#bellarke is mental illness
izloveshorses · 1 year
bellamy sneaking off to save clarke in 3x02 is LITERALLY top 3 moments of this entire show ohmygod ohmygodohmygod
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cowlovely · 1 year
ship bingo ummmmmm. bellarke. :)
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GODDDDD. i literally can’t think about them for too long or i get mentally and physically ill. he had to leave her behind on earth and he thought she was dead and she called him on the radio every day for six years. they’re the head and the heart and they take on the responsibility of the group together….he noticed something was off with her SO quickly when josephine took over her body and when he GAVE HER CPR TO REVIVE HER SHE WOKE UP AND SAID “HEAD AND THE HEART” AND THEN HUGGED HIM WHILE HE CRIED. “PLEADING FOR THE LIFE OF A TRAITOR…WHO YOU LOVE” “SHE MUST MEAN A LOT TO YOU” CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
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puthyflapps · 2 years
I was looking through the profiles of some of the people defending depp and why am i not surprised they are bellarke/beliza stan accounts? This case must've hit close to home cause they've been repeating the same talking points they've been using since 2020 "Don't believe all women" 💀 Also looking through their accounts they're apparently trying to fancast eliza and henry cavill together for a book adaptation by constantly tagging the author and studio pls
There’s some buzzfeed article where this lady is describing who she’d pick to play the characters in some upcoming movie that’s being adapted from a book. The first two people on her list were the greasies and as if that wasn’t already a big indication of mental illness, when you read her explanations it gives greasy worshipper vibes 1000%
They really let anyone write articles nowadays smh 🤦🏻‍♀️
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euudaimonia · 3 years
what jroth did to bellarke is the equivalent of finn killing the grounder who drew them the map without hesitation
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amiidalas · 4 years
stop! the air could be toxic. if the air is toxic we’re all dead anyways. don’t listen to her, she’s one of the privileged. brave princess. if we’re gonna survive, we can’t just live by whatever the hell we want! we need rules. who makes the rules? you? for now we make the rules. i trust him! our princess has that effect.. ready to be a badass? watch and learn. still watching.... you may be a total ass half the time but i need you bellamy. we can’t do this without you. those kids out there.... you inspire them. now there’s something i thought i’d never see. i can’t lose you too okay? you care about him. i care about all of them. yet you worry about him more. i thought you hated that plan. that it would get me killed. i was being weak. bellamy? you came through. i knew you would. i think we deserve a drink. if you need forgiveness i’ll give that to you. you’re forgiven. please come inside. you don’t have to do this alone. we can’t lose clarke! we can’t lose her... i need you. you need me? you left me. im sorry for leaving... i knew i could because they had you. too bad you were never that devoted to gina. forgiveness is hard for us. i was so angry at you for leaving. i don’t wanna feel that way anymore. we need each other. the only way we’re gonna pull this off is together. her friends are her weakness. start with bellamy blake. leadership is a lonely pursuit... she’s lucky to have you. you keep her centered. you’ve got it backwards. if i’m on that list, you’re on that list. write it down or i will. she’ll come around and see how special you are. you’ve got such a big heart bellamy. i’ve got you for that. i left her behind. bellamy... if you can hear me, it’s been two thousand one hundred and ninety-nine days since praimfaya... i don’t know why i still do this every day. maybe it’s my way of staying sane. bellamy? clarke knew you would come. two hundred and eighty-three lives for one.... she must be pretty important to you. she is. you’re really here? you saved us all. and now you’re home. the hostage taker and his girlfriend. here we go again... pleading for the life of a traitor... who you love. do you have any idea how much she cares about you? i shouldn’t tell you this, but when you were on the ring she called you on the radio every day. for six years. you’re my family too. you don’t get it... if bellamy knows clarke is dead then all of this is for nothing. i won’t let you die. she was right to depend on you. once the head stops telling the heart to beat its over. the heart and the head. clarke i need you... im not losing her again! the heart and the head. the heart and the head.
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pendragaryen · 3 years
I don’t know if anyone of you guys can remember but... I told you once about the dad of my best friend and his cancer-illness right? That she stood in my hall on christmas eve once in 2019, tears streaming down her face, to tell me about this and that there’s little to none hope that he might live another year?
Yeah well... he lived almost one and a half year after they told him his diagnosis. We all had so much hope. Until a few days ago it really looked SO GOOD. As if he could defeat the cancer. All these therapies he’s been going through, all these hard weeks full of suffering and pain and finally there was some hope, a silver lining at the horizon.
But today i got the message via Whatsapp that he died two days ago. And i’m like... i’m just.. i can’t understand this. I am in shock. I mean... with knowing someone who has cancer, especially in his lungs, you KNOW that some day it would probably get worse. But THAT fast? I thought we all would’ve a little more time... One and a half year of fighting and nonetheless it seems that we all hadn’t enough time... Time to say goodbye.... Time to... just process whats finally happening... He was like a 2nd dad for me. And since my real dad left us 20 years ago... I mean...
And it’s not a secret that i’m in therapy bc since my own surgery and the diagnosis i got back in october last year i’m on a dark path again, sadly, and my depressive phases are still kicking in very easily... and with THAT trigger... i don’t know... I’m very very sad atm. There’s a hole in my chest and breathing is hard. And if this is already the case when one of my friends dies... what happened to and with me if a member of MY OWN family dies? See - these are the thoughts i can’t shake off right now. They are to no avail, i know. But they’re there. And everything seems so dark and hopeless now..
Sorry to bother you with that. I was so silent throughout the last months. now you know the truth. That death of my friends father... is just one drop in a very dark and huge ocean i have to crawl through at the moment.
Please don’t mind me. I just don’t know where to turn to. Stay safe okay?
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Am I the only one getting INTENSE teen wolf s6A flashbacks with everything on the 100?
I don't know how many of you watched Teen Wolf so I’ll tell you what happened: Before the last season of the show, Dylan O’brien who played Stiles Stilinski had an awful accident (he literally had to get his face restructured by surgery). And because he was recovering he had to be in less episodes during s6A. The producers obviously agreed and they managed to build the argument of the season around that. 
Throughout this time Dylan was barely seen on set, we didn’t have any pics of him and also he was in half of the episodes that season. Clearly all this made everyone in the fandom super sad, I mean, one of the main and most loved characters of the show was not going to be as present as he usually was... but health always comes first. And I’m gonna say this one more time for the people in the back who believe that the wellbeing of the actors doesn’t matter: HEALTH ALWAYS COMES FIRST.
Anyway, time passed and when s6A aired the storyline they’d created was this: Dylan’s character was abducted by the new bad guys of the season (who we didn’t know at all), and the only person who could get him back was Lydia, (aka the girl he loved since the very first season). Finally, she brings him back and on the very last episode their ship became canon with an epic kiss scene... 
So... I’m not saying that the same thing will happen on s7 of the 100, but you can’t deny that all this sounds very familiar...
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minablake · 4 years
tumblr t100 fandom is so different from t100 twitter fandom i- they’re so much nice over there,,, might,,, switch up
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chants-de-lune · 6 years
fic writer goals 
1) stop comparing myself to people who’ve already made a name for themselves
2) get this finished and posted before the episode airs
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izloveshorses · 2 years
... do i obsessively rearrange my bellarke playlist to something more chronological
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heartbrokenhiraeth · 6 years
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Hopefully this isn’t the weirdest thing you read today. Thank you, @the100writers, JRoth, Bob Morley, Alycia D-C, and so many more.
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bechosource · 4 years
a final message
this blog has long been inactive due to loss of interest in the show, but i want to post here to speak on bob morley and the accusations made against him by his ex girlfriend, arryn zech, as well as the actions of the bellarke fandom.
bob morley spoke wrongly about black lives matter and blocked black fans when called out about it.
bob morley gaslit a trans person in dms and told them to get therapy.
bob morley is accused of long term emotional abuse, and telling arryn he did not approve of her being bisexual. after they broke up, she felt safe enough to publicly come out.
bob morley and eliza taylor, two heterosexual people, never used their platform to protect arryn from harm as a mentally ill bisexual woman.
members of the bellarke fandom have harassed arryn for over 5 years for no reason other than their own attraction to a man who doesn’t care if they live or die. 
as a victim of abuse, and in a world where woman are constantly demonized for coming out against abuse, people like arryn need our support more than ever. i hope that everyone takes the time to reflect, respect her, and for the millionth time this year to believe women. 
we do not know bob morley, tasya teles, eliza taylor, or any other celebrity. please use this time to reflect on how you hold celebrities on a pedestal for no reason. do better.
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amiidalas · 4 years
two hundred and eighty-three lives for one... she must be pretty important to you.
she is.
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pendragaryen · 4 years
Today… the anger faded. And I’m spiralling. Heavily. It gets worse by every hour. Please… someone… I’m really feeling bad. I’m crying but it brings no release… I’m so… so sad. I feel so lost 
(In reference to my latest post above): I’m still here... and somehow still breathing. Not that kind of “still breathing” we all love so much and that held so much hope for us Blarkes in the past... but still... breathing...
My dearies... my fellow disappointed, wrecked Blarkes... @together-is-my-favourite-place, @natassakar, @katersann, @immortalpramheda and @sixserpents (and yes i’m even counting you, dear @biestcallisto, who hasn’t watched the show since S2 or what was it? But you messaged me and it means so, so much to me...) AND everyone who liked this post and thought of me in some way yesterday... THANK YOU SO MUCH. From the bottom of my broken heart. And “THANK YOU” doesn’t even cover it properly.
I am a weird person. I cried even MORE while reading your responds and messages. But with a smile on my lips. Believe me. I felt... comforted. I FEEL understood and loved. I am SO DAMN PROUD and happy beyond words to know you guys, to be a part of such a strong, beautiful minded, compassionate fanbase. You cannot fathom what your words mean to me. They saved me yesterday in a way. They couldn’t stop my tears from falling, but it helped a great deal to recover a bit faster, to find myself again. I’m still mourning. But that black hole in my chest, that threatened to consume me yesterday, is gone for now. (It’s still lurging in the corner of my mind tho... i know it’s still around somehow and can attack me anytime... But i’m able to fight it much better with knowing, y’all stand behind me and think of me... i love you so much... *sniff*)
Just one more thing about the whole matter. I wrote down my (at first VERY angry) thoughts immediately after the episode aired (here), but i completely forgot one thing, the thing that disturbs me the most about it all. That one thing y’all already mentioned in your own posts and rants: It’s the simple SENSELESSNESS of it all. Bellamy’s whole character development... so many years of development... RUINED... in just a few minutes at the end of a random episode... (Don’t get me started about the fact, that it was CLARKE of all people again, who’s done it..) I mentioned already, that it hurts me a great deal (among many, many other things), that he had to die unloved, misunderstood and ALONE. And that... isn’t something i can go over easily and return to my daily business like it didn’t happen at all. Like i said, i was aware of the fact, that Bellamy’s and/or Clarke’s death(s) could be possible in the end - but WITH A PURPOSE behind it. I thought, WHEN they had to die, there would me a meaning behind it. But this... this... Bellamy’s death... was even beyond meaningless. That is what hurts the most. THAT is what i can’t stop my mind from thinking about - without any conclusion to come to.
I saw a post from you, Sam @burninghoneyatdusk​, about the fact that EVERY feeling will pass at some point and that the mourning of a death of a fictional character shouldn’t affect your life in a way, that it interferes with your daily routines (i’m paraphrasing here, please don’t mind). And I AGREE! Strongly! I told myself yesterday A DOZEN TIMES that it’s weird to let it affect my REAL life in that way, in a way... that i was even... kind of paralyzed yesterday, that my constant crying gave me a strong headache (felt like a hangover, really...) and everyone around me told me that i’d look like a ghost (bc OF COURSE i haven’t slept properly). This cannot be healthy. And i KNOW this! But...
... my head couldn’t and cannot stop my heart from feeling this way. I tried to distract me, i met with my family, i went on an excursion with them yesterday... I’ve told myself to STOP CRYING. But i COULDN’T. I couldn’t for the life of me. And my family... doesn’t understand me. They don’t even TRY. That... hurts so much.
Bellamy Blake... This character... his strength and compassion... even his failures and his ability do LEARN from them... his ability to even cope with the death of the love of his life (and you can’t tell me, that Clarke wasn’t the love of his life by the end of season 4 (and beyond), don’t even try)... meant... no, it MEANS so much to me! He’ll always be a model for me, my ultimate comfort character. And don’t get me started about Bob, who, with his openness about anxieties and mental illnesses, had an even greater positive impact on me over the last years!
So, no, my head knows, that i should stop mourning in the devestating way i’m doing it right now. But on the other hand, every emotion is valid right now. I know this too. Everyone mourns in a different way. THis is mine. It may not be healthy. But (and here i’m completely with you, Sam!) IT WILL PASS. That pain will pass. The hurt will pass. I am (thank goodness) aware of that. (Bob once posted something along the lines that depression is only like a cloud that will pass, and that the heaven itself (aka yourself/myself) will always stay... i’m thinking of this quite often). And i almost hope that my anger will return. Bc anger saved me in the past more than just once. A healthy kind of anger. A rightful one. And we ALL have the right to be pissed af right now. So thank you for nothing JRoth.
Yes the pain will pass someday. But not my love for a character named Bellamy Blake. This will stay. And i’ll erase the 7th season from my mind if it helps me to cope with it. I’ll not watch the last episodes when they’re airing. I’ll wait until it’s all over and then decide if it’s worth it. And even then, if i SHOULD watch them when everything’s finally over, i most likely won’t watch S7 ever again in the future.
Thanks for bearing with me... this was long... Sorry... I didn’t intend to write that much.. I’m sorry...
Just know that i’m getting better eventually. The pains of my past all faded away at some point. This will fade too. And the fact that a fictional character meant (means!) the world to me will not making me think of myself as a weirdo - although my own family seems to see me that way. My feelings are valid. And i’m not alone in feeling that way. It is what it is: Real, almost palpable affection. And even one (1) JRottentomatoe can’t ruin this.
Thanks for all your kind words. I love you all. And i hope we’ll stay in touch somehow when all of this mess is over.
And now i’m going to drawn myself in fanfictions. BLESS all the writers! Seriously.
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
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I may be a day late. But everyday should be a day to check in with those you love. Gen, my sister, wrote me this wonderful and inspiring message awhile back and I often reflect on it. It’s gives me strength and overwhelms me with a love I sometimes feel undeserving of. But know, even when you can’t see what’s right in front of you, it is still surrounds you. - Bob Morley
I really can’t understate how much it means that Bob is willing to speak up about mental illness. It’s incredibly inspiring and makes me feel braver about the topic. It’s easier to discuss mental health struggles on a platform like this where there’s a sense of anonymity, but Bob’s vulnerability in opening up to so many people makes me want to be braver and more open about my own struggles with depression with the people in my real life. This is exactly what leads to normalizing mental health and destigmatizing the issue.
As I said before, Bellamy’s death hit me harder than expected, probably because of how this show has consumed me more than usual during the pandemic. To hear the reasoning for his death, and JR’s treatment of Bob, broke my heart even more so. The reason that we need to normalize mental health is so that an actor can put his health first and not be punished for it. It is a cruel twist for both Bob to be punished and Bellamy to meet his end all in one swoop due to JR’s complete disregard for mental heath, amongst so many other things.
As I expected and what I learned from my own experiences is that no feeling lasts forever. The past 48 hours I felt incredibly anxious, no matter how many times I reminded myself it was “irrational” to feel that way about a fictional character. We all have to feel what we feel, but sometimes it’s easier said than done.
But, as I said - nothing lasts forever. Although I still have a heavy heart about all of it, learning the circumstances of JR cutting Bob out has helped me process it, if only because with the absurdity of the reasons for JR’s decisions, it helps me to move past canon and recognize that the spirit/truth of this show only exists in fandom and fanfiction now. It doesn’t even feel like canon, because it’s so clear that it was a deviation from the natural progression of the story for reasons that progressed behind the scenes. That’s okay - I’m happy to be reminded that bellamy & bellarke are ours, and a storyline that was inspired by spite isn’t what will stick with me.
I’m excited to follow Bob & Eliza’s endeavors & continue writing bellarke fanfiction, and connect with those in the fandom who choose to stay. After two weeks without a computer, my new one finally arrives today & it feels like a fresh start 😌💙
**Also, please remember to continue submitting prompts for @t100fic-for-blm! Our incredible writers are eager to fix this mess JR created, and what better way to stick it to JR than to take back bellarke & to continue supporting POC through organizations that support the BLM cause?
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okay this might be a stupid question but I’m a bellarke/beliza fan and I stay FAR away from the haters so I never really knew why pineapples are called pineapples…like what does it mean? where did that come from?
One time ADC posted a photo of herself holding a pineapple. Every CL and their grandmother put pineapples in their pfp, url and bios. With time, the unhinged, delusional and mentally ill side of the fandom, took things further by harassing Bob and Eliza all the time while normal CLs just went about their day. So basically people call them pineapples to separate them from the CL who don't do this and who don't spend their lives harassing Bob and Eliza.
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