#bee is unstable?
mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Bee-Bee Gun
Artist: Chuck Lukacs TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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bragganhyl · 28 days
hmm so apparently the PC isn't the source of the unstable blood at the temple of bhaal
but that also means that araj was wrong about the PC's blood being unique
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dingbatnix · 2 years
So I was watching the video where Sapnap played minecraft while in a room full of bees...aaand it gave me an idea! A wonderful idea, if I do say so myself! So, I got started on writing it, and here we are!
(Reference drawing pending...) (It's here now but I'm too lazy to change the text xD)
Also, much thanks to @da3dm for helping me proofread it and all that!
Soooo, without futher ado, here it is!
Word Count: 5,308
Warnings: Brief description of injury, Brief description of blood, ect.
Sapnap grinned. He'd finally managed to swat one! The bigger green one, to be more precise. It was buzzing around his ears, as the duo of bees usually did to torment him, and then bam! Sapnap had been fast enough to smack the annoying thing out of the air with his hand. It flew through the crowded space of his garden house before bouncing onto the cluttered surface of his workbench with an audible ‘tuk.’
Sapnap huffed, grin widening as he wiped his palm off on the side of his jeans. He got one! Finally! Now he just needed to squish the other one, and everything would be great! Since there were only two bees that would buzz around his head and terrorize him almost every time he had to go into the garden house (which was every day, his tomatoes needed constant maintenance), and he had just gotten rid of one, he only had the other little pest left to squash!
A weak moan came from the worktable, catching Sapnap’s attention. Bees can moan? He hesitantly peered down at it’s little crumpled body, curious, but also cautious. He didn’t want it to fly up to his face and attack him, after all.
He’d never gotten a really good look at either of the bees that would harass him, other than quick glances. They usually zipped around way too fast, but now…
The coin-sized bee looked human, more human than Sapnap would have thought was possible. (Sure, he had some experience with hybrids, but, he knew, he knew, that they couldn't get this small. They couldn't be as small as his freaking thumbnail. So, the bees couldn't be hybrids. It wouldn't be possible. It wouldn't.) Four slightly crushed gossamer bee wings protruded out from the back of a green-and-darker-green striped hoodie. A huge tear split one of it’s wings almost all the way in half. Small antenna stuck out from fluffy blond hair, hanging above an incredibly human-like, miniature freckled face. The extra eye on each cheekbone, under it's main eyes, made Sapnap think of Purpled. Three of it’s four delicate-looking arms were bent at odd, sickening angles, as well as one of it’s long, thin legs. Tiny, nearly invisible fingers seemed to spasm as the bee-not-a-bee-thing gasped, miniscule green eyes watery with pain and what was possibly terror. An inch or two away from the thing was a small white disk, seeming to have been broken into several tiny shards.
A strange feeling started to coil in the pit of his stomach, and oh, oh, that's guilt. That was…new. Sapnap hadn't felt guilty for anything he'd done in a long, long time.
It–it looked like it was trying to…talk, or something. "Hey…" He leaned closer to the tiny thing. "Are you…good?" The only answer he got from it was a long, high-pitched whine and another painful looking-twitch.
"DREAM!" Another bee zoomed into his sight, crashing to a halt next to the one crumpled on the table. Sapnap jolted, eyes widening as he watched his other tiny bee-tormentor, just as human-looking as the first, frantically fret over it’s companion. It–t-they could talk?! As he watched, the blue one helped the green painstakingly roll onto it’s side while it hacked out a series of deathly-sounding wet coughs, miniscule droplets of blood splattering against the rough wood of the worktable with each choking heave.
The smaller blue bee-thing grasped desperately at the other’s shoulder with a horrified gasp. “Dream, Dream, talk to me, c’mon, please! What do I do? Dream?! P-please?” The blue one’s gauzy wings trembled distinctly as a terrified sob seemed to bubble up in it’s tiny voice. Suddenly, it whirled around, turning on Sapnap and stumbling closer to him, near the edge of the worktable.
"Fix him! You have to! Please,” The tiny bee-thing pleaded, gazing up into Sapnap’s dumbfounded stare. It wrapped one pair of arms around it’s stomach and folded it’s other two hands together pleadingly. “Please, please, please fix him! Please! I–we’ll stop bothering you, I promise! O-Or, you can k-kill me, instead, do whatever you want with me, but please, please, just help him!” It begged, collapsing to it’s knees. Sapnap’s jaw worked uselessly as the bee sobbed through promises and platitudes, trying to convince the fireborn to help it’s friend.
A realization finally struck Sapnap when he saw the glisten of tears running down miniature cheeks from beneath the bee’s strange white goggles. They were just tiny people! An unusual feeling of guilt and regret started to churn in the pit of Sapnap’s stomach. Just…just tiny people. And he had probably just killed one of them.
He took a step back, suddenly struck with a sense of urgency. “I-I-I’ll be back,” he muttered shakily, whirling around and rushing out through the garden house door. It banged shut loudly as he first sped walked, then broke into a sprint and ran up the short path to his cottage-house. The one Quackity had made him move into. Quackity had said that he needed to chill, just for a little while, and had sent him out here in the middle of nowhere to focus on gardening. He’d said that it would be good for him, for everyone, if Sapnap spent some time away from the main Smp. So, he had helped Sapnap build this house, the shed, and the garden outside, then left. Quackity had told Sapnap he could come back when he was more...stable.
Sapnap burst through the door, B-lining straight for his row of storage chests and throwing the first one open. He had to find a healing potion.
He was getting soft, he realized as he rooted through the miscellaneous junk with shaking hands. Before he got here, before Quackity had sent him away for his ‘self-therapy,’ he wouldn’t’ve batted an eye at killing a bee-person-thing. He wouldn’t’ve cared about the anguished sobs tearing themselves out of the blue bee’s throat. He probably would’ve squashed it underneath his fist along with it’s counterpart without a second thought! He–he was changing, he realized. He was changing from the hot-headed psychopath that would make someone watch as he burned down the things they loved in front of them into…into something else.
Sapnap didn't know if he liked it.
M-maybe it was a good thing. Maybe it was good that he felt less…volatile than he used to? Maybe the constant gardening was actually helping him. M-maybe Quackity would take him back…? Or-Or maybe he was just trying to distract himself from the abnormal fact that he felt bad after nearly killing somethi–someone. Maybe that was it.
Sapnap’s hands met cool glass. He wrapped his fingers around the bottle, yanking it up and peering through it at the contents. Lilac-pink liquid sloshed against the glass walls, telling him that it was exactly what he was looking for: A healing potion.
He was out the door in a flash, not even bothering to close it as he sprinted down the stepping-stone pathway. He shoved into the garden house, panting lightly as he scanned for the little bee-people. They were both in the same place as when he had left them.
"O-okay, okay,” Sapnap skidded to a stop in front of the worktable, nearly crashing into it. The tiny blue bee yelped, throwing itself (himself?) in front of it’s quietly choking partner. Sapnap lifted the potion, swishing the contents to make sure it was mixed thoroughly.
“I have a healing potion,” he told the miniscule bee, moving the bottle closer so that it (he?) could see what was inside. It felt…weird, talking to someone so…tiny. Minute, even. It He shook, staring suspiciously at the bottle for a long moment before jerking his head in a nod and moving back to the other bee’s side.
Sapnap’s hands trembled as he uncorked the potion and carefully leaned over the little pair. The blue one flinched, but Sapnap ignored him in favor of cautiously tipping the bottle over the still-raggedly wheezing green bee. He didn’t want to wash the little guy away, so he had to be careful with how much potion he poured over him.
The few large droplets that splattered onto the bee’s torso were quickly absorbed by his body. Immediately, his breathing seemed to flow easier. A bunch of sickening pops and cracks sounded as his broken limbs straightened and reformed, and even a rustling crackle rasped when his wings smoothed out. His torn wing stitched itself back together about a third of the way, still leaving a large rip in the gauzy membrane. Seconds later, he shot up with a gasp, eyes wide.
“Dream!” The blue bee jerked forward, clutching at his friend’s arms as he doubled over, tiny shoulders heaving. Papery wings shuddered as the green bee hauled in deep gulps of air and grabbed at his friend's arms. Sapnap shifted his weight, leaning back uncertainly.
The green bee's head shot up and his four eyes instantly latched onto Sapnap’s hovering face. He jerked back with a gasp, springing to his feet and dragging his blue friend behind him. “G-George,” Sapnap barely caught the hissed words from that tiny sliver of a voice. “Fly! Go!” He shoved at the shorter bee, sending him stumbling into the air. The green bee leapt after him, wings flickering madly, but abruptly fell with a sharp cry, hitting back onto the tabletop with a harsh thud. 
The blue bee whirled around and shot straight back down next to his friend, worriedly muttering to him. Sapnap couldn’t hear what the little guy was saying. The green bee was on his knees with his still-torn wing pulled over his lap, brushing over the rip in the membrane with miniature, shaking hands. Sapnap winced. Well, shit. Looks like he didn’t manage to give him enough healing potion.
The blue bee was now also fussing over the torn wing, speaking quietly with the other. They would both send wary glances Sapnap’s way, but mostly seemed preoccupied with the green bee’s injury.
Sapnap should…probably give the little bee some more of the health pot, right? Cause–cause he didn't seem to be able to fly with his wing the way it was, torn nearly in half. Sapnap bit his lip, staring down at the two. Ye-yeah, he should.
“Hey,” Sapnap murmured, leaning back a little more. Their features were a little harder to discern now that he was further away, but he could still make their expressions out. He raised his hands, one of them still curled around the potion bottle, and splayed them out in the universal sign of surrender. “I’m, I’m not going to hurt you two. Um, again.” 
They flinched back when he spoke, hands shooting up to cover their ears. Sapnap winced, lowering his voice. He didn’t want to burst their tiny little eardrums.
“I, um, I still have the healing potion,” he muttered lowly, shaking it between his fingers and drawing their gazes to the sloshing liquid. “I can, uh, it could fix your wing the rest of the way?” He offered, darting his eyes over to the green bee’s injured wing. The bee drew his wing back defensively while his companion shoved to his feet and spread his own wings out behind him in an attempt to block the green bee from Sapnap's sight.
"Nn-no," the blue bee growled out. His body tensed, like he was ready to bolt. Or fight. Or both. "St-stay back. Stay away from us." 
The green bee reached up and tapped the other, drawing his attention. With a hardly discernible sound, he spoke, stealing the blue bee’s full gaze and apparent consternation. He trailed out a long wisp of muttered words, suspicious eyes occasionally darting up to look at the towering fireborn.
Finally, the blue one grumbled something out to his friend, crossing his arms and turning a glare back up to Sapnap.
The green bee seemed to shudder before standing, inhaling deeply and staring up at Sapnap.
“Why? Why do you want to help us now?” The green one growled, flaring his three uninjured wings. “You’ve always tried to kill us before! What changed? Why are you suddenly being nice?!"
“You were harassing me,” Sapnap snapped back, instantly on the defensive. He crossed his arms and scowled, spine stiffening. They thought he was the problem?! No! He absolutely was not! He was just trying to keep his garden alive, and they just started to attack him! “I thought a couple of bees just made it their life’s mission to make my time out here worse.”
The blue one scoffed. “What, like we could do anything to hurt you? We’re just bees. We’re tiny compared to you humans!”
“Yes! Fucking bees! I don’t want to be tormented by a bunch of goddamn bees!” Sapnap dropped his arms down by his sides and leaned forward, glaring down on the miniscule pair.
“What, are you scared of bees? Are you scared of us?” The green one scoffed, crossing his four arms over his chest and seeming to suppress a flinch.
“Yes!” Sapnap all but snarled, shoulders tense and rigid. An awkward silence imposed itself over the three of them, feeling so thick that Sapnap could probably grab it and wring it between his hands.
The fire suddenly seemed to burn out of Sapnap's body, and his shoulders slumped.
“I didn’t know that you could talk,” Sapnap mumbled, gesturing softly. “I didn’t know you were people…” He took in a deep, calming breath, just like Quackity had taught him, and forced his still-tense shoulders to loosen up. “...I just thought you two were weirdly colored bees that had decided to terrorize me.”
The two bees glanced at Sapnap, then at each other.
"I...look," the green bee sighed, passing a hand over his face. "I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, here." He stepped closer, just the tiniest bit, gossamer wings twitching nervously as he sucked in a deep breath.
"You just got really close to our hive. You humans destroy our homes a lot for our honey, and we thought you were going to try and pull something. We were just protecting our home." The green bee sighed, running a tiny hand through his dirty-blond hair. “We–We thought we might be able to scare you off, or something.”
Sapnap’s brow furrowed, and he frowned. "So why did you continue, then? After it was clear that I wasn't a threat?" 
The two bees glanced at each other for a brief, hesitant second before their expressions took on a more mischievous turn. "It was fun," they chirped at the same time.
Sapnap flared. "What?! What the hell?" His nostrils itched as smoke began to trickle from them. Why the fuck would they mess with him when it was obvious that he wouldn’t do anything to them? Aside from the fact that that was an asshole move, (he pointedly ignored the fact that he used to do that to people in the Smp) he could easily kill them if he wanted to! Like now. He could probably kill them now. There was nothing stopping him. Sapnap bared his rather sharp fangs in a furious snarl.
They both flinched back, wings flaring out defensively. The green bee yelped when the sudden movement pulled at his injury, twisting around to clutch at his torn wing with a whimper.
Immediately, guilt flooded back into Sapnap's system and his temper crashed to the ground. Wh-what the hell was he thinking? He couldn’t do that! Heck, he had just used a healing potion on the green bee. If he killed them now, it would be a waste of a valuable resource. Prime knew that he wasn’t even allowed in the nether right now.
Sapnap winced almost shamefully and leaned away a little more. He let his gaze drift away from the scene he had been the cause of, and let it settle on the healing pot still held in his grasp. Well…he may as well help the tiny guy the rest of the way, seeing as this was his fault.
“Here, hold still,” Sapnap popped the cork and reached forward with the potion in hand, intent on dumping more of it over the green bee so that his wing would finish healing completely.
"Ah!" The green bee stumbled back with a yell, away from Sapnap's approaching hand and falling against his partner. Sapnap faltered, lips parting as he stared at the two backing away with pinpricked-eyes and trembling wings.
He watched the two for a long, awkwardly silent minute before his brain kicked into gear and pushed some sense into his head. They don’t want you near them, you idiot! 
A quiet ‘oh’ slipped past his lips, and he winced. “Uh,” he muttered eloquently. “Hold on a sec?” He cast his gaze around the garden house, searching for something he could use as a buffer between his direct involvement in giving the bee the healing potion.
The fireborn hummed uncertainly for a long moment, thinking, before reaching for the shelf above the workbench with a small ‘aha’. He missed the way the two miniscule beings recoiled as he leaned over them, more intent on grabbing an empty bottle he had up on the shelf that had a screw-on lid that he thought might work as a bowl for the healing potion.
"Okay, here," Sapnap popped the cap off of the bottle, putting it aside and turning the cap upside down and setting it on the tabletop a few inches away from the pair. They flinched back from his hand, sending another flash of guilt through his body that he promptly ignored. He then poured some of the healing potion into the upturned cap, letting it fill with the shimmering liquid about halfway. “This’ll help.”
With a hum, Sapnap corked the bottle and gently slid the cap over to the tiny duo. They took a couple of steps back from his comparatively massive fingertips, wary. Sapnap’s curiosity perked up significantly as he got a better look at how small the duo was. They were like, a quarter of an inch tall! If he laid his fingers flat in front of them, (disregarding the fact that they’d probably run from the close proximity of his hand) he guesstimated that the top of his fingernail would be even with their chests. It would be so, so very easy to hurt them.
Sapnap drew his hand back suddenly at the unwanted thought with a slight wince. That was one of the thoughts that he was told he needed to avoid, or else he would never be able to go back.
The half-filled cap was like an overly large kiddie pool compared to the little pair. They peered at it curiously, but stayed a few paces back in caution.
"Uh…what do we…?" The green bee gestured helplessly at the pool of healing potion, expression twisted. It suddenly dawned on Sapnap that the two probably hadn’t had any interaction with potions before, other than what he just did a little while ago. They were absolutely tiny, so any they might’ve found in the would have been too big for them to open, and Sapnap doubted that either of them would have survived a trip to the nether to get blaze rods for a mini-potion stand.
“Uh, it’s a healing potion,” Sapnap informed them. At both of their cautiously confused looks, he explained further. “It heals you if you’re injured. I used it on you to fix the…uh, what I did to you.” The taller bee flinched at the mention of his near-death, while his companion’s face darkened significantly. 
“Yeah, well, if you hadn’t hit him, then this wouldn't be necessary.” Sapnap barely caught the bitter mutter as the blue bee crossed two of his arms. His eyebrows rose with slight amusement, and he huffed a slightly smoky breath out of his nose. Well, if they hadn't been bothering him, then his friend wouldn’t have been hurt.
With a roll of his eyes, Sapnap shifted his weight and looked at the green bee, pointing at the cap of potion.
"It would probably be best if you drank it? It'll run through your body to find and heal any more injuries you have, and it’ll fix your wing the rest of the way." Sapnap told him. The bee’s brows furrowed almost imperceptibly, but he followed Sapnap’s instruction by cupping the liquid in his hands and hesitantly sipping from it.
It barely took a moment for the tiny guy to gasp and drop the rest of the liquid cupped in his hands, wings shuddering as the cool, healing effects of the potion rushed through his body and soothed his remaining aches and pains. He twisted to the side suddenly, eyes wide in wonder as he watched the tear in his delicate wing stitch itself back together.
“Holy shit,” the blue bee murmured, stepping closer to inspect his friend’s wing. The green nodded in agreement, carefully brushing his tiny hands over where the tear was. “A rip like that would’ve taken me weeks to heal,” he muttered, brows pinching together in thought. He turned to look up at the looming frame of Sapnap. “Thanks, I guess.”
“We–we’ll be off now, okay?” The blue bee abruptly took a couple steps back, two of his arms latching onto the green’s and dragging him along with. Their wings started to flap, too fast for Sapnap to see. Before they could dart away, Sapnap stopped them, eyes widening as he remembered something.
"Hey, hold on," They both froze, wings tensing. An idea was forming in Sapnap's mind, and if he could use the bees (or at least the blue one, he did make a sorta deal with him, after all) for it, he would. "You said that I…could do whatever I…wanted, with you, right? If I healed your friend?"
The smaller bee’s face fell. "I was kinda hoping you forgot that I said that…" 
The green bee’s eyes widened, and he gasped sharply. “George,” he hissed, just on the edge of Sapnap’s hearing, grabbing his smaller friend’s shoulders and ducking down to face him. “You made a deal with him? The human?! Why?!”
Sapnap watched as the blue bee shrugged out of the other’s grip and furiously whispered back. He almost couldn’t hear what they were saying, just barely catching the occasional word that floated up to his ears. His brow furrowed. S-should he intervene? They looked like they were getting pretty heated in their argument. Sapnap raised a hand, then hesitated. It-it probably wasn’t his place, was it? This was their business to take care of, not his. He was just a bystander. Plus, he’d probably just scare them more. He-he didn’t think he wanted that. Sapnap dropped his hand back down to his side.
Eventually, the pair seemed to calm down and come to a reluctant agreement. The green one reached forward, enveloping his shorter friend in a four-armed hug and pressing their foreheads together. Sapnap looked away from the intimate moment, feeling another wash of guilt bubble through him. He had scared them again, this time bad. He didn’t mean to! But…they obviously thought he was going to do something horrible to the blue one, or something.
…Maybe he should get Quackity to help him with his social skills, too, along with controlling his manic tendencies.
A small sound drew his attention back to the tiny duo. The blue one had stepped forward, closer to the edge of the table. His face was downturned, but Sapnap could see the small tremble in his shoulders that betrayed how he felt. The green bee was standing tensely behind him, worriedly running one of his wings between his hands and glaring darkly up at Sapnap.
The blue bee breathed in deeply, wings shuddering, then straightened. He crossed one pair of arms over his chest, puffing it out and flaring his delicate wings open. They still shook, but less than before.
“O-okay,” he muttered, taking in another deep breath. “I-I was the one that made the deal, okay? So-so this has nothing, nothing, to do w-with him,” here he flicked a wing back at his green friend. The taller bee’s glare seemed to darken even more, at that. “Okay.” His shoulders hitched up. “W-wh-what are you going to d-do—w-what do you want? F-from me?”
Sapnap felt another twist of guilt. Why was he feeling bad? He wouldn’t normally. He should probably clear up the little guy’s confusion, huh.
"Help me with my garden." He blurted plainly. The hang-dog expression on the blue bee’s face twisted up into one of startled confusion. His friend’s hands stilled, and he cocked his head.
"W-what?" The blue bee questioned shakily, cautiously. His wings drooped down a little in surprise, and his stance loosened.
"Help me with my garden," Sapnap repeated, cracking a grin. "I can't grow things that well, and my friend is probably gonna be disappointed in me if I let all of my plants die.” Both of their brows creased. They were looking at Sapnap like he had just grown a second head. And then a third. And then maybe an extra eye, too.
“T-that’s what you want? That’s all you want? Help with your garden?” Sapnap cringed under the incredulous stares from the two. It was an odd request, he would freely admit that.
“Y-yeah? I mean, you’re a bee, right? So you oughta know a few things about plants, right?” Sapnap twisted his hands together, worrying at his fingers as the bee processed. 
Slowly, uncertainly, the blue bee nodded. “Yeah? We–I know a few stuff about plants?”
Sapnap brightened. “Great! Then–then that's all I want from you!” 
Even though they were eyeing Sapnap like he was a little…special, the fireborn was completely serious. He wasn’t good at gardening, at all, but he was doing it as a form of self-therapy, and more especially, he was doing it for Quackity. The avian had made him promise that he’d do something to occupy himself out here, other than slaughtering the local wildlife, and Quackity had agreed enthusiastically when the fireborn had suggested gardening as what he should try and do. The thing was, Sapnap was exceptionally bad at it. Most of his plants were wilted, and some of them were probably dead. 
Now, normally he wouldn't care, but he didn’t want Quackity to come visit and see that his plants were practically dead. Sapnap was doing his best to take care of them, but it looked like he was neglecting the garden. He didn't want Quackity to see that. He didn't want Quackity to think that he wasn't trying. Sapnap’s mind flooded at the gut-wrenching possibilities of what the avian might do then. He might refuse to take him back.
The miniature duo glanced uncertainly at each other for a long moment. They seemed to pass a few indistinct words, before the taller hissed unhappily and rubbed his partner’s shoulder with one of his four hands. The shorter sighed and shook his head, then stepped forward, closer to the edge of the table and nearer to Sapnap.
He suddenly stuck out a hand, the black lenses of his goggles gleaming as he peered warily up at the huge fireborn. Sapnap stared at the bee’s nearly invisible hand for a long moment while he shifted uncomfortably. What was the little guy doing…?
He voiced as much, expression twisting to one of confusion. “What are you doing?”
The guy shuddered at his question, gaze drifting down to Sapnap’s hands, then snapping back up to his face. "This is what you humans do, right? You shake hands to seal deals?" His wings shivered, seemingly reluctant to do what he thought he had to do.
"Y-yeah, but, uh, I dunno how that's gonna work. You're freaking tiny, dude! I might crush your whole arm or something!" Sapnap also didn’t want to touch the goddamned bee. There was a fucking reason he didn’t like it when the two tormented him. He was absolutely terrified of bees. 
The bee cringed back at his words, then shook his head and stepped closer. “No, y-you w-won’t.” Under the tiny guy’s breath, Sapnap heard a faint ‘hopefully’ drift out. 
“I-if you’re sure, man,” Sapnap breathed. Internally, he was whinging back. He, he really didn’t want to touch him, but it didn’t seem like he’d be able to get out of this.
“Yep, mhm, I’m sure, absolutely,” he ground out, nervously fluttering his wings. “I-I’m going to have to trust you, right? If I’m going to help you with your garden, anyway. M-might as well start getting it over with now, right?”
"Y-yeah, okay, sure, sure," Sapnap mumbled reluctantly.
He didn't want to touch the bee, he didn't want to touch the bee, he did not want to touch the goddamn bee—
"Okay, hold still," Sapnap pushed his aversive thoughts down, squinting and holding his tongue just right as he concentrated, slowly moving his pointer finger and thumb towards the bee's nearly invisible hand. The entire bee was smaller than his fingernail! Even though the thought of the brief contact made him want to cringe away, he didn’t want to accidentally break the little guy with a wayward movement.
Carefully, oh so carefully, Sapnap pressed the pads of his fingers against either side of the bee's outstretched hand and gently twitched it up and down once. Sapnap didn't feel anything against his skin, but the bee clearly had, drawing his arm back when the fireborn let go with a grimace. Sapnap winced.
"I-I didn't just hurt you, did I?" 
The blue bee waved him off with a half-certain grin. “N-no, no, it’s fine. I’m fine." His friend shot him a concerned look which was then promptly ignored.
“Are–are we good, then? Is that…is that everything?” Sapnap asked, stepping away a pace. He wanted to wash his hand off, or something. He was more than a little freaked out.
The blue bee nodded jerkily, stepping back as well and moving closer to his taller friend. They brushed their wings against each other reassuringly as an awkward silence imposed itself over them all.
“Why are you out here?” The green bee suddenly blurted, arms crossing. The blue cocked his head, seemingly curious as well. “You humans usually stick together in great big colonies, so why are you out here in the middle of nowhere?” 
Sapnap paused at the question. Why was he out here, instead of at the Greater Smp, with the rest of the Smp members? Well, it was because Quackity had told him that it was the better option from what he was presented with, and the fireborn wholly agreed with him. He told the two tiny bees as much.
"I was sent out here so I'd stop setting people and their pets on fire. My fi–m-my friend told me I was getting too violent. It was either this, or be locked up for ‘being a general fucking menace to everybody.’ Or be executed.” That, in particular, was one of the more popular options among the people of the Smp. Just kill him and get rid of one of their biggest problems entirely.
From the two bee's pale expressions, Sapnap didn't think he was winning them over. He chuckled uncertainly, suddenly nervous. He shouldn’t have said that. He should probably go ahead and leave, now.
“Alright, well, I’ll see you,” Sapnap forced a grin, flashing the two a cocky wave. They inched back, seemingly just as ansty and ready to leave. Sapnap swallowed, strangely upset when he only got a terse nod from the blue one. With a roll of his eyes, he turned to leave. “Later.”
Behind himself, he heard a faint buzzing sound as one last thought struck him, and he paused.
“I’m Sapnap, by the way,” He turned back around, but the pair was already gone.
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halfdeadwallfly · 11 months
i put off my essay but i have to have it done by morning and i am struggling so much to breathe it is not chill and when i do get enough of a breath in my chest low key feels like it's revolting against the rest of my body and now i just feel vaguely light headed like how am i mean to write about like nuclear testing and shit in this weird late night state :(
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greenteacology · 1 year
wow jetlag sucks ass
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mustymausoleum · 1 year
having the extremely potent emotions and hyper-empathic flavour of autism is all fun and games until a singular thing happens and it's time for The Spiral™️
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beepeircings · 2 months
Princezam... it's been a week or two 😰 holy macaroni
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bitchhamlet · 2 years
i shouldn't be aloud to date fucking hell
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slash-me-please · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a Fem!Reader x Pennywise Smut where pennywise uses his tounge to fuck reader?
Literallsfsdfsdfsdfsdsdsd yes you can. I haven't written for Pennywise in a GRIP.
I present to you:
Drops from a Nectarine
warnings: fem receiving oral, dub!con, cunnilingus
Sun pours in through the open shades fallen onto your bay window. Eyes fluttering open with an exasperated moan, you turn your head to the side to get away from your offender. They do not follow. Your head sinks into the plush, microfiber sheets of your full-sized bed and for once, you decide to stay. Your bliss isn't taken advantage of, dread filling your chest as the overwhelming feeling of an uninvited visitor overcame the morning euphoria.
"Good morning, Bee." He tumbled over his words. That fucking clown. You tense, legs curling up and away from the foot of your bed.
"Go away Clown..." You murmured, voice shaky and unstable as his gloved hands pressed down on your sheets. He was covered in a thick layer of grime, as he was always. The sewers were no place to live, and a sewer-dweller had no place in your room. But still, he insisted, mimicked knuckles spreading and pulling against your clean sheets and effectively ruining them from further use. You'd have to burn them later, it was the only way.
"Buzz... Buzz... Buzz..." His head twisted rapidly towards you, faintly jingling as he crawled up your bed with a twisted grin. Pennywise's puffy red lips dripped with saliva, you watched a little too long to be the perfect victim. "You always know where to sting." You turn away as he lunges, towering over your frail, be it in comparison, body. Your limbs begin to shake with fear, anticipation as he watches over you with a blank expression.
"Why are you here Pennywise." You ask, it comes as a plea, and you fall deeper into the plush safety of your dirtied sheets. He gives you a smile, a fake one, which has your stomach twisting with something evil. "I am... hungry." He replies to your question as if it had been a simple answer, not one you had tossed and turned for the last few nights. "I do not fear you."
Pennywise grips you by the thighs, claws breaking through makeshift gloves to rip apart your underwear to shreds. "I've had my fill on fear... I am satiated." He giggles, head tilting downwards to glare at your exposed cunt. "I need a different type of food." And so he leans, his claws pushing your legs backwards and into a position which had you gritting your teeth. One that would have him giggling his crazy little giggle again.
With that, his tongue extends and begins to lap at your swollen folds. He holds you down as he tortures you with a callous tongue. His head ducks further, spreading them open to reveal your aching clit- which he nudges with his large tongue again. Your hands find his hair as you arch against the bed, pushing your heat against his dripping tongue. He tortures your clit with a cruel precision, one that has you knowing he's racked up quite the body count in his thousands of years alive. You cannot bring yourself to care, a whimper falling from bitten lips.
"I told you not to come back!" You sobbed, legs involuntarily squeezing around his head. And his head drops further with that, tongue parting you to dip inside your warm heat. Pennywise moans against your cunt, eyes rolling back and teeth enveloping the lower part of your pelvis. It felt as if he was eating the soul inside of you, yourself slipping through the closed fingers of your spirit and falling into his mouth where you'd meet your sweet demise. His tongue pistoned in and out of you, sucking in your wetness with loud slurps and squelching. You'd never been eaten out in such a way, eaten like he wanted more than just your sex. Like he wanted you.
"God!" You cried, pushing against his head as his claws drew blood from your skin. It rolled down your thighs and into your sheets, the same ones you had ran your fingers through and grabbed. Pennywise jingled for a moment, tongue rubbing against the roof of your heat as you thrusted your hips against his mouth. "Mm close!" You gasp, fingers rubbing against his head as his hands hold you in place.
Pennywise chose not to respond, instead his chest rumbled with a feral growl as he pushed his tongue impossibly deep into your cunt, a gloved thumb moving to rub circles around your clit. And with a loud whine, you released into his mouth. He drank you in like you tasted better than any blood that had ever touched his tongue. Back curled over your pelvis as he held your heat flush with his face, his eyes were rolled back and his teeth had sunk deep into your skin. Fear erupted with the blossomed pleasure which ran hot through your veins and Pennywise audibly moaned.
"Let go..." You gasped, pushing lightly at his hands. You already wanted to go back to sleep. Luckily he obliged, pulling away from you and licking his lips with a lewd glare. It didn't take long before he dropped your legs and crawled over your shaking body. You pressed your hand against his chest and sighed. "You'll be back?" You mumble, and he slots his thumb between your lips. "Can't get enough of this cunt..." You release a hollow giggle, nipping at the tip of a gloved finger and pushing Pennywise away. He watches you slip underneath the covers and stays until you fall back into a restful sleep.
He'll be back.
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt I
I just got into astrology more and I’ve been suupeerrr into solar return observations lately and this is what I have observed from my own chart! My birthday was 2 months ago and the solar return is SOLAR RETURNING .
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Moon in 8h in Aquarius SR - TONS of family secrets coming to the surface. Almost concerning? . Im finding out soo much stuff about my parents . My home environment is also changing a lot, my dad used to be home a lot and now my dad has like completely abandoned me lmaooo . such a strange uranus energy since aquarius is ruled by uranus . Ive been feeling more independent lately and sometimes I dissociate and pretend im living in LA in my own studio alone and away from my unstable family 😍….. I have my chart ruler in here too haha (pray for me) 😊 so this year is definitely going to be transforming AF . Im sensing it everything feels too intense lately 👁️ ..
Cancer Rising SR - I’ve been dealing with a lot of family stuff over the years (toxic relationships that r still ongoing lmaoaoa) and im noticing that instead of digging myself deeper or being depressed, i’ve been nurturing myself more and turning my space into a cozy sanctuary and not into some bed rotting mess😹. Ive been improving my current living situation compared to the past so theres definitely nurturing myself more , saying affirmations in the mirror , working on my self care , getting offered help from my step-family.
Sun in 12H in Cancer SR - I got into astrology a lot of spiritual stuff . Also communicating with my spirit guides more often etc .. I definitely do feel more connected to my spirit guides now I feel im being guided and protected a lot this year . everything feels like its just meant to happen and i mean that in the best way . Getting vivid dreams, ive been writing them down more a lot lately and they’ve been giving me insights on my subconscious and even slight deja vu? I remember I dreamt of me and my dad in my aunts car and 2 days later she had called me and gotten upset because my dad took her car and hadnt brought it back after she let him borrow it for a few hours. Even though my sleep schedule is so bad i love dreaming more now because the universe always gifts me with something meaningful and beautiful in my dreams🙏. Also I been listening to music like A Looottttt more lately EVEN WHEN IM ASLEEP😭 im like oohhh whos playing this banger and i wake up and its just music thats been on shuffle for the past 9 hours 💀
Venus 12H in Cancer 10° SR - finding out what i want in relationships , although i do feel like its becoming hard to connect with others in that way ..? does that make sense ? ive been doing lots of self love affirmations that my dreams consist of love and harmonious energies 😹sometimes ill think about love and a boyfriend and really want it but the next day ill be like wow i love myself so much i really cannot see myself with anyone😇.. lots of creative solitude , being more open to recieve love from my family members AFTER REFUSING multiple times ( it makes me icky sometimes still ) learning compassion and forgiveness for others , im a scorpio moon in my natal so ive held grudges since 6th grade i never cared 😭😭😩.. but this venus in 12h is like reversing the effect… 👁️💧
Venus Conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - GLOW UP PLACEMENT 🙏 i was sexy before but its like my sexiness increased by like 10x . People are noticing it too!! i got told “bros evolving” on one of my posts 😭😭 I also feel like im finding my own personal style aswell! . I also see my body changing (in a good way)
Sun conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - confidence on 1000!!! feeling self assured , nobody can really tell me anything bad about me TO ME and think ILL believe it cuz i wont!! i know who i am thankqqq😛
Mercury 1h in Cancer SR - i feel like this placement helped add onto me becoming so self assured in myself and figuring out who i truly am . Ive been studying and researching about myself a lootttt too !! Ive been getting a lot of gut feelings and just proceeding with them and usually i wont and ill just go with logic but idgaf anymore because usually these gut feelings usually lead to something so worth the outcome whether it may look good or bad!
Mars 11h in Taurus 12° SR - I have lots of amazing goals and things im looking forward to for this year!! I feel so eager to just GO FOR IT but taurus is a slow and steady sign so thats just how i been moving lately .. in silence too cuz there be haters all around 🤐
Pluto 7h in Aquarius 1° SR - ive been unfriending a lot of people to make new friendships idk if thats a bad thing but all the past people i feel are secretly plotting against me… most likely that 1° because i heard that could represent enemies? take that with a grain of salt but anyway ive been more clearer about what i want in friendships aswell which is goal oriented people who just want to get rich and make something for themselves!!! Im tired of the self limiting beliefs and the envy!!!
Saturn 9h in Pisces 19° SR - I start my senior year this month and I plan on graduating early , saturn rules discipline and structure but also setbacks . i feel like this school year although i have that vision i feel like im gonna have to put a lot of work this year lmao i hate school so much i was supposed to go to summer school but i ended up not going to get my mind right before the school year started which has really helped tho imo . i wanted to drop out but at the same time my pride is too high and i feel like this is a great opportunity to build discipline, time management and responsibility for the goals that ill have after i graduate. ive already been setting the milestones and all which is the saturn and pisces influence comin thru 🙏
Neptune 9h in Pisces 29° SR - the 29° usually the “fame indicator degree” can also represent a start to completion/ending of something , since i would be focused on graduating early for my senior year i could see this as me graduating early and completing that academic journey and preparing and embracing a new journey . i feel like this would most likely be spiritual because i caaannooottt focus on school and astrology and spirituality all at the same time because 9 times out of 10 my focus is on astrology and spirituality i needa get my priorities straight😭😩😹..
Just wanted to note this but while reading your SR chart its important to look at your South Node aswell because it can show you what lessons and patterns you need to review / past influences & comfort zones . 1h nn = 7h sn , 2h nn = 8h sn , 3h nn = 9h sn , 4h nn = 10h sn , 5h nn = 11h sn , and so on
North Node 10h in Aries&South Node 4h in Libra - The SN 4h Libra and NN 10H Aries could show that I have to balance my growth and comfort and moving towards new opportunities. With South Node in the 4H in Libra, I may find myself relying on familiar comforts from my past . The south node here might show that I might fall back into old family dynamics . my step family is offering for me to move in with them to help me get back up on my feet and this is such a good opportunity but they did this before though last year and I ended up moving back with my neglectful dad and I just fell depressedddddd . ill prolly release my old patterns where I would be moving away from family support because last year my mom offered to help me and support me and i ended up being manipulated and i fell depressed again then went to my step dad for help so i can get ahead and i went back with my dad and got even more depressed lmaoo but ill see how this ends up playing out. With the north node in the 10h in aries , i’ve been really focused on building my own unique self image instead of just catering to what others expected of me . Ill be looking forward to the goals I have planned out while actively working on them . With the influence of Aries too, bold and courageous, I’d most likely be taking risks to pursue my goals and stepping out my comfort zone. Probably by being SO FED UP with my controlling dad that I just take that leap 💯
this is my first observation post i was gonna go to sleep but i was dedicated to finish this tonight, i hope this was insightful to many of you and may this year bring all of us sweet blessings ⭐️
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Bee-Bee Gun
Artist: Chuck Lukacs TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ruggiethethuggie · 8 months
POST GAME || Ruggie Bucchi
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wc: 1009 tags: ruggie bucchi, fem!reader only because reader is referenced as a “girl” in a boys locker room, established relationship because i said so, ruggie post game after a win, rugbert is cheeky as always, he also likes kpop because why not, slightly suggestive, never proofread- we type and upload
a/n: i sat for an hour in an unstable mental state after seeing this ruggie bucchi card. yana put her whole ass into this card. me thinks yana has a secret favorite, i mean have you seen ruggie's ssr cards ??? bangers
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You tapped your phone screen once more, checking the time. It had been at least 20 minutes since the spelldrive match had ended and the NRC team had gone back to their locker room. You were trying to be patient, but it was killing you how long your boyfriend was taking. One after one, the team started to leave, but there was no sign of your biscuit brown, tousled-haired beau. You checked your phone one last time before you huffed and pushed past the entrance doors. You made your way past the short hallway of lockers into the open space where only a few team members remained, gathering their gear and belongings. Ruggie sat on the bench in the middle of the room.
He had already taken off his black athletic shirt and was in the process of taking off his cleats. He had music playing from his phone, feeling the rhythm and quietly singing to himself as he unstrapped his knee braces and put them in his bag. You stood there in front of him, hearing the sounds of the other lockers closing and the not so subtle whispers about a girl being in the boys’ locker room as the last of the team left for the night. You rested your hands on your hips and put on your best pouting face for him to see when he finally acknowledged you standing there. You watched as he continued to take his time removing each of his things and tucking them away in his bag. He softly changed his gaze to look at you, raised one eyebrow and grinned as he sang to you. “Baby, you a gangster, got my hands tied. Fallin’ for you deeper girl, I can’t lie. So sweet, like honey, honey.~ ” 
“Ruggie, come on. It’s getting late and I want to go back to the dorms. It’s already cold and I’m tired,” you whined, grabbing his hand and tugging on it. “Honey, Honey, Honey, workin’ for you like a bee. Buzzin’ for you baby, baby. Tell me what you need. What you need, ha, you can say please,” he continued to serenade you with a look that on normal occasions would have you melting, but not at this moment. You dropped his hand harshly and lightly pinched one of his ears. “Hey, hey, those are sensitive,” he groaned before chuckling to himself and pulling out his normal everyday clothes from his bag. “And you’re tired? I forgot you just played in the match, my bad, chief.” He grabbed your hand back and pulled you onto his lap.
“Stop, you’re all sweaty and gross!” you exclaimed, clambering to get out of his grip. Your need to get away only made him pull you closer into his embrace. “But, I thought you liked this,” he snickered as he nuzzled his sweat soaked forehead on your shoulder. His eyes were beaming as he looked up at you, his fangs peaking through his mischievous grin. It was a hard sight to be upset at, and he knew that all too well. He knew you all too well. “Ruggie,” you whined again. “Say please, or we stay here all night,” he teased. “Please, Ruggie, hurry up,” you replied, your voice monotonous. His ears drooped a bit as he looked at you. “That doesn’t sound very sincere.”
“What? You want me to get on the floor and beg?” His ears perked up at your suggestion, which was supposed to be more of a rhetorical question. “Ruggie, I’m not getting on the floor and begging you to get undressed so we can go home.” You watched as his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips and then back to your eyes. “You don’t want me undressed? I’m hurt. What do I do all this working out for then? For the boys?” he asked playfully. You lightly pushed him back and rolled your eyes. “You know what I mean. You’re still partially in your uniform and have to change. Don’t you think we should go home and rest? You guys just won another placement match, so you’ll want to be ready for the semifinals.”
“Yeah, yeah. We can go soon.” He moved you off his lap and onto the bench before standing up. He grabbed the hand towel that had been on the opposite side of him and used it to dry off the droplets of sweat on his face, neck, and chest before tossing it back on the bench. The locker room didn’t have much going on visually besides the random “team spirit” and “sportsmanship” posters hanging up on the walls behind a row of lockers. Ruggie was much more aesthetically pleasing to look at than them. You watched observantly as he searched his shirt for the tag so he put it on right, his forearm flexing every time his grip changed on the fabric. He pulled the shirt over his head, making sure to let his ears through first so they didn’t get tugged on.
He noticed you looking at his arms as he pulled his shirt down and straightened it out. “Don’t ogle me, weirdo.” He stood in front of you and leaned down to meet your eye level and placed one hand on either side of you. “Y’know, we did just win, and we don’t have to leave the locker rooms just yet.” Again, his fangy grin had you enamored as you felt your blood rushing to your face. You took the damp towel he had used previously and shoved it in his face between you both. “I wanna go home, Ruggie, please, you’re the one being a weirdo,” you teased playfully. “Yeah, okay, I’ll remember that. See if I share any of my snacks with you then,” he sighed as he ruffled his hair.
“Snacks?” you said intrigued. He bit his lip and shrugged as he grabbed his pants and walked off to the bathroom. “Ruggie, wait- are the snacks here??” you shouted to him. He just snickered as he closed the door without saying anything more.
© Orange Divider | banner by me | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
Volume 9 in summary:
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Local unstable teen learns about the birds and the bees and is extremely distressed about it
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halfdeadwallfly · 11 months
failing at life
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weebsinstash · 8 months
I hate when I start having an idea for one character and it turns into having that idea for multiple characters, but, basically, i started thinking of Bruce Wayne and then Lex Luthor creeped into my mind
One of my favorite yandere tropes is "helping you for your own good, even if it's against your will and you hate me for it", and, I was actually thinking about the whole red strings of fate soulmate trope again, and I started thinking of Reader almost immediately rejecting Bruce or Lex for, multiple reasons, but they won't take no for an answer, and then I ALSO started thinking, what if I throw ABO into the mix?
You're an adult Unpresented and basically a second class citizen in society and you've gone your entire life not knowing who to love or trust, growing up in an unstable if not outright abusive home, poor, not being able to be close and affectionate with people the way everyone around you is with their scenting and purring, and you eventually grow resentful of everyone else. You're constantly mistreated and called slurs and working shitty jobs, doing a catering gig at a high class party when your red string of fate appears and you think, "oh great, it must be another member of the waitstaff, if I cause a scene I'll lose this job and be even more in debt, maybe i should sneak off"
Cue you turning around and your soulmate is one of the richest men in the entire world and he even has a supermodel on his arm. Like you're either turning around and seeing unfathomably rich infamous man whore, 'is kind of a brat in his public persona' Bruce Wayne OR the guy who is equally as rich and is constantly beefing with Superman and does things like secretly cures cancer but waters it down to make more money as a treatment rather than a one-time cure
You're just instantly expecting rejection, not wanting any sort of confrontation, and also feeling more than a little humiliated. You finally meet your fated mate and you're working a service gig holding a tray of finger sandwiches while he's a billionaire in black tie attire eating caviar and sipping champagne. Not only is there this ENORMOUS class divide between you, absolutely daunting differences in how you live your life and the expenditures of wealth and flagrant flaunting of it, but he's also an Alpha, and you're... nothing. And you're not sure if you even want a mate anyways. You don't really believe in it. You don't want to give someone that opportunity to hurt you
You're just instantly wanting to run away, meanwhile Lex/Bruce is peeling the model off their arm and bee-lining for you IMMEDIATELY to introduce himself, not giving you any opportunity to slip away. Bruce would take the tray out of your hands himself whereas Lex would snap his fingers and have someone else do it, both of them expecting you to, essentially, immediately drop everything you're doing to get to know them, talk to them--
and your voice cracks as you reject them. Sorry, this clearly isn't going to work out. You need to get back to work, and the differences between the two of you and the worlds you live in are far too different--
But he won't take no for an answer. The arrogant Alpha is vaguely dismissive as he laughs off your concerns. The two of you just need to get to know each other! You're soulmates, how could you two not be meant to be?
But you refuse. You don't really want to talk to him at all. In fact, maybe you even dislike him. Bruce Wayne is publicly a playboy and Lex Luthor is infamously callous and outspoken about his hatred and distrust of Superman; you have genuine reasons to immediately dislike either man
But they know you're their mate now and you're in their sights. You could run away from the party and be back at your home, thinking you've bought yourself some time, and they're in their penthouse/basement respectively, using their supercomputers and superhuman knowledge to research every single scrap of information about you. No stone is left unturned. They'll hire a PI and private security to secretly follow you around while still researching the best way to approach you, concocting the perfect scheme to lure you in. All it takes is some hacking and some bribes and they'll know your rental history, your employment, your hospital records, old report cards from grade school, files from your last psychiatrist, EVERYTHING. They basically know your entire life story within 24 hours of meeting you, but they still want to speak to you, hear your own words, your own thoughts
Bruce is convening with the entire Batfamily, telling them about his new Unpresented mate, how you've had a harsh life and he wants them to have nothing but patience and love for you, with them fully intending to forcibly assimilate you into their pack while telling themselves you're just a little wild because you don't know your place in society, who you are as a person, and have never had your own proper pack to "socialize you", NOT that you're reasonably upset for being forced. Meanwhile Lex is over here making arrangements for a new luxury penthouse apartment in Metropolis for you to stay far away from the riffraff in the slums who harass you and threaten to burn your old beaten down house in the 'burbs down (and maybe even bribes someone to actually do it just to chase you into his arms), and begins legitimately actually genuinely researching how to "cure you"
and of course you guys know my cookies and creme is "whoops, now that you're obsessed with me and think I'm dumb and helpless and just a little uwu bean who needs to be rescued, turns out I'm an Omega! Sure hope you don't have any infantilizing if not outright misogynistic thoughts on how I need to be taken care of by other people and protected because I'm just SO delicate :)", so then you have Lex wanting to keep his oh so rare and elegant and pampered mate away from the rabble he thinks you're way too good for, and at the Wayne home you have like half the home thinking of you like their sibling if not ANOTHER PARENT and the other half convinced there's way too many psycho criminals out there for you to be allowed to be by yourself ever again
And I guess my final note is the juiciness of like, for Bruce specifically. Batman has to rescue you from being mugged or murdered or harmed in some way and you just start pouring all your stressed out feelings to him, about the mate you don't think you deserve, how scared you are, how you don't know how to love and he's so put together and successful, and suddenly here's the red string outting Batman as Bruce Wayne as you just sit there "Oh SHIT" realizing 1. You just told him like literally everything in your head including how you think he's an untrustworthy capitalist whore and 2. Oh God he's fucking Batman
Like... just imagine the excuse it gives him... criminals or let alone the Joker himself sees that red string between you and the Caped Crusader and soon every criminal in the city knows the face of Batman's mate and its never safe to show your face ever again. sure, he COULD potentially hide you away under a fake name on some island somewhere, but why do that when he can forcibly mark you and keep you as his house spouse? What, are you gonna break poor little Damian's heart that you AREN'T gonna be his new parent? But the pack is already so attached to you...
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trancylovecraft · 8 months
Headcanons for Yandere JD from Heathers the musical?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: Damn, If it wasn't for my girl Yuno then this bastard would be the poster boy of the yandere trope. tHIS SHITS CANON. FANDOM: Heathers the Musical
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Okay, JD, This maniac.
I headcannon JD to be an Obsessive, Possessive, Violent and perhaps even a bit Manipulative and Delusional.
Obsessive in the way that its.. Well, It's JD! After a life of moving from place to place after his mothers death, He's become lonely. So when you come into his life, Willing to cure that ailment, JD is instantly all over you. He's not really obsessive about you, But the idea of you if that makes sense.
Possessive in the way that it ties into the last point, You're his only source of social interaction. You're his only friend and JD is not going to let anyone take you from him. You're HIS, Not anyone elses.
Violent in the way that JD get's absolutely livid if you do try to leave him. I mean, He tried to blow up westerburg for fucks sake! He's unstable and will get real volatile if you do try to get away.
Manipulative in the way that JD plays to your emotions. He'll make you feel guilty over the people he's killed, He'll make you feel like shit for trying to leave. Perhaps he'll even get you to assist in these murders, JD loves you but you must understand that this is just how he shows his love!
And Delusional in the way he believes that the entire world is against him, That it's all evil. But not you, You're an angel! You're the good in-between all the dirt, That's why he loves you so much! You can do no wrong in his eyes, Even if you do get a little bit confused sometimes..
I can see JD falling in love with you in a few ways.
The first is where you're an outcast like him, A social loner who doesn't really have anyone to talk to at break times. You're nice but you're quiet, Keeping to yourself.
I can see JD latching onto you after a single interaction. Maybe he drops something and you pick it up for him, Maybe you lend him a pen during class. Either way, It's the single domino to the catastrophe that will come later.
The second way is where you're popular, Really popular. So much so that you're part of the Heathers. Maybe you and Chandler have a history and that's why you're with them, But either way you follow beside her as one of the queen bee's in school.
But you're not mean, You're kind. Maybe you welcome JD into the school once he joins, Maybe you just say hello to him in the halls everyday. And this is enough for him, He becomes infatuated with you.
I'm going to go with the second option.
So you're a heather, You go to parties, You date, You do all the stuff a heather is expected to do. But it's not your style, You're only with them because Chandler was your friend growing up and you were hot enough to stay with her in the group.
But you make do. You're nice to everyone you meet, That's more your speed. You lead the student council, You organise school events and you make sure everyone has a good-time.
It's a good change of pace from all the stuff that comes with The Heathers. You have a decent life and it's future is looking pretty bright, With your good grades and status as the student council leader, You're destined to get into a good college.
Until JD turns up at the school.
It's pretty rare to get a student show up half-way through the year, And it'd be a pretty stressful time too. So you make sure to search him out and welcome him in here with open arms, You would've wanted that if you were in his scenario at least.
So you search him out, Helps that you and him share a class together. And before the bell rings, You find him early in his seat just getting ready for class.
And you walk up to him despite his rather cold demeanour, You introduce yourself to JD anyways and ask him how his first day was.
And JD is shocked.
Someone as pretty and popular like you greeting him? And in such a kind way? JD is at a loss for words, He's not usually welcomed with such warmth on account of his "bad-boy demeanour" and tendency to avoid crowds.
So when you welcome him to the school, Ask him how he's settling in. JD can't help but answer with a witty remark as an instant way to try strike up conversation.
And even though it doesn't last long due to the bell ringing and you needing to sit down and do your work, JD certainly can't take his mind or his eyes off of you. Looking at you more than the work in front of him.
He's the kind of yandere that gets interested fast, Not needing a second interaction to spike his interest. JD can already tell that you're perfect, An angel in your own right. He doesn't need any more confirmation.
Afterwards, Yeah, He's hooked!
After that, JD starts to follow you around just far enough so that you don't notice him. In school or out of it, He's just got to know more.
He eventually learns where you live after he follows you home one day. He learns what you like, Who your friends are. Your favourite flavour, If you have any pets or whether you drink coffee or tea.
Its all so perfect to him.
You start to find little gifts in your locker, Maybe a box of your favourite treats or even a flower that you're particularly fond of.
You of course, Being a heather means that you get a lot of attention from both guys and gals so receiving these things in your locker is not uncommon. Therefore you just go about your day, Maybe eating the treats of placing the flower in a pot.
JD begins to get violent, His tendencies starting to kick up. Anyone else that tries to ask you out, Anyone that you may sleep with, Anyone that you even just talk to gets a beat-down from the man himself.
I mean, How dare they try touch you? JD is by no means deserving of you and he knows it, But that doesn't mean everyone else is entitled either.
JD certainly tries to hang out in spots where you usually go just for the chance of seeing you, To maybe start another conversation with you.
By now you've definetly heard of what JD's been doing. Beating people up, The rumours spreading around about him. It freaks you out, Especially since a lot of the victims were your friends.
So you avoid him, Not wanting to anger him.
You know that JD is probably troubled. He's outcast with low social skills, He's joined the school half-way during the year and he's violent. You've heard the type and realise he probably has some home issues.
But you're not an adult, You're not professionally trained. You're just trying to get through high school, So you have no way to help him. It's not like you could get him any help, Westerberg is not known for it's counselling and you're not his friend so you don't think it's right of you to find him some.
JD for one, Is irked.
He doesn't deserve you in the slightest. Among the filth, The cruelty and the evil of the world you are the angel above them. JD is no better than everyone else, But he's certainly trying his best to get your attention.
He knows he'd be good for you, He knows he'd be the only one who'd be able to keep you away from all the dirt.
JD just wished you'd listen.
So he's gonna make sure you hear him now.
It's a completely normal morning, One day when you walk into school you're instantly bombarded with the news of a body being found in the ditch by the school.
You're horrified as you learn it to be one of the people you talk to often, Sometimes before and after class and within the hallways.
Its even worse to know that the body was mangled so viciously that the police suspected that it was a wild animal like a cougar that got to him, All before figuring out that it was a murder.
More victims pop up over the next few days, More and more bodies pile up. You're terrified, Horrified as they all were people you very much knew.
The next few weeks are tense and distrustful amongst the student body. You as the student council leader should know, As the majority of your school events have been closed due to safety reasons.
Somehow the school has been kept open despite all the victims being apart of their student body. Something about education reasons, You remember one of your teachers saying something about being too far into the school year.
People don't walk alone in the halls, Everyone looks behind their back. Everyone is suspicious of everyone, Mostly because nobody knows if the culprit is one of them.
Parties have started to die down. Not the crazy blow-out ones that you and the rest of the heathers go to, No, The people hosting them are too stupid to do so. But the ones with more common sense decide to just stop until all of this is over.
More and more bodies start to appear, One per week was the current rate. There have even been bets in your school to see who would be next, People rounding up the money. Its disgusting, It horrifies you.
Students have been instructed to walk home in groups. You comply as you walk home with Duke, Chandler and McNamara. You wanna stay safe, You wanna make sure you and your friends get home safe.
All until one day you enter your room, Greeting your parents at the door and going upstairs to your quarters. You only see that your bedroom window is cracked open before you hear the scream of a door slamming shut.
You near get whiplash from looking around so quick, Eyes widening as you stare dead at the face of JD standing in your room Blocking the door.
You can barely scream before he is on you, A hand covering your mouth while another snakes around your waist to form a twisted mockery of a lovers hold. All the while he tells you "It's just him!" "It's gonna be fine."
It certainly will not. Keep in mind the only interaction you two had was months ago, The rest was him beating the shit out of your friends. So you're horrified when he talks to like he knows you..
Thats when the realisation hits you.
You instantly start kicking and screaming in a desperate attempt to get out of his hold. JD tries to calm you but you do not listen anymore, He is the murderer that was terrorising your town.
Once you bite his hand and it relents, You beg for him not to kill you. You cry and scream for your parents, For him to let you go, For you to live!
JD doesn't understand why you're struggling so much, He knows he's not worthy to even touch you but he shouldn't be viewed like this! He should be your knight in shining armour.
JD knows that the people surrounding you have made you like this, Which is why he grabs the nearest blunt object, A lampshade, And bashes it over your head.
You instantly fall unconcious, If not too woozy to know what the hell is going on. JD catches you before you fall to the ground, Almost seeing it as a romantic gesture.
By now the commotion has alerted your parents, So JD throws you over his shoulder and makes his way back out through the window. Neither of you seen, No witnesses found.
This starts the domestic stage.
You wake up within an abandoned cellar. Its dark, Dusty, Cold and grotty. Spiders being common, Other invertebrates even more so.
The only things in there consist of debree, A makeshift bed of old blankets, A small box containg your belongings (And ones you dont remember keeping) and spiderwebs.
You try to get out but the old trapdoor keeping you in was in suprisingly good condition, And you had no tools to help break it down.
Its only hours after you've given up trying to break down the door, Huddled in the corner with your old dirty clothing does he finally appear.
You found out that he's keeping you in some old abandoned building outside of town that he so happened to have the key for. JD tells you that its not permanent, That he'll take you back once you've realised how shoddy the world is.
You of course, Are strong-minded and refuse to play in. But you can't fight back, Can't escape so all you can do is bide your time..
JD still goes to school to avoid suspicion, Making sure that nothing leads back to him. The outside world has deemed you a body they've yet to find.
When he comes home he always brings you your food and sometimes he brings you a gift too (Something that may help you escape). He also brings you a bunch of spare clothes too.
You're unable to shower since there is no running water anywhere, Your only source of hydration being the pack of water bottles JD brought for you.
JD only comes to see you before and after school, Him going home to sleep and him being in school are the only times he's away from you.
Whenever he is with you though, He keeps rambling on and on about his own plans. How horrid the world is but how amazing you were, Almost worshipping.
He also likes for you to give him physical affection, Him laying his head on your lap is a big thing for him. He'll force you to accept it too, Despite profusely apologising the entire time.
If the topic of another man or woman you particularly like comes into play, JD will instantly darken and get violent. He doesn't like it when you bring up someone other than him, You're his angel, Not theirs.
JD is unstable and might even strike you across the face for this, Not in control of his own actions. But straight afterwards once he sees you crying on the floor in pain. He instantly goes into hundreds and hundreds of apologies, So very sorry for harming you.
He won't forgive himself either, How dare he lay a hand on you?
If you do ever give into him fully then you will be let out of the basement. JD will forge a plan that would make it seem that you were held hostage/attacked, Lost and dazed (Depending on how long you were in there). Westerberg's police, Being underfunded as they are will not look into it.
You'd probably get back to school with a shit-ton of empathy and the man who found you, Now boyfriend, Hanging on your arm with a triumphant grin.
The only way I see you escaping this is to do what Veronica should've done and drive the fuck over to Seattle, Change your name and general appearance and never show your face in Sherwood again.
However if JD does catch you then its going to be messy. This man's violent tendencies will go on overdrive, He'll scream, Cry and may even kill you out of sheer unstable anger.
Of course if he does, He'd never forgive himself. So much so that he'd feel like joining you..
Overall he's JD. Yandere posterboy. Good luck with him!
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