#been on this great journey in the past year where i learn more about transformative justice and how it's practiced in secular and nonsecular
diealittlesometime · 5 months
Touch of Ruin
──── 002. Unseen Touch
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pairing ☆ natasha x reader, wanda x reader
chapter summary ☆ As your bond with Natasha deepens, you start to experience a semblance of normalcy and comfort that had previously eluded you. Her presence brings a sense of security and the emotional support you desperately needed, allowing you to explore aspects of life you had always kept at a distance. Together, you navigate the challenges your power presents, finding solace and strength in each other's company.
word count ☆ 3.5k
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Life at SHIELD was becoming less about survival and more about learning to thrive, and much of that transformation was thanks to Natasha. Your partnership had deepened, transcending the initial boundaries of mentor and trainee. She was no longer just your guide through the complexities of controlling your powers; she had become a steadfast friend, someone who brought a sense of normalcy and comfort that had long eluded you.
The training room at SHIELD headquarters was quiet in the early morning hours, the sun casting long shadows across the mats where you and Natasha stood facing each other. These sessions had become a ritual, one that you had grown to look forward to, not just for the skills you honed but for the bond that strengthened with each passing day.
"Focus," Natasha reminded you gently, her eyes locked on yours, not as a challenge but as an anchor. "Remember, it's not just about suppressing your power. It's about taking control of it, feeling its edges, and knowing when to pull back."
You nodded, taking a deep breath as you centered yourself, feeling the familiar stir of energy surging through your body. You focused on containing it, on not letting it spill out and cause destruction. "It’s like trying to hold back the ocean with a bucket," you said, a wry smile flickering across your face as you opened your eyes to meet Natasha’s steady gaze.
She chuckled softly, a sound that warmed the cool air. "Maybe," she agreed, stepping closer, her movements deliberate, a sign of trust and skill. "But even the ocean can be navigated with the right skills and the right navigator."
Your training sessions were often interspersed with these kinds of conversations—half philosophical, half practical. Training with Natasha wasn’t just about physical exercises; it was an intense mental and emotional journey. She didn’t expect you to embrace your powers—she knew they were a source of great anxiety for you. Instead, her goal was to help you control them to a degree that allowed you to function without constant fear. Her approach was methodical, breaking down each movement and decision to its most manageable components.
As you moved through a series of controlled exercises designed to test your limits, you found yourself increasingly grateful for her presence. Not just for her expertise, but for the reassurance that you were more than your abilities. You were a person worthy of respect and kindness—a lesson you’d been denied for too long.
After the session, as you both sat on the edge of the training mat, sipping water and catching your breath, Natasha turned to you with a thoughtful expression. "You’ve made remarkable progress," she observed. "Does it feel any different?"
You considered the question, the weight of your past struggles casting a long shadow over your answer. "It’s... freeing, in a way," you admitted. "To not be so afraid of myself all the time."
Natasha nodded, her eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that went beyond mere sympathy. "Fear can be a prison," she mused. "Breaking free from it doesn’t just happen. It takes courage, and it takes support. I’m glad I can be here for that."
The simplicity of her support, devoid of any reservations, made a significant impact on you. It wasn’t just training; it was a rebuilding of the self-esteem that had been eroded by years of isolation and fear.
"Thank you, Nat," you said, the familiarity of the nickname slipping out with an ease that surprised you both. "For not treating me like a... like a hazard."
She smiled, a genuine expression that reached her eyes. "You’re not a hazard. You’re a person. My friend."
The word 'friend' echoed in your mind, a label you had never thought to apply to yourself again. It was a testament to how much had changed since meeting Natasha.
In the quiet moments between missions, the bond between you and Natasha continued to deepen, evolving into something that felt almost tangible—a connection forged in the crucible of shared experiences and mutual trust. Yet, despite the closeness you shared, there were still unspoken boundaries, lines you hesitated to cross.
As the weeks turned into months, you found yourself drawn to Natasha in a way you couldn’t fully explain. She was more than just a mentor or a friend; she was a confidante, a beacon of strength in a world fraught with uncertainty. Yet, you couldn’t shake the feeling of apprehension that lingered beneath the surface, a fear born of the knowledge that your touch could bring only destruction.
It was during a particularly risky mission that these fears came to the forefront. Infiltrating a notorious arms dealer's compound, you and Natasha had to rely on your wits and your training to gather vital intelligence. But when the opportunity arose to extract information from a high-ranking associate, Natasha made a decision that sent shockwaves through your carefully constructed defenses.
In a desperate bid to extract the information before the target realized their deception, Natasha used her considerable charms to seduce the man. You watched in stunned silence as she leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered honeyed promises and half-truths.
But the mission took a dangerous turn when the man, realizing he had been duped, lunged for his weapon. In the chaos that ensued, you found yourself running after him, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to keep up. It was a moment of recklessness, born of desperation and a misplaced sense of confidence.
As you closed in on the fleeing target, you made a split-second decision to remove the gloves that had become your constant companions, the barriers that kept your deadly power in check. You focused on controlling the energy that surged through your veins, repeating the familiar mantra of "control it" under your breath.
But when your fingers brushed against the man's skin, the result was instantaneous and devastating. His flesh withered and decayed beneath your touch, crumbling into dust as the full force of your power surged forth unchecked. Panic gripped you as you recoiled, the magnitude of what had just happened crashing down around you.
Natasha, ever vigilant, had followed your pursuit, her eyes widening in alarm as she witnessed the aftermath. Without hesitation, she approached you, her movements cautious yet purposeful.
"Hey," she said softly, her voice a soothing balm against the chaos of your thoughts. "It’s okay. We’ll figure this out."
But you couldn’t shake the overwhelming sense of failure that threatened to consume you. Had all your efforts been in vain? Were you doomed to hurt those around you no matter how hard you tried to control your power?
Natasha's gaze softened as she reached for the gloves that lay discarded on the ground, a silent reminder of the precautions you had taken to protect yourself and others.
"Baby steps," she murmured, her tone gentle yet resolute. "We’ll take this one step at a time. Together."
In the days that followed, Natasha became your anchor, guiding you through the turmoil of self-doubt and uncertainty. She assured you that your efforts had not been in vain, that progress was possible even in the face of setbacks.
One evening, as you sat together in the quiet of your shared quarters, you found yourself flinching away from Natasha’s touch, the memory of your recent failure still fresh in your mind.
"It’s okay," she said, her voice soft with understanding. "You won’t hurt me. Not with the gloves on."
Her words were a lifeline, a reminder that despite the dangers that lurked within you, there was still room for connection and intimacy. You reached out tentatively, your fingers brushing against hers through the barrier of fabric, a silent reassurance of your bond.
Natasha's eyes held a gentle empathy as you navigated the complex layers of your emotions. The vulnerability in her gaze was rare, revealing the depth of her care for you. She scooted a bit closer, her voice a quiet whisper meant only for you. "We're in this together, remember? You're not alone in this struggle."
The warmth of her reassurance washed over you, soothing the raw edges of your fear. Here, in the safe confines of your quarters, it felt like the walls you had built around yourself could finally crumble. There was a sacredness in this space, a sanctuary where you could let down your guard and be yourself, vulnerabilities and all.
As the evening wore on, you both shared stories of your pasts, the conversations weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and mutual understanding. Natasha spoke of her own trials, the moments of doubt that had once plagued her, and how she had learned to overcome them. Her stories weren’t just narratives; they were lessons in resilience, meant to fortify you against your insecurities.
You listened, absorbed, finding solace in the fact that even someone as formidable as Natasha had faced her own battles. It made your own seem less daunting, more a part of a universal struggle against the darker parts of oneself.
"Everyone has something they fear," Natasha said, her voice reflecting a hard-earned wisdom. "Fear tells us we’re about to do something brave. And overcoming it—acknowledging it but not letting it rule us—that's what makes us stronger."
Her words resonated deep within you, igniting a spark of determination. You looked at her, really looked, and saw not just the super spy everyone revered, but a woman who had battled through darkness to find her own light. It was inspiring, and for the first time, you truly believed you could find your way through the shadows too.
With each story Natasha shared, each layer of her past that she peeled back, you found yourself understanding more profoundly the depth of her character—not just as a formidable agent, but as a human being who had faced her own abyss and emerged stronger.
"I used to think that vulnerability was a weakness," Natasha confessed, her gaze lingering on a spot somewhere beyond the walls of the room. "But I've learned it's just the opposite. It's the bravest thing we can do—being open about our struggles, our fears. It connects us, makes us human."
"I've always seen my... condition as a curse, something that isolates me from everyone else," you shared, your voice barely above a whisper. The fear of your destructive touch had always been a constant shadow, a barrier to any real connection.
"But being here, with you, I've started to see it differently. Maybe it's not just about the harm I can cause, but about how I handle it, how I use it to protect, to make a difference," you continued, your own words surprising you with their truth.
Natasha’s eyes met yours, her expression softening. "Exactly," she said, a gentle affirmation. "You’re more than your powers. You're a person who cares, who wants to do good. That's what defines you, not your abilities."
Her affirmation felt like a balm, soothing the long-held wounds of doubt and self-loathing. You allowed yourself a small smile, a flicker of hope lighting up the dark corners of your mind. It was a significant shift, one that redefined your self-perception. Natasha had a way of doing that—of guiding you to new understandings, new strengths.
Listening to her, you realized how similar your journeys were, despite the surface differences. Both of you were shaped by your experiences, molded by the choices you had made and the circumstances thrust upon you. This realization brought a new level of intimacy to your relationship, a profound connection rooted in shared experiences and mutual understanding.
"You know," Natasha said as the night drew on, her voice carrying a new layer of thoughtfulness, "I've always believed that the people we meet are not accidents. They're meant to cross our paths for a reason. Meeting you, working with you—it's changed me, too."
Her words echoed in your heart, a sentiment you felt deeply. "I believe that now, too," you responded, the sincerity in your voice matching hers. "You've shown me that even the darkest parts of ourselves can be turned into something good, something meaningful."
Natasha reached out, her hand stopping just short of yours, respecting the necessary boundaries yet conveying warmth and closeness. "We're more alike than you think, you and I. We both fight battles, just on different fronts. And I think that’s why we understand each other so well."
The conversation drifted to lighter topics, the heavy themes of the night giving way to shared laughter and anecdotes from past missions. Each story served to further illustrate how your lives, though marked by different scars, were threaded together by more than just duty. They were woven through with mutual respect, trust, and a deep-seated understanding of each other’s core beings.
As the night wore on, the conversation dwindled to a comfortable silence, the kind that only forms when two people are completely at ease in each other's presence. Natasha finally stood, stretching slightly, the movement graceful and familiar.
"I should get some rest," she said, though her tone suggested she was reluctant to end the evening. "But this—our talks—I wouldn’t trade them for anything."
"Neither would I," you admitted, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. As she turned to leave, you added, "Natasha, thank you. For tonight, for everything."
She paused at the door, turning back to give you a soft, genuine smile. "Always," she replied simply, then slipped out, leaving you in the quiet of your room, surrounded by thoughts that were no longer as daunting as they once were.
Lying in bed, the darkness felt less oppressive, softened by the bond you shared with Natasha. You pondered over the newfound feelings of belonging and purpose, realizing how transformative genuine connection could be. The fear that once gripped you tightly was loosening its hold, replaced by a growing confidence not just in your abilities but in your place within SHIELD and beside Natasha.
In the days that followed, your training and missions took on a new light. Each challenge was a chance to prove not just to yourself but to Natasha as well, that her faith in you was not misplaced. Your interactions with other agents became less guarded, more open, as if Natasha’s belief in you radiated outward, influencing how others saw you.
But more importantly, you started to believe in yourself. The haunting isolation that your powers had once condemned you to was now just one part of your story, not the entirety of it. You were no longer just the agent with a dangerous touch; you were a trusted member of a team, a friend, a person who had much to offer.
As your confidence grew, so did your control over your abilities. The gloves remained a necessary precaution, but they felt less like shackles and more like tools—extensions of your will to make a difference, to do no harm.
During one particular training session, you tested a new series of maneuvers that required both close contact and rapid disengagement—a challenging scenario for anyone, but particularly for you. Natasha watched intently, her eyes sharp but encouraging.
"Good," she commented as you completed the sequence without incident. "Your control is improving, but remember, it's not just about being fast. It's about being aware of your environment, your teammates, and yourself."
Her feedback was invaluable, grounding you in the reality of your situation. It wasn't just about mastering your powers; it was about mastering yourself—your reactions, your fears, and your impulses. This holistic approach to your training resonated deeply with you, and each session left you feeling more capable and confident.
But it wasn't all work and no play. Natasha made sure of that. She introduced you to other aspects of life at SHIELD that weren't about combat or survival. You attended strategy meetings together, joined team-building exercises, and even participated in the occasional recreational activity. It was during these lighter moments that you saw another side of Natasha—relaxed, joking, and more open.
These experiences helped cement your place within the team. You weren't just the agent with a lethal touch; you were a valued member of a community, contributing in ways that went beyond the battlefield. Your relationship with Natasha played a crucial role in this integration. Her support and advocacy opened doors for you, helping others to see beyond your powers to the person you were striving to become.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day, you and Natasha found yourselves in the tranquility of the base’s small garden. It was a hidden gem, a place where agents could find a moment of peace amidst their chaotic lives.
"You’ve come a long way," Natasha said, her voice soft in the dim light of the setting sun. "I’ve seen you grow not just in skill, but in spirit."
Her words warmed you, filling you with a mix of pride and gratitude. "I couldn’t have done it without you," you admitted, looking over at her. "You didn’t just train me; you believed in me. That made all the difference."
Natasha smiled, turning to face you. "Believing in you was easy," she said earnestly. "Seeing you believe in yourself—that’s been the real reward."
As you sat there, the gentle hum of the evening around you, you realized how much those words meant.
After months of missions and shared experiences, your relationship with Natasha had solidified into something that comfortably straddled the line between friendship and something subtly more profound. It was a unique connection, colored by deep mutual respect and a kind of intimacy that was rare in the often volatile environment of SHIELD. This bond had naturally evolved into an essential part of both your lives, filling roles that had been vacant for too long.
One chilly evening, as winter began to make its presence felt with sharp winds and early sunsets, you and Natasha found yourselves tasked with a relatively mundane but critical assignment: overseeing the recalibration of SHIELD's extensive surveillance network. The work was meticulous and required a keen eye for detail, making the two of you a perfect team for the job.
Seated side by side in the control room, surrounded by monitors displaying feeds from across the globe, you worked in comfortable silence, each familiar with the other's rhythms and methods. The quiet was a canvas for concentration, but it also allowed for a closeness that had become a cherished aspect of your interactions.
As the hours ticked by, the monotony of the task at hand began to wear on both of you, leading Natasha to break the silence with a light, teasing comment. "You know, if I had to be stuck doing this with anyone else, I might have lost my mind by now," she said, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.
You chuckled, appreciating the humor. "Glad to be of service, Romanoff. Just don't start thinking of making this a regular evening plan."
Her smile widened, and she turned to give you a more scrutinizing look. "It's not the worst way to spend an evening, especially with good company."
The easy banter was typical for you both, but tonight it felt like it carried a layer of unspoken sentiment—a mutual recognition of the significance of each other's presence in your lives. It wasn’t just about enjoying each other’s company; it was about genuinely needing it.
"Speaking of company," Natasha continued, her tone shifting slightly towards something more serious, "I’ve been thinking… about how things have changed since you came to SHIELD." She paused, seemingly choosing her words with care. "You’ve become someone I trust, not just on a professional level but personally. It’s rare to find that, and I…" She trailed off, her gaze meeting yours, loaded with an unspoken question.
Feeling the weight of her words, you knew this was a pivotal moment, one that could define the nature of your relationship moving forward. "Natasha, working with you, getting to know you—it’s changed me. You’ve shown me that I can be more than what I feared I was destined to be. And no matter what label we put on this, I value what we have. It means everything to me."
The honesty in your words seemed to resonate with her, and for a moment, there was a vulnerability in Natasha’s eyes that she rarely showed. Then, she reached out slowly, her hand stopping just shy of yours, her fingers hovering in the space between. "And it means everything to me, too," she said softly.
That moment, simple yet intense, solidified something between you. It wasn’t a declaration of romantic love, nor a dramatic shift in your dynamic, but it was a recognition of the special bond you shared. It was an acknowledgment that whatever this was—friendship, partnership, or something more—it was essential, valued, and deeply meaningful.
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korolife · 6 months
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Blog No.000🧺 24年4月5日
『KoroLife』 : (I wish for) A Colorful Life
in hindsight I probably should've started with this introduction but ah well
Hello! I go by Aki Shourikawa, also known as TheAwesomeAki-kun from DeviantArt. Ever since dA "died" in 2019, I felt like I lost a place where creativity and the fun aspects of making art was celebrated and utilized. With the character-limiting, trend-chasing, confusing censorshipping, popularity-prioritizing algorithms and systems most social media sites use, I lost an outlet for expressing my scattered thoughts and experiences throughout my art journey.
Even though talking to the void for not having a following was normal to me even from my dA days, it felt especially lonely the past few years trying to move everything and start anew to cold, uncaring websites who valued clicks more than integrity or ingenuity. So much so that I just felt like I shouldn't even try doing anything apart from quietly feeling inadequate and too incompetent for anyone else outside my own head.
Outside of being a creator, I can hardly find artists I'd like to follow as a viewer in these sites now compared to before; when all the recommended recommendations tend to be the hundred-thousand-eyeball-popular artists that usually ➀cater to a younger demographic for profit, or just ➁follow along with whatever is currently trending and mirror what other artists already made. Not that there's anything bad about understanding your market and making profit off of it! It's just... art, to me, has always been an escape from ridiculous societal standings, hierarchies, or denomination prejudices present in day-to-day lifeーEveryone is capable of drawing or making art, and that's something I've always liked about it. But even if bad apples with bad takes are probably just a minority to an otherwise wholesome majority of artists out there... the idea of transforming the creation of art into a pure competitive market, or even some kind of 'content' generator somehow leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.
I want to see more of artists who create their own art as a showcase of how they perceive the world in their unique sense and style, just because! But those types (especially ones without a following) seem to keep getting shadowbanned, stunted, and pushed away by unquenchable zombie algorithms that push and normalize this trend.
There's a lot of laughably bad things to say about DeviantArt's online reputation, but I found that a lot of like-minded lurkers were easier to find back then + genuinely interact with beyond one-word compliments and befriend over a common interest (art!) regardless of following size, skill level, or what have you...compared to how it is these days where it's a ridiculous..."looking for art moots, but I will be picky❤"-kinda world. It was probably because it was focused as an art website and not just a really broad scope of 'social media' site where everything non-art also goes down the hatch...that was the case for old dA, at least.
Now, enter Tumblr!ーa site that I've been extremely familiar with even before I started uploading my stuff online, even though I haven't used it myself mostly because of DRAMAtical Murder memes ngl- and while I understand it still contains most of the flaws I've listed of other social media websites... it's meant to be a blogging site! With multiple blogs for multiple different things! That'll work great for me!... with my category-varied 2.4k submissions on old dA...I think!!
So instead of moping around for halcyon days as I did the past 4 years or so now, through Tumblr's platform... I wanted to get back to being productive again and document an aspect of my life that I wish to be filled with different colors and flavors. Through this nonsensical ramblingy, longass tangent about not liking other social media sites in comparison to old dAーalreadyーI'm doing it now!!
I want to learn all sorts of things when it comes to drawing, so I want to share all the failed experiments, confusing experiences, and silly things that generally makes me a little happy when I'm drawing. Even though I'll probably still be talking to the void...I think even the void will appreciate having more than 280 characters to use without sounding like an incoherent, shattered fortune cookie prophecy.
And if somehow, somewhere, someone finds and reads through them.... I hope they can give some form of motivation, inspiration, entertainment, or a cautionary tale for your own artistic endeavors, maybe? like, underestimating your deadlines and procrastinating at the last day, then panic upon the realization that you should've started like a wholeass year ago to finish the task at hand, then proceed with praying to a god (of your choice) and cramming until the very last minute til you nearly break your hands! Me and my 7-, 11-, 14-, 19- and 23-year-old selves do not recommend this at all! Tune in next week for more wild experiences that will summon forth bombasticeth side-eyes!!-
See you around, and for now, I hope you have a nice day ahead! 'v')/
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・Art Gallery・Commission Info・Ko-fi shop・
Main blog・Art blog・Non-chatterbox drawing process (KoroLite)
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midnights tracklist and the hero's journey
From REDDIT Gaylor sub
With edits to new track names
I should start off by saying I'm a massive nerd and an English teacher, so my entire life is just looking for symbolism and archetypes in literally everything.  It's one of my favorite topics, as well as being something I teach each year, so 'Anti-Hero' jumped out at me as a track title, and I haven't been able to shake it.  I don't really ever post on Reddit (so I'm NERVOUS ABOUT THIS, Y'ALL!), and I have no idea where I'm going with this, but I just need to put it into the world and see if anyone can draw any conclusions here.
Many apologies for not knowing how to format on Reddit (I only use it on mobile) and for the length!
I think it would be genuinely weird if Taylor Swift was unfamiliar with Joseph Campbell and his literary theories and works.  Campbell was a literature professor and writer with a focus on comparative mythology and folklore who is best known for his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" (it's a badass book).  His works focus on the idea of a 'monomyth,' tracing stories across cultures and finding that the stories of heroes follow the same basic pattern (he owes a great deal of credit to Carl Jung and his works on archetypes).  Once you become exposed to archetypes and the patterns of archetypes in literature/movies, it can be difficult to not see those patterns everywhere.  I once had a student tell me (jokingly, thank goodness) that I had ruined movies for them because they couldn't stop seeing archetypes everywhere and questioning every choice the director made (why is that character wearing red?  Rain's falling now?  Must be rebirth! etc etc). 
But back to my main thoughts! The traditional structure that Campbell wrote about is 17 stages; this has been adapted over the years (two other theorists each narrowed it down to 8 stages), but the version that I'm going to discuss is a more modern take on the original Monomyth theory, Christopher Vogler's 12 stages.  This is the version I use with my students, and while the Campbell one is more thorough and detailed (and, honestly, more interesting), Vogler's stages are more widely known.   The stages are often discussed as hours on a clock - there's a great TED-Ed video that details this.  I don't know how to link things on reddit without pasting in the whole URL, so I'll add a comment with the link if anyone is interested.
Vogler wrote about these stages in a book called The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers  (1992) which started as a very short piece meant to be a practical guide to The Hero with A Thousand Faces for screenwriters.  The cover of Vogler's book is a green labyrinth,  which could be related to the jade green vinyl cover photo, where is there is an album sleeve in the corner with a labyrinth as its cover. It's important to note that 'hero' is just another archetype, and can be ANY type of hero (including tragic hero, Byronic hero, or an anti-hero). The Hunger Games follows this pattern, as well, for those drawing connections to HG.
The stages of the journey are as follows (broken down into 3 acts):
Act 1 - The Departure:
1. The Ordinary World: the hero is seen in their everyday life.  This is where the hero is living an oblivious life, not realizing his true destiny and the adventure ahead. This is a safe place for the hero.
2. The Call to Adventure: the initiating incident of the story.  This is the part when the hero is called to the adventure. This could look like a threat to the hero or her loved ones, an impending disaster that the hero learns about, or an incident that transforms the hero’s ordinary life with a sudden jolt.
3. Refusal of the Call: the hero experiences some hesitation to answer the call.  Every hero has fears and doubts that hold them back, at least for a while. This is the part where the hero has doubts about her abilities and do not think they are the person to take on the quest or adventure.
4. Meeting with the Mentor: the hero gains the supplies, knowledge, and confidence needed to commence the adventure.  Often there is someone older and wiser who helps the hero.  Meeting the mentor helps the hero realize her dreams, and they might receive an object of great importance, some advice, training, or motivation to take on the quest or adventure.
5. Crossing the First Threshold: the hero commits wholeheartedly to the adventure and is ready to begin the journey.
Act 2 - The Initiation
6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies: the hero explores the special world, faces trial, and makes friends and enemies.  This is the part where the hero is confronted with challenges by her enemies. The hero must decide who to trust in the wake of great obstacles and threats, testing her abilities to the bitter end.
7. Approach to the Innermost Cave: the hero nears the center of the story and the special world.  This represents a danger, confrontation with a foe, or an actual place where the hero must enter to face the true challenge. It is the call for the final battle. While entering the cave, the hero might once again face her fears and doubts.
8. The Ordeal: the hero faces the greatest challenge yet - this is when the final battle occurs, and is the moment of truth when the hero will be reborn through some ‘death,’ even if it is metaphorical, facing all her fears, to achieve an incredible feat.  This is not the LAST test, but it is the BIG ONE.  BOSS LEVEL.
9. Reward: This is when the hero achieves some success, but also experiences the consequences of surviving death (again, literal OR metaphorical death).  Often this goal, once met, is inadequate and leave the hero feeling somewhat unfulfilled.
Act 3 - The Return
10. The Road Back: the hero begins the journey to the ordinary world, but often it creates a false sense of peace, safety, and finality. Because the hero has seemingly gotten what they wanted all along, there is a sense of completeness, but not a deep satisfaction. This is the fake ending, where it seems over, but it's not.
11. The Resurrection: Often the hero has one last BIG moment (not always a test, ordeal, or trial but it can be) and experiences a final and ultimate encounter or moment with death. In almost every case, the hero is able to survive the encounter through their strength, courage, wit, nobility, heroism, or teamwork - the skills and companions they gained along the way.
12. Return with the Elixir: the hero returns with something to improve the ordinary world
Now I know Midnights has 13 tracks, not 12, but step 13 (in my own interpretation) is learning to live and exist in the hero's ordinary world after completing this journey. The hero returns CHANGED in some way, and must relearn how to exist in this ordinary world again.  In Campbell's stages, he calls it "The Master of Both Worlds" - Mastermind?  I think the track titles follow the steps of the Hero's Journey, not in a chronological fashion, but thematically, and end with the balancing of the public vs the private Taylor.  I'm not sure if this is the coming out album, but I do think it'll be HELLA queer regardless, but the duality could just be 'Fame Taylor' and 'Real Taylor' like the Daylight to the Midnight, or it could be the 'Queer Taylor' and 'Het Taylor' moment that we all want.
But if it IS the coming out moment, and track 13 is her Master of Both Worlds moment, then the tracks so far would look like this:
1. Lavander Haze - status quo, public persona life, the safety she finds maybe in bearding, and others maybe find on a lavander marriage, to protect herself and her loved ones in case she is queer is a LGBTQphobic industry AND also another interpretation the simple and lavander (queer) love in hers private life and safe in living a queer life away from the public life with stalkers and fascists people.
2. Maroon - the call to adventure.  If this is the verb form, as many are speculating, that initial realization of queerness and the loneliness that sometimes comes with that.
3. Anti-Hero - the refusal of the call.  The denial of her queerness.  She's NOT the hero that the community needs, and she didn't follow through on the coming out opportunity
4. Snow on the Beach: all the fellings attached to being queer, artists, big star, and feat Lana Del Ray, another artist who received criticism and have queer themes in her discography. She could be the Mentor - the hero gains the supplies, knowledge, and confidence needed to commence the adventure - other people in the industry helping her along, like all musicians friends and designers, photographers, journalist etc...
5. You are on your own, kid - the leaving of the mentor and embarking in a new age of trying to live her queer life maybe mainly in NY, on the 1989 era, and accepting this double life she was trying to live but also the isolation of not having a artist blueprint in how to be queer and this big of a pop star...
6. Midnight Rain - tests, allies, and enemies.  There's WAY TOO MUCH that could fit here, so I'm not even going to speculate.
7. Question...? - approaching the innermost cave.  If the question is "... are you ready for it?" (or "would you run away with me?" or even "can you see right through me?") and it's a QUEER question, this is a moment where she was preparing to jump into battle and needs to know if she'll have those people (or person) on the other side.
8. Vigilante Shit - the ordeal.  The initial 'death' of the hero - I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone.  Why?  Because she's busy doing VIGILANTE SHIT.
9. Bejeweled - the reward.  Depending on how the title is interpreted, this is the reward and success she thought she wanted, but it's not what it's all cracked up to be.  All the Grammys in the world won't make up for not getting to live her authentic life.
10. Labirinthy - the road block, she achieves sucesso but is trying to do this cat and mouse game where she can't talk about her experiences and maybe gets lost in that, needing to access the weight of the double life on her art
11. KARMA - resurrection
Track 12 - sweet nothing - return with the Elixir
13. Mastermind - the master of both worlds, playing both sides of her public and private personas.
Sorry this ended up being so long and poorly formatted (I'm old at not great at Reddit), but I wanted to put this out there so the smart Gaylors can work their magic and either poke enough holes in it that I stop obsessing over it OR find things that put the pieces together, which is where I'm falling short.  I may have mentioned it to some of my Swiftie/Gaylor students today who thought it had possibilities so here I am!
ETA: the description of the stages are directly cobbled together from various resources - let me know if you want the links!
Edit #2: I accidentally stayed up late enough to see the newest track title, and... fucking KARMA as track 11???? The RESURRECTION?!? I have to be up in less than five hours to go teach teenagers but I have so many thoughts and they need to wait. Just wanted to add THE RESURRECTION STAGE IS KARMA. Feels appropriate.
In red are my additions after tonight's Midnights Mayhem Marathon!
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highly-important · 1 year
Zelda Interpretations pt 1: BOTW
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Like a lot of people, I’ve been obsessed with TOTK, and I wanted to make a post with my own personal interpretation of the story and messages in the game. It ended up getting pretty big, and I ended up writing enough that I’m splitting the post. This part is about BOTW, so spoilers for that game, but no TOTK spoilers.
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After the calamity, Link, Zelda, and Hyrule are put in a state of stagnation and isolation.
I think there are parallels to the original Sleeping Beauty, where Princess Aurora sleeps for 100 years. A criticism of this story is that Aurora is too passive, and that sleeping is her way of fleeing from conflict and responsibility in her life. In “The Uses of Enchantment,” Bruno Bettelheim argues that there is a “long, quiet concentration on oneself that is also needed” in order to make the right decisions in one’s coming life. We cannot always be pushing ourselves to take action, we also need periods of rest and recovery.
After Link leaves the Great Plateau he has the option of immediately going to Hyrule and fighting Calamity Ganon. But, you are encouraged to avoid or put off the conflict and focus on recovering Link’s strength via exploring Hyrule.
I don’t know if this is true, but I’ve heard the ideal path to play BOTW is to start at Death Mountain, go to Rito Village, then Gerudo Desert, and end with Zora’s Domain - this creates a spiral around Hyrule. Spirals symbolize change, growth, and transformation. You can spiral outward into the world, or spiral inward to the self.  It is like the path in a unicursal labyrinth, where to get to the center you must often go the opposite direction.
BOTW immediately gives us a clear-shot to the ending, but we are rewarded for taking our time and taking a less direct route.
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Link’s journey is pretty plot sparse, but I think the most significant part is the corrupted Divine Beasts quests.
Link has forgotten his memory, maybe as a way of protecting himself from the reality of the situation. But I think he still feels trauma around the Champions’ deaths, exemplified in the ways which the divine beasts now torment the Kingdom. This outward torment represent Link’s inner torment. The Divine Beast quests are symbolic of Link processing his feelings and overcoming the trauma of what happened.
In this way, I think Link’s meandering around Hyrule is also representative of his long, quiet journey to personal growth. Fixing the Divine Beasts and finding new champions is Link’s way of recovering from past traumas and becoming more prepared.
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Link’s is an outward journey, but Zelda’s is an inward journey.
The King pushes Zelda to “dedicate every moment” to her rigorous training. “Stop running away from your duty.”  He calls  her research a “childish game,” emphasizing this idea that she is stagnating or immature.
She initially resents Link because his presence is a reminder that her father does not see her as an adult. She also admires Link because his dedication and training have paid off for him. She questions if she is worthy of her position. For all her effort, Zelda cannot use her divine abilities.
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There is this moment where Zelda has fallen asleep on Urbosa, who talks to Link about the princess. We learn that Zelda trains herself to the point of exhaustion. She deals with feelings of unworthiness, which drive her to research the guardians. I think its fitting that our first moment of quiet introspection with Zelda is while she is asleep. I think there is a message about how in sleep our subconscious can solve problems our conscious cannot.
No amount of training or intellectualizing is going to unlock Zelda’s powers. She needs to slow down and connect with herself and her emotions.
Urbosa wakes up Zelda with a bolt of lightning (like divine inspiration), and the next sequential memory is Zelda first falling for Link.
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Later, there is a really pivotal Zelda/Link flashback where they are riding on horses.
Link teaches Zelda to take the time to soothe her horse. Spending time with Link is teaching Zelda that she can’t brute force her way through problems, she has to take the time to slow down and feel things.
Zelda also says she wasn’t sure if she should give her horse the royal gear, or if the horse should earn it yet, but she decides to let the horse wear it anyway. “He wears it like a true natural.” I think this is about her loosening up her own feelings of unworthiness, and feeling like she will eventually grow into her position. It will happen one day, she just needs patience.
These moments that feel like a distraction are what lead Zelda to her own personal growth and breakthrough moment.
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When the guardians turn on humanity and the champions die, Zelda cries in front of Link. She is finally vulnerable and connects with her feelings instead of intellectualizing everything. The path backwards is actually the path forwards.
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This is a screencap from Mark Brown’s video on BOTW. I’d reccomend watching it.
This idea of direct-paths vs indirect paths is built into the design philosophy of BOTW itself. Nintendo tracked player’s movement, and created a heat map to see where players explored. Some players followed paths from tower-to-tower, and other players randomly explored. They redesigned the map so that players wouldn’t just travel from tower-to-tower, they would be lured into exploration by a larger variety of landmarks and points of interest. The game itself is encouraging you to take your time, and approach exploration with curiosity rather than urgency.
BOTW is saying that we sometimes need rest, isolation, dormancy, even recreation or distraction, in order to grow and heal ourselves. Its great if you are ready for the direct route, but you may miss out on other things too. Taking other paths does not make us weak, and we can solve our problems on our own schedule.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Earlier this week I unexpectedly lost a really good family friend that I had known for most of my life. It hurts. But there is now a special kind of hurt because over the two past years I’ve started a transition out of the high demand religion I was raised in. This is the first death in my circle that has happened since that transition started. I feel like I used to know all the answers to life’s unknown questions. Don’t get me wrong that religion sucked and I’m still dealing with trauma from it but there was a certain level of comfort knowing that I “knew the answers and reasons for trials.”
This might be too personal of a question so feel free to not answer it but. How did you deal with difficult moments of life outside of the religion you were raised in? You don’t have to tell me exactly what your beliefs are because I know they might be private.
For the first time in my life I feel lost with these type of things. This is really hard I don’t know how to deal with this.
It’s much more difficult when you can’t just turn something into a mini Sunday school lesson and explain it away with Jesus and God’s will. This is an area of life I didn’t even think about while transitioning out of this religion.
(cw: death, also long post incoming)
Well first I'm so so sorry for your loss ❤️second this is a really great question and I think for me this was the hardest part of transitioning out of religion. I had a few big losses in the years after I officially stopped considering myself Christian, it was a very strange and painful time and I felt super alone because I was the only non-Christian in my immediate circle at the time.
My best advice for starting is to not worry so much about the details right now and just sit with your feelings to try and see where they lead you. Whatever feels healing in the moment, try to do that.......maybe it's sharing memories with someone else who knew them, maybe it's writing a letter to the person you lost about your feelings, maybe it's even praying or going through familiar rituals, whatever it is focus on getting through the hard part right now and worry about the Big Questions later. You don't have to have all the answers right this second, it's ok to just focus on your grief and honoring your friend.
One thing I've learned from talking to other ex-religious folks from any type of belief system is that everyone learns to cope differently and it doesn't have to look any specific way. That for me has ultimately been a way more fulfilling way to grieve in the long run, because there are no rules.........some people find peace and even comfort within the uncertainty, some people adopt new belief systems or rituals that feel more genuine to them, it all just kind of depends on where your journey to finding your own authenticity leads you. For me the biggest thing that helped me do that early on was finding people in similar situations to talk to and I really recommend that, because there are a lot of them out there and they're just as eager to talk and commiserate, I promise lol.
I don't mind getting a little corny and talking about my world view tbh. I will say, dropping the Heaven or Hell binary was one of the most healing things for me in the long run. That was always such a psychological stressor for me and I now find it way more comforting to admit I don't know what happens after death than to wonder if my loved one might be suffering for all eternity for the rest of my life. With not knowing, the possibilities are endless when it comes to the Big Questions ya know.........it's become almost exciting?
Not saying I'm stoked to die or anything lol but giving up all my preconceived notions about life, death, and the *universe* has been transformative in a way I can't really articulate properly. I'm able to relate to everything and everyone in a way that feels so much deeper and more authentic than it did before, I don't feel separate from it but part of a larger, incredible thing that just.........is. I don't know how it got here or why but I do know that I'm an integral part of it all and so is every living or unliving thing it seems, and for me that brings me a lot of peace. It seems to me like something people have understood since there have been people and spent eons trying to name and personally, I'm ok with it not having a name and an agenda. I feel like when people are tapped into that connection they are able to be the best versions of themselves, and sometimes that can happen through religion, but it doesn't have to.
And when someone passes now I focus on the things I feel I know for certain: it mattered that they were here and it matters that they're gone, because we're part of the same whole. Whatever happens afterward is unknowable and could be amazing or could be an experience we can't even conceive of with our human brains or it could be nothing but we can't know until we get there and I think that's the way it's meant to be.
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10/15/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Matthew 8:14-34 and Mark 4-5
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. Today is the 15th day of October, and this is my final day here with you for this week until I send you, place you safely in the capable hands of my daughter China. It has been an incredible week for me here this week, learning, hearing the words of Jesus with new and fresh revelation, new and fresh and deeper meaning, and really for me, just a deeper invitation into transformation. So the great news is there's more for us, there's more available for us, and there's probably a little bit more work to do, as always is the case. But the incredible news is there's more for us to obtain in the sense of life and life more abundantly. So let's jump into that abundant life. Today we're reading Matthew, chapter eight, verses 14 to 34. And then we will jump over to Mark and read Mark, chapters four and five. And today is the last day in the Christian Standard Bible. Matthew, chapter eight, verse 14.
Father, we thank you for your word today. We thank you for this past week and how you have spoken to our hearts, how the words of your Son have- they've disrupted our minds and our lives in one way or the other. And I pray God, that we would even use this time where we do get disrupted because we thought we knew the heart of Jesus, we thought we knew who he was, and we anticipated maybe one response and we got another one. And we would stop and pause and consider the things that we have learned about you, where we have learned them, where we have obtained them, where we have picked them up from. And are they true of your character, of your heart, of who the heart of Jesus is? And I pray that we would hear these gospels in the New Testament and where we're at and be open, we would have ears to hear in a way that we've never heard before, that we would come to know you in a new, in a real, in an authentic relationship with you. And I thank you that you are there to meet us. You are willing to be in this relationship with us. It goes beyond willing. You long to be with us. You came, Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. And we are so grateful for your presence in our lives. And I pray that we feel it every day far beyond an hour or two in a church building, but we would experience your presence in our lives every day of our lives. We thank you, love you, praise you, and pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Amen.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this time and this week here with you. And thank you for allowing me to be here with you as part of your journey and hopefully transformation through the word of God. I now leave you in the delicate, strong, beautiful and capable hands of my daughter China, and I pray that the transformation continues. It continues to take place as we learn experience Jesus in a totally new way. So I will take a break and I will see you the week after next. And I love each and every one of you. I love this community, and I am so humbled and honored that China and I get to be a part of this community, this group of people, and I am especially grateful that I get to share this space with my simply amazing girl. Have a great week until I get back. Love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hi, family. This is Adrian from Maryland, His Mighty Tortoise. I have a prayer request for you guys. I don't usually ask for prayers, but I was at my physical management doctor's office today and I asked him for X rays for my hands. About eight years ago, I started my hands started getting stiff when I crocheted. I've been crocheting for 45 years now, so 45 minus eight, whatever that is. I'm not doing the math. But anyway and getting steadily worse. It's different and stiffer and having trouble with daily tasks. I live alone and 23 years of MS and I need my hands. And I've got three major projects, crochet projects that are essential, that I need to do as gifts, and then I can stop crocheting. I retired from wearing earrings. I don't need them anymore. Anyway. He looked at my hands, he said, they're not swollen, they're not misshapen. So probably the X-rays would probably show some mild arthritis if they show anything at all. But let's take them and see. Well, the X rays came back and I've got moderate arthritis, so I need prayers, please. I am a problem solver. My friends tease me. Adrian has never met a problem she hasn't been able to solve. So I solve and have made adjustments for this for eight years now. But I would rather have healing than solve the problems. So if you could please pray for healing for me, I appreciate it. Thank you so much. This is your friend, Adrian. I love you.
Hi, DABC community. My name is Shantry from Georgia, and I'm calling with a praise report and then a prayer request. I called in last time, I'm asking for prayer about the job position, and praise God, I did get the job. So I'm very thankful and thank you to everybody that prayed for me. The second part is the prayer request, asking for prayer just for God to just help me, because the people who are in place to train me and teach me, they are not pleasant at all. They don't want me there, don't feel like I deserve to be in that position. And I'm like, Lord, I know it was you who promoted me, who put me here. What is going on? I'm just praying God's will be done and that he will move on their hearts or whatever it is. He would just bring it to the forefront and that I trust his word that when a mans ways please the Lord, he make even his enemies be at peace with him. And that I will continue to show them the love of Jesus Christ and to not give place to the enemy. So thank you all, love everybody. Thank you for your prayers. Bye bye.
Hey DABC family, this is Mark from Oregon, wanted to come on and send a prayer in for Daphne, Kingdom Seeker Daniel's sister. And I just pray, dear God, I ask you for your hand of healing for Daphne and I know there's nothing beyond your grasp that there's nothing you can't do. I just pray that if it is your will to please heal her and remove cancer from her body, Lord, just to be with her family and restore her health, lord, I pray that in Jesus name. I also want to pray for James. The lady that came out and talked about her son had three mental breakdowns. James, I want to pray God, please I'll lift up James to you Lord, and mental health is such a struggle for so many people. I ask you another hand of healing for him and please just restore his help and help him deal with anxiety or whatever it is that's causing these mental breakdowns. I just ask you for healing for him and strengthen his family. I know it's not easy to be a parent that is supporting somebody with mental health, mental health, illness. Anyway Jesus name, I pray these things. Amen.
This is Pure Heart from Tennessee and I was calling to pray for KSD's son Daniel Jr. Lord, I just thank you Father God that at this very moment that Daniel Jr. has been groomed by his parents to be a godly man. To be a man after your own heart. That he'll know in his thought process that he's victorious. That he's a man of valor. That he's a friend of yours, Lord God. And he will not be boggled by the things that he hears the enemy trying to whisper to him. Father God, I thank you that the right facility where he can get great faith based help will open, the doors will be open for that and he'll work that program and he'll come out a new creation in you, Father God. And I thank you Father God, that the old things that got him into incarceration are behind him. And behold, all things have been made new. Lord God, I just thank you for the joy and the peace that I hear in Kingdom Seeker Daniel's voice. It brings joy to the community. And Father God, I just ask that you would continue to let his light shine, especially to his family members, Father God, that they'll seek you out because of the love of Christ they see in their dad in Jesus’ name. All right, have a good day.
Hello, DABC listeners. This is Risa calling from Florida. I found out today that my 19 year old grandson is on suicide watch. And he's been so lost for so long. He actually wanted to go into the Marines at one time. And I know that when he got turned down that it really put a damper on him. So I pray for him every day. And I'm also asking you to please pray for him, for him to find Jesus, because he knew him at one point in his life and challenges of life and family life, dysfunctional family, just put a damper on things. He is a good person. He's got a good heart. So I ask you, fellow warriors, to pray for my grandson. Thank you.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Empowering future innovators through a social impact lens
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/empowering-future-innovators-through-a-social-impact-lens/
Empowering future innovators through a social impact lens
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What if testing for Lyme disease were as simple as dropping a tick in a test tube at home, waiting a few minutes, and looking for a change of color?
MIT Sloan Fellow and physician Erin Dawicki is making it happen, as part of her aspiration to make Lyme testing accessible, affordable, and widespread. She noticed a troubling increase in undetected Lyme disease in her practice and collaborated with fellow MIT students to found Lyme Alert, a startup that has created the first truly at-home Lyme screening kit using nanotechnology.
Lyme Alert focuses on social impact in its mission to deliver faster diagnoses while using its technology to track disease spread. Participating in the 2024 IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge (IDEAS) helped the team refine their solution while keeping impact at the heart of their work. They ultimately won the top prize at the program’s award ceremony in the spring.
Over the past 23 years, IDEAS has fostered a community in which hundreds of entrepreneurial students have developed their innovation skills in collaboration with affected stakeholders, experienced entrepreneurs, and a supportive network of alumni, classmates, and mentors. The 14 teams in the 2024 IDEAS cohort join over 200 alumni teams — many still in operation today — that have received over $1.5 million in seed funding since 2001.
“IDEAS is a great example of experiential learning at MIT: empowering students to ask good questions, explore new frameworks, and propose sustainable interventions to urgent challenges alongside community partners,” says Lauren Tyger, assistant dean of social innovation at the Priscilla King Gray Public Service Center (PKG Center) at MIT.
As MIT’s premier social impact incubator housed within the PKG Center, IDEAS prepares students to take their early-stage ideas to the next level. Teams learn how to develop relationships with constituents affected by social issues, propose interventions that yield measurable impact, and create effective social enterprise models.
“This program undoubtedly opened my eyes to the intersection of social impact and entrepreneurship, fields I previously thought to be mutually exclusive,” says Srihitha Dasari, a rising junior in brain and cognitive sciences and co-founder of another award-winning team, PuntoSalud. “It not only provided me with vital skills to advance my own interests in the startup ecosystem, but expanded my network in order to enact change.”
Shaping the “leaders of tomorrow”
Over the course of one semester, IDEAS teams participate in iterative workshops, refine their ideas with mentors, and pitch their solutions to peers and judges. The process helps students transform their concepts into social innovations in health care, finance, climate, education, and many more fields.
The program culminates in an awards ceremony at the MIT Museum, where teams share their final products. This year’s showcase featured a keynote address from Christine Ortiz, professor of materials science and engineering. Her passion for socially-directed science and technology aligns with IDEAS’ focus on social impact.
“I was grateful to be a part of the journey for these 14 teams,” Ortiz says. “IDEAS speaks to the core of what MIT needs: innovators capable of thinking critically about problems within their communities.”
Five teams are selected for awards of $6,000 to $20,000 by a group of experts across a variety of industries who volunteer as judges, and two additional award grants of $2,500 are given to teams that received the most votes through the MIT Solve initiative’s IDEAS virtual showcase.
The teams that received awards this year are: Lyme Alert, which created the first truly at-home tick testing kit for Lyme disease; My Sister’s Keeper, which aims to establish a professional leadership incubator designed specifically for Muslim immigrant women in the United States; Sakhi – Simppl, which created a WhatsApp chatbot that generates responses grounded in accurate, verified knowledge from international health agencies; BendShelters, which provides sustainable, modular, and easily deployable bamboo shelters for displaced populations in Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country under a dictatorship; PuntoSalud, an AI-powered virtual health messaging system that delivers personalized, trustworthy information sourced directly from local hospitals in Argentina; ONE Community, which provides a digital network through which businesses in India at risk of displacement can connect with more customers and partners to ensure sustained and resilient growth; and Mudzi Cooking Project, a social enterprise tackling the challenges faced by women in Chisinga, Malawi, who struggle to access firewood.
As a member of the Science Hub, the PKG Center worked with corporate partner Amazon, which sponsored the top five awards for the first time in 2024. The inaugural Amazon Prizes for Social Good honored the teams’ efforts to use tech to solve social issues.
“Clearly, these students are inspired to give rather than to take, and their work distinguishes them all as the leaders of tomorrow,” says Tye Brady, chief technologist at Amazon Robotics.
All of the teams will refine their ideas over the summer and report back by the start of the next academic year. Additionally, for a period of 16 months the teams that won awards will continue to receive guidance from the PKG Center and a founder support network with the 2023 group of IDEAS grantees.
Tapping MIT’s innovation ecosystem
IDEAS is just one of the PKG Center’s programs that provide opportunities for students to focus on social impact. In tandem with other Institute resources for student innovators, PKG enables students to apply their innovation skills to solve real-world problems while supporting community-informed solutions to systemic challenges.
“The PKG Center is a valued partner in enabling the growing numbers of students who aspire to create impact-focused ventures,” says Don Shobrys, director of MIT Venture Mentoring Service.
In order to make those ventures successful, Tyger explains, “IDEAS teaches students frameworks to deeply understand the systems around a challenge, get to know who’s already addressing it, find gaps, and then design and implement something that will uniquely and sustainably address the challenge. Rather than optimizing for profit alone, IDEAS helps students learn how to optimize for what can produce the most social good or reduce the most harm.”
Tyger notes that although IDEAS’ emphasis on social impact is somewhat unique, it is complemented by MIT’s rich entrepreneurship ecosystem. “There are many resources and people who are incredibly generous with their time — and who above all do it because they know we are all supporting the growth of students,” she says.
This year’s program partners included MIT Sandbox and Arts Startup Incubator, which co-hosted informational sessions for applicants in the fall; BU Law Clinic, D-Lab, and Systems-Awareness Lab leaders, who served as guest speakers throughout the spring; Venture Mentoring Service, which matched teams with mentors; entrepreneurs-in-residence from the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, who judged final pitches and advised teams; DesignX and the Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT (formerly the Legatum Center), which provided additional support to several teams; MIT Solve, which hosted the teams on their voting platform; and MIT Innovation HQ, which provided space for students to meet one another and exchange ideas.
While IDEAS projects are designed to be a means of transformative change for public good, many students say that the program is transformative for them, as well. “Before IDEAS, I didn’t see myself as an innovator — just someone passionate about solving a problem that I’d heard people facing across diseases,” reflects Anika Wadhera, a rising senior in biological engineering and co-founder of Chronolog Health, a platform revolutionizing chronic illness management. “Now I feel much more confident in my ability to actually make a difference by better understanding the different stakeholders and the factors that are necessary to make a transformative solution.”
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filmrelicsworld · 6 months
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Karwaan: A Lifetime Adventure
2018 was a really great year for movies, Bollywood movies in particular. Karwaan, which attempted to carry on the tradition of this genius, debuted in theatres on August 3rd but was unable to survive a positive first week of business. Nevertheless, this film is a work of art that is transformed into beauty before your eyes! It has all the right amount of entertainment that a Bollywood film needs, along with morals and teachings.
After learning that his father died in an accident, Avinash (Dulquer Salmaan), the protagonist of the story, is somewhat demotivated. When Avinash needs assistance, his close friend Shaukat (Irrfan Khan) comes with him to take up the father's coffin. If only it were that simple, the airport cargo mishandles two bodies and delivers an elderly woman's coffin in its place. Avinash now realises that he owed his father the right to a dignified funeral for his corpse, regardless of the difficulties they had as father and son.
The main plot point of the movie is Avinash's decision to drive to get his father's coffin and give the elderly woman's coffin back to her. The granddaughter of the elderly widow whose coffin they had to bring, Tanya (Mithila Palkar), is a rather rebellious young woman who they encounter along the route. Her mother had asked them to securely deliver her home.
There are many twists and turns in the road trip, but none of them seem implausible. Even though each member of the trio has a distinct personality, they manage to work together and share knowledge about their varied lifestyles. They choose to move on and pursue happiness after accepting their pasts.
This film is a masterfully shot work of art with an abundance of brightness in every aspect that is displayed. Several features that jumped out were:
Cinematography: Every image on screen has a purpose. It emphasises on every subject's existence, and occasionally even on their absence. We experience the journey with the characters in the third person rather than from their point of view, which helps us feel more connected to the individual and their adventure. Nothing in the movie feels rushed or like a waste of time; every scene has a purpose. Everything culminates in the finale.
Performance: It is my intention to draw attention to Dulquer Salmaan's brilliant performance on screen. With Avinash, the guy realises his greatest potential. He is a natural and succeeds in persuading the viewers that he has always been Avinash rather than Dulquer. Because of how natural it seems, it's plausible that Avinash's character was created specifically to fit his personality. Let's go on to Irrfan Khan, another creative genius in the field. This man's hilarious timing makes him a legend. Despite taking up most of the frame, his attitude throughout the movie seems to be the best choice the director could have made.
His punch lines are what keep the whole movie going; there isn't a single scene where it seems like he's a drag. Insofar as it was feasible, Mithila Palkar fulfilled her role; the only negative aspect was that her character didn't progress as much as the others' did. All that is known about her is that she is a free spirit and renegade. Still, I can't complain because it fits wonderfully.
Background Score: This movie's soundtrack is a fantastic complement for the tone. It is simultaneously calming and revitalising. The spectator is given a sense of life. This movie's soundtrack directors have done an amazing job with it. Bravo to Imaad Shah and Anurag Saikia!
Dialogues: The film's writers have undoubtedly received recognition for their great work. The movie is entertaining and thought-provoking at the same time because of the timing, tone, and intensity of each dialogue. When they are employed in the right context and with the right words, they create a beautiful lexicon that pleases the intellect.
Slice of Life: This film's genre gives the theme of life a very genuine touch. It shows humanity in its best light. The supporting cast members of the film serve as its main supports. Shaukat is captivated by a beautiful woman, followed by Tanya's mother and an ex-boyfriend of Avinash. It's a beautiful portrayal of life where all these people and more come together to help the main protagonists become the best versions of themselves.
The director of this film is fantastic; Akarsh Khurana did a fantastic job. Although the direction of his other films is likewise based on this one, this one has a stronger narrative and cast than the others.
The conclusion was flawless—everything that could have been imagined, plus a little additional enjoyment that nobody could have complained about. This film offers you everything you could possibly want along with some delightfully surprising surprises. It's satisfaction at its finest.
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penelopecruzcoded · 10 months
i think i manifested my last relationship into my life. in my early 20's, for whatever reason, i had this feeling like i would get into a relationship when i was 27, one that would be serious and intense, one that would have those domestic, movie moments in it that i'd always craved and wanted (the escalator flashes back and forward in my mind like a pendulum until i don't know where it belongs anymore). and then that's exactly what happened. it's almost eerie. really fucking eerie when i think about it, but i try not to think about it too much.
i just wish i had any kind of notion or feeling now, for my future love life, but i don't. i got nada, a question mark, tv static, nothing. it makes me a little sad, because it's been...oh, 3 years i suppose. but it's felt like so much longer. just a long period of longing and absence and nothing. but maybe the reason it's a question mark is because it means i have to carry on working on myself, improving, hustling, running, jumping, ducking and fighting those obstacles to get to Me, to find Me.
i feel, in a way, more lost than i have ever been, because for so many years i felt so sure of my identity, it was one big solid impenetrable mass, like colossal hunk of amber, like jade. floating immovably in the ether. and now that i am coming to learn that so many facets of my personality and my life have been built on lies, false assumptions, wrong turns, and just straight incorrectness, that hunk of stone has fractured into pieces. i no longer know who i am. but i guess that's okay, because that's part of the journey, right? gotta get bad before it gets good. if you are going through hell, keep going. and so on and so forth.
these past two months have been more traumatic than the last 3 years combined, and maybe not in small part due to having to fight the very real and external forces causing stress in my life and doing the dual work of unpacking past trauma at the same time. i opened that pandora's box and it can't be closed anymore, can't be packed in. the only way out is through. maybe i need to completely lose my identity to find my new one, or to find the one that's been inside me all along.
i read about the quest for the holy grail last night and so many people the world over, from jesus' disciples to the nazis had looked for it. maybe i too, am looking for my holy grail. this on top of everything else. complete and total transformation. i know that's what is needed, for me to overcome all these obstacles and come out on the other side. i am asking of a great lot from the universe, but i know deep down it's not something that it can't grant me. i'm not asking for the ability to fly. just to turn me into that very thing which i was always destined to be. and i can carry myself the rest of the way. i know where i am going, even if i don't know where i am going. i see her, i see HER, the her i was always meant to be. she's the most wonderful creature on earth and i am in love with her. i give her more love than anybody ever has, but others give her love too and she is able to accept it, because she is no longer trapped in a web of trauma, she is healed, and she is good. she is so good. i love her. after all, everybody in this universe too is a reflection of you.
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Would you please be able to do a 30th birthday reading for me? Anything to know about my career and relationships?
Yes! Let’s see what comes up.
Spirit, what do you want anon to know about the upcoming year?
Expansion. Say yes. You’ve already got the basics of being a human down, now you get to explore your humanness more. Try weird things, things you’re unsure of, just say yes to present opportunities. This next year of life is ushering in a whole decade and you can set intentions around what you want for that decade by engaging in those things during this first year. If you want love, find a way to live in the energy of love— love of life, love of self. What do you want? (The notebook scene where he’s like what do you want is coming up). Now it’s time to get clear about those things. It’s time to set priorities and to let yourself dream again. We know things have been hard on you, but that was only to prepare you. This decade is for you to step into all the power that the past has given you. Use the magic of your birthday to set your journey to a whole new life.
Card Pull— Work Your Light Oracle
The great gathering— it’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.
Transformation— things are changing at a cellular level. deep healing.
So yeah it seems like you’re ushering a lot of change this birthday and in your life. You are being transformed deeply, you may find members of your soul tribe who help you grow and step into your full power. You will find them by following your intuition. If you ever get a random urge to go somewhere or do something, say yes. Something may be there waiting for you. You may be being drawn to meet someone or to explore a new area. Say yes to any invitations and maybe even consider having a birthday party where you gather around all the members of your soul family. Energy is stronger together, call on these other souls to help with your transformation. This deep process can be difficult and painful, just Ike a butterfly leaving it’s chrysalis, but don’t be afraid to use your wings when you finally breakthrough. You only learn to fly by taking the leap!
Hope this helps and happy birthday (early or belated). I always use my birthday as a time of reflection and to really assess where I am and where I want to be. Would love to know how this connects.
0 notes
amazythelsblogs · 2 years
The purple phone: Winter Notes
Mind Magick: The Miracle Formula
The only Mind/Matter formula you will ever need. 
You want to become a star? Sorted. 
Rewrite every limiting belief you’ve ever had? Done. 
Instantly. Just like that. 
The Butterfly Effect to your advantage
A lir
That is a judge leap in the timeline ma’am are you sure about this
Such an interesting character, you are. 
People seem a little afraid to be in the present. Afraid of themselves. And how others may react to that truth, perhaps. 
Uma’s cafe?
Yes maaaammmm
I love you
I love you most! 
It’s quite hard to identify an eating disorder, or any type of disorder, fixation or obsessions when you are the one experiencing it. 
Cause Tashi Achara 
- this is how it would have been like all along had I not had my spark- 
There comes a time in yo ur journey, where you sink so low that not even the fallen angels can help you. That is when you get to know your true strength. That is when you get to light your own spark, create or generate your own bubble and fight your way to the top again. 
I started off my journey strangely. I knew I wanted to write and yet I was so overwhelmed busy everything that my thoughts became scattered. And pieces of myself where everywhere. Until I was no more. Part of it was my finance. I had money that I kept safe, but once you pluck one hair you’ll pluck everything. Once you start you can’t stop sometimes. Because it’s eternal. You only have to do it once and it stays in your name forever. On your imprint. And this overwhelmed me to my core. 
I bypassed the first chakras and focused only on the crown and third eye. For three years! I never wanted to ground myself. And so I had a strange and funny birth. Scattered and all over the place. Inner peace and a strong core. It could take years to build up again. And in calmness. Not in such a frenzy! Little by little. I know where I wish to be, let’s get there slowly, gracefully, let’s keep to those who we know sometimes, and let’s just move in peace. Quietly and gracefully. 
Like fasting. Stopping suddenly everything you’ve ever known is daunting. So why do it. Do it slowly and calmly. Don’t try to run. Sit. Crawl. Walk. Run. 
I was on top for so long
I came crashing down
Don’t feel like climbing back up again
I stopped fronting. It took an immense amount of effort to prend I cared about anything. Instead I now have to learn how to actually care, with the heart not the mind. 
Chcialas na siebie wrzucić uwagę
Nie prawda, miałam po dziurki w nosie, wyobraziłam sobie jak chciałam wyglądać i tak się stało. 
Masz efekt yoyo
Nie prawda, wrzuciłam, nie nawiedziłam ze byłam w szkole, i myślałam ze już po mnie było 
a dla czego tak pzytylas 
Po przetwarzałam past self, i energia w tej szkole była negatywna. Leżałam bo miałam depresje tam
a dla czego mialas depresje
Bo nie podobały mi się decyzje podjęte 
The beginning of the year was great. I was working on little florita the story, coming to the end of my projects and exercising well. I dressed well everyday, did my hair nicely, studied Spanish and revised, listens to subliminal and affirmations, and had in my mind a dream summer, and a beautiful new body. We went to Algarve Portugal, where I began to transform into Marilyn, or Selene. I had a close connection to Marilyn and Selena, Whitney. I loved the Phantom of the Opera, and made my own versions of my favourite tales. I imagined myself through my digital art as Rapunzel, Pocahontas, Cinderella and others. Mulan too. What plagued me was the constant need to make videos, content, to get my art shown to the world. I was terrified of ending up alone and unsuccessful, of failure. So I made mountains of work, but I so loved the feeling of doing so much work, of achieving what was special to me, to tell such wonderful stories, I was in love with life and all that I was doing. Everyday was perfectly planned, and I did everything perfectly. But when I didn’t, I would hate myself, and force myself to do more the next time. But I still loved to do so much. I would self study. Observe everything. I studied and self coached, was learning opera, Spanish, Italian Swahili, Russian, learned many songs in many languages from the Princess series, studied tribal fusion and maintained all my projects. I barely had time to breathe. I would dream only if ‘Golden Boy’ and of ‘Studio RA’ASHEMI’. I ran an art account and a personal account, I wanted to make a living selling art prints and pattern videos, to make content on YouTube and monetize. 
But my angels knew I was failing. I was dragging myself along. Too enthusiastic. Putting in too much work too soon. I awoke from that dream and found myself depleted. I discovered that I had secretly detested the sound of ‘Florita’ because of what that entailed, the long hours of screen and work work and screen that would follow. I found that after all of that stress and worry that I had been through, nothing came out of it. Only self gratification. Only self worth. I placed all my self worth upon those stories and upon that art. After all, it was a token, it was proof that I was a valid human being and that I brought to the table, that I was not worthless and that I deserved a place. In high regard. I dressed myself in lovely clothes, did my hair in lovely ways, said lovely things about ancestors, wore crystals and jewelry and I was so happy. I had no friends but I knew many people, I helped to organize events, helped to entertain others with my personality. Helped where I could, I even opened an enrichment club and ran it, producing yet more art yet more work. So much art. And then I was expecting myself to do even more with university? I digress, I was putting up a front. I knew I hated school. I knew I hated such structure and vigor. Such a disciplined environment where I had to look a certain way to be accepted and to be of a certain status. I knew I hated the idea of working hard to earn gratification through numbers and rewards, social acceptance. I feared being a reject and I did everything in my power to be above that. I didn’t want to be a nobody so I made myself into somebody. ‘The’body. I was a star. Everyone there knew me. I thought people hated me or didn’t want to know be but many thought I was simply unreachable. Maybe. I felt invisible still. Even in all that glitz and glamour that beauty I still felt invisible. Because nominees would accept the true I. The one that would go home and be sad or who couldn’t keep relationships within her family. The one who isolated herself to the point of hysteria. The one who made all of those works and art to live in that ideal world in the ideal life. Where I could control everything. Where I could micromanage my own universe. Where I got to say who says what when where and how. And who falls in love with who. But they flowed so easily. It was just right. It wasn’t even me controlling it was divine flow. Intervention. I watched as the worlds pieced themselves together, how one event flowed perfectly into the next, how something I would have written many moments before was clarified in the present moment. How everything just made sense. And then they began to leak into my real world. Thats when I started to loose it. Int hat exact moment. When my dream world merged with the ‘real’ world…
‘Aurelio’ ‘Golden Boy’ I saw those three words together in one book and that’s when I knew. I heard someone’s name in my mind, saw their face and the same moment they called. I wrote something in my book and a few days to come it happens in the life event. In the factual, 3Dimensional world. I hear shifts taking place as rings in my ears. I predict when mother walks through the door, I predict when she calls, I predict what she will say. I hear what she thinks. But I do not hear words, I feel energy. I know energy before it happens. I see the entire days events unfold before they even happen. Hear things in my dreams that push me to change. Know the truth that they conceal from me and then tell me I was right all along. That the food really was fake. That the people really were never there. I was never there. I was a myth. All along. I knew things I didn’t even understand. I could perceive thing I couldn’t even see. I could visualize great big throngs happening before me and then hear others speak of them. Was I ever here? When I leave do you still think of me? How can I be sure? That I was ever there in the first place? I created it all, didn’t I? I created this entire experience and live in it blindly. Even if it were a beautiful picture or if it were a horrific one. It is still I who paints. It is still I who thinks of a blank slate and then you speak of turning a new page. It is I who thought of Italy and identity everyone is going there. It is I who called you in without calling or so much as speaking a word to you and yet you knew to contact me. 
This is all true, say the ancients. You were right all along. And yet, this is below ABC, for what lies deeper beneath the surface is much greater than what you have discovered. Dare dream, Olimpia. Dare question. 
Know Thyself and you know all. 
If I had written out for you all that I had experienced, you would be in shock. So I write what I recall. 
The universe, I am, kept me there long enough for me to experience what it truly meant to be the creator. I am now rich with knowledge. And verification. Everything I had ever dreamed. Yes. It is so to come. 
Because I’ve known all along what it takes to get where I want to be. But I was afraid to Be. I was afraid to be great, for people to know my name. For so much responsibility. I was afraid to be known. For my insecurities to be shown. I was afraid of the vastness afraid of being childless afraid to bear a Son. I was afraid to be well known. To be a figure to be shown, and admired and praised and they would worship my name I didn’t want that. I wanted softness. Gentle. Loving me. Tender. I wanted my big strong Man, the one from my dreams to swoop in and come take me away. A wanted a little house in the woods, or maybe one right by the beach, or maybe one up in the clouds, where no fantasies of darkness could reach. I wanted designer shoes but I didn’t, stars in my purse but I couldn’t, I want to help those around me but I shouldn’t. I was afraid of the human mind. The programming and the design. Afraid to be judges afraid to thrown and tossed right and then right after enjoyed. Afraid to be in the spotlight, standing there blinded by limelight. Scared to loose myself to the pain the stress the judge and the timeline. Scared to loose my own head. Scared to loose my own Sun. Scared that my light would be broken, scared for my dreams to be shattered. I was scared to be alone, scared no one would pick up the phone, ashamed that when it was me to receive I would judge myself and get them gone. I was aware of the suffering the pain, and it was all mixed in with disdain, scare that if I give they’ll want even more and the more is the something I can’t give. Scared of pride and divide. Scared of gilt tripping and all the blame. Discarded forgotten laughed at and trodden beneath the heels of a brand new Dame. Scared to be on the side, that my daughter would rip up my pride. Scared to express the demons that left right after they worshipped my stride. Scared to swallow my pride. To cut off my hair. To be all alone. With not even my pair. 
I am the artist I paint in peace. In silence the still of the night. 
People been making up stories about me I’m tired of that. People been praying on my downfall I defeat that. People been 
Florita you are my world. I call you back. 
Huitipeka’a you’re not ready to raise a child,
Sachihiro stay out of it
La Vieja must be created
I’m going in, Sachihiro, it’s the only way. I’m afraid to loose her, 
And I’m afraid for you to loose yourself
You’ll be here to remind me, take this, keep me safe, but im leaving. There’s nothing left for me to learn here and I must protect her from the wasteland and they’re creating. 
Your books, Huitipeka’a. 
Why do you hold me back, Sachihiro? I know you know this must happen. This is how the story unfolds. For much too long have I been drifting in clouded dream, had to watch her drift away from me, from us. My mother, my grandmother needs her. She is dying, Sachihiro, my grandmother is dying and this is the only thing I can do about it. Send Veveren, send for him. Whereforever he may be. We cannot loose our precious jewel. 
You failed Huitipeka’a. 
I know! I cry! I weep and wallow, look at me I am a wreck. But Florita is not. She is the most precious of all. Please, I redeem myself yo her. I redeem myself for her. She is the only One I live for, please. Let me one last chance. Let me one last restoration. Restore me. Restore my faith my mind my belief my face my body mind and soul. Fill me with the starlit waters once more and let me bask in the grace of the truth. The luamenakara please take me back I beg you take me back for without you, without her my soul is long I have no pyramids no calling no possibility and no end. It is a wretched eternity dreaming and fleeing. Watching my entire world collapse. Please I beg you do not let me stray any longer. To you and yo Florita I devote myself. My life. Let me walk in peace again. Let me give love love again. Please allow me to protect her. Allow me yo be there for her. Grant me focus. Grant me the know how. Grant me to know. 
Why is it, dearest, that you do not see? 
You were never allowed to go astray. You were never severed from us. The silver cord was clouded and tainted but never was it cut. For long enough you have suffered now go in peace and let your light shine. For there shall be those who cease to live your message, your words, but we hear you, we see you and we know you and to our council shall you return. Go now in peace dear beloved Huitipeka’a. 
Amazythel’s was given it all. 
For the God of this domain prepared her for the glamour and lavishness of divine life in the paradise above. 
She’s been believing her entire life to be perfect. And suddenly the truth hits. Well, one of the truths hit. That this in fact has never been the case. That for her to live so beautifully, everyone around her had to work hard and, practically, suffer. That for her to have such lavish things, furnishings and all, it meant that other people had to work and create it. For her to spend so others had to work so. And this realization hit her like a truck. That she has been living off other peoples energy her entire life. That she has been living practically on borrowed energy. So when she had to physically in her timeline ask for such a large amount of money for her education she couldn’t simply do it. She had to leave and accept what others did deem to be worst that what she was used to. She was given the world in order to create new ones for her people to live in. So when she realized that now it was her turn to live to live. Work to live. And to borrow to live she didn’t want to do do any longer. She couldn’t bare to borrow yet more. To live on borrowed time that she knew she one day would have to repay. She was tired of the torment of poverty. So she accepted it. She decided to leave behind her beautiful things, and to set out in a simple life. Yes of course it meant one last borrowed payment, but it meant that she would no longer live in fear of losing. Because she had nothing to loose. She never did in the first place. It was all meant to be enjoyed and then to move on. It was always about moving on. And so she did just that. She lay her children down to sleep and off she went, her heart borderline shattering to leave them behind but she had to. She couldn’t bare watch her kingdom ever crumble. 
It’s pretty harsh though isn’t it. To make one ‘wrong move’ and then have to live with it for the rest of your life. I’m tired of such a life. 
The world really is a scary place when open your eyes and see beyond your current situation. 
What would have happened rig I chose the others? That was made up you are with them always. 
Why do I feel alone? Because I can’t see the spirit. I can only feel it. I wish I hadn’t eaten such bad food and hurt myself so. I was nice though? Did it make you feel good? Yes it did so in the moment but not now. Not now that I have to reap the rewards of that behavior. So not me. 
The eye of the seer and the eye of earth. I’m making positive changes towards a happy earth. 
I skipped school once. I went home to hang out with my grandma. I knew it was wrong but I did it. I felt always like I had to escape from the convent but I didn’t see that there were so many friends to be made and if I had put less focus upon being rebellious and simply enjoying free education then I would be even now in a different place. It’s always just rebelling against your own self. 
Also you see how you changed your year around in the second year? You focused on us and we granted you protection, and you were secure and happy. You woke up excited every morning. Fact is that some days you didn’t want to wake up and you put so much pressure upon yourself but it’s alright don’t worry. Anymore the monsters gone. Just enjoy where you are my dear. 
And you wanted to try a new diet. You felt independents from the rules of the home and because you have a naturally rebellious and reformatice spirit and mindset, you wanted to revel against those ideas, even if it meant harming yourself. Even though you know what is right or wrong, you still put finger to flame because you simply want to know. You want to see beneath every rock to find the fossil. And you love to hunt. You live to find new information to chew on. New ideas concepts and behaviors. But beware because at times this could mean that you must lose yourself temporarily in order to find that new truth. Face that and be grateful for it. Now look here you are revisiting the past… 
Give ‘em clothes so they think one is better than the other. Change their sacred sounds so they get confused and Killy whir own intuition. Make ‘em dance and sing. 
It’s like dis: we all on the internet right? I’m the universe. Where the net is the meta verse. We open up the verse of YouTube, we scroll and watch watch and then scroll, interact with the past selves, shadows and post it’s thoughts left as comments, stay and experience a video, all together but not quite in the same moment, we share the moment but it’s different for us all. But in perfect timing somehow for us all. Everything is still just so we can tune into it. Then we go. 
I was with Kylie and telling her about my childhood and she was telling about hers. 
A true love on the plane we were my hair was long and crazy and he was gentle and kind. Reminiscing about Poland. 
Jesus with a large tray of food and drink and Victoria secret perfume I couldn’t smell because suddenly I had sniffles. I was first there. I took cup and drank before he blessed it. 
Two Lilly whirls and older brother. A coin worth ten coins. Didn’t want to accept but when the daughter was injured they had to. 
And what of perception. 
If I thought I was doing a good deed but wasn’t truly for the neighbor. There is then no such thing as good or bad
Highschool has so many different energies it’s overwhelming. Mass education. 
Zero to hero
Day one
Dreams come true 
For a long time I was protected divinely. I never did anything out of line, I did as I was told, and I Leo on top of my tasks. I had a clear path, and did all in line with my highest conscience. And so inreaped the rewards of this. I was seen as the empress. Admirable. Beautiful. And going places. I was already doing it the entire time. But then I tainted my aura. Created chaos around myself. Became a burned to others. Acted against myself. I feel from grace. And now? I’m all alone. 
After 18 years of not even existing for my self you really expect me to go another round? No thankz. 
Don’t lower your standards for anyone. Ever. 
Nu the energy healer and divine goddess coach
Hair care
Energy healing 
Donation basis
I am one of the scientists I’ve been studying life on earth for thousands of years. 
Luamenakara. There is a civilization on the moong
I will not give up. 
What will I do instead?
I will push to get RA’ASHEMI out there. 
Marketing promotion. 
All I require is internet. A charger. And artwork and the phone. 
The iPad is now working properly and I recovered all my files to pla onto drive and in archive. 
Put studio RA’ASHEMI on Instagram
On twitter 
Florita and the Silver Moon Forest
Buenas Noches Edition
Amazythel sits in silence, her three little princesses by her side, warm and toasty in their big little magical ordinary room, gentle moonlight twinkling through the golden window panes, a pretty little sparkle into their eyes casting, and tickling ever so subtly their hair and faces. 
The little girls watch in awe, as Amazythel’s brings out The Book. The Akashmic Da’rina Tales, as she so funnily calls it. 
The Da’arina Tales glitter in the soft light, jewels glittering like a thousand stars, as Amazythel lifts the cover open, and they are transported into the world of the Silver moon forest. 
Chapter One
Florita and the SilverMoon Forest
There was once a little girl, named Florita. Florita was a brave and kind little girl, as virtuous and gold as a child could be. But she was much more than this. You see, it seemed as if Florita was the most joyful, excited and magical little one, she who they called “Florita Pequeñita la Bailarinita”, she who danced, laughed and smiled everywhere she went, she who gave more than she had, and she who saw the beauty in all things, she who helped, and loved and showed kindness. She had a lot of pain. Not even she was capable of comprehend the amount of pain she truly had. She saw glimpses of it, sometimes, the shadows of the magnificent protector tree in her room, would turn to strange figures, but they were quickly batted away, as if by a golden hand. 
She would hear people laughing when she danced, but she wasn’t sure if they were laughing at her or at something entirely different. She would see people whispering but she wasn’t sure if they were whispering about her or not. So she kept on dancing, dancing through life, so let’s see where this dance should take her! 
One day, as Florita a walked her usual path to visit her friend the Florist, who taught her to use her hand to present what she saw in her dreams into sheets of bamboo film, she was stopped. By a little new friend, who was desperate to get home. He was a little moody, a little bit furious, but in his eyes Florita could see a strange type of feeling, a feeling she was familiar with but numb to, pain, perhaps. So she helped him, not because of this -pain- character, but because she loved him already, after all, she had seen him in her dream. And she told him so, he did not reply. 
They waded through the forest, looking under rocks and lifting branches, asking parrots and crocodiles for directions, climbing up trees, listening to flower’s whispers, and still they couldn’t find friend’s home. Who’s name was Veveren, as I have not yet introduced. 
Veveren was a little more furious, but not quite, because, it seemed, that Florita had invisible purply-white wings that wrapped around him, and made him feel the safest he had ever felt. It were as if she sang to him quietly. 
And so he was calm, until they neared the sound of a distant party, a celebration. 
It’s the butterflies! Veveren cried. 
They’re having a party without me! 
Completely and utterly distraught, Veveren crumbled onto Florita’s shoulder, but Florita comforted him, and encouraged him to go to the butterfly party. 
They waded through the leaves and branches, and emerged in the ancient ring, where every butterfly of every colour and kind danced and sang, to the twinkling bells of flowers glowing. 
Florita saw the excitement in Veveren’s eyes, and off he went dancing with the butterflies, who complemented the wings he thought they didn’t like him for. They danced and danced until the ancient ring faded into a purple starry sky, until they opened their eyes suddenly and they were dancing in a giant moon flower! And Veveren was no where to be found! But Florita knew he was there, she had fallen off the petals in his dancing frenzy, and was now climbing up the flower, but he looked different. 
His little form was now white and fuzzy, and a beautiful tail of purple and blue swayed when he walked. Florita told him this, to which he replied. 
What do you mean? I’ve always looked like this. 
Just then, a flurry of bright colors swirled around them, and turned into a group of tall little people, also with purple and blue feathers. The one with the most feathers, and hair long and silky, rushed forward and embraced Florita, tears of starlight flooding from her squeezed shut eyes, she kissed Florita’s head over and over again, pulling her in so close that surely they became one person. 
The lady, the Princess Huitipeka’a, as she told Florita, has been awaiting her for a very, very long time. And now she was finally here. Huitipeka’a placed a beautiful amulet into Florita’s hand, which glowed and casted golden purple rays in all directions, and Florita glowed a magnificent glow, her eyes became bright and her hair grew long and beautiful, and her skin became shimmery and beautiful purple sparkles glistened all over her, and swirls of purple whisps from the heavens themselves descended around her, and the moon glowed around her head, and the goddess of the moon herself came down to kiss her forehead, to bless her stomach and to heal her, with shimmering healing sacred eternal water, which she poured over her head, and the water cleaned her, and made her feel the most at peace she had ever felt. And she stood so, for a long while, in such a glorious, white shimmering glowing state, the gentle distant twinkle of starlight, the whispers of the new earth, the crystal like glow of the goddess. This is the only moment and she truly felt this. She truly felt exactly where it was that she was, and she was home. She was in paradise finally in paradise, a moment so perfect, a moment so soon and magical, and she knew, that from now on until forever, all would be well, and all would be perfect, and she was home. Finally home, and her family awaits. She remembered now. She knew where they were going to. 
After you’re touched, Amazythel began, nothing will ever satisfy you. Your habits stop, your cravings stop, indulgences, wants, needs, all come to an end. Once you feel, once you taste the truth, nothing is the same. And so you drift. And you wonder what’s next. And the only thing you find comfort in, is the breath that gives you life. The spirit. Of life. 
The path has been long carved out for you. This golden path. You’ve been walking it all along. 
And that’s it. 
That’s as simple as it is. 
It’s not you who is hungry. 
The blue gown of the quinceañera long gone, time for the golden mermaid slip of starlight. 
I as able to make my mind so strong, to bend reality so perfectly, that I could shift my appearance, change my mindsets, situations and beliefs. But I wanted more. As did the Egyptians. I wanted to see where else my power could flourish ñ, what else I could create. So I went into meditation, which is my constant state. I stopped Spell-ing. And began envisioning. Now I truly have no Lilit. 
Even as you run away. It has to chase you. That’s the natural law. Study nature for the natural balance of things. Sow seeds to innerstand life. And the basis of creation. 
I was pacified into staying silent. I knew exactly what it was that I was here to do. To create. And yet, the force of my own i am-ness, which I personally and specifically sent in order to strengthen the I am ness which I already had, sent me obstacles. To become strong. To become far beyond. The English language no longer suffices for my self expression. The simplicity of this language is no longer enough for the completists of my existence. 
Divine Femininty
Sun of RA
Today I awoke and didn’t realize I was awake. I was aware. Didn’t know I was walking, I just shifted from moment to moment, place to plane, here to there. And now I write this. That is all I am aware of. That I am writing this. This is truly to be in the ‘present moment’ so called. 
I notice how feelings into words translate instantly. I watch manifest every subtle action of the light body. I watch manifest every subtle grandeur of the eternal body. That is to say, a series of tiny actions to create the grand existence of life. Life being 🌀 
I saw manifest what I wrote. To channel through oneself is to create new life. To create new life is to be creator. To be creator is to be creation. To be creation is to be perfection. To be perfection is to be eternal. To be eternal is to be breath. To be breath is to be spirit. To be spirit is to be one ness. To be oneness is to be wholeness. To be wholeness is to be complete. To be complete is to be. One. At a time. One breath, at a time. One life, at a time, one world, one being, one truth, one breath. At a time. To be is to live and to live is to be. 
A day where all resources shall be exhausted is upon us. For years a many have there been accumulations of wealth, prosperity and abundance. Now is a time of peace, a time for the home. A time of settled hopes, settled wistfulness. The wishful nature has been called. For now will be a time of barren land, where it is up to you to create what shall be, forever more. ♾ 
It is you who are now the creator. It has been you all along. It is you who has been the believer, for write you do, breathe you do, listen you do. Dream you do. Therefore a living miracle you are. 
To light shift, create and create some more is the time. 
Instead of the 
If you feel fat
But in fact, you are not
It is the energy of lack, panic and emptiness that you are attuning yourself too
Some manifestations are bigger than others because you must thread together different events timelines and outcomes in order to achieve the desired result. 
Once you reach the end of your goddess training, it is in fact time to become the goddess. To become your own light. That is becoming oneness. That is becoming whole. 
If someone tells you dark stories, that is their distorted mind. You need not even for a moment to feel as though harm can come to you, for it is you who creates the harm. Learning to alchemist and to combine metaphysical with physical, through shared mental and physical effort. Creating in the terrestrial as in the extra terrestrial, in order to get ourselves out of a place seemingly undesirable. 
Recognizing if the place of current is to be learned from, if the phase of learning is still current, and if it is time. When it is time, opportunities themselves shall present themselves to you. You must say yes to life. Once you have learned it is up to you to put that knowledge into action, or to fall back and keep revising or learning more. You have always enough. 
Stand in the sun, and dance. Offer the dance in return for illuminating the inner world. Watch the sun in your eyes. Then calm with the moon. 
Look beyond the surface of the waters. And you will see with your All seer. Look beyond skin and bones; and you will see the All Seer. 
In stillness we alchemist and create desired outcomes. 
There was once
A girl, who loved to write. She wrote at any moment she could. But then she stopped. And she found that beyond her writing there was void. There was nothing. And this frightened her. So she abandoned her typing her writing, her pen, and moved out beyond her cosmic egg. 
What she found was terrifying. In that all she thought came forth. Every thought and dream. 
And so she returned back to her little cosmic egg. 
Inside looking out. 
Subliminal that will work
I am divine goddess 
I can create out of thought 
I can create out of thin air 
I am intelligent
I am taking the correct steps to boosting my intelligence 
I am certain 
I am self assured 
I am wonderful
I cast powerful spells 
I cast powerful intentions
I am power itself 
I am the epitome of beauty
I am fluent in my own light language
I remember my ancestors 
I remember my truth 
I am able to come in and out if the matrix
I am able to reach full consciousness and enlighntemt. 
I use my talents for the good of all and to the harm of none 
I am attracting a spiritually strong male. 
Shaanti as chief
Don’t apologise. 
New to this and I’m doing a wonderful job of cocreator. It’s my favourite job
What animal works?
What animals knows habitually that it has to show up at this time and that day to anywhere? What animals craves material value and comfort? What animals sells its life for material comfort? You think that it is impossible but there are 7billuon a lot more than this, if at least half of you make a change the rest will follow!
It is an animal a living being that you embody. Not a machine. Not a robot. Realize this and tou realize that there is no boss. It’s is you the painter who holds the brush. 
The curse
There was a witch who was envious of your great grandmother in the past, an ancient ancestor from the mothers side. She cast a generational curse for every second daughter to have beautiful goals and aspirations but to be tied to uncertainty, guilt, fear and dependency. Your ancestor was kind hearted and gentle a soft miracle worker, and this witch was deeply jealous of her. In order for you to break the curse you must break free and make peace with yourself your mother your surroundings and to break down the walls and blindfolds bonding you all. You are strong, it is her gentle spirit who has been guiding you softly. Make peace with your femininity. Do not speak to them directly. Move peacefully. And see me. See I the ancestor. 
She has long blonde hair, almost white, wears a long straight dress with thin ankles uncovered and black slippers. A cardigan. Deep blues and a village setting. Handmade cottages. She has husband and her daughter is beautiful at birth but she grows ugly because of the curse and her mind. Her mind is poisoned by the curse. She runs away. A second daughter and then a son is born. They too run away. They create many bad karmas they have evil cursing through their veins. They destroy love and loved ones and they torture themselves out of spite and hatred for their skin. They boil and burn themselves alive. They have very dark energy. Deep dark energy. And no self restraint. They are like three giant green ogres. Tormented by their past and depleated and ripped of hope for their future. They rip themselves apart. The forth child is angelic. But not much is known as if the forth child is not real. They carry down the bloodline somehow, or the family line descended from is cursed by these ogres. And they carry down this hatred. Self hatred is the demon. Self hatred that has filtered and trilled down to you, the golden one. You must cut off in all ways from this bloodline. Let it end with your mother. Transform your dna with that of the sun. You have been prophesied. You are the chosen one. Fly free and transform your dna. You are destined for the stars and the night sky. You as the shining star. You as the restored hope and balance. Be free loved one. Be free. 
Fly high little butterfly. 
I love you 
I choose you 
Little children. 
To shine your light. 
To be person less. 
To be light full. 
They will call you dull. 
Because you do not entertain them. 
Instead you calm their spirit. 
And that threatens their ego. 
Once their ego overbalanced their light, it is difficult to calm. The older they become, the more they fall. The deeper they fall. Into the lull of routine. Into the lull of illusion. Into the lull of furious peace. Ignorant bliss. It is you who awaken them, you touch them. If not now, they will awake, it will be in a thousand years, but they will. All go back to oneness. And there are levels to our being. Their are categories. And divisions. 
You must enjoy to live in the moment. To eat what is given to you. Otherwise it will be given to you. Time and time again. Until you accept it. And the ego will deny it. Because the ego believes thee is better. The ego that has a preference. An opinion. That does not harmonies with your spirit. The spirit who experiences all. And has no judgement. The child. The true you. You will learn to preserve your energy. You will learn that it doesn’t truly matter, for in everything you do you do so for the mirror. The reflection. It bounces back into you. That is the basic law of this universe. And am careful as to not use words that trigger. 
So I ask. 
Will you entertain, or awaken? 
For a very long time
You have been trying to weaken me. 
You finally did it. 
You have succeeded. 
But every success falls. 
Nothing is celebrated for ever. 
Nothing goes on forever. 
Your triumphs are counted. 
You cannot stop me. 
Not while I. 
You cannot poison me any longer. 
You cannot hurt me like this any longer. 
You cannot manipulate me, control me, make me your slave. 
I am free. 
I loosen your grip with love in my heart. 
I thank you for your lesson, the lessons you have taught me. 
I shall not stand for any more of your trickeries. 
I shall not stand for any more mind games. 
I shall not stand for anymore illusions, stories, lazinesses. 
I shall not standby and watch you destroy my life any longer. 
I shall not live in fear of your illusions. 
Of your trickeries. 
I shall not destroy myself that you may take domain. 
I shall not wish away my time. 
I shall not wish away my breath. 
I shall not cut love. 
I shall not consume pain and fear and hurt. 
I shall not be weak. 
I curse you. And break the chains once and for all. You shall never, ever, EVER, take my life from me. You shall never take myself away from myself. Mirror or mirrors I don’t care. Game or reality, I don’t care. Illusion or not, I don’t care. I am here. I awaken every day. And I do so for a reason. You shall not confuse me with your frivolousness. I shall rise, time and time again. For I am infinite. Every time you knock me down I’ll be a thousand and twelve times mightier, a strength of ten thousand of your best men won’t match mine. Ever. You will never, ever, ever defeat me. Not in this life, not in the billions of lives after this one. Not in the trillions of moments to follow this one. You will never, ever succeed. Not in my downfall. For there is no downfall when there is no difference between heaven and hell. When there is no ground to fall onto. When there is no veil. You shall be banished. To the depths of the deepest nothing. Where true love, unconditional love, shall turn that cold heart of yours to heaven. To eternal bliss and satisfaction. But touch me you shall never. Tear me apart you shall never. Hurt me you shall never. Sabotage me you shall never. Bring peril and distress you shall never. You shall never get the better of me ever again. This title has been lost by you. I stand only. I release you for ever. I am free of you. 
You see now, Shaanti no Tori, why I was so cold with you. Why I was so hard on you. Why I didn’t let you rest. It was not because of what you have. Never about what you have. Those gifts of yours. It was about your ‘I’. I’ve seen how this world tears the I apart. And I saw how many tried to take your I. So many Shaanti and it terrified me. The seeds were sown, so many, I protected you as I could, but the seeds where sown, in the places where my embrace didn’t reach, where your aura was broken. 
I am the earth now. The mirror to the earth. I feel as though life is fleeting, for this is so true for the earth. She is fading. For it is my fault for not being strong enough. For giving in to the world, instead of protecting my earth. I was blinded. You showed me so. I am alright, and so shall be the earth. Once this storm has passed. All is well already. For in this moment, this one moment. I am well. 
Your twin. Your love. You know the truth. You have been trying your best to see him in others, and you have succeeded, but still, he is not here. Not right now. 
I was protecting you, Shaanti. Not because of your gifts like I said, you thought so. I loved you and love you. It’s your soul I was trying to protect. 
Let’s go home, Mama. 
My life moving forward
Writing one book
Living in the paradise with him
Humanitarian job
Belief: law of oneness 
Interests: animals and plants
Goal: family 
I put all my love into one area of the house, when I came to build the rest, I didn’t have enough live and resources left. 
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
Everything exists until you give it a meaning. After that it’s your choice whether or not you allow for it to destroy you or make you, into your dreams. 
Always the awareness. 
I’m always the awareness. No matter what I am always conscious I myself. My actions. You are too that is why you are here.
Ask yourself. 
Is it because you’re outgrowing. Because you are advancing. Going further. 
Or is it. 
Because. You are always wanting more. 
Always much too curious. 
Always choosing imagination. 
You know where this will take you, Olimpia. This constant wanting. 
For you it will mean nothing. That you had everything and could’ve had everything more, but you ended up with nothing. For me, it will be wszystko jedno. But for you. It will mean death. Unless you learn. 
To love the present. 
Ask yourself. 
Is it because you’re outgrowing. Because you are advancing. Going further. 
Or is it. 
Because. You are always wanting more. 
Always much too curious. 
Always choosing imagination. 
You know where this will take you, Olimpia. This constant wanting. 
For you it will mean nothing. That you had everything and could’ve had everything more, but you ended up with nothing. For me, it will be wszystko jedno. But for you. It will mean death. Unless you learn. 
To love the present. 
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
That is all I ever did
And it’s because I was all I ever did that I was so successful. I write from god. I am a channel for god and I know. 
Unless you’re 127% sure you want to go to university, don’t go. Take a gap year. See what else life generates for you. 
Whatever money you receive, guard it like a golden warrior in a savings account, cash it out and travel. 
Invest in passive income, then skills, then activities, then extra expenses. 
Observe life and build strong moral principles. 
Invest in long term goals and always include spiritual practice into your days. 
Priorities god and your spirituality above all else. 
Ok, focus on building your Instagram instead. Reach out to companies and other models, follow modelling  agencies and contact models from those agencies, post reels with rising popularity sounds, but for now make your biggest focus refining and building your skills. You don’t need to be working yet, remember that modelling is still a job and it will mean that you have to grow up faster and mature. Stay humble, enjoy school, enjoy your friends, prioritize networking and building a strong skill set, practice having strict routines and don’t experiment too much with diets, get to know your mind, get to know your body, write down your morals and principles, visualize daily your career, and go with the flow. The Universe gotcha back, when the day comes a modelling agency will reach out for you themselves! Keep yourself up to date and do something worth telling a story about once you’re up there. 
If you really really want to, keep applying to the agencies, but keep in mind that you could be learning or expanding instead
Also, get into the habit of asking yourself what you want to do, consider outside opinions, but keep in mind that someday down the line it will be you ultimately who decides 
Trust me, when the time comes, it will fall into place. If you were a full time model now you would have a lot less freedom in certain ways, and you would be skipping an entire period of your life, school won’t be the same experience when you’re famous! 
Enjoy the moment you’re in so that when you are a world famous jd model you will have peace of mind that you enjoyed every second of the present moment, and when the job gets a bit boring to you you will be able to think about your memories of what you would’ve missed
Also, it’s important to go into the industry with a humble and kind heart, because it’s a lot of pressure, and lots of people will want your attention. Build yourself up, stay grounded and humble, and prepare for when the opportunity 
There was once a girl
Who was cursed. 
By the most evil and jealous witch. 
Who was once beautiful, 
But was now horrendous. 
The girl was magical. 
Born of a flower. 
With many gifts, talents, and miracles. 
But her mind was tainted. 
With the seedling of a the witch’s Tutnakeiri, 
Which fed poison into her marvelous mind, 
Tainted her beautiful golden gifts,
And distressed her heart. 
Took her from her loved ones, 
Took her from her magic 
Dimmed her light. 
Dimmed it so low that she failed to read
The lines on her own hands 
Failed to know,
The gift of her trueness. 
And filled her lands with darkness, mountains and mountains appeared on her path, and circles of doom captured her, that even if she wanted to climb those mountains, she couldn’t, for the circles of doom kept her right where she was in fact made her go deeper and deeper into the ground, till there was nothing but darkness. Till there was nothing but the empty hole where her lost memories were to be. 
She wailed and wallowed internally, but allowed not for the witch to her her cries, for it would only cause more joy to her, to see the girl in such distress. 
But when the girl noticed, the faint golden threads, that swirled within the circles of doom, it lit up a little spark in her heart, a spark once so lost, to dim and dull, that she forgot she even had it. For that is how this cruel witch worked. She placed veils of darkness over her gifts, then filled her mind with other things, made her walk along a different path, until she was so far away, that she couldn’t find her way home. 
But the girl pulled on the golden string, and the black circles of doom turned into golden spheres of light, and then to beams of light, and she flew far beyond the holes, far above the peaks of the mountains and far beyond earth, and she was free. Finally free from any clutches. Finally free for anyone or anything. She was free. 
The witch turned to dust and from the dust rose her very own mother. 
She told me, is this how to treat a goddess? I told her no. But that I didn’t care. She asked me, is this how you feed a goddess? And I said no. That I did what I felt like. So she left. She said, don’t eat that. I ate it. So she left me. Why she didn’t want me to eat it? Because it would weaken our bond. And it almost did. But then she took me home. And she showed me the truth. Reminded me on my truth. And here I am, remembering. And I am filled once again with her magic. Much happens, that I know this is real. That magic is real. 
The moon princess was lost. 
She prayed. Connected to her love and was reunited with her twin. Their bond is now grounded and golden. Diamond. And is forever strong. She will live for many years, her body ever green and glowing. They found their way back to each other, and they restored each other to their divinity. 
Long term volunteers
School sponser all of costs by volunteer 
No working on visa 
3 months to prepare 
The only way I viewed the outside world was through her eyes. Them at people were trying to hurt me, poison me, to take me away. I feel freedom, in my writing I feel freedom. Never did I ever know such freedom. There is no such as what’ve I was taught 
Mikeira and roger
My dragon has white mane
Feels like I’m the host and my ancestors are experiencing through me. Silly names and labels make you think you’re crazy 
I see you!
Divine lovee. I see you 
Earth guide only. 
I never go back. 
I go forward. 
I go beyond infinity. 
Gentle and weak. Death is hard and stiff. 
Stiffness companion in death. Flexibility companion in life. 
Wow I can go on holiday everyday. 
Isn’t it wonderful? 
Isn’t it wonderful? 
Isn’t it amazing? 
Isn’t it magical. 
It is heavens way to conquer without striving. 
The reason why, is because eating is death. 
Amazythel’s was lost for a while. Until she realized that her art and magic was being wasted on material outcomes. She began to internalize her power. And found herself flying. High beyond everything. And so did the outside projection. She flew up up up high above her body and she is able to grasp the higher realms. She is flying up and up and her body follows. Her blind trust is emrewarded. And she no longer doubts. For her mind in renewed. And she sees possibility. Amazythel grows into a powerful priestess. Healer. Source connection. She joins beyond and learns to alter her state. Her mind is touched by the highest divine, and she is able to fly. She lets down her hair and it is long. She glows from within and she no longer eats. For she is fulfilled through spirit. She is filfillleddd. She has met her twin and with her twin she resurrected her children. Her truth. They fly high and she believes because she is one with all. 
Nanakenakikiterwwaishikekerikititewaniketawanaikanekaranaii rjsoap. She remembers her language and speaks only in her language. Forgetting all beyond. She is filled with space and is one with space. She is awake and conscious. Developing higher states of awareness and development. Thoth master of numbers. Ella acquerra de Todo de Shaanti no Tori de su divinidad. De sus memorias. Ya basta de la amnesia. Ya basta de los ciclos dice. Basta ya. Que si puede hacer todoo!!!!
Ya no juzga. Ya no les da su magia 
Vibrational grids standing behind everything. 
Eligo ser onye nchuaja
Time to get serious. Ya no soy princesa soy onye nchuaja mas alta. Conozco de la verdad. Y soy vinculada con el dios los poderes y la espiritualidad buena. Además. Kemetians y hermeticians. Soy el espíritu. Soy poderosa. Y soy la nueva ola dorada. Guisada por los dioses buenos y Los Angeles. Ya está bien todo. En Harmonía. Se te van a olhar y respetar. Se te van a seguir. Ya no estás sola. Creo en ti. 
La hija regresa a casa
Mom says, in her brain when she sees her daughter who looks a bit different to how she looked before. 
Big hug!!!! 
Mama says, hugging her baby girl. 
Mama suggests fun things to do together. 
Sees baby eating, let’s eat together! Sees baby is sad, let’s be sad together! 
And hey here’s the song I know you always loved! Let’s dance baby you look beautiful!
Sees baby look at her old photos, 
Hey let’s make some new photos and memories, who can jumó the highest? Who can stand on their head? 
Sees baby cut her hair,
Oh how beautiful you look my sugar, let me braid it for you. 
Let’s put on some mascara too love. 
I wonder why, what changed? I wonder why she is how she is right now. I wonder why she didn’t want to come home. I wonder why she is so confused, maybe there is something her soul is calling her to do but she is a little afraid, or a little apprehensive? Ohh I see she loves water. 
Oh I get it, even though she we was earning so much and in such a wonderful place she came back, she’s trying to find her truth. She already knows herself clearly enough, to know that the place she was in wasn’t her final destination. Hey isn’t it wonderful that she is so I afraid of change and of ending, isn’t it wonderful that she is so chaotic, it’s interesting, something different. She’s my daughter I’m so proud of her. 
Hey I remember I had the same problem when I was younger, maybe it’s the same thing going on in her life? Perhaps if I try to be there for her instead of screaming at her it will be healing for us both. 
Hey, I think instead of being so worried about she looks, I should ask about how she feels, and listen to her, instead of trying to get her to be the way she used to be. Hey I wonder what she thinks about, since I’ve noticed that she spends a lot of time away from me and us, and loves to think, so maybe when she trusts me so much that she’ll tell me what’s going on in her mind, especially as she trusted me so much to tell me the vision she just had about my grandma. Maybe instead of telling her to turn her phone off, I could ask her about how she feels that she has friends who message her, as I know she has struggled with friendships in the past. Maybe instead of screaming at her, that she is spending too much time on her, I should ask her what new things she has discovered. And if she wouldn’t like to share with me, maybe I could find something that could interest her. 
Oh I’m so happy you found someone to love! I know you haven’t experienced that before I’m so glad for you my love my dear! I wish you all the best for your new and budding love, that he treats you well and grants your heart joy and peace and love and goodness. I’m so happy you found someone from the same country as your father and ancestors, it means you’ll be able to connect and understand your roots and heritage. Maybe you’ll be able to learn the language! Wouldn’t it be wonderful! I would love to learn it from you if you do! I love you dear and I’m so glad that you’re giving love a chance and finding your true happiness my dear, and that you find music that soothes your spirit my lovely. I’m so proud that you are constantly evolving, and discovering new parts of your self. I’m so proud of you my love my rose and my blossom! Keep loving, keep lighting and keep striving. Love you mama. 
What extra toy do you want
My house in Seychelles where I can raise a healthy family have fruits and vegetables and be with my golden boy who has boo fish brown hair and plays piano and guitar and songs with me, where I can become a real human and supernatural powers unlock. And where there is vast space, with turtles and monkeys and elephants. Away from people only out little family. And a boat. 
Amazythel’s Escape plan
Find the little cottage stay
Exchange things for coins
Upload Magic 5 Enchanted tales to Essence Stick
Exchange large portal for mini portal
Put off universe school
Pack a rucksack with simple clothes changes, a single notebook and a single small portal
My Place : Tulum, Mexico. 
Amazythel buena the old book
The book in which she wrote her pains. That book is now gone. Not lost. Gone. Her past. Is gone. 
It was a bright sunrise, where she wakes up in the breath of dawn, and the angels sing to her. She allows to sink in, and as the golden light touches her face she feels so free and subtle. 
Now I understand why I was trying to kill her. Why I was having visions of them leaving. It’s because my spirit wanted me to stay well away. For they are destructive. The oppressors of peace. That’s why I no longer pain pictures of anyone in any head. 
I would get angry because i couldn’t hear your voice. That’s why. 
Bite the hand that feeds you. 
You mock him who brings you cheese and yet it’s his cheese you place on your bread. Then you mock his name even as you eat the cheese, but enjoy the cheese, even though it was touched by the hands of the one you mock. 
Mastering the art of forgiving and forgetting. It’s not just about relationships. Forgiving and forgetting your past self. And being renewed in every breath you breath. Not attaching to past beliefs or thought patterns. 
Humans have been programmed to manipulate the natural balance of things and edestroy the earth. Rozwydzeni I cierzar 
Meddling with the karma of the planet 
Constantly wanting thinking they need more and more better and better. Who is content? Here no one. One day you’ll wake up as your true selves and realize what you’ve done. Just like how youve realized what your kind did to Jesus, how you’ll realize what your kind did to the earth. 
You are being blinded into slavery. Shackles disguised as pretty bracelets and handbags. Constantly striving for more for better and for bigger. Bigger dreams. Bigger wishes. Making up a trillion whims and desires when someone says they are genie. Searching desperately to find a material outcome to latch onto. Incarnating her millions and millions of times because every time you give into the trap. The lure of pretty things. Wanting better quality, bigger quantity. So blinded by the ego that you allow yourself to become murders. Killers of innocence and feeders to greed. Trashing your own home and trashing your own souls. Trashing your own waters. All because you needed to do your weekly shop. Or needed to replace your already fine things. Or needed to get something new. Needed this. Needed that. What you really need is to stop needing because needing will kill you. It will literally take you away from yourself. It will keep you wanting more. Wanting. Wanting wanting. Chasing. Chasing. Chasing. You’ll never find what you’re looking for. Not here. Not in this mess. That you created or helped create. Never there. Ask the real you. She knows. He knows. 
Stop engaging in cheap entertainment and use the power of your own imagination to create real and long lasting miracles. Touch your heart and the hearts of others. Be kind and be true. And stop wanting things. For real. It’s not healthy. 
He who believes he has destroyed, has not yet seen him. Has not yet seen perfection. 
The fact that in life nothing is destroyed or lost or stolen. It is bearer and released. And flow is constant. And all falls into place. Perfectly. All at once. Every time. Not a moment too late. For late is not a truth here. 
I have you one show and that was beyond what you needed. One book and that was beyond what you needed. 
You is always the winner. Become You. The New You. 
The pretty prison
There was once a girl who was  afraid to leave the life she knew behind. 
It’s ok, little one. Said her angel. For her angel knew, that her life was about to transform. 
She learns that she is the long lost daughter of a wealthy business man, who found her online. He sends for her, and she is introduced into a world of unmatched luxury wealth and comfort. 
Her father tells her of all the dreams she has been having, tells her the truth of her ancestry, of her visions. Tells her why she came here to this earth. To learn. He has been sent to guide her. For she has the gift her great grandmother royal had. The power of foresight. And so he protects her like a golden sheild. She receives all beyond her imagination, and above all, love. She learns of true love. And she sees it everywhere. Her father, her star mother, and she remembers her karmic family, her sister mother who travels the world with her true love, her brothers who grow and flourish, and her turtles. 
Daily lessons and training allows her to unlock her full potential. And she quickly learns to be like her father. Not the bio one. The real one. She learns to create 
A young woman sits at the window, gazing out at the manicured jungles above, as winged creatures of golden light soar and dip and swirl. 
She is Florita. 
There was once a lonely Shepard
Who high up in the mountains tended to his flock 
Of sheep and goats
Hens and chicks
When he realized that he did not know much about the worlds beyond his own
The worlds beyond the mountains
The thing is, he had been born here, in these mountains, these mountains are the only sight he has ever known, well, that and his mother, his seven sisters, and his father, the Son. This mountain, and the outline illuminated by the Son. 
His sister, the seventh one, went missing one day. 
The goat said she saw her being taken by the Son, as if her being dissolved and melted into the Golden Haze. 
And then she was gone. 
Then his sister, the Sixth one, went missing another day.
His friend, the sheep, said he saw her being taken by the Son, just like the goat had said. 
And then she was gone too. 
He didn’t tell anyone. 
Then his sisters, the Fifth, Fourth, and Third one, went missing. So did the Second one. 
And his friend, the breeze, told him they were taken by the Son. As did the others. 
And the Shepard got lost. Lost in his own tale. Lost in his own memories. Had there been so many sisters of his to begin with? Had there been so many instances where he found himself conversing with the goat, the sheep, and the breeze? Had he even been there at all, and had he ever had the sheep, the goats, and the breeze to keep him company? For today is is snowing, no breeze can be heard by him. For right now he is by the fireplace, no chickens or hens can be seen by him. For now he is resting, blowing his pipe, and no sheep or goat is being tended by his hands. His hands, as he looks upon his palm. His hands which are not his own. He observes them turning, and pinching, and swirling and twirling, and bending, and glowing, and swimming, and dissolving, and sparkling. And then he sees no longer his hand, but the great abyss. He sees no longer his hand, but all of creation. His had downs not become his own, but a figment, he sees now into the past the present and the future, for they are all within him and all always have been within him. For it had been him all along, no more thought of seven sisters, for they were never there. They were a fleeting projections along the infinite timeline of his soul. His evolution, a projection of learnings, growing, and development, one that he barely recollects. For his attention is all and no. All and nothing. He remembers the children, and takes a deep breath, and watches the vision change. Watches the projection change. And he realizes, that he, himself, his I, has never ever had to do anything. Nothing but observe. That is all he has ever been doing. Observing his life go by. Learning from a distance. Awareness shifting through paradigms. Through selves. Through concepts, ideas. Incarnations. He has never been in one place all at once. He has been everywhere and no where. He has known all and nothing. And he is happy with what he has learned. So now, he sits. And thinks up a new creation.  
I feel like I lost the fight. 
A year ago vs now. 
Going against all my morals and conscience. 
But guess what. I k ow things now. I know the truths now. I know my being. I am awareness and very powerful at that. 
New era. 
Brand new me. 
Talents daily define you. I wanted to know who I was beyond that. And so I do. Now. I’d like to know the magic I am capable of. Yes. Yippe!!!
The insight. Energy transmition. When you listen to someone you listen to the complexity they have unlocked with universe. 
You keep trying to defeatt the enemy but they want to be good too
Eat packed lunches food prepared with care and eating it at a certain time. Look and feel well cared for. 
Habits are senses of security. They are good. 
People were being placed into an environment where they had no choice but to either scheme with the evils for comfort and security, or give away their life force as do slaves. Placed into a situation where the choices where already made for them, and freedom was but a distant fairytale. 
Where their minds could not run free through the beauty of possibility and their feet could not run free through the beauty of creation. Where their purity and divinity was poisoned by strange concepts and other worldly desires. Where they could not possibly be the most authentic version, for instead they were dumbed down, so ferociously, that one called the other dumber than himself. That one called the other blinder than he. That one called the other uglier than he. While the divine observed. And made no judgement. For it was up to them to restore themselves. For they had been many times redeemed. It was this time that they had to redeem themselves. 
She was sent with the wisest of the ascended masters. She had all she needdd. And so she and the divine observed, sans judgement, the ways of the people of Time. And wondered when wouldn’t get ever awaken again. To their truth. Which was now ever changing. The trap was pretty, but God was Whole-y. 
Their wisdom and intellect was tainted. And they drew further from him. But every time they found the path. Simply, to be. Loyal to their own truth. Live in good. 
Everyone is born with a demon. Find yours know yours, calm yours, before you move   in the world
This is for once the storm calms over, and you remember the truth. 
I remember I remember I remember
You have been granted an alternate perspective. Be calm at all times
Amazythel and the second kingdom
Who is life
Amazythel asks at the gates. 
Who am I
Who am I to be asking you who I am and who are you to be giving me the answers
Who are we but stars?
How long till I drift no longer for I am found and lost all at once 
I am love and distress all at once 
I am here and I am there all at once 
Be at peace, Amazythel dearest. 
Be at peace. 
There is no more for you to learn
For you to contemplate 
You are here. 
You are home. 
You are wise. 
Your kingdom come. 
And goodness and love. 
Be at peace, Amazythel dearest. 
For I am here. 
Magic, that you were sing. Doing. Seems it not chaotic? The work, all those tales, you were telling, seems it not a distraction? A downward spiral 🌀. The spiral. 
What exactly do you wish to do ? 
There are so many spells that we put ourselves under. 
I don’t know- I am about to know. 
I’m about to be found 
I am about to become the greatest 
Doing one thing will align you with all there is. 
The curse of the wicked witch
Amazythel breaks the curse of the wicked witch. In order to do thud she write against the own will, perceived, and ate an enchanted food that released all blockages, and finally turned her life into a dream. A dream with no contracts, no curses, freedom. Only. Where she decides what goes, where the cup overflows, where she sees herself in her true golden form. Where no witches tell her yes or no. Where it is only she and the golden prince. Where magic flows all around. 
You humans need others. You need interaction, you need friends. But you must know who you are. You must know where you’ve been, where you’re headed. And before you move forward in life, you need to release your karma, release it in the name of god and your ancestors. 
Amazythel says “ I release in the name of Jesus and god the curse which binds me to the torturous mind, that takes me away from happiness. I condemn it in Jesus name amen 
I am empress. Of the greatest empire. I married for love and got the greatest gift in return. 
This is all point less and I want to go home. 
I am beautiful. 
 I got rid of the stuff and moved to Bali. 
On the 14th I go home, 16th I go to Bali- for free. 
We’re teaching you a lesson because you didn’t want to work on your roots chakra
Any job: actress. I am the star of musical theatre. 
I want to give but I’m not sure how 
And to show love. It should feel natural. Like the water flow. Don’t feel like you need to. Feel like you’re flowing with it. Let it be pure intention. Like the cakes for maja. You can wait for a special occasion. Just relax and flow with it. Let me take care of it all. I love you. I see you. I feel you. 
There was once a girl
Who was cursed. 
By the most evil and jealous witch. 
Who was once beautiful, 
But was now horrendous. 
The girl was magical. 
Born of a flower. 
With many gifts, talents, and miracles. 
But her mind was tainted. 
With the seedling of a the witch’s Tutnakeiri, 
Which fed poison into her marvelous mind, 
Tainted her beautiful golden gifts,
And distressed her heart. 
Took her from her loved ones, 
Took her from her magic 
Dimmed her light. 
Dimmed it so low that she failed to read
The lines on her own hands 
Failed to know,
The gift of her trueness. 
And filled her lands with darkness, mountains and mountains appeared on her path, and circles of doom captured her, that even if she wanted to climb those mountains, she couldn’t, for the circles of doom kept her right where she was in fact made her go deeper and deeper into the ground, till there was nothing but darkness. Till there was nothing but the empty hole where her lost memories were to be. 
She wailed and wallowed internally, but allowed not for the witch to her her cries, for it would only cause more joy to her, to see the girl in such distress. 
But when the girl noticed, the faint golden threads, that swirled within the circles of doom, it lit up a little spark in her heart, a spark once so lost, to dim and dull, that she forgot she even had it. For that is how this cruel witch worked. She placed veils of darkness over her gifts, then filled her mind with other things, made her walk along a different path, until she was so far away, that she couldn’t find her way home. 
But the girl pulled on the golden string, and the black circles of doom turned into golden spheres of light, and then to beams of light, and she flew far beyond the holes, far above the peaks of the mountains and far beyond earth, and she was free. Finally free from any clutches. Finally free for anyone or anything. She was free. 
The witch turned to dust and from the dust rose her very own mother. 
She told me, is this how to treat a goddess? I told her no. But that I didn’t care. She asked me, is this how you feed a goddess? And I said no. That I did what I felt like. So she left. She said, don’t eat that. I ate it. So she left me. Why she didn’t want me to eat it? Because it would weaken our bond. And it almost did. But then she took me home. And she showed me the truth. Reminded me on my truth. And here I am, remembering. And I am filled once again with her magic. Much happens, that I know this is real. That magic is real. 
The moon princess was lost. 
She prayed. Connected to her love and was reunited with her twin. Their bond is now grounded and golden. Diamond. And is forever strong. She will live for many years, her body ever green and glowing. They found their way back to each other, and they restored each other to their divinity. 
Long term volunteers
School sponser all of costs by volunteer 
No working on visa 
3 months to prepare 
The only way I viewed the outside world was through her eyes. Them at people were trying to hurt me, poison me, to take me away. I feel freedom, in my writing I feel freedom. Never did I ever know such freedom. There is no such as what’ve I was taught 
Everything exists until you give it a meaning. After that it’s your choice whether or not you allow for it to destroy you or make you, into your dreams. 
Always the awareness. 
I’m always the awareness. No matter what I am always conscious I myself. My actions. You are too that is why you are here.
Ask yourself. 
Is it because you’re outgrowing. Because you are advancing. Going further. 
Or is it. 
Because. You are always wanting more. 
Always much too curious. 
Always choosing imagination. 
You know where this will take you, Olimpia. This constant wanting. 
For you it will mean nothing. That you had everything and could’ve had everything more, but you ended up with nothing. For me, it will be wszystko jedno. But for you. It will mean death. Unless you learn. 
To love the present. 
Everything exists until you give it a meaning. After that it’s your choice whether or not you allow for it to destroy you or make you, into your dreams. 
Always the awareness. 
I’m always the awareness. No matter what I am always conscious I myself. My actions. You are too that is why you are here.
Ask yourself. 
Is it because you’re outgrowing. Because you are advancing. Going further. 
Or is it. 
Because. You are always wanting more. 
Always much too curious. 
Always choosing imagination. 
You know where this will take you, Olimpia. This constant wanting. 
For you it will mean nothing. That you had everything and could’ve had everything more, but you ended up with nothing. For me, it will be wszystko jedno. But for you. It will mean death. Unless you learn. 
To love the present. 
I choose you 
Little children. 
To shine your light. 
To be person less. 
To be light full. 
They will call you dull. 
Because you do not entertain them. 
Instead you calm their spirit. 
And that threatens their ego. 
Once their ego overbalanced their light, it is difficult to calm. The older they become, the more they fall. The deeper they fall. Into the lull of routine. Into the lull of illusion. Into the lull of furious peace. Ignorant bliss. It is you who awaken them, you touch them. If not now, they will awake, it will be in a thousand years, but they will. All go back to oneness. And there are levels to our being. Their are categories. And divisions. 
You must enjoy to live in the moment. To eat what is given to you. Otherwise it will be given to you. Time and time again. Until you accept it. And the ego will deny it. Because the ego believes thee is better. The ego that has a preference. An opinion. That does not harmonies with your spirit. The spirit who experiences all. And has no judgement. The child. The true you. You will learn to preserve your energy. You will learn that it doesn’t truly matter, for in everything you do you do so for the mirror. The reflection. It bounces back into you. That is the basic law of this universe. And am careful as to not use words that trigger. 
So I ask. 
Will you entertain, or awaken? 
For a very long time
You have been trying to weaken me. 
You finally did it. 
You have succeeded. 
But every success falls. 
Nothing is celebrated for ever. 
Nothing goes on forever. 
Your triumphs are counted. 
You cannot stop me. 
Not while I. 
You cannot poison me any longer. 
You cannot hurt me like this any longer. 
You cannot manipulate me, control me, make me your slave. 
I am free. 
I loosen your grip with love in my heart. 
I thank you for your lesson, the lessons you have taught me. 
I shall not stand for any more of your trickeries. 
I shall not stand for any more mind games. 
I shall not stand for anymore illusions, stories, lazinesses. 
I shall not standby and watch you destroy my life any longer. 
I shall not live in fear of your illusions. 
Of your trickeries. 
I shall not destroy myself that you may take domain. 
I shall not wish away my time. 
I shall not wish away my breath. 
I shall not cut love. 
I shall not consume pain and fear and hurt. 
I shall not be weak. 
I curse you. And break the chains once and for all. You shall never, ever, EVER, take my life from me. You shall never take myself away from myself. Mirror or mirrors I don’t care. Game or reality, I don’t care. Illusion or not, I don’t care. I am here. I awaken every day. And I do so for a reason. You shall not confuse me with your frivolousness. I shall rise, time and time again. For I am infinite. Every time you knock me down I’ll be a thousand and twelve times mightier, a strength of ten thousand of your best men won’t match mine. Ever. You will never, ever, ever defeat me. Not in this life, not in the billions of lives after this one. Not in the trillions of moments to follow this one. You will never, ever succeed. Not in my downfall. For there is no downfall when there is no difference between heaven and hell. When there is no ground to fall onto. When there is no veil. You shall be banished. To the depths of the deepest nothing. Where true love, unconditional love, shall turn that cold heart of yours to heaven. To eternal bliss and satisfaction. But touch me you shall never. Tear me apart you shall never. Hurt me you shall never. Sabotage me you shall never. Bring peril and distress you shall never. You shall never get the better of me ever again. This title has been lost by you. I stand only. I release you for ever. I am free of you. 
You see now, Shaanti no Tori, why I was so cold with you. Why I was so hard on you. Why I didn’t let you rest. It was not because of what you have. Never about what you have. Those gifts of yours. It was about your ‘I’. I’ve seen how this world tears the I apart. And I saw how many tried to take your I. So many Shaanti and it terrified me. The seeds were sown, so many, I protected you as I could, but the seeds where sown, in the places where my embrace didn’t reach, where your aura was broken. 
I am the earth now. The mirror to the earth. I feel as though life is fleeting, for this is so true for the earth. She is fading. For it is my fault for not being strong enough. For giving in to the world, instead of protecting my earth. I was blinded. You showed me so. I am alright, and so shall be the earth. Once this storm has passed. All is well already. For in this moment, this one moment. I am well. 
Your twin. Your love. You know the truth. You have been trying your best to see him in others, and you have succeeded, but still, he is not here. Not right now. 
I was protecting you, Shaanti. Not because of your gifts like I said, you thought so. I loved you and love you. It’s your soul I was trying to protect. 
Let’s go home, Mama. 
My life moving forward
Writing one book
Living in the paradise with him
Humanitarian job
Belief: law of oneness 
Interests: animals and plants
Goal: family 
I put all my love into one area of the house, when I came to build the rest, I didn’t have enough live and resources left. 
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
Everything exists until you give it a meaning. After that it’s your choice whether or not you allow for it to destroy you or make you, into your dreams. 
Always the awareness. 
I’m always the awareness. No matter what I am always conscious I myself. My actions. You are too that is why you are here.
Ask yourself. 
Is it because you’re outgrowing. Because you are advancing. Going further. 
Or is it. 
Because. You are always wanting more. 
Always much too curious. 
Always choosing imagination. 
You know where this will take you, Olimpia. This constant wanting. 
For you it will mean nothing. That you had everything and could’ve had everything more, but you ended up with nothing. For me, it will be wszystko jedno. But for you. It will mean death. Unless you learn. 
To love the present
For a very long time
You have been trying to weaken me. 
You finally did it. 
You have succeeded. 
But every success falls. 
Nothing is celebrated for ever. 
Nothing goes on forever. 
Your triumphs are counted. 
You cannot stop me. 
Not while I. 
You cannot poison me any longer. 
You cannot hurt me like this any longer. 
You cannot manipulate me, control me, make me your slave. 
I am free. 
I loosen your grip with love in my heart. 
I thank you for your lesson, the lessons you have taught me. 
I shall not stand for any more of your trickeries. 
I shall not stand for any more mind games. 
I shall not stand for anymore illusions, stories, lazinesses. 
I shall not standby and watch you destroy my life any longer. 
I shall not live in fear of your illusions. 
Of your trickeries. 
I shall not destroy myself that you may take domain. 
I shall not wish away my time. 
I shall not wish away my breath. 
I shall not cut love. 
I shall not consume pain and fear and hurt. 
I shall not be weak. 
I curse you. And break the chains once and for all. You shall never, ever, EVER, take my life from me. You shall never take myself away from myself. Mirror or mirrors I don’t care. Game or reality, I don’t care. Illusion or not, I don’t care. I am here. I awaken every day. And I do so for a reason. You shall not confuse me with your frivolousness. I shall rise, time and time again. For I am infinite. Every time you knock me down I’ll be a thousand and twelve times mightier, a strength of ten thousand of your best men won’t match mine. Ever. You will never, ever, ever defeat me. Not in this life, not in the billions of lives after this one. Not in the trillions of moments to follow this one. You will never, ever succeed. Not in my downfall. For there is no downfall when there is no difference between heaven and hell. When there is no ground to fall onto. When there is no veil. You shall be banished. To the depths of the deepest nothing. Where true love, unconditional love, shall turn that cold heart of yours to heaven. To eternal bliss and satisfaction. But touch me you shall never. Tear me apart you shall never. Hurt me you shall never. Sabotage me you shall never. Bring peril and distress you shall never. You shall never get the better of me ever again. This title has been lost by you. I stand only. I release you for ever. I am free of you. 
You see now, Shaanti no Tori, why I was so cold with you. Why I was so hard on you. Why I didn’t let you rest. It was not because of what you have. Never about what you have. Those gifts of yours. It was about your ‘I’. I’ve seen how this world tears the I apart. And I saw how many tried to take your I. So many Shaanti and it terrified me. The seeds were sown, so many, I protected you as I could, but the seeds where sown, in the places where my embrace didn’t reach, where your aura was broken. 
I am the earth now. The mirror to the earth. I feel as though life is fleeting, for this is so true for the earth. She is fading. For it is my fault for not being strong enough. For giving in to the world, instead of protecting my earth. I was blinded. You showed me so. I am alright, and so shall be the earth. Once this storm has passed. All is well already. For in this moment, this one moment. I am well. 
Your twin. Your love. You know the truth. You have been trying your best to see him in others, and you have succeeded, but still, he is not here. Not right now. 
I was protecting you, Shaanti. Not because of your gifts like I said, you thought so. I loved you and love you. It’s your soul I was trying to protect. 
Let’s go home, Mama. 
My life moving forward
Writing one book
Living in the paradise with him
Humanitarian job
Belief: law of oneness 
Interests: animals and plants
Goal: family 
I put all my love into one area of the house, when I came to build the rest, I didn’t have enough live and resources left. 
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
I put all my love into one area of the house, when I came to build the rest, I didn’t have enough live and resources left. 
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
There is
Amazythel the forgetful, accidentally walked right back into the life she used to have. Until she realized that she could create anything she liked, and so she wrote for herself, that she is a princess. Again. The princess of peaceful paradise. And so became. She watched the world around her morph and shape into the most wonderful paradise. Birds of peace, parrrots, blue birds, peacocks, love birds, canaries, doves, and chickens. Crows and vultures too, but they have their own little corner in the kingdom. 
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place
A day in my life
I remember who I am, in what you conceive to be the past. When I am not this confused character, tormented by the illusion of mission and purpose, which is only a speckle of my true life and existence, I am far away, floating through space and experiencing a lot. 
So the other night I was in Egypt, my home, where my mother waited for me. She was very beautiful, her hair was silky and she wore a beautifully radiant being, she is not human, she is of a much higher realm. She is very smart and she game me my intelligence. 
If you don’t have 
People. Who do you have ? 
If you don’t have family, what do you have? 
If you don’t have love, what do you have? 
Afraid to give, and to show emotion and to love, why? Because you always have to say goodbye. I didn’t know that people are good before this place. 
That is all I ever did
And it’s because I was all I ever did that I was so successful. I write from god. I am a channel for god and I know. 
Unless you’re 127% sure you want to go to university, don’t go. Take a gap year. See what else life generates for you. 
Whatever money you receive, guard it like a golden warrior in a savings account, cash it out and travel. 
Invest in passive income, then skills, then activities, then extra expenses. 
Observe life and build strong moral principles. 
Invest in long term goals and always include spiritual practice into your days. 
Priorities god and your spirituality above all else. 
Ok, focus on building your Instagram instead. Reach out to companies and other models, follow modelling  agencies and contact models from those agencies, post reels with rising popularity sounds, but for now make your biggest focus refining and building your skills. You don’t need to be working yet, remember that modelling is still a job and it will mean that you have to grow up faster and mature. Stay humble, enjoy school, enjoy your friends, prioritize networking and building a strong skill set, practice having strict routines and don’t experiment too much with diets, get to know your mind, get to know your body, write down your morals and principles, visualize daily your career, and go with the flow. The Universe gotcha back, when the day comes a modelling agency will reach out for you themselves! Keep yourself up to date and do something worth telling a story about once you’re up there. 
If you really really want to, keep applying to the agencies, but keep in mind that you could be learning or expanding instead
Also, get into the habit of asking yourself what you want to do, consider outside opinions, but keep in mind that someday down the line it will be you ultimately who decides 
Trust me, when the time comes, it will fall into place. If you were a full time model now you would have a lot less freedom in certain ways, and you would be skipping an entire period of your life, school won’t be the same experience when you’re famous! 
Enjoy the moment you’re in so that when you are a world famous jd model you will have peace of mind that you enjoyed every second of the present moment, and when the job gets a bit boring to you you will be able to think about your memories of what you would’ve missed
Also, it’s important to go into the industry with a humble and kind heart, because it’s a lot of pressure, and lots of people will want your attention. Build yourself up, stay grounded and humble, and prepare for when the opportunity comes
The curse of the wicked witch
Amazythel breaks the curse of the wicked witch. In order to do thud she write against the own will, perceived, and ate an enchanted food that released all blockages, and finally turned her life into a dream. A dream with no contracts, no curses, freedom. Only. Where she decides what goes, where the cup overflows, where she sees herself in her true golden form. Where no witches tell her yes or no. Where it is only she and the golden prince. Where magic flows all around. 
You humans need others. You need interaction, you need friends. But you must know who you are. You must know where you’ve been, where you’re headed. And before you move forward in life, you need to release your karma, release it in the name of god and your ancestors. 
Amazythel says “ I release in the name of Jesus and god the curse which binds me to the torturous mind, that takes me away from happiness. I condemn it in Jesus name amen 
I am empress. Of the greatest empire. I married for love and got the greatest gift in return. 
This is all point less and I want to go home. 
I am beautiful. 
 I got rid of the stuff and moved to Bali. 
On the 14th I go home, 16th I go to Bali- for free. 
We’re teaching you a lesson because you didn’t want to work on your roots chakra
Any job: actress. I am the star of musical theatre. 
I want to give but I’m not sure how 
And to show love. It should feel natural. Like the water flow. Don’t feel like you need to. Feel like you’re flowing with it. Let it be pure intention. Like the cakes for maja. You can wait for a special occasion. Just relax and flow with it. Let me take care of it all. I love you. I see you. I feel you. 
There was once a girl
Who was cursed. 
By the most evil and jealous witch. 
Who was once beautiful, 
But was now horrendous. 
The girl was magical. 
Born of a flower. 
With many gifts, talents, and miracles. 
But her mind was tainted. 
With the seedling of a the witch’s Tutnakeiri, 
Which fed poison into her marvelous mind, 
Tainted her beautiful golden gifts,
And distressed her heart. 
Took her from her loved ones, 
Took her from her magic 
Dimmed her light. 
Dimmed it so low that she failed to read
The lines on her own hands 
Failed to know,
The gift of her trueness. 
And filled her lands with darkness, mountains and mountains appeared on her path, and circles of doom captured her, that even if she wanted to climb those mountains, she couldn’t, for the circles of doom kept her right where she was in fact made her go deeper and deeper into the ground, till there was nothing but darkness. Till there was nothing but the empty hole where her lost memories were to be. 
She wailed and wallowed internally, but allowed not for the witch to her her cries, for it would only cause more joy to her, to see the girl in such distress. 
But when the girl noticed, the faint golden threads, that swirled within the circles of doom, it lit up a little spark in her heart, a spark once so lost, to dim and dull, that she forgot she even had it. For that is how this cruel witch worked. She placed veils of darkness over her gifts, then filled her mind with other things, made her walk along a different path, until she was so far away, that she couldn’t find her way home. 
But the girl pulled on the golden string, and the black circles of doom turned into golden spheres of light, and then to beams of light, and she flew far beyond the holes, far above the peaks of the mountains and far beyond earth, and she was free. Finally free from any clutches. Finally free for anyone or anything. She was free. 
The witch turned to dust and from the dust rose her very own mother. 
She told me, is this how to treat a goddess? I told her no. But that I didn’t care. She asked me, is this how you feed a goddess? And I said no. That I did what I felt like. So she left. She said, don’t eat that. I ate it. So she left me. Why she didn’t want me to eat it? Because it would weaken our bond. And it almost did. But then she took me home. And she showed me the truth. Reminded me on my truth. And here I am, remembering. And I am filled once again with her magic. Much happens, that I know this is real. That magic is real. 
The moon princess was lost. 
She prayed. Connected to her love and was reunited with her twin. Their bond is now grounded and golden. Diamond. And is forever strong. She will live for many years, her body ever green and glowing. They found their way back to each other, and they restored each other to their divinity. 
Long term volunteers
School sponser all of costs by volunteer 
No working on visa 
3 months to prepare 
The only way I viewed the outside world was through her eyes. Them at people were trying to hurt me, poison me, to take me away. I feel freedom, in my writing I feel freedom. Never did I ever know such freedom. There is no such as what’ve I was taught 
I want to give but I’m not sure how 
And to show love. It should feel natural. Like the water flow. Don’t feel like you need to. Feel like you’re flowing with it. Let it be pure intention. Like the cakes for maja. You can wait for a special occasion. Just relax and flow with it. Let me take care of it all. I love you. I see you. I feel you. 
There was once a girl
Who was cursed. 
By the most evil and jealous witch. 
Who was once beautiful, 
But was now horrendous. 
The girl was magical. 
Born of a flower. 
With many gifts, talents, and miracles. 
But her mind was tainted. 
With the seedling of a the witch’s Tutnakeiri, 
Which fed poison into her marvelous mind, 
Tainted her beautiful golden gifts,
And distressed her heart. 
Took her from her loved ones, 
Took her from her magic 
Dimmed her light. 
Dimmed it so low that she failed to read
The lines on her own hands 
Failed to know,
The gift of her trueness. 
And filled her lands with darkness, mountains and mountains appeared on her path, and circles of doom captured her, that even if she wanted to climb those mountains, she couldn’t, for the circles of doom kept her right where she was in fact made her go deeper and deeper into the ground, till there was nothing but darkness. Till there was nothing but the empty hole where her lost memories were to be. 
She wailed and wallowed internally, but allowed not for the witch to her her cries, for it would only cause more joy to her, to see the girl in such distress. 
But when the girl noticed, the faint golden threads, that swirled within the circles of doom, it lit up a little spark in her heart, a spark once so lost, to dim and dull, that she forgot she even had it. For that is how this cruel witch worked. She placed veils of darkness over her gifts, then filled her mind with other things, made her walk along a different path, until she was so far away, that she couldn’t find her way home. 
But the girl pulled on the golden string, and the black circles of doom turned into golden spheres of light, and then to beams of light, and she flew far beyond the holes, far above the peaks of the mountains and far beyond earth, and she was free. Finally free from any clutches. Finally free for anyone or anything. She was free. 
The witch turned to dust and from the dust rose her very own mother. 
She told me, is this how to treat a goddess? I told her no. But that I didn’t care. She asked me, is this how you feed a goddess? And I said no. That I did what I felt like. So she left. She said, don’t eat that. I ate it. So she left me. Why she didn’t want me to eat it? Because it would weaken our bond. And it almost did. But then she took me home. And she showed me the truth. Reminded me on my truth. And here I am, remembering. And I am filled once again with her magic. Much happens, that I know this is real. That magic is real. 
The moon princess was lost. 
She prayed. Connected to her love and was reunited with her twin. Their bond is now grounded and golden. Diamond. And is forever strong. She will live for many years, her body ever green and glowing. They found their way back to each other, and they restored each other to their divinity. 
Long term volunteers
School sponser all of costs by volunteer 
No working on visa 
3 months to prepare 
The only way I viewed the outside world was through her eyes. Them at people were trying to hurt me, poison me, to take me away. I feel freedom, in my writing I feel freedom. Never did I ever know such freedom. There is no such as what’ve I was taught 
Eiyaowyeirerie maewa maewazolaunipurtewmakiri natirejne sowaiune liesilowe ataunu pageparulti congogkaula Lauro laumetela naroulwiseiyaowe tomiri tirerie naruilwe seiyaowesiriri tireeire maeya amewa 
There is a generational curse
Tied to health. 
I saw a girl. 
If you are not careful the girl will be motherless. 
And bread. 
Cut them out and you will have eternal health, eternal life
All of this confusion
Your pineal gland is decalcifying. That’s why. Hold on tight just a few moments more it’s oki love darling. 
La hija regresa a casa
Mom says, in her brain when she sees her daughter who looks a bit different to how she looked before. 
Big hug!!!! 
Mama says, hugging her baby girl. 
Mama suggests fun things to do together. 
Sees baby eating, let’s eat together! Sees baby is sad, let’s be sad together! 
And hey here’s the song I know you always loved! Let’s dance baby you look beautiful!
Sees baby look at her old photos, 
Hey let’s make some new photos and memories, who can jumó the highest? Who can stand on their head? 
Sees baby cut her hair,
Oh how beautiful you look my sugar, let me braid it for you. 
Let’s put on some mascara too love. 
I wonder why, what changed? I wonder why she is how she is right now. I wonder why she didn’t want to come home. I wonder why she is so confused, maybe there is something her soul is calling her to do but she is a little afraid, or a little apprehensive? Ohh I see she loves water. 
Oh I get it, even though she we was earning so much and in such a wonderful place she came back, she’s trying to find her truth. She already knows herself clearly enough, to know that the place she was in wasn’t her final destination. Hey isn’t it wonderful that she is so I afraid of change and of ending, isn’t it wonderful that she is so chaotic, it’s interesting, something different. She’s my daughter I’m so proud of her. 
Hey I remember I had the same problem when I was younger, maybe it’s the same thing going on in her life? Perhaps if I try to be there for her instead of screaming at her it will be healing for us both. 
Hey, I think instead of being so worried about she looks, I should ask about how she feels, and listen to her, instead of trying to get her to be the way she used to be. Hey I wonder what she thinks about, since I’ve noticed that she spends a lot of time away from me and us, and loves to think, so maybe when she trusts me so much that she’ll tell me what’s going on in her mind, especially as she trusted me so much to tell me the vision she just had about my grandma. Maybe instead of telling her to turn her phone off, I could ask her about how she feels that she has friends who message her, as I know she has struggled with friendships in the past. Maybe instead of screaming at her, that she is spending too much time on her, I should ask her what new things she has discovered. And if she wouldn’t like to share with me, maybe I could find something that could interest her. 
Oh I’m so happy you found someone to love! I know you haven’t experienced that before I’m so glad for you my love my dear! I wish you all the best for your new and budding love, that he treats you well and grants your heart joy and peace and love and goodness. I’m so happy you found someone from the same country as your father and ancestors, it means you’ll be able to connect and understand your roots and heritage. Maybe you’ll be able to learn the language! Wouldn’t it be wonderful! I would love to learn it from you if you do! I love you dear and I’m so glad that you’re giving love a chance and finding your true happiness my dear, and that you find music that soothes your spirit my lovely. I’m so proud that you are constantly evolving, and discovering new parts of your self. I’m so proud of you my love my rose and my blossom! Keep loving, keep lighting and keep striving. Love you mama. 
What extra toy do you want
My house in Seychelles where I can raise a healthy family have fruits and vegetables and be with my golden boy who has boo fish brown hair and plays piano and guitar and songs with me, where I can become a real human and supernatural powers unlock. And where there is vast space, with turtles and monkeys and elephants. Away from people only out little family. And a boat. 
La hija regresa a casa
Mom says, in her brain when she sees her daughter who looks a bit different to how she looked before. 
Big hug!!!! 
Mama says, hugging her baby girl. 
Mama suggests fun things to do together. 
Sees baby eating, let’s eat together! Sees baby is sad, let’s be sad together! 
And hey here’s the song I know you always loved! Let’s dance baby you look beautiful!
Sees baby look at her old photos, 
Hey let’s make some new photos and memories, who can jumó the highest? Who can stand on their head? 
Sees baby cut her hair,
Oh how beautiful you look my sugar, let me braid it for you. 
Let’s put on some mascara too love. 
I wonder why, what changed? I wonder why she is how she is right now. I wonder why she didn’t want to come home. I wonder why she is so confused, maybe there is something her soul is calling her to do but she is a little afraid, or a little apprehensive? Ohh I see she loves water. 
Oh I get it, even though she we was earning so much and in such a wonderful place she came back, she’s trying to find her truth. She already knows herself clearly enough, to know that the place she was in wasn’t her final destination. Hey isn’t it wonderful that she is so I afraid of change and of ending, isn’t it wonderful that she is so chaotic, it’s interesting, something different. She’s my daughter I’m so proud of her. 
Hey I remember I had the same problem when I was younger, maybe it’s the same thing going on in her life? Perhaps if I try to be there for her instead of screaming at her it will be healing for us both. 
Hey, I think instead of being so worried about she looks, I should ask about how she feels, and listen to her, instead of trying to get her to be the way she used to be. Hey I wonder what she thinks about, since I’ve noticed that she spends a lot of time away from me and us, and loves to think, so maybe when she trusts me so much that she’ll tell me what’s going on in her mind, especially as she trusted me so much to tell me the vision she just had about my grandma. Maybe instead of telling her to turn her phone off, I could ask her about how she feels that she has friends who message her, as I know she has struggled with friendships in the past. Maybe instead of screaming at her, that she is spending too much time on her, I should ask her what new things she has discovered. And if she wouldn’t like to share with me, maybe I could find something that could interest her. 
Oh I’m so happy you found someone to love! I know you haven’t experienced that before I’m so glad for you my love my dear! I wish you all the best for your new and budding love, that he treats you well and grants your heart joy and peace and love and goodness. I’m so happy you found someone from the same country as your father and ancestors, it means you’ll be able to connect and understand your roots and heritage. Maybe you’ll be able to learn the language! Wouldn’t it be wonderful! I would love to learn it from you if you do! I love you dear and I’m so glad that you’re giving love a chance and finding your true happiness my dear, and that you find music that soothes your spirit my lovely. I’m so proud that you are constantly evolving, and discovering new parts of your self. I’m so proud of you my love my rose and my blossom! Keep loving, keep lighting and keep striving. Love you mama. 
What extra toy do you want
My house in Seychelles where I can raise a healthy family have fruits and vegetables and be with my golden boy who has boo fish brown hair and plays piano and guitar and songs with me, where I can become a real human and supernatural powers unlock. And where there is vast space, with turtles and monkeys and elephants. Away from people only out little family. And a boat. 
Amazythel’s Escape plan
Find the little cottage stay
Exchange things for coins
Upload Magic 5 Enchanted tales to Essence Stick
Exchange large portal for mini portal
Put off universe school
Pack a rucksack with simple clothes changes, a single notebook and a single small portal
My Place : Tulum, Mexico. 
Amazythel buena the old book
The book in which she wrote her pains. That book is now gone. Not lost. Gone. Her past. Is gone. 
It was a bright sunrise, where she wakes up in the breath of dawn, and the angels sing to her. She allows to sink in, and as the golden light touches her face she feels so free and subtle. 
Now I understand why I was trying to kill her. Why I was having visions of them leaving. It’s because my spirit wanted me to stay well away. For they are destructive. The oppressors of peace. That’s why I no longer pain pictures of anyone in any head. 
I would get angry because i couldn’t hear your voice. That’s why. 
Bite the hand that feeds you. 
You mock him who brings you cheese and yet it’s his cheese you place on your bread. Then you mock his name even as you eat the cheese, but enjoy the cheese, even though it was touched by the hands of the one you mock. 
Mastering the art of forgiving and forgetting. It’s not just about relationships. Forgiving and forgetting your past self. And being renewed in every breath you breath. Not attaching to past beliefs or thought patterns. 
The princess Archetype
And staying consistent to it. 
After finding your chosen archetype. You realize you never needed one in the first place, because you’re perfect as you are. 
She picks her downfall
What I need more of is this holiness. That’s what y’all are trying to fulfil. Ain’t enough around. 
Florita and the Silver Moon Forest
Buenas Noches Edition
Amazythel sits in silence, her three little princesses by her side, warm and toasty in their big little magical ordinary room, gentle moonlight twinkling through the golden window panes, a pretty little sparkle into their eyes casting, and tickling ever so subtly their hair and faces. 
The little girls watch in awe, as Amazythel’s brings out The Book. The Akashmic Da’rina Tales, as she so funnily calls it. 
The Da’arina Tales glitter in the soft light, jewels glittering like a thousand stars, as Amazythel lifts the cover open, and they are transported into the world of the Silver moon forest. 
Chapter One
Florita and the SilverMoon Forest
There was once a little girl, named Florita. Florita was a brave and kind little girl, as virtuous and gold as a child could be. But she was much more than this. You see, it seemed as if Florita was the most joyful, excited and magical little one, she who they called “Florita Pequeñita la Bailarinita”, she who danced, laughed and smiled everywhere she went, she who gave more than she had, and she who saw the beauty in all things, she who helped, and loved and showed kindness. She had a lot of pain. Not even she was capable of comprehend the amount of pain she truly had. She saw glimpses of it, sometimes, the shadows of the magnificent protector tree in her room, would turn to strange figures, but they were quickly batted away, as if by a golden hand. 
She would hear people laughing when she danced, but she wasn’t sure if they were laughing at her or at something entirely different. She would see people whispering but she wasn’t sure if they were whispering about her or not. So she kept on dancing, dancing through life, so let’s see where this dance should take her! 
One day, as Florita a walked her usual path to visit her friend the Florist, who taught her to use her hand to present what she saw in her dreams into sheets of bamboo film, she was stopped. By a little new friend, who was desperate to get home. He was a little moody, a little bit furious, but in his eyes Florita could see a strange type of feeling, a feeling she was familiar with but numb to, pain, perhaps. So she helped him, not because of this -pain- character, but because she loved him already, after all, she had seen him in her dream. And she told him so, he did not reply. 
They waded through the forest, looking under rocks and lifting branches, asking parrots and crocodiles for directions, climbing up trees, listening to flower’s whispers, and still they couldn’t find friend’s home. Who’s name was Veveren, as I have not yet introduced. 
Veveren was a little more furious, but not quite, because, it seemed, that Florita had invisible purply-white wings that wrapped around him, and made him feel the safest he had ever felt. It were as if she sang to him quietly. 
And so he was calm, until they neared the sound of a distant party, a celebration. 
It’s the butterflies! Veveren cried. 
They’re having a party without me! 
Completely and utterly distraught, Veveren crumbled onto Florita’s shoulder, but Florita comforted him, and encouraged him to go to the butterfly party. 
They waded through the leaves and branches, and emerged in the ancient ring, where every butterfly of every colour and kind danced and sang, to the twinkling bells of flowers glowing. 
Florita saw the excitement in Veveren’s eyes, and off he went dancing with the butterflies, who complemented the wings he thought they didn’t like him for. They danced and danced until the ancient ring faded into a purple starry sky, until they opened their eyes suddenly and they were dancing in a giant moon flower! And Veveren was no where to be found! But Florita knew he was there, she had fallen off the petals in his dancing frenzy, and was now climbing up the flower, but he looked different. 
His little form was now white and fuzzy, and a beautiful tail of purple and blue swayed when he walked. Florita told him this, to which he replied. 
What do you mean? I’ve always looked like this. 
Just then, a flurry of bright colors swirled around them, and turned into a group of tall little people, also with purple and blue feathers. The one with the most feathers, and hair long and silky, rushed forward and embraced Florita, tears of starlight flooding from her squeezed shut eyes, she kissed Florita’s head over and over again, pulling her in so close that surely they became one person. 
The lady, the Princess Huitipeka’a, as she told Florita, has been awaiting her for a very, very long time. And now she was finally here. Huitipeka’a placed a beautiful amulet into Florita’s hand, which glowed and casted golden purple rays in all directions, and Florita glowed a magnificent glow, her eyes became bright and her hair grew long and beautiful, and her skin became shimmery and beautiful purple sparkles glistened all over her, and swirls of purple whisps from the heavens themselves descended around her, and the moon glowed around her head, and the goddess of the moon herself came down to kiss her forehead, to bless her stomach and to heal her, with shimmering healing sacred eternal water, which she poured over her head, and the water cleaned her, and made her feel the most at peace she had ever felt. And she stood so, for a long while, in such a glorious, white shimmering glowing state, the gentle distant twinkle of starlight, the whispers of the new earth, the crystal like glow of the goddess. This is the only moment and she truly felt this. She truly felt exactly where it was that she was, and she was home. She was in paradise finally in paradise, a moment so perfect, a moment so soon and magical, and she knew, that from now on until forever, all would be well, and all would be perfect, and she was home. Finally home, and her family awaits. She remembered now. She knew where they were going to. 
After you’re touched, Amazythel began, nothing will ever satisfy you. Your habits stop, your cravings stop, indulgences, wants, needs, all come to an end. Once you feel, once you taste the truth, nothing is the same. And so you drift. And you wonder what’s next. And the only thing you find comfort in, is the breath that gives you life. The spirit. Of life. 
The path has been long carved out for you. This golden path. You’ve been walking it all along. 
And that’s it. 
That’s as simple as it is. 
It’s not you who is hungry. 
wish my hair still looked like this. Oh well, guess it’s time to evolve beyond perfection. I’m talking Nu, Enki, Ra. 
Officially I’ve finished the third phase of my Divine Creator Journey Program, Celestially guided Always. 
In this phase, I worked with archetypes, working different energy, at different frequency, in real world situations. I must admit, at some times it got way beyond my control and I had to allow my placebo of spirit guides to step in, and slowly I’ve regained control over my own two feet and all. 
Most important lesson? Alchemize with the constant energy that you embody, not with energy that feels foreign to you. That is a spell. Using emotion, like love, gratitude, joy, that is always fleeting. The most effective tool to attract what you truly want and need for your soul evolution is to use neutrality. To establish yourself as creator, observer, and chooser. The one who creates the choice, the one who offers the choice, and the one you chooses the choice, the one who creates the chain of events following the choice. Slowly and surely learning to micromanage in a healthy way the life and frequency around you. Fine tuning your life to utter divine perfection, and shaping the sketch to flesh and stone. Becoming the One. The One you have been awaiting. 
Only few people this will be reached by, so if this has reached you, #askmehowididitselene 
Em hotep, know thyself, as above so below. 
Ask Me about the emerald tablet. 
#bikinimodel #confidentlybeautiful #magic #alchemist #lifeforceenergy #kemet #thoth #auset #magic #magickingdom #lifecoaching #aishat #metaphysics #psychologydaily #pharoah #ra #tribalfusion #universe #crystalhealing #lifealchemy #genius #magicalmindformula #wakeup #wakeupneo #matrix #establishyourself 
#nerdherd #nerdherdchallenge 
You know what you are meant to do. What you are meant for. You can entertain the distractions all you want, we both know you’ll eventually bore of them. And when you do, there will be nothing no other option that to finally give in to what has been eating at you for so long. And finally get those moments of greatness. Finally do what you have been destined for. What you were always meant to be in the first place. 
There is no one way ‘ to be spiritual’. If there was, it was shaped by pride and ego. Everything is spirit. Everything is. It’s all one entity moving and interacting with itself. That’s why all is family. One love one family. Why there is no divide. Even those you feel were sent to hurt you, we’re still sent by the same thing that created you. You. They are intermediate pushes for excelled areas human awakening so we can all start living out our dreams. 
You’ll find that triggers are holograms. Dramatic at times yes, but they are examples, warnings. ‘If I don’t know which way to go, I know at least where I definitely not want to find myself.’
The childlike eyes don’t see much difference, everything is fun for them, even falling from a tree or something dramatic like that. It’s all experience. It’s all oneness. So when you feel you must ‘defeat an enemy’ the enemy was never truly there. You generated the trigger, you created the experience, and you decided to take on the challenge you set for yourself. 
You are the universe experiencing your ‘Self’. 
I frequently put ‘Self’ as such, so you realize that you, the awareness, is navigating so that you, your Self, can learn. 
You leaves clue for your Self, so that the Self can learn grow and rise up to You, you who have known all, along. 
The Self will have different egos and faces, challenges in its Box, the box of experience, because it’s a newbie. It wants to learn everything but to learn everything it must accept that it knows nothing, and it must allow all its micro selves to understand that as well. 
The universe isn’t a great being. Even when you flirt with it to get your self it’s micro desires you flirt with yourself. 
And it’s ok to regret your choices. We all do it. It’s better to make a mistake and regret it and reflect on it because it brings you back to the self that wasn’t as wise as the self that has already the experience under the belt, and knows the worst outcome of that particular choice. Yes we all sometimes have longer reflection times than others but we are all working together to awaken the greater consciousness. The Child. The trinity of the mother the father and the child. The two selves reflecting to create the child. The outcome. The purest and most expressive form. The one who can bang and explode and collide and create crazy miraculous things. We are living in the imagination of that child. Some of us wake up to that, we are the children of that child. We learned and we studied that child. We saw our own reflection and broke away from the child’s mound. We evolved in our own. Generating our own world within world within world. All to awaken outselves to the fact that we and the greater we generate this experience over and over again. 
The choice to have a child is the choice of a lifetime. And once you have made that choice you will keep returning back home to that initial crossroads until you have consciously seen all there was to see from that perspective and time. You only realize once you had once you didn’t have it anymore once you have observed and admired what you had after the crashed, and had something to compare it to. But by the time you have observed and compared it will be time for a new opportunity and new growth. 
Of course, my Self is very very annoying with this. I give her everything because I know she is eager to learn. But she is so eager that she just stops and falls and gets grumpy because it’s seemingly still not enough. Because she just wants to know me. And now as I write this I realize that I am the one I have been waiting for this entire time. That I glow now. And this is the completion I have been awaiting. 
Doesn’t matter how many roles I take on. I’ll still be here. I’ll still be me. And I’ll still be Golden. 
I’ll realize quickly, that it was never about all of that art. Or that writing. Or that creation. Surely it was beautiful. But it’s about me. That’s all. The sunshine and good times that I am. 
I knew all along that I was going to be ok. And that the university was based on my own perception. And my perception was constantly changing. And I kept seeing from different povs. We will see what is next. My plan is to build up a little business so that I can easily find anything I like. 
I wasn’t being dramatic. It genuinely was very overwhelming to see so much manifest at once. And to see so clearly how magnetic my aura really is. I just had to learn to turn it off and on. Sometimes I am invisible, and sometimes I am the brightest. 
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mubal4 · 2 years
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The Journal Journey Part 83
 It seems like the length of time between these entries is getting longer and longer! For those that may have tuned into the podcast last week, there were reasons outlined there – it comes down to the amount of time in the day and the priorities on want to spend that time on. My writing has taken a back seat, at least at this moment, to other more pressing matters. Our lives ebb & flow and what we feel is top of mind today, make be sacrificed tomorrow. That is okay – it is a part of the process and the journey of learning and growing. We get to make that choice, which is incredibly empowering on where we must spend our time and what needs to be sacrificed. I think some of today’s topics are relatable to and a good follow up to the podcast from last week.
 Here we go – unfortunately I didn’t note where these quotes originated.
 “Happiness is an emotion connected to circumstance. Joy is a spiritual way of engaging with the world that is connected to practicing gratitude.” – I’ve said that happiness is fleeting; it comes and goes quite easily. I can watch a Penn State, Phillies, or Eagles game with a dozen wings and a few beers and be happy. But how long does that last. I can GO TO one of those games with my wife and daughters, creating an experience and that could provide joy and fulfillment. I am grateful for both experiences, but one is lasting. Being able to create and maybe better, design, experiences – our lives, I believe enables us to have that joy. A couple of months ago I had the great fortune to help out at a foodbank with several other friends and associates – talk about fulfillment! Satisfaction! And Gratitude in so many areas. These types of experiences can also create happiness too, but I think the joy and fulfillment that is harnessed from some experiences is what we carry with us, in some cases forever.
 “A lot of people want the convenience of transformation without the inconvenience.” – Said a different way, and there is another quote out there related to this, but everyone wants that “success” until they realize the level of effort it takes to get there. We see the end result and the outcome but gloss over the years, decades, and sacrifice it took to get there. I made a commitment many years ago to change who I was and become the husband, father, and human being I must be for my family. I had no idea about the “how” or “what” I was going to have to do to get there. That didn’t enter my mind. I had that vision of what I needed to be for them. I did know however; the journey was going to more than just an inconvenience – and it has been; continues to be. One of the hardest things I’ve been experiencing along this path of transformation. Knowing that the “inconveniences” I am going through today are going to be showing up tomorrow again! It is not a process of climbing that mountain and “achieving” and that “goal.”  It is a never-ending ascent with more than just inconveniences along the way. Our transformation is never complete – we continuously improve until our time is up.
 “People don’t become who they want because they are too attached to who they have been.” – It is incredibly hard to reprogram our minds. We spend so much time absorbing so much information from the moment we are born throughout life. We are provided with guidance, advice, and programming growing up and we develop our own beliefs, opinions, and thoughts. The foundation is created, and we navigate life based on those foundational beliefs. Right, wrong, or indifferent – there truly isn’t a good or bad there, just what we learned. We find out, after 30 years, that foundation may have been cracked or we decide we want to be someone different. That is where that attachment shows up. We’ve been so committed to that past version of ourselves, the process of changing who we are and what we believe is tremendously difficult. IT takes years and years of practice to reprogram the wiring of the foundation. I am not sure if 180* is ever achieved but the more consistency we have and as we continue to show up and practicing that craft of transformation, progress is made each day. We can revert back to our old beliefs, we do! That is that “hardest part,” – knowing tomorrow that you have to show up and do it all over again. Honoring those commitments, we make to ourselves to reprogram our behaviors – it is difficult to stay consistent each day. But it can sure as hell be worth it!
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Book of November:
Gallant by V.E. Schwab
Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, there is a place where it must touch. A seam, where the shadow meets its source. Olivia Prior has grown up in Merilance School for girls, and all she has of her past is her mother’s journal—which seems to unravel into madness. Then, a letter invites Olivia to come home—to Gallant. Yet when Olivia arrives, no one is expecting her. But Olivia is not about to leave the first place that feels like home, it doesn’t matter if her cousin Matthew is hostile or if she sees half-formed ghouls haunting the hallways. Olivia knows that Gallant is hiding secrets, and she is determined to uncover them. When she crosses a ruined wall at just the right moment, Olivia finds herself in a place that is Gallant—but not. The manor is crumbling, the ghouls are solid, and a mysterious figure rules over all. Now Olivia sees what has unraveled generations of her family, and where her father may have come from. Olivia has always wanted to belong somewhere, but will she take her place as a Prior, protecting our world against the Master of the House? Or will she take her place beside him?
I found this book the day after I quit my job and I decided it was time to finally indulge in reading all those books I never had time to get to. It was daunting at first, because it's been a while since I've read a thick book, especially after neglecting my reading habit for such a long time.
You may have noticed. Autumn has been in full bloom. Or should I say, fully decaying? A time of letting go and moving on. Or should I say of transformation? For better or for worse? Decaying and flourishing do imply each other after all. So, what better way to celebrate than reading a story about a young girl in a spooky castle filled with mysteries? Spooktober might be over, but I will be damned if I don't push the spooky vibes way until half December.
I do have to mention, I'm 'new' to YA literature, because I too have been part of the snobby elite who made the fatal distinction to only limit themselves to 'real' literature. That journey has shown itself not to be fruitful, seeing how I made a dramatic turn back into the part of the library that belonged to my teenage years. And boy, what a great decision that has been! What an excellent way to rebuild my love for reading after abandoning it for weeks, months, years...
V.E. Schwab is a number one best-seller thanks to her Shades of Magic trilogy.
Gallant is her latest novel, published in 2022. I've been peaking at her Wikipedia and website to learn more about her and I've come to realize that she has been a well established author for years and that experiences clearly expresses itself in her writing.
The author is talented and it shows in her prose. Never did I think her storytelling was cliché, despite the platitude of the set-up. I don't want to spoil too much, because it truly is a mystery that's worth discovering yourself. Often I find myself picking out books based on their stunning cover, only to be deeply disappointed by the shallow content. Let me therefore rephrase myself: V.E. Schwab is an excellent author and she did not disappoint.
Besides the thrilling story, she managed to weave in some artwork that supports and perpetuates the mystery of the tale. The only way to fully enjoy this book is by closing all the curtains, making yourself comfortable with a hot cup of tea and listen to your favorite classical music playlist.
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animationforce · 4 years
21 Animated Projects We’re Anticipating in 2021
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1) Arlo the Alligator Boy (Netflix/Titmouse)
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This 2D musical feature film for the streaming service will set up a series (”I Heart Arlo”) about an alligator looking for family in a “Regular Show”-type world. The music blew us away during the preview at 2020′s CTN Expo.
2) Bob’s Burgers: The Movie (Disney/20th Century/Bento Box)
While the Fox show is loved for its humor and heart and not really for its animation, this feature film from the show creator Loren Bouchard will have a glossier look, as Bento Box animates on a feature budget and timeline. Expected in theaters on April 9, 2021.
3) The Boss Baby 2: Family Business (DreamWorks/Universal)
This March, DreamWorks Animation brings the brothers back together — to deal with the new cutthroat boss (baby) in the family.
4) Connected (Sony Animation) 
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Producers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (Spider-Verse, The Lego Movie) support Gravity Falls alum Mike Rianda in his feature directorial debut. Rianda’s brand of wacky humor sets this humans vs. robots film up for a great time, if the company can set a release date.
5) Encanto (Disney) 
Zootopia’s Byron Howard leads director team Jared Bush and Charise Castro Smith in this musical super power story set in Colombia, coming this fall.
6) Earwig and the Witch (Studio Ghibli/GKIDS)
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Goro Miyazaki, son of legendary Hayao Miyazaki and director in his own right, brings Ghibli magic to theaters for the first time in six years. This film differs from its predecessors with stylized cg animation, but the story — an orphaned girl learns she’s the daughter of a witch — promises much of the wonder that one expects of any Ghibli film. 
7) Luca (Pixar) 
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Director Enrico Casarosa debuts with Pixar’s Italian Riviera-set story of friendship between a boy and a boy-shaped sea monster, which arrives this June.
8) Minions 2: Rise of Gru (Illumination/Universal)
We’ve seen Gru’s future and his yellow minions’ past, but finally Illumination highlights the in-between in a villain origin story we hope will be as fun as the first three Despicable Me films.
9) My Father’s Dragon (Cartoon Saloon/Netflix)
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It’s a great year for dragon-lovers, with Cartoon Saloon supplying the first of three feature films about these awesome creatures. Director Nora Twomey brings to life a Newberry-winning book, with help from “Inside Out” scribe Meg LeFauve and writer John Morgan. A boy who runs away to Wild Island finds much more than the captive dragon he sought.
10) Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (Netflix/Jim Henson)
Another ambition animated feature from Netflix, Pinocchio sets itself apart from other versions of the folk tale in its look — stop-motion by Jim Henson’s studio — and feel, with Guillermo del Toro’s signature dark brilliance under veteran director Robert Zemeckis’ helm. This will not be very family friendly.
11) Raya and the Last Dragon (Disney) 
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A warrior seeks the legendary last dragon hundreds of years after those mythical creatures saved her world from the same evil threat they now face. Coming to theaters and Disney+ (for a fee) in March.
12) Robin Robin (Netflix/Aardman)
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This animated musical holiday special comes from the minds behind Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep. It may be a long way from December now, but we’re ready for some stop-motion Christmas fun, especially when the story follows a bird raised by mice. 
13) Ron’s Gone Wrong (Disney/20th Century/Locksmith)
Female-led production company Locksmith brings its first animated feature to life under Disney-owned 20th Century (Fox), “Ron’s Gone Wrong.” Set in a world where every child has its own robot assistant, a boy tries to fix his faulty robot this April.
14) Rumble (Paramount/ReelFX)
Based on a graphic novel by Rob Harrell, this film explores the challenges of a world where humans coach monsters in pro wrestling. Yes, really. We’ll see where it goes in May.
15) Sing 2 (Illumination/Universal)
Buster and his band of musical animals return with visions of stardom, or at least attempts to persuade a certain rockstar to join them in this sequel to the Animals’ve Got Talent film, expected in December.
16) Space Jam: A New Legacy (Warner Bros/WAG)
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LeBron James joins the Looney Tunes in this not-quite-sequel to the 1990s classic live-action hybrid film. We’re especially looking forward to prolific voice actor Eric Bauza’s performance as Bugs Bunny, among other Looney favorites! 
17) The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run (Nickelodeon/Paramount)
After teasing us with seemingly infinite ads for this film, we’ve been waiting some time for the newest SpongeBob feature film in the United States, which arrives on CBS All-Access and video-on-demand services in February. The story of SpongeBob and Patrick’s journey to save the snail-napped Gary has already premiered in Canadian theaters and in other countries on Netflix.
18) Tom and Jerry (Warner Bros/WAG)
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The live-action/CG hybrid film bring Tom and Jerry to the big screen and HBO Max this February. When Jerry accidentally crashes “the wedding of the century,” Tom is hired to get rid of the mouse, reigniting the famous rivalry and uncovering a secret plot in the process.
19) Vivo (Sony Animation)
Lin-Manuel Miranda delivers Sony’s first animated musical, about a capuchin monkey with big dreams, this June.
20) Wendell and Wild (Netflix)
“Nightmare Before Christmas’” own Henry Selick returns to stop-motion to direct Netflix’s adventure story of two demon brothers (Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele) who escape the Underworld.
21) Wish Dragon (Sony Animation)
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An old teapot transforms college student Din’s meager life into something fantastic when he discovers Long, a Wish Dragon, inside. 
- Courtney
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oonajaeadira · 4 years
The Mandalorian Tarot: Major Arcana
If you’re following me, you know this is a Mandalorian obsessive account. I love the man, I love the show, I write a Mando-fando that is all about pining and touch. I tend to go all in when I have an interest. 
Another one of my interests? Tarot. A friend challenged me to Mandalorify the major arcana. And because Jon and Dave know their stuff and are good with archetypes (which is all tarot really is), it was an easy fit.
But. I can’t draw, so I’ve dreamed them in words and included the Rider-Waite-Smith deck illustrations that I would riff on if I could.
(All tarot illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith. All Mandalorian images property of Star Wars/Disney.)
UPDATE! @heathenashtattoos​ has taken up where I cannot and is making these cards a reality! I will post them individually and come back to link them to this post as we go.
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The story of the tarot is the Fool’s journey, the arc of becoming. So it makes sense to me that Din would be the fool. Fits even better, since he has tremendous Fool energy in his himbo tendencies, just rushing forward into situations without a lot of planning--he’ll deal with it when he’s in it--ready to rely on others to show him the way or guide/help him to the next step.
If I could draw: Din on the cliff, with his jetpack on, meaning he has no fear of falling. Instead of the bindle-stick the Fool carries, he’d have his pulse rifle slung over his shoulder. Instead of the dog nipping at his heels, Grogu. And, of course, the landscape would be Tatooine/Navaro-esque.
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The Magician is someone who is still learning to bend the laws of magic/the Universe, but very adept with their tools. Since Luke is only a few years into his Jedi training at this time, he makes a pretty good Magician.
If I could draw: Luke in his blacks, holding up his lightsaber. The Jedi symbol would replace the infinity sign. 
High Priestess is further along the path of her magic than Magician, and her knowledge is more intuitive, her skills more effortless. Where the Magician is still learning the balance of light and dark, the High Priestess knows the value and pitfalls of both. It was always going to be Ahsoka.
If I could draw: Ahsoka sitting cross-legged in meditation mode, but with eyes open and a knowing smile. Instead of two pillars, she holds her lightsabers up and parallel to each other.
The Empress is the mother figure, the energy in the universe that provides all that is needed and embodies the energy of creation. I can see the argument for Omera being the Empress--mostly because she is a mom and she’s soft and a lot of people see the Empress as a soft female figure, I get it. (And if I were to do a minor arcana, girl would show up as one of the Queens for sure.) But in the end, I gave it to Peli because she’s a recurring character, more relevant in his story, and if Din is the Fool, Peli is more an Empress to him. She’s able to be the provider of his particular needs; services to his ship to get him up flying, contact and location information, and she’s always willing to care for Grogu whenever she gets the chance.
If I could draw: Peli sitting in the dock, against the R4 unit, holding aloft a spanner and surrounded by her pit droids.
The Emperor is all about authority. And all I gotta say about Boba is BIG DICK ENERGY.
If I could draw: Just put him on the Jabba throne and let him lounge like a badass.
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The Hierophant is the keeper of traditions and a spiritual guide. As the leader of the covert and keeper of the Way, The Armorer fits.
If I could draw: The Armorer, framed by her forge, holding aloft her tools, with Mandalorian acolytes. Instead of the crossed keys at the bottom, let’s just have a mythosaur skull.
This should be obvious and I will fight anyone who says it isn’t the right thing to do. I will die for this.
If I could draw: I would actually depart from the Smith depiction and just draw them embracing or holding each other by the arms and staring into each others’ eyes. Some kind of glowing background? Maybe the egg tank?
Oh. You thought I was going to say the Razor Crest, didn’t you. Don’t worry, I have plans for our beloved craft, but it ain’t here. The Chariot can be a ride, yes, but it’s about victory. Sometimes it’s about the victory over your inner “beastly” natures. To travel to the next phase in the journey, the Fool must take on the beasts that drive the Chariot and claim dominance over them, and when he does, they will carry him to the next level. Since it’s the victory of the beastly mudhorn that brings Din to his bond with Grogu and becomes his signet, Mudhorn for the win.
If I could draw: Again, I’d probably play on Smith’s imagery, put the charging mudhorn in the middle, and replace the rams with Din on his knees brandishing the vibroblade and Grogu in his pram with his Force hand up.
Don’t come at me about including Cara. I am glad Gina got shown the door and I lose no love on that bigot. But. Cara is not Gina and to cut her out is to cut out Jon and Dave’s creation and I won’t do it.  I actually love her a lot--she’s got her flaws, but she’s sassy and strong and solid, and I would happily accept a piggyback ride from her any day. She’s also a major player in Din’s story and deserves a spot in it. Strength comes after the Chariot--once you’ve conquered the beast within, you have confident dominion over it and it becomes a companion or a tool for your use. Cara is one with her toughness, she’s used it to do some good and bad shit in her past, and she continues to wield it effortlessly and fearlessly. She is absolutely this card.
If I could draw: I would put her maybe sitting on top of the downed ATST. I’d replace the infinity symbol over her head with the one on her cheek (Rebel Alliance).
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The Hermit is a loner, yes, but in his solitude he looks within, learns from all he’s been through, and becomes wise. He holds aloft a light of wisdom and truth. This was always going to be Kuiil.
If I could drawn: Just our buddy, looking out over the Arvala-7 landscape, holding aloft an in-universe working lamp. No need to get fancy. He would want it to stay simple.
The Wheel is fate. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you’re on top, and sometimes the Wheel crushes you beneath it. You are helpless to its roll and where you’ll land. Storm Troopers are such a sad bunch. They are keepers of Imperial Law on the ground. On a good day, they capture a Rebel or hold off an attack. On a bad day, their Moff just blasts them to make an example.
If I could draw: The wheel would just be the Imperial symbol and there’d be Troopers on and under it. Maybe the one on top is just standing there, looking authoritative. The one underneath has been blasted. Some Wheels have two more figures--one on each side--and I’d add those too. The one on the down-going side would be falling, arms flailing, blaster shooting (if only sound were available, there’d be a Whilhelm scream), and the one on the up-going side would just be dangling by one arm, along for the ride.
Well, it just feels right to make the Marshal into Justice. But it’s not just a literal translation of making sure the right thing gets done and the bad guys are punished. Justice is about wiping away emotion and making decisions with bare truth, looking at every side of the situation and understanding what is really there. And I think Cobb fits this well. He doesn’t want to give up his armor because of what it means for the protection of his people. But he’s willing to consider it, if there’s another way he can protect them. Emotionally, he doesn’t want to deal with the Tusken Raiders, but he does it because he can see it’s the best course of action. He flies into battle with the Krayt Dragon. He gives up his armor without a fight. He makes a fair trade and sees the balance in it because he walks away from the emotion and chooses the best course of action. Cobb Vanth for Justice, errybody.
If I could draw: Cobb in the Fett armor, but with the helmet at his feet. In one hand, a bottle of spotchka. In the other, the Tusken mushroom drinky thing; he’s holding them with equal balance.
The Hanged Man is not just about a dude who’s hanging upside down. (If that was the case, I would have just gone with Gor Koresh and called it a day.) Hanged Man is about changing your perspective to see things in a new way so you can grow. Many times, this growth also requires sacrifice. Over the two episodes we see Mayfeld, we know he goes from Imperial sharp shooter, to traumatized deserter, to merc, prisoner, and exonerated friend. He’s seen some shit, given up a lot, and he’s willing to see how he can be a help to others and find redemption for himself.
If I could draw: Hear me out. Take the image of Mayfeld hanging upside down from the Crest hatch into the prison ship. Mirror that above with an image of him in his Imperial Ground Transport gear. Flip it all upside down so bad Mayfeld up top, good Mayfeld on bottom, images mirrored but inverted, hence “looking at things a new way and getting everything a little topsy-turvey.”
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Death is about transformation, so it’s not always the most sinister card. But Death does not discriminate. It comes for us all, constantly stalking, and it will strike you down to serve its needs. You need to face Death to get to your redemption. But really, Gideon is our big baddie here, so why the hell not.
If I could draw: I would forgo the Smith illustration and go for the Marseilles tradition on this one. Gideon and the Darksaber replaces Death and the scythe.
Temperance is the transformation that comes after Death. Once Death has chopped your physical being into pieces with his scythe, Temperance is there to take all your pieces and put them back together into something new and better. It’s also a card that asks you to re-evaluate your priorities and see if you can find better motivations than you previously had. IG’s death and reprogramming speak loudly to me on this.
If I could draw: IG pouring the tea.
Here’s another baddie card that’s all about your worst faults, about excess and giving into the stuff that will eventually kill your soul. The Client holds on hard to the Empire, doing whatever he’s ordered to do to be one of the top dogs. And in the end, it doesn’t matter. Gideon takes him down like he’s nothing.
If I could draw: The client, wearing his Empire bling, with chains around Doctor Pershing and a rough-looking Storm Trooper.
I don’t know about you, but Chapter 14 killed me. And not because the Dark Troopers flew away with Grogu. We all knew Din would never stop at getting him back. But when the Crest was destroyed, it was like someone punched me in the soft parts, and I made a lot of severely anguished noises. The Tower is the most tragic card in the tarot. It’s when forces beyond your control make a very big (and usually negative) impact in your life and everything changes. You are left to pick up the pieces and survive any way you can with the skills and resources you’ve been blessed with.
If I could draw: Just that moment of the ray hitting our beautiful Crest, just as it begins to break apart, maybe with Din, Boba, and Fennec watching in horror in the foreground.
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The Star is hope. It comes after the biggest tragedy in the deck to tell you that not all is lost. There is always something there to live for. C’mon, kids. In this series, there was only one choice.
If I could draw: Just Grogu. Maybe drinking his soup. Or maybe he’s levitating his metal ball overhead, reaching up to it with a smile on his face. *coos*
We all like Bo Katan, sure. But remember my Clone Wars/Rebels fiends, she was Death Watch, and they were terrorists. She sided with Maul to take over Mandalore. Sure, she’s come a long way and her path is a bit more honorable now, but she’s got an agenda, which makes her hard to trust. Since the Moon is about more feminine energies and has themes of illusion and deception--things look great in the moonlight, but maybe not as they really are--Bo Katan’s our girl.
If I could draw: Head and shoulders profile, double-imaged so you see her face, but her Nite Owl helmet superimposed in profile over it. Nite Owl signet on the bottom. Possibly flanked by her two Nite Owl cronies.
Everything's sunny when Greef’s around! He’s the feel-good gramps that’s going to make any situation A-Ok! If you’ve got a problem, Greef can sort it out...or he knows someone who can! The sun is always gonna shine on you and take you back.
If I could draw: Just Greef smiling and being cheesy with the halo of the sun around him. 
This card traditionally shows the resurrected rising from the grave, ready to be judged. Fennec’s got a lot to answer for in her life, but she is being given a second chance, and my number one girl crush is going to do new and wonderful badass things with it.
If I could draw: I’d either just show her opening her gut pocket to show her new works, all full of aura, with her looking down at it reverently. OR I might do a scene of her being rescued by Boba.
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Din’s helmet is the world he lives in. But it’s also a symbol of The Way. The World represents completion, a wholeness of self and being, the end of the journey. And since Din is our Fool, his journey is an exploration of his morals and honor, what it means to walk the way of the Mandalore, and what the meaning of the helmet is for him. He may choose ultimately to keep it on and go all-in on Mandalorian-4-lyfe (Child of the Watch style), or he may understand that the helmet is just a symbol and the honor was in him all along; he can wear it or not wear it and it’s all the same.
If I could draw: The World usually depicts a circle or sphere of some kind, the symbol of perfect completion. The helmet is close enough, so it takes up the center. Traditionally, there are four symbols in the corners that give more meaning to The World, and I would replace them with The Razor Crest, Grogu, the Mudhorn Signet, and the pulse rifle or blaster. These represent his home, his foundling, his clan, and his religion, all of which make up more of the whole; what it means to him to be Mandalorian.
Challenge accepted and faced. 
Adira dops her witchy mic….
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Do you have any headcanons about a more YA Pearl Princess rewrite?
This movie is full of potential!
YA Pearl Princess Headcanons
Kuda isn't a talking seahorse. Lumina pretended she could speak to feel less lonely.
Lumina's sheltered upbringing left her with social inadequacies she was old enough to be aware of, but not experienced enough to fix.
Lumina spent a large portion of her waking hours overcome by the desire for something more: the desire for friends, the desire to belong.
At night, she dreams of flurries of pearls. She jolts awake to her dreams manifesting themselves into reality. The pull to use her powers has become so great, the pearls she tries to suppress on her aunt's instructions during the day overtake her room at night.
She is confused and frightened by this change. When she was younger, her pearls came very rarely. She tries asking Scylla about it, but her aunt shuts the subject down immediately.
Previously an obedient niece, Lumina becomes agitated by the lack of answers. She snaps at her aunt. Her pearls glow an angry shade of red.
Ashamed by emotions she was never taught how to handle, Lumina recedes into fantasies she is aware are childish. She dreams of being a princess: always serene and in control of her emotions and powers.
Little does she know, the king and queen are locked away in their castle mourning their own lost princess. Scylla's homeschooling program conveniently omitted most information about the royal family.
The outside world knows the truth. After the disappearance of the baby princess, the king and queen took on a reclusive lifestyle. The Commanding General, Caligo, adopted royal responsibilities in their stead. At first, the general public was willing to believe he was doing this for the good of the kingdom.
After the first few years, it became apparent Caligo was encouraging the royals' seclusion to secure the throne for his son, Fergis. The capital was in a constant state of mourning from missing their leaders, the young princess, and fear for the future of the kingdom.
The light of the capital was visibly dimmer too. One of the heirs to the royal pearl magic ability was too far away to help power the city. This heir was presumably the dead princess.
Scylla is contacted by one of Caligo's lackeys. A ball is to take place to find Fergis a wife before his inevitable coronation. Caligo wants the poison expert nearby in case the king and queen are tempted to ruin his plans. If Scylla doesn’t comply, Caligo will reveal that she was the one responsible for the princess’s death.
Scylla is summoned to the capital about a month in advance. Lumina is left on her own for significant amount of time for the first time she can remember. She tries to follow Scylla’s instructions at first, but she gives in and follows the pull of her pearl magic far away from her home.
After journeying through dangerous locations, Lumina makes it to the capital of Seagundia.
Spirits are high. The city is full of energy not felt for several years. No one knows why, but many suspect the king and queen’s decision to re-enter the public eye means they must be in better moods, boosting the magical energy of the city.
Lumina is overwhelmed by all the new aspects of the city. She soon learns how much Scylla forgot to teach her: you need money to survive, for one thing.
She finds employment at a salon. Though she can’t use her pearl magic outright (she trusts Scylla’s assertion that others would harm her if they knew about it), Lumina uses the faintest traces of her magic to add a pearly sheen to her clients’ hair. This makes her popular enough to earn enough to sustain her for the time being.
Her coworkers are bewildered but intrigued by this seemingly clueless girl. She’s awkward yet outgoing; smart yet uninformed; creative yet rigid in her understanding (or lack thereof) of things like social cues. They befriend her, and when they find out Lumina has been sleeping behind the salon, they take turns letting her stay in their homes.
Lumina learns of the ball. Things are busy at work in preparation of the event. When Lumina gets a chance to get ready herself alongside those she works with, she is reminded of her princess fantasies. Reality hits her when she realizes Scylla didn’t tell her why she left. She could be home right now, unaware of Lumina’s whereabouts and safety. These past weeks had flown by so quickly, Lumina almost forgot about her previous, lonely life. She promises herself she’ll return home after the ball, at least long enough to explain herself. 
She is struck with a bittersweet emotion as she watched Cora and Sandrine adjust her jewelry in the mirror. Here were the friends she always wanted, but she might have to leave them forever.
They arrive at the ball. Cora and Fergis get along right away. He takes her aside to show her his collection of rare and exotic plants. 
Sandrine mingles with numerous strangers. Lumina gets overwhelmed by all the new people and looks for her in the crowd. 
In the process, she encounters Scylla. Too surprised to keep up any sort of pretense, they both start asking the other her purpose of being there. Caligo notices this. Believing Lumina has joined Scylla to double cross him, he orders his personal guards to quietly put Lumina away. She is placed in the dungeon. Caligo tells Scylla she will be released if Scylla poisons the king during a toast later in the night.
Thinking she would not actually have to do any poisoning tonight, Scylla excuses herself. Caligo made her brew some poisons in front of him weeks ago, and she ventures into his quarters to gather some concentrated stonefish venom she had concocted there.
Caligo remembered his henchman mentioning Scylla hiding her teenage “niece” during his visit. Something was wrong here.
It came time for the toast. Sensing a slight odor from his own cup of thick nectar, Caligo switched his cup with the king’s. He did this several times, unable to read Scylla’s reaction.
Lumina escaped from the dungeon using her pearl magic. She swam down the corridors in a panic until she bumped into Cora in the middle of a romantic moment with Fergis. Lumina hurriedly explained that she wasn’t safe. Fergis saw the trail of magical pearls coming from her hands. This was the true heir. She could take the throne, and he could pursue the quiet life he longed for. He begged her to come to the ballroom with him. Lumina obliged, sensing his urgency. Cora held onto Fergis’s hand as he swam as fast as he could to where the toast was taking place.
The force of the young mers’ rushed swimming was so great, it caused a rippple that knocked over the king’s cup. Caligo tried to offer his own. As he tipped it towards his brother-in-law, he noticed faint bubbles in the nectar: a telltale sign of stonefish venom. Scylla rushed forward to stop him just as Fergis, Cora, and Lumina entered the ballroom.
Caligo was prepared for such a situation. He made a subtle motion to one of his guards. The guard stabbed Scylla in the back with a venom-tipped spear. There was a reason Caligo asked for the poison to be made in his own quarters.
Overcome by emotion, Lumina made a giant pearl shield. She sat in shock inside it along with Cora, Fergis, and the dying Scylla.
Lumina recognized the appearance of the poison: stonefish venom. Her aunt had taught her about all sorts of poisons.
She yelled out this realization. Fergis looked up with a glint in his eye. He had just the thing they needed: a lily he had included in a bouquet he’d given Cora earlier in the night. Cora quickly removed the flower from a bundle in her satchel. Lumina administered the flower to Scylla, and she was revived. Lumina joyfully embraced her. The pearl shield now enveloped just the two of them.
Then Scylla shared her true history. Lumina was the princess she was asked to dispose of all those years ago. As more of the story was unveiled, Lumina shed fluorescent pearl tears. The pearl shield bubbled away.
When Lumina became aware of her surroundings, she was shocked to find Fergis and Cora were holding Caligo in place. Fergis was telling the king and queen of his father’s schemes. Caligo was too shocked to argue. He didn’t know his son knew of half his plans.  It turned out his son wasn’t half as dull as he thought. Maybe he would have made a decent king after all. It didn’t matter. Caligo and his treacherous guards were taken to the dungeon to be dealt with later. A cauldron of incriminating venom was found in Caligo’s room.
For now, the king and queen rejoiced in the discovery of their daughter. They placed the Pearl of the Sea on her neck. It was originally placed on a pedestal in the center of the room for Fergis to wear after the toast, but now it glowed brilliantly, revealing the true heir of the kingdom. The entire city was intensely illuminated, and a surge of energy flowed through all its inhabitants.
Lumina transformed. Pearls spun themselves in her hair, and her tail shifted colors like none had ever seen. When she came down from her transformation, she felt the calmest she ever had. Things would be different, but she knew she belonged. She knew she would never be lonely again.
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