#your father had ooey-gooey eyes
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Love your stories. Was wondering about a story where Thena and Gil get a pet.
"We have enough at home," Gil sighed, pulling Thena's hand into his in an attempt to lure her away from the lizard display. "Why did we even come here if you were only going to look at the lizards? We could've just walked into the garden at home."
"But this one is different," Thena countered, pointing over her shoulder to the bearded dragon who seemed just as distraught to be separated from her.
"I have enough lizard peelings to sweep up already, thank you," Gil chuckled, smiling as Thena at least matched his pace to walk beside him. "Isn't there anything else you'd consider?"
Thena stayed quiet, looking around at the various displays.
"What about a dog?" Gil suggested, pointing to the Australian Shepherds garnering by far the most attention. "You could take it hunting with you."
"An animal will only slow me down," Thena countered easily, and of course, she did have a point. She was faster and stronger than any mortal animal, and a mid size dog was probably not meant to be out hunting ostriches with the Goddess of War.
"We could get a bird," Gil tried again, pointing out the conures perched prettily in their cage. "They live a really long time."
"Gil," Thena sighed, but gave up her next argument at the look on his face.
He had suggested getting them a pet because he worried about having to leave her alone when he went to the market, and especially since he'd started going out further to other trading posts. They'd been in Australia long enough now that people were starting to recognise and get suspicious of Gil's completely unchanged appearance (handsomeness).
Thena could concede that perhaps some company wouldn't be the worst thing for her when he was travelling to other towns. Gil was mostly worried about her being lonely.
"You are only ever gone a day, Gilgamesh," she would chide him and his sensitivity.
"I still miss you," he would pout his lips at her cutely. "Don't you miss me when I'm gone?"
Like she could rip open her chest and hand him her heart to take with him. But she wasn't going to let that stop him.
"What about a guinea pig?--they come in two's!" Gil beamed at the squeaking little monsters. He pointed out specifically two cuddling together, one with a black coat of fur and the other so lightly blonde it was almost sheer white. "They're like us!"
"Thena," he chuckled, moving his hand from hers so he could pull her closer by the waist. He nestled his lips next to her ear, "I'm not leaving here empty handed, so find something, Sweetheart."
Thena nodded with a sigh. This was more for Gilgamesh than for her--if she thought about it that way it would be easier. She ran through the animals she would consider, although admittedly even if they weren't lizards they were still mostly reptilian. "Gil?"
He was slowing to a stop, craning his neck to look at the kittens in their little enclosure.
"Stars above, help me," Thena sighed as she followed him over to the display of feline abominations. She glared down at the little mongrels. "Why are you so enchanted by these quadrupeds?"
"Oh, come on," he dismissed her grouching easily, looking down at the little cuties. "They're sweet."
Thena disagreed. She thought they were far too smart a creature to be as domesticated as they let humans believe. And they demanded the same attention as canines did, if not more so, only without the obedience to be sent away.
Gil had ooey-gooey eyes.
Thena sighed again, leaning over his shoulder as he held his hand out. The tiniest of all the kittens scrambled up into his palm, pressing low as Gil lifted it up. "You really want a feline?"
Gil said nothing, holding the kitten up for Thena to examine for herself. The kitten was white, fluffy, had massive ears ears it would have to grow into and big green eyes.
Thena had to admit, it was not as unpleasant as some cats she had encountered. She looked past those eyes at Gilgamesh, "this one?"
Gil's big, ooey-gooey eyes glittered at her. "He looks like you!"
Thena tried not to be insulted by that. She looked at the cat again, who took a cautious step towards her. She leaned in closer, hearing the soft purring it began emanating from its body. "Fine."
Gil lit up. "Really?"
Thena blushed, unable to look directly at him as if the sun were in her eyes. "Yes, but I will not tolerate having to compete with this thing for run of my own home."
Gil just chuckled. Thena didn't like that cats weren't afraid of her. He held out his hand, "you should hold him on the way home."
"Gil-" Thena blinked as he deposited the cat into her - very dangerous - hands without a second thought. The kitten attempted to balance itself in its newer and smaller platform of dwelling. She turned her hands to look at it. "Hello."
Gil held back his laughter at the sight of the Goddess of War with ooey-gooey eyes.
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keyrey · 3 months
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ꕥ𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐰/ 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢ꕥ
“When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.” —Linda Poindexter
■□■(SFW, family headcannon.)■□■
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𝓡𝓮𝓭, a testament to never-ending strength and courage. White, a resemblance of peace and purity. Denmark, a hot-ass place to be in the middle of summer, wearing a thick cream colored suit and tie. It’s what you’ve been trying to tell your headstrong, handsome, manly hunk of a husband all evening. Although somehow, you’ve ended up bundled in layers of silk sheets, the orange sun peeking through the sheer curtains, the ever-so-calming timbre of Farum Lake and rustling leaves, cradled warmly in the embrace of the man we all know and love, Kento freaking Nanami.
“I swear I’m gonna break that damn clock one day,” you blurt out before your mind can register what you said. A slight offense on your part—forgetting that the clock you’re so avidly pressed about was Nanami’s grandmother’s, one of the last remnants of her being. Grandpa Soren’s house is the worst place to be in the scorching summer heat. Do you want air conditioning? Buy a water bottle and a bucket of ice. If it weren’t for the croissant bakery, the ice cream truck, and the taco joint down the road, you’d flee right back to good ol’ Ammurica on the first flight available, but… this is one of the sacrifices you have to make when you have a husband, right?
"I love your commitment to destroying antique furniture. Maybe we should replace all our furniture with IKEA next." 
You can’t help but roll your eyes at his snarkiness. He does that sometimes, most of the time. “Nanami—” “I apologize.” 
“Yeah, you better, fool!” You laugh heartily, chest hurting as you throw a nearby pillow at him. But of course, with his trained Jujutsu reflexes, he dodged it perfectly even though he’s retired. 
“Dammit! I will get you next time!” The other pillow you were about to chuck straight into that gorgeous face of his, got halted by the creek of the rusty metal hinges. You both looked, craning your heads to the side. 
Slimy fingers which most definitely were coated with snot and boogers trailed up your sides. An ooey, gooey monster? No… just your five year old girl, Jasmine, who runs in the house like she owns the place. You refuse to tell her that one day, she will. 
Jasmine held one of those velcro wooden pizza sets that you can mix and match. You guessed it was her favorite feature because it was the only explanation for a pineapple, salmon, mushroom and pepperoni pizza all in one. To make it even better, her slobbery fingers made an excellent argument on why NOT to indulge in this intriguing delicacy. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDYYYYYYY!!!!” Jasmine was your crazy ball of energy, you really have no idea how she is such a contrast to both your and Nanami’s personalities. 
Grandpa Soren shuffled into the room, his long beard swinging slightly with each step. Coupled with an angular visage. The lines on his face told stories of loneliness, but his eyes brightened as they took in the sight of his family. 
His voice, though worn and gravelly, carried a tender note as he spoke. "I'm sorry," he said, running a hand through his beard, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "She just really wanted to see you on your birthday, Nanami."
Jasmine returned to galloping around the master bedroom like the centaur she is– should be. 
"She's too fickle! Slips right out of my hands!" he chuckled, shaking his head in amused resignation.
“How would you all feel about a birthday breakfast in bed, hmm?” Now we’re talking. You were the first to raise your hand, NOT your birthday. Nanami looked at you, a knowing look on his face. A nod of confirmation, and Grandpa Soren is gone, whisked away into the wonders of the kitchen. 
The scent of warm pastry dough, buttery and slightly sweet, mingled with the eggs, created an irresistible symphony of smells that tickled the senses.
“Daddyyyyyy!!!! Why not eat my pizza!!!!!?? Is delicious!!!”
She really needs to go back to preschool. You couldn’t hold back your reaction, a fierce chortle, eliciting a brown faux fur pillow right in your face, shutting you up immediately. 
Nanami went into full-on dad mode, a mode that even when you two are alone, is hard to turn off. Literally, his pupils dilated fully, looking like a straight up puppy. He seemed to snake off the bed effortlessly and onto the ground, kneeling down to her level. You witnessed his hands tremble in fear as he stuck out the tip of his tongue to taste his daughter’s creation. 
“You like? You like, daddy!!???”
He tried his hardest not to break his facade and provided Jasmine with a crooked smile, attempting to hide the sensation of his stomach twitching.
“Delicious, baby. Make Daddy another one?” And thus began the start of a grave mistake that eventually roped you and Grandpa Soren around in it as well. Sour expressions ran through the family. Luckily, you were no longer burning in the heat as Grandpa invested into a fan. You thought you’d never see the day. Only Nanami would risk his life for his daughter’s wooden pizza creations. This is why Nanami is daddy. Our very own daddy. 
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╰┈➤Banner (Canva rules) ╰┈➤Fanart drawn by yours truly - KeyRey. ╰┈➤Special thanks to @cafekitsune for the divider! ╰┈➤ Extra special thanks to @pseudowho for inspiration to start writing again ahhh! Love your work ❤️
(I don’t know if I was supposed to tag, sorry! New to the unspoken rules of tumblr etiquette 😅😅 >.<)
■□■<Unrelated Teaser for a potential sequel>■□■ An autistic dog accompanied by an autistic girl, an uncalled for turn of events, but my current reality as he shakes in my arms, petrified by the sharp, whirring whistles of red, white and blue. A symbol of bravery, peace and freedom. But we all know expectations and realities provide an unequivocal sense of falseness. Which is why a compressed thunder jacket, warm cozy blankets and bread coated in peanut butter, stuffed with an anxiety pill inside is the way to go.
Extra little note: A few mistakes might've went under my radar when writing this, please don't be afraid to point out corrections! ⇣⇣Real footage of Nanami and his baby⇣⇣
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ginnyweatherby · 10 months
hi i cannot sleep and my mind is wandering to the most random places tonight. so i come with a question: what are your headcanons for the whereabouts/backstories of phineas & candace’s father and ferb’s mother? please include as much lore as humanly possible
ok goodnight
Hmm, okay to be completely honest, I haven't really spent much time thinking about this. However I do personally think that Candace and Phineas' parents are divorced, while Ferb's mom passed away.
All that said, let's see if I can come up with something here...
Linda and Mr. Flynn were married young
Linda was still in her Lindana days then, he was some up-and-coming producer at the time
They met at a party somewhere and hit it off immediately. It's called networking.
They were the hot couple in the tabloids for awhile. You could barely go a week without seeing their faces or hearing their names somewhere.
Shortly after they were married, Linda found out she was pregnant and gave up the Lindana act to stay at home with the baby
Candace was a very ugly baby.
Candace loved her daddy, she was like a little duckling that followed him around everywhere
She liked to put on his glasses and his shoes and stomp around the house doing impressions of him.
They lived as a unit of three for awhile until Phineas came into the picture
Phineas was a sickly baby (you can't tell me that head of his made for an easy birthing experience), so it was hard on the family while he spent time in the hospital
He was also an ugly baby btw.
When Phineas was around two, all the stress had reached the breaking point, and they finally admitted defeat and divorced
I hate to say it was a bitter divorce, but well, there must be some reason he's out of the picture.
Lawrence and Mrs. Fletcher were sickeningly in love
Like ooey gooey mushy wushy stuff 24/7 just the most disgusting couple to be around.
They met as teenagers and were sweethearts ever since.
They liked to go on dates to cute little restaurants as often as they could
She loved movies, practically every weekend was spent at the cinema. She especially liked old black and white films.
She got sick when Ferb was only a baby, but she hid it well from him
She didn't want him to remember her ill.
Until she couldn't hide it anymore.
She passed away when Ferb was only a toddler
It scares him that the older he gets, the less he remembers of her.
Lawrence was - understandably - a wreck.
For several months.
Ferb stayed with his grandparents for awhile
Lawrence just couldn't cope with his grief and a toddler at the same time
Especially since every time he looked at Ferb, he saw her eyes.
Eventually Lawrence picked himself up, and while still devastated, knew he needed a fresh start.
For both of them. For all of them.
Ferb once asked why they didn't see Mummy anymore, and Lawrence almost broke down again
That's when he moved them to the United States
He knew he'd miss his family, but this was a clean slate.
It was hard at first, raising a kid on his own, but he knew he had to, for Ferb's sake
It's what his wife would have wanted. He'd promised her he'd do a good job.
He was so nervous the day he enrolled his shy little boy in preschool
They had barely walked into the classroom when a little redheaded boy took Ferb's hand and said "I know what we're going to do today!"
Lawrence met the boy's mom later that day.
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Author Spotlight: CatSteppingOnAKeyboard!
Introducing. . . author spotlight! This post will be a roundup of my personal favorites written by this author, instead of a traditional roundup with fics by multiple authors.
Ambrosia and snake oil are sold by the same vendor The Penumbra Podcast, (multi), 180k, Humor, Action & Adventure “Twirl for me, Juno.” “I’ll do it if you close your eyes.” Nureyev takes his hand and makes Juno twirl. The rainbow skirts of a summer dress flare, a yellow cardigan snapping about him, his gold sandals flashing. The effect is of a rainbow octopus flashing its warning colors on the end of Nureyev’s arm. Nureyev catches Juno by the waist “You look splendid.” “I look like I run a mommy-blog.” “I think that’s the point, Juno.” Juno Steel is a lot of things. A happy home-maker ain't one of them, but hey, how hard can it be to play nice for a bit, especially if it means uncovering a source of the cure-mother? Except it's not that simple because nothing ever is in Juno's life. Suddenly he and his family are poised on the verge of an intergalactic conspiracy that pits Juno against old friends and enemies, while the fate of a dying species hangs in the balance. Also some furby nightmare fell out of the vents and Vespa won't let them put it back to the woods.
Ambrosia and snake oil was the best Penumbra fic I had ever read until I read The ballad of Jet Sikuliaq. The combination of action and humor, found family shenanigans, and wacky BAMF's is exactly what got me into The Penumbra Podcast, and it drew me into this fic all the same.
The ballad of Jet Sikuliaq  The Penumbra Podcast, (gen), 120k, Pre-Canon, Heists Before a certain lady detective ever met a certain nameless thief, before a certain mayor ever set a robot plague upon a certain Martian city, there were others being gay and doing crimes in space. Jet; a torn between the cool uncle he is on the inside and the ruthless, blood-thirsty, property-damaging intergalactic criminal with a wicked drug dependency he is on the outside. Buddy; the victim of his most recent bout of impulsive destruction. To compensate for what Jet has done to Buddy's reputation, Buddy recruits Jet for a singularly difficult task: either he kills her father, a notorious prison baron and jackass, or Buddy kills Jet and displays his remains over the counter of her bar next to the mechanical trout that sings 'Sweet Caroline'. Nothing goes as planned, least of all the beautiful friendship that blooms out of this unlikely allegiance.
I have a secret love for pre-canon fics and The Ballad doesn't disappoint. The ballad of Jet Sikuliaq is a quintessential heist fic with reluctant teammates, bizarre humor, and that ooey gooey found family goodness. This fic explores a brilliant depth of emotion with discussions of addiction, grief, and mental illness that are a halfway substitute for real therapy.
There are no wolves left in Ireland  Derry Girls x IT, (gen), 70k, The Power of Friendship, Biblical Horror Orla raises her hand higher. “I’ve been possessed.” Erin rolls her eyes. “No, she hasn’t, Sister Michael. Orla was iron deficient last year- she got a swimmy feeling in her head every time she stood up and she thought that was demons.” “It was demons.” says Orla, evenly. “Oh, and iron tablets made the demons go away, did they?” Her cousin shrugs and thumbs the side of her nose. “Well, I felt better after I took ‘em, didn’t I?” Another Derry, another time, same old Pennywise. Armed with friendship, faith, an encyclopedic knowledge of Catholic heresy and a pitchfork one of them got out of the garden shed, the Derry girls do battle with a clown who really should have known better than to try this shit in Northern Ireland.
This was the fic that got me into the source material. I actually read the first chapter of this fic and then put it down to watch the first episode of Derry Girls. Hilarious, horrifying, and heartwarming, this fic has it all! A definite must read, you only need the bare minimum of familiarity with Derry Girls and even less knowledge of IT to enjoy this fic.
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julie-su · 1 year
Still left frustrated that KTE and it's surrounding issues sew the seeds of 'Generational trauma sucks' and then goes on to flop the landing with 'but that's your FATHER, he's trying his BEST, so you have to love him. okay?!' -- A good point was almost made.. Then squandered. And I suppose it comes down to "Damn, dude, I think you shouldn't have tried to work this one out under the licensed Sonic The Hedgehog Comics".
I mean- that's what was set up with Janelle-Li, Athair, Sabre, and Locke, wasn't it? As much as we all tend to hand-waive the swirling depths of these comics, there are clear lines to be drawn.. Or perhaps I'm playing 'death of the author' to see this one out. Either way - Janelle-Li is dying, and Athair, Sabre's father and daughter of Janelle-Li, refuses to leave his place as Mitre of the Lost Tribe, deeming it an act of religeous importance* This frustrates Sabre, who sees Athair as cruel and heartless, thus he seperates from his father to see his grandmother before she passes on.
This sews the seeds of an apathy for religeon in Locke, who goes on to roll his eyes every time his ex-wife brings up Echidna Theology; of course, she is an avid studier, and frequently visits the.. Aurorium.. (Aurora is a once-echidna, who had evolved into a higher being with her connection to the Chaos Force, appearing to those sometimes to aide with their issues. Y'know.. Like Jesus, but not! I say once-echidna, as she appears to suit whichever species of mobian she visits.) ... ... This leads Knuckles to have not a clue about Echidna Theology, even so in that he feels uncomfortable stepping foot in the Aurorium, without much of a thought as to why.
*Echidna Theology is thus influenced by The Ancient Walkers, who are highly connected to the Chaos Force - who very much fortold of dangers coming, and their great wisdom was documented into the Tomes - which are essentially Echidna Religeous Texts.
... It's just.. There's clearly a strong thought put into the understanding of cyclitical generational trauma; even when we have moments in Penders' stories of Locke going 'hmm, I know I've gone wrong' as we explore how 'chucking your kid into the wilderness and waiting to see if he copes' is an archaic training method set by Rembrandt, after his first son died on a lone mission... Rembrandt being a guardian from 11 generations before Knuckles. That's a lot of years of chucking your kid out into the wilderness! (Though, interestingly, it seems that in the middle, Tobor lived at home with his mother, with sporadic visits from his father, until presumably he came 'of age'.)
I suppose I wrote all of this to say; I feel like removing "Locke being a bad father" in an act to fix his character feels antithetical to what story was being told, and also does a disservice to the story itself. I'd much rather see stories where we explore the trauma and cyclitical abuse, and call it for what it is - not unlike Flynn's run with Locke. There are some really fun plot threads to follow if you allow yourself to really pull the story apart and look at its ooey, gooey innards (... And a lot more things to complain about, but I get that part out in private chats, HEY-OO!)
Well, my final write-off is; I wrote all of this at 1am, incredibly sick, and off my konk.. so if I've misremembered anything, do tell me.. POLITELY, in asks or replies ^^
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
V3 boys accidentally knocking up their s/o in the killing game
desc; how the v3 boys would act if they found they knocked you up during the killing game.
warnings; fem!reader, pregnant!reader, sexual comments, cussing, mentions of sex, mild mild spoilers??
just a small note; I haven't finished the 3rd game yet so I have no idea what happens thus, I apologize if it isn’t too accurate or if there are gaps in my story! Also, i don’t know if reader stays in the killing game long enough to birth a child, so like, i just made it like she did?? 
to be honest, I think he would find out before you did.
he is extremely observant so he would notice the symptoms right away
He would notice how you got fatigued easily, how you seemed to get nauseated
first, he would ask you if you were late
then, if you said yes, he would tell you straight up.
“S/o, you’re pregnant.” “I- I’m what!?” 
he would definitely get worried for you and his baby, 
a child born into a killing game is not ideal after all.
would be with you at all times, too scared to let you out his sight
he doesn’t want you or his baby to get hurt or killed by another student
yes, he believes in everyone but he can never be too careful.
he’s constantly pestering you and asking if you’re alright
you have 0 time to yourself, because he’s always with you
would probably hold hands through the bathroom door if you were using the toilet
he would try and prepare everything for when you go into labor
he wanted to make sure that both you and the baby are safe before and after labor
he takes care of you very well, always getting what you need or want
overall, i think he’d be a very responsible dad when the baby is born, probably the best dad out of everyone.
At first kokichi thought you were joking,
“Nishishi! Nice prank, s/o! You almost got me!”
But when you look at him with a serious expression, he goes-
“Wait shit, did we not use protection?” 
He’s not sure how to feel about it, so he just puts a fake face on.
He acts super excited and unworried but on the inside he’s not sure what to do.
he would constantly over think and become unsure of himself, the question repeating over and over in his head; Would he be a good dad?
Though he’s concerned for you and the baby, he’s actually kinda happy
he’s excited for all the pranks he and the baby can do against everyone in the killing game.
He has a new pranking partner!
yes, his pranking partner is less than a month old, but still! the baby is going to be a pranking master!
if you had strange cravings, he would try them with you
wanting to, “experience being pregnant with his tongue(kinky?)”
the horny bastard would probably still wanna smash, but definitely more gently than usual, he didn’t want to stab the baby with his dick
I think he’d talk to your baby via belly a lot
he would tell your baby stupid jokes that were kinda inappropriate but still hilarious
“Hmm, it must be nice being inside S/o. I would know, I was too.” 
“KOKICHI-” “NISHISHI!” *fucking books it*
i think he’d be a pretty irresponsible dad, but he’d definitely fight for his new family(with pranks)
random headcanon, but i think kokichi would wrap your baby in one of his checkered scarves when it comes out like- ahHHHHHHHHHH
he would also swaddle da baby with his scarf fvhajfgkgavkgbuyg
When he found out, he was pretty shocked at first
But after the shock, he was insanely happy that he managed to create a human with you.
he adored the fact that his child would be able to make history and continue to live on even after he dies.
He loves humanity, so he’d love the human baby he made with you even more
during your 9 months of pregnancy, he would praise you and your ‘glowing body’ daily
constantly saying stuff like, “Your body is a temple and you are a Goddess.” and “The life growing inside you simply amazing and I am proud to share this experience with an entity such as you.”
You know, that cheesy ooey gooey romantic shit
“S/o, I want to crawl into your body so I can experience being born aga-” “That’s enough of that.”
It's cute and all, but it sometimes gets embarrassing when he is basically worshipping you in public(especially like that).
i think he would tell the baby, folk tales and myths while it was still in your belly
he wanted to raise the baby to be just as curious as he is.
though, behind all these adorable things, kiyo is worried.
don't get me wrong, he does enjoy the other students’ thoughts and strange minds, but he doesn’t trust them for a second.
he would never willingly leave you with another student.
he gets a teensy bit controlling; always asking you to stay in his lab or dorm.
but he won’t get unreasonably angry if you go anywhere else, he just encourages staying in places with less people
if you do need to go somewhere else with other people, he would just follow you
in the end, I think kiyo would be a dad that never neglects his kid(can’t relate-).
he would always be there for them.
K1-B0 doesn’t have the facilities to knock anyone up.
like kokichi asked, do robots even have a penis???? 
how the hell did you two fuck in the first place!????!
but if somehow, miu gives him a penis and actual sperm??? I guess it could work?? i don't know how it works man- I've never fucked a robot
I think he’d be happy and proud that he managed to impregnate you
“See!? I can do human things too!” “...Impregnating a human, K1B0? Seriously? Too fucking far.”
okay, I can’t take this one seriously T_T
um, if you and K1B0 had a baby, would it be half robot??
through your belly, the baby would make robot noises to communicate and K1B0 would understand which is cool
when the baby was born, he gets very protective; he doesn't want his baby to face the same discrimination and bullying he did
he wouldn’t be afraid that the others would hurt the baby, because he helped build in lazer eyes for his baby.
oh but he definitely would not let his baby go near Miu at all
he would prevent that from happening as much as possible
he’s afraid she’ll do something weird to the baby and add new gadgets,
sure its cool and all for him, but the baby is so young!
Kaito would be fucking psyched when you told him, stars in his eyes and everything
“I-I’m gonna be a dad!? whOOOOOOOOOOO!!” He picked you up and hugged you tight, but not too tight; he didn't want to hurt the baby.
But then realization hits him like a truck when he realizes, that the baby was going to be born into a killing game.
He would have a nervous breakdown and cry for about, ehhh a day or so
but once he gets it all out, he focuses on the positives
if it was possible, he loves you even more than he did before!
now that you have a mini you growing inside you(inception!?), its like, double the love :0
he’s giddy everytime he sees you with your baby bump, not being able to resist hugging you every time he sees you.
he loves you so much, it's hard to put in words 
he cries when he can feel the baby kick, kissing your belly uwu
when you’re around people he can’t trust in the killing game, he gets very very protective
he would watch their every move, moving to shield you when they move their hands.
but around the people he trusts like shuichi and maki, he’d let his guard down and relax
he would stress out if you were in any discomfort, always making sure you were okay
if your legs or back were sore, he would be there in an instant to massage your joints until his hands fell off
he puts you before himself, sometimes forgetting to take care of his basic needs like, eating or sleeping
you’d have to remind him a lot
I think something cute that he would do while you two slept is holding you or your belly protectively while he dozed off
overall, a goofy dad that makes stupid dad jokes.
would have a lot of proud dad moments
he seems like the type who would embarrass his child a lot lmao
uh, gonta is father?
would definitely be shocked and stressed out when you told him
his protective mom dad instinct would intensify and he would constantly be carrying you
1. because he didn’t want your legs to get tired
2. he’s practicing for when he picks up his baby
3. if he carries you like this, no one can reach and/or hurt you
4. because he can
5. and because a gentleman would do that
he doesn't really know what to do when you’re having pregnancy symptoms, like vomiting, nausea, etc.
he’s not great at that part, but he knows how to protect you from danger and he knows how to make sure you’re comfortable
he treats you like a queen(as all women should be treated!)
he isn’t really worried when you’re around other students, but he still picks you up just in case
i think he’d act super sweet, like his sweetness would intensify to 100
he would try cooking a meal for you or giving you breakfast in bed, but it always tastes like boiled eggs in the end?
like no matter what it is, it always tastes like boiled eggs
pasta? boiled eggs
maki rolls(haha)? boiled eggs
sandwich? boiled eggs
“...Mmm! Gonta this is, uh, not at all tasting like boiled eggs!” You tried to say enthusiastically, Gonta nodded with a soft smile, “Gonta glad you like it!”
eventually you caved in and told him(after a few months... you didn't want to hurt the baby—gonta—, okay?)
he’d have to ask kirumi to do all the cooking while he just handed her ingredients
he feels weird when he thinks about the fact that his baby is growing inside you
all he can think about is larva
but he thinks its cool that his creation is going to grow inside you and become another human
so he just rolls with it
(i apologize in advance if this isn’t too accurate)
i feel like i can imagine this:
Rantaro was sitting on the benches outside, drinking his bottled tea. His eyes darted towards your approaching figure. He stored his leftover tea in his cheeks as he gave you a wave, putting his bottle down. “Rantaro, i’m pregnant.” His eyes widened as the tea came spewing out, luckily he turned his head away so you were out of the splash-zone. He dropped his bottle before standing up and immediately hugging you. “I love you so much, we can do this. I love you.” He repeated as he moved his hand up your head, tangling his fingers in your locks.
he would be pester you if you looked like you were in pain or struggling with something, thinking you were going into labor
*breathing pattern changes* “Holy shit! Are you going into labor?? Fuck, okay um, uH hospital?? UH contRACTIOns HOw LoNg?-” “I JUST BREATHED DIFFERENTLY.”
p a n i c
he doesn’t know how the whole pregnancy thing works, he’s only a teen after all
but no matter what, he supports you in any way he can
i think if anyone made a bad comment about your baby or you, he would probably scare the shit out of them with his scary expression
intimidation x100
i headcanon him to be a cuddly dad
he would hold you a lot, he likes feeling all three of you together
small scenario from when the baby was born;
As your baby’s cries filled the room, you sighed as you got up from the bed. Rantaro, however, abruptly stopped your movement, “Don’t worry, I got ‘em.” He rubbed his eyes, kissing your forehead as he gently pushed you back down onto the bed and walked towards the crib.
You watched with droopy eyes as Rantaro gently shushed the baby by bouncing them in his arms. Rantaro made his way back to bed and slipped in beside you, the now quiet baby still in his arms. “Mmm Rantaro no, we’re gonna crush the baby.”
You softly groaned in protest. Rantaro pouted at you, silently pleading with you with his puppy-dog eyes. You let out a huff of defeat before nodding, eyes half-closed. The last thing you saw before dozing off was Rantaro smiling goofily at the baby. You slowly fell asleep, Imprinting a gentle smile on your face as you slept. 
sorry for steering the other way for rantaro’s, its 6am ;-; what is sleep anyway? phew, thank you for requesting this! i enjoyed writing it, it was fun :D
- mod chia
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Hiii! Can i request a dadneto where Peter has a secondary mutation that also makes him metallokinetic like Erik? And then when he finally shows the X-men, Erik finally connects the dots? 😳😳
Of course you can love I’ll never say no to dadneto ❤️❤️❤️ sorry for the wait I just started a new job. I hope you enjoy the story ❤️
Pairing: none
Warning: I drop the f-bomb a bit
Summary: When Peter and Scott get into an argument, Peter loses his temper revealing his secondary mutation.
Peter had always been really careful about hiding his secondary mutation. If people saw him moving metal it wouldn’t be hard to jump to the correct conclusion about his and Erik’s familial bond. It was just easier to keep that bit to himself. He wanted to tell Erik but he also didn’t want to be a 27 year old man trying to take the place of his dead 8 year old sister. He wanted to naturally build a relationship with his father, maybe then he could tell him.
They were supposed to be having a team building dinner that night. Peter knew why as well, he and Scott had been bickering constantly. It was obvious that Scott blamed Peter for his brother's tragic death. Scott had no way of knowing that the flames had already engulfed Alex. Peter also didn’t want to harp on that but too much Scott needed to grieve lord know he lashed out like an asshole when Wanda disappeared. If Scott needed to blame someone Peter didn’t mind being that person.
Everyone else thought it was obvious that Scott was being a major jerk wad and would often try to come to Peter’s defense. Scott rarely saw it but Peter would always wave off the defenders, often with comments of “let him have this” or “it’s okay, he needs to get these emotions out.” He could be the bigger person he was ten years older than Scott, it was just part of being a grown up.
The time came for the team building dinner and Peter’s mouth was already watering at the prospect of delicious ooey, gooey pizza. His mother had often told him his stomach was like a bottomless pit. Peter burned a hell of a lot of calories though and he had to constantly eat to make up for that.
He took his seat between Raven and Hank rubbing his hands together in anticipation. They looked at him with various looks of both disgust and amusement. Peter could care less pizza was the food of gods right behind twinkies.
It was no time before everyone had a seat at the table and Peter immediately started inhaling the Pizza. He was halfway through his 8th slice when Scott decided to open his mouth.
“That’s disgusting” he sneered and Peter could only grin at him.
“I burn a lotta calories plus Pizza is delicious!” Peter exclaimed brightly he was unbothered by Scott’s half hearted insult.
“Can you lay off for once this is supposed to be about team building,” Jean groaned, fed up with her boyfriend's childish behavior. Peter remained unbothered though, he knew what Scott was going through. It had been the same for him after Wanda disappeared.
“It’s fine Jean he’s just a kid, he doesn’t bother me,” Peter told the red haired girl light heartedly.
“Well it bothers me. Scott, what happened to Alex was not Peter’s fault, Alex was closest to the blast,” Jean shot out to her boyfriend obviously fed up with his shit.
“What bothers me is how nonchalant he is about the whole thing, it’s like he doesn’t even care” Scott was starting to get worked up and Peter wished that Jean could have just left it alone. He managed a glance at Erik who was ignoring everyone in favor of his newspaper. Charles who was beside him looked like he had a migraine starting. It was Charles idea for team building after all and Erik had the look of I told you so without even saying a word.
“You think I don’t care?” Peter asked, he didn’t want Scott to think he didn’t care. It weighed heavily on his mind that he hadn’t gotten there in time to save Scott’s brother. He was always too late for someone with super speed.
“I know you don’t fucking care!” Scott’s face was inflamed and red.
“Scott! Language!” Charles snapped.
“Well you’re wrong Scott I do care. I’m always too late and I’m sorry I didn’t get to Alex in time.” Peter was sincerely sorry that he hadn’t been in time. He would never wish the pain of losing a sibling on anyone.
“Well fuck you! You don’t know what it’s like to lose a sibiling! Alex was all that I had!” Scott screamed and Peter felt a trill of Anger run down his spine his fork started to vibrate subtly and Raven looked at it with wide eyes before looking at him sharply. Peter didn’t notice his mind was full of images of his sister.
“Don’t act like you know me Scott, the only reason I’ve let you go on and on like you have is because I know exactly what you’re going through.” Peter seethed and he knew he should be embarrassed that he let a seventeen year old goad him like this.
“Fuck You! Alex died, you didn’t save him. You don’t know what it’s like to lose a brother” Scott spat. By now Erik had lowered his paper watching the interaction with veiled interest. Charles had a look of anger at the boys for ruining his team building dinner.
“Oh I might not know what it’s like to lose a brother but I lost my twin sister when we were your age! She just disappeared. I have no clue if she’s alive or dead and I promise you that’s worse!” Peter spat and the silverware began rising into the air with his skyrocketing temper. If he had been looking he would have seen the color drain from Erik’s face.
“Erik you’re only making it worse!” Charles snapped thinking it was Magneto getting irritated and wanting to silence the boys. Peter realizing what he had done let the silverware drop with a metallic clatter. The anger drained rapidly.
“Charles it’s not me.” His tone was choked as he stared at the silver haired mutant with new eyes. Peter unsure of what to do in the rising tension decided the logical answer was to bolt from the room.
He was by the fountain in second trying to calm his ragged breathing and approaching panic attack. The cat was truly out of the bag now. He placed his head between his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Inside Erik was still staring at the spot Peter had just disappeared from. His mind was trying to catch up. He had another child, a living child. Peter was clearly Magda’s son, he had her sunny disposition, he obviously hadn’t inherited that from him. Then his stomach sank again. He had twins and one of them was missing for over ten years. Peter had been dealing with this pain on his own.
“Fountain,” Charles' voice whispered in his head, “go to him he needs you. He’s afraid you’ll reject him.”
Erik wondered how such a brilliant person like Peter could ever think that he would reject him. If anything Erik wasn’t worthy of the boy, he was such a bright beacon in the dark miserable world. He began to walk to the fountain, his mind replaying a very specific memory. Almost ten years ago a silver haired teenager had broken him out of his prison with a grin and a sharp wit. He had also made an off hand comment.
“So you can control metal?” Peter had asked and Erik who was still disoriented had only nodded.
“That cool my mom knew a guy who could do that,” the statement had been so off handed and nonchalant. Erik should have known then but he had been distracted by a walking Charles who promptly punched him square in the jaw. The off hand comment had been pushed to the back of his mind.
He found Peter with his head between his knees close to a panic attack. He sat next to the boy and laid a hand on his shoulder. Peter jerked looking at him in surprise.
“Your mother was Magda,” it was a statement not a question. Peter only nodded with wide brown eyes. His mother’s eyes, it felt like a punch to the gut.
“I’m not trying to replace Nina, I swear!” Peter choked out, “I wouldn’t want someone to try and replace Wanda.”
“You’re not replacing anyone my boy, you are your own person. A good person that I don’t deserve. You’re my son and I love you. I may not have known you for very long but family is forever,” Erik declared and Peter sniffles before throwing himself into his fathers arms like he was five and not twenty seven. Erik hugged his son back as they both fought back their tears.
“Forever” Peter agreed and one of the cracks in his heart healed. He wasn’t whole but he had one more person to add to his list of loved ones. He only hoped he could find Wanda one day. Erik would love her; they were both so much alike.
Thank you for reading feel free to drop a request.
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
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First impression
Prospect was one of the first of Pedro's films that I watched (I don't think I'd even gotten very far into Narcos at the time), and I remember straining to catch his voice. I knew from the plot summary that Ezra was a character that I'd enjoy, and I was very eager for him to actually get on the goddamned screen already.
My expectations were confirmed and exceeded during that first scene. I was blown away, both by the Ezra's writing, and by Pedro's flawless delivery of some very tough lines. I thought, oh, man, this is a lovable scoundrel with questionable morals who is obviously ooey-gooey soft inside -- the very best type of character, in my opinion.
I also remember thinking to myself, oh, okay, Pedro is ridiculously talented (the original question that had prompted me to seek out roles other than Mando).
Overall, the impression was very favorable.
Impression now
Oh gosh, Ezra is one of my favorite Pedro characters, and absolutely his most underrated performance.
I love Ez. I think he's a sweetheart who's been hardened by a hard life, a true survivor, and probably a closet academic. Boy just wants to live a peaceful life in a small village somewhere, surrounded by books and fluffy cats, but fate keeps ass-fucking him with no lube.
Also, everybody I know ships us, so there's that. Power Couple!!
Favorite moment
Probably when he's legit considering selling Cee to those weird cultist dudes. Don't you dare try to tell me that he's not thinking about it -- or at the very least, thinking of a way to get her back once he's done it.
Idea for a story
Lol, besides SALT?
You are the chief medical officer on a government funded rescue mission to recover a missing research team. A prominent Bausian (sp??) Conservatory scientist had taken to the Dark Reaches in search of what the Fringers call "juice" -- a mythical, medicinal plant extract rumored to cure any illness. For years, the scientific community on Central had dismissed these rumors as delirium induced fantasies, but now, whispers of a legit discovery are floating through the newsfeeds, and you and your team have been dispatched to uncover the truth and rescue the missing researchers.
This is your first big break in your career, and you couldn't be more excited (or apprehensive) to save lives with an entire medical team under your command.
aaaand, I'll be cutting this here -- I call this one The Ezra Epic for a reason:
On the day you're set to embark, a stranger appears on the shuttle, claiming the role of security officer. He seems friendly enough, and nobody seems to bat an eye, except you. There's something about him that you don't trust. You know the man who he'd replaced through your late father, and find it extremely unlikely that a sudden family emergency would have pulled him from his assignment. Plus, what kind of security officer only has one arm?
As CMO, it's your responsibility to look after the chronic health concerns of the crew. Ezra requires some medications that hint at an interesting past (treatment for phantom limb pains, some scarring on the lungs that requires a regular steroid shot). He's tight lipped about himself, but he's got a biting sense of humor and a wicked sharp tongue, and you find yourself looking forward to his visits more and more.
He also knows his way around a field kit. When a disaster in engineering requires all of your attention, Ezra is right there, handing you exactly what you need before you can even ask for it. He refuses to leave your side for hours, helping with triage, first aide, transport, and even basic nursing care.
And that's when things change between you.
But the longer Ezra is in your bed, the more questions you have. His speech patterns and mannerisms suggest he's spent lots of time far from Central. He claims no family, just a niece that he'd lost contact with a long time ago. The pattern of his injuries and the scars on his torso leave you wondering where he was, that he hadn't received proper medical care. Even his familiarity with the field kit is suspicious. His service records are sealed, so you find no answers there.
And there's the way he listens intently for any information regarding details from the missing ship.
You aren't stupid. You know that the discovery of juice, if it's even a third of the rumors are true, would change the course of medicine forever. Speculative research even suggests that it's highly addictive.
In the back of your mind, you start to wonder if Ezra is a Fringer, feigning for a hit.
Confused, frustrated, and sick at your stomach, you shoot off a message to that friend of you dad's, the security officer that Ezra had replaced.
And then you promptly forget about it. Things are good.
As the ship approaches the last known coordinates of the research team, Ezra starts to get antsy. Tension between you rises, and one evening, after a little tiff, you get a ping on your personal comm.
It's the son of your dad's friend. There'd been no family emergency. He'd been reassigned the night before embarkment, is currently serving at a lunar penal colony orbiting Kamaria. All information regarding the mission was classified. He hasn't been heard from since.
Heart in your throat, you make for your office. You know in your heart that this man is dead, and you need a place to think with a clear head, not tiny quarters that you so frequently share with Ezra.
You find him bent over your computer. He's used your personal passcode to access information on the missing research team. You'd caught him red-handed.
Furious and betrayed, you turn him in to the captain, spilling all of your suspicions. Ezra is trying to tell you something, pulling out the "but wait you don't understand" song and dance, but you refuse to listen. You hate him, but mostly, you hate yourself for ignoring your instincts. You'd known he was hiding something. He's locked away in the brig, and for the next three days, you do your damnedest to forget about him.
The ship lands on the planet where the research team had disappeared. There's no sign of the missing ship, but you do find Juice. Lots of it. And it has every bit of potential that the Fringers claimed. You take furious notes, delighted to be on the cutting edge of discovery, and send them all back to Central in hourly updates, as requested.
Then, disaster strikes. The ship is attacked. You wake up planet-side to a smoking hull and charred bodies. Somebody is tugging on your arm, dragging you away from one last explosion. The ship goes up in flames, and you pass out, realizing you're the only survivor.
You come to in a cave. Your rescuer is a young girl, 19 or 20. Her name is Cee.She tells you her story, that she was an intern on the professor's research ship, that they'd found what you'd found, and then been attacked like you'd been attacked.
Then she tells you more. This planet is a home of a warlike race of humans with strange traditions. They fly ships shaped like squids, speak a language that she's never heard, and they guard the juice with their lives. The research team's last transmission had documented as much. They were aborting the mission and heading for Central when they'd been attacked.
Your objective had never been to rescue the researchers. Rather, it had been a suicide mission. Attacking a medical transport is an act of war. Central had anticipated that, and had sent you and your team as bait.
Central means to start an intergalactic war, all as a ploy to claim the juice.
You realize something else, too. You recognize Cee from Ezra's stories. He'd spoken of her more than once. The niece that he was so proud of, the one who was in her second year of university, the one he'd lost contact with.
It occurs to you that maybe that's what Ezra had been trying to tell you all along. That he was here to find Cee, not to get a hit of some alien drug. And then you realize that it doesn't matter, because he's gone.
Nobody from the ship had survived. Certainly nobody in the brig.
I haven't quite worked out the rest of this plot, but obviously Ezra is alive, and obviously you and Cee are going to eventually find him. Maybe you make some tentative connection with the locals, try to warn them of the coming shitstorm, and you find him with them (these guys speak the same language as Inumon, and I know that Ezra at least understands it, if he doesn't speak it himself). By this point, you have told Cee the entire story, and she trusts you. There will be a very sweet reunion between Cee and Ezra, but things between the two of you still be tense. Naturally.
Central is going to attack, and in the fallout of that, you and Ezra will reconnect. Maybe he'll save you, and you'll kiss. Lots of apologies and feels.
All I know is, I want the story to end with the three of you as outlaws on the run, standing on the edge of an impending war with no idea how you're going to survive it.
All you've got is each other.
Unpopular opinion
You guys are gonna hate me for this, but I don't care. A lot of Ezra fic I've read really overshoots his speech patterns, to the point that it's almost impossible to get through. Ezra is not a walking thesaurus. He's a little archaic, sure, with a hint of in-universe jargon thrown in every now and then. Think Rooster Cogburn, but in space.
Check out @littlemisspascal, @the-blind-assassin-12, and @yespolkadotkitty for examples of Ezra done right - they've got his voice down to an art.
Favorite relationship
Ez + Jay. Ez + Lanie.
I mean, in canon, it's obviously his relationship with Cee. I think they're just precious. Found family is my favorite trope, and Cee brings out the dreamer in Ezra -- a trait that was nearly lost on the Green.
Side note that I don't see this as a father-daughter relationship. More like big bro/little sis, or maybe Weird Space Uncle.
Favorite headcanon
Oh, Christ, just one? Okay. I think Ezra was mutinied and left for dead on the Green. He headed an entire crew, and for whatever reason, they turned on him and took the goods -- and the ship.
Another good one that's less headcanon and more an understanding of closed-circuit ventilation systems -- I don't think that when Ezra said his filter was no good, he was referring to the filter that kept him from breathing the Dust (or whatever they call it, I forgot, sue me). I think he was referring to the filter that kept him from rebreathing his own carbon dioxide.
But that's a whole ass science lesson for another day!
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remmushound · 4 years
Not a request, but a random bonding idea I came up with for my one-shots, so enjoy!! @assanmaharielsreblogs
Michelangelo was making dinner like he always did. While the brothers frequently indulged themselves in pizza and other fast food, that was usually a lunch thing for them. Breakfast and dinner always fell to Michelangelo, just how he liked it. On the odd occasional Michelangelo was hurt or sick or exhausted from a long night out on a mission— too exhausted to get up early or too tired to make dinner— Splinter or Leonardo always substituted (though Leonardo’s substitution was almost always takeout he tried to pass as his own cooking, even when Donatello’s cash count said otherwise. Leonardo always left a generous tip.) Splinter’s cooking wasn’t bad, but it was always some obscure, vaguely familiar dish from his heritage, such as unagi or tempura, that they almost never had all the right ingredients for. Splinter’s supplementation for the missing supplies never really turned out right, though he insisted it tasted just like the real thing. Still, if finances allowed, Donatello always made sure to splurge on supplies at the end of the month so that their father could make the dishes properly and bring some joy to his life. Something to hold onto from his human days.
One time, he remembered, Leonardo had a complaint about the dish Splinter had presented (hiyashi chūka, if Michelangelo was remembering right) and Splinter just about blew a gasket.
“You will eat what I served you..” the old, angry rat had said to his then twelve year old son, “...or you will eat nothing at all!”
Michelangelo carried a similar mentality into his cooking, though he’d always switch to Doctor Feelings before dinner to get everyone’s recommendations, and if they still complained even after the alterations were made, then Doctor Delicate would come out to play.
“Not all of us have your iron stomach, dad.” Twelve year old Leonardo had argued back to his father, to which Donatello had added:
“Only one of us did, actually.”
Then all eyes had turned to thirteen year old Raphael, who was onto his third bowl and was absolutely demolishing it with a savage, starving ferocity.
“RAPH STILL HUNGRY!” The teen had spat before throwing one of their good bowls at the wall, which earned him a time out (and also more soup to keep him content).
But that was then, and this was now. Michelangelo was cooking a new recipe— a four cheese ravioli with marinara sauce and pepperonis. He remembered the New Brothers asking about something called Pizza Gyoza and he wanted to try it out for himself. It didn’t take him long to realize he was being watched. Still with a smile on his face, he turned to meet the spy.
Mikey gave a yelp and tried to shrink back out of view around the corner. Michelangelo frowned and tilted his head as he left the ingredients to go investigate.
“Hey.” He repeated again, holding a patient hand out to his counterpart, “didja wanna help?”
Mikey seemed surprised by the offer. “I’m not a good cook.”
Michelangelo shrugged. “And I don’t know how to play the tuba— doesn’t stop me from practicing every Sunday night! Just ask Donnie.”
Mikey laughed, and it made Michelangelo smile to see the other him not so scared anymore. Through the laughter, Mikey sputtered out words that Michelangelo couldn’t quite make out, but it seemed to bring the speaker joy so he didn’t mind.
“So?” Michelangelo prompted after the giggle fest had run its course.
Mikey gave a few last giggles before he was still and sad once more. “Are you sure...? You don’t think I’ll ruin it?”
Michangelo took the older turtle around the shell and began to guide him to the counter.
“There’s no wrong way to mess up a recipe you’re making up! Besides, even if it’s bad, raph’ll eat it like it’s five star lobster! I don’t even think he can taste anymore.”
“Really?” Mikey gave a look that showed he didn’t quite believe, “my Raph’s really particular about what he’ll eat....”
Michelangelo snapped. “Ah, a picky eater! I got one of those! That’s why I gotta make Donnie’s portion separate on most nights. Splinter tried to use the ‘can’t leave the table until you eat it’ technique and Donnie say there for almost two days refusing to touch it before splinter gave in.”
Mikey whistled. “I don’t think I could go two hours without food...” he clutched at his stomach, “let alone two days...”
Michelangelo gave a patient smile and patted Mikey’s shell to urge him closer to the counter. Mikey looked out over the perfectly laid out supplies, and then back nervously at the other.
“W... what are you making?”
“What do you think?” Michelangelo motioned to the ingredients. “Take a guess!”
Mikey narrowed his eyes as he took a second look. Several jars of Marinara, four different cheeses laid out... pepperonis and meat-cutting scissors... flour, salt, eggs, olive oil...
“Are... you making pizza gyoza?” Mikey could feel his stump of a tail beginning to wag excitedly at the thought of the soft, cheesy goodness of the treats his friend murikami often made for them.
Michelangelo tisked his tongue and bopped his other on the nose. “Close~ I’m making my own version! The best chef can improvise with what he has in his kitchen! The gyoza you described would be put in a dumpling, but this one will be improvised to fit in a ravioli! I could have done the traditional gyoza, but I like putting my own spin on things! It’s gonna be a four cheese ravioli with pepperonis mixed in and topped with marinara sauce! I call it Mikey’s Masterpiece!”
Mikey could feel his mouth running at the thought and swiped his tongue across his lips. “Sounds tasty...”
Michelangelo nodded, almost about to open his mouth to offer more praise before he saw that the poor mutant was still looking nervous and unsure.
“Here,” Michelangelo slid over several cups of flour and a measured amount of salt. “Mound them on the the counter and Make a well.”
Mikey poured the ingredients in the table and stared at them for a few seconds before Michelangelo recognized his mistake.
“Oh! Mm. We’re gonna make... a lake! See, the flour and salt will be our sand and the wet ingredients...?”
“Will... be our water?” Mikey offered tentatively.
“Exactly! So make the sand, but leave space in the middle so we can put in our water!”
“Oh!” Mikey giggled as he began to make a surprisingly well-crafted well, “this is fun!”
Michelangelo let the turtle have his fun before bringing over his egg mixture and offering it.
“Your ‘Water’ my liege~”
Mikey took the bowl and, after an encouraging nod from his other, carefully poured the mixture into the center.
Michelangelo cleared his throat. “OH NO! The tides coming in!”
Mikey gasped.
“And it’s taking a bunch of sand back with it!” He knew lakes didn’t really have a tide, but it worked for the euphemism. He took his hand and swiped some of the flour into the liquidy center. “Do you know how tides work, Mike?”
Mikey shook his head, his eyes in awe as he imagined the water cutting across the Sandy shores and taking them away into the cold depths.
“Well, tides come in a little at a time, so they can only take a little sand at a time.” Michelangelo explained, “and then!” He began to mix the liquid around with his hand, “the waves all get crazy in the middle and have a party! Now the tides gonna take even more sand! You try!”
Mikey knocked some of the sand into the mixture and, when he wasn’t scolded for doing something wrong, he began to carefully mix it. Michelangelo guided him through the rest of the steps until the ingredients were all mixed into a soft, doughy ball.
“What now?” Mikey giggled— his face and hands were now coated in flour to add to his genuine enjoyment of the activity.
“Now: feel how it’s all gooey-ooey?”
“Ya!” Mikey poked the dough.
“That’s like mud!”
“After it rained all day and the earth got soft! But it’s January! What happens when night comes?”
Mikey scratched his head. “It gets all cold...”
“And the mud freezes!”
“Exactly!” Michelangelo folded the dough safely in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. “So now it’s night!”
“So we go to sleep?”
“No silly! We’re ninja! We stalk the nights!”
“We own the night!”
“Exactly! So let’s own the night and keep busy while the dough freezes!” Michelangelo hummed as he looked over the cheeses. He took a handful and showed it to Mikey. “See these?”
“Cheese?” Mikey took a piece and ate it happily.
“No! It’s not cheese its... mystic crystals! Do you have those in your world?”
“No.” Mikey gaped, “Well, there was this one time that April got an evil Crystal from an alien planet. Does that count?”
“No. These are mystic crystals! They take on the properties of whatever they’re added to!”
“It just looks like cheddar to me...”
“That’s exactly what it wants you to think.” Michelangelo winked. “Now, we’re gonna make a magic potion with our mystic crystals!”
“What does the potion do?”
“It’s a... warmth potion! For when you’re cold! So we gotta add a lot of heat for it to form proper!”
Michangelo put a skillet on the stove and added olive oil, half a fan of marinara, and garlic. He offered a cup of heavy cream to Mikey, who promptly took a sip before pouring the rest of it into the concoction— it was going to get boiled anyway, so it shouldn’t matter. After a few minutes of standing over the heat, Michelangelo offered his friend the cheese.
“Now is the time to add the crystals— slowly!” He quickly added as Mikey went to pour the whole thing, “we don’t want the crystals to be on top of each other! They need to melt for the potion to work!”
Mikey nodded and obeyed, and while he did, Michelangelo started to warm up the rest of the marinara on a separate pan and preheat the oven. He checked in quickly on the brewing potion and removed it from the heat once it was ready, taking a wooden spoon to scoop up a small bit and taste before offering the rest to Mikey. The box turtle practically melted as the heat overtook his body in a pleasant mix of sauce and cheese.
“Mmmmm...” he moaned softly, “that’s really good!”
Michelangelo grinned, and began to sprinkle some pepperonis in and begin to mix it around. “Oh good other of mine~! I think it’s daaaaawn!”
Mikey gasped and hurried over to the fridge and pull out the flattened dough, giving it a poke. “It wooooorked...”
“Now! Roll it on the table, quick!” He tossed Mikey a rolling pin, “before the dough worms come out!”
Mikey’s jaw fell open. “The whaaaaat?”
“THE DOUGH WORMS! They live in cold dough and steal all the flavor! Now hurry and smoosh them before they can escape with the taste!”
“OH NO!” Mikey slammed the dough on the table and began to roll it out.
“No thicker than a nickel— the worms are really small and can survive otherwise!”
Mikey did an excellent job of flattening out the dough into a large, thin sheet. After reassuring him he had gotten all the ‘dough worms’, Michelangelo carefully cut the sheet in half and began to lay his cheese mixture.
“See these?” He held up the spoonful of the mystic potion, “when mystic potion is added to dough and boiled, it’s affects increase tenfold!”
“So put them in piles like so...” Michelangelo began to lay out spoonfuls an inch apart, “so we can make a bunch and share it!”
“Good idea! We all need to stay warm and toasty!” Mikey grabbed another spoon and began to help.
With the playful assistance of Mikey, they had finished making the ravioli within two hours and Michelangelo let Mikey serve to to the hungry brothers.
“Mmm...” Leonardo moaned almost sensually at the explosive taste in his mouth. “This is really good.”
Leo had been hesitant at first when he found out it had been Michelangelo preparing the dinner, but a quick sight test showed nothing awry. A smell test yielded only a warm fragrance, and lastly a taste test...
Leo’s eyes shot open and he was sure they had fallen from his sockets in his surprise. One small nibble had turned into swallowing the chopstick-ful whole and almost purring in delight as the warm, perfect mix of sauce and cheese and dough rolled down his throat. Once their brother had taken the dive, Raph and Donnie exchanged shocked glances and began to scarf down their shares as if they hadn’t eaten in days.
Mikey didn’t open his mouth, except to eat his extra tasty dinner of course. Just seeing his brothers happily scarfing down something that he’d made was more than enough.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
Yo that's hella cute?? To everyone else it probably sounds weird, though there are probably a few that recognize what you're doing and snicker themselves. Okay okay but? Imagine if you somehow rope him into cosplaying Zuko for a while? And so you're helping him dye his hair and putting on some makeup to make him look more like your favorite fire bender before laughing when he admits that he's tempted in kissing the mirror when you're done
Buddy. My dude. You have no idea how many times I reread this scenario already--okay, but his family being the ultimate wingmen?? His mother would show you his baby pictures (much to his embarrassment), going on about how adorable he was as a child and how much of a man he grew up to be. As you pry your eyes away from the photos to watch him play with Teucer, then to the small hello kitty bandage wrapped around your finger, you can't help but crack a bashful smile, ignoring the way your heart stutters in your chest while you murmur your agreement.
abhsfhjajkaa i'll think about it. i'm a cuddler so unless i can think of a way to write it that lives up to the beauty of cuddling, i'm not going to disappoint myself. on a side note, THANK YOU! i got the punishment man so ig it's time to get some punishment? KIDDING AHAHAHAH NOT IN THIS CHRISTIAN SERVER—
PLEASE— childe kissing the mirror bc he looks like zuko ☠️ why is he getting even more perfect??? god, i love him. i love him really but don't go thinking you can escape unscathed. you're cosplaying w him. any of zuko's love interests. he's not going down on his own. irrelevant but i realized i wasnt straight bc i had the biggest, fatest crush on mai and zuko.
back to our scheduled program... YES. ALL OF THIS YES. MA'AM SIRS, LADIES AND GENTS,,, THEY'RE BEING AWAKENED TO THEIR OOEY GOOEY CHEESY ITTY FEELINGS 😭😭😭 legitimately feels like i just watched my child grow up idk why. but yes,, im a firm believer that our cute, little reader is the one who makes the big boy moves bc bad boy childe is a pussy when it comes to love. i dont make the rules. it starts of subtle at first, aggressively telling childe to eat on time and secretly refilling his first aid kit (that he only carries around bc you insisted) but then it turns to bringing him lunches bc he can't be bothered to pick up his own and also, visits in ungodly hours bc you told him that you want to help tend to his wounds (can't believe you took lessons for this kid 😗). somewhere along the lines, something changed but it's not a bad change. in fact, the change was so natural — so smooth as if it was meant to be and now, you find yourself snuggling into a hello kitty plush toy that he won you in a very 'friendly' arcade hangout (it's not a date, you both screamed when his father made a playful quip in your now regular dinner meetings every friday evenings) clad in a sweater that smells just like him. you almost hated yourself for feeling safe in it.
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Ok. You have so many. I need to know about more. "Single Dad Bucky and Steggy AU" and "you're my Neverland" please!
hWhy this randomly sent twice, I have no idea but oh well. Ask away about all/any of them!
Okay so Single Dad Bucky & Steggy AU is one I don’t even have an outline for but just a random few starts that make no sense. I don’t even have an idea as to what it was about beyond Steve and Peggy own a bakery.
Here’s everything for it:
“Strawberry and cream. Strawberry and cream. Why does no one sell strawberry and cream cupcakes anymore? Heathens...” Bucky muttered, sighing heavily when he came to a quaint little bakery on the corner of his old address. It was one of those sort of bakeries that looked like mom and pops and smelled like heaven from the outside. The brick exterior was weared down from weather and old age. Inside the window panes on either side of the entrance were displays of beautiful ray of cupcakes, apple tarts, brownies, and beautiful done wedding cakes. The door read, Justicing with its hours underneath and bucky felt a slight rush through his body. “Justicing? The fu-” He stopped, a pout on those full lips for one long moment. “Justicing. Justice.” Whoever was the owner of this bakery was a fan of puns, it seemed and Bucky was debating if it was worth even going in for. For one, those apple tarts looked just like mama Sarah’s apple tarts. Special, delicious tarts with a cinnamon, shortbread crust and delicate apples sliced as thin as paper, filled with ooey, gooey caramel that just practically melted in your mouth. In fact now that Bucky was staring at the perfectly rounded tarts, he was damn sure he could make out her trademark star right in the middle. He could even see in his mind’s eye, his high school sweetheart’s stupid, little smile when he saw the stars. Steve loved stars. Steve loved him too until...well, life happens. Should’ve known that, that relationship would’ve never last. Shaking the memory from his head, Bucky grumbled as he checked his watch. He had an hour before Kobik got out of school, should be enough time to pop in, grab a cupcake, and head to her school in time. Besides, he was just feeling a little melancholy because of the area. It was hard to move back home to his hometown and not have them. The door opened to the bakery and he was hit face-first with the utterly delicious smell of freshly baked, chocolate chip cookies, fresh baked bread, rich chocolate swirled in his senses. It smelled like Sunday morning, when his ma would bake various desserts for him and his baby sister to give out to the neighbors. It smelled like running over to the Rogers household to see Steve and sneak him a few extra cookies because he needed to put the meat on his bones. It smelled like heaven on earth and Bucky was losing himself in that smell. He was sure he’d turn into a cartoon character and his legs would just curl up, floating by only the smell on his nose. “S’cuse me, gent. Don’t wanna hit ya.” The thick accent broke through Bucky’s ridiculous line of thought, blinking like an owl before he was gently brushed aside by a burly man carrying three, heavy cake boxes. 
The idea is a one-shot of Steve and Peggy being childhood friends and Peggy has to move back to London when her father’s publishing company starts to fail in America. They promise to stay best friends but life gets in the way. Though, they never truly forget one another.
One of their favorite things to do was read Peter Pan and play pretend with Peggy as Peter. 
Come college, Steve is dressed up as Wendy (think more boyish than Steve in a dress) for Halloween. They literally run into each other, Peggy is dressed as Peter.
They instantly connect and laugh and cry right in middle of the halls. Upon graduation, with embarassing storyhood stories around, Peggy proposes to Steve, asking him to be her Wendy.
Here’s the only snippet I have:
Mama Carter made the best orange scones in town. So much that Steve’s doctor had proudly declared that the small blonde had put on five whole pounds since the Carters had moved to their neighborhood. 
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basine · 4 years
Chapter 1- First Sight (Axan)
Early in the morning…
Axan and Hedran were walking down from the top of the monastery winded from a class with Master Yolira, the orc monk. They walked in silence with huffed breaths as they reached the base of the mountain. These crumbling rocky steps wouldn't last long, Axan thought. Axan hoped that day would be soon because by the time all of the trainee’s made it up to the top of the monastery, everything already hurt. As Hedran and Axan walked down the path looking at all of the first years gathered for their tour of the church.
“Man, these first years look so young, huh?” Hedran said
“I guess. Maybe you are just getting older, Hedran. I was able to beat you in 9 seconds today. That is a new record for me.” Axan replied.
“That was just a fluke. You know Master Yo was training me extra hard today. Also, you used your stupid tail to knock me off balance, how is that fair?”
“Maybe as a monk-in-training, you should notice these signs before you fight.”
Axan loved poking Hedran. He got so mad it was kinda funny. However, this time Hedran brushed it off.
They continue down the path on their way to the cafeteria. They could smell the greasy meat as they got closer and closer. Axan was so hungry because he didn’t get a meal yesterday. He stayed at the top of the monastery to learn some extra tactics with his shield. He learned how to grant his magical energy to someone else for a brief time. This exchange of energy through his shield can help them protect themselves.
He wishes he was there that night.  That night when his father died. Why did it have to be him? Why did they do it? He was just a man living his life, performing for those who wanted a show. He died for it.
“Axan, you okay dude?” Hedran said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking of some things...” Axan paused and thought for a moment. “Did you ever regret anything, Hedran? Not like eating and drinking too much, but like… serious things?”
“Yeah I do… I really don’t want to talk about that though. It is something that brings up really bad memories.”
“That is okay, Hedran. I just wanted to see if I was the only one who thought about these things.”
Axan and Hedran walked in silence the rest of the way to the cafeteria. The walls were covered in snow and ice (per usual), which made the ground slick. Hedran saw a bunch of first-years slipping and sliding on the cobblestone ground as they entered the warm cafeteria. Hedran went to grab their lunch and Axan went to go find a table. He found a table at the south side of the cafeteria where he saw a few friends of his. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone besides Hedran at the moment. He was lost in his thoughts about many different things.
As Axan thoughts started wandering back to that night, Hedran plopped the trays on the table. Axan looked at the variety of colors on his plate. The rare piece of steak, the dark green beans, and the rustic looking mashed potatoes. Axan started to devour this meal until he heard Hedran sigh.
“Look at that group of people.” Hedran said pointing to the left.
At that table were a gnome, a goliath, an aarocockra, and an elf. They seemed to be locked in a match of lip wrestling at the moment. Axan sighed just like Hedran.
“You ever think that will be us someday?” Hedran asked.
“You mean like me and you. I told you…”
“No, not you, you dummy. I mean like finding love and all that ooey gooey shit.”
“I hope someday. I never really thought about a life after the monastery. I don’t know where I’ll go. I can’t go back home.”
“Of course you can Axan. The people of your town love you! You could go back anytime you wanted! Also, imagine all of the girls you will get because you will be an Official Paladin of Oghma.”
“Hedran you are sooooo off base. You know I’m not like that. I’m not into that sort of stuff. Would I like to get married someday, sure. But drawing myself in self-indulgences with bunches and bunches of women, no thanks.”
“Have you ever had your eye on anyone?” Hedran said as he slurped up some of his mashed potatoes.
“A few yeah. I had a crazy ex girlfriend a few years before I came here. She was super crazy. Like batshit.” Axan laughed.
“You’ve never told me about her! I demand some stories!”
“All in time Hedran, all in time. To answer your question, yes I have had an eye on a few women. It’s different you know, in here. They all seem so intimidating. Like they could beat the living crap outta me. Not that it is a bad thing. It’s just different. Any guys catch your eye?”
“Nah, no one here is into me like that. I’ve kept my sexuality quiet for the most part. They only ones who know about it are you, Master Yo, Koli, and Rooka.” Hedran said looking around.
The rest of the meal was uneventful. Axan couldn’t stop thinking about “love”. When would he find the one. When would he find someone who appreciated him as much as he appreciated them. That was his biggest downfall. High expectations. That and he is terrified of getting shot down. Axan would never admit that to anyone though. He couldn’t help but keep looking at the four of them and thinking about Thalia, his crazy ex-girlfriend who literally tried to burn him. Axan laughed quietly to himself.
Once the boys were finished with their meal, they started to head back to the dormitories. Still obsessed on the thought of love Axan stayed quiet. Which was really unlike him. He was getting too self-conscious at the moment so he tried to make something light happen.
“Hey, Hedran. How does an angel answer somebody who says hi?” Axan asked.
“I have no clue. Is this an attempt at a joke or something?” Hedran asked.
“They say… Halo!” Axan starting laughing.
Eventually, Hedran cracked a smile and even a little laugh. That is how Axan knew the joke was good. Hedran never laughed at anything that Axan did. 
“I finally got you to laugh at one of my jokes, angel boy. Who knew it would take such a simple joke to get you to laugh.” Axan exclaimed.
“Yeah,yeah yeah. It was kinda funny I guess.” Hedran thought for a second,” Doesn’t everyone say hello?”
“Yes, but it is different coming from an ang-” Axan was saying before he fell backwards.
Axan fell hard on his back and was covered in books. Why were there books? He wasn’t carrying any? He looked around and said that he bumped into a woman who was a first year carrying books. Axan felt really bad and immediately started picking them up. He was thinking about all of the things this girl could be thinking. “How stupid is this upperclassman, Shouldn’t he know that this is a first-year’s hallway”. Just thinking about it made Axan panic. As the woman was starting to stir Axan walked on over and helped her up. As she stood up he could see the half-elven features of her. The darkish hair, The semi-pointed ears, the little tiny freckles under her dark green eyes. Axan for the first time in his life, wasn’t thinking of anything. Time seemingly stopped around him. He couldn’t move. He wanted to hand the books over but he couldn’t. His arms wouldn’t move forward. The girl stood there perplexed and eyed Axan up and down. She let our the most gorgeous smile he had ever seen.
“Hello” she said.
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wiener-soldiers · 5 years
tipsy (i) - peter parker
summary: you lost five years of your life to the blip. five years without your family, your friends, and without really being alive. your dad’s solution? send you and your friends on a fully-paid vacation to spain. no superheroes stuff, no villains; just pure, teenage fun. how eventful could one week be?
words: 1.1k
pairing: peter parker x stark! reader
warnings: drinking (not really underage if they’re legal in that country), typical teenage stuff, young love and pining
parts: part one, part two, part three
a/n: ooey gooey teenage fluff
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Basic-(Y/N) did not come out often.
She was often reserved for the two months of the year where you aren’t worried about grades and school and being stuck in an Infinity stone or whatever happened; summer.
And when summer rolled around, the VSCO-loving, Instagram-whore, Basic-(Y/N) made herself known.
You weren’t really one to try to keep up with ever-changing Instagram trends (not that you are a “not-like-the-other-girls’ trope, you just had more important things to worry about), but during the summer, everyone, most especially your dad and your best friend, encouraged you to let loose a little bit more.
So, you stood in front of your bathroom mirror, fiddling with the friendship bracelet that Morgan, your stepsister, had made for you a few days prior, and readjusting your incognito airport outfit.
“You’re overthinking this,” your Dad says as he leans on the door frame to your bathroom, sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he watches you decide whether or not you will be joining your friends on a trip to Barcelona, Spain.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair, “Yeah well, I don’t know why you’re letting me go to Spain with my friends. You’re planning something, aren’t you.”
“I am not!” he defends himself.
“Dad, you wouldn’t be paying for this trip unless you had some kind of motive,” you scoff, “Flying a bunch of teenagers to a country where we are legal? You are definitely up to something.”
Your Dad sighs before pushing himself off the threshold and walking towards you, arms open in an embrace. You quickly step into chest and breath the scent of whatever new cologne he’s wearing as he straps his arms tightly around you. You both stay in that position for a while before your Dad pulls away, ducking his head to look at your face. You stare back up at him.
“Look, kid,” he starts, “I know the Blip was hard for this family. You disappeared and came back with a new baby sister and a family who still mourned but tried to still carry on.”
Your eyes water at the thought of Morgan, the sister you cared about so deeply despite not being there for a lot of her ‘firsts.’
Your Dad smiles softly at you as you bury your head into the t-shirt he wore underneath his blazer. He rubs your back and continues, “But sweetheart, you gotta be a kid again. That grape took so much of your teenage years away and as a Father, isn’t it my job to bring it back?”
“But the drinking—”
“All of you would technically be legal if you hadn’t Blipped, except for that Brad kid. Wasn’t he like, two feet tall before?”
You laugh at him and shake your head, “I don’t know, he was really nice to me after I came back. Super understanding—I guess the trip felt like it’d be more fun with him?”
Your Dad gives his signature Tony Stark eye-roll, “Whatever, better be a good kid if I’m paying for him to go to Europe.”
The two Starks laugh in the bathroom in each other’s embrace when a buzz from your back pocket prompts you to pull away.
“Lemme guess, it’s Parker?”
You roll your eyes at the mention of your best-friend, “It is not—”
You cut yourself off at the sight of the text:
pete :)  may says u should be at the airport like 4 hrs before the flight? u still coming to pick me up or what?
“It was him wasn’t it?”
You collect your stuff and playful shove past your Dad, “He was just complaining that you take too long.”
Peter Parker had a long couple of months.
In an attempt to regain some of his teenage years back, he had agreed to go to Europe with his class to try to live a normal life—or some semblance of normality.
Instead, he spent his time fighting Mysterio and whatever Inception-shit that guy pulled off.
You had not been on the Europe trip as you and the rest of the Starks spent several months off-the-grid in their Upstate cabin, learning to be a family again. Peter understood the situation just fine: you had been Blipped and came back with a kid-sister. He was glad that you go to spend time with your family and adjusting to life again.
He still missed you though.
However mere weeks after the original Europe trip, Peter couldn’t say that he was expecting the text message from a group chat that he got.
(y/n)     im not in hiding any more yall. lets go on a trip
ned      the last time i was on a trip i literally almost died
betty    a trip? to where? we could come visit you upstate!!
(y/n)     don’t bother im moving back to the city with the fam. and i was thinking something…farther?
ned      florida?
mj        who in their right mind you want to go to florida?
flash    me
mj        my point still stands
brad    canada?
(y/n)     beautiful country but i can only take trees for so long. dad’s thinking spain? barcelona has sick beaches
ned      not all of us can afford spain…
betty    and ned’s original point? last time we were in europe we almost died
(y/n)     first off! a few things are gonna be different! one, ill be there. two, the avengers have resettled, my dad’s moving back into the city so threats can be handled by them. and three, dad’s paying for the whole thing. says we need a PROPER vacation. not like your europe trip that sounded like hell
peter    cmon guys i think it’ll be a good idea. we could all use a hard reset before school starts up again.
That’s where Peter found himself; sitting on the couch playing iMessage games with you as an episode of Law and Order played aimlessly in the background. His suitcase lied on his lap to make sure that May couldn’t sneak the suit in there when he wasn’t looking. Everyone needed a real vacation; he was just happy Mr. Stark felt the same way.
“No suit this time?” May asks from in front of him. He looks up and finds her holding the suit with eyebrows raised.
He shakes his head, “Mr. Stark said he’s got all threats under control and that we should just be kids and enjoy our trip.”
She nods understandingly and presses a kiss to Peter’s head, “That I can agree with. But if anything goes wrong, you call Happy okay? He’ll come get you.”
Peter shudders, “I can’t believe you’re dating him.”
“I wouldn’t call it dating per se…”
A loud honk from the open window separates the two of them. Peter winces slightly before looking at his phone, only to see a text from you from a couple of minutes ago.
(y/n) <3    expect a honk! warned you lol
“That’s my ride,” Peter says before embracing May.
“Be good,” she says affectionately.
Peter nods against her, “Aren’t I always?”
taglist:  @sebastianstanfoundmymixtape @httpmcrvel @lionheo04
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
Take the Night Road Home
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Take the Night Road Home A NOS4A2 Review By: Allyssa J. Watkins
How black is your soul? She took the Shorter Way to the Night Road A chink of glass and a sarcastic toast A chill in the air as he feels her approach Knives drawn in a parking lot Gasoline Fire and Eyes of Black Frost Drunk Whore Mothers are best left forgot To kill her is a kindness Her son, his to soothe Chin up, Victoria I'm the best thing that ever happened to you........
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!! Yes, this SPECTACULAR episode is extra special for me, not only because it was a delirious joy and rare return to form, but because it premiered on July 5th, 2020, my thirtieth birthday, and MY GOD what a TREAT!!!!! Yes, while last week's episode felt like a rotten trick, The Night Road was an absolute treat, with the ooey gooey, chocolatey center, of Vic FINALLY facing off against Charlie!!!! I'm MESMERIZED, I am in LOVE with this episode, and the second it ended, I danced around my living room and started it over again!!!! I feel like gushing, after one HELL of a DREAM DATE!!!!
PARNASSUS!!!!! Oh you guys, ever since the first Parnassus episode, I have been dyinggggg to go back to this surreal nexus of Creative Thought, this funny little pub, where the darker Strong Creatives gather and commiserate!!! I must say, I was so refreshed to find Abe infinitely more agreeable and interesting than the bitter, mouthy, nihilistic, sexist fiend who "greeted," our Man Manx, on his last visit! Charlie is as snarky and charming as ever, and I swear Zachary Quinto grows more BEAUTIFUL, and alive with dark allure each new episode!!! So much intrigue in his and Abe's conversation, and I loved this new mystery of The Hour Glass..... So many new threads, I don't know which to pull first!!! Being in the dark can be such fun!!! I also thought that was so witty of Charlie when he said, "That's the spirit, Abe," with a sneaky smirk, as Abe said, "I wish you had died, Chuck." I liked him calling him Chuck, I thought that was cute, and I really ache to know more about their bizarre friendship, and this apparent debt Abe owes Charlie!!!
My absolute favourite scene was the Knife Fight in the Parnassus Parking Lot, and it was there I realized what had been so obviously lacking in the first two episodes. Charlie and Vic...... Full strength and face to face. That seething hatred, that electric chemistry, the fire and frost, the reveling rivalry. The dark flirtation as Charlie tells Vic he's the best thing that ever happened to her. To her son. GOD, it was ambrosia for the soul!!! Speaking of souls, I loved Charlie's coyness, haughtily asking Vic what darkness had seeped into her soul, and then telling her exactly why she was able to access The Night Road. He took such pleasure in it, scolding her about children born out of wedlock, and drunk whore mothers, flinging her down to his level, maybe even putting his own moral compass slightly above hers. The responsible father, and the screw-up teen mother. Their banter was phenomenal, and smouldering, I couldn't get enough, Vic telling Charlie she'd sacrifice her life to stop him, and Charlie simpering sadistic, saying he'd gladly take it from her, for the sake of everyone she loved so they wouldn't have to hurt anymore. WOW. I was like this is it, THIS is the NOS4A2 that I fell in LOVE with!!!! Yes, I was a bit glum that the fantastic tease, didn't lead into an all out skirmish, and bar brawl, but patience Pets, the season's only just begun, and I appreciated them leaving us with wanting more.
Charlie's coaxing encounter with Wayne was absolutely adorable!!! I grinned the entire time, ridiculously blissful, and I loved how touched and surprised Charlie was when young Master Wayne asked if he was feeling better!!! Sweet Baby!!! Aaaaaah and how CUTE was that when Charlie wagged his finger in gentle reprimand, reminding Wayne it was bad manners to abscond without saying a proper goodbye!? My heart twittered warily when Wayne took the candy cane, and I saw all the presents, and a brand new basketball inside the Wraith, but something told me it was not going to be that easy, after all Wayne is his mother's son. My suspicions proved true, as Charlie was thwarted even by the Littlest McQueen, failing to have said a rather important password. I giggled, adoringly, as Charlie tried to wave it off saying, "There are no passwords in Christmasland," but our sharp little lad, was much too clever for that, and took off running!!! I LOVE WAYNE, I LOVE this darling, beautiful little boy, and his precious curls, and deep, inquisitive eyes. Charlie having two quick McQueens to foil his dastardly plots is just too much fun!!!
Much less fun however, was the knock down, drag out, fight to the near death between Lou Carmody, who has to be the COOLEST, nicest, most congenial guy in the WORLD, and that BASTARD Bing Partridge!!!! I don't think I took a breath the entire time, and I was like I SWEAR Bing, if you FREAKING hurt Lou, you will incur my WRATH, you CREEPSTER Son of a BITCH!!! I absolutely LOVED the hidden message he left for Vic, Lou earning serious fanboy cred with the AWESOME Obi-Won reference, and I take it back, what I said about him being Vic's sidekick, because that teddy bear of a man was a BADASS Hero tonight, beating the hell out of Bing, and single-handedly saving his son from Manx's clutches!!!!
I also felt redemption was in order for Vic's parents, as shockingly they're doing better than Vic herself!!! Chris is sober even, finding solace from his demons in the woods, and the heartbreak on his face when he finds Vic's stash of minibar bottles in her pockets, is profound. He blames himself. His little girl inherited her Old Man's coping mechanisms, and nothing terrifies him more. I loved that he kept her sketchbook too, as a way to keep her close. Linda though, WOW what a change, Linda is a new woman!!! Gone, is that pale, schizophrenic shell of a battered wife. She's got a new hairstyle and a confident, secure attitude to match. It was such a nice shock to see her thriving, in a new relationship, full of good advice for Vic, and I think she's ready to heal, both from the pain she endured, and the pain she's caused. You go, Linda!!!
Speaking of Mothers........ Hold onto your Santa hats, Kids, because Mrs. Manx LIVES!!!! Millie's shocking discovery that her mauled mother, or at least a glazed-eyed apparition of her, still haunts her old house in Christmasland, stole the air from my lungs!!! WHAT has Charlie been up to beyond the borders of his merry inscape!? Crafting Sleigh House from memory, along with raising his own murdered wife!? My GOD, this episode came to WIN, going hard, even until the end!!! I have a theory that Cassie Manx has everything to do with why Charles has requested an introduction with the infamous Hour Glass Man, whom I suspect can alter time. I think Charlie wants to reunite the family Manx, bring back his wife, which in itself is a dizzying revelation, because I thought he ached to be rid of her long before that first AWFUL trip to Christmasland. I'm excited to see if I'm right, wondering at where they're going with this, and how Cassie will come back into the story. Could she love our Charlie again even after the atrocities he loosed upon her? I think maybe so....... I would. To love Charlie Manx once, is to LOVE him forever.
The Night Road is NOS4A2 at its coming-out-swinging best, and I feel like, after a few rocky patches and speed bumps from the previous scattered episodes, Season 2 is back on track and set to be BETTER than anything we've EVER seen before!!! My BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER, and I'm so happy I took the Night Road Home, back to the unique and enthralling, spine-tingling fun storytelling that I LOVE!!!! Thank you Charlie, tonight was the PERFECT date I've been WAITING for!!!! Same time, next week, Handsome?
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part sixxty three/
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: in honor of our lord and savior Nikki Sixx being born AND cause I got my tickets to the show, here’s a cute saaawwftt chapter before I ruin it :))))) enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated! 
Warnings: ooey gooey fluff, language, drug talk
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyes , @aryssav , @miserablecunt  @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless @venus-calum, @justjodeye,  @m0rnlngstar, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @duffshairdye @iluvmesomemarvelndc @zoenicoles,@vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer@electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @cranberribread, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe, @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe,  @sleepyjunhong @lovemythsworld @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks  @unknownoblivion @siliwanoel @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17, @kellysimagines, @xpoisonousrosesx, @kaitieskidmore1, @oskea93, @love-struck-aries, @idumpyourgrass, @minxtruck, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @xsixxx, @cruesixxlover1991, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @dogmom2014, @sinningsixx, @motleycrueprincess​, 
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*Nikki’s POV*
I parked across the street from Vanity’s place. I drove around the block five different times, deciding if I should stop by without asking. I reached for the bouquet of sunflowers and the elephant plush toy that rested in the passenger seat. I was also deciding if I should toss the flowers out the god damn window. Was this to much?
I shook off my thoughts before locking up my car and walking across the street. I pushed through the doors just to see Vanity coming out of the elevator.
“He-hey Van!” I said as it seemed like I had pulled her from her thoughts.
“Nikki-I-what are you doing here?” She asked looking at me as she fumbled through her purse to grab her car keys.
I cleared my throat, “I uh came by to see you and Arianna...here, for you.” I offered her the yellow flowers as she looked at them and then at me.
“I gotta go, I’m running late.” She said, trying to push past me but I followed her out the door, she was walking really fast, almost a jog as I had to keep up with her.
“I overslept and I have to go pick up Ari from school. It’s her last day and she’s out in ten minutes and it takes me twenty minutes to get there.” She explained as she unlocked her car door.
“Can I come with you?” I asked nicely, giving her an award winning smile. She rolled her eyes before getting in the car. I frowned until she unlocked the passenger side door. I slid in and she started driving before the door was even closed.
“I got you flowers. Sunflowers, your uh favorite.” I coughed nervously as she grabbed her sunglasses and put them on before turning up the radio.
“Thanks.” She said quietly before taking them and putting them in the backseat. I glanced over at her, seeing the pale face and circles under her eyes. Wonder if she was on a bender?
“I also got her a pink elephant..I saw she had other animals except for an elephant.” I muttered quietly as she nodded and changed the radio station.
“How are you doing?”
I saw under her sunglasses she looked over at me for a brief second, “I’m fine, you?”
“I’m fine too.”
Vanity exhaled deeply as she turned the radio up louder. I groaned out loud when I realized it was Bon Jovi.
I fucking hate that guy.
Vanity had a smirk imprinted on her lips, “What’s so funny to you?” I questioned as she looked over at me.
“Nothing. Anyways, why were you on your way to my place?” She asked as she dug out a pack of gum taking on for herself before offering a piece to me.
“I don’t know. I was in the neighborhood and I don’t know, guess I just wanted to see you.” She looked over at me, “I mean, see you and Arianna.”
“But you didn’t call?” She clarified as I messed with the bracelet I was wearing.
“Yeah, no, I know. I guess I should have called first...” I mumbled as I reached over to change the radio station, “Do not change it.” She ordered as I slumped back into the chair.
“You look nice...” I told her as she scoffed and looked over at me, “My hairs a mess and I’m dirty leggings because I haven’t caught up on my laundry, Nikki. I look like shit.”
I shook my head and kept my mouth shut the remainder of the drive. Vanity sped through the streets and I’m pretty sure she even ran a stop sign. She pulled up alongside a yellow painted curb and put it in park, “I don’t think you can park here...” I mumbled pointing to the ‘no parking’ sign.
She glared at me, “I park here all the-“ I jumped in the chair when there was a platinum blonde haired women tapping on the window.
Vanity sighed heavily before rolling the window down, “Yes Ginger?”
She smiled at me and then at Vanity, “Good afternoon Vanity, I see you are still parking here.”
“Do you have a tow truck to move my car?”
“Well, Uh no but-“
“Then don’t worry about it.”
Gingers smile faltered for a moment before she quickly regained it, “Are you and Arianna coming to our end of the school year PTA BBQ at the park?”
Vanity sighed in annoyance as she looked over at Ginger, head rested against the seat, “Probably not.”
I smiled at Ginger, “We’re actually going out to lunch when Ari gets out. I just met her and everything so I thought it would be nice and all that.”
I groaned when Vanity backhanded my stomach, “Oh, so you’re her father? I thought it was that one guy who picks her up sometimes...”
“I already told you Jason wasn’t her father, Ginger.” Vanity retorted, rather bitterly, “He just gets her from time to time to be nice..”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Nikki-“ she leaned a bit closer, “Big fan by the way...saw you guys back in ‘87.”
I nodded, “Thanks for that...”
“Well maybe next year Vanity, you’ll be more willing to participate in our activities. I’m sure Arianna would love to hang out with the kids and we’d love to get to know you better.” Ginger continued to explain as Vanity turned up the radio station and rolled up the window.
“Damn V, can’t you play nice with the other kids?” I teased as she hit my chest this time, “What was that for?!” I groaned, rubbing my skin.
“We’re not going out to lunch after this. I’m going home and then you can leave too. I’m not in the mood to deal with you today.”
I chuckled, “Too damn bad.” I looked over at her as she got out of the car when a whole bunch of kids came running out of the building. I saw Arianna smiling and giggling with her little friends, “Mommy!” She ran over to Van as she scooped her up and smothered her cheeks with kisses
“Hi babygirl! I missed you so much did you have a good day!” Van cheered as she looked at with her with a smile full of joy across her lips.
Arianna nodded furiously, “Yes! I colored all day! And I made you this!” She held out a piece of paper with yellow and pink swirls all around, and a lot of glitter.
Vanity gasped, “it is so pretty babe, thank you!” Van looked over at me as she glanced down at Ari, “You remember Nikki right? You met him a few days ago...”
Arianna smiled at me, “Yes, uncle Tommy’s brother.” Van put her down as she showed me her art.
“Pretty fuckin-I mean, it’s really, really neat.” I cleared my throat as Vanity shook her head.
“I think Nikki got you a little present...” She explained as Arianna gasped before peering up at me with a huge grin.
“Oh! Yeah-“ I reached into the car and handed her the stuffed animal, “Do you uh, like it?”
Arianna snatched it from my hands as she examined it from front to back, “I don’t have an Ellie...” she whispered to me as I nodded.
“That’s why I got you one. Everyone needs a pink elephant. Ari, are you hungry?” I questioned, my eyes flickering to Vanity as she just watched us.
“I always have a snack when I get home.” She explained as I knelt down to her height. Vanity nudged Arianna from behind then pointed at the toy, “Thank you Nikki.” Arianna laughed before covering her mouth with her hands.
“Anytime princess, how about we maybe go get i don’t know, candy or something?” I asked her, but also looked up at Vanity as she nodded in return.
“Candy“?!” Arianna exclaimed before grabbing Vanity’s hand, “Please mom! Can we go with Nikki!?”
Between both of us giving her our best pouty dog eyes, I knew she couldn’t say no. Vanity chuckled before opening up the side door, “Get on in there.” Arianna climbed into the car before Vanity buckled her up. When she was done, she closed the door and looked at me.
I grinned, “Sorry...mom.” I laughed as she rolled her eyes, “Just get in and shut up.”
“There’s a candy shop and it’s also a diner and there’s an arcade in it tool. Its over off of-“
 “...Off of  fifth and Lincoln, it’s down the street from my house. Trust me, we go there all the time.”
“It’s like a cute little family date.” I whispered to Van as she ignored me and turned up the radio a little bit louder. I chuckled and turned it down.
“Arianna, what kind of music do you like?” I asked as i heard her giggle, “I dunno...”
“Baby, yeah you do. Who do we like? We like Queen and Kiss and-“ “Guns and uh daisies?”
“Guns and Roses! And, and we like um Michael! Bowie! And uh...oh! Uncle Tommy’s drums!”
I looked over at Vanity, “She cries when I turn off MTV so she’s exposed to a lot of different music...” she explained as she glanced at Arianna through the mirror.
“Well Ari, you and I like a lot of the same people. Except for Guns and Roses..” i told her as Van looked over and smirked.
“But...but that guys hair is so cool!!” She exclaimed, “You hear that Nik? His hair is so cool.” Vanity teased as I shook my head.
“Nikki has cool hair too sweetie pie. You’ll have to see it one day when he’s playing his guitar alongside Tommy.” Vanity nudged my arm as I smiled a bit.
“His hairs messy...”
“Arianna, be nice.” Vanity spoke sternly. I couldn’t believe my own damn kid was making fun of my hair, “Nikki is famous for his hairstyle.” It took me off guard when Vanity reached over and ran her fingers through it. I felt my whole body tense up when her nails grazed over my scalp.
Good thing for self control or I would have made a mess in my pants.
“It’s not as messy as it use to be or as long, what a shame.” Now I knew she was fucking with me by the tone of her voice and the way she gave my hair a slight tug. She slowly took her hand back and placed it on her lap.
Who new one single fucking touch for her could send the fire ablaze.
Why would she do that? What does that even mean?! Does it even mean anything?! Is she flirting with me?! Or is she teasing me?! What’s the fuckin difference, honestly?
“I guess it’s cool...” Arianna mumbled, “Mommy’s hair looks like yours in the morning.”
I chuckled, “I know it does.”
Vanity pulled alongside the candy shop. We got out of the car as I beat her to Arianna’s door, obviously, “I got it...” I told her as she nodded and took a step back. I unbuckled her from her booster seat and helped her out of the car.
Arianna peered up at me before she grabbed my hand and pulled me along, “Nikki! Walk faster!” She exclaimed, now tugging on my hand with both of hers. Vanity held the door open for us as Arianna started running to the arcade, “We take her here all the time.” Vanity explained as motioned for me to go play with her as she started heading to the bathroom.
“Which one do you want to play, Ari?” I asked as I followed her into the arcade area. She looked back and forth at all the games
She pointed to a game that had two guns and a zombie on it, “That one. Uncle Tommy lets me play it. But shhhh...” She brought her little finger up to her lips, “We can’t tell mommy.”
I glanced over to see Vanity was still in the bathroom, “Okay, fine. But if you have a bad dream blame it on Tommy.”
“I need quarters, Nikki.” She stared up at me and then pointed to the machine, “Oh right. Of course.” I mumbled before putting a five in and getting change.
“I hope you aren’t gonna cry when I kill more zombies then you do.” I told her as I handed her some and she laughed at me.
“I always beat Mommy at other games but that’s because she sucks.”
I watched as she reached for the toy gun and I followed after her, “You have to shoot them in the head! That’s the only way they’ll die, okay?!”
“Okay, sounds reasonable.” I shot one in the head and she gasped, “Wow, you’re good!”
She gasped again, “Except for him!” She pointed to the giant and even uglier zombie, “You have to shoot him everywhere and use the booms!”
“The booms?”
She imitated explosions sounds, “The booms!!”
“Oh! You mean the bombs!” I watched as she dramatically groaned and started shooting at him, I helped her and pushed the button for the booms, I mean the bombs to blow him up.
“Uncle Tommy is always dying first.” She puts down the gun, “Ari the game isn’t finished-“ I stopped talking when she walked away from me, “Okay then...”
“You can pick the next one.” She told me as I nodded and looked around, “Do you want to race?”
She shook her head,
“Claw machine?”
She did it again,
“The uh...rubber ducky game?” I pointed at it as she stared at me, “Air hockey?” I saw her eyes flicker over to the table.
“I’ve never played that. Tommy calls me a shrimp and that I have to wait till I’m taller.” I laughed a bit, I can’t believe Tommy would say that. But then again I could.
“Well maybe your mom can hold you up? Or we can pick something else?” I don’t know why I continued talking as she walked away from me and went over to Vanity who was sitting at a table sipping on a soda. I saw Arianna attempt to explain to Van what was going on as she pointed back at me and the hockey table. Arianna then grabbed Vanity’s hand, tugging on her to come with her.
“You have to hold me so I can play hockey.” She told her as Vanity nodded, “Okay, okay up you go.” Vanity held her, kinda at a lopsided angle so her arms were free to move around freely.
“Ready, Nikki!”
We gently passed the puck back and forth to one another for a solid five minutes, but Arianna is laughing and smiling and that makes me happy and that makes Van happy, and everything’s okay, “You gotta get it into the slot babe.” Van said as she put her hand on top of Arianna’s and immediately shot the puck into my goal box.
I smirked as I put the puck back on the table, “Mommy isn’t suppose to be playing.” I said, forcefully hitting the puck into their goal box.
Vanity smiled, “I’m just holding her-“ she took control of the handle and smacked in across to me but I blocked it, “That was all Arianna.”
“Uh huh. I’m sure that’s what happened.” I chuckled before tossing the puck in the middle as she put Arianna on the floor, “Mommy, Nikki’s really good at games...you don’t want to loose...”
Vanity looked down at Arianna, “Don’t worry baby I-“ she was cut off when I shot my puck back into her goal box.
“That is cheating!” She grabbed the puck and it hit it towards me , but I blocked it just for me to push it back to her and her to block it. The game went on and on as Arianna watched us. She’d cheer for me and then she’d cheer for Van. I made it in another time as she made it in another two times.
“Ha! I win!” Vanity cheered triumphantly as she got the winning goal and tossed the hockey puck handle down onto the table.
“I let you win.” I corrected her as she scoffed, “Don’t be a sore looser Sixx.” She rubbed it in even more as she shaped her fingers into a ‘L’ on her forehead.
I glared at her as Arianna was doing the same thing as her, “Nice, Van. Really nice.” Vanity chuckled as she held Arianna’s hand.
“You hungry yet, baby?” Van asked her as she shook her head, “Can I get a sticker?” She points to the toy machines.
“Well how about a tattoo? That way you can be like me.” I pointed at one as she immediately put her hand out for more quarters. I gave her some and she put them in before I pushed the lever in for her and out came the design.
“We can do it when we get back home.” I told her as she nodded and showed me, “It’s a flower!” She ecstatically shouted as I nodded. It was a red rose with a thorny stem.
“Mommy, you get one! You don’t have any tattoos!” Vanity and I both looked at one another and she scowled at me as she saw my grin.
I wonder if she still has that ‘property of Mötley Crüe’ tattoo on her ass cheek?
Vanity held her hand out for quarters, “What’s the magic word?” I snorted in laughter as she rolled her eyes, “Nikki, may I please have some quarters?”
“Since you said please...” I gave her a few As she put them in and then grabbed the paper that came out, “Its a butterfly.” Vanity was so unenthusiastic.
“You’d look cute with a little butterfly.” I laughed as she rolled her eyes at me.
“Can I have chicken strips now?” We both looked down at Arianna, “Of course.” Vanity said, holding out her hand for Arianna to take but she brushed her off and grabbed my hand instead.
“Thanks babe. I feel the love.” Vanity muttered as she followed behind us as we walked to the counter.
“Nikki, I get a toy.” She pointed to the sign that accompanied a child’s meal. I nodded, “Yeah of course you’ll get it angel.”
Vanity ordered for Arianna and herself before turning towards me, “He’s paying.” She patted my shoulder before taking the soda cups for Arianna and her and went to fill it up.
I found them sitting at a booth as I slid in and sat across from them. Arianna was staring at me as she sipped through her straw, “Did you get my toy.”
I chuckled, “Yes Princess, I made sure you got it.”
“But I want it now.” She demanded as I was taken back. Vanity looked at me  with an amused smile on her face.
“You’ll get it soon-“ I showed her the receipt, “See that number? We are only a few people away from being called out. You wanna listen to the number for me?”
“No I want my toy.” She pouted as she tried staring me down.
“Well doesn’t that suck for the both of us.” I shook my head, a quiet grunt being forced from me as Vanity kicked my shin.
“I can only count to twenty.” Arianna mumbled as she pointed at the receipt.
I sighed, “Arianna, just wait a few more minutes.”
She started to glare at me, “You’re not the boss of me.”
Oh hell no.
Vanity quickly covered Arianna’s mouth with her hand, “You do not talk to him like that. Behave Arianna, or you won’t get the toy at all.”
Arianna then started pouting even more, “But I want it now…”
Vanity shrugged, “I don’t care if you want it now, you’re going to be patient and wait.”
Vanity gave me a weak smile, “Sorry, she’s a bit of a brat sometimes.” she explained as she combed her fingers through Arianna’s hair.
I smirked, “Just like mommy.”
“And you gotta keep her happy or she will freak out like mommy.” Vanity laughed as Arianna pushed her hand away from her head.
“Quit pouting.” I’m guessing that was Vanity’s mom voice as she lowered her mouth down to Arianna’s ear and she nodded, “Sorry…”
After lunch, we arrived back at Vanity’s place. I made a funny face towards arianna as I helped her out of her car seat again. She laughed and crawled out as she started running towards the steps.
“Now she’s gonna be crazy all afternoon until she crashes.” Vanity chuckled as I reached for the sunflowers and handed it to her. She deeply exhaled before smiling, “Thank you Nikki, they’re pretty.”
“Anything for you princess.” I followed behind the girls as we walked inside.
“Oh miss Blackwood! You have a delivery!” The woman at the front desk spoke as he grabbed a huge white vase that was filled with at least two dozen red roses.
“A very handsome man dropped these off for you.” She explained as Vanity smiled widely
“Wow! These are absolutely gorgeous!” Vanity cheered as she put the flowers I got her off to the side and touched the petals of the elegant roses. I watched as she plucked a card from the top of them, reading it as her smile grew.
“A secret admirer?” The concierge questioned
Vanity shook her head, “No, my boyfriend sent them to make up for our fight the other night. Nikki could you carry these for me?” She asked, giving me a sweet smile.
Through gritted teeth, “Of course.” I picked them up, every fiber in my being to not lash out verbally. If Arianna wasn’t standing next to me I probably would have said something along lines of your arms ain’t fuckin broken.
I followed behind Vanity, the roses completely blocking my view as I stepped into the elevator with her and Ari.
“Those are so beautiful.” Vanity swooned over them, “They look so fresh.” She smiles as I forced one.
“Yeah, the dude has great taste.” My voice was monotone as I downplayed my eye roll. He had a shit taste in flowers, wonderful taste in women.
We stepped out of the elevator as I followed Vanity to her front door, she unlocked it for me and I set them down on the counter, “No, no on the table.” Vanity ordered as I glared at the back of her head. I did what she said anyways.
“Can I watch cartoons?” Arianna asked Van as she nodded and turned the TV on for her. I watched as Arianna climbed onto the couch and wrapped herself up in a blanket.
“Well thanks for lunch.” Vanity said as she kicked off her shoes and pulled off her hoodie, leaving her in a tiny little tank top. I guess it’s a bit nipply in here, I mean nippy.
I averted my eyes to the photo frames on the wall, “Yeah, uh anytime.” I cleared my throat and pointed at the sunflowers, “I think those need water.”
I sat down at the table as she grabbed a vase and filled it up with water before coming back over to the table and standing in front of me.
“Since it’s summer time and you’re gonna be here for a while or whatever, we should teach Arianna how to swim. She was terrified of the pool last year, wanted nothing to do with it.” Vanity suggested as I nodded.
“Yeah, got you over your fear of water So I’m sure I could do the same with Ari.” I assured as she smiled, “Okay, good.”
I tapped my fingertips against the table as I watched her straighten up a bit before she went over to her answering machine.
One new message:
“Good afternoon Vanity, it is Dr. Watson, haven’t heard from you in a while so I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. I have a few openings this week if you would like to come in for a session. Give the office a call if you would like to schedule an appointment. Hope you have a wonderful day.”
“Therapist?” I muttered under my breath as she looked over at me and nodded.
Message deleted.
One new message:
“Hey baby, it’s Jason-“
I exhaled deeply as I glared at the roses in front of me.
“-I am very sorry for my behavior the other night. In no way did I mean to upset you or cause harm. I dropped off some roses for you a little while ago , I really hope you like them. I miss you and I can’t stop thinking about you. Just give me a call whenever you get this, alright? Bye babe.”
Message deleted.
“A real charmer.” I laughed as Vanity sighed and came over and sat across from me at the table.
“He’s a nice guy Nikki.”
I rolled my eyes at her statement, “The dude called you a whore Vanity. Plus he’s constantly giving you crap to shove up your nose, he isn’t nice.”
Vanity shook her head, “You’ve done those things too…” She mumbled as I shook my head before running my hand over my face.
“I’m nothing like Jason, and you know that Vanity.” Her eyes flickered to me as I saw the wheels turning in her head, but nothing malicious fell from those pretty pink lips of hers. I sighed as I relaxed in the chair, “How’d you meet him?”
She shrugged, “Met him at a club one night then met him again when I started working at the strip joint a little while after that.”
I furrowed my eyebrows together as I looked down at my rings and messed with them, “Have you always done drugs with him?”
She sighed, “Nikki-“
I cut her off, “I just want to know.” My voice was almost a whisper as she nodded.
“Yeah, always. Constantly. I don’t think I’ve ever been sober while being with him-“ She looked at me, bottom lip between her teeth, “When I first met him, he stuck a needle full of blow into my arm. He didn’t force me to do it, I wanted too.”
I felt my stomach twist into knots. I felt like I was going to throw up knowing she had picked up a needle, yeah it wasn’t Persian, but still. It fucking hurt.
I scooted the chair back loudly against the hardwood floor as I got up and quickly wrapped my hand around her elbow, extending her arm out to me, “So this explains the bruises and the little prick marks.” I snarled through gritted teeth as I towered over her. She tried taking her arm away from my grip but I held on.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, V?” I whispered angrily at her as she shook her head, “You have such a perfect fuckin body and you’re gonna ruin it by doing this to yourself.”
“…it’s not-“ I raised an eyebrow, “It’s what? Not all the time?” I smirked in her face as I slowly let go of her arm, “Are you really going to tell me, a junkie that?”
She shook her head and looked over at Arianna who was engrossed in whatever she was watching, “I have it under control, Nikki. I am fine.”
I would have been stupid to believe her, “You get check up calls from your therapist and you truly want me to believe you are fine? Vanity, I don’t give a shit that you don’t wanna hear it but I still care about you so god damn much.” I confided as she nodded.
“I’m fine Nikki. Really. I’m good.”
You’re definitely not all good doll.
*a few days later, Vanity’s POV*
“Yep, I’m all good. Haven’t had too much happen to me. Still using but I have it controlled. I’m good, I’m happy.”
I was currently sitting across from Dr. Watson as I decided to take her up on the offer of having a quick therapy session.
“Happy?” Dr Watson asked, “What has changed since a month ago? Because a month ago you were sitting across from me crying and hyperventilating and having a bloody nose from your drug use.”
I looked at her, “Well, I’m okay. I don’t know if I’m happy but I feel happy.”
“When was the last time you used? Did you go to any drug counseling classes like I had suggested?”
I shook my head, “No I haven’t, and last night at work, or this morning or whatever.”
I leaned forward and grabbed a handful of pretzels that were sitting in a crystal bowl on the table, “So, I have really big news. I don’t know if it’s good or bad.”
Dr Watson gave me a look, silently saying to continue as I sighed, “So, Nikki is in the city. And I ran into him and we already met up and I told him about Arianna and he met her, but we haven’t told her that he’s her dad so we introduced him as uncle Tommy’s brother and all three of us hung out the other day and we had lunch together and went to this little arcade and it was actually a lot of fun.”
Dr Watson raised her eyebrows in surprise, “This…this is wonderful! Vanity! This is such great progress!” She scribbled down notes on her notepad as she smiled at me.
“Is it? Because I don’t know how I feel about it.” I mumbled as I cracked my knuckles, “He keeps trying to talk about what happened and I don’t want too.”
“Well why not?”
I shrugged, “I’m not ready to talk about it. And I don’t know if I could talk about it without screaming and throwing a fit…he almost told me he still loves me when we went to get coffee, but I stopped him from saying it.”
She went to talk but I cut her off, “because I don’t understand how he still could love me after doing that, ya know? Like how could you say you love someone after dragging them through the dirt like that? I think he’s just lonely because he’s divorcing Brandi.”
“He’s divorcing her?” I nodded, “Yeah, she lied to him about wanting to get pregnant and was still taking her birth control. It’s totally dramatic, almost like a bad soap opera.”
She hummed, “Well, hows he doing with Arianna?” I smiled, “Way better then I expected, she really likes him I think. She keeps asking when we can hang out with him again. Between you and me, I think she already knows he’s her father. The bond was instantly there the moment they met. But I’m not sure how to approach her with it. Do I just tell her Nikki’s her dad?”
“Kids are very smart, even from a young age. I would suggest a few more dates with-“
“They aren’t dates.”
Dr Watson chuckled a bit, “Okay, well whatever you want to call them. I suggest a bit more of them before you tell her. I wouldn’t get all technical with it either. Just get straight to the point.”
“Do you still love him?” I glanced over at her and stared for a solid minute.
“I-I don’t know. It’s nice to be around him again, but I, I just don’t know.” I confessed as she nodded.
“Well, how about you come back next week?” She reaches across and held out a white card for me to take.
I nodded, “Of course. Thank you Dr. Watson.” I gave her a kind smile before I left her office and walked to my car.
I sat in the drivers seat for a moment, keys in hand as I stared out the window. Did I still love Nikki? That’s a pretty loaded question to be asking me. Sure, it’s nice to see and laugh with him and see him and Arianna bonding, but I wouldn’t jump the gun and just spew out I love yous to him.
The heartache and turmoil was still there every time he pops up and is smiling in my face. Every time those sweet little remarks have fallen off his lips the last few encounters, it was like a knife being driven through my body in one swift motion.
Nikki Sixx had given me three things in my life: wonderful, irreplaceable memories. Our daughter who is just the gift that keeps on giving and a lifetime of brutal, heart wrenching, excruciating pain.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
On Bended Knee
Summary: Jesse invites James to his grandfather's cabin for Christmas and goes on a walk to ask him an important question.
Word Count: 2204
Read on AO3:
The sun shone brightly upon the snow as James and Jesse headed out for a winter walk hand in hand. The world was quiet around them, completely blanketed in snow. Their footsteps broke the freshly fallen snow. Besides Jesse’s grandfather whose cabin they were staying at, there was no one nearby for miles. It was utter isolation and they loved it.
James looked over at his boyfriend with a smile. He’d felt unbelievably touched when Jesse had invited him to come and stay at the cabin for Christmas. Jesse’s grandfather was the only family he had left in the world and to be able to meet him felt like a big deal. James had arrived at the cabin with Jesse feeling extremely nervous about making a good first impression, but meeting Jesse’s grandfather in person soon set him at ease.
He was a calm man, steady with his actions and deliberate with his words. It was clear that he meant the world to Jesse. Every other minute Jesse was spouting off another thing that his grandfather had taught him and how all that he had learned being raised in these woods had prepared him to be the park ranger he was today. Jesse’s grandfather listened calmly, a soft smile on his face. It was clear he was proud of his grandson. With Jesse’s mother dead and his father never in the picture, the pair was bonded as closely as father and son.
Jesse’s grandfather had been kind and thoughtful in his questions toward James, asking of his family and his own work. James had felt a bit silly saying that his current work was in ASMR, but Jesse’s grandfather had listened with interest and respect. James had also caught him smiling when he saw that James and Jesse were holding hands. Jesse had mentioned that his grandfather knew everything about their relationship, but still, seeing it in person was comforting.
A soft pressure had James looking over Jesse’s way. “Penny for your thoughts?” his boyfriend asked softly.
“Oh, nothing special. Just… this has been nice,”
“It has been. I figured you would like it here. I feel centered when I come back, more than in any other place. It’s, well…”
“Home,” James finished.
Jesse nodded. “Does it feel the same for you when you go back to D.C.?”
James thought on that. “It’s always good to see my dad and I like revisiting some of my favorite spots from when I was young, but… it’s not the same as here. Cities change. This feels like it doesn’t,”
“It’s always been the same for as long as I’ve known it,” Jesse guided them closer to the treeline, walking alongside it as they continued. “Want to see something cool?”
James raised an eyebrow. “Yes...?”
Jesse smirked. “It’s nothing to worry about,” Pursing his lips, he let out a series of high-pitched tweets then paused, standing still. James stood silently beside him. A few seconds later, a series of similar tweets emerged from the forest. Jesse continued, letting out a variety of tweets and warbles. The sounds seemed to excite the forest’s denizens as louder tweets were heard nearby,”
“That’s amazing!” James exclaimed softly, looking at Jesse in disbelief.
“Took me a while to master those. I could teach you some of the simpler ones if you like,”
“Could… could I hear them again,”
“Of course. I’ll run through my whole collection,” With that Jesse continued the walk, repeating the tweets and warbles as he did. Once he was done with those, he diverged into another set of whistles then another.
James listened in wonder. Two years he’d been with Jesse and he was still discovering new things about him, still finding new things to admire and love. As they continued their stroll through the woods hand in hand, James felt as though his heart was melting in that ooey-gooey sense that always left him flustered and speechless. Not that he’d ever been a man of many words… but that was fine for both of them.
“Starlight and River seemed to really like you,” Jesse commented, a soft smile upon his face.
“You really think so?” Starlight and River were Jesse’s grandfather’s horses. River was an older horse while Starlight had been raised by Jesse since she was a foal. Jesse talked of them at length whenever the topic of horses came up which for him was a fairly frequent occurrence. After so much talk of them, meeting the pair of horses in person had been a somewhat surreal experience for James.
“Absolutely. After your last experiences with horses I was a bit worried you’d never go near them again,” Jesse teased. “But those two took to you like they’d known you forever,”
James blushed slightly at the memory Jesse’s teasing had recalled. They’d gone on a horseback riding date a few months back. James’ horse had gotten distracted by the prospect of meeting up with some mares down in the valley and had gone trotting off despite James’ frantic protests. Jesse had had to race after them to grab the horse’s bridle and set it on the right path. The whole experience had left James mortified but since then he’d been able to look back at the memory as at least a little bit funny.
“We’re here,” Jesse’s gaze was on a clearing ahead. James recognized it from Jesse’s stories. In the springtime the entire field was filled with wildflowers but at this time of year everything was perfectly white, the white snow glistening in contrast to the stark branches of the birch trees. The trunks of the trees themselves seemed to blend in with the snow surrounding them, their brown creases the only color breaking through the flaky white bark upon them.
“Your secret place,” James whispered softly, almost reverently.
“That’s right. I’m sure others have come across this particular spot before, but every time I’ve visited the clearing I’ve been completely alone. Well, every time till now,” Giving James’ hand a gentle squeeze, Jesse guided him out into the clearing.
James’ footsteps were cautious as he followed Jesse as though afraid that by marring the untouched snow, he would somehow desecrate this place. The sky above was a bright, clear blue, nary a cloud in the sky. Everything was serene as though nature itself had fallen into an eternal slumber. The only sound in the clearing was their footsteps, their boots crunching against the crust of the unbroken snow.
At last once they had reached the center of the clearing, Jesse stopped. “Take it all in. Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It is,” James took in a deep breath, enjoying the brisk chill of the air entering his lungs as the rest of him was snugly wrapped in layer upon layer. “It’s magical,”
“It has been for me. And… I’m hoping it will continue to be,” Jesse’s voice had shifted, almost as though he had lowered himself to the ground. Turning around to check, James’ eyes widened when he saw that Jesse was in fact kneeling. Jesse smiled up at him. “Guess I caught you by surprise after all,”
James was speechless. He could feel his heart pounding within his chest. Was this really happening?
Jesse cleared his throat. “So I guess I’ll just jump into my speech. Cool? Cool. James… I never liked people very much. Didn’t see a need for them besides the few I already had. I planned to go off to school, get my bachelor’s and then find the most remote park to work as a ranger for so I never had to meet anyone ever again. But before I finished my plan, well, I met you. And you changed everything,”
“Jesse, I-” James bit his tongue at his own outburst, shaking his head. He was too flustered to remember what he’d intended to say anyway.
Jesse paused, making sure James was alright, then continued. “James, you make me want to be a human, whatever the hell that means. To care about things because you care so damn much. You’re the kindest, most thoughtful person I’ve ever met, and I learn things from you that I’d be too stubborn or selfish to learn any other way. I’m lucky you keep me around.” As Jesse looked up into James’ eyes, emotion welled within his own and he looked down at the ground.
“I’m not sure what your thoughts are on marriage. Probably should have found some sort of rhetorical way to bring that question up earlier when I seriously started considering this. But I guess whichever way you feel about it, I wanted to say my piece. I want to be with you James, not just this year or the next, but for the rest of our lives, till I’m just a pile of bones leaching into the earth. And whatever comes after this, I hope I find my way back to you. Because I never want to be without you. As cheesy as it might sound, you’re the missing part of me. The piece I never knew I needed till you were right in front of me. I love you, James, so…”
Jesse paused again, reaching into his coat pocket this time to rummage around. Pulling out a ring box, he opened it and plucked out the ring before holding it forth between his pointer and thumb. It was made of wood, an ashy maple with a line of sterling silver inlayed through the middle. “James Park, will you marry me?”
James was frozen. Body and mind completely crystallized in this moment. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even think except for one thought spiraling though his mind on repeat: Say something. Say something. For the love of God, say something!
“James?” Jesse looked up at his boyfriend in concern. “Baby?” He got to his feet, waving a hand in front of James’ face. “I was expecting a lot of things, but this… I need you to say something, anything. James?” Jesse’s hands came up the grip James’ shoulders.
The touch seemed to ground James, centering him enough for his mind to refocus on the reality in front of him. Jesse had just proposed. This was completely, utterly real. A smile alighted upon his face, growing bigger and bigger as he looked upon his love.
Jesse’s smile mirrored his own, growing with his. “There you are,”
“Jesse Fletcher,” James’ voice was soft, warm, bright. “Yes, I will marry you,”
“Yes!” Jesse crowed, throwing his head into the air and laughing. His arms came round James’ waist and he lifted the taller boy into the air, spinning him round in glee. “Yes, yes, yes! I knew you would say yes! I-” Jesse took James’ face in his hands and kissed him deeply. James’ hands instinctively came to rest upon Jesse’s waist, deepening the kiss further. All was still and beautiful and vibrant in that moment.
At last they pulled apart for air. Jesse’s eyes widened as he looked at his empty hands before his hands thrust into his pockets as his expression softened in relief. Pulling out the ring, he offered it once more. This time James’ hand came out to accept it. Taking his fiancée’s hand, Jesse gently slid the ring upon his finger. “Thank God it fits. I got one of those ring sizing things from the jewelry store and tried it on you while you were asleep a few weeks back. You said something in your sleep and almost scared the shit out of me,”
“What did I say?” James asked with curiosity.
“It was some sort of food. Bacon wrapped… something. I was so busy hiding the ring sizer in my pants I didn’t really hear it that well,”
“You’ve been planning this for weeks?”
“I’ve been considering it for months. Didn’t know when I’d get the courage to do anything about it though. Then winter rolled round, and I thought about how beautiful this place is this time of year and, well, I knew it had to happen here. Figured in a place as special as this some of that magic you mentioned would rub off and you might just say yes,”
“I would have said yes anywhere,” James murmured. “As long as it was you asking. But I’m glad it was here,”
Jesse grinned and leaned in for another kiss. “I’m glad too. Wouldn’t want it any other way,”
James could feel his cheeks flushing from warmth and excitement. He probably was as pink as a strawberry at this point. Taking Jesse’s hand, he glanced happily over at his fiancée. “So… what now?”
“What now? Shit, I didn’t plan this far. Should’ve come up with something fancy, huh? Ummm, uh…”
“We could walk a bit farther,” James offered. “Have some more time in the moment before we share the news,”
Jesse’s eyes softened at the thought. “Yeah. Let’s do that,” Guiding James forward, he began to walk with him out of the clearing and back into the woods. The pair walked hand in hand, smiling and stealing kisses as they walked in silence. The time for words and plans would come later. For now all they wanted was to be in this moment together.
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