#because the first twitter review i saw said it
sluttycinderella · 3 months
Razorgate: an empirical, peer reviewed study*
*there is nothing genuinely scientific about this, it is merely a result of mental illness and unemployment.
So we all saw this right?
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But after this bomb was dropped I began to get curious about the other slittenings. Did they use the same razor for all of them and no one had noticed? Do they actually own more than one razor? And if they don't, if this is truly the only phrazor, then I don't think I have to tell you that raises a lot of questions.
Firstly, I went back to where this all began, Phil's Birthday stream, to identify the razor that carved the very first slit and forever cemented itself as a part of herstory:
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Now that is very clearly the Manscaped logo, no question about it. Here’s a high quality photo of the logo for comparison:
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(You can also clearly see in the Twitter post that it says "Manscaped" across it but I like to double check my work and I also wanted to prove that they were both Manscaped)
And it's a good thing I did double check because OP made a CRITICAL ERROR in their post! They claim that the razor in question is the Lawn Mower 4.0 when in fact it's the Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra! Unlike the PUNY, PATHETIC, UNMANLY 4.0, the Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra comes with an interchangeable foil blade, a USB port, and a more advanced spotlight!
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How could OP be so careless? Dan and Phil would never own an outdated razor! They require only the finest in ball shaving technology!
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Also fun fact: The first appearance of the Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra on the Manscaped YouTube channel falls right in between the dapg return announcement and their first video back so make of that what you will...I for one shall be sculpting my own hill out of the very earth itself, "Manscaped Sponsorship Hill", I encourage you all to join me.
So after spending far too long researching the intricacies of razors that shave an organ I don't even have, I now needed to check if it was the same razor being used in every slittening:
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Here they are side by side for comparison, left is Phil’s birthday, middle is the We're All Doomed post-premiere, right is Dan’s birthday. Now it appears the WAD one is missing the logo but I'm going to go ahead and chalk that up to the poor quality of the clip I found (if anyone has a better version PLEASE hit me up so I can confirm my hypothesis). And considering the photo taken in the aftermath seems to show Phil holding the 5.0 Ultra:
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's the same thing.
“But,” I hear you shouting, “so what if Dan and Phil used the same razor for all the streams? They already said they only owned one razor so who cares?” Well this isn’t so much about proving that they’re the same razor as it is establishing a baseline. It’s hard to trust basically anything Dan and Phil say lately, what with piggate and the “pillow” bar and the fake view from the Phouse, knowing that they aren’t lying about only having one razor (to the best of our knowledge) is crucial in figuring out what exactly is going on. Remember, we’re doing science here.
And with that in mind: In my professional opinion, I can say that for all three slittenings, the Manscaped Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra was the weapon of choice.
Sidenote: I went down a bit of a rabbit hole of Manscaped reviews during all of this and apparently Manscaped razors are kind of just a scam. This razor is $109 and they try to trick their customers into subscribing to their "Peak Hygiene Plan" which you don't actually need by offering a deceptive discount and hiding the terms where people aren't likely to see them. So yeah, fuck Manscaped and I for one think we should cancel Dan and Phil for not ethically consuming under capitalism.
But that's beside the point, we know that they indeed only have one razor and that that razor...is for balls. What does that tell us?
There are a multitude of conclusions one could jump to in the light of such a revelation, I shall display them in a convenient numbered list for your viewing pleasure:
One of them prefers to use straight (lol) razors to shave their...you know...I don't actually know if this is a thing people do or if it's even possible, people with balls please sound off in the comments, thank you
Only one of them actually shaves in which case I support them as an infamous pussy hair enthusiast (iykyk)
They share a razor (Please, God, no, that's actually disgusting)
Either way, this thing was on someone's balls and then it touched both their faces so I really hope they cleaned it properly!
Alright, so that whole exploration may have been a bit useless, it indeed only confirmed what we had already been told, but I spent literal hours comparing photos of ball hair trimmers and I'm not one to admit defeat. Consider yourselves peer reviewed, Dan and Phil, and maybe check out Beardscape instead! Apparently they have better, more comprehensive razors for the same price.
If anyone even more demon than me has any corroborating evidence (maybe of them using straight razors at any point or anything else razor related that they've said in the past) please let me know so I can take it into consideration! Thank you all for your time.
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discopaddock · 6 months
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SUMMARY: reader is only a fantasy and romance writer and a huge fan of sebastian. he's fan of her book. when he reveals that to the public there's no way their fans are going to lose an opportunity to have them meet.
PAIRING: rbr!sebastian vettel and author!reader
GENRE: smau, fluff pure fluff!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hiya! this was based on this request! also if you see any similarities to one of @hrts4scarr ’s recent works, that's because we got the same request! also go check scar’s work, it's so cool! once again, english isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes!
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“You’ve checked Twitter recently?” Senna, Y/N’s manager from the publishing house, asked extra happily. The author only shook her head between drinking water, exhausted from another day of signing books for long hours.
Of course it wasn't that she didn't like it! She loved it! But if she was doing it for eight hours six days a week for two months now it was getting boring.
“Then do it!” Senna said, almost shrieking.
Y/N only gasped but opened her laptop and searched Twitter to see her whole feed in Tweets of Sebastian Vettel talking about her book.
That Sebastian Vettel she had the biggest crush on and created him in her book series.
The author looked at the other girl with opened mouth and she only said:
“You're gonna see him tomorrow, we've already arranged it with Red Bull. Sign some books for him with special dedications baby”
Y/N only started smiling like a stupid teenage girl.
Oh what she was gonna do in front of Sebastian?
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Nice is beautiful.
And so is Monaco.
Sebastian found himself in a car in the passenger seat. He wasn't sure where he was going. He only understood that there will be books? Like a lot of books.
He entered the library with his PR manager and some photographer and when he saw that one book on the poster, he immediately knew why he was there.
There weren't a lot of people.
The queue to the author desk wasn't too long, only five people before him.
Sebastian knew that the author of his beloved book was pretty attractive. He had seen her photos on her website.
But in real life she was even a hundred times prettier than in photos.
He was close to saying she was beautiful in that interview. So close but he didn't for his own sake. Now he could say it to the first person that walked beside him.
Finally the queue ended and he was standing in front of the girl.
“Hi, I'm Sebastian” he said only with a smile on his face and she quickly stood up from her chair and fixed her hair.
“Hello, I'm Y/N” she answered with a shy grin and shook his hand.
“I can say that I'm a fan of your writing,” Sebastian announced with a laugh, making her blush.
Mein Gott, she looks so pretty with rosy cheeks – he thought. My God
“Great, because I have something for you” she said and showed him all of her books excluding “Young and beautiful”. “For you, for the longer flights to Australia” she added.
Oh, Sebastian was speechless. He didn't expect to get anything from her, especially since he found out about meeting her like half an hour ago.
“Oh, thank you so much!” he said with a big smile and looked at all the books. The covers were pretty, just like her.
“I don't know if fantasy is your favorite, so I put here most of the romances I have” Y/N laughed a little, looking at him as he carefully watched all of the books.
“I actually like it a lot, even if I don't look like it” he answered, holding in his hands the book where he was in as the main character.
He read the text at the back and when he saw a review from a Twitter user he couldn't believe it.
“Book is great, especially since Hugo gives me major Sebastian Vettel vibes”
“Haha, what is this?” he asked, showing her the review and she only blushed and shrugged.
“Well, I can say that I was lacking in character personalities” she wasn't, he put him in that book on purse. She was writing that book on Wattpad years ago before it was published, when she was watching him in Formula 3.5 and was dreaming of him.
As if she wasn't doing it now.
“Okay, I'll remember that,” he said and laughed. Oh, she loved his laugh. His laugh on TV wasn't as good as in real life.
She was in love with him.
She thought to herself that she was crazy.
But did he care? No, he didn't. Not at all.
“Can I get your number? I want to do something for you as a thank you” Sebastian asked and Y/M speechless and in shock, nodded and grabbed a pen and one of the books to write the number next to the dedication. “I'll text you, don't worry” he winked at her and left with his team and all the books in his hands.
Getting Paddock Passes for the European Grand Prix didn't sound wrong, did it?
And with that Y/N ended in the Red Bull garage in Valencia, extremely happy since it was her first Grand Prix in real life ever.
Also when the fans saw the photos of their little meet up in Nice they went crazy. She had never seen anything like shipping her with someone before that but did she like it? Yes, because Sebastian seemed to like her too.
And now he looked so hot in post race glow and champagne.
“Hey Y/N, I was thinking if you would want to join me at dinner after the whole post win thing?” Seb asked when he came back to the garage, covered in sticky alcohol.
“I don't want to intrude on you-”
“You won't! I'm the one who's asking you to join me” he smiled at her shy personality. She was adorable as hell.
“Okay, I'll go” Y/N said and Sebastian grinned widened and he left a kiss on her cheek.
“See you soon, pretty girl” he said and left to take a shower. She was just standing here without any words, red on face and with butterflies in her stomach.
Oh the thing that she had for Sebastian was big, very, very big.
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SOOOOO..... I have been seeing animal HRT show up on Twitter a lot in the trans community because of @ayviedoesthings little dragon comic so I thought "Hey why don't I join the fun." But there are two problems.
I'm a straight cis mostly white guy and
SO I DECIDED! ah to hell with it I never cared about my masculinity, I am a being of ADHD, autism, OCD, AND CHAOS! FATE GAVE ME A MALE FORM TO EXIST IN!! I WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FLIP IF TOMORROW IT GAVE ME A FEMALE ONE!!! and also I'll just do it in a written story. but I am not doing someone going through the whole HRT process. 1. because I would probably be very grim describing it and 2. my brain won't stop thinking about what would happen if the military had access to a drug that would turn their soldiers into animal soldiers. SO HERE IS
Part 1
General Samuel grumbled as he rode the elevator down. If it was up to him he would have never approved this project. If it was up to him he would have never tested this on former soldiers. If it was up to him he would have gone with the doctor with the German-sounding name instead of putting the cryptic scientist who somehow knew about the project and contacted the government about being in charge. And if it was up to him he would have never would have never put himself as the one to be reviewing this project. As the elevator stopped and the doors opened Sam saw a man in a lab coat waiting for him. "Ah, General. So nice of you to visit us." said the man. Sam assumed this was the scientist. Doctor Thánatos. "Come in, Come in. I got something big I want to show you." The scientist turned around and quickly walked down the hallway. As Sam walked down the hall with the scientist, he noticed big cells to his sides with humanoid beasts in them with the names of the occupants by the cell, one of whom he recognized. Sergeant Thorn, one of the best hand-to-hand fighters he knew, before she lost her legs and an arm in an explosion. But now it looks like she was more than a fighter, she was a beast. Not only were her legs and her arm back, but she now sported green scales and a long tail. She resembled a female version of the villain the lizard. Suddenly Thorn jumped towards him, causing him to step back. her claws struck the reinforced glass wall that divided them. She let out a guttural laugh. "Ah, it's nice to see a familiar tasty face." She said licking her teeth "What's wrong soldier. Don't you know time changes people?" Sam was shocked. This was not the Thorn he knew he knew. She was tough, but she would always rather make friends than start a fight. "What's wrong captain. Not happy to see old friends captain." Said a voice behind him. Sam quickly turned around and saw in front of him a creature with dark black feathers covering its body, razor-sharp claws for feet and hands, and giant black-as-night wings sprouting from its back. "Oh sorry is it General now?" It said from a sharp-beaked mouth. Sam turned to look at the nameplate. Pilot O'hares. Sam knew him. One of his old drink buddies. He had heard that he quit the Air Force when he crashed his favorite jet, one he had gone on so many missions with, saying he would never fly again. "Ah, Ignore them. They aren't important right now." Sam turned to the scientist who was at the end of the hall by a big metal door. He was about to question what he did to his old friends when he noticed something. Three empty cells, one of them having more dust than the other. Doctor Harris, Private Gorgonzola, and Private Tompson. "I got some questions for you egg head. Why the hell are these people in cells, Why the hell are three of them empty, AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THEM!" The General yelled angrily "I was told they would look more human like this far into the project and not like animals. They also shouldn't be acting like ones too." The scientist only let out a laugh. "Oh I will answer the first and third questions but I will only answer the second once you see what's behind these doors. Now the cells are for ours and also for their safety. The normal drug that excuse of a doctor is selling is quite too slow, so with some modifications, I was able to speed it up, though it does seem to increase a person's animalistic instincts. Still, I see that as an improvement. My version is much more suited for the battlefield." The scientist pressed some buttons on a keypad and the metal door opened. "Now let me show you my personal project."
This is part 1 and part 2 will be out soon
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jajanvm-imbi · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel 4 episode premiere review Part 1
CW: Mentions of SA, rape, abuse
Part 2 | Part 3
Okay first of all right off the bat cause its the freshest thing in my mind: I need everyone who accused Vivienne Medrano and her creative team of romanticizing and sexualizing SA and abuse to APOLOGIZE.
I actually saw someone say Viv has a rape fetish in response to a 10 second out of context leaked clip of Angel Dust in his Poison scene a few days ago on here (who I instantly blocked no question but thats not the point)
In response, Viv told everyone giving her shit on Twitter and Threads to at least watch the entire episode first before jumping to conclusions, and how there are many people on her team who are survivors of abuse.
Episode 4 "Masquerade" is intense. It does not hold back depicting Angel's situation with Valentino. At no point was it ever a secret that Angel was being abused by Valentino. It was depicted in the prequel comic, it was depicted in the Addict AMV, it was depicted here. And you know what? At literally no point is it romanticized. The entire episode is dedicated to explaining why Angel is the way he is. Angel's "Idgaf" personality, him constantly sexualizing himself and others and making sex jokes is all a coping mechanism. All of that was clearly displayed in episode 4.
Angel is not just some silly jaja caricature of gay men and he is not a romanticized abuse victim. Valentino was gripping Angel by the throat and Angel was pleading for Val to leave Charlie alone. He cares about Charlie, he deeply values her love for him. He was taking a beating and he was defending the one person who doesn't treat him like an object. He was terrified for himself, but he was even more frightened for Charlie. He's a good friend deep down.
Episode 4 is uncomfortable and graphic and clearly not everyone can watch it, it is very very triggering. But everyone who has been following Hazbin knew this was coming because like I said before at no point was Angel's abuse a secret, and there is plenty of time before the really graphic stuff happens for people to realize what's coming and skip it. Even before episode 4, Angel's abuse was foreshadowed when he was going through Valentino's voicemails.
I understand that not everyone's experiences with abuse and SA are the same, and its completely valid to dislike episode 4, but to accuse Viv and her team for sexualizing and romanticizing SA and abuse solely based on an out of context 10 second clip is outrageous. Angel Dust may not be someone you can relate to, but others do.
Angel Dust is portrayed as sympathetic the entire episode, Valentino is portrayed as a disgusting scumbag piece of shit who deserves to be exterminated. How the fuck is that romanticizing abuse?
Anyway I just wanted to get that out of the way before I get to actually reviewing Hazbin.
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jeonscatalyst · 19 days
The way they used to be like "oh look taehyung tricked jungkook into thinking it's for the two of them poor jungkook" this that because as you see in the caption them thinking that since jm was see first time with TK and as TK were hanging out they thought jm needed taehyung's support to mend things with jungkook 😭 i remember all these tweets they made when tae posted that vminkook pic and i even said that time you're talking about jimin and if there's one thing about jm then he will need NO ONE to keep mend things back in his friendships there's a reason his eq gets praised the most.
I also remember reading one of TK blogger in jkk tag before AYS jeju saying that they might make tae might play the meian role in jkk's friendship like they made it seem like in ITS and i replied them saying no one made it look like that and it wouldn't have looked that way if taehyung didn't ask jimin call jungkook lol. They still bitter about that. They thought jimin would need anyone's help to get back with jungkook (not like anything was wrong between them). And that acct who's ss u posted is especially a freakin manipulator thinking she knows better when of shit is just made. She has me blocked. And this bitch said that taehyung didn't know jk's room in ptd LA time because they used to hangout in taehyung's room 😭 like girl who's taking u seriously?
They wanna make jikook look awkward sooo bad but failing miserable ever since. They're talking about same thing in those reviews cause they expected jikook to be awkward but it's not happening so they calling it fake
Lmaoooo anon.
I remember seeing those tweets last year. I even saw someone saying that Jimin posted the fish Jk drew and left taehyung out even though he was there but it turned out Tae was on the boat but wasn’t actually there when Jikook drew the fish lol.
Taekookers thrive by manipulating and bending the hell out of the truth. That ITS convo continues to haunt them till this day and they desperately want to Jimin and Jungkook to be the two awkward bros and are trying to push that narrative to even out the playing field but no one is taking them seriously. The only way they can continue making sense of their ship is by coming up with 5373735262 theories about their ship being depressed, oppressed, suppressed and all the pressed. They can only do that by claiming that bighit practices all it’s trickery on taekook by editing their moments out of content or using subtitles to manipulate how fans perceive their interactions even though I’m sure deep down they know that’s not the truth. They keep saying bighit made taekook have the talk, bighit made taekook do this or that, infact every single time taekook don’t toe the line, they blame bighit and Jimin and it’s getting ridiculous. They also somehow think that Jimin and Jungkook getting debunked would mean that their ship is real💀
Imagine boldy saying that taehyung tricked Jk to be somewhere with Jimin and also claim that Jk was keeping his distance only to find out that Jimin and Jungkook were actually the ones hosting tae and Jk was actually around Jimin the whole time. Must have stung. That account is lucky I don’t fight shippers on twitter else I would have visited their page to laugh a little😂
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'It should come as no surprise that Russell T Davies, the man behind Queer As Folk, the one who first made Doctor Who tangibly gay, has returned to the franchise with what might be its queerest outing yet. But even we were surprised by quite how integral LGBTQ+ themes would be to the story this time around.
Much has been made of David Tennant and Catherine Tate's return, yet it's Yasmin Finney's brand-new character Rose who's at the heart of this Star Beast special.
Donna's daughter befriends The Meep first, and she's also the one who saves London when The Meep reveals itself to be evil. What's special about this is that it's Rose's trans identity specifically that proves key to her victory.
When we last saw her mother, Donna had absorbed some of the Doctor's energy, creating a 'metacrisis' that would have killed her if the Doctor had not erased her memories. But when she's reminded again of the Time Lord's existence in this latest episode, Donna survives intact, and that's because when she gave birth to Rose, she unknowingly split that energy between them, halving their potentially devastating impact.
As Donna's memories return, Rose's innate Timelord energy is then activated too, enabling her to stop Meep with newfound knowledge and abilities from her position on the ground.
Rose's non-binary identity stems from The Doctor's. (The show finally acknowledges them to be gender-fluid after they presented as both male and female over the course of the franchise). That means the source of Rose's power comes directly from her nature as a non-binary individual, positioning her as a hero because of her gender identity and not despite of it.
That's not to say Doctor Who shies away from the difficulties trans people face in real life. Earlier on in the same episode, bullies deadname Rose in the street and soon after, Donna's own mother, Sylvia, accidentally misgenders Rose as well, despite her good intentions.
Donna's response to all this? "I would burn down the world for you, darling," and honestly, that's how we feel after seeing some of the negative feedback these scenes have received online.
Despite scoring strong reviews from critics and the majority of fans, it seems not everyone is celebrating Doctor Who's much-lauded return.
On Rotten Tomatoes, trolls are review-bombing the episode, bringing the audience score down to 41%, which is a huge contrast from the critics rating of 89%. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and the episode won't be to everyone's tastes, but when comments suggest the show 'needs to stop pushing talk of pronouns onto kids', it's safe to say most of these opinions are grounded in hate and ignorance.
Imagine being shocked that a show about an alien who regularly changes their body and gender would dare acknowledge such concepts?
In the days following the special, a hashtag named #RIPDoctorWho continued this backlash on X/Twitter, to which Doctor Who casting director Andy Pryor said the following:
"Just stopped by to say that on @bbcdoctor who (or any of our work) we don't work hard to cast inclusively for publicity. We do it because we like stories. & stories should speak to all of us & include all of us. And if one person feels a little less alone, then."
With more queer cast members on the way, including Neil Patrick Harris as the villainous Toymaker and Ncuti Gatwa as the new face of The Doctor himself, the future of Doctor Who is looking queerer by the day.
But it's not just the future that's queer.
To those who baulk at more inclusivity in future seasons, we can't help but wonder: What show have you been watching this whole time? Because Doctor Who is super queer — and it always has been.
Yes, even before Jack Harkness slapped a guy's arse or Bill Potts fell for a puddle named Heather, the Classic era channeled queerness with how it defied the establishment and stood up for those who need it most. It's hard to exaggerate how much stories like this resonated with LGBTQ+ people at a time when positive representation was almost non-existent on screen.
It's no wonder then that a sizeable chunk of Doctor Who's fandom identifies as queer, even if the show wasn't able to address LGBTQ+ fans directly until (queer lifelong fan) Russell T Davies regenerated the franchise in 2005.
But now, all these years later, The Star Beast ushers in a new chapter for Doctor Who where the show can finally live up to the inclusive ethos it's always striven for.
That's not to diminish the positive steps other showrunners have taken in the interim. 2015's 'Sleep No More' featured Doctor Who's first trans actress, Bethany Black, and season twelve's 'Praxeus' successfully flipped the 'Bury Your Gays' trope, although the less said about how season 13 handled #Thasmin the better.
And it's not like everything is suddenly perfect now. Rose's metacrisis abilities could feed into sci-fi tropes around trans/non-binary identities being considered "alien", plus the inclusion of Rose's deadname has garnered a mixed response from the trans community online.
While some argue this has given trolls the opportunity to use that name venomously against her character, others point out that transphobia is a reality the show shouldn't shy away from.
The moment when Rose calls the Doctor out for assuming Meep's pronouns might feel a bit-on-the-nose for some too, although if this kind of talk immediately heralds the end of the franchise for you, you might want to cast your mind back a few decades to 1972's 'The Curse of Peladon' where the Doctor and Jo discussed Alpha Centauri's pronouns at length.
But still, seeing trans and non-binary identities celebrated to this degree is very much welcome regardless, especially in a family show with such a huge fanbase like Doctor Who. This is the kind of storytelling that saves lives, trolls be damned.
And now, with the impending arrival of more trans actors and characters in Yasmin Finney's wake — including Jinkx Monsoon, Mary Malone and Pete MacHale — Doctor Who's next season promises to be more inclusive than ever before.
If you have a problem with that, remember that your hero, the good Doctor, would never discriminate against trans people, or any other marginalised group for that matter either. So why would you?'
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verychaoticlife · 5 months
Jenny Vi Pham and her game: Going live
TW: Suicide topic, mention of ED, manipulation, death
I know it's not Twitter or tik tok but I think people need to know about this. This post is mostly about Jenny's new game even if she didn't wait for this game to be problematic. Also, this post is about Jenny Vi Pham and only her the others did a great job and I hope they got a lot of money!
1) The story in general
In the first place, the story feels rushed, I'm not the best writer but you can tell that Jenny did not do her own recherche about anything for this game starting with how fast the guy gets followers for doing almost nothing to the hanging ending (I'm talking about this in a minute). The whole story is a mix of Needy Girl Overdose ( the fact he wants 1M in a week and he is helped by his partner) and DDLC for its "disturbing" ending. Ok, it's great you take inspiration for your game but it's so similar and made not in a great way that the game get's boring and cringe really fast. Talking about cringe PLEASE stop making the MC act like you and PLEASE stop making the whole game feel like a booktok comment section. Also to finish this first part the relationship between the MC and the guy. The whole time it just feels like the MC controls everything about this little white hair dude it just feels like I'm playing a toxic relationship simulator (talking about the fact that we aren't guiding him for a better streamer career but we are imposing him stuff like "ban her from modding" or even when he have to apologize and the MC literally choose for him and when he say "I don't think it's a great idea" the MC doesn't listen to him and force him). He has 0 personality unless "I'm gonna take my shirt off on stream and I love my girlfriend" is personality to you. Plus the fact that he is sexualized by everybody in the game is just so sad he kinda deserves better. 
2)The hanging and homicide ending
Now let's talk about real problematic things. First, the hanging ending: so if you don't know he decides to kill himself because he got bullied on the internet cause he apparently hates people with cancer (omg I wish I wasn't serious rn). So yeah the whole reason why he did this is dumb and it explains why I think the story is rushed but you know maybe before he was mentally unstable and it was the event that finally broke him. Nope, he killed himself just like that, there is no indication that he is feeling bad, it just happened. The way she just killed him was disgusting. Suicide is a very serious topic, normally you get signals of those things,  this guy is not killing himself like that. It just feels like the ending was here to just shock people and it did I was shocked because it happened without warning, it was so out of place. I don't really get words to describe this scene cause the picture was very graphic kinda like DDLC but when you play it you know what is going to happen here no and maybe I act like snowflakes but you have to put warnings on those things. Same for the Homicide ending it kinda happened like the hanging ending out of pocket and was very graphic. After playing for a second time normally you get an interaction with the cat (introduced at the start of the story and then forgotten) AND YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE SAID?? "yeah I can bring him back if you leave 5,000 rates on itch.io". This whole thing is just crazy to me, you killed him TWO times in the worst way possible (creepypasta writer got competition) and you ask for a good ending if they give good rates... Like what?? when do you think it's ok? You are using his death and his suicide as a way to get reviews and you think it's normal?
3) Her fans and her 
(here some of the information came from Elduator on Twitter)
So after being shocked about the game I decided to read some reviews and saw people talking about her Twitter. It keeps getting worse. First, the way she mocks her fans is crazy it kinda reminds me of that fan/creator relationship in the Vtuber community "you're a clown to me and you like" type of relation she got with her fans. (some proof)
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In the first tweet, she is making her fans looks like fools it's obviously a way to encourage them to give more reviews and that's so weird "he needs you" This is just pure manipulation knowing that her fans are probably young people it just making it worse. Kinda the type of manipulation in the second tweet ngl but here she is bringing her team which kinda tells us that some of her team workers support her way of acting. 
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this message speaks for itself, disgusting.
She also makes those kind of tweets here again just pure manipulation and making rates on someone suicide 
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And here a compilation of some very weird tweet.
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The worst is literally the ED joke like what the hell?? and no one said anything it's so problematic in so many levels. Also again the hypersexualisation of her characters but sadly it's something normal on her twitter.
Let's talk about her fans cause they are also CRAZY. They encourage the hypersexualization of her characters, create fake accounts to make more reviews (which get obviously deleted) and are also encouraged by Jenny. They are also a bunch of creeps in general on itch.io or the discord server (proof from Elduator on Twitter)
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(i can't fixe the bad quality so look here for better quality)
Ok, I think I said everything I'm thinking about posting it on twitter but someone already did so idk
bye!! XX
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frogcoven99 · 4 months
My Thoughts on Wish 💫💜🌳🐐🫧
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First of all, this review is dedicated to that one Wish stan on Twitter who said I have "no media literacy" when I tried to say that Magnifico wasn’t really threatening, but wasn’t trying to start off a big fight or anything.
I hope that person is having a wonderful day, and I hope this review proves that I do actually have media literacy 🥰🥰
Now, back to the film:
I really wanted to like this movies guys. A film about the origins of the wishing star sounded amazing!
And after I saw the film TWICE in theaters, I was in love. I thought surely my opinion wouldn’t change.
But…the more I thought about the movie, the worst it got.
For example, the songs. I don’t think I need to explain to you guys why "I let you live for free and I don’t even charge you rent" and "throw caution to every warning sign" and "watch out world here I are" DO NOT WORK.
I don’t blame the songwriters for this, because I’m sure they are very talented people.
But they were clearly not the people who should have been in charge of the music.
Not to mention the fact that Julia Michaels was given TWO WEEKS to write “This Wish”….
The Characters
Asha 💜
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I like Asha’s design enough, like her braids. But her personality is as bland as a scoop of vanilla ice cream (jk, vanilla ice cream is goated).
Lots of people have complained that the “adorkable” leading lady trope has worn out its welcome.
I used to disagree since those “quirky” characters were some of my favorites (Like Rapunzel, Mirabel, and Moana), but Asha has definitely reached my limit with them.
Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, and Mirabel all feel like distinct characters from each other (yeah stfu ModernGurlz), but Asha feels like an imitation of them, like the cheap Walmart version.
And she’s not really interesting either, she has a passion for art, but the film doesn’t do anything with it. In fact, nothing about her feels genuine. She feels so hollow and like she only has two personality traits: Quirky and the protagonist.
Like, during “This Wish” (which is probably the worst Disney “I want” song ever) I never felt connected with her. It just felt like, oh this is the Disney “I want” song because this is a Disney movie.
I didn’t understand what Asha wanted, “something more for us than this”? Okay…what about you? What do you want?
With all the other Disney “I want” songs, I could feel a connection and what the character wanted.
So yeah, Asha is probably the worst protagonist in the modern era of Disney. At least in terms of writing.
And while I did say I like her design, I prefer her concept arts.
King Magnifico 🫧
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Chris Pine seems like he is having a blast in the recording booth, and I gotta say his performance was pretty good. But it wasn’t enough to save this character :/
So, the main problem with his character is that I can kinda agree with him on the whole wishes thing. But, I also barely found him threatening.
The most threatening things he does in this movie is crush a bunch of balls (that’s what she said) that make people feel sad and chain everyone to the ground.
Not only that, Magnifico’s use of his magic is SO LAME! Another major reason I was never intimated by him is because he never did anything really scary or threatening with his magic, all he could do was create giant hands and chain people up. Like…ok? Is that all you got? Really? 😑
Also, I don’t think I need to tell you that his villain song SUCKS ASS. You know it, everyone knows it. I’m not getting into it. Go listen to a real villain song like "Hellfire" or “Friends on the other side" instead.
As for the other characters, I don’t have much to say about them unlike Asha and Magnifico.
Star ⭐️
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The Star was really really cute, even tho they were just a Luma/marketable plushie. And also REALLY reminds me of a squish mallow, am I the only one who sees that?
I should definitely mention how he was originally gonna be a StarBoy, but we’ll get to that later don’t you worry. That is a VERY important element in our discussion.
The Other Characters This Movie Has
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Amaya is so BORING! She barely has a character outside of being the queen and Magnifico’s wife, she was just…there. You could remove her from the movie with very little tweaking and nothing would change.
I would’ve preferred it if she was also a villain like Magnifico, which WAS originally in the script. But like StarBoy, that is something we will get to later.
The Teens are fine, but really forgettable. I like how they are all based off the Seven Dwarves, that’s cute. But it feels like they didn’t have any character outside of that.
Yeah, Dahlia is Asha’s bestie, but there wasn’t enough scenes between them to show me their dynamic to make me feel like their friendship was genuine.
Simon ended up snitching out on Asha and betraying the Teens in the middle, but I literally couldn’t have cared less because what do we know about this guy other than he’s sleepy and gave his wish to Magnifico?
As for the other Teens, just like Amaya, they could’ve been removed from the script and barely anything would change. The grumpy one had some sassy moments, and he’s voiced by Harvey Guillén (Perrito’s VA) so that’s something I guess. The shy one had this one gag that had comedic potential, but wasn’t really expanded.
And as for the other Teens…uh…I can’t remember a single thing they did honestly.
And then there’s Valentino…fuck that goat man. 😑 I love Alan Tudyk and his roles in other (better) Disney movies, but yeah Valentino is definitely my least favorite role he’s ever done.
All of his jokes were unfunny, and were mostly butt jokes. Which is probably my least favorite form of comedy ever that I cannot stand for the life of me.
Speaking of which, this movie just was not funny. None of the jokes made me laugh or chuckle or even smile.
Raya and the Last Dragon is a Disney movie that I really don’t like, but there were some jokes that got a chuckle or smile out of me. Wish didn’t even have ONE good joke.
Uhh…Asha’s grandpa was build up as someone important but he just peaces out in the middle of the movie with Asha’s mom, who did not do a single thing other than a ball getting shattered making her sad.
And that’s all the characters in this movie.
Legacy Nods, why they do not work
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Alright, what else is there to talk about?
Maybe the endless amount of Disney references? I get it’s the 100th anniversary film and all and Disney has had Hidden Gems like that in their films. But the difference is the ones in previous films were subtle and hidden in the background, and it would probably take you a rewatch to see it.
But in Wish? They all feel shoved down your throat. It’s like: “HEY REMEMBER THIS MOVIE??" “REMEMBER THAT??” “DON’T YOU WANNA WATCH THAT MOVIE???” It’s so exhausting.
When I heard the movie was gonna have “legacy nods” as they liked to call it, I was excited and thought it would be so much fun to point them all out and to pay closer attention to the background.
But instead every nod was thrown at my face and was heavily obvious. Disappointing 😔
The Animation
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Let’s get to the animation now. It’s probably (one of) the most discussed things about this movie, especially when the teaser first dropped last year.
Lots of people were complaining it looks like a Disney Junior show or Ai and said it looks unfinished. Even one of my best friends who was just as excited for this movie as I was admitted it looked weird.
At first, I loved this art style and thought it was beautiful. And I was determined it would look even more beautiful on the big screen.
And now? I…actually still like it. I definitely don’t hate it, and thinks it gets some getting used to. I think it’s actually kinda pretty.
Apparently it’s supposed to be watercolor and combined with 2D animation, which is neat.
But compared to the films like the Spider Verse films or Puss In Boots 2, yeah it’s not the best.
I personally would’ve preferred it if the film was in 2D, Disney’s 100th anniversary would’ve been a PERFECT time to return 2D animation! But, nope 😒
Yeah it’s bad, but…
I know I’m making it seem like I hate this movie, but I really don’t. I’m disappointed in it more than anything.
If anything, I’m thankful this movie was still made.
Well, easy.
It allowed many people to be able to tell their own version of the story.
I’m sure we’ve all heard of StarBoy and the cut Evil Amaya.
And yeah, these concepts could’ve made this movie 1000x better.
But because of these concepts, so many amazing people have been given the opportunity to rewrite the movie and give amazing stories.
I have read so many wonderful Wish rewrites, which are so much better than the film.
At the end of the today, Wish is a bad movie.
But, I’m glad it exists.
Without it, we wouldn’t have gotten so many amazing stories.
I’m gonna give Wish a 4/10, still bad, but I appreciate its existence for the rewrites alone.
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greenqueenhightower · 4 months
Anon back again with more rumours/leaks from twitter to make (un)substantiated claims🫡
Okay so one of the people that went to the premiere in NYC was answering some questions also in regards to Alicent. They said it is implied that the first sex scene we see between Alicole is not the first time they have sex, but they made clear that the implication don't seem to be that it was something that happened pre-Viserys death. Which would put their relationship starting after 1x09 and before 2x01. That would make sense to me.
This also lines up with some other leaks I heard where they said Alicent and Criston's first scene of the season was a sex scene, so it is more an established thing that is happening. The same previously mentioned leaker replied in regards to Alicent's character that mainly she seems confused, which we know as she is looking for a sense of self.
Some people theorized that the large number of sex scenes (3 rumoured for first two eps) and the fact that Alicent's story seems to start there in s2 (also Olivia mentioning sexuality as something that is explored) could be written as hypersexuality as a response to her trauma manifesting after Viserys' death. Others theorized that it could be comphet and her figuring out sexuality in a place that is so deeply repressed. It could also simply be that she is having sex because she wants to (good for her) and then because it happens during B&C that the guilt of that is so great she simply represses it all again and the relationship falls apart after that. In any case I can see various routes in which this could be explored in a way that makes sense for Alicent's character.
Now for Criston's character: we saw some leaks and early reviews (watched either ep 1 and 2 or 1 through 4) saying that he gets more "bitter" as the season progresses and would become "the most hated character on tv". Now I take the second one with a grain of salt because people tend to dislike him way more than for example dae/mon who is uhm worse idk. But the common conception seems to be that he gets worse as the season goes on. So seeing as ep 1 starts with Alicole together and then B&C happens at the end of ep 1 start of ep 2, it seems like they skip the getting together stage and instead show the falling apart of this relationship. This would make sense if they are paralleling rhaenicent (as Ryan said) because at the same time dae/myra also seems to be slowly breaking apart.
For now to me it seems this relationship is mainly to show Alicent's headspace she is in of being confused and feeling purposeless. An Alicole rift after B&C as a result of this would make sense and would leave Alicent even more alone (save my girlie). We'll have to wait and see. Also glad you like my thoughts I'm just spitballing here and honestly need the episodes immediately.
Thanks, anon, for keeping me updated! 💚
Okay, actually the idea that Alicent and Criston consummate their relationship some time after Viserys' death and before the Dance of the Dragons sounds good to me. Again, I would have liked to have seen the entire pathway of their relationship that culminated in that, but hey--as long as it is well-written I won't mind.
Your comment about hypersexuality manifesting itself as Alicent's post-traumatic response to her marriage is very interesting! I also see it as a manifestation of agency in the sense that she no longer has to be summoned to perform a sexual act upon request, but she can seek it and want it herself. It most definitely can be comphet too, because she is not as free as per Westerosi patriarchal and heteronormative standards to contemplate and realize any relationship apart from the norm.
When it comes to Criston's character development in S2, your theory that the writers might have Alicole parallel Daemyra to showcase how the Dance has devastated all kinds of relationships: familial, conjugal, erotic, etc., is quite plausible. Watching Alicent and Criston's relationship suffer to the point of breaking would be heart-wrenching but angsty and spellbinding at the same time. I just wish we get to see more of them together before that happens.
And as for Alicent's battle with guilt and her quest for agency and self-worth, I am all for it as long as the show does not victimize and wh!rify Alicent. I assume that Alicloe will break up after B&C, but will at some point get together again (maybe after Aegon is injured at Rook's Rest?). And for all the time they are apart, I hope we see more of just Alicent crying and being miserable and Criston being ruthless in war and battle.
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psychopasss4 · 10 months
My honest yet unbiased review of Psycho Pass Providence 🤗
«Note: Don't take this post personally as it doesn't intend to ship-wreck the thoughts of most fans»
As the snippets of Psycho Pass Providence are recently become available in almost everywhere, I suppose the long wait is over and I can finally post my own review of the PPP movie. I've been posting my own comments here and there because of the "imbalanced" & very biased review of most Japanese fans on Twitter. 😥
But am so glad the snippets aswell as the PPP movie itself are now made available so every one can learn the facts of the movie.
But before I begin let's discuss PPP in general.
The movie is great 👍🏻 No doubt. The animation scenes are jam-packed. The theme and the overall plot is a HUGE PLUS. Because they tried to showcase the metaphorical, allegorical and philosophical aspect of the Psycho Pass anime season 1 had always been known for. So this film is a total of 90%.
Why? Coz although it connects the plot between Season 3 and First Inspector; and it provides an official background for our beloved Arata and Kei, it only adds to the many struggles of our characters against the Sybil System. They introduced the Divider and Mentalist abilities, the dirty works of MoFA that conceived the formation of the Peacbreakers. It seems like they're trying to expand the story of Psycho pass to provide a foothold for any possible seasons to come. But it fails to show us any glimpse of Sybil's eventual defeat. 😶
When I said the Japanese-natives are imbalanced and unreasonably biased with their Tweets, I mean it. And I am of Japanese descent thru my grandma, so I have the audacity 🤭.
When some tweet says, "Akane took the cigarette from Kou's lips and Kou leans forward as if trying to kiss Akane" I cringed. Because girl, that is partially true. But where's the "almost kissing"part?
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It's obvious that Kou only adjusted his position to sit down and speak to Akane. So where's the "he's trying to kiss her"? 😆
I love Shinkane, in their most subtle yet caring nature towards one another. But I don't want to make believe. It's better to tell the facts than to 誰かを笑顔にするために嘘をつくこと. 😮‍💨
Honestly, 皆さん, どうして?
The only Shinkane moment for me is when he jumps to Akane covering her from the explosion 💥
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Here we see, Kogami is simply checking her up if she's fine. Nothing fancy, but that's enough to make me giggle. 🙂
When Kou unlocked the cuff from Akane's left hand, as if motioning her to attach that on his left hand, is a chef-kiss moment to me👌🏻 that also includes the bridal carry 😉.
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But some fans make noise in Twitter saying "Kogami hugs Akane and rests her closely to his chest near his heart".
I mean, girl, everyone who saw that scene knows exactly that it is not that romantic but hey it's enough to make our hearts pound. But don't over-hype the scene will yah?
The beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interaction. Not in an overly done romantic PDA.
There's an obvious theme the writers are portraying in this movie. Most fans have pointed it out but they try to deny it themselves. 😶
° Kogami calling Frederica on her first name without honorifics (i.e -san, -sama, -chan).
° Kogami and Frederica's same Sherpa coat as some could point out.
° Kogami and Frederica standing side by side in most of the scenes they're in.
° Kogami when he talks to Akane on the phone when he gives her the word "...Even if you tell me not to, I'll go".
Frederica is looking sideways.
Kogami when talking to Gino in a boat, when the latter asked him why he comes back, to which he replied there are things he must protect.
Frederica is looking sideways.
When a guy friend is talking to us and his girlfriend is around, I noticed his girlfriend does the same too. So idk. 😅
° Kogami defending Frederica in front of Akane. We all know that. It's pretty much straightforward, he's not only defending his new boss.
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° Kogami receives the call from Akane when he's at a dark room with Frederica. When he says I will go. Then, the next scene we saw them standing side by side with the same jacket on when Akane deploys the dominator to them.
I think Akane noticed that too 😮‍💨
° Kogami never leaves his gun (the one he used to kill Makishima given to him by Masaoka). But it was with Frederica. And when Gino shouts at Kou, "Protect Tsunemori!" She gave the pistol to him.
° Lastly, the room where Saiga-sensei and Kogami shared a drink implied that it is the MoFA assigned quarters to Kogami. And the holographic painting where Kogami is standing is a painting of Tower of London. And we all know Frederica is half-british. 😉
° There was a publication which implies that Kogami and Frederica share the same quarters. (I didn't say bedroom. So please don't give me a violent reaction 🥲).
Again, this is not to ship-wreck. But many Japanese fans literally skipped this information because those are quite suggestive as to how close Kogami and Frederica is in this movie.
If you saw the film, it's up to you to decide.
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As I said, the beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interactions not by overly-defined public display of affection.
But in this film, the writers are clearly making a statement. To impose their original idea that Kogami and Akane are not meant to be together. Even the Seiyuus say they can ship Ginoza and Akane but they can't with Kogami. And they even tried to be extra careful when delivering the script to avoid any misconception of them having a romantic scene together.
At first I was deeply hurt. Because I've been shipping them like forever. But now I saw Shinkane in a new perspective. I won't try to force them together just because I feel like it.
But I will enjoy any significant scene of them being simply together and the whole Psycho Pass anime franchise as it is the way the writers portray them. Yet in my heart, Shinkane will always be an item. ❤️
Our ship may not sail the way we expect it to be (for 10 straight years) but the bond we have as a Shinkane Community will remain. The fanarts, the fanfics, the forum discussions and sweet exchanges etc...
There's no fandom as dedicated as Shinkane/KoAka fans. #thePowerOfFandom❣️
Everyone at this point is screaming when is the Season 4 coming? We need a closure! 😱
Same here, I wish the Season 4 will come out soon. If the original Division 1 will take on the backseat to give way to new generation of characters (i.e Arata and Kei), why not atleast give them a good closure? They all deserve to be happy!
Yayoi x Shion have their "proper" ending at the First Inspector. But what about the others? 🤔
Also Shizuka Homura. I am very much intrigued by this man. He knows Akane long before she joins the PSB. They have the same alma-mater though years apart ofcourse. And what will he put to the table? Is he a friend or a foe?
Will there be a new Makishima to Kogami? Or a Makishima to Akane?
Most importantly, when will the Sybil System end? It's been the series' primary antagonist but after all these 10 (thousand) years, when will it come to an end? To provide another good plot to Psycho Pass verse and to create more narrative in the future.
⟨I've been writing this review while walking and didn't realize how hard was it 🤣⟩
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jintheastronaut · 24 days
since i like to consider myself a music enthusiast here are a few music releases that i have been listening to, some are albums and some are singles and with albums i’ll tell you my favorite/s from said album so let’s begin:
first and foremost when it comes to kehlani they never fail, their music always hits and i’m so excited to finally meet them next month on the 27th !!!!
my favorites from this project are:
- love like
- know better
- border
- let me down (san diego interlude)
- slow dance (feat DIXSON)
next we have:
at first i didn’t really like this album other than 2 songs and the singles because i was comparing this to her previous album (emails i can’t send) which was a bad idea but nonetheless the album has since grown on me and i vibe with it so my favorites are:
- taste
- please please please
- good graces
- bed chem
- espresso
- slim pickins
- juno (my favorite off the album)
next we have:
now i love me some big sean, i’ve been a fan of this man for years so i was excited for him to drop a new album but out of the 21 songs on this album i only liked 9 which is like half but i still expected to like more songs but it’s still a good album i like it, my favorites are:
- iconic
- typecast
- break the cycle (feat charlie wilson)
- who you are (superstar)
- yes
- it is what it is (feat gunna)
- on up
- this and that
- my life / happiness (skit) (feat ellie goulding)
up next we have:
when it comes to muni long i’ve never really paid attention to a full album of hers other than singles but she’s got a few really good songs so i took the chance to listen to her new album in its entirety and she really did it with this one ! my favorites are
- superpowers
- made for me
- make me forget
- revenge
- played yourself
- leave my baby (feat glorilla)
- the baddest
- waste no time
- ruined me
and the last album we have before we move on to singles is:
with doechii i never really paid much attention to her other than the song she had with JT from the city girls but i saw her trending on twitter so i was like ok let me give her a try and she did not disappoint, i like her vibe, her flow and her delivery so here are my favorites
- stanka pooh
- bullfrog
- boiled peanuts
- denial is a river
- catfish
- skipp
- wait
- nissan altima
- slide
- beverly hills
and now onto the singles (it’s only one single but anyway) we have:
ms halle bailey !!!! now when it comes to halle she never FAILS, with angel, in your hands and now because i love you ? she knows she’s that girl and i just love her voice period along with her sister chlöe they both slay so !!
and that’s it for today, i honestly want to make this a series even though no one will care but a series so that i can maybe introduce new music to the people who follow me or to the people who find these posts through the hashtags i’ll put for this post or just to reach the people who also like/love the singles or albums i’ll be listing/reviewing ? and just overall show music i like or have been listening to so i don’t know how consistent i’ll be with this because i’d like to do this every friday (because that’s the day new music drops 😁) (and i know that today is saturday, at least where i’m at so hush) but some fridays i might not find anything i liked so i’m not sure but for now let’s call this series “moon’s music fridays” hope you enjoy !!
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rifki16 · 5 months
Living with Him Episode Five Review
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Picture Credit: Living with Him Twitter Promotional Account.
A very sour and delicious Funazushi
I have to first say that this episode brought up more questions than I have wanted it to answer. It’s not solely about the fact that the LA is different than the manga. I think there are some uncomfortable plot executions which I think can be done much better in a different manner. I want to bring up two themes in this essay.
The Camping Subplot
The episode actually started out with the anticipated camping scene. Side note: Do Japanese people prefer to go camping when they want to decompress? I’ve seen the camping subplot used in Cherry Magic LA film, and they said that it’s also present in Eternal Yesterday. Anyway, the camping scene was cute, and it seems like the two, boy-, friends were enjoying themselves immensely. I don’t know what the point of the subplot to be quite frank. I saw three potential character-supporting features of the subplot.
First, it established the popularity of Kazuhito. In the manga, we were only told that Kazuhito was popular. Ryo’s sister told Ryo about Kazuhito-san’s popularity. Yoshieri told Ryo that Kazuhito was the most popular guy in high school. However, the LA actually gave us real example of Kazuhito’s popularity. When the two, boy-, friends were trying to cook, the fire starter that Ryo brought actually malfunctioned. Kazuhito and Ryo at first were already preparing to just not eat I suppose. Then, a group of campers came along. Kazuhito then asked to borrow their fire starter, they had one and lent it to him. They then recognized Kazuhito because they often watched Koshien. I was confused at first, but it turned out that Koshien is the national Japanese high school baseball league? I’m surprised that Japanese people pay attention to baseball so much. Come to think of it, I don’t really know what their most beloved sport is, Canada has hockey, India has cricket, what does Japan have? Is it just plain old football too? After being recognized, Kazuhito politely thanked them and went back to Ryo. I think this scene is crucial because in the manga, the way that they broke up and reunited Kazuhito and Ryo again is by making Ryo so anxious of how Kazuhito’s popularity and immediate surrounding will react if Kazuhito-san actually dates a guy. I think making Kazuhito tangibly famous will make this internal decision-making process of Ryo even more believable.
Secondly, it established Ryo’s jealousy over anyone that encounters Kazuhito. I think this is a very normal way of Japanese drama works. Jealousy for them is a very inseparable part of being in love. If you’re not jealous, you’re not in love with a person. I mean, Western drama or dramedy also uses this trope, but they always try to subvert and be above the trope and eventually cope with the jealousy, try to live side-by-side with it. Not in Japan, you’re not. Being jealous is a must until a clear winner emerges. In the episode, Ryo realized that Kazuhito was getting recognized and something in his head lit up. Then, when Kazuhito went back to Ryo, he asked Kazuhito about the encounter and continued by asking whether he wanted to have eat and sit down with them. Kazuhito then answered that he just wanted to eat with Ryo, just the two of them. Ryo celebrated this win by denying Kazuhito polite counteroffer of whether he would like to eat with them. It’s just funny to be quite frank, his jealousy of anyone who comes in contact with Kazuhito. I mean, Ryo has not acknowledged to himself that he likes Kazuhito yet he wants him all to himself, love is strange that way. This has always been funny, even in episode two when Yoshieri, Kazuhito and Ryo were walking in the campus, then Yoshieri and Kazuhito were talking about their workplace as they were also coworkers in a restaurant. After long description of the restaurant, all Ryo could fixate on was the fact that Yoshieri and Kazuhito were coworkers, talk about jealousy-fueled selective focusing lol. Funny how Ryo’s jealousy still stays the same even when he thought he didn’t have a chance as he had previously thought that Kazuhito’s secret crush was on Yoshieri.
Thirdly, we saw another example of Kazuhito gatekeeping Ryo lol. When the other camper group arrived, Kazuhito was the one who volunteered to come to them instead of Ryo. When Ryo wanted to return the lighter, it was Kazuhito who eventually took the lighter and brought it to them. I suppose this behavior was also exhibited in episode two when Yoshieri wanted to ask for Ryo’s number, yet Kazuhito was insistent that Yoshieri must not pester Ryo. She is not, gurl. This is all before taking into account Haruna’s shipping cupid-arrowing behaviors.
The After-Work Drinking Party
Now, this is the crux of my argument. This subplot has been foretold even in episode four, Yoshieri brought up casually the invitation of the mandatory drinking party when Ryo was still zoning out after waking up next to Kazuhito. Let me tell you why this scene is very crucial to me as someone who read the manga. Kazuhito was supposed to be surrounded by his coworkers, of course being the most popular guy and all. One of the senior superiors was just casually asking Kazuhito whether he had any girlfriends? Then, he said no, and Yoshieri sort of told the senior superiors to just lay off Kazuhito and not ask him out as he had never been interested in doing so since high school. The senior superiors kept insisting and wanted to ask him out, which then prompted Kazuhito to say, that he already had someone in mind. That made the conversation changed their assumption about using her pronoun and using them pronoun. After rereading chapter seven, I also just realized that the superiors were telling Kazuhito to go out and fool around with one of the people in the table so that Kazuhito’s crush would eventually answer back. That led to Kazuhito eventually refusing to do so because he didn’t want to worry them. His reaction made everyone melted their hearts. Kazuhito then ran through the rain and arrived at his and Ryo’s apartment, which prompted the breakup scene between the two. While Kazuhito was in the drinking party, Ryo was supposed to finally realize his fondness to Kazuhito, which will make the breakup scene make sense.
This is done differently for the LA series.
Sure, during the drinking party Kazuhito was the star of the party, no surprise there. When one of the senior superiors asked Kazuhito about who his girlfriend is, she was drunk and portrayed not like a professional superior at all, seemed more like she was down so bad for Kazuhito.
Now, I’m not one to talk down about women’s and female sexuality. However, if the question was brought up and the senior superior asked Kazuhito in a casual manner like in the manga, it would have been seen like just a casual question that the readers, or viewers, don’t really need to be worried about. Even if Kazuhito had answered yes, it would have not meant anything to either party as it was just a polite banter between a superior and a subordinate.
In the LA, they made Yoshieri shocked with the confession that Kazuhito actually had a crush. Why? What was the reason? Yes, I know that Yoshieri never really got a verbal confirmation that Kazuhito actually already has a crush, as she said it herself in the episode. However, she knew even when she was dating that Kazuhito already had someone in mind. I suppose they made Yoshieri shocked so that they could have a scene of Yoshieri blessing and supporting Kazuhito’s pursuit of his crush’s love. What is the significance of the scene though? Was it just so when Ryo became spiralled with the anxiety of dating Kazuhito, Kazuhito could counter it by saying that even his ex actually blessed Ryo and Kazuhito pairing? Maybe the answer will reveal itself in future episodes.
Lastly, what really enraged me about this subplot’s differences with the manga was the fact that Ryo did not come to his senses and actually find out that he likes Kazuhito back. I think this was because that they want to redo the breakup scene all over. I noticed that the 6th episode is about some flashback scenes and maybe filler plot, before coming to the breakup episode on the 7th. In the manga, it was because that Ryo already noticed his fondness of Kazuhito that he thought to himself that he could not continue his feelings toward Kazuhito as it had no future.
I sincerely hope that they will not erase the core reason of why Kazuhito and Ryo break up, Ryo’s insecurities of dating a much more popular guy.
All in all, a still very good episode, the camping episode made me smile so hard. Watch it yall !
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tailoring-hearts · 9 months
Hello my dear friends. I know this is a star trek blog, and I know you're probably following me for star trek content (don't think I've forgotten about my yearly tradition of making silly valentines just because I've been less active here) but i have a request.
As fandom people, you know that interests come in waves, but they never leave. They burrow into your heart and make a home there, where you cherish them and the interests come and go. My star trek interest has never left and still clings tightly.
That being said, I do currently have a show that has dug so deeply into my heart it's made me feel happy again. This show has made me feel, almost all my depression and burnout and the terrible things I've been through just in the past couple years, that I'm not alone, and that there's more in life. It doesn't always come immediately, and you don't have to be amazing young. Not to mention, this show has shown me that your found family, your crew, are some of the most important people in your life and you should care for them as well as you can.
If you caught on already, then you probably know what I'm going to ask. But if you haven't, the show I'm talking about is Our Flag Means Death. I know the Star Trek fandom understands found family and representation so much. Especially my ds9 fam out there (sending you all my love.)
So a few days ago, it was announced that Our Flag Means Death has been cancelled and it wouldn't be getting a third season (if you haven't seen the show I cannot recommend it enough.) As someone who watches season 2 and saw the signs of it getting cancelled, at first I was resigned and kind of hurt. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized just how hurt I was and how unfair it is for MAX to cancel one of the most meaningful things in my life and not allow them to finish out their stories.
For the first time in my life, I was no longer scared of what people thought of me and how I posted, and what I talked about. I'm no longer scared if my family finds out how much I love an undeniably and unforgivingly queer show full of love and representation. And I set to work.
For the past few days I have been working non-stop in my spare time, reblogging posts on the site, signing the petition, emailing HBO MAXand Zaslov, posting on Instagram, sharing as many things as I can, reviewing the show on sites, constantly nagging MAX on social media, and even telling people I know about it to rally them into the fight. I even made a Twitter account today in an attempt to try and make my voice heard more.
For the first time in my life I have found something to fight for. That's why I'm here today. To all my followers, and the people in the Star Trek fandom, who know what it's like to long for representation, who knows what it's like to have your favorite show cancelled. To anyone who sees this. I'm asking you to please sign the petition.
This show was already on the verge of renewal, they had started casting calls in New Zealand. And last minute MAX cut the chord. So for those of you out there who see this, I'm asking to please sign the petition and share this post. The Star Trek fandom has always meant so much to me, and that's why I'm reaching out to you all now.
Thank you for your time, live long and prosper.
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ecargmura · 7 months
Bucchigiri?! Episode 6 Review - The Gang War
This was a heavy action-packed episode! But there was a satisfactory conclusion. It makes me wonder what will happen now as it’s Episode 6—the halfway point. The main villain, supposedly, has been defeated and Arajin is now respected by everyone. What’s next for him? We still haven’t explored Ichiya’s role in the story and Mitsukuni has yet to make his official debut. I feel like the second half will be about that?
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Anyways, shout out to the Arajin defenders because your boy finally did something substantial for once! I respect those who defend him and his writing! However, I’m still not viewing him favorably. The fact that he went to the scene of the fight, saw Matakara and others get beaten up and still wouldn’t involve himself in the scene and even thought about leaving when Mahoro rejected him once again was a bit frustrating to watch. You won’t help out even as a decent human being? Is getting Mahoro’s heart all that matters to you? What if someone dies because of your inability to act? It was nice for him to finally take action, it was only when Akutaro smacked Mahoro that he did something as he didn’t want a rehash of what happened with Matakara during his childhood—Arajin, maybe you should’ve done that when Matakara was down?
I did like seeing the flashback of how Siguma came to be and how Marito’s ultimate goal is to defeat Kenichiro in a fight. It was nice seeing Marito and Outa as freshman and how his mind worked back then and now. Marito wants a good fight, all in all. Though, knowing that Kenichiro is a frequent school repeater because he wants Marito (or someone) to defeat him is hilarious. Why go to such lengths to stay in school?
Mahoro was cool for standing up against Akutaro. She has more balls than Arajin, to be honest. I love how her sharp tongue is one of her defining traits as she used it to reject Arajin and now to tell Akutaro off. She’s not wrong about the things she said to him, though. Akutaro is a coward and practically nothing without weapons and cheats. Since Arajin protected her, will their relationship change? I think it’ll change it a bit? She probably won’t fall for Arajin immediately, but maybe she’ll view him a bit more favorably?
Speaking of Akutaro, can I mention how much of a banger the NG Boys’ theme song is? Like, I was bopping my head during the scene of him fighting everyone with his whip. Akutaro did feel like a final boss of sorts, but given that this is Episode 6, he’s practically a disc-one/first arc boss; it seems that Ichiya, the genie possessing Akutaro is the real final boss. While Akutaro did reveal that he knows Arajin has Senya possessing him, he refuses to elaborate too much. Whether his actions are being done on his own or by Ichiya are still yet to be elaborated. I have a feeling that it’s the latter. If Akutaro is battered and no longer useful, it’s the perfect set up to find a new host—which is most likely Matakara as hinted in the opening.
I have seen theories about how the next half of the story will be a bit of a downfall as Arajin got everything he wanted in the first half with him getting a genie, the “princess” (Mahoro) and to be seen as strong by his peers as it ties to the original story of Aladdin and the Lamp. This intrigues me a lot. I can’t wait to see what Ichiya does to make the story more engaging as he has yet to make a true appearance. He has a voice actor reveal, however. The official Twitter page of Bucchigiri revealed that his voice actor is Tetsuharu Ota, who is known for voicing Yamazaki from Gintama.
I can’t wait to see what the second half of the show has to offer. There won’t be a new episode next week due to a table tennis match; instead, there will be a recap episode narrated by Arajin’s voice actor Genki Okawa. This means Episode 7 will be aired on March, so I’ll see you guys in two weeks! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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genomynt · 9 months
Hello there, I recently took an interest into Niji X Cosette duo to fan art. But I still have mix feeling about it because of the canon but they are kinda cute together. So how do you deal with your feelings towards this ship?
Also, before you saw their fan art. What’s your opinion of these two when you first saw their interaction in manga/anime?
Hey there anon bud!! 🥰🫶🏼
FIRST ...I sincerely apologize for the late reply 🤦🏻‍♀️ it's been AGES since I've opened this app 😭
That's a good question 👀 and apparently, it's a FAQ for me, given the fact I've been rambling about them for 6 years and counting 👀💀
TBH with you anon, it all started back in 2017-2018 when I rewatched and reread OP again after hearing Sanji's getting married to Pudding in WCI 👀 I stopped because I was in highschool and getting ready to review for college entrance exams that time.💀So I need to take a break from long-running animes and focus for my exams.
I tried to keep up with both the manga and the anime, and apparently, my TL on twitter back then passed a NijiCose fanart and got spoiled before reaching the actual episode 800-802💀😭 that fanart was from @ovaCkuyuri... Here's a pixiv log of the said NijiCose fanarts:
At first I already knew they're problematic based on how they're interpreted on the fanarts (like Niji being a Tsundere to Cosette, and her acting nervous and flustered around him). But as I continued to watch and reread the manga... I noticed something interesting as well on Niji's character on manga that was documented on his profile page in OP wiki:
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So far, he has the most "redeeming qualities from his modified brothers 👀 I know it says that his values totally contrast against Sanji, but I still have hopes for him.
In the series tho, I wish for a closure and reconciliation for both Niji and Cosette once the Vinsmoke siblings' modifications have been reversed. I want Niji to genuinely apologize to her and pay her back for everything.
Also, to answer your question how do I deal with this ship, I simply view them as problematic and angsty, yet a redeemable ship.
For sure, Cosette is traumatized deeply from Niji, and for sure she's totally aware of the modification story of the Vinsmoke siblings when she was hired in Germa. She knows what she's getting into when she was hired as their Royal Head Chef. Hopefully we got some backstory of how she got there in the first place 👀
I always daydream of them getting slowburned from Niji's existential crisis as humanity regains from his senses as he feels horribly guilty about his wrong doings as a warmonger, not just to Cosette; and Cosette knowing that he's not born to be evil in the first place, tolerating and slowly tries to understand him.
Disclaimer: I don't and NEVER patronize abuse and Domestic violence IRL.
NijiCose is fiction. One Piece is fiction. My condolences if you can't separate your views from fiction to reality.
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‼️Feel free to block this account if you're uncomfortable with my ships.
I recently sent an SBS letter to Oda about some origins of Cosette like how she got there working under Germa.👀 Hopefully that would be answered and clear some things up
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tokiro07 · 4 months
Undead Unluck ch.207 thoughts
[Oh, Mama!]
(Contents: power system analysis - souls/Negator succession, character analysis - Feng, predictions - Idol Arc)
What incredible timing that the idol arc would begin as I'm finishing my read-through of Oshi no Ko! I would've called this review "Oshi no Fuuko," but half of the comments on MangaPlus beat me to it, the bastards!!
Since this is a set-up chapter, it doesn't give me a lot of huge thematic topics to cover, so instead I'm going to go over the little tidbits of exposition and foreshadowing Tozuka sprinkled throughout it
Starting with Nico's Unforgettable overcoming its memory-crushing weakness of the previous loop, I'm really loving all of the different ways that Tozuka is finding to incorporate souls into Negator abilities. At first I was worried that everyone would just be doing constructs like Andy or astral projection like Ichico/Lucy, but Nico's ability to store memories in his soul rather than his brain is a really clever application that strongly suggests that Tozuka has put a lot of thought into how the system can best synergize with the rest of the cast
My favorite part, of course, is the confirmation of another one of my theories!!! I've been saying for years now that the distinction between self- and external-targeters was arbitrary and just another self-imposed limitation like pretty much every aspect of Negator abilities, but to think that Tozuka would just come out and say it! He really knows how to make me feel like I'm getting a good grade in reading comprehension~!
That said, I'm still having some trouble seeing how souls are going to help eliminate targeting limits in a lot of cases. For example, Unburn targets fire, that's not really a matter of internal/external, that's a matter of specificity. Souls are already stated to be self-replenishing when weaponized, so I'm not sure how Undecrease can be improved by adding souls to the mix other than being able to harm souls in the first place. Unrepair should be able to damage souls directly, but I'm not sure yet how much utility that really has since the need to do so has only come up once so far
As much as I want to say I see all of the possibilities, I think it's clear that Tozuka is still hiding some tricks up his sleeve, so instead of trying to uncover them, I'm going to let myself be pleasantly surprised. Still, I can't help but think about it a little bit, so at the very least I think that sensory-based abilities will be able to utilize the soul, kind of like Observation Haki, so Shen and Chikara won't need to worry about their vision being obscured and may even be able to project a portion of their soul to see a target from multiple angles
Projection, construction, sensation, even if these are the only categorical methods that Tozuka came up with for soul-based abilities, that would still provide a ton of versatility for the cast's fighting styles. However, I'm confident there's something else he's holding close to the chest, and I'm excited to see what it turns out to be
This chapter also gave us a little more insight into Negator selection, and answers a question that I've had since year one. In death, Ichico met her predecessors and specifically decided to hold onto Unsleep, which explicitly confirms that succession is neither immediate nor obligatory. This also explains why Rip retained Unrepair despite being confirmed to have died during his first fight with Andy; when he met his predecessors and they asked him to choose a new Unrepair, he undoubtedly refused, confident that he would find a way back to life to keep fighting for Leila. I do wonder if he forgot about that meeting because he couldn't perceive souls yet or if he thought it was just a dream like Ichico did. Perhaps we'll get some insight into that moment when Rip levels up?
Speaking of long-standing questions, I saw someone on twitter talking about why Feng has been falling through Kokuto'un ever since the Unmove Arc: if Kinto'un requires a good heart to ride, Kokuto'un must require an evil heart. Feng has been steadily becoming softer and kinder, even if it is hidden under a gruff exterior, and this chapter only helped solidify that - he can't even command Kokuto'un to fly away from a conversation he wants to avoid, because in his heart he's becoming a good man who sees the value in helping the people around him. He uses personal training as an excuse to accept Fuuko's request to teach other Union members how to use souls, whereas the old Feng would certainly have insisted everyone else figure it out for themselves. I wonder if there will come a time where Feng can't ride Kokuto'un at all, and if perhaps there will be a time where he literally doesn't need to because he'll figure out how to use his soul to fly
Finally, we arrive at the main attraction: the reintroduction of Fuuko's parents and the long-awaited Idol Arc! I think it's safe to see we all knew the latter was coming, but damn, who predicted the former??
I've certainly been wondering about the Izumo family ever since the loop started. At first I considered the possibility that there was a second Fuuko running around, but I quickly ruled that out and just assumed that the Izumos didn't have a child this time around. This was seemingly confirmed by Apocalypse when he told Juiz about how her soul that originally had no parents would be affected by the Rule that introduced the concept, that she would become the child of a couple that was previously destined not to have a child. From that, we all concluded that the reverse would be true for Fuuko, that since her soul wasn't present to be born, her parents simply wouldn't conceive
After that, I considered that Fuuko would either check in on her parents and leave them to live a happy life together even without her, or that she might meet up with them after the final battle and use Remember or something to tell them who she is, but I figured they'd be much older than when she lost them and they'd never be able to get back what they lost
I never suspected that the offset reincarnations would apply to the non-Negators, though. Sure, Mico ended up being born a lot later, but that's because her parents were directly affected by Fuuko's choices in the new loop. Fuuko's parents, though, seemed like completely unrelated parties, so I figured that they wouldn't be able or at least wouldn't be aware enough to influence their birth. I was so unprepared for this eventuality that I actually saw a girl with Fuuko's hairstyle and the "Fuu" kanji in her name on that flyer and thought "oh damn, Fuuko was reborn after all?? There really are two Fuukos??"
In retrospect, though, there's no reason their souls couldn't have decided to adjust their reincarnation. I suppose it's also not clear how old Kaede is here, but being generous, if she was as young as 16 in 2002 when Fuuko was originally born, she'd still be 29 here in 2015, a very unusual age for an idol. Therefore, it seems more likely that she adjusted her birth to coincide with Kururu's, knowing that Fuuko would one day cross paths with her while recruiting, and the current Kaede is likely between 14 and 21
How this will affect the Idol Arc, I have no idea. Maybe Fuuko will have to play wingman for her own parents, or maybe Kaede is already struggling with being an idol because it means she can't be with Mr. Izumo. Whatever the case, because of their striking resemblance, I'm willing to bet there will be a point where, for whatever reason, Fuuko needs to disguise herself as Kaede, whether as a ploy to get closer to Kururu or to cover for Kaede while she makes a move on Mr. Izumo. We just don't know enough yet to make any educated guesses, but I'll be shocked if at least that much doesn't happen somehow
Whatever happens in this arc, I do hope it'll be more like Enjin's arc than either of the previous Master Rule arcs. I'd like a more relaxed, character-focused arc rather than an action-heavy arc right now, or at the very least to have the tension come from interpersonal drama rather than life-threatening stakes. Jumping back and forth between styles seems to be Tozuka's forte, and now is a great opportunity to do something a little more light-hearted to prepare for the impact of the next Master Rule, but we'll just have to wait and see!
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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