#because they never made a soundtrack of this version
jenni3penny · 1 year
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ennas-aesthetic · 11 months
You know what I just realized?
When Crowley said, "that's the point. No nightingales," I paused and went - huh. So both Aziraphale and Crowley KNEW about the actual nightingale bird that sang in Berkeley square? We as the audience are AWARE about it, of course, because God's narration told us so. We also know that, outside the mise en scène, Tori Amos' A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square plays as the end credits for season 1 roll.
But the s1 end credits song, I assumed, was non-diegetic. As in, like the soundtracks that permeate throughout most films, the song could only be heard by the AUDIENCE, and not by the characters. In addition, the characters THEMSELVES cannot hear what God says to the audience - and logically speaking both Crowley and Aziraphale could not have known about a singular, inconspicuous bird singing despite the noise of the traffic. Especially not when the Nightingale sings while they're currently dining at the Ritz.
So the 'No Nightingales' line WORKS for the audience - it's an incredible gut punch that leaves you weeping. But since we never heard or saw either Aziraphale and Crowley acknowledge the Nightingale, did that line have the same devastating impact to the both of them?
Oh, it absolutely did. Maybe even worse than we could ever imagine.
Because Crowley WASN'T just talking about that damn nightingale bird, was he? If you rewatch Season 1, Episode 6, you can see and hear VERY clearly that while Aziraphale and Crowley settle on their usual table at the Ritz, a pianist plays A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square inside the scene itself. Unlike the end credits, the piano version of the song is a DIEGETIC sound! That means both the Aziraphale and Crowley can hear it LOUD AS DAY.
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And it's JUST - the heart-breaking contrast this has to Beelzebub and Gabriel's Everyday. When Crowley says 'No Nightingales," he implies that that was THEIR song. It's a specific reference enough to know that this became part of their history - of their rich plethora of inside jokes and shared memories. And judging by Aziraphale's shattered face, he KNEW the significance of the line. He KNEW that Crowley is throwing back THEIR song to his face. "If Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, why can't we? Why can't we make the Nightingale a reality, the same way they made their Everyday come true?"
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That A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square is Aziraphale and Crowley's Everyday becomes fact when Crowley turns the Bentley's radio on, only for it to play THIS song. THEIR song. Which SHOULD HAVE brought them together. It SHOULD HAVE. It worked for Gabriel and Beelzebub, didn't it?
Turns out, not every problem could be fixed by making that song yours.
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sunderwight · 5 months
SVSSS AU where Shen Yuan's younger sister does a villainess transmigration.
The world she ends up in was originally a dating game and visual novel with some light RPG and crafting elements. Playing as purehearted main girl Qiu Haitang, one could choose any number of routes to pursue, from dashing Liu Qingge, to scholarly Mu Qingfang, sexy ice demon Linguang Jun, cute-but-domineering younger half-demon Luo Binghe, and so on. It was an interesting game, though it notoriously inspired some frustration when some of the more interesting side characters (like Yue Qingyuan) were completely unavailable as romantic options, and inspired at lot of rumors about hidden content and demands on future DLC expansions.-
Shen Meimei hadn't particularly liked the game. Sure, she played every route to 100% completion, bought all the extras, the official soundtrack, and the merch (fanmade as well as what slim-pickings existed officially), but that shouldn't be mistaken for approval. Much of that was in fact a desperate quest to figure out what the hell was even going on! Ignore the play time listed for this scathing Steam review, everyone! It shouldn't be factored into any assessments!
The game had several problems, in Shen Meimei's opinion.
The main issue was the lack of follow-through on the buildup of the backstory. Qiu Haitang's whole family was killed one night, maybe-probably by her sketchy as fuck ex-fiancee, who was also a hostage being kept by the Qiu family as leverage against a rival family. Which begged so many questions! Shen Meimei had suspected all along that there was more to it than met the eye (not just because the evil family shared her surname) but it was never deeply delved into. The whole thing only even got resolution in some of the routes, and the most thorough was Luo Binghe's. Luo Binghe had a huge vendetta against Shen Qingqiu, Haitang's sketchy former fiance, which left a lot of room for doubt about his investigating the issue. Was Shen Qingqiu really to blame? Or was Luo Binghe just taking advantage of an opportunity to pin SOME crime on him, since he couldn't really get him for the shit he actually did to Luo Binghe himself? What about the hints regarding that Wu Yanzi guy? Why did those never seem to amount to much? Were the Qiu family really stupid enough to betroth their only daughter to a hostage, or was something else going on? And what about Xiao Qi, the slave boy servant of the Qiu who was mentioned a few times as another possible survivor or witness, but who never comes up again?
Shen Meimei played through everything, certain that there had to be some way to actually solve or gain clarity on the Mystery of the Qiu Family Murders, but even after completing the main routes and unlocking and completing the hidden ones -- nothing! It was all just swept aside in favor of tepid romance arcs, made all the more insufferable because of the compelling subtext between the male love interests. Like, why were any of these guys even interested in Haitang when they so clearly had more going on with each other?
Annoyance over a game Shen Meimei lost too many hours of her life to was one thing, of course.
Transmigrating into the younger sister of notoriously sketchy ex-fiance Shen Qingqiu was another!
Bad news: in the routes where Shen Qingqiu is prosecuted for his crimes, his whole family goes down with him. So if this goes poorly, not only will he be punished, but so will Shen Meimei!
Worse news: this fictional version of her family is almost identical to her actual real family. To the point where she would be checking everyone else for transmigration, except that no one but her seems aware that anything is odd. Shen Qingqiu acts exactly like her older brother, right down to his particular flavor of prickly social behavior and cynicism. And their middle brother is a chronically ill nerd who hate-reads trash novels and is completely fascinated by weird monsters (a much more worrisome trait in a world that actually has a lot of those...)
In short, her life is on the line, and so is her family's!
Damn you, Veiled Heroine Games! If you hadn't abandoned so many plot threats, Shen Meimei might actually know what was going on and be able to neatly circumvent everything! But now she has to figure out how to win the protagonist back over, rescue her brothers, and solve (and possibly further cover up...) the mysterious Qiu family murders, all while keeping Luo Binghe away from Shen Jiu, and preventing Qiu Haitang from completing any of the romance plotlines that will cause troubles for them! Which is most of them!
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14dayswithyou · 5 months
💖 Slight 14DWY + Blog Changes! 💖
Leon will now move away from Corland Bay when he’s 10 years old. Originally, I never really put that much thought into it because it won't be explicitly mentioned in the game, but I figured I might as well make it more accurate now ^^;
Teo is now 26 (instead of 27). Again, zero thought went into this aside from wanting a wider range of ages for the cast — but now I want him to be closer to Jae and Violet’s age — especially considering they were all childhood friends and Violet was in the grade below them.
Elanor is now 30 and Kiara is 29. In the 2017 version, Elanor was originally the eldest sister, but it just didn't feel right to change it in the 2020 version. Day 3 will still be lore accurate, but everything on this blog will need to be retconned.
14DWY Purple (unofficial) will now be changing from #A14BF4 to #9D64FD.
Not a change, but adding more clarification: Angel will still attend university (and Jae and Teo will still be their university friend), but whether or not they enrolled will remain ambiguous! Day 1/2 kinda insinuates that they studied something ("Teo attended some of their classes"), but I wanted it to imply that they could've attended orientation and/or took "mock classes" after high school to see what it's like as well. I may change a few lines in the demo (in the future) to reflect that.
I'd like to (hopefully) try to remind everyone that whenever I write about Angel on this blog, they are gender neutral. Because if my ass had a dollar for every time someone assumed they were female because of the cutesy/pink themes or how "soft" I made the MC, I'd have enough money to fund voice actors, translators, custom soundtrack, and pay the $100 Steam fee /hj
Changed the crackpot theory tag into an actual tag!! About time sdghjdg
Also not a change, but to solidify Haruko's appearance + Ren's likeness a bit more... Haruko is supposed to be an anime character with pink/blue hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He's a modern day "sorcerer" (a reference to JJK, not a literal fantasy wizard lmao) from an anime called "Attack on Giants" (another reference to "Attack on Titan"); and is very kind, ditzy, and empathetic. All Ren has copied is his hairstyle, vibe, and demeanour. Ren isn't outright cosplaying Haruko, and it'd take an avid anime enjoyer to notice that Ren is attempting to mimic Haruko.
I'll make a poll one day, but I might change Ren's left sleeve tattoo to the spoiler-free placeholder I used in this artwork. A lot of people seem to prefer it, but I'll wait until the poll to make any final decisions.
I might also make another poll to see if perhaps a new BGM theme would better suit the demo. Because in my mind, the "summer/beach location" = acoustic guitar (rather than piano) — and for some reason I get lo-fi vibes from 14DWY??
I don't think anyone has picked up on this subtle shift yet, but Ren will mainly use "he/him" over "he/they" now (since Haruko is a he/him enjoyer 👍). [REDACTED], however, will still greatly prefer "they/he", and will continue to use them interchangeably.
21/02/24 — or search through Obsidian. (Future Sai here.... I have no clue what this means???? What??? T_T)
I'm gonna cut down on the Teo and Ren bullying on this blog (and in general). I don't find it fun anymore, and it genuinely upsets me when people put down certain characters to make others look better (i.e. "Ren has no ass which makes Leon superior >:)" Just say you like Leon... I beg T_T). It also makes me doubt whether Ren is genuinely a good character or not, and it's gross seeing y'all tear down people who genuinely enjoy Teo. Be kind.
Eventually, I'd like to turn this meme into an event in the 14DWY Discord to help create an actual landlord for Day 3. The current landlord has always been a meme-y placeholder (I thought the idea would be funny), but looking at how the game is currently, I want 14DWY to be more "serious". The current landlord will eventually be turned into an easter egg!!
Whether or not Jae had bottom surgery will now remain ambiguous. Everyone is now free to headcanon whatever they'd like, so long as it's not offensive or too OOC.
From now on, I'll also try my best to remind everyone that Jae is gay and Kiara is lesbian. I tried not to bring it up frequently because I was afraid it'd come across like "being gay" was their only defining personality trait, but I'm tired of people sending in asks that don't apply to these characters ^^;
I might move all of the curiouscat questions to this blog and archive the account. It's becoming too much of a hassle for me to manage 3+ social media accounts sgkshjj
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undercoverpena · 9 months
comfort came against my will
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gif credit to @perotovar
joel miller x f!reader summary: it’ll begin with a little beg, a whispered plea—fingers wrapping around his chin, mouth ghosting over his: Let me ride you, Miller.
word count: 1.8k warnings: smut, p in v, jo's spelling and poetic nature. dedication: happy birthday to my friend, @swiftispunk - i know you love Joel, and i hope you love this. special thanks to @perotovar for letting me use their beautiful GIF that inspired half of my imagery, if not all of it.
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There’s something about heavy rainfall.
The way it’s cleansing, renewing—almost reinvigorating, depending on when the last time it fell.
Joel found that the only downside is the scent it leaves behind.
Once, a long time ago, it used to leave behind a smell that others wished to bottle—a wish to burn it in candles or hang cheap versions from their car’s centre mirror in haphazardly cut-out trees.
Now, it has an aroma that reminds him of death. A stench which has dug itself into the hairs in his nose, unwilling to let go—clinging, desperate not to be forgotten.
But, you like the rain.
He'll always find you near the window when it pours, eyes tracing the droplets. Your chair purposefully, and with all intentions, pointing to the muck-covered window. Nothing more perfect, you’d murmur—fingers wrapped around one of the crystal glasses the two of you discovered on a run, pressing it to your cheek, off-coloured liquid sloshing as you sigh.
He’s pretty sure he could name a few other things more perfect than rain, but he does find it hard to argue that it isn't the most perfect soundtrack when your thighs are on either side of him.
Especially when the weather is like this. Where a flash of lightning can illuminate you, casting you in a brief spotlight that kisses over your curves and the evidence of your survival.
Tonight, it begins with you draining your glass, turning your head, eyes shimmering as you move from your place, coming to join him on the bed.
Your fingers, both a little rough and soft, wrap around his chin, before a little beg, a whispered plea fills the air—mouth ghosting over his: Let me ride you, Miller.
He couldn’t argue, would never protest. But, your mouth stealing any words he wishes to say. Because he likes having you under him—pinned, close, unable to look anywhere but directly at him. For when you stare, you make everything else pale in comparison. Made the world around mute, it all fading to nought.
You do so with ease, with a single look. One he imagines has always been there, all very much you, even if the state of things has tried to steal it away. He can easily imagine a younger you modelling it, one without the stress lines of living, it all softer, gentler.
Joel doesn’t mind that isn't the case now. He doesn't care for gentle or soft. He likes how sharp you are, that you can cut, wound and make him bleed. He enjoys that, even if he doesn’t deserve anything from you, you stand side-by-side with him, choosing him—wanting and needing, all raised brow with a smirk to match.
If you listen, the rain is telling us something.
You're close to his ear as you mumble it, lips ghosting down his cheek before a clap of thunder steals the phantoms of your whispered echo.
His hands fan over your hips, pushing up one of his tees that you're wearing, sliding it up with his thumbs—feeling how your skin moves, shifts, lengthening over your muscles and bones. His mind busy, occupied, only thinking about how beautiful you are, even when drenched in darkness.
How you’re all untouched except the few scars, the nips and scratches left by those who wished to end you, but found that you weren’t so easy to dispose of.
Joel knows that you’re vicious, all sharp teeth and a menace with a knife many shouldn’t ever want to meet in a dark alley, not that the world has cottoned on. Each try, each fail. He often watches, in awe, pleased, because you're like him. So smooth in the way you're prepared to split someone open, coat your boots in their ichor as the rest of them spill out. Leaving him, often, battling his feelings at the sight.
But while he knows that side of you, Joel also knows the other you.
The one who still believes the rain is romantic. A soul who wishes for a pretty print on a dress, even if you'll only wear it in the four walls of the place you two share. Modelling it for him, dipping your toe into a fantasy with him. You also like the little things, such as a pair of matching glasses, enjoying that they belong together, a metaphor for something you clearly desperately crave.
If he were an honest man, one not ripped to shreds and put together all wrong, he’d tell you you’re a more perfect sight than rain. Not just when you’re sitting on top of him or when you’re under him; not just when you’re panting, venom in your eyes and splattered with cherry-red. But, when you’re just beside him.
Breathing, existing, sleeping.
He’d tell you that you’re an image perfectly cut out of an old version of his happy ever after, slapped down and glued beside him now, even when he’s all tragedy and tragic. That your darkness dances with his faultlessly—making him less alone.
That for you, he’d want to be better, which included letting you go—even if you’re pulling him close—because a man such as him, with hands stained and scarred with horrors, shouldn’t get to touch smeared perfection. That you’re not really poisoned or rotten, just living, fighting—claws digging into the soil, all desperate for another moment.
It’s why he lets you have your fun, and then he flips you under him, palm to your cheek, stare burning into yours.
What’s it tryin’ to tell us? The rain.
You fit him inside of you perfectly—just like you’ve fitted yourself in his space. You’re all knotted around him, heat warm—inviting. Your thighs pressing close, legs crossing behind him, aiding, helping.
Not because you don’t think he’d get you there, but because you’re conscientious, caring—it appears in smaller gestures others wouldn’t notice, but he sees them. Bottles them. Keep them close when you’re not beside him.
Not that he shows it.
Unsure once again, for the billionth time since you stood beside him (and never left), what you see in him—what you think he can give you. Because he’s old, worn, somewhat broken beyond repair—not that it stops you from trying.
“More, Joel. Please.”
You don’t call him pet names, but he hears them in the silence.
They quiver and talk in hushed voices in the kitchen that is covered in grime and not fit for a beauty such as yourself. Some even sprout on his tongue, a fresh seedling, all untouched and unruined—not yet weeded from his throat.
He finds it harder to not let them fall when you sound as pretty as you do. When your nails press half-moons into his skin, leaving a tale of your own in his forearms and biceps, meeting him with everything you have as your walls tighten, delightfully, a match made in hell—because heaven would never allow him. Or you now, he supposes.
It’s why his thumb slides between the two of you, licked with his spit, mixing with the slick against your swollen clit. You gasp, spraying sweetness around the air that's heavy-layered with sex.
He’s forever starving, never quenched—a need for you that runs deeper than mere living and existing. Not ever able to purge you from his system, never wanting to either. Because you’re entangled with him, rooted, anchored inside of him so you can bob along and never go under.
Not that he’d let you.
Joel would never.
His hips punctuate that sentiment. Wanting you to know it, driving them in, so the words don’t go in one ear and out the other. He aims to stamp them in you, fuck them so deep into you you’ll never forget. The sound of skin on skin, groan and grunt, all filling the space, evidence of his determination, swirling around your returning breath, still moaning, murmuring—all scratchy and rough.
“—Let go, Joel. Fill me.”
It rips from him, your name.
Each letter is important, each sound giving the attention it deserves as it coats the air—mouth finding the space between your ear and neck, kissing, teeth nipping.
“Stuff me full.”
The rain hammers heavier, beating its fists against the glass as though it’ll only calm when he does as you’ve asked. As though you and nature are tied together, bonded—the real pairing made in paradise.
It’s then your lips find his, sloppy, messy, all uncoordinated. He can taste the bitterness of your drink on your tongue and the pleasure he’d given you. His mouth lapping it up, licking into yours, tongue far past your teeth as he grips you a little tighter, ruts into you a little deeper—as if hoping there’s more of you to explore, more vastness he can leave a mark on.
It's muffled, but you cut the air with his name as if your tongue is a blade. Your body tightens, mouth ripped from his as you bare your throat, chin lifted, eyes closed as it washes over you and your walls become a vice, hugging his cock in a way no one else ever has.
He's close.
So close.
Another flash, it all bright, exposing the sweat collected on your skin, the path it has made between your breastbone, the way your body looks under him.
Then it’s electric, ripping through him as he stains, writing you’re his all in thick ropes of white—his hips stuttering, slowing, riding it out what it is you do to him. It’s a feeling akin to being folded inside out and then put back again—making his muscles tense and relax, his bones forget they ache, as his throat burns with the force of his exclamation.
It’s minutes, little seconds clumping up until an expanse of time collects, and he’s ready to leave the space between your thighs.
Your eyes on him, all unwavering, mapping his features as though you’re an artist, ready to make him into a sculpture.
He doesn’t tell you to stop, he's learnt his lesson from doing as such—eyes ablaze, full of molten, words sharp as ice, all a twisted juxtaposition as you lay into him all the ways you were, are and am enamoured by him.
He’s sure his list is longer, but he swallowed that, too.
Joel had just nodded, left you angry for half an evening until his arms wrapped around you, and he felt you melt, less lava and more a candle-lit flame licking at him until he took you to bed.
Even if a scrap of time has passed since then, Joel is still no closer to finding himself comfortable with the look—the one he suspects comes with words. Ones you don’t thankfully spill, but ones he would mean just as much if he really asked himself.
It isn’t until you tap him, that he moves. You’re more nimble, quicker on your feet to fetch a rag to clean yourself and then him. Each touch delicate, your stare concentrated before the cloth is cast to some corner—a thing you’ll move and clean tomorrow.
And then, you’re beside him, finding the place you usually choose—all intentional, willingly given—as his arm finds itself around you. A flash of lightning displaying the two of your shadows pressed together, merged in ways the two of your souls are.
Swallowing, he finds your stare is back on the window, the world outside painting its own version of a masterpiece.
“Y’never said what the rain’s telling us.”
You smile, before you lift up your chin, looking at him through your brows. “Just stories. The rain likes to tell stories.”
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an: ily, han.
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star-hoon · 1 month
VERSION OF ME — (p. sunghoon)
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pairing: sunghoon x fem reader (oneshot)
includes/warnings (16+):  comfort/healing from dark past! au — fluff, angst, profanity, comfort, implied reader has scars, mentions of food/eating  (let me know if i missed anything!)
word count: 1.8k [not proofread]
synopsis: you and sunghoon have been dating for a few months now and he is the definition of your prince charming. but you are finally forced to uncover what you've been hiding from him, and it makes you fear you’ll lose him.
DISCLAIMER: this fic does mention/imply reader has SH scars. it is mentioned without detail and sunghoon is comforting reader about them. *as someone who used to SH, i would never ever mean to trigger anyone. so if this could potentially trigger you, do not read/please proceed with caution.*
author’s note: omg thank you to everyone who read my 'obsessed' & 'intermission' AND for over 110 followers!
i hope you're all okay with this fic idea even its a little on the darker side. but i promise its fluffy n hoon is a sweetie. this one is dedicated to all of you out there who have overcome hardships in the past or dealing with hardships right now, with physical or mental scars. you are so strong, beautiful, and loved!! <3
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it was yet the end of another long and arduous day at work. you dragged your feet into the doorway of your apartment, hanging up your bag on the hook in the entry way and removing your shoes that you could feel were forming blisters on your heels.
sighing, you make a beeline to your bedroom. nothing sounded better than a hot shower to change into some comfy clothes. well, maybe one thing sounded better.
cuddling with your boyfriend sunghoon. and his deep voice and hearty laugh. and his silly puns and dad jokes. and him getting so excited talking about film cameras. just—him.
you had never been one to be very clingy nor dependent with your boyfriends. you just valued your own time and pursuing your own goals, but that doesn't mean you care about them any less.
that's why when you and sunghoon started dating 4 months ago, you felt something click in that regard. he fully understood your introverted ways and wouldn't be like the previous guys and complain about feeling 'neglected' or that you were too cold because he knew exactly how it felt to need alone time/your own space and he respected it.
but even still, when you are together he treats you like an absolute princess. carrying your purse for you when you go shopping, opening the car door for you, standing on the side of the sidewalk that faces the street. he also emotionally cared for you, listening to you rant about things big and small and always reassuring you the day before you have a big presentation at work. you felt so deeply cared for and understood, it made your affection for him blossom even more every day.
today was a day that both you and sunghoon had busy schedules so you weren't going to see each other. but you missed him and wanted nothing more than his comforting presence to fill your currently empty apartment.
you made your way to the bathroom, removing your uncomfortable work clothes. as you stood there uncovered you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. you stared down at your arms, the dark marks that littered your skin. you knew you couldn't hide this from him forever.
before you could let any more negative thoughts consume you, you hopped into the shower hoping the hot water can wash away your stress and worries.
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after your shower that probably lasted a little too long in some water that was probably a little too hot, you heard a knock at your front door. you peeked to the corner of your phone amidst the tik tok scrolling 10:38 pm.
considering how late it was you were suspicious so you tiptoed to the front door, glancing through the peep hole. it was sunghoon. even though you should feel giddy and excited at the sight of your boyfriend, a twinge of panic arose. you were just wearing a tshirt so your arms were fully exposed, not expecting company. you ran and grabbed the first hoodie you could find. it happened to be one of his.
you opened the front door and there sunghoon stood as handsome as ever, with a bouquet of flowers and a takeout bag. you pouted at the sight in front of you—you were the luckiest girl alive. this was exactly what you needed after a day like today.
"hi hoonie" you softly greeted him, gently hugging him and he leaned down to give you a peck on the cheek. "...what's all this?"
he spoke as he took off his shoes and made his way into the kitchen. "sorry for dropping by so suddenly, i knew weren't planning on seeing each other today but i knew you had a long day and you were gonna be home late so i thought you would want some food. it's your favorite from the restaurant downtown." you nearly started crying, how could be so sweet?
"don't be sorry. thank you, you are seriously the best hoon i missed you a lot today."
"i missed you too. just sit and relax baby, i'll plate everything up for you" sunghoon always insisted on plating food even if it was takeout. he believed it made it taste better, the notion always made you laugh.
despite offering to split the meal with him, he insisted he didn't want any saying he ate dinner earlier. but as you two sat at the dining table chatting about your day, you fed him forkful after forkful anyways.
after finishing the meal you convinced sunghoon to let you wash the dishes. he eventually complied, standing next to you at the sink drying the 3 total dishes you had to wash.
no matter how small the gesture sunghoon was willing to do anything and everything to make it easier for you. you were convinced he came straight out of a fairytale—but your fantasy was going to come crashing down.
"y/n...why do you never roll up your sleeves when you wash the dishes? they're gonna get all wet!" his tone playful.
"i-its fine hoon, these are just a few dishes anyways" you try force a small laugh as a chill runs down your spine.
"come on sweetheart lemme roll 'em up for you..."
"i said it fine-"
his hand reaches towards your sleeves, pulling them up your arm slightly. you reflexively move away from him, your mind went into overdrive.
"SUNGHOON STOP! I SAID IT'S FINE!" your arm harshly shoved his body away from yours, the glass you were holding flying out of your hand. the sound of the glass shattering on the kitchen floor seemed to echo in the room.
silence fell between you two. your eyes wide and brimming with tears, your chest heaving from your heavy breathing. all you could was cup your hands over your mouth, your eyes looking at the broken glass a few feet away from you and then to your boyfriend. his expression made you sick. he has never looked at you this way. you couldn't tell if he was scared, angry, sad. it didn't matter.
"hoon i-i'm so so sorry, i didn't mean to push you. fu-fuck the glass i'm sorry i'll clean it up" large streams of tears flowed down your cheeks and you managed to get the sentence out in between sobs.
you felt yourself spiraling. you dropped to your knees and crawled towards the broken glass. the sight of the the pieces blurry from your tears and you picked up the pieces with your hands and putting the shards in your palm.
sunghoon was more confused than angry at you, it all happened so fast he barely had time to react. but seeing you pick up the shards of glass with your bare hands snapped him back to reality. he dropped down in front of you on the floor.
"baby stop! what're you doing?! you'll hurt yourself" his voiced laced with concern. he put a hand on your arm and cupped the side of your face with his other hand, wiping the tears away with him thumbs.
you couldn't stop the tears from escaping you. you couldn't believe what you just did. sunghoon was just trying to do a sweet, innocent gesture for you and in the end you hurt him. you didn't deserve him. you knew you couldn't hide it from him forever but you didn't think it would all end like this.
he leaned his forehead to yours, searching to meet your eyes. you just couldn't look at him.
"please y/n, what's going on?" his eyes wide and he pleaded for an answer. catching your breath after what felt like countless sobs, you gently placed the shards back on the floor.
"i need to tell you something hoon."
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you followed sunghoon's order to meet in your room as he swept up the broken glass. you sat on your bed as you prepared how you were going to explain all of this.
you didn't want to lose him. he was the best thing that has ever happened to you. all you could imagine was his mortified or disgusted face when he sees your arms. the thought made all your tears resurface. sunghoon sat down next to you on your bed.
"i'm sorry for pushing you hoon. i shouldn't have done that." you took a deep breath before continuing.
"i-i've been hiding something from you since we met. i knew i couldn't h-hide it forever, but i never knew how or when to tell you." you didn't know what else to say to explain. you silently pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie you were wearing.
your arms illuminated by the lamp on your bedside table. silent tears ran down your face as you exposed yourself to him. you have never felt so vulnerable, bare, and scared in your entire life.
"sunghoon i-" before you could say anything else, he pulled you into a silent embrace. one hand pushing your waist to be flush against him, and the other to the nape of your neck.
you eventually muster up the courage to pull away to look up at him. silent tears flowed down sunghoon's cheeks. your eyes widened, sunghoon never cried. your lip quivered at the sight. it was your turn to wipe the tears from his cheek as he did for you earlier.
"um i don't really know what else to say but this explains why i've always covered up my arms around you, why i never was intimate with you...even though i really really wanted to..." you let out a chuckle through your cries trying to lighten the mood.
"...i-i'm sorry i'm such a mess. i know you probably didn't want this going into the relationship. i just- i'm so sorry hoon... i get it if this too much for you."
"you don't have anything to be sorry for y/n..." he grabbed your hand to lace it together with his.
"...this is definitely not an easy thing to share. it just breaks my heart to see someone so kind, smart, and beautiful could do this to herself" he kissed your lips, one of his salty tears landed on your lips.
he used your currently intertwined hands to lift up your arms, placing gentle yet tender kisses to each mark on your arms, your breath hitching at his every touch. this was the first time anyone has been so close, seen you at the most vulnerable. and yet he is treating you like you are made of porcelain.
"this isn't too much y/n. i still think you are the most beautiful person i've ever met—inside and out. this is just a reminder or how strong you are and you overcame whatever you faced in the past. i hope one day you can open up and confide in me because i'm here for you baby. through the good and the bad, especially the bad. because i love you."
your heart melted at his comforting and sincere words, now shedding tears of joy.
"i-i love you too hoon, thank you"
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taglist (open!): @laylasbunbunny @blackberryrains
ramblings: this made me so soft and healed my past self 🥺 would you guys like to see more full fics/series or oneshots like this?
thank you so much for reading, please let me know what you think <3
reblogs, likes, & comments are always appreciated!!
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wingzie · 3 months
Jikook and the Importance of Photos
Photographs are special. They map out our lives through precious memories. They leave a footprint in time that can forever be part of our history. These glimpses of our past, make us who we are and show what or who is important to us. They are full of so much love and emotions, even more so when they are shared with those most trusted to us. This goes for every photo shared by the members.
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 I personally think it’s amazing that we can tell when a photo of Jimin is taken by Jungkook, there’s a certain style to it and it comes across even at a glance. One of my favourite photos of Jimin by Jungkook is this one:
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This photo was taken from the behinds of Life Goes On. Each MV was beautifully directed by Jungkook, and it’s hard to miss the references made from within their old dorm. I know Jungkook isn’t keen on photos but, just like during GCFT, Jimin is looking at Jungkook and not the camera here with that smile. With that one look, that we are so familiar with, we can trace every single moment within their history which has that same shining expression. It tells a story over time, but also that one photo itself is so telling in the way that it was captured. One of my favourite photos of Jungkook by Jimin is this one:
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There’s something raw and delicate in this photo.You can see it in Jungkook’s eyes. Each item in the photo tells its own little story, from the Birthday cake to the polaroid photos on the table that we never saw. This photo is all we saw from the night of Jungkook’s Birthday in 2019 and sometimes I am reminded that with these glimpses into their lives, there are still so many moments of theirs that we are unaware of. For example, Jungkook had a hickey on his neck during MOTS:Online and none of us had any idea until the DVD Behinds came out. 
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For every selca or video that Jikook has shared with us, it shows a part of them that we are so lucky to witness. To be able to watch their growth over the years is magical and something I will always cherish. Why am I going on about photos and memories though?  Because they give so much of themselves to us and I will never take it for granted, nor expect them to give more to us than they want to. Some of their memories are for them only, but we can still hold dear what we know already…
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Some of you know this already, but I have been caring for my Mother lately. Over the last few months, her memory has worsened. In an attempt to help, we play memory games and repeat simple tasks together. However, her memory is something that cannot be simply fixed with such methods. I had the idea to get out family photos, until I realised that we had stopped taking them when my parents divorced. It’s made me more proactive in archiving things that I do each day. Every little thing I see or hear, I note it down or save the song. In a way, it’s also how I associate with BTS or Jikook. When the BTS World soundtrack came out, I was having a really bad day and it gave me a lot of comfort. I smile whenever I hear Pied Piper because it’s one of my friends favourite songs. Any time I hear “Jungkookie” or “Jimin-ssi”, a barrage of memories come to the front of my mind and I grasp onto all of them whilst I still can. 
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I'm sure it's not just me who does this either, Jimin and Jungkook probably do this themselves. You could see that when Jungkook was watching Jimin’s compilation with us. He was recollecting the same memories as us, but he also has access to an entirely different set of memories that we don’t know of. We also saw that with the way Jimin and Jungkook both explained the Rainy Day Fight. During the Festa video, Jungkook mentioned “rainy day” and expected Jimin to understand what he meant. Later on, Jimin and Jungkook gave their own versions of what happened in their separate lives. They both more or less experienced the same thing, but blamed themselves for their actions and not the other. 
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They love adding to their own collections of memories. Every single time that Jimin watched Jungkook rehearse and the other way around, enough so that they could probably be a backup dancer. All the clips they have but haven’t shared. The moments we don’t find out until later, the inside jokes they have without context. We don’t understand, but that doesn’t matter. Only they have to and we just watch and smile. Their memories are a huge part of them, it’s what makes their bond so special.  
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fushiglow · 9 months
Gojō Satoru's rude awakening
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I'm refusing to let myself seriously entertain the possibility that Gojō can come back after chapter 236. However, that's because I'm trying to protect my future self from disappointment, not because I think it's implausible — and I really want to talk about this image!
A couple of days ago, @runabout-river shared an interesting theory about what might happen next for Gojō. The post itself is well worth a read, but it was the choice of the above image that really set my mind alight. This scene is fresh in our minds after the anime adaptation of Hidden Inventory, and timing is clearly never an accident with Gege Akutami. So, why is it relevant now?
We see Gojō giving himself over to his past, lost in his happy dreams of his youth, only for Megumi — Gojō's first student and a symbol of the future that he envisions — to bring him back to the present by telling Gojō, "You're the one who called us here, please don't go dozing off."
In other words, "You're the one who dragged us into all of this, don't go pretending this isn't reality just because it's nicer in the past."
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In my immediate reaction to 236, I said:
Gojō's dying bloody smile shows he's at least happy in his final moments. [...] Although, if Gojō actually is at peace in death, maybe that's the reason Gege will bring him back. He'll *never* let that man be happy, I swear.
It was just a joke, but seeing @runabout-river's post made me realise that Akutami has already set a precedent for 'punishing' Gojō for looking backwards. When he's dreaming about his past, Megumi scolds him and brings him back to the present. When he 'lets his mind wander' to his blue spring in Shibuya, he literally gets locked in a box where time doesn't pass, only to immediately find himself at the bottom of Japan's deepest ocean trench when his students bust him out to fix the problem he created.
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As a side note, in both of these moments, the anime adaptation played a melancholy version of Gojō's Limitless theme — the audio representation of Gojō's youth. I'll eat my hat if it doesn't play again when chapter 236 is eventually adapted (I shared some more insights into some of the easter eggs hidden in the season 2 score in my mini review of the Hidden Inventory soundtrack if you wanna read).
If Gojō dies here, looking backwards to his youth, then he's taking the easy way out and that's what I find hardest to swallow about 236. Gojō leaves what is potentially the most difficult conversation he'll ever have — telling Megumi the truth about his father — to Shōko. He leaves his students to deal with the fallout of his failure to cremate Getō's body. He's saddling the people he loves with the responsibilities he leaves behind, and that's not fair.
However, we won't know if that's what's happened for sure until the whole story is told. Gojō doesn't mention his students in this chapter, and lots of people were bewildered that he seems unconcerned about their safety in a world without him. While that could simply be explained by his faith that they've "got it from here", there's a chance that he genuinely didn't think about it and he's about to get a rude awakening as his punishment — hence, "I pray that this isn't just a delusion".
I would *adore* it if Shōko dragged him back to life kicking and screaming, hauling him away from his pleasant fantasy of youth to tell him, 'No, you and Getō don't get to leave me behind to pick up the pieces again'. Because isn't that Shōko as a character? The one who's left to pick up the pieces in their wake? The one to heal the wounds and lay the bodies to rest while everyone forgets she's even there?
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It would be the most character development she ever receives, and I'd love to see how Gojō and Shōko's dynamic changes when he's not the 'Strongest' anymore. So, in Shōko's own words:
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thefiresofpompeii · 1 month
your additions to the ‘they’re-in-a-tv-show’ theory that was already floating around made my jaw drop so here’s two more additions to yours
1. if everything we’re seeing is a pastiche or in-universe version of the tv show “post-2005 doctor who”, then wouldn’t it make sense for there to be a showy, campy master-esque villain that is emphatically NOT the master but effectively magpies their repertoire? they make a song and dance routine of viciousness, they openly flirt with the doctor (“sweetcheeks”) while threatening to kill him and treating the companion as a toy, they PLAY THE SAXON MASTER’S THEME on the piano. except “the master” doesn’t exist in this in-universe show — the doctor refers to the rani, the bishop, god knows what irrelevant time lords but doesn’t mention their best enemy. there’s a koschei-shaped hole in the narrative. who fills it? maestro. a title so close to “master” that italian fans were struggling because that was their official translation of the master’s name in the first place. the entire character is all but screaming “look at me, i’m Not-the-Master”
2. you came up with another intriguing theory — what if the episodes each are based around one essential element of a tv show thematically; i.e. space babies was ‘story’ and the devil’s chord ‘music/soundtrack’. makes me think — what if boom is ‘conflict’ and 73 yards is ‘setting’? throwing that up in the air apropos of nothing, of course, it’s all speculation. but wouldn’t that be cool? every snippet of information i’ve read about 73 yards suggests that it’s incredibly location-focused. folk horror stories can almost always be boiled down to the strained relationship between The Land and the people living on it. the only quote we’ve seen from it so far is fifteen saying “it never ends, the war between the land and sea” — once again, evoking landscape, geography, place. setting. 73 yards is a precise measure of geographical distance. as for boom, we know little about it and i prefer to keep it that way until it’s released, but the hitchcockian vibes promised and the premise itself make me think either ‘conflict’ or ‘suspense’
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astraeaalstroemeria · 8 months
it's a new soundtrack, i could dance to this beat
SONG INSPO: Welcome To New York (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
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SYNOPSIS: You and Dick Grayson had been close friends for years, but your connection snapped when your family moved to London. Everything changed for you, but you managed. It only took an invitation from your old friends and you were off to a plane back home.
GENRE: Fluff, Comfort, Angst
PAIRING(S): Titans!Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader
WARNING(S): Violence, Blood, Weapons, Slight Gore, Explicit Language, Blood, Weapons, Implied Smut, Trauma, Death, Near Death Experience, Coma
Rules & Navigation | Dick Grayson Masterlist
1989 (Taylor's Version) Special | request by anon
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Your headphones blasted music as you were closing up your family’s restaurant and mopped the floors. You were twirling around with the mop in your hands when the door of the shop opened and the bell rang.
You averted your eyes from the ground and glanced at the five men in tuxedos and they had some kind of wired device around their ears. You took off your headphones and stared at the men.
“Uh, if you’re going to order, we’re closed. In case you missed the sign outside.” You mumbled cautiously. Oh why? Because you never had any trust in tuxedo poker-faced looking men. That’s always a bad sign from where you originally were years ago.
“We’re here for something else, Calyptra” a man said snarky and you immediately knew what was going on. You raised your eyebrow in curiosity and took a small step back.
“Hmm, I figured.” and with that, you swung the mop to a man’s stomach and the fight began. The men didn’t hesitate bringing their guns out from their blazer pockets and you ran around for cover. You backflipped to a table and flipped the table over to serve as a barrier while you took off your necklace that was holding your true power back. 
One of the men shot the table from the other side and it almost hit your head within an inch of distance from your side. You finally stood up and came out of your hiding spot with your hands raised and you levitated the bullets that came towards you.
With the bullets floating in the air, the man immediately saw through your plan and started heading for their own cover but you sent the bullets flying through the bodies of two of the men and they laid on the ground, dead.
The three remaining men charged towards you with a war cry and you started fighting them off. A man started to charge towards you with a knife in their hand and intend to stab through your head and another man charged towards you with a table cloth in their hands intended to choke you or possibly tie you up.
You noticed that the third man was nowhere to be found and you had taken a mental note of that. Meanwhile, you moved swiftly and swerved your shoulder to your side and you made him fly across the room with your power and sent him flying to the man with the tablecloth and both men crashed to the floor.
Both of the men grunted as you held them back with your power and made them stick to the ground. While focused, the third man had an opportunity to ambush you and took it. The third man fired the gun towards the direction of your stomach while you had your back turned from where he was hiding earlier, but you were prepared.
You saw through the plan of his and you used your other hand to levitate the three bullets and you turned your head towards the man. You sent the bullets flying his way and he swiftly dodged them.
While the third man was focused dodging the bullets, you had the time to use your power and take the tablecloth from the second man and use it to tie him and the first man and flung them across the room.
Blood oozed from their faces as they hit the ground and possibly have broken their noses from the brutal fall. You charged towards the third man and he tried to punch you but you caught his arm and twisted it behind his back, but he kicked you and you fell on the floor.
“Oh fuck no!” You screamed as you tried to get up but the third man put his foot on your neck and you clawed at his leg as you choked. You were about to blackout but you managed to summon the consciousness you still have left and you raised your hand and summoned your power to twist his neck so much that it fell off from his body.
The third man’s blood splattered to your face and body as the headless body fell off slowly and onto the floor pooling with red blood. You got up with a sore body and hurting neck. 
The two men that were still tied up were wiggling in the tablecloth that you tied them too but you averted your eyes to the gun that was right at their feet.
You walked slowly and the men had fear in their eyes. You picked up the gun and cocked it. It clicked. You aimed for their foreheads…
And shoot.
The first man was down and his head hung downwards as the bullet penetrated his head. The blood once again splattered onto your face and the second man also had blood on him. 
You decided to kneel at the level of the second man and had a poker face displayed in your face. You sighed a shaky breath and the man waited in anticipation.
“Tell me, and be honest. Who the fuck sent you to come after me?” you asked in a menacing tone and aimed the gun to his head. The man whimpered and you threatened to pull the trigger. He finally caved in and he blurted the answer. “IT WAS DEATHSTROKE!” he blurted out and you shot him after.
You closed your eyes as blood once again was on your face. Looking around, you used your magic to clean up the bloody and gore-worthy mess before your parents or anyone around came by the restaurant and saw what you did.
After five minutes, you had successfully cleaned up the mess and disposed of the bodies—God knows where—and you also cleaned yourself up.
And you went back to mopping the floors and finished up cleaning. But in addition, you had new guns and knives added to your collection once again. You closed the lights and out of the restaurant you were.
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Walking back to your apartment, it was cold and you had forgotten to bring your scarf because you had underestimated the weather and that was your biggest mistake.
Once you arrive at your apartment, you hang your coat on the coat rack, take off your shoes and put the keys in the bowl on the coffee table in your living room. You sigh as you walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to get some water.
You took the pitcher with water and grabbed a glass and poured yourself a full glass of water. After gulping down the water, you grabbed your phone in your bag and you dialed a number you knew all so well and tapped your shoes with anticipation. 
Once the person on the other end picks up, you straightened your posture. “Hello? Who’s this?” an unfamiliar young voice greeted you. 
“Uh, excuse me? May I speak to Richard Grayson, please?” you said and the girl on the other end could be heard on the phone saying “Hey, Dick! Someone on the phone is looking for you!”
And you could no longer hear someone saying until that familiar voice greeted you. “Ah, long time no see, Calyptra. What took you so long?” after hearing Dick’s—probably smug—voice, you started shouting.
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” you screamed and you could hear that same girl in the background saying “Uh, what did you do? This time?” you assumed the reason the girl had heard you shout at Dick was you were on speaker phone.
“How the fuck did Deathstroke’s men found me? I’m miles away from goddamn Gotham! I swear to god-” you began rambling on and nothing could calm you down in the moment. “I swear I can explain if you let me-” you cut him off.
“NO! You listen to me. No contact from you for years and this is how I get in touch with you! Go fuck yourself!” you swore and you could hear a pained hiss on the other end and some chuckling.
“Hey hey, take it easy on him, sweetie. He just wants to talk some peace.” you hear Dawn on the other end. “Dawn? What- what are you doing with that dickhead?” you calmed down. You sat on the couch.
“Well, I have some news for you. And I don’t think that you’ll.. Erm..” Dawn trailed off and another person butt in. “The Titans are back in business again.” Donna said while chuckling. Your mouth hung open and you cleared your throat.
Oh now it made sense. Fucking bastards.
“Is that so? Does that include recruiting old pals that were cut off from contact years ago, Troy?” you said while gritting your teeth. “Ouch, going to the last name basis now, are we?” Donna said feigning hurt.
“I think that’s just about right. Never thought I’d hear from you again. And once I do, I find out that what broke us apart is back again.” you sighed and you fiddled with your nails.
“Yeah, I never thought that would happen. Especially that what happened had a huge impact on you..” after Donna said that, your ears began ringing and a memory displayed on your mind.
[flashback starts]
You were fighting alongside the Titans and you were called ‘Calyptra’ who was famous for saving people and all that hero agenda. You were on a mission to fight Deathstroke but the fight was too easy. Deathstroke was gone, but you had a gut feeling something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
You were right seconds later. Your senses kicked in too late and you felt the world in slow motion as you whipped your head where you sensed Deathstroke was, but he had already fired the sniper towards Aqualad.
You were still stunned when you heard Donna scream, thinking it was because of Aqualad but you were wrong. Again. But that’s when you felt it. The stinging pain on your stomach.
You looked down and realized it was blood. Someone had stabbed their sword through your stomach and you turned around and saw it was none other than Deathstroke himself.
Your eyes widened and your mouth began to pour out blood. As you dropped to your knees and your body grew weak. Why had you let down your guard? Why? You had no idea.
Everything was muffled. Even Dawn’s screaming and Dick’s panicked figure running towards you.
Oh how much he cared....
For you.
You laid on the ground and Deathstroke was no longer found in the area. You looked over at Aqualad’s dead body 3 feet away from you and a grieving Donna kneeling over and had his body being hugged by her. You hadn’t noticed that Dick was already by your side and he was doing the same thing.
He was sobbing. 
Wait, was that right?
Why was Dick Grayson sobbing?
All because of you. He had held his feelings way too long enough to the point he might actually not get to say it to you. He was afraid at that moment as your eyes started to flutter shut and he was… 
Screaming for Hank to get help. 
Was he about to lose you? He hoped not. You had already begun to lose grip of your consciousness and you fully blacked out. Your ears started ringing again.
And louder.
[flashback ended]
“Hello? Hello? Calyptra, are you there?” Donna on the other end asked as you zoned out for a minute and had the most traumatic flashback. “Ah, yes. I’m here. Were you saying something?” you chuckled nervously.
“Yes, I was saying something. I was saying if you’d accept the deal to go back.” Donna asked and you stood up from the couch and began pacing around the room. “Back? Back to what? Or where?” you questioned. Though you fear what might be the answer.
“Back here? In Gotham… And back to the Titans?” Donna said, as she waited with a shaky breath. You shook your head. “No. No I can’t. Donna please-” you said with a panicked voice as tears pricked your eyes. You couldn’t start with the trauma once again.
“Please, Calyptra, we need you-” you hung up. Sobs erupted from your mouth and you threw your phone on the coffee table. You couldn’t go back, you just… couldn’t. You sobbed and tears ran down on your cheeks.
Your eyes averted to the picture frame that sat on the fireplace and you slowly walked towards it. You gently took the picture frame and saw that it was of you, Donna and Dick.
It was during the prom that Dick took you in as his partner. You were in the middle and smiling like there was no care in the world and Donna was smiling beside you while Dick only showed a bit of his smile.
You sniffled at the memory and hugged it closer to your chest. You stared above and wished for the stars to help you. Or anyone for that matter. You took a ragged breath and wiped your eyes. You could taste your salty tears.
You managed to pick yourself up and took the courage to grab your bag and went to your room. You were hesitant to decide whether you would accept the offer or would you rather stay in London and have your peaceful life again.
But you knew that getting involved with the Titans and with your old friends again, you knew that guilt would start eating up your insides once again. It was the same old cycle. It would never end.
You arrived in your room and tossed your bag somewhere and you face-planted to your pillow and you sighed. You turned and you were lying down on your back. You stared at your ceiling and you finally decided.
With the sudden burst of determination, you stood up from your bed and began packing your belongings. You grabbed two suitcases and began folding and shoving clothes into it. Your parents were out of town but you were no longer there once they got back.
You decided that you would either leave a note on the counter or call them once you were in Gotham. You decided to go with the latter. You finished packing with the help of your magic and you dressed yourself in clothes that would disguise you.
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It was Saturday evening. It was the day after you were attacked and got a call from Donna asking you to join the Titans again and go back to Gotham. Your parents asked where you were going yesterday evening and had a talk with them.
To say that they were afraid and there were a lot of crying and sentimentals was an understatement. You cried your hearts out and they wished you luck because they knew what trauma you went through and they hoped you were gonna be okay.
You were currently standing in the living room of the Titans tower and you set down your suitcase and looked around quietly hoping to surprise them in the morning. You stared at the window view of the tower and the beautiful city lights below you.
It was midnight and no one was awake at this hour. That was what you thought. What you didn’t know was that a certain bird was assigned on a patrol and had just got back. So imagine his surprise when he stepped out of the elevator and saw a stranger standing near the window.
In instinct, he flinched and shouted. “Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing here?! Intruder! Intruder!” the boy in the Robin suit began shouting and you immediately began to shush him.
You stepped forward and tried to go near him but he threw his weapon at you. You dodged him and tendrils of your power appeared on your palm and used telekinesis to grab his foot and throw him across the room, leaving him gasping for breath as he hit a vase and it shattered on impact.
You grabbed a knife that was safely tucked on your boot and you nicked his arm.
He groaned in pain, and he was about to shout once again but you managed to shush him in time and you twisted his arm behind his back and placed the knife on his neck while your hand with your power was placed tightly on his mouth.
You heard some doors were beginning to open and the lights were turning on to see the commotion was about.
Screw this.
You looked around and you made you and the boy invisible and you made way to the living room, going completely unnoticed. You saw Donna was the first one to come into view and had a confused look as she stepped carefully towards the shattered vase and inspected it.
Others came into view as well. Like Dawn, Hank and Dick. There were some unfamiliar people too and they were also confused as hell.
“What the hell is that commotion about?” a young girl asked. It was probably the same girl you had spoken to on the phone.
“Yeah, we heard Jason shouting. Who was he talking to?” a young boy with green hair asked. Dawn looked worriedly at Dick and her eyes averted to the suitcases in the living room that weren't there before.
“Uh, Dick? That wasn’t there before… was it?” Dawn asked and Dick also found himself staring at the suitcases. He shook his head.
Donna also averted her eyes from the vase and turned her focus to the suitcases. “Do you think…?” Donna questioned and she began to stare around the room for any being. An invisible being.
You were enjoying her trying to spot you but your invisibility has improved compared to the years prior. You threw ‘Jason’ on the ground and he grunted again. Donna stepped back and squinted her eyes to where she thought Jason was.
You released the invisibility from him and he quickly got up on his feet and had his fists out. He turned to Donna and the others. “There’s- there’s a crazy intruder! Some witchy bullshit!” he said panicking and Donna’s mouth was agape as you also released the invisibility on yourself.
Dawn chuckled happily and her hands flew to her mouth while Donna’s eyes widened and also chuckled and ran towards you for a hug. You groaned on the force and she swayed you a little while you hugged her back.
“Oh hell yeah! There’s the bitch witch!” Hank exclaimed happily and he also ran for a hug. Dawn was close behind. Donna released you from the hug and she had teary eyes while Dawn hugged you too. “Oh my god, Calyptra! You’re here, I can’t believe it.” Dawn mumbled on your shoulder.
You chuckled and you hugged her tight. “Yeah, I can’t believe it either. And also, fuck you, Hank.” you teased while Dawn pulled away from you and Hank side-hugged you. “Ah, I missed that fiery comeback of yours. Welcome back, witch.” Hank chuckled and patted your back.
You and Hank always got along well. Especially when he had a long-time crush on Dawn and you were crushing on Dick but what are the odds? He and Dawn were dating. Such a shame, truly.
“It’s good to be back. At least I hope it’s good.” you winked at Hank and he grumbled teasingly. Your eyes averted from Hank to the young teens in the room and a curly haired black woman. God she was beautiful. You thought.
“Uh, what is happening right now?” the raven-haired girl asked and she turned to the green-haired boy. “Yeah! That crazy woman tried to kill me and here you all are hugging her and having goody goody with her!” Jason said as he was pissed off.
“Excuse you, brat. But this crazy woman has been my friend since I joined the Titans. And now she’s back..” Hank trailed off and he looked at Dick who was still staring at you. “We have a chance against Deathstroke. Or anyone for that matter.” he mumbled.
You finally averted your eyes to Dick and your smile dropped and you took a long sigh.
“Grayson.” you said sternly. 
Dick’s face was visibly hurt by your last name basis and he crossed his arms.
“Calyptra.” he responded. 
But it wasn’t stern. It only had a normal tone, which was surprising for a yearning man all these years you moved away. The green-haired boy sensed something and he chuckled nervously trying to break the tension.
“Oho-kay! Since uhm, this was a very happy happy reunion, might as well introduce myself. My name is Gar. Gar Logan.” Gar said and he stepped forward with a smile and he offered his hand for you to shake. You smiled at him as well and shook his hand.
The raven-haired girl soon followed and she gave you a tight-lipped smile. “My name’s Rachel. Rachel Roth. I was the girl you were on the phone with yesterday?” Rachel said and she also offered her hand for you to shake and you happily accepted it. 
Jason was still sulking in the corner and he was glaring at you. Rachel looked at Jason and she did the introduction for him. “Oh and you've met Jason. Jason Todd.” she said and Jason just gave you a glare.
You averted your eyes to the black woman and she stepped forwards and gave you a handshake. “Kory. Kory Anders. Pleasure to meet you. Finally.” Kory said and she shook your hand firmly.
“Alright, now that all of the introduction is done, should we go back to sleep? I mean, it is the middle of the night.” Dawn said, trying to ease the tension. “Oh and your room is still the same as is. It was never touched so I guess it’s still a bit… dusty.” Dawn smiled sheepishly.
“That’s alright, Dawn. I’ll go clean it myself. You’ve done enough, thank you.” you smiled and she gave you a nod. Gar yawned and Rachel followed. “Well, we should get going. It was nice meeting you, Calyptra.” Rachel said and waved goodbye as she started to walk away and back to her room.
Soon enough, everyone else did the same. But Dick was the last one to leave and you just dismissed him and turned to your suitcases and also went to your room. Dick tried to call out to you, but you just walked faster.
A minute later, you arrived at your room. It was still the same and the posters you had put up were still put up. Everything was dusty, and that included the bookshelf full with books. And the record player you had near your table was still there. You also had a box full of records in the corner.
You sigh as you put your suitcase in a corner and you whip your hand to immediately clean the room as tidy as possible. It was all cleaned within a minute but then you heard soft knocks on your door while you had your back turned to it. “Don’t come in.” you said as you already knew who it was.
But nevertheless, the person came in. It was Dick. Of course it was. “Hey.” he said as he entered your room. You turned around to face him and you responded with a dry tone. “Hi.” you said and you crossed your arms. He stepped closer while you didn’t move at your spot.
“Look, I’m sorry. I-” you cut him off. “Sorry my ass, Dick fucking Grayson. You cut me off when I was at my lowest. When I was in a coma. You abandoned me when I needed you and never once did I get a visit in the hospital until I was eventually moved to London.” you raised your voice.
Dick put his hands in front of him and he nodded. He sat down on your bed and it dipped with his weight. “Yes, I know what I did was wrong and low. But I had a reason.” he said and you raised your eyebrow.
“I thought that if I stayed away from you, you’d be away from danger and I…” he trailed off and he sighed.
Your eyes softened and you moved from where you were standing and also sat down beside him and the bed dipped more. You sighed and you shook your head.
“I loved you..” he mumbled and you lifted your heads towards him in shock. “I love you and I couldn’t lose you. The guilt was eating me up and I couldn’t bare it. So I stayed away hoping to move on.” he continued.
You had nothing to say to that. Years of wishing he would say that had finally come true. You shook your head and you turned to Dick.
“I… you loved me?” you said, hoping to have heard right. He nodded and gave you that subtle smile you loved so much. “I have. For years. But I never realized it until it was too late and you’ve moved.”
You didn’t let him finish and kissed him on impulse. Dick tensed up at the moment and he wasn’t expecting that. But after he got over his shock, he kissed you back and he put his arms around you, hugging you. He laid you on the bed and he was on top of you.
The kissing got more intense as you both devoured each other's lips with hunger. When you pulled away, you were both panting and Dick began to unbutton your shirt and you did the same to him. 
After unbuttoning all the buttons you leaned forward for Dick to take it off and you saw his nasty scar by his chest, but you didn't mind. You two continued kissing and he pulled away and you looked at him with a confused look before he started kissing your neck and you gave him more access by tilting it and he hit a sweet spot and you moaned with pleasure.
In the morning, you and Dick were naked and lying down with the blanket as cover. You had a steamy night with him and thank god for the barrier you put to silence your session with him. What a way to be back, right?
He certainly has a way to leave you...
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luckyshinyhunter · 27 days
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It's pathetic that people these days still think that superheros in media are dying.
But honestly, they just be cynical and rather focus bashing on stinkers like Madame Web, listening to grifters and revolutionizing any bad superhero film and say a stupid hot take and than give films Blue Beatle, The Marvels, any great and fun film an chance.
Echo and Peacemaker was good and I can't wait for new shows like Agatha, Penguin, Ironheart or any projects whether MCU or DC.
But I think people should give superhero cartoons a chance.
What if brought a endless possibilities to the MCU, bringing it's familiar characters in whole new perspective and gives a lot for the audience to explore the multiverse and wanting more.
Invincible is a show I did not expect, both gruesome and captivating pretty similar to a another Amazon show, The Boys.
But it wonderfully shows the ups and downs of a superhero, making it's welcome in the list of your shows that must be watched for the experience.
Also no surprise since it's based off a comic book created by the people who also made The Walking Dead.
My Adventures with Superman introduced a new version of Superman's world that actually feels bright and hopeful unlike the Zack Snyder films that try to bring but forgotten in the last minute.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur bring the titular characters in the spotlight, paving the way for a new black superhero with amazing diversity, colorful animation and character design and an addicting soundtrack like Black Panther and the Spider-verse films.
X-Men 97 is holy grail of all revivals and the one that beats the original. Back on my X-Men 97 review, I said that I haven't grow up on the original and due that I was born in 2002 but I started watching the original lately because of this show.
It's one of the best and refreshing marvel shows I ever watched, it felt like anything from the show has never left, but with an better style and unique writing that the writers should definitely be a part of the MCU's version.
I just love how we are introduce to a new era of animated superhero shows, with astonishing performances, amazing writing and peak designs.
Growing up from shows like Static Shock, Teen Titans, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Fantastic Four: Wgh and Spectacular Spiderman.
I was in for these shows when they got announced and hoped to see more shows like this in the future.
I hope you should give these shows a chance because animation is the backbone for superhero shows and media in general in my opinion.
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brightgoat · 1 year
I watched all of JJBA
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My thoughts on it, no major spoilers:
FIRST OF ALL: If I were to recommend it to someone, I would say watch the parts in the order of: 3, 1, 2 (although 2 is largely irrelevant), 4, 5, 6. By all logic, I should hate this anime. It goes almost completely against my taste in fiction.
Continued under cut
Watching this anime is like getting waterboarded, occasionally a genuinely good moment will come where I am allowed to take a breath, but before i even register it some bullshit happens and I am dunked back in.
However, while getting waterboarded, I’m in a desert, i see the fucking stardust crusaders in the back, this is the only water source so while i cant breathe i am glad to have access to it.
Then finally, a particular moment comes, and i start drinking all the water, until theres nothing left and i finally breathe, and that particular moment is when father Pucci appears on screen, an essay on why he’s the best character coming hopefully never.
Watching this is like being forced to bash my head against a wall at gunpoint, and then being happy that my blood made a cool pattern on the wall. None of the characters act like real people. Time and space does not exist. Inconsistencies are everywhere.
Set ups and no pay off. Pay offs withOUT setups?? The characters describe their every action so honestly you could watch this with forks in your eyes and still know whats happening, except you won’t know from the intense mindfuckery that takes place.
But overall I had a great time. Amazing soundtrack, loved the OPs, I love the char designs and I love art that isn’t afraid to be weird and unapologetic in its weirdness, it’s insanely creative and the humour can be great, some moments genuinely had me hyped and my eyes wide
I loved how in a lot of episodes it focuses more on the antags, making you root for them (though thats often cuz the protags are annoying-)
My fav part is absolutely Stone Ocean, it has the best protag and antag, best visuals, side characters that I actually gave a shit about unlike most side chars in the prev seasons. Still rooted for the antag though.
My fav Jojo is Jolyne, second is Giorno (but the version of him in my head anyway cuz he had an amazing set up but shitass payoff in my opinion)
Fav side chars are Rohan, Anasui, F.F., Ermes, Bucciarati was alright I guess, I like Trish’s design, Polnareff was entertaining.
Fav villain is hands down Father Pucci, he’s the reason I watched this entire thing, the character who apPEARS IN THE VERY FINAL FUCKING PAR- Dio close behind. Kira was fun as well.
Gonna read Steel Ball Run maybe, because I’m still in the fucking desert and i need water-
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girlcrushart · 2 months
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Huge surprise to me that I've never posted Emma Stone before. I was sure I had. I def did on girlcrush 1.0, but never since the poster version. So this post is long overdue. Because I really like Emma Stone, and have for a long time. I find her incredibly beautiful and have always enjoyed her work as an actor. She's excellent! I mean, I guess that's why they gave her an Oscar. Normally I pay very little attention to these things because generally I don't really agree and think it's mainly useless, but I think they nailed it this year giving her an Oscar. I watched Poor Things last night upon the recommendation of my pal @love-drunk-sparks and oh my goodness what an incredible movie! Certainly one of the strangest movies I've ever seen, but just so perfectly made in every way! The art direction / style / lighting / sets / costumes.... visually it was just a masterpiece. Mesmerizingly beautiful movie. The soundtrack was just insane. So weird. So unexpected. So perfect for the movie. It was a bold choice among bold choices and it worked great. And then there was Emma's performance which was truly brilliant. Challenging, unusual, weird, and could have gone sideways in a million ways, but she somehow found a way to play the role absolutely perfectly. For a movie that was so absurd and took place in an imagined world that was fantastical and weird and frankly unbelievable in so many ways, her performance anchored it all in a believable, authentic realism that was simply mesmerizing. I enjoyed that movie very very much, and I'm an even bigger fan of hers as a result. Today's girlcrushart guardian is Emma Stone.
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
hi!!!!!! can i request the minecraft post u did for the dateables but for the brothers? i love ur writing sm it's so cute <3333
obey me brothers playing minecraft with you
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thank you so much for the love <33 this was actually a lot of fun to write because all of these men are so very ridiculous. cheers to my first ever request!
[dateables version]
content warnings: language, bullying the villagers, killing the animals, you know how minecraft is
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prompt: you've somehow convinced these guys to play minecraft, a human world game, one night, just the two of you. but how exactly does that experience go?
{established relationship, obey me x reader with the brothers}
oh. oh peepaw.
you really have to coax this man into playing with you. he's perfect at everything, all the time-- to engage in activity like this one, in front of you of all people, wounds his ego more than he'd like to admit. he doesn't want you to see him be bad at something. what if you no longer respect him? what if his inability to comprehend the little block people's actions are enough to ruin your love for him? he's genuinely distressed about this (not that he'd let it show), but you seem interested, so he reluctantly agrees.
two key things are necessary when playing minecraft with lucifer: patience and teamwork.
leaving him to do any task alone is daunting. the perfectionism paralyzes him a bit in these moments. take him with you! collect wood together, mine in the same mineshaft, hunt monsters together-- all of it starts to ease his mind when you work together. he starts to focus not on his pride but his love for you and spending quality time by your side.
as time progresses, he does eventually get a grip in the controls and mechanics-- well, as much as you can expect a dinosaur like him to understand. you still do a lot of tasks together in-game, but it's more of camaraderie thing by that point. he just likes being by your side, okay? don't make him say it, or you'll be hunting monsters by yourself bestie.
lucifer is also a really big fan of the soundtrack. it's so simple yet well-composed, a stark different to that garish video game music levi listens to. please play with the sound up and let him enjoy the sound of the rain intermingling with the music; his relaxed face is very cute.
what's that? you wanna play minecraft with the great mammon? of course you do! he's gonna be the best player you've ever seen, just ya wait-- what's that? no, he's never touched the game before, but he knows he'll be fantastic. watch and learn, baybee, cuz the great mammon is here to show up and show out.
what he lacks in skill, he makes up several times over in enthusiasm. this is important, because he absolutely lacks skill.
mammon is a dangerous combination of unobservant and overenthusiastic, leading to every stupid situation you can think of. he thinks he sees an important resource, so he leaves for juuust a second... boom. he's lost. he somehow manages to attract lava in every. single. cave. at this point, you have to ban him from carrying anything important.
one thing he is good at is monster hunting. he's made it his mission from day 1 to protect you, whether it be real life or in a video game. he'll face a monster-- enderman, creeper, sneaky skeleton, you name it-- without an ounce of fear if it means you'll live another in-game day (some might call this excessive, but you just call it cute).
like everything with mammon, sometimes his instinct to protect you goes overboard. he tries to ban you from entering the mines and going outside at night because what if a monster gets you, human?? fortunately for you, he never figured out how to run in-game, so just sprint past him and carry on.
on a completely unrelated note-- this greedy motherfucker (said with SO much affection) hordes all the treasures in-game like a dragon. his goal is to build you two a mansion of diamond and gold. this is very cute if you once again ignore the fact that he keeps FALLLING IN LAVA with all his vauables. y'all are never getting anywhere in this game.
levi is, hands down, the best person to play minecraft with. you don't have to teach him a thing-- in fact, he's probably the one that brought it up to you!
he's very pleased that you'd indulge in one of his hobbies like this, regardless of whether you actually play video games or not. just the thought of you there, sitting next to him, hanging out with him because you want to be around a shut-in otaku like him... the thought gives him butterflies.
... y'all can't actually share a house by the way. he gets too flustered. make a joke about putting your minecraft beds together and he's blushing. it does not matter how long you've been together, his reaction will always be the same.
he's one of the only ones that you can progress through the game with. bashful levi is amazing in the mines. he's got a system down pat that'll help you guys find your way back to the entry point, where he's set up a base camp with chests and resources so you won't have to resurface until you're done. smart, right?
y'all actually go to the nether and the end. he's very quick to pick up the game's mechanics and use his luck to to help you guys progress. every victory is shared; what's the fun of winning if you're not winning together?
levi will play with you basically any time you ask. he loves when you refer to it as "our minecraft world". better yet, praise him for all his hard work in making your world and watch him melt. he's just a sucker for your love, and the fact that he's actually good at this activity makes him all the more happy to do it with you.
satan doesn't really know much about this game that you're describing, but he's willing to play it with you if you're really that interested. he's always ready to learn more about things from the human world; when you tell him this is one of the most popular games up on earth, he wants to try it at least once.
satan is not the best in general at video games, but he's quick-witted and resourceful, so the two of you get by just fine. the problem mostly lies in the fact that satan's audacity gets you into trouble sometimes. there is no little voice in his head telling him not to do something potentially dangerous and stupid, especially if there's some reward to gain on the other side. he is fully convinced he can take on an iron golem with a stone sword and no armor, just you watch--
be carefully with letting him run around freely. there's lots of ways to die in this game, and each failure pokes at the embers of wrath below his cool exterior.
this intelligent lil guy figures out redstone pretty damn quick. he'll use this knowledge to create lots of little creations meant to make your camp better. whether or not this actually helps is an entirely different story... but look! a gate! aren't you so proud of him? (please praise him, he needs it so bad)
and you wouldn't be playing with satan if all progress didn't come to a stop the moment he spots an ocelot. when you tell him you can befriend them, he's overjoyed. look at how cute they are! one ocelot turns into two, then three, then four... suddenly there's a small army of ocelots in your house that he's caring for. y'all better make room in your joint minecraft bed or satan will feel like a bad cat dad. he's so ridiculous and i love him
this man plays minecraft with his priorities straight-- he spends way too long creating a cute character skin to play with, then builds a cute house and decorates it to the nines, then focuses on finding himself the cutest armor and weapons... all before doing literally anything productive, btw.
do not expect asmodeus to be much help. he's mostly there for moral support. he cannot do things "for survival" like gathering food and resources or building a starter home. everything must be perfect, or it doesn't get done. asmo did not craft himself a bed until he was able to dye the wool pink and have a cute pink bed. he cannot bring himself to live in an ugly house, so you either need to help him or listen to him whine about getting rained on or attacked by monsters until he's done.
this is not to imply that playing with asmo is not fun!!
asmo is not a monster hunter, a miner, or any good at gathering resources. however, his experience with makeup makes him insanely creative. while you might not have a house for several days, the end result even gives barbatos' house a run for its money. his decor is always very cute and clean, soft even in the blocky 2D world. he'll make your whole base camp aesthetically pleasing if you let him (please let him-- his smile is worth it).
asmo often finds himself a damsel in distress. he'll fall in holes and get very confused, scream when he gets attacked, and generally need you to protect him at every turn. succeed, though, and he'll hail you as one of the most amazing people he's ever met. the game will be discarded as he throws his arms around you, kissing you all over the face and showering you in praises, all for saving his house from a stray creeper.
oh, and he'll definitely put your beds next to each other and smirk at you. what did you expect from the avatar of lust? cornball
sweet, beloved baby beel. he's ready and willing to play with you whenever. if you want to make some actual progress, prepare lots of snacks and set a cozy atmosphere to keep him full and content. playing with the avatar of gluttony does require a little prep in that regard.
this (metaphorical) angel really has a hard time killing any of the livestock. he apologizes aloud anytime he has to slay one and explains to the poor creature why he's killing them. sorry, little sheep guy, but you two need to make beds. the cows make him feel especially bad because they remind him of belphie.
he's really big on making sure you guys have a secure, safe home to hide away in. sometimes, things get really overwhelming in the game, so he wants you to have a space where you feel safe and protected enough to calm down. this bunker is definitely a bit ugly, but we can't win them all.
play with him long enough and all the food will start looking really tasty to him. that bread looks a little too real, doesn't it, mc? and that cake is so life-like... redirect him to his snack horde, stat.
he also wants to do all of your tasks together. when he's there with you, he can make sure you're safe or offer you help when your struggling to complete a task on your own. he want to make sure you're having fun! let him help you, please, it makes him feel loved. he likes spending time with you.
definitely doesn't get the "putting your minecraft beds together" joke. you can either explain the to him and watch him blush, or let him live with the assumption that it's for extra cuddle room.
you've got to coax belphie into playing with you for a few days, because honestly? that sounds like a lot of work. not only does he have to participate, but he's also got to learn, too? he's already yawning just talking about it all.
he'll eventually snuggle in with his back against your chest and your arms clumsily holding the controller in front of him. he doesn't particularly care that this position makes gaming difficult for you, not when you're cuddling him like this. it's really a win-win situation in his eyes: he'll play the little block game if you shower him in unconditional affection any time he wants. what a deal! his youngest child energy really shows in times like these.
belphie is heartless when it comes to raiding villages and collecting resources. what's that? you feel bad? they're not real, mc. they don't have feelings. they don't care that you're stealing from them. if it really makes you feel bad he'll stop, but he will complain about how much easier things could have been if you'd just robbed a village or two.
somehow, some way, he's also super lucky?? he'll stumble upon rare resources with little to no effort and snicker about how you're still scrambling for supplies. don't worry, he'll share. only if you beg, though. go on. he wants to hear it. maybe, maybe he'll be willing to give you the diamonds he found if you convince him. (what a fucking menace!)
he will, eventually, fall asleep while playing. the music is too soft and your arms around him are too warm for him to not drift off. that's okay. carefully take the controller away from him, save the game, shut down the system, and settle in for the night. he'll cuddle closer in his sleep, unconsciously touched by the gesture, and drag you into dreamland with him.
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burst-of-iridescent · 4 months
atla live action thoughts: season one review
first things first: anyone who says the Movie That Does Not Exist is better than the live action is straight-up lying. the shymalan film fails on the criteria of even being a decent movie, let alone an adaptation. the netflix series, for all its problems, is at least an enjoyable watch with great effects, music and (mostly) appropriate casting. there's absolutely nothing to compare here - the netflix version clears easily.
now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's delve into the series, starting with the positives.
the good:
visuals and cinematography. they really did a great job of making it feel like a fantasy universe you wanted to be in & i love how vibrant the saturation and colour grading was. it made the world feel so much more dynamic and alive instead of the same flat, boring dullness that so many movies and shows have these days. sometimes i didn't even mind that i was being fed obvious exposition because at least they were giving me something pretty to look at lmao
effects and action. the bending was surprisingly good for the most part, and they did a good job of making the elements feel unique through the stunt choreography and the actors' movements. i'm immensely thankful they didn't try to skimp on budget by merely cutting away from fight scenes or showing us as little as possible. almost all the action sequences were fast-paced and engaging, and i was never bored watching them
acting. the main four were all great, but gordon cormier and dallas liu have to be the standouts for me. gordon brings such an earnest, innocent sweetness to aang that you can't help but like him, and dallas plays all of zuko's facets perfectly: the angst, the explosive anger, the bratty snark, and especially the deep-rooted pain that characterizes so many of zuko's actions in book 1. the range he has, especially when flashing from younger to older zuko, was insane. special shoutout to maria zhang and sebastian amoruso as suki and jet respectively, because they killed it
music. leaves from the vine instrumental had me tearbending and i love how they kept the iconic avatar theme while making it a little darker for this iteration of the story. in general, the soundtrack felt very true to the animation while still being a fresh spin on it
zuko and iroh's relationship and expanding on zuko's crew. i think the fandom universally agrees that lu ten's funeral and zuko's crew being the 41st division were the best changes in the series, so i'm not going to talk about it further other than to say that these scenes show me what the show can be, and that's why i'm not giving up on it
the bad:
characterization. almost all the main characters are missing the little nuances that made them so great in the original, but the greatest casualty is katara. i hate that they took away so much of her rage, and gave many of her traits and struggles to sokka. i don't think this is a problem solely with the writing though, because certain lines do feel like things animated katara would say, but the directing and line delivery don't have the same punch that made her so fierce in the original. this is an easily fixed issue though, so i hope they take the criticism and let my girl be angry and fuck shit up next season
exposition. this was primarily a problem in depicting aang's personality and the relationship between the gaang, because a) why are you TELLING me that aang is mischievous and fun-loving instead of just showing me and b) the gaang do NOT feel like close friends, mostly because they spend so much time apart in every episode that they have little screentime to actually bond and develop intimacy.
lack of focus on the intricacies of bending. for a show whose tagline is "master your element" the characters spend very little time actually... mastering their element. zuko is never shown to struggle with firebending (which is going to have ramifications when it comes to developing his relationship with azula), and neither aang nor katara ever learn waterbending from a master throughout the the entire show. i'm pretty sure aang never willingly waterbends ONCE in the entire eight episodes, discounting the avatar state and koizilla. bending isn't just cool martial arts, it's closely linked to the philosophies and spirituality of each nation, and i wish that had been explored more.
pacing. they really needed to do a better job of conveying that time passed between episodes because an 8-episode season is just going to FEEL shorter than a 20-episode one. the original animation felt as though they'd truly been on a long journey before arriving at the north, but here it feels like the entire show happened in the span of a fortnight or so because each episode seemed to pick up right after the previous. they needed to have more downtime within episodes instead of just rushing from plot beat to plot beat because it made everything feel a lot more rushed. give the characters and story time to breathe.
final rating: 7/10.
overall, i would describe the live action as a better version of the percy jackson movies - not an accurate or perfect adaptation, but a decent story that's very fun to watch. but what really makes me root for this show to get a season 2 is that it has a lot of potential and more importantly, a lot of heart. it's evident that the people who worked on it do genuinely love and respect the original series, and it shows onscreen.
regardless of anything else, this show created opportunities for so many asian and indigenous actors, writers and creators to tell the kinds of stories and play the kinds of roles they don't usually get, and that's something worth supporting. if they take the criticism from this season and improve, i believe they really do have something special on their hands which - although it might not be the original we all know and love - could still be a story to be proud of.
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mostlyfate · 5 months
Would it be okay to ask you for jdrama recs? Coming from someone who hasn't watched a single jdrama in their life 😊 Kind of a jdrama starter pack please? ❤️
*sweats nervously once again* bc as I said before I honestly don’t like to rec things bc I think my taste is all over the place... 😂 and I'm not one who really pays attention or think about the faults of dramas. I just watch and enjoy (most of the time) lol. It also has only been almost four years for me with watching jdramas so I feel like I'm still pretty new to them haha. but I will try~ and what I mention is honestly more of ones I enjoyed the most watching and can remember!
okaaay! if you want to start out v short and sweet w some 🦋's i have two favorite drama specials 💘
— Tadashi Koi no Hajimekata (2023) | episodes: 01. genres: romance, youth. » there's only one episode but with two different versions! the name mentioned above is the first version and then tadashi koi no hajimekata: horoama? horoniga? date hen is the second version. it basically the same but shows the perspective of the two male leads with additional scenes! i just loved the pairing of mako and eita and their chemistry was soo good and fun. i am still v sad it wasn't an actual full length drama 😭 and the song that played at the end of date version was on repeat for months! 10/10 reccomend ✨
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— An no Ririkku: Sakuragi An Haiku Hajimetemimashita (2021) | episodes: 02. genres: drama, youth. » i remember enjoying this one a lot it was definitely one of my favorite watches in 2021! since this one isn't the freshest in my memory (i have the worst memory fr) i can't say much but i swear i was obsessed w this special and the leads back in 2021!! 😆
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before i get into mentioning actual full-length dramas i'll mention my two favorite jmovies that i actually physically own :)) so if you're interested in watching a movie before diving into dramas 💐
— Murder at Shijinso (2019) | duration: 2hr. 0 min. genres: horror, mystery, thriller, youth. » i love this dumb (affectionately) silly movie so much!! it might also be because i love the main actress hamabe minami but it's definitely just a fun murder mystery to watch :D
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— You're Not Normal, Either! (2021) | duration: 1hr. 38 min. genres: comedy, romance, drama. » i enjoyed this one a lot!!! obviously since i also went out of my way to own it haha. but yeah my reviews for literally everything i like is "i enjoyed it" 😅 but seriously i did 🙇‍♀️
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now for dramas!! i'll mention my two all time faves then ones i remember enjoying the most! 💐
— Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari (2020) | episodes: 07. genres: comedy, law, mystery. » it's been three years since it aired and i'm still crying about it 😭 it's the one drama i never shut up about and think about all the time. it's my favorite drama of all time like nothing throughout the years has had a hold on me since!! (what i've previously said about it~) | the way both leads played off each other and their chemistry was just- a++ the soundtrack for the drama was also such a treat and the vibes matched it so well! the vibes of the whole drama though!! I think it was also shot beautifully. and the consistency (!!! the way they kept things going even the smallest details !!!) throughout was something i really appreciated and looked forward too :’) i really be missing it everyday... </3 | i literally have a talio collection that i finally completed a few months ago 🥹 i have the dvd, cd, vinyl, and the magazine the leads were on the cover of 🫶
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— Itsuka, Nemuri Ni Tsuku Hi (2019) | episodes: 06. genres: fantasy, friendship, supernatural, youth. » this one still makes my heart hurt whenever i think about it and i just simply love it to pieces. it really has left an lasting impression on me. short and bittersweet. 🖤
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dramas that are romance focused 💓
— Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo (2020) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, medical, romance. » ahh so i think this was my first jdrama i watched!?! i honestly cant remember if i watched any before this bc this was the first jdrama i actually made gifs of so i'm going off of that as it being the first haha. but if you want something nice and fun to watch with romance at the forefront this is for youuu! bc i feel like most of my recs aren't romance heavy! and i just remember being obsessed with the leads and pretty sure it's what made me continue to watch jdramas 🫣
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— Animals (2022) | episodes: 08 (+ 2 specials). genres: business, romance, drama. » loved loved loved this drama! one out of the five favorite dramas i watched in 2022!! great friendships, great message, funny and sweet moments, lovely lead— umi-chan i miss youuu. 🤧
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— Oshi ga Joshi ni Narimashite (2023) | episodes: 12. genres: comedy, drama, romance. » definitely one of the funnest and sweetest drama i watched last year and suzuki airi (female lead) it's just such soo good, love her acting! she's also the lead in the drama animals i previously mentioned! pure rom-com with great chemistry!! ✨
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— Kieta Hatsukoi (2021) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, romance, youth. » high school setting with romance/friendship being the focus!! all the characters are so likable and it was such a cute and fun watch!!
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— Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!? (2022) | episodes: 09. genres: comedy, romance. » easy fun and cute watch with great leads!!
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dramas with all other kinds of genres (w hints of romance) ✨
— Bishoku Tantei Akechi Goro (2020) | episodes: 09. genres: comedy, food, mystery, thriller. » ooh i was obsessed w the leads of this one as well LOL. idk i really had so much fun watching this one and i loved main female lead a lot. 😭 also it had some really funny moments 😭
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— Toki wo Kakeru Bando (2020) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, music, romance, sci-fi » #wasnt expecting any crying to happen going into this drama 😩 #miura shohei's performance though?? AMAZING #he had me in tears every time #ryo i love u #not that it's similar but this reminds me of itsuka nemuri ni tsuku hi 🤧 | tags from a post i posted when i watched yeah 😂
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— Dr. White (2022) | episodes: 10 (+ 1 special). genres: comedy, drama, medical, mystery. » also another favorite from my five favorite dramas watched in 2022! even though it wasn't finished being subbed until last year i still very much enjoyed what eps i watched back then! like i really looked forward to every episode and soo grateful the subber decided to finish it and subbed the special as well! i might be bias because i love hamabe minami who's the female lead (and is in two other things i mentioned above lol) but all the characters are v likable and they all have great chemistry together! plus i enjoyed the v subtle hint of romance between the two mains like it isn't really there but it is and i was quite satisfied with the ending. 🫶
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— Ryosangata Riko: Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate Ki (2022) | episodes: 10. genres: business, drama, life. » i adore the lead so much, she's the cutest! i find this one to be such a fun and relaxing watch! and there's a cute little hint of romance which was soo good to me and wish we got more of them. 😭 there's also a second season: Ryosangata Riko: Mou Hitori no Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate ki / with same cast members but set in a new universe that just aired last year!
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— Okaeri Mone (2021) | episodes: 120. genres: life, drama, romance. » the number of episodes might scare you but this drama is an asadora (morning drama) which is only 15 minutes per episode! so if you're looking for a longer watch about life with a bit of romance i 10/10 recommend checking it out!! yes hello i always miss them 😭
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what i'm currently watching ☕️
— Uchi no Bengoshi wa Te ga Kakaru (2023)| episodes: 11. genres: comedy, law, mystery. » i totally have a thing for law and mystery dramas lol. but i've been enjoying this one a lot and recommend if you want something fun but somewhat serious to watch! and if you just like law dramas like mee 😂
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— Nanyobi ni Umareta no (2023) | episodes: 09. genres: drama » this one is keeping me really interested and is definitely a type of drama i haven't really watched much of?? it's engaging, surprising and the actors are great! i feel like most dramas i mentioned are easy going ones to watch besides a few so this one is the latter!
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+ special mention if you wanted to watch something base on an manga w anime-like feel ❈
— Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai (2020 - 2022) | seasons: 03, episodes: 03, 03, 02. + a movie Rohan au Louvre (2023) genres: horror, fantasy, mystery, thriller, supernatural. » i had been watching since the first one came out in 2020 and i didn't think we would be getting a season every year since and then even a movie! definitely check out if you're in the mood for creepy mystery with pleasing visuals + great outfits!
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yeaaah that's it from me! ✌️ i feel like this isn't much of a starter pack-friendly list since it's kind of all over the place sorry 😭 but hope even just one peaks your interest!!
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