#because people tend to want to keep to themselves a lot in them. theyre there for support and not friendship
toonfinatic · 5 months
"Surely if i move to the city majority of my friends live in i will see them more often! Surely i will actually have a decent social life for Once!" yeah no i literally get no answer if i ask them if we can meet up and now i'm more lonely than ever 👍👍👍 in one of the biggest cities in the country 👍👍
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HIII ITS ME AGAIN, i’ve got another idea for you, that you make a little drabble about.
so the time line is like before the yan!beasts got corrupted, or like post-corruption or something, reader is a very overpowered cookie but timid and shy in a way, including considerate and kind, they wants to help people they genuinely loves and cares about (including the beasts), therefore this also makes them a people pleaser/push over, so they keep theyre power secretive
after a while, reader started to see a shift in theyre personality and how they started to resent cookies that didn’t have the same power as themselves, and how they are being kinda possessive/obsessive towards reader, and more really unhealthy behaviors, but of course, like the fool they are, reader decided to ignore those red flags, cause it’s better then having literal no one (said by reader)
anyways when days pass, more things start to change, they start becoming more malicious towards other common cookies, how they cause more chaos and other stuff, of course reader is a bit too delusional to care… till the witches/creators came, saying they need to trap them for good, of course you retaliated (verbally), saying how you care for them and other stuff, and you won’t go through with this, and they tell reader something that will really open theyre eyes to the world, pointing out the actions the beasts do and how shitty and bad they are (including some things they say, how they treat reader etc) how bad their intentions truly are, after this reader was really upset about them, they might be delusional but not THAT delusional, so i think you can vison what happened next now, they advise a plan to get them in a place where the witches can trap them, using reader as a bait, then once it’s done, reader left, no matter how many pleads or yells the beasts through at them, reader didn’t turn back, not even to glance at the prison that they brought themselves upon, as reader walked off, they made a vow to themself, a promise to never be fooled and manipulated like that again, to never pretend to be something they aren’t, after that, they became a whole entire different cookie (woahhh character development, anyway imagine them having a more bayonetta like personality/mindset and strength and speed?) maybe a little crossing of paths once the beasts get out of prison
(also i recently just learnt I HAVE MY OWN TAG? idk why it just made me feel special)
You have?? Such?? Good ideas?? Never stop sending in requests, I love all the ideas you always come up with!!
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You were a cold Cookie, with no one really knowing why. You hardly trusted and tended to be very suspicious of Cookies of power. To say it took you ages to even think of trusting the Ancients wa an understatement.
You were heavily against the idea of going to Beast-Yeast, yet you eventually relented. Not for yourself, but to make sure that none of them got manipulated like you did.
You were completely ready to throw hands when the Beasts showed up. To stay you were pissed was an understatement. Somehow, they were convinced they were the victims! Because their fun was cut short!
Shadow Milk Cookie is the biggest instigator. He still thinks you're a pushover and portrays you as such, only to be completely confused when he sees you decimate that animatronic. That was.. a change in the script he didn't expect.
Burning Spice Cookie and Silent Salt Cookie are both taken aback by how ready you were to fight them. Guess that shy part of you was gone!
Eternal Sugar Cookie used to lovebomb you a lot whenever you were still shy. She's surprised to see it no longer works, but doesn't mean she still won't try!
Mystic Flour Cookie is the only one who realizes that you're no longer the same pushover. However, it doesn't mean she won't try and use you for her own benefit again.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
What would like if TADC meet a reader that who doesn't really give a shit to anything , swears a lot and lazy but sometimes she can be suprisingly smart and can give some usefull and healthy advices..
Probably before he was in digital Circus she was an sucsesfull person but something happend and he become a person like that.
Probably wear that headset for get away from his life.
Romantic or platonic your choise
Zooble, Caine, Jax, Kinger x reader whos rude and lazy but gives good advice
currently not taking posts for the entire cast so i let the wheel choose the characters for this post ! going to do this request as well one or two more then i might go work on art.. or nap... we'll see shrugs
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even if your swearing censored, caine is still going to scold you for your constant swearing. in fact im inclined to believe that the dynamic between the two of you is going to be tense because of this; you kind of get tired of telling someone to not do something over and over again.. you know? doesnt force you to do IHAs, though, since we see him attempt to make an accommodation for zooble when they expressed they werent interested (despite still being roped into it thanks to the gloinks but hushhush...).. honestly i dont see him being the type to seek out advice, so theres a solid chance he doesnt know you can give some wise words unless he sees you helping someone out. will be annoying about it since he takes it as you "coming out of your shell" or something along those lines
thinks its funny and he probably tries to rile you up on purpose... you know how theres always that one annoying kid in class thats trying to push that one tired teachers buttons? its like that, i think, and youre really trying to do your best to not cuss the rabbit out.. knows you tend to opt out of IHAs so just a heads up hes probably going to booby trap your bedroom door because he knows youre going to go back to your room.. probably goes into your room sometimes to slightly shift things around. drives you nuts. will admit some of your advice is good, i think jax has some ability to get real and serious sometimes so he can agree with some of the things you say... wont stop him from being a menace, though
two old people; one sweet the other grumpy..? i dont think he would feel this way or that about your dirty mouth, i think he might try to ask why you're so rude every now and then. doesnt try to convince you to go out and do something; since he doesnt have much room to stand on since he tends to skip activities to keep himself inside his pillow fort... not that hes lazy, hes just scared that something is going to go haywire, you know? likely spaces out whenever you try to bring up some real important or helpful info/advice, but thats just kinger you know? you guys probably trade advice every now and then me thinks
think i said this somewhere in a request w/ a reader who swears a lot... but i think zooble flat out wouldnt really vibe with you. theres a difference between dropping a swear every now and then but theyre going to think youre annoying if youre being excessive with the swearing, you know? makes someone sound like a little kid who just learned a new naughty word, and it doesnt matter that youre likely older than them... no thoughts on your laziness, since they themselves would much rather want to skip out on an IHA than to be forced to participate in it.. but thats more of zooble not wanting to do it than being lazy, if that makes sense? does keep notes on some of the advice you spew out every now and then, though... doubt they go seek it out though
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thedoover-if · 11 months
is this my first snippet haha? this got a little long LOL sorry but ill put it under the cut so your feeds arent clogged
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little explaining of each here haha
first: you have a drink or more most days of the week. most times you hang around the club, the bartender has to cut you off personally and threaten their colleagues not to hand you any more drinks while they try to arrange a ride home for you
second: i think i responded to an anon's mail a couple days ago but youre kind of aloof, pessimistic and you tend to space out a lot (kind of not there mentally)
third: this MC doesnt spend many nights alone. very much a "no strings attached" kind of person now. they let loose, have their fun for the night and then move on and forget the next. they havent had that emotional bond with anyone since their ex-spouse. its going to be hard for the bartender and the patient to open up to this MC because they dont want to get caught up in that whole thing. by the time either of them take that step therell be heart involved but whether thats the same for the MC is the real question...
fourth: 'tell yourself something enough times, and you start to believe it'. the complete opposite of the second. this type of MC doesnt allow themselves much time to wallow. and they bounced back insanely quick after the divorce but can they keep the happy front up...?
fifth: shuts down every attempt of their friends and family tying to get them to open up. most people only know that the ex cheated and you divorced because of that. they refuse to re-hatch the past and instead of processing the divorce they just ignored it. its like it never happened. so when the ex-spouse shows up at their front step that will completely catch this MC off-guard but youll choose how to react
fyi the bartender's opinion on the ex being back in MCs life will completely differ between a 24/7 happy MC and an MC that refuses to talk about the divorce if that makes sense? they dont like the ex either way but like i mentioned theyre protective and they will be more or less hostile depending on how the MC coped
for the MCs who try to make the ex jealous with the bartender or the patient i want to let you know that by the end of the game you can have pretty much ruined your relationships/friendships with these people cause they wont stand for it
hope this makes sense!!!!!!
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saecoyle · 1 month
spoilers warnings // opinion abt the first part
what I like :
Penelope being an absolute sweetheart and terribly socially akward but not being turned ridiculed, like a lot of "not-like-other-girls" fiction. Penelope is different than the ton as she's not sticking out but she makes it clear that she is a very common girl in her wants and desire, that she is just more introverted and has had less help from her family.
Her relationship with her mom getting deeper as well as their conflict. Love that!
Francesca being a really agreable character and her silent affection towards John is adorable. Definitly looking for more of them in the second part.
I actually enjoy the subplot of both Eloïse and Cressida, the season is really centering on the cracks of the ton's idea of normalcy before going further than the Londonian society in others books which is a great thing. It adresses that in an universe like Bridgerton there's a difficulty for the young misses in market to bond and form friendship because they're in constant competition, but also it doesn't take away the flaws of each-characters, making them whole. The three girls does not only compete with themselves but they also envy each one thing for each-other and are blind to the other person's issue, but at the end of the day the ton ends up being an issue for all of them in one way or another.
Violette and Agatha's brother, very cute, love their different views on marriage and their equal love for their children.
Colin is actually not a non-playable-character! Still feels a lil bit uncomplete to me but hey, it's only four episodes, it might come as well. I do really empathize with him with his awkwardness in episode three and four and hope for more as for later. Also they need to get him a more fluffy wig in the sense that : episode 3 with the wind, thank you.
what I disliked :
The constant threesomes (okay, only two) but I don't like lesbianism being used as porn content for men, even though if it means what it means (Colin is not content with one sexual or romantic partner if it's not Pen ect ect…) as a lesbian it is still icky to me. (Also I know that the few mlm scenes we've had caters to 'everyone' because straight women tends to love gay men but they're also more deeper than sex workers having to shag in front of rich nobles.)
The part 2 teaser, in genereal the fact that L.W will be revealed in this season and that the main conflict will be Penelope lying to Colin. But it's mostly because I've read the books and I hold Penelope and her work's dear in my heart I have issues about how it was handled. Personal preferences I guess.
Benedict's plot, not interesting, love the actress (very pretty) but in general I feel like theyre running in circles with him to keep the hype until they've made all their seasons and then his. Just not interested in it.
THAT half moment in the carriage scene where Pen tries to put her hands in his hair but it feels very weird bc in the book I felt it as unconcious and passionate and his hair being so stiff + the weird look turned me off so bad…sorry I know a lot of people like that scene in its entirety but it's the only part I had issues with.
I'm sad that we don't get news on Queen Charlotte's family situation bc it really intrigued me, I'm not surprised that the universe feels kind of flat.
things I am neutral about :
Kanthony not being that present, well it's not their seasons! I always have issues with ennemies turned lovers in the sense that they become boring very fast if theyre straight ((sorry)) and I do like them so I'm glad I didn't have the time to get bored by them, it also means more Francesca plot, more Creloise so I am truly fine with it.
The Mondrich getting nobles traits, I just wished it focused on the son too. Maybe about how pressured he would be as a young guy, ect, but there's still time.
Oh and it took me a MOMENT to understand the logistic of him f*ngering her, at first I thought he was just pleasing her outside and I was like "but the logistic? does he just gets out of the carriage with wet fingers and goes tell his mom he's getting married?" But it seems that yes. So… Okay.
The pregnancy race, idk it just feels obvious that Pen at the end of the day might win bc one will have a girl or one will be too late ect… I do find the commentaries about sexuality funny, and if it means more Finch and Philippa I'm fine with it.
general opinion for now :
I have been warmed up to be hyped by the season for a while now so there is not a real surprise that i'm appreciating the main romance as they're the only one I read the book and had seen across fandom in laws. Now the four next episode can make it more than great or sadly make my appreciation downgrade, it'll be a different experience that I've had with the other seasons bc I binged all of it and only had a overall opinion on the entirety of the show. Looking for the rest!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
I’ve always wondered how many of their friends know. I know they’re an open secret in Korea and if their friends haven’t been outright told, they suspect. But I’ve always wondered if like Jimin can invite Sungwoon over with Kookie there, and theyre completely comfortable being boyfies openly. Or vice versa for Kookie with Mingyu. I hope they can. I hope they don’t have to go through life hiding from their friends out of fear they’ll place their trust in the wrong person. I hope they’re surrounded with people they trust who are as supportive as their families are.
Before I get to your actual question I do want to address the 'open secret' comment of yours. Look, Idk just how much of an open secret they are in Korea. Well, not to the open public. I'd say that those that pay attention to BTS, watch content, follow them, they see the difference in the behaviour and if they aren't Jikookers in the sense of supporting this kind of relationship then they tend to be more like in hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil mode.
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Because acknowledging it, saying the words out loud in Korea can cause the two a lot of damage. And honestly, those that don't support that kind of relationship, well they would rather not even think it's happening, which means they will ignore it. So open secret in Korea is a bit much per say. Even in Hybe there are those that do not know they are a couple and would rather not think they are (not wanting to see it can taint your perception, just like we see on a daily basis with army - ear suck is apparently something you do with a brother and hickeys too - I must say that I did learn new things from army).
Now that's out of the way, I would say that there is a close inner circle that definitely knows they are a couple.
Obviously nuclear family know. Also the other members and some producers and other company workers who are either close friends or are bound by NDAs.
Within that circle of friends you will find his closest 97 liner friends like Eunwoo (who we know for a fact is also a close friend with JM) and Mingyu (possibly others that I cannot think of at this moment), Jinwoo (a close friend of Hobi and JM), Sungwoon, PolyC. There are others I just can't seem to think of at the moment. Point being, they do have a circle of friends surrounding them that know they are together, love them, support them and protect them.
Back at the beginning of 2021 JM talked about a kind of culling he did - finding out who his true friends are and who aren't. I think this was part of it - finding out who will stand by you and who won't. Who might betray your trust (Face-off) and who you can trust with all your heart.
JM and JK are closeted. And they have to keep their relationship a secret from the public and the fandom at the moment. But be sure that they do have a safe haven, a circle of friends and family, in which they can be themselves. Open, loving, touchy, happy, without hiding who they are. And I think that is one of the reasons they are ok at the moment. Yes, they want to stop having to 'live a lie', in a sense. They want to be able to be open and free not only within that safe circle. Not have to be constantly measured when out in public (the latest example will be the D-day concert, the measured careful interactions until they - well JM - slip for a second, forget that there are thousands of fans surrounding them, filming their every move). But at the same time, that safe circle allows them some freedom that allows them to breath. And for the time being that will have to do.
I do think that after ms, after contract re-negotiations, things will change. Just how dramatically and drastically I can't say. We'll just have to wait and see.
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sodapops0lstice · 9 months
Strider Husbandry Tips
Here's some tips for people who are new to the Strider Husbandry scene, i hope my advice is useful
Whilst it is true that most Strider's DO enjoy and even thrive living in smaller environments (making them great to keep if youre on a tighter budget!) it is absolutely vital that they have places to hide and sneak around in!!! it is in a Strider's very nature to be sneaky and unseen. they can become nervous and frightened if theyre too exposed or have nowhere to scurry around in. This is especially important for Strider's of the Dirk variety as they need hidey holes to survive (there have been many cases of Dirks actually DYING because they were so stressed because of their exposure), they often try to make hiding spots for themselves which results in many Dirks suffocating in air vents which they use as hiding places. I recommend making small spots for your Strider to hide in and if necessary get one of these. It simulates a Strider's natural instinct to burrow in tunnels safely and you can take it with you on travel
I hear a lot about Strider's having very specific dietary needs that is not met they could die. This is false!! This was disproven fairly recently and you can feed your Strider whatever you like really. The only hangup is learning which Strider's require apple juice or orange soda. This might seem intimidating at first due to how many different varieties and sub categories there are but generally, the rule of thumb is Aviator Shades require Apple Juice, Kamina Shades require Orange Soda. Though your Strider might prefer small tweaks in their beverage, experiment and record their reactions.
If your Strider isn't very physically affectionate do not assume they dislike you! Striders are very defensive and will likely assume at first you are a predator. Guardian and Ultimate breeds might try and hurt you whilst most others will steer clear of you. It's best to try and prove you are friend NOT foe, talk to your Strider, give them doritos and they're beverage. If that doesn't work, leave them alone for a while until they are used to your presence.
Whilst Striders are not vicious by nature it's best if you have a more aggressive variety to try and train them as soon as possible. I've known people who got themself the most aggressive breed of Strider (a Dave's Bro, or simply a Bro, if you were curious) didn't train them, used them as a bragging right and status symbol and then were surprised when they attempted to start abusing kids. It's really upsetting as a Bro can be an incredibly loyal companion if trained correctly, I've seem some, trained by the right people, having temperaments as docile as a Dave paired with a Karkat! (im not personally all that familiar with Vantas husbandry but i do know that a Dave paired with a Karkat are usually very docile to the point where some owners think they are ill or lethargic when that's just they're temperament.) If you want a more hands-on breed of Strider like a Bro be responsible and willing to put the effort in
Striders function better as units. Whilst keeping a single Strider is a totally normal and okay thing, most Striders do prefer living in groups of atleast 2 (if you can't afford/dont want multiple thats totally fine, if you aren't neglectful theyll 9/10 be happy and healthy). Within their own species, they are super social, often playing and sharing with eachother, they tend to feel safer when their is another Strider in the house. I don't think they're is an exact rhythm to which breed will get along with eachother, sometimes you just have to leave it up to whether they enjoy eachothers company or not. My only warning is, unless you can handle it, try not to get two needy breeds, they won't get jealous per se, just very VERY vocal when they aren't the center of attention, Daves are quite notorious for this behaviour, but some people find that endearing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Try to equal out attention between any needy Strider you may have.
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I dunno if someone asked this already but how did your sweetie lesbians meet and fall in love ? What kind of dates do they go on and what’s their relationship dynamic 🥹
i am OVER THE MOON that you asked!! i'll give a little abridged version of their history first [mostly because i wanna do a more in-depth post later.. id feel weird doing that on an ask OTL] and then get to the present-day fun stuff ^__^
the two of them met in college, when they were in their second year! keiko was friend's with kiru's roommate at the time, which is how they met. it took a few months for them to actually get to be Familiar with one another, mostly because they were in wildly different courses and had absolutely zero classes in common [keiko was studying for librarian certs and kiru was shooting to get into a more prestigious veterinary school once her bachelor's was done], but they were both pretty interested in each other since they always really enjoyed the few conversations they Would get to have. once classes + schedules changed and allotted for more free time, the two of them started hanging out more and more and became friends Very quickly.
their third year is when they started to Actually get close, though; even though their personal experiences were very different on paper, i think they both related in that they felt similar ways about themselves, especially in relation to other people. in particular i have a very specific comic idea in my head related to keiko learning makeup and other skills from kiru; since the latter had so many bad experiences with cosmetics and trying to appear "feminine" in the past, i think she was Very careful about making sure keiko knew that she didnt have to do anything she didn't want to, and that above all else it should be fun for her. this assurance helped keiko navigate her own personal tastes and preferences much more easily, and it brought the two of them much closer together. they decided to try out dating at the end of their third year in college and have been together ever since :,)
during the early stages of their relationship, i think kiru tried to take her on a lot more ""fancy""/nice dates since she felt like she had to impress her, but over time they both realized they kind of hated that LMFAO. they both tend to be pretty adventurous and would try Anything once, but i think they would like going on movie dates the most :-) in particular they both really enjoy watching movies that they KNOW are gonna be bad just so they can make fun of them later on. theyll stay in just to watch movies so bad they dont even MAKE it to the theaters sometimes!
as for their actual dynamic. i think keiko is probably still the more direct/"assertive" one? thats not to say kiru Isnt direct or assertive when she needs to be, but keiko has more of that confidence across the board. "somebody's gotta tell the waiter i ordered mashed potatoes and it aint gonna be be" or however that quote goes. shes still got a little of her upbringing baked into her behavior is all! they tend to be a pretty jokey couple as well; theyre always looking for silly ways to annoy one another or just to make each other laugh. i like to think of them as the kind of couple that seems like theyve been together for much longer than they really have... like the kind of people where youre genuinely shocked when you find out they Havent been married for 20 years even though you know that would be impossible
that said when it comes to like, domestic life, they split household chores and daily tasks pretty evenly [the main exception here is that keiko Cannot cook to save her life... that lady could burn cold cereal and its hardly an exaggeration]. both of them are very diligent, and are the kind of people who prefer to plan ahead/keep track of a schedule [a vet + a librarian is kind of a winning combination when it comes to keeping a schedule], so when it comes to vacations or the like theyre both very well-prepared! theyre the type of people have one of those gay little dry-erase wall calendars hanging somewhere.
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creaturefeaster · 8 months
could you talk more about what your geese are like and what its like to own them? ive been so obsessed with them lately and theyre so silly to me :3
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Oh hell yeah I'll talk about my geese any day
Geese are really, really silly. A lot of people find them scary, but they can be very sweet and extremely loyal.
My geese will follow me everywhere. If I walk from one side of the land to the other, at a slow pace, they will typically follow in a slow line behind me. During late summer and early fall when green grass is more scarce, I like to take them to parts of the lot that they haven't been to in a while so they can keep up on their greens :3.
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If I'm not the one leading, Sebastian, the gander of the group, takes on that role. I took these pictures today, and he was feeling particularly protective of the hens while I was taking these pictures (I was doing really close up pics, something I don't normally do so I don't blame him.) When a goose, especially a gander, is being protective of something, they always position themselves between you and what they're protecting.
Something else people don't realise about geese is that they pay really close attention to body language. A lot of attacks from geese are because people start acting weird around them. They take this like, "this human is not acting like how humans usually act, so I feel uncomfortable." Especially in early spring when they have babies.
...But also, they like to check people. They check every living thing around them more often than not, because they get bored easily and have fun asserting themselves. When alone they do this to each other, but if you're new around, they will try and fuck with you. And if you react how they want, which is usually in backing away, flinching, or even sometimes they're looking for a fight so approaching them the wrong way as well, they will keep going until you're chased off.
Sometimes I use my geese to keep my chickens safe, because getting occasionally pestered by a goose for straying into their grazing grounds keeps them closer together and near their coop, and out of sight of eagles and hawks.
But what's really funny, is if you just... ignore them, as long as you aren't walking towards something they're protective of and you aren't showing signs of stress, they just stop. They fail to check you and that's that, and unless you've really pissed them off beforehand, they'll forget about it. I have a tiny, clueless chicken named Sloppy Joe who doesn't read body language well at all. So whenever a goose checks her they never succeed, because she's too busy not paying attention to notice she's being challenged.
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The center focus goose in this picture is Gertrude, or who I like to call Gerdy (I think of Binding of Isaac's boss Gerdy), and she's been especially funny lately.
My geese aren't ever thrilled about being picked up so I don't tend to upset them with holding them if I don't have a reason to. But lately, Gerdy doesn't leave the pen when they're let out. She gets vocal and upset that everybody left without her, and she paces by the gate. There's no reason for this. So I've been picking her up and helping her out, and when she's put back down she happily runs to go meet up with the others, it never fails.
I think she's just been wanting attention. When I first got her she was always a lot more tolerant to being touched and handled. She also likes to stand very close to me and stare at me and shake her head. (Head shaking can be fear, a threat, or excitement. It's hard to tell which it is, but I know her. She's giddy.)
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I've been taking their pleasant mood in as much as I can lately, because when December rolls around, they start getting into their pre-mating season funk. Sebastian is a short fuse and the hens are hissy even before they start laying eggs 🙄
I usually have to avoid sitting on the hill like this during mating season, because Sebastian is so unpredictable during those months. But it was nice today and everybody was in a good mood :).
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kaz-playz · 6 months
hi :) do you have any spare headcanons for the Illiyork children, please?
I personally make the cities the IlliYork kids for convenience sake, so
NYC and Chicago are the main reason the banned words list keeps expanding.
They have petty arguments over everything
But theyre the closest in age so they try and get along when they can.
The illinois kids have big opinons and even bigger mouths, so they usually come out victorious in family fueds (mostly because the york kids get tired of that shit real fast and dont have the patience to argue)
Theyre a very close knit group but they tend to confide in their own side more often than not. I feel like they grow out of it as they get older though.
I feel like illinois makes them get family photos.
All the kids except like upstate NY and Peoria, Springfied, and Aurora mildly dislike/violently hate it
On the HATE scale its mostly NY kids bcs their family photos are mostly candid shots and so they dont have to pose or wear matching outfits.
I feel like chicago has a midwestern accent. Like how can they not? But they never speak in it and it only slips if theyre embarrased. The others enjoy flustering them just so they can record it.
When the kids have a shared intrest, they will beg to be drowned in merch. Mostly bcs if they have sb who ALSO enjoys it, they feel less awkward repping it.
I love older sibling chicago so uhhh, they pick up their baby siblings and just swing em around and then tosses em on a soft surface, like a lot. They also do it just to carry them around.
I also have angst hcs for Chicago bcs my brain is so silly
So this comes from the songs i associate illiyork with, Anthony Kiedis by Remi Wolf is the song in question.
Theres one line that goes "I fit in my family dynamics like a Red Hot Chilli Pepper."
This line is a refrence to the band but!
When i think of the midwest -esp the rest of illinois- i think of mellow tame flavors, no kick or spice bcs white people would melt
But the rest of the state hates chicago, theyre too loud, demanding, commandeering the politics of illinois. They directly contrast the views of the rest of their state most of the time. So they are the red hot chilli pepper, per say. And cant keep a peaceful relationship w their fam w/o silencing themselve or compromising their views.
(I tried to keep all prns gn so let me know if you spy any gendered ones bcs i dont want my gender hcs to influence anyone.)
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walnutcookie · 7 months
you should infodump about misfortune like. now /nf
im not sure how to tag all of this, doing my best but some of it Might be a little disturbing (with cartoony visuals). if you need it tagged with something specific please ask !!
(reblogs ok !)
misfortune is this silly raven thing . it is the Embodiment of misfortune and misery and feeds off of it, which means it is often causing harm to others for its own benefit
Its like . Ten feet tall or something HVXKDBD it can shrink and grow as it pleases actually (so long as it has enough power). Since it wants to feed off of and make someone miserable, it tries to choose its victims to be the most vulnerable people it can find. people who are isolated and dont have much support mostly, but also people who already have a lot of trauma and people dont know how to manage their emotions very well
Cappuccino was a perfect canidate !
i should give some more info about misfortune before i get into that though ,,, using its host/victims body, its able to cause things to happen (stack of papers getting scattered, bookcases falling over, lighting striking dangerously close, people around them getting hurt/even dying, generally unfortunate events). it tries to make things basically just The worst it possibly can be for the person it inhabits so it can achieve Maximum Misery (which is a tasty snack for it ! ). it can also do fun and silly things like cause its victims to grow bird parts - wings, talons, feathers, a beak, combinations of these things, etc - in a very Painful and grotesque way !! which also causes them to feel miserable! though it doesnt want to kill the host so it always makes these things temporary. additionally it can possess people and control their every move, causing feathers to grow from their skin the longer theyre posessed Which they will have to pluck later. also painful.
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^ cappuccino growing wings
also Misfortune does not want its victims to die. if its victims die then that means their suffering is over - it would have to find a new host. So it makes the person suffer as most as possible while also protecting them and keeping them alive
that also includes keeping them from trying to kill themselves
using its previous host/victims body (my oc golden leaf cookie at the moment but that may change), it killed cappuccinos parents. For what reason im uh. not sure yet i still need to figure that out HDBFKH but it was Incredibly gruesome and uh. unfortunately little cappuccino was there to watch !
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cappuccino's parents were Not nice people. they were incredibly abusive and neglective. cappuccino is like ,, age 5-10 at this time (another thing to figure out) and while her older sister latte was there she Got scared and ran away leaving cappuccino to fend for himself (latte is still fillwd with so much guilt over that bUT THATS A ramble for another time)
cappuccino is an Already traumatized young kid who just watched her parents die and is now all alone and an orphan . and is now going to watch as this giant bird thing claws through its host, causing them to scream out in pain and bleed out to death on the floor as the bird talks to little cappu !!! in spanish because for some reason me and my gf decided it speaks spanish but hey it works out cause so does cappu!
misfortune then crawls inside cappuccinos mouth. which again. is very painful. And very disturbing especially as a child
cappuccino lives with this thing for like twenty years, vaguely aware of its existence yet still filled with doubt. He knows she has bad luck either way and tends to isolate herself as to not harm others !!! all of the friends he made in school had bad things happen to them so hes become paranoid about getting too close to people. hes basically just accepted that shes not capable of doing good ,,, anything he tries to do just ends up going bad anyways. Which is why hes become a prosecutor !!!! you see Misfortune naturally gives her an advantage since giving innocent people (or anyone for that matter) lengthy sentences and other punishments causes a lot of misery and feeds Misfortune quite nicely ! it doesnt exactly Garuntee cappus win like. she still has to work for it. but he does get an upper hand (unknowingly) as misfortune encourages it. the reason she smokes a lot is because it helps him not feel so anxious and paranoid constantly that bad things will happen to everyone she cares about
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theres a lot of habits hes picked up after dealing with this thing for so long. no cars/buses since hes been in FAR too many car crashes. keep pencils/writing tools dull as he tends to accidentally stab herself a lot. dont bother keeping places clean and tidy since theyll become dirty somehow anyways
cappuccino has a vague memory of misfortune. though since it was so long ago and also During a very traumatizing moment his mind has kind of distorted it to be some incomprehensible monster that appears in her nightmares. is it real? is he just imagining all of this? when wings grow from his back, is she hallucinating it? is something causing all of this bad luck, or is he just imagining everything? he cant tell if its real or not . she KNOWS something is wrong because it seems like life itself is determined to keep her from being happy. the thing is misfortune constantly lives inside of her ,, hes never seen misfortune aside from that very fuzzy (and distorted) memory from when he was a child. finally he Cant Take it anymore and just talks out loud to himself, trying to talk to whatever it is keeping him from being happy - again, not knowing if anything is actually there.
But there is !
And she is horrified as it starts to crawl out of his mouth!
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theres a sense of relief and reassurance as At least now he knows its not all just his imagination but also. holy fucking shit. its not her imagination.
its all real. the memory from when she was a kid. hes being haunted by this Fucking Thing (which she realizes is a bird and not an incomprehensible monster) and its effectively ruining her life. it speaks to her - he figures out that it feeds off of his misery and that its been doing that for the past 20 years. And she just has to live with that
I could go on ,,, theres more to it actually but this post is getting Very long and i want people to Actually read it HXBDKHD
if you have any questions/comments PLEASE let me know i love talking about this thang !!!
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system-of-a-feather · 6 months
Related to it being the New Years and the recent conversations, I don't really do New Years Resolutions. And before I start this ramble / train of thought, I want to be transparent and clear that I've never really ever done them and so while this may sound like an explanation, my real reason I don't do them is cause I don't feel like it and there is no moral or any sort of weight or value to doing or not doing them. If theyre fun and helpful, you should do them. If not, dont worry about it
That said, with how I tend to live day by day - which with the aforementioned multiple threads here is very constantly planned and with clear vision to where everything ties into my future plans - the idea of new years resolutions seem almost most of a self sabotage than a means of self improvement.
As it is, I am very good at making consistent changes to improve my life on a daily every year and its not really something I struggle with (which I know a lot of people use New Years as a means to jump start themselves which is good) so when it comes to making "resolutions" for the new year, it would come off as me trying to fix something that isn't broken.
I think I did try it in the past before (think because dissociative amnesia) but I also think every time I tried to focus and specifically do something new because "I should give it a try whats the harm of deciding on something specific to do better for yourself" but like....
The harm is that I am already working at a very steady and sustainable pace at basically all my life goals and focusing on any one more than the other could bring instability and thus cause one to get neglected in favor of the other OR burn out which would harm all of them.
And so like this year I was thinking about if I was gonna par take and what I would set, but honestly?
My New Years Resolution is to keep doing what I'm doing. Cause thats whats healthiest for me.
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grahamcarmen · 9 months
what measures do you think carmen and gray take to protect the kiddos, like their kids are the children of two super thieves who are despised by the worlds oldest criminal organisation, their maternal grandfather is also hated and then there's the added grudge of their biological maternal grandfather like there's a lot of bad family blood.
i have no idea how gray is gonna react because he's a big "use the resources available to him no matter how shady" person oh no...lmao [its ok he's getting better standards...slightly] and his arc has him playing the more active part in defending his love...so um...if it involves the kids?
[gah how sucky when you phrase it like that , VILE just zeroing in on them because they're trying to get theyre footing back]
and carmen in general is very good at mostly keeping herself off the radar but VILE has shown themselves very good at capturing people they at least think is important to carmen + the train with brunt and the cleaners...gah..
but very big into imposing on chief to constantly keep them off cameras [like imagine how upset that would make the kiddos at the do as i say not as i do couple when they wanna be good show off thieves too </3], definitely taught them to be prepared for a fight, had ivy hook them up with drones [offense hardly taken because they love them so much], direct line to player , maayyyybe this makes carmen hesitant to let them go to school for a bit? [idk if she homeschools because hey she can teach them a lot about the world since she goes all over it or because of the way she talked to sonia and jokes to player that she's all about education + really wanted friends on the isle if she wishes she had a normal school experience], RC definitely 0____0 during babies first missions until they're confident they can take care of themselves [actually maybe a conversation between carmen and kiddos about wanting to have faith in their abilities and carmen is like o-o ] [gray is also called out for his chill attitude supposedly when he was literally yanking wires and knocking out people before they even got near the site]
situation wise it would be very bad if the kids did get captured...since RC tends to just beeline to the solution that gets them out efficiently regardless of traps or danger to themselves
but in the end RC do lean more to just trusting that they prepared the kids well enough... so lol if they just arrive to a headquarters of the VILEnappers in chaos like <3 those are the babies
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
I've read some rezero crossover fanfics , but I really don't understand why some people like to impose the whole background and character traits of other characters on certain characters in Rezero, and some fics even directly stated that A in Rezero is in fact B from a certain work, which is very bizarre and disrespectful to both canon source material, it's like B is cosplaying A but is a completely different person on the inside, if you want to insert a character from other works into the rezero world why don't you just keep their original identity and characteristics? Personally, I really hate this type of rezero crossover fics tbh :///
anon i understand you so much hah.
i joined this fandom months before season 2 started airing, so i was there to see rz ao3 pick up and the fanfic scene in rz be more established—so seeing this trend in rz fic has always really confused me tbh?? 😅 and i dont personally like it either for the same reasons you stated. its just one of those rz fanfic tropes that i 1. am not very fond of and 2. am continuously confused by given these arent very fandom typical trends, theyre extremely rz fandom specific if that makes sense (the react fic trend… re:forgotten… etc)? and i dont often see crossovers treated like this in other fandoms, and rz in general seems to be a fandom that really enjoys fic because its kind of. astounding?? that theres a whole fanfic thread that gets continuously renewed on rz reddit and is almost always pinned right at the top of the page. its rare to get a fandom that very openly acknowledges its fic in this way i feel? but you know, you go on that fic thread and you see a lot of people suggesting crossover ideas that—as you said anon—tend to be very “rezero but character a is character b”?? its like such a commonplace thing that occasionally i just go through that thread out of curiosity and read it like you would a morning newspaper hah and you cant go more than a minute without seeing a crossover idea like that.
and if anyone else is seeing this and confused on what the hell that means, one example i see a lot is “rezero but subaru is guts from berserk” wkfndnd
i think subaru is the one this happens most to, just because various audiences have various relationships with subaru, mainly because there tends to be a habit of 1. using him as a self-insert and 2. thinking hes absolute hellspawn or the best most perfect person to ever exist with zero nuance, so the whole “person a is now person b in everything but name and looks” thing is so. telling. like sometimes when i see people talk about a character like subaru it always boggles my mind because its like?? do you… even like subaru as he is? and if youre warping rezero to be more like that other media youre crossing it over with, do you even like rezero either? anon saying “its like B is cosplaying A but is a completely different person in the inside” is exactly how it feels like?? T^T
and of course its not as if you cant write crossovers. i love seeing crossovers!! i read some crossovers myself and ive written a whole bunch of crossovers and i come up with all sorts of ideas. its super fun to do and i completely get it. but the “person a is person b” thing is odd to me because at the heart of it, it feels like it basically means “*insert character* but theyre not actually themselves”. and of course its not like you cant make AUs where things are changed from canon, or AUs where the character grows and changes in general even if its different from canon. but theres a difference between “im gonna put this character through shenanigans and see how they change as a person but theyre ultimately still the same deep down and im examining how theyd most likely realistically act in this situation if this happened to them” vs “im gonna change the entire point of this character until theyre only recognizable in name”. i feel like it completely misses exactly what makes these characters and stories so good in the first place.
also side note: headcanons are a whole different thing because thats just “i have specific ideas about how this character is like” and is usually fine unless youre being pushy about it or condemning others for having (innocent!!) hcs you dont agree with wkdndn
and okay, i also get it if people have issues with how characters or media are written and want to change it. i myself have issues sometimes with how tappei handles rezero, but i still like rezero and so many of its characters. you can critique a media without trying to change what the heart of it is, and rezero for example is ultimately a story with a lot of heart to it and clear purpose behind so much of its writing. and its clear to see some things this crossover trend because so much of it is done with subaru. because it 1. misses the point of all of subarus nuances, complexities, the intent behind his character writing, and what makes him so good in the first place and 2. shows that people dont want him to actually be subaru. they want him to be someone else, which is ironically a plot point that comes up again and again in rezero wkdndnd. its interesting that it comes up so much in rezero too, because i feel like its in part most likely commentary on how audiences react to subaru and often try to change him to fit what they want.
but yeah thats just my thoughts on this whole crossover trend in general 👍👍
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Hi! I came across your blog and wanted to offload some feelings, I hope you don't mind.
I've been kinda aware of the situation in Palestine for a few years now (However I am sure that there is A LOT more I don't know) I'm from Western Europe, I'm sure you're aware of how little concern there was and is for Palestinian here. My stomach just dropped when I turned on the news this past weekend. The first thing I saw was the Israeli president proclaiming war. I felt horrified, I knew that whatever Hamas had done, the Palestinian people would be punished for it. It's terrible what happened to the Israeli people, of course, but the entire western world doesn't seem to acknowledge, accept or even care about the fact that those in Palestine are living in an 'Apartheid system'
I've seen videos of kids being 'roughed up' by Israeli military, old people forced from homes they've lived in for generations. They have been suffering for decades like this. Why is it okay for them to be treated like this? Because they're brown? Muslim? I'm sorry if that's a controversial thing to say, but I can't think of any other reason for it. It is both heartbreaking and infuriating.
I wish the western world just cared, if only a little bit. We have been bombarded with 'Israel the victim' narrative, there is some reporting about what they are doing to Gaza (cutting aid etc) and it's generating a little sympathy but not enough to change the overall narrative. Those who publicly support 'Free Palestine' are painted as antisemitic at best, a terrorist sympathizer at worst.
I'm sick of it!
Forgive me if I've got anything wrong here, but this is the opinion I've come to from what I've seen/read. Feel free to correct me.
Thanks for letting me vent.
sorry, i meant to reply to this when you sent it but ive been so busy 😭😭
im glad you feel that my blog is a safe space to vent :) and no worries, im fine w you feeling the need to spill all this. if anything im somewhat honored you chose my blog !
i will be expanding on some notes you said, but trigger warning for graphic depictions of violence. also notable that if people will get triggered at the very ideas of these things, at seeing them as words or on screens, then imagine those who face this in their every day lives, who have faced this every day for decades. you can choose not to read and not get triggered and move on. they dont have a choice.
the first thing id mention is that you mention how the condemnation is "why is it okay for them to be treated like this? because theyre brown? muslim?" and as a brown muslim, yes this is exactly why its okay for them to be treated like this. the west has made it clear for decades that muslims are terrorists or plane hijackers or bombers and they should be disciplined and indoctrinated, and arabs are either oil money bilionaires or robbers or sex objects who live in tents and dont use cars because they have camels. thats why white ukrainians are defending themselves but brown palestinians are terrorists
but also keep in mind that minorities such as arab christians are just as threatened, especially due to a lack of awareness about the fact that theres actually a large number of christians in arabia, and the christian communities in the middle east are some of the oldest in the world, with the ones in palestine able to date back to the birth of the church. in fact, arab christians are almost condemned more than arab muslims because people tend to blow them off because theyre arab christian and somewhat alien to other people.
not to mention that people have the nerve to say palestinians should die bc the majority are muslims and want to kill infidels and queers. what of the queer palestinians? im friends with palestinians irl and two of them are queer. are they excused from the massacre but their families should die? and its sad that this next sentence might be controversial, but even homophobes dont deserve to be slaughtered. yes, i said it.
next, this is smth that angers me, not what you said, but the fact that its so unknown. youve seen videos of "kids being 'roughed up' by israeli military, old people forced from homes theyve lived in for generations". i promise you, anon, this is the tip of the iceberg. scroll far enough, esp on twitter under the hashtag #freepalestine. the things ive seen will stay with me forever. the things youll see if you look far enough, i promise, you wont be able to comprehend how people who witness this every day can still have the will to live.
if you scroll far enough, youll see videos of women screaming in pain as they watch their homes getting bulldozed. youll see a video of a hearing impaired palestinian girl running, only to get hit in the face w a stun grenade. shes only eleven years old. youll see videos of a boy, only about six, eyes wide and staring off, silent as the person holding the camera urges him to speak and shakes him. youll see a father crying over his sons body after finding it among the dead. youll see a boy running through a crowd, screaming and crying for his dad, only to find his fathers corpse being held up by the people in front. youll find people being pulled out from rubble. youll find a boy pointing at his little sister and saying "look at the blood on her feet." youll see videos of people being held hostage in al aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in islam, by the idf. they did nothing but pray. youll see a man holding a dead fetus, saying that its mother was killed. youll see a father vlogging what life is like in gaza, he buys gifts for his daughters for eid but they keep hiding under pillows thinking that theyre going to get bombed and he has to reassure them and hug them. he died a few days later. youll see two children being held by an idf soldier as they cry and swear they havent done anything. youll see a palestinian girl gesturing towards destroyed buildings behind her and saying "you see all of this. what do you expect me to do, fix it? im only ten." youll see a woman talking about how her two and a half year old son, who was shot by israeli soldiers, was loved by everyone and he loved everyone. youll see a group of men in the middle of prayer, refusing to stop even when they hear israeli missiles hitting. they flinch but they dont stop praying. 
and what of the incidents that didnt get recorded? these are just from the last decade or so. what of the sixty five years before that? this is what i call terrorism. the hijabi on your flight is not a terrorist. the zionists who tells people to leave the land they grew up in, the land their ancestors grew up in? THATS who the the terrorist here.
and even those who dont get killed are terrorized. there are people who have to sign in with checkpoints any time they enter or leave their own home. theyre arrested by the idf for no reason and interrogated for hours.
i would also like to add a point. palestinians arent punished for hamas's crimes. palestinians are punished for being palestinians. people could argue that "oh, israels trying to attack hamas, the civilians are collateral damage, thats inevitable in war!!!"
bull. shit.
okay fine, lets assume that, ethically speaking, its morally just to level all of gaza with the aim of exterminating hamas. lets assume that its not morally questionable to do so, and lets assume that it doesnt violate international law. let me steal the argument of bassem youssef from when he debated w piers morgan:
lets assume hamas doesnt exist. lets assume theres a world where hamas doesnt exist in palestine, and lets call this world the west bank. ... whats the excuse for killing palestinians in the west bank?
(he said smth of the sort, im not sure these were his exact words)
why would you kill palestinians in the west bank, where there isnt hamas, and say that its "collateral damage" from a war w hamas? its thinly veiled racism, i promise you
the slightly more fortunate news is that the world seems to be waking up. there are protests, even in the west, in support of palestine. al jazeera news has an article abt places that have held protests in solidarity w palestine (the link is here) and a lot of them are in western/european countries. even jews are protesting, i remember seeing a video (its kinda old tho maybe two years old ??) of a jewish guy saying "we are embarassed of whats happening in the state of israel, in the jewish name" and that palestinians "shouldnt give up the struggle" (the video is here)
unfortunately, where i live, no protests can be held, but maybe if theres any near you, anon, you can show some love by attending :) and if there arent then you can simply donate (only if you can, obviously)
sorry this ramble is so long hahaha its just that your ask allowed me to let out some bottled up feelings of my own
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
hiii okay i just started reading opddmh and i was wondering if you have any thoughts about komaru and toko's relationship and udg in relation to the virtual reality au you're writing? :3c they are so precious to me and if u dont have any thoughts on it thats fine!! just wondering <3 have a good day!!
OOOO DEFINITELY !!! nothing too complex or thought out but ive definitely got some thoughts on it >:)
first things first ultra despair girls is most certainly some kind of spinoff in this universe! so its not considered a main storyline/killing game however it is still on ongoing series! i imagine after 53 seasons the danganronpa timeline has been seriously fucked up and udg is absolutely one of the main reasons its so wonky, you can IMAGINE all of the conspiracy youtube videos trying to piece that shit together lmfaooooo. but yep udg is a running spinoff series starring toko, komaru, and the warriors of hope (who are teenagers in this au at this point!!). it also features a range of other villains and side characters that were introduced later on :] udg definitely isnt as popular nor is it as consistent in its production as the main danganronpa story is (while danganronpa has at least one season per year, udg has one maybe every three), but it still gets a whole lot of views !! which means toko and komaru are unfortunately in it for the long haul </3
they live seperate from each other however they're over at each others apartments so often that they basically live together LMFAO. they rely on each other SO so heavily. i personally think they have romantic feelings somewhere underneath their fear of losing each other to the mental trauma of danganronpa however there is NO WAY danganronpa would ever let them be a couple. the most theyre allowed to do is queerbait ghfdsjkghjkdf. if they confirm anything between the pair they are destroying an entire market of fans they can profit off of and also likely losing hella sponsorship money. its extremely difficult navigating a relationship like that, where they have become so heavily codependent on each other not only because their wellbeing relies on the other being healthy and well but also because they've grown so close it's impossible to imagine a future where the other isnt involved somehow. everything danganronpa has put them through, it has usually been TOGETHER, which means they've bonded through those experiences. is that healthy? absolutely the fuck it is not however there is no time or space to navigate that or to spend time away from each other (even if they wanted to, which they don't)!!
the pair stay relatively close with the warriors of hope-- or at least komaru does lmfaooo. like i said before the warriors of hope are teenagers at this point (honestly theyre probably mius age!! which sparks a lot of hypothetical interactions LMAO) so they dont really need babysitters or anything like that but because there are not very many people who could possibly understand what they've gone through they tend to stick together!! a few of them, at least. i imagine nagisa is a lot more distant and kotoko probably has other friends she talks to a whole ton :] people that arent constant walking reminders of her current and past traumas lol
komaru also doesnt talk to makoto as often anymore! they kind of keep in touch and definitely see each other at press conferences and all that, but the relationship has become somewhat strained. its a bit awkward knowing they arent actually related!! theyre still kind to each other and care about each other like actual siblings but its hard not to feel sad around the other unfortunately :(
and toko definitely doesnt talk to byakuya much anymore besides the occasional promotional material LMFAO. they dont despise each other but both have done a lot of growing and a lot of that included distancing themselves from each other
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