#because let’s be honest I’m probably not staying up until midnight lol
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Hello friends!! Just popping in to say I adore all of you wonderful souls and I AM alive (even though I’m rarely active on here 😖😅) I MISS ALL OF YOU and hope to be better at staying in touch soon.
In the meantime, I hope 2023 is filled with all kindness, rejuvenation, and good things you deserve 💖🎉
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stars-tonight · 3 months
hello! This is my first time ever requesting a matchup so I hope I’m doing this right!
May I have a pre time skip Character with a romantic match up?
My ideal partner is someone who is very patient with me, as well as someone who can be protective over me. I also like someone who can be silly with me! I also like someone who can be romantically cheesy (if that makes sense haha). I also like Someone who doesn’t mind taking care of me and who is loyal
(preferably a male character)
My pronouns are she/her, I’m a mixture of a golden retriever girl as well as a black cat girl. At first I’m really quiet and shy but when I warm up to someone I get very happy to see them and joke around and yap a lot with them! I do have ADHD which causes me to disassociate most of the time. I’m mostly introverted but on rare occasions I can be outgoing
Things I enjoy doing with a partner or friends is playing video games for hours on end, not really caring about winning, just having a good time with them is all that matters to me. I also love to cosplay so being able to do that with others is always so fun for me. I always enjoy being lazy or even just napping
My love language (giving) is quality time as well as gift giving!
My receiving love language is, quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation!
My ideal date is just to be able to spend time with the other person, as well as getting to know them more on a personal level, nothing too fancy, maybe just taking a walk through nature or just spending time at home!
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🥛 do you see how hinata defends himself on the show??
🥛 boy is fearless
🥛 literally stands up to ushijima
🥛 will go after anyone who made you upset
🥛 hinata's also definitely silly and can be a cheesy romantic
🥛 let's be honest he's so in love with you he would never even think about cheating
🥛 hinata's a golden retriever inside and out, but he's dealt with black cats like kageyama before
🥛 would definitely try to get you out of your shell
🥛 sometimes drags you into social situations
🥛 he doesn't seem like the type to get worked up in an upset way
🥛 he gets energized very easily but not upset
🥛 so he's also very patient with you
🥛 he doesn't know much about adhd but i can bet you he's staying up until midnight reading articles about it to try to understand you better
🥛 hinata often plays video games with kenma
🥛 he always loses when he plays kenma so he's glad that it's actually a fair match between you two
🥛 unless you're very good at video games and win all the time
🥛 in which case he'd probably get a little pouty
🥛 you'd have to cheer him up
🥛 he's just a little competitive lol
🥛 definitely seems like the type to enjoy cosplay
🥛 he doesn't have much experience with it at all but will admire you any time you cosplay a new character
🥛 definitely takes pictures of you
🥛 it's honestly hard for him to tone down the energy and nap
🥛 but sometimes when he comes home from practice he's just so exhausted
🥛 (especially because he stayed back for an extra hour to practice)
🥛 so sometimes he'll just walk through the door and flop onto the couch
🥛 you'll have to drag him off of the couch and into the shower
🥛 (he'll be leaning on you the whole time; hopefully you don't mind a bit of sweat)
🥛 after a shower he'll hop into bed and just be knocked out
🥛 almost all of his free time is either spent playing volleyball or hanging out with you
🥛 i don't believe he went to college, so he's got extra time on his hands when that time comes around
🥛 he's also a big words of affirmation guy
🥛 praising others comes very naturally to him and of course it's so easy to compliment you because he loves you so much
🥛 he definitely holds your hand all the time
🥛 doesn't strike me as the type to necessarily shy away from pda
🥛 pre-timeskip, if tsukishima or kageyama ever said something about it, hinata would just laugh and tease them for being "jealous"
🥛 after all, they're sad and lonely while he has you!
runner up for you was haiba lev!
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A/N: there you go, i hope you liked it! i wasn't sure if you wanted a long or short matchup so i just gave you a long one lol, i hope you don't mind :)
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moonctzeny · 4 years
First Times
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“Jae”, you whispered, gaining his attention, “We will still be best friends after this, right?”
He pulls you closer to him, making your face rest on his naked chest. He smelled like sweat and that intense body spray, like those days he came back from his basketball practice to meet you under the treehouse. He smelled like home.
pairing: childhood friend/ceo! jaehyun x fem! reader
genre: smut, angst
word count: 6.584k
warnings: loss of virginity, then not so virgin sex lol, squirting
summary: “Jaehyun had been your best friend ever since you were 7 years old, but after a certain incident he disappears, without informing you of his whereabouts. You had come to terms with the fact that you’ll never see him again until your paths cross unexpectedly, meeting as boss and employee”
a/n: I feel like ceo! jaehyun fics are overwritten so I tried to focus more on the childhood friends to lovers aspect, giving it a little twist
There was no way that was him.
When you were 10 years old you couldn’t wait to have your first kiss. You were plain obsessed with the romance dramas that were playing on tv, your mom complaining about having to witness the same unrealistic tropes over and over again, but you stayed frozen in front of the screen.
Why were the characters so caught up in the thought of seeing each other? Why were they willing to risk everything they had for the other person? You were curious to find out about the love the grown ups talked about, and playing mommy and daddy with the neighbor’s son, Jaehyun, wasn’t cutting it anymore.
He was waiting for you in his treehouse, preparing his toys for your playdate. A table of pots and cutlery on one side of the room and a battlefield with ships on the other. He preferred when you two dueled for the “fate of your country”, but he knew you liked to play house so he compromised. One hour of what you like and one hour of what he liked, that’s what his mom had said.
You stomped inside, your pout not matching his excited smile.
“Finally, you’re here! Can we play my games first? My uncle got me new soldiers, look!” He ran up to you, a bunch of different green miniatures in his hands. You didn’t bother to spare him a glance, too caught up in your personal drama.
“I don’t want to play games,” you whined, “I want a boyfriend!”
Jaehyun blinked a couple times, confused. “But you have one, me. I am your friend and I am a boy”
You threw your head back in frustration, groaning so loudly that the rest of the neighborhood probably heard you. “Noo it’s not the same! We don’t kiss on the lips and stuff!”
The little boy came closer to you, scowling. He was starting to get really impatient with your whining over these dramas that you liked so much. So what if you don’t kiss and stuff? It’s no big deal anyways!
He grabbed your ears, bringing you closer to his face and he gave you a small peck. Your first kiss.
“There. Will you play with me now?”
When you turned 18 you exchanged your love for dramas with a love for art. You also exchanged your calculus workbooks for oil paints and acrylics, busy with piecing together a portfolio that would get you accepted into art school. There was one thing that stayed stable in your life, however, that followed you from childhood into adolescence.
“Hey, sorry for being late, basketball practice took longer than I expected”, Jaehyun apologized and joined you at his backyard. The treehouse had gotten too old for inhabiting but the trunk you were currently lied against served its purpose as your current hangout after school.
“Hey”, you sniffled and he finally noticed how watery your eyes were. He dropped his sportsbag immediately, and sat next to you on the slightly moist grass, your arms touching.
“I’m guessing Mark denied your offer to go to the prom with you?”
You nodded, hiding your face in his embrace before he sees you crying. Being Jaehyun’s friend wasn’t always easy. His easygoing personality and good looks on top of being president of four school clubs made him one of the most popular kids in high school. You reminded yourself that he’s still the same boy you’ve always known, that you don’t have to feel threatened by the army of girls always clinging by his sides, but it was hard. It was hard to recount your rejection from this morning when he probably has never truly felt that feeling before. Even with his college applications pending, you knew he’d be successful. Any institution would be crazy to miss up on him, and the rest of the world felt that way about him too.
“I don’t wanna talk about it”, you mumble, leaning back before you stain his t-shirt even more, “Did Mina find the dress she is gonna wear after all?”
Your genuine worry for his prom date, even after your failed promposal, broke his heart. You were always so empathetic, so selfless, so nice to him. He didn’t have it in him to let you stay in your state of misery.
“Nothing”, he blurted, rushing to explain after seeing the confused look on your face, “she bailed on me last minute”.
That was a lie, but you didn’t have to know that. Jaehyun cancelling on his date would be a dick move, he knew that, but you being happy was his priority. It always has, at least as long as he was still here. “So if you didn’t mind, I was thinking we go together? As friends of course”
“Jae! I love you!”
You tackled him with a hug, the grass tickling his neck and he just laughed at the adorable screech you let out. You both stayed there enjoying the chill evening, talking about renting cars and matching outfits.
He let you rant about the dress you’ve chosen to wear and he promised to convince his parents to leave his house empty for the after party.
The prom night was the last time you saw Jung Jaehyun. There you two were, sprawled out on his bed and tired off your asses, spending what seemed like the most fun night of your life together. Your feet were in blisters from all the dancing, head spinning from the after-party vodka. Jaehyun had turned his head towards you, tie undone and staring at a piece of glitter that had fallen on your collarbone. He looked as handsome as ever in his suit, red eyes glued on you and a satisfied smile on his face.
“Your parents are gonna be so mad when they see the mess on their carpet. I told you not to get Jungwoo drunk”
Jaehyun laughed, his deep laugh reverbrating through the room. “Not if you tell them in the morning. They can’t get mad at you. You told your mom you’re staying over, right?”
You nodded, maybe shaking your head a lot longer than needed but your tipsy self wanted to make sure you got your message across.
“You know”, you started with a snicker, “she gave me like a million condoms for tonight. Probably thought I was planning on losing my virginity like any teenager with a social life”
He kept staring at you, eyes lazily taking in the sight of your pretty smile. “Yeah, same with my dad. I think that’s the only reason why they gave me the house”
You whipped your head to face him at the speed of light, mouth gaped open and  staring at him incredulously. “Jae, you’re a virgin??”
It was hard to believe. I mean sure, you hadn’t had any experience in the sex department either but you were, well, you. Shy with new people, horrible at flirting and a bit standoff-ish if you were being honest. But your best friend, as likable and good looking as he was, had never been with a girl before?
“Well, yeah, I was just kinda- I was waiting for the right person, you know? Someone to make it memorable”
You sighed, relating with his words but also...
“I just wish I could get it over with”, you confess and you saw Jaehyun gulp visibly. He was glancing at the nothingness on his ceiling, lost in his thoughts.
The silence lasted for a few minutes, only the distant sound of a passing police car interrupting it. He sat on his knees, the conversation sobering him up significantly. “Remember when you wanted to have your first kiss and I just did it so you wouldn’t complain about it anymore?”
You smile fondly at the memory, waiting for him to continue. There was somewhere he was getting at.
“Well, we both want to not be virgins anymore, right? So let’s just do it”
You felt an electric tension growing between you. It was like you were holding two magnets, begging to touch each other but you still held them apart, because if you let go you just knew things would never be the same again.
Jaehyun leaned in, dunking his head at the last minute and kissing your neck instead. It was tentative, a kiss that tested the waters. He was still holding back, wanting to make sure you wanted this as much as he wanted it too. You scooted closer to him, placing your legs to frame his closed knees, putting his face gently in your hands.
His pupils were dilated, shifting to a million places but your voice managed to make him concentrate to your eyes solely. You could hear his heartbeat bumping in his chest.
“Jae, I love you. You have to trust me, ok?”
“Okay” he nodded, eyes wide open and sincere, “I love you too, so much”
You kiss him finally, and the room around you spun even more. The feeling was strangely comfortable, yet your lungs were struggling to do their job. In that moment, it felt like everything in the world was the way it was supposed to be, and you two were a part of that bigger, perfectly orchestrated picture. 
He grabbed you by your waist, bringing you over his lap. His fingers danced from your thighs to the zipper of your dress, the cool midnight air spreading goosebumps on your back. You help him out by pulling your straps down, staying in your strapless bra.
“If I knew what was gonna happen tonight I would wear cuter underwear”, you mutter and Jaehyun chuckles. Why did your heart skip a beat at the sound? It’d be a lie to say you hadn’t found yourself staring at your best friend a minute too long in the past, but tonight- Tonight the effect he had on you held an intensity that you’ve never felt before.
“Underwear can only help you out so much. They can’t do wonders”
“Wow Jae, way to make me drier that the Sahara desert”
He dipped back down to your throat, sucking at the soft skin over your collarbones and earning an embarassingly high-pitched moan from you. You felt him smile against your neck as he licked over the nibbled flesh in little circles, wishing he would repeat that motion on another part of your body.
“We’ll see about that”
As if he wanted to prove his point, he grinds you over his erection, lighting your insides on fire. Your dress was short, meaning that you could feel all of him-and it seemed like a whole lot- over your panties that were damping up.
“Show me your tits and I’ll show you mine”
Jaehyun laughed at your comment; ridiculous yet successful at calming his ragged breath down. The buttons of his dress shirt opened one by one, each of them revealing another inch of his smooth chest. His skin was glowing, and his abs proved that puberty was starting to work its wonders on him.
You trace your fingers over two moles on his chest, leaving soft kisses over them. You could feel his pulse on your lips, fast and pumping blood all over his body. Despite his attempts at staying collected over the loss of his virginity, you realized that he was probably as nervous and scared as you are.
“Your turn”, he whispered, bringing you back into the moment. You reach back to unclasp your bra, freeing your boobs, and a smile cracked on your lips at Jaehyun’s reaction.
He stayed frozen and gawking at your chest, hands twitching and not knowing what to do with the sight you so generously offered him. Bringing his hands into your own, you place them over your mounds, guiding him into squeezing them. He continues on his own, pinching your nipples as he leans forward for another kiss, probably to hide his evident blush from you.
The making out continued, leaving you both with only your underpants on. He places you on your back, and starts petting your clit over your panties, the motion so soft it drove you insane. Hungry for more. 
You started whining, grinding forwards against his fingers and he chuckled, pulling the fabric away to leave you uncovered. The chilly air was quickly exchanged with the feeling of his warm digits, causing a different kind of shivering. 
When he inserted the first finger in you, you felt like your whole body was burning up with a high fever. You’d done this again, with your ex-boyfriend in summer camp but it definitely didn’t feel as sinful and delicious and pleasureable as this. It pulled at a knot in your stomach, begging to be untangled and Jaehyun was taking his sweet time with you. Quick circles on your swollen bud and a nibble on your neck, that’s what it took for him to enjoy you shaking through an orgasm.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful”
You looked angelic with the sweat trickling down your chest, skin glowing in the limelight and Jaehyun would just sit and stare if it wasn’t for the tent in his boxers that was screaming for attention. Pulling at the soft fabric, you sprung him free and the boldness that came when you did started to evaporate. It hit you in that moment, that he had seen all of you and now you saw all of him- yes you had been best friends for years but this intimacy was unprecedented. And you liked the feeling.
You put him in your grasp, moving your fist in a pivoting motion with his precum as your lubricant. He throws his head back with a grunt that almost made you cum a second time and urged you to pick up the pace. Unsure of what to do next, you licked your other palm and started to massage his balls hoping he liked it. He did by the sound of his moans, but stopped you abruptly, scaring you that you accidentally did something wrong in your inexperience.
“If you continue like this I’m gonna cum. Let’s do this“
You swallow on nothing and reach to your jacket on the floor for the condoms your mum gave you. 
“Want a pink one? A green maybe? Blue?”, you joke and he pets your hair lovingly, looking down at you.
“Blue. Your favourite colour”
You smiled warmly at his response, satisfied with your decision to share this moment with your best friend. With someone who knew you so well.
Unwrapping the plastic, you placed the rubber over his hardness with shaking hands, following the instructions as best as you could. Jaehyun leaned down over you, planting a dozen kisses over your face as he positioned himself over your entrance.
You nodded, giving him permission to dip his tip in, the first inches stretching you out nicely. The wetness caused by your orgasm helped your situation a lot, the slickness allowing him to dive a little deeper. Then, the stinging started, making you hiss and he kissed you immediately, trying to soothe you.
“I know, baby, I know. I’m sorry. We have to go through the hard part now ok?”
The nickname playing over and over again in your head gave you the patience needed to endure him bottoming out, along with the first thrusts. It was uncomfortable, but the feeling of him inside you, of the two of you coming together as one, released some chemical in your brain that made most of the pain go away. He took his fingers from your hips to gently pat away the teardrops staining your cheeks.
“That’s it baby, you’re doing so well”
His words and the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls drew a moan out of your half open mouth, the sound carrying on the air you two shared and landing on Jaehyun’s lips. There was a tension on your belly and something told you it wasn’t just physical, more like an emotional revelation, a fire already ignited but flared up by this incident. Your feelings towards your childhood friend, a love that was more than platonic.
For you, at least.
Jaehyun was young and you felt so tight around him that he didn’t take long to finish. He pulled out last minute, taking the condom out and spilling spurts of his cum all over your stomach. It earned a scowl and an eyebrow raise from you but the way he apologized, saying you “looked too beautiful to resist”, was too cute to stay mad at.
You laid back on his bed, holding hands and trying to register what just happened. The ocassional car drove by, the lights illuminating Jaehyun’s eyes that you noted were glossy. Maybe it was just as intense for him, you thought and squeezed his hands a little tighter.
“Jae”, you whispered, gaining his attention, “We will still be best friends after this, right?”
He pulls you closer to him, making your face rest on his naked chest. He smelled like sweat and that intense body spray, like those days he came back from his basketball practice to meet you under the treehouse. He smelled like home.
Forever must have a different meaning in the Jungs’s dictionary, because after that night, Jaehyun was unreachable. You tried to text him, call him, only to be ignored and faced with stupid excuses.
You thought long and hard about why your best friend suddenly decided to ghost you. Maybe he didn’t like the sex. Understandable, since it was your first time, but it’s not like you promised him a night of mind blowing love making or anything. You decided that he probably felt too awkward to talk to you after that night and you told yourself to give him some space.
Three days passed, then another, then a week and still no sign of Jaehyun. Tired of the radio silence and irritated by his attitude, you got ready to visit him at his house, confront him one-on-one.
No, you didn’t wear your favourite perfume for him. It just so happened that you chose to put on that dress he had complimented you on before. You didn’t hope for him to call you beautiful again, or have a retake of the prom night fun. The butterflies in your stomach were probably the heavy lunch you ate. Yes, it was all coincidental.
You walked down the stairs with a pep in your step, storming through your parents in the kitchen.
“And were are you going so happy, young lady?”, your dad chirps and you smile at him.
“I’m gonna go see Jaehyun real quick!”
“Real quick? To a different country? He came back already?”
You stilled at the sound of your mother’s words, confused.
“A different country? I’m going down the street to the Jungs, mom”
“Honey, the Jungs are there but not Jaehyun. He moved abroad to study Business. Didn’t he tell you?”
The ground beneath your feet seemed to melt and pull you under the third level of hell. How could he get accepted to a university and not tell you? How could he move countries and not even say goodbye? How dare he make you fall in love with him, give you the best night of your life and then leave you hanging like that?
You ran upstairs to your room, wailing in what seemed like a mixture of rage and sadness. You felt so dumb, in your sundress and shaved pussy and cute underwear you chose out for him. It was all so, so unfair and the feeling ate you alive. The feeling that you hated Jung Jaehyun.
So now, when he stands from across the room, all suited up but with the additional rank of CEO on his shoulders you couldn’t believe that it was him.
Your portfolio did get you into an art school after all, majoring in product design. Your innovative work of rebranding the latest releases, taking on the aesthetic part of the marketing, landed you a great deal in J industries. The product was good and your skills were better, so when the sales went off the roof you weren’t surprised. What you didn’t expect however, was that the boss of your boss, who was currently staring at you from across the launch party, was your childhood best friend.
Ex-best friend.
“Damn, y/n, Mr. Jung hasn’t taken his eyes off of you all night, huh?”, said Sook, the assistant marketing director who was working by your side on the project.
“Well, he should have come over and congratulate me by now. I did help save his company”
She laughed lightly, unaware for how deeply rooted your dislike for the man really was. You continue your conversation when you suddenly see her turn visibly tense, sweeping her hands on the front of her dress. Oh, you should have watched what you wished for.
“M-Mr. Jung, how are you enjoying this party? This is y/n, she did most of the designs for the campaign-”
Eyes widening in shock, you get lost in some passerbys, meddling with the other coworkers in the gathering. Sook left a little yelp when she realized you had dissolved into thin air in seconds. You could still faintly hear her apologizing merrily.
“Oh I swear she was sitting right next to me Mr. Jung”
Chatting up with friends and even strangers, you made sure you never stayed in the same place for too long. Jaehyun’s eyes were still boring holes into your face no matter where you went, a smirk plastered on his own every time he caught you checking out for him.
In a last attemp to turn invisible, you find cover on a small couch, slightly hidden by some ballon decorations and you shoved a book to your face, faking interest. But alas, a dip in the furniture next to you and the familiar woody smell soon rang a bell of danger in your head.
“You know your book is upside down, right?”
Wincing at your fatal mistake, you turn around to be faced with a pair of brown eyes you thought you’d never see again. You noticed how they’re glowing in pride and ambition and remembered how they shined that night from tears, how you tried to read through him, just like now.
“Jung. Got bored of your little staring game?”
Jaehyun had grown an inch or two since you last saw him, you notice, standing even taller in his exemplary posture. He still stuck with his long hairstyle, locks styled back sleekly and exposing his defined cheekbones. His skin was even paler than usual, glowing in the dark room. Being a CEO probably meant staying inside a lot, making tanning for his complexion almost impossible.
“Considering you applied to my company, y/n, I figured you’d come to me now as well”
Why was he using that voice around you? You‘d made fun of him numerous times in the past for that deep tone, only coming up when he was trying to woo some girl.
“I didn’t know it was your dumb company”, you start, rolling your eyes in annoyance, “I’m surprised you even remember my name”
“How could I forget the girl I went to prom with?” And took my virginity, you wanted to add but knew he censored his words on purpose. “Also, Sook mentioned your name like, five minutes ago”
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about”
His silence was uncomfortable, thickening the atmosphere even more. You saw regret and guilt in his features, lips struggling to find the right words and hands fumbling with his tie.
“I know you’re mad, rightfully so. But please, come over to my place for a drink. For old time’s sake”. The deep voice was persistent and that’s when you realized that Jaehyun wasn’t a teenager anymore. So many years had passed since that summer, enough to mature you both physically and emotionally, yet the wound stung still so freshly.
“You can’t just choose when to re-enter my life so easily”, you huffed and started to walk away from him, when you felt his fingers wrapping gently around your wrist.
“y/n, please. I’ve missed you. One drink, that’s it”
It was so annoying, you thought as you entered his condo, how his dimples were still so effective at convincing you. It was quite luxurious, definitely bigger than your apartment and by the looks of the fancy furniture, his hard work as CEO surely paid off. 
“You like it?”
“Not as much as your treehouse but it’s okay”, you reply him and he grins at the reminiscence of your old shenanigans as children.
“I’ll bring the wine”
You snooped around a bit more, examining the decorations of his living room. It was quite minimalistic, an abstract painting or two, a weird sculpture, no family pictures in sight. You always hated places like that, so lifeless, so impersonal. Jaehyun had too rich of a personality for that.
He sat on his leather couch, placing two glasses of white wine in front of him and motioning you to sit down as well. You took a seat as far away from his as possible and he winced at the distance you kept, now also turning physical. 
Jaehyun started a conversation by asking you about your work at the company, then moving on to your personal life. You politely answered him, even joked about how single you are. He started recounting the start of his company, how he got the idea to begin from scratch and the hardships that came with it. As it was expected from the bachelor’s vibes his place emitted, CEO position didn’t allow for enough free time for him to meet someone new, let alone something serious. Your little meet up seemed to be going well. Too well to be exact. One glass down and you finally had enough of feigning ‘happy old friends catching up’.
“Why did you bring me here Jaehyun? Really bring me here”
The man sighed at your tone, running his fingers through his hair and messing their gelled-up styling. Getting up from his position, he finishes up his second glass and sits closer to you, body facing yours.
“I guess... I owe you an apology. For back then. I should have told you I’m moving abroad”
“Yes, Jaehyun, you should have. Especially after what we did before you left”
He closed his eyes in shame, glossy after he reopened them. A serious expression darkened his features, looking as solemn as that last night you saw him before his disappearance and hanging from your lips. “Do you regret it? Going through with it?”
“No”, you answer immediately, because it was the truth. All the guys you’ve slept with in your time as an adult, though more experienced than high-school Jaehyun, were missing that one factor that none other than your best friend could offer you. Connection, vulnerability, care. True love.
He sighs, once again, clearly relieved by your answer but still speaking in a bittersweet tone.
“Good, I would really hate myself if you did. I was just, so scared you’d forget about me. I had to know you’d remember me. Then you said this whole thing about wanting to have our first time and-“. You knew it was the wine in his system that caused his rambling. Jaehyun wasn’t one to stumble on his words, definitely not sentimental like that. But alcohol seemed to bring you closer when in need and at the right time so you let it, once again, and you let him finish. “-and you looked so beautiful that I couldn’t help myself. If I knew you’d grow up to look like this I would have never-“
He stopped himself mid sentence, regretting sharing more. You, however, weren’t done with this conversation yet. There were so many years spent repenting your friendship, so many questions running through your head, and you weren’t leaving this room until they got answered.
“If you didn’t want me to forget you that much then why not tell me you got accepted to a university abroad? I was your best friend!”. Your words were emotionally charged, unwillingly making your voice turn up in volume. It was as if you turned back into the little girl crying in her bedroom, finally getting the chance to say all those things she was screaming in her pillow. “I would be so happy for you, I loved you”
“Yes you did! You literally said that every single day!”, Jaehyun yelled back, startling you, “And every single time it was as if you jabbed a knife in my chest! Did you know how much it killed me? To hear this from my best friend I’d been in love with for the past 10 years?”
“You- you were in love with me?”, you ask dumbly, voice light in disbelief, a stark difference from Jaehyun’s a second ago.
He settled his breathing, hands fixing his hair once again in abashment.
“I knew that if I told you I had to go abroad you would get all sad and start crying and I wouldn’t be able to see you like that. I knew that the moment you’d tell me you miss me I would drop everything to be with you. That night that we had sex.. I didn’t plan it but I thought it would be better for you if I made you hate me. And when I saw you again today- it felt like not one day had passed since high school. I didn’t know how to approach you, what to say. I’m sorry”
You sat there in shock, connecting the dots in your brain. All the feelings you were trying to repress around him, the lingering glances and butterflies in your stomach, were reqruited all along. You knew exactly what he meant earlier, about time seeming to freeze. The way he looked at you now, all teary eyed and red and shaking was utterly and overwhelmingly the warm Jaehyun that met you every night after school. And you wouldn’t let another day go to waste.
You lean forward, capturing his lips into a kiss long overdue. It was tentative and you started pulling back when he places both hands on the sides of your neck, keeping you from letting go. His fingertips grasp part of your hair and you lean your face sideways, melting into the kiss and his touch. A lick on his bottom lip and now your tongues were touching, groaning at how much better he got at this and wanting to put his skill to better use. Tugging on his soft locks, he moans and his baritone voice made the hairs on your arms stand on edge.
You moved your hands on his chest, palming the defined muscles and deciding you wanted to treat your eyes, ripping his shirt open in one move. Jaehyun grabs the meat of your thighs, hands gripping the edge of your dress and pulling it upwards until it falls over your head. He dipped into your neck immediately, sucking and nibbling passionately right in the middle, your moans sounding breathless with the pressure he puts on your throat. Trailing down, he left a path of open mouthed kisses, now focusing on the mounds of your breasts that your bra wasn’t covering. A flick of his wrist and the piece of underwear was gone, lips surrounding your nipple, releasing it with a loud pop.
You moan out his name and his growl’s animalistic, nails digging on the softness of your hips.
“Fuck I love that sound”
He probably made it a goal to hear it again as he started kissing on your inner thighs, the bruises he left behind teasing you to the point of begging. You lift you hips to discard the skimpy underwear you chose for tonight, Jaehyun’s breath fanning your clit. A few kitten licks and your back is already lifting from the leather, his hands intertwining with yours to keep you in place.
Practice makes perfect and Jaehyun must have had a lot of it, the interchanging of sucking, licking and spitting on your pussy making you lose your mind in the most delicious way. You were in the midst of murmuring a mix of praises when he finally finds that spot that has you trembling under his tongue. Riding out your high, you grind against his face, the pleasure not leaving any room for shame. Chest heaving and vision restored, you glance down at Jaehyun, looking as irresistible as ever wiping his wet lips and chin.
You were fully prepared and willing to return the favor so you motioned him to stand up, positioning the back of your neck over the hand rest of the couch. After opening your mouth wide he got the point, quickly ridding himself off his pants and boxer briefs, spitting profanities at how hot you looked for him right now.
You were upside down, but you could very well see Jaehyun’s hard and angry cock staring back at you. You always thought that maybe, since he was your first, you might have overestimated his size in your head. But your brain apparently hadn’t manipulated that memory in the slightest because that length and grith would definitely be a challenge for you. And hell, did you want to take it on.
He pushes through your lips, and your tongue is quick to engulf him. Licking up and down his shaft as best as you could, made Jaehyun grip the couch in an effort to keep his knees from buckling from pleasure. The position allowed him to push even deeper inside you, filling up your throat. He places his fingers over the bulge on your throat, watching it itently with every move of his hips.
Your eyes teared up and your throat started to burn but the sounds Jaehyun let out with every thrust made it all worth it. He finally pulls out, a string of saliva and precum landing on your lips and he is quick to to clean you up with his fingers. Collecting the wetness, he pushes his digits inside your mouth, and something changes in his glare, eyes darkening in the most lustful expression.
“I need you inside me”, you mumble with his fingers inside of you and he nods, asking if he should go get a condom. You search through the contains of your handbag, hands trembling with the way he is pushed up agaist you, erection digging in the softness of your ass as he’s nibling the skin on your shoulders. 
You handed him the square foil and as soon as he takes it in his grasp, he pushed you down to the arm rest, back against the cushion and legs in the air. Moving your hand between your legs, you distracted him by playing with your pussy, speading the juices around and pushing your folds apart to direct him to your opening.
The first thrust felt divine, thick cock filling you nicely and making your head fall back in pleasure. Jaehyun threw your legs over his shoulders, eyes glued to yours as he kissed your calves, picking up his pace. The moans started rolling off your tongue, echoing inside the big lounge and accompanied by the skin slapping sound of your bodies.
“I missed your body so much”, he muttered as he gripped your waist, setting an incredible pace that had your feet flexing. You turned your head to the side, catching your reflection on the huge window leading to the balcony. Tits bouncing, Jaehyun’s flexed arms, his dick digging inside you. What a sight.
“See something you like?”, he chuckled darkly and you smiled up at him, grazing your nails over his biceps.
“Show me something to remember you by”
Jae halted his thrusts, turning you over to your stomach swiftly, ass in the air. He kneaded his hands over your ass, giving it a little spank and spread your cheeks apart. Placing his right knee on the arm rest, he dives inside you again, and the moan you let out barely sounded like you. His cock was so deep inside you that you had to close your eyes to relish the feeling of fullness, amplified by the light pain of the stretch. Jaehyun collected your hair in his fist, pulling your upper body against his chest as he wrapped an arm around your own.
“Open your eyes. See how nicely you take my cock. Think you’ll forget that?”, he growls in your ear, thumb digging in your cheek and palm slightly muting your sounds. The dirty talk, his cock grazing against the spot that drove you crazy and Jaehyun’s godly reflection pounding the shit out of you brought you over the edge again. He didn’t let you take any time off, hips continuing to bruise against you as feverly as before, and you thought you just might combust.
“Jaehyun, p-please, it’s too much”, you plead with as much power is left in your system, and he pulls out, only to start rubbing quick circles over your clit that had you thrashing in his arms.
You melt into his arms, a pressing feeling in your belly that you had never felt before and soon you climax for the third time, droplets of cum squirting out of your pussy and dripping onto the wooden flooring.
“This is so fucking hot”, Jaehyun mutters and starts thrusting inside you, trying to coax as much cum out of you as possible.
The waves keep coming, gushing out of you every time he pulls out, until he can’t take the sight anymore, coming with a shiver and a ragged breath.
You were sweaty and exhausted, smiling faintly as he showered you with kisses.
“Let’s get you cleaned up”
You try to stand up futilely, knees wobbling and unable to keep your balance. Jaehyun chuckles at the sight but helps you up like the gentleman he is, moving you to the floor’s bathroom.
You hop in and he joins you, letting the water run down your body and helping you soap up. It was very intimate but comfortable at the same time, his gentle caresses belonging to your skin. Everything felt right.
He was occupied with running his fingers over two hickeys he had planted on you earlier when you snap him out of his thoughts, voice barely audible over the running water.
“I’m sorry you felt like you had to lie to me to go study abroad. I think it’s pretty obvious after what we just did that I liked you too, but... I still would have let you move. Force you even.”
“You’re right. I’m sor-“
“I mean it Jaehyun. I’m so proud of you”
His eyes glimmered at your praise, wet eyelashes framing them and fluttering closed as he leaned down, pressing the sweetest kiss on your lips. It left you breathless, almost hurting when he pulled back. You could kiss him forever.
“I know you said I can’t just come back to your life like that but I want to try. I’ve seriously missed you”
“How about taking me to a date tomorrow night? To catch up some more”
He grinned brightly, eyes turning into crescent moons and dimples making your heart burst.
“Wherever you want”, he promised and took a step closer to you, hand snaking down your ass and pulling you against his wet body, “And speaking of making up for lost time... How about a round two?”
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
Midnight Translation
Seventeen AU: 14th member
Rei x Seventeen
Sleepy Rei can still be helpful Rei
She is NOT cannon with the rest of my AUs.
A/N: I want to apologize and thank everyoone who has been so very very patient. I’ve been going through it this past while, and I thank you all for not hating me lol….ALSO CHECK OUT MY PATREON FOR ACCESS TO EXCLUSIVE CONTENT AND EARLY ACCESS (patreon.com/kllamallama)
Requests are OPEN!!!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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Rei’s pillow was vibrating.
            With a groan, she reached under her pillow, feeing around for her phone. She felt like she’d just fallen asleep, and when she finally pulled her phone out from under the covers, the bright screen hurt her head.
            It was two in the morning. Who on earth was texting her at two in the morning?
            Eyes focusing enough through the light that she could read the screen, she saw three messages from Jihoon.
            Rei, how would you say ‘eternity’ in Japanese?
            Actually, do you think you can come here and help?
            Are you asleep?
            She wished she was asleep. But now she was awake. Pushing herself up on her elbow, she checked that Chan hadn’t been woken by her groaning. He was still sprawled across his bed, the covers half on the floor.
            Despite the temptation to roll over and go back to sleep, Rei knew that falling back asleep would take time. And considering that the most recent message from Jihoon had only been sent two minutes ago, he was probably still up.
            Tucking her phone in the pocket of her sweatpants, Rei wrapped her Kirby duvet around her shoulders and then rolled out of bed. She opened the door as quietly as she could, but Chan didn’t even move.
            There were no lights on in the house, but she knew her way around easily enough. When she reached Jihoon’s door, there was a light shining out underneath. She didn’t bother knocking.
            He looked away from his computer with a start, obviously not expecting someone to burst into his room at two in the morning. His hair was mussed and he was wearing a black hoodie. His computer was open to his music program, but he had a notebook in front of him.
            “Rei?” He whispered. “Is that you?”
            She shifted the blanket a little so he could see her face. “Who else would it be?”
            “I thought you were asleep.”
            Rei closed the door behind her and walked over to his bed, flopping onto it. “I was. I’m not anymore.”
            He rubbed his face. “Did I wake you up?”
            She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, I’m awake now.”
            “Sorry.” He reached over, pulling his pillow closer so that she could snuggle with it. “I texted you before I realized how late it was.”
            “I figured.” She sighed. “Do you have any snacks?”
            Jihoon shook his head with a laugh. “You really want snacks this late at night?”
            “I always want snacks.” She stared at him. “So….?”
            He tossed her a bag of shrimp crackers. “Is that good enough?”
            “Yup?” Pulling a few out of the bag, she munched on them happily. “So what were you texting me about?”
            “Oh,” He leaned back in his chair. “I’m working on a Japanese song. I picked one that I wrote a while ago and I’m trying to translate it and see how it sounds.”
            “And that couldn’t wait until morning?”
            “No, I wanted to get it done.” He explained. “And then I remembered that I don’t speak Japanese.”
            “But I do.” She sighed. “Okay, toss the notebook over here.” She held out a hand. It was covered in dust from the crackers.
            Jihoon shook his head. He grabbed a tissue and wiped her hand, before passing over his notebook and a pen. She looked over what he’d already written out, staring blankly at the page.
            “Are you fully awake?” Jihoon asked.
            “No.” Rei whined. “I need coffee.”
            “You’re not getting coffee. If you have too much caffeine, you won’t be able to go back to sleep.”
            She pouted, but started writing, translating all of the phrases that he had written down. It took her about twenty minutes, before she handed the notebook back to him.
            “I think that’s all right, but to be honest, I won’t know until I’ve had a coffee.”
            “I thought you weren’t allowed to have coffee anymore?” Jihoon looked over the notes, finding that she’d crossed out and rewritten most of his lackluster attempt at translations. He’d only attempted it because he couldn’t wait any longer and was feeling too productive to sleep.
            Rei sighed. “You’re going to tell on me?”
            He looked over at her and smiled. She looked absolutely exhausted, all squished onto his bed and blinking the sleep from her eyes. “Not a chance. Do you want me to order you some coffee?”
            “It’s the middle of the night.”
            “Yeah, and you’re sleepy.” He dropped the notebook on his desk and rolled over to her, pushing some of her hair out of her face. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
            “It’s okay. I know you couldn’t sleep.” She reached up to grab his hand, holding it contently under her chin.
            Jihoon felt his heart melt a little bit. Even though he made a big point of saying how much he disliked skinship and only tolerated it from the guys, he loved it from Rei. Even when she’d been a kid, she’d always known how he was feeling. And back then, she’d often been more willing to wrap him in a hug then to attempt speaking. This wasn’t the first time she’d stayed up through the night with him because he was stressed, and he knew she wouldn’t complain about it at all.
            “Can you order noodles?” Rei asked quietly.
            “Do you want food, or do you want to go to sleep?” He asked, squeezing her hand.
            “Are you going to sleep?” She stared at him, already knowing the answer.
            “I have more work to do.” He said weakly.
            “Cool, then I’ll stay up with you.” She pushed herself into a sitting position, not letting go of his hand, and stretched. “I would like noodles and coffee, please, Oppa.”
            “You got it.” He rose from his chair, grabbing his phone and plopping down next to her. “Let’s find somewhere to order from.”
            Rei leaned her head on his shoulder, staring at the screen as he scrolled through the options. “You’re okay, right, Oppa?” Her voice was kind – still raspy from sleep, but awake and attentive.
            “Course, Rei.” He answered a little too quickly, and she nudged his side.
            Chuckling, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I am, Rei, now that you’re here.”
            “Well, I am the best.” She smiled.
            “You are.” He agreed. “How much food do you want?”
            “All of it.”
305 notes · View notes
anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Late Night Talks
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
So this is a new story (yay!), and I wrote this for my girlfriend! She asked me not to tag her for privacy reasons, but I hope she loves this because this is actually based on a real event!
A quick background, we confessed through the phone and this story is heavily based on that. A lot of the feelings Luka feels are things that I actually felt! The dialogue is pretty similar too (obviously some things are cut out or edited to fit Luka and Mari lol)
My “just-a-friend” got me into MLB and we both love Lukanette, so I thought it’d be fitting to write her a story about Lukanette, based on us, for one of her gifts! Happy birthday, my love! I hope you (and everyone else reading this XD) enjoy it!
The story begins under the cut! <3 Ao3 Link
Soft light from his phone covered his face, forcing his eyes to squint in order to see clearly. His thumb unconsciously moved across the screen, opening up random apps before quickly closing them just to open them again.
The boat was fairly quiet. During the day, he could hear the different movements and various noises from his mother and sister, but this late at night merely left the sounds of waves from the Seine below him. The natural creaking of the boat usually left him relaxed and helped him fall asleep.
Although lately his nights had been occupied by other things, especially one girl.
Luka shifted in his bed, trying to engulf himself in more warmth from his blankets. Did his mattress always feel this stiff and uncomfortable? He never paid it much attention before, it never mattered before. Maybe it was just his mind trying to find something to think about.
He glanced at the time near the top of his screen and saw it was ten after midnight. Well at least it’s not too late yet, or maybe it wasn’t too early yet? She never texted him extremely late (or extremely early). Was it late? When did he care about time so much?
The only reason he thought about the time lately was because of her.
Luka shifted again, pulling up the blanket to cover the blush creeping up his cheeks. He continued to open apps just to close them again. He sighed and turned off the phone, letting the room dim and his eyes rest. Why did this feel so desperate? He used to see himself as a ‘go with the flow’ guy, but she had found a way into his heart and made him question his entire life.
When had he ever checked his phone this much? If she decided to text him tonight (as she had been doing for the past couple of nights), would immediately replying make him seem obsessed? He didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Didn't girls like when guys text fast? She hasn’t seemed to mind it so far. Then again, his only source of reference was his sister, and getting her to reply to him took years off his life.
His phone beeped and the screen lit up, showing a new text message. Luka quickly sat up and hurried to read the message.
‘SOS Can’t sleep again :( Think I might need a ~Luka~ to help (^-^)’
He covered his mouth with his palm, trying to hide the smile consuming his face. When did his nights become like this? Maybe it was desperate to wait for a text, but when the text came from Marinette, he couldn’t find a reason to be upset.
This girl seemed to bring him a whole new type of happiness, even if he was too nervous to text her first. He wanted to give her space and be comfortable around him, so waiting until midnight for a text never bothered him.
While seeing her throughout the day was always amazing, there was a different feeling that came with their late night talks. The fact that she needed to sleep and came to him for help gave him a warmth in his chest he never knew before. Although sometimes it made him feel selfish, seeing as she tended to talk to him when she was tired.
‘Luckily this Luka is always able to help :)’
And he really was always able to help, at least he tried to be. Luka helped everyone. Whether it was his family, friends, strangers, co-workers, he always lended a hand. But when it came to Marinette, he’d drop everything to run to her.
‘Yesss! Call me! Mama needs some Luka time!’
He tried to stifle a laugh and rolled his eyes at his phone. His body was hunched over the edge of the bed, watching his phone with intense eyes, as if the messages would disappear if he looked away.
In the mornings, he always found himself worried about that, as if the night before only existed in his mind. He’d hurry back to his phone to re-read the messages, making sure that Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl who chased off his nightmares and reinvented his dreams, really spent her night with him. Even if it was through a screen, even if it was for an hour, the messages were there to remind him that for a moment, she was his and he was hers. He was always hers, if she wanted him to be.
Luka slowly leaned back onto his bed, trying to get into a comfortable position. He put one hand behind his head and took a deep breath. His calm personality wasn’t an act, Luka was definitely a level-headed person, but he was still human. And as a human, a pretty girl talking to him late at night gave him lots of nerves.
He quickly shook off any tension he felt and pressed the call button. The phone only rang once before the sweetest voice he’d ever heard took over. “Hi Luka! Sorry, I know it’s late and everything, but I couldn’t sleep and… Oh wait, you told me I shouldn’t apologize, sorry! Or- wait, I just said sorry. Wow, I’m sorry- Shoot! I said it again-”
She was rambling, rotating between apologizing to him and trying to explain why she called him. As much as he loved (was that too serious of a word?) her, he also knew that if he didn’t reel her in, she’d spiral out of control.
“Don’t worry, Mari, you’re fine. But I gotta be honest, I didn’t expect this. I mean, calling a boy so late at night… not once, but multiple times in a row? How scandalous of you, Mel’.”
He heard a scoff through the phone and a lot of rustling. “Oh Luka, you should know I am the most scandalous of girls. In case you haven’t heard, I call lots of boys and girls at night.” Her voice took on a fake sounding ‘tough guy’ accent. He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle. “Wow boys andgirls? I didn’t know I was talking to a criminal.”
Honestly at this point he wouldn’t put it past her to be a criminal, she seemed to have a habit of stealing people’s hearts. He’d never tell her that though. One, she seemed to have a strange distaste for bad jokes, two, that meant he’d have to admit that he liked her (but the word ‘like’ didn’t seem strong enough).
“What?! I wouldn’t take it that far! I’m a total supporter of the law!”
Luka moved the phone from his ear to his chest. His face pinched tightly, trying to hold back any laughter that formed. His body tensed up from holding it in, as much as Juleka definitely deserved some payback for the loud laughing she tended to do so late at night, he really didn’t want to deal with a cranky sister. He quickly moved the phone back to his ear and took a deep breath.
“Yeah, that’s true. It’s kinda funny how different we are, not that I don’t support the law. It’s just when you have a mom like mine, it’s kinda hard to keep it in mind.” Marinette laughed through the phone and his chest felt like it was on fire.
Everything about her was so sweet, her laugh, her personality, she was amazing. Even when the mornings came and his head throbbed from the lack of sleep, he would never change these moments with her for anything in the world.
Sounds of fabric and movement came through the speaker along with a small hum of agreement. “Yeah I am pretty amazing at following the law. It’s kinda like a job at this point… Not that I have a job with the law! I don’t do that. That would be weird. Uh- anyways! Your job! Wait, that's not exciting. Oh man I’m so nervous tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Melody, it’s fine. My job isn’t very exciting, but I’m sure your day was, right? Mind telling me about it? You know I love listening to you.”
A gasp came through the other end of the phone and then a very thorough retelling of the events from the day. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined everything she told him. She left the bakery this morning to hang out with Alya, she probably wore that new beret she made, along with some cute, pink shoes to match.
He imagined her sitting under a tree at the park to draw, it was sunny and hot today, so she probably took her jacket off to get comfortable. She told him how she went out to get orange juice with Kagami, he could practically hear her smile through the phone as she told him about it.
Everything with Marinette was simple, by no means easy, but simple. He knew her well enough to understand how she felt, and she was the same way with him. They just got each other. She didn’t need to tell him the details because she knew he would already know. When he tried to explain a decision he made in a new song, she didn’t have to know what he was saying to understand him. Luka found it easy to just ignore the details, because Marinette was talented enough to fill them in herself.
Luka stayed quiet as he processed her words, filling in the details himself. He loved spending his nights like this, he didn’t mind messing with his sleeping schedule (or lack thereof). He loved to replay every moment of sincerity and kindness she showed throughout her day. He loved to hear about new projects she worked on, because her talent went beyond anything he’d ever seen.
She was miraculous.
“-But yeah, I guess that was my day! Not super exciting, but I think it was okay? I hope it was, at least.” Exciting? That was just one of the many adjectives he could use to describe her. Talented, exciting, clumsy, but so intelligent. Even on her dull days, he got excited just hearing her about random thoughts she had throughout the day. “Marinette… you’re extraordinary, honestly. Your day sounds wonderful. You’re wonderful. I don't know- You make me feel wonderful.”
Was he oversharing? Probably. He was definitely bad with words, but he wasn’t lying. His hands fisted his shirt as he waited for a response. The other end of the phone call went strangely silent. He could faintly hear the hum of the phone and the waves of the water outside his window. Why did the phone get quiet?
The last thing he’d ever want to do was make her uncomfortable, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. What if he told her too much? A soft squeal pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused back on the phone. “Um-! That’s...really sweet, Luka! You’re wonderful too… Or- Extraordinary I mean! You make me feel extraordinary, all the time. So- I don’t know, thank you?” His chest tightened. How much longer could he keep up with this act?
Pretending to be ‘just a friend’ might be easier for some people, but it was torture for him. Did she have these late night talks with other people? Did she ever hold anyone else’s hands when hers feels cold? Did she ever kiss them on the cheek to say goodbye? Luka was never one to push his luck, despite protests from his sister and mom, but nights like tonight made it hard.
“Don’t thank me, it’s just the truth, Mari. I should be thanking you, for making my nights a lot better, y’know?”
It was the truth. But there was so much more he could say. All of her quirks and amazing qualities always left his head feeling dizzy. He could write symphonies merely based on the person she was, let alone his feelings for her.
Yet he always kept those melodies to himself, even if he wanted to share them with the world, or share them with her. Nights like these make him feel like he could take on anything life throws at him. For Marinette, he probably could.
Another squeal came through the phone and a loud thud. He quickly sat up in a panic and pressed the phone even closer to his ear. “Marinette? Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Loud thumping came through the receiver and more panicked sounds.
“S-sorry! That was just- I just- Ugh… I dropped my phone, sorry. You just- you should know that… This is gonna sound lame, but you make my nights better too… Heck, I even listen to your cover songs throughout the day, so I guess you make my days better too? Wait, that sounds weird, sorry! I don’t mean to say it in a weird way...”
Luka’s eyes widened and his heart felt as if it was trying to beat out of his chest. His hand unconsciously moved to his chest and grabbed tightly onto his shirt. The breath leaving him was shaky and weak. It felt like the world stopped spinning for a moment.
All at once, the feelings he tried to hide came boiling over and any sensible thought that told him to conceal his affections raced out of his mind. Before he could stop himself, Luka’s mouth moved on its own.
“Can we facetime? Or anything similar to that, please?”
Without getting an answer, his phone started ringing. He turned the phone to his face and saw himself staring back. As soon as Luka answered the call his eyes wandered across his screen, taking in Marinette’s face.
Her hair was still in pigtails, but different strands stuck out in an adorable way. The camera showed her snuggled into her bed as she laid on her side, with her pink comforter pulled over her lower face, covering her cheeks and nose. A large cat pillow rested just behind her head, unnervingly staring at him. Because most of her face was hidden, Luka noticed her eyes, and suddenly he felt very self aware of his position.
Quickly laying back down on his bed, Luka awkwardly raised one arm to lay behind his head, trying to feign an relaxed appearance. He tried to give her the closest thing to an easygoing smile as he could manage at the moment, which definitely felt a little forced seeing as how he was now (sort of) face to face with Marinette. Trying to hide any tension he was feeling, he cleared his throat, inwardly hoping she couldn’t read how nervous he was.
“Uh- Hey, Mar- Melody. Love the cat pillow. Totally don’t feel like it’s about to jump into your phone and attack me.”
She raised a hand to her mouth, attempting to cover her laughter. Her eyes scrunched, smile widened, and Luka’s heart soared. Marinette managed to roll onto her back letting the beautiful sound ring throughout the room. The blanket dropped and uncovered the entirety of her face.
After a moment of joy, she tried to quickly recollect herself. She turned her head back to the phone and stuck out her tongue. “Silly. Just so you know I’m banning you from making me laugh this late again. You’re gonna make my stomach hurt!”
Luka started laughing too, loosely covering his mouth, not caring about waking anyone up anymore. “That’s gonna be a problem, you should know that I’m kinda hilarious, so you should fully expect me to break that rule. Very quickly.”
They both joined in quiet giggling before Marinette covered her mouth with her hand again and gasped. “I just told you that you’re banned from making me laugh!”
“Hey, I warned you! You can’t be mad when I literally just warned you!”
The two teens burst into laughter once more. Luka calmed down quicker than Marinette did, so he saw her laughing face a second time. She was beautiful. Every time he saw her, he swore she wasn’t real. No real person could be as stunning as she was.
Whenever she worked on a new project and her hair flopped over her face, she was gorgeous. The times when she helps their friends out, her eyes are always so gentle, she’s divine. Even when she’s stressed out, the moments when she feels at her lowest, Luka can’t help but notice how angelic she looks.
She’s breathtaking without even trying.
Once Marinette collected herself, her eyes turned soft and precious as she looked back at the phone. Even through a screen, her stare set his soul on fire. His mind went blank for a second before he lost all sense of reason.
“Did you really mean it when you said I make your days and nights better?”
Her eyes widened slightly at his question, and he finally realized what just came out of his mouth. ‘Great job, Couffaine. You just made it weird!’Luka shook his head and moved the camera slightly away from his face, moving his gaze from the phone. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up again-”
“I mean it.”
His eyes shot back to her and saw how she snuggled back into her bed again. Her eyes were looking away, but the redness in her face showed him exactly where her mind was. “I meant what I said… Did- Well, did you mean it too? When you said I made your nights better?”
There it was again. The shaky breath, the longing look in his eyes, the fuzziness in his chest. With a simple answer, she turned him into putty and without even realizing it.
Luka moved his arm to rest on his eyes, attempting to hide any sign that would show how he felt, just in case she didn’t mean her words the way he wanted her to mean them. He’d never blame her for not being too clear, even if it hurt him. Any affection, whether friendly or romantic, should’ve been fine with him.
“This is gonna sound bad, but my phone is full of screenshots from our FaceTime calls.” Luka lifted his arm up slightly to gauge a reaction from her. But her eyes were glued on him, he couldn’t pick up on a clear response, so he covered his eyes again and continued.
“I… this is so creepy- sometimes I look at pictures of you and… it makes my day better too? That sounds so weird. It sounded a lot cuter in my head-” A loud cackle interrupted him and his arm shot away from his eyes. He saw Marinette digging herself even deeper into her massive blanket (and creepy cat pillow), trying to hide her laughter.
She must’ve noticed his silence because her eyes popped out of the blanket to look back at her screen. “Sorry, that’s just… that’s so cute! You take screenshots from our facetime calls?”
Her lopsided smile made his cheeks burn. He tried to gain back his level-headedness by rolling his eyes at her. He brought the phone closer to stick his tongue out at her. “I wouldn’t call me ‘cute’ if you don’t want me to call you ‘adorable’ for listening to those covers.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him in retaliation and hid her face back into the blanket. He took a quick, deep breath, silently thanking himself for being able to play his awkwardness off.
“I can’t believe I actually admitted that to you- That’s cold-blooded, Luka! Teasing a girl’s love is mean!”
They both paused for a second, taking in her words. The cabin suddenly felt a lot smaller than it was. His blood felt boiling hot yet icy cold all at once. His face slacked and yet tensed in different places. Looking at her and seeing her eyes expand let him know she was probably feeling the same way.
It sounded so easy. When she said it, it felt right. Full of affection without being overbearing. But then Marinette’s gaze moved off screen. She sunk into herself, yet not playfully like before. The energy of the call changed into something else, something new. “I… shouldn’t say anymore. I’m… sorry, Luka. I’m so sorry; I feel so selfish. I call you so late just to ruin your night by making things weird, and I’m so sorry.”
He watched as she shifted in her bed; he saw the edge of her thumb on the screen, hovering over it, as if she was about to end the call. “That’s not-! Marinette, that’s not true. If you’re selfish… If you’re selfish, then I must be the most greedy guy in the world.”
Marinette swiftly stared at the screen, her mouth opened as if she was going to rebuttal his statement. Before she could, he spoke first.
“I’ve been staying up every night, hoping and begging that you’d text me, or call me, or give me any attention at all. And I do it, knowing that you message me when you’re tired and need to rest. I know that spending time with me only takes away time you need to sleep. So yes, I’m selfish, and I’m greedy,”
Luka slowly sat up as he stared into the screen, clutching it as if it was the most important thing in the world, and at this moment, it was. Marinette moved the blanket off her face slightly and he saw her face flush with color. His voice felt raw as his throat tightened and his face burned. He couldn’t even register the tear that raced down his cheek. When did he get so emotional?
“But Melody, Mari, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I want your attention so bad. I want your affection and anything else you give me. I’ve been trying so hard to bite my tongue around you, to pretend like I think of you as my friend. But I love…”
He shut his mouth fast. What was he doing? He was destroying everything for these feelings. Why would she like him? She gives everyone affection. Marinette loved everyone, it was just who she was. What was he doing? He looked around his room and realized the situation he put himself in. He quickly put his phone on the bed next to him and pulled his knees to his chest.
Did he ruin their relationship? Would she stop having these late night talks with him? Would she still hold his hands when hers felt cold? Would she ever kiss his cheek to say goodbye again? What was he doing?
This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go. It all happened so fast. He reached for his phone to apologize and to hopefully scavenge whatever was left of their friendship.
“I love you too, Luka.”
His hand stopped just above his phone and he waited. He listened to the small buzzing sound from his phone, the waves moving against the boat, gentle breathing coming from Marinette.
“I love you… and I wanna be selfish. I wanna be greedy and I wanna be with you.”
Luka found the courage to lift the phone to his face and stare back at her. Marinette now sat up, her face was bright red with tear stains down her cheeks. Her eyes were slightly puffy and he was sure his were too. The only light on her face was her phone and even with everything, she looked beautiful.
“I wanna be with you too, Marinette. Always, for as long as you’ll have me. Wake me up at three A.M. everynight for the rest of my life, I don’t care. I just wanna be with you too. I love you.”
It felt so right. It wasn’t too much when he said it. He meant it to be heavy and weighted. But it didn’t feel forced or extreme. It was just right. They stared at each other for a moment more. His eyes raced across every centimeter of the screen, taking in every aspect of her, her eyes doing the same. Smiles spread across her face as they both chuckled, their laughter laced with happy tears.
Luka wiped his eyes, trying to calm himself down (despite his teenage hormones telling him that he should continue to cry and sob from the utter euphoria he was feeling). Marinette tugged at her pigtails with one hand, seeking to find comfort.
“This wasn’t the way I thought we’d confess, y’know. I always thought you’d write me a song, or I’d make you a new jacket. Some big gesture instead of us sobbing,” she chuckled.
He stopped wiping his eyes to laugh again. His smile grew, even as he tasted his tears. “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise I have plenty of songs for you, and about you and everything. I can grab my guitar if you want, but you might hear Juleka complaining in the background.”
They shared one final laugh before the exhaustion of crying kicked in and they both laid back down. Marinette wrapped herself in blankets one final time, holding the dubious cat pillow tight against her. Luka found himself in a similar position, he laid on his side, his face squished against his pillow and the blanket pulled under his chin.
They stared at each other, making small conversation about their feelings. Luka could hardly remember all that happened after that, he felt such relief and happiness from everything that the rest of the night felt fuzzy.
He glanced at the time at the top of his screen and noticed it was now closer to three-thirty. Luka took a deep breath before sighing. He saw Marinette’s eyes getting smaller and smaller with each second.
He knew that they should hang up soon, but he really wanted to be selfish and keep her on the phone. “Luka…”
Marinette slowly opened an eye to look back at him. Their smiles grew once again. “Are you gonna take another screenshot of me?” Her smile turned sly and he rolled his eyes.
“That’s cold-blooded, Mel’. Teasing a guy’s love is mean,” he stuck out his tongue, just for good measure. But then he sneakily took one screenshot, to remind himself that tonight was real and not just a dream. Tonight, Marinette was his and he was hers, and hopefully it’ll stay like that for a long time.
Her eyes drifted back closed, but her smile never left. “...Love you… Luka….”
Warmth engulfed his chest, leaving him feeling light and airy. The mattress underneath him felt soft and perfect. The dryness on his cheeks from earlier tears didn’t bother him at all. He was content and full of love.
While the confession was unexpected, he wouldn’t change it for the world. As much as he loved her clothing and as many songs as he had for her, he knew nothing would’ve compared to tonight. As he looked back at her sleeping face, he had a feeling she felt the same.
“I love you too, Marinette.”
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
hey I’m not sure if you’re taking prompt requests but I just had this idea if you ever want to write it. I know it’s not anywhere near New Years right now but I had an idea for if there was a little NYE party with all the ppdc staff there. All the homies are just vibing, getting crunk on shitty alchohol or whatever and y’know Newt and Hermann have a lil New Year’s Eve kiss 🥺
That’s all I have to say I hope you’re having a good day!
@owengrose said: Prompt: "My New Year's resolution is to finally tell him I love him."
happy new year’s eve to both of you!!! i let the first one sit in my ask box for a while before getting to it lol. my annual Newmann NYE fic. here’s to hoping next year is moderately better (and I actually get more writing done...)
“Here we are, then,” Hermann says.
He hands Newt a glass of something he concocted at the lab kitchenette—judging by the color, and the pitiful wedge of a clementine garnish he squeezed onto the brim, some sort of gin and tonic, though less tonic and more watermelon La Croix. It was the only thing they could find in the breakroom fridge that would work remotely as a mixer. It’s probably been buried in there for months. “Thanks, dude,” Newt says. Then, noticing the lack of a similar glass in Hermann’s hand, asks “Not drinking?”
“None of that,” Hermann says. “I’ve got a bottle of decent wine buried somewhere under all the rubbish in my desk. I’ll have that if I want any before we go.”
“Suit yourself,” Newt says. “It’ll be more fun if we show up tipsy, I’m telling you.”
New Year’s Eve used to be a lot more exciting when Newt was in school, and young and invincible and all that shit. There were parties—bar crawls—the Times Square ball drop at midnight, queued up on someone’s laptop or a television screen wherever he was—drinking until he needed a classmate (or later colleague) to walk him home. The Shatterdome staff still goes as hard as Newt used to, and God, Newt envies them for it, but the end of the world kinda killed it for him. He just kinda exists in a low, humming state of anxiety now. He and Hermann both. It’s good for them to get out of the lab every now and then and strive for normalcy, and Newt has a feeling Hermann knows it, which is probably why he didn’t put up a fight when Newt suggested they go to the big base party tonight.
Newt still needs a good few drinks in him before he can drink more and pretend to be merry. He finishes the gin and tonic with a wince. “Too much gin,” he says. “Okay, let’s go.”
Newt drinks, and he dances with a few people, and he engages in a few genuine non-work-related-conversations before he finally admits to himself he’d rather just chill with Hermann in one of the deserted corners of the room. Hermann is waiting for him in a stupid gold party hat with a cup of water—what a guy. Always there for Newt. The hat is a cute look on him, too. Newt wonders if he picked it out himself, or if it was forced on him; either scenario is cute.
“I just don’t fancy dealing with your hangover tomorrow,” Hermann says with a sniff, as Newt swallows the water down gratefully after a few thanks. “Last year—”
“Yeah, okay,” Newt says. Last year was bad. He ended up falling asleep on the floor of the lab, and when Hermann made him coffee the next morning, he puked it up all over a very important stack of Hermann’s paperwork and the subsequent shouting match just made his headache worse. Drinking water is good, very good. He kicks his feet up on a nearby vacant chair. The music is loud, and people look like they’re having fun. Normalcy. He and Hermann are just two normal dudes right now, who aren’t fighting monsters from another dimension. “Can you believe we’ve survived another year?”
“Frankly, no,” Hermann admits.
“One whole year,” Newt says. “One whole year of not being squashed by a kaiju, or eaten by a kaiju, or murdered by you…”
Hermann snorts derisively, though a bit of a genuine smile does peek through. “One whole year of you not blowing the laboratory up. That is a feat, isn’t it?”
“You fucking bet it is,” Newt says. He really thought Hermann was going to kill him over the puking incident, and only a day into the new year too. He slings an arm around Hermann’s shoulders. Two normal dudes, and friends at that. He really likes Hermann, y’know, but that might just be the gin and watermelon La Croix talking. “You got any resolutions, dude?”
“Er,” Hermann says.
“I want to try to get into yoga,” Newt says. “For exercise, and shit. We should do it together.” Back when the base enjoyed more funding and workers, Newt was always seeing flyers for weekly yoga classes taped up in the elevator and at the announcement board in the mess; once, he got it so into his mind that he was going to start going that he bought three whole pairs of yoga pants. He never got around to it, of course. The classes kinda fizzled out when the PPDC budget was slashed drastically anyway. Hopefully YouTube videos work just as well, and that the pants still fit him...
“If I’m being honest, Newton,” Hermann says, and Newt spies the tips of his ears turning pink, how cute, “I still haven’t quite managed to accomplish last year’s resolution. Or technically this year’s, I suppose. My—well—my nerves failed me every time I thought I was close.”
"Eh, no big deal,” Newt says. “I never did mine either. I think that’s just as much of a tradition.” He went vegan for all of two weeks before realizing most of the rationing-standard food they served in the mess wasn’t exactly catered to those particular dietary needs. Also, Newt likes fancy lattes too much, and oatmilk just wasn’t kicking it for him. “I totally am gonna do the yoga one though. I need a stress reliever. I don’t wanna go bald before we’re even killed by kaiju, you know?” He crosses his legs. “Or go grey. I can’t decide which is worse. What was yours?”
“Nothing important,” Hermann says quickly. He takes a clumsy sip of his own cup of water, and spills a bit of it down his sweater. Newt decides not to mention. “It must be nearly midnight. Don’t you want to run off to find someone to snog?”
“Nah, not this year, I don’t think,” Newt says. Last year (before the whole blacking out and ruining the paperwork thing), he made out with a ranger he had a crush on for, like, months, and the guy never even called him back. And Newt slipped his official PPDC email into his pocket too. So totally rude. He reaches out and plucks the elastic string holding Hermann’s hat on, and is delighted when Hermann scowls. “You’re stuck with me. Why don’t you find someone to kiss?”
Hermann opens his mouth, and then shuts it. The blush is spreading down from his ears. “I am staying right here, thank you, and I am not kissing anyone.”
“Suit yourself,” Newt says.
“Five minutes to go!” someone in the crowd shouts.
Newt locates a party hat of his own on a nearby table and pulls it on. It’s silver, unlike Hermann’s. He doesn’t think it looks nearly as cute as Hermann’s. “What was your resolution?” he finally asks. The burning curiosity’s too much for him. What did Hermann mean by nerves? Hermann’s never afraid to speak his mind around Newt, at least—Newt can’t remember the last time he’s held back anything. This must be a pretty big thing. 
“Oh, it hardly matters now,” Hermann says. “The year’s about to end, isn’t it? Better luck next go around, I suppose.”
“Were you going to request your own lab?” Newt says. That’s a big thing. And it’s a big thing he’d be hesitant to share with Newt, too. Not that Newt would be upset over having his own lab, obviously, sharing with Hermann totally sucks. It’s the worst.
“Mm. No,” Hermann says.
Newt feels a small twinge of relief, but only for a moment. “A different Shatterdome?” It’s the sort of thing Hermann’s always threatening—by Jove, Newton, if you don’t clean this mess up right now, I’m marching into the Marshal’s office, and I’m going to demand...
“Oh, it’s hardly that dramatic,” Hermann says. He plucks at the elastic of his hat this time. “It’s one minute until midnight.”
“Just tell me!” Newt says. Their fellow partygoers start counting down around them. “You’re killing me. I just wanna—”
“It’s not important,” Hermann says.
“It is to me,” Newt says.
“It’s really not,” Hermann says.
“Tell me, tell me, tell me—”
“Fine,” Hermann says.
He grips the front of Newt’s shirt. Newt shuts up immediately. “I’m in love with you,” Hermann growls, “you wretched little man. That was my bloody resolution.”
“Oh, shit,” Newt squeaks.
Someone pops a bottle of champagne to loud cheers; confetti is suddenly raining down on Newt and Hermann. They totally missed midnight. “Oh, shit,” Newt repeats, and then, because Hermann looks utterly mortified and like he wants to book it out of there as fast as he can, thinks fuck it. He leans forward and kisses Hermann.
“Newton,” Hermann gasps, half in shock, half in delight, and returns it enthusiastically.
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Dog of the Military- Chapter 6
So to be honest, I just intended this to be some good old humor and relief of Ed sleep talking while he's drugged up. But in reality, it turned out a little bit darker. And I'm perfectly okay with that lol. What’s this? A button to donate to my caffeine habit? Here ya go... 
Chapter 6- Nightmares
"Nuugh..." Roy looked over as the lump of blankets that was Edward Elric shifted on his bed. Roy had finished his calls- back to Central, alerting Hawkeye that he'd found Fullmetal and intended to bring him home tomorrow. To Hughes, asking just what hell he could wreck on someone who unjustly imprisoned and tortured a state alchemist. And to General Gruman himself, to report Colonel Bank's misconduct and begin the proceeding for an official court martial.
Now, it was nearly midnight and he was up to his elbows in paperwork for all of the above reasons.
Still, he couldn't really be mad at Ed, since it wasn't like the boy had asked to be held captive by that bastard.
Roy was loathe to admit it, but Ed looked much more childlike when he was asleep. It was almost... cute. Almost.
"Alfonz..." Ed slurred, twisting around on the bed.
Roy pursed his lips, frowning. The doctor had promised Ed would rest through the night, but he certainly didn't sound asleep.
Ed's voice rose an octave, and Roy frowned. He was about to say something, try and convince the boy to roll over and go back to sleep. Ed was silent for one moment, two... maybe he'd already fallen back asleep.
"Don't do it! Don't! I said stop dammit!"
Ed vaulted out of bed, stumbling like a drunk and barely managing to catch himself on the nightstand and stay upright.
Roy quickly got to his feet, intent on putting the boy back into bed, but Ed saw him and wove his was over to him, grabbing onto his coat and looking up at him with terrified eyes.
"T-the hands. So many tiny, black hands. L-let him go! I told them to let him go, but they wouldn't, and Alphonse- gone!" It was something in the tea, Roy realized. The laudanum the doctor gave Ed might've acted as a painkiller, but he also was no longer lucid, and apparently having a night terror of some sort.
Ed looked at him with wide, teary eyes. His pupils were smaller than usual, Roy noted- it just made his golden eyes look bigger.
"Don't do it. Don't activate the array." he pleaded, a tear finding its way down his cheek.
"Edward." the boy looked like he was going to fall over any minute, and Roy placed both hands on the boy's shoulders, trying to steady him.
"We didn't know what we were doing!" Ed burst out.
Roy had heard rumors about what happened when one committed the ultimate taboo. Alchemists who saw things- stories of black hands that dragged people to a strange place, one not meant to be touched by humans.
Not knowing what else to do, Roy pulled Ed into a rather awkward hug, pressing the small blond head to his chest.
"Edward. Shh, Ed, it's alright. I know. You were just a kid, you didn't know what you were doing..."
Ed was trembling like a leaf in his grasp, and Roy looked down to see the boy looking up at him with those impossibly large eyes, pupils dilated from the medicine.
Ed reached up, grabbing a fistful of Roy's coat. "D-dun ever do it." he muttered. "Pure white. All of it. So much noise and I couldn't scream. And that... thing- he took my leg. He didn't have a face... just teeth." Ed paused, looking into the distance but not really seeing anything.
He swallowed thickly. "All white." his voice was barely above a whisper, and it had a sing-song quality to it. "No color. I hated it there. Bit my own arm until there was blood just so there was color..."
Ed's body seemed to decide to give into the pull of sleep, and he sagged heavily against Roy, who gathered the teen into his arms and deposited him back onto the bed.
Ed still hadn't let go of Roy's coat.
"Don't ever do it." Ed whispered, looking at him desperately.
"I won't, Ed. I won't." Roy assured him. Ed didn't look much more at peace, and Roy found himself sitting on the bed beside the boy, carding a gloved hand through his bangs.
"I know you probably feel quite odd right now, Fullmetal. That's okay. The doctor gave you some medicine- I think it's given you some vivid dreams..."
"It's real." Ed insisted, reaching up to grab Roy's hand and holding it in both his own, as though he were afraid Roy would disappear if he let go.
Ed looked so... lost, Roy couldn't bring himself to pull away.
"Yes, it is real, Ed, but you're not there anymore. You're here, with me, in the inn, remember?"
Ed blinked drowsily.
"Let me get you some water..." Roy stood, gently disentangling his hand from Ed's hold and grabbing the mug off the beside table, moving to the bathroom and filling it at the tap.
He moved back beside the bed, handing the mug to Ed, who looked impossibly pleased as he took it the mug and held it in his hands. "Thank you."
Ed sat there for a solid minute, grinning at the mug in his hands as though it were the best thing in the world.
Roy chuckled. "You're supposed to drink it, Ed."
Ed blinked at him before doing as he was told, lifting the mug to his lips and taking a large sip, smacking his lips.
"It's delicious." he declared, looking into the distance.
"I'm glad the tap water here is to your liking, Fullmetal." Roy was having a very, very hard time keeping the amusement from his expression. He chuckled.
Ed looked up at him with those golden eyes. His large pupils and golden irises gave him a cat-like look. "Why are you laughing? What's funny?" Ed gave him an easygoing smile and wiggled beneath the blankets. "I wanna know the joke!"
Roy paused. There really wasn't a joke- except that the Fullmetal Alchemist, Hero of the People and dog of the military was a 13 year old boy who acted like an adorable child when dosed with launadum.
Still, Roy couldn't miss the opportunity to mess with the kid. He smirked. "Alright. I know a really good knock knock joke, but you have to start it."
"Knock Knock!" Ed said eagerly.
"Who's there?" Mustang said with deliberate pleasure.
Ed's face went from excited to the prospect of the joke to confused, since he didn't know what to say to continue the joke, before his expression was alight again when he realized that was the joke. He laughed a little. "A-alright. You got me with that one."
"Did I now?" Roy feigned innocence.
"Yeah. But it's my turn. Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"I eat mop." Ed said with certainty and intensity.
Roy paused, frowning. He didn't see where this joke was going. Maybe it was some drugged out thing that only made sense in Ed's head?
Ed looked as though he was about to burst with excitement, he was practically vibrating on the bed waiting.
"...I eat mop who?"
Ed looked as though he was about to piss himself from laughter just as Roy got the joke.
"Y-y-you just said..." Ed trailed off, unable to stop laughing. "Y-you s-sah-said..."
Roy sighed, though he couldn't help the smile on his face. "Very clever, Fullmetal."
"Y-you said you... eat poo!" Ed was doubled over laughing now, clutching his stomach.
"Easy there, Fullmetal." Roy reached out to rub the boy's back. Ed couldn't help but laugh, but he was breathing harder and Roy could see the pain creeping onto his expression.
It took a minute for Ed to fully calm down and stop laughing, and by then a tear or two had trickled down his cheek.
"Gah, it hurts..."
"I know. Just relax. It'll fade if you take a few breaths." Roy kept rubbing gentle circle's on the boy's back through his shirt, being careful to mind the areas he knew were injured.
Once Ed had settled down, he laid back against the pillow. The kid looked pretty spent.
"Anything else hurting, Ed?"
Ed shook his head, eyes half closed.
"Alright, Fullmetal. Get some rest..." he moved to stand and go back to his paperwork.
"Wait! Don't go. I'll miss you." Ed looked up at him sadly. "Stay... a little longer? Please?"
Maybe it was because it was such a childish request. To not be left alone. Or maybe it was because the boy was out of it on painkillers. Or maybe because it was the first time he could remember Edward had used the word please when talking to him. But he sighed, taking a deep breath and pulling his desk chair over to sit beside the kid's bed. "Alright, Ed, I'll stay for a little while."
"Yay." Ed's voice was nearly a whisper. He really was almost asleep. Within ten minutes, the kid was out.
Roy found himself watching the boy's expression for a few moments- Ed was resting easy again, features relaxed, lips slightly parted- the boy really was just a child. And, as the cuts and scratches on the boy's face reminded him, he'd taken a pretty horrific beating from the sounds of the doctor's report. Why hadn't Ed just given up the information? It would've saved him so much pain...
"Rest up, Edward." he reached over, tucking the blankets further around the boy's chin before he stood up, and with some difficulty, dragged his chair back over to the hotel room desk. Somehow paperwork seemed much less fun after sharing knock-knock jokes with his drugged up alchemist.
Roy stopped the pen mid-stoke, turning to look at the sleeping boy on the bed. He couldn't make out much, but Ed was still fast asleep. Still, since when had the boy become his alchemist?
Roy stopped to think. Ed had always been under his command, he was new, rash, impulsive, but... It'd been after the Shou Tucker Incident, he realized.
He'd gotten a call late at night from Hughes- Ed and Al had just been told they could no longer stay and study with Shou Tucker after Ed had tried accessing the man's research in Central. The boys had gone to stay the night at Hughes.
"I just got a call. They want me team to deploy to the Tucker Estate. Something bad had happened. And..."
"What is it, Hughes?"
"Ed and Al aren't in their rooms."
"I'll be there in five minutes."
He'd ridden with Hughes to the Tucker estate- his eyes eagerly scanning the road, the yard, everywhere. He'd busted into the room filled to the brim with chimeras- abused, suffering beasts in pain. The investigations personnel on the scene looked up, surprised, at his entrance.
All Roy could see was the rather large spatter of blood on the floor.
"Where's my alchemist?" he asked the nearest officer.
She frowned. "Shou Tucker has already been taken into custody, Sir..."
"Not Shou. My alchemist, the Fulletmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric... He should have a seven foot tall suit of armor with him."
The woman frowned. "No one was here when we got here but Tucker, Sir."
He'd found Edward in the alley later that night. Sobbing his heart out over a dead chimera he couldn't save. And selfishly, as he and Hawkeye sat in the car and watched over the boys in the distance, Roy had been relieved. Horrible things had happened. But at least his alchemist- his Ed- was okay.
That was probably the moment Ed had become 'his alchemist'. It was as close to it as he could remember, the first time he'd said it out loud, anyways. But he'd probably been calling the boy that longer in his head.
Ed wiggled around a little under the blankets, and Roy sighed.
Ed. Leave it that boy to worm his way into his heart.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
What if I Never Get Over You?
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(He’s so pretty ugh God really does have his favorites)
Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Angst (A lot of curse words) (Angry Mark) (God bless)
Word Count: 8.9K
Summary: Mark was just seconds away from falling asleep after a long, exhausting day of work until Jackson comes over to his place, angry with the fact that Mark has been avoiding all of their many attempts to get him to move on. However, Mark has come to the realization even in the beginning of your break up that there is simply no getting over you.
A/N: Hey guys! So, this imagine is based off of the song “What if I never get over you” by Lady A and honestly it is one of my favorite songs ever and I’ve been listening to it on repeat for the last couple of weeks so I highly recommend that you listen to it while reading the lyrics hit me so hard for someone who has never been in a relationship once in the 22 years of my existence and I just found myself unable to stop typing this specific story. I’m currently in the middle of finals so I will be able to focus more on writing (If I’m being honest, I focus more on writing than I do on my education who am I even kidding LOL). This one is a little more on the sad side but the ending (I don’t know how I feel about it) but I consider it happy I guess? Please enjoy!
It's supposed to hurt, it's a broken heart But to movin' on is the hardest part It comes in waves, the letting go But the memory fades, everybody knows Everybody knows
What if I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye? And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you?
“Mark Yi-En Tuan—open the damn door. I have a bone to pick with you.” 
The word exhaustion couldn’t even describe half of what Mark was currently feeling. He had just finished work less than half an hour ago and against his friend’s pleas to grab a drink with them at the bar they normally frequented, he made a beeline back to his apartment. All he wanted to do was change out of his scrubs and sleep for the next twelve hours. 
Being a registered nurse was actually the last occupation Mark would’ve thought he’d ever get in to. As a young boy, all the way up until his senior year in high school, he never cared about anything other than playing baseball, video games, hanging out with his friends and eating junk food. He desired to “live in the moment” as much as he possibly could while he was still young and he decided he would worry about his future once he graduated from high school. Even when he did move on to college, he had no idea what his plans were. 
Like a lot of his friends, he was attending university in order to please his parents and to get a degree. In what—he didn’t care. Honestly, he thought about studying many different majors—engineering, kinesiology, biology, criminal justice and at one point—culinary. But he could never see himself settling in to any of those careers. His younger brother Joey knew that he wanted to be a pharmacist and unlike Mark; his soul purpose was to be successful in his education. 
At the time, Mark considered the younger boy to be a loser. He wasn’t living his high school life to his fullest potential—or at least that’s what Mark thought. On the day of his graduation, his principal began announcing each and every one of his classmates; what college they were attending, whether or not they received any honors and what they planned on majoring in. When it was his turn and the principal called his name, he was excited to finally be over with that chapter in his life. 
He expected to take the diploma and walk back to the bleachers like everyone else was. However, he felt exceptionally stupid when it was made aware that he had no idea what he was going to do after high school. Even his good friend BamBam—the class clown and the student with the lowest gpa in his graduating class had plans to go to college and major in hospitality. It made him feel pathetic and although the audience clapped right after he shook hands with his principal, he couldn’t help but feel as though some people were probably laughing at him. 
Hell, if he were to be sitting in the crowd and someone were to be in the same situation he was in, he would’ve laughed too. How could someone who was eighteen years old have no clue what he wanted to do for the rest of his life? That made him realize that Joey wasn’t the loser—Joey was extremely intelligent and planned for his future before he even realized what a future was. He was also the reason why Mark ended up going in to the medical field seeing as how his goal was to become a pharmacist and open up his own pharmacy one day. 
The younger boy; along with his parents and his friend Jinyoung coerced him in to attending med school because they witnessed how much of a people person Mark was and they felt like he would be very successful in whatever career he were to obtain. It wasn’t an easy road to success—in fact, he found himself wanting to give up more times than he could count on his fingers. 
College was already frustrating as it is, but majoring in nursing was one of the more difficult fields and a lot of the students who started off in nursing did not end up graduating with a nursing degree. Mark had no idea how he ended up getting his bachelor’s—let alone his master’s degree; especially because he felt there were so many students who were smarter than him and had more knowledge than him when it came to nursing who ended up getting kicked out of the program. 
Whenever he felt like giving up; when the multiple all-nighters he would pull in order to study for exams that he never seemed to be able to pass no matter how hard he tried, or the numerous amount of nights he found himself crying because he was afraid he wouldn’t make it and become the successful nurse everyone was expecting him to be—he remembered why he was going through all of that pain and suffering in the first place and it only gave him the motivation to continue until he finally achieved his goal. 
It took him almost six years, but it was worth it. He loved his job; although it could get very hectic almost every single day, he would get yelled at by patients for things out of his control, he got thrown up on, urinated on and even had families of patients threaten to get him fired, he also witnessed many miracles throughout the walls of the hospital and he got to meet a lot of people who would change his life. One person in particular that was the sole reason why his younger friend was currently pounding on his door—wanting to reprimand him for something he did a few days prior. 
Mark sat on his couch and weighed out his options; he could just let Jackson continue knocking on his door until he either got tired or came to the realization that there was a chance Mark was fast asleep by now. As good as that idea sounded, he was afraid that he would get noise complaints from his neighbors and the last thing he needed was to get evicted from his apartment over a ruckus he wasn’t even causing. 
Mark took in a deep breath and prepared himself for any confrontation Jackson might let out. He was expecting his rowdy and extroverted friend to bother him sooner, but then again —it’s not like Mark ever really hung out with his group of friends all that much in the last few months. If only he could say it was strictly because his job was working him to the core and making him exceedingly tired; if only it were that simple. 
He took a look in the peephole; curious as to whether or not Jackson was alone and if there was a chance he was drunk. The older boy released a sigh of relief when he saw Jinyoung and Yugyeom with him—he knew they would probably act as the mediators of Jackson went too far and said something to infuriate Mark. 
It’s happened many times in the past; Jackson Wang—bless his soul; but he had to be one of the most attention seeking and loud mouthed people that Mark knew. He also had no filter and said things like they were; he wasn’t afraid of hurting people’s feelings. Especially if those people just so happened to be his six good friends. As soon as he opened the door and saw the aggravated look on Jackson’s face, he had to stop himself from slamming the door and heading back to his room. 
“It’s almost midnight. I’m so fucking tired Jackson, this couldn’t have waited till the morning? Or at least an hour where I’m not drained of all my energy and won’t be able to fight back if the situation called for it?” 
Jackson ignored his comment and walked right past him—plopping himself on to Mark’s couch. The two other boys gave Mark apologetic expressions; it was obvious that they felt bad for bothering him at such a late hour—especially seeing that Mark was ready to knock out at any second. 
Neither of them wanted to be there, but when Jackson gets drunk—which he was currently plastered at the moment; heightening his confidence that Mark was quickly growing irritated with, he has a tendency of admitting things he would never say when sober and because their conversation at dinner consisted of Mark and his personal life, the five other guys knew leaving Jackson alone with Mark was not the best idea. 
One of them would end up with a black eye and a busted lip and there was a ninety-five percent chance that it would be Jackson. Mark was never a physical person; he never believed in violence and he tried his best to solve problems verbally before having to get physical. He’s been best friends with Jackson for almost sixteen years now—this meant that he was extremely comfortable with putting the younger boy in his place if he had to. 
There were only a couple times that Jackson and Mark either disagreed or actually fought over something and it was usually Jackson who’d instigate a lot of their quarrels. One time, Jackson said something that really got under Mark’s skin and he ended up with a busted lip. It wasn’t like the two of them stayed mad at each other for too long though; all it took was a few apologies, a couple of beers and some takeout that would get the both of them back on speaking terms. 
Jinyoung and Yugyeom weren’t too sure about what would happen between their two oldest friends tonight. Jackson was furious with Mark—he went in to great detail about how he was going to give him “a piece of his mind.” They didn’t completely agree with the points that Jackson made; especially because Mark was old enough to make his own decisions and nobody, not even his really good friend could tell him how to live his life. 
“Why did you tell Sophia that you weren’t interested in a long-term relationship? She called me crying this morning saying that you no longer were interested in her—“ 
Mark rolled his eyes at Jackson’s complaints. He knew he would get an earful sooner or later about how he’s been avoiding Jackson’s and even the rest of their friend group’s many attempts at trying to set Mark up with someone they knew—whether it was a coworker or a mutual friend. A couple of weeks ago, Jackson introduced Mark to a friend of his girlfriend. 
He wasn’t going to lie, Sophia was very pretty; she was also very smart—had a bachelor’s degree in family law and she was still in school trying to get her master’s. However, Mark wasn’t interested in her—or any of the girls that the rest of his friends tried to get him to go out with. He understood that his friends were only trying to help him “get back in to the game” or whatever BamBam said—but the eldest boy did not want anything to do romantically with anyone his friends were trying to set him up with. 
“Because I’m not. I was never interested in her to begin with. I was just going on these dates with her to get you off my back. She’s a nice girl; all the girls you guys tried to introduce me to are nice girls—but I don’t want a relationship right now Jackson nor do I even have the time to focus on another person, I barely have time to take care of myself. I know you guys are worried about me, but I’m fine. I’m twenty-seven years old; sure I’m not as young as I used to be, but settling down in to a relationship is the least of my worries. If you’re just bothered by the fact that I’m the only single guy in the group and you pity watching me sit by myself while you’re all accompanied by your girlfriends, I just won’t go out with you guys anymore.” 
When Jackson let out a scoff, the two younger boys looked at each other cautiously. Shit was going to hit the fan soon and they were afraid if they didn’t leave within the next five minutes, punches were going to be thrown. They also grew worried that if both Mark and Jackson were to argue, especially over the topic of Mark’s love life, that it might actually ruin their friendship with no promise of reconciliation. 
“Stop giving me that shit Mark. It’s not because you’re busy—you’re still hung up over y/n! That’s why you’ve been pushing away everyone from your life and I’m sick of it! It’s been almost seven months Mark, you need to move on. She obviously isn’t coming back. If she genuinely still loved you, she would have never left in the first place. Stop trying to look for y/n in other girls and stop letting another chance at being in love again slip through your fingers because you have this stupid hope that one day, she’ll realize that she made a mistake in breaking up with you—“
“Jackson, shut up—“
“For all you know, she’s already moved on—“
“Jackson, if you know what’s best for you, you would shut up—“
“Maybe the reason why she left is because she found someone else—someone who would give her the love and attention you failed to give her towards the end of your relationship and that idea alone is what’s messing with your head. Thinking about her loving someone else, finding solace in someone else, fucking another man—“
Once those last few words fell out of Mark’s mouth, the entire room fell quiet. Yugyeom and Jinyoung were stunned—Mark was a very soft-spoken and timid individual. Most people who were newly introduced to him could get a couple of words out of him if they were lucky. A lot of his patients at the hospital could go on and on in conversation and he would simply just him or nod his head as a way to communicate with them. 
However, whenever it came to his friends and family, the eldest boy could talk up a storm. Mark was a very kind-hearted person; he was known for having a lot of patience and understanding—but he also had a huge temper. It took a lot for something or someone to piss him off; especially because he didn’t want anyone to look at him in a negative light. Normally, he could keep his ill-feelings at bay, but there were a few occasions where he allowed himself to yell or grunt in frustration. 
Your relationship was a very touchy subject. Sure, it’s been over half a year since that night where you told Mark you no longer could handle being suffocated in your toxic relationship and usually most men were known to bounce back after a week. But Mark wasn’t like most men and you weren’t just any ordinary woman. You were the love of his life—his soulmate, his best friend, his person, the one he wanted to settle down, start a family and spend the rest of his life with. 
He was devastated when you told him you were leaving and he even tried his best in to getting you to change your mind. He made so many promises of bettering himself in order to be a boyfriend you were proud of. He repeatedly told you that he would be nothing without you and that he would do anything in his power to get you to change your mind, but it wasn’t enough. Mark was well aware that his job play a huge role in your breakup. 
Most of his time was spent at the hospital—but you were very considerate and understanding that his career was one of his main priorities other than his friends, his family and you. However, during the small amount of free time that he had, Mark had a tendency of spending that time either playing video games, going out to bars with his friends or playing with his dog Milo. As his girlfriend, you’ve witnessed how exhausted he could get from work; he was constantly on his feet for ten to twelve hours a day. 
It was only natural for him to want to relax and unwind doing the things he was interested in. You wanted to be there for your boyfriend in whatever way you could, but you also had your needs and desires—not necessarily sexual, but there was a point in your relationship where you went weeks and even months without being intimate with Mark because he was always so tired and never had the energy to love on your body in the ways that he used to. 
There was a time—a long amount of time in your relationship where the two of you could never keep your hands off of each other to the point where your friends would purposely have to sit between the two of you on nights you would all go out together in attempts to get the two of you to stop kissing or simply just showing any kind of affection towards one another. Unfortunately, towards the end of your relationship, you were only getting a peck on your lips if you were lucky. 
Your relationship no longer had the spark that would send flames to your entire body just being around him—you no longer felt butterflies in your tummy whenever you looked at him. Sometimes when you’d gaze at him, you felt as though you were looking at a stranger, not the man you spent four years of your life with. You never understood where it went wrong; it just felt like the love and adoration Mark had for you just stopped out of no where. 
He no longer called or texted you on his breaks to check up on you and see what you were doing, he stopped complimenting you on your outfits or if you did something new to your hair and the two of you could no longer hold a conversation for longer than five minutes without it feeling forced. You wanted to believe that he was just acting like this because work took up his entire being—physical and mental health. But he would go out with his friends right after a shift and sometimes he’d stay out for hours on end. It made you wonder if you were the problem. 
Maybe he stopped loving you or your relationship became a chore to him and was no longer a priority to him as it used to be. The constant need to be around each other, the comfort you felt from being wrapped in his arms and the happiness that came from just knowing that he was yours no longer existed. It disappeared completely along with any kind of feelings you harbored for him and you didn’t think there was anything that could bring it back. 
The thought of no longer having Mark in your life; no longer waking up to his devastatingly handsome face—no longer getting to kiss his pretty, pink lips, and no longer being the lucky person who got to love him—it slowly tore your heart apart, but what could you do? You felt as though the only reason why Mark continued to stay with you was because he grew comfortable with the routine in your relationship. Having to go out and start another relationship with someone new wasn’t something you even wanted to think about. 
Deep in your heart, even if the two of you were going through , Mark Tuan was the only person you saw yourself wanting to get married to. All you ever wanted and could ever need was Mark. He owned you entirely; your mind, your body, your heart and soul—it was all his and it would always be his. But you couldn’t continue going on like this. Your relationship was slowly tearing you apart; it was suffocating you to the point where you felt as though you were going crazy. 
Every now and then, you’d find yourself going back to that fateful night where you told him you were leaving. It took you weeks to come to that decision; hell, even months really. Every time you built the courage to finally give up on Mark entirely, you’d look at him as the two of you were lying down in bed and time to time, you would cry. He seemed an entire world away even if the two of you were just inches apart. 
He might have been in the bed with you—but it genuinely felt like the bed was so spacious and empty. However, as you would gaze at him while he slept soundly, there was a little voice in your head begging you to wait a little longer. Something told you that things were going to get better and your life would turn out miserable if you were to break up with him. 
You prayed and prayed that the voice was telling the truth; you wanted your relationship to work so badly. He might not have been giving you much attention these days or treating you the way he used to, but you would rather continue to stay with him and try your best to fix your crumbling relationship than to be happy with anyone else. When he saw your luggage lined up at the door he didn’t even flinch. It’s as if he knew this was coming; and it didn’t seem to bother him one bit. 
That’s what hurt you the most; his blank expression only confirmed your worries—he no longer loved you or cared enough about you to even ask why your bags were packed or where you were going. He just simply stared at you for a couple of minutes before tilting his head in the direction of your bags. 
“Where are you going?” He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the fact that you were seconds away from walking out of his life completely. 
“I’m leaving you.” 
The words were bitter on your tongue—there were a few times in your relationship where the two of you argued and it would end up with him sleeping outside on the couch—but that’s the worst it’s ever been. This was the first time you were actually throwing in the white flag; you were mentally exhausted. You refused to continue fighting for a relationship that was barely even existing anymore. If you were to continue putting your time and effort in to Mark knowing that he no longer did the same for you, you would probably develop some form of depression. You loved yourself too much to allow him to continue breaking your heart and taking advantage of your love. 
“Why?” You scoffed—he had to be joking right? Did he think that the two of you were okay? Was he fine with the fact that your relationship was no longer what it used to be? Did the lack of intimacy or time spent together not bother him at all—the way it was quickly ruining you? 
“You don’t love me anymore. I don’t know when you stopped—but all I know is that you did. Our relationship turned it to this toxic partnership. I don’t know what happened or what went wrong, but I’m so fucking unhappy Mark. I look at you and I don’t see the love of my life—I don’t see the aspiring nurse I met all those years ago who showed me and taught what love is. All I see when I look at you is a shell of the person you used to be. You’re like a stranger to me Mark and I hate—I fucking hate that things turned out like this and what’s killing me the most is that it doesn’t seem to bother you. You hardly make time for me—for us. It’s like you have to force yourself to genuinely enjoy being around me these days. Go look at your missed calls and all of your text messages. It’s all me. I’m practically begging for your attention and any kind of reaction out of you and nothing—literal nothing. I don’t know what to do anymore; I don’t want to leave Mark. I don’t want to be without you. But why should I continue putting in effort to a relationship that is just moments away from ending completely—“
“What makes you think that I no longer love you—wait—don’t answer that.” 
He took a deep breath in before walking towards you and doing the unexpected; he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks and gently placed his forehead against yours. This was the first time in such a long time that you were this close in proximity with him—having him hold you, touch you, looking at you in such an apologetic way; you honestly didn’t know how to feel. You wanted to be happy; anytime Mark would touch you, kiss you, hold your hand or your waist, wrap his arm around your shoulder—any form of intimacy with your boyfriend always made your heart flutter. Unfortunately, you felt nothing and it broke your heart. 
“I know, I haven’t been all that great these days, I’ve been a terrible boyfriend and I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. I’m so fucking sorry baby—so fucking sorry. There’s no excuse—I can’t say it’s because of work or come up with any other logical reason. I guess I just got used to us doing our own things. I was content just having you around. I don’t know how I went so long with the distance—or being absent even if I’m physically there. I just—fuck, I know it sounds wrong but I just assumed because I plan on spending the rest of my life with you that a little bump in the road wasn’t going to do anything to hinder our relationship. If I knew that it was going to cause you to question the love I have for you and even get you to pack your bags with the intention of leaving me, I would have done something—“
“But you didn’t Mark. You knew something was wrong but you didn’t do anything about it. You just assumed that whatever we were going through was normal. News flash—it wasn’t. Our relationship is falling apart at the seams Mark. Did it not occur to you even once that the distance—the fact that we could no longer hold a decent conversation, that we haven’t had sex or been intimate in the last few weeks—it’s not normal? You obviously never put my feelings in to consideration. I’m dying Mark—mentally, you’re breaking my fucking heart.” 
You allowed yourself to take a quick breath; you could feel your tears continuously building up at the brim of your eyelids. As much as you didn’t want Mark to see you cry because you didn’t think he deserved it—it was too hard for you to keep your crying at bay.
“The love you have for me—that’s a joke right? You no longer love me. I don’t know what you think you feel for me but it’s definitely not love or at least it’s no longer love. If you still loved me, you would continue to show me and tell me like you never failed to do before. Showering me with your love, attention and care shouldn’t stop just because you have me—I don’t care if you’re used to our relationship or if you’ve grown comfortable where you don’t feel the need to contact me or check up on me—I don’t even care if I’m not your main priority. I’m completely understanding that your job takes up your time and energy, but I need you to know how shitty I feel every time I see you staying up to play video games or going out with your friends. I never wanted to be that girlfriend; I want you to be happy—your happiness is all that I care about, but it would be nice if I could be your happiness. Tell me Mark, when did you stop caring about me? When did you stop caring about my mood, my thoughts, how I was feeling, how the state of our relationship was? I can’t even remember what your lips feel or taste like, does it not bother you at all?” 
You saw him inch closer to you; you assumed he wanted to try and pull you back in to his embrace but you found yourself stepping back. When Mark saw you try to get away from him, that’s how he knew it was over. Once you were to get everything from off your chest, you were going to leave and there was nothing he could do about it. 
He could continue to persuade you to stay—he could promise you that he’d change and that your relationship would return back to what it used to be, but there was no use. Hearing to confess how lonely you felt; how heartbroken he made you and how you didn’t even feel like you were in a relationship with him at all shook him to the core—he knew you were leaving, no matter how hard he’d try to get you to change your mind. You were the kind of person that when you set your heart to something, it would always prevail. A break up was no different. 
“Y/n, please. I can’t—I can’t do this without you. I need you. I’m nothing without you. If I lose you, God I don’t think I’ll ever love again. You’re it for me baby, I mean that. You’re all I could ever want and need for the rest of my life. I’ll do better, I’ll be a better boyfriend—I’ll make up for all the lost time and I promise you, we’ll be okay again. Please baby, find it in your heart to forgive me. Everybody makes mistakes, we’re only human—“ 
As soon as he felt your dainty fingertips cup his cheek ever so gently before you placed a kiss against the corner of his mouth, it felt as though his soul left his body. You didn’t have to say anything; your actions spoke volumes for you. Your fingers were featherlight on his skin; it took every bone in his body not you pull you closer to him and hold you as tightly as physically possible. He didn’t know he was able to actually feel his heartbreak. Whenever someone would describe suffering from a broken heart, he thought they would be hurting mentally, psychologically or spiritually but right now, he could feel his heart crying—begging for you to give him one more chance. 
You could have sworn your heart sank to your stomach once you heard his voice crack. Your bags were already packed and you made the decision to finally leave months ago, why were you suddenly regretting your decision? You mentally prepared yourself for this reaction although you’d be lying if you said you expected him to break down and beg you not to leave like he currently was right now. If anything, you expected complete silence—with the way he’s been acting in the last few weeks, you just assumed he no longer cared about your presence or being in a relationship with you. To see him on his knees crying and begging for you to change your mind—you wanted to just say fuck it and pull him in to your embrace. 
He was trying—he promised he would change and do better; you wished his words could be enough for you. There were so many doubts in your mind telling you that he was all talk. That—he would try and put more time and effort in to your relationship, but it wouldn’t last long. He would get tired of having to prioritize you—tired of having to please you. You couldn’t put yourself through all that unnecessary pain again—the pain of not feeling good enough for him to want to spend and make time for you. 
You couldn’t force him to love you the way he used to—you loved Mark, God, did you love Mark. Honestly, you would do anything to make him happy; you would sacrifice your own happiness to make sure he was always smiling and thriving. But during the distance, since you didn’t feel like you had a boyfriend to love, you began to fall in love with yourself. While you were losing Mark, you were finding yourself.
“I have to go Mark. One day, you’ll see why I made this decision—why I felt as if this was the only choice I had. I love you Mark. Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I don’t think you will ever be able to fathom just how much I love you and how I would go to the ends of the earth just to make sure you’re well taken care of. Your happiness and well being is all I care about. You are all I care about—I just—I need time to heal. I need time to grow and to rediscover happiness. I need to learn to live without you. Who knows, maybe being apart will lead us to want to come together again. I love you and you love me—if it’s meant to be, we will find our way back to each other again. I’m really going to miss you. Please take care of yourself.” 
With one more kiss on his lips, you took your luggage and left. Mark couldn’t describe just how heartbroken, helpless and genuinely miserable he was now feeling. He wanted to run after you and yank your bags out of your hands—he knew he could try harder to get you to stay, but he didn’t want to make things worse. The first few weeks were the hardest; Mark felt as if he could die from a broken heart. He couldn’t eat—he had no appetite. 
His mind kept replaying the way you left so easily—taunting him like a bad dream. He felt like he was having a nightmare that reoccurred every single day. He couldn’t stop thinking about you—how you were going about the entire breakup, where you were staying, if you were suffering even half as much as he was or if you were regretting your decision even just a little. 
As the months went by, nothing changed—even if he tried his best to move on, he felt in his chest that there was no getting over you. He meant what he told you on your last night together, he was genuinely afraid that he would never be able to find closure nor would he ever be able to fall in love again. He didn’t want to be in love again if it meant with someone else. You owned Mark entirely; his mind, his body, his heart and his soul—they all belonged to you and they always would. 
Jinyoung and Yugyeom knew it would be best to get their older friend out of there before Jackson said even more things he probably shouldn’t or before Mark grew physical. 
“We should uh—we’ll get going here. Mark, man I’m genuinely sorry this happened tonight, we shouldn’t even have come here. I should have tried harder to stop him but you know how Jackson gets when he’s drunk. I’m really fucking sorry dude about everything. You know what Jackson said isn’t true and I’m sure he doesn’t even know what he said. He’ll probably wake up tomorrow morning completely brainless about everything—“ 
Mark gave Jinyoung a sad smile before pulling him in for a hug. If anyone understood what Mark was going through, it was Jinyoung. Mark wasn’t the type to tell people of his problems—no even the people closest to him. If something bad happened to him, he would suffer all by himself because he didn’t want other people to worry about him. 
However, Jinyoung was the only one Mark allowed to see him in such a vulnerable and fragile state. Sure, Jinyoung also tried to set him up with one of his friends, but that’s only because he wanted Mark to get another chance at love. He hated seeing Mark so sad—so dejected and moping around, living but not really existing. Although Jinyoung really liked you for his older friend and believed that the two of you were soulmates, he also believed that if you still wanted to be in a relationship with Mark, you would. 
No matter how hard relationships could be sometimes, you never give up on someone you picture spending the rest of your life with. If you genuinely love someone, you’re going to fight for them even if the battle can be too much to handle. He saw Mark through so many phases of depression and grief; he’d witness Mark finish bottles of wine in one sitting while crying at every single thing that reminded him of you. Unlike Jackson though, he wasn’t going to force Mark in a relationship if he didn’t want to be in one. He was a grown man—he could make his own decisions himself. The last thing he or anyone in his situation needed was for his friends to get involved in his personal life. 
“Jinyoung, do you think you could do me a favor? I um—I think I want to be alone for a couple of days. Do you mind telling the other guys to let me be for a little while? I just—tonight was too much for me. I don’t want to get angry with any one of you. I can’t say how long I plan on being away I just—I don’t need this right now.” 
There was so much Jinyoung wanted to say—he didn’t think it was a good idea for Mark to be alone and he wished Jackson just kept his mouth shut, but he also knew that nothing he could say would get Mark to change his mind. He nodded in agreement—not wanting to make the older boy even more upset before motioning for Yugyeom to pick up Jackson’s sleeping figure from the couch. 
“Promise me you will call me if and when you need me. Oh, and please look after yourself. If you’re not going to allow me to come and check up on you can you at least make sure you’re eating all your meals and getting enough sleep?”
“I promise. Let me know when you get home alright? Thank you Jinyoung, I really don’t know what I would do without you.” 
Mark didn’t know if he liked it better now that the three boys were gone. He might have been angry with Jackson’s obnoxious outburst, but now he was alone with the thought that you might be seeing someone else. You did mention that you would always love him; but if you missed him the way you claimed you would, wouldn’t you have come back running to him a long time ago? There might have been distance between the two of you while you were still together, but no longer being in a relationship was a extremely different scenario. 
At least while the two of you were still together, he knew you were his and that he could come home to you. But now, he didn’t know anything that was going on in your life. For all Mark knew, you could have moved to another state or even another country—and now Jackson’s words were messing with his mind. Were you seeing someone? Did you already move on to somebody else and if so, did you see a future with that person? Did your mind ever wander over to Mark and how he was doing? 
His skin began to crawl at the thought of you being intimate with someone else—he knew he had no right to, you were no longer his to get jealous over and he was the reason why you could now go out and start dating whoever you wanted. He wanted to scream—he was already doing so bad as it was, why did Jackson have to make him feel even more shittier than he currently was? 
He found himself looking through his cupboards for any kind of alcohol, he honestly didn’t care at this point. Mark was not a heavy drinker; he never understood why his friends enjoyed wasting their money on alcohol only to get drunk, not remember a single thing and wake up with an extremely painful hangover. He wanted to take his mind off of you and the only way he could do that was if he was inebriated. 
These last few months, his mind seemed to be filled with the thought of you every single day, but never did he feel like he wanted to stop thinking about you. Now that he knew there was a chance you had another man in your life, he wanted to completely rid you from his thoughts—at least for the time being. When he found a bottle of tequila way in the back of the cabinet, he released a frustrated sigh. Mark hated tequila—it had to be one of the worst kinds of alcohol there was. Not only did it taste nasty, but it felt even more horrible going down.
At this point, he didn’t care—it was all he had and he was going to take what he could get. He pulled off the cork and took a few big gulps. It made him gag a little—drinking straight from the bottle wasn’t something he was used to. Especially because tequila was meant to be either mixed or taken as shots, not to be consumed like it was water. He could feel tears building up at the brim of his eyes at how hard it was to drink it, but slowly and surely, he could feel himself getting lightheaded and moments away from completely being plastered. 
When his vision grew hazy and his movements slowed down, he decided he would make his way to his room with the intention of falling asleep. It took him a while to get up from the floor and he was grateful that Milo was fast asleep in his doggy bed. He loved his little puppy more than anything and for the last few months, Milo was his own personal therapist. He made Mark smile when Mark didn’t think he was capable of that motion anymore. 
However, he didn’t think he was in the right mind to take care of himself—let alone a dog. Walking in the direction of his room felt like such a hassle. What usually took him a good ten seconds felt like hours—his feet were heavy against the hardwood floor and finally, once he opened his door and flopped on top of his bed, he hummed in content. Luckily he was already changed in to his pajamas before the guys came over so he didn’t have to do anything. He didn’t realize just how much tequila he consumed; his eyelids felt heavy and he was dozing in and out of sleep. 
Right as he was about to completely enter dreamland, he felt something vibrate. The buzzing noise sounded so far away, even if he knew his phone was nearby. It was probably just Jinyoung telling him he was home now—it could wait until the morning. He continued to try and fall asleep; ignoring the constant buzzing that seemingly wouldn’t stop. With a grunt, he went on the search for his device, moving his hand all around the bed until he found it. He knew whoever was trying to get in touch with him didn’t seem like they were going to stop anytime soon, so he rubbed both his eyes in attempts to break him out of his exhausted and drunken haze before checking his notifications. 
Once he saw your name, he had to do a double take—there was no way you sent him a message, he had to be hallucinating. How high was the percentage of alcohol in the tequila? His mind was definitely playing tricks on him—or maybe he was actually asleep and it was his conscience coming up with what he wishes would happen? He abruptly sat up; causing him even more dizziness, but he had to make sure he was actually seeing what he thought he did. Seeing your name in his phone after seven months of not hearing you sent so many emotions and feelings to his chest and he felt overwhelmed. 
Was he happy? Sad? Angry that you took so long? Excited? He couldn’t help but feel as though something was wrong. Were you okay? Did something happen to you? Did you finally come to the realization that you missed him and that you were willing to give your relationship another chance? A part of him—probably the part that was still upset with you for breaking his heart told him to ignore the messages—he wanted to lie and say he didn’t care anymore and that he was genuinely going to do whatever he could to forget about you completely. But who was he kidding? There was no getting over you. Ever. His heart begged him to click on your contact and that’s exactly what he did.
Babe: Hey. 12:54 A.M.
He mentally cursed himself for not changing your name in his phone but he couldn’t find it in himself to do so. He didn’t have the right to call you any term of endearment anymore, but once he were to change your contact to your actual name, it cemented the idea that things were actually over and he wasn’t going to give up on you just yet. Until he were to find out you were seeing someone else or that you had no intentions on getting back with him ever again, he was going to continue holding on to that tiny string of hope that one day, you’d be back in his arms again.
Babe: I’m sorry it’s so late. I mean that in more ways than one. 12:54 A.M.
Babe: I—I honestly don’t know where to begin. Let me just start by saying I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Mark. And I miss you. I miss you so much. 12:56 A.M.
Babe: I know it’s been a while and I don’t know why I felt like I could just text you out of nowhere. I understand if you’ve moved on or if you want nothing to do with me anymore. 1:02 A.M.
Babe: I’m not going to lie and say that I made a mistake breaking up with you. I knew it’s what was best for the two of us at the time. But I will admit, I’ve thought about you every single day since I left. I’m sure you’re wondering what took me so long to come to the conclusion that I’m still so in love with you—which, I am by the way. I love you and I don’t think I ever really stopped. 1:05 A.M.
Babe: If you’re in a relationship or seeing someone else, please disregard all of these messages. I hope you’re doing well and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself. Well, Goodnight. 1:06 A.M.
Maybe months go by, maybe years from now And I meet someone and it's workin' out Every now and then, he can see right through 'Cause when I look at him Yeah, all I see is you
What if I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye? And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you? Ooh yeah What if I never get over? What if I never get closure? What if I never get back all the wasted words I told ya? What if it never gets better? What if this lasts forever and ever and ever?
As soon as you sent the last text message, you allowed a couple of tears to fall but brought your hands up to your mouth in attempts to prevent yourself from sobbing. The last thing you needed was to wake up the man who was currently sleeping in bed right next to you. You felt as if you made a complete mistake trying to get in contact with Mark—you should have just left him alone. It was you who initiated the breakup in the first place. 
You’ve stayed away for seven months; what person in their right mind would respond to your messages and want to take you back with open arms? You had to be crazy to think Mark still wanted anything to do to you—he probably deleted your messages as soon as he received them and you couldn’t blame them. If the roles were reversed and he did to you what you did to him, you would have blocked his number entirely. You placed your phone back on the nightstand and turned over to look at Minho; releasing an exhausted sigh before gliding your finger along his cheek. 
Trying out a new relationship and seeing someone new sounded like a good idea in hind sight. He was a friend of a friend’s—your friends tried to set you up with so many different guys similarly to Mark and his group of friends. They hated seeing you so sad and heartbroken yet they didn’t understand why you were still so hung up over Mark when you were the one who decided to call it quits. Minho was very soft spoken and gentle; in a way, he resembled Mark and that’s why you felt you were attracted to him.
He was quite the gentleman—he’d always ask you how you were doing, he’d ask you if you were okay with him kissing you and holding your hand and you were sure your friends must’ve told him about your past because he was very adamant on taking your relationship at your pace. Looking at him right now, lying in your bed made you realize just how quickly things were going between the two of you and you didn’t know how you felt about that. It took you a while to sleep over Mark’s apartment and he didn’t see yours until five months in to your relationship. 
However, you were beginning to believe you were rushing things because you missed having someone around all the time; you missed having the presence of someone you loved—you missed Mark. You also assumed that you were acting this way because you wanted to force yourself to like Minho so you could completely move on from Mark, but you didn’t understand why you wanted to get the thought of him out of your mind completely. 
The more time you spent with Minho, going on dates with him, calling him when you couldn’t see him; you’d find yourself picturing Mark in his place. You really missed how Mark used to treat you like you were the most important person on the planet. You missed holding him and being held by him, you missed playing video games with him and coming home from a long day of work with a table full of your favorite food. Even if you were doubting his words when he told you he was going to do better, you wondered how life would be like if you did give in to him that night. 
As much as you liked Minho—or at least felt like you did, a huge part of you believed that you were only staying with him for his sake. He was such a nice guy who genuinely seemed to care about you, but nobody was ever going to be Mark. You weren’t going to ever care or love anyone the way you did with Mark and you didn’t want to continue leading him on knowing that your heart belonged to someone else. You decided that you were going to call it a night, you didn’t expect Mark to get back to you any time soon if at all for that matter. 
After placing a gentle kiss on Minho’s shoulder blade, you curled up in to your pillow and slowly closed your eyes. Unfortunately, you couldn’t find it in yourself to fall asleep; your mind was too busy thinking about whether or not Mark read your messages and if he did, how he felt about hearing that you missed him and that you still loved him. Taking one last look at your phone, you felt your heart swell up as a small smile rose on your face.
Mark: I’m all yours. 1:36 A.M. 
What if I never get over? What if I never get closure? What if I never get back all the wasted words I told ya? What if it never gets better? What if this lasts forever and ever and ever?
I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you? What if I gave you (what if I gave you) everything I got? What if your love was my one and only shot? What if I end up with nothing to compare it to What if I never get over? Oh, if I never get over What if I never get over you?What if I never get over you? Oh, what if I never get over? Over you
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yukheistics · 4 years
unrequited, johnny seo.
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pairing johnny seo x reader
word count 1.4k
genre angst, fluff
warning(s) one-sided shit, cursing, mention of dick (like once?)
note found this in my drafts and basically revamped it. moral of the story: this was supposed to be some fwb!au but gave up on that and wrote this instead lol (^_^). also i seem to have a thing for naming my stories basic ass names hELP
summary you’d have to cross the whole galaxy to reach him. he holds stars in his eyes for someone who clearly isn’t you.
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As soon as the party ends, you find him outside in the cold. You wonder how he is managing the weather when he’s simply dressed in a black henley and ripped jeans.
His eyes are focused at the dark sky, indicating that he has probably spent his entire time drinking by himself rather than interacting with anyone else. He has his fingers loosely wrapped around a beer bottle, taking small sips every now and then. He enthralls you for all the right reasons: he’s the sweet taste of bubblegum, the warm afterglow of sunlight, and the soft pitter-patter of rain on a cloudy day. He’s flushed cheeks and saccharine smiles. He’s Johnny Seo. 
You’re in love with him.
(He doesn’t love you like that.)
You don’t bother to give him a greet and take a seat next to him. “You know everyone is worried about you,” your voice comes out as a whisper and lean against the wooden pole on the porch. 
“When is everyone not worried about me,” he states, before a rich, deep chuckle escapes from his throat. He focuses his attention to you and gives you a cheeky smile. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
You nod slowly, feigning to be convinced. “Actually, Yerim is probably the only one concerned if you ask me,” you point out. “She almost calls me everyday, but at least once in our calls, she never fails to ask how her brother is really doing. For someone who almost gave her brother a bloody nose in our senior year, she loves you more than anything.”
“C’mon, who doesn’t love me?” he suggests and wears a lazy smirk. “Everyone loves me.”
You marvel at the way he grins at you and feel your heart beating erratically in your chest. You turn your head and ignore his gaze. “Except I,” you inform him, feeling him poke your side when you say it. “You should’ve played beer pong with me and Ten. He accidentally hit the ball in Yangyang’s eye,” you pause and think of the scene earlier. “I’m still debating if he did that on purpose or not.”
“On purpose,” Johnny shakes his head. “It’s Ten. He’s good at beer pong. He wouldn’t miss a shot on purpose. His pride is too large for that.”
“You’re not wrong,” you agree quietly. He suddenly leans the side of his cheek on the top of your head. You silently gulp at the unexpected contact and almost faint at the whiff of his cologne. Fuck. “How was spending two hours out here like?” you ask him to distract the obvious red tint spreading on your cheeks. 
“Boring,” he answers. 
You hesitate. “Why did you stay here then?”
To be honest, you don’t need to ask. You saw how his smile dropped all of a sudden earlier. You didn’t get the chance to ask what was wrong when he left your side all of a sudden, mumbling something about getting a drink. You realized back then how he saw her. 
Ahn Bora. His ex. 
She’s pretty. She’s pretty like a doll: pale skin, long brown hair, dark red lips, doe-like eyes, and a curvy figure to complement her features. She resembled a doll that you’ve always envied when you were a child. 
You merely gave her a smile at that and turned your attention towards Jaehyun. He was telling some story about his mom embarrassing him during a lecture or something. You tried to focus on his story, but a part of you wanted to find him and comfort him. But you knew he wanted to be left alone. 
Johnny still loves her. It’s painfully obvious. You believe it’s been two months since she broke up with him, but he hasn’t moved on. He lingers in the remnants of her. You can’t really say anything about it either, because you’ve been crushing on your best friend’s brother longer than he and Bora have been dating. 
(He doesn’t love you like that.) 
“No reason,” he answers confidently and places the beer bottle on the ground. “It was getting stuffy back there and I needed fresh air.”
“Interesting,” you reply dryly and push his head off of yours. “You’re a really bad liar, has anyone ever told you that?”
He pouts. “Maybe once or twice,” he eyes you for a second. “Did you drink today?”
“No,” you roll your eyes. “You know I’m the one driving.”
“Oh yeah,” he says in realization and shakes the beer bottle from the ground. “Well, if you did drink, we could’ve just stayed here. I don’t think any of the boys would mind if we crashed.”
You remember the last time staying over since you and him were drunk and couldn’t drive home. Let’s just say, you were scarred when you accidentally walked into one of the frat members getting his dick sucked at eight in the morning in the bathroom. It was Kun. Ugh. You couldn’t even look him in the eye afterwards—until now. They could’ve at least locked the door or any clear indication that it was occupied. 
You scrunch your nose. “No, thanks.”
“You care too much,” he hums and wraps one of his arms around you. 
“You can talk about it you know,” you murmur and lean your head into his shoulder, pretending that he isn’t making your feelings go on overdrive.
Johnny looks warm underneath the moonlight as he thinks of what to say to you about how he felt seeing her for the first time in a while. He isn’t worth the heartbreak, you think, but you continue pursuing on false hope that one day he will feel the same way. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t. 
(He doesn’t love you like that.)
“Felt weird,” he finally speaks after a minute. “I also tried to hate her in the process of our breakup,” he laughs nervously. “I can’t. I can’t bring myself to hate her despite all the heartbreak she put me through. I still have a pretty image of her smile embedded in my brain and the sound of her laugh resonating in a cold room at midnight. It makes the room warmer. If that even makes sense. I don’t even know what to feel.”
You aren’t sure how to reply. You have been pining for him for God-knows-long, but you can’t think clearly when he talks about his ex. You brought it up to begin with. You might as well say something. 
“Well,” you start slowly and tap your fingers on your right knee. “You guys lasted for a long time. I mean, I never had previous relationships, but based on my understanding from romance novels,” you hear him laugh—and it makes your heart clench at how melodic it sounds in the darkness. You like the sound of his laugh. It relaxes you. It feels like home. “First loves are hard to let go of. You grow familiar with them, ponder the future a little too much, love them more than you can ever love anyone else, and all that. Then, when they’re gone, a piece of you breaks as well,” you pause and glance up at him with a frown. “But don’t quote me on that, I never fell in love.”
“Is that what you learn from minoring in philosophy?” he spontaneously asks and uses his right hand to squeeze your cheeks together. “Because that sounds good. You can write a novel or something.”
“You’re just drunk,” you address and push yourself off of him. “C’mon, I’ll take you home.”
He goes quiet for a couple seconds and looks up at you. “Do you think it’ll go away?”
“What will?” you question and tug on his arm to stand up. 
“The heartbreak,” he responds immediately. “At least, based on your understanding from romance novels.”
You don’t know. You can’t even will yourself to stop crushing on him. It’s funny how he has broken your heart countless times, yet he is unaware of it. All he knows is that you are one of people he grew closer with during college. His sister’s best friend. A friend, that’s all. 
(He doesn’t love you like that.)
He waits. His eyes are gazed into yours, anticipating an answer from you. You want to blur him from your memory, wishing your feelings would go away immediately. He invades your mind at the brightest hours of dawn and proceeds to cloud your thoughts throughout the day. You wish he can be yours.
But you know he’s unattainable. You’d have to cross the whole galaxy to reach him. He holds stars in his eyes for someone who clearly isn’t you. 
 “Of course it will. It just takes time.”
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kyosohmastan · 4 years
If you are doing the fic thing may I request #15 for kyoru? 👀
There’s so many ways to incorprate that prompt ranging from ratings G-R xD. I went in the mild direction for this lol. I didn’t quite know where I was going with this but it’s alright I guess.
This was also requested by @knmartinshouldbewriting !
“Shhh, they’ll hear us.”
Kyo would have went to bed earlier but Momiji, the hyperactive nuisance of a bunny, was staying with them for the night, and he wouldn’t shut down. How is it that he has this much energy half past midnight? If only the party would end...
“Let’s play hide and seek...in the dark!” Momiji said while they were having cheesecake that Tohru had baked earlier that day around the kotatsu.
“That doesn’t seem safe. Do people actually play it in the dark?” Yuki asked.
“Yes. My friends from school play it in the classroom after school all the time!” Momiji replied.
“But that’s during the day,” Kyo said. This was a ridiculous idea, and a childish game at that. He would never participate in such a thing. “It’ll be pitch black here if we turn off the lights. What if someone fell down the stairs because they couldn’t see?”
“Stop being so lame, Kyo. Hide and seek is a very popular and enjoyable game. You’ll see!” The rabbit said, scarfing down the remainder of his cheesecake.
“For five-year-olds...” Kyo grumbled.
Shigure all at once jumped up. “I’m in!”
Kyo resisted his tendency to jump at Shigure’s sudden burst. But he did wince, and his hypothetical tail’s hair stood up on end. “You’re a freaking adult! Why would you play-”
“Actually that sounds fun. I’ll play,” Tohru said, gathering everyone’s plates and heading into the kitchen. “Just let me wash these first. And I’d love it if you joined us, Kyo-kun!”
That was it. It was enough to change his mind over an activity he’d never consider participating in otherwise. He blushed at his compliance. But he didn’t want to disappoint her. 
“Fine,” he mumbled and got up. “At least I can get away from that whiny kid for a little while if I hide.”
“Kyo! You’re picking on me again!” Momiji cried.
My point exactly, Kyo thought. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Who’s going to count?” Yuki piped up.
“Me!!” Momiji responded while hopping around and turning off all the lights in the house. 
“Um...” Tohru’s voice quivered from the kitchen. Kyo looked back to where her voice was coming from, but all he met was a sea of darkness. He blinked, trying to spot any sliver of her form. He took a step back, feeling for her. She was scared. He could hear it in her voice, in the way it carried on a shaking cry almost as severe as how she spoke to him when he was in his true form.
He shook the thought away and grasped the empty air until he felt her chill skin. He held her wrist, and she made a swift gasp.
“Okay, I’m starting at one-hundred!” Momiji announced and began counting, dragging out each number unnecessarily.
“Stay with me,” Kyo whispered to Tohru, dragging her in the direction that he hoped was toward he hallway. “I don’t trust you to get through the dark alone without breaking a bone.”
“Oh! O-okay,” she said way too loudly for what was appropriate for the game. 
“And try not to get us caught by that pitchy voice of yours,” he muttered. He shook his head. He loved the voice. Under other circumstances, he wouldn’t mind listening to it.
“Yes, of course,” she whispered. Well, that voice was just as nice.
He heard the bathroom door open and close, which meant either Shigure or Yuki had gone to hide in there. That was where he was headed since the bathtub was big enough to fit him and Tohru, but he’d have to go somewhere else. 
Momiji was on thirty. It appeared hat the farther he got down in his count, the faster he phrased each number. They didn’t have time. He pulled her into the hallway closet with him, taking good measure to leave her at arms length as he closed the door, though the probability of him transforming during the period of this game was high up there since he couldn’t see a thing. 
“You good?” he asked her, at last.
Her breath came out harsh and it gave him goosebumps...for some reason. “I’m fine. Honestly...I’m glad I get to hide with you, Kyo-kun. You take care of me.”
Stoooop, he repeated in his mind. Maybe hide and seek in the dark was a good thing if it meant she couldn’t see his blush. “Just don’t take another step closer or you’ll bump into me.”
“Right!” she whispered loudly. “Um..you feel really close though.”
She was right, he could feel the cotton of her shirt hovering over his skin. Their chests had to be a breath away from touching. Yet, he still couldn’t see her. He looked directly ahead, knowing she was right there...so close. Had he ever been this close to her for so long? It was unlikely because he’d never felt this emotionally erratic around her before. 
She took in a harsh inhale and he stood straight. “What is it?”
“Your eyes. I’ve never seen them do that.”
“Do what?”
“They’re glowing,” she whispered. 
That gave him some surprise. That hadn’t happened in a while. He spotted the tiny crack in the door which let in a bit of light from the moon. That explained it. 
He blinked rapidly as the light reflected off his retinas. “They get like that sometimes.”
“They’re gorgeous,” she whispered in a voice he could only compare to an angel’s, as cliche as it sounded. The edge of a finger touched his cheek and his breath just stopped...dropped off the face of the Earth.
“Wh-what are you doing?” he asked, cringing at how pitiful his trembling voice was.
“Trying to get a better look.” Her entire palm rested on his cheek and his knees shook. Her fingertip touched the bridge of his nose. When had she ever been this...bold? Had she thought about touching him? Was she acting on her desires?
He had those when it came to her. He loved those brief moments when he’d get the courage to touch her. She always allowed him to in ways he couldn’t understand. She invited him in so easily. Always. As if she were asking for it without words. 
He swallowed hard, searching out her eyes with his own that were still glowing a blazing red. The little light from outside the window directly across from the closet outlined a sliver of her face. There she was. He felt like he hadn’t seen her in ages. And yes, indeed, she was dangerously close. He only had to breathe and their chests would touch.
The sound of a constant drum permeated the air around him. It grew in tempo as she tilted her head up, the tip of her nose brushing his chin.
In an attempt to break the intensity of her presence, he said, “Stop tapping your foot. They’ll hear us.”
Her nose knocked against his jaw as she tilted her head up. “That’s not my foot. I’m perfectly still.” She giggled. “But I hear it too. I think it’s...” He felt her hand on his stomach, and it inched up until it found its destination on his chest. The pounding in his ears was deafening now. 
“It’s coming from here,” she said softly. “That’s your heart, Kyo-kun.” Something knocked against his chest. Oh, my, God, her head, his thoughts screamed. 
Her warm breath hit the front of his shirt. He was going to melt. “Such a beautiful sound,” she cooed.
He couldn’t bring himself to tell her to back up. He didn’t want her to. As he already knew, he liked feeling her close to him. Touch as tender as this one made him feel secure, wanted, and loved. All the things he’s always dreamed of. And if he could hug her now, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he wouldn’t allow it. 
All he could do was hold the back of her head. One day, if she didn’t already know, he would tell her he loved her. But actions did have a tendency to speak louder than words.
The closet doors bursted open and he jumped out of his skin, knocking into Tohru and transforming. To be honest, he didn't know if he transformed because they embraced or if it was due to his rising emotions. 
Momiji and Shigure stared at them, Shigure’s brow inching into his hairline.
Tohru caught Kyo and started laughing. “Oh, Kyo-kun, I’m sorry”
Shigure joined in on her laughter. “My, my, Kyo-kun. This is supposed to be hide and seek not seven minutes in heaven.”
The cat bared his fangs at the canine. “Shut it! We weren’t doing anything!” But were they? Something happened in there that definitely meant something. He hadn’t felt such a piercing touch from her since the day she saw his monster form and he willingly hugged her for the first time. All he could hope for is that there were more to come. 
Even as she clutched his feline form to her chest, even in such a pathetic form, one he’s always had to deal with, he’d stay a cat forever if it meant he could always feel her touch.
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yeocult · 5 years
ATEEZ as your best friend
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makes playlists consists of songs that remind him of you
you both have that ‘special song’
paints your nails for you
if you’re going out, he will definitely dress you
you both enjoy people watching from the windows of cafes (and lowkey judge people’s outfits together)
most of his gifts for you are handmade or as joong likes to call “limited edition”
likes to go shopping with you
will get a matching piercing with you or earrings
copies off your notes since he did not pay attention in class or didn’t attend at all
lets you be the first to listen to parts of his new songs
“yo listen to this real quick, does it sound good?”
expect texts/calls at like 3 am because he doesn’t know what sleep is
deep conversations when you guys have sleepovers
overall he’s just a really sweet friend who just wants you to feel confident and happy at all times
best friend?? more like your mother
first thing he’ll say to you in the morning is “have you eat yet?”
always checking up on you because he’s a sweetheart
listens to all of your problems while you leave your tears (and snot) on his shirt
gives the best advice
will give you shit if your room is dirty
cooks for you!
lowkey intimidating on the outside but has a soft spot for you 
you guys would bake every other weekend
sleepovers are basically face masks and pillow-talk with lofi music
lots and lots of study sessions together
opposite of joong, he’ll lend you his notes to copy
always pays for snacks when y’all go to convenience stores
matching outfits!!!!
in conclusion, hwa just wants the best for you and he’ll stay by your side through tough times
i said and i’ll say it again
yunho is the friend who will wait for you in the middle of the halls when you tie your shoelace
very playful
bends down when you talk just to annoy you
your parents love love love love him
study sessions don’t exist in this friendship
because y’all get distracted as soon as you open your textbooks
both always at movie theatres watching the latest release
movie-jumping with yunho would be so fun as long as y’all don’t get caught lol
“just act normal, they’ll never know, act normal...” then dash into a new theatre
tries to bake together
“yunho i think we added salt instead of sugar...”
lets to wear all of his hoodie bc they’re so big on you and he thinks it’s cute
so basically this friendship is filled with adventures, giggles, and lots of warm hugs!
y’all play fight a lot
roasts each other daily
your hangout spot is the skate park while you watch yeo as he skate
you try to learn how to skate as well (keyword: try)
but that comes with a scraped knee and yeo laughing at you non-stop
doesn’t open up much but as long as you’re patient, he’ll appreciate it
likes to watch anime with you
helps you with studying since he’s really good at that
will come for anyone’s neck if they ever say anything mean to you (protective mode on)
gives the best advice and is very honest with you
shares his earphones (...his airpods actually) with you on bus rides or when you’re just sitting next to each other studying
matching beanies!!!!!!
definitely has a folder of ugly pics of you for blackmail purposes
yeosang is glad to have someone who he’s comfortable and safe around
san is your ride or die
your #1 hype man
your photographer for you insta pics
“hurry up, its golden hour!!!”
you’re his #1 cheerleader at his volleyball matches
his walls are covered with polaroids of you two
during sleepovers likes to ask about your dreams, fears, and such because he’s sentimental at night
when you say goodnight to san, you better stay goodnight to shiber too or he’ll straight up just stare at you until you do
oh yea, shiber is basically your child
lets you poke his dimples :p
you guys have handshake
physical contact is a must, it's just how he shows his affection
each other’s lockscreen
will literally pull up to your house at 1 am (with shiber in hand) and take you on a walk
can never say no to him because he’ll do puppy eyes and pout/sulk
very outgoing and fun, he just wants to capture moments with you
will use you as an armrest
ayo midnight snack check
y’all go to mcd at 1 am and buy like 10 orders of fries
calls you at the most unholy hour
“if cinderella’s shoes really fit, why’d it fall off?”
“mingi i’m going to eat your knees it’s 3 am”
if you do smth embarrassing like fall out of your chair, he’ll do the same
were all in this together~
likes to share a milkshake with you
expect lots of head rubs when you’re with mingi
karaoke with him is the funniest shit
rap battles!!!!
mingi will make cute little friendship brackets for you both
“if you take it off i’ll step on you”
supppppperrr confident and competitive when y’all got to arcades
“i’ve never lost a game since birth”
he lost
anyways mingi is very playful and babie 
y’all talk so much the teacher has to separate you guys
but he’s wooyoung ofc he’s gonna shout across the class or texts you during lessons
intensely stares at your when you ignore his texts
will force you to make tik toks with him and teaches you the dance
... studying?? we don’t accept her in this friendship
always clinging on to you
gives the best hugs :( he do be squeezing the air out of you sometimes
prepare for second-hand embarrassment when you’re in public
“woo for the love of GOD, stop humiliating me”
shoots the straw wrapper at you every time, every, single, time
will make you go to the mcdonald’s playground meant for kids
big flirt
“don’t sit there...sit on my lap instead!”
if you say something embarrassing, he will no doubt, repeat it but louder
there’s no rest, always exploring new things with him, it never gets boring
basically your partner in crime and your ride or die
very protective
will literally drop kick anyone who talks shit about you and that’s on apples
you guys have probably been to every cafe in town
jongho loves his americano
your hang out spot is the cafe near your house
you guys will walk in and they’ll be making your regulars since you guys go there so much
always open for you to rant to
lots of cheeks squishing
challenges you to armrest but ofc you fail miserably
“you’ll just have to accept the fact that you’ll never beat me”
knows when you’re sad immediately and always ready to comfort you
y’all both watch bad movies and complain about it through the whole thing
“this plot sucks ass what the fuck” but still continues anyways
overall you guys have each other’s back at all times and treasure one another
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prettyboybarzal · 5 years
tattoos together (5) // tyler seguin
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(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4)
pairing: tyler seguin x reader
summary: it’s the off-season and tyler is off to canada to see his fam bam!! 
(off-season in canada!! awkward friendships!!! and JAMIE BENN!!! yeehaw!)
word count: 1k+ (another shorty, but i’m trying to get to a certain point, so bare with me) ((there will be a part two to this chapter specifically, so you’ll get more off-season canada content))
author’s note: again, i’m sorry that i’m slacking with updating this. not feeling ~motivated~ so if you like this story, give me a lil holler so i know that someone’s enjoying it other than myself lol
warnings: a curse (literally i think 1 single curse?) and that’s all?? ((if you find anything else let your girl know)) 
July 2017
Tyler was satisfied with the way that you’d left things before he left LA. With the promise that everything would go back to normal, he felt okay again. And he wasn’t disappointed. For the weeks following it felt like you would talk every single day. But, as the months went by, and hockey season came to a head, Tyler started reaching out less and less.
He didn’t mean to fade from your life like that again, but things were a little hectic in Dallas. Besides, he was sure you were just as busy because you didn’t reach out any more than he did.
When the season came to an end, he booked his flights to head home for the off season. And then he booked tickets for Maisy to visit as well.
The first month at home was great. He got time in with all his favorite people, caught up with his sisters, snuggled his mom. It felt normal, until Jackie Seguin started prying.
“So, Ty,” she started as she made dinner one night. Tyler glanced up at her with a raised eyebrow, knowing where this conversation was about to go. “Have you spoken to my California girl lately?”
“Actually, no,” he answered. “Not really.”
“Well, why not?”
“Things have changed,” he told her. “Like, drastically. We’re okay now, but I don’t think it’ll ever go back to the way it was.”
“How come?”
Tyler stared at her for a moment, thinking about the proper way to answer her question. He knew that things probably could go back to normal, if he broke up with Maisy that is, but even then he wasn’t sure you even felt about him the same way he felt about you. It certainly never seemed that way.
“Because I’m with Maisy,” he stated. “And that means YN’s gotta be at an arm’s length. If Mais found out what happened between us and I was still hanging around her all the time, she’d be pissed.”
Jackie hummed in response, and then let the conversation die.
When Maisy landed a week later, Tyler and his sisters went to pick her up. They embraced her with open arms, like he expected them to, and suddenly you were pushed to the back of his mind again.
The week was spent doing all the tourist-y things during the day, and with his family at night. Maisy was great, so thoughtful about helping Jackie around the house and making sure to bond with Tyler’s sisters. He appreciated it, but it didn’t feel right. He didn’t feel right bringing her home to them, even though they’d been together for the entire season. He wished it felt right.
He dropped Maisy off a week later, kissing her goodbye before she wheeled her luggage into the airport and left him for the next two months. He drove in silence for the entire way back to his house, and disappeared to his room once he got there. Candace appeared in his doorway not long after.
“She’s sweet, but I don’t see it.”
“I like her,” she said. “But you don’t light up around her. It almost feels like you’re settling.”
Candace left the room before Tyler could protest or argue with her, and Tyler sat there with all these excuses on the tip of his tongue and no one to share them with.
It was midnight when he saw a Snapchat story of you with a glass of wine, also watching Netflix. It was only 9 p.m. in California, a Friday night too, and he was wondering what you were doing in on such a nice night. So, he called you.
“Ty!” you exclaimed. Tyler’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he answered. He shuffled up to lean against the headboard. “I just miss you. My entire family has been asking about you.”
“Really? I miss them.”
The silence that followed held a lot of weight.
“You should come visit,” Tyler offered. The moment the words left his lips he was shaking his head at himself, but he kept talking. “Just for, like, a weekend or whatever.”
“Yeah?” you asked. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well, I don’t know, Ty,” you murmured. “I wouldn’t want your girlfriend to feel uncomfortable.” Tyler shoulders dropped. “You understand, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I get it,” he stated. “I just miss you, that’s all. Miss how things used to be. I miss Boston.”
“You don’t miss Boston,” you stated with a laugh. “You miss being young and unattached with a super hot, emotionally unavailable best friend.”
“Did you just call yourself super hot?”
“And emotionally unavailable,” you repeated. “Gotta build myself up and knock myself back down, you know? Keep myself humble.”
Tyler barked out a laugh, which only made you giggle a little harder.
“For the record,” Tyler said, “we may not be super young anymore, but you’re still very emotionally unavailable.”
“Mmm,” you hummed. His words, however playful they may have been, were honest. You were the most emotionally unavailable in that moment, more than you had been before the Tyler fiasco. “Isn’t it past midnight for you?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Go to sleep, Segs,” you said. Tyler sighed. “Thank you for the call, by the way. I like to hear your voice every once in a while.”
“If Jamie came to visit, would you come?”
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“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” you grunted to Jamie who stood beside you at baggage claim. Jamie chuckled. “It’s not a laughing matter. This is bound to make things worse between Tyler and I.”
“I don’t know how things could get worse,” he stated. “Seems like you’ve already hit rock bottom. You can only go up from here.”
You responded by slapping him in the chest before grabbing your luggage to storm outside. He was hot on your heels, a cheeky grin plastered across his face.
It had been a month since Tyler asked you to visit, a month since you turned the invite down. Yet, here you were, in Canada, in the middle of July.
You stood with Jamie, in silence, waiting for Tyler’s car to pull around. When it did, Jamie nudged you roughly and you nudged him back. Tyler bounded out of the car to envelope you and Jamie in a group hug. He exclaimed, “I’m so happy you guys are here!” He pulled away to grab you by the shoulders and said, “My mom’s so excited to see you.”
“I��m excited to see her,” you responded. “And my girls. And the boys!”
“Your girls?” Jamie asked.
“My sisters,” Tyler answered. “They like YN more than they like me.”
Jamie wasn’t at all surprised by the way Tyler’s family greeted you. And all he could think about is how much it probably sucked to be Maisy. There was no way they interacted with her the way they did with you, even he could tell.
The moment you entered the house you were whisked off to have some girl talk in the kitchen, the dogs readily following the commotion. Jackie ordered Tyler to bring your luggage to the guest room and Jamie was left out to dry as well, except Jackie promised lunch after she got to chat to you.
“Your family loves her,” Jamie noted as he followed Tyler up the stairs. Tyler nodded. “I wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction for her arrival.”
“I was.”
There was a beat of silence until Jamie asked, “Do you regret this? Having her come?”
“I wish I could say yes,” Tyler responded. He placed your luggage down in the guest room and plopped down on the end of the bed. “Having her here feels like all the pieces are together, you know?”
“You shouldn’t be dating Maisy.”
“Well, I am,” Tyler said. “And I’m not going to break up with her because of some unresolved feelings I have for my emotionally unavailable friend. I’m not going through all that again just to get shot down. I’ll take what YN’s willing to give me.”
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The plan was to stay for a week which was way more than you were willing to offer Tyler, but Jamie didn’t care. He wanted to go for a week, so you went for a week. The first two days were weird for you and Tyler, filled with shy glances and awkward silence. Every single time you found yourselves alone in a room, one of you left.
It wasn’t until the third day that Tyler worked up the nerve to get you alone. It was about an hour after dinner. You’d gone up to your room to get some work done, but left the door open in case anyone wanted to come distract you. Tyler walked by, shirtless with a pair of joggers on, then walked back to lean against your door frame.
“How’s work?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. You blinked at him, eyes shifting to find your California poppy near his shoulder.
“Do you care if I come distract you?” he asked. You shook your head, patting the space beside you. He walked over and tossed himself down onto his back, arms laying out beside him. Poppy, star. “What are you doing?”
“Reading a manuscript that needs editing,” you answered. He nodded, shifting his body to lean his back against your headboard. “It’s pretty good.”
“It’s been a year now,” he stated. “Since you started there, since you moved to California.”
Since we last kissed, you thought.
“Yeah, crazy how fast time flies by,” you noted. He nodded. “It’s funny, they actually just opened up offices in Dallas. Did you know that?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “It’s a small office, but I think they’re hoping to really blow it up out there. Some of my coworkers have moved to be a part of it.”
“Did they ask you?”
“No, not yet,” you said. Tyler’s eyebrows raised.
“Well, I don’t know if they will,” you stated. “And I don’t know if I’d accept if they did. But, yeah, they asked some people. Not me.”
You were babbling.
“If they do ask, you should,” Tyler spoke up. You raised an eyebrow at him. “You should move to Dallas, if they offer.”
You stared at each other for a moment too long, you knew that. You really wanted to kiss him, really wanted to promise him that you’d move out to Dallas if they offered. But you didn’t like promising things you weren’t sure you could keep. Eventually, Tyler sighed and swung his feet off the bed.
“Well, if they offer it,” he said. “At least entertain the idea for a little bit. At least think about it.”
“Okay,” you said. Tyler leaned in then and placed a kiss to your temple, allowing his lips to linger for a moment before pulling away. “Goodnight, Ty.”
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isadraws13 · 3 years
Sorry it took forever, school is a thing along with having personal issues and just other things in general, but it’s here and finished, probably going to bed after this though cause I’m spent, lol
Here’s your chapter! (Be easy on me pls because I did try on this, my braincells went into it, and took criticism from a friend)
Chapter One: Fate Set in Stone (bare with me on title of chapter pls)
Vincent sighed. He walked among the halls of the broken down pizzeria, feeling nothing but hopelessness and regret. He just breathes in and out as he roamed the halls, just thinking about how it all came to this. He used to dread being here in this pizzeria, locked away, but as time passed, he knew that this was what he deserved. He had killed innocent children, put them through so much pain and agony, and gave them permanent scars that will never go away.
He sat down in a corner as he felt the camera that was in the room move in his direction and heard the noise of a child laughing as it echoed down the hall. In the beginning, he would try to find the "child" that was making those noises so he could inflict harm onto them, but now he knew the truth. He knew there wasn't a child there. But as much as he didn't want to leave the room and just lay against the wall, the A.I. forced him to stand up and go to the room the noise was making. He let out somewhat a sound of annoyance as he lost control of himself and forcibly walked to the room.
When he finally regained control over himself after the A.I. in his suit fur filled the task it was programmed to do, he just stood there and closed his eyes. He had become numb to everything at this point. The only thing he could think about was how much pain and sorrow he had put onto the children and their families. He refused to think about it in the beginning, always filling his mind with other thoughts to try and push it in the back of his head, always trying to convince himself that it wasn't real or his problem.
As time grew on, however, He began to go from refusing to accept the damage he had made, to realizing how it affected the people he hurt. He began to truly feel regret for everything that he did to those innocent children. But he knew that no matter how much he wanted to take all of that pain, sadness, and despair away from the children that still roamed around the pizzeria, there wasn't anything that could be done of it. Nothing could ever make it better ever again, and he came to terms with that fact. Even though it hurt, he knew it was just simply the truth, and just slowly began to accept that fact day by day.
Vincent just closed his eyes. As much as he wishes he could give the children around him a second chance at life again, there wasn't anything there could be done of it. And that really made him even more sad. But not because of the fact that he'd be getting a second chance. In fact, that was the LAST thing he wanted. He didn't want a reset for himself. He just wanted a reset for the children, to be with their families again, to be able to hug their parents and be reunited with them, finally being able to put their pain and agony at rest, but him? He'd stay here. Sure, it's awful, but he knows it's the price for taking their lives. He took their hopes, their dreams, their entire future. And he was going to pay for all of eternity. This is his punishment. And he was going to take it and live with the consequences. Well, he's already been doing that for over thirty years, right? So it shouldn't make much of a difference to him now. Besides, he didn't wanna hurt anyone else anymore. Even though he's realized his mistakes and all of the damage he caused, he feared hurting someone else or turning their life into a tragedy. He didn't want that.
He felt so conflicted, yet he knew what he wanted to be possible for the children, wouldn't ever be possible. That's just not how the world worked. That's not how life worked.
He must have lost track of how long he was standing there in that room, because when he had finally opened his eyes again, he saw one of the crying children standing in from of him. The child was wearing a top hat, and had on a yellow sweater. He knew just by looking at his eyes, that used to consist of the color baby blue, were now black with white pupils, staring at him.
If Vincent could sigh at all, he'd be doing that by now.
"Hello, Alfred."
The child looked at him and tilted his head. "Are you alright?"
Vincent was in a bit of a unsure state. Well, of course he wasn't alright, and both Alfred and himself knew that honestly nothing in both of their situations were okay. Nothing would ever be okay, and that's just how it would continue to be until the end of time.
Even though Alfred had already known that long before in the very beginning, when he was killed alongside with the other children and became Golden Freddy for almost nearly twenty years, and witnessing Vincent's death and hearing him cry for help as he struggled to break free of the suit that had ultimately failed on him and killed him, even though the four other children had said it was what he deserved, he just couldn't somehow hold a complete grudge against him, or even hate him that much either.
Sure, I mean, he suffered, and he grieved not being able to be with his mother again, to be with his brother as humans again, to be with his friends again and live life with them again, it sucked. It really did. It impacted him so much, yet, as he watched Vincent suffer and begin to go from running from his crimes and actions, to realizing the damage he caused, the pain and suffering he created, and the guilt he began to feel during the process of it all at once...
He just couldn't hate him.
Because despite everything he did, and yeah, it's true, what he did was absolutely terrible, he couldn't help but be able to sympathize with Vincent and his pain. He knows what it's like to be all alone, scared, confused, traumatized...he's been through it all.
And to be honest, when he first witnessed Vincent roaming throughout the broken down pizzeria, trying to escape and push his actions and the other children out of his way and mind, he knew that it wasn't going to do anything to him. Only when he realized the internal damage that he committed was when Alfred began to see a light of hope for him.
Alfred was feeling somewhat at peace with him now. As if, it was a forgiving feeling of some sort. He's seen the actual regret in his eyes, the pain. The shame and hatred of himself for doing something so unforgivable. He could finally see a bit of light in his eyes.
"Listen Alfred," Vincent said. "I know you ask me this a lot, but honestly, it's really become a rhetorical question at this point for me, because honestly, there is no hope left for me."
"What makes you seem so sure?" Alfred asked.
"Because I took away your life. Your entire future, your family. All of it. I don't expect feeling any other emotions besides regret and grief, because those are the only emotions that I ever feel every night when midnight chimes and I wake up again."
"But what if someone decides to finally forgive you?" He asked.
Vincent gave a disbelief look at him. "Alfred, it's nice that you want me to have some kind of hope, but honestly, there isn't any for me. Because I don't expect to be forgiven. I just expect to remain here for the rest of time, and live with that fact." He said.
Alfred remained quiet. "Well, you may be right, but are you sure there isn't any hope left for you?" He asked.
"I'm sure." He said.
The silence had cut between the two of them and ended all conversation. There was nothing else that could be said. Otherwise It’d just be them repeating themselves with the same questions and remarks.
“Alfred, I just really don’t see anyone at all forgiving m-!”
“I forgive you.”
Silence had cut the air along with Vincent’s shocked expression as he looked at the child who was staring at him. “What?”
“I forgive you, mister.”
“But....why?” He asked. “After everything I had done to you? To the others?” He asked.
“Because I’ve seen how much you were able to change and realize your terrible mistakes. Sure, it took a long time for you to realize them, but watching you suffer, always suffer alone by yourself as I can see the true regret and sorrow in your eyes, I know you’ve changed. You’re not the same scary mister that I met and got killed by anymore.”
Vincent didn’t know what else to say. The only thing that he could mutter out was just,
“I have to go.”
With that, he went and walked away from the child, who was watching him with a saddened look at himself.
“I hope he realizes that I do really forgive him...” he said to himself. He was hoping that the other dead children would also be able to soon forgive him in time as well. But he knew that it would take time. He at least hoped that it would be possible. For forgiveness to happen with Vincent.
And with that, he suddenly vanished and disappeared out of thin air, as he was going to go to where the other children were expecting for him to be.
(That was chapter one! Hope you guys liked it! Criticism can be left but just know I tried hard on this and I’m hoping for positive feedback!)
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rainythefox · 4 years
Nightfall (Ch.14)
Synopsis: Pre-Resident Evil 1, slight-AU/Canon Divergence. Claire Redfield comes home to visit her  brother Chris for the holidays but gets caught up in a dangerous game of  cat and mouse with Albert Wesker, the Captain of STARS, after stumbling  upon dark secrets. She can’t call the law; Wesker is the law, and she  can’t tell Chris. She is trapped…Claire/Wesker & Slight Chris/Jill (There’s Wesker & William Bromance too lol). Rated M for eventual smut, language, violence, adult content.
AO3 Link
Chapter 14: On the Trail
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The journey through NEST seemed to take ages this time. Claire was super lost now. How did these people know where they were going? The directions painted on the walls seemed alien to her.
She stayed close to Wesker, although the two barely spoke as he led her through the underground facility once more. That was fine by her. The redhead was still overwhelmed and distracted with what just happened. She tried not to think about it right now. It was something she'd need to process once she was back home, away from his scrutiny. As long as no one ever found out, especially Chris, she would be able to handle it.
The younger Redfield thought that was reasonable…until Dr. William Birkin stepped around the next corner, looking at some papers and whistling a tune.
Claire panicked inside. Wesker better not boast about what happened or she would kill them both…somehow. She remained calm on the outside, glancing up at Wesker. His expression was unreadable, except maybe it had eased up on his usual seriousness when spotting Will.
William looked up from his documents, noticing them. He took just one glance between the two of them before a wicked, all-knowing grin broke out on his face and Claire inwardly cringed. Could these two read each other's minds or what?!
She prepared herself for whatever cracks were about to come out of William's mouth.
"Dear God, it finally happened! Anne owes me fifty bu-" Wesker's hand smacked Will's face and knocked it back into the wall. "Ow!"
"Not a word," Wesker stated as his best friend rubbed the back of his head with a shit-eating grin.
This close, Claire realized the documents he had been reading were the same ones she had stolen from Raccoon University. She wondered what dark secrets they contained.
The eccentric researcher put up his free hand in mock surrender. "Okay, okay! I would never disrespect Claire that way...and expect to survive." His eyes found her and she instinctively balled a fist, ready to punch him where it counted. "Are you alright, Claire? I can castrate him if you wish. Unless you enjoyed it, of course."
Claire punched him in the gut. Will curled over, holding his stomach, wheezing. "So that's a no then...right?"
The redhead glared daggers at him as he slowly recovered from her punch.
"Never mind Claire, I deserved that, and Anne will kiss my boo-boo better tonight, so no harm done. I should thank you...", Birkin squeezed out, rubbing his abused belly.
"Dr. William Birkin, your presence is urgently needed in the incubation center," came the mechanical female voice on the intercom.
He hobbled away, mumbling to his partner. "She hits fucking hard. You're two are meant to be, Al."
Claire glared at his back as he went down another hallway, but Wesker got her attention by clearing his throat. "Shall we?" He looked amused by what had just happened, but Claire felt it was best to leave it alone. Once they made it up to the surface, Wesker surprised her.
"William is a complex man. It may not have seemed like it, but he was genuinely concerned when he asked your well-being." He opened the passenger door to his Jaguar for her, but she hesitated getting in.
"Your point?" Claire asked, looking him directly in the eyes, still disturbed and confused over all that happened tonight.
The STARS Captain half-shrugged, hand still propped on the open door. "Perhaps to spare him another of your retaliations, deserved or not, as much fun as they surely are. Besides, punishing him is my job."
She rolled her eyes and got inside the luxury sports car. Wesker shut her in and got in the driver seat. Claire stared out the window, flurries of snow falling in sheets now. It was just after 11p.m. according to the car's radio. She was ready to get home, bury herself in a mass of blankets and forget this whole nightmare. Boy, had she dug herself a hole so deep she could no longer see the light! She looked over at Wesker. The redhead cursed his good looks and silver tongue. But ultimately, she had done this to herself. She could've walked out that door. Could've said no, refused him. But no, she just had to prove to herself just how attracted to trouble she was...
As long as Chris doesn't find out…and he stays safe. That's all that matters.
For added measure, she wanted to take a whole week's worth of birth control, even if she had been diligently taking it for over a year. She couldn't imagine trying to come up with a story for that scenario if Wesker managed to knock her up.
It would probably come out looking just like him, blond hair, wearing sunglasses and all. No paternity test needed to explain that! She joked crudely, but soon dismissed it. Don't jinx yourself. He obviously didn't care about protection tonight. He got what he wanted.
"Something wrong?" Wesker asked, stirring her from her thoughts.
Claire blushed, realizing she had been staring at him, and hid her embarrassment with the first jeer to fly from her tongue. "For someone who doesn't like or want kids, you sure as hell didn't care about protection back there." Facepalm. Way to go, Claire, you fucking idiot.
A soft snort came from her brother's boss, and the sly smile that quirked made her heart do a funny flip. "You're on contraception, yes? Safyrallin?"
A strange, icy feeling bit its way into her spine. He knew what medications she was taking? Should she be surprised anymore? His satisfied half-glance her way confirmed he had revealed that knowledge with the sole intent to unnerve her even more. And it had worked.
"Don't act surprised, dear heart. I know nearly everything of all my quarries, including medical histories and prescriptions. Comes in handy where it counts."
I'm sure it does…
"Nothing surprises me with you and your lows anymore."
"Good. You're learning."
She shot him a glare just before they came to a stop at a red light. He looked at her, serious, piercing steel blue eyes freezing her in place. "I told you before I control most of this city and you thought I was bluffing. Do you still believe I am?"
Claire quietly shook her head. He smirked. His hand made contact with her thigh, caressing down and squeezing her knee. "I thought so."
The light turned green. His hand left her thigh, its burning, tingling touch slowly fading away within Claire's flesh beneath her jeans and she shivered.
Claire was relieved to finally see home come into view. Chris's truck was gone, but Wesker just pulled over to the curb. She was ready to get the hell out of that car, but her door was locked. She knew he would have one last thing to say to her, and so she turned to him, ready to get it over with.
"I'll be in touch soon, dear heart. The same conditions apply. Keep your stories straight and Chris nescient."
"I will," she snarked. "Now let me out."
Her door clicked, unlocking. Claire grabbed the door handle, but Wesker asked a question she wasn't at all expecting.
"Why did you use your mother's name tonight at the university?"
She wasn't shocked he knew her mother's name or that he asked her reasoning for using it tonight as her cover. But she was surprised by how he asked it. It was pure curiosity; no scorn, no teasing, no patronizing. Claire shrugged, not really knowing herself as she dug for an answer.
"I don't know. It was the first name I thought of. She went there when she was my age. Raced dirt bikes and motorcycles back when they had that." She stopped herself from rambling. "Why?"
"I would refrain from using family names in the future, especially one as unique as hers. It could get you into trouble. Always use fabricated aliases."
She nodded. "Okay." In a weird way, she knew he was advising her for her protection. She got out of the Jaguar and closed the door. The car sped away, the sleek black body disappearing into darkness, fading in flurries of snow.
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It was nice to finally pull into his own driveway after most of the evening spent at the bar. Chris made sure Jill got home okay in her car. She had more to drink than him and the snowfall had picked up since they left. His partner told him to let her know if she was needed, in case Claire didn't come home. She also made sure to point out not to jump right in demanding answers for her supposedly being spotted with Wesker across town the other day. Well, no promises there. It had eaten at him more than he thought it would.
It was the moment of truth as he hit the front porch, stomping his boots to knock the snow off. He hoped his little sister had returned. It was nearly midnight! If she wasn't home, Chris swore he would hunt down this William Birkin fellow at his house. Just as he reached for his keys, hands frozen because he forgot his gloves (again), the front door opened. His heart skyrocketed. Claire! She was home! She was safe!
"Chris, get in here, ya goof! It's cold out there!" She grinned.
"Hell yeah, it is!"
He entered the warm house, stripping off his coat and boots and placing them near the door. He tossed his keys and wallet onto the nearby counter as he waltzed into the kitchen. Sizzling ham and cheese permeated the air. Claire flipped the grilling sandwich on the stove.
"You're hungry this late? Did you not eat at that guy's house?"
"I cooked a small meal for me and his daughter, but it was early. I didn't want to be rude and raid their kitchen waiting for them to get home while Sherry slept."
"Oh." That sounded honest enough. "So, how's the whole babysitting thing going?"
Claire's eyes dipped down, and she quickly made her plate. "It's been fine. Sherry's a real doll, and her parents are…nice." Okay, not as honest sounding, but maybe she was just tired.
Claire didn't bother sitting down to eat, just leaned against the kitchen counter as she took a big bite of her hot sandwich.
"Well that's…nice," Chris awkwardly replied. "Who told you about this job again?"
His sister chewed slowly, giving him a look. Chris' bullshit sensor went online immediately to filter her reaction for any dishonesty or half-truths, but she instantly was onto him. "Eh fren of eh fren."
"Don't talk with your mouth full."
She swallowed. "Don't ask me dumb questions while I'm trying to eat."
"I'm not! I'm just…making sure everything is okay with you. You've been gone a lot recently. And…honestly, I'm starting to think you're hiding something from me, Sis."
"Bro, come on. I'm fine. Look at me! Just babysitting! I'm not getting into trouble, Jesus! You should know me better than that!"
She was getting a little defensive. Which meant she was telling the truth and getting mad he didn't believe her, or she was lying and was trying to cover it up. It was hard to say with his headstrong sister at times.
The older Redfield sighed. He was just going to have to come out and say it. "Look, Kendo told me he saw you and Captain Wesker together the other day across town. You got into his car. I'm just…wondering why? And you never mentioned it to me."
Claire nearly dropped her plate taking it to the sink. She had scarfed down her small meal as quickly as she could, probably to sooner get away from him and avoid his questions. It took her a moment to face him, trembling slightly as she rinsed off her dishes. When she turned around, she looked as though that sandwich did not agree with her stomach.
"Yeah? I was with him the other day, so what?"
He was stunned. "Why?"
"Does it matter?"
Chris kept his temper in check. "It does. He's my boss."
"You think we're bumping uglies or something? That'll be the day..."
"What?! N-No! I, I…" Chris stammered, completely thrown off by her accusation…even if Forest and Joseph's teasing of that particular subject had gotten under his skin. "I know Wesker wouldn't do that, I just…"
Claire snorted a laugh, and he didn't particularly know why. "Are we really doing this, Bro? We really gonna fight over something this stupid? If you don't think anything bad is going on between us, then why so goddamn nosy about it?"
"Why so defensive, if it's so innocent?"
"Because you're pissing me off with your constant police interrogations! I'm your sister, not a suspect! And I'm an adult! You really want to know why I was with Wesker? I bumped into him while picking up some things before going to William's. He offered me a fucking ride because he was being nice and looking out for me. He knows the fucking guy! They're friends. Are you happy now?!"
Silence. Thick, unbearable silence.
"Sorry, Sis…I just…" He was relieved, but he was far from happy. Maybe he had gone too far. He had done it before…a few times. Still, even with all this new information at the cost of a fight with Claire, something still didn't feel right.
"I'm taking a shower."
His little sister was mad now. But she also had tears in her eyes. Claire didn't typically cry when she was mad. Maybe she was just really frustrated with this whole mess. She stormed out of the kitchen and through the living room, taking to the hallway to her room. The door slammed shut, echoing across the house and rattling some pictures.
Chris rubbed the back of his neck. Yeah…he done fucked up.
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This night had taken its toll on her. Claire screamed into her pillow, frustration, dread, anger, all suffocating her. Chris was making this so much harder. It didn't matter if he was just protecting her. She could protect herself, he knew that! But more so, he was pushing them both closer and closer to the edge where she would no longer be able to protect him. She had to figure out a way to get Chris off her back before he found out too much. But she had no idea how!
The younger Redfield needed a shower, badly. Not just to wash away all this tension and stress, but to wash away all where Wesker had touched and kissed and claimed. She could still feel his seed oozing within her, leaking between her tightly pressed thighs. And his hands roaming her body, igniting every single nerve.
Claire jumped to her feet, stripping. Disgusted, she tossed her dirty clothes into the hamper and entered her bathroom. She looked herself over in the full-size mirror. Wesker had kept his promise to not leave any marks where anyone could see, but she did notice the light bruises from his grip around her hips. One of her breasts had a small bruise too…from his mouth? Maybe? When she turned, she saw the faint marbling on her lower back from hanging over the back of the couch. Yeah, she's gonna be feeling that tomorrow! She was already feeling a lot of it. Her pussy was sore from all the friction with Wesker's large member. Her legs were still questionable with walking and balancing.
She was soon distracted by cold seepage between her legs, courtesy of Wesker. Gross! Claire wrinkled her nose in displeasure and quickly grabbed up a sponge as she turned on the shower, getting it as hot as she could stand. Steam filled the bathroom soon after. She would clean every single inch of herself from him, if only to make her feel that Wesker hadn't somehow laid complete claim to her tonight. No, she would wash it all away, she would refuse him next time. And, by God, she would find some way to keep Chris from finding out the truth…
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The following morning went as expected. Claire didn't get up to greet him good morning or join him for breakfast. Chris didn't let it bother him. After all, Claire could hold a grudge longer than he could. It was his fault anyway. He left her the key to his truck just in case and caught a ride with Jill.
"I told you! Didn't I tell you?!"
Jill berated him (and slugged him hard in the chest) as they got coffee and made their way to the STARS Office. The Raccoon Police Department was already a hustle and bustle.
"I know, I know! I'm stupid, okay?"
"I know you're just trying to be a good big brother," Jill reassured. "I know all the hardships you two have been through and you worry for her. But she is an adult, and you taught her how to take care of herself really well! You don't want to spend Christmas fighting, do you?"
He couldn't believe Christmas was less than a week away. "No…"
"Then make up with Claire and let go of whatever's making you obsess over something being wrong with her. She's fine!"
The partners dodged heavy foot traffic of police officers, civilians, detectives and desk workers, taking the stairs. On the second floor of the main hall near the Lion Statue, they spotted Chief Irons bitching at the Captain and Vice-Captain of STARS. Enrico looked tired, after all, he'd been here all night, and looked as though he toned out the Police Chief, dreaming about his bed instead. Wesker rolled his neck, apathetic of Irons's rant. He noticed them but didn't say anything as they walked by.
"Poor Wesker and Enrico. I don't know how they deal with that asshole constantly," Jill sighed.
"Enrico says he just hears the sounds that Charlie Brown's parents made," Chris joked. "And I'm pretty sure Wesker just thinks of all the ways he could murder him."
"Who hasn't?"
They both laughed.
Jill stopped to pet her favorite K9, Vance, in the hallway just down from their office. The RPD used Dobermans for their K9 officers over the more popular German Shepherd. The old red Doberman was close to retirement, having served six years so far. Chris high-fived the dog and they went on.
When they entered the STARS Office, they were greeted with the usual faces, but also a familiar one they didn't see as often. Barry, Joseph, and Brad were chatting with Kevin Ryman, an outgoing fellow police officer. Barry leaned on one desk, arms folded, grinning as Kevin exuberantly told a story about a disturbance call for a party.
"The guy was handcuffed to the bed with a horse mask and socks on only! He even had the gall to neigh when we were arresting him! Weirdest shit ever, I couldn't keep a straight face, man."
"Sounds like one hell of a party, damn!" Joseph laughed.
"Oh, so you weren't in the horse mask this time, Kev?" Chris ribbed.
Kevin noticed them and laughed, bumping firsts with Chris. "Redfield! You wish. You know I always use a unicorn mask, bro! Rainbow mane!" He flipped his dark hair dramatically.
"Oh lord," Jill shook her head, smiling.
"Badass Jill, looking lovely as always. How do you get through the day surrounded by these dweebs all the time?"
"Funny," Chris interrupted, knowing Kevin was just joshing, but he was a little defensive because he knew he was also flirting. "What're you doing up here anyway?"
"Oh, dropped off my paperwork again. Another STARS exam test coming up! I got a good feeling about this one!"
"Again?" Joseph asked, skeptical, but was smacked by Barry. He rubbed his arm in pain.
Kevin had tried the exam for STARS twice now, and failed both. It wasn't as though Kevin didn't have the necessary qualities. He was a great cop and a nice guy. But he was still inexperienced, and well, a little too carefree at times.
"Best of luck when the time comes, Kevin!" Brad encouraged. "You can do it."
"Yeah, just keep training," Chris said.
"And studying," Jill added.
Kevin nodded with a grin. "Will do!"
The door to the STARS Office creaked open and finally their Captain had escaped Irons' tirade. Chris just hoped it didn't put him in an awful mood. That always made for long days. Wesker glared at Kevin behind dark shades. The young police officer shrank a little under the scrutiny.
"Ryman! What are you doing in my office?"
"Uhh, sorry, sir! Just turned in my paperwork for the next exam. It's on your desk."
"You're trying...again?"
"Yessir! Third time's a charm, ain't that what they say?"
Wesker walked over to their huddle, coffee cup in hand. "Perhaps you should give yourself more time for training? Save face, yes? There's no shame in that."
Kevin chuckled. "Of course I'll save my face for the new STARS poster! Besides, I have no shame!"
Barry facepalmed for everyone.
With one eyebrow raised, it was obvious Wesker couldn't decide if Kevin was joking or just dumb. "Clearly..."
"Just you wait, Captain Wesker! In a few months I'll be the newest Alpha member!"
"Bravo. It's for Bravo...if you even bothered reading the memo."
"Oh...yeah." Kevin snorted. "I knew that!"
Wesker smirked. "Good. Then that means you also read the qualifications needed. Chemical science, pathology and toxicology. You know, chromatography, spectrophotometry, ballistics, post mortems, the simple things. Oh, and let's certainly not forget that they need to be a healthcare specialist as well."
Kevin gulped. "Uh, is that all?"
"The basics. I'm sure you'll do fine. You're a smart lad, after all."
"Yeah...okay." The young cop gathered himself up and cleared his throat. "Well, I better get back to my desk and get some paperwork filed. See ya guys later!"
"See ya, Kev."
Once the door shut, they all looked to their Captain. Barry scratched the back of his head. "Jesus, Wesker, you really go for the kill, don't ya? Did you have to humiliate the kid so much?"
"He'll be fine. Builds character. Besides, some people are impervious to humiliation. Look at Frost."
"It was a compliment, you idiot."
"So, it's true then? Kenneth's gonna retire in a couple of years?" Jill asked.
"That's the plan," Wesker answered after a sip of coffee. "It'll take me months to find someone promising, I'm sure, even with scouting outside the state."
Barry sighed. "If 'ol Ken does an early retirement, I might have to as well."
"Don't you dare, Barry," Chris threatened light-heartedly. "Although getting weapons supervisor would be pretty awesome."
Barry snorted a chuckle. "You sound mighty sure of yourself there, 'ol buddy."
"I already promised Chris he would get it," Wesker informed.
"Hey, no fair. Don't I get a say in who would get my spot?"
"Would you rather me give it to Frost?"
Just as Joseph grinned, Barry ruined the moment. "Hell no!"
Barry slapped his large hand into Joseph's back playfully.
"Okay then," Wesker said, glancing at his watch when the phone on his desk started ringing. "Besides Barry, if you retire early, I'd have to blackmail you to stay, and I currently have too many blackmailing affairs to manage another."
They laughed as he left them to answer his phone. Chris nudged Jill and they went to their desks to get to work.
"Sometimes he sounds a little too serious when he says stuff like that," Brad said, his chair squeaking as he sat down.
"I'm telling you guys, secretly a supervillain," Joseph joked as he signed into his computer.
Chris rolled his eyes. "It's called dry humor, Brad. You should know him by now."
"I know that! It's just...I don't know, sometimes I think he really means what he says."
They focused on their work for a while. Chris tried hard not to let his sister and their fight distract him, but he did find himself zoning off for minutes at a time. He stared at the picture he had of them together on his desk, CDs, pens, and change scattered around the small frame. A hand touched his as it hovered just over his keyboard, and he pulled out of his thoughts to look at Jill.
Her reassuring smile centered him quickly and he returned it. No soon after did their Captain emerge from his room, taking his shades off long enough to rub his eyes. He looked a little tired, but Chris knew that wasn't all that abnormal.
"I do hope you all remembered that today is marksmanship training? I have to turn in all the paperwork by the end of the day."
Brad groaned softly and made himself smaller, but that only caused Wesker to single him out faster. "Vickers, front and center."
"Yes sir," he mumbled, getting up and plodding over to the door.
The two left the STARS Office, presumably heading down to the B1 floor of the police department where the firing range was. Chris, Jill, Barry, and Joseph remained, typing reports for previous and ongoing investigations. As an elite force, the STARS was subject to ongoing training and development. It wasn't anything new. Usually, marksmanship training was an extra forty hours every year, give or take. There was also training in defense tactics, legal education, and rescue procedures, to name a few.
Over the course of the morning and early afternoon, Brad, Jill, Joseph, and Barry got their training and returned to the office, informing the next member to go to the firing range. Chris was last, nodding as Barry jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards the door.
He made his way down to the B1 floor, mind flooded with thoughts of Claire and how he would fix their situation, torn on burying his instincts and letting it go to make up with his sister, or continue following his gut to figure out exactly what he was missing here.
"Chris, am I happy to see you. Means I'm about done wasting my time for the day."
Chris chuckled at Wesker. "How'd the others do?"
"Fine, as to be expected. But they still don't shoot anything like you. So, why don't you be a showoff and ace the training so we can get out of here?"
Wesker was never one to beat around the bush. Chris respected the man more for his direct nature, even if he was an asshole at times. Though he was well mannered and professional around most, and even a little friendly to those he liked, the STARS Captain wasn't known for sugar coating or being amenable.
Perhaps that was why he and Chris bumped heads at times, as Chris couldn't help his own rebellious, straightforward nature that got him canned many a times for insubordination, including his career in the Air Force. The other STARS members may have joked that he was a favorite to their pragmatic Captain, but he wasn't a stranger to any of his rebukes or discipline. Still, Chris was grateful that Wesker allowed him on the team despite his history, and was willing to work with and advise Chris as he, well, grew up a little.
Chris nodded, faintly smiling. "Sure."
As he walked over to the selection of weapons on the table, he hoped he could suppress his worries of Claire and all that was going on long enough to concentrate on the marksmanship training. Then again, sharpshooting came as natural to him as breathing. So, he had nothing to worry about...right?
First up on the list was the W870. Chris fitted his earmuffs and walked over to his booth in the firing range. He used the 12-gauge shotgun to clear the targets in a quick amount of time, and also reloaded and took apart the gun. Wesker didn't say anything, and didn't even mark anything on the sheet, arms folded, bored. It was typical of Chris to ace the whole training, and so it wasn't anything new that Wesker took this time to be absorbed into his own thoughts. Although, Chris distinctly detected that the Captain seemed distracted today.
Chris dismissed it and grabbed the next gun. MQ11. Not his favorite, but it was a handy little machine gun. He taught Claire how to shoot one of these. She liked it a lot, he recalled. She also liked the GM79 he "accidentally took home but actually took out to the country to shoot on more than one occasion". She was a good shot with that thing!
Jill was right...He did teach Claire how to take care of herself, quite well. She was a good shot with all kinds of weapons, even ones not supposed to be in the hands of civvies. He taught her self-defense, and she was so smart. Smarter than he was at that age. So why was he so worried that something was wrong?
As he reloaded and took apart the small machine gun, he really picked at it. He at first thought maybe she was in trouble somehow, but now he didn't really feel that way. His gut kept telling him she was hiding something from him, but what? If she wasn't in trouble or danger, what could she be hiding?
He picked up the Samurai Edge next, the Kendo-modified M92F handgun all STARS were issued with. As he checked the gun over and lined up his sights, it finally hit him.
"A friend of a friend."
"He offered me a fucking ride because he was being nice and looking out for me. He knows the fucking guy! They're friends. Are you happy now?!"
He pulled the trigger, appalled by that connection - and completely missed his mark...
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He despised days like these. Unfortunately, it was protocol, and Wesker needed to keep up appearances. The Captain supposed it could be worse. The stoic leader of Alpha team actually liked most of his subordinates. The marksmanship training was simple, but time consuming. It often made his mind wander, which he usually didn't care for. That is, if his co-workers didn't feel the need to be chatty with him as they trained.
While enduring today's lackluster training sessions, most of his thoughts consisted of something he wasn't expecting: Claire. He tried to focus on more important matters, like his and William's next step against Roth, or even the next set of experiments for G. But they would soon all go back to her. The way she sounded and moved underneath him, the way she tasted, the way she felt. That little taste was an addiction for sure, and he found himself craving to take her again.
Yet, he hated distractions. So why was he letting her consume his thoughts so much?
Seeing Chris was a relief. He was the last one for training, and he always finished in impeccable timing. Soon he could get out of this noisy dungeon and put his mind to something more productive.
Everything was going smoothly until Chris missed a target. Wesker did a double take to make sure he not only heard correctly, but saw correctly. Chris faltered, but the next few trigger squeezes came swiftly. He hit the remaining targets, but his aim was off. It didn't look like much, but to sharpshooters like Chris, it was concerning.
"Redfield, what's your problem?"
His point man flinched, staring across the way at the targets. He lowered the handgun, his eyes slowly turning his way. His usual, and occasionally annoying, aura of confidence was shaky now. Wesker didn't appreciate how Chris was looking at him.
Great, a heart-to-heart I have to pretend to care about. This day just keeps getting better by the minute.
"So-Sorry, Captain. I, uh, don't know what happened," he said when Wesker approached him.
"Do you wish me to write these marks down on your sheet?"
"No! I can redo it! I...I just had bad ammunition, is all."
Wesker grabbed the gun from the table and quickly fired one-handed down the range, emptying the remaining magazine. Five shots perforated the bulls-eye of one target. "Seems fine to me."
Chris looked away, rubbing the back of his head. It was unlike him at all. Wesker would've preferred that Redfield temper that usually tested him on the worst of days.
Wesker sighed. "So, let's hear it."
"What? I'm fine. I'm just having an off day…"
"You're distracted. I cannot have one of my best men in such a state. I need you focused. This team relies on you, and so do I."
Chris didn't say anything. Wesker contained his irritation. He hated his time wasted. Apparently, he needed to give him a little push, since Wesker had a suspicion he knew exactly what was bothering him.
"Let me guess, trouble at home?"
That wide-eyed, nostril-flaring stare told him he was correct. No surprise.
"How did you-"
"I have ears," Wesker cut him off. "You've mentioned it once or twice, not to mention Jill and Barry talk as well."
"You obviously need to vent. I'm here to listen and give advice, if you choose so. It is my responsibility to look after you and make sure you are fit to do your job - physically, mentally, and emotionally."
"Thanks, that's alright, Wesker. I appreciate it. You probably wouldn't understand...not having a sister and all."
"I do have a sister, actually."
At least, that is what they proclaim her to be…
He pushed those vexing thoughts aside. For now, there was a more pertinent problem at hand.
"You have a sister?" Chris didn't hide the disbelief in his voice.
"I'll give you the whole family tree one day, if you will just focus on you," he dismissed.
"Alright, alright." Chris sighed heavily, scowling. He gathered his thoughts, still perturbed. "Well, Claire and I had a big fight last night. I kind of...accused her of hiding something from me."
I detest insignificant euphemisms...
"You either did or you didn't, so which is it?"
"Okay, sheesh, I accused her! She blew up...she's got a temper like me."
As I've seen…
"What do you think she is hiding?"
Chris thought hard. "I...don't know. I feel it. I know her. It's been going on for a week now, ever since she went to that damn hiking trail. I-I thought maybe she got herself into some trouble, but now…"
"Time for some hard reality, Chris: your sister is an adult. She can live her life however she chooses. Do you really believe you should be able to have a say in every aspect of her life?"
"Well, I..."
It was a rhetorical question, you fool.
"Forgive my candor, but you are only pushing her away. If she is hiding something from you, perhaps it is because she fears your judgment or overprotective propensities. You should put more trust into her."
"I know that…"
Despite his agreement, the STARS Captain still sensed conflict within him. He wasn't particularly worried about Chris's instinct about Claire, but did find it impressive.
"If you know that, then why still so insecure?"
"Look...there's something else bothering me, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way...but Kendo said he saw you and Claire together the other day. She got into your car…"
Interesting. Wesker kept a straight face, knowing Chris would gauge his reaction. Little did his subordinate know, he was a master at this game.
Chris's eyebrows furrowed, and he frowned. "I guess I'm just surprised you didn't say anything about it to me."
"Why would I?"
He didn't say anything, eyes shifty, fidgeting instead, like William often did when he was uncomfortable. Wesker sighed, deciding to push him even further.
"You asked Claire about it. It's what started the feud." It was a random guess, but the way Chris squirmed told him he was right on the money. This was almost too easy! "And what did she say to that?"
"N-Nothing really."
"Humor me."
"I guess she thought I was implying that something...indecent happened between you two. But I wasn't! I swear! I know you wouldn't do that!"
Don't lie, Chris! This had to be the highlight of his day, so far. It took a lot of willpower to keep himself composed.
"That's exactly what happened between us," Wesker said in the driest tone he could manage.
Chris grimaced and quickly shook his head. "No! Come on, Wesker, I didn't mean it like that, she just took it that way! She said you gave her a ride to William's to babysit after running into her across town. I didn't know you were the one who told her about the job!"
Oh, I certainly did give her a ride...
"I did. I overheard Barry say she watched his daughters and William needed somebody short notice. I'm sorry, am I missing something here? Was I supposed to leave your sister in a questionable part of town with only a cab?"
"No, no, of course not! I appreciate it, Captain, really."
"Then what is your problem, exactly? I can understand why Claire lost her temper. You seem awfully worked up over nothing, Chris."
Chris smacked a hand to his face, groaning. "I'm sorry, okay? It's this...gut feeling. I can't shake it."
"Instinct is useless when inhibited by emotions." Chris looked away, considering his words, still unsure. As frustrating as he was, Wesker had to commend his point man for his intuition. "You said this all started after Claire went hiking?"
"Yeah. She was fine until she came home that day. Hasn't been right since. I think something happened out there."
"Did you go out there and look for yourself?"
He shook his head.
"Why not?"
Chris shrugged. "I guess because I know I won't find anything, or that it's a foolish endeavor."
Wesker sighed. "Indeed, quite foolish. But I suppose we better get it over with."
"Huh? What do ya mean?"
"The sooner we go out to this hiking trail and put your worries to rest, the sooner we can put this behind us and you can focus on your job. Now come along, that's an order."
Chris trudged forward with a groan. "Yes sir…"
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Chris was thankful for the sunshine when they pulled up to the Arklay Hiking Trails. The trails were open, but they were the only ones around. Most people didn't want to run or hike in freezing weather, although with the sun out it wasn't as bad as it's been. They got out of the STARS marked Ford Expedition and looked around.
"Please tell me you know which trail she took?" Wesker asked.
"Yeah." Chris motioned to the two-mile trail nearby. "This one. We walk it a lot."
"Lead the way."
The two men took to the pathway, straight into the woods. Chris checked his watch. It was lunch time. Hopefully, Jill wasn't too worried. He and Wesker had left straight from the gun range to the parking lot and out in the squad car, not bothering to tell anyone. Jill probably assumed he went home for lunch to see Claire. Although, if they found out he was with Wesker, it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary. Their Captain preferred to do his own thing on his lunch hour mostly, but he did eat lunch with them on occasion.
Chris was certain Wesker would've preferred utilizing his lunch break in a more practical way.
"You really didn't have to do this, Wesker. It's a stupid thing, I know. I shouldn't let home affect my work."
"Don't mention it, Chris. Really. Don't. Let's just focus on finding whatever you're looking for."
Yep, that was his no-nonsense boss. Most people would've taken his remark all wrong, but Chris knew better and took no offense.
They followed the forest trail. The sun reflected off melting snow and there were a lot of deer, birds, and rabbits. Chris told Wesker how Claire had made the comment about being freaked out by a dead deer out here.
"And you don't believe that?" Wesker inquired. "Seems plausible."
"Nah, Claire doesn't scare easily...and isn't squeamish."
They were probably a little over halfway through the trail, Chris about ready to give up, when he spotted something not far off the trail. It was easily missed, but he somehow caught it contrasting on a knotted root, soaked from melted snow, and glinting in the sun.
He broke away from Wesker and the road to get a closer look.
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Chris's blind trust in him was almost too much. While they travelled the path, Chris doing most of the talking while looking out for any clues, Wesker weighed his options here.
Thanks to his brotherly instincts and innate perception as a cop, Chris was close enough on the proverbial trail that he could become a threat. Sniffing away like a hound hot on the scent. And he was close to baying. It was Wesker's job to shoot the hounds before they found the foxhole.
Wesker would actually hate to have to put this dog down. Such a waste. And so when Chris left the path to kneel next to a muddy mound of leaves and roots, he pulled his gun out from its holster and aimed it at the back of his head.
Too easy. Only a few people saw them leave together, and that was easily manipulated. The surveillance footage in the underground parking lot could be deleted with one order to Irons.
Perhaps he could throw him off the scent? He was an important asset, and yet Wesker actually liked him. Then again, this was business, and assets could change on a whim.
He itched to pull the trigger, to blow his unsuspecting subordinate's head to pieces just like the last fool he killed out here.
Claire, he finally admitted. He wanted her with no obstacles to stop him.
He ultimately lowered the gun, holstering it. Killing Chris now gave him no advantage, and wasn't beneficial in any way, especially with Claire. So, he would do this favor for her, and she would owe him for his mercy.
"Find something?" Wesker asked.
"A watch," Chris answered, standing up, looking it over, none the wiser of what could have been his end. "From who though?"
Wesker looked at it. He recognized the broken wristwatch. Ned Finley's, probably lost when he and William caught him out here alone. He had only killed the man a week ago, but this small item was missed by the cleanup crew. Luckily, it wasn't anything incriminating. People lost watches all the time.
"From your dead deer perhaps?"
Chris sighed, downhearted, and cast the watch away. "I don't know anymore. I must be losing it."
"Honestly, I just think you're conflicted, Chris. You know she's an adult, but old habits die hard, and you worry that you cannot be there at all times for her anymore. You think something is wrong, but there isn't. Just stress and emotions."
"Well, yeah, I know that. She's been living off on her own and doing her own thing for two years, so I'm used to it. I thought this was something different…"
Wesker crossed his arms, welcoming the chill on the wind. "It takes time to fully realize it. As she explores her life more, relationships, goals, and the like. Again, you just need to trust her more."
"I do trust her. I just...She's all I have...after what happened to our parents. I don't want anything to happen to her."
"That's the idea, isn't it?" Wesker asked. "If you don't let anything happen to her, nothing will happen to her. You take the good with the bad. Unfortunately, that is life."
Chris slowly nodded, taking in his words, finally pacifying. "You know what, you're right...Thanks, Wesker."
Wesker was relieved. Seemed like he was able to finally get through to him, and throw him off the scent. He was ready to put this behind them and move on. He clapped Chris on the shoulder. "Come on, we should get back. You have training to finish."
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"C'mon Al, I neeeeeeeed details!"
"I've already told you all I'm willing to share. Is it still not enough?"
"Quit chewing my ears off Will, I swear you're worse than Mike Tyson. And that's saying something..."
"You both are despicable." Annette typed away on a small laptop behind Wesker and William, logging recent findings.
Wesker tried to ignore them both and do his work. This whole day had been a complete headache to him, and he wanted to finish out the night with some worthwhile results. Although working beside his partner as he drooled for more details on his coupling with Claire, he doubted he would succeed. William's sly grin in his peripheral vision was highly aggravating and distracting.
"I will break your nose again," Wesker warned.
"Oh, come on! Was she just a fling…or, ya know…is it something more? I can tell you like her a lot. Is she the one? Because, I'm thinking…she needs to be."
Wesker pinched his nose, his headache inflating by the second. "I'm sure I'm about to regret asking, but what is that supposed to mean?"
"I'm just saying! Hear me out…I may - or may not - have gotten a sample of Claire's DNA and ran some tests. And according to my results that I, ahem, may have received, her genetics compliments yours greatly!"
Annette turned around with a glare. "William! Really? Didn't you do this with Anezka?"
Wesker clenched his jaw, hand closing tight on the pen he was trying not to stab into his best friend's jugular vein.
"SHHH, don't say her name!" William hissed. "You'll put Al in a sour mood! Besides, I did not! She…beat me up when I tried. So violent...Al sure likes 'em feisty!"
William's wife rolled her eyes, flipping the notes on her clipboard. "Get over yourselves. Both of you. We have much more important matters at stake here."
William waved her off. "Claire's good breeding for you, Al. Just saying. Besides, it's obvious to me that you like her. You just refuse to admit it, even to yourself."
"I'm concerned on multiple levels on why you are so obsessed with me procreating."
The Golgotha creator fidgeted under Wesker's glare, pulling at his shirt collar. "Hey! I beg to differ, buddy. I'm just trying to help you find love since you're absolutely hopeless at it without me!"
Wesker shook his head and turned back to his work. "Drop it. I made a point with Claire yesterday. That's all it was."
"Whatever you say, pal."
William sure was testing him tonight. Gratefully, he fell quiet after that and the three of them were able to start a fresh round of tests on William's new phase of the G-Virus. While Annette typed away behind them, the two partners worked in perfect sync, programming the computer to handle most of the work and watching the analysis onscreen.
"So, what else did Nikolai want in payment for his service besides money? You never told me."
Wesker flipped through some of William's notes to make sure all the sequences were matching up. "He wanted the Colonel's confidential list of Monitors in the UBCS."
"Why? That's not suspicious at all. Ain't Sergei his bestest bud?"
Wesker sighed. "Don't know. Don't care. I assume Nikolai wishes to have it in case he can use it to his advantage in the future. He likes to think ahead, like us."
William tapped his pen impatiently. "Yeah, well, as long as he stays out of our way."
The next hour played out smoothly, without errors or hiccups. They got a lot of work done, and Wesker was impressed with William's ingenious theses. His old friend was always a bit better at the scientific research side of things.
Wesker's headache was just about gone now that they were close to finishing up for the night, when the Birkins started up another conversation.
"Anne, did you hear Sherry say she wants to become a professional artist?"
"Really? When did she say that?"
"This morning getting ready for school. I mean, she is quite the artist, but she's definitely becoming a researcher."
Anne frowned, fiddling with her glasses hanging around her neck. "Ya know…I often wonder what Sherry will become when she's an adult. What kind of life she will lead. Who she will marry and have kids with. Don't you ever wonder that, Will?"
"Why? When I know she's gonna become a researcher like me?" Will snorted. "My beautiful girl is gonna follow in her daddy's footsteps!"
Anne sighed and turned to Wesker. "What do you think, Albert?"
"She'll probably end up with a cocky, foul-mouthed delinquent who gets her into nothing but trouble," Wesker made up. Anne's glare was worth it.
"...and have his pretty babies," he added with a smirk, just because he knew it would drive the Birkins nuts.
"Over my dead body!" William huffed. "In fact, no dating until she's like…thirty…maybe! She won't be having no miscreant's offspring either!"
Wesker snickered as his partner went off on an incoherent rant about Sherry's future love life. Annette tried to smite him with her eyes and then had to bring her husband to his senses.
"-and if he has a motorcycle, that's it, hell no. I'm getting the shotgun! No, scratch that, he'll become my next guinea pig!"
"Will, Christ, shut up. Albert's just busting your balls as usual. Can we please get back to work? I swear your two are even more pains in my ass when you're together."
"He started it!"
"Real mature, William."
"Just stating the facts, partner."
"If we're stating facts, you actually started it, old friend, with your incessant whining for more details of my personal engagements."
"I explicitly offered you to draw me diagrams instead if you're too embarrassed, but noooo…you still don't wanna share, ya prude old party pooper."
Annette groaned "I'm gonna kill you both."
A video screen popped up on William's computer, covering his work and showing the hallway just outside the laboratory. The word "Caution" flashed. It showed the guard standing by the door with a familiar face waiting impatiently. The guard's voice filtered through the computer's speakers. "Dr. Birkin? Sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor that's not on the schedule. A Miss Ada Wong?"
Wesker nodded at William, but not without hearing Anne's mutter of disapproval.
"Yep, send her in, Johnny!"
Annette crossed her arms. "Is there a reason why you two are still allowing her in here to do business? Can it not be handled somewhere else?"
"Be nice, honey! Ada's on our side."
"I have a feeling one day she won't be."
"You worry too much, Anne," Wesker added. "As long as I'm around, you have nothing to worry about with Ada."
"Coming from you, that does not relieve me in the slightest."
The double agent entered the laboratory and instantly made herself at home when she found them in the back. She greeted them with her usual charm and grace. Birkin responded like a hormone-stricken adolescent, making his nearby wife roll her eyes and gather up her things.
"Excuse me."
"Dinner time already, Annie?" Ada teased.
"Definitely not. I've suddenly lost my appetite."
"Again?" Ada slyly smiled. "You keep that up, you'll shrivel up even more than you are now."
Annette didn't take the bait, and sauntered out of the laboratory. Ada shrugged, unimpressed from not getting any witty banter back, and turned to the two infamous partners in crime. Wesker could tell something was bothering Ada, but she kept it well hidden as she noticed William wriggling in his seat with a stupid grin on his face.
"What's your problem, Will?"
"Guess what - Al banged Claire last night!"
Wesker glared at his partner. William winced, expecting retaliation that he was about to deliver, but the way Ada subtly flinched intrigued him more. He temporarily let his old friend off the hook, if only to study the agent more closely.
"Would you like to announce it to Sergei and Spencer as well? Or how about her brother? Do I need to cut your tongue out and feed it to one of your less successful 'experiments'? Because you sure are tempting me tonight."
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself! Ada's good at keeping secrets, that's the only reason I told her."
Ada casually shrugged it off, but Wesker knew her half-smile to be not only forced, but bothered. It would have fooled anyone else. She was a great actress, after all. "And this is something I should know or care about because…?"
William expertly leaned just out of his best friend's reach. "No reason really, maybe just to see how you'd react."
"How would you expect me to react? I don't know the girl. I wasn't able to pick her up last night because of the change in plans. Nikolai picked her up, remember? I just know what you two have told me. It's none of my business what Albert does in his personal time. And same with you, William, because I don't think it's anything I want to know about."
Hmm, so his speculations were correct. Ada had met Claire personally, and the two of them were keeping it in secret. But why was Claire such an interest to Ada? So much that she exposed herself like so? At first, he considered maybe he should be concerned with her behavior, wondering if she was siphoning information to the Colonel behind his back instead of keeping him at bay.
Wesker soon dismissed it. Ada was clever. Such a situation with Sergei could expose them all, and Ada had too much at stake to risk dealing such a hand. Not while he had her under his thumb. And certainly not while Umbrella's rival had big expectations from them both.
More than likely, Ada met with Claire to get as much information as she could about her and why Wesker was keeping her alive. Not just because of the assignment Sergei had given her, but because of her own curiosity; to give herself the best odds at dissuading the Colonel's interest in the matter. Perhaps she had sympathy for Claire, or sought something to use against Wesker. The latter was unlikely, as the two of them were in the same boat, no matter what. Too useful to each other to kill and too detrimental to expose the other.
"If you want more details, you're gonna have to use your charm," William joked. "He's staying tight-lipped with me. And I'm his best friend! We're supposed to tell each other this stuff! Bros before hoes, Al!"
"No thanks," Ada declined. "Look, we have a serious problem on our hands. I trailed Roth last night and he met in secret with two men...one of them was Irons. Mueller joined them later and was complaining about something big, something about mass producing Tyrants."
William snorted a laugh. "What? You gotta be shitting me. The T-002 is gonna be a failure, even if they perfect the Epsilon strain. Those idiots won't listen to me...no offense. I know you like John and all. I wouldn't mass produce that thing. If they don't stabilize the mutagens within that strain's genome, it'll be Beta two all over again. The Tyrant's brain will deteriorate. They'll be lucky if it's smarter than those damn zombies. I mean, I could fix it for them in a matter of weeks...if it was my project. Then they would have a Tyrant that'll take orders and utilize secondary exposures for more Crimson Heads...win-win. Although, with a little modification, Crimson Heads can become something far more deadly." He paused, noticing their glares. "What? I'm just saying!"
Wesker looked to Ada, used to William's ramblings. "Who was with Irons?"
"Beats me. Didn't recognize him. Roth seemed to know him really well though. Also, I should mention, Mueller wanted out. He accused them of what happened at the university. He apparently doesn't want his secret project used in this mass production." Ada frowned. "What of Irons, you think? I have a bad feeling about this, Albert. He knows about Crawford, Finley, and Claire. He's been trying to set you up, just like Sergei. You're going to get cornered."
"You leave Irons to us. Find out what you can from Mueller, threaten him if you must, but we need him alive." He hated that speaking that last name still bothered him, even if it was spelled differently, even if it was a completely different person.
"And what of Sergei? I can't keep him at bay forever. Especially if Irons or Nikolai reported to him."
"Nikolai got what he wanted. He won't volunteer anything to the Colonel because I gave him knowledge that could cost him his life. Irons, on the other hand, doesn't have the temerity to say anything...yet. But William and I will remind him how that will be detrimental to his health."
"Yeah, an intervention you might say." William smirked, tapping his steepled fingers. "And he's long overdue for one of ours."
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 260: GOD IS A WOMAN
Previously on BnHA: Virtually all of the known pro heroes in existence split into two big groups (each with its own weenie hut junior subgroup) to launch a massive surprise attack on the League of Pliff. Endeavor’s group, in Jakku, stormed the hospital where Ujiko works, which amazingly seemed to catch him completely off guard, so I guess we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile off in the woods somewhere, Midnight’s group (ostensibly this is Edgeshot’s group, but I call it like I see it guys) prepared to attack the villains’ main HQ at the Overlook Hotel, while my infant son Kaminari Denki complained too loudly about being stuck on the front lines. Meanwhile the rest of 1-A (sans Tokoyami) is either tucked away safe in the woods, or perched just outside of Jakku ready to begin the citizen evacuation. I suggest that everyone enjoy this brief period where the good guys appear to be safe and victorious while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: MIRUKO!!! Okay lol. A lot happens in this chapter. Aizawa uses his quirk on Ujiko, who immediately starts melting away into a crispy-fried old man because apparently this motherfucker had the immortality quirk all along. And then Mic and Aizawa yell at him, and the other doctors are all “pardon us but what the fuck” and the heroes are all “NO TIME TO TALK, HE’S EVIL” and then we find out that Ujiko is a fucking Twice clone, so that’s just great. And the real Ujiko is of course down in the basement, along with LORD EVEN KNOWS HOW MANY HIGH END NOUMUS, and for a moment it honest to god looks like we’re screwed. But then MIRUKO, YOUR NEW FAVORITE CHARACTER, KICKS DOWN ALL THE FREAKING DOORS AND FLATTENS POOR JOHN-KUN AND IS ALL “BOOM, YOU LOOKING FOR THIS?”, and let me tell you guys, FOR A MOMENT I SAW TRUTH. Anyway so next chapter she’s probably going to have to fight zombie Jeanist or something, but for now? Life is good. REMEMBER THIS DAY.
so just like last week, before I get started I’m gonna do a quick follow-up on chapter 259. really, Viz’s version wasn’t all that different from the fan scanlation this time around, so this will mostly just be reactions to things I didn’t notice and that other people pointed out
first off, a couple people mentioned that the thing Mic is holding up appears to be some kind of throat spray. which seems to track, so I’ll just say again that I have a very morbid curiosity about whether or not Mic could actually kill someone with his quirk. and this curiosity has only intensified since my google search
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so yeah. will we ever get to see something like this?? STAY TUNED
also, I got a couple of conflicting answers about Naomasa’s quirk. someone said his quirk was lie-detecting, but another person said that’s actually his sister’s (LOL I HAD NO IDEA THERE WAS A NAOSIS, I REALLY SHOULD JUST READ VIGILANTES) quirk. and I never actually followed up on that lol sooooo. let me just do that real quick
okay so he doesn’t have a quirk listed on the wiki, but it says that his codename (??) is “True Man.” so that does seem to imply that his quirk is similar if not identical to his sister’s quirk, which is indeed a truth quirk (Polygraph). although the “she can’t detect a lie if the person is relaxed” seems to call this ability into doubt a bit. still pretty powerful though I guess
moving on now, last but not least let’s discuss the most relevant and controversial thing that happened this past week. (incidentally, I added an ETA about this to the previous chapter recap a couple hours after I first posted it, so in case you don’t what the asks below are referring to, it’s that.)
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so... I have mixed feelings about this. thing is, after reading up on it, it seems like the fans who were most upset were those from China, Korea, etc., which is actually completely understandable given the historical context. Japan doesn’t exactly have a great track record with being sensitive about all of the horrific shit their military got up to during WWII, so while I still believe that Horikoshi wasn’t intending to be disrespectful, I can understand them not being inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt
that being said, I keep thinking about this tweet by aitaikimochi:
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and despite what Horikoshi said in his apology tweets (about how he didn’t intend for the name to be associated with that particular historical connection), I still can’t help but think that he absolutely did intend to reference Unit 731, with the intent of (a) linking it to this vile, disgusting piece of shit character as a commentary, and (b) perhaps subtly pushing some of his Japanese readers who have never heard about this particular part of history to learn more about it. like, I know he offered up some dubious explanation about it being a reference to Ujiko’s rotund nature, but that seems really iffy to me tbh. that’s one hell of a coincidence if that’s really the case. idk
and you know what else -- and here’s where I’m really whipping out the conspiracy goggles -- I also can’t help but suspect that the decision to go back and change the name in the volume release is coming more from Shueisha (who I half-suspect weren’t themselves aware of the “maruta” name association until this blew up) than from him. because unfortunately this seems to be the standard Japanese PR response any time this subject comes up -- offer a vague statement of regret, and immediately proceed to wipe any mention of the subject from existence. because god forbid people actually talk about this or acknowledge that it happened
and so ultimately, while I do empathize with those who were upset by the name, I think it’s unfortunate that this is just getting swept back under the rug so quickly and will no doubt be forgotten about within a couple of months, because my gut feeling is that Shueisha was ultimately more concerned about what their Japanese readership might think about the controversy than what the Chinese and Korean fans thought. I could be wrong about that, and maybe also giving Horikoshi too much benefit of the doubt, but meh :/
anyway! so now that we’ve gotten that topic out of the way, let’s see how many pages it will take before the heroes finally realize just how much of an “oh fuck” situation they’ve gotten themselves into!
so the cover page is Hawks and Endeavor, but more importantly (to me), it establishes that this is indeed a hotel/resort and not a mansion, as the readheroaca team randomly translated it as last week. like does that look like any mansion you’ve ever seen. come on now
anyway so now my question is what happens if someone actually tries to stay at this hotel. do they just book that shit on trivago and enjoy a week up in the mountains surrounded by very strange but seemingly nice people, and just never suspect a thing? like, Gigantomachia lives in the basement here. I’m just saying. how dense can these hypothetical travelers be
also the hotel is apparently 80km from the hospital, or about 50 miles for us troglodytes who still use the imperial system. so pretty safe to say neither team will be able to provide backup to the other in this case. I will try not to think about this
so now Ujiko, the man without a name, is screaming while Endeavor and his group just STAND THERE LIKE TWENTY FEET AWAY. what the fuck
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I swear to god he looked so much closer in the previous chapter. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING. HE’S GOT NOUMUS IN THE BASEMENT!! CAN YOU FUCKING ARREST HIS ASS ALREADY
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what are the odds that the next panel features Aizawa Shouta looking more pissed off than we’ve ever seen him. oh my god. it’s probably going to be hot af. I’m not sure I’m ready
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that is more or less the opposite of hot af. Horikoshi why you gotta do me like that
well well WELL!
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you mean to say Mr. Innocent Quirkless Philanthropist isn’t actually quirkless?? even though he wasn’t actually innocent?? and he wasn’t actually a philanthropist either?? well I am just SHOCKED. who saw this coming. how could this happen
also for real this is creeping me the fuck out though
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it does make sense though. I just can’t picture AFO entrusting so much of his operation to this dude if he actually was quirkless. because he’d view someone without a quirk as being lesser/inferior. so Ujiko almost had to have something up his sleeve. although it’s possible he could have been granted a quirk, rather than being born with one I suppose
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(ETA: and does this mean that if Aizawa ever visits AFO and uses his quirk on him, AFO will also instantly age like 200 fucking years? could that actually kill him?)
duuuuude. Nao’s speculating about whether the Noumus’ regeneration ability actually stems from this quirk. ...but that can’t be the case, can it? otherwise AFO would have been able to heal his injuries from the battle with All Might. we know for a fact he’s known Ujiko for at least 15 years. but still, either way it’s still one hell of a powerful quirk
which now seems to be unraveling before our very eyes. uh...
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anyone else getting Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade vibes? “he chose... poorly”
oh MY GOD!!
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do it Mic do it do it do it
oh my god. well he’s not killing him with his voice, but instead this is happening
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nooo Mic. I need you to be less anguished and more murdery. I don’t want feels yet!! goddammit
I mean it’s not asking for too much, is it? I just want a teensy little bit of satisfaction before the shit hits the fan. just torture him a little bit. just a little!
oh hey some doctors are intervening because the heroes look like psychopaths right now
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s2g if one of these fuckers gets in between Ujiko and Aizawa’s line of sight and he fucking gets away -- !! oh my god. I can’t fucking take this. ffdffjjjk I’m so anxious you guys, I could never be a hero the stress is too much
so instead of explaining it to these rightfully concerned people, the heroes are just pushing them aside and telling them to stand back. and like, on the one hand I get it. they’re on the clock, they have to eliminate John-kun before the hotel villains get wind of the attack, and they don’t have time to explain an entire series’s worth of backstory to everyone who asks about it. but on the other hand, I also just want them to shout “HE EXPERIMENTED ON CHILDREN AND CORPSES AND CREATED THE NOUMUS!” or something. just so they know. I need them to know goddammit
but at least the patients seem to all be pretty chill about it lmao
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-- holy shit. okay, three things
that panel with them moving the beds is my favorite
the panel with Tora holding this one guy who’s suddenly IN LOVE is also my favorite. oh man. Tora you are the manliest
combat with the WHAT DID YOU SAY NOW
so they knew?? well that sure fucking explains why Endeavor made the executive decision to keep his son and the other kids as far away as possible. but also, what? so like they must not realize that there are more high ends, then. right? or else they surely would not be so casual about this
holy shit?!
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just how thorough was this investigation?? I really need to stop underestimating the heroes huh. should have learned my lesson after Kamino. these guys do their homework. it’s just that there’s always some one last thing that they failed to account for
so what is it going to be then in this case? Tomura is the one controlling them now? shitttttt
oh god. yeah, Miruko’s just casually kicking down the mortuary door and she’s all “we know who’s controlling them!” so I assume they believe that it’s Ujiko. which is honestly what I myself assumed up until about ten seconds ago, so fair enough
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hot. a. f. just like I said. excuse me sir but there are laws against smoking in a hospital. because you’re smoking. get it. ...it’s because you’re hot. ...yes sir I’m sorry sir I will stop now
so Ujiko is sobbing and screaming “let me go!!” and okay but where is Present Mic? do you see, Mic. this is what I wanted, okay. but it’s all right, I understand that you were upset
ohhhhhhhhhh ffffuuuu
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Endeavor with a worried look and lots of dots followed by an exclamation point, and then a closeup of Ujiko’s mouth looking surprisingly sinister as he reiterates for them to let him go. I’M SURE THIS IS ALL FINE. WE’RE ALL FINE. THAT’S OKAY HORIKOSHI, YOU CAN END THE CHAPTER HERE, IT’S GOOD. WE GOT LIKE WHAT, EIGHT PAGES? THAT’S PLENTY, REALLY
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jesus christ. Miruko does the exact same thing as Katsuki where she sees a wall and she’s all “FUCK YEAH.” goddamn. it honest to god gave me a boost of confidence even as I watched her announce that THE NOUMU ARE DOING THE EXACT FUCKING THING SHE JUST SAID THAT THEY WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO DO
and also that is 100% a black Noumu there on the right side. so confirmed, the big guns are here too
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but nice save, Aizawa!! I personally would not have had such quick reflexes upon being confronted by a giant monster lunging out of the floor to stick out its multipronged DRILL TONGUE WHICH IS ALSO ITS BRAIN, haha. can someone please check on Horikoshi to make sure he is doing all right. I have some concerns about the mind that drew this
holy shit the drill tongue Noumu is actually drilling into Ujiko. like there’s blood and stuff
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(ETA: well it turned out not to matter BUT STILL.)
lmao Endeavor looks so fucking mad
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...aaaaaand this is happening
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lol. good job @blessedgirthma​ you called it. it’s a clone! hahaha, fuck
and so the bad man lives to see another day. bets on who will eventually be the one to take him out? just remember how long that list is. lots of enemies, Ujiko. you’ll get yours
but right now I guess we have some other things to worry about
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by the way we best pray to god that it was Twice who made that clone and not Ujiko himself, because if Ujiko has managed to replicate that ability on top of everything else, we can truly kiss the world goodbye
but anyway! so that’s Noumu!Tomura confirmed then, in my book. and there are the 11! does this mean they’re not at the hospital?? all I know is they had better not be out on the outskirts of the city where my babies are
also is Ujiko talking to himself here. it almost seems like his words are coming out of the clone’s mouth. but Twice doesn’t have that kind of clone puppeteering ability. so then who is this guy bragging to. -- oh my god can he see us
lmao he’s plopping into his science chair and zooming halfway across the room
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don’t misunderstand me though, one panel of being super relatable does not make up for a lifetime of horrific and nauseating crimes
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there is at least one more row than I recall seeing in that previous chapter way back when. so even more high ends. in addition to the 12 (11 considering Endeavor subsequently fried one) we previously saw
and also I just realized, he did say “this” hospital. meaning he is still in the basement? so these guys are still right under their noses, then? oh god oh god so much to process and all of it is terrible god
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holy shit. you guys. what the fuck. the hell was All Might thinking going to U.A. to pick a student successor when Miruko was right fucking there. like I’m just saying??
and also, fuck me he is getting away
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lmao and that’s the end of the chapter. holy shit. all I need is for her to say “I am here!” and I’m set. I leave it in your capable hands. why was she not in charge to begin with. number five hero my ass!! smdh for real though guys lol
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Auld Lang Syne
Some poly!Queen, based off my own frustration that I fell asleep hard at like ten last night, and didn’t make it to midnight for New Years (I didn’t wake up till nine this morning, y’all. Like what even was that, the one night my staying up should have been easy to do lol.) 
Quick synopsis: Everyone falls asleep before midnight except for John. And normally that would be whatever, but it’s New Years, and he’s not happy about being the only one awake for this night. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“I cannot believe you all,” John puttered around the living room, mugs of tea balanced in his hands and the crooks of his elbows. “Asleep! With two hours to go!”
“And awakened by nine in the morning,” Freddie grumbled, though he took the mug with an appreciative smile. “What a world.”
“Yes!” John continued. “You lot are never the ones to bed early, and the one night it counted-”
“With all respect,” Brian interrupted. “It’s only New Years, Deaky. By definition, we will all go on, and things will be okay.”
The wrong thing to say, quickly apparent with John’s scoff and the dumping of Brian’s tea into the nearest plant.
“Was that really necessary?” Freddie sighed. “That plant is fake, anyway...”
“I’ve been watering it for at least a month,” Brian whined. “When were you going to tell me that?”
“You didn’t look at it?” Freddie laughed. “It’s obviously fake.”
“In his defense,” Roger interjected. “I have also been watering it. I thought it might be fake, but I didn’t want it to die and upset anyone if it was real, so...”
“So if it was real, we would have killed it anyway,” Brian muttered.
“I’m glad the plant is worthy of your attention,” John didn’t shout, but his voice carried out the open window, loud enough to stop the conversation their neighbors were having outside. “Let me know when I am as well, will you?”
He was in the spare bedroom with the door slammed and locked before they could so much as blink.
“I think we fucked up,” Roger mumbled. “In my professional opinion.”
“Professional opinion?” Freddie asked.
“As someone who’s had his fair share of fuck ups,” Roger replied.
Freddie nodded. “I agree. But all the same, I feel like I’m missing something. He didn’t seem all that into celebrating last night; I figured he’d be the first asleep anyway.”
“That’s true,” Brian noted, and they could see the wheels in his head turning. “But, think of it like this. He did organize the little party for us. Bought groceries. Bought the champagne. Had it all ready for us as we each got home.”
Freddie set his mug on the coffee table and ran a hand down his face with a sigh. “We fucked up.”
“Yeah,” Brian winced. “We did.”
It wasn’t that he held any great love for any holiday (except maybe Christmas, that one wasn’t terrible.) But he had put so much work into New Years this time, and they had seemed to be enjoying it. They’d all been a bit pissed, but surely even drunken promises to stay awake for two more hours meant something, right?
“I’m being an ass,” John muttered to himself as he paced the room. What had he been hoping for anyway? Something stupid and overly romantic, something he didn’t normally concern himself with too much. But it had stuck in his head a few weeks prior, the idea of trading kisses right on the hour (they were boyfriends after all, even if their relationship together was often low-key, easily mistaken for and hidden as only friendship when necessary.)
And when midnight had struck, they’d all been passed out. He’d fought so hard to stay awake for them, and they seemingly hadn’t even tried to stay up.
“Get over it,” he grumbled to himself again. He wanted to let himself shout it all out to the walls, as he’d done in the past when he was the only one in the flat, but he certainly couldn’t do it now, even if keeping it in his head made him feel overwhelmed, his mind overfull with thoughts. “You’re just tired anyway, you were up until fucking midnight.”
It had actually been more like two in the morning before he’d gotten to sleep himself. He’d left them in the living room, draped on the floor and in a chair and on the couch. The idea, as upset as he’d been that night, even more than now, was that he would enjoy taking the bed from them. It barely fit all four of them anyway (hence the spare bedroom, with its own decently-sized bed), so it wouldn’t be luxurious, but it would be all his.
Instead, he’d tossed and turned (and if he was honest with himself, cried for a short while) and when he did sleep, it wasn’t restful at all.
He stopped pacing and let himself drop onto the bed. Maybe a nap would be reset enough, to quell the fire in his head over something that, even as he was upset over it, he knew was stupid.
“John?” Freddie knocked at the door of the spare bedroom, but heard nothing in reply. “He’s holding a grudge, apparently.”
“He is good at those,” Roger said softly. “Let me try?”
They exchanged places, and Roger leaned against the door. “Deaky? We’re sorry, we are. We didn’t realize this was so important to you. That’s on us; we’re stupid like that sometimes. But that’s no excuse, and we’d like to apologize proper and make it up to you.”
“Did he mention something he wanted to do last night, and we were too pissed to remember him saying it?” Roger hissed to them.
Freddie and Brian shrugged. If John had said anything, they certainly didn’t remember.
“Talk to us, at least,” Roger continued to the door. “We can’t help and make it better if we don’t know the details of how we fucked up. And I really am sorry, but we only have a glimmer. We know you must have had something planned for New Years, but we don’t recall what it was, and I admit, that’s terrible. If you can bear it, tell us what it was, remind us, and we can try and fix this.”
Still nothing.
Roger looked utterly gutted. “He always responds when it’s me. Why isn’t he saying anything?”
“I don’t know,” Freddie sighed. “Come on, the tea’s gone cold. We can make more, and Brian...”
“I’ll try,” Brian said, and moved past Roger to sit on the floor by the door.
He waited until they were off to the kitchen to talk. “John? I don’t know if you can hear me. I presume you can. I-”
He stopped himself. The words he had on his tongue were too angry, too frustrated with John for not communicating to them.
He took a breath. “I’m sorry. We did fuck up, and we’re all sorry for that. But you’ve hurt Rog now, you know? He thought for sure you’d reply to him, and you didn’t.”
A pause. He wanted to just shake the doorknob until John opened up, but all the same, he knew that would be both childish and totally useless.
“We want to make it up to you. Make things right. But we can’t do that if you don’t talk to us. Give us a chance to apologize. This isn’t like you, anyway. You have your quiet moments, but usually, when we fight-”
Brian leaned in closer to the door, a sound barely perceptible through it.
He had to laugh, he couldn’t help it, as he stood and walked to the kitchen.
“Glad this is so funny to you,” Roger frowned. “I know you and Deaky have your moments, but really-”
“He’s sleeping,” Brian interrupted him with another giggle. “He went in there to mope, probably got frustrated with himself over it, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.”
“How do you know all that?” Freddie asked, fighting with their breakfast, for now just a few eggs in a pan. “Roger, can you help here?”
They switched spots, and Freddie met Brian’s gaze. “Seriously. You can’t just make presumptions and hope it’ll soothe things.”
“I’m not,” Brian scoffed. “I can hear him snoring. Go, sit by the door, and lean in close as you can. He’s out cold.”
Freddie walked past him and to the door, and returned a moment later with a smile. “Poor thing. How late do you think he stayed up last night, without us?”
“Everything was cleaned up,” Roger replied. “So too late, I would guess.”
“Get a plate out,” Freddie instructed. “We’re going to pick that lock and get him breakfast in bed.”
“You mean we’re going to wake him up when he needs to sleep, and force food on him?” Brian suggested.
“No, because you know that if he sleeps too long into the day, he fusses anyway,” Freddie replied. “Because then he won’t be tired enough to sleep later tonight, and he’ll just keep rolling like that, from one grumpy mood to the next.”
“Fair point,” Brian nodded. “We should find something to use as a tray...”
“We have one,” Roger said. “...wait, no. We did. The fake plant is sitting on it, I think. Didn’t want water to drain out of the pot and onto the floor...”
“Oh, but we are a foursome, aren’t we?” Freddie laughed. “If he sits up, and eats carefully, he can just set the plates on the bed.”
“I’ll go get the tray and clean it,” Roger said. “The plant doesn’t need it anyway, or so we now know.”
“I could swear I told you two it was fake,” Freddie noted, but Roger was already off to the living room, leaving him and Brian to tend the food.
In his dream, it was almost too much. He couldn’t even enjoy it, he knew it was a dream.
They fawned over him, well beyond anything anyone would do for him in real life (and to a degree that made him uncomfortable.)
Freddie, naked in his lap, trying to get him to sip champagne from an overfull glass.
Roger, clothed only in the tiny rugby shorts he occasionally shared with Freddie, offering him toast on a plate. Just toast, oddly enough.
Brian, a telescope in hand, nearly forcing him to look through it. “It’ll fall at midnight, you know.”
“What?” John’s tongue felt fuzzy in the dream, heavy to move, but maybe champagne in dreams was just stronger. “The moon?”
Brian nodded. “If you want it to.”
“I think we need it up there,” John replied. “For tides, and things like that.”
Brian shrugged, and handed him a plate with scrambled eggs on it.
“What is this for?”
Brian shrugged again, and pointed to the moon. “There it goes!”
He watched the moon dip down, falling to land who knew where, its light dimming as it fell.
A panic rose in his chest, and though there was nothing he could do to stop it falling, he felt he had to try.
Before he could get up, trying to gently push Freddie off his lap, Freddie handed him, of all things, a mug of coffee.
“What in the fuck is going on?” John asked him, but Freddie didn’t reply, his gaze falling on their front door.
The knob shook and wiggled, and the sounds of someone trying to pick the lock suddenly came through clearly.
“This alone might wake him up,” Brian laughed. “We’ve done this before, how is it taking so long this time?”
“Says the man holding the tray, not trying to get the lock open!” Roger muttered as he fought with the lock picking kit and the door.
“I’m helping in the best way I can,” Brian replied, playfully miffed.
“And you?” Roger asked of Freddie, who was barely holding back his own giggles.
“I...am moral support. I believe in you! You can do it!”
“You don’t remember how to use this kit, do you?”
“I do not,” Freddie replied confidently.
“Delightful,” Roger shook his head, but he giggled as he kept on at the lock.
The door swung open, and took him with it, onto John’s feet.
“Good morning!” Roger chirped, muffled as he picked himself up. “We’ve brought you a ‘we’re very sorry’ breakfast! It’s still warm, even.”
John’s eyes jumped over each of them a few times, their faces showing how eagerly they were awaiting his reaction.
He burst out laughing. He couldn’t help it. All he could think of was them in his dream, half clothed and offering him breakfast.
“Um,” Roger said softly. “It isn’t that bad. I mean the eggs look a bit rough, but that’s because Freddie helped with them-”
“I did my best!” Freddie interrupted. “They’re scrambled anyway; they aren’t meant to look a masterpiece.”
“If you settle back in bed,” Brian interjected, peeking past them to John. “I can set this down, and you can eat, and we’ll go away again.”
“No,” John sighed. “You don’t have to go away. Did you make enough for yourselves?”
“Yeah,” Roger replied. “Mostly because I kept forgetting to do less than what we usually make. It’s habit, you know?”
John nodded. “Let me eat out there with you all. This was very sweet though, I’ll say that.”
“Not till you say what we did wrong,” Brian stammered, seemingly surprised at himself, shrugging as Brian and Roger looked to him with confused frowns. “I mean. We could just smooth things over with breakfast, but that doesn’t really make it better, does it? We should work through what actually happened, or rather didn’t, since we fell asleep last night.”
John shook his head. “Was stupid. And I didn’t help things; I didn’t really say to you all what I was expecting. You couldn’t do what I didn’t tell you I wanted.”
“Fair, but I doubt it was stupid,” Roger said. “What was it?”
John blushed bright red. “Just wanted a kiss from each of you when it hit midnight. God, that sounds stupid out loud, doesn’t it? How old am I? Like some damsel in a movie, or something...”
“Hang on,” Roger reached over and pulled him close, then dipped him down and kissed him, even as he giggled.
He brought them back up with a snap, apparently struggling not to just tip over. “Sorry. That was kind of shit, but best I can do at this time of the morning.”
John grinned. “It’s nearly noon.”
“Morning, noon,” Roger shrugged. “What is time, anyway?”
Freddie nodded, and motioned for John to come over to him. The kiss was soft and sweet and still tasted slightly of champagne. “Not midnight, but I think it still counts.”
Brian smiled, then frowned at the tray still in his hands. “Can I set this down before I have my go? I don’t want to spill coffee on you or something.”
“Here,” Roger took the tray from him, and nodded for Freddie to follow him. “We’ll be in the kitchen, getting the rest ready. Freshen up the coffee and tea as well, all that.”
Brian’s kiss was as gentle as Freddie’s, a hand holding the tip of John’s chin up.
“Can I ask you something?” John murmured as the kiss ended.
“Sure,” Brian smiled.
“Would you watch the moon fall, let it fall, if I wanted it to?”
Brian blinked, clearly confused. “I suppose I would. If it’s falling out of the sky, chances are good something serious is going on anyway, whether you caused it or not. I couldn’t stop it, and the effects would be monstrous, so if it would make you happy-”
He paused, and nodded. “Yeah. I’d watch it fall with you.”
John hugged him tightly. “Good. That’s what I thought.”
Brian still looked baffled, but he smiled and welcomed John to his side as they walked to the kitchen, towards the sounds of Freddie and Roger running amok, and the scent of just-starting-to-burn coffee.
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