#benefits of buttermilk
"Discover the Benefits" of Using Handmade Goatmilk and Buttermilk Soaps
All our milk soaps contain only fresh farm milk, making them perfect for people with dry skin or other skin conditions. Unlike store-bought commercial soaps packed with detergents and synthetic agents that dry out your skin, Grandma’s natural handmade soap contains no added chemicals or detergents. “Discover the Benefits of Using Handmade Goatmilk and Buttermilk Soaps In addition, all our soaps…
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healthwire · 1 year
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divyaayushcare1 · 2 years
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paper-mario-wiki · 4 months
PLEASE share the pancake recipe!!!
ingredients (eyeballed measurements, you can do this):
pancake mix (buttermilk mix bought from farmer Bob who has a corn maze outside of seattle)
1 or 2 egg whites per serving (you can determine what that means, i trust your judgement)
i preheat my stove to a little over medium. like in the 5-7 range.
pour the milk into the buttermilk mix until it's like, as thick as a smoothie. it doesnt have to be perfectly smooth, and actually wouldn't benefit from it either.
crack an egg but open it upward so that the contents dont spill out. then, over the bowl, pour the yolk back and forth between the two pieces of shell. after a few times, the yolk will separate from the whites, which will fall out and into the bowl.
then you feed the yolk to Scarlet, my dog, with her breakfast kibble.
i whip the egg whites in a cereal bowl with a fork. the whole point of whipping the whites is to trap air in them, until they basically turn into a foam. keep that in mind while you're mixing, and try to trap air in the mixture. imagine you're a taffy puller. ya know, pulling taffy. same principle. use the arm you jerk off with, as it's probably stronger and has the same basic muscle memory for this task.
after they're nice n foamy, add them to the batter, but don't mix or whip it in. as much as you can, gently fold the two concoctions together. you don't wanna pop all those bubbles you just made.
i like to hold a stick of butter and draw all over the pan to coat it in a semi-generous amount of butter, which will make the skin super crispy as it sorta fries in it.
the old "wait until the bubbles on the back of the pancake pop to flip it" rule doesnt really work here, since the thing is basically gonna be bubbling and foaming and popping IMMEDIATELY, so INSTEAD:
wait until the batter is only 40% shiny on top, as a lot of the pancake is going to cook through very quick since the batter is basically a dense network of very thin bubble walls.
after flipping, give it about 70% of the time you gave it on the first side to properly finish up the bottom.
i suggest pairing with bacon and hashbrowns.
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Strawberry Shortcake With Whipped Cream —-
A classic summer dessert that's both delicious and nutritious.
* 1 pint fresh strawberries
* 1/4 cup granulated sugar
* 1 tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 package (10-12 biscuits) buttermilk biscuits
* 1 cup heavy whipping cream
* 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
▫️In a bowl, combine the strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. Toss to coat and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
▫️Preheat your oven according to the biscuit package instructions. Bake the biscuits until golden brown.
▫️In a chilled bowl, beat the heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar until stiff peaks form.
▫️Split each biscuit in half horizontally. Place a dollop of whipped cream on the bottom half of each biscuit. Top with a generous amount of strawberries. Place the top half of the biscuit on top.
▫️Serve immediately, accompanied by additional whipped cream if desired.
Enjoy this classic summer treat, packed with the nutritional benefits of strawberries.
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bodhranwriting · 1 year
Finn and the Arsonist by Bodh M.
In three years of running the only cat sanctuary in Middle Besser, I’ve heard a lot of their odd tales about how they ended up here.
Getting into fights is a common one. Getting trapped in wells happens more often that you’d think. Inattentive families, owners needing the space… the list goes on. I try not to judge people’s situations too harshly. After all, my main witness is going to be a little biased and cat-senses don’t always translate well to human, as you’d expect. But there are definitely pickups I’ve done that have made my blood boil, if you don’t mind me saying.
But I’ve never had one before that made me scared and certainly never had one involving one of my closest friends.
It was a stinking hot day in the middle of summer when a small child barged open the door to the Respite with a terrified cat yowling at a pitch to match the temple bells.
I had been dozing at the counter, sweat sticking my sandy curls to my forehead and a new bandage wrapped around my arm – one kitten had not wanted to take her medicine – so I damn well fell out of my chair as a screaming feline was dumped a fingerbreadth from my face.
“I found them in Gert’s Alley,” the girl said helpfully, in lieu of greeting. She was probably nine or ten; a scruffy little thing in a faded blue dress with adorable tight black coils and a missing tooth so her next words came out as a lisp, “He theemed thercared. Look at all the blood!”
Dragging myself up from floor and trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I blearily focused on my newest patient. She (and definitely she, I noted as she wriggled out of the blanket) was a gorgeous black Kysi with golden eyes and the huge ears typical to her breed. As she backed up, hissing, I reached out a hand and concentrated, drawing up warm reserves of the little magic I had from my chest and into my throat.
Translation spells, in my experience anyway, always had a taste. I’d never been particularly good at them: it was almost easier to just do the hard work and learn the language. But translating my tongue to that of cats was like clicking your fingers might be to someone else. Easy. Not requiring much thought at all.
Cat tastes like buttermilk. I don’t know why, but there seems to be a connection to what I taste and what I’m trying to speak. Bee tastes, almost boringly, of honey. Spider has a dusty texture. Rat, for some odd reason, is hazelnut. I haven’t worked out that one and neither had the teachers out in the Hartland’s. I think one of my classmates who fell into the academic trap – track, sorry – is compiling research on it.
(I answered her very impersonal letter a few months ago and never heard back. Hope I helped. She did bully me into passing my star-reading exam, after all.)
I took a breath, the flavour rising into my nose, and attempted first contact. “Easy there… I’m not gonna hurt you… what’s your name…?”
The cat hissed again, but only for show because she answered quickly, “Smells-like-this. But upright call me Smoke.”
“I’m Finn,” I said, almost more for the benefit of the still-watching urchin. I projected an imitation of my scent into her mind: a kind of mix of cat fur, woodsmoke, and lye soap, and asked, “May I touch you? I need to find where you’re bleeding.”
Smoke hesitated and then lay down. “Yes.”
Carefully, I reached forwards, letting her sniff my hand. “Could you get me a bucket from the pump?” I asked the girl.
She nodded with great dignity and vanished outside. I turned my attention back to Smoke. It was funny: she was far better fed than a stray ought to be –
“Know your smell, upright.”
I jumped. Swallowing hard, I managed to keep the connection strong enough to ask, “You… do?”
Smoke curled up under my hand. “It was on take-off furs. And blood not mine.”
Ice settled in my stomach, cold fingers squeezing my guts paper-thin. “Whose is it…?”
Her tail thrashed, ears flattening against her head. “My upright.” The flash of fangs made me jerk my hand away. I was panting and I didn’t know why.
“What happened?”
Smoke sat up again, fixing shining golden eyes on me. She raised her head like a queen, crossing one paw in front of the other.
“Uprights invade territory. Smash door. I fight. Upright feeder does too. I run when they lay red flower.”
“Red flow…” Suddenly, the buttermilk soured to smoke and ash as my mind made the necessary translation. Terror thumped through my chest. “They burnt the house?”
I grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck as she bolted from my shout. She tried to claw at me, but I didn’t even feel it. “What does your upright look like, Smoke?”
“Put down!”
“Please, tell me. What do they look like?”
“Upright! Smell like this! Not white-yellow fur like you. White-orange fur! Cloud eye! Make pretty noise a lot!” She meowed as I dropped her, landing perfectly on the table as I fell into my chair.
“Gert’s Alley… that’s where you were found?”
Smoke leapt to the ground and gave me the feline equivalent of a shrug.
I was up and running down the street before I even realised I’d processed the information.
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env0writes · 5 months
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Impure Pilgrimage, 5.1.24 “Heroes Journey"
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by my friend Mika
I'm growing older than my heroes ever got to be Where is the logic? Where is the Bic? Burnt pages out of reach is a sight to see
Smoke stained lips, fingertips, eyes cry Better batter in my buttermilk pancakes Pitter patter, rain takes no breaks Do they know by journeys end, they die?
May, this midway month Land me for less than O’Hare Safer by the breadth of a hair Be more than a footnote for this doudecim-stunt
I'm past the rising action So hope to be, or not What middling Midwest question, unanswered since a tot Renew the race again, each firing of the gun
I'm older than my heroes now Learned much from their misfortune Evaded graven errors, and shared in my on portion Deciding my destiny on what and on how
A frosted fork in the road, less traveled than mine Neither with ease or with leisure To who shall it benefit, our rest and our pleasure For there are many more miles left to go and together; we'll whine
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angelacademy · 26 days
Clear skin is more than just skincare: Gut Health
(A science based read)
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What you eat is shown through your skin and on body. If your constantly shoving junk down your throat, junk is what will be shown on you. Essentially what you eat is what you are.
Eat bad -> bad skin
Eat good -> good skin
If your constantly breaking out and you feel icky. You need to figure out what is up with your gut health.
Research suggests many skin disorders are linked to an altered or unbalanced gut microbiome.
“When the relationship between gut microbiome and the immune system is impaired, subsequent effects can be triggered on the skin, potentially promoting the development of skin diseases.”
“13 Several dermatologic conditions, such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and rosacea are linked with intestinal dysbiosis. 223 Many studies have associated gastrointestinal health with skin homeostasis and allostasis, and there is evidence of a bidirectional interaction between the gut and the skin.”
Diet, drugs and other consumed substances affect skin through gut microbiome:
“Several studies have related the diversity and pathogenicity of the gut microbiome to skin disorders, which can be significantly altered by long-term dietary patterns. 43,105–107 Diet can affect the skin condition both positively and negatively through alteration of the gut microbiome, indicating that there is a relationship between the skin and the gut. 16 Not only diet, but also many synthetic and natural products consumed by humans as drugs can provide direct and indirect evidence on the connection between gut microbiome and skin.”
High and low fat diet:
“In the gut, a diet high in industrial trans-fatty acids increases the number of harmful microbes (such as Desulfovibrionaceae and Proteobacteria) while suppressing populations of advantageous microorganisms (e.g. members of Bacteroidetes, Lachnospiraceae, and Bacteroidales). 121 Refined and hydrogenated oils (e.g., soybean, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, and vegetable oils) can cause inflammation in the gut, which then manifests on the skin.”
Industrially produced trans fat can be found in margarine, vegetable shortening, Vanaspati ghee, fried foods, and baked goods such as crackers, biscuits and pies. Baked and fried street and restaurant foods often contain industrially produced trans fat.
“133,134 Prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, inulin, polydextrose, lactulose, sorbitol, and xylitol are a promising group of compounds that modulate the gut microbiome and can also provide skin benefits.”
“The effect of prebiotics on the skin condition is also obvious. For example, a Lactobacillus extract helps to reduce the size of acne lesions as well as inflammation by reducing skin erythema, improving skin barrier function and lowering the microbial counts on skin.”
types of prebiotics include:
Chicory root
Dandelion greens
Jerusalem artichoke
“Probiotics can prevent gut colonization by pathogens and support anti-inflammatory responses by producing metabolites with anti-inflammatory properties. The most common probiotic microbes currently in use belong to the genera Bacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Escherichia, Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces, and Streptococcus. 143,144 Several beneficial effects of probiotic consumption have been demonstrated on many dermatological conditions, thus proving the existence of the gut-skin axis.”
Common types of probiotics include:
Lactobacillus: This is a common probiotic found in fermented foods, such as yogurt.
Bifidobacterium: This probiotic is found in some dairy products and helps with the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Saccharomyces boulardii: This is a type of yeast found in many probiotics. You can find these probiotics and more in supplements and select foods.
Cottage cheese
Miso soup
“The proteins from animal-based food sources may have better effects on gut microbiota compared to plant-based food sources due to the higher protein digestibility of animal proteins and the fact that the digestion of plant proteins may be limited by the presence of antinutritional factors found in plants [67]. Animal proteins have more balanced essential amino acids than plant proteins [68,69] and are thus considered higher quality protein.”
“Dairy and meat protein intake at a recommended level increased the abundance of the genus Lactobacillus and maintained a more balanced composition of gut microbiota compared to soy protein, which is beneficial to the host [25,26,28].”
“Your body makes lots of different peptides, each of which has a different role. Scientists can also make synthetic peptides in the lab. Companies have been adding peptides to skin care products for decades.”
High protein foods:
Chicken breast
Red split lentils
Greek yogurt
“Dietary fibre is comprised of plant-based carbohydrates that cannot be metabolised by digestive enzymes encoded in the human genome, such as amylase. Instead, fibre can only be metabolized by certain species of gut microbiota through anaerobic fermentation, with the main product of this reaction being SCFAs.”
“Dietary fibre is a carbohydrate in plant foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes, which have been dominant in human diets for millions of years. From the Paleolithic era, when the hunter-gatherers mainly ate fruit and wild grains, to the agricultural era, when crops began to be cultivated, the ancients consumed more than 100 g of various digestible and indigestible dietary fibre from plants per day [1,2].”
Fibre rich foods:
Chia seeds
Red kidney beans
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shrimpscream · 7 months
The many different ways I’ve seen people spell Benedict Cumberbatch:
Bernendict Cumbingbatch
Benadryl cumquat
Beautiful Carbonara
Benefit Cosmetics
Bnehdgehfge cuffbfemgm
Bibledude Comingback
Bubblenut cutiepie
Bannanadick cucumberbitch
Bariumoxyd Calciumsulfat
Batrachotomus kupferzellensis
Benedict Cookiebatch
Babadook Canterbury
Bendysnips Cabbagepatch
Bend-and-snap Cucumbatch
Badgersticks Carriagematch
Bonedump Crucklepack
Benedong Cucumber
Brendict Cromplepork
Blasted Cummerbund
Benedict Townsend
Benefits coordination
Bernadyl cabbagepatch
Barnabus Wizardcock
Smibblesworth Clambercock
Benefactor Cobblestone
Peppermint Cummysnatch
Hubert Cumberdale
Benadryl Cumbersome
Cumbentbert Snapersnatch
Bend-a-dick Cum-a-ban
Blended cucumber
Bandersnatch Koolaidpack
Brandybuck Crackerjack
Fragglerock Crackerdong
Buckingham Bumpersplat
Benjamin Crimpysnitch
Burlington Cockletit
Billiardball Candlestick
Butterfree Crumplesnap
Blasphemy Charizard
Broccoli Coddleswort
Whippersnatch Chickenstrips
Honkeytonk Creamsicle
Rinkydink Carrotstick
Bonaparte Curdlesnoot
Bendybobert Cackleboob
Bendyboot Coffeecup
Snickerdoodle Coodlepoot
Boilerdang Crimpysnitch
Bendynoodle Crumperbunts
Bondoodle cucumbersnatch
Buttercup Cabbagepatch
Benefit cummerbund
Benghazi Crummystick
Boondoggle Crackersmack
Brandyleg Crumpetpants
Benedict Cabbagepatch
Bjornguyson Cryspysack
Bourgeoisie Crimplecrack
Popecomb penguinbatshh
Wimbledon Tennismatch
Benedict Thundercrunch
Bendypole Cabbagepatch
Beekeeper candystore
Bendystraw cucumber
Butterscotch cornstarch
Beanpole cabbagehats
Windowsill tennisrack
Bebeheiwh cueiejdnd
Laryngitis Cucumbersmack
Bennable Cabbagepatch
Benesicy ximnernayxj
Bed addict lumber crash
Beekeeping cucumberman
Benedict cumbersomelastname
Benadryl Cabbagepatch
Benedict sour patch
Blueberry cucumberbutt
Beneficiary cucumbersnatch
Boredom closeted
Benadryl cucumber
Bendydick crumblebitch
Bandersnatch cummerbund
Beanbag cukapoo
Banana cümslut
Bennedict Cabbagepatch
Bevermind chumppies
Bendyball cummingback
Snickerdoodle Chittybangbang
Snophoppple Chumpser
Bandaid crumblynut
SuperMango CrumblyButt
Bendydick Cumberpatch
Bangny crumblesnoot
Bumblebee Croissant
Banana Coconut
Bartholomew Candycrush
Blenderbob wafflenose
Benedict Cumberbitch
Spongebob Squarepants
Buford Crankgameplays
Belly Cringle
Bonkyhort Cutiebrunch
Brocklehurst Cummulonimbus
Babbledon brickbunch
Bumblebee cinnamonbun
Broccoli cucumber
Butternut Crinklefries
Butterscotch Candycorn
Blueberry pumpkinpatch
Bramblestick Snickerssnatch
Bundleup Catchyourdeath
Blacktieand Cumberbund
Benedict Cucumberbatch
Mr Cabbagewank
Bodysnatch Cummerbund
Buffalo Custardbath
Benedrill Cucumberpatchsnatch
Buttermilk cabbagepatch
Benedict Cumberpatch
Bendystraw Cadillac
Birdfeeder CocaCola
Benedictine cumbersome
Bendydick cumtoofast
Bouncycat Cucumberpencil
Beverage Cuticle
Beneficial Cabinetry
Berniesandert cherryripe
Borinsob carrotstick
Banister cumblebench
Multigrain Batch Loaf
Benedettini Cabinetry
Congleton Sandbach
Breezewood Cumberland
Crabmeat Benedict
Bumblebee conservation trust
Blueberry pumpkin patch
Bendybutt Cannotkrump
Burntisland Cowdenbeath
Benefits of Cucumber
Baked Camembert
Jubberwacky Bandersnatch
Bidet Cankersore
Cadbury Pringle Batch
Pickling cucumber
Bendick‘s Mint Collection
Buttercup Cumbersnatch
Benadryl computerglitch
Brendadirk Cramplescrunch
Butternut Cramplebamp
Beetledwip cumbersnitch
Buffalo Custardbatch
Bandicoot Crumblecake
Baseballhat cozycouch
Benkeyhue Cucumberman
Bumblebee cockpitscatch
Bumblodore cucumberbitch
Brenadool Curtleton
Branmuffin cucumbercrutch
Benadryl cumberbunch
Britishguy Sillyname
Beaniebag Cabbagepatch
Boilerdang crimpysnitch
Whenpicnic remembersnacks
Brandy yummysnack
Further additions are welcome
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sp3ctacles400 · 8 months
I have so many thoughts after Dark Heir so here’s my yap session about it
some people, or groups of people, have been doing considerably more lying than some other groups of people.
Like there’s a difference between withholding the truth and lying to generations of children, repeatedly.
We’ve already determined that the side of the Light has been using the evil dark magic to their own benefit for thousands of years while also condemning it, and fully kicking out one of their own because of said dark magic. but also it’s heavily implied that the white death thing is one of those dark magic things yet Visander has returned because of that very magic??? I’m not saying Sacean wasn’t evil, cuz he obviously was. I am however reminding everyone that history is written by the victor because CLEARLY there’s some bullshit in the buttermilk.
Also i don’t think the Collar is as all powerful as we’ve been led to believe because like, purely for entertainment purposes it’s doesn’t make sense.
This might be a stretch also but I do not believe Sacean made the color PURELY based on its color scheme. Like yes my back DOES hurt from the reach i’m currently making but throughout all of this we can see that his colors lean more towards black (potentially purple based on the covers) and typically cooler colors. And the Collar is gold and red, which are both warm colors and (in my personal belief) would line up more with whatever the sun kingdom probably had going on. Now, you could absolutely argue that he made it those colors for Anharion, since gold can be associated with him. but I bring you this, Anharion was clearly loyal to Sacean wayyyyy before the collar was even a thing. So why in the world would he need to spend time and energy (in the midst of a war) making a fucking loyalty collar? Tbh i think someone else made it, but Sacean somehow took control of it and thus took control of Anharion.
Uhhh take all of that with multiple handfuls of salt because i have NOT gotten enough sleep and this is probably a dumpster fire of half baked theories.
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naturalhealthstore · 1 month
The Natural Health Store is built entirely for people. You can also buy items at retail. Here products are manufactured and sold in a healthy and clean manner. Made naturally without any artificial fertilizers. You tell customers how to prepare products in a healthy way. The products produced in this route are low in cost and high in quality.It plays an important role in health. This is what people want in today's world. Using this method not only increases the immunity of a person but also plays an important role in their health. Many friends visit this Anganwadi. Its capable employees clear the doubts of the customers about its product.
Cooling facility is also provided to prevent spoilage. Coconuts are produced in large quantities and sold to small scale enterprises at low prices. The company has its own coconut trees. Coconut water is produced without any additives. The price is low and the quality is high. The rice we use on a daily basis is grown in our own company. Rice is produced by organic farming without any admixture. Rice is also delivered to small shops. A customer service has been introduced for which you can report any defect in the goods.
Nutrition Value Of Milk:
Milk is the most essential food for man and child. It is rich in many nutrients. The most important of them are calcium, protein, vitamin D, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
Natural Milk Preparation:
Natural milk productioncontains they own 10 acres of land and a green cow farm. It has 50 cows. Pure milk is obtained from these cows. These cows eat natural foods such as paddy, fodder crops, cotton paddy, groundnut paddy, maize straw and unfertilized fodder. The cow is very healthy by eating this. The milk produced by it is very clean and of good quality. The cow milk obtained from here is taken to the natural Anganwadi. It is also maintained in a clean manner. Cooling facility is also provided to prevent spoilage
Cow Milk Uses:
Normally used for drinking. Mostly used in small tea shops. Widely used in hotels and bakery shops. Widely used in bank and new offices. Festivals and wedding events play an important role Various food items, snacks and many other products are produced in it like curd, buttermilk, paneer, curd, ice cream, Butter, almond milk.
Milk Health Benefits:
⦁ Strengthens bones and plays an important role in maintenance. ⦁ Milk contains high quality protein which is essential for muscle growth and maintenance. ⦁ It plays an important role in controlling minor heart disorders and blood pressure diseases. ⦁ Promotes tooth growth and reduces tooth decay. ⦁ It also helps in weight gain. Reduces effects on gut health and digestive problems.
Nutrient Value Of Coconut:
Coconut is very important. highly versatile and nutritious, with different a range of culinary and health benefits. Coconut is combination of water, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. Coconut is produced coconut milk, coconut oil etc.
Natural coconut oil preparation:
It has its own 30 acre coconut grove where coconut oil is produced organically. The trees are grown naturally without any admixture. Take the coconut from the coconut tree and break it into small pieces and dry it in the sun. It should be dried in the sun for two or three days.Pure coconut oil is made from the dry coconut without adding any artificial additives. The oil should be kept in the sun for two or three days. Then the oil is brought to our facility and packaged.
Advantages Of Coconut:
Coconut plays an important role in all households. Used to make more snacks. Cooking plays an important role. Coconuts are mostly used in festivals and temples. Coconut milk and coconut oil are used in large bakeries
Coconut Health Benefits:
⦁ Coconuts are rich in calcium and magnesium which gives good strength to the bones. ⦁ High consumption of coconut oil helps control blood sugar levels. ⦁ Helps to reduce body weight. ⦁ Being rich in fiber plays an important role in heart health. ⦁ Consuming coconut milk helps in skin growth. ⦁ Protects hair from stress, stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff problem. ⦁ Increases immunity, Drinking fresh water increases energy. ⦁ Being rich in fiber, it helps in digestion.
Advantages of health store:
⦁ Only fresh products available. ⦁ Materials are always clean. ⦁ You can also buy the item online. If there is any doubt about the goods then the customer can be contacted. ⦁ Products prepared without any adulteration. ⦁ The price will be low and the quality of the products will be high. ⦁ No shipping coast.
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divyaayushcare1 · 2 years
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akshaymehndiratta · 5 months
9 Healthy Summer Foods To Keep Your Body Cool By Akshay Mendiratta
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Mumbai is currently experiencing extremely hot climate, with temperatures soaring to 33.0 degrees these days which is excessive warmth. The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a warning announcing that the scenario can also get worse within the following few days. If you feel the effects of the scorching heat and want to cool down, here are a variety of foods suggested by Akshay Mehndiratta that let you beat the summer and keep your body cool.
Cucumbers are made up of 95% water and are therefore incredibly hydrating and also detoxify the body. Staying hydrated helps improve stool consistency, avoid constipation, and promote regularity. In addition, cucumbers contain potassium, fiber, magnesium, manganese and vitamins A, C, K. It has antimicrobial properties, helps in detoxification, digestion, preventing cancer and other bone diseases. Cucumbers may have anti-inflammatory benefits. Akshay Mehndiratta says, Cucumber is a great option to stay fresh and nourished during the summer season.
Watermelon contains about 90% water, making it useful for staying hydrated in summers and providing your body with powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins. It can also satisfy the sweet tooth with its natural sugars. Watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C as well as potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber. Watermelon is a low-calorie food, making it a great choice for people who are watching their weight or trying to maintain a healthy diet. Overall, adding watermelon to your diet during summer can provide a variety of health benefits and can help keep you cool and hydrated during the hotter months.
Leafy Greens
Akshay Mehndiratta enjoys eating leafy vegetables because he understands how they benefit vision, skin health and the immune system. That’s why he suggests eating leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and lettuce, which have many health benefits, especially during summer. Green vegetables contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K and folate, as well as calcium and potassium. These nutrients can help boost your immune system, strengthen bones and teeth, and keep your body running smoothly. The fiber present in green vegetables can help support good digestion and regularity, which is especially beneficial during the summer when outdoor activities and travel can disturb habits.
Buttermilk is a natural source of electrolytes, which helps restore fluids lost through sweat and keeps you hydrated during hot summer days. It increases liver function and when you consume buttermilk daily, toxins are easily eliminated from your body. Because it contains riboflavin, which helps in converting food into energy. A glass of buttermilk mixed with cumin, mint and salt is ideal to quench the thirst and cool our body during the hot summer months of April to July, says Akshay Mehndiratta.
Mangoes are tropical fruits that thrive in warm temperatures and the summer months are optimal for their growth and ripening. Mangoes are beneficial for keeping cool and hydrated in the heat. Mangoes are high in water content, making them an ideal fruit to consume throughout the hot, humid summer. Moreover, mangoes are low in calories and high in fiber. They include folate, beta keratin, iron, vitamins A and C, and levels of calcium, zinc and vitamin E. Overall, mangoes offer many health benefits.
Berries are a summer superfood rich in critical minerals and antioxidants. Their high water content keeps you hydrated in hot conditions and their bright colors indicate a wealth of vitamins and minerals. Berries are low in calories and high in fiber, making them great for weight loss and digestion. Plus, their inherent sweetness satisfies sugar cravings without the need for added sugar. Berries in your summer diet can help with general health, immunity and glowing skin.
Akshay Mehndiratta constantly recommends dairy products as they help regulate body temperature to a great extent. Curd is a popular summer dish because of its cooling effects and many health benefits. Eating curd in summer is healthy. Curd has a cooling effect on the body, making it a great food to drink on hot summer days. Curd is high in protein and contains vitamins B12 and D, both of which are essential for immune system function. Curd contains probiotics, which help improve the immune system by promoting antibody production and increasing the body’s ability to fight infections. Curd is a refreshing and healthy option that helps you stay cool.
Citrus food
Citrus fruits are essential in summer due to their pleasant taste and various health benefits. They are rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity, and their high water content helps us stay hydrated in the heat. They are high in antioxidants, which protect your skin from UV damage, making them ideal for summer snacking, drinks and desserts. Plus, their soluble fiber promotes digestion, prevents constipation, and their low calorie and high fiber content helps with weight management by increasing satiety and reducing calorie intake, making them an excellent choice for summer snacks and meals.
Coconut is a summer favorite, offering a variety of benefits for this season. Coconut water, which contains electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, helps restore fluids lost through sweat, making it a great natural way to stay hydrated in the heat. Coconut also contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties and can help strengthen the immune system when exposed to overgrown germs. Coconut meat is high in healthy fats, which provide long-lasting energy and increase satiety, making it an ideal snack for active summer days. Plus, both coconut water and coconut meat are high in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting general health and well-being throughout the summer months.
As summer temperatures rise, it’s important to stay cool, hydrated and energized. According to Akshay Mehndiratta, adding nine nutritious summer foods to your diet will keep your body cool and your mind refreshed. Cucumbers, watermelons, and citrus fruits are many tasty and healthy foods. So, fight the heat this summer by loading your plate with these refreshing foods and reap the benefits of a cool, nutritious diet.
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
I tried Roman's leek and potato soup. It was on the bland side. Are you modifying her recipes? I appreciate recipes and cookbook authors who simplify a recipe, or use easy-to-obtain ingredients even if flavour is compromised, but I don't really see the hype.
What do you think is the recipe of Roman's that I should try?
lmao this got so long below the cut. also hello hi! let's be cooking friends!
so while I trust your experience, I do want to go out on a limb and suggest that the leek and potato soup might have been bland by nature of being, ahem, a leek and potato soup.
her anchovy-butter chicken with chicken fat croutons is an incredible roast chicken recipe. the croutons basically turn into the world's best stuffing. I've made it twice and loved it both times.
I love her shrimp scampi more than just about anything, though I think I use a couple tablespoons less butter than she calls for, and I've never bothered with the chives. personally, I think the crushed red pepper flakes are non-negotiable. by which I mean I forgot to add them tonight, tasted it, thought what the fuck is missing, and then added them late and enjoyed it like usual.
she hasn't posted the recipe online, but I turned her brown butter buttermilk cake into a pineapple upside down cake a few weeks ago, and it was so good (and not too sweet!) that I also ate it for breakfast the next morning.
her caramelized shallot pasta is a little bit of a lie, because it really is more of an anchovy pasta, but it deserves the hype. speaking of hype, I had a flatmate a few years ago who really loved the stew, and would spend several hours making it every few weeks and then we would eat nothing else all week. it seemed to always take her a really long time so I only recommend it with that caveat, but it's an incredible dish to have a flatmate make for you and then mooch off of.
I would say alison roman reminds me a lot of deb perelman of smitten kitchen, or ina garten the barefoot contessa, in terms of the niche she's in. it's fairly basic, it's not particularly groundbreaking, but like 90% of the cooking knowledge I have came from deb and ina. I feel like each of roman's recipes is just a little bit more complicated than I would personally think to do, and I'm always really glad to have followed it. they're fairly adaptable, but they do also benefit from being followed; my imaginary parasocial dynamic is one where I'm like alison do I really need that step / that herb / that side item and she's like yes c, you do, and I'm always glad I listened.
ok one absolute bust of a recipe: I made her spicy chicken piccata in, like, september, and I must have fucked it up somehow, because it was so fucking bitter. tbh I was cooking it in the midst of a very emotionally fraught video chat so I really do wanna give that one another try because I'm gonna blame myself. I probably forgot to remove the seeds from the lemon.
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this-is-the-movie · 1 year
let us tell the tale of another Dream Monster, somewhere else in the world of Magic Land, in another time… maybe.. I don't actually know when this happened in relation to the previous story..
[WIP] Chapter 1 The Prologue (Part II)
[Drawing 1 - Cover Art]
This is the story of Jack Honey-Dew.
[She is the 1st of the VII Main Characters_]
She lives with her pet woof Goldie, in a humble little home sitting on a roundabout, in a quaint little place called Claptrap City. She's carefree but caring of others, One Smart Cookie, and she's rather very small. A little lass. Here's the rundown; she's a little bundle of love.
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[Drawing 1 - Jack Honey-Dew]
Today is a Very special day, as it's the birthday of Jack's parent, the one and only, Joey Buttermilk! Head inventor at Claptrap City, responsible for creating public transport! self opening doors! and countless other major (and minor) inventions to better the world of Planet-Magic-Land, and all of Magic Land in general! Somewhat clumsy and Extremely careless, but full of nothing but love for the world (and for their daughter)
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[Drawing 2 - Joey Buttermilk]
Jack arrives at Joey's place, but Joey is nowhere to be seen! Snooping and Sneaking and Looking Around, she finds a VHS, addressed to her no less! So without further ado, she slots it into Joey's VHS Player, and watches the footage of Joey, filming themself from an unfamiliar place..
Joey - "Hey there sport, my little light of life, you're probably wondering why I'm nowhere to be found! So allow me to explain myself.. you know, I don't think I ever told you Jack... Long ago, long before I was blessed with the gift of little old You, and back when I had only just started making a name for myself as a... "moderately"…. "successful"….. "inventor"…... I had one day taken on a job from an unknown client, asking me to create some sort of Power Source, that, as the client described, would somehow "benefit all of Magic Land" I, being young and naive and not knowing a Whole Lot Better, and a little Too eager to jump at any chance to make the world a better place, took the job immediately.
I worked tirelessly on the project night and day and months and months until the Power Source was finally complete.. 'The Devil's Engine' "
[Drawing 3 - The Devil's Engine]
Jack asks why Joey would name something they thought would benefit the world something as ominous and intimidating as "The Devil's Engine"
Joey points out that they're just a VHS recording and can't answer any questions…
but ultimately answers with "because it Sounded Cool"
this is true, it DOES sound cool
Joey - ...*ahem*
..OH Right, please Continue Joey..
Joey - "…..it wasn't until the Devil's Engine was complete that I finally met face to face with the mysterious client who had hired me in the first place, it was a General, it was none other than General War! A Greedy Selfish and a BIG Naughty who relished nothing more than the thrill of Power and Chaos. She revealed her true plan to me; the Devil's Engine would be used to power nothing more than a weapon, some new technology described as, something called a.."Tank".. that "Wouldn't Even Need A Pilot" a weapon that could apparently, single-handedly, turn the tide on any battlefield, something called 'Project Nidhogg'. Now, you know how I feel about War and The Machines That Fuel It Jack, so I wasn't particularly keen on getting anymore information on the project itself..
However! All I remember is the General boasted that with this new weapon, she'd use it's tremendous power to travel to the Evil Dimension known as Verliezer, and once there with her mighty creation, the war machines trapped there would gladly bow to her feet, and with their combined powers she could then set out on her One True Goal; to locate the Forbidden Seven (VII) Idols!! With which she'd use to Locate and Uncover the Power of the elusive Rainbow Skull!!1! using it's power of infinite wishes she would plunge the whole of Magic Land into darkness!!!1!! making the world her own personal battlefield from which SHE!!! ! WOULD BE THE TRUE RULER OF!!!11!!!1!!!!! ! etc
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[Drawing 4 - The General's True Plan (Artist's Interpretation) ]
I responded to all this exposition with a swift kick in the General's.. 'private quarters' and simply left.
What I had.. 'forgotten' to mention however, is the Devil's Engine could only be activated via the Super Secret Cool Pawprint Scanner™ that I had installed, which Only responds to my own Pawprint DNA, otherwise, the Power Core is useless, a kind of 'failsafe' I suppose, and with it being clear that the General wouldn't be able to find any other old inventor to simply Build A New Power Source, this had left 'Project Nidhogg' practically useless.. thwarting the General's plan before it ever even started…
Ever since then, General War has likely been hunting me down tirelessly, a ghost from my past trying to seep into the present, planning to, most likely, kidnap me and force me to finally activate the Devil's Engine.. awakening her Horrid Creation, putting the General's terrible plan back into motion, and dooming the world and destroying everything we all know and love…"
...Joey then says this actually has nothing to do with why they're currently missing.
..thanks Joey.
..Joey then realises there isn't enough tape left on the VHS to Actually explain why they're missing so all they're able to provide is some coordinates.
With nothing but coordinates to go on to some place called "the Tree of Old Solomon", Jack packs her essentials (mainly Goldie and her walking cane) and prepares to head off.
Before she heads off however, Jack phones up her best friend to check up on him, it's his birthday today too after all! He seems to be well and thanks her again for the gift she got him, a pair of red trainers! She hates to ask this on his birthday but, nevertheless, she asks if he'd be able to join her on this Epic Quest. He tells her as much as he would love to, he's currently got his own Prologue he's going through! Jack understands, they both wish each other the best of luck, and they both promise to tell each other all about their adventures afterwards. Her friend then says something about stealing a boat, but before Jack can ask, the call ends..
Jack and Goldie hop into Jack's Custom-Made-Super-Cool Boat (it's a bathtub) and set sail, off to seek out Joey..
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[Drawing 5 - setting sail, off to seek out Joey]
After a gruelling.. One (1) day's journey, after following the coordinates as best as they can, Jack and Goldie arrive at a mysterious island. Housing a mighty tree, lush and so large it's branches are big enough to hold entire houses, and the very top is hidden up in the clouds! Jack and Goldie have no choice but to assume they have arrived at none other, than the Tree of Old Solomon.
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[Drawing 6 - the Tree of Old Solomon]
When Jack and Goldie arrive on the shore they are quickly greeted! …by someone hanging upside-down by her leg. Jack meets Shoelace, a clumsy, nervous, awkward wreck who's always in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time.
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[Drawing VII - Shoelace (upside-down) ]
Shoelace - "Hark! Brave Travellers! (you there with the fat dog) you stand at the base of the mighty Titan; Old Solomon! hm? I do not know of a fellow named 'Joey' but you're best bet is the most obvious of solutions; climb this mighty tree, trek upwards, Go All Vertical, and seek council with whomsoever lives on his outstretched branches, and if that doesn't grant you any new knowledge, then if you truly mean to find this '... Johnny Joey!' then your last resort should be 'The Guy Upstairs'… How to begin the trek? There are lifts of course! OH and.. while you're up there.. if you could.. free me.. that would be nice, I fell for the siren-call of this rope and now find myself ensnared by her ropey machinations.. Now Go Forth! many Best of Lucks upon thee! You'll not know fear as long as I may live! ...and so on!"
It doesn't take Jack long looking around before she indeed finds the main lift leading upwards, built into the base of this mighty tree! ..but it's busted. Luckily growing up with an ever inquisitive inventor as a parent, Jack knows her way around all things technology! Though, this lift is rather beyond her. She's never seen such metalwork and the inner machinations aren't the usual circuits she's become accustomed to… in other words; Big Cogs are Not her forte.
Upon returning to our upside-down friend, Shoelace only now remembers to tell Jack that indeed the lifts are busted, that main lift, and the others like it further up the tree, were all made long ago by the Legendary Blacksmith who lives here! The Blacksmith used to regularly check up on the lifts and keep them in good shape, but that was long ago, and as the Blacksmith became more and more reclusive, it's no wonder the lifts have fallen into such disarray, if Jack is going to climb this tree, she'll need the help of this Blacksmith. Shoelace tells Jack she can find the Blacksmith in her forge, on the opposite end of the island to where Jack parked her.. "boat". Shoelace points her in the right direction (although somewhat struggles at first, being upside-down frazzling her sense of direction) and Jack takes off to see the Blacksmith.
Jack uses the opportunity to give Goldie a well deserved walk and take in the sights on the way. There.. isn't much to see. A couple of Palm Trees, a few rocks, and a nervous wreck hanging upside-down, so it's not long before Jack indeed spots the forge, a small and reclusive looking little place, smoke clouds poofing out from it's tall chimney, and the faint sound of clanking emanating from within.. (that means someone's at home!).
As Jack heads towards the forge however, she passes a small hut by the base of the giant tree.. was this always here? She certainly hadn't seen it when her and Goldie arrived.
From the hut, a hand emerges from within and beckons Jack over, and against her better judgement, Jack approaches..
Once up close to the hut it turns out it actually appears to be a Shed that somebody has tried to turn into a House, though it seems rather too small for anyone to live in, even for someone as small as Jack. Her thoughts are quickly interrupted however as the front door bursts open and a Strange One-Eyed Magician emerges! The Magician is certainly peculiar and unnervingly silent, but before Jack can ask a single thing, they reach behind themselves and hand Jack something..
[Drawing 8 - The Magician]
It's a.. Typewriter! Jack has heard about these but never seen one in person! It's like a new way to type, and print, at the same time! And it makes cool sounds as you make up stories! Jack looks up to ask Why, and Who, and How, and What, and maybe even a Where, but sees the Magician is gone! The whole Shed/House is gone! She's staring right at nothing but tree trunk. Was that a strange hallucination? a vivid dream? she's still holding the Typewriter, so it must have happened.. that's a pretty impressive Magician's trick!
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[Drawing 9 - The Typewriter (WIP image lmao) ]
Jack has no choice but to shake it off, and shifts her focus back to the task at hand. Now carrying the hefty Typewriter, she continues to the forge..
Leaving Goldie to guard the Typewriter outside, Jack enters the forge, and it's about what you'd expect, kind of. The walls are decorated with all sorts of tools and a huge variety of metals and other materials to work with, a roaring fire burns in the back, and the smell of heat and metals (and rather thick smoke) fills the air. It seems like this Blacksmith does not create any Weapons however, as along with the tools and materials, the walls and tables are also lined with prosthetics, varying in all shapes and sizes, and Jack even recognises some parts for wheelchairs and walking canes along the walls too! You would think an over abundance of Tools, Materials, and Projects both Finished and Unfinished in such a small place would be messy and crowded, but it is remarkable how surprisingly tidy and organised everything is! Though what catches Jack's eye the most, is the Blacksmith herself.
A huge one-armed shark-like being almost as tall as the forge itself works at her anvil, their right arm hammering down on her current piece of work, the metal itself attached to her anvil by a clamp to help the Blacksmith work one handed, and every time her hammer meets the metal Jack can feel every impact reverberate in her bones, as Sparks and Ancient Magic buzz and fly off the Blacksmith's current project. Jack tries to make her presence known to the, quite frankly, intimidating figure she sees before her, but the Blacksmith being so focused on their work doesn't seem to realise little Jack's there at all. A brief moment of silence gives Jack a chance to speak up, but before Jack can let a single word leave her mouth, the Blacksmith opens her own mouth and bellows out a mighty flame onto the metal to heat it up! I guess it saves her time to unclamp the metal and carry it over to their furnace every time they want to heat it up, though that raises the question that Jack wonders as to why the Blacksmith has that roaring fire in the back still going then..
Going over to the fire, she sees the Blacksmith is using it to cook a quaint little meal.
Waiting for an(other) opportunity of silence, Jack sees no other option but to patiently wait for the Blacksmith to be finished with her work. After what seems like a patient eternity (it was a few minutes) the Blacksmith finally puts the finished piece of the new prosthetic she was working on into her barrel of water to cool it off, and hangs it up with the countless others. With the Blacksmith done, Jack finally is able to make her presence known to them (she taps her cane against one of the many sheets of metal a few times) The Blacksmith realises she has a visitor, the intimidating presence vanishes as she nervously tidies herself, and after seemingly putting her hammer away Somewhere on her person (though Jack can't seem to see where) the Blacksmith finally turns around to greet her guest. The two finally see face to face and there is an incredible silence. Jack sees the most beautiful being she has ever seen in her life, and for the Blacksmith seeing Jack, it is the same.
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[Drawing 10 - The Blacksmith and Jack see eye to eye]
The few moments of Awkward Gay Silence seem like an eternity..
Jack is the first to get Actual Words out of her mouth that aren't just "hsdvbjhs"
She fumbles and trips over words like loose pavement, but manages to introduce herself, and gives the Blacksmith the lowdown, about Joey, about the coordinates, about the quest to climb sky high up the tree, and asks if the Blacksmith could help out by repairing the lifts that Shoelace had told Jack she had made. After managing to get some coherent words out of her own mouth too, the Blacksmith shyly introduces herself, as Chalk Sunshine.
[She/They are the 3rd of the VII Main Characters_]
Fumbling over her own words, Chalk says she's sorry to hear about Jack's dilemma, about her missing parent, but most of all about the lifts, as they were her responsibility to keep in good condition, and, after some hesitation and some reflection on her negligence, she says she'll gladly help as best she can. She admits though it's been a Good While since she's been outside.. At All, so to say she's a little nervous and shy is a.. Vast understatement, Jack understands and says she'll try her best to make Chalk feel as comfortable as possible :)
As they leave the Forge and Jack introduces Chalk to Goldie however, Jack remembers the Great Big Heaving Typewriter she's going to have to carry all the way up the tree. Chalk says she might be able to help with that, and reveals a secret compartment in her chest! (it's not as gross as it sounds) That explains where she put her hammer away earlier.. Chalk plops the Typewriter into her chest, and they continue to the main lift.
Chalk fixes the lift without any issues whatsoever, as Jack watches on in fascination at Chalk's powerful yet delicate handiwork and craftsmanship. As they take the repaired lift upwards Jack compliments Chalk's work, Chalk shyly accepts the compliment, and admits that she actually worked on a lot of machinery throughout the whole of Magic Land long ago, and was once even known as the 'Legendary Blacksmith'. Jack says she's surprised she's never heard any tales about a Legendary Blacksmith, and Chalk admits that was a long time ago, and considering she's "given up" for a long time now, it's no wonder the tales fell into obscurity. When Jack goes to ask why they gave up, Chalk begins to trail off and falls silent, Jack decides to leave it at that.
The trip up the tree is an adventure and a half, arriving on one branch, solving some side quests, asking about Joey, not getting many answers, then repairing the next lift and heading up even higher. They free Shoelace from the dastardly Rope Demon, help cure The Fox of her Evil Cold, defeat the powerful Dragon of Beltfarst Square, and reunite the family of Lil' Guys, all the while, the friendship between Jack and Chalk grows ever stronger, and they continue to grow closer and closer.
[Drawing 11 - All Those Cool Adventures I Done Did Talk About ^]
On each lift upwards Jack and Chalk bond over similarities and differences, Jack gushes and gossips about circuitry and technology and all the things her parent Joey made and taught her, as Chalk (tries her best) to keep up and listen to everything Jack has to share with her, and Chalk shares with Jack all the things she's crafted and made, about all the different metals and materials she works with and all their unique properties, as Jack hangs onto every word that comes out of this shy shark's mouth.. though Jack can't help sense hesitation in her voice when getting too deep into what she's created in the past. After all the adventures up the tree, and Still no information on Joey, they finally reach the final major branch of the Tree of Old Solomon, right before it trails off into the clouds, supposedly where 'The Guy Upstairs' resides. Finally getting a moment to catch their breath, Jack, Chalk, and Goldie, take a rest, sitting on an old bench Chalk made herself long ago, as they stare off into the ocean's horizon.
[Drawing 12 - Peace and Quiet]
Chalk thanks Jack for the little adventure they've had today, she's spent so long cooped up in her forge that the very thought of leaving overwhelmed her, frightened her, being trapped in her own home by their own thoughts, but being with Jack, it's all seemed so easy, all her anxieties seemed to melt away, and together, they've both climbed to the highest point of this giant tree! Somewhere Chalk hasn't been in a long time. Jack thanks Chalk for helping her out, to say she's enjoyed being around Chalk is an Immense Understatement.
After a comfortable silence in each other's company, Chalk admits she doesn't actually know what's going to lie above the clouds, or who, or What, 'The Guy Upstairs' is, so, Chalk decides now is a better time than any to get some things off her chest, and tell Jack about her past, and why she became so reclusive in the first place. Jack tells her that she doesn't need to go into it if it's too uncomfortable, but Chalk says it's about time she told Someone.
Chalk explains that, like she said before, she's crafted many pieces of machinery throughout Magic Land, often on an absurd scale. She helped encourage the very Sun and the Moons to begin their orbits around Planet-Magic-Land with the help of crafting enormous cogs and gears, the seas move and churn and form waves thanks to the many fans and pumps created by Chalk deep underwater, and she would often do all this from the comfort of her forge in a world separate from all others, in a place called Haven-Home. There, she forged the armour worn by the legendary Gracie the War Monger, she made all the gardening tools for Daffodil the Gardener, and even all the cooking utensils and pots and pans for Pillow the Chef, but when it came to Zeus, (self proclaimed) ruler of Haven-Home, he had other plans.
[Drawing 13 - Chalk's creations]
After witnessing the Violence and Destruction that her own Mentor.. and Grandfather, had unleashed upon Magic Land with the weapons he had forged long long ago, Chalk had, and still has, a strict "No Weapons" policy when it comes to her craft, so when Zeus came along and tricked her with a project she could not resist, fooling her into believing she was creating something that could benefit the land, only to discover she had been tricked into creating The Unkillable Warrior, a War Machine specifically designed to wield the very weapons her mentor had created, well, needless to say she was gutted and felt completely betrayed. Out of shame and anger, she packed her things, left Haven-Home, and went into self-exile on the island of the Tree of Old Solomon, and although at first it helped to build the homes for the residents of the island and create and maintain the lifts to connect them all, it didn't take long for the self doubt from Zeus' trick to creep up on her, and so, over time she became more and more reclusive, until finally reaching a point where she'd never leave her forge..
[Drawing 14 - betrayal]
Jack gives her a hug.
She tells Chalk about how good people can be tricked in the worst ways, and even mentions Joey's (seemingly irrelevant) VHS story, about how they had once been tricked into building a Power Source for a literal Machine of War, but despite this incident, Joey has pushed onwards and has made so much more to benefit monsterkind, and, Jack points out, so has Chalk. Jack then fangirls for a Good Solid Couple Of Minutes about how Chalk has literally built machines that QUITE LITERALLY HELPED MOVE THE PLANETS AND THE SEAS!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?
After the somewhat Overwhelming positivity from Jack, Chalk thanks her yet again, and promises she'll continue to march onwards to better things, to help others, but more importantly, to also help herself. The two hug and share a tender moment, before preparing for the clouds just above. Chalk, with tools and materials from her handy Secret Chest Compartment, along with New Technological Know-how from Jack, make one final lift together, to (hopefully) get some answers about Joey up above.
It doesn't take the two long to complete the new lift, all sparkly and spangly and powered by love (and gears and stuff) and, with Goldie, the three take the lift up into the clouds.
On their journey upwards through thick fog and clouds, they briefly reach a clearing in the sky, a sea of cloud below and above them, a calm blue sky in-between, with the occasional branch piercing through. The moment of peace is.. interrupted, by an individual sitting idly on one of the branches, feet dangling, holding a sign pointed upwards, with the words "BOSS TIME" written across their chest. Jack and Chalk meet Mx. Boss, a motivational speaker to give some words of wisdom for the Boss Fight to come.
[Drawing 15 - Mx. Boss]
Mx. Boss - "...Hey there Kiddos, it's me, ya girl Mx. Boss! Me? Well I'm a Lover not a Fighter, so you'll be seeing me cheering you on before the Big Fights :) Good Luck ya lovebirds <3 yep. dat's all I got for this one today. bye."
ok. well. thank you!
Jack and Chalk say their thanks, before heading into the clouds above, to The Guy Upstairs...
Jack, Chalk, and Goldie, find themselves at the very tippy top! A field of endless cloud, firm enough to stand on, rolling seemingly into forever, as spirals and spikes of soft cloud decorate the landscape. The main attraction that catches Jack and Chalk's eyes however, is what appears to be the tip of the Tree itself. There is a Large Skull on it. He is wearing a Crown.. and a false moustache. This IS The Guy Upstairs. The Guy Upstairs IS the tree himself! Jack and Chalk (and Goldie) find themselves stood before the man himself..
Old Solomon Gravypot; Grand King of..
whatever the island the tree is on is called
[Drawing 16 - Old Solomon Gravypot]
The twisty-turny trunk of the tree housing his head bends down to examine these three, who have climbed up his body, solving side quests and helping the folks of his land. You would think most people would be grateful. Unfortunately, to put it brief, Old Solomon Gravypot..
umm, how do I put this..
Sucks Massive Cuss
Before Jack, Chalk, or even Goldie, can get a single word or even breath out of their mouths, the man bellows out an alarmingly loud monologue.
Old Solomon Gravypot -
what wait a minute."
The, quite frankly terrifying, king creaks over and actually observes the three guests (his eyesight isn't very good)
Old Solomon Gravypot - "...oh I thought you were someone else.
... I ran out of threats..
yeh that works lol."
without getting a single word in, Jack and Chalk and Goldie are met with Old Solomon Gravypot's HyperMegaUltraWoweyZoweyDeathBeam ...™
In a Fluster and a Big Panic, Chalk scrambles to grab something, anything, from her handy Secret Chest Compartment, and after grabbing some flint, some lint, and some mints (she was wondering where she left those) the first sturdy, solid, hefty item she grabs that Jack and Chalk use as a shield is,
the Typewriter.
[Drawing 17 - the Typewriter (in case you forgor what it look like) ]
The King's, uhh.. Lazer
you know what it's called I'm not colouring all that text again
collides with the typewriter, and there's an almighty clash of noise and colour and stuff, and things!
Old Solomon Gravypot -
there's a blinding light and everything goes white.
Jack, Chalk and Goldie awaken somewhere new entirely, and it.. Kinda Sucks. There's nothing around but hastily taped and stapled together cardboard, the "hills" around them are clearly piles of cardboard boxes with green sheets thrown over them, the floor is a dull, plain, slightly damp open "field" of cardboard, with the word "GRAS S" written in huge letters across it with a big marker. The marker is still on the ground, lid left off. The sky is a dull white and the faint noise of radio static fills the otherwise empty silence.
Before Jack and Chalk (and Goldie) can get a better look of their surroundings (not that there's anything worth looking at) there's a rumble, and a large figure emerges from behind a cardboard cutout of a.. shape. His name is Nelson. He is made of cardboard and sponge. Nelson is a large fellow and looms over the trio. As he rests his cardboard hands on the.. shape he's behind, his lower half hidden behind it, he leans in to get a better look.
[Drawing 19 - Nelson (and his.. domain.) ]
Nelson - "Well Look Who i' is.. if it isn't the Two that
well? why ya 'ere then? bit early to be lookin' for the Secret Ending eh?"
Jack and Chalk aren't sure how to respond to literally any of this. The last few minutes have been a rollercoaster of Adrenaline and Anxiety. At least they're not getting completely screamed at by a Giant Skull.
Nelson - "I mean... I appreciate ya getting me my Typewriter back, but…"
Nelson reaches behind the.. shape he's behind and lifts up a table, before slamming it down between himself and Jack and Chalk (and Goldie) The Typewriter sits on the table, blackened and charred and Not In The Best Of Shape.
Nelson - "…did ya really haff to DESTROY THE DANG THING?? …sigh"
he throws the table, and the typewriter off to the side with little care as it smashes into one of the... 'hills'
Nelson - "Ohhh It's Fine, you two didn't know what you were doin'..."
this is Very True.
Finally being able to get a word in, Chalk asks Where they are exactly. Nelson says they find themselves on the Plain of Higher Existence, Chalk asks 'How High' and Nelson answers "Well, if ya imagine a treehouse.. a bit 'igher than that!" this is a little Too high for Chalk's low key fear of heights, but she thinks she'll get by, especially with Jack by her side.
Jack suddenly remembers why they've done all they've done! Why they came all this way! Joey!! "Where's Joey??" Jack goes to yell out, though the past few minutes of adrenaline turning it more into a war cry than a question.
Jack -
see? told you
Nelson - "Hm? HUH?? JOEY?? Ya lookin' for a Joey?!?
Ya must be lil' Jackie!! Joey's kid!! They've not shuddup 'bout you since they've been 'ere, even showed me ya babey pics!! but I 'ain't gonna judge! hoho!"
[Drawing 20 - Jack's babby pics]
Jack - "hey!! Don't show those!!"
hoho oh I'm sorry Jack! oh I can't resist sharing, they're just So Cute!
Chalk - "they have a point Jack .. I think baby Jack is Very cute.."
Jack - "...well if you think so then it's ok..
! wait! Joey's HERE?!?"
As if on cue, a familiar face (at least to Jack) emerges from behind a door Jack nor Chalk had noticed before (Goldie noticed but she didn't want to brag)
Wiping their hands on a filthy cloth and covered in grease and stains, it's none other than Joey! Jack's parent! One and Only, One Of A Kind, etcetera.
[Drawing 21 - Joey!!! covered in grease, followed by a hug from Jack :-] and a leg nudge from Goldie too]
Joey apologises first and foremost for ever scaring their little Jackie in the first place, and explains the situation quite plainly. You see, every few months or so, Nelson's old boiler starts acting up, and for a long time now, Joey, an old friend of Nelson, has always come to fix the boiler, and have a bit of a catch up with their old friend too. Joey meant to stay at home for their Birthday today (after all, they've always shared their special day with Jack at home) but on this particular day Nelson just had the worse bit of luck with his boiler, AND a (few) massive leak(s), and needed Joey's help asap! Joey meant to explain all this on the VHS, but, well, we saw how that went.
OHH, so that's why this place is so damp, because of the leaks!
Nelson - "Oh no, it's just like that 'ere"
oh, gross
Nelson - "yeah :-| "
But, hang on! Jack and Chalk ponder, if they had to "Break The Story" , seemingly shattering reality to get here, then how did Joey get up here?
Joey says they took the stairs. Joey does not elaborate.
And so with Joey found, there's only really one thing left to do.
And so with the help of Jack, (and after introductions between Chalk and Joey are made) with Chalk's help too, together they manage to finally fix Nelson's pesky leaks and boiler :) (or until things inevitably break again in a month or so)
[Drawing 22 - fixing plumbing and a boiler (sure why not I'm sure you want to see a drawing of that) ]
Jack asks Chalk that, now that Joey is found and now that Chalk is getting used to going outside again, if they'd maybe like to spend a little more time together? Chalk thinks about her forge, the place she's been trapped in for a huge portion of her life, by her own hand, and Chalk seems keen on heading into a whole new world before her, and asks if there'd be somewhere, say, near Claptrap City where she could set up shop? Joey says they're sure they'll be able to find something, and Nelson reassures Chalk that her forge will still be here whenever she wants to pay a visit, after all, not just anyone can keep those lifts in shape, and Chalk says she'd be more than happy to keep things in check once again :)
And so, finally, Jack, Chalk, Joey and trusty Goldie, set sail back home in Jack's wonderful boat (still a bathtub), to head back home and celebrate the rest of Joey's birthday! the residents of the Tree of Old Solomon wave goodbye, as they look forward to their next return.. and Jack and Chalk begin officially dating :)
Nelson also can't seem to find his Typewriter (what's left of it) but that's okay, it was pretty busted anyways..
The End :-]
Thank You SO MUCH For Reading; The Prologue (Part II)
Song - As If By Magic by La Roux
More Lore (Coming Soon!)
Tune in Next Time, in; The Prologue (Part III) :-0 (I know right)
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vegietribe · 2 years
A Vegan Guide to Dairy Alternatives
Dairy is one of the hardest and the best things to give up on. Milk and other dairy items are the top wellsprings of saturated fat adding to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's infection. Studies have likewise connected dairy to an expanded risk of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers. If you’re ready to ditch dairy, then I have carved the best alternatives for you that will not only savor your taste buds but also bring warmth to your heart.
Say Hi to your new ultimate comfort foods.
Soy Milk
Soy Milk is enriched with protein. It is one of the most popular non-dairy milk of choice and is available at most grocery stores, coffee shops, and even restaurants around the country. It is perfect for people who are lactose intolerant. It is thick, creamy, and has a subtle flavor that makes it the perfect replacement. It is power-packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that the body can’t develop on its own. On top of it, it reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Quick Tip: When mixed with vinegar, soy milk curdles into a delicious "buttermilk" alternative which is great for muffins, pancakes, and quick bread.
Cashew Milk
Next comes the cashew milk. Cashew milk has a fine, creamy texture, almost flavorless, making it more similar to cow’s milk. It is relatively harder to find in the stores but you can easily find it in large grocery stores or bakeries.
Quick Tip: It is great for the base of custards and ice creams as well as for drinking. You can also enjoy it with oatmeal or cereal.
Oat Milk
It is derived from oat grains making it one of the healthiest plant-based milk. It has a creamy texture and has an oatmeal-like flavor. You can taste a variety of them such as Sweetened, Unsweetened, Vanilla, or Chocolate. It is one of the leading allergy-friendly milk. It can easily be made at home with 4 ingredients in under five minutes. Thinking of wasting five minutes a day, try cooking.
Quick Tip: It blends well with cookies, oatmeal's. Hence, it is relatively less desirable to drink and cook.
Almond Milk
Almond milk is one of the best and most popular replacements. You can easily find it next to your home. If you are diet conscious, then almond milk is the best one to go. It has 50% lower calories than cow milk. Not only does it strengthen the bones, but it is also highly nutritious. It’s chock full of Vitamin E & D. You can easily make it at home with two ingredients. Only 2, Isn’t it crazy?
Quick Tip: Almond Milk is incredibly versatile. It can be used as a milk replacement in smoothies, ice-creams, and shakes. You can also use it in salad dressings, soups, sauces, and baked foods to make your meal delicious and super creamy.
Coconut Milk
Coconut Milk is the most versatile milk available in the market. It has two major varieties: Boxed & Canned. It is highly rich in antioxidants. It prevents anemia and strengthens the immune system. You can find it nearby in supermarkets. It has a strong flavor and tastes really good so it is best appropriate for the ones who love coconut.
Quick Tip: It is great for vegan ganache and homemade ice cream.
Other Milk Alternatives
Hazelnut Milk
It is creamy and profoundly used in chai lattes and chocolates. It is also a great alternative to hazelnut-based desserts.
Macadamia Milk
It is thick and creamy with a slightly nutty flavor. It works best in hot beverages such as matcha lattes.
Hemp Milk
It has tons of health benefits. It reveals a great flavor when used in smoothie bowls and creamy pasta.
Rice Milk
It can be used in various recipes and is the most common alternative for making chai tea. Rice is rich in Vitamin B, Magnesium, Phosphorus and is packed with carbohydrates, making it a higher source of energy.
Flax Milk
It is lightweight and relatively flavorless. It is enriched with alpha-linoleic acids, which are used to prevent and treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Are you shocked after seeing these many alternatives? So was I, when I discovered it for the first time.
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