#because sooner or later someone's going to do something 'clever' like hiding important things inside properties
sufficientlylargen · 11 months
#Excel is actually a decent editor for writing Java#it makes it very difficult to make some of the most common Java mistakes#like writing code in Java
"Lmao" even.
Is this an "I have written too much Java" emotion or an "I refuse to touch Java" emotion?
I am, perhaps, overstating my aversion to the language - I don't really hate Java, I just don't find it terribly fun to work in (although it's been years since the last time I had to, so maybe IDE advances have made it more palatable now). I've worked on some Java projects that were quite well put together, but I've also seen my share of code with types like ProducerFactory<FactoryProducer, IGatewayFactoryFactory>.
In general if speed is not an essential part of a project I prefer to write in Python for its terseness and extremely effective syntactic sugar (context managers, generators, etc.), and if speed IS essential then various C variants, Rust, or even Go will almost certainly outperform Java. So it's not entirely clear to me why Java is still used outside of legacy code.
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annmarcus63 · 3 years
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Warning: this might hurt a little
on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/34157128
Grandma said once that to give away your raw score is forbidden.
"Your heart in it's full rawness, chaos, is a precious and dangerous thing. Never you should do something as giving it to someone else."
"But our ancestors used to do it. Look ma ¡look!" said Jaskier holding his story book on the air for grandma's tired eyes to see. A handsome knight was lying on the dry grass, dying from a wound on his stomach. He started calling for his love, an ancient fae with blond hair and fair skin. She fell upon the prairie from the charged clouds, with something shiny between her hands. The fae feed the wound with her raw core, her heart. The knight lived along side her, flying amongst the starry night, happily ever after. "This are just stories, Julian" said Grandma with contened anger in her dry voice. She took the book and close it on her thighs "Things were rarely like that. Knights and kings are more inclined to use our cores against us and other people. We can't recover from that loss" Julian look at the drawing on the coverbook, the fae was kneeled by a pond and the knight stood glorious in practically all the cover, leaving a very small space for the real hero, the one who save the life of the protagonist.
"Never give your raw core away. Stop reading these, THEY wrote this, Julian, you must be clever than her" said Grandma pointing at the beautiful fae. Julian nod, undesrtanding much more that he wanted to, and so little, so so little. Maybe that was the reason his family were hiding, they never express it in a literal way, that was the point really, but Julian notice anyway. The way, for example, of how they said their names and the rust taste that was left on the air after. It was common to hide their real names for fae, but you'd give that name knowing it's false, on the opposite when you say the false name thinking is the real one then another fae would know. Losing the self was something of a disease between the fae. Jaskier later knew that his parents have not choice but to lose themselves to save the lineage. Most fae really. Humans did that. Like they did to the elfes. Julian promise to never forget about the fae from his last storybook. He'll never forget about her sacrifice and the sacrifice of his people. But come on, after some years it was just naturally that, despite the wound on the history, a selfish creature he was and he forgot. He was raised as human, and he wanted to be a bard oh how he want it. And he did accomplish that, and a bloody good one that's for sure. Fae were extinct for all the world and that wasn't a cover, they're doomed to extinction sooner or later. It has been years since the last time Jaskier felt another fae being born. He is Jaskier troubadour, master of the seven liberal arts a mastermind amongst the crowds, a legend…an idiot most of the time basically.
What grandma failed to mention is that for a fae to be able to give their core away the recipient must be worthy at the eyes of the fae. Once this worthiness makes evident, that person would plant roots in the core itself, whether the fae want it or not. It's inevitable. Grandma should have said "be aware of where you place your heart. Hold it until you're fully sure of them" But well, it wouldn't have matter in the end. Jaskier have never being someone who follows advice, much less from his dead relative. It happened naturally, like breathing, eating and shitting. One moment he was standing next to Geralt under a pouring rain, the witcher kept looking for a missing girl on the edges of the woods, her parents place a bounty on the towns board, they couldn't offer payment in form of crowns but they're willing to let them sleep on the girl’s room. Jaskier became indignant, how a witcher is supposed to take a payless bounty? No, that is unacceptable. But despite the protesting bard and zero reward whatsoever Geralt went anyway, he look for a girl who surelly was already dead.
"I found her body near the cave by the pond. You can go for her by morning when it's safe. I'm sorry" after a minute of silence the parents with equal expression of cold sorrow release a heavy sigh charged with so much grief.
"What did it?" asked the father
"Nekkers. I got rid of the pack living there"
"Thank you, witcher. You and your bard can come in, i'm sure you're exhausted” Said the mother with great effort, like someone who can't breathe quite well.
Geralt rapidly added "No, I'm sure you and your husband need time to resign and mourn alone. My bard and i already had another place to stay" Eh, no they didn't.
"But...we don't have any crowns"
"I didn't do this for payment" And while the parents thanked infinitely to Geralt, Jaskier felt something wild and untamed surging from his chest. Reaching unabashed for the witcher with a big golden heart standing next to him, explaining to a mourning parents that he went to search for their lost daughter because he wanted to help. This new awareness of chaos, he knew what it was.
Chaos, core, raw.
And it had marked Geralt as his. We want him.
Give us to him. He's worthy.
He was doomed, so doomed from the very beginning since they encounter each other on Posada. Grandma tried to warn him of this. Oh grandma, you and i both know that I was never obedient or wise. So Jaskier let it happen, four years after knowing the witcher and his raw core already belong to him. But he didn't do it. He hold back despite the urgency on his chest because he wasn't sure it'll be welcome. Geralt was still trying to get rid of him in every town, sometimes Jaskier felt like a pet you don't want but you can't abandon it either. Surely there'd be a time in the future. And Jaskier wait and fell in love deeply with each passing year. And Geralt...well he was the same and also different in his own way, more at ease around him, softer maybe. Jaskier didn't need to be call a friend to felt like one to Geralt. They're friends, even if one part has being in denial for the past decade.
And then the djinn happened follow by the complicated affair with one Yennefer of Vandenberg. The curse caused the core to retreat afraid and wounded. He hurt us, he wished to hurt us. Jaskier argued with the voice that it wasn't his intention, he didn't even know he was the one with the wishes. In truth his heart shattered not for the wish but for the easiness in which the sorceress become someone important to Geralt, something to hold on to even if drowning. One decade and still Jaskier thinks he haven't reached that relationship level with his friend.
He doesn't want us
"You said no"
"Oh, it's nothing" Geralt didn't ask again
But weak and in love he was, the raw core and him reached out again, with fully open arms for Geralt to pull. Jaskier long to belong to him, oh how he did.
Yennefer and her shining imbecile knight join the hunt and he was jealous because as soon as she appear the witcher was drooling as if she was all he needed to shut down the darkness inside.
Don't you know? inside me there's a full light waiting for you to hold
At the softness of the afternoon Jaskier found Geralt sitting on a rock lost, as usual, in though. But this time were different, he had failed three people, Borch's dead has left a wound that surely would scar badly. And the bard felt a deep sadness for his golden heart witcher. He's definitely blaming himself for the fall, for that narrow and insecure path alongside the mountain as if he was the one to build it.
Jaskier asked him to come with him to his home, to the coast, he yearn to be there with him and feel the sea wind on their faces while walking by a cliff near a quiet village that Geralt wouldn't mind to visit.
We want to be his.
Give us to him.
We can love him better.
But Geralt didn't want him, he wanted Yennefer.
He give himself to him anyway.
"Here" said Jaskier putting a hand on Geralt's thigh, surprise, instead of flinching away Geralt held Jaskier's hand and with most carefulness took what was inside the palm. A small glass vial, similar to the ones where he pours his potions. He held it on his gloved open hand. There was something inside, warm and inviting. White, almost yellow that make Geralt felt calm and safe.
"What's this?"
"A gift. It'd take care of you" Geralt frown at him, confused and uncertain of what it meant, but he took it with a barely there smile only for Jaskier to see.
He's a coward, he couldn't confessed him the reality of what it meant because he was terrified of being rejected, grandma said that a rejection is so devastating that it might kill him. And even at this point in their friendship Jaskier couldn't know for sure.
It's me. Take me, i'll protect and save you if needed to. Have me, please have me.
Geralt went that night at Yennefer's tent and Jaskier felt glad for not having told him the truth
"If life could give me a blessing it would be to take you off my hands"
No, no, not now.
They're doing fine.
And then very fast very suddenly Geralt reached for his breast pocket to held the vial of raw core on his fist and toss it unceremoniously to the hard soild.
The noise of shattered glass invaded Jaskier's ears before the heavy blankness surged from his chest to every corner of him.
“No, no, no” said he, giving a fumbling step towards the vial but deciding to turn around instead.
Away away away away.
He can't see me like this.
Something was tearing in fine lines caused by the trembling, an earthquake from his very bones that were fighting on maintaining their solid formation. Something inside was bawling with such and intensity that make his ears bleed.
Was this dying? let it be death for he can no longer take it. Does breathing always hurt this much? like if his lungs were filled with wool and the air only add heaviness on them. What was this? a beating heart, so afraid so betrayed, like a laugh from his ancestors. He wanted to throw up his intestines, they're on fire, but when he tried only saliva flood. He was not himself anymore, and to become whole was an impossibility that the pain was making sure off. Dirt get inside his mouth, his cheek on the ground was getting cut by rocks. A voice calling for him to react, to say something. But he no longer have a voice, he was death itself preparing for a long dream.
I’m sorry grandma.
I'm sorry, said to himself
and he remembered the blond fae on the cover book between grandma's hands, of how she give her life to save her love one, but who'd give their life for her?
who'd give their life for him?
He needed to sleep, right here on the mountain ground, to become whole again or at least half whole.
He begged for death instead.
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pen-of-roses · 3 years
WHG-Conor 1
Stepping into the apartments for the captured almost came as a relief.
The smug and confident whispers that surrounded this new group were stifling as ever as always. Give anyone enough power and they think they can control everything, that they know the course of the Fates. How horribly boring for them.
On the other hand, the hint of determination, whispering promises to escape to not submit to this were a joy. The hint of despair and hopelessness whispering of failure were not. They would prove less likely to act, less likely to sway into action off their paths. At least smugness made people easier to manipulate. Easier to veer of course.
No, these whispers simply would not do. Would not do at all.
Others had been sent down as well, and he walked behind them until the helpless feeling seemed to turn from a whisper to a scream behind one door in particular.  Wordlessly, he slipped from his position behind them, if they’d even noticed him there to begin with, and through the door.
The little assassin that had been reaped with Reine sat starring unfocused at the wall, curled in on herself. It took all his self-control not to scowl.
“And here I sense more fire and determination in you before the Games. This is just sad really, after everything I heard about not giving up, about finding a way to survive.”
“Whatever you want, I don’t care.”
“You should. Or have you really abandoned yourself so thoroughly? If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s people not being true to themselves.”
She glared up at him, though the expression was dampened somewhat by the exhaustion that screamed in the air around her. Still, the spike of anger sounded like music. Good, there was something in there after all.
“You still have something to fight for you know. There is a chance to escape.”
“We failed. There’s nothing.”
“You failed, the others did not. Despite what you might have believed, you are all still alive yes? No longer trapped in the Games, a feat that should have been impossible. It speaks of many doesn’t it? People to valuable to risk the deaths of.”
“I don’t have time for your games, just say what you came to and get out of my hair.”
His lip twitched down unconsciously at the address. It’s not like she had much else to do after all, she should be honored he even deigned to entertain-no. Getting upset would do nothing in this instance. “They’re keeping you alive for a reason. They went so far as to free multiple of you from the Games. What purpose would that serve them if it wasn’t something deeply important?” There it was the trill of curiosity and hope. “You value knowledge if not your own life, don’t you? Use it. Or else who knows where your little friends might end up. Tell me, are you really ready for more blood on your hands?”
She froze at the words but forced herself to relax. “And why would I trust you?”
“Why indeed?” His grin was all teeth. “I have very little interest in seeing any of you perish. And I hate to see such a spirit as yours wither up and die, it would make life just a little bit more boring. But I believe I’ve said all you’re willing to listen to, so I do hope you think over my words.”
Confusion whistled around her, but it was enough to dampen the wailing of her earlier despair and sounded lovely with the growing curiosity. Yes, that was much better. Get her thinking and who knows where it could lead? Her refusal to fight in the Games had already caused a stir, but a refusal to fight back now would do no good. Asking questions though, that could always lead to answers and reactions he could watch.
Besides, she knew the most about them. Get her to ask the right questions and he might get his own answers sooner or later.
But as for right now...
There was a spike of anger and defiance that had seemed to just beg him to investigate and who was he to deny such a request?
His grin returned full force when he slipped into the room the other two he had come down with were leaving to find District Ten’s thieving little tribute inside. Oh, but she was so much more than that now, wasn’t she? Leaning against the wall, he casually raised an eyebrow, "I must say, you are far more interesting than I first thought. Though I suppose you've been hearing that far too often as of late."
“And you’re looking remarkably less ridiculous than the last time I saw you.”
“Oh good, you recognized me, I was deeply worried you wouldn’t under all that. But I suppose you did go through all that effort to steal from me with my dear star’s help I presume.” Would likely have been the only way her attack dog—or rather cat—let anyone who wasn’t supposed to be there near the floor. The gall to actually steal from one of them! But then, it had been far too long since an actual challenge and he was never one to shy away from those that brought a little more chaos in their wake.
"Nah. That was all me. And by the way, I had my stylist burn those hideous gloves after the interview."
Her words hum with the lie at the beginning, as well as the slightest hint of...anger? Wariness might be the better word. But she’s not backing down from the challenge. Interesting. Still, the fact that she burned something of his-no. Don’t get distracted. "Burn, really? And here I thought you had an affinity for ice that would prevent such a thing. Still, doesn't really matter now that you're here. I was so worried after I discovered that lovely little trick that I wouldn't get a chance to properly meet you, that the Games would claim you well before ally cat and I arrived with your crew to aid the escape. But imagine my surprise when instead you were delivered to my newest interest?"
“Hmm.” Confusion whined around her as she looked him up and down. “Those are a lot of vague claims that I don’t have time to unpack right now. So, what can I do to placate your interest?”
“This.” He spread his arms, savoring the building melody of her confusion and wariness. “Your very existence is interesting to me from what I've been hearing, about how you shouldn't exist. It's different and new and exciting. Here I thought you and my lovely Reine would cause an uproar here for me to watch with your escape. Instead, I discover a strange group of people, these Shades, working for the Capitol with powers I haven't seen before, which is really quite impressive, Pirate,” the reminder caused a stir but she did well in hiding it. Interesting. "After all we've been around for quite a long time. She did tell you that right? Or I'm sure you're clever enough to have seen the signs of it anyway."
Curiosity at that. So he’d been right, as much as she may have fancied the girl his star hadn’t felt the need to expose them. Shame, she’d been so much more fun when she cared less about those pesky rules.
Triel recaptured his attention with her own little bow, how adorable. "I'm honored that my existence intrigues you. Would you like my whole life story, or just the paraphrased version?"
It had been too long since someone new had spared with him like this. He missed it. "Oh, I like you. Yes, it seems I wasn't off the mark here, you will be so much fun to watch as this all plays out. Your loyalty is inspiring, truly. I am curious what you will actually tell me of your life though? To give you this much fire after everything when even poor rainbow is beside herself over losing you. If you will indulge me Pirate?" He returned the bow.
"Well, it all started when my father told me that I should have never been born. So, I ran away and joined some pirates. And did I tell you that Churi was my father? I bet you've seen him. That's why he hates my guts." She forced tears and a crack in her words, but her emotions held the same hum.
Well, he always did love a good tale.
"Oh shall I get some popcorn for this beautiful tale you are spinning? Tell me which of the higher ups in the Capitol is the mother?" He feigned a gasp, "Oh don't tell me, President Snow is the wealthy uncle who will leave you everything in the end after a dramatic murder? Though I do think your acting may need a little work, not quite as sharp as your words."
“Joke's on you, I was making it obvious. And I hadn't thought about President Snow being the wealthy uncle. You think he'd bust me out of here?"
"Hardly seems the type, no see,” he easily slipped into the storyteller role, “you can't find out about it until after the death because then there's the will explaining how the entire thing was an act to keep you safe, but the untimely death means there's no one else to continue his work, no? Of course, I'd say that's when you discover the whole secret world full of magic and impossibilities and whatever unique power runs through your blood, but it seems you've skipped that part."
“And what part would you play in this story?” There was a lovely trill of wariness as she eyed him now. Good, she was smart, and not easily taken by his words. Yes, he liked her quite a lot.
He pretended to think for a moment, eyes catching on the time momentarily, "I suppose that depends on who is telling the story. Whatever best fits my desires at the moment. Currently? The audience watching what'll happen next, when you'll make your next move to escape this because you hardly seem the type to just sit by, and what this shady organization will do to try and stop this and spin the narrative in their favor. Though I suppose now I should play the distant old friend who shows up in time for dear Reine to cry on the shoulder of about failing you."
A hint of fear. So she was concerned for her as well?
She nodded. "So, since you are part of the audience, you must be satisfied to see the protagonist, so, in order to not bore you, you should probably take your leave."
Aww and here they were getting to be such good friends. But what a good little hero she would make in this tale after all. If that fire persisted, she could do wonders on this strange group and the Capitol. Alas, he really did need to meet them before they became suspicious. Shame.
He bowed slowly, never breaking eye contact, “It was a pleasure to finally meet you Triel. I am sure you will not disappoint me in your endeavors.”
Indeed, she would not. With the right push, if the people adored her or were half as interested, her escape—because she would try again, no way someone with that fire would sit quietly by—why it might just cause a riot. An uproar and spark that could cover his trail and provide just enough entertainment to be worth the effort.
And that wit...it was too soon to say, but he’d definitely need to keep a close eye on this particular person.
"I'm sure I'll see you clapping in the audience soon enough."
"Unless I'm need elsewhere of course,” he offers with a wink before taking his leave. There were things to put into motion after all.
. WHG tag list: @concealeddarkness13 @maple-writes @ratracechronicler @thoughts-of-nora @knmartinshouldbewriting @sparkles-and-hens @madammuffins Does anyone else want to be tagged in these?
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snidgetwidgeon · 4 years
Insurrection Recollections Series: Clandestine Research
After Zelda's father orders her to give up her research, Zelda and Purah hatch a plan. The only way it will succeed is if Link intervenes.
The day after her father told her she could no longer waste her time by playing the scholar, Zelda was issued an official written directive via castle courier as if she were one of his subordinates. She was livid. It instructed her to relinquish all of her ancient technology artefacts and materials to the Tech Lab by the end of the week. Oh how considerate of him to give me some time to sort out my busy schedule! She tore the missive to pieces and threw it in the fireplace.
Fine. She would do it post haste to the detriment of everything else she had going on. Studies with her economy instructor? Nope, she had a directive. Receiving the latest visiting dignitary in court that evening? Nope, she had a directive from the King. A fruitless visit to the Spring of Power to perform devotions that brought her nothing but scorn from her own people? Thank Nayru she had a Goddess damned directive from her father that allowed her to avoid the very thing she no longer wanted to do anyway!
Link looked on as Princess Zelda stomped back and forth between her room and study, forgetting things in her state and then becoming even more upset. He had offered his help but she refused so he stood watch on the bridge. The best he could do was stay out of her way and be available at a moment’s notice.
When she finally got to her journal, having left it for last, she closed the door to her study to have a moment of privacy. As she re-read some of the pages detailing her adventures into archaeology, she thought about how they were merely notes and should not be subject to the purge. She decided to keep it.
Emerging from her study with a resolve that Link could see was strained at best, Zelda nodded to him that she was ready to leave. He hailed an available attendant and they assisted in carrying items down to the stables. Even with Zelda insisting on carrying some things herself, the attendant would need to make one more trip and grab another person along the way.
While the rest was being collected, Zelda and Link saddled up the horses in silence. To anyone else, this would seem no different from the early days of their time together when she resented him and their silence was cold and strained. Now it was a companionable silence. He caught her looking at him over her horse’s back as she was tightening her straps. He smiled.
She felt a flush and a sudden need to make an excuse. “You always have such a way with horses...” She then ducked behind hers and pretended to do something else.
Between their mounts and a third mare carrying normal travel supplies, they were able to take everything. Zelda also wore a satchel on her back with a few of the more delicate items. As they made their way through the grounds, Link steered his horse around slightly, indicating down the path that led to the docks and asked, “Shall we take the ferry?”
“No, thank you.” She looked straight ahead with her nose stuck figuratively up toward her father as she passed him. “I would like to make this trip last as long as possible if you don’t mind.”
They arrived in the evening, just in time for dinner. Zelda and Link had agreed on the way there that she could have a night of normalcy. While she went in, he attended the horses and unloaded everything, stacking it in a tidy pile just inside the workshop to be dealt with in the morning. He then joined the others, received a heaping serve of beef curry and proceeded to keep mostly to himself as he was wont to do in large social gatherings. 
He watched Zelda closely, but not obviously, and noticed how very bittersweet it all was for her. She would no doubt be wishing it could be like any other visit. She laughed and carried on with the others, sharing how well the trials at the castle had gone the previous day. But he could see it. Any small moment where she wasn’t engaged with someone, her face fell and the light was gone from her eyes. When Purah noticed and asked if she was alright, she easily brushed it off by saying she was just tired from her busy schedule and a full day of travel.
The following morning, Link was in tow when Zelda entered Purah’s messy workspace with the Sheikah Slate. They had already seen to the items in the workshop, making sure they were distributed to the proper places around the Lab.
“Good morning, good morning! You’re just in time- oh, I’m so glad you brought the Slate. I meant to send word that you should come by the Lab soon so I could use it, but you must have read my mind because here you are; and I completely forgot to send the word.” She put her arm around Zelda’s shoulders and guided her to the large stone in the middle of the room, “Come, I want you to look at this and tell me what you think.”
Zelda let herself be dragged over but instead of looking at the stone, she sort of glazed over in an effort to shield herself from more pain. “Purah, I must apologize.”
“What for? Give it a second, I didn’t expect you to figure it out right away, silly.”
“No, I mean- I should have told you first thing last night.” She handed the Sheikah Slate to Purah who took it with brows furrowed in concern but also remained quiet to listen to her friend.
“Father has ordered me to focus all of my attention on my training. I’m- I can no longer assist the research team. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I just... kind of wanted to pretend it didn’t happen for as long as I could.”
“Oh, Zelly, no. It’s ok.” Purah gave her a quick but sincere hug before going off. “Din’s balls, this is the pits! I’ll be lodging a formal complaint- you watch me- he can’t take away one of my best researchers.” She waved the Slate around dramatically. “Now I’m going to have to find a new translator; who does he think he is!?”
Zelda started giggling. As always, Purah’s infectious energy and earnestness made her feel a bit less crap when she was down. “The King,” Zelda’s giggling evolved into open laughter. ”He’s the King, Purah.”
Purah just pushed up her glasses and said matter-of-factly, “Well... King or no King, he’s acting like a fool.”
Link smiled from his post across the room thinking about how he couldn’t agree more. The day before yesterday on the bridge he had questioned if his oath to protect the Princess extended to defending her from the King himself.
“Were you leaving today?” Purah asked, but didn’t let Zelda answer and kept talking, “You’re not leaving today. I need your help with something and you aren’t officially done until you leave, you hear? Come with me.” She strode out of her office on a mission.
Zelda smiled after her and then looked at Link with a raised brow asking- not for his approval, but more his opinion. He merely shrugged and gestured that she should follow the woman.
Over the course of the day Link observed their antics and found moments to opportunistically disappear when it looked like they were going to need a person for some sort of trial. That night, some celebrations ramped up as Purah decided to throw a gratitude party to thank Zelda for all that she had contributed. Link thought that idea was pretty smart, making it look like Zelda’s choice to take on other important tasks. This way, she could leave with her head held high, at least until she was out of sight.
About mid morning the following day, Link got the horses ready for the return home and then realized he may have been a bit preemptive when he went to collect Zelda. She and Purah looked at him like startled foxes when he entered Purah’s office and they proceeded to finish their conversation in hushed voices.
Perhaps Zelda wanted to stay on longer? Then Purah spoke normally again and handed Zelda a book. “So, if you could just take that one back to my room, that would be great.”
Zelda nodded and said nonchalantly, “No problem.”
As she walked out, Link started to follow, but Purah exclaimed, “Oh, Link! Could you help me carry these?” She grinned, “Please?”
“Um, sure. What is it?” he asked when he didn’t see anything specific that she was asking about.
“Just a sec!” Her eyes darted around and she grabbed a box that already had a few guardian pieces in it which she proceeded to unceremoniously dump in the middle of the floor. She then flitted around the room grabbing random items to throw in the box that she needed ‘help’ carrying.
He wandered over to the second story window to check on the horses outside while he waited to see how- whatever it was that she was up to- played out. He didn’t have to wait long at all as he noticed Zelda, distinctly not in Purah’s room, and still holding onto that book. He immediately knew what it was. Ancient contraband.
She approached her white horse and gave it a scratch as she went to place the book in her saddlebags. As she lifted the flap she hesitated for a moment. He smirked as she went over to his horse instead and buried the book into his saddle bag. Clever, but not clever enough. If she was worried that her father might go as far as to search her things when she returned, then he was not going to take the chance that they wouldn’t do the same to him. He’d have to hide it better later.
“Right! So... this stuff here. Could you please take it downstairs?” Purah requested with another cheesy grin.
He balked a little at everything sticking out of it. She couldn’t at least have made her distraction easy? He gave a little sigh, “No problem.”
That night as Zelda slept by the campfire, Link snuck over to the horses and quietly dug through his saddle bag for the book. She tucked it right at the bottom under the other book he generally kept with him in case he ever had time to kill. He looked back over to her sleeping form and surreptitiously stuck it behind his back just inside the waistband of his trousers, then tightened his belt over it a bit. Sleep would be a bit less comfortable and he’d have to wear his cloak over it even if he got warm tomorrow, but that should do the trick.
When they arrived back home, Link clocked that their approach was noticed with a bit more interest than usual. Zelda may not have been wrong in her suspicions regarding her father; the King was becoming more stressed and paranoid by the day.
They were met at the West gatehouse by a young castle guard who looked nervous. “Many pardons Princess Zelda, but we have instructions to check your cargo.”
She kept her calm and said coldly, “Do as you will.”
Another guard approached to help and she felt her ire rise as they rummaged through her things right next to her. She didn’t bother hiding her withering stare. She wasn’t going to make it easy for them.
Once they were satisfied, the guard bowed. “My apologies, Princess.”
“Indeed.” She then clicked for her horse to continue and went no more than two steps before she heard the guard behind her ask for Link to please remain still for a search as well. Her stomach sank and she twisted around in her saddle before pulling her mount up sideways. Outwardly, she appeared to just be waiting for her Knight Attendant. Link appeared entirely unfazed, and why wouldn’t he? He didn’t know that she’d foolishly set him up to be punished.
Her eyes darted back and forth between the guards, then stared sharply at the one that took out a book. He turned it over and opened it to a random page in the middle before nodding to Link and placing it back in his bag. “Our apologies, Sir Link. Please enjoy the rest of your day.” They crossed an arm across their chest and nodded.
Link came to join her as she continued a few more steps before she stopped awkwardly. Her mind was racing. Did it get lost!? She gave a harried look at Link who returned it with a head tilt of curiosity. Did he find it and throw it out!? She couldn’t act on any of her agonizing questions!
“On second thought,” she called after the guards, “You may take the horses to the stables. Please have my things delivered and report to my father that I will be resting from today’s journey and will not be disturbed.” She dismounted, continuing out of the gatehouse on foot. Link followed suit.
As she went up the steps leading to the courtyard below her quarters, she was afraid to say anything with patrolling guards so near. She finally stomped up the stairs to her room in a frenzied state. That book was important! How was she going to find out about what happened to it without being seriously reprimanded from going against her father’s will?
She practically forgot Link was behind her and before she entered her room, he said in a hushed tone, “The next time you need me to hide something for you,” he pulled the book out from under his tunic behind his back, “it might be better that I’m actually involved.”
She looked down at it and her eyes widened before snapping back up to his smug face. It quickly turned into one of shock as she grabbed him by the front of his tunic and pulled him in. After riding the highest levels of stress, fear of discovery, and relief all in the span of a few minutes, she latched onto him in a tight hug without a second thought. “Thank Hylia, you have it! First I thought I was fine, then I thought I’d- and you would be punished for sure as well, and then I thought it was lost somehow-” she had pulled away at this point, “but how could it be? I hid it at the very bottom.”
Link watched her nervous rambling with a rather judgmental, yet amused expression.  
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
He held his hands up, book still in one, as if to accept defeat to a potential argument that hadn’t even started.
“I didn’t think that they would bother to search you.” She stopped herself as she noticed her old habit of deflecting fault was rearing its ugly head. She had vowed to be better since he saved her life in the desert and right now, that meant an apology was probably due.
She sighed, “I’m sorry, Link. I should have trusted you. I guess I just thought that you wouldn’t approve or... may have stopped me.”
“Have you met you?” he asked rhetorically as he handed the book over.
She copped his joke and pressed her lips together hard so she wouldn’t laugh on principle, but her belly bounced a little  in a silent chortle anyway. Once she regained her composure her brows knitted and she enquired, “But why didn’t you just tell me you knew before we got back? You could have-” her mouth gaped as she gasped in realization. “You were getting back at me for not telling you!?”
“I did think I was owed a tiny bit of payback for being an unknowing accomplice in smuggling your ancient contraband.”
“Well... I...” She became flustered in her defeat.
He hadn’t meant to actually make her feel bad so he smiled. “It’s ok. I’m on your side so just tell me next time you need help.”
He probably thought that was just a nice thing to say but his genuine declaration of support struck right to the base of her core. The oaths that they had taken at the beginning of this colossal mess had meant nothing to her back then, but through the eventual development of their friendship, she discovered that those ties now carried weight; and though she still felt useless for the coming trial, she respected their bond more than ever. And he did too. Urbosa and Impa were the only other people whom she felt truly knew her. Now she had another, and she felt blessed that he was always by her side.
Blinking away her hard stare at his words, she came back to herself and said, “Alright then. Since you’re now in on this, you can be my mule.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m Purah’s best translator so I’ll need you to feed any potential discoveries to Impa. If she’s away you can take them to Robbie. He’ll still be here for a while yet working on the Guardians.”
She continued nattering on, the way she did when she seemed to speak more to herself than to another person, while she sat down with the book at her desk and started to flip through the pages. “I’ll be starting right away. I’ve actually been dying to dive in. Did you want to stay until I get something ready or do you have things you need to do?”
When she looked back at him he had an unspoken expectation on his face which she proceeded to misread. “It’s quite alright if you have things to take care of, I’m sure I’ll be a while yet before I have- oh! You mean,” she smiled sheepishly and then cleared her throat. “Sorry. Sir Link, do you consent?”
The way she asked had him closing his eyes and shaking his head in amusement.
“No- I mean, yes, Princess, you have my consent.” He bowed eloquently. “I’ll return later when you might have something for me.”
“Thank you.”  
He opened the door to leave and she added, “And thank you for...”
He stopped and looked back.
“For being on my side,” she finished.
He nodded and went.
She sat for a few moments looking at where he’d just been, a tingle running through all of her limbs in a wave, causing goosebumps.
There had been a few things of interest that she sent to Purah via Link’s underground network. Thankfully, she had kept many detailed notes about how to translate ancient Sheikah text. She always was a good note taker. Her very own research journal was an invaluable resource that she had justifiably not been made to give up. Her father must have either thought she couldn’t do much with it or didn’t want to go to such an extent to violate her personal belongings after he took the only thing that was bringing her any joy.
She was out at her study tower again, working on it at a time she was not likely to be disturbed- but even if she were, Link was on duty outside. She came across a passage on underground structures and thought she was finally on track to learning where the pillars were. If only they could be located, the research team would supposedly be able to harness many more Guardians, not just the ones that had been dug up. These ones were properly stored and ready for when the Calamity struck.
With her potential conclusion on the material of the passage being under such a bias, she kept getting stuck. The page wasn’t making sense as it stated the pillars were all over Hyrule; but she knew them to be under the castle.
She read on about something pertaining to activation of the network, or that everything was connected, or... something. Her eyes were getting tired and she felt a brain melt coming on. If only she had more points of reference. She pined after the Slate. In its absence, all she had left was the library and she couldn’t risk going there without being watched. She started to lean back in her chair and zone out at her wall in abject defeat when she noticed a doodle. It was a less detailed, but accurate copy of the tapestry in Impa’s office.
Just as she began to think she wouldn’t glean anything from a picture she’d looked at a thousand times, she noticed the pillars framing the castle. There were also a few of the same at the bottom, and one in each quadrant... all around Hyrule. But the others wouldn’t be the pillars. They look like towers.
She sat up straight and began to re-read the translation. If she thought of them as towers, and there was some sort of connection between them- but where were they? She’d practically been all over the kingdom and had never seen such a structure. Perhaps buried, like the pillars!
With newly invigorated passion, she stood and stretched, then crossed the small circular room to the door. Opening it part way, she saw Link standing at ease and then turning to regard her.
“Sir Link? I believe I am in dire need of a hot chocolate in order to continue performing at the best of my abilities. Could you please send for one?”
He smiled knowingly and dipped his head in kind before leaving to find an attendant or a less strictly positioned guard to pass on the request.
“Oh, and please get one for yourself! If you want to,” she added.
He waved behind him to acknowledge he’d heard.
She closed the door and looked over at the materials on her desk and the drawing of the tapestry. She felt there was something potentially big here. If so, she wanted so badly to find a way to tell Impa or Purah herself. She thought of the devotions she had looming in a few hours time. They were now most of her days and she felt more like a helpless failure than ever before. She couldn’t bear the thought of never being able to share in discoveries again. She would wait until she could see them somehow. At least then she would have some joy.
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
Misery Loves Company part 1
Chapter Twenty-Four [part two]
The One Where Mr. Poe Finally Sees the Truth
“Sir, do you think it’s possible if we can take one snake with us? The Incredibly Deadly Viper? My sister is very close friends with him. You’d be making an orphaned infant very happy.” Klaus asked as sweetly as he could. 
“First off, no. That guy Poe said all the snakes belong to us, now. Secondly, if you think I’m going to let small children near the Incredibly Deadly Viper, think again.” Bruce replied rather rudely.
“But Ink is harmless. His name is a misnomer.” Klaus said.
“A what?” 
“It means a very wrong name. Our Uncle Monty discovered it, so he got to name it.” Klaus explained.
“But the guy was supposed to be brilliant. Giving a snake the wrong name doesn’t sound brilliant to me. It sounds idiotic. But what can you expect from a man whose name is Montgomery Montgomery?”
“It’s not nice to lampoon someone’s name like that,” Klaus said annoyed as Sunny looked like she was about to cry. 
“I don’t have time to ask you what ‘lampoon’ means, but if the baby here wants to wave bye-bye to the Incredibly Deadly Viper, she’d better do it soon. It’s already outside.” Bruce said.
Sunny squirmed frantically until her brother put her on the ground, and she crawled as fast as she could. But Klaus wasn’t through talking to Bruce. “Our Uncle Monty was brilliant! He was also kind and caring, and we will always remember him as such.” Klaus said firmly.
“Brilliant!” Sunny shouted, in mid-crawl, Klaus smiled down at her, surprised she had uttered such a large word. 
“It’s nice you feel that way, kid,” Bruce said as he lit a cigarette. “Good luck wherever they place you.” 
Klaus followed his sister and he wasn’t surprised to see what she was doing. She was frantically using her teeth to lockpick the lock that was attached to Ink’s cage. “Kaerbliaj,” Sunny whispered to her brother, which meant, “I’m breaking Ink out. We might not be able to keep him, but he deserves to be free.” Klaus sighed and smiled at Sunny. 
Klaus kept watch for Sunny and ushered her to hurry. In a matter of a minute, the lock broke and she looked at Ink. “Libertas!” she said to Ink, which meant, “Freedom!” Ink looked at her and then at Klaus, he softly hissed. The Baudelaires didn’t know any better but it looked like he was sad but grateful. He slithered around Sunny one last time and hugged her as tightly as he could without suffocating her. He licked her cheek and hissed softly. Sunny gently bit Ink back and hugged him as tight as she could. Klaus looked like he was about to cry. Ink then wrapped himself around the elder Baudelaire child and hugged him, licking his cheek and giving Klaus a soft hiss. Klaus wiped a tear from his eye. “We’ll miss you. Thank you.” Klaus said to the snake as he lifted his sister in his arms. 
“Bye-bye,” Sunny whispered as the snake began to slither away. Ink knew he had to go before Bruce discovered what the Baudelaires would have done. As he slithered away, he looked back at both Baudelaires. He saw Klaus trying his best to hold back tears as Sunny cried. Both children waved to the snake and Sunny blew kisses. Eventually, the snake disappeared into the maze.
Sunny began to bawl loudly as Klaus began to walk back to the front of Monty’s house. “Shhh, Sunny. You did a good thing,” Klaus said, “And who knows...maybe we’ll see him again.”
“Cogitas?” Sunny asked hopefully which meant, “You think?”
Klaus nodded. “Maybe our luck will change…” he said.
“Let’s go Baudelaires. Grab your things. I’ve called a taxi and we’re going to your next guardian.” Mr. Poe said.
“NO!” both Baudelaires yelled. 
“We know where we’re going,” Klaus said angrily.
“I know where you’re going, too. And I’m the adult so I get to decide. You’re going to your Aunt Josephine.”
“Really?” Klaus asked.
“She’s next on the list.” Mr. Poe said as he ushered the kids into the house.
Violet Snicket had been utterly confused since she stepped foot out of that movie. She had more questions than she started with and that’s not even counting the new questions all her snooping through her father’s desk drawer gave her. She did not know much of what her father was currently investigating. All she did know was she needed to get that weird cylinder object and see everything it does. She had a feeling that would be hard. Since her father had left so abruptly, again. She had been snooping the whole apartment desperately looking for the damn thing. Since she hadn’t found it yet, she concluded that he must have it on him. Which irritated her. She thought about looking it over while he was sleeping. If she wanted answers to her questions she may have to do that. 
Violet stared at her father’s investigation board in utter confusion. It looked so disorganized and so cluttered. But she didn’t dare more anything, she knew he’d notice, he noticed the picture that she had taken down, she also knew how important this was to him but she just couldn’t help but wonder why her father was investigating the lives of two children. She knew her father was a lonely man and he was in desperate need of some hobbies, or even a friend, but this just did not make any sense to her whatsoever.
Was her father investigating a fire? If he was, why? She understood that he had odd jobs to keep himself busy...but who would want her father to help investigate a recent fire?
She froze as she thought she heard the door. She and her father were close, that’s why she knew he was hiding something. That trip to the beach wasn’t just so he can see her newest invention. She knew this because he had a random picture of Briny Beach on his investigation board. Which confused her even more. But if he wasn’t going to tell her, she would figure it out herself. That’s what she had decided. That’s why she followed him into the movie theaters. She was going to snoop until she found every answer to every question. She was a little anxious about getting caught. She didn’t usually lie to her father, so trying to figure out clever stories to tell him, was difficult. Sooner or later, her ‘pretending to be working on an invention’ ruse isn’t going to work. She may be Lemony Snicket’s daughter but she definitely didn’t have his way with words, she was an articulate and intelligent young woman but she didn’t have a vocabulary quite like her father’s. She wasn’t able to twist and bend words to make elaborate and exciting stories like he could. She was more of an inventor, she can easily take things apart and put them back together again but differently to create something new. She frowned. Her father knew how to lie to her. It seemed to be so easy for him. If it was so easy, how many lies has he told her throughout her entire life? How much of his life was he hiding? Part of her didn’t want to know. She feared the truth would ruin their bond. Which would devastate her, since he’s all she has.
Violet cautiously watched the doorknob, she felt like it wasn’t a good time to test her luck, so she ran to the living room where she plopped on the floor beside a pile of tools and whatnot. She may not be a good liar, but she knew how to create an alibi, even if it was the same alibi each time. 
Lemony casually walked inside the house with what seemed to look like a beekeepers hat in his hands. She just looked curiously at him.
“Hey Violet, how has your day been?” He asked.
“You know...so-so,” she replied, “You know I’ve missed you. What’s stolen all your attention and time from your only daughter?”
Lemony frowned. He wanted to explain everything to her. He did, but he didn’t know how...he didn’t know if it was a good thing right now. Maybe he could tell her some things here and there.
Violet taking his silence as an answer all on its own, simply stood up. “Did you bring dinner? I’m starved.”
Lemony smiled. “Yes, I brought home your favorite.”
Violet’s face lit up. “Potstickers?”
“Well, I believe they are still your favorite but I could be wrong,”
She rolled her eyes. “From the Chinese place down the road,”
He simply nodded handing her the bag of Chinese food.
“Why don’t you set the table, I’m going to change.”
She laughed. “Thank God, I wasn’t going to say anything but you smell like...black pepper...no, ginger,”
He rolled his eyes smiling. “It’s horseradish,”
“Why do you smell like horseradish?”
“That’s top-secret business. You know when I’m working as a private investigator I can’t give any details about any cases. It’s highly confidential.”
Violet just nodded turning away biting her lip. She slightly shook her head and blinked the tears from her eyes. He was lying to her. About what? She didn’t know. But he was definitely hiding something from her. Every time he lies to her, he only makes her more determined to figure it out, no matter what.
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dustward · 6 years
Episode 12 - Memories (pt.2)
Well, this is it. I really hope there’s a season 2 someday, but there doesn’t *need* to be. Anyways, Phos had been waiting well over a week to get the chance to “talk” with a Lunarian. It went about as well as you’d expect.
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Props to them for having the exact tools necessary to safely catch one without needing to destroy the lot of them. They could always try this tactic out again later, assuming the Lunarians don’t anticipate it or find a way to counter it.
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These things have pupils, eh? It makes them seem a bit less.. heartless, but we can only guess at what this really means. The smaller Lunarians always felt like some sort of hivemind, but they aren’t really. At least, I don’t think they are. Would they care enough for their kin to wish to avenge them? What’s the significance of the larger ones? Are they individuals only when fragmented, sort of like with Shiro? That’s all Phos seems to get for now - more questions.
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Cinnabar’s always watching and looking out for Phos. Phos probably could’ve handled this, but the gesture is appreciated, even if it kinda cut short their plan. “F...” the lone Lunarian said. No idea what it could mean on its own, but it’s a lead.
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I like the parallel here that can be compared with Cinnabar’s imitation of Phos with their own substance from back in episode 3. They really were made for each other, and it only makes more and more sense as time marches on.
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Phos’ promise forever lingers on Cinnabar’s mind. Shouldn’t you have maybe returned that? I guess it stopped mattering once Phos lost their encyclopedia job.
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Such a nice, serious moment completely unraveled by Cinnabar’s kneejerk reaction. Ahhhh, I love these two..
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The series started with a promise. Just when you think Phos would let us down, they’ve come up with a solution. It’s the best way to end the anime, really. Despite all the hell they went through to be put in this position, you could say it was all necessary in the end, in order to hold true to their word.
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It was subtle, yet obvious to us how Cinnabar felt as Phos kept running around, going through all these changes while not having an answer for them. Phos might’ve underestimated, maybe even forgotten the exact wording of what they said, but it’s no shock that Cinnabar repeated those words to themselves time and time again.
It’s not quite what they wanted, but they’re nonetheless happy to see Phos keep their promise.
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Cinnabar’s the only one Phos can trust with this, but that’s not the only reason they asked them. It’s not because they owed it to them to find a new job, either. It’s because Cinnabar’s shown themselves to be incredibly "prudent and clever.” Even if Rutile, Bort, and the others were similarly sharp, I’d wager Phos trust’s Cinnabar’s judgement and advice more than any others’.
Phos might’ve gotten wiser and more mindful themselves, but they know Cinnabar would be the one to spot something they missed. What they’re going through, doubting everything and everyone, that’s also a feeling Cinnabar’s familiar with. It won’t be a fun job, but it’s most definitely something only Cinnabar could do. It’s a cause, a purpose, far more valuable than a night’s watch. They’ll also be able to enjoy that feeling of being valued and of use to Phos. The feeling might be mutual, even, as they certainly aren’t okay with whatever secrets Kongo might be hiding. To have someone they can *maybe* confide in, that has to count for something as well.
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Especially if this endeavor does lead to some answers.
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They say they feel distrust, but is that just a feeling that’s been building up inside them? To say this, is Cinnabar attempting to break through that wall of doubt they’ve surrounded themselves in? I trust Phos, and I hope Cinnabar can come to as well.
What follows is one last sequence that serves to tie things up in a book ends fashion. The end of.. book 1, we’ll frame this as. I’ll lay down some predictions and look forward to seeing how right/wrong I am when I finally tackle the manga.
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Despite Bort being Bort, Zircon seems to be their own harshest critic. They’ll likely surpass and surprise in ways we hadn’t anticipated, now that they have the freedom to do so. Bort’s yet to meet any true hardships, and I wonder when that’ll change.
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We’re given glimpses of many others going about their daily lives. There’s no telling when and which of them will get their time in the spotlight, but just having them all interact brings me joy.
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The winds of change continue to blow. Kongo was always a good caretaker. I can only hope the secrets they’re hiding are only for the others’ own protection, but they have a right to know if they were to ask. The fact you refuse even that may be your greatest mistake, and I hope it doesn’t come with serious consequence. Jade’s just trying to help keep this place afloat, so they shouldn’t get in the way, even if they interact the most with Kongo, and might even be considered the most loyal now.
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I’m so damn happy they replayed that opening scene. I loved it as much the fourth, tenth, twentieth time. Phos is no longer laying in the grass, letting the days pass them by. Each day is important, and each day has purpose. Their changes aren’t finished, and seeing how far removed they already are from their old self.. it leaves a bittersweet feeling, you know?
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We all gotta grow up and mature sooner or later, but it’s important to remember what we had. To lose that would be to lose ourselves. You did indeed live a spoiled life, Phos, but you turned out alright in the end. If you can forgive your former self for their decisions, maybe you can better face the ones you’ll soon have to make.
When I first saw that Phos was gonna go through a transformation I was interested. After seeing it unfold I was ever so grateful I gave the series a chance. I’ve got a weak spot for characters like this - characters that have to undergo such a drastic, yet believable change. Phos will probably be my favorite of this type from this day forward, and I couldn’t think of a better way to honor them.
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The colors, the sounds, the music, the characters, the setting, the themes, the story. I loved all of it. I likely always will. After this rewatch, Land of the Lustrous has probably become my favorite anime of all time.
It’s unlikely the manga will change my view on the anime itself, but it makes me wonder if that love will deepen more. With the tone of the story, how much more will it hurt? Will the ending be satisfying? Those are all questions for another day.
I don’t know if anyone’s ever gonna read all these personal thoughts I’ve had on the series, and frankly I don’t care. I’m just glad I took the time to take such a closer look at it. If anyone has bothered to read these.. thank you for listening.
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rhetoricalrogue · 7 years
Inktober for Writers - 13. Foolish
Prompt list here .  Arthur Trevelyan appears, courtesy of @grandduchessdechalons.  Even at 25, he was firmly on his way to being the Tired Mage Dad that we know and love.  And even at 11 years old, Vincent was still trying to stick up for the little guy.  Brief mention of @alittlestarling‘s tiny!Roz.
Warning for implied disciplinary corporal punishment.
9:20 Dragon
Vincent hiccoughed as he tried to stifle the sound of his crying.  The stone on his bare belly was blessedly cool as he hid in a corner of the apprentice dormitory, trying to make himself as small as possible.  He was lying flat on his stomach, his back feeling as if it were on fire.  Vincent’s shirt was still on the bed, but he hadn’t tried to put it on just yet, seeing as any move he made aggravated his back even more.
“I know you’re in here.”  Vincent stiffened at the sound of his tutor’s voice. Arthur Trevelyan was a distant relative of his; Arthur had told him where they fell on the family tree one time, but he hadn’t really remembered aside from the fact that they were some sort of cousins.  It was enough of a relation to latch onto, Vincent trying his best to learn everything Arthur had to teach him as well as he possibly could.  “I was told not to heal you with magic so you would learn your lesson better.”
Vincent’s fingers scrabbled against the stone floor as he felt the first cold pass of a wet cloth against his back.  “I understand.”
The cloth paused as Arthur sighed.  “I don’t think you do.  This wasn’t your lesson to learn, Vincent.”
Vincent winced.  “Doesn’t matter, it was worth it.”
He didn’t have to crane his neck to know that Arthur was pinching the bridge of his nose, his tone of voice gave his movements away.  “It was foolish of you to do it, Vincent.  You should have let Colin take the blame; the stray fireball was his doing, not yours.”  
Vincent and several other classmates had been practicing their fire magic.  Vincent had always liked fire: it filled him with a comforting warmth and flowed through him easily.  He’d often gotten praise for how easily it seemed as if he was mastering his skills, but that day, Colin had fired off a ball of flame by accident that had hit a shelf of books in the study they had been practicing in.  Several important books had been scorched, though thankfully not beyond repair.  One of the senior enchanters had been furious at them and had demanded to know who had done the damage.
Colin was a frail boy who had very little control over any of his magic.  The senior enchanter had insisted on beating the student who had done it with a willow switch.  Vincent had seen the look of terror on Colin’s face and had stepped up to claim responsibility without a second thought.
Vincent had never been beaten before.  He’d heard stories from other older mages on how it hurt, but he hadn’t been prepared for the stinging blows that sucked the air from his lungs to the point where he wasn’t even able to cry out from the pain.  After, when the enchanter had finished, Vincent had kept from crying by staring at his friend Roz.  The other children in their age group had been gathered to witness his punishment, Vincent serving as an example of what would happen to them if they happened to get out of line.  He’d watched as fat, silent tears had streaked down her cheeks, and even though he felt like collapsing on shaky legs, he had smiled at her, assuring her without having to say a thing that he was okay.  He could tell that she had wanted to comfort him, her hands tightly clutching her robes until her knuckles turned white.  He’d been ushered into the dormitory by a Templar soon after, who had shoved him inside and doled out another punishment that the enchanter hadn’t approved: Vincent was to stay in the room until morning, his dinner taken away.
Vincent shuddered as Arthur applied a thick coating of healing paste to the lash marks the switch had made across his skin, the pain dulling to a low throb.  “I couldn’t let Colin get beaten; he’s been sick lately.  He wouldn’t have been able to take the ten hits.”
Arthur sighed again.  “You told the senior enchanter that this was an accident.  You’re a talented boy, and a clever one.  You have the potential to become a highly talented mage, but your soft heart is going to get you in trouble one of these days.  It doesn’t matter if Colin wouldn’t have been able to take all ten strikes or not.”  Arthur’s fingers were gentle yet firm on Vincent’s chin and he tilted his head up so he could look him in the eye.  “There are only so many accidents one mage can have before it’s determined that they’re better off Tranquil.”
His fingers tightened on his chin.  “No.  There are no causes worth becoming Tranquil for, especially when the circumstances aren’t of your own making.  This is a lesson you need to learn, sooner rather than later.”
Vincent opened his mouth to speak, but Arthur beat him to it.  “Colin is learning a lesson as well.  Five lashes for allowing someone to take the blame for something clearly not their fault.  The only reason you received ten was so you’d know not to claim responsibility the next time something like this happens.”  Arthur began tending Vincent’s back again, hands gentle as he finished.  “Your choices don’t affect just you, Vincent.  Remember that.”
Vincent’s lip quivered, upset that he hadn’t been able to protect Colin.  “I will.”
Arthur looked tired, and Vincent had to wonder if it was just from the sleepless nights that his tutor spent learning everything he needed to know in order to rise the ranks of Circle hierarchy or if it was because of that afternoon’s events.  He looked over his shoulder to see if a Templar hadn’t stepped inside the doorway. Up until then, the two of them had been alone.  “I know that you’ve been sent up here without your supper, but it’s a very long time to go without something to eat between now and breakfast.”  Arthur slipped his hand inside the pouch at his belt and pulled out a small wrapped cloth holding a few crackers and thinly sliced coins of cured sausage.  “My personal study stash,” he explained.  “Hide them where no one will find it and it should tide you over until morning.”
“Thank you.”
Arthur smiled at him.  “I wasn’t lying when I said that you have the potential to be someone great.  While we may not have the power to change things around us now, but…”
He shook his head.  “That’s a lesson for another day, when you’re older.”  He looked at the cloth of food in Vincent’s hands.  “Now, hide those well and get some rest.  The lashes concentrated on your left side; try sleeping on your right side instead of just your stomach.  Believe me, your back will thank you.”
Vincent carefully got to his feet and gingerly put his shirt on.  Tucking the food under his mattress, he wondered if Arthur was speaking from personal experience or not.  “Thank you, Arthur,” he said again.
Arthur nodded.  “I’m off to see to Colin.  Remember what I said, Vincent.”
“I will.”
He smiled at him again. “Everything will be fine.”
Vincent winced again as he stretched, the paste Arthur had applied already getting stiff under his shirt.  The pain had dulled down to a bearable level and seeing as he didn’t have anything else to do, Vincent got into bed and curled up on his right side.  Just as Arthur had said, it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as resting on his stomach had been.
He got to thinking.  Colin was weak in fire, but Vincent was more talented.  Maybe he could suggest to Arthur to pair the two of them up for a while so Vincent could help teach him what he knew.
If there wasn’t a way that he could step in and take the blame for future accidents, then there had to be a way that he could prevent them from happening in the first place.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Amnesia CH. 19
After crying out all the tears I had been holding in for quite some time, Dinah and I did our little meet and greet with the fans so we could sign their albums. My spirit was still well under the weather but it was lifted enough so I could mutter more ‘hellos’ and 'I love your shirt’.
Management knew what they were doing when they paired us off. It would mean a lot more fans would come out and boost album sales. All a plus for our careers within the group, but a headache because I’m sure more promotional opportunities would come up. It would deprive all of us of much-needed sleep.
“See ya later Mila! I’ve got to go meet up with Normani. Gotta give everyone a taste of Norminah!  They can never get enough of us. Or Camren for that matter!”
Dinah’s blonde head disappeared into the SUV that was carting her around. I chuckled to myself softly. Though I didn’t think the next pairing was ideal with the way Lauren and I were right now, Dinah was right. Norminah and Camren were part of the most wanted ships in the fandom.
Which was where I was headed now.
Lauren and I were set to meet up in about 20 minutes or so depending on traffic. Our location was to be Walt Disney’s Concert Hall. Our clue would be to sing little parts from Disney songs. It was pretty clever actually and it was going to be fun.
Thinking of the concert hall was reminding me of our little Disney movie nights we used to have weekly. We made sure to make time for those even through all the dance rehearsals and the studio time.
I sighed looking out the window, seeing that the hall was within range. We had gotten here a lot sooner than expected. With time to spare, I let myself wander into the past.
“I don’t know why you’re crying so hard, Camila. You know you guys will get back together in a week. You guys always find a way to resolve your differences. Lauren loves you and you love her too.” The last person I expected to console me was Normani. She was the one who tended to side with Lauren and put the blame on me.
The blame was mine, of course. I was always the one to break Lauren’s heart and end things with her, but this time it was different. This time, I had told Lauren I didn’t love her and that she meant nothing to me.
I didn’t mean a single word. The words came tumbling out because I was afraid. I was afraid Lucy was going to take away Lauren from me, but I was petrified more at the thought of our parents finding out and forbidding the love between us. I was terrified at the thought of losing Lauren because of old ideas. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. I could lose Lauren to Lucy or I could lose her because of family. And then there was management…what if they didn’t allow it to happen?
There was too much at stake and with fear paralyzing my body, I broke Lauren and me in two with my vicious words.
“I can’t go back this time Normani. As much as I would want to, I don’t think she would want me back nor do I want to jeopardize anything for her by trying to win her back.”
Normani’s face was perplexed, trying to figure out what I meant. “What do you mean jeopardize–”
“It’s nothing. Just drop it.” I left the safety of our tour bus, leaving a confused Normani behind.
Pulling out my phone, I called the one person I knew would be able to help me hide who I really was.
“Are you busy?” I asked into the receiver. Dropping my head down, I fought the urge to cry. I kept telling myself over and over in my head, that this would be the right thing to do. I was going to make sure I never hurt her again and that I didn’t ruin her life or mine. This was the right thing.
“No, I just finished up hanging out with some friends. Are you okay?”
I bit my lip, regretting the words I was going to say.
“I’m fine. I just…” Running my fingers through my hair, I said the words I would regret for as long as I lived. “If you still want to take me out on a date, I’m free Saturday night. We’ll be in Miami till the next day.”
“I’ll pick you up after the concert. Is that okay with you?”
“That sounds great Jess." 
Summertime Sadness played from my phone. It was Lauren’s ringtone. I didn’t have the heart to change it. Lauren had purposely stolen my phone to set it as her ringtone and then called it to make sure it played the song. She had the cutest smile on her face when she had been doing it.
I swiped left to answer the phone. "Hello?”
“Hey. Are you here?” Her voice was soft and low. It reminded me of how she sounded right after waking up.
“Yeah. I’m here. Do you want to do the video in your car or mine?” I asked her.
“We could just do it outside. I’m kind of tired of being in the car.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you outside.” I hung up before she could say another word. Funny how this had been the longest conversation we had in more than a week. Need I remind myself, only due to it being work related. 
The chant from earlier was on repeat in my head.
Just friends.
Just friends.
Whatever my body or my heart wanted was out of the question. I had to respect what Lauren asked of me.  
Getting out of the car was supposed to be easy and a piece a cake right? But I always found a way to make simple things more difficult for myself.
Seeing Lauren always made my heart beat loud and ring in my ears. The blood in my ears would pulse along with my heart and it made me feel like it had been replaced with a bass drum. The mallet hit with such precision inside of me.
The clothes she wore was a plus and she wasn’t hard on the eyes either, but it wasn’t the physical that made me lose my mind or fall for her. It was the way she thought and the way she was so fierce and protected everyone near and dear to her. It was the way she would care about you even if she was hurting deep down inside. It was the way she would light up when she talked about something important to her. 
The moment my eyes locked onto Lauren’s, my body forgot how to function while getting out of the car. I fell face first into the concrete. Pain shot through my abdomen–the area which was still healing from the bruises I received through my previous klutz moment–when it met the pavement.
I groaned through the pain, turning over so it would stop hurting as much. My ears picked up laughter, very familiar laughter coming from behind my head. I turned my head to find Lauren hunched over, holding her stomach as she laughed. 
Everyone pegged her as the one who wouldn’t laugh at me falling. In all the fan fiction books I had read over the years, Lauren was the one to be super concerned with my falls, but in reality she was an ass who laughed and then asked if I was okay after she had laughed till she was crying.
“I don’t know why everyone thinks you’re such a sweetheart when you’re really just an ass to me.” I muttered.
“I heard that.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I turned my head away from her.
“Ms. Cabello. Are you alright?” Kyle–I finally learned the name of the driver–came around the car.
“I’m quite alright. Just catching my breath. I’ll get up in a second.” He nodded and waited next to the car for me to get up.
“You know, if I had a dollar for every time you fell, I would be a millionaire by now.” Lauren stood in front of me, holding her hand out for me to grab. She had her signature smirk on her face.
“Oh so now you want to show how nice you are by offering your hand?” I pushed myself off the ground with my elbows, ignoring her stretched out hand.
“Don’t be so stubborn Camz.”
I rolled my eyes and grabbed onto her hand. She pulled me up gently, my body meeting hers when I was up right again. I put my hands on her hips to stabilize my balance, remembering the last time I had the privilege of being this close to her was just a couple of weeks ago; seemed like a lifetime had passed. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach when I caught her stare, the one that everyone said was only for me; the one that made me forget who I was and what my name was. It was the look that had been captured so many times in those damn Camren videos on YouTube. The ones I had spent months watching in a never ending loop after we broke up for good.
“Tha-thanks.” I stuttered, dropping my hands from her waist before someone caught us in this position. “We should probably do the video now.” I dropped my head, hiding my face so she wouldn’t see all the emotions running through my head right now and moving away from her so I could have some space.
Everything was conflicting.
“We need to be close for it. It won’t work if you’re all the way over there.” There wasn’t much distance between us, just a couple of feet apart. “Come here.”
My feet carried me to her. I left a gap between us, but Lauren found a way to squeeze me into her. I took a deep breath which ended up being a big mistake. I inhaled her scent which permeated my whole body. It created this frenzy, the familiar frenzy that I knew so well. This frenzy was unlike anything I had known.
It was crazy that just as I was going to comply to Lauren’s terms, my body wanted to remind me of what it was like to feel this for the gorgeous girl beside me. My heart wasn’t very behind on doing the same. As much as it would be the easy way to take, I had to leave my heart out of this and think with my head this time.
“Yeah.” My voice cracked when I spoke.
“Hey guys. We’re at a new location which we can’t wait for you to figure out. We’ll be giving you a couple of hints through song.”
Lauren went on to sing a few lines from Go The Distance from Hercules. Once she was done, I sang a tidbit from A Whole New World from Aladdin. To end it, we sang Hakuna Matata from The Lion King. Lauren had chosen the last one of course.
“We can’t wait to see you here!” I blew a kiss at the end before we cut off the video.
Now that it was over, I separated myself from Lauren so I would have room to breathe in air that was not infused with her scent. Try as I might, I wouldn’t be able to erase the scent of sandalwood from my nostrils. It would linger through the night.
“Hey…about earlier–I wanted to say I’m sorry for staring. I know it could be a mix signal for you since I just told you I wanted to be friends and then I go and look at you like that. I didn’t mean to. I guess by saying all of this, I just wanted to make sure that we’re still friends and that you’re okay with that.” Lauren rambling was the cutest thing ever. I would have enjoyed it more if it wasn’t for the topic of conversation. “Are you okay with just being friends?”
“Yes.” I said quickly so there wouldn’t be any hesitation. “Definitely.” Okay, now I was sounding retarded. I had to fix this. “No hard feelings. Maybe we just weren’t meant to be. I understand.” Talk about putting your foot in your mouth and then shoving it out where the sun don’t shine. I was just making it worse with everything I said. “Friends.”
I stuck my hand out for a handshake. It was the only friendly thing I could do that wouldn’t require me to get closer to her or make her feel like I was lying; though I was by saying I was okay with it.
Friends, forever friends.
A little filler chapter just to add some more local color before I take it back to the drama. 
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
The plot was actually furthered! And a new character joins the party.
I missed a few sessions, not sure how many. Time isnt real.
anyway. a week or so ago, maybe two? The dm for the evening was running 90lbs FineCoal, though nobody knows I call it that.
a few things happened since I was there for this campaign.
- the new guy in the group (who I met during Bassun on the Sea) is playing a gnome pyrotechnic in this game
- the gang/faction we are most at odds with blew up a children’s hospital in what I assume was retaliation for liberating their sweatshop and stealing the rights to the land it was on but I’m not sure.
-new things were added to our base of operations but none of those were new bedrooms or a kitchen upgrade so its still cramped and weird like theres like 6-9 people living there but only 2 bedrooms? I assume this is what my character was doing while I was gone. 
this session, as we went into town to restock things and sell stuff we noticed a new faction running around putting up fliers and standing on corners looking official while giving an announcement.
“By the decree of the Templars in one week all citizens will be reporting for a mandatory community meeting. We will be patrolling the streets until then to be certain that everyone attends and that no trouble is caused. Nonattendance is punishable by law.”
we did some investigating on who these people are and found out that they’re pretty basically the military police? they are I think supposed to answer only to the highest authorities but its possible they may not be in full cooperation but maybe thats just me thinking too far ahead. They may also have, or at least at one time had, some kind of agreement with the gang the party is against the most. Rumors say they are probably the reason magic no longer exists in the walled up nation.
time passes and we head to the meeting, the gnome is dressed up and disguised to look more like a child in hopes he’d be able to sneak around and investigate further. Hugo supplies him with some booze, coal, and sawdust/wood scrap to assist in any explodey shenanigans he might need to get up to.
He is however captured, somehow they know right away that he was in disguise. Based on how the dm described the encounter its not clear  if its because of the rolls the gnome and healer made to craft the disguise OR if they had some other means, perhaps some magical means, to see through the disguise. 
they load him up in an armored wagon to pick up other stragglers to the meeting and he gets a view of just how numerous and well armed the templars are. the gnome, wanting to stall some of them from being at the meeting or maybe bringing them to a trap says that he knows of a factory where the children are still working and are being withheld from the meeting.  The templars say theres no time but would like to go there later and arrest the factory workers or something so he did the only reasonable thing and set the wagon on fire from the inside, eventually the wagon stopped and the doors were opened and he weaseled away to rejoin the party at the meeting.
mean while the oh so important address the templars wanted to give was a strange one.
-several books are now banned possession and reading of these books is punishable to the full extent of the law. some of these books were: the complete writing of alexander graham bell, the notes and diaries of nikola tesla, the legions, the crystal eye, history books from this year to this year, historical writings from these authors,  
-all crystals, precious, and semi precious gems are now outlawed, ownership and use of any is punishable to the full extent of the law
-immediate search and seizure would begin, no back aly, mine, sewer, or forest would go unchecked
this was an odd because most of the citizens and even the players themselves are unable to read in the first place and are much too poor to own any crystals or gems.
never the less how dare they and Hugo threw a bottle at the speaker. the gnome caught the tail end of this and he, the healer, and the healers sibling set to starting a riot. claiming that these new regulations were going to raise taxes and the seizure of the gems was literal out right theft from people too poor to probably have any of worth anyway, it would disrupt businesses and the searching would be more like ransacking and vandalism. 
hugo, the one handed girl, jamie, and the gnome then head off to the library once the riot seems to be getting going and the templars were all distracted. the healer- wearing a stolen high ranking gang uniform meets up with some lower ranking members if that gang  and convinces them that increased templar activity would mean without a doubt a crack down on their criminal activity. Sooner or later whatever hold the street gangs have over the people would no longer suit the forces that allowed them to gain so much power. these people spread that word. the people are in a full on frenzy now. 
Its also worth noting that a particular new npc was pointed out to us more than once during all of this: a very burly bald and beardless man well over seven feet tall but has otherwise only human features.
the group at the library find several books to steal but not quite enough and certainly not all the right ones. with further searching a secret door doubling as a book self hiding a spiral stair case is found and the one handed girl- being the one who can read the best of the lot is sent down to investigate. the rest stay upstairs waiting to hear her scream for help and to defend their position. the one handed girl finds several more books that the templars had listed as illegal but ALSO one that had a solid black binding and hundreds of blank black pages. upon picking it up she feels a powerful connection to it.
several templars enter the library and a fight begins, but it is quickly ended by the new oddly specific but unnamed npc. the group escapes, calling bruce the cabby to gather the party, drop three of members, healer, healers sibling and gnome head to the ruins hospital to loot. since there would be no one around to stop them what with the mayhem and murder happening. on the way the healers sibling witnesses and exchange between a templar and a higher ranking gang member, an exchange that suggested if the the two factions had any sort of agreement it was probably over/off the table now... but another interpretation could be: shut mouth don’t talk about that where someone could hear/see you. we don’t know yet. 
heres where I got confused because the prty split up, at some point during the looting the healer found a strage door that the bombing had uncovered? or made easier to access because it wasnt hidden anymore? with the gnomes help they enter leaving the sibling to continue to loot. there was a long tunnel? and then a strange chamber with strange device that when described was probably a tesla coil. There was also an unusually large person guarding the room about 8 feet tall and very burly. there was also a book in there. I’m pretty sure he was guarding the book, which I assume was the writings of tesla based on context. they gnome and healer question the guardian trying to figure out what he was and why he was there. for some reason a fight begins? the tesla coil is part of some kind of trap system that does some clever stuff but I didn’t catch it. the two kill him and loot his body we didn’t get a description of his face i’m pretty sure it was too messed up from the fight? or maybe I just missed it, but I cant help but wonder if he too was bald and beardless? 
when the group that headed to the cabin arrived, the one handed girl had begun investigating the books and discovered a note: unfortunately the note was a prop and the only one who could actually read all of the dms handwriting was me but HUGO cant read for shit, I’m not even sure he knew what books were until that day. but I don’t think the bits I picked out that others couldnt read were that important. 
what it amounted to seemed to be that, something happened and it might happen again and they- the templars we assume -could not let that happen. I’m pretty sure I read a bit that said like- ‘we cannot allow ‘them’ to rise again,” but I wont know if that particular bit is important until the rest of the books are examined but even if it is I think think the group will be fine.
there was also a very old bank note worth over 200 coppers but probably needs to be appraised, at least to figure out how old those books are/how long they were in that secret room? idk but I’m sure theres something important there... surely its not just because the dm is concerned the party will starve to death in winter and thought to give us extra money to survive with.
the three who went to the hospital got back to the cabin, I’m pretty sure they stole a wagon.
the plan is, to examine the books a bit, then wrap them in leather and seal the leather in wax to bury them where we will be building something, then also having some decoy holes dug/filled in? and if a templar is like wtf is all this- we explain that were in the middle of construction or something and thats where we’re building stuff? 
but I sort of suspect that have some magical or supernatural means of detecting things? so it might not matter... but if winters coming we probably need to have some weapons and defenses anyway because hungry wildlife is an issue we’ve been told.
the only book not getting buried is the black one- that is staying with the one handed girl. to what end? I’m sure we’ll find out.
Hugo is down to 44lbs FineCoal- the cabby requested payment in furs and meat instead of coal and copper this time around. 
the ruffian, the noble, and the nobles guard were not present again, I’m pretty sure they just don’t like showing up to these campaigns with the weird rules. 
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amelia-friend · 8 years
Birthday Surprises
(And other things HG Wells was hoping wouldn’t happen on his birthday.) (Lenore may not have gotten the message.)
A surprise birthday present of my own for the wonderful @elphaba-in-the-tardis​!!! Happy Birthday!!
Also on AO3
It’s light when he wakes up, sunlight streaming through the window, the curtains having been opened as if by some unseen spirit.
(It was probably Lenore.)
(She’s the only one who would venture into his room while he was still asleep.)
 It’s a strange morning, and there are three reasons for it.
It’s late. The sun is high in the sky. He’s … slept in.
He never sleeps in.
There’s usually a certain someone (a certain wedding dress wearing, fashion loving, needs less sleep than him someone) bustling around his room, talking to herself, opening his curtains, and generally not letting herself be ignored.
(Like anyone could ignore her.)
He’s alone. He can’t remember the last time he woke up in an empty bedroom.
(He can. It was in the early days of his ghost-hood. Before him and her and this. He doesn’t miss those days very much.)
As in point one, there’s usually a certain someone (a very special certain someone) making herself known, long before this point in the morning.
This wasn’t an ordinary day.
In the grand scheme of the universe, of the world, of the country it was; September 21 was no different from September 20 or September 22 or March 21.
But today was his birthday.
 And that made the disappearance of a certain party-planning-loving ghost lady a little bit more terrifying.
 He hasn’t mentioned it to her (he thinks) and there’s no other way she could have found out (he hopes) but it’s nerve-wracking, none the less.
It’s not that he hates his birthday; far from it – as a child he loved the day – and nothing traumatic ever happened to distance him from the day. He just … doesn’t like the fuss.
Breakfast had never been an important part of HG’s day. He ate it, sure – but he ate it so he wouldn’t be interrupted during his morning inventing session by a constant need to eat.
His usual morning meal was simple – toast with jam, a glass of juice as well, possibly a bowl of porridge (or oatmeal as the Americans called it) if it was a particularly cold day – quick and easy and ready to go for a day of strenuous brain exercising (as Lenore once put it).
 Any hope he may have retained of Lenore not knowing, or otherwise forgetting, about his birthday was shattered as he wandered down the hallway towards the kitchen – a very … specific set of smells emanating from the small room.
He walks through the door at the exact moment she finishes plating her creation, “Perfect timing as always,” she remarks, with a smile, but she doesn’t say anything beyond that, and he isn’t going to push it – simply nodding in agreement.
 The plate is nearly overflowing – bacon and sausage and egg and tomatoes and mushrooms and baked beans and buttered toast and what he thinks is an attempt at black pudding. It’s a full English breakfast.
She’s cooked him a (very large, overly large, he doesn’t know how he’s going to eat it all and he doesn’t want to insult her by not finishing it large) English breakfast.
The meal is completed by the large cup (read: bucket) of tea that she places in front of him – prepared just the way he likes it. He takes a sip and it’s still warm. It makes a nice change (usually by the time he remembers he’s made himself tea, it’s long since gone cold. He still drinks it though.)
 There’s silence for a moment, while HG eats, and Lenore pretends she’s not stealing food from his food, and he pretends that it bothers him. And she’s obviously not going to bring it up, and – of the two of them – they both know who breaks first every single time.
 So it’s no surprise when HG asks, “How did you know it was my birthday?”
“Last time we visited the future there was this wonderful little book called The Biography of HG Wells. Some great little facts just waiting to be discovered within.” She didn’t even have to think about it, the answer already on the tip of her tongue. “Also you told me, remember.” She added at the end.
“No, I didn’t.” He’s pretty sure he would remember that.
“Yeah. You did. Just after you … came back.”
“But that was almost seven months ago.” He tried to keep the incredulity out of his voice. He didn’t succeed.
“What? Did you think I’d forget? I’m hurt, HG. Incredibly hurt.” She turned away for a moment, rummaging through a cupboard he couldn’t quite see into. When she turned back, she had a small paper bag in her hand – having obviously been hidden within the cupboard. “Here,” she offered.
When he didn’t move to take it, she placed it down in front of him. “It’s a present. It’s not going to hurt you.”
 Opening the bag carefully, he can’t quite hide his shock at what’s inside. “… Thank you?” he offered, unsure of the correct response, and still unsure of what this creation was.
What it was – was a short metal cylinder with a collection of decorative cut outs around the side. There was a hole in the top, and inside there was a small indent, within which sat a single lone tea light.
It wasn’t exactly something he’d seen before.
 “It a tea warmer,” she explained, retrieving a match from … somewhere, and lighting the candle, before placing his mug of tea atop it. “It should stop you from drinking cold tea, all the time.”
Looking at it again, it looked rather clever this time, and he had no qualms about telling her so.
“It’s really not,” she insisted, “Fire plus metal equals hot metal, which equals hot tea, which equals no sad HG.” She thought for a moment, “Well, no sad HG about his cold tea, anyway.” She amended.
 She handed him another small bag, this one simply filled with tea lights – at least a hundred, probably more. Enough to last him (and his hot tea) a long time.
“I originally got you these scented tea lights. They were all different colours and smelled like flowers. But Annabel said they might mess with the tea, so I kept those and you got the boring ones.” She explained, and now he thought about it, there had been scented tea light popping up in her room at the strangest of moments. He’d just put it down as a ‘Lenore Thing’ and hadn’t thought much more about it.
 Turns out the – speak their name and summon them – isn’t just a demon thing. It’s an Annabel thing as well, for no sooner did Lenore mention her best friend by name, then did said best friend walk through the doors of the kitchen, Edgar following along just half a step behind.
“Happy Birthday HG,” she greeted him with her ever-present smile on her face, a present in her hands. HG couldn’t hide his look at Lenore, and she just shrugged in return.
(Like she was going to keep this from Annabel. Seriously. Have you ever met us HG?)
He opened the present from her quickly – a pen. Jet black, but with bronze engravings that looked very much like gears and wheels and wires. It was very beautiful and very … him, and his thanks were sincere.
Edgar (being a completely normal human with nothing wrong with him at all) was Edgar. Offering up his own present, he seemingly forgot how words and birthday greetings went – despite having literally just heard Annabel speak – and somehow ended up telling HG to ‘have a good birth’. Like – what?
But the leather bound notebook was wonderful, and he’d been needing a new one, and this one had a lot of clean and blank pages just waiting for his genius to spill onto. (Lenore’s words, not his.) So he thanked Edgar, and pretended not to notice his awkwardness.
 The pair left shortly after, Annabel leading Edgar out of the room, so that the other two can continue their breakfast in peace.
Edgar had obviously not been informed of that part of the plan, if the vague complaints of ‘but breakfast, Annabel. Breakfast’ that drifted back to the kitchen were to be believed.
 It’s only a few moments later that Lenore announces, “We should leave,” as HG finishes the last of his breakfast, standing up and collecting HG’s new treasures, prompting him to do the same. “You know how Edgar gets without his morning gloom-ios.”
It was Annabel’s birthday recently, too.
Her first since her death, or her first in her new life as a ghost, whichever way you want to view it.
 And it turns out that Edgar has really terrible impulse control when it comes to Annabel. Not like that was a surprise.
(Lenore managed to reign in the craziest of his ideas. Like – what is she going to do with a horse Edgar? She’s a ghost. We terrify animals. And do you really need me to list all the ways buying her a personal grand piano is terrible idea. You do? Okay one – Annabel doesn’t play piano. Two - )
(It went on like that for many days.)
(The result was still extremely extravagant. But fortunately, less garish.)
 (The travelling circus he hired to perform at her party would probably disagree with that. There were a lot of people at that party. Most of them Annabel’s friends. Most of them under the impression that Annabel was dead – considering the funeral and everything. There were a lot of fun explanations to be had that night.)
 HG had disappeared after twenty-five minutes and didn’t reappear until the next day. Lenore has a feeling that if all that attention was directed at him, he wouldn’t last ten minutes and wouldn’t reappear for at least a week afterword’s.
So they spend the day in the attic.
It pretty much identical to any other day that’s come and gone recently.
Just the way they like it.
 But his tea isn’t lukewarm when he remembers to drink it; and he isn’t cramming his words into half the space they need, because he’s no longer running out of space; and that pen … is literally just a fancy looking pen, but he seems to like it, so it’s a good present as well.
 The sunlight streamed through the single window, and the dust lit up, and his face lit up – both with the light and with his smile – as he pours every ounce of his concentration into his most recent idea (there’s lots of wires and it looks fancy, and he’s explained the idea like four time, but she still has no idea what it is).
And Lenore wishes she could draw, because this is a masterpiece – he is a masterpiece.
But she can’t – so the image lives on, only inside her head.
(She’s glad in a way.)
(She doesn’t like to share.)
(She likes him being all hers.)
 And she totally hasn’t planned a surprise party for later in the evening (that he’s still blissfully unaware about.)
She did promise, after all.
It’s far more of a … surprise (and tasteful) get-together, of certain old and new friends that don’t visit nearly often enough (and already know about the whole ‘ghost thing’), that may or may not include food and music and cake and the blowing out of candles on said cake and making a wish while specific singing occurs.
 (He’ll absolutely have fun.)
(She’ll make him have fun.)
 But that’s later, and this is now – now with the candles, and the inventions, and the smells, and her books, and the quiet murmuring as he talks to himself – genius that cannot be contained, even if she wanted to. And she does not. Now – with the half smiles, and the glances that could almost form a language of their own, and the full smiles, and the lingering touches that neither is particularly anxious to end.
 Now is pretty good.
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Get Found Online
7 Small Business Website Tips for 2017
Designing a bad website can be like showing up to a first date with spinach in your teeth. From outside you seemed to have such potential, and then you opened your mouth and immediately turned off a potential suitor.
Instead of turning away potential customers, design your website to invite them in, enticing them with colorful content and helping them buy your goods or services with ease.
Here is a list of tips on how to create a website that will not only attract clients and customers, but will help you interact with them in the long haul.
1. Choose Your Domain Name Wisely.
Pick a name, any name. Actually, just pick your business’s name. This one may seem obvious but when selecting a domain name, avoid opting for a name that is too cute or clever Instead, choose a domain that is just that- obvious. For example, if you are a dog trainer, floridadogtrainer.com is MUCH better than pawfectorder.com.
While the 2nd is cute for a blog post, it will leave searchers confused when looking for a trainer online. Confusion=lost sales.
Having your service in your domain name also carries an SEO benefit. Google ranks sites higher in search when the domain matches the search terms your customers are using. Want to make more money and close more sales? Make your domain name clear. Also, buy several variations of your domain name – in case someone else already tries to purchase it, or your server company goes out of business.
2. Tell us about yourself!
Don’t hide behind your computer screen. Instead, include an “About Us” or “Meet the Company page feels personal. This is called the KLT principle – when people know, like and trust you, they are way more likely to do business with you! This is especially true with industries like medicine, real estate or finance, when you have a direct impact on the livelihood of your clients.
How do you help people trust you as soon as the click on your site? Include headshots and bios that name your accomplishments, credentials and testimonials. Also, be sure to include this information “above the fold” which means the customer can see all of this information without scrolling their mouse. Putting faces to your company adds credibility, comfort, and most importantly trust for you customers.
Look how Ms. Wonderful Hair’s site uses the KLT Principle to sell their quality beauty products.  Seeing is truly believing with this site! And believe it or not, the company founder is featured dead center of this “above-the-fold” personable product display.
Also on their “About Us” page, Ms. Wonderful Hair went one step further by creating a video that invites customers to take a sneak peek on the photo shoot, in which real women try on Ms. Wonderful Hair’s products. The best part is that videos don’t have to be professionally done to create this effect. In fact, sometimes a simple iPhone video performs better, as it makes you more relatable to your target prospects.
This is something that can help gain you an edge over your competitors. A customer that can find personality within a company is more likely to choose them over their competitor.
3. Publish content that attracts your audience:
There should always be more than just the able bones of your website. Give it some fluff with content like social media posts or blog posts. Not only can these posts showcase your and your company’s personality; they also open the door for conversation between you and your audience.
Social media and blogs welcome comments from their readers. You can engage and converse with your customers or potential customers easily through this medium. This establishes a comradery between your business and the people interested in it. Additionally, great content attracts viewers! In facts, 56% of marketers say that “personalized content [for your audience] promotes higher engagement”. People will click on your site (giving it high SEO ranking) and share your posts (links back to your website).
This blog page for Ribshack Foods offers seasonal recipe guides and insider BBQ tips from the experts. This kind of content will get your company noticed. Want to take the effect even further?  Share that content in different ways across different social media channels.
4. Repeat, Repeat, repeat!
Repetition makes your brand easily recognizable. Stamp your logo on things that are easy for internet searches to recognize. Blog posts, social media posts, different locations through your website’s pages. In addition to your logo, find color schemes and fonts that are somewhat similar to one another for social posts.
By doing this you’re creating a familiar image for potential customers. Without this kind of consistency, your viewers will be left with the same view of your company as a whole- inconsistent and sloppy.
Repetition also comes in your schedule of posting content. Be consistent. Every Wednesday? Every two days? Hubspot states that 75% of traffic on blog posts come from older blogs. These blogs are considered evergreen content. That means they will likely always be relevant; think tips, guides, how-to, etc. The most traffic from blog posting is considered to be with 16 blogs a month.
For a smaller business, that is a bit much. Post at least one a week consistently is key because sooner or later, someone will refer to an old post and give you some new traffic.
5. Please make your websites purpose known and easy to navigate.
Make sure you tell your potential customer directly on your site why it’s your services they are in need of (I’m talking as soon as they land on your site.) Using a concise and direct explanation of your products or services will clear any misunderstandings potential clients have of your business’s purpose.
Use a design that is simple for any user to guide through. Include menus at the top of your site explicitly stating what a site visitor will find there (about us, products, services, shopping cart, specials, etc.).
If you offer something that involves e-commerce, include easy access to your online shopping cart and checkout directed right on your website. You need something like CubeCart. CubeCart not only sets up your ability to sell online, it also gives you reporting on sales, item views, and even an option for accounting.
This will cut out confusion for your customer and for your own records. Cutting out confusion will almost always guarantee business.
6. Use strong calls-to-action.
Use your buttons or calls-to-action to entice readers by being the solution to their problem. Good CTA examples include: “Publish Better Content Today” or “Start Selling” or “Claim Your Free Report”.
These are much stronger and effective calls-to-action (CTAs) than phrases like “Learn More” or “Call Us.” Focus on how the visitor will benefit from your offer, and make that direct benefit your CTA. Additionally, noting limited time offers, deals, and sales also encourages clicks to your page.
Grey Goose Vodka used their call to action “Discover a cocktail tailored to your taste”. This is a great example of enticing a potential customer into trying their product; peaking their interest by making it personal to their interests.
7. Do what you know and love.
This last step is for the business owners that don’t have the time, patience, or desire to put together a site and its contents, which is completely understandable! In fact, the reason you’re a small business owner is because you’re passionate enough about something to do it for a living.
You shouldn’t have to worry about marketing it online. With that said, if you are not interested in running your website but also recognize its importance, consider hiring a digital marketing manager like Metrovista.
We are a web design company that can also run your SEO, social media campaigns, fill in your content, and ensure your business is gaining as much online traffic as it deserves. So go ahead, get back to your job while we expand it online.
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metrovista-blog · 8 years
Get Found Online
7 Small Business Website Tips for 2017
Designing a bad website can be like showing up to a first date with spinach in your teeth. From outside you seemed to have such potential, and then you opened your mouth and immediately turned off a potential suitor.
Instead of turning away potential customers, design your website to invite them in, enticing them with colorful content and helping them buy your goods or services with ease.
Here is a list of tips on how to create a website that will not only attract clients and customers, but will help you interact with them in the long haul.
1. Choose Your Domain Name Wisely.
Pick a name, any name. Actually, just pick your business’s name. This one may seem obvious but when selecting a domain name, avoid opting for a name that is too cute or clever Instead, choose a domain that is just that- obvious. For example, if you are a dog trainer, floridadogtrainer.com is MUCH better than pawfectorder.com.
While the 2nd is cute for a blog post, it will leave searchers confused when looking for a trainer online. Confusion=lost sales.
Having your service in your domain name also carries an SEO benefit. Google ranks sites higher in search when the domain matches the search terms your customers are using. Want to make more money and close more sales? Make your domain name clear. Also, buy several variations of your domain name – in case someone else already tries to purchase it, or your server company goes out of business.
You don’t want to end up like John Malkovich, having to pay thousands to reclaim your namesake online:
With that said, chose a server company you trust. You can get a domain name through sites like Go Daddy and Register.com.
2. Tell us about yourself!
Don’t hide behind your computer screen. Instead, include an “About Us” or “Meet the Company page feels personal. This is called the KLT principle – when people know, like and trust you, they are way more likely to do business with you! This is especially true with industries like medicine, real estate or finance, when you have a direct impact on the livelihood of your clients.
How do you help people trust you as soon as the click on your site? Include headshots and bios that name your accomplishments, credentials and testimonials. Also, be sure to include this information “above the fold” which means the customer can see all of this information without scrolling their mouse. Putting faces to your company adds credibility, comfort, and most importantly trust for you customers.
Look how Ms. Wonderful Hair’s site uses the KLT Principle to sell their quality beauty products.  Seeing is truly believing with this site! And believe it or not, the company founder is featured dead center of this “above-the-fold” personable product display.
Also on their “About Us” page, Ms. Wonderful Hair went one step further by creating a video that invites customers to take a sneak peek on the photo shoot, in which real women try on Ms. Wonderful Hair’s products. The best part is that videos don’t have to be professionally done to create this effect. In fact, sometimes a simple iPhone video performs better, as it makes you more relatable to your target prospects.
This is something that can help gain you an edge over your competitors. A customer that can find personality within a company is more likely to choose them over their competitor.
3. Publish content that attracts your audience:
There should always be more than just the able bones of your website. Give it some fluff with content like social media posts or blog posts. Not only can these posts showcase your and your company’s personality; they also open the door for conversation between you and your audience.
Social media and blogs welcome comments from their readers. You can engage and converse with your customers or potential customers easily through this medium. This establishes a comradery between your business and the people interested in it. Additionally, great content attracts viewers! In facts, 56% of marketers say that “personalized content [for your audience] promotes higher engagement”. People will click on your site (giving it high SEO ranking) and share your posts (links back to your website).
This blog page for Ribshack Foods offers seasonal recipe guides and insider BBQ tips from the experts. This kind of content will get your company noticed. Want to take the effect even further?  Share that content in different ways across different social media channels.
4. Repeat, Repeat, repeat!
Repetition makes your brand easily recognizable. Stamp your logo on things that are easy for internet searches to recognize. Blog posts, social media posts, different locations through your website’s pages. In addition to your logo, find color schemes and fonts that are somewhat similar to one another for social posts.
By doing this you’re creating a familiar image for potential customers. Without this kind of consistency, your viewers will be left with the same view of your company as a whole- inconsistent and sloppy.
Repetition also comes in your schedule of posting content. Be consistent. Every Wednesday? Every two days? Hubspot states that 75% of traffic on blog posts come from older blogs. These blogs are considered evergreen content. That means they will likely always be relevant; think tips, guides, how-to, etc. The most traffic from blog posting is considered to be with 16 blogs a month.
For a smaller business, that is a bit much. Post at least one a week consistently is key because sooner or later, someone will refer to an old post and give you some new traffic.
5. Please make your websites purpose known and easy to navigate.
Make sure you tell your potential customer directly on your site why it’s your services they are in need of (I’m talking as soon as they land on your site.) Using a concise and direct explanation of your products or services will clear any misunderstandings potential clients have of your business’s purpose.
Use a design that is simple for any user to guide through. Include menus at the top of your site explicitly stating what a site visitor will find there (about us, products, services, shopping cart, specials, etc.).
If you offer something that involves e-commerce, include easy access to your online shopping cart and checkout directed right on your website. You need something like CubeCart. CubeCart not only sets up your ability to sell online, it also gives you reporting on sales, item views, and even an option for accounting.
This will cut out confusion for your customer and for your own records. Cutting out confusion will almost always guarantee business.
6. Use strong calls-to-action.
Use your buttons or calls-to-action to entice readers by being the solution to their problem. Good CTA examples include: “Publish Better Content Today” or “Start Selling” or “Claim Your Free Report”.
These are much stronger and effective calls-to-action (CTAs) than phrases like “Learn More” or “Call Us.” Focus on how the visitor will benefit from your offer, and make that direct benefit your CTA. Additionally, noting limited time offers, deals, and sales also encourages clicks to your page.
Grey Goose Vodka used their call to action “Discover a cocktail tailored to your taste”. This is a great example of enticing a potential customer into trying their product; peaking their interest by making it personal to their interests.
7. Do what you know and love.
This last step is for the business owners that don’t have the time, patience, or desire to put together a site and its contents, which is completely understandable! In fact, the reason you’re a small business owner is because you’re passionate enough about something to do it for a living.
You shouldn’t have to worry about marketing it online. With that said, if you are not interested in running your website but also recognize its importance, consider hiring a digital marketing manager like Metrovista.
We are a web design company that can also run your SEO, social media campaigns, fill in your content, and ensure your business is gaining as much online traffic as it deserves. So go ahead, get back to your job while we expand it online.
Get Found Online was originally published on Metrovista Blog
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