#being an animal is bullshit a lot of the damn time
gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Damian thinking he can cure depression and all of your negative mindsets by letting you cuddle and hug Bat-Cow.
He’d personally drag you all the way to the barn and then promptly point towards the half-awake cow lounging in the farthest corner and with the straightest face he says;
‘Hug the cow y/n.’
You’re confused, you’re depressed and have told him so in confidence, and here he was demanding that you cuddle up to the bovine, who was staring at you both with their dark eyes.
‘Why?’ You’d ask, eyes never leaving the cow and Damian sighs impatiently. ‘It’ll cure your current aliment of depression.’ He says with such certainty that you almost believed him for a minute…almost.
‘Damian this is stupid, even for you-‘ however before you could finish your sentence, Damian was already pushing you from behind towards Bat-Cow, who only watched as you were positioned into their warm side, silently chewing before becoming disinterested and went back to resting their head on the floor.
Bat-cow didn’t smell the greatest but then again…they were a fucking cow but they were warm and fluffy and comfortable, so much so that you ended up cuddling further into them found yourself falling asleep almost instantaneously with a small smile on your lips. ‘Good Bat-Cow…’ you murmur sleepily as the bovine only huffs out hot air, unfazed at you cuddling them as everyone from Damian to even Jason had come once in a while to cuddle up into their side.
Damian made a satisfied noise and was about to leave when he noticed that there was a space big enough for him to slot himself against Bat-Cow also. He shifts he gazed all across the entire barn, making sure he wasn’t being observed somehow, before cuddling himself into the side of the large animal.
Damian wouldn’t find out until way later that he was indeed being observed as he chased after Tim throughout the manor, sword in hand.
Jason who loves to cuddle you as though it’s been forever since you last saw each other.
(It had been five minutes max, you needed to piss.)
He’d even make it his personal mission to carry you in his arms anywhere and everywhere he went in the apartment. He will not hear the cliche ‘I’m too heavy’ bullshit excuse, let him carry you in his arms damn it! He wants to hold you! Do not reject him this golden opportunity!
He doesn’t care if anyone like Bruce, Dick or Roy are present because if anything it shows them that he had someone in his life that he loved and adored more than anything. Roy/Dick -mainly Dick- may tease him to high heavens about it but Jason only shrugs it off and says albeit childishly: ‘well at least I have someone to hold onto every night unlike you dickhead.’ Before casually carrying you into the kitchen with him to grab a drink.
(Remember that ‘Gator needs his gat, you punk ass bitch.’ tiktok Trend where ppl picks up their friend? Yh that’s what goes on in my head when writing this.)
Jason fears as though he’s not spending enough time with you. Which is bullshit because this man spends every waking moment with you being cute and loving and just the absolute best in general.
He’s not use to the whole relationship thing and he’s overthinking everything he’s doing and worries that it might be the breaking limit for you. So all you got to do is hold his face in your hands, rest your head against his own and reassure him that he was spending more than enough time with you. It’ll probably won’t get rid of the notion that he wasn’t doing enough for you out of Jason’s head, but at least it was something that he could be reminded of when he was getting too lost in his thoughts.
He’s a worrywart and a big one at that, but as long as you keep being his anchor, keep being the reason his head feels a lot clearer and so on, then Jason will gradually come to learn that he never needs to worry about anything when you’re more than happy to keep reminding him that it’s okay to worry, and that he wasn’t being suffocating or otherwise.
Jason maybe physically imposing and intimidating to look at for some people but to you, he was like those badly stereotyped big dogs that are the biggest sweethearts. Dogs such as:
XL bully dogs
Pit bull
Doberman Pinscher and more.
He’s a sweetheart who just looks intimidating, nothing more nothing less…unless you happen to be a criminal then Jason is anything but the word sweet or adorable as they’re getting their asses beaten.💀
Dick always asks you if you still love him after every minor inconvenience.
It doesn’t matter what happens or how it happens, he always give you those puppy dog eyes of his and pouts his lips. ‘Do you still love me?’
‘Dick we’ve been through this before, of course I love you.’ You’d reply.
‘But you looked really annoyed right now and I just wanted to know if you still like me enough to date me.’ He then says as he rests his head on your shoulder, pressing himself against your back.
You sighed before looking over at him and pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. ‘Does that clear everything up for you?’ You asked rhetorically as Dick beamed brightly and stole a kiss from your lips, reinvigorated. ‘Yep.’ He’d respond before moving on with the rest of his day.
If you were to accidentally forget to kiss him good morning or before you were leaving for work, Dick would take full offence as he places himself in front of the door, arms crossed and lips formed into that pout you were more then familiar with at this point. ‘You hate me.’
‘Dick I’m in a hurry!’ You cry, looking at the time.
‘And you forgot my good morning kisses!’ He’d cry back at you and you would be several minutes late to work, all because you were making up for the misses kisses. You hate Dick sometimes but you knew you couldn’t be mad at him for long when he’d smother in kisses upon arriving him from work, so you guessed he could be given a pass…just this once.
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unlikelypandahologram · 4 months
Reasons to ship every single version of MegOP
since Very Dumb Discourse™ exists about whether or not certain versions of this ship are valid, this is going to be THE most positive post about all versions of MegOP. refer back to this post for reasons to ship your favorite version of MegOP if anyone gets weird about it with you. now let us begin!!
G1: goofy '80s faction dads fighting each other in a denny's parking lot every week LET'S GOOO, that shit is fun as fuck. orion pax also totally had a celeb crush on megatron before megatron ruined that and shot him and his pals 😔 and there's a lot of angst you can add with megatron becoming galvatron and optimus coming back to life to see how much he's changed!
BW: it's the sheer fucking comedy gold factor of a newly minted college graduate and a terrorist dinosaur IMMEDIATELY singling each other out on a prehistoric rock and deciding to call their daily gang slap-fights the BEAST WARS, what iconic drama queens LMAOOOO. also, megatron made his final body in BM look like optimal optimus SPECIFICALLY to fuck with him, and that's just...incredible
UT: the fact that megatron CANONICALLY acted like a grieving widower over optimus after he died in armada is. amazing. never forget their absolutely insane obsession with each other that they can never EVER give up on played a direct part in unicron nearly ending the world <3
Bayverse: this is the one continuity of all fucking things that gave us the lore about megatron being prime's lord high protector. absolute galaxy brain writing from the tie-in comics. also these two would ABSOLUTELY have the messiest, nastiest, most brutal hate sex imaginable, and that's beautiful. <3
Animated: optimus being a rookie washout underdog and megatron being a super scary much older warlord is a really interesting and underrated fresh take on their dynamic! lots of fun to be had with exploring what their relationship would be like after megatron finally acknowledged him as his archnemesis, lol. also...age AND size difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prime: do i even need to say anything, i'm pretty sure that one flashback still of orion and megatronus being friends is responsible for birthing a million shippers for this pairing alone LMAOOOO. the bitter ex-boyfriends energy was TRULY off the charts in this show, it's a damn shame megatron never appeared in RID15
Cyberverse: same bitter ex-boyfriends energy but this time with dates at maccadams. megatron also dies encouraging optimus to beat the unhinged alternate dimension megs AAHH THE ANGST
IDW1: they're both depressed gay war criminals in this one who CONSTANTLY live in each other's heads rent-free and that's amazing, lmfao. also, megatron becoming an autobot means this is one of the VERY FEW continuities where it's not nigh impossible to figure out a way to give these two a happy ending together in fanon
IDW2: space date space date SPACE DATE. they were falling together and everything. megatron also LITERALLY tells optimus to open himself to him...to give him the matrix...yeah megs my dude i'm sure that's the ONLY thing you wanted from optimus "opening" himself. toootally positive, lol
G1 Marvel: megatron was SUPER fucking pissed and weird as shit about the time optimus died over a video game. it counts
Dreamwave: their first fight had megatron urging optimus to join him AND they disappeared together in a space bridge explosion once which is like, a fanfic-esque setup for them to be alone. also i'm pretty sure this is the continuity where optimus accidentally gave megatron a lobotomy, so...uh...potential for angst is to be had
SG: mirror universe!! evil crazy villain optimus with noble goody-goody hero megatron has so much potential for absolute chaos. bonus if you also bring in the normal versions somehow through multiverse shenanigans <3
KP: the only way this version of prime can redeem himself from the creepy underage human girl bullshit is if he gets a good hard dicking from megatron. next
Prime Wars: huge "ex-husbands go on a road trip with their disgruntled daughter" energy here. megatron also LITERALLY says "oh optimus, if only you could see me now" <3
Earthspark: again...need i say why? they're pals and working together from the get-go, what's not to ship??
Skybound: optimus literally wears megatron's arm. truly beautiful <3
TF One: it's not out yet but give it time. the entire movie is going to be about orion and d-16 being madly in love and tragically breaking up, baby!!
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I found AO3 pretty intuitive. Took me like 5 minutes to realize how all the little buttons work. They're pretty straightforward. Apart from the AND filters - took me a while to realize what type of filters AO3 used. Beyond that, I'm not sure why people have a hard time? Wattpad and FFnet are way more of a pain in the ass.
It's all about familiarity.
I mean, look, AO3 works how my brain works. When we first set it up, it was what we were all used to, more or less, but an upgrade. It was hard to even see how it could ever be unintuitive because this was just How Things Were. From the style of trope tags to the fact that there's an index of fandoms by media type, it was all familiar.
But that thinking is a trap.
It's easy to say "Oh, well, that person's just an idiot", and sometimes, the problem really is laziness or sleep deprivation, but a lot of the time, it's different cultural context.
By the time we were designing AO3, I'd had many rounds of formal instruction in how to use library catalogues of various sorts, familiarity with Delicious, years in LJ slash fandom whose assumptions form the metadata structures of AO3, etc.
There's nothing strange about going "Why are ship types a top level system of organization?" or "How do I search for genre X in any anime fandom but not in non-anime fandoms?"
It's strange to me, but it's not strange in the context of people who read fanfic overall.
It's not just about learning the search features that do exist: it's about unconscious assumptions about what metadata must exist.
If you don't know to look for something and you aren't coming from a culture where poking buttons is encouraged, you're going to take a lot longer to find things than if you already have a good idea of what's probably there somewhere.
To pick two very obvious examples:
If I were designing a gen-focused archive, I'd make genre a top-level organization system, like on FFN.
If I were designing a more x-reader-focused or One True Character-focused archive, I'd make the ship searches work like Character X/Anyone instead of having to click on each ship of your blorbo or each ship with Reader.
If someone has years of experience searching for some bullshit 'trickyfish' style nonsense ship name because they're on sites with garbage searches, they'll go to AO3, plug some words into the search bar at the top, and then feel like they can't find any relevant results because everything that turns up is just that word in author's notes on an irrelevant fic. They might even go to advanced search...
...and then totally miss that the sidebar filters are the best part of AO3, and they don't appear when you do a search search as opposed to starting from a tag.
Isn't Advanced Search the most... well... advanced search? On every other website, it is, but not on AO3.
Each new site/technology/culture/etc. a person has to learn takes time and attention. If you're exhausted and burnt out, that's hard. Even if you're not, it takes at least some effort. It doesn't Just Happen, not for every person and every new thing.
We should tell people to read the damn FAQ, yes.
But I can't say I always do that myself on every site unless I'm both having a problem and invested enough to care about solving it.
On an average day, most of us don't need to care why some people have a hard time figuring out AO3.
But if anyone is planning to design a site or needs to teach a bunch of kids how to use the library or something, it's worth keeping in mind just how many unconscious assumptions are hiding behind the idea of something—literally anything—being "intuitive".
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fallinglikemagic · 7 months
Okay, now that everybody's had some time to process and gotten some of the doomposting out, here's my thoughts on the whole situation.
First of all, I'm not really worried about whether or not RWBY will continue in some capacity. It's uncertain, sure, but no more than it was already. In February we got the update that they were talking to potential partners about getting volume 10 made, so clearly they weren't just relying on Rooster Teeth and Warner Brothers for it - maybe one of those companies will pick it up, maybe a different company will, either way I'm sure it *will* be picked up by somebody and unless they get real unlucky, the show won't be much worse off than it was before - if anything it might be better off, considering that WB have been shitty about animation for quite a while now (if you're not already familiar and you're up for some extra research, I recommend looking into the Coyote vs ACME situation that's been going on recently for a great example of WB's bullshit). And while it's unclear exactly how much involvement the original crew will have in the show's future, I'm pretty optimistic about it. I doubt the writers are going to let go of creative control without a fight, if for nothing else then for Monty - I don't like focusing too much on the whole Monty's Legacy stuff in general, but I do think that the crew are going to want to keep their friend's work alive and authentic and as accurate to what he wanted it to be as possible. None of this is a certainty of course, but I think RWBY is gonna be fine, things will just be kinda rocky for a bit.
With all that being said, while this may end up ultimately being a blessing in disguise for RWBY as a franchise, it sure ain't one for everybody who worked at Rooster Teeth. This entire situation is still horrible - so many people being fired on the spot, effective immediately, with no warning and with several of them only finding out by seeing articles about it being posted on Twitter, it's fucked. I know Rooster Teeth wasn't exactly lacking in controversy and problematic behaviour, to put it lightly, but there were still plenty of amazing people there who are now in a really shitty situation. On top of that, while again this isn't exactly anything new, especially for WB, it is the latest instance of a huge problem in the animation and entertainment industries. So no matter how things pan out for RWBY, we should still be really fucking mad about this.
And we definitely shouldn't be celebrating. I've seen some posts saying "good riddance" and celebrating RT's downfall, not just from people who hate RWBY (I mean don't get me wrong I'm sure the hatedom is out in full force but that's not the kind of thing I'm referring to right now), but people who like/used to like the show and just hated the company. And don't get me wrong, I didn't like a lot of things about the company either, I've actually been wanting RWBY to separate itself from RT for a pretty long time (be careful what you wish for I guess 💀), but there's a time and a place and this certainly ain't it. Plenty of people who have worked there have said that they loved their jobs, plenty of others said it was horrible and toxic and nightmarish, but either way a job is a job and in this industry work isn't always easy to find, especially in recent years. Celebrate in private if you want, but now is not the damn time to be bringing out the cake and confetti.
TLDR; I'm cautiously optimistic about RWBY's future, I'm pretty sure it'll be fine and they'll be able to keep the core crew to at least some extent, but this is still a really bad situation for everybody who just lost their jobs, don't be a dick.
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igotanidea · 9 months
Backyard : Jason Todd x stripper!reader
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The plan was simple.
Get inside the strip club, gather some intel on the newest and yet already one of the most influential crime lord in Gotham and get the f out.
The last part got a bit more complicated, when Jason figured out that on this particular day, in this particular club a bachelor’s party was taking place.
Shit was not enough of a word to describe the situation he found himself in.
Should have gone dressed in his Red Hood gear instead of civilian mode.
Should have never let Dick accompany him.
Two hot guys in the club full of horny men and girl strippers trying to lead a mission.
One dying inside, the other going with the flow.
What could possibly go wrong, right?
Well while Dick was having the time of his life, Jason actually tried to focus on the task and uncovering the identity of the guy who was recently raging terror on Gotham. Tried being the key word here. Instead of pursuing the wild game he found himself being a prey rather than a hunter. A bunch of unknown girls tried to grope him, seduce him, damn, even give him a lap dance, all that making Jason’s hair stand on his head as he struggled to reach the back door and break free.
What was a torture to him, seemed to be a lot of fun to his adopted brother though.
And what was even worse, was the fact that Dick, with his charming smile and  ladies-swooning attitude, would probably end up knowing more than him and it made Jason grit his teeth and clench his fists.
“You look like you need  a smoke.”
“What I need is five minute alone”
“Well I’m sorry to break it to you pea brain, but this-” the girl, who judged by the outfit was another stripper, waved her hand around the backyard of the club “-is as close to alone as you can get here.”
As if the couple making out against a wall, going way to close to public sex, a homeless man sleeping next to the dumpster and a few shabby wild cats, tearing with their teeth something that was definitely not suitable for eating, even by animals, could be described with that word.
Jason sighed half in frustration, half in relief.
“Mhm. Yeah, close enough.” the girl agreed as her eyes landed on the man who was now drilling the woman against the wall, apparently causing her enough pleasure to let out a breathless moans.
“You’re enjoying exhibitionism?” Jason raised an eyebrow at girl’s unamused gaze.
“I’m learning new techniques.” She spit out.
“Don’t make me say it again, pea brain.”
“What? If you believed it, you truly deserve the nickname. I’m a stripper not a prostitute.”
“Is she one?” Jason pointed towards the other woman and reached to his pocket in search of a lighter and cigarettes “Fuck!’
“Nah, she’s just faking for the hell of it. Touch starved one, if you ask my opinion. Would settle for what she can get at a club like this. ”
“Do you have a fag?” Jason couldn’t care less about the answer, more focused on getting his own high and calming nerves, that was something he needed at the moment.
“I’m not sharing with a stranger.” She chuckled “seems way too intimate to me.”
“So what, you only give the guy a pipe on a third date?”
“No one got that far.”
“So you’re a stripper with a high standards?” Jason smirked
“Well. As the movies show, there are only three reason of why a girl is a stripper.”
“Don’t tell me you are a sucker for Pretty woman or another bullshit like this.”
“Nah. I’m just a working girl who has to raise a three year old illegitimate child and has no real qualifications for other job.” She send him an innocent feigned smile and tossed a pack of cigarettes his way.
“Three year old kid huh?” he caught it mid-air and lighted one up immediately exhaling deeply, when the familiar scent and flavour of nicotine filled his lungs “How old are you?”
“Rude.” She leaned on the railing “And you only proving my point.”
“Which is?”
“Pea brain.”
“Made you believe I believed that bullshit story, didn’t I?” another  cloud of smoke flew into the air, quickly joined by the other once the girl started to enjoy her own cigarette.
“Congratulations. A guy from a good house just tricked a stripper in the club. Great job, buddy.”
“What makes you think I am a guy from a good house? Maybe I’m a pervert who –“ he stopped for  a second as the sound of woman and man coming chimed into the sentence “maybe I’m a guy like this?”
The unnamed girl only smiled and shook her head causing her hair to flow around her face.
“If you were a guy like that you would just stay inside letting Candy or Chastity give you a lap dance.”
“Are those real names?”
“Pea brain.”
“Right. Sorry.” Jason chuckled involuntarily, much to his own disbelief. “What’s yours then?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Pretty much why I asked.”
“Pretty much why you run away from the inside and found yourself here.”
“How do you even get clients? You’re insufferable.”
“And I got big mouth. Comes in handy sometimes.”
Before he could stop himself he chuckled again.
Jason Peter Todd, Red Hood, adopted son of Bruce Wayne was smoking outside the strip club, with a working girl, having more fun than he ever had in his entire life.
“It’s not comedy central, stop laughing.”
“You could be a stand upper for sure.”
“Well – if you think about it, I am kind of a stand upper…”
This time Jason fully laughed and the girl couldn’t help a tiny smile on her own face.
“Jerk.” She threw his direction biting on the inside of her cheek, focusing on the cigarette rather than on the guy next to her.
“Bitch.” Jason’s reaction was immediate and completely instinctive.
Any other girl would probably take that as an offence but she was familiar with the fandom and popculture classic.
“What demon are you after, Winchester?”
“Too many of my own to go looking for more.” He sighed
“Yeah tell me about it.” She did the same and for a moment they just stood in undisturbed silence. Even the cats seemed to sense something was going on and went completely quiet.
“What’s your name?” Jason finally asked “for real, not the stripper one and not the fake one you’re probably thinking about giving me.”
“You first.”
“Oh no. I’m a gentleman. Ladies comes first.”
“Stop it!” she laughed at another TV series reference
“Tell me your name.”
“Yy/n” she said finally “Happy now?”
“Splendid. You owe me  a cigarette, now you know what girl to give it back to.”
“Sounds like you’re asking me on a second date.”
Before she got a chance to come up with some quick respond, another working girl came out the club clearly searching for y/n, giving her just one warning look before her eyes travelled to Jason and then back to y/n.
“Fine!” Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration “god damn it, there’s something like a break for fuck’s sake! What the hell is happening now? I swear one day I will burn this hell hole -” the rest of the sentence died behind the door along with the walking away girl.
Jason was finally left alone.
Truly alone.
But it felt oddly dissatisfying to smoke by himself in the dingy backyard, that suddenly became grey and empty.
A girl who seemed to have all the answers.
Infuriating and keeping a man on his toes since the first minute from the meeting.
And who called him pea brain.
Jason smirked to himself, while still smoking the borrowed cigarette in the empty backyard of the strip club.
Letting himself forget the mission for a moment.
don't worry people we'll get "there" ...
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I had a rather angst idea for a Good Dad Bruce au. One where he actually loves his kids and Jason never died (they still took Tim in because they found him taking pictures of them on patrol) and everyone is a lot healthier. The family spends time together and while they do squabble, like all families, they don't fight like they do in canon.
Then one day, they get an alert that the cave has been broken into and when they rush to check it out, they find.... Tim? Which shouldn't be possible as Tim is following behind Bruce and was literally at breakfast with everyone else. The new Tim's head snaps up when they enter and he just sighs, "Damn it, I was hoping to avoid you guys. Well, Multiversal Code Lima Omega Sigma Tango. Is that still the code here?" Which is the Bat code for "someone fucked up and sent me through a multiverse portal and now I gotta get home". Before anyone can fully comprehend what's going on with New Tim, he turns back to the Batcomputer, where he's currently pulling up information on Zatanna and Constantine.
Bruce walks over to the computer, worried about this version of his son being lost so far from home and says, "well help you get home. Do you know what world you're from?" And Tim simply raises an eyebrow and says, "oh. Is this one of *those* dimensions? How annoying. You can help by getting me some coffee, keeping Bat Brat and Hood away from me, and I'll be out of your hair soon enough. I won't even be here long enough to make your paranoia to bad if things go right."
All that is. Rather concerning. Especially because none if them have Hood in their names. Of course these Healthy Bats insist on helping New Tim out for as much as he will let them. It can be noted that he only accepts food from Alfred, Steph, and Cass and only drink from them and Dick. Anything Jason, Bruce, or Damian tries to give him is completely ignored, Tim acting like it isn't even there. He also is isn't refusing to interact with Damian and Jason but unlike the others, he won't say anything to them until they say something first.
Eventually Damian snaps and says, "Drake, why are you ignoring myself and Jason?!" Tim simply slowly places the tablet he was typing on down and turns to Damian and Jason who are a little pissed and also worried about Tim and why he's acting the way he is. After a deep breath, Tim says, "simply by observing I can tell that our families are extremely different. For example, both of you get along very well with your Tim. It is not so on my world. I will not go into details for all of our sakes, but both of you have made *multiple* attempts on my life. I don't blame either of you and things have been almost peaceful recently. I don't blame either of them, it's simply instinct for them. But that doesn't erase the fact that someone with each of your faces has nearly killed me at least 5 times *each*. I understand that it wasn't you two who did it, but I would still rather not become complacent around any version of either of you to avoid becoming complacent around them. So just. Stay away from me." Tim then turns back to what he was doing and resumes research on how to get back to his own world.
Jason is shocked and horrified that any version of himself would make any attempt on Tim's life, let alone almost half a dozen! He snarls, "what do you mean it's *instinct* for them? What, is only one person allowed to be in the family at a time or some bullshit?!"
Tim and Jason go back and forth a few times with Tim refusing to explain fully, simply calling it Instincts and everyone calling bullshit on that until Tim snaps, scales spreading across his hands and face as his pupils become slits and a hood flares out of his neck that was previously hidden. In a blink, Tim has become some kind of human animal hybrid as he hisses, "because I'm a Viper, Jason is a Hawk, and Damian is a Mongoose!! They naturally hunt my kind, I don't blame them for not trusting me or attacking me if I don't warn them that I'm there! I don't blame either of them for trying to kill me on sight the first two times each of them met because I'm a Cobra!" Once Tim settles down he pinches the bridge of his nose and deshifts back to fully human as he grumbles, "I apologize. I shouldn't have snapped like that just. Just leave it."
Jason and Damian attacking him on instinct is all a lie. They just don't want to accept Tim into the family and this is an easy way to excuse any murder attempts. If Bruce or Dick catches them, they just lie through their teeth that Thr Pit makes it harder to control the more instinct driven side of them, or its lingering effects from whatever Rouge they got Poisoned by last, or Tim was shifted and didn't warn them when he walked up. Sure it's fine for everyone else in the family, hell in 99% of the world its considered perfectly OK to be shifted at all times, or at least it is for animal hybrids like mice and birds and dogs, but not as much for Spiders, Snakes, and Pathners.
As for what the rest of Snake Tim's family is, Bruce is some kind of Fancy Dog (as was his mother) and when he's Batman he fluffy up and puts temporary dye in his fur to look like a Rottweiler or Doberman, Dick is a Swan who used basically spray on hair dye that Bruce made special for his feathers so people thought he was a Robin Shifter, Jason is a Hawk who's wings got the same treatment, Tim is a King Cobra like his mom but when on patrol he keeps the hood hidden and chews black gum so the inside of his mouth looks black like a Mamba's, and Damian is a Mongoose like Ras and Talia but the public thinks he's a ferret. Steph is either a Possum or a Raccoon and makes jokes about having switched animals with Tim as birth. Cass is a black panther who loves the groom her family.
Shifter AU!!!!!!
I was not expecting that, so I was pleasantly surprised ^^
Snake comparisons for Tim are underutilized and beloved. I'd be down to see way more of them. As for this AU, I'm curious about what seems to be Shifter-ism (not sure if there's a better word for that), their instincts, and how often Jason and Damian get away with attacking Tim. Are they at least doing better now? It seems that Tim is weary of them, that they attacked him even with full control of their actions, but that he doesn't blame them.
Also, is one of Tim's instincts to take naps in sunny spots? Is he slower when he's cold?
For the cover-up that Tim did, it was brilliant. He crafted a perfectly logical reason for why they would attack him (especially for Bats who are presumably unfamiliar with shifter instincts and thus unable to call him out).
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yelenasdiary · 10 months
I love sibling focs!! Maybe it’s the only child in me that feels the comfort in these anyways….
Can you do a reader x Kelly Foster one where we are her younger sister -but in our teens- and she wants us to starts helping out around the zoo with the animals but we’re not the biggest fan of it and would rather spend the day with our friends instead. If somehow or someway you can add in some angst that would be amazing but ends with fluff
I’m not the greatest at sending in ideas but something along this would be cool but feel free to change it up if you want!!
Arguments & Ugly Trees
Pairing: Kelly Foster x Younger Sibling! Reader
Summary: Kelly struggles to get you to help more around the zoo, especially around the holidays. 
Warnings: Angst/Comfort, No Warnings | 1K
AC: Been so long since I wrote for Kelly! Enjoy x
Holiday Special Masterlist
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"Come on! Get up!" Your older sister, Kelly, repeats herself as you feel the heavy blow from her throwing a throw pillow at you. "Go away!" You mumbled, your eyes barely opened wide enough to look at the time but a faint 5 told you it was way too early for you to be awake. 
"You promised you'd help today, let's go! There's a lot to do before opening" Kelly reminds you. Of course you made the promise unintentionally just to get her off your back so you could hang out at the mall with your friends. Growing up on a zoo had its perks, as a child you loved it and grew close to the animals but as you grew older and into your teens, the zoo lost interest for you. Kelly knew this would happen eventually, she just wished she had a little more time before your teenage hormones kicked in and suddenly you couldn't stand to be around her anymore. 
"Kelly! Go away!" You snapped once your older sister pulled the covers off you, exposing you to the coldness of an early morning. You heard her loudly sigh with disappointment before the loud slam of your door closing added to her anger. Within a few short seconds you were asleep once again while your sister picked up your slack around the zoo. 
By 10am you were up, dressed and waiting on the porch of the small cottage you shared with Kelly. You had plans to meet your friends in town at 10:30 for the day, well you did. 
"You might want to text your Uber and cancel" you heard Kelly's voice as she came walking up the path. 
"Why would I do that? I have plans" you frowned. 
"You haven't heard? There's a snowstorm coming. Everything is closed, you would've known sooner if you were up when I asked" she stopped in front of you, her hands on her hips as you rolled your eyes. "Go get changed into something a little more work friendly, it's all hands on deck. We've gotta make sure the animals are secure before the storm hits" she adds. 
"Seriously?! This is bullshit!" You grumbled as you turned on your heels and stormed into the house to change. A sigh left Kelly's lips as she mentally prepared herself for the attitude, she knew you'd be giving her. 
Fixing fence after fence with a loud sigh and yet another eye roll, Kelly couldn't take it anymore. 
"What is your problem?" She snapped, throwing the hammer to the ground. "What? I'm doing what you asked!" You turned to her with a frown. 
"I don't know what to do with you anymore, you're never happy to do anything around here and honestly, sometimes I think you even hate looking at me and I'm sorry that living on a zoo is so problematic for you but give me a god damn break for once! All the eye rolls, the sighs, the grumbles, it's getting old!" Your sister went on. Her sudden outburst took you by surprise, even reminding you as to why you began to lose interest in the zoo. 
"I'm doing my best with what we have here! A little thank you doesn't hurt!" She went on, bringing your attention back to the argument. "J-just go back home, I don't need your help" 
You could see the hurt in her eyes as she let them fall to the hammer on the ground, maybe you were being a selfish little brat and forgot just how much Kelly does for you but she also forgot something along the years. 
"You care more about this zoo than me" you replied in a soft tone. Kelly instantly looked back at you, "why would you say that?" She asked. "Because it's true, you forgot that in your sister, not some other zoo hand that you can boss around. We never get time together anymore and when we did try to make plans, you bailed because something more important came up" you explained with honesty, letting all your built up emotions pour out. "Christmas is literally like two weeks way and we still haven't even put up the tree, it's just sitting in the living room in a box…Christmas used to be our thi-"
Your words were cut short as Kelly pulled you into her arms the moment she saw the tears pooling at your eyes. "Shhh, I know" she whispered as you wrapped your arms around her. She held you until your tears came to a stop, you pulled away and wiped your wet cheeks on the sleeve of your jacket. "Can we make a new rule?" Kelly asked, her hands still on your forearms. 
"I need to help out more, I know" you replied. 
"No" she shook her head, "promise me you'll talk to me instead of letting things bottle up like this? I'm not a mind reader you know" she added. You chuckled at her joke and nodded, "only if you promise to we can finally put the tree up" you raised a brow at her playfully. 
"Let's get this job done and we'll call it a day, go inside and out the tree up" she smiled softly. 
"It looks terrible!" You chucked before taking a much-needed sip of your hot chocolate as you watched Kelly put the star on top of the Christmas tree. The tree looked like a mess, fairy lights still slightly tangled up, the two of you too unbothered to make everything perfect. 
"I think it's" Kelly paused as she stood back and took in the sight of the tree, "unique" she added chewing her bottom lip. "Let's just remember to turn the lights off before we go to bed, the last thing we need is the house burning down" she joked as she took a seat beside you on the sofa, reaching for her hot chocolate from the coffee table. 
"So, tell me, should I be worried your dating yet?" She asked after sipping her drink. You playfully slapped her arm, "between you, school and the zoo, what makes you think I have time?" 
Kelly smiled at you before resting her head on your shoulder while the two of you admired the ugly Christmas tree. "It'll always be just us kiddo, against everything" she spoke softly to assure you that you never lost your sister. Sometimes things go unsaid and you made a promise to yourself to never let distance grow between you both ever again.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @shibugs | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | @carol-romanoff | @jono723 |
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jeansplaytoy · 11 months
aot people and what dogs they have
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this was funnnn , no warnings !!
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starting off , i feel like eren would have a french bulldog 😭 he don’t even seem like a big dog typa person (not in the animal way) but he would def name the dog after him like with the same initials or something. like ej (eren jeager) jr.
“ej jr, getcho ass back over here.”
“bruh ej jr ian even playin nomo bruh.”
“junior, why you eat my new…” and take a deep ass breath. “why you eat my new shoes?”
but to be honest he can’t even be mad cus him and the dog act just alike 💀 and i feel like ej jr would be hella nice, just play too much (like eren). like the amount of times this dog has took off down the sidewalk and eren just stood there, sick and tired of the bullshit. he’d definitely be one of those people that would be like “dogs too much to handle” but kept the dog no matter whatttt.
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next up is connie, who would prolly have a doberman i’m not even finna lie. like he would want a dog that looks scary, but isn’t actually mean. and that’s specifically his dog.
like he’s trained enough that if connie tells him to attack like for real, that mf gon attack. but he’s trained enough to know if connie just playin or not. but he got it kinda good cus when i say everybody is scared of this boys dog …. it ain’t even funny 💀
everybody is scared of it except for the main group. he gotta keep it in its room (yet it had its own room) for somebody to come over his house.
and i feel like he’d name it like domino or spade (ykyk).
“yo spade come here lil bro!”
“spade go eat yo food, you had me fixing that shit for nun.”
“spade. go in yo room fool.”
he also squares up and play fights wit the dog 😭.
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next up is jean. now this mf know he wrong, but he would have one of them tall ass dogs, like a irish wolfhound or sumn.
now this dog is sum else, jeans dog would be hella chill, but taking it out in public? 💀shiddd. everybody staring and looking like a mf and he honestly, HONESTLYYY don’t understand why. people will literally be like “bruh, that dog is huge as fuck.” and he’ll just be like “ion know what y’all be talmout, but ight.” AND IT AINT NO ACT cus he tall too😭.
the dogs name would prolly be clifford, ngl. the only difference is that the dog ain’t red. but other than that, he chill as hellll.
“clifford, stop tryna eat paper and shit!”
“cliff’ you chewed my bottle of water bro.”
“clifford, go. just go sit down, damn.”
there’s really no problems with this dog other than the fact that it’s big, but it’s trained a lot and hella good. like the dog knows to sit down in its normal spot when people come over and not to try to jump on people when they’re standing up, stuff like that.
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so ony would probably have a small dog just like eren, and it’d probably be a papillon and lemme tell you, he would literally treat this dog like a princesssss omggg.
buy her clothes, paint her nails, brush and comb her hair, brush her teeth, treats everywhere in the bottom of the pantry. like he’ll treat the dog like his own daughter. he always holds her, she’s trained (kind of), like what else could a dog ask for?
but the namewise, i feel like he’d name his dog princeee, honestly. 😭
“princess, bring yo tiny ass-“
“you hungry, P’?”
“princess get that shit out yo mouth!”
of course he’ll only fuss at the dog if she really being disobedient like the time his bed was covered in toilet paper, like ten rolls.
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now speaking of fussing, mikasa will forever get fussed at for buying not one, but two black perro de prasa canarios. when i say this girl don’t give a damn bout walking at night with her hands full at all, even when the dogs ain’t on a leash, they’re trained REALLY good. so when she’s actually scared or nervous about somebody following her, they’ll do exactly what she says. full on barking and then stopping mid bark when she says so.
everybodies scared of her dog (and connie would be jealous because not that many people really care about his when they see hers) but it’s not even on purpose, she just wants them for protection honestly.
their names would probably be bullet and gun. obviously.
“gun, bullet, why is there dog food everywhere?”
“gun, bro stop tryna fight bullet.”
“bullet, stop shaking water everywhere!”
bullet is bullet because he got a lot of energy and gun is gun because he’s more intimidating. like they got the spike collars and all, mikasa was not playing.
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last but not least, sasha would have a dog that she could laugh at everyday, like a greyhound.
now honestly her and this dog will argue each other from the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes back to sleep. they would be so on and off. 😭 but she’d dress the dog up and stuff and be really nice to it.
the only thing she’d really laugh at is how skinny the dog looks. but the name would probably be bones.
“bones, stop chewing on my airpods cases!”
“bones, get out. please get out.”
“bones stop scratching meee!”
but she obviously loves her dog cus she’s the type to have it since she was like 16 maybe. and they play fight too but she always ends up losing the fight, and one of her lashes in the process.
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let’s not talk about how i fg to put armin, hope u enjoyed.
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drdemonprince · 4 months
do you have any tips on distinguishing between wanting to bang/wanting to be wanted by/wanting non-sexual intimacy with someone? or is it just a case of seeing how you feel when you're actually with them and getting good at communicating about it
im probably not the best person to ask, because it took me uhh decades of fucking random people before i let myself acknowledge that sex is nearly always extremely boring to me and the only thing i'm thinking about during sex or in the lead up to sex is what i imagine the other person might be feeling about me.
every now and then a raw animal chemical attraction happens where i just feel like i NEED the person in me, i love how they smell and taste and i will risk it all to get them to bust inside me and i want them around me afterward.
but the rest of the time its this completely intellectual fantasy. instead of getting all wrapped up in the sex, or the person, all i care about is what i can convince myself it means. thoughts like this:
"oh this person is hot, it's very validating of my desirability that someone this hot wants me"
"oh that guy came very fast, how flattering that he was so turned on"
"i cant see his face in this position but i imagine that he's staring at me hungrily, that's flattering"
"wow i got someone from grindr to come over within ten minutes, im so good at sealing the deal"
"wow i cant believe i fucked eight people at this convention, how cool so many people want me"
"i've never tried this sex act before, i guess i might as well. maybe itll be useful for my writing. maybe ill like it."
thats the kind of shit that is normally playing around in my mind. when im actually attracted to someone i dont have to come up with some weird intellectual justification for why fucking is interesting or rewarding or reflective of me in a positive way. i just NEED it.
the self help guru mark manson (who is a little corny, but not bad) has this age old advice that "either something is a FUCK YES! or it's a no." and i think for some people, especially people who tend to try and persuade/guilt themselves into wanting things they dont actually want, that is a worthwhile reorientation. if i actually want someone its pretty damn unambiguous. if i have to even ask myself or sort out the true nature of my feelings, im bullshitting myself.
granted this advice wont be best for demisexuals, or for lots of other people. sometimes experimenting and trying new things sexually is great! its just. ive been doing that for a long time. i have been a very open minded, open to experience individual. and now im interested in being picky for a while
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oneslimybastard · 4 months
Ghetsis facts:
>At least two grunts are scared of him (musharna being able to spook them off with visions of being scolded by Ghetsis)
>His speeches does in fact convince some people to release their pokémon or at least second-guess their view on the trainer-pokémon relationship
>Tells the grunts to give Bianca's Munna back
>Persuasive enough to essentially wiggle some of his Guys out of arrest in Driftveil, even if Clay does it reluctantly
>Knows Reshiram and Zekrom would not fuck with him so he picks up a miracle child from the forest to do it for him instead. Raises said child kind of like his own but also kind of not, there's a deliberate distance put between them
>Did make this wonderchild who can speak to pokémon and are clearly very empathetic towards them hang out with pokémon who had been mistreated for the purpose of instilling an ideology in him.
>Randomly has 3 ninjas who are just ride or die until the end of time for some reason
>Lots of team plasma is ride or die for him actually, otherwise Neo Team Plasma wouldn't have been a thing
>He rubs the death of Alder's partner pokémon in the mans face. All cheeky beaky like. Because he can.
>He will tell the teenager his Adopted I Swear Not Related Promise son is fixated on as a rival all about how he basically groomed say son into doing all of this dragon bullshit while having them cornered on a bridge. Then just casually walks off. His ninjas are there too.
>Will also happily tell said teenager they probably aren't that special or chosen or whatever, lol lmao, seems like ur dragon haven't woken up yet, dw maybe it will, lol.
>Cannot take an L to save his fucking life. Will lash out at everything and everyone around him and build a stupid airship with a stupid laser powered by the crinkly old grandpa of the dragon trio and do a terrorism before taking an L
>Refers to himself as being PERFECT while inhaling massive amounts of copium
>Needs a cane in bw2 and is only ever seen using one of his hands, so probably physically disabled to some degree
>Strong enough to jam the butt of that cane into the solid frozen earth of a cave. Probably just kind of a visual metaphor for him being threatening but also Hear Me Out What If He's Fucking Built-
>N is ride or die for him enough to still try and get through to him during the bw2 climax despite having been utilized as a silly little pawn yet again. This does not work, because as previously mentioned, man just cannot take that L
>When faced with literally no other option but to take an L, he passes out. His ninja squad punctuates this with him probably not being a threat anymore.
Ghetsis interpertation:
I think all of these things weave together into just a very fascinating person when you look at them a little deeper. Someone who's clearly charismatic enough to acquire that much loyalty, love, and fear — but also not equipped to handle the shame of failure in the god damn slightest. When threatened he devolves from a calculated cult leader above it all to a snarling animal fighting for its life, because he's probably rotted away behind a mask of perfectionism for years rather than done any significant growth as a person. He's clearly intelligent, probably highly emotionally intelligent because if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to pull this shit, but all of that shatters and breaks and splinters with one (1) crucial failure. He tries to recuperate but can't, the survival instinct is breathing down his neck because to him the shame of being a human like the rest of them rather than the perfect ideal he's been forging is scarier than anything that could actually physically kill him. He blames N, he blames MC, Colress, just about anyone and anything that doesn't end up pointing back to his own shortcomings.
And still! N probably loves him! And it's probably genuine! He wants to connect with him and breach that gap and give him ibuprofen because even if he's shown himself to be cringe, that's still his father, which is something he values enough to try and hold on to. And the ninja guys remain ride or die, so there's clearly something to him other than schemes and trickery, something genuine and beautiful that might not in practice be worth fighting for but it sure feels like it.
A beautiful man who's warped himself into a demon because he couldn't stand his own humanity because he's probably autistic and traumatized from his undefined childhood, and when he's beat down, rather than taking that L at long last, he'll curl up in his little cage, continue to snarl and tell himself over and over that this is what he is. What he will always be. He couldn't become god so he resigns to dying a devil. Because even still, that is preferable to him over taking that L, admitting to himself he is just a little guy like other little guys with problems he couldn't cope with, and that it caused hurt and destruction.
Devils don't feel regret or shame, humans do. And he'd have a loooot of that to chug through if he decided to face it. So he won't.
which is just very sexy and milfy and babygirl of him i think. this is my "why ghetsis is like so sexy actually" manifesto, without even tapping into the juice that is him going "nuh-uh" over his own dang disabilities but that too ties into how he can't cope with his own imperfect humanity so u know. Also that he's just kinda sassy and petty. Amazing. 10/10 best written character not in the games but in my brain.
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juxtaposed-nerd · 4 months
aapi heritage month headcanons pt. 3 !!!
just in time for s3 of dndads, let’s get into it! this one will probs be a lot but so much has happened in the past year 😭
- taylor LOVES chinese new year, he looks forward to it every year as the favorite (only) child and he eats all the dumplings he could ever eat and gets tons of red envelopes
- cassandra and morgan become best friends/mother-daughter relationship vibes post-doodler, like they are the most badass and cool women in the world and i do think taylor grows to love morgan so much and even though his relationships with nick/glenn are strained, at least he has the best mom and grandma
- as a voice actor for anime/cartoons i think cassandra really did fall in love w the art of anime and i’d love for her to guest at a con (make her the j michael tatum of her world PLEASE) and taylor gets a free ticket to weeb out as much as he wants <3
- in my heart glenn is trying his best, like he really wants that closeness (haha) and i think now post-doodler it's like literally what started as a father/son duo of him and nick now is genuinely a huge (kinda fucked up) family that is trying to mend itself and i do think it starts with chinese takeout !!!
- sidenote i think the close/foster/swifts etc are a great example of how freddie has subverted asian stereotypes fr and also how a family stuck in an absent/neglectful cycle has the ability to come together again
- the mending includes hermie too, hermie definitely deserves something more in his life and the chance get to be a kid w a home in the form of a big family w his bio dads (his normal parents are invited too) (and i also love the idea of normal being like 'grandpa henry! this is the guy!' and hermie being an honorary oak would be so cute 😭)
- hermie went and saw joy ride (2023) bc it was marketed as a comedy and came out bawling his eyes out from that one scene y’all adoptees know what im talking about
- tbh thinking about taylor's closeness w his mom and francis's w kimon wan literally asian moms are holding this show together
- the farnsworth’s are thai and german and they came to peachyville at a young age to give their newborn son a better life very starting nuclear family vibes, ed definitely learned thai for her, and now their son is a bowling champ!
- francis farnsworth and taylor swift are lowkey the spectrum of asian upbringing where it's like midwest asians vs socal asians 😳🤭 they live in different worlds
- kimon wan is an immigrant mom just trying to raise her family and her damn son wont stop being a loser 🤦‍♀️ literally milf w a shotgun (ed is a lucky man FR) (sorry anthony burch)
- when francis is having a really tough day then kimon wan will leave a plate of cut up fruit at his door so he knows he's still supported
- luo's golden wok is the first and only chinese restaurant in peachyville and they have to have the best pepper steak ever im calling it now
- tony collette would love and hate both jodie and glenn i think for different reasons but instead of calling them formosans he’d call them orientals 💀
- also tony collette is 0.0001% asian (chinese) and tyrus luo either DEFINITELY knows which is why he puts up w all the bullshit tony does or tony is determined to make sure that tyrus NEVER finds out ever
- they have a 'throwback' silent movie night at the drive-in and they show a meryl streep film and literally everyone falls in love w him 🥰
- billion millions was a crazy rich asian and he was an icon
- once again they mean the world to me! might end up posting more at some point who knows lol
checkout past headcanons: 2022! 2023!
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liquidstar · 6 months
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BROTHER AND SISTER OF ALL TIME THEYRE SO CUTE <3 love seeing how their relationship has progressed from beako literally throwing him out a window for stuff like this to her happily playing along its so so so so so cute. genuinely just one of the cutest and sweetest dynamics in the series
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hi ram roswaal and fred :) this is probably all we're going to really see of you guys this arc lol
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JOSHUA REAL!!!!! but not for long (also otto in the bg foreshadowing all the drinking hes about to do this arc. hes so stressed. poor emilia is trying her best)
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julius looks so babyfaced here? they really emphasized his long eyelashes just like subaru has been on about every time he mentions him. they better include the scene where he checks him out, like, if they dont animate subaru looking dead at this mans ass im going to riot
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i LOVE this shot of ana. you can really tell shes up to some corrupt capitalist bullshit as we speak. love her for that. wish i had this pic when i made that one money game anastasia video
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the red dress actually does look really good on crusch like it compliments the green hair really well but also the crusch we know would not walk around in such a thing so its like. damn looks like the "memories are an important part of identity" story thinks memories are an important part of identity. who knew.
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ALSO LOVE FELTS NEW LOOK SO MUCH! the only complaint is i felt (felt lol) like the red brought out her eyes more but the blue also looks cool. three primary colors all being used looks nice too
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no fucking way... did they actually...
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photos taken seconds before disaster lmfao. i still love how chin thinks subaru is a freak and weirdo for being so buddy buddy with him after he and his buddies mugged him. twice. (even more times from subarus perspective. hell he stabbed subaru once) genuinely cant wait to see more of this dynamic its so stupid.
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THE FUCKING CUNT!!!!!! also the apples lol
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oh you poor thing. you have no idea what next level family drama bullshit awaits. good luck. get ready to kill grandma AGIAN lol
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:'( emilia still misses her terrible cat dad and its kinda sad when you know were not getting a resolution on that here either. they both look so sad :(
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i cannot wait for garf mommy issues round fucking 2.
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he fucking bit it. yeah i guess thats what dogs do tho.
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the empathy powers will have a glowing eye effect. very cool but i hope they dont show it too much in the first scene bc like in the LN i think its cooler if you dont know why everything is so... Wrong.
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i dont rly have anything to say i just think ferris looks cool covered in blood. imagine being healed here like doctor catgirl will see you now
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emilia be nice. that crazy bitch might be your mom. just like how the previous crazy bitch was in fact your dad.
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THEY CHANGED UP CAPELLA'S DESIGN TOO honestly tho her being sexualized makes sense w a lot of the themes (the way its intentionally meant to be perverse and gross in a way explicitly stated) so i didnt mind as much and she still IS here but. this is still an improvement imo just a better outfit looks cooler. bug.
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alluralater · 7 months
“bi-lesbian” explain this to me in a way that isn’t inherently lesbophobic (challenge level: impossible)
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never in ALL my experience as a person out in the wild have i encountered a bi-lesbian in my extremely dense and saturated population of lgbt+. not once. not a single time. would you like to know why? because it’s for the sake of online discourse. go out and ask a lesbian that isn’t chronically online (even one that is) what a bi-lesbian is and they will awkwardly laugh and question if you’re serious. the first thought would probably be a bigender lesbian, not a lesbian that fucks/dates men. bi-lesbian isn’t a thing because there’s already a fucking WORD for this sexuality. there’s nothing wrong with being bisexual! you don’t need to “make space” for including self-identified men in a sexuality (the ONE sexuality) that doesn’t include men.
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to be like “oh but you’re asking us to define what a man is and that’s a slippery terfy slope” no it’s fucking not. a man is someone that identifies as a man. yeah someone’s gender can be complex and that’s their own deal, but it’s still the same principle. no one is excluded from lesbianism to the degree in which bi-lesbians would have people believe. the likelihood that you’ll see someone out in the streets as a bi-lesbian is lower than the likelihood those same people will be outside touching grass. to nitpick away at gender and sexuality just to give yourself a podium to scream homophobic and transphobic bullshit from while online, is not revolutionary.
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plus i’ll be even more deadass with you— this bi-lesbian thing is primarily a white hyper-individualized concept. it’s like what peta is to animal activism except peta does occasionally get shit done and their radical intentions are for the good of all people and creatures. bi-lesbians purposefully do not want to be called sapphic, they don’t want to be called bisexual, they don’t want to be in or under any other umbrella because truly it’s like PAINFUL to be kept in a box of what they deem “oppressive labels” as if your proclivity toward men makes you oppressed. sorry baddies, it doesn’t. to reject community in the spaces that would otherwise take you in is wild as hell. you can like men, it’s okay. i’m telling you right now, it’s OKAY to like men. it’s OKAY to include men in your sexuality. lesbianism has literally only one fucking rule and if you find it doesn’t work for you, just slide over to another sexuality like damn. this need for hyper-individualism over community is toxic as fuck. lack of identity doesn’t mean you should be attempting a coup of other sexualities. it’s a journey and it’s a process, there’s nothing wrong with admitting you like men and not knowing what your label is. the world has undefined gray areas, you don’t have to label yourself a lesbian if it doesn���t fit
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i’ve had the bi-lesbian conversation with SOOO many people like a huge number of people (because i’m curious and i like to see if online discourse is facts or false) and 95% don’t know what it is, the rest laugh and ask me if i’m serious. because really— it’s not a problem of visibility, it’s a problem of irl people knowing how fucking offensive bi-lesbianism is. not wanting to admit they’re simply bisexual or umbrella-sapphic is odd as fuck. i even bring up points made (transphobic points) about how mspec genders apparently don’t count for lesbians since lesbian sexuality to a bi-lesbian means *one* attraction to a gender, not more. and people find that shit to be repulsive because lesbianism is a historically broad spectrum of non-men attracted to other non-men. there is no rigorous whittling down of someone’s gender so much that you decide they’ve been excluded from lesbianism.
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to forcibly include lesbianism in the title of “bi-lesbian” is wild as fuck and super offensive considering the amount of history, pain, and oppression that lesbians deal with. so yeah, i’m gonna talk my shit
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anyway it just all feels a lot like hyper-individualism and white concepts of people needing to be more special than anyone else because god forbid you be anything but extraordinary and eye-catching and somehow all the while, calling yourselves oppressed. like even by definition bi-lesbians would be less oppressed than lesbians. and this need to be INCLUDED in lesbians spaces even though they deem themselves to be of a different sexuality, is wack as fuck. trynna have your cake and eat it too. well you can eat my ass. lesbians aren’t automatically bigots because you feel excluded. if you don’t feel like our sexuality matches up to your inner self, there are a myriad of others to choose from should you like/care to label yourself with one <3
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Fake it till you make it - Charles x fem reader
AN: After all the posts about Charles and A from this weekend, I got this idea. Honestly, I just care about that situation because I'm nosey but don't have any real interest in it, just wanted to write this idea that popped into my head. I have no idea how tennis and sponsorships work, clearly. I lost the first draft which I liked better so I might edit this one if I remember details I missed.
Warnings: Mean social media, a bad word here and there.
Synopsis: Y/n is a talented tennis player, but has a reputation of being a party animal and that scares sponsors away, so if she wants to attend Wimbledon she's going to have to fake a relationship with a recently single golden boy.
"You guys need to stop the bullshit and make this shit work" You always thought of this situation as a stupid game, but seeing Loraine's forehead vein about to burst reminded you that there was a lot on the line.
"But..." Charles was about to say something, from the redness on his face you knew he was as mad as the PR agent scolding you.
"No buts Charles, this is something to help you both, you knew what you were signing in to and you agreed to do this, we have 8 more months and we need this to work, so after today all I'm asking is for you to do what you're requested and stop being childish, agreed?"
You wanted to say no, maybe Charles had agreed to do this damn PR game but you were forced into it and found it stupid and insulting from your team to think that you needed to fake a relationship with some posh "athlete" to improve your image.
"I'm sorry Lor, but this is useless, we have nothing in common, ok? He drives in circles, how am I supposed to show interest in something I don't give two shits about?"
"Well, you're going to have to find a way if you want Puma to sponsor you, they're very concerned about the number of pictures of you partying and fooling around with guys all over the internet"
"They're my friends and I'm 25, they should care about what I do inside the court and not in my free time"
"And I wish I could spend the rest of my days enjoying the sun on a Spanish beach drinking margaritas but we can't all have what we want, can we?"
You were about to speak again when your "boyfriend" stood up swearing under his breath.
"Fine, whatever" he said before slamming the conference room door behind him.
Loraine let herself fall on the chair in front of you holding the bridge of her nose, it had been a long day and she was sick of it.
"Please, y/n, I wish I didn't have to do this either, but if you want to attend Wimbledon next year you're going to have to do this" She had been your pr agent for a little over a year now, and you had become friends, but this situation was idiotic.
"I just don't get it, why we couldn't do it with one of my friends? It would've been easier, at least they care about me, this guy couldn't care less, yesterday when we rode together to the track he said two words to me, "the seatbelt" and then complete silence the whole fucking ride"
"Yeah, well, the day he tried to invite you to train together you rejected him saying you were a real athlete and you didn't need him to get in the way of actual training"
You bit your cheek at the memory, in your defense, you were pretty hungover that morning and couldn't be bothered with this pr shit.
"Please?" Loraine looked at you with pleading eyes.
"Ugh, I'll try but I'm still not ok with this"
"I know, it's just until Wimbledon, you win that and this is all done"
"I don't like you right now" You stood up and walked to Charle's driver's room.
"Why should I be suffering when I'm not the one behaving like a toddler in a sugar rush?" Charles's voice made you stop as you were about to knock on his door.
"They want you to focus on your performance after the breakup"
"And me dating some brat is going to help? We need better strategies and upgrades"
"I know, and that's the team's job, but right now we just need you to focus on driving and try to convince the media that you're happily in love"
"It's going to be easier to win a fucking race in a tractor than look in love with her"
You weren't attracted to him and had no interest in having an actual relationship with the driver but his words felt like a cold punch to your chest, you couldn't be that bad, could you? You didn't want to hear any more of his rant and knocked on his door taking a deep breath trying to pretend you hadn't heard a thing.
"Come in" his dry voice made your skin crawl.
"Hi, can we talk?" His features softened, he feared you had heard him.
"I'll meet you in the garage" Andrea stood up and gave you a smile when he walked past you.
"Please" Charles stood up signaling for you to take a seat on the small sofa he had been sitting on.
"I think there's no way out of this"
"Seems like it" He leaned against the door in front of you.
"Look, I can't promise I won't say mean things, that's kind of my thing, but I will try to be nicer so we can make this work, ok?"
"I know I haven't been the best either and I'm so sorry about my behavior yesterday, I will try to do my best too"
"Sounds like a plan" You tried to give him an honest smile that probably looked more creepy than friendly but you were trying.
From that day on you two kept your word, you started easy and training seemed to be the one thing you had in common. But your gym selfies with Charles "accidentally" in the back didn't seem to convince the media your relationship was real, so you took it up a notch and started having date nights, he took you to his favorite restaurants in Monaco and the different cities during the GP's, and you tried to teach him how to cook, always uploading "candid" pics where your stuff and his were visible in the back this new plan seemed to be working little by little.
It was "date night" at your place and you were sitting on your couch scrolling through TikTok waiting on Charles when another "Charles and Y/n" edit popped up, you would usually scroll past them since you had no interest in what people had to say, if Loraine was happy it meant everything was good, but for some reason you let it play, photos of you and him musicalized with some taylor swift song playing in the back, they were mostly pictures of the beginning of the "relationship", you walking a couple steps away from him, sitting all alone inside the garage or the Ferrari hospitality and some others of you and Charles with a sour face on the way in and out the track, this pictures where surrounded by mean texts, and as if it wasn't enough, you clicked on the comments, they were even worse than the one lines, half of them claiming this was fake, the other half saying how ugly, boring, tacky and unworthy of him you seemed to be and juts a couple of them supporting the relationship.
A knock on the door startled you, you turned to look at the door as a pretty loaded Charles entered the apartment, you had given him a spare key to your place since him having to wait downstairs for you didn't seem very couple-like.
"Hi! Are you ready for the best fake date...what's wrong?" he asked worried when he saw the pained look on your face.
"Um, nothing, hi, you're early" He left the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and walked towards the sofa.
"What happened?" he asked steadily.
"Nothing, I'm fine"
"Let me see" he placed his hand in front of you and you immediately understood what he meant.
"Please" If you had learned something from him this last couple of months was that he was stubborn as fuck and fighting him was pointless, so you ended up unlocking your phone and passing it to him. He looked at the screen and immediately a disgusted look covered his face.
"Why are you watching this?"
"I don't know, I usually don't but... I don't know"
"You know they're just talking out of anger and jealousy, right?"
"Well, you were on their side a couple of months ago, remember?"
"I've apologized about that, I was a dick"
"I know, and I know it's dumb that stupid comments affect me that much, I might be hormonal or something"
"Y/n, look" He threw the phone to the side and squatted in front of you taking your hands in his "This might be a fake relationship but I do care about you, and I don't want you to ever feel bad about what people say online, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work, but you need to promise me that you won't let this kind of people get to you, I won't keep with this if what my fans say hurts you, it's not worth it."
You felt your eyes start watering and you swallowed the knot that had formed in your throat before answering him.
"Ok, I promise" you said in a low whisper.
"Good" He let go of your hands, he stood up pulling you up with him to hug you hard against his chest. "Don't let them hurt you" he said against your hair and then kissed your forehead. "Let's go, we have pasta to make"
He pulled you to the kitchen and started arranging all the ingredients.
"Instagram time" he said as he set his phone against a vase and took a picture of you for his social media.
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CharlesLeclerc and Y/Naccount You are the best thing that's ever been mine. #datenight #imagreatchef #pastacrocante
LeclercLover I still don't buy his, worst PR stunt ever
16LoverCha I knew he was a Swifty!!!
CharlesandY/nluv Stop being jealous bitches and let them be happy.
ForzafFerrari I'm sorry but she seems dull and boring, what are you doing with her Baby?
You knew this post would let all hell loose for several hours so you turned off your phones and enjoyed the night together,
"It's getting late and we have an early flight tomorrow" he said taking the last sip of wine from his glass and picking up your empty plates.
"You know you can stay, right?"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, plus, I got new sheets for the guest room"
"Ooohh, fancy"
You helped him with the dishes and then went to show him his room, he had never stayed the night, normally he would sneak out of your apartment and you would do the same when you went to his, but after the amazing night you have had, him staying seemed like a good way to finish it off.
"Here, need anything else?" You said leaving a towel on the bed.
"All good"
"Thanks" you hugged him and he hugged you back.
"No problem, don't ever let them make you feel bad"
"I won't" He kissed your head and you went to your room.
The next day you landed in Suzuka and it felt as if you had shifted realities, the fans were being nicer and more respectful, and some of them even brought gifts for you, maybe the plan was finally working.
The remaining months went by easily, and you and Charles developed a nice friendship.
"How do you feel?" Charles asked from the little bench inside your locker room.
"I'm shitting myself" Your statement made him laugh, he had become a big fan of your bluntness.
"You're going to be amazing, I know" he stood up and hugged you.
"Hello, am I interrupting?" Pierre peeked through the door, a white rose in his hand.
"Baby! you made it" You rushed to the door and hugged the French driver.
"Of course love, how could I miss it" He handed you the rose and took your face to kiss your lips softly.
"Hey! She's still my girlfriend!"
"Sorry mate, couldn't help it"
A month or two after the scolding session with Loraine you started hanging out with Charle's friends and he started hanging out with yours, one of those days you met his best friend Pierre, and you hit it off right away, it was crazy how perfect you were for each other. You knew it was going to be madness the moment you broke it off with Charles and announced your relationship with Pierre, but you couldn't care less, by then you would have had win Wimbledon and shown how talented you were, so who cares what the media and the fans thought.
"Y/n, you have one minute" your trainer said from outside the locker room.
"You can do it" Pierre kissed you softly
"Thanks, baby" You kissed his nose and turned to look at Charles
"Go kick some ass" he hugged you and kissed your hair.
"Thanks, boyfriend,. See you on the other side" You took your bag and rushed to the court, ready to be done with all this nonsense.
As always, feedback it's appreciated, and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list :)
Tag List: @wtrmlnsgr94, @ricsaigaslec
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starfirewildheart · 11 months
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Scars and Souvenirs 
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,022
Rating: mentions of war; being a POW, death and animal abuse. Nothing graphic I promise but if the fic continues (if y'all like it) I'll add warnings for each chapter.
Scars and Souvenirs 
She watched Sy from her perch on the wooden fence as he carefully approached the skittish horse. Well defined muscles flexed and tensed under tanned skin as he galloped around the training ring, sweat building up as the morning sun was reaching its peak. The horse itself was beautiful as well.. A palomino mare, one of four horses they had rescued the night before, hoping to be able to save her and give her a good life. 
"Hey now, that wasn't very  nice," Sy said, keeping his voice soft and gentle while still admonishing the horse for nipping his shoulder.
Debbie chuckled. "You always did have a way with the ladies, cowboy. "
"Well, I caught you didn’t I?" He teased back, his attention always focused on the mare. Their calm voices would help her adjust to being around people.
"It was a limited dating pool baby. My choices were you, Rickshaw, Jizzy, or Boz. Rickshaw was a man whore, Boz had no personal hygiene standards and I'm pretty sure Jizzy fucked a couple of goats trying to get a section 8. You, my Captain, didn’t stink, or sleep with every woman on base or random farm animals. That and your ass looked amazing, even in fatigues."
Sy put his hand to his chest as if he was wounded. "You only want me for my ass!" 
She hopped down off the fence, walked over to him sliding her arms around his chest lightly nipping between his shoulder blades as her right hand snaked down his body until she was palming his denim covered cock giving it a gentle squeeze. "I started dating you for your ass but I stayed for your dick baby," She teased.
Sy inhaled sharply and bucked against her palm. He couldn't imagine his life without her. She was the only good thing that came out of that damn desert hell hole where he toiled for eight long fucking years. Even the Texas sun couldn't stop the shiver that raced up his back from the memories.  "Whatever it is that keeps you here I hope I never lose it because you are my everything." He leaned back against her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, over his shoulder.
"You're stuck with me, always. I'm never letting you go baby." She hugged him tight. "Well except for like right this second because I gotta go muck the stalls," She sighed dramatically causing him to laugh. "A cowgirl's work is never done," he chuckled, smacking her ass as she walked away.
Debbie started cleaning the stalls, and spreading new straw. Music was playing on a radio they had in the staging area and she got  lost in memories about how she and Sy had met. 
She was a doctor who worked the MASH unit in the green zone and also ran missions as a medic when needed. She'd been assigned to the Vikings unit as a medic after their last one had been wounded. When she reported to their Captain it didn't go well. At first she took Sy's very boisterous refusal to work with her personally and she despised him and what she took as his sexest bullshit. After a few very long hours of arguing she realized it wasn't because she was a woman that he didn’t want to take her into the field, he didn’t get her file (imagine that, the government dropping the ball) and he didn't know she had field experience. Sy learned she wasn't intimidated easily. She was a tough as nails, ball busting soldier who could give as good as she got. She earned his respect and he earned hers. Needless to say the issue was resolved and she was frequently a medic for them. 
Over time she and Sy became really close and eventually started a relationship which meant she was no longer allowed to be with their unit. Sy had a lot of pull because of what his unit did and was able to keep her on base though. She continued to work both at the MASH unit and with other teams on missions and they spent their free time together. 
It had been a year and a half since she’d cycled out of the Army and a year for Sy. While she served during war time and has been in some bad shit and had to do even worse sometimes, it was nothing compared to the hell Sy had experienced. The last four months of his tour were by far the worst for him. One of his unit's final scheduled missions turned out to be their worst and last. 
Their objective was to shut down ordinance supply areas for the insurgents because the damn RPG attacks were killing more of our soldiers than combat. The Viking unit had made a huge impact on the supply already and they hoped to be able to take out some of the top ranking members of the opposition with today's raid. Sy had been promised a second unit as back up with the high profile target but true to form, command said they didn't have enough manpower to send back up which meant if shit got bad he'd have to call in an air strike which would be at least thirty minutes out. There was a shadow in the back of his mind that this was a bad idea and he even suggested to his C.O. that they postpone the mission but he was told he was there to follow orders not think.
Things started out successfully as they secured the facility and a cache of weapons, supplies and several high value prisoners. "Robbins, call it in. Tell them we need a clean up crew and transport for 10 prisoners," Sy ordered.
"On it Cap," he gruffed.
"Jimminez, Boz, recheck the perimeter."
"Yes sir."
"Sanchez, Richter, get 'em in restraints."
"Cap!" Boz yelled as he slammed another man through the metal doors of the building. "This asshole was on a phone out back."
"Fuck," Sy's stomach fell to his feet. This was bad. He stormed over and grabbed the insurgent by the shirt and started to question him. Within minutes Sy's life would change forever.
Explosions, gunfire and blood filled the air as several truck loads of insurgents arrived having been alerted by the man with the phone. All of Sy's men were captured and either executed or tortured for information. The insurgents did unspeakable, unimaginable things to the men claiming to want intelligence, after a while Sy came to believe they did it for pleasure.
Two weeks went by and Sy and Boz were the last two alive. As the leader of the team he'd been forced to watch his men be brutalized and eventually executed and his men were forced to watch him be tortured, the insurgents hoping to show them his weakness but Sy never begged.
It was just a few days later that Debbie got the call that he'd been rescued and was being flown to Ramstein AF base in Germany. She’d been home for four months, a choice she and Sy had both made, each agreeing to retire and not re-up. She dropped everything and flew to Germany to be by his side.
Debbie was pulled from her thoughts as Sy walked the mare back into the barn and started brushing her down. She was amazed at how much Sy had recovered in the year he'd been home. They bought his dream ranch and he'd designed their home and the barn that was built there. They had gone to a cattle auction to bid on some horses for the ranch and that's where they found their new passion. 
They were walking through the stalls checking out the animals when Debbie overheard a farmer talking about selling his horses to the meat market. From that day on they researched and scouted these 'meat' auctions and bought as many of the animals as possible. They rehabilitated all that they could and gave them to loving homes; the others who'd been too abused to recover they kept on their own farm where they could live in peace and safety. 
Sy looked over at his beautiful girl and grinned. "Come 'er baby girl."
She stepped out of the stall and slowly crossed over to him watching his eyes rake up and down her body. "See something you like, Captain? "
"Hell yea," he rasped, pulling her flush against his body wrapping his arms around her tight. Her fingernails lightly running up and down his back nearly made him purr as he placed soft kisses on her neck. 'It's your love' came on the radio and he started dancing around the barn singing to her. 
She squealed with laughter as he spun her around. 'It's your love' was their song, the first song they ever danced to. Letting her hands slide down to his hips she softly pressed her lips to his in a loving kiss. She allowed him entry when his tounge sought its way into her mouth as he deepened it. Their hands began to roam, finding just the right spots to drag moans from each other until he was pressing her against the wall, his rapidly filling cock digging against her stomach. His hand worked its way under her shirt and he squeezed her supple breast rubbing her nipple through the silky material of her bra and was about to lift her up around his waist when they heard gravel crunching on the driveway announcing a car approaching. "FUCK!"
Debbie laughed and patted his ass. "Not now baby, your mom is here but if you're a good boy, maybe later." She waggled her eyebrows at him playfully. "You should probably take a walk for a second until the little monster calms down."
"Fuck," he whined pitifully as he laid his head on her shoulder.
"HI honey," mama Syverson's sweet southern voice rang out as she approached. A concerned look crossed her face as Sy stood with his head on Debbie's shoulder. "Everything alright?" She asked as she put a hand on his back.
He raised up and greeted her with an awkward hug, keeping his hips back so his hard-on didn't accidentally brush against his ma. He shuddered at the thought. "Yea we were just taking a break," he told her as he walked over to the mare he'd brushed down before dancing with Deb. "Let me put this girl in her stall and we can all head to the house for lunch."
"Oh, um, I'm sure Debbie has a lot of work to do," she hedged throwing a look toward the other woman. "A lot of rescues to take care of and all."
Sy closed the stall door, brow creased in bewilderment at what she’d said "Ma, what the h…"
"She’s right," Debbie cut him off. "Horses gotta be fed and watered and I need to get some round bales out in the pasture feeders. Gonna take me the rest of the day." He started to argue but she kissed his cheek and whispered, "She needs you. Go be with her." Before walking to the storeroom to start pulling out grain. 
Sy's mom was a sweet, kind, loving, God fearing southern woman but for some reason she seemed to dislike Debbie. Deb had tried everything to get her to warm up to her because she knew how important Sy's mama was to him but nothing seemed to work. It worried her because she didn’t know how it would affect her relationship with Sy in the long run but there was nothing she could do about it. She sighed and went about feeding all the animals and working through her day.
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creature-wizard · 11 months
Norse Ice giants "Juton" is what the Christians know as "The Nephilim" which were spawned from the fallen angels.. Enki was an Anunnaki so was Gilgamesh. They may have been the Aesir Gods. Read about the Lyrans. Like the Sphinx a Feline humaniod race.. They give hints about this in the cartoon Thundercats Lyrans vs Reptilians.. We all know Loki had a serpent for a son jormungandr. This is why people associated Loki or Enki as Lucifer..
This is a great example of how New Agers get the old traditions they try to appeal to so incredibly wrong.
Norse paganism was animistic. Norse ice giants aren't some kind of half-human hybrids; they are nature spirits. Have you ever been caught in a blizzard? If you have, you have had an encounter with an ice giant.
Loki has been associated with Satan because modern Christians (and even culturally Christian pagans) projected a Christian moral worldview onto Norse mythology and spirituality. They assumed that since Odin was the supreme god, then his rival Loki had to be analogous to Satan. Once you start really digging into Norse mythology and start getting your head around Norse animism, you'll begin to see how wrong and ridiculous these people are.
And of course, all that stuff about the Annunaki actually being space aliens is total racist bullshit. And that shit about reptilians is literally just repackaged antisemitism. In fact, New Age mythology has quite a lot to do with Nazi racial ideology, even if a lot of New Agers don't realize it.
Also, citing Thundercats as evidence of your conspiracy theory is really damn silly. For one thing, many writers borrow ideas from fringe literature all the time because they sound fun (see: Roland Emmerich), so even if a piece of media echoes things you believe in, doesn't mean the creators "know the truth." Also, some of you people (actually, a lot of you people) literally just watch a TV show or movie that seems to confirm some of your beliefs, and you just add its other elements into your belief system.
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