#because if it didn’t happen I wouldn’t have met Nathan
boywriters-blog · 7 months
So…is it ok to request some Yandere dethklok x reader headcanons?
Dethklok/Reader hcs
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of course it is!! thank you for the request!! very excited for my first metalocalypse request heheh o(^▽^)o + added charles for silly ^_^
warning: death (no major characters obviously)
-when he’s obsessed he is OBSESSED
-he will do anything you want him do, genuinely
-being Nathan’s partner is hard work, not just because he’s high maintenance, but because he’s the lead singer of dethklok, everyone in the world knows who he is
-if anyone hurts you? a klokiteer or himself will deal with it
-you will know when he kills someone for you , he tried to hide it but he’s not very good at it
-“what happened to ____?”
-“what-?- i don’t know who you’re talking about- i never met anyone with that name- hey- wanna go have like- sex or something??” he would desperately try to change the topic, he’s visibly nervous, a terrible liar
-you drop it but note the way he reacted
-next time it happens he tries to distract you by pampering you, would even go as far as to eat you out / give you head
-when you finally fully realize what’s up and see it happen for yourself, you aren’t freaked out, i mean, thousands of people die every time they preform a concert
-tbh you find it really sweet, especially since most people he’s killing are total dildos
-he stills prefers to not do it in front of you , but occasionally if they did something to really fuck you up he’ll try to make you feel better by letting you watch
-would definitely write a song about it, i mean it’s super brutal how could he not
-he probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it at first because he’s so shitfaced all the time
-he also doesn’t realize you KNOW and that you’ve known since the beginning, the first time he killed someone for you, he accidentally did it in front of your face
-he was too shitfaced to remember
-you didn’t say anything at first because you always liked him, you thought it was sweet in a brutal way, and the guy deserved it he was a creep
-you didn’t see the next few times, but he started acting a bit differently around you, a little more suspicious and like he’s hiding something
-he ends up confessing it to you in a drunken state, but he sobers up pretty quickly once he realizes what he said
-if you make him promise to not hurt anyone who didn’t absolutely deserve it, he will just be so grateful you’re not angry at him
-definitely more affectionate with you afterwards
-strengthens your relationship tbh
-dude he would be so nervous the entire time about you finding out
-would never do it himself , always has a klokiteer do it
-wouldn’t tell you or hint at it
-he would only kill people that were pieces of shit dildos, he would send the rest to the dethklok prison
-he confesses everything out of guilt, he confesses the way he enjoyed beating the shit out of people who deserved it, especially after they did something to you or got too close to you
-you comfort him because he didn’t do anything inherently morally wrong, and he’s overjoyed and relieved
-he would probably hug you for a long time, like a cuddle, with a few kisses
-you make him promise to not do it again, not only for your sake, but for his too
-he never leaves your side after that
-i’m honestly so 50/50 abt him
-i feel like he wouldn’t try to hide it, but it’s just hidden somehow
-he doesn’t act any different, he acts extremely casual, you don’t notice any difference in his behavior around you, maybe a little more touchy but you assumed it was just you growing closer
-definitely holds your lower back in an over protective kinda way
-would very casually mention it in conversation like “oh ja , ams killst thats guys”
-you would have to do a double take and like interrogate him , he would admit everything but only to you
-he doesn’t want the others to think he’s like super gay or anything for killing these people for you
-they do not care but he’s self conscious
-would move on like nothing happened and tbh so did you, it wasn’t bothersome so why worry?
-clingy cuddles from him later frl
-he probably tells you to be honest
-he’s proud of it
-wants you to be proud of him too
-you sigh and ask him how many people he killed
-he shrugs, he genuinely lost count, but he looks up at you with these puppy dog eyes that you can’t resist
-you groan and roll your eyes
-“okay fine, whatever, just at least try to make sure they’re a complete dildo beforehand, okay??”
-“shhurrrre okay”
-he would he attached at your hip for the end of time
-very VERY touchy, like has to be touching you at all times, likes to show you off as his
-you have no fucking idea what’s going on
-he makes them all look like accidents
-he’s a little more affectionate than normal after he does it, but excuses it with being tired
-went on for a while before you even had an IDEA of anything happening
-he will not tell you, you have to find out yourself
-once you do, you wait for a while to confront him, study him and his actions
-you start to recognize when he did something and that’s when you confront him
-he lowkey begs for you to stay, he would apologize for everything, and get down on one knee while apologizing
-you could never say no to that face so you stay of course
-pampers you with gifts and quality time
oh my god babes i’m so sorry for the couple days of nothing from me 💔
life is weird rn but i will get back to work on the requests immediately!
never be afraid to request!
much love,
Mooshi <3
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twisted-lover-boys · 2 years
Hi- Nathan anon here- just wanted to add to the beastmen type bf saga- and I thought of giving the savanahclaw boys a liger bf, they’re basically a mix of a tiger and a lion- feel free to ignore this if your too busy
Savanaclaw Trio With A Liger Boyfriend
{not proof-read}
We went from mythological creature to hybrid I love this saga so much—
You have no idea how much research I did on ligers because they look so cool but are so sad :((
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Liger beastmen are very rare in beastmen culture but Leona can’t say he’s never met one since his boyfriend IS a Liger
He didn’t know you were one until you told him because, when he first met you, he just thought you had a unique color compared to other beastmen
Leona loves your lazy moments together. Just chilling in the security of his room where no one can bother you
He can’t keep up with your energetic moments so he just ends up cutting you loose with the other Savanaclaw students but makes sure you don’t get too hurt or too wild
Leona tends to be protective of you because of how rare you are. Others would try a bring you down because of your race but Leona is there to make sure it never happens
Leona loves you with his full heart and even if he doesn’t show it all the time, it truly means everything he says and does
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Ruggie has seen a lot of people in his lifetime but a Liger is something he’s seen very few of and he can’t believe his own boyfriend IS a Liger
He’s only seen them once maybe twice before but he’s always thought you had a unique color for a beastman
Your lazy moments together are very chill since it’s a time where he can actually relax from his rather taxing jobs
Your hyperactive moments is when he can get tasks done because you can release your energy by either helping him or keeping students away from him while he works
Ruggie wouldn’t call himself protective of you but he is wary about others more than you because they could easily harm you, physically or mentally
No matter how much trouble you or him cause together he will always love you
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Jack has never seen a Liger before but considering his boyfriend IS one, he can’t really say he’s never seen one now
When he first met you, he just thought your color scheme was cool but now that he knows the truth about it, it’s even cooler
He isn’t too fond of your lazy moments since he never gets anything done on those days because he’s too busy showing you love
Your hyperactive days is when he’s the most productive, usually going the extra mile for a workout or just to burn energy
Jack isn’t completely ignorant on how others would tend to treat you so he’s here to make sure you always feel loved and appreciated
Jack loves you so much it’s tooth-achingly sweet when others see you interact. He is a puppy in love
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
This royal au is making me insane. If you wouldn’t mind I’m wondering how Abram got the scars in this au?
Of course! Please come join my club of being totally rational and normal about royal aus
Since he was only “on the run” for about what. Two minutes between taking out his partner and Day bringing him in, all of the scars and injury Abram starts this storyline with are from 1) the other knights/fighters/trainees at Evermore or 2) from Grand Prince Riko and Nathan themselves. I’ll get into some vague but nasty details below, please take care.
The system at Evermore Castle I think was a lot less organized than the canon Nest, mostly by necessity - it takes a lot more people to run a kingdom than an exy team - and so while the Wesnisnkis are a favored family they aren’t always given special treatment. Abram received special training and Nathan assured his son wouldn’t fall behind a single one of the competition. After and between that, Abram/Nathaniel was set out to practice and train against the rest, and the rest were allowed and even encouraged to try and take Abram out and take his place as favored by the Moriyama family. Most of Abram’s knowledge of how to take a life quickly and quietly (because we all know that wasn’t the way he was taught formally) I think came from when any of his superiors made him kill a failed attacker, one that Abram had caught or incapacitated before they got to him. This was when he’d ‘learn from his own mistakes’ the quickest.
The ones from Riko were, of course, mostly for amusement. He probably thought it was incredibly entertaining to be able to hold one of the single most dangerous men in the kingdom still with just a few words. He liked that Nathaniel couldn’t touch him, physically or metaphorically, no matter what he did. Nathaniel never met Kevin Day because Day had no desire to even see the things the Wesninskis did, much less torment one of them. But I think he had Riko’s face memorized.
Nathan’s were “to teach”, he said. The second best way to make sure Nathaniel didn’t repeat a mistake twice. If he didn’t perform well enough, or if he refused to do something demanded of him, or if Nathan needed to make sure Nathaniel would remember a technique or a lesson. He subscribed to the idea that experience is the best teacher; and yes, Abram knows now exactly how much force you can use before a finger breaks.
So I guess at the beginning there could be technically less scars in number and variety, because Abram had less genuine accidents at Evermore than Neil would have on the run in canon. It’s just that all the ones he has here are deliberate and essentially inescapable.
I still haven’t decided what might happen exactly if/when the Moriyamas catch up to him. But if they can get Abram back to Evermore, they’re going to be pretty determined to break him until he’s subdued and obedient, as intended, by any means possible.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
Please do “i wish you wouldn’t work yourself so hard.” with Nathan Mack ? Thanks
Please Take Care of Yourself - N. MacKinnon
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*gif not mine*
comforting Nate ugh, I love it
Nate watched you from the doorway, you not noticing he had even arrived home. He watched as you tapped the pencil against the text book before bringing it to your mouth, slightly chewing on it before letting out a groan of frustration.
"I'm so fucking over this." You whispered to yourself, Nate catching every word you said. 
He knew you were stressing yourself out to know end over these finals. You were working towards your Masters degree and Nathan was nothing but proud of you, but he also saw changes in you daily because this was taking over your life. 
You weren’t as bright and bubbly as you used to be, your smile no longer met your eyes, and your laugh- he felt like he hadn’t heard it in weeks. Matter of fact, he knew he hadn't. 
The more he thought about the things he had been missing, the more mad he got at himself. 
He should have been here, but he couldn’t help it. He had to work; he didn’t have a choice. 
But he also knew you were an adult and you could control yourself, but times like now, you knew you needed to be prioritizing school over everything, even if that included neglecting yourself.
Nate felt terrible. He knew you had been neglecting everything, including him. He had been away for what felt like forever, but in reality, it had only been two weeks. It was a longer road trip, which was unusual, and it just so happened to be scheduled during finals for you. 
He knew the moment your phone calls had became shorter and shorter then almost nothing- he became concerned. You always took the chance to talk to him when he was on the road, rarely ever dodging his phone calls. 
The normal situation was out the window when Nate had gotten the schedule for the season, seeing that road trip specifically right around the time he knew you would need him most.
You were lucky in the past few years to have Nate home during finals to make sure you ate, took breaks, hell, he even made sure you were sleeping; because if he didn’t, you would be up all hours of the night, cramming study packets in and praying you didn’t forget anything you had read. 
His eyes scanned your body, examining you; you looked skinnier then the last time he had seen you. The bags under your eyes showed that you hadn’t been sleeping properly. The way you squinted your eyes showed you had been looking at your computer for far too long.
You ran your hands through your hair, tugging as a small sob left your lips- the pressure finally causing you to crack. You hadn’t noticed Nate standing in the doorway yet. 
“I’m so fucking done.” You sobbed, “I don’t care if I fail. Fuck this.” You hissed as you slammed your computer shut, the tears falling down your cheeks as you closed your books. 
“Oh baby.” Nate finally made his presence known as he walked towards you before wrapping his arms around you.
“I’m a failure.” You sobbed in his arms as you felt him lean you both against the headboard, “I can’t fucking remember anything I’ve read in the last two days.”
“It’s because you’re pushing yourself so hard babe.” Nate said as he ran his hand up and down your arm, “You can’t put your body through this and expect a good outcome.” He continued, “You’re not taking care of yourself. I wish you wouldn’t work yourself so hard. It’s not good for your mental health and it’s not good for you physically.”
You nodded, not giving a verbal response. If you talked, you were going to start crying again and you didn’t want Nate to have to deal with more than this since he had just gotten home. You knew he was tired from this trip, it taking more out of the boys to win games since Cale had gotten injured. 
“I'm sorry.” You whispered once you finally thought you were able to talk without crying, “I just can’t fail this.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He said as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “and you won’t. You’ve gotta have more faith in yourself babe.”
“I disappointed you.”
“Don’t you dare ever say that again.” He said, a new tone to his voice as he adjusted you to look at him, “You could never disappoint me.” 
“No.” he said as he tightened his grip around you, “Get those thoughts out of your head. You’re not even close to a disappointment,” he said, “Honestly, you’re the best thing in my life.” 
“Even better than your ring?”
“Eh, you’re a close second.” He joked causing you to laugh, “There’s that laugh I love.” he whispered as he moved a piece of hair that fell in front of your eyes, “Of course you’re better than some silly ring.”
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istgpleaseshutup · 2 years
Mysterious Girl // Nathan Young x Reader
(A/N: hey everyone! this is my first time making an imagine so please bare with me, please tell me if i am doing this good or something IDK BUT ENJOY side note - look AT THE GIF OMFG also i am so sorry if this sucks, it is 1:30 atm)
Request: So I have an idea for Nathan Young, where he always talks about his mysterious girlfriend that no one has meet but they always see him come out/in of this car. Only for one day she gets there early and walks in to greet him and it’s all cute while the others are confused and are like “what?!?”
Thank you so much for the request, requests are open, hope everyone enjoys!!
Warnings: Kind of fluff?Cursing ofc, my horrible spelling, idk if that's it tell me if there is more!
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Mysterious Girl // Nathan Young x Reader
I hear stories from Nathan about how Nathan's semi-friends talk about a mysterious girl dropping Nathan off everyday for his community service. Nathan tells his friends that it's his girlfriend, but no one believes him. They make fun of him instead since they never met the girl and there is no proof of her other than a car. Well the "mysterious" girl is me, and I have always wanted to meet his peers, but never got the chance to because I had to leave right away for work. But today was different. I got off work a bit early and I decided to meet Nathan’s friends.
When I pull up to the building, I park, turn my car off, and walk into the building that I drop and pick up Nathan everyday. I got inside I decided to wait on a chair that was in the entrance. I start looking around as I started hearing voices come closer to me. I see a group that had 2 girls, and 3 guys in it, including Nathan. I smiled as I see him joking around with the unknown people.
"Y/n!" He says, walking faster as he sees me. I stand up and run over to him and he picks me up using my butt as something to hold me up. I laugh, kissing him. He puts me down and eagerly turns to the people stunned to see what was happening.
"Who is that?" A girl speaks, but you can't really understand a word she says.
"This is my girlfriend," I smile, but I was very confused why everyone’s eyes were wide. "you know the one that you guys wouldn't believe me-" Nathan gets cut off by the other girl.
"Yeah- no I believed you, I just didn't think she would look like- that." She says.
“In a good way?” I ask, hoping they say yes.
“Yes of course in a good way. No one would think Nathan would date someone as good looking as you.” The girl speaks, but again I could barely translate what she was saying.
"Yeah I thought she would be some old grandmother again." The taller guy says.
"Again?" I ask turning to Nathan growing even more confused.
"Doesn't matter, but everyone this is Y/n, babe meet Simon, don't be afraid he always looks like he wants to do weird shit to you.” I felt a little bad for Simon as he hasn’t spoke at all this whole time.“There is Kelly, Alisha, and Curtis."
"Sorry for being so shocked, we expected either someone a lot uglier, or- just- not you." Alisha says.
"It's okay,” I think? I say to myself. “It's lovely to meet you guys." I smile and grab Nathan's hand and we start walking away, back to my car. "That was something."
"Yeah why the hell do they think I would only shag ugly people?" Nathan asks, trying to think of any possible answer. We get in the car and I look at him.
"You're welcome for proving them wrong." I say, grabbing his face for a kiss.
The end
THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT THIS FAR, and again thank you so much for requesting this! I literally wanted to like explode writing like kissing things idk why but anyways THANK YOU I love you guys :)
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A Lot To Talk About | Misfits AU
Pairing: Nathan x Lydia (OC - Hard Candy’ verse)
Word Count: 1,1 k
Warning: Strong language
I knew someday I would slip up, I didn't think it would be so soon, but I knew. I'm too clumsy not to mess things up even a little bit. So I accidentally wore a corset with my hair up to a concert, leaving my shoulders bare. When I realized it, I immediately let my hair down, but that was about halfway into the performance.
All I could do was pray that no one saw the birthmark, but I wouldn't be telling you this story if no one actually saw it… Some people did see it and there was a little bit of gossip over it, but soon enough, everyone had forgotten about it, or so I thought.
"Are you sure you're okay with being a bridesmaid? It might call too much attention…" Simon whispered as Nathan and I left his flat after a little double-date dinner to plan his wedding.
"I'm literally on the cover of Esquire right now, I think we're a little past calling attention to myself," I joked.
"I know, but mum and dad will be there, and our grandparents, and little Lydia…"
"Do you not want me as Alisha's bridesmaid?" I frowned.
"Of course I want you to, Peanut! You're my sister, how could I not want you there? I'm just worried about your… Situation."
"Um, guys?" Nathan poked my shoulder, his voice trembling slightly.
"One second, Natty, this is important," I said without turning away from Simon. "No, really! THIS is important!"
When Simon and I turned around, our father was standing there, agape, pale as chalk, looking like he just saw a bloody ghost.
"Shit…" I muttered.
"D'you think he heard it?" Nathan whispered.
"I am literally 10 feet away, of course I heard it," dad finally spoke up.
"Hi, Charles," I smiled sheepishly at him, my brain trying to pretend nothing happened. "You remember me, right? We met once at the grocery shop-"
"I think we've met a little before that, didn't we?" He chuckled.
Simon was paralyzed with fear, I know he was internally beating himself up for exposing me like that, but to be honest, it was a lot less scary than I imagined it would be.
"Dad, Lyddie is my friend you know… She's like a sister to me… And Alisha too…" Si stuttered nervously.
"I knew that birthmark looked familiar," dad walked towards me, slightly teary. "And those eyes as well. What happened to you, Blossom?"
"Well, it's a long story," I grimaced. "Do you remember that storm a couple of years back?"
"So, my kids are superheroes, and my kids' spouses are also superheroes… And half of this town are superheroes."
"Or supervillains," Simon added. "We've met some people who were really dangerous and used their powers for evil."
"So you're saying, you are my Blossom in ten years?" Dad stared blankly, in shock from all the information we just dumped on him.
"Yes, but I go by Lydia or Lyddie now, I still hate that name."
I had seen him a couple of times from afar, but we were never able to really talk. It pained me so much to stay away from him, to never call him dad again.
"Lydia," he smiled, tears running down his face. "I am so proud of you, you are so brave and so talented. You're everything your mother and I raised you to be."
"Thank you, dad," I sobbed, unable to hold back any longer, and he held me, gently kissing my forehead. "I missed you so much."
"How long has it been?"
"About two and a half years."
"Oh, sweetie! It's alright, it's okay," he rubbed my back soothingly.
"Don't tell mum, she's gonna freak out."
"But Lydia…"
"Please, dad, please don't tell her. You know how she can get."
"Fine, I won't, but I think she would like to meet you, I couldn't imagine a better future for you."
"That's because you don't know Nathan," Simon muttered mockingly.
"What? What are you talkin' about?" Nate scoffed dramatically. "I am a perfect gentleman, sir, nothing t'worry about."
"I can see it in your face, kid…" dad looked him up and down. "That isn't true, but if my daughter loves you and chose to marry you, she must have a good reason."
"Aw, thanks, dad!" Nathan tilted his head
"Don't push it, Nats," I warned playfully.
"What is your power?" Dad asked, narrowing his eyes.
"I'm immortal and I can also do reality warping, it's kinda like bein' a magician, but without the tricks."
"Interesting… would you mind showing me?"
"No, not at all," Nathan smiled, happy to show off his powers any chance he got. "Lyddie mentioned a few times you're a fan of Guinness, right?"
"Then cheers, man," he snapped his fingers and a can appeared in the palm of his other hand.
"Wow!" Dad took the can with an amazed smile. "I like this one, Lydia."
"Don't get ahead of yourself," Simon teased. "He's usually a completely different person."
"Just get over it, Barry," Nathan leaned back smugly. "My father-in-law likes me."
"Barry?" Dad looked at me confused and I simply shrugged.
"No, my father doesn't know you well enough," he countered with a smirk. "Should I tell him about that volunteer we had… What was her name, Lyddie? The blonde one that was a bit older."
"You mean Ruth?" I smiled, taking the opportunity to push my husband's buttons.
"Ruth! That's right, dad you're not gonna believe it-"
"NO!" Nathan shouted. "If you tell 'im that, I'm gonna tell 'im about the shapeshifter, should we go there?"
"Then I'll tell him about that time you got that tattoo."
"And I'll tell 'im about the very interesting things you had t'say when Alisha  touched you with her old power."
"So I'll tell him about what you did to Nikki's mattress."
"Stop that!" I laughed. "We have more than enough incriminating stories about each other, our father doesn't need to know any of them!"
"But… now I'm curious, I wanna know all of them," dad grinned, making me regret not telling him sooner. He was acting so cool about the whole thing, I was so happy to have him back.
"Convenient for you to say that, Lollipop," my husband taunted. "You wouldn't want me t'mention the bet with the pills, right?"
"Or what you used to do with Nathan in the Community Centre…" Simon joined.
"Okay, seems like we have a lot to talk about," dad cracked open his beer. "Let's start from the beginning, how did you and my daughter meet, Nathan?"
"That's a cool story," he started. "So, I was playin' bowling one night, right?"
Tag List: @seanfalco @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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newmiriamsmysteries · 2 months
[Blurb - "My Name Is..."]
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The Officer looked at me intently from across the table.  His cheeks were puffed and red from carrying around his hefty frame.  His belly hung over his belt, his shoulders nearly broke the seams on the suit jacket he wore.  He was definitely a desk cop.  A manila file folder sat open before him, I could see my own mugshot and criminal record looking back at me.
Nathaniel stood by the door looking defiant at my being there.  His arms crossed over his chest and his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.  His tie was loose and hung around his neck.  His hair was a mess from too many nights of sleeping on the couch in his office.
  “Let’s try this again,”  The Nameless Cop began.  I sat back in my seat, my teeth clenched and eyes narrowed.  This was not how I wanted to spend my Friday night -
“What’s your name?”  The Cop asked me, I kept silent and glanced at James.  The Detective nodded but offered no words. 
“My name is Miriam Wallace,” I said flatly.  
“Can you tell me, Ms. Wallace, what it is you do?”  The Cop questioned. 
“Miss.  It’s Miss Wallace.”  I replied, the Cop huffed but didn’t comment.  “I’m a Private Investigator.  My License number is 137596.”
“Go on.”  The Cop said.
“You want more?”  I asked, my eyes widened.  I took his silence to mean he did.  “I was born in Louisiana to Detective Robert Wallace and his wife, Monica. I have one older brother and one older sister. I moved to Williamsport when I was eighteen years old.”
“I am told by Detective Walton,”  The Cop said, gesturing his eyes to Nathan who hadn’t moved from his post by the door.  “That you are on Retainer for this very Police Department as a Crime Scene Investigator and Paranormal Consultant?” His eyebrows raised as he read the last part.  
“I can see ghosts.”  I shrugged.  “I also move in Paranormal circles.  I know Williamsport’s resident Vampire Clan and Werewolf Pack.  So if that’s all -  I’d like to get going, I’m late for dinner.” I started to get up.
“Uh-uh.  Sit down.”  The Cop said.  I sighed and did.  
“Captain, I don’t think this questioning is necessary.”  Nathan finally spoke up.  “I can make a full report of the situation for you.  There’s no need to keep her any longer.” 
“You would go to bat for your pet freak, wouldn’t you, Walton?”  The Captain said and looked back at me, “You were found standing over the body of a murdered man outside of an underground club known as ‘Heartbeat’.  Gunpowder residue on your hand.  Care to explain it.”
“Self defense,”  I said with another shrug.  My eyes narrowed as he called me a ‘freak’ and anger flared in my chest.  
“He was a Vampire, he was coming for me, I shot him,”  I added evenly.  
“But if he was a ‘Vampire’, how is he dead in my Morgue?”  The Cop asked.  
“My gun fires specially made silver bullets, forged in Holy Ash from the Local Catholic Diocese.  One perfectly aimed shot - one dead Vampire.” 
“You don’t get it, do you?  You’re under some serious charges, Detective.  You’ve got a murder wrap hanging over your head and all I have to do is say the word.  You’ll be on trial by next week and dead a week later.”  The Captain threatened.  
I stood up, put my hands on the table, and leaned forward.  “No, Captain, you don’t get it.”  My voice was cold and even. My anger had turned to rage as it grew within me and I didn’t like the feeling.
“I can read you like an open book.  I can feel everything you’re feeling.  I know everything you’re thinking.  You’re scared.  You don’t want to believe in the monsters.  You want to close your eyes and forget they exist.  Well, guess what, pal, I am one of those monsters.  The only reason why this city is still standing is because of me.  If anything happens to me, not only would you have the Alpha of the Wailing Moon Pack on your ass; but you’d also have Vampires making meals out of the very citizens you swore to protect.  Do you want that... Captain?”  
Nathaniel sighed and put his face in his palm.  The Captain stood up and met me face to face.  I wasn’t expecting that.  “Sit.  Down.”  He growled.  
I pushed back off of the table, grabbed my leather jacket from the back of my chair, and shrugged it on over the little black dress and tall boots I’d been wearing.  
“Catch me if you can,”  I said before pushing past Nathaniel and leaving the interrogation room.
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
TftW: Don’t Call Me Freak
Sometimes it doesn’t pay to bully those who are weird or are different from you, and today’s villainous protagonist certainly will learn that lesson. Stephanie Hadingham was a former school rival of Nathan’s, she was a manipulative and controlling diva who wanted things her way and when she didn’t get that, she berated and berated until she did.
She never believed anything Nathan said and viewed him as a freak just because he wrote transformation fiction about Dan Aykroyd or rather about being him, of course she didn’t know that it was a bad idea to do that. ‘Nathan is targeting me on my account just because I liked one post that says that people that believe in the supernatural are freaks. It staggers me that this person is a huge part of the Aykroyd fandom and he ruins it with his
“Nate are you going to stand for this?”
“Of course not, time to take out this trash.”
Nathan rolled his eyes…’I’m not even the main part of the fandom, dummy.’ ‘But you are ignoring the part about attacking me based on a post I liked.’ ‘Does that even matter? Why do you even hate me anyway? It seems all you ever do is whine about how i’m fetishizing John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd by wanting to be them.’
“Which you do, you do that…’
‘Oh…I suppose you think that your trashy taste in men justifies your reason for attacking me, then?’ ‘But you seriously do some not normal insane things, you fetishize poor Dan and John by fetishizing them and writing about them in a way that sounds like porn.’
“Really? I should be so lucky if I get that good.”
“Are you even listening to me?”
“No, I figured that if you are going to keep on like this..”
‘You what? Are you going to fetishize me like you did to two very real people? Because don’t act like you don’t that, I have been raised on Deviantart and all the weird fandoms, you so want to be them and it is totally gross and shit. Do you think Dan would like this if you met him IRL? Uh no, he’d think you’re a creepy and not normal, fans don’t do what you do, not normal, freako, freako, eeew!’ ‘Really? What? Haven’t you ever seen the Changed, FNF, Madness Combat, or Guilty Gear fanbase? Those guys are pretty fucked up, even worse than I ever could be.’
“So…that doesn’t matter, what you do isn’t right.”
‘You think you can speak for what Dan likes and doesn’t like? That’s cute, he’s not yours, you cannot make him do whatever you want, that’s something I establish in my work, I don’t claim I am him, or that I can control him. Also…the man is a weirdness magnet, he slept with a ghost once, he had dreams about mutant babies, he has seen actual aliens and ghosts, i’m sure one little story wouldn’t be enough to weird him out.’
“What? How dare you…”
‘How dare I..what, question you, yeah i’m questioning you. Trust me, you need help more than I do.’ ‘But you don’t belong in the Aykroyd fandom. You’re not normal.’ ‘Well you’re a freak yourself, nobody is normal, nobody knows what normal is. In this world if you cannot put up with the strange and unusual, you’ll just have to change to fit it.’
“What does that mean?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
Nathan’s eyes gave off an ominous glow as he chanted, his chants began to echo in Stephanie’s ears, which made her squirm a little. ‘How are you doing that?’ ‘I have actual supernatural powers, don’t you remember?’ ‘Uhhhh…’ ‘Of course you do. But be glad that i’m not as horrifying as what is about to happen to you.’
Stephanie attempted to get answers out of him but he disappeared before she could, only to run into a rather nasty surprise an hour later. An hour later while waiting for her boyfriend to call her, she found herself entering what appeared to be some kind of combined asylum and therapy building.
Looking around she could see a koala-girl doctor with green hair…’Hello, Stephanie. You must be my next patient, I am Doctor Eucalyptus. Now my friend tells me there is something wrong with you.’ ‘There’s nothing wrong with me, i’m a normal person.’ ‘Not from what Nathan has told me, Nathan says you were bigoted to him for being an Aykroyd fan that is different than normal fans. He also told me you think that supernatural beings are freaks.’ ‘Well they are.’
Eucalyptus hit Stephanie with her notepad…’What was that for?’ ‘Trust me, just be glad I don’t have any weapons with me. Now there is a term for what you have, what you have is Extreme Hypocrite Disorder.’ ‘I don’t have any disorders.’ ‘Oh yes you do and you are in denial of it.’ ‘Stop this..’ ‘I won’t stop this just because you told me to, I am the doctor here and unless you want me to use your internal organs to make lunch meat for the asylum’s cafeteria, you better listen to me.’
“I must be dreaming.”
‘You are not dreaming…you’re delusional. Here, let me show some of the other patients.’ The koala-girl showed Stephanie down a hall-way of patients she had encountered before. One patient was a male who thought they were Martin Short despite not being them, and one thought that they were a reincarnated god.
“I’m not like these people.”
“Oh yes, you are.”
‘I don’t belong here…’ ‘Oh but you do, let me help you, help you to get rid of that disorder you have.’ ‘This is going to get horrifying isn’t it?’ ‘It doesn’t have to.’
She attempted to try and make a run for it only to run into a couple of members of the hospital staff, the staff in this case all being Dan Aykroyd characters. ‘Aykroyds? So many Aykroyds.’ ‘Oh yes, they’re all ours..and I treat them better than you treated Dan to be honest.’
The Aykroyd characters saw Stephanie and began to chase her around the hospital, Dr Eucalyptus smirked as she saw what was happening. ‘Now now, don’t run away from these guys, they only want to help you, and so do I. You act like you don’t want this but yet you do, sounds like you’re jealous.’ ‘Jealous of what? You? You’re a freak, just like all of these people.’
“I may be a freak but I am trying to help you.”
“I don’t want your help, I want out of here!”
She screamed and then tried to pull out her phone, as she pulled out her phone she made a call to her boyfriend. ‘Thomas, baby doll..could you come here and get me out of this hell hole please? I am begging you, please come and save me.’ Unfortunately for her the message she got was…’Thomas cannot reply to your message because he is currently unavailable.’
Stephanie screamed when she saw Thomas with a nasty looking gash on his neck, looking like someone had just slit his neck as he collapsed on the floor and blood dripped down from it. ‘My boyfriend!’ ‘He is doing just fine.’ ‘No he’s not, someone must have killed him.;’
Dr Eucalyptus chuckled, watching as she attempted to get away. ‘I need to find a way out of here.’ She tried to pull the fire alarm level only to get covered in blood, and it was real blood, not special effects.
A couple of patients popped up from behind her and she attempted to convince them to follow her. ‘Come on, let’s get out of here.’ ‘Why? We belong here and so do you. We work here too.’ ‘What? But you’re supposed to be like my mutuals.’ ‘Join us, it’s not so bad.’
She screamed several times as the patients swarmed around her, she attempted to hit one of them with a chair only for Eucalyptus to intervene, she chuckled and smirked. ‘I didn’t think it had to come to this but it’s for your own good, since you won’t let me help you, i’m going to have to fix you myself.’ ‘Fix me?’
“Oh yes, you are very broken, and you need to be fixed.”
“No I don’t.”
Eucalyptus chuckled as she floated over to Stephanie….’Now now, it won’t hurt, at least not in the way that it will mentally scar you or anything, don’t be afraid.’ ‘Why shouldn’t I be?’ Her eyes gave off a supernatural glow as she turned into a tall demonic version of herself with a tail like the one scorpions have complete with a stinger.
She hit Stefanie with her scorpion-like tail, knocking her out before dragging her down-stairs into the lab, with the Aykroyd characters following her. Tom Everett, Austin Milbarge ,Elwood, and Grocer were helping her. ‘You’ve brought us another subject for the experimentation process.’ ‘Indeed I have, boys. Boys, meet Stephanie. She has Extreme Hypocrite Disorder and needs to be fixed.’
“We can do that.”
“As can I…I figured since this one loves Dan so much, how about she becomes him?”
“Oooh, that is such a clever idea.”
The koala-girl placed Stephanie on a table and turned on a machine of sorts which binded her in place, she chanted as dark supernatural energy entered her body, Stephanie squirmed and tried to break free but before she could, invisible needles were jammed into her arm, which caused her to yelp in pain.
She then saw what appeared to be brown hairs growing on her arms, as her arms broadened, the hairs were on her hands too as her hands enlarged and her skin matured, a ring popped off one of her fingers and shattered on the floor as she screamed. ‘What’s going on? My ring…my boyfriend got me that one as a gift.’ ‘Oh you won’t be needing that at all.’
The changes spread through her body as a couple buttons on her top popped off while her chest and torso broadened, her breasts retracted into the former as hair grew on her chest and stomach. ‘Aaaw no, not my figure, how am I going to be attractive to my mutuals, if I don’t have my figure?’ She groaned as her stomach broadened and her hips retracted in size, as her privates altered into the more masculine variant.
There were a couple of crunching sounds as her back and shoulders broadened and she slowly grew in height to 6’1, her neckline altered while her hair darkened a little in color and shortened, as her shoes burst open while her feet enlarged, two of the toes sticking together and giving her the appearance of having webbed toes. She felt her face as it altered, her forehead growing a bit as her brow altered and her eyebrows thickened, her left eye turning from blue-ish to greenish while the other turned brown, giving her heterochromia. ‘I’m a monster…’ ‘Why yes, you are. You are indeed a monster but you’re getting better.’
She groaned as her nose broadened and developed a cleft in the middle of it, she felt her rear plumping up a little…’Oh yes, the sexiest part of turning, Eukie definitely thinks so too.’ Of course she didn’t need a mirror to see that she was turning into Dan as her features morphed into an identical copy of his and her voice altered, deepening and contorting, developing Dan’s signature voice and tone.
“There we go, it’s a success.”
“What have you done to me?”
“Well since you love Dan Aykroyd so much, we’ve turned you into him.”
‘You monster, this isn’t fair, turn me back or else.’ ‘Or else what? You’re going to talk about it to your friends, calling me insane?’ Eucalyptus sneered. ‘I am seriously going to do that.’ ‘Nobody is going to believe you, not your friends, not your family, no one.’
“Why would they believe someone who they don’t even know?”
Stephanie attempted to berate Eucalyptus for what she had done only for Eucalyptus to chuckle. ‘Aaaaw i’m sorry, but I cannot take your empty threats seriously when you look and sound like Dan. You just sound so cute when you try to be tough.’ ‘What?’ ‘Oh yes, come here you, Dr Eucalyptus has special huggle treatments just for you.’
A sinister smile crept across Eucalyptus’s face as she got closer and closer to Stephanie before stretching her arms to inhumanly long lengths and pulling her or ‘him’ in this case in for a hug. ‘There there, it’s okay, I know this sounds like i’m torturing you but I am doing this to help you, and clearly that old persona of yours was way too annoying and stubborn. So I fixed that a little too.’
“What do you mean by that?”
Stephanie pondered what the koala-girl meant by that but as she or ‘he’ did, she realized that she partially had been given half of Dan Aykroyd’s personality and mannerisms. ‘That’s what I meant by fixing you, you are much nicer like this.’ She was still herself but now she was a lot nicer and she realized what she had done was a mistake. ‘I am sorry I acted the way I did.’ ‘There there, you’re all better now. But there’s two more people you have to apologize to.’
Just then Nathan appeared next to someone who appeared to be another doctor, but the doctor pulled at his face like it were a mask and revealed himself to be the actual Dan Aykroyd underneath. ‘Danny?’ ‘Yes, Stephanie..I heard about what you said. I appreciate that you were thinking of me and all but you were very selfish with me,I am not yours to be controlled, nothing and no one can control me, physical, spectral or otherwise.’ ‘I realize that I have been selfish. Sorry Dan, I should have let others have you too because sharing is caring.’ ‘And what about me?’ ‘Oh alright Nate, I am sorry for insulting your tastes and your stories, I realize now that some people actually do enjoy these sort of stories and that is perfectly fine.’
“There you go, all is better now.”
Stephanie/Dan left the hospital and she/he left a much better person as Doctor Eucalyptus smiled. ‘Ah, another happy patient. I love my job.’ She hummed to herself as she went to go and check on another patient. ‘You did a good job Dr Eukie.’ ‘Thanks.’
After she went back to check on another patient, the scene cut to a Tales From The Crypt style bookend of Dan Aykroyd as a horror host. ‘Well then, did you all enjoy this story? I did. Nathan certainly got what he wanted in the end, poor Thomas finally got to know how it felt to be a real pain in the neck but at least he got to appear in the final CUT.’
Dan laughed at his own horror related pun as he held up Thomas’s head…’And also I really got to HAND it to Doctor Eucalyptus for her absolutely top tier treatment of her patients.’ He picked up a severed hand and waved it around for a little bit. ‘You will be happy to know that I have picked Stephanie to be my substitute whenever i’m unavailable, and she does a bang up job, nobody even knows she used to be female. That’s Dr Eucalyptus for you, a true miracle worker. She no longer has anything wrong with her attitude or her head…I think you’ll find she prefers this as opposed to how she used to be, and she learned her lesson. Remember, be careful how you simp. Because some of your mutuals may not agree with you, in fact that you’ll find that the only thing they mutually agree on is that they want you dead, or just to have your head on a plate in general. But don’t worry, she gets to keep hers. Oh don’t you just love it when someone gives you head and lets you keep it?’
He did a Cryptkeeper-esque laugh as he looked over at his table of heads in jars including the dad from The Suicide Shop, the Rankin Bass version of Dracula, the Child Catcher, and Ed Grimley and even one of Martin Short in general. ‘For now we can relax, but there are more stories to come, and of course with more stories come more ways to bring the scares and to teach a lesson they won’t so forget. So I hope you’ll come visit again next time for another special bedtime scarytale, of corpse I will always be here to tell them.’
Doctor Eucalyptus laughed…’I love your horror related puns, Dan.’ ‘Thanks Eukie, and thanks for letting me be the host for this end segment, you really do an amazing job.’ ‘Coming from you Dan, it means a lot.’
Dan turned to give one more speech…’Remember, simping over a famous person or character is alright, just don’t be too rabid about it because there can be dire consequences to your actions, and also remember it never pays to be a hypocrite, if you attack others, expect them to do the same to you…and leave you in…pieces. And look, here are some pieces of someone now. Any parting words? I didn’t think so. Then again, kind of hard to keep your head straight when you’re all in pieces anyway. But nevermind, hope tonight’s story provided you with some real top tier screams. Good night, and don’t let the monsters bite, or rather do…because they might find that you taste good!’
“Oh absolutely.”
‘And one more thing, be careful about who you call a freak in middle ghoul, for they might turn out to be the one that leads you to your undoing and of course, you probably won’t even have a leg to stand on, at least not anymore you won’t.’ He gave one more Cryptkeeper-esque laugh as his bit ended and thus so does our story in general. Remember, simping over a famous person or character is alright, just don’t be too rabid about it because there can be dire consequences to your actions, and also remember it never pays to be a hypocrite, if you attack others, expect them to do the same to you…and leave you in…pieces.
Not everyone has to conform to what is normal, fandoms in general tend to always have a crazy one in the bunch, and if there isn’t one, chances are, you are that one, but don’t worry I am sure Eucalyptus and Dan both know where you can get a head check. You’ll come in as you were, but will come out a totally reformed person. If not, you’ll be a total different person in general when you come out.
Kinkshaming others for their specific quirks can definitely lead to dire and horrifying consequences, so be careful what you say, or you might yourself in your very own scarytale with an ending that is definitely twisted in so many ways.
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acarefreedame · 2 years
Sometimes We Meet Someone When We Least Expect It
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Carsyn grew up in a good home. She had a mother and father who worked hard to try to get her to achieve everything she wanted to do. When she was in school, she was a bit of a bookworm and loved to know what was going on with celebrities with every interview they do. That is everything she had done. So, needless to say, her parents really just allowed her to read magazines and get an idea of what these people were thinking and how to conduct the way of asking things. Maybe that is where her love for journalism was developed. She wasn’t complaining because it kept her focused and she wanted to do everything she could to achieve the goals she was setting out to do. School passed by and she got into a good college for journalism. 
As she was learning and she was doing mock interviews, she knew just what she wanted to do. So that is when she worked hard and she was offered an internship. She had met some people and had a relationship with a nice guy all through school but he didn’t get her love for interviews and celebrities and he called the relationship off. Carsyn work through the heartbreak and she got what she wanted and she was working for a new station after her internship and she was the head interviewer. She loved her job and the interviews she was able to do, it was astounding just how far she had gotten. Then she got an offer she couldn’t resist. She was offered a job to interview people on television and having more people see her and the interview. 
That is all she had ever dreamed of. She took it and she  was learning the ropes. She was watching her coworkers to see just how they asked things. It was all about learning for her and it was all about being the best interviewer she can be. That is what it was all about. That is when she got one of the best interviews of her life, she was interviewing @vehementvigour. He had a great book out and it was one of her favorites and she actually read that one. She had a ton of questions and she tried to pry to see if the woman in his book was a real person and he wouldn’t agree to it. He just said it was a book and she didn’t believe him. But he stormed off and they were able to edit the interview and it was posted. That is when Nathan came back and told her to take it down. She normally doesn’t but she wanted to make him happy and not hurt him and she took the interview down. They went out to dinner and she bought as an apology for everything that happened. 
As time went on, he was coming out with another book. She had kept up with his work because she needed another one as well. She was more into what would happen in this next one. But since that day they have met angry, they have developed a really good friendship and she was asked to watch his daughter as he went to a book singing. She agreed because she wanted to see him after and see how things were going for him. But she wanted to keep an eye on him to make sure he was okay, knowing some people can get a little crazy. But, she was having fun just looking over Millie. She was a fun girl and she kept her eye open for anyone who might be following them. 
But she did feel that sense of uneasiness with someone following them and someone who was watching them. She needed to keep Millie safe and that is exactly what Carsyn did. Pulling her cellphone up, and she dials Nathan’s number and he picks up. “Hey Nathan, I need you. Someone is following Millie and I, and I don’t want anything to happen to her. Please, I am keeping her safe, but this person is getting closer. Before Carsyn could say anything, she was pushed to the ground and her head hit first and that is all she remembers. Next thing she knew she woke up in the hospital and Nathan was sitting beside her bed and she looked over at him blinking her eyes a few time before she swallowed the dryness from her throat and she finally speak. “Nathan. You’re here.”
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dyns33 · 2 years
Yes I did a Nathan Bateman soulmate story 
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The name appeared when she was eighteen.
Nothing abnormal so far, the names of soulmates always appeared when we were eighteen, it was an important day, the most important in life, the most awaited.
Y/N hadn't slept all night, staring at her wrist, ready to receive the name of the person she was going to have to look for, whom she would love and who would love her.
As the letters appeared, she couldn't help but smile, happy and excited.
Then she read the name. Her smile froze, before becoming a grimace.
Because she knew that name.
It was less normal, knowing your soulmate before knowing they were the right one.
It happened, and most of the time it was wonderful. Like a fairy tale. No need to run around to find love, and often they already loved each other, praying that the other would be the one for them.
Y/N had never met her soulmate, but she had heard of him.
The whole world had heard of him.
Nathan Hamlet Bateman.
Founder of BlueBook, when he was only thirteen years old, famous computer genius, as rich and a playboy as Bruce Wayne.
And a real asshole.
That was the first thing Y/N thought the first time she read an interview with him. Then the others, and she heard him speak on the radio, and saw him on television.
Oh, he was quite handsome. He was clearly very smart, smarter than most people. He seemed to have a bit of a sense of humor, cracking a few jokes.
But he was really obnoxious. Egocentric. Insulting, vulgar, mean.
And above all, he had said a sentence that had marked her, when he was asked a question about his private life.
           "I don't need anyone. I mean, if I feel like fucking, I'll find someone for the night, but that'll be it. Love doesn't exist. Human relationships are a waste of time. Humans aren't interesting enough, not good enough for me anyway."
           "But..." continued the journalist. "And your soulmate ?"
           "Oh, this bullshit ? You believe this bullshit ? I'm the master of my destiny. Like I said I don't need nobody, nobody. This... I didn't even read the name to say the truth. I could have burned it but I put a bandage on it and forgot it was there, because I don't need it. I don't want it. I don't care. I don't have time for that."
Nathan Hamlet Bateman, then.
Why did the universe have to hate Y/N for her soulmate to be such a horrible guy, who didn't want her, without even trying to find out who she was ? It was like a bad Shakespeare's play.
But maybe it wasn't him. There were certainly other Nathan Batemans in the world.
Y/N could have searched, found the right one and been happy.
But after turning on her computer, she hesitated.
She was afraid.
Nathan Bateman was a genius. There were rumours that he was able to hack absolutely anything. Some said he had done it before. That the data of all users was collected and accumulated by Blue Book, even if you did not use its creations.
If she typed his name into a search engine, into a document, into a message she sent to friends, he might see it.
And maybe he wouldn't. Since he didn't care abouther. But maybe not, and Y/N was afraid of that, so even though he didn't see what she was doing online, even though he might not be her soulmate, she decided not to take any risk.
Until she felt really alone. There was also curiosity.
The interview she had read dated from a few years ago, he might have changed his mind in the meantime. But if that had been the case, he would no doubt have contacted her.
So she wrote a long letter in which she introduced herself, she explained to him that she thought he was her other half, even if she didn't really understand why because they seemed to be very different, and even that they risked not get along, but that she thought it was more okay to give him a chance and let him know who she was.
Then she put the letter away in one of the drawers of her desk, having stumbled across a very recent new interview where Bateman talked about his type of women, who were her exact opposite.
Then there was the incident with the robots.
Well, the AIs, like the genie insisted every time someone happened to see him and tell him about the assault he had suffered, one of his fabrications deciding to stab him and trying to hide among humans .
He had been lucky to survive. At the end, leaving alone, away from society and people, wasn't such a good idea. It was another human, a young engineer he had invited, Caleb Smith, who had managed to regain control of one of the computers to call for help.
Even though she still didn't know him, even though she repeated to herself that she shouldn't care, or just as much as he didn't care about her, Y/N was scared when she heard the news. She was a bit sad for him, imagining how he must have felt, almost getting killed by what he loved the most in the world, his job.
She was relieved that he was alive.
It was stupid, but she decided to send him flowers, along with a get well card. Something simple. Which she did not sign. No doubt he wouldn't even see them and they would be thrown in the trash, but that didn't matter.
Y/N closely followed the developments of the case, the discoveries in Bateman's house, what it meant for humanity, the arrest followed by the destruction of 'Ava', and the discharge of Nathan from the hospital.
After that, she went back to her normal little life, in her normal apartment, with her normal job, normal friends and normal family.
Even though she wasn't like him, Y/N wasn't stupid. She might have been able to do more, if she had wanted to. But she didn't want to. She didn't need the money, the fame, the sexy robots trying to stab her in the back.
Y/N just wanted to be happy.
It would have been great if she had her soulmate but too bad.
It was a real surprise when he came to see her at work. He stood in front of her, saying nothing, his cold eyes staring at her behind his glasses, showing no emotion.
The doctors had shaved him when he was hospitalized, and during his coma his hair had grown back. Y/N knew because she had seen a photo.
Obviously, Nathan Bateman didn't like this look at all, he had shaved his head before coming, and his beard was growing back slowly, but surely.
They remained silent, until he sighed.
           "You know who I am."
It was not a question.
           "I should ?" she decided to say, trying to stay calm.
He sighed again, before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and placing it in front of her.
The card she had sent with the flowers.
           "You are Y/N Y/L/N."
           "And you don't need me, if I remember correctly. I'm not good enough compared to your dear robots. Sorry, AI. I heard they were very good at cooking."
It was a bit mean. But hey, Bateman had survived. And he had really said horrible things about his soulmate, about women, about humans.
Why did all these creations all look like sexy models ? Journalists claimed that there were videos of the genius fucking them. Great.
But it was still a bit nasty. He had almost died, alone, in a hallway, in the middle of nowhere. Y/N opened her mouth to apologize, but he chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face. "Maybe I deserved this. More than the flowers. Nice flowers. Always hated it, too expensive, too high maintenance, only to fade in the end. But that was the only splash of colour in my hospital room. No one came to see me except my investors, my lawyer and my accountant. I wasn't sure what to make of those flowers."
           "The other option was a balloon."
           "Even worse. I couldn't have burned it. Yes, I burned the flowers, they pissed me off. You could have come to see me." he said as if that would have been the logical thing to do.
           "I didn't have time for that. I don't understand what you are doing here."
Nathan Bateman sighed again, losing his smile.
He was acting like he always was with everyone, indicating that Y/N was annoying him, not being clever enough to act the way she should, according to his standards.
Still, she really didn't understand what he was doing here.
           "We are soulmates."
           "I know. I also know that you are, I quote from memory, the master of your destiny, who does not believe in love or that bullshit, and who does not need anyone, so even if horrible things happened to you, I'm sorry about that and I hope you're feeling better, I don't see why you would want to meet me now. Unless you took a blow to the head ? You saw your life flashing before your eyes and decided to change ?"
           "No. I still think that's bullshit. I'm going back to my job as soon as possible and I won't let a name force me to be with someone."
           "So what ?" growled Y/N, who was also beginning to get impatient.
           "You sent me flowers."
It was just that.
The gesture had intrigued Nathan Bateman. A simple friendly gesture, full of kindness, which expected nothing in return, since she had not left her name.
It had taken him several days to find that it was her, then two more days, during which he had been drinking a lot, to decide if he wanted to meet his soulmate, since it was obvious that it was her.
During those two days, he had been researching her. He had noticed that she had never mentioned his name anywhere, ever, which was both very clever of her and very suspicious. She had also been smart enough not to attempt to contact him, thinking to change his mind about love, or to try to get money or recognition.
Nathan would have taken it very badly. He would have destroyed her.
Since she had never done anything before, it seemed like she didn't feel obligated to send flowers. She had wanted to. She had wanted to please him.
And she had been the only one in the world to do that, as his empty hospital room had made clear. As his empty house indicated. His empty private mailbox.
Shit, Nathan had thought.
Shit, because it was still a little sad, knowing that if he had died only one person on Earth would have been a little emotionally affected.
No friends, no family. The only beings he had known so far were his soulless machines who had tried to assassinate him. Before, he wouldn't have given a damn.
But there had been the flowers.
He had liked the flowers. He had stared at them for hours, not knowing what to think about them, what to feel, and then he had burned them because he didn't like not knowing how he felt.
Now he wanted Y/N to be his.
           "I prepared a contract." he declared calmly, putting the document next to the card, which he quickly retrieved to put it back in his pocket. "It's a standard contract."
           "... No."
           "You can take the time to read it before signing."
           "We can discuss the terms if some don't suit you."
           "I lied, I read the name as soon as it appeared, I was scared because I don't understand humans, these unstable and tiring imbeciles. Happy ? You want me to tell you that I need you and from what I've read about you, you're not too bad ?"
           "Not too bad ?"
           "It's... Fuck. Why does it always have to be complicated ? Listen, you sent flowers, I have a contract. What do we do now ?"
           "... I can cook too. We can have dinner."
It was stupid. Like the flowers, the reason they were in this situation now. But he was her soulmate. He had difficulty with people, partly due to his intelligence, the rest due to his bad manners.
He had almost died.
She was curious.
So they could try. At least they could chat while eating. Then they would see. Nathan said he still considered love to be bullshit. But he had lied saying he hadn't been intrigued by her name.
He stared at her, looking for the joke, before nodding, collecting the contract she wouldn't sign, and leaving without asking for her address.
A few minutes later, Y/N received a message anyway, to know what time he should come, and saying that he would bring some good expensive wine. She didn't ask him how he got her number.
It was not normal. But Nathan Bateman wasn't normal, so it wasn't surprising. Y/N had always wanted a normal life. But she went home anyway to prepare the meal, she put the letter she wrote him year ago in his plate, and wait for him.
He arrived with the wine, and some stupid flowers.
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so-writing · 2 years
Fuck You - Nathan Mackinnon
I've written something with this title before and, while I think it's kind of cringe, I wanted to give it another go.
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“I need you to be honest, Nate, please, please be honest with me.”
Nathan Mackinnon looked the complete opposite of innocent as he stood in front of you. He knew was he was caught, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try and plead for forgiveness.
“I haven’t done anything, I fucking swear I haven’t.”
It wasn’t the first time you heard his excuses and, because you were such a fucking lovesick asshole, it probably wouldn’t be the last.
“You can’t keep doing this to me, Nate, you fucking can’t. You have to stop seeing her.”
He didn’t say anything but his body language was more than enough. Nate wasn’t going to end anything with anyone and you, looking back on the sea full of red flags bobbing in plain sight, you should have known better.
“Look,” Nate pulled his best sympathetic face as he brought your hand to his lips, “I love you, you know that.”
“But,” you spat back at him as you snatched your hand away, “there’s definitely a fucking but.”
“Baby, please, don’t do this. I love you, you know that.”
“I don’t actually, because you’ve been parading your pretty princess around like she’s the Stanley fucking Cup, with absolutely no thought of me, your fucking fiancé. Did you forget about that promise you made and that rock you put on my finger, Nathan? Amnesia hit you that hard?”
“No, of course not, I love you, this just kind of happened.”
If you weren’t so fucking pissed off, you would be sick with sadness. ‘It just kind of happened’ that Nate met a random woman employed for the Avalanche and fell into bed with her not long after.
“She’s really,” his eyes glazed over and you never wanted to punch someone in the face as hard as you could until that moment, “she’s something else.”
“She’s enough to end our engagement? Because I’m not going to be with you after this.”
“I don’t want to end our engagement. I love you.”
I love you.
It was an easy statement to make, and at one point, you believed Nate actually meant it when he said it. Your relationship with him used to be serious and you were more than pretty sure that he was going to be the man you married.
You gave Nate everything, he gave you shit in return.
“No you don’t, Nathan. If you did, you’d let her go. Let her go right now, never speak to her again.”
His silence coupled with the hesitation pouring off of him was more than enough for you. As far as feelings went, he had moved on, so why was he still stringing you along?
“I’m moving out, please find something else to do while I’m getting my things out of here, I don’t want to see you again.”
Nate’s lack of fight made it obvious he wasn’t too bothered by your decision to to move out, and you didn’t see him again as you searched for a new place and lined up a moving company. He tried to deny it initially but it was painfully clear to you now that he was fine with this. He was fine with letting you go.
There were plenty of ways to destroy the ring. You could drop it in the garbage disposal and flip the switch, or ‘accidentally’ toss it off the balcony but you weren’t going to be that level of petty. Nate had done enough and you needed to get as far away from him as you could, as soon as you could so you dropped the ring on the kitchen counter before locking the door for the last time you ever would.
“Mack and that homewrecker broke up.”
You desperately didn’t want to care.
“I guess he cheated on her and she found out and totally lost her shit.”
You really, desperately didn’t want to care.
“He’s apparently been fucking anything with a pulse behind her back while promising her the world. You dodged a fucking bullet, babe.”
Fuck, you were trying to let him go. You were desperately trying to push Nathan Mackinnon into your rearview but it was so damn hard when most of your friends were part of the hockey circle, his personal life was regularly splashed across social media, and he recently started attempting to get in contact with you again.
“Yeah, obviously,” it was weak, “good for her though. Nathan is a fucking asshole.”
Three years had passed since you dropped your engagement ring on the counter of your old apartment and got the fuck out of there, out of that situation, as quickly as you could. You tried your hardest to ignore anything that had to do with the both of them but Nate’s star began to rise with the Avalanche and his new girl had become pretty well known on social media for posting under the tag ‘hockey wife, hockey life.’
You wanted absolutely nothing to do with either of them and, as far as you were concerned, they deserved each other.
That didn’t mean you were over Nate, you definitely weren’t over him, regardless of time gone by. It didn’t help that he was trying to worm his way back into your life, leaving multiple voicemails and sending text messages.
The messages started with a simple ‘i miss you’ and worked through ‘i fucked up’ to ‘please come back?’
It was tempting on your part, because you had loved this man. You still did, but you knew better. You knew that Nate would do nothing other than break your heart and you needed to be strong.
From Nathan Mackinnon, I miss you. Can we talk? Call me, you have my number.
From Nathan Mackinnon, She wasn’t the one. You are. Please get back to me.
From Nathan Mackinnon, I’m still here and I love you.
The last message was the one that broke you.
From you, I miss you too.
You felt more hopeful hitting send on that message than you had ever before and maybe this was the tipping point for the two of you. As shitty as you felt about it, you would take Nate back in a heartbeat.
It was a waste of time though, because you were met with radio silence on his end until you were scrolling Twitter and saw the congratulations.
“Nate Mack and his girl are really in it, congrats you beauties!”
The ring was gorgeous and you tried not to be bothered by the fact that it was pear shaped, because the ring Nate bought you initially was round and that was what he preferred, even though he knew the pear shape was your favorite.
Fuck Nathan Mackinnon and fuck what he preferred, because what he preferred wasn’t you and that was fucking problem. Your head was swimming with a mix of happy and sad thoughts as you sent the last message you planned to send to him.
Fuck you.
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What if instead of pain, soulmates could feel each other's happiness? What if Neil and Andrew thought that they didn't have a soulmate because as long as they've remembered they've never felt truly happy? They've convinced themselves that the little jumps of their hearts in their early childhoods were just products of their imaginations. Or they hoped that their soulmate had died because they knew what life without joy was like and wouldn't wish it on anyone, let alone someone who was meant to be special to them. When Neil and Andrew met everything stayed the same. Neil was too afraid to let himself be happy and the magical bond between the soulmates was smart enough to see the difference between real happiness and the artificial one that Andrew's meds provided. Even after Andrew came off his meds he felt the shadow of the feeling that people described they felt when their soulmate was happy, but he always brushed it off and blamed it on his meds. He didn't miss that it usually happened after winning a game, while the whole team was hanging out together, or when Neil left him speechless. So Andrew and Neil started hooking up not knowing that they were soulmates.
Sure, Andrew suspected it, but he didn't want to believe it. He had worked so hard to not rely on that slimmer hope in his childhood, convincing himself that he couldn't have a soulmate, that someone as soulless as him didn't deserve one. He was resigned to his fate and told himself that it was better this way, he would have fewer vulnerabilities without one. So he repeated to himself that Neil meant nothing until he believed it. Neil never had enough proof to doubt his previous belief. The one that his mother ingrained into his brain so deeply. He never even felt the regular kind of attraction so it would make sense that he didn't have a magical bond connecting his soul to someone else either. He knew that even if he had one, the chance of meeting them was very slim and the idea of staying with them wasn't even on the table. Not only would it kill him, but it would put them in danger too. So it was easy to think he was all alone in the world. It all changed when Neil got kidnapped and Andrew admitted that he meant something to him. After they met in the hotel and Andrew told Neil to stay, he felt an undeniable ache in his heart, it was familiar but still strange to feel. This time Andrew didn't brush it off, he latched onto it and tried to memorize how it felt. He felt the proof of Neil's happiness and something in him settled. It became more and more common as time went by. Staying in the cabin with the foxes, Neil making the deal with the Moriyamas, winning the game after game, seeing Kevin's new tattoo, and beating the ravens in the finals. Andrew got used to it and eventually started relishing it. The only thing that made him stop searching for Neil after he disappeared was the feeling in his chest, saying it was okay, more than okay actually. So when Neil came in grinning from ear to ear and said stupid things that meant "I know you like me", Andrew couldn't bring himself to ruin it by saying something that wasn't even true. Years later Neil started feeling tightness in his chest. He couldn't tell what it was. It didn't feel like how he usually felt happiness or sadness. It happened in the most random moments too like, when he was sitting in silence with Andrew, or played with the cat. At first, he thought he had some kind of heart disease. It would be unfortunate if that was the case since he survived the mafia just to get killed by his own heart. He worked out regularly and ate healthy food so it must have been genetic. He had always hated his father's genetics. He didn't know if Nathan's family had a history of heart disease, but Mary wouldn't do this to him. Going to the doctor would be kind of pointless. What if they said he couldn't play exy anymore? That would be the same as death for Neil, and he wasn't even being dramatic. Neil figured he would save everyone time and energy if he let his heart do all the work. In the end, he decided that dying from a natural cause was better than getting killed, so he accepted it. He told Andrew, so he wouldn't be surprised when Neil randomly died. Andrew looked at him and asked him to describe how he felt, so Neil did. After an exasperated sigh, Andrew told him that he wasn't going to explain something that 4 years old children already knew to a grown man. At Neil's confused look Andrew told him to figure it out by himself and also to stop worrying about stupid things. Neil did, eventually, but not without the Foxes' help. They were surprised that Neil didn't know he and Andrew were soulmates, but given their past most of them they didn't say anything. Neil thought that he already knew Andrew was the one he wanted to spent the rest of his life with, it didn't matter if they were soulmates or not, but he didn't tell them that. Andrew was a different story, though.
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ghstandpucks · 3 years
You're Cute When You're Nervous ~ Nathan MacKinnon Imagine
Hi! So sorry this took forever! Work has exhausted me. I hope you like it!
Request: Imagine request: “You’re cute when you’re worried” with Nathan Mackinnon
Master List
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You stared at Nate dumbfounded. How could he just drop this information on you like it was nothing. You knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, but you weren’t expecting it to happen tomorrow. “Earth to Y/N. You there babe?” Nate asked, snapping your attention back to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you asked your boyfriend of three months. Nate shrugged and kept eating his dinner.
“Forgot,” he said nonchalant and you could have exploded right there.
“How did you forget to tell me that your parents are flying in for the game tomorrow? Surely you knew about it before today,” you responded, half exasperated and half panicked.
“I did. I just didn’t think it was that big of a deal,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows. You sighed dramatically.
“Nate, I’ve never met your parents. It’s a big deal for me!” you said, using your fork to just push around your food on the plate in front of you. “Unless you don’t want me to meet them?” you spoke softly, starting to worry that was the reason why he didn’t tell you.
“What? Of course I want you to meet them,” Nate looked at you confused for a moment until he comprehended everything that was just said. Getting up from his seat, he walked around the table to you. He sat down on the chair next to you and took your hands into his. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I guess I just forgot because it wasn’t a big deal. I want them to meet you, and my mom has already asked to make sure she was going to meet you.”
“Why didn’t you think it would be a big deal though. I told you like two weeks prior to meeting my family when they visited because I was excited for them to get to know you,” you whispered, slightly worried you were taking this relationship more serious than Nate was.
“I guess I didn’t think of it as a big deal because I already know they’re going to adore you as much as I do,” Nate brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled softly at you. You returned his smile, a giggle escaping as he kissed the tip of your nose then went back to his seat so the two of you could finish dinner.
The next day you would have sworn you made yourself look like an idiot. You got out of work late, making you late for the game where you were supposed to meet Nate’s parents beforehand. You were positive your hair looked like a tangled mess, your make up smudged from a long day without being able to freshen up. You were so nervous when you found them that you had tripped over someone’s foot and spilt your drink everywhere (thank goodness not on Nate’s mom who was in close proximity to the disaster zone). Practically stuttering over your words, you finally resigned yourself to sitting quietly and praying that the earth would swallow you whole; there was no way Nate’s parents were going to like this utter mess of a human being. By the end of the game you were able to make small talk with them, though you felt like it wouldn’t be enough. Feeling completely inadequate and no where near the person you would assume that they would want their son with, you sulked behind them on the way to the locker rooms.
You caught Nate’s eye as he walked out of the room to find you. He greeted his parents, then turned his attention towards you. “Proud of you,” you whispered into his neck when he hugged you close to him. The Avs had won and Nate had scored a goal, but you always told him that you were proud of him after a game. It had become something he relied on after a hard loss. Nate smiled softly at you and kissed the crown of your head.
The four of you went out for dinner, and thankfully things started to turn in your favor. With Nate around, you instantly felt more relaxed and were able to talk without tripping over your every word. Nate couldn’t help but smile at you as you talked with his mom and the two of you started to laugh. He was more than happy to see the important people in his life getting along.
After dinner Nate’s parents went back to their hotel with the promise of seeing you again sometime soon. As you walked into Nate’s apartment, you let out a huge sigh. Feeling arms wrap around you from behind, you leaned back into Nate’s chest and finally breathed for what felt like the first time that day. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Nate asked, placing a few kisses on your neck.
“I made a fool out of myself babe. Like a hot mess express,” you laughed as Nate’s stubble started to tickle you. Nate chuckled, turning you around so you could see him.
“No you weren’t. My parents loved you,” he said, and you looked at him skeptically.
“Sure they did,” you responded, not totally convinced even with a nice end to the evening.
“They did. They told me at the restaurant when you went to the bathroom. They know you were nervous but could see that you obviously really care about me.” Nate concluded and you couldn’t help the blush that rose to your cheeks.
“Of course I do. I just wish I wasn’t too crazy looking to them at first,” you laughed slightly. Nate chuckled, pulling you impossibly closer to him. “Please give me a heads up before their in town again. I want to seem more put together next time,” you mumbled into Nate’s chest. Feeling him shrug, you looked up at him quizzically.
“What?” he asked. Placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Why the shrug?” you asked, concerned that he will never tell you in the future when someone important comes to town.
“Nothing. It’s just that you’re cute when you’re worried” Nate smiled cheekily at you and you tried to wiggle out of his arms. With ease, Nate lifted you over his shoulder and walked to his room; crashing down onto his bed with you.
“Nate please!” you giggled as he climbed over you. He kissed you quickly before pulling away with a shit-eating grin.
“Fine,” Nate agreed, lowering himself to kiss you again.
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jostenjorts · 3 years
I keep mentioning Nathaniel and Ichirou briefly in my little headcanons — that and someone just liked a post about Ichirou which is why I’m now doing this lmao
They met as children, pushed together the moment Nathaniel was born due to them being the future head for the Moriyama family and the future butcher, right hand man
Ichirou was possessive when it came to the redhead and despised it the day Nathaniel joined an exy team which put him in a position that had a three drawn on his cheek every day with permanent marker
Hated it more when he discovered that the brother he never met and never planned to, was a bitch with a large ego
That Riko had referred to Nathaniel as his, a toy that was given to him
So when the day came that he learned about Mary and Nathan teaching their son to put Riko in his place he was pleased
Over the years he did grow out of his possessiveness, especially after Nathaniel called him out on it and out of spite he decided it was a must that he proved his friend wrong
It came back when the three on his cheek became a tattoo, as it permanently marked Nathaniel as a member of Riko’s perfect court, but one teasing look from the devil had him focusing back on his work
Then the day came when Kevin joined the foxes and Nathaniel sat besides Ichirou, going through the channels on the tv before casually mentioning that he planned to join the foxes too
They shared a long look, Ichirou staring with disbelief and trying to figure out if his friend was joking
Nathaniel staring back with a grin and a daring look in his eyes
He went home and Mary was the one to inform him that he’d been given approval to swap universities so that he could play for the foxes
Under the condition that he met up with Ichirou on the regular, as if he didn’t already do that
Only, what Nathaniel never thought to happen, was Andrew Minyard. A short blonde who, okay did threaten him a knife within moments of knowing each other
But he had him struggling to keep up a schedule split between regular meet ups with Ichirou and going out and being with Andrew
Nathaniel was smitten
Ichirou ended up making an appearance to PSU, finding Kevin and asking about Nathaniel’s whereabouts
Kevin had somehow forgotten the friendship between the two heirs and was already tired from his history assignment and juggling that with exy practice along with dealing with Nicky
Had called Nathaniel and handed the phone to Ichirou, who was insulted that he couldn’t even get his friend to answer a text, only to let that go a moment later because
“I’m kind of busy right now, Kevin. Can whatever this is about wait?” He sounded out of breath, and distant, his attention on something else entirely
The redhead came running the moment he heard Ichirou answer, staring at the other male, cheeks flushed and clothes looking like he threw them on in a hurry
Kevin was quick to leave the room when he watched Nathaniel do a run up to either tackle the Moriyama heir or something else entirely
He didn’t know what for sure since he left the room, not wanting to witness the two heirs do whatever it is they do
Though he heard a quick heated conversation before he heard Nathaniel laugh, and from the sounds of it he was introducing Andrew
Another conversation happening in a language Andrew wouldn’t be able to understand happening, sounded just as heated as the one before
Ichirou didn’t know whether to be offended that his, dare he say, best friend ghosted him for someone else over telling him
Or if he wanted to have Nathaniel leave the foxes
It earned him a jab in the chest when Nathaniel, apparently going by Neil, saw a shift in his expression which made the conversation worse
It was the one thing he hated about them growing up together, they didn’t even need words to know what the other was planning or saying what words could not
Andrew sat back on the couch, starting up a game and ignoring the entire thing, even as his not boyfriend dragged the stranger away
If you have more to add on, please do 🙏
Because I’m the worse at this kinda thing lmao
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season 1 daisy johnson character analysis
1x01-1x05: daisy is found parked in an alley inside the van she called home. we know she was bounced around foster homes as a child and that her past is a lot darker than the writers even mention. she’s 25 years old and a member of an international virtual organization that aims to inform the public of everything big organizations wants to keep them unaware of. pretty early into the season, we find out why she does it - she grew up with no knowledge of where she came from, and shield was responsible for hiding that information.
we also know daisy getting captured and brought into the plane was her plan so she could get closer to finding out who she was, and we have this image of her as a person who never takes the rules seriously and makes everything into a joke because she clearly isn’t planning on hanging around very long - she just wants information on her past, that’s it. except in looking for her family, she finds another one. or a seed of what could be a family. in episode three we already get the scene when she goes “i want this. bad,” and we can see right there that this girl will do everything she can to be a good fit in that potential family. her will to make it work is so strong that it’s enough for her to choose it over her years-long hacker life in episode 5 (when we meet miles, who, granted, had been lying to her).
1x05-1x13: if you imagine someone with her background, you would think they would have way more barriers protecting them from catching any feelings at all, but that doesn’t happen with daisy. she seems to have reacted differently than most to her past trauma - it takes her little to no time to figure out coulson, fitzsimmons, even ward (let’s ignore the double agent situation). emotionally, daisy seems to have developed an ability to make herself important to people around her - maybe so they won’t want to leave her behind. i also think the fact that she grew up with no one on her corner makes her want to prevent that from happening to anyone else, so she’s always trying to be there for them. we see that time and time again with the people they encounter over the first season, especially the girl who thinks she’s being punished by god. and obviously, her being drawn to ward and may even though they are downright rude to her at first, i think stems from their very noticeable (to her) hurt. daisy sees this kind of stuff better than most people around her, and i think even feels it to some extent. her trauma didn’t turn her cold and closed off, it made her want to take care of everyone around her, and it also made her more understanding than most. i think that’s why we see such a big difference in dynamics when she’s getting close to different people. she sees what people need and tries to make herself into it. fitzsimmons need a friend to mess around with; ward needs someone who sees his feelings when he’s not able to communicate them, and who pushes him to want to share; may needs someone who doesn’t remind her of her past (i delved into that here).
coulson is more complex. meeting akela amador, we see that before his death, he was colder in his work relationships, more bound to rules. and after his death, there are a few changes, but i think he still needs someone who will help him take the leap, someone worth bending the rules for. more than that, i think he needs a real connection. one that he couldn’t keep with fury because of the nature of their relationship, with audrey nathan because he, well, died, or with may because she was emotionally unavailable. daisy is the one to come in and offer warmth. we see that when she hugs him for the first time - it wasn’t something he saw coming or even felt comfortable with at first, but it was good. it also shows when she keeps calling him A.C. because he is “cool”. she is the personification of the life (a daughter) he could have had, if he’d said no to fury all those years back. for daisy, coulson was someone who cared, and she didn’t have that, probably ever. she was a daughter, but until she met him, she had no father. and even after all she went through, she was innocence, and he was wisdom. and they needed each other.
1x14-1x18: as we all know, episode 13 is when quinn shoots daisy. personally, i really like the one that comes after it because it gives us some insight on how much she means to everyone in the team, and their different ways of dealing with the idea of losing her. when she wakes up, daisy is more driven than ever to become a better agent and to not be helpless. s1B shows her growth into an asset that is not only needed, but is reliable, and into someone who is worthy of the SHIELD badge she eventually gets.
1x19-1x22: finding out about ward can’t have been easy for daisy. i mean, after searching her entire life, she had found something, a family that felt real. ward being HYDRA took that away from her. once again, she had trusted that her relationships with a group of people would last forever, and once again, that was in jeopardy. not only that, but the psychopathic double agent who killed several people in cold blood had fallen in love with her. having lost her parents and every good relationship she thought she had in her life, daisy probably already thought she was a magnet for bad things (look how miles, a guy she knew for ages, turned out). so obviously she was pissed, and we can see how much she struggles with keeping her emotions in check in order to carry on with the mission. that’s when we get the start of the maydaisy era and, i think, her growing need to make sure that she is not a liability to those people, to remind herself that she can do good. that the fact that SHIELD fell days after she got her badge, that the guy she liked turned out to be a traitor, that a village and an agent had been killed trying to protect her- it couldn’t be her fault. because she may not have heard that guy saying wherever she goes, death follows, but i’m pretty sure she had already noticed a pattern, and she was going to try like hell to change it. 
throughout the season, to me, one of the saddest things is how actively daisy tried not to be on anyone’s bad side so they wouldn’t toss her out, but i think her effort to be what everyone in the team needed was one of the biggest reasons why the team became a family. that, and the fact that somehow, her need to make sure no one ever felt alone like she did, turned her into the glue that held them all together. 
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aereres · 3 years
Stuck On You - Cale Makar
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Summary: What started as a friendship between you and Cale takes a turn during one of the best summer vacations of your life - a week in a campsite with your new friends from Colorado.
A/N: A self-indulgent Cale fic, who would have thought lmao. Definitely not my best work but I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: a couple swear words, mentions of break-up
Summer. Summer held something you couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was the road trips with music blasting from your car’s speakers, or the endless nights spent drinking cheap beers with strangers while sitting on docks. Maybe it was the seasonal loves, the ones you’d talk about with your friends after coming home, or maybe it was the memories.
Summer had always been something you had never missed, no matter how hard school got, or how good your job paid people to stay during the hottest months of the year; and, in Colorado, it wasn’t any different.
You were gasping for breath when you finally reached the perfect spot for camping, your backpack heavy on your shoulders as your friends walked past you. The excited giggles that left their lips joined the sound of birds chirping as they pushed their own belongings on the ground.
“Oh my God,” Johanna laughed, Andre’s arm wrapped around her shoulders as she looked around the empty side of the forest your getaway was going to take place in. “This place is beautiful,”
“It is,” Sydney said from beside her, eyes cast on her bag as she started to take some stuff out.
You were still taking the beautiful view in, a smile on your lips as you realized that summer was finally starting. A new summer, you thought, with new friends and a new spot.
“Y/N, just come here already!” Andre yelled from the distance, pushing you out of your trance. “Your tent is not gonna build itself,”
“I’m coming,” you giggled, jokingly rolling your eyes your friend’s way as you pushed your backpack down your shoulders, looking around for an empty space for yourself.
“I’m here-”
The breathless words were mumbled behind you, making you turn around quickly to find a flushed face. Cale’s cheeks were their usual dark shade of red, sweat lining his forehead as he tried to gain back his breathing.
“Oh- hi, Cale,” you smiled, heart fluttering when your eyes met his face. “You doing okay?”
“I was a little late,” he mumbled, waving JT’s way before his eyes gently settled on you. It seemed like he had realized you were there in front of him just then, his body tensing as a small smile formed on his lips. “Hi, Y/N,”
“Oh my God,” Nate huffed. “I’ll literally let the two of you sleep with the bears if you don’t start with the tents,”
“Fine, fine. You guys are annoying as hell,” you mumbled, brushing past him to reach one of the last two empty spots, throwing the bag that held your tent on the ground. The paper that slipped out of the opened zipper was filled with instructions, the words so small you almost struggled to read through them. If it wasn’t already difficult enough, the drawings explaining how to set up the tent weren’t helping, either.
You were just starting to understand something when your friends’ loud laughter filled your ears, along with the sound of bottles of beer being opened. You laughed to yourself, taking one of the many thin poles in your hands as you tried to figure out where it was supposed to go, one of your palms burying itself in your hair.
You had never been the greatest at building things, and you weren’t surprised when you grew close to calling one of the guys and ask for their help. Their tents had been built in less than half an hour, helping you prop up yours wasn’t going to be too difficult. Right?
“Here, give it to me. I’ll help you,” the familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as deep as you remembered it to be. Cale was standing beside you, arms folded over his chest as he gave your work a quick look, a teasing smirk on his lips. “Never been camping?”
“Not really,” you giggled awkwardly, handing him the item in your hand as he figured the mess out. His feet carried him to the left side of the tent, sliding the first part of the tube in its place.
“Alright, go on the other side,”
With Cale’s help, building a tent had never been easier. He knew what to do and where to start, he honestly made it look easy. Your shelter was ready after just a couple of minutes, and you found yourself smiling Cale’s way as soon as he mumbled a quick ‘we’re done’.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, taking his place by your side again as the two of you gave the results one last look. “Looks better than mine down there,”
You giggled, turning around to wrap an arm around him, pulling him in a quick hug. “Thank you so much,” you said, pushing a stray hair out of your eyesight. “Wouldn’t have made it, without you,”
“You’re welcome,” Cale said rather rushedly, his cheeks blushing slightly. You weren’t able to see the way he flushed, though, turning around way too quickly to unpack your bag and getting the last few things for your shelter out.
As you pushed your phone out of your pocket, you realized just then how messily the butterflies in your stomach were dancing. And it was all because of Cale.
The sounds of the fireplace were comforting you as everyone enjoyed the first night of the summer together with a beer in hand. Loud laughter was coming from the Avalanche players, and you could hear a few laughs and giggles coming from your own friends, too.
“I can’t believe they gave you a penalty, man,” Tyson admitted, referring to Nathan’s last call on the ice that cost the team a power-play goal. “It was a clean hit and we all saw that,”
“Yeah, man,” EJ agreed, tipping his head back as he finished his beer.
“Call was ridiculous,” Nate agreed, shrugging slightly to signal the end of the conversation before letting an arm wrap around his girlfriend. “What have you been up to, Y/N? You’re the only one we don’t see too often,”
You chuckled at his words, shaking your head as you swallowed the last piece of s’more in your mouth. “Just been working, trying to get a promotion,”
“You go, girl,” Johanna cheered, making you laugh. “And Christian?”
The laughter left your body as soon as your ex was mentioned, the last words of your final argument repeating themselves in your mind. “Christian?” Was all you were able to mumble, eyes cast on the fire as you buried your hands in the pockets of your hoodie.
“Your boyfriend,” Susanna stated, making you chuckle out bitterly.
“Well, ex-boyfriend,” you sighed, shrugging when you looked up to see a few shocked faces. “Broke up a few months ago, now,”
“And you didn’t tell us?!” Mikko yelled, his voice loud over the mixed words of shock from your friends.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, casting your eyes to your lap as everyone kept talking, slowly starting to express the way they all almost despised your ex. Nathan - and his girlfriend agreed with him - said something about Christian hitting on his girl, Tyson complained about the fact that he had never seemed to treat you good, and all the girls agreed with him.
Thinking about your break-up on the first day of your summer vacation wasn’t something you had planned, so you silently kept to yourself, hoping the conversation would drop quickly. Your eyes lifted up from the orange flames of the fire, finding the stars illuminating the dark sky, so subtle yet so beautiful. All the voices of your friends were silenced as you admired the beauty of the night, a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in finally leaving your lips.
A gentle hand nudged your elbow, your attention snapping towards the person to your right in a quick second. Staring back at you was Cale, a soft smile on his lips as he held a stick with a roasted marshmallow between the two of you. “For you,”
“For me?”
“I know you love roasted marshmallows,” he mumbled, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Just thought of making one for you, I guess,”
A small smile formed on your lips at his kindness, cheeks burning as you accepted the stick. “You’re too sweet, Cale,” you mumbled, your shoulder leaning against his as you grabbed the candy from the top of the branch, pushing it in your mouth.
He grabbed his own marshmallow and slid it in his mouth, your eyes meeting as you silently looked at each other. His cheeks grew bigger from the size of the candy, a small piece of it coloring the side of his mouth.
You giggled, his own laughter following yours as you swallowed. “Hang on, Cale,” you mumbled, coming closer to him as you tried to ignore your heartbeat picking up its pace. “You’ve got something-”
Your palm cupped his scarlet cheek, warm against your skin as your thumb smoothed the sticky substance away, your eyes barely leaving his as the two of you sat back in place. Both of your heartbeats were loud, cheeks burning as you acted as if the closeness hadn’t affected you in any kind of way.
You silently hoped nobody had paid attention to the two of you, knowing the guys wouldn’t hold down the chirping; but when you looked back at the team and wags, they all seemed to be too focused on their conversation to even notice Cale’s burning cheeks, or your fingers slightly touching.
You were the first one to wish everyone a good night, that day, to retrieve in your tent and listen to your heart beat loudly. You felt like a teenager again, feeling just so jittery after the interaction with the man you had always spent too much time looking at, and had always looked for whenever you’d join the group at any kind of event.
You had always repressed whatever you had been feeling for Cale, pushed it to the side to avoid any kind of rejection. But the way Cale smiled your way, the way he helped you out whenever he could, the way he tried to find subtle ways to gently touch you.
Something in you, that night, was guessing that your feelings might have been mutual.
“Does this happen every time you guys go camping?” You asked Sydney breathlessly as you took a look at the hiking path in front of you. You were already two hours into the hike, the guys all walking ahead of you as if the uphill path wasn’t tiring them, at all. “Like, do you ever get a break when hiking with the boys?”
“Nope,” Sydney giggled from beside you, stopping in her tracks to take a sip of her water. “You’re a newbie to our camping trips, you’ll get used to it,”
You laughed along with her, looping your arm around hers as you followed the rest of the group through the sunrays-lit forest, sweat threatening to line your forehead. Walking in front of everyone was Cale, laughing along with Nate as you watched him, a smile of your own forming on your lips.
The moments of the previous night kept repeating in your mind as you silently walked, hoping the man living in your mind wouldn’t notice the fondness in your eyes whenever he looked your way.
“So, you and Cale?”
The words leaving Sydney’s mouth had your cheeks burning, the smile on your face quickly turning sheepish as you kept walking. “What about me and Cale?”
“C’mon,” she laughed, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. “Last night?”
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle, shaking your head slowly as you looked at the path in front of you. “That was nothing,”
“Nothing?!” She cried exasperatedly, pushing your shoulder as she kept walking. “You looked like you were going to make-out on the spot,”
“That’s not true,”
“That’s more than true, Y/N,” she laughed, silence settling between the two of you after her teasing words. Maybe you and Cale hadn’t been that smooth, you thought. Her elbow was quick to hit your ribcage after a few minutes, her eyes finding yours again as a small smirk formed on her lips. “He’s single, you’re finally single. You should give it a thought,”
“It’s just a stupid, small crush,” you admitted. “Nothing more,”
“Then why not try and see where things would lead?” She stated, knowing she was right. “I’ve never seen Cale act like that,”
“Like what?”
“Like a smitten teenager,” her honesty had you laughing, your head shaking as you were the one to push her shoulder, that time. When your laughter died down, her voice made its way inside your ears. “But really, you should try,”
She didn’t give you time to give her a response, slipping away from you to reach her boyfriend’s side, who had called her name. You were left on your own once again, staring ahead of you, your eyes focused on the back of Cale’s head as you struggled to keep up with the group.
Was it so easy to notice? The way your cheeks would heat up, or the way your smile would turn giddy as soon as he’d be close enough to have your fingers brushing against his. Was it that easy?
“C’mon, Y/N! We’re almost there!” EJ yelled from the front, his toothless smile shining from the distance as he walked backward. You laughed, throwing your head back for a quick second before meeting eyes with a smiley Cale standing by his side.
His cheeks were their usual scarlet color, hair slightly tousled from being pushed back too many times, but he still looked like the kind of person who would steal your heart in no time.
“Good night, Y/N,” Tyson was the last person to leave the fireplace, a smile on his face as he walked towards his tent, the silence of the night engulfing you in a warm embrace.
Your eyes drifted up towards the sky - as they always did - and found the patterns of stars painting it. The moon was shining brightly that night, its rays illuminating your face as you silently thought about your day. And Cale.
The hike had gone surprisingly well: the various hours under the hot sun had been worth it, the view from the top of the mountains so beautiful you could never forget it. But you couldn’t just forget Cale, his lingering touches, and the way his eyes would be staring deeply at you whenever they could.
When he had helped you down a particularly high, rocky step, your breath had hitched, the feeling of his rough yet gentle hands on your waist pushing the butterflies in your stomach back to life. You were sure you had never felt so deeply connected to someone, the way Cale was making you feel just so unknown to you. You didn’t want things to end.
“You sure you’ll be okay out here on your own?”
Your head snapped towards the source of sound, the nest of tousled blond hair you knew too well finding your eyes in less than a second. “Yeah, don’t worry, Cale,”
Your gaze fell back on the stars, ignoring the sound of his footsteps until the shuffling of his body next to yours snapped you out of your thoughts again. “The stars are beautiful, tonight,” was all Cale mumbled as your shoulders touched.
“City pollution doesn’t do them much justice,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around your folded legs as you sent him a quick glance. “I should probably come here more often,”
“It’s such a nice place,” Cale stated, a layer of comfortable silence settling between the two of you. Your body leaned against his on its own command, your head almost resting on his shoulder as the sounds of the crickets surrounding you pushed you into a state of calmness.
His body seemed to tense for a second, but his arm wrapped around your middle when he realized there was nothing you wanted more than to feel him close to you. He was silent for a few minutes - just enjoying your closeness and the warmth your body held - before letting his eyes close.
You didn’t recall walking back to your tent, the next morning when you woke up, but his hoodie still covering your body was a tell-tale sign Cale had brought you back after a while. You buried your flushed face in your pillow, that morning, the sun warming up your tent as you still felt Cale close to you.
Did he feel the same way?
“Oh. My. God. Y/N!” Johanna yelled, trembling as the chilly water of the lake hit her back, all thanks to your splashing. You giggled at her exaggerated reaction, dipping underwater to escape any of her splashes as she tried to look for revenge.
The sun was setting after another long hike, its reflection painting the lake an orange shade as you cooled down, enjoying the last day of the vacation with the team. It was a summer you were going to remember, but you felt stressed, in some kind of way.
Your heart was beating for someone, and that someone was Cale. You had never felt as close to him as you did on the trip, and you felt like something was going to happen. Eventually.
But the trip was coming to its end: you’d have to go home and get back to your schedule, the guys would go back in full swing to their own jobs, and you weren’t ready to give up on the progress you and Cale had made, not yet. It felt as if the universe wanted you to be happy, giving you Cale and feelings you just couldn’t hold back, and just a small time to find your happiness.
The water had stopped moving around you, and you realized just then that Johanna had left, and you were - yet again - on your own. The water had started to cool down even more due to the dark clouds already painting the sky, pushing you to sit on the dock with a towel wrapped around your shoulders to warm up.
The world seemed to grow quiet as you watched the clouds move, reminding you of the sleepless night you were going to spend in your lonely tent due to the upcoming rainstorm. You smiled, though, taking a deep breath as the sound of laughter from the distance slowly put your world back into motion.
“You’re going to get a cold,”
“Would be worth it,” you giggled, watching Cale move until he was sitting next to you on the dock. “What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you, dinner’s almost ready,” he mumbled, his own eyes falling on the sky. You hummed, wrapping the towel tighter around your shoulders as you scooted closer to him.
“I’m going to miss this,” you whispered truthfully, your cold fingers busy on the strings of your bikini. “Camping, nights in front of the fireplace, you guys,”
“Same,” Cale admitted. “I don’t want it to end, you know? I’m going to miss you,”
Your heart fluttered at his words, sending the butterflies in your stomach in a spiral for a quick second as he kept talking. “And it’s stupid to say, because I see you just so often,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But I’m going to miss you, and what happened between us here,”
You took a second to let his words sink in, just how quickly they made your body feel warm and how they made you feel like a teenager in love all over again. “It doesn’t have to end, Cale,” was all you whispered, your eyes meeting his as you let your heart beat loudly, not caring if anyone heard it.
“I didn’t think you’d feel the same way,” he said, honesty slipping from his lips as he let a hand cup your cheek tenderly.
“And I didn’t think you’d feel the same way, either,” you giggled, your chest warming up unexpectedly when his lips brushed up in a smile. You admired him, letting your eyes rake across his eyes, then his nose, his rosy cheeks, and - soon after - his lips. “Promise me we won’t let this go to waste,”
“We won’t,” he whispered back, his free hand lacing with yours as your lips finally met. Your world felt complete, at least, it seemed like it. With his hands on you and his gentle kisses, you felt alive, you felt like you were finally home.
One of his kisses turned into two, and two turned into three. As warm as he made you feel, your body heat was lowering and you had to pull away with clattering teeth before you bit his lip a little too hard. Your foreheads met for a moment, your eyes closing as you spent one last moment with him, the closeness having you weak.
“You’re freezing,” he stated, eyes carefully taking notice of your purple lips and shaking limbs. “Let’s go, you need to get changed before you die on me,”
“I’m fine, Cale,” you giggled, taking his hand to stand up with him before you started to head towards your camping spot, where the rest of the team was making dinner. His hand stayed in yours as he led you towards your tent, not caring - or worrying - if your friends saw.
Dinner was quite uneventful after that. You ate in silence as you missed Cale’s touch, a smile on your lips as you caught him staring your way from the distance. You didn’t set up the fireplace, that night. Rain started to hit your skin by ten, and everyone pretty much understood your last night had come to an end.
You had wished Cale goodnight with a subtle squeeze of his hand before heading towards your tent, sliding under your covers as you thought about the events of the day. Your mind went back to the man that stole your heart, thinking about the way your heart would stutter every time he’d look your way, or just how quickly your mood could change when his skin touched yours.
Saying you were stuck on him was an understatement.
The tiredness from the activities started to kick in - your eyes feeling quite heavy as you pushed your phone away from you - but the sounds the rain made, the fear of a storm and just what it could cause, they were keeping you up.
The raindrops were hitting the fabric of the tent harshly, and as much as you tried to relax, you just couldn’t. It was well past midnight when an idea popped in your mind, but you just couldn’t. It was too much, and too early.
You rolled to your side, your air mattress making a squeaking noise as you did so. It was too early. Your phone vibrated, pushing you out of your thoughts as the screen lit up, a new message waiting to be read.
I’m outside your tent.
Your brows furrowed at Cale’s text, looking up to see that, in fact, someone was standing outside your tent. You crawled towards the entrance, pushing the zipper down until the cold hair of the night hit your face, and your eyes met Cale’s frame.
“What the hell are you doing here? You’re going to catch a cold!”
“Would be worth it,” he repeated the words you had used earlier that day. “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” you whisper-yelled, almost dragging him inside before you closed the tent back up. “What are you doing here, Cale?”
“I noticed you couldn’t sleep,” he mumbled, sitting on the edge of your mattress as his eyes stayed on your features even in the darkness of the night. “And I couldn’t sleep either,”
You giggled, shaking your head when you had realized you had had the same idea at the same time. You had been so close to joining Cale in his tent to relax and let all your worries leave your body, but he had beaten you at your own game.
With your last ounce of courage, you pressed a quick kiss to his blushing cheek, pulling him along with you to lay on the mattress. “Just come here,”
You were facing each other after you slipped under the covers again, his eyes staring into yours as you felt your body snuggle closer to his at its own command. One of his arms wrapped itself around your body, pulling you even closer as you felt a tender kiss being pressed to the crown of your head.
“Get some rest,” he whispered in your hair, your face buried in the crook of his neck as he talked. “I’ll be here in the morning,”
“Good night, Cale,”
“Good night, Y/N,”
Morning came quickly, too quickly for your liking. The sun was weakly lighting up your tent, its rays shining against Cale’s skin just right. He was still with you - as he had promised - and you were sure there was no better way to wake up than to open your eyes and see Cale, before anyone else.
He was breathing shallowly, eyes still closed as his arms kept tight around your waist, no sign of him waking up just yet. Your heart was a fluttering mess: you’d gone from complete strangers, to friends, to what seemed like lovers. And, God- you didn’t want it to end.
One single digit of yours ghosted over his soft cheek, starting to trace his features as lightly as it could as you admired him with all you had, hoping he wouldn’t wake up from your motions. A long sigh left his lips at your touch, eyelids squeezing for a quick second before he let them open.
“Good morning,” he grumbled, voice gravelly as he closed his eyes for another moment.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” you whispered, retrieving your hand as he pulled you closer. “Slept well?”
“Yes,” he dragged the last letter, the smile on his lips making you giggle. “You?”
“Like a baby,”
“That’s good,”
Silence settled between you as you enjoyed his warmth, brain running way too quickly at just eight in the morning while you traced shapes on his clothed chest. “They’re gonna chirp the hell out of us,” you giggled.
“Oh, God,” Cale chuckled, his palm landing on his face as he remembered about his restless teammates. “Might as well just die in here,”
You giggled, tugging the tent’s zipper open and grabbing his hand to get him out of your bed. “Just let them talk,” you whispered in his ear before stepping outside, stretching your limbs. His quite taller frame struggled to exit the tent, but when he did, a chorus of gasps surrounded you.
“I knew it!” Johanna yelled, receiving a slap from a sleepy Sydney when her loud voice scared her. “I fucking knew it!”
“Cale is getting it, guys!” Tyson said loudly, making Cale’s cheeks heat up.
“Shut the fuck up, Josty,” you spat out jokingly, pushing his shoulder as you found an empty spot to sit on. “Don’t chirp my boyfriend,”
The weight of Cale’s body sitting next to you was enough to distract you for a second, but his thick voice in your ear really took your breath away. “Boyfriend?”
You bit your lip, looking up at him innocently before sending him a quick smile. “Only if you want to,”
He hummed, jokingly leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek, your heart beating loudly against your ribcage. “I’ll think about it,”
Breakfast was over in a rush, and you found yourself packing your belongings with sad sighs leaving your lips every now and then. Even though summer had barely just reached its peak, you weren’t ready to leave the memories of the camping trip behind just yet.
On the hike back to the parking lot, your hand stayed in Cale’s. It fit in his palm so easily you couldn’t help but think you were never going to stop holding his hand, as pathetic as it sounded. The air was chilly, and it held sadness as you two and the rest of the group walked back to your cars.
“I don’t want this to end,” Susanna said, hugging you tightly as you all said goodbye. “I’m going to miss you girls,”
“We’ll find a way to see each other, babe,” Sydney reassured her as they embraced each other.
“Y/N,” Nate greeted you with a smile, a smirk on his lips as he hugged you. “I’m hoping to see you at our next game with an eight on your back,”
You punched his shoulder jokingly when you parted ways, laughing along with him. “I’ll miss you too, Nate,”
Your last goodbyes were sad, numerous people piling in cars as you waved their way, your back resting against your car as you sighed softly.
“So,” Cale mumbled from behind you, stepping closer to your frame as he looked down at you. “Would be interested in our next game’s ticket and my personal jersey, as Nate suggested?”
You giggled, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I mean, maybe,” you joked, biting on your lip as you let your eyes meet.
“As my girlfriend, you should probably say yes,” he said, looking down at you with a smirk as he gave you no time to respond, his lips meeting yours in a kiss.
He matched the smile on your face, leaning down to press another kiss before mocking your words from that morning. His voice was smooth, making your heart beat faster than usual, the butterflies in your stomach so crazy you were worried he could feel them.
“Only if you want to,”
Taglist: @thirstyybitch @bellaguarneri @boqvistsbabe @trashforbarzal @captaindaddies @keithseabrook27 @heatherawoowoo @sidscrosbyy @laurenairay @nathan-baelieu​
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