#sorry for the spam but I really like how his face came out in this
missygoesmeow · 1 year
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yes yes i've shared this image already but I *improved upon it.
*definition of improved depends upon how insane like me that u are :)
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angelbwrry · 2 months
Spam a bitch Friday:
So can you do a fanfic with ony (it doesn’t matter if it’s someone else who tho) when we tell him we’re studying but we’re actually at a party and he see us there and he “punishes” us 🫢
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hey boo, sorry it took me so long to get to this. hope you enjoy this short oneshot♡︎
The sound of the music blared so loudly that it seemed to vibrate in your brain, making you clutch the solo cup just as energetically as you swayed your hips to the tunes. The strobe lights pulsed throughout the space chaotically, synchronizing their flashes to each bass drop.
Your phone buzzed incessantly in your skirt pocket, and you already knew who it was. He probably assumed you had dozed off while studying, which was the excuse you gave him after all.Ony wasn’t your father, so you could attend parties whenever you liked; besides, what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
This was the biggest college party of the year, and you couldn't possibly let your insecure boyfriend stop you from going. Throughout the night, you successfully evaded any photographs, no evidence no case. You definitely preferred to avoid another lecture from him, your ass was still stinging from the last.
Your heart sank when you felt someone wrap an arm around yours; you winced as your eyes met a pair of furious brown familiar ones. How on earth did he track you down? Surrounded by hundreds in the crowd, you tried to keep a low profile, but alas, it made no difference,Ony was here and you were going to reap the consequences.
“You honestly think I was fucking playing around with you?” Ony growled through clenched teeth, furious. He pulled you from the house, ignoring the pressure of his grip on your arm.He warned you not to come here. Were you really so fucking stupid to think he wouldn't hear about your presence? He shot a look at your revealing outfit, and that ignited his fury.
“you’re hurting me ony.” you whined.
“you think this hurts? wait until we get home.”
Your pussy ached with every powerful movement, he had been pleasuring you for hours and each time felt more exhilarating than the last. You had experienced so much pleasure that you couldn't keep track of the times you came, tears of painful pleasure streamed down your face as you trembled with ecstasy.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” Ony rasped , strong hands gripping your calves and positioning them above your head as he drilled into your quivering cunt. You tried to speak but were left speechless as he plunged into you, body shuddering with pleasure.
A sob escaped your lips as he did a particularly deep thrust.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he hissed, anger lacing his voice.
“N-not to g-go to the party.” you whined, you longed to reach out to touch him but the rope seared into your wrist with each movement.
“Exactly, so let this be your lesson to listen next time. We’re gonna fuck all night until I deem you punished, I don’t care how many times you cum or how sore you get. You will be punished.”
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night-raven-tattler · 5 months
First kiss, what bliss... maybe...
Summary: Neither you nor your partner have had your first kiss yet. What kind of shenanigans would that information bring?
Characters: Cater, Jamil, Vil × GN!Reader (separate)
Warnings: misunderstandings
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Facing Cater after what happened felt like the hardest challenge you've ever gone through
Curse Magicam and curse couple tags and couple selfies, curse all of it!
The memory was fresh in your mind, making you cringe at the situation
You just wanted to take a cute selfie with your boyfriend, like any normal person
And you thought it would be funny and cute to kiss him on the cheek mid selfie
But he happened to have the same idea...
And your lips unceremoniously clashed over each other
As if the situation wasn't very embarassing already, Cater's reaction made it worse
He awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of his head, then left the room in a hurry
Horrible feedback for your first kiss, really
Were you that bad at kissing? But you didn't even have time to be bad, it was barely anything but his lips landing on yours
Sevens, even thinking about it made you feel like your face was on fire
You cursed all teen rom coms for lying to your poor teenage heart as you buried yourself under your blankets
But soon enough your phone started buzzing like crazy
One, twice, thrice
Twenty times
You picked it up to check what was going on, when you saw none other than your boyfriend spamming you with apology texts
"i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry"
His apologies only made you more confused
"wait why"
You could tell he was trying to pick between keysmashing his way to forgiveness and trying to find a coherent response as the loading chat bubble appeared and disappeared on your screen for a few minutes
In the end all he sent back was one text
"nvm i'm coming back to ur dorm stay there"
You undug yourself out of your fluffy pity party and, before you could process properly the situation you were in, Cater knocked at your door
You combed your fingers through your hair before taking a deep breath and opening the door
Just to see a Cater just as frazzled as you were
"I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do I wanted to be cute-"
"I was so stupid, I don't know what came over me, I panicked and-"
You talked over each other, then stopped and sunk into a bit of an awkward silence
Not even your conflict solving skills were on your side today
"Uhm, Let's just... I mean, can I come in?"
"I will let you in... before Riddle hears you used 'can' instead of 'may'."
Cater's eyes widened before he snorted, and a small smile blosommed on his lips
"Alright, don't mind me~"
His sing songy delivery came out slightly tense as he hesitated before stepping into your room and making a bee line to your bed
Another awkward, albeit shorter, silence took over the room before you sighed
"Cater, I'm sorry. I wanted to be cute and kiss you on the cheek, I'm sorry if I overstepped something or-"
"Oh, no no no! That's not it at all!"
Cater's cheeks grew redder than you've ever seen them
"You have nothing to apologise for! It's just..."
His eyes went from your face to the floor, then to the lamp on your nightstand
"It took my by surprise, and I was not prepared at all, and I reacted very poorly... It was so much different than what I thought our first kiss to be."
He reached out to his hair and started playing with a strand, something you noticed he did when he needed something to do with his hands
You took a seat next to him on the bed and sighed
"To be honest... I have no idea how I wanted our... first kiss... to be like... Since that was my first and all."
Cater's eyes widened and he snorted
"Yours too?"
Hearing his words, you turned to face him, and saw an expression hard to read
"Wait, what? Really?"
Cater nodded
You snorted, then burst into laugher
He had no idea why, but Cater also joined in with his own confused giggles
"So both our first kisses kinda sucked. Man...!"
Cater lied on your bed, obviously more relaxed than before
"...Well, at least I know I'm not the only victim of the lies about the romcom first kiss."
"You know what they say about misery loving company!"
You lied next to Cater, thinking about how ridiculous everything was
And you were glad to see Cater back to his more relaxed self
"So... No hard feelings, then?"
His question made you giggle
"None. Only if you promise me a proper redo, though."
Cater turned on his side, prompting his head on his arm
"Totally! Not right now, though. My heart had enough of a workout today."
You spent the rest of the day watching cute videos on his Magicam feed
The atmosphere turned back to normal once again, and you almost forgot about the incident
Until a few weeks later, when Cater was finally ready for the proper redo
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You were leaving Sam's and checking items off of a list, making mental notes to yourself
Ingredients for chakli and shankarpali? Check. Enough paper to make origami jasmines until your hands hurt? Check.
The permission slip from Kalim that allowed you and Jamil to stay out of the dorm for the night? Check. The contracts from Azul binding your friends to the responsibility of keeping Kalim in check while you and Jamil are away? Check
Were your preparations a little extreme? Maybe, but you had a very important goal in mind
Several weeks prior, you were bestowed with a very valuable information: Jamil never had his first kiss
Neither did you, but you wanted to do something about it
After a lot of shifts at the Mostro Lounge, you finally were able to put together the perfect date
A picnic under the stars in the garden of Ramshackle dorm, where you could create the perfect opportunity to give your boyfriend the first kiss he deserves!
You skipped on your way to your dorm from excitement and prepared everything for the special night
But whatever deities ruled over Twisted Wonderland decided that it would be funny to cause an unpredictable downpour on the very night you were planning to be out
All Jamil could do to help your disappointed self was to help you gather your things and resume the "picnic" in your dorm room
Despite him trying to comfort you, you still had a hard time recovering, as the night you were so emotionally invested in was ruined
Jamil sighed as it sunk in that the issue was deeper than he thought, and he made you sit down with him
"This wasn't just a normal date, was it? Talk to me, Reader."
You sighed and grabbed Jamil's hand
"I'm just... really disappointed, I guess. I worked really hard to make this date special! And this stupid rain ruined the night. I'm sorry..."
Jamil raised an eyebrow
"Special? Were you preparing something for a special occasion?"
You hated how perceptive he was sometimes
You looked away, and your reaction to his question was all the confirmation Jamil needed
He still waited for you to tell him, regardless of how embarassed you grew with every second of silence
So eventually you caved after what felt like a whole hour of silence
"...You know how you told me you haven't had your... your first kiss?"
Jamil listened to your explanation with a growing blush on his cheeks
"I wanted to make it memorable! I haven't had my first kiss either so I thought it would be great to make it great for the both of us! But then it started raining, and it made the food all soggy, and I just wasted three weeks of my life for a stupid contract with Azul and my friends to make sure Kalim doesn't accidentally start an international conflict while I'm trying to smooch you!"
Your little rant left Jamil speechless
You were expecting some sort of snort or sarcastic remark, but you heard... nothing
So you turned your face to look at Jamil
And he was deep in thought, eyes not even looking at you
His mouth opened and closed a few times
Jamil's face never settled on an expression for too long, his conflicted feelings coming to the surface
The silence was making your nervous, but it was obvious Jamil was weighting his words very carefully
"Reader, I don't need a special setting for you to show you care about me."
"I know you don't need it, but you deserve it! You work so hard all the time and you never get the praise you deserve, I wanted to spoil you as much as I could and give you an unforgettable memory..."
Jamil was rendered completely speechless
And, when your words finally sunk in, his face started burning like a campfire, and he pulled his hood over his head
"You... You are impossible..."
Your hand was still holding his, and you gave it a squeeze in reassurance
The silence that befell on you was just a bit awkward, but you gave Jamil time to recover emotionally
A few minutes passed when he pulled the hood off and asked you to make a pillow fort with him in your room
"I can't let your efforts go to waste, not after... after everything you've said."
Despite your disappointment, you'd never say no to a night with your boyfriend
So you took the chairs, Jamil took the blankets and pillows, and you set up a pretty nice fort
It wasn't the starry sky you imagined yourself sitting under, but maybe Jamil was right
You didn't need anything fancy to have a special moment
And the way he was clinging to you while you were running your fingers through his hair was even more special to you than anything
You chuckled to yourself at the visage of Jamil Viper, the most tense and closed off teen you know, completely making himself comfortable in your embrace as if your body was made to hold him and cherish him
He raised his head, his attention caught by your chuckle
Maybe it was the way Jamil looked more relaxed than usual or the way that he was simply looking at you, expecting nothing but to satiate a small curiosity
But Jamil looked really beautiful to you in that moment
And kissable...
"This is kind of embarassing... I really wanna kiss you right now..."
Jamil smirked at you
"I thought you needed a meteor shower and a full course meal to get a kiss."
"...Never mind, you ruined it."
You were sure he wouldn't let it die until you actually kissed
A problem you could solve really easily
You started plotting another plan; this one was simpler, and it involved just you making him look at you and leaning in a little closer...
"Did you have any voice acting roles animated movies and stuff?"
Vil contemplated your question for a few seconds while he applied some skin cleanser on his face
"A few, yes. I prefer when people experience my presence fully when I act, but I don't mind bringing a different type of character to life if I like the project."
You were in Vil's room, using your priviledge of being the partner of a Housewarden to spend the night with your boyfriend without the need of a formal pass
As fair as Vil was, he didn't mind your daring actions as they amused him
To pass the time while Vil prepared himself to go to bed, you decided to play 20 questions
"Do you prefer open ended media or do you like to know what comes out of the fate of the characters?"
Vil was good at asking questions, as they really made you fall deep in thought
"Hmm... I think both are pretty great. It depends on the setting the most. An open ending works well with a thriller movie, but I like a proper ending for a romcom."
Your boyfriend hummed at your response
You watched Vil as he reached for his serum, and you caught a glimpse of a smile on his face
"Smart answer. That's the beauty of media, it allows you to tell different kinds of stories in different ways."
Vil opened the serum bottle and let a few droplets fall on his face
"Have you had your first kiss for a role or in real life?"
"Wait. Really?"
Vil snickered at your reaction as he met your eyes through his mirror
"What, is it really that shocking that I haven't had my first kiss yet?"
He was something else: usually people would be embarassed at the prospect of having to admit they haven't had their first kiss at all
"Kind of? I assumed that... well, I know that people who've been acting for as long as you have been exposed to a lot of things before the proper time."
"I can't deny that. I could say that I had a lot of people making sure I never did anything too... extreme."
Vil grabbed his moisturizer, and you had no idea how to feel about losing count of the products he has used so far
While he applied the product, Vil smiled to himself mischievously
"What about you? Have you had your first kiss?"
Your cheeks warmed up in embarassment
Your reply was followed by an awkward laugh, and it drew a chuckle out of Vil
For the first time in a while, Vil got up from his chair and sat on his bed next to you, leaning closer
His closeness to you and your confession made your cheeks grow hot
The floral scent of his freshly applied products and the teasing glint in his eyes made you dizzy
"Oh? Is that so?"
Your confusion suddenly vanished as you realised what Vil was about to do
Were you about to kiss?! Right now?!
Vil leaned in very close to your face while you panicked and tried to figure out what to do
He kept a distance of barely two centimeters for a few seconds
Then he kissed your nose, making you confused
"You've been able to go on this long without your first kiss, you'll be fine waiting a little longer..."
You were shocked as Vil backed away with a smile on his face and cheeks dusted pink
It finally dawned on you: he was only teasing you
He only laughed when you gave him a swat to his thigh, wordlessly accepting your offense as warranted
The audacity of this guy...
"You really though I'd allow our first kiss to be anything less than spectacular? My line of work has been advertising a life changing moment, and I feel it's my duty to... live up to the hype."
Your indignation, as lighthearted as it was, refused to allow your pride to be wounded by such teasing
You raised yourself from your spot and, with a courage fueled only by impulsivity, you put your hand at the back of Vil's neck
You pulled Vil close to your face, action that earned you a gasp from your beloved
Almost all courage left you but you still continued with your plan: you waited a few seconds before pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth
"Your... line of work also has teasers and trailers, right? Consider this one of them."
Vil was more than shocked; to your surprise, he seemed awestruck by your actions
A lovely pink took over his face as a proud smile bloomed on his features
"Maybe I will."
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chuuyascumsock · 11 months
I am NOT a Sadist (I am) || Minors DNI
Summary; Sorry, not sorry. I love when there’s hurt feelings with emotional make-up sex :)
Tags; Chuuya Nakahara/Reader, Afab reader, Angst, Mentions Of Depression, Hurt/Comfort, I Totally Projected My Poor Communication Skills Onto The MC, Also Self Sabotaging, But She Gets Better I Swear, I Project A Lot Actually Lmao, Sounds Kind Of Like An Unhealthy Relationship At First But They Fix It, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, They Do Hurt Each Other’s Feelings A Little, Obviously There’s Crying, Pet Names (Baby, Doll, Sweetheart, Sweet Girl, etc.), Mention Of Phone Sex, Handjob, Fingering, Emotional Sex, Make-Up Sex, Creampie, Lowkey Breeding Kink If You Squint, Actually Pretty Vanilla For Once, Pussy Is Chuuya’s Therapy, Classic Missionary, Missionary Accomplished, Why Does No One Talk About Chuuya Going On His Overseas Trips And Leaving His S/O For Months At A Time, I Feel Like It’s Such A Good Angst Idea, My Longest Oneshot Yet Btw At A 5k Wordcount.
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The honeymoon phase of your relationship with Chuuya ended quicker than you had anticipated. It felt like a slap in the face in all honesty, unexpecting of what you were really getting into as a normal civilian. Being married to an executive of the port mafia had its many upsides, yet no one really seemed to talk about the downsides and struggles of the mental toll that weighed on your conscience that came with the title as Chuuya’s wife. 
Chuuya had always been there when you needed him, and you were grateful that even with his rough exterior and conflict with opening up emotionally he could empathize with your varying issues and emotional outbursts. You tried not to be emotionally high maintenance for the sake of Chuuya already having so much on his plate, and things had seemed to be going well for the time being. 
Until he went away for his first overseas trip during your marriage. 
It was normal for Chuuya to take overseas trips while you were dating, some lasting a few days to a few weeks at most and during those times you often texted him throughout the day about how much you missed him before calling later on when he was lying exhausted in a hotel room to talk about how both of your days had gone. Of course, it had often led to phone sex, ending with the camera angled against a pillow while your fingers worked in and out of your neglected, needy pussy– your face buried into his pillow and smothering your senses with what was left of his presence in your apartment. And Chuuya would stroke his throbbing length at the sight with languid motions, thumb swiping over his leaking tip as he murmured through the speaker about how he wished he could be there to feel you split open on his cock and fill you up with his cum. And every time he came back from his trips, your relationship seemingly grew stronger from the distance, spending all his free time with you whenever he got the chance. 
And then Mori sent him away on a half year mission to Europe and everything seemed to go to shit. 
It was different when you had been dating as it was for a few days to some weeks at most, but a six-month excursion made your throat clench and your heart ache with saudade. You tried to keep a positive mindset, yet it was harder as each day had passed and Chuuya grew too tired from the days’ events to even call anymore. Messages on his side grew shorter and dull by the end of the third month, only sending a small good morning and good night text with the occasional ‘I love you’.  
Instead of bringing it up or attempting to fix it, you felt a sense of hopelessness and withdrew from him as well, not wanting to burden him with your spamming messages or feelings that could hinder him while dealing with an important mission. You spent the next three months stewing in a depressive state, loneliness eating away at you as you went day to day going to your job and coming back to an empty apartment. You stopped going out with your friends, stopped bothering to take care of yourself– completely ruining your sleeping and eating schedule in the process– leaving you with dark bags under your eyes and slightly paler looking complexion. You had grown so comfortable in Chuuya’s love and had no idea how to handle the situation you were in, fearing of saying something that would upset him. 
When Chuuya had come back, he hadn’t noticed the change in your behavior– too tired himself to see the toll his absence had taken on you. But to you, your straining relationship was apparent, and it only fueled your depression as Chuuya spent less time with you when he got back home than he used to when you were dating. He was either working on other missions given by Mori within the area or spent his free time sleeping. You barely felt as if you were married anymore, your relationship seeming more like roommates who rarely ever interacted every passing day.  
Your deteriorating mental health was beginning to wear your mind and patience thin, leading to a series of outbursts and fights between the two of you. You’d snap at him with an antagonizing start, and he’d finish with a frustrating end, either leaving to cool off or going to sleep on the couch. You could tell it was getting to him because he confronted you one day after he had mentioned that Mori was thinking about sending him on another grueling months-long overseas mission in America and you gave him the cold shoulder, closing yourself off from him. 
“What the hell has been your problem lately, huh? You’ve been acting shitty for the last few weeks and it’s really starting to get on my nerves,” He gripes, crossing his arms over his chest defensively as he leans against the kitchen counter. 
“I don’t have a problem, you’re the one starting things,” You tiredly glare at the words in your novel, wanting to read and forget everything falling apart around you, but it’s hard when Chuuya persists.  
Chuuya scoffs, “Bullshit, you have this nasty attitude and it's been bothering the hell out of me– so what the hell is your problem?” He repeats, his eyes burning holes into the side of your apathetic expression from across the room.  
“Good thing you won’t have to deal with it for long, huh?” You respond flatly, avoiding his question once again. You and Chuuya have always had an issue with things like this due to him being blunt when he was upset about something while you tended to dance around it and drawl the problem on longer than it had to be than if you were to talk about your problems from the start. 
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” His jaw sets, teeth clenching behind his scowl, “You know it annoys the hell out of me when you say cryptic shit like that— answer my question.” Chuuya’s temper was something no one enjoyed testing and you once feared setting him off, but now you couldn’t find it in you to care whether he blew up on you or not. 
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your next mission?” You’re metaphorically poking more than just a bear at this point; this is an entire fucking lion you’re sticking your hand into the mouth of– waiting for it to rip you apart. 
Chuuya’s steps are heavy as he approaches you with a stern glare, “I’m not leaving until you tell me, I’m tired of these games, [name].”  
His words make you snort bitterly as you mock, “Yeah, okay– like you’re not just Mori’s lapdog– at his every beck and call.” You know he’d leave the minute Mori sent a text or called asking where he was. 
Chuuya’s face contorts in mild surprise and slight hurt at your words, not expecting you to stoop so low as to refer to him as a lapdog for Mori. “I really don’t know why the fuck you’re acting like this, but it’s seriously pissin’ me off. Can you just tell me what I supposedly did wrong to make you treat me like this? Because last time I checked, I didn’t fuckin’ do anything,” His statement was ironic in the sense that him not doing anything was the problem.  
Your nostrils flare with a deep exhale in spiteful amusement, though nothing was amusing about it, because you knew you were going to regret everything you said after the fight was over.  
“Of course, you didn’t,” There’s clear sarcasm in your tone, your hands now messing with the pages of your novel mindlessly. 
“Why won’t you just talk to me!? I can’t read your mind– how can I fix a problem when you won’t tell me what I did wrong?” He starts to raise his voice in frustration. You can see his fists clenching from the corners of your eyes. 
You only remove yourself further emotionally by shutting down completely. It was common for you to go completely non-verbal in any argument, the stress of the conflict physically affecting you in ways that kept you from speaking– like your throat tightening and tongue growing heavy in your mouth. This was another issue between you and Chuuya as he was the type to raise his voice whilst arguing to make himself and his feelings known, the complete opposite of yourself. 
An inkling of doubt buries in your chest as you begin to think that maybe you’re not as compatible with Chuuya as you thought you were. 
Chuuya notices your silence and he feels his impatience growing, his foot starting to tap against the floor with agitation as his hands fall to rest on his hips, “God dammit, [name], can you just tell me? I’m not in the mood to play detective and try to figure out why you’re playing your fucking games, I have shit to do.” 
You find it in you to respond, though it’s weak and filled with animosity, “You always have shit to do.” 
An exasperated sigh leaves Chuuya as he stands in front of you, “Is that what this is about? Because I have work? A job? Believe it or not, the mafia isn’t as lenient as to give me a day off, sweetheart,” He says sarcastically, throwing his hands up for emphasis. “Sorry that I have to serve an organization that will literally have my head if god forbid, I even thought about leaving!” 
“You don’t even spend time with me anymore when you do have time off,” You rasp, your eyes set on the crumbling pages underneath your fingertips. 
“I’m exhausted because I’m constantly working my ass off! Sorry that I can’t do fuck whatever and whenever like you can! Unlike you, I actually work for the things I want instead of sitting around and waiting for it to just fall into my lap!” Your brows furrow at his words, knowing it’s utter bullshit. But it still gets under your skin. 
You could easily quit your job and live off of the makings of what Chuuya has— he’s even offered the idea before— but you wanted to keep a sense of independence and to continue to be productive instead of a burden that burns cash. Your conclusion is that it was to get back at your lapdog comment. 
“And you know what? You have nothing to fuckin’ complain about because you get everything you want. Are you just bored? Is that why you’re starting shit? Or is it those friends of yours filling your head with bullshit?” He leans over to your eye level, his hands resting above his knees for support with a firm stare into the side of your face as you refuse to make eye contact with him. 
You were over this. All of it. You were tired of the tension, the fighting, feeling the way you were.  
Which led the next words to slip out from your mouth without a second thought, “I want a break.” 
Chuuya’s scowl quickly shifted to a look of pure bewilderment, to immense hurt and slight panic, then to anger, “A break? You can’t just take a break whenever something doesn’t go your way, that’s not how this works.” 
“I don’t care, I want a break,” It’s getting difficult to talk again as you feel your eyes begin to water. 
“Look me in the eyes and tell me that,” He demands, almost hesitantly. 
It takes minutes for you to finally look into his piercing gray eyes without crying and repeat your words, “I want a break.” 
His body straightens and he brings a hand to rub at his eyes, his other hand on his hip. He seems disappointed and a whole lot of other emotions, but mostly frustrated at this whole ordeal. There’s a deafening silence before he drags his hand down his face and lets it fall to his side, “You want a break? Fine, I’ll tell Mori I’m going on the mission then and be gone by tomorrow morning— you’ll get your break.” He then storms off to finish getting ready for work, leaving you to sit alone on the couch, regretting everything that just happened. 
And even when you still have the chance to stop him from walking out the door and just talk to him, you don’t. Instead, you stare down at the ring on your finger numbly, listening to his heavy footfalls as they move towards the front door and then the slamming that follows when he leaves. 
You soon break down crying after, feeling as if you’ve lost everything. You know you could easily fix it with a simple text of wanting to talk things out, but the self-sabotaging nature in you refused to move a muscle. You cry for hours until your body grows exhausted, and you fall asleep on the couch in a tangled mess of some throw blankets and decorative pillows. 
Hours later, Chuuya enters your shared apartment quietly, taking his hat off as he runs a hand through his hair. He’s tired just as much as you are with how things are going in your relationship, and he doesn’t know what to do. He’s lost and trying so desperately to figure out how to fix it, but he can’t when you won’t tell him what the problem is. He knows you struggle deep down with telling others about how you feel, and it makes him feel hopeless at times when you won’t even tell him how you feel. 
His eyes trail over the living room before they fall on you and the blankets your body is buried under, your sleeping face peeking through. Chuuya takes light steps over to the couch before crouching in front of you and taking off one of his gloves, his hand slowly reaching out to move a few baby hairs away from your face. His eyes soften when he rubs away the tear stains on your cheeks with his thumb.  
There’s a small ache in his chest from the events and words exchanged earlier, feeling a growing tightness in his throat. He didn’t mean it when he said those things and he knows you didn’t mean what you said. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt any less.  
He begins to feel guilt weighing on his consciousness. He replays all your expressions and words in his mind and starts to think about your reaction to the whole reason the fight started in the first place. It takes a few moments of him silently sitting next to the couch and caressing your face mindlessly until he finally realizes what’s been wrong the whole time. 
When you wake up hours later, you’re no longer on the couch, but placed comfortably in your bed. You rub the crust from your eyes and feel a heavy weight in your chest like a bag of stones when the spot next to you is void of Chuuya. ‘He actually left,’ You thought, but you knew you had no one to blame but yourself— even if you had hoped that he would stay. Now fully awake, you slip out of bed sluggishly and shuffle out your bedroom. 
A faint voice from the living room catches your attention and you notice that it’s the TV. There’s a small spark of hope that flickers in your stomach as you slowly creep into the living room. Relief settles in your heart to see the back of Chuuya’s head peeking from the couch. You make your way around the couch timidly until you’re in Chuuya’s sights. He stares tiredly at the TV before he sees you move into his view from the corner of his eye and looks over to you. 
“I… thought you were going to go on the mission…” You whisper, anxiously twisting and fidgeting with the end of your oversized shirt that slightly hangs off your shoulders. 
“I had Mori get someone else to do it,” Chuuya responds quietly, his eyes traveling your figure from top to bottom before propping an arm on the backrest of the couch as a silent invitation for you to sit next to him. 
As soon as you sit next to him, his arm shifts until his callous hand rests on the nape of your neck, rubbing at your skin in a soothing manner. He pulls you into his side after a few moments and turns his face slightly to press a soft kiss against your hairline.  
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around,” He starts off, sincere in each word as he continues, “Why didn’t you say anything?” It sounds almost rhetorical because you know he knows why on a surface level, but he doesn’t know why.  
You’re silent for a bit before hesitantly answering, “I didn’t want to stress you out by making you feel like you had to constantly tend to me.” 
“You’re my wife, not a burden. No matter how stressed out I am, I don’t want you to ever think that you can’t come to me with your feelings or just to bother me. I know I was gone for a long time, and I shouldn’t’ve become as distant as I had, but–” He sighs out in exasperation, “–Baby, you’ve gotta communicate with me. I don’t wanna fight like this and worry about our marriage. I want us to work out– I need us to work out because…” Chuuya trails off before moving his body to turn towards you and tilt your chin up with his other hand to look you in the eyes. 
“I need you, [name]. You’re my person. Okay?”  
Your chest throbs and aches at his words as his slate gray eyes flicker over your face and then meet your now watering eyes, “You’re my person too, Chuuya. I’m sorry…” You croak out through quivering lips and break down into tears, leaning forward to bury your face into his chest. “M’sorry– didn’t mean anything I said last night– won’t do it again,” You stumble over your words through muffled sobs.  
Chuuya moves his hand from your chin to hold the back of your head, pressing you into his chest as he kisses the top of your head, “I know you didn’t, sweetheart. I didn’t mean what I said either. You know I love you, right?” 
You nod, your small sobs and hiccups muted by his loose tank top as you hug your arms around his torso to pull him to you as close as possible, “I love you too…” 
He pulls you back reluctantly from your embrace and cups your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, “I promise that I’ll make an effort to be a better husband, I don’t want you to feel like that ever again. I shouldn’t have neglected you like that and made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me. That’s the last thing that I want.” 
“I’m gonna do better too, promise,” You sniffle, trying to hold back from anymore tears falling down your face, “Wanna be better for you.” 
“I wanna be better for you too, doll,” He murmurs before his face grows closer to yours to place a soft, innocent kiss against your lips. 
Your hands come to clasp over his own that cup your face and your eyes lull into his fond gaze, “I missed you,” You whisper with longing. 
“I missed you too, baby. It killed me not being able to wake up next to you every morning n’see your pretty face,” He exhales gently, kissing you again. 
Your heart stutters at his words and you reciprocate the kiss, refusing to pull away as quickly as before. When your lashes flutter open, you lean your face into his touch, “I need you, Chuuya,” And it’s clear to him that it wasn’t meant in just an innocent manner.  
“Yeah? Missed me that much, sweet girl?” His nose nudges against yours affectionately before capturing your lips into a sensual kiss. Feeling his lips smother against yours and the ring on his finger to remind you of his undying love and devotion to you only encourages the simmering heat in your chest and lower stomach. And when he mumbles a muffled, “C’mere,” against your lips, you’re quick to climb into his lap and thread a hand into his ginger hair. He hums in amusement at your eagerness and moves his lips to trail pecks along your jaw and down your throat, “Always were so needy f’me and I fuckin’ love it– love everything about you, doll.” He groans under his breath, hands heavily groping at any part of your plush body to keep you against him. 
“Only for you, it’s always been you,” You breathe out with a shaky exhale and Chuuya is unable to hide the small whimper that escapes the back of his throat. 
“Fuck, it’s always been you too, doll. I love you so much it hurts,” He pulls you back down into a desperate and hungry open-mouthed kiss, his tongue seeking out until his muscle is entangling with yours.  
Your face flushes with warmth as you mold your lips against his feverishly, head tilting to deepen the kiss until you’re both panting for air into each other’s mouths, “Please…” You plead, squirming in his lap. 
“I know, babydoll, I feel it too,” Chuuya groans quietly, feeling your thinly clothed pussy skim over the bulge in his gym shorts. “Wanna take this slow though, need to feel all of you, okay?” His hands cup the bottom of your thighs as he moves off the couch to stand up, your lips not parting for even a second as he makes his way to your bedroom and over to the bed. When his shins bump against the bottom frame of the bed, he leans over to lay you down on the mattress gently, lips leaving yours to move back down the expanse of your neck. You shiver, fingers messily tangling into his locks of hair whilst your other hand finds its way in between your bodies to run your hand over his erection. “F-Fuck,” Chuuya breathes out against the skin of your throat, hips jerking forward into your touch. “God, it’s been so long, I almost came,” He admits with embarrassment before latching onto a small patch of your skin to suckle at, pressing kisses to the spot occasionally. 
“Baby, please— wanna touch you so bad,” Was all you had to whine before he slips his baggy gym shorts off to reveal his stiff, throbbing cock. Your hand wraps around him, thumb pressing to his leaking slit to swipe at the precum dribbling out to spread it along his length with a few pumps of your hand. There’s a quiet “schlick” each time your wrist flicks to draw your hand back up to his angry mushroom tip before moving back down to the base of his shaft. 
Chuuya is unashamed when he lets out airy moans against your neck that’s now littered with his love marks, “Shit, you’re s’fuckin’ good, baby— just like that.” His right hand finds its way under your large shirt to grab at your underwear and pull at it until it tears off you. 
“Chuuya,” You whine in complaint, watching him toss the now torn fabric onto the floor, “I liked those.” 
“S’okay, I’ll get you more, sweetheart, promise,” His teeth dig into his bottom lip as he slips his middle and ring finger through your folds to spread your glistening sex open. “Look at how fucking wet you are, you like jerkin’ me off that much, pretty girl?” He groans, eyes glued to your hole clenching around nothing. 
You bury your face into the crook of his neck timidly as your hand pumping around his cock falters slightly from the way he talks, “C-Chuuya…” 
Chuuya chuckles before softly moaning into the side of your head, face nuzzling affectionately into your hair, “C’mon, doll, don’t be shy, look at how your sweet little cunt takes my fingers.” 
Flustered, you peek from his neck to watch his digits dip into your arousal, dragging them up to circle over your clit a few times and then slipping down to sink into your pulsing walls. Whilst his fingers weren’t considered long, they have you twitching from pleasure with how thick they are. “Feels good,” You slur out as your hand squeezes around the base of his cock. 
“Yeah? You love it when I stretch this pussy out with my fat fingers, huh?” He sucks in a short breath as he tries not to come right then and there in your hand as he fingers his digits in and out of your squelching pussy. “My sweet girl likes having her hole stuffed by her husband, hm,” His fingers work faster in and out of your cunt as he angles his thumb to draw rough circles into your needy clit.  
Your grip and stroking around his length only continues to falter as your thighs spasm softly, “M’gonna come— fuck— Chuu, noo, no, no…” You squirm, your other hand tugs his hair. 
“What’s wrong, doll?” Chuuya’s fingers slow to a stop, causing you to whimper from the ebbing buildup of your orgasm. He’s the same as you when he feels your hand come to a stop around his shaft. 
“Wanna come on your cock,” You mumble into him, “Want you to fill me up with your cum.” 
Chuuya feels his heart thrum in his throat wildly as he hears you speak before making quick work of your shirt and his tank top until you're both as bare as you were when you were brought into the world. “Yeah? Need me to fill your cute pussy up until my cum is spilling outta ya?” He hovers over you between your spread thighs as he hooks your legs over his hips.  
“Just wanna feel you close to me,” You admit with a sweet and quiet voice, your legs drawing him in until his throbbing cock is rubbing between your pussy lips with his tip nudging at your puffy clit. 
His eyes widen barely before softening, his movements becoming less erratic and eager as he leans down to place a gentle kiss against your lips. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head, doll, m’gonna take care of ya like I always do.” He whispers, his right hand moving to guide the tip of his cock against the entrance of your core. Much like his fingers, his thick length bullies into your warm pussy slowly, stretching and splitting you open on his cock. “Fuuuuck, baby, you take me so well. Can’t get enough of seeing you stretch open on me.” 
Your legs tighten around him as you feel his hips press against yours until his balls are flush with your ass, “You’re s’big— it hurts every time, but it hurts good,” A small whimper leaves you as your hands grip at the bedsheets. 
When Chuuya pulls away, he watches his cock twitch from the loss of warmth your tight hole provided before seeing it stretch you back open to fill you. “God, I’ll never get over you,” He hisses through his teeth, pistoning his cock in and out of you at an agonizing pace, “Your pussy was made for me.” 
Chuuya’s gaze isn’t on where your bodies connect for long before he’s back to hovering over you, pinning your hands above your head. They’re placed palm up on top of one another before being locked in place with his left hand interlocking your fingers. The action makes your heart tighten with affection as well as your fingers when you squeeze his hand. The subtle noise of metal clinking from your wedding bands only makes your heart swell with pure unadulterated love for him further. Your eyes start to water again from the overwhelming emotions and love you feel for him. 
He squeezes your hand back in comfort, eyes studying your teary face, “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that, doll?” He says out of nowhere, “M’so lucky to have you.” 
You clench around him as you stare back through blurry eyes back into his focused ones, moaning from the way his tip kisses at your g-spot with each thrust. “Mm— Lucky to have you too— you’re so good to me, Chuu,” You mewl out, feeling your stomach twist and coil with intensity.  
“Want you to come for me, please, baby— wanna make you come,” Chuuya’s words grow more pitchy and airier as he reaches his right hand down to rub at your throbbing clit with vigor. 
“A-Ah, fuck—“ Your body arches, hips erratically bucking into his, “C-Coming..! Shit, s’too much.” You sob, tears slipping down your temples and into the mattress. Your cries are soon silenced by Chuuya’s lips swallowing your noises in a passionate, yet sloppy kiss. You muffle incoherently against his lips, but he knows it’s a repeated line of I love you’s as your nails dig into the back of his hand and you cream around his length.  
As your walls spasm around his twitching cock, a guttural groan leaves his throat and he spills his hot, viscous cum deep into your starving pussy until it’s leaking out of your tight hole and down his balls. “Atta girl…” He murmurs through pants, kissing your sweaty forehead lovingly. 
“I love you,” You repeat gently one last time as you both relish in the softness of your afterglow. 
“I love you too,” Chuuya sighs with a ghost of a smile on his face as he admires you underneath him, hand coming down from your hands to wipe away your stray tears, “Promise me you won’t go anywhere, doll? Cause I’ve still got years of loving you left to go.” 
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worldlxvlys · 9 months
the reader doesn't respond because of some reason (you can make it up) and he starts panicking and saying cute things to the reader(in "I don't want to lose you" mode..)and when he arrives at the reader's house after a few hours without the reader responding, she is not there and you can invent the rest because I have no idea for the rest but I love you sm I love your stories and how you write and marry me i love you sm
texts w/ dealer w benefits! chris (part 19)
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: just cursing
a/n: thank you so much, i’m so glad you like my writing :) also 💍 when’s the wedding ???
hope you like <333
dwb! chris masterlist
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(thoughts are bolded + italicized)
i knocked on the door repeatedly, but there was no answer.
i dug into my pocket, searching for the spare key she gave me.
once i felt it, i pulled it out and opened her door.
“baby, are you here?” i yelled out.
i searched through every room in her house, starting to get even more worried.
when i got to her room, i saw her wallet on the ground, but not her.
where would she have gone without her wallet ?
why isn’t she answering her phone ?
is she safe ?
no! we’re not going there, she is fine.
she has to be.
i opened the Find My Friends app, deciding to check her location.
yeah, dumbass, maybe you should’ve done that first.
when i clicked on her iphone’s location, my heart dropped to my ass.
fuck . fuck. fuck.
why is her location off.
what do i do?
suddenly, i heard a loud bang from the front of the house.
heheheehe cliffhanger 😈
(i thought about it tho)
ok continue reading 🤗
my head snapped towards the noise, my heart racing.
what the fuck was that.
before i knew it, there she was, standing right in front of me.
chris stood in front of me, looking worried.
damn, that noise must’ve scared him.
“sorry, baby, i literally just walked straight into my front door, didn’t mean to scare you” i chuckled.
suddenly, he came rushing towards me, giving me a big hug.
surprised, i hugged him back.
“you ok, chris?” i asked.
“fuck, ma, you scared me. why didn’t you answer your phone?”
i looked at him, confused. then, a realization hit me like a ton of bricks.
“oh my gosh, i completely forgot to tell you! it wouldn’t turn on so i took it to get fixed. it’s still there, i just forgot my wallet so i came back real quick”
“i’m so sorry if i worried you, baby. i should’ve-“ he cut me off with a hard kiss to the lips.
he kissed me with so much love and passion, as if he thought it was going to be our last. it was an emotional kiss and it made me realize
i really scared him.
when we pulled away, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“no need to apologize, baby. i’m just so fucking glad that you’re ok, i was starting to go insane”
he gave me a peck to my nose, then another to my lips.
“does this mean when my phone is fixed it’s gonna be filled with spam texts from you?”
his eyes widened a bit, “yeahh, there’s no need to even read those” he said, his voice getting a tad bit higher in pitch.
i tilted my head, now amused. “oh? now i’m definitely reading them” i said, laughing at him.
he laughed with me, shaking his head.
“and by the way? i’m not going anywhere anytime soon” i told him “your ass is stuck with me”
“wouldn’t have it any other way” he smiled at me “even though you annoy the absolute shit out of me”
i rolled my eyes at him, “you were literally quivering when i walked in” i teased him.
his face scrunched up “that is not true”
i grabbed my wallet, starting to walk away.
“hey” he said as he started to follow me out “that’s not true, don’t start telling people that!” he said.
i love this goofy ass kid.
heheheehe 😇
hope you liked <333
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chanelsturn @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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pombeom · 1 month
no escape from you | beomgyu fic (part 1)
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pairings: enemies to ??, roommate! beomgyu x reader
warnings: suggestive content
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for days but i finally wrote it the way i want. might make this a series with smut in the next chapter so keep a lookout 👀 (not proof read)
You were the responsible one between you and your roommate. You always kept things clean, even picking up after his dirty dishes. But being his partner for a paired project was not what you signed up for. Gambling your grade and trying to work with him? Not a chance. 
When are you free? We really need to start our presentation! 
Your frantic spamming of texts went straight to delivered and were probably not going to be read for another 24 hours at least. You would think that being assigned to do a presentation with someone who was quite literally your roommate would be a breeze, but with Beomgyu never being around, the task seemed impossible. You hated the guts of this guy but you were willing to work through it for the sake of your grade. Well that’s only if he comes backs to your shared dorm before the end of the fucking day. Your sleep schedule awaits no one. 
Sat at the kitchen table, you spend the next 3 hours researching for parts of your presentation knowing that it’s probably be easier to start it off without Beomgyu. Scrolling through websites and watching videos on the topic, you write down the notes in your notebook but eventually, without meaning to, your eyes slam shut, falling alseep in your folded arms which rest on the table. 
A lock clicks as the door screeches open. At the early hours of the morning, you are awakened by your drunk roommate. You jolt your eyes open upon hearing the noise of his shoes, his footsteps uneven, indicating his intoxicated state. Anger bubbles in you as you turn sharply to face Beomgyu, giving him an intense glare which he meets with his half open eyes, appearing to be laughing at you. 
“Aww, did you wait up for me, sweetheart,” he taunts, knowing how much you hate the stupid nicknames he gives you on purpose. 
“No. In fact, I fell alseep trying to finish our fucking presentation which is due in fucking 2 days! Do you know how many times I called and texted?” Your tone came out harsh and direct which in some ways was exactly what you were going for but more so, you just wanted to get your point across. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I was out.” 
“I can see that. And stop calling me “sweetheart”. It sounds so fucking stupid. I have a name and that’s what I’d like to be called.”   
He inches closer to you, stumbling a little, grabbing onto your arms for support. His grip is gentle but firm, cautious to hold tight but not to hurt you.  
“Listen sweetheart, if you’re gonna yell at me at least do it when you’re not dressed like this. I can’t help but get a little turned on.” 
“Fuck you!” You turn a shade of crimson as you feel a sense of angry embarrassment. Your slip dress was short and the low cut did nothing but show off your cleavage to Beomgyu who towered over you, getting a clear view of your chest. 
“Well if that’s what you want, sweetheart. I’m down. But maybe tomorrow or something. I’m tired right now.” He smirks, saying goodbye with a two finger salute. 
With that, he makes his way to his own room, leaving you filled with a cloud of confusion and unease. He may have been joking but his words made your stomach flutter, carrying and intense heat throughout your body. 
I really need to go to bed. 
Getting approximately 4 hours of sleep last night had you waking up on the wrong side of bed. You were cranky beyond help and your mood only depleted when you saw Beomgyu sitting at the kitchen table, munching away at his cereal. 
“Good morning sleepyhead, get a good night of rest?,” his remark was sarcastic, almost shaming you for your evidently tired appearance. 
“Beomgyu please. It’s too early in the morning to be arguing with you.” 
“As you wish.” 
You joined him at the table, grabbing yourself some fruit and toast and you both continued to eat in silence. The air was stiff as you could feel Beomgyu constantly looking up from his bowl to stare into your face whilst you desperately attempted to avoid looking in the same direction to prevent any accidental eye contact. 
Why was he being so intense today?
As you finish your last bite, a wave of relief washes over you as you quickly get up and head over to the sink, washing up your plate before you feel a presence behind you. Beomgyu’s chest came in direct contact with your back sending a flush of pink straight to your cheeks. You tried to move away but his arms caged you. You could hear his breath against your ear, leaving a tingling sensation on your sensitive skin. 
“You know my offer from last night still stands. If you’re up for it,” his whispers send you into a frenzy and you turn around faster than the speed of light almost challenging him as you look up to his face. 
“Listen to me Choi Beomgyu. You have no right to speak to me like that. Nothing of the sort will ever happen. Do. You. Understand?” Your voice was firm and confident, concealing any embarrassment you felt earlier. 
“Shit. That was kinda hot, sweetheart.” He places his hands over yours which had somehow made his way up his chest, grabbing ahold of his white t-shirt. “Now, we have a class to get to. Wouldn’t want to be late now would we?” 
The realisation struck harder than lightning as you jolt you eyes over to the clock, knowing you had a little over 7 minutes to make it to your class. If you ran. 
You push Beomgyu away and grab your bag and slip on your shoes by the door and dash out the door, without care for your roommate who was also in the same class. 
“Hey, wait for me!” His voice yells from behind you, almost catching up. 
“Beomgyu, I really don’t have the time for this right now. I’m gonna be late.” 
“I know a shortcut. Follow me.” He grabs ahold of your hand, dragging you in the opposite direction from the one you’re used to. What started off as speed walking had evolved into a sprint as you’re left huffing and puffing trying to match the strides of his long legs. 
Within minutes you arrive at the door of your lecture theatre, astounded that you made it on time. As you both walked in, still clutching hands, you quickly noticed the limited seats available. Almost every row was full apart from 2 seats on the furthest end of the 7th row on the left. 
“There,” Beomgyu points, upon identifying the seats, ”Guess we’re sitting together today.” He sounded rather pleased, the corners of his mouth lifting to display his smug expression. 
“Brilliant. Sooo excited,” you sneered, ensuring that the sarcasm in your tone was conveyed as you squeezed past the entire row, making your way to the end, as Beomgyu takes a seat to your right. 
“You better be, sweetheart.” 
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guiltysungho · 4 months
— let the light in
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genre : tags. domestic, angst, fluff, comfort, reader is in a slump
pairing. bsf!kim donghyun x gn!reader
wordcount. 726
a/n. this went a completely different direction than I intended but i still wanna put it out there, im not used to writing like this so it might not be perfect but i hope you enjoy reading it. its not too sad dw.
Once again you were stuck in your room completely shut off from everything and everyone, you hated when this happened but it seemed to have become a part of your life. You rolled over on the bed where your phone was charging right at the edge of your mattress, letting the bright led light flash in your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling of being awake after what felt like an endless slumber.
I’ll be there in 10 - Donghyun 5 mins ago
Your knight in shining armor, he had been spamming you throughout the week hoping you’d reply him more than 3 letters. He knew your moods too well to not know what was going on, after 5 years of being close you’d hope 2 letters was enough for him to read the signs.
You rolled back belly flat against the mattress, drowning in the darkness of your cave waiting for the jingle of his keys to help you out of your slump. Maybe your patience was wearing out, your eyes grew heavier as you waited, almost ready to shut, and then you heard it, the jingle.
“I brought you take out, I’m gonna come in so like don’t be naked” He called out from the other side of your room door, you somehow managed to crawl out of bed and swing the door wide open for him before falling right back on it, you loved your bed.
“Feed me.” You groaned in pain, jokingly, somehow you were able to joke.
He smiled at you, and your face muscles mirrored like a reflex. You sat up on your bed watching him walk around your room, first to the desk placing all the treats far from your reach and then the curtains, it was inevitable, your begging was in vain as he let the light in.
“It’s a really nice day out, if I feed you we should take a walk, deal?” as usual bargain, nothing came easily in this life, you shook his hand reluctantly.
When you think about it, it felt almost comical the way you’d regain life whenever he showed up, before Donghyun you hated being bothered whenever you felt this wave of utter lack of willingness. You would figure it out yourself and that could take months, but now you didn’t even have to say anything for someone to just be there.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t do these things on your own but some times were harder than others and knowing someone cared enough to help you made it easy again. You didn’t know what it made you, if it meant anything outside of your friendship, but you felt loved and that was more than enough.
“You’re doing such a good job, don’t worry too much I’m here for you,” sweet words of comfort that helped, like he could read your mind and sense your doubts just so he could reassure you later.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess” He shook his head, dismissing your comment,
“You’re not a mess baby, I’m doing this because I love you,” Your eyes glistened with heavy tears just waiting to drop, the feeling of his soft hands on your cheeks made you close your eyes, finally letting them loose as you took in a deep breath, a soft pout on your lips as you looked back up at him.
“I love your pout, and I love your smile. I’m working hard to see that beautiful smile again,” his thumbs brushing away the droplets staining your cheeks, he made you feel like you didn’t constantly have to put up a front.
That you could actually be human and he wouldn’t decide one day that he wanted a doll, his words made you wonder the depth of his love, was this just another moment that friends shared. Did he mean them the same way they sounded to you?
The weight of your worries had shifted from one thing to another, walking down the river by his side you wonder how many meanings could “i love you” have, could you be loved even more than this?
Thinking about it, made your cheeks burn up, placing your fingers on your lips trying to not get carried away, while he was right there but the smile was too strong to hide, turning your face away from him as you succumbed to the feeling.
“There it is.”
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suhkusa · 28 days
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Sakusa is nervous. Extremely. 
For many reasons but more so because this “hangout” the two of you are at right now is too intimate that it borders on the title of a “date”. He wouldn’t mind that, but it’s not what he called it when he asked to meet up.
Another reason being that he’s going to ask you out today, he looks down at his phone’s lock screen, in approximately 33 minutes. He doesn’t know why he chose a time, maybe something that his horoscope said.
He sits across from you on a soft throw blanket he pulled from his storage closet. Laid in front of the two of you are many of your favorite foods that he has learned of from the past month together. 
Sakusa doesn’t have much doubt that you’ll say no. You had shown interest from the very beginning, and while there were some obstacles, the two of you overcame together and ended up getting closer than he had expected.
“Omi, are you okay?” your voice pulls him from his thoughts.
“Ah, sorry,” he smiles.
“The weather is a bit more chillier than the weather app had predicted, huh?” you look off into the distance. 
He doesn’t think so. In fact, he feels warmer because of how flustered he is. Nonetheless, he still agrees with the nod of his head, “Yeah, do you have a jacket?”
You cover your mouth as you finish the food in your mouth, “Mm, yeah, it’s in the car. Do you mind if I grab it?”
He raises his eyebrows in approval, reaching in his pocket to pull out his car keys, “Did you want me to come with you?”
“Nono, you should eat some of the foods before it cools down, I’ll be quick,”
The two of you offer a smile to one another before you quickly make your way to his car.
Ah, maybe he should tell Jane he’s about to ask her out. She hadn’t responded to his other texts, but maybe she didn’t see the notification.
IMOAsukas: I’ve got flowers in the trunk that I’m going to give to her after the date. When she comes back from the car I’m going to ask her. I’M SCARED [image attachment]
He laughs at his message before clicking send. To think he liked this online stranger a while ago. Crazy, right?
Crazy is what he thinks when he hears the MysMatch notification noise. Sakusa thinks he’s hallucinating as he looks around to find where it came from, had Jane texted back already? When he looks at his own device, the notification center is bare.
His eyes catch on your phone. You had MysMatch, too? All he does is lift your phone. But he couldn’t see what the notification said.
[MysMatch: 1 notification]
Coincidence, maybe?
He double checks to see if you were around. To double check his theory, he sends another keyboard spam to thewurldismine. Sakusa stares back at your phone after the message goes through.
[MysMatch: 2 notification]
And then another. And another. Each time the same jingle met his ear.
You were Jane.
Your phone slips from his hand.
“Hey,” his eyes snap up at you, you were clothed in a thick jacket now, “There’s this really cute pond over there, we should—”
“You’re Jane, aren’t you?”
He observes your facial expression as it goes to a shocked look then forces itself to go back to normal. 
“W-What? Who’s Jane?” you ask, nervousness written all over your tone and face.
“Did you know?” he asks, and you just look away, “You did, didn’t you?”
Sakusa Kiyoomi feels like a fool. 
“You did this to manipulate me into getting with you, huh? Is that what this was?” his voice is accusatory, and it makes all the blood drain from your face.
“No- No— Kiyoomi, that’s not what-” 
“You really had me going, you know? But I should’ve known from the start,” he’s getting up, gathering his stuff. “To think I really liked you,”
He’s not even sparing you one last look before he’s walking away. 
Leaving you alone. And in his place, exactly where he sat, lies your phone.
[MysMatch: 7 notifications] displayed on the screen.
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y/n cried the whole car ride to tsukishima’s house then knocked out
when tsukishima arrived at the park y/n was just sitting on the picnic blanket slowly putting things away
sakusa feels so betrayed but even so regrets leaving y/n behind
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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zepskies · 1 year
Okay, I loved the reader smacking Ben's ass, so can we do an uno reverse of the situation, but lmao it would probably not end well because knowing Ben it probably would've been done during a terribly inappropriate time like a meeting or something, also I know that you didn't explicitly say it was BMD ben and reader but I did read it as such, lmao - salvadoreña anon (lmao it feels a little weird to call myself that because Im also desi lol)
Hello my Latina Lovely! 😘 (Wow! Love that you're also Desi. ❤️)
Aw, hell, you done uno-reversed me…
See this imagine for context: Repaying Soldier Boy for a job well done.
(And yes, I had Break Me Down-verse SB x Reader in my head writing that one as well lol. They're ingrained in me. 😂)
Word Count: 350
Imagine: Ben gets a little payback.  
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Your heels clacked on the tile floor brusquely as you made your way back to your office, over in Surveillance. You carried a stack of paperwork that had to be sorted through—and on Grace Mallory’s desk by end of day today.
Your hair was falling out of its loosening bun, and you tried in vain to blow a piece of it out of your face. The elevator on the opposite end of the hall dinged. The doors opened, and out came your boyfriend, strutting into the hall in his supe suit.
You smiled. “Wow, that was quick. You caught Metallo?”
“Being booked with bendy straws for arms as we speak,” Ben replied with a cocky smile. He headed toward you down the hall. “Gonna grab a bite to eat. Care to join?”
You raised a brow at bendy straws for arms. He really needed to work on how badly he roughed up these supes when bringing them into custody.
“Can’t right now,” you said, gesturing with your eyes to your workload. “But I’ll let you know when I’m ready to head home, if you want to wait for me.”
While you spoke, Ben was busy taking in your white blouse, the dark red lipstick, the pencil skirt, the sexy little heels. It was straight out of one of his fantasies…
Maybe you’d be down for a round of sexcretary after work. His lips curved at the thought.
But then, he remembered how you’d got him to accidentally shatter a nice crystal wine glass the other night, and it got him contemplating some retribution.
“All right. See you then, baby doll,” he said mildly.
When he finally reached you, he gave you a nice smack on the ass as he passed by.
You jolted with a wide-eyed yelp. Ben smirked at the sound.
He’d gotten you with a little more force than he thought though, as it made you lose your grip on your files. They flew from your hands and scattered onto the floor.
You twisted back to meet him with a glare. Ben’s hand clenched and curled back…
Then he gave you a sly grin.
“Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?”  
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AN: So I don't typically post two new fics within the same day (sorry for the spam), but this one was short and essentially a sequel to the other imagine lol. (And my weird brain doesn't like a packed drafts folder. 😉)
I have at least one more SB imagine coming this week. I got a ton of requests this weekend, so thank you all! I really am so flattered. 🥰🥰
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SB Tag List:
@melancholictearz @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @tipthejar @ajjustice @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@mrshalverson2021 @iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @waters-2567 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
@agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesdeanvessel @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @romaka344 @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @ades106 @chernayawidow @beskarfilms
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hey again sorry if I'm spamming your ask box but I would like to see old Predacon buddy interacting a bit more with the animated series bots like how would they react to lockdown and wreck gar I feel like old Predacon buddy would be like this is my grandchild and just picks him up by the scruff like a cat and possibly interacting with megalodon buddy (also sorry if I didn't specify from my last ask it was old Predacon buddy meeting the Lost light)
Haven't seen Megs Buddy in a while.
...But I've officially came up with a Canon name for them!
Read on or look at the list of 'established Buddy names' to find out!
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meeting Lockdown, Wreck-Gar, and...
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Steel Mauler was at the Plant with Sari and Bumblebee then evening Lockdown arrived.
The pair was grounded after a reckless act during a mission that led to the elder Predacon nearly having a spark attack.
The two thought that they would get away with it with Steel Mauler there.
They didn’t expect them to side with Prime to ground them.
Even more when they insisted that they stay with them to make sure they served their punishment.
Bumblebee and Sari on the couch watching a historical documentary with Steel Mauler.
Bee looks at the Predacon.
“You know—”--Bumblebee
“No.”—Steel Mauler
“You didn’t even get a chance to hear what he had to say!”--Sari
Steel Mauler looks at both with an unamused face.
“You are going to use the same tactic My Bumblebee did once back in my dimension.”—Steel Mauler
They flick their tail making a snapping sound.
“Never fell for it again.”—Steel Mauler
“And how do you know I was going to do this supposed thing anyways?”--Bumblebee
“I can see it in your optics kiddo. Something that most Bumblebee’s share.”—Steel Mauler
That’s when the call came in from Prowl.
Lockdown being back in town and had captured Ratchet and Prime.
Steel Mauler was up and ready to fly, before they remembered the kids.
They huffed and told them to get on.
The pair quickly got on their back before they took to the skies at great speed.
Thank goodness they had insisted on getting the team magnetic seats for their back, the pair would have been flying off if it weren’t for it.
Steel Mauler flying through the sky.
“Bumblebee, tell me a bit about this Lockdown.”—Steel Mauler
“You don’t have him in your universe?”--Bumblebee
“Maybe. He may have gone offline at some point in the war or in hiding. Still, what is this Con about.”—Steel Mauler
“Well, he and Prowl have some sort of history.”--Bumblebee
“Good or Bad?”—Steel Mauler
“Bad, like really bad.”--Sari
Steel Mauler huffs a bit.
“The first time he came to Earth he kidnapped Optimus to try and get his mods.”--Bumblebee
The pair feel the metal underneath them get warmer.
“And?”-Steel Mauler
“… Ratchet mentioned that he met Lockdown during the war when he was trying to get some bot named Arcee to safety. They ended up getting captured, Ratchet managed to escape after Arcee…”--Bumblebee
Steel Mauler felt part of them go stiffer.
“What happened to Arcee?”—Steel Mauler
“We don’t know. Ratchet hasn’t told us anything else.”--Bumblebee
That was it.
This Con was going to regret ever looking at their interdimensional team.
They managed to get in contact with Prowl again who told the three that Lockdown wanted an exchange.
Some modes for the bots.
Steel Mauler tells him to agree to it.
When asked why, they just tell him that they had a plan.
They all meet outside a football stadium.
The older Predacon drops the pair in front of the stadium and flies away.
The pair didn’t have time to call them out before Bulkhead and Prowl had arrived.
Lockdown was waiting for them in the center with a beat up looking Prime and slightly bruised Ratchet.
Both were tied up and angry.
Prowl tosses a mod in front of Lockdown.
“Theirs your mod, now give us back our teammates.”--Prowl
Lockdown picks up the mod, but not before kicking Prime in the back.
Everyone had to restrain themselves as the bounty hunter examen the mod.
“While this is nice and all… its gonna cost ya extra for the other one.”--Lockdown
He kicks Optimus to the group leaving Ratchet still by his side.
“We had a deal!”--Bulkhead
“Give us Ratchet right now!”--Bumblebee
The bounty hunter snickered while dragging his hooked servo under Ratchet’s chin.
“Maybe get me a new mod and maybe I’ll give you back your field tech in one piece.”--Lockdown
No one.
No one had enough time to register what had just happened.
One minute Lockdown was standing on top of Ratchet, the next he was getting pummeled into the ground by Steel Mauler.
“YOU!”—Steel Mauler
“WILL”—Steel Mauler
“NOT!”--Steel Mauler
“TOUCH!”--Steel Mauler
“HIM!”--Steel Mauler
“EVER!”--Steel Mauler
“AGAIN!”--Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler stood on top of the beaten and unconscious frame of the bounty hunter venting heavily.
After a few seconds they spoke.
“Call Sentinel, let him deal with this filth.”—Steel Mauler
Once Sentinel finally does his job is when they finally go to the team, worried for all of them.
They are especially worried about Ratchet and Prime.
Those two will be having a Predacon guard for most of their visit.
That was also the last time the group ever encountered or saw Lockdown again.
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The elder Predacon weas just having a stroll by the dock when some garbage flew into their face.
When more started flying their way, they went to go see who was throwing the trash.
They are confused to see a bot playing in the garbage.
“Umm. What are you doing?”—Steel Mauler
The bot turns around and smiles widely, waving his servos in greeting.
“Hello there!”—Wreck-Gar
Steel Mauler, a bit surprised, but waves back.
“I am Wreck-Gar! And I dare to be stupid!”—Wreck-Gar
The older predacon is now questioning if something in that trash had something in it.
The orange bot shoves a mangle looking statue in their face.
“You want to see my art?”—Wreck-Gar
“Umm…”—Steel Mauler
The bot is already looking through his subspaces looking for more ‘art’.
“Welp, might as well get comfortable…”—Steel Mauler
The next 20 minutes are spent with Wreck-Gar showing Steel Mauler all his bit of trash art.
The Predacon doesn’t have anything else to do and just sits there.
Soon enough they do decide to go back to the plant.
Wreck-Gar hugs them and gives them a paperclip with bottle caps on it before driving off to the next garbage ship.
Steel Mauler is still confused but decides to keep the gift and goes to wash themselves.
There was defiantly something in the trash.
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Blue Bay
Once again, Steel Mauler was walking by the docks. This time it was at night, fully taking advantage of the cool breeze that contrasted the humid day.
That’s when they heard someone say call to them.
Steel Mauler looks around for whoever called them.
“Hello? Is anyone there?”—Steel Mauler
“Down here!”
The Predacon is surprised when they see a mechanical shark in the water smiling warmly at them.
“What…”—Steel Mauler
“I’m Blue Bay!”—Blue Bay
Steel Mauler blinks.
“Blue Bay?”—Steel Mauler
They nod.
“What’s your name? Are you another Optimus?”—Blue Bay
“No, I am Steel Mauler. How do you know Optimus?”—Steel Mauler
“He’s, my friend! Will you be my friend?”—Blue Bay
“… I don’t see why not.”—Steel Mauler
The shark splashes around happily.
New friend gained!
The two spend much of the evening flying/swimming through the bay telling stories of their time on Earth.
Turns out the pair had an interest in human films, especially the older ones.
Blue Bay had insisted that the Predacon perch on them, claiming to be able to hold their weight.
The shark was later seen picking out seaweed from their new friend’s joints.
This was going to be a pain to explain to Ratchet when they came back.
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jxckchxmpi0n · 11 months
Hii love congrats on 200 followers I was wondering if I could request a spider man Ethan Landry x female reader where he takes care of his drunk girlfriend
Thank you, love 🕸🕷that means so much to me!! I hope you enjoy this 🌼
Drunk Love
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Summary: Spiderman! Ethan takes care of his drunk girlfriend. || m.list
Word count: 1.8k
Warning: Fluff! little angst swearing, drinking, throwing up mentions of NSFW 🫶
update: college is kicking my ass, but break is going to be here soon!!!
did not proof read
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It was girls' night which meant drunk confessions and dumb middle school games in the living room of the Carpenter sisters' apartment.
As much as the boys thought it was unfair getting thrown out, they planned to have their own fun night, which was sitting in their apartment living room yelling at a flat screen tv over the video game of the hour.
Everyone at this point had found out Ethan your boyfriend was Spiderman, he told them about a year into taking on the role, when he had told them Mindy had stood up shouting "YES! you owe me twenty bucks Chad" everyone had laughed about it and seemed not surprised.
Months had passed and everyone got used to the disappearances of Ethan, but for you it was hard. You always missed him, you felt like you never saw him. Between classes and working, your schedule never matched with his. The occasional nights where he'd slip in through your window would be a treat, but it was never enough.
It was already passed midnight, the drinks were getting stronger, and the music was getting louder.
"Alright y/n we all answered now it's your turn! Where's the weirdest place you've had sex." Mindy stood in the doorway of the kitchen with a bottle of vodka and grape juice in her hand. Everyone was giggling at the question as your face was blushing.
You looked up acting like you were thinking of it, Sam and Tara were sitting on the couch trying to guess places, Anika was making some snacking and drinks with Mindy.
Setting your drink on the coffee table you laughed to yourself finally landing on a place, it weirdest and it's definitely not a normal place. "Ethan wanted to take me on a date around the city, but Spiderman style. So, we went swinging around and then at some point he made this web between some random buildings, and we could look at the stars and well you know one thing led to another."
Tara, and Sam's mouth hung open, "no fucking way you had sex in the middle of the sky on a fucking spider web!!" Everyone's eyes were wide open looking at you as if you told them your darkest secret.
"I mean it's not that bad, its honestly really comfortable plus Ethan he-"Mindy's voice cut you off as she came back into the room with drinks, Anika followed holding the snacks.
"No, we don't need to hear anything about Ethan, I can't look at him other than the shy nerdy boy" you laughed and kept the rest to yourself.
After a good hour or so Tara was knocked out, Mindy and Anika were going to walk back to their place and Sam was going to head to Danny's place across the street. Your mind was racing, and your body felt so hot and warm.
Your mind had thought about Ethan, your heart ached so much at the thought of not seeing him right now. Pulling out your phone you thought about texting him.
The boys had taken a little bit of a break from the game to talk, Chad wanted to talk about how things were going with Tara when ethan felt his phone buzz. Grabbing it from the counter he read a message from you.
pretty girl <3
'baby i miss youu so muh! like i wantto see you!'
'oh i think im just druk'
'your withchad illl leaave you alone'
'im srry'
'i love you baby haha bug boy i miss you'
He smiled looking at the messages, he thought it was cute anytime you were drunk. If you weren't together you would spam his phone in love notes, it was his favorite thing.
bugg boy 🕷
'my love are you okay?'
'Do you want me to come get you? I don't mind!'
'Baby you don't have to bee sorry, you know I love these messages!!'
'Pretty girl, I'm heading over!'
Chad had been fine with Ethan leaving, that had also given him a reason to see his girlfriend. Taking Ethan's car they drove to the girls' apartment, they didn't worry about knocking since it was their second home.
Walking in Chad could see Tara curled up in the couch chair, Ethan's landed on you. You were laying down on your stomach face buried into the couch half hanging off. Chad walked to Tara talking to her softly, he got her up and guided her to her room.
Ethan sat on the ground next to the couch, his hand softly rubbing your back. "My love, I'm here. How are you feeling?" You felt the warmth of his hand through your shirt, the sound of his voice so low and soft made your heart flip.
You raised your head slightly already smiling, "bug boy, my bug boy" You pushed yourself off of the couch making the rest of your body slide into his lap. "ugh I missed you" he chuckled as he felt you shove your face in his neck.
"How drunk are you?" you giggled at his question, something about it seemed funny. Ethan pushed his body up so he could take a look at you.
You laid in his lap with your eyes half closed, "you're so beautiful. Like yes, you're hot but like also so beautiful, with your curly fluffy hair oohh and your freckles- your freckles are so pretty and your eyes- godd I'm so in love with you" Your arms wrapped around his waist, your face buried in his chest under his jacket a little.
His face burning red with your confession. "My love as much as I love hearing you say you love me; we need to get you to bed. Let's get you home-"
"Your bed. I want your bed, it smells like you, and if you aren't there when I wake up at least I have your sheets that have your smell" You nodded to yourself as you thought out loud, Ethan wasn't meant to hear that, but You couldn't control what you were saying right now.
"Fine, we will go to my place." Your face lit up at the agreement. He helped you stand up only for you to tumble, "Okay, hold on." he turned around, so his back was facing your chest. "Can you jump up?"
He squatted down more, so it wasn't such a big jump. Your hands rested loosely on his shoulders. You jumped as much as you could, and his hands grabbed the back of your thigh, pulling you up. He jumped himself a little so you could get on his back comfortably.
He checked on Chad and Tara and saw they were good and then made his way back to the car. You were half asleep on his back, mumbling little things to yourself. "Bug boy is my boyfriend, I love bug boy, how am I moving?"
He laughed at your little comments. You're going to have a rough morning tomorrow. He made it back to the car and placed you on the passenger side, leaning in. He was trying to buckle you in, but you grabbed his face, pulling him to you. Your lips met his, and he could taste the cheap liquor. "Mmm, I love being able to do that." Your words were slurred, but he could understand you.
After a solid thirty minutes, you reached Ethan's apartment. He carried you in and set you on the corner of his bed, running to the kitchen he got water, and as he turned to the sink, he felt his spider tingles go off. The next thing he heard was you saying "oh oh" he ran back to the room to see you stumbling into the bathroom. Making it just in time to the toilet he grabbed your hair as you felt all the alcohol make its way back up.
"Its okay baby let it out" he felt bad he couldn't do more to help you, he hated seeing you like this.
His hand ran up and down your back, as you sat there for a few more minutes. "I'm fine, I swear, Ethan I'm good" your voice was echoing from the inside of the bowl.
"Do you need to throw up anymore?" his voice was soft and filled with concern.
You shook your head, leaning up from the toilet. he grabbed your wrist taking a hair tie from you. Pulling your hair back he made a sloppy bun.
Picking you up he sat you on the lid edge of the tub, resting your back on the wall you watched him. He flushed the toilet and cleaned around it with the mess you made and seeing him clean just made something in you sad.
"Oh god Ethan I'm so sorry- I'm sorry I made a mess on your-" before you could finish, he reached over cupping your face.
"Hey, hey, look at me it's okay. I don't mind, it's a little bit of puck but who cares. I'm here to take care of you, okay. Don't be sorry, any excuse to take care of my love I will do anything" he kissed the top of your head. Your face was even more flushed from his words.
"I need to brush my teeth and take my makeup off" you tried to get up but felt Ethan's webs stick to your wrist.
"No. Sit down. I will do it" his voice was stern yet loving.
He turned around with a makeup wipe remover already in hand, kneeling down he grabbed your face pulling it down to look at him. The coldness of the wipe made you gasp but then hum, the feeling of his hand on your face made you lean into his touch.
You looked at him, seeing the moles you love so much scattered over his face. The brown eyes you fell in love with, then your eyes landed on a scar on his right eyebrow. Your lips formed into a frown as you reached out and touched it.
Ethan took notice as your face was full of sadness. "what's wrong pretty girl?"
"I don't like you going out at nighttime fighting, I don't want you to go out one night and not return. I miss you." He saw the tears in your eyes build up.
He didn't know how to answer at first, his hand still resting on your face while the other hand wiped your makeup. "I'm sorry, pretty girl. I didn't realize you felt like this. How about we talk about this more in the morning."
Your eyes were getting heavy as each minute passed, mindlessly nodding your head already forgetting the conversation. Ethan then helped you somewhat brush your teeth and get to bed, where a glass of water sat waiting for you on the nightstand.
Chugging half of it you climbed into bed smiling, "mmmh smells like my boyfriend" you grabbed his pillows burying your face in them. Ethan couldn't help but laugh at your actions.
He followed you into his bed, lying next to you, his arms wrapped around you pulling you closer. Your face buried into his neck as you moved to get comfortable. "I have the best boyfriend, ha-ha, spiider-man, my bug boy" he felt you lightly kissing his neck before sleep fully took over your body.
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delphi-shield · 11 months
classified intel // jill valentine
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Jill x GN!Reader Fluff wc: 1,543 read on ao3 suggestive themes bc reader sends jill a tasteful nude, reader implied to be civilian, post-di!Jill.
this almost turned into angst, but i excised the sad parts and it turned into another wip. tbh i should be prepping for my tabletop tomorrow but i miss my wife.
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Jill's on a work trip, but that's never stopped you from texting her before and it sure as hell's not going to stop you now.
also known as:
i am ruminating on a relationship with jill once more. 😔
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Technically speaking, your relationship isn’t long distance.
Just because Jill spent a large portion of her time overseas, god-knows-where, doing god-knows-what, did not mean that you were long distance. Yeah, maybe you do have to schedule calls, fighting timezones and your responsibilities to carve out a measly half hour with each other. That doesn’t qualify, technically, as long distance. You tell this to your friends over and over again. Still, they roll their eyes, hum their doubt, and insist that you may as well be long distance.
Their point remains. You and Jill are apart far more than either of you would like. She’s a busy woman by her own design. Her drive had been something that you had admired about her, even if it was the very same thing that kept her from you. You hadn’t entered this relationship blind to the fact that she would be gone sometimes. You had learned to be okay with it, learned to handle the distance that was often double-edged. 
Texting was usually infrequent when she was away. Her personal cell phone was usually left behind when she went out for assignments - and if she did have it, it was turned off and shoved to the bottom of her pack. You texted her throughout the day, leaving behind a collection of your thoughts for her to come back to. She had taken to responding in one text, a bullet-point list to catch up on everything that she had missed.
 Once, you had gotten anxious about bothering her, about the egregious amount of notifications she would be flooded with when she finally turned her phone back on. You had sent her just one text, telling her to be safe, that you loved her. She had called you the moment she had service, demanding to know what was wrong. Thought something happened to you, I don’t know, she had grumbled, dismissing her paranoia easily over the phone. You had let it go unchallenged, quietly returning to your text spam. The next time she had a chance to talk to you, she had saved her bullet-points for a phone call.
The last time you had heard from her, her plane had landed safely. Her day was going to be packed with intelligence meetings - not really the kind of thing she could be on her phone during. You’ve just gotten home from work when your phone chimes. You take your time checking it, not expecting your girlfriend to be able to chat. She was at least three hours behind you, still in the middle of her work day.
It's a pleasant surprise to see a text from her. Instead of her usual bullet-point reply, she had sent an unflattering picture of a pitbull. Jill’s arm came in from the side of the frame, her hand blurred in the motion of a head pat. The text accompanying it simply read:
5:12 PM: PB&J.
Before you could even ask what that was supposed to mean, Jill sent a second text.
5:29 PM: His name is PB&J.
You grin at your phone, sending her an array of emojis to show how cute that is. You flop back onto your bed, your phone held over your face.
5:31 PM: can you call? just got home lol
5:35 PM: Sorry. Waiting for my next meeting to start.
Shit. You push down your disappointment and look for the silver-lining. At least you could text her for a little bit before she got wrapped up in work again. The dishes in the sink were forgotten in favor of the back and forth between you and Jill. It was hardly the most thrilling conversation. You exchanged the daily monotonies with each other - what sort of coffee she had that morning, how terrible traffic had been for you on your way home, your coat forgotten over the back of your chair at work and Jill’s pen borrowed from an embassy, blue ink, ballpoint and scratchy. It’s easier to superimpose the memory of her alongside you when you have the little details to work with, when you can fill in the gaps in your imagination with the particulars.
Naturally, this devolved into teasing.
5:47 PM: what are you wearing?
5:47 PM: That’s classified.
5:48 PM: tank top and jeans again, huh was kind of hoping for a pantsuit 👀 i know u packed that navy one send pics
You scrolled through your photos, searching for a set of pictures you had taken a few nights ago. If you were going to ask for pics, it was only fair that you send one in return. You had taken them early in the week, consumed by a swell of confidence that had been flushed away the moment you had to scroll through them. You had scrutinized every angle, pinpointed every flaw, every way the light played off of your skin. Your motivation to send them had dwindled quickly. They were filed away into a password protected album, a break in case of emergency stash of photos that may never see the light of day.
Rip the band-aid off, you tell yourself. Send it before you can second guess yourself. You pick your favorite photo, your thumb hesitating over the send button for a fraction of a second before you decide fuck it. She’ll like it. Hopefully.
You drop your phone facedown onto your chest so you don’t stare anxiously at the conversation. It takes all of ten seconds for it to chime again.
5:55 PM: You know the BSAA monitors my texts, right?
Your heart lurches. No way. No fucking way. She’s got to be bluffing. The idea of Jill’s colleague scrolling through your messages with her was mortifying. It wasn’t like this was the first time you had sent her pictures like that. Even if you hadn’t sent those, there were still plenty of texts that you didn’t need anyone else seeing.
She’s bluffing. Has to be.
5:57 PM: bullshit lol 5:57 PM: very funny 6:13 PM: youre not serious right 6:14 PM: ?? 6:14 PM: jill pls 6:24 PM: omg ur not joking are you
Logically, you knew that Jill’s meeting had started. That was why she wasn’t responding. You knew there was no way the BSAA monitored her personal communication 24/7, and you knew that if they did she would have told you about it the first time you had sent her a picture like that, not the hundredth. However, you also knew that she loved keeping you in suspense. No matter what she said to the contrary, you knew that Jill loved to watch you squirm. She found it cute, or so she had confided in you one night, half-asleep and tangled in your sheets.
It took a full hour later for Jill to get back to you. During the course of that hour, you damn near paced a track around your bedroom and filled your google search history with plenty of things to ruin your targeted advertising. Choice examples include ‘employee handbook bsaa north america’ and ‘bsaa employee phone policy’. 
Your phone doesn’t even finish the first ring. You see Jill’s name flash on screen, and you’ve already got your phone up to your ear.
“Please tell me you’re joking,” you blurt out, your thumb wedged between your teeth.
Jill blurts out a confused what, her voice wobbling with a laugh. It clicks for her a moment later.
“Oh - the ‘monitoring my texts’ thing?” She says, voice lighting with amusement. “Yeah, no. They don’t do that. You look good, though. Did I buy that?”
You let out a relieved groan. “You are such an asshole,” you huff. “I was worried the entire United Nations had just seen my ass.”
“Oh, c’mon. I would have told you not to send stuff like that if they were pulling my texts.” You can’t argue with that. She may have liked to see you squirm, but she was well aware of your boundaries.
“Got any other angles? I remember that outfit having more straps.”
You snort. “Maybe. Gonna need some reciprocation first, though.”
You hear Jill hum over the phone. A door opens in the background, a deep voice drifting over the phone, indecipherable. Jill pauses, listening.
“I’ll see what I can do. Gotta go.”
You hurry to say goodbye, squeezing a quick love you in before the call cut off.
The quiet creeps back into your apartment. You’re left staring at Jill’s contact photo. You tap it to view it in full. Jill’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head thrown back in a laugh. You were cuddled up on the porch swing of a bed & breakfast, an impromptu weekend trip Jill had taken you on a month ago. You had cropped the photo, centering it on Jill - on the way she looked at you and smiled, her eyes soft in a way that you had never seen before.
Your phone buzzed, and you nearly swiped the notification away out of habit. You caught yourself just in time, catching Jill’s name.
8:53 PM: 1 attachment
Your eyes scoured the picture, grin crinkling the corners of your eyes. Goddamn - you knew she had packed that pantsuit. You’re typing a reply when she sends another text.
8:54 PM: Do not say awooga.
You delete your draft and think of a different way to express your appreciation.
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herlondonboy · 1 year
I Miss You, I’m Sorry
pairings: Taylor Swift x gn!reader (platonic)
Summary: in which you’ve been at everyone of Taylor’s opening shows in the pit since the Fearless tour, but you’re not at the opening of the eras tour
warnings: angst, unspecified chronic illness, reader death, this was supposed to be happy, spelling mistakes, sad Tay.
word count: 1.5k
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You had been to everyone of Taylor Swift’s tours. It was a known fact between the Swifties. So much so that people went go up to you at the beginning of the Reputation Stadium Tour and asked for your autograph.
You and Taylor weren’t necessarily friends, but she was well acquainted with you and how your wear obscure outfits to each show. She often found herself scouring the front rows of each show for a familiar, comforting face.
Many videos had showed how Taylor’s eyes would light up when she saw you and vice versa. How she’d wave giddily, and hold back a laugh at your costume and how you’d bounce up and down, screaming the lyrics louder than anyone else.
You weren’t the first Swiftie, but you had been crowned the biggest Swiftie.
At the end of the Glendale show, you had stayed behind to take a mass amount of photos in your costume. That was the first time you were taken backstage. Part of you thought that you were being kidnapped (three men in all black, looking all emotionless and brooding leading you somewhere dark was suspicious to say the least), but then Taylor was stood in front of you with a wide smile.
Your eyes were wide and your mouth was agape, not to mention that you could hear your heart beating in your ears. “H-Hi?” You squeaked out, afraid that if you spoke too quickly you’d wake from this dream.
“Hi! Y/N, I’m-“
“Taylor-fucking-Swift,” you cut her off with a gasp.
Tears welled up in your eyes. You were supposed to meet her at the Reputation Secret Sessions in New York, but something had come up, so you didn’t get to. Part of you wished this had happened three years ago when you weren’t so weak, but it was happening nonetheless.
“Can i hug you?” Taylor asked.
You nodded rapidly and Taylor leaned forward to wrap her arms around you. You melted into the hug, sniffling softly, “I can die happily now.”
Taylor chuckled, “I missed you at the Secret Sessions,” there was a frown in her voice that made you feel guilty.
“I caught the flu,” You lied, “I didn’t want to make you or anyone else sick. I really wanted to go, though.”
The blonde smiled, still hugging you, “Well, when my next album comes out, I’ll have a super secret session just for you. Since you’re my biggest fan,” She said and there was some truth behind her words.
You had been invited to Taylor’s house to listen to the songs on Lover a few days before the first Lover Secret Session. To say you adored each song (Death By A Thousand Cuts being your favourite) was an understatement.
Taylor didn’t notice how jittery you got when Soon You’ll Get Better was playing. It seemed like you had related especially to that song, whether you were the best friend of the person in the hospital room or you were the person in the hospital room.
Your sister, who was also a big fan of Taylor and had been accompanying you to each tour, had always skipped that song whenever playing the Lover album in order, it hurt.
When Midnights came out, you were practically promised a world tour since the Lover Fest was cancelled due to the global pandemic. That was a hard time Your you and your older sister. As if you weren’t sick enough as it was, you had caught the coronavirus and had been forced into a hospital where your family couldn’t visit you for months.
But it got better. The rerelease of Fearless and the release of Folklore came and some people had spammed your instagram account with the news of finding out that you had helped Taylor write the bonus song. Then not long after, you had been allowed visitors and your sister never left your side again.
Though you were bedridden, you kept a smile on your face. Most people weren’t bothered by your sudden disappearance, it had happened a few times in the past whenever you had gotten sick, because you always came back with a brighter smile.
Then Midnights came out and Taylor announced her Eras tour and TikTok was going wild. Some fans were complaining about the price, some were wondering if you had gotten tickets. That led to people beginning to worry. You had never been gone for two years, and worse, your sister was gone, too.
So, when March 17th rolled up, and Taylor opened the tour with Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince, Taylor and her fans searched for you in the crowd. You weren’t there. And the second night in Glendale, you weren’t there either, but your sister was.
And that gave Taylor a little bit of hope. She waved at your sister, who waved back, fiddling with bottom of the top that you wore to the opening of the Fearless tour back in 2009.
At the end of the show, your sister had been led backstage where Taylor had changed and attacked her with a hug. The blonde broke away with a grin, “Hi! How are you? It’s been ages!”
“I’m good, yeah, it has.” Your sister responded, “Life’s been cruel, you know?”
The blonde nodded and looked down, “Where’s?-“
“Y/N told me to give you this,” Your sister held out a diary, making Taylor falter.
“What’s this?” She asked, frowning at the title of it.
Your sister sniffled, “They said- They said that they’re sorry that they couldn’t make it this year, that something came up. They really wanted to be here, Tay.”
The blonde felt her cheeks begin to dampen as your sister continued talking.
“They wrote this when they realised that they wouldn’t-“ A sob tried to claw its way out of your sister’s throat. “M-make it.”
The blonde shook her head.
Whilst the two of you weren’t necessarily friends, you knew each other well enough to know that you didn’t need to label whatever it was going on between the two of you. Your sister’s shoulder’s shook slightly as Taylor took the diary and hugged the woman.
“I’m so sorry,” She apologised profusely. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
A few days later, It was the Las Vegas shows. And, though Taylor hadn’t quite recovered from the news, she couldn’t just not go and perform. So, swallowing down her tears, she made her way onto the stage and sang like she wasn’t feeling all of these negative emotions.
And when it came to her surprise songs, she was sat at the piano, blinking away her tears. She cleared her throat and looked at her fans with a small smile, “So, uh, How is everybody?”
They began screaming on top of each other, making her chuckle slightly.
“Um, I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, but my good friend, Y/N Y/L/N past away last year. Their- their sister told me after the second show in Glendale and they wrote down a diary, wording every thought that had ever crossed their mind about me. They said- they said if they ever died and we became friends they wouldn’t want me to cry for them because they’re ’no one special,’ but they were probably one of the best people that I have ever met.
“Y/N drew a sketch of what their next outfit to one of my tours would be,” The image went up on the screen, before a series of photos of you at tours, smiling at Taylor and the camera. “I just- I wanted to say that even though we didn’t do labels, you were probably my best friend, Y/N,” She sniffled, “And I love you.”
The chords to your favourite song began and as Taylor tried to keep the lump in her throat down and her tears at bay, and a slideshow that your sister had composed began playing in the background.
Your life played out in front of everyone from beginning to finish, from 1994 to 2022. All twenty eight years. The people in the audience watched as you lost your parents and then yourself.
And then in the end, a photo of you grinning tiredly flashed onto the screen as the song faded out. And just as it ended, your voice sounded through the speakers.
Is this recording? Yeah? I’m going to assume it is. Okay, um, it’s February 21st— Happy Birthday, Joe. Uh, i don’t know what I want to say. I mean, thank you to everyone that has made my life worth living. I mean, at fifteen I wore a stupid outfit to a Taylor Swift concert and now I’m friends with her? It’s kind of sad knowing that I’ll never get to hear Speak Now Taylor’s Version, but oh well.
I’m going to be honest, I’m so scared to die. Every night for the past six months I’ve been scared to fall asleep, knowing that there will be a chance that I don’t wake up. I don’t want to die, I’m terrified. I don’t want to leave my sister alone and I know that she doesn’t want me to know, but she’s been crying herself to sleep since we got the news.
I just want to know if you’ll look after her for me? I’m all she’s got. Thank- thank you. I love you.
There was silence followed by Taylor’s small, ‘I love you, too.’ And then cheers from the crowd. Some people were announcing their admiration for you and some were crying.
“I miss you, Y/N.” Taylor whispered. “I’m sorry for not being there with you.”
What’s your favourite Taylor Swift song?
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Sup! ITS ME! Did you miss me?
Could i request Donnie x gn Reader
Where Donnie is chilling with reader in his room
And they just talk about random stuff like
- how long was the longest spaghetti noodle ever?
- do you really think my genius mind would even think about such an unsual thing?
- 10M?! 5m.
(It was 3,8 m btw)
And they just rumble about stuff, and at some point reader asks donnie if he’s alright 'cause he seems really uncomfortable, he replies it’s just his Battle shell and reader goes with „Yo how much does it weight anyway?”
- a lot
- for Real?
- wanna try it out?
- you’re asking? Gimme that
And well donnie just gives reader his Battle shell and reader just falls backwards bc of weight of it
Idk ;w;
Hope it’s not too long nor specific, and it’s not too chaotic <333
And sorry for spam 😅
Fun Fact Fanatics
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Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: weirdness, fluff, cuddles, short
A/N: This is so funny. I genuinely believe that Donnie likes to look up super weird facts.
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Donnie was laying next to you, facing you. Your fingers lightly trailing up and down his shell, his fingers trailing up and down the back of your thigh as it was hooked over his hip.
"Did you know that more than half of the bones in your body are in your hands...?" You mumble, Donnie's eyes close as he hums at this knowledge. "So someone saying they'll break every bone in your body is lying... Or they plan to do some very tedious work."
"Did you know that shrimp's hearts are in their head?" Donnie responds, smiling as he feels one of your hands move to caress the back of his head.
"The longest hotdog is 204 meters..."
"That's almost 670 feet..."
⋆。 ゚。☁︎👾。 ゚。⋆
"Does your back or shoulders hurt?" You ask, watching Donnie take his battle shell off. He groaned as it came off, setting it on his hooks. Donnie rolls his shoulders, you could tell it was painful or sore.
"A little, but I'm used to it." Donnie shrugs, his body still a bit stiff. Your thumbs press into the back of his shoulders to relieve the tension.
"How much does that thing weigh anyways?"
"Wanna try it out?"
"Uh, yeah."
Donnie grabbed his battle shell as you turn around. He gently sets it on your back. You almost fall backwards with how heavy it is, not realizing how truly big it was. Donnie quickly catches you, causing both of you to laugh.
"Damn... It really is heavy."
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bad268 · 1 year
Hi 👉👈
Could I maybe request something similar to the confession piece but with a fluffy (maybe fluffy/suggestive if that's cool 👀) first kiss or a fluffy first serious/real "I love you" with our beloved frog boys (or just Grizzy, Pezzy or Droid solo, sorry Puffer 😅)?
Sober in Love (Frog Boys X Reader(Separate))
[Blank] in Love Pt 3
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (Kinda made it a part 2? But also not really?)
Warnings: Talk of lasik recovery (Droid's). Language (Cunt in Grizzy's)
Pronouns: They/them
W.C. 1604 (about 400 words each)
Summary: 'I love you's from the Frog Boys.
As always, my requests are OPEN
<-Part 2
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It was cold. San Antonio winter was never that bad, but for some unknown reason, it decided to rage harder than normal this year. I had on one of Puffer’s hoodies, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks, and I was under a thick blanket. Yet I was still freezing. I was going to have to take some drastic measures.
I would need to get out of my cocoon to find Puffer.
Thankfully, I did not have to wait long as Puffer walked out of his office and climbed into my mountain of blankets. I immediately buried my face in his chest since he was a literal heater. He just chuckled before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and rubbing my arms to generate heat while his attention turned toward the show I had playing on the TV.
My hands were still freezing, so with a smirk, I moved my hands under Puffer’s hoodie and placed them flat on his back.
“Aye, woah!” He shouted, pushing me away. “You’re hands are freezing!”
“Why do you think I put them on your back?” I asked as if it were obvious. He just looked at me in disbelief, keeping me an arm’s width away. “Please? As my boyfriend, it is your responsibility to be my personal heater and right now you're doing a shitty job.”
“Fine get over here,” he sighed, pulling me back into his chest. I chuckled as I put my hands back under his hoodie and wrapped my legs around his waist, putting almost my entire body weight on him. He shook his head with a laugh before whispering, “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Awe, you love me?” I teased, looking up at him.
“Don’t make me take it back,” he threatened.
“You loving me or letting me put my cold hands up your shirt?”
“Well then, I was going to say I love you too, but I don’t like how you threatened me,” I joked as I slowly started to pull away.
“Oh shut up,” He pressed, pulling me straight back to his chest as he held one of my arms, so I couldn’t tear my hands out of his shirt.
“And I’m the clingy one?”
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Pezzy was streaming. It was a really random steam because he was bored. I was visiting my family since my sister just had her baby, so I was helping them out for the week. Pezzy wasn’t able to come with me, so I promised to send him loads of pictures.
“Guys, guess what,” He asked rhetorically to chat as he smiled at his phone. The chat started spamming random answers or emotes, so he flipped his phone around to show them. It was a picture I sent him of my outfit for dinner. “Look at them, chat. They’re so cute. They’ve been visiting their family, so they’ve sent me pictures every day.”
Immediately, the chat started filling with heart eyes, jokes about how I’m hot, or calling Pezzy a simp. He saw those immediately, and despite me calling him a simp all the time, he took offense to his chat picking up on it.
“Guys, I am literally not a simp. I am actually not a simp. I just love my significant other. So what?” Pezzy said fast as chat filled with more simp-related messages. He took a deep breath before shouting, “Guys, stop calling me a simp!”
I decided this would be a good time to call him since I was watching the stream on my laptop before dinner. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer as I continued to watch him frantically explain himself to chat.
“Guys, stop. Look, they’re calling me now! They’ll tell you I’m not a simp,” the stream audio came through just as Pezzy picked up the phone and greeted me.
Knowing he put me on speaker, I decided to tease him a little, “Hi my favorite simp. How’s your stream?”
“Not you too!” He shouted, taking the phone off the speaker as the chat started sending laughing emotes. “I swear, you’re watching the stream aren’t you?’
“Can’t I just call my favorite simp and tell him I love him too?” I asked innocently.
“I never said that,” He replied quickly, not believing that he confessed he loved me in front of five thousand people.
“I think chat has a clip somewhere,” I laughed.
“Chat if you can find a clip where I said I love Y/n, I’ll stream with them next week,” Pezzy said over the stream, and that’s when I noticed he hung up on me. It didn’t take long for chat to start spamming a link to the clip, causing Pezzy to sigh. “Ok, maybe I am a simp.”
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My eyes burned so much. One thing that no one told you about Lasik surgery was the first couple of hours after. My eyes burned so much, and I could not tell if it was from the surgery or from the lights in the kitchen. Droid promised to take care of me but completely forgot that Puffer, Pezzy, and Grizzy were coming over to film a cooking video in our new house, so that is where they were. The plan was a one-handed challenge, but it turned into a ‘make the best food for Y/n, so they don’t have to feel guilty that they’re disrupting their recovery’ stream.
“Is it pasta?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen with my eyes closed to get my antibiotics. I started patting around the counter, trying to find the bottle without opening my eyes. Droid saw my struggle, so he stopped cutting the chicken to wipe off his hands before grabbing the bottle from the cabinet. He opened it, dumped out one pill, and grabbed a glass to fill it with water before handing it to me. “Thank you.”
“No problem, and yes. Chicken Alfredo,” He answered, taking the glass and putting it in the sink once I finished it. “We’re actually almost done, so I’ll bring it over to the table.”
I groaned as I leaned forward where I thought Droid was. Apparently, he was not there, but he jumped back in front of me just in time for me to collide with his chest. “Do I have to do a taste test for the stream?”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he whispered, walking backward to get us out of frame.
“They’ll be mad at me,” I whined, starting to tear up before trying to calm down and not irritate my eyes more than they already are.
“They’ll understand,” He reassured. “You just had surgery today, and you are not 100 percent, so they won’t be upset if you don’t feel up to a full review.”
“I don’t deserve you,” I cried, leaning further into his chest. “I love you. Thank you for putting up with me.”
“I love you too,” He laughed. “You’ve dealt with me through crazier shit! This is nothing!”
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“What time did you guys get to the airport?” Fitz asked after we got to the Misfits’ house in Melbourne. We had to fly into Melbourne because we were attending PAX AUS, and knew it would be fun to come a couple of days earlier to hang out with our friends. However, the universe had different plans.
“4 AM Pacific,” Grizzy groaned, collapsing on the couch and pulling me down after we dropped our bags off in one of the rooms. “We had an overnight layover in LA, but the original flight was delayed. We just slept at the airport 'cause it was only like two hours before we would’ve needed to be back at the airport.”
“Those chairs were not comfy,” I complained as I curled up on Grizzy’s lap. I yawned as I leaned into Grizzy’s neck, attempting to hide my drowsiness from the guys. “I couldn’t sleep at all.”
“It’s a good thing we don’t have anything till tomorrow,” Swagger laughed as he walked in from the back patio. “You can chill out 'cause I bet the time difference didn’t help either.”
“No, it does not, and to make it worse, there was hella turbulence on the way over,” Grizzy added as he offhandedly ran his fingers through my hair. “We couldn’t sleep at the airport, couldn’t sleep on the plane, and now it’s technically four hours earlier than what we’re used to. This is shit.”
At some point during his rant, I gave in to the temptation of sleep. No one noticed until Toby came into the room.
“Why are you cunts talking so loud?” She asked. “Y/n is literally asleep.” With that, the room’s attention flipped to me. No one said anything for a couple of seconds, unsure of what to say until Grizzy started to stand up with me in his arms.
“I’ll take them to our room. It’s probably a good idea for us to get some sleep,” Grizzy whispered. “Dinner tonight, yeah?” The guys just nodded, so Grizzy took that and left the room.
When he walked into the room, he immediately set me on the bed, so he could set an alarm for later in the afternoon and changed both of us into comfier clothes. Just before he climbed into bed with me, I woke up slightly, not really recognizing where we were.
“We’re in our room. The guys said we’ll go to dinner later, but we can sleep for now,” Grizzy explained in a soft tone.
“Okay, I love you, Grizzy,” I whispered back and fell back asleep.
“I love you too.”
Part 4 ->
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Oh nooooo somebody stole my Aidlyn/Ashden headcanons so now I have to write more ... ✨️
Some of these are based on my dad because he has bpd and he really reminds me of Aiden.
-His sense of humor is so broken like. Probably makes "that's what she said" and "your mom" jokes. Ash thinks he is the unfunniest person alive 🤡 and she STILL laughs at him (but never when he's trying to be funny). I think he'd be on Vine a lot lmao. He would laugh at that video of the bread slice falling over no cap.
-Aiden Clark, Professional Doomscroller. Maybe an itty bitty bit addicted to social media cuz "omg easy dopamine hit" even if he doesn't post a lot. Would prolly be chronically on TikTok if he was a teen today 🤡 Ash WILL steal his phone and hide it so they can "do something productive" (which alternates between her trying to teach him basic life skills to him falling out of a tree because they went outside for five minutes)
-her parents also gave him a truly awful shovel talk. He came out of it, kneeled in front of her, and said if he broke her heart to kill him before her parents did 💖 Tyler and him bond about their "scary in laws", although he has a better relationship with Mike and Emma than Tyler does with Mary and James 🤡
-convinced her to go to prom because "free food" and managed to wrangle out a slow-dance from her. He already likes dancing, SHE likes dancing...he wants to dance together ^_^
-She really likes his normal smile, when he's not forcing it. He takes good care of his teeth, so he's got a real bright smile :)
-Aiden tried to teach her how to skateboard a few times. She can...stand on it without falling off and roll around, but no tricks lol. Ash still thinks it was just an excuse for him to grab her hands or waist while she was balancing.
-Some problems in the relationship: they are not very good at communicating how they feel, so there's a lot of misunderstandings between them unless the gang intervenes haha ":D Sometimes Ash feels very suffocated by him and she really dislikes his apathy towards himself, and Aiden sometimes feels like Ash doesn't care about him nearly as much as he cares about her.
-his depressive episodes alternate between "I'm just gonna lie here and hope I die" to "actively trying to self destruct", sometimes he might go on a binge (overdosing on his meds, and when he's older he might sometimes drink too much or go on really dangerous joy rides, he's an awful driver), they really freak Ash out :( Recovery is a very long road with no end destination. She's trying to get better at reassuring him and he's trying to...just get better.
-both of them suck at remembering their anniversary 🤡 Aiden is a littleeeee bit better
-They have a knife collection they share ❤️
-he has her as "love of my life 💖✨️😍" on his phone contacts and has a special ringtone for her and everything. Absolutely not embarrassed about it, Ash...definitely is 💀 (she has him as "Aiden")
-sends her really bad poetry he wrote for her because writing his feelings down by himself is easier than saying it in the moment. Ash keeps all of them in a shoebox in her closet.
-she's not really good with touching and stuff but she feels better touching him, like a good stim. Really likes holding his face (no eye contact). Also enjoys him holding her hand.
-Secretly a little insecure about how she looks. She has never really thought about it before because she never cared about it, but now, in a relationship, she's kinda self conscious about him perceiving (read: constantly staring) her. She's very short and thin (even with muscles from ballet and training) and feels like a "late bloomer." Aiden thinks she's the closest thing to physical perfection that exists and will tell her this constantly ^_^
-She actually likes how he smells (grâce à: his really expensive soap lmao) but she would die before telling him lol
-The first time she kissed him her brain kinda shut off and she just squished their faces together while puffing her cheeks up. He bust out laughing and completely murdered the mood 💀 They'll figure it out...eventually
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