#because spoilers
yakuzabrainrotlive · 24 days
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Some stuff I whipped up coming down from my fever lol
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undying-lilies · 4 months
No one told me that when I come up with a story that has an earth-shattering plot twist I can’t actually tell anyone about the plot twist beforehand
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supreme-burrito · 4 months
I just love these shots for two reasons
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First, Luffy is being logical with his statements which you can see in the top, surprises Law
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But then when he hears Luffy’s plan of how to take care of the problem you can see his eyes shrink and just hear him internally screaming.
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fortheloveoflatinum · 16 days
Watching Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Part the First
✨ YES to Spock with long hair. I hold out the hope we'll get a SNW version of long-haired Spock because he is beautiful even in a wig.
✨ YES to Bones calling Kirk 'Jim' because the unresolved sexual tension between them is definitely A Thing TM. And YES to Kirk saying, "I need you. Damn it, Bones. I need you. Badly." Um I don't know about you but most of the time that's how smut starts. It's as if they literally lifted the line straight from the pages of an erotica novel.
✨ Definitely yes to all the tiny lil astronauts flying about as if space-fashion hadn't changed much since the year 1979 but doing flips because it's actually 2269.
🌌 Definite NO to all the orange suits tho. I mean if imma go to space, I'm gonna want something sleek and fashionable to wear and not some clunky suit from the pre-digital era and remind me again how Discovery took place BEFORE all this.... And seemed to have better space suits....
✨ The soundtrack is literally the best part of the film so far. Other than the scene between Jim and Bones because that was kinda hot.
🌌 Just noticed that Disco reused the 'OH NO something is on an intercept course with Earth and we're the ONLY people in the entire GALAXY who can stop them.' Old trope, I guess. Tried and (sometimes) true. Always foiled. Without fail. So predictable at this point you could bet your last strip of latinum that Earth would be alright in the end. Just saying.
✨ Oooh and the little look that Kirk & McCoy exchange after Spock leaves the bridge is everything. What is our Vulcan doing? Find out in the next edition of this post, coming soon to a dashboard near you.
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Caption of the GIF for all the Captains out there who can't see it: James T. Kirk in profile, wearing one of those blue pajama uniforms from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, reaching out his hand to a bearded McCoy, who is wearing a greyish V-neck that drives up the rating of this GIF to TV-14. Kirk is seen thrusting his hand forward forcefully, and McCoy (after a moment of hesitation) takes it. End scene.
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anorlondos · 2 months
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Doodled my two favorite fellas as I make my way through Heavensward for the first time :)
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frenchiefitzhere · 3 months
Woo! 3 seasons in the bag!!!
Don't let the adorable art by @alexrayva fool you! (I asked him to make it ironically!) This episode is full of angst!
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ninety-two-bees · 7 months
wednesday snippet
thank you @drowninginthoughts27 my beloved for the tag <3
“Please,” he begs, but he’s getting tired. He can’t keep putting up this fight, not when James is showing no signs of giving in.
When James reaches out to pull him closer, he doesn’t fight it. His head drops onto James’ chest and strong arms wrap loosely around his waist. If he tips his head up, follows James’ gaze, he can see the sky through a gap in the rubble. If they lie here long enough, they’ll be able to see the stars again.
“The world will still be there tomorrow,” James whispers, far too optimistic for a man lying in his own grave. But that's always who James has been, hasn’t it? His James; a guiding light through even the darkest of times. “Let’s just…rest. Please. I’m so tired.”
And who is Regulus to argue with that?
no pressure tags !! @theicarusconstellation @ecstarry @malchai @elysiren @buttfaceingtons and anyone else who wants to join in !!
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rlbbackup · 1 year
IT'S HIM!!!!!!!
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verdantnurse · 1 month
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hey thanks for checking in im NOT okay
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foodsies4me · 6 months
I really like your bolos series! Though, each chapter I wonder ‘is this when the trainees come in and hijack the story’ so that’s a new development. Never had that thought before when reading a fic😂
Anyway, I’m really enjoying the story so far and getting already attached to Alec’s new gaggle of children and your other OCs
Could you say something about the setting/worldbuilding? Is it the same as your Golden series? In terms of Alec’s standing with other institutes and the clave and how things are with the downworld and things like that (Don’t feel pressured to answer!)
I am delighted to hear that thought crosses your mind. No the trainees aren't at the hijacking the fic point quite yet, though the rookies sure are doing their best to pick up the slack, but they'll get there. And when they do, the poor inhabitants of the Spiral Labyrinth won't know what hit them.😂
I am sorry for the long ramble that's going to come your way, but talking about worldbuilding is something that puts me straight into infodump mode.
The worldbuilding is slightly different between Bolos/Bridges and the Golden series (that is getting another spinoff because of a particular someone who knows who they are). Alec is only an Acting Head at the moment though that's going to change because the Clave aren't the only ones that can be scheming in the background, whereas in the Golden series, he becomes the HOTI pretty early in the fic. Standing wise, Alec has earned himself a LOT of brownie points/respect in the eyes of those present during the meeting with Magnus. So, he's got a pretty good standing at the moment with several institute heads, which will help later in the story.
The Mumbai incident is still a thing that happened, though, so maybe not brownie points everywhere. Also, that means that the backstory for Arjun getting to the institute is still the same. Then again, the backstory for most trainees - not that any of it has really been given - is mostly the same between Bridges/Bolos and the Golden series. The only exception I can think of is Max, who didn't have his traumatic near-death experience after Maryse and Robert failed at being parents again.
The situation with the downworld is completely different from the Golden series. Without giving away too much, there is a reason Magnus is acting the way he is, and as you can guess the Clave/shadowhunters are mostly to blame for it. The dynamic with the Elders is also different given that a lot of downworlders live in the Spiral Labyrinth at the moment and the warlocks don't want to simply rule over the others, so to speak. Also, Magnus' dynamic with the rest of the downworld is very different for reasons already mentioned in passing but will be mentioned in more detail in later chapters. But yeah, Magnus is a far bigger deal in this fic than he is in the Golden series, even with him being one of the Elders in the Golden series.
Some of the worldbuilding when it comes to the cultural aspect is similar. The different names and forms of address still play a role (and one day I will get to writing down the Nephilim naming thing in a chapter without the muse deciding to throw it out in favor of something else). The greetings are different though! As are the marriage traditions, outside of the gold for shadowhunters and blue for warlocks. Also, the family oath that Alec used isn't a thing in the Golden series.
The dynamic at the institute is slightly different as well. Alec's shadowhunters still respect him, but he's not as close with some of his fellow shadowhunters as he is in the Golden series because the "let's ridicule the latest bigot, who decides to be awful"-punishment isn't a thing. And, nothing to build a good rapport with your shadowhunters than to have them watch as you kick an asshole's ass while you're wearing a ridiculous outfit.
I ended up rambling a bit more than anticipated, oops. But yeah, these are some of the differences/similarities between both verses.
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doggogills-but-worse · 4 months
the only bad part about posting our game as a podcast is that now I can't yap about it online
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funkylilomen · 1 year
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And then V without all of the annoying pop-up ads and static, who doesn't exist anymore :)
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brionysea · 10 months
i finally watched arcane because i took that huge fandom personality test again and it said i'm powder from arcane and i was like aw sweet new favourite character time. and then i watch arcane and powder goes insane and starts killing people. what are you trying to say, fandom personality test?
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morgeysplace · 2 years
Nynaeve will see an evil girl with a free neck and be like "is anyone gonna collar her" and not wait for an answer
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prodigy-if · 1 year
Ok stole this from another blog but. Which of the ROs is most to least likely to go for that desperate, impulse “oh my god we’re alive” kiss after they or the MC (or both) have a brush with death? Who regrets it immediately, and who totally commits? Maybe in the deep crushing stage?
The order from most to least likely would be:
Marlon - Naomi - Kieran - Isla - Cyrus
Who regrets it?
Marlon, Naomi, Kieran
Who commits?
Depends on the MC’s reaction
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conquerthenight · 10 months
Sad about Lonbecca closing today? Have no fear, because I have a new fic for you!!! Another one for TOTLB (aka the extended Mama’s Boy Cinematic Universe) and this one is the long awaited (by me and @alicesbread) Danny & Lydia heart to heart scene. Enjoy <3
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