#because streaming sites were barely a thing
kris-py-president · 6 months
I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna-
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captain19cb97 · 2 months
Stay (A/F) :: k.m
Synopsis: Sometimes distance doesn't make the heart grow fonder.
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x GN!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Genre: Angst and fluff.
Warnings: Allusions to online bullying but nothing is explicitly said. Arguing, crying, cursing.
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You could feel tears welling up in your eyes the longer you stared down at your phone. The endless stream of hateful words - tweets, Instagram comments - every social media profile people could find of yours had been flooded the few days, technically since people figured out that you and Mingyu were actually dating, and you weren’t just some random staff member that seemed to always be around him for work reasons.
You hadn’t said anything to any of the guys about the comments and messages you’d been getting, and you certainly hadn’t said anything to Mingyu about them because you already knew how he was going to react once you did, but it was obvious to the guys that something was going on with you, and it wasn’t anything good.
The first one to truly notice it was Mingyu, but when he asked you if everything was okay, you told him that you’d been a lot busier at the company with different things- it wasn’t a total lie, you had just been promoted so it wasn’t much of a stretch for him to believe it. Then when the news of your relationship started appearing in the headlines of certain sites, both of you were stressed out and worried about a thousand things at once.
The next person to figure out something was wrong with you was Wonwoo. Since Mingyu and him lived together and you were over at the dorm all the time, with and without Mingyu, it wasn’t hard for Wonwoo to notice something was different with you. Sometimes when you weren’t really focused on anything, he would notice a far off look on your face or how sometimes you just acted a little more distant than you meant to before quickly covering it up with a joke or a flippant comment about something else.
Then slowly, one by one, the rest of the guys started noticing the way you were distancing yourself from all of them. They would constantly invite you out with them like they always had but they started noticing that you were declining more and more, saying you were too tired that night, or how you just wanted a quiet night in after such a busy day.
It got to the point that Seungcheol had suggested not inviting you for a bit, so you stopped feeling bad about telling them no every time, something he knew you did because he heard you say as much to one of the stylists that you were friends with one day after they had invited you to lunch with them that morning.
He didn’t mean to eavesdrop on the conversation, but he had been looking for you to talk about something that was part of their group schedule for the day, and as he turned a corner he saw you and once of their stylists standing a little ways away talking and he could tell that you were trying not to cry as you told her how awful you felt about how often you told them no to their invitations anymore.
“I barely see them outside of this stupid building anymore,” You sighed, wiping your eyes quickly. “I haven’t even slept at the dorm in almost a month because it’s easier to just go back to my apartment alone than to be there with Gyu. And I feel like screaming every single time I tell any of them no for something.”
The stylist frowned softly, as Seungcheol watched her rub your arm, “Then why do you keep saying no?”
He watched you give her a gut wrenchingly sad look, even from where he stood down the hall from you, he could see your eyes turning red as a tear rolled down your cheek. “You know why, Soo.”
Seungcheol hated seeing the look on your face, hearing the sadness in your voice, so he backed up a little bit around the corner and started walking around it like he hadn’t been listening, and headed straight for you with a giant smile on his face.
He pretended like he didn’t notice you wiping your face the second you saw him coming towards you, and his heart broke slightly when he saw the smile you plastered on your face as soon as his eyes met yours.
“Cheol! Hi,” You grinned up at him, as he stopped in front of you.
He offered you a quick nod, then one for the stylists, too, “Hi, Y/n, Sooyung-Noona, do you mind if I borrow them for a moment?” He asked her, “I just have a question about our schedule for today.”
The stylist smiled at him and nodded, giving you a soft look, too. “Of course, Y/n, if you have anything else you need, come see me later, okay?”
You nodded at her words, mouthing a quick thank you to her before she smiled at the both of you and turned away, heading back into the room you had pulled her from earlier.
Seungcheol waited until the door had closed behind her, before he easily pulled you into a tight hug, obviously catching you off guard by the surprised noise that sounded from you.
“What was that for?” You asked him softly, once he’d stepped back again.
“Your eyes are red; you’d obviously been crying about something.” He mumbled softly, lying softly as he looked down at you, “Figured you could use a hug and since Gyu isn’t here, I’m good in a pinch.” He smiled sweetly down at you.
You huffed softly, silently hating that he had noticed you crying, but also thankful that he hadn’t pressed about why. “I just feel bad that I keep saying no, every time you guys ask me to hang out with you all.”
He shrugged, still smiling at you, “Don’t worry about it. You’re incredibly busy, sometimes even more than we are. I feel bad that you have to keep saying no. When your schedule opens up a little more, tell me, or Gyu and then we’ll figure out something for all of us to do together, that sound okay?”
He let out a quiet sigh of relief at his understanding and nodded, “That sounds great. Maybe I’ll treat you guys to something this time, yeah?”
He let out a laugh and shook his head, “Not a chance, but nice try.”
You laughed softly at his words, and rolled your eyes, knowing none of them would ever let you pay for anything around them before you asked him what he had a question about.
That had been almost 2 months ago, and you still had yet to tell him or Mingyu that your schedule was never so busy that you couldn’t put something aside for even a little while to hang out with them once and a while. You didn’t think you were going to for a while, either. Mostly because you wanted to wait until all the comments and messages either died down, or they stopped bothering you as much, and since neither had happened yet, you didn’t want to go out to eat somewhere with the guys and have someone get more pictures of you with them. The last time that happened, the flood of messages you got still gave you nightmares.
You closed out every app on your phone and locked it, staring at your distorted reflection on the black screen and reached your hands up to your eyes to wipe them, then your phone started to ring.
My Heart❤️
And it was a video call. You were happy the lights in your room were dimmed so he wouldn’t be able to see you that well as you answer the call, throwing up the same fake smile that you’d given Seungcheol all those weeks ago.
“Hi, baby!”
His beaming smile filled your chest with equal parts warmth and cold- warmth from love and the cold from the decision you’d made not even an hour ago.
“Love of my life,” He grinned at you through the phone. “Would you be so kind as to let me in, sweetheart?” He asked, “I’ll be at your door in a minute and my hands are pretty full.”
You froze, staring at him through the screen, “What?”
He gave you a quick confused look before his eyes focused back on where he was walking, “I know it’s kind of late, and very last minute, but I wanted to come see you. I feel like I haven’t gotten any time with you in weeks. Like proper time, and I thought tonight would be a good time since I know you’re off tomorrow and I’m also technically off tomorrow because I have an open schedule.” The words continued to pour out of his mouth, and quickly. “I’ve just really been missing you and you used to love when I’d come over unannounced when we first started seeing each other, I thought it’d be a nice surprise, ya know?”
You could tell he was almost at your door, so you couldn’t stall him or tell him it wasn’t a good time at the moment, so you quickly pushed yourself out of your bed and rushed towards your front door, while you hung up the call without saying anything, your eyes seeing the multiple notifications about more messages you’d gotten just since answering the phone call.
A thousand thoughts shot themselves through your mind in a panic, Was he followed? Do people know where I live now? Is someone going to try breaking into my apartment now when I’m not home- or worse, when I am?
You quickly unlocked the security lock and pulled your door open, just as he was stepping up to it.
He was frowning when you met his eyes.
“Why did you hang up?”
You didn’t reply, just grabbed two of the bags from his arms and turned to walk them into the kitchen while he pulled his shoes off before following behind you.
You heard your phone go off again – more messages.
“Baby?” He called softly, walking into the kitchen behind you.
You simply hummed, starting to pull things from the bags before he grabbed your hands and tried to get you to look up at him.
Another message.
“What’s going on,” He asked. “You always stay on the phone with me until you open the door.” You could hear the confusion in his voice as you continued to evade his stare, until he gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him.
The worry in his eyes broke your heart, and you could feel yourself trying to pull your hands from his before a sob clawed its way from your throat as your phone went off again, and again, and again.
The worry in his eyes flooded the rest of his body as he tried to calm you down, attempting to wrap his arms around you as you cried, yelling at him to let you go while trying with everything you had to push him away from you.
“Hey, hey, hey, what is going on? Y/n, please, calm down and talk to me, baby? What happened?”
You continued to struggle against him for a moment before you all but finally collapsed against his chest, tears streaming down your face.
He held you as close to his chest as he physically could, softly shushing you as he moved his fingers through your hair, as he mumbled gentle words, telling you it was okay, and that you were okay.
After a couple moments, when you’d finally calmed down enough that you were just softly hiccupping into his chest, he let out a soft sigh and tilted your head up, so you were looking at him. He gently cupped both of your cheeks and wiped his thumbs across them, trying his best to get rid of all traces of the tears that had tracked your face.
Then he offered you one of the softest smiles and easily leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Before you could even open your mouth, your phone sounded off from the counter again. You squeezed your eyes shut as you pushed away from him again, putting at least 2 feet between you. “I-I think you should go, Mingyu.” You whispered.
“What, why?” He asked, his voice no higher than yours.
You could feel the bile rising in your throat as you lied to him, “I don’t- I don’t want you here.”
His eyebrows couldn’t get any closer as he stared at you with an incredulous look. “Why not,” He asked. “Did I do something?”
You quickly shook your head, “No, of course not.” You told him easily.
He tried to take a step towards you, but you took another step back, and watched his face fall as soon as you did. “Then why?”
You could see his eyes beginning to slowly fill with tears as you both stared at each other. “Because I don’t.”
He shook his head, making the tears fall as he did, “That’s not an answer, Y/n. If I didn’t do anything wrong, tell me why you don’t want me here.”
You just kept shaking your head, “I just don’t Mingyu, I don’t-“
Another message.
He groaned, glaring at your phone on the counter. “Why is your phone blowing up so fucking much,” He yelled, reaching for it.
“No!” You panicked, yelling at him not to touch it as you quickly moved to take it from him before he could unlock it.
You stopped moving- almost frozen, watching as his eyes quickly filled with more tears as he scrolled through the hundreds of messages you’d gotten just tonight. The soft light of your phone screen lit up the tears in his eyes in a way that would be poetic, were it not so heartbreaking knowing the horrible things he was reading about you.
“Mingyu, please,” You cried, but unable to say anything else.
Finally he looked up at you, and you could feel your heart breaking into a thousand different pieces.
“Why didn’t you say anything,” He whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me this was happening?”
Your eyes trailed along his face as you tried to put into words what had been going through your mind this whole time. “How could I? What was I supposed to say to you?”
He dropped your phone back onto the counter and wrapped his arms around you, his voice cracking as he whispered that he was sorry.
You shook your head, trying to look up at him, “You have nothing to apologize for, Gyu. You couldn’t have known- I didn’t want you to know.” You cried, cupping his face. “I thought I could distance myself from you until it stopped, I thought that the space would help it not hurt so much but I was wrong. I was so wrong. I’m so sorry, baby.”
You buried your face into his chest as you both cried; Mingyu because he had no idea that this was the reason you’d been so distant lately, and you because you felt so terrible about having put him through it.
“Don’t give me space. That’s the last thing I ever want from you.” He whispered to you, doing everything he could to pull you even closer to him. “How did I not know you were dealing with this?”
You sniffled, “I blocked everything about our relationship on your phone so you couldn’t see it.” You admitted. “Every key word that I could think of that would let you see any of this stuff. Because I knew how you would react to it, and I didn’t want to put you in that position.”
He cradled your face in his hands, his cheeks streaked with tears, “That should’ve been my decision, sweetheart. Whatever position it would’ve put me in, should’ve been my choice. I’m your boyfriend, I’m supposed to protect you from things like this.”
For a long moment, you both stood in your kitchen, his arms wrapped tightly around your body as you both slowly started to calm down. The silence between you was broken every few seconds when your phone would ding once more from the counter and after about the fifth or sixth notification, Mingyu let out a deep, heavy sigh before grabbing your phone again.
“What are you doing?”
He quickly glanced at you as he scrolled and tapped away on your phone, not offering you an answer.
“Gyu, what are you doing?” You asked again, a soft lilt in your voice as the panic slowly started rising in your body at the pure angry look that had settled on his face.
“I’m doing what I should’ve done in the beginning.” He told you, pulling his phone off the counter as the text tone he’d set for you went off a number of times before he’d gotten it unlocked and pulled your tread up.
You looked down and saw that he had sent himself a bunch of screenshots of messages that people had sent to you before he handed your phone back to you. “I blocked everything on your phone, like you did to mine. And now, when someone comments on your stuff for everything, I’ll get a notification, too. And if it’s negative in any way, I’ll send it to the company.”
“What are they going to do about what people are saying about me,” You asked. “I’m not an Idol, what gets said about me doesn’t matter.”
A look flashed in his eyes, “It matters to me. And I’m going to make it matter to the company. I will not let anyone say shit about you and get away with it, and if I have to start suing people, or make the company sue people, I’ll fucking do it.”
A feeling filled your body, and your eyes began to fill with tears. Mingyu’s eyes softened before he gently cupped your cheek, “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
You barely shook your head, sniffling softly as you quickly wiped your face, “Other than the fact that I feel like an idiot for having thought it would be better to not tell you about this in the first place, nothing.”
He let out a soft chuckle just as you collided with him in a tight hug, “You’re not an idiot, my love.”
You laughed softly, “No, for this, I was though.” You looked back up at him, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just- I thought that I could handle it on my own, and that eventually it would stop, and things would be okay again. But then it didn’t stop, it just seemed to get worse the longer it went on.”
You sighed and shook your head, “And I don’t want you to think that I don’t trust you or anything, because I do, with everything I have in me. I didn’t want to burden you with this, because you’ve been so stressed out about all the performances and filming you guys have been doing lately, I was trying to not add more stress to your shoulders.”
“There is nothing you could do that would add stress to my life,” He smiled, his eyes flitted across your face for a moment before he let out a soft sigh, cupping your cheek again and gently rubbing his thumb along your skin. “I love you,” He said easily, like he’d said it a million times, but it wasn’t- it was the first time either of you had said it to the other.
Your eyes widened, and before you could even open your mouth, he continued.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a couple weeks, but you kept skipping out on spending time with me. And telling you over the phone or in a text wouldn’t do. Not for the first time.”
You chuckled, feeling your cheeks hurting from how much smiling you were doing.
“I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t say anything to me and were dealing with this on your own, when you never should’ve had to deal with it to begin with,” A solemn look flashed through his eyes as he stared into yours. “I hope that you know there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can’t tell me, or talk to me about. Part of being your boyfriend is hearing about everything you’ve got going on, the good, the bad- all of it. I want to know it all, even when it’s painful.”
You nodded, blinking a couple times to try your best to clear the tears from your eyes before they fell. “I’ll try to be better about talking to you about things. But all of that applies to you with me, too, ya know. There is nothing that you can’t tell me, or confide in me about.”
He grinned, “I know.”
You smiled back at him, “Good, by the way, what was that thing you said a minute ago? Something you’d been wanting to tell me for a while?”
He chuckled, then gave you a look, “That first time thing?”
You simply nodded, smiling widely, “I think it was three words.”
“It couldn’t possibly be when I said, I love you, could it?” He teased.
You grinned wider somehow, “Yeah, that!” You giggled before setting your chin on his chest and looking up at him. “Say it again?”
He sighed softly, “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Gyu. So much.” You whispered back, before moving slightly to connect your lips to his in a soft kiss.
One he hummed gently into as he pressed you closer to him, splaying his hands across your back before he slowly pulled away, “So, do you still want me to leave?” He teased gently.
You giggled, shaking your head, “No, I want you to stay. For as long as you want to tonight.”
“Sleepover?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows with a wide grin that made you laugh.
“Sleepover.” You grinned.
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lixiektty · 1 year
꒰ঌ cupid's cams : yang jeongin ໒꒱ — prev ▸ next
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word count: 5.4k (i just kept writing i am so sorry), warnings/kinks: dom camboy!jeongin, sub!reader, language, lingerie, lubed up jeongin (holy shit), male maturation, oral (m. receiving), face fucking, praise, a little degradation and objectification, they're both hella oblivious of the other's feelings, jeongin's lowkey a perv, mentions of sex but don't fuck... yet, pls feel free to let me know if i missed anything!!
author's note: apologies for this being a little late, i promise i'm gonna figure out a good writing/posting schedule so i'm not leaving you all thirsty for more. i'm trying and working on a lot right now, trust! for now, enjoy cupid's cam and march madness starting next month!!!!
taglist: @hyynee, @enha-cafe, @xiaoderrrr, @lethallyprotected
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cupid's cams masterlist
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jeongin had intended to keep his real job a secret. after seeing you so helpless trying to find a well-paying job, he couldn't resist and felt like he really needed to help.
you guys sat on the couch, legs draped over his lap—not that he minded much anyways, he enjoyed the comfort. you were scrolling through your for you page, giggling and turning your phone every few scrolls to show jeongin the tiktoks you came across.
he loved your smile. it kind of ruined him that he started to feel a way about you this past year, you were his thoughts when streaming—wishing he were speaking to you, and when doing his more explicit streams he'd think of you as well. something he regretted, but honestly just couldn't stop doing. you were in his head constantly.
"y/n," he called.
you hum in response, but your eyes don't leave your phone. he taps your calf that finally gets your attention.
"put your phone down, i need to talk to you," jeongin says. he sounded serious, so you did as told and sat up straight and taking your legs off of him to sit criss-cross. "what's up?"
"i... fuck," he curses, not knowing how to even start, "i have a job that i think could really help you, but i need your trust."
"of course, you can trust me jeongin," you say, smiling his direction, "but, tell me now. you're freaking me the hell out."
jeongin chuckled and leaned forward a bit, "okay, okay. there's a site where you can stream for people and get paid for talking to them and do things they ask."
you nod slowly. you didn't know where this was about to go.
"it can... lead to other things, and those other things really bring in the cash," he announces, which catches your interest though, what other things? "i don't get all my cash from the cafe. i do these streams near a every other day basis."
your mind began to really think of any of the conclusions to the 'other things' jeongin was talking about, and your mind only went to one thing. "you're.."
"i jerk off for thousands to see and get paid," he interpreted before you could've even asked the same thing he had just said, "now you don't have to, but if you're looking for a good paycheck you can help me out with my upcoming stream and i'll split the tips."
"you want me to have sex with you... on camera?" you ask.
god just the thought of that. jeongin already had an amazing build, from everything you've seen, and to see him like that—bare for you. fuck. your stomach filled with slight flutters and it was hard to not shuffle a bit.
"not exactly," jeongin finally answered. this causing you to let out a sigh of relief, not only because being naked for everyone on the internet to see worried you a bit but you didn't know if you could fuck your best friend for the first time while everyone was watching either, "you don't have to be naked if you don't want to, something simple like sucking me off will do good. i'll get you a mask to cover your eyes."
it didn't sound too bad. it's money, a possible new job, jeongin, and a chance to really get closer to your best friend like you've thought about once before.
"okay," you let out, jeongin's head snapping your way with shock read on his face, "okay, i'll do it."
"seriously?" he asked.
"yeah, what could go wrong?" exactly.
jeongin nodded and fixed his posture, not sure how to move forward, "okay, cool. how about tomorrow? i like doing two or three streams a week and i've only done one."
tomorrow? so soon, too soon. things could change so quick within 24 hours. you weren't gonna lie— it began to freak you out a bit.
so when you were waiting in the hall, outside the door of jeongin's apartment the next day, you couldn't think straight. you stood there patiently but wondered what could be taking so long.
eventually, you heard the sound of the locks being turned, door opening and revealing the handsome face of your best friend. his smile shines, dimples clear as day. you knew you probably looked flustered, jeongin reading your expression oh so clearly.
"come on in, bestie," he says, moving to the side to give you enough room to walk in, "how you feeling?" jeongin asked after closing the door.
you couldn't express in words how much you were feeling. it was a mix of excitement, anxiety than ran through your veins, and... possible feelings? no. you had been in your head since you went home last night and couldn't stop letting your thoughts overwhelm you.
"i'm..." you start, trying to collect your thoughts but only being met with fear, "okay, honestly i'm freaking out."
jeongin farrowed his brows, walking over to the kitchen to grab you some water, "why so?" he asks.
"it's... a lot," you say.
"we don't have to, you still have time to back out... even though i brought you gifts~" he says in a singsong like tone, handing you a bottle of water with a sly smirk on his face as he walks into the hall towards his room.
you follow him hesitantly, stopping at the door when you saw a fancy bag from the boutique across town. did he really go all this way... for me?
"come, look," he said, motioning you over.
you could only wonder what else was in that bag besides the mask he promised you. it was bigger as if something else was in there, so what possibly could it be? you walked into his room, noticing the purple lights bouncing off the walls, large set up on the right side of his room.
"maybe seeing these will make you feel better," jeongin announces, waiting very patiently for you to look in the bag. he didn't care how much he spent on something, as long as it was for you.
you reach in with anticipation, feeling a box. you pull it out and take the ribbon of the bougee packaging. when you open it, an elegant, white, lacey mask sat in it.
"what do you think?" jeongin asked.
you looked up and smiled at him, "love it, thank you," you reply while pulling him into a hug, "why such a big bag for this small ass box though?" you ask once you're out of his embrace.
"look inside," he says.
you look at him questionably, sitting the box on the bed and reaching back inside only to find some more bundled up white lace. the fabric untwined the further it was taken from the bag.
lingere. he bought lingere.
"what's... this?" you ask. it was so obvious what it was, you knew this. but playing dumb was the only thing you could think of doing to really get this picture through your skull.
"wanna get paid somehow, don't you? how you work your mouth helps but showing at least a little something will get you a whole lot more," jeongin admits. he also just couldn't help himself when he saw it, matching your mask perfectly, knowing you'd look absolutely stunning.
when buying it, he could only think about fucking you in it— jerking off the minute he got into his car. he thanked you for suggesting tinted windows when he first got it. the thought of you was all he needed to get hard for the show, already uncomfortably hard in his pants while being in your presence.
"i'm only trusting you 'cause this is what you're good at... somehow," you said with a suspicious look on your face that made jeongin chuckle.
you examined the piece of lingerie, the lacy parts barely covering your boobs and stomach, small enough to fit you tight and show off your body just as jeongin wanted.
"now, if at any point you get uncomfortable or just not feeling it anymore, tap me three times okay?" jeongin asked, serious tone in his voice that caused your head to turn.
"okay," you nod.
"try it," he said, turning your body fully by your shoulder and moving closer until the gap between you two was almost closed.
jeongin brings your hand up to his chest, looking down at you and waiting for you to move. you were so caught in moment, the only you could do was look right back at him—sinking into his gaze. once you regain your consciousness, you lift your fingers one, two, three times to pat his chest gently.
"good," he says, smile playing along his face again, "now go get changed, 10 minutes 'til showtime."
he walks away from you, hand falling from his chest and causing you to miss the warmth of his body almost touching yours.
instead of standing there— like an idiot, you thought, you rush to the bathroom, stripping from your clothes entirely until you were left bare in his bathroom. he was right in the next room, you could tell him fuck the stream and beg for what you really wanted. he'd be freaked out though, he wouldn't want to fuck me.
the white fabric hugged your body, nipples so exposed you could see them hardening through. you didn't know what to think, you had never seen yourself like this... and maybe this would alter something within jeongin.
walking out with nothing but lingerie on with all goodies exposed, clothes in hand, it was almost embarrassing to you. jeongin's eyes met your figure the minute you walked back in, in a different set of clothing.
"woah, y/n you look... hot," he admits, scanning you from head to toe.
his gaze intimidated you a bit, sharp eyes looking at you hungrily.
"it's not too much?" you ask, walking closer towards him.
"it's more than i'd prefer," he shrugs, fingers grazing the strap on your shoulder.
you felt small standing in front of him, knees almost buckling under you, "what would you prefer me to wear instead?" you asked, shyly.
"nothing," jeongin replied, throwing his shirt off and smirking as he walked to his chair when he noticed your reaction to his insane structure that you were familiar with seeing before—now, seeing him like this sent a rush straight to your core.
you sat down on the bed, watching jeongin's focused face behind the monitor. he was in the middle of getting his stream set up, making sure to announce it on all his 2nd accounts.
"countdown is starting, you sure you're in all the way?" jeongin asked before the 15 second countdown ended.
"positive," you reassure, sending a thumbs up his way.
he smiles, nodding and sitting back while waiting for the stream to start. you couldn't think of anything else to look at but him, he was so admiring, charm basically shining right through him.
you hear a sound, signaling that the stream has started. jeongin greets them, thanking them for joining him tonight, "the strip goal is sent at 200 tonight, i know you guys could get there and... i have a surprise for you all later on in the show."
the surprise in question, being you. the more you thought about it the more you let yourself feel less stressed about it all, it was really just a paycheck. the only thing you worried about was how this would alter yours and jeongin's realationship. if it even would, you didn't know.
"for now just focus on me," jeongin says, his tone so seductive that your thighs squeeze shut.
jeongin leans over to grab a bottle, containing lube you assumed, pouring the liquid into his palm. he lubes his torso up as if he was apply lotion, both hands shiny and slick running down his body. he'd brush past his nipples every once in a while, groaning by instinct.
the tip jar sound went off, jeongin giggling when he reads a certain comment begging for him to pull his cock out already, "let's get to 200 and i'll show you what i know you guys want to see."
he communicated with his watchers so well, knew what to do to get the money, satisfy each viewer and himself all at once. really, in his mind, he was putting on this show for you. the colored lights shined off his body, illuminating him in such a way.
you really wanted to get up right now and say, "fuck it," forcing his pants down and stuffing your mouth. all your thoughts now were so lewd, especially compared to how you were thinking just seconds ago.
his hands slid down his torso gently, the sound of the lude being moved around clear to your ears. you felt almost as eager as his viewers, wanting him to hurry up and get on with it so you could see his cock that so desperately needed to be touched.
the sound of the tip jar went wild, jeongin turning it off due to the loud sound. he smirked seeing the overflowing tips he received, going way past his goal, "eager, are we?" he asked giggling, sex to my fucking ears, you thought.
jeongin stood up, and you knew once his pants were down you would no longer have to imagine what his pretty cock looks like. he slowly brought down his sweats, stopping when they were right under balls, tip red and leaking, veins protruding along the shaft.
your eyes were locked on his grip, fist full of his manhood, and with his face not being shown on the screen as he stood, he was looking at you as he slowly worked himself up. a soft groan left his pretty lips, eyes glued to your form, moving his fist up and down before sitting back down. he gets ahold of the lube again, applying one line against his shaft before putting the bottle down and once again fucking his fist.
you on the other hand, sat on the bed with an ache forming at the pit of your stomach. each movement forward would apply pressure to your clit, craving any type of friction whatsoever while this view was in front of you.
jeongin tried to pretend he wasn't as close as he really was, ready to cum the minute he laid eyes on you in the damn lingerie. the lewd sounds made by him caused you to clench your thighs tighter and tighter.
"ah— so fuckin' good," jeongin mumbled, eyes closed, adam's apple moving with each noise he let out. his pace in thrusts increased along with his beautiful moans that filled the atmosphere.
you couldn't help but grip at the bedsheets. you were so desperate at this point, it was fucking with your head. to have him fuck you relentlessly is all you could ever imagine now until it happened.
jeongin had never seemed the type to do something such as camming. you never thought about him sexually in the first place, he was always just too cute. even with all the girlfriends he's had, you couldn't imagine him actually fucking anybody.
this was a completely different side of jeongin that surprised you, in the best way possible. his free hand laid on his chest, nipple between his fingers— the veins in his hands were so damn noticable, his breath was speeding up, back arching, the way his bicep curved and moved with each friction that was made, the view was just too much you had to look away.
jeongin noticed, not happy with your response. he began making little 'mmhs' and 'ahhs' to grab your attention. you tried to ignore his doings, only pissing him off a bit more. your ears were hot, just as hot as your cheeks due to the embarrassment you were feeling at the moment.
"this cock's all for you," jeongin coos causing you to pull up your head, snapping it his direction. he was looking at the monitor but it felt like his words were meant for you. he turned his head, heavy lidded eyes looking at you and repeating, "all for you."
if he kept this up you were going to fall. hard. so hard that you didn't know if you'd be able to hide it for long. his hips rolled as he fucked his fist, moans only getting louder and higher with time.
"so fucking close," he whimpered.
your head spun like crazy. it was like he already had control over you when doing such little, not even touching you—yet you were a wet mess, freezing while sitting on this bed.
jeongin's brain was turning to mush, he knew soon he'd be able to cum in your mouth or at least on your face but for now, he'd have to wait for the sake of the stream—knowing he gains more when teases, and his followers knows he loves to tease.
"holy fuck—" jeongin arched his back off of his chair, edging himself before you could come on screen. his pretty lubed up cock fell against his stomach, the prettiest whimpers leaving his mouth, hands gripping onto the chair. who would've thought this is what your best friend was up to in his free time?
jeongin was busy catching his breath, looking over at you with a smirk. his attention was back to the chat, reading all their praises.
"i have a guest, for the first time ever. she's gonna help me out today," he announces, you took that as your cue and put on the eye mask.
your anxiety peeked once you were found on the screen. the chat exploded seeing you in the lingerie, body absolutely perfect to all the pervs watching. you wave slightly, too afraid to even say anything.
"don't be shy. they're nice," jeongin reassured.
you get on your knees, right beside the chair, "hi everyone," you say. everyone seemed to like you already.
jeongin seemed to notice your shaky voice though, and how your eyes looked everywhere but at him or the screen.
"this is her first time camming so she's a bit shy, but i know you'll do good angel," he says, petting your head softly and running his fingers through your hair.
jeongin turned until you were right between his legs, painfully hard cock before your eyes. all you could do was look up at jeongin and wait for his signal. his big hands create a makeshift ponytail. you were quick to grab ahold of his cock, sensitive to the touch and causing jeongin to gasp.
finally, you built up the courage to close your mouth around the head, slowly taking more of him in until your throat closed around him— gagging.
"careful angel, take your time," jeongin says, pulling your head up gently.
you two created a gentle rhythm, bobbing your head, every vein running along your tongue. it was really happening, your first time ever being intimate with your best friend and so many people were watching it happen. jeongin's pretty moans filled the room once again, sending more shocks throughout your body.
"they said you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth," jeongin comments, "does it make you feel better knowing they like you?" he asks.
you pull him out of your mouth and nod, giving him a soft smile, "yeah."
"good, you're doing so good." he praises. just another thing for you to imagine when thinking about fucking him.
you formed a ball of spit on your tongue before letting it drip onto his tip, a soft sigh leaving his mouth at the sight and feeling. your tongue laid flat against it, brushing along his slit every so often. jeongin could not take this anymore, he only wished he could fuck you right now and see how much of a mess you'd actually be.
the thought wouldn't leave his brain, to have you under him full of his cock, dumb and drooling, tears escaping your eyes. he'd do it if it wasn't for everyone watching and knowing what you agreed on beforehand. he just knew your cunt felt way better than how your mouth already felt.
you took him in so well, slowly but surely being able to take more of him without gagging. he was too big and he found it amusing seeing you struggle with a mouth full of dick.
"look at you," he says, corner of his lip curling up.
jeongin was already so god damn obsessed with you, your hot and wet mouth covering him and leaving him to imagine it was your pussy providing the pleasure to his cock instead.
"if only i was fucking you angel, god you have no idea how slutty and messy you'd look," jeongin groaned, chuckling slightly after.
his words effected you like no other, the lace covering you soaking more by the minute. the thought didn't leave your mind either, you just knew he'd be rough with you especially with the way he was handling your head right now— his dominance just escalating as you went on.
"fuck," jeongin cursed, along with some groans following. he couldn't resist when his hips began to buck up, tip hitting your throat with force.
you close your eyes, hands holding onto jeongin's thighs. at first, he thought you'd tap out but instead you allowed him to fuck your throat as fast and as hard as he wanted to. though, you felt a little ache in the back of your throat, you still somehow enjoyed how he was having his way with you.
your mask began to slip, ribbon loosening more with each forceful movement of jeongin's hand. he hadn't noticed since his head was thrown back and his eyes were closed. your hands were too busy gripping on his thighs for dear life to help yourself.
eventually he looked down, heart falling to his stomach when he saw your eyes slowly being exposed. he took his hands off and stopped all his actions to tighten the mask. he did it quick and with ease, anxious to continue mouthfucking you.
"pretty girl, you are doing so well," jeongin whispered, bending down to kiss your forehead then sat back, hand tangled in your hair once again.
his lips pressing against your forehead was something you wanted to feel everyday for the rest of your life, it was so comforting. hearing him say that you were doing a great job and give you a forehead kiss as a badge of honor really pulled at your heartstrings.
you whine around him, tears were daring to fall from your eyes and seep through the mask. this action sent vibrations to his cock, causing him to buck and whimper quietly. every time a simple curse or whimper fell from his lips it was impossible to not let out a muffled moan yourself, which only pushed jeongin further.
jeongin was losing it as he tried to contain himself. the urge to scream your name from the top of his lungs was killing him, his nickname for you being the only thing he was able to let out.
"fuck angel," he groans. his thrusts into your mouth began getting sloppy, the room was drowned in his beautiful noises.
at this point he had completly forgotten about the stream as he continued abusing your poor throat. he let out deep grunts, pulling your hair with an extremely tight grip to keep you in place.
"angel's just my pretty little fuck hole isn't she?" jeongin asked, knowing his question couldn't be answered by you but you both knew the answer to it.
it was so damn obvious, and you only wished he would continue to make you feel like just a mouth to fuck. you had felt some type of pride making him feel this way, already so fucked out from the feeling of your lips sucking him in.
"i'm so close, make me cum, make me cum angel," jeongin repeats, voice higher pitched as he grew closer to his high, "so good for me."
one of your hands fall from his thighs to cover his that sat in your hair. you could feel his skin covered in lube, no doubt parts of your hair were covered as well. you didn't care, you'd get as messy as you could if that meant jeongin was the cause.
you bobbed your head even with his dick partly down your throat. you did everything in your power to give him the best head he's ever got. jeongin was whining and loosing his grip on your hair. he twitched in your mouth, fucking up into it roughly, saying things that were incoherent.
jeongin's other hand rushed to grab yours that was still gripping onto his thigh. he held it tightly, face scrunching and basically drooling from the mouth at you being a spit stained mess.
"oh fuck!" he cried out, hips stutter up into your mouth, hot cum spill down your throat.
jeongin pulled up your head slowly, still cumming as he slid along your tongue. he tasted surprisingly better than anyone before, he sounded pretty too— his constant whimpers you wanted to hear more of each time he let one out. music to your ears.
you hummed in satisfaction, watching him ride out his high. he threw his head back against his head rest, eyes closed and looking so fucking hot. not like he wasn't already before, seeing him like this and knowing you were the cause of his fucked outness drove you insane.
you wanted to have him drilling inside you rapidly until you couldn't feel anything, numb to the touch. time could only tell, you weren't gonna give your hopes up. hoping this wouldn't be the last time you and jeongin would be doing something like this.
eventually, jeongin pulled your head all the way back until he fell from your mouth— waiting for you to swallow. your throat was so abused that swallowing caused you to wince.
the boy was breathing heavily, his grip falling from your hair. his body became less tense, stomach unclenching, beautiful body on display for everyone looking at him. honestly, you wish you had your phone to capture this exact moment, he was definitely one of the most gorgeous men you've met.
a smiled played along his face, eyes opening and looking down at you. he turned his head to the monitor, seeing all the tips that were given while he wasn't looking, so he could pay attention to you.
"thank you guys, i hope you enjoyed," jeongin says, breathlessly. he was rushing to get off the stream to be alone with you, thoughts of his after stream shower with you, bare wet body pressed against his.
god. he was in love. he already knew, but this just confirmed it fully and he wanted all his time in the world to be spent with you, spent kissing you, spent loving you, spent fucking you into bliss. he needed to fuck you tonight, it was driving him mad.
"i'll see you next week," he said, blowing a kiss and quickly ending the live.
he sat back once again with uneven breath, head dizzy and still trying come back to reality. he could even tell he was slurring his words slightly before he ended the live.
"oh my god, that was so good," jeongin says, panting and trying to regain his control.
you couldn't believe what had just happened, sitting back on your knees absolutely dumbfounded and taking your mask off gently. jeongin smiles at you, lifting his hips so he could pull up his pants. he sits up, turning everything that was on off and turning his attention back to you immediately.
"you did fucking amazing, come here," jeongin praised, leaning towards you and capturing your lips in a kiss.
it took you aback, considering not only was that your first kiss but he did it and could still taste himself on your tongue.
"made so much because of you, how did you like it?" he asked, wiping the tear that fell from the corner of your eye.
"it was.... not bad, actually," you said. doing this wouldn't be so bad if that meant you'd being doing it with your bestfriend.
"i told you. keep it up and i might just have to keep you around," jeongin says, which made your head spin at the fact he was actually considering that. he grabs a towel that's set aside and wipes his hands clean from lube, soon folding it and using the corner to clear up your face.
"we should shower and i'll get you a glass of salt water to gargle, wouldn't want you feeling gross in the morning," jeongin stood up, grabbing your arms to pull up your body.
his kindness was always part of his charm, no matter what he'd do anything to make sure you weren't hurt and had the support you needed. you were led to the bathroom where he sat you on the toilet and started a warm shower for you both. you knew this meant he was going to see you completely nude, not that the lingerie left much up to his imagination in the first place.
"come on baby, take this off," jeongin said softly, bending down to help, sliding it down your shoulders.
you couldn't catch feelings for him, no way. that would only mess things up, you thought. the two of you being bestfriends for so long and never once showing a bit of attraction for one another, what would a relationship do to that? what if things don't work out and it ruins your friendship after the fact.
"you okay?" jeongin asked, noticing the look of discomfort on your face.
you force a smile onto your face, nodding in response, "yeah, i'm fine. why do you ask?"
"you seem—i dunno, out of it," he says, he knew you better than anyone and if the stream was the reason for your discomfort he'd do what he could to make it up to you, "did that make you, yunno—"
"no, jeongin. i liked it," you reassure. his face lights up at your words, heart beating faster, especially when you said, "i did." making sure he heard correctly.
"well, okay then," jeongin stayed quiet until you both stepped foot into the shower, the warm water hitting your back.
the tension was so strong, you got weak in the knees from his touch— hands on your waist to push you until your hair soaked with water. jeongin found it difficult to not get hard again when you look like this, relaxed under the warm water that eased your muscles.
"feel good?" jeongin asked. you hum with eyes closed, looking more beautiful than ever, "turn around so i can wash your hair."
you do as told, turning your back towards him and waiting patiently to feel his hands in your hair once again. he strains the water from it, picking up the shampoo and squeezing it into his hands. his fingers ran along your scalp gently and massaging it as he goes.
everything about this felt so normal, to have him care for you like this really had you falling for him. you felt calm and comfortable as he washed your hair for you. with how rough he was being before with your head, the gentleness threw you for a loop. the dynamic was insanely attractive to you—gentleman on the streets, freak in the sheets.
he finishes and takes the shower head off to rinse the bubbles of, fingers once again massaging their way through. he watched the water run down the arch of your back—ass right there for him to just grab. jeongin really could hide how hard he was, he stood as far back as he could but still close enough to clean you up so you wouldn't suddenly be met with a surprise poking at you.
"jeongin?" you call out, softly.
he had thought he'd been caught but he answered you anyways before assuming, "yes?"
you turn, facing him again. looking up into his eyes made butterflies flutter in your stomach. he didn't know what you were going to say, but he waited until you spoke again.
"i... like you," you admit. you felt stupid admitting this after sucking his dick and seeing how good he was at his job that you were hoping would become yours as well, "like a lot. i would love to help you with your future streams, if you're looking for a partner."
"if it's you, then i'm okay with it. i like you too," he replies.
it had taken so long for him to actually say that, anxiety running through his body each time he tried to have a serious conversation about his feelings with you.
"you do?" you ask, surprised.
"for some time now, yeah." jeongin says. he didn't talk about you being his thoughts when jacking off, but he no longer needed to do that anymore. you were his.
you both smile brightly at each other, jeongin hand cupping your cheek, bodies closing the gap and kissing each other deeply. it only got more and more heated, jeongin had to pull away and control himself. he closes his eyes, feeling embarrassed from what was about to come out of his mouth, "god i want to fuck you so bad right now."
"looks like it," you joke, looking down to see his hard cock poking at your stomach then meeting his gaze again, "so what's stopping you?"
jeongin shook his head, wearing a grin before he pressed you up against the cold tile, "fuck, what am i going to do with you angel?"
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: in which you go back to hell's gate for a check-in
warnings: mentions of su*cide
word count: 2.8k
author's note: i like going into character backgrounds and relationships with others so that's gonna happen a lot in this fic along with developing jake and reader's relationship, hope y'all don't mind!
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“It’s Quaritch.”
Grace’s voice cut through your otherwise quiet lab, rattling you out of your peace by uttering just one name.
“Why?” Was what left your lips first.
Grace closed the door and walked further into your lab before continuing, “Check-in. He’s been doing it monthly, ever since we came to Site 26. Jake’s the one who’s been usually reporting back to him.”
You moved your designs for Project Pandora to the side and out of her sight when she got closer. “What’s changed?” You turned to look at her with furrowed brows before switching to Na’vi, “Is he not his puppet?”
She frowned, giving you one of her scolding parent looks, “He’s changing.” Her scowl hardened when you rolled your eyes before continuing. “And I know you’ve seen it too. And if the both of us have noticed then Quaritch has bound to as well. Why else is he asking for you instead of Jake?”
“Probably to torment me. Let me know that I’m somehow still under his control.” You glared down at your hands that were now clenched together.
“Like a puppet?” Grace asked gently. You didn’t respond. She took another chair in the corner of the room and pulled it up next to you. “Tinkers, listen to me. You gotta stop letting him get in your head.”
“I could say no.” You mumble instead, eyes still on your hands. “That I won’t meet him. Send him a big middle finger while I’m at it.”
Grace snorted, “As much as I want that—and believe me, I do—something tells me we shouldn’t mess with things—”
Your jaw clenched and you shook your head sharply, “If I continue to go back there, to be summoned by him like some lapdog, then I am no better than those soldiers that continue to follow him!”
Grace went quiet as you fought back tears.
No matter what you did to try and move on, to try and not think about it, that night still played over and over again in your mind. Appeared in your dreams—barely sleeping now because of it—it was all still fresh. Like it happened only yesterday instead of two years ago.
You held your head in your hands, tears now streaming down your face, throat closing up as you let out shaky and strained sobs.
“I could’ve stopped him, Grace. I could’ve convinced him—”
“No, no.” The scientist shook her head firmly, grasping your hand tightly in hers. “None of what happened is your fault. Do you hear me?” She then grasped your face so you were looking at her.  “Don’t ever blame yourself for what happened. That was on Quaritch and the RDA, not you.” Her thumbs wiped at the tears as she continued in a quieter voice, “We can’t keep living in the past, kiddo. Especially, when the preset is constantly changing before us.”
You nod, sniffling. It took a few minutes for you to calm down. Grace waited right next to you. Her hand resting on your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze every now and then. It was a comfort, her presence always was. Until you met Grace Augustine, you never truly knew what a parent’s love was. Not really.
Your mother was always busy building her legacy in science, making sure to make a solid name for herself so that she’d earn great respect. To be looked at in the same light as her other successful male colleagues. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, in fact you admired her greatly for it and it always inspired you to do the same. But the chance of being a mother was never in the cards for her. She was always too busy and worked herself to an early grave. You were sixteen.
Then there was your father. A respected military captain and a longtime friend of Miles Quaritch. Shot himself in the head in his bedroom while you were downstairs, oblivious until the nanny found him hours later. You were nine.
In your father’s letter, he had asked for Quaritch to take you in and help your mother take care of you, to have a father-like figure in your life. You had to laugh at that, really. The damned bastard wasn’t even taking care of his own kid, a fucking baby at that, and yet your father expected him to do the same for you? It was ironic, really.
Quaritch did for a while. Wasn’t perfect at it but he was all you had, so who were you to complain in the beginning.
Then the shut down of Grace’s school happened and it felt as if you had been abandoned all over again.
But Grace found you. She’d always find you.
You chuckled pathetically, wiping at your eyes. “You really don’t have to take care of me like this. I know I can be a lot.”
“Hey, someone has to keep your genius intact. Otherwise who else would be able to keep up with my own genius?” Grace smirked, shaking your shoulders.
With a snort, you smacked her hand away and stood. “I’ll see him.” Grace watched you cautiously and you nodded confidently to yourself. “Yeah, I’ll do it.” Just as you grabbed your mask and radio, you turned back to the redhead woman as she got up as well. “What do you want me to tell him?”
Both of you exited your lab. Norm was sitting next to the link bed where Jake was currently about to get linked up in. Upon the men both noticing you both, Grace switched to Na’vi, “Tell him we’re making progress, nothing more. And if he starts asking questions, just be you and piss him off.”
You frown, “If I do that, he might raid my lab and shut us down.”
“Then find any reason to end the conversation before he starts pushing.” Grace sighed.
“I’ll try, I guess.” You started messing with the radio.
“Where are you going?” Jake asked, as you tried calling Trudy through the radio to pick you up.
With a shrug, you said as you gripped the mask tightly in your other hand, “Well, apparently his little puppet isn’t cutting it anymore, so Quaritch wants to see me.”
Jake straightened, staring at you with a mixture of disbelief and perhaps worry, “Wait, what? What does he want with you? Why didn’t he just request to see me like he always does?”
“What do you mean by puppet?” Norm asked instead, glancing between you and Jake curiously. “Is that like some strange sexual innuendo that I’m not getting?”
You roll your eyes and decide to focus on the radio as Grace replies instead, “Norm, you think you can take over lessons for Jake today?”
“Yeah, sure.” You heard him mutter while the radio came to life with Trudy’s voice.
After a few minutes of conversation, you finally turned back to the others, “Trudy will be here in twenty. She’s sending a helicopter.”
“Doc.” Jake called, trying to catch your eye. When you allowed yourself to meet his gaze he spoke to you softly in Na’vi. “Are you sure about this?”
You try not to look impressed, “You’ve gotten better, Puppet. But of course it’s because of me , so I’m not surprised.” Making a joke and forcing a smile was what kept you from breaking down into tears again.
Fortunately, Grace changed the subject, “Come on, Marine. Time to get going. I’m sure she’s waiting on you.”
Reluctantly, after breaking gazes, Jake finally lied down as Grace got him linked up.
Norm turned to you, brows raised curiously, “Why does the Colonel want to see you?”
You sighed, “Honestly, I really don’t give a shit.”
“Atta girl.” Grace grinned.
The cafeteria was empty save for you and Quaritch. He was already sitting when you entered and sat down at the table with him. You always felt small around him, like you were still this little girl looking up at him, intimidated by him. Instead of allowing him to see that, you willed your face into a blank mask and frowned at him, waiting for him to ask the questions.
“Corporal tells me you’ve been doing a good job training him.” He hummed casually, crossing his bulky arms. “I trust that means things are going well then?”
You shrugged, “I suppose. But that’s up to the Na’vi to decide if he’s one of them. Not me.”
He snorted while leaning back in his seat, “Well then what’s takin’ them so long? Those paranoid fuckers have no reason not to trust him, right? So what’s the hold up?”
“They won’t just let anyone into the clan.” You tried reasoning through gritted teeth. “It’s bad enough they don’t trust us as it is—with good reason—imagine how it would look if we were to rush their process.”
For a few moments, he watched you in both observation and disbelief. You waited, not once breaking his stare. If you were to look away, then he would know you were holding something back, hiding from him. He has a way of picking you apart. Sometimes.
“Why is it that you defend those savages? Over your own race?” Quaritch asked you as if it was a difficult concept to believe, almost as if you had betrayed him and he was trying to understand why that was.
He didn’t know what betrayal was. Not yet at least. But perhaps you had betrayed him long ago, ever since you first thought up Project Pandora.
“This isn’t our home.” You say simply, noticing his jaw tightening as you said that. “We are the trespassers. We are the infestation to them. Demons. We’ve practically destroyed parts of their home. It’s no wonder they don’t like us.”
Quaritch still watched you, keenly. “And are you filling Jake Sully’s head with this nonsense? Is that why Dr. Augustine had him carted away and out of my reach, so you all can fill his head with horseshit? Turn him against me?”
“Is that why you asked me here?”
 “I’m just lookin out for you, kiddo. Wouldn’t want you ending up on the wrong side of this war.”
Your brows furrowed, “You think there’s going to be a war? Why would there be war?”
Quaritch shrugged, “Depends on Sully. If things go our way, then we can avoid any more mess that could possibly come if it doesn’t go our way.”
Depends on Sully? What did that mean? Was there more to why Quaritch tasked Jake to infiltrate the Omatikaya? Of course you always suspected there was but you never really had enough to go on. But now that Quaritch was alluding to it, whatever he asked Jake to do, now you were worried. Now you were angry.
“Do you even care about me?”
The question threw him off, even you were startled by it. It wasn’t what you initially wanted to say but this somehow slipped out instead of the angry rant you wanted to throw his way.
Quaritch then glared, “That’s not what we’re here to talk about—”
But you kept going, “Do you care about anything other than yourself or your obsessive need to take over a planet that doesn’t even belong to you? Do you even care for your newborn son—”
“That’s enough, Doc—”
“You never talk about him. So I just assumed he was dead or that you just didn’t give a rat’s ass about him—”
“I said that’s enough—”
“You claim you’re trying to look out for me, that you don’t want me on the wrong side of the war. Is that you actually trying to be some type of father or am I just another obstacle in your way—”
The slam came before you saw his hand hit the table.
Quaritch was now standing, scowling down at you. Yu refused to be afraid of him, you refused to cower away. The tears in your eyes was that of anger, not fear. You hoped he knew that. Though, you weren’t entirely sure if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
He pointed at you calmly, “I’m not your father, kid. Your father is long dead. And you are a grown woman. If you want to be reckless and get yourself fucking killed then so be it. I won’t even fucking blink. You hear me?”
Your silence made him falter. Your glassy eyes made him look away from you.
The silence was deafening. Quaritch paced away, back now facing you.
“You are dismissed.”
This was a bad idea. You knew this. And yet you still came anyway. For Grace, for the Avatar Program, hell even for Jake.
You just hoped it was worth it. You really did.
When you got back Jake was still in the link bed. Norm seemed to have a better attitude these days and was helping Grace out. She must’ve given him a talk and it seemed to have worked out for the better.
You were quiet and didn’t bother to say anything when you arrived back. Grace noticed your change and immediately ordered you to the back where the beds were. You would’ve protested and said you would be better keeping yourself busy in the lab but Grace insisted. Norm didn’t ask any questions. Thank Eywa for that.
So now, you were just lying in bed either staring at the ceiling lost in thought or trying your very best to not doze off to sleep. Really, as soon as your head hit the pillow—one you hadn’t touched in weeks—your body instantly felt like taking a long overdue rest.
Usually you have avoided any type of sleep, scared of revisiting the same nightmares you’ve been having for two years now. But perhaps this time you would allow it to come. You would not fight it.
Really, fighting was the last thing you wanted to do at that moment.
“You’re back.”
You turned your head to find Jake entering the room, rolling toward the beds himself. You gave a tired smile in return, “I’m back.”
Jake tilted his head, eyes narrowing, “Have you been crying?”
There wasn’t a point to lying but there also wasn’t any point in admitting he was right either. Instead, you buried your face into your pillow and mumbled out a “Maybe.”
For a while, the two of you didn’t say anything. You heard him roll up next to your bed but you refused to look at him, knowing that if you did you’d probably cry all over again. Crying in front of him was the last thing you wanted to do, especially when you didn’t know where you stood with him right now.
Was he on your side? Was he still working with Quaritch? You thought you knew the answer before. But now…
A larger hand came to rest on the side of your head, surprising you so much you allowed yourself to look up from your pillow to meet Jake’s eyes. And see his face contorted into what looked like anger.
His hand was warm and his thumb gently wiped at the corners of your eye before caressing the side of your cheek. And then he spoke in a lowered voice.
“Next time, I talk to him.” You furrow your brows. His thumb gently rubbed around your cheek. “Alright? I go, not you.”
You wanted to ask him then and there.
Who’s side are you on? And should I trust you?
But you trusted Grace. And she believed he was changing.
So, you have to believe it too.
You weaved your fingers with the hand resting against your cheek and closed your eyes, “I can take care of myself, you know.”
He chuckled, his cool breath fanning against your eyelashes as he did. You hadn’t realized he was that close until now. “Believe me, I know. But I got myself involved with him. It’s my job to handle Quaritch. That includes keeping you away from him.”
Now it was your turn to chuckle, “Since when do you care what Quaritch does to me?”
There was pause before you heard him utter quietly, barely audible.
“He made you cry.”
You kept your eyes closed and your hand on his. If you were to move, this moment would be gone. Possibly never come back, never addressed again.
Right now you wouldn’t think about that. All you focused on was the now.
Just as you were slowly dozing off, Jake spoke, “Tomorrow Grace’s taking her avatar out to the village.”
“You should come.”
A smile tugged at your lips, “I haven’t used mine in a while. M’could be too rusty.”
You heard him laugh softly, “I can show you the basics. I’m sure you’re probably better at navigating it than me….”
Jake stopped when he noticed the way your breaths slowed down in a steady pace and how your eyes were now fluttering close with your grip on his hand loosening.
Smiling softly, he carefully took his hand away from your face and instead pulled the blanket over your body.
He sighed while looking at your sleeping form.
“What are you doing to me, Doc?”
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari@tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @erenjaegerwifee
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howlingday · 4 days
Switchin' Ain't Easy
Mercury: And that'll do it for the stream today, ladies. Thank you so much for tuning in, and for all the donations, too, of course. And a big, ol' sexy thank you to all my tier three subs. You lovelies make all of this possible. I wouldn't be able to make half the amount of lien I do a week without y'all! See you all tomorrow, and it can't come soon enough~. Good-bye!
Mercury: (Click! Stretches) Mmgh!
Adrian: (Walks in) Hi, Mr. Mercury! How are you?
Mercury: Hey, kiddo! I'm doin' alright. Just finished up a Switch Stream. How are you?
Adrian: Okay, I guess. I was bored and I wanted to see what everyone else was up to.
Mercury: Yeah? And let me guess; you came to see the most awesome dude with bionic legs first because you knew he'd fix your boredom, right?
Adrian: No, you were actually my last choice 'cause everyone else was busy.
Mercury: Ghk!
Adrian: Not in a bad way! I'm just not allowed to hang out with you because then my uncle would get mad at me because he doens't like when I'm around you. When I ask him why, he says he'll tell me when I'm older. Then he walks away calling you something under his breath. He says you're a sloo... A slot... No... Oh! He calls you a "slu-"!
Mercury: HEY! Haha, maybe don't say it so loud! Especially if you're gonna go back to your uncle after seeing me.
Adrian: Huh?
Mercury: Nothing, nothing!
Adrian: Okay! Ooh, that's a really neat computer! Were you playing a video game~?!
Mercury: Yup! Just like I said, I just finished a Switch Stream. Helps pay the bills.
Adrian: But doesn't the government pay you a fair and just wage for all of your hard work protecting the world?
Mercury: ...Kid-
Adrian: I know, I know. I just heard what I said, too. So what does this "switch streaming" do?
Mercury: Well, kid, to make it easy to understand, take all the things that make a person a decent human being, like morals, dignity, respect, decency and everything else that your mommies teach you, then throw all of that in the garbage, sit down in front of a camera or mic, and BAM! You're Switch Streaming, baby~!
Adrian: I don't understand...
Mercury: Well, let me explain it like this then. A Switch Streamer makes a recording of themselves watching or playing or reacting to something or even just talking and then live streams it out for all of their fans and followers to watch and enjoy!
Adrian: Is that really the best way to make lien? It doesn't sound like it makes a lot.
Mercury: Well, the rates vary from the site itself, and Switch makes most of what I've got off of ad revenue, but where the lien REALLY rolls in is from the donations!
Adrian: Donations? Like, people give you lien?
Mercury: Bingo, kiddo! Hit the nail right on the head!
Adrian: But why would they donate to you? Do you make really funny or exciting content, Mr. Mercury?
Mercury: Oh, hell no! It's barely considered content!
Adrian: Huh? Then why-
Mercury: Listen, Adrian, some of us are born with what some people call "devilishly good looks". In other words, I look so good that a lot of people are willing to listen to me and to what I have to say. Because being sexy or attractive where it really matters can REALLY get people reaching for their wallets. Couple ab shots here and a shirtless messy water drink there and all them thots practically drown me in lien~!
Adrian: ...Mr. Mercury, are you a whore?
Mercury: WHAT?! Wh-Where did that come from?!
Adrian: Uncle Jaune and Mommy Saph talked about one of my aunties using her body to get something she wants makes her a whore. And they said it was a bad thing to be.
Mercury: That's... rude. But not untrue, I guess.
Adrian: So is being a Switch Streamer a bad thing?
Mercury: Let me answer your question with my own question. Do you know how much lien I make from a single three-hour stream?
Adrian: I don't know what that has to do with anything. Uncle Jaune says that if you do something bad, nothing will excuse-
Mercury: Over five thousand lien~.
Adrian: Mr. Mercury, can I be a Switch Streamer when I grow up~?
Mercury: You sure can, bud! You can do anything you put your mind to!
Adrian: Yay~! I can't wait to throw away my morals, ethics, and standards to make a large sum of lien from people I've never met~!
Mercury: (Sniffles) It's so fulfilling being a role model for young boys. Glad I was able to show you the joys of being a Switch Streamer, ki-
Mercury: ACK! J-Jaune~!
Adrian: Uncle Jaune~!
Jaune: I came to pick my nephew up when I heard he was with YOU of all people! Now tell me, what exactly did I just hear you teaching my nephew?!
Mercury: Nothing, Jaune, I swear! We were just-
Adrian: It's okay, Uncle Jaune! Mr. Mercury was just teaching me how I can make lien by sacrificing my morals and having no respect for your body~!
Jaune: ...WHAT?!
Mercury: H-Hang on! I know that sounds bad, but-
Adrian: Uh-huh, and he told me how he uses his body to get people to give him a lot of lien! I learned so much from him~!
Jaune: ...
Mercury: ACK! S-Since when have you had a metal bat?!
Jaune: Since the writer gave it to me!
Mercury: What?!
Adrian: (Watching Jaune beat up Mercury) Huh... Guess you could say Uncle Jaune is really beating Mr. Mercury... BLACK and blue~!
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freuleinanna · 2 years
It's always trauma o'clock somewhere! Especially for these kids who had to come home and lie about why they returned from the camp a day later. They hardly had a chance to unpack the recent trauma, but I think this is how the HQ massacre affected their lives afterwards.
Jacob, as many others, chose a half-truth and told his parents that some jerk broke the car to stay with his girlfriend. He omitted the part where that jerk was him. Couldn't bear that guilt.
He was a decent swimmer and wanted to maybe take it professionally, but the next time he found himself at the pool, he completely froze at the signal. He never dived in that day. He stared at the blue-tiled water, and he saw the chains and the overblown body.
He found Emma on Instagram and, for a while, he was checking it obsessively, hoping she'd talk about what happened or mention it in some way, any way. He wanted to stop being so alone in knowing the truth and living with it. Emma never did that.
Emma, actually, fell silent for almost 2 months after her return. She'd speak the bare minimum, but never an actual conversation, never a joke. The happy, bubbly girl simply wasn't there. Her parents even took her to a teen therapist with little to no result.
Emma had stopped streaming for a while, although she still kept her Insta. One time she almost posted a selfie from that day, before the nightfall. Almost.
Some time later, she set up a really non-Emma-esque live stream. She was sitting in silence, looking at the sunset, the comment section was overflowing, and sometimes Emma would pick a question to answer from there. Many thought she was doing some sort of spiritual cleanse. She only spoke without a prompt for the first time when she saw Abi joining the stream.
For Abi, it was nightmares. That simple, that efficient. Dark forests, mist, dangerous beasts lurking around. What else to screw with the sleep of a sweet, tender person?
Movies on the background didn't help. Music didn't help. Drawing made everything worse, because in every shape, form, and shadow, beasts were lurking. Whenever she'd pick up a pencil to sketch, she left monsters on the paper. Wherever she looked, she saw monsters. Monsters always looked just a little bit like Nick.
It went on until the night she looked Emma up on Insta and, by pure coincidence, got to her live stream.
Nick blocked most of it out. There wasn't much to remember, but some memories still bled through.
He became the snack guy, the guy who always had something to chew on. It was a small quirk nobody was really paying attention to, but its trail led back to the only thing he did remember: hunger.
Whenever he emailed, Abi never replied.
Ryan, on the contrary, was replying to and receiving a LOT of emails. He was the one to send all the evidence to the Bizarre Yet Bonafide studio, and he also kept in touch with a few other Hacketteers, including Kaitlyn and Dylan.
Another thing he did is meticulously go through all his favorite media (TV & films mostly) and unbooked/deleted everything that dealt with guns being shot or vivid descriptions of wild animals (or their victims). This took him several hard days, but he finally felt safer when he did it.
He only watched something new if Dylan watched it first and gave him an okay.
Dylan, as opposed to Ryan, consumed horror content like his life depended on it. At some point, he even had a special notepad with details of how to defeat or protect yourself from all supernatural dangers and their mother. He kept this notepad on him at all times and often re-read it.
Getting used to not having a hand was slightly easier than he expected. What wasn't easy? That one time when his dad asked him to bring him sth to work. His father, a crane conductor on a construction site, did not expect his grown son to have a full-blown panic attack over a pb&j.
On the other hand (his joke, not mine), he got really close with Ryan and Kat, and they were planning a getaway together.
Kaitlyn was the one to propose the getaway. Despite the general total mindfuck, she managed to keep a cool head on the night of, and, surprisingly, it didn't cost her a hand and a leg (her joke, not mine!)
Thus, she became a healer. Reaching out, making sure. Helping. She didn't make it her sacred goal to help all others, but she tried, and that's what counts.
She kept tabs on Jacob especially. She knew he'd never ask for help. He didn't have to ask. That's what best friends are for.
Max never met any of those people, except Emma. That one time he bit his lip and nearly puked because he thought he remembered the taste of blood.
He topped his steak-cooking up to inventing the well-well-well-done steak without any possibility of there being blood.
Mostly, he just wasn't sure if he knew his own nature anymore. As the whole night was blocked in his mind, he could only trust Laura. And he did. The fact that she looked at him even more lovingly than before told him that if she trusts him, if she loves him, than it's okay.
Laura did trust him and loved him. But she also ran a gazillion of drills per week and kept at least two take-and-run bags in the house, and one in a special place. Clothes, flashlights, crackers, compass, you name it. She was an amateur that last time. Now she was ready for anything.
She took up running as well. She continued with vet studies. Even years after, the first thought that sprung to her mind if someone was butten by an animal was: CUT THE FUCKING LIMB.
Max kept her grounded with his laugh and his honest, sincere warmth. She could have gone really cold inside if it wasn't for him.
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wildemaven · 1 year
Duality Of A Man
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader / AU
WC: 1379
Warnings: T; Mentions of food; that’s all.
A/N: I literally woke up this morning and threw this idea at @heythere-mel and @kteague and couldn’t get it outta my head. I’m calling this AU because of the nature of the plot, but there’s canon sprinkled through it still— I really tried to stay true to his character as much as possible. I don’t want to reveal to much and spoil everything. Not beta’d and mistakes are my own doing.
Masterlist / Part 2 / Part 3
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You wake long before his blaring alarm. The fan’s oscillating buzz streaming through the dimly lit room.
You turn to see he is in fact still in his sleepy state. You leave him be, a few more hours will do him good— the long hours at his latest job site really doing a number on his tired body.
You take caution as you slip from the bed. Slow movements as your feet hit the cold floor, a jolt to your waking senses.
You swipe the nearest shirt from the pile of clothes on the floor. A quick once over before you’re pulling it over your naked form— his shirts are always comfier.
The slow pull from your dresser drawer, it’s usual creaking undetectable as you sift through its contents finding your favorite biker shorts.
One last look at your boyfriend, his handsome face cradle by his lumpy pillow that he refuses to replace. His dark curls messy, suitable to his laid back nature.
He looks the most relaxed when he sleeps.
You make your way to the kitchen to get the coffee started. The old machine, another item Joel refuses to replace, takes nearly twice as long as it should to produce the amber liquid, thankfully your jumpstart on the day will get it made before Joel has made it downstairs.
Breakfast will be a quick task this morning, fried eggs and bacon are a regular staple when Sarah is gone for the weekend at a friends house.
Sarah is Joel’s daughter, but you love her as if she were your own. You and Joel got together a few years back and he was hesitant in introducing you to her, rightfully so. You told him to take his time and you’d be happy to meet her when he was ready. It took all of 6 months for that meeting and you had instantly clicked with her bubbly personality.
The low hum of the stereo drifts through the kitchen. The well-done bacon placed onto a paper towel covered plate, draining off the excess grease. The eggs producing their sizzling pops, the edges crisp and yolks just barely done— Joel’s favorite.
Two broad arms find their way around your waist, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck— you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Jesus Joel! You fuckin’ scared the shit outta me!” Your elbow sending a slight jab into his stomach.
“Ow!” His arms tighten up, pulling you back into him. “Mornin’ Babe.” His voice still raspy and low. A quick kiss to your temple before he starts to move about the space.
“Breakfast is done. Coffee should be ready— we really need to get a new machine” You mention as you set the plates of food down on the kitchen table.
“Nothin’ wrong with it. It’s still makin’ coffee. Ain’t broke, no need to go replacin’ it.” Pulling two cups from the cupboard and pouring you each a cup before making his way to the table to join you.
Your eyes roll in response. The man has a weird fixation with keeping worn out dilapidated items— his other charming qualities are what won you over.
“What are your plans for the day? Sarah should be back by late afternoon. Thought we could go get burgers and ice cream?”
He nods, as he continues to chew, fork preparing his next bite. “Yeah that sounds fine. Just gotta go grab some tools from Tommy. Mrs. Adler mentioned needin’ some help fixin’ a few things. Figured I could go after a shower. Should be done in ‘bout an hour or two.” He looks to you to make sure you’re okay with it.
You lean back in your chair, one leg perched up on the edge, your coffee cup on your knee. “Yeah that will work. I’ll give you that Tupperware container to take back over.” You take a slow sip from the steaming cup. “I swear I could eat myself sick off of her cookies. Those things are dangerous, but delicious.”
His dimple peaks through his grown out beard as he smiles at your statement. Gulping down the rest of his coffee, he places his empty cup on top of his egg yolk covered plate. “Thanks for breakfast babe! Delicious as always.” He says, wiping his greased cover fingers on his sleep pants.
“You’re welcome.”
The dishes clinking together as he sets them into the sink, then moving back towards where you’re still sitting at the table. Quick exchange of “I love you’s” and a sweet exchange of kisses before he retreats to take a shower.
Anticipating Sarah’s arrival in the next few hours, you make work to clean up the kitchen and get a few house chores done— remembering the pile of dirty clothes at the foot of your bed.
It takes you no time to whip through each task before you find yourself relaxing comfortably on the couch. Flipping through the home improvement magazine you’d picked up while grocery shopping the other day.
The house didn’t need much improvement. To an outsider it would seem in perfect order. But Joel being the handy man he is, you seemed to find ways to spruce up areas that needed the help. Just last year he replaced the backsplash to something a little more up to date, less drab and 80’s.
The ringing of the door bell catches your attention. Neither you or Joel were expecting visitors, and Sarah knows well enough to let herself in.
You fold the corner of the page you were on, setting the magazine on the coffee table before getting up to answer the door.
When you open it you’re met with a women you’ve never seen before. She’s beautiful, must be in her early 30’s if you were to guess. She’s looking around outside before she realizes you’ve opened the door.
“Hi. Can I help you?” You ask.
“Um, yes. Hi, I’m Kelli.” Her hand extended out to yours, you politely shake it hoping she’s going to grant you with a reason for stopping by. “I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m looking for someone and from what I’ve been told, he lives here.”
You’re not quite sure where she’s going with this. You’ve never seen this Kelli woman in you life and never once have you heard Joel mention her either. She must have to wrong house, and you’ll gladly point her in the right direction once she gives you this man’s name.
“Um, okay. Who is it that you think lives here?” You question her as nicely as you can.
She begins to dig into her purse, pulling out a worn picture. She looks it over briefly before turning and holding it up to you. “Have you seen this man?”
You were ready to say no you hadn’t. But the truth was you had. The man in the photo was upstairs at this very moment showering in your home. It was Joel staring back at you, just a younger version of him.
Your mind reeling as you try to figure out why Kelli is at your front door looking for Joel. She clearly knows him and sounds like she went through a lot of trouble to find him.
She explains straight away why she’s looking for him. You can’t seem to take your eyes off the photo in your hands. Her explanation making zero sense to you. You get her number and tell her you will give her a call tomorrow, you need to still talk to Joel about it all.
The sound of the water shutting off signals Joel’s finished his shower, meaning he’ll be bounding down the stairs momentarily.
You sit back down on the couch, your fingers tracing over the photo. The sound of his boots hitting the steps break you from your trance.
“Hey, heard the door bell. Who was it?” He says as he enters the living room. He falls into his signature pose, hip cocked out and hands resting at his waist.
You stand, eyes still locked on the photo.
“Babe? Who was— What’s that ya got there?”
“Joel— Who’s Kelli?” His face drops instantly.
“Who’s Kelli and why did she say your name is actually Francisco Morales and that she’s your wife?” You spill as you hold the photo out for him to see.
“Fuck—“ Is all he manages to get out.
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entishramblings · 1 year
The Innocence of Brutality Pt. 3 [Legolas/F!Reader]
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
A.N: and I present part 3 to you!!!! Enjoy!
Request: none
Pairing: Legolas X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Reader is Rámaitë Mahtar, a warrior spirit race, and she meets the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring. 
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the Rámaitë Mahtar is not canon as I made up Rámaitë Mahtar. Also, all elvish was translated from a translator site—it may not be accurate.
Word Count:
Warnings: nudity (not sex), mentions of war, mentions of torture, violence, fluff
The Innocence of Brutality Masterlist
That night, they settled into a camp rather late, for Aragorn and Gandalf wanted to put as much distance as possible between them and the bloodbath. So, exhausted and worn down, they huddled by the fire, doing the tasks they must attend to.
(Y/N), on the other hand, was still covered in orc blood. It was like a second skin at this point. A hardened, cracked shell of war. But it seemed she didn't want to wear such a thing, for she walked towards the river that ran by the edge of their camp. Immediately, she began to peel her clothing off, as well as the bandage upon her wing.
Instantly, all the men adverted their eyes and went about their tasks—building a fire, making food, treating minor scratches, taking a leak, etc.
The winged woman let her body drift into the water. It wasn't deep, not enough for a swim, for it hung around her waist calmly. Still, she crouched down and dipped her head under, letting it wash over her entire form. She stayed under the smooth liquid, allowing it to envelope her.
When she came up, she inhaled slowly. She felt much better, much cleaner. The water, as cold as it was—especially at the night—felt good on her skin. The movement of the river took away all the grim, dirt, and blood from not only her body but her wings. It rippled through each feather, cleaning off anything that lingered. Additionally, it felt relaxing and soothing on her injury. The water was almost healing in a sense.
(Y/N) spent much time in the river, letting it loosen her muscles, but as the chill began to settle, she decided to opt to spend time near the fire. Therefore, she rose from the water, gathered her dirty clothes in her arms, and approached the men once again.
She dropped the fabric in a pile on a log and stood before the flames.
Aragorn cleared his throat awkwardly. "(Y/N), where are your clothes?"
She, seemingly not having any qualms about being bare before them, gestured to the fabric. "They are bloody."
Legolas glanced up and instantly, his lips parted. Of course, from Aragon's words he had expected her to be naked—again—but he hadn't expected....this. She was absolutely ethereal. Legolas, of course, had seen her body considering the circumstances, but now...Valar. She stood before them with all the dirt, ash, and blood finally washed away. Her wet skin sparkled in the firelight, golden hues dancing upon the smooth flesh. Water dripped from every bend and twist of her body, running down in simple streams. But it was those wings of hers that held his attention. Originally, he had thought them to be a shimmery gray color. Now, however, he could see they weren't. They were clean of all harsh elements. Extending from her back, bright white with reflective colorful hues of pinks, blues, and yellows danced upon each feather. They practically glowed in the flame's lingering kiss. She was beautiful.
"You have to wear clothes," Aragorn's voice drawled on.
Legolas, blinking, averted his eyes again.
She crossed her arms. "Why?"
"Because that is what we do in this world." He gestured to all the men. "We are all wearing clothes."
Boromir cleared his throat. "She may use my extra tunic."
All eyes drifted to him with confusion as he stood.
He awkwardly brought the fabric to the woman. As he handed it to her, he spoke gently. "Thank you for fighting for us today. We would not have had such a good chance if you were not there."
(Y/N) tilted her head for a moment, those curious eyes, once again, staring into his soul, until she finally nodded in acceptance.
He turned to walk away, but she spoke again, holding the fabric close to her body. "What were they?"
Each person glanced around at the other, unsure what to say.
Boromir, however, answered. "They are orcs. Beasts bred for a vile purpose."
Legolas, thinking of his previous conversation with Gandalf, decided to add to Boromir's statement with the intent to pry into (Y/N)'s knowledge of good vs. evil. Even though he heard such horrid tales from the wizard, he still believed she could be good—that she could be kind and caring. "These orcs, they serve someone who is trying to harm us," he said.
Once again, eyes shifted nervously.
"We carry something that they want."
She frowned. "Why do you carry it?"
"To destroy it," he replied. "We are taking it to be destroyed so many will not be subject to harm."
"To help?" she questioned, looking for a simple answer. She seemed to like simple answers.
Legolas nodded. "Yes, to help. We want to help save the world and its people."
She bobbed her head up and down in understanding.
Surprisingly, it was Frodo who spoke. "(Y/N), do you want to help us do it?"
The air went absolutely silent at that question.
"Will it help you?" she asked.
He nodded.
"Then I will help."
A breath, that none realized they had been holding, seemed to slip back into the atmosphere.
(Y/N), however, did not pick up on such relief. Instead, she began pulling the tunic over her head, struggling to get it to lay correctly with her wings.
Legolas, seeing this, sighed in dismay. It was sad, really.
He stood upright. "Let me help." He approached her and began to pull the fabric over her body. It hung low and loosely in her front, but the back was simply not going to happen.
"Sam," he called out, "Could you pass me a blanket?"
The hobbit nodded and scrambled to get one to the elf. Legolas then wrapped it around (Y/N)'s waist, tying it taught, like a skirt.
"Aragorn, we will be needing to get her clothing that will fit her. Maybe the next town or market?"
He shook his head. "We can't risk getting too close."
"We cannot have her going on like this," he replied. "If she is to journey with us, she needs adequate clothing."
"How will we even get her into a town, Legolas? Those wings—"
(Y/N) interrupted. "Wings go away."
Both men twisted to look at her, unsure of what she meant.
"(Y/N)," Legolas began softly. "They are a part of you. We can't cut them off."
She shook her head. "No. They go inside when not broken."
Aragorn's lips parted, realizing what she was saying. "They retract," he blurted.
She nodded.
"That will make things easier, we wont have to get anything custom sewed. We can just purchase pre-made clothing in a size that will fit. It would be in and out rather quickly," Legolas said.
Pippin interjected into their conversation. "If we're gonna be going into a town, why don't we stay the night? Get a nice bed. Some fine ale and comforts!"
"And stock up on some more food, Strider!" Sam added.
Aragorn shook his head. "A night is too risky."
Gimli chimed in. "Nay, it's not. Not if it's only one night and we mind our own business."
"We are a strange group, Gimli, are we not? People would likely ask questions if we came bumbling in."
"So we split up," Boromir said. "We go in separate groups, a couple to a room. This far east the hobbits can pass as children."
Aragorn, inhaled deeply, seemingly thinking it through. After a moment, though, he nodded. "Fine. But it all depends on those wings. When will they be able to retract?"
Legolas frowned. "Let me look at the injury." He turned back to the woman. "(Y/N), may I?"
She nodded, bringing the wing down from its height. Legolas then began examining it, being sure to be careful...and cautious considering he now knew how much of a weapon they really were.
He frowned.
"What? What is it?" Aragorn said, worried.
He shook his head. "Nay, nothing is wrong. It's just—it is healing quickly. Much faster than such an injury should."
"She is Rámaite Mahtar," Gandalf stated simply. "Their bodies are designed for war. That includes healing. An injury that should take months or even years can be healed in a matter of weeks."
"The wing should be fully repaired within a couple of days, I believe," Legolas said. "It did receive a minor setback today with all the fighting, but it is nearly fixed. Let me put another poultice on it and wrap it for the night."
Aragorn dipped his head.
The fellowship drifted to their bed rolls with small smiles of excitement, for they much so desired one night of comforts.
"Is that alright?" Legolas asked. "If I treat the wound again?"
(Y/N) looked up at him and nodded, sitting down upon the grass. They had done it enough times now that it was now a regular occurrence, but Legolas always asked permission.
As Legolas worked, (Y/N)'s eyes drifted closed and her body relaxed. Legolas knew she was tired. The battle was probably exhausting—even more so if he considered the fact that she may have been in chains for eons...and most definitely tortured considering Morgoth was the one who watched her prison. His heart filled with sadness as he thought of that. It must have been so painful. So horrible.
Sam, the sweet hobbit, had come by them and collected (Y/N)'s dirty clothing. He began washing it in the river. Legolas sent him a grateful smile as he did so, for it was an act of complete kindness. He knew the little hobbit was doing it as a thank you for saving them. If she wasn't there, at least some of them would have been dead. Legolas knew that. He had fought in enough battles. Besides, considering they would need to keep moving tomorrow, clean clothing was a necessity. The makeshift fabric upon her form now would not hold in such terrain.
With curiosity tugging in the corners of his mind, Legolas decided to speak to (Y/N). Maybe he could get some answers from her, different from the biased ones Gandalf told him. "(Y/N), where were you before you came to us."
She opened her eyes and stared right into Legolas. Time seemed to stretch on as she examined his gaze, seemingly wondering if she should tell him or not.
"I was...I was in the dark," she replied softly.
He gently touched her wrist with the bruises that were now almost faded. "Is that where those came from?"
She looked down at his hand upon hers and nodded. "Yes."
"How long were you there for?"
She shrugged. "Don't know. Long."
He began moving his thumb in soft circles of comfort as he spoke again in that same gentle tone. "Did they hurt you there?"
(Y/N) blinked, turning her head way. "Yes."
Sensing that that was all the information he was going to get tonight, he ceased his questions and went back to tending to her wing. He didn't want to push.
After a couple of moments, however, she turned back to face him.
At first, he thought maybe she was going to tell him more of her life. But she did not speak.
Instead, her gaze did not move from his expression. Damn those beautiful curious eyes. They bore into him fiercely. So much so, that he stopped his task and looked up. "Is there something wrong, (Y/N)?"
"Why," she began as she reached her hand forward, her palm cupping his cheek.
Slightly startled, he sucked in a shaky breath. She had never touched him like...like this. She had grabbed at his arm when wanting his attention. She had pulled on his limbs to stop herself from slipping on the rough terrain (he assumed she normally would fly because legs didn't seem to really be her thing). And she had smacked him in the face with her wing when she didn't care enough to avoid his form when he was 'in her way.'
Her finger extended to touch his ear. "Why are yours pointed?"
Legolas, squeezing his eyes shut, noticeably shivered at her touch. He was quick to grab her hand and pull it from his ear.
She frowned at him, clearly unhappy at his lack of consent.
"I, uh," he stuttered. "They are pointed because I am an elf. Aragorn and Boromir are human. Gimli is a dwarf. The hobbits, well, they are hobbits. Their ears are also pointed. Gandalf is a wizard. We are all different races, so we are all different.
(Y/N) looked to Aragorn and Boromir before looking back at Legolas. "What is the difference besides ears?"
He raised a brow as he started to wrap the wing in bandages once again. "Between elves and humans?"
She nodded.
"Well, elves have better senses—sight, touch, smell, hearing, and even taste. We are stronger and faster. We, uh, also live for many more years. We live until we are killed."
"I live until killed," she replied simply.
His blue eyes drifted upwards, surprised by her words. "Is that so?"
She nodded. "Yes." She then looked to the others before looking back at the Prince. "Will you be...be..." She frowned, clearly searching for a word. "When they are gone will you be like—like when there are no more sausages left."
Legolas chuckled lightly. "You mean sad?"
"Sad?" she questioned.
He bobbed his head. "Yes." He then tapped her heart lightly. "Sad is when it hurts in here."
She nodded. "Yes. Sad."
Legolas sighed. "I suppose, I will be sad. They are my friends and I do not wish to have them absent from my life. It will be very hard to see them eventually pass from this world if they do not die on this mission."
"I am your friend."
He smiled at her, tucking the last of the fabric into a taught spot. "Yes, you are."
Her next words seemed too abruptly blurt out. "I will also be sad."
"You will?"
(Y/N) nodded. "Yes. I like friends." She then reached forward, grabbing a lock if his hair in her hand. She began to twist it between her fingers. "We will still be friends, yes? Even when they are....gone."
Legolas gently reached up and untangled her fingers from his hair. "Yes, if that is what you want."
She nodded.
"Very well then." He stood from his kneeling position. "I have first watch tonight. You should get some rest." With that, he stood up and took post at the front of the camp, his bow held in his hand.
(Y/N) exhaled as she watched him standing as still as a hunter looking for prey. For some reason, she wanted to stand with him. Instead, however, she turned and moved towards the hobbits who were already attempting to sleep.
"Ow! Pip! You are steeling all the blankets!"
"Yeah! It's cold. Give me some!"
"Oi! You've taken them all!"
"I did not!!!"
(Y/N) frowned as she sat upon her blanket about five feet away.
"Give 'em back, Merry!"
"You are the one with all of them!"
(Y/N) flared out her wings from their dropping position with a rather loud snap, drawing everyone's attention—including the hobbits. She didn't pay mind to the stares though. Instead, she turned on her side, facing away from the hobbits, and let both her wings lower over them like that of a blanket.
"Oh," one whispered quietly.
"This–this is very nice."
"Very warm. Much better than a blanket!"
She did not speak. She let her eyelids close as she drifted to sleep. The hobbits soon followed.
A couple of hours later, Aragorn approached Legolas and stood beside him for a moment before speaking. "It is my turn for watch, mellon nin (my friend)."
"I don't know if I could sleep right now," the elf replied.
The man did not turn to look at him. "Because of (Y/N)?"
Legolas swallowed dryly.
"I saw the two of you earlier. When you were binding her wing. She touched your ear. A very intimate act for your people."
"She doesn't know any better."
Aragorn raised a brow. "You didn't correct her though."
"I removed her hand."
"That is not enough. Part of me thinks you didn't want to tell her."
Legolas shifted. "She just wouldn't understand if i tried too."
"She has learned a lot in the past three weeks. I bet she would understand if you explained it to her. You are the one teaching her the most." He cleared his throat, his tone changing into one of slight teasing. "Wonder why that is?"
The elf cleared his throat. "Gandalf says that the Rámaite Mahtar can't tell the difference between good and evil. That they can't feel things like we do. But I think he is wrong. I think they can."
"Do you hope that she may feel something for you?"
Legolas tried to hide the red hue that danced upon his cheeks. "That is not what I meant." He turned to face his friend. "She asked me about how I would feel when you all died and I was left living."
"What did you say?"
"She was the one who described sadness. She just didn't know the word for it."
"And she said she would be sad too because she would also still be here."
Aragorn's eyes drifted toward her and the hobbits under her wing before focusing back on Legolas. "She is immortal then?"
The Prince nodded. "Unless slain."
"Like you."
He nodded. "Yes."
Aragorn cleared his throat. "Why don't you rest?"
Legolas sighed. He knew he should.
Therefore, with only a quick dip of the head, the elf departed from his friend. Aragorn's words burned into his mind. He knew what the man was trying to say. He knew what he had meant.
The Prince laid down upon his back on his mat, only a couple of feet away from (Y/N). He let his head turn to the side, watching her sleep, until he too drifted into the land of dreams. However, only a couple of hours passed before he was jolted awake by a heavy mass smacking into him.
With a loud gasp, he tried to sit upwards and reach for his bow. He did not get very far.
Pinned to the ground, he frantically looked around himself with wide eyes in an attempt to see the enemy that knocked the air from his lungs. But he saw no enemy. No, he only saw a white fluffy wing covering his form—the bandaged part only two feet to the left of his chin. Legolas, still breathing heavily, turned his head to look at (Y/N).
She had rolled onto her stomach in her sleep. Her other wing, the uninjured one, still laid peacefully over the hobbits.
Legolas glanced at the wing on his chest again. Then back to her. Then over to the chuckling from the edge of camp.
Aragorn, smirking, sent him a look.
Legolas rolled his eyes before letting his head fall back to the ground with a loud huff. He didn't make any motion to do anything about the wing upon his chest. He just let it rise and fall with his breath.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
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Everything Tag:@scxundress @lea—-b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky  @red-riding @brun-lieve @hey-its-nonny @mirclealignr @elizabeth-anya-knight  @sydney-120-sweetheart-blog @laneynoir
Everything But Smut Tag: @goldfearless @Brethil13 (?)
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back @mylittle-escapingdreams @abandoncloud9 @bweakmybonez
Add yourself to my taglist!
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chvnnie · 2 years
i got a sweet sweet ask about minho being a nurturer and this damn site accidentally DELETED it — but @whatudowhennooneseesyou i hope this is exactly what you wanted love. i’m sorry it took a second since it was deleted.
but you’re right - minho would be a nurturer when you’re sad.
he could see it when you walked through the door. you weren’t yourself. eyes heavy and watery as you tried to hold back tears, shoulders slumped; you looked like a shell of yourself. minho could feel the sadness that encompassed you from where he sat on the couch.
you dump your bag by the door, slowly taking your shoes off. he watched as you slug your way through the apartment. a glum “hi” thrown in his direction as you walked past him to the bedroom.
whatever happened - be it that you were just exhausted from the day, or something even bigger - it broke his heart to see you like this. to see you so sad, to watch you mope about.
what was he to do, stand by and watch? absolutely not. no, minho was determined to chase every ounce of sadness out of you.
pulling himself off the couch, he headed straight to the kitchen. it was never too early for dinner, in his opinion (even if it was only 4:00 in the afternoon). minho cooking is like a symphony; different ingredients spread across the counter tops, blending together to make the most wonderful taste that’s ever blessed your mouth. he took pride in his skill, and he was confident in it, but today he took his time to make sure everything was exactly how he wanted it.
good food makes people happy, and damn it, was he going to make the best dish of his life today.
you were hidden away for a while, giving minho time to perfect the meal. by the time you found your way to the kitchen, he was putting on the finishing touches. it was a simple dish, nothing really to write home about.
but at the same time, so much more.
“hi, love.” minho says, barely look up from the plate. “i was feeling kinda hungry, so i made an early dinner. do you want some?”
he watches you nod your head, padding over to him. “it’s my favorite.” you whisper, voice shaky from what he assumed were tears.
a hand comes to your face, brushing the strands that hid it away. “well good thing there’s enough for extra, huh?”
minho has a very strict no-eating-on-the-couch rule, especially during meal times. but he every so graciously waved that rule, taking two plates into the living room and setting them on the coffee table. he saw the confused glint in your eyes, but you chose not to question it, following your boyfriend into the living room.
at this point, it was obvious he was trying to comfort you. from the food, to the rule breaking, to the tv show he put on while you ate. but you knew minho - he wasn’t going to ask about anything until he knew you felt more comfortable. more relaxed than you did when you walked through the door.
because he knew you, and he knew you needed time. time to process, time to cry. whatever time you needed, he was willing to give you.
dishes sat forgotten as the two of you immersed yourself in the show on the tv. at some point, minho had grabbed a blanket, wrapping you up in it. it was warm, and smelled like laundry. freshly cleaned. it had hints of your home, the smells that comforted you and made you feel like no harm could touch you. as you relaxed into the blanket, you relaxed into minho’s side, letting the worries of the day slip out of reach.
right when the streaming service asked if you were still watching, you spoke up. “min?”
“wanna take a bath?”
no wasn’t really in his vocabulary when it concerned you, but especially not today. minho left you with a kiss on the forehead, going to run the bath. he took the time to make sure the temperature was correct, to add the rose scented bubble soap to the water, to fish out multiple tea candles and scatter them about the bathroom. in reality, it didn’t take more than five minutes, but that didn’t make his efforts any less valued.
back to the living room to gather you, who’s sadness was no longer all encompassing. he could still feel it, and it was still there, but it no longer filled the room.
you were feeling better, you just needed a bit more help.
when in the bathroom, minho had a simple request.
“let me undress you.” his voice low, comforting, a hint of an all too familiar tone. one that sent beautiful chills down your spine.
it was an easy yes. he stood behind you. his hands were warm as he pushed them up your sweater, making your eyes flutter shut. his touch light, he pulled the wool material off your body. lips pressed firm kisses against your shoulder as he rid you of your bra before his hands traveled slowly to your waist. leggings and underwear off at once, he spent time running his hands all over your body. feeling your curves and reveling in the way you melt into him.
you turned in his arms, cutting his journey short. “my turn.”
undressing minho was a quicker process. your hands, your body was needy, and you longed to feel his warm skin against yours. when he was as bare as you were, your lips found his. lips moving together in perfect harmony as you helped each other into the tub, only breaking when absolutely necessary.
he got in first, submerging himself completely before you followed, letting minho pull you into his lap. the water was hot, as were the kisses you exchanged, tongues sliding into each other’s mouth. he held onto your hips, keeping you flush against him while you played with the hair at the nap of his neck.
the kisses were hot. steamy. your bodies on fire from the heat of the water and each other.
a hand circled around, dipping in between your bodies until it found your center. minho’s fingers brushed against your clit, making you moan into the kiss. lazily, he played with it, circling faster the deeper the kisses got. the more you reacted.
you broke the kiss, head lolling back as you arched into his touch. moaning his name, your nails dug into his shoulder blades.
minho leaned in, lips attaching to your collarbones. he bit, he sucked, he kisses the sensitive skin, growing harder than he ever thought possible as you squirmed under his touches. smiling against your skin, he picks up the pace. your legs shake around him, warnings on your impending orgasm echoing off the bathroom walls.
“let go.” he groans into your skin, the feeling of your nails making him dizzy. “be good and cum all over my fingers, and i’ll help you forget about this god forsaken day.”
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footballffbarbiex · 11 months
Blank Space. Chapter One
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player: antoine griezmann words: 1214 summary: being a single mom isn’t easy, more so when it’s plus one season and invites are through your door on a monthly basis but with no-one to take. Tired of the pitying glances and coming up with excuses, you decide that a plus one is just for the night, and that can be bought. But what if that hourly booking isn’t enough, but the boyfriend experience comes at too much of a cost? series warnings: sex work (male escort), single mom client, swearing bc it's me, unrequited love (OR IS IT?), angst (bc apparently i like to put Anto through the fucking wringer.) probably more but i can't think straight rn.
I can’t remember if I shared this here, but I’m really excited for this series. Lemme know what you think. 
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The door has barely had time to close when you’re already dropping your bag to the floor and shrugging out of your coat. You toe your shoes off, knowing that you’ll hate yourself a little tomorrow when you see the creases in the back of them but you’re too tired from work to care right now. You scoop your bag back up and drape it over a coat hook before scooping up today’s post from the doormat and heading down the hallway and flicking on the heating without missing a step.
James won’t be home for a while, the childminder isn’t due for another two hours, giving you the chance to finish off dinner and get a bath ready for him. Stepping into the kitchen, you breathe in the scent of the contents of the slow cooker and the rumbling in your stomach reminds you of the lunch that you skipped earlier. Skipped or forgot because you were so rushed off your feet? No matter the reason, the result is still the same and this has you reaching for a snack while you check over the envelopes and leaflets that have come.
Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash.
They fall to the counter top one by one as you look over them. Some are promising guaranteed credit card acceptance with an extortionately high APR, some are designed to look like letters but are concealing house buying promises from estate agents. A few are small booklets with the latest deals from stores begging for you to spend money. And one, in a carefully tied envelope that can only mean one thing.
You pause chewing as you turn it over, the edges perfectly sealed but the bottom of the envelope flap has been secured anyway with a small return address sticker. You knew because of the handwriting on the front and your stomach drops at the thought of attending another event alone. It’s opened within seconds, a careful slice to the top with a knife, even though you have a letter opener somewhere that your neighbour gave you after she saw you do exactly this.
You scan the information, take in the intricate details and know that these were professionally made. Not that you expected anything different, the bride-to-be had always been anal about details and making sure everything was just so, the wedding would be no different. The wedding invite falls on top of the pile and you push away from the counter as you debate what to do.
Of course stepping through the doors is easy. Mixing with others, especially those that you know, is simple. But summoning the energy, putting on a fake smile when people ask “so, bring a plus one?” and you can see the hope in their eyes that you’re bringing someone who isn’t a friend? That takes some doing. Having to explain why you haven’t yet found that “special someone” is draining. It’s not that you’re not happy for those whose weddings or baby showers you’re invited to, it’s the constant justification of why you’re surviving without a man.
You’re too hungry to think about this on an empty stomach and the need to get out today’s clothes is strong.
With dinner consumed and your favourite glass of wine in hand, you’re browsing every streaming site you subscribe to. James is sleeping soundly upstairs, his heavy breathing borderlining a gentle snore. He’d come home, boisterous, loud and chaotic in all the ways a little boy can be. He’d returned home with tales from nursery, little things that had made him laugh and stories he’d wanted to remember tell you. He’d gobbled up his food, his feet swinging in the gap between the seat and the floor. He’d barely left anything on his plate, slurped up his juice before playing a little before it was time for bed.
After kisses, cuddles and with a nighttime story read, James had fallen asleep before you’d reached the last page. You’d brushed his hair aside and given him a kiss on his forehead before ensuring he was fully tucked up and asleep before making your way back downstairs and getting comfortable on the sofa.
Selecting something as more background noise than anything, your mind drifts back to the invite. You weigh up the pros and cons of both attending and refusing to go. Both have their own perks, but very different outcomes. One would leave you feeling almost less than a person, again, and the other would leave you happy to be at home but judged and most likely shunned from any events in the future - even if you had someone to accompany you.
Humour, almost sarcastically really, has you reaching for your phone and loading up the web browser and typing “where to loan a plus one”.
You didn’t believe for a second that you’d get an actual hit. Of course, almost everything has a result, but more often than not it’s not what you want. But instead, you find yourself with several pages of results and all of a similar nature. You weren’t a prude or at the thought of being behind by several decades, but you hadn’t expected to see the options for this kind of question being from escort agencies.
Intrigue had you clicking and reading over the information there. Some of it was new. You’d genuinely believed that booking an escort was mostly for one thing. Here it details many different options and prices, ranging from hourly rates, 6 hour blocks, overnight stays which can include “the relationship package”, or dates.
You found yourself clicking on what counted as a date and found that many bookings, for all their escorts, were for work events, weddings and anything else that required a plus one. You’d never considered this as a possibility. Didn’t know if you were considering this as an option now. Wouldn’t it be easier to just not go than pay for someone to pretend they’re interested in you?
You’re already here so there’s no harm in clicking on a few profiles as you hypothetically pick out a date. You can see why people would pay for these men, they were beautiful. On their profiles, they have sections which state their expertise. Some are given glowing reviews for their boyfriend experiences, for their ability to put their clients at ease. Some are incredible with their hands or mouth, some exceed in oral. Some are listed as “above average” and some have preference for plus size. There was truly something for everyone. In a way, there was too much choice.
You’re about to click off when a picture gets your attention. Blue eyes under beautiful lashes. Soft dark blonde hair that begs to be touched. A kind and handsome face which, as you flick through the available pictures for him, turns into far more gorgeous when he smiles. His reviews were good. Better than good. He was the perfect choice for a boyfriend experience, would always be on time for event plus ones and took the time to do his research for them - not wanting to leave anything to chance and reveal that this was a very different situation to what you’d claimed you would imagine.
You weren’t considering it before, but this man, this profile, it made you question everything.
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I get that your favorite pet site being DDOS'd is stressful, but some of you need to take off your tinfoil hats about the DDOS thing. DDOSing is an incredibly common internet occurrence. One time a rabbit care forum I was on was overwhelmed for over a week solid, for some reason, and then it just went away. All that happens is you can't access the site if the protection service is lousy or the webmaster decides to shut service off to wait out the weirdos. It's dirt cheap to run a service-denial attack. People do it for fun. There is absolutely NO proof that those people who claimed credit for the AO3 attack were the ones actually behind it. There is NO proof they are the ones flooding FR. DDOSing is a crime and any sane person isn't going to admit to it in public. There is even less evidence supporting the theory that it's a state sponsored extortion attack targeting niche pet sites comprised mostly of minors with no personal income. I cannot emphasize enough that these sorts of attacks are extremely commonplace on the internet, and just because nearly all major social networking/streaming is owned by the same mega-corporation who can afford absurd levels of ddos mitigation doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
If you don't' believe me please feel free to research it yourself before getting panicked over FR getting DDOS'd. Technically the userbase has accidentally DDOS'd it offline several times in the past during big releases lol. It's just a petty thing that weirdos on the internet do to try and disrupt service, it can get expensive depending on how dedicated said weirdo is, but it's not going to bug out the servers to the point they'll be unusable and user data will be wiped (unless they're already barely functional, but that's another issue). It literally just prevents people from accessing the site by overloading traffic. Like trying to fit too many people through a doorway. Seems like the attacks are over already anyway. Frankly with how popular FR is I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner lol. If you see the numbers spiking again just take a breath and relax, it's just a waiting game! Inconvenient, but nothing that will kill the site.
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btstulip · 2 months
Help! My brain is melting!
Okay... so first, I'll start with the wild ride that has been the BTS Monochrome pop up announcement:
The MNCRLogistics website was a super fun way to announce the popup (Shout out to all the smart people that figured this stuff out so I didn't have to!), but I am sure that is not all we are getting. This is building up to something bigger, and I am pretty sure it's related to HYYH and likely the K-drama releasing at the end of the month. I have my theories, but mostly they are fun guesses and I won't get into that now.
My big burning question and reason my brain is melting is over Exception @ 7fictionation on twitter.
Before I get into this, there is a lot of questions and hints and analysis out there over both the official content and what ever the Exception content is. It's looking like Bighit has been teasing this for years and even Tae has a picture on Instagram from 2021 of the same photoshoot released by Monochrome Logistics. I am not going to get into all of it because it's too much, but it's definitely fun if you feel like going down the rabbit hole.
Back to Exception @ 7fictionation. This account is definitely piggy backing off of the Monochrome Logistics content. They have been releasing videos, puzzles and streaming playlists as a countdown to something. The big controversy is over this is legit content. Exception @ 7fictionation follows only three accounts, 2 official BTS and 1 locked account that appears to be related to the @ 7fictionation. The official sites do not follow them back, this is one reason why people this this is a fan account and not legit and it is a good point. However, I am not convinced.
A couple of key things stand out to me that are feeding my delulu:
The account was created in December 2023 (with nothing posted until 4/16/24) and the locked @ 7fn_characters joined in April 2023. With Bighit obviously planning this stuff way back, it seems like any spin off twitter accounts would have been created in advance.
Their first post is a video that teases at HYYH content. Obviously the video and music hint at this, but the 8 25 25 8 is code for HYYH. You can see the video here: https://twitter.com/7fictionation/status/1780121445504319961?s=46
The biggest reason I think this is legit is because it's not pointing directly at the #MNCR_Logistics stuff, it's hinting at something else. If this were a fan account trying to piggyback on the official announcements, it doesn't make sense to be bringing in so much new content. It would make a stronger link to copy the messaging from MNCR_Logistics if this was a fan account trying to look legit.
Puzzles that decode to say: Eternal Dream (banner numbers, same code used in MNCR_Logistics barcode on shipping invoice), Eternal Journey (letter code post), and Monochromatic Future (international morse code post). These are similar to some of the codes from MNCR_Logistics, but seem to add to the messaging, not copy.
Seems to be an emphasis on new key words: "Exception" and "Improve". "Monochrome" is barely used outside reposting BTS_official posts.
And to me, one of the most suspicious pieces of the puzzle is the # use. If you are a fan account trying to piggyback off the popularity of official content, why on earth would you use a completely unheard of, unconnected # that isn't trending to promote your posts?!? #7FN_Excp is all over this account. It is the ONLY # used in their posts. They NEVER use #BTS #MONOCHROME #MNCR or #MNCR_Logistics (the obvious #s to use) in any of their posts, those only appear in posts they reposted from BTS_official. They are hinting at something else.
What do you think???? Personally, I am leaning towards Exception @ 7fictionation being a legit part of the new BTS promotion. I might be delulu and I'll gladly admit if I am wrong, but it feels connected, yet different to me. I think all of this, the Monochrome and this other account, are part of what ever "bundle" the members talked about releasing before Jin completed his service. My personal favorite theory is this is all part of HYYH and could be a song (or dare I hope, ALBUM!) for the new K-Drama releasing at the end of this month.
WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?! I have spent too much tine down this rabbit hole and my brain is mush!
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eggcompany · 3 months
Bleeding Gold, My Love
Oswald's trans. He works as a camboy to try and pay his share of their shared apartment. One day he streams on his period. Edward helps him to clean up and takes time to fuck him in the tub. But what happens when the money keeps rolling in without them knowing?
“I’m just like hanging out. I’m horny but I’m on my period and I know if I cum I’m gonna screw up my cup and then I’ll have to mess with it and I’m comfortable right now.” Oswald said and read some more comments that floated in. 
He was laying on his belly on their shitty little bed. Cam shows were a new thing to try and scrounge up money since his mom died. It got them enough to buy some food. Eddie in college barely made enough at the library to pay off the bills and keep them in the shitty little apartment. Oswald had tried working at a few places but because of either getting beaten up or threats on his life, he always had to quit or got fired. 
Now he found a pretty good niche, he was a fetish. He was both petite and trans. He’d had top surgery and the scars brought people in, the fact he was so pale with dark hair and blue eyes brought them in, and of course his blushing pink pussy and hard t-cock were the stars. 
He made enough to not quit. He made enough for his blackmarket testosterone and enough to be able to eat. Plus the comments were a definite confidence booster. 
“Yeah I use a diva cup. I don’t like pads, they like rub me weird and the hormones make me just unreasonably sensitive when stuff rubs on my clit and a pad just irritates that skin.” He explained as more questions rolled in about different stuff. He ignored most of the weird or really gross questions but didn’t block anyone. He really couldn’t afford to block people who weren’t threatening his life. 
He groaned and rolled his wrists, he was so stiff, the cold weather was killing his joints. His shoulders hurt too and the way he was laying wasn’t helping but it could be worse. 
“Um… I’ve never done a show before on my period. I’ve tried the um, the cervix cup things but I just don’t like those. Just don’t like having to like… Manhandle my pussy when I’m so sensitive.” Oswald said and watched as a big flood of comments came in after. He read through them and was a little shocked. He chewed his lip and rubbed his feet together which brought forward a few foot comments but most of them were just pushing the same thing. 
“Don’t bother? Don’t bother with a show or a cup?” Oswald asked as a big influx of “ no do it!” “Please do it” “I’ll tip you so much if you do it ” “ Three hundred for a show” . 
He waited a minute to read more comments and looked back at the camera with a shocked look. 
“You guys want the blood? Oh you pervs!” Oswald teased as more and more comments flooded in about how the viewers wanted to see Oswald’s cunt bleed around a toy. Most comments were begging but there were a few that were more… graphic.
“Um… I mean I could. No time like the present but… oh what the hell I could do it in the bathtub and just wash it down after.” Oswald said and smiled brightly at the camera. That’s something he really had to get used to. Not smiling at the screen, smiling at the camera. It seemed to be something that would drag in some extra money for christmas. 
“Okay, make sure to tune in tomorrow! Um or my emails. I put out emails…” Oswald said and looked to press the end button. They had updated the site recently and the notification mute button was where the end button used to be and the close stream button was in the corner. 
“Tomorrow…” He muttered and looked at the camera one more time before closing out the stream. He groaned and let his face fall to the bedspread. Fuck… he was so wet. 
“Ed, I’m just a little nervous. I mean it’s just so sensitive and what if something icky comes out? I mean I’m just… people want it but what if…” Oswald was yammering nervously as he washed another dish. They’d just finished their slight dinner. Edward had always been a good cook, being able to whip up something warm and filling out of canned food and cheap cuts of fatty meat. 
“Ozzie, you'll be okay. You know I love it when you let me have you during this time.  You know people are gonna love those little sounds, gonna love seeing how sensitive and tender you get. They signed up to see you, they’ll love to see you no matter what.” Edward said and rubbed his hands from where they had been massaging Oswald’s pelvis up to wrap around him to hug his torso. He loved the way the shorter man’s skin was always a little clammy, loving the way it warmed under his hands. 
“You’ll help me clean up after?” Oswald asked and turned his head so Ed could kiss his lips. He was always insecure about his job . Edward worked a real job and was so pretty and tall and had such pretty eyes and was so smart and his skin was really soft and….
“Of course, you know you can call me and I’ll come help you. Try and be careful though so you don’t need my help.” Ed said and referenced to the last time Ozzie had a show in the bathroom. 
He’d slipped in the shower and kept going on with the show until it ended and then screamed out. He’d wrenched his bad knee and was laying crumpled in the shower and Ed had to carry him to bed because it hurt so bad. Then he was bed ridden for the next few days and his knee had turned dark and swelled up and Ed had nearly dragged him to the doctors. 
“I know, I know, but I’ll be laying down this time.” Oswald said and moved Ed’s hands by his wrists to warm and push back at his lower stomach again. 
“Fuck…. My clit’s still throbbing. Oh my god. Thanks guys but I’m, oh lord, I’m done. It’s been very fun and uh oh just bye, bye, I gotta clean up.” Oswald said exhaustively and clicked the video end. He laid back against the cool tub wall. He’d set the computer up on the lid of the toilet beside him and the camera was sitting on the opposite edge of the tub so it could capture the whole picture. He was sort of out of breath still. 
It had been more fun then he’d thought it would be. The dings of the tips had been nonstop and the bells even rang when they met their goal of $500 when he had barely even gotten his fingers into himself.  
“Eddie? I’m done now.” Oswald called out and smiled as his boyfriend walked in in his sweatpants riding low on his hips. The shorter man was floating somewhere very far away and felt very good. 
“Beautiful, darling” Ed said and knelt down to kiss Oswald. Oswald hummed and let his head loll over to lay his cheek against the wall. 
“Rinse and then a good bath?” Edward asked and picked up the dildo and held it over the tub as it was still dripping a bit of blood. Oswald hummed and nodded. 
“Yeah, just… put that in the sink, I’ll deal with it later.” Oswald said and Ed ran some water over the toy and returned to his blissed out bloody boyfriend. He looked gorgeous. Cheeks and chest all blushing pink, his scars standing out on his chest, eyes all big and dark, and of course his body all lax and lovely looking. Ed wanted to hold him and cuddle with him forever. 
“Th-“ Ed started gazing down at Oswald. 
“No riddles.” Oswald cut him off with a smirk and Edward grabbed the shower head from the wall. It was one of Oswald’s investments. And one Edward had learned was very very worthy of the splurge. 
“I love you.” Edward said and turned on the water and turned it away from the noriet until the water grew warm. Oswald hated cold water so he tucked his feet up away from the water for a moment. 
“Quick rinse or do you want me to really get at you?” Edward asked and looked over at Oswald who rolled his eyes. 
“Just rinse me off and then bath. You should join me.” Oswald said and smiled as Ed knelt down and rinsed his legs off. The older boy let his legs straighten back out so Edward could gently rub the blood away with the assistance of the perfectly warm water. 
“Of course my bird” Ed answered and quickly rinsed the blood from Os’s legs and stomach and gave a quick rinse to Oswald’s still aroused red folds. Oswald’s stomach jumped a few times when a particular stream of water hit his clit. 
“I hate pants” Oswald grumbled and pulled at Ed’s sweatpants when he put the shower head against the wall and turned the faucet on. Ed let them be pulled over his butt and pool at his ankles. He wasn’t wearing underwear, hoping on getting to join Oswald’s bath anyway. 
Oswald giggled and watched Ed with eyes full of adoration as he kicked the offensive sweats away and moved to climb in behind Oswald. 
Ed hugged Oswald’s damp body and kissed the side of his head, sweat making his lips taste slightly salty. 
“My handsome man. My pretty bird.” Ed whispered hotly into the other’s ear causing Oswald to preen and rub his head against Ed’s shoulder. 
“My beautiful boyfriend. My pretty, pretty bird.” He whispered and mouthed along the pale side of Oswald’s neck. The dark haired boy tilted his head so Ed could spread the kisses and scraps of teeth. 
Ed reached and turned the water off once the water was up to Oswald’s chest. He continued to kiss and suck marks into Oswald’s neck, making the other boy let out whined and cute little cries. 
“Eddie, please, come on- ah~” Oswald asked and shoved back so Edward’s erection rubbed against the clef of his ass, rubbing at the soft flesh there. Ed bit down on his neck and laughed a bit at Oswald’s trembling. 
Ed pulled at Oswald’s hips so he was turned around straddling the taller man’s thin thighs. 
“Please Eddie, it’s so tender.” Oswald whined and shoved his face into Ed’s shoulder and wrapped his arms lightly around Ed’s middle. 
“Say it Ozzie, just say it.” Edward said and let his hands wander across and down Oswald’s trembling body. He ended up using one hand to grasp the base of his cock and the other to rub at Oswald’s hip as his cock teased at his hole. 
“Oh you ass!” Oswald cried out and tried to shove himself down but Edward didn’t let him. 
“Say it.” Edward said and Oswald looked up at his eyes and looked so prissy in the moment. Like a brat being told no. 
“You're an ass. Please fuck me now though.” Oswald said and shouted as Ed’s cock slipped into his open body. He clung tightly back onto Ed’s muscles shoulders and let out short whimpers and grunts. 
Bath sex was his favorite. 
Bath sex was everyone’s favorite. 
“You are going to literally kill me.” Oswald said as Edward walked into their bedroom. He had the laptop open in front of him on the bed and Edward stopped short of pulling his jacket off. 
“Why? What happened?” He asked quickly. He’d hate to not know for a second longer. He moved to look at the computer and his eyes nearly bigged out of his head at the sight. 
Their bank account. 
“I didn’t turn off the stream. I didn’t press the right button. People really like you, apparently.” Oswald said with a huff of laughter at Edward’s shocked face. That one stream, one little internet stream, brought in enough for a new apartment, furniture, fucking ribeye steaks at the best restruant in town. 
“Ozzie… That’s fourteen thousand dollars.” Edward said and looked at his smiling boyfriend. 
“I’m thinking a penthouse with a view.” Oswald said before being picked up and pulled to be hugged and swung around the room. 
“Never fucking do that again! But oh my god Ozzie we can move out! I’m gonna buy so many groceries!” Edward said and they both broke out in loud laughter. 
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mamamittens · 5 months
Been thinking on it a bit and I might just nix the valentine's event. It's been nice having a breather and if anything, I may just do some art pieces as a mini celebration for the day.
If I could finally just get to it, I'd like to start making more progress reading One Piece. I'd say watch it but it's... Weird to describe, it's been so long since I've watched a series I've got no patience and a hard time regulating my... Energy? Like, I need to skip embarrassing, foot in mouth scenes or I can't watch. The older style of the beginning is also a bit... Weird to see after seeing so much modern anime. The whiplash I'd get going from start to finish would be something else, that's for sure.
Ah, overstimulation. That's what it is. Everything is new and in a format I'm unfamiliar with, a format I used to know well but not any more, so it's easy to get frustrated even as I'm happily watching it. Overwhelmed, as it were. Too much new stuff where I'm used to piecemeal.
That and it'd be 3 whole ass months nonstop and idk if I've got the focus for that.
Used to watch episode after episode of animes on bootleg sites as a kid and now I can barely bring myself to crack open the literal, physical copies I've got. (I've got so much anime on my shelves. If we did serious, no exception lockdown for a year, I'd probably be set without opening any streaming sites for at least half of that)
It'd be nice to actually be able to answer some of these asks rather than draw a total blank because I've never heard of them... Or I've completely forgotten who tf they are. Then again OP's cast is so massive I'd probably forget most of them anyway.
Then again, I've only recently started watching new movies in theaters. So for years my only exposure to new media was through second hand stuff. Memes and fanfiction, stuff like that. In light of that, it's no wonder I have such a hard time starting and sticking to series anymore. I collect the movie tickets and the stack is pretty thick (need to find a way to put them in a scrapbook to properly preserve them...)
Something about the jump and emotional investment exhausts and terrifies me... I don't know.
I've got a lot of things I need to do but tomorrow is always closer than it seems. And before I know it, today is yesterday with nothing to show for it.
Projects left unfinished that I used to spend hours work shopping before even opening Word. Passion projects gone cold and obligations that leave a stale taste in my mouth.
I wonder if this is just what growing old is. Hesitating at something new thinking about everything that's already there.
I don't know. But I do know I need to go to bed now or I'll sleep through 5/7 alarms for work in 5~ hours.
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barbararomance · 2 years
the accident, quackity!
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synopsis! "and you know.. damn well, for you i would ruin myself.. a million little times." PAIN, MENTIONS OF KYS, HATE, STAN SLANDER, CC BEING BASHED FOR HAVING AN S/O, BE SAFE READING THIS IT LOWKEY DONT MAKE SENSE BUT ENJOY ILYSM
read me! likes, feedbacks, and especially reblogs are highly appreciated; come talk to me if you wanna repost my writings on other sites please. this is truly fictional, nobody should be harassed just because they love someone - if any of your fav cc ever fall inlove do support them <33 - this is just for the angst lovers and i, barbararomance loves u sm // leave a request here!
word count! 0.5k
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you scrolled through your twitter feed using a private account and admired all the praise your boyfriend, quackity. gets from all his fans, you knew well he deserved each and every words of appreciation and admiration. he was currently lounging close by, possibly preparing for a stream. "hey babe, could you come help me real quick!" he called out and you quickly headed to his direction, you see he was struggling with setting up a few things making you chuckle "you should know this already, you kidding me?" you tease him. quackity pretended to be offended and you both burst into a fit of laughter together. "there you go, don't make a mess and have fun!" you say before sharing a good luck kiss with him. headed back to your phone, you felt uneasy. it was also hearable that your boyfriend was.. panicking? you were gonna head to where he was to check if he was alright but a notification popped up on your phone capturing your attention. it was a bunch of private messages... @/alexsversion: you're dating quackity?? @/mcytenjoyer420: bruh you're too ugly for quackity LEAVE KARLS HUSBAND ALONE @/quackityhqrealgf: hey didn't know i had an impostor @/gaggingondik: leave alex alone he's literally out of your league @/dweamygwoggy: literally kys
this was impossible, the two of you were absolutely careful. you closed your phone, wishing no longer to see the compilation of hurtful words his "fans" were spamming your main account. you headed to him and he was indeed talking to chat, you noticed he was nervously talking about.. you. he was publicly announcing his relationship.. with you.. no. he was so uncomfortable with it, he wasn't ready to show you to the world because he just wanted it to be the you two.. he just wanted you. you pulled up his stream silently while listening to him live, you read the chat and many of them were not too happy.. jealous.. angry.. barely anyone was supportive. @/getkrissedbozo: pls alex we know you don't get bitches @/quackitystan69: NOOOOOOOOO PLS SAY ITS A PRANK @/toofbruhsh: she kinda ugly for you @/karlnapitytruther: YOU CHEATING ON KARL AND SAPNAP WTF "yes i do have a girlfriend.. and i love her very much.." you looked at him heartbroken, it was a very beautiful moment of honesty. you watch him quickly end the stream and fall down on his knees in fear. you rushed to him and held him, you carefully brushed his hair and looked at him with worry.. "you didn't have to do that.. what happened?" you ask in a calm voice.. "i'm sorry y/n.. i accidentally started the stream when i asked for your help.. i panicked.. i told them about you.. i'm sorry.. i really wanted it to be more special.. i'm really sorry it had to be this way.. i'm sorr-" you kissed him to stop his worries. "don't be sorry alex, it's gonna be okay. we'll be okay.." you cooed as your foreheads touched in a loving second. "y/n.. espero que sepas que me arruinaría por ti. un millón de pequeñas veces."
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
Are you watching lore? If so could you try to recap it? I’m so worried for my boy.
I am!! I'll recap the past three streams as briefly as possible, and tell you whether or not dream is a large part of it. this is longer than I'd hoped for so it's under a read more
stream 1 - tommy wants to talk to tubbo. tommy leads tubbo to a bunker he created under his house. he revealed that he has formed a sort of addiction to invisibility potions because they ensure his safety. he explains that he lives in constant fear, and dream is the reason. he says that while invisible one time, he saw dream enter the prison, so he figured that it was dream's home he wants to kill dream, and tubbo is on board with the plan. tubbo goes to eryn for supplies, and tommy goes to wilbur's revival spot and begins to speak to the sort of grave site. he explains that he's afraid that he's bringing tubbo into the wrong thing, and that he's scared but also excited to fight dream. he says that he knows that wilbur is proud of him. then phil approaches and they talk about wilbur briefly. tommy says that he loves wilbur, he literally says "I love him." (so awesome great moment). phil learns of tommy's plans and gives tommy armor. the stream ends in high spirits. dream is not in this stream at all.
stream 2 - tommy and tubbo enter the prison. it looks very overgrown and doesn't seem to be in commission anymore. they sneak through and eventually find dream, and the fight begins. they fight for a bit, and they notice how dream is much weaker than he used to be. at one point in the fight, tommy freaks out and enderpearls into the main prison cell, and tubbo follows. tommy accidently blocks them in, and they believe that the fight is over. however, tubbo finds a bunch of harming potions from the little chute in the back corner of the cell. he splits them with tommy, and they throw a bunch of them at dream, making him very, very weak. this allows tubbo to kill dream, taking his final life. clingyduo celebrate and leave the prison with plans to create a new country, called l'moonberg. they tell badboyhalo and sam about their win, and the two are excited to hear the news. they tell punz as well, and punz says that he has something that will be good for their new country. they follow punz into this weird, underground bunker. clingyduo catch wind that something is off, and punz reveals that he's not the only one with a revive book. clingyduo run away, but punz and the newly revived dream catch up to them. dream is in this one, but he barely speaks at all.
stream 3 - clingyduo, dream and punz are in the prison. dream demands that they drop all their items and empty their enderchests. they comply. tommy even gives away the book that wilbur gave to him before leaving. the only thing tommy keeps are the discs, because he knows that dream believes that they were burned by wilbur ages ago. the pair are lead to this platform surrounded by lava hanging from the ceiling. dream and punz are not in this room, but in a different one, where they're still visible. dream and punz explain that they have been experimenting with death, and that they want to live forever. through their research, (which was killing lazar and vikkstar repeatedly) they learned that limbo is determined by how you die. they feel entitled to this information, as if death HAS to be explored. they explain that because the world is so imperfect, they must kill everyone and potentially revive them, just to start over again. basically, they're causing the apocalypse. they want to see what limbo would be like for someone who dies via self sacrifice, so that's why they've trapped clingyduo. they made a contraption where if a pressure plate is pushed, an opening would be revealed and would set only one of them free; one must die for the other to live. dream and punz leave to get grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch (not kidding) and clingyduo are left alone. tommy reveals that he has the real discs to tubbo, and tommy tries to throw both of them on the pressure plate. tommy doesn't do this well and it's a blooper, but both tommy and tubbo are able to make it out of the prison, but both of the discs were destroyed. tommy is obviously very upset by this. tubbo takes tommy to snowchester and shows him the nuke that "went missing" all those months ago. tubbo suggests that they use it to kill dream and punz. tommy realizes that they have to be killed at the exact same time so one of them doesn't revive the other. tommy says that he will distract dream and punz and get them in the same place so tubbo can set off the nuke to kill them. tubbo is put off by this plan because it would kill tommy (literally eviscerate him) but tommy insists that it's the only way dream and punz can die at the same time. with some pushing, tubbo realizes that it's the only solution. the pair leave snowchester, and tommy is in very low spirits. he makes note of his last walk on the prime path, his last time passing the hotel, etc. tubbo tries to lift tommy's spirits, but isn't successful. they decide to visit l'manberg one last time, and they watch the flag wave. tommy asks tubbo to build the l'manberg flat up above the rubble for him, and tubbo agrees. they sit on the bench one last time, but in silence, because the discs are officially gone. they watch the sunset together one last time, and that's the end of the stream. dream plays a big part in this one.
hope this helps anon!!!
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