#been talking to this guy i hooked up with like twice and i wish i could Feel something
samofmine · 4 months
is love even real outside of fictional codependent incestuous brothers
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satosugusandwich · 7 months
𝔏𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔢 𝔜𝔬𝔲’𝔯𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔞𝔫…
True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Afab!Reader (This is an AU!!! Sukuna is not a homicidal maniac cannibalistic murderer! I think he’s sexy and my morals say no dick from crazy murderer BUT dick from crazy 😍)
CW: violence in this chapter, threats, bloodiness, implied sexual violence and objectification
Description: You've been friends with Yuji Itadori for some time now and have seen the best, the worst, and the strange in all your years of knowing him. You've never thought he was one to have any crazy secrets and well... you were wrong. And now the demon bound to Yuji is bound to you too! How fun! Good thing that you aren't stupid and won't fall for a being that by no means should you have ever interacted with! Right? Right...?
*despite this being an aged up version of yuji, there will be no sexual stuff involving him, also the violence is only in the first chapter with a few mentions after that!!! Cross posted on Ao3 under Spicycrunchroll! THERE WILL BE LOTS OF SMUT LATER ON!*
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Chapter 1: Never Again.
Poor you, stuck with a gay best friend and his gay boyfriend and exclusively terrible, gross men. The struggle of getting a good man was hard enough, let alone getting some good dick. Even gay men will tell you how bad some dudes are. Its one thing to finish in 2 minutes and cry after, at least there's sympathy, but a whole other thing to just be kicked out of the guy's house immediately and left wearing d r y panties with cum on your shorts. Yeah, never hooking up again, you tell yourself each time. Now, you found yourself wiping the oil off your face with a clammy hand while dialing Yuji's number, having just been booted out this guys house in the middle of the night. It rang only about twice before he picked up.
"Please don't tell me something bad happened." He said on the other line.
You sighed, walking to the end of your date's driveway and sitting on the ground. "Worse than usual. Can you pick me up? I'll send you the address." Your head hung low and your eyes felt heavy, wanting to cry but not having the energy to do so. At this point, you're never fucking anyone again. Let alone agreeing to suck them off before you get off. "I should've known that all his talk were lies."
You could hear him breathe in. "Yeah, I'm coming. Wanna stay over?" He asked jubilantly, as if to raise your spirits.
You smiled softly. "Could you stay at my place instead?"
"Hell yeah!"
You said your goodbyes and opened your phone, aimlessly scrolling on social media while looking for something to distract you from the disappointment of being used up and left to the corner, dehumanized again by a shitty man with a big ego. God, it made you sick. It wouldn't take long for Yuji to get to you, but it wasn't fun waiting either. Each minute ticked on by as if an hour had passed and all you wanted to do was throw away your shorts and shower off the stench of vape juice and alcohol. You didn't want to get in his car and start sobbing about how you wished you never did what you did, not because Yuji wouldn't listen, but because of your own embarrassment. Itadori has always been kind and much more level-headed (at least with this, he's usually just as stupid as you) so its extra embarrassing to have to tell him you sucked off a guy who didn't even get you wet. At least he was clean, you tell yourself, deleting Tinder from your phone for the last time. Never again will you take subpar dick from grown men who act like children! No, from now on, your body only allows worthy men, men that would worship you like you'd worship them!
After sulking for another five minutes, the engine of a car in the distance rumbled in your ear. Straightening your back, your head turned in the direction of where it’s approaching. It’s approaching way too fast for a regular suburban neighborhood. Rising to your feet to take a step back, it already turned down the street you happened to be on and you could hear sirens go off in your head, especially as you noticed that none of their lights were on and they definitely didn’t have tags. The van sped past you but they started to slow down before they reached the end of the street. You felt your heart rate surge when you realized they came to a complete stop. At that moment you realized that they were turning around.
Quickly, your legs brought you to the house you had just left and you banged on the door for a few seconds and screamed.
“Hey! Let me back in!!! It’s not safe!” The roar of the car started again and your intuition told you to run so that’s what you did.
Fuck, who knows who these mother fuckers are! Your mind is racing thinking about what they could potentially do if they caught you. Did they know you were here? Did they just happen to see you? Or… did the motherfucker inside of that house tell them you were here? Oh fuck… that’s why he kicked you out.
Tears started falling from your eyes as you ran through these people’s yards, you could see lights coming on in some houses, but it was no use because the car behind you stopped and three men came out the side door. You prayed that your human survival instincts would kick in and catapult you to go faster than you were, but they were bigger than you and right on your tail. Your legs ached and burned, practically sprinting and trying not to trip in the road. You didn’t dare look behind you, scared to slow yourself down, and scared of them. You kept on running and running until you reached the end of the road and saw headlights.
“Yuji!” You screamed, recognizing the shape and color of his car. With you out in the road, he stopped abruptly and you could see his body jerk with the impact. The men behind you cursed themselves but you felt hands on you faster than Yuji could process what was going on.
“Get her now! He’s coming behind us we’ll throw her in!” The man lifted you and you screamed again, but a hand swiftly covered your mouth. Yuji was out of the car and lunged at the guy holding you captive but was quickly stopped and apprehended by the other two.
“The kid has some fucking balls!” The biggest of the guys holding Yuji shouted, earning a strong blow to the chin. You thrashed against the man’s body as the large van from earlier came up right behind you.
Yuji looked at you as blood dripped from his nose. “Y/n! I got it, I promise!”
You held out hope and believed him even as you were thrown inside the van and the driver pulled away from the scene, leaving the two men with Yuji and you with a man wearing all black pressing you into the floor of the van. Tears spilled from your eyes, angered and terrified at the same time.
“Looks like we got a real good catch!” The driver harrumphed. “Bet she’ll go for a pretty penny.”
Your mind practically stopped when you heard those words. You were going to be sold, like an object, like a slave. The horror of it all made your body go numb and eyes go wide and then you closed them.
“Please.” You begged. “Please let me go.” Your voice was hoarse and you could taste your own tears as your mouth opened.
“No can do. We were told that you’d fetch a high price with your skills. Don’t worry, some girls get a good owner.” His voice was menacing and cold, but he spoke as though he actually fucking believed it. He didn’t even laugh at your pain like a monster would, he was just indifferent, emotionless.
“Please.” You begged again. “I can’t do it, please let me out!” This time your voice raised. “Help!” Your mouth was stuffed with cloth and your face was buried more into the floor as he bound your wrists.
The driver started to chastise the other man. “Why didn’t you gag her right away, the dumb bitch is louder than a dying cat!”
The other man cussed back. “Shut the fuck up, there isn’t nobody coming after us!”
The van stopped so fast you and the man were flung to the front of the car, colliding with the back of the front seats.
“What the fuck!” The man that was holding you down swore. His arms were now off you and the bindings he attempted were loose enough that you released your wrists and went for your gag. “No you don’t!” He reached for your clothes, yanking you back. Before you were held against your will again, the entire van split down the middle, from door to door. The back half of the van was flung off to the side before it became a cut up mess in the middle of the road.
Then you saw him. His hair was the same color as Yuji’s but was much less controlled. You could see what looked like four arms and a giant smiling mouth in the middle of his stomach. Every single person in the van went still and silent, staring at him. The creature looked inside and dead at you, bright red eyes gleaming in the moonlight. All four of them. Even the two on the side of his face that looked almost like a mask. He can’t be real. The tattoos all over his body were arranged in such a pattern that it was beautiful but something that scared you even more.
The creature spoke. “Now.” His gaze shifted from you to the man holding you. “I prefer it when I can get a good fight out of my opponents, but you lot are pathetic.” He looked disappointed. “Normal humans…”
No one spoke and he pouted. “Not a single retort? None of you pathetic excuses of flesh can say a word? You had a lot to say about selling the woman, can’t you entertain me? Or are your brains so simple you can’t think outside of making money off selling one of your own?”
Their own? Did he mean… humans?
The man behind you was shaking. And you could definitely feel his pants getting wet.
The creature before you sucked his teeth. “Boooring.” He narrowed his eyes. “And pathetic.” The vehicle was slashed once again, this time cutting into thirds, leaving you and the man holding you isolated in the middle while the other two thirds, including the driver collapsed around you. You heard squelches of flesh from the front and gasping. “You said she sounded like a dying cat, hm? Since you prefer the quiet so much, I thought I’d help you.” The creature chuckled.
The man holding you finally let you go, and he turned around to see the driver. You didn’t look. You knew what the creature did. Scurrying away, you realized headlights were approaching again and… it was Yuji!
“Ahhh, the brats already here. Well, I can’t kill you lot so how about I leave the piss-soaked one with a lesson.”
You didn’t know if you should thank the monster or run from him. You decided to run toward Yuji’s car.
Another crack resounded in your ears and then a gut-chortling scream resounded from behind you. “There we are. Something nice and fast. I hope they don’t find you until the morning.” You didn’t want to know what he did, you didn’t want to dare to turn around, all you cared about was the car door opening for you and Yuji’s comforting presence.
He looked so relieved to see you. “Y/n. I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Don’t worry about those guys. I got you now. Sukuna won’t kill them, he can’t, but they’ll never ever do anything like that again to anyone.” Those were the first words to meet your ears. You didn’t say anything, all you did was sob in the seat next to him as he drove off and away from the scene. You didn’t ask anything. You didn’t want to. All that mattered was getting the fuck away from this and home and into a clean bed.
You could care about this later.
“I would’ve killed them if it wasn’t for this contract.” Your heart jumped out of your chest as the monster’s voice resounded in the backseat. “Sorry you don’t get the pleasure of knowing they’re dead.”
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horseshoegirl · 5 months
Set Me Alight: Part 8 - Salt and The Sea
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📜Everyone has been on a Bob kick lately (I think), so this is coming right when it should! Let's see how Grace and Bob feel about all this. Shall we? 👀
‼️ - +18, Minors DNI, Strong Language, Original Female Character (s), Bradley Bradshaw x Natasha Trace, Bob Floyd x Original Female Character (This is all in their perspective), Third Person Pov for this one, Angst, mentions of bullying, hurt, overheard fights, preventing a panic attack, frustration, and Grace being sad and done with Bullshit. 
Part 7 | Masterlist | Part 9
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Present Day
Sixteen hours.
That's how long Bob's carefully guarded, carefully constructed walls took to crumble after all these years.
There was an inkling the night before as he settled into his tent, a feeling that knocked once or twice from the inside of his chest. It wasn't there when he woke up this morning or during the trek here to the falls.
But the second Grace raced up behind him, everyone watching Veronica climb out of the water, that feeling returned. It seemed no longer content to sit around and wait for Bob to figure out why it had.
Grace grasped his hand, pulling herself to hide behind his body so she could stifle her giggles into the back of his shoulder. Bob couldn't help the few snorts that shook through his body either. However, he pitied Javy, watching as he tried to console his girlfriend, who was stomping her foot like a three-year-old child over the fact that her makeup had been ruined.
The both of them couldn't say it wasn't an unwelcome sight. They knew what Maeve had done, catching her hooking something onto the loop of Veronica's jeans, knowing it was damn well meant for Jake. Though the pair knew better than to act on it, they imagined themselves holding up a fist to the air, like in the Breakfast Club, silently praising the act of Karma on her behalf.
Maybe even quietly counting tallies next to her name in Bob's traveller's journal.
Maeve needed a win. A big win against one of those two. They weren't going to say shit about it. They only wished, deep down, they could have helped.
But when Bradley had taken her by the arm, leading her way, another knock, this time harder, thumped in his chest. Another followed it. And another, until that feeling morphed into what Bob could only describe as a white-hot pain, burning every nerve in the pit of his stomach.
Bob knew what was about to happen.
While there hadn't been much to discuss, Bradley had pulled all the guys together after Maeve went to bed last night to discuss his proposal. Standing in that circle, Bob realized it had been more of a pep talk than anything else.
Everyone already had a predetermined role—some part to play in helping Nat get to the right spot. Bob and Grace merely had to act surprised, with the rest of the group save Jake, Maeve, and Rueben, when they eventually emerged from the bush, a shiny new ring hopefully on her finger.
It was a horrible plan, he had thought then. He knew—more so than most—that involving Jake and Maeve in such an event would only result in disaster. He even had said as much to Grace when he turned in for the night, climbing into their shared tent.
Grace merely highlighted Nat's inconsiderate behaviour regarding her feelings, turning her back to him as she settled into her sleeping bag. The action was so absolute, so final, they said nothing else about it the rest of the night.
But laying awake, staring at Grace's back, Bob couldn't help but think about it. Grace was right. With all the shit Jake and Maeve threw at each other since the moment they had met, Nat would have to be completely stupid not to realize just how fucked up it was not to tell Maeve Jake would be coming on this trip.
It wasn't the first time Grace brought it up, either. Bob knew how his girlfriend felt about Nat, Maeve, the entire group, their inability to stand up for her, and their failure to separate themselves from Nat.
He'd be lying if he hadn't felt the same at one point or another.
But Bob knew why everyone didn't, why he didn't, and why, even to some extent, Jake didn't either, even if he was more verbal about it than anyone else.
From behind the scenes, everyone tried to protect Maeve and themselves from a fallout with Natasha. Not the fallout itself but the aftermath. At that point, he had rolled on his back, trying to figure it all out from the safety and privacy of his tent.
But who was he kidding? There was nothing to figure out.
Nat's scandal was an anvil, and her history and behaviour were hanging over every person in the group by a single thread. Even in the years since it happened, since they had all left school and Grace and Cora joined the group, it still had everyone in a chokehold.
And Maeve was oblivious to it all.
Bob wasn't sure when it happened, but it became an unspoken agreement to protect Maeve from that truth. So they were burying it to keep the peace—at least, everyone but Bradley. Bob couldn't say what was happening inside his friend's head, nor would he ask him.
But nobody would go out of their way to upset the group's 'supposed' hierarchy—not when real friendships and relationships, whether made with Nat's influence or not, were at stake.
Maeve had to deal with the brunt of it, and Bob would regret it every day for the rest of his life.
No kind words or assurances could help the cluster of nerves swimming in Bob's stomach when Grace hooked her arm through his. Leading him to a section of the pond free from tourists, she wanted to avoid the temper tantrum Javy and Rueben, to an extent, would have to deal with. Seeing fish in the water earlier and knowing Bob would get a kick out of trying to identify them, she welcomed the distraction.
But as the pair searched through their books to match the first fish they saw, the first shout vibrated through the air, and Bob felt like he was going to hurl.
There was no mistaking it for what it was. Nat was, for lack of a better word, shitting on Maeve and Jake. It was loud. It was scary. And no matter where anyone went, it was impossible to block out the noise.
They stood there, staring down at the words and diagrams in their books, no longer interested in the fish, scared any movement or action would have them on a chopping block. Though her eyes blurred, Grace was sure there were no more fish to look at anyway, for they, too, would have felt the noise vibrate against the water and would have been scared away.
At least they felt like they were able to.
When it finally fell silent, Grace nervously reached for Bob's hand. She led them away from the water through a tiny gap in the bush, deep into the forest. She didn't dare stop, walking blindly for minutes until she saw a little nook encased by a massive tree.
Its branches hung low, as did those of the surrounding trees. Each covered the space in a vibrant green shade, offering a safe place from the events leading up to this moment. A giant, thick tree root rested above the ground, and Grace pulled Bob down as she sat upon it.
Neither one spoke, nervous to say anything. Birds, the wind and bugs filled this space instead. It could have been hours, though Grace started to play with Bob's fingers only minutes later. He let her slide her fingertips over his skin and grasp around each finger until she smoothly threaded each together. Over and over, she did this, never once altering her pattern or rhythm.
Grace was trying to ground herself. And for Bob, it made everything that much worse.
It had been sixteen hours to the dot since that first knock in his chest. And while Bob had admitted last night and perhaps now that the trip, the excuses, the group dynamic, Nat's behaviour—was hopelessly warped—the truth was he had known for days, months, maybe even years.
He'd simply shoved it all deep down under lock and key, partly for selfish reasons. Sixteen hours was merely all the time it took for that lock to break and for everything to come rushing back to the surface. Because while the person he loved was hurting on behalf of someone else, it was too silent in this forest, even at this distance.
It was the lack of Maeve and Jake tearing each other apart.
"I think something happened to Jake and Maeve," Bob said in a rough voice, finally finding the courage to speak.
Grace's hands froze, not moving an inch. She lifted her head, eyebrows knitting together. Bob didn't meet her gaze, too nervous to look away from their joined hands.
"It's too quiet," he offered softly. "Especially after that."
Grace also dropped her eyes to their hands, biting the inside of her cheek hard. "She'd be tearing into him right now. Forget Nat. Maeve would clear out the whole damn park with a single shout."
Bob nodded absentmindedly, turning his hand to mock Grace's earlier pattern, a silent gesture to let her know he had been paying attention.
"Or she'd be running off to apologize to Nat, and Jake would be seeking us out, tail between his legs."
"Nat should be the one apologizing to her."
Grace's statement was so blunt and sharp that Bob feathered his jaw. And something in that quick movement made a thread in Grace's gentle heart snap.
She tore her hand from Bob's grip and shuffled away from him further down the log. She swallowed hard, refusing to turn back and look at him as she fiddled with a ring on her finger. When Bob went to follow, naturally reaching for her like it was second nature, she shuffled again.
"No," she mumbled lowly, shying away from his touch. Bob frowned, sliding closer once again, softly calling her name. But Grace only pushed herself up from the log, her fists balled and clenched tight. "No!"
She stomped forward a few steps, not wanting to leave the found safety of their little nook. Threading her fingers through her hair, she paced back and forth, trying to count her breath.
She spun wildly, her eyes narrowing, her lips pressing into a thin line, and her jaw clenching. "Don't 'Grace' me," she gritted out behind her teeth.
Bob dropped his forehead into the palm of his hand, his elbow digging hard into his knee. "Don't..."
"Don't what, exactly?" she seethed. "Don't talk about 'it'?
Bob dug his nails into the denim of his jeans - enough to feel a pinch through the fabric on his thigh.
The laugh Grace let out was bitter, morphing into a harsh shout. "Come on, Bob! Cora and I might have been the last ones to join whatever fucked up friend group this is, but Nat couldn't give two shits about Maeve! And it's this unspoken thing nobody talks about. Why?!"
"Don't!" she snapped, stomping her foot, making clumps of dirt fly out in all directions. "I don't care about some fucked up unspoken agreement! I care about Maeve! Don't tell me you don't, Robert?!"
Bob finally lifted his head, though he focused on the way they came, not once meeting his girlfriend's angry stare.
"Bob, so help me... If you say no..."
"You know I do!" he rushed out, shaking his head.
"Then why don't you fucking say something?!" she cried out. "Why doesn't anyone say something?! She's suffering, and nobody does anything!"
She didn't even know she was crying hot, angry tears until she felt one fall off her cheek, a slight cool breeze marking a path on her skin.
"I wanted to. I wanted to, so badly, the first time I noticed it. And you told me not to."
Bob did, and he always wondered if Grace resented him for it.
She sighed, wiping the tears from her face. She paced back and forth a little bit, trying to calm herself down. Because Bob didn't deserve her anger, it was unfair of her to even yell at him in the first place.
Instead, she walked up to the tree, pressing her forehead into the bark, once again trying to count her inhales and exhales.
"When Bradley told me about Nat when he was going to school, I thought she was just a phase. Whenever he called to talk to Dad, I just sat back and wondered. I wondered how long it would take and what the reason behind the break between those two would be."
Grace lifted her head, fixing her eyes on a ladybug climbing the trunk. "You could imagine my surprise when he brought her home for spring break."
She placed her hand on the wood, twisting back to look at her boyfriend. "I never told you this, but I didn't like her the second I met her."
Bob lifted his head to meet her gaze. "Why..?"
"Because she thought I was a threat. That I harboured a crush on Bradley, and I would steal him from her," she shrugged.
Bob's eyes shot up his skull. "... I mean, you two grew up together... did you... ever?"
Grace audibly gagged, adding a few choking noises for a dramatic effect. "He's like my brother, Bob. What the hell?"
He held his hands up in surrender. "I had to ask."
Grace didn't address the remark when she continued, "She treated me horribly that entire week. She sweet-talked my dad and only was nice to me when he was around. Thank God he saw right through her. The second he left, he said that Carole, Bradley's mom, wouldn't have approved. I agreed."
With a narrowed forehead, Bob's mouth gaped open, bobbing like a fish. "Wait... then why did she..."
"Why did she suddenly start inviting me to stuff? It's cause I was dating you. I was no longer a threat. And she acted like she had never done what she did in the first place."
While Bob might have met Grace through work, he was surprised to learn she had grown up with Bradley. How she acted around Bradley bore no resemblance to a long-lasting, familiar childhood friendship. However, the longer he thought about it, the more it made sense—her closed-off and quiet nature when she was around them.
That the first time they saw each other again, all Bradley could manage was a slight nod.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Grace only offered causally, "You'd be surprised at all the stuff that doesn't require your input. Sometimes you gotta leave people to do the lame shit they do and watch them fuck it up on their own."
A ball formed in her throat. "But Maeve... when I met Maeve and saw what was happening, my heart broke. And she is the only exception to what I just said."
Bob knew what was coming next. Like a coward, he braced himself hard.
"You told me not to say anything when I first brought it up. But now? I can't keep doing it. Not after what she just did to them. Not after that."
"Grace... Don't..."
"Maeve is drowning, Bob! Drowning!" she shouted angrily, startling a nearby bird on a branch. "And I can't stand it any longer. We need to find her, grab her, and take her home. Take her away from all this. From Nat, from those two bitches... God, if they gaslight anything else, they could practically set the whole fucking forest on fire."
"You don't believe in swearing, Grace," he deadpanned.
"Maybe I do now!" she cried. "I feel guilty. Guilty Bob! Cause I bit my lip like a good girl when Nat just what? Uses her? Ignores her? Disregard her feelings? Like hell, why didn't she try harder to figure the fuck out why Jake and Meave are at each other's throats?! Or how those two bully the fuck out of her?"
"Maeve wouldn't tell us about Jake when we asked."
"And you don't find it strange she wouldn't?" she challenged him. "Out of everyone in the group, she didn't tell a soul. Why? Why didn't she? Why wouldn't she?!"
Grace's heart was hurting, and she knew Bob truly knew why. He had been around them longer than she had, so there must have been a reason he told her not to. There had to be.
"At first, I thought it was something everyone accepted, you know? That everyone was trying to figure out what had happened between her and Jake. I thought tensions were high because of that."
She blew out a shaky breath, Bob not once interrupting her.
"Maybe it was a fucking game they were playing with each other until they finally worked up the courage to admit they like each other enough to get into each other's pants. Cause whatever the cause, Maeve wouldn't be so goddamn hurt if she didn't care!"
Bob closed his eyes, a huff of a laugh escaping his mouth.
"But last to join the group, right? You have to be quiet. Read the room. Get a sense of how to act and what you can say. Cause learning to fit in with new people, you have to pick up these things. The best way to get along with everyone else. Like how Maeve runs the second Jake walks into the room? How she avoids conversations about him if she can help it?"
Grace blew a raspberry out of pure frustration. "Jake was never the real issue, though. Everyone just made it out to be. Everyone should have noticed how Maeve bit her tongue as Nat walked over her opinions. How Nat derails conversations, not just where Maeve is concerned, but practically with everyone to make it about her."
Grace laughed, shaking her head. "She got the brunt of all of it, and we just... watched."
Grace finally approached Bob, standing before him, though he didn't lift his head from where it hung low on his shoulders. Had he chosen to look up, he would have noticed how the sun finally peeked through the leaves, beams of light breaking the shade, leaving Grace in their spotlight.
"I meant, she invites us all on this trip so we can watch her get proposed to? And she doesn't bother to tell her that Jake is coming along, too? I mean... how selfish can she get?!"
"Grace, this isn't going to solve..."
"WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?!" she yelled, throwing her hands at the sky. "That ship left the fucking dock ages ago."
Bob's eyes fixed on a leaf stuck under a fallen branch at her words. Grace knew from that reaction alone that she had resonated with something within his kind, caring soul.
"I just... can't... I can't anymore, Bob. If I'm the first to take the leap and break up this group, then good fucking riddance. It needs to be done so we all can get some peace."
She slid to her knees in the dirt in front of him, her hands resting firmly on the sides of his thighs.
"How many years have Nat and Maeve known each other, and not once did Nat realize how hard her supposed best friend had been falling? How could she not recognize that, Bob? And how could she continue to force Jake and Maeve together when Maeve just wanted to escape?"
She reached forward to cup his cheek, guiding his gaze to meet hers. While silent rage resonated within them, Bob knew it wasn't meant for him.
"Why did you tell me to be quiet that first time I brought this up? Why do you still tell me, too?"
Bob gulped, forcing his eyes away. Grace stroked her thumb under his eye, encouraging him on. "I don't know what happened, baby, but I don't think it will be all sunshine and rainbows when we return to the group. Not this time. Just tell me, please."
Bob blew out a shakey breath and shook his head. "Because I wanted you to stay."
He had contemplated all the reasons, stacking them up brick by brick last night, refusing to acknowledge the leverage Natasha could have used against him. But Bob had damned himself with that one word.
Stay—He wanted Grace to stay. Because if he brought this up, if he told her, there was a chance she wouldn't—at least, there was a possibility.
He lifted his chin, staring into her eyes.
Nat's so-called leverage was kneeling in front of him, begging him to tell her the truth. Her eyes were desperate, so much so that Bob knew he was possibly damned if he did and undoubtedly damned if he did not. Grace had chosen her path, and he would steadfastly follow her wherever she decided to go.
There was no ever questioning that.
Bob reached for her sides, pulling Grace close between his spread legs. She let him, hands landing softly on his biceps before they slid down to his forearms. Bob traded his grip on her jacket to hold her hands, only to trace the same pattern she had a few minutes before.
He braced himself and took several sharp breaths before asking, "Did anyone ever tell you about Natasha's so-called scandal? Back in school?"
Grace cocked an eyebrow. "Only what Maeve's told me. Bradley and I weren't on speaking terms, and he'd never tell Dad if she had one. Though, Maeve didn't even know the complete story."
She let Bob turn her hand over and trace the lines on the palm of her hand. "But she shut me down hard after that. Saying Nat worked to put it behind her and move on, so we all should, too."
Bob scoffed. "Always protecting her."
Bob hesitated, his gaze flickering away from Grace's expectant eyes. He swallowed hard, the reluctance clear in his tight jaw. Then he closed his eyes, leaning over to whisper in her ear, his voice cautious but a whisper.
Grace's eyes widened, and a gasp slipped through her parted lips at his words. She could hardly breathe as he told her the story. And when he was finished, she tilted so far back on her heels in shock that she almost fell onto her butt.
"Bob! What the hell? After everything I just told you?!"
Bob still hadn't opened his eyes, his head hung low in shame.
"I would have never left you over that! Over complete and utter bullshit? Who do you think I'd believe more? Her or my boyfriend?"
"I didn't know. I didn't want to risk losing you."
"You listen here, Bob Floyd," Grace urged, grabbing his face with both hands and forcing him to look at her. "I'm in a relationship with you. I love you. I would have never believed her if she had done that to us."
He kissed the inside of Grace's wrist, a deep weight lifting off his chest.
"God, I want to throttle her."
"I think that's why everyone doesn't call her out. Cause they don't want it to happen to them. Or at least, deep down, I never did 'cause I didn't want Maeve or Bradley to be alone with..."
Grace nodded, letting Bob know he did not need to continue explaining.
"We should try to find her, Bob. Let her know we love her and that we'd follow her. I have no idea if anyone else would besides Mickey and Cora. Hell, I'd even offer to leave with her and get drunk on her Aunt's apple cider 'cause this whole damn trip was a bad idea."
Bob huffed a sad laugh. "It is apple picking season. I bet she'd love it if we went with her."
Grace snorted. "You just want free apples so I can make my apple crisp."
With the tension from before gone and the weight of Bob's chest finally disappearing with his confession, he joked comedically, "Ssshh, don't jinx it."
Grace rolled her eyes, letting the moment pass before offering quietly, "Where do you think she is? Maeve?"
Bob regarded her for a moment before letting out a long sigh. "Considering the lack of voices, Maeve's probably tried to separate herself. Or she made a rash decision and decided to leave alone."
Grace gasped. "What about Jake?"
"Jake ... I bet 50 bucks Jake ran after her regardless."
Her face contorted into one of disgust. "What? Why? Can he not leave her alone for once in his life?"
Bob stood, wiping his hands on his jeans, before extending a hand to Grace. She took it without another word and allowed him to guide her up and off the tree. He revealed yet another truth as he helped her step over the massive root.
"Remember when I went with Bradley and Jake before Maeve hurt her wrist? Jake wanted to show us a fishing spot...?"
Grace winced. When Bob told her what happened, she instantly regretted not being out there with her. Hold up in her tent, she had been working on plans for a museum exhibit. Even if she had to do a little work, she could have at least done it in the company of a friend.
"I found out Bradley's been trying to coach Jake into mending things with Maeve. We might have been giving him some... advice."
Grace froze with her two feet atop the curved piece of wood.
"What!!?" she shrieked, making Bob wince. "Please tell me you weren't the one who encouraged him to keep up the prank thing. Bob, if you told him to scream 'there's a Bear..'."
"It wasn't me! Nor was it Bradley! We just told him to try to talk to her without anyone around. Cause things seem to go to shit when everyone else is there. He just needed to incite her to stay. Make her laugh. Talk to her like a human being!"
"Men," she scoffed, jumping down off the root. "Never go to a group of idiots to do a woman's job."
Bob froze, eyeing her carefully. "Are you calling me an idiot?"
Grace smiled, reaching up to stroke across his cheek. She kissed his lips with a quick peck and leaned back. "Hmm... my idiot, though."
She took several steps back towards the falls when she called out over her shoulder to a befuddled Bob. "You realize if we locked them in a room or trapped them in an elevator, with nobody else around, they'd probably figure it out?"
"How so?" he called back, finally following her.
"Jake obviously wants to fix it. Maeve runs. All you need to do is stop her from running. She'll give in if you provoke her enough, which Jake already does. "
Bob paused, reflecting for a moment. "He doesn't think when it comes to her, does he?"
"Does she?"
When they emerged from the bush, Bob and Grace ran to the first person they saw, hoping at least someone saw either Maeve or Jake. Nobody had. Not until a few minutes later did a couple mention seeing someone bearing her resemblance climbing the waterfall. They also mentioned seeing someone who looked like Nat go up, but she had already come back down.
Grace stared at them in horror. "I'll go get Mickey and Cora," she rushed out quickly, leaving Bob alone to start the trek up the rocky slope. As he did, a million thoughts crossed his mind.
Finding Maeve and Jake tearing each other apart, hoping Mickey and Cora's skills weren't needed. Or the more stupidly optimistic thought - either was trying to find a few moments of peace.
As if.
Or perhaps it was none of those things. Maybe what awaited him above was something far worse than he could ever fathom.
But when he reached the top of the falls, neither Maeve nor Jake were there, and Bob didn't spare the effort to take in the view. Instead, he searched the ground, kneeling when he spied several tracks in the mud.
Two sets, both inherently female, were marked along the river bank in the mud. Bob's eyes followed them until he saw a separate path of them walking back. Then he noticed another pair of tracks, the boot tread clearly belonging to a man. They followed one of the other tracks, veering quickly off into the bushes. They were noticeably disturbed, leaves and branches bent unnaturally, and the longer he followed the underbrush and mud, the more he understood what happened. 
Bob set off, knowing just exactly where he needed to go.
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Can I just say I love Bob and Grace?
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mykoreanlove · 2 months
when we were us
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„Come on, y/n. This is going to be an amazing night!“
Henri dragged you into the bar excitedly while searching the place for his friend Jackson.
You had been in the city for almost three months and your friend still had no idea of your innuendos with Jackson. You had not heard from him in weeks and would have loved to keep it that way, however Henri was persistent and dragged you to the party.
The place was packed with people, loud music and alcohol all over.
„Henri, I’m gonna go freshen up. I’ll find you in a minute“, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Hands gripping the marble sink tightly, you took a deep breath and talked to yourself in the mirror.
„You’re going to get through this, y/n. Just be nice and talk to the others. It’s going to be okay.“
You made your way back to the bar and found them instantly: Henri was sitting next to J, and opposite of them was Jackson.
„Hey guys“, you greeted cheerfully and waved your hand.
„Whoa y/n, I haven’t seen you in forever! You look gorgeous!“, J chimed in.
You sat down next to Jackson and smiled, happy yet nervous to see your old pals.
Jackson turned his head and leaned over to you, smiling shyly: „So, how’s the city been treating you so far?“
You shuddered at his presence. His rich scent intoxicated you all over. You took a good look at him - he looked skinnier, paler, his hair got longer and lighter, he was wearing it in slight waves now. You wished you would be indifferent when looking at him, but parts of you still longed for his love.
„You know how it is“, you brushed him off swiftly and went to the bar.
Jackson nodded silently, jaw clenched and took a big gulp of his drink, understanding that you were done with him.
You tried your best to avoid him all night - you mingled with Henri and his other friends, met new people and took social breaks outside and it worked. Jackson didn’t cloud your mind most of the times, fortunately so.
„Guys, let’s head back to Jackson‘s place like last time. Remember your first night here, y/n?“, Henri cheered intoxicated yet happily.
You averted your gaze, not being able to look at Jackson. That night back then was the first time that you had hooked up - unintentionally but the attraction between the two of you was just too strong.
„Okay, let’s go“, Jackson got up and shooed you out of the bar.
You were trying to make up an excuse but before you could say anything Jackson whispered into your ear, making that decision for you.
„The night bus isn’t driving anymore, don’t even think about it.“
You found yourself squeezed in the back of a cab between J and Jackson, just like the last time. Only then you felt butterflies tumbling in your stomach whereas now your whole body felt tense. Quickly, you took a glimpse at Jackson‘s hands - they were curled into fists. Was he just as uncomfortable as you were?
The next hours were spent in his apartment, drinking and laughing, reminiscing about the old days and dreaming of future plans. You did your best to relax and overplay your nerves, and luckily no one noticed.
„Guys, I’m going to bed. Night!“, Henri declared as he got up and walked into Jackson‘s bedroom.
„Yeah, me too. This time I’ll sleep in there, too. Not making the same mistake twice with you out here“, J chuckled and followed Henri, closing the door behind him.
Once again, panic arose within you. You had done your best to avoid Jackson all night but now you had to sleep next to him, alone?
„You want my shirt?“, he asked calmly while holding out a fresh, black shirt for you.
You took it thankfully and changed before falling onto the mattresses he had arranged in his living room.
Jackson was lying next to you - you felt the heat radiating off his body. Every cell in you wanted to touch him but you knew it was wrong. You had been burned by him way too often.
Quickly, you turned around, your back to him and closed your eyes.
„Night, Jackson.“
A deep sigh escaped his lips, this whole ordeal was weighing heavily on him.
„You’re mad at me, aren’t you?“
You held your breath, unsure if you should reply.
„That’s why you’ve been avoiding me all night. Right?“
You chose to stay silent.
The plead in his voice was too much to bear, so you turned around and faced him.
„Yeah. I am.“
Jackson‘s eyes turned darker, filled with remorse and regret.
„I’m sorry, y/n.“
„What are you sorry for?“
„For hurting you“, he said softly.
„Yeah, whatever“, you turned around annoyed.
„No, y/n, really. I’m sorry for how it went down between you and me.“
All the anger, all the rage you had been swallowing the past weeks resurfaced and wanted to come out. Frantically, you turned around once more.
„Cut the BS, Jackson. I liked you. You know that I liked you and I wanted to get to know you more. But for you it was only about fucking the new foreigner or whatever. Was it fun leading me on? Getting my hopes up?“, you spat in frustration.
„It was never about fucking the new foreigner, y/n“, he declared calmly.
Jackson let out a deep sigh, trying to find the right words to make it up to you.
„I felt this immense attraction right from the beginning. I was so into you the moment I saw you in that bar. You may not have planned our first hookup that night but I had been fantasising about it ever since I laid eyes on you“, he explained for the first time.
„And after that I tried my best to stay away from you but I couldn’t. I mean look at you, how could I have resisted you? So I ended up at your place, sleeping with you again.“
Flashbacks of that night came into your mind - his hot lips on your neck, his big hands on your waist and his lean body over yours.
„But you heard me say that I couldn’t be with you. I did a whole soul striptease and told you how fucked up I am. I told you how every girl cheated on me and how that broke me. I told you to find someone else, y/n.“
You gulped as you remembered the night Jackson opened up about his love life. He even told you the story of his last girlfriend, the one he wanted to marry, but found out she was cheating on him while moaning someone else’s name during sex. You remembered clearly how little he felt when he let you in on his dark past.
If that had been the last interaction with him you would have understood. But it wasn’t.
„You told me to find someone new but every time we ran into each other you behaved like you wanted me, Jackson. Remember how you kept talking about taking me out on dates? Like every single time we met after you were imagining us going out, telling me about all the places you wanted to take me. Which you never did. Why did you say that shit in the first place?“
„Because I can’t resist you. When I’m with you I feel like I can trust you and trust in love and I want to touch you and kiss you and worship you in every way. I want to show you off and make sure that everyone knows that the greatest girl in the world is mine. But when I’m alone, when I come back to my senses I realise that this could never happen. I cannot give my heart to you, y/n. I can’t risk getting hurt again.“
A deep silence filled the room.
„I’m just too damaged for love, y/n.“
You were searching for the right words but got interrupted by his silent sniffles.
„Jackson, are you crying?“
He didn’t need to say anything since you already understood his being.
You opened your arms and embraced him, holding him tightly while he was crying.
„Do you know that you’re not even my type, Jackson? You’re not the one I normally go for however when I saw you, I felt this strong pull towards you. A very strong pull that I couldn’t deny. And I asked myself why was that? Why am I so attracted to this guy?“
You paused briefly.
„It’s because you feel like warmth. You feel like sunshine to me. And when we were at my place and you told me about your past and all the hurt I realised why I want you in the first place. Because you’re like me, Jackson.“
Jackson looked up at you with big eyes, not understanding what you were implying.
„You and I are very similar. We both got hurt badly and never got over it. And because of that we decided to build a protective shield around us, one that is super bubbly and positive. A shield that is so different from the real pain we feel on the inside. A shield that is so convincing that nobody would even dare to think we feel unhappy on the inside. And when I realised that you were doing the same as me I felt this strong connection towards you. Like I saw myself in you.“
It felt good to finally get that off your chest.
Jackson wiped away one of his tears before answering.
„Believe me or not but you are the first person to ever see that. See me“, he admitted.
He nodded silently.
„You and I are not similar though, y/n. You’re braver than me.“
Now you were the one looking at him puzzled.
„Am I?“
„Yeah. You didn’t shut your heart off to love. You’d still give it a go. But I can’t do that anymore. I can’t risk getting my heart broken anymore.“
Each word of his was filled with deep sadness, tearing at your heart.
„You know I can’t promise you to never break your heart. All I could promise is that I would have treated it with the most care in the world.“
Jackson nuzzled his head onto your chest and hugged you tightly, knowing that this would be the last time he’d ever get the chance to.
„I don’t know what kind of girls you dated in the past but you’re right, I didn’t give up on love. I think I would have been perfect for you. Loving, caring and kind. I’m not saying I’m the love of your life but you know…
I would have been glad to date someone like me. I sincerely think I’m a good catch.“
Jackson smiled, agreeing with every word.
„You are. And that’s why you won’t have any problem finding another guy. Someone that can love you the right way, y/n.“
„Yeah, you’re right“, you agreed. „But still I wanted it to be you“, you declared sadly while tightening your grip around him.
„I would have loved that, too…“
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sydsaint · 8 months
More of my fav NXT himbo <3
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Summary: Adam Pearce tasks the reader with making sure that Bron is ready to sign an exclusive Raw contract instead of signing with his rival Nick Aldis on Smackdown.
"So you're all set for tomorrow night?" Pearce has a chat with you at the end of RAW. "I set it all up and let Shawn know that you'd be there." He adds.
"I've got it down boss." You assure Pearce. "My flight leaves tonight. I'll be in Orlando in a few hours and sleep it off at the hotel. Then tomorrow night Bron Breakker is all mine." You grin to yourself, a smile that slightly worries poor Adam.
Pearce rubs the back of his neck and grabs your arm. "You're there to get the kid to sign to Raw before Nick Aldis can get his hooks in him, YN." He reminds you. "Not scare the poor guy into Aldis' arms."
"Adam! I've got it." You laugh and pat Pearce's arm. "Trust me. I'm going to make that unsuspecting hunk an offer that he can't refuse." You flash a wicked grin.
Adam sighs and shakes his head but lets you go anyway. You scare the poor man sometimes. But if there is one thing that Adam is sure of. It's that you are damn good at your job, despite your youth.
You catch your flight out to Orlando and game plan on the trip over. After some quick chats with a few of your girlfriends from NXT you've made the determination that Bron and Cora have been broken up for a while. And you've also been informed that Rick Steiner's ridiculously hunky son is back on the prowl for a new girl as of late.
The next afternoon you head into the center where NXT is filmed and swing by Shawn's office for a quick chat. Pearce let Shawn know you'd be coming by, and that you're out scouting new talent as well.
"Shawn! It's good to see you again!" You greet the NXT executive when you arrive. "And Ava! Congratulations on the promotion to GM!" You notice Ava Raine is present as well.
"It's a pleasure seeing you again, YN." Shawn shakes your hand. "Adam Pearce let me know that you're here to scout some of our talent?" He asks you.
You nod and shake hands with Ava as well. "Yes. After Mr. Aldis went ahead and scooped up Miss Straton, Pearce didn't want to wait until the next draft." You explain.
Shawn nods and you talk with him and Ava for a bit. Shawn dismisses himself to take care of something a bit later and you're left alone with Ava.
"So, do you like the GM job so far?" You ask Ava.
"Yeah!" Ava nods. "It's nice to be in charge of stuff. Plus the pay is great!" She jokes. "So, who do you have your sights set on?" She asks you.
A hint of a smile plays on your face at Ava's question. "Don't tell Shawn, but I've actually got my eyes on one man and one man only." You inform her.
"Oh?" Ava replies with intrigue. "Who?" She asks you.
"Bron Breakker." You answer Ava's question with a grin.
Ava giggles and nods her head. "Good choice." She compliments you. "He's got his own locker room just fyi." She adds suggestively. "I can show you where it is if you want?"
"I like the way you think, Ava." You laugh and nod.
Ava shows you down to the locker rooms and down to the one with Bron's nametag stuck to it. The two of you stop a bit down the hall and turn to one another. "Well, good luck." Ava wishes you luck. "He's scheduled for a match at the end of the show so you've got about two hours with him." She adds. "Oh, and a piece of advice? Bron may seem all mean scary. But he's all bark no bite, trust me." She offers you some last-minute advice.
"Oh, really? My favorite." You grin. "Thank you, Ava. And good luck with the GM position." You shake hands with her again before Ava heads off.
You turn toward the locker room door and stride up to it. You knock twice sharply on the door and wait for an answer. You can hear rustling on the other side of the door for a moment before the locker room cracks open.
Bron answers the door wrapped in a towel and dripping wet from the shower. "Oh, well aren't I one damn lucky girl." You muse.
"YN?" Bron stares at you with a dumbfounded look on his face.
"Heya, Bronson. Miss me?" You ask with a grin and step over the threshold of the door.
Bron instinctively takes a step back as you approach him. You take the chance and kick the door shut behind you. "Umm, yeah sure. What are you doing here?" He asks you.
"Oh, I'm on some business for Adam Pearce from Raw." You explain.
"Well, yeah." Bron replies. "I kind of meant what are you doing in here?" He asks you. "In my locker room."
You meander around the locker room with a shrug, making Bron watch you curiously with every step. "Well I guess that I'll get right to business then." You stop back in front of Bron. "Rumor is Nick Aldis has been sniffing around you as of late. I'm here to make sure his sniffing ends here and now. Because you aren't going to waste your time on the B show Fridays." You speak matter-of-factly.
"I'm not?" Bron asks you, still clearly confused.
"Oh no, baby." You shake your head. "You and those insanely distracting broad shoulders of yours are coming with me to Raw."
The bewilered look plastered on Bron's face makes you smile and you have to stifle a laugh You were expecting the guy to at least put up some sort of fight. A little verbal sparring at least. But you've got Bron caught like a deer in headlights.
"We-I-Umm, alright." Bron stutters as you step toward him.
"Atta boy, Bron. That's what I like to hear" You pat his chest. "Now as for the rumor that you and Cora Jade aren't together anymore. Is it true?" You ask him.
Bron nods, clutching onto his towel for dear life. "Yeah, we've been split for a while. I've actually been back in the game for a few weeks now." He adds."
"I heard." You nod. "Well, you're in luck Bron. It just so happens that if you were to sign with Raw instead of Smackdown, you get me as a signing bonus."
"You?" Bron replies.
You nod again and your hand dances up Bron's damp chest. "Mhm. And we both know that you've always had a thing for me, Bronson." You insist. "So really it's a win-win situation for both of us." You explain.
"Right." Bron nods. "I mean...I really can't argue with anything you've got going on here, YN." He admits."
"I know!' You giggle. "Isn't it great how easy I make things?" You tease him. "Now! Get dressed and enjoy your last night as a member of the NXT roster. You'll find an email waiting for you with all the travel information you'll need forr Raw. And I will see that adodrably perplexed face on Monday night." You lean up and kiss his cheek. "Chau, handsome."
Speechless, Bron watches you turn on your heels and exit his locker room as swiftly as you come in. He walks over to his phone and sure enough, there's the email you mentioned. Sent over an hour ago. Bron laughs to himself at the confidence of the move. But he likes it. You're right, he's always liked you. And to have you show up to his locker room and insinuate that you're just as into him and he is in you is all that Bron needs to know he'll for sure be on Raw Monday night.
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spn-etc · 4 months
Once in a Blue Moon
Dean Winchester x Reader
Author Note: My first attempt at a reader insert. I enjoyed this one, and it's given me inspiration for more reader inserts for different characters. Send a message my way if you want to see more for particular characters
Summary: You've gone out to track down the creature indicated in a mauling revealed on the nightly news. Your misadventure lands you in the hospital and has you confronting feelings you have never cared to reveal to Dean, whom you still have feelings for.
Mainly fluff, could be considered a hurt!fic?
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“Isn’t it obvious?” you say. 
You’d been badly cut, a gash opened up from your hip down the length of your thigh. Dean Winchester had managed to get you just in the nick of time. Past midnight on that full moon, a blue moon in late November. It was the sort of cold night that cut you to the bone, and the trees were like pitchforks on a hunt in Ohio. 
The hunt. You’d been told to stay out of it; it wasn’t your job. You should be on your merry way. But for every time he was on the road with Sam, away from you just one more time, the days and nights grew harder. You wished it was easier to tend the bar, pour another scotch and shoot the breeze with your regulars. Maybe take someone else home this time. It meant nothing.
 Then, you saw the reports on the news. This was not the animal attack that you had heard of before. So, for one last time, you took your dad’s old revolver. It was the one he made you swear never to use. You learned all throughout your short life that you're bad at keeping promises. It’s two of the men in your life you’ll have disappointed, if you can live to see another sunrise. Loaded up with silver bullets, and still familiar to you after what felt like ages, you drove that Ford down the winding roads that went from asphalt to gravel. Just this time, you say. They’re going to underestimate what they’re dealing with, as usual. And, there in the shadows stood the beast. Blood red eyes and the body of an agile mountain lion, but twice its size. You keep your revolver ready, getting out of the monster’s direct line of sight. And you cock the gun. “Sam,”cries the voice you’ve heard so many times before. “Sammy!” The voice was farther off. A rustle in the opening of the trees, and there’s not one but two of the things. There’s no time to lose and you hold the old revolver up. You almost have it. And, that’s when it hits you. 
Your memory is hazy about what happened next. You vaguely remember the voices of the Winchesters. Dean’s voice calling out to you. And a searing pain shooting through your body. The rest was complete darkness. 
And here you are at the Dupont Memorial Hospital, in a hospital gown, and hooked up to a machine. Sam had left you and Dean alone to talk to one of the nurses. 
“You’re absolutely nuts, you know that right?” 
“Not any more than either of you guys,” you say from the hospital bed.
Those two green eyes burn holes in your skull, as Dean gets closer to you, until he’s close enough for you to count the freckles across his face.  “God, (Y/N), what did you expect was going to happen? You told me you’d stopped all of this. You know what's out there. I thought that your dad’s death would show you-”
“I know what happened and not a day goes by that it doesn’t remind me, Dean. Every damn night, it’s the same. I can feel it-”
“What’s the same?” Dean says, and the worry is even more apparent in his face. 
“Nothing, nothing.” You feel your voice rising, tense at the idea of Dean catching you out again. It’s not something you like to talk about, least of all someone who hurls himself into conflict. You’d find other ways to deal with it. 
“No, it's something. C’mon! Is it to do with that demon? What is it, (Y/N)?” 
Dean Winchester’s not one to let things show. You know there’s more than he lets on, than even you let on. He’s close enough now that you can make out the curl of his lashes and the bare trace of a cut just above his brow. You can see the roughness of his hands, as he brushes your hair tenderly away from your face. It’s a dead giveaway that Dean Winchester’s stressed out. it feels like ages since he was this close. Since the last time you picked up Dad's gun. For the first time in awhile, you can look him directly in the eyes. What’s different is blurted out into the open, and you find yourself saying something that had never been said before. 
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“I thought after coming all this way, and after everything that happened, it would finally click. That I love you, Dean."
Dean’s brow is furrowed for a split second, and then his features start to soften. You hadn’t broken your eye contact with him, up to now. But, the situation is overwhelming enough that you find yourself looking away. You return your gaze just enough for Dean to close the gap between you. The kiss is surprisingly gentle for such a tense situation, his rough lips warm against yours, and maybe it was the meds pulling you under but the sensation left you almost dizzy, and shivering. You fell into it, just as he pulled away. He laughed, and you felt that this would never happen again. 
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suzteel · 1 year
Ok it’s own post because I am OBSESSED with the bodyguard lunch scene in this episode. It’s like literally my favorite scene. Like…even my face VP scenes don’t top this scene for me.
Ok so god where to start. Let’s just go from the beginning:
Pete’s “Disneyland!🤗” joke is so fucking funny. Especially after looking so annoyed while waiting for Porsche to wake up. (This poor man has probably had to help carry the new guy’s unconscious body twice in like a month. I would be put out too.)
The fucking music shifting from this very light comedic beat to a fucking alarm when Vegas shows up kills me every time. No subtlety at all. This man is a walking red flag and the show wants you to know it 😂
Pete being SO jumpy. So many people have talked about his jumpiness in this scene over the past year but goddamn, it kneecaps me every time thinking about it with the full context of his past.
The fact that Vegas has barely sat down before Kinn shows up. You just KNOW Kinn was in the other room trying to hide his longing stares while he thought about Porsche and so he immediately saw Vegas make his way to the table and was like “oh hell no, bitch.”
One again a costuming note: Kinn in gray robes with Porsche, Arm, and Pol on one side of the table, Vegas and Pete in black on the other side.
This cheese ad is the second funniest ad on the show (after the bread obviously). Bible’s smiles especially are just…insanely funny.
Honestly wish we’d had more Kinn and Vegas scenes. The tension in this scene is sooooo good. I also love how Vegas kind of lights up when he realizes hitting on Porsche genuinely gets under Kinn’s skin. Before that he was just doing what his father asked, but now he smells the blood in the water. And he’s looking to make Kinn bleed as much as he can. I adore him bringing up Tawan here. He’s probably been waiting so long for an opportunity like this one.
Lord, do I have thoughts about Tankhun in this scene. First of all, 100% big brother protection mode here. He heard that line about Tawan; you can’t convince me otherwise, ok? Secondly, I think it’s the first time we really see the original heir Tankhun come through. He has no fear of retaliation for assaulting Vegas. You know, the scary guy who tortures people for fun. But this is the Main Family territory. It’s Khun’s territory. So he does as he pleases, even to the Minor Family. But the moment Vegas is gone, he shifts right back to spoiled, petulant Khun Nu.
And Vegas…leaves. It’s actually one of those super telling moments about how unbalanced the dynamic between the two families really is. Macau is physically assaulted in episode two, and the Minor Family has to demand the lowly guard who did it be punished (instead of just doing it themselves). Vegas is physically assaulted by Tankhun here, and he has to shrug it off and leave. It’s so easy to see how these kind of little indignities have piled up over the years, festering. The toxicity carried over from their parents.
I just…I love this scene so much. It’s tells us so much about these characters in such a short period of time, it’s so funny and dramatic. It’s delightful. And it was probably THE moment for me when this show went from “eh enjoyable enough” to “ok you got me, I’m hooked.” Fave scene, hands down.
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katyawriteswhump · 8 months
The power of love pt 6 (steddie, stobin, steve whump fic)
Steve has a habit of surviving near death experiences then getting sick for no reason. And Eddie and those fatal bat bites? After an impossible feat of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Steve, he’s mysteriously fixed. So, Eddie’s back to being banished, this time with Steve and Robin in tow. Eddie’s healing, but Steve isn’t… and life gets even more confusing, when Eddie develops feelings for Steve, which aren’t entirely unrequited.
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part Five Part Seven Part eight Part Nine Part Ten Part 11 Part 12
Steve POV
“Hey!” shouts Steve, the next morning, as Robin hauls a mass of supplies onto her back. “What do you think you’re doing?”
He half-runs, half-skids down the slippery rocks outside the cave. He tries to wrest the pack from her. She turns sharply, and he loses his grip.
“Steve, chivalry sucks and should’ve died in the Middle Ages.”
“What? I’m not being—”
“I can totally manage! Most of its bedding, and Eddie’s got half the water. You’re sick, remember?”
He rakes his fingers through the hair he’s just wrested into some sort of sub-standard shape. “Honestly, I’m good.”
Honestly, he feels dead rough, though better than yesterday. Anybody would feel achy after a night in some dingy cave. Even with Eddie Munson’s lap as a pillow.
Not that he spent the whole night there. Hell, no.
He woke up with Eddie spooning him from behind, Eddie’s chin tucked on his shoulder. Which screwed him up big-time. Fortunately, Robin was also cuddled up with him, which… helped. Yeah, he’d been kinda nestled on her boobs, but it wasn’t intentional. And it was Robin, and she’d laughed when he’d apologized.
Thinking about snuggles with Eddie is waaaay more problematic—underlined by the swift and silent fashion they’d extracted themselves from each other, both apparently awakening simultaneously.
Both far too groggy to deal.
Almost as bad, he can’t recall exactly what he’d said to the guy last night. He’s pretty damn sure he made an idiot of himself.
He’s still squirming when they set off, neither he nor Eddie having exchanged more than a passing word. Steve insists on taking his turn with the luggage, as well as using the compass and reading the sky. He’s terrible at it, mainly because squinting at the bright sun gives him an epic headache. He ends up walking behind with Robin, while Eddie disappears off ahead.
“By my reckoning, we took twice as long as we should’ve to reach those caves yesterday,” says Steve to Robin. “Do we really trust him with this pathfinding shit?”
“He’s shockingly decent at it. Not sure I trust him with you. Or vice versa.”
Steve stops dead. He can’t cope with walking and with any Eddie-Munson-related bombshells. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, come on! I could carve the sexual tension between you two with a knife then sculpt a little love-heart with it. He literally can’t stop flirting with you.”
“That’s total bull. Eddie flirts with everyone.”
“Uh… no. He really doesn’t. I mean, without belittling your troubles, I wish my love life had ever presented me with such straightforward opportunities.”
He facepalms. “Oh Christ, I’m sorry. I-I just can’t right now.” He pushes his increasingly sweaty hair from his eyes. God, he’d kill for a shower. And why didn’t Eddie pack more hairspray?
“Steve?” She hooks her arm through his, and they trudge on together.
“Okay, I surrender. I like him.” He sighs. Why do they seem to be walking forever uphill? “I don’t see how he can be into me, how I’ve been the past few days, and I’m not sure I want to go there. Period. And before you lecture me, it’s not because I think being gay is bad, you know that. It’s because… I honestly don’t know what I am.”
“You’re bi, Steve,” says Robin, very quietly.
“Yeah, and it’s a lot to get my thick head around.”
“You’re not thick, you know—"
“Whatever.” He swipes his wrist across his brow. “We’ve talked this over a billion times. I really don’t need any more meaningless sexual relationships.”
“Why would it be? You reckon you wanna jump his bones, and it’ll flush him out of your system?”
Steve pauses again. Robin’s questions stab his brain, and yet… He finds he can answer the last one, easy enough. “No,” he says. “I don’t want that. I mean, I got urges to be with him, but it feels different… from Nance or whatever.”
“That’s ’cos he’s a dude.”
“Yeah, I noticed.” Slowly, they walk on again, both breathing hard. “You know, I’ve had fantasies and stuff, but they were just that, and…” I want Eddie to jump my bones and... Oooookay, that’s a revelation he didn’t want to deal with this morning, on top of the rest of the shit. “Why are we discussing this now?”
“Because the pair of you are driving me ment—"
A loud roar scythes through the quiet woodlands. Steve barely hears Robin’s terrified squeak. He grabs her bodily, makes a dive for the undergrowth. A chopper passes low overhead, setting the trees shaking, the ground juddering. They’ve landed hard—on Steve’s injured side—and bracken prods everywhere. Extra bruises and scratches, however, are the least of his concerns.
Another large chopper is about to pass directly overhead.
Eddie! Has he been spotted? Are they all about to be rounded up and frogmarched straight to jail? Steve crouches, squints ahead and realises the forest thins out into a clearing. There are only bushy tree stumps, no real cover. The sky above is clear as summer… and he still can’t see Eddie.
Steve’s desperate to sprint on, to find him. However, even hunkered down, he starts to feel sick. Jesus, not now! He squeezes his eyes tight; squeezes Robin tighter, kinda prays, because he’s that desperate. He’d do anything to protect them both. Anything. Anything! Pleeeease? Apart from he can’t hardly breathe, let alone move. There’s a freaky-ass electric crackling in his head, and he’s on the verge of…
Steve blacks out, but only momentarily. He slams a palm to the earth, stopping himself crumpling.
The roar lessens, as the second chopper forges on. A third follows noisily in its wake. Steve glances up. A thick cloud has settled, low enough to obscure the top of the trees.
“Do you think they saw us?” asks Robin, when it’s quiet enough to be heard.
“Nah,” says Steve, forcing himself to think straight. “It’s military, heading toward Hawkins. Bet they didn’t even look down.”
“If they did,” says Robin, “that cloud couldn’t have arrived at a better time.” They extract themselves from the foliage. Robin offers Steve a hand, which he ignores, clambering up himself. “I mean, it’s beyond nuts. The sky was blue—totally clear—a moment ago.”
She folds her arms, narrows her eyes.
He tosses a hand up, exasperated. “What are you driving at, Robin?”
“I don’t know. Weird shit is afoot.”
“Tell me something I don’t know. Jesus, is Eddie, like, taking a slash or something?”
They both yell his name, while Steve surreptitiously checks his bandages. Blood hasn’t soaked through them, so that’s one thing. He’s even more relieved, when Eddie comes thrashing back through the trees.
“That was waaay too close.” Eddie’s totally spooked, and Steve restrains a burning desire to both hug him and pick out the dry leaves that have gotten stuck in his hair. “Is this logger camp really such a great idea? I mean, we’re rounding back on ourselves—getting closer to Hawkins again.”
“I reckon it’s sound.” Steve rolls his shoulders back with a click. “It’d be beyond tricky to land a chopper round here. Too many trees and slopes. If this place we’re heading for is as remote as we hope, it’ll be impossible there.”
“You sound better,” says Eddie, eyes narrowing, like Robin’s had.
“That’s because I am, moron.” Unable to withstand Eddie’s sudden intensity, he turns to Robin. Who remains staring at him, pretty much the same.
He wants to yell, What now? On the other hand, he is indeed feeling more himself. He might test the waters concerning his ‘thing’ with Eddie. Not with Robin AND Eddie gawking at him, like he’s some kinda freak.
Sure, he’s thought about what Robin said concerning Lover’s Lake—about him asking to go there when he was sick. He really doesn’t want to think too hard on it. Yeah, he’s had a couple of close calls there, and yeah, there’s a gate to the Upside Down in Lover’s Lake, but there wasn't always one, and...
“Look, if you two have a problem with me, I really wish you’d come clean.”
“No problem,” says Robin, perhaps a little too quickly.
Frustration flushes through Steve. "Be honest with me, Robin."
"I am! It's just... what with supernatural creepiness swallowing our lives on an apocalyptic scale, I'm so hugely relieved you're okay. It's hard to trust in anything good being real these days."
Yeah, he buys that, and he sure as heck trusts her, plus Eddie's nodding vigorously. He believes them. Maybe too readily, but he does.
Then he hears it—the merest rustle in the undergrowth. Followed by the patter of footfalls. On reflex, he slams into Eddie, hustles him behind the nearest thick-trunked tree. They tumble to the ground, Steve on top. You were wrong, Harrington. Those choppers landed men after all, and… Shit, Robin!
She hasn’t followed. He straddles Eddie’s upper thighs, straining to see. He hears her cry out, “Oh my God, they’re so pretty!”
A bunch of brown deer streak by, their fluffy white bottoms flashing behind them. Doubtless, the chopper spooked them too.
Steve’s jaw drops. Flat on his back beneath Steve, Eddie hoots, sweeping his hair from his mouth: “Thanks for saving me from Bambi, dude.”
Yeah, he’s mocking him. Eddie’s laugh is still totally delicious. Their troubles forgotten, Steve retaliates with his best dreamboat smile. “You’re welcome. I’m at least 2-1 up again in the lifesaving game, huh?”
“The world is back to rights, Harrington.”
Steve leans closer, revelling in Eddie’s laughing eyes, mesmerised by that gleaming smile... This is where we kiss, right?
A twinge of pain, and the effort of disguising it, totally throws him. He lifts his butt from Eddie’s thighs, then offers Eddie his hand. Which Eddie takes. The strain of tugging sets perspiration dripping from his brow.
“My eternal saviour.” Eddie affects a silly bow. Robin laughs too.
Steve dabs his eyes: “We did that joke, Munson.” He slings his pack up over his shoulder and motions them onwards: “Come on, Princesses. Let’s go, let’s go.”
Part 7
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology (thank you, thank you, thank you!) If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :) Reblogs, comments and likes also very much appreciated :) Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
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fandombandomfics · 7 months
Chapter 8 of Bad Decisions (Bad Omens)
Here is chapter 8 (finally lol) Enjoy :)))
Quarantine is finally done and we can go out into the world. Noah and I have hooked up at least twice a week while we were stuck at home. After every time we hook up, he kicks me out of his room and I feel used. I get it, I put myself into this position but I guess I’ve caught more feelings for Noah. I mentally sigh and curse myself for falling for Nichy’s best friend. It’s just Noah and I for the night at the house so I take this as my opportunity to talk to him about my feelings. I walk down the stairs and spot Noah on the couch with Harper. I walk over to him and he smiles at me. God that smile does shit to me.
“Hey beautiful,” He says and pat the spot next to him. I sit next to him and lean into his embrace as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. 
“Just us for tonight,” I say cooly. He nods and kisses his temple. 
“Yeah it is. Surprised the guys haven’t caught us hooking up yet,” He says with a chuckle. I giggle and shake my head, surprised even myself. 
“If Nichy ever finds out he will kill you,” I say and he chuckles more. 
“Oh yeah he would,” He says 
“Speaking of which, Noah we need to talk,” I say, nervousness dripping from my voice. 
“You aren’t pregnant right?” He asks and I laugh, shaking my head. 
“No no not pregnant,” I say and he sighs in relief. 
“Thank god that would’ve been bad. What’s up?” He asks 
“I know we agreed to hook up, no strings attached however….” I start to say. He moves his arm away from my shoulder and I knew this was not going to end well. 
“You’ve caught feelings,” He says and I nod, afraid to look at him. 
“Yeah I did,” I say and gather up the courage to look at him. He looks at me with a sad smile. 
“Addy…” He says. Here we go..
“You don’t feel the same way got it,” I say and get up from the couch. He looks at me and I look into his eyes. I can see regret and sadness?? 
“Even if I did we could never work…with Nichy and all,” He says and I nod, feeling tears well up in my eyes. His voice trails off at the end like he sounds sad…which is confusing since he was the one who asked for no strings attached. 
“Yeah you’re right…I will move on, don't worry about me,” I say with a smile but it’s far from the truth. 
“Take care of yourself,” He says and I nod, heading up stairs. I gulp down some tears and head towards my room. Once I walk in and close the door, I start to sob. 
Noah’s POV
I watch as Addy goes up the stairs, I can’t help but feel pain in my chest seeing her leave. 
“Noah she’s Nich’s little sister, it could never happen,” I say to myself. Been saying this to myself since we’ve started fooling around with each other. I sigh and look at Harper, seeing her eyes looking at me sad. I smile sadly and sigh, wishing I never said those words to her but it’s too late. I run my hand through my hair and turn on the tv. 
“Stop thinking about her dude it’s done,” I say and focus on the tv. 
Time skip to that summer 
It’s been a few months since Addy and I stopped hooking up. To tell you it’s been hard is an understatement. Her being constantly there doesn’t help with my feelings towards her. She started dating this guy whom I hate. He’s coming over today and I’m already dreading it. 
“Oh shut up I didn’t do that,” I hear Addy say while giggling. I ball my hand into a fist but quickly flex it so no one noticed. 
“Babe you literally screamed so loud when the killer showed up,” I hear her boyfriend Lucas as. I mentally roll my eyes and go into the kitchen to grab a snack. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. Hearing her laugh makes me angry since I was the one who was making her laugh since I’ve known her. 
“Noah ready to go to the studio?” Jolly asks and I nod, closing the cabinet and making my way towards him. 
“Yeah let’s go,” I say, starting to walk away before I feel someone grab my arm. I look over and see that it’s Jolly. 
“Noah I know you hate Lucas but Addy loves him,” He says and I mentally scoff. No she doesn’t, she just tolerates him. 
“Still doesn’t make it easy,” I say and he sighs. 
“Look, everyone and their mother can see you both have feelings for each other. Surprised Nichy hasn’t caught on yet. Maybe if you tell her how you feel, she’ll dump him and you guys can be together,” He explains. I look at him and shake my head. 
“I don’t have feelings for her, Jolly,” I say, walking away from him. 
Jolly’s POV 
I can see through his bullshit, they both have feelings for each other and its obvious. I sigh and follow Noah outside. 
“You know I’m right Noah,” I say and he turns around, clear annoyance on his face. 
“Just drop it ok?!” He yells and I shake my head, unlocking the car. 
“Fine,” I say 
This is gonna be a long week
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dickarchivist · 5 months
Hi, I've got questions for Shiver and Winter, please:
Most inappropriate place you've been intimate?
What do you find sexy/attractive in a potential partner?
What's the sexiest way someone has come on to you?
Winter makes an exaggerated bow and gestures toward Shiver, who raises an eyebrow in suspicion.
Shiver: what? No stories from you?
Winter: mine are boring compared to yours.
Shiver: a c'mon vode, you've gotta have a good one!
Winter, sighing: I've had sex twice, and both times were just okay. One with a guy, one with a girl, both times in a regular bed. It wasn't magical or anything, felt good, but I wasn't really clicking my heels on the walk back. Just felt... I dunno, unnecessary? I liked the kisses and the touching, the... the lead up. But the "main event"? Eh.
Shiver pauses for a moment, looking at his brother, before walking around him and putting on a show of his inspection. Winter laughs, finally pushing Shiver away.
Winter: what's with you?
Shiver, slinging his arm over Winter: Tragedy! Woe to the galaxy! Winter is ace!
Winter: hm? How's that now?
Shiver: asexual, vode. Means sex doesn't do it for you like it does others. Nothin' wrong with that.
Winter: oh... but I can still think people are pretty, right?
Shiver, laughing: yeah, y'can. We can talk more about it later, okay Win'ika? I've got some questions to answer under the cut.
Shiver: The sexiest way I've been come on to was actually after sex. I'd just got this guy to cum, he held me close and whined, "Fuck, I wish I could keep you."
Sounds dumb, I know, but somehow it's the thought that stands out the most. He wanted me, but knew he couldn't keep me.
Best place I've ever done it was outside a base on a frozen planet, can't remember the name of the planet. Hooked this guy's legs over my shoulders and gave some legendary head. I like the temperature play of hot skin in cold weather. We just also happened to be in front of the main entrance to the base and if anyone opened that door, they would have caught me dangling this civ around my shoulders with his dick in my mouth. It was exciting.
What I look for in a partner though? Well, they have to be a guy. Pretty strict about the "No chick on this dick" thing. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of attractive women out there, but I'm very gay.
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Thinking about Desmond and the gang in a modern au😋
Desmond successfully secured a job at a local coffee shop in town, it has relatively nice pay, easy to do, and he needed a distraction between his classes. Yet besides the rush hour or lunch, he has nothing to do, really. Luckily today was the day the supervisor watched the work in the shop (he despises these days), so he has to run around acting like he's actually getting work done for three hours.
He swept the floor three times, mopped twice, and reorganized the already organized creamers and sugars. Every time he finished a task, the supervisor would nod to him with a smile and walk off to hover he other co-workers. Finally it was his break, he pulled out a sandwich and sat at a table in the back near the far window, while eating his very dry turkey and cheese (he didn't add mayo because he forgot to buy some more) he got a text.
Group of idiots
*Becca* 10:00
>what time are u guys done with classes today????
>let's get food!😋
*Lulu* 10:01
>well I don't get out of class until 11, and I really need to catch up on work Bec.
*Stickintheass* 10:03
>rebecca, unlike you, some people have work to do. I have to finish my paper tonight.
*Becca* 10:05
>booooo, u guys are no fun. Des?🙏🏽
>don't leave me hanging😢
Desmond let out a chuckle before replying
*Dessyboy* 10:07
>I wish, but I'm stuck at work till 12😔
*Becca* 10:08
>UGHHHH I can't believe u guys😩
>wait I got an idea
>what about a study date kinda thing?
*Stickintheass* 10:08
>Absolutely not. Every time we do a "study date," you always end up distracting me and I get no work done. Plus you don't even study.
*Becca* 10:09
>I swear I'll do work the time, pinky promiseeeeee.
*Stickintheass* 10:10
*Becca* 10:11
>So is that a yessss?????
*Stickintheass* 10:12
>fine. I'll go.
*Becca* 10:12
>Lu we'll meet up with u at 11 and then we'll go to des's job to mess with him until he's off work.
*Lulu* 10:14
>I gtg, talk later
*Dessyboy* 10:15
>hey I didn't agree yet
*Shaun* 10:16
>you don't have too, you're going. If I have to suffer, you have to too. Plus, I don't think Rebecca will let you off the hook.
*Dessyboy* 10:16
Sighing, he threw away his trash and got back to doing the same thing over and over again until his friends arrived. While fake sweeping for what felt like the 50th time, the bell above the door jingled, and in walked Shaun, Rebecca, and Lucy. Rebecca waved with much enthusiasm while Shaun rolled his eyes. Lucy chuckled and shook her head at the two, they always irritate eachother, despite living together and studying the same field.
They sit at a booth and talk amongst themselves quietly as Desmond walks over.
"Hey guys, how's your life besides mine?"
Rebecca chuckled "yo des, im great actually, why do you make it seem like you're in hell right now?"
"Because I am. I've been repeating the same tasks for 3 hours trying to make it seem like I'm actually doing something."
"Well dont worry, you'll be off soon. It's only 30 more minutes." Shaun states.
And like Shaun said, the 30 minutes seemed to fly by. He was soon hanging his apron in his locker, grabbing his bag, and leaving the employees' only room.
"Finally free from hell guys, so where are we going?" He adjusts him backpack straps.
"Ummmm we haven't actually established that yet. What about the little Ceasars a few blocks down?"
Shaun groaned "Rebecca we ate there last week."
"It won't hurt to eat there again. It's pizza of course. Oh and let's walk, the fall weather is nice at this time."
The group left the coffee shop and started the walk to the local little Cesars they eat at every other week. None of them actually want to eat there, but it's cheap, and they haven't done any grocery shopping yet. Upon walking in, the group gets hit with the smell of fresh pizza. Desmonds stomach growls as a reaction, all he had was that dry turkey sandwich way earlier in his shift, so he was practically starving.
Once more, they pick a booth big enough to fit them all. Ordering a large pepperoni, they chow down on it while "studying" (writing down things and forgetting about it).
"Sooooo how's classes going for you guys?" Lucy questions to break the silence of them stuffing pizza in their faces.
Desmond is quick to complain, "Ugh, don't even get me started on my professor, biggest asshole on the planet. On top of that, I have a final due soon."
"Sucks to be you, my friend. Me on the other, I completed my final yesterday so I am free from the pain and suffering of work and worries." Rebecca laughs
Shaun glances down at his watch, sighing upon seeing the time. "I'll have to make my leave soon. After noon classes."
"Seriously? But we just got here!"
"Rebecca, it's been two hours. Plus, you weren't studying anyway, and we have the same class to attend idiot."
"Ah. Right," she rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.
"I'll leave with you guys," Lucy quips. "I to have afternoon classes."
Desmond sighs at this, giving all his friends a hug before they are off to class again, leaving him bored.
"Bye guys...."
"Desmond, stop making that face, we're literally all roommates. We'll see you later tonight." Rebecca pinches his cheek and runs after Shaun and Lucy, who are already in the car.
Group of idiots
*Dessyboy* 2:03
>it was fun being able to hang out again😿
*Stickintheass* 2:04
>God stop with the dramatics, we'll see you later.
*Dessyboy* 2:04
>but still, I'm bored now
*Lulu* 2:05
>des, there is plenty to do around here. And why are you texting us already, we just left.
*Dessyboy* 2:05
*Becca* 2:06
>all love dessy😚
*Dessyboy* 2:07
>love you guys too
>oh by the way, can someone please go to the store later and pick up some mayo?
>Lu? Becca? Shaun?
>guys please I'm tired of eating a dry turkey and cheese for lunch 😭
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suzy-queued · 9 months
please write this if you're interested
Anon, thanks for thinking of me. I write a new multi-chap fic in my head every day. If only I had time for them all!! My thoughts on this gorgeous art go to something like this (which isn't exactly as was described in the post, but it's my own spin on the images):
Mickey is the guitarist for an underground punk band in the city called Corroded Sorrow. They are ultra-secretive and only do pop-up shows. They announce the shows 24 hours in advance, and they're always at grungy places like drainage ditches or abandoned buildings.
Ian is trying to make it as a pop singer. He's waited for his big break for years but can never gain traction. He receives a mysterious text that he's been asked to open for Corroded Sorrow at tomorrow night's secret show.
Hell fucking yeah.
A gig with CoSo would secure Ian's place in the Chicago music scene. Even though he knows he'll never be asked again (since CoSo never uses the same opening band twice). It's a dream come true.
Ian plays the gig, which is in a rusty train car at the edge of an overgrown field. He gets applause and adoration, even though his music is more poppy than CoSo's usual crowd.
And then … Mickey's band comes out. Ian is instantly mesmerized. The music is incredible and raw and soulful and real. Everyone in the band plays with a natural ease, like they were born to make music. And the bass player … jesus. He's shirtless and ripped and mouthy and looks fierce. He plays these deep notes that hook into Ian's soul. He understands why Corroded Sorrow is so sought after. He wishes he had one tenth of their talent.
Ian notices something else, as the show goes on. The bass player hands his pick to one guy in the crowd about two songs in. Not too strange; bands do that all the time. Then, on the last song, Mickey jumps down into the crowd. He cruises through the fans and hands a new pick to another person, a girl. It's so deliberate and dramatic, but Ian has no idea what it means.
The show is amazing. Ian is breathless. There's an after party, where both bands and some of the fans hang out and drink from a keg in the field. Ian tries to talk to Mickey, but the guy has an attitude and sticks to his own circle.
And that guy and girl, the ones who each got Mickey's picks … they find each other across the party and walk toward each other like moths to a flame. Are they … glowing?! They clasp hands and kiss like no one is watching.
Ian vows to go to as many CoSo shows as he can, because this is all very strange and wonderful.
He realizes that at every show, Mickey hands out picks to two people, and they always get together.
After a handful of shows, Ian realizes that Mickey is a clairvoyant who can see people's soulmates. Whenever he notices soulmates in the crowd, he connects them.
Ian falls head over heels for Mickey and chips away at his gruff exterior. Mickey is quite guarded because people only want him for his matchmaking skills. Mickey hates love and has vowed to never seek it for himself.
Will Ian ever make it as a singer on his own? Will Mickey ever point that soulmate radar on himself, or on Ian? Will CoSo ever come out of the shadows and claim the fame they deserve?
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
that one anon manifested mlp’s return! she was back on stream and talking about how whenever her certain someone went to coachella he cheated on her!
not quite sure how that’s plausible when even she said they were never official but okay
ain't it strange i get this ask and then this same info pops up on someone's ngl on twitter…. how interesting.
imma put my two cents in and call it a night on the shea talk. bc i haven't had to talk about her for almost two months, and i would like to keep that going. but god, the amount of times shea has changed her story is kinda funny at this point lol
in case those of you have missed it, she claims that her and colby were on and off again for almost 10 years - which that alone proves he was not in anyway cheating on her since they were never fully a thing/never committed completely.
but then she said that they did date for a bit but then went back to being in the talk stages and stayed there for a while.
but then she claimed they were a situationship.
but then said that they never had sex, so it would have to be an emotional situationship which just flat out isn't a thing.
but then she said they were serious enough to meet each other's families and talk about getting married and having kids.
but then she also said they weren't ever truly official.
so…. which is it?? were you guys serious enough and dating the whole time secretly (even tho he was seen with COUNTLESS girls over most of the course of the time period she claims they were together) or…. and just hear me out shea fans, SHE'S LYING????????
crazy concept, i know. but maybe she doesn't tell the truth.
that's not me saying that colby's a saint in all of this. but there's no way he's the best boyfriend ever and also a serial cheater that's she's only complaining about now.
bc let's get back to your ask. colby, to our knowledge, has only gone to coachella twice publicly. once in 2019, once in 2022. okay, 2019. so he cheated on her…… and then by december she's back with him at jc's party??? and even before that he wished her happy bday on twitter, and she thanked him and liked posts about it on insta.
that's a weird way to act with someone that apparently cheated on you.
okay, so 2022. maybe that's when he cheated. however… the person he was seen with at coachella, six flags girl, he had been hooking up with since 2021. or is she referring to stas? which then means he cheated on shea with six flags girl (for a whole year basically) and then also stas….. who then continued to want to be with him until shit hit the fan on that whole thing. but wasn't 2022 also the same year she was blaming all of the fans for "ruining" adventure buddies with all of the shipping??? bc i have proof of her liking comments saying fans ruined adventure buddies. which… if he cheated, wouldn't exactly be the fans' fault.
you let me know when she starts making chronological sense. and maybe then i'll start believing her :)
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skyler10fic · 2 months
Lightning Strikes Twice Ch. 2
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Summary: Twenty-five years after being adopted by Phil and Melinda, young adult Skye is a Shield agent who wants to know so much more about confidential operations. Through an accident in FitzSimmons' lab, she discovers the answers no one else could: her true origins.
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In an office high above sunny Los Angeles, at Shield’s West Coast headquarters, an error message popped up on the screen of a high-powered laptop: Access denied.
Skye had questions. The understatement of the century, her mother would have said. Being a Shield agent was her dream job in all ways but one: she needed so much more information than she was given at this clearance level. With both communications hub training as a cybersecurity agent and field experience, she was a versatile team player. But she also didn't rank high enough to know the “why” behind some of her assignments.
Now, spinning in her chair at her desk, she could only wait for her commanding officers to come back from their high-level meeting. A few years ago, she’d tried finding out information by simply hacking her way around the internal files, and she found the hard way that was not allowed, even though she’d helped design the security system herself. Years ago, she was always let off the hook easily as a rookie, having practically grown up at Shield with both of her parents as agents, but at 28, it wasn’t cute anymore and the consequences were real. So to resist poking around in files she wasn’t technically allowed in, she sought out her friends.
Drs. Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz, known around the agency as FitzSimmons, were processing and cataloging the pieces of an alien ship unearthed by construction workers from a building project in the rapidly expanding suburbs, so Skye skipped their offices and went straight to the warehouse.
Sure enough, the couple squabbled in the adjacent lab, visible through a large glass window in their matching lab coats and safety goggles.
Fitz stole a contraption from Jemma’s side of the table. “You can’t know that, just because it has some markings on it!”
“They aren’t just markings. They’re just like the ones Skye…” Jemma stopped as she noticed who was approaching the doorway. “Skye! Anything we can help with?”
“No, actually, I came to see if you needed my help.” Skye narrowed her eyes and read both of their terrible poker faces. “Were you guys talking about me?”
“Nooo,” Jemma denied poorly.
“Oh, no, it’s uh, another Skye, someone else. You don’t know them…” Fitz scratched the back of his head, a sure tell.
“Uh huh,” Skye deadpanned, in a tone only a daughter of Melinda’s could have.
“Just out of curiosity,” Jemma said sweetly, “since you’re here to help… Do you know what these symbols mean?”
Jemma held out a shard of metal to Skye, and Fitz watched her with a fist to his lips, as if holding in his anticipation.
Skye shook her head. “Sorry, it’s not anything I’ve seen. Maybe an indigenous language or something? I could take a few photos and run it through my translation program if you want.”
“Like Google Translate?” Fitz asked, realizing the solution was, as usual, simpler than their overthinking.
Skye let out a surprised laugh. “Google wishes. No. Much, much better. And bigger. It includes all the terrestrial and extraterrestrial languages Shield has encountered.”
“Ah!” Jemma’s victory smile bloomed. “So you think it could be extraterrestrial.” She sent a pointed look at Fitz.
Fitz’s voice rose. “I never denied it was alien, just not…” He stopped and looked to Skye.
Skye hopped up on an empty metal table to signify that she was staying. “Okay, something is definitely going on with you two. Spill.”
Jemma took off her goggles and gloves, and she hopped up on the table next to Skye. She used her most gentle, careful voice as she asked, “Do you still remember your first night here?”
This hadn’t been what Skye was expecting. She put on a forced smile to cover up that the simple question had knocked the wind out of her.
Skye swallowed and tried to answer. “Yeah, a bit. Mainly through stories my dad told me growing up.”
Fitz saw her discomfort and stepped in. “Do you remember that time you threw dirt at me?”
Skye smiled for real this time. “We were like six.”
Jemma loved this story, so she said, as always, “I don’t think I remember this one. What happened?”
Fitz obliged her and began, “I had maths with the older kids, and at recess, one of the older boys told me how babies were made, which I was very unhappy about at the time. And I ran to tell Skye.”
“But,” Skye picked up the story as she swung her feet lightly, “My dad always said that I was given to them from the sky when I asked where I came from, so naturally, I always assumed all babies just sort of appeared out of thin air the way I did.”
Fitz teased, “You were so mad, you actually bent down, picked up two fistfuls of dirt, and tried to put them in my hair.”
“You ran fast back then.” Skye shrugged in surrender. “I had to resort to throwing it.”
“We weren’t allowed recess for the rest of the week,” Fitz concluded.
Jemma pressed in on this segue. “So, is that all you know, just that Agent Coulson and Agent May found you one day? Do you remember anything before that?”
Skye sighed and softened. “It’s crazy, but sometimes as a kid I had nightmares about these huge blue guards with, like, giant weapons. My parents used to have to hold me for hours to get me to go back to sleep. But after a few years, they stopped. Mostly. I think wherever I was before, I just wanted to forget so badly that I did.”
Jemma put an arm around Skye’s shoulders in comfort. “Sorry, I was just … never mind.”
Skye stiffened and shrugged her off to get through the part that made her sick whenever it came up. She’d been teased relentlessly by the other Shield kids at camp. It was supposed to be a safe place for agents’ families to unwind, but instead the rumors grew faster and wilder because anything was possible.
“I’m not an alien,” Skye gritted out. “Every test Shield could run, they put me through at three years old. And even since then, I have to get all my medical stuff done here, just in case something shows up. I’m 28!”
She hopped off the table and pressed her hands to her face in frustration. “These people, Shield … even me sometimes… We get so caught up in ‘Ooo what if it’s aliens’ that we forget sometimes people just suck. My birth parents either couldn’t care for me or didn’t, and I ran away, and clearly it wasn’t somewhere I wanted to go back to. All I know is they said I begged to stay, and that’s why I was adopted through Shield instead of put in foster care. So, yeah, I was a weird kid. A lot of three year olds are. It doesn’t mean I’m…”
Skye’s pacing and emphatic gesturing combined in a disaster Fitz and Jemma were powerless to stop as it happened before their eyes. In her adamancy, Skye’s hand knocked over a rusting metal storage box sitting on the artifact table next to where she’d been pacing. The box, decorated with more of the strange symbols Jemma had shown her earlier, popped open, with the clasp so damaged from being exposed to the elements. Something silver and strange rolled out and toward the edge of the table. Reflexively, Skye grabbed it before it hit the floor. Her reflexes were fast enough to catch it, but not fast enough to let go as her hand and arm hardened, like they were turning to stone.
“HELP!” Skye called out to her friends, who watched in horror.
“Don’t touch it, Fitz!” Jemma warned as she donned her goggles and gloves again. The last thing Skye heard before the low, loud rumbling started was Jemma’s promise they would fix this. Then everything went silent and black.
Skye woke up to an earthquake. Not entirely unheard of here in the LA area, but rarely felt in a building as heavily fortified as Shield. Wait, she had been at work. Had she fallen asleep on the job? Why was she in an unfamiliar bed?
The earthquake stopped as she slowly realized. She took in the medical setting with its chill air conditioner draft and sterility and the crowd of people around her. Yes, she was still at Shield but not in any of the parts she expected.
“She’s awake!” Jemma’s voice called out from her hospital bedside.
“What happened?” Skye mumbled out despite her throat feeling like she swallowed a pile of rocks.
“Here, drink.” Melinda opened a bottle of water and handed it to her. “You were out for a few hours.”
Phil appeared in the room. “Oh thank god. How are you feeling, sunshine? You scared us pretty bad there.”
“I remember, we were in your lab by the warehouse…” Skye looked to Jemma and Fitz. “And I broke something you were working on. And then I passed out?”
“Sort of.” Jemma hesitated. “You touched a metal thing from the alien ship and then you were covered in a sort of casing? Like ash? We’re having our biohazards team look into it.”
Skye examined her arms, which were normal aside from having a greyish residue. It reminded her of when she’d dyed her hair black in college and the stains it’d left on her skin.
“How did you get it off?”
Fitz inhaled sharply. “We didn’t. You… you’re an…”
Skye’s gaze landed on him and she sat up. “I’m what?”
Melinda and Phil exchanged a look, and Melinda placed her hand on Skye’s. “Sweetheart, you’re special. You’ve always known that, and we haven’t hidden anything from you that we knew for sure.”
Skye’s pulse quickened, reflected in the lines on the monitor hooked up to nodes on her chest.
“All parents think their kids are special.”
“Not like this,” Melinda said, leaving no room for negotiation, but Skye persisted anyway.
Skye shook her head in denial. “I’m not… that. I’m just a human. I’m not what you think.”
“Skye,” Jemma said gently. “You broke out of the casing on your own. We ran the markings through your translation program. They were Kree. Even your lab work shows tiny changes—tweaks, really—to your genetics that could only work if…”
“Okay.” Skye tried not to panic and the shaking stated again. She took deep breaths as the bed trembled. The tubes and wires connected to her carried the shaking to their machines, like a very small power grid.
“Hey. Look at me. Breathe.” Melinda’s no-nonsense voice guided Skye’s gaze back to her and the shaking stopped. “You’re going to be okay. This isn’t a total shock to us. We suspected it from the first night you were here. And you sometimes drew symbols like this writing, those first few days, before we took you home with us.”
“You knew?”
“No.” Melinda shook her head once. “It was only ever a theory. Everything you know about yourself is 100% true.”
Jemma piped in again, “As far as we know, with the exception of these tweaks, you’re just as human as the rest of us, medically speaking. Your genetic profile just doesn’t match any potential families of origin here on Earth!”
Her cheery tone was meant to be helpful, but the others simply blinked at her.
Phil leaned over his daughter’s hospital bed and pecked a kiss to her forehead. “However you got here, it was a miracle. We love you. That’s what matters. What happens now, with the shaking, well, you’re in the best place in the world to have help figuring that out.”
The realization hit Skye and she gasped. “ME? I’m the earthquake?”
“Yeah,” Phil exhaled with a smile on his lips. “It’s pretty cool.”
“COOL?!” Skye gapped at her dad.
Fitz shrugged. “Think about it. If you get it under control, you could be part of the enhanced division.”
Superheroes. She was the new accident-turned-superhuman in a long line. Last year, a kid got bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip. Before that, tech geniuses, scientists with dangerous experiments, and even a few aliens had come through the office while on special assignments, but it wasn’t as regular of an occurrence. Now, as more enhanced individuals pinged Shield's radar, Director Fury was seeing the need for not just a team of contractors but a whole division and training program.
At Skye’s silence, Jemma added, “But no pressure. You’ve only just gotten powers, who knows what all they do, and you need to heal first.”
“Heal? I feel fine, just tired.”
Jemma grimaced. “That’ll be the IV. Painkillers. You hit your head and side quite hard when you fainted after you broke free of the casing. We had to take shelter from the explosion and quake and flying ashy casing shrapnel and couldn’t catch you. The good news is, no concussion, though! Just a little worse for wear on the outside is all. You’ll be back to normal in no time, at least appearance-wise.”
Skye picked up on what Jemma wasn’t saying and reached for her phone on the bedside table. She opened up the camera app in selfie mode and was startled. The entire right side of her face was purple and blue.
Melinda laid her hand on Skye’s again. “The painkillers help for now, but healing takes time. No need to rush into anything other than getting better.”
Fitz glanced around the circle and back down at Skye. “And whatever happens, you’ve got all of us.”
It meant a lot—the world, really— but it didn’t change the fact that when visiting hours were over and her friends and parents went home to sleep, she was just as alone as she always had been in the end. She knew she should be grateful to have so much love, but as she attempted to rest, part of her was still haunted by one last lingering nightmare, the one that she lied about having gone away.
She was hiding in some sort of shed, just a little peeling whitewashed wooden shelter next to a swirling expanse of sand and dirt. Rain pelted in the wall that was just a chainlink fence looking out to the field, but she tried to stay as quiet and still as possible. The monsters were coming for her. She shivered in the cold as the ground shook with their heavy footsteps. Any minute, she’d see a blue face, threatening to send her to one of the colonies where the work was hard and endless.
“Agent Skye!” a nurse called out to her and shook her slightly. “Agent Skye!”
Skye awoke to a kind but unfamiliar face relaxing. “Sorry, did I shake things again?”
“Yes, but it’s alright now.” The nurse waved her hand at staff peeking in the doorway. “Can you tell me what you were dreaming about, if anything?”
Skye sat up as she answered. “It’s one I had since I was a kid. Hiding from someone coming to take me away. Don’t have to be a shrink to figure that one out.”
The nurse had clearly read her chart because she responded without missing a beat. “No, not at all. Perhaps some antianxiety in the IV, just to help you sleep without fear?”
Skye could tell despite the nurse’s genuine concern that the medicine was not just for her own the nightmares but also for the ease of the nightshift staff. As a Shield foundling of unknown origin, she’d grown used to people being perplexed by her, astonished by her, and even afraid of her, but this was the first time she realized that fear was entirely valid. The nurse even secured Skye’s IV tape where it had shaken loose and rearranged some of the equipment before leaving, making it more stable in case she quaked it again.
The medicine did the trick and soon enough, she was back to sleep, despite her confusion and worries. This time, she slept dreamlessly.
The next day, she went home with instructions about bruise care and several medications, including an antianxiety daily pill and referral to a Shield therapist who dealt specifically with newly enhanced people. There was no way around it: her recovery process was going to hurt, but here at the end of her rope mentally and physically, she finally allowed herself to get the help she had needed for a lot longer than she had had superpowers.
After her body healed, she trained hard for months, going from emotionally shaken inside and sending little tremors into the world around her to steady inside and in control of her growing powers. Every day, they grew stronger as she did, until she could control the waves on the ocean from the shore and cause a landslide of the rocks on the hill from a high-rise a mile away. She poured all of her energy and anger and fear and unanswered questions into training until she was certified as an enhanced field agent.
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dgcatanisiri · 16 days
If I had a nickel for every video game that seems to believe that linking nervous systems between romantic partners written pretty much with the assumption that they're a male player character and female love interest is some kind of ultimate symbol of love and devotion, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
Seriously, the asari meld between Shepard and Liara and the hook up to the panzer with V and Panam genuinely feel uncomfortably similar in portrayal, in trying to frame this as this major unifying act that prove how much the player character and one particular romance are "right" for one another, and...
It makes me wonder if this is a blind spot on the basis of these writers being straight white guys, how women don't tend to be in these writer's rooms (saying nothing of queer people or people of color...), because this FEELS like a blind spot on the level of a lack of lived experiences.
I've been over plenty how the meld with Liara is deeply uncomfortable for me on the basis of how it feels more intimate than sex in a lot of ways, and I wouldn't just casually have sex with anyone, let alone someone I'd only recently met like Liara is at the time her romance initiates, and, really, it's much the same with Panam, with being able to consistently refuse her rather aggressive come ones, and yet she still acts with an expectation of V and her ending up together, particularly given that going through her storyline actively unlocks an ending, unlike any other romance option. She can be turned down by V at every opportunity and will still ask if V wants to "try out" the neural link that puts their nervous systems in tandem, and says so in this breathy voice that is an anticipation of having something intimate with V.
So when I think of the meld, when I think of linking nervous systems, not only do I think of these as obvious metaphors for sex (depending on the portrayal, they're not even metaphors...), I see it also as a violation of a realm of privacy where we expect to be completely given that expectation of it being a locked door. There are no ACTUAL thought police (much as the right wing nuts like to claim that 'the woke mob' is coming after them for 'thought crime'), and what happens in the privacy of our own thoughts is something that is left in that private space.
And both cases indicate an idea that sharing this connection of nervous systems, which can also be considered to extend to thoughts, due to that level of connection, as being romantic, rather than a crossing of a boundary, because the cishet white male writers have never had to fight to have spaces be designated as "for them." Everywhere they go, their thoughts and attitudes are presumed to be recognized and that they have the ability to enter those spaces and speak and act freely, something that anyone else has to filter and ask how safe they feel expressing themselves.
So because these writers have never had that experience of having their safety risked should they express a thought that their audience doesn't agree with, they don't realize the value of that privacy of thoughts, and how valuable it is.
I mean, granted, maybe I'm just overthinking everything again (this IS what I do, I'm not kidding when I say that I wish I could just be paid to overthink fiction and talk about it on the internet), but this feels like the core issue of this portrayal being something repeated.
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chandravess · 2 years
hi! why do you use the label bi lesbian instead of bi or lesbian? genuinely curious!! ❤️❤️ i hope your day goes well 🥰🥺
okay so its kind of a long story and ties a lot into my gender identity and also trauma so buckle up lmao
so like when i was 22, i came out as bi. i was married to a woman from 19-28 and she was my first and only for a long time. i felt queer and couldnt quite pinpoint where this feeling was coming from. but...for SOME reason, my attraction to women was always what made me feel queer. i was only ever with one man (consensually) in this time and it was...meh?
now flash forward 6 yrs and i come out as trans. shortly after, i start IDing as a lesbian. honestly men terrify me and the trauma i endured from a very early age through to adulthood with several experiences of sexual assault made me incredibly distrusting of men and, quite frankly, repulsed by them.
a year and a half into my transition, i start feeling Horny Thoughts about men...but like almost entirely fictional men and celebrities lmao. hormones were doing smth to me
i had hooked up w a transmasc enby who described their gender as "if a fairy and a goblin fucked" so like...they arent a man but it was the first id been w someone who was a "dude" (im not misgendering them, this is all stuff they would use to describe themself). they were also the first person to dom me and penetrate me and it was GREAT. we hooked up like once or twice after that
then i tried experimenting w a cis guy and holy fuck it was shit. he was a lazy lay and i spent much of it thinking "i wish this dick i was sucking was attached to a girl"
several months later i hook up w a trans boy who is v much a femboy and he was the first person i dommed like...p intensely? we have hooked up a few times and still talk, he's great and 10/10 would fuck again, but like point is, it was another step in my weird sexual journey.
so, while the transmasc ppl id been w were ppl who knew i was a lesbian and were OKAY with that being so (some are, some arent), it still got me thinking like...im attracted to trans men and able to be open, vulnerable, and feel safe bc we share the experience of being trans. i dont have to worry about a trans guy killing me for being trans lmao
so, within the past month or two, i started IDing as a bi lesbian. i wanted to acknowledge this attraction i feel for men but also...i quite frankly dont think id ever be in a romantic relationship with a man. i just cant see it. so i continue IDing as a lesbian bc it centers my sexuality and romantic feelings on women and femmes bc first and foremost, i am sapphic.
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