#because they're too young to understand that sometimes you can't just pick and choose your friends
irohsteaa · 8 months
I'm going straight to hell for laughing so hard at the "The Story of Jimmy Rebel" episode
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Please, more Majima content 😭 I want some age gap headcanons where the reader is 22 and he's 42, making people around them question why the young lady is with a man twice her age. Maybe they're walking together in public and Majima overhears some judgemental and nasty comments made about him and the reader comforts him through it because he gets uncomfortable and self-conscious 🥺
Ahhhh I love this, as someone in a similar age range in comparison to Majima and him being my absolute favorite, this idea makes my brain go brrrrr in the best way. Thank you sweet anon, headcanon is under the cut, hope you like it! It's a long one so I apologize in advance but I had so much fun making it hehe.
Majima will honestly never understand why you picked him. He'll always be asking himself how he got so lucky. At the same time he'll also wonder if he really deserves it. He will try not to let it bother him but it's always something in the back of his mind.
The most common comments are things like "Isn't he a little too old for her?" or "What's she doing with a man like that?". You get some weird glances from strangers. This makes Majima tighten his grip around your hand or around your waist, an obvious tell that he's trying not to let it get to him.
He will try to not engage in physical violence as a response because he knows that's not the solution and he doesn't want you to see him as just some violent beast. Instead, he'll spit out some retort before grabbing your hand and briskly walking away, clearly still upset.
He will try to not bring it up to you whenever he feels this way. Majima already feels that he's a bit of a burden in more ways than one: his age, his job, even the fact that he's missing an eye feels burdensome in his mind. How could someone ever love a man like this? Secretly, he worries that all these factors will drive you away one day so he doesn't want to add fuel to that fire by bringing you down with how he feels about the age gap.
Eventually, his feelings will boil over. You'll find him looking dejected, probably smoking out the window, unable to sleep. If you ask what's going on, he'll immediately know that you know and that's when he'll break.
Majima won't necessarily cry, but he'll sigh deeply and say something like "I just want ya to be happy. Sometimes I wonder if I can give ya the happiness ya deserve. Maybe I'm just bein' selfish... keeping ya all to myself." He'll turn to hide his face in embarrassment, ashamed of how he feels.
Once he feels your arms wrap around him, holding him tight with your face pressed against his back, his heart will just melt. It's true, he does think he's being selfish. Sometimes he wonders if everyone else is right and if you'd be better off with someone younger, someone your age. But damn if it didn't feel good to have you right there next to him. In that exact moment, his worries just wash away. He feels like he can do anything, be anyone. That's just the effect you have on him. Your presence alone makes him feel like a man reborn.
He'll close his eyes and exhale before putting out his cigarette and turning around to face you. Regardless of how you choose to console him, he'll still ask if you're sure this is what you want. Secretly, Majima yearns the most to be wanted and loved. Once reassured he'll just pull you in and hold you tightly, so close to him that it's almost suffocating.
The truth is Majima can't stand the thought of letting you go. The Mad Dog has been so independent by necessity for so long that he's terrified of letting that guard down, letting anyone in, needing anyone at all. You changed that and it feels so good that he's scared to lose it, scared to lose you. Your tender reassurance calms him, it puts the Mad Dog to sleep, and for once, Majima feels like he can breathe deeply and fully.
All those years ago, Majima swore he'd live his life for him, do things his way. When you came into his life, it was the first time since Makoto that he felt he really had something to lose. That's when the thoughts of other people started to get to him. Truthfully, you love his fearlessness the most. You admire his boldness, his loyalty, how he never stands down, the way he tries everything once and does anything for those he loves. You'll remind him of this, reminding him that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Age gap or no age gap, you're his and he's yours.
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dontpetmeibite · 9 months
I felt like doing the whole thing, sorry not sorry
do you like your name ? do you know its origins ? if you chose your name, what made you choose it ? if you didn't choose it, would you change it if you could ?
how many pillows do you sleep with ? do you prefer to sleep with a cold pillow or a warm pillow ?
do you believe in having luck, or is it just chance ?
do you still pick up coins if they're face-down / positioned for bad luck ?
if you were offered free food / a free drink, but you didn't like what was being offered, would you still take it because it's free ?
what kind of milk do you prefer to drink, if you drink milk ? 2% / low fat / almond / oat / etc ? is there a reason behind that preference ?
if you were to hold someone's hand while walking ( assuming you are okay with holding hands ) , how would you hold their hand ? loosely or tightly ? your whole hand, or just a few fingers ? would you swing your arms together as you walk ?
if you like swimming, do you prefer swimming in freshwater, saltwater, or in a pool ?
do you have a process for washing your hair, or do you not care ?
are you good at puzzles ? do you enjoy puzzles ? do you prefer word puzzles or visual puzzles ?
do you have a favourite genre of music ? do you enjoy listening to music ? do you listen to music to get your energy up or exercise ? do you listen to music to calm down or go to sleep ?
do you like going on vacation ? where do you like to go ? what would your dream vacation be ? would you go alone, or with friends or family ?
would you rather have a roommate or live alone ?
are you better at giving advice or receiving it ? are you good at helping people through problems ? are you good at working through your own problems ?
do you have a green thumb, or do you stay away from plants ?
I love my name. Prince Ravage of Darkmount was one of the main characters in "The Cybercats of Darkmount" which I adored when I was very, very young, and still do.
I prefer to sleep with Soundwave whenever possible. We both like pillows, but honestly, I often just sleep on him. When I was a cassette I often slept inside of him. I also like sleeping between him and our other lovers as long as I don't get trapped under Jazz's front end.
I only know I'll take it when it seems to be in my favour but I won't rely on it thoughtlessly because that's when it always fails. Nobody likes to be taken for granted.
I have no idea what this means. It's been a long time since I handled physical coins and I don't understand what could ever be unlucky about free money.
How hungry am I, and if I'm not very, is there someone in my household who does like whatever it is?
Isn't milk that substance that organics make to feed their newsparks? I would not actually drink that.
A lot of this really depends upon how viable it is to hold hands while I'm walking with someone. In other words, how many limbs am I currently using as legs, and how tall is the other person? I can't hold hands with anyone when I'm walking on all four of my feet and most people are enough taller than me that if I am comfortable enough to commit PDA I would rather just jump on them and ride or be carried.
Hot oil?
I don't have hair but sometimes I wish I did. It looks pretty but it would also get in the way. Probably not good to have when transforming either.
I'm good at them, but I don't enjoy them. My daughter though. Viridian (if you're an Autobot you might know her as Blackcat) loves puzzles and mysteries to the point where it has nearly got her killed or worse on a couple of occasions.
I'm a poet so I appreciate good lyrics.
I think I will enjoy vacations more when I don't have to travel so much for my working life. There are places I would like to see, but if I have to be away from my mates and my offspring too long it stops being fun, and wrangling a family the size of ours on a long trip is also kind of like work.
Neither, I want to live with my family. My experiences of living alone for long periods of time have ranged from being in a cell in an organic prison until Soundwave was able to rescue me to hiding in the vents of the Lost Light for a very long time spying on Megatron and trying to decide whether to kill him or not. The only 'roommates' I have ever had were Drift and Gasket in Rodion. Buzzsaw and Laserbeak also but they are my family.
I have managed to stay alive for a few million years during a massive war so I think I'm okay at working my problems out. I do have a tendency to give advice which is sometimes unappreciated. You can blame that on the fact that I used to be Soundwave's Second and most of the work of managing his team fell on me because he was always solving everyone else's problems on the Nemesis.
I'm very good at gardening but my thumbs, when unlocked, are the same black as the rest of my digits.
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Lol you did tell people not to argue so I had that coming. Also want to preface this by saying I’m not trying to fight at all, I just think it’s fun to talk about the books with other people who have strong opinions! So if it feels like a fight and not a fun discussion feel free to ignore!!
Honestly I agree with everything you said, you make some great points! And overall, I do like Chaol as a character. But my feelings for him change a lot depending on the book, so like in QoS, I’m not his biggest fan. My biggest problem is that he seems to hold it against Celaena that she left them, but like he’s the one who sent her away!
They’re definitely all flawed characters but I think it’s easier for people to dislike the patriotic boy because I think the things people don’t like about him relate more to real people we know. Like he doesn’t feel as much like a fantasy guy who’s actions we can excuse as he does just some guy from the gym, you know? But he does have one of the best character arcs and I really like the journey he goes on. Honestly one of my favorite things about sjm is her focus on mental health and really fleshing that out.
Also I second the other anon, I think you are going to LOVE his love interest. I think she has a lot of similiar traits to Elain and she is very funny.
Sorry this is so long! And I hope you don’t feel attacked or anything, I just like discussing! I am very much enjoying hearing all your thoughts as you go through the series! 💕
I think Dorian says it best when he tells Chaol that he can't pick and choose the parts of her he loves, which Chaol is definitely guilty of doing. He wants her to be someone more compatible. In CoM he has this moment that made me roll my eyes were he's imagining her as his wife and the children they'd have and I was like...CELEANA?
Chaol and Celeana deeply misunderstand the other AND idealize their good traits to a near obsessive degree. Chaol is honorable and good and Celeana is drive and compassionate and the two of them are drawn to the other for those reasons, while ignoring, in my opinion, all the many, MANY things that make them a bad match. I think I can forgive them because they're young and they're grappling still with the hurt of their first love. If they'd ever been honest with themselves, they would have known that.
I also think Chaol resents that she never told him the truth about who she was (even though I think her reasons for not telling him were valid). Once he realizes who and what she is, he knows it NEVER would have worked and sometimes when I read his thoughts I empathize with his bitterness. She kept a lot of secrets from him, and while her reasons are valid, I think his anger toward her is, too. He also fell in love with her and I think Chaol is so pragmatic that had he known who she was, he never would have let himself get that far. I do think he feels betrayed and I think his betrayal is justified. Chaol wanted to live his life in the palace, serving Dorian, and being in Rifthold and once she tells him the truth, all the hope he's clung to is finally destroyed. Like up until that moment, even knowing she was fae, I think he was holding on to the hope they'd figure it out and come back to each other.
I also understand what you mean about him being like, a regular dude- but the world is made up of regular dudes. The amount of Celeana's are few and far between- most of us are Chaol's. Ordinary people who value peace and security and want to believe the world is good and just. And I think what I like about Chaol is being able to see someone with little power rise above his helplessness and still do the right thing even when it's hard.
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Father figure Crowley.
(because we love that for him)
FEATURES: crowley eusford, (a little bit of) chess belle and horn skuld
CW: none though it is implied Ferid meant for them to die 💀
WC: 1.8k
NOTES: I haven't finished that other thing and last night literally on the verge of sleeping I was like "Papa Crowley though" and now we're here. I kinda like these ramble-esque things they're fun to write but I don't know what to call them (╥╯^╰╥)
Anyway here is child reader not knowing about the concept of grip socks for 1.8k words (it's ok they're too baby to know about grip socks) but I also don't remember the kids in Sanguinem wearing shoes 🤨 first of all--
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you can barely fathom what exactly is going on, watching a fight over something fickle. You think it's fickle at least, Ferid pacing about the room as you see his hands moving but can't understand much of what comes out of his mouth, as they're bickering over something you bicker over as a child—the same kind of debate you have when someone likes different chocolate or different dinosaurs.
was that how you ended up on his doorstep?
your little hand knocks on the door, once then twice and then a few more times until it startles you and finally opens to the red-haired Vampire you say on the other side of the fight, and you barely give him a second of space between seeing a child at his doorstep and opening his mouth to ask what it's doing there.
"Lord Ferid sent me! He said it was a uh…show of good faith I think was what he said."
life there begins perhaps out of pity you had to walk yourself all the way to him, and things are different. It's not like the arrangement you made with Ferid, getting to sell your blood to him in exchange for things and occasionally fall asleep around his manor. Crowley Eusford didn't like to leave you out in the cold, and without a place to stay nearby, he houses you under his roof where you're taken care of.
you have yet to figure out what your part of the deal is, because Crowley says he doesn't like children's blood. Ferid was just playing a mean trick.
at first he didn't have much to say to you and liked to leave you with someone else, but over time he stopped avoiding it, avoiding you. He begins to interact with you more the more he sees you, and somehow you expected something…different.
you start to question that however as he's unusually benevolent. Ferid never pat your hair unless it was to shoo you away right after, but now it feels more like a way to soothe you. He has his two closest attendants take care of you sometimes, and both of them are fairly easy to get along with. They're the ones who snatch you up from your day and drop you in a warm bath before putting you to bed most nights.
there are many times that he does have free time and lets you loiter around him. Just because you're so young doesn't mean you haven't learned not to bother the Vampires, especially not the nobles.
you told him one day that it was strange, asking him why he doesn't want your blood. He doesn't like children's blood—his words not yours—but apparently not every Vampire likes every kind. That was…well it made some sense? It's not like you like every food you're given, even if you still eat it, but if you had to choose you'd definitely pick what you like.
your influx of returning energy was a breath of fresh air however, allowing you to run around and play to your heart's content. Chess likes to play with you, though she's somewhat reserved around Horn, you honestly thought she found you annoying until Crowley and Horn were out and she was arguably more excited about it than you were.
the days you like most are spent around Crowley Eusford, surprisingly. You think he's quite nice for a noble but he tends to brush you off saying Ferid is just weird. Your only basis was Ferid however, you'd never seen another until his visits started. You didn't exactly expect to be living with him either until Ferid proposed another deal for you.
"Ferid is eccentric, but I don't have any interest in your blood. You live here because it's rude to dump you back on his doorstep."
but you didn't fully believe that, especially not when those are the days he watches as you get sleepy and curl up on the floor, and you feel his hands at your sides come to pick you up and settle you in his arms as he carries you off to bed.
you feel safer there than you ever had even just wandering Ferid's manor to get the things you wanted. Being laid gently in your bed is something you're used to, nor was getting the blankets draped over you.
sometimes he stays and sometimes he has to work some more, sort some things out. He sits on the edge of your bed and talks to you for a while, but most of the time let's you hold his hand and nuzzle your cheek against it to get comfortable. It's the start of affection, it feels like a lot more attention than you're used to though. He's not used to over-coddling you just yet.
this is his attempt at becoming less detached from your life as it is now, and yet he can't say he's comfortable laying by your side to let you cuddle up to him yet. This is just a way of letting you both get comfortable with the idea, ease you into this. You were so young at the time of the apocalypse you hadn't had parents to do things like this in a long time, so it was a foreign sentiment to you too.
you can't deny you enjoy this though, especially when he lets you sit on his lap while he works so you can see what he's doing, play with some object you found and distract yourself while he asks questions about how well Chess and Horn are treating you. He's glad that you like them, even if you think Horn likes to ruin some of your fun, but you're good at quieting down and keeping to yourself when she shushes you.
none of them are all that good at cooking, the one time Horn and Chess tried they almost burned the house down until you assured them you'd make food yourself if they could get ingredients for you. You ended up making a curry that you kept stored for a few days and ate it slowly with rice.
it's easy to sit your lunch on Crowley's desk while you sit in his lap, or on the floor next to him with a book. He's often receptive to your attempts at talking, just not when other people are around unless it's important.
like Ferid, for example, who is surprised to see you alive when he visits for the first time in months. If not the chaos of keeping you fed, it seemed to be keeping Crowley fed that was his problem. You had yet to even realise that was the reason Ferid was suspiciously nice to you before asking you to go. You'd never feel safe if he took you back, you knew as much.
it's the first time since you came here to live with him that he lets you hug him, it's the moment Ferid is out of sight, and you were scared by the idea that even through all of your negotiating you somehow managed to end up here. You run to him and hold onto his leg so tightly he picks you up by pure obligation, but it's a rare occurrence. You're used to him awkwardly shuffling away and laughing it off, but he lets you.
it's also the first time he lets you fall asleep in his lap later that day without immediately waking you up to walk you to bed. You're not sure when he finally put you to bed, just that you barely remember him stroking your forehead after he'd tucked you in before you fall back to sleep.
he's finally starting to see you as a little child who has no one, and you have a feeling that you're not the first one of those he's seen. He knows how to respond eventually, just not at first when all he knows about you is that you used to live somewhere near where Ferid operates his library.
Crowley is better at not just dumping you on Chess and Horn now, though you still play around with Chess and inevitably end up in some kind of trouble with Horn, but now? Now you can go running off to Crowley, your 'I'm going to tell Mom' of sorts, and he usually just laughs knowing you likely deserve it.
for a long time you wore your uniform as you always had, but it seemed you were soon to change that out for plain clothes. You hardly go out as it is, so it's not as if you really needed it. It isn't like he's dressing you up either, it's just that you look less like livestock if you don't dress that way. Harder to be mistaken for livestock if you don't dress like livestock as you remember he put it. You've never seen yourself in anything else, it's so surreal to look at. Is this what people used to feel like?
you're not used to running around with socks on, he can't get you to even keep your shoes on for more than a few minutes before you pull them off again. You aren't ready for the consequences of socks on smooth floors either, almost slipping over until he catches you to keep you steady once you realise you should slow down.
it feels weird to crawling into bed in these clothes too, a different feeling to it like the clothes are made out of something different, and it turns out you need another set of clothes specifically to sleep in. Half the time you end up falling asleep without even bothering to change. It's kind of silly to see but as long as you're comfortable enough he's decided it's not the end of the world.
it's getting your blood drawn that's still a problem, having to walk you there all the time just to carry you back because you feel sick and dizzy afterwards. He's working to get you out of that, but it's taking time. It's just a little painful to see you so drowsy and disoriented, and you always reach for him and mumble to be picked up because you're used to him carrying you back home.
he usually just puts you to sleep, since you say you're tired afterwards, sometimes fall asleep on the way. You assume you're very easy to carry, only needing one arm under you and your arms around his neck.
you're barely surprised at this point by how much Ferid will tease him for 'keeping you' like you're some kind of dog, especially now that he's seen you in plain clothes and running about playing, a semi-normal life and environment. Ferid doesn't scare you as much however, and you don't go running off for Crowley's help when he's gone.
that's not to say you don't need him, he very much still takes care of you, but something about living this way isn't so strange anymore.
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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xuyaa · 4 years
Age gaps
Ahh... I dread this but I'll speak anyway. I keep seeing people have a problem with big age gap couple in fandom. Now before your nostrils all fluff up let me say this, if you can't have an open mind or too fragile for my input please take your leave. This would be wasted on you.
About age gap on fandoms couple (canon or crack) I personally have no problem as long as both parties consent (without child grooming or forced relationship aspect) and considered legal at the start of their relationship and the legality here is not referring to our modern standard but on the couple's world and time. I'll try to explain but it might get long and boring but if you're still okay, continue.
I'll give an example, during the age of samurai if the situation permits like Uesugi Kenshin they can join battle at age 13 and there are still other examples of other famous child samurai. We call it child now because time change but during that time they were considered an adult once they enter battlefield. Why? They already trained years prior to kill and to protect their lord. Example of this in anime would be Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. His first marriage was when he's around 16 and that was an acceptable age at that era since he was considered adult at age 14. So even though I find it icky if modern day teenager marry at that age, I can understand Kenshin's situation. If I'm still okay reading about him killing people around at even younger age I'm not gonna complain about him wanting to marry (although it's not that simple white and black for him).
You get what I'm trying to say?
More example of the acceptable norms in past era. During certain era in certain place like for example Victorian England and prior, 14 year old boys and 12 year old girls are passable for marriage depends on whether the family want it or not as it's more political than anything else. Same in China for example during the Manchurian Dynasty 14 year old girl is considered adult enough for marriage. And usually the age of the husband is always older by few years up to few decades (officials and emperor). But of course over time all of the above would change. Not by much maybe? Depend on the country I say.
Still we can't just hold the old days custom and norms on our modern day standard that would be akin to the present you calling your two or three year-old self a moron for defecating and not wiping your own ass. Or like when you do something stupid at your young age (pick whatever stupid situation that you have take as a lesson. Done?). You just didn't know better back then but now you do and from your failure you learn, although it would be better if you learn from other's lesson but I say pain is an effective lesson for oneself. Would you rather have that memories of your lesson be removed or ignored? I wouldn't. I don't know if I might do the stupid thing again just to find out whether I can or not. Same as this this whole age gap, young age marriage in the past and present in some customs thing. Don't erase the fact, don't gloss it over because people have and can still learn from them. My grandma married at young age and I came to be as the result of her choice.
Have you ever seen high schooler called Robert D Jr handsome? I've seen it recently on youtube. They call him very handsome and another video talked about cool and handsome senior male models. I've scrolled through the comments and no one seems offended that these high school girls simping for male old enough to be their granddad. These girls called them daddy and commenting how hot they are and the comments either agree or saying the girls reactions are cute. Huh... reverse the situation if these old models commenting female korean idol for example and calling them cute or hot what would people think? "creepy" "pedobear" even though senior female might think the same lines, heck maybe even we think the same lines. See the double standard people use? Maybe not everyone, but the loud ones are there. They're so loud I don't even know if they're majority or minority. I have celebrity crush too when I was young and as it happen, he's my father's age and to be frank, I would not mind an older partner if said partner is compatible and emotionaly mature. My sister is 17 years younger than her husband and they turn out well because her husband is matured enough to understand her ups and downs emotion back when they're dating, even before. Are all men mature emotionally as they became older then? No, just as not all oranges is sweet. My sister is 10 years my senior but she's more bratty than I am sometimes. Is it wrong of my bro in law to be with my sis?
Oh you're just trying to defend pedophilia anywayヽ(`Д´)ノ.
No stupid, I'm trying to make you think. I don't accept pedophilia, shotacon or lolicon. My sis is old enough to be called spinster when they go out. Anyway, when you follow a certain series, try to see it from their era and custom's perspective. Some era is okay with 16 year old marrying. Some tribes in Asia allow marriage between cousins while others and the majority of the world frown upon them. That's just how they see and do things. For me as long as both side consent without pressure and not in the case of 'parents sending their child for marriage without their input' thing I'm okay to leave that alone, I'm pretty much sure we're on the same page there. I hope.
So, just as when you come to another country, you adhere to their rules and norms or you have no right to complain if they deport you out for not learning beforehand and breaking their rules. Or when you have a guest come to your home and they suddenly start demanding you to do stuff their way, you should kick them out if not slapping their face. Or if you want to be kind, explain how you do things in your home and hoping they would understand and respect it.
I'm jumping around but see what I'm trying to say? I'll get to another anime example.
In Naruto for instance, they became genin at 12 and killing people left and right. People are okay with that right? Yeah well, since it was soo popular I suppose... besides it's pretty glossed over in both manga and anime. But the same people that's okay with children killing left and right, would they be okay if suddenly the mangaka put in story about one of the chara going on seduction mission? If it's carried out well as in the chara being bamf, maybe no problem. But if things went south for the chara? I'm sure there will be outrage, especially if that's a female chara or worse if it's one of the main like Sakura. See? People hold the characters, the series and the mangaka to their own convenient double standards. Back to the age gap when shipping, I pick Naruto as example because apparently Sakura was just so shippable that people actually ship her with Kakashi and even Madara and she makes easy example. Don't ask me why she's shipped with Madara and I don't ship any of the two with Sakura. Anyway, if Sakura is mature enough to choose to kill as a teenager (and don't give me crap about Sakura never killing on screen. Their line of work involves lots of death and she's been through war) she's mature enough to decide her romantic partner even if it's suddenly Orochimaru(ㆆ_ㆆ) (did they even exist?). You can say her taste is terrible because he's an asshole but don't say it's gross cause the age difference because apparently Orochimaru can just rejuvenated to new body and be as good as a babe (I wish I could too). Anyway saying it's about age on these kind of chara is just straight up lie on people's part. Another example I can think of atm is snk. I've seen people against pairing the 104th with the veterans because of age gap. Now I'm not trying to be rude, but hear me if you please. The whole 104th are trained child soldiers and they're killing titans and even humans. You're all okay with that? If you still follow the series far enough and liking it maybe you enjoy seeing the action sequence, drama and intrigue? The fact that you still come back to the series after this long proves that you're still okay with all the gores and blood spilled with all the glorious child soldier most of all. They become soldier because of circumstances you say? I'm glad you think so too! Although I must point out, the 104th did CHOOSE to be soldiers (just as Naruto and co choose to be ninja). They could be farmers or thugs for all we know. All the soldiers in snk choose their occupation, thay all trained and decide to join the Survey Corps, in fact the only one that join reluctantly in the first place is the former thug although he continues in the end. That aside, their circumstances certainly are different than us don't they? They don't even know a car and blip exist before Marley... They must have a whole lot of different mindset and norms than ours too for a civilization whose life are about survival against titans that's 100 years behind than other civilization in their world. Ever think of that?
Seeing modern day teenage in romantic lights are indeed hard as I'm sure the majority can't even survive without their gadget and parents' money. I certainly can't at that age. Immature. Even those in their twenties and thirties are immature these days. But now when one of those child soldier who have a whole lot of different mindset and maturity level is being shipped with older chara, you're against it. Okay. Maybe it's indeed easier for you to see 15 year olds regardless of their profession to commit act of violence and even kill than to love... (does that sounds okay to you?)
...I'm not saying killing mindlessly is alright because it is NOT. But that would need a whole lot different threads and time to spare and maybe someone else can do it or already done it before me.
But here's the good thing, even when the ship starts when they grow and at the modern legal age of 18 and 19, or even far above like centuries, it's still not okay for some people to ship them. I don't mind if it's your preference and you don't go disturbing other's corner when they don't even enforce their ship as words of god and even acknowledging that 'yes, maybe it's not canon and just our bits of fun' but sometimes it got to the point of belittling those who do ship age gap couple and treat them like a criminal in need of help or wishing them death. Seriously? Yes. People are that immature.
If you don't like a ship because you think your own is better, fine. Do your thing in your corner but don't go to other people's corner just to talk shit without even knowing why they ship what they ship. Most of this ship is just in our head in the end, and even if your ship is canon it does not make you any greater in real life.
I can't think of anything else to say now, but thanks for reading with open mind. ◝(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)◜..°♡
Now before anyone waste their time typing out comments, I refer to my first paragraph. Here's some imaginary flower for you all🌷
Apparently I'm not clear enough so I fix my wording. I'm here not defending minor and old people relationship but age gap couple who happen to be aged up to acceptable age despite their profession. Here's some choco🍫
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bumbershots · 4 years
Author’s note: Hello! I’ve decided to give it a go, this is my first chaptered fic in this website. This story just occurred to me a while ago and I’ve tried my best to make some sense out of the concept which honestly is forever changing on my mind. I hope you don’t find many grammar mistakes, if you do please let me know. Enjoy! (:
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.3K ** 
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It's been years since Harry last had to use the tube, but it's not as hard as he thinks, buying the ticket was fairly simple and soon enough he was sitting on the train comfortably. The northern line wasn't too busy, no delays were announced through the speakers, his journey to Ladbroke Grove station was going to last around thirty six minutes. He suddenly can't remember how long the ride would be on a car. Maybe it's time to start using the London Underground a bit more, contributing to saving the planet, lessen his carbon footprint. With all the aeroplanes he takes a year, he should use it from now onto the rest of his life, he thinks with a bit of guilt.
He changes to the Hammersmith and city line with ease, passing by lots of people, no one truly pays attention to him. The school girls that would usually come up to him and ask for a picture are too busy gossiping among themselves, the grown up adults that are more fond of his solo work are too immersed into their own thoughts about annoying bosses. Harry likes to blend into the crowd that's gathered now at the station and awaits for the train. In the eyes of the others, he's just another guy patiently waiting for the train to hop on and get to his destination. Even though he was on his way to meet with the team that will take care of his house renovation, a property valued approximately on £4.175 million.
The train arrives and he follows the multitude that pile into the wagon, he isn't lucky to find a seat this time but doesn't mind as he finds a good spot to lean against, the doors close just as he skips the ABBA song he doesn't feel like listening at the moment and settles for Hanson instead. He bops his head along the tune before slipping back the mobile in his pocket, eyes traveling along the passengers' faces, trying to guess what they're up to.
A group of lads wearing the Tottenham jersey discuss the latest game, one of them praising Kane's goal and regretting him missing the next match. Harry knows a thing or two about football, he even plays it regularly with his friends not so far away from his home, but he doesn't keep up with Manchester United, perhaps he can do that from now on he thinks before letting his gaze fall upon the pack getting down on Baker Street and the few ones hopping on. Most of them are tourists chatting about the Sherlock Holmes museum, the singer smiles, remembering the first time he visited it with his family, many years ago. Sometimes he longs for those days to be back, so he can do the typical touristy things with the people he loves the most once in a while or have a date without a good amount of lenses focused on his every move.
Not that he regrets being a well known musician, actor, model. It comes with a lot of perks. But he's just moving on from a breakup that might have been his fault. He's a workaholic for sure, even though he's supposed to be taking it easy, his mind can't help but keep throwing song ideas for the next album. That is why Jeff suggested the home renovation, knowing that the project will keep him busy for about three months, maybe more if the contractors up sell their ideas.
Harry makes his way out of the station in one piece and without being spotted, he checks the address again on his phone, confirming the place where the meeting will be held is within walking distance and makes his way before choosing a Pink Floyd song for the six minute walk. He pulls his coat tighter around him, relishing in the forever changing weather of the city, this time he will stay and enjoy it in full, maybe even delight in the autumn too, have his mum over for a couple of weeks, maybe he'll even stay longer and take her to the ice rink.
Just as Harry plots on where to go when his favourite person pays him a visit, he reaches the private front garden off a beautiful car-free garden square. He remembers to text Jack, who doesn't take long to appear in the distance and unlock the gate for his friend.
"You're impossibly early mate," the man greets with an amused chuckle.
"Sorry, had to take the tube because of what you said about car-free development, probably miscalculated the time." Harry admits sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as Jack leads the way through the garden. "Is this where they filmed Notting Hill?" He wonders with another look around.
"Couple of scenes that didn't make the cut, our neighbour Mrs. Black will tell you all about it, if you happen to run into her around Hugh Grant's birthday." Harry laughs as they reach a private entrance with a well-maintained front garden adorning the forepart of the property, he follows Jack inside the home where a strong coffee scent greets them both.
The musician quickly scans the large open plan kitchen/reception room with large glass sliding patio doors to a delightful independent garden where a round table is surrounded by four mismatching chairs. He doesn't remember Jack's old place, but it certainly didn't look as the dream home they're standing in right now.
"Thanks for agreeing to do the meeting here mate," Harry's words are sincere his companion can tell, he tries to shove it off as if it's nothing, handing him the mug with coffee while he pours another one for himself, "I know it can be a handful, the NDAs too." Now he's almost blushing.
"We should be thanking you H, work from home for the next couple of months, my dream come true." Jack manages to make him laugh and feel at ease again, just before the steps of a third party come from the stairs and grow closer towards them. "Just in time, Harry this is Fernando Gonzalez, my housemate and architect of the team." He introduces the tall man to his friend and watches them shake each other's hand, "Fernando this is our client, Harry Styles."
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Styles," his voice is soft and melodic, like an aerophone instrument.
"Please call me H, all my friends do," the musician knows this is business, but he wants to have fun too, like Jeff suggested. And the guy looks way too young to be calling him Mister Styles.
"I warned you Fer, he likes to keep it easy, breezy." Jack says motioning both of them to follow his lead and sit down in their dining table that is covered with house design magazines, floor plans of Harry's home and a couple of what the pop star assumes are sketch notebooks. "Alright, tell us about your vision for this project." In all honesty, Harry doesn't know how to answer that.
He fights the urge to say that he had purchased the property knowing that not much is needed to be done to the décor. The style and the flow of the house is already lovely. After a quick glance at the plan he thinks that maybe, more room is needed and, most importantly, a new kitchen-dining-living space that would be grand enough to entertain in, but cosy enough to be the central 'hub' of his home.
"The windows, for starters, have to be replaced." He begins with a tone so confident that the pair before him don't suspect he's improvising the whole thing. "New bathrooms, perhaps from Lusso Stone, demolish an existing rear extension from the top and design and build an entirely new expansive ultra-modern one, like the one at Lou's home." Jack nods understanding what he means, "I also want a kitchen diner extension, pink granite worktops, if possible." Harry finishes before grabbing one of the magazines and starts flipping pages just to look busy.
The whole project can take six months, they let him know, through the summer and autumn. He's elated at achieving double the time he hoped for in the beginning.
"We'll send the paperwork to your team and see you next week to sign it once they approve it," Jack concludes the meeting as they all finish their coffee. "Are you busy on the nineteenth?" His friend's voice is warmer now that he's not on business mode, it makes Harry smile.
"I don't think I am, why?"
"It's Freddie's birthday, you should come, catch up with the lads," Harry nods while thinking about it, a bit unsure because it has been a while since he's seen the rest of the pack, he's not sure they'll welcome him just like that. "They're always asking about you, could be like old times, lads doing laddy stuff," the green eyed musician chuckles at that, not sure if he wants to go back to those activities of their youth.
"Sure I'll go, text me the address a few days before," his friend nods in approval to his request, "I better get going, I have to pick up my sister for dinner, see you both next week." The youngest nods and shakes Harry's hand before Jack leads the way out the house and square. The sun is setting now and the sky is a mix of pink and purple hues just as the two men bid their goodbyes until they meet again in a week's time.
Harry scolds himself for buying a one way ticket earlier instead of sorting out an Oyster card, he'll do that next time, he thinks before stepping into the train and finding a seat in the middle section of it. Led Zeppelin is a good soundtrack for his journey back home, for some reason he is craving the powerful, noisy, speedy rebellion that came with the band's songs, he loved to get so lost in the music that whatever activity he did came in second, every single time. Which is why he almost didn't get off at the King's cross stop, he hurried out of the vehicle, laughing to himself for being so immersed into the music.
The way back to the northern line was now familiar, but not as busy, he decided not to walk too fast after confirming that he had enough time to go home and take a shower before going over to Gemma's. Waiting at the platform he decides to change his playlist, again. Just as he's about to settle for Wings, out of the corner of his eye he spies what the person next to him is listening to and he stops from hitting play on his own device.
The who.
It's been ages since he heard them, three years if he is being honest. The train arrives and the girl next to him puts her phone in her coat pocket as she prepares to board the wagon, Harry does the same, but instead of training his eyes on the descending passengers, he lets them focus on her. She's wearing a nice burgundy coat, a black newsboy cap, high-waisted jeans with a blue polka dot blouse tucked underneath them. She's much shorter than he is, probably about Helene's height, he thinks as they make their way inside.
Without meaning to, he follows her and leans on the wall, across from her. She doesn't seem to notice how his stare is burning holes into her face, he's itching to ask her where did she buy the red boots she's wearing. Harry knows the moment he speaks to her, it will all go to shit. Some of the school girls sitting nearby might recognise his voice, his dimple could pop out to play and give him away too. She might also think he's a creep and kick him in the shin, leaving a nasty bruise that would heal in about a week, unlike the invisible one in his ego.
"Are you telling me, you developed a ten feet tall crush on someone you saw on the tube?" Gemma asks later that night, her fork full of linguine was stopped mid-air, making her brother roll his eyes but nod bashfully. "I'm speechless." The fork resumes its trajectory and she chews her pasta slowly.
"It happens to everyone, only because you both know that there's almost no chance to see each other again." Harry shrugs and bites a piece of bread, still feeling weird about the situation.
"Did she make eyes at you?"
"What?" He's completely taken off guard by his sister's question, his northern accent coming out and making him drop the 't' at the end.
"Yes, did you flirt with each other making eyes," Gemma's eyelashes flutter as if she was a Disney princess meeting her love interest for the first time, Harry shakes his head in denial, "what was it then?"
"I don't know! It was weird, couldn't take my eyes off of her but... she didn't even notice, I sound like a dirty man," he does, his sister agrees but the pink spots on his cheekbones tell a different story.
"I once had a crush like that, with a cashier at Waitrose," she remembers before sipping her wine, "he was nice to look at, one day he wasn't there anymore, just like that." Gemma sighed and took her younger sibling's hand on hers before adding. "If our lives were a Nicholas Sparks novel, perhaps we would be getting ready to have a date with those lovely people but..." Harry laughed and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"How's the sunnies collaboration going?" He asked before taking the last of his gnocchi. Listening to his sister talk about things that she enjoyed was the highlight of his days, he managed to push his silly underground crush to the back of his mind.
But there was the truth of what Harry couldn't see, or say. He'd probably like to have a shot with a girl like that and if Gemma could only see her, she would agree. Agree that there might be a story around there.
Let me know if you like the story! *** Join the taglist!
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vivwrite · 4 years
With the Ghost of You(When the Sun Goes Down We All Get Lonely)
Maybe he’s just imagining, maybe its just another fantasy he pictures, but Luke seems semitransparent, a halo casting around his figure, holy, angelic.
“The night was very long but it didn’t seem long to the Snow Man; he stood lost in his own pleasant thoughts, and they froze until they crackled.”
or: Ashton meets Luke in a library, and the story tells itself. (AO3 link👇)
ooookay so my first fic for lashton and 5sos . Thanks for reading it. And tbh I'm extremely nervous because English's not my first language. So sorry for the mistakes lol.
One thing: I read Marquez's work in my first language, and I can't find the English version of it, so I translated the title and first sentence to English. There might be a mistake so sorry again lol
Ashton has always loved the library.
It isn't the school library, which is always so grand, demure, solemn, much like a robot- no, too cold and inhuman.
What he prefers, rather, is a smaller one run by a group of retired professors. It seems determined to hide itself in the northeastern corner of the campus, made up of three small but never crowded reading rooms. No matter when he walks through the doors be can find lamps shading yellowish circles on wooden tables, rows and rows of bookshelves up to the ceiling, and seats, beside small windows where the sunlight outside leaks in just perfectly on sunny afternoons.
To him it's always a getaway, a secret hiding place from the stressed and sometimes too fast school life, the only friend he can turn to when he isn't that enthusiastic about life, a comfort when facing another rock bottom. He's already studying a too rational subject; he'd love spending some time being just sensitive in here.
He'd spend hours and hours wandering among the bookshelves, picking one when he feels like it, skimming a few pages before deciding to read on or not. By doing this he feels just like a boy on the beach, amazed by an emerald or sapphire brought on shore by waves from time to time- what matters isn't just the book he gets. It's more of the communicating, the chore he gets to strike.
Unsatisfactory experiment result, loads of homework, a long and tiresome discussion with the professor about his research orientation- which he thinks is too early for him to consider, but she insists that as he has already got postgraduate recommendation he needs to consider it fully right now- and Ashton finds himself wandering in the library again, walking aimlessly, not for finding books, just to feel the connection.
It is a strange feeling, really, to be connected with books. Most of them on the shelves just seem to be books as they are, silent, quiet, lifeless. But, well, maybe it’s just his imagination- but some particular ones seem to be staring back- especially that one.
His hand automatically moves to pick that book out of the column.
It is quite delicate, a hard back small enough to be held on one hand, the title shimmering under the dim lights.
Ann’s Diary.
He remembers reading it in his teen years.
“Sorry, but that's mine.”
Ashton springs from the bookshelf. The book slips straight from his hand, hitting the wooden floor with a thud, as a boy rounds up from the other side.
He's tall- even taller than Ashton. And quite young, a freshman or sophomore, maybe. He is staring at Ashton from behind those strands of blonde, messy curls falling off to his face, piercing pale blue eyes met with his hazel ones, and that made his breath hitch for a second- although those eyes are definitely showing dismay.
"I... I don't really understand." He tries his best to cover all the confusion and fear- dealing with strangers always makes him uncomfortable (although he can manage it by acting cheerful and shit), especially with a pissed one.
But the boy seems determined to stay silent and on edge. He just flips the first page open, gesturing to a mark on it.
It's a two-word initial. Must have written quite a long time ago, as the lines are a bit blurry and the ink has faded into light gray. But he still recognizes the word, written in Italic, reading "L.H.".
Wait. The librarians never said that there is a place for personal collections.
Before he can ask about it the boy swirls around and walks off, leaving alone a dumbfounded Ashton.
He goes to ask the librarians, then the curator(because the librarians know nothing), about books with a L. H. written on it.
"This is a long story, darling, but it's late." Mrs. Hemmings' voice is collected and calm as always, but Ashton can tell that there is something as her eyes are a bit dull, "Maybe the other day."
His favorite spot in the library is a small table tucked behind seven rows of bookshelves of English literature(yes, he counts how many bookshelves are there), just besides a small window. Others rarely find it- unless they're crazy for novels by Adeline Virginia Woolf or they're just too bored to do anything else.
That's why he chooses here- There's no disruption, no noise, only the random shuffle for a person searching for books and pages being turned. Being alone.It suits him.
The sound of a chair pulling broke the silence,ripping him from the novel plot- someone has slipped into the chair opposite of him.
Well, fuck.
Ashton lifts his head from the pages, slight agitation rising from his chest, which shifted to utter surprise as his eyes meet a strangely familiar shade of blue.
Before he could say anything the boy blurts out , "Please... I want to explain."
For a moment Ashton just sits there, staring. Thoughts cloud his mind, tangling messily, laying conflicted- He was so senseless but now he seems so sincere! He won't trust his own voice right now, afraid that something stupid pops up all of a sudden. So he decides to just nod, a silent permit for the stranger to go on.
The boy clears his throat, looking a little nervous, "About the incident yesterday... I'm sorry. Got into something stupid and was shouted at all day long- but, I mean, fuck, even that isn't the reason I became such a jerk to you. I'm not trying to defend myself, but please don't be angry... Oh my fucking god, I don't know what I'm saying." He groans, pushing a hand through his curls, messing it up a bit.
Well, isn't that adorable.
Ashton hears himself chuckling, "I understand, no worries. Everyone has a bad day, don't we?"
He watches as the boy visibly relaxes with the reassuring words, a smile slipping on on his face, "Yeah, I guess. Thanks... Um, what's your name, by the way?"
Oh, right.
"Thanks, Ashton." the boy's smile widens, "I'm Luke."
So the initial does belong to him. The L. H..
It's not until silence falls that Ashton realizes he may have stared at those sea- blue, sincere eyes for a bit too long. Hastily he ducked his head into his novel, flushed, trying to pick up the stream of Woolf's consciousness again.
"Virginia Woolf?" Luke's voice cuts in, and to Ashton's surprise- filled with pure interest.
Everyone else just thinks he's crazy and nerdy fancying Woolf's works.
"You like her?" He can't help but feel hope lighting up.
"One of my favorite!" Luke's literally buzzing with excitement, like a puppy finally getting some fresh air after a long lockdown in the house, "Never found another person to discuss, though. Everyone just say it's too hard to understand and shits."
And with that their conversation swiftly shifts into a heated discussion about stream of consciousness novels, to Woolf, then Proust, Faulkner, all way up the history, even to Freud- and Ashton finds, surprisingly, that they can strike a chord in every part of it- and the way Luke talks relentlessly, smiling so broad, eyes shining and hands waving- tells him he holds the same feelings, same thought, same passion.
His throat's sore- he hasn't talked that much in like, forever- but that doesn't stop him from being smug like an idiot when he leaves the library.
He's been alone for a long time, But it seems that he has finally found someone.
He starts to spend more time in the library- first just to do some more leisure reading and writing stuff there, then he starts bring his textbooks and laptop there to finish his homework, then even starts to stay there as long as he neither has classes nor needs to go back to the dorm. Yes, he admits it's kind of strange one's never tired of a library- especially that he has already ploughed through every part since he first stepped into it- but he knows why- a cute boy with ocean blue eyes and a smile is always there now.
It has become a routine. Luke accompanies him every day, sometimes already halfway through a novel when Ashton arrives, while other times Luke shows up merrily when he’s buried in the middle of projects and homework, bringing in a sense of cool breeze and fresh air before peeking over and ushering him to take a break(well sometimes the work has to be done, but Luke’s so sweet that he can’t refuse). Their time spent together is usually quiet, Ashton either typing away on his laptop or on a book, while Luke is immersed in his own novel, just piping up from time to time to discuss the plot or asking about the author. Topic wanders- books, school life, bands, music (seriously, how many same hobbies do they hold?).
They have went through so many fields- Stream of Consciousness to Science Fiction, Agatha Christie to Akudagawa, Shakespeare's Sonnet to Samuel Ullman's prose, but the list still seems far from ending. To Ashton's surprise Luke have read most of the writers not only by representative works but also less- famous chapters- many of which he only knows but has never read. He had thought he's an English Literature student, but Luke amazed him again by saying he studies Math actually- the same amazement occurred again when Luke discovered the chemistry paper Ashton's working on.
He can’t recall the last time he felt this content -Well, he can’t even remember when he has become so silent and depressed, on edge and under pressure.
But seems Luke has already become the solution.
Ashton sighs, recoils back in his chair, takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes- He never learns the lesson of not leaving your homework to the deadline, fuck it.
Besides him Luke rises his head, a slight smile tugging at his lips, "You finally done?"
He just groaned, eyes shut."I wonder how the fuck you can even finish your homework. You never seem to be doing anything related to math."
"Maybe that's because all can be done quickly if I want."
Smug idiot.
"Wait till you're a post graduate and you'll know what's torture."
"Will quit right after four years, then."
Ashton scowls, cracks open one eye and spares a hand to flip Luke off, to which he ducks away (he always does) and giggles, "You're of no fucking help."
"What do you want me to do, then?"
"Don't know. Tell me a story. Or just read something. As long as I'm not thinking my head off about the synthesis route of some stupid fucking molecule I'll be fine."
He heard a light chuckle, "Aye- Aye, Captain, here we go."
The sound of pages turning, Luke clearing his throat, then,"'It's so bitterly cold that my whole body crackles!' Said the Snow Man."
Ashton lifts an eyebrow wearily,"Now you're telling me an Andersen's Fairy Tale?"
"Shh. Shut up and be a good boy. It's my favorite one." then, "This wind can really blow life into you! And how that glaring thing up there glares at me!" He meant the sun; it was just setting..."
Luke reads on, and Ashton finds himself relaxing, sinking into the familiar tale he’s read hundreds of times as a toddler, following the thread of the story, recalling the dialogue, how the Snow Man calls the Old Watchdog “my friend”.
Luke's voice fades for a brief second, then returns, slightly changed, softer, “Then the Snow Man looked, and he really saw a brightly polished thing with a brass stomach and fire glowing from the lower part of it. A very strange feeling swept over the Snow Man...”
Here comes the part- tracing the memory he can still feel it, the confusion when toddler him read to this part, then realization and excitement for no reason when he picked it up again, just for one time, before he come to this city.
He thought a new place brings a new life. That he would finally leave that old black and white town. He thought he knew what life was all about, what love was.
So ambitious, so young, so dumb.
Ashton blinks furiously, shaking the thoughts flooding up away from his mind. He’s here, in his favorite place, with an adorable boy who keeps his company, reading a tale to him. He’s fine, they’re fine, it’s fine.
His eyes lands on Luke.
The small lamp on the table is tilted slightly, soft golden light casting gently down on the boy’s right side, splitting a silhouette, leaving the left side of his face in the shadow. Curls falls off his face, dangling. His long, thick eyelashes turns to an almost-silver color under the light, trembling slightly, dancing altogether with the little particles floating in the air, as those blue eyes, clear as the sunny day but still deep as the sea, moves with each line, each word on the page. Maybe he’s just imagining, maybe its just another fantasy he pictures, but Luke seems semitransparent, a halo casting around his figure, holy, angelic.
“The night was very long but it didn’t seem long to the Snow Man; he stood lost in his own pleasant thoughts, and they froze until they crackled.”
The story’s still going, coming to an end, and Luke’s voice, a little raspy now, is merely above a whisper, like if he tells it any louder the fragile, beautiful tragedy will be destroyed.
“Come out, dear sun! Come often, skies of blue!
And nobody thought any more about the Snow Man.”
And with that Silence falls, a sad love story coming to its end.
For a while they just sits, looking into each others eyes.
The atmosphere’s changed, he knows it, can feel it. It’s a brand new feeling, one he has never felt, the rising urge, the need, the want, to get closer to the boy in front of him, to truly know him, to be with him, go through everything with him, feel the same with him, to like him, love him.
Hesitantly, he reaches out, slowly, hand trembling.
For a moment Luke seems to be on the same page with him, eyes fluttering shut and automatically leaning in, but suddenly he gasps, like being reminded of something he has long forgotten, and recoils back sharply, Ashton’s hand touches nothing but air.
“It’s late, Ash.” Luke whispered, not looking him in the face, “Maybe the other day.”
Something’s changed between them.
Not that the intimacy has changed- no. They still meets at the very table, reading and chatting, Luke still listens to his bickering about homework and fucking lab life- but something’s there, like The Sword of Damocles, hanging dangerously, but both just choose to ignore it.
Luke’s still Luke, sweet and gentle, cute and caring. But he’s somewhat quieter then before- he’s still chatting when it comes to their hobbies, but he always stops abruptly after the topic’s over, cutting the conversation.
It’s only that Ashton’s confused, confused about fucking all of it, confused about why Luke refused his invitation, why Luke takes a step back while he finally decides to step forward. It’s like an invisible barrier is built, all things suddenly turns indefinite without reason.
He hate it. He fucking hate all of it.
It’s only worse that he’s stuck in the library right now- it’s pouring outside, he’s left his umbrella at home, his jacket has no hat, and Luke’s oddly quiet.
He’s reading, more of scanning automatically, mind crowded with uncomfortable thoughts, screaming at him to at least find out what’s wrong with Luke(he don’t know how when they’re in this awkward state), to pluck up his courage and try again(well look what a coward he becomes when it comes to pining), to get this mess sorted (to which he has absolutely no fucking idea).
Fucking shitty day.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed- the sky is darkening, pure black seeping into pale gray, as the window starts to mirror the lighted lamp, making it unable to see the outside.
He hears a sigh, then the sound of book shut.
He can see those clear blue eyes from the corner of his eye, a little dim than usual, like the eyes of a sad puppy, and that almost break his heart. He wants to get close to the boy again, tell him it’s okay, he’s here, no need to keep those shit all alone and stuff- but instead he stares intently at the screen, so hard that his eyes starts to water, cursing himself inwardly.
A pause. Then, “Ash.”
Ashton gives himself a slap in the head, then puts on his most cheery face, “Yeah?”
Luke shakes his head furiously, “Don’t... Don’t act in front of me. I know you’re not well these days, and it’s all because of,” He waves his hand impatiently, then pulls his curls, casting out another deep sigh, “Yes, I... feel there is something I need to explain.”
And again he finds himself lost of words, exactly like the last time Luke made an explanation. But Luke’s acting different- strange. He’s frowning, shifting in his seat, hands tightly clasped together, teeth tugging at his lower lip, eyes filled with... fear.
Luke has never gone frightened in front of him.
“Hey, hey.” He reaches out, trying to grab Luke’s hand, but the boy squealed and pulls away abruptly again- so he just sighs, being as comforting as possible, “It’s okay, Luke. All okay.”
Finally the boy seems to have made the decision. He points to the book he just finished, which is lying on the table now, “The second short story.”
“You’re making me a puzzle through Marquez? Typical.” Ashton picks up the book, checking the writer. He’s trying to make a joke, but it came out weak and not funny at all, as Luke just sighs again and rests his head in his hands.
“I don’t know how to say it, so.” God, he hates how Luke’s voice sounds, all hurt and in pain.
“Luke, I mean, I’m not forcing you, but you know you can tell me everything-” panic’s rising, and he feels the urge, that they’re coming to the crossroads-
“Um, Ashton?”
He’s never hated life- the approaching librarian as well- more than now.
She comes to stand beside him, a hand on his shoulder, “It’s ten now and we’re closing in five minutes. You need an umbrella?”
“Um, just a minute. We have something to discuss. I promise it’ll be quick.” He gestures to the seat across the table, where he knows Luke’s sitting.
He expects a nod, but her face is puzzled, coated with a layer he can’t read, “We? But Ashton, there’s no one across the table.”
His head whips around, so quick that he thinks he must have strained his neck. He closes his eyes, then opens them again- yes, Luke is sitting right there, in the chair, totally frozen besides the nervous act just now- but he’s there.
She only shakes her head, “You’re the only one here all day, Ashton. No one else feels like coming on such a stormy weather.”
With that she leaves.
Ashton turns back to Luke frantically, “What the hell-”
He’s met with a stony face and watery blue eyes. Luke seems defeated and in total grief.
“Tell me, Luke. Tell me!” Panic overcomes him, his voice three octaves higher than usual. It can’t be real, it’s just his fantasy, things like this can’t happen in real life...
Luke holds out his trembling hand, and very slowly, reaches over, linking it with Ashton’s.
A wave of icy cold rises up- from his feet up to his spine, overwhelming him, drowning him, making his head dizzy, the world turning, the sense-
The sense of not being touched.
Luke’s hands go straight through his.
“Because they can’t see me.” The silhouette figure whispers, voice barely audible.
“I’m not as real as you see me, Ash.”
The next three days come and go like a blurry scene.
Ashton remembers it just vaguely- he remembers fleeing out of the library, running alone the dark campus path till his chest burns and every breath becomes a burden. He remembers the rain, pouring down and hitting him relentlessly, flowing off his face, mixed with some warm fluid he didn’t dare to think about. He remembers walking back to the dorm, all worn out and broken down, throwing himself on his bed and crying till weariness finally came over. He slept, then woke, then ushered himself into sleep again, like only in dreamland he could forget all of it, until he was really not able to sleep anymore.
He pushes himself up from his bed and stumbles into the bathroom, eyeing himself in the mirror. He looks like shit, even worse than a hangover, purple bags hanging from his eyes and hair sticking in all directions. He sighs, turning to walk from the bathroom, cursing as he nearly trips over something on the ground- but the word died halfway in his throat.
It’s that book. The Collection of Marquez’s Short Stories. He must have thrown it on the floor that night.
Ashton swallows, hesitant- he’s not that sure if he’s ready to face it, that memory, that typical boy- but his hand does it for him, already flipping through the pages.
The second work, what is the second work......
He sees the title.
Someone Messed up the Roses.
He takes in a breath.
Today’s Sunday, the rain’s stopped, and I want to pick some red and white roses to my grave...
His eyes is welling up, but he reads on, about the story of a boy’s ghost and his sister, a wish never coming true, a story of love and regret.
There’s a note, written in Italic, at the corner of the page, end of the story, black ink suggesting it’s freshly written.
You have given me the happiest moments my whole life and beyond life, Ash. It might be like a cheesy novel, but I love you and I’m sorry.
Luke Hemmings
He’s crying before he knows it.
“Fuck, Luke.”
The scenery outside the window’s changing, fading from concrete jungle to fields and woods. On the end of the road, a hill’s approaching.
He’s sitting in the bus, hand clutching at Marquez’s Collection and a piece of paper- a piece of paper Mrs. Hemmings gave him, showing a route to the place he wants to go.
The vehicle stops and Ashton stands, hopping off the bus, going for the iron door just beside the muddy road.
He pushes it open, the rust on it sticking on his hands, the scent of soil coming up to greet him. As he keeps walking stones appears- delicately carved, yet lifeless.
An oak. That’s what she told him- an oak beside him.
He lifts his head, looking around, and found it- an oak, already tall, rising from the soil, pointing straight to the pale-gray sky.
Uncertainty and fear echoes in the back of his mind, trying to stop him, as he just goes on.
He’s already experienced lost once. He doesn’t want to lose it again.
He stops in front of the oak, hesitates before sitting down, cross- legged.
“I don’t know what to say, Luke.”
He stops, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“A part of me is telling me to forget all this, deny it, wave it off as a dream. It’s all just a fantasy, something I pictured, and I’m supposed to, I should...”
“But, Luke, every minute spent with you is so real.”
“They would say I’m crazy, everyone will; I mean, who would believe a person falling in love with someone already gone- and supposed to be in the state of nonexistence? But... you’re like someone I finally found, a person in this world who could understand me... Who I’ve searched for my whole life.”
He sniffs, blinking away the tears welling up, “You know, during my years alone I’ve learned about not to expect, not to hope; but you... you bring the difference, like a light suddenly cracking in. I mean... if you’re there, if you’re really there... please, just please, give me something to hope, to wish for, and don’t just go away like that.”
“Because I’m so lonely,” He finally let it slip, “So lonely, Luke.”
A soft wind picks up, leaves rustling, like an answer. But as he listens on everything just stays silent, like they’ve always been forever. No silhouette, no soft voice belonging to a boy.
The sky’s getting dark, so he just pushes himself up and leaves.
He continues with the life. Attending classes, finishing homework, finally deciding his research orientation. His professor says something about “A big step” and “I know you can do it”, which he just brushes it all off, not truly listen.
He continues to go to the library- but not sitting in that very table anymore, and just stays there for less then an hour each day. He’s read Someone Messed Up the Roses again and again, like all of the other works have suddenly lost their attraction to him.
The pages are all dog-eared and worn out, but he just goes on with it, flipping the pages, ready to read the short story for like the twentieth time.
“I wouldn’t treat a book like that, you know.”
He jumps from his seat, eyes widening, turning around.
Someone turns up from behind the bookshelf.
Messy curls, sea- blue eyes, the lips curling up in a slight smile.
It’s like a dream. He’s in a dream.
Like he can read Ashton’s mind, the blonde walks straight up to him and extends his arms, wrapping him into an embrace.
He feels warmth.
Still no feelings of being touched, the figure still semitransparent, but warmth.
“It’s real. Don’t doubt it.” Luke’s voice is soft, reassuring, barely above a whisper.
Just like he remembers.
The warmth doesn’t fade, like when he’s standing under the afternoon sun, closing his eyes, feeling the hope coming up.
He finally believes it- tears are sliding down his face before he knows it.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
Since no one cares about Alola I can therefore say what I want.
Team Rocket's Pokémon are all worthless toss. That's such a surprise from this oafish writing team.
Remember when Jessie and James had two each, to offer variety? Permitting them even that is too much focus nowadays.
We don't what anything interesting going on, thank you. Repetition is what we and they deserve.
Arbok, Weezing, Lickitung and Victreebel are spinning in their graves.
Stufful was missing for three years and she displayed not the slightest pang of concern until its belated invention. Given her temper she ought to have torn the island apart searching for her baby, but no.
Not bothered about Bewear. It shouldn't really be in this list as it didn't belong to them, although catching has no value anymore.
A bit thick are we? Or conforming to the usual parental standards?
Well, she's sufficiently neglectful that she let it out of her sight long enough for it to be crushed under a tree, then was too idle to come to the rescue. In consequence he was obliged to wait days until one of Lusamine's lackeys arrived.
She's 'Mama Bear' though, isn't she?
It's based on a red panda, is partly the colour of a black bear and as strong as a grizzly, but all that is a mere cover for its true nature as a Bear-Face Ham.
The modern pretence is that everyone's a vegetarian (are they balls), and Ursa Major lives on fruit, not, you know, flesh.
Just because it there's no hibernating in the tropics doesn't mean it can get by without a salmon now and again.
The name is stupid, since a red panda is not a bear. A play on words isn't clever if based on what it isn't.
They should've called her 'Pandamonia', or 'Pandour', which is a brutal soldier.
It is at least redeemed by battering the klepto cockroach into the next dimension. Good on 'er.
Mind you, this is Alola, a cesspit of incest, so it's probably some sick arrangement, like Bewear being slipped the length by that previously unmentioned Oakie-Dokie clone.
He's the spit of Jimmy Savile, thus every depravity is on the table.
Where's Stufful's dad? He buggered off too?
What kind of name is 'Stufful'? What's it made from, 'stifle' and 'suffocation'? 'Stuffed'?
Thanks for that. Whenever I see its ovine face I'm reminded of taxidermy.
Were Ursa Minor and Bewear described as mother and son, or were they 'friends'?
A series of games involving breeding and the 'anime' is too squeamish to even imply animals live in families.
I don't care either way for Stufful, but I'd like it better if its mouth wasn't a camel toe.
I understand it's a sea creature, and the contents of the oceans are their own brand of peculiarity, but looks like a limbless, undead spaniel plagued with extra teats. Its 'ears' resemble distended mammeries.
Hey, remember that interesting, original Pokémon James had called Victreebel? Let's do it again! And again! AND AGAIN!
Victreebel is a venus fly trap: an anomaly in nature as a carnivorous plant. It makes sense that the Pokémon version would be a bit more full-on in catching a meal.
New law: Team Rocket are required to collect monsters as ugly as themselves.
Hurting James was its personality quirk, particularly to it, fitting its nature, its 'thing'. It was never meant as a template for most of what he caught in the future.
Something is funny if it happens once, and can be now and again if done with a least a little flair.
Nothing repeated as a constant leaden thud is remotely amusing, but this is an unknown fact to Nintendo bone heads. They think certain events are utterly hilarious in themselves and require no finesse in application.
They have a checklist of moments obligatory to each episode, which explains the plodding lifelessness. Tick 'em off to keep the fans from being ticked off. All we supposedly care about is each gong struck, not how we got there.
At least Victreebel used to vary its behaviour:
Occasionally it even did as told without any chomping preamble.
It didn't do the exact same action every single time it was involved!
Mostly it swallowed James.
Tumblr media
How long was it once Victreebel was chucked out on its leafy arse before Cacnea arrived?
Oh look, it's a Grass Pokémon and attacks James!
Sometimes it ate Jessie.
Carnivine got in on the action before Cacnea's run was even up: kick 'em when they're down why don't yer?
Oh look, it's a Grass Pokémon and attacks James!
Now we have Mareanie. Wasn't there a few in between? No, shush, they don't exist anymore.
Every bloody time it came out, it turned round and punctured him.
Every bloody time.
Ah, it's not a Grass Pokémon. That makes it totally new!
Oh yes, it's the complete opposite of Victreebel. It's Poison instead. Not like it at all.
Every bloody time it came out, it'd gnaw his head off.
Every bloody time.
That's endearing.
Oh but it is! It's just showing him love!
As that makes it alright!
If a muscular man squeezed his girlfriend so tightly he cracked her ribs, is that 'sweet' because he 'meant well' but his feelings overwhelmed him? Or is it A.B.H.?
Every bloody time it comes out, it injects James's head with toxin until it swells up into purple pustule of disease.
Every bloody time.
I never took Victreebel's assault as affection. To me they were real attempts to devour James, especially with the accompanying frenzied screech. Interpreting that as a positive emotion is bizarre to me.
At soon as James found it wedged in a Breeding Centre cage and opened the door it grabbed him, which appeared to be Victreebel lashing out in anger for what'd happened in the intervening period.
What Mareanie does is worse than the other three put together. At least they delivered mere bite marks or pinpricks, but it infects James!
Whole episodes of this programme have involved a Pokémon falling foul of Poison Powder and being on the verge of death, with all done to preserve it until Ash hunted down the cure, but now it's a big laugh, apparently.
Not one character ever has the wits about them to carry an Antidote, otherwise the writers wouldn't be able to fall back on the tired old race-against-time scenario, which is no such thing as we know they won't die.
Is it likely that James is always going to end up picking a violent Pokémon, of all the individuals of a race, of all the lifeforms in the universe?
Aren't his allowed to come with their own personality, or is there a set pattern they must follow, and when caught they absorb it, for fear they might be memorable?
Mind you, it's interesting the reactions these abuses provoke:
Victreebel eats James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Cacnea impales James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Carnivine chews James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Mareanie poisons James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Meowth claws James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Jessie beats James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Jessibelle whips James: EEVUL BITCH!!!
Mimikyu should be opposed for breaking it's own world.
To us, Pikachu is the most famous Pokémon, belonging to Ash, the protagonist, and the franchise's mascot.
To them, Pikachu is just another middling Pokémon hundreds of young Trainers catch, and holds no greater value.
It's blatantly a reference to Pikachu's real-life status, acknowledging itself as fiction. No Pokémon would hold the same significance for this design to work but him.
Otherwise why would Mimikyu, when it has the choice of every Pokémon that exists, and, if meant to be a believable world, every Pokémon we don't know exists, choose Pikachu to ape? Why wouldn't it pick a Legendary?
Alola Pikachu is looking off colour.
It's not even this specific Mimikyu, it's the entire species!
What, they work to a hive mind, incapable of individual tastes and opinions?
Do they all hate Pikachu too, even though the entire mouse population of Alola has been rounded up by that loon and trapped in a valley, or were we lumbered with the lone demented obsessive with a severe complex?
Is it well jel that Pikachu's a real one, whereas it can only manage to knock up a bog-standard costume with a face daubed by a chimp paralytic from scrumpy?
Well stop imitating it then! Invent your own design!
Oh come on. The animators can't even do that, hence its creation. You can hardly expect it to display inspiration if born from its absence.
I wonder if it hates Raichu. And Pichu. And Plusle and Minun. And the rest of the Pikachu derivatives, although it is one.
(As an aside, I don't know why Raichu, Marowak and Exeggutor were redrawn for this era, but not Pikachu, Cubone and Exeggcute. Why does the sweaty climate affect only evolutions?) 
Here's an idea: make Shiny Mimikyu have a different get up, not colour.
You can have that free, Game Freak. I'm too lenient with yer.
Presumably, Mimikyu hatches (already dead?) in all its eye-bleeding nastiness, and instinctively reaches for the discarded yellow bedsheet and pack of crayons that just so happens to be nearby, and the scissors to make the peep holes.
Them inbreds know how to litter.
Nah, it's probably hooks.
How is it born aware of a Pikachu's face, and why is it compelled to copy them?
Knowledge of his own ugliness is innate, thus he must cover his nakedness before it lays waste to the forest inhabitants.
Yet if you breed 'em, it emerges wearing it, like the cloth formed from left-over albumen and stained with yolk!
What's it reaching with? Paws?
Oh, and there was a deceased specimen in the series, so it's either a ghost, and nothing but bedsheet, or a zombie, and it's repulsive carcass has upped the ante by putrifying.
Even its name doesn't fit. Apart from the unsightly spelling, what's 'Mimikyu' about? It's not mimicking me.
Mimikyu? It should be Mimikchu!
And you know what? Even Nintendo agree their own inventions aren't good enough, because they made return almost impossible.
They hate these more than they do even the pre-Unova Pokémon, most of whom were condemned to a dark existence within the iron corridors of H.Q. and haven't been seen since.
• Growlie is such a beloved figure in James's life he's been involved all of twice.
• Dustox got pensioned off.
• James was practically bullied into gifting Cacnea to that cloying bitch Gardenia.
• Whilst he still tecnically owns Chimecho, it's as lost to him as any of them.
Remember Seviper, Yanmega, Carnivine and Mime Junior?
Hell, remember Woobat, Yamask, Frillish and Amoonguss?
Or Gourgeist and Inkay?
Of course, since the makers appear to have the Reverse-Midas Touch, Team Rocket still took that useless, wincing lump Wobbuffet to Galar instead of dumping it over the sea. Apparently we're stuck with it forever.
Arbok, Lickitung, Weezing and Victreebel got shafted, but THAT survives?
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Yes? That's more the writers do. In current canon these Pokémon never lived at all. Dead memories in the haze.
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cosmiciaria · 5 years
In defense of Detroit Become Human (spoilers marked - long post!)
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I know I arrived late at the party and everything that could've been said about this game has already been said – but I do want to add some things I haven't found in some reviews I’ve come across, while addressing all the flaws and giving credit where credit is due. And believe it or don't, this game is due a lot of credit. Yes, a game by David Cage is due credit, what has the world come to?
I must admit I'm not the greatest of fans of Cage's works. I can see all the flaws and plot holes in his games/interactive movies, but unlike others, I'm not that bothered by them. Hell, there are plot holes in many good stories and even the greatest games have some flaws, sometimes it feels people like picking one director and hating on them (cof cof, Tabata from Square cof). This doesn't mean Cage is free of sins, since that's far from reality: I still remember the Ellen Page's controversy with her naked model inside the game, and the creepy things they did to Madison in Heavy Rain for no reason whatsoever. Man, I think you should revalue some of your fetishes.
But aside from that, his games are heavily narrated focus, straying too far from the ordinary hero path and 'saving the world with the power of friendship'. He's stated there are so many things we can do in the videogame industry, and that most developers stick to the usual formula, just because they know it works and it profits. And I can understand his point of view, and even support it, that's why I always try to find something good in his games, even when the dialogues are bad and some acting leaves much to be desired – that happens in every game, in every movie, in every series.
Detroit Become Human is, by far, the best work by Cage. I can say so with full confidence: it's the first of his stories whose plot seem cohesive, coherent, whose characters undergo a visible and palpable development throughout the whole game, whose decisions and paths actually cross-impact later chapters and your choices do shape the way the story unfolds. I stress this because, for example in Beyond, your choices didn't matter much – even the QTE's were pretty useless. You just decided how the game would end in the last ten minutes of plot and that was it. Detroit, on the other hand, is so well planned that things you've done in the very first chapter have repercussions later down the line, and it's not like there's just two endings, but a lot of them, and lot of combinations that I'm still discovering. Your choices affect the during of the story, not just the ending. You can have good relationship with someone, or a bad one, and that will affect each scene those characters are in. You can have a good reputation with a group, or they can hate you, and so you will be ejected from the team. You can act irrational, or stay forever a machine, and the last big choice regarding that will depend of your actions across the whole game.
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Just the decision making is a huge step up from previous works. And I can only compare this game to Until Dawn, but even in there, there are less decisions and less impact. Detroit is overwhelmingly huge when it comes to different paths and different versions of the same story. So much so that I told a friend who was also playing it about a scene, and she said 'wait, when does that happen? I didn't see it!'. It was as if we were talking about different games.
Detroit is about androids. It's the year 2038 and androids have flooded the market. They're like your usual vacuum but, hey, they can cook, take care of your children and even satisfy you sexually. They are such a common thing to see in the city that people ignore them. Most families have at least one android in their household, becoming completely reliant on their features. This is a future not so far away from our present.
But, lo and behold, because this game will explore the idea of 'freedom'. And, as you could've expected, some androids suddenly realize they don't want to work for humans anymore. Some androids are mistreated by their owners and suddenly they know they're in an unfair situation. Some androids have ambitions, dreams, ideas – some androids have the desire to be free.
And so, they become deviants. An artificial intelligence, capable of billions of simultaneous operations, young forever, and with conscience. Afraid, yet?
We will follow three main characters who happen to be androids: Connor, Markus and Kara. Connor is a prototype designed to assist investigators and police officers with cases, and he comes with many features that will facilitate all the analysis of clues. Markus is an android designed to care for an old man who has lost his mobility, and lives with him and cares for him as if he were his son. Kara is a housemaid android, who specializes in cleaning and taking care of children, but her owner is a drug-addict who forgot what it means to be a father.
Markus and Kara realize their unfair situation pretty early in the game, so they become deviants well at the beginning. Connor, on the other hand… well, it's in your hands to decide his fate.
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Their stories will be intertwined: Connor will investigate cases involving deviants, alongside his sidekick – I mean, his partner, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, an old, anti-android human whose past is yet to be revealed; Markus will be falsely accused of aggression towards his owner or his son (depending what you choose), and he will come back from the dead, ready to lead a revolution against humans, demanding androids' rights; Kara will realize she wants to be a mother, and she will save the daughter of her owner from that hellhole they live in, only to travel from one corner of the city to another in search for an escape route. While Connor's and Markus's stories are well entangled, Kara's always felt a bit separated from them, which can be a huge let down. Personally, Kara's story was the one I enjoyed the least, but it has to do with something that happens at the end – that stupid plot twist – besides, it's more than clear in Kara's plotline that all the BS Cage loved from his previous games makes a return in here. Sometimes it felt like he left blender open and all the disastrous ideas he had for her story were spilled all over his kitchen. I can't think of anything else for that, because her plotline is a Frankestein of a story – uneven, irregular, although it has some touching moments, and Valerie Curry, the actress who plays Kara, delivers some guuud acting and lines.
I know the main message this game is trying to send is that androids are equals to humans. This is the most controversial aspect of the game: Cage, whether he says he did purposely or not, has compared the androids' struggle for freedom to that of African-American people, mixing together slavery and segregation. It's funny because Cage stated it wasn't his plan to allude to actual historical events that did happen not so long ago, and still we can see the segregation of androids in public transport, in public places, and the fact that Markus, with a bunch of other androids as well, demand freedom and the end of slavery from the humans. I like it more when he asks for fair compensation for their work.
And I say it's controversial because it's sending a wrong message. Slavery and segregation weren't contemporary, one came after the other; and the fact that they make a clear comparison to that social movement is criticizable. I'm not the most expert on US history – hell I'm from Argentina, guys – but even I know that the bloody history behind the fight for equal rights is far from over and has put the country on the brink of breaking down many times. That someone deliberately compares the android's fight that took only a few months to develop to that monstrous side of US history is, uhm, questionable in the least.
BUT let's just say that it's an awful coincidence (I'm looking at you, Cage) and leave it aside for a moment. That's the main message the game tries to send. But I believe the game actually sends another message, that is better executed, better fleshed out.
Androids and humans can love each other.        
[SPOILER scroll down until you see the end of the spoiler section]
This is obvious at the beginning with Markus, if you decide to endure Leo's bullying. Carl, Markus' owner, dies from a heart attack, and Markus, crying, desperate, falls to his knees and embraces the man who's been acting like his father for years. He yells Dad, no! in front of the real son, provoking a reaction in him and in the player. Just in this tiny moment, which I think most people slip by without paying too much attention, is enough message. It explains everything.
If you decide to push Leo, the scene plays out differently, and we learn this message towards the end, still in Markus' branch. Later in the story you go back and visit Carl, who doesn't die, but is instead stuck in his bed, connected to cables and such. He regards Markus with love and tenderness, and holds his hand, saying You're my son, Markus. Your blood is a different color, but I know that a part of me lives in you. Thank you, you made me cry.
This message is also well developed in the friendship you can form with Connor and Hank. And notice the 'you can' because you can also make them hate each other. But why on earth would you make Hank mad, if not only for the trophy? Because I can't bear the idea of disappointing that good old man. I need him to be proud of me – I mean, of Connor! Their relationship is wholesome, with some instances in which Hank calls him his son, which melted my heart obviously. Knowing that Hank had lost his real son prior to the events of the game makes all this even more touching and moving.
This message is not well conveyed with Kara and Alice, and you might guess why – yes, the fact that towards the end we learn that Alice isn't a human but an android too, utterly destroys the whole concept the game has been trying to build up for this moment. I don't know why Cage thought this was a good idea – maybe trying to explain that androids can love each other as family just like humans do, but that kinda breaks the rules here, because the idea was an android discovering they can love thanks to a human, who has all the real feelings whereas the androids have this emulations and… alright you get me. How can we truly know if they love each other for real if they are two androids? How can we make sure it isn't just some emulation and chemicals inside their metal bodies? Alright I'm going too deep here? Maybe?
All in all, this is the message that stays with me after playing the game. I don't know if Cage did it purposely (suddenly all his messages are casual), but this is what I can save and treasure from this story. Oh, and also, save your fucking planet, polar bears are going extinct.
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Characters are really well created. Their interactions are believable and natural, the acting (specially Bryan Dechart as Connor and Clancy Brown as Hank) is flawless, and you can appreciate when they become deviant and when they start thinking for themselves. Some lines delivered by Markus felt a bit forced, but I've heard the actor talk and he talks like that so maybe is the way he speaks. There are some secondary characters that became my favorite really quick, like Luther, Kara's companion in this journey; Simon, one of the first members of the revolution Markus meet; Hank, of course, although I deem him as a main character at this point. Others, well… Gavin is your well-known bully, whose lines are so stupid I can't believe his character made it into the game. Like really, he's taken straight out of a 90's high school movie. I could hear Henry Bowers from It laughing at his attempt of being a bad boy.
On the technical department, this game is stunning. Visuals are a delight: sometimes you couldn't differentiate if it was filmed or if it was CGI. Hint: it was all CGI! Faces, expressions, animations, I can't complain of any of those. The character's eyes, which are the only thing the motion capture can't record, were all added digitally, and I'm bound to say that they're perfect: they make each character feel real, alive. You know when you're staring at something, that your eyes regard everything and your pupils have these tiny, micro, slight movements? That was in the game, and I loved it. Clothes get wet when it's raining, they get frozen when it's snowy, and lights reflect every surface so realistically that you can tell the texture of each object and piece of cloth.
Music is also a great asset in this game. Each character had a different composer, which brought a distinct and unique aspect to each of their stories. I know I've been hating on Kara until now, but I must admit her theme song is the best out of everything in this game. Even when I watched the cutscenes back when the game was released, I had her theme buried under my skin, for it's melancholic, it reminds me of rain, and it makes me wanna cry.
Another aspect I want to address is the gameplay. You know Cage loves his daily doses of QTE's. But this time, though, they're well executed. I recommend playing the game in Experienced difficulty (which is the normal difficulty), because it truly offers a more immersive experience. The use of the controller in all this was clever, and they used everything they had at their disposal to make you feel you're there in the story. For instance, the use of the vibration system of your joystick: when you pet the dog at Hank's house, you can feel a very slight vibration in your hands, as if the dog was breathing, what you would feel when you pet a dog, of course; but when you're driving a truck that leaves the sidewalk and falls into the street, you feel the sudden rough movement and the way the engine is speeding up; or you can feel heartbeats when Markus is trying to repair himself. All these instances of breaking the fourth wall to make you feel part of the story are implemented in such an intelligent way that it works wonders.
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And speaking about breaking the fourth wall… In your main menu you'll have an android that will be your hostess. She will comment on the discoveries you'll be finding in your storyline, but she will also play some tricks to you or talk to you all of a sudden. And if you reach the good ending… well, there's a surprise with her. Let's just say that she's a great addition to the game and a fan favorite.
In conclusion, this is by far Cage's most polished and well thought game to date. And I've been hiding my obsession with Connor up until now so you wouldn't think I'm crazy but, I can't believe Cage created a character like this. I love him. Protect this sweet summer child. Don't make him a machine, please :'( Connor Army here I go.
If you have doubts about this game, buy it on sale. You will at least have a good time playing it and discovering the different paths. But if you like heavily narrated games, and you have at least enjoyed some of his previous works, don't miss on this one. It's really better. And it's really more worth it.
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My MatchaBlossom playlist
Here's the link to the playlist on Spotify-
Song meanings and POVs elaborated on down under.
Call it what you want- Taylor Swift
(Let's start with a TS song cause why tf not. I am and always will be a total slut for her 💜)
Okay, just the general vibe of this song is that of a person who's been through a bit and has now found a love so beautiful it's helping them heal and I feel like that ties in so well with Cherry and Joe's entire arc. I hear this song in Cherry's POV when Joe's affection is starting to restore his faith in love and life after Adam's done fucked it all up. Or even when his anxiety gets really fucking bad or whatever. It's just got big comfort vibes and I am a total whore for Cherry acknowledging and appreciating everything that Joe does for him.
All my flowers grew back as thorns,
Windows boarded up after the storm,
He built a fire just to keep me warm.
Explosion- Zolita
*ahem* let me be more articulate.
Don't call me about him I don't wanna hear
Put him out of your mind just make him disappear
Stop pretending you got nothing left to hide
My memory is slipping and it's killing me alive
Reached the bitter end
Can't pretend I'm not in love with my best friend, my best friend
Hate that you know me- BLEACHERS
Okay I think this song fits Cherry very well, especially when he is still trying to understand his dynamic with Joe. My personal headcanon is that Cherry is prone to bouts of self-hatred because of his anxiety and consequently, doesn't always consider himself deserving of Joe's love, and so, he tends to dislike it at times when Joe seems to understand him better than others and anticipate his needs so well, and I feel like this song depicts that beautifully.
Sometimes I hate that you know me so well (so well)
Sometimes I, I hate that you know me so well (and I hate ya)
Some days I, I wish that I wasn't myself (No)
No luck! (No)
And I hate that you know me so well
Heart attack- Demi Lovato
Okay, I can not be the only person who thinks of teenaged Cherry every time this song comes on. Imagine a Cherry who's flabbergasted by the strength of his feelings for Joe, and can never figure out what to do with himself.
Never break a sweat for the other guys
When you come around, I get paralyzed
And every time I try to be myself
It comes out wrong like a cry for help
It's just not fair; pain's more trouble than love is worth
I gasp for air; it feels so good, but you know it hurts
Lover- Taylor Swift
I have a very specific scene in mind when it comes to this song and that is MatchaBlossom slow-dancing in the first house they get together.
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Make you mine- PUBLIC
You knew this song was going to end up on here lol.
Strangely enough, aware as I am of the fact that most of the fandom believes Joe was the one chasing Cherry (and I agree) this song just hits me as all Cherry's. It has all of his characteristic dogged determination and refusal to admit defeat lol
Well, I have called you darlin' and I'll say it again, again
So kiss me 'til I'm sorry, babe, that you are gone and I'm a mess
And I'll hurt you and you'll hurt me and we'll say things we can't repeat
Mess is Mine- Vance Joy
Slightly older, mellowed out MatchaBlossom, starting to realise they're in this together for the long run, that they always have been.
Further I feel like verse 1 and 2 respectively follow Joe and Cherry's POVs
First we have Joe, who is just brimming with the realisation that Cherry is his for good.
Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaken up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out
Hold on my darling
This mess was yours, now your mess is mine
Secondly, we have Cherry, who considers himself unbelievably lucky to have been considered worthy of Joe's love and keeps wondering if he is half as good a partner to the other man as he is to him.
See you in the market place
Walking around at 8 AM
Got two hours before my flight
Luck be on my side tonight
You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all that time
Did I give enough of mine
More than Friends- BEKA HONNE
Baby MatchaBlossom pining. Really sweet, soft vibes. I keep thinking of shy, unsure junior high school Kaoru and Kojiro suddenly becoming blushing, stuttering messes around each other for a period of time as they both hit the realisation that they'd very much like to be kissing each other and it's very much not a Friend™ thing.
It happens after Joe has freshly realised that he is bi after all and Kaoru is exactly what he needs. Again, verse one reminds me of Joe, verse two of Cherry. They are down under respectively.
Driving home and those cats eyes got me seeing you
I'm always seeing you
I don't know how to tell you that I was wrong before
I thought I needed more
I was wondering if we could talk
I think about you every day
And the mixtape you made
Is all I ever to play
And every song reminds me that
You and I
Should be more than friends
I never thought I would see your face at my door again
Not at 3 AM
And I don't know just why I wasn't enough before
I thought you needed more
I know you came here to talk
Can't listen to the tape I made
It brings me too much pain
Cause every song reminds me that
You and I
Should be more than friends
This song can also work if you reverse the POV orders and then see it post Adam, but the vibe is a lil too soft for that.
Night go slow- Catey Shaw
MatchaBlossom but in a chill, lo-fi aesthetic.
The cars all stop where they are
When you take my hand, there is no time
Every moment that passes by with you
I wish I could rewind
Let go of your ways
And forget today
Just follow me tonight
Do you understand why I put all my plans on hold?
Not Afraid Anymore- Halsey
Okay, this one goes a lil heavy but imagine a traumatised Cherry, ya know after Ad*m, finally learning to let himself go and feel things again, emotionally and sexually, with Kojiro.
I also feel like they are two kinky bastards so really if you only wanna interpret it like that be my guest.
I am not ashamed anymore
I want something so impure
You better impress now, watching my dress now fall to the floor
Crawling underneath my skin, sweet talk with a hint of sin
Begging you to take me
Devil underneath your grin, sweet thing
But she play to win, heaven gonna hate me
People Crying Every Night- A R I Z O N A
I hear this song as Joe trying to get through to a hesitant Cherry, trying to make him see that while they don't get a say in so many other things, things that have happened and things that will happen, they get to choose the life they have together. They get to pick out their happy ending, build one out of scratch with each other and even if they have nothing else, at least they have this.
Oh and as the day
Turns into night
The things that we can't say
The things we try to hide
Like everyone else
We can't choose the way we die
Oh but we can choose
The way we live tonight
Oh I wish I had the answers
I wish I had the time
To give you all the reasons
Why it's worth it down the line
Ready to go- NEFFEX
This song is an ✨ aesthetic ✨
Okay but imagine, young, punk! MatchaBlossom, maybe around the time when they're travelling the world together?
It's all hot and heady, and Joe is thrilled by the wild, wild force of nature Kaoru is. He can't do anything but give in.
She said stay for a minute
Play with my limits
Drink till we're sinnin'
Baby I'm ready to go
She said she's finally alive
When she starts losing control
I said I know what to do
Just let our bodies go
Shine a Light- BANNERS
Another Kojiro song. This one reflects his inner struggle as he feels torn between wanting to comfort and protect Cherry after Adam, and the fact that he is hopelessly in love with Cherry who inadvertently keeps hurting him with how he is lost in the huge web of feelings he can't parse through, not completely blind to how much Kojiro loves him but not fully realising it either. This song reminds me of a confused and helpless Kojiro. Loving Kaoru is such an integral part of him that it makes him, him and it is his constant in the rapidly changing world around him as he stands on the brink of adulthood. He is very nearly ready to beg for mercy and yet knows he, himself is saved by the love he has for Kaoru.
And when the night falls, oh, call on me
Just don't forget to show me some mercy
Ooh, say you're mine
Ooh, take me higher
Sleepover- Hayley Kiyoko
You wanna be friends forever?
I can think of something better
I'm just feeling low, feeling low
Sleeping here right next to me
But will you ever mess with me?
Thank you, my twilight- the pillows
Listen, this has been my fav classic Japanese love anthem for so long and to think it is PERFECT for Matchablossom just makes my heart go 💞
The lyrics are heart-wrenchingly raw and real, which is great reflection of Joe and Cherry's relationship. I include a translation of a few verses below, the first one seems something snatched straight out of Joe's internal monologues and the second one depicts the breathless intensity and loyalty so typical of Kaoru:
If you think it looks like I'm waiting for someone
Then you're right
I've been waiting for you
Sometimes people will ask me
"How far will you go for her?"
BABY as far as it takes
Another song depicting Cherry healing from Adam and learning to accept Joe's love, but a fluffier and sweeter way to go about it.
In which, Cherry decides to separate all of the sweeter moments of his and Joe's days with Adam from all of the bitterness, and carry that in his heart after they part ways and he finally moves on.
I will never let you go
I know you want it, know you want it
Learning love means not to know
I'll learn to take it,
Would you mind- PRETTYMUCH
Ending this post with a fluffy, flirty rec that could be Joe's anthem. See for yourselves.
Say you don't catch feelings, you say you ain't the love type
I'ma have to work, then, uh the whole night
Nothing like your ex, no, this ain't what you used to
Just give me that chance, girl, uh, won't lose you
See it? ;) Also, I feel like Joe had typical frat boy taste in music at some point so
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