#an actual ball of sunshine
shaunthesheesh · 2 years
"my child is completely fine"
Your child is busy obsessing over the older Chilean actor, who is famous for playing grumpy characters, only soft for his children. Your child doesn't know whether they need him as father or partner, just his existence comforts them.
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The illusion of choosing a path when it had been carved out from the start
It was out of love, though. For you.
You can walk out if you want.
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cheesebits · 1 year
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more shima doodles. i had to get this boy out of my system. Really enjoyed this week’s episode !!
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popagan · 2 months
‘The rate of which I make art for AO3 fics in the library VS. the rate of me adding in new fics into the library’ makes an unfair battle. 12 pieces in and 90 fics (and counting) in store…. This is not a war I can win….
P.S. I make them simply to decorate my Apple Library with AO3 fics I like (self-indulgence). The drawing is dependent on my mood + what I felt like drawing/trying out, and the content of the fic. It is as subjective as it is NOT indicative of what the fic is like. I highly recommend you check the following fics out yourself.
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Links to the fics:
City of Sunshine
see you on the other side;
Like a Promise
All That Hate
Under the Surface
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eahwidow · 1 month
Quite late, but here are the characters I liked the most in 'Descendants: The Rise of Red' after watching it:
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I just wish we could've had more time in the movie, SPECIALLY with that sudden ending, but I hope the next movie is much longer and has a better constructed plot + some new AKs and VKs to join Red and Chloe in the present time (maybe a new Core Four with two new boys?)
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if my frontmate doesnt stop being a slimy little homo im gonna LOSE MY MIND
-- zack 🔪 (ft. yuji)
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devilsrecreation · 6 months
Why is it that the hyenas look adorable when they get covered in mud but when it happens to the crocs, it’s just sad?
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Look at this pathetic mf/aff
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absensia · 6 months
There is a cost for resurrection, even for a vessel such as Charlotte. As a vessel for the primordial void, Charlotte's body undergoes a supernaturally rapid decomposition after death, decaying so completely and so quickly that in a matter of a couple scant hours, there will be nothing left of her whatsoever. What took a mere fraction of a day to break down, however, will take ( at least ) a few days to reassemble. ( To date, the shortest amount of time it's taken for Charlotte to return is 49 hours; the longest absence was 8 days. )
In the time between her complete decomposition and her reappearance in our reality, the vessel we know as Charlotte must be reassembled, rather painstakingly, by Khaos itself. Just as it did when it first created this vessel, Khaos brings together the fragments of a being: personality traits, memories, stories, and eventually, the physical form, too. Piece by piece, it reassembles the killed and obliterated doll and then, once it feels she is once more ready, like on that sunny day in June all those years ago, it reintroduces this vessel we know as Charlotte back into this reality, this world, this life. As such, it appears, for the most part, that while she may not be totally invincible or capable of auto-resurrection on a god-like level, Charlotte has no real reason to fear death. If she dies, she can be almost certain that she will be back to cause more trouble in no time. But resurrection does not come without a cost and this is a fact Charlotte has become increasingly aware of the more she has gone and come back, gone and come back. . .
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"There's never enough...to fill the hole up again." To make a long story short, Stephen King's Pet Sematary revolves around the resurrection of dead things ( animals and people ) and how sometimes, dead is better, because nothing that comes back to life ever comes back exactly the way it was before. There will always be something missing, something wrong. Charlotte's resurrection, at the hands of Khaos, is not an exception to this idea. Each time Charlotte dies and comes back, she may seem mostly intact and to be picking up exactly where she left off, but she is not, in fact, the same. With each "respawn," the vessel will be adjusted and changed based on what the Void deems necessary, but mostly (!) the process of reassembly itself means that there will "never be enough" to make Charlotte exactly as she was again.
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Just as a "wound never [seems] to fill in completely" despite being considered healed and healthy once more, the resurrected vessel will, by nature of chaos and decay, contain less and this is the cost of resurrection. For better or worse, there remains a heavy consequence for dying and so, as comical as it sounds, Charlotte has learned to take dying more seriously. With each resurrection, there runs the risk of her losing memories and perhaps some of her humanity, but most assuredly, she loses more of what makes her her... More specifically, with each resurrection, Charlotte grows colder, steadier in a way, and while she may seem more or less the same on the outside ( as Khaos wants to maintain her likeness and essence ), by and by, if you look closely, you won't find the same spark in her eyes that she has now to set her apart from the cold abyss of the primordial entity that resides inside her. Like a wound, Charlotte never heals completely. There is never enough to fill the vessel again. But if there is not enough of her to come back after death, then what must fill the vessel upon its return is obvious: absence. Absence is the cost of resurrection.
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Unfriendly reminder that Sam was sold to hell by his own mother and damned before he was even conceived.
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good-beans · 4 months
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I am not immune to cheesy anime one liners and stunning gender ambiguous swordsmen.....
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princessofshazabah · 7 months
He thinks if there was a moment he could live in forever, it would be this one: the healthy curl of anxiety in his gut, the wobbliness of his broom, the slight breeze rustling his hair, and the sun shining down stubbornly. But most of all, it would be his hand gripping Ginny's shoulder, with her arm stretched out to hold onto his shirt, her own broom dangerously unstable under her feet.
or, the summer of '96. a summer filled with quidditch, jokes, sun, and love. oh, and broom surfing.
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spannardnation · 11 months
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this is another one of those times when jims mean to andy for NO reason and it makes his heart break
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tragedykery · 8 months
rereading the sword of summer. I forgot how much I love magnus
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okmcintyre · 1 year
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glass-half-sappho · 6 months
I can do this. I can get through my workday.
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paparoach · 17 days
I think Kagami would be a little funny if he's pissed off but also don't piss him off
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