#because they're a package deal
whatsagauntlet · 11 months
Hear me out. Tribal Chief Jey and Wise Man Sami. The locker room hates them because they're disgustingly sweet. Oh there they are gazing at each other like the sun shines out their asses. Oh there they go again all over each other like they're trying to achieve fusion. They still meet secretly in the back by all the pallets. The only scheming they do is their next date to Waffle House. In the end it's still wrestling so they beat someone up. It's probably deserved (threats are no joke), or maybe just for funsies if they're feeling feisty
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"Vigilante Shit" also she's wearing green. We all know who this song is going to be about.
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demaparbat-hp · 8 days
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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dykealloy · 6 months
Bisexual lighting generator
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nokivaris-jpg · 6 months
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The gang's all here
These were so fun to sketch as warmups~
All ref sheets can be found in the "because i never know how to draw the same character twice" tag
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Congrats to Cure White for winning and becoming the ultimate White Cure!
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bijesperfahey · 2 years
So because of the Percy Jackson show I decided to reread the books....and then unlike when I originally read them I also decided to actually finish the follow up series
anyways I just finished the magnus chase saga and I can’t believe rick riordin wrote the gayest fucking relationship possible and didn’t fucking commit to it
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ccarrot · 4 months
I would've probably liked dazai more if chuuya didnt exist actually 😅
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crybaby-writings · 4 months
i've got the biggest fucking crush on millie from helluva boss 🥴
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
Okay Spooky, PLEASE tell us about the Broken Shell AU lore (when you have the time of course). We've been seeing little bits of it for so long!
It must be I think the first or second AU I ever made for this game some years ago. It's the classic post-embrace the void ending AU.
Hornet, although reluctant and wary at first, helps The Hollow Knight and nurses them back to health in a little make-shift but in the Greenbath area, close to the Forgotten Crossroads for easy access to the hot springs which they used to heal. Why there? Idk, I think I just liked the greenery.
THK passes out for a good few days while Hornet takes care of them and when they finally wake up, despite being in an extreme amount of pain, unable to see and afraid, they still insisted on acting hollow. Slowly though, they recover, at least physically, and all the while she's taking care of them Hornet's also running all around the kingdom looking for Ghost and taking care of other things now that people are recovering and the dreamers are awake.
Once they've recovered just a little more though, something starts pulling on THK to go deeper into the kingdom, and when they can move finally they decide to follow that calling. Hornet of course tries to drag them back, but they're surprisingly strong even when injured and eventually, they end up at the junk pit. It starts with a little skirmish as both THK and Ghost are startled before they calm the hell down and realise who the other is. Hornet steps in, happy to see Ghost again even though they appear to be a shade now, and attempts to break the awkwardness by introducing them to THK - only for Ghost to float over and hug them, much to THK's surprise too as they had expected it to hate them or at the very least be angry.
So, long story short, the three siblings end up living together, eventually Ghost gets their shell fixed up by the mask maker, and they choose a name for The Hollow Knight - which was Shelly (because at this point I felt too mean calling them Hollow, so Shelly it is). They also bullshit about THK dying because Shelly does NOT want to deal with the emotional turmoil of meeting the Dreamers or Ogrim or literally anybody they know, at least while they're still recovering.
Eventually, though, they learn the truth, and much to Shelly's surprise and relief aren't angry with them.
Much later on, the question of who the next monarch should be arises and they eventually end up with Shelly being the only legitimate candidate (Hornet couldn't be thanks to some political mess between Deeonest and Hallownest, and Ghost would rather go through the Path of Pain 1000 times over than be a ruler of anything). At first, Shelly is terrified about the prospect and refuses, but after getting a ton of reassurance and with the promise of getting help from the Dreamers, they agree.
They couldn't bring the palace back from the dream realm so they just built a new one, a much smaller one in the City of Tears.
But it's mostly a classic healing arc AU for the three siblings tbh, mostly THK.
Also, it's worth noting that Shelly is disabled. They're completely blind in their right eye and can see some blurred shapes and light in the left one, which is the result of living with the fuckin sun in their head for god knows how long. They also suffer from chronic pain and back problems, and at their worst, they cannot take care of themself or even get up from their bed without assistance. They obviously don't have an arm either but eventually get a prosthetic one made for them. They still can hold up on their own in a fight - they're a god, after all - and even learned to fight by relying on their hearing rather than sight, but they're still not as strong or agile as they once were.
The bow covering their eye was from Hornet. When they were recovering she tied their bandages into a bow to cheer them up and they liked it so much they decided to do that with silk after their shell/eye healed. They also have a good relationship with the dreamers and even develop a fatherly relationship with Lurien, because they deserve a good father figure god damn it.
Oh, Ghost also eventually becomes Shelly's knight when they grow up. Hornet obviously takes over as the queen of Deepnest eventually and ever since then Hallownest's and Deeonest's relationship couldn't have been better, considering their rulers are siblings and get along swimmingly.
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aroacehanzawa · 10 months
lore drop
#that poll just now reminded me of my Toxic Homoerotic Codependent Female Friendship in high school#there was something obsessive going on between us because 1) i wasn't even in her friend group 2) everything she said or did was annoying#there was some stockholm syndrome situation going on. also a very succession tomgreg dynamic#you know how you invite a friend somewhere and they're like 'we're on our way' and you're like who's 'we'#and it's because they're a package deal with their partner apparently. yeah that was us but platonically. if you could even call it that#anyway her sense of humour was like that of a mean girl ie backhanded compliments and jokes at other people's expenses#always saying something that would subtly put others down. i got fed up with that at the beginning of our final year#and called her out on everything that Wasn't Good. which ultimately culminated in the Divorce#well there's more to it too but i could be here the whole day#i was so obsessed with her i misstook it for romantic feelings too and confessed to her in the middle of an argument LMAO#and then proceeded to ignore all her follow up questions. but in hindsight it clearly wasn't romantic anyway#except about a year after the Divorce she retrospectively confessed to me AND THEN REFUSED TO ELABORATE WHEN. as revenge i guess#actually the downfall started when we went to another city for an event and on the last day before the train back we were supposed to go#explore the city in what was essentially a (platonic) date except she ditched me for Some Guy she just met and claimed she had to go back#home early for a family situation and that he was giving her a ride because the train would arrive too late#that wasn't the only time she would just. abandon me like that. but it was the final straw for me#anyway. defining high school experience 👍#the only good thing to come out of it was that she thoroughly insulted a classmate of ours that i stood up for and so i gained a new friend#who is still my best friend to this day
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adammilligan · 2 years
in love with the way michael and adam are just an entity now. like you can't separate them it's unthinkable. it's illegal. they're each other's silly little rabbits you can't talk about one without the other appearing in the conversation somehow
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channelrat · 10 months
benefits to having a billion ocs is you can just pick one and become hyperfixated on that specific one and it's productive because you'll progress their storyline while fixating
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izzy-b-hands · 8 months
I. I think I have a decent finished draft for the first day of the upcoming Our Flag fan event with those drag based prompts that's coming up later in the month but. Oh. I made myself sad for Izzy in the process 🥺
#text post#it's sad in like. a bittersweet way#Izzy's had Ed break up with him again along with Stede (they're a package deal and a package break up too)#and it's implied he's been doing shows for a bit now with John and the rest of the crew at Jackie's in this modern au version of things#and inviting them every time but the two of them often don't show or are late#the day one prompt is roses so i had it be that the show theme is flowers with izzy set to sing la vie en rose BUT#after stede and ed show they aren't paying attention/really caring abt the show or making it to it#he switches his song to Roses by Adam Lambert (read the lyrics and you'll see why i chose it)#and has Archie and Jim help him rig up one of those fake vomit kits you can hide in your sleeve and control with a button#because he's also adding the hanahaki trope to the performance to essentially force himself to vomit out his feelings#abt ed and stede and their lack of care onstage. the 'vomit' is just rose water and crushed v tiny rose petal fragments#and he performs beautifully and the crowd Gets It even if they don't obviously know all the details#and then as he staggers backstage in that post dramatic performance haze#he sees a huge arrangement of roses left on his spot in the dressing area that are clearly so expensive as to be from ed and stede#implying that even after they promised again really this time to make it#they didn't. and all that he got was roses. to quote the song lol#i desperately want to publish it now but i think i should wait until the day of the prompt even if they allow early publishing#It could probably use another edit first anyway that i can do in the meantime but. yeah.#went in to write something fun and Oops All Sad instead 😭
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anarkhebringer · 1 year
I told myself I was gonna draw Bereft's full body ref for Art Fight... But nah that's too daunting so I'm gonna draw Dologadai instead jdoihufi
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jesterwaves · 1 year
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hello art fight nation
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