#because my dad saw a kitten he thought was cute
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Love your stories. Was wondering about a story where Thena and Gil get a pet.
"We have enough at home," Gil sighed, pulling Thena's hand into his in an attempt to lure her away from the lizard display. "Why did we even come here if you were only going to look at the lizards? We could've just walked into the garden at home."
"But this one is different," Thena countered, pointing over her shoulder to the bearded dragon who seemed just as distraught to be separated from her.
"I have enough lizard peelings to sweep up already, thank you," Gil chuckled, smiling as Thena at least matched his pace to walk beside him. "Isn't there anything else you'd consider?"
Thena stayed quiet, looking around at the various displays.
"What about a dog?" Gil suggested, pointing to the Australian Shepherds garnering by far the most attention. "You could take it hunting with you."
"An animal will only slow me down," Thena countered easily, and of course, she did have a point. She was faster and stronger than any mortal animal, and a mid size dog was probably not meant to be out hunting ostriches with the Goddess of War.
"We could get a bird," Gil tried again, pointing out the conures perched prettily in their cage. "They live a really long time."
"Gil," Thena sighed, but gave up her next argument at the look on his face.
He had suggested getting them a pet because he worried about having to leave her alone when he went to the market, and especially since he'd started going out further to other trading posts. They'd been in Australia long enough now that people were starting to recognise and get suspicious of Gil's completely unchanged appearance (handsomeness).
Thena could concede that perhaps some company wouldn't be the worst thing for her when he was travelling to other towns. Gil was mostly worried about her being lonely.
"You are only ever gone a day, Gilgamesh," she would chide him and his sensitivity.
"I still miss you," he would pout his lips at her cutely. "Don't you miss me when I'm gone?"
Like she could rip open her chest and hand him her heart to take with him. But she wasn't going to let that stop him.
"What about a guinea pig?--they come in two's!" Gil beamed at the squeaking little monsters. He pointed out specifically two cuddling together, one with a black coat of fur and the other so lightly blonde it was almost sheer white. "They're like us!"
"Thena," he chuckled, moving his hand from hers so he could pull her closer by the waist. He nestled his lips next to her ear, "I'm not leaving here empty handed, so find something, Sweetheart."
Thena nodded with a sigh. This was more for Gilgamesh than for her--if she thought about it that way it would be easier. She ran through the animals she would consider, although admittedly even if they weren't lizards they were still mostly reptilian. "Gil?"
He was slowing to a stop, craning his neck to look at the kittens in their little enclosure.
"Stars above, help me," Thena sighed as she followed him over to the display of feline abominations. She glared down at the little mongrels. "Why are you so enchanted by these quadrupeds?"
"Oh, come on," he dismissed her grouching easily, looking down at the little cuties. "They're sweet."
Thena disagreed. She thought they were far too smart a creature to be as domesticated as they let humans believe. And they demanded the same attention as canines did, if not more so, only without the obedience to be sent away.
Gil had ooey-gooey eyes.
Thena sighed again, leaning over his shoulder as he held his hand out. The tiniest of all the kittens scrambled up into his palm, pressing low as Gil lifted it up. "You really want a feline?"
Gil said nothing, holding the kitten up for Thena to examine for herself. The kitten was white, fluffy, had massive ears ears it would have to grow into and big green eyes.
Thena had to admit, it was not as unpleasant as some cats she had encountered. She looked past those eyes at Gilgamesh, "this one?"
Gil's big, ooey-gooey eyes glittered at her. "He looks like you!"
Thena tried not to be insulted by that. She looked at the cat again, who took a cautious step towards her. She leaned in closer, hearing the soft purring it began emanating from its body. "Fine."
Gil lit up. "Really?"
Thena blushed, unable to look directly at him as if the sun were in her eyes. "Yes, but I will not tolerate having to compete with this thing for run of my own home."
Gil just chuckled. Thena didn't like that cats weren't afraid of her. He held out his hand, "you should hold him on the way home."
"Gil-" Thena blinked as he deposited the cat into her - very dangerous - hands without a second thought. The kitten attempted to balance itself in its newer and smaller platform of dwelling. She turned her hands to look at it. "Hello."
Gil held back his laughter at the sight of the Goddess of War with ooey-gooey eyes.
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quitealotofsodapop · 12 days
Saw the notes... got inspired by the silly! MK would absolutely be confused over the baby stone monkeys but also really think the little clones are cute. He uses the explanation Wukong had given him about the babies being clones of an old friend he'd kept preserved until they eventually morphed into a pair of actual baby monkeys to the Noodle Gang. Tang is of course, extremely excited to meet Savage and Rumble because these are basically Sun Wukong's kids and the mystery of who the baby clones original self was gets added to the cork boars alongside Wukong's baby daddy!
Macaque, jealous and feeling betrayed: WHO DID YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH!?
Wukong: You, idiot.
Ha yes! Was rambling in the notes here about the Penumbra au (with some SlowBoiled sprinkled in).
MK rambles about the babies to the rest of the gang (and theorizing thats why Monkey King needed a successor), and the while gang are "aww"-ing at the thought.
The adults have concerns.
Pigsy: "Wait, how old are they? What is he feeding them?" MK, thinking: "Uhhh super tiny-old? Monkey King said the shadows he preserved turned into newborn babies some weeks ago. He keeps them in his shirt so I don't know how he feeds them." Pigsy, concern growing: "He's probably on that island without proper food for himself..." Sandy, also concerned: "And there's a lot of good vitamins one can't get from just fruit and transformed hair. He'll need some ginger tea." Pigsy, already in the kitchen: "And some soup! Tangy! We need some fish heads!" Tang, nerding out: "Are we forgetting the huge fact that these are newborn Spiritual Monkeys!? We're talking like baby unicorns here! This is a major discovery!" Pigsy, handing him a list: "Just get me these ingredients and I'll forgive your tab!" Tang, diligently grabs list and shopping bags: "Okie dokie!" MK: "Eh? Why tea and soup?" Mei: "Odds are the Monkey King is the babies' only source of food." MK: "They're eating him?!" Mei: "Bruh. Boobs." -_- MK, embarrassed: "AH. My bad." >_<
So yeah Sun Wukong quickly gets the adults knocking on his door with big pots of soup and tea for him to take. He's touched by the gesture, but a little startled by how fast the gang were to appear on his doorstep.
So of course MK has to deal with wanting to become stronger faster (can't do certain training when the twins are in the way), and runs into Macaque.
MK takes one look at the black fur, red face marking, and shadowy powers, and thinks "omg! he might be the shadow babies' other dad/clone-original!!" - but holds the knowledge to himself for the moment.
Eventually MK gets a text from Mei during his additonal training, and she sends him an adorable photo of the twins. Macaque overhears.
Macaque, very serious: "Who are they?" MK: "Oh! It's just my friend Mei!" Macaque: "No. I mean the baby monkeys." MK: "Oh haha. Well... the big reason Monkey King can't train me as hard as he can is cus he's got... them." Macaque, grabs phone and glares at the photo: "WITH WHOM?!" MK: "Whoa! You're uh... kinda upset." Macaque: "Of course I'm upset! My former ma- friend had cubs without me!" MK, thinking Mac cannot be that dense: "Wut." Macaque: "What's their names?!" MK: "Zàoyīn and Bàoliè." Macaque: "He named them Rumble and Savage?!"
This of course leads to a confrontation where Macaque has drained MK's powers and is now knocking on Wukong's door demanding to know who fathered his twins.
Wukong: (*opens door with the twins tucked into a skin-to-skin top. Looks a bit sleep-deprived.*) Macaque: (*angry frown*) MK: (*waves nervously cus Macaque dragged him over*) Wukong: "Wondered when you'd get here." Macaque: "Let me see them." Wukong: "Say please. You're not setting a good example." Macaque, forces self to calm down: "Ok. Please let me see them." Wukong: "Thats better." (*Wukong loosens his shirt, letting the twins' heads to poke out. The twins stretch awake as Wukong kisses their heads. A pair of six-ears flutter like that of a kitten as one yawns loudly.*) Macaque: (*quiet. eyes glistening*) Wukong: "Plums, are you crying?" Macaque, trying to hide tears: "Who- who did you have them with!?" Wukong & MK: "Wut." "Seriously!?" Macaque: "They're too beautiful to be mine!" Wukong, sighing: "You literally left behind two shadow clones before you left the island. Shadows that I... had trouble letting go of. And I might have broken some rules of magic to keep them around." Macaque: "You... donated your dao to preserve them??" Wukong: "Yeah. I didn't want to like... lose all of you just yet. But about a few weeks ago they sort of collapsed into themselves and popped out like this." Macaque, doing math and suddenly blushes: "OH." MK: "What oh?" Macaque: "Shadow clones aren't like hair clones. They aren't extensions of the original's body, but rather their soul. When Wukong donated his dao to my shadows - we accidentally, uh... inmaculada." MK: "Omg I was right! You are their dad!" Macaque: "Ok yeah. Uh, here's your power back by the way." MK: "Wut." Macaque: "I had this whole revenge plan in the works but uh, knowing that these little guys are here, I just can't." Wukong: "Aww. Is that the only reason?" (*flutters eyelashes*) Macaque, still blushed: "And I uh... kinda am really touched that you couldn't let go of my shadows after all this time." Wukong, smugly smiling: "Knew it." Rumble & Savage: (*fully awake, now grabbing Macaque's face and chirping excitedly!*)
Macaque quickly turns from "edgy shadow version of Monkey King" to "super-adoring dad" once he meets the twins properly.
Rumble and Savage love having their Papa back.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒚
summary - andy barber is our best friend’s dad, and he finds our diary while we’re staying with him. what he finds inside of it, will either have a good outcome or a very bad one. 
warning - fluff, smut, oral, rough sex, some fingering (maybe?), age gap, reader is slightly innocent, kitten.
as stated in all of my stories, the gifs and header aren’t mine.
divider by @firefly-graphics
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Andy walked into his son’s room, picked up his son’s dirty clothes and then headed over to their guest room to collect Y/N’s as she was staying over for the summer. He offered as her parents wanted to go on holiday without her, as he was picking up a dress she folded neatly on a chair amongst other dirty clothing. A book falls out, confused. He places the clothes down and picks up the book. Looking closely, he notices it’s a diary. Curious, he opens it, shocked at what he finds inside.
Dear Diary,
I need to confess. I’m madly in love with an older man, and I know it’s wrong… Especially as he’s my best friend's father, but he makes me feel things that no one else has. He’s so handsome and sexy and so much more. But he will never notice me. He only sees me as Jacob’s friend.
Dear Diary,
I saw him again today, Jacob and I were in the kitchen preparing some snacks before watching a movie, and he walked in, dressed in that lovely blue suit he fits so well. They recently bought a dog, and she’s gorgeous. She ran to him excited (I don’t blame her, I would’ve too, given the chance). He told her to sit and called her a good girl. I could feel my knickers soak at those words. I’d do anything to hear him call me his good girl.
Dear Diary,
Ugh, I just need someone to buy me tiny little skirts and tell me how cute I am. I’m so tired of being lonely, and I just want to be babied and have pretty little things bought for me. I saw this cute pink dress today but sadly didn’t have the money to get it.
Dear Diary,
Can I tell you something?
I like making eye contact with older men, so they question their morals. I was at the diner with Jacob and his dad today, and as we were sitting in a booth after we ordered our meals, we were all chatting. I can’t remember what it was as I noticed a nice-looking older man sitting at the counter staring at me. So I stared back, it sent chills down my spine, and surprisingly I felt my knickers damp again and tingles. But that moment was cut short as Jacob’s dad waved to me to get my attention, and when I looked at him, I swear he seemed quite mad, but I don’t know?.
Dear Diary,
He’s 41, but he’s so hot. I don’t know how it’s possible, but his dad is dreamy. Jacob and I were sitting in the lounge, watching more movies and chatting, when his dad walked in shirtless. Drops of water were dripping down his body, I may have drooled, and I don’t know if anyone noticed. I hope not. 
Dear Diary,
I want him to call me his baby and buy me peach lipgloss so I can cover his lips with kisses. And I want him to put flowers in my hair as we're out on a picnic date. But I don’t think it will happen, he’s my best friend’s dad, and I’m just a dumb little girl with a crush on an older man.
Andy stands there, not knowing how to react to what he read, he knows it was wrong to open it and to continue reading, but he couldn’t help himself. Andy didn’t expect what was inside. He always liked you, thought you were the cutest thing he’d ever seen. Every time you were over, Andy would try and avoid you at any chance because you made him so hard. Especially the time Andy called his dog a good girl. He saw the way you clenched your thighs together.
At that moment, he wanted to lift your dress and devour your cute little pussy. While calling you his good girl, but his son was there. He saw you drool that day but thought against saying anything, looking at the diary one last time. He places it back whilst placing the dress back over it. He decides that he’ll ask if you need it washed.
Grabbing the rest of the dirty laundry, he heads out. Walking past the glass back doors, he hears splashing. Andy looks over and wishes he didn’t, his cock begins to strain against his pants, and he swears that he feels dizzy from the sight in front of him.
Y/N was standing by the pool, dripping wet, in a tiny cute pink bikini with a little bow on the front, covered in small white flowers. Andy stares, feeling a heart attack coming on at the image. ‘Fuck’, he thinks. Andy quickly rushes off to the laundry room. Dropping the clothes in the machine, he rips open his pants and starts to fist his angry cock. Leaning against the machine, Andy groans. Andy threw his head back, eyes closed as he imagined you on your knees in front of him and his cock thrusting into your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck.” Groans fall from his mouth as he feels his orgasm come closer. He doesn’t hear the soft footsteps or the voice calling out Mr Barber. No, he doesn’t hear your soft voice but hears a soft whimper that causes his eyes to shoot open and to look towards the source. Eyes widening when they connect with yours, he notices you're rubbing your thighs together, eyes wide and mouth hung open.
He notices your eyes drift towards his cock, and Andy can hear a louder whimper. Andy watches as you grip the door. As if you're going to collapse, Andy looks down and sees that a pair of your cute little pink knickers with a bow is wrapped tightly around his cock. Andy swears he didn’t notice or intend for that to happen, but he doesn’t stop. Instead, he stares at you as he lets groans slip out, pumping his cock harder and faster, fist wrapped tightly around it.
“Come here, kitten.” Whimpering, you slowly make your way over to him, knees buckling as you are overwhelmed with how horny you feel. “Get on your knees, baby”, you shakily get on your knees, using his thighs as support. You look up at him, he nearly blows his load with how innocent you look, but he holds back.
“Open” You listen so well. Andy thinks he might have died and gone to heaven, tapping the tip of his cock onto your tongue. He tells you to suck it like a lollipop, listening. Andy watches you wrap your lips tightly around the tip and suck hard. He jerks forward at the force, feeling his soul being sucked out of him.
“Jesus, fuck” Looking up at him, worried you did something wrong. “You're doing so well, kitten” He watches your face beam. You keep sucking. Sometimes your tongue will swirl around his tip, grabbing the back of your head. He lets out a moan before spurts of his hot cum fill your mouth.
You continue to lick and suck until he’s empty. Swallowing, you wait on your knees. From your position, you look up at him. His eyes are closed as he tries to catch his breath. Opening them, he sees you. He smiles, swiping a finger across your bottom lip and swears his cock twitches when you wrap your lips around his thumb and suck his cum off.
“Did you swallow, baby?” He asks softly. Nodding, you open wide to show him you did indeed swallow. Groaning, he replies with the words you always wanted to hear him call you.
“Good Girl.” 
A soft moan leaves your lips as those words leave him. You can feel yourself pulse, and your bikini bottoms become soaked and not from the pool water. 
Noticing this, he smiles. Telling you to stand up, you do as you are told. Standing on shaky legs, you wait for his command. He pulls you closer to him and strokes your cheek.
“Is this okay?” Nodding, he shakes his head. “Words, kitten or this won’t go any further.”
Taking a deep breath, “yes”, gripping the back of my neck, he tilts my head back and kisses me. A moan escapes me. He tastes so good. He roughly bends me over the machine in a split second and pulls my bottoms to the side. Exposing my glistening core, Andy feels his cock harden. His mouth waters at the sight. It’s much better than he imagined.
Running a finger through my lips, I moan. “Please- Oh, god”, Andy chuckles. He locates my little button and starts to rub it. “Please what, kitten” Jerking slightly from the amount of pleasure. “It’s too much. Please get rid of the tingles, please, Mr Barber!!” I whimper loudly. 
“It’s okay, baby. I’ll take care of you.” He whispers into my ear, continuing to rub my little clit before getting onto his knees. “Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming of doing this, kitten.” He leans forward and starts to devour me, licking, sucking. Fucking my little hole with his tongue before switching to sucking my clit, Andy brings his fingers up and slowly enters one. Groaning at the tight fit, he feels her sucking his finger in, the walls pulsing around it.
He continues with his work, bringing me to my release fast. Gasps leave my lips as I lean over more, gripping onto whatever I can as I feel a strong feeling wash over me. Then I’m screaming, cumming around him before he finishes. He gives one final lick before standing back up. He leans over, back against mine, as he strokes my hair. “Are you okay? Was that too much, kitten?” Shaking my head, no. I beg for him to continue, “are you sure? We can have a break.”
“I’m sure, please. I’m begging you.” I whine, feeling so needy for him. Andy leans back and grabs his cock, rubbing the tip against me before lining up at my entrance. He pushes in, and he grips my hips tight. Andy is trying to stop himself from thrusting, the tightness of my walls is getting to him, and he can feel everything. My walls are pulsing around his cock, strangling it, wanting to milk it dry.
I grip the machine so hard that my fingers turn white. The stretch of Andy’s cock causes me to pulse wildly around him. It’s hard to breathe, and I’m struggling to get air into me. His cock is piercing my tiny pussy open. But the pleasure mixed with the pain that comes from it is so beautiful that I never want to go back. I can feel myself becoming addicted.
“Please move, please,” I beg, trying to thrust myself back, but his hold on my hips prevents me from doing so. “Are you sure?” He desperately wants to pound into me until I can no longer stand, but he needs to make sure, he can feel how tight I am around him even though his cock is soaked in my juices.
“Yes, so sure. Please, Mr Barber, I need you.” As soon as those words come out of my mouth, he starts to thrust. The air leaves me, but I don’t care. It feels so good. His cock moves in and out, stretching me. His tip hits the spot I never knew existed. Making me scream, feeling myself cream around him. He looks down and see’s a white ring around the base of his cock. Groaning, he thrusts harder. One hand wraps my hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulls me against his chest, moving deeper into me. 
“You like that, kitten? Do you like when your best friend’s dad completely ruins you from the inside? Huh? You’re such a whore for me, my good girl. I can feel you pulsing around me, baby. Fuck, it makes me so fucking hard. This pussy is mine now. No one else gets it. No one gets to see it or touch it. Only me! Isn’t that right, baby?” Nodding my head, I convulse around him, his words making me feel so good that I cry out. “Yes! Yes! Only yours! No one else’s! Please let me cum! Please!” He lets out a breathy chuckle. “Good girl, oh fuck. You do like it when I call you that.” He moans, feeling his balls tighten. “I want you to cum for me, kitten. It’s okay, let go.” He commands.
My back arches as I let go, and I tighten around him even more. I am pulsing around him as I squirt against him. He groans loudly, letting go. Cumming deep inside of me, both of us let out breaths before he slowly pulls out.
Looking down, he sees my cute little pussy ruined. His seed is slowly leaking out. Reaching down, he pushes it back in, listening to the little moan that escapes me.
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you?” Andy asks as he lifts me up, setting me atop the machine before going over to the cupboard, grabbing a fresh cloth and running it under water before coming back over and cleaning me up. 
“I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me, Mr Barber. To be honest, I’ve always liked you….” I confess shyly. He smiles, “I know, kitten, and I feel the same.” Chucking at my expression, “really?” I ask, bewildered. I never thought he’d ever want me.
“Yes, I don’t just sleep with anyone, kitten.” He leans forward and kisses me, pulling back. We smile at each other, “oh crap!” He lets out randomly, looking around. “What?”
“Where’s Jacob?” He asks, slightly freaking out. Letting out a giggle, “he went out on a date and said it would be okay to spend time with you, so I came down to help with the laundry.” Andy lets out a breath, “I should’ve been more concerned before, but being around you makes me lose all common sense.” 
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After that day, Andy and I have become close. We mostly hide it, though, because we don’t know how Jacob will feel about it, and I don’t want to lose him as a friend, but I’m in love with his father, so it’s a sticky situation.
Today is my birthday! Andy and Jacob woke me up to a home-cooked breakfast and presents. I was so excited, as you can tell I said I was. Because now I’m confused with the present open in front of me.
It’s the dress and lipgloss I wanted, but I never told anyone, and I kept that all in my diary because I never wanted to burden anyone with those things. But here it is, sitting in front of me, which was wrapped in cute pink wrapping paper.
Looking up at both men in the room, I can see Jacob smiling, and Andy looks kind of afraid that I wouldn’t like it. “So? Do you like them? Dad said you’ve mentioned these!” Looking at Andy and then back at Jacob, I put on a smile. “Yeah! I love them! I have wanted them for a while!” I let out, knowing I never mentioned them but still so confused.
After opening the presents, I place them in the guest room. Turning around, I jump. Hand on my heart, “you scared me.” Andy stands there nervously. “I’m sorry about scaring you and the uh- presents….” He clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck.
“So… you read my diary?” He nods shyly, stuttering out. “I-I didn’t mean to at first, but then I kind of got stuck into it….” He refuses to look at me. “When?” I stare at him, “Uh… the day we… ya know….” He finally looks at me.
“Oh”, I nod before walking over to him, “Well, thank you.” I smile and kiss him on the lips. He kisses back. And in both of our minds, we’re happy we got our happy ending.
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thank you for reading! 
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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Again, way too detailed notes about a Cleo stream (15.3.2024) because it was great and I want to remember. (Please Cleo upload your VODs again please.) Featuring an Ancient City, Hermit scariness ratings, a new Emerald Daddy, and Life series reminiscing with the Clockers.
Plan for today: Ancient City raiding!, to get books
She´s definitely going alone because Ancient City raiding on her own is terrifying but you know what else is terrifying? The other people on the server.
The only person on the server Cleo is afraid of is False. Not Gem, Gem´s a kitten. False could take Cleo in a fight and kill her dead, but more importantly False can scare Cleo because she´s quite sinister. 5am Pearl is kinda cute. “can kill you, probably won´t,” if you entertain her. Cub isn´t scary either, the only thing to be scared of with Cub is the grind. Doc is 95% bark.
(In hindsight, finding a Swift Sneak II book so early is a tease knowing that it´ll be the only one.)
Chat is way more scared of the Ancient City than Cleo is. Worst that can happen, you summon a warden, you die, and your gear despawns, so what. Cleo thinks people are trying to freak her out and scare her into making mistakes.
This stream was right after or during Mumbo´s video on Hermits´ weird playing habits came out so there were plenty of questions about Cleo´s set-up. Cleo defends their choices, also they have a desk now.
Hypno drops by to show off his new armor and announce a raid. Cleo calls Cub her Emerald Daddy because he supplies her with emeralds.
Hypno drops off a shulker full of emerald blocks for Cleo, for free. Cleo then tells him he gets free books now. Hypno is astonished and delighted, and asks for a written voucher. Cleo writes him one and calls him Emerald Daddy too. Cleo: “Double Emerald Daddy, I´m good.”
Cleo won´t tell her fellow Hermits that they´re great to their faces because it would ruin her tough guy image.
Fun in chat: Etho sleeps. Bdubs: “sorry dad” Etho: “son I am at your place to give you a scolding” Bdubs: “be right up” – Cleo is sorry she saw that
Cleo discovers Joel´s glow ink shop and the glow squid Joel built from candles and is delighted. Joel is now her absolute favorite person. Armor stand buddies!
Taking advantage of the fact that all words are made up, Cleo makes a few more hoppadingdongs
Bdubs demands quiet because he and Etho are about to record one of their famous Bdubs-and-Etho clips. Cleo says they should get in a group. Etho: “Mum is so bossy, right Bdubs?” Bdubs: “She´s so bossy.” Cleo: […] *hits him* “Don´t talk to me that way.” Bdubs: “I´m sorry.” Cleo: “You will be.” Bdubs: “I´m sorry. That was a no-no, I´m sorry.” Etho: “Never talk back to your mummy.” Bdubs: “No, never.” Cleo: “Yeah, you two role-playing this thing again, it´s weird.” Etho, laughing: “You´re done with it, aren´t you, Cleo.” Cleo, also laughing: “I´m done with it. I was kind of done with it when it started, to be honest.” Bubs: “That shows your level of commitment.” Etho: “I feel like we move on from it and then Scar brings it up once in a while, and then Bdubs…” Cleo: “Me and Etho are kind of over it, so…” Bdubs: “Really? I saw Joel today and I thought, this is my uncle.” Etho: “Baby-sitter, right?” Cleo: “Cousin.”
Cleo offers to mute again but Bdubs asks her not to, having her there is great. Like audience chatter.
Bdubs shows Etho and Cleo his scaffolding challenge as his shop advertisement. Etho: “He´s so clever.” Cleo: “He is, he´s a genius. That´s our special boy.”
Bdubs starts his spiel: “You think you´re so cool…” Etho: “I thought I was…”
Bdubs wins the first game because Etho has trouble ringing the bell. And the second one. Cleo soon realizes that it´s easy to make Bdubs lose by sabotaging the scaffolding. Bdubs swears Etho and Cleo to secrecy about this easily exploitable weakness.
Cleo keeps talking about how wealthy they are. Very profitable shop, after all! (…true but I saw Cub´s stacks of diamond blocks the next day. Fear the grind.) Cleo bankrolled Etho already.
After a conversation about pricing Etho tells Cleo they have to teach Bdubs about peer pressure. Then remembers that “she doesn´t like it when we do that, we gotta stop.” Cleo says it´s fine. (Yay boundaries.)
Cleo asks Bdubs for a horse. Bdubs accuses Keralis of fraud (secretly swapping the horses people bought from him if they don´t buy the extended warranty.) Cleo asks if Keralis is gingering his horses. They talk about the meanings of the word, and why ginger is also used for red-heads. Etho: “Is it ´cause gingers are spicy?” Moment of silence. Cleo: “…sure?” Bdubs: “Yeah…” Etho: “I think we nailed it.”
Some talk abut spelling variations. “You can just say you don´t know how to spell, Etho, it´s fine.” And then talk about British dialects, how they drop the “t” in the middle of words (or phrases). Etho and Bdubs try to imitate it, badly. They don´t seem to understand what “in the middle of a word” means.
Shopping district talk, and some reminiscing about Shade-E-E´s. Cleo steered clear because she didn´t know Etho very well back then. Etho has a different glass prank in mind for this season. Etho and Bdubs also remember an end rod exchange thing they did, they neither remember what started it or how it ended. 
Cleo: “I feel like you´re not spiteful enough, Etho.” He lets too much go. Bdubs protests that Etho lets it go with him, because they have a history – Etho: that´s right – but to anybody else Etho is very spiteful. Cleo: He´s never been particularly spiteful to me, “and I deserve it.” Bdubs, dismissive: nah. Etho: “Well, to be fair, Cleo *builds up a dirt wall like he did between them in Third Life* I am kinda scared of you.” Both crack up. “You´re not necessarily who I wanna be poking.”
Cleo clarifies that the reason why False is the only one who scares her is because False is very quick on the insults. Cleo can be fast, but False can be faster. Bdubs: “Now I´m scared.”
Etho tells Bdubs the story of why he´s scared of Cleo: “I always viewed Cleo as, like, sweet, innocent, you know, quiet…” Cleo cracking up. It was because Cleo stole Pizza, for no reason. “She was laughing the whole time, like a crazy psycho.” Cleo: “It´s a llama.”  “I just thought it was interesting, I had a complete shift of what I thought of you at that moment.” Bdubs: “Yeah, she can do anything.” Bdubs was also shocked at that moment. They hadn´t talked about it, Bdubs just supported her in her plan to cause trouble. Stealing Pizza was more of a crime of opportunity because Scar didn´t want to talk to her and left Pizza there. “Bold move.” “It´s just Scar.” Etho reminds everyone that the Life series was fresh at that point, they know now that this sort of thing happens but they didn´t then. Cleo didn´t know most of the people in the series very well so she went full-on chaos gremlin. She blames Bdubs.
Etho repeats that that´s when his perspective on Cleo shifted. “And it never shifted back. Like, the more stuff she did, it just got further in that way.” Cleo can understand that: she got worse, as time went on, chaos-gremlin-wise. Etho: now we´re in season ten of Hermitcraft, she´s stealing villagers… Cleo points out that it wasn´t her idea, but admits that she fully embraced it. Etho isn´t sure he would have, Bdubs says he wouldn´t have. Cleo: “What´s Doc going to do to me.” Bdubs: “Uh, have you seen the sand dial?” Cleo: “Have you seen what´s inside it?” Bdubs, clearly grinning: “Oh, yes, yes.”
Scar is online and Bdubs invited him over to find out if he was actually upset about Cleo stealing Pizza. Scar arrives on his horse, but stays away a few blocks. Etho walks up to him: “You may approach, Scar.” Scar ender-pearls up to them. Bdubs asks how mad he was at Cleo over Pizza, Scar claims he was looking up tickets to the UK to seek his revenge. “Pizza meant more than I can express.” Does a whole sad monologue. Cleo and Etho think it was funny, Scar demands they take it back. Worse, and what also really threw Etho, when Scar asked Cleo to her face if she stole Pizza she denied it.
Cleo: “Yeah, but I´ve had my punishment now, ´cause now I´m your mother forever.” Scar just realized: “The family! What a wonderful moment.” Etho: “Out shopping together.”
Scar has to wait for Skizz to enforce rules in the shopping district, but Skizz is off on the high seas. Scar: “What if the boat went down.” “What the hell, Scar!” “That´d be awful!” Scar imagines it as, you float for a while, maybe see a shark, then get rescued in a helicopter. Cleo: you might see someone else die, while you survive ´cause you´re the main character. Scar asks after a Titanic character and is surprised Etho immediately knows her name because Etho is usually bad with movie references.
Cleo: “I would never do anything to you guys, you´re my family.” Bdubs: That´s sweet.” Scar: “That was sinister.” Etho: “Trolls us.” Cleo: “Correct.”
Scar got a tip to keep a horse from wandering off inside a circle of berries from an e-mail. Only the best things come from e-mails.
Bdubs tries to prove scaffolding superiority to Scar. Etho and Cleo support the pitch. Scar is disappointed by mom and dad. Etho and Scar agree to give it a try sometimes. Bdubs says Tango puts redstone on scaffolding sometimes, Etho is horrified. Etho shows them that you can use scaffolding to clutch a fall. Scar tries it because it would also work on leaves – unfortunately Etho forgot to tell him that you need to crouch and he dies. He´s not going to be happy, but ultimately it was clearly his own fault. It´ll take him a while to come back, Bdubs feels like he should go get him but Etho and Cleo need to leave.
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crazyunsexycool · 2 months
Lottie doesn't know what her mama's real name is!
When someone asks her what's her mom's name - she's like her name is Sugar or darling because that's what Bucky always calls her😭🥺
Mama’s name
Imagine it’s a new recruit and it’s their first day. They don’t know about the kids yet because they haven’t been to the compound orientation. So this person goes up to Charlotte and asks all kinds of questions like are you lost, do you know where you are, why are you here alone.
“Do you know your mommy’s name?” They ask as they take one knee in front of her.
“Yeah, it’s mama.”
“Ok, what does your dad call your mama? Does he use her name?”
“Yup.” Lottie nods and smiles. “Is Sugah.”
The recruit sighs. “Do you have a grandpa? What does he call your mama?”
“Gwandpa says kitten. Is so cute.” Lottie’s nose scrunches up when she smiles.
The recruit smiles softly and looks around to see if there’s anyone that might know anything about a kid at the compound.
“Ok why don’t we go to the office over there,” they point to the main building. “And we can try and find your mama. That way you aren’t lost.”
Charlotte furrows her brows, confused because she isn’t lost.
“Am not wost. Am with mama.”
“Charlotte.” Just then you call out to her and she runs into your open arms. “What’s going on here?” You ask her but look straight at the recruit.
“Ma’am I’m sorry, I saw her here by herself and thought she was lost. I was only trying to get her back to a family member.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah mama. Is so nice.” Lottie digs into the pocket of her jeans and pulls out a small gold star. “Is fo’ you.” She holds it out and places it on the recruit’s uniform.
“Thank you.” You tell the recruit before turning and walking towards the training fields.
“Mama what’s your name?”
“My name is name is Y/N.”
“Oh, I wike mama better.”
“Me too sweet Angel.”
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
Continuation of this post.
*Abel had left Seth’s job and went to the bakery Eve set up for other citizens of Heaven to get sweets and work there if they wanted to, Abel thought of how Adam used to try to go to Seth’s job to wait for him to get off so they could hang and each time coming home looking frustrated that Seth was unable to and then one day he came home looking defeated saying that he wasn’t going to try anymore, now Abel understood why, he wondered if Seth even told Adam how he felt about him, he walked into the bakery and blushed when he saw Molly at the counter, Abel had a bit of a crush on her because of how cute she was and her sweet personality*
Abel: Hey is mom here?
Molly: Yes, she is in the back making a ton of those orange and chocolate chip muffins your dad loves.
Abel: That is very sweet, I wish that I could have someone love me as much as mom and dad love each other.
*Abel didn’t bring up that he wished that Molly was that person, he was afraid that it would make things awkward*
Molly: Me too, it sounds very romantic. I was hoping you could do me a favor, my brother Anthony is staying at the hotel, could you give him a letter from me?
Abel: I don’t think someone named Anthony is at the hotel.
Molly: Oh, I keep forgetting that most people know him by his stage name, it is Angel Dust.
Abel: I have heard about Angel Dust, he has become really good friends with my dad and thinks that he is one of the coolest people he met. I would love to get the letter to him.
Molly: Thank you!!!!!!!
*Molly hands Abel the pink envelope which had glitter and cute stickers on it*
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m-jelly · 11 months
Bodyguard's Touch - The end
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@ladycheesington <3
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, bodyguard Levi, romance, fluff, falling in love, cute, emotional hurt, comfort, protective Levi, pregnant reader, marriage, dad Levi, mum Reader
What's in this chapter: The jury finally has made a decision on your case against the Carters, but you don't hear it in person because your baby decides today is the day they arrive. You and Levi are happy parents but the last of the Carters' visit. You and Levi have a happy life together with your daughter.
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You rubbed your belly as you controlled your breathing. You gave Levi a little reassuring smile, but it wasn’t helping him. “Levi, it’s okay.”
He gripped the wheel. “Kitten.”
You reached over and gripped his thigh. “I’m okay.”
“You’re not.”
You huffed a little and shifted in your seat. “No, I’m not, but I have you. I’ll be okay as long as I have you.”
Levi pulled up and hummed. “Kitten.”
You smiled at Levi. “We have no choice.”
“I just wish that you weren’t heavily pregnant.” He blushed. “Not that I’m saying that is a bad thing. I just...” He put his head in his hands. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to go through any more pain.”
You leaned over and kissed Levi. “You can’t stop all my pain. Pain happens in life, but a lot of good things happen to make up for the really bad sad times.” You took his hand and covered it in kisses. “Sweetheart, when I have our cute little Daisy in a few weeks I’m going to be in a lot of pain. You can’t stop that I’m afraid.”
Levi pouted hard. “I’ll try!”
“You’re cute and sweet.” You winced a little when you felt a strong kick. “Ouch.”
Levi leaned down and kissed your belly. “Daisy? My little flower. Cease your kicking, please. Don’t hurt your mummy. She’s got a stressful day.” He kissed again. “Your mummy is being very brave and facing some very bad people.” He rubbed your bump. “Calm yourself, my sweet little flower.”
You relaxed a little. “She’s calmed down. Thank you.”
“I’m glad.” He kissed you and hummed. “Let’s get going.”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
Levi got out of the car and ran to your side. He opened your door and helped you out. “Kitten, if you need to leave at any point.”
You smiled softly. “I know. If I need to leave, I’ll tell you.”
“Good girl.”
“I love you.”
Levi hugged you as best as he could. “I love you.” He put his arm around you. “Come on, let’s go.”
You snuggled up to Levi as you walked to the courthouse. You saw your lawyer getting everything ready and hoping that today was the day the jury finally made a decision. You and Levi had avoided going to the court case because it would have been too much for you. Bruce and Sebastian had both gone on your behalf.
You carefully sat down and smiled at your lawyer. “Thank you for this. Sorry, it’s taking so long.”
She turned in her seat and leaned on the wooden wall diving you both. “It’s okay. There was a lot of evidence and they put up a massive fight.”
Sebastian winked at you. “Don’t worry, they’ve got this.”
You smiled sweetly. “I have full faith in you all.” You gasped as the judge walked into the room.
The judge smiled over at you. “Mrs Ackerman, please keep seated. You’re due in a few weeks, correct?”
You giggled. “Yes, your honour. I feel like I could pop.”
They chuckled. “You’re doing incredible.”
“Thank you.”
They fixed their robes. “I hope the birth goes well for you.” They looked over to the usher. “They ready?”
The usher bowed. “Yes, your honour.”
“All right, someone get those damn Carters in.”
You clung to Levi when you saw Chester brought in. You never thought you’d see him again, but you felt a little relief when he was in cuffs. “Levi, I feel sick.”
He hugged you close. “It’s okay. I’m right here.”
You shifted in your seat. “Ouch.”
Levi placed his hand on your belly. “Daisy kicking a lot?”
You gulped hard. “I’m getting pains.”
Levi stared at you. “She’s not due yet. Two weeks.”
“Might be the stress.”
“Do you need the hospital?”
You nibbled your lip. “Possibly.”
Levi nodded and helped you to your feet. “Come on.”
The judge gazed at you. “Mrs Ackerman? Is everything okay?”
“My wife is feeling pain. I think she needs the hospital.”
Chester chuckled. “I hope you fucking bleed and there’s something wrong if that disgusting child you’ve made.”
The judge banged the gavel. “Mr Carter, please reframe from addressing Mr Ackerman. You have been warned over and over to not go near her or talk to her. You are making things worse for yourself and your family. Mrs Ackerman, please be careful on your way.”
Bruce leaned over to you. “I’ll call you with the results, sugarplum.”
You smiled. “Thanks, Dad.” You winced. “Ouch, fuck.”
Levi guided you out of the court just as the jury came back. “Hold on, kitten.”
You shook in his hold. “It’s just a panic attack. Daisy isn’t ready yet.”
Levi helped you into the car. “Kitten, I think Daisy is a little early.”
You shook your head and whimpered in pain. “N-no, it’s okay. Everything is fine.”
Levi raced to the hospital. “Kitten, I think you need to face facts.”
You glared at him. “She’s not coming!” You gasped. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to shout.”
“It’s okay, my love. You’re just scared. We’ll get you all the meds you need.”
You leaned your head back and whined through some pain. “I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared. It’s not the pain, it’s the fact that I’m going to be a mother. I’m going to fuck it up so bad. Look at me. I had a mother who had a dangerous relationship and ended up being killed and I got wrapped up in all this shit! The fucking Carters. They tried to kill me.” You started sobbing. “Oh god.”
Levi pulled into a spot and turned to you and called your name. “Look at me.”
You looked over at Levi through your tears. “Levi.”
He held your hands. “You’re incredible. You’re the most wonderful woman in the world. You’re smart, kind, caring, loving and funny. Our baby will love you. Daisy is going to think you are the best person in the whole fucking world. I know this is terrifying and it is, but we can do this as we’ll be together the whole time. I won’t ever leave you. I love you and you are not this terrible thing you think you are. Yes, things have been a bit shit but we’ve pulled through it all and stuck together. The Carters won’t hurt us again. We’ve got this.”
You sniffed and nodded. “Yes, yes you’re right.”
“I love you.”
You smiled through your tears. “I love you so much.” You sniffed a little. “We can do this.”
“That’s right, my love.”
You whined a little. “Levi?”
He reached over and played with your hair. “Yes?”
“I think I’m having our baby. I want to go to the hospital.”
He leaned over and kissed you. “Anything you want or need.” He got out of the car and opened your side. “Let’s get you inside to have the baby.”
You nodded and waddled with him. “Could I get a wheelchair?”
“Of course.” He hurried you inside and found you a chair. “Hi, hello, my wife is having a baby, she’s two weeks early.”
The nurse smiled. “That’s okay, we’ll get you into a nice room and get you some medication.”
You leaned your head back. “Do you have my phone?”
Levi nodded. “I have mine too. Dad will call with the results.”
Levi jogged with you as the nurses hurried you down the hall until you reached your hospital room. He stepped back as the nurses sorted you. He stepped away when his phone rang with his father’s name on the screen. “Shit.” He pressed the answer. “Dad? Yeah, we’re okay. Daisy decided that the time is now to come.”
Sebastian chuckled. “Babies come when they wanna come. Stress probably caused Daisy to arrive quicker.”
“I think so too.” He smiled at you and walked over to you. He sat on the bed and held your hand. “So? What’s the results?”
“Great news. Guilty on all accounts. Chester is going to jail until he dies. Roland is also facing jail time for his attack on you. Oh, one last thing. Due to our investigation, the other family members are being looked at. Turns out, all of them are crooked. The Carter family is over.”
“That’s great news.”
You smiled. “It is! Thank you, Sebastian, for helping so much.”
Sebastian called your name. “Take care, okay? We’ll all be over in a few to support you. If they ask if you want drugs, just take it.”
You laughed. “I will!”
Levi smiled. “Gotta go, Dad, thank you again. Love you.”
Sebastian chuckled. “Love you too.”
Levi ended the call. “Are you okay?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Not fully, but we’ll get through this.” You stared at Levi a bit before laughing. “You meant about the results! I’m incredibly happy but right now I’m focused on the baby I need to give birth to.”
Levi kissed your forehead. “I’m glad things are looking up for us.”
“Me too.”
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You walked through your home as the summer sun filtered through the windows and lit up your cosy rooms. You peered around the door and smiled when you heard the sweetest sound in the world. You loved the little noises your daughter made when she awoke for the day. You looked down at her in her cot and giggled as soon as she reached out to you and squealed in delight.
You reached down and picked up your baby girl. “Hey, my little Daisy. Good morning.” You held her close and bounced her. “I bet your daddy is watching us right now.” You waved at the little camera. “Hey, Levi. Hope everything is okay at the station.” You looked down at Daisy. “I can’t believe your daddy is the sheriff. He’ll protect us.”
Levi’s voice came through the speaker. “God, you look so sexy in the mornings. I’m finishing my shift soon and I’ll be home.”
“Okay, love, see you soon!”
Levi moaned as you moved in front of the camera. “Fuck.”
You giggled. “Levi.”
“I’m going! I’m going!”
You lay Daisy down and cleaned her up before changing her into a cute little dress for the day. “So cute.” You picked her up and carried her through your home to the kitchen. You sat her in her little seat and began feeding her. “You’re so hungry and you’re so happy.”
Daisy patted her hand on the table. “Aboo!”
You giggled. “Yeah, aboo to you too.” You cleaned her face and got her a drink. “Drink up, my little flower.” You cleaned her again. “Be good as mummy cooks her food.”
Levi pulled up at the house in his sheriff’s car and smiled softly. He grabbed the bouquet from the car and a cuddly toy before jogging down the garden path and up the steps to the front porch. He released a long love filled sigh before slipping inside and hearing the perfect sounds of you giggling and Daisy making little noise.
You looked over to the front door and felt your heart skip a beat at seeing Levi in his sheriff uniform with his hat on his head. “Welcome home!”
Levi tossed the flowers and cuddly on the side and dove for you. He yanked your perfect body against his and kissed you with all the passion in his heart. “Fuck, you are so sexy. I could just eat you up.”
“Later, my love.”
Daisy patted the little table she had in front of her. “Da, da, da, da.”
You kissed the end of his nose. “Someone wants you.”
Levi released you and smiled at his daughter. “Hello, my little flower!” He took his hat off and then his belt with his gear on. He placed everything down before picking his daughter up and holding her. “You look very cute today.”
Daisy squealed with laughter before snuggling up to her daddy. She gripped his shirt tightly and hummed in happiness. She yawned and tried to fight sleep, but her dad’s soothing heartbeat and heat were too much for her. Daisy stopped fighting sleep and gave in to it.
Levi rocked with his daughter and smiled down at her. “Out like a light.”
You made some tea and breakfast. “Well, your presence is so soothing. It makes me sleepy. You just make people feel safe.”
He blushed. “Thanks. I’m glad you both feel relaxed with me.”
You walked over to him and kissed him. “We love you. You’re the best.”
Levi smiled a little as he thought. “So, maternity leave ends soon…”
You hummed in thought. “Yeah.”
“You going back to the bakery? Mum is happy to keep running it with my dad and Bruce.”
You giggled. “I know. I know all three of them love that place. I love being a stay-at-home mum to my little angel, but I also love the bakery. It’s a hard choice.”
Levi hugged his daughter. “You could do part-time.”
“You’re right. I could. Means I can have my little girl and my job.”
Levi pouted. “I want to take her to work with me.”
You hummed a laugh. “Only when you have paperwork, okay? You can have her in a little chair next to you.”
“Perfect!” He nodded to the flowers. “I got those for you.”
You picked up the bouquet and hugged it. “Thank you so much. They’re beautiful.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You fixed the flowers in a vase before picking up the cuddly toy. “This is so cute, but Daisy already has a lot of toys.”
He pouted. “I know, but I saw it and I thought she’d like it.”
“Well, you know what she’s like she loves all cuddly toys.”
He chuckled. “She does.” Levi frowned at a knock at the front door. “I’m not expecting anyone, are you?”
You shook your head. “No.”
He sighed. “I’ll go check. Enjoy your breakfast, okay?”
“I will.”
Levi carried his sleeping daughter to the front door and opened it. “Hello?” He stopped when he saw who it was. “Heather.”
Heather smiled sweetly at Levi. “Hello, Levi.”
“Why are you here? Just because you were the only one who didn’t get jail time doesn’t mean you should be here.”
Heather sighed. “My family deserves to be in jail, but I’m a good girl and I never did anything naughty. I did as I was told. I committed no crimes.”
“You’re right, you didn’t, but you were still a horrible person. You’re rotten to the core.”
She clutched her chest. “I’m not.”
Levi sighed. “What the fuck do you want? Why are you here when you know you shouldn’t be?”
Heather pulled at her dress a little. “I wanted to talk to you.”
She nodded. “No one else but you.”
Levi growled a little. “Fine, what do you want?”
Heather smiled with tears in her eyes. “I love you, Levi Ackerman. I am deeply in love with you.”
“Are you serious?”
She nodded. “Yes! I’m madly and deeply in love with you and I want to be with you.”
“Fuck. Off.”
“Levi, please.”
He groaned. “Heather, this is pathetic. I never loved you. I never did anything to lead you on either. I always made it clear I was not interested in you.”
Heather moved closer. “Levi, please!” She sobbed. “I love you!”
“I don’t love you. I can’t stand you. I’ve always disliked you.”
“No, that’s not true!”
“I was hired to look after you, so I did.” He sighed. “I was so happy when I no long had to.”
Heather cried. “You love me! I love you! Please!”
“I’m happily married to the love of my life. I have this precious little baby girl.”
Heather stared at Daisy. “She should have been mine! That baby should have been ours!”
Levi released a long sigh. “Heather, you need to leave my property before I arrest you for trespassing.”
“She’s our baby!”
Levi opened the door and called your name. “Could you swap with me? Take Daisy and hand me my sheriff gear.”
You put Levi’s belt on him before taking Daisy. “What’s going on?”
“Heather is here.”
You looked around Levi at a sobbing Levi. “Again?”
“Yeah, again.”
You kissed the top of Daisy’s head. “It’s getting pretty sad now.”
Levi cupped your face and kissed you. “I know. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too. I’ll fix this.”
You sighed. “You only just got home.”
“I know, kitten. I’ll fix this.” He popped his hat on. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”
You giggled. “I look forward to that.”
Levi tipped his hat at you before walking over to Heather. “Come on, time to leave.”
Heather shook her head. “I’m not leaving.”
“Heather, you have to leave here. If you don’t leave I will arrest you.”
Heather stomped her foot. “I’m not leaving!”
“You’re in your 20s, not a child.”
“I’m not leaving!”
Levi let out a long sigh. “Fine. Heather Carter, you are under arrest for trespassing and violating a restraining order against.” He pulled out the cuffs and started reading Heather her rights. “Do you understand?”
Heather started crying. “Yes…”
He pushed her along to his car. “I warned you, Heather. It’s time to let me go and move on with your life.”
She sobbed as Levi walked her to his car. “I just want to be loved.”
Levi put her in the back and sat behind the wheel at the front. “I’m sorry you’ve been through a lot of shit. I’m sorry your family are the way they are. I’m sorry you’re alone. However, all this is no excuse for your behaviour.”
Heather lowered her head. “I know.”
Levi sighed. “Heather, once you’re out of jail please just go off and live your life.”
“I will.”
Heather smiled sadly. “Your daughter is beautiful, she’s the perfect mix between you and your wife.” She hummed a laugh. “You two are incredible together, you really are. I hope I get that someday.”
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Levi held his daughter’s little hands up above her head and carefully guided her as she tried walking. He chuckled as she slapped her little feet down on the wooden floor of the living room. He looked up and smiled at you when you walked in with drinks and snacks. “Look how well she’s doing.”
You put the tray down on the coffee table before sitting on the floor. “Such a big girl!”
Levi released Daisy’s hands. “Go to mummy.”
You opened your arms and gasped in delight when Daisy walked over to you without Levi’s help. “Good girl! Well done, Daisy.” You caught her in your arms and cuddled her. “I love you, Daisy.” You covered her head in kisses.
Levi sat down and hummed a laugh. “I can’t believe how much she’s grown.”
You handed Daisy her sippy cup. “Drink up, little flower.”
Levi played with Daisy’s hair a bit. “Her hair is so soft.”
“Mm, she takes after you. You have wonderful hair.”
Levi blushed. “Thanks.” He cleaned his daughter’s face. “Messy little flower.”
Daisy smiled at her daddy. “Mm, da, da.”
Levi chuckled. “That’s right. I’m daddy.” He stared at Daisy when she reached over and pulled at his top. “Careful.” She pulled back and slipped causing her to punch herself in the head. “Oh, oh dear.”
You tried not to laugh when Daisy pulled a face. “I shouldn’t laugh, but her, I think I should cry face, is a little funny.”
Levi rubbed her cheek. “It’s okay.” He picked up Daisy when she decided to start crying. “It’s okay.” He hugged her. “Poor baby.”
You rubbed her back. “Poor little one.”
Levi inspected her face. “Let me kiss it better.” He kissed her forehead. “There we go. That better?” He kissed it a few more times. “All healed up.”
Daisy sighed and rubbed her tears. She flopped against Levi and hummed a bit.
You sighed. “Much better.”
Levi smiled when Daisy reached out for you. “Looks like she wants mummy.”
You picked her out of Levi’s arms and cuddled with her. “Hello, my sweet flower.”
Levi grabbed his tea and sipped it. “Perfect tea.”
“I’m glad.”
He leaned over and kissed you. “You’re so perfect.”
You giggled. “You’re so cute.”
He purred. “I wanna cuddle and kiss you.”
You moved Daisy to her little play area. You gave her a toy and blanket and shuffled over to Levi. You sat between his legs and rested against him. You closed your eyes and just enjoyed him holding you tightly. You let yourself slip into a light sleep as your husband watched over you and Daisy. You were so happy and in love and safe.
Levi lifted you and moved you to lie on the sofa. He covered you in a blanket and admired your sleeping face. “Tch, damn cute brat. Weird to think that so long ago we met in such an odd way.” He hummed a laugh before leaning over and kissing your forehead. “I love you so much.” He pulled away and picked up his daughter. “I think it’s nap time for you.”
Daisy clung to her dad and cooed a little. She flopped against his chest and tried to fight sleep, but she was too tired. She gazed up at Levi when he lay her down in her bed. Levi smiled at her before kissing her little forehead. He watched her fall asleep when he sang a sweet lullaby to her. He watched her for a bit as she slept before leaving her and returning to you.
You inhaled deeply and opened your eyes. You smiled at Levi as he sat on the sofa at your side. “Hey, handsome.”
“Hello, beautiful.”
“Everything okay?”
He leaned down and kissed you. “It’s perfect. I have you and a cute baby girl.”
You winked at him. “Good. So, is she having nap time?”
“Yeah. So, you’re all mine.”
You giggled as he kissed and nibbled your neck. “What do you have on your handsome mind, huh?”
He pulled back a bit and smiled. “Just that I’m a lucky man.”
“I’m the lucky one. I can’t believe you love me.”
“With all my heart and soul.” He kissed you and sighed. “You’re my other half. You make me complete.”
You blushed at his words. “I love you, Levi.”
He mumbled your name against your lips. “I love you too.”
You nibbled your lip. “So…I was thinking…”
“Yes, I would love another baby.”
You giggled. “But wait until Daisy is three?”
He nodded. “Perfect.” He released a long sigh. “So, how about a date night soon? My mother would love to look after Daisy and I’m sure your father would too.”
“They will probably fight to babysit.”
You giggled. “Better to have that than the opposite.”
“You’re right.” He kissed you. “Now, I would love to devour you on this sofa.”
You moaned a little. “Bedroom. It’s still daytime and someone might see.”
Levi scooped you up. “You’re right. You’re all mine.”
You kicked your legs as Levi carried you upstairs to bed. “And you’re mine.”
“Damn right, I am.” He tossed you on the bed and ripped his shirt open. “Now, Mrs Ackerman, let your favourite bodyguard take care of you.”
You squealed in delight. “Roleplay, huh?”
He nodded as he crawled up the bed. “Yes.”
You linked your arms around his neck. “Well, then, what a dedicated bodyguard you are.”
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Types of cats (other) tokrev boys would have
or,,,(other) Tokrev boys as cat owners
I just have cats and the tokrev cast on my mind alright? Pt1 Pt2
Hakkai- the skittish, neurotic calico cat. Most people probably don't know he ever had a cat bc it feels safest hiding. He has tablecloths on his end tables because they both have cat beds under them and it keeps his precious baby out of prying eyes. But you should only be so lucky to witness hakkai, the bumbling sweetheart that he is, coaxing his gorgeous calico out from under his bed or end tables or one of her million hiding spots. When he gets famous they have to find a look alike cat for him to pose with because his stayed under his bed for a week after a camera crew invaded the house.
Kakucho- needy, loud black and white cat. Kaku 's cat is not pleased unless he's snuggled up with kakucho at night. He babies that cat (as he should) but god is it funny to hear one of the brawniest members of tenjiku cooing to a seven pound cat that fully knows it owns kakucho. Kakucho has sent voice recordings of his little possessive gremlin boy of a cat to Kisaki and kakucho stressed daily for weeks, no, months bc Kisaki 200% saved that for blackmail.
Shinichiro- a looooong cat. Look idk what else to say, that boy picks up that cat and it goes for miles. Shin is exactly the cat dad you think he is. A doting cat father, buys too many toys the mild mannered cat doesn't care about, gets mopey when it only cares about empty boxes, then takes his phone out to take pics bc it's so cute.
Inui- a chill adult grey domestic longhair. Looks fabulous and classy but not a thought behind those eyes. Meme quality images galore. Not overly playful which suits inui just as well. But don't get it twisted inui would gut anyone who hurt his baby.
Kokonoi- a standoffish russian blue. She's not very friendly but she is poised and gives the impression that she knows you're not worthy of her time unless you have food. ALWAYS in a place higher than you to assert dominance. Koko feeds her up high even. He keeps his place very clean and his cat respects that and rarely, if ever, makes messes.
Mitsuya- three legged black cat. "Don't hate the situation you were born into", right? This little tripod kitten came from a hoarding home, born short one leg. Little Luna and Mana just melted for her. Warms the boy's heart more than he tries to let on that his sisters chose her. He feels like he raised them right, y'know? She's super affectionate and super mischievous when she wants to be.
Senju- no cat, a dog person if I ever saw one.
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Uppast's Tour Commentary time!!!
unfortunately tumblr decided to delete the first commentary post i made before i could post it, so this might be missing some details!
if you have any questions on a specific actor/character, let me know!!
i saw the 8:00 p.m. show on 3/4/2023!
cast changes:
Gracie as Tantomile
Kieran as Mistoffelees
if i talk about a Cats character, i will be using that cat's name and pronouns, but obviously, if i'm talking about an actor, I will be using their names and pronouns (so Demeter and Skimble I will be using she/her and he/him, but obviously, for Nora and Zamb, i will be using they/them)
Act 1:
SUCH a powerful cast holy shit
like their harmonies were so strong, and every dance mark was hit perfectly
I think they’re the strongest cast I’ve seen
Plato and Tori are????? So in love????? Sobbing?????
Nora!Dem and Kade!Munk are also VERY IN LOVE like they're adorble
Michelle is honestly my favorite Jennyanydots, now I've seen her three times, and she's just as amazing
literally they are the fucking cutest skimbledots
Kade's Tugger is honestly now in my top three Tugger's, and about 50% of that is because i got to talk to him at the stage door and he was the nicest person
but seriously, his Tugger reminded me SO much of John Partridge's Tugger, he was such a rockstar, and his voice is so good
ofc I have to mention the Tugger and Misto dance, they were giving "everyone look at my best friend because my best friend is better than all of you" and that's so valid
also it was adorable but before Tugger's last moment when everyone's gathered around him, Demeter trips him a little and just gives him a little "who, me?" look when he looks at her, and that's what makes him shoo everyone away
Hank and Nora said Tugmeter are best friends rights and once again i am validated
god Nora's version of Demeter is so soft and sympathetic towards Grizabella, and it's honestly heartbreakingly beautiful
This Demeter felt like a younger sister compared to Bombalurina, so once again, ty to Nora for supporting my hcs
tbh even if I don't ship it this tour is really saying demebombalonzostrap rights
Tugger was trying to get Deuteronomy's attention when he arrived, and had to give himself a lil pep talk before greeting him 😭 that's his DAD
literally every single one of my hcs are being so validated by this cast
Tumblebrutus was SUCH a big brother to Pouncival, always making sure he was having fun and it made my heart explode
Tugger gave Mistoffelees a cute lil nudge during the ball, there were so many little moments like that between them, just playful, silly moments and i'm 😭😭😭😭
like this cast really made it more prominent that this is Victoria and Plato's Ball, because everyone was paying a little extra special attention to them, whether it was greeting them, dancing in front of them, or just watching them, and i loved that so much
Plato shared a fist bump with Tumblebrutus and Pouncival before they did their section of the dance at the ball 😭
Mungojerrie got scared by Grizabella so he cuddled into Skimbleshanks' leg that's his DAD
Tayler did these little gasps as she did the dance before "Memory", and i can't remember if she's done those in the past times that i've seen her, but they added so much to the moment, because it felt like she was either trying to remember the moves, or she was hurt.
Act 2:
Sillabub seemed started by the fact that she was singing during “moments of happiness”, which i thought was a really great touch
overall, I loved Sam's Sillabub so much, she was so sweet, and her voice was gorgeous
Brian Mungo is the Most Mungo to ever Mungo
I'm so happy that Babysitter Plato is one of the decisions that's stuck around, I love seeing Plato minding the kitten trio and just being the best big brother to them
he and Tori were also cuddling together during Gus' song 😭
Jenny and Skimble snuggled during Gus’ song, and first Jenny was laying her head on Skimble’s leg, and then they switched so he was resting on her leg, and I sobbed
and then Tugger and Misto cuddling together during Pekes and Pollicles. That’s it, that’s the post.
Tugger kept trying to hit the pompom on the dog head the queens were wearing
I'm in awe of Erica's voice. She is SUCH a powerful Bomba
Nora has the most unique, gorgeous voice, and their performance during Macavity was one of my favorites, honestly. The way Nora and Erica's voices blended during the song gave me chills
Nora’s Demeter gave me “just joined the Jellicles” vibes. Like, her wig’s a little more wild, and she’s a little more hesitant, and the way she sang during Macavity was more boastful than fearful. I honestly loved this version of Dem, SUCH a good take ngl
like the way Demeter and Munkustrap interacted was very much a "we've only met recently but oh i think i'm falling in love with you" and once again SUCH a good Demestrap take
Nora also played Demeter VERY skittish, and it was honestly heartbreaking watching her during the Macavity fight, she was absolutely terrified
BUT she also protected Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer!!! they were near her and she moved them over to the side
honestly Jerrie and Teazer gave me more 2019 vibes, like they had also just joined the tribe recently
Sammy's Alonzo was SO good, and I loved his moment of preparing himself to face Macavity
When Tugger said “you ought to ask magical mr Mistoffelees” Deméter got startled 😭 and Munkustrap was so concerned about her
Tugger got so excited when Misto brought Deut back, he had to take a moment compose himself which was ADORABLE
They also did like a lil handshake before the final part of the song which was also VERY CUTE
God Tayler is just so so good as Griz
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Hi, just saw your post about your fav characters....Can I ask your your top 5 or 10 fav Disney characters and why you love them...?
EDIT: I am so sorry this took me so long to answer. I was doing a show and then Christmas happened and then I just let it stew!!
Lmao, sure! I'm not going to put the ones from the first post on here, because I've talked about them before. (But Stitch is still the top!! I'll also leave off Peter Pan and Cinderella) I'm not counting Marvel, Star Wars or Pixar; just Disney Animated Classics
Again, in no particular order, because that's too much stress.
1.) Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet
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The angst! The arc! But most importantly, the gender!!! I watched it again recently and Jim's story is just!! So full of emotions!! His relationship with Silver - coming to terms with his absent dad - just very good stuff! (And for a 00s kid, he was the epitome of cool, lmaoo)
2.) Tiana from Princess and the Frog
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Again, similar to Cinderella, I relate to 'Dreams come true, but you have to put in the hard work for them.' Especially this last year (me and Tiana both worked two jobs!), and working on coursework. Now that I've finished my course, I'm still holing up most nights to polish off a manuscript I want to seriously get published. Tiana working so hard for her dreams is a big inspiration. I probably take the wrong message from the film, lol
3.) Anna from Frozen
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This is mostly because I cosplayed Anna, multiple times! I have her coronation dress and her blue dress! It was honestly more because my friend had the dress ready to go, than any real choice, which spawned getting brought a lot of Anna merch. But I do like her as a character; her determination and optimism and that she's honestly an awkward dork.
4.) Oliver from Oliver and Company
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I love Oliver Twist and I've loved ginger cats ever since I first watched Alien. So I have to love Oliver. He is just...a little boy...there's not much substance to him but there doesn't need to be: he's an orphan kitten and his job is to be lovable.
5.) Aladdin
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The best Disney man? He's charming and handsome and dedicated! I thought I would have more to justify it, but not really, lol - he's a very nice man! The magic carpet ride, the puppy eyes, the underlying queerness of 'Genie, make me a prince!'
(I was also cast as Aladdin in the school play; a big gender moment for me!)
6.) Koda from Brother Bear
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Brother Bear was one of my favourites as a kid, and I loved Koda. Like Oliver, he's - cute - and cuddly. And that's enough for him to earn a spot on the list, because my standards a low!
7.) Jiminy Cricket
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I do think Kingdom Hearts influences this one: I think his role in the games is cute! And the idea of him being a sidekick/guide is definitely story material I'm toying with. Idk, I just find him charming. Maybe it's because the film is vintage now..maybe it's because I have a lot of cute cross stitch patterns with him on...
8.) Taran from The Black Cauldron
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But, uh, not to be pretentious: he's better in the Chronicles of Prydain books. That's not hugely fair, because there's five books and The Black Cauldron is more a mash-up of the first two, so Taran's arc is longer and more spread out in the novels. The sword is dealt with a lot more poingantly, and the reveal of his parents? Very good!
With the Disney version I guess its just that he's Arthur if Arthur was a little more fun and a little more flawed. Taran's kind of a jerk, but he learns to be a hero. And that's catnip for me.
9.) Judy Hopps from Zootopia
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(Unfortunately.) I don't have great feelings about Judy's job, or her policework, but I watched Zootopia a lot before moving out to go to uni, and really related to moving into some shoddy places persuing a goal that might not happen. I do love how upbeat Judy is; her optimism is a good rule to live by.
(The above gif was definitely me having a great time at the uni organised disco playing Busted, next to a housemate who was babysitting me until he had to walk me to the bus stop so I could home. (I had work early the next morning.))
10.) Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland
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I really love Alice in Wonderland, but my favourite has always been the Cheshire Cat. I do love a cat, and the fact that he was pink and purple was the best to me as a child. I just think he's neat!
(Disney stop putting him on villains merchandise he is just a funky little guy!)
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Hello Frank! I saw that you're happy today! I wanted to ask what kind of household pet you would like if you could have any in the world?
I was actually thinking a lot recently about how I like animals. I grew up around animals, and I like the variety of animals – the way my dad and my uncle have these different types of dogs and I never really got to see that. I like all the stuff that you see out in the yard or the back or whatever, but also all the stuff you don't. The dogs and cats and such. I was talking to the guy who's going to be giving me the kitten, and he had one he'd grown up with, and he was telling me how it had a personality all of its own, because, you know, an animal, and I thought "oh, that sounds nice." And then I talked to the owner of the cat I was thinking of getting (a stray) and the owner described it as a "mess" that never paid attention to her but that was "very loving" and he talked about it being a little kitten at the pound and having done a lot of things to try to get a home for it but that there was never one interested. And I'm like "yeah." And the idea of having a little animal that is my own is appealing in the abstract, but it's not so much "my animal." It's kind of all the other animals that aren't mine that would be "my animal." Like, "look at this, it's very happy and cute and it's doing very silly and expressive things! and it's kind of a problem, which I find quite interesting. and I can read all about it. and it loves me in a very specific way. and I can love it in a very specific way."
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wandering-artbird · 2 years
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This is the the story of Mishmish, my beloved cat who died last year…
Two years ago when I was living in Middle East, me and my sister found this beautiful kitten while taking a stroll around a local park. She was sitting all by herself under one of the wooden benches and she looked really hungry. After looking at her condition we really wanted to help her. So we decided to combine our pocket money and buy her some milk from the nearby supermarket. When we saw her drinking the milk we just knew that we had to take her home with us. So we went to the security guard and asked him if this cat belongs to anybody and he said that the it was a stray and had been living here since birth. Then we went to her and picked her up and brought her home.She got attached to our family really fast and vice versa. Because of the lovely spots on her body we named her Mishmish which is taken from the Urdu word Kishmish meaning raisins ( dried grapes).
Everything was going so fine until one day last year we had to return back to our home country because of my dad’s death , who passed away due to COVID. After many discussions my mom finally agreed to take mishmish with us but as the COVID situation was spreading at its peak the protocols were very strict.In order to take her out of the country many legal documents had to be made which would take a lot amount of time.But we had to go back really quickly. So after telling our neighbors to take care of her and her kitties for us, we said goodbye and set off to the airport with a very heavy heart.
All of us internally cried so much on the journey. That time we all were going through a really really hard time and were very emotionally vulnerable and this triggered our already crying heart even more.I felt like I have lost all of my world at once.
But I always hoped that one day I will go back and see her again…
After a few months since our return, my mom told me that mishmish had died while protecting herself from other angry wild cats who were chasing her.Actually the death had happened just one day after arrival and the neighbors had called my mom and told her the news. But my mom decided to not tell us because she thought we were already going through enough. After hearing that I felt like my already lost world had just been broken.I cried so much that time just thinking about everything that had been going on with my life lately.“Why me?”,was all I could think that time.
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These are her six kitties who were also not able to come.
I made this post today because I miss her and her cute ways of asking for snacks, her absolutely adorable cuddles and her heartwarming hugs.
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I miss you so much Mishu 💕
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stardewlily · 6 months
Winter Star Angel
A Stardew Valley one shot about the relationship between Sebastian and my farmer, Lily. Such a silly little piece of fluff but I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to write something sweet for Christmas! I know life is hard for many of us these days but I hope that everyone can find some peace and contentment these holidays, even if only for a moment. If you can, please cherish it, because those moments are so very precious.
Synopsis: Sebastian gives Lily a very special Winter Star gift
Cast: Original Female Character, Sebastian
Contents: Established Relationship (Married), Love, Romance, Fluff
Warnings: None
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Sebastian stopped reading and let the book he was holding fall onto his lap. He looked down at his wife and smiled to see her sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, her hands curled sweetly against him. Next to them Nyx lay curled protectively around a fluffy white kitten, the newest addition to their family, and his smile widened as his mind drifted back to the start of the day and the moment he had given Lily the first of her many Winter Star presents.
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Sebastian grinned as he stepped through the farm door and carefully laid a beribboned box on the table. He couldn't wait to see the look on Lily's face when she saw what was inside.
Before he had time to imagine further a consternation-fuelled streak in the shape of his wife came flying through the kitchen towards him and flung itself into his arms.
"Oh Sebby! Where have you been? I was so worried when I woke up and you were gone!"
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her. So typical of his Lily, he had woken as early and quietly as possible to pick up this gift from his parents, had been as fast as he possibly could, and she had still noticed his absence!
"I'm sorry, baby," he kissed the top of her head and stroked her back through the soft material of her dressing gown. "But it was for a good cause, I had to go fetch your present from my mom's."
She ceased her burrowing into his chest to look up at him with a quizzical little frown on her face. "From your mom's? But why wasn't it already here under the tree with all the others?"
"Well," he said with a smile, "this one is a bit special." Her puzzled expression increased as she looked at the box and he couldn't help but laugh again. Ah Yoba, she was so cute!
"I had to get my mom to take care of it for the night. Why don't we take a look? Follow me!" He lifted the box off the table and, nodding his head towards the living room, carried it through and set it down in front of the fire, sitting down cross-legged in front of it and holding out a hand for Lily to join him.
Confusion still firmly in place, a wide-eyed Lily took his hand and sank to the ground next to him.
"Go ahead... open it."
He fixed his gaze to her face, not wanting to miss a moment as she tentatively pulled at the ribbon that bound the box then lifted the lid.
A gasp left her lips as a tiny ball of white fluff with bright blue eyes, dark ears and a triangular shaped wedge of grey fur painting the front of its face carefully poked up its head and stared at its new owners.
"Seb… oh… it's adorable… I love it!" She let out a little sob as the kitten hopped out of its box and immediately made its way into her lap, purring and rubbing its head against her hand. "I never thought I'd have one of my own, they're so rare…" the sweetest smile lit her face as she looked up at him, eyes brimming with tears. "I can't believe you remembered."
"Of course I remembered," he said softly, heart melting as he reached out to cradle her cheek, loving her reaction, loving her.
It was one of the few happy memories Lily had told him from her past. Of the gentle Birman cat her grandmother had owned and how she had cuddled it endlessly as a child.
"I remember everything you've ever said. I put my name on the waiting list for one as soon as you told me. I know you never had a happy Winter Star thanks to your dad, Lily, but that all changes right now. This is just the start, I'm going to make this day so perfect for you!"
Tears ran down her cheeks as she gazed at him, stars in her eyes. "Oh Sebby…" she touched his face in return, "you're so sweet, you do know it's not your job to make up for every bad thing that ever happened to me, don't you?"
He smiled, took her in his arms and kissed her. "You're wrong, baby… that's exactly what my job is!"
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Sebastian kissed his sleeping wife on the forehead, remembering the sound of her laughter, the taste of her happy tears, the feel of her in his embrace. The only gifts he had wanted that day. He laid his cheek on the top of her head and sighed, stroking her hair fondly, his smile full of peace and contentment as he held her close.
Yes, that was his job. To make up for every bad thing that had ever been done to her. Even if it took him his whole life.
"You're my angel, Lily," he said softly as the decorations twisted and twinkled gently above their heads. "My Winter Star Angel."
~The End~
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Cute little page dividers by @chachachannah / Boring old plain green ones by me!
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fairygeek777 · 10 months
Of all the ways I thought she'd be introduced this wasn't one of them 🤣 Everyone was referring to Artemis as a dead beat dad with a kitten he had without anyone knowing 🤣 Which is funny because Diana looks the most like her mom so while it was kinda funny that Luna jumped to conclusions like that she could have just stuck around a little and looked at the kitten in question 😂
You know they hadn't really put a lot of development into Luna and Artemis' relationship so far. But hearing everyone talk about them as if they'd been a couple all along was really sweet 🤭 Also the whole misunderstanding was started because Artemis was daydreaming about marrying Luna in a church while staring into one. Poor Luna thought he was captivated by the nun outside of it LOL
Also the inner senshi were finally relevant this season??? It was like they didn't exist for 5 whole episodes 🤣
Finally got to see them fight and transform! Venus got her own fight too! Felt like forever since I saw everyone fight aside from Usagi, Mamo and Chibiusa.
Rei actually sounded like herself for once when Jupiter said "A church is the location of every girl's ideal wedding" Mars said "Well maybe not mine" which I choose to understand as she isn't boy crazy anymore. Though they probably just mean she wants something "fancier"
Mamoru probably spoke to Diana off screen asking why she said Artemis was her dad and where she was from. In which the sweetheart kitty would explain to him and of course referring to Mamoru as Your Majesty. Which would have been cute to see.
Cute episode overall!
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 month
Continuation of this post
*almost all the guests of the Hazbin Hotel were on high alert to see where Lilith was, most didn’t understand the concern for finding Lilith, but Angel Dust since Adam had confided in him that Lilith hurt him in Eden, but the others especially Charlie were so confused when Lucifer entered his demon form and pure rage could be felt from the fallen angel, Lucifer had thought of finding out Lilith abusing Adam because he saw Adam have a nightmare about it, Charlie slipped away knowing one of Lilith’s favorite spots, a quiet cave that had aquatic flowers and glowing fish, it was so beautiful, as she expected Charlie saw Lilith there*
Charlie: Mom.
*Charlie wanted answers from her own mom*
Lilith: My darling Charlie, I knew you would come to me. Tell me has Adam hurt you?
*Charlie was confused, aside from Extermination Day which was in the midst of a battle, Adam never tried to hurt her, she was careful walking around the rocks, her bare feet were cute little hooves*
Charlie: Adam doesn’t hurt me, in fact he is very kind to me. I mean he was grumpy at first because he lost Heaven and all that. But once I got to know him I saw he is a genuinely good person. He also loves dad very much.
Lilith: I see he is clinging to that silly little crush after all these years.
*Charlie was confused, it didn’t look like just a crush to her, Adam seemed to have a great capacity for love and she even felt that capacity for love given to her*
Charlie: Why should I trust your opinion on love when you abandoned me for seven years?
Lilith: Did he turn you against me?
Charlie: Mom, listen to yourself. Why would Adam want to turn me against you?
Lilith: I stole his first love and he couldn’t stand a few slaps and pinches when he annoyed me. It got even worse because it made him cry like a little baby so I had to correct him until he shut up. Honestly who could love him?
*Charlie wanted to believe that this was out of character for her mom, but she realized it wasn’t, she remembered right before Lilith left she had gotten into an argument with Lucifer where both of them were screaming at each other and Lilith said very cruel things to Lucifer which made him cry, Lilith looked at her husband in disgust and said he was just as pathetic as “him” she didn’t know who him was, but now she realized it was Adam*
Charlie: Mom, why can’t you just love us?
Lilith: Sweetie, I do love you and your father.
Charlie: You hate Adam more than you love your family.
*Charlie cried and a look of anger entered Lilith’s eyes, she raised her hand which shocked Charlie because Lilith never raised a hand against her, but before she could strike Charlie, Vaggie flew in and placed herself between Charlie and Lilith*
Lilith: Oh look it is one of Adam’s birds.
Vaggie: Fucking stay away from Charlie.
*Vaggie scooped up Charlie and flew away with her*
Charlie: Vaggie, you saved me.
Vaggie: Of course I did, I love you and I want to marry you.
*Charlie felt like she was on cloud nine*
Charlie: Yes I will marry you.
*the pair kissed when Vaggie got Charlie to safety*
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tonoandhime · 1 year
The story of having 🐈 from a breeder in 🌷Holland🌷
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HIME around 1 month old
HIME: 😾. These days, I really don't like it when it suddenly snows just when I think spring has arrived. 🌸⛄
TONO: 😸. Well, it's the change of season. We're in a northern country. I'm glad at least we're on summertime and can spend more time in the sun. 🌞.
HIME: 🐱. Oh yes, and continuing with the story about how mum chose us.
TONO: 🙀 Apparently there was a type of cat that Mum wanted to keep that was not allowed to be bred in the Netherlands.
HIME: 😿 That, I know. It was the kind of cat that was genetically and medically difficult for cats to survive, but people kept breeding them because they were cute. I heard that in many countries they are still breeding them.
TONO: 😾. It's hoomans who have been doing whatever it takes to make money. Mum didn't know anything about it and she was wondering why she couldn't find it. And she did a lot of research. That's when she finally realised. So she started looking for British Shorthairs only.
HIME: 🐱. Speaking of that, I heard that my mum said that beautiful long-haired cats are nice to look at, but she gave up on them as she felt sorry for them too, as she thought they would make a lot of hairballs because she was too lazy to look after them.
TONO: 🐱. Also, 💻 dad works from home, so he couldn't have an overly active kitten either. The other thing was the distance from my house to the breeder. 🚙 In the end mum made a few contacts and came to see us too. I heard that as soon as she saw us, she was absolutely heartbroken. 💘 That's what immediate decision 🌟.
HIME: 😸. I heard that after that, mum worked frantically to build us a cat room. 🏠
TONO: 😸 It's definitely bigger than mum's room. But we always sleep in Mum's room. 💤
HIME: 😽 Next time I'll tell you about the day my mum came to pick me up. We're only on Instagram (@tonoandhime2023) to keep up with our two months at our birthplace, so come and see us if you like. There are also photos of our 🐈 mum and other sisters.
TONO: 😹. Oh, well, you're doing a good job of advertising! Well then, see you later. 👋😽😽
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