#bellamy blake x male!reader
starboye · 1 month
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pairing: bellamy blake x male reader
request: heyy i have a request! if ur not too busy with some other ones. my idea was a bellamy blake smut from the 100. where bellamy and male reader have hard core sex, with reader having a daddy kink and is a femboy. they have to have sex in some random forest bc reader is too loud.
warnings: smut, daddy kink, rough sex, fucked unconscious, cursing, unprotected sex
you and bellamy were originally supposed to be out looking for supplies to bring back to camp but now instead bellamy was looking for the best way to get you to cum but you didn't mind, i mean you were the one who was flaunting your ass all in front of him, looking all plump and fuckable so much that he just wanted to pump all his cum in you, his thoughts not mine.
"bellamy we have to get back to camp before they get worried" you say as youre getting your guts rearranged by the man, your face planted to the ground, knees sore and ass aching because bellamy couldn't keep his dick in his pants "come on no one'll notice that we're gone" bellamy huskily says "well then can you cum already" you moan "you want me to fill you up" bellamy teases pulling you up by your shirt, your back now firmly rested on his sweaty chest.
"at this point please" you whine as your hole gets even more brutally assaulted by his dick "you could take a couple more minutes right" he hums kissing your neck "no i don't think i could" you moan feeling your legs go weak, "c'mon just for daddy will you" bellamy asks softly, turning your head to look at him and kissing you while slowing his thrusts to get you too agree, and you nod your head slowly, falling into his well thought out trap.
bellamy proceeded to fuck you for the next three hours out in the middle of the woods, moaning his name out into the empty woods "who does this hole belong to baby" bellamy asks huffing after the hours of sex "you daddy only you" you whimper "that's right and who can only make you feel this good " yo- you... daddy" you trail off "want me to load up this hole again" bellamy roughly asks "please i want it so bad" you plea rutting your hips into his and tightening your hole to get his cum.
"fuck that's my good boy" bellamy chokes out gripping your waist before he cums in you "so messy" bellamy mutters swiping up some of the cum that dropped out of your sloppy hole "now lets get you back home" bellmay says with a grunt as he picks you up bridal style and carried you back to camp.
everyone ran to your side wondering what happend and why you were unconscious but all bellamy answered with was "he just tuckered himself out from walking all day" but everyone knew he had fucked you silly
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat
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iliumheightnights · 6 months
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Bellamy stopped the conversation with Murphy's group to give him the only rule he had. "I don't care what you do, just don't touch my sister or M/n."
Murphy looked a bit confused. "M/n?" He turned to look at the other guy who was off not paying attention to the conversation. Instead he was looking at nearby plants. "Oh I get it. And if we do?"
Bellamy quickly and roughly grabbed Murphy by the jacket. "Then the Ark will know you didn't last long."
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
we need to talk about this.
we could hang out outside of this arrangement, you know.
Bellamy Blake
we need to talk about this.
we could hang out outside of this arrangement, you know.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
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You dipped your hands into the stream, feeling the cool water run over your skin and wash away the bits of bark and dirt that'd been left behind. You could still feel the imprints from keeping your hands pressed against the rough wood of the tree, a soft sigh escaping you as you raised your hands from the water and traced the imprints with your fingertip. Leaves and sticks crunched loudly behind you, prompting you to stand and face Bellamy. He fumbled with his pants, chest still rising and falling as if he'd run a marathon.
"I don't understand how you can recover so quickly." He chuckled, finally buttoning and zipping them up.
"I was raised to be a fighter, Bellamy. A warrior." You raised your brows at him, unable to contain the smug grin from spreading across your face. "Maybe you should start training more often. Helps with stamina." 
"Yeah, yeah," He scoffed playfully and leaned in, fingers digging into your sides as he pulled you closer to him. Clingy, like a child who constantly wanted to be held. You tilted your head back, breaking away from the kiss and chuckling softly. 
"You should head back. It won't be pretty if either of us are caught with each other." You reminded him, rolling your eyes when he groaned quietly and dropped his forehead onto your shoulder. You pressed your hands against his chest and lightly pushed him. "Come on, Bellamy. It'd be a shame if your pretty face went to waste."
"We could hang out outside of this arrangement, you know," Bellamy said, tilting his head to brush his lips over the side of your neck before he raised it to look at you. 
"Arrangement?" You repeated with a soft laugh, brows furrowing when his face remained serious. You stared at him in disbelief, your hands dropping to your sides and lips remaining parted. Lincoln would surely laugh if he even caught a glimpse of your face. "My people despise yours, and for good reason. There is... no need for us to 'hang out' or even speak after we have our fun."
"We need to talk about this, (Y/N). You seriously want to deny there's nothing between us? We've been doing this for nearly two weeks! We've been lying to others, to family." 
"What, as if you don't fool around with other Skaikru? This is the problem with you people. You think everything you touch belongs to you." You groaned, pushing him back and turning on your heel to pick up your bow and quiver. You slung the quiver over your shoulder and scoffed softly, fingers curling tightly around the bow. "I helped you when you were caught in that trap because I felt sorry for you. You returned the favor by not killing me when I was hunting. We didn't help each other for- for love. There was an understanding, a trade. And then, we began trading pleasure, and that's what it was always about, Bellamy. Pleasure. A break from the chaos. If things changed for you, then I'm sorry. But falling for the enemy is worse than sleeping with them."
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Awkward ~ B.B.
A/n: No idea if this is out of character or not but I had fun keeping it short and sweet for once so i hope yall enjoy!
Request: “Bellamy Blake x Male reader, him and Bellamy already having a relationship but breaking up a little bit before they were sent down and reader being cold and not his happy self” by anon
Word Count: 1800+
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Bellamy counted himself lucky to have met his boyfriend.
Even if they were going to end like this.
It was one of those familiar loves. The kind that take forever to build, and then last forever. The kind that took parts of you and changed them, rearranged them, and left you irrevocably changed. The kind that made a home in the center of your soul, carving the shape of a person that could never be filled by any other person ever again. The kind of love that redefined home. It was a slow burn, but strong. Inevitable.
And then it was over.
Bellamy knew that he would have stayed on this ship with his boyfriend if Y/n had asked... and he couldn't chance that. It was better anyway to leave Y/n hating him so that when he disappeared, his now ex boyfriend wouldn't worry about him or wonder if he was okay. This way, it was better for everyone. And Bellamy kept that resolve as he laid out his plan to get onto the ship with Octavia and all the way down to Earth where they could all be free and happy. If he had to leave his boyfriend, he would. For his sister. She was what mattered.
And then Y/n showed up on the ship anyway.
Bellamy almost didn't recognize him. It hadn't been long, no matter how it had felt like ages, but Y/n was completely different. His style choice had changed, his demeanor, the way he impacted the world around him - all of it was wrong. Once Y/n had been a blazing fire, a bright light. He had been a breath of fresh air, coloring the world with pink and yellow and giving Bellamy a sliver of positivity and comfort in a world Bellamy had for so long thought was too cold and broken to give up anything good anymore. Now...
Y/n was distant, quiet. He faded into the background. He didn't make eye contact with anyone, and if he did then they were quick to scatter and give him room. He was intimidating. Scary. The only reason Bellamy even clocked him was because Y/n had stepped up to side with Clarke as she and Bellamy began to butt heads for who would be in charge. It would have been surprising, if not for their history. And the fact that Bellamy had been sleeping around every moment he had since he'd gotten to Earth,
The problem was that Bellamy had made a promise to himself. Earth wouldn't just be an escape from prison - it would be an escape from life on that god forsaken ship. He came here to be free - really free. Liberated. He wanted people to see all the things this place had to offer and how amazing it was to not have any of the adults to drag them down. He needed to spend every minute convincing people they wanted and even needed to be on Earth by themselves. Completely separate from society.
He didn't want to sleep with these women. He didn't want to lead. He wanted to be alone with his sister and be free and happy, and more than anything he wanted to fall into Y/n's arms and break into tears and tell him everything and get that smile back on his face. Where it belonged.
But he stuck to plan anyway.
Predictably, that decision made everything so much worse.
Bellamy knew he'd maybe gone a little too far, being too protective of Octavia, when she shoved him one day and told him to fuck himself. The next time Bellamy saw her, she was with Y/n and they were talking in gentle, low voices. Y/n had always been better with Octavia than Bellamy was, and now it showed. Even as this darker, more reserved version of himself he still managed to make Octavia smile. She seemed to make him ease in return, but that smile that was so often on his face before coming to Earth still didn't make an appearance. 
As things started to go wrong, it was becoming very quickly more and more obvious that Clarke was the better leader - especially with Y/n as her second. It had happened mostly on accident; there just wasn't anyone Clarke trusted with responsibility... or really trusted at all. Y/n proved himself again and again, encouraging Clarke to trust him more and more - so as she rose, so did he. There was something about Y/n trusting her that seemed to convince everyone to at least listen. Y/n joked that he was big and scary and had scary dog privileges and the fact that she'd 'tamed him' was why everyone was keen on listening to her. Clarke always rolled her eyes at that.
Bellamy didn't find it funny, but Octavia did, and she took every chance to tease Clarke and Y/n for being a match made in Heaven. A perfect duo. The leader of the masses and her loyal guard dog. Y/n and Clarke found it amusing enough so they never discouraged her.
It bothered Bellamy even more.
Tensions began to rapidly build. Y/n and Bellamy were more often chest to chest, nose to nose, staring each other down with malice in their eyes, and only Clarke and Octavia were able to rip the two boys apart. The sheer amount of energy between them delivered some kind of message, and the impression began to grow that there was something between them. Octavia knew, but she wasn't about to out her brother, who had never wanted to come out, or throw Y/n under the bus for getting his heart absolutely shattered by Bellamy.
Unfortunately there was only so much avoiding each other that could happen when a poisonous fog rolled through the forest, horribly killing anyone who got caught in it. In the chaos to scramble, Y/n got shoved and fell. If not for Bellamy stopping and pulling him into a close by little cove, Y/n would have died. It maybe should have prevented the hostility from being as high as it was, as quickly as it was... alas...
Y/n and Bellamy were arguing after about ten minutes. Both of them had forgotten what had started it in another ten minutes, because it wasn't soon before the real issue came out. With no one there to stop them, their back and forth devolved until the source of it all came to the surface.
"I'm sure you'll be overjoyed when this whole thing ends and you can go back to your girlfriend," Bellamy shot at his ex.
Y/n sneered, lips pulling back over bared teeth. This is always what drove Octavia and Clarke to pull them apart: the two boys looks like they were about to kill each other. They'd never fought before, let alone like this, but even now... they wouldn't hurt each other, and that's what even Octavia was missing. At least with their fists. Y/n didn't pull back now as he spat back, "Are you talking about Clarke? God, how old are you? She's not my girlfriend."
"You look pretty friendly." Bellamy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Because we're friends!" Y/n's voice bounced off the walls as it rose into a scream, the increased volume only setting Bellamy more on edge.
"Then why are you constantly following her around like a lost puppy? Did you lose your self respect after we broke up?"
Y/n finally snapped. "I LOST EVERYTHING WHEN WE BROKE UP!" There was a ringing silence after those words. They seemed to hang in the air, and Bellamy's eyes widened as he realized there were tears streaming down Y/n's face. He couldn't move, couldn't even breathe, not knowing he had made Y/n cry. Y/n was the first one to find his voice. "I lost everything when you broke up with me. And I had to take everything I was suddenly missing completely and make something new of hollow, broken pieces. I only chose Clarke because I refused to choose you. Not again - never again. You did this. You don't get to be mad about it."
Bellamy scoffed. "I'm not mad about it." Y/n sucked in a breath to start arguing again but Bellamy had had enough. "I'm jealous."
Y/n produced a sound that was half a scoff and half a laugh. "Please. What do you have to be jealous of?"
Suddenly exhausted, all Bellamy had left was the truth. "I knew I had to get on this ship and come to Earth with Octavia. I knew I had to be free, even if it was toxic down here. Even if it killed me. I couldn't be alive in a world where I would always be the one who got to live. Not when she was killed for being born after me. I... couldn't." Y/n's words never came. He just sighed, leaning against the wall with an irritated thud. He had heard the rant before. He knew where this was going. Or, so he thought. Bellamy's next words caught him off guard. "I could never ask you to make that sacrifice. But, if you knew, you'd have agreed. Even if it would kill you. And I also couldn't let my trauma be the death of you either. Not when it was already the end of me and my sister."
Eyes wide, Y/n looked at him. There was something else in his face than that empty gloominess. Something... akin to hope. "You can't do this to me. Not now."
Bellamy closed his eyes. "I'm sorry."
"No-" Y/n pushed off the wall, shaking his head. "You don't get my forgiveness now. Not after everything! It's not fair!"
Bellamy's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry."
"NO!" Y/n yelled, grabbing his shirt by the collar. Bellamy's lips parted to apologize and Y/n slammed him against the cave wall, face twisted with rage. "Don't. Say. It. Again."
For a moment, it seemed like he wouldn't. Then, ever so softly, he whispered, "I'm sorry."
Immediately Y/n's face crumbled. He searched Bellamy's face, demanding to see anything other than what he was seeing. Regret. Sincerity. And love.
There was only one way to know for sure.
Y/n kissed Bellamy. He was immediately hit with how eagerly Bellamy kissed back. It was like, despite everything, anything that could have ruined this moment didn't matter. People had died, they were losing numbers, going hungry. This place was so much harder than they thought and everything was out to kill them. People they knew nothing about, couldn't even see, or a landscape that crept slowly and attacked when you least expected it. Time and space and heartbreak -
And in this moment it was just them.
When Y/n leaned back, he was smiling. Really smiling. "You're an idiot. I can't believe I love you."
Bellamy melted in relief. He pulled Y/n close and even with how impossible it had all seemed, it had worked out. "I am an idiot," he agreed. Y/n chuckled and Bellamy closed his eyes to hear the sound. The sound he never thought he'd be blessed enough to hear ever again. Maybe if Y/n could still smile and laugh, and Bellamy could still get the boy, anything could happen. Maybe there was still a chance in this ruined world. Even as dire as it seemed... maybe hope could be allowed.
Just a little. Just enough.
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gayaristocrat · 11 months
Not a request but imagine Big Booty!Bellamy's backshots sounding like bongos. I'm talking their neighbors can hear whenever they're going at it. The sound just echoing.
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Bellamy’s backshots are the wildest things to ever be heard. Not only does the noise of Bellamy’s ass clapping echo throughout the bedroom but it also can be heard in the entire apartment. The sloppy slapping can even be heard through the walls where your neighbors can even hear it.
M/N is so oblivious to the fact that the neighbors can hear it because every noise complaint letter they’ve taped to the door ends up being snatched up and shredded by Bellamy. M/N is easily embarrassed at things, so Bellamy just knows that if M/N finding out about the neighbors hearing them then he’d be completely mortified.
One time Bellamy even went as far to play the song bongos in the background and makes M/N fuck him to the beat of the song.
Ultimately no matter what they do, the sound of skin slapping against skin and the headboard of the bed slamming against the wall will always get heard by everyone around. Bellamy just simply dosent give a shit about how loud you two are, if the neighbors don’t like it then they can simply just plug their ears at night or just simply get use to it.
Bellamy just loves knowing the fact that those jealous neighbors can hear every slap and every clap he gets from his booty addicted boyfriend. If they have a problem with it so bad then they can speak to Bellamy himself about it.
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hazashiovo · 8 months
Bellamy's sister
Octavia Blake x reader
Inspired by "Stacy's Brother" by Mad Tsai ,I just love his songs and I hope he will become a big artist some day.
Reader is whatever you want them to be.
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I've been hanging out with Bellamy. Everybody thinks we're dating,
"(Name) ,can you come over here for a sec?" Bellamy's voice rose as he opened his tent up.
Cause I spent my days hanging 'round his tent,
"Yeah ,what's up?" I enter his personal tent,looking around for a few seconds. Just the two of us inside. He signs for me to move towards him, which I do quickly.
He's one of our camp leaders,one of our best fighters and he's the said 'king',
He moves closer to me , pointing at a place on the little makeshift map of the camp surroundings,his body inches away from my back,I can feel it. His breath ghosts over my neck as he leans in to explain some plan to me.
When we train together he takes off his shirt,
"C'mon ,you can do better than that." He grins smugly at me as I wipe some sweat of my face, were both sweaty, especially him. So he took his shirt off, totally not a show of. I chuckle to myself at that tought. "As if you would know ,Blake." I roll my eyes and lounge at him for an attack again,wich he easily dodges and pins me to the ground,my hands on both sides of my torso,his tighs straddling me. His face has that stupid smirk on it again. "We both know you can do much more than that." I look away from his face ,I can't just can't stand that look.
But I got a secret I must confess,
Bellamy allows me to stand up,a few jokes are said before a sudden silence looms over us. He leans in closer ,I can feel his hand on my waist...shit.
it's not his smile or the way he acts,
Our faces are mere inches away. "Bellamy i- ..I can't." I push his chest away, turning around eagerly, a feeling of guilt bubbling up in my chest. I couldn't bare to see his expression,so I just left like a coward.
He's not the reason I've been thinking 'bout love,
I'm sorry Bellamy...I really am. My eyes fall on the beautiful brunette standing by the camp fire ,even tho it's daylight we still need warmth,but the only warmth I feel is the sudden feeling in my heart and cheeks.
Every time when we hang out,I lose my cool when she's around,
"Bellamy have you seen Clarke?" His little sister enters the drop ship,her eyes falling on my frame once she notices he's not alone. Her stare makes my face warm up, a faint smile adorns her face before returning to her question.
And I don't know if this is just a crush.
Each time I get those reactions I'm contemplating my feelings, why do I feel like this? Do I really like her? What would Bellamy say?
How do I find the words to tell him...?
Octavia looks at me from across the camp,I shouldn't look her way,no ,not when Bellamy is explaining a very important plan to me...What am I supposed to do??
I'm inlove with Bellamy's sister.
I'm finally ready to accept I love her,but how am I going to tell him? It's obvious he likes me. My eyes are stuck to the sky as I think of my current situation. "Earth to (Name)? " Octavia flicks my forehead with her fingers, sending me back to reality. "Ouch,did you have to flick that hard!?" I rub my forehead, dramatizing the pain. "Want me to kiss it better? " She smiles at me ,then winks ,that smile that would send a healthy man into an hospital.i look away embarrassed at her words,I know it's a joke,but the butterflies in my stomach don't seem to get it.
Gonna spend the night at Bellamy's,
Me ,Bellamy and Octavia got stuck in an old bunker. Me and Bellamy were out on a hunting trip with a few of our guys ,but once the fog hit, Octavia found the two of us us and brought us here. Bell says we'll be stuck here for the night. Great.
Don't know why my heart's been racing,
Bellamy found a couple of blankets for us to use for now,he got the first watch,wich means me and his sister get to sleep. What I didn't know is she'd be spooning me from behind. My god ,my god ,my god! My face is probably red as a ruby,and my heart is beating like a rabbits when he's beeing chased. Does she like me? Am I getting the wrong signals? Did she just pull me in closer? Holy shit!!!
Cause the whole camp things were Gona hit the base.
"Do you know where Bellamy is? " Clarke stops in front of me. I raise a brow , surprised, she's the 3rd person to ask me about his whereabouts. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Her eyes look away,an awkward look looming on her face now. "I think everyone just assumes you're the closest to him besides Octavia," she takes a short break before continuing, "You can't blame us though, the two of you are basically inseparable." Clarke gives me a short smile ,before turning away to find Bellamy. Those words repeat themselves in my mind over and over again,are we really that close? If it's so,is it okay for me to be like this with his little sister...?
He's coming up for our training session, told he'd teach me some defense stuff,
Bellamy's been spending a lot of time training me,seems he really wants me to be stronger. I land a solid hit in his abdomen. "If you wanna do damage you gotta hit harder,lower even." He gives me a disappointed look,wich I scoff and hit again, this time with my leg,wich he catches easily.
Cause he wants to show me how to defend myself.
"Why are you so eager to hit? You have to know how to dodge, Damn it (Name)!" Bellamy seems more annoyed than usually. "We can take a break if you want to,just so you know." I rub my neck awkwardly. He runs a hand trough his dark locks before turning to me. "I just want you to be able to protect yourself, I won't allways be there." His voice sounds almost disappointed with the last statement. He looks at my face ,then at my lips before he shakes his head and leaves the training grounds.
But I got a secret I must admit,it's not his lips I want to kiss,
I giggle quietly as Octavia leads me through the green ,dark forest. She said she wants to show me something amazing,but I don't care about that,I'm just happy to be with her. We finally come to a stop. I'm ready to ask her about this right before a neon blue butterfly lands on her nose. I whiden my eyes in shock,yet the feeling is quickly replaced by admiration. "Oh my god ... How did you find this??" I almost whisper,scared I'll send the special butterfly away. O smiles,then as if on cue,the forest lights up with what seems to be thousands of butterflies,all neon blue. I didn't even notice that Octavia wasn't watching them,she had her eyes on me. I turned my gaze to her, noticing quickly how her eyes were on me already. "What,got something on my face?" I joke,hoping to ease the tension. She leans in closer, raising a hand to my cheek, cupping it softly. I feel like the time stopped,like it doesn't matter anymore,like it's just us in this world. Am I dreaming maybe? Yeah that must be it. She closes the distance between us,our lips meeting. Her soft ones on mine...this definitely feels real.
He's not the reason for the bruises 'round my neck.
Her lips trail down my neck, leaving a few kisses before her mouth returns to mine. Octavia takes the opportunity to sit in my lap,leaving kisses all over my neck and exposed collarbone.
Every time I'm sneaking out, through the back of the gate.
I step on the fallen leafs and the slightly wet ground,meeting my eyes with the smiley brunette. "What took you so long?" She lunges herself in my arms,I smile,holding her tightly. "Your brother called me in." She lets go of me, looking at me smiling. "Yeah? What'd he want?" Her hand intertwines with mine ,leading me through the forest to our usual spot. I shake my head amused at her usual behavior . "Nothin." I brush of the thoughts about Bellamy for now.
And the truth is it ain't Bellamy I undress.
I draw little circles on her belly,my head resting on her chest. Her hand loosely hangs on my back,drawing invisible shapes. We're both in our underwear,the little bunker we found while scouting being our new hanging spot when we want some alone time. " What are we doing ,O?" I sigh,not moving my position. One of my legs is over her own. "Don't think about it,not now." She kisses my forehead. We didn't even register when the bunker door opened,not until it was to late. Bellamy enters the room with his gun pointed out at us. Expecting a danger inside.
How do I find the words to tell him?
"Shit! Look away Bellamy!" Octavia almost shouts ,he tears his gaze away muttering a 'what the fuck' while me and Octavia struggle to dress ourselves. "Is this where the two of you run off to??" I ignore his words,getting pissed at my jeans zipper for not closing properly. "Fuck" I mutter anoyed,I glance over at Octavia who is already dressed. Once I'm dressed,i can't look at Bellamy,I feel like if I'd do, I would crumble to pieces.
I hooked up with Bellamy's sister.
"Care to explain what the hell is going on here?" He crosses his arms ,an angry look adorning his face,if looks can kill,I'd be so dead now. I stay quiet for a few seconds, seconds that feel like hours. "I...I don't even know what the fuck to say." I sigh dropping my head, wishing to get away from his cold , glaring eyes. "Do you know how dangerous this shit is? All alone outside the damn walls?!" He stands in front of Octavia,who doesn't look guilty,not one bit. She scoffs,anoyed. "At least when we hook up we don't do it where the whole camp hears." Her snarky reply seems to annoy Bellamy further on. His eyes then fall on me, "I was expecting so much more from you,did anything I taught you stuck in that head of yours?" Bellamy steps closer to me. I take a breath in,what am I supposed to do now??
Bellamy here's the truth, and I don't want to seem rude.
I suck a breath in," I appreciate everything you did for me,and I'm grateful,but what I do in my private life is not your business." I hold my ground, he scoffs , leaving out a sarcastic laugh. "No,it isn't. It's my business when you endenger my little sister,when you endenger yourself and our defense." He doesn't raise his voice at me,dropping his gun on the table and removing his jacket. For a second I feel like he's about to beat my ass ,but I relax once I see him slump down on the old couch. I look at Octavia,puzzled. She seems to share the same feeling.
You're not the only one on my mind...
"I'm not stupid." He starts,I sit down on the couch once I'm sure he's not going to strangle me. Octavia sits next to me, curious to what he has to say. "I'm also not blind." He looks between me and her, shaking his head amused. "We can as well wait here until the morning. It's dangerous to go out in the dark." I open my mouth to say something,yet stop myself , unable to find the right words.
I wanna be best friends ,but I don't want to pretend ,the way that I behaved is a crime.
"you...knew?" I tilt my head curious. Bellamy leaves out a small laugh. "I would be surprised if the whole camp didn't know." I look at Octavia embarrassed,yet no trace of shame lies on her face. "And you didn't say anything??" I continue on,which he just shakes his head amused. I try not to get annoyed. "I felt like shit just for feeling this way,and just now you tell me it was alright all along?!" It takes everything in my power not to strangle him, especially when he has that smile on his face.
Oh Bellamy I have to tell you,
"It was funny seeing you sweat it, each time Octavia was around. That's what you get for not coming to me straight forward. " He shrugs. "You little-" Octavia giggles, stopping me from giving a few words to her brother. I decide to calm down,happy that a big stone has been lifted off my shoulders.
I'm inlove with your little sister.
His eyes fall on me. I look at him,this time I don't feel like I'm hiding something big from him. Octavia went to sleep,leaving just me and Bellamy awake. "What are your feelings towards her?" The sudden question makes me raise my head higher.
"I'm inlove with your little sister, Bellamy."
He sighs, pleased with my answer. "Good. Take care of her for me when I'm not around." I nod eagerly. "Would die for her." He chuckles, smiling.
Phew ,this was long. I changed the og lyrics to match as best as I could,don't judge me okay?
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⋆★ word count : 691
⋆★ warnings : N/A
⋆★ summary : Bellamy and reader go on a scavenging mission, but their journey takes a turn when they stumble upon a mysterious bunker!!!
⋆★ extra : 3rd pov is the loml tbh, rewatching the 100 rn i’m only on season 1 but getting back into it fast lol
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Bellamy Blake and (M/N) roamed the desolate wasteland, their eyes keenly searching for any signs of resources that could sustain their people's survival. For days, they forged ahead, their solidarity unwavering despite the unforgiving landscape that loomed before them.
Under the scorching sun, their steps echoed through the empty plains, with only the winds of uncertainty to accompany them. The silence between them was neither awkward nor uncomfortable, but rather a testament to their unspoken bond and shared trust.
Then, in the distance, a glimmer of hope beckoned them forward. A metallic shine caught their attention, capturing their curiosity and fueling their expedition. With renewed determination, they hastened their pace, drawn to the enticing unknown ahead.
As they approached, Bellamy's eyes widened with intrigue. Before them lay a weathered and forgotten metal door, seemingly guarding secrets accumulated over years. (M/N)'s heartbeat quickened with anticipation as Bellamy, ever-vigilant, pushed the door open, revealing a hidden passage leading underground.
Guided by the soft illumination of their flashlights, they descended, their steps echoing through the dimly lit bunker. It was as if they had stumbled upon a sanctuary, untouched by time itself. The air whispered tales of survival, and the shelves lining the walls were laden with provisions, medicine, and survival gear.
Bellamy's gaze shifted between (M/N) and the precious supplies that lay before them. A flicker of relief and gratitude danced in his eyes, mirroring the emotions pulsing through both their hearts. It was more than just sustenance they had discovered; it was a sanctuary offering safety and a renewed hope for the future. After ensuring the distribution of supplies, Bellamy and (M/N) found themselves with a moment of respite inside the hidden bunker.
The shelves weren’t only lined with gear but also had forgotten gadgets, relics from the past that piqued their curiosity. An impish smile played on Bellamy's lips as he glanced at (M/N).
"Think any of these things still work?" he asked, eyes flickering with mischievous excitement. (M/N) chuckled and exchanged a knowing look, ready to indulge Bellamy's curiosity.
They began rummaging through the assortment of gadgets, dusting off the layers of neglect. Bellamy found an old cassette player, and with a glint in his eye, he pressed a button, revealing a long forgotten melody. The crackling sound of music filled the bunker, transporting them to a time before chaos had reigned.
(M/N) decided to join the fun, stumbling upon an ancient video game console. His smile widened, and he immediately plugged it in, eager to experience a sensation of gaming but it didn’t come. But turns out the old piece of junk didn’t work after 97 years untouched.
As the duo played, their competitive banter filled the air, a refreshing respite from the weight of responsibility that had been placed on their shoulders. They let go of their worries, finding solace and connection within these remnants of a world left behind.
The atmosphere in the bunker grew electric as they exchanged playful glances and lively laughter. They’re cheerful demeanours turning into something of an unspoken desire simmering beneath the surface. They moved closer, their shoulders brushing, creating sparks where their bodies touched.
With an unspoken understanding, their eyes locked, their demeanours shifting into something deeper. Slowly, they leaned in, lips meeting in a gentle, lingering kiss. As their kiss deepened, time seemed to stand still, They reveled in the sweetness of the moment, cherishing the intimacy they had found amidst the chaos outside of being on the ground.
Eventually, they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other. Their breath came in soft, synchronic rhythm, their very souls feeling anchored to one another. They smiled at eachother, taking in one another but before they got carried away they remembered what they came here for.
So with urgency and care, they gathered what they could carry, ensuring that their people would have a fighting chance in this unforgiving place. As they emerged from the depths of the bunker, the weight of their findings in their arms, Bellamy and (M/N) felt a renewed sense of something, for eachother.
Back at camp, they distributed the supplies, ensuring a fair share for all. Both giving eachother mischievous smile, before going back into Bellamy’s tent together that night.
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awritessomething · 9 months
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
David Rossi (preferably young)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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fanfics4all · 2 days
Kinktober 2024
Day 1- Temperature Play: Toy Otto x Fem!reader
Day 2- Voyeurism: Lou Chan x Male!reader
Day 3- Public Sex: Barry Allen X Fem!reader
Day 4- Sensory Deprivation: Negan x Fem!reader
Day 5- Bondage: Derek Morgan x Fem!reader
Day 6- Anonymous Sex: Jamie Hunter x Fem!reader
Day 7- Bruising/Biting: John Murphy!Vampire AU x Fem!reader
Day 8- Flogging: Oliver Queen x Fem!reader
Day 9- Food Play: Fred and George Weasley x Fem!reader
Day 10- Overstimulation: Sub!Ambrose Spellman x Dom!Fem!reader
Day 11- Knife Play: F.P. Jones x Fem!reader
Day 12- Breath Play: Savitar x Fem!reader
Day 13- Role Play: Callie Adams-Foster x Male!reader
Day 14- Gangbang: Draco Malfoy x Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott x Fem!reader
Day 15-Teasing: Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki x Fem!reader
Day 16- Cock Worshiping: Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
Day 17- Squirting: Bellamy Blake x Fem!reader
Day 18- Foot Fetish: Archie Andrews x Fem!reader
Day 19- Fisting: Caliban x Fem!reader
Day 20- Cunnilingus: Brandon Foster x Fem!reader
Day 21- Shower Sex: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Day 22- Thigh Riding: Tommy Merlyn x Fem!reader
Day 23- Breeding: Malachai x Fem!reader
Day 24- Somnophilia: Roy Harper x Fem!reader
Day 25- Pussy Slapping: Leonard Snart x Fem!reader
Day 26- Pegging: Jesus Adams-Foster x Fem!reader
Day 27- Angry Sex: Rosita Espinosa x Male!reader
Day 28- Phone Sex: Luke Alvez x Fem!reader
Day 29- Uniforms: Octavia Blake x Male!reader
Day 30- Sex Pollen: Harvey Kinkle x Fem!reader
Day 31- Cock Warming: Severus Snape x Fem!reader
Here's how the days are gonna go, hope you're all excited!
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woodandwaxwings · 2 years
if there's no link then I haven't written a fic for this fandom yet, feel free to request. Male and gender neutral reader only and I will write semi-nsfw now but nothing further than that. crossed out I no longer write for.
The Walking Dead Carl Grimes, Michonne, Ricky dicky doo da Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Tyreese Williams (More to add bc I haven't finished the show yet)
The 100 Bellamy Blake, Monty Greene, Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, King Roan, John Murphy, Raven Reyes
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children Victor Bruntley, Fiona Frauenfeld, Hugh Apiston Bronwyn Bruntley, Emma Bloom, Jacob Portman
It(2017) All of the Losers club
Alice In Borderland Kiuna Hikari, Chishiya Shuntarou, Arishu Ryohei, Ann Rizuna, Tatta Kōdai
Once Upon A Time Peter Pan, Felix, Henry Mills, Regina Mills, Emma Swan
Marauders Era (Harry Potter) Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Marlene, Dorcas
Heartbreak High Anthony Vaughn, Spencer White, Malakai Mitchell, (more to be added)
The Order
One Piece (Live Action) Luffy D. Monkey, Sanji Vinsmoke
Dead Boy Detectives Charles Rowland, Edwin Payne, Niko, Monty
My Babysitter's a Vampire
sarah rq
Fic Reccomendations
Full Fanfics
Candy Hearts (Quinn Fabray x Male Reader)
Shut Me Up (Kitty Wilde x Male Reader)
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denim-devil · 2 years
Yall um…Bellamy Blake- 😳✋
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maihkun · 3 years
Hi this is my first story so I hope you like it.
Bellamy x Male reader
Made by: Me
Warning: Smut
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Summary:This is jealous hardcore daddy Bellamy M/M was drunk and a girl was flirting with him and Bellamy got jealous.
M/M was to drunk to walk so his sat down then a girl walk up to him and sat on his lap “hey handsome boy you single?” Bellamy was look at the girl sitting of M/M lap “Yes I I’m.” he said the girl smile and said “Do you want to date me?”. She heard someone behind her, she turn back and it was Bellamy he grab M/M arm and drag him into a tent “The the hell are you doing?” M/M ask “I’m going to fuck you to show you who you belong to.” Bellamy said he begins to make out with M/M and they both stared to take of their clothes Bellamy started to kiss your neck you started to moan “shh don’t be loud you don’t want everyone to hear” he line his dick to your hole “I want you to beg me to fuck your hole~.” Bellamy said “Please fuck me Bellamy~.” You beg him he slam into you you moan loud he begged to thrust you into you hard but slow a tear ran down your face “Bellamy please go faster~.” He grinned and started to thrusted into you faster after a few thrusted you both reach your climax.
“Look like your not single anymore” he smile M/M blushed “I love you.” Bellamy said “I love you too bell” M/M said
I hope you guys enjoy it I know it bad but leave other request I can do anime too
Sayonara~ 😊
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iliumheightnights · 1 year
I don't have a prompt, but I wanted to let you know there is absolutely interest for more bellamy blake x male reader
Well, that's good to know! I'll have to get to work then! I've missed writing Bellamy and I love him! I'll have to put something together for yall.
For now, here's a little something.
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Bellamy caught his boyfriend looking at him and smiled. "What?"
"Nothing." M/n said with a smile of his own. "It's just...we've seen so much. Earth. Grounders. Mount Weather. Even traveled through space. And yet, somehow you're still the most incredible sight."
Bellamy's smile only grew upon hearing that. Leave it to his boyfriend to be a sap. He approached the other man and held him in his arms. "I can say the same to you. How did I get so lucky?"
"You just got stuck with me."
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Hainofa Chilnes
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Request: Yes or No
Thinking about how Lincoln was 20+ and Octavia was 17 when they got together. The title is supposed to mean sum in Trig. I'm sure someone will figure it out.
This means they're speaking Trig
"300 hundred dead, (Y/N). 300 hundred of our people." You turned away from the balcony, looking at Lexa. She stared down at the table, features tense. Her knuckles were beginning to turn white from how hard she gripped the table. You approached her, placing a hand on her back to calm her.
"Lexa, get some rest."
"Blood must have blood, (Y/N). The people they killed, the people they burned alive... They had families. Families that'll want justice." Lexa looked at you, a fire in her eyes.
"I'll go check on Indra and Anya. I'll make sure things are being handled and if they have a plan, I can help them."
"You know what these people are capable of-"
"Yes, I know. I've been trained by Indra, Titus, and you. I can protect myself, Lexa. It's not your job to protect me anymore. I'm an adult." You spoke softly, gently taking her hand. Lexa swallowed, gaze softening. Her shoulders slowly relaxed.
"I know and... It scares me." Lexa breathed out, letting out a deep sigg. She met your eyes again, smiling and placing a hand on your cheek. 
"Come back as soon as possible. If you can-"
"Find as much information on these people as possible while making sure not to get hurt. I know, Lexa." You pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"If you get hurt-"
"I won't but if I do, try not to burn down the forest." You grinned, grabbing your sword and sliding it in its sheath. Lexa rolled her eyes, fighting back a smile as she dismissed you with a flick of her wrist. You stepped out of her room, heading down the hall. You spotted Titus as he turned the corner, giving him a nod.
"When are you gonna stop calling me that?"
"When you stop acting like one. Where are you headed?" Titus questioned, eyeing your attire. 
"Tondc. I want to help anyone who needs it against this new threat." You responded. Titus hummed, nodding.
"Be careful of the Reapers. It'd be a shame if we lost you." 
"All that training gone to waste."
"Precisely." You scoffed, a smile tugging at your lips. Titus patted your arm, resuming down the hall. 
You listened to the sound of birds chirping, smiling softly. You were glad whoever was following you hadn't attacked yet. They were inexperienced, stepping on twigs and making the brush rustle. Indra and Titus would've had your head if you had been as sloppy as them. You reached Tondc, sliding off your horse and walking down the path as Indra and her men headed out. 
"(Y/N), what a lovely surprise," Indra called, voice monotone but you saw the way her eyes lit up at the sight of you. "We could use a hand." You hummed, letting one of the men take the reins and lead your horse away. 
"Who's my follower?"
"A dead girl," Indra responded in english, giving a nod to her men. You turned your head, just in time to see the girl turn and bolt as some of Indra's men chased after her.
"Octavia Kom Skaikru. She's persistent, I'll give her that. She's Lincoln's girlfriend." Indra explained as you faced her once more. Your lips parted to speak but Indra beat you to it, eyes narrowing.
"He's a traitor, (Y/N)."
"How's Heda?" Indra interrupted, moving forward. You fell in line, smiling down at Artigas as he gently bumped against you. 
"Lexa's fine. If things get worse, she might just come down and take care of things herself. Anya has yet to report back to us so... Here I am." 
"Our savior." Artigas cooed playfully, chuckling as you ruffled his hair. 
"Where exactly are we going?" You asked, moving forward to walk alongside Indra. 
"To get our people back. Nyko and Lincoln were taken by the Reapers." Indra responded, glancing at you. 
"Exactly." Indra let an amused smile slip before it was replaced by her stoic face. 
The walk was long and boring but with the return of the sky girl, it got interesting. You could see her pass by, using trees as cover. She was quick and smart but too obvious.
"You were right." You said quietly. "She's persistent but brave. There's a reason Lincoln likes her so-"
"Don't worry. She'll be joining us soon." Indra moved to a place where everyone could rest before going over the plan. You turned your head, snorting as the bushes rustled. 
"So, I'm the bait?" Artigas asked.
"No, you're a warrior. She's the bait." Indra turned her head in the direction of Octavia. You watched her rise, a nervous look in her eyes yet her words said the opposite.
"I am not afraid." 
"You will be." Indra looked away from her as you approached her. Octavia took a step back, grip on her sword tightening. You reached a hand up. 
"I'm a friend of Lincolns. If he trusts you, it's for a reason." You smiled softly. Octavia's shoulders relaxed, glancing at Indra and the others before she grabbed your hand, carefully stepping through the brush. You released her hand and walked back to the tree you had been leaning against. 
"We know their path. You'll be the distraction. Easy, right?" Indra cocked a brow. Octavia swallowed, nodding as she glanced at you. She trusted too easily. Or perhaps she trusted Lincoln too much. 
"Let's move," Octavia watched Indra walk away before looking at you. 
"How do you know Lincoln?"
"I was raised in Tondc for most of my childhood. Lincoln is a childhood friend. I'll try to see if I can help him." Octavia let out a sigh of relief, nodding. 
"Thank you." 
"Don't thank me just yet." You quickened your pace, catching up with Indra. Indra didn't have to speak for you to know she'd be giving you the lecture of a lifetime once you were alone. 
"Octavia Kom Skaikru." Indra stopped and faced the girl. "Time for you to be bait." 
"Alright." Octavia swallowed, laying in the trail. You and the others hid in the brush, waiting for them to get close enough. Once they did, everyone sprung up, taking out the Reapers. Octavia took off the hoods of those captured, getting to the last one. 
"Nyko." You quickly approached him, cutting the rope and letting him go. 
"Where's Lincoln? Was he with you?" Octavia asked. Nyko gave a solemn stare and shook his head. Octavia stumbled back, eyes watering as her breath quickened. 
"We'll find him." You assured her, continuing to cut the rest of the people free. You gently grabbed Octavia by the shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze.
"You proved yourself, Octavia. You helped us get our people back and for that, you'll live." You told her. Octavia's brows furrowed, head raising. She turned to look at Indra, exhaling softly when Indra nodded in agreement. She looked back at you, lips trembling.
"Thank you." 
"(Y/N), let's go." You glanced back at Indra, sighing. 
"I'll take her back home. I'll join you later." You called back. Indra's brows rose. You'd be getting the lecture of a lifetime.
"You don't have to-"
"You might encounter more of my people on your way. It's better I go with you." You explained, giving her arm a squeeze. Octavia gave a tired smile, nodding.
"You're definitely Lincoln's friend." You chuckled, giving a light shrug.
"I think he learned a thing or two from me." You winked, motioning for her to lead the way. Octavia turned around, beginning to walk forward.
"Are you and Indra close?" She asked, hands raising to tie some of her hair back. 
"She's my... adoptive mother." 
"Oh.." Octavia frowned. "Are your parents...?"
"Dead? Possibly. I don't... I don't remember them. They were Trikru but I was sent to Indra to train when I was little. I guess my parents chose not to tag along." 
"I know what it's like. My mother was floated," Octavia told you. "Because of me."
"Killed. Back in space, you couldn't have more than one child. Biologically, anyways. Some people adopted those who lost their parents. I lost my mom and was arrested." You furrowed your brows, glancing at her.
"What for?"
"I have an older brother named Bellamy." You hummed softly, nodding.
"I'm sorry." Octavia shook her head.
"I've.. I've come to terms with it. At least I knew her. I have good and bad memories of her." Octavia gently touched your arm. "Maybe your parents are alive. You could look for them." 
"I doubt my father wasn't among the warriors your people burned." Octavia looked away, a frown on her face as she kept her gaze on the ground. 
"I don't blame you for the acts of your people. Innocents don't deserve to suffer for actions they didn't commit." You cut her off, watching her shoulders slump in relief. 
"I'll make sure to tell my people-" The sound of gunshots captured your attention. You and Octavia fell silent, listening to the sounds. 
"This way." Octavia grabbed your wrist, pulling you along without a second thought. You came across a hill, seeing the arrows being shot at a group of people by the cliff. Octavia quickly reached for the horn, fumbling a bit before blowing into it. The arrows stopped and Octavia's people were able to get back to what they were doing. 
"Come on." She went down the hill, pushing through the bushes until she saw a guy and girl being pulled up. 
"Bellamy.." She breathed, a smile breaking out on her face. Bellamy rushed forward, embracing Octavia. 
"I should get going." You said, noticing others eyeing you. In their eyes, you were a threat.
"Who are you?"
"This is (Y/N), a friend of Lincolns," Octavia explained, pulling back. "He helped me."
"Where are our people?" You blinked, brows furrowing. The guy stepped closer, fists clenching as his eyes narrowed.
"Your people?" 
"They were taken-"
"Finn, he doesn't know." Octavia cut in, glaring at him. Finn's features hardened, glaring at Octavia before he turned to Bellamy. Bellamy placed a hand on Octavia's back.
"I haven't been here since your people arrived. I've got a life outside these woods but I could figure out where they are. It'd take some time though." You offered, shrugging. Not as if you had anything better to do.
"We don't have time," Finn muttered, turning away. Bellamy cleared his throat, stepping into your line of sight.
"Thank you for helping my sister. I'm Bellamy." He extended his hand. You glanced at Octavia before taking it. He seemed grateful to have Octavia by his side. It reminded you of Lexa.
"Shaking hands with the enemy. Great idea." The one with light eyes said, scoffing.
"I'm not your enemy. If anything, I want peace. We don't need a war but if you provoke me then a war you'll get." You responded, raising a brow. "Is that what you want?"
"No, no, none of us want that. Isn't that right, Murphy?" Bellamy sent his friend a sharp look. He turned back towards you, gaze softening. 
"Good. I'll see you around, Octavia. If I find Lincoln, I'll send him your way." You stepped back but a hand clutched your arm. You looked down at Bellamy's hand.
"Sorry." He apologized quietly, releasing you. "We could use your help. If our people see that not all Grounders are savages-"
"If that's all your people think of us then maybe the problem is them, not us. Even if I wanted to, I can't. I've already helped enough and if Heda finds out, I might never be allowed to come back. Your leader will have to test their luck with Indra and Anya." You offered an apologetic smile.
"Good luck."
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Bellamy Blake x Male reader, him and Bellamy already having a relationship but breaking up a little bit before they were sent down and reader being cold and not his happy self
Added <3
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gayaristocrat · 11 months
Not really a request, just a few ideas/thoughts ❤
• Big Booty!Bellamy's ass and thighs are so huge, that even loose fitting pants like sweatpants are very snug on him.
• Big Booty!Bellamy's bulbous cheeks are so big, you can see em from the front and bump into/knock over stuff all the time.
• Big Booty!Bellamy definitely knows how to twerk and it's Y/N's favorite thing to see
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It’s so hard for Bellamy to find loose fitting pants. Even the baggiest pair of pants both him and his reader boyfriend could find were just too tight and snug around his ass and thighs. Every single pair of pants he owns has to be custom made, but even then his ass is still nicely cuffed in them. I mean he’s even lucky that jockstraps and thongs are the only underwear he found out he could wear. Not to even mention when he wears those basketball shorts the middle seam always rides up his ass.
Let’s not forget how they’re always buying watermelons bc M/N won’t stop begging Bellamy to crush the giant fruit with his tree trunk thighs. Bellamy just feels like he’s just doing double homicide at this point cos having a fat ass and thicc thighs is so much responsibility. Cut to Bellamy picking up M/N and using him as barbells when he does squats
Big booty Bellamy even struggles trying to fit through small spaces cos his butt won’t even let him get through. Like he goes to boyfriend M/N’s house and tries to squeeze himself past the table and wall and accidentally knocks over a flower vase or something expensive. He feels so bad but it’s ok cos you have a replica of the broken item. He complains how his ass is so big, and M/N constantly telling him he should be an underwear model.
“If your tired of having a fat ass then maybe don’t go to the gym so much?”
“But M/N the gym is like my second home”
Bellamy is a master at shaking ass. Nobody can compete and he can easily put anyone to shame. Cut to people asking him if he has the “Megan knees”. Least to say that M/N is always taking a front row seat to a Bellamy twerking session.
Safe to say he dressed up as Nightwing for Halloween
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