#benedikt cumberbatch
allpartofthejob · 2 years
Part III today for me & the hobbit - the desolation of Smaug... Starting from 1:22
Another city! They do have beautiful cities in middle earth...
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The poor dwarves are buried in fish. Let's hope it's fresh fish. This town is obviously just pretty if you are a bird. Oppressive regulations...
How to hide 13 dwarves and a hobbit in broad daylight... Oh, you don't, they'll just start a fight (tread carefully, I said). 🫣
Why are there dwarves coming out of our toilet? - They bring us luck! - Lol! More female characters btw.
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Thorin, really?! Please socialise a little! Mr. Bard helped you! ... Tension! Misunderstandings!..
A prophecy... Aren't prophecies like horoscopes: not VERY precise?! ... Oh no, another capture! Not again! ... Thorin makes an inflammatory speech! And now an even more heartbreaking speech by Bilbo. It's speakers corner, now it's Bard's turn. But greed or pride wins...
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Ey, Thorin, don't you be mean to Kili! Or you'll have to justify yourself to me! ... Awww, Bard is such a mensch, taking in ill Kili.
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Meanwhile Lohengrin is crossing his lake...
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This is a hidden door?!? This huge stairway carved into the rocks? (That's like playing hide & seek with a two year old!)
Meanwhile in another dreary place: the little crazy fellow is Thorin's papa! Awww!
Guys, if you step aside one might actually see where the sun shines on... Not very persistent, these dwarves, are they? Yeah, Bilbo saves the day!
Awwwww, they are home! Ahem... Beautiful! *hrumpf* ...
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Bilbo realizing his task 😅 it's too bad if you loose your keys at the beach! How many years does he get to find the arkenstone? Oops, Bilbo pulled the plug. When the baby is just asleep and you step on a toy . .. that's Benedikt Cumberbatch? Wouldn't have recognized him! Ah, the voice, alright!
About 2:23... Enough for today...
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I saw this movie - 1917 - on Friday night (three days ago) and I just can't stop thinking about it! I was a little afraid of what the movie will be like because of all the hype around it, I was hearing only GREAT references about the movie.
(tbh i was so freakin excited too 'cause I've been following the journey of the film for sooo long haha)
I personally think I know a lot of stuff about WWI but I still did some extra research so I can compare and stuff you know.
The actor's work, the cinematography, the effects, everything. I loved it. It looked so real. They were right about the movie.
I really wanna thank Sam Mendes, the director, for the amazing job (as always - for example he directed Skyfall) and also a HUGE thank you and RESPECT to the actors George and Dean. They did an extraordinary job on it and I just wanna say I believed them every word they said.
So I was wondering people, is anyone here interested for some 1917 imagines hehe? Just hit me up or something and I'll try my best to write it!
Also, just a reminder: the writing is based on the actors portrayal, not the actual heroes. ♡
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grussell63 · 6 years
Mark Ruffalo asking to be paired with Tom Holland for the Endgame interviews and Marvel saying no is so funny. Odds on Tom being back with Benedikt since he seems to be the only one keeping Tom from spoiling shit?
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13-wonder-writer · 3 years
Doing an internship bc of school right now and the boss here really went, 'I've heard you write, so I'll let you write a description of random buildings in the city. Good luck'. He also looks like Benedikt Cumberbatch which makes this scenario even weirder.
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granills · 3 years
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This lives in my head rent free
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shekillwattpad · 3 years
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thorsthot · 5 years
sbdjjdbd honestly, benedikt cumberbatch looks like a cockroach but i'd highkey succ stranges dick, show him some real magic you know kdksjsj
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kuruttatenshi · 7 years
Leipziger Buchmesse 2017
Uff, die Messe ist vorbei. Ich bin total kaputt. Vier Tage am Stück früh aufstehen und zur Messe rausfahren und dann den ganzen Tag dort noch Go spielen und erklären… Das ist ganz schön anstrengend.  Aber es lief wieder sehr gut. Zu den Präsentationen waren immer reichlich Zuhörer da und dieses Jahr gab es sogar drei Schulklassen, die zu uns gekommen sind.  Den Bring&Buy Stand habe ich leider…
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animestan69 · 6 years
Gott sei dank wird das talent eines schauspielers/ einer Schauspielerin nicht daran gemessen wie hässlich sie sind wie in gewissen anderen ländern
Alles klar, Benedikt Cumberbatch
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anothernameblog · 5 years
Know anyone named Benedict?
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Most people probably know the name because of a very popular English actor called Benedict Cucumberpatch (I know it's Cumberbatch). But the name Benedict has a bit of an older history. It is derived from the Latin words bene ('good') and dicte ('spoken'), which simplify to mean 'well spoken.' Another famous bearer of the name was Saint Benedict of Nursia, who founded the Benedictine Order.
Some alternate spellings: Benedikt, Benedyct, Benedykt, Bennedict, Bennedyct
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the-zinbeil · 7 years
Please help me publish that thing !
About 2 years ago, or 3, I was following the career of one Benedikt Cumberbatch.
Well, not anymore. Grew tired of his mannerisms, his weird marriage and procreation business, his hypocritical ways, his baaaad choice of parts and even worse performance (oh that Dr. Strange! He was literally the worst actor in a horrid movie, which is something for a lead who looks like the perfect match for the part ...)
And with Sherlock, probably final season it was over.
Back then, in the throes of a powerful global cult that had infected me in summer 2013, I wrote several books that took fan fic a bit into real literature territory while still being loyal to the cult: Tons of sex, a hero of fetishized beauty, romance, irony, some fantastic stuff and high pathos of a world being born and a world dying.
The last one I wrote, quite a fat thing by the name of “Platinum Suite” was inspired by a minor award Cumberbatch had won for another bad movie, “The Imitation Game” in Palm Springs of all places, is a psychedelic metaphysical fable, thriller and satire around a secret Guild and their Prince.
Already back then I was, even though in a repressed way, shocked that “feminist” liberal Cumberbatch would sing the praise of one H. Weinstein as my keen, slightly psychic perception had immediately reveiled to me that this guy is an abusive misogynistic rapist arsehole if I have ever seen one.
That he is pushing horribly bad movies with a fraudulent “leftist”, “liberal” and “ethical” agenda, thus blackmailing audience and jury to “like” them and throw awards in their direction (and dollars in his pocket) is only adding to the nasty.
Now, finally, the world has learned the truth.
And Weinstein is the model for the villain of my book.
Who wants to be my beta reader and help me publish it?
On paper!
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autoring · 5 years
Celebrity v autě za rozumnou cenu vždy byly součástí Top Gearu. Některým to šlo, jiné se trápily a další celebrity si z toho spíš dělaly legraci. Takových obyčejných aut měl za celou dobu působení pořad k dispozici několik, přičemž jedním byl i červený Opel Astra, ve Velké Británii prodávaný pod značkou Vauxhall.
Auto, které je v dražbě na prodej, bylo vyrobena v roce 2013 a ačkoliv za jejím volantem sedělo 22 celebrit, Stig a nejspíš i některý z tehdejších moderátorů, kterými v té době byli Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson a James May, má ale v dokladech jediného majitele.
Tím je koncern General Motors. Abychom vám dali informace kompletní, těmi celebritami jsou následující hvězdy: Olly Murs, Nicholas Hoult, Aaron Paul, Brian Johnson, Jimmy Carr, Hugh Jackman, David Haye, Warwick Davis, Margot Robbie, Will Smith, Benedikt Cumberbatch, Rachel Riley, Gillian Anderson, Charles Tanec, Joss Stone, Kiefer Sutherland, James Blunt, Ron Howard, Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Bonneville, Steven Tyler, Mike Rutherford. Jak vidno, můžete si pořídit auto, se kterým jezdily postavy jako Sherlock Holmes, agentka Scully, Wolverine nebo sexy manželka Vlka z Wall Street, krásná Naomi. Dost dobrá sestava, co myslíte?
Top Gear obměňuje “auto za rozumnou cenu”, bude jím Toyota GT86
O dražbu se stará aukční server Collecting Cars a máte ještě dva týdny na to, abyste si přihodili. V době, kdy píšeme tento článek, jsou v aukci dva příhozy a prozatímní cena 800 liber, tedy 23 400 korun.
Kromě zbytků DNA po známých osobnostech nabídne Astra také čtyřválec o objemu 1,6 litru, jehož výkon je 115 koní. Auto je v úpravě pro jízdu po okruhu, má tedy sportovní sedadla s pětibodovými bezpečnostními pásy a v interiéru nechybí ani bezpečnostní rám. Mimochodem, právě tato Astra byla posledním autem za rozumnou cenu, které ještě zažilo trio moderátorů Clarksona, Hammonda a Maye.
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Dle aukčního serveru je auto až na pár maličkostí v naprostém pořádku. Stále má navigaci, audio soustavu s šesti reproduktory, USB nebo Bluetooth. Obuté je do pneumatik Goodyear EfficientGrip o rozměru 215/50 R17. Přihodíte si?
Příspěvek Chcete Astru, kterou trápil Stig nebo Will Smith? Top Gear prodává auto za rozumnou cenu pochází z auto-mania.cz
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13-wonder-writer · 4 years
Benedikt Cumberbatch is pissed.
Benedikt Cumberbitch.
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littleawkwardpanda · 11 years
After watching Benedikt Cumberbatch on Jimmy Kimmel
Friend: I want his suit.
Me: I want him, you can have his suit.
Friend: Naked Cumberbatch?
Me: Eyup. Reenact the Star Trek shower scene hehehehhehehe
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Benedict Cumberbatch, Star Trek. Have I got ... | John Harrison/Kha... a We Heart It-on http://weheartit.com/entry/66806023/via/ivulik_karsaiova
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