#belphagor x you
zephyrchama · 27 days
Resting with Belphegor
You're laying on the couch, face up with Belphegor draped over you like a weighted blanket. His breathing is steady and slow. His arms are wrapped loosely around your shoulders. His face is snuggled into your chest. It's warm and it's comfortable and it's peaceful as you scroll your D.D.D. The house is quiet. You absentmindedly run a hand up Belphegor's back while searching for new content.
Belphegor stirs with a snort, inhaling a little too fast in surprise. You scramble to pick up your fallen D.D.D. and hide it between the cushions. His forehead is already turning a light shade of red, but you know demons are hardy. He'll be fine, physically speaking.
Hands grip your shoulders. Two dark and narrow slits glare at you from inches away. They would be threatening if Belphegor didn't look so pouty, his cheeks almost puffing up with anger.
"Sorry." You try not to smile while apologizing. It's a difficult task when he looks more cute than scary. "It won't happen again."
Belphegor huffs. His chin digs into your sternum but his grip on your shoulders turns weak. "You said that the last three times. I should curse you."
"But I really didn't mean to!" you insist. "I said sorry."
"Aahh, it hurts so bad." The red dot where your phone made contact with his head is hardly even visible. "Ow, I'm so badly injured. Look what you did to me."
Belphegor's acting skills have really degraded since he came out of the attic. Or maybe he's too lazy to put actual effort into it anymore.
"You want a bandage?" There might be some in the kitchen. It wouldn't do anything, though, and he would have to get up for you to treat him. You wonder if his head alone could crack your D.D.D.
"No, but I think a kiss will make it feel better."
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bluewolfangel01 · 3 months
-Mc with a body pillow-
Mc most definitely has a body pillow in the human world
Lemme explain!
Takes place before demon brothers are able to be summoned
Most nights Mc goes to sleep by themselves, just enjoying the sound of rare silence
However our boys, our sweet boys, can be a bit needy and clingy, shocker I know
So occasionally one of them will sneak in for sleepy cuddles
It happens so often that it gets to the point that Mc can't sleep all that well without someone there with them
They realize this when they're back in the human world
They can get to sleep just fine, it's the staying asleep that's the difficult part
They'll just wake up in the middle of the night, wondering why none of the brothers have come for cuddles until they realize they're not in the Devildom anymore
It's not easy to fall back asleep after that
It keeps happening after that for quite some time no matter what they try be it melatonin, tea, or sleep aid audios
That is until they get a body pillow
The first night Mc sleeps with it, they don't get up at all until morning when their alarm goes off
Although nothing could compare to good ol demon snuggles, the body pillow is a good backup when none are around or available
And no, Mc would not tell any of the brothers about the pillow, why?
Don't pretend for a even a second that they wouldn't either steal or destroy that pillow out of jealously
It doesn't matter if that thing helps their human sleep when they are up in the human realm, it is the stealer of cuddles and it shall never see the light of day again so long as they are around 👿
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incarnadin3 · 1 month
Obey Me Brothers reacting to MC wanting to sleep with them after watching a horror movie
A/N: Hi! This is my first smau so do bear with me if it sucks! Also I just realized there's a mistake in the first one. I forgot to put his contact name in! Also I have no idea why some emojis don't work so idk. Some of the times are fucked up too. Sorry guys! Enjoy~
Edit: I fixed some mistakes that I found! Enjoy~
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bunnob · 2 months
How the brothers react to you scolding them pt2
Part 1 is linked at the bottom
We all know he likes to pull pranks on Lucifer, well this particular time it back fired. Satan put a curse on a stack of student council work intending for Lucifer to pick it up and turn into a cat, unfortunately you were sent to retrieve the papers from the council room and upon picking the papers up you were suddenly a small fur ball. Satan came running into the room with a camera hoping to get a picture to humiliate Lucifer with but instead saw a feline version of MC. Upon realizing the error he made he was much happier and tried to pet you which left him needing several band-aids and a sour expression on his face as Solomon reverted you back to normal.
Asmo is a notorious flirt in the Devildom, he commonly would flirt with others and ghost the leaving them nothing but a broken heart. The latest person he pulled this stunt on came crying to you begging you to ask Asmo why he left, when you got back to the HOL you asked Asmo about what he did and he proceeded to talk about how it was all a game which made you mad. You yelled at him telling him that people's feelings shouldn't be toyed with and how what he was doing was wrong, he stopped playing his "games" after but was a little bitter about the lack entertainment he was having.
You came home one day after a long conference with Lucifer excited to eat your left overs after a day of not having time to eat, you open the fridge and their gone not even a smudge of its existence where you left it, no problem you'll just find something else. Imagine your horror when your grumbling stomach is beginning for food and everything had been cleaned out. There was only one person in all 3 world that could do that and you were ready to fight them, you open the door to see been in his bed eating a bag of chips, you quickly grabbed the bag away from him and started to question him about the missing food and he proceeded to tell you how sorry he was and that he thought he was gonna starve to death. Beel is supper sorry and takes you to Hells Kitchen to make up for it.(he steals that food too, but only a few fries)
He's a blanket snatcher with no shame, you two will be in bed all warm one second and the second Belphie comes you'll be freezing in the middle of the night, when you try to reclaim your blanket he shoves you out of the bed, eventually you give up a d move to the attic but he follows you, he tries to lay down but you kick him out telling him that he can't sleep with you until he fixes his blanket snatching issues. He was displeased with this and as petty revenge he stole all your blankets for a couple weeks.(enjoy sleeping in the cold)
(OH wow, I didn't expect as many likes in part 1 as I did I'm so glad you guys like it, I'll post side characters tomorrow. Please let me know if you want to see other work I'd be happy to obliged. )
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squeakyducky · 3 months
Ahem so obey me replaced au (kinda??)
Let's say a witch was jealous of MC and put a spell on brothers that made them forget about them and tryna get together with the brothers. Ik some of them won't fall for it Luci ahem, but like pls get amnesia for the sake of plot. At first MC was hurt and stuff but the second they found out it was a witch's doing? How dare she steal their men ⁉️⁉️ IMAGINE MC going apeshit and literally obliterated the witch on the spot with their magic because they're hot and badass like that. And it's canon that MC is super strong in the story as well. AND AND since the witch is dead, the spell was broken and the brother got their memories back, and then sees the destruction MC left behind LMFAO and MC was acting all cute and saying 'you're mine' with a cute pout on their face 👀
Luci, Belphie and Satan would be proud asf
Mammon and Levi would definitely be flattered
Beel and Asmo will admire MC's strength probably
I actually kind of want to see a story like that, oh glorious writers pls do your magic ✨ 🙇🙇 (not forcing anyone ofc)
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sphireath-wisp · 3 months
I think Belphie really likes hearing your voice.
It started off small with him accidentally calling you. Then, like a seedling, it grew with every call you made when you couldn't sleep. I bet this idiot has your voice messages saved for when he feels like he misses you a little too much.
Oh, and he loves it when you mention him or his twin. "Oh, I'll be buying something back from Hell's Kitchen for Beel. Do you want anything? Oh... you were about to sleep? My bad." and you mention something stupid like hanging up just when he was having a good conversation with you. "No? Stay on the line?" you laugh and he melts deeper into his pillow. "Sure, sure, I hope the background noise doesn't bother you too much."
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Nsfw more of my biting kink but with the little shit- Belphie 𓃾 !!!
Belphie biting you when you’ve been ‘misbehaving’ (you’ve been paying more attention to his brothers ‘n the others, then you have to him) and he wants…no, needs to leave his marks all over you.
It’s such a great way to remind everyone that you belong to him.
Also the type of little shit to loudly ask where the marks he left on your neck the night before went…..with everybody around just to watch you turn red and glare at him. (He loves it:))
And!!!! And!!! Belphie biting you when he wants to tease you~
Especially when he isn’t giving you, what you really want in bed.
Taking his sweet time to tease you by nipping at your skin here and there, mostly across your chest and neck. watching as you buck your hips against his….enjoying the little whines falling from your lips as you beg him for more, well, anything really! You just need more!!! and Belphie’s being a fuckin’ tease! His only response being to bite harder into your skin making you cry out his name even louder <3
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g0dwat3rwritings · 6 months
can you do an mc that cant remember anything? It might be simple at first, but it causes a lot of problems since they also forget abt their birthdays, events, and ofc, their anniversaries if they get with them
my writers block has left and I am giggling and kicking my feet
I'm not gonna say anymore because I will jinx it 😭
This Takes Place In The Original Timeline
Warnings ;; None, just fluff!
Relationship ;; Romantic
Type ;; Headcanons
Now, Lucifer is actually pretty used to things like this.
With his brothers being, well, his brothers, it's common for them to forget things
He's pretty used to watching Mammon forget a textbook and bringing it with him because Mammon's already run off.
So, when he meets you, it's nothing new. He takes care of you he says it's because he has to but we all know that's not true and makes sure that he brings things to RAD that you forget.
He's not that bothered when you forget your anniversary, because he's used to your nature.
Don't think that he won't put anything together though. He most definitely will, despite your forgetfulness.
Mammon's pretty forgetful himself, as stated previously.
He'll forget a textbook every now and again, but important dates are most definitely engraved into his greedy little brain.
When he meets you, he's a little taken aback because of your intense forgetfulness, but he honestly gets it.
He's only a tad bit bothered by the fact that you forgot, but it stops bothering him once he remembers just how forgetful you are.
Like Lucifer, He'll most definitely put something together. It might not be as well put together as Lucifer's may be, but he tries, and that's all that matters.
Levi probably wouldn't notice. Given how little he cares for your existence in the beginning of the game, I doubt he'd really notice or care at first.
While Levi isn't as forgetful, He is a bit concerned with how much you forget things, if he does happen to notice.
You'd probably be playing a game and just.. straight-up forget how to play, I think he'd start to realize it from then on.
He probably isn't much bothered by you forgetting, but he would say a couple of negative things about him just being a "nasty, yucky otaku" (same)
He probably wouldn't put anything too big together, he'd simply pull up a couple games and you'd have a gaming session together.
Now, I'd oddly think that this would kind of annoy Satan.
I mean, he's Satan. The Avatar of Wrath. You expect him to not be irritated by something like that?
Of course, he would outwardly show you his annoyance once he first meets you. Later on though, as annoying as it still may be, he'll stop showing his annoyance and hide it as best he can.
If you forget your anniversary, he might be a tad bit disappointed, but it won't show, let alone will it be any noticable.
He, like Mammon and Lucifer, will put something together. Small, maybe a cat cafe where you can read or something.
Asmo might be a little concerned, believe it or not. Both in the beginning, and after you two get together.
He will be entirely concerned on just how forgetful you are. He wouldn't be surprised if you barley remember your own name. (I don't even remember my own name half the time..)
He'd be so offended if you ever forgot his name or anything about him.
You can never tell if he's genuinely offended or not.
If you happen to forget your anniversary, surprisingly, he won't judge nor will he be upset.
Like Satan, Mammon, and Lucifer, he'll put something together. Despite it being well, Asmo, he will make it a small date at Hell's Kitchen, if that's what you'd like.
Beel's definitely forgetful himself, but in his own himbo-y way.
He'll forget very small, tiny things.
But it does kind of take him off guard by how much you forget when you first meet.
He honestly feels kind of bad.
If you forget your anniversary, he literally will not care. Not in a bad way. He just won't be angry or upset if you forgot. He'd actually be very forgiving and kind about it.
He might ask you to cook something for him, but that's really it.
Unless you actually want to celebrate it, he'll do whatever you want. He'll follow your lead.
Belphie completely despises you at first, and not just because of the whole you-being-a-human thing.
You get on every single nerve when you two first meet.
Once he gets to know you, he feels bad about hating you and eventually just.. stops.
He feels bad about the fact that you barely remember anything, but he won't say anything about it.
If you forget your anniversary, he'll pull you away from whatever you're doing to take you up to the attic to take a nap with him.
He'll only explain if you ask. He'll simply say, "it's our anniversary." Before falling asleep.
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star-centric · 11 months
*credit for dividers: @/saradika !!
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“Is it okay if I stay with you?”
Belphie’s eyes scanned over your form- layered bags under your own reddening orbs, fingers squeezing the bottom of your shirt, voice on the verge of cracking.
There was no doubt about it- you had a nightmare. He’s been in your position plenty of times, especially after the fall.
“I promise I won’t mess with your sleep, and I’ll leave as soon as I start getting sleepy-“
He gently grabbed at your hand, stopping your rambling and closing the door behind him. No words were exchanged as both advanced the stairs leading into the attic.
There were already blankets spread out, lumps of pillows scattered around- it all looked so inviting, but he could tell that you were still hesitant on sleeping.
Belphie guided you into the pile anyway, throwing a blanket over you both.
“Here.” He nudged the familiar cow patterned pillow into your arms that you hesitantly took. “It always helps me sleep easier.”
The dimmed lights above you plus the warmth from the covers were making your eyes droop, but Belphie could see you fighting to stay awake.
“Sleeping up here has always been the best. It’s like being in your own world, away from everything.”
Belphie let his tail out, the end of it brushing against your ankle. He smiled at the soft laugh you let out.
He curled around you like he would with his pillow, burying his face into your neck. “You don’t have to keep fighting it- I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”
He let a bit of his power flow and felt your breath steady instantly. You relaxed in his hold, soft snores escaping your lips.
Belphie would make sure that your dreams were nothing like before- and that they would only bring you the peace that you bring to him everyday.
It wasn’t surprising to see Belphie missing from breakfast, but he did raise an eyebrow at your empty chair. A look at Beel said you were both sleeping in the attic.
Belphie sleeping in this late was normal, but you? It made him suspicious.
He peered into the twins room to an empty bed, meaning the only place left was the attic. He climbed the stairs, the door creaking as he looked inside, ready to reprimand you both-
What Lucifer saw caused him reconsider.
There you were, curled up into Belphie’s arms with his tail wrapped around you. The sight of your puffy eyes made him concerned, but the small smile on your face made it wash away.
He suppose that he could give you both a few more moments of rest.
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Are you still taking requests?
Prompt 17 looks made for the twins, I wanted to suggest this
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a/n: lots of carrying to be done. also changed the wording of the prompt a bit to fit better.
prompt # 17: "do you need me to carry you?"
content: silly little situations where the reader needs a lift. original timeline where we live in the HoL.
warnings: reader gets a sports related injury (beelzebub). lucifer hangs you from the ceiling for 30 minutes; VERY small references to lesson 16 (belphegor). reader is implied to be smaller than the characters.
fluff. lucifer, beelzebub, belphegor × gen!reader (you/your). separate.
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lucifer. ═  ˎˊ˗
"and just how late were you planning to stay here?"
you jump out of your seat, an unwelcome shriek piercing the air before you have the mind to clamp your hands over your mouth. you snap your head around to come face to face with the culprit, and find a familiar gaze waiting for yours. "lucifer..." his name drags itself out of your mouth, exasperation dripping from your voice. "most would knock before coming in to stand right behind someone." he hums in apology, and you huff out a breath. "i was planning to stay until around six, or something. i don't want to take this textbook home, so i wanted to finish my work here."
lucifer nods in approval at the idea, but the corners of his lips tug down awkwardly. "i applaud the notion, MC. but it's now past seven o'clock."
"ah-" you spin to look at the clock, which you now realise has been at 5:23 for the last two hours. you stifle a groan, a hand coming up to cover your grimace. "so it seems."
lucifer, who is at ease with no one else but you here, rumbles with gentle laughter. his hand closes the cover of the textbook, running the words over with the pads of his fingers. "pack your things. i'll return this to library for you. it's about time we head home."
"wait, i'll need it for my assignment."
"i have a copy in my study. now tidy up."
you stutter out your agreement, watching lucifer stride away with unnecessary urgency. he must want to get home quickly, you think. by the time he returns, you've already thrown all your things into your bag, hauling it onto your shoulder just as lucifer comes back into the room. "i'm ready," you say, a yawn coming up at the tailend of your sentence.
"let's go, then." lucifer waits for you to leave the classroom before following suit, keeping a careful eye on how you occasionally wobble to the side.
you make it to the steps leading out of RAD just fine, but lose your footing on the last few stairs. you yelp in surprise, feeling yourself fall forward, but a pair of gloved hands are on your waist before anything else happens. "are you hurt?" you shake your head earnestly, gesturing to lucifer to put you down. he does so immediately, but his touch lingers at your side a moment longer. "you are unbalanced when you walk. is something the matter?"
"what are you talking about?" you frown at the suggestion, but the concern on lucifer's face has you rethinking the situation. "well... i'm just a bit tired. that's all. i'm fine, really-"
"would it help if i carried you?" lucifer asks the question so casually that you feel like you're being carried.
you stare at him for a while, heart pounding against your ribcage. "ah- no, it's alright."
he pulls his gloves off, sliding them into his pockets before he cups your cheek in one hand and tests your forehead temperature with the other. "you're not sick, but you do look exhausted. i won't be allowing that." lucifer sighs, a mixture of guilt and worry creeping into his expression. "give me your bag to carry." you oblige silently, handing him your belongings. you expect him to start walking again, but you're suddenly weightless and surrounded by warmth before you can protest.
the demon hoists you up into his arms, holding you close. "sleep. i'll wake you before we get close to home so that my brothers don't start a ruckus."
you glance up at him, a smile settling on your face when you see the red on his face. "okay," you agree. you nuzzle softly into his shoulder as he walks on, the swaying motion from his steps bringing you to rest.
beelzebub. ═  ˎˊ˗
the avatar of gluttony is at your side in an instant, rivaling the speed of his older brother. "MC! can you hear me? how many fingers am i holding up?"
you reach for beel's hand, a laugh bubbling up from your chest. "beel, i didn't hit my head or anything, it's okay. i just tripped." his face hovers above yours, his eyebrows furrowed despite your attempts to make him relax. "look, see? i'm fine." when you get up, you feel the pain shoot through your ankle. immediately, you grit your teeth, determined to not let beel see your injury. you're glad that the coach calls out to you in the nick of time, stealing beel's attention away from you. quickly, you adjust your position to not put much weight on your foot, smiling at beel when he looks back at you. "come on, we've still got half an hour left of practice."
"if you say you're okay..." beel gives you one more look, his gaze scanning you thoroughly before he nods and heads back to his side of the field. you nearly fall back to the ground, but you force yourself upright, using mainly your good foot to keep you standing the rest of practice.
by the time you're dismissed, there are tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. you excuse yourself from your teammates, finding a place behind the bleachers to collapse to the ground in a heap. a cry wrestles against you, the built up pain breaching past your limit. you don't realise how long you've been there until you hear beel calling for you. you pray that he eventually thinks that you've gone home, but your cover is blown when you hear someone reveal your location to the sixth born.
"MC?" his head peeks around the corner, and you quickly wipe the tears from your face before facing him. once again, he's rushing to crouch next to you, this time grabbing your shoulders in a panic. "MC?! you got injured?! where? where are you hurt!?"
you look down, ashamed, pointing to your now very swollen ankle. beel gasps softly, his hands moving off your shoulders to inspect your injury. you flinch when he touches the inflammeted area, hissing as he presses against it. his brows furrow again like they did earlier, and he tells you to stay put (not like you could move anyway) as he goes back to grab his and your bags. when he returns, he pulls out the athletic tape he used when his wrist had gotten injured a while ago. "coach taught me how to do this, but it'll hurt, okay? so tell me if it's too much."
although usually clumsy, beel's hands work deftly around your ankle, gentle when he can be, and only applying pressure when he needed to. you whine on occasion, grasping onto his shirt for emotional and physical support until he finally places the last piece of tape on. as beel puts the supplies away, you slide your hand up to rest on his shoulder. when he turns to look at you, tears spring to your eyes once again. the worry on his face causes you more turmoil than you thought it could. "i'm sorry," you whisper out, voice faltering.
beel doesn't say anything, and instead gathers you into his arms. "i should have noticed earlier," he says in a low voice, breath tickling your ear as he speaks. "please tell me if you get hurt. lucifer will get mad if it happens often and..." his grip on you tightens. "i don't like seeing you cry like this. so, you should tell me next time. so that you don't cry anymore."
you nod slowly, burying your face into his neck where you feel safe. against you, beel shudders, and you wonder if a part of him felt like crying too. however, his shakiness is brief, and in seconds, he's pulling his face back to try and look at yours. "will you let me carry you home?"
"of course. thank you beel," you murmur, throwing your arms around his neck.
you feel the ghost of a kiss on your temple, and all of a sudden, all the pain in your ankle is forgotten as beel engulfs you in his affection.
belphegor. ═  ˎˊ˗
you never imagined that lucifer would actually be cruel enough to hang you from the ceiling. granted, he hung you in a position that wouldn't kill your blood flow, and said you only had to be up there for 30 minutes. but a part of you was still shocked that he even did it at all. even his brothers were surprised that you were getting the mammon special.
you do your best to minimize the swinging, but physics works just as well as it does any other day. your body sways back and forth rhythmically, and you do everything in your power to not think about how slowly time passes. soon enough, your 30 minutes is over, and your saviour appears at the top of the staircase.
"so, how does it feel?"
"belphie, just get me down already."
"yeah, yeah..." the youngest tugs at the rope, hauling you up and over the railing before untying the knot that kept your arms bound to your sides. immediately, you breath a sigh of relief, your limbs flopping each and every direction. you don't know how mammon deals with this punishment for hours on end, and you quickly consider telling him that he's amazing.
"thanks," you puff out, chest heaving as you inhale and exhale deeply.
belphie stands over you, bending down to have a closer look at your face. "you don't look so good."
your face contorts with feigned annoyance, flicking a hand up at belphie to get him to back up. "maybe it's the fact that hanging from a ceiling isn't exactly an activity i'm used to."
belphie scrunches his nose at you in response, stuffing his hands in his pockets before straightening back up. "it's late, so you should head to sleep." you feel his foot prodding at your side, and it takes all your strength just to slap it away. "hm." slowly, he crouches down next to you, his hand threading through your hair as he takes in your expression. "do you need me to carry you?"
wanting to protect some of your dignity, you scoff at belphie. "no. i'll be fine, thank you." with that, you sit up abruptly, ready to head back to your room. unfortunately, your body has other ideas, and begins to fall backwards again without your permission. you brace for impact, but belphie moves quicker than you think the avatar of sloth would. his arm catches you around your shoulders, the other circling your torso.
"and you said you'd be fine?" belphie snickers at the sight.
you pout and turn away. "i don't wanna hear it."
another laugh echoes in the hallway, but belphie quickly stops himself before he can be considered a jerk. he untangles his arms from you, turning to have his back facing you. "i'll bring you back to your room."
you bounced between your options, but once you realised it was either go with belphie or wait until you were recovered, it became an easy decision. you sigh quietly, your hands grasping onto his shoulders as his arms hook underneath your legs. as he stands, you hold tighter to his clothing. "don't drop me, okay?"
"... am i allowed to make a joke, or is it too early?"
groaning, you bump your forehead into the back of belphie's head. "never ask me that question again."
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a/n: i've recently been making sheet music for some of the obey me osts so that i can learn how to play it myself what are the odds i open an obey me yt channel for music and translated stream clips from the va's
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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hyperfixat · 2 years
What they call you! Obey Me! Brothers.
I have fics lined up and just wanted to share names that I think they’d use on their lover!!!
- little one, little love.
i dont have much reasoning behind it. i like it. you’re human, tiny, idk.
- doll, babydoll
seems rigjt idk.
- treasure
yeah yeah cliche idc
Fucking weeb!!
- gamer.
probably in an ironic way like ‘are you ready gamer 🤓’
- your name.
idk idk idk
- love.
Romantic woah.
- darling
Again. Tbh anything classic.
- doll. babydoll.
- baby, babygirl, babyboy
- cutie
no reasoning here!
- sweetheart
Sweet, food eg theres connection
- your name
straight forawrd
- pillow, blanket
as a joke
- babe, baby
Sleepy belphie looking for you :( “babe?” Awhhhhh i love him TT
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zephyrchama · 4 months
It's the middle of the night. The house is still. All is quiet.
You don't know why you woke up, or if you're even really awake. You're just vaguely conscious. The room is dark, but you're too tired to open your eyes anyway. It's time to go back to sleep.
Your feet are hot. The fact doesn't register in your tired mind, it's just a subconscious feeling that makes you instinctively readjust your feet. You try and shake off the blanket to cool down.
It doesn't work. You move again, nothing changes. Your body knows something is amiss and at this point is waiting for your brain to process what's happening. Your feet are hot, and heavy. When you try to cool off you are rooted in place and there's an uncanny sensation you can't place. It feels prickly.
You wake up enough to crack open your eyes and adjust to the dark room. Conscious thought is booting back up. Everything seems normal - the door is closed, you're under the blankets, everything is where it belongs. Only your feet are really, unusually warm, and something is moving on them.
You sit up in a stupor to discover Belphagor at the end of your bed, wrapped in his own blanket, distinguishable by his two-tone hair peaking out from the sheets. Only he could be comfortable sleeping in such a bizarre curled-up ball by your legs with your feet, of all things, as his pillow.
You experimentally try flexing your toes. The demon reflexively bites your foot until you stop. Perhaps a habit picked up from Beelzebub?
Luckily, the covers soften any real damage. Unlike his dangerous twin, whose bite could be fatal even with protection, Belphegor's gnawing is rendered harmless. It doesn't happen unless you move in some way. The mystery is solved.
You lay back down and sink your head into the pillow. A weird talk might be in order once morning comes, but you can deal with some warm feet for one night.
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bluewolfangel01 · 2 months
-Insomniac Mc-
I need Belphie to exist so he can come knock my ass out so I can go to sleep, I want to sleep but my body apparently thinks otherwise and I don't like it
Mc sometimes has trouble sleeping, the cause can range from nothing to a whole bunch of stuff happened and they still have to much energy that makes em feel not tired
Whenever this happens and Mc knows/wants to go to sleep they'll go to Beel and Belphie's room
This kind of thing has happened before quite a few times and Belphie has given permission to Mc that if they can't ever sleep and he isn't already sleep snuggling with them, then they are allowed to go to his/Beel's room or the attic and wake him up ever so slightly
He actually loves when they come to him for some sleep aid cause he gets the brag about helping them, having a cuddle buddy, and there's also the morning after where his brothers scramble to find Mc because they weren't in their room just to find them cuddled up with Belphie (the smirk he wears on his face when they walk into his room ✋️)
Of course he doesn't want Mc to have those types of nights, he doesn't want them to have a difficult time getting sleep, especially with all the craziness that happens daily, but he does enjoy the rare nights when those nights do happen
And no he doesn't make it to where they can't sleep, he let's it happen naturally
Once getting to the twins' room Mc will just crawl in bed with Belphie and will move him to where their chin is on his head and wrap their arms around him
He is big living cow plushie, fight me on that but not really
Belphie will either wake up slightly or just sense Mc's presence, either way once he knows they're there, he knows what's up and starts helping his precious human get the restful sleep they deserve
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incarnadin3 · 1 month
Obey Me! Quotes from an incorrect quote generator pt.2
Mammon: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Lucifer: Language, Mammon. Belphegor: Yeah watch your fucking language. Asmodeous: OKAY WHO TAUGHT BELPHEGOR THE FUCK WORD? Satan: 'The fuck word'. MC: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Satan: Oh my god they censored it Belphegor: Say fuck, MC. Satan: Do it, MC. Say fuck.
Lucifer: MC... How do I begin to explain MC? Satan: MC is flawless. Asmodeous: I hear their hair's insured for $10,000. Belphegor: I hear they do car commercials... in Japan. Mammon: One time they punched me in the face... it was awesome.
MC: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Mammon: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents MC: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Satan: Actually I did the math, Mammon would have $225, not $0.15. Mammon: Fam I’m right here.... Asmodeous: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) MC: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please? Asmodeous: Sorry I only have a dollar MC: :( Satan: Hey I just realized my brother is right, Mammon would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Asmodeous: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Satan: You can buy anything you want with $22,500 Belphegor: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice Satan: Apply juice to what MC: Directly to the forehead Mammon: Great chat everyone
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Lucifer: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Beelzebub: ...I did. I broke it. Lucifer: No. No you didn't. Satan? Satan: Don't look at me. Look at Asmodeous. Asmodeous: What?! I didn't break it. Satan: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Asmodeous: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Satan: Suspicious. Asmodeous: No, it's not! Belphegor: If it matters, probably not, but MC was the last one to use it. MC: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Belphegor: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? MC: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Belphegor! Beelzebub: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Lucifer. Lucifer: No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Belphegor: Lucifer... Satan's been awfully quiet. Satan: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Lucifer, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Lucifer: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Lucifer: Lucifer: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Belphegor: Rules are made to be broken. Lucifer: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Satan: Uh, piñatas. Asmodeous: Glow sticks. Mammon: Karate boards. MC: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Belphegor: Rules. Lucifer:
Mammon: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Lucifer: Nope, absolutely not. Satan: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Asmodeous: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Belphegor: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. MC: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome. Beelzebub: I'd be there for you! :D
Lucifer, driving MC and Mammon: So how was your day? Mammon: We almost got surprise adopted! Lucifer: What? MC: We almost got kidnapped. Lucifer: Oh, okay. Lucifer: * slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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voonroo · 11 months
"If you steal my blankets I’ll put my cold feet on you."
-Belphegor on a late October night, snuggled into his bed with you at his side after claiming that he couldn’t sleep peacefully because of the cold weather. He wanted to cuddle up to you for your warmth but he would never admit that.
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Cutting you off 7
Light angst / comfort. Good ending ig? 7/7 in the series ! GN reader (if you see any mistakes, feel free to correct me please!)
- Saying that you and Belphegor had a difficult relationship was the understatement of the year.
- It started… rocky.
- After the whole attic situation, you both worked hard on rebuilding the friendship you had started to build between whispers and promises when you would visit him in the attic.
- It was hard, though. Not only did the brothers kept a close eye on you two when you were alone, but Belphie took a different attitude after the whole Lilith situation was known.
- He was tender with you, spoke with a softer voice than before. He was all laughter and smiles around you and it seemed like he also had adopted you as a new body pillow every time he wanted a nap.
- And you were happy with it, but couldn’t help but feel like being Lilith's descendant might had been the reason of his sudden attitude change towards you.
- And you didn’t blamed yourself for feeling that way, at the end of the day, he had killed you before.
- So every time you felt a little too comfortable sleeping beside him, every time you were laughing with him on the way back home or every time you felt butterflies in your stomach when he whispered something sweet in your ear, your mind would go back to the same thought.
- “Does he really like me for me or does he like me for who he remembers when he looks at me?”
- But it was ok! You had it under control!
- Until that day at a dance Diavolo was holding.
- You spent most of the evening dancing, accompanying Diavolo to salute important demons and answering questions about the human realm, your experiences at the Devildom so far and your points of view on the exchange program.
- You were clearly overwhelmed, so you took the first opportunity you had to scape for a little while with Belphie to a corner of the room that was out of sight.
“Finally tired of those assholes?” “Belphie…” you scolded, or at least tried your best while hiding the smile that was creeping up in your face. “Don’t worry, I’m glad you are because I’ve been wanting to steal your attention since we got here” “ugh, tell me about it. I’ve been trying to find a window of opportunity to take a Power Nap with you” Belphie giggled and yawned, finally finding a spot to nap with his head on your shoulder. “Ugh, you’re always sticking to me Lilith” Belphie spoke with affection, while drifting off to sleep.
- You we’re in the verge of sleeping too until you heard him.
- Did he called you… “Lilith”? Did you heard that right?
- The next 20 minutes you spent them trying miserably to fall asleep for a while, debating whether you actually heard him called you Lilith or if it was just your sleepy mind as his sleepy slurred speech mixing together to make whatever he had said to sound like her name.
- With a lot of will power, you managed to leave the events of that night in the past. Now, two days after the ball happened, you had almost forgotten what happened between you and Belphie during your little sleeping escapade. Everything was back to normal
- Of course that was too much to ask for a place like the devildom.
- During class on Monday, you were sitting side by side, Belphie dozing off every now and then.
When the bell rang, he moved lazily up from his notebook. “Ugh, I can’t even read what I wrote.” You scoffed “no surprise, you practically dozed off every time the professor stopped to take a breath.” Belphie whined while he started pickup up his things. “Ugh, it’s so unfair. Lucifer is lucky he found my secret napping spot or else I wouldn’t have even came to this class today”. You sighed while grabbing your books, “It’s okay, you can have my notes, I’ve got you”, “thank you Lil, I can always count on you” Belphie yawned while he walked out of class, you stopped right after he left the classroom. You weren’t imagining it, right? He actually said it this time, and it was as clear as it could be. “Hey, you coming or what?” You blinked rapidly when he came back, waiting by the door. “Uh, yeah, sure. Forgot my pen” you smiled nervously, a knot forming in your throat as you dived in the RAD hallways.
- You were actively avoiding Belphie all week long, until Friday came and you were pretty much doomed, having to stay with Belphie alone, since you two had to clean the dishes after dinner that night.
- You tried to spent most of the time in silence, or barely answering with monosyllables whenever he looked at you expecting you to voice your answers.
“You’ve been kinda away this week haven’t you?” “I guess you could say that” “Lucifer’s been keeping you busy, uh?” You stayed silent, shrugging as a way of answering. Silence took over the kitchen once again.
Belphie took a plate and stared drying it off. “Or… were you just avoiding me?”
You pretended to be extremely concentrated cleaning a plate to avoid his penetrating eyes that were focused on you.
“You were, weren’t you?” You kept your eyes on the next utensil, pretending to be extremely concentrated on getting it to be squeaky clean. “Fuck, MC, stop ignoring me, just answer!” You shrugged again. “ I don’t know what you want me to say.” “That you were avoiding me! Confess it”, “I was… not not avoiding you.” You exhaled, getting mad at his attitude. “MC!” “What?” “Just stop acting so childish. I don’t understand what your problem is!” Belphegor scoffed and you dropped the fork that was in your hands. “You wanna know what my problem is? You really do? Fine. You’re a pain in the ass, Belphegor, and a big one. And I work and work hard on our relationship, trying to be there for you, trusting you, spending as much time with you as I can and still, it’s not enough, because it doesn’t matter how much I try, how much time I spend with you, you never see me for who I am, for you I’m just a replace of Lilith”
The room went quite once the final sentence was said. Belphegor finally turned to look at you, a cold expression in his face that made you shiver as he got closer to you, stopping once his face was practically on yours. “Shut the fuck up. Don’t you ever bring her up again as an excuse for you and your plain existence. She was so much better than you, she was special and so much more than what you could ever be.” Belphie spoke low, almost sounding like he was growling whenever a sentence finished. He moved, leaving the room while making sure he bumped with your shoulder. You left the air you were holding, without noticing.
“Well shit”
- After that fight, you didn’t saw much of Belphegor, and despite no one knew what your fight was about, they knew you two had a disagreement, and a big one, the tension between the two of you was practically palpable, which made dinner and almost every other family interaction, extremely uncomfortable for everybody.
- As you suspected, the first person to notice the change between your relationship was Beelzebub. He questioned you during lunch one day, trying to ask in a, very unconvincing, casual tone why you and Belphie suddenly stopped talking. You spent most of that day convincing him that it was nothing and that you two just needed some time apart. That didn’t exactly convinced him, but at least he has stopped hovering you with questions.
- One of the hardest things to do was saying no to Beel whenever he suggested an attic club sandwich get together, making up excuses or having to find ways to stay late at RAD were now part of your routine.
- And you would’ve been perfectly fine adjusting to living like that for the rest of your time at the devildom.
- Until the nightmares started to happen.
- It wasn’t weird for you to get nightmares. You had pretty vivid dreams so nightmares were something you were acquainted to. Specially whenever you were extremely stressed.
- It all started with a few upsetting dreams a couple nights a week. Then they kept escalating until you were having them pretty much everyday, waking up at least one time at night.
- You were sure that it was the stress of having to avoid Beel’s questions and Belphie's presence, while actively having to act like everything was okay and keep on with your duties as the human exchange student.
- And despite your efforts of trying to hide the effects of what the lack of sleep was causing on you, the brothers started to notice. But the first one to voice it out was Asmo, voice full of concern the first time he stopped you before getting to eat your breakfast with a “Oh my, MC! You look… like you had a rough night”
“That’s nice, today I was going for a sleep deprived look” you joked while trying to cut off the tension you felt when all of the brothers turned to look at you, inspecting you after what Asmo had said. Nobody laughed, instead looking at you with a worried look, “guys, stop it, I’m fine. I just had a little bit of trouble falling asleep last night” “Are you sure? You look like Leviathan when he stays up all night for two days to finish a new game” Leviathan scoffed and you tried to smile “yeah, I’m sure. It’s okay”.
- The rest of the breakfast you spent it trying to ignore the wondering looks the brothers were sharing.
- “Hey Mc, wait up!” Asmo's voice stopped you when you were leaving your last class. “Wanna walk back home together?” You nodded, while you both intertwined your arms. “I thought you had another class today?” “Meh, I can always ask for the work tomorrow” you smiled, rolling your eyes lovingly at him. “So… about this morning-“ “Oh, don’t worry, I know I look bad” you admitted with cheeks glowing red. “It’s not just that darling, I’m worried. You and I both know it wasn’t just a difficulty you had to sleep yesterday, you look like you haven’t sleep well in days”, you stayed in silence for a while, before answering with a shy “I haven’t” “Why didn’t you tell us! We could do something about it. Today you’ll have a warm bath and your favorite food for dinner. I can lend you one of my sleeping masks!” You smiled at him “thanks Asmo, but it isn’t my capacity to fall asleep what keeps me up. It’s my inability to stay asleep” “what do you mean?” You sighed, eyes fixed in the ground. “I’ve been having nightmares, almost every night now. I can’t actually remember what happens, but I always end up waking up confused and alerted. It takes me a long time to fall back asleep, only to end up waking up not long after”, Asmo looked at you with a concerned look, after a small silence, he gave a small squeeze to your arm. “You and I know there’s only one person that can-“ “No, I can’t ask him” Asmo sighed, eyes turning to look at the road, letting go of your arm to hug your shoulders. “Listen, I don’t know what happened between you two, but Belphie cares about you. He would help you without a doubt” “I wouldn’t be so sure… it’s just, ugh” you finally looked at him, brows furrowed. “How much time do you have?” “Darling, for you, I have all the time in the world. Now, spill the tea”.
- After a long talk with Asmodeus, you confided in him your doubts and the whole situation with Belphie. He was set on helping you two so you could fix your sleep schedule, also because since the fight Belphie had turned into an irritable demon, something you weren’t actually aware of fue to the lack of communication.
- “Belphie?” Asmodeus entered the attic, finding Belphie wrapped in a blanket while he scrolled mindlessly on his phone, “Good! You’re awake”, Belphie turned to the other side “leave me alone, I’ve been trying to fall asleep for 2 hours” “That can wait. We need to talk” “About?” “MC” Belphie buried himself deeper in the impromptu bed. “Forget it. I don’t care what they told you, but I’m not going to speak to them. Fuck them and fuck you for not minding your own business” Asmodeus snorted a laugh. “Yeez, chill out.” He shook his head “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t necessary, okay? I know better than to bother you when you’re sleep deprived. Just listen to me” Asmodeus waited for a sign to keep on talking, but took his silence as an answer, “Mc told me the whole situation.” Asmo walked to the bed and sat at a corner. “I wouldn’t… blame you, if you kinda see Lilith in them. Sometimes I do too. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking at them as a replacement, is just… even before we knew the whole relation between them, they just were so alike, you know?” Asmo started playing with his fingers, anxious that Belphie was completely silent. “but I could understand how that would be conflicting to them. Feeling like you’re not being seen for who you are, worrying that the people you care about only see you as the replacement of someone else they loved before you”
“You know that’s not how I feel” “well I think I know, yes, but clearly Mc doesn’t.” Belphie finally turned to look at him. “You need to talk to them Belphie, nobody can stand the way you two let your pride stop you from talking this out. Not even Lucifer has gone this far” “Pfft, good try”. Asmo grabbed his shoulder before he could turned around again. “Belphie, they need you” “what do you mean?” “They haven’t been able to sleep well for days, and you’re the only person that could help them” Belphie sat at the bed, nap intentions long forgotten. “This isn’t a trap?” Asmo looked offended, he gasped before answering “No! Come on! Haven’t you looked at them? They look awful. If their bags get any deeper, they’ll look like a raccoon” Belphie analyzed the situation for a while, Asmo waiting patiently. “Listen, they don’t even know I’m taking to you about this, but I can’t stand looking at them so tired and sad because you two are still mad at each other, so please, fix this.”
- It was late at night , and everybody at HoL had gone to sleep already. Everybody except Belphie.
- He couldn’t stop thinking about his interaction with Asmo. He couldn’t be lying right? Did Mc had really been struggling all these days by themselves?
- Unable to sleep, he stood up and started walking to your room, taking advantage of the time Beel got up for a late night snack.
- Belphie looked for you at your room, failing miserably and leading him to look for you around the whole house.
- Finally after 20 minutes, he found you at the planetarium.
At first he tried really hard to not startle you. You were too busy lying there, looking at the starts, that he felt he was going to interrupt your calm moment alone. Still, as soon as he entered the room, you turned to look at him, being able to listen to the door.
You both stood there, looking at each other for a couple minutes before either one of you said something. “Uh” Belphie broke the silence “I’m sorry, I didn’t knew you were here” he said, like he hadn’t just spend the last 20 minutes looking for you. “It’s okay, I was leaving.” You got up, cleaning your pants. “No, wait” you were startled, looking at Belphegor. “I have to talk to you”
You stood there, awkwardly, after a few seconds of silence you nodded, giving him confirmation to go on. “About the other day, uhm. I need you to know that Lilith… wasn’t so annoying.” “What?” “She didn’t snorted when she laughed, she didn’t grabbed my fries every time we went eating and she didn’t braided my heat when I fell asleep in her lap. I could never replace her with you, a hardheaded, know-it-all, exasperating of a person. You could never be her” You closed your eyes while shaking your head slightly in disbelief, starting your walk to leave the place “If that was your idea of an apology, Belphegor…” Belphegor quickly grabbed your wrist, keeping you in place as he continued.
“But you’re also right. I do see her every time I see you. Whenever you’re being nice to someone who doesn’t deserve it, whenever you help Luke or whenever you tend to me and my brothers with nothing but sweetness, I see her. You’ll never be her because you’re your own kind of person. I was wrong about comparing you because you’re just… you. Sweet, kind and lovingly annoying you. And I’m sorry I made you feel like you were a replace of Lilith. I see you and appreciate you for the person you are, MC. And I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”
With eyes full of tears you hugged him, having him hugging you in return immediately. You stayed like that for a couple minutes before you talked.
“I don’t like being someone else’s replacement”
Belphegor shake his head slightly, his hand grabbing your hair softly “You’re not. I promise”
“Are you sure?”
“Good” you sniffed, finally parting enough to be able to look at his eyes. “Because I… care too much about you to feel like that” Belphie smiled at you while he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Nah, you’re too annoying to be compared to anyone else” “Asshole”
OMG I DID IT! I know it took me a loooooong time but I wanted to end with my best, lol. I really liked Belphies part, even though I had to rewrite it a couple of times, I feel like it was worth it. What about you? Don’t worry though, there’s a lot more coming <3
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