#becuz everyone has done it lol
ronandreams · 2 years
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spacetravels · 2 years
I am insane abt noah too… I’d love to know some of your hcs or thoughts or anything you have in that doc you’ve written, if you don’t mind sharing 💓
[insert sickos meme]
YEAH i think in my meta i just wrote too much about how the it lives series is like. the heart of it is mc & the marshall twins. i'll die on that hill. and also ofc the entirety of it lives being about breaking cycles. & like ofc bias here as a noah apologist but here have some paraphrased bullets frm my essay LOL I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS ALL DAY:
Essentially my thesis is like. The Marshall twins: Noah was Jane's whole world and he’ll always feel guilty that he couldn’t save her. MC’s her best friend and the love they had for each other was strong and real and MC will always feel guilt and blame for her her death.It’s a fucked up little circle of grief and blame because they’re both like: Why didn’t I stop this/Why didn’t I save her/Why was it not me/This is my fault
the way the horror genre is often about loss… like the horror of It Lives lies in how painful grief is, and exploring how grief can manifest itself and pain breeding pain and stuff. and it's so different across the book 1 cast but i think noah and mc are so similar in just. they blame themselves and carry jane's death the hardest... and uhhh
the fact they’re in their senior year. And how after this they’re “grown ups” and they have to go to college or get jobs or both. And how redfield/jane represents the youth they lost and will never have again. And red/jane bringing the gang all back for one last game because there’d be no games after that--all of jane’s friends will have to grow up. All of jane’s friends will become adults and she’ll be left behind in this terrible limbo state where she’ll never get to move on the way everyone else could. Like they have to grow up, they can’t stop and stay and play games in the woods like they used to anymore because then they'd never let go of what happened to them. And the end scene where everyone, if they're strong, can declare they're not scared--that's it. They've learned they can let go.
And it aches and it aches so much in the finale when you realize that this happens for everyone EXCEPT MC and Noah. everyone grows up. They played together. They finish the game. They can move on. Their arcs are wonderfully done. But these two people literally don't have the option of that!
so sacrifice MC and Noah have that choice to make that like. They both can’t make it out alive by this point, and they have to choose (assuming like. you get the choice lol the tragedy of noah flying off the handle and killing mc is another thing entirely re: nerve mechanic and whatnot)
And like definitely up to player perception and completely fair at this point if ppl make their choice becuz Fuck Noah Marshall or other reasons to save MC lol no judgement but my thoughts on like. the choice is like.
MC dies, because MC thinks Noah has to live. Despite it all and no matter what consequences he has to face, Noah Marshall has to keep being alive because he’s spent his entire youth stuck in a limbo state of wanting to disappear and be gone and he can’t even have the grace of dying now. He has to live.
Noah dies, because Noah thinks MC has to live, because MC saved him. He’s made peace with his death a long time ago, and this was his fault. MC has been nothing but grounded and carries in them the optimism and belief that grief does not end in pain, but you carry it with you, and you live. MC has to live for the person who can’t
anywyays i'm like. i'm TOTALLY fine and having a NORMAL one
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boreal-sea · 1 year
Henlo hope you're having a great weekend! So uhm in case you're in any time up for more breaking down of terf/radfem bullshit I have some particulary awful receipts 👀
(Comparing being trans to BIID and Amputation Fetish??)
(Calling men these souless and horrible creatures over her own prejudices 🙃)
(Unironically calling up for "Androcide" or at the very least for Matriarcal Totalitarism as the only means to "escape" the patriarcy)
(Literally straight up calling/implying gay/bi men as a whole are inherent pedophiles over annecdotal shit "But It's OKAY Gurls it's not because they're queer men it's becuz they're MoIdS 🤓")
Also as a little last note so this doesn't end in a negative note: this one Terf i'm taking all the post from, is the same one that tried to own Neil fucking Gaiman with a bad faith ask as a horrible misogynist or whatever, and got destroyed beautifully instead lmao
A fun game to play with these is "Do I already have the TERF blocked?"
The answer is yes, I do lol.
So the first link is a lot of fearmongering about "What if kids could identify as amputees and get their limbs mutilated!? Also, anyone with BIID and ALL "trans" people are fetishists!"
There's so much wrong here but first of all, there's nothing wrong with having a fetish. End of statement. If you engage in your fetish in a way where you and anyone else involved comes away from it happy and fulfilled, I do not give a fuck what you're doing behind closed doors.
As for BIID, she didn't mention the outcomes of the two patients who underwent the surgery with that doctor, nor did she mention the outcomes of any other person with BIID who has successfully achieved their goals. I sure as hell can't speak definitively on it either; I've read news articles and everyone in those stories was completely happy with what they'd done to themselves. But that's probably a biased sample group; I imagine anyone who regretted their choices wouldn't be as open to speaking about it.
Basically: there is very little research into BIID because it's so goddamned taboo to even think about, but people who HAVE spoken on it are completely happy with their choices.
This might seem weird to admit but I've had daydreams about going blind or deaf, needing a wheelchair, or losing a limb, and enjoying it, and how I'd live and adapt. I bet a LOT of people have such daydreams, but we're all told it's "gross" and "mentally disturbed" and "mutilation" etc etc, so no one ever talks about this shit.
I also think about voluntary body modification from a sci-fi perspective. If I lived in a cyberpunk world or a future world where cyber limbs were a thing, would I voluntarily go hack off a healthy limb to get a cool robot arm?
Fucking yes I would.
And maybe that's related to my perspective as a trans person who is already completely comfortable with the idea of more "extreme" forms of body modification beyond tattoos and piercings. I don't have any problem with people who get dermal implants or do scarification or who get surgery to turn their ears pointed or who split their tongues, or top surgery or bottom surgery etc etc.
IDK man, my perspective is, it's their body, let them do whatever the fuck they want to it.
Links #2, 3 and 4 are just her projecting her trauma onto innocent human beings so she can dehumanize them. She should get therapy about that.
The final link is fucking hilarious and I love Neil Gaiman so much.
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Musings about my 8 experiences
So… most 8 descriptions turn the type into a shallow meme. “Orly? You think you’re an 8? Go start a scene at the mall! because 8 is about being a Karen” “Prove ur a literal psychopath before you identify with this type”. Everyone (especially all the ppl who date 8s! Lol) begs 8s to figure ourselves out. Enneagram does a piss poor job at helping us figure ourselves out… just turns us into a caricature and forces us to prove any psychopathic behaviors we may already harbor due to this fixation.
So, I have done you people the honors of figuring 8s out!
Read what Ichazo, one of the OG, says about 8.
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——— This is not The Cool Type. Nor is it “the dark edgy traumatized type that only the most dark edgy traumatized people can be” — that is an indirect way of still glorifying 8 as The Cool Type. 8 is literally just another type which gives its own problems to the person who has to deal with it.
I actually believe that low Te 8s are more common than high Te 8s, since as you can see here, 8 is about the inability to tolerate structure including any structures that you yourself build. 8 is NOT the Te-like desire to create more structure. Immature Te where you create a structure you didn’t really think deeply about creating, and then tear it down immediately because your immature Te doesn’t know how to keep it up, or because your more dominant Fi takes over and feels like it doesn’t want to continue suddenly, is common in 8s.
I commonly see high Tes thinking they’re 8s becuz they’re assertive bosses and good leaders. Lol. No. You guys are 3s or 1s. 8s must do a fuckton of conscious growth and development before we can begin to add the structure and consistency to our lives AND TO OUR BRAINS, that is necessary to make us good leaders of anything. The most stereotypical 8 is an ESFP Antifa looter or gang criminal with no concept of their direction in life whatsoever. Not an ambitious CEO following a tight schedule of meetings! That is structure. 8s cannot handle structure without bursting into a rage and tearing it down, by definition of the type.
The 8 being unable to handle structure is not purely an external thing. The hatred of structure runs so deep, that the 8 cannot even handle structure within his or her own mind. The 8’s hatred of external authority is the manifestation of her hatred of authority within. 8s tear down any authority they attempt to create in their own lives just as much as they tear down any external authority they see. Self destructive? Yeah. Do 8s care? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Concepts like “self destructive” are toxic and flawed and must be torn down too, according to the 8. All standards of morality are unjust and lacking truth somehow and therefore must be torn down, internally and externally. The 8 is the ultimate postmodernist.
Now let’s talk about my life experience. Setting goals feels like locking myself into a cage full of chains. I literally feel like a caged beast when I define simple goals for myself, with the level of anger it causes me. I could tell you my goals but I know it’ll all be bullshit and I won’t actually follow them because I get angry about the chains the structure is imposing on me (even tho I’m the one who built it. Once its built it is out of my immediate control and has a life of its own it can use to control me). I angst and I rage about how I can’t do simple things. I only do Te stuff when absolutely forced by something in the external world which repulses me more than my own Te. I’m not able to do structure even though I know that it’s the way to make money and become the 8 -> 2 provider protector goddess queen I want to be. Um… why should money even be a thing anyways? Money is a construct of the unjust power structure. It makes my body REEEE to discipline myself into seeking money.
If I happen to spontaneously run into money without putting an elaborate, STRUCTURED effort into making money, I’ll be like “yippee!” and take it. But putting too much conscious effort into working hard and making money makes me fucking REEEEE as it activates my sense of injustice about everything you could possibly feel a sense of injustice about.
I’m too prideful about how I won’t be controlled, even by my own superego and my own dreams. I will tear those structures I create down too because I believe there is no truth in anything, not even anything I create or aspire to (loss of Holy Truth). My superego knows that it’s good for me to follow my work ethic and go to work. My rageful vengeance complex cannot go to work because I’m too angry about all the little injustices at work and the corrupt nature of corporate work to begin with. Self-destructive internal struggles like this where you tear down any decision-making framework you are trying to build due to seeing little injustices everywhere, are all part of the 8 fixation. 8s must heal ourselves through being aware of them and reasoning with them.
The 8 fixation is not purely externalized. No fixation is purely externalized. It is most important for the Assertive types out of any of the types, to realize the internal psychological nature of their fixation, as these types are the most negligent of their internal psychology
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kosi-annec · 2 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 4 episode 1
Damn really decided to continue watching right when school's coming back up
Oh right the art style is diff from here on out. Gonna need some getting used to- i feel like Hinata's face is to sharp(?) like his eye shapes are too squared, it doesn't fit him
Ah yes, kagehina competing about everything, good times lmao
Omg did someone try asking coach ukai out HSKSHJ
"I grew one more millimeter than you!" even made growing height a competition lol, "at least there's one math hinata's good at" LMAO
Holy crap tsuki's TALL tall
Oh hey it's the scene from last season, they reanimated it. Ig they had to cuz the style was completely diff from before. What are these randos even doing at the court??
Mmm yeah without kage, hinata can't really pull those high jumps as much cuz not every setter can do crazy sets like kage. He hasn't learned how to be reliable outside of being a wing spiker n wat not yet
Ooh so this is the other training camp arc. DAMN this shit's a big deal. Oof right, hinata didn't get an invite cuz he, again, hasn't shown to be skilled outside of being a wing spiker that heavily relies on kage for their special quick attacks
Yeah, tho he is a very good libero, they weren't gonna invite noya considering how he acts
"I'll call back and let both the organizers know: you guys are in" LMAO completely ignored tsuki's refusal
Ah, so it's tsuki's fault for suggesting the idea of sneaking in lol
Yknow i feel like hinata has a slight fear of being left behind while everyone else is moving forward and improving. While kage had fears of being alone becuz no one could catch up to him (might be inaccurate, don't remember much from se1), hinata, compared to everyone, hasn't shown any skills that make him reliable outside of his special quick atk, and that shit NEEDS kage for it to work. So, i can def picture him having a slight fear of being left in the dust as everyone else improves
Oh god my poor boy can't read it, he is so getting lost
Tsuki is so done lmao poor guy, really regretting what he said huh
God i just love everyone basically going "that fucking dumbass" HSKSHKS
Wait shiratorizawa coach vouching for hinata?? Didn't see that coming
HOLY SHIT OMI-OMI!! HE'S HERE! Yes, I'm a SakuAtsu shipper, I blame ColeyDoesThings (she's great btw, go watch her vids if u haven't)
Ah right, these are all the players of teams karasuno beat... Yeah, they're not gonna last around hinata for at most 2 days, everyone ends up liking tangerine boy in the end
Ohh so he's not actually gonna be training, he's just gonna watch. That's basically torture for him hskshs, but old man coach has a point, he's gotta learn to be reliable without kage's sets
I already like this Olympic coach guy, really is about person's skill than just physical attributes
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uzumakiramen · 3 years
⁂ they walk in on you changing [team kakashi]⁂
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team guy ver.
fem! reader.
warnings; curse words.
a/n; happy early Valentine’s Day everyone!! hope you enjoy
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awww this poor kid 😭
your team and team kakashi had a day off so you all decided to go to a bathhouse
there was no mixed bathing
so while you, sakura, and your sensei were in the girl’s section, naruto, sasuke, kakashi and your 2 other teammates were in the guys section
you were the first to get out of the bath claiming that you had been boiled enough for one day and you went inside to go get dressed
and right as you drop your towel and start to put on your underwear naruto just barges into the room
he was only wearing a towel too
“hey y/n you wanna go get ramen with me and-”
you immediately cover yourself back with your towel while his eyes widened in shock and his face turned beet red😳😳
it may have been the first time in his life that he ever fallen silent
“IT’S FINE JUST GET OUT” you yell frantically
sakura ended up walking in right when Naruto started to leave and proceeded to beat him to the ground for “peeping” on you
he swears to her it was an accident!!! and it truly was!!!
but she sure as hell did not believe him😔
sasuke is fast and clever and he may be the last of the uchiha clan or whatever
but sometimes he’s a little stupid 😐
you and team kakashi were out on a mission and naruto pushed you into a river by accident🗿🗿
so now completely drenched, you guys had to stop at this hotel so that you could change and you could all take a break
while you’re in the middle of changing, sasuke just walks into the room, completely forgetting to knock
and he just stops in his tracks
he came in to tell you that the rest of the team was going to go get some food
but seeing you without clothing just made his mind go blank
“AHHH SASUKE GET OUT‼️” you screamed and threw your sopping wet clothes at his face
the boy was too stunned to speak
he left just as quickly as he walked in 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
with your wet clothes still on his head😭😭
and when he goes back to the team they all look at him like this: 🤨🤨
“why are you all looking at me like that??” he asks
“becuz y/n’s wet bra is on your head.” sakura says before snatching it off his head and running back up to give it back to you
“so you and y/n huh?? 😏”
“shut up naruto‼️”
this would probably never EVER HAPPEN with sakura
becuz she actually has the sense to KNOCK first🙄
“hey y/n, can I come in??”
“yeah in a sec I’m changing!”
“ok let me know when you’re done!”
but if it does happen
she quickly turns around and covers her eyes
“y/n I’m so so so sorry” she says as her face turns completely bright red😳
she literally won’t stop apologizing until you physically turn her around so that she can see that you’re done changing😭😭
“sakura it’s okay! don’t worry about it!☺️”
she still feels embarrassed tho
best ninja in the village, cognitive and physical abilities on 10, sharpest nose ever, instincts thru the mf roof, possesses the goddamn sharingan!!
and yet he still managed to make a fool out of himself 😭
it happened when he came back from one of his missions
as soon as he entered the village, he went straight to your place hoping to surprise you which is exactly what happened lol
kakashi climbed in through your bedroom window all smooth criminal like, expecting you to be asleep or something
but he was actually greeted with the sight of you in your underwear riffling thru your drawers looking for some pajamas
he got a bit flustered because damn you’re hot🥵 and it’s been so long since he’s seen you and ended up falling from your window sill face-first
which effectively scared the shit out of you!!!
“uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh hehe”
he can’t even form words 😭😭
he just strung out on the ground, completely dazed
after getting over your initial shock, you just giggle and shrug at him before continuing to look for something to wear
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©2022 copyright. all rights reserved. @uzumakiramen .
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thebuttsmcgee · 3 years
I am sooo tired aha *twirls hair*
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iooiu · 3 years
who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and relationships (platonic or romantic)? talk about them!
oooh OK I THINK I WILL buuut ten is a lot so i think im gonna put this under a cut or smth so i don’t bother anyone lol
ok SO OK black clover has such a huge cast that it’s actually unfair because every character is to die for buuuut relationship-wise:
asta & yuno: i’m so so so basic BUT I JUST?? LOVE THEM SM??? and i’m always a sucker for rivals/best friends but i think what gets me here is how healthy their relationship is?? they both acknowlegde each other and push each other to do their best without being harmful and it’s such a refreshing breather from tropes where only one person in a rivalry really cares about the relationship. i see them as the best of friends who always confide in one another and know each other better than anyone else, but recently (and it’s all lily’s fault for ranting about it) i’ve fallen in love with their ship too. which is surprising becuz i’m not really a shipper but these two.... they did it for me
the vermillion siblings: GOD THEY JUST??? I LOVE THEM SM! mereoleona is my absolute queen and the way she embodies that violent older sister who expects the best from her siblings kills me. i love how leo looks up to his siblings and the way all their personalities fit their sibling role is so so so perfect.
noelle & vanessa: love love love the sibling-vibe i get from these two! i wish they had more scenes together because their dynamic is so great. i love thinking about how vanessa pushes noelle out of her shell too!! 
nacht & asta: i don’t think i’ve ever loved a favoritism relationship as much as i love this one. THE WAY NACHT SAW ASTA AND WAS LIKE “yup ur mine now” IS SO FUNNY HE JUST UP AND ADOPTS HIM ON THE SPOT. but nacht’s soft spot for asta IS SO CUTE and honestly i reallllly hope we get to see some scenes where nacht interacts with the rest of the bulls and everyone notices the blatant favoratism.
luck & magna: do i even need to say anything? chaotic stupid friend and chaotic stupid friend combine to make one whole brainless duo. 
yami & the bulls: LISTEN. LISTEN. WHY DOES YAMI FIT INTO THE ROLE OF 28-YEAR-OLD SINGLE FATHER OF A GROUP OF MISFITS. he really just up and adopts any problem child he sees like “yeah ur funny oh ur insane ur fucking crazy i want all of you”. i looove how he’s so soft for his squad but refuses to admit it AND OMG THE LATEST CHAPTERS? WHERE THE BULLS SAY THEY LOVE YAMI AND HE SAYS IT BACK?? GOD I THINK I ACTUALLY DIED.
zora & nero: this is new and they’ve only have like one scene together BUT THEY WOULD BE THAT ONE DUO THAT JUST JUDGES EVERYONE. i love how they both hold the only braincell of the group and i think there’s a lot of potential bonding that could be done between them. tbh the latest chap is what did it for me
secre & lumeire: does this even need an explanation?
yuno & noelle: smmmmm potential involving two salty friends who become friends based on their mutual friend (asta) and team up to make fun of said mutual friend
gauche & grey: 
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asta & liebe/yuno & sylph: i know this is technically 11 BUT OH MY GOD THESE TWO RELATIONSHIPS ARE SO GOOD. SO SO GOOD. being bound to life to a demon/spirit? so much potential for the perfect dynamics i CANT
honestly though like. every relationship we’ve seen is so wholesome and i love them all smsmmsmms i could def go on and on about each and every one of them buuut these are what came to mind ^0^
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will1 · 2 years
MY FRIEND ASKED ME 4 MY LGBT TF2 HCS!!! i wrote a bunch of paragraphs 4 the guy and thought i might as well post em here 2 lol. never done a hc post but why not. ALSO i am sorry if these r bad takes plz have mercy on me scout- unfortunately has alot of internelized homophobia so he acts like,,, super duper straight and masc 2 appear as hetero to both his brothers and the other mercs. chases women and LOVES WOMEN BOOB WOMEN to keep this up, but after seeing how litereally everyone else is gay and realizing that it is NOT BAD!!! he chooses LOVE WINS, so in short bi becuz he is BI HIMSELF ((also ive heard alot of trans hcs and i like that idea, either for him being ftm or mtf later down the line   pyro- genderfluid?? more like,,, genger GASOLINE, fire burn fire. probably has like a gay autistic who loves fire flag saved on their phone. uses all pronouns and has multiple neo pronouns but in the same way they r nonbinary in general?? i thinks, id ont know if hes r ace or if they have jst not found someone they have a crush on, in the same way i think shed get really silly crushes on people like shawn mendes or something. also pan and does not care about gender at all  engineer!!!- ppl think that he is straight, these people are WRONG!!!  i think he'd b bi without the urself way!! maybe influenced by pyro and has tried he/them pronousn b4, hot single dad looking for other dads  demoman- OUUUGH he is  silly 2 me, absoloutely wild with gender presentation and i would htink he absoloutely would show up to bars wearing makeup and painting his nails or wearing skirts ((hehahe scottish) and ROCKING IT. uses any pronouns even tho he still prefers he/him. pan sexual and when drunk or sober flirts with any attractive person in the vicinity. does not depend on who it is  soldier- LOVES MEN((and also zhanna)), GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS LESBIANS (saw something about people asking him(usa) for his(usas) pronouns and he just screams america at them, usa/usas LOL)  sphee- like demoman in the way i think he gets manicures and wears really lavish dresses. definetely wiill sleep witj anyone no matter gender, win 4 all sluts ever /j spy would wear those damn expensive I just killed my husband robez….  snipaoer-  DEFINETELY demisexual, scared of litreally any relationship ever and if u touch him he will explode and migt start crying LOL,  has never really thought about his sexuality cause that means actually acknowledging the idea that anyone besides his poor parents will ever love him and THAT IS NOT A THING??? duh :/, simply exists in a state of completely unlabeled and 2 scared to thing any harder about it lol, meeting spy is the most emotional damge that life has implanted onto him the last 2 accidently just became backstory headcanons instead of lgbt ones, oops  heavy!!!- like sniper never really thought about it,, all hes ever seen has been straight people so he never evn rlly thought that being gay was like... a option. also never really had many real life crushes on people as a kid and thought the guy celebs were a bit prettier then the womenz, did not think about this either. meeting medic was like a whole new thing 4 him cause 1, first person hes ever been emotionally attached 2 very much besides his family. and 2, its a guy. was  confusing 4 him to figure out at such a late age but didnt scare him 2 much, and also his whole family was like YIPPEE!!!!! our lovely misha finally has a date thank god. they r all so supportive and love hearing about medic whenever heavy sends letters. heavy writes about him alot, his mom alwas asks when they r gonna have a grandson and heavy is like,, ma??? were gay, and his families all like, ADOPT A KID ,, heavy is not sure about medic being a dad LOL ((sorruy this became a heavymedic hcs instead of just heavy hcs, but i feel like medic is important to his lbgt-ness)) MEDIC.0- saving the one im least sure about 4 last- apparently he had a wife in the past but i think this was just to please his parents and 2 appear straight cuz this weirdo is a RAGING homosexual. poor wife had it rough and thought he was cheating the whole time, sad loveless marriage for both of em. in his teen years he was a part of alot of lgbt and punk groups in germany bcuz it is funny 2 imagine him with his hair all spiked or somethign eagain medic prob did not protest as a 20-something cuz he didnt wanna lose his medical liscense, doesnt matter cuz he did anyways LOL. but now that he is old he absoloutely loves it and litearlly does wahtever he wants, i think he likes to look nice, as in wear sweaters and button ups and nice shoes and slacks when he is not working. he is like a gay mr rogers
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review ch (76 & 77)
So, I decided to read the manga mainly in search for a more natural balanced female presentation than the idealistic, shallower, savior depiction of tohru in the anime.
I’m intentionally skipping all the chapters of her as a (mother figure) in yuki’s life & won’t read them or even visit them for comparison with the anime. I love yuki’s growth story & the unique depiction of his platonic relationship with tohru, but if his mother-tohru phase was a drink, then the anime has force fed it to me till it came from my nose! So, for yuki, I’ll be reading his growth past-his mother confession.
I’ve consulted my lovely manga readers friends & thy recommended starting from ch 90 since the content in that chapter was completely cut! but some recommended checking kyoto chapters first since they contain a nice glimpse of the author’s style & artistic vision. Kyoto ep in the anime isn’t focused on “mom-tohru” so, i like the idea! I’ll jump to ch 90 right after ch 77.
- Subtle growth of a woman ( Clash of visions & presentation between the manga’s “ Loosing the wallet with mom’s photo vs the anime’s fractured photo frame):
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I really love the underlined connotation of tohru loosing her “mom” unknowingly! In the anime, this scene played without any reference to kyoko & tohru’s attachment to her. We saw tohru the teenage girl confused as she experience romantic love for the first time. Nothing more than that. But the manga says “ Main female MC is way deeper than a (mom-figure) or a (girl in love), In this panel, tohru chases after kyo & unknowingly looses her famous wallet containing her mom’s picture. Here’s what this subtly indicates:
 Normally, tohru would notice right away that her wallet is missing, here she never even notice until kyo suggest they hang out together. Subtly indicating that tohru is moving further & further from her phase of “ an afraid, grieving, abandoned child clinging to her mom”.
Normally, tohru would panic, say “ mom is missing” & everyone around her goes into search mode to make tohru at ease (hiro’s ep). Here once she notices, she says “ my wallet is missing” & kyo relaxed & laughingly gives her her wallet back. While he goes to bring the wallet, tohru instead of thinking “ oh nearly lost mom!” is musing over the fact that “it’s strange that kyo can make me happy or sad with one word only”. Subtly indicating that tohru is replacing her mom with kyo as part of growing up from the child she was to the woman she will be.
Tohru calling kyo “mysterious”, subtly explains that tohru is in the uncertain phase of understanding her feelings as a woman & hence, pave the path for upcoming trauma exploration & psychological depth.
The entire scene in the manga is depicted to convey different layers: romance, upcoming growth, & unexplored traumatic issues of abandonment, grief, & human weakness. “ Accepting human Weakness & change” IS the manga’s vision.
In the anime, the fractured picture worked simply becuz no issues of any traumatic experiences with tohru were ever hinted. Nothing abt tohru being a young woman moving away from a traumatic childhood was ever implied beside the weakly sharply cut & forgotten few scenes of her mysteriously going “ im okay” while remembering her dad’s shrine. Was there ever anything abt replacing her mom with kyo? Nope!. Was there anything abt tohru reluctance of loving kyo? Nope! to fix that, let’s shock the audience with empty photo frame! It’ll make the viewers confused & if we play the climax right & give tohru a tearjerker speech confronting akito, all is good. It worked in the anime as it served the purpose it was created for: shock value & drama. ppl bought it. But in the long run, it cemented tohru as the “savior angel” never the “ weak human”. But not many will have issues with that. Having yuki with his impressive story of growth & kyo with his shocking story of pain is enough to distract from the rest. The director must think: What does the audience want?
a woman who’d save the prince with her motherly care?“ Done!”.
a woman who’d love the monster? “ Done !”. 
a woman who has her own deep story? no one will miss that~ skip!
-Yuki’s next stage of growth: Friends:
I like how smoother the scene played here. Yes, yuki thinks back to his gratitude to tohru, but it plays subtly & more emphasis is on his friendship with kakeru. No added scene of him waving back to tohru after kakeru which brought the focus back to mom-tohru again. No. Here is way less shoved in your throat. Yuki says how he felt in the moment, moved on to the next stage, thought abt his life & choives, moved on to school. Clear lines that makes yuki more dynamic & way less “ living in his head” character.
Side Notes:
The manga’s art is pretty but expressive! I was afraid it’ll have that weird eyes bigger than the moon & too much sparkles & bubbles like the usual old shojo manga art!
Yuki is way more expressive than the anime & less pretty & sparkly! I welcome this with flowers & songs! lol.
Tohru has “low” pigtails instead of the child-like high pigtails! YES! it is crazy that this trivial change adds so much to tohru’s presentation to the viewers’ eyes. In real life no big deal but in an artistic medium such choices send subliminal messages to viewers minds, that’s why artists spend a lot of time choosing their characters default appearance. It means a lot for the character’s overall path & sends messages. High child-like pigtails: make her look like innocent & naive child since viewers usually associate such hair do with children & toddlers. Low pigtails: are cute girly style that we associate with teenagers & young adult women, it’s practical & cute.
Kyo’s looks as youthful & handsome as the anime but less angry, annoyed & more versatile in his expression! It always bothered me that the anime just go with kyo’s default frowned face, hands in pocket looks unless he should express a key emotion. Also, kyo without an undershirt in his uniform! interesting change from the anime.
I missed kyo’s two buddies! T_T. Why they weren’t in the anime’s finale.. could’ve at least put them in the underwhelming graduation ceremony ~
I really appreciate that yuki’s fanclub are one page, less annoying.
That awkward moment when a manga panel drawn by one person can depict a crowded city more than an anime with a huge team. Like the anime didn’t even need to zoom out for a huge wide shot that showcase its weakness in depicting a crowded city. If you can’t draw that, just zoom in to lessen the effect of emptiness. kyoto isn't a deserted area especially not during a school trip!
The teachers checking on the sneaking vs sleeping students scene is a welcoming sight! XDDD
Hana met kakeru before? saw him & tohru together? weird!!
Kakeru is more focused on tohru here.
I really love the photos taken for everybody. It indicates real good time! Hana eating, yuki around girls, arisa annoyed, kyo teased with playing card: did the play “rich man poor man” again? XD
I’m starting to love yuki more in the manga than the anime!
Kyo having short inner thought abt not being able to tell tohru a girl confessed to him & deciding to say “ none of ur business” is doing wonders to the scene!!! it makes him less mean to tohru & more balanced character. I mean I guessed so in the anime, but what could've prevented making the VA say this short line of inner thought?! Yuki’s VA says essays & essays in nearly every ep abt nearly every character?!.
I liked the way kyo held tohru’s hands when he turned to her, the way he held her hand in the anime is a bit weird. lol. Also, in this scene, tender gentle kyo is so well-done both in the anime & manga. The manga wins for the zoom in & focus on emotions, tho.
Next is chapter 90!
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
ok so do you remember the time where they had to tie nagito up becuz he was being a bitch-- how about a soft, kind s/o bringing him breakfast? gl on ur block btw!!!!! love
Ah, yes, Nagito being a bitch. I’m used to this. I hope you like it, love, love!! 💖💕✨
Also you’re already dating in this. Sooo 🤭
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Nagito’s S/O Bringing Him Breakfast
Should I name the story “Nagito’s S/O bringing him breakfast when he’s tied up” That’s so kinky lol
Not gonna lie, Nagito creeped the shit out of everyone
But even he didn’t deserve being tied up!!
You wanted to punch Kazuichi when he said he could be the traitor
Like, why would he be?!
As his S/O, you were against that idea
But you, kind of, understood their feelings, too
Nagito’s true nature was scary. But you couldn’t let him go because he’s your F/O!!
You’re stuck with him not complaining
After being stubborn for sooo long, they let you go visit him whenever you want. Gundham not totally making you promise you won’t untie him
“Yeah, yeah. I promise.” Not really.
You opened the doors to the Dining Hall. Memories of the trial repeating themselves as you carried the breakfast you prepared for him.
Yes, he was scary, but he is your S/O, so stop acting weird!
When you opened the door, you finally meet him. He’s tied up to the ground, and can’t make a move, he slightly smiles. He looks so tired.
“Why hello there, Y/n.”
You sit next to him, he tries to sit up to be equal as you. But he can’t.
“So... How does it feel to be tied up?” You ask, forcing smile.
“It’s okay. Serves me right.” He jokes around only to not make you worry. Well, you’re worried.
“I made you some breakfast... I know you like toast.” He smiles at how thoughtful you are. You’re just so sweet. “Wow, Y/n. You even brought me orange juice? You’re amazing.”
“Yes, yes, I know,” You say as you slice the toast and make its way to his mouth. He looks at you in awe. “Uh? What’s that? Are you gonna feed me?”
“Well... Your hands are tied up... Aren’t they?”
“You don’t need to take care of scum like me, Y/n. Bringing me breakfast is enough.”
You look at him disappointed, “Nagito... We talked about this. I care for you, alright? You’re just as important as everyone here...”
He looks at you with disbelief but lets you feed him. He looks cute like that.
“Say ‘Aaaah’.”
Neither of you talk while you’re helping him eating. But he can’t help but smile at your soft, caring actions
After he’s done eating, you help him drink the orange juice, too
And there he goes, full and not thirsty anymore!
Well, I could say he’s only thirsty for you-
“Thanks, Y/n. For actually doing this when I’m pushing you away.”
“It doesn’t matter... I don’t mind it as long as you’re good.”
You laugh a bit after saying that. Realising he isn’t good. He’s tied up-
“Well, I’m happy when you’re around. So it’s okay.” He says, it sounds cheesy to you. You giggle and kiss his nose. “You’re cute.”
“And you’re pretty.” He doesn’t miss a chance to make you blush...
“That’s it then... I need to go. If I stay too much, they might not let me visit you again.” You say as you stand up. He just stares at you before a soft smile appears on his face. “You’re right.”
You wave and smile awkwardly before you leave.
Just as you were about to leave the room, you hear his voice.
“I hope you could visit me more often, though. I miss you here... If you don’t mind spending time with me, though.”
You stop and turn around, look at him, to see his blank face. He doesn’t have an expression at all.
You just walk to him and lean towards him, to give him a kiss on the lips, which he immediately returns. You feel his breath against your neck.
Soon, you break the kiss and look into his eyes, both of you are breathless. “Of course, Nagito... Just be more honest with me, okay? I’ll visit you soon.” You pat his fluffy messy hair and smile at him. Soon you run your fingers through it. He has a gentle smile on his face as he feels you messing with his hair.
It’s free estate since you’re his S/O.
“Okay then... See you.” You call, before leaving for real.
“Yes, see you.” Nagito says with a smile, then closes his eyes to finally get some rest.
That’s my second Nagito request. Hope you’d give me more. 💞
Also this reminds me of time I shifted to meet him. His hair is soooo fluffy 💕💖💓
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Im not the same anon but 'a-yuan stabs jiang wanyin' sounds like "You done fuked up" by enbysaurus_rex, came across this jem in the JWN bashing (which I check often now for any new works lol) cathartic, JWN does realise how much wwx cares for him when he yet again helps lighten his sentencing (but damn is this fic a treasure, read and find out sort *chefs kiss*) and everyone in the comments want more punishment for jwn is a breath of fresh air becuz FINALLY
Ohh, this has been on my read list for a while!
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xd3ar-ins4n1tyx · 3 years
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚘 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Hello! Welcome to my writing page (´ω`★)
For many years, I've always been just a reader and write one shot stories but kept them to myself then delete them because I'd be shy and afraid to publish on here or wattpad.. (。・//ε//・。).
I'm a very slow writer so please be patient with me becuz I try to make sure that my writing is good and hopefully a story you would enjoy (*´꒳`*)
oh, and also all the stories i wrote is gonna y/n so it will be for everyone :3
I prefer writing one shots associating with kpop groups, anime, twilight, any fictional characters (preferably from shows or movies i’m familiar with but open to all) and rock bands such as black veil brides, pierce the veil, asking alexandria, motionless in white, etc etc.
When requesting, please give me your pronouns, genre, plot and who you want in your story and leave the writing to me! (๑・`◡´・๑)
Please please do not hesitate to correct me on anything because I’m still learning how to write stories. It has been a while since I’ve done this but it's my very first time doing this publicly! So.. again, bare with me LOL
In the meantime, I will start writing and publish a few of my work to get this account all warmed up and started for you guys!
Before I get to it, I will also put up a link for my favorite fics for you guys to read and enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I look forward to seeing some requests!
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lepertamar · 3 years
Bullet pointed thing not separating out good and bad stuff because most of the bad stuff is just like, failures to follow through on good stuff? Or weird arm-twists when the good stuff starts implying things a little too numinous and rebellious to the worldbuilding order and gets forcibly reined in?
Incapable of organizing my thoughts properly even though I tried so I’m just going to post all my thoughts and semi-arbitrarily break them apart into sections, I’ll probably come back to add links to the other parts later:
(I broke this in half lol becuz is was seriously too long but anyway part 2 which is more holies stuff is here)
Bullet 1. Fuck, theurgy is so good.  Like the concept, the entire idea of it. Just fuck that is so good. *Much better explanation of wtf it is in this meta post.* 
But it’s especially good as like a gateway to interactions or concepts too complex or liminal or interactive or emergent to be captured in anything like ‘a normal physical object’ — and it makes for a really really great process from the point of view of the characters doing it (or in Tamar’s and Eliya’s cases, interacting with someone else’s for the first time.) 
The hint comes percolating through, slowly, inexplicitly, (or maybe it’s just because I read that meta post I linked first? I’m not 100% sure) — the whole world is made by this. Infinite recursion of souls. 
1.a Yet it’s........actually pretty shallow simply from explanation of what it is, almost new-age-y vibes that really do it a disservice, and even more an underwhelming disservice when characters are being told how to do it. This is abrahamic fantasy! No embodied and tangible rituals? No songs and chants, no mysterious properties of specific things, which would have an extra layer of meaning because all things are souls? Eliya comes up with, in total (but forcibly unacknowledged) defiance of Lucifer, spoken-word ritual type things towards the end that DO help her, powerfully so. But so much of the book’s discussion of it seems almost designed to make it sound....lame. Thank G-d for Yenatru’s early-on pov of doing his own theurgy or I would have disliked it a lot, and thanks even more to that meta post I linked. 
1.b It’s just…..weird and a bit of an um, self-own, that learning about theurgy was done through the characters literally just fucking…..being taught to about theurgy. As if this was a non-fiction book! Instead of a fiction book, a fantasy one no less, where information-communication is inherently always done differently. Why not have Eliya learn theurgy by subjecting her to various theurgies, manifestations of various people, sending her on a hunt for manifestations and making her have to try to figure them out or understand what this meant until finally she understands enough to ask questions? Why not have various elaborate rituals for theurgy?
BULLET 2. Lucifer is…………!!!$$%%???&&**???>. I loathed Lucifer as a constructed character, an execution of a part of a full narrative story. Absolutely hated them. Could not stop thinking about how much I hated them, how bad it was, all the ways the execution of them completely fails and takes out huge amounts of the overall book — character arcs, concepts, worldbuilding, resonant emotions — with them in the blast radius of the author utter failure at executing them. 
And yet, Lucifer’s CONCEPT is………..amazing, their BACKSTORY is phenomenal. Absolutely incredibly original and drop-dead clever and woven into the worldbuilding in a way where dozens of tiny details about them, about theurgy, about G-d, about angels, etc, all line up to collide and open in the reveal *perfectly*. On the other hand, they are absolutely loathsome as a person. But this isn’t the problem. In fact it’s awesome. It’s not a problem on the front hand of it, at all, that they are so so so awful, as a person. It fits. This is what trauma does. Tells a truth, but then that truth metastasizes into a demanding cancer covering the world. 
2.a (In this book, Lucifer’s (incredibly sympathetic) fall is very, very far from either the traditionalist folk depiction (ewwww rebellion against the wise and good laws of Heaven) OR the now-ubiquitous folk resistant reading (oooooh rebellion against the unjust and oppressive laws of heaven!) Their rebellion is instead basically a rejection of The Way Angels Are Naturally Existing, which is entangled with G-d’s soul in a lawless chaotic orgasmic orgy of unchecked creation that has the pitiless one-way un-budging This Is What Is simple Being-ness of nature and the universe. And it makes so so much sense, that in the intensity of traumatized backlash to this, Lucifer is not simply wise in the ways of ethical demands for justice from G-d and the world the way (I think) Lilith is, but is instead cruelly, reductionistly, circumscribingly dogmatic. They are many other bad things — projecting, saneist, insincere, avoidant, glib, safety-fetishizing, lacking in the tiniest budge of character development, but all these mostly go back to being dogmatic.)
None of which, again, I emphasize again, is anything except BRILLIANT and perfect from a characterization perspective. All of these things fit their character conception and trauma backstory perfectly. The issue is really that not a single one of these things are unearthed or bounced off of as the bad things they are. By which I REALLY don’t mean ‘ugh why didn’t any of the characters explicitly Call Them Out [tell not show] for how awful they are while they’re just minding their own business being awful [shown not told] as a character in this story’. I hate that kind of thing. I mean simply….the other characters’ personalities, natural reactions, and in fact the entire world around Lucifer, warps wildly in order for their creepy narrowing way of steamrollering and falsely-restating-using-‘it’s just my issue’ to be enshrined and stated [telling not showing] as Correct and somehow The Way and The Truth, the Reason Yenatru is happy now, the Reason Eliya succeeded at theurgy. When there’s not a single way this actually tracks.
2.b Why does Yenatru care about this person when everything they say would be horribly devastatingly harmful to Yenatru if its content was aimed at a slightly different category of people, but happens to not be harmful to him simply because this person happens to understand him specifically? Not the tiniest bit of supporting evidence why. There’s a tiny moment, where Lucifer challenges Yenatru to challenge them, in a way where I would almost claim that Lucifer was hoping Yenatru would challenge them and argue back against them, and continue to argue against them throughout the book because Yenatru is one of the few people who could do this without deeply triggering Lucifer’s trauma. But it never ever happens.  It’s also not acknowledged but sadly refused along with their friendship later on, as it also could have been. It’s devastatingly disappointing and brought my liking of Yenatru, which was so so promising and deep because he in many scenes and aspects is written so well, down many notches. 
2.c Why does Eliya successfully uncritically learn anything from them? Why does she [telling not showing] credit Lucifer with anything she learned, when she very very clearly [showing not telling] actually learned everything about herself and about theurgy’s weight and truth from Yenatru and from Tamar? It shatters the imagination to think that any of what Lucifer told her would not be grade-schooler basic knowledge for a lifelong resident of this non-portal-fantasy world, unless theurgy was a Secret Misunderstood Forgotten Art (which it very explicitly and clearly is not). I could see the information Lucifer gave her as perhaps so basic that it could easily fade into the background as not really Meaning anything or being graspable — which is exactly where Yenatru and Tamar, as an unusually gifted and deeply expressive theurgist, and an unusually extreme soul-appreciator and lover, respectively, come in!!!!
2.d And also it could have been where Lucifer’s rigid, trauma-calcified, dogma could have very expressively and poignantly come in too, as something that purports to be about How Souls Are and is illuminating by dint of how hyper-specific and inapplicable to most other people it is, how it’s actually not what souls are, but is very much what a traumatizing but successful struggle to Not Be Steamrollered Into Something You’re Not is. This would have been intensely sympathetic even. And speaking of, here’s the thing: I would have liked Lucifer a thousand times better if they [as a person] had been openly *worse.* If they were outspoken and explicit about their horrible ideas, and if the book [as a narrative] had let them be a mess incapable of intentionally teaching anyone functionally (and therefore much more poignant and illuminating-of-theurgy just by existing as an example of a person, an example that changed the world). Instead of them smoothly tucking their prescriptive ideas into the stretches between other unrelated scenes of ‘oh this is just my issue, these are my own weird biases’. They would be far better if they weren’t being twisted into having the narrative state [tell not show] like they were right about everything.
Bullet 3 It’s this — that’s what I mean. Insincere and politely erasing nonviolent-communication (a specific thing I have encountered a hundred time, more damagingly than any blatant articulated disgust and hatred I have ever encountered) -- with repeated statements  of ‘no it’s okay to be you :)’ ‘i don’t think you’re immoral :)’ ‘everyone is different :)’ despite everything they say belying this. Which when placed alongside everything Lucifer says when not being confronted, does not ever function as a genuine ‘don’t listen to my biases’, but instead functions as a way to avoid actually stating (and therefore baring up to an argument) any of the erasing assumptions underlying their authoritative explanations of other things, so that those assumptions sneak through undetected when they would be interrogated and valuable if they were stated. 
3.a. For example, if Lucifer’s [obvious to me, but probably not obvious to anyone else who hasn’t been personally subjected to a lifetime of this language] revulsion for the Holies and Tamar was openly stated and if they tried to actually argue they were right to be revolted…..I would have loved them! Even if they are arguing Tamar (and indirectly, I too) was a disgusting thing — a ‘leper-soul’ (to quote this fanfic), mad and lost and ruined and degenerate (to quote *this canon book quote*)—I would have loved them! I have nothing but delighted love for people whose clawing desperate insistence on not being what they were raised and created to be, no matter how hateful that makes them towards my loves and experiences.
If Lucifer had said and stuck by this until proven wrong by the narrative [show not tell, or even tell or not show!], instead of simply going ‘oh don’t worry, I don’t think you’re bad :) I don’t think it’s harmful :) it’s just my issue :)’ whenever speaking about Holies, it would have been GOOD and I would have REALLY respected them. Even while everything they’ve actually said about their opinion of souls in other contexts is such that it fundamentally precludes and rejects, as sick and as nothingness and deluded and incapable of being real, the entire concept and lived real existence of Holies (Tamar: I saw them, I am someone who’s done that) — but then Lucifer being actively explicitly validated [again, i mean ‘gets validated’ as in the book states this, with a positive-presence, tell not show wording, while also refusing to admit anyone else influencing Eliya as much or more. i do NOT mean ‘waaahh it’s Obviously Validated becuz Lucifer doesn’t get explicitly called out’ or whatever]. 
In fact, this specific struggle, between what they state to be True, and what Tamar’s very existence declares to be a truth, would have echoed the struggle of their backstory, and conveyed the message of this book more powerfully, more clearly, more sincerely. But seeing Lucifer instead warp a way into an actively (tell not show) defined enlightened master position in the book’s narrative structure made me shake a bit, not going to lie.
Continued uhhhhhhh soon, links to other parts (continually updated) under the cut:
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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The Finkel Files | July 18, 2002 - 3:30 AM | Special
There is no hell in Judaism. Therefore, one must be created. That is where the Finkel Files comes in.
Finkel Files is about a young boy named Joshua Finkel attending Rabbi school, which is also a summer camp. Young Joshua doesn't actually want to be a rabbi. In fact, he'd rather be a rock musician. In this pilot episode Joshua's love of playing rock music is barely explored, instead it's a story about him and his friend, an extremely orthodox little guy, being bullied into building a raft so they can go across the lake to have sex with Catholic teenage girls.
There's a lot of Jewish humor in this, and there's sex-related jokes that exist in that weird grey area of being too juvenile to exist on Adult Swim and a little too risque to air on children's television. There's a lotta circumcision jokes, which I always find a little puzzling when it's so clearly claimed as being a Jewish thing. I'm far from Jewish, and grew up in a shitkickin' retarded redneck town where everyone was cult-member-level Christian, and my dick and every other dick I sucked, I mean, saw, was cut. They cut all them little boy dicks. I literally never even saw an uncircumcised dick till I was in my 30s while watching some European pornography. Circumcision jokes are like the Israel of dick jokes, if you think about it. I’m not elaborating on this, because I don’t want my blog to get deleted.
Anyway, this fucking sucks. It sucks so fucking much. It's easily the worst Adult Swim original to air up until this point. I know what'll unseat it eventually, and good lord, I am not looking forward to it. But this is one of the most laughless eleven-and-a-half minutes I've ever spent. I've seen this maybe three times now and it's about four times too many.
Created and written by Adam Mutterperl, who has this entire pilot on Vimeo. I once characterized him as a guy who probably pestered Jewish day camps into letting him show this pilot and doing a Q&A. I bet he's done a few of those, and I'm sure it goes over okay with kids of a certain age. I did a little digging and found out he's written on various bad late night talk shows, and he wrote for (gulp) jib jab, one of my most hated comedy creations on earth. But, he seems like he's doing better than me. Good for him.
Anonymous writes:
What's your beef with ToonZone? I knowing having a messageboard dedicated to talking about cartoon is inherently a little silly but it's probably was the most thoughtful and intelligent one going. Walked a perfect line between blind fandom and willful contrarianism. If you don't like that then too bad. Eggos for you.
Oh, I don’t have much of a beef with ToonZone. Part of me just got swept up in the fact that I posted on a different, COOLER message board than them. They seemed like the enemy because they were a more successful version of the board I posted on. There were also a lot of genuine dorks on there. Also a high-level poster there called my wife a cunt once (I’m not joking about this lol).
I guess if push comes to shove I’m pro-ToonZone because when I did research for this project initially they were a very consistent source for air-date information. I got all my Capt. Linger dates (and other stuff) from just chronologically making my way through review threads. It’s an important resource for sure. But yeah, the people.
Anonymous writes:
Brak is for babies. Anyone whose defending it is still a baby. The only thing that keeps this from being on regular cartoon network is that the animation is shit and Zorak sometimes says something nasty/sexual especially to Brak's mom. Fuck this show. Worse than Mr. Pickles by a longshot.
I do wish they’d just bleep out Zorak’s mean-ness and play it on Nick Jr. or some shit. Just imagine face introducing it. New promos of Brak and that big frog from Gullah Gullah Island hanging out. What an ideal world that would be.
Anonymous writes:
Hi the Brak Voting guy again. You have turned the tables on me I see. Wow. I never thought I would be the one getting questions. Makes me feel like a big guy. Also, whose that woman who asked about me? Can we connect somehow. I live in Michigan if that helps. Anyway, I would vote for Galrog. Brak's Dad would lose interest a week past inauguration. He's a very fickle character. This is my honest opinion so you can't get mad at it. You have to respect the honesty. Hook me up with that broad.
Hey man, nice to hear from you. Sorry I came down hard. I’m also a Galrog guy and I was only guarded with my opinion because, and I’m sorry for saying this, but you came off as a Dad supporter and those people are literally fucking nazis. But I made a mistake and I’m sorry and to make it up to you I’m going to let you fuck that woman
Kon writes:
I've KIND OF come around on this era of Birdman. Not my cup of tea but no real reason to be mad at it. Some jokes are fine even! I'm gonna check out Jagged Edge becuz of you
Yeah, I agree it’s nothing to be mad at, but I sure don’t particularly like it! Also Jagged Edge is solid, it’s once of those movies that people online are always like “ah they don’t make ‘em like this anymore! movies for adults! yeah baby! do I make you horny baby??” but then some people see it and they get a little too excited watching it and they have to be like “MARGARET THATCHER ON A COLD DAY MARGARET THATCHER ON A COLD DAY”
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 1
And here we go !
This is the last chapter of Liam’s 1st year at the university. It’s a long one, so be ready ;)
A new pov will replace Barbara starting now, I hope you’ll like it.
Damian-Nicholas Smith Carrey Friday March 8, in France
When people said him that he could write a book about his life, he never imagined what kind of book it would be. But now, he had quite an accurate idea. He would call it : 'How to change from the most famous hunter to a stupid and naive man in love'. He had gone through step one for a long time now : have a fucking ridiculous teenage crush. And now, he started step two : be in a relationship with your so-called crush. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey wasn't someone easily flustered. At least on paper. But when it come to the baboon, it was a true disaster. He must have left his pride back in the US.
"What do you think ? Isn't this one better ?" asked Liam.
The junior looked at him, his brows furrowed. They were doing shopping for souvenir. Well, the baboon searched little things for his siblings and Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey tagged along.
"I dunno. There are the same to me."
One was a key chain with the eiffel tower, the other with the Arc de Triomphe. Both were low quality products anyway. But the baboon finally picked one, and they went out of the store.
"Where are we going next ?" asked the blond lad. "There is plenty of time before our departure..."
"I bought everything I wanted." replied his boyfriend. "So I thought we could hum... take some time for us ?"
He blushed when he said the last word, which made Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey blush too, and then they both blushed even more. This is an endless circle of  pathetic shyness. I mean, I eat ass every other day, so why am I so prude right now ?
"Fine." he agreed anyway. "Lead the way."
They honestly had a good time. It was fucking weird to enjoy this at much as sex. Maybe even more. They went for walk the length of the Seine. Liam ate a box of pastries along the way and they talked about this and that. This is the end of my damned life. I'm having a silly conversation with someone. It must be the first time since... I don't even fucking remember. They were on their way back when Liam sighed.
"I'm happy to have you Dami." he whispered.
All this romantic bullshit was so embarrassing. Do I like it or not ? Just get a grip dude ! Not only he was having a damn date with his boyfriend, but he also looked like the flustered one here ! No one must ever know it happened. The baboon took his hand.
"I'm serious you know ?" he continued. "I mean, I'm still very worried about a lot of stuff... Nate is my main concern, but I'm also still preoccupied by my father. And I can't deny my story with Kilian is giving me an headache. But I'm really happy to know you're here."
"First of all baboon, it doesn't suit you to be so serious." replied Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey while trying to regain composure. "Secondly, there is nothing in what you said that can't wait tomorrow. You've the right to enjoy a little time for yourself with someone you love."
Liam blushed. He kissed his boyfriend to thank him. Holy crap. I'm getting good at the cheesy stuff too. Well, it wasn't surprising : Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was good at everything.
This evening on the plane, the junior felt a weird dread through his whole body. Suddenly, he stressed about his relationship. But there is nothing new... I mean, we already were a couple before. So what is different ? He quickly put his finger on it. I said to the baboon I loved him. I confessed my weakness. The hunters shall never know. Nobody in the university, for that matter. There are already too many fucking people aware of our relationship. I don't trust anyone about this.
"Hey dude."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey glared at the sophomore who hailed him. It was the dipshit called Matthew, Theo's heir.
"What the hell are you doing here ?" he asked. "Want to suck my prick ?"
The cocky lad (it was obvious this guy was an arrogant bastard) smiled.
"Maybe another time. I just wanted to say D.R sent me the contract regarding Barbara. She has to stay away from Colton and all his friends starting now. So you won't see her again much."
"Don't give me that crap, idiot. I don't care about the roach. You can fuck her, so go on. Isn't it what you wanted since the beginning ?"
Matthew's smile grew larger. I can definitely see the ressemblance with this shitty Theophile now.
"Just go away, moron." he concluded.
Liam Sunday March 10 back in the US
"This trip has done some damage..."
The young lad bite his lips. I knew I had indulged a lot but that's quite a change...
"Do you dislike it ?" asked Nate, while slumping on his bed.
"Not really..."
He had been ages since the last time Liam had looked properly at his reflection. He was pleased with his general body shape. His face was finely chiseled. He had strong biceps and triceps. His legs were robust but thick just like his chest. His pecs were nicely standing out. Even his back was kind of burly. But where three month ago he had a blossoming six pack, he had now a modest amount of squishy flab. His bulging waistline was easily noticeable since he was only in briefs. But he wasn't dissatisfied.
"I think I like myself." Liam whispered.
"And that's a good thing." mumbled his bestfriend, his eyes closed. "You have nothing to be ashamed about, trust me."
The chesnut lad outlined a smile. I'm glad to see Nate is talking more and more. He was also pretty sure Dami won't judge him for a little bulk.
"I mean..." resumed the other lad. "You're even well-endowed."
It made Liam blush like hell. (Not that he didn't take the compliment.) (Who could blame him ?).
The freshman expected things to improve since they came back from France. After all, Nate was getting better, Nick was actually making some progress at swimming and Dami literally confessed his feelings. It looked like the unicorns were finally powerful enough to repel the forces of evil. (After all, he had been feeding them with his dreams for months now !). So when a girl went to talk to him during his training this afternoon, he completely ignored her. (Not on purpose of course !). He was just so happy that he couldn't focus on anything. He went throught weight lifting and then legs exercises without noticing the many people who accosted him. He left campus without taking note of the lustful looks around him. I think I'm happy. The talk with Kilian had freed him. He was so glad to know the force of evils failed to take his ex-boyfriend. Anyhow, he finally went to work. As soon as he arrived, Judy came to him.
"Oh god Liam here you are ! I was so worried !" she shouted.
He blinked, not sure to have heard right. (Not that he often didn't heard people or anything...). What was she worried about ? Did he forget something important ? Something life-saving ? Maybe the aliens were gonna attack soon ?
"Liam focus ! I'm trying to have a conversation here !"
Judy clicked her fingers right under his eyes, breaking his thoughts.
"Are you alright ? Did someone do something to you ?"
"What ? No." he replied, surprised. "Why ?"
She frowned.
"Are you and Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey still a couple ?" she eventually asked.
Liam blushed. I think I'm supposed to keep it a secret but... He could trust Judy, right ?
"We are." he replied. "But what is your point ?"
"Be prudent when you're not with him okay ? I never thought I would say that one day, but I think you're safer with him around. Even if I still bet he'll hurt you in the end, like he did with everyone else."
Liam nodded. Their boss was calling them. I'm not sure I understand what she meant... However, he was certain Dami wouldn't said "I love you" so lightly. I'm special to him, I'm at least sure of that.
When he arrived at their flat tonight, Nick announced Nate wasn't there. Apparently, he had left for a talk with Archibald. It reminded Liam there were still things he wanted to improve in his life. My bestfriend and my poor family situation should be my priorities. He had no doubt the unicorns would agree on this. Besides, everything was linked to the forces of evil anyway. He grabbed a slice of pie in the fridge and joined his roommate. (Of course a pie made by Dami. Now that he had tasted his boyfriend's pastries, it was very hard to eat anything else to be honest.). (Once you visited heaven, you wouldn't come back, right ?).
"I can tell he's doing better." said Nick while staring at the screen of his console. "But I also can tell he went through something very disturbing. What do you think they're talking about so often ?"
"I don't know." admitted Liam. "But Dami assured me Archibald was a good guy so I trust him."
Of course, the chestnut lad wanted to help. And yes, I want to know what happened. (Curiosity is not a sin). (Glutonny is, but Liam didn't think much about it).
"Yeah well, until now we can say whatever he's doing is working." agreed Nick. "You should go to sleep... Wait, are you snacking ?"
Liam took a mouthful of his pie and chewed happily.
"This is just too good." he explained.
"You were sooooo against food at the beginning of the year." laughed his roommate. "I never imagined you were such a foodie."
Well... Seems like I changed my mind.
Nicolas Monday March 11 – Tuesday March 12
< Imagenius : yo what's up ? >
< TheSavior : long story short it sucked. I m better looking at my screen and playin'. Wht abut you pal ? >
< Imagenius : long story short my roommate is fuckin' loud while talkin' with her new friends. I hate people with actual life you know ? They remind me I'm a loser >
< TheSavior : won't say I know the feeling cuz I dont. >
< Imagenius : lol becuz right youre so popular >
< TheSavior : at least i hav friends outside a lame chat bruh >
< Imagenius : bruh >
< Abeautifulwomen : guys I do to. >
< Imagenius : as if a man who claims to be a girl could. Anyway Sav can you send us another pic of  this cute roommate of yours ? Pretty please ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : Same. But hey Ima are ya gay ? >
< Imagenius : Joker ? >
< TheSavior : need 2g. I'll turn the chat off. I don't hav any another pic >
* Abeautifulwoman is offline *
* Imagenius is offline *
* TheSavior is offline *
Nick sighed and looked at the clock. Almost midnight. Nice. I can still play. He slowly stood up and headed to the kitchen. First of all, he needed supplies. The raven-haired boy opened the fridge and grabbed a slice of pie and a beer. Two beers. He knew Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had cooked it for Liam but whatever. His friend wouldn't mind. Nick came back to his room and turned his console on. A sligh whine came from his roommate's bedroom. Nate was having a nightmare again, he guessed. It was happening every other day. Not like if I could just ask what's wrong. If he doesn't talk to Liam, he won't talk to me. The lad drank his beer and started to play. He was good at it at least. He finished the level rather quickly, only to notice he had already ate the pie and emptied the beers. Again, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. Not that he was hungry, but he liked to play while chewing something. This time, he opted for ice cream. And beer of course. Then, he took his playing up again. One hour later, he was done with two more level. And he had devoured the ice cream. So once more, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. No wonder I'm fat. He put his snacks on the counter and patted his belly. When he had entered college he had been a twig. But the sudden freedom allowed him to indulge without his parents constant nagging. Maybe he had enjoyed it a bit too much. When he had come back at home for the christmas holidays they weren't very happy about his changes. Himself had been surprised to discover he had already hit the freshman 15. Now this limit was beyond him. I checked when we came back from France. I weight 89 kg (196 pounds) now. Almost 200. Nick shrugged. He didn't really care. He took his snack and continued to play.
The next morning, he got ready quickly. Unlike Liam, he wasn't dozy on the morning. Well, Liam was dozy all the time so bad comparison. They left together for the first lecture. When they arrived, the first thing Nick noticed was Barbara. The girl hated him for some absurd reason. She was so obnoxious. Then, he glimpsed Rebecca. Another one he couldn't understand at all.
"And to think I've been interested in her..." he mumbled.
Liam didn't hear him. That was the good thing with this dude. I could've been screaming, he wouldn't notice. They joined Colton who greeted them warmly. Nick turned on his gameboy but he wasn't paying attention to the screen. He knew the game by heart since middleschool anyway. Instead, he looked at his friends. He often did that without them noticing. Everyone assumed he was just another nerd but he was an observant nerd. Their trip in France had took a toll on Liam waistline aswell. If I'm looking closely enough, I'm sure even Colton's ever slim frame must've softened a bit. Nick was pretty sure this one would lost it in one day or two. As for his dreamy roommate... I think he will keep it on purpose. He seems to like it. Well, both of them were handsome anyway. The raven-haired boy didn't have this luck. He heard someone laugh behind him. The person whispered something about pokemon being a lame game. Another talked about his little bathing in the Seine. Not a day I want to remember. Seriously, classes were so boring...
Noon eventually came. Nick hit the buffet of the cafeteria like a ravenous beast. He needed his daily amount of junkfood to functiun properly.
"What do you think about the math assignment ?" asked Colton. "Shall we work on it tonight ?"
"I finished it already." he revealed. "But I'm sure Liam would be glad to do it with you."
Of course, his roommate wasn't listening. He was looking away while munching on home-made cookies. And new thing, he was crooning. I know some very weird people but they can't hold a candle to him. Nick discreetly kicked him under the table.
"Uh... What ?"
"Welcome back to earth." he said. "Colton wanted to ask you something."
Nick didn't listen to their conservation. He had glimpsed Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey in the crowd. Another strange dude. Since I came here, I met too many real character. He looks pissed. I mean, more than usual. He was talking to a girl. Well, probably insulting the girl to be fair.
"... Swimming tonight ?"
The raven-haired lad turned his attention towards Colton.
"No thanks." he replied when he had guessed the question. "I'm not very... at ease when there are so many people watching me."
His friend smiled.
"Of course."
* TheSavior is online *
* Abeautifulwomen is online *
* Imagenius is online *
< Imagenius : yo ! Day was booooring. How was yours ? >
< TheSavior : Same as usual. Couldn't wait to be back in my flat >
< Abeautifulwomen : Mine was fine. I don't actually leav my flat. Lucky me ! >
< Imagenius : Btw guys there is something up in my college. I heard ppl sayin a big hunt started. Don't know what that meant but they were very excited. Apparently, the prey is one of a kind ! >
< Abeautifulwomen : Funny. Do you think they hunt human ? >
< TheSavior : I'm sure they're talkin abut a treasure hunt or smthg. We shuld play. >
< Imagenius : Nah Sav it was about a real person. They want him but idk why. Maybe he did something wrong. Beauty yu didnt hear anythg from your boss friend ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : He doesnt control every college in the country duh. Last time he called he was very very very very very angry :3 I got a dick pick thanks to that ! >
< Imagenius : You really are gay. >
< Abeautifulwomen : I told yu im a girl >
< TheSavior : Come play and stop the chichat. Wdc abut a fke hunt nor ur fke dick pick >
< Imagenius : Aye sir >
< Abeautifulwomen : Aye sir >
To be continued
Tadaa. Something is going on in the community, but what could it be ?! I can only tell you Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey will have a lot of work to do. Liam is in a happy bubble, but you know me, it won’t last long.
And welcome Nick. He has been a steady presence in the background since the beginning, so he earned his own pov. He’s on a group chat with two other people... Maybe you’ll be able to guess who they are ;) 
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