#because now i'm going to talk about the behind the scenes where jacob says that line
winepresswrath · 4 months
genuinely though show louis not killing lestat is completely unforgivable. book louis just, you know, doesn't particularly want to kill lestat and so he doesn't. deliberately deluded himself into believing it would never come to this. nevertheless participates in swamp motion, and also arson. show louis knows that lestat cuts him slack that is not afforded to claudia, agrees with claudia that lestat needs to die if they're going to be free, commits to the plan, and then goes "nah" at the last second?? they are immortal. the reprieve louis offers lestat is a probable death sentence for claudia. that is your daughter-sister louis!!! unfortunately i am in the business of forgiving the unforgivable and he seems very sad. however when the armandening comes i'm going to be furious.
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miathesevikakitty · 1 year
Oh, um, hi! English is not my first language so sorry for all the mistakes, and I just wanted to say some cute things i saw in "The Sea Beast" the movie on Netflix. I know it's a little late but I just rewatched it and couldn't live without telling someone about those things I just noticed.
First of all, I'm a little obsessed with Sarah Sharpe so this will be most about her.
Ok, let's go, do y'all remember this scene? Where they all go down on that city before going to the castle? (I forgot the English name for the city since I watched it in Portuguese)
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Well, look, Sarah goes first than anyone. (I couldn't find the specific scene but y'know) even tho there are part of the tripulation carrying those heavy horns from the beasts, she still goes first. Before Captain Crow and before Jacob, so, in my little mind I saw this as a way of them to be caring, since she clearly has some problems walking due to the leg.
Cus, like, imagine all the times she would be left behind cus she can't run properly? She probably can, obviously, but it won't be that easy. So, I'm pretty sure its like a unspoken rule to let Sarah go first anywhere.
Also, just imagine the trouble this woman has walking on sand, grass, and anything that would make her leg sink? Poor baby. Y'know, in heels, the heels keep sinking in the sand and grass and breaking and stuff. A easy way to protect yourself from that horror is to step on your toes, but Sarah's leg is only heel, do you get it? I hope it makes sense.
Anyway, one more thing I noticed.
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She is like, "the fuck this b* gonna catch me slipping" on that scene. I don't know where she specifically is but, I'm sure this woman is doing her best to not fall. Cus, y'know, her leg doesn't seem to move (I forgot the verb in english) and it is probably complicated for her to get up by her own. And they're being attacked my woman doesn't wants to die today.
Also, funny thing that I had to watch 2-3 times to notice: she also uses swords and knifes, not only the guns. Everytime I though about her, I absolutely believed that she only used shotguns. But watching this scene, I can see she clearly using this sword. (There is any other name for it?)
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And, oh, look at her model! It isn't rendered but we can see clearly some important things here: just like I said before, this leg would be the absolutely worst to walk on grass. It has this spikes thing and would easily get stuck, which would cause trouble. also, look! She wears more blue-green than others colors.
If you look well, you'll notice that every important character has its own pallette, and Sarah's is blue-green centered.
Comparing her to Captain Crow, his pallette is more Black-ish with golden.
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He has mostly black in his coat, hat, shirt, pants and stuff while my woman wears this pretty blue.
Like, look (sorry for the BAD quality) Miss Merino is more red-ish. While Jacob is more yellow, even with the hints of red. She's blue and green.
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Also, talking about Jacob, look.
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My man's works out, just look and these arms that could easily carry me to death. It isn't a surprise that there are so much people simping for him he's absolutely playing on both sides.
Also, I'm pretty sure he "cuts to both sides" (it's a expression we use here to say someone likes both women and men) cus there's no damn way my man's haven't got his bitches.
Just look at him, I'm sure that he only arrives at the city's so he can talk to his girlies.
Learned with his mother figure Sarah.
Anyway, I'll stop simping (for now.).
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Do y'all notice that his clothing are simpler? Even tho he's clearly the captains favorite, he goes with this white common shirt while everybody has its complicated and cool looks?
It is because he's the protagonist, he has to call attention to him. And everyone has its super cool design with all those textures and details and stuff, it would be hard for him to shine. So, instead of giving him a super cool clothing, he's wearing something plane and simple that's easier to remember about.
Same for Maisie, but I'll be talking about her later wait there.
Anyway, giving him a simpler design and clothing made him appear more in the scenes, specially the dark ones. Since his blouse is white, it appears a lot.
Ok, coming to maisie.
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Diferente from Jacob, that has only his white shirt on top, she has three layers of clothing.
And yet, it is still simpler.
Why? Because it doesn't folds, doesn't has much detail and doesn't has much texture. What calls attention in her is specifically her hair and how her brighter colors doesn't mix with the rest of the tripulation BUT these who have a similar spirit!
Look at old Jack, who also has his little white shirt on, and that boy who Jacob saved in the start of the movie. Both of them have a lighter pallete, which goes just right with Jacob's and Maisie's pallete.
And also, notice that Maisie's also goes for blue-green colors. Just like Sarah, but her's are lighter tones.
No more, just noticed those cute details that I had to talk about.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to ask something that can start the fight, so ignore me if you want! Do you consider Louis good parent? Because I noticed (and maybe it's just me not following people who discuss it) that fandom generally paints Louis and Claudia relationship pretty simple. But there's many little things that show how not that good Louis and Claudia relationship, which culminates in him choking her (for some reason almost no one remembers that) Starting from first scene with him taking her to be his redemption, then begging Lestat to turn her and basically damn Claudia for a hell. (Before anyone says that Lestat is to blame too, I know! Of course he is, but people constantly talk about it but not about Louis) There was interview with Jacob when he said that Louis liked to dress up Claudia like a doll. Comparison with doll stucked with me, because while I genuinely believe Louis loved Claudia, you can't say he loved her instantly, since rescuing her from the fire. Basically I wanted to say, dynamic between Louis and Claudia is unhealthy. I didn't see anyone mention that falling into depression because your child left the house is not normal. Personally, I think he was too dependent on her which is unfair to Claudia. There's also whole ep6 where Claudia is RIGHTFULLY against Lestat but Louis acts like she's unreasonable "what are you doing?" "I'm enduring" "Do more!" or "You look ugly like this" I understand that Louis is victim but come on! And as I said him choking her... Claudia looking betrayed and terrified... Basically choosing Lestat over her and over her safety... There's also angle with him being a pimp and Claudia being "girl with no home". Maybe if she was a little older, she would be one of Louis' workers.
I'm starting to ramble here, I apologize, I just thought about Claudia recently and got very frustrated! Love your blog!
Hey! Glad you like :)!
I think Louis was a good parent, yes, in a sense by definition, because he so desperately wanted to be a good parent. And I do think he succeeded to be a (very) good parent for Claudia in the first years, even though his reasons for "having her" were selfish ones, ultimately. But then, parents always have to be selfish in that regard, I mean, what is the wish to be a parent? You want something... and then decide you want to have it. (At least if/when you can choose, obvs.)
Unfortunately Claudia did not stay the child he wanted (her to be) though, mentally. And that friction was something Louis couldn't quite follow, imho, and to large parts did not wish to follow.
He did not wish to acknowledge she was not on a hunger strike, he did not wish to realize she was torturing her victims. He did not wish to think these "ugly" things of her.
And I can understand that, btw. No parent wants to learn things like that about their child, wants to learn just how much they've failed them (and it always pains me when he talks about that in Dubai). How different they are to what they believed, and hoped for.
I think Louis was not the best parent for her later. He stood by often, he let Lestat do the hard parenting, and then tried to negotiate between them, or argued with Lestat afterwards behind closed doors (which Claudia noticed, too (and which would have driven me mad, btw)).
And no matter how easily he acquiesced to calling her "sister"... she was still his child for him, and yet he betrayed her (and will betray her again in s2), by choosing someone else over her.
And that is what that choking scene is all about, btw, and you can see it in Claudia's face, too. Louis betrays her in that moment. And their relationship after will never be the same again.
I agree it is not entirely healthy even before, because Louis does defer to both Claudia and Lestat (who are quite alike, too), however, I think it will not ... be as ... lets call it problematic as in the book, I think they won't go there.
Now... I disagree with the depression, Louis did not fall into depression because Claudia left, though that was certainly part of it.
Louis (and Lestat, who talks about setting himself on fire!) fell into depression because they lay low for seven years. And because a big part of the illusion of immortality (and the safety of it), and the state of them had been shattered. He puts it quite perfectly there: Claudia had exposed them. To the world (almost at least), but, worse, to each other. And that exposure was a very hard pill to swallow.
So no, I do not think Louis' and Claudia's relationship was simple. And it won't be simple in s2 either, and as mentioned before, I believe there will be ... interesting diary entries incoming, too.
And, last but not least - there is also the tale to consider.
Louis chose to omit things, editorialize, Daniel has been calling him out on that since the beginning. (And Armand apparently editorialized the diaries, too.) We only have seen a part of "Claudia", and as such of the relationship he had to and with her, namely the part he wanted us to see. (Well, apart from the two scenes that Daniel literally broke out of Louis at the end.)
Now in season 2... we will have Armand's POV, and I'm quite sure we will get to see some of the cut out pages come back, too.
It will change it all a bit still (and as has been mentioned "all will be revisited", so it will be interesting which aspects will change and which will only be enhanced)... though I do think that most of the things pertaining to Claudia will be "only" an enhancement - except the parts leading up and to murder night... because there... something different was going on (book canonically) and I really don't think they'll skip that twist.
Because it's a very heavy one, and literally a... errrrrrr.... dream for a show like this, script- and story-wise.
Tldr: :) I do think he tried to be a good parent, and there were times he succeeded... and times he did not. Which is something that all parents share I think. Unfortunately his failures had dire consequences though - but... in a way, that is something you cannot really blame him for though - because how should he have known?
And both he and Lestat learn from their mistakes with Claudia... and they will apply that later with another child, a child Claudia's backstory has been aligned to fit to on the show, which is something I find extremely interesting btw. But that just as a note.
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alta-et-astra · 8 months
I finally finished playing the Rise of the Tomb Raider and I gotta say the ending was so disappointing. I gave up on a completionist run when I got the Soviet installation to 99% and couldn't find the last document.
I feel like it's poor game design if all the "optional" documents and codex are required reading for actually getting anything out of the plot. The knowledge that the divine source stores people's souls could have been used in a cut scene or something to have Lara realize that the source shouldn't get out.
Because as is, she went from constantly taking Jacob she has to find it for her dad and because you can save people with it, to thinking it can't get out and destroying it. Where did that emotional development happen? Because it certainly wasn't on screen.
Also when Jacob turns to dust, that scene really needed to be a beat longer. I had to guess that he turned to dust and then confirm via reading the internet that that was what I was supposed to be seeing.
Also also! We really needed a scene where she talks to Sofia about her DEAD DAD AND PROPHET. Like, what are the Remnant going to do now? There's no divine source to protect and their leader is dead. Will they disband and rejoin society? Will they stay there? Is Trinity going to kill them all? Anything?
Charitably we can just assume that Lara doesn't care about these people even though she spent the whole game trying to earn their trust by running their errands. In true tomb raider fashion, she got the tomb, raided it, got what she wanted, and peaced out, consequences be damned.
The ending is rushed, with no emotional payoff and the conclusion emotionally unearned.
I'm a million years behind but I'm hoping Shadow of the Tomb Raider is better.
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bardish-cryptid · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!
1. what has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
Since I haven't played in any other time period for my story, I think I'm going to say the late 60s. In fairness, this was an intentional decision to start my story here, but this was more to make the timeline make sense later on.
In terms of the time period I'm most excited for, probably the 1970s. I think that's going to be the part which will be most indulgent in the respective time period, and that is likely going to appeal to me a ton!
2. do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (cas or bb)
This is really difficult for me, there's so much incredible historical cc out there, but I think I'll have to say Moonsimmers Bonaerense bathroom set. I just love all the colors!
3. who is your favorite sim currently?
Of all the characters introduced, Jacob! He's the main character of the story and I've definitely put a lot of my own personality into him. However, there are other characters which will be introduced soon, and they're definitely in the running!
4. what is your favorite world?
Probably Evergreen Harbor, as it feels the closest to TV suburbia compared to anywhere else in the game, and I've always had a weird interest in suburbia (the more I learn about it, the less I understand). In real life, it doesn't sound all that flash, but it would be nice to live in the same kind of suburbia as the ones on TV. I was actually going to set my story there, but ultimately decided against it.
5. are you more gameplay or story focused?
Very much story focused, the game is more of a set to tell the story through than anything else. I have a clear idea for how I want my story to pan out, and parts of it are going to be very reliant on posing (I say, as if I haven't been using poses the entire time). I haven't really found a place to talk about this, but I do have a planned structure for the story, which will play out in parts (part 1, part 2, and so on), and we are currently at the beginning of part 1. It's difficult to talk about the overarching plot for the story without spoiling some major plot points, so I just have wait for things to unfold.
6. do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
I used to love playing with pets, but I kind of have a problem where I forget about them, so I generally don't. I'm sure that if I tried playing with pets with a strong focus on the pets, I'd enjoy it more, but for now, I'm fine with focusing on human sims. (Interestingly, I have the same problem with supernatural sims.)
7. what’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve in the game?
Funnily enough, the sims using the phones are fine-ish, because I use the notebook override, but the problem arises whenever my sims have to call someone and they put the notebook against their face. It annoys me so much, but I do my best 🥲
8. what’s your favorite in-game historical item? (cas or bb)
Probably this fridge from Cottage Living. It's so cute, and it works nicely in my story. Did I mention it's cute?
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9. what would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
There is so much that I think should be added to the game, but in free updates (definitely more things for object babies like clothes and bassinets). However, I would love a music/performance-based pack, with concerts, live plays, and a bunch of new instruments and styles of instruments (think drums, trumpets, electric guitars, cellos, basses, and so on). After school activities could include choir and brass bands, and while there are lots of careers that people become famous for in Get Famous, I think some behind-the-scenes careers in these industries could be cool, like record producers, audio engineers, playwriters (and screenwriter in general), and directors (I'm aware there are famous directors, they just aren't a career option in the Sims 4). Is this essentially My First Pet but bigger and for Get Famous? Possibly. So yeah, I haven't actually thought about this question all that much. (<- lying)
10. what pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
Cottage living is definitely absolutely indispensable for any gameplay that isn't in the most modern part of history, but other packs that I love for historical aesthetics include Vampires, Realm of Magic, and Discover University (DU is certainly good for 1960s-onward in terms of CAS items). I'd also say that Growing Together is decent for normal people clothes for the 1960s, and I used a bunch for Jacob.
11. do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
I think this enhances gameplay in general, but Adeepindigo's Healthcare Redux adds a brilliant layer of realism to the game. The main appeal to me, from a historical perspective, is the chance for your sim to get a deadly disease. However, I can appreciate sims having chronic conditions, allergies, and so on.
12. what’s your ideal family size for playing?
I prefer a family of 4-5 sims, if I have multiple adults that can parent children. If the family has a single parent, maybe 2-3 sims, otherwise it gets difficult to control.
13. do you use poses?
So far in the story, I have used 100% poses, and 0 gameplay animations. As I mentioned earlier, there will be parts of the story that will be reliant on posing as there is no same action in gameplay. Sometimes all a guy wants is for his characters to have a heart-to-heart on the roof of a building while watching the sunrise, y'know?
14. do you use any overrides in your game?
As stated earlier, I do use the phone/notebook override, but I believe I also use the wooden rubber duckie override, and I have overrides for stalls to fit in with the medieval era.
15. do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
For the Levi's, I haven't used off the grid, as most people had electricity by then. However, if the story was in a time period where people didn't often have electricity, I probably would play like that.
16. what lifespan do you play on?
I actually have aging turned off for my story! I considered turning aging on but with the long version, and I ended up deciding not to, as I find it easier to have control over things like aging, especially in something as story-heavy as this.
17. what inspired you to start playing historically?
A few years ago, I first discovered the decades challenge, and started playing it. It was a while ago, and I lost interest after a while. To be honest, while I would consider it my first brush with historical gameplay, I wouldn't consider that first decades challenge my first time playing historically, as the commitment to historical accuracy was lacking (aesthetic was similar to Persuasion (2022)). The first time I properly played historically was in early 2022, when I tried the decades challenge again.
Thank you for tagging me @lovecidik! I'll tag @carousel-of-sims, @someplumberrys and anyone else who wants to do this!
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I'm not Mad
A/n: Hello, My 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I'm back after 5 days? Of being away. Also, I know this pic is from "Defending Jacob" but this was the best I could find. (Totally not because I'm lazy to find another one.)
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Chris Evans x Boyfriend reader
Warnings: passionate smut?, no kinks, and fluff
Requested from @nighthunter241
They requested: Male reader is at work while his boyfriend Chris is at the infinity war premiere (their relationship is a secret, so he did not go). While at work he hears some of the other workers talking about how Chris accidentally announced him having a boyfriend. After some days have passed, Chris goes back home and talks to the male reader apologizing about how he exposed the relationship (thinking the male reader was angry with him) But the male reader is relieved that he does not have to be a secret anymore. They celebrate by having a dinner date which ends with the two having a steamy moment (smut).
M/n: Male name
Word count: 2534
If you like what I write, check out my Masterlist.
Hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it's bad! Sorry for any errors that are found.
You were currently at work just doing serving the masses. Everything was going amazing but early a Karen decided to make a fuss.
You were just minding your own business, helping some employees until out of the corner of your eyes. You see a woman, who looked like she was in her mid-30s, with blonde hair pushed to the side with some strands on the other side, and wearing sunglasses.
She was yelling and screaming at the poor woman. It looked like the young lady was going to start crying. She was causing a scene, everyone was just pretending like they weren't seeing or hearing anything. Only giving a few glances and some were recording.
"How about you go back to Mexico!" now that's where you cross the line. Well, you crossed the line a long time ago.
"Ma'am, that is highly offensive, and I suggest you leave immediately!" you butted in.
"NO! I won't leave until I have the manager!" She yelled at you, even though you told her to leave in a calm voice.
"I. Am. The. Manager!" You said in a slow tone. Your left eye was twitching and the smile you were giving was twitching. You were this close to losing it.
"Well, sir, this damn immigrant fucked up my food!" you just looked at her like "really?" She was mad over that?! "Okay, ma'am, you could've just ask instead of throwing an adult tantrum."
Her face looked like she was offended. Then she went back to yelling and screaming. "Listen here! I gonna have to ask you to leave or I'm calling the police."
She just screams and screams, annoying the over customers who have to sit through this whole problem. Then she yelled, "He hit me! Stop hitting me!" She said that while she reaching behind the counter to hit ME.
"Y'all are seeing this right? I'm not evening hitting you! My hands are right here!" You just lost but thankfully the police arrived and escorted her out.
"Finally that woman is gone."
(Don't be a Karen, if you don't know what a Karen is then look it up.)
Flashback over.
But other than that, your day was going amazing. Especially since your boyfriend, the famous, Chris Evans was coming back home after the Infinity War premiere. Yes, you were dating the one and one Chris Evans.
You were still at work on your break until you overhear one of your employees. "Really?" "Yeah, apparently Chris Evans has a boyfriend!" two girls were chatting and looking at the other's phone. "Lucky to whoever is dating him! He is literally daddy material."
"Yeah, but they must be cute together! I wonder who it could be?" the two girls began to squeal. They didn't know that their own boss was dating Chris.
Now, you didn't know that he leaked your guy's relationship but you're not mad at him. You're actually relieved and happy that it's not a secret anymore.
All you could do was wait for his return.
Time Skip (2 days)
Chris was driving his way to yours and his place. Yes, you and he live together. Many thoughts were running through his head. 'What if he leaves me? What if he's mad at me? Will he still be with me?'
Chris just couldn't stop thinking all about the negative thoughts. He knew you wanted to keep your guy's relationship a secret but he accidentally let it slip.
"So, Chris- do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Or are you in a relationship?" someone asked.
Chris wasn't thinking properly and accidentally said, "Yes, I do have a boyfriend-" Chris stopped himself but it was too late. His eyes widen but tried to play it off.
Everyone was now talking. It was at that moment Chris knew, he fucked up.
Flashback over.
Chris finally arrived at yours and his place. He approached the door and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
You were sitting on the couch just minding your business watching videos on YouTube until the doorbell rings.
'Chris is here!' you yelled in your mind excited to see your boyfriend. He finally arrived from the Infinity War Premiere.
Once you opened the door, you were immediately engulfed by two large hands and the sounds of Chris crying? He held you tight until he spoke.
"Please don't leave me M/n! I didn't mean to say that! I know you wanted to keep it a secret but- I just-..." Chris said crying his face off. You looked at him confused until you remembered what he meant.
"Please don't break up with me! I'll take you out to dinn-" You cut him off there.
"I'm not mad Chris. I'm actually glad that you told everyone." You said in a soft voice as you wrapped your arms around his neck calming him down a little.
"So, you're not mad?" you shake your head no. "Can I still take you out?" you rolled eyes and smiled, "Whatever makes you happy."
You and Chris just ended up cuddling on the couch for the next 4 hours. Chris was scheduling your guy's date at someplace. You hoped it wasn't any of those places cause their food is awful and tastes horrible.
You were cuddling into Chris's warm muscular arm as it was wrapped around your waist. "Hey, baby?" You hear him call out to you. "Yes?" You responded rubbing your head against his muscular arms. Chris smiled at you before speaking.
"Well... I found this place- and don't worry it ain't fancy- So, how about we go?" Chris said scratching the back of his head. You smiled at your nervous boyfriend. "Yes, you lughead."
"Alright, let's get ready." you nodded your head as you got up from your position to get ready. "Oh, and try to be cautious about the paparazzi. Everyone now knows about our relationship."
You nodded your head understanding what he meant. the Paparazzi can be a pain in the ass. bombarding celebrities with cameras and annoying the shit out of them.
After about 30 minutes you both were ready for dinner. Chris also had something else in store for you when got home.
Time skip (end of your dinner date)
Everything was going amazing besides the bombardment of the paparazzi, questioning us about our relationship.
Once we got home, Chris said he had one more thing to show you. You wondered what it could be.
"So babe, I know you're not mad about me telling everyone about our relationship but I want to give you the ultimate apology," Chris said while snaking his arm around you.
"Oh? And what's this ultimate apology?" You replied knowing what he meant.
(Disclaimer: I'm not good with writing passionate smut. Message me if this is good.)
"Oh, you'll see baby," Chris said before latching his lips against yours. You kissed him back while wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer.
You opened your mouth to allow him to have access to your wet cavern. Your tongues fought for dominance with Chris winning. He explored every nook and cranny of your mouth.
Chris pulled back."How about we take this to the room?" "Yes!" Chris smirked before gesturing for you to jump. "Jump baby."
You complied wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Chris grabbed your plump ass for more support. But also because he just wanted to touch it.
He carried you to the room still making out. Once there, he sat on the bed with it sinking under his weight. Chris began to move his hands up and down your sides as the kiss was getting more intense.
(Chris is sitting down, with you on his lap.)
You pulled back with a strand of saliva connecting your mouths. You both took deep breaths before you slowly began to undress Chris. Chris did the same.
"You're so hot." You said, kissing down his neck leaving love bites. Chris groaned as a response. You got up and removed pants and boxers hopped back onto Chris's lap.
Your hard cock slapped your stomach as you hopped back onto his lap. This time it was Chris's turn to leave marks on your smooth skin. "You're so soft..." Chris said with his face buried in your neck leaving his love bites on you.
You whine as Chris pulled back before latching his lips back onto you. You pushed him back onto the bed and began to lick his erected bubs.
You moved your hand across his chiseled abs and massage his left pec. You traced your tongue down to his abs, leaving behind a trail of slick down to his lower part.
You have gotten to one of the best parts of Chris's body. His crotch area. You removed Chris's pants to reveal a large bulge. You licked your lips as you removed his underwear.
Chris's cock slapped his stomach after you removed it. You held his 8-inch cock in your hand. You could feel the heat radiant from it and thick heavy meat.
You gave your lips one final lick before stuffing your mouth with his meaty cock. Chris lost his breath and threw his head back as you took him whole.
Chris liked your wet and warm mouth. He felt like he was going to cum right then and there but he held himself back. You lick his sides and swirling your tongue around his fat tip.
You could taste his delicious and creamy pre-cum. You could feel his cock pulse and twitch meaning that he was close.
"Now, Chris, don't cum now or that will ruin the fun! We haven't even gotten to the best part!" You exclaimed pulling away from his cock. Chris just chuckled, "Sorry, your mouth was just too good."
You smiled at Chris before laying down with your ass pointing towards him. Chris immediately got the gesture and approached you.
Chris wet three fingers with his saliva and traced them around your tight muscle ring. You whimpered as you felt one go in. The first finger was to find your sweet spot.
After moving it around for about a minute you felt shocked run through your veins. "That's where it is," Chris muttered to himself. Then you felt a second finger go in.
Chris was stretching you out properly cause he doesn't want to hurt you. Your small moans were muffled by the pillow you were holding tightly.
Chris noticed, "Am I hurting you? Do you want me to stop?" Chris asked. "N-no... I'm fine. Please... continue." Chris nodded his head before pulling his fingers out.
Chris then placed his cock on one of your cheeks. "Tell me if it hurts. Okay? I don't want to hurt you." You nodded your head in response. This was it, you finally losing your virginity.
You could feel the tip move past the ring as it pushed deeper then it stopped. "Is it you hurting?" You shake your head no. "N-no... it doesn't hurt. C-continue."
Chris nodded his head before pushing deeper into you. His cock was now fully into you, it was touching your sweet spot. Your cock was twitching at the pleasure even though he didn't start thrusting.
He let you adjust yourself to his large size. He's going to wait until your truly prepared. After about 5 minutes you felt ready.
"You... c-can start to move now." You said whimpering and whining a little. Chris nodded and began to thrust. He started off by giving small thrusts but he already was kissing your sweet spot making you moan.
Chris gave more small thrust, waiting for him to go faster. "P-please go faster..." You begged Chris wanting to feel him more. "Are you sure, I don't-"
"Stop it. I can take it... probably" You muttered the last part. Chris sighed and did what you want. His thrusts then began to go faster. His cock repeatedly began to hit your sweet spot.
Your plump ass was tightening around him as he pushed deeper into your warm love hole. "F-feels... so... g-good." You now know what it's like to have sex after your friends talked about how they had sex.
Your cock began to twitch wanting to release a hard load. You could feel Chris's cock pulse and twitch inside. "I'm... c-close." "Me too," Chris responded, throwing his head back as you tighten around him.
"Let's cum together." You nodded your head. Chris began to go faster, hitting your sweet spot over and over. And you began to tighten around him as his thrusts began to go faster.
The room was getting foggier. Sounds of skin slapping, moaning, and groaning were heard too. You and Chris reached the end.
"I'M CUMMING!" You both yelled at the same time. Your cock busted all over the sheets while you could feel Chris's hot cum fill you up. Painting your wet walls with his paint.
Chris pulled out to see some of his cum pouring out and your twitching and doing a grabbing motion. You never felt so empty before.
You two sat there regaining your breath. Chris laid down and soon you followed. You got up from your position and cuddled into Chris's strong arms.
You laid your head onto his pecs while his arm moved to enclose. It was comfortable laying on him. "I love you, Chris." You said kissing him forehead.
"I love you too, M/n. I'm glad you're not mad at me." Chris replied, planting a kiss on your forehead before falling asleep.
You both laid there snuggling into each other's hold.
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Request is now opened and I will be changing the capacity of requests. 3 requests to 8 requests.
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: I would like to say, thank you! Thank you to all of you. I reached 200 followers, I thought I would never reach this. I guess this could be a 200 follower special?
A/n: Again thank you all. Bye my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓 see you next time
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
Pairing: Karl Jacobs x F! Reader (although I guess also GN neutral works, maybe just an AFAB reader)
Warnings: mentions of abuse
Note: Drug dealer Karl pog?
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'Be there at 10'
You rolled your eyes reading over the text from Garrett, of course, he couldn't risk his perfect reputation to do his own dirty work. Feeling the eyes roaming across your body made your skin squirm, you knew your outfit was rather revealing, your shirt making your cleavage pop out making multiple drunk men keep their eyes on you or rather your cleavage. You knew you'd have a word with Garrett later about it although you know he most likely wouldn't have cared.
You weren't sure why you were still dating Garrett, I mean he was a dick. You guessed you just stayed with him for this long because of his money, he had a house and a stable income that allowed you to live very comfortably, or at least as comfortable as you could get.
This wasn't your first time buying drugs for Garrett, he always gave you the money and a small description of the dealer's looks and location. He couldn't risk his perfect rep being ruined by someone finding out about his drug usage so he decided to risk yours. Garrett was waiting just outside in the car for you to finish the deal, the only problem was you were having a hard time finding the dealer.
Your eyes scanned the room of drunk individuals till they landed on someone. A guy was walking down the stairs as your eyes followed the handsome stranger. He was wearing a black turtleneck sweater with yellow plodded jeans, multiple rings on his fingers which had the nails painted black. His hair was a light brown, almost like a mop on his head but it suited him, unlike most men you had seen with the style. As you stared longer, you saw him turn towards you, catching your gaze in his steel-grey eyes. He was coming near you as you tried to look away, trying to lose yourself in the crowd but you already felt his hand around your arm.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone; average height, kind of greyish black hair, round glasses, might be wearing some kind of ugly button-up shirt," the handsome stranger had said as you stared at him, he had to be referring to Garrett. This stranger did match Garrett's description of the dealer, he looked too nice to be a drug dealer though.
"Do you happen to be Jacobs?" you questioned, you just wanted to make sure that this was the right guy before you went and spilled your reason for being here on a complete stranger.
“Just call me Karl, so you know Garrett?” Karl had said, you didn’t want to stay around him much longer than you needed too. Not that you were scared of him, actually the opposite, he made you feel safe, it's just you didn’t want Garrett to get impatient.
“Garrett sent me, do you have my stuff?” you tried to hold yourself, you didn’t want to seem vulnerable, that was the biggest thing that Garrett was annoyed about. He didn’t want you to seem weak when he would send you on his drug pick-ups.
“Garrett couldn’t even come to his own deal,” Karl laughed, it was a cute laugh, a lot better than Garrett’s rare rough chuckle that you disliked, if you had to be honest, everything about Garrett you disliked. If it wasn’t for his bank account and house, you would have left a long time ago. Karl looked you over, his eyes roaming over your body wasn’t very different from the crowd but it also felt different, “so what’s someone like you buying stuff like this?”
“And who are you to ask what I buy? Aren’t you just doing this to get paid?” you were growing tired of Karl since he was wasting your time, it wouldn’t be long until Garrett would be coming into the party yelling at you for taking too long.
“Well I could always just refuse to sell it to you,” Karl asked again, “so why are you buying this stuff? You’re wearing only what I can describe as little miss sunshine to a party, you don’t buy drugs.”
“It’s for my boyfriend, now gimme!” you groaned and rolled your eyes.
“I’m not giving this to you, Garrett can come out here and buy it himself. You know my friend Chris mentioned someone being here instead of Garrett, just didn’t think it’d be someone as beautiful as you,” Karl looked away from you towards the crowd, leaning on the rail looking down at the party, “but till Mr Dogwater gets here, I’m not leaving you, I can’t tell how many guys I’ve seen just eyeing you like meat since you got here. It’s honking disgusting. Perves.”
You hide the smile on your face from his own censorship, “it’s how it always is. It’s how I live.”
“That shouldn’t be how life is, it's sad. Guys should learn to keep crap to themselves,” Karl sighed.
You glanced at him, his eyes looking at the crowd of people dancing and drunkenly talking to themselves. You were disappointed in yourself for feeling so safe around someone you just met, this was what exactly Garrett was bitching to you about two hours ago.
“I’m Y/N,” you finally decided to introduce yourself, it was only fair.
“Do you always pick up for Garrett?” you nodded in response to Karl’s question then realized he wasn’t looking at you.
“Yeah. He says that he can’t be seen around people like-well-like you.” You gestured towards Karl, him looking at you out the corner of his eye.
“Drug dealers? He can’t be seen with drug dealers but is willing to risk your safety and reputation to be around me? Put you in danger? You know drug dealers are dangerous right?” he looked at you.
“So you’re saying you’re dangerous?” you laughed through the pain his question brought, you knew at this point the relationship between you and Garrett, you were just his drug camel and something for him to stick his dick in when he got bored.
“I’m not dangerous,” Karl shook his head.
You were about to reply when Garrett came up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his chest, his eyes narrowing on Karl as Garrett’s grasp on you tightened, almost bruising. “Hey babe,” you had been too wrapped up in your conversation with Karl to even notice Garrett enter the party, “who’s this twink?”
You tried to hide how uncomfortable you had grown when Garrett’s hands left your waist and grabbed your ass, “uh Karl… he has your uh- you know?”
You heard Garrett sigh before he leaned into your ear, making it hard for Karl to hear with the music as Garrett whispered angrily, “why couldn’t you fucking get it? You know I can’t be seen around people like him, let alone his twink ass.”
Karl glared, able to read Garrett’s lips. Karl pushed himself off of the rail, his arms being crossed across his chest, “I wouldn’t allow them. If its not for them then I can’t give it to them.” Karl said loudly as Garrett told him to shut up, “listen if you want the stuff then you gotta get it yourself, Jimmy’s rules.”
A few people started to stare at the scene, Garrett’s jaw clenching as his grip on your arm tightened, “come on, I can get it from somewhere else.”
“Can’t we just go home, I don’t want to go anywhere else, I’m tired,” you spoke quietly, trying to hold back your protests to tell Garrett to lighten his hold on your arm which was starting to hurt from his painful grip.
“Y/N we can go home when I find someone else to get my supply from,” Garrett’s grip only tightened.
“Dude she wants to go home, take her home,” Karl chimed in, his voice no longer the cheering tone but rather low and pissed off, “they have a fucking say and you’re being hella rude. They want to go home. Take them home now.”
“Dude whatever. I’m leaving. Are you coming with me or no?” Garrett looked down at you. You couldn’t form any kind of words on your tongue as you started to back away towards Karl, shaking your head. Garrett’s jaw clenched as he rolled his eyes, “whatever, we’re done, bitch!”
Your boyfriend or rather now ex-boyfriend started to walk away down the stairs. Karl’s jaw clenched and and turned Garrett around on the stairs and clocked him right in the jaw, sending Garrett stumbling down the last few steps. You put your hand over your mouth holding back the slightest laugh. Garrett had stood up and went to punch Karl but Karl pulled up his shirt slightly over his belt and flashed something that sent Garrett running out.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused on what just happened as Karl came back up the stairs to where you were standing as you thanked him. Karl shrugged, “no problem, here let me take you home with me.” He said as you bit your lip.
Sure you didn’t know Karl well but you trusted him better than you ever did Garrett. “Alright, let’s go,” you smiled as Karl smiled back. You walked out with Karl behind you leading you over to his car. People would look at the two of you cause of what happened but one glance from Karl made them turn away. You felt safe with Karl, something you never felt with Garrett.
Karl drove you to his home, allowing you to borrow some of his clothes and sleep on his bed after you asked him for number allowing you two to keep in contact. You told him goodnight as you got into his bed, him leaving to his living room as you fell asleep happy for once.
Thanks for reading, don’t forget to like and maybe reblog as it really does help me out
Taglist: @sadassflatass @ajesterscrown @sugarsoftie @aremegay @twist3dtinkerbell @nova-is-a-goodgirl @appl3-c1d3r @dream-of-eros​ @elebeleb @1-800-dreamteam @rebloggingismylife​ @bugthegremlin​
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S-Tierre Taglist: @atlast999 @satansphatass @punzxox @wes10k @nsfw-giz​
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Keeping Up With The Hollands | 02
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Summary: You and Tom were offered to document your life since you are both famous in the entertainment industry. Now as you got older you left the entertainment industry and head for the medical field. How difficult can it be? Also, did I mention that you have kids?
Previous | CHAPTER 02 | Next
Series Masterlist
VIDEO: The Return of Superman (Triplets Special)
WARNING: [ narrator thoughts/edit ] , {scene switch/confession}
Was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but because Tumblr was being an ass, it deleted 2K OF THE FUCKING WORDS. Had to start over.
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[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 + 1 (adult)]
Tom got off the bed and sat in the middle, watching his four boys sleep. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he leans down and gave each of the boys a kiss.
"They're angels when they're asleep, but once they get up its chaos.."
He heads straight to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast, wasting no time. He stood in front of the fridge trying to figure out what they could eat. He decided on simple eggs and sausage.
In the other room, whines could be heard, Tom heard the noise and enters the room quietly, trying not to wake the others
"Pa, Pa!"
He picked up the boy, give his cheeks a kiss and head to the kitchen.
"Where is Maxton?" Tom asked making the child smile.
Maxton Rolland Holland: 27 months old
Youngest of the four
The shyiest but artistic one out of the group. Can always be found painting or drawing.
"Here, here I am. Pa"
Max notices the camera in the house, watching them with a curious gaze. He poked his father's back, trying to gain his attention.
"What's that?" He questions, Tom looks around and smiled at what he was pointing at. "Not sure bub, what do you think it is?"
Tom laughed at that, he put the boy down and watched as he runs to the camera, he watched as Max licked the camera, "Oi, don't lick that. It's not to eat"
Nodding towards his father, he went to poke it instead. Maxton was amazed by the camera.
[ There are so many dinosaurs...]
Max went to the other end of the room and played with the other set of 'dinosaurs'. When the camera moved, Maxton froze, wondering if he was seeing things. He was surprised. He carefully studies the 'dinosaur' He moved around and watched as the camera moves with him.
Feeling a bit scared, he goes to the joint kitchen, to stay with his father. He goes to his high chair and climbs on it. He watched as Tom prepares the food.
"You hungry?"
As Tom scrambles the egg, Max started singing, "Food, food, food, food~"
Hearing Maxton's loud singing, Chase got up from his sleep. He sat on the bed, watching the room.
Chase Spencer Holland: 27 Months old
Eldest of the four
The most bold and athletic one out of the four.
Tom came into the room and picked him up, giving him a good morning kiss on his cheeks. "Chase is up"
He carried the boy to the living room watching as Maxton run past him. Chase grabbed the vacuum cleaner from the living room and handed it to his father, he jumped when Tom put it on.
"Let's catch Chase," Tom said as he ran around trying to catch the boy with the vacuum. The loud screams woke up Edward who was now standing by the fence. Realizing that no one is paying attention to him, he shakes up the fence making even more noise.
"Papa! Papa! Papa, open!" Tom quickly goes to the fence and open it, releasing the boy.
Edward Hunter Holland: 27 Months Old
The second child of the four.
The strongest and musical one.
He watched as Edward runs to the camera. Being the mischievous boy he is, he knocked on the camera lens.
"Hey, hey! No. Don't do that" He cheekily smiled at Tom then ran away.
"I'm really not sure how Y/N did it...it's only 7:30 and I'm tired"
Hearing Tom's yell woke up the last sleeping child. Jacob walked quietly to the fence and stood there watching everyone playing.
Jacob Jaxton Holland: 27 months old
The third child of the four.
The outgoing one, always ready to talk to people.
He watched as his father ignores him and goes into the kitchen.
[ Someone notice me please... ]
Chase, while he was walking he notices his other brother behind the fence. He runs into the kitchen and grabs Tom's attention. He grabbed his hands and carried him to the fence.
"Ah, sorry. I told you to let me know if you're up okay?"
Tom grabbed his four children and carried them to the kitchen so that they could have their breakfast.
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After eating, Tom tried brushing the boy's teeth, keyword tried. Maxton and Jake didn't like brushing their teeth. Tom had to lock Maxton between his legs, trapping the boy in order to brush his teeth.
When the boys were dressed, Tom heads into the kitchen to clean up the mess they had made. his room to change into his outwear. While he was doing that, Chase, Ed, Jake, and Max was in the other room playing with their toys. Chase and Jake were in the corner playing with the building blocks while Maxton was in the folding mat laying down. Edward, being the mischievous one, took the end of the mat and flipped it over, turning Maxton over. He then stands on top of the mat, crushing his brother.
Hearing Maxton cry, Tom enters the room and frowns at the scene. He grabbed Edward's hand and pulled him off of the mat, then with his free hand, he went to pick up the crying child.
"Ed, Ed. Stop picking on your little brother. Go hug him, now" Seeing that the boy didn't want to listen, he pushed the two boys together, trying to make them hug. That made Ed cry, not wanting to cooperate, Tom took him into the other room, excluding him from the playroom and put him in the corner.
"Listen. you can not be bullying your little brother. That's not what brothers do. You wouldn't like someone doing that to you right?"
"Good, now I want you to go inside and say you're sorry" Nodding his head, Ed grabbed Tom's hand and they both head back to the playroom. Tom watched as Ed runs up to his brother and hugs him. Maxton being the soft one out of the four, returned the hug and kissed his brother.
Before closing the gate, Tom turned towards his sons and said. "Don't fight okay?"
Jake slide halfway on the slide while Chase pushed the toy slide, showing off how 'strong' he is. Maxton goes to the corner to play with the stuffed bears they had. Ed was in the corner, playing with the building blocks.
Chase climbs up on the steps of the slide and plays with the buttons on the walls. Jake noticing came and asked him what he was doing but he was ignored. His eyes widen when he saw that Chase was playing with the remote.
"Put it back" Ignoring his brother, Chase kept on playing with the remote. Having enough, Jake climbs the steps and grabs the remote from his brother. Not liking that, Chase grabbed it back which started an argument between the two. Ed watches the two play with the remote.
"You'll get hurt, put it back!" But Chase ignored his brother's second warning. Maxton came over, holding one of the stuffed toys in his hand, climbs the steps, and stood with his other two brothers.
"Bad boy. No no"
Feeling anxious at how quiet the room is, Tom went to check on them. When he saw what they were doing he yelled
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?" The three boys froze, not expecting their dad to come in. "You naughty boys!" Tom pushed back the slide to the corner of the room.
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After putting on the other three hat's Tom was feeling frustrated with his second oldest. Ed thought his father was playing with him, so every time Tom would try to put the hat on his head, the boy would move, giggling. Having enough, Tom put the boy flat on the ground and strap him down, locking him, he raised the boy's head and slipped the hat on. Feeling satisfied, he got up, grabbed all of their hands, and headed out the door. They followed their father like little ducklings outside towards their vehicle.
Tom walks out of the house rolling the car train with, Chase, Ed, Jake, and Max on it. He sat on the bike and peddle his way.
"Wow, this is a good workout!" He exclaimed peddling around the neighborhood, he talked about the colours of the grass and the different types of cars.
Tom put all four of his kids in the toy train seats, in order of Chase, Ed, Jake then Max, then he put himself on the bike and peddles away.
As he peddles, he was showing them the different types of objects around the area. Everyone was mostly hearing the yells of Jake and Edward.
"Since I'm an actor and I would need to be um fit for the roles, I'd need to go to the gym, but I have four kids, and it would be difficult trying to take them to the gym, plus it isn't safe, so I had to find another method. This seems to be easier."
Tom peddles quickly, feeling the breeze dry his sweaty forehead. He peddles by a bridge that's connected to the park, he slowly rolled up on the bridge then went down quickly, hearing the joyful screams coming from the back.
"Again! Again!" He turned and looked at Ed who had his hands in the air, smiling at the boy he turns around and peddles back on the bridge but this time feeling the pain, panting loudly. His action was gaining people's attention.
Soon they made it inside the park where the bathing fountain was located. He takes out three of the boys and removed their helmets, then handing them a ball to play with. A few fans walked up to him and asked if they could get an autograph.
Chase quickly takes the ball out of his brother, Jack's hand, and runs to the fountain, loving the feeling of the water on his back. Runs Ed and Jack following after.
When he takes out Maxton, he realizes that the boy's diapers were full, "Oh my god, seriously?" He holds the boy and grabbed the diaper bag and heads to the male's washroom.
While he was changing Maxton, Jake ended up wandering off on his own. Chase somehow removed his clothes and was bathing naked, Ed, who didn't want to get wet, came over, trying to sheld his brother's nudity from people.
While Jake was wondering, he ended up talking to a few people, making him laugh at how cheerful and energetic he was, but because of his socializing, he got himself lost.
"Pa?" He questions, he walks to a tent filled with people to see if he was there but got sad when he wasn't, he counties looking around for him.
Tom came out with his youngest son, he looked around as to where his other sons were. He found Chase and Ed together, he quickly grabbed the boy, trying to cover him. When he realized that one of his children was missing he started yelling. "Jake!"
The said boy heard his name and came running towards his father, he fell but got back up and kept running. Seeing his son running, Tom, (also holding Chase) ran to the child, he grabbed him and carry the two back to where they originally were.
He put Jake down who went by Max and started playing, he put Chase on his lap, trying to put on the boy's pants for him. "Keep your clothes on" Nodding his head, he gave his father a cheeky smile.
He put the boy down and took off his socks and shoes he went by Ed who was standing on the side, grabbed the boy and carried him to the fountain, realizing that his son was scared of the fountain, he tried his best to make him feel safe.
He goes and picks up, Chase, the trio were playing until Max came, wanting to be picked up as well, Tom feeling unsure, although he struggled, he picked up the three boys. Then Jake came to him, "You want a lift?"
Nodding his head, he made grabby hands at his dad. Feeling Chase move to his back, Tom picked up Jake amazing everyone around him, started taking pictures of the family.
After a while, it was time to change. Tom took off Maxton's shirt while he was doing that, he noticed that Jake wasn't there. "Jake! Jake!"
The camera switches to the boy, holding a ball running to the girl's washroom. He watched the girl's smiling at them, he smiled back. While changing Max, Chase decided to follow his little brother. They both entertain into the girl's washroom, smiling and talking to them.
Max was changed, then Tom quickly went and change Ed, after changing him, he straps the two on the train then heads off to find his other sons.
"Chase! Jake! God these two will get me old quick. Chase! Jake!"
When the two saw their dad running towards them, they went back into the girls' washroom but were stopped by one of the mothers. Tom thanked them and walked away with his sons, trying to change them as quickly as he can.
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After having lunch in a restaurant Tom took his ducklings home and changed them for the evening. Night came and it was almost their bedtime. In the playroom, Tom took out a toy goal post
"Okay so this is a goal post, you kick the ball in it" Ed took the ball and push it in the goal post, screaming happily.
Tom chuckled at the boy's silliness, "No Ed, that's not how you do it bub"
[Tom tries to show them how to play football, for the first time]
He took the ball and ut his foot on it. "You don't use your hands, you use your feet, now look at daddy" Tom starts to dribble the ball "I'm dribbling the ball. Gosh, it's been a while." But he notices his sons weren't paying attention, instead, they were more paying with the goal post and spare ball. When he did try to get their attention, he tried to shoot in the goal post.
He failed.
The only one who really understood the game was Chase since he kicked the ball and it went in the goal post. He patted the boy on his head, then he watched as Max and Ed push the ball in the goal post.
Feeling tired, Tom laid on the ground trying to take a small rest, but that was soon ended when Ed throws himself on his dad's stomach. He covered his head when Jake went to sit on his face. "You guys are hurting daddy, he needs his face"
Feeling a bit annoyed, Jake and Ed went to the camera dinosaur.
[If you won't play with us the dinosaur will]
Max laid his body on Tom's chest, slowly falling asleep to the breathing of his heart. He got up slowly and put Max into his bed, he picked the other three boys from the ground and carried them to their room.
Tom goes to call his wife girlfriend on the phone.
"Hi love"
"How was it? Taking care of them I mean?"
"Ah it was decent, good actually"
"Alright, so it was a bit difficult but we had a good day today, we went bike riding."
"Okay, is that all?"
"No, you know the park with the fountain? Chase seemed to love it too much. We gotta get that boy to keep his clothes on" You laughed at that, already imgaining Chase running around in public naked.
"Ed didn't like it at all, kept screaming. Jake made a few friends today. Maxton mostly made mud pies for me."
"Really? I expected Ed to be the one to love it, huh."
"I know. I was really shocked."
"Did you put the waterproof diapers on them?" Tom's eyes widen at that.
"I bought waterproof diapers to use in the pool."
"That's a thing?!"
"Yes Tom, I told you this before. If you wanted to take them to the pool you could use-don't tell me you use regular diapers?!"
When you didn't hear anything you laughed at him, not surprised that Tom would do this.
"Okay well, next time use them. Hey, I have work for 7. I love you alright?"
"Love you too, sleep well, bye" He hangs up the phone and stared at the picture on his phone screen.
"I'm honestly amazed at my wife. When we found out that she was having quadruplets, the doctor strongly suggested that it would be good for both my wife and the babies...if we let two of them go. It was hard. They said it would pressure her heart if she didn't. I couldn't tell her no but.. I didn't want to lose any of them. She said she was going full out, that she wasn't going to give up, so one day I came home, I think we had a month or so left and she was standing there crying. Full-on tears. So I asked her what's wrong and she goes 'It hurts to walk' So..."
Tom had tears in his eyes, he wiped them and continued "I had to pick her up. We cried together. In the car. She was in so much pain, her legs and face were swollen...so many unexpected things happen, I kept asking the nurses if she was going to be alright. They were born a few weeks later, they didn't need to go into this incubator. I'm so proud of my girlfriend. I hope later on I could call her Mrs. Holland" He let out a laugh and smiled at the camera.
@webmeupspiderdaddy @runawayolives @nerdy-collector-festival @hopelessromm @bi-lmg @speedyhandsbonkpalace
(If you see this then I couldn't tag you)
Want to be added? Then message me!
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sofipitch · 2 years
Re, the bts anon: hello, I’m back, and not to be annoying, but what we’re your favorite parts? I know the clips are a big one but mine was like Jacob saying he wore paste on nails instead of  acrylics bc he was afraid to scratch his baby girl and I just thought that was so sweet.
And the fact, they got ALL the directors in this, showing everyone that it’s not just Jones here. Like, IM YELLING CRYING SCREAMING.
Yes omg thank you for telling me about it and you aren't being annoying at ALL! That part was super sweet like 🥰🥰🥰 Jacob Anderson may be an amazing actor but he is also a dad first (Just like Louis 🥰)
There was so much I loved in that behind the scenes like I can't even choose it's just like "all of it" but I think like you said they did a good job of showcasing how much of a group effort it was, like breaking it down into the components that go into making the show and getting to here from everyone. I really liked the sets and costumes and sfx sections because I love love love location sets and what wasn't on location is so well made. They mentioned that they recreated houses that are now demolished from old pics for the set. The detail in the set design is wild, I love the trick doors and peepholes for them to test if it's still light outside. They kept saying they had to "think like a vampire" 😂
They have different contact lenses for the different moods of the vampire, saying the vamp eyes get dialted when they are aroused or about to eat, which this is what I'm imagining:
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I have mixed feelings about Anne Rice myself but it's undeniable she wrote some of my absolute favorite books so the sections where they talk about her, Sam Reid saying he went and talked with a New Orleans bookshop owner where she used to do events and talk about her legacy. How Jacob Anderson says he wishes he had been able to meet Anne Rice and thank hed because he felt so seen after reading IWTV. There is just so much love and dedication for the source material and to the current fans (they said there will be easter eggs only fans of the books will catch and then cliped to Lestat at a party saying he once wished to be a priest while trying to charm Louis's parents) it's really really a labor of love and just very impressive. It really feels like they took Anne Rice's story and are extending it and adding to it with love
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For fab Friday! I just started a new WIP (horror/romance) and I am obsessed with the main couple. Their names are Blair and Alex, and I haven't gotten a chance to write much for them yet (I'm only on page 46) but I did get to write a few scenes of them. This is my favorite so far :)
(Sorry it's so long)
It’s two weeks before Halloween, and I’m eighteen years old, frowning at the list of colleges on my laptop. The screen is too bright in my dark room, and there’s no end to the names and choices, and I don’t know if I’m smart enough for any of this. For any of these schools.
“Knock, knock.”
My head snaps up as my laptop screen snaps down. Force of habit. I don’t want my parents to know that I’m looking into college. Not because they wouldn’t let me go, but because I’m not sure I have it in me to disappoint them when I inevitably choose not to go.
The voice came from my window, though, not my door.
When I see him, grinning at me through the glass, I hop up immediately and yank the window open – because being cool is overrated and I’m glad for the distraction. “God, it’s cold out,” I say, pulling him inside. His fingers are chilly when I grab them. They’re always chilly. He has ice water instead of blood, I always say.
“Yeah,” he puffs, sticking one frozen hand under the hem of my shirt so the cold makes me jump.
“Dick!” I laugh.
He grins. “Wasn’t this song in Twilight?”
I pretend to listen to the music coming from my phone speaker, as if I’m not sure. (I am sure.) (It is from Twilight.) Then I shrug. “It’s a good song.”
He snorts and collapses on my bed, uninvited. “Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?” he asks, grabbing one of my pillows and stuffing it under his head.
“I’m team ‘don’t mess up my bed’, actually.”
“Ha-ha.” He looks at my laptop, then gives me an eyebrow. “What were you looking at?”
My pause is probably suspicious, but really, I’m just not sure I want to talk about college again. Not to my genius boyfriend who thinks I can do whatever I set my mind to – because I can’t. Some things just aren’t achievable, and that’s life.
Clearly, his big brain doesn’t automatically go to ‘college applications’ when he sees his boyfriend snapping his laptop shut. He bolts upright, a scandalized look on his face. “Blair Zachary David!”
“Oh, no – I wasn’t—” But before I can even finish my sentence, he’s got the laptop open. I cross my arms and wait for him to look at me. At least if I look mad, he might have the decency not to mention it.
When he does look at me, though, he takes in my frown and my folded arms, and the fact that I’m still standing here instead of crawling into the bed next to him, and he sighs.
“Can I just say one thing?” he asks, closing my computer and pushing it away.
I press my lips together but nod. “One thing.”
“If you do decide to go to college…” he says, enunciating the ‘if’ so I know he isn’t pressuring me. “It won’t change anything.”
I make a face. “Isn’t that what college is supposed to do? Change everything?”
He rolls his eyes and tugs at the bottom of my tee-shirt. “With us, I mean. It won’t change anything about us. We’ll still see each other. It won’t hurt us.”
“I never said it would.” Even as it comes out of my mouth, cold and clammed-up and far too angry, I know I’ve screwed myself. He reads me so well I might as well be one of the millions of books in his room. And that wasn’t exactly subtle.
He tilts his head down and looks at me from the tops of his eyes, like, ‘caught ya.’
“It won’t. It won’t touch us.”
“How do you know?”
He stands up and pulls my shirt again. He’s always doing that, doing these little pestering things. Pokes, and pulls, and touches. He’s all hands, I swear.
“I know,” he says seriously. “Because it’s us. You and me. And nothing touches us, Blair. We’ll be okay.”
I step around him and climb onto the bed, grabbing my phone and scrolling further down the playlist. “Anyway, that’s not why I’m not going,” I mutter. And it’s true. My fears about our relationship are only a drop in the ocean of reasons why I can’t go to school. In a way, I know he’s right about us. We’re time-tested. We’re fireproof.
“Then why not?” he asks, sitting on the floor by my legs.
“You said one thing.”
“Blair, come on…”
I shake my head and look at the ceiling, at the fake popcorn ceiling and the familiar crack that’s been there my entire life. If I look anywhere else, if I look at him, my resolve will crumble and I’ll tell him it’s because I’m not smart enough or confident enough to do this, and we’ll have to go through the whole argument again, and I don’t want to. I don’t want him to look me in the eye and say I’m smart, and talented, and amazing. And I don’t want to see how much he believes it himself.
I can’t go. And that’s that.
“I don’t want to talk about this right now,” I say. “Please.”
He exhales deeply, and then I feel him climbing into the bed and laying down beside me. “Okay,” he says, giving in. (For now.) “Okay.”
“Thanks.” I grab his hand and squeeze it gratefully. Cold fingers.
He rolls over to face me. “Oh. What happened in gym today?” he asks, like he just remembered something. “I wasn’t there, but Cath told me you almost got into a fight?”
Ah, the other thing I don’t want to talk about. It’s like he has a gift for this. “Almost being the operative word.”
“Blair!” He pokes me in the rib. I swat his hand away and rub the spot where his bony, little finger jabbed me.
“What?” I huff. “Nothing happened.”
“Luckily. We’re eighteen, you know. Adults. Fights can be serious shit now.”
“Tell that to Jamie Buck.”
“Jamie Buck?” He wrinkles his nose like he just smelled something rotten. “The homophobe?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Oh. What did he—”
“You don’t want to know.”
We lay in silence for a while, both of us pensive and frowning at the ceiling. The song changes again. Lana Del Rey. One of her slow ones.
Out of the blue, he blurts out, “I wish I had been there when Jamie opened his dumb mouth.”
I actually laugh. It’s probably rude, but I can’t help it. “What are you going to do, five-foot-five?” I ask, still giggling. “Bite his ankle?”
His mouth falls open in offence. “Et tu, Brute?”
“Et tu brute. Julius Caesar?”
“Julius Caesar, the—the Roman dictator? Got stabbed like a thousand times—”
“I know who Julius Caesar is.”
“Well, when he was dying, he said ‘et tu, Brute’ to his best friend, Brutus. Who also stabbed him. It means like, ‘even you, Brutus?’ Like, I can’t believe you, of all people, would betray me.’”
“How do you even know that?”
He stares at me. “It’s—I don’t know! It’s a thing! Even if it wasn’t a thing, it’s a meme. How do you not know?”
I shove him. “I’m, like, two years behind on memes. You know this about me.”
“That’s because you spend all your time in here, brooding. And anyway, Julius Caesar was stabbed to death, like, two thousand years ago. So…”
“Shut up.”
“Just saying.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” He pauses. “Hey.”
“Yeah?” But he doesn’t say anything. Not until I turn to look at him. Our noses are almost touching. I wouldn’t even have to move to kiss him.
I’m seriously considering it when he says, “We would be okay, you know. If you decided to go.”
“Yeah.” He kisses my forehead then, and his lips are warm and soft. How can his lips be so warm when his fingers are so cold? “We could be that annoying couple everyone hates but is secretly jealous of. The ones who are always on video calls, even in class, wearing headphones so the professor doesn’t notice.”
“That’ll be easier for me than it will be for you,” I point out. “I wear hoodies every day.”
“My point exactly.”
It hasn’t escaped my notice that we are, most definitely, talking about it again. But I’m looking at him now, at his shaggy hair, and his button nose, and his pink mouth, and my resolve has crumbled. As I knew it would.
“Just think about it,” he asks. “Please?”
“Yeah, yeah. Okay.”
When he smiles at me, I swear my heart is an electric thing trying to zap its way out of my chest.
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fantastic job!!!!
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lacetulle · 4 years
Hey there! Aspiring fashion designer here! I'm getting more and more into fashion and designing/ planning more and more outfits and I was wondering if you have any tips to get more into haute contour and fashion in general. Your blog has really helped me get a grasp of what I like and I all around love it!
I’m happy this blog could help in figuring out what styles you like! There are a ton of different mediums to get into fashion! I’ve compiled a list of options via videos, websites, and books. So strap in, this is a long post.
Since you already have an idea of who you like, I always suggest reading up on that brand/label/designer and going through their archives. For me, when I realized how much I loved Dior and knew I wanted to learn more, it was overwhelming at times because the label has such a long history. If you really like newer labels, like Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, Iris van Herpen, etc., it’s a little more manageable to read up on the history and designers just because they were founded in the ‘90s/‘00s.
In terms of websites, I have a few to talk about.
Vogue. This is the easiest avenue to get into fashion. I’m not knocking it, because I use it the most for photos, but as far as websites go, it’s the most dumbed-down. But I mean that in the best way! The features, trend reports, and runway news appeals to even the most casual fashion fan. Vogue focuses mainly on big name/commercialized brands (Dior, Valentino, Gucci, etc.) rather than smaller ones (like Guo Pei and Ralph & Russo, two big couture names these days, get minimal coverage with Vogue). Vogue is a great resource for runway looks...it was my gateway into studying older runway collections. All in all, in terms of websites, Vogue is the tip of the fashion media iceberg.  If you want to get into the more meatier parts of fashion, there are better sites.
Harper’s Bazaar. Like Vogue, it’s easy to navigate and leans more towards the more well-known fashion brands. Pre-covid, they always had a weekly street style recap as well. They have great lists but stay away from the business side of fashion. I typically use Harper’s Bazaar for the street style/every day fashion inspiration and news.
Who What Wear. A great site for following trends. They don’t focus so much on brands, but it’s a great resource for seeing what’s trending and options to buy said trends. For example, Who What Wear is the first place I went when I wanted to find a list of brands who were starting to sell masks.
WWD. Supposedly most designers prefer WWD to Vogue coverage.  And it shows, since parts of the site require a subscription. WWD is one of the more technical sites and could be overwhelming for someone who doesn’t really understand the industry. They talk about the comings-and-goings of creative directors, financial news, and general fashion trends/news. It also has runway recaps and photos, which is typically what I use it for. If you’re really want to be in the know with breaking fashion news, they do offer email newsletters as well for a more condensed version of the site. Also, a super helpful page I’ve had bookmarked, their fashion dictionary.
Business of Fashion.  The name is pretty self-explanatory.  BoF is another one of those meatier sites that could be overwhelming at first. It’s also one that has a subscription service. BoF has great profiles of designers, so I’ve used the site as my starting point when learning about someone new. The BoF500 also showcases anyone and everyone who has a hand in shaping the industry.
The Impression. The cheapest of the subscription sites and the one I had until I cancelled a few months ago (not because it sucked, but, you know…corona). I mainly used them for their runway pictures. They were so fast to upload them, with details and backstage footage. The big draw is the fashion week/runway photography, but the talk about street style, short films and ads from brands, as well as fashion trends. At the end of every fashion week (New York, Milan, Paris, etc.) the put together a recap list of biggest trends, top shows, top models, and break down the numbers. I love the site for its minimalism and whenever the industry decides to have fashion weeks again, I’ll renew my subscription.
Magazines:  Most people would say Vogue is the holy grail for fashion magazines, but I don’t think it’s that great (at least the US version).  Vogue Paris, Italia, and UK are better in my opinion. And just because I don’t think the print version of US Vogue is the holy grail, doesn’t mean I don’t like it.  I have a subscription and read it every month. Other options I really like are Harper’s Bazaar (any country’s version), Elle, InStyle, and W.
Videos: Other than the first one listed (which can be found on Netflix or Hulu, depending where you live), everything can be found on youtube. And now i’m constantly getting fashion recommendations on youtube, so it’s an easy rabbit hole to fall into.
First Monday in May. I’ve talked about this documentary before, but it bears repeating.  It’s a gorgeous journey of how the Met Gala and Costume Institute Exhibit was put together. It’s about the ‘China: Through the Looking Glass’ exhibit in 2015. They interview big designers about how China has influenced some of their collections, and takes on the debate of whether fashion should even be in a museum. It was the first fashion documentary I ever watched and only made me fall more in love with fashion (and want to see every fashion exhibition).
The September Issue. Vogue’s September issues are always the biggest of the year.  This documentary follows the process of designing the famous September issue of Vogue. I believe it was filmed in 2007 or 2008 so it’s dated, and digital media has changed the game, but it’s a good watch to see just how influential and important the September issue is in terms of forecasting fashion trends for the following year.
Savoir Faire: Christian Dior Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2011. A 50 minute video on how one, just one, piece from the couture collection was designed.  It’s a great insight on just how much work goes in to creating a couture collection.
7 Days Out with Karl Lagerfeld. Another great showcase of the week leading up to a couture show, this time with Chanel. The documentary follows the 2018 show, which is one of Lagerfeld’s last few couture shows before his death.
Battle At Versailles: The Competition that Shook the Fashion Industry. It’s no secret that Paris is the epicenter of fashion.  The couture houses are all based there, so France is typically where you needed to be to be a world renowned designer. In 1973 French and American designers competed against each other and brought American designers into the spotlight. There’s an hour long documentary on youtube and there’s a book that I’ve linked below. I’ve seen the video and I’m currently reading the book, so you have options here.
Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams. A good look at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs exhibit for the 70th anniversary of Dior. This documentary gives a nice, condensed look at each of the artistic directors of Dior and showcases some of the most iconic Dior looks. I knew about it, but didn’t go see it. I only saw pictures, which were beautiful…but to see it all come together on video was a dream.  They talk to Celine Dion for a minute at the end, and her words sum up my feelings best about Dior, “I would love to wear one of these dresses one day, maybe in one of my lifetimes, or every night in my dreams.”
Inside Haute Couture: Behinds the Scenes at the Paris Ateliers. A gorgeous book with tons of photos about the intricacies that go in to a couture collection.
Kate Spade New York: All in Good Taste. I originally bought it for my coffee table collection, but it has some great style tips.
The Battle of Versailles: The Night American Fashion Stumbled into the Spotlight and Made History. Just in case you’d rather read about this legendary fashion show than watch. I’m currently reading it, so I can’t give you my final take on it. But I’m loving it so far.
Dior by Dior: Christian Dior’s autobiography. Who better to tell you about the history of Christian Dior, than Dior himself.
Elsa Schiaparelli: A Biography. I’m a big fan of Schiaparelli and would love for her legacy to be more widely known. She was a very private person, so when this biography dropped I was excited to read more about her. Elsa Schiaparelli was Coco Chanel’s biggest rival and was a household name in her time, but most people know Coco’s name over Elsa’s today. This is a nice dive into Schiaparelli’s life, since most people focus on Chanel’s legacy (and let’s be honest, Chanel is very idolized, which is so unfortunate, given her Nazi ties, but I digress.)
Gods and Kings: The Rise and Fall of Alexander McQueen and John Galliano. I tend to rave about the designs by these two, so it’s a good look into their journey in fashion.
The Beautiful Fall: Fashion, Genuis, and Glorious Excess in 1970s Paris. If you’re interested in Lagerfeld (pre-Chanel days) or Yves Saint Laurent, it’s a great retrospective look at their rivalry.
Champagne Supernovas. If ‘90s fashion is something of interest, this book is a great read on how some big name rebels (McQueen, Marc Jacobs, Kate Moss, etc.) in the industry remade fashion as we know it.
Any of the Met Gala books: Camp: Notes on Fashion, Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty, Manus x Machina, Heavenly Bodies, etc.  My first one was the McQueen book, and at the time I didn’t know it was the official book from the Costume Institute Exhibit.  They’re not all hardcover coffee table-esque books, but if you can’t attend an exhibit it’s the next best thing. They’re all great in-depth resources for learning about a certain area of fashion. They can be expensive, so I wouldn’t suggest investing in them unless you’re truly interested in that specific aspect of the industry. This year’s exhibit - whenever it opens - is About Time: Fashion and Duration.  The exhibition book is already available and I think it’ll be an incredible exhibit of how current designers pull from older designers and trends.
The Fashion Book.  It’s expensive. It’s massive. And it gives you a wealth of information. It’s essentially an encyclopedia for fashion. It’s not just designers; it highlights models, high profile photographers, style icons, and all those who influenced fashion.
I know this was long, but these have been the resources I’ve used over the years. I hope this can help you along your journey and if anyone has other things to add, please do!
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jams-sims · 3 years
(Skip near the bottom if wanna hear actual coherent thought.) Im losing my fucking mind- THERE IS NO WAY HALF OF THIS SHIT- ON THIS APP HAS NOT BEEN STOLEN FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE. ITS ODDLY GOOD BUT ALSO FAILS AT THE WEIRDEST PARTS!???
Okay run down there a two vampires that are trying to dating you. You can fuck both of them. Imma be real my running theory is because these two vampires parents did the same thing to your mom. Your mom was fucking their mom and dad.
Its weird ass fuck- in you got the step brother and sister vampire from different families. That is connect to your family but your moms dead so she can't answer for this cluster fuck.
So clearly they are taking a page out of Choices ala wolf bride (THERES A BOOK CALLED ALPHA THAT JUST A DIRECT RIP GUYS IM LOSING MY MIND.) by having you be able to fuck them both at the same damn time.
Its clear they don't have many assets like Choices. Nothing is draw you get like 3 different locations. None of which is like drawn they are just real as places with a painting filter over them. To shit i think was ripped straight from fucking harry potter. All the important choices are locked behind diamond (I haven't spent a fucking diamond).
Yet the dialogue is so fucking funny, they swear but not really. Some of the oneliners are fucking amazing and I qoute.
"I hope the poor raise up and fucking eats you."
OH I FORGOT ABOUT THE CLASS SYSTEM! OH MY GOD- we love systematics oppressed based on what number you are.
Its a cluster fuck- and it so fucking fun.
[Actual serious talk here]
Heres the thing- there something clearly fishy going on. The books the stories are obliviously probably stolen from somewhere else. The budget and art is all over the place and it here to milk you for diamonds.
And yet-
It is miles of more fun than playing Choices currently. See I got into choice by accident. Just like how im doing now app hopping i found choices the same way. I stuck with choices for a year. I have 3 stories I really like and 2 I fucking hate with a passion.
(The two favorites are the two horror books can Andy and King Kain top me. And Bolas i will be coming back for. Fuck you baby bump and my school love story suck my dick.)
Choices has all this fucking money and yet. I found myself having more fun playing the fucking Love Sick app than I did choices. Fundamentally they are night and day. One clearly stealing ideas the other is creating original stuff. Yet fails at fan communication, diversity, making books people actually want. And or hiding it behind a fucking 14 dollar pay wall (get fucked if you live outside the US the prices are horrendous). Too read one book and never open the app again or to hate blog about a story until its death.
There something about wading into trash and knowing it trash. Than coming to a 5 star restaurant and getting a shitty dinner. That the owner then ignores me when I say my steak is raw and I would like a new one. Only for them to tell me my favorite horror series isn't getting another book-
What i'm saying is- Choices legit is leagues ahead of all these other app. The only one that rivaled it was a disney own interactive story app that got fucking destroyed. (Rest in peace Storyscape.)
I don't even count Love island as competition neither! The ball is fully in their court they can't fucking lose and they keep dropping the ball!
I'm hopping to come back during that zombie book. Just to see how it is, if it worth me redownloading the app. But jesus it said im having fun with this hell of a mess than actual choices.
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seatosomert · 3 years
The World Is Waiting for you...
Lockdown has finally lifted in the UK. As of the 19th July, all restrictions on movement within England and Social distancing rules were relaxed and instead became 'Advisory and Optional'.
It's a reprieve after a long 15 months of very impactive restrictions upon our freedom of movement.
I'm not going to go into whether or not i think the lockdown measures were enough, or too much. This is an artistic and adventure blog.
Yet, I will say that it feels great to be able to move around again without restriction.
I live in West Yorkshire and I'm pretty central for travelling by train, Aeroplane and car to get anywhere in the UK or overseas.
I have no desire right now to travel overseas, until the rest of the world has chance to reach a level playing field on the vaccine front.
So, for the remainder of this year and possibly 2022 also, I have set the goal of exploring the UK and discovering the many places I have probably taken for granted.
I've been to our first National park, the Peak District on several Occasions now. It reminds me of a mini Lake District in some ways. Beautiful rolling hills and rocky outcrops and crags, littered with streams and water falls here and there offer walking, hiking and in somme cases, climbing within an area easily accessible by car, bike or on foot.
I've previously explored Kinder Scout, Bleaklow Hill and Mam Tor so far and I am still expanding this catalogue.
Of these places I have visited, my favourite so far is Mam Tor and the Great Ridge.
Mam Tor is only 517m (1619ft) elevation, yet the walk up from the National Trust car park at the foot of the hill is a short but steep and energetic walk up to the top.
The 360 degree panoramic views from the top out towards Edale Valley and in the opposite direction, the lovely little town of Castleton are amazing.
So a few days ago, after a pretty busy day, my Wife and i decided to jump in the car one hot sunny evening and head there to take in a sunset and get some head clearing hiking done.
We packed a small bag each with some food, water and a brew kit for a proper cup of tea, and braved the M1 motorway rush hour traffic.
In just 1 hour and 20 minutes were were there. It was about 6.30 pm and the 30 degree heat of the day had dropped to a slightly more sensible 25 degrees, so we headed up Mam Tor to find a spot to eat and get set up with my camera and tripod in order to grab some shots of the sunset.
Mam Tor was the busiest I'd seen it. Small groups and couples alike and fell runners adorned the hillside and The Great Ridge. The air was almost still, which is unusual as every other time I have been there has always been a breeze and at times, strong winds.
It was incredibly peaceful despite the 50+ people who were on the hill, apparently awaiting the sunset as they poised with mobile phones and one or two 'Proper', cameras in hand.
I'd taken the Fujifilm with me on this occasion, with some Cokin graduated ND filters and a tripod. I travelled fairly light and took just one lens, the awesome 18-55mm XF lens. The best kit lens I have ever used of any brand by far.
We hiked up Mam Tor and further on along the ridge to Back Tor, where i fired off a few shots towards Kinder Scout and Jcobs Ladder. We then grabbed a quick bite to eat and enjoyed the view and warm sunlight bathing our skin.
I'd already checked the sunset times and i wanted to be back on the summit of Mam Tor for 30 mins before sunset to catch the amazing light from the last 30 mins of golden hour.
We overshot on time having temporarily lost ourselves in the gorgeous sun, scenery and our chatting about how much we loved this area and that it may well be our favourite spot in the UK so far.
Sunset was at 2103hrs that day and it was 2010hrs, so i left the camera on the tripod, threw my back pack on and popped the camera and tripod, with filter system attached over my shoulder and marched on up the hill on a speed march of sorts.
25-30 minutes later I'd reached the summit of Mam Tor again and i was able to set up the camera in seconds and got on with shooting the most of the shots you see here.
if anyone is interested, my wife shot the images of me working the scene on her Google Pixel 4 mobile phone.
After around 20-30 minutes of shooting the sun disappeared behind some low cloud on the horizon just above Jacob's Ladder, so we never got to see the anticipated light show i expected.
I still managed to get some shots I am pleased with however.
We then headed back off down the hill and back to the car, where en-route i grabbed another couple of shots from the ascent ridge that leads up from the road behind the National Trust Car park. I was drawn to the winding road that meandered through the valley landscape, which i said to my wife, reminded me of a panned out driving scene from a Top Gear episode.
A short time later we were back at the car where i rustled up an Adventure Foods pasta bolognese (which was very tasty i might add) and a freshly made cup of tea for the both of us.
We arrived home just after 11pm and we'd had a great time.
The last thing i want to say is that when i thought of the idea to pop to Mam Tor that evening, I almost talked myself out of it. I was telling myself that the traffic would be too busy, that we'd arrive back really late when we had an early start the next morning, asking myself also, could i be arsed carrying all my camera gear and food, water etc? The fact is, it was a great evening that was not only a great creative opportunity, but also deeply satisfying and mentally healing.
Don't let your head sabotage what the heart wants to do. Just get out there and do it.
Don't just think that you'd like to do this and that and then keep putting it off. Just keep it simple and get on with it.
Thanks for clicking onto this post and i hope you found it of interest and most of all, I hope it inspires you to be a bit more spontaneous, because we all have that little voice in our heads that tries to talk us out of these little mini adventures. Remember...The World is waiting for you.
Please like if you do and share with your mates and fellow photogs and adventurers.
All the best and i will see you all soon with another post.
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
i do be finding people who disagree that’s it’s any more fucked up that Kda. Why do you think it’ll destroy the boundary between idols and fans because surely fans will know the AI is fake and not a real person
Ahh sorry I had taken a nap after my class this morning bc like I was up late last night bc like irl life said the years start coming and they don't stop coming you know? Also, sorry for no read more, I'm on mobile.
Anyways, so as to answer your question, I think that why this will destroy the boundaries between fan and idol even more is bc of how fans act when an idol does something that is too "human" even tho we all go into kpop knowing that our favorite idols are projecting personas to the fans/audience. Like super giggly Mark and TY may really be a part of their true, behind-the-scenes personality but regardless it's definitely played up for in front of the camera. TBZ Jacob purposefully makes his voice lighter and more comforting and doesn't show many emotions besides happy or confused (which is something he's talked about actually in his generation z videos). These are just some examples of idols' personas that, should they not be adjusted instantly to please fans, will cause undeserved backlash towards the idol and the rest of the group. And this is again, just when it's a regular human.
When we bring in technology like AIs, these things are coded to be the perfect image of what the audience/fans will want to see. As Lee Soo Man said himself, they're designed for the user to do anything with that they can't with a human idol. That's dangerous not only for the user, who can indulge in fantasies on a whole different level than say a reader insert scenario, but also for the idol who now has to live up to computer generated perfection, an impossible task. Fans get upset with female idols if they don't look happy all the time, unless it's that idol's concept for her persona, and it's even worse if they think that she was frowning at someone or something. These girls in aespa are going to be young adults (late teens, early 20s) and/or teenagers. They are going to make mistakes. They are going to chafe at things out of their control. They are going to be human. It doesn't matter how well SM has trained them to act in front of the camera; at the end of the day, these are not full grown adults who have a better control over their emotions. They're kids who are being thrown into a concept that they know nothing about and hasn't been done before. And then having to act in front of a camera with an AI who is totally and completely based off of you is going to cause issues.
Another issue I have with the AI concept is how they are going to look. We have seen Karina and KarinAI already. We can see how.. animated these AIs are going to be. And for an animation, it works you know? I'll give SM credit where it's due. As an animation, the KarinAI looks very much like the vocaloid-hatsune miku design. And if it were simply a digital group with no irl people in it, I would probably be more in favor of the concept. But the proportions on the body? Those are made for an animation, not to reflect real life. Tall, willowy, big eyes on a small face, skinny that only animations can have. Yes, the fans and the aespa girls know that it is fake, but that image is going to hurt so much more in the long run. Women already have to deal with so much on a daily, even hourly, basis when it comes to beauty standards. It is still going to affect them in some way, even when they know it's fake. Barbie, before her redesign to make her more realistic, had effects on the culture and beauty standards of women. She's a plastic toy for kids. The AIs are going to do the same.
There are going to be consequences for SM and Lee Soo Man's hubris and it is unfortunately going to deeply hurt the idols and any trainees left under them.
Tl;dr: fans are going to be fans regardless of if it's human or not. Having access 24/7 to a computer generated model that is coded to act whatever way pleases you the most is not healthy for the fan and it is not healthy for the idol. Idols get criticized over the smallest of things, like blinking or breathing at the wrong moment while on camera. AIs are only going to exacerbate that issue. There are going to be long lasting effects for these girls emotionally, mentally, and physically and SM does not and will not care. SM and Lee Soo Man will pay for their hubris but it will come at the cost of their idols and any trainees that are still left.
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Dang I'm so lazy that I didn't do anything for the October month on my tumblr page, so you know what heres an assassin lost in modern ages AU (yes that's what I'm calling my AC headcannons now) this is also a bigbang reference as well cause I thought this scene was funny.
Enjoy =)
It was a crisp October night everyone in the house had pitched in to help decorate the house for Halloween, of course when the assassins in the house hold saw the strange decorations that Desmond, Shaun and rebecca were getting from the attic, some of them were quite confused at first. Altair was first to point this out and thought it was some kind of dark sorcery ritual, while Leonardo was more rational about it and thought it was for some kind of party maybe. Jacob being, well... Jacob agreed with Altair and thought it to be some spooky dark magic witch craft, trying to scare everyone into believing it. Kassandra and Desmond having to be the only ones out of the assassins family bloodline to knew more about the modern life explained that it was a holiday that people celebrated the first month of fall and explained that the tradition involved dress up as whatever you please and get treats for it.
It saddened Jacob when he learned that the treat part were for the kids, but his spirits came back strong when he learned that you could pull spooky pranks on people.
And so after all that mess Desmond, Jacob, and Rebecca decided to pull a spooky prank on Shaun when he got back from the store that night.
Shaun: *opeans the door* guys I'm home!
The house seems to be dark and Empty.
Shaun: hm? ... *tries to turn on the living room lights*
The lights don't turn on.
Shaun: odd... *starts walking into the kitchen to put the stuff down*
After putting the stuff was put away he heads up stairs to a dark and empty hallway that is usually bustling with assassins roaming the halls and the rooms that would normally have people in them seem empty and bare.
Shaun: ... oh, OH ok I get ha ha every funny it's Halloween, OoOo~ spooky~ ya nice try guys *starts walking* but it's gonna take more then a dark and dead silence hallway to scare me-
Unknown voice: ShaAaAUn~
Shaun: ...
Unknown voice: ShaAaAUn~
Shaun: *tries to turn on the hall lights*
The lights turn on for a second before the bulbs spark and shut off completely only having the empty rooms full of moonlight shine into the halls as a light scorce.
Shaun: ...
There was a ghostly moan in the wind, soon the sound of chains rattling followed by a witches cackle.
Shaun: *rolls his eyes* ha ha yes the Halloween foolery begins. *keeps walking but at a slow pace* A ghostly moan, rattling of chain, the witche's cackle. Trifecta! Haunted house cliches. Instead of AH I say yawn.
Unknown voice: ShAaAaAuN~
Shaun: *sees something dripping out of the walls*
The red unknown substance begins to drip from the once dry walls of the house hallway walls
Shaun: oh, the wall are dripping blood. Which looks nothing like it by the way! to wet to even possibly be considered blood! Tch- more like some children's water coloring set.
The blood soon forms into a five worded sentence. See you in hell Shaun
Shaun: see you in hell Shaun... The most frightening thing about that is the missing comma!
The out of no where a glowing neon green skeleton with glowing red eye comes flying out of no where towards Shaun.
Shaun: AH! *gasps* *starts panting* ok all right, *pants* that one was clever, *pants* skeleton with phosphorus on a zip line. *pants* come on out Merry Pranksters! Take a bow! *pants*
The lights turn back on and from around the corner Jacob, Desmond, and rebecca reveal themselves and give each other a hive fives and Pat's on the backs from each other as they walk and laugh towards Shaun.
Desmond: HAHA!
Rebecca: you should've seen your face Shaun!
Shaun: yes there's nothing quite like slightly widen eyes of the mildly startled.
Desmond: Come on, Admit it we go you!
They walk into Shaun's room.
Shaun: please fright depends on an element of suprise the simple fact is because I am much smarter than you-
As shaun is talking Altair crawls out of Shaun's room vent with an oni mask covering his face and his hood up as usual, as he slowly begins to walk over behind shaun.
Shaun: and able to anticipate your actions it is highly unlikely that you three rubes could ever suprise me.
Altair is now 2 inches way from behind Shaun.
Rebecca: he's probably right.
Desmond: we can't beat him.
Jacob: he's just to smart.
Shaun: *smirks* assassins *turns around*
Altair: ...
Shaun: AAAHH!! *passes out*
Jacob: HAHA!
Desmond: HAHA!
Rebecca: HAHA!
Altair: *smirks and takes off the oni mask*
Desmond: ok who had money on faints!
Jacob: uh, I had pee his pants!
Altair: *looks down at Shaun* hang on... looks like everyone's a winner.
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I know it's a day late but still happy Halloween everyone I hope you guys stayed safe and healthy this year, hope to do something better then a headcanon next year but for now enjoy Desmond, Jacob, Altair and rebecca's Halloween prank on Shaun.
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traincat · 4 years
I like MCU Spider-Man, but I agree with nearly all of your critiques. The 3rd film will have the same director and writers, so I don't expect the problems to be fixed, but I'm curious: do you think MCU Spider-Man is salvageable? If you could be completely in charge, how would you write the story and fix the problems?
Yeah, I don’t really expect the problems to be fixed in the third film, no matter how many times they promise it’s going to be something “different.” If I’m honest, besides the incredibly weak scripts, I think a big part of the problem is that Jon Watts is a bad director for a Spider-Man project. Which, to be fair, I think is actually why he was hired – he’s got a pretty short list of credits under his name. I mean, “Cop Car”? “Clown”? Nothing about his repertoire suggests he was going to give the studio the kind of artistic pushback they have a history of receiving from their more experienced directors. He’s basically the director version of Jell-O – easy to mold and bland to boot. The perfect guy to direct a car commercial I mean mainstream superhero film. 
This is actually part of the reason I’m disappointed that the Sony-Marvel rights deal ended up sticking after all. I think that if the film rights had reverted entirely back to Sony, there might have been some damage control. We know that they intended to keep Tom Holland, if not the whole cast, for at least one more movie even if the rights had reverted entirely back to Sony so I don’t really get what the raising of arms was about. The rights reversion would’ve cut the apron strings with the rest of the MCU which would have been good, forcing both this Spider-Man to stand on his own two feet within his own narrative and also forcing the movie to focus solely on Spider-Man and on his cast. Sony’s recent Spider-Man films as of the time of writing this (I no idea what the hell they’re gonna do with Morbius and I don’t really care) have dealt with some element of “corporations are evil” – Oscorp pulling the strings in TASM/2 and Venom’s whole entire deal – and I would really like to see this version of Spider-Man be thrust into a plot where that’s the reality and that’s something he has to deal with and where he’s actually forced to defend normal people not just against a costumed villain with a grudge but against an entire system that is set up to exploit and abuse the vulnerable. I think that would have gone a long way towards if not fixing the damage inflicted upon the narrative, then at least course correcting it for the future. But that’s not happening now so whatever.
I find it kind of hard to think of what I would do if I was handed complete control of MCU Spider-Man with the caveat that I had to go forward using the two previous films as my background just because I dislike so many of the choices they made so much. On the other hand, I do like money and inflicting my own opinions on a captive audience, so. I think I would want to scale back the stakes a lot – keep Peter in New York for the entirety of the movie’s plot and film mostly there if at all possible. I would want to cute the ties to all Iron Man cast members so sorry, Jon Favreau, but you’re out, while at the same time redirecting the film’s focus into something more oriented in Peter’s civilian community. Bringing in a character like Leo Zelinsky, a Holocaust survivor who works as a tailor specializing in super-clients, would be a really good way to give Peter and the audience a personal connection to Peter’s Queens community while also tying this Peter back to the Jewish subtext of Spider-Man, and it could work in a plot where cut the Iron Man cast – this Peter isn’t an experienced craftsman when it comes to creating his own costume, so bringing in Leo Zelinsky would make sense, and a costume created by the both of them could be quite meaningful if it was played out well. 
I would definitely want to give May Parker much more screentime and rework her relationship from the “big sister” role (the writers’ words, not mine) to that of Peter’s mother, someone who realistically worries about the dangers of Spider-Man but also provides a strong moral backbone for him. I’d want to establish the exact circumstances of Ben’s death – I don’t know exactly what I’d do, but given this Peter’s development has failed to track with most other Peters I would definitely want to switch Ben’s death up somehow to kind of shed some light on that. Peter and May would have to talk about him. I would definitely want to bring Peter’s classic college friends group closer together, starting with Peter and Flash since I really like Tony Revolori as an actor. I find this MJ to be an incredibly inscrutable character, and not in a good way, so I’d want to shed some better light on her, her family circumstances, and what makes her tick. I’d bring Liz back and give her some of her comic counterpart’s fire (perhaps literally, given Ultimate Liz’s Firestar status) and also I’d get Betty’s actress a brunette bob stat. There would definitely be a bigger focus on women and on Peter navigating complicated friendships with women, not just letting him have a romantic interest and that’s the end of that. I’m very conflicted on what to do with Ned Leeds because I think Jacob Batalon has some of the best screen presence of that cast, but I find it hard to get past the “Ganke Lee with a minor Peter antagonist’s name pasted on him” aspect of the character. Honestly? I might rework Ned’s role to go full villain, skipping directly to the Hobgoblin with the shadow of the Green Goblin and the Kingpin behind him. That would solve my problem of wanting to give Batalon massive amounts of screen time and a big role but absolutely detesting the reworking of Ned Leed’s into the best friend sidekick position. I would say I’d want Ned to then have a romantic subplot with a young Richard Fisk, who would be here for some reason (it’s not like it’s the worst continuity crime the MCU would have ever committed) but I don’t want yet another Disney’s first ever gay character spotlight moment to be given to the villains, so. It would take some finangling. Maybe I would reinvent Aunt May’s one time fiance Nathan Lubensky as a woman so we’d have some nice balance.
And we defend not one single bank within the movie.
Alternatively, I go mad with the power and reveal that this entire cast is made up of clones created by the Jackal, thus explaining all the Ben Reilly-inspired costumes, and subject everyone to my five movie Clone Saga adaptation dreams.
What I would really want to do given full creative control and being told I could wipe the slate clean and restart Spider-Man within the MCU, no questions asked, would be to have Peter as a retired superhero who was active underground years and years before Iron Man or the Avengers were ever on the scene, and have his daughter Mayday be the young teenage Spider-Man of the MCU, someone fresh and new who carries her father’s legacy while living in a world saturated by the Avengers legacy.
Or I’d just kill Peter and bring in a great team to do a Miles movie. I maybe think about this theoretical where I can get my claws into things a lot.
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