#believe in astrology
astroambe · 6 months
Is It Good to Believe in Astrology? Exploring the Benefits
Discover the advantages of believing in astrology, including self-reflection, decision-making guidance, spiritual connection, cultural significance, and community support. Explore how astrology can enrich your life and understanding of the cosmos.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
9th house of marriage/ travel/ believe💍⛵️🎨
9th house is very beautiful house and have a lot of things that are so amazing. It represent luck, travel, faith, long journeys, adventure, philosophy, teaching, higher education, quest for meaning. It means exploring the unknown and having fun doing it. Wisdom & greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Here we seek answers to life’s bigger questions. Get to know the world around you. Learning and growth. And it is also the house of marriage (how do you see marriage , what kind do you want to have, what beliefs do you have about it).
This in signs through houses and I actually believe that 9th house is so much more connected to marriage and wedding live than it is 7th house. 7th house represents the person you love the relationship you want or need & what it is good for you and the marriage you want. And yes it is connected to wedding and which wedding do you want to have or where do you want to have but it’s more like thinking it’s not doing it. And yes 7th house is your first marriage you have and the 9th house is your second marriage (if you have the second marriage)but most likely 9th house is more connected to the spiritual bonding the spiritual marriage do you have with someone. And how marriage grows.
✨Aries in 9th house - you go on with your life inspired by a higher meaning. You feel independent in your own world and love to explore all parts of the world. Above all, this energy is more related to you. You like things that are bold and spontaneous. That's why your wedding can be spontaneous and not expected. It can also mean that you will have a bold wedding. And you want to always have good energy and action in your marriage. It can also be a quick wedding. Your spiritual curiosity keeps your faith at high levels and helps you move forward through the challenges of life.
🦊Taurus in 9th house- you love to travel and you are strongly connected with mother nature. Many of them decide to live far away from where they were born. You explore the world slowly and with pleasure. You like to enjoy life and like to experience the energy of other countries and cultures. Your wedding can be old school. It can have many flowers and it can also be in the garden. Maybe a wedding in a castle or something similar. But it's usually always simple. Your marriage is usually nice and pleasant. You can enjoy a lot with a person and share a lot with them.
🌵Gemini in 9th house-you can learn new things very quickly and you can quickly adapt to a foreign environment. But you also like to change things, which means you like to travel but you don't like to stay in one place for a long time. Even your beliefs can change. You like to discover new things. They like to talk and write on philosophical and religious topics. Marriage may not be a priority for you. But you are the person who will want to have a written promise and read it aloud at the wedding. Your wedding can be very interesting. But it can also mean that you get married more than once.
🏝️Cancer in 9th house- usually, people with this placement feel other places more than their own. Maybe you can feel that your home is somewhere else. And you can spend a long time looking for a place where you will truly feel at home. You have an emotional approach to things you believe in and are important to you. They can travel with their minds a lot, especially when not wanting to be far away from the places they’re used to. Your wedding will be where you will feel the most safe, beautiful and emotionally refined. And in a place where you will feel the energy. It can usually involve more family and people close to you. Your marriage will be emotional, comfortable and safe (maybe it can be with someone you've known for a long time).
🫧Leo in 9th house- you are very passionate when it comes to traveling and you like to experience new things. You like to party. This brings a dynamic and spirited energy to higher learning, spirituality, and exploration. They’re only going places in which they can learn new things and experience something from a spiritual point of view. Inspiration comes easily for them because they’re enthusiastic and ready to live their life in the most beautiful manner. The wedding will be big and there will be many people at it. Usually, the wedding is dramatic and contains a lot of people that you may not know very well. But you are usually with the person from your childhood.
🌙Virgo in 9th house- you tend to criticize a lot or always have something that could be better than it is. You are smart and focused, meaning that you can find solutions to problems easier than others. You are pragmatic when it comes to matters of philosophy and religion. You have your own principle about what you believe in and you stick to it. A wedding can often be practical and contain many details. At the same time, you can be a person who can analyze everything before getting married. Marriage is usually aimed at wanting it to be perfect and practical. Animals may also be present at the wedding.
💘Libra in 9th house-you can travel a lot with your partner and explore a lot with him. Relationships help you grow and become your own person. You believe in the beauty of the world and everywhere you go you find something that is really beautiful to you. You can dream a lot about places and want to experience as much as possible. You can fall in love with places and corners of the world. You see life as something worth living for. And you want to experience love through travel and exploration. You can do all activities with a partner or someone you have an emotional bond with. You can meet the love of your life while traveling. Or you have someone who is from another country. Even your wedding can be in a foreign country. Your marriage can be very beautiful and pleasant. You can travel a lot with this person and have fun and learn a lot from your partner as well. Can also be a dream wedding.
🩵Scorpio in 9th house- you deeply believe in things that are important to you. You have an intense view of the world and events. You like to travel to places that are mystical, mysterious and by the water. You like trips that bring you some inner healing. You experience a lot of transformation when you travel, and that's how you grow the most. Your wedding can be somewhere out in the open or even secret (so no one will even know you got married). Many things that will happen between you and your partner will remain hidden from others. Everything just between you two. You value privacy.
⭐️Sagittarius in 9th house- you live life to the fullest and with optimism. You live like every day is your last. You have a lot of passion for travel and this is where you find yourself the most. You can deal a lot with spirituality and things related to it. You can teach others a lot. And you can tell a lot about your travels. But you can have a strict opinion about what you think and about your view of the world. You accept all people and cope well with unknown things. You can gain a lot from your partner. U two can also travel a lot. Your wedding will most likely be in another country. Your marriage will be active, interesting, optimistic, fun and full of travel.
🎸Capricorn in 9th house-this has a significant impact on a person's views, academic pursuits, journey, and devotion. Capricorn signifies ambition, discipline, and realism. You may travel a lot on business or your job is active. You like to help others and look out for society. Usually these people do not have specific beliefs or have a hard time believing in anything. It may be more difficult to find trust and faith in something, but when they find it, they feel a sense of responsibility towards this. The marriage with the partner is more likely to be busy or perhaps even more distant. Or both have a more public role. Even your marriage can be publicly exposed.
🪴Aquarius in 9th house-you will probably resist anything that will be publicly exposed. You will never believe in the church or have any special contact with it (unless you have some aspects of the planet that are different). You will not be everything that others believe. You will have your faith. You will be too lazy to learn new things. You will travel to places that others will not, or to places that are a little different. You may want to travel to the same place many times. You can have a lot of friends from other countries and also a lot of people you can meet while traveling. Your wedding can be unusual and different from the others. Your marriage can be unpredictable and different. Maybe you can have many unexpected things with your partner. It can always be in flux.
🐚Pisces in 9th house-you have faith, which can also be infinite. You never stop believing because you have a lot of illusion inside you. And there is definitely a mission you should follow in this lifetime. These natives can’t be kept to only one place. Pisces are known for creating magic around them, but also for poisoning their environment when it comes to the aspects of life they haven’t explored. You always have to follow your passion & things that are good for you soul. You are very nice to everyone. And you believe that the world is full of magic, dreams and goodness. You deeply believe in soul connection of people,soulmates and everything that requires somehow higher meaning to this life. Places by the ocean are good for your soul and you actually love to be near Ocean. Your wedding can be dreamy, by the water or somewhere like a magical world. A marriage with a partner is spiritual and more deeply connected. But you have to make sure that the person doesn't cover things up or lie to you.
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starrysymphonies · 4 months
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THE GANGS ALL HEREEE!!!!!! My vat7k redesigns
These drawings are kinda messy but!!! They took so long so I’m not cleaning it up :P
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Plus a mini doodle comic with a little HC I have. Kinda?? Moon!Varian??? But also kinda not. More like magic radiation from Quirin being near the Moonstone being passed to Varian and my idea on how magic might work
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nectarblood · 4 months
all this time i was wondering abt the lost carian princesses and now its revealed one of them dropped everything for a redheaded man... this cant keep happening i'm in hysterics from laughing so hard
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kujakumai · 3 months
visionshipping is btw one of my fave ship names because it hones in on what they have in common but more importantly because sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who remembers and emphasizes that Mai is a fake psychic. I love that she is a fake psychic. She's really out here dipping her cards in Chanel No. 5 and pretending to have telepathy. She beat Espa by two or three arcs. I know she would do numbers bullshitting tarot readings on tiktok. Do you think back on the cruise ship she would cold read guys for extra tips
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martian-astro · 4 months
Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem
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Just found out that Penelope Cruz is married to Javier Bardem and the WAY this man speaks about his wife is just... Amazing. I couldn't find much information about their marriage but from what I've seen on the internet, they haven't cheated on each other, no rumors as well, have been very respectful towards each other, overall, a healthy and mature marriage.
I looked at their d9, and again IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. Let me do a general breakdown -
Venus represents wife in a man's d9, Jupiter represents the husband in a woman's d9
In javier's d9, Venus is in pisces. In penelope's d9 Jupiter is in pisces, which explains the private nature of their marriage. They had a small and private wedding in 2010. There's also not much known about their married life.
Both of them have mercury in 1st in their d9 which highlights just how important communication is to both of them. Mercury needs to be well placed for a marriage to be stable, you can have many good placements but if mercury is afflicted then the chances of either divorce or an unhappy married life is high.
Penelope is definitely the more dominant one in the relationship with her sun being in the 4th in d9, and with her Jupiter in pisces it shows that Javier is completely okay with that dynamic and is the calm one In the relationship.
Javier also has a Mars darakaraka which again shows that his partner will have those Martian qualities, and Penelope has a mercury darakaraka. I don't know much about Javier but I'll assume that he's the witty one and likes to make jokes and make his wife happy.
Their 7th lord and dk are also well placed in d9. Javier's 7th lord is in 10th in his d9 and penelope's 7th lord is in 2nd in her d9, both money and career related houses. They met on a movie set, and they have also worked together in some movies as well. So there's a focus on working and earing money together.
As you can see from the above analysis, there's a balance of energies, there's work but there are also emotions, one is dominant other is submissive, that's why it's very important to find someone who balances your energy. This whole thing would be very different if Jupiter/Venus was in capricorn or taurus with those placements and if Javier was also a sun/Mars AK, but it's not. They complement each other.
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philcollinsenjoyer · 6 months
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literally john lennon
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bluebugjay · 4 months
pretty sure when they all return to the beach from speaking with the washer woman, Edwin is holding the red sea glass one moment and the next he's not - it seems like he slips it into his pocket or something discreetly. He also keeps quiet about still having it when they're talking with Tragic Mick about the washer woman and I think it's because he didn't want to give it away to him. Niko gave it him for courage, as a gift. Even though he'd probably say he doesn't believe in stuff like that, he still values it from Niko.
And now that Niko is gone, if he still does have the sea glass that might be the only thing he has left of her. She left him courage.
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elbiotipo · 7 months
Calvinism is a branch of protestanism that says that God has already chosen who will be saved and who would go to hell, without anyone having any choice in the matter. (Predestination) If there is a theology I deeply, deeply and genuinely despise to my very core, is predestination. It goes against everything I genuinely believe, the possibility of change, redemption, and choice.
I cannot believe it was the official religion of many countries. The doctrine of "some people are just born to go to hell no matter what you do". If you ask me about one theological belief I genuinely hate, it's this.
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divorcedwife · 6 months
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just a little fish
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anistarrose · 9 months
headcanon that under his home plane's calendar taako is a scorpio, but under the faerun calendar he's something else (maybe a gemini for the sheer irony), and that his absolute sheer confidence that he's a scorpio instigates an incredibly long-running argument with sazed about it
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chdarling · 1 year
Hey guys. I’ve turned off anon indefinitely. You can still send me asks for now, but you’re going to have to use your name.
Sorry to do this, but while 99% of you are lovely and I’m so grateful for your thoughtful comments and readership, some people who frequent this website really need to reconsider boundaries and the way you talk to actual humans on the internet.
And, just as a little reminder to the aforementioned some people: this isn’t my job, I don’t get paid for this, and every time you send me rude messages about how long it takes me to write TLE, it makes me want to work on TLE less. I have a bunch of original projects demanding my attention right now too, and when I open tumblr to see several messages in a row about how I’m not doing enough fast enough for my fanfic labor of love that I am sharing for absolutely f’ing free, it makes me start to question why I’m bothering with all this and why I’m not putting this time into my other projects instead.
The answer to this question, ultimately, is because I love TLE, and that’s why I’ve written it from the start, and that’s why I expect I will feel compelled to see it through to the end, but it certainly doesn’t make me feel compelled to hurry up and hustle just so some jerk anons get off my ass about meeting their entitled expectations. That’s not how this works. I am not, actually, writing this for you, jerk anons. I’m letting you read it.
Ok, rant over. Thank you to those of you who have been so lovely in my ask box in the past. I’m not posting this in any attempt to garner sympathy or anything, so please don’t feel like you need to reblog this or defend me. I have just been frustrated and felt the need to speak into existence some firmer boundaries that I’ve been fairly lax about in the past.
Thank you ❤️
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
Astrology Notes of 2022🦋
🌴9th house north node It looks like an easy house, but it's actually quite a challenge. Many times you struggle with finding the meaning of life. You have to follow optimism, fun, belief. It is difficult for these people to believe in something (they have problems with it). Here, the north node shows you that you have to find a reason to live, a meaning and something to believe in. It is very important to follow what you believe in. Because that's the only way you'll be able to follow life. Traveling can give you a lot of happiness, fulfillment, which is good for your soul. The 9th house represents - "being alive" and living in the moment of life. Find meaning and follow it. Planets in the 9th house show what you can have from life, experience more from life. You want to experience life through your soul.
🫧Uranus square neptune transit - it is very unpleasant if you drink alcohol, take drugs or use anything at that time. Or if you overdose drugs. This transit brings with it an important test of your connection with reality. Which can sometimes be very unpleasant. Your thoughts can quickly drift away from reality.
💘Neptune in 1st or a lot of pisces placements people always have this special style something completely different but beautiful. They always dress like some characters and it's really nice. They stand out with their style, which is also often dreamy. Many times these people give off energy as if they are famous. When you see them in live , you can sometimes feel shy in front of them, or they give off energy as if they are not real.
🎆People who have retrograde mercury in their chart emit a different energy than it really is. It seems like you can't communicate with them the way you want to. Many times they are misunderstood. Because their thoughts are different from yours.
💧Bad side of mercury in scorpio is that everything you see or hear starts to interest you (if it has depth). Or you start getting too deep into things and they become too meaningless. They overwhelm you too much and you end up lost in the depths of others. But since this is a sign that is connected to things, they are also scary, many times you are also interested in that and sometimes you hear things or find out things that are not necessary. In the end, you hurt yourself with your thoughts. The depth can sometimes be too much for you. But people don't always know how much you think and how deep your thoughts can go-deep like an ocean🌊
🪄Capricorn & cancer are opposite signs, but if we look deeper, each of them has something with which they can complement each other nicely. Cancer needs emotional security and someone with whom he can feel stable. Meanwhile, a Capricorn needs someone who has feelings in him, which he shows without any need. Someone with whom he knows he can open his side and open up more easily emotionally. Capricorn shows emotions through actions, but few people notice this. Because he tends to do things for you and not talk about them. If a Capricorn loves you, he will do things for you, even if he is tired. And Cancers can often appreciate this in Capricorns. Because Cancers also know how to invest and do things without being forced to do so.
🌙I think if you have the same moon the energy is much more open and easier than if you have a different moon with someone. Especially the water moon, because when you have a water moon, you need someone who will be emotional and return this emotional energy much more. Your needs can only be fulfilled with a person who has the same moon as you. The sign you have in the moon represents how you give emotions, how you express them and what you need to fulfill your needs. The moon in the house shows in which area of ​​your life your emotions are most displayed and what you have a more emotional approach to.
🐆Leos hate it if you don't thank them. They do a lot for the people they love and are a generous sign. And if you don't appreciate what they do for you, they simply remove you from your life.
🎄Retrograde planets give you a deeper look into things, people, relationships and into yourself. What do you want to change and how do you want to change it? This is a time for reflection.
🥶Planets in the 7th and 11th houses show your relationships with people and how you deal with the relationships of others. The 7th house represents what relationships mean to you and what kind of relationships you want. For example: the moon in the 7th house - you want an emotional relationship, deep and someone who will be ready to do as much for you as you do for him. Your view of relationships is emotional. Someone with saturn in the 7th house will take relationships practically, seriously and coldly. And you will be quite independent of them. 11th house pluto- will always bring new changes and transformations into your life through friends, maybe not one person will be good enough for you and you can quickly cut people out of your life (you will quickly hold grudges). Your intensity and depth will dominate. 11th house venus-your relationship with your friends will always be beautiful and balanced. Therefore, you will not understand someone who will always have problems with friends.
🥂The empty houses in the birth chart show the parts of your life that you have reworked and that go more easily than the rest. The energy comes by itself. You won't feel pressure or anything here. That is why you may find it more difficult to understand these parts of your life for those who have difficult planets in this houses. In order to actually feel the same energy and catch up with someone and feel understood we have to find people who have similar placements/signs that we have.
🪄If you want to find yourself, look in your birth chart, if you want to find your happenings and changes, look at your transiting planets🪄
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cornercritter · 2 years
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The Geminis.
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perilegs · 30 days
i know astrology is fake but i'm not too keen on how a lot of people on this website seem to be clowning on it as a hobby a bit too hard. i swear the woman who thinks it's neat how she and her friends with the same sun sign are all similar isn't trying to say that you are who you are born as and there is nothing you can do to change it. it's a hobby. an interest. what happened to finding meaning and joy in the small things. does it affect you if someone enjoys tarot reading or crystals. does it make you upset someone has interests that they enjoy.
#im not saying astrology/tarot/crystals/etc. get clowned on so much bc theyre hobbies mostly enjoyed by women But....#i saw a post about some astrology study and made the mistake of opening the notes on that bad boy#not fun. and that reminded me of that old post that was basically like ''liking astrology is transphobic''#anyways idk maybe its just that my bestie is very much a ''crystal girl'' but like. stuff like that are such neat hobbies#she makes some cute little jars with pretty rocks and they make her feel better bc if you believe in something you can make it happen#when it comes to small things#like yeah if you pick up a stone that's like ''this can help you be more open with your emotions'' and you are like ''oh hell yea!''#ofc that will be on your mind and the item will be a constant reminder and actually help you with your goals#and its like. ok what really stuck with me was when i was talking with my bff and i was like ''i think all this stuff is interesting but i#feel bad bc i am superstitious and believe in some signs like lucky numbers but i know that logically its just. if i pick a lucky number of#i pay extra attention to it but i want to believe its lucky but i know how human brains work in that aspect''#and she was just like. ''so? those things dont have to exclude each other'' and it clicked#if i have a little tigers eye with me it does not make me feel more grounded magically#but if i decide (or believe) it's grounding then it will b bc it's a reminder for me to calm down#and stuff#like. ah idk how to put my thoughts into words#but i just think its unfair that a few rotten apples have ruined the perception of fun hobbies for a lot#not every astrology enjoyer is trying to sell you mlm essential oils or genuinely believe peoples entire lives are dictated upon the stars#or something#idk i just feel like these things are v misunderstood even tho im not personally like super into them myself#but ppl super mean about that stuff arent invited to look at my medieval themed fortune telling cards#idkk im sleepy and cant articulate my points someone else say this but better#leevi talks#im just saying. i dont think its bioessentialism to decide to believe you personally have a season for growth when the stars are in a#certain position or whatever
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ask-geralt · 7 days
Basically do you think Edwin knew Monty was asking him on a distinctly romantic outing, or that Monty's crush flew over his head entirely right up until their first kiss. Was he surprised because he didn't realize he was being unclear about trying to let Monty down slowly, since he had feelings for someone else, or was he surprised that Monty had romantic feelings for him?
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