#because they are all awful and willfully ignorant at best
sag-dab-sar · 4 months
📚Resources for The Ancient Near East📚
With a focus on religion
Getting Started On Research
Lumenlearning Guide LINK
Center for Online Education Guide LINK
Layman's Guide to Online Research by @/sisterofiris LINK
How to Vet Sources by me LINK
Websites for ANE Study
ETCSL | The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature — http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/catalogue.htm
ePSD | The Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary — http://psd.museum.upenn.edu/epsd-frame.html
ORACC | Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus — http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/
ORACC's Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses Project — http://oracc.iaas.upenn.edu/amgg/abouttheproject/index.html
ETANA | Electronic Tools & Ancient Near East Archive — http://etana.org/
CDLI | Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative — https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/about
CAD | The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago — http://www.aina.org/cad.html
Livius' Babylonian Section — https://www.livius.org/category/babylonia/
Multi Source Websites
Internet Archive Library — https://archive.org/details/texts | How To Use LINK
JSTOR — https://www.jstor.org/ | How To Use LINK
Google Scholar — https://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/help.html
Google Books — https://books.google.com/googlebooks/about/index.html
Academia — https://support.academia.edu/hc/en-us/categories/360003163373-Academia-Free-Features
DOAJ Index of Open Access Journals — https://www.doaj.org/
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook — https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/asbook.asp
Met Museum Publications — https://www.metmuseum.org/met-publications
Holy Books — https://www.holybooks.com/about/
Internet Sacred Text Archive — https://sacred-texts.com/
Deepdyve is a website of academic journal articles that isn't free but it isn't outrageously expensive for what it offers if you are heavily invested in new research — https://www.deepdyve.com/
Please leave a comment if a link breaks I'll do my best to find a new one
I'm planning to probably break these down into their own post due to link limit!
*When using older books be aware that there may be inaccuracies and out of date information. If at all possible cross-reference and synthesize with newer materials. I have added years for this reason.
Books Specifically on Religion
Introduction to Ancient Mesopotamian Religion by Tammi Schneider (2011) Google Books | Good overview, 130ish page easy read.
Gods Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia by Jeremy Black and Anthony Greene (1992) Internet Archive
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology by Gwendolyn Leick (1991) Internet Archive | This & Black's dictionary are good starting off points but I always use additional source's because some of Leick's info tends to be more out of date than other authors.
The Ancient Gods by E O James (1960) Internet Archive
The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East by Mark Cohen (1993) PDF
Preforming Death Social Analysis of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Medditarian edited by Nicola Laneri (2007) PDF
Mesopotamian Ritual-prayers of “Hand-lifting”(Akkadian Šuillas) by Christopher G Frechette Internet Archive
When Gods Were Men: The Embodied God in Biblical and Near Eastern Literature by Esther Hamon Internet Archive
Stories From Ancient Canaan by Michael D. Coogan and Mark S. Smith (1901) 1st Edition Internet Archive | 2nd Edition Google Books
A Handbook to Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East (2021) Google Books
The City of the Moon God by Tamara Green (1992) Google Books
The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity by Stephanie Lynn Budin (2008) Google Books
Books on ANE History in General
Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Stephen Bertman (2005) Google Books | Highly recommended, easy read
Ancient Mesopotamia Portrait of Dead Civilization by A. Leo Oppenheim (1964) Internet Archive
A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000- 323BC by Marc Van de Mieroop (2016) Internet Archive
Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Jean Bottero (1992) Internet Archive
Women in the Ancient Near East by Marten Stol (2016) Open Access
Chapter 3 Elamite from The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ancient World Languages edited by Roger Wooard (2004) PDF
Sumerian Art by Andre Parrot (1970) Digital Library
Dictionaries of Civilization Mesopotamia: Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians by Enrico Ascalone and Simona Schultz (2007) Publisher Website Entry
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells edited by Hans Dieter Betz PDF (If that link breaks Google Books)
Babylon: Mesopotamia and The Birth of Civilization by Paul Kriwaczek (2012) Google Books
Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Karen Rhea Nemet-Nejat (2002) Google Books
Mesopotamia to Iraq A Concise History by Hans Nissen (2009) Google Books
In the Land of A Thousand Gods: A History of Asia Minor in the Ancient World by Christian Marek (2016) Google Books
Mesopotamia: The Invention of the City by Gwendolyn Leick (2002) Google Books
Palmyra by Paul Veyne (2017) Google Books
The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 BC Volume 1 by Amélie Kuhrt (1995) Google Books
The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 BC Volume 2 by Amélie Kuhrt (1995) Google Books
The Image of the Netherworld in the Sumerian Sources by Diana Katz (2003) Google Books
Journal Articles
Mesopotamian Pandemonium by Frans Wiggermann LINK
Nergal A by Frans Wiggerman LINK
The Four Winds and the Origins of Pazuzu by Frans Wiggermann LINK
Sumerian Texts Involving The Netherworld and Funerary Offerings by Jeremiah Peterson LINK
The Sexual Union of Enlil and Ninlil: an uadi Composition of Ninlil by Jeremiah Peterson LINK
New Year Ceremonies in Ancient Babylon: 'Taking Bel by the Hand' and a Cultic Picnic Religion Jeremy A Black LINK
Phenomenon of God-nap in Ancient Mesopotamia A Short Introduction Erika D. Johnson LINK
Preforming Death Social Analysis of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Medditarian edited by Nicola Laneri LINK
Tablet of Destinies and the Transmission of Power in Enūma eliš by Karen Sonik LINK
Theology and Worship in Elam and Achaemenid Iran by Koch LINK
Evil against evil. The Demon Pazuzu by Nils P Heeßel LINK
New Readings in the Amarna Versions of Adapa and Nergal and Ereshkigal by Shlomo Izre'el LINK
The Origin of the Mystical Number Seven in Mesopotamian Culture: Division by Seven in the Sexagesimal Number System by Kazuo Muroi LINK
Athirat: As Found at Ras Shamra Justin Watkins LINK
Two Remarkable Vocabularies: Amorite-Akkadian Bilinguals! by Andrew George, Manfred Krebernik. Unfortunately now I can only find a paywalled version.
From Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Tradition in the Papyri Graecae Magicae by Daniel Schwemer LINK
The Phoenician Presence in the Aegean during the Early Iron Age : Trade, Settlement and Cultural Interaction by Edizioni Quasar LINK
Invoking the God: Interpreting Invocations in Mesopotamian Prayers and Biblical Laments of the Individual by Alan Lenzi LINK
The Two Steles of Sargon: Iconology and Visual Propaganda at the Beginning of Royal Akkadian Relief by Lorenzo Nigro LINK
Asherah, the West Semitic Goddess of Spinning and Weaving? Susan Ackerman LINK
Ancient Ethics by Gerald Larue LINK
Early Bronze Age Graves at Gre Virike (Period II B): An Extraordinary Cemetery on the Middle Euphrates by A. Tuba Ökse LINK
The Evil Eye in Mesopotamia by Marie-Louise Thomsen LINK
Web Articles
Living Deities: Ancient Mesopotamian Patron Gods & Their Statues by Iilias Luursema on The Collector LINK
Armana Letters by Elizabeth Knott on Met Museum. LINK
*ETCSL is all translations of Sumerian literature!
Ishtar's Decent Translation & Recited in Akkadian LINK
The Harps That Once by Thorkild Jacobsen Google Books
The Project Gutenberg Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms by Stephen Langdon PDF
Project Gutenberg's Sumerian Hymns, by Frederick Augustus Vanderburgh LINK
Ancient Near East Anthology of Texts and Pictures edited by Pritchard 1st Edition Internet Archive
A Hymn to Tammuz (Cuneiform Texts from the British Museum, Tablet 15821, Plate 18) J. Dyneley Prince (1909) JSTOR
Ludlul Bel Nemegi by Alan Lenzi the Akkadian "Poem of the Righteous Sufferer" LINK
The Flood Myths LINK
Enūma Eliš Translations: L W King Translation 1902 LINK | ETANA Translation LINK | Composite Translation LINK
Code of Ur-Nammu LINK
Code of Liptin Ishtar LINK
The Legend of Sargon of Akkadê, c. 2300 BCE LINK
Google Drive shared on Tumblr LINK
Dissertation: Personal Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia as shown in Akkadian Texts by Maurice Noil Leon Couve De Murville, University of London PDF
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simplyalexeiofficial · 5 months
Penelope and Eloise (and Marina!) are such interesting characters who’s interpersonal situations are truly grey and I think that who’s “side” fans tend to lean toward really depends on whether or not they ascribe to the individual or the greater good.
For me, I obviously lean more towards Penelope’s perspective. This is because, as much as understand and sympathize with Eloise’s feelings of hurt and betrayal, I also see so many of her comments and actions as ignorant and willfully naive. She does things without fully thinking through the consequences, putting both herself and her family at risk. !BOOK SPOILER START! In her story, this is literally the cause of her marrying — she decides to run off ALONE to a man’s home whom she’s never actually met without telling her family, leaving herself stuck in the situation where she has to marry him not only to protect her own reputation but also that of her entire family. !BOOK SPOILER END!
Marina was very much the same in season 1. I sympathize with her perspective, and while I don’t think her actions were as naive as Eloise, I think that she was so focused on trying to grasp the best option for herself that she refused to acknowledge that by doing so she would absolutely ruin BOTH the Featherington’s and Bridgerton’s with a scandal much less recoverable for either family than the one penned by Whistledown.
Meanwhile, the reason that I agree more with Penelope over the others is precisely the reason anti-Penelope fans dislike her. She is fully knowledgeable about the potential consequences of her actions. She considers all of the angles and tries to find alternatives, and even her most controversial decisions are made with such tangible regret that we see her sobbing on screen multiple times, but they are decisions that she makes the way she does because they limit the damage to all parties involved as much as possible. Now, could she have done things differently if she thought bringing in someone to her secret was an option? Absolutely! But she didn’t think it was — something that, given what we see of her home environment and how her friendships are largely reliant on her supporting the other individual, makes sense for her character.
Anyway, all that is to say that I think people who tend to view these scenarios from the perspective of the individual also tend to agree with Eloise/Marina, where as those who tend to view from the perspective of the greater good also tend to agree with Penelope.
Philosophically speaking, neither perspective is “wrong”, but I don’t know that everyone contributing to the conversation fully understands that, which is where we get the black and white hot takes that blatantly attack these characters as awful people.
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
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I have thoughts…………
Don’t Ask Me to Hold Back Anymore
Content warning: nsfw, minors dni
Alan is 48 & Jeff is 21 👍🏻
Word Count: 1.9k ~~~~~~~~ Find it on AO3
My masterlist
Alan had written himself off the market. With a garage full of “kids” causing chaos and the whole running a company thing keeping him busy he hadn’t really had time to date. It’s not like he didn’t want a mate, to find an omega he would be happy with, but all his schedule allowed was quick hook ups here and there. And then suddenly he realized he was 48, “too old to find an omega” as North and Sonic liked to jokingly remind him.
Enter Jeff, freshly 21, the newest addition to the garage and just another kid for Alan to look after. Alan noticed that Jeff would really only talk him but that’s because I’m his boss he would say whenever anyone would point it out.
“What if he likes you Lung” North had said one night, a wicked and teasing grin on his face. The whole group laughed, Alan turning red and sputtering out protests.
Jeff and Alan continue working together, everyone in the garage noticing Jeff’s obvious attempts at getting the alpha to notice him. Not wearing scent blockers, always subtly pushing out pheromones when the two were working closely together. Touching Alan’s hand more than necessary when handing over tools. Asking questions that everyone knew Jeff knew the answer to, just to stand a bit too close while Alan demonstrated techniques on the cars. Stealing his hoodie.
“Lung” Babe had said when alan walked through the garage one day, “Do you see what Jeff is wearing ?” Alan hummed, nodding his head while looking at the small omega enveloped in his favorite black hoodie. “He asked to wear it, said he was cold.” Alan shrugged, turning back. Babe stared at alan in a mixture of disbelief and awe. “Lung, I love you. But you’re so dumb”. Shaking his head, Babe walked away.
What Alan had failed to see, or willfully ignored, was the way Jeff was burrowing his nose into the collar of the hoodie, taking even breaths and indulging himself in the strong cedar and earth scent of the alpha. The other thing he failed to see, and everyone else in the garage somehow knew about, was the navy blue hoodie hanging in Jeff’s locker.
Weeks passed and Alan continued being the best mentor and boss he could possibly be for Jeff. Jeff, on the other hand, was becoming increasingly impatient. This alpha was his, even if he didn’t realize it yet.
They were working late one night, championship races coming up so they needed the cars in top condition. Jeff was working on his laptop just waiting for the moment Babe would leave the garage, meaning him and Alan would be alone.
“Alright Lung, I’m gonna leave. You good here?” babe asks, walking back into the main garage. Alan rolls out from under the car he was working on and looks at his watch. “Absolutely, I didn’t realize it was so late. Have a good night” Alan smiles at babe before turning to Jeff. “You can leave too nu, I’ll finish up here.”
Jeff immediately shakes his head, “I’ve only got two more checks to run, I’ll finish it up.” Babe subtly scents the air, his special ability being able to pick up on Jeff’s anticipation, clearly anxious for babe to leave.
“Have a good night lung. You too Jeff” babe sing-songs while walking out the door.
Finally Jeff thinks, looking over at Alan who had gotten up and was leaning over the open hood of the car he was working on. Jeff walks over and, with no preamble, plasters himself to Alan’s back and just shoves his nose into the base of the alphas neck.
“What- what are you doing” Alan forces out, frozen in place as he gets engulfed in the sweat peach scent of the omega who was currently purring against his back.
“Lung.” Jeff’s voice had dropped on octave, dripping in arousal. That’s when Alan smelled it, the overly sweet tinge in the omegas scent. He’s in preheat Alan realizes suddenly. He tries to turn around but Jeff was in the process of pressing himself closer, blatantly scenting Alan. Their feet get caught in the awkward shuffle and the two go crashing to the ground.
Alan clutches Jeff to his chest, bracing for the impact of the ground beneath them. As soon as he can open his eyes to check on Jeff, the boy is moving to straddle the alpha, once again shoving his face into Alan’s neck. The only difference, Jeff begins rocking his hips forward making Alan painfully aware of how turned on he was.
“Jeff. You’re in preheat” Alan began, grabbing his hips to keep him from grinding down. “I know” Jeff panted, pulling back to look into Alan’s eyes while sneaking his hands under the hem of his tank top. Alan groans, trying to catch Jeff’s wandering hands but it just frees his hips, letting him begin to grind down again.
“Jeff seriously, we should get you home. You aren’t thinking clearly” Alan tries again, willing himself to ignore the tent forming in his pants as he just tries to keep all his clothes on.
Jeff makes a noise of annoyance, stilling his hips while glaring at the man underneath him. “I’ve been thinking about this for weeks Lung, I want you.” He leans down, breath ghosting Alan’s ear while Jeff drags his shirt a few inches up his torso, “don’t you want me…. Alpha”
As soon as the words were out of Jeff’s mouth Alan growled, flipping them over so Jeff was layed out underneath him. Alan’s hands find Jeff’s wrists, pinning them above his head. Jeff’s legs wrap around Alan’s waist, pulling him closer.
Jeff’s peers up at Alan, “please alpha…. Ruin me…. Mate me”. And that’s the moment Alan’s resolve breaks. He immediately dives in, kissing and sucking directly on Jeff’s scent gland, trying to drown himself in the peach scent that has only become sweeter as the omegas arousal built. Alan’s own scent was becoming sharper, like the forest on a crisp winter morning.
“Fuck” Alan muttered into Jeff’s neck, “fuck, baby, you have no clue what you do to me.” Alan keeps Jeff’s wrists in one hand while he brings the other one down to his waist, pushing under his t-shirt and feeling the soft skin underneath. “Want me to fuck you though your heat ? Knot you like you’re mine. Breed you?” The last words are said directly in Jeff’s ear making the sensitive omega moan.
Alan moves back, getting Jeff to unhook his legs so he can sit up completely. Alan yanks his own tank top off before helping Jeff out of his t-shirt, both getting thrown aside and ending up god knows where.
Alan dives back down, capturing one of Jeff’s nipples in his mouth and begins sucking at it, causing the omega to squirm and let out a shocked moan. Jeff digs one of his hands into Alan’s hair, pressing him closer to his chest. Spurred on by the reaction alan moves to the other side and begins the same torment.
After a minute alan begins working his way up Jeff’s chest, nipping at his collar bone before zeroing in on his scent gland again. “Can I mark you” Alan breathes out, desperate to stake his claim on the omega, even though it’s temporary.
Jeff moans while pulling at Alan’s hair, “fucking yes.” His inner omega screams at the idea of this alpha, his alpha, marking him.
Once Alan was satisfied with the hickey on Jeff’s scent gland he moves back to look at the omega. Jeff’s eyes are glazed over, lips puffy and slightly parted. “God. Look at you” he says, “you’re wrecked already”. Alan leans down and finally connects their lips together, both men groaning at the feeling. As he deepened the kiss, Alan grinds his hips down seeking any type of friction he could find.
“Pants” Jeff suddenly says when he pulls back to breathe. “Take your pants off”. Scrambling to follow the omegas orders, Alan yanks his shoes and pants off as gracefully as possible. He immediately turns his attention to the omega, helping him out of the rest of his clothes.
Both men were left in their boxers, Alan back between Jeff’s legs. His hands find the soft inner thighs of the omega, groping the flesh and slowly working his legs further apart. He slides his hands up, barely grazing sides of Jeff’s erection before hooking his fingers under the waist band and tugging. Jeff lifts his hips to make them come off easier, groaning quietly when his cock was finally freed from the last bit of fabric.
Alan inhales deeply, eyes closing briefly as he’s overwhelmed by the pheromones that were released. He becomes present again as Jeff is sitting up, impatiently tugging at Alan’s boxers. Alan helps him take his boxers off and watches as Jeff’s eyes widen as Alan’s cock slaps against his stomach. Hard and red, tip leaking steadily.
Jeff reaches out and grabs Alan immediately, swiping his thumb over the tip before giving the alpha a few experimental pumps. Deeming the slide too dry he removes his hand and swipes it between his legs, fingers coming back glistening.
“Holy shit jeff” Alan stares in shock, “you’re so wet.” Instead of replying jeff just wraps his hand around Alan’s cock and begins stroking him again. Alan begins panting, shoving his head into the omegas neck while rocking his hips forward into Jeff’s hand.
Alan begins making more noise, moans becoming louder before jeff suddenly takes his hand away. “Can’t have you cumming yet lung, I want your knot inside me”. Jeff flips them back over and reclaims his spot on Alan’s lap. This time, however, there were no barriers and Alan’s cock was nestled in Jeff’s ass.
Jeff reaches behind him, holding Alan while slowly directing his dick towards his hole. With no warning, Jeff sinks down, encompassing Alan in the right and wet heat while throwing his head back as he’s filled by the alpha he had been dreaming about for weeks. (Alan doesn’t need to know about Jeff fingering himself in the bathroom just hours before, getting himself off while thinking about the alpha in question).
Jeff takes a second to compose himself before beginning to bounce on Alan’s lap, occasionally grinding down to fully feel how deep alan is inside of him. Alans hands grip Jeff’s hips, desperate to take what the omega was giving him.
“You feel so good, so perfect for me” alan rasps out, “god, I’m not gonna last long”. That seems to just encourage the omega as he doubles down, occasionally clenching down around Alan’s cock. “Gonna knot me alpha? C’mon, let go”. And with that, Alan bucked his hips up as his knot passed Jeff’s rim and locked him in place, pulsing as he marked the omega in the most intimate way possible.
Jeff tosses his head back as Alan’s knot pops, the sensation alone making Jeff cum untouched. He continues circling his hips, both riding out his orgasm and desperately trying to milk everything out of the alpha below him.
Jeff crumbles forward into Alan’s chest, both men trying to catch their breathe. Alan begins whispering praises into Jeff’s ear “You’re such a good boy. You did so well for me.”
Jeff nestled closer, basking in the praise and beginning to purr again. They stay like that until Alan’s knot goes down and he can finally slip out of Jeff’s sensitive hole.
“Come home with me Lung. Please.” And who was Alan to say no to such a sweet omega ?
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strawberryamanita · 2 months
Okay, so... hoo boy.
I try to acknowledge every time I make a political post that I cannot tell anyone what to do. I'm one irrelevant person, I'm not a political spearhead nor do I want to be one, I haven't been able to sway anyone about anything, yadda yadda blah blah blah. If this post gets completely overlooked, so be it. If I get verbally trampled-on by people who don't agree with me, so be it.
But while everyone else is causing a flood of coins on the floor, I'll throw my own 2 cents in.
I think what would be helpful right now -- just in this moment, for the short-term -- is getting through these feelings of worry and despair and panic that I see many posts on my feed announcing. The facts are in front of us: there was an assassination attempt, it failed, and that's worrying because it's gonna embolden the Right even further than they've already been lately. That's completely reasonable to be upset about, it's not irrational to see the danger this will put us in on the streets on the days leading up to the election.
At the same time, there ARE, believe it or not, some positive facts that are having an impact on your life right now. Trump had to go the hospital. He could possibly have a heart-attack. He could possibly go septic. He could possibly be assigned a medical professional that is brave enough to kill him. There was a person brave enough earlier today to show him and his following that enough people in the world hate him to want him dead. Social media being flooded with cheers that he was injured and laments that it didn't kill him is further proof to said willfully ignorant following that they are in the minority. Even if more US voters are enthusiastic about Trump as I type this, most of the world wants him obliterated, and that should be something to hang onto. So much of this is about ego and confidence of the Right. It's not in our best interest to let them think they have a leg up on us.
And the biggest piece of good news is, the US presidential election didn't happen yet! That wasn't the last stand right there, that wasn't the ballot count or the televised verdict. "Surviving" a non-lethal shot that didn't hit any important organs or arteries doesn't mean you automatically win an election. That didn't push an Eject button on Biden's seat to launch him out of the White House or anything like that.
Trump is not invincible. He is not immortal. He is not unkillable. And just because his cult of followers want to canonize him (though they wanted to do that before he was even elected the first time), that doesn't mean WE are obligated to throw in the towel and hang our heads and lick their heels. If it's cathartic or it's helping you de-stress, then by all means cry all you need to -- but we unfortunately can't afford to let this sink us into a collective depression.
He didn't win an election that hasn't happened yet. I promise you this. Look on ecosia.org if you need proof of who is in-office, since they don't use AI(currently).
And no, none of this is to downplay anything. I'm not living in a lie. I promise you, I've been making myself physically ill from the horrors of the world I've been exposed to, day after day, non-stop, on this fucking website. If exposing myself to the bottomless abyss of human evil actually desensitized me and helped me be less fearful, it would've worked by now, but all it does is exhaust me.
It honestly oftentimes makes me actively suicidal -- and I know for a fact I'm not the only one, especially after today, or when Trump was granted legal immunity, or any of these other awful past days. But if I killed myself before I did everything I could to keep this sinking ship of a country afloat just a little longer, that wouldn't be responsible of me.
So, if you're still reading, and not already typing out some response accusing me of things I already tried to tell you I'm not doing before you even finish reading...
Now is the time to practice being brave.
Look at the facts. Don't let yourself spiral from doomscrolling. Cry when you need to, and then keep going. Vote in every local election you can, attend protests and rallies, spread information from trustworthy sources to every social media handle you have -- and for God's sake, find something to keep you hopeful. Escapism is a survival tool: as long as you aren't using it to avoid reality, it doesn't have to be eliminated from your life. You will feel stronger if you let yourself recharge with moments of happiness, I guarantee this.
If you're too suicidal to keep going for yourself, keep going for someone else. It can be someone in your immediate life, it can be a stranger suffering overseas, it can be a child who hasn't been born yet that will see a future built on top of our present. Whatever it takes to keep you from giving up, put it to the front of your mind. Link arms with your Leftist siblings, and then make a habit of it. We cannot keep collapsing from the inside from the smallest of inconveniences, it helps literally none of us.
It's not over until they ring that bell. We have 3 and a half months, don't lose speed now.
I believe in you.
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dustteller · 11 months
Ouyang is an incredibly tragic character but lowkey I find Esen even more tragic.
Because Esen loves Ouyang. I don't think he quite realizes the implications of that, but he spends the whole book being absolutely whipped for his general. This man means more to him that anybody else, and Esen wants so badly to protect him and cherish him and see him happy. His ideal life is out on campaign, out in battle, not only because he loves fighting, but because that is the space that belongs to him and Ouyang alone. He sees his military duties through the lens of getting to spend time with someone who, in his eyes, is the absolute bestest, coolest, most loveable person in the world. Esen adores Ouyang, end explicitly states he would literally do anything for him, and Ouyang, who hates himself and twists everything to be about how awful he is, *believes him.* No ifs or buts. That's how true his statement is.
And Ouyang loathes himself and lifes his life with the sole purpose of causing himself pain, so he believes that the reason Esen doesn't realize how he feels is because he doesn't care to. He genuinely thinks that Esen sees him fully as a thing, and that his "You're as beautiful as a woman." comment is made out of ignorance because Esen does not care to realize how much that comment hurts Ouyang. Every single little slight, he sees as proof that Esen doesn't bother to truly know and understand him.
And to a certain point, he's right. Esen is willfully ignorant about Ouyangs feelings. He is being an absolute idiot and careless about his words. But the reason he is like that is not because he does not care, but because he cares too much. In his P.O.V., we see that he remembers the day that Ouyangs family was murdered, but that he draws a line between that child and his fearless general because he doesn't like to think about Ouyang like that.
Esen cares so much, and so he refuses to think of Ouyang as vulnerable and sad and in pain because he can't stand it. He's selfish and stupid in his refusal to consider it, but the reason for it is that he literally cannot bear to see Ouyang hurt. And as for Ouyang, he never lets it be known that it bothers him. From Esen's perspective, he's treating Ouyang as he would anyone else in a mutual pact of ignoring the past. The past does not matter to him, only their present relationship. It's easier that way, for the both of them.
Except, of course, Ouyang does not actually forget. He simmers and rots in his feelings, and he learns to see all of Esen's actions as a slight agaisnt himself, a betrayal from the only person he loves.
Esen wants to give Ouyang the world, and I fully believe that if at some point Ouyang had let it slip how much his past still hurt him, he would have thrown himself into doing as much as he could to help Ouyang. He ignores Ouyang's feelings because he thinks that's what Ouyang wants. His world is simple and uncomplicated because he genuinely does not think anyone he loves wants it any other way. He just wants the people he loves to get along and be happy and to make his father proud and see his brother be honored and for Ouyang to live the best life possible.
I think Esen is a very tragic character, not because he's stupid, but because not a single person ever gave him the chance to not be. Esen is tragic because there is nothing more he wants than for his people to be happy, and he could have given it to them so easily, but because of reasons outside of his control everyone kept their silence and so he was doomed to lose and hurt all that he wished to keep safe.
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onskepa · 4 months
Hiii! Could you do a fic where Spider has a na’vi girlfriend that was born with a damaged kuru or no kuru at all. She gets a bit ostracized from the clan because of that. All is fine till one day a couple of boys start to make fun of her and say that the only reason she is with Spider is because she doesnt have any other choices. Spider hears this and thinks its true. And then relationship drama ensues.But it ends well.
Hellooooooooooooo~!! Ok this one is cuuuuuuuuuuute~!! Both her and spider deserve all the love they can get! Hope you enjoy this one!
Disclaimer: No this is ZERO connections with the kelsar fic! The idea is similar but both plots are completely different! They have nothing to do with each other!
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“Oh she is going to love this!” spider says enthusiastically as he runs to find a certain someone. The faster he runs, the more excited he gets. Zeroing on his target, he leaps from a high rock and jumps mid air. 
“NIMAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!” spider screams in joy. 
A na’vi girl turns to see his shadow growing bigger by the second, raising her hands in worry “Spider don't!!” she shouts. 
But her words did not reach him in time. Using his whole body weight, he landed on Nimal and both landed on the ground. A loud boisterous laugh escaped spider and he gets up, looking down at his one and only love. Nimal. 
Nimal looks up at him with a goofy grin. Their eyes meet and twin life sparkle shines in their eyes. 
“You skxawng” she chuckles. Her forehead touching his. 
“Anything to make you smile,” spider says in awe.
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A human boy born on a alien planet. With no way to truly connect to the world like all the na’vi. A na’vi girl born with no kuru, unable to connect with her fellow people. Both unique to their own ways, yet both connect by unable to connect. If it makes any sense at all. 
Spider and Nimal, two of a kind. Born in a beautiful planet where connection is everything. Being one with the world. Yet both do not have that luxury. However that won't bring them down. It is them against the world. 
“Like always, isn't that right nimal?” Spider asks her dearest love as he braids her hair. Nimal closed her eyes, loving the attention she receives, calmly responds, “always us against the world my love” 
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Hand in hand, spider and nimal walk through the village, gleeful smiles imprinted on their faces, chatting about anything that comes to their minds. Yet as they mind their own business, they willfully ignore the many stares among the omatikaya people. 
Stares that are mixed with hate, disgust, fascination, awe, or confusion. That is something that will never cease to pass. Their relationship is not really taboo, just odd in many ways. Of course, no matter what species, but gossip seems to be a common trait. 
Ever since spider and nimal got together, there has been many theories on just why. Why would these two odd people be in a relationship that clearly doesn't work? That is the exciting part for spider and nimal. They like to fight against the odds. A na’vi with no kuru and a human with no way to breathe the air. Yet it works. It works for nimal, and it works for spider. Who cares about the challenges? 
Well, their inner doubts do. 
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“Can I know? How about a little sneak peak?” spider asks, very eager to know whatever little secret his darling nimal is hiding. Unable to contain herself, nimal laughs, stopping spider in his tracks to hug him and give him a kiss on the shoulder. 
“What is the point of a surprise if I tell you what it is ma’yawntu?” nimal couldnt help but blush at spider’s little pout. 
“Not even a small tinie tiny hint?” he pushes. 
“No! Hahaha, believe me, it will be so so worth it” 
Spide sighing, giving up, for the moment, of what nimal’s gift for him is. But that is ok, spider has a little secret too. He is making the best gift ever, so great that whatever nimal has in store, it will outshine! 
“But you know you don't have to give me anything right? Just being with you is the best thing ever” spider says, intertwining his fingers with hers. Nimal giggles, blushing at his comment. This made spider praise her even more. 
“It's true! Being with you is the greatest thing ever! I pray to Eywa every day in thanks for letting me live another day just so I can see you” he goes on. With every praise it just makes nimal become a blushing mess. How can she say anything back with spider praising her with that much affection? 
“Stooooooop!” she tries to speak while trying to not stutter or say something dumb. 
However, despite all that. Nimal appreciates it, appreciates spider for being with her. 
But before spider could say anything further, their little lovey dovey moment was interrupted. 
“Awe~ Look at that, the sky demon kissing ass of an outcast freak!” 
Both nimal and spider groaned, already annoyed by the usual mockery and stupid insults. They were already sick and tired of it since day one of their relationship. 
“Do you have anything better to do than to waste your time on something pointless?” nimal glares at the small group of young na’vi around their age. Yet the snobby teens just laugh it off. A small group of 5, like nimal and spider, were carving their paths to adulthood. Their achievements getting into their heads. 
“Awe~ Does it bother you~? Did you know we tamed our ikrans today? You have to catch up if you want to be an adult, oh wait, you cant connect with one, just like how you cant connect with anything else!” one of the young females cackles along side with others. 
“Hey that's enough!” spider not liking their cruel steps in front of nimal. But the youthful group just laughed even more. One of them, feeling bold, stepped closer to spider with a cocky grin. 
“Or what? Hm? What are you going to do about it, demon? Fight me?” the na’vi boy tempted, pushing spider back roughly. “Thinking you are like the rest of us? Hm? Guess what, you’re not! You and the rest of the demons should just drop dead. You would be doing a great favor to us all-”
A angry fist met his face, making the young na’vi stumble back. 
His friends startled but took a few seconds to take in the moment before laughing. 
“Get up! ARe you going to let some tiny sky demon beat you!?” one of the youngsters shouted. 
“I can beat all of you, come on! Who’s next?!” spider shouted, his anger rising. 
But before things could get worse, spider felt nimal’s hand over his shoulder. Looking behind him, he sees nimal giving him a look, telling him silently to stop. 
“Fighting won't solve anything. We will go” nimal said to the others as she guides spider away. 
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“C’mon! I would have taught them a lesson or two!” spider insisted as he let nimal lead the way, away from those brainless skxawngs.
“No yawntu, I don't want you to get in trouble, or worse, hurt,” nimal said, concerned clearly in her tone. Spider understood, but his need to stand his ground remained. “But they insulted you! Us! Letting them get away with it will only make it worse later on” he tried to reason. But nimal only shook her head.
“You are already in a rocky spot with the tsahik, what would happen if you did fight them? She would banish you without listening to reason, and I don't want that. I don't want to lose you”
Her grip on spider's hand tightened as she thought of the worst.
“I don't want to be alone….”
Placing a hand on her cheek, nimal leans into spider’s warm touch.
“You won't lose me, never”
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Days have passed since the little incident, and things were back to normal. As normal as it can get. With word spreading of a festive occasion coming within a few weeks, spider was on the hunt to find the finest materials the forest can offer. What for? To make the best matching clothing for nimal and himself. He was practicing weaving in all sorts of patterns thanks to his sister from another mister, kiri. 
And it was as if the forest understood his desire, with every spot spider went, he found interesting items he knew he could use. Colorful beads, lushful leaves, strong thin vines, the forest was very giving that day. Spider can't wait to show what he found to nmal. Already he imagines her face shining with glee once he presents her with the materials. Perhaps blushing and giving him lots of hugs and kisses. Just thinking about it already makes him blush. 
Once he thought he gathered enough, quickly he made his way to look for nimal. Knowing her, there is only a handful of places she would go to. Luckily he managed to find her, unlucky….he found her with the youths from the other day. 
“What is going on…?” he thought. Were they messing with her again? Spider wasn't afraid to put them in their place. 
But before spider can make his presence known, something made him stop. 
“You don't love him at all. You are faking it”
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Nimal was surrounded by the same group that wanted to start trouble with her and spider a few days back. Are they that bored? 
“You know you dont have to fake it, '' one of the bullies said.
“Fake what?” she snapped back. Her tail curled in an angry display. 
“Don't act stupid. We all know you just like to hang around with that little sky demon because he makes you feel less pathetic” 
So that was about.
“My bond with him is none of your business” nimal said, in her mind she tries to recall how spider does it when others bother him. Stand tall, don't show a sign of breaking. Be better than your opponent. 
If she were to turn around and leave, they just might follow her, or return with more insults to say. Best to end it all now. 
“Oh stop kidding yourself! You dont have a kuru, you cant make a bond with anything or anyone. So, to feel better you stick with a more pathetic being” one of the young females says, as if it were a fact. 
“Admit it nimal” another gets closer to nimal. 
“You don't love him at all. You are faking it” 
What could she say? What words can she say? 
“You don't see him as your equal. You see him as an emotional leverage. You use his undying love for you to your advantage. Making him feel he is worthy of something when in reality, the dirt we walk on has more value than he could ever be. You know damn well finding a mate will be impossible, that sky demon is all there is. Admit nimal. SAY IT! Say you don't like spider! That he is just some pet to keep around for your sick satisfaction. You are no better than the rest of us” 
“Its true…” nimal says….
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Spider took slow steps back, his mind unable to process what he just heard. Nimal didn't love him like he loves her? Was it all a lie? One big lie? Before spider could hear anymore, he ran. Leaving his findings behind and ran as far as his legs could take him. His heart burned in anger, sadness, and shame. 
It was too good to be true, wasnt it? Was it some sick game to her? 
Perhaps yes. 
“Its true……that I see spider as MY EQUAL. Not someone below me! If anything, he is better than me! I look at him with love not with spite or annoyance! You dont understand it, none of you do! I may not have a kuru but my bond with spider is stronger than anything! I dont need to connect to understand what he feels, what he thinks! So back the hell off before it will be me who will kick your fucking asses!” 
To prove her point, nimal punches the idiot who tried to talk down to her. Making him fly a few yards away. She hisses as a warning and the others scramble off away from her. 
Huffing in anger, she turns to find spider. But in the distance, something caught her eye, something shining. Following it, under a leaf was a basket full of beautiful materials. In awe, she inspected them, they had a lingering scent. Taking a good sniff, she gasped, recognizing the smell. Spider was here. 
OH Eywa, spider was here and heard everything. Or maybe half of it. 
Dread grew as she was quick to gather the basket and run to look for him. Did he leave before he heard her answer? Did he leave after that asshole told lies? If he did, spider would no doubt think of the wrong things. Misconceptions. 
Nimal had to find him quick, before things get worse by terrible miscommunications.
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It took almost all day, but nimal found him at a cliff. Hugging his legs, looking out at the landscape. 
“Spider there you are, I was looking everywhere for you” she said, sitting next to him while reaching out. But spider only slapped her hand away. 
“The hell are you doing?” he asks in anger, glaring at her with hate. This expression was something she never saw from spider. To know it was towards her, nimal felt sad. 
“What do you mean? Looking for you of course, there is something I want to tell you” she says but spider shakes his head. 
“I have heard enough. Why bother? I already know what you really see in me. Just some pet to keep. To make you feel less lonely you attached yourself to someone who is more weak and pathetic than you” 
He really did hear it all wrong. 
Nimal tries to get closer but spider refuses to be even 5 inches close. 
“No yawntu, thats not what I-” 
“Stop calling me that! You don't love me, you never did! To think this was going to work but its not! Fuck, I cant even kiss you without risking my life! I  can't do anything with you like a na'vi can! So why bother huh?! Why bother with a pathetic, fucking loser like me-” 
Nimal had to slap him. Not hard of course. 
“YOU SKXAWNG!” she shouts. Tears rolling down her eyes, whimpers escaping her lips. 
All anger ceased in spider, looking at her in shock. 
“If you think you are pathetic then I am below that! I hate myself, thinking there is no one out there for me! No one is willing to accept this huge flaw of mine. No one is willing to be called mine for life, I can't fly with an ikran, or ride a pali like everyone else. I hated myself for so long, but you spider. You made me feel normal, like I am just like everyone else. That I can be who I am. With you, I feel happy, complete. You complete me spider. I don't care if you are different. I don't care that you can't kiss me, or that you can't do everything like a na’vi can. But what you do better than anyone is be accepting. You dont bully, you don't ridicule, you are good spider. Too good that I often question myself if I even deserve you” 
Nimal rubs her eyes to stop the tears but like a waterfall, it keeps on coming. 
“I love you” 
If spider hated her after this, at least nimal was able to say what she felt. 
“Do you mean it….?” spider asks hesitantly. 
“With all my heart” she answers honestly. 
The next thing she didn't expect was spider taking off his mask to go over to her quickly and give her the deepest, most loving kiss she ever had in her life. The moment felt like a thousand years. Nimal kissed back, loving how warm he is against her lips. That was something she always loved about spider. His radiating warmth. Like the sun. So bright and joyful. 
Pulling back, spider puts back his mask. He sits down in front of her, taking her bigger hands ino his. 
“Im sorry…I cant help but think these things. Thinking that I dont deserve you, or your kindness. My doubts will be there, in the back of my head. I really am a skxawng” spider confesses. 
Nimal hugs him tightly, taking in his forest scent, hint of rain and a familiar flower scent. 
“Can you forgive this skxawng?” he asks, nimal chuckled a bit. 
“I already have” 
Pulling back, they stare into each other's eyes, the moonlight reflecting in their pupils. Smiles grow and a new wave of happiness and love grows in their hearts. 
“Guess next time, I shouldn't run away like some dramatic damsel, I will hear you out. I promise” spider says. 
“Alright, ma’yawntu”
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Okie this one I love! Short but sweet! And I hope you all like it too! Until next time! See ya!
Nimal = Trust with no hesitation
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whumpshaped · 9 months
My new years resolution this year is to actually start writing my own stuff instead of just tossing prompts at you to see what you do with em.
With that in mind, do you think you could give me feedback on this trope? You're free to write something based off it as well, of course, and I'll definitely eat that shit up, but maybe just looking for feedback with get the gears going to produce something.
Thinking about characters A + B. They grow up together, the closest of friends. They do great things together, they create a legacy. But as time goes on, fame and fortune does something odd to character A. They become twisted, something quite unlike how they once were, some horrible thing eating them, mind and body and soul. This virus that eats at them begins to then eat at the ever present character B as well, who is faced with the awful decision of still supporting their friend and continuing this legacy, or separating themselves away even if the emotional attachment they have is more like an artery, and cutting it may feel fatal to them.
(Happy New Year, hope it's treating you well thus far! Sorry for always living in your inbox, lol)
BANGER new years resolution, 100% support!!!!! also please never apologise for living in my inbox. i have blankets and snacks here for a reason /j
it got long so putting it under a cut
ABOUT THE PROMPT...... AMAZING. first of all i always love life long friends being tested by fate. because theres so many things that can end/ruin a friendship! it can just be time, people changing, interests shifting and not aligning anymore, but it can be big arguments and big angst!!! and it's HORRID, it's like a breakup!
and because you were lifelong friends everyone is asking about it. B only ever appeared with A and vice versa, and now that they do their own stuff more and more often, everyone is staring and asking "wheres A?" and B just has to grit their teeth and be like "i dont know! im not their handler :)" and they try to make it sound like a joke but it comes out a little bitter.
people are looking at A and B's friendship and forming all these parasocial thoughts about them too. people think its the best friendship. most ideal. will last forever. they place both of them on a pedestal. they might not even realise how A is changing, or they might willfully ignore it because they also grew up with this friendship in a way, they grew up always seeing A and B together and they grew up seeing the two of them do great things.
and some people very much realise that A is changing. sometimes A is alone and does cruel things, and people wish B was there to stop them. why isnt B there? whats going on? but then sometimes B is there, and people see them turn a blind eye, people see B trying to intervene only half heartedly, and they dont understand. does B condone this? and B knows that A's change in behaviour reflects on them poorly, but what are they supposed to do? sever all ties with them? get into huge arguments in the middle of the street? theyre best friends. ..or they used to be. theyre best friends only in name anymore, only because B doesnt know what else to call their relationship, only because theyve never had to call it anything else for the past 30 years.
its uncharted territory, a life without A. its terrifying.
and if B does sever the ties, theyll have to learn to live without A. theyve never had to do that. they have to leave their legacy behind because its tied to A so closely, and now its tainted, and they cant bear to be recognised for it — but its not their choice. theyll forever be "A's best friend". a title once loving but now uttered with disgust because of A's actions. some people even detest them for severing ties, they think B shouldve stayed and helped A. how will A find their way back to being a good person now? without guidance? yet other people detest B for staying even as long as they had.
honestly, B probably changed a lot along with A while they stayed. they mightve tried to go along w it and act the same way, trying to repress the visceral disgust at their own actions. now theyre trying to make amends.
B has to start again. build their life from the ground up. leave the legacy behind. leave the memories behind. make new friends, create new memories, create a new legacy. will it corrupt their next best friend too? will it corrupt them this time? maybe a legacy is useless. maybe new friends are useless. maybe they should live as a recluse, with all the trust issues and social anxiety they now have.
and what about A? did they stop seeing B as a friend a while ago? are they just using B as a prop? are they just dragging B around everywhere because theyre getting increasingly suspicious that B might want to sever ties and leave?
or does it come entirely out of left field? because of course why would anyone want to leave them, theyre A, theyre awesome and perfect, theyre great. people would give an arm and a leg to be their friend.
does A resent B for displaying more morality? does A think its dumb? i imagine A constantly goes on these unhinged rants abt how heroes dont NEED morality, and theyre heroes now! theyre almost gods with that legacy theyre leaving behind.
when B tries to end the friendship quietly and sneak off, A latches on, sinks their claws in deeper. no one fucking leaves them. not on their watch. if it turns into a loud argument, A could get manipulative, blackmail B, say all the things thatd hurt them most because they have 30 years of data and information. or they might sever ties first before B has a chance, so they feel like the choice was theirs to make. but honestly they go through much the same experience. they snap at everyone who asks about B. theyre alone. theyre lonely. they get so much crueller.
eventually they cant refer back to the legacy anymore. no one cares. theyve changed too much. theyre barely the same person. its not their legacy anymore.
happy new year :)
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hurremsultanns · 1 month
I love reading your takes on characters like Hurrem, Mahidevran, Nurbanu, etc. While they all do awful things that they should be called out for, I have the most empathy for them because they are 1) separated from their loved ones 2) forcibly stripped of their free will and entered into slavery 3) put in a harem where they are told that the only way they can gain “level up” in the system is if they happen to gain the favor of the sultan or sehezade(s) 4) told that, despite the inherent danger surrounding childbirth and pregnancy, the best thing for them is to get pregnant and have a son 5) told that their son, often the only family they have left in the world, is in terrible danger due to the fratricide system and that their child might one day be put to death on the orders of their own blood and 6) directly put into competition with dozens of other young beautiful women who want the same thing and that’s not even to mention the women who are already. That’s just a short and brief summary.
The female characters I tend to be the most critical of are the sultanas born into the dynasty (Mihrimah, Hatice, Dilruba, etc.) who grew up in the lap of luxury with more rights than any other women of the time while simultaneously watching their own mothers or other women close to them struggle with the harem system.
Thank you so much! The thing that makes women like Hürrem, Mahidevran and Nurbanu such compelling characters is that moral greyness. I genuinely think it's great that Magnificent Century allows these women to do genuinely awful things while still being presented as mostly sympathetic characters whose motives we are meant to at the very least understand. And the weight of the fratricide law is of course a huge part of that.
I think Mihrimah and Hatice in particular are very willfully ignorant about their privilege and about certain realities that are inconvient or uncomfortable for them to acknowledge. And I definitely agree that they are easier to criticise. Especially considering that the fratricide law is something that most of them are more distant from. And it's far easier to criticise their sisters-in-law for scheming and having to get their hands dirty and contend with their circumstances than it is to acknowledge their privilege.
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prismatoxic · 4 months
looked at the notes on a political post bc I'm an idiot, so I'm ranting about US politics and anti-voters again
"if you vote for biden you don't care about the genocide in palestine" is such a wild take. like... I genuinely don't know what they think happens if we don't vote? if biden makes it to the presidential election, it's either him or the guy who will not only make the situation in palestine worse, but who will also strip rights from queer people, women, poc, and try to start a dictatorship.
like, are you voting in the primaries? are you trying to get a better dem representative on the ballot before november? or are you washing your hands of this situation, waiting for your Glorious Revolution?
these people so frequently not only have no idea what the biden administration has been doing, but will vehemently deny they've done anything without even looking into it. at this point I feel like the only thing I can assume about such people is that they're part of this year's psyop.
like your choices aren't "support palestine or don't". that is not what this election is about. your choices are between an administration that is funding israel but making progress on rights for oppressed classes, and an administration that will not only fund israel, but will enthusiastically support israel, strip queer people and poc and women of their rights, and actively move towards a dictatorship (project 2025). if you don't vote, the latter is that much more likely to win.
"biden supports the genocide!" sure, but trump will make it worse. he'll also reverse all the progress the biden admin has made (and they have made progress, you are being willfully ignorant) and try to make things harder for everyone who isn't a rich white cishet man. "if you vote biden, you don't care about palestine" falls apart when not voting for him will put palestine in more danger. it isn't all or nothing; it never has been.
people have said biden is using the only political move that is viable at this point, which is to fund israel in the hopes of gaining leverage to get them to stop. cutting russia off from the rest of the world made them self-sufficient and didn't stop what they were doing, after all; the other available options aren't better. idk how true that is, or what biden's plans are, but I do know politics fucking suck and there's only so much you can do about another country without starting a war. we do not want a war.
regardless, at the end of the day, not voting is performative at best and harmful at worst. none of these people have a plan; they'll just angrily post until the Glorious Revolution happens and the two-party system is toppled for good. or, y'know, they're just part of a psyop and they're eagerly hoping trump will win.
if you genuinely think trump will be no different from biden, you are yelling with your head buried in the sand. you are throwing your fellow oppressed people under the bus so you don't have to feel complicit with keeping the slightly less awful guy in charge. what's happening in palestine IS a genocide, and is IS abhorrent. but getting trump elected will only hurt palestinians more.
donate, buy esims, do your daily clicks, spread the word, and vote. and while you're at it, do some genuine research on american politics and the bills and laws the biden administration has passed. and perhaps also the things trump did while in office.
nothing is black and white, ESPECIALLY not politics. you have to pick the lesser of two evils in the name of harm reduction. things will not be rebuilt in a day; take whatever progress you can, rather than wait for it all to drop into your lap at once. that's just unrealistic.
you can care about palestine and oppressed americans at the same time. you can also worry about the damage a conservative presidency will do to other countries (as it always does). we cannot get everything we want out of this. we have to take whatever we can get, and reduce harm wherever we can, because the Glorious Revolution isn't coming.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 11 months
REGARDING HER FAMILY: do not trust Zuriya, she isn’t willfully dishonest but her perception of her relationship with her remaining siblings vs. what they think of her and their relationship are two entirely separate concepts.
They are… estranged, at best. Beginning from childhood, where Zuriya won the heart’s and hope of the temple that had taken in their dying mother and them. Her siblings had not, the priestesses saw less use in them, for lack of better terms.
They weren’t trainable, not like Zuriya, they had no interest or care for their teachings and magics. They could make them train their combat, but their hearts were never in it like their sister. Which they wrongfully took as an excuse to neglect and dismiss them emotionally. Why bet on a losing horse afterall? They’d fulfilled their duty to their goddess by taking in the sickly children, nurturing them back to health and fulfilling their earthly needs. Anything else seemed like an unnecessary burden to them, one that would detract the attention from their other duties and promising wards.
While Zuriya was encouraged, her curiosity indulged with love and patience and her efforts rewarded with being inducted among the older women. Her siblings were left to the wayside, left with the caustic sense of being unwanted. There was little cruelty for them, just… indifference.
Terrible, wounding indifference. Attempts to follow after their sister never worked, their work always seemed to be ‘sloppy’ in the eyes of the priestesses, their minds ‘unfocused’, even at their best, even when Zuriya switched out her work with theirs in the hopes that would force the women to give her siblings the praise for a change. And rebellion? Acting out? There was no attention through punishment, through reprimand like their hearts would hope, only a cold lack of amusement and the simple thoughts that they’d expect as much from them.
It was, for them, an awful environment to be raised in, and after so long struggling to earn affection that seemed to be given freely to their youngest sibling. They stopped, they stopped fighting, and anger, rather than facing inwards any longer, chewing away at their confidence asking ‘why am I not good enough?’ It turned outwards, at the temple and the priestesses, but mostly at Zuriya. She was the easy target after all.
She was the golden child, revered for seemingly nothing in the eyes of her siblings, blessed with a golden crown from the time she recovered for what? A pretty smile? An eagerness to please?
But I hear you asking: with so much emotional neglect, where was Zuriya during all of this? Ignoring the obvious she was a literal child during all of the aforementioned events. She was wholly on her siblings side, clinging to them, just as she had when they had first arrived to the temple. Following after them like shadows and doing her best to make them laugh, to bolster their spirits, and to see that look in their eyes that would reassure her everything would eventually be alright! And extremely perplexed by the entire situation, just as they were. Her young mind could never connect the dots of the neglect, that the priestesses who seemed so kind and loving were grooming her for magic and priesthood and because her siblings showed more resistance and slowness, they cared little. It all seemed to her like a misunderstanding— she enjoyed attention, but even she could see when it was too much, she tried to get the priestesses to pay attention to them, to shrug them away in favor of her siblings. And when that failed, she’d tried to give them that attention herself. Had Zuriya been older & wiser, she would have realized how infuriating the effort must have been to her siblings. Their youngest sister, trying to teach them and give them maternal love and validation. As a child though, she was simply unable of understanding and knowing that she couldn’t help.
When her siblings turned resentful and began pushing her away, she took it, not as hatred towards her but growing pains. They were becoming adults and she would too eventually, this must be par for the course of that. Declaring independence, going their own way, forging a life away from each other. It hurt but that’s what she assured herself, even when she noticed that her siblings never pushed each other away, only her. She just told herself it was normal and fell back into the support of the priestesses, the temple and the community of maguses. It numbed the pain of the rejection for a time, made it easier to forget, but she’d never forget her siblings and in her heart, she held onto hope that some day they’d come back and they could be close again.
That task wouldn’t be so easy for them, however, after leaving their home in the temple and treading forward to forge a path anew, Zuriya stopped seeming like a sister and more as a symbol to what they were denied and what they were rejected from. She became inseparable from the idea and the trauma of rejection from the temple and it’s denizens, and in turn society. They’d never have the inherent respect or love that an Outworlder would receive for pledging themselves to a temple, or having been trained as a student in one. They didn’t have family support outside of each other. They truly felt like adult orphans, while their sister seemed to be thriving in a family that wanted and accepted her (though that in of itself wasn’t strictly true)
When Zuriya began to be raised into a figure of stardom and change in Outworld after becoming a High Priestess, is when her middle sister finally felt herself able to safely and comfortably reach out to bury the hatchet she held against Zuriya and try to accept her sister back into her life. She wasn’t warm, the meeting wasn’t tearful for anyone but Zuriya, but she was overjoyed to finally have one of her siblings back.
They’d slowly began to rebond and come to learn about each other again, really, neither of them could remember much about the other past ten anyways. In a way, for her sister, the resentment was only compounded by coming to learn about her and meet her after everything. But she stomached it and the hate for the hope of peace, inner peace and closure, for that chapter of her past to be tied off with a bow, even if it meant using her estranged sister in the process. Which in a way Zuriya did help with, though unintentionally.
Zuriya was still ignorant to the truth of why her siblings left her, ignorant to their hate and resentment of her (though it was valid), the concepts simply could not digest in her mind or heart. She was their blood afterall, and she loved them, her entire life she loved them and looked up to them. Hoped they’d come back for her. Hoped they’d be proud of her and what she’d done. How could they hate her? Why could they hate her for the actions of others? But for what she had grown to understand, she was able to give validation her sister long needed and the truth of what the temple was and did to her. Zuriya was the first to say it, they were abusive to them, the neglect they showed her siblings was unacceptable and her greatest regrets were that her age meant she was powerless to do a single thing. While adding that the life and acceptance they seemed to cover from her was a smokescreen. At the surface they seemed to love her, and at times she believed it, but they loved her as a concept and a tool. They were enchanted with the idea of her as a weapon, a sword waiting in the wings for another to break. They didn’t love her, not really, not like they should have. Individuality was punished. Working outside of their bounds? Punished. Self-expression? Punished. Curiosity outside of their causes? Punished. And elder gods forbid you think about leaving the temple for another.
All of the information, it was a lot for her sister to digest, but in a way, she was thankful, and pity? Empathy? Returned like bile in her throat. She had only meant to sit down the once to hear Zuriya’s side and cut ties indefinitely, subconsciously she had hoped doing that would hurt her, retribution for the constant rejection she had felt all her life. But she had to change her plans, her feelings weren’t as decisive as she had once felt them to be. She wasn’t ready to accept Zuriya with open arms yet, she didn’t feel the love that it seemed Zuriya did, she was still hurt and angry, but… she felt less like an adversary sent to torture her and more like her baby sister again. And she was willing to give her that chance.
Ever since that point, they’ve been rebuilding and reconnecting, Zuriya has learned of her sisters job and her family: that she has children. And of her brother— who has yet to find it in his heart to even meet her. Zuriya wouldn’t force things though, she is simply happy to finally feel like she has her siblings back and that her family is whole once again. Even though her eyes remain closed to the fact that her siblings did not consider her a sister for the longest time.
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nicollekidman · 2 years
i cant wait for both sides of the battle start being awful bc right now hotd is giving targ apologist and the general public is literally reducing the story to alicent and her children are cunts and i hate it. they're both awful let the horribleness from both sides begin!!
idk i think alicent has been the best-served character on the show, she's been given the most interiority, there are countless scenes and conversations that show her point of view and hammer home again and again why she's motivated to do what she does, and it's not the show's fault that 75% of the audience decided before the show even started to air that she was a stereotype and then are too misogynist and boring to interrogate that position.... surface level the show feels like it's leaning towards the targs because so far all the machinations have been driven by the greens, but i think they're doing a VERY good job showing that everyone is complicit in the rot currently festering... daemon is a walking crime who doesn't even comfort his kids at the death of their mother, rhaenyra sees daemon and goes yay!!! time to never make another good choice ever again!!! their shortsightedness and bloodlust and obsession with ancient customs guarantee that their present is the past and there is no future, viserys is blindly stumbling around and refusing to solve an issue in lieu of just yelling a lot and willfully remaining ignorant... hell even the fact that laenor's speech to rhaenyra about recommitting himself would solve ALL THEIR PROBLEMS but she sends him away... right now the blacks issues are more insidious and internal and aren't as flashy as alicent pulling a knife in desperation but that doesn't mean they're not there, it just means people on twitter are taking the easy path to jokes. all that being said i am ready for the blacks to start full time committing atrocities
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
"I found myself being supported in someone’s arms, a stranger’s face was bending over me, and the most extraordinary pair of eyes I had ever seen were looking into mine."
"Pointing to the recumbent Percy, he said, with that queer foreign twang of his, which, whatever it had seemed like in the morning, sounded musical enough just then."
"I began to be aware of a feeling of quasi-respect for Paul Lessingham’s friend. His morals might be peculiar, and manners he might have none, but in this case, at any rate, the end seemed to have justified the means."
Standing and staring at one another for five minutes straight.
"‘I have come because you wanted me.’ ... 'All night you have wanted me,—do I not know?'"
"One startling fact nudity revealed,—that I had been egregiously mistaken on the question of sex. My visitor was not a man, but a woman, and, judging from the brief glimpse which I had of her body, by no means old or ill-shaped either."
Beeterton agenda moments?
[willfully ignoring the plentiful and extreme racism as best I can for finishing this joke but, ughhhhhhh ugh ughhhhh there's so much that's so awful. I hate to say this but I may no longer be in "they deserve each other"; at this point I think The Beetle deserves way better than Sydney actually]
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bellshazes · 2 years
man. had a convo with my fave [state] coworker and she is so, so lovely. i love her, truly, from the bottom of my heart. you can just tell how much she cares about our members and I learn so much from her. and she comes across as blunt often, but she's always saying things that need heard. sometimes, it's with imperfect language. we were just talking about a trans member who had stopped seeing his gynecologist because, in his words, he's trans and didn't need to see a gyno - and had discovered he had ovarian cancer. my coworker was using she/her pronouns for him - not great! - but she was trying to get the group to focus on what barriers there were to that gynecological care, the ovarian cancer. they kept getting on her for the pronoun thing, which, yes, i also told her that if you're unable to hear the preference from the person themself, opting for the gender they're transitioning to (and this isn't "optimal language" i'm using, but it's where my coworker is at) is better. but she was right about trying to focus on helping the actual situation.
i talked it through with her and about my experiences with being out at work but not with my family, about whether there's trans-friendly gynecologists at all in the member's area or if there was trauma there (how likely that is!). and she immediately lit up talking about how awful it is that providers will claim they are trauma-informed or whatever and then fall short. she cares. she gets it, on some level. her use of she/her was a misguided attempt to express in the only way she knew how to focus on the issue of a person not receiving adequate care and needing support through cancer treatment. despite her ignorance, she was doing her damnedest to be this person's best advocate.
and she was so grateful and open to talking through the complexities! it is in fact important to validate to allies that it is hard sometimes to know what pronouns to use when a coworker is out at work but not in the community but that's part of why we do it anyway, because it's hard and important. she cares so much about trying to keep up with terminology she's unfamiliar with and not being seen as bigoted but she's not got a lot of experience talking to people in contexts where she can really learn. and she talked about being black and knowing as an adult culturally her family and friends just didn't openly talk about being trans or queer but she knows there were and are people who are and were. i brought up the complexities of how race plays into gender and transness, where black women can be denied "true" (quote unquote) womanhood because of their race and so how does that factor into being familiar or not with trans experiences? and if you're not white and you're trans, the ways in which you might be denied a gender you're not IDing with, but that's, well, intersectionality. and she had a lightbulb moment, i think, because i don't know she's ever had anyone say it in a way she's allowed to have something in common with. solidarity forever is the way.
there are a lot of willfully ignorant people, but if you connect with someone who's falling short on the "right" words and language and feelings, there are plenty who want to understand better but don't, who want to keep practicing, who care about you even if they don't know how best to show it. i'm really lucky to know people who keep reminding me of that, and who i know want a better world for the youth they serve.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Jonathan Shaw: Another Year of Pissed-off, Wholly-grossed-out (and Sometimes Political) Music
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Adios, 2022, and good riddance. There were a few bright moments: this past fall, Lula unseated Bolsonaro in Brazil, an excellent development, but the margin of victory was very, very slim. On the other side of the globe, Putin raised the bullshit spectre of national socialism to justify his adventurism in Ukraine, and Italy elected a straight-up fascist. In the States, a number of elections associated with the federal midterms tipped to liberal institutionalists: Mark Kelly for the junior Senator’s seat from Arizona; Josh Shapiro for the Governor of Pennsylvania; Maggie Hassan for the junior Senator’s seat from New Hampshire; and so on. In all cases, those folks were the less awful choices, contrasting with the whack Christian nationalists and white supremacists being run by the Republican Party. But there’s little reason for leftist partisans to celebrate. The liberals nodded earnestly and voted “Yea” when the Biden Administration moved to deny rail workers their right to strike — for sick leave, we might note, in the middle of a triple-demic. Meanwhile, preening, cynical opportunists Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz attempt to sell themselves as friends of the American working class. The mind reels. And Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green? They won their elections and are heading back to Congress to do what they do best: fomenting ethno-religious fanaticism (is that you, Q?) and fundraising, packing open-carry pistols all the while. The paranoid style in American politics has gone mainstream.
So, what’s an old punk to do? Fuck knows, but I’ll keep listening to angry records. It was a good year for punk music. Releases from Lexicon, Mastermind, Klonns and dozens of other bands demonstrate that punks not dead yet (and yes, I know there should be an apostrophe back there — but credit where moronic credit is due: the Exploited insisted that “Punks not Dead” back in 1981, sans apostrophe, and I stick with the verities). A bunch of other even noisier, heavier and smarter punk records came out this year, some of which are featured in the list below. 
Meanwhile metal, in its manifold and multi-hybrid forms, also responded to the infuriating times we are living through with some supremely intense and intelligent music. Heavy metal and “intelligent” can make for an ambivalent combination, but several of the records listed below are as cogent and intellectually ambitious as they are sonically punishing. Still, the most satisfying metal record I played this year (over and over again) was a slab of ill-intended stupidity called Determined to Rot, from cave-man death metal outfit Mutilatred. Ohio has gone full-on reactionary in its political climate; no wonder music this recalcitrant and ugly originated in Toledo. 
I won’t pronounce Determined to Rot the “record of the year” or “the year’s best,” because I don’t think 2022 was capable of producing positive superlatives. (And as ever, I make no claims for the objective “greatness” of any of these records. Y’all should learn from my mistakes.) Rather, Mutilatred’s music is furiously effective in direct proportion to the willfully ignorant abuse with which it assails the world. Maybe it’s not “good” or “pleasing,” but it’s the record that will always signify 2022 to me. I include nine additional records that I played very, very often this year in the list below, organized alphabetically.
Bad Breeding — Human Capital (Iron Lung)
Human Capital (LUNGS-227) by BAD BREEDING
Sharp, politically engaged English punk, churning in the wake of Crass and Subhumans: poetically enraged lyrics and melodically complicated songs. If I were in a more hopeful mood, I would put this forward as the year’s standout record. The guys in Bad Breeding are smart and passionate enough to convince me that it’s possible to see a future for the lifeworld. The only problem is that the record eventually ends…
 Black Fucking Cancer — Procreate Inverse (Sentient Ruin Laboratories)  
Procreate Inverse by BLACK FUCKING CANCER
 …so I play this one. Black Fucking Cancer hates you, but don’t take it personally—the band hates everyone. Procreate Inverse is the most excoriating and merciless black metal record of the year. Ouch. 
 Class — S/T (Feel It)
Class by CLASS
If any release made me feel something like happiness in 2022, this debut cassette from Class was it. Likely that’s partly due to the time-capsule vibe of these songs, which evoke the early 1970s, when punk rawk, glam and power pop were inextricably up in one another’s business. Check out “Oh! the Nerve,” which is an intoxicating (and likely intoxicated) good time.
 Cloud Rat — Threshold (Artoffact)
Threshold by Cloud Rat
The self-described grind-punks have done it again, releasing a collection of terrific songs that synthesize hardcore, various sorts of metal, electronic noise and grind’s whirlwind. Song for song, this may be Cloud Rat’s most accomplished record—but it moves with such quicksilver and livid intensity that it’s hard to establish effective critical distance. Drop the needle and you’re in it, a maelstrom of musical and emotional ferocity.
 Mizmor & Thou — Myopia (Gilead Media)
Myopia by Mizmor & Thou
 A massive collaboration between blackened doom project Mizmor and Thou, the brilliant sludge band that has made some of the most compelling music of the last ten or so years. Like Thou’s collaborations with Emma Ruth Rundle, Myopia finds the musicians responding to one another’s forceful presences, creating something greater than the sum of its parts. Grim and grand.
 Mutilatred — Determined to Rot (Redefining Darkness)
Determined to Rot by Mutilatred
Not riff worship so much as weaponized riffage. The song titles say it better than I can: “Everyone’s Doing Shitty.” “Smashed by a Slab of Concrete.” “Waste of the Mind.” “Eroded Brain.” “Fuck Everyone.” Fuck you, too, dudes. More, please.
 Persona — Free Your Mind (Iron Lung)
Free Your Mind! by PERSONⒶ
Bugged-out hardcore punk from pissed-off queers—few records hit this hard, sound this desperate and still manage to lift spirits. “Race to the Bottom” might be, second-for-second, the most exciting two minutes of heavy music released this year. Hugely satisfying to fling your body around in time with vocalist Rebecca’s fulminating, or at least try to. 
 Rigorous Institution — Cainsmarsh (Black Water/Sentient Ruin Laboratories)
Grotty punks from Portland making blackened crust? A lot could go wrong with that, but almost nothing does on this record, from folks with names like Savonarola, Shite and The Imp. I rarely say this when talking about heavy music but: Check out those synths.
 Scarcity — Aveilut (The Flenser) 
Aveilut by Scarcity
High-minded musicians making a black metal record about grief and mourning? Once again: so much could go wrong with that, but almost nothing does on Aveilut. It’s a black metal record to which the phrase “avant-garde” can be applied without any wincing.
 SkyThala — Boreal Despair (I, Voidhanger) 
Boreal Despair by SkyThala
Black metal and Igor Stravinsky’s neoclassical rigors turn out to be fecund sonic partners, at least in the hands of Ryan Clackner and the other, unidentified musicians that wrote and recorded this strange and exciting music. It’s exactly the sort of release one associates with I, Voidhanger: ambitious, unexpected and blackened to its core. Some swinging bassoons, too.  
Special shoutouts: To Sentient Ruin Laboratories — who always kill it, but who had an especially strong year’s worth of releases (a couple named above, Cryptae, the Lousy, Hold Me Down, Ceremonial Bloodbath and more). And to Lingua Ignota, who dropped an absolute stunner of a live show on Philly in December; the covers of “Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet” and “Jolene” curled hairs and toes, and “Man Is Like a Spring Flower” left me speechless.  
We still need to say it: Down with fascism. Smash all nationalisms. Turn this shit up.
 Jonathan Shaw
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Random thoughts from 2022...
Latte foam in a empty cup catches the light like fresh snow. I think the latte was taster though...
I keep spilling stuff on my favourite hoodie. I want to keep it nice because it's my favourite but I also want to ware it
Theirs something weirdly intemate about shareing the back seat of a bus. There is and there isnt. You never interact, barely look at eatchother and try your damndest to forget their even there. still you can't help wonder who they are and where their going. Do they wonder about me? It's a strange musing but I keep turning it over in my head whenever I sit back here.
Nothing really compares to the guilt and shame of comuting to college the day after I missed a day. Not because I was sick, just because I couldn't do it that day. Still, I have to. If I don't then I'll be even guiltier the next time and so on until I can't stomach the thought of it. It really is best to walk in with my head down after only one day than be terrified after 3.
I do wish I knew how to get rid of the rock in my belly though.
Makeing random eye contact with people is my least favourite thing. It's oddly vulnerable? For both of us, I think.
Pub drunk and club drunk and two very different things. Being club drunk in a pub is unpleasant and being pub drunk in a club is down right awful!
Drinking and makeing merry with images of War flashing on the screen. I don't think anyones paying it mind or there willfully ignoring it. What a time to be alive
I have decided that I quite dislike the londen underground. Everyone is very inpatient and it's so easy to get lost
I. Am. Terrified.
I've never felt so lonely.
There are so many moments in a day where I think of people. People I've known, people I used to know. Things that remind me of them or moments the thought of them just occurs to me. I wonder, what makes people think of me? If anything. It's a nice idea that someone out there spares me a thought sometimes.
Insecuritys are loud. Confidence is quite.
That feeling. It's 3am. Your completly fucked in a club, maybe high, deffinatly nicotine rushed from all the vapes and cigarettes people keep passing you. Your makeup is well worn in and your outfits fighting for its life...and you look into the bathroom mirror and think God. I'm gorgeous.
Its not healthy but its a feeling I live for.
A black cat crossed my path walst I was vaping. I appreciate the warning but I know this is a bad path and will have conciquences in the future. I'm doing it anyway.
The back of my throat feels like it dose when I've been screaming. I know it's probably just because I've been over vapeing lately but the timing isn't exactly off. I certenly feel like screaming. I feel helpless to the situation. I'm proud of my brother though, I just wish I could do more.
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leqclerc · 2 years
I’m so confused by Ferrari’s approach to not use team orders. It’s already half way through the season and Charles is -38 points to Max whereas Carlos is -75. Points can swing drastically pretty quickly so Carlos could definitely close the gap to Max but at this point in the season, I don’t know why they haven’t just made a decision. Mattia said that they’ll prioritize the faster car and in every race this season (minus Canada) Charles has been faster. Is that maybe an indirect way of him saying that they are going to prioritize Charles without angering Sainz fans/sponsors/etc.? I’d like to believe that sponsors wouldn’t have that much of an influence but idk. It seems like Ferrari wants to maximize the WCC instead of the WDC but they can still do that by imposing team orders. And even non-Ferrari fans think this approach is ridiculous, it’s not like it’s just Charles fans.
Yeah, this whole situation has been nonsensical tbh. To the point where, indeed, people are starting to give more weight to the sponsor theory because what other reason would they possibly have for doing this? Like you said, Charles has been consistently faster on merit throughout the entire season so far, so if there was ever a time to prioritise "the faster car"/"car in front" it would've been Monaco, Silverstone, etc. It's not even a case of them being evenly matched/Carlos occasionally being quicker so they're in a tough spot on who to prioritise. Charles put himself in a position where he was the title contender pretty much from race 1. Red Bull knows that, Mercedes knows that - why are Ferrari so willfully ignorant, then, sleeping on the fact that their best shot at the WDC in years is right in front of them?
I don't usually subscribe to these kinds of theories, but at this point I'm willing to admit I may have underestimated the Spanish media/sponsors and the pressure of expectations coming from that side. After Austria some Spanish media genuinely put out an article strongly suggesting Ferrari sabotaged Carlos for Charles's sake. I mean, if that's a glimpse into their attitude, then... 😵‍💫
Granted, internal team politics have always played a role at Ferrari, but this is one of the most baffling cases of internal politics I've ever witnessed, I think. They're going against all logic and data, they're pissing off their fanbase and a large portion of Italian media, and they're doing everything they can to throw away their chances of challenging for the WDC with Charles.
There's just a lot of hypocrisy in their current stance, and I think that - together with just the awful, willful waste of opportunities - is what really rankles. They had no problem using team orders even in 2019, with Seb and Charles, in races where they weren't fighting for victories and in a season where they weren't title contenders. But suddenly they care about optics and "being fair" in a season where only one of their drivers is realistically in contention for the WDC? 🤔
I don't know why the quote from Binotto is only making the rounds now (maybe the British press picked up on it idk) because it originally came from the TP press conference in Austria, so it's been floating around for like two weeks. They didn't make any strategic fuck ups in Austria, thankfully, and with the PU fire Carlos will likely be taking an engine penalty in France so team orders won't be as relevant, but we'll see how things pan out come Hungary next week. I want to believe that they'll focus on Charles and prioritise him as they should now that Carlos has that first win under his belt, but I also don't want to be naive, because their PR statements have been eye-wateringly tone deaf so far, doubling down and defending their decisions when absolutely everyone, expert or fan, can plainly see they made mistakes. They clearly care more about the WCC than the WDC, but even so, like you said, their current trajectory is making their own two drivers take points away from each other. Binotto says their main opponents should be other drivers, like Checo and Max and Lewis, yet all Carlos seems to be interested in is this internal battle with Charles. He wants Mercedes to get in the mix and take points off RB even though they're realistically more of a threat to Ferrari than RB.
The lack of backbone and authority, the unwillingness to take responsibility and be held accountable...it's worrying. I really don't believe Binotto is as clever as he thinks he's being with these statements. 🥴
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