#belladonna boudreaux
naoa-ao3 · 10 months
Remy sat in the front seat of a yellow taxi cab with a newspaper open, pretending to read it while his eyes watched the street. He was waiting for a Mr. George Finnegan to finish his business meeting. Mr. Finnegan had a wonderful jewel collection that he would soon be relieved of. Remy was going to do the relieving.
He chewed aimlessly on a stick of gum, the busy sounds of New York surrounding him but he'd long since tuned them out. He wished Finnegan would hurry up, he planed to learn the man's daily habits by driving him around for a few days. He checked his watch, he'd been waiting for damn near two hours. He was getting antcy.
Eventually the doors to the big executive building opened and out strolled Mr. George Finnegan himself, completely unaware of the loss he was about to suffer. Remy didn't feel too bad for him, the man was a multimillionaire and his gems were securely insured.
Finnegan hailed his cab and he nearly caused an accident trying to beat another cab to meet him. The other cab driver yelled an insult at him as he almost clipped his rear bumper and he did his best impression of a Yankee cab driver in return, yelling back and giving the man a dirty gesture.
Finnegan climbed in and he hit the timer, it may not have been a real job but that didn't mean he couldn't make a little money while he was at it, over the past week he'd taken several young ladies all over town.
Finnegan gave him the address and then buried himself in his account book, ignoring his driver. Remy grinned, the more the man ignored him the easier it would be to pick him up again. People so seldom paid attention to the driver. He talked easily in a false Queens accent and babbled on about sports and teams and politics. Finnegan paid him no mind what so ever. Just what he wanted.
He dropped the man off at his apartment, a nice, upscale place with good security. Finnegan tipped him appropriately and grunted a thank you and he pulled out, back into the street just as the rain started. A few more days of this an he would have Finnegan's schedule down to perfection.
He drove down the street with the radio turned down low, almost overpowered by the falling rain. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and hummed, listening to the DJ speed talk. He switched the station to something a little more mellow. No need to get high strung. He took a corner easily and coasted, it was relaxing to drive. He was pretty sure he had the job in his pocket, there was nothing to stress about.
He saw a figure up ahead waving down his cab. It was a young woman by the looks of it, dress soaked and a scarf over her head. She waved frantically and he slowed, she darted in clumsily in the rain. "Thank God." She said.
"Where to?" He asked, fake accent still in place. "Shame about your dress."
She squeezed her hands together wringing out her evening gloves. "Melody Lane."
He cracked a grin and hoped she'd caught it in the mirror but she was looking out the window, decidedly not interested in him. Still, there was something familiar about her. He drove on for a little while longer. "You know, you look awful familiar." He finally said when he couldn't take it anymore."
She turned to look at him in the mirror and a smile seemed to come to her slowly but it was a sad smile just the same. "How are you, Remy?" She said softly.
He hesitated, it was funny how life threw you curve balls when you least expected it. "Hey Belle."
In an elegant motion she drew the scarf from her head and folded it in her lap. "I didn't recognize you." She said.
He nodded. "Me neither." He studied her face in the mirror for a moment. Once a pone a time he had cherished that face. Once a pone a time, a million life times ago he's loved that face and that voice. Maybe part of him still did but he wasn't sure.
She tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear and watched him. Her eyes looked sad.
An awkward silence filled the cab. It seemed a million years ago that he'd held her. Somewhere in a fairy tale. He'd learned about love with her and but maybe the lesson just hadn't gone very far. He watched her, it was funny how you never really forgot your first love. True he didn't love her the same way anymore and even though he hadn't had much luck lately he knew that wouldn't change.
She didn't ask him why she was in New York because he knew there was probably only one reason and he didn't want to think about it and she didn't ask him, although there were a million possibilities. She didn't even ask him what was up with the cab.
Mostly they just savored the shock of finding each others' company. Who'd have believed they'd meet on a rainy night in New York City? Remy hadn't. But the who'd have thought a grubby little pick pocket would meet the little princess of the Assassin's Guild.
Oh, once a pone a time he'd be able to drive her wild and she him but that was along time ago and if they didn't have anything to talk about it was best they didn't talk about the past. There was too much pain there.
He was nearing her Melody Lane and she was looking out the window. He didn't ask if it was where she was staying. Really there wasn't much to talk about. Whatever they'd had once was long gone.
He stopped the car in front of a large house and she lingered outside the drivers' window looking at him with a faint expression like she was seeing something from long ago and maybe he was too. Then she reached inside her purse and handed him a crumpled fifty It hadn't even been a twenty dollar fare.
She leaned in and he thought for a minute that she was going to kiss him but then she whispered: "Remy, keep the change." She'd just wanted to be close again, just for the briefest of seconds.
Then she turned and walked away into the night. He watched her go and tucked the bill into his shirt. For a split second he was angry with her and the world but then he was only angry with himself and then he wasn't angry at all because there wasn't really anything to be angry about. She hadn't come looking for love and neither had he.
And really both of them had what they wanted, he had freedom and she was the leader of her Assassin's Guild. There wasn't anything else to it. They'd had their shot.
He put the cab in reverse and backed away. He had another long day ahead of him.
Through the too many miles and the too little smiles I still remember you.
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emmatriarchy · 2 years
Kaine x Belle
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Benoît "Ben" Boudreaux is a surprisingly well adjusted adult, considering his parents. Belle insisted on a French name, Kaine insisted on Ben, and they agreed to call him the french name Benoît, which got promptly shortened to Ben, like the og scarlet spider.
He only has his mother's family name as his father doesn't have much of a legal existence. He is also the heir to the Assassin's Guild, and Belle wanted the role to remain in the Boudreaux family exclusively - to make up for her brother's sins.
While he doesn't need to carry blades (he has stingers in his forearms), he likes to avoid relying on his spider powers.
And let's be honest, Aracely was the best big sister. He is probably as happy and stable as he is because she was there to counterbalance the grumpiness of Kaine and the murderous tendencies of Belle.
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novinare · 11 months
spinning the muse roulette wheel! // accepting
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📷 for a picture of them
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Even though she stands at only 5 feet tall, only a fool would underestimate the Matriarch of the New Orleans Assassins Guild.
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Hi! I was just looking around and I noticed I can't access Belladonna Boudreaux, Nick Fury, or Amelia Voght's bio. Is that normal, or am I just losing myself on this tumblr lmao? Best x
that's because they don't currently have a bio! we're in the middle of revamping them, so they haven't been reposted yet. the roles are still available to be taken, however!
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badmusesarch · 4 years
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belladonnaboudreaux · 6 years
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“We’ll live happily ever after...
As long as we Both shall live...”
didn’t I tell y’all i’d draw belladonna as the haunted mansion bride? i come through on my promises
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Belladonna Boudreaux/Remy LeBeau Characters: Belladonna Boudreaux, Remy LeBeau (mentioned), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Funeral Scene, past canon character death, oblique mentions of murder and assassination Series: Part 2 of A Seemingly Incomprehensible Sequence of Events - WIP Excerpts Summary:
Belladonna Boudreaux has spent the last decade being groomed to take the leadership of the Assassins Guild upon her father's death so when the time comes, she barely waits until the end of the funeral before setting into motion events to reclaim what had been taken from her years ago.
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teal-bandit · 6 years
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Belladonna: Remy, I apologize for trying to kidnap you the last time I was here. That was wrong of me.
Remy Lebeau: It happens.
Rogue: I mean... does it, though?
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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Series: Characters Not Yet on the Wishlist Nor in a Tournament /sub-series: International Women’s Day/Women’s History Month /sub-series: Theme Day: Females Likely Too Obscure for Wishlist
Bella Donna Boudreaux
class: Mutant align: Mercenary member: Assassins Guild
-Amplify X-Gene -telekinesis -Astral Form -Plasma Charges
Bios: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Bella_Donna_Boudreaux
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naoa-ao3 · 11 months
Just A Man
Rogue was on a mission. That was why she was in New Orleans. She didn't like it though. Not that she had anything against the city it was just that on every corner she stopped she could feel Remy. He was there in the crowd, up on a balcony, sitting in a restaurant. He was everywhere.
Everywhere in a city that had been so much a part of him.
Of course she had no real idea if he was there. He could be half way around the world for all she knew.
She remembered all of the times the X-Men had visited New Orleans. So many times they had gotten caught up in his guild business. And there it was. The reason they weren't together. His life was one one problem after another and so many of them he brought on himself. She sat down at a cafe to eat. It was hot and all of the indoor tables were taken. She had to eat on the street. She stirred her drink slowly, feeling the weight of so many memories and so much love. There where ghosts all around and then one materialized in front of her. A blond woman, beautiful and tall. She emerged from the crowed and came and took a seat across from Rogue.
Belladonna Bourdreaux.
"It's been a long time." She said. She had the same accent as Remy. She came from the same world. Rogue had once felt threatened by this woman. Now they were on equal ground.
"You here to fight?" Rogue asked coolly.
Belladonna shook her head. She looked a little older than the last time they had seen each other. Maybe life had caught up to her. "What do we have to fight about?" She asked. "Neither of us have him and you ain't here to mess with de Guilds." She ordered lunch.
"What're you here for then?"
Belladonna shrugged. "I heard you and Remy broke up a while back. Never did know why."
Rogue felt a little offended. "And what makes you think you got any right to know?"
Belladonna gave her a coldly sympathetic look. A look that said: Because I've been there already. "He flirt too much or did he kill your brother too? Leave you when you needed him?"
Rogue frowned. "I left him. He didn't do much of anything." This wasn't entirely true but it wasn't why she'd left him. Going back to Sinister. . . the deal with Apocalypse. She hadn't ended it because of that although they hadn't won him any favors.
Belladonna looked surprised. "I loved him for a real long time." She said. "But he ain't good. Not for himself or anyone else." Rogue was quiet. "He doesn't mean to be. I know he doesn't. He's not a bad person. . . he's just careless and he makes bad choices. One after another and he thinks they're his alone to make but they effect other people and then when someone gets hurt he sits there wondering how the hell it happened."
Rogue was quiet. It was true. Remy always made decisions with the best of intentions. Sinister, Apocalypse, Sinister again but they always ended badly and she was right even more because people did get hurt. Innocent people. The morlocks, Belladonna, Rogue herself. People fell in love with him and that never ended well. She had even heard that Wolverine had kicked him out of the X-Men.
She was sure Remy deserved it. She had heard he had tried to rob Tony Stark. He knew mutant human relations were constantly at risk and he knew that he was a high profile mutant. He never cared about that. She thought he had always been uncaring about how mutants were perceived. Maybe that was unfair. Maybe he did care but he sure never acted like it.
Belladonna watched her face. "You ain't happy knowin' I'm right." She said.
Rogue looked down at her plate. "You come here so we could shit talk him?"
She shrugged. "I just was wonderin' why you two split. I thought maybe he'd found something better with you." She looked at Rogue seriously. "I hated you. You know that? I hated you from the bottom of my heart. Even while I was hating him."
"I know you did."
There was a bitter laugh. "We had a time though, didn't we? You X-Men. . . my Assassins. I'm sorry you got dragged into it."
Rogue was surprised. "You don' hate me any more?"
"Part of me always will. Just like part of me will always love him. You think you'll ever fall in love again?"
Rogue was thrown by the question. She thought maybe Belladonna had been searching for someone to talk to. "I don't know."
"I gave up love. I'm the leader of the Assassins Guild. That is my marriage." She laughed a short dark laugh. "My second love." She looked down for a moment. "But loving him was something, wasn't it?" Her voice turned sentimental.
Rogue thought about all of the times she had known in her heart that she loved Remy and she understood. "Yeah." It hurt to think about.
"You still love him, don't you?"
She didn't respond. She didn't have to and she knew it.
Belladonna smiled. "Lovin' him was like having the whole world in your heart. Like every day was golden and perfect and even if it wasn't. . . he was. And the sex. . . ain't nothin like it in the world." A shiver went down Rogue's back at the mention just as her heart hurt at the mention of love. "Gettin a man who's good at sex. . . well a man you don't have to teach to be good at it. . . that doesn't happen too often." She paused. "My God, he almost seems perfect. Doesn't he? Just until you been around him for long enough. Then you start to see that it's not all sunshine and charm. Start to see he's just a man. Not the worst. . . they never are but him. . . he makes you think he's more and then you find out he isn't. You find out he's just a man and it breaks your heart and it's almost more than you can take. He didn't have to fight my brother. . . that was two boys butting heads and it ended the way it ended. My brother was a fool and Remy was a fool for fighting him. For fighting him and expecting a different ending. Then he left me and after that it seemed like he just kept on leavin' me. My heart broke every time 'cause that sweet kid I loved so much was just a man after all. Same faults as any of the others."
"He's done a lot of bad things. I know he didn't mean to do most of them. . ." Rogue said, speaking at last.
"But he did them just the same, didn't he?"
"Yeah and then he goes and tried to find a short cut to redemption and blows it all to hell all over again."
Belladonna nodded. "He's just a boy. You know they always are. Men. They're always boys underneath. They grow up but just the same part of 'em is still the kid they were. Remy had to grow up fast he and I both did. Maybe you did too, I don't know. I reckon so. I reckon we all got short childhoods and none of them were exactly what they should have been. But it doesn't excuse anything."
Rogue nodded again. "I go to sleep and I still love him. Does that make me weak?"
"No child. I don't think so. It makes you human. There are nights I still love him. Nights my heart breaks cause he's not there in bed next to me. Cause he's not touching me. Nights I imagine I can feel his hand on my arm. On my cheek. I think there always will be. I think when you love someone like him you love them so totally that it can't ever leave you."
Rogue felt her heart break some more because she knew just what Belladonna as talking about. Hell, she could touch people now and all she wanted some nights was to touch him.
"Maybe it's selfish of me but I hope some day you two work through your bull shit because I think you two were born to be together. I think you two love each other the way I once thought he and I loved each other."
"After everything you've said?"
"Oh shoot, it's like I said: he's not a bad man. He's just trying to be good and he's not good at it. He needs someone to show him how. It's petulant and pathetic but it's what he needs. He always gets himself into trouble. Sleeps with the wrong woman. . . makes the wrong guy mad. . . trusts the wrong person. He brings it on himself and he deserves it half the time but you never feel like he does. I never do. I tried but I couldn't."
"I don't know if I want to love him again."
Belladonna smiled. "Shoot girl, you gotta quite before you can do it again. And he's not the kind of man you can ever quite. Something about him you just fall in love with and hell, he'll fall in love right back."
Rogue nodded. "Guess so."
"Well. . . I'm not telling you what you gotta do. Just what I hope you'll do. Slap the crap outa him if you have to just love him in the end." She broke into a grin. "You ever heard the song Stand by Your Man? One of the worst country songs ever written but it makes me think of him sometimes. There's one line. . . cause after all, he's just a man. Don't excuse anything but it's true."
Rogue laughed. "I know the song."
They laughed for a moment and it dawned on Rogue that she never in all her dreams thought she'd be sitting at a table laughing with Belladonna Bourdreaux. Least of all that the woman would be telling her to love Remy.
"I was jealous of you." He admitted.
Belladonna looked at her, the laughter dying from her eyes. "And I was of you. I think part of me this minute is glad you were jealous. Glad you felt threatened. But I don't think I mean you any malicious will. We've both loved the same man and we've both lost him. That brings women together. Doesn't make 'em friends. . . don't even make 'em like each other but it brings 'em together. Gives 'em common ground. Hell, it's probably what makes up hate each other."
"You miss him and I miss him and we both still love him. I don't think he has a right makin' us feel like this." Rogue smiled a little at her own words. "He's a bastard."
"He is indeed. Boy can't keep it in his pants and he doesn't know when to stop talking but he's just a man and he's no better or worse than anyone else. Well. . . maybe a little more worse. But it's like we said: he doesn't mean to be and deep down he's not. You see him again, you help him do good. You hear me? Cause he needs to do good he just don't know how."
Rogue nodded. "I won't ask you to do the same but I'll say thanks. Maybe some day Remy and I will work it out. I don't know if I want to but I'll keep an open mind."
The two women looked at each other and felt the closest thing to liking each other they had ever felt. Then Belladonna turned away and was gone and Rogue payed the check, head filled with thoughts about Remy and all of his faults and all of his virtues and everything that made him just a man and everything that made him seem like so much more and she knew. . . just a small part of her knew that she would never stop loving him.
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marvelheroperil · 5 years
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Gambit is forced to choose of which woman he has to sacrifice to Candra - Rogue or Belladonna. Fortunately, Gambit chooses the third option and works himself to free Rogue, Belladonna and himself out of the bindings by spitting out the charged ball bearings. 
- Mr and Mrs X #12, 2019
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novinare · 11 months
spinning the muse roulette wheel! // accepting
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📘 for a random headcanon
If they could have any eye color, which color would they choose and why?
Eye colour is a funny thing with Belle! Her own are the same blue as her mother's-- it was something she and her brother both inherited from her. And for that reason, Belle would never change them.
They're a part of her, like her blonde hair, or her training.
But all of her children have their father's eyes... They're a bright, demonic red. The kind of eyes that make people do a double take, and ask uncomfortable questions.
It would have been easy to wish that her children had inherited her eyes, because living with a visible mutation makes life harder.
But those eyes are as much a part of Remy as his sharp wit or his powers.
And she would never wish away part of her children.
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Mr. and Mrs. X #012, “The Lady & the Tiger - Part Two”
Art by Javier Piña and Frank D’Armata
Written by Kelly Thompson
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
peep show || accepting 
could kill anyone in this room with a pencil. -- @badmusesdoitwell ( barda & belladonna ) 
“No you can’t,” Barda said, putting down her beer, “because I’m in this room, and not only would I make you regret ever picking up the pencil,” she said, fixing a smile on her face, “You couldn’t kill me, you couldn’t kill me if you had a much larger, and stronger weapon, and I’m in the room. So ... it sounds like you can’t kill anyone in this room. Period.” 
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lcdiablcblanc-moved · 5 years
Me: Remy really did love Belladonna so much, she was his first friend, his first everything && bigotry && gang politics separated them.
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