#bella ramsey safes safe around him
shaunthesheesh · 2 years
"my child is completely fine"
Your child is busy obsessing over the older Chilean actor, who is famous for playing grumpy characters, only soft for his children. Your child doesn't know whether they need him as father or partner, just his existence comforts them.
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5am-mist · 2 years
here to request bella ramsey giving reader a piggyback ride since apparently they can do squats with pedro on their back 😳
Piggy back ride? Piggy back ride.
°pairing°> bella ramsey x reader
°summary°> you and bella were hanging out when you find out how strong they are and you demand a piggy back!
°requested?°> indeed =))
I HAVEN'T STOPPED THINK ABOUT THIS SINCE THEY SAID IT IM SO GAY GUYS SEND HELP. also i hope i did your request justice and im sorry it took me so long! enjoy reading and thank youuu for the request anon! <33
You'd always supported your partner, Bella, you were extremely proud of him and absolutely adored their work. You tried to be at every event you could, watched every interview and show they were in and would show up on set to drop off a few things from time to time.
You knew she was strong but when you two were watching an interview of her and Pedro (something they claimed they didn't like doing even though he secretly loved seeing that proud smile on your face anytime you saw a piece of content that they were in) and you heard that he'd done squats with Pedro on their back you were a little suprised.
"holy shit wait for real?" you honestly hadn't realised they were that strong. "yes?" he was very clearly holding back a laugh. "and you never thought to tell me" you were acting offened but it didn't last long because you both burst into laughter.
After calming down you began to scheme. You wanted a piggy back ride your reasoning simply being that it sounded fun. The real question was how would you go about getting Bella agree to it? You could ask him and he'd probably say yes but you were dramatic so you had to play this up in the best way of course!
Later that night you were sitting at the kitchen counter while Bella washed the dishes from dinner, you tried arguing with her to let you do it but it was no use. Just then they seemed to finish up and it was time to put your plan in action.
"ok all done! wanna go watch a movie in the room?" they smiled at you and leanded on the counter. "i would love to but, i can't walk for some very mysterious reason and it seems i need to be carried there," now, you were no actor but you flashed her a smile you hoped would do the work for you.
"So you want a piggy back ride?" they chuckled and walked around the conter over to you. "i want a piggy back ride"
They smiled and lifted you on their back, you laid your head on her back and closed your eyes. It was short but nice he made sure to set you on the bed carefully as if you'd break had she not. "thank you!" you were smiling like a kid in a candy shop.
"You're welcome, darlin'," you guys spent the rest of the night in each others arms. Safe to say you would definitely be asking for piggy back rides more often and Bella would be happy to give them to you!
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xhollandlilsx · 1 year
Bella Ramsey x FacemodelEllie!Reader
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Summary: What happens when Game Ellie and HBO Ellie fall for eachother and camera’s catch the exact moment it happens?
It’s safe to say Bella and you always mess around on set, being the face and voice model for Ellie during the Naughty Dog games, you are very involved in the making of the HBO show.
Your mother worked for Naughty Dog while you were growing up, so when they called for a face/voice model for the games, your mum put your name straight down, they had to modify it slightly to make Ellie look older as at the time you were a lot younger than Ellie.
‘As soon as we got her in, we got her to do a few poses and say a few lines. And it hit us. She’s Ellie.’
Growing up you did get recognised, and by the time making the second game came around, you’d grown up a lot.
So when they announced the idea of the show, you were of course asked to cameo. You were not however asked to fall for the person playing… well, you.
“Hi I’m Bella Ramsey, I play Ellie in the new show The Last Of Us over on HBO.” They told the camera with a smile, playing with the ring on their pointer finger, their arms crossed.
“And I’m Y/N Y/L/N. And I played Ellie in The Last Of Us part 1 and 2” You nodded.
“Today we’re gonna play a ‘Who said it, Ellie vs Ellie.’” They looked at you, “You ready?”
“Born ready” You smirked cracking your knuckles, a scatter of rings adorning them.
“Okay number one, ‘You’re lucky you’re still drawing breath. That was plan A, B, C, all the way to fucking Z.’” Bella read out from the screen infront of us, and straight away you got to writing on your whiteboard in your hands, knowing exactly who that is.
You let a smile cross your face, as you watched them struggle.
“Do you know this one?” They asked looking at your smug face, as you held the whiteboard to your stomach so they couldn’t see.
“Yeah, I know this.” You mumbled with a smile and a nod. As Bella just shrugged and wrote something down.
“Ready? 3,2,1.” We both flipped our boards around and held them to the camera.
“Joel?” You asked before thinking about it and shrugging, “That does actually sound like a Joel line, but nope it’s Bill!”
“Bill? I thought Ellie didn’t meet him?”
“No no in the game she did, there’s like a whole thing, they go searching for a car battery, and it’s not there and they’re surrounded by infected in like a school, so that’s why he says that.” You nodded really proud of yourself, as a point gets added to a pixelated photo of well, again, you.
“I can’t believe you’ve still not played the game.”
“Okay next one” Bella laughed to avoid the lecture, “‘Ellie, tell them Ellie is the little girl, who broke your fucking finger!’”
You laughed and wrote it down, one of your favourite lines you said when you were little, thinking you were all grown up because you got to swear a lot.
Bella had beaten you to it, as they scribbled the same name as you.
“Love that quote”
“Okay next, ‘I’d prefer you stay, but I know you better.’ Oooo” You told them as you read and reread it, “I’m gonna kick myself so much, I swear I know it.”
“I have no idea” Bella shrugged with a small laugh, as they wrote something down on their board.
“Fuck it.” You shrugged and started to write.
“I don’t think it was Tommy” Bella looked at you pinching their bottom lip between their thumb and finger.
“See I don’t think it was Tess. Who was it?” You frowned and looked at the screen waiting for the answer.
“Oh fuck!” You exclaimed before slapping a hand over your mouth, and looking apologetically toward the crew behind the camera, “Sorry, I’ve had strict instructions not to swear.”
“Like a sailor” Bella laughed and shook their head wiping their board off, “You remember it now?”
“Yeah! She said it to Ellie, when she… nearly spoiled… sorry sorry”
“‘You killed my friends, we let you both live, and you wasted it!’” You read out, dramatically, knowing full well who said that, seeing as though you were stood opposite her in your motion suits when she did.
“I actually know this one” Bella smirked to themself, looking rather smug as they wrote on their board.
“You do? How?!” You looked up at them.
“Saw it on TikTok” They shrugged and winked at the camera.
“Okay, 3,2,1”
‘Abby, TLOU Pt 2’
You both laughed at how specific you both had been.
You hopped up on the stool, settling into yours and Bella’s third interview of the day. Only this one wasn’t so much an interview, more a music video.
Bella sat opposite you adjusting the acoustic guitar on their leg, strumming the strings a couple of times to make sure it was in tune.
“Okay, what about Dina? Cascina or Paolina?” Bella asked from opposite me carrying on the quiz they started on the way over here.
“Paolina’s your Dina. So Cascina, but she didn’t even play Dina she was just the face model.” You smiled adjusting the mic’s height.
“But you played Ellie? Why didn’t she play Dina?”
“Because they wanted her face, they already had an actress for her” You shrugged as they counted down to the start of the video, you cleared your throat as you played with the sleeves of your shirt.
Bella’s concentration went to the guitar in their hands, as they adjusted it and looked at you for an okay, you smiled with a nod and they started finger picking the song you knew all too well. ‘Take On Me’ by A-Ha, the infamous Dina and Ellie song.
Your concentration went to the song, as you waited, looking at the floor beyond the mic.
“Talking away, I don't know what I'm to say, I'll say it anyway, today is another day to find you…Shyin' away. I'll be comin' for your love, okay.” Your voice was a little more mature than when you recorded it for the game, you closed your eyes, one hand on the mic. Bella’s fingers danced over the strings, as they switched from chord to chord, fingerpicking the strings.
“Take on me, take me on, I'll be gone, In a day or two” Your foot tapped against the bar on the stool, to create a beat for you, as your eyes focused on the greenery backdrop closing when the notes got higher.
“So needless to say, I'm odds and ends, but I'll be stumblin' away, slowly learnin' that life is okay, say after me, it's no better to be safe than sorry. Take on me, take me on, I’ll be gone, in a day or two…”
With your eyes closed you couldn’t see the way Bella wasn’t focused on the guitar anymore. Far from it. Their eyes were glued to you, studying you as you sang, the way your nose would scrunch when you sang a higher note, or the way you licked your lips before every verse, their soft eyes didn’t leave you for a second. And my god did the fans notice.
Bella was besotted. Nobody else existed in this moment, in this moment it was just you, them, a guitar and a cheesy 80s song. There was no cameras, no crew, nothing.
Their hands were purely relying on muscle memory at this point.
You opened your eyes and looked over at them, smiling slightly, as the line ‘You’re all the things I’ve got to remember’ left your lips, and Bella was gone.
You were it.
Nobody compared.
@****: Get you someone that looks at you the way Bella looks at Y/N.
@*****: Bella caught lacking again.
@*****: Not very good at hiding it is she? 👀
@*****: 2:47 Look at Bella’s mf face. They’re in deeeeeeep.
@*****: Y/N come home the kids miss you.
@*****: Was in love with Y/N yesterday, am in love with Y/N today, will be in love with Y/N tomorrow.
@*****: Ellie and Ellie 🥰.
@*****: You can see the exact moment Bella falls HARD, 2:46.
(Did not proofread this, and thought it was a good idea until I started writing… 🤌🏻)
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dianaslimit · 2 years
What's really great about The Last of Us is that they show you how Ellie is really just a kid. She's kinda detached from feeling bad when she killed the clicker. Then she kinda plays with the gun in the bathroom, she takes out the magazine so she can play with it safely. But she's a kid so she's just playing. When it came around to using it on a live human being for her safety, she had to hype herself up. The thing I liked that they did to show her character is that she didn't kill him. If he were to die right away, it would've been easy because he was a bad guy. It wasn't until he said "I can't feel my legs, take me home, I'll let you guys go" that she saw that he was a human being like them and felt really bad. That scene really solidified that she's just a kid.
Bella Ramsey is also phenomenal at playing Ellie.
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familylightfox · 2 months
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OOC: Since my brain has been serious trash lately with writing anything, I thought maybe if I think of some other things, it might get me back in the groove.
This thought then snowballed into a Human Verse.
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Meet Jeremy Finnegan, a 28-year-old cafe owner. After a rather rough start in life, including bullying during his school years, Jeremy graduated and went on to attend a prestigious culinary school, where he majored in baking and confections. After he finished college, he used the inheritance from his grandparents to open his cafe just outside of Boston. It's not a large building, but there's enough space to host open mic nights as well as weekly family-friendly drag shows.
With unaccepting parents of his choice in career paths (not to mention his sexuality), Jeremy doesn't have much contact with them and wants to provide a safe space for LGBTQIA+ youth.
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Enter Rebecca Hansley, a 14-year-old runaway from the South who's just looking to get away from her abusive family. After getting a bus ticket to Boston, she spent most of the summer living on the streets and trying to survive. She began to see Jeremy coming around the homeless encampment and handing over the leftover loaves of bread and baked goods he had from the day.
As time went on, they got to talking, and Jeremy offered her a part-time, under-the-table job at his cafe to help her get on her feet. As the colder weather approached, he let her stay in his home above the shop. Now, she goes to school online and works to be able to afford one day to get a place on her own once she's legally able to.
She might not see him as a father figure but considers him a big brother because of how often he looks out for her. He often has to bail her out of trouble, as she still has a habit of picking pockets.
Jeremy's FC: Seth Green in his role as Oz in Buffy Rebecca's FC: Bella Ramsey in her role as Ellie in The Last of Us
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write-and-buried · 2 years
I'm thrilled that you're enjoying all of us spiraling down the tlou rabbit hole but also-- may we hear your thots ? 👀👀
So, spoiler free. After i finished the episode i went grocery shopping and accidentally bought fifty bucks worth of comfort cheese.
OK, In no particular order;
The way they introduced the concept of a fungal pandemic was amazing, the absolute dread that opener inspired was absolutely amazing, and I really commend them for adding that little bit of world building.
Speaking of dread - the way we just follow Sarah about her day, the little hints of the world rapidly going to hell around them with her being an innocent child who is none the wiser, was amazing. The old lady twitching out of focus in the background was hella effective.
Oh god. Joel & Sarah. Their relationship is perfect. The way they caught this sliver of one day of their lives and you already know so much about them, that Sarah has definitely been raised in a loving environment, feels comfortable and safe with her dad, and that they are extremely close. It's magnificent.
Im gonna jump around a little here, but the bookend deaths in this episode were EXTREMELY effective. Joel killing his neighbour with a wrench out of necessity, the way Sarah reacts (reasonably and terrified) and almost looks at her dad differently. Ellie, who watches Joel brutally murder someone with his bare hands, which it could be argued he didnt have to do (this guy could have been bribed) and she looks like she trusts him more.
TESS!! Oh god. TBH I never really paid her much attention on my playthroughs, but MAN they did us a favour by fleshing her out - the softness and intimacy she displays with Joel, the sarcasm.
THAT scene; I knew it was coming. I knew I would cry. I didnt know id cry so hard id have to pause the show, get up and have a cigarette to calm down.
Bella Ramsey is perfect in this role. They have such a command of the character, the sarcasm, you already get the feeling that she knows she is alone in the world, and is trying to hide it as best she can. But Ellie is just a kid.
The scene of her immediately getting yeeted into a wall was absurdly funny and shouldnt have made me laugh.
She places her trust in strength, and that's going to come back in Winter.
Oh god Joel.
Lets talk about two BIG changes they have made, right off the bat. He is more sympathetic, and more unhinged.
The drugs, was a surprising choice, but one that makes complete sense. He is truly a wounded animal, medicating and lashing out at any given opportunity.
I love that they have him as Tess's attack dog - because thats exactly what he is. A German Shepherd with PTSD.
His blunt, dont give a fuck attitude is absolutely spot on, and the way he carries himself, single minded and focused is so spot on.
In short, I loved it. I thought it was a wonderful first episode, with enough nods to the game for people who have played it, without leaving those who havent completely in the dark.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
Chris and his engaged or not situation is becoming boring. I’d rather talk about Pedro Pascal’s interviews for Actors on Actors and the Shameless podcast! Have you seen/heard them? The way he talks about Bella Ramsey, he has such respect for Bella as a person, it’s lovely to see. That’s the standard of how to treat people! I see now why his co stars say they feel safe around him.
I caught a few clips, but I still need to see the whole thing. I really love the actors on actors series they started! 🦎
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maytheoddshq · 2 years
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Ren Ophio (any pronouns). District Seven Tribute. Eighteen. Bella Ramsey.
Ren grew up in a large, loving household, smack dab in the middle of a group of eight siblings. The Ophios were the proud owners of two of the mills inside district Seven. In addition to the mills, they owned a family store that sold different whittled trinkets which often only sold to the Capitol in droves. Because of the business, everything was a family affair; every meal was usually together, marking the very few moments people weren’t away at work. Ren easily clung to her mother from a young age – she taught Ren about craftmanship and how to appreciate when you could just sit down and breathe; listen to the sounds of nature and have a nice cup of coffee.
  But Ren liked the idea of the quiet. The sounds of industrial work and sawdust didn’t overwhelm her senses, making her on edge. However, she was lucky and rarely was Ren actually expected to work in the mills – she was infinitely smaller than the rest of her siblings, not strong enough to really help out. Instead, he was able to sit by a warm fire with her mother and where they’d be able to just sit and whittle away for their commissions where Ren felt like they were safe. Carefully etching away to make little figurines for people who had more money than she could imagine was preferred to the mill. But Ren didn’t like to think of it that way, Ren liked to imagine she was making it for a friend. The art was something so near and dear to him and they wanted to share it with, not only Seven, but the entirety of Panem. Trinkets made life better, didn’t they? Not everything needed to be important or have meaning – some things could just be nice to look at.
  Being the smallest and weakest of her siblings did have its disadvantages, he found herself often being spoken over and pushed around. At some point, Ren just accepted it as a loss; why would anyone wanna hear what they had to say anyway?
 The Games felt icky. If Ren had to describe it any other way she’d feel it was inappropriate. The entire thing made her skin break out in hives and blood rushed to his ears. Just ­– just – so nerve-wracking, wasn’t it? The suspense of waiting for the Games and figuring out what an arena was always made their stomach turn. Why did people celebrate such violence? It all seemed like a silly way to really make a point any way you sliced it. What did people learn by sensationalizing death other than the death of others was…cool? Ren didn’t think it was cool, he thought it was…sad.
  Ren has so much they want to share with the world! They love so, so hard to the point it might as well explode out of their body because how could someone so small fit so much inside? Ren keeps it all quiet, though, finding it so hard to speak to others just knowing someone is likely going to speak for him or over him. When she does get to speak, it always feels like she’s sharing a secret or that they’re maybe talking too much; Ren can’t exactly tell, but he hopes he makes up for it with as much enthusiasm as possible.
  What is their district token?
  The smallest nesting doll from a set that Ren and their mom worked on together.
+ Adaptable, Creative, Loving
– Cowardly, Quiet, Defeatist
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
If Tiffany hadn't met Ethan, who would the love of her life have been? What about Ethan? Who would have been his?
Oh, dear, this is some next level pain, my heart shatters at the very thought! 💔 I know, I know...That's rich coming from me, The Girl with All These Angsty AUs ksbdkbdkdbkb 
But since I’m a clown who believes in destiny, I assume that E&T would have met at some point one way or another, in every universe, no matter what the circumstances would have been. Long time ago I even came up with a what if series revolving around the soulmates trope, but it’s still hidden deep in my WIP folder.
When we put that aside though…There is one, purely hypothetical way for this scenario to unfold. 
Tiffany’s demanding schedule and her workaholic tendencies would have kept her too busy to even consider opening up to the concept of love and other catastrophes, so she would have continued casual, no strings attached dating for a few more years.
At around 36 she would have felt ready to settle down. Her med school FWB, a brilliant oncologist who’s always been in love with her, would have taken this opportunity to shoot his shot again—and this time she would have agreed on pursuing the relationship. Julius proved to be a good and supportive friend, and that would have been sufficient (and convenient) enough to convince Tiffany to dive in deep. Despite her best efforts, in the end, she would have never reciprocated his romantic feelings—at least not in the way they wanted or expected. 
Soon after T’s 40th birthday, I picture them adopting a two-year-old girl. Tiffany’s focus would have immediately split between her precious Bella and work. As a consequence, her relationship with Jules would have suffered greatly, slowly but surely steering towards the breakup…
I believe that there aren’t many people who could handle Ethan Freaking Ramsey and the emotional baggage he’s carrying. Besides, I don’t think that he would ever be intentionally looking for companionship—when unresolved, past traumas can only make people more bitter and cynical, which leads to further isolation.
Without Tiffany’s encouragement, patience, and devotion, Grumpsey would have stuck to the ‚I don’t need anyone and love isn’t real anyway’ mindset. He would have kept his heart safe behind the concrete walls he’s built over the years, floating between on and off with Harper until she would have accepted the inevitable conclusion: Ethan has never been the one. Then, I imagine him indulging in some occasional dates whenever he would have felt particularly lonely. But he would have never found anything, anyone good enough to last. 
In conclusion: if Tiffany hadn’t met Ethan, the love of her life would have been her daughter and their dog, while Ethan would have never changed his view on love. 
It’s so heartwarming to be included in these ask rounds, I can’t thank you enough for still thinking of me and E&T, precious Anon ❤️❤️❤️ Sorry for all the rambling, I can’t shut up kshskhskdb I’m sending you lots of love! 🫶🏻
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Jace Clarkson is 23 years old and is often confused with Cameron Monaghan. He is Open.
“People need to stop fixating on Annie and start caring about the other people who have died…”
→ Background
Jace has always been closer to his cousin Layla than to any of the others. Her sister Hannah was always too high strung for him to cope with, but she was a popular girl so she got away with it. He hated Christmas and other family get-togethers because she’d always want to be the centre of attention and Jace doesn’t like people like that. So it’s safe to say that he never got along with Annie Pierce, Baberton’s Queen Bee. He hated the way she floated around town like a princess, ruining lives as she went. He had nothing but disdain for Annie and Jace was one of the few people who never put up with her crap, he always stood up for himself against her, and for others if he ever caught her bullying them or something. Which is how he and Bella Winters met and became close.
Bella was beautiful and she had a fantastic singing voice, but she was painfully shy thanks to Annie’s torment. Bella’s sister Xanthe was a complete bitch but surprisingly she and Jace kind of got along thanks to their shared hatred of Annie and love of Bella. He was one of Bella’s only real friends, most people ignored her but Jace never did. He truly saw her for what she was and he fell for her pretty hard, though they both never officially dated or anything. Bella was always too shy for that, too stuck in her ways and too scared. She often pulled away and rejected his advances but it never fully put Jace off. It frustrated him but he stuck by her. He knew how hard it was for her with Annie running round so he was pretty glad when the bitch disappeared altogether, though he never believed she’d ran away. He knew someone had killed her and good riddance too.
→ Back to Baberton
When Bella died, Jace was crushed. Her body was found in the woods by her sister ages ago but he’s never fully been able to move on and, with a second serial killer running around now, he doesn’t even believe that it was really Daisy Ramsey who killed Bella. He believes there’s more to the story, he thinks Daisy was a pawn and the real killer is the one still doing all this. He’s wrong but he can’t let his theories go and it’s kind of what helps him cope with the loss of Bella. Her sister Xanthe pretty much refuses to even look at him nowadays, maybe he’s too much of a reminder, but it’d be quite nice to be closer to her, so he could be closer to Bella again. He’s sad he never tried harder and convinced her to date him and now he’ll never get the chance.
When Jace isn’t obsessing over his conspiracy theories, sometimes with the likes of Zachary Taylor, one of his best mates, you’ll usually find him working. He works in Brad Everett’s restaurant, Carpe Diem, as a chef and he’s actually pretty good at it. He’s the youngest cook there and he’s still in training but he’s been cooking and baking most of his life so it’s something that he’s good at and really enjoys. It’s a dream of Jace’s to open his very own restaurant one day and he takes all the tips from Brad that he can.
→ What’s His Secret?
He’s developed a crush on Kimberley White, a waitress in the restaurant, and he does what he can to get her attention but it’s hard when she doesn’t ever seem to notice he even exists. A smile here and a nod of the head there is mostly all he gets from Kim, who’s the only girl he’s ever really liked since Bella and Jace wants to finally move on. He stayed late at work one night to clean up and came across Kimberley lurking in the hall outside Brad’s office. It was weird and she acted a bit strange so he watched her quite close the next few weeks and he noticed that she was quite obsessed with Brad. After that, he broke into her locker in the back room and found some pictures of Xanthe, Brad’s ex-fiancee in a weird book. Someone came in and he had to hide and never got a chance to see more but it’s sparked his interest and he wants to know what the hell is going on with her.
He found Imogen Ford stumbling home one night very out of it, probably way past drunk, and he helped her get back to her apartment where her roommate Andie helped him get her onto the couch, where she promptly passed out. She’d been slurring something about not even drinking but she was too out of it to make much sense so he ignored it. When he found out Layla had been at the bar that same night he got a bit suspicious. He knows his cousin really doesn’t like Imogen but would she go so far as to spike the girl’s drink? He doesn’t know but he’d sure like to find out what Layla is capable of.
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2 Mission 7: Mummy's Hand
"Go, go, go!  Run, Charlotte, get to the house!"  Bella shouted behind them as the horde was decending on them as Beatrix stopped at the doorway of the house ushering them inside.
"Come on, now, get inside!  Get inside!"  The older woman shouted as Bella let out a scream as one zombie lept towards her.  "Bella down!"  She shouted pulling out a pistal, firing just as Bella ducked out of the way.  The zombie's head exploded as Bella raced inside with Beatrix following behind.  Powell and Jack slammed the door shut fast.  "alright, in you come.  All safe now.  Come along, everyone."  Beatrix said right back to her calm self.
"Oh God, oh god, I-"  Bella said fast panicing terribly as she slid down the wall holding herself tight.
"Beatrix..."  Jack said as they locked up the door quickly starting to nail it shut with boards.
"Oh, buck up, Bella!  You're not use to anyone down there.  Go on, Simon will meet you in the blue room to block the windows."  Beatrix ordered calmly.
"Beatrix!"  Jack called.
"I... I can't..."  Bella whimpered as Charlotte knelt by her gently petting her hair.
"I raised you better than that, Arabella!  On your feet, now!"  Beatrix snaps making Bella look up at her mother before taking a slow breath.
"Okay... Okay."  Bella said as she stood with Charlotte's help.  "Come on."  She said as Simon followed her quickly.
"Beatrix, why are we barricading the house?  If we go now, we can get through the scullery, and-"  Jack tried to reason before Beatrix held up her hand stopping him.
"We are putting up barricades, Jack, because this is my home, and I will defend it until I am no longer able.  Now go ahead to the blue room."  Beatrix said as Jack stepped away from the door.  
"Go!"  Beatrix snapped as Jack all but ran towards the blue room as Charlotte went to follow when Beatrix put her thin hand on her shoulder.  "Not you Charlotte.  You take these boards down to Powell.  He's heading for the kitchen.  East wing, past the library.  I'll be along shortly.  Off you go!"  Beatrix said as Charlotte sighed picking up the boards taking them down to Powell who was boarding up windows and the one lone door in the kitchen.
After a while of boarding up windows and doors, Eugene came back on the coms sounding staticy.  "Runner Three, report!  Runner Five? Jack? Please, Jack, report!"
"Coming through quiet and no particularly clear, Gene.  Now, I know how badly you cope without me."  Jack said sarcasticly.
"Quiet, you tit!  What's going on out there?"  Eugene asked.
"Oh it's nothing..." Jack said as Charlotte hammered in another nail.
"Yeah, it's nothing, Abel, just a huge swarm of zombies surrounding the house."  She said.  "Other than that having a splended time."
"Yeah, just that.  Nothing to worry about."  Jack tried to cover up.
"What's your exit?"  Amber asked.
"Yeah, slight problem there, Amber."  Simon started.
"Beatrix refuses to leave."  Charlotte said as Powell led her towards the blue room.
"Even-"  Amber started.
"Even as the entire zombie population of the UK descends across the rose garden.  Yes."  Jack said.
"Okay..."  Amber breathed.  "Is the house secure, Simon?"
"We're working on it. Not sure how long it'll hold, though."  Simon said.
"Wouldn't mind some assistance, if it's not too much trouble?"  Charlotte asked.
"Roger that, Charlotte."  Amber said as she stepped away from the mic and opened the door.  "Sam, we need some help out here."
Footsteps followed before Sam's voice is heard.  "Dammit.  Okay on it."  He said.
"We're getting you help, guys."  Amber said coming back on the headset.
In the background Sam could be heard on the speaker.  "Runner Four, Nine, Thirteen, report to the gates.  Urgent assistance required."
"Hold on.  Just hold on, guys.  The cavalry's coming!"  Eugene said as Charlotte started to board up another window when a zombie arm broke through the window taking a swipe at them.
"Go on, you, get back!"  Powell shouted as he grabbed the fire place pocker and stabbed the zombie through the window.  "Charlotte, quick, get those boards in here!"  He shouted as Charlotte threw up another set of boards nailing them in fast.  "There, that's it."  He said helpping her get the boards in place.
Charlotte stepped back breathing deeply.  "Nothing like a quick grab to get the heart going huh."  She said with a grin at Powell.
Powell chuckled dryly.  "Yeah, rather be having that kind of jump from a spider instead of a zombie."  He said as they walked into the blue room with the others.
"Jack, do you read me?"  Eugene asked.
"Yep, still here, love."  Jack said.
"We've got runners on their way out to you now with noisemakers.  they'll be there soon.  how are things out there?"  Eugene asked.
"Oh, well, you know.  Spread's not quite as fine as last year, but the guest list more than makes up for it."  Jack said making Charlotte snort.
"Alright, well, don't go picking anyone up."  Eugene said with a chuckle.
"Oh, I'll try, but they do seem to find me irresistable."  Jack countered.
Eugene laughed again.  "Who can blame them?"
Powell finished up the boards in the blue room before walking back over.  "Right, this won't hold for long, but it'll give us time.  I reckon Lady Beatrix will have to take your friend Jack up on his offer now, eh?"
"I will have to do no such thing, Powell."  Beatrix said stubbornly.
"Tradition's all well and good, Beatrix but these are our lives!"  Powell countered.
"And what are our lives without tradition?  William Ramsey held this house against the Roundheads!  I think we can deal with a few rotting corpses."  Beatrix said.
"A few rotting corpses?"  Charlotte asked stepping to her.  "This is more than just a handful of zombies out there.  That is a horde.  Atleast a hundred of them beating down your house that is not going to hold for too long and you want to risk our lives for tradition?"  
Beatrix looked down her nose as Charlotte.  "Are you done?"  She said in an almost bored tone.
Charlotte clentched her fist breathing deeply as she stepped away from her as Powell sighed.  "Reckon son..."  He breathed.
"Right then.  Come on, we'll hole up in the library."  Beatrix said walking towards the library.
Powell sighed softly.  "Aye, aye.  Off you trot Charlotte."  He said as they headed for the library.
"Right here Charlotte."  Bella said as they stepped inside the large room that was nearly two stories tall with books lining from floor to ceiling.
"All present?"  Beatrix asks as Powell shuts the door once everyone was in.
"We're all here."  Bella said.
"Good-o.  Jack, Simon, Charlotte I am sorry for the kerfuffle.  It should blow over soon enough."  Beatrix said confidently as Charlotte looked at her in shock.
"Is she kidding?  Is she seriously kidding?"  Eugene asked just as shocked.
"Ma'am with all due respect this isn't a rainstorm during a picnic."  Charlotte said as Jack held up his hand.
"No trouble, Beatrix.  It's nothing we haven't all seen before."  Jack said looking at Charlotte with a look that said he understood her complaints.
"And hey, at least I'm not spending the night on a bandstand."  Simon said chuckling as Charlotte rolled her eyes.  "Sorry, in-joke there.  Tough crowd, ooh."
"When we get back to Abel you and I are going to have a talk about your jokes."  Charlotte said patting him on his shoulder.
"...quite."  Beatrix said slowly.  "Well, enough pleasentries.  Let's get this door barricaded and we can settle in."
"Settle in?"  Bella said quickly.  "Mother, we need to get out of here!"  She begged.
"Nonsense, we're quite safe."  Beatrix waved her off as Bella moved in front of her.
"Safe?  We're cornered in the library, surrounded by hordes of the undead!"  Bella cried out.
"Regardless."  Beatrix again dismissed.
"Mother, please!"  Bella put her hands together begging more.  "We can use the-"
"Bella, enough!"  Beatrix snapped.  "We are not leaving.  I am not having this argument with you again.  Powell?  The door."  She commanded as Bella closed her eyes resting her head on her clasped hands.
Powelled sighed heavily nodding.  "Aye.  Come on Charlotte.  Help me with this bookcase."  He said walking over to a large bookcase that would cover the door.  Powell got on the side away from the door while Charlotte took the side by the door to guide it.  They began moving it slowly as it scraped across the floor while the others continued to talk.
"-a room with no windows and only one door, eh?"  Simon said.
"Yes, it's a great death trap."  Bella said sarcasticly as she stepped away from Beatrix.
"Bella!"  Beatrix snapped as Bella whirled around glaring at her mother.
"Oh, just-"  Bella pursed her lips trying to push down her anger.  "Fine!"  She let out an exasperated sigh before looking at Simon.  "To be honest, Simon, I always thought it was a bit creepy in here, but that might have less to do with the room, and more to do with the time Uncle Jeremy locked me in here when he was drunk.  Of course, that was before I found-"  
"I won't have any more of that!"  Beatrix snapped quickly.  "We will defend this house to the last man, do you understand?"
"But what if we all-"  Bella counters.
"Do you understand?"  Beatrix said sternly towards her daughter.
Bella visibly deflated.  "Yes, mother."  Charlotte looked over at Bella feeling something in her heart that felt connected with this young woman.  Her father was the same way.  
Stern almost to the point of unfeeling.
He expected everyone to fall into line regardless of their own personal feelings.  She knew that if they got out of this alive she would help Bella to keep her head up and not let her mother bulldoze over her.
Powell and Charlotte finished getting the bookcase into place as he sighed dusting his hands off.  "Door's secure."
"Excellent.  Alright, who's for brandy?"  Beatrix said with a smile opening a small cabinet.
"Ooh, don't mind if I do!"  Jack said excitedly as Bella walked over to the couch near the now empty wall the bookcase had been sitting near.  
Charlotte walked over and sat next to her.  "You ok?"  She whispered.
Bella sniffed softly as she caught the tears in her eyes.  "I'll be fine.  I'm a Ramsey after all."  She said trying to be strong.
Charlotte smiled slightly.  "It's not a bad thing to feel bad.  Esspecially when someone you care for dismisses your worries that are very founded in truth."
"It's just..."  Bella sighed heavily sniffling slightly.  "It's hard to have a voice when she tells me to not have one with her."
Charlotte wrapped her arm around her hugging her tight.  "Hey... it won't be like that forever... someday soon... she will have to listen.  Because she will have no choice."
"Yeah well I hope that day does come soon because I'm close to poping her one."  Bella said with a soft chuckle.
Charlotte smiled slightly.  "If it comes to that I'll do the poping no need for her to be mad at you."
Bella looked at her quickly.  "Y-you would do that?"
"My father is or was exactly like Beatrix.  It took me slugging him right out of basic trainning that he started listening to me.  But he didn't speak to me for 3 months."  Charlotte said as Bella laughed softly.
"Well hopefully she will see sense... but if it looks like she won't..."  Bella's smile fell before she looked at Charlotte seriously.  "You have my permission to do what is necessary to ensure our safe escape."
Charlotte nodded as Bella rested his forehead to Charlotte's in silent agreement.
The grandfather clock in the room was ticking rather loudly before a crash is heard on the otherside of the wall.  Bella and Charlotte lept up from their seats looking at the bookcase.  "What was that?"  Bella asked quickly.
"Sounds like they've broken through."  Charlotte said before looking at Simon.
"Abel, are you there?"  Simon asked as Beatrix got up quickly.  
"Alright, everyone. On your feet, weapons out.  Powell, let's get some more weight behind this door, shall we?" Beatrix said as Powell and Jack began stacking furnature against the bookcase.
"Reading you, Simon.  What's the news?"  Amber said quickly.
"Zoms are through, Abel.  It's starting to look a bit dicey, here.  Where the hell's Jody got to with those noisemakers?"  Simon asked.
"The runners are on their way, they should be with you in about... five minutes."  Amber said.
"Will the noisemakers work?"  Eugene asked.
"They should pull the zoms away from the outside, but..."  Amber trailed off softly.
"What?"  Eugene questions.
"We've already got some avid fans just dying to get in here to meet us!"  Simon said as Powell, Jack, and Simon held down the furnature as the zombies began hitting the door.
"And we've never managed to pull zoms out of a building like this before."  Amber commented as Charlotte looked around the room.
"Looks like we need to find a way out of here, guys.  Abel can clear the grounds, but they can't get us in here."  she said as Bella walked over to Beatrix.  
"Oh God, Mother please!"  Bella begged as Powell looked over.
"Beatrix, we need to leave."  He stressed as Beatrix shook her head.
"Man your posts, everyone.  We must hold the house."  Beatrix stated.
Jack stood up quickly.  "Alright, I'm sorry.  I really am sorry but I've had enough.  I do not understand this!"  He said loudly turning to Beatrix.  "I've been here for weeks.  I thought you guys had called Abel to pick me up and obviously, that didn't happen.  All I wanted was to go home, and to bring you guys with me, what's wrong with that?  What the hell is so important that you won't even leave when there are zombies tearing down the curtains in the blue room?"
Bella growls deeply.  "It's a fairy story, just a stupid family motto!"
"Have some respect, Arabella!"  Beatrix snaps.
Powell groans.  "Tradition states that Britain will not fall while a Ramsey is at Birkmyre."  He said almost quietly as JAck looked at him in shock then turned to Beatrix.
"You can't be serious."
"I am deadly serious, Mr. Holden.  Bella's grandfather missed her father's birth to ensure the house was occupied.  No children were ecacuated from this house during the war, and no Ramsey will leave this house under my watch!"  Beatrix said proudly as Charlotte looked at Bella who looked ready to snap.  She felt the same way.  This woman was willing to let them all die just so she could uphold some stupid motto!  "Whether the dead walk or no, I will not break a tradition that has-"
"Enough!"  Charlotte shouted before slugging Beatrix hard sending her sprawling to the floor.
Everyone gasped as Jack looked at Charlotte.  "Charlotte what the-"
"Time to go.  Powell?"  Bella said quickly taking control of the situation.  "Thank you Charlotte."
Powell looked at Bella and Charlotte nodding quickly.  "There's a priest hole behind this shelf.  It'll take us out to the coal shed.  Come on, Jack help me move it.  They're almost through."  He said as Powel and Jack pulled a wall away as Simon walked over to Beatrix who was not blissfully unconsious.
"I'll carry the lady."  Simon said as Charlotte helped get Beatrix onto his back.
"Thanks Simon.  You may need to restrain her when she wakes up."  Bella said tentively.
"Yeah, we'll worry about that when we're out of this death trap!  Or Charlotte can just punch her again.  How about that Iron Glove?"  Simon said as Charlotte shook her head following them towards the hole.
"Alright, let's go."  Powell said as the shelf showed a long tunnel first going down at an including out of the house then straight on.  "Out, out, out, quickly now!"  He said as everyone started to run through it.  Powell shut the hole quickly behind them and raced after them.  Jack and Charlotte led the way as Simon, Bella, and Powell took up the rear.
"God, Powell, how long is this tunnel?"  Simon asked.
"Three hundred and forty-two yards."  Powell said as they ran.
"Specific."  Simon said somewhat put off.  The walls were just barely tall enough for Powell to run without being bent over.  It was crudely carved out and spelled of the coal that would have been stored there.
"We're nearly there!"  Bella said.
Simon sighs happily.  "About time, too.  God love her, but your mother's like a sack of potatoes!"
"Better hope she doesn't hear you."  Bella said.  "Being knocked out by an American's bad enough, but being compared to produce?  I never."  She laughed as Charlotte shook her head.
"Yeah, point taken.  Sorry, Lady Beatrix!"  Simon said as a crash is heard behind them.
"Oh God, they're through!  Run!"  Bella shouted as they ran faster down the tunnel as fast as they could.
"Go, go, go!  Get clear!"  Powell shouted as Charlotte burst through the door that opened up just short of the forest outlining the bounderies of the estate.  "Jack grab that plank.  We'll bury them."  Powell shouted as they all ran out of the tunnel.
"Out, out, come on!"  Jack shouted as Simon and Powell ran out.  
"Okay, go, go, go!"  Simon shouted as Jack pulled on the plank that led to a large slide tipping down sending hundreds of pounds of coal rolling down on top of the zombies that had followed them.  
"Coal-alanche!"  Jack shouted laughing happily.
"Are you safe?"  Eugene asked.
"Yep, all out.  Sent a metric butt-ton of coal down to block the tunnel, and trap the zoms!"  Jack said happily.
"Wow, good work!"  Eugene said happily.
"You lot do know how to make a racket."  Jody said as she ran over with a large smile on her face.
"Jody!"  Jack cried out happily.
"At your service!  Nine and Thirteen are giving the zoms the old run-around.  Thought I'd come and collect you myself."  Jody said with a grin.
"Oh, that's very gracious of you."  Simon said with a grin.
"Well, you know me, Simon.  I always aim to please!"  Jody smiles as they started heading away from the home.
"On that topic, you don't fancy giving me a hand, do you?"  Simon asked somewhat strained.
Jody raised an eyebrow.  "What happened to her?"
"Three hundred years of tradition just smacked her in the face."  Bella said.
"It's a long story, I'll fill you in as we go."  Simon said.
"Speaking of which..."  Jack hinted.
"Yeah. looks like we've got a clear run at it.  Back to Abel, then, double time!"  Jody said as they ran through the woods.  
Roughily half way to Abel, Beatrix began stiring groaning deeply.  "Ow... what in gods name..."  She asked as Simon gently set her down.  She blinked looking around fast.  "Arabella!  How dare-"
"No mother stop.  We are already far from home and we are going to Abel now."  Bella said looking at her mother seriously.  "You can either come with us or you can try to get back home and go gray.  What will it be?"  
Beatrix looked at her daughter for a long moment before sighing heavily.  "Fine.  Looks like I've been shang-haied so I might as well go.  Besides it will be nice for Jack and yourself to have some time alone."  
Bella and Jack looked at each other oddly before Jack snorted slightly.  Charlotte, Simon, and Jody tried to hide their smiles as they ran towards Abel.  
Lady Beatrix was in for a big surprise.
Once back at Able, Eugene was waiting at the gate with a thousand watt smile on his face.  Jack had a matching smile as he ran over to the one legged man and all but swept him off his feet.  Eugene latched onto Jack tight lacing his fingers into his hair holding him tight.  Jack buried his face into Eugene's neck clutching at Eugene's coat for what seemed like forever.
Beatrix raised an eyebrow as she looked at Charlotte.  "Who is that young man hugging Jack?"
"That's Eugene.  He's Jack's boyfriend."  Charlotte said simply as Beatrix blinked rapidly before looking at Bella who smiled at the display.
Jack pulled his head back only to have Eugene claim his lips quickly almost desperately.  Simon smirked looking at the others.  "Well on that note why don't we get you guys cleaned up and checked in."  Simon said as he led them away.  Charlotte looked at Eugene with a smile as she walked into the coms shack to her own radio love.
<     38     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
3 notes · View notes
zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2 Mission 6: Let the Dogs Come Out
In a small room inside the mansion, Charlotte was curled under a thick blanket sound asleep when Jack walked in starting off shaking her slowly.  "Charlotte..."  Charlotte didn't stir.  Jack sighs softly.  "Charlotte wake up!"  He shakes her more.  "God, you sleep like the dead.  Well, the non-walking dead, atleast."  Charlotte groans softly looking at him.
"I'm awake stop shaking me..."  She groaned sitting up rubbing her face.  "What do you want?"
"Can't believe you just zonked out as soon as you arrived!  We have lots to talk about.  Here, Gene's on for you."  Jack said handing her the headset back.  "Simon gave me his.  I tell you, if these things fit better, none of this would have happened.  Mine wouldn't have fallen out.  I could have radioed you guys weeks ago."  Jack started to pace the small room as Charlotte stood up out of the bed finding a brush on the dresser by the door.  She easily brushed her hair out then tied it back.  "And I wouldn't have had my ear chewed off all night.  Anyway, speak of the devil-"  Jack said resting his hand on his head set.  "Better put your ears on."  
Charlotte put her head set on sighing softly as she heard Eugene sounding still peeved.  "I wouldn't have had to chew your ear off if Beatrix had actually radioed us like she promised!  Now, will you put Charlotte on, you dolt?"  
"Morning Eugene.  Lovely to hear you in such high spirits."  Charlotte said with a smirk.
"Oh.  There you are.  Morning.  Uh, how's the signal, Jack?"  Eugene questioned.
"Pretty clear, Gene.  Do you want to get Charlotte up to speed?"  Jack asked.
"No, go ahead."
"Um, you can if you want to, I mean, you're in-"
"No it's fine."
The two stopped for a moment before they both started to explain before they stopped again, Jack rubbing his face.  "God, We're such numpties."  Jack sighs softly with a smile.
"Ugh.  This is all much easier when I can see your face, you know."  Eugene complained.
"Tell me about it."  Jack said.
"Maybe later."  Eugene all but purred making Jack turn bright red and clear his throat.
Charlotte shook her head.  "Come on boys.  Eugene just tell me what's going on."
"Here's the deal."  Eugene starts before a knock came to Charlotte's door.
"Jack? Come on!  Hunting!"  Bella said as Jack sighed softly.
"Oh..."  Jack breathed.
"Mama wants your friend to come and help, too."  Bella said before walking away from the door.
Charlotte looked at Jack for a moment.  "Hunting?"
"Sorry, Gene."  Jack said softly.
"No problem.  I can fill Charlotte in as you go." Eugene said as Jack and Charlotte walked out of the room quickly.  They were taken outside where Powell, Simon, Bella and Beatrix were waiting outside.
Bella and Jack went off on their own as Beatrix walked with Charlotte showing her around.  "I'll give you the grand tour of the outside.  It's a safe place, and I'll be damned if I let anyone else take it over.  No matter how much young Jack tries to convince us to leave." Beatrix started.  Her white hair was piled on top of her head in a tight style showing off her aristocratic features.  
High breeding background.
"No matter if staying here means letting certain people believe certain other people are dead, for weeks!"  Eugene complained as Beatrix kept talking.
"-and self sufficient!  Thanks to the orchards and the herd."  She continued.
"Those cows are half the reason we're so keen to get these guys back to Abel.  That, and Bella's expertise."  Eugene said softly.
"What does Bella do other than help you out?"  Charlotte asks.  
"She does something for the university something scientific but I don't quite understand it."  She said as Charlotte looked around.
"She's a chemical engineer."  Eugene supplied.
"You must be very proud of her."  Charlotte said as Beatrix smiled.
"Yes.  And also I am proud that she has come home.  The Ramsey's have been here for generations.  Apcalypse or no apoxalypse!  We'll be here for many more to come!"  She stresses proudly.
"And that's the reason Jack's not been able to get them to leave!"  Eugene whines.  "We can't work out why she's so adamant about staying."
"Here we are! Powell's just up ahead."  Beatrix points to where Powell had gone to.
"Ms. Ramsey... what kind of hunt exactly are we doing?"  Charlotte asked.
"Zombie Hunt of course."  Beatrix said with a hint of almost a giggle.
"What ever the reason is, there's something we're missing about why she won't leave."  Eugene said softly.
"Hello there!  Powell!"  Beatrix called out as they met up with the others.
"Keep your ears open, Five.  The sooner you can figure it out, the sooner we can bring you all home."  Eugene said as Powell waved them over.
"We know what we're doing, then?  Hold tight to that leash, there, Miss Bella."  Powell said as Bella held onto the red leash attached to a black doberman.
"Powell, you're acting like this is my first zombie hunt."  Bella said petting the doberman.
Powell looked at her with a serious stare.  "And what is it I told you?"
Bella sighs heavily.  "If you think you know what you're doing, you're likely to hurt someone."  She said in an almost rehersed tone.
"Aye!  So hold that leash tight, then!"  Powell said as Bella nodded.  
"Yes, Powell."
Powell then turned to Jack.  "So, Jack, you'll be taking Simon here to spot out onto the east.  Miss Bella and Charlotte, you'll be spotting on the west.  It's your job to bring the dead in close to us here.  After that, the dogs will lead them straight into the nets.  I'll be here with Lady Beatrix, working the dogs.  All clear?"
"Yes, Powell."  Bella sighed.
"Got it."  Jack replied.
"Sounds good to me!"  Simon said happily.
"I'm ready."  Charlotte replied walking over to Bella.
"Come on, Charlotte.  I'll show you the ropes."  Bella said as they took off down the path leading away from the home.  The dog ran with them as Charlotte looked around.  The grounds near the home had been left without maintence but she knew that if the zombies hadn't shown up the place would have been immaculate.
After a while of running Bella spoke up.  "Okay, Charlotte.  Let's pause here.  There's a few of them just off that way.  You run on ahead, lead them back towards Mama and Powell.  I'll run behind, make sure they don't bunch up too much for the dogs.  Ready?"
"Ready."  Charlotte said.
"Okay, off you go."  Bella said as Charlotte took off towards the zombies.
She saw the small group heading towards her as she turned heading back towards the manor keeping ahead of them.  She looked over seeing Simon and Jack leading another group of zombies.
"Hey, hey, hey, whoa!"  Simon shouted as he waved his arms.  "Come on, you gray buggers!  This way!"
"Ugh, that guy..."  Eugene breathed slowly.
"Come on, Gene, play nice."  Jack said chuckling.
"He's not really all that bad.  Just a little strange."  Charlotte said smiling as she continued to run.
Charlotte could see Powell and Beatrix at the house with several more dobermen at the ready.  "That's it, runners, bring them in now!"  Powell shouted before putting a whistle in his mouth blowing hard.  "Away!"  He blew his whistle again as the dogs took off towards them.  "Alright, runners, break off now!"  Charlotte, Jack, Simon and Bella took off away from the zombies as they headed straight for a large net that had been set up catching them with the dogs leading them towards it.
"Bloody hell, right into the net!"  Simon cried out.
"Good job, runners!  Back out with you, now."  Powell said pointing back out as he and Beatrix took care of the zombies in the net.
Jack jogged over looking rather out of breath.  "Charlotte, you and Simon take the next lot.  I have to sit this one, and Bella can keep me company."  
Charlotte nodded as Simon grinned.  "Oh, what's the matter, Jackie boy, tired already?  Come on, Char, we've got this.  Once more into the breach, dear friend!"  Simon said with a smirk as they took off heading for another group of zombies.  Soon enough they found a group and were leading them back towards the net.  "Come on, Char, keep up.  Here they come!"  Simon shouted.
"Five, Jack's asked me to patch him and Bella through to you while you herd."  Eugene said.
"Alright."  Charlotte said as there was static for a moment before Bella is heard.
"Nice running there, Charlotte, bring them in!  Something tells me this isn't your first time being chased through the woods."  Bella said as Charlotte smirked.  No it certainly wasn't the first time.
Jack laughed softly.  "Not even close.  Charlotte's a real being-chased-through-the-woods specialist at this point.  What is it they call you?  'Forest Five'?"
"'Fleet-footed Five'?"  Bella suggested.
"I like that one."  Charlotte smirked knowing that Jack wouldn't repeat it to Bella.
Jack chuckled softly.  "Oh, good one!  Are you sure it wasn't alliteration you did at uni?"  
Bella giggled softly.  "You know it was chemical engineering, Jack!"  
"Ah yeah, now I remember."  Jack said smiling.  "Which is why we're so desperate to have you come back to Abel, and clean up our water supply."  
Bella chuckled slightly.  "Oh, don't start on that again.  We're having a nice day, you'll only ruin it."  
Jack rubbed the back of his head.  "Sorry, sorry, yes.  I'm just curious.."  
"Just pick up those few stragglers, now."  Powell shouted to Charlotte and Simon who continued to lead the zombies towards the house.
"It's hidden treasure keeping you here, isn't it?"  Jack asked with a grin.  "Hidden treasure, or... or a mad aunt in the attic you have to keep safe!"  He laughed softly.  "No, no, wait - is it an ancient curse?"
"Ooh, look, Charlotte's picked up a real following!"  Bella called.  "Good work, Charlotte!"  
Charlotte looked back seeing that her group had indeed grown rather substatially.  She felt her stomach tighten as she heard Powell yell from the house.  "That's it, bring them in!  Run!"
"Woohoo, here we come!  Last three!"  Simon said a ways behind her leading a smaller group.
"Nice job, Char!"  Jack called then lowered his voice.  "Now you can see why these guys would be useful back at Abel.  Cleaner water, cows, Powell's magic zombie-herding dogs."  
"Yeah, if only we could figure out why Beatrix is being so bloody impossible."  Eugene said still bitterly.
"You have to forgive her at some point Eugene."  Charlotte said.
"Do I?"  Eugene questioned.
Jack sighs heavily.  "Liste, I can't imagine how I'd feel, thinking..."  Jack started before Bella shouted near him.
"Simon, left, left!  Look out!"
"Oh Jesus!"  Simon called.
"Well, I can't.  But I know her!  She must have a good reason-"  Jack continued.
"Not good enough!"  Eugene snapped.
"Don't-"  Jack started before Eugene jumpped in.
"I don't want to argue with you about this, Jack."  
"I'm not arguing, I just think we need to-"  Jack started before gun shots broke his converation followed by the dogs barking.  "Wait.  Stupid..."
Charlotte looked over seeing Simon had lept out of the way of the gun shot.  "That was close!"  He shouted.
"On your feet, Simon!"  Bella called paniced.
"Jack, what's happening?"  Eugene asked.
"The gunshot!"  Jack said as Charlotte looked back seeing Simon's zombies had joined hers and brought along dozens of friends.
"Back in!  Back to the house!"  Powell shoted as Charlotte and Simon sprinted towards the house as Jack looked in horror at the horde converging on them.
"Oh, god..."  He breathed as Charlotter grabbed him by his shirt yanking him with her.
"Stop gawking and let's go!"  She shouted at him as Beatrix, Powell, and Bella followed right behind her with Simon leading the dogs in with him.
"Swarm!  Back to the house!"  Powell shouted.
"Keep going Charlotte!"  Bella shouted as they headed for the doorway leading into the house as their one safe haven from the inpending horde of the undead.
<     37     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Jace Clarkson is 23 years old and is often confused with Cameron Monaghan. He is Open.
“People need to stop fixating on Annie and start caring about the other people who have died…”
→ Background
Jace has always been closer to his cousin Layla than to any of the others. Her sister Hannah was always too high strung for him to cope with, but she was a popular girl so she got away with it. He hated Christmas and other family get-togethers because she’d always want to be the centre of attention and Jace doesn’t like people like that. So it’s safe to say that he never got along with Annie Pierce, Baberton’s Queen Bee. He hated the way she floated around town like a princess, ruining lives as she went. He had nothing but disdain for Annie and Jace was one of the few people who never put up with her crap, he always stood up for himself against her, and for others if he ever caught her bullying them or something. Which is how he and Bella Winters met and became close.
Bella was beautiful and she had a fantastic singing voice, but she was painfully shy thanks to Annie’s torment. Bella’s sister Xanthe was a complete bitch but surprisingly she and Jace kind of got along thanks to their shared hatred of Annie and love of Bella. He was one of Bella’s only real friends, most people ignored her but Jace never did. He truly saw her for what she was and he fell for her pretty hard, though they both never officially dated or anything. Bella was always too shy for that, too stuck in her ways and too scared. She often pulled away and rejected his advances but it never fully put Jace off. It frustrated him but he stuck by her. He knew how hard it was for her with Annie running round so he was pretty glad when the bitch disappeared altogether, though he never believed she’d ran away. He knew someone had killed her and good riddance too.
→ Back to Baberton
When Bella died, Jace was crushed. Her body was found in the woods by her sister ages ago but he’s never fully been able to move on and, with a second serial killer running around now, he doesn’t even believe that it was really Daisy Ramsey who killed Bella. He believes there’s more to the story, he thinks Daisy was a pawn and the real killer is the one still doing all this. He’s wrong but he can’t let his theories go and it’s kind of what helps him cope with the loss of Bella. Her sister Xanthe pretty much refuses to even look at him nowadays, maybe he’s too much of a reminder, but it’d be quite nice to be closer to her, so he could be closer to Bella again. He’s sad he never tried harder and convinced her to date him and now he’ll never get the chance.
When Jace isn’t obsessing over his conspiracy theories, sometimes with the likes of Zachary Taylor, one of his best mates, you’ll usually find him working. He works in Brad Everett’s restaurant, Carpe Diem, as a chef and he’s actually pretty good at it. He’s the youngest cook there and he’s still in training but he’s been cooking and baking most of his life so it’s something that he’s good at and really enjoys. It’s a dream of Jace’s to open his very own restaurant one day and he takes all the tips from Brad that he can.
→ What’s His Secret?
He’s developed a crush on Kimberley White, a waitress in the restaurant, and he does what he can to get her attention but it’s hard when she doesn’t ever seem to notice he even exists. A smile here and a nod of the head there is mostly all he gets from Kim, who’s the only girl he’s ever really liked since Bella and Jace wants to finally move on. He stayed late at work one night to clean up and came across Kimberley lurking in the hall outside Brad’s office. It was weird and she acted a bit strange so he watched her quite close the next few weeks and he noticed that she was quite obsessed with Brad. After that, he broke into her locker in the back room and found some pictures of Xanthe, Brad’s ex-fiancee in a weird book. Someone came in and he had to hide and never got a chance to see more but it’s sparked his interest and he wants to know what the hell is going on with her.
He found Imogen Ford stumbling home one night very out of it, probably way past drunk, and he helped her get back to her apartment where her roommate Andie helped him get her onto the couch, where she promptly passed out. She’d been slurring something about not even drinking but she was too out of it to make much sense so he ignored it. When he found out Layla had been at the bar that same night he got a bit suspicious. He knows his cousin really doesn’t like Imogen but would she go so far as to spike the girl’s drink? He doesn’t know but he’d sure like to find out what Layla is capable of.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Jace Clarkson is 23 years old and is often confused with Cameron Monaghan. He is Open.
“People need to stop fixating on Annie and start caring about the other people who have died…”
→ Background
Jace has always been closer to his cousin Layla than to any of the others. Her sister Hannah was always too high strung for him to cope with, but she was a popular girl so she got away with it. He hated Christmas and other family get-togethers because she’d always want to be the centre of attention and Jace doesn’t like people like that. So it’s safe to say that he never got along with Annie Pierce, Baberton’s Queen Bee. He hated the way she floated around town like a princess, ruining lives as she went. He had nothing but disdain for Annie and Jace was one of the few people who never put up with her crap, he always stood up for himself against her, and for others if he ever caught her bullying them or something. Which is how he and Bella Winters met and became close.
Bella was beautiful and she had a fantastic singing voice, but she was painfully shy thanks to Annie’s torment. Bella’s sister Xanthe was a complete bitch but surprisingly she and Jace kind of got along thanks to their shared hatred of Annie and love of Bella. He was one of Bella’s only real friends, most people ignored her but Jace never did. He truly saw her for what she was and he fell for her pretty hard, though they both never officially dated or anything. Bella was always too shy for that, too stuck in her ways and too scared. She often pulled away and rejected his advances but it never fully put Jace off. It frustrated him but he stuck by her. He knew how hard it was for her with Annie running round so he was pretty glad when the bitch disappeared altogether, though he never believed she’d ran away. He knew someone had killed her and good riddance too.
→ Back to Baberton
When Bella died, Jace was crushed. Her body was found in the woods by her sister ages ago but he’s never fully been able to move on and, with a second serial killer running around now, he doesn’t even believe that it was really Daisy Ramsey who killed Bella. He believes there’s more to the story, he thinks Daisy was a pawn and the real killer is the one still doing all this. He’s wrong but he can’t let his theories go and it’s kind of what helps him cope with the loss of Bella. Her sister Xanthe pretty much refuses to even look at him nowadays, maybe he’s too much of a reminder, but it’d be quite nice to be closer to her, so he could be closer to Bella again. He’s sad he never tried harder and convinced her to date him and now he’ll never get the chance.
When Jace isn’t obsessing over his conspiracy theories, sometimes with the likes of Zachary Taylor, one of his best mates, you’ll usually find him working. He works in Brad Everett’s restaurant, Carpe Diem, as a chef and he’s actually pretty good at it. He’s the youngest cook there and he’s still in training but he’s been cooking and baking most of his life so it’s something that he’s good at and really enjoys. It’s a dream of Jace’s to open his very own restaurant one day and he takes all the tips from Brad that he can.
→ What’s His Secret?
He’s developed a crush on Kimberley White, a waitress in the restaurant, and he does what he can to get her attention but it’s hard when she doesn’t ever seem to notice he even exists. A smile here and a nod of the head there is mostly all he gets from Kim, who’s the only girl he’s ever really liked since Bella and Jace wants to finally move on. He stayed late at work one night to clean up and came across Kimberley lurking in the hall outside Brad’s office. It was weird and she acted a bit strange so he watched her quite close the next few weeks and he noticed that she was quite obsessed with Brad. After that, he broke into her locker in the back room and found some pictures of Xanthe, Brad’s ex-fiancee in a weird book. Someone came in and he had to hide and never got a chance to see more but it’s sparked his interest and he wants to know what the hell is going on with her.
He found Imogen Ford stumbling home one night very out of it, probably way past drunk, and he helped her get back to her apartment where her roommate Andie helped him get her onto the couch, where she promptly passed out. She’d been slurring something about not even drinking but she was too out of it to make much sense so he ignored it. When he found out Layla had been at the bar that same night he got a bit suspicious. He knows his cousin really doesn’t like Imogen but would she go so far as to spike the girl’s drink? He doesn’t know but he’d sure like to find out what Layla is capable of.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Jace Clarkson Age: 23 Sexuality: Up to Player Gender: Non Binary Portrayed By: Cameron Monaghan Availability: Open
“People need to stop fixating on Annie and start caring about the other people who have died…”
→ Background
Jace has always been closer to his cousin Layla than to any of the others. Her sister Hannah was always too high strung for him to cope with, but she was a popular girl so she got away with it. He hated Christmas and other family get-togethers because she’d always want to be the centre of attention and Jace doesn’t like people like that. So it’s safe to say that he never got along with Annie Pierce, Baberton’s Queen Bee. He hated the way she floated around town like a princess, ruining lives as she went. He had nothing but disdain for Annie and Jace was one of the few people who never put up with her crap, he always stood up for himself against her, and for others if he ever caught her bullying them or something. Which is how he and Bella Winters met and became close.
Bella was beautiful and she had a fantastic singing voice, but she was painfully shy thanks to Annie’s torment. Bella’s sister Xanthe was a complete bitch but surprisingly she and Jace kind of got along thanks to their shared hatred of Annie and love of Bella. He was one of Bella’s only real friends, most people ignored her but Jace never did. He truly saw her for what she was and he fell for her pretty hard, though they both never officially dated or anything. Bella was always too shy for that, too stuck in her ways and too scared. She often pulled away and rejected his advances but it never fully put Jace off. It frustrated him but he stuck by her. He knew how hard it was for her with Annie running round so he was pretty glad when the bitch disappeared altogether, though he never believed she’d ran away. He knew someone had killed her and good riddance too.
→ Back to Baberton
When Bella died, Jace was crushed. Her body was found in the woods by her sister ages ago but he’s never fully been able to move on and, with a second serial killer running around now, he doesn’t even believe that it was really Daisy Ramsey who killed Bella. He believes there’s more to the story, he thinks Daisy was a pawn and the real killer is the one still doing all this. He’s wrong but he can’t let his theories go and it’s kind of what helps him cope with the loss of Bella. Her sister Xanthe pretty much refuses to even look at him nowadays, maybe he’s too much of a reminder, but it’d be quite nice to be closer to her, so he could be closer to Bella again. He’s sad he never tried harder and convinced her to date him and now he’ll never get the chance.
When Jace isn’t obsessing over his conspiracy theories, sometimes with the likes of Zachary Taylor, one of his best mates, you’ll usually find him working. He works in Brad Everett’s restaurant, Carpe Diem, as a chef and he’s actually pretty good at it. He’s the youngest cook there and he’s still in training but he’s been cooking and baking most of his life so it’s something that he’s good at and really enjoys. It’s a dream of Jace’s to open his very own restaurant one day and he takes all the tips from Brad that he can.
→ What’s His Secret?
He’s developed a crush on Kimberley White, a waitress in the restaurant, and he does what he can to get her attention but it’s hard when she doesn’t ever seem to notice he even exists. A smile here and a nod of the head there is mostly all he gets from Kim, who’s the only girl he’s ever really liked since Bella and Jace wants to finally move on. He stayed late at work one night to clean up and came across Kimberley lurking in the hall outside Brad’s office. It was weird and she acted a bit strange so he watched her quite close the next few weeks and he noticed that she was quite obsessed with Brad. After that, he broke into her locker in the back room and found some pictures of Xanthe, Brad’s ex-fiancee in a weird book. Someone came in and he had to hide and never got a chance to see more but it’s sparked his interest and he wants to know what the hell is going on with her.
He found Imogen Ford stumbling home one night very out of it, probably way past drunk, and he helped her get back to her apartment where her roommate Andie helped him get her onto the couch, where she promptly passed out. She’d been slurring something about not even drinking but she was too out of it to make much sense so he ignored it. When he found out Layla had been at the bar that same night he got a bit suspicious. He knows his cousin really doesn’t like Imogen but would she go so far as to spike the girl’s drink? He doesn’t know but he’d sure like to find out what Layla is capable of.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Jace Clarkson Age: 23 Sexuality: Up to Player Gender: Non Binary Portrayed By: Cameron Monaghan Availability: Open
“People need to stop fixating on Annie and start caring about the other people who have died…”
→ Background
Jace has always been closer to his cousin Layla than to any of the others. Her sister Hannah was always too high strung for him to cope with, but she was a popular girl so she got away with it. He hated Christmas and other family get-togethers because she’d always want to be the centre of attention and Jace doesn’t like people like that. So it’s safe to say that he never got along with Annie Pierce, Baberton’s Queen Bee. He hated the way she floated around town like a princess, ruining lives as she went. He had nothing but disdain for Annie and Jace was one of the few people who never put up with her crap, he always stood up for himself against her, and for others if he ever caught her bullying them or something. Which is how he and Bella Winters met and became close.
Bella was beautiful and she had a fantastic singing voice, but she was painfully shy thanks to Annie’s torment. Bella’s sister Xanthe was a complete bitch but surprisingly she and Jace kind of got along thanks to their shared hatred of Annie and love of Bella. He was one of Bella’s only real friends, most people ignored her but Jace never did. He truly saw her for what she was and he fell for her pretty hard, though they both never officially dated or anything. Bella was always too shy for that, too stuck in her ways and too scared. She often pulled away and rejected his advances but it never fully put Jace off. It frustrated him but he stuck by her. He knew how hard it was for her with Annie running round so he was pretty glad when the bitch disappeared altogether, though he never believed she’d ran away. He knew someone had killed her and good riddance too.
→ Back to Baberton
When Bella died, Jace was crushed. Her body was found in the woods by her sister ages ago but he’s never fully been able to move on and, with a second serial killer running around now, he doesn’t even believe that it was really Daisy Ramsey who killed Bella. He believes there’s more to the story, he thinks Daisy was a pawn and the real killer is the one still doing all this. He’s wrong but he can’t let his theories go and it’s kind of what helps him cope with the loss of Bella. Her sister Xanthe pretty much refuses to even look at him nowadays, maybe he’s too much of a reminder, but it’d be quite nice to be closer to her, so he could be closer to Bella again. He’s sad he never tried harder and convinced her to date him and now he’ll never get the chance.
When Jace isn’t obsessing over his conspiracy theories, sometimes with the likes of Zachary Taylor, one of his best mates, you’ll usually find him working. He works in Brad Everett’s restaurant, Carpe Diem, as a chef and he’s actually pretty good at it. He’s the youngest cook there and he’s still in training but he’s been cooking and baking most of his life so it’s something that he’s good at and really enjoys. It’s a dream of Jace’s to open his very own restaurant one day and he takes all the tips from Brad that he can.
→ What’s His Secret?
He’s developed a crush on Kimberley White, a waitress in the restaurant, and he does what he can to get her attention but it’s hard when she doesn’t ever seem to notice he even exists. A smile here and a nod of the head there is mostly all he gets from Kim, who’s the only girl he’s ever really liked since Bella and Jace wants to finally move on. He stayed late at work one night to clean up and came across Kimberley lurking in the hall outside Brad’s office. It was weird and she acted a bit strange so he watched her quite close the next few weeks and he noticed that she was quite obsessed with Brad. After that, he broke into her locker in the back room and found some pictures of Xanthe, Brad’s ex-fiancee in a weird book. Someone came in and he had to hide and never got a chance to see more but it’s sparked his interest and he wants to know what the hell is going on with her.
He found Imogen Ford stumbling home one night very out of it, probably way past drunk, and he helped her get back to her apartment where her roommate Andie helped him get her onto the couch, where she promptly passed out. She’d been slurring something about not even drinking but she was too out of it to make much sense so he ignored it. When he found out Layla had been at the bar that same night he got a bit suspicious. He knows his cousin really doesn’t like Imogen but would she go so far as to spike the girl’s drink? He doesn’t know but he’d sure like to find out what Layla is capable of.
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