#before they can figure out what it means for them to be together
foreingersgod · 13 hours
i saw ur post that u write for paige… maybe a teammate fic? i don’t really have a plot in mind but i trust that beautiful brain of yours 😁
Friendly Banter . PB
pairing: paige bueckers x reader
synopsis: you and paige may be teammates, but it’s hard to get anything done if you also happen to be dating
A/N: iiiiii kind of hate this :(
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“your defending could use a bit of work, baby” you heard a familiar voice from the sidelines “don’t you think?”
you held back a smile, kissing your teeth as you turned on your heels. there was no one else in the gym except you and paige, the two of you deciding to get some extra drills in before practice tomorrow morning. you had just been practicing some shots and different dribbling drills while paige sat back to stretch for a while. there wasn’t anyone to defend, rather paige just wanted an excuse to tease you.
“i think my defense is actually quite good i’ll have you know,” you scoffed, bouncing the ball slowly as she walked towards you “what exactly could use the work, hm?”
“well for starters,” she said, matter of factly, cocking her head to the side. she rubbed her hands together and shrugged in your direction “you’re not being physical enough”
that made you chuckle, throwing your head back lightly in amusement. you nodded your head and rolled your eyes, “oh really?”
“really, i’d never lie to you, babe”
“care to enlighten me then?” you asked, her tall figure now standing over yours “i mean, you’re kinda obligated to help your girlfriend out, right?”
“oh i’d be more than happy to” she snickered, licking her lips as she looked you up and down. she got lost in you for a moment, you could tell, her eyelashes fluttered against the smooth skin under her eye as she surveyed your every move.
“well then show me, smarty pants,” you shoved her chest slightly, feeling yourself growing flustered by her intimate glances. you’d never get tired of the way she looked at you “what do i need to do?”
she slid past you, hands gripping your waist to hold you in your place as she came up behind you. it was silent in the empty gymnasium apart from the sounds of paige’s shoes squeaking against the varnished floors as she assumed her position. you were now facing the same direction, your back to paige’s chest as she leaned against you.
“you gotta be more assertive, you know?” she all but enticed, talking seductively into your ear. she was so close to you that you could feel her warm breathe on your neck “don’t be afraid to push your opponent around a little bit”
“i’m gonna defend you while you try to drive it in,” she continued “and i’ll show you how it’s really done”
you snorted, blowing a nervous breathe from your nose. she always knew how to get you riled up. her hands were hovering over you as you thought of a strategy to get the ball past paige. you began dribbling the ball, backing into her slowly which caused you to collide with her. the curve of your backside fit comfortably against her pelvic bone. instantly, you could sense paige’s breathe hitch at the contact, making you smirk. knowing its effect, you backed up even more, pushing against her harder to push your way closer to the net. she defended you to the best of her ability as she tried to keep you away, but the way your hips moved against her made it difficult for her to focus. while she was caught off guard, you faked her out and sprinted around her to drive it up and into the net. you cheered for yourself as paige shook her head in defeat, rubbing her hand across her jaw in disbelief.
“that’s how it’s supposed to be done?” you laughed, scrunching your nose “and you say my defense needs work?”
“that’s not fair,” she said “you were distracting me and you know it”
“i was just playin’ the game, paige! you’re the one who can’t get her mind out of the gutter long enough to defend me!” you came up to her, hands finding their way up to her shoulders, giving them a gentle rub.
“can you blame me?” she furrowed her brows “i don’t know anyone can even play at all when you’re out there on the court”
“maybe that’s my method of defense” you beckoned, teasing her harmlessly. you nodded your head behind you, motioning to your ass “don’t have to do much if everyone’s looking elsewhere”
she looked at you offended, raising her eyebrows as she widened her eyes “oh it better not be, nobody should be looking at my girl like that except for me”
“whatever,” you smiled, protective paige was your favorite “you have nothing to worry about, baby, nobody’s looking at anybody”
“you better hope so” she said, leaning down to place a chaste kiss to your lips “or you’re gonna be in trouble”
the tone of her voice made your knees weak, this was her way of getting back at you for your little comment. you kissed her once more before she pulled away from you, starting to make her way back to where both of your belongs sat on the sidelines.
“oh how so?” you prodded, already knowing the answer. you followed her as you chased her down, watching as she packed up her things. she handed you your duffel bag and draped her own over her shoulder.
“i could tell you,” she began as you both started to make your way out of the gym, heading for your car. she placed a strong hand on the small of your back, fingers snaking under your shirt, tugging you into her side with force “but id much rather show you instead”
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“Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don't regret
Nor will I forget
All who took that road with me”
-The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd
This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja, after 86 chapters, 300k words, and 10 months of joy, laughter, tears, heartbreak and love, has finally reached its end. 
Adjuration is a tragedy that is nothing short of an act of love. That much is clear in the passion and dedication put towards the story, the characters, and the message Freyja is trying to convey. This fic will teach you about love. About death. About the inevitability of existence and why despite knowing it will all come to an end, there is still meaning in trying and hoping and loving each other. In loving yourself. You will laugh, you will cry, you will hope and you will despair as you read this story, but you will not be able to put it down.
It’s hard to say goodbye to something that has been so important to and loved by so many people. So we won’t. Instead, we will say thank you for this incredible journey and the community this fic has built. For the friendships that have been made and the endless inspiration you have given us. Thank you for wanting to tell a story, and for letting us join you around the campfire to listen.
Thank you.
(If you like Linked Universe and haven’t yet read Adjuration, see below for spoiler free reviews of this fic and artist credits.)
This is an Adjuration is the kind of story you fall in love with, the kind of story you think keep thinking about long after you put it down. The kind you keep finding hidden details in after you think you’ve got it figured out. 
The characters are distinct and people with their own voices, motivations, relationships and histories. You’ll have your favourites but love them all. They influence how you’ll see the characters in everything else. 
It’s full of moments where everything clicks and everything before is recontextualised in a way that’s so satisfying and make the whole story very re-readable. A time travel story where all loops are already closed, where you can know but not yet understand what will happen. It’s long, complex, and beautifully, meticulously planned and detailed. It’s clever and considered, funny and heartbreaking. 
A story that whispers ‘it matters’ over and over. It is worth it to love, it is worth it if it doesn’t last forever, it is worth it to give someone a little more time, it is worth it to fight. It’s about loving others and your world and finding grace for yourself. 
It’s loss and tragedy and the cruelness of fate. It is the sacrifice and the breaking. 
Full of heart to both fill yours and break it in the best possible way. 
It’s about love. Always.
By @toyouhellohowareyou
Sometimes, it’s hard to explain to others why art moves us.
I could tell you This is an Adjuration will make you cry, laugh, and sit at the edge of your seat in anticipation. And it’s probably true - I did all of that as I read, often with a coffee in one hand, early in the morning as I got ready for the day. 
But that’s not the reason why I’m writing this.
The real reason is how it followed me during the rest of the day.
You see, at a certain point I realized this isn’t a story about Links going on adventures. Well, it does feature Links, and they do go on adventures, so let’s talk about that for a minute.
The first thing that caught my attention about this book was the characters. Each individual is unique, interesting, and exciting to follow. Not only are the Links individually compelling, but one thing that stands out in Adjuration is how the relationship between each Hero and their own worlds matter, and these connections shift, evolve, break and grow as the plot progresses.
Freyja does an incredible job of bringing together impactful storytelling with humor and heart. This is an Adjuration starts with an interesting premise, and then twists and turns in directions you wouldn’t expect. It’s rich in thought-provoking moments, soft joy and intense action, blended in with carefully crafted time travel and magic.
Adjuration sucked me into the world it builds, combining believable characters with fascinating stories, an unnervingly devious antagonist, plot twists, and lovingly crafted details that slip unnoticed until you’re surrounded on all sides. It made me cheer for characters I feel as if I’ve known intimately for years, made me worry for their safety as I would for that of a loved one, kept me hunting for hints and hidden references, pulling on a thread to try to find the end only for it to twist and loop into itself and show me a completely new side to the story.
Yes, This is an Adjuration is a fanfiction piece that explores the winding river flow of the Legend of Zelda timeline and how the stories of each Hero merge into each other. It also stands out for its heavy emotional content, and it doesn’t shy away from angst and hurt.
But to me, Adjuration is an epic journey that taught me how the choices we make, make us in turn. It’s a tragedy that deals with pain and healing, and it bares naked the non-linear nature of grief. It’s a celebration of the things that make us unique, of our flaws, an essay of the impact of little acts of love. Indeed, it’s a story about love.
I can tell you now, This is an Adjuration moved me. It still does. It has a special way to surface in my mind in unexpected ways at seemingly random times, from something as simple as tossing an apple core, to watching a lightning storm in the distance, or finding a picture of an old friend.
And every time, without fail, it makes me think about love.
By @sunny-porridge
This is an Adjuration is a wonderfully and beautifully crafted story about love, loss, and choice as the various incarnations of Link come together and travel through time. Freyja seamlessly weaves a tapestry of setup and payoff across different timelines and loops, in the best-constructed time travel plot I’ve ever seen on page or screen. Even at its surface, Adjuration is an emotional rollercoaster involving tragedy and the soft moments that make that tragedy worth it. But the deeper you look, the more meaning you can pull from every chapter of this amazing work. This work has made me cry, squeal with delight, and think more deeply about its themes all while having an absolute blast reading it. So in summary: READ IT. READ IT. READ IT NOW. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
By @life-in-winter
While I love that every chapter is emotionally enthralling, with carefully woven, visceral tension you crave in any good story, yet Adjuration is more than that, and you feel it in the careful weave of each character and plot point. Nothing is lost or unanswered. It's the kind of story that, by the end, makes you stop and take a hard look at your own life. Are you appreciating the now? Are you savoring joy? Are you so wrapped up in fear that you can hardly take care of yourself? Do you know who you are?
This story is more like an external experience. It's riding atop a tsunami. How do you handle that ride, Link?
There aren't enough words to describe how amazing this fic is.
Artist credit
Legend: @gia-d
Hyrule: @bittirsweeteer
Time: @toonblade
Sky: @noorahqar
Warriors: @whitewinterstar
Wild: @weavingstarlight
Twilight: @bluury2
Wind: @thewitchdoctor39
Four: @lunaopus
Red: @peepthatbish
Blue: @glowingmin
Green: @winterfen
Vio: @waterfallstream
Shadow: @deleetrix
Wolfie: @linkiscool333
Fierce Deity: @awildsilver
Ravio: @lele5429
Malon: @tooner-tastic
Dink: @passerinesoncaffeine
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steddieas-shegoes · 20 hours
never cared much for stuff
for @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘stuff’
rated t | 483 words | cw: temporary character death, mourning | tags: love realizations, Eddie Munson lives, getting together, first kiss
He’s never really been the type to find a connection with stuff. He has things that have meaning, just as anyone does, but nothing that matters so much that he’d die if it went missing or got destroyed.
Until Eddie’s necklace.
He’d grabbed it before they left the Upside Down, just after Dustin screamed about bringing his body back with them until he lost his voice.
If this was all he had, if this is the only piece of Eddie he was bringing back, he’d treasure it.
And then he remembered he had Eddie’s vest on. Another thing. More stuff.
Dustin had taken a ring. When, Steve didn’t know.
Stuff started to mean more, or at least this stuff did.
He cleaned the necklace, the vest, made sure nothing was broken, no patches missing. He kept the vest in his closet, scared to even let others know he had it. He wore the necklace, but kept it hidden under his shirt if he was around others.
He cried every single night. Even the nights Robin was with him. Even when Dustin insisted on spending the night for almost a week straight. Even when he spent two nights in a row with Max in the hospital because no one else could.
He didn’t know why, didn’t quite understand why he felt a pull like this for someone he barely knew. He felt ashamed that he wasn’t able to let this go.
Steve was stronger than this. He had to be.
On the one year anniversary of Eddie’s death, Steve is certain of two things.
One: He is and will probably always be in love with Eddie Munson.
Two: Eddie Munson is alive and standing in his bedroom.
The first thing is a bit easier to swallow with the second thing being true.
Steve reaches for the necklace hanging against his bare chest, lets his fingers run over the carved initials that were almost worn down to nothing from his fidgeting.
“That looks good on you,” Eddie’s hoarse voice said, so low Steve was almost convinced he imagined it. “You got any more of my stuff or do I get to keep staring at you mostly naked?”
This is what Steve’s been picturing for so long. He’s pretty sure he’s not dreaming, but he pinches his arm anyway.
“Wish I had a single clue, sweetheart.”
He looked normal. No blood. No visible injuries.
He looked like he walked out of there with them a year ago and washed the grime and trauma down the shower drain.
“I don’t understand.”
“Me either. But maybe we don’t have to understand.”
“I dunno. I think we should probably try,” Steve felt like he’d maybe finally lost it.
“Someone else can. I’d just like to kiss you.”
Steve could let someone else figure it out. He was gonna kiss the love of his life until they did.
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𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 | 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 ♔
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➪ summary: when a youtuber comes and asks y/n and her friend which one of their siblings would send them more money, she realizes she's never been so grateful to have rich brothers
➪ warnings: luke not sending reader money :(
➪ word count: 0.9k
➪ file type: blurb
➪ sunny's notes: this is the result of me scrolling on youtube shorts too much :)
nhl masterlist || taglist || navigation
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⟹ Version One | The One Where They Are All Together
She was walking through campus with her friend, talking about what had just happened in the past day that they had seen each other. As they got closer to their destination a man approached them. He was around their age, maybe a year or two older, he had a microphone in one hand as a camera guy trailed behind him, “Do you guys have any siblings?”
The two nodded, a little skeptical, “I’ll give 20 dollars to whoever can convince their sibling to send them more money than the other.”
Her friend whined, “No, her brothers are rich, this is so easy for her, it isn’t fair.”
“Oh, they’re actually all together right now so that works! Wait, why am I making them send me money? I’ll think of something.”
Y/n pulled out her phone and face-timed Jack, hoping that out of the three of them, he’d pick up, “Hey y/n/n!”
Quinn and Luke joined the frame soon after, “Uh hey, can I ask you guys a huge favor?”
All three raised an eyebrow, but Luke was the one who answered, “What is it?”
“Can you guys send me some money? I need to buy a new textbook but my paycheck hasn’t come-“
“How much?”
“Like a 100? I’ll pay you back, I kind of need it soon.”
Quinn, being the big brother he loved to be, answered right away, “Yeah, of course. no need to pay me back too.”
“I promise I will.”
“Nope, I make like millions a year, I think I can spare my baby sister 100 bucks.”
“Thanks, Quinny. good luck tomorrow you guys, don’t hit each other. Love you.”
“Love you too.” The three chorused back right before she hung up.
Quinn was quick to send her the money, yet instead of the 100 she asked for, he sent her 200. Attached was a note saying that they missed her and to go buy some food for her and her friend.
“Hah, have fun beating that.”
Her friend called her sister, getting a mere $30 from her. She frowned and rolled her eyes, telling y/n that she owed her for lunch now. And after the guy left, she sent all $200 back plus the extra 20 she had just got saying it was just for a video and that she loved him. Jack and Luke whined about losing 20 dollars after that.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ Version Two | The One Where She Asks All Of Them Separately
She and her friend had been walking back from class, talking about the new project that they were doing. They were on their way to grab something to eat as it had been slowly approaching lunchtime. There was a guy in the courtyard, with a microphone and his own camera guy. It was a little weird and they became a little skeptical when he asked them if the two had any siblings.
While her friend shook her head no, she replied, “Yeah, three.”
So while they couldn’t see whose sibling would send them the most money, they could see which ones out of hers would, “Okay we haven’t done this one before but I’ll give whatever sibling of yours who sends you more money 20 bucks.”
She called Quinn first, figuring that out of the three of them, he would be the one not doing anything at this time of day. He answered instantaneously, a soft hi coming from his side of the phone. 
“Hey Quinny, I have a favor to ask you.”
“What’s up?”
“Can you send me some money? I have-“
“Yeah, how much?”
“You didn’t even let me finish my question.”
“You’re my sister, I’m going to send you money no matter what. I mean unless you’re buying drugs, are you buying drugs?”
“No just my-“
“Yeah okay. How much?”
“Like 50?”
“Okay, I’ll send you the money. I have to go, but I’ll call you later, okay? I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She looked back at her phone and smiled when she realized he sent her 75 instead of 50. She looked back up as she moved to call Jack, “Alright, let’s see what Jack will do.”
Jack answered his phone within the first three rings, “Y/n.”
“What’s up sasquatch?”
“I got a favor to ask you.”
“Should I be scared?”
“I don’t know, do you have a reason for the Devils to stop paying you?”
“No?” His voice was more confused than worried at this point.
“Okay cool, can I borrow some money? Just like 50 bucks.”
“For what reason?”
“I need some new books for class.”
Jack raised an eyebrow from the other side, “Positive?”
“Okay fine. 50 you said?”
“I’ll send it when we hang up.”
“Thank you, Jack. I love you.”
“Love you, you dork.”
And when the phone hung up and she got a notification, she realized Jack had sent her the exact amount she was looking for, “Cheapskate. Just kidding, I’m sending this back anyway after this video. Alright, I highly doubt Luke will send me any money, but we can try at least.”
“Hey y/n/n.”
“Listen I got this huge favor I need to ask you.”
“Whatever it is, no.”
“Not even for your favorite sister?”
“Not even for my “favorite” sister. What is it anyway?”
“I was just wondering if you could send me some money for my-“
“Yeah, no.”
“What do you mean no? You didn’t even let me finish?”
“I’m broke.”
“You’re literally a professional hockey player.”
“So? Get your own money.”
She scoffed, “Rude. And this is why you aren’t my favorite.”
“Oh well.”
“Bye Luke.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“And just for that, I’m sending Quinn and Jack like an extra 20 each.”
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⬂ 𝗛𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
@zebraszegras | @ru-kru | @alwaysclassyeagle | @flowergirl1134 | @puckslxt | @ivy-34 | @jjgsunflower | @kei943
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taylormarieee · 13 hours
Fuck me like you want me MiggyMiguel O'Hara
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Summary: Your desperate for Miguel after he gets out of the shower...
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Hispanic!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: PiV sex, Dirty talk, Needy reader, Dom!Miguel, Sub!Reader, Praise Kink, Degrading Kink, V-Line obsession, Breeding Kink, Begging, Orgasm Denial, Established Relationship
A/N: This is dedicated to my princess @ribbonprincess since technically today is her birthday so Happy birthday my love!
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You and Miguel were the best couple. Not only was he the famous Spider-Man but he was also a scientist.
You were a Bartender so you had to work nights. Not all the time Miguel liked it but he couldn't really complain because he always had emergency calls at the spider society during sex making him grumpy for the rest of the night.
Or people from his Firm needed him to solve an experiment for them. Either way you both were extremely busy but you always found time for each other nonetheless.
When you guys had dinner together it was always enjoyable leading to sex all night.
You two have a great relationship but Miguel could be a bit of a tease. And granted you did love it, it was stressful when you were pent up and he said no.
You were waiting for Miguel to get out of the shower, you were sitting on the toilet in the bathroom as the room fogged up and you reminisced in the heat.
The glass to the shower was blurry and fogged up so all you could see was his figure and his tanned skin.
"Miggy, please!?" You begged, "I need you. I'm so horny right now and you know what that means." You finalize with a hint so Miguel would get it.
It's clear you were ovulating and that explains why your extremely horny. So you hoped hinting to it would make Miguel relent his torture with the word no but-
"No Carino, Te amo querida pero no." He finalized his no and you pout.
(No Darling, I love you dear but no.)
"Pero Miguel, ¿pensé que me amabas? Realmente te necesito." You whine.
(But Miguel, I thought you loved me? I really need you.")
He shakes his head and steps out the shower. His towel hugging his slutty waist and nice toned body.
His toned abs flexing when he breathes and his chest heaving while he slowly breathes in and out.
You stare at him, mouth wide open as you admire your boyfriend. His body nice and wet from getting out the shower.
His hair slicked back from him running his large, long fingers through his silky soft hair.
"Damn Miguel, Te ves muy bien mojada. Hablando de estar mojado..." You smirk at him and he chuckles shaking his head.
(You look very good wet. Speaking of being wet…)
"Princesa, te amo pero no ahora".
(Princess, I love you but not right now.)
You pout your lips a little more and make your doe eyes bigger. He looks at you, sighs before shaking his head no and walking over to the sink.
You watch as he walks over to the sink, admiring his body. The way his abs flex, his slutty waist, his V-line, his happy trail and etc. Ugh you loved his arms as well.
The faint scratches left from a few nights ago on his back, the hickeys you left him this morning before he woke up.
He looked like a fucking god to you. His big muscles and broad back. The more you looked at him the more you set yourself up for failure.
"Princessa..." He warns giving you a stern look. You look at him with pouty lips and finally just walk out the bathroom.
"Fine. I guess I'll go ask Hobie if he's in the mood for some good hispanic pussy." You say as you walk towards the bed to grab your phone to call Hobie.
Miguel's eyes widen, Hobie was insufferable so he quickly went to you and snatched the phone out your hand before you could even press his name to call.
"Princessa... always so needy aye? Aye dios mio que voy a hacer contigo?" he says in a low seductive voice.
(Oh my god, what am I going to do with you?)
"What you can do is fuck the shit outta me no questions asked..." You say with your best puppy dog eyes. You were being extra clingy today, you blame the fact that your ovulating.
He picks you up and kisses you roughly. "Such a bad girl... you gonna be a good slut for me?" He asks as he throws you on the bed and begins ripping your clothes off.
You nod your head and whine at the feeling of the cool air brushing your pussy lips. Clit sore and throbbing as the feeling gets more intense by the second just looking at Miguel.
"I need words Mi amor, words." He says as his long fingers rub tight figure eights on your clit. You squirm and whine and mumble out an "Yes miggy! I'll be a good s-slut for you!"
He smirks and drops his towel his big fat juicy cock making it's lovely appearance. Your mouth instantly started watering at the sight. He ran his cock along your wet slick folds and you whimper at the friction.
In your mind you wanna just grind on him and force his cock to slide into your soaking entrance but you keep repeating in your mind 'Be a good girl, be a good girl' because you know how mean Miguel can get when your not a good girl.
You stay still and let him do his work while you watch him get his cock nice and wet with your arousal. "Miggy pleaseee, i-ive been good haven't I?" you ask, whining at how good his cock feels on your folds.
He chuckles darkly before inhaling sharply at the feeling of his leaking tip slip in your entrance. "Yea, you've been a good girl princess. I guess you can get this dick now." he replies pushing further into you.
You let out a whine at the stretch your pussy is making to accommodate Miguels fat cock. your eyes roll to the back of your head as you let out a content sigh and close your eyes after finally getting what you've been begging for.
"Mierda my love, your so tight." he whispers against your ear, burying his face in your neck.
Your cunt clenches at Miguels voice and his words. You tap his shoulder as a sign to start moving and he begins to grind against you.
Slowly pulling his cock all the way out till the tip is only in and then plunging himself right back into your warm cunt.
"Oh fuck Miguel!" you cry out as he continues his relentless pace on your cunt. Your body feels like it's floating and you feel so euphoric with Miguel inside you.
his thrusts sending you into a state of pleasure, you don't even care if the neighbors complain about the headboard hitting the wall, all you cared about was Miguel and this moment, this moment that has been put off for so long.
Your hands embracing his large back and arms leaving more marks on his his god-like body. "Fuck beautiful, you feel so good, gonna cum in this pretty pussy yea?" he groans out.
"Wanna give you all my babies yea? Have all my kids, wanna see your belly nice and swole holding my child." He whispers in your ear, you moan out.
"Yes yes yes! I wanna have your babies Miggy, please!" you cry out as his pace surprisingly gets faster.
"Good girl, such a good girl for me." He praises. Your on the edge, and that praise it's self was enough to throw you over the edge but miguel feels how your tensing up.
He feels how your pussy is squeezing him so well. He pulls out before you could even touch the feeling of pleasurable heaven, before you could even relish and drown in the pool of pleaseure.
"Oh mi amor, you thought that you were gonna cum that easily? tsk tsk, no no mi amor, I need to cum in this pretty pussy first. Make sure all my cum stays in there nice, tight and warm." He says
You cry out at the feeling of being empty before your filled right back up to the brim with Miguels big fat cock.
After a couple more thrusts and dirty talk, Miguel is almost there. He's so close to cumming and giving you his babies.
He's never wanted anything so badly then to see you bare his child. To see you walk around with clothes that barely fit cause your stomachs always poking out.
To be able to feel the first kick of that baby growing in your stomach. Nothing has ever clouded and made his lust more powerful then fantasizing about you having his child inside you.
"Fuck fuck fuck! Gonna c-cum, fuck i'm gonna cum in this pussy muñeca." he groans
He thrusts 3 more times before he stills inside of you shooting his sperm inside you, the feeling of him painting your walls white carries you over the edge and you feel the wave of pleasure rush over your body as you shake and convulse from your mind-blowing orgasm.
"Fuck!" you cry out as you grip onto his shoulders to ground yourself. You close your eyes trying to catch your breath as Miguel begins to pull out.
He watches as some of him cum seeps out of your cunt. He uses his finger to push all of it back inside you.
He climbs up o your face and gives you a sweet kiss on your temple and a passionate kiss on your lips.
"Can't wait to have such a domestic life with you mama." he says with a smile on his face.
"I love you miggy"
"I love you more princessa."
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Taglist:@oharaslover @willyoubemycherryy @cherryredstarsreblogs /@cherryredstars @versatilehater @dustbunniess / @evbunnie
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s-rosie · 2 days
helllooooo!!!! i hope you like these hcs and please let me know how i can improve. tysm
nash and jameson did the wap dance at his bachelor party
one time, xander put on a really dirty song on (like mad at me by sexyy red) in the car and gray almost had a stroke
the brothers, ave, libby, and max once had a nerf war that lasted for 72 hours straight (avery and jameson teamed up and won)
avery’s go-to karaoke songs are obsessed by Mariah Carrie, NO by megan trainer, etc. and jameson was like “is this targeted?” when they first did karaoke
one time max was listening to a spicy audio and it accidentally connected to the car with just her and avery and now she blackmails her with the memory
when they were younger, nash paid xander in ice cream to keep quiet about a hickey he had
libby always has to pee on road trips like im talking every 30 minutes and everyone debates on leaving her at the rest stop
ave once had a dream (if you know what i mean) about jameson before they were dating, and she couldn’t look him in the eye the next day
grayson once failed cooking so bad, he had sauce splattered on his suit and had to awkwardly walk to his room to change (while everyone made fun of him)
xander and jameson will randomly break out in song like they are in a musical or sum
libby and max watch anime together
rebecca once yelled because she was mad and everyone stopped in their tracks because she never yells
nash loves legally blond because it was alisa’s fave movie before she was a lawyer and she got him into it
grayson watches the golden girls as a guilty pleasure
nash watches soap operas and always gasps dramatically at every plot twist
thea only drinks black coffee because she thinks it makes her ✨qUiRkY✨ (she doesn’t even enjoy it)
rebecca and xander hold the world record for largest blanket fort ever built because of a sleepover they had when they were kids
max says things like “im just not like the other girls ✨💖😝🤪🤩🎀💝” ironically
jameson knows swear words in almost every language
one time, jameson started to tickle avery, so she pulled out a swich blade on him
max and avery have a system where they cover for each other no matter what, no questions asked (it saved both of their asses more times then they can count)
libby, max, and avery make up code names for everyone (code name list on next post) (jameson eventually figured out who all the code names were for and now listens to the conversations and gets all of the tea and the girls have no idea)
avery is flexible, and one time max said sum like “ave, your flexible, right” and avery eas like “yeah” and jameson started to think some not-so-g-rated-things (nash then elbowed him and told him to knock it off)
libby once messed up so bad dying her hair, a chunk of it came out
xander once made a robot spider to scare jameson (becauae i hc hes deathly afraid of spiders)
those are my hcsss! i hope upu liked them. please give me tips on how i can improve and please give me hc suggestions and recommendations so i can make more. tysmm!
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 hours
Romantic Gestures
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Commissioned by @swordcrossedlover. So a few months ago Duster blew him out of the water when it came to celebrating Valentine's Day, and then Dabi completely fucked up returning the favor on White Day. Now, as they hit their one year anniversary of dating, he really, really wants to get things right as he and his lover spend the day together.
Contents: Tooth-rotting fluff, BDSM, Sir kink, Praise kink, Feminization, Lingerie, Anal fingering, Anal sex, Creampie, Riding.
Word Count: 7342
It probably would surprise absolutely no one that Dabi has never been in an extended romantic entanglement in his life. He's not sure how or when in his life he ever would have been able to make some kind of romantic relationship work at all, given how he spent his youth obsessed with living up to his lost potential, his adolescence in a coma, his teenage years on the streets trying to keep his skin from falling off, and time as a young adult trying to figure out how to kill his father. So realizing that he wasn't just hooking up with his boss but that they were actually dating had been a shock. Realizing that they kept dating, that they were sharing their space, and now living together completely in the PLF, that Tomura wants to keep him for as long as he can have him, and in no way seems ready to run for the hills, was a bit of a shock. But what ends up being even more shocking is the fact that they have been dating for a year. Sure there was a chunk of that time where Duster was off floating in a tube, but it's been a year now. Their work with the PLF is getting stronger and stronger, and they're getting so much closer to being able to tear apart hero society before anyone sees them coming. They're stronger than they were when AFO was commanding the organization from the shadows. And, perhaps most astonishingly to him, they're happy. 
Toga is thriving being around so many people without anyone being scared of her. Twice is getting treatment for his condition and is making strides to actually be able to use his quirk to its fullest effect. Compress has the best prosthetic that could be designed and has fully adapted his fighting style around his disability. Spinner's finally not a Stain fanboy anymore and is actually working to grow his own fighting style around his quirk instead of trying to mimic the serial killer’s. Tomura's body is no longer at risk of falling apart under the strain of his teacher's quirk and is making it his own with each new piece he unlocks. And he's... better. He's never going to be good, his quirk will always be too strong for his body, and the scarring across his skin is permanent unless he gets years and years worth of reconstruction, but having access to medicine, money, and a safe place to live means that his open seams have finally closed, the burned skin slowly fusing back together with the other parts and leaving him no longer falling apart if he loses a few staples for whatever reason. He's put on more muscle, his chronic pain has gotten less severe, and he's... happy. 
And that's to say nothing about how he and Duster have been since they became, like, a real couple. A real couple that shares a living space, sleeps in the same bed each night, shares meals, and spends their downtime together. The sex, of course, is nothing to overlook, but the domestic things, the emotional things, that they've had in and around that, is more shocking to him overall. He didn't think he was capable of having anything in him besides his anger and revenge. Duster agreed to take up space right alongside that however, never pushing to be more to him than that. It's unbearably sappy that he'd managed to fall in love with him anyway. 
Which is why, when they start to come up on their actual anniversary, Dabi alternates constantly between being pleased that they literally made it this long without anything disastrous happening, and humiliated because that means he has to come up with something to do for said anniversary. He got lucky that neither of them did anything for each other's birthdays because they just hadn't even mentioned them until well after they'd passed. Christmas had been a League thing instead of a couple thing after how much of a year they'd had so far, and Dabi had thought he was safe from holidays. In his defense, he had never once celebrated Valentine's Day, or seen his parents celebrate it when he was growing up. It was absolutely not on his fucking radar. In fact, he had been extremely annoyed when his schedule had suddenly been cleared and he was without anything to do for a whole day, especially when the others all seemed to be turning and running the other way whenever he tried to find or talk to them. To top it all off, Duster wasn't even around either because he was with the doctor. 
So he had been annoyed, alone, and without anything to do. He went to train with every intention of just letting that wear him down to nothing and then going to pass out for a while, possibly after getting high. He was even more furious when he found out that his training area was currently blocked off as something he couldn't get a clear answer about was going on, so he skipped it and decided, yeah, no, he was going to get absolutely loaded, pull the curtains shut, turn off all the lights in their room, and curl up under the blankets until he passed out from heat stroke. And he had gone back to their room. 
To find that Duster had his lunch already delivered and waiting for him, that the bath was filled and steaming with milk, honey, and fucking rose petals, and his love had left him a bowl to smoke as well. Dabi had caught on then that this, of course, was Tomura's doing, but he didn't know why he'd arranged for this while he was away. Maybe he just felt bad that so much of his work had gotten shifted onto Dabi's pile while he was busy, but Dabi had decided that he would give his lover shit about it later. He had his lunch, smoked in the bath, and when he'd gotten out, it was to find new clothes laid out for him on their bed, his e-reader all loaded up with new books, a set of confidential files that his lover somehow got out of the Endeavor agency, and a note asking him to get dressed and go to the roof at seven. He was more than happy to lounge around mostly naked, reading and scheming to kill time for a few hours before getting dressed in the red lingerie, black dress pants, and black silk shirt that had been left for him before he headed up to the roof. 
To where Tomura had been waiting with a whole candlelit dinner. He fucking went all out wining and dining Dabi, who was already reeling just from the fact he'd paused his treatments to come see him. He'd pampered Dabi and made him feel like a princess before the other man had even taken him to bed, and then he had taken him to bed and made him float so high, for so long, that Dabi had really, seriously thought he was in danger of dying from bliss. And he still hadn't caught on to it being Valentine's day until Duster had murmured it in his ear. 
He was a little mortified then to realize what he'd been missing the whole time, but he was able to deflect that by punching him in the side and telling his lover not to treat him like a girl outside of their sheets. But he still felt like he had to do something for White Day. Tomura told him that he didn't have to, he was more than happy to just spend the day with Dabi, but he had been so thoroughly shown up, he was desperate to prove that he was capable of being as romantic as Duster. Which was a hell of a lot harder to do when he didn't have any clue how to be romantic for Duster. The classic shit worked on him because he had never been treated to any kind of classical romantic gesture, and the embarrassment that came alongside the thin curls of pleasure at being treated as precious now, had made it heady. But Duster didn't care about that stuff, and Dabi had spent a humiliating month trying so hard to plan something only to end up burning dinner because his emotions were going too high and his quirk was out of control, chocolates that melted, and so frustrated and upset at his failures, that Tomura wouldn't take him to bed for anything but cuddling to calm him down and make sure he felt better. It was a massive failure and Dabi was bound and determined not to let anything similar happen for their anniversary. 
Dabi wakes up early the day of their anniversary. He has a plan god damn it, and he's not going to sleep through it. Duster isn't in their room which probably means his insomnia kept him up for most of the night, to the point he went to his office to work. So Dabi goes and showers quickly before going back into their closet. He had his lover pick out three different sets of lingerie that he would like to see him in and Dabi settles on the set that he wants to wear and throws on his normal lounging clothes overtop, though he does opt for one of Tomura's kitten-soft fine-knit red sweaters because he knows how much Shig likes it when he wears his stuff and his color. And when that's finished, he heads right to their common area and kitchen. The rest of the League isn't around, and he didn't expect them to be this early in the day, so he starts prepping ingredients without having anyone breathing down his neck. 
He and Tomura agreed that they both got to plan things for the day in equal measures, and Duster gets to plan and surprise him with their scene tonight if Dabi gets to decide on dinner. And this time he's not going out of his way to attempt making the fanciest thing that he can think of. He's not going to stress himself out over any of that. But making dessert in advance and leaving it to chill until later will make it perfect. He does, perhaps, make certain that all of the ingredients that he had delivered were the best quality that money could buy for this, but the recipe itself isn't complicated and he's made it for the League before. It's the only dessert that he's ever had Tomura not only eat, but eat more of without prompting, and he figures that will be perfect for tonight. 
He brews up the strongest espresso he's ever made in his life and makes sure to let it cool a bit before he moves onto the next steps. He also puts aside a smaller container to make a miniature tiramisu without alcohol since Toga hates the rum in the original recipe. It only takes him a short while to have the dessert assembled in its dish and put into the fridge. And then he pauses, , takes their memo pad off the fridge and writes a note, 
'If any of you fuckers cut into this before I do, I'm burning off your dicks. Don't fuck with me.' And then a second note for the little container, 'For Toga, alcohol-free :)' 
He slaps them on, puts them away, and then brews fresh coffee for he and Duster, along with some toast and a rolled omelet and then he heads to the other side of the villa to their offices. He knocks on the door as a formality more than anything before catching the handle and slipping inside. Shig is at his desk and smiles when he comes in, and from the budget reports he's reviewing, Dabi knows that he's happy to see him for more selfish reasons than usual. 
"Happy anniversary, firefly." 
"Yeah, yeah, happy anniversary, come have breakfast with me." 
They sit together on the little couch and have their food and coffee, and when they're done, Tomura pulls him closer and gives him a kiss. "What are you doing up so early, baby?" 
Dabi nuzzles right back in. "Had my own shit to do this morning. But now I'm finished and I want to know what you have planned for the rest of the day." 
"I don't have anything planned outside of tonight, precious." Tomura says. 
"No hot air balloon ride?" 
"Picnic on the burned out remains of my childhood home?" 
"Not unless you want to go on a fieldtrip." 
"Proposal in front of the entire organization?" 
"No, you wouldn't say 'yes' if I asked in front of other people." And he looks beyond amused at this point. "But if you want a ring--" 
"Don't you fucking dare. I'm not gonna marry you until after the end of the war." It's an easier thing to say now, because after about six months of dating, Duster told him bluntly, that he was it for him. Dabi was the only person he'd ever been in a romantic relationship with and thought that he wanted that to last forever. He would have probably married him then, just in case they got arrested so that they might still be able to have visits with one another in Tartarus, but Dabi had smacked him across the back of his head and told him to stop being a sap. 
"I guess I better win then." He murmurs, pulling Dabi in for another kiss. He lets himself melt into that. It's been a year. He's tired of pretending that he doesn't soak up every drop of affection that he's given. Tomura kisses him slow and sweet, one hand cupping the back of his neck, all five fingers on him because he can control his quirk completely now, because he made himself so much more powerful, but instead of showing the world what a threat he is, he'd come right home to him so that he could hold his hand without making it hurt. 
Dabi all but crawls into his lap, tangling his fingers through his lover's soft hair, so long now it's curling down his back, and lets his lover hold him close and lick behind his teeth. But when Tomura's hand strays to the hem of his sweater, Dabi catches his wrist and parts just enough to breathe, "Not until after dinner." 
"Alright princess," he rubs their noses together before giving Dabi another sweet peck. "So what do you want to do today?" 
And instead of killing himself trying to think of something romantic for them to spend their time doing, Dabi just wants to spend the day with each other. They head back to their room, and it's not fancy baths, rose petals, and candlelight, it's he and Shig lazing about, his feet in his lover's lap as he taps away at one of his games and Dabi reads. They talk when they feel like it, they kiss and press in close for cuddles when the mood strikes them, or strikes Dabi mostly. He doesn't try to outdo the romantic gestures that Shig did for him before. He just lets himself soak in the gentle affection that they've been cultivating between them for the past year. And Tomura seems more than happy with that. Dabi knows he's prickly most other times, too embarrassed, too self-conscious to let himself be as unabashedly warm as his lover is to him. But he doesn't let himself get into his head about that today, he just lets himself enjoy the things about their relationship that he's been receiving for so long now, and he puts away the fear of them being ripped away if he does something wrong. Tomura wouldn't ever abandon him. He would tear down the entire world for him and then put it back together dust particle by dust particle if it meant that he would finally believe that this is something he doesn't have to earn. 
The hours pass, but it's so easy to not notice the time going by. When they were apart, every hour felt like sandpaper being dragged across his mind, but when they're together, time flows like water and it's hard for him to feel like they've spent the whole day together as the sun begins to set because he has just been in a heavy fog of contentment. He only notices because he had an alarm set so that he would know when their dessert had been chilled long enough to be ready to cut. He takes that as an opportunity to text for the dinner he'd already set up to be ordered to be picked up and goes right back to being cuddled close and with his lover. 
It takes about half an hour before his phone chimes and says that the food is ready, so he reluctantly extracts himself from his lover. "Are you cooking?" He asks, and there's no expectation or judgment in the question, just, maybe, a faint concern after how poorly things had gone on White Day. 
"Nope. I'll be back in a minute." 
"Do you want--" 
Tomura's brows raise and Dabi knows that's going to earn him a punishment, though he hopes he saves it for tomorrow and doesn't change whatever he has planned for tonight. He does stay where he is though, turning his attention back to his game as he looks for a save point. 
Dabi goes and is happy to see the two brown bags of takeout sitting on the counter with his name on them, and is amused to see Toga sitting on the couch with her container of tiramisu, eating it smugly while the others look like they're vibrating as he goes over to the fridge. He takes out the container, cuts two sizable portions, sprinkles on a bit of cocoa powder, and then gathers his bags on one arm and holds the plates in his hands. 
"Go for it, you freaks." He's fairly certain he hears the others descending on the dessert like rabid dogs, but he doesn't pay them any mind. He goes back to his and Shig's room and finds the other has put away their electronics and has clearly remade the bed and probably picked out whatever he wants to use on him tonight and relocated it to the bedside drawer for easier access. 
Dabi sets down the bags and they start to take out the food. Shig blinks in surprise. Dabi tends to gravitate towards more traditional dishes when he picks dinner, or really any meal. His formative years cooking were for things that were traditional because his father was traditional and focused on keeping his house as traditional as possible. But the others, and Tomura especially from his upbringing of meeting with and traveling all over with AFO, means that he is more likely to pick out food from other places around the world if he is tasked with picking their meal. So the Indian takeout instead of an elaborate, romantic Japanese dinner, and the ice cold six pack of beer is definitely a surprise. 
"Why Indian, firefly?" He asks, but it's definitely not a complaint as they start to open up the different takeout containers. 
"Cause the night that you and I stayed up until past three working on getting the summer camp job ready, this is what you ordered, and apparently it was the first time you ever got me to laugh, which you also apparently could not shut up about for a solid week--" 
It is rare that someone as shameless as Duster ever manages to get embarrassed, but faint splotches of pink start on his cheeks. "I don't--"
"Spinner ratted you out." 
"I'm going to kill him." 
"He also said that you consider that our first date, since we didn't really have one before I let you blow my back out." Technically, if that were true, then their anniversary would have been two months ago, but Tomura had actually asked for them to be something beyond fuck buddies a year ago today, and presumably hadn't wanted him to know about how sappy he was, so today is the day they're celebrating. "You can't kill him, he's your best friend." 
"I can maim him." 
Dabi doesn't argue with that, he knows his lover wouldn't ever do it anyway.
They eat and the food is good, talking is good, it's so easy to be with Tomura now. He came clean about Toya a few months ago, and doing that had removed a barrier that Dabi hadn't really thought he was feeling in their relationship. Easy for them to talk shit about Trumpet's haircut, to speculate about exactly how much inbreeding Geten had to have from that side of his family for him to be as fucking dense as a pile of bricks now, to talk about their plans, the ones that they'll be putting into practice soon, and the ones that will be getting finished far in the future after the war, and feel... hopeful for the first time in their lives. It's different than things ever felt before, and he is laughing again by the time they're finished with dinner and dessert and he's being pulled into his lover's lap for another kiss. 
"Show me what you're wearing, princess," Tomura orders, his lips curved into a smile as he nips along his jaw. Dabi doesn't protest this time. Tomura let him have the day, let it be what he thinks has been an easy redemption for the absolute mess he made of White Day, and he's always more than happy to show off for his lover. 
He sits up a little and lets Duster pull away his sweater, showing him the lacy red bralette he's wearing underneath, thin, strappy, and see-through the way he always likes. Never wanting Dabi to hide his scars, always wanting him in something delicate because he thinks Dabi's, 
"Beautiful, baby girl." His lover has had so many other words for him and about his body, but the sincerity of this one never fails to take his breath away. 
"Thank you, sir," he manages before Tomura gives him another kiss. He doesn't push to go any faster, but there is a different kind of heat that's crackling through their space now, that slow burn of pleasure that is getting hotter and hotter as his hands move over his skin. 
Duster finds the places on his body that he knows so well now. He touches his sides, along his back, teasing just under his staple punctures on the healthy side where his skin is so sensitive, and he does it without being disgusted he wants to be touched there, or scared that doing so could hurt him because he knows so completely what Dabi can handle. He licks along his neck, over to his pulse point, and nibbles and sucks there to put the promise of a bruise under his skin that no one else will see, but Dabi will be able to feel for a long while, little marks of ownership that he knows he'll carry for the rest of the week with satisfaction deep in his bones. He lets out a fluttery sigh, working his hands under his lover's shirt, touching his cool skin and trying to work it up as he goes. Tomura pulls away and lets him remove the fabric, but once he has, he shifts how he's holding him. 
"Come on, princess, I want to see you all laid out." 
It's effortless for him to lift Dabi now, and a heady heat goes through him as he's carried bridal-style over to their bed. Being made small and easy to carry and care for, being delicate when he's a gnarled mess of scars and sharp edges, makes him feel like he's going to float away already, and Sir has barely started with him. He wraps his arms around his neck, pulling himself even closer so that he can press his own kisses there as he's taken over to the bed. Tomura laughs when he clings to him for a moment longer to give him a few more before he lets himself be put down. 
But when he's on his back, Sir's hands go to his waistband and Dabi lifts his hips, helping him to take away the last of his real clothes. Duster's eyes drag up his body and Dabi is breathless from how he looks at him. "You're so gorgeous, precious." He murmurs, a hand moving up along the back of his leg as he shifts to kneel on the bed. Dabi spreads his to make room for him, and the hand hooks behind his knee, pulling that one up and open further so that he can see how his panties cling to his crotch and ass. "I love seeing you all dressed up for me." He would replace his wardrobe entirely with the clothes Tomura likes if there weren't practical reasons to not. Maybe when they rule Japan together. He could let Tomura keep him in lingerie, dresses, and finery for a whole year just for the hell of it. "But I think you're missing something to make you perfect, princess." 
Through the hazy bliss already pressing in along his nerves, Dabi's mind twinges with confusion. This is the full set, this one doesn't have stockings to go with it-- Tomura leans over to the nightstand and extracts a thin square box wrapped in black paper with a brilliant blue bow on top. Dabi sits up so that his lover can give him the gift. "Thank you, sir." Tomura leans in and presses a kiss to his forehead before pulling back to let Dabi open it. 
The ribbon pulls easily and he runs a nail underneath the edges of the paper until he can slide out the crisp white box inside. Tomura takes the paper and ribbon from him before Dabi opens the lid and finds, nestled in pearlescent white tissue paper, a new collar. Unlike his day collar that is just black leather with a few modest spikes and an O-ring, this one's for scening, and is a thicker pale pink ribbon and lace with gold findings, the ring at the center in the shape of a heart with letters in-- he runs his thumb over the first and realizes that they definitely aren't plastic rhinestones. No, these feel like real stones of some kind, though if his lover actually got him diamonds for their first anniversary, Dabi is going to have to kill him-- gemstones of some kind, spelling out 'Sir's Princess'. It's frilly and pretty, and tells Dabi exactly what he is, what he's supposed to be when he's like this, and how much Sir loves him for giving himself up so completely to him. 
"Can I wear it?" He wants it on now, but that's not for him to decide. 
"Of course you can, baby girl. You know I'll give you anything you want if you are always so sweet when you ask." Tomura takes the collar out, and Dabi gives a soft sigh as the delicate lace and ribbon kiss his neck as he wraps it around his throat. The findings and letters are heavier, making the piece feel substantial even though the body of the collar is made out of lighter materials than his day collar. Tomura secures it and then leans back to look at him again. "There. Oh, baby girl," he sounds breathless when he speaks again, his eyes and words soft with his affection, "I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how much I love you." He traces a finger along where the lace and his skin meet, "Or how happy I am you're mine." 
His face feels hotter, his whole body feels hotter when he manages, barely above a whisper. "Love belonging to you, Sir." He never thought he would ever be able to dedicate himself to anything beyond his revenge, but he is... he is so dangerously close to letting that go if it means he can be Tomura's sword and shield in the final fight. If he can be certain that being at his side will mean that they win their war. He catches one of Shig's hands, his damaged one with his prosthetics in place, and presses a kiss to his palm. "Keep me?"
"Forever, princess." His lover tells him emphatically. And then his mouth is back against his and he's pulling Dabi close, his hands are back on his skin, stroking and teasing. Every touch screams with the desperation to show him that he means it. He would spend an eternity with him, he would tell him every day for the rest of time how deeply he's loved. Heat starts to spark hotter through his veins as Sir's hands move to his chest and he rubs a finger over his covered nipples. He changed his piercings today, studs with little dangling heart chains for the occasion, and when Tomura feels them, he smiles against his lips before he reaches back to unhook his bra. 
"You're so cute, baby girl. I love how you dress up for me." And he knows how much Dabi loves his praise. He lives for it, and of all of their play, nothing makes him hotter than Tomura's sweet words in his ears as his hands move across his body. "It makes me so happy to see how much you've embraced being so pretty for me, princess." 
He mewls as Sir uses one hand to unclasp his bra, but the other goes down his back, pulling him up from the mattress and then into his body until he's in Sir's lap, his thighs spread so wide. There wasn't a chance of hiding his building arousal already in his thin, tiny panties, but his cock is rubbing against Sir now in this position and his lover is smiling again as he murmurs, 
"Even prettier when your clit starts to blush like that, baby girl." Which only serves to put embarrassment inside of his veins alongside the heat. He tangles his fingers back into Tomura's hair and pulls him into another kiss to staunch the flow of his words for a moment as he shrugs out of his bra and his lover brings both hands to his ass, cupping him and squeezing just firmly enough to have him moaning as he's dragged in even tighter to his body. His panties don't cover his skin completely, and even then, Sir slips two fingers underneath the lace so he can tease him as he steals his breath. He moans as he is touched, clinging onto him and rolling his hips against him to put more of that pleasure against his clit as Sir makes him get hotter. 
Tomura pulls away only long enough to see the charms dangling from his chest, and he spares a hand to tease them, tugging gently on the chain so that the little tug there makes him gasp. "Should've known from the first moment I saw you that you would like having your pretty tits admired and played with." He cups one as his mouth goes to the other, licking along his seam and kissing down to his nipple. Dabi whines as he teases at the bud, nipping just hard enough that the sensitive nerves tangle that spark of pain through him and makes his clit even harder. He sucks and licks at his chest until there is a constant stream of moans coming out of him, and when he switches to the other side, he's so sensitive that just the weight of the charm hanging off of his skin has him trembling. By the time he pulls away from them completely, they're swollen and red and Dabi is even hotter because, "There, now your tits are blushing as cutely as your clit, baby girl." 
"More, Sir, please?" He begs, rocking himself into his lover's hips and feeling his cock against him. That gets them both moaning, and Tomura holding him even tighter. 
"You can have anything you want, princess. I'm going to give you the whole world." He promises. Dabi would give it right back if it meant he could just have Tomura like this forever. He expects his lover to make him shift positions so that he can get him naked, but Sir doesn't. He reaches to the nightstand and pulls out their lube, their best lube, the silicone lube that Sir only uses when he wants to take his time. Dabi trembles and his lover laughs warmly. "I should have had you wear white if you were going to act like my sweet virginal little bride." 
And he humiliates himself by whimpering as he grinds against him again. 
Tomura's eyes light up. "Oh, princess, after all of that protesting? You want to be my bride? Do you want to pretend, baby girl?" 
"Sir," he whines.
"Not the words I need, baby." He's still smiling as he pulls his panties to the side and exposes him to the cooler air. "Does my baby girl need my vows first?" He teases again. He kisses Dabi before he can protest, his body going impossibly hot. It's been a long time since he felt like he was going to completely combust because of his lover's words, his pleasure and embarrassment both burning through him as Tomura slicks his fingers and starts to tease them around his rim. He goes slowly as he pulls back, his lips never fully leaving his skin as they move over his body and as he speaks. "I'm going to stay by your side forever, princess. I'm going to make sure that you reach all of your goals-- and I'm going to be there to help you even after you wish I would have given up." 
The sensations in his body feel like a knife-point he's balancing on the edge of. He can't tell if he hurts or if he feels good as his lover promises those things as his fingers start to work inside of his body, slicking his skin and stroking along his walls. His nerves cry out for pleasure, but the sharpness in his chest, like every word is being taken into his heart and threatening to burst as it gets fuller, is a keening ache. But he's still moaning and desperate, trying to catch Tomura in kiss after kiss as he grinds their cocks together and rocks back onto his fingers, getting more desperate to try and get more of his skin, and fewer of his words before he shatters. 
"Going to tell you every day how beautiful you are, how much I love you," Dabi whines, pulling at his hair as he fucks himself back onto his fingers. Sir gives him what he wants, angling to rub against his prostate on every subsequent thrust, bringing his need higher and higher. "Love how you moan, precious, and the way your skin smokes when you lose control. I never know if I should ever let anyone else see how perfect you are when you're feeling good, baby. They'd want you for themselves, but you're so lovely, and you love to have all eyes on you. I would let them watch so long as I know you're mine. You're going to be mine forever, won't you, princess?" 
"Yes, Sir," his voice is higher, thin with his pleasure, and desperate for more. "Tomura--" 
"Those still aren't the words I need for you to be my bride, baby." He sinks a third finger inside of him and Dabi keens, his clit so achingly hard it's smearing pre all against his panties, so wet that he's making Tomura's pants wet too as they move against one another. "What else? In sickness and in health? You've already been there for me when I was shattered. You took such good care of me-- of our family," Dabi's eyes burn as his chest feels like it's going to burst. "And I'm going to take care of you just the same. I'm going to change every staple, help heal every burn, and I'm going to let you know every day that your quirk didn't break you." 
"Duster," his voice cracks, tears slipping over his cheeks. Tomura kisses them away and Dabi can't stand it anymore. He reaches for his pants and fumbles messily with the button and zip, knowing his hands must feel so hot against his lover's cooler skin as he pulls him out and strokes him, needing to have his cock inside right now. 
"For richer or poorer? We've done both. I wouldn't ever give up the times we spent sleeping curled up together under your coat--" 
"Tomura," he tangles a hand in his hair and yanks hard enough to make his lover wince. 
"Just two words, princess, and I'll be yours forever." 
He keens, tears on his cheeks and a desperation in him that he's never had before, as he pulls their mouths together again, "I do." 
Tomura kisses him so hard their teeth click, pulling his fingers out of him. There's a fumble of movement as he gets the bottle again and slicks his cock, but as soon as his hands are around Dabi's hips again, they're shifting to bring their bodies together. They both lose themselves in a moan as Dabi takes him deep inside, his muscles trembling as he's stretched everywhere he's wanted to be. 
He's too frantic to try to take things slowly. He needs his lover, needs Tomura across every inch of him so that he can be completely consumed. He wants to belong to him. He has belonged to him since the first second he walked into the bar in Kamino, and he's never known how to tell him that. Tomura doesn't struggle with his words. He doesn't doubt anything he says, and he almost never lies. He would make Dabi his forever. He would marry him if Dabi just let him ask. He would give Dabi the world and then some if it meant they could stay together forever. 
"I love you, Iloveyou, Iloveyou!" He babbles against his lips as his lover helps him to move in his lap, drawing him higher and pulling him down faster than he could have himself as his muscles shake and tears drip off his cheeks. 
"I love you, firefly," Tomura tells him, more conviction in this declaration than any he has made to the PLF, the League, All For One. He loves Dabi more than his war, his quirk, his people. He won't ever abandon him for any of those things. He won't ever let him go unless he asks to leave. 
Dabi knows he never will. 
This isn't scening, isn't fucking, it's something different and softer that Dabi never thought he would experience, no matter how much faster and rougher their movements are getting as they creep closer to their completion. For the first time, Dabi really thinks he understands what people meant when they said that they felt like they were one with their partner as they make love. They are so entangled now that Dabi doesn't think that they will ever be able to be separate again, and he never wants to be. He wants this for the rest of their lives. 
It's not a surprise then, as their pleasure builds, that it builds together, and Dabi is aching, loud moans spilling out of him as his lover moves inside. "Tomura," he gasps, "close." 
"I know princess," he murmurs, kissing away another track of tears. "I can always feel it when your pussy gets so hot and tight like this." Dabi mewls, his clit aching, and he can't help it, he has to reach between them so that he can cup himself through the thin, soaked lace, and grind himself against his palm as the thrusts grow harder. "That's it, baby girl. I want you to feel good. Show me how good it is, baby. Cum with me." 
He's smoking as that sends him over the edge in just a few more thrusts, his lover's cock hitting his sweet spot on each one. And as his muscles tense as he cums, Tomura's groan entangles with his moans as his cock twitches before he's painting his spend all along his walls. 
He feels like every bone has been replaced with jello as he slumps against his lover's chest, eyes slipping shut as he tries to catch his breath, soaked inside and his panties stained and dripping with his cum. But he doesn't care. He just knows that he has never felt safer, more complete, more loved than when he's in Tomura's arms. 
Duster kept him full and happy a few more times before he ran them a bath and soaked with him in the tub for a long while. Then he'd dried them off and carried Dabi back to bed, and spent the rest of the night finding a hundred other ways to tell Dabi how much he loved him until he'd passed out. And when he wakes up, he is still curled into his lover's chest, Tomura stroking his hair as the sun rises behind their curtains. 
"When I said you could plan a scene, I expected some fucked up, kinky shit with a lot of edging," Because that's usually what he gets when his lover wants to indulge them both for a long time. "Not wedding roleplay." 
"We can do all of that today if you want to, precious. And who said that was roleplay, firefly?" Tomura presses a kiss to the crown of his head and then stretches an arm out to the nightstand, reaching into the drawer and extracting a piece of paper and a pen. Dabi gapes, incredulous as he is presented with a marriage certificate that has already been signed by their officiant (Compress) and their witnesses (Spinner and Twice). "Toga wanted to sign too, but she's not an adult." 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" 
Tomura smiles and gives him another kiss. You don't have to sign if you don't want to, baby, we didn't put any dates on it--" 
"I hate you, give me that." Dabi snatches the pen and scrawls down his legal name. "I'm only signing this because I'm going to divorce you next week." 
"That's fine, firefly, it just means that I get to ask you to marry me again." Tomura signs his name too, and the license looks wrong with 'Tenko Shimura' and 'Toya Todoroki' on it. 
Dabi takes it and shoves it back in the drawer. "This is for the cops and the heroes. If something goes wrong, if we fail, then that's for them. But when we win," he's never been an optimistic person about his future, but he wants a life with Tomura in the world they build after the war. "You can actually ask me and if I'm in a good mood I may say 'yes', and then we can have a real wedding, as us." 
He has never had someone look at him like he was the sun and moon, but Tomura never fails to. "I think that sounds more than fair, Dabi." 
His lover wraps his hand around the back of his neck and pulls him into a kiss again. Maybe when they get married for real they'll do it on the anniversary of their first date, or maybe they'll make it the anniversary of the end of the war. He supposes they'll have time to think about it before then. Dabi nips at Shig's lips. 
"I can't believe you showed me up again." 
"What are you talking about? All I did was get a piece of paper. You recreated our first date. I'm definitely going to have to think of something extra special for our next holiday." 
He can't help snorting when his lover sounds completely serious with that declaration before he leans in for another kiss. 
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tobiasdrake · 2 days
What's the best depiction of/metaphor for addiction you've seen in fiction?
I don't know if I'd call it the best; I have a hard time remembering all of the media I've consumed when given general questions like that. But the one that stands out most in my mind, at least, is Willow Rosenberg's four-season decline into overdependence and eventual substance abuse of magic in Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
A point I really like about the way BTVS handles addiction is that it doesn't blame the substance. The message isn't, "Magic is bad for you; It makes you an addict." The problem is never magic, and we see other characters both using magic responsibly and confronting Willow for the way she uses it throughout the series.
The problem, the message that BTVS conveys through Willow's addiction plotline, is addiction. The problem with addiction is addiction. You can be addicted to all kinds of things, not just controlled substances like drugs and alcohol. Caffeine can be addictive. Sugar. Video games. Fast food. Gambling. Sex. The internet. Money. Whatever gives your brain that dopamine hit that makes life worth living, that can form an addiction.
The problem in BTVS isn't magic. It's Willow's dependency on it. The way she makes it her personality, replacing who she was before. The way she leans on it as a crutch whenever things are physically or emotionally difficult. The way it substitutes for her lack of self-esteem, validating her with an artificial confidence boost by making her feel powerful and uniquely capable.
It starts in season two, with Willow casting her very first spell in the season finale to restore Angel's soul. Giles warns her then and there that casting this spell will "open a door that you may never be able to close". She doesn't really know what that means and neither do we.
But from season three onwards as Willow begins to learn about magic, we see her constantly turning to magic whenever things get hard - against advisement from the rest of the cast. People think the addiction storyline began somewhere in season six, but it actually began in episode 03x08 "Lovers Walk".
Willow and Xander, at this point, had begun cheating on their boy/girlfriends Oz and Cordelia with each other. Willow feels intensely guilty for it. At this point, they have three options in front of them:
1 - Break up with Oz and Cordelia, and get together. 2 - Do a better job of controlling their attaction to one another and remain faithful to their partners. 3 - See if Oz and Cordelia would be up for a polycule.
Willow decides to take a fourth option: She decides unilaterally that she should cast an anti-love spell on herself and Xander to magically erase their feelings for one another. She doesn't even consult him on it; In fact, she actively lies to him to keep him from realizing what she's doing.
She's put in a difficult but relatable situation; This is her first time having to make a choice between two people she's interested in. It's a situation where she needs to figure out what she wants for herself. And her response is "I can lobotomize us with magic".
It's gonna be a bumpy ride from here. This is Willow's chief character flaw. When things are hard either physically or emotionally, she leans on magic - Whether it's appropriate or not. Something that both Giles and Tara criticize her for as the seasons progress, to which her response is to sneak around behind their backs and do spells without their knowing - Such as trying to curse Oz after their breakup or giving Dawn guidance to perform an ill-advised resurrection spell on her mom.
Again, the problem is never that she does magic. Magic is shown to be tremendously useful in making the impossible possible. The problem is that she keeps leaping to extreme gestures of magic to do what was already possible. That she uses it as an emotional crutch, as a surrogate for her own self-esteem.
Magic makes her feel powerful. It makes her feel valid. That's something she didn't have before she had magic, and something she doesn't have when she isn't using magic. So she overindulges and rides the high of being able to crinkle her nose and make party favors go up, or stab a god with knives, or make anyone she loses come back to life because she is Willow Almighty and magic has made her omnipotent.
She likes being Willow Almighty. It's an awful lot better than Willow the Put-Upon Nerd. So she lets an otherwise benign activity become her entire personality, and she is made worse because of it.
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rocksibblingsau · 2 days
okay, I’ve been wondering how band together happens with Bergan branch for awhile, I want to know how much his brothers freak out
I imagine Branch has befriended the Pop Trolls by then and similarly bergens and trolls are at peace. The main change is there is no wedding crash because Bridget and Gristle are already married.
Honestly it's a little cursed but... I like to think instead he cut off Bridget from telling Bridget they were expecting because instead of the Broppy kiss on camera it's Bridget telling Gristle she's 'eating for two'.
So JD didn't seem bothered by the Bergens in the least which was... very odd? So John Dory doesn't freak out about Gristle just existing, but he's very confused by the fact that Bridget refers to Gristle and Branch as brothers. He assumes she means they're 'good bros'.
Bruce I like to imagine that Bergens have ended up on the island so while he used to freak out, he now knows how to handle perpetually miserable customers. Though Brandy always handles them, just in case. Lately though his Bergen clients have been in a cheerful mood, Brandy insists it's the tropical vibes and that everyone can be happy, but he doesn't know what to make of it.
I think he's a little put off by Branch constantly sitting on Gristle's shoulder, which Branch does by default as it's 1. A great mode of transportation in a place as big as Bergentown and 2. How he stayed under Gristle's watch before the true Last Trollstice so he didn't get snatched up.
The real issue comes with Clay and Viva. When they arrive to the golf course, Bridget and Gristle are attacked like normal, with Branch and Poppy working to fight off the attacking Trolls. Mostly Branch but Poppy will defend her bestie if she's gotta.
It's a lot harder to come to a peaceful discussion between them and the putt putt trolls, with Viva accusing them of being Bergen spies. Bridget and Gristle get freed by Branch and they agree to wait outside (but Gristle insists on taking the fries with them).
Clay and Viva are pretty horrified about the whole ordeal, but even more so to learn Branch was raised by Bergens. That's the moment where JD and Bruce are clued in a bit because none of them really bothered to think on it too much. Viva asks how Branch could do that knowing how many trolls fell victim to Bergens, which has Branch lashing out that he knows better than anyone about losing someone to Bergens because of what happened to his grandma.
Viva goes with them this time because she believes if they're wrong and Bridget and Gristle aren't changed that she's the only one who can protect her sister.
They have the fight they have post practicing and Branch leaves with Poppy, Bridget and Gristle. Viva demands to come too again. Branch says they'll figure out how to do a family harmony on their own to which Gristle gives his normal 'voice of reason' commentary.
Gristle: WE'RE going to figure it out? It took us until a year ago to all come to the conclusion we can be happy without eating trolls, now you want us to perform a super magical troll thing that not even the most talented trolls could do? Branch: Yeah. Gristle: *sigh* I'll get my keyboard.
It would be silly, but I like the idea that with the help of Bridget and Gristle they actually don't even need the family harmony because they both have the size and grip strength to open the diamonds themselves. So they yoink Floyd and he gets let out early. Yippieeee.
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ilovetheriddler · 1 day
Escape room affections.
(BTAS) The Riddler/Edward Nygma X F!Reader.
(The escape room is really badly designed, and the puzzles don't actually do anything. This obviously frustrates Edward greatly.)
Word Count: 691.
Contents: Edward being frustrated, kisses, and affection.
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You couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight of your boyfriend Edward, slowly losing his mind as a result of the escape room that you thought would be a fun date idea to do.
You truly love and adore Edward and how intelligent he is... but at times, that is his biggest flaw. Like now, as he was overthinking this escape room. He was so frantically trying to piece together puzzles that, in his mind and opinion, should work.
A part of you honestly didn't even have the heart to tell him that those puzzles weren't actually important and that the escape room was just really poorly designed and didn't actually use puzzles, that those were just there for decoration.
"Damn it! Why isn't this working? It's clearly the only correct solution to this!"
"Edward, sweetheart, I think that -"
"Not now, my love! I'm trying to figure out why this isn't working, These puzzles are borderline, something a toddler could solve. So the fact that they aren't working, despite me having clearly solved them, is a huge insult to me!"
He continued trying to solve the, quite literally, useless puzzles. The frustration and growing anger apparent on his face. You feel a bit guilty. When you saw that a new escape room had been opened, you thought it would be fun for Edward, that it would be a cute date idea. But perhaps you should have looked more into it beforehand. You walk over to him and place your hand on his shoulder.
"Edward.... the puzzles aren't important...."
A genuine look of surprise and confusion immediately crosses his face. He's silent for a few moments, clearly processing exactly what you just said to him. Before it fully registers with him and that look of frustration returns.
"Well, that's just idiotic! What kind of archaic fools create an escape room that doesn't rely on puzzles?!"
"I don't know.... listen, um, I'm sorry about this... I wasn't aware of it beforehand... so I'm sorry if I've unintentionally ruined our date...."
He looked slightly taken aback by your sudden saddened tone.
"My love, I assure you that while I am frustrated over the foolish design of this escape room, I'm not upset at you. In fact, the fact that I got to spend time with you is the only saving grace from this evening!"
"Really...? I'm glad then... oh! Um... here, I found it in one of the plants a few minutes ago..."
You hand him a simple key, more specifically, the key to get out of here. You feel your face heat up slightly once he leans in and places a simple yet sweet kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you, my love. I appreciate you trying to set up a date that I'd enjoy. It's not your fault that it went.... somewhat awry."
He unlocks the door, and the two of you leave the wildly underwhelming escape room. Edward has a certain look in his eyes that catches your attention, like he's planning something in his head.
"You know, I could make an escape room leagues more impressive than... that disgrace back there! Oh... perhaps i could even use it as a new challenge for Batman! Yes, that'd be perfect!"
"Well, if anyone can design an insane escape room, then it'd probably be you..."
He gets a somewhat smug yet genuine grin on his face at your compliment. He drapes his arm over your shoulders as you walk, leaning into you some. He then presses a gentle and quick kiss to your lips suddenly. Ruffling your hair slightly once he pulls away.
"Oh course, it'll be great, my dear. I'll finally be able to put an end to that caped crusader after all this time! I'm sure it'll work this time... oh, and I'd love for you to test it out for me.... before I add anything lethal, I mean."
"I'd be overjoyed to test out your escape room trap whenever you finish it....."
Edward walks you back to your apartment, bidding you goodnight before he starts making his way back to his place. He has plans that he must attend to...
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firewasabeast · 6 hours
Calm My Aching Heart
(Part 3 of my wedding series. You can start from part one here. They can all be read separately, or together.)
ao3 link or read below
With the wedding getting closer, Buck knew it was time to let the rest of his family at the 118 know that his parents decided not to attend.
Four days to the wedding, and the team was driving back from a call when Buck decided to let them in on what was happening.
It happened fairly naturally, which he was thankful for.
They were all discussing the rehearsal dinner, which was coming up in just a couple of days, when Chimney asked what time his parents were arriving in town. He had expected to hear from them by now, figuring they'd want to stay at his and Maddie's place.
“They're, uh, they're not,” Buck replied.
“Not what?” Chimney asked.
“They're not arriving. They're not coming to the wedding.”
They all stared at him for a moment before Hen spoke up. “Wait, are you serious?”
Buck nodded. “They have a- a cruise,” he explained for the third embarrassing time this week. “Which reminds me, I have two extra seats, and two extra plates of food that's been paid for, if you guys know anyone who could fill up those spot's that'd- that'd be great.”
“Hold on just a second,” Eddie said, waving his hand out. “You gotta explain this a little better. Your parents aren't coming to your wedding because of a cruise?”
“Yeah, that- that about covers it.”
“Does Maddie know?” Chim asked, paling.
“No. And do not tell her.”
“Chim, I'm gonna tell her,” Buck explained, “but I haven't been able to see her. This isn't something I can explain over the phone. I- I'm having lunch with her tomorrow. I'll say something then.”
“I'm supposed to hold this in until tomorrow?!”
“You're working until six in the morning,” Buck reminded him. “You'll barely see her before our lunch.”
“She's gonna call!” Chimney exclaimed. “She's gonna call and she'll hear it in my voice. She'll know, Buck. She'll know.”
“Get ahold of yourself, man,” Eddie said, smacking the back of his hand against Chimney's chest.
“Cap, you're being a little quiet about this,” Hen noticed.
“Cap actually already knew,” Buck explained as Bobby twisted in his seat so he could better face the group. “I told him a couple days ago.”
“A couple days?!” Chimney yelled.
“Buck filled me in,” Bobby replied, “and it wasn't my place to say anything, to anyone.”
“Bobby and Athena are actually going to walk me down the aisle in my parents place,” Buck continued. “Everything's been taken care of, except the extra seats.”
“I'm sorry,” Eddie started, a scowl on his face, “is no one else pissed about this? I mean, what the hell?”
Buck let out a humorless laugh. “I've had a few days to be pissed about it. And embarrassed. And sad. All those fun emotions.”
“Is that why you were so quiet the other day?” Hen asked. Her voice was always so calming to Buck when he was stressed.
“Yeah. I had just found out the night before. S- Sorry about snapping at you guys, by the way.”
“You don't need to be sorry,” Chimney replied. “I know a couple of people who do need to be sorry, but you're not one of 'em.”
“Should I call them?” Eddie offered. “I feel like it's my duty, as best man, to call them and make some very valid points as to why their reasoning is stupid.”
Buck rolled his eyes. “No one's calling them, and technically you're one of my four best people, because I couldn't choose between you, Maddie, Christopher, and Hen.”
Chimney gave him a smile. “Feelin' the love right now.”
“I can't help Tommy stole you to his side so we'd both have four people!”
“But we all know I'm the real best person and I can call them.”
“Tommy already offered that, Bobby and Athena did too, and I'm pretty sure at some point Athena even mentioned serving them with a warrant.”
Bobby nodded. “She did.”
“But no one is doing any of that. I- I appreciate the gesture, but no.”
Hen raised a hand, stopping the back and forth. “Serious question.”
“Do you think-” She paused, sighed. “Do you think they could be doing this because they're biphobic or homophobic?”
Buck shook his head, glancing out the window before turning back to them. “No, I think... I think they're doing this because they're them, and they'll always be them. M- Maybe they think about Daniel, or something? How he'll never have a wedding. I don't know. All I know is I- I can't let it ruin my wedding, because marrying Tommy is the only thing that matters to me right now.”
Bobby reached a hand back, patting Buck on the shoulder. “It'll be a perfect day, kid. We'll all make sure of it, won't we, guys?”
“That's right!”
“No doubt.”
“We've got ya, Buckaroo.”
Buck smiled. “Thanks, guys.”
As they pulled into the station, they filed out of the firetruck one by one. Silently, they waited for Buck to exit and, once he did, they pulled him into a big group hug. It made him both laugh and tear up at the same time.
His heart hurt. Thinking about his parents not being there for his wedding made him feel like gum on the bottom of someone's shoe. All those thoughts and feelings he'd worked through in therapy, often with his parents by his side, had come rushing back in the past few days. But, in these moments, when he was with Tommy, or Bobby and Athena, or his family at the 118, he felt loved. Truly loved.
When they began to break apart, Ravi, who was just starting his shift, walked up to them with a confused smile on his face. “I don't know what's happening, but I want in,” he said, stretching out his arms and forcing them all back into another group hug.
As they squeezed Buck even tighter, he felt a calmness that he hadn't felt in days, and he thought maybe if they just kept hugging him, it could take all the pain away.
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etapereine · 3 months
#instead of “everyone in the peloton can tell that tadejonas are pining for each other”#i propose the concept of: tadejonas who are *already together* like full-on established relationship living together part of the time etc#but somehow. no one else in the peloton has figured it out?#and like they didn't MEAN to hide it from people okay it wasn't on purpose#it just started out that way because when they realized they wanted to try it they ALSO realized that sooo much could go wrong#so they were like “we'll keep it pretty quiet until we're sure that whatever this is between us is real and will work out”#and obviously it does work out but when they try to tell people it somehow never seems to go according to plan#like somehow everyone leaves those conversations having completely missed the part where they say they're dating#and instead landed somewhere in the ballpark of “tadejonas are massively crushing on each other we have to help them”#so everyone is CONVINCED that they're pining away for each other and they keep trying to set them up in increasingly wild schemes#and tadejonas are just like. how do we explain to these people who we know and love that we are already in a committed relationship#random ass riders from like. every team tripping over themselves to help out the cause in the NAME OF LOVE and tadejonas are just like 🧍‍♂️#and like they feel kind of bad about it but also its kind of a game now to see how obvious they can be before someone catches on#random rider: jonas i promise tadej is totally into you okay he like. wouldn't shut up about you at XYZ race okay he definitely likes you#jonas (adjusting his scarf to hide the hickeys tadej left and jingling the keys of the house he shares with tadej): if you say so#what if i wrote something
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exopelagic · 27 days
okay I’m going insane I need to fix my sleep schedule now
#I cannot keep getting up at/after midday this is driving me crazy#SO. I’m gonna not do ice hockey for a little bit until I can get myself normal#I want to step away from ice hockey anyway bc the new committee are being annoying and I need them to stop making me do things#tonight I will go to bed at midnight. and I will stop everything to get ready for bed by 10 bc I need that time#and tomorrow I’m setting my alarm for 7:30#I’m going to have mornings again if it kills me bc this is making me feel like shit now#will also mean hopefully I’m less stressed about work and can schedule stuff with my friends bc oh my god everything has been a nightmare#this week. and it’s only Tuesday what the fuck#also going to make a sleep tracker again bc that worked in February#and I’m setting library times for weekdays as 9:30-12 and 2-5 because getting there is the problem and I normally stay longer once I’m ther#and that worked for exams AND there’s just less work to do now so if I can keep on top of it everything should be fine#just have to actually do it#like right now I rlly need to go get writing bc I need to figure out some title options and that needs to be done by tomorrow afternoon#otherwise there won’t be time to get feedback from my supervisor before the deadline#so while today might be a bit of a lost cause bc I need to shower go to the shop and cook which takes most of the free working time#I can do something and if I can make tomorrow morning work I’ll have enough time#I’m okay with having periodic getting my shit together days as long as I do use them to get my shit together#now pls. get your shit together <3#luke.txt
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kittlyns · 1 year
One day I am gonna start journaling again and then I won't post all this sad shit on here but until then! *posts another sad post*
#it's dark and I'm tired so this means NOTHING. but.#there's no heartbreak like raising your younger siblings and them growing up to side against you#I lost my childhood to playing parent and trying to distance my siblings from the fighting and verbal abuse I witnessed and endured#I learned to read the room early on so I could get them out of situations before they turned bad#I knew I had to be perfect so I could take the fall for shit I'd never do and get a lighter punishment than the 'problem children'#I understand the younger kids. I was older so I could shield them better until they were old enough for our parents to mellow out a bit#of course they would choose the parents who don't care enough to parent them over the bitch who had multiple public breakdowns over them#but my brother. I don't understand that. it was our war. we had to figure it out together#of course he didn't though. he'd hit every landmine and it was up to me to pick up the pieces and salvage what I could.#instead of there being a solidarity between us as survivors of a pitiful childhood he's taken to blaming me for it all#I'm the reason he's depressed. suicidal. can't get a job. can't drive. never leaves the house. it's all because of me.#he'll joke around and egg on the man who used to corner and scream and threaten and insult him.#he'll wax poetic about how he has our bio father's blood. how he shares so many traits with a man who never wanted him. will never care.#I won't say I was perfect or that I did right by him in every way. I was a child trying to survive and I lashed out plenty of times.#I never understood why he couldn't just shut up. couldn't just let words be said and meekly take them. always had to get the last word in.#couldn't just curse the man in his heart with his head bowed and a 'yes sir. sorry sir.'#I blamed him for that at the time. I was wrong for that.#so yeah. I can accept my part of making things worse for him. I should've tried harder to understand him.#what I can't accept is that the blame falls solely on me. not our bio father who beat our mom and abandoned us.#not our stepfather who made every day a walk on eggshells. not our complacent mother. not the external family who only ever made it worse.#just me. I'm the only thing that ruined his life.#and sure. he can believe whatever he wants. if that's how he feels then so be it.#but he has to tell everyone. yeah my sister ruined my life. yeah she's the reason I want to kill myself.#over and over and over. all the family believes him.#my mom tells me to be nicer to him. my grandma asks me what I've done to hurt him so badly. he tells our siblings I'm a bitch and a liar.#I haven't even spoken to him in years. but every time he has a mental health crisis it's my fault.#in what way? who fucking knows. he talks in circles and the only thing he says for certain is it's my fault. and that's all my family needs#it truly got to the point I had to stop speaking to him cuz no matter what I said he decided it was an attack on him.#so. I've dealt w a lot. sacrificed an entire life stage. got nothing to show for it#except mental illness and a creeping sense that it was all for nothing
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
I think Finn and pb being friends over reincarnations is really sweet tbh, (or I guess specifically Finn’s reincarnations) and I think it just adds on to them becoming more friends than anything else over the series ? Like at the start finn sees pb as a crush/boss more but over time He does see her as a very good friend !! Also like u said !! I think part of this is also seeing Finn n jake n stuff call pb Bonnie more ? It’s nice I really just like Finn and pb’s friendship, like how in the finale pb kisses Finn on the cheek platonically and like !! It isint weird or anything !! Idk if I am explaining my feelings well but idk you get what I mean most of the time.
I actually didnt know that Finn’s other incarnations were also friends with PB but ur right that is really cute and sweet
The way their dynamic changes over the series is really nice. I like where theyre at now i really liked that episode where they were at that party and then just. Left and chilled and hung out together it was nice. And then also the seeing eyes oke where Finn just sees her as like, his friend and she was just in casual clothes, makes it seem like he sees her a lot more as his equal now.
I think also as much as finn has taken PB off that pedestal he had her on to start with i think Bonnie also sees Finn as her equal a lot more now, i think she respects him a lot more now and the way theyve changed in treating eachother has made it easier for the other to change as well. This is getting hard to explain but u get it i think
I get what u mean, if that sorta thing had happened at the start of the series (i think it does) it would have been like a Whole Thing but at this point where they’re at with eachother its just. Not.
The overall swap with so many character from calling them their titles to using their actual names is something that is so special to me. Like you have Simon and Bonnie as the obvious ones but its also a lot more explicit in, i cant remember what the ep is called but when Flame Princess tells Bonnie her name is Pheobe and its like a Thing where she wont tell her what her name is until after shes proven she can be trusted and its like a trust and closeness thing. Finn also started calling her Pheobe but i don’t know where he got it from he just Did that but its nice too
Anyways yeah Finn and PB’s friendship is so nice and im glad they’re friends now over whatever idolisation knight thing was going on at the start of the series
#i get u bestie if u can have Any close what the fuck ik on about in minecraft i can figure out what u mean about AT#i dont know Whay it is but something about everyone using their firstnames is so soecial to me#its just nice and friendly it makes them all seem like theyre friends and get along more#i rlly like it its vibin#finn and bonnie’s friendship is so beloved#at the start of the series Bonnie is kinda like. a huge dick to literally everyone all the time#its not till like start of season 7 when KoO takes over the candy kingdom that she starts to calm down#shes such a chill character and like she atill Does stuff but it feels a lot more like its from a place of care and affection than before#the character who told Marcy that raggedy doll princess would be her new Hambo because she has such low self respect.#is Not the same character that helped her get rid of her vamp juice and then hunt down the vamps she killed and also debated on the morality#of killing some aliens to protect her people.#like there are a lot over overarching things and you can kinda see where she was coming from at the start but i feel like shes a lot more#likable as a character now. i dunno could just be me early Pb just had be gong What The Fuck Dude(derogatory) a lot more often than not#ive just started season 9 i think btw! okay im up to s9 ep13#i dont think theres much left but i still got a bit to go#i love talking about Adventure Time with u bestie it helps me figure out how i feel about things i didnt bring a bunch of this stuff togethe#r before now. <3#Tree Man Posts#asks#and so the adventure time live blog continues
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arthur-r · 2 years
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progress on my painting from a while ago
#it’s still just very base layers but i hadn’t got a chance to do anything to it since that first day#(i’m borrowing my older sisters canvasses and she’s the one who has all the paints too these days which used to be mine#so she’s keeping my work in progress canvas with all her painting stuff and it only comes out of the whole family is ready to paint#which mostly just means us kids but only happens if my littlest sister is interested and today she was)#anyway im very excited to have a painting to put up on my wall of a bear playing cello#the end pin is gonna be stuck out real long too look at how far it is to where his lower foot is at#cause usually you don’t play the cello when you’re standing and if you do you often have a strap or something similar#but i don’t use a strap (mainly because i only play sitting down but like. if i stood i would use the end pin)#and so neither does he. one real self insert of an imaginary cellist bear he must be#also one thing i’m gonna struggle with is differentiating the cello from the bear in color. like yeah they’re different shades of brown but#i only have so much different colors of paint to mix together#but yknow what. things happen and that’s all they ever do and if it doesn’t look good then i’ll figure something else out#maybe it’ll have to be an orange cello. these kinds of things are unpredictable shdhdf#anyway i hope you think of me like i think of this painting (as a grizzly bear playing a cello or as a thing you like and are proud of)#but yeah hi im at the house of some cats right now. feeding them and such. but there’s this other unafilliated cat who belongs to their#roommate josh. and his cat is named bear so you’d think we’d get along but he’s scratched me in six different spots today#he always wants to eat the other cats food so i have to pick him up and carry him to another room and that makes him very upset with me#anyway the cats take a long time to eat and i can’t leave until they’re done so that i can let out bear when he no longer poses a threat#which means im just kind of chilling in a friends empty house (josh is gone for the moment) with nothing much to do except wait#and i’m sure hoping to walk home before it’s pitch dark out but that would probably mean giving up and letting bear out to steal their food#so good luck to me on that front. anyway im rambling a little i was just trying to post this picture shdhdhdf#so. i hope to work on it again soon in not very long. and i just really like painting things with a paintbrush it makes me feel less bad#when i mess up in whatever ways. because everyone always complains about traditional art so it’s more universal. i like it better though too#anyway i’ll be here for the next while just hoping to head home before 9:30. let me know if you need anything though#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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