#because that boy does like order and power regardless
cats-obsessions · 10 months
I do wonder how much freedom Gortash had to pick his god. I’m sure Bane appealed to him for a number of reasons, particularly power, and I think he deeply admired Bane at some point. But I also do have questions about the logistics of his soul. If Raphael has a contract for Gortash, how many gods can overrule that? Maybe all of them, but how many dare? All those souls in the House of Hope surely had gods once, but did their gods forsake them? Do those who are good aligned meddle in Avernus? Or is it ranking that matters most? A chosen could have their souls kept by their god but a simple follower would not?
I will always say Gortash and Durge fully intended to rise to godhood themselves, but in the meantime, he would have to have a backup plan. And from what I can tell, Bane’s realm sounds like hell even for those he rewards, ravaged with endless wars where his best followers get to *checks notes* be generals in combat forever? Idk man, it’s very high risk and very low reward in my opinion, but I guess he really was that desperate to stay away from Raphael. I wonder if he sought out Bane or if he called out to all the gods like Astarion, and Bane was the only to respond? I wonder if he loved Bane or saw him as a coconspirator? I wonder if, in the end, he even considered Bane an equal, an ally, or if he had it in his heart to over throw him?
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lionhanie · 3 months
leehan as your boyfriend! ♡
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established relationship, PURE fluff, leehan x reader, leehan is IN LOVE with you, also not proofread LOL!!!!!!!
word count: ~800 i think lol
warnings: none
a/n: i can't lie this whole thing was sooo self indulgent i just love him so bad #GUILTY!
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literally does everything in his power to make you smile and feel good... #1 boyfriend in the world i fear!
he must have the ability to read the minds of the people he loves bc he just knows what you need all the time
...or rather than this, all of his opinions and preferences become whatever you like! (without complaint ofc, because he’s okay with anything as long as you’re satisfied)
this makes me think he’s rlly big on quality time because he seems like the type of bf to be content with just. whatever! as long as you’re there ^_^
quite literally only has eyes for you
he doesn’t really *intend* to do this, but it is so difficult for him to focus on anyone else if he has *you* there with him
everyone will always complain when they hangout with just you two bc they will always end up feeling like a third wheel :skull: 
even if you try to tease him for literally adoring you 24/7 he wouldn’t even be flustered or embarrassed. he would just nod and smile in agreeance U_U
he’ll always go out of his way to compliment you too, telling you how cute you look or how good you are at doing something. he gets a little shy every time you compliment him, but he always recovers by turning the praise back to you
even though he isn’t the best texter, i imagine he would put in extra effort to keep you updated throughout the day-- especially if it's hard to spend a lot of time together in person
you're just going about your day at school/work and you hear a notification on your phone... it's leehan sending you like 10 different angles of the new friends he got for his fish tank
or it's one of his selfies that are either 1) blurry, 2) crop out like 80% of his face, 3) at an unnatural selfie angle, or 4) all of the above. regardless, he's still your handsome boyfriend & looks amazing in every pic he sends
unironically i think he would be a DRY texter LMFAO but the way he communicates is kind of endearing. rather than sending messages, he def has a concerningly large album of reaction pics he uses for every possible situation (including ones he made himself using pics of you & the members)
dates with him are SO fun.
again, he doesn't really care too much about what you two do as long as he gets to spend time together... he's just down to try Anything and Everything so you guys never really run out of things to do together
being so eager to try new activities, i can 100% see him suggesting the most obscure data ideas & being so genuinely excited to do it no matter how odd it may seem given the context
cause Boy wdym you think fishing in a river at 12am is a fun idea for a date... it’s not necessarily like you were going to say no .... but also… this isn’t a common date activity, right?
i think he loves staying in with you the most….. sleepover!!! :3
especially after you both had tiring days; spending a night in with each other never fails to recharge you both!
ordering any food you want (he isn’t planning on eating much, so he’d rather get something you’re craving) ((after a couple bites he sits back and watches you eat w/ the biggest grin on his face))
but i think the absolute BEST part of the night is when the two of you are side by side at the bathroom counter doing a Twelve Step Skincare Routine that leehan made himself
and you’re giggling the whole time bc he takes his skincare SERIOUSLY. (that one mf who don’t play about his skincare bye)
i think he’d be super attentive, but silently though
you’d never know he’s constantly keeping track of your reactions to certain things, your different routines, your food preferences, the types of clothes you like
Ok in theory it /sounds/ creepy but he just puts in the effort to observe the way you like to do things so he can help you whenever you need it
IMAGINE you’re running late & you can’t find your phone /again/ and you’re lowkey freaking out because you Need To Leave Now but leehan just steadies you and hands you your phone
and ur kind of in awe ??? i've been looking for this for ten minutes now... How Do you have this …?
he just shrugs and explains “you always leave it underneath the blanket when you make the bed so i figured it might be there again" and motions for you to hurry before you’re late
or maybe you’re feeling under the weather & you ask him to make you a hot drink to help soothe your throat and he comes back with a mug of tea made EXACTLY how you make it for yourself
you're pleasantly surprised upon taking your first sip because …you don’t recall ever telling him how you like your tea? 
then he's sitting there with stars in his eyes and saying “i made it properly, right? :3” (clearly very proud of himself bc he remembered how you like it)
doesn't seem like the type to be too extra when it comes to PDA. if anything, he prefers small and/or secret interactions in public (it feels more intimate if only you guys know what's happening)
head pats. that’s it. he thinks the way you literally melt whenever he pats your head is the most endearing thing ever, so he'll save it /specifically/ when you're out w/ a group of people because he loves seeing you so flustered afterwards
keeping a hand on the small of your back or resting his arm on the back of your chair when you're sitting next to each other
holding your hand in his under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze as the two of you continue to talk with the others at the table
at the end of the day... he just loves you so dearly & couldn't be happier knowing that he can call you his, and you can call him yours :,)
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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animelovelover123 · 8 months
DMC Boys - Devil Trigger Sex
DMC Boys  - Devil Trigger Sex
Parings: Dante (All Main Line Game Versions), Reboot Dante, Vergil (All Main Line Game Versions), Reboot Vergil, Nero (DMC4 & 5 Versions), V, Sparda, Credo, Nelo Angelo x Reader
Synopsis: Monster fucking. Need I say more?
Seriously though, this is a sexy little thought experiment that I had and am doing for fun. What would it be like to have sex with the DMC boys while they are in Devil Trigger? Some notes: 1. Some characters will have multiple entries since Devil Trigger designs change every game and sometimes multiple in the same game (except for Sparda who is always the same). 2. Some characters don’t have a basic ‘body turns into demon’ Devil Trigger so I take the equivalent and work with that.
Disclaimer: Don’t actually fuck a demon, it will probably hurt, lol. But if you're into that then I ain’t gonna stop you from gettin’ that sinner tail. ¬‿¬
Trigger Warnings: aggressive lovemaking, claiming, blood, interspecies sex
DMC1 Dante
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Something to note is that at this point Dante is not using his own Devil Trigger, he is harnessing the power and appearance of the demon spirits in his weapons. This results in some interesting qualities.
When Dante DTs he does not need to stay in the demon form and can freely switch back to a human body while still having the improved speed, strength, and elemental power. This means that if taking his demon body gets a bit hard for you partway through, he can switch to his human body to give you a break without pausing the lovemaking.
A negative, however, is that because he is getting his power from the demon spirits in his weapons, he has to be at least touching his weapons to DT for you. Having a big sword strapped to his back makes positioning hard. Wearing Ifrit, though it is less of a gauntlet and more like gloves with large dragon-shaped safeguards surrounding it, makes it hard for him to touch and grab things.
Although, if you are down to do some foreplay with the weapons, whether it be a thrill of perceived danger or some provocative allusion, then their presence might just be a positive.
Another thing to keep in mind is the elemental effects his DTs have. Alastor is lightning and Ifrit is fire. And this is real lightning and fire coming off him. Dante can minimize the elemental effects and focus the power away from you. However, expect to receive little zaps and licks of fire at random when Dante’s focus falters.
As for his body while in DT, he has two forms.
The Alastor DT has wings, but they are thick and small, really only meant to fly himself, so no blanketing or flying with you.
He doesn’t have any claws, just rounded fingers, so no accidental or purposeful scratching.
He has shoulder horns that point forward so if he is getting closer you have to be right in front of him, though they are good for holding onto to brace yourself. Or, if you are on top you can lean down or lay on top of him and slot yourself between them or under them, helping to lock you in place.
His eyes are covered in a helmet-like protection so no gazing into his eyes, though it does give a layer of mystique. His mouth is still free for kisses thankfully.
His hair is gone, now replaced with hedgehog-like spikes that are surprisingly soft, flexible, and pleasant to touch for both of you if you go with the grain. Slotting your fingers through them is hard, especially the closer you get to the base, but because of how solidly and directly connected they are to his head, when you grab them he really feels it and pulling them is more of an order than a suggestion for him to move his head.
The Ifrit DT has no wings and doesn’t move as fast, but he is beefier and more powerful. Pinning you to the wall with his arms hooked under your legs just got a lot easier.
He has curved spikes on his heels which may not seem like they have utility outside of more painful kicks, but when you are ridding him while he lays on the air or over most anything regardless of shape because he has hooked his feet into the ground, then you will realize the possibilities of them.
His thighs are thicker and the inside of his legs are smooth so wrapping his legs around you is just as good, if not better, than usual. Though he now has curved spikes around his waist so you doing the same to him won’t work anymore.
He has curved, ram-like horns on his head which make great handlebars, especially when he is working his mouth on you.
The hedgehog spikes on his head are shorter, harder to grab, and he now has them protruding from his wrist to cover the top of his hands. So, even without claws, you will probably still get poked and scratched. These spikes are just as sensitive so doing things like sliding your hand, palm down, along the back of his hand gives him the most delightful of shivers up his arms and down his back.
So this is the first part I wrote so it will probably be a bit weird as I try to figure out what I want to do for these. Anyway, DMC1 Dante is the first to have multiple DT designs in one game. This one only has two (he technically has one more but it is just Sparda so you will see my thoughts when you get to Sparda), so it isn't too bad. I fear 3 though.
A big issue I had with DMC1 DTs is that there are not that many good, high-quality images and videos of the DT so it is a bit hard to make out the details. And some details aren’t shared between the one official image of each DT and the in-game model. For example, you can’t see the hedgehog spikes around Ifrit’s DT hands in the official art, but you can see it in-game. And in these games, since you only turn into a demon when attacking or flying, you can’t just look at him from all angles while he stands still. SO annoying. I tried though.
Nelo Angelo (Spoilers for DMC1)
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To start, you need to understand how large this man is. We are talking around 8 feet tall and 3 feet wide. He will tower over you in every circumstance. Things like being able to wrap your arms around his neck or kiss him will have to happen upon request, especially if he is standing or you are already impaled on him.
It also means that the stretching you will have to go through will be rough. With just a single finger of his being equivalent to the average size, you are in for some serious training if you don’t want to feel the burn. ‘If’ being the operative word.
Stomach bulge inbound.
His strength is also impressive, able to lift even large men like Dante up by the neck singlehandedly, and he will do the same to you if you want it.
What YOU want is the focus as, with how warped his mind is to be subservient, his agency is low and his will to follow your requests and orders is high.
He is covered in thick armour that he cannot fully remove as it is magically fused to his body, but he can remove and shift some choice pieces. For example, he can remove his helmet, revealing his human head, though it is larger than most just like the rest of his body.
Nelo Angelo’s face under the helmet may be that of a human man, but it was cold, stoic, and pale, like a statue. Yet it reacts when you manipulate it, whether through pulling his hair, opening his mouth, or kissing him. He moves with you, molding himself to receive your affection and mirror it, hinting at the heart still hidden away inside of him.
His armour is thick and cold but can become warm over time thanks to your body heat. It also has strips of pulsating, glowing colour which change depending on his status. These strips also create a ‘V’ over his crotch which almost gives an underwear illusion and also offers quick and easy visual feedback when your mouth is on him. So, despite his physical reaction being minimal, the deepening of the coloured strips will be the best tell to know how good he is feeling, along with his wordless noises.
Nelo Angelo cannot speak, that right has been taken from him by his master, but his groans of exertion and pleasure are loud and clear.
Nelo Angelo’s armour is surprisingly smooth, lacking in sharp claws or spikes. Even the horns on his helmet are curved downward so the chances of getting sudden jabs in low. The only points you have to watch out for are his knee guards which are tall and sharp. Although they can be used as spots to place your feet to get a bit of height or as something you can push against to force yourself back into him harder.
Is Nelo Angelo a Devil Trigger? Yes and no. It is technically Vergil’s natural state while under Mundus’ control. However, in DMC3, if Vergil is wearing the ‘Corrupted Vergil’ costume, Nelo Angelo is his Devil Trigger form. Is the appearance in DMC3 cannon? No. Did I do this just because there is something hot about the idea of being with someone/something 2-3 feet bigger than me? Yes.
DMC2 Dante
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Dante has the Amulet, a magical item that, when you place devil hearts into it, gives his Devil Trigger different attributes and abilities, meaning you can customize and tailor your sexual experience.
You want him to move fast? Slam into you with more power? Fly? Slow down time? He can do that.
You want some temperature play with fire or ice? Or receive some little shocks? Your desire is his command.
Though he can only have so many demon hearts active at once so if you wanna switch there will be a few-second pause to change his loadout.
Dante here has two DT’s, his base Devil Trigger and his desperation Majin/Sin Devil Trigger.
In his base DT, his face is still mostly human. His skin is rougher and he has some veins that distend, but he has eyes to gaze into, a nose to rub against yours, and lips to kiss.
His wings are longer, though the height and thickness are the same so they can’t offer you the blanket effect but they can wrap around you and hold you close.
He has hair for you to play with! It is not as silky smooth as him in his human form and a bit more solid than normal hair but nowhere near horn level. So, you can run your hands through it, twirl it, and grab it all you want.
He has claws so prepare for some scratches.
He also can produce gun barrels from his hands so if you are into the illusion of danger or force in your play, he has that going for you.
He also has flaps of leather armour that will drape over you like the tails of his leather coat.
Being able to make love while Dante is in his Majin DT is a rarity since he has to be greatly physically weakened. The only times you can get this form is if he is extremely sick and you convince him to do it or when he just finished a battle. While still buzzing with adrenaline and an animalistic/demonic frame of mind he may just jump you of his own volition to let out his energy and claim you as his and him as yours.
Dante grows over a foot when going into Majin DT so he will tower over you more than usual. And with his wider frame and four wings, be prepared to be fully encompassed by him, trapped in a cocoon of heat and passion.
His edges are sharper and his skin is a lot harder. He is also less human-shaped. For example, instead of his waist, hips, and legs all flowing into each other, his hip consists of a thick plate to which half of the top of his legs attach and his torso thins to a V shape that attaches to the plate, leaving a flat surface to his hips that you could place a cup on. It is unnatural and might take some time to get used to. And if you were to wrap your legs around his hips, placing them into the crevices between his torso and hip plate, they with be squeezed and firmly held in place.
He has horns on top of his head, a bit short but still enough to grasp, and horns that start on the side of his head and curve to the front. This means that if you try to deny him kisses by turning your head, you will get poked in the cheek for your trouble.
He has growths under his forearms that are sharp and produce laser blades. They get in the way sometimes when he tries to hold you, but again, if you are into the illusion of danger he can always hold a blade up to your body to get your heart pumping faster.
His face is no longer human. Majin DT is a true demon so when you look into his eyes you will see piercing red lights and when you kiss him you will feel rough, textured lips.
I’m surprised by how many better-quality images of DMC2’s Devil Triggers I found. I assumed, after looking at the DMC1 options, that DMC2 would be the hardest since it is generally the least liked in the series. It also helped that in this game you stay in the demon form so I could see pics/videos of them just standing, turning, and walking.
DMC2 Dante had an interesting dichotomy in that one Devil Trigger is the most human-looking of original cannon DTs (especially in the face) while his other DT is one of the least human-like DTs. It honestly a cool design choice (assuming they did it on purpose) to have Dante’s normal DT be human-like but when he gets desperate he loses his humanity and becomes more demonic.
DMC3 Dante
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Though Dante’s Devil Trigger appearance does change depending on the weapon he is wielding, his power is not dependent on them so he can trigger without touching a weapon. So no awkward strapping of weapons to the body to have some fun in demon mode, though the variations may be some trouble.
All of his DTs create a glowing aura with a rippling, sparking energy so there is no way for you to shyly veil your body in the darkness. He will always be able to see your beautiful body, just how he likes it.
All forms have some sort of cranial tusk-like crest. The basic/Rebellion DT has the crest curled open so going in for kisses is possible. On the other end of the spectrum, Nevan DT’s face is almost completely covered by the crests like a helmet, so you are locked out of face touches. However, in all other forms the head guards make it hard to hold his face and kiss him but it also protects you from being bit by his pointy teeth unless you purposely stick something in there like your fingers, toes, tongue, or…
The crest is also solid, so no hair to play with but some of them make good handlebars.
His arms and wings are covered in scales, and with his muscles underneath it gives a similar sensation to touching a snake.
His legs have a smoother texture so feel more slick to the touch when they wrap around you, though some of his DTs have spikes on the back so be careful.
His chest has a rib design and texture so running your hands over it and having it pressed against you gives a unique, uneven feeling.
His eyes are a sharp golden glow that don’t blink, and his lips are always twisted upward into a smile so, if you face each other, there is an odd mix of excited enthusiasm and an intense watching aura present.
Clawed hands again, though with all the sharp points with these DTs, surviving a night without being left with red marks everywhere is but a dream. Also, Beowulf's gauntlets will get in the way, though the greaves can grab things so that can be used for retrieval or interesting positions.
The Rebellion and Nevan have wings that can either fold down, giving the illusion of him wearing his red trench coat, or be open. However, unlike most winged creatures, his wings start at his lower back so instead of them blocking out the world around you as they wrap around your shoulders and head, these wings will wrap around your hips and pull you closer.
Cerberus DT also has wings, though they are more so just protrusions that don’t move, so all they do is get in the way if he tries to lay down or you want to take him from behind.
The combination of the cranial crests, coat illusion, and glove-like hands, it never feels quite like you are touching him directly. There is always a feeling of separation. Although, with how talkative and energetic Dante is, hopped up on a relatively new feeling of power and primal urges, this is compensated for.
This fucker. I was dreading this because of him. Every other character and every other Dante in this series has 1-2 DTs per game, EXCEPT DMC3 Dante. He has five. Fuckin’ FIVE! Like its honestly really cool that his design and abilities change depending on his weapon, but in this specific circumstance it makes things so much more tedious. I could have gone into separate descriptions for each like in the other characters with multiple DTs but there are just too many to do that. I already have 15 to do, I don’t want the extra work.
Also, something I noticed while staring at DMC3 Dante’s DT for so long, in my personal opinion, with no intention of offending anyone… he got a goofy face.
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He looks like he is constantly on the brink of doing an evil little gremlin laugh.
DMC3&4 Vergil
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Vergil has a base Devil Trigger and then an altered one for the brief time he wielded Beowulf.
His layers of scales, plates, and leathery skin give the illusion of clothing, even more so than Dante’s. Vergil’s layers fold and bend over each other to not only mimic his coat and vest under it but also cufflinks and a high collar. A collar so high that it goes halfway up his cheeks. They flow and bend though so sliding your hands under them is very much possible.
The sheath for his Yamato, or whatever sword he is wielding at the moment, is part of his left arm. And this isn’t simply the metal/wooden sheath fused to him, no. This sheath is made of his own leathery skin and scales. Even if he takes the weapon out of it, it is hard, long, warm, and frankly gets in the way when lovemaking. Although he does have nerves in it, so it is possibly another shaft and hole to stimulate.
Vergil has a cranial crest that sits on the top of his head, meaning it is up and out of the way. Although the shape is not really suited for grabbing, it can be used as a panel to turn his head away or towards you.
In his Beowulf DT, his coat, or the illusion of his coat, is shortened into a crop top length and instead, he has wings that are sadly too thin to actually fly with or even drape over you in a blanketing effect. However, they are flexible and flowing so you can use them a bit like leashes to either yank him away or pull him closer, though more from the core of his body than his neck. That is, if you catch him off guard as his strength is superior and he does not like being at anyone’s mercy.
His crest has sharpened making them more dangerous but better to grab while still having the panel effect to twist his head.
His chest scales have also hardened and become more defined in comparison to his basic DT, giving a rib effect. They don’t distend much but when you press your hand against his chest, or it is pressed up against yours then it becomes more apparent.
He has thick gauntlets now so more delicate caresses are harder but grabbing you is just as easy, if not easier as it is harder for you to escape his hold when you can’t claw at his hands.
In this form Vergil creates a distorting, sparking aura that obscures your view of him and can give you sharp little zaps if you aren’t careful. Although Vergil has had a lot more training in this form and so can control this aura better, giving you both a clearer view of each other. However, it also means that Vergil can consciously give you little shocks when you, in his view, misbehave and don’t listen.
Vergil technically has three DTs in DMC3 but one of them is just Nelo Angelo who has how own section.
As for combining DMC3 and DMC4 Vergil, I don’t know what you want me to do. It’s the same. It’s literally the same. At least between DMC4 and DMC5, Dante’s DT had some differences to point out and there was a whole new DT to talk about. But there is nothing for DMC4. I couldn’t even really explore how differently Vergil can control his DT since it is implied that DMC3 and Vergil’s appearance in Fortuna happened at roughly the same time. So I am sorry for the cop-out but this is what I got.
DMC4 Nero
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Nero can’t really control his demonic powers yet, which can be seen in a few ways.
First off, instead of shifting his body the energy manifests as blue phantom flames and glowing red eyes, giving him a feral or rabid look, and a demonic blue astral figure manifests and infects his mind.
This figure is large, demonic, and comes out when he asserts energy. So when he is thrusting into you or does something like grab your hair suddenly, the figure may just appear. If you are an exhibitionist this may be great for you. If you get uncomfortable being watched then Nero will have to do some training before he can take you like this.
It also does not simply hover behind or above Nero. It can also encompass his torso, so in the middle of an intimate moment you may just open your eyes to find that the face above you is different than before.
It does not speak to you, but Nero can hear it and it is determined to gain more power. And one of many ways to gain and assert power is for Nero to dominate you during sex. So, with Nero being more aggressive in DT, be ready for some rougher treatment. He loves you and would never intentionally harm you, but you may have to point out when your legs are about to give out or that the bites he is leaving all over you are bleeding a bit.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Nero does not have full control over when he goes into his DT. If he is high on adrenalin, from joy or anger, or you tease him just a bit too much, he will most likely trigger and pin you to whatever surface is nearby.
It doesn’t matter if you are alone at home, out in the forest, or on some side street, you may just find yourself with your face pressed against a cold surface with his human hand holding your hair while his Devil Bringer is already ripping your clothes to ribbons and his distorted voice growling in your ear about how badly he needs to fill you up and mark you as his.
Another non-traditional DT, wooo~…
The whole part about the astral figure having its own thoughts to some extent may be totally wrong, but I got the impression that the voice that Nero hears demanding “give me more power” is it. My headcannon is that it is his more animalistic demonic nature that has been repressed manifesting as a separate entity as Nero can’t handle it until DMC5. Then again, in one of the pachinko games (weird topic I know) the figure takes on the form of Vergil and seems to teach Nero a move so IDK what the fuck is going on with it.
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Though he would deny it being a ‘Devil’ Trigger, Credo does obtain the ability to harness supernatural power to change his form into something no longer human.
This transformation is a lot softer than others, consisting of smoother lines, rounded points, and lots of feathers.
He has soft white feathers along most of his body, giving you something to really sink your hands and face into. There are exceptionally thick plumes around his thighs, so when you sit on his lap its like sitting on a soft feather comforter.
His tail is also covered with feathers, though has a bare underside showing off the muscles in it. It is more like a cat tail than anything, not having the conscious ability to grab things but unconsciously draping over you when pleased.
Thankfully it doesn’t whip around when excited, so when you take him from behind it will either wrap around your waist or drape over your shoulder.
The feathers of his singular wing are separated into three sections, offering three tactile pleasures to experience. A soft upper part, a muscular lower part, and slick blade-shaped feathers with smooth edges.
Though the feathers do not cover the crotch, they line either side so no sensory slapping sounds of skin hitting skin, but also no painful jabs of hipbones so there are pros and cons.
Speaking of the crotch, he has a chastity belt-looking protective plating that opened up like a little double door.
The plume on his head can get in the way a bit when you go in for kisses, but there is no structure to it so you can just push it aside.
There is, sadly, a rather big elephant in the room that will impede your loving making, at least until you figure out how to work with it or around it. In this form, one of Credo’s arms is attached to a large shield. It is 2/3s his body height, solid as steel, and a constant. His other arm does end in a hand with rounded fingers that can hold and caress you. His other though, will be in the way. Though it does offer good cover if either of you want to sneak in a tantalizing touch in public (not that Credo would ever condone such a thing but he hasn’t pushed you away either) and it offers a surprisingly comforting and secure nesting spot for when you are settling down after. And with how he can fly, even with only one wing, it can be like a little basket to carry you around in.
Atop his head are two sets of horns, one that creates an incomplete loop which makes a great handle and another set that points backwards quite a ways and has a layer of feathers on top. The latter set is long enough that even if you are average human height, compared to Credo who is 6’4”ish and grows a few inches when transforming, you can easily grab one and use it to yank his head up and back while you slam into him from behind.
Another oddity not often seen is how the claws on his toes and heels stick straight up. It may take some ingenuity to use them but there is potential there, especially those who have a particular liking to feet.
Unfortunately, the human-looking face he has is a façade, nothing but a solid mask. Like a sculpture of the gods, it is hard and unmoving. The golden hairs making up his beard are like strands of golden thread, his red eyes do not blink, and his lips stay curved in the slightest of a closed-mouth smile, even when he speaks. It truly gives the feeling of an angle taking on a more conceivable form for you so it may bestow upon you a gift. Though the ‘gift’ in this case is rather sinful.
This is one of those things that is not actually labelled as a Devil Trigger but could be argued as one.
One thing that people may not agree with me on is the idea that Credo’s shield in DT is part of his body and I admit, it is kind of unclear. I argue it is because we never see him not with it (unlike his sword and spear which he can throw and drop) and his in-game module does not have a left hand, his arm just melds into the back of the shield (see pic if it works).
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After the fight, Nero gets an item (as he does after every boss fight) that is stated to be Credo’s shield. However, the Aegis Shield (what the item is officially called) does not look like Credo’s shield and when we see Credo later, he still has his shield. And, unlike how in other post-boss battle cutscenes we see Nero holding the ripped off item and it disappears as he absorbs it’s power, Nero grabs Credo’s shield, absorbs power, then throws the shield and Credo aside rather than ripping it off.
DMC4 Dante
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Dante has two Devil Triggers, though one can’t be held for more than a minute so it is more for brief moments of passion or something to spice up the already spicy moment.
Dante’s DT here gives the illusion of a more human appearance.
The colouring and positioning of his scales and plates mimicking his red trench coat, gloves, chaps, and boots. He has lips and a nose, and there are white layers on his head and chin that look like his hair at a glance. However, the heat radiating off of him and the reptilian-like textures always remind you of the demonic nature of the thing currently spreading your legs.
His eyes are also a dead giveaway as there is nothing human about them.
The glowing spot on his chest that looks like a hole with cracks spreading out from it is a sensitive spot for him. Run your fingers along it, kiss it, or lick it and you can feel the vibration of his pleased growls and purrs.
He has more faux coattails this time, 4 to be exact, they are a lot more flexible and flowing than those before so moving them to take him from behind is easy.
Though he does get a bit faster, Dante’s DT offers much more strength this time around so be prepared to not walk the next day.
In this DT you don’t just have to watch out for his clawed hands, but also around his chin so the usual playful scratchy sensation of his stubble is now hard, and potentially painful, spikes.
He has spikes that start on his chest and go up past his shoulders. These are okay handlebars, though only work for leading his torso rather than his head. They can also get in the way when trying to go down on you or face sitting, but if you guys take the time to slot your legs between his face and the spikes, then no matter how much you squirm and jerk, you can’t escape his ravenous tongue.
His foot claws are longer now, unlocking the potential of Dante hanging upside-down down for some spider-man kisses or standing 69ing.
Also, first of Dante’s DTs to have a bulge so that means there is something to grind on for a bit for foreplay. And who knows, maybe the sudden appearance of a bulge means he has more packing down there this time.
Dante’s Dreadnaught DT does not last that long, a minute or two max, and he has to build up power and anger to even trigger it.
When he does pull it off though, there is an intense darkness about him in this form. Not just visually as his whole body is veiled in a deep black shadow-like fog with only the ripples of power along his spikes and helmet-like guard offering colour and light. But there is also a foreboding darkness with how his movement is slowed.
When he approaches you, he doesn’t run, he walks as his power is weighing him down. Yet his steps are silent, as if he isn’t touching the ground. When he touches you, it is cold and has an airy feeling, like little puffs of smoke are brushing against your skin. He is invulnerable in this state so he never truly feels anything like this. He can’t feel your touch or your warmth. He has to focus to register your attempt to push and pull him. He can’t even clearly see you, at least not in detail.
This all creates a feeling of separation, detachment you could say. Yet it also has a mystique and dread, as if an omnipotent supernatural being had chosen you to pursue.
I have honestly never heard of Dreadnaught DT before doing research for this. It isn't even listed on the DMC Fandom Wiki Devil Trigger page! I only found out about it because I was watching { DANTE }‘s videos of showing off Dante’s DTs to see their in-game models and movement and it is featured there. There isn't that much info on it online aside from people talking about its lack of use and the fandom wiki has a single tiny paragraph about it on the Royal Guard page.
Reboot Dante
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For Dante to go into Devil Trigger he has to have his mother's amulet and be in Limbo, or the worlds have to be merged by now, so there is a dissociative aspect to making love here and like this. The world isn’t quite right here, and neither is Dante when he is triggered.
When he triggers, every living being except for himself is lifted into the air as if gravity had been turned off. You become floaty and dazed, your mind and body slowing down until Dante grabs you and pulls you back to land. The fog in your brain never fully disappears but things become clearer as his mouth aggressively kisses and bites at any open skin he can get to and his hands start clawing at your clothes.
If you touch the ground and focus you can find gravity again. But if Dante keeps you elevated and keeps your mind scrambled with pleasure then you are left in anti-gravity, at the mercy of Dante who can easily flip you around and lift you. It also means that his grip on you is all the stronger as he is responsible for holding you in place.
The colours of the already distorted world distort further, draining into white and black and all the shades in between. Even his dark hair bleaches into white during this time. The only splashes of colour are on Dante himself through his clothes and eyes, making it so you always look at him.
Though his body remains human, his eyes turn from pale blue, to the point they could be called grey, to a striking black and red, which match his more aggressive, demonic nature in this form.
When Devil Triggered, Dante is tapping into his demonic half and the longer he stays in it the more humanity escapes him. If your foreplay takes too long or by the time you reach your peak he may be too far gone to hear or care about your need for a break.
Thankfully Kat has created a spray that can knock Dante out of his DT if you need it.
But if you choose not to use it and let Dante’s DT run its course, Dante’s sense of concern for your exhaustion and boundries slip away as he loses himself to demonic urges of claiming and, if he has even the slightest interest in starting a family while in the right mind, breeding you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in tears, if you’re twitching from overstimulation, or if you have gone limp in exhaustion, Dante needs to do this. To fill you, to mark you, to get rid of this burning sensation in his body and quench his hunger.
Advance warning (or post warning depending on if I reorganize these); any person without an actual demon form will usually have shorter parts since the majority of the other parts are about explaining how touching them would work when their body is so different. Without a different body shape, I am left to focus on something unique about the DT. In this case, I focused on how blinded Dante gets when in DT. In the game, we see how he is so blinded by betrayal and pain that he almost kills Vergil. So I tried to translate that tunnel vision of intense reaction to emotions into sexual desire. I think it came across well, though I feel that this might just inch into possible non-con with how aggressive and primal they become. I know some people aren't into that so I want to write it in a way that gives you an out if you want while leaving the possibility open if you are into that.
Reboot Vergil
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Vergil has been training with his demonic power for a long time and chooses to focus the power outside of himself, so he is not as animalistic when DTing as others.
Even visually he can choose not to change, but if you want the pale skin, glowing eyes, and veiny look he can certainly do that for you.
The only visual change that he might let slip when in the heat of the moment are the flecks of demonic energy that hover around him and fly off in wild directions with more intense movement.
His DT consists of him creating a doppelganger that can work in tandem with him or act on its own. Meaning you have two Vergil’s to work with.
Two voices telling you how good you look and feel, and how he couldn’t focus on work when all he could think about was you.
Two sets of lips and teeth to kiss and mark every part of your body.
Two sets of hands sliding your clothes off and leading you into position.
Two tongues lapping at you and preparing you.
And two dicks searching to slide into you and be wrapped in your warmth.
The doppelganger does pose some differences though. The most obvious being that visually he is not consistently there, like a body you can get glimpses of through a thick mist.
He can also change colour if that does anything for you.
The doppelganger can also choose when it is corporeal and incorporeal, so even if you have clothes on or are wrapped up in a blanket, he can move through it and touch your skin directly anyway.
The doppelganger can also act as a surrogate. So while Vergil is busy with a meeting, his attention may be split as half of his mind is focusing on controlling his double as it takes you in the next room over. Call it prep for when the meeting finishes and Vergil can take over or join the fun.
This was another one where there is no physical change into a different body so I have to work with what I’ve got, which is not much.
DMC5 Nero
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Nero has finally unlocked his full DT transformation and he can even control it better than before, meaning your intimacy can be more controlled and sensual. Unless you want him to be a wild beast because he would happily oblige.
His DT is more on the human side, with a navel, abs, pecks, and a mostly human-shaped face with warm lips that actually mold to yours rather than are stiff and just follow along like many other DTs.
His butt in DT is like a human’s rather than covered in scales or plating, meaning it can be grabbed, can jiggle and tense, and can be smacked with that satisfying sharp sound ringing out, though it is usually drowned out by the sounds that slip from his lips when you do land a good hit on his rear end.
His eyes are lizard-like and glow, making them more piercing. The kind that you can see track your movements from across the room like a hunter waiting for its prey.
His hair grows exponentially, going a third down his back. It is silky smooth to the touch, tough enough for you to yank on, and thick enough to block out the light when Nero hovers above you and his hair drapes over you just right.
He does have some spikes and plating, such as his calves which are covered in sharp spikes and his shoulder guards which are made for a particular set of astral hands that are not yours so they are hard to hold. Although if you slot your arms between the shoulder lines just right, they can become wedged and all you can do is grab and claw at Nero’s back while you are held open and helpless for him.
He also has a couple of chin spikes so no chin nuzzling.
The rest of his plating, scales, and skin are smooth so wrapping yourself around him, being wrapped up in him, sitting, straddling, and all the rest can be done comfortably.
The plating around his side leads down his torso, making a sort of happy trail leading your hand to just the right place.
He also has a bulge, though, like a lot of him, it is more human in proportion compared to his dad or uncle. Don’t tell him that though because he will simply have to show you how he is a grower rather than a shower.
His hands are clawed now, claws that are really long but not razor sharp. Perfect for dragging across your skin to give you those pleasant tingles without actually causing harm. Again, unless you want that.
Speaking of claws, he has a second set now… kind of. His wings act more like arms with claws rather than wings. They have the full range of a normal hand, and arguably more, so can grab and lift and pull you around as he desires.
Although these clawed wings are not exclusive to his TD and can come out whenever. They tend to get integrated into all of your intimate moments, whether intentionally or not. And they are even occasionally involved with the lead-up as he keeps his real hands somewhere tame while his Bringer Claws sneak over to and grab something a bit spicier.
He has a pair of horns on his head but they are not really shaped well for holding. They are more like head guards with a feather-like scaling pattern that is quite pleasing to the touch for both of you.
They do make the space a bit tight when you go in for a kiss. Though he likes this as once he has you pinned down and brings his face nice and close, there is no escaping from his lips for you. As for the rest of your body? Trust me, he will find a way to leave his sharp little teeth marks all over you.
His voice becomes distorted when in DT, making it deeper and more gravely to the point of pretty much having reverb.
Holding his DT does take some effort, so he pants and breaths a bit harder and more often. And with how his voice is affected those sighs and sharp intakes ring out through the room.
I’m surprised with how little I had to say for this one, but I guess that is because his DT is rather tame in regard to representing a demon. Also, a lot of little things I have said have already been said for the other guys. And I am losing steam. I’m almost done though, so close…
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V was a human, he did not have the same demonic energy as his kin, not from his own being at least.
That doesn’t mean you and he can’t have some demonic fun, he just requires some assistance. If you are up for it, of course.
For the most powerful demonic force V has under his control is mindless, lacking a true will of its own, and does not exactly have a solid form. It is flexible, moldable, one could even say like a thick liquid.
Nightmare, under V’s command, can change its body at will.
It could be like a large drop of warm water gliding around your skin, pinpointing your sensitive areas under your clothes as you try to do something else.
It can be like a thin snake, sliding around your body, squeezing you just enough to make your heart pound.
It can lay thin across your skin like clothing or even closer, contouring perfectly to your body, while heating, vibrating and shifting around.
It can surround you in intertwined and knotted tendrils that poke, prod, slide, writhe, and thrust around you.
Or it can fully encompass you, like you are submerged in water with every bit of your skin coated yet everything is dark, warm, and relentlessly stimulating you.
And all the while V is sitting nearby, watching and controlling the moment carefully.
His primary focus is on you, making sure you are safe and satisfied, occasionally slipping in for a moment to surprise you with a sudden texture shift before disappearing again.
But if you were to call out to him, asking him to join, well he could multitask.
So this is the most different of any of these Devil Triggers to the point that I was debating not putting it in. But I decided, why not. We are already going crazy with these things, why not get some slime/tentacle hentai in here. I still chose to keep it really short though since this may be uncomfortable/a step too far for some people.
DMC5 Dante
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Again, Dante has two DTs, with his first one being very similar to the one he used during the Fortuna incident. So a lot of the points mentioned there carry over. There are a couple of new things to mention though.
For one, he has more control over his demonic power now, meaning he can control the heat radiating off him better and, more importantly, his eyes are no longer just glowing orbs of power. Though more reptilian than human, you can see Dante’s eyes, gaze into them, and see how they darken with lust and then shine with love as you cuddle after.
His feet have actually shrunk so, no more upside-down fun, but that is made up for by his wings.
What looks like the tails of his coat can lift and open into a pair of wings that he can fly with or wrap around you. With 2 wings, even with each wing having 2 segments, he can’t quite encompass you like in his Majin form but with the glowing, circular pattern on the inside it offers a visual effect that is hypnotizing to watch. This dazzling visual is enhanced when ripples of sensation and energy surge through Dante causing the lights to flicker and waver.
His wings also have hooks on the top which he can use to hold you, in particular your shoulders, in place so you don’t slide away from him as he slams into you.
Now on to his Sin Devil Trigger.
He does have to stab himself to get into this form which could be a turn-off or turn-on for you. It has happened to him so many times that it does not faze him all that much, though he does let out some deep groans and growls as he feels the rush of power take him over.
This is the farthest from human-like he has looked since his brief time being able to hold Majin form. No nose, eyes back to being simple glowing slits of energy, and not even lips to kiss.
His skin is like rock and if he doesn’t focus, he could burn you with how hot his body becomes.
And there are spikes everywhere. Head, shoulders, arms, chest, legs, nowhere is truly safe. Even his waist, though having a similar thinness and flatness to his Majin DT, has spikes pointed at it so it is a risky idea to slot your legs around them.
But if you can brave the danger and you both are able to keep safety in mind, or not if you like some pain, this will be the most intense night you will ever have. Each thrust takes your breath away and the weight of his body almost makes you feel trapped, a true feeling of being taken by a wild beast.
Add in the fact that the hooks on his wings, of which he has four now, have become more like appendages so they can bend and twist at will, which means he can scoop up and manipulate your body, counting his arms too, in six ways now, making you feel surrounded and at the mercy of this titan.
Also, Sin DT has a bigger bulge, so we all know what that means…
The bulge is even shaped a bit like it and it has a cracked, lit slit separating the protecting scales as if it is so big that it is almost forcing its way out.
Also, his ass is surprisingly round and big, covered in small scales which means you can feel the muscles move under them. But there is a spine-like structure between his cheeks so no hotdogging but gripping and caressing are still on the table.
Some sensitive places are along the glowing spots of his inner forearm and on the glowing inside of his horns. Not the long ones on top of his head, but the ones wrapping around the sides of his head. Because of how rough and hard his skin is, just touching them isn't enough. You have to claw and dig into them. When you do though you get this interesting sound. This crackling, sizzling sound along with his warped, deep growl and snap of his jaw.
It’s the most sensation he can feel in this form while making love, aside from finishing of course. Dante feels so powerful, so invulnerable in this state that when you do it suddenly it's like his brain shuts down for a minute. He twitches and may even crumble down onto you for a second before bouncing back. And though it may be stifled by the distortion, you can also hear him whimper. Quite the contrast from his intimidating form, but this is a power only you are privy to and can exploit out of him.
Unlike most people who joked about/did not consider the Devil Triggers being sexy until the first clear shot of Dante’s Sin DT was of his beautifully sculpted booty, I have always been curious about the weirder, more creative side of fantasy sex, and so have occasionally imagined scenarios like these. I used to shy away from writing/sharing fanfiction ideas about crazier things as I feared the possible onslaught of hate. Now though, I wonder how different the reception for these will be since the immaculate rear ends of DMC5’s DTs are a meme and normalized?
DMC5 Vergil
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Vergil’s Devil Trigger has lost practically all of its clothing illusions and is overall less human-like.
He is a lot more ridged and sharp now, with pointed protective scales and plating along his chest, limbs, and head. There is a soft spot, however, right over his stomach. The scales are smaller and thinner to the point where you can feel his ab muscles flex and contract due to choice or as a reaction to stimulation. Everywhere else though you must take caution.
This caution should also extend to his bulge of all things. The shape is a bit odd as it both curves up and down. The up curve is relatively smooth and if he leans back enough, you could even sit on it while he is standing. The downward curve is where the danger lies.
The protective plating and scales form a dragon head with glowing eyes and everything. Does it move? Probably not, but the little fangs and curved snout of the crotch dragon may just rip into your clothing.
His arm sheathes make a return and is both less and more obstructive. On the positive, they are shorter now and open, acting more as pipes that exude demonic energy that form into blades than a place to store a physical sword. On the other hand, he has them on both forearms now.
Speaking of pipes, his cranial crests have opened and become exhaust pipes for demonic energy that burst forth like blue flames. Vergil does have enough control over his demonic blood to choose when and if he creates these flames and how hot they are. He can actually make them cool to the touch, allowing you to run your hands through them without risk of injury. Even if you are not that interested in them, he likes to have at least a small flame going as the way the light reflects in your eyes makes you even more dazzling than usual.
He has horns and spikes that protect his face but there is enough room for you to slot your head in there for kisses, though he has no lips to kiss with.
He does, however, have a lightly barbed tongue that, with careful control of his demonic energy, he can also choose to make hot or cold as it explores your mouth or drags across your skin.
He has wings that he uses this time, able to fly you around so he may abscond with you to a more private area when the need arises. They have a glowing ripple pattern on the inside that, along with the energy flames of his head and arms, can create quite a flashy light show. Now whether he uses that to entertain or distract you is something for him to decide.
He also has a tail, and quite a long and strong one at that. Unlike most tails, his attaches to his upper back, making it start closer to your head level. This makes capturing you by the shoulders or wrists and lifting you off the ground, suspending you and leaving you helpless in front of him while both his hands are free, easy.
The main length of the tail has large, flat scales that come to softer points, so even if it slithers over you against the grain, it won’t hurt as long as it is going slow.
The end of the tail is barbed, but the actual tip is thin, smooth, and around a foot long. This means it can act as a good replacement, or additional, rod to play with.
And with the fact that Vergil can create a doppelganger in the image of his demon form while in his human form, well you can have the best of both worlds at the same time.
Now, some people may think that me not expanding on Vergil’s doppelganger ability is a waste, but all of that detail had to be used for Reboot Vergil because that is all Vergil’s DT is in that game. I guess I could copy and paste a handful of points to this section but that would be a waste and cheap. Besides, this might encourage those who skip parts to go back and actually read Reboot Vergil’s part, lol.
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Sparda is very comfortable in his demon form, more so than his human form, so he knows exactly how to use it.
He has a lot of protruding bits that mimic armour. For example, he has plating that acts as shoulder guards and scaling on his legs that go up to his hips. It gives ‘a man in uniform’ type of vibe but it can get in the way.
The biggest hinderance is the protective ring around his chest that comes to a point in the front. Chest to chest contact just won’t happen. It isn’t even big enough for you to sit in for easier eating out. The only possible positive is its ability to capture liquids, so if you are into puddles of various things you have that going for you.
At least his knee guard-like protrusions, the ones on his legs, and the ones on his shoulders can help you hang on. Whether it be planting your feet on his knee guards to get a bit higher, using his leg guards for hooking your legs around his surprisingly thin waist, or having your legs sit between his shoulder guards and head for the aforementioned easier sitting for licking.
Speaking of his legs though, they, and his arms, have this interesting ripple texture that is flat enough to his body that they don’t cause discomfort but make a pleasing ticking sound when you drag your nails across them.
He has spikes on the tops (closest to the elbow) of his forearms, so fisting can only go so far.
His horns go out to the side and curve downward so they stay out of the way for kisses and, though thick at the base, thin out at the tips so you can grasp them. One function that Sparda had never considered before though is how, when facing away from you, you can hook your arms under his horns and rear his head up.
His fingers are clawed but surprisingly not his toes. Instead, his feet are hoofed with the split like a goat. Not much utility during sex but the sound they make when he walks around is a surprisingly soft yet satisfying ‘clop’.
His lips are upturned, unlike humans, so he does not quite smile and looks as if he is frowning, or scowling with how his head armour shapes his eyes. It may take some time for you to get the more subtle signs signalling his true feelings. Or, if you train him right, you can weaponize your concern of not being able to read his face into making him be more vocal during lovemaking.
His wings are bug-like, having a harder protective shell and 4 sheer wings that shimmer in the light. When he flaps them they beat quickly, creating a decent amount of wind which can be used to either manipulate temperature, for comfort or excitement, and to make the parts of you already wet tingle as the chilly breeze hits them.
So a couple of interesting notes about this one. First off, would you count this as a Devil Trigger? It’s not really clear if Sparda’s demon form is his natural state and he just chooses to have a human form to fit in better with humans or if his human looking form is equally his natural state and he just switches form depending on the situation. The only beings we have seen that take on a drastically different look when DTing are demon/human crossbreeds, which Sparda is not, and Lucia who (spoilers) is an artificial demon created by Arius made to look human so she, and others like her, can act as his bodyguards in the human world without drawing suspicion. (spoiler end). So jury is out on that one.
Second point which causes some problems when making this is the fact that the details for Sparda’s demon form are vague. We knew the general idea but because most of our looks at Sparda are through different characters channeling his power, the DT changes to fit that character. For example, when Vergil DTs into Sparda’s form he still has the skin sheath thing on his arm, which Sparda definitely didn’t have. The only time, as far as I know, that we have seen Sparda’s demon form in a main game, the REAL Sparda, is in the opening of DMC1 but that is obscured. I did the best I could, but it may not be accurate.
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venerawrites · 6 months
thank you for feeding my Naruto brainrot 😫🫶🏻 for the prompt request: for your fav Naruto boys or girls, what are the non-negotiables (things they need to have) and the dealbreakers (will not tolerate) when they're in a relationship with their partner?
author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, so I'm really sorry for the delay. I really liked that prompt and I do hope I did it justice. I have so many favs it was hard to pick, but ultimately I decided to pick Naruto, Neji, Sasuke and Shikamaru.
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➦ Non-negotiables
Calm and rational mind - as someone who is a ball full of energy and very easily influenced by his emotions, Naruto needs a partner who is stable and able to keep calm and collected under pressure. He has enough fire and passion within him for both him and his partner, so he would need a polar opposite in order to keep him balanced. He also lacks the ability to look at situations realistically, so a more rational partner would definitely help him do that.
Affectionate - this doesn't mean he wants someone who is clinging to his arm 24/7, but rather someone who is not afraid to show affection to him either in public or private. A partner that laces their fingers with his when they notice his knee shaking nervously or embraces them in a hug after a long stressful day, is what Naruto needs after being alone for so many years.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lack of ambitions or drive - Naruto has always been full of dreams and hope. He constantly seeks to grow, not only in his power but also as a person. If he is with a partner who lacks any ambition in life, he is bound to feel stagnate at some point and that is probably his biggest nightmare. He needs someone to calm and balance his hyperactive personality, but he won't be with someone who makes his whole life dull.
No sense of humour - this may not be a dealbreaker for many people, but for Naruto it certainly is. He has always been a goofball and loves a good joke, so I can't even imagine him being with someone, who won't at least crack a smile at his attempts to cheer them up. He doesn't want to be with someone who is overly pessimistic and negative.
➦ Non-negotiables
A strong moral compass - probably the least tolerant and forgiving of all of the guys on the list, Neji needs a partner that has strong morals and values. There are certain things that are completely unjustifiable in his eyes, like betraying the people you love or killing innocent people. No matter their background or religious/political view, their partner needs to have strong principles that they follow, regardless of external pressure. For him, this is also fundamental for raising your children right.
Commitment - Neji's ideal partner would need to be someone who will commit fully to him and their family (once they have one). I always imagined him with a civilian or someone who is an ex-ninja, because he knows it is not possible to juggle both an active ninja lifestyle and taking care of the house. Even he, at some point, would start doing fewer and fewer missions, spending time and training his children instead. He would absolutely expect the same from their partner.
➦ Dealbreakers
Not wanting family/children - Neji is a very traditional guy and as such, he does want to one day have a family and be a father. He would respect his partner's decision if they decide this is not the life for them, but that would ultimately lead to the end of their relationship. This is one thing he would not change his mind about, so he has to be with someone who is on the same page.
Lack of respect - in a way connected to the dealbreaker above, he won't be with someone who doesn't respect him, his family, or his values. Due to the way he was raised, he would naturally assume the role of provider and protector - his partner better be the more submissive half, the one who nurtures, rather than fights. If they cannot respect that dynamic, they better find a more open-minded partner than Neji.
➦ Non-negotiables
Confidence and courage - having quite a lot of issues himself, he needs a partner who has the confidence and the courage to stand up to him. Sasuke has the tendency to do whatever he thinks is right, without really taking into consideration how that affects others. He really needs someone who will be honest about their feelings and opinions, without fearing that they will somehow offend him. He will probably huff and puff, but he secretly appreciates it when their partner has the guts to put their foot down.
Bluntness - maybe connected in a way to what I typed above, but Sasuke needs someone who speaks bluntly to him. He is also the type of person to share his thoughts openly, so he expects the same from his partner. Additionally, he is not good at getting hints, so it's better for his lover to just say straightforwardly what is bothering them, rather than tip-toe around it.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lying - Sasuke cannot tolerate liars. He has been lied to quite a lot during his life and he suffers from major trust issues. If he catches his partner even in a lie, even about something insignificant, that would be the end of the relationship. If they lie about small, they will inevitably lie about something bigger as well. Sasuke had enough with people like that.
Clinginess - that man had enough of people clinging to him. Sasuke values his personal space and alone time and he won't like a partner, that is constantly on his back and wants to spend all their time together. Like everyone, he would need some moments of loving and he would subtly hint at their partner when they need attention/love, but he would somehow have to initiate it first.
➦ Non-negotiables
Empathy - an ideal partner would be able to see other people's sides, and consider their feelings and motives. Shikamaru prides himself on being open-minded and good at reading people, so he expects his partner to be the same. He forgot a date or something minor because of how stressed he is at work? He wants his partner to be able to put themselves in his shoes and maybe cut him a little bit of slack.
Likes challenges/puzzles - as someone who is so smart, Shikamaru needs intellectual challenges to keep boredom away and also stimulate his brain. His partner either has to be brave enough to challenge him on topics they do not agree on or actively seek and help him with puzzling tasks, that he can't deal alone with. Either way, their partner has to be able to think outside the box and be able to counter Shikamaru's arguments.
➦ Dealbreakers
Anger issues - now I know that may be controversial, since in the anime he is with Temari, who can be pretty fiery... but personally I feel he is not the one to really tolerate someone who gets worked up easily, shouts, and throws tantrums. Life is too short to deal with someone who can't control their temper and he constantly feels like he has to walk on eggshells around them.
Pretending to be dumb - Shikamaru is naturally attracted to intelligence. Does it feel nice to be outsmarted or corrected by their own partner sometimes? Well, no, not really. But he definitely prefers that, rather than having a partner that pretends to be dumb, just so they can appear cute or for other people to like them better.
cc artwork: Houston Sharp
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donnapalude · 1 month
i find something very interesting in what the show has done with claudia's ambivalent relationship with truthfulness, honesty, narrativisation, and storytelling.
claudia is, by and large, depicted as someone that feels some distaste at the idea of embellishing emotional truths by providing too much context, reasoning, or justifications for them. she is not blind to the existence of these things and in fact she is quite a good judge of character. but i believe she perceives it as a weakness to feel the need to organize them in a self-created narrative in order to give some meaning to life events. it feels deliberate that she enjoyed storytelling when she was younger (see, her semi-mythology about angels and devils) and then stopped after her father made her stare at the boy (who called her an angel!) she loved and killed while he was burning. i think she knows, from then on, that a story has no power and it changes nothing. to keep telling it would feel like intolerable self-deception. she would not disrespect what happened by painting a pretty picture about it and, from that point, she never does again.
this mindset, i believe, is also compounded by growing up around two parents extremely inclined to narrativisation as a method of obfuscation. she is perceptive enough to correctly guess this tendency stems from a fundamental inability to face their respective realities, although in almost opposite ways. lestat seeks to control his internal reality by attempting to warp his external one. which is to say, he lies to others to manage their perception of him because he is unable to deal with feelings of insecurity and rejection. louis seeks to control his external reality by attempting to warp his internal one. which is to say, he lies to himself to manage his own self-perception because it's the only way to survive the awareness of the coercions that society (and his various families) put on him. regardless, i think claudia sees how vacuous their attempts are in avoiding pain to themselves and others and she despises them for it. both for lacking the courage to do away with the attempts and for not being able to make them work (secretly, maybe unconsciously, it would be good to have some faith back).
at the same time, claudia keeps writing multiple diaries, loves theatre and loves acting. the diaries seem to become less cinematic over time and she is aware that when she watches a play or she is on stage there is no truth being tarnished, the story is all that exists. still, her intense search for these alternative forms of narration reads to me as a residual longing for the power of storytelling. it's no coincidence, i think, that in order to kill lestat, who had been initially responsible for destroying that belief and who she feels all-powerful, she needs and dares to tell herself one more story: the one about the vampires in europe that will love her, if she can just get through this. apart from that, i think theatre and her diaries represent the last refuge where she can relive the illusion that telling stories has some meaning and some impact. which makes it particularly cruel that the stage is then used as a place where stories become powerful again and they are deployed to first trap her and then kill her.
given all this. i think it's fair to say that claudia usually strives to be both truthful and honest: even the lies she concedes to telling are usually not flights of fancy but stick close to the truth. and they are borne out of a pragmatic need for self-preservation, not a desire to avoid uncomfortable realisations. she makes, overall, an heroic attempt to bear both her internal and her external reality, without trying (unless it's a matter of survival) to forcibly control them, but just accepting them and doing her best with them. the issue with her reasoning i feel, is that, while narrativisation can be a form of deception, it is also in many ways the only mean of creation of a sense of identity. i guess this point is debatable according to the philosophical tradition one draws from, but i would personally argue there is no ontological stable self that exists outside of our own perception. what exists are our thoughts and actions. and "identity" is the net that ties them together, created by the dialogue between the narrative we weave over them and our own reactions to that narrative. the moment the self begins a self-referential recounting, it is already in the realm of intrepretation. which does not mean truth and honesty don't have a role in this: there is, i believe, honesty in recognizing and accepting our actual thoughts and feelings and actions. but after that, their interpretation is always a truth created.
there are two consequence to this for me. the first, is that it becomes evident at some point that an abandonment of any recounting leaves you bereft of lies but also berefts of truths. claudia has no real tools to make sense of her interiority. in the few brief scenes where she explictly talks about her feelings regarding her traumatic experiences, she is merely able to make a list of facts and stark sensations. her conclusion about the "collision" in her, her sense of brokeness, being "i don't know". her conclusion over the retelling of her assault being simply "it fucked me up". i see in her a deep difficulty in re-elaborating her feelings and connecting them in a unitary vision, which deprives her of the possibility to consolidate an assessment over the impact of events on her identity and build something new on it. the second, is that her diaries by nature cannot escape being a form of narrativision. at least to some extent. even if she tries to describe "reality" as close as possible, the moment she puts pen on paper and decides which stories to tell and how, she is creating her own intrepretation. so yes the diaries are technically a truthful source, but the concept of truthfulness is not so uncomplicated that we can equate it to mean "objectively reliable".
as a final consideration i will say that i find claudia profoundly moving and brave in her decision to never close her eyes before life, and in the end, even before death. and even more so because hers is not a meek, passive stance. surrounded by liars and cowards, she is smart enough to see that truth is a very powerful weapon against people that can't bear it. when these people hurt her, she has no need to warp reality to hurt them back: she just puts them before themselves and lets them macerate in their own reflection. and this commitment to the truth stays with her until her final act and then transcends her in some way: as she fades, for once, it's lestat that cannot close his eyes.
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rainylana · 1 year
Boyfriend Eddie headcanons
a/n: these are all sfw!
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• random make outs all day every day. at the beginning of the relationship there would be periods where you would sit and just make out for hours, regardless if you were with friends or not. steve and dustin would do everything in their power to get you to stop. it rarely ever worked.
• you braid each other’s hair:) after playing with his for so long he eventually wanted to learn how to do yours. he got pretty good after awhile.
• in the early stages he tried to cook for you on date night. poor boy cannot cook without a microwave. it never turned out very good and always wound up just ordering a pizza with his loose change.
• ties your shoes for you. imagine he gives your foot a little squeeze when he’s done AUGH.
• copy’s all your homework lmfao. feels bad about it at first but eventually doesn’t care lol.
• is very good at reading your body. it’s like a road map to him. he’s got it memorized. when you’re having a bad day, he usually doesn’t know what to do. it strikes him at odds.
• however he does try to cheer you up with little things. holding your hand. kissing your cheek. little signs of touch that tell you he’s there when you’re ready to talk.
• the first time he saw you crying he was ready to rip someone in two at the thought of someone hurting you.
• he teaches you how to fish. he’s definitely and outdoorsman. shows you how to tell the difference between animal tracks.
• you play a lot of board games because you’re not that into dnd. (i’m sorry)
• he shares all of his food with you. every little bite. it makes steve and robin sick.
• he’s actually a fan of slow dancing and romancing. he likes to dim the lights and play soft rock to dance to in the middle of the night, nipping at your neck and giving you little kisses.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
Rewriting Sir Pentious justice for the snake boie
Doesn’t anyone find it weird how we’re gonna have the backstory of everyone in later seasons?
Not only do they hardly follow the redemption aspects but they also give us little to nothing about the characters. I can buy that Heaven is corrupt and/or unfair but rather than having Adam throwing curse words and profanities every five seconds, why not show it in elements of the main cast backstory?
Reveal that they were essentially in unjust situations where they had no other choice but sins to survive, the type of stories that’ll make the audience think “Is Heaven fair in its judgment?” then you have the reveal that the system is corrupted. It feels like common sense to me.
Anyway, Sir Pentious wasn’t that much of an asshole in my rewrite, we understand why he acted the way he did but he still fucked up.
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Madhav Karmakar was born in 1858. He was an Indian migrant in England who wanted to follow a partnership in engineering. Studying hard and else he worked ten times harder than the other students due to prejudice regarding his origin.
He made his way into a prestigious university and went out with his diploma ready to show off his skill but generally still faced racial discrimination. Throughout his life, Madhav had to do everything in his power to completely suppress anything that tied him to his country, fully adopting British mannerisms and culture, suppressing his accent, and else. At 17, he became an apprentice and started studying Mechanical Engineering, ending officially his studies at 24.
His hardship allowed him to work alongside others to develop steam machines and various ways of transportation. Despite having clearly mastered, and even ameliorated his domain, Madhav still had fewer opportunities compared to his colleagues and was paid less than the other regardless of the amount of work he put in.
What was first jealousy due to the unfairness of his situation quickly became Envy directed at his white counterparts. He started slowly destroying the reputation of his associates mostly by secretly sabotaging their work in various manners, introducing faulty designs, tampering with documentation, sabotaging equipment and tools, and anything really just to make himself feel better.
It lasted for years until one of his sabotages cost him his life. In 1888 at 30 years old, he caused one structure to collapse and the debris fell on him breaking his legs, he died screaming for help under the remains and suffocated because of the dust.
A few years following his arrival in Hell, he used his ingenuity to create steampunk-style machines in order to conquer territory. Problems, most of the lands were already owned by powerful Overlords. Madhav overestimated his inventions a lot so he got his nonexistent ass beaten all the time. He even gained the nickname Sir Pretentious though he still tries and insists on being called by his real surname (nobody does.)
The dude persisted, gaining the reputation of the village fool. Surprisingly for everyone he finally managed to get his hand on a very small portion of a territory… only for it to be snatched away by a punk rookie a week later. It would be easy for any Overlord to step up but they have their own business to take care of and some find it funny to see those two quarrel all the time.
Bit of a fun fact:
→ If I had to redesign him, he’d be fit with a large figure, we’re talking of the man who built this alone…
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.. I doubt the egg boys can lift things too heavy considering they are fragile. So yeah, Madhav isn’t a twink.
→ The egg boys aren’t literal eggs just small mechanical robots he built to be his minions, if they were to break they’ll be gears everywhere but he could still rebuild them later. He wishes he could make them a bit smarter.
→ Snakes are very often associated with lies and manipulation and everything related to it. That’s what Madhav has been as a human, an envious liar. But, snakes can also symbolize renewal and rebirth in other cultures, and since he’s gonna be the first redeemed it kinda fits. I don’t know if Viv knew this but shout out to her if she did.
→ Keeping the romance with Cherry, I can appreciate a really good Enemy to Lover but the way it was framed feels like Cherry only got interested when she learned he had two dick, which feels icky and disingenuous.
So, I thought of slowly making their relationship more of a “Are they fighting or flirting” type of thing. That and having Cherry make comments between their fight like “You’re getting better at this!” which flatters Madhav because he never really had recognition for his fighting skills or invention.
He’s still a bit stuck in the old-timey way of courtship, and considering those things could last 3 to 4 years, with him you can expect the slowest slow burn possible. Anyway, he still respects lots of British traditions, being a regular correspondent and sending letters and gifts. I can see him asking to go on a walk or organize Rendez-vous to learn more about Bomb when his rivalry gets more friendly.
→ His obsession with fighting Alastor comes from the fact that he didn't manage to get up the stairs as quickly as the deer did. So he’s envious and seeks to beat Alastor in a battle to prove he’s the superior one, but he loses every time. His last chance is to side with the Vees, but Vox doesn't even bat an eye when he is near. So just imagine how ecstatic he was when Vox proposed to him to be a spy. While the first weeks were fine, he found himself getting attached to the staff more and more. It was a genuine environment where few people actually recognized him as the brilliant engineer he was (I thought he could actually help with the hotel construction since the building is old and all) and they actually called him by his name.
Not siding with Vox will be the first step to his redemption, renouncing to act of his envious feelings and focusing on what he already had rather than seeking to destroy those above him.
→ His lisp gets worse when he’s lying, he obliviously maintains a whole evil British persona in his quest for respect so as he slowly starts to get genius he’ll slowly start to speak with more ease.
→ Regarding how he’ll appear once in Heaven, he’ll be a human. I find it strange that you don't get to get your human appearance once saved. Viv said it herself, the reason why sinners look like that is because their appearance is in correlation with their sins, life, and the ways they die. It’s a way to mock them.
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If this dude or girl gets redeemed, they’ll stay on a couch and that’s just sad, imagine you die go to Hell redeem yourself and you're still a furniture. Anyway, Madhav will get his human form back but with hints of his demonic form.
Kinda like Lovesart23 you should go see her videos and rewrite.
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
Spotlight - MYG
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Pairing: Idol!Yoongi X Reader
Theme: Angst, Pining, Fluff, friends to lovers au.
Word count: 1574
Summary: No matter how much you run away from Yoongi, Yoongi always comes right back to you.
Warning: Unrequited feelings, sort of insecure reader, pining and that's all. It is SFW. (However, still, I don't want minors to interact with my blog!! So, Minors do not interact!!)
“How does it feel to always be under the spotlight?” your words are followed by a sigh that escapes your lips without your notice. Your eyes get lost at the darkest corners of the vast concert venue. Do you try to find something glistening in the dark? Or do you just want to rest your eyes away from all the glistening lights that hovers above your head, beside you, before you, oh hell, all around you? You have no idea. 
Actually you do. Deep down you want to avoid his gaze, the gaze that makes you nervous, the gaze that you crave but can’t have. The gaze that makes you feel emotions that are forbidden for you. 
“Depends,” Yoongi replies quietly as he averts his eyes from your figure and follows your line of sight. This time you let your eyes fall on him, sitting just beside you. 
“On what?” you ask again. 
“On your mood. Um.. sometimes how you want to take it, I suppose?” he trails off. 
“It can be calming at times and daunting at others.” he finishes his answer. 
You dwell upon his answer. You don’t know how it is even remotely possible to feel calm under the glaring spotlight while thousands of eyes stay on you solely. You never liked attention and neither do you have the guts to face it. Initially you thought Yoongi was the same. The quiet, pale and mysterious boy from your class that got along with you and only with you, seemed to hate attention, chaos, pandemonium just like you. That was until he left to pursue his dream. That was until he left you behind. That was until you came to realize he was not just your friend. 
Now you know better. Now you know Yoongi is capable of handling everything he hates and transforming those into his power, unlike you. Now you know you and Yoongi are different and that is one of the million reasons why you can’t be together. You can’t be his. 
“Do I look extra handsome today?” Yoongi murmurs and only then you realize you have been staring at him for longer than you should. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah. You look handsome everyday.” you smile at his figure. 
“You don’t see me everyday, Y/N” Yoongi teases. 
“That is because you are a celebrity now, Yoongi. And I am a common civilian.” you reply, trying to hide the underlying hint of angst in your words. 
“But I am still your friend.” He interjects. Your eyes find his pair again.
“And I am grateful for that.” You say shyly. There is no hidden meaning behind this one. You really are grateful for a friend like Yoongi, who went out of his way and found out your number, contacted you after a solid three years of having no ties. You are grateful that he always seemed so keen on having you in one of his concerts, which you never made to, until today. You're grateful that he keeps you on his check, be it a text or a call or a video call once or twice a month, he comes back to you, while the plans of meetups fade behind your useless excuses and his demanding schedule. 
So, this is the first time you are seeing him after he left highschool. This is the first time you are meeting him after being in a sort of long distance friendship. And seeing him feels amazing but it's painful regardless. 
This pain is the reason why you avoided meeting him for so long. You knew the fact that your and Yoongi's worlds are now completely different, would hurt you beyond words once you see it with your own eyes, once you feel it through your own skin rather than the convenient glass barrier of technology. 
But you can't take it anymore. You need to move on from something so unrequited in order to sum up your life. You're already in your thirties and it's the time you start thinking of settling down, with a dog or with a husband, you don't really care. So, you agreed to accept the VIP ticket for the D-Day tour the moment Yoongi approached you. 
For Yoongi, it was probably a chance to see his long lost friend, but for you it was an ending note to a letter you never started writing. 
"You're just as beautiful as I remember… if not more." Yoongi remarks, eyes staying still on yours. You don't dwell on the flush of red that appears on his cheeks, not when you are in the same condition. 
"Haha. Thanks." You laugh it off. 
You un-fold your position, extending your limbs to stretch. Your hands move back to balance the weight of your body as you close your eyes tilting your head back. 
"I mean it. You are so beautiful. You have always been." Yoongi says again. 
You open your eyes and turn your head towards him to gauge his expression. You don't see any hint of a joke. He is serious, rather he has some kind of determination glinting behind his dark eyes. 
"For me, the spotlight has always rested upon you." Yoongi says as he moves his hands in a way that his fingertips are brushing with yours. 
Your world stops for a moment as you try to decipher what he is trying to say. Is it what you think it is or are you just overthinking? 
"On me? What?" You try to laugh it off again.
"For how long will you pretend, Y/N?" He asks, serious and stoic. 
"What do you mean, Yoongi?" You say as you try to get up and head towards the backstage. 
But Yoongi holds your wrist and stops you from getting up. 
"You know what I mean." His voice is quiet but demanding.
"Isn't it the time for your soundcheck or whatever you guys call it?" You try to avoid whatever is happening. 
"Don't change the topic! Don’t avoid it anymore! You have done enough!" His hold in your wrist goes tighter. 
“No! Listen to me today. I have never said anything when you never once responded to my invitations, when you give baseless excuses to avoid seeing me. But that does not mean it never hurts me, it does not bother me seeing you ignoring my advances, my feelings.” Yoongi cuts you off and says in a breath. 
“Can’t you see, Y/N? Can’t you see that I am in love with you?” he pauses, “You are intelligent enough to find out the reasons why I reached out to you after all those years and why I keep coming back to you. You know it all, Y/N, and yet you choose to avoid me. Is it because I was wrong and you don’t feel the same?” 
Your vision turns blurry and you don’t know what to say. 
“I- I mean-” he cuts you off with his lips this time. His kiss is soft and slow. Neither does he give you any lingering touches nor does he try to probe into your mouth. He only kisses as if he does not want to hear what you have to say. You kiss him back as if to assure him. Holding him by his neck and pulling him close to your embrace, you give in. You kiss him with all the pent up feelings, emotions, fears, everything and everything else. That’s when he understands that you are on the same page as him, he was never wrong, you love him just as much. His kiss now turns passionate as he pulls you towards him and sits you up on his lap. 
You both are panting when you part your lips from each other. A lone strand of hair falls on your eyes, Yoongi reaches for it and places it behind your ears. A simple act, yet so intimate. You are happy… until reality comes rushing back to you. 
“Is.. is this right? Do I even deserve this? Do I deserve you, Yoongi?” You let your fears come out. For the first time in more than a decade, you want to be vocal about your feelings. You want to communicate. 
“I know it is scary, Y/N. Dating an idol is tough and I can’t promise you sunshine and rainbows all the time. but I am ready to work it out and make it right. Our worlds might be different from each other now but I am just the same. I am the same Min Yoongi you approached for help in your music assignment. I am the same Daegu boy that took you to your favourite Tteobokki stall after school hours, I am the same boy you shared your beer with, I am the same person you fell in love with. I have not changed, neither have my love and adoration for you. I believe we can work it out. Let's just give it a try.” Yoongi’s eyes are glassy and full of untold emotions. You know he is unable to say as much as he feels, just like you. So you nod and dive in for a hug. 
“Let’s do it.” you murmur in his neck. As you let your heart win against your mind for the first time. You are ready to fall and break if it means Yoongi will be there with you. Yoongi will be finally yours even for a short span of time. 
@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @soraviie
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the last scene really messed me up. rhaenyra was bound to be caged, and ravaged by her own destiny, as she is of targaryen blood she has no choice but to abide what was written for her—although she herself does not know this, only she knows the prophecy. her destiny was meant for history to eat her up, just like the demise of her own family. the scrolls tipping over her, signifies she too will be crushed, among with her family.
she's gambling. she's gambling her sons, her dragons and her throne, as a result of her demise. whereas alicent, she was freed in some way, she may be a hypocrite at times, but she understood her duty. she may be lf highborn who was taught by the people around her she was just another noble born made to produce heirs. but she had to learn the harshest ways, she had to make a sacrifice.
making aegon the scapegoat to be at her enemy's mercy whilst she and helaena make a run. away from the wretched place.
aemond has always been hungry. first he was angry for revenge, as a result, lucerys died in the process. hungry for power, after he killed rhaenys, his ego went on spike. he realized with vhagar he could do anything he could, thats why he said he burned down the city for no reason. he is a dictator who grasps for power because of what he is turned to. aemond is not suitable on being a ruler, his thirst for war and underestimating his enemies is what leads him to his own fate. side note to aemond, just because you have the largest dragon does not mean you have to be a dick.
aegon, is dumb and just straight up messed up. a rapist and a drunk, he is no different to ulf, but then again. this all boils down to viserys himself. he neglected his children, turning a blind eye to his brother and listening to the snakes at court. if he had enough sense and morality to himself, he should have given more time and raised his children properly and given them dignity. at some point of the story/show, you would sometimes forget these are children of viserys, kin after kin.
viserys was king, he had the power to reform their constitution. to affirm not only rhaenyra's birth right but to avoid conflicts, as rhaenyra herself is making the same mistakes her father is. although she filled the lapse that viserys did not do. she loves her children, and cares for them deeply, she raised her boys right, but still to avoid war and annihilation of their own family. viserys should have made it a law or a protocol, the first born child shall be the heir apparent to the throne, regardless of gender.
viserys himself, should have reminded his court and council who the king was, and defying his orders will be met with such consequences. he was stuck with grief and in his small bubble that this obvious lapses did not strike a chord into his dumb motherfucking brain. fuck u viserys.
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fsfghgee · 15 days
What do you think of this dialogue:
Sub-Zero: Resist me, and there will be consequences.
Smoke: And to think I once idolized you.
Like, how cold Bi-Han actually was if Tomas was able to feel anything good to him?
Like a god? How do religious people presume a divine feeling and even say that they feel the god's protection even though this protection isn't visible and does not manifest itself in obvious ways (or doesn't manifest itself at all)? And yet, they idolize him because they have faith.
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I don't think Bi-Han was ever affectionate with Tomas in the same way he seems to have been with Kuai Liang Scorpion and much less in the way he is with Sektor…
However, I think there is a good chance that Tomas had the same protection and trust that Bi-Han places/placed in Cyrax.
Even though we didn't get much insight into Bi-Han and Tomas' relationship, it's possible to notice some similarities in Bi-Han's behavior towards him and Cyrax.
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And that's where the similarities end.
I hate to say it, but I have to be honest. Bi-Han treats Tomas with disdain because he wasn't born into the clan and because of the circumstances in which he was adopted. He denied Tomas affection solely for that reason. And unlike Kuai Liang, he didn't take his father's words as law. To Kuai Liang, his father was always right and whatever he did or said, would be obeyed by Kuai Liang as an order at all times.
I can even visualize the day that Tomas was introduced (after having his family executed by Lin Kuei warriors just for accidentally crossing their territory and the Grandmaster sheltering him out of shame for his warriors' actions, or as Tomas says, out of honor)…
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Regardless of how many times his father told him that he should treat Tomas like a brother, Bi-Han refused to do so. And most likely, only Bi-Han's mother understood his feelings and didn't try to force him to accept a complete stranger as a member of the family.
Tomas grew up with this dynamic: One brother who treated him as an equal because his father told him to do so and the other refusing to see him as anything other than a subordinate.
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Bi-Han's coldness towards Tomas is manifested during the story mode and intros in a succinct way.
I think it's important to point out that Tomas's faith in Bi-Han, that one day he would see him as a brother, may have been inspired by his adoptive father (in his insistence on making Bi-Han see him as a brother and probably the false hopes he gave Tomas about a possible change in Bi-Han's attitude in the future) and not because Bi-Han ever treated him as a brother. I also don't believe that Tomas had any father figure before being taken in by the Grandmaster (since he only mentions his mother and twin sister during intros and the only person he calls father is the late Grandmaster). And I also don't believe that he knew anyone like Bi-Han and Kuai Liang before joining the Lin Kuei…
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We know from Smoke's bio that Tomas wasn't born with powers like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, he had to learn magic to use typhomancy.
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Being an ordinary boy, whose only skill when he was adopted by the Grandmaster was hunting, it's not surprising that he was fascinated by Bi-Han's cryomancy and fighting skills to the point of idolizing him for it.
I don't think Bi-Han would need to be affectionate towards Tomas to inspire this feeling of idolatry…
You know, we can idolize people that we don't even know and create fantasies about what that person would be like to us if we were given the opportunity we seek from them. Imagine being an ordinary boy who lived off hunting with your mother and twin sister, suddenly being adopted by a family where your older brother is a skilled warrior, can freeze people alive and is next in line to be the leader of an ancient and powerful clan of warriors?
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
Themes in Pit Babe (or why the racing omegaverse show is deeper than you think) - Part 3
Wrapping up this baby! Also, apparently I accidentally hit a setting that made my posts harder to see in the tags (oopsie), so if you missed Part 1 and Part 2, there are the links.
Part 3: Self-Worth & Self-Determination
I previously talked about many of the ideas around self-worth in this show, and how we have the full spectrum of characters at varying degrees of self-worth, from Kenta at the very bottom of the scale (only considers himself worthy in the view of his abuser), to Kim at the very top (he is the best ever and knows it).
Now we come to important theme #2, which is self-determination. This theme is a pretty blatant one, as they have a character who has been written to personify it and the message around it - Pete.
Note: I could tie all of our characters to this theme in various ways, but I'm going to focus on a core four of Pete, Way, Kenta, and Babe, because they are so key to it.
Our Self-Determination King
Pete is the epitome of the "self-made" man. Although the self-made person is something of a myth in real life (most who claim the title had significant help), in the show this is pretty accurate for who Pete is. He ran away from Tony's house, and one can assume, had pretty much nothing at that time. He built up a level of wealth and power that would regain him access to Tony's world, but on his own terms.
His power is strongly empathy-coded, so despite presumably having to engage in some morally gray practices (no one gets super rich being completely ethical), his main motivation stayed consistent. Help the people Tony has hurt, and bring the man down.
It seems to be rather a coincidence that Alan approaches him when needing a sponsor, but it makes sense to me that Pete would have previously been planting seeds with businesses that are in competition with Tony. Regardless of how that connection ends up happening, Pete makes the most of the opportunity to continue to follow his ethos.
Pete's power
Just a quick point, but I do think it's important to talk about the fact that we don't quite know the full extent of Pete's power. He can clearly tell what people are thinking and/or feeling by making contact, but he does also seem to have the power to invoke feeling. Yet he only uses this once - when Kenta is physically attacking him, he brings up memories of their connection. This is very consistent with him as a personification of self-determination. Like Way, he can use his power to affect what people will do - but he chooses not to. He uses his words instead. It has to be their choice.
Pete and his boys
I also don't think it's a coincidence that Pete is immediately drawn to Way, after his earlier connection to Kenta. When Pete made the choice to run, he wanted Kenta to come with him. But Kenta could not accept he had inherent value outside of his role in Tony's life, and therefore could not accept he could make his own life choices.
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It's also important to remember that Pete knew Kenta had feelings for him. Not just because of the kiss, but they would consistently make physical contact, and Pete can literally read feelings. And yet - when faced with the choice of leaving with Pete or staying with Tony, the path of self-determination vs the path of servitude, Kenta chose Tony. Pete knows from experience that love is not enough if there is no self-worth behind it.
So we come to the day where Pete shakes Way's hand (after some hesitation because he doesn't like to use his power), and knows that he's one of Tony's and knows that he thinks that he has no choice but to follow "Daddy's" orders. It has to feel like a bit of déjà vu for him.
And he clearly has an attraction to Way, but he knows that cannot be the center of the choice here, because it's not enough. I would imagine Pete has spent a lot of time thinking of what he could have/should have said to Kenta on that day, and that's why he so ready with the words when he's with Way.
He tries to convince Way before the damage is done
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but he also knows he cannot stop him. He knows there's going to be a fall, and he places himself to be in a position to catch Way on the way down.
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And it's only after losing everything, for the first time, Way is able to truly hear Pete and see a path forward that is his own choice, and not Tony's.
Note: I'm not going to delve into Way's ending, because while it was Way's choice, I think it actually weakens the overall theme. But in my head canon, Pete helped him fake it, and they're now on a mission to go out and hunt down other abusive rich people.
An infectious power
Pete may avoid using his Enigma power on others, but his power to help others see their own value & ability to choose is literally infectious. Which is why it's interesting to see Babe be the one to give Kenta the final talk before his flip (with Pete still present, of course).
Babe also successfully self-determines to make the choice to run from Tony, and to live his own life. But he focuses primarily on his own survival - which is valid! No one should ever feel guilty for putting themselves first in a situation like this. He was severely traumatized and had to work to find his own self-worth, via Charlie, before he could turn his focus to helping others.
But once he begins interacting more with Pete, and gains the goal of bringing down Tony, he becomes the spokesperson of our theme. It's important for it to come from Babe here, because he is Tony's star. He is who Kenta wants to be in Tony's eyes. And he's telling Kenta that Tony is the one who is not worth it.
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And in the end, Kenta chooses his own path. Pete planted seeds, but Babe's words made something grow. And like Pete, Kenta finds his self-worth not just in making the choice to free himself, but in saving others.
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I do think it's important to be clear that making a different choice is not an absolution. And forgiveness should not be a motivation (which is why Way's path got a little thematically muddled in the end).
At the same time, it's never too late to make a different choice, to pick a different path. It's never too late to find meaning & purpose, whether that be helping others, helping your found family, doing a right thing for its own sake, or avenging the love of your life before you know he faked his death.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Time for some Leo centered asks!!!!! Everyone seems to have a lot of questions about our blue boy!
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@livsinpjs Daily life for Leo was pretty much zero fun allowed. Wake up at the crack of dawn and train, then studies, then missions or more specialized training with Saki, then sleep. His schedule while in the foot clan was pretty repetitive and boring, with missions being the only time he ever got to have any excitement. Shredder didn’t try to be a father to Leo, but he did warp himself into being Leo’s whole world. This leads to Leo trusting Shredder’s orders near implicitly and pushing himself to his limits to show that Saki wasn’t wrong in making Leo his second. The only time in which canon, smart-ass Leo leaks through is when he has to work missions with (🤐), cause Leo loves the fact that despite his young age, he’s technically higher ranked than (🤐). Despite the older mutant’s years working with Saki—he was still just a part-time member of the Foot until only recently, which Leo throws in his face whenever he can. Regardless, the two mutants are the Shredder’s most trusted and strong Commanders, so they work together well when they need to. There’s even been one or two times (🤐) has shown a very microscopic, teeneey tiny soft spot for Leo, but they’d both rather lose an arm than admit to that 😜.
Kitsune is another constant presence in Leo’s life. One he’s always despised for a reason he’s foggy on. He doesn’t really remember her role in his kidnapping, he’s just always hated her, but he keeps his hatred of her a secret, solely because she’s Master Shredder’s strongest source of mystic power and Saki holds her skills in very high regard. He’s pretty sure she knows anyway, it’s like the witch can see right into his soul—it sets his teeth on edge.
It doesn’t help that a few times a week Leo is required to report to her for what Shredder calls “meditation” sessions, and though he does leave them feeling more calm and centered than before, he konks out as soon as he gets back to his room from how much energy they seem to drain from him. At the same time though, it’s almost as if he’s…dependent on these sessions—if he goes too long without sitting through all her waving hands and chanting, he starts to feel antsy, and irritated, and his thoughts begin to fall out of the neat order they’re usually kept in.
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Leo is not great with new people. He’s used to viewing everyone as part of a hierarchy, and either ordering them around, or being ordered around, but when his older memories begin to come back to him, logically he knows that his family doesn’t work like that, it’s just so hard to not slot every person into the roles he’s familiar with.
Raph is the oldest, and the one who Splinter trusts to lead them, but Raph will sometimes request their input and clearly doesn’t take the same kind of pride in his own high rank that Leo used to. April is a total unknown to him, but Raph and Mikey treat her like she’s family (it’s like a knife in his back when he realizes that his brothers appear to trust her more than him but he ignoreignoreignores that feeling). He ignores her for the most part, but eventually sees her as a solid combatant in battle, then shockingly—an emotional confidant when he’s struggling, to eventually a friend, and finally a big sister who he can unwind with.
Splinter seems lost with the way Leo treats him. From the get go, Leo’s trying daily to shift through the lies that Shredder filled his head with, and works hard to treat Splinter with the respect that he’s owed as the head of the Hamato Clan. But Leo’s beyond confused that, this only seems to upset Splinter, which frustrates him to no end, because he’s trying to be as affable as possible, but he just can’t treat Splinter like Mikey, Raph, and April do. Leo can’t magically force those feelings to develop after spending so long hating him. Yes, there’s a part of his brain that knows Hamato Yoshi is his father, and had no say in Leo being taken, but there’s a bigger part that’s been conditioned for years by the Shredder—that’s screaming every time he sees the rat, that Splinter deserves a slow and painful death. But at least Leo’s self-aware enough that he won’t trust himself to be alone with Splinter until he can silence that voice for good. It might break his father’s heart to be kept at a distance and referred to as ‘Master Splinter’ in such a dead tone, but Leo knows it would hurt him worse to know what Leo’s struggling with.
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Leo is softest with Mikey because he’s so protective of him, but Leo can be kinda low on everyone’s list, except for where Donnie is concerned, mostly because of his sharp temper. Which Donnie could care less about, because the boy has zero self-preservation.
While Donnie deals with his haywire emotions with a kind of anxiously sad/manically happy mixtured response, and Mikey always tries a positive approach—Leo’s trouble is he can’t really control himself when he gets frustrated. Not without some kind of hard and fast explosion eventually getting out. He’ll go from feeling no emotion and calm, to growling and spitting in an instant. It’s usually only over things like Splinter trying his best to reach out and help him in his own awkwardly painful way, or any time Raph ‘babies’ Leo on accident, or if Donnie’s just invading his space too much. His flare ups are pretty unpredictable for months until he gets a handle on them, and so the others often feel it’s best to leave him to work through his anger in his own various ways. Whether that be storming off for a few hours or destroying a dummy in the dojo.
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I think Donnie would’ve been over the moon, but probably not really changed much in the way he approached Leo. He might not have gone so hard in getting Leo’s attention, but would’ve talked just as much and invaded his personal space the same amount!
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@uniqueness351217 Hmmmmm interesting….also 2007 TMNT my love. Like, maybe after Leo finally connects with his ninpo, but in order to truly embrace the connection and make it stronger, Splinter suggests he goes on a vision quest for a few months! I think Raph would step up again as full time leader, or maybe April would act as temporary co-leader until Leo returned. Mikey would be sad to see him go, but if Leo was okay with leaving, and promised he’d be back, I think Mikey would put on a brave face and try to keep busy to make the time go by faster (lol I’m not evil enough to make him into a party clown. Shame on those writers—poor 2007 Mikey. Even if it was hilarious. He didn’t deserve those nightmares) Donnie would probably lock himself in his lab for a week and be super dramatic about missing his twin, but he’d work on his tech and maybe refurbish stuff from the scrap yard to sell, for lack of anything better to do.
I imagine if Leo was sent on a mission is take place in between them finally taking down Shredder, so they’ve all earned a well deserved break, but Leo would return quickly when a few months in, the Kraang attack and derail everyone’s vacation.
(I’m still working out the exact details of how the Kraang would fit into this AU, just in case we ever make it up to the point of the movie. I know a lot of y’all have been asking, and I’m hoping we make it that far ;D)
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Draxum was furious, but also confused. From what he’d seen of Two, he’d been hoping that with a slow, delicate approach he could get him on his side, but then the child had just up and deserted the Shredder out of no-where? It made no sense from what he’d seen of the boy’s loyalties. Later when he sees him with his brothers though, he understands what’s happened. After all, he’d ordered Three to subtlety exploit their brotherly bond during his meetings with Shredder, but he’d put too much faith in that idea. It seems like Three wasn’t as good at convincing Two as Draxum had hoped. Just another failure on Three’s part to follow any one of his directions.
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If Leo had tried the hug back when he was still getting a handle on his temper he very likely would have, but for the most part and especially later on, Leo can reign it in, especially when Mikey and Donnie are concerned. Although he did step on Donnie’s foot pretty hard, both out of shock, and to get him to let go. Also he complained for the entire time it healed.
Leo looking in a pocket mirror he got just to be dramatic: All these years and never once have I managed to marr this beautiful mug! You better hope this doesn’t scar, Don!!
Donnie embarrassed beyond belief but so over apologizing: YOU SURPRISED ME! You gotta warn someone before you just throw yourself at them—!
The entire family turns to give Donnie the most looking, look to ever look.
Donnie: (´∀`;;;; ) Y-yeah. Point taken.
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iwtv ep 5 rewatch thoughts
opening with the scene within which i have built a home and become a permanent resident. right here in the moment rashmand smiles stupidly and louis slonks (🤭) every last drop of his blood. how anyone thinks they’re boring idk idk idk
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they are being clear here that this isn’t consumption for the sake of sustenance. this is bloodletting as sex play and as power play. Danny is not having dinner. so its clear that this isn’t feeding as a meal but it is feeding as sexual exhibition at its most delicious. Danny is reading about claudia’s violent acts via the written recording of her victim’s last words while loumand basically vampire fuck at the other end of the table. this is also setting up the sexual violence to come for claudia and also for louis.
i think it is intentional that louis is the one feeding from armand for several reasons. one being because of what lestat does to him, which we see later on. this is power play for louis in a setting where he has voluntarily and possibly in some aspects dubiously relinquished control over to his lover armand. also bc of the connection between daniel and armand. they are revealing rashid as armand slowly here and his and louis’ involvement with daniel in the past. Daniel isn’t dumb. they know he can figure out the inconsistencies of louis drinking from armand and louis drinking from damek. this leads to daniels curiosity about how armand tastes like and his weight and louis puts daniel’s hidden attraction out on display against his wishes to throw him off. and daniel orders rashid around to take back some power.
i also think it’s a call back to the power dynamic of their first meeting. louis has power over daniel, and it seems he’s the one in control of the entire situation but then he checks in with armand before moving forward. in this moment in the present dubai 2020 setting louis has power over daniel (regardless of him no longer being that naive young man) and he plays the role of the one with the power over rashid, but the power he is receiving is from armands 500+ year old blood that he is offering to louis as the character he is playing. lord take me.
i think it’s interesting that daniel is feasting on claudia’s private memories but objects to louis reading and exposing his personal thoughts. even tho louis has shown time and again that he does that and would do it again. choices/consent is the big issue in this episode.
Daniel: man with green vest: please no. man with fat fingers: please stop. window washer: i can’t die like this. woman with purple shoes: please. boy with inner tube and dog: let my dog live. please no. please stop. stop. oh here’s a good one—man in the last row of The Son of Sheik picture show: You said you had cigarettes.
this is the first recounts we hear him read from claudia’s journal—claudia, who did not get a say in whether her voice and story be used by louis, armand and daniel in this way. He reads this and it’s clear that he [daniel] hadn’t actually consented to being the voyeur of loumand’s sex play given his visible discomfort/agitation. He continues anyways, trying his best to focus on the task at hand and not his bisexual longing for the men at the other end of the table bc even with everything he is reading and witnessing he is still attracted to them in all their insanity and monstrosity.
im interested in the fact that he pointedly reads out (“here’s a good one”) the misleading nature of the last one. “You said you had cigarettes.” i think it speaks to the fact that daniel came here to dubai for a supposed second interview and is slowly but surely realizing he is getting something else entirely. he continues “School teacher, guard your heart. i’m trying to think of something more fucked up than this.” he could be just talking about what claudia has written, but i think it’s also the fact that this is the section of his reading that loumand have chosen to be overtly sexual in front of him for as he reads. all this and he doesn’t even know yet of rashid being armand and his role in claudia’s death, though i’m sure he’s having suspicions of everything by now. also that louis, with being faced with the piece of claudia he doesn’t like to acknowledge, the monstrosity of her vampire nature, focuses of drinking from armand the man who killed his beloved daughter (something he said about “i run to the bottle” etc. etc). it does in fact get more fucked up danny.
and when armand implies that daniel is no better by revealing the danger it poses on louis and exposing louis’ suicidality without his permission (“he lives to share these opinions even when they are not solicited”) and revealing he doesn’t even want this book to happen, louis fights back by leaning into his power over daniel and exposing his thoughts about armand, and continues to, even when danny makes it clear his thoughts were not being voluntarily shared—that he did not want louis in his mind at all. he even interrupts rashmand in the middle of telling daniel he wouldn’t let him near his neck to offer up more information abt rashid (much to armands annoyance) that clearly isn’t even true after reading daniel’s mind again when daniel just explicitly told him not to. and when louis does that daniel fights back by leaning into his perceived power over rashid—louis’ servant—by demanding more of something to drink without even looking at him. and at this armand picks up his lil ipad and leaves without even picking up daniel’s glass, being the one who is actually the most powerful in the room. this is crazy. this is actually insane.
all this and armand is the one who killed claudia!!!! the only one who doesn’t get to fight back against her agency being taken from her in this scene!!! i’m going to fucking throw up. who is bored with them!? they are literally putting on thee insane sexy bdsm emo freaks show like…
“ The Son of Sheik” also alludes to the upcoming sexual assault btw. It’s a sequel to “The Sheik” where the protagonist is the son of the sheik in the first film who falls in love with a traveling dancer Yasmine. He rapes her out of retaliation for having been kidnapped and later whipped, which he believes to be her fault bc she is falsely accused of it. like in this episode and like claudia, yasmine’s rape is strongly implied in the movie with the use of pointed language and a scene cut.
this scene closes out with daniel pointing out he can’t get to accurate statistics of claudia’s murders to corroborate her accounts whether he thinks its more or less than what she recounts im unsure. louis points out that he wouldn’t be able to get an accurate account anyways bc of their disposal practices and how cities tend to downplay the dangers within them. daniel wanting all the details and louis making it clear he will have to accept that he can’t always have all the details will be a point of contention later on as we know.
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bleeding-star-heart · 11 months
I'm not sure if we're supposed to agree with Gale's assessment of his backstory, but I sure as hell don't regardless
I mean, the way he frames it, we're supposed to think of him as on par with a world-destroying egomaniac bent on becoming a god. Except...Gale never intended to become a god. He just wanted more magic power-something he's been trained to do all his life. And when he found that there was magic that should belong to Mystra but didn't...his goal was to RETURN it to her. Which, in most logical minds, means he's actually pretty trustworthy with that power. The fact that Gale was wrong about the orb doesn't change that. And, oh, boy, Mystra's reaction does NOT make it better. Her response to her boyfriend trying to get her a present but failing is...order him to die "for the greater good". Essentially telling him to kill himself. Essentially, Gale's story reads less like an ego trip and more like someone in a REALLY toxic relationship. Like, in modern terms he's basically an autistic guy (because he gives off some autistic vibes to me a bit) whose boss happens to be his girlfriend. And he wants a promotion, but she won't give it to him. So, one day, he finds this beautiful diamond necklace on Craigslist and decides to give it to her, thinking this might get him a promotion. So then he goes to pick up the necklace from the Craigslist guy...only, it's Craiglist. So, there is no necklace, and the guy is a drug dealer, who ends up shooting Gale several times and dumping some bags of cocaine on him. And instead of being sympathetic, or caring, or moved at all, Gale's boss/girlfriend decides to fire him. And leave him to deal with the bullet wounds and bag of cocaine on his own. And later...well, you know. Yeah, I HOPE Larian isn't trying to make Gale out to be the bad guy. That's one parallel with Anders we do NOT need.
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graendoll · 4 months
I've been thinking about season 7 of the queer firefighter show and have decided that it was absolute trash.
I started watching the show like two months ago, from season 1, so basically I speed ran the entire thing and I can confidently say season 7 was the worst of all them. Which sucks because we got such good events - they were just handled so clumsily.
The writing was fucking all over the place, the characters were OOC, there was no continuity, and the more I think about the potential it had the more disappointed I am with Buck's coming out story line.
They didn't do SHIT with it except make it about kissing boys, which yes is a big part of being a bisexual man, but like...also not the only thing about being a bisexual who discovers themselves in their thirties? The writers sexualized the whole thing, and bisexuals get so sexualized already... it was just...low stakes and lazy.
I share all of this to say that when you approach a story with no plan (which I've seen rumored was the case with this season) winging it results in mediocrity if you're lucky and absolute garbage if you're not.
I know because I'm a pantser when I write and my experience has taught me I need at least a list of bullets for story structure in order for anything to make sense, and I never publish part of something before I finish all of it because once you put it out there into the world, retconning is a bitch.
I really wish the writers/showrunners of 911 had approached s7 with less of a "who cares" attitude because they basically put all their eggs in the bi!buck and buddie PR basket and kind of ignored the need for like...story and character.
I really hope they get their shit together for season 8. But American television, like American capitalism, forces things to live beyond their staying power (HOW does Grey's have 20 seasons??) regardless of whether the story itself has passed its termination point. Because at this point, I worry the writers are just going to make an even bigger mess than they already have by focusing too much on shock and drama and ignoring the thing that made the show loved, which was the characters.
911 was GOOD for a really long time, and it would be nice to see it go back to being good in season 8.
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aphverse-confessions · 11 months
Yes, Zane is a bad person who is responsible for his own atrocities, this is not up for debate.
However, around season two or so, Zane is suddenly the sole reason anything bad ever happens in O'khasis. Regardless of time period or logic or evidence of involvement, everything is pinned on Zane.
Zane Ro'meave who has effectively been dead for fifteen years.
Zane is responsible for the war with Tu'la because Janus decided to terrorize the countryside during Zane's absence. It's implied that Janus was doing this of their own free will and not on orders, and its highly likely Zane didn't even know about it considering he was inanother dimension, but Janus is one of the subordinates who actually likes Zane so it's like Zane was doing it personally.
Zane is responsible for the O'khasis invasion because the Tu'la king wanted Zane's relic notes for his own use and Ivy sold them out. Which is like arresting the victim of a home invasion for having personal possessions that could attract robbers.
Somehow, Garte's actions as lord and generally shitty dude behavior are because??? Even though we previously established that Garte lost his humanity due to an illness at a time where Zane was still young enough to be groomed into the position of Garte's favorite pawn??? Sure, the grown man in the most powerful position in the region is the victim in this scenario.
If you think I'm exaggerating here is a transcript from a scene in ep 43 where Aph's eavesdropping on a group of locals discussing the situation with the Ro'Meaves after all of the sons died (for context Garte was in charge of O'khasis in s1):
OldGeezer: Hm, your son reminds me of Garte's oldest boy.
Father: Yeah, well, I take that as a compliment. I remember the Lord's son well.
OldGeezer: Such a shame... Lord Garte has been more secluded since before he lost his sons...
Father: Have they been pronounced dead? It's been more than fifteen years.
OldGeezer: The one with the brown hakr was pronounced dead long before the other two vanished.
Father: ...I don't feel as bad for Lord Garte as I fee for Lady Zianna... she was a wonderful mother to her sons..
Old Geezer: Agreed. Even the adopted one. she deserved a better man than Garte became.
Father: How's m'lady doing? Has anyone heard from her?
OldGeezer: She's silent... she rarely leaves her chambers. Understandably, since Garte is continuing his march on the region soon...
Father: ...I never liked the image O'khasis gave off to others. Why can't we advocate for peace?
OldGeezer: The world is changing. Lord Garte is not. O'khasis used to have great power over others.
Father: ...I don't want my son growing up in a place where we can not progress because of our Lord's selfish choices.
OldGeezer: ...y'know if you leave O'khasis for another village, you won't find a place that's safe from O'khasis itself.
Father: That's why I haven't left sooner.
Aph: Wow... I would think after 15 years at this place... after 15 years of having Zane gone this place might've become something else but I guess who... if Lord Garte is in charge now. That's Garroth's father.
On one hand, it does make sense why Aph would assume everything is somehow connected to Zane, since that's basically what happened in season one. It is in character for her to be negatively biased towards Zane, who she knows, as opposed to Janus/Tu'la/Garte, who she's never met before.
But Aph's objectively wrong takes are treated as fact by both the narrative and characters who personally knew both Zane and Garte, including the rest of the Ro'Meaves. And not in an examination of the Ro'Meave family's toxic dynamics way its exclusively to uncritically villianize Zane.
Like, bro has already cursed a baby you don't have to retroactively make him this evil from birth demon who's mere existance ruins the lives of everyone he comes in contact with. It's bad writing and it cheapens the Ro'Meave family storyline.
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