#diabetes fanfiction
How to Find Fanfics with Type 1 Diabetes in Fandom
A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the AO3 Collection
Hello again, friends and folks!
I've realized some of the blog’s followers haven’t visited the collection of fanfics with t1d rep over on the Archive of Our Own (currently with 250+ fics across 100+ fandoms. seriously go check it out). It has also been brought to my attention that quite a few people are confused about either how to use the Archive or how to filter and search within a collection. I’m thinking the two are probably connected, so consider this my first attempt at a guide on how to easily do things.
Basically, imagine a little diabetic gremlin hovering over your shoulder and offering advice as you browse the collection. That gremlin is me. You’re welcome.
The primary goal of the collection (and this blog) is to provide easier access to fanworks featuring type 1 diabetes. That means:
NO incorrectly-tagged fluff fics butting in on #actuallydiabetic works
NO t2d fics (they have their own collection)
Diabetic characters that are written as diabetic and not simply tagged as such
Comprehensive tagging
Any fiction-based fandom, any trope, any rating
Every. Single. Fic must feature t1d in some way 
You just have to know how to use the tools available to you.
Other people have created several helpful guides on how to use ao3 in a more generalized way, so I’m going to provide links for those and then we’ll get into the nitty gritty of AO3 collections and my personal organizational system.
How to Use AO3--Handy Links
AO3 quick tips and tricks
A Comprehensive Guide to Archive of Our Own Filters
AO3 bookmark search 
A quick tip for subscriptions
And the veeery comprehensive FAQs on AO3, which are not difficult to read as they might first appear! Not sure where to start? Try the Search & Browse section.
You can check out @ao3org​ for updates
Once you feel comfortable using ao3 and want to get fancy with the css, check out @ao3skin​
@ao3commentoftheday​ is less on the technical and more on the user culture, but definitely a good one to follow if you want to get involved with fanfic. Their How to AO3 series is a goldmine tho
Now, disclaimer time! I do not see how many hits the collection gets. This is a hobby project I do on my own time because it’s something I wanted to have available for myself, and I hope other people also find use for it. The collection is something used to promote fics that have the content we want, not the collection itself.
Ok on to the fun part!
Click on that link. You should see this:
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See that? Ok, good. This is the collection’s dashboard. This is where you can find all the different parts to it. If you get lost, click the highlighted link on the left that says ‘dashboard.’ It will take you back to this page.
*Everything is basically the same on mobile, except the menu on the left should be at the top of the page.
The dashboard is set to show you 5 random works and 5 random bookmarks every time you refresh the page. Sometimes I like to refresh for fun, just to see what it gives me this time. Also a good place to start if you’re not sure how to filter.
Note: if you do not have an ao3 account, you will not be able to see fics that are available to registered users only. If you forget to log in and wonder why there are suddenly less fics, this is why. It’s a very slight discrepancy, something like 5 fics, so those without an account don’t have to worry.
The menu on the left side of the page is fairly straightforward.
Profile, FAQ, & Subcollections
“Profile” contains the intro, which is also visible on the top of the dashboard there explaining what the collection is, and also has the FAQ page, which coincidentally is the next item on the menu.
The FAQ is a little messy, but it’s a good place to start. Get a feel for it. See the tags I use. Find out why I started this project (take a good guess. I’ll wait). I also have a brief list of books with canonically diabetic characters, forever incomplete because I forget it exists.
Don’t worry about “Subcollections.” I don’t have any yet. Hence the (0).
Now, we get to the good stuff!
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“Fandoms” takes you to a list of every fandom tagged by fics located in the Works section. This does NOT count fics located in the Bookmarks section.
Be forewarned parent tags are at play here. Meaning, this page shows that only 13 fics are tagged with the MCU fandom, but if you click the link provided, way more fics show. Why does this happen? Because a fic tagged specifically with The Avengers (Marvel Movies) is still contained within the larger MCU parent tag and thus will be included when you select the parent tag.
It makes the numbers look screwy. Don’t stress about it.
Basically, if you want Iron Man fics and ONLY Iron Man fics, click that link and you’ll get everything tagged with Iron Man. If you like the Marvel Cinematic Universe but don’t particularly care if you get Cap or Thor? Select the MCU tag and you can see everything within it. Etc.
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“Works” is set up just like any other Works page on AO3. 20 per page, number of fics on the top, filters on the right, fics in the middle.
The filters on the right also work just as they do elsewhere on AO3. You can choose what to include, what to exclude. Ratings, Warnings, Categories. Fandoms, Characters, Relationships, and Additional Tags will show you the top 10 under each, and you filter as desired. Crossovers, Completion Status, Wordcount, and Date Updated options are available at the bottom.
NOTE: Fics in the “Works” page are tagged ONLY by the author. The tagging system described in the FAQ and later here applies ONLY to bookmarks.
If you’re new to AO3 in general, this is where you can play around. Filter to include F/F fics. Exclude Supernatural. Include fics with Established Relationships. Exclude Major Character Death. One filter at a time or all at once! Figure out how it works and then use it how you want.
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Bookmarked Items
I do NOT keep duplicate fics. If a fic is located in the works, it will NOT be found in the bookmarks, and vice versa. Any duplicates are accidental and I try hard to remove them immediately.
For readers, there’s not really much difference b/w Works and Bookmarks here, except for the fact I can add my own tags and descriptors to bookmarks and I can’t do that for works. For writer’s, it’s a permission thing. I won’t get into it on this post.
The first thing to notice is the little dropdown I’ve selected on the right of the above picture, within the filters. Date Bookmarked is selected, and underneath is the option Date Updated. Either is fine. The first is when I saved it to the collection, the latter is when the fic was published/updated by the author.
The option to filter by the Author’s tags are still present here, just like the “Works” page. Include, exclude, warnings, fandoms, etc.
There’s also this cool little drop-down beaneath Additional Tags called Bookmarker’s Tags. See it over there on the right?
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(If you ever hear me rambling about my precious tagging system, this is what I’m talking about. FYI: you can add tags and notes to your AO3 bookmarks!!!)
The filters on the right show the top 10 tags, just like they do for the Fandom and Character areas. Exclude some, and the next top 10 will appear. Just from the ones in this picture, you probably get the idea I like to tag a lot of things :P. Let’s get wild here and break it all down so you know the options. (Also a good time to refer to the FAQ page.)
Bookmarker’s Tags:
Diabetic Character means a POV character has diabetes. Am considering changing it to Diabetic POV Character, but that’ll take a bit so I’ll let you know.
POV Character Does NOT Have Diabetes. Self-explanatory. Frequently goes with: Secondary Character is Diabetic, which means the POV character is...not diabetic.
Canon Diabetic Character means the character has t1d in the original material. Ex: Stacey McGill from the Baby-Sitters Club and Kyle Broflovski from South Park. Does NOT mean they are the POV character.
Type 1 Diabetes means t1d is specified in EITHER the fic itself OR the author’s notes while Unspecified Diabetes Mellitus is, you guessed it, not specified, but can be interpreted as t1d. If you don’t want to risk it, exclude the Unspecified tag and include Type 1 Diabetes.
NOTE: there is, so far, 1 fic each for Monogenic Diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes, and Unnamed LADA. These are still considered T1D by modern medical professionals, but are technically sub-types and can have different experiences. (I’m hoping to get a new LADA tag when someone actually names it in a story, but we’ll see. LMK if you see it.)
Diabetic ___ is used to specify which character is diabetic. Diabetic Original Character or Diabetic Peter Parker. etc. Fill-in at your own risk with these because there’s usually not enough fics per character to get into the top 10 tags.
Series just means it is a series that is bookmarked, and not an individual fic.
External Source means the fic is located off AO3, usually FFN but sometimes Quotev or possibly Wattpad. I can’t remember. Your choice to include or exclude, but don’t be surprised if you click through a link and it takes you elsewhere. NOTE: AO3 will warn you underneath the fic’s title if it’s located externally, but you can’t filter with that warning. You can filter with my tags. 
The Wordcount tags are self-explanatory.
T1D-specific tags I use/created for filtering are:
Insulin Pump
Multiple Daily (Insulin) Injections
Continuous Glucose Monitor
Diabetes Alert Dog
T1 Diabetes Diagnosis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetes Camp
Diabetic Burnout
Artificial Pancreas
Be forewarned that the Diabetes Alert Dog tag has some, uh, creative interpretations when super-powered noses are involved.
So now that we know what is usually tagged, let’s try filtering with them! Let’s say we want a Diabetic Character with Type 1 Diabetes who uses an Insulin Pump. We’ll include those 3 tags on the filter on the right, and exclude External Source, because we want to stay on AO3 right now.
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You can’t see it on the page, but that brought us right down to 9 fics (I’m logged out.) Much easier to read through in one sitting than 180 fics!
Now, maybe we’re not done. Maybe you want to go to the Fandoms drop-down and filter there. Exclude the ones you’re not familiar with, and so on. Include the Fluff fics under the Additional Tags drop-down. Your choice.
Or...you can check out the other Bookmarker’s Tags that have suddenly found themselves in the top 10 tags of this new filter.
Selecting Canon Diabetic Character, for me today, brought me one Stacey McGill fic and one Kyle Broflovski fic. If I don’t like either of those characters, easy peasy, I’ll remove CDC from the include and put it under exclude.
Or what if I don’t care if the diabetes if specified so long as it’s there, or if I don’t care if the fic is on AO3 or elsewhere, but I really, really want a fic where the character has both an insulin pump and a CGM?
Clear your other filters, make sure Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitor are both included, and ta-da.
Or maybe I’ve already scoured the Insulin Pump tag, and I want to see what else there is now, but I don’t want the fics I’ve already seen to get in my way. What then?
Exclude Insulin Pump from your search. Abracadabra.
Another thing you might notice while browsing is an extra little box at the bottom of each bookmark:
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See where it says “Bookmarked by ___” ?
Everything below that is added by the person who made the bookmark. Everything ABOVE it was entered by the author. Don’t be confused.
This will allow you to see, although not filter, every tag on the work. For this particular bookmark, we can see I used: Diabetic Character, Diabetic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Insulin Pump, and Unspecified Diabetes Mellitus. I didn’t put the wordcount in for some reason. Possibly because the fic is a WIP and being actively updated. We won’t worry about that.
We can decipher from the tags here that Obi-Wan Kenobi is a POV character with diabetes. Although the type has not yet been specified in the fic, we can also see that he has an insulin pump and a CGM.
(I also know this author has written several fics featuring diabetes, and always writes about type 1. That’s something you'll get a feel for as you read more fics.)
The bookmarker can also enter a comment here, usually drawing attention to a specific thing (or marking which chapter I last stopped reading at, which you don’t have to worry about :P). For this fic, I chose to put a brief excerpt from the fic itself. I do that because my memory is unpredictable. You can ignore these.
Disclaimer: the bookmarker’s tags are meant to be used WITH the author’s tags, NOT in place of. I do not tag genre, other characters, fandoms, etc. except in very rare occurrences.
Randoms Items & People
Moving back to that little menu on the left of the Dashboard, “Random Items” doesn’t really do anything since the Dashboard is already set to randomize Works and Bookmarks. Sorry. :)
The “People” section shows collection members. I’ll make another post about members eventually, but basically, members can add their own works and their own bookmarks without moderator approval. Anybody else needs to submit the fic/bookmark and wait for me to check. (Which you can totally do.)
Tbh the “People” tab really doesn’t hold that much for readers, with the chance possibility of introducing you to other people who are interested in the topic. It’s really just another permissions thing.
And, finally, we come to the last tab on the menu...
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The “Tags” button is pretty cool, although I admit it’s not one I personally use often.
The larger the font, the more often the tag is used in the collection’s works. Note this applies to WORKS only, and not bookmarks. Scrolling through it gives you a quick summary of what’s more popular to write about. It shows every tag used in a collected work, though, so it’s a fairly long section.
Selecting a tag will take you to the works in the collection which used that tag. So you can use it as another way to filter, if you want.
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You did it! You have finished reading my guide, young padawan, and are now ready to search and filter fics all on your own! Hooray!
(Feel free to shoot me a DM if you can’t figure something out or send an ask if you want something specific found. We can brainstorm together.)
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kourota · 3 months
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"And the cats. Are you ready to meet them?"
"Sock and Mewsic, right?"
my piece for the lovebug collab event in the Creative Chaos discord server! my partner Rory (@ethereal-catharsis) and I decided to work with familial love, so they wrote this super fluffy and amazing aizawa-centric fic [ link to fic ] and I illustrated a scene from it!
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madsworld15 · 25 days
Brian/Justin Fic Excerpt
I am a Type 1 Diabetic, and the last few nights, I’ve had the worst time of it. I went to bed both nights with blood sugar levels in the normal range for sleeping. Only to wake up a few hours later to find them in the danger zone for low blood sugar. In my continued exhaustion, because you can’t exactly go back to sleep with your body keyed up like that, I wrote such experiences into my T1D Brian Universe fic.
Justin was sitting on their bed applying lotion to his arms when Brian exited their bathroom with a frown on his face. He was staring at his phone, not even aware that Justin had taken notice of him and his demeanor.
“Everything okay?” Justin asked with bated breath as Brian pulled out his insulin pump and pushed a few buttons.
After he was done, Brian stuck the device back in the pocket of his sweatpants, placed his phone down on the bedside table, climbed into bed, and then leaned over to kiss Justin.
“Yeah. My sugar is a little high, but I gave myself a correction and it should go down.” Brian gave his bicep a squeeze as an extra form of reassurance.
And honestly, Justin didn’t worry. Brian’s numbers fluctuate all the time and he managed things just fine. It had been ten years since his last extreme diabetic emergency. With a responding smile, Justin finished up what he was doing and got under the covers with his partner. Once the lights were off, Brian’s arms immediately enveloped Justin.
A few hours later, Justin was pulled from a deep sleep by the loud alarm on Brian’s phone that indicated a low blood sugar. He rolled over to find Brian was already sitting up, but he wasn’t moving into action like he usually did when his blood sugar went low.
“What can I do?” Justin suddenly jumped into action, placing his hands on Brian’s shoulders. “You need juice?���
Brian simply nodded. So, Justin walked quickly to the kitchen and poured him some juice. By the time he got back to their bedroom, Brian was right where he’d left him, which Justin had expected. What he hadn’t expected was to see him extremely pale and shaky from the effort.
Justin knelt in front of Brian and forced his chin up. Brian opened his eyes, but Justin could tell he wasn’t registering much of anything. With gentle hands, he guided Brian to drink from the cup he held up.
After the juice was gone, Justin stayed where he was but grabbed Brian’s phone. He inputted Brian’s passcode and stared at the CGM reading, daring the arrow to point upward and the number to get bigger. After what felt like hours, but was really only 15 minutes, Brian’s number only went up 2 but was trending upward. Justin breathed a sigh of relief.
He briefly left Brian’s side once more to get him a glass of water and a couple of crackers with some sliced cheese for an extra boost to his numbers and help them steady out and maintain.
This time, when he came back to the bedroom, Brian had moved so that he was leaning on some pillows against the wall behind their bed, his legs stretched out in front of him. Brian had turned on the TV and was flipping through channels as he sucked on a hard candy from the drawer in his bedside table. Justin lifted his eyebrow in question and Brian just shrugged.
“My sugar dropped back to what it was before the juice, so I decided this was a safe backup.”
Justin nodded silently and handed Brian the crackers and cheese before he placed the glass of water down and got back into bed. He immediately scooted his body up against Brian’s and wrapped his arm around his partner’s waist. Anytime Brian had a low like this in the middle of the night, Justin got clingy. He felt he needed to hold onto Brian to prove the man was still there and wasn’t going to simply disappear. It was something they’d experienced many times over the years, and despite his prickly feelings about cuddling, Brian allowed Justin this one vice on nights like tonight.
“You should try to get some sleep. Just because my body won’t calm down enough to let me sleep doesn’t mean you have to miss out, too.” Brian mumbled against the top of Justin’s head.
Justin leaned back so that he could make eye contact with his partner, “When have I ever gone to sleep while you battled recovery from a low?”
Brian sighed. “I know. I just thought I’d suggest it. Like always.” He then gave Justin a smirk before kissing him on the temple. “I love you.”
Justin didn’t respond; instead, he snuggled up to Brian’s chest a bit more and listened to his heart, and felt his chest go up and down with each new breath. It calmed the anxiety raging within him.
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cheetahspy · 9 months
Ledger!Joker x Diabetic Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Medical stuff, needles/injections (it’s not very descriptive though), slight NSFW mention (labeled at the bottom)
A/N: Heya! I’ve never posted something like this before haha…Kinda new to it and very nervous so don’t judge me too harshly. I actually write quite often but rarely post it, however I really wanna start trying to put my work out there more. Keyword try. 
Anyway, fun fact about me, I have T1 diabetes. I haven't seen anything about that with J so I decided to make my own headcanons and such :) Sooooo here’s that lol…enjoy??
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You had been diagnosed with T1 diabetes three years ago. You hated it. The needles, the upkeep, the blood, the appointments. It’s scary, a living nightmare for you.
You were still in your…adjusting phase, and didn’t like talking about your diabetes to anyone. Joker was no exception
So, naturally, J took matters into his own hands and did his own research, learning as much as he could about diabetes (without you knowing, of course). How it works, the high and low blood sugar levels, how to manage it, he even figured out how the insulin pump that you have operates. 
You were shocked the day he offered to change the infusion set for you and knowing how to do so. He ignored you when you asked him how he knew.
You were hesitant but quick to give in and let him inject the cannula into your stomach. He hugged you from behind as he did so; you melted into his touch and your fears were comforted. From that day on you opened up more and more about your medical life to J and allowed his help. 
He enjoys being the one to inject the cannula and dexcom, however he still forces you to do it yourself at times, as to make sure you aren’t getting too used to being dependent on someone else. You’re a strong and brave bunny, he wants to remind you of that. 
He will tease you about your dexcom and infusion sets, saying you must be part machine. 
“I’m uh, still convinced you’re a cyborg.” “J!!”
He also forces you to stay on a healthy diet and keeps track of your sugar intake carefully. He’s definitely not a hypocrite. He rarely lets you eat junk food, even though you’re allowed to and tried explaining that to him
“The doctors told me it’s okay if I eat sugar now and then, as long as I have the insulin for it. It’s the sugary drinks I need to avoid more.” 
J doesn’t buy it, nor does he trust your doctor's input. “Mmm. Nuh uh. Can’T have my little bunny go falling into a coma, hm?” You know he’s just concerned about you (even if he’d never outright admit it), so overtime you stopped arguing with him and avoided junk food to ease his mind. Just don’t let him catch you eating it behind his back.
J absentmindedly fidgets with your insulin tube. Rubbing along it, flicking it around, twirling it around his finger, even constantly feeling the cannula end of it against your stomach as if to reassure himself you that it’s still on and doing its job. Don’t worry, he’s only accidentally ripped it out once or twice, and he certainly makes it up to you when that happens. 
Having a low, but forgot sugar to combat it? Not to worry! Joker keeps a juice box or two in his suit juuuust for you. He’s even stacked packages of juices in your pantry so you’ll have plenty. (Don’t ask whether he bought or stole them, you already know the answer)
The low blood sugar episodes hit you hard, but you’ve found curling up on J’s lap and cuddling against his chest while sipping on juice is very comforting. He’ll stroke your hair and rub your back, holding you closer whenever you shake and cry.
“Shhhh sh sh sh. It’s nothin’ you haven’t beaten before. It’ll pass, angel.” 
You hate looking at your stomach and seeing the previous holes and scars from constant injections. J will run his thumb over them and kiss each of them to comfort you. 
Whenever you have a headache or any symptoms, J will immediately interrogate you about your blood sugar level
“Not every pain I get is caused by my diabetes.”
“Shuuuuush. What’re levels right now? Let me uh, lemme see your pum-p. Give. Right. Now.” 
If you’re low on insulin and the pharmacist is late to sending you new vials, J will meet with them personally to have a little chat. 
He’ll then come home and plop the bag of new vials theatrically down on the counter. “Tadaaaa! More insulin for my sweet little sugar cube.”
“Oh, thank you J! Wow, they gave me a lot this time…” 
During the ✨devils tango✨, J will occasionally rip the cannula out by accident. He’ll immediately put a pin in your lovemaking session to get you a new one. Even if you insist you could go an hour or two without it, he’s not taking any chances. After all, where’s the fun in sex if your partner is dying from a seizure??
“J, I promise it’s okay! We don’t have to sto-”
“Now now gumdrop. I know you’re, heh, eager for me, but my patient needs her medicine first.” 
You’re grateful you don’t have to deal with your disability alone anymore. Who knew the Clown Prince of Crime could be such a good caretaker?
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 8 months
Heyyyy I’m kinda new to tumblr but I love your posts and was wondering if you could do one where reader has some sort of chronic illness and is having a particularly hard time so Wanda cheers her up. Maybe like a cute breakfast in bed or picnic?
I was recently diagnosed with a couple and a, having a hard time. This would mean so much to me. Of course no rush and I totally get it if you can’t.
Also I saw in one of your replies where the anon asks to be doll and you greet them that way. Could I be sweetheart? I’m not sure if that’s how it works.
Hmmm… Well, let's see what I can come up with. Sooo… I'm not a doctor, and besides, that wasn't really my focus. The thing is, a lot of people find it hard to face dietary restrictions, when they have a condition and the outside world doesn't always make it easy, so I wanted to focus on that and also explain that it doesn't have to be impossible. You can still enjoy all the things you love, you can still eat delicious foods, while staying healthy.
Please, also note that I wrote this fairly quickly, so it may not be my best work.
I'm not sure if that's what you were hoping for, but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Disease, dietary restrictions, angst, fluff, happy ending, domestic sweetness… I think that's it? If I missed anything, let me know
You always thought of yourself as a healthy person. You had the normal pains and aches, got the flu or a stomach virus sometimes, but generally, you felt good. You never felt the need for any special check-ups, so you went grudgingly, only to appease your girlfriend’s mind. She worried too much. And she had lost so much too, that the fear of losing you as well, was almost crippling at times. That’s why you agreed. You just wanted her to feel more at ease. Everything was going to be just fine. Or at least that’s what you told her. But it was not just fine… High blood sugar levels prompted the doctor to take more tests. And it was a good thing he did. When he called you to his office, closing the door behind him, Wanda had started to play nervously with her rings, but at least he had the good sense to let her inside first, otherwise you feared your girlfriend would have broken down the door from worry. It turned out you had Type 2 diabetes. It was manageable. A lot of people lived with it and led perfectly normal, happy lives. You could too. But you had to make some adjustments to your diet. You had to monitor the disease and yourself, otherwise you could suffer serious consequences. When the doctor explained it all, gave you a list of recommended foods and also advised you what to stay away from, handed you a prescription for medication and advised on regular check-ups with him, as well as keeping your blood pressure low, it all seemed very simple. Except, Wanda spent the next week buried in research, giving away the cookies she had baked for you just the night before to the neighbours, making a whole new groceries list to accommodate your condition, it started to dawn on you that it wasn’t going to be simple. What made it worse, was the fact that suddenly everywhere you went, there was temptation. You would walk to work, passing by fast food places and burger joints, your colleagues would bring doughnuts to the office, you had to bring your own decaf and refrain from adding your favorite milk, random people would be eating sugary sweets, they’d be drinking all kinds of carbonated sweet drinks, or invite you to that steak house after work. Even just the air smelled like fried goods. It was everywhere. All the food you were meant to stay away from, right there, in front of your eyes. It was driving you crazy.
One afternoon, you were taking a walk in the nearby park after work to clear your head and you saw an ice-cream stand, a group of children waiting in line to buy their favorite flavours and for some reason you snapped. You could hardly wait to get home, and greeted with the sweet, loving face of your girlfriend, you broke down. You were shaking, tears streaming down your face as you tried to explain to her through sobs what had upset you so much and it broke her heart, to know that you were taking it so harshly and that she hadn’t noticed how much it hurt you. In the end you begged her to forget all those diets and just let you lead a normal life. The medication would help. And if you had complications – so be it. You didn’t want to live like this! Wanda calmed you down with kind, soothing words and she helped you out of your work clothes, picking out soft clothes for you to wear at home, trying to tell you that everything was going to be just fine. She would make sure of it. She tried to move past dinner as quickly as possible, seeing the unshed tears in your eyes, when you were met with the green salad and grilled vegetable she had prepared and she cuddled you on the couch, picking out your favorite movie to watch, until you were all sleepy and relaxed. Once she put you to bed, Wanda once again buried herself in research, but this time a completely different kind. She had her mind set that she would help you feel more at ease with your new dietary restrictions and showing you that the disease didn’t mean you couldn’t have a good, delicious meal. The next morning she woke extra early, running to the store to get all the things she needed for the special meal she had in mind and she came home, starting to prepare everything, hoping to be able to finish before you even woke up. When you did, you were greeted by your girlfriend sitting at the edge of the bed, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. “I made it especially for you.” Wanda whispered as she offered it to you. “I got you vegan almond milk. Now you can have cappuccinos every morning.” She explained, already knowing what you were thinking. “Really?” You could barely contain yourself, sitting up, so you could take the cup from her hands and take a sip. “Is that sugar?” “Sweetener.” She explained with a smile. “And I have a surprise for you for lunch. So drink up, baby.” Wanda watched you go through your regular routines, and she smiled happily as she saw you finish your first cup of coffee, after 2 weeks of drinking nothing but plain decaf. She spent the morning with you, mostly talking and showering you with affection, watching you relax and feel more at ease, until she told you she’s taking you to the park. Suddenly you were feeling all the negative emotions from the previous day rushing back, but Wanda was quick to soothe you.
“I have something good planned for you, baby. I promise. Please, trust me?” She spoke and you couldn’t help but melt at her words, nodding slowly at her invitation to take you out. She had prepared everything in advance. All the food she had made placed in special containers and she quickly put them in a bag, grabbed your picnic blanket and the two of you walked there, hand in hand, while Wanda tried to distract you from your thoughts. As soon as you entered, you saw all the ice-cream stands and the little booths selling sodas and you felt yourself stiffen, but she settled you down on the fresh grass, choosing a spot away from all that, spreading the blanket and starting to take out all the little containers with a big smile and you couldn’t help but feel excitement. “For lunch, I have made you…” She paused for dramatic effect, holding the container. “Burgers!” She exclaimed, opening the box to show you her creation. “It’s a grilled vegetable patty, with a bun made from whole grains, entirely vegan, low-fat cheese and leafy greens. I made the sauces myself. Everything there is good for you. I promise it will be amazing!” She explained with pride and you could help but beam at her, hugging her tightly and burying your nose in her neck so you could breathe her in. She had made all this for you! To make you feel more at ease. To make you happy and you couldn’t help the warm, loving feeling that spread over you at her efforts. “And that’s not all!” She said with a wide grin. “Home-made lemonade, made with water, freshly squeezed or blended fruits, mint leaves and a squeeze of lemon.” She explained, as she pulled out a bottle. “I also have all your favorite fruits for dessert.” She said with a smile, one of her hands touching your face and stroking your cheek affectionately. “Thank you, Wanda! This is incredible! And it looks so delicious!” “Anything for you, love.” She said with a thoughtful smile. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice how unhappy you were. I was so focused on getting you to eat only what was best for you, that I didn’t consider how hard it must be to watch everyone else eat all the things you shouldn’t. But I have several new recipes to try, and I promise, it will all be ok. You can have everything you like… With a twist.” She winked at you, making you laugh. “You are… Just marvellous. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have you!” “So are you, my precious girl. Never forget that.” She smiled once again. “Now eat up, I want to know what you think.” She encouraged. As you took your first bite, you could tell the difference easily, but you also realized that it was absolutely delicious! You couldn’t even believe how much time and work it had taken her to research and make all that, but the end result was spectacular and you didn’t stop telling her that throughout the entire meal. The hours in the park passed by you quickly, while she fed you fruits, as the two of you talked or just cuddled on the blanket and as you decided to head home, gathering all your things, you couldn’t help but look at the place with a whole different view. The stands with ice-cream, sweets and soda didn’t look so tempting anymore. They were just regular things. “I’ll make you home-made ice-cream. I have a recipe.” Wanda whispered in your ear, when she spotted where you were looking and in that moment, as you took Wanda’s hand in yours, you knew that there was nothing you couldn’t face, while you had her by your side.   ______________________________________________________ Why wouldn't it work that way, sweetheart? If that's what you want to be called, than it's my pleasure.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 9 months
this might be a niche pet peeve but i hate when i’m reading a fanfic and the author makes a character type one diabetic and you can tell that they’ve never had a conversation with a diabetic person. it’s giving that one julia roberts scene in steel magnolias but worse.
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lightning-system · 19 days
“Cody you are low,” Kingston shouts, “Sit down.”
“What?” Cody calls from across the way from where he smashes his sword into some sort of goopy goo thing. Really gross that’s for sure.
“You’re low!” Kingston calls back.
Pete looks over, shooting a magic blast behind him at another goopy goo as he observes Cody.
“I feel fine,” Cody protests.
Pete watches as Cody’s body shakes and sweat beads on his forehead, sword trembling in his hand as his skin pales. Sure. He’s fine.
Or: Cody's blood sugar decides not to cooperate.
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hoffelstar · 4 months
Hello! Im looking for fics where a character has diabetes type 1
Fandoms id read about:
Haikyuu, My hero academia, marauders/harry potter, sk8 the infinity, yuri on ice
Tbh i dont have high expectations of actually finding much but id still like to see if there was anything
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mirci't be uja
Summary: Obi-Wan is usually good at keeping track of his blood sugar levels–because he has to be–but this time, it’s out of his control. (Or, a diabetic Obi-Wan is thrown for a loop after crashing on an unknown planet. Stim does his best to keep his General alive.)
Notes: This fic is inspired by (and gifted to the author, of course) one of my favorite fics of all time, @ijustreallylovedaredevil's (whitchry9 on ao3) fic Uja Nejah. This fic is about Obi-Wan's journey through his life as a Jedi while being a diabetic. If you haven't yet, go read it. It's fucking fabulous.
It had been a long day. 
Not that Obi-Wan had done much except attend meetings and negotiations with Senators, turn in a few reports, and appease the Council by attending a small banquet at the Temple while he was on coruscant. He hadn’t been able to produce a good enough excuse to not go, especially considering the Council had assigned him to a mission that wasn’t meant to begin for another hour. 
By the time he’d made it to the briefing, he was already exhausted from ceaseless discussion and forced diplomacy. 
Stim had thrown him a strange glance with a set of raised eyebrows as Obi-Wan had boarded the ship, but the Jedi ignored his gaze and straightened himself. 
It was only a small squad heading to Felucia for a short relief mission. Stim and Bones had volunteered to bring along a supply of medical supplies, Rex, Cody, and Relic were staying with them for protection–and a diversion–while Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka conducted the business of the Jedi away from the Separatists' gaze. 
They had only just left the hanger of the Temple when Obi-Wan felt the buzz of his commlink. Obi-Wan glanced at the alert discreetly, not wanting to call attention to it when Stim and Cody were enjoying a round of a strategic card game Obi-Wan couldn’t be bothered to learn himself. 
His blood sugar was high, he noted with a sigh. 
Read the rest here on ao3
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Sokka’s Birthday
For Zukka Week 2022, Day 5 @zukkaweek
Prompts: Soulmates and/or Chronic Pain/Disability
Wordcount: 3k | Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: None Apply
Summary: Soulmates switch bodies for 16 minutes when the younger one turns sixteen. In all the hullabaloo of ending the war, everyone forgot it was Sokka’s birthday. He and Zuko swap bodies just as Zuko has to give an important speech and Sokka’s blood sugar runs low. Features Sokka with Type 1 Diabetes. Post-canon. Fluff.
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If there was only one thing Sokka could appreciate about the Fire Nation, it was their food.
(Technically, he was aware he should really put Zuko—sorry, Fire Lord Zuko—first, but come on. Zuko may have been pretty cool, but a guy had to have priorities.)
The Fire Lord’s Palace had changed almost overnight from a dark, burnt-out hunk of stone and wood to a lively, colorful place filled with people of all ages and nations running about in the streets and the hastily renovated palace courtyard. The reds of the Fire Nation intermingled with the greens and browns of the Earth Kingdom, turning the area into a mass of colors; even some blues from the Water Tribes could be seen here and there. Large banners waved merrily in the wind above the cheerful crowd’s heads and the wonderful aroma of as much Kamodo chicken, flaming fire flakes, and roasting lychee nuts Sokka could ever hope to enjoy wove its way past hungry noses. He sniffed the tantalizing air.
“Honestly, Sokka,” Katara said. “Would it kill you to try acting like you’re more focused on Aang and Zuko than on the vendors for just five minutes?”
Sokka waved her off. “Come on, Katara. They’re fine! Aang’s almost done with his little speech, and Zuko’s all ready to stumble over the one I helped him write, and then we can show our nations-wide solidarity by partaking in a few delicious snacks.”
“Sokka, if anything goes wrong today, the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation could be thrust right back into war—”
“Yes, today is all about the treaties and the land rights and the diplomats and blah, blah, blah.” Sokka rolled his eyes, partially to distract his sister from being so tense and partially because come on. Aang and Zuko could handle anything at this point, even without Aang’s weird Avatar powers coming into play. The War was over; what could possibly go wrong? “Excuse me for thinking of my stomach after weeks on the run.”
“Imagine that,” said a familiar voice from behind them. “Sokka, thinking with his stomach?”
Sokka turned just in time to meet his dad’s warm embrace. “Dad! You made it!”
“Of course I did,” Hakoda said, and roped Katara into their impromptu group hug. “I couldn’t possibly miss the resolution of the Hundred Years’ War and the signing of the treaty between the Earth King and the Fire Lord, now could I?”
One of the ancient Fire Nation officials gathered behind the VIP stage they stood on shushed them. The back of his robe was caught in his underwear, but the man seemed more preoccupied with glaring at everyone around him to notice his wardrobe malfunction. Sokka tried to withhold his snort—for his sister’s sake, of course.
Hakoda released his children and winked. “Besides, the Water Tribes have our own discussions to be made with the Fire Nation under the supervision of the Avatar. Master Pakku made the journey with us on behalf of the North’s Chief Arnook.”
“Master Pakku’s here?” Katara asked.
Sokka frowned. “Wait, the Southern and the Northern Tribe?”
Hakoda nodded, and there was a beat of silence as Sokka and Katara exchanged unhappy looks.
“Our sister tribe has been immeasurably helpful in rebuilding the Southern Water Tribe,” Hakoda said quietly. “They gave us food and furs, warriors to stand guard against the Fire Nation, and benders to rebuild our villages and defenses. We owe them much.”
“Yeah, and now they want something from us, don’t they?” Sokka seethed. “Because saving innocent lives wasn’t enough for them.”
“Sokka,” Katara said. “Master Pakku will treaty fairly with us, no matter what Chief Arnook is really up to. Besides—” she smiled smugly—“Chief Arnook can do what he wants at the North Pole, but Master Pakku has to listen to Gran-Gran if he wants to make it to their wedding.”
They all laughed at that, and the sudden tension in Sokka’s gut released.
“Never mind the politics.” Hakoda ruffled both their hair. “I can’t believe it’s been just a few weeks since I saw you last. Katara, any more success with those new waterbending moves? Sokka, how has your sugar been?”
Sokka made an unhappy face. “Well, Katara said she’d be more understanding of my ‘limitations’ now that we’re not running for our lives, but I’m going low and she won’t let me step away from the speeches to grab a bite.”
“What?” Katara smacked his arm. “Sokka! You liar. You didn’t say anything about going low; you just wanted to skip the democracy and stuff your face with fire flakes.”
“I did too say!” Sokka squawked. “And I do not!”
“Shhh!” the official with his underwear displayed hissed.
Hakoda patted Sokka’s head. “You are looking a little pale there, son. Why don’t you take a break to get some of that Watermelon juice?”
Katara rolled her eyes. “Sokka, give me your hand.”
“Nope.” Sokka folded his arms and stuck his tongue out at his sister. “You checked my blood sugar like an hour ago. I’ll be fine once I get some juice.”
As always, Katara ignored him and bent a small bubble of her bending water out of her penguin-sealskin bag. Sokka sighed and reluctantly stuck his hands in the floating bubble.
At least this was better now that Katara finally knew how to waterbend. Before they had traveled to the North Pole with Aang, Katara had had to carry around a big dish just for Sokka’s hands to fit in because she hadn’t been able to both bend the water into the air and get a good reading for Sokka’s blood sugar levels. Sokka usually ended up dripping wet head to toe in those days, which he found particularly miserable in the cold of the South Pole. Now, only his hands got wet.
Katara hummed for a moment while she did her magic healing-waterbending thingy. The water glowed around Sokka’s palms, then turned a dark blue.
“Watermelon juice, pronto,” Katara said, and put her water away. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it,” Sokka said. He wasn’t slurring his words yet, so he had some time.
Katara turned her attention back to Aang.
“If anyone tries to stop you, just remind them you’re a war hero.” Hakoda met Sokka’s eyes. “If you get lost, just find one of my men. They scattered everywhere as soon as we left the ship, and they all know you need food when you get like this.”
“Thanks, Dad!” Sokka worried for a minute he was being too immature, needing his dad’s acceptance to leave the treaty ceremony for a cup of juice, but decided it didn’t matter. After all, he was a war hero. More importantly, Sokka was a founding member of Team Avatar.
(Also his blood glucose really was dropping. Sokka could almost feel his thought patterns slowing down as his internal sugar supply diminished. Watermelon juice sounded great.)
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watchyourbuck · 8 months
If y’all haven’t read The Cowboy Fic™️ by @thewolvesof1998 yet WHAT ARE U DOING BRO go do that rn
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huxs-waifu · 1 year
10,000 Nights - Final Chapter - Greek tragedy **Smut**
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Chapter Summary:
So here we are at the final chapter of this story, We have the Honeymoon enjoy the final smut , as always please drop a comment.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and this fiction for the last 2 years! It's really been a labour of love and opened so many doors for me. Please do not threat though this is not the end of Chrissy and my strange - I've got an NSFW alphabet and a few extras coming.
AS well as a spin-off/ sequel series - the working title is Norse/Greek Tragedy. So if you want to know what happens to Chalice in the future this will be her story! with a particular Trickster god named Loki ;) along with her relationship with mum and dad but not as you expect.
Part Twelve - can be found here
A03 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30666221/chapters/93492631
Playlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/650653939084279808/via
Masterlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/670776247958257664/10000-nights-masterlist-the-cloak-seems-intent
After the wedding, we retired to a honeymoon suite that Tony had offered up. Stephen carried me over the threshold traditionally not via a portal, he decided he wanted at least some normal parts of a wedding. That was the whole point of having a second wedding.
Strange practically tumbled me onto the bed and started loosening his tie.
"Woah someone can't wait tonight, relax it's our honeymoon" sitting up and taking his hands in mine gently taking the fingers away from the loosened tie.
"I want to make another one. A baby that is not an interdimensional rift"
"You want another one already. Like literally right now. You know how much trouble chalice caused us"
"Well my little wife. I want to make lot with you. Plus it's a lot more fun making one intentionally ."
"Ok calm down Daddy," I smirked. A pang jolted through Stephen, his blue eyes dilated.
"You finally did it. You called me Daddy!"
"Oh, no little one you will be calling me Daddy from now on. No more of that old man business." Grabbing my ass pulling me into him, as I stood up from the bed. his dress trousers are straining half-mast already. "Do you understand how delicious that sounds coming out of your mouth, wife?"
"I'd been saving it up. Anyway, you ARE a daddy now old man" getting on my knees,
Poking him in the chest. Before continuing to take off the tie.
"Well if I can't continue with the old man routine.  What about you calling me little one? I'm not that girl you followed into a wine closet."
"No, you're not. Yes, it does work both ways. You are a woman. A bright celestial goddess. You are all women to me. Every inch of your curves, your pinprick scars that litter your body. Your blood that runs hot and your milk that flows to feed our child. Are all women, My wife" capturing our lips together. “Now Goddess, I wish for you to get back on this bed.”
“In the dress still?” Swaying the skirts of the tulle back and forth. Watching his eyes change to that of hunger, like a snake being hypnotised by the movement. ”Be a shame to waste the lingerie underneath, i know how much you adore your Wife in it”
A low growl escapes his mouth in pleasure, before flicking his hand to the side of him the dress falling off around my ankles and sliding away much as the cape does with its scared. Bared to him the pump this time was attached to my arm hidden by the voluminous sleeves of the dress. “You never fail to surprise me my goddess with your pump-hiding skills”
“Face it it's one of the reasons you like me.”
“Oh its up there on the list with many things I love about you Chrissy. Including your underwear choices.” his hands reach out enjoying touching the golden yellow bra cup, the silk gliding over his fingertips. Not that he could feel it but silk gave his hands a nice cooling sensation. The white lace edges contrasted beautifully, and don't even get him started on the thong that was barely there.
Looking up at him I capture his lips again, his grip tightening on my breast. “It's time to get you undressed too.” whispering between kisses. I grab hold of his wrist though before he can magically remove them.” no magic!” As I discard his suit jacket, he stops groping me to shake his hands in defeat. Getting to work on the shirt buttons. Every Centimetre relieved of his porcelain skin had me giddy with joy. My hand sliding inside his shirt to feel the skin-to-skin contact, making light tracings over this well-toned lean pecs before continuing the shirt removal.
“We're going to be all night if you keep up like this.”
“Paintance Wizard, we've got the rest of our lives together.”
“Well the former supreme has waited 1000’s years , I think I owe it to him to speed this up.” flicking his trousers off to join the rest of the suit. before taking each side of my face and receiving a hungry kiss. My own hands are firmly pressed on his chest as he walks me backwards onto the bed. “Now my beautiful wife do as I say and spread those legs.”
Moving into the centre of the bed, complying with his demands. Coyly opening my legs wide to show off the barely-there underwear.The bed dipped lightly as he sits in front on his knees eys filled with lust before even touching me his hands connecting to my hips all the same. As with his best grip possible the coolness of them glade down the sides of the thong. Removing them “see you don't need magic to do everything.”
“You always say that but I do”
“No, you don't, I love your hands. I love every inch of you. Your amazing magic or not.”
“Darling, you are the most wonderful person in the world.” As strange dips capturing my lips his fingers start to weave in and out of my folds with his fingers. A moan escapes me and into his mouth, causing him to smirk. “Please allow me to give you pleasure before you give me mine. Goddess, I intend to worship all of you tonight. Kissing down my jaw, over the clavicle, across the shoulder and stopped kissing above the pump. “That's every part of you.” fingers enter deeper making a sweet scissoring motion before drawing back out.
A low husky mewl releases from me as they pull out completely. The doctor positioned himself in front letting his ridge member slap a couple of times before finding his placement inside me.The sticky sloppy draw of my pussy dragged up and down Stephens's cock. He looked upon me with a gleeful grin, eyes connecting in the darkness. Before a flash of madness passed through them his thrusts became ploughing movements making the bed squeak with every pump of hips. Making sure to bottom out every time. My body gladly takes every inch of him and more.
Growling sitting up, I hooked an arm around his neck and legs around his waist. The thrusts are deep and lounging as we grind against one another. Lost in the ecstasy of the sweaty lust filled the room. Sweat dripping down our bodies, I closed my eyes only to be met by his forehead against mine. “ Look at me Chrissy, I want you to look into my eyes as I take you over the edge.”Swallowing feeling the change in movement to one of eager pace, hitting the indie of me in that special place. His hands hooked into the hair at the back of my head. Opening my eyes to see my now husband looking so intensely at my face. “Fucking celestial.”
At those words my body broke down into its release, Stephan chasing his own in three more powerful blows. His seed becoming nestled in me, time stopped as if the stone in the eye knew we needed it.
The morning after.
Placing a hand on his chest pushing Strange back into the pillows. The White silk of the honeymoon suite is the complete difference from the sumptuous red of the sanctum four-poster bed. Tracking each mole and scar lazily before giving a soft kiss to the centre of his body.
As I draw back up. His hands grab at the ample and tender breast flesh hanging above him. Kneading the skin."I can feel it. Your heart is beating."
"Beats only for you, Stephen "
"I love you. I can't tell you enough." Moving his hand from my body clutching at my face. "I never want to be lonely again. I'm glad i found you in this universe, makes me almost feel sad for the others in theirs, that don't have you."
Bending over, the style of hair coming unravelled one side. Placing a kiss on his lips. Smooching away at my now husband. Kneed on top straddling him. "I want to tell you how much I love every day. Spend 10,000 nights with you and 10,000 more."
So we spend every night together from that moment on. A good year when by, with love and laughter. Until that one faithful day when, a spaceship crashed and Strange ran after tony.
@too-short-for-my-own-good @avengershumanresources​ @fluffyprettykitty​ @d0ct0rstrangewife @type1diabetesinfandom @strangelockd​
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madsworld15 · 3 months
I’ve been struggling with my mental health the last couple of days. So, I wanted to share a bit of my next fic in the hopes people get excited for it. And as such encourage me to write more.
Fic Summary: It’s early 2016 and Brian and Justin have full custody of Gus while he attends a prestigious Art & Science High School in NYC. One day his friend Isaac shows up asking for a place to stay after his dad hit him. Brian and Justin readily provide shelter to the young teen.
Is this why you didn’t come to school today?” Gus asked in a hushed tone.
Brian caught Justin’s attention and motioned for him to follow him into the front sitting area, letting the two teens remain at the kitchen island to talk. Justin followed without a word. He knew that Brian’s dad used to beat on him when he was Isaac and Gus’ age, but he never expected Brian to be so quick on his feet to help Isaac. After all, Hunter had been a different brand of abused teen, and Brian hadn’t really gone out of his way to help him.
Maybe it was the meek nature of Isaac versus Hunter, who had been loudmouthed and brash. He wanted to ask Brian why this kid was different, but based on Brian’s closed-off body language, Justin’s questions wouldn’t get him very far. Even without saying anything, he knew that Jack Kinney was at the forefront of Brian’s mind.
“Hey, Jus.” Gus’ quiet voice broke Justin out of his thoughts. He realized he had started to stroke Brian’s hair during their quiet reverie.
“What’s up, kiddo?” Justin gave the young teen his full attention.
“Can we still make pizzas? I think it would be a good distraction for Isaac.” Gus looked nervous like he wasn’t sure how to act in the situation.
Justin gave him a big smile and jumped up. “Absolutely. Let’s go.”
Brian didn’t move or even acknowledge that he’d heard anything Gus had just said. Despite being a bit concerned, Justin left him to his thoughts and went to engage the boys in an hour of pizza dough rolling and baking.
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whatarethe0ddsac · 9 months
New Carlando One shot!!! Look alive people 👀🧡❤️🧡❤️
Ngl, this one is so cheesy and cute it made me tear up like an idiot- I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS I DID WRITING IT! ✨✨✨💖💖💖
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I hope everyone who tags fics with “diabetes” when they have nothing to do with diabetes, just because they’re “sweet” or whatever, contracts actual type 1 diabetes
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emrysthegoodwitch · 2 years
Once again coming back to this point about the Vampire Diaries Universe. Including The Originals and Legacies.
The human characters always being sad and angry they got turned into vampires. It just seems idk strange, and almost entitled.
Simply because as someone who has been disabled with Type One Diabetes since I was 4, and has lived below the poverty line my entire life; I would be perfectly happy with being turned into a vampire or something.
Like you mean I don't have to count carbs, have severe highs and lows with my blood sugar and feel sick when it happens?????
I can eat whatever the hell I want???
I can safely walk alone at night?????
I don't have to worry about thousands of dollars of medical supplies and bills anymore?????
I don't have to worry about starving because we can barely make the rent let alone buy enough food?????
Like actually thank you for turning me into a blood sucking immortal!!!!
"But you'll live forever and watch those you care for die??!!!"
Sweetheart, my entire family would turn into vampires without a second thought so I'll just ask is they wanna live forever as well.
Like this is great my guy, hello world immortal bisexual witch is about to start actually living
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