#to be deleted later probably !!
ask-the-crimson-king · 6 months
can i just say how tiring it is to see constant posts about asexual or aromantic characters being thrown into ships and explicit fics and everything and see constant "and i KNOW that SOME aces have sex" in there.
hi. im an ace who has never had sex and, so long as i have the power to prevent it, never will. i am not interested in it whatsoever, never have been, never will be. i am not aromantic so i wont speak on the aromantic aspects of this qualm.
i would like to see more aces allowed to be sex-repulsed in general. i would like to see more aces allowed to be sex-free and happy without the necessary "BUT ACES WHO ENJOY SEX DO INDEED EXIST! WE AREN'T ALL SEXLESS FREAKS!" constantly being applied everywhere.
i would like to see more aces allowed to be uncomfortable in explicit conversations. i would like to see more aces allowed to exist without the 10 million qualifiers.
and i would like to see alloromantic aces who don't have to compromise for their partners, or alloromantic aces who dont even care about having partners because they know most people wont be willing to have sexless relationships.
do not pigeonhole sex-repulsion to just aroaces. also, have more diverse aro and ace representation then just aroaces. allromantic aces and allosexual aromantics exist. id like to see them a bit more often too. allow them to also be sex-repulsed.
basically i guess this boils down to "please stop apologizing for wanting sex-repulsed aces to exist in media" or "please stop qualifying a want for aces to not be immediately shipped or put into sexual situations by saying 'but i know aces can have sex and enjoy sex'." we know aces can have or want sex. asexuality is a spectrum, its why aspec is a thing.
this is very rambly and im writing it between being stressed for exams and other life things. this will probably get deleted later. im just tired of it, man. it makes me feel like i have to apologize for being sex-repulsed or wanting some good representation that doesnt get immediately steamrolled by "BUT NOT ALL ACES ARE-" shut up. i know. but what about for those of us who are? we're not all aroace. some of us are alloace/aro. let us exist too.
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brynnmclean · 3 months
I complained about my rent increasing and the leasing office staff basically saying they'd raise it higher if they could (something something competing with market value which is apparently $1900) so of course my twin brother who just bought and is renovating a house with his wife told me I could look into getting a condo
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something-tofightfor · 10 months
Chris went to go and visit his brother for the weekend because they're trying to write an album and need a few days of face to face writing and recording time - so on one hand, it's nice to have the house to myself (and Neptune), becase it means I can organize all of the stuff I have to wrap and get some writing done. But on the other hand, I - for some reason - am just overwhelmingly sad tonight, and an empty house isn't sitting right with me.
I've been distracted and restless for the last few hours, and maybe it's because I woke up this morning feeling terrible, but I just want to crawl back into bed and not leave the blanket nest for a few days.
Cross your fingers for me that this doesn't last all weekend, because I'd really like to be productive.
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
i am so fucking tired.
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13urningstars · 1 year
//: I have two wolves inside me. One wanting to post as much as possible, the other wanting to wait until I finish retagging/reformulating my old posts before posting IC at all
They booth scream
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crownonacat · 1 year
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Small part of a wip of my son ^^
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starrybluez · 2 years
I guess I need to stay active on this page every day, because if I don't, I get more visits from the pornbots. In just a matter of 2 days I have been followed by about 6 pornbots. Actually it might just be all the same one because the layouts and colors are all the same, with some strange link at the top and a porny looking icon. And they don't post or like anything. Nope, nope don't need it.
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zarla-s · 3 months
Valve went through and banned a whole bunch of bots yesterday and when I last checked a couple hours ago, the Casual servers are still 99% actual people! If you want to try out TF2 DO IT NOW while you have the chance! Believe me when I say that having matches this clear of bots is RARE. They'll be back in force inevitably in probably a couple days so the window of opportunity here is small. Take the chance to play a normal round of TF2 Casual while you can!
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shiningqueen · 11 months
got a semi busy day at the office today but hope everyone is doing their best for wednesday! working on part 2 of 'silvertongue, hawk eyes' when i gots downtime.
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reyenii · 4 months
a) charles and edwin’s safe place is their office:
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b) this scene was so domestic. charles is wearing his white tank top. edwin is wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the buttons on his top collar unbuttoned. he’s sitting on the couch in a comfortable pose.
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c) but we don’t see anything like this when the boys are in port townsend. they "hide" behind their clothes almost all the time cause this is a new “place” for them which is not safe to be in
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naitmeir · 4 months
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bet you guys didn't know that I have a genderbent jax design that makes out with ragatha
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notherpuppet · 2 months
Can we have a TIIIIINY spoiler
lol okay (I’m just gonna assume u mean my deer nanny?)
Honestly idk when i’ll articulate this short comic that takes place in the au. But it’s called “Bises”
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pinestripes · 1 year
Was informed this morning that I need a “hobby” or a “project.”
I was not aware that reading, writing, crocheting, video games, coloring, journaling, making my way through a long “movies to watch” list, and spending time with family and friends (and helping out around the house daily, to boot) were not hobbies. I was also not aware that trying to write a year’s worth of lesson plans or doing research for work were not projects. 
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icarusredwings · 16 days
Maybe it's just me but do you guys ever think about how calmed down Wade would get if fucked regularly?? Unironically the chemicals that release during and after sex are some of the bodies best pain killers and seeing how he's chronically ill (in a sense) and probaby in pain multiple times a day, As well as the clarity you get afterwards.. might help him mentally.
I imagine it would be like putting him on Adderall.
Not that he doesn't already try to keep the house functional and managed, but I can see him sitting and humming while watching tv instead of doing something impulsive like coloring on a highway bridge. Dishes done, folding laundry, floors swept. He actually can remember to take out the trash now.
Of course hes still gonna say odd shit, you can't fuck that out of him, but still?
Better sleep, clearer mind, less pain?
I mean, sure, he's gonna get his pelvic crushed or his hip broke, or maybe even given 36 stab wounds, but I think it would do him some good. Especially to get all that energy out?
I just feel bad that his poor chosen mate is laterally a 200 year old man with a terrible diet and is an alchoolic.
Actually, you know what. Let the old man get some, too. Calm his ass right down. Maybe he'll stop having nightmares and stop chugging bottles, Who knows.
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soupthatwasreheated · 8 months
Alice Dyer is NOT Tim 2.0. Their humor is completely different. Canon Tim is incredibly different from fanon tim. He is funny sometimes, but when it comes down to it, his humor comes down to “millenial who makes the occasional pop culture reference and is jokingly flirty sometimes”. He knows what a meme is, but his meme knowledge is not that far advanced from “I can haz cheesburger” cat. He is not hip with the memes. Alice is the one who is hip with the memes. Please let this woman be cringe and let Timothy Stoker be free from the chains of comedic relief meme guy.
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starmagnets · 2 years
I’m never going to escape the eggman post am I
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