height however he wants to tower over others. hes probably wearing like roman armour under the cloak in that image. idk. smiles
Technically Conceptualization is the smallest skill because the only "natural" (permanent and unchangeable) parts of them is what is in their portrait to me, but they can manifest limbs and stuff like that; they are just outlines, a little like the shoulder-looking part of their portrait in the bottom left
Drama is the Shortest because to me they are just a little tiny octopus. Kind of like the bit in Octodad when he's not disguised as a human, but with shorter arms? I really want to draw them properly and not on my laptop touchscreen slash phone at some point because I need to illustrate just how LITTLE they are to me. Slimeball........
Suggestion is sooo easy bruh it's just how they draw themselves. Smiles
Rhetoric's front guy he's eating is just the upper body and he's like carrying it with an extra pair of arms I think. IDK. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a little shit at coming up with fancy designs. Rhetoric is actually Normal-Guy Sized, he's just as small as Conceptualization and Drama in that image because I couldn't really figure out a way to make it look Normal otherwise. I'm tired I can't explain anything
Right now I can best describe everyone else as being like, mixes of brainrotdotorg's and scribblemakes' skill designs because they are soooo awesome I want to Eat them. Ah! So sorry!
If any other skillsposters are reading this and have a specific Thing in mind for their skill. Please do let me know. I would Love Love Love to draw things at some stage. Smiles
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swannieluv · 8 months
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖꩜ Portraits and flowers- PLATONIC Albedo and Klee x Child!Reader
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐜: 1,4k
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!!: Slight mention of a bruise.
✦⸼࣪⸳ Part II of: Alchemy, bombs... Family?
✦⸼࣪⸳ A/N: HII!! Writing for Klee is so nice, she's just a silly ball of energy. Hope you guys like it!! Also, a friendly reminder that you're free to send whatever thoughts you have about this or my other fics on my asks <3
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"Stay still."
These two words had been repeated thousands of times over the last two hours. A single command that should be simple, if it weren't terribly boring to sit in an armchair posing for so long.
"I still don't understand..." Their eyes turned to the back of the easel, which concealed Albedo's work. "Why do you want to make a portrait of me?"
"Because you're our new addition to the family; it's only fair that we have a portrait of you to put on the wall."
He wanted to present them with a painting that he would do himself. Although most of his drawings didn't make it out of the sketch phase because he always found other inspiration and left his unfinished projects lying around, Albedo was clearly making an effort for them.
For Albedo, this wasn't just a gift. It had been a few days since [Name] had joined the small family made up of Albedo, Klee and Alice; although they still hadn't had direct contact with the latter.
They were still adapting to the new reality they were living in, in the midst of a great deal of internal confusion because they couldn't remember anything about their past. That's where the idea for this gift came from, something that would make them feel embraced by him and Klee.
Albedo then returned his attention to the painting. He seemed focused, trying to capture every possible detail in his work and create the best possible representation of the person in front of him.
"It's already a great honor to have the opportunity to be painted by the 'genius' Albedo..."
They teased him in a light-hearted way. Albedo was known to many as a 'Genius'. Something in his mind said that the person who told [Name] about this title was a certain Cavalry Captain with, apparently, too much free time for his liking.
He wasn't particularly fond of being called that, thinking it was a big exaggeration on people's part. Nevertheless, he decided to join in.
"And it's a great pleasure to be able to paint the great Dodoca..." he smiled and looked at the canvas, his eyes analyzing every detail of what he had already done so that he could correct the mistakes.
"The mini terrorist will surely want a portrait if she sees it."
"Mini terrorist? New nickname for Klee, I see."
In a small family of three - or four if you count Alice - Klee was the bomb-maniac little sister. Although Albedo was the one who spent most of his time looking after the little girl, now that [Name] is here, she has been dividing her time between the two of them. Whenever Klee met [Name] along the way she would jump around and show off her new bombs, causing the two to end up in solitary confinement more than five times before even a week had passed since their arrival.
And today would probably be no exception.
"Mr. Albedo!"
Klee appeared as energetic as ever. The girl looked as if she had just returned from her adventures in Mondstadt, adventures she could only experience outside solitary confinement. In her hands was a bouquet of orange flowers: Windwheel Asters.
"I did it! I've collected all the flowers!"
Albedo stared at Klee in silence with wide eyes, his panic inside was apparent. He had agreed with the little girl to deliver the flowers after the painting was finished, not before!
But seeing Klee's sparkling eyes, he could only laugh softly and stroke her head gently. The little girl was really excited to hand over her present.
"Thank you, Klee."
As soon as Albedo's hand left her head, she ran and threw herself over them in a tight hug. Causing some of the flowers in her arms to slip, not that that was a problem at the moment.
The seat didn't have a back support, so as soon as Klee jumped, they both fell straight to the hard floor and remained there completely motionless while hugging each other.
The sound of two awkward giggles echoed around the room. The fall was funny, but a little painful for [Name]'s back.
"That was so fun!"
Klee stood up awkwardly; her backpack weighed a lot, even if she could carry it around. The contents of the backpack? A mystery, she always took the most random trinkets out of it. The only thing you could be sure of was the dozens of bombs she must hide in there every day.
"Klee picked the best flowers she could find! Just for you!" She brought the flowers close to their faces; a sweet but early surprise for [Name].
"You didn't have to..."
They prepared to get up, wiping the accumulated snow from their clothes. Their efforts were met with a gentle hand extended to them, just like the day Albedo and Klee had helped them.
"Thank you."
They accepted the support and were finally on two feet. Their sore backs would probably end up having a few bruises from the sudden impact they had suffered, but they didn't want to have to worry when they were having such a good time.
“Did Klee hurt you? I didn't intend to…” she mumbled under her breath, a hand over her mouth as the worried girl looked at them.
“I'm not hurt at all. It's okay.”
It wasn't exactly the truth, but what heartless person would say that to her? She looked so guilty right now, fearing having hurt her new friend like that.
“You could've used your vision to avoid your fall. Why haven't you done so?”
That was a reasonable question. The fact they wielded an anemo vision and weren't actively using it when needed was quite curious for him; maybe he could get the answer he was searching for. All evidence, from their vision's shape to their past clothing pointed out their origins coming from Snezhnaya.
It would start to make sense if they truly had come from the snowy nation, since they could stand the cold naturally without feeling slightly bothered by the lack of natural warmth inside his lab – unlike Klee, who would complain to no end about how her ears were “freezing” before getting her vision and becoming the walking heater she is – and their effortless pacing around the mountain, when even skilled adventurers would find the area rather hostile for exploring sometimes.
Yet, no answer would be concrete while [Name]’s memories continued to stay locked inside their mind for who knows how long. But even so, Albedo was more than willing to help them and wait for the right time when things will finally become clear.
“I don't know…” they answered with a rather puzzled look on their face. Their hands clutching to the hanging vision on their side.
“It's alright, just take your time.”
He put a hand on their shoulder, it was a reassuring action to make sure they knew he truly meant those words. Behind him was Klee, picking the flowers that fell when she jumped.
“Remember, no one's pressuring you into remembering anything”
Albedo's tone always carried a wave of gentleness with it. Years of taking care of Klee had surely improved his skills when dealing with children, she was the perfect definition of a ball of sunshine that could melt everyone's hearts.
“Yes, thank you—”
“What's this?” Klee’s question caught you two by surprise. She was standing close to the canvas, eyes exploring the painting quickly as if she was searching for something specific. Yet her facial expression showed a hint of confusion. “Oh, a drawing?”
“Yes, I'm important now so I can have one.”
They playfully stuck out their tongue to her, which she responded by leaving the flowers on a table and putting her hands on the hips with a pouting face. Of course Klee found [Name] amazing now that she was their friend, yet it didn't prevent her from feeling slightly jealous of Albedo's attention. Though it was more of a lighthearted, childish kind of jealousy.
“Right, Mr. Albe—”
He was gone.
Albedo disappeared without saying a word, leaving them both alone in the lab without any kind of explanation.
“Let me see it.” [Name] ran to where Klee was, in front of the easel. Instead of a half done portrait, there was only a sketch.
Two hours, two freaking hours staying still like a porcelain doll for a sketch. It was quite infuriating, but maybe that's how artists worked? They wouldn't know.
They were so focused on their representation in the canvas that had failed to see the other two faces composing the picture. It wasn't only them; Albedo and Klee were also present in the sketch by their side. Written delicately in a small blank space was the word “family”.
A cozy home, big dinner, and a fireplace. Those images appeared for a second in their mind alongside the face of a familiar woman, but they couldn't remember whose face was that. It was blurred, just like everything else about their past.
"[Name]?" Klee's voice cut their thoughts. She had the flowers in her hands, ready to gift them with it.
Klee finally gave them the Windwheel Asters. A small smile on her face as she placed them carefully in [Name]’s hands. Maybe, just maybe, they were accepting it better than they thought.
“Klee wants you to be happy. Let's be siblings! I promise I won't explode you with my bombs, really!”
This time, though, the one to start the hug was [Name]. Their arms cautiously wrapped around the smaller child, afraid of hurting her somehow.
If Klee was a small flame due to her vision, [Name] would be the calm breeze to carry her with themselves. It's the very concept of siblings, right? Fighting, yet hugging by the end of it all.
“Thank you, Klee.”
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alder-saan · 2 years
Only for those who open their eyes
Brienne of Tarth x fem reader
Warnings : none
angst ? (not much though)
Wordcount : ~1600
You are a painter, and you are searching for models, for beautiful models. Then you see Brienne.
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You were in your room, as usual. A paintbrush in your hand, you were looking at your most recent artwork. A month before, you had an idea, a brilliant idea. You wanted to paint beauty. But not the beauty of Margery Tyrell, or Cersei Lannister, who are conventional beauties. No, you wanted to find men and women with an atypical beauty. You wanted to paint the beauty of the damaged fields workers' hands, of the wrinkles on an old lady's face, of the soldiers' scars. That was your idea. And you thought not everyone would like it, but you didn't care. You would. And you were sure really art lovers would too.
The painting you were doing was a portrait of a young boy, with a scar on his cheek. You did the sketch today, in his house. You paid the mother who was not happy that her child was prevented from working that morning, but when she saw the money you could give her, she agreed. So you drew him. He talked about his life while you were doing this. You always loved this part of your job. You loved to hear your models personal stories. Sometimes it was amusing, sometimes it was touching. This time, it was amusing. He told you how he got the scar.
He was seven, and he was walking to the fields when he fell headlong into a bush. Leaves were stuck all over his head. In his hair, mostly, but also on his cheeks. And when he arrived in the fields, his goat (he had named him Eddard because he was a fan of the lord of Winterfell) ran towards him and ate the leaves, biting his cheek. Yes, of course, it hurt, but now the image of his goat biting him to eat leaves made him laugh.
And you came back to the castle, in where you had a room as the new lord's official painter. A big room you furnished with a ton of brushes, pigments each more expensive than the last, paintings bought from fellow painters... You really loved this room. It was a little isolated from the rest of the castle, and so you weren't often disturbed. It was cosy, with a large bed, and big dressers half empty because you were not really into fashion. It was on the top floor, and the floorboards creaked a little when you walked. You liked that sound.
But what you loved most was the view. You had view on the see, and you could see the sun rise every morning. The light was hitting directly the wall through your window and you loved how the shadows appeared.
You put down your brush. You needed a break. You didn't eat at lunchtime, and your stomach began to cry. You went out you room, and walked down the stairs. You might find something in the castle kitchen quarters.
You sneak into the kitchens and snatched a piece of bread. Nobody saw you, they were all focused on what they were doing. Then you went out, wanting to go for a walk in the garden while eating. But when you were in the corridors, you bumped into someone. Armour? Was it a guard? Shit, you were going back form the kitchen, a piece of bread in hand.
"I didn't stole anything !" You said immediately.
"Don't worry I am not a guard" She replied.
You looked up. She was a woman, she was so tall. And she was... Well she was precisely who you were looking for. Blue eyes, blond hair, pale skin, but unusual beauty. And that was what you found beautiful. In your eyes, she was Beauty.
"I beg you pardon ?"
You cleared your throat.
"Hm, I'm sorry, good afternoon ser... lady ? I am Y/N Y/L, lord's official painter, and I am currently searching for models to draw them. Would you want to... be one of my models?"
"You... You want to draw me?"
"Of course, I'm working on a project, I called it 'Beauty', and I-"
"Very funny, lady Y/L, now if you'd like to stop now the joke, that'd be nice."
Her voice had turned cold. You were confused.
"Why do you think that's a joke? I don't look like a painter?"
"Oh, come on, you know who I am, don't you?"
"I-I am sorry, I don't"
"Brienne of Tarth"
Your eyes widened. Obviously she was Brienne of Tarth. Blond hair, blue eyes, THAT tall... And you knew. Some men were calling her "Brienne the Beauty", to make fun of her. That was why she reacted like that.
"I am sorry, if that sounded like a bad joke but it wasn't. I really find you beautiful. Well you are. Not in an expected way though. Trust me, as a painter, I know what's beautiful"
She was speechless. How could she reply to this? You took her arm.
"What if we talk about it in the garden?" You said.
She nodded. In fact she didn't know how to act. What if you lied to her to make fun of her? But she really wanted to trust you. Did you really found her beautiful? She had to know. She let you led her to the garden.
You sat on a bench, she was sat next to you.
"Do you want to eat? Turns out I may have stole a piece of bread."
She smiled.
"No thank you"
You bit the bread.
"Sho, like I shaid, I am working on a project, I want to paint beauty but not in the usual way. I already drew a sketch of a boy with a scar on his face, and finished a worker's hands"
"Why don't you choose a beautiful lady?"
"First : you are a beautiful lady. Second : I told you I don't want to paint the same people as everyone. I want to make something new! I want to do art!"
"You think I could be a great model?"
"Of course! You'll be perfect!"
She blushed. Were you crazy?
"So, do you want to be my model? I can pay you if you want" You said.
"No, that's okays, I'll do it."
"Thank you, Brienne! Meet me tomorrow morning here, we'll find a good spot. If you want to take your armour or sword, you can, and if you want to dress an other way, that's okay. Whatever you're comfortable with."
The next morning, she was there, sitting on the very same bench. She wasn't wearing her armour, but a blue shirt. However, she had her sword. And she was waiting on that bench. You were late. In fact you weren't awake yet. You had spent your whole night painting the boy, and you needed to sleep.
When you woke up, the sun was already high, and you ran to the garden, hoping she would still be there.
But she wasn't. She had leave the place, eyes filled with tears. You had lie to her. She felt so stupid to trust in you. Of course, no one would ever want to draw her. She was a beast. She was ugly. Why did people insisted on reminding her in such a painful way?
You felt so stupid for staying up so late. Now she probably would never want to talk to you again. And worst, she would think you lied to her. You kicked the bench.
"FUCK !"
Your foot hurt, but you didn't care, you had to find her now.
But you couldn't find her. She had left the city, as she planned this the day before. When you asked the lord about it, he told you he sent her on a mission...
And that night, in the dark of the room, you tried to draw her, from your memory.
Brienne of Tarth came back, four month later. You didn't knew that. You were too busy. You had just presented your project in one of the rooms of the castle.
She heard about it. And Podrick, who didn't knzw about the whole story, wanted to see that. He didn't knew anything about art, but Tyrion always told him art was important. So he dragged Brienne in the exhibition, not wondering for a moment why she didn't want to come here.
While Podrick looked closely at each piece (he was trying to understand), Brienne just walked into the room, eyes on the floor. There were few people, mostly noblemen. She sometimes took a look to one of the paintings. She recognized the worker's hands you talked about. She had to admit you were a very good painter. And she began to look more closely to your art work.
"Look, isn't this Brienne of Tarth?"
She sighed. Were they going to make fun of her now?
But when she looked around, there was no one who looked at her.
"Yes, that's her!"
She noticed the two men talking about her. They were in front of a painting she couldn't see from where she was. She came closer and saw the piece.
That was her. You drew her portrait. Brienne was confused. She looked so beautiful on it. She wasn't sure she was exactly like that for real. Then she saw little note next to it.
The only painting I made without a reference. Actually I was late at our meeting and when I came she wasn't there anymore so I had to do this one from my memory. Brienne of Tarth, my model, is exactly the kind of beauty I was searching for. She does not fit the beauty standards, but she carries grace and strength. She embodies the essence of my project. Beautiful, but only for those who open their eyes.
She looked again at the painting.
"I didn't know you were a model" Podrick said.
"Me neither. I just discovered it."
In the evening, you went to the garden for a walk. You were thinking about Brienne. You felt so sorry for her. You walked to the bench you were to join her.
She was there. She was sitting on the bench. You heart warmed up as she waved to you. You sat next to her.
"Good evening, I'm glad you aren't mad at me."
"Well to be honest I was. But I saw the portrait you made of me."
"Oh, really? Did you thought it looked like you?"
"Yes but... I'm not that beautiful"
"You are. And if you don't like it, no worries. I can draw you tomorrow morning. I promise I won't be late."
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misty--nights · 3 months
I had to pause the rewatch to work on my fics for the appreciation week, but now that that's done with, I'm back. And so, onto episode 4, my beloved. This is my absolute favorite episode of the season so I'm ridiculously excited to watch it again.
Niko's rent envelope has cat and flower stickers, and little dollar signs and hearts drawn on it. I love this girl so much
Jenny's nails are painted like metallic purple. I don't know why, but this brings me a lot of joy. I like the idea of her and Niko eventually doing their nails together, since they both keep pretty nails. It would be a bonding activity
I always thought Dagfinn was wearing suspenders, but it looks like he's wearing coveralls over his sweater
Even if there are no bodies to be found, does no one realize the people who jumped into the sea are missing?
Dagfinn says the magic eight ball tells you exactly when you're going to die, but that is not true. Like, yest, it says outlook not so good before Niko dies, but by her reaction after the explosion we know that the ball isn't exact. It predicts that she might not make it out alive from that whole thing, but it isn't exact. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't think that magic eight ball is as special as he makes it sound
Also, Dagfinn specifically says that the ghosts are jumping towards the sound, so does that mean he can hear Angie too? Of the kids, only Crystal hears it, and the others only notice something in the water because they see Angie's light
Honestly, with the way the police acted towards the girls reporting the leaper and the doctor that "treated" Niko after her collapse in episode 2, I'm starting to think there is something more going on with the people of Port Townsend. Dagfinn says the police won't do anything because there are no bodies, but are you seriously telling me that no one noticed the leapers going missing? Is it part of Angie's powers or something? I feel like a conspiracy theorist here, but you can't tell me there's nothing weird with the way the people in this town act about odd occurrences (and I know I'm skipping ahead, but with Brad and Hunter, are you seriously telling me there was no autopsy or anything after they died? The police just found these kids dead after a party, looked at them and said "yep, must have drank too much, no need to investigate further"? I don't know, there's just something weird about the way the town acts sometimes)
After the Cat King put the spell on him, Edwin physically tries to keep the words from coming out You can see him swallow them before he is forced to say them. I'm a sucker for this kind of trope tbh, so I'm living for it
I wish we got to find out more about Asha. Like, she can't just be a regular human right? Her portrait of Lilith is perfect, and she had the way to contact the Washer Woman written in one of her drawings. I know she said she was on drugs when she did those, but there has to be more to her, right?
Crystal's boots have flowers painted on them???? That's so cute! I love her. Do they come like that or do you think she painted them herself? Cause that would be amazing
Love the fact that the characters can ask the Washer Woman all they want, but the moment they ask for a non-riddle answer they are sent back. Like, Crystal gets to say "I don't know what that means" and "I don't understand" after hearing her riddle, but the second she starts asking for a direct answer she is thrown out of that realm thingy. Hilarious. I love the Washer Woman so much and the idea of her pettily sending people away because they won't accept the riddle is so funny to me
Edwin is still holding the red sea glass after they return from the Washer Woman, so theoretically they could have given Tragic Mick that very same sea glass. It might no have worked, but still, point is that they still had it
Jenny has a tattoo of a meat cleaver on her hand. That is the most Jenny thing that I have ever seen. I can't really see what the rest of that tattoo is, though, but regardless. Love her dedication to her brand
Have to love Edwin leaving Crystal to rummage through the garbage with Charles when ghosts wouldn't get dirty like she does. Monty is one hell of a distraction. On that same note, why is Niko the one putting the meat on the music box when either boy could have done it without getting their hands dirty?
Niko just puts on gloves after handling the meat huh? She dusts her hands a little and then puts on gloves, like her hands weren't fully red from the blood a second before
Niko's pants have a white flower embroidered (?) on the side. A little detail, but I always thought her whole outfit was plain color with no added things besides the mushrooms on her hat
The Night Nurse has like a reading light clipped to her book that she uses to dramatically light her face when she's telling Charles that the world sucks and he should move onto his afterlife
Love that after Charles' flashback is done the Night Nurse asks Edwin what trauma he'd like to relieve. What do you think his worse trauma is? His time in hell maybe? Why the fuck would he want to leave the world? I get why she would ask Charles and why she would show him his trauma from his time alive, but Edwin? It would have made no sense for her to try to convince him to go with her by showing him his trauma
I mentioned on the episode 3 details that Edwin doesn't flinch much in the Devlin house, but he's the first to flinch when Charles hits the Night Nurse, and actually gasps and calls Charles' name after the second hit. It must be a terrible shock for him, seeing good, smiley Charles like this, so angry and vicious against someone. Even if Charles calls himself the brawn, this is different, worse. He's probably never seen his friend like that, which only lends more credibility to what Crystal has been telling him. Maybe he doesn't know Charles as well as he's always thought
After Charles falls down crying, the other three share a look in the background, like they're trying to decide who should go comfort him
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How do we feel about (platonic) bitchkiller being besties pre-Hogwarts?
I personally think they would be fucking menaces.
Imagine two intelligent children from old wizarding families. They first met as very young children. But then after some time they met again at some friendly visit between the two families. The adults go discuss something together.
Sirius is about nine and Regulus and Barty are eight (I think those are their age differences, right?). They are left alone together.
At first they just stare at each other, not really knowing how to act because they were trained by their parents for social interactions, but right now there are no parents in sight and none of them actually want to be polite.
Then Regulus picks up a book, because he doesn't really want to interact with either of them, and Sirius and Barty quickly understand that neither of them is a rule follower.
They ask Regulus if he wants to go with them, and when he says no, they leave him alone.
They go around the house, absolutely wrecking anything and everything. They break quills just because they can. They spill potions, or mix them for fun. They draw moustaches and glasses at the portraits despite the portraits' protests. They go to the kitchen and convince the elves to give them sweets.
At some point they go to the piano, but instead of playing it they just smash the keys randomly, and compete over who can make it sound worse.
They're maniacally laughing the whole time.
When they get caught, I think there could be two outcomes:
1. Their parents scold them and punish them, and then have a long conversation in fake-polite voices that is basically just them saying "I'm sorry, Mrs. Black, my son is a menace and a bad influence, I should've kept my eye on him," and "nonsense, Mr. Crouch, it's definitely not Bartemius' fault. Sirius is older and should have been more responsible. I'll make sure to properly discipline him." And they insist on it being their child's fault to the point where they are arguing while fake-smiling and Sirius and Barty are trying not to laugh.
2. Again, they get scolded and punished, but the parents blame the other's kid, and they argue about it. And Sirius and Barty are once again trying not to laugh.
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