#benders of that type had that eye color?
mxtantrights · 8 months
Bounded by shadow and blood (3)
Azriel x magic!fem!reader
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You couldn’t run away from home fast enough. You grabbed your bags and ran out the palace as fast as you could. You spent the night in the village with Semaj’s family. They didn’t ask any questions and you were thankful for that. 
When the morning came you gathered your belongings and made your way to the dawn court. It wasn’t a long journey. Sangri rested on the shores of the mortal lands. A boat ride from the coast of the mortal lands to the coast of the dawn court is a bit long and restless but it’s better than going through each court. 
Blood benders were a huge population a long time ago. But after centuries of in-fighting and countless wars you race had dwindled down to only a hundred thousand people. Even then there were some divisions. Some left to live amongst the humans because they could fit in. Others stayed in Sangri, with the only living monarchy, which ended up being your family. 
When the boat docked the shore of the dawn court you weren’t expecting to be greeted but you were, in a way. There was a tall male, short black hair dressed in leather that peeled off from the dock’s entrance as your boat docked. And you saw him again as you were inside the carriage that took you to the palace. 
You were anxious at first until you remembered what Thesan said to you before you left regarding the mission. You would be helping the night court catch their criminal. He was no doubt from there. The people of the dawn court dress in much brighter colors.
So knowing that you weren’t being followed by an unknown person who might have wanted to off you, you carried on into the palace. Before you could even get out of the carriage you saw the servants taking your bags inside. 
The carriage door was opened for you and you were greeted by Thesan himself.
“How was home?” He asks.
You sigh, “Confusing. How are things here?” 
“Fine, why do you ask?” “Because I had an escort from the dock, that’s why.” You answer.
Thesan can’t understand what your saying. You know he’s a high lord with power running through his veins but being a blood bender lends you a different type of power. You can sense living things everywhere. When you were younger it was horrible, feeling every living thing alive within five miles of you was difficult and unbearable. You have since learned to control it.
That’s how you’re able to sense him, out in the woods near the palace. You point behind Thesan’s right shoulder, onto the woods. He turns around and looks where you’re pointing. It takes him a second and then he gets it.
“You know that never gets old.” He says.
“For you maybe. Is he going to be like that the whole time?” You ask.
“Maybe, he’s called the shadow singer for a reason.” He answers.
“You should invite him in, if we’re going to be working together and what not.” You say, but you can’t help the tone of your voice.
“Play nice.”
“I don’t play well with others.” You joke.
The dawn court has plenty to do. You could ride horses, hike in the woods, make a gadget. People here mostly made gadgets and enjoyed the rivers. Which is something you could do from time to time thanks to the river that trailed alongside the back of the palace. 
Putting your feet in the water and closing your eyes was enough to bring you some semblance of peace. Your mind couldn’t stop thinking about home and where your brother was and if he was dead or not, and if that meant you would have to take the throne or not.
You sense him before anything else. That’s why you open your eyes.
“Nice to meet you shadow singer.” You say.
You don’t hear anything in response. But you feel it again. He’s getting closer and close to you. But he’s not walking. Thesan has said other fae could winnow, you hadn’t believed it until now.
You look over your shoulder and there he is. Wings and all this time. 
“You’re not fae.” He says.
“I’m not.” You reply.
He doesn’t say anything for a while. You just watch him as he watches you. He is attractive but he is peculiar. Thesan had said he came earlier than expected, and you have no doubt that it’s because of you. He wanted to see who he was woking with, check out the competition. 
“What are you?” he asks.
You scrunch your eyebrows,  “You didn’t even ask me my name.”
“Thesan told me.” He answers.
“Well, I don’t even know your name.” You maneuver his question. 
“Azriel.” He offers.
You take one last look at him and then turn back around. You place your hands behind you to keep you steady as you look back at the river. 
“Well Azriel, I don’t think we’re going to complete this mission today. I am too tired to help you on a mission that was previously mine.” you sigh.
“I don’t require your assistance.” He answers.
“But you do, because you know nothing about the criminal you’re here to find. And I do.” You retort.
“What makes you think that?” 
You pull your feet from the river and pull yourself up from the ground. You turn around and there he is, closer than before. There’s still a bit of distance between the two of you. Like he wasn’t sure of you yet.
“Why stalk me as I arrived here? Why come early before my arrival?” You asked, but it was rhetorical.
“Because you’re a question I need answered.” He actually answers.
You give him a look of indifference, “I guess you’ll be seeing me around, Azriel.” 
In bed that night you thought to yourself for a long time. Where could your brother have gone? A months’ long expedition is quite unusual for the acting ruler of a nation to do. And for the council to approve of it is also out of character. 
Another thing that kept you from sleep? The shadow singer. Yes he was here for a mission but he was also here for another reason. He told you as much to your face. There were many thoughts you had surrounding him. Who sent him here? Why did they acre so much? How can you get out of this? 
You rub your eyes with the back of your hands. Sleep evaded you since you heard the news. And stress consumed you. You weren’t willing to give up the life you built for yourself here in the dawn court. 
You didn’t have all the responsibilities of princess here. You could hold a sword and fight. You could galavant among people and other soldiers. You were a solider. You weren’t a princess anymore. And you’d be damed if they made you ruler.
You turn on your side, facing the door. And you swear you saw a shadow from underneath the slit of the wood slither away. 
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Nightmare Nightmore Highlights.
I'm not gonna recap or analyze the episode too much I just wanna share a few of my favorite things! Not really any spoilers, if you've already seen the leaks of Abbey and her mom floating around then you're all caught up.
Draculaura is throwing a party for the holiday of Nightmore, but I couldn't possibly care less. I'm here for Abbey!
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Heath has the same reaction to seeing Abbey for the first time as a lot of us did. in Awe of her beauty. same dude, same.
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She towers over everyone! even the boys! I am in love!
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Draculaura is like a smurf compared to tall powerful Abbey.
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Abbey's eyes aren't purple anymore, they are brown! and so pretty! breaks up the abundance of purple in her hair and outfit I am super into it!
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Abbey's hair blend is the colors of the Bi flag and I have no choice but to stan.
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Mama Bominable threatening to bring forth a cold harsh merciless winter upon Bloodgoods head if she doesn't produce Abbey is such a mood. I love me a good mama bear.
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WHERE IS NIGHTMARE!? why is this messenger dragon hanging out in Bloodgood's office but her horse isn't!? The episode even has nightmare in the title but I see no Nightmare the horse. I don't like it. A headless horse person without their horse is just a zombie... why are you booing me? I'm right!
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Draculaura already has her license in this gen? I'm here for it! Also Clawd chose to sit next to her. Also Clawd said "nailed it like a coffin" which was only ever said in G1 by Clawdeen and that makes me happy.
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This is the second or third episode where Lagoona inexplicably has flat teeth, the music video for her doll did this too. I'm not exactly a professional animator but I've studied it enough to know that rendering characters off model is a fire-able offense. Fix it Nickelodeon.
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Heath encouraging Abbey to use her ice powers telling her she is strong, charismatic and beautiful. ahhhh! my heart!... I've mentioned on here I'm not much of a shipper per-se. But that was a lie, Habbey was one of my OG ships and it brings me such joy to see them again! I needed this since the only Heath we got during G2 was this:
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*Long suffering G2 sigh*
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Yeti's in this universe seem to basically be water benders and I am okay with that! Mama Bominable is fuckin pissed! LOL Bye Bloodgood it's been nice knowing you!
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Damn, Abbey's dad didn't contribute any genetics to that her at all. Mama Bominables genes were like "this is MY child!" I do love that she has horns and a more pronounced underbite, perhaps Abbey will get these traits as she grows? Or maybe her buns are hiding her horns? IDK but it's fun to imagine! I wonder where they got the idea to give their yeti Horns... HMMMMMMM
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it's a mystery, we'll never know.
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This isn't even a highlight I'm just taking pictures of Mama Bominabe at this point, I love a strong woman willing to murder the school principle for her daughters safety.
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SHE CALLED ABBEY SNOW ANGEL AHHHHHH- I'm sorry I just had to get that out.
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The boy is in love! .... And he actually says something really profound. I'm so impressed G3 is giving Heath some depth and not just making him a one note idiot... Don't get me wrong, I liked one note idiot Heath but there was more to him than that.
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Heath trying to kiss Abbey on the first day of meeting her is absolutely a G1 call back.
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in her intro episode he kissed her hand and his lips froze off.
I love everything about this episode! I love that Abbey is Nepali! it's way more accurate to her Monster type and before some nerd tries to get in the replies and go "Actually Russia occupied Nepal at one point" that's true, they did BUT! the myth of the Yeti originated in 1937, Russia didn't occupy the Himalayas until the 1960's.
This episode is my new favorite! I heard a rumor that we won't get any new Monster High episodes until after the new year, but if they are anything like this? they will be worth the wait!
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mitsuyafics · 9 months
Black Magic
female reader
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character : Mitsuya Takashi
Note : the start of my fantasy au for many characters of Tokyo Revengers
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    You just moved into a new town. The town itself was small, and a very colorful place, but something felt very off to you. As a witch, the aura of the place felt.. so dark. so.. eerie.
You used spells to unpack all your things, and made sure your familiar, a black cat named Chifuyu, was comfortable.
"Chifuyu! I'm going to find the nearest witch shop, Do you wanna come ?" You were running low on a lot of materials needed for spells, and with all this energy you knew there had to be other beings in this small town. You used a spell to change your violet purple eyes to a normal color. Chifuyu climbed up your robe and onto your shoulder, sitting perfectly.
You smiled at the cat, "You really like it up there, huh?"
"Cats like high places." He responded sassily.
"Cats also don't speak, So shut up." You replied back and smirked.
You entered a small store on the far end of town. You could feel the magical energy radiating off the building.
"Hello miss! You must be the power I felt. Is there anything specific you need?" A man, who looked just a little older than me, asked. He looked soft and had very purple hair with these puppy eyes.
"I just need some essentials for some spells. Whats with the energy in this town? I feel something so.. dark.."
"So I wasn't the only one who felt that? Damn.. I was hoping I was just imagining it." He sighed, picking stuff off the shelf behind him for you. "I honestly dont know what it is.. maybe someone else came in the town? When you entered I thought it was you, considering I felt your energy, but I can tell being this close to you, it isn't you."
"Then what could it be?"
"That question is what scares me the most."
"So.. You don't know?"
"No clue. Nothing has visited this town for years. Why now?" He handed you your items and you paid him the amount.
"Well.. I'll be here to help if nothing else. Here's my number and address for if you find out anything." You smiled and waved as you walked out the door.
He was really cute, you hoped you'd be able to see him again soon.
A knock was heard on your door as you shuffled into the living room.
"Hello..?" You asked the person before seeing who they were.
"Hey miss. I realized when we met at the shop we never exchanged names, I'm Mitsuya by the way."
"Oh, hi again Mitsuya. I'm Y/n."
"A pretty name for a pretty girl" He smiled so cutely, you felt your heard beat faster.
"So, what are you doing here?"
"I came to get to know you better."
"Oh! Okay. Come on in!" You left Mitsuya in, and walked into the kitchen.
"Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Juice?"
"Just water will be fine.”
You nodded as you placed a cup in front of him with telekinesis and started on your cup of coffee. You poured him water as you finished your coffee and turned towards him. His eyes were wide as he watched the scene play out.
"That was impressive. Teach me that someday" He smiled.
"Sure! So.. What type of magic do you major?"
"Elemental. For you I'm guessing Telekinesis?"
"And a small amount of necromancy"
"Oooh, so you're truly a spooky witch, huh?" He sent a smirk your way.
"I guess you could say that, but I'd watch who you tease. I control life and death mister elemental bender." I smirked back.
He raised his hands up defensively, "Okay okay I got you" He laughed.
The two talked and talked for hours, getting to know each other better and becoming really close. It felt nice to both of them, to have a witch/warlock who they could talk to about magic.
"It's getting kind of late.. I should go.."
"Mitsuya It's 12:37am, just stay the night. I'll sleep on the couch."
"What? No way. I'll take the couch."
"I'm not letting my guest sleep on the couch." You argued.
"Well I'm not taking your bed." He argued back.
"They why don't we share my bed? It's big enough for us both and we don't need to argue." His face went up in flames as he tried to calm himself.
"Yea.. Sounds good."
The two piled into your room, laying down and talking about dreams.
"Yes?" You asked with closed eyes.
"I'm really happy I met you. I never knew it be so fun to meet someone like me"
"I'm happy I met you too, Mitsuya."
"I.. I know we just met a few days ago, but I feel like I've known you forever.. I.. I think I might have feelings for you.."
Mitsuya turned away from you, scared of your reaction to the sudden confession.
You, on the other hand, were on fire. Your whole body felt hot.
no reply.
" 'Suya look at me.."
He turned around slowly on his other side.
"Y-Yes?" He asked, avoiding your gaze.
You softly placed your lips on his, cupping his face lightly.
"Y-Ya... Y-You could've warned me" He mentions after.
You smiled his way, "Sorry. I just wanted to kiss you. I feel the same way.."
Mitsuya started to smile, before grabbing your waist and kissing you once more.
This one lasted a bit longer as you guys were comfortable in each other's presence.
After pulling away, you cuddled into his chest, enjoying his sweet scent.
"Goodnight, 'Suya~"
He blushed lightly, "Goodnight N/N..."
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mimikmew · 9 months
I couldn't sleep, so I made a list of pokemon teams for Avatar the Last Airbender.
Aang- Bouffalant (Appa), Emolga (Momo), Flygon (earth), Charizard (fire), Togetic/kiss or Alteria? (air), Mantine (water)
Katara- Lapras, Froslass (to represent the Painted Lady), Chansey (healing), Tentacruel? (poison type to represent bloodbending?), Primarina? (Starter?), Basculegion (to represent her tribe and their losses for which she fights)
Sokka- Lucario (given to him as a Riolu by Suki), Tyrogue (might evolve into Hitmontop, might not evolve at all), Ursaluna (given to him as a teddiursa by Yue), Minior (to represent the meteor he made his sword out of. Probably blue color, but maybe shiny?), Samurott (his starter probably), Klinklang (to represent his tinkering skills)
Toph- Excadrill (badgermoles, obviously), Steelix (metalbending), Machamp (her championship title), Tinkaton, Gallade (given to her as a Ralts by her parents as a kind of "seeing eye pokemon" that she turned into a fighter. Kept an everstone on it until she joined the gaang), Bewear (another gift from parents, but this time as more like a bodyguard.)
Zuko- Pyroar M (prince), Doublade (swords), Ceruledge (blue spirit), Annihilape (anger issues), Alolan Marrowak (mom issues), Kommo-o (dragon)
Suki- Mienshao, Urshifu (I want her to have 3, but couldn't think of a good 3rd one, except maybe she has both forms of Urshifu?)
Iroh- Drampa (old man/dragon, often underestimated), Turtonator (fire dragon), Polteageist (tea), Emboar (they have the same body type lol), Darmanitan (zen), Kingambit (I know pai sho isn't chess, but it's the closest we got, ok?)
Ozai- Houndoom, Infernape, Moltres? (The comet?), Magmortar, Zoroark (trickery), Mabosstiff?
Azula- Luxray, Pyroar F, Morpeko, Jolteon, Flareon, Chandelure? (Blue fire)
Mai- Salazzle, Umbreon, Malamar
Ty Lee- Mr Mime, Oricorio-baile style, Eevee
Zhao- Blaziken, Talonflame, Incineroar, Armarouge
Bumi- Gigalith
Yue- Goldeen, Lunatone (shiny)
Cabbage Guy- Bulbasaur
Jet- Weavile, Sneasler
Notable extras:
• Use Hypnos in Ba Sing Se for the conspiracy
• Sand benders (Si Wong tribes) use Hippopotas, Palosand, and Sandiles mostly
• Wan Shi Yong is an Alpha Noctowl
• Foggy Swamp Tribe use mostly Ludicolo line, Carnivine, Poliwag line, and Tangrowth lines, but any swampy pokemon will do. Bugs are common.
• As Lee, Zuko only uses his Doublade and Marrowak
• I want Spark Sparky Boom Man to use an Unown with a max power psychic type Hidden Power, but I don't know enough about Hidden Power mechanics to be sure that would work.
• Does penguin sledding use Delibird, Eiscue, or the Piplup line? These are the important questions!
• I purposefully made it so only the main characters/bad guys had more than 3 pokemon.
• I almost gave Zuko a Rayquaza, but he wouldn't have a legendary until he becomes Fire Lord
• Except for the Bouffalant, all Aang's pokemon can fly. (Regional varient that can fly?)
• As he is the Avatar, should all Aang's pokemon be shiny?
• Azula's crew all have an eeveelution. Azula has two, and I imagine the flareon used to belong to Zuko, but it was taken from him after the Agni Kai and banishment.
• Ty Lee wants to keep her eevee unevolved. Azula might convince her to "make it more powerful." If she does, it'll be a Sylveon.
• Zuko and Azula's mom got both of them a litleo each as kids.
• Fire Nation mostly use fire types, but electric are common enough. Earth Kingdom is mostly ground and rock, but steel is ok. Air Nomads obviously use mostly flying, but fairy is common. Water Tribes use mostly water and ice, but obviously the swamp tribe uses grass.
• The Earth King still has just a bear. It's not a pokemon. It's a bear.
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moonlitxeuphoria · 6 months
Hey! ^.^
Zutara Asks #12 & 13 please
Hey Ronin!!! Hope you’re doing amazing, dude!
(Had to type this all up before answering so that’s why it took a while for me to respond)
12. What are your steambaby headcanons?
- Everytime I think of Zuko and Katara and them having kids, first immediate thought is that their first born is a girl. Just no if ands or buts about it. Zuko - girl dad extraordinaire - just being absolutely enamored with his little girl, this tiny human who has his eyes and hair color but her mother’s features and her wild curls, always makes me so soft. Plus, the thought of him learning how to do the little hair loopies for her because she wants to be like her super cool momma gut punches me right in the feels UGH.
- Eventually they’d try for more, three seems like a good and solid number to stop at. Little trio of a fire bender, water bender and non bender kiddos (and the order of that tends to vary for me just cuz I haven’t really thought too much about it but this would be the lineup, for sure). This headcanon in particular is really influenced by some amazing steam baby art (specifically Hayley Wong’s art (absolutely adore everything she creates for zutara)) I’ve seen on here.
- They’d have the kiddos train in sword combat (blue spirit legacy lives oooon) as well as non-bender fighting techniques (with help from Suki and Ty Lee ofc) because you can’t always rely on solely being a bender to solve your problems. The thought of Ty Lee teaching the kids how to do handstands and little circus tricks like that in between their training is also super cute and fun. Small payback for the circus freak comments from when they were younger 🤣 And it also helps the kiddos bond and become even closer as they grow older.
- The kids would be massive fans of the blue spirit and the painted lady, both because of it having been their parents (they’d absolutely lose it at them having had like a superhero era moment back in the day) and being taken to see ‘love amongst the dragons’ every year as is tradition within their little family.
13. Do you think the Fire Nation would allow Zuko’s heir to become Firelord if they were a waterbender?
- Yes, but not without a decent amount of push back from those still blindly loyal to the old ways of the fire nation or are afraid of change. Which isn’t very many but it’s still enough to be somewhat of a hurdle to overcome, ya know. I also think the acceptance of a waterbender as the fire lord would really go to show the growth of the fire nation as a whole, doing away with the old regime once and for all if that makes sense. They obviously would’ve come around to Katara being fire-lady by that point but when it comes to a direct descendant of the royal family, I’d assume the change wouldn’t be so readily accepted and thus would spark immense debate in regards to the legitimacy of the child’s claim to the title on account of their bending being different than that of previous generations.
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walalppper · 2 years
Deceived - Rafe Cameron x (Y/n)
Dark Rafe Cameron x Reader. (Reader is 19 years old) warnings/tags: 18+, obsessive!Rafe, violence, physical/verbal abuse, toxic relationship.
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Chapter I: The encounter
It was mid-july in Outer Banks, and the sky changes from minute to minute. From orange to yellow to pink as the sun goes down, slipping quickly behind the line of the horizon. It’s been a while since there’s been a quiet time in the town, but with the supposed killer stated as dead and with the Peterkin's and Cameron's family mourning the death of their loved ones, people were slowly trying to go back to normal.
Rafe on the other hand seemed to only get worse with every minute that passed, he always had his eyes on her, just didn't have the best approach possible after everything that happened. She was unique after all. He missed the crazy days he had with her, the hot summer nights they spent together, the smile she gave him each time they were together, he even missed their fights, everything.
She was the only good thing he could have all to himself. However, the real reason the known ‘power couple’ broke up was because of his dangerous drug abuse, followed by multiple verbal and physical fights.
It was the first time in a while since he left his house after the incident with Susan Peterkin, the former town sheriff. She was investigating the criminal activities around town, leading up to being shot in the back by John B. At least that was what half of the island thought and said, blaming John B for the murder. The other half would either not care or blame Rafe Cameron instead, the kook king.
Everyone knew he had issues, especially under the influence of certain substances, but would rather believe a Pogue kid would kill someone other than a kook. Even though he had his name clean, he could always feel someone talking about him behind his back, causing him to live in a constant feeling of paranoia.
The party into which Topper and Kelce invited him to go was not what he was in the mood for, looking around he could see the presence of those Pogues. He hated these types of parties, which was the reason he avoided the Bonfire for a reason.
He was already feeling tipsy from the drinks his friends made him drink, it started to be a strange feeling. It was almost like he was watching himself from inside his own head, replaying the same memories he had from past parties, when everyone called him the “Kook King”, the nights he’d spend on a bender, drinking and sniffing everything people would put in front of him. That was right after their breakup, it destroyed him.
He was just so tired, distant in his own thoughts until he saw her in the room. He could never forget the features that made her so beautiful to him, how elegant she looked in that outfit, and her empathic and charismatic persona he fell for, but it was less than a second before she disappeared from his gaze.
Looking around desperately he shoves past the people in his way, pushing them out of his way like mere plastic toys.
‘I have to find her.’ ‘She was just here.’ His mind was racing back and forward.
‘Where the fuck is she-’
He stopped in his tracks, locking eyes with her. Those beautiful (eye /color) eyes that made him always feel at peace, he truly missed her, and he was sorry. But that was the hard part, admitting to everything and apologizing.
His shoulders tensed, just like the rest of his body. This was the first time he’d see her in person since their breakup, which was followed by multiple dumb decisions from his side, like screwing around other girls, not that they meant anything to him, they were mere distractions.
Making his way toward her, he nervously fixed his collarbone. Taking a sip of the drink she was holding. "Haven't seen you in a while." She said, in the most calming tone that always made him feel the butterflies fly around his stomach.
“Could tell you the same.” He remarked back, trying to seem like his self-assured self. Tracing up and down her body with his gaze, remembered all the sensitive and tender parts he used to touch her. “Thought I’d see you wearing an orange jumpsuit by now.” She joked, obviously under the effect of alcohol. He knew her too well, he chuckled, looking down at his shoes and then back up to meet with her eyes. “You know they’d never catch me.” “I’m sure.” She answered back.
In between the Sheriff Peterkin situation, she believed in him, even after having some doubts because of his drinking and drugs problem, but deep down she never thought he could actually murder someone.
The only one that knew the truth about what happened was Topper. ‘Shit- Topper.’
The sudden thought hit him, what if Topper got too drunk and eventually slipped something he shouldn’t? He had to find him, but (Y/n)’s here, with him.
“You’re here with your friends? I can take you home if you want-” She shook her head as no. “I’m with my boyfriend.”
He felt his heart sink onto the ground. ‘Her what?’ ‘How could she?’ ‘Why would she?’ His mind was starting to race around again, letting out a small nervous laugh he asked, “Your what?”. ‘She has to be joking’
“Boyfriend.” She looked to her side, pulling on her jacket nervously, she already knew he wouldn’t react the best way. Following her gaze, he looked at him. Jason, the most known athlete in Outer Banks, everything Ward wanted in a son, great.
Anger was starting to fill him up, he knew damn well this was enough to make him do something he’d regret. Quickly grabbing her by the wrist he took her outside, pushing her against the door of his car. Wincing by the sudden impact against it, she exclaimed. “Rafe- Ouch, you’re fucking hurting me-”
“It’s been less than a fucking month and you already switched me for fucking Jason?” He ran his hand caressingly through his hair. “Your standards got lower.”
“Lower?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “That has absolutely nothing to do with you.”
She was right, they weren’t together, but he couldn’t control his inner urges. Especially when she’s involved in them, but he had to. This was no place to start a fight after everything that happened recently, he knew this wasn’t the moment for impulsive behavior, after all, he was still a suspect for the police.
Shaking his head as no, he stared at her. “It doesn’t, why would it, right?”
He thought of her so much it was driving him crazy, he couldn’t be apart from her anymore. But he couldn’t control it. Grabbing her face forcingly, he looked her dead in the eyes. “You’re just a fucking slut, just like you were before you met me.”
Tears were starting to form on the verge of her (e/c) eyes. She couldn’t handle him doing this to her again, she couldn’t handle going through everything she went when they were together again. “You haven’t changed one bit.” She said in a lowered voice, keeping eye contact with him.
“(Y/n)?” They both turned their attention to the voice calling her name. It was Topper.
Gaining back his senses, Rafe looked back at (Y/n), letting go of her chin he tried to think of something to say to her. But no words left his mouth. Getting away from him she quickly walked away from both men, not even looking back at Rafe, that once again ruined his chance of doing things right.
“Come on, I’ll…I’ll get you home.” Topper offered, pulling Rafe inside his car and driving him away from that place. He always knew what was going on in their relationship but always chose to stay quiet about it.
Looking nervously at Rafe, already expecting him to snap back at him, he swallowed hard before asking. “Do you wanna talk about what just happened or…”
“Just fucking drive me home Topper.”
Chapter II (Available Soon)
English is not my first language but i hope you enoyed :P
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jeweledstone · 1 year
Recounting a crazy dream I had that I might draw about later
I had a dream the night before April 1st that was really fucking wild. The only reason I didn’t immediately start posting about it was because I wanted to stay “in character” for the Tridential Takeover event.
So in the dream, I was in I think junior high/high school attending a science class of sorts. Instead of a usual lesson, the teacher brought in this scientist (I forget his name but he’s important) to give a presentation of sorts involving this experiment/theory he was known for working on. The basics of it were that every object in our universe emitted some form of radiation, not only the radioactive shit we know of, but also a more harmless version called “passive radiation”. To demonstrate this, he brought this device into class that could detect different types of passive radiation emitting from something and used it on different students, me being one of them.
…The problem started when I was chosen to be the next guinea pig.
It started out ok at first, but then the scientist noticed something weird. Apparently I gave off types of radiation that were “only present in quantum entities” (which I assume is this verse’s term for reality benders, which I am canonically one of). Then, I don’t know if it was because of a fault in the machine or the fact that little quip made me nervous or something, but that’s when things went. Terribly. Wrong.
If you’ve been following my dream journal for a while, you might remember this one time where my reality bending powers went out of control when I started panicking. That basically happened again, but far worse. I lost control for a few seconds, leaving my vision as nothing but bright colors before snapping back to “reality”. At first there seemed to be no casualties and everyone seemed ok, the only thing off were that my eyes appeared to have changed a bit.
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Yeah, you already know where this is going.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the people who were in that classroom during the incident began slowly turning into various Deltarune characters, but they still remained mentally the person they were before. The only exception to that being me and the scientist guy (which only makes sense since we were the closest to “ground zero” at the time. Of fucking course we’d have it worse than everyone else). I was turning into Spamton (of course) and the scientist was turning into Jevil, much to his horror. (Bonus horror points since Deltarune didn’t come out until my last year of high school so for all we knew people were just turning into random monsters)
The rest of the dream was science guy trying to figure out how to reverse what was happening before he completely lost his sanity/identity to the transformation. Didn’t help that I still was having random bursts of reality-glitching which caused us to change more in body and mind every time it happened (an ability I ended up becoming addicted to and trying to use/activate as much as possible, which became easier and easier as reality became more unstable each time I used it).
So yeah, reality’s falling apart and the only guy who can stop it is slowly losing himself to it and is basically in a race against the clock to find a solution. Seems pretty bar of the course for my dreams lol
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roseguided · 2 years
@heireign LIKED for a starter ! ft helaena targaryen.
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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 with her sister , but when she did it was enjoyed. rhaenyra was the one she yearned for a relationship with , to say she was close with the only sister in a sea of brothers. someone who could relate to her on the way the boys , or even her own mother , couldn’t. among the sunshine over head & the splash of greenery in muted colors helaena & her half sister sit beside one another. ; grass is still wet under her toes from the morning , in the princess palm climbs a blue colored butterfly that had drifted down to initially land on bender knee. ❛ see it’s coloring ? ❜ asks helaena softly , violet gaze focused on the blue color of its wings & the dark mixed in with it. white spots , dark on the edges. ❛ i believe this type of butterfly has bright , colorful markings to make itself more attractive to mates. it’s species is a rare one I’ve read. ❜ a smile presses against her lips , eyes turning toward rhaenyra.
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Sokka’s Birthday
For Zukka Week 2022, Day 5 @zukkaweek
Prompts: Soulmates and/or Chronic Pain/Disability
Wordcount: 3k | Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: None Apply
Summary: Soulmates switch bodies for 16 minutes when the younger one turns sixteen. In all the hullabaloo of ending the war, everyone forgot it was Sokka’s birthday. He and Zuko swap bodies just as Zuko has to give an important speech and Sokka’s blood sugar runs low. Features Sokka with Type 1 Diabetes. Post-canon. Fluff.
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If there was only one thing Sokka could appreciate about the Fire Nation, it was their food.
(Technically, he was aware he should really put Zuko—sorry, Fire Lord Zuko—first, but come on. Zuko may have been pretty cool, but a guy had to have priorities.)
The Fire Lord’s Palace had changed almost overnight from a dark, burnt-out hunk of stone and wood to a lively, colorful place filled with people of all ages and nations running about in the streets and the hastily renovated palace courtyard. The reds of the Fire Nation intermingled with the greens and browns of the Earth Kingdom, turning the area into a mass of colors; even some blues from the Water Tribes could be seen here and there. Large banners waved merrily in the wind above the cheerful crowd’s heads and the wonderful aroma of as much Kamodo chicken, flaming fire flakes, and roasting lychee nuts Sokka could ever hope to enjoy wove its way past hungry noses. He sniffed the tantalizing air.
“Honestly, Sokka,” Katara said. “Would it kill you to try acting like you’re more focused on Aang and Zuko than on the vendors for just five minutes?”
Sokka waved her off. “Come on, Katara. They’re fine! Aang’s almost done with his little speech, and Zuko’s all ready to stumble over the one I helped him write, and then we can show our nations-wide solidarity by partaking in a few delicious snacks.”
“Sokka, if anything goes wrong today, the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation could be thrust right back into war—”
“Yes, today is all about the treaties and the land rights and the diplomats and blah, blah, blah.” Sokka rolled his eyes, partially to distract his sister from being so tense and partially because come on. Aang and Zuko could handle anything at this point, even without Aang’s weird Avatar powers coming into play. The War was over; what could possibly go wrong? “Excuse me for thinking of my stomach after weeks on the run.”
“Imagine that,” said a familiar voice from behind them. “Sokka, thinking with his stomach?”
Sokka turned just in time to meet his dad’s warm embrace. “Dad! You made it!”
“Of course I did,” Hakoda said, and roped Katara into their impromptu group hug. “I couldn’t possibly miss the resolution of the Hundred Years’ War and the signing of the treaty between the Earth King and the Fire Lord, now could I?”
One of the ancient Fire Nation officials gathered behind the VIP stage they stood on shushed them. The back of his robe was caught in his underwear, but the man seemed more preoccupied with glaring at everyone around him to notice his wardrobe malfunction. Sokka tried to withhold his snort—for his sister’s sake, of course.
Hakoda released his children and winked. “Besides, the Water Tribes have our own discussions to be made with the Fire Nation under the supervision of the Avatar. Master Pakku made the journey with us on behalf of the North’s Chief Arnook.”
“Master Pakku’s here?” Katara asked.
Sokka frowned. “Wait, the Southern and the Northern Tribe?”
Hakoda nodded, and there was a beat of silence as Sokka and Katara exchanged unhappy looks.
“Our sister tribe has been immeasurably helpful in rebuilding the Southern Water Tribe,” Hakoda said quietly. “They gave us food and furs, warriors to stand guard against the Fire Nation, and benders to rebuild our villages and defenses. We owe them much.”
“Yeah, and now they want something from us, don’t they?” Sokka seethed. “Because saving innocent lives wasn’t enough for them.”
“Sokka,” Katara said. “Master Pakku will treaty fairly with us, no matter what Chief Arnook is really up to. Besides—” she smiled smugly—“Chief Arnook can do what he wants at the North Pole, but Master Pakku has to listen to Gran-Gran if he wants to make it to their wedding.”
They all laughed at that, and the sudden tension in Sokka’s gut released.
“Never mind the politics.” Hakoda ruffled both their hair. “I can’t believe it’s been just a few weeks since I saw you last. Katara, any more success with those new waterbending moves? Sokka, how has your sugar been?”
Sokka made an unhappy face. “Well, Katara said she’d be more understanding of my ‘limitations’ now that we’re not running for our lives, but I’m going low and she won’t let me step away from the speeches to grab a bite.”
“What?” Katara smacked his arm. “Sokka! You liar. You didn’t say anything about going low; you just wanted to skip the democracy and stuff your face with fire flakes.”
“I did too say!” Sokka squawked. “And I do not!”
“Shhh!” the official with his underwear displayed hissed.
Hakoda patted Sokka’s head. “You are looking a little pale there, son. Why don’t you take a break to get some of that Watermelon juice?”
Katara rolled her eyes. “Sokka, give me your hand.”
“Nope.” Sokka folded his arms and stuck his tongue out at his sister. “You checked my blood sugar like an hour ago. I’ll be fine once I get some juice.”
As always, Katara ignored him and bent a small bubble of her bending water out of her penguin-sealskin bag. Sokka sighed and reluctantly stuck his hands in the floating bubble.
At least this was better now that Katara finally knew how to waterbend. Before they had traveled to the North Pole with Aang, Katara had had to carry around a big dish just for Sokka’s hands to fit in because she hadn’t been able to both bend the water into the air and get a good reading for Sokka’s blood sugar levels. Sokka usually ended up dripping wet head to toe in those days, which he found particularly miserable in the cold of the South Pole. Now, only his hands got wet.
Katara hummed for a moment while she did her magic healing-waterbending thingy. The water glowed around Sokka’s palms, then turned a dark blue.
“Watermelon juice, pronto,” Katara said, and put her water away. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it,” Sokka said. He wasn’t slurring his words yet, so he had some time.
Katara turned her attention back to Aang.
“If anyone tries to stop you, just remind them you’re a war hero.” Hakoda met Sokka’s eyes. “If you get lost, just find one of my men. They scattered everywhere as soon as we left the ship, and they all know you need food when you get like this.”
“Thanks, Dad!” Sokka worried for a minute he was being too immature, needing his dad’s acceptance to leave the treaty ceremony for a cup of juice, but decided it didn’t matter. After all, he was a war hero. More importantly, Sokka was a founding member of Team Avatar.
(Also his blood glucose really was dropping. Sokka could almost feel his thought patterns slowing down as his internal sugar supply diminished. Watermelon juice sounded great.)
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estrel · 4 years
Are You Happy? (Save Them Some Pie)
HAPPY 42ND BIRTHDAY, DEAN!! this is my gift to him for being my comfort person that i would hug on sight if given the chance 💗 love you dude, may you indulge in copious amounts of pie. ~ 1.5k words.
also dedicated to marlo ( @heller-jensen ), jace ( @thiscastielhasflown ) and dee ( @castee-yel ) thanks for bein real ones <3
The day had already started out weird enough.
Dean had woken up drenched in sweat, mind racing with the last lingering thoughts of a nightmare. A vamp nest that he and Sam had been hunting, Dean dying in the most ludicrous way possible, and driving Baby down a long road for an indiscriminate amount of time in a supposed heaven that his father (his father) also co-habited. Needless to say, the dream had come out of nowhere, but it was easy enough to forget once the smell of bacon made its way into his room.
Breakfast was hardy and quick, with enough coffee to fuel him for the rest of the day as he skimmed the internet for a possible case. He had the itch, but apparently, looking around at the three sleepy faces around him at the table, no one else did.
He packed up anyway, preparing for what would likely be an easy salt-n-burn; he’d be gone for only a few hours, tops. On his way out, Cas stops him before he can scale the stairs, arm gripping his shoulder tightly. There’s a memory, briefly—the same hand, the same shoulder. Blood.
Dean looks down at it. Back at Cas.
After a moment, Cas lets go. He steps back half an inch as if he had forgotten himself. “Just…be careful.”
Dean nods, moving to leave again, taking the awkwardness as both a Cas thing and a morning thing and content to leave it at that. 
“And,” Cas says. Dean turns back.
“Come home.”
Dean picks up the phone.
“Dean, hey! It’s, uh. It’s me. Krissy?”
Dean feels himself begin to smile, mindful of the road ahead of him. He balances his phone on his thigh while he drives.
“Hey, kid! Long time no call. How are you? Everything okay?”
The case had been as easy as Dean had suspected, but he had that familiar muscle ache and heaviness to his eyes that solo cases usually gave him.
Besides that, he was getting a little confused about all of the calls he’d been getting today. Before Krissy, it had been Garth, and before that, Claire and Jody and…
“Uh, yeah, dude, everything’s good. Um. How are you? How’s Sam and that angel of yours?”
Dean swallows to keep from choking, or potentially crashing the car.
“They’re good. Yeah…good.” Alive, he wants to say, back from the dead, probably in the DeanCave watching Scooby Doo without him. “Sorry, Krissy, ah,” he steps off the break to make a left, “I’m actually on my way home right now. Was there something I could help you with?”
There’s a pause, and Dean chances a glance at his phone to see if the call had dropped off. It hadn’t.
“I,” she huffs in what sounds like a laugh, “Nothing, Dean. You get home safe, okay?”
“Sure thing.”
“And hey,” Krissy says, before he can say his goodbyes, “Uh, make sure you save some pie for everybody else.”
Dean’s eyebrows furrow a bit, but he laughs. “I will. Take care of yourself.”
“Bye, Dean.”
Dean’s still mulling over the pie comment when he nearly falls down the stairs, squinting into the darkness of the Bunker.
“What the hell?” he asks, voice hoarse around the high note. “Guys?”
When there’s no immediate answer, Dean’s instincts kick in. He pulls out his gun and gently drops his bag, waiting a moment for his eyes to adjust so he can try for the stairs.
Before he can, though, the lights kick back on. His gaze locks onto the scene below, and Dean slowly lowers his gun.
“Happy birthday!” Jack says, the sound of a party horn whining shortly after. Beside him, Cas pulls the string of a party popper, and he jerks as bits of confetti fall around him and into his hair.
Skeptically, Dean starts descending down the stairs.
“You…this…” he manages.
“It’s your birthday, dumbass,” Sam says, swooping forward to slap a party hat on Dean’s head as soon as he’s made the landing. He smiles.
“Oh…kay.” Around them, the Bunker looks pretty normal. The only difference is the array of pies on one of the library tables, next to what looks like home made rice krispie treats, and a couple of birthday-themed plates and napkins. That, and the confetti from Cas’ party popper that litters the floor. “Are you sure?”
Cas frowns at Sam. “Sam was certain. I can’t imagine he’d get the day wrong, but he has had quite severe brain trauma over the years. Perhaps…” Cas reaches out to Sam’s head, probably intent on searching his brain for said trauma, or for the date of Dean’s actual birthday. Sam swats his hand away.
“Hey, no. My trauma is fine. Dean,” Sam redirects his attention to him, “It’s today. Did you really forget?”
Dean shrugs, trying to piece the day together from the beginning. Shitty dream, good breakfast, the three of them weirdly insisting on staying at the Bunker…the calls. Save some pie for everybody else.
He laughs. “So that’s what she meant.”
“That’s what who meant?” Jack asks. He’s wearing a party hat, too, with ridiculous stripes of blue and pink and purple patterned onto it. It matches the one currently strapped to Dean’s own. He shakes his head.
“You’re telling me all of you knew? This whole time? And…and…” He looks around again, pointing vaguely at the table and the confetti. “You put this all together for me?”
Sam shoves his arm playfully. “Course we did. Now quit pouting and come eat some pie.”
Sam is fast asleep, sprawled out on the couch hours later with one of his hands brushing the floor. Dean thinks he spots drool on the pillow underneath him. 
Cas has been quiet next to Dean, at least since Jack had disappeared into the kitchen an hour ago and hadn’t come back, thoughtfully tracing the lip of his beer bottle with his finger. 
“Something on your mind?” Dean asks, because he wants to know.
Cas continues unbothered. Scooby Doo reruns play in the background. Dean almost repeats the question, but Cas eventually lifts his gaze to stare at him.
“Are you happy?” 
Dean presses his mouth shut. Licks his lips. He takes just as long to answer.
“You know what,” he smiles. “I think I am.”
Cas smiles back at him, soft and genuine. The skin around his eyes crinkling tells more than the gentle upturn of his mouth. 
Dean swallows, nervously putting his beer down and turning it a few times until his fingers are wet with the condensation. 
“What, uh. What about you?” He swallows again. “You happy?”
What he really wants to ask, though, is if they were good. If, after recent events, they were still the same. If Cas was still fine with “just being.”
He’s quiet again. Dean thinks he deserves that, and tries to pay attention to the TV, but the voice in his head is too loud. Cas has to tap his knee to get his attention again.
“I was saying,” he moves his hand back, “that I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift.”
Dean stares at him. “What are you talking about?”
Cas looks confused, like he’s about to repeat what he just said. Dean stops him short with a wave of his hand. 
“Dude, you just got back from the dead, alright? That’s—that’s gift enough to last me a lifetime. Don’t worry about a gift.”
Cas frowns, and Dean rolls his eyes. It’s another few moments of tense silence, until Dean breaks it, his heart pounding in his chest.
“But, uh,” he says, “I might have a gift for you.”
“Dean, we don’t share a birthday. It’s not customary to gift me something, especially when I haven’t given you—“
“Cas,” he groans, officially putting his beer aside and facing him. Cas’ features are lit up with the colors of the TV. Dean reaches a hand up to pluck confetti from his hair, a green piece that he’d been eyeing all night. Hesitating, he lets his hand fall to Cas’ face, smoothing over his cheek and jaw. The TV paints his cheekbone purple. Dean brushes his thumb over it. “Just...shut up and let me do this.” 
Cas tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed in that way of his, and Dean thinks he looks perfect. When he dips forward and presses their lips together, it’s perfect, perfect, perfect. He’s warm, his face is burning, eyes almost watering when he pulls away.
Dean lets his forehead rest on Cas’, heartbeat still crazy. He closes his eyes. “We can have it, Cas. This. We can have this.”
Cas takes Dean’s face in his hands, lifts it a little to bring them face to face again, so that he’s looking into Dean’s eyes.
“I’d like that, Dean,” he says, and his eyes are wet, too. Happy, Dean thinks.
“Your gift to me?” Dean manages, smile wobbly. He’s teasing, trying to bring down the weight of this without getting rid of all of it. He likes this type of adrenaline rush, different from any hunt he’s been on. Better.
Cas smiles. “I think technically it was you that gifted me, but, yes. My gift to you, if you’ll take it.”
“Gladly,” Dean says.
Cas hums back, brushing his fingers through the hair at the nape of Dean’s neck. “Happy birthday, Dean.” He leaves a kiss on his forehead.
Dean thinks, for the first time, as he pulls more confetti from Cas’ hair, that it actually is. 
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beifongsss · 4 years
firebending [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Requested?: Yes! By a wonderful anon: “your zuko fics are all so well-written! I have a request for a firebender reader who hates the fire nation and was never trained in the art of fighting. then she/they join the gaang and learns firebending with aang from zuko. it’s awkward between them at first but cue ~ romance ~”
Summary: If someone told you that you’d end up dating the Fire Nation prince one day, you would’ve laughed in their face. If only you knew how right they were.
wc. ~5.2k
When you first joined the Gaang, everyone expected you and Katara to hate each other. After all, you were from the Fire Nation and everybody knew Katara was the biggest anti-Fire Nation enthusiast there ever was.
They were quickly proven wrong when you didn’t fight against Katara’s harsh remarks, instead agreeing with them and even adding more scathing words of your own to show your distaste towards the Fire Nation. Since joining them, you never wore anything related to the Fire Nation. Nothing that is, with the exception of an elaborate hairpiece that your mother had left you. The hairpiece never left your body, the sunstone in the middle of it shining from its place on your head.
Escaping Ba Sing Se (and therefore the Earth Kingdom) had simultaneously been the best and worst thing that had happened to you. You were glad that Aang was alive, obviously, but being back in Fire Nation clothing was making you anxious.
Ever since the battle in the catacombs, you had been avoiding everyone. You had revealed your firebending in a panic, shooting a strong blast of fire at the banished prince as he snuck up on Katara. He had been taken off guard just long enough for you to subdue him before he realized that you didn’t know what you were doing.
There had been no time for Katara to question you after that. You had all fled and met up with her father, Hakoda, before seizing a Fire Nation ship to use as a disguise. As soon as you stepped foot on the ship, you had scrambled to an empty room and locked yourself inside. You had ignored Katara’s pleas for you to open the door, never once moving from your spot unless it was to use the bathroom or to get the tray of food that you knew had been placed at your door.
No one had known you were a firebender, and the initial shock eventually wore off as everyone found themselves missing your presence. It wasn’t until Aang woke up that you finally emerged.
“(Y/N)?” Sokka asked hesitantly, knocking softly on your door.
“Go away!” was the muffled reply that came from your room.
“Nope. I think Aang wants to see you.”
Sokka waited for a few seconds before the door swung open, reveling you standing there. You were wearing your Earth Kingdom clothes, trying to delay the inevitable. You looked up at him, making his heart hurt when he noticed the exhaustion in your eyes.
“Is he really awake?” you asked, your voice small. Sokka nodded.
“Hurry up and get changed. He’s on the deck.”
You nodded softly before closing the door. You opened it again a few minutes later, now dressed in red. As much as Sokka hated to admit it, you looked good in red. The Fire Nation was your home, after all. You followed him up to the deck, your finger nimbly twisting part of your hair into a knot big enough for your hairpiece.
“(Y/N)!” Aang yelled when you came into view. He launched himself at you and you caught him with a small “oof”. You giggled softly as you rubbed his head, making his hair stick up in all directions.
“Aang!” you cried in reply. “You have hair!”
Aang made a funny face at your words before fixing his hair. “Yeah, I guess I was out longer than I thought.”
You leaned down and swept the boy up into another hug, pulling him close as you held tears back. “I’m so glad you’re okay Aang. I don’t know what we would’ve done if you-”
“Don’t worry! Look at me, I’m fine!” Aang said, trying to make you feel better. He led you over to where everyone else was, Katara looking up and smiling softly as you glanced at her. “They also told me about your firebending! How come you never told us?’
You reeled back in shock, looking around wildly as everyone heard Aang’s word. When there were no negative reactions, you relaxed slightly.
“Everyone already knows huh?” you asked drily, being met with nods from everyone on board. You sighed and tapped your foot before speaking. “Okay, yes I’m a firebender. The reason I never told you guys is because I never wanted to use it. I was young when I fled and I never got a chance to learn anything other than the basics.”
Aang nodded in understanding. “But you could’ve built your skills that time we met Jeong Jeong.”
“No. After my family...” you trailed off, thinking about why you never became a master bender. Aang gave you an encouraging look and you breathed in deeply. “I promised myself I wouldn’t firebend ever again. Not after that.”
Aang nodded in understanding as you fell silent, thinking about your past. The Fire Nation was the reason why you had been all alone. They had killed your family with the weapon you now hated: firebending.
The silence engulfed the entire ship, everyone lost in their own thoughts. There was a peaceful atmosphere as the ship drifted along, but of course it didn’t last long.
Soon enough, you found yourself chasing after Aang, eventually being forced to hide in the Fire Nation as the Day Of Black Sun loomed closer and closer.
The promise that you had made to yourself to never firebend again was still intact. You hadn’t let any bursts of fire out, not even when you had found yourself surrounded by Fire Nation troops on the Day of Black Sun. The eclipse was a blessing to you, the brief eight minutes just long enough to make you feel normal.
Of course, you soon found yourselves fleeing to the Western Air Temple, silently mourning the loss the rest of the invasion army. Once you all settled in, you kept wearing the red top you had acquired in the Fire Nation. You don’t know why; it just brought you some type of comfort. Aang had grinned when he noticed, wondering if all your adventures in the Fire Nation had lessened your hatred towards the nation.
It had.
But not by much. Wearing the color red weighed heavily on your soul and you spent many of your waking hours debating whether or not keeping the red clothes was the right choice. It frustrated you to no end, how a simply piece of cloth could jumble your thoughts so easily. The red reminded you of the pain and grief you had experienced when you had lost your family, but in a twisted way it also reminded you of them. It reminded you of the days back when you still had them, back when you still had a home and you were happy. Deep down, you knew that you were Fire Nation but that knowledge didn’t stop your inner turmoil. And over the next few days, it only got worse with the arrival of a certain someone.
“Hello, Zuko here.”
You tried to hold back your groan, you really did. But it was as though the universe wanted to test you and had decided to do so by sending the Fire Nation prince your way. Zuko’s soft smile had dropped at your reaction, the corners of his lips quirking downward.
“Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here,” he continued. Appa walked up to the prince and sniffed him before proceeding to lick him. Zuko’s face twisted up in disgust. “I know you must be surprised to see me here.”
"Not really,” Sokka said. “Since you've followed us all over the world!”
“Right,” Zuko said, wincing slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, uh, anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed, and I, uh, I'm good now, and well I think I should join your group, oh, and I can teach firebending to you. See, I, uh-”
“You want to what now?” you asked sharply, exchanging a look with Katara.
“You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you?” she asked, opening her water skin. “I mean, how stupid do you think we are?!”
Zuko’s eyes shifted to you before he answered. “You trust her. She’s a firebender.”
Your eyes widened in anger and you began to march up to the prince, only stopping when Katara held you back.
“I am not, a firebender,” you hissed, staring Zuko down. “And I am not Fire Nation.”
Zuko stayed quiet, his eyes drifting from your red shirt to the hairpiece on your head. You followed his line of sight, eyes widening when you realized he was staring at the sunstone. You yanked your arm out of Katara’s grip, angrily stomping out of the room. You quickly stripped yourself of your red top as soon as you were out of sight before sighing deeply and pulling your hairpiece out. You arrived at the sleeping chamber and sat down on your sleeping bag quietly, holding the hairpiece in your hand tightly.
You stared at it sadly, the sunstone glinting in the dim light. Without hesitation, you pulled your arm back and flung it away, watching the sunstone glint in the sunlight as it rolled towards the edge. It was gone in a second, tumbling over the edge of the temple.
Now you were truly no longer Fire Nation.
Your life had just gotten ten times harder now that Zuko had been allowed to join the group. The defeat of Combustion Man had been intense and you had found injured when it was all over. Unlike Sokka, you had never been good with fighting, always relying on your intelligence to get you out of dire situations. With Combustion Man however, that proved to be a problem, and you had found yourself caught in the middle of a fight with no protection whatsoever.
In addition to the pain of your injury, you found yourself dealing with the prince’s presence. You found yourself avoiding the group entirely, taking on the more tedious chores (like laundry) to avoid spending time with the group and even hanging out with Haru, Teo, and The Duke as they explored the temple.
Tensions didn’t rise until a few days later, beginning when Aang approached you with an idea. After your tragic failure with Combustion Man, Aang believed that you needed to learn how to protect yourself and he thought that the right way to do that was by learning how to firebend. You had vehemently refused, accidentally yelling at the Air Nomad as everyone else watched in silence.
The argument was put on pause for a few days when Aang and Zuko traveled to the Sun Warriors’ ruins but when they came back, Toph had sided with him as well. You felt slightly betrayed by the small earthbender but still refused, stating that there was no way you would willingly learn how to firebend. At least you still had Sokka and Katara on your side.
At least you did until Sokka and Zuko took a trip to The Boiling Rock the next day. When they got back two days later, Sokka was on Aang’s side as well. The fight with Azula on the gondola had left him shaken as he realized just how hard it was to fight a bender with just a sword. You didn’t know how to use a sword, but you could firebend and so Sokka became one of Aang’s supporters. Katara was the only one who was still on your side, but that changed when Azula raided the temple.
Everyone had been woken up suddenly, reacting a bit slower than normal as Azula appeared. She immediately lunged at you, shooting blasts of blue fire as she stalked closer to you. Your eyes were wide with fear, dodging her attacks as much as you could.
“Watch out!” Zuko yelled, tackling you from the side, a pillar crashing down where you had been standing as a result of Azula’s lightning. You grunted softly as you landed, the breath leaving your lungs as Zuko landed on top of you. You opened your eyes immediately, meeting bright gold irises before they looked away as Zuko began to scan you for any visible injuries. Zuko’s hands rested on either side of your head as he tried to keep his weight off of you, not that it helped considering you were still struggling to catch your breath.
Or maybe you were struggling to catch your breath because of how close he was.
“Are you okay?” Zuko asked, drawing your attention back to him. Scowling, you threw him off of you before scrambling to your feet, rushing to help Katara when you heard her yelp. Zuko noticed Toph earthbend a tunnel into the side of the temple, and rushed to join the others. His eyes landed on you as you threw yourself to the side, narrowly dodging another one of Azula’s deadly blasts. The princess grabbed you by the hair, laughing maniacally before dragging you to the airships.
“What are you doing?” Aang yelled, noticing that Zuko had stopped in his path.
“Azula has (Y/N)!” Zuko replied, turning around and facing the airships. “I’m gonna go get her.”
Katara rushed to Aang’s side, exchanging a worried look with him before getting on top of Appa. The rest of the Gaang joined them, holding on tight as they tried to maneuver the sky bison through all the debris. 
Zuko ran and launched himself onto the airship, landing safely on top of one. He glared at his sister, noticing that she was still holding onto you.
“Let her go, Azula!” Zuko yelled, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Hmm, I don’t think I will,” Azula replied, the blue flame in her palm growing brighter as she held it up to your face. “I think I’ll get rid of her instead. Then I’ll get rid of you. I can’t wait to celebrate being an only child.”
She inched the flame closer to your face, prompting Zuko to shoot a fire blast near her head. Growling, Azula tossed you to the side before confronting Zuko. The two siblings fought for a few minutes and you tried your best to avoid any wayward blasts. The fight stopped when they both struck at the same time, the resulting blast blowing both of them backwards.
“Zuko!” you cried, sprinting to grab the boy before he fell. You managed to grab onto his hand but his momentum sent you both tumbling into the chasm, a scream getting stuck in your throat as you plummeted. You were so overcome with fear that you didn’t notice Zuko pulling you into him, holding you close as you fell.
The fall didn’t last long, Appa managing to swoop in and save the two of you. You sat quietly on Appa’s saddle, both you and Zuko watching Azula as she kept falling.
“She’s...not gonna make it,” Zuko said softly, his arms tightening around you slightly. You watched with wide eyes as Azula used firebending to propel herself to the cliffside, sliding down a bit further before she took out her hairpin and stuck it into the side of the cliff, effectively ending her fall. “Of course she did.”
The seven of you sat in silence for a few minutes before Katara spoke up, tears in her eyes as she looked at you. “(Y/N), seeing Azula capture you got me thinking. I think...I think that you should learn how to firebend. You need to know how to defend yourself.”
“And I think that you can let go of each other now,” Sokka said cheekily, trying to diffuse the tension that had settled upon the group at Katara’s words. You shimmied out of Zuko’s hold, walking up to the Water Tribe girl and looking at her in disbelief.
“You’re supposed to be on my side Katara,” you hissed, flinching when she tried to reach for your hand. Without another words, you walked away and took Appa’s reins. The rest of the flight was silent, everybody knowing that now was not the time to be chatty.
Once again, you had retreated from the group. It wasn’t exactly hard considering the fact that now it was Katara and Zuko who had disappeared, gone on a quest to find her mother’s murderer. After a few days, Zuko reappeared alone and you found yourselves traveling to Ember Island.
Upon your arrival, you made your way over to Katara, who was standing quietly on the deck.
“I heard what you did,” you spoke first. “I’m glad you didn’t kill him.”
“I couldn’t bring myself to do it,” she whispered back, still looking straight ahead.
She turned slightly, facing you before speaking. “It’s not in my nature to kill. I couldn’t bring myself to use my bending for that. I have the chance to prevent other’s from going through what I went through; from going through what you went through. I want to use my bending for good.”
You mulled over her words for a few seconds before sighing deeply and walking away. Aang watched you quietly as he walked over to Katara, his eyes widening slightly when you walked up to Zuko.
“Ok,” you said quietly, looking up at the prince. “Teach me how to firebend.”
Zuko’s eyes widened briefly before he crossed his arms and composed himself. “Tomorrow at dawn. Be ready.”
And ready you were. Every day. Firebending was a lot easier than you expected, and you found yourself breezing though the basics and the intermediate moves. It wasn’t until you got to the advanced moves that you began to have some trouble.
“No!” Zuko barked. “That’s not how it’s done. Again!”
Your eye twitched before you took your stance again, launching yourself into the move that you were currently working on. You sighed deeply when you realized you had done it wrong again.
“Wrong. Again.”
“If you’re so good at it then come and show me,” you snapped, fed up with his attitude. Zuko straightened up before walking over to you, motioning for you to take your stance once more. You rolled your eyes, blowing the hair out of your eyes before complying.
“I will,” he said, moving your arms into the right position. He walked around you and you opened your mouth to make another comment, stopping when his hand came around from behind and gently shut your jaw. “Don’t say anything.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as he spoke. He was closer than you thought, his lips brushing your ear as he spoke. You shivered when his hands landed on your back, fixing your posture before they made their way to your waist. He gripped your waist firmly, shifting you into position before leaning forwards slightly, whispering in your ear once more. “Do it again.”
Fighting a blush, you did as you were told. You chuckled breathlessly when you did it correctly this time, a blast of fire leaving your hand at the right moment.
“See? You did it,” Zuko said, a faint smirk on his lips. “You’re a natural.”
You bounced up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck in excitement. His arms immediately wrapped around your waist, enjoying the closeness of the hug. You leaned back slightly, meeting his eyes as you smiled cheesily. “It’s only because I have such a great teacher.”
The two of you walked back to the beach house, joking around after a long day of training. Upon entering the beach house, Katara pulled you aside. “(Y/N)! Thank goodness. I need your help in the kitchen!”
You gave Zuko an apologetic smile as you followed Katara, being met with an understanding nod as he went off on his own. Katara handed you a tray of cups, smirking slightly before speaking. “So, you and Zuko huh?”
“What? N-No,” you replied immediately.
“I’m talking about firebending. How’s that going?” Katara said, filling the cups with watermelon juice as she arched an eyebrow.
A bright blush spread across your cheeks as you realized what she was talking about. “O-Oh. It’s going great. Zuko’s been teaching me some advanced moves now!”
Katara hummed in reply, waving you away now that the cups were full. You headed out of the kitchen in a hurry, loosing your footing when you heard Katara speak yet again.
“I bet the next move he makes is gonna be on you.”
The conversation between you and Katara was basically forgotten as the days went by. 
Zuko had informed the Gaang about his father’s plan to destroy the Earth Kingdom, causing you all to worry greatly. In addition, Aang had disappeared overnight and all attempts to find him had been futile.
And that’s how you found yourselves following June and her shirshu as she led you to Ba Sing Se, where Zuko’s Uncle Iroh was supposed to be. You had been warmly welcomed by the Order of the White Lotus and Zuko and Iroh had made up, leaving you with only a day to plan out what you were going to do before Sozin’s comet arrived.
It was quickly decided that the Order of the White Lotus would stay behind and reclaim Ba Sing Se while Sokka, Suki, and Toph would set out to destroy the airship fleet. Zuko had asked you and Katara to join him in defeating Azula and although Katara had agreed immediately, you were a bit hesitant. Of course, Zuko noticed and he decided to confront you about it.
“(Y/N),” Zuko said, coming up to you when you were prepping Appa for the ride. Katara was a few yards away, giving the two of you privacy. You glanced at Zuko before climbing onto Appa’s saddle, the prince following closely behind you. “What’s wrong?”
“Zuko, I,” you paused, breathing deeply. “I shouldn’t go. I just started bending and what is something goes wrong? I don’t want to be a liability to y-”
“Hey,” Zuko whispered, ducking his head to make eye contact with you. “I meant what I said on Ember Island. You’re a natural. You’ll be fine.”
You sighed before hugging your knees to your chest. “I just can’t believe that I’m actually returning to the Fire Nation, even if it’s to help you reclaim your throne. I’m just glad that maybe under your rule, things might finally change.”
Zuko stayed quiet before standing up and reaching for his bag. He shuffled around for a moment before kneeling behind you, his fingers gently grabbing your hair.
“What are you-”
“Shh,” Zuko cut you off. “Give me a second.”
His fingers weaved through your hair, putting it up into a style you were all too familiar with. He was gentle with his actions, letting his hands fall to your shoulders when he was done. “There.”
You reached up, your fingers trembling slightly as they brushed over the sunstone that you had known your whole life.
“M-My hairpiece,” you gasped, tears springing to your eyes as you realized how much you had missed it. “How did you-”
“I found it at the Western Air Temple,” Zuko interrupted quietly. “It was after I came to you guys the first time. Katara sent me away and when I was walking under a balcony, it fell onto the ground. I recognized it so I picked it up. I assumed you would want it back at some point.”
Zuko fell backwards when you threw yourself at him, wrapping him up in a tight hug.
“Thank you,” you whispered, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. A tiny gasp escaped him and you pulled back, meeting his eyes as he stared down at you. The two of you stared at each other for a few tense seconds before you both leaned forwards rapidly, your lips meeting in the middle.
Maybe it was a spur of the moment decision, kissing Zuko. Maybe it was due to to the anxiety bubbling up in you, your emotions hard to control as you prepared to end of the war in one way or another. Or maybe, it was simply two teenagers too shy to tell each other how they felt, finally sharing a tender moment.
“So, are we ready to go?” Katara asked. The two of you sprung apart, blushes on both of your faces as the Water Tribe girl smirked at you. Zuko nodded and you looked away, taking your place at Appa’s reins.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Yip yip.”
The fight had been a blur to you. You didn’t remember much other than the fact that Zuko had taken a bolt of lightning meant for you. After Zuko had been injured, you and Katara had teamed up to take Azula down. She had challenged you to an Agni Kai after striking Zuko and you had accepted in order to lure her away from his body. To say she had been surprised when you actually fought back with fire was an understatement.
With Katara’s help, you managed to chain her to an old grate before rushing over to aid Zuko. After Katara had done all she could, you helped Zuko into the palace where he had been taken to the infirmary. You hadn’t seen him since.
You had however, met back up with Aang, Sokka, Toph, and Suki. They informed the two of you of what they had done and in turn you had told them about Zuko’s injury. They were all worried about him but after hearing that Katara had healed him, they were slightly relieved.
The next time you saw the prince was on the day of his coronation. Some of the palace guards had come for you, stating that Zuko was requesting your presence. You felt your heart jump into your throat as you nodded, allowing them to lead you through the palace until you came to a pair of gilded doors.
“He’s in there,” one of the guards said. “Would you like us to announce your arrival?”
“No, it’s fine. I can just knock,” you said meekly, causing the guards to smile amusedly. You bowed shortly to them before turning to face the door, gently knocking and waiting for a response.
“Come in!”
The door swung open at your touch and you awkwardly stepped inside, still standing near the doorway as your gaze landed on Zuko.
“Close it,” he said, his voice quiet yet rough. You complied, stepping aside and shutting the door before inching closer. He was shirtless, thick bandages covering his torso. Covering the new scar he had earned because of you. He turned around, his face softening when his eyes met yours.
“Hey,” he said softly, his eyes scanning you for injuries the way he did back when Azula raided the Western Air Temple.
“Hi, how are you?” you squeaked, shuffling awkwardly. You winced at your words, blushing in embarrassment as Zuko’s lips quirked up. He walked over to his bed before picking up the shirt he was going to wear.
“I’m fine. How are you?” he asked, a teasing smile on his lips as he began to put it on. His smile dropped as he moved too harshly, pain shooting through his torso as he struggled to pull the fabric on.
“Spirits! Be careful,” you said, all embarrassment leaving you as you rushed forwards and took the shirt from his hands. “Here, let me.”
You helped him slide one arm in before slipping it over his shoulders and guiding his other arm in as well. You grabbed the belt used to hold it in place before standing in front of him. Your breath caught in your throat as you eyed the bandages, guilt settling in your stomach as you softly placed a hand on his chest. Zuko’s hands automatically went to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he stared at you worriedly.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, still looking at his chest. “This was my fault.”
“Hey,” Zuko replied, one of hands leaving your waist to lift your chin. You shivered softly at the action, your eyes finally meeting his bright gold ones. “It wasn’t your fault. Azula shouldn’t have done it in the first place. She challenged me to an Agni Kai, not you.”
“You should’ve let it hit me,” you said, looking at him sadly. “I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if Katara hadn’t been there. Zuko, you could’ve d-”
Your eyes widened and your words died on your throat when Zuko leant down, softly pressing his lips to yours. The hand that was still on your waist wrapped around you, pulling you closer as Zuko kissed you gently. He began to pull away after a few seconds, noticing your lack of response. Mentally kicking yourself, you began to kiss back, closing your eyes as you wrapped your free arm around his neck to keep him close. Zuko couldn’t help but smile at your response.
“I took that hit because I love you, (Y/N),” Zuko whispered, finally pulling away and leaning his forehead against yours. “I couldn’t let Azula hurt you.”
“Zuko, I-I love you too,” you confessed, your eyes still closed. Suddenly, you pulled away before gently swatting his head. “But that doesn’t make what you did any less stupid.”
“Hey! I saved your life!” he exclaimed, rubbing his head.
“I know,” you said, rolling your eyes before hugging him close once again. “And I love you for it. But never, and I mean never, do that again.”
“No promises,” Zuko replied, guiding your lips to his once more. This kiss was different, full of trust and love and peace.
You pulled away reluctantly, fixing his shirt and looping the belt around him before taking his hand. “Now let’s go. You have a coronation to get to.”
Zuko stopped for a second, pulling you back to him as he looked at you uncertainly. You looked up at him curiously, prompting him to speak.
“Are you-” Zuko stopped abruptly, trying to get his thoughts in order. “Will you stay with me? Here? Even after everyone else leaves?”
You hesitated for a split second, remembering everything that you had suffered at the hands of the Fire Nation. You opened your mouth to reply, looking up to meet Zuko’s gaze. You faltered for a moment, taking in the way he was looking at you. Here in front of you stood the crown prince, the very symbol of the nation that you had spent the majority of your life hating. But he was also just a teen, and he was willing to put in the work to fix the Fire Nation’s past mistakes.
Your heart swelled in your chest as you thought about the golden-eyed boy , and everything he had done to help the Avatar. Because of him, the Fire Nation now had a chance at redemption, and you knew it wouldn’t be easy to undo centuries of imperialism and pain. Especially not when it was so deeply rooted in the nation. And so you answered his question, confident that you were making the right decision.
“Of course I’ll stay, Zuko. And I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.”
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​, @bottledcotscowater, @butterflycore​, @coldlilheart​, @the-firebender-girl​, @ajediherowitchrunner​, @lammello​, @astroninaaa​, @samsmultifandomblogs​, @sadskater25, @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak​, @duh-dobrik​
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tea-and-la · 3 years
one thing that really irritates me is that some zk antis/ka shippers say that taang is only a “pair the spares” ship to get aang out of the way for zk. i’ve even seen one person say that they “only respect taang shippers that don’t also ship zk,” which is just ... weird to say? idk. like why be so invested in your assumption of why someone else likes a ship? cause i can guarantee you if it was only a “pair the spares” ship there would not be fan art, fics, etc, and i wouldn’t be in a group chat where we talk about taang head canons daily. 
but besides that? taang just fits some many romantic tropes that people really overlook. i mean: “i’ve seen you in a dream”/visions, in another life/many lifetimes (ummi/kuruk and tlok), opposite elements and opposites attract, childhood friends to lovers, mentor/mentee, red string of fate/destined to meet, partners in crime (the runaway episode), similar pasts (they foil each other wrt wanting to be kids and to being prevented from playing with other kids...aang because of being avatar, toph bc her parents were overprotective ab her being blind), runaways, affectionate nicknames (toph gives aang the most nicknames), parents don’t approve, etc. 
not to mention, my favorite thing about taang which is that since it is non-canon, it isn’t subjected to the male gaze or superficial attraction. it’s something that would’ve happened naturally over time. i mean aang admires her a lot for her bending FIRST, instead of her looks, and that is very meaningful to me. 
also, just ... how they push each other to grow and balance each other well. even in the god forsaken comics, they call each other out on their shit and even after not seeing eye to eye at first, they eventually come around to seeing the other’s point of view. and part of that is because they’re best friends who don’t have rose-colored glasses on so they can be 100% real with each other without being afraid of hurting the other person’s feelings.
 in the animated show, toph is able to help aang stand his ground and be more confident in a tough love type way, but she also can be soft wrt to encouraging him as well. aang is the first person to see both sides of her and to validate them completely, which is why toph opens up to him on the balcony and gets vulnerable. and he offers a way for her to be free from her parents overprotectiveness (which i find to be cute because air is the element of freedom.) and i also just love how he’s her first friend. and their little dinner scene where they had that mini food fight was just so adorable to me. 
also ... have i mentioned the amount of admiration he has for her skill??? oh my gosh it makes me soft. like the scene where she has the courage to tell her parents about her bending and they send aang away and she has that single tear on her face and aang turns back and says “i’m sorry toph.” c’mon now. and then, katara’s trying to encourage him that there are other earth benders out there and he says in a dejected voice, “not like her.” the potential was there, idc. 
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muertawrites · 4 years
Fireside (Zuko x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,775
Author’s Note: I am so deeply sorry this took so long to post. I don’t know what happened but after Thanksgiving the creative part of my brain completely shut down and all I could do was lay in bed and play video games. But it’s back now so 🎉🎉🎉 happy new year to all of us! 
I got this request a WHILE ago and had written something else for it but after reconsidering, I totally hated it, so this is the rewrite for some cozy, wintery goodness. I also love this idea because I’m constantly cold - my feet and hands are always freezing and even in summer I’ll wear sweaters and hoodies because aircon can get pretty chilly when you have the body temp of your average vampire. 
Now for a little update: in the new year, I’ll be focusing more on original works than fanfiction. I’m still going to finish Two Halves, and I’ll still write fanfiction (because it’s still super fun) but I have so many ideas for original works that are taking over my brain that it seems only fitting to shift that direction. If you’re on my subscriber list and would like to only receive alerts for fanfic, let me know and I’ll add you to a separate list. 
I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday, taking time to relax and spend time with loved ones, and generally just glad to have survived this shithole of a year. Here’s hoping that 2021 goes better - 2020 set the bar pretty low so it shouldn’t be too hard. 🥂
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Snow was a rare occurrence in the Fire Nation. Summers typically scorched, followed by peaceful autumns and mild winters; a little rainfall was all one typically expected during the colder months in the Imperial City. 
This year, however, was much different. The mountains that bordered the villages and towns throughout the island were white capped under gray skies; streets were slickened by thick layers of ice that settled between cobblestones and creased the panes of windows; bracing breezes swept through landscapes unaccustomed to such unforgiving weather, carrying flurries of snow that bit at cheeks and cloaked the world in a dull ivory veil. Winter came to the Fire Nation seeking a cruel, unwarranted vengeance.
You woke in the middle of the night to find the fire beside your bed had died, leaving your borrowed room in a state of bitter, slicing cold. It wasn't the first time the Firelord’s palace had left you uncomfortably chilled since your arrival for his New Year’s celebrations, as the building was never meant to withstand this type of climate - sweeping ceilings, open breezeways, and tall windows with thin shutters ensured that the cold had its way. Being from the Northern Earth Kingdom, used to sturdy wooden lodges with massive fire pits that could burn an entire tree trunk with one lighting, this strange change of the typical season made you ache for home. 
Knowing there were no matches beside the hearth (given the sheer amount of fire benders that resided in the palace), you gathered up your courage and begrudgingly rolled from your mattress, taking the blankets with and wrapping them tightly around yourself. The walls around you creaked, shifting under the push of moaning winds, as you slipped into the hallway in search of your host. 
You were thankful that Zuko decided to keep his personal wing of the palace confined to a space that was mostly enclosed; the only breezeways in this part of the sprawling estate surrounded its courtyards and gardens, and were blocked by sets of heavy wood doors that shielded the inner parts of the building from being overcome by the elements. As you walked, traipsing through the corridor under your mound of blankets like some sort of shadowy, death-bringing phantom, you passed one of the windows that overlooked the gardens, and found it frosted under heavy white tufts of snow; puffy, clumped flakes whirled down from the sky, falling haphazardly as they escaped the grip of the whipping wind. Even in the relative warmth of the palace, your body shivered thinking of how frigid the air outside must be. 
Because of the abnormal cold, Zuko moved his mattress out of his bedroom and into his sitting room, where a large, decorative fireplace stood nestled into the far wall. You approached his sleeping form with gentle, quiet steps, being careful not to startle him; you lay a hand on his shoulder and he jolted awake, drawing a sharp breath in as he twisted to face you, blinking blearily to make out your features in the dark. 
“What are you doing?” he muttered. 
“I'm cold,” you whispered in response. “My fire went out.” 
Zuko sighed, fixing you with an irked, exhausted expression. 
“Seriously?” he groaned. “This is the third time this week.” 
“It's not my fault nobody has any friggin matches in this place,” you quipped. “And besides, why bring a servant all the way up here when I have one of the world’s greatest fire benders down the hall?”
Zuko huffed, then rolled back over in an attempt to shove you off. 
“There should be more blankets in your closet,” he grumbled. 
“I'm wearing all of them,” you retorted. 
You stood above him, waiting, but got no response. Shivering, and with an exasperated sigh, you pulled back the blankets around him, shuffling between them and nestling into his back; he snapped his head around once more, eyeing you suspiciously. 
“... Isn’t this a little uncomfortable?” he wondered. 
“Not really,” you replied. “We used to do this all the time when we were teenagers.” 
“We haven't done this since we were teenagers.”
You hummed, recalling your time together during the war. Even on the hottest days, your body was cold, your fingers always reasonably corpselike to anyone who happened to touch them - Zuko was one of those unfortunate people, and the lack of circulation in your limbs came as quite a worry to him. Throughout the day, he would take one of your hands in his, heating his palm until your skin took on a more lively temperature. When he noticed how much you layered at night when the air became cooler, he started sleeping nearer to you, eventually curling up around you to keep you warm. After the war, when he got into the habit of visiting you around the winter holidays, you still found yourself seeking him for warmth, tucking your hands into the sleeves of his robes or curling his palm around your icy fingers, finding sanctuary in the way he heated his skin to appease you. While it was true you hadn't slept together since you were younger, you hadn't ever needed to - desperate times called for desperate measures. 
“I should have remembered that you get so grumpy when you're tired,” you teased him, rubbing your feet against his; he hissed, but didn't pull away. 
“You're freezing,” he commented. “I should have remembered you're dead on the inside.” 
You giggled, sighing happily as the familiar heat of his skin warming like a furnace chased the chill from your toes. You slid your feet up along his ankles, causing him to shiver; his body tensed for a moment, then eased into your touch, quickly finding comfort in its familiarity. 
“Aang used to assume we were a couple because of this,” Zuko mumbled. “He still does.” 
“You're just a good friend,” you replied. You nuzzled your face into the broad, solid expanse of his back, breathing in his scent of scorched wood and sea salt. He felt like home. “Good friends don't let their friends freeze to death.” 
Zuko chuckled, taking hold of your hands that lay on his waist and cupping them within his own; he held your knuckles up to his mouth and huffed warm, smokey air onto them, heating them until they no longer felt cold. He tucked them beneath the fabric of his tunic, keeping them tepid between the fabric of his undershirt. 
“Uncle says the same thing,” he mused. “He says we treat each other like lovers, whether we realize it or not.” 
“My neighbors have asked me what my husband does that takes him away for so long out of the year...” you commented, eliciting another breathy laugh from your companion. “But I think I'd know if you were in love with me.” 
Zuko rolled over, turning to face you; his arm latched at your waist, his chest almost pressed to you and your noses grazing each other in the small space of his mattress. You blushed, the color blending with the soft, balmy glow of the low hearth behind him. 
“What makes you think I'm not in love with you?” he wondered. 
You paused, watching the flames flicker over the angular features of his face. Though he was silhouetted, and so close he seemed to envelop all of you, you could make out a tender gleam in his eye; could feel the flutter in his chest as he split it open, tentatively revealing his heart to you. 
“... I'd like to think you would have mentioned it,” you answered after a moment, “but I know you better than that.” 
Zuko grinned; you watched the curve of his cheek as it swelled with the action. 
“I might have mentioned it,” he murmured, his voice lilting with a gentle mirth. “Just not to you.”
“Of course not,” you teased. You mirrored his smile, easing into him as his foot began to stroke against your ankle once more. “Either way, I know you don't love me.” 
“And why is that?” Zuko whispered. 
“Well… you never write to me about anything exciting,” you replied. “You always seem so content to write to me about your thoughts, or what plays you've seen recently, or your conversations with Iroh. You never tell me about the impressive, world-altering Firelord stuff or your incredible exploits as a warrior.” 
Zuko smirked, raising a hand to brush some hair away from your face. His fingers were calloused and lukewarm, tracing over your temple with consideration and care. 
“Why else?” 
“You've never tried to kiss me,” you noted, “or touch me like a lover. You never try to push our boundaries past anything that's comfortable for us. Even right now - I'm laying in your bed, but you refuse to touch me in a way you're unsure of.” 
“Then you don't love me, either,” Zuko added. His body had gravitated flush to yours, your legs braided together under the pile of blankets you'd buried him in. “You only want to sleep with me when you're cold. You could just as easily call a servant for help.” 
“And you only want to keep me warm out of obligation,” you agreed. “It wouldn’t make you look very good if I died of hypothermia on your watch.” 
For a long moment, Zuko gazed at you. You basked in his silence, the easiness of his form so close to yours, the native feeling of his arm around your waist and his breath tickling your cheeks. The fire snapped quietly in its hearth, its flames rising and falling in time with his inhales and exhales. 
“I’ve missed this,” Zuko admitted in a whisper. “Laying with you. I wish we could do it more often.” 
“I’ve missed it, too,” you affirm. “I always used to sleep better with you.” 
“And that’s it?” Zuko teased. 
“That’s it,” you giggled back. 
He chanced a kiss to your forehead, pressing his lips between your brows and letting them linger there, savoring the coolness of your skin. You shut your eyes, giving yourself entirely to his touch. 
“In the new year… do you think we could be lovers?” he asked as he pulled away. 
“... I think your uncle is right,” you murmured. “I think we already are.” 
With a faint, bashful smile, Zuko pulled you closer (if the act were even possible), hugging you tightly to him; you held him close, pressing the whole of your body to his and soaking in his steady, comforting warmth. As the wind howled outside, shaking the flimsy wooden eaves of the feeble shelter around you, you fell asleep in the heat of his fireside, safe in the knowledge that his arms held you. 
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forgotn1 · 3 years
I finished rewatching Legend of Korra last night (after having finished the Last Airbender about a week ago lol) and I got to thinking about lavabending. All of the earthbenders who hear about it note that it's an exceptionally rare skill. Even Toph, arguably the greatest earthbender we see in either series, can't lavabend. She mentions that anyone can learn to metalbend with the right teaching, but she's surprised and impressed when Bolin says he can lavabend. If Toph is impressed and notes its rarity, then it must be a truly exceptional skill.
Furthermore, metalbending is an everyday thing now. A large number of them are on the police force and there is an entire city dedicated to the wonders of what it can do. There are schools to teach people how to metalbend, but nothing for lavabending. In fact, we only ever see two lavabenders throughout the series, despite the majority of it happening in the Earth Kingdom. Why is it that any earthbender can metalbend, but very, very few can lavabend?
I haven't looked it up to see if there is a canon explanation of how one gets their bending, but it appears to be hereditary and not guaranteed. Additionally, it seems as though the type of bending you get is dependent on what kind of bending your parents had. Aang and Katara had three kids, a non-bender, a waterbender, and an airbender. If it is hereditary, then the implication is that it's a gene one can pass along and what type of bending one gets depends on which genes are dominant and which are recessive, much like eye color.
While it's never stated whether Bolin and Mako's parents were benders, we do know that their father was from the Earth Kingdom and their mother was from the Fire Nation. Additionally, each kid got a different bending style, which shows their parents had the genes present even if it wasn't expressed. So, what if Bolin can lavabend because he's got the genes for earthbending and firebending, but the earthbending gene was the dominant one? Or, maybe he has some slight mutation that gives him an extra dominant firebending gene in addition to the dominant earthbending genes. It would explain why it's such a rare skill, but it also opens up the possibility of other types of bending we haven't seen yet.
I would really love to go into the science of this with dominant and recessive genes, but it's a bit outside of what I'm currently capable of expressing. It's a fascinating theory though and one I will be pondering for a while in hopes of finally being able to express it.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: iii
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 1   ||   chapter 2   ||   chapter 4
word count: 4.2k
a cheeky drink and some mutual sabotage. 
warnings: oh no, they say s*x, fluff, pining, the usual, and a wittle angst on the side, reader smokes cigs bc its a salem trademarked fic thing
enjoy folks ;^) the whole of this piece is gonna be about? ten chapters. so. hold on tight!!!
beta read by @keiqos, heart EYES
“Let that sit for a second or you’ll burn yourself—”
“Don’t need to tell me twice, angel. I know the drill.” Hawks replied with a wink.
You weren’t ever going to get tired of that.
You really expected Hawks to disappear out of your life. You really, truly expected him to run off for good. How many bigger, better, and more important things did he have to do? Even if you managed to speak to him and regard him like any other customer (or, perhaps acquaintance, and more recently, friend — ), your mind swam with insecurities that only seemed to get worse over time.
You were waiting for the metaphorical thread to snap.
You waited for the day Hawks simply would stop texting you flirty bullshit on a somewhat regular basis.
But, holy fuck, the dude didn’t.
 You couldn’t think of why. You weren’t complaining about the attention, but you also were terrified of getting too used to it. Hawks was a part... bird (?) right? He was flighty by nature.
Despite this, Hawks continued to not only text you but also stopped by the shop fairly frequently for his special, quirk-fueled beverage fix. Politely, he’d text you the day before he planned to make an appearance to check and see if you were working, and then show up the next day like it was nothing. 
He usually wouldn’t stay for long; the hero was ungodly busy and always on the move. But, he always took the time to flirt and get a full description of his drink before dashing out to save the world once more. 
Most days he visited were his ‘hero work’ days. He’d appear in his costume, done up and dashing for a sip and a quick talk before disappearing once more into the skies. Every once in a while, Hawks had an ‘office’ day where he’d be confined to his agency to catch up on his insane backlog of paperwork. On these occasions, Hawks would talk (stall) at the tea shop for as long as possible. You talked and joked with him as long as he would let you. Sure, it put you behind on work, but no one at the shop was going to tell you off for fraternizing with the number two hero (whose repeated presence was drawing more customers anyways). You both reveled in each other's attention, drinking in the other’s slowly softening smiles and quick wit. 
 On this day, Keigo’s wings were the shittiest they had been in a while. Plucked and almost barren with how much he’d been working lately. Total exhaustion seemed like it was constantly on the horizon, tugging as his eyelids and weighing down his chest each morning.
It was easier to get out of bed when he got to think about seeing you.
Sure, your drinks were a perk. Very much so. He was getting so used to the artisan beverages you crafted that the taste of his normal canned coffee was starting to bother him. 
But, what his real thrill in visiting the tea shop was that he got to see you, and that made his heart pound. 
He sat across from you, looking down into your newest drink. It swirled between dark and milky, a heady, rich aroma billowing up with the steam it produced. He had requested something ‘surprising, new, and horribly caffeinated’ as deep fatigue was the worst villain he’d likely see that day. You had just nodded, cheekily starting to prepare his drink with a bounce in your step, pupils going wide. 
“I feel like you’re gonna start running out of ideas one of these days,” Keigo laughed, adjusting himself on his stool, gloves and jacket removed. He almost looked like a normal patron.
 You grinned to yourself, idly cleaning around you as you often did, “I dunno, I’ve got a lot.”
Hawks raised an eyebrow, “Tell me about them.”
“Nope, top-secret,” You shook your head, digging into your apron to flash him the small notepad you carried on you.
Scrawled in nasty handwriting, you carried your many ‘feeling’ ideas around with you. Different concepts and abstractions all scribbled down, a nice long list to look back on whenever Hawks would make his appearances and his own vague requests. Your backlog of ideas made it easy to find something more than suitable to make for him.
When Hawks saw your notepad his eyes widened, tilting his head and a devious smirk coming to his lips.
Your expression fell, and you stuffed the papers back into your pocket, hiding your hot face by idly cleaning some more. 
You left yourself very open for teasing, it seemed.
(Not that you or Keigo minded.)
“You keep a little list of all of your ideas! I’m beyond flattered,” Hawks ran a hand through his hair, flashing a cocky smile for you. 
“I have to stay prepared, can’t be disappointing my celebrity sugar daddy,” You winked as Hawks’s eyes went wide, half-hearing a choke get caught in his throat. (You loved it when you were able to get him visibly flustered. What a treat.) You nodded down to the drink, “Should be good to try now.” 
 Keigo really liked spending time with you. He knew it was always fleeting and short and consistently he wanted to find reasons to stay with you at the tea shop counter for longer and longer. Your quips and chides continued to get quicker and more clever and he was having an increasingly difficult time keeping his cool around you. Most of the time he smoothed himself easily, not showing a trace other than that which he neurologically couldn’t control. 
But sometimes, you were bold enough and ballsy enough to get him to gag on his literal words and he was positive that you were the only person to ever have him break composure in such a way. 
He covered his weakened poise by sipping the new drink, mindfully letting the taste wash over his tongue.
Increasingly, you’d been changing up the so-called ‘vibe’ of your beverages. It seemed like each time Keigo dropped in, you had something new and vibrant to show him. 
This drink was particularly different.
The taste was rich, dark, and smooth, rolling into the back of his throat and down his spine. It coated his insides with a warm, low heat. Peeking through were sweet, light accents, warm but almost... teasing?
His dick twitched.
 Hawks’s mouth dropped open, any and all professional veneers dropped as you just beamed so fucking smugly at him. 
“What do you think?” You leaned a bit forward, bouncing on your toes with excitement.
“Is... Is this supposed to taste like sex?” Hawks asked, taking another mouthful to confirm. Based on the way his eyes briefly shut and some of the tension rolled from his shoulders, he thoroughly confirmed it.
“Technically, it’s crafted based on like... a late-night rendezvous. I left it fairly up to interpretation beyond that. The rest is on you.” You shrugged, still bouncing as Hawks took another chug.
“What the fuck, (Y/N),” Pleasant shock colored his features, but clear amusement stretched across his lips as he continued to drink. 
“You wanted something surprising and horribly caffeinated. That’s a dark chocolate mocha with two extra shots, our in-house raspberry and rhubarb syrup, a bit of white chocolate syrup, and a few of my add-ins as well. It’s pretty different from what I’ve made you before,” You blinked at him, stomach twisting as his expression remained unguarded. “I... I probably should’ve asked before giving you a drink that definitely could’ve been taken as sex. That’s my bad. I can remake you something else if you’d like?”
 Keigo shook himself from his stupor, shaking his head and quickly regaining his composure. He took another sip to emphasize his words, “No, nope. It’s okay. Definitely okay. The drink is really good. I’m just now wondering something.”
“And, what’s that?” You asked, reaching behind the counter to grab your own iced beverage.
“Can your quirk be used to manifest bad feelings and concepts, just like good ones?” Keigo asked. Normally, he’d add more nuance, but he was getting impatient and sloppy around you. He’d have to keep that in check.
Especially with the way your shoulders drew up and tensed. You turned a bit away from him, any and all potential for eye contact torn away.
He hit a nerve.
“The type of abstract feeling doesn’t matter, I can emulate it,” You replied, pulling at your nails. Keigo had long picked up that it was one of your habits when your anxiety spiked. 
He dropped it, but didn’t forget. There were public files on quirks. Maybe he’d look into it. Maybe. It felt a bit invasive, but considering plenty of that data was freely accessible, it hardly was an invasion of privacy, right? 
(Except for the fact that it obviously made you very uncomfortable to discuss the more unsavory potentials of your quirk.) 
(He just wouldn’t tell you.)  
Keigo switched topics, easily rolling away from the topic, “Any particular... event that inspired this one?” 
You pressed your hands into the counter, leaning over it to glare at him, “Are you referring to something with that comment, Hawks?”
He shuddered when you said his name, but you don’t notice. 
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not,” Keigo shrugged easily, going for another sip.
 The drink was inspired by the several day cinematic, wine-bender you went on a week or two prior. An entire weekend with just you, your cats, three entire bottles of wine, and a backlog of movies to catch up on. You tried to consume lots of different types of media, but what had been catching your eye lately had been anything with gushy romance for fairly obvious reasons.
(There was an embarrassing amount of ideas for drinks that were a bit too romantic to properly indulge with your quirk. You’d never tested the limits of how certain feelings could manifest, and you weren’t quite ready to face the reality where you could make people nut from caffeinated milk.)
“It is good though, the drink,” Hawks smacked his lips together as if it would make his coming analysis more credible. “It definitely does taste like sex, but more so complicated. Darker.”
“Deeper.” You smiled. “Your palette is getting more refined. I’m proud.”
“Are you saying it was bad to begin with?” Hawks pouted, flashing you falsely weepy eyes and a puffed out lip.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, you yourself have admitted this. You drink canned coffee still, so I can’t even call your taste good.”
Hawks gasped, putting a hand to his chest, “I’m hurt, truly wounded.”
“I’m sure you are, tailfeathers.”
“I really thought I had reliably moved up to ‘birdboy’, angel.”
You snorted, covering your mouth with your hand, “Just goes to show how quickly the tables turn, tailfeathers.”
Hawks’s pager suddenly chimed, a familiar sign. He took a quick look at it and sighed, moving to re-robe. You were surprised by the speed at which he did so, and the way he became tense so quickly. 
It made you realize that he was always tense.
(Unless he was talking to you.)
“I thought today was an office day?” You asked, a bit of a disappointment clouding your voice.
Hawks just gave a small smile, fully plastering back on his heroic facade, “Duty calls. Lots happening lately.”
He flicked his visor back over his eyes, slid you your normalized wad of cash, and whisked himself out the door, immediately taking to the skies from the streets.
He’s in a bit of a hurry.
He... didn’t even say goodbye. 
Wonder what’s happening?
 Truthfully, Keigo was a bit startled by the notice on his pager. The whole reason he’d started patrolling the particular neighborhood the tea shop was in was because there was word of a villain syndicate working nearby. It hardly seemed right for the neighborhood, but Keigo knew that villains hid anywhere. Whatever they were planning was still relatively shrouded, but it was clear that it needed to be treated delicately. That particular neighborhood was rife with pedestrians, businesses, and homes and any sort of villainous activity had the possibility of reaping a heavy amount of collateral damage. Keigo and the Commission had been on their guards about it, but things had been steadily becoming more intense over the past few weeks. 
Plopping himself on a rooftop, Keigo took up residence to stake out his newest lead, watching figures and silhouettes in a nearby office building.
 Funnily enough, the rest of your week went horribly. Just downright shitty. You figured at some point, things would let up, brighten, but they didn’t. Each day brought some new, personal calamity. 
The first was a trip to the emergency vet with one of your cats after she swallowed a hair tie. An expensive vet bill later, she was perfectly healthy, but you remained wracked with anxiety. 
Another day, the owner of the tea shop paid a visit to chew you out for your newest tea blends not fulfilling his picky seasonal requests. You were relieved it had nothing to do with how Hawks monopolized your time. Still, getting yelled at easily within earshot of both coworkers and customers made your insides twists. 
The final small disaster was when a particularly asshole-ish customer chucked a hot drink all over you and your cute white sweater. One of the younger openers had been dealing with a difficult patron and an incorrect order, nothing out of the ordinary. When you tried to step in and de-escalate the situation, the man ripped the lid from his cup and splashed you with the burning liquid. You held back any sounds of pain even as your skin stung like hell when you offered to remake his drink.
One of your managers luckily allowed you to go home early. Thank god.
By the end of your shitty week, you fell into your apartment and just cried. White sweater stained and day feeling fairly ruined, you let yourself have a good, solid sobbing session to just release how terrible things had been. 
It would pass, you knew. But it sucked at the moment.
It also didn’t help that Hawks had been particularly absent after running out the last time he came around. He’d still managed to shoot you a funny text or two, but mostly, it was silence from him. You rationalized it by reminding yourself of how quickly he flew off at the end of his last visit, hero business forever more pertinent than you and the shop.
You reminded yourself to keep yourself grounded in Hawks obvious impermanence, even if you were starting to get used to (and really like) having the hero around. 
You decided that your Friday evening would be good. You treated yourself to a hot shower, noting with a hiss the pink scalded skin that covered your chest from your collar bones to just below your breasts. You threw on a facemask and uncorked a bottle of wine you had been saving for a rainy day. 
You clicked on one of your favorite shows, an older cartoon that brought you consistent comfort in times like those. Curled up with a knit throw blanket and your healthy cats, it did help soothe the burns, mental and physical.
That is until you got a bit too drunk on red wine and it turned into sad drunk.  
So, you made your way to the roof.
You weren’t fucked up beyond belief, despite the fact that you were towing an open bottle of red in one hand and a pack of cigarettes in the left. The cold would sober you up, along with the nicotine. You hoped it would force you out of your head. 
Upon throwing open the door to your apartment complex’s rooftop, you were made very aware of its wintertime disuse. The gardens that grew during the summer were snowcovered. The chairs and tables for lounging were in a similar state. You didn’t mind. 
The view was still nice. 
You set down your bottle and zipped up your coat. Quickly, you brushed off the flurries from a rickety lawn chair and plopped yourself down. You threw on some music from your phone, playing some sweet, old songs that made your chest ache when you needed it to.
The city stretched in front of you, beyond the rooftop. You didn’t live in a particularly wealthy district, but there was no shortage of dazzling neon and bright street lights dotting the ground below. You watched how the rest of the city stretched far beyond your little pocket, still gleaming with multi-hued lighting and dazzling in the wash of the crescent moon.
You took a swig, fishing for your self-dubbed ‘sad cigarettes’ and lit up. With your exhale, you watched as smoke lazily swirled away, carried by the soft winter wind. If you were any less drunk, you’d be freezing.
A shadow, winged, fell across the snow. 
“You know, I get nervous when I see pretty girls on rooftops with bottles in their hands,” You jumped at the voice, whipping your head to the source.
Hawks stood, scarlet wings fanned outwards, on the lip of the rooftop. 
Your eyes widened.
You took another sip.
He gave an affectionate laugh, jumping down into the area where you were seated.
 Keigo had just been out on his normal, nightly patrol. The leak had been correct and he’d been stealthily tracking the villains while completing the rest of his hero duties. He was able to laugh off his exhaustion, but it was starting to eat him. Several cans of coffee a day was hardly doing it for him. He hid his sleepiness and aches well, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t difficult. All the same, his typical roles had to be fulfilled. 
He was surprised to see you, all alone on a rooftop with a lit cigarette between your fingers. Keigo let himself be surprised before noting that ‘ yes, you definitely probably live in this apartment building and you’re just outside to smoke’, but the sudden jolt of panic he felt was crushingly unbearable. 
Mostly because it was personally protective and not heroically instinctual and he couldn’t start acknowledging that aspect of his feelings for you. Not yet. 
Keigo walked towards you, asking, watching you blink blearily at him “You doing alright?” 
Eyes downcast, you shrugged, “We all feel shitty sometimes. Just depends on how you cope, ‘ya know?”
“And how do you cope, (Y/N)?” Keigo asked, pausing before brushing off a chair. “Mind if I join you for a bit? I could use a second to rest my wings.”
You nodded, almost offering him the bottle, but quickly pulling it back to your chest before taking another inhale. Offering a pro hero alcohol while he was pretty obviously working seemed like a bad move, even in your tipsy state. 
“Most of the time, I watch nice stuff and distract myself, like most people, ya’ know?” You exhaled as you smoked, relishing the nicotine buzz. “Sometimes, though, I just feel extra shitty and need to extra cope.”
Hawks hummed in agreement, sitting back in the chair. His wings were folded up and over its back, the longest feathers trailing in the small snowdrift behind him.
“Do you get cold, being in the sky all the time?” You asked, eyes going cloudy as you stared up at the lights of the city and higher into the sky. 
“Most of the time,” Hawks chuckled, throwing his arms behind his head, “I’ve told you this, angel. It was one of our first conversations.”
Your eyes widened at the realization, mouth open with a hearty laugh.
 It made Keigo’s eyes water a little. He blamed it on the wind. 
 “I’m silly, I can’t believe I forgot,” You nestled back into your chair, tracing the lines between constellations. “It’s the whole reason you came to the teashop in the first place.” 
Your voice resonated, focus foggy. Somewhere else, old memories played in your mind, recounting your first few meetings with Hawks.
A warm, small smile stretched across your face as you traced the stars. 
 Keigo watched, enraptured. You were cute, especially like this. All bundled up in your winter coat, half-zipped. There was a lot less stress in your shoulders than he normally saw at the shop, especially as your thoughts were so far away.
He wanted nothing more than to commit the contours and shadows of your face in the white moonlight to memory, never forgotten in the blissful cold. 
 You interrupted his thoughts so beautifully.
 “Thanks for talking to me.” You took a sip from your bottle just after speaking, half-drowning your words, but Keigo caught each one. “I appreciate you.” 
“P-pardon?” Keigo couldn’t tell if you caught his stutter, but even if you did, you didn’t show it. The comment felt like a jab to his jaw, half-knocking the wind of him and turning him into a filthy masochist. He’d take any whiplash if it meant you saying such kindnesses to him. 
How could you just say shit like that?
What exactly did you mean by that?
Why did your attention make his legs tremble?
You turned your attention from the night sky to Hawks, something like uncertainty bubbling in your chest, “I appreciate you, ya’ know? Coming by the tea shop still, teasing each other and shit, you humoring me—”
Hawks interrupted you, feathers tensing at his back.
“I’m not humoring you.” Hawks deadpanned, staring at you oddly seriously. The yolks of his eyes seemed even more intense in the neon and night light. 
“You’re... not?” 
There was utter disbelief in your voice, accented by the way your jaw was half-opened.
Hawks shook his head, standing in emphasis, feathers fluttering as he did, “ No, angel. Not at all. I visit because...”
I like you.
“Because I like your drinks.”
  Because you make me feel good in a way I’ve never felt.
“You’re fun to talk to, too. Added perk.”
  Because I want to hear your voice when I breathe and when I die. 
“I enjoy it, you know? You're fun.”
 Some feeling in your chest, something full of hope, crushed itself and compacted to the point of pain. You sniffled at his admission, blaming it on the cold. In a fucked up, sad way, part of you was so relieved. 
He likes the shop. He likes your drinks. 
He’s around because he wants to be. 
But not because you’re special to him. 
 His words reminded you of your insignificance in Hawks’s life. No matter how much you craved his attention and words, and more recently found yourself staring at the plumpness of his lips and the curve of his cupids bow and daydreaming about how much you wanted to lean over the tea shop's counter and kiss the constant, teasing smile off his face—
You don’t matter that much to him.
Sure, he likes you, but he’ll never feel the same way about you. 
 You made the decision then to make the most out of Hawk’s affections and sweet words. You’d take what you could get, even if it was fleeting and probably  eventually heartbreaking. It seemed smart, to refuse to get your hopes up for someone so unattainable.
 You let out a shaking sigh, “Thank you, Hawks. I appreciate you coming around. You really light up my day.”
 Keigo saw the fall of your face and bottled himself up. Shoved down everything. Fuck his feeling, fuck how he felt about you, this was all fucking terrifying. It was getting to be too much and he had to try and control himself.
Just like he’d been taught so well.
He was just so happy to be around you. He could squash his feelings, even if they were fairly obviously somewhat mutual. God knows that he didn’t know how to handle anything like that.
On the gods, his pager beeped.
 “Duty calls?” You said, standing up yourself and brushing off the stray snowflakes. 
“Seems so.” Hawks sighed, nodding, “Thanks for letting me rest here. It was good to see you, (Y/N). I’ll see you soon, okay?”
You waved goodbye as Hawks disappeared as quickly as he came, launching himself from the roof with the heavy sound of wing beats. 
Soaring away, Keigo risked a final look at you. He swore he saw tears in your eyes.
He forcibly repressed his feelings, reminding himself that your company, words, and quirk-made beverages were more than enough. The flutter in his chest when he thought of you wouldn’t rest, but he could learn to ignore it. 
 On the roof of your apartment, you felt fatigue in your bones and wetness on your cheeks. You ignored both in favor of smoking another cigarette, soft, melancholy music being your only constant, reliable companion. 
You reminded yourself that he, Hawks, was a temporary fixture, more flighty than most and liked you just enough and for surface-level reasons. You could take that. You’d do anything to be around him more, even if it never amounted to anything. 
You, just as Keigo did, pressed down any larger feelings.
 (The thing about feelings, though, that neither of you was very good at remembering, was that they don’t go away. Sure, you can let them go, but that takes time or a practiced mind!)
(When you take feelings, big, aching, soaking feelings and shove them down into the deepest parts of you, they just tend to make you bleed. The ‘hidden’ feelings color your blood as it spills, even if you don’t notice when it falls and its change in hue.)
(One can only hope that both Keigo and you listened instead of lied.)
 Both of your hearts ached, and neither of you fully understood why.
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toosicktoocare · 4 years
I’ve been kind of playing with this ATLA Benders College AU, so I’m just going to roll with it. 
ATLA Benders College AU
Snippet 1: Warmth Beyond a Bonfire
Setting: Junior Year, Sokka and Zuko
“You what?” Katara spits out sharply, hand tightening around her fork that’s raised mid-bite.
Beside her, Aang’s jaw drop, almost comically, his mouth full of food now on proper display, and Sokka grimaces.
“I said,” Sokka starts, drawing out his words slowly as if to dumb down the language, “I invited—”
“—Zuko,” Katara finishes harshly, the name alone leaving a sour taste atop her tongue. “You invited Zuko. The same Zuko who terrorized Aang for an entire year.”
“Now, Katara,” Sokka starts, smiling sheepishly and pointedly ignoring Aang’s eyes burning a hole in his face, “terrorize is a bit of a stretch, don’t you think? He had his reasons—”
“—Family troubles don’t justify his behavior, Sokka! I still don’t understand why you even speak to him.”
“He’s my roommate, Katara,” Sokka sighs, abandoning his fork on his tray. He’ll admit, he was far from pleased when junior dorm assignments dropped online a few months ago, and Zuko’s name was typed up plain as the day itself beside his. He remembers a burning anger swelling in his stomach, and in the days leading up to move-in, he filed multiple complaints to the resident director, both written and verbally, with Katara and Aang always backing him up one hundred percent.
Though, each complaint was always answered with a sigh and a rehearsed explanation. “The dean wants to spread out the fire nation students. He thinks it will help with their location-born reputation.”
Sokka thought it was stupid, and his annoyance, and muted fear, carried over into move-in day, diminishing only when he kicked his dorm door open, multiple bags in hand, and was met with warm, golden eyes, and a soft, hesitant smile that flipped his heart sideways.
Since then, he and Zuko have discovered a balance around each other, and, much to Katara’s dismay, an unlikely bond, one that’s civilized, and one that carries a seemingly one-sided something else that Sokka refuses to bring up to anyone, himself included.
“Your point?” Katara snaps quickly. “Look, Sokka, I know Zuko came back from summer break with a new hairstyle, but that doesn’t change the fact that he—”
“—I think he should come.”
The table goes quiet, with only Aang’s nonchalant chewing filling the silence. He ignores the mirror-like looks Katara and Sokka are shooting him and offers a one shoulder shrug in response.
“Maybe Sokka’s right,” Aang starts around his food. “We don’t know what happened to Zuko, but he does seem different now that he’s spent the summer with his Uncle. He even apologized to me.”
“He did?”
“Well, he slipped me a note in AB History that said ‘sorry.’”
“That’s it?” Katara throws her hands up, a huff slipping past her lips. “Aang, you can’t be serious about this. He hit you and mocked you for an entire year, and I thought he was going to kill you during the Bender Tournament. Do you really think it’s a good idea to be within bending distance at a bonfire, where he will very easily have the upper hand?”
Shrugging, Aang carries his gaze across the cafeteria to a two-seater booth in the back corner where Zuko’s currently sitting, nose buried in some novel with a fire bender and a water bender on the front. Katara and Sokka follow Aang’s gaze, and Sokka unconsciously sighs, dropping his chin in his palm as his eyes drink in Zuko’s hunched over posture and his soft, intrigued eyes.
“I just think he’s different,” Aang says, adding, “for real this time. Maybe he’ll make some better friends if he comes tonight. I think it will be good for him.”
“That’s the spirit!” Sokka pries his gaze back toward Aang, pushing forth a wide, toothy smile as he leans across the table to clap Aang on the shoulder. “We’ll meet you there!” He makes to stand, to return his tray and sneak in some quick studying before his next class, but Katara reaches out, digging sharp fingers into his wrist, and he pauses, frowning.
“If he so much as looks at Aang the wrong way tonight, I’ll wash him all the way back to the fire nation.”
“Noted,” Sokka says, swallowing thickly, and he tugs his wrist free and makes a beeline to the exit, completing forgetting the tray still in his hand.
“I just want to make sure I’m understanding everything clearly,” Zuko starts, one brow arching as he watches Sokka fling clothes out his dresser. “Your sister and Aang were… excited when you told them I was coming?”
They’ve gone through this four times now, and still, Zuko can’t seem to convince himself that Sokka’s story is valid, not even in the slightest. He crosses his arms and nudges a shirt off the edge of Sokka’s bed with his socked foot before drawing his knees to his chest, back resting against Sokka’s headboard.
“Okay, fine,” Sokka drags out, tone low and dramatic, one Zuko’s learned to know all too well. “Katara wasn’t happy about it.”
“And Aang?”
“Aang actually was the one who suggested it would be good that you come.”
Zuko can’t control the wince that pulls across his face, and for a brief moment, he’s lost in hot, burning memories shrouded in anger, frustration, and pain. He sucks in a slow, deliberate breath, one that swells coolly in his chest, and he exhales, breathing out the memory, leaving only the present right before his eyes.
“Why?” His voice cracks, and he clears his throat.
“It’s Aang,” Sokka says, tilting his head, studying Zuko’s posture and the way Zuko always makes himself look smaller than he is. “The kid’s got a heart of pure, unbreakable gold. The point is,” Sokka adds when Zuko remains passive on his bed, “you’re coming tonight. It’s going to be super fun, and I need you to stop pouting and help me pick out an outfit.”
“I wasn’t pouting,” Zuko grumbles as he slips off Sokka’s bed and starts nudging through a pile of clothes on the floor, fingers tightening around a long-sleeve navy sweater with an oversized collar that Sokka doesn’t wear nearly enough, in his opinion. He holds it up silently, and Sokka studies it, tilting his head from the left, to the right, index finger tapping at his chin.
“This could work,” he finally draws out. “Pair this with my black skinny jeans, and some converses, and I think I’ll look quite dashing.”
Zuko chokes back a laugh, trying, and failing miserably, to pass it off as a cough, and his cheeks burn a bright pink when Sokka claps a hand to his shoulder and offers a tight squeeze.
“Now, for you,” Sokka starts, slipping out of his room and down the small hall to Zuko’s room, “do you still have that red, long-sleeve Henley?”
Zuko grits his teeth through a small shudder as the chilly October breeze seems to slip right through his thin shirt. He should have grabbed his coat; he tried, but Sokka insisted that his outfit was perfect and that the coat would hide him too much. Still, he should have grabbed it anyway.
Regret feels cold now, and he digs his fingers into his arms and follows Sokka over to the large fire, politely declining a beer as he snags a lawn chair that’s pulled up pretty close to the roaring flames. He watches, amused, as Sokka strides from person to person naturally, but then he can feel a different kind of itching heat, and he pulls his gaze around until he locks eyes with Katara, who’s standing on the other side of the fire, glaring daggers at him. He holds her gaze, guilt coloring his eyes, and she suddenly jerks her gaze away with a low huff.
“Hey, Zuko!”
Jumping, Zuko whips a wild gaze to see Aang taking the seat beside him, an almost blinding smile painted across his lips.
“Aang…” He clears his throat. “Hey.”
“Glad you came!” Aang drops his hand on Zuko’s arm, his smile faltering, and Zuko wants to jerk his arm away, to shrink away from the sudden, blaring look of concern etching over Aang’s face.
“Um, are you okay?”
“Of course,” Zuko snaps, face falling almost immediately after the harsh words fly off his lips. “Sorry, yes. I’m fine.”
“You’re shaking.”
Frowning, Zuko spares a glance down to see that he is, in fact, trembling softly. Beside him, Aang hops to his feet.
“I think someone has some blankets in the bed of their truck. I can get you one—”
“It’s fine,” Zuko spits out a little too quickly, halting Aang mid-step. “I mean, I’m fine. There’s no need.”
“You sure?” Aang’s hesitant, worry twisting ever-so faintly in his gut.
“I’m sure,” Zuko meets Aang’s gaze, and they stay like that, silent, for just a moment, before he’s the first to break away when he hears someone drop into a chair on the other side of him. “Thank you, though.”
“Of course,” Aang says quietly, gesturing over his shoulder. “I’ll just be… around. I really am glad you came tonight.”
Zuko nods, and his tense, squared shoulders slowly ease-up and unclench as Aang smiles and darts off toward a group of freshmen who seem to be far too confused and underdressed for an upper level bonfire.
He nudges his chair a little closer to the fire, an almost dangerous distance if he weren’t a fire bender, and he turns and falls into idle chatter with the person to his left, a freshman, he quickly learns, inquiring about FB 101.
“Sokka,” Aang elbows through a group of students surrounding Sokka, who’s mid-story about some absurd trip he and Katara took when they were in junior high. “Sokka!” he tries again, louder, muttering apologies as he slips toward the center, stumbling into Sokka’s side.
“Aang!” Sokka shouts, draping a heavy arm over Aang’s shoulder. “You guys, Aang is the most talented little dude. He’s literally the Avatar! I can’t believe I’m best friends with the Avatar!”
Aang smiles sheepishly at the shouts and catcalls that follow, and he slips away from Sokka’s heavy arm, latching onto it, instead, with strong fingers. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Well,” Sokka draws out, voice sloppy, drunken, “of course you can! Ladies and gentlemen, we shall continue this later!” He stumbles as Aang all but drags him away from the crowd, swaying and staggering all the way to a tree a little way away from the bonfire.
“Yo, Aang, what’s up?”
“I think you should take Zuko back to the dorms.”
“Why?” Sokka whines, blinking slowly. “He was just here.” He looks around, head heavy on his neck. “He’s having the time of his life. ‘S totally good for him here. He’s making tons of friends.”
“It’s not that,” Aang presses, gnawing at his bottom lip. He physically turns Sokka until they are both facing the bonfire, and Aang points toward Zuko, who’s standing frightening close to the fire, bouncing on the balls of his feet and rubbing his hands up and down his arms.
“Zuko’s fire nation, Sokka. I know it’s not that cold for us, but he’s freezing. He was already shivering when you guys got here, and it’s been three hours already.”
All at once, Sokka sobers up, forcing the alcohol that dulls his senses down to the very bottom of his stomach, and he frowns, brows furrowing, as he stares hard at Zuko. “I didn’t realize—”
“Not you fault,” Aang mutters distracted by the warm, tight, constricting hand of concern tugging at his chest. “Just… he really needs to be taken back. I took FB Analysis II. Their bodies don’t process lower temperatures because of their hotter climate. It can be dangerous…”
Sokka doesn’t stand around to hear more, already making his way toward Zuko, footsteps fast, fearfully deliberate, and in seconds, he’s at Zuko’s side, a guilty smile tugging at the corners of his lips when he gets a good look at Zuko’s pale face, paler than normal standards, and the tight clench of his jaw as if he’s physically trying to keep his teeth from chattering.
“Hey, Zuko. I’m beat. You ready to head back?” He goes for a casual route, knowing that Zuko will argue if he mentions they are leaving for Zuko’s sake and not of his own accord.
“It’s still a l-little early,” Zuko says, and Sokka doesn’t miss the small stutter.
“Yeah, too much alcohol makes me go all weird in the head. Not something I’m ready to unbag today.” He nudges Zuko’s arm, and Zuko holds his gaze, the two sharing a silent conversation despite the noise around them, and, after an endless minute, Zuko breaks the gaze with a nod.
“If you’re ready.”
Smiling, Sokka briefly slips away to say his goodbyes, and just minutes later, he and Zuko are starting on the five minute walk back to the dorms, the loud sounds of the party becoming nothing more than faint chatter and music in the distance the farther they walk.
Sokka stays close to Zuko’s side, eyes entranced as Zuko passes a small ball of fire from one palm to the other, the glow illuminating the cloudy puffs of breath in the cold air.
“That doesn’t burn your hands?” He finally asks, mentally wishing he opted for an interdisciplinary track so he could have taken more fire bending courses.
“It could,” Zuko says quietly. “But we’re trained to listen to how our skin reacts to the heat.” He drops the small ball of flames into his right palm and holds it there. “I can instantly feel the heat coat my palm, but it’s not unpleasant. I can hold it like this,” he pauses, raising his hand up a little higher, “until an almost icy prickle begins to stab at my skin. That’s when I know it’s been enough.” He brings his hand into a fist, extinguishing the flame, before he crosses his arms once more, absently rubbing his hands up and down to utilize the lingering heat from the fire.
Sokka drapes an arm around Zuko’s shoulders, playing it off as an easy gesture when really, he wants to offer Zuko as much warmth as he can the remainder of their walk. Worryingly, Zuko doesn’t scoff and pull away. Rather, he leans into Sokka’s side with a small shudder, and Sokka only tightens his arm.
“I’m glad you came tonight. Though, I’m sorry I vetoed the coat.”
Zuko huffs out a laugh that molds into a hiss as a chilly breeze slips across the two. “Nothing a hot shower won’t fix.”
“I give you full permission to take all of the hot water tonight.”
“Good,” Zuko says, a small smile creeping at his lips. “Because I wasn’t going to ask.”
Though the shower helped bite the edge of the cold off, Zuko still feels chilled through, even after standing under borderline scolding hot water for the better half of thirty minutes. He’s quick to change into something warm, a long-sleeve, thermal night shirt and a pair of sweat pants, and he snags Sokka’s hoodie off the back of his desk chair when he spots it, slipping it over his head as he walks into the living room.
He spots two mugs of steaming tea on the coffee table, and he eases himself onto the couch, craning his neck to see Sokka popping a back of popcorn in the microwave.
“Movie night?” He calls out, and Sokka whips around, a wide smile pulling at his lips.
“Figured since it’s still early, we could watch something. Your pick.” Sokka stops in front of the couch, head tilting, as he takes in Zuko’s still too pale skin. “How was your shower?”
“Fine,” Zuko says, swallowing back the urge to flinch when Sokka brings a hand up to his face. He closes his eyes, his mind pulling toward a war with the heart that’s thumping rapidly in his chest, but then Sokka just rests a warm palm to his cheek, and he almost reaches up to hold it there.
But, far too quickly, Sokka jerks his hand away, and it isn’t until the rather colorful string of cuss words that follow that Zuko opens his eyes, frowning.
“You literally feel like a block of ice.” Sokka storms across their dorm suite, snagging blankets from both bedrooms, stopping at the thermostat on the wall twice.
“This is literally all my fault. I thought you looked way hotter without the coat, and now you feel like a fucking corpse.”
Hotter… Zuko’s eyes grow wide, but Sokka doesn’t seem to realize the true extent of any word currently slipping from his rapid tongue. He only blinks when Sokka drops both blankets on top of him, and he struggles to free himself from the tangled mess.
“Sokka, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re damn right you will,” Sokka snaps, slipping onto the couch and tugging Zuko until Zuko’s back is flush against his chest. “Because I will make sure of it.” He fumbles with the blankets, struggling to pull both over and around the two, and all the while, Zuko can’t seem to remember how words work, that he’s supposed to use some combination of his tongue, mouth, and vocal chords to produce sounds that form words.
After a few minutes of breathless rustling, Sokka’s content, rubbing his hands up and down Zuko’s arms from behind him, and Zuko’s stiff as a board, too afraid to move.
“Sokka, this isn’t necessary.”
“Are you starting to feel warmer?”
Zuko open’s his mouth to argue further, but at the question, he closes it. He still feels cold, colder than he’s felt in a while, but underneath the ice, he can feel a faint brush of warmth that’s threatening to crack the ice. Without really meaning to, he relaxes against Sokka’s chest, and he nods.
“Yeah, actually, I am.”
“Then,” Sokka mutters, “it’s necessary.”
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