#because the social norm there is PEACE and QUIET
Why do ladies just decide to have the loudest fucking conversations in public bathrooms while they’re all taking a dump? They do not realize their voices are amplified by the acoustics of the tile?
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thevelaryons · 3 months
As parents of queer children, Alyssa and Corlys have rather different approaches to how they handle their children’s sexualities. They’re sensible enough to know that being gay in their society isn’t socially acceptable; though it’s not openly condemned either. But, because of their circumstances, they would hold private misgivings: Alyssa needing her family to conform to societal norms in order to ensure stability for the realm and Corlys wanting heirs of his own blood and feeling frustrated at the lack of.
Alyssa’s daughter, Rhaena, has her share of female companions. I don’t think Alyssa could have anticipated that Rhaena would develop affectionate feelings for other girls. But once it happens, Alyssa, who had previously tried to have her daughter form close bonds with girls now tries to distance them from each other. Of course, she doesn’t isolate Rhaena completely because her daughter is still a princess and therefore, she needs her ladies about her. So instead, Alyssa ensures that if she sees Rhaena getting too close with any girl, she switches them out. Rhaena does not like all the companions her mother provides her but the ones she does like are also the ones that are taken away from her. It’s probably for this reason that Rhaena’s girlfriends are often described as former favourites because they were not allowed to remain by her side for long once they reached the favourite status. As the Queen, Alyssa has complete authority to dismiss any of her daughters’ companions as she sees fit.
Though her mother provided her with a succession of suitable companions, the daughters of lords great and small, Rhaena never seemed to warm to any of them, preferring the company of a book.
Not long after, Rhaena made her first true friend in the person of her cousin Larissa Velaryon. For a time the two girls were inseparable…until Larissa was suddenly recalled to Driftmark to be wed to the second son of the Evenstar of Tarth. The young are nothing if not resilient, however, and the princess soon found a new companion in the Hand’s daughter, Samantha Stokeworth.
— Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon
It’s the same thing Alyssa later does with her younger daughter, Alysanne. The reason here being the reputation of the family. That is what drives Alyssa’s actions. She is often shown to be a person that does care about public perception.
Alysanne did not choose these companions for herself; they were selected for her by her mother, Queen Alyssa, and they came and went with some frequency, to ascertain that the princess did not grow too fond of any of them. Her sister Rhaena’s penchant for showering an unseemly amount of affection and attention on a succession of favorites, some of whom were considered less than suitable, had been the source of much whispering at court, and the queen did not want Alysanne to be the subject of similar rumors.
— Fire & Blood, A Surfeit of Rulers
Though there are times when Alyssa does allow Rhaena some leniency to spend time with her favourite companions, those moments are very rare. For the most part, Alyssa’s priorities tend to be about the realm.
The princess had been most loath to be parted from her dragon, Dreamfyre, and her latest favorite, Melony Piper, a red-haired maiden from the riverlands. It was only when her mother, Queen Alyssa, sent for Lady Melony to join them on the progress that Rhaena finally put aside her sullenness to join the celebrations.
— Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon
Rhaena was described as being a shy child. Though she did grow out of her shyness, she still had a quiet nature. I think for someone like her, to have even the smallest hint of her identity denied by her parent would feel rather suffocating. Alyssa is the type of person who always looks at the bigger picture but it makes her miss smaller details in the process. She’s too focused on organizing the kingdom/preserving the peace/guiding the King. She’s said to be concerned about rumours that may follow her daughter because of the closeness she shares with other girls so from her perspective, she’s acting to protect her daughter. I doubt she would even realize how Rhaena could feel hurt and isolated by her actions (and Rhaena does voice that she feels pushed away by her own family).
I’d say all this is part of the reason why Rhaena so thoroughly excludes her mother from the new life she attempts to build for herself, with her old favourites by her side. It is either Rhaena seeking out her companions or her companions seeking her out, but it always happens away from Alyssa.
Two of Rhaena’s former favorites, Samantha Stokeworth and Alayne Royce, made their way to Fair Isle in some haste to stand with the widowed queen, together with the groom’s high-spirited sister, the Lady Elissa. The remainder of the guests were bannermen and household knights sworn to either House Farman or House Lannister. King and court remained entirely ignorant of the marriage until a raven from the Rock brought word, days after the wedding feast and the bedding that sealed the match.
Chroniclers in King’s Landing report that Queen Alyssa was deeply offended by her exclusion from her daughter’s wedding, and that relations between mother and child were never as warm afterward.
— Fire & Blood, The Year of the Three Brides
By the end of Alyssa’s life, she and Rhaena are essentially estranged from each other. Alyssa’s concerns are understandable. With the Targaryen dynasty still young, she would feel that they have to make sure to conform as much as possible with the social norms. The wars against the Faith Militant and Maegor further push her to become more concerned with the family’s discipline. But this does cost her a relationship with her daughter.
Skip forward a few generations and the dynamic between parent and child is different now.
Corlys’ son, Laenor, is said to surround himself in the company of other boys. Since house Velaryon was isolated on Driftmark for many years, after distancing themselves from the royal court, this could have actually helped create a feeling of being free from societal constraints. Laenor’s male companions are considered a steady fixture at his side over the years. He’s allowed such complete freedom in his relationships that his sexuality is basically an open secret, unlike with Rhaena, where it was hushed whispers barely spoken of.
One objection was raised: Laenor Velaryon was now nineteen years of age, yet had never shown any interest in women. Instead he surrounded himself with handsome squires of his own age, and was said to prefer their company. But Grand Maester Mellos dismissed this concern out of hand. “What of it?” he said. “I do not like the taste of fish, but when fish is served, I eat it.”
The princess knew much and more about Laenor Velaryon, and had no wish to be his bride. “My half-brothers would be more to his taste,” she told the king.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Laenor’s easygoing manner at his wedding suggests a level of comfort. He openly gives his favor to another man as if he is not used to hiding himself.
When Rhaenyra bestowed her garter on Ser Harwin, her new husband laughed and gave one of his own to Ser Joffrey.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Despite the fact that his wedding turned into a disaster, Laenor’s life does not change too badly.
He is allowed to openly grieve his lover, Joffrey, and he is allowed to return back home to High Tide, rather than conform to a marriage that would give him misery.
Borne bloody from the field, Ser Joffrey died without recovering consciousness six days later. Mushroom tells us that Ser Laenor spent every hour of those days at his bedside and wept bitterly when the Stranger claimed him.
Ser Laenor returned to Driftmark thereafter, leaving many to wonder if his marriage had ever been consummated. The princess remained at court, surrounded by her friends and admirers.
Ser Laenor preferred the comforts of High Tide, where he soon found a new favorite in a household knight named Ser Qarl Correy.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Qarl is a knight directly under Corlys’ service. As such, if Corlys wanted to, he could have him removed from his household for daring to be in a relationship with his son. Instead, he allows the relationship to persist for many years.
Although Corlys may be frustrated that things aren’t going according to plan, he clearly cares about Laenor’s happiness first and foremost, even if it interferes with any ambitions of his own. But sometimes, Corlys does let his plans interfere with Laenor’s happiness. When Laenor states his intentions to name his sons, Corlys denies him (perhaps the first time he’s ever done so) and has the child named like a Velaryon: Jacaerys. He continues to deny Laenor for the second son too by giving the boy another Velaryon name: Lucerys. But by the time the third son is born, Corlys finally relents to Laenor’s wishes.
Laenor’s wish to name the child Joffrey was overruled by his father, Lord Corlys. Instead the child was given a traditional Velaryon name: Jacaerys.
Ser Laenor was at last permitted to name a child after his fallen friend, Ser Joffrey Lonmouth.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Btw, it’s not Rhaenyra giving the permission here but Corlys. The text makes it rather obvious when she’s finally allowed the right to name her own child and it’s certainly not when it comes to the elder three boys (that’s just a Corlys vs Rhaenyra issue though). I think a lot of people miss this key detail that even naming a child can be a power play among the nobility. Corlys has his own reasons for what he does when it comes to any of his grandsons, but the main reason he would be okay with letting them be his grandsons is surely because Laenor called them sons first. There’s a certain level of indulgence present in the relationship between Corlys and Laenor.
Concerning Laenor’s sexuality, Corlys’ problem appears to be that Laenor does not do his duty to sire actual sons of his body. If Laenor did his duty, then I do not think Corlys would care if Laenor started having relationships with a dozen or a hundred different men. But it’s a frustration that Corlys does eventually come to terms with. He allowed Laenor a freedom of identity and so it’s Laenor who chooses to remain comfortably by Corlys’ side.
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verdemoun · 1 month
Just imagine a conversation between Charles and Kieran 😭 a total 6 words would be spoken
6 words would be a good day. Like - a draining the society battery but positive good day.
Arthur hates it. I haven't really elaborated but Arthur and Kieran are proper thick as thieves best friends. There was a solid 9 years between Arthur and Charles timewarping, and with the younger members of the gang adapting and moving out and onto their new lives it was just - Arthur and Kieran dealing with each other's damage for years.
Sometimes friendship is just an autistic man and his emotional support hypervigilant ptsd outlaw with a compulsive need to help people. Sometimes friendship is a man used to carrying the burdens of the world only learning to feel safe because seeing someone riddled with anxiety relax subconsciously reminds him they're both okay.
Kieran is a regular ornament around Arthur's house, and Arthur always keeps safe food and snacks on hand. It is not uncommon for Kieran to turn up in his pajamas at 2am, carrying his pillow under one arm, having walked from Hosea's, only for Arthur to be awake anyway because they both have that 19th century functional insomnia.
But back to the point, when Charles gets there, Charles and Kieran just zing. Charles wasn't abusive towards Kieran and it showed because instead of taking weeks to even catch a glimpse of the former O'Driscoll's presence, Kieran nervously shuffled up after just two days of typical shyness to present a figurine he'd been holding onto because it looked like Taima.
Kieran is their third wheel and it is the healthiest social interaction he has outside of the Matthews' household. They could have dinner plans but surprise Kieran decided to turn up and they still go out to dinner but Kieran's there at the table eating carrot sticks listening in and once in a blue moon contributing to the conversation.
Epilogue/timewarp Charles might be a lot more comfortable with people and talking but sometimes he just needs the peace of hanging out with Kieran. There isn't even a 'hey'. Charles will walk inside, sit on the couch beside Kieran, not need to ask what they're watching and just know both their brains are going 'oh yay company!!' without saying a single word. They both get so much catharsis being around nature, watching birds in the backyard or Kieran helping out with their ever expanding menagerie.
Secretly they wonder if Charles is on the spectrum or if it's just 'spending adolescent years alone in the wilderness avoiding people' but there's a definite element of 'oh thank god I don't have to perform social norms and expectation' when he hangs out with Kieran. Arthur sitting there with Charles and Kieran watching whatever movie Kieran has decided to put on, looking at his selectively quiet, hyper-fixation, little understanding of social queues husband and diagnosed autistic best friend and going 'wait a minute why do I find it comforting being around autistic people'.
But why does Arthur hate it? Because whatever their weird 'mind melding able to have entire conversations in glances and body language' is, they definitely use against him. He could be doing something as mundane as cutting firewood, see Charles glance at Kieran, Kieran glance back, and then Charles is loudly cackling with laughter while Kieran is at least polite enough to cover his mouth and not make it obvious but he KNOWS they somehow made a joke about him at his expense without saying a damned thing and they will almost never tell him what it was.
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Introduction to the NESs
Based in my Replaced MC AU/AU series where the new exchange student (NES) becomes interested in MC instead.
Rodrigo Salazar - NES 1
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22 years old, cis male, he/him pronouns. Has only ever been attracted to women, but he’s very open minded, so he doesn’t reject the idea of change in the future.
Comes from a very non-judgmental family where healthy conversations and personal privacy are the norm, so, although capable of independency, he very much prefers living with his loved ones. He thrives in company and puts effort in making his living space enjoyable. This has turned him into a peaceful person, mindful of others’ needs as well as his and confident in his opinions; again, open minded to changes.
He’s not opposed to having fun every once in a while, but it’s hard for him to fall in love. This is not due to him being picky with his lovers, which he isn’t, but rather him not being able to truly connect. However, he’s always very generous and thoughtful, putting his girlfriends first without losing himself in the process. He’s also protective, but not jealous, and respectful.
Magda Caballero - NES 2
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25 years old, cis female, she/her pronouns. Has only ever been attracted to women and knows, and hopes, that that won’t ever change.
Her mother had her when she was sixteen and was immediately kicked out by her parents, so she stayed with her boyfriend and his parents. Both quickly starting treating Magda like a younger sibling, leaving her instead to her grandparents’ care, barely engaging with her even with no hard feelings between them. They didn’t try to deepen their relationship with her until she was old enough to go to college.
It’s hard to earn her trust and she often hides behind sarcasm and light insults because she’s been left behind since she was a child, so she’s very possessive of what or who she truly likes. She only hangs out with the few friends she has to go partying, however. Some of them are friends with benefit, since she enjoys the fun within, but commitment is something she’s afraid of and not ready for.
Sebas Caro - NES 3
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21 years old, FTM, he/him pronouns. Hasn’t really feel any type of attraction towards strangers before and is very hard for him to make friends, so he doesn’t have much experience in that department.
His parents are loners who don’t enjoy engaging in social life, unconsciously teaching him that lifestyle and leading him to a lack of knowledge in how to properly talk to strangers, hiding behind his shyness and awkwardness and, therefore, an inability to make friends. However, at the same time, his parents expect him to be out of the house so they can have privacy.
This has turned him into a quiet people pleaser that quickly grows too attached when someone shows their affection. He becomes devoted, but not obsessive, and gives too much of himself.
Tagged: @trxshykawa101 , @big-brother-problems (thought you might be interested since you liked NES 3 so much :))
Picrews made by @ummmmandy and @potato-lord-but-not 🩷
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who-is-page · 11 months
I guess what I mean is that I don’t accept people who misuse or misinterpret words and refuse to accept that they are wrong when told so. I don’t accept people who try to twist definitions to suit their own wants. I don’t accept people who use their nonhumanity as an excuse to be ignorant or invade spaces that aren’t theirs (for example a polytherian trying to use system terms and claim to be a system but when confronted don’t listen. That’s not /inherently/ harmful as it’s one person but it’s wrong and annoying. Or in my personal experience, someone claiming to be a therian or a system just to excuse their cheating?? As if that makes sense). Basically what I mean is that I do not feel I can blindly support people I either know (with evidence) are not correct, or people who boarder on problematic just for the sake of being “radically accepting”. And at the same time. I accept people who get bod mods to look less human. I accept people who bark in public. I accept people who experience violent sexual urges (so long as they aren’t actually hurting anyone non consensually). I accept people who do quadrobics and walk their stuffed animals on a leash. I accept people who go dumpster diving because they’re a raccoon therian. I accept a lot of different things. But I have a limit.
I love Beastpunk for what it means to embrace animality/nonhumanity in an unapologetic way. I love Beastpunk for its complete disregard for the human social norms and how it includes those who feel like they’ve been displaced from their communities due to language shifts and such. I just feel like it’s a shame if the only thing that prevents me from being Beastpunk is the radical acceptance of things I just can’t agree with….
Anon, I pretty strongly recommend you read (re-read?) the intro essay I linked in your first ask, because it actually covers this. But for a TL;DR --
If someone is being an asshole and especially if they're using their nonhumanity to try and shield themself from criticism, you don't have to standby and stay quiet to keep the peace. Beastpunk has a mantra of "do no harm, but take no shit" and the type of thing you're talking about--at least re: the cheating thing--falls under that. Bite that person. Hard.
Beastpunk is also explicitly about embracing the history of animal-folks, up to and including alterhuman history as it is relevant, too. If your story about the polytherian isn't some anti-endo perspective wrapped up in nice language and a fur coat, then, by all means, it doesn't exclude you from being beastpunk to be critical of that and to know when someone is drastically misusing terminology. You just have to make sure that that doesn't veer into territory where you're speaking over someone about their own experiences or the ways in which they choose to understand them. Being beastpunk doesn't mean you have to accept folks blatantly misusing language (especially if them doing so isn't in good faith and is ultimately causing problems), although you do have to accept that some people might use labels in more fluid ways than you do.
Ultimately, I feel like you're confusing "radical acceptance" in this scenario with "being a fucking doormat."
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
nal. if you're still doing these. 🌧️🌧️🌧️i believe in you 🌧️🌧️🌧️
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
😈😈😈 thank you kota thank youuuuuuu
Prisons like Tartarus, and Iron Maidens; 24/7 full body restraints, solitary confinement, induced comas and long-term sedation; the Targeted Instant Elimination System— As punishments, they are not cruel and not unusual. They’re used around the world and has become basic detention methods. According to most governments around the world, they are not degrading; they are not inhumane. Quirks has changed the standards of what it means to be human; and thus, what indignities are considered allowable for a human to experience and suffer through has also changed... [...] When one is deemed as having lost the privilege of being called human; when one is seen as barely human at all, there are no human laws, morals, or social norms can’t be suspended to contain such a beast. But it goes the other way too. If you aren’t considered a person; and if you too come to not consider yourself as belonging to the group of beings called ‘people’, then human laws, morals, or social norms don’t apply to you. Human connections and community have no meaning. Concepts like belonging, compassion, or the future do not exist. After that, there is nothing a beast such as you can’t do to an actual person.
tho i have to wonder if this is angst? Or just me on a soapbox.
Well. If not, and with all the rainy cloud emojis, here's Spinner angst:
"I..." I want to follow him. I want to help him. I want to see his dream come true. I want— "Don't worry about it," Spinner mutters. "It's nothing important. Doesn't really matter." Because it doesn't. There's not anything to do, these are just feelings that tumble around inside of him, just dreams that he can't control until he wakes up. That's all there is and that's fine. Spinner knows the step after realization is... confession, but he won't be doing that. Confess to Shigaraki Tomura. Sounds crazy. Shigaraki doesn't have time to deal with things like romance or dating or whatever this is. Plus— I'd been an empty shell. It's why I hate everything. Every living, breathing thing just rubs me the wrong way. Where's room for —love— in all that rage? Shigaraki has given the League enough proof that he tolerates them, trusts them, might even like them, that they are exempt from 'Destroy Everything', but a small quiet part of Spinner wonders. What's after annihilation? What happens when there's nothing else to destroy? Never mind that the probability some of them won't survive this apocalypse is certain enough. The thing about that rage, Spinner knows - has felt himself - is how it's fueled by grief, which itself is a bottomless black hole that can and will smother and eat away at everything. You'll never be able to get back what's lost, and whatever manages to regrow, breaking through that dead-dry ground, is never the same. Colder, smaller, uglier. It's hard. It's survival. There's only essentials and the little space left available is for very precious things. For the few special memories, for fleeting moments of peace, for wild hopes and dreams. Those dreams of Shigaraki's, Spinner will protect. For him, that's enough. Already more than he had ever hoped for.
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libbee · 7 months
hi, can my feelings of sudden and unexplainable guilt be linked to people being mad at me from their self made projections about me. it's like a spiritual warfare that's going on and it's because of them not me. and lot of times i also intuitively feel the need to adapt and adjust to a different me so that doesn't piss off people (who don't know me, i get projected a lot) in order to keep the peace
i have 1st house lilith, 12th house sun, pisces rising and scorpio mars in vedic
You say sudden and unexplainable guilt... to adapt and adjust to a different me so that does not piss off people. And that people project a lot to you.
Could it be that you feel guilt because you change yourself around people? See, every situation is different and we do unconsciously adapt to the environment and mirror the feelings of other people. This is necessity of social life. But after this trip around the town, do you come back home?
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Guilt is a relatable emotion and I can say I feel guilty when I do something that is not consistent with my... values. I do not have any strict written down values but when the heart says something is not right, it wants to analyze some event or interaction.
A sudden pang in the chest, a quiet voice persistently whispering at the back of our mind, we experience guilt when our actions, or deliberate lack thereof, infringe upon our personal ethical code or societal norms.- https://thisjungianlife.com/guilt/
So perhaps the guilt is invitation to build a home inside yourself, where you feel at equilibrium, peace, safe beyond the influences of other people. How a home feels just right.
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spideywhites · 1 year
🥑🍇🥦🍏🍐🌶️🍒 for natsu of course 😈
🥑 [ What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad? ]
Children should be allowed to be children, and the responsibility of the world must be the responsibility of adults. That’s a morality issue that’s easy enough to understand in our world, but not in the shinobi one. Natsume is very bitter about his stolen childhood and thinks that Konoha is in the wrong for having children graduate at 12 years old or earlier. He’s also not quiet about these feelings, which absolutely puts him on Konoha’s shit-list. They want to have their canon fodder children in peace >:/
🍇 [ What’s their circle of people/their species like? What dynamic would they be called? ]
Uhh, this is an odd question but I think I get what it’s asking. His current circle of people/friends isn’t a dynamic I would call happy. It now consists solely of Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, and Genma. It’s more of a dysfunctional family unit, where the relationship isn’t equal. Natsume gives far more than he takes, and for all that the Terrible Trio are just kids and try their best to be good to Natsume, he’s still the one with all the responsibility. Meanwhile Genma is trying like hell to fix this broken little kid that he’s not allowed to care for in the eyes of Konoha.
🥦 [ What do they hate about humanity/their species? ]
The propensity for hatred, fear, and ignoring problems. Basically, he hates that humans mostly suck and are only looking out for themselves. But he’s equally as guilty because he’s decided that he understands the way the world works and will do whatever it takes to rise above everyone else.
🍏 [ How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it? ]
Natsume, being a vague SI/OC character with loose memories of a different existence, is already different. He feels awkward about certain social norms, shinobi or not, already has an understanding of morality that he can’t seem to forget—and that conflicts heavily with the morals and lifestyle Konoha attempts to brainwash their people into following. I would say he’s punished not only by feeling even more like an outsider than he already is (as a Jinchuuriki and an Uzumaki) but also by all those in power who don’t respect or understand his opinions and think he needs to be controlled.
🍐 [ What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what? ]
Very poor orphan. Natsume would absolutely want to be rich so he could take Naruto (and Sasuke, he supposes) and move very far away.
🌶️ [ Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them? ]
Um. Probably Minato at this point in time. He doesn’t even know the guy’s his dad, either. (Awkward.) He just knows that the Yondaime ruined his and Naruto’s lives. Eventually, the answer will likely be Danzo.
🍒 [ Who is your OC’s perfect companion? ]
Now that would be cheating if I told you, wouldn’t it?
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
Me 20 times per day: I like low-stimulatiom environments and slow days with as much unstructured time as possible. I do not like time pressure, new social situations I cannot easily extract myself from, nor being perceived by any but my trusted few closest friends. I need to rest for 14 hours a day. I am not interested in the things my family and culture place a high importance on. No one else in my family reads, appreciates nature, or is nice to the ghosts who try to contact them, so I look elsewhere for people who share these interests and values and am happily estranged from most of my biological family. I prefer the company of snails and plants over judgmental people and although I would love to form a tenants' union and organize a shitload more pathways of mutual care in our communities, I do not do so because most of my neighbours are racist assholes who call me the R-slur for not saying hi to them when I take my trash out.
Acquaintances, extended family, coworkers, random strangers and other normative types: *throw mandatory work parties I'm not allowed to decline invitation to* *grill me about how I spend my time* *make unsolicited comments about my appearance* *invite themselves into my space and then get mad when I'm not talkative* *lecture me about how they think I should build up a tolerance to environmental stimulation* *think I shouldn't be drained by a 4 hour drive with people I have nothing in common with* *demand to know why I neither have nor want a TV* *make rude comments about my mobility aids* *disparage my spiritual practices to my face*
Like bro I frequently advertise what I'm like specifically so that people cannot claim to he taken by surprise. YOU GET EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. If you did not want an anxious autist who has built their life around the pursuit of peace and quiet and contemplation you should have pestered somebody else.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hello!! I wanted to ask about Fe 'fake' masking vs Fi tolerance.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but because Fe concerns itself with group values and following social norms (especially when higher in the stack), they are less inclined to see themselves as fake or might not care if they are being 'fake', as long as they are acting appropriately. If a Fe dom/aux disagrees with something, are they likely to try and frame it in a way to get the whole group on their side? Fe might not even know what they believe, but I've heard mixed things regarding that.
Fi might tolerate something they disagree with, but if the user is agreeable, they may stay silent or find a polite way to express their opinion (or alternatively have less of a problem being honest and forthright with how they are feeling). I've read that many Fi users loathe being disingenuous about their opinion, but that those with a 9 or 6 type are less likely to give a hoot. I know that not everyone is a hive-mind, of course, but I'm trying to look for telltale signs.
Is there anything you recommend I look for (or any prominent misinformation to be aware of) regarding this?
Fe generally knows what it thinks and is aware of how that goes with or differs from the popular consensus; their thinking is based in terms of total impact (how does this affect others?). Being fake is seen as politeness a lot of the time -- it's like in Emma, where she talks at length to Harriet about how much she dislikes Mrs. Elton for being insufferable and a know-it-all, but recognizes due to her social position in the neighborhood, if she doesn't invite Mrs. Elton to tea, "everyone will know how much I dislike her." Emma as an EFJ knows how others think and perceive actions taken by her -- and so she puts aside her own feelings to avoid making a declarative statement that would reflect badly on both of them. This is typical of EFJ. My feelings matter less than how acting on them makes a declaration to others of what I think or feel. Thus, if Emma chose to snub Mrs. Elton, she would do it on purpose, fully aware of broadcasting her displeasure or dislike FOR Mrs. Elton.
In terms of disagreement -- that differs. An EFJ may keep silent out of awareness that their opinion might be disruptive and make things unpleasant for others involved; or an EFJ may come out strongly, because they feel like they should act on behalf of others and "speak for them without a voice." But yes, there is a strong desire in EFJs to get everyone on board with their views and shape their thinking; they assume that if everyone is thinking the same direction, things will run more pleasantly and smoothly for everyone involved (including them). So they will be persuasive on the things they feel passionately about, in order to bring everyone to "the same page" (in their mind, it's how we create unity and get things done for the better). (In a bad EFJ, of course, it's how they control the environment, and they may recruit others to their side, or apply pressure to the outliers to change their thinking and conform to what is "appropriate" -- everyone agrees with this except you, what's wrong with you?).
A Fi is more likely to think "well, they have their reasons," and refuse to associate any more with that person or talk to them about it. They think less about their impact on everyone involved, and more about their own reaction to what is happening. They may be considerate and not want to make waves or things unpleasant for others, but it's less out of an instinctive awareness of what would make THEM feel uneasy or unsettled, and more from ME-based thinking (this is what upsets ME, so I want to avoid doing that to others; if I had that other point of view, and someone said THIS to ME, it would make me feel uncomfortable... so I won't say it, to keep the peace between us). Fi can keep quiet if it wants to, but it's a "me" choice (I don't want to cause trouble, make them mad, etc). Fi can also be militant in saying what they think, regardless of whom it might offend -- it just depends on the user, but it's not "I am speaking for those without a voice" (Fe) it's "I don't like this, and here's why!"
In the case of Mrs. Elton... if Emma were a Fi type and decided to "throw a party for her," it would come from a different place; it would reflect what others would think less, and be more about what *I* choose to do, which is aligning with what I prioritize in my life -- "I value my father and his reputation, so I won't snub Mrs. Elton, because it could hurt his standing." It's more specific, and less about what generally others might say; it's about ME and my relationship with MY father, and wanting my behavior to honor the person that matters the most to ME.
This can be very subtle at times, so if it's a real person, sometimes you may need to ask the reason for their decision and how they made it, as well as pay attention to the emphasis placed on why they made the choice they did. Whether it comes from "us," and "we" and "ours" and "what's best for everyone" or "me," and "mine," and "I."
As an example, the EFJs I know use extremely inclusive language as a way to establish closeness and support -- it's rarely "what are you going to do about this?" and more "what are we going to do about this?" "How are we going to manage this?" That's a clue that you and them are united in their mind, a process of "we" based thinking. It's us, not me. You don't find this in Fi users.
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sammyunhinged · 6 months
Wolfstar & the Enneagram
All of my analyses are based primary on fanon, any widely acceptable characterization present in atyd, and canon characterization in the hp series.
Remus Lupin- 9w8 sx/so, 9-5-3 tritype
Mildly unhealthy teenager and adult
at his best- highly responsive and communicative, good mediator, unpretentious, patient, and genuinely kind
at his worst- numb, depersonalized, and disconnected from the world and people around him, neglectful of himself, believing nothing can be done to resolve issues
Childhood trauma- likely conflict between his parents post-bite, caused him to try and maintain the peace by remaining quiet, not expressing his needs, and becoming reclusive
During school Remus was a 9w8, with angry outbursts and conflict between his anger and his need for peace resulting in inner turmoil
At some point between the war and PoA, Remus likely experienced a wing flip (common in adulthood) becoming a 9w1. His anger became quiet and he disconnected with the world after losing everyone in his life.
social nine (Remus in atyd)- the most expressive and angry nine with a tendency toward workaholism, addiction, and mistrust of power; these nines are the “counter-type” and look the most dissimilar to others of their number
sexual nine (Remus in most media)- deals with a deep sense of loneliness and abandonment through deep connection with others; struggles with body image and self-acceptance, but if welcoming, patient, and kind with others
9-5-3 tritype- a cerebral and image conscious 9, highly emotionally repressed to protect himself, likely to enter a reclusive and dissociative state, naturally ambitious and image conscious, while unable to be traditionally ambitious because of being a werewolf, worked hard in school and became a natural teacher and leader
Sirius Black- 8w7 sx/so, 8-7-4 tritype
very unhealthy teenager and adult
at his best- courageous and willing to sacrifice himself to do the right thing, confident and protective
at his worst- ruthless, violent, argumentative and unwilling to back down from a fight, rebellious and impulsive
childhood trauma- horrible relationship with the authoritative figure in his household, his mother, due to verbal, physical, and emotional abuse, lead him to reject authority and become highly individualistic to protect himself; would have likely become Regulus’ protector after feeling abandoned by his father when he aligned with their mother
never experienced a wing-flip and so remained a 8w7. His time in Azkaban prevented any emotional growth or development so he stayed in a relatively similar state to his younger self, except more traumatized and driven slightly insane by grief and isolation
sexual eight- the most rebellious and emotional version of an 8; highly concerned with his individual relationships with little regard for the group or his own safety; they may have violent tendencies and possessive but they can be highly charismatic and outspoken about things they view as unjust or wrong
8-7-4 tritype- a individualistic and enthusiastic 8, May appear even more outwardly emotional than other eights, likely to push against social standards, rules, and “the norm” in order to be themselves, pleasure seeking with a tendencies to ignore what hurts them, they can be very outgoing, charismatic, and creative
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indignantlemur · 1 year
Yay! I have so many feelings about the latest chapter that it's probably the best place to begin, but I try to pack little world-building and character-development details into as many chapters as I can. For the newest chapter, Connection, there are some parts that I am really very fond of for a variety of reasons. There are lines in this chapter that have been living rent-free in my head since the inception of this fic.
It was also so, so important to me that this chapter was about catharsis over spicy content, because spice is nice but I've been building up to this for 36 chapters and nearly 12 years. There has to be more pay off than a quick scene and a fade to black - it has to matter. To me, to you, to Dagmar, to Shral - it has to mean more, because she's horribly alone in a strange new world and he is breaking every social norm and custom to try to bridge an impossible gap, and that's... that's the stuff I started writing for.
How strange, he thought. How strange, to reach instead of being reached for.
The slide of her warm palm, of slim fingers slipping between his own, inexplicably soothed some of his restlessness.
“I do not.” Shral spoke a moment later, and Dagmar marvelled at how always, always , his steady manner eased something twisted up with anxiety inside her.
The theme of reaching and being reached for, time and time again, is so central to Dagmar and Shral, along side themes of 'calm' and 'soft-still-quiet' and the simple phrasing of 'slowly, gently, relentlessly'.
Excitement and nerves are a wonderful part of any relationship, but they're not the things that last. Dagmar and Shral needed, in my mind, to have a bedrock-solid foundation beyond 'sexy alien' and 'pretty girl' and that means that they both need to find something in each other that they can't find elsewhere. Love is wild. Love is electricity along your nerves and fire in your blood. It's butterflies in your tummy and sleepless nights - but you know what else it is? It's the calm, quiet feeling of something very gently slotting into place inside your soul, something you might have gone a lifetime without realizing was askew. It settles you, makes the sharp edges of the world softer, kinder, and it brings peace in the same way that snow makes the world quiet.
So slowly, gently, relentlessly I will bring them together and I will make of them something that will not break.
Shral offered a razor-thin smile, and his eyes seemed to grow softer for a moment as he set down his katheka and almost indulgently entangled their fingers. Sitting across the table as they were, drinking the Andorian equivalent of coffee, the gesture felt even more like Human hand-holding – felt, for that matter, more intimate. It raised goose-bumps down the length of her arms, a frisson like a tiny electric current.  “ Phiithza .” He pronounced the word slowly, carefully, letting her hear the precise sounds needed for each syllable. For emphasis, he squeezed her hand gently and reiterated, “This is phiithza .” Trust-symbol , Dagmar immediately translated, her mind already leaping to root words and variations in the different dialects she knew. An occupational hazard, she supposed wryly.
This is something I was planning to do for a while, but it never quite fit with the flow of the other chapters. The invitation to use phiithza was a huge part of how Dagmar really started to fit in properly with her Andorian friends and colleagues - both because it displayed that she was a trusted individual and because it was a public, affectionate acknowledgement of her as a friend, as a person. Every time she has greeted an Andorian using phiithza Dagmar has shown that she's not just a Human existing on Andoria but a Human actively learning and integrating with the local culture.
And then we get to this part:
“You cannot add to the security I provide for myself.” The Andorian stated after some consideration, slow and careful as his thumb brushed gently over the curve of the side of her hand and bumped over a knuckle. He seemed ponderous, considering, as his eyes flicked up to meet hers once more. “I am the stronger of us by far, and the better trained – but I find a calmness in you that I rarely find in myself. I concern myself with your affairs more than the customs of my people dictate that I should, and yet I often find I can pursue no other course. I have come to believe that there is a degree of… compatibility between us.”
This is Shral's Mr. Darcy speech - his strange, stilted proposal to reach across that gap that he can finally, after a very long year, see narrowing. There is almost a kind of rote ritual quality to his words, as if he's following some guideline or has thought them over many times before. Unlike Mr. Darcy, however, Shral manages to avoid insulting Dagmar and it goes over rather well, all things considered.
And Dagmar! Oh, bless her, she's doing her best but she's very Human and not always the swiftest to put the pieces together. She hears this speech and something in her brain finally ticks over, and all her brilliant, ridiculous mind can come up with is: "Oh."
Because Dagmar is as Human as I can make her, and that means sometimes she says something stupid, or she can't find the words, or the words she can find aren't quite the right ones. She is full of self-doubt and grief and loneliness, but she tries so hard. Sometimes she wins, and sometimes she loses, but she never stops trying.
After that, we have this line - one of the rent-free tenants in my brain for years now- and I don't have words to express how gratifying it was to put the words down properly.
Still, she needed to be sure. Dagmar couldn’t afford to be irresponsible about this - not with a coworker, not with Shral.  “Are you sure this is something you want? With me? We’re very different. I would understand if-” “Yes.” He cut her off, fierce in a way that made her shift in her seat, torn between the conflicting impulses to flee from the intensity of his gaze and the desire to draw closer yet. The starburst of warmth and light at the back of her mind was a near-burning thing, now, incandescent and radiating. “I know the sound of your heartbeat, the scent of your pheromones, the precise steps in your gait; I could find you in a crowd of thousands. If not you, then no one.” Spirits, she thought faintly as she stared up at him, momentarily overwhelmed. He was making it very hard to be responsible about this. 
Shral is largely a mystery to both Dagmar and my readers, and that is very deliberate because it leaves you -I hope- feeling just as stunned as Dagmar when he turns around and says something like this after so much build up. For all that he is reserved and difficult to read, he is still Andorian and what he feels, he feels with great intensity.
After these, of course, we get to Andorian kissing versus Human kissing. As much as I wanted emotional release to be central to this chapter I felt it equally important to find ways to emphasize how truly different Andorians and Humans are. As far as Shral was concerned, he started snogging around this point:
To his credit, the Andorian seemed to pick up on something of her thoughts and he eased her forward until their brows were touching, stopping at just the lightest of presses. She could feel his antennae trailing, feather-light, over her hair; the sensation sent tiny little shivers down her spine and she inadvertently pressed closer.
Dagmar registers something intimate about the gesture, but she has no idea what it actually means. It feels weird, mostly, and she's dimly aware that his antennae are doing something but she has no idea what that's about. It doesn't line up with her expectations or her instincts. In fact, Dagmar doesn't really start to clue in that something more important than proximity is involved until this line:
His brow had never left hers, pressing hard against her with the same fervency that a Human might have kissed her, and his antennae writhed. 
Even then, she doesn't know and then when she finally demonstrates how Humans do things, it's strange. In fact, it's awkward, and it's not for lack of trying on anybody's part but Andorians just don't have the same kind of fine facial musculature that Humans have. Shral is literally not capable of reciprocating in way a Human might, and it's not until Dagmar consciously modifies her approach to account for that that things start to become easy between them.
There are so many differences to account for, though, and one make-out session doesn't magically make them go away. The chapter comes to a close with Shral is cautiously optimistic, while Dagmar has trouble seeing past the things she lacks but tries to, the way she always tries.
... Alright, I think I've rambled enough. I hope this is more or less what you were hoping for!
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manor-tea-time · 1 year
The Seamstress-Sally Hemmingway (,◡ _ ⊗,)
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⇢ ғᴜʟʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Sally Hemmingway
⇢ ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇs: Miss Sally, Miss. Hemmingway, The Seamstress
⇢ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ|ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴs: Female, She/Her
⇢ ᴀɢᴇ: 30
⇢ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ: 03/25
⇢ sᴇxᴜᴀʟ|ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Bisexual
⇢ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Tailor
⇢ ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪᴛʏ swɪᴛᴄH: The Living Mannequin (,◡ _ ◡,)
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⇢ ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ: She’s a fairly posh individual, often speaking formally to others along with hosting small socials to speak to people. Despite this, she's been known to act fairly modern for her time. Often deliberately going against certain social norms for the sake of efficiency and easing her own perfectionism.
During her time in the manor, she's often been noted to be going through various stages of mourning. Keeping quiet on the details of whom or what she'd lost before arriving there. Despite this, she stays fairly social and chipper. That's how she gets all the good gossip after all.
⇢  ʟɪᴋᴇs:
-Sewing/Designing Attire
-Hosting Small Parties
⇢  ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs:
-Loud animals
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ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇs:
-Sharpened Scissors: The Seamstress always has a knack for keeping her fabric scissors in pristine condition. Making them the perfect weapons of choice for defending herself against any foe. Because of this, she can utilize her 3 scissors for one of 2 different stuns. If the seamstress recollects her scissors, she can reuse them for more stuns.
Possible Stuns:
Stab Stun: If the Seamstress is within close range of the hunter, she can lunge forward and stab the hunter for a stun 5 secs
Throwing Stun: If the Seamstress is within the fear radius of the hunter, she can throw a pair of her scissors at the Hunter. Breaking them upon impact for a stun of 10 secs.
-Work Till Perfection: Due to her perfection-driven tendencies, The Seamstress often doesn't rest till whatever she's working on is in its best condition. Thus getting a small decoding buff of 10%
-Guilty Conscience: The Seamstress's guilty conscience of sending her apprentice to death hangs heavy above her. Thus, when a survivor is sent back to the manor, she receives a decoding debuff of 5% (This can be stacked 3x)
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CW/TW: Implied Mention of Death/Injures, Abusive nature in background characters, Murder, Implied Dead Body
Before the manor, Sally Hemmingway considered herself to be a visionary of fashion at the time. Often making grand fashion statements at the events she attended along with slowly saving up her funds for her own boutique to work out of in between small commissions and working odd jobs around town.
When she finally was able to open her boutique, she found herself weighed down by an overbearing benefactor wishing to oversee her store as an unofficial manager. While upset with this, she figured if the man did anything detrimental to the shop, she could have him fired without much uproar. Thus, she simply tried her best to continue running the shop as is, soon hiring an apprentice, Ivy Nettle.
The peace could never last forever though. While embarking on a trip to a traveling commission, tensions between her workers and her benefactor rose to an all-time high. Leaving her horrified as she returned to the shambles of what had remained of her staff.
The once friendly air had turned somber. Many of the employees frantically quit or acted skittish around the topic of what had occurred or where the long-disappeared apprentice had gone.
As rumors spiraled from the public on what had happened, Sally had no choice but to close her beloved store. Privately investigating the matter in her own time on what had exactly happened. While she grew weary of the possible answers, nothing could have prepared her for the charred remains of the past she'd found long-forgotten underneath the shop's floorboards.
Enraged and betrayed by the actions of the benefactor, Sally decided to take justice into her own hands. With nothing but her own sorrow and guilt chasing her, Sally comes to the manor hoping that maybe she can start anew.
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
fierce deity is the only one I know so 💢💤🕷
YEAAHHHHHH YEAHHHHH FIERCE DEITY MY BELOVED!! (ignore how this took me a whole day to respond cause I got into playing minecraft oops)
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
okay I'm just gonna say it, fierce deity gives me the vibes of being SO bad at both divine and mortal social cues, my man's has just stared at all the Link's while they're sleeping. He's done that several times, he won't stop and he doesn't blink at all so I hope you're okay with a literal god staring down at you unblinkingly in your sleep!
Another thing is that... he's kinda overprotective, but isn't extremely obvious about it, if anything he's so quiet about it that it takes awhile for anyone to notice. One of the worst things when anyone does realize? He doesn't uhhhhhhh stop, he can lessen the overprotective tendencies or be sneakier about it, sure, but he just will not stop. The issue is that he's so freakishly strong that most other people just come off as being painfully delicate! He can shrug off fights with literal gods and people just? Fall over after one little stab? What the hell?
Another thing is that the fierce deity doesn't know customs, or social norms, and doesn't really care about sounding nice if someone is annoying him or just made him mad. He doesn't have time for this shit, leave him alone or you're being tossed off a cliff.
Also I gotta emphasize the overprotective part again! ^-^ man's will straight up be the equivalent of the most intimidating guard dog alive but won't say a word, he'll just fucking stare at you. Unless you do something against someone he cares about, then your entire hand is suddenly gone !
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
So here's the thing, as in the name- the fierce deity is a god and doesn't really... sleep, the next best thing he can do instead of sleep is meditate or sorta be in a relaxed doze. But the fierce deity doesn't resent this, not at all, if anything he's very happy that he has no need for sleep. This is because sleeping is actually the closest thing he could ever relate to when it came to being sealed in the mask. Hundreds of years passing by with every blink, reality seeming closer to the murky memories of Demise and Hylia that haunt him for centuries and the anger towards the golden goddesses.
When he was in the mask it was near impossible to understand a thing, his consciousness was closer to sand falling inbetween his fingers despite how desperately he wanted to perceive the world around him. Sleeping inside the mask meant dissociation, endless nightmares, and the complete inability to have any sort of free will. For this reason the fierce deity is secretly relieved that he doesn't have to sleep, it brings back for to many bad memories whenever he tries.
Instead of sleeping he typically just watches over the group and let's them all sleep instead, it brings him far more peace to see them all together, alive and safe.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Ooohhhhhh he has a couple big fears, but here's a few: loss of free will, inability to protect, failure, and a loss of control. Most of these stem back to the golden goddesses and Hylia, both of which he has extremely complicated relationships towards and has no wish to forgive them for any of it. Another fear of his is allowing for his incarnations (the link's basically) to fall under the goddesses/Demise's control again as he blames himself for all the shit they've gone through up to that point.
Basically he fears failing the ones he cares about most and them being hurt from his own weak-will/inability to protect and being trapped in the mask again <3 the mask is one of his BIGGEST fears and he will outright fight the goddesses in hand to hand combat to not go back in it <- there's a good chance he would win ANYWAY
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hiveruled · 2 years
cattell 16 factor test.
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Warmth ||||||||||||||| 46%
He's more often than not, cold towards people. It's only if he makes the choice to get closer to you that he'll feign some semblance of compassion or selflessness, i.e. if you're a part of his cult he does care for you more than most. If we're talking about pre-cult Kai that's a slightly different story, as he'll show more warmth to someone if he sees that someone is being wronged in some way, this also applies to him when he's a cult leader, but due to past experience, he's a lot more hesitant.
Intellect ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
As someone with a high IQ mixed with his ADHD, holding a conversation with individuals who are of a more shallow nature or just plain boring is difficult. If someone doesn't intrigue him, he's very unlikely to stick around long.
Emotional Stability |||||| 14%
He doesn't have a good control on his emotions whatsoever and is very unpredictable with what mood he'll be in. Over the years and all the trauma he's gone through, it has broken down tremendously. And as we see in canon, only continues to go down until he has a full mental break.
Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Anger and aggressive behavior in general has always been an issue for him, but it only gets worse and unmanageable after his parents die. He's impulsively violent, but can also just be aggressive with his words and how he interacts with others socially, disregarding a lot of basic manners.
Liveliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
He can have his moments of enjoying of peace and quiet and doing nothing all day but sitting around on his laptop. But Kai really does love doing things that stimulate his brain, he lives for causing chaos, exploring places he probably shouldn't be. He has a lot more energy than most may think.
Dutifulness |||||||||||| 34%
Though there is clear structure to his whole plan and the cult itself, one of the biggest things is that he's causing chaos while doing all of it. He'll preach about traditional "conservative" values, calling for law and order in the system, but ultimately that isn't what he wants. He's rebelling against everything.
Social Assertiveness ||||||||||||||| 42%
This is a tricky one for Kai, because why take up politics and why be a leader of a group if you're not sure of yourself in social situations? This really comes down to him faking it until he makes it honestly. Kai may have a god complex and may be the loudest voice in the room, but deep down, this man is a walking contrary to that. He's very much insecure about himself and his abilities to succeed, so he tries to convince everyone otherwise so he doesn't appear weak.
Sensitivity ||||||||||||||| 46%
Kind of in conjunction with the last one, Kai feigns a very confident and tough exterior, seemingly unbothered by anything. And a part of that is actually true, especially when it comes to carrying out or witnessing violent acts, or in general if someone insults him with something very impersonal, it doesn't normally get to him. But oh boy, when he's in a mood and/or someone hits those weak spots, he'll go fucking nuts.
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
A part of this has to do with his schizophrenia, another part is just simply the unfortunate lack of trust he had in people growing up. Kai has a very difficult time trusting other people or situations that have potential of destroying everything he believes he's accomplished. He's constantly suspicious of another person's motives if he doesn't seek them out first and it makes building real relationships very difficult for him.
Abstractness ||||||||||||||| 46%
It's kind of a fifty-fifty shot on how Kai's going to be around certain people. He can present himself as an average politician who can even be polite at times. Other times he's got a strange vibe to him and isn't ashamed to show it off. He often admires people who have the courage to stray from the norm.
Introversion |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
As with his troubles with trusting others, Kai very rarely gives people an insight on who he really is and what his life story is, in fact he lies to practically every member of the cult about who he is to keep them at a distance so they can't hurt him. The only person who knows him fully is Winter. Really all his life he's never seen the upside in telling anyone much about himself, preferring to stay quiet about it.
Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
This also combines with the social assertiveness question, but Kai is very self-doubtful underneath all the layers of delusional and faux confidence he has. He's so afraid of failing, of not becoming anyone important and the world not knowing his name, of not leaving a mark on history even when he's dead and gone, of not making his mother proud and proving his father wrong. He doesn't want all of the things he did to be for nothing and its a fear that consumes him more than he lets on.
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Honestly this percentage should be much, much lower but I'm not retaking it again dfhghdfb. Kai is very stubborn when it comes to changing his mind on beliefs he has because he thinks he's the smartest guy around, having some very shitty takes like his view towards women. At the same time though, I do try to portray Kai as having a good chunk of these closeminded behaviors being more of a way for him to stir up a reaction more-so than him truly believing the things he's saying. That being said for example; my version of Kai wouldn't ever be transphobic towards a trans muse, he may not fully understand it, but he really doesn't care about what you present as, so long as you can help his movement.
Independence ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
He does want to be left alone so he isn't distracted or overstimulated a good portion of the time. But just as much, he craves social interaction. He never had very many friends growing up and honestly the cult is a perfect way for a lonely guy like Kai to round up a whole bunch of friends. Not to mention some of the killings done by the cult are done even when Kai isn't present. Obviously since it is a cult, he heavily relies on the group effort to push him forward and support him.
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
The concept of doing things the right way and everything going according to plan is something that's been beaten into his head since he was a child. Scoring a high IQ at a young age really set the tone for Kai striving to meet expectations throughout his education until he got into college and switched his major out of spite towards his father. Though defiant of this perfectionism, he still can't help but still hold himself to those high standards even as an adult.
Tension ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
He mostly puts himself through a lot of the stress he experiences, but even then Kai generally appears as a man that holds a fair amount of tension. He's deeply unsatisfied with his life and is trying to use this extreme method of coping with that to get to a place where he's happy. Although, that would never happen, even if he did get what he wants.
Tagged by: @langdhon <3
Tagging: Anyone else that wants to do this!
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I’ve been relatively quiet about what’s happening Gaza, and what the Israeli-Hamas conflict has been causing. I’m not going to keep doing that when I can help it. I’m not always on tumblr, and I don’t check my inbox regularly. But there’s more I can be doing and saying.
I’ve been trying to feel out how to interact with asks and posts about the impacts of the genocide… blinded by the question of how interacting will impact me professionally. I’m an undergraduate student, trying to get into a position where I can help push forward whatever positive changes are in the works/already happening. And I’ve been hesitant because I don’t want my social media to impact my hiring potential.
But I’m at a point of Who The Fuck Cares. I don’t want to work for anyone who doesn’t AT LEAST recognize that what’s happening IS genocide and NEEDS TO BE STOPPED, even if the organization itself isn’t something that can stop it.
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long, but I’m not going to ask for forgiveness because a) I don’t deserve it and b) it doesn’t matter. What matters is the death, the disease, the loss, the suffering. Forgiveness is trivial and unnecessary.
I stand with Palestine. I stand with Gaza. I condemn the Israeli state and its actions against Palestinian peoples. I condemn the US and its complicit participation, regardless of the activism against that participation which many Americans have demonstrated. I’m critical of the UN’s inaction to hold Israel accountable for this massacre so far.
I can’t live in this world at this time and be silent about this situation. It’s been eating at me for a year. FUCK being professional. The only reason professional behavior norms force us to grapple with this shit is because they are designed not to disturb the peace. But there is no peace. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. Not while people are being slaughtered and tortured for fucking RIDICULOUS reasons, and turned away when seeking refuge from their homes which happen to be located at the center of a conflict that has literally NOTHING to do with them.
This is not about “divine rights” or the plan of some god. This is about power, control, superiority, and people who think all of those things are theirs to claim.
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